2010 Minutes Archive
2010 Minutes Archive
Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 1 held on January 4, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 4 , 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Matthews presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Swanson, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. The first order of business for the 2010 session was election of the Chairperson. 2009 Chairperson Burlin Matthews called for nominations for the 2010 Chairperson. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to nominate Supervisor Swanson as Chairperson of the Clay County Board for the session year 2010. Supervisor Matthews asked for any further nominations. There being none, a unanimous ballot was cast for Supervisor Swanson. Motion carried. Chairperson Swanson called nominations for Chairperson Elect. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to nominate Supervisor Skow as Chairperson Elect of the Clay County Board for the session year 2010. Supervisor Swanson asked for any further nominations. There being none, a unanimous ballot was cast for Supervisor Skow. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for January 4, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #42 held December 29, 2009 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. #2010-01 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, that Scott L. Rinehart, the County Engineer of Clay County, Iowa be and is hereby designated, authorized, and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of said county to execute the certificate of completion of work and final acceptance thereof in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof in connection with all Farm to Market construction projects in the county. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa this 4th day of January 2010 and the vote there on being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 1 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-02 Determine the depositories of public funds belonging to Clay County, Iowa and execute the amount which may be deposited without further approval. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Clay County Treasurer will utilize the services of the following depositories for the deposit of public funds belonging to Clay County, Iowa, or coming into its possession, pursuant to a duly executed amount which may be thus deposited without further approval of this Board and the Treasurer of State is as listed: NAME OF DEPOSITORY U.S. Bank Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Bank of America State Bank Farmers Savings Bank Home State Bank Community State Bank Northwest Bank LOCATION MAXIMUM DEPOSIT UNDERTHIS RESOLUTION Spencer, Ia Spencer, Ia Spencer, Ia Spencer, Ia Fostoria, Ia Royal, Ia Spencer and Webb, Ia Spencer, Ia $ 1,500,000 $13,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 500,000 $ 300,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,000,000 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement, to execute and deliver signature authorization cards to depository concurrently therewith, and to execute all drafts, checks and other documents and correspondence regarding any accounts of Clay County, Iowa at established depositories: SANDRA S. GEIDL PATRICIA APPLEGATE ALICIA ROOS TREASURER DEPUTY DEPUTY TERM EXPIRES 12/31/10 TERM EXPIRES 12/31/10 TERM EXPIRES 12/31/10 BE IT RESOLVED, that the officers described above are hereby authorized and directed to take such action, and execute such documents and agreements as may be necessary to secure the repayment of the deposits of public funds authorized hereunder, including to, but not limited to: Security Agreements, Bailment Agreements, Notices, and any documents or instruments supplemental or incidental thereto. BE IT RESOLVED, that the auditor forward a certified copy of this resolution to Depository, and other parties which may request it for purposes of effectuating the deposit of public funds authorized hereunder or any security therefore, together with a certificate attesting to the names and signatures of the present incumbents to the offices described above; and the auditor further certify to Depository or other parties from time to time the signature of any successor in office of any of the present incumbents. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa this 4th day of January 2010 and the vote there on being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 2 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-03 Designate the depositories for 2010 for the Clay County Recorder, Conservationist, and Sheriff with maximum limitations. BE IT RESOLVED, that the following banks be designated as depositories for 2009 for the Clay County Auditor, Recorder, and Sheriff with maximum limitations as shown. RECORDER U.S. Bank (2 accounts) Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Spencer, IA Spencer, IA 50,000 70,000 Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Spencer, IA 100,000 Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Spencer, IA 20,000 SHERIFF CONSERVATION each The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa this 4th day of January 2010 and the vote there on being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-04 CONSTRUCTION EVALUATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Iowa Code section 459.304(3) sets out the procedure if a board of supervisors wishes to adopt a “construction evaluation resolution” relating to the construction of a confinement feeding operation structure; and WHEREAS, only counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution can submit to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) an adopted recommendation to approve or disapprove a construction permit application regarding a proposed confinement feeding operation structure; and WHEREAS, only counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution and submitted an adopted recommendation may contest the DNR’s decision regarding a specific application; and WHEREAS, by adopting a construction evaluation resolution the board of supervisors agrees to evaluate every construction permit application for a proposed confinement feeding operation structure received by the board of supervisors between February 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011 and submit an adopted recommendation regarding that application to the DNR; and WHEREAS, the board of supervisors must conduct an evaluation of every construction permit application using the master matrix created in Iowa Code section 459.305, but the board’s recommendation to the DNR may be based on the final score on the master matrix or may be based on reasons other than the final score on the master matrix; Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 3 NOW , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CLAY COUNTY that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this construction evaluation resolution pursuant to Iowa Code Section 459.304(3) and The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa this 4th day of January 2010 and the vote there on being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-05 Appoint County Deputies for Sheriff BE IT RESOLVED, that Sgt. Brad Hawley, Casey Timmer, Jeremy Bellis, Chris Raveling, Jesse Rustad, Brian Davis, Julian Ortiz and Larry Rupert be reappointed deputies for the County Sheriff effective January 1, 2010. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa this 4th day of January 2010 and the vote there on being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to re-appoint Marilyn White, 4720 130th Ave., Peterson, IA 51047 as a Lay Person to the Season’s Board for a term of one year, beginning January 1, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to re-appoint Lee Schoenewe, 518 West 4th St., Spencer, IA to the Clay County Conservation Board for a term of five (5) years expiring December 31, 2014. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to re-appoint Russell Kress, 4830 270th Avenue, Webb, IA 51366 to the Webb Benefited Fire District for a three-year term ending December 31, 2012. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to re-appoint Esta M Fraley, 2360 490th Street, Sioux Rapids, IA to the Herdland Benefited Fire District for a three year term ending December 31, 2012. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 4 Motion by Mathews, seconded by Brockshus to re-appoint Keith Kruse, 1235 360th Street, Everly, IA and Sharon McKeever, 1942 350th Street, Spencer, IA to serve on the Clay County Zoning Board pursuant to Code of Iowa Chapter 335.8 for a term of three (3) years expiring December 31, 2012. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to re-appoint John Olson, 4670 200th Avenue, Sioux Rapids, IA 50585 to serve on the Clay County Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term of five (5) years expiring December 31, 2014. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to designate the Spencer Daily Reporter, Everly-Royal Sentinel-News, and the Marcus News-Peterson Patriot as the official newspapers for the county for the year 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow that Clay County, Iowa designate Scott L. Rinehart, the County Engineer, as its representative on the Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Commission Intermodule Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) Committee for the year 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Chairperson be authorized to sign all Farm to Market road vouchers for the year 2010, and the County Engineer be authorized to act in all Farm to Market road projects subject to the approval of the Clay County Board of Supervisors. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that pursuant to Section 321.471 of the Code of Iowa, that paved and gravel portions of the Clay County secondary roads system be placed under a local embargo to become effective when appropriate signs are erected by the County Engineer. The local limitation imposed by the embargo shall be 4, 6, or 8 ton gross load to be applied as conditions warrant. Also, to authorize the County Engineer to temporarily close any Clay County secondary roads for emergency reasons as determined by the engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to appoint the County Engineer to purchase right-of-way in 2010 for projects using a factor of 80 times the CSR on land with CSR of 77 or above; using 75 times the CSR of land with a CSR of 68-77; using 70 times the CSR on land with a CSR of 60-67 and using 65 times the SCR on land with a SCR of less than 60. The County Engineer may change these factors if the County Assessor’s records indicate the prices have changed. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to appoint Supervisor Chalstrom to serve on the Board of Directors of the Third Judicial District Department of Correctional Services for the calendar year of 2010. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 5 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to reappoint the following list of Clay County residents, by category, to serve on the Commission to Assess Damages pursuant to Section 6B.4 of the Iowa Code for the year 2010. Motion carried. The Board requested a letter to be composed and sent with the Certificates of Appointment giving explanation to the 2009 Iowa legislation related to the gender balance requirements by January 2012. FARMERS Robert Swan, 3181 310th Ave., Dickens, IA 51333 John Olson, 2150 460th St., Sioux Rapids, IA 50585 Jack Schoelerman, 208 S. Washington St., Everly, IA 51338 Robert White, 4720 130th Ave., Peterson, IA 51047 Wayne Kress, 2795 480th St., Webb, IA 51366 Frank Parks, 3 Grandview Blvd, Spencer, IA 51301 Gary Jackson, 2780 340th St., Dickens, IA 51333 Jack D. Sylvester, 4800 Sylvester Rd, Webb, IA 51366 CITY OWNERS Marlin Voss, 211 1st St SW, Fostoria, IA 51340 Jon Bang, 110 2nd St., Peterson, IA 51047 Dennis Galloway, 103 King Ave., Royal, IA 51357 Robert Alderman, 912 W. 11th St., Spencer, IA 51301 Jan Yungbluth, 120 Willow Lane, Rossie, IA 51357 Donald Hintz, 610 Hwy Ave. SW, Spencer, IA 51301 Robert Becker, 204 N Washington St, Everly, IA 51338 REAL ESTATE BROKERS G. Kennon Norris, 2113 W. 11th St., Spencer, IA 51301 Jon Hjelm, Box 833, Spencer, IA 51301 David Jacobsen, 2207 ½ West 11th St., Spencer, IA 51301 Norma Haack, 722 4th Ave E., Spencer, IA 51301 Richard Hallett, 1313 Country Club Dr., Spencer, IA 51301 John Cotton, 2075 355 St., Spencer, IA 5 1301 John W. Goede, 700 3rd Ave SE, Spencer, Iowa 51301 Vance Frommie, 1021 N. Grand, PO Box 961, Spencer, IA 51301 OTHER Dennis Johnke, 401 Long St., P.O. Box 341, Royal, Iowa 51357 Bryan Bailey, 3580 130th Ave., Everly, IA 51338 Loren W. Reed, 2008 4th Ave SW., Spencer, IA 51301 JoAnn Anderson, 105 Ash St., Peterson, IA 51047 Kenneth Essick, Webb, IA 51366 Eldon Goff, 1310 W. 9th St., Spencer, IA 51301 Melissa Loving, 4975 260th Ave, Webb, IA 51366 Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 6 The Board set dates and times for the fiscal year 2011 budget workshop meetings. The Board was given a presentation and audit report of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 by Winther Stave & Co, LLP represented by Arvin Druvenga, CPA. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the 2008-2009 Independent Auditors’ Financial Audit Statements and Supplemental Information as prepared by Winther, Stave & Co., LLP, 1316 West 18th St., Spencer, IA 51301. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:22 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 12, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 4, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 2 held on January 11, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 11, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus that the Board meeting agenda for January 11, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. The Board met with County elected officials and department heads regarding the fiscal year 2011 budget process and anticipated changes to their operating budgets. Each Supervisor expressed their appreciation to the officials and department heads for their conservative and prudent use of their budgeted spending power. Supervisor Swanson leaves the meeting at 10:25 a.m. The Board continued with preliminary budget workshop discussion. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:56 a.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 12, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 11, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 3 held on January 12, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 12, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for January 12, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, Seconded by Chalstrom to accept the low pickup quote of $25,480.00 from H & N Chevrolet of Spencer, Iowa for a 2010 Chevy Silverado 1500LS 4x4. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the minutes of the Board Meeting #1 held January 4, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #2 held January 11, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed January 12, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Airgas North Central Arnold Motor Supply Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Bill Caskey Bill Stevenson Const, Inc Black Hills Energy Bob Barker Company Inc Bomgaars Bud's Service Campus Cleaners & Launderers Canon Financial Services Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Kenneth L Chalstrom City of Spencer Clay County Sheriff Coffman's Locksmith Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The Darron Rusk Davis Typewriter Co Inc Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co General Basic Fund consv oxygen Consv air filter Adm legal serv rent asst landlord GSC snow removal consv utilities Shrf thermal Consv misc Shrf services Bldg rugs Adm copier contract Shrf holster shirts/tact Bd mileage CCSO disposal/dehumidifie Shrf trans chgs Shrf key/mobile unit Consv copier Cthse fluor lamps Shrf legal publications San well closures DHS copier lease Rec stamp Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 1 46.69 23.39 3057.30 214.00 1430.00 79.00 48.73 781.56 253.50 66.50 406.45 402.95 625.10 20.00 595.20 45.00 224.24 334.98 594.84 800.00 176.68 59.85 Evertek FASTENAL Galen's Pro-Mow Hartley Sentinel Daniel J Heissel Holmes Lock & Safe Co Hy-Vee IA DNR IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy IA State Auditor IACCBE ISACA Janitor's Closet Julius Cleaners Knight Protection Lakes Regional Healthcare Kevin D Maassen Mangold Environmental Test Mar-Lin Business Supply Marcus News & Peterson Patriot Mathison Co Burlin H Matthews Menards - Spencer Midwest Appliance Repair Inc MorphoTrak Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Equipment Inc Office Systems Company Otis Elevator Co Peg Johnson Perkins Office Solutions Pixler Electric Inc Proforma Millennium Graphics RadioShack Your Phone Co Christopher L Raveling Seasons Center Sidwell Company, The Sioux Sales Co Solutions, Inc Spencer Area Activity Center Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Utilities Spencer Office Supplies Spencer Trophy & Awards Staples State Steel Supply Co. Susan Graves Trust SWIFT AIR Town & Country UPS US Cellular Walmart Business CDW Government, Inc Clay County Sheriff Election Center Consv cable/internet/phon consv CupPt Consv carb kit/clean& rep Pub bd mtgs Consv mtg registration Cths digital lock repair jail inmate supplies San well construct permits consv water usage Shrf instructr recert sch FY09 audit filing fees Consv Registration Aud SEAT membership CCSO ice melt Shrf alternations Cthse fire alarm monitori Shrf emerg rm Consv mtg registration San well testing Treas paper Bd pub mtg #38 DP plotter repair Bd mtg exp/meal Cust compressor Consv range door latch Shrf AFIS maint agrmnt Consv tire consv filter DP copies Adm elevator yrly contrac rent asst landlord Shrf stamp pad/comp gas Jail rocker switch Aud warrants/laser Shrf batteries ME conf expense ISP January charges DP parcel bldr brdg maint Shrf hats/stocking DP viruse removal Economic Devlpmnt Consv hydrl fltr Shrf credit Aud lam pouch/pen refil/ Shrf name plate/hldr Consv paper/markers/file Consv boat dock repair San well closure Cths HVU/fan/thermostat Consv garbage Shrf pkg shipping DHS cell phone charges Consv forks General Supplemental Fund election laptops - 14 Shrf trans chgs Election membership Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 2 129.13 8.46 68.34 658.47 10.00 75.00 18.57 50.00 140.01 225.00 625.00 380.00 100.00 112.62 10.70 300.00 263.00 10.00 122.25 6.99 573.14 525.59 16.58 89.99 65.00 1852.00 78.00 34.50 65.49 4766.04 440.00 40.71 7.25 521.15 47.94 107.27 902.20 300.00 45.80 850.75 20000.00 23.34 1067.39 123.37 20.25 138.04 83.58 400.00 810.15 39.59 35.35 273.90 96.40 10219.86 100.50 150.00 Employee Benefit Systems Cobra billing IA Municipalities Workers Comp Work Comp 09-10 IA Workforce Development Aty 4th qtr unemplymnt Reliable Office Supplies Elect supplies 92.40 5544.40 192.56 49.90 Juvenile Drug Court Fund Drug court meals 57.54 MH-DD Services Fund scl-care se-care icf-res--care CPC 4th qtr unemplymnt wa-care rcf-care statecase office suppl. 3000.00 2129.10 46934.66 7.10 886.20 14314.58 11.75 Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf CIG jack support Shrf winter blades/hdlgts Cosnv jacket and jeans Shrf towing 21-4 RS garbage service Zoning publications Shrf wiper blades Shrf battery RS copies Shrf tarp strap 62.27 214.90 99.98 245.00 5954.00 20.35 47.20 149.14 22.39 .96 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf IGLD Task Force reim 526.69 Fareway Stores Inc Echo Plus Hope Haven IA Dept of Human Services IA Workforce Development Nishna Productions Inc Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Bomgaars Bud's Service City of Spencer Daily Reporter, The Hull Cooop Johnston Automotive Office Systems Company Spencer Auto Parts Inc City of Spencer A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Auto Glass Center Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Barco Municipal Products Black Hills Energy City of Everly City of Royal City of Spencer Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. Daily Reporter, The Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co Fox International Inc. Wayne Ginger Green Plains Grain Co LLC H & N Chevrolet Buick IA Concrete Paving Assn IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Municipalities Workers Comp IA Workforce Development Secondary Road Fund Uniforms Safety Glasses Electric - Royal Radio Repairs PARTS #351 Glass & Supplies Telephone - G.G. Sand Bags, Letters Gas - Royal Gas - Everly Water, Sewer - Royal 4 - Appliances PARTS Level B Public Notice Telephone - Everly 183.05 Ton Salt PARTS Fence removal Gas - Webb PARTS Concrete Paving Conf Non-Metered Repairs Water - Dickens Inst #7 - Work Comp 4th Qtr Unemployment-ENG Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 3 200.60 111.88 270.92 324.33 572.38 145.14 25.16 287.26 317.11 500.94 26.00 141.50 2547.35 101.40 93.86 9526.44 4051.19 6160.80 20327.97 4.68 280.00 160.00 31.00 11155.60 37.10 Interstate Batteries Johnston Automotive Nielsens Tire & Appliance Premier Communications Royal Telephone Co Snap On Tools Corp Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Utilities St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test State Steel Supply Co. TD Tools Town & Country US Cellular Zee Medical Service Co BATTERIES PARTS Service Telephone - Dickens Telephnoe - Royal TOOLS PARTS Telephone - Shop 2 - DOT Drug Tests PARTS Jumbo Crow Foot Wrench Garbage - Dickens Date Phone Update 7 First-Aid Kits Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv overalls and gloves Natlst 4th qtr unemplymnt Consv Registration Consv Dist III mtg Bomgaars IA Workforce Development IACCBE Stacie L Young Constance A Adams Ann L Baschke Bradley H Brunk Kenneth L Chalstrom Audrey Coffman Burlin H Matthews Tammy R McKeever Darrell A Nordman Scott L Rinehart Glenn I Rouse Steven L Sundblad Mark A Thompson Casey J Timmer Clay flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Community Broadcasting, Inc Evertek Iowa Telecom Premier Communications Qwest River Valley Telecom Coop Spencer Mun Utilities Terril Telephone Coop E-911 Surcharge radio sys/law enformnt ve E911 phone mthly chrgs E911 tower space E911 phone serv E911 phone service E911 special circuit E911 power 911 upgrade E911 line charges E911 ciruit chages E911 circuit 99.98 3.60 95.00 10.00 79.60 110.00 154.00 204.95 10.00 190.17 94.50 56.04 48.40 320.00 40.00 132.08 200.00 50000.00 199.90 900.00 445.00 41.69 570.04 90000.00 363.92 228.60 8.04 Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA fuel EMA cell phone 86.01 159.80 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Assr prop inspection mile 201.25 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr copier charges Asr 4th qtr unemplymnt 187.90 37.10 Eric W Tigges Verizon Heidi L Chapman County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare 88.95 232.68 3163.56 63.85 20.19 7.20 2842.27 50.36 72.00 74.30 69.34 14.50 63.46 541.85 Canon Financial Services Inc IA Workforce Development Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 4 Verizon Grand Total Assr cell phone 50.89 349107.27 The Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Skow: Dept Head meeting discussing County Government Month activities in April 2010 including Volunteer Appreciation Day; employee handbook content and procedure changes. Supervisor Chalstrom: No report. Going on a jail tour to O’Brien and Plymouth counties. Supervisor Matthews: Compass Pointe by-laws meeting; UDMO liability insurance meeting; Local Housing Trust fund meeting. Supervisor Brockshus: No report. Supervisor Swanson: No report. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to accept the recommendations of the Chairperson for the following committees for the year 2010. The Chairperson appointed those board members not appointed as members of each committee to be alternates for each committee. Motion carried. Compass Pointe CEO-IWD CoDo Planning Council Communication Center Courthouse & Courthouse Security Clay County Health Board Clay County Regional Events Center E-911 Board Drug Court NW IA Regional Airport Board of Trustees EMS Council Grievance Committee Jobs Trust L.E.P.C. NW IA Planning and Development R C & D (IA Lakes Resource Consv & Dev Regional Transit Authority Seasons Board Spencer Industries Board Upper Des Moines Opportunity Youth Emergency Services YES3rd Judicial District Dept Correctional Services LADE Board I.S.P. Board Drop-In Center Clay County Housing Trust Board Clay County Revolving Loan Board Spencer Alliance for a Creative Economy (SPACE) (Brockshus / Matthews) (Chalstrom) (Swanson) (Chalstrom / Matthews) (Brockshus/Skow) (Skow) (Brockshus/Chalstrom) (Chalstrom) (Brockshus/Skow) (Matthews) (Chalstrom/Swanson) (Brockshus/Swanson) (Brockshus) (Chalstrom) (Swanson) (Swanson) (Matthews) (Brockshus/Swanson) (Brockshus) (Matthews) (Chalstrom) (Chalstrom)) (Skow) (Brockshus/Skow) (Brockshus) (Swanson/Matthews) (Brockshus) (Brockshus) Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Secondary Roads Department for Joseph Gilman for part-time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour effective December 30, 2009. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the payroll request form for Jon Winterboer from Secondary Roads Department for a change in hourly wages to $19.29 per hour effective January 23, 2010 for longevity increase to $.40 per hour for 15 years of service. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 5 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Secondary Roads Department for Darrel Santage for full time status at an hourly rate of $17.68 per hour effective January 11, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to re-appoint Marc E. Gustafson, 3855 180th Ave., Spencer, IA as Clay County Weed Commissioner pursuant to Code of Iowa, Chapter 317.3 for calendar year of 2010, upon approval of the Clay County Conservation Board. There shall be an annual compensation of $1000.00 for the responsibilities. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept the December 31, 2009 Sheriff’s Quarterly Report of Fees collected in the amount of $28,701.13 with detail found in the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve the County Sheriff’s Commissary Account Quarterly Report ending December 31, 2009 totaling $809.28 with detail on file in the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept Auditor’s Report of Fees Collected for quarter ending December 31, 2009 totaling $1491.44. with detail on file at the County auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve County Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report for period ending December 31, 2008 with detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve County Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected for period ending December 31, 2009 totaling $36,722.73 with detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize chairperson to a sign letter of support to the Clay County Foundation for the Royal Community Action Group’s renovation of the Royal Community Center Meeting Room. Motion carried. 9:15 a.m. Randy Weimers – presented the Compensation Board recommendations for salaries of the Clay County elected officials. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to accept, for budgetary purposes, the recommendations of the Clay County Compensation Board for the following salaries for the elected officials of the county for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011: Sheriff $64,575; Attorney $51,250; Auditor $51,250; Recorder $51,250; Treasurer $51,250; and Board of Supervisors $24,600. Motion carried. 9:00 a.m. Kim Scorza spoke with the Board as the new Season’s Center Executive Director giving her perceptions and observations of her new position. Scorza shared her background prior to accepting the Season’s position. Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 6 10:00 a.m. Jason Coppel and Cheryl Arnold- of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234-presented the initial bargaining proposals for the Clay County Administration and Courthouse Buildings and the Clay County Conference Board (Assessor). 10:30 a.m. The Board met with Bonnie Dalager, Program Director for the Clay County Extension Office accompanied by Extension Council member Paula Buenger and the 4-H and Youth Coordinator Anissa Jepsen. The top three priorities of the council are 4-H programming, competitive information for agriculture, and families. Creating ways to increasing the 4-H enrollment and partnering with other organizations to offer after school programming are immediate and long-term goals that were discussed with the Board. The group also informed the Board on the new 4H website operations and their overall enthusiasm for the future and its opportunities. County Auditor Marjorie Pitts gave a departmental update to the Board relating to the recent purchase of computer and printer equipment to be used in the upcoming Federal and State elections, the information relating to upcoming conferences sponsored by the Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC), and provided budget analysis information that had been requested by the Board. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize Chairperson to sign the OSHA 300 Form Log that will be posted February 1, 2010. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 13, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 12, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 4 held on January 13, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 13, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Matthews, Skow, Brockshus, Chalstrom and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for January 13, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Budget Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:14 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 19, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 13, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 5 held on January 19, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 19, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for January 19, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Budget Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:35 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 25, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 19, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 6 held on January 25, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 25, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Skow, Swanson and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: Supervisor Chalstrom absent until 9:15 a.m. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for January 25, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Budget workshop with elected officials and department heads. Supervisor Chalstrom left the meeting at 1:30 p.m. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3:56 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 26, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 25, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 7 held on January 26, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 26, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for January 26, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as amended with the addition of reappointment of County Medical Examiner and Medical Examiner Investigators and changes due to weather. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #3 held January 12, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Budget Workshop Meetings #4, #5 and #6 held January 13th,19th and 25th of 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed January 26, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Constance A Adams All-American Turf Beauty Patricia A Applegate Auto Glass Center Barry Anderson Ann L Baschke Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Business Systems Edward D Campbell Canon Financial Services CDW Government City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Community Service Association Davis Typewriter Co De Loss Rentals Delaware County Sheriff Office Gina L Ean Lucille H Faulkner Galen's Pro-Mow General Basic Fund 2009 unused sick days Adm prepay sprg/fall yd 2009 unused sick days Jail plexiglas Shrf meal Jail committee 2009 unused sick days Adm legal serv Bldg utilities CCSO batteries/car wash DHS maint contract/copier 2009 unused sick days Shrf copier DP 2 yr ext wty/printers Shrf Com Ctr salary exp Depts fuel transport Clanedar Yr 2010 mmbrshp DHS copier & copies rent asst landlord shrf fees 2009 unused sick days 2009 unused sick days Snowblowr repairs Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 1 88.50 966.34 103.85 134.00 10.90 100.00 2271.20 1580.00 72.40 56.03 105.00 465.00 2602.46 28368.56 3403.16 275.50 25.00 191.61 200.00 130.00 70.70 120.00 47.67 Greg's Repair Hanson's Plumbing & Heating Bradley A Hawley Daniel J Heissel Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Hy-Vee Attn IA County Recorders Assn IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water I S A C Janitor's Closet Jon A Bang Randy Krukow Francis D Lehman Dennis R Linn Kevin D Maassen Mar-Lin Business Supply Maxwell Food Equipment Tammy R McKeever Mid-States Organized Crime Inf Minolta Financial Svcs Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Marjorie A Pitts Presto X Company Daniel W Pullen QuarterMaster Michael Skonhovd SoftChoice Corporation Solutions, Inc Speed Printers Spencer Mun Hospital Spencer Mun Utilities Spencer Office Supplies Ann E Spooner Staples Credit Plan SWIFT AIR Casey J Timmer Toft Electric Underground Vaults & Storage US Cellular U S Postmaster VanHofwegen-Munter Dentist Verizon VISA Joan M Waller Walmart Business Xerox Corporation Yahoo! Custodian of Records Youth & Family Resource Serv a Zee Medical Service Co Zenor & Houchins, PC Bldg snowblower CCSO in-take pipe 2009 unused sick days 2009 unused sick days CCSO rugs Shrf jail supplies Rec research/educ dues Consv utilities utility asst DP sprg conf reg Adm cust supplies Shrf meal Jail Committee Shrf reimb mailing/postag 2009 unused sick days 2009 unused sick days 2009 unused sick days Treas rubber bands Adm foam cups 2009 unused sick days Shrf membership fee DHS copier contract Treas postage Bd suplies/budgeting proc Bldg pest contrl 2009 unused sick days Shrf pants/holster shirt 2009 unused sick days DP Shrf laptop DP Cisco SMART contract Shrf retired ID Shrf jail meals Dec 09 Rec phone/long distance Treas batteries 2009 unused sick days Shrf toner/misc Cths repl boiler contrlr 2009 unused sick days Adm air compressor/power Rec lease rentl mfilm dwr Shrf cell phone Shrf stamps Shrf dental services Consv cell phone Shrf misc chrgs 2009 unused sick days DHS glass clnr/puffs/wipe Rec copier base chrg Aty subpoena request shelter care Adm 1st Aid supplies Atyoffice mo exp General Supplemental Fund Clay County Sheriff Shrf transport IA Workforce Development Atty 4th qtr unemplymnt Lexis Nexis Law Library online chrgs NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Elect postage Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 2 896.29 320.20 117.70 108.15 99.34 291.72 200.00 634.75 259.69 110.00 417.89 7.48 15.29 115.00 120.00 120.00 2.42 21.28 105.00 100.00 67.43 1100.00 35.96 82.40 59.40 385.66 110.65 1062.98 8560.47 5.00 12084.73 4716.22 434.08 105.00 216.97 410.75 90.00 110.72 280.00 584.64 298.00 91.00 247.78 906.40 120.00 19.42 431.48 21.94 1446.15 41.93 8621.96 111.00 192.56 1270.00 1950.00 50.00 Reliable VISA Elect mouse pads Elect mtg exp/lodging Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Community Service Association Co Case Management Serv David A Scott Cornwall Avery Eyerly Ball Community MHS Gilbert A Alber Greer Law Office Horizons Unlimited of PAC Hy-Vee IA Dept of Human Services DHS IA Workforce Development Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center Shawn Smith, Atty at Law Solutions, Inc Spencer Mun Hospital Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group US Cellular Village NW Unlimited Kimberly S Wilson MH-DD Services Fund MH fuel-county car sheriff fees Calendar Yr 2010 mmbrshp CCMS for Dec.09 attrny fees mhc-care counsel attrny fee wa-care rx-meds icf-res—care CPC 4th qtr unemplymnt mileage-mh adv-care dahab-care attrny fee-care labor-computer inpt-care wa-care rcf-care cell phn chrgs wa-care 2009 unused sick days 83.72 779.68 50.81 219.50 25.00 396.00 200.00 220.00 150.00 75.00 621.70 21.68 45477.48 7.10 197.91 16161.45 117.00 20.12 5064.00 18494.04 6163.42 13.50 1642.72 107.20 Rural Services Basic Fund Clay Co Sec Road Fund IRVM fuel Don Pierson Ford Shrf battery Fabric Warehouse Shrf vinyl Galls an Aramark Company Shrf priority start pro-x Marc E Gustafson 2009 unused sick days IA Dept Ag & Land Stewardship IRVM weed registration IA Prison Industries Shrf veh trunk markings Northern Safety Technology Shrf gasket/endcap/bulb Spencer Mun Utilities RS phone/long distance Verizon IRVM cell phone 66.57 246.45 2.39 226.97 110.00 115.00 325.16 43.67 5.34 47.55 Secondary Road Fund WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - G.G. #14 Glass & Supplies Gas - Spencer TOOLS PARTS Water, Sewer - Webb G.G. Furnace Repairs 2009 Sick Leave Credit #107 Parts 2009 Sick Leave Credit 265 Gals 15W40 Oil 2009 Sick Leave Credit Telephone - Everly BOLTS Reimb for Safety Boots 2009 Sick Leave Credit Heating Repairs -Peterson 142.40 301.71 739.86 4345.74 413.61 104.59 84.00 360.22 95.65 222.18 90.00 3058.82 75.30 37.41 116.89 50.00 116.40 87.00 Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Auto Glass Center Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Boyer Trucks City of Webb Copper Cottage Matthew J Dehrkoop Don Pierson Ford Pamela S Doran Dyno Oil Co Inc Raymond D Essick Evertek FASTENAL Billy J Gunnerson Louis A Halder Hanson's Plumbing & Heating Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 3 Jason H Hass Michael L Hermstad Thomas L Herrig IA Lakes Regional Water IA Workforce Development Iowa Telecom Joe Froiland Plumbing/Heating Robert B Kluender Scott R Knudtson James L Larson Mar-Lin Business Supply Michael Todd & Co James R Montgomery Northwest Communications Robert W Peters Peterson Contractors Inc Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Qwest Garwin D Rafdal Reedsburg Hardware Co Scott L Rinehart John M Rosacker Glenn I Rouse L F Rouse Martin L Schoening Speed Printers Spencer Mun Hospital Spencer Mun Utilities Mark A Thompson US Cellular Randy J Van Kley Jeffrey M Wiemann Jonathan E Winterboer Zep Manufacturing Co Ziegler Inc 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit Garbage - G.G. Eng 2nd Rds 4th Qtr unemp Telephone - Peterson Gas Meter Repairs 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit OFFICE EXPENSE BATTERIES 2009 Sick Leave Credit Internet - Spencer Reim for Safety Boots Est. #10 L-TSF(117) ENG - Postage Telephone - Royal 2009 Sick Leave Credit Clevis Grabs 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit 2009 Sick Leave Credit Motor Grader Timesheets DOT Drug Tests Telephone - Eng Office Reimb for Safety Clothes ENG Cell Phones 2009 Sick Leave Credit Reimb for Safety Clothes 2009 Sick Leave Credit SUNDRY PARTS 101.25 119.40 75.00 43.76 8.55 83.86 120.00 113.15 10.00 100.00 164.18 191.24 115.00 34.95 50.00 15641.25 100.00 11.69 75.00 511.50 109.05 42.50 84.05 74.05 110.00 203.00 120.00 580.53 175.86 315.25 112.50 191.84 96.90 320.89 38888.12 Clay Co Sec Road Fund IA Workforce Development Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv Natl fuel Consv Nat 4th qtr unemplm 25.61 3.60 All-American Turf Beauty Black Hills Energy Clay Co Sec Road Fund Greg's Repair Janitor's Closet Presto X Company US Cellular Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC prepay sprg/fall yd a GSC utilities GSC fuel GSC snowblower GSC cust supplies GSC pest contrl GSC cell phone 322.10 345.00 22.92 448.00 158.16 20.60 27.76 Constance A Adams Patricia A Applegate Tammy K Brown Audrey Coffman Marc E Gustafson Daniel J Heissel Dennis R Linn Kevin D Maassen Clay Flex Flex flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan insurance medical medical insurance medical medical medical insurance Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 4 191.11 296.84 129.00 75.19 106.00 373.91 450.00 66.96 Tammy R McKeever Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Joe Skow Ann E Spooner Casey J Timmer Kimberly S Wilson Theresa E Wurth flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Bound Tree Medical Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Robin Patrick St Luke Regional Medical Ctr Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Clay County Sheriff Northwest Communications Qwest Royal Telephone Co Clay Co Sec Road Fund Spencer Mun Utilities medical insurance insurance medical medical daycare medical other premiums Emergency Medical Services EMS electrode/defib pads EMS postage EMS CPR renewals EMS registration/conf E-911 Surcharge E911 elect meter E911 maint agrmnt E911 shed E911 inside bkup distr rc E911 phone service E911 system design agrmnt Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA fuel-county car EMA phone/long distance Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor 2009 unused sick days Asr mileage Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund IA Natural Heritage Fndation Consv Elser/Oneota Park A Heidi L Chapman John C Lawson IA St Assn of Assessors IA Workforce Development John C Lawson Spencer Mun Utilities Staples Credit Plan Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr assoc dues 2010 Asr 4th qtr unemplymnt 2009 unused sick days Asr phone/long distance Asr ink 266.58 62.14 94.75 113.73 62.98 200.00 177.92 245.40 540.84 50.00 165.00 70.00 19.54 6028.40 1500.00 180.00 578.75 1016.37 22.72 2.15 87.00 27.30 10077.23 600.00 37.10 96.80 7.07 186.91 284386.43 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Chalstrom updated the Board regarding the YES Center in Cherokee, Supervisor Matthews shared information relating to UDMO, Compass Pointe and the Local Housing Trust annual report, and Supervisor Swanson reported on the NWIPDC meeting. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve the Clay County Clerk’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2009 totaling $5,818.89 for surcharge, county ordinance fines, court cost and reimbursement of sheriff fees, depositions, filing fees, and blood test. Detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to reappoint Dr. David Robison, MD, as the Clay County Medical Examiner who shall investigate any death caused from violence, sudden or suspicious as specified in Iowa Code Chapter 331.801 and to perform such autopsies as deemed necessary or as required by the Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 5 Clay County Attorney and/or the Iowa State Medical Examiner for term ending December 31, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to reappoint Christopher Lee Raveling, 4315 110th Ave, Peterson, IA as Medical Examiner Investigators to provide professional assistance as authorized by Subsection 331.801 (3) to the Clay County Medical Examiner. Investigations shall be performed in accordance with 331.802, Code of Iowa and in the manner required by the State Medical Examiner for term ending December 31, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to reappoint Michael Weber, 1510 3rd Ave E, Spencer, IA, as Medical Examiner Investigators to provide professional assistance as authorized by Subsection 331.801 (3) to the Clay County Medical Examiner. Investigations shall be performed in accordance with 331.802, Code of Iowa and in the manner required by the State Medical Examiner for term ending December 31, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to reappoint James Anthony Berhow, 806 5th Ave SW, Spencer, IA as Medical Examiner Investigators to provide professional assistance as authorized by Subsection 331.801 (3) to the Clay County Medical Examiner. Investigations shall be performed in accordance with 331.802, Code of Iowa and in the manner required by the State Medical Examiner for term ending December 31, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to reappoint John Michael Hill, 15679 250th Ave, Spirit Lake, IA as Medical Examiner Investigators to provide professional assistance as authorized by Subsection 331.801 (3) to the Clay County Medical Examiner. Investigations shall be performed in accordance with 331.802, Code of Iowa and in the manner required by the State Medical Examiner for term ending December 31, 2011. Motion carried. The Board discussed the opportunity, by Iowa law, to collect outstanding court fines. Clay County Attorney Michael Houchins will present further information at their meeting held January 27, 2010. 10:00 a.m. The Board of Supervisors presented their initial counter bargaining unit proposal to Jason Coppel of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234-for the Clay County Administration and Courthouse Buildings and the Clay County Conference Board (Assessor). Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to authorize repayment of FY 09 allocation to the MH/DD Risk Pool. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve purchase of 2011 7700 International Semitractor from Fox International of Spencer, Iowa for $88,900. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the purchase of two (2) Cornbelt Manufacturing Belly Dump Trailers from Cornbelt Manufacturing of Early, Iowa for $47,912.00. Trading in the 2003 Hart Belly Dump Trailer. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 6 After further evaluation of the pickup quotes, motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to rescind the awarding of the low quote of $25,480.00 from H & N Chevrolet. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to award pickup quote to Don Pierson Ford of Spencer Iowa in the amount of $26,792.00 for a 2010 Ford F150 Supercab 4x4. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to set the hearing date and time for the proposed Fiscal Year 2011 County Budget to be Friday, March 12, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. Motion carried. The Board met with Hugh Lively, Executive Director of the Regional Transit Authority/RIDES relating to their request for fiscal year 2011 from Clay County for transportation services. Their request is $4000.00 for transportation services and $10,250.00 for capital funds for vehicle replacement, radio devices, lifts and other equipment. The requested total is the same amount allocated in fiscal years 2009 and 2010. 1:00 p.m. Budget Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3:22 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 26, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 8 held on January 27, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for January 27, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. The Board met with County Attorney Michael Houchins and Kim Chappas of Spirit Lake regarding a court debt collection program that could be implemented in Clay County. Kim Chappas currently provides this court debt collection service for Dickinson County through the County Attorney’s office. Currently Clay County uses the method of Centralized Collection Unit (CCU) which charges a 10% collection fee that is applied only when funds are actually collected. Legislation implemented in SF2428 increased the incentive for county attorneys’ collections due to a formula that allows counties to retain 40% of the amount collected up to a threshold then the county retains an additional 12% of the funds collected. Clay County’s threshold would be $50,000 due to our population. Houchins proposed that Chappas could use office space and equipment at his location and she would be considered a part-time county employee working twenty (20) hours per week at a rate of $10.50 per hour. The Board will take action on this proposal at their next regular board meeting. Budget Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 29, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors Janaury 27, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 9 held on January 29, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on January 29, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Guests: Clay County Conservation Board members Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for January 29, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Budget Workshop with the County Conservation Director and Conservation Board members. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 9:52 a.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting February 2, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors January 29, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 10 held on February 2, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on February 2, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for February 2, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved with the addition of setting the date and time for the canvass of the February 2, 2010 Special South Clay School Election. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to set the canvass of the February 2, 2010 Special South Clay School Election to Tuesday, February 9 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried. Budget Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:13 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting February 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors February 2, 2010 1 Meeting #11 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on February 9, 2010 at 9:03 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for February 9, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved with the addition of authorizing the chairperson to sign website maintenance agreements with Inukshuk Technologies, LLC for the Sheriff and Conservation departments. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #7 held January 26, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the budget workshop Board Meetings #8, 9 & 10 held January 27, 29 and February 2, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed February 9, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Asher Motors AT&T TeleConference Services Atlas Stamp & Seal Co Black Hills Energy Bob Barker Company Inc Bomgaars Bud's Service Canon Financial Services Inc Carroll Cleaning Supply, Co City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Coffman's Locksmith Counsel Office & Document Daily Reporter, The Dataline Associates DataSpan, Inc Davis Typewriter Co Inc Dianne Eldridge Dickinson County Sheriff Everly-Royal News Evertek GRACESOFT Green Plains Grain Co LLC General Basic Fund shrf remove/install equip Consv oil filter/oil consv distributor cap/rot Aty conf call Recorder stamps Consv utilities jail mattresses Cths snowbrush/mat shrf towing Adm copier consv garbage bags Dehumidifier disposal Env Hlth county car gas shrf fees Adm key Consv copier contract Publication DP cleaning cartrdgs DP optical disk DHS copier lease payment rent-landlord shrf fee Bd pub mtg consv internet/phone/cabl consv InnKeeping maint-qt Consv cylinder refills Clay County Board of Supervisors February 9, 2010 1 226.27 25.95 94.95 16.35 53.70 79.00 506.82 138.74 273.06 406.45 171.30 20.00 396.84 226.00 2.75 268.51 933.64 489.85 379.41 176.68 214.00 45.46 588.94 129.13 297.00 31.84 Meeting #11 Hartley Sentinel Daniel J Heissel IA Lakes Regional Water IACCBE I S A C Jack's Uniforms & Equipment Janitor's Closet Johnston Automotive KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Angela M Lawson Linn County Public Health L-3 Com Mobile Vision Inc Mail Services LLC Marcus News & Peterson Patriot Marilyn E White Mastercard Mc Donald Supply/Div Hajoca Menards - Spencer Northwest Equipment Inc Northwest Glass Co Inc Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Pixler Electric Inc PRIA-Property Records Industry RadioShack Your Phone Co Sioux Sales Co Solutions, Inc Spencer Family Care Spencer Mun Utilities Spencer Office Supplies Staples Town & Country Triggs Farm Partnership US Cellular Vytech Signs & Designs Walter Stephens Jr Inc Western IA Tourism Region Winther Stave & Co Xerox Corporation Youth & Family Resource Serv a Zenor & Houchins, PC Annette Schaeffer ARC Bonny Swart Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency Daily Reporter, The Fiscal Services Bureau IA Secretary of State J&T Rentals Jim Graham Judith A Bevers Michelle A Krile Natalie Salton Solutions, Inc Spencer Mun Utilities Youth & Family Resource Serv Pub semi annual-treas consv mtg exp - meal Consv water usage Consv Outerbanks clothes consv spring mtg registra consv suction cup kit Cths custl supplies Shrf battery Env hlth shipping San mtg expenses Env hlth radon kits Shrf trunk mount/dvr cabl Treas renewal printing Treas semi-annl report Mileage/Lay Bd member consv gas Cths anti-freeze Consv misc consv oil filter Consv repair screen DP color copy charges DHS binder clips/post its Adm belts rec membership Shrf charger batteries shrf pants,gloves/key str Aud toner Med examiner charges Shrf phone charges Aud envlps/clasp consv laminating pouches Scharnberg garbage San well closures DHS cell phone charges Consv Scharnberg banner Jail inmate toiletry supp consv membership audit/final billing Rec copier charges shelter care-bgus Atty mthly exp 121.50 4.17 87.52 72.92 110.00 9.76 224.99 109.94 16.41 82.43 100.00 158.00 462.23 162.75 107.80 15.25 66.55 234.28 41.76 24.00 250.81 14.92 14.38 50.00 29.99 288.35 734.20 125.00 1924.24 135.45 53.99 39.59 800.00 276.93 100.00 140.23 125.00 3295.48 266.10 699.75 8529.54 General Supplemental Fund Elect Special S Clay Elect laptop bags/rolling Elect Special S Clay EMA Jan allocation Elect pub S Clay ballot FY10 JV County base Elect notary renewal appl Feb election equip storag Elect Special S Clay Elect Special S Clay Elect Special S Clay Elect Special S Clay Elect toner Elect phone/long distance detention 32.00 892.00 32.00 14258.00 474.88 2144.00 30.00 1000.00 92.60 104.70 32.00 82.10 83.51 4.46 1772.70 Clay County Board of Supervisors February 9, 2010 2 Meeting #11 Buena Vista Co Treasurer Candila C. Schickel Clay County Sheriff Echo Plus Greer Law Office Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited Hy-Vee IA Dept of Human Services I S A C Johnson County Sheriff Nishna Productions Inc Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies The Pride Group Village NW Unlimited Asher Motors City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Utilities MH-DD Services Fund sheriff fees attrny fee sheriff fees 1/27/10 scl-care attrny fees wa-care wa-care rx-care SFY09 risk pool refund luncheon for CRIS 11/07 sheriff fees wa-care MHS for Feb10 office suppl. rcf-care wa-care Rural Services Basic Fund shrf service Dec rural service garbage consv gas - january shrf jumper cables RS phone/long distance Sheriff Undercover Fund shrf transmitt IGLD task force funding Secondary Road Fund A & M Laundry Inc. Uniforms AECOM NEPA Services HDP(116) Airgas North Central WELDING SUPPLIES Alliant Energy Electric - Dickens Alpha Wireless Comm #65 Radio Repairs Arnold Motor Supply SUNDRY Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Telephone - G.G. Barnes Distribution PARTS Black Hills Energy Gas - Royal City of Everly Gas - Everly City of Royal Water, Sewer - Royal City of Spencer 4 - Appliances Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. PARTS Don Pierson Ford PARTS Dyno Oil Co Inc 297 Gals 15W40 Oil Farmers Feed & Supply Co 363.475 Ton De-Icing Salt Force America Inc PARTS Fox International Inc. PARTS Green Plains Grain Co LLC Forklift Gas IA Lakes Electric Coop Annual Non-Metered IA Lakes Regional Water Water - Dickens IA State University 2010 Asphalt Conference Interstate Batteries 3 - 31-MHD Batteries Kuehl & Payer Ltd Bridge Services HDP(116) Mar-Lin Business Supply #10 Printed Envelopes New Sioux City Iron Co BOLTS Nielsens Tire & Appliance Service Northwest Communications Internet - Shop H & N Chevrolet Buick Spencer Police Department Clay County Board of Supervisors February 9, 2010 3 85.00 96.00 71.50 3328.50 45.00 1894.68 635.18 22.68 18485.20 11.00 31.50 886.20 17510.03 53.80 6163.42 1564.50 68.00 5954.00 61.96 311.30 4.29 46.05 526.69 174.30 2918.50 192.98 329.25 193.20 513.62 27.76 297.84 670.80 1049.05 35.28 287.00 3362.69 22.75 1758.24 19057.33 340.40 1118.88 82496.65 4258.51 31.00 390.00 290.85 912.65 30.00 655.85 338.93 34.95 Meeting #11 Northwest Equipment Inc Premier Communications Reedsburg Hardware Co John M Rosacker Royal Telephone Co Darrel K Santage Snap On Tools Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Utilities Sprayer Specialists Inc State Steel Supply Co. Town & Country US Cellular Vander Haag's Inc PARTS Telephone - Dickens 3/4" Hi-Test Chain - 50' Clothing Allow - Safety Telephnoe - Royal Clothing Allow - Safety 1/2" Socket Set PARTS Pre-Employment (Juza) Telephone - ENG Office Salt Brine Pump PARTS Garbage - Dickens Data Phone #204 Muffler 19.38 67.15 744.94 61.36 22.50 100.00 25.50 3596.57 646.00 62.43 317.01 38.88 14.50 63.81 751.32 Acorn Naturalists Clay Co Sec Road Fund Menards - Spencer Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Naturalist misc Naturalist gas - January naturalist light bulbs 182.76 25.02 27.38 DataSpan, Inc Recorders Records Mgt Fnd Rec optical disc 379.34 Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC custl supplies 178.98 Janitor's Closet Jeremy K Bellis Tammy K Brown Bradley H Brunk Audrey Coffman Raymond D Essick Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Cheryl L Riley John M Rosacker Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Casey J Timmer Bound Tree Medical KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship St Luke Regional Medical Ct Alliant Energy Clay County Sheriff GeoComm Corporation Green Plains Grain Co LLC Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications Terril Telephone Coop U S Postmaster Clay Flex flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex flex flex Flex flex County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare medical medical daycare medical daycare Emergency Medical Services EMS electrode pads EMS shippings EMS reg conf E-911 Surcharge E911 undrgrd serv/Peters E911 K-9 shed E911 qtrly sys maint agrm E911 fuel/generator E911 phone line access ch E911 remote support E911 line access chgs E911 phone line charges E911 po box rent Clay County Board of Supervisors February 9, 2010 4 851.73 129.00 18.00 25.00 912.45 176.00 215.00 116.09 40.00 494.60 428.69 200.00 106.80 14.21 110.00 250.57 1500.00 2314.00 130.64 41.69 230.00 570.04 8.04 28.00 Meeting #11 Clay Co Sec Road Fund IEMA % Robert Christensen Spencer Mun Utilities Tri-State EMA Verizon Heidi L Chapman Spencer Mun Utilities Verizon Grand Total Jnt Co EMA EMA EMA EMA EMA Emergency Mgt Fund fuel 2010 membership phone/long distance membership cell phone Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Assr prop inspect mileage Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr phone/long distance Assr cell phone charges 74.43 100.00 6.29 10.00 158.96 165.20 8.85 51.05 243789.70 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Matthews shared an update from the Airport Board meeting; Supervisor Brockshus reported on the Season’s and Compass Pointe board meetings; Supervisor Skow shared information relating to the Juvenile Court status; and Supervisor Swanson gave an update on the county department head meeting and the RC & D meeting. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize the chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Clay County Attorney’s office for Kimberly Chappas for part-time status based on 1040 hours per year at an hourly rate of $10.50 per hour effective February 1, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to authorize chairperson to sign the website maintenance agreements with Inukshuk Technologies, LLC, Spencer, Iowa for the Clay County Sheriff and Conservation websites. The Agreement is for a period of one year with estimates of twenty-four hours per year at a rate of $50.00 per hour programming time, which may be carried over to the next year if not used. Motion carried. Environmental Health Director Tammy McKeever updated the Board on the proposed burial site maintenance agreement with the Estate of Dennis Parsons. It is the opinion of the Clay County Attorney that an agreement signed by the family to ensure maintenance of the burial site is sufficient versus a county ordinance at this time. It was also recommended that the property owners secure a survey of the tract of land to separate the burial site from the current legal description. It was the consensus of the Board to request the family to sign the burial agreement by July 1, 2010. 9:00 a.m. The Board met with the Parker Historical Society Museum Director Cindy McGranahan and Parker Board President Paul Brenner to discuss the 2009 yearend report, accomplishments, and highlights. Their 2010 goals include the launching of a capital and endowment fund campaign for the renovation of the Johnston Automotive building into a museum facility. It is hoped by the Parker Board that fiscal year 2011 appropriations from Clay County can remain equal to fiscal year 2010 and asked for consideration of an additional $25,000 commitment during the capital campaign that will begin in April, 2010 through October, 2010. 9:20 a.m. Theodore Cate met with the Board requesting their support, in the form of a letter addressed to the Iowa Department of Transportation, requesting their consideration of reducing the speed limit due to accidents that have occurred on a portion of US Highway 18 passing through sections 17 and 20 in Clay County Board of Supervisors February 9, 2010 5 Meeting #11 Sioux Township. The Board will place the letter consideration on their next regular board meeting of Tuesday, February 23, 2010. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Targeted Case Management Participation Agreement to continue to receive reimbursement for persons with chronic mental illness. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Business Associate Agreement with Avera McKennan d/b/a/ Avera Spencer Family Care to comply with the new HIPAA security rules effective February 17, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to support and approve the request by Calhoun County for litigation cost sharing related to their suit as Trustees for Drainage District #86 by the Iowa District Court by Chicago Central & Pacific Railroad. The Clay County contribution would be $500.00 to the ISAC Multi-County Fund. Motion carried. 9:45 a.m. County Auditor Marjorie Pitts updated the Board on the 2010 Census meeting with the City of Spencer. The next coordinating meeting will be Wednesday, February 17th at City Hall. Supervisors Brockshus and Chalstrom will plan to attend. 10:00 a.m. The Official Canvass of the Special South Clay School Election held on February 2, 2010 was completed with the entire results on file in the Auditor’s Office. The Public Measure A was approved by the voters of the South Clay School District in Clay and Buena Vista Counties for the dissolution of the South Clay Community School District and its territory and assets and liabilities to be distributed to designated contiguous school districts effective July 1, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Tom Borror, Account Project Manager for The Baker’s Group of Des Moines spoke with the Board regarding the facility improvement master plan report and subsequent submission of an application to the State Energy Program for a geothermal well field to service the Administration Building. The Board recessed at 12:09 p.m. The Board reconvened at 1:10 p.m. Budget Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3:58 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting February 23, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. ___________________________________ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor _____________________________________ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors February 9, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Minutes from Meeting 12 held on February 23, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on February 23, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: Supervisors Matthews and Skow. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for February 23, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #11 held February 9, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed February 23, 2010. Ayes: Chalstrom, and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: Supervisor Brockshus. Resolution adopted. Amsterdam Printing & Litho Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Black Hills Energy Wyatt W Brinkley Canon Fin Services Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff DataSpan, Inc Disabled American Veterans Shirley M Goyette Helen's Comm Laundry Hy-Vee I S A C IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy IA Secretary of State IA Workforce Development INOA Inukshuk Technologies ISAC ISSDA Janitors Closet Johnston Automotive Ken Matthews Ken Corp Louise Ekerman Mail Services LLC Mar-Lin Business Supply Mastercard Menards - Spencer General Basic Fund VA envelopes union negotiations Bldg utilities Twp mileage Shrf copier contract Shrf gas January shrf fees DP shipping charges Clay County Van Share Recorder mileage Admn rugs and mops Jail misc supplies Bd litigation support Utilities water usage/assist shrf MMPI-2 testing VA notary dues Admn elevator inspection shrf membership Shrf/conv web annual maint Treas spring mtg registra Shrf civil school registr Bldg custodial exp Shrf delco battery Landlord Landlord Treas renewal printing Office supplies consv mtg exp Cthse elbows/pvc pipe Clay County Board of Supervisors February 23, 2010 1 135.13 1410.80 1580.00 3.50 465.00 2748.23 262.00 11.40 3525.00 21.00 117.72 42.62 500.00 1751.35 228.24 210.00 30.00 250.00 300.00 2400.00 110.00 345.00 169.28 109.94 220.00 520.00 502.86 42.46 180.06 19.71 Minolta Financial NACVSO Peterson Patriot Pictometry International Corp Presto X Company Ramada Hotel & Conv Ctr Curtis C Salton Southwest Coaches Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Credit Plan Paul D Swanson Thrifty White Stores U S Postmaster VanHofwegen-Munter Dentist Verizon VISA Walmart Business DHS copier VA meeting registration Pub bd mtgs Changefinder bldg pest control Consv mtg exp room Twp mileage Transportation PHN/meals/testing Shrf T-1 service Office supplies Office supplies Twp mileage Jail inmate medication DHS BRM/postage Jail inmate dental care Consv cell phone Auditor mtg exp - room Consv de-icers 71.43 300.00 533.10 3562.50 86.52 357.02 5.25 155.00 10833.73 353.54 410.21 371.25 6.30 29.98 229.46 200.00 246.08 56.00 73.85 General Supplemental Fund Clay Co Flex Plan/Medical Exp FY09-10 Flex allocation J&T Rentals Election equip storage Lexis Nexis Law Library charges Reliable Office Supplies Election mouse pads 4600.00 1000.00 1270.00 83.72 Blackhawk Co Community Service Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Eyerly Ball Community MHS Greer Law Office Hy-Vee LeMars Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center Sunshine Services Inc U S Postmaster Alpha Wireless Comm City of Spencer Don Pierson Ford Light & Siren Planning & Zoning Workshops Verizon VISA Spencer Bowl and Fun Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Bennett Radiator Company Black Hills Energy Boyer Trucks Crysteel Truck Equipment MH-DD Services Fund mh hearing sheriff fees CCMS for Jan2010 mhs-care attrny fees rx-meds mh adv.-care cm-cmh--care wa-care statecase postage Rural Services Basic Fund shrf new car install equi Rural service garbage/Jan Shrf 2-2010 Ford shrf lightbars/led lights Zoning mtg registration Consv cell phone Consv spinner anvil/reel/ 85.00 71.50 396.00 110.00 75.00 16.99 7.50 16501.80 16023.04 68.74 2194.54 11908.00 45174.00 3662.20 55.00 47.55 253.98 Sheriff Undercover Fund Sheriff DARE Fund DARE bowling 210.00 Secondary Road Fund WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Peterson PARTS Gas - Spencer PARTS PARTS 588.97 1319.17 520.00 5722.57 858.47 1710.37 Clay County Board of Supervisors February 23, 2010 2 Custom Welding & Repair FASTENAL Force America Inc Haala Industries Inc Holiday Inn DesMoines IA Lakes Regional Water Iowa Telecom Mar-Lin Business Supply HSBC Business Solutions NAPA Auto Parts New Sioux City Iron Co Qwest Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Star Equipment Ltd. Trans Iowa Equipment Triple R Inc Ziegler Inc #8 Repairs BOLTS PARTS 300 - 3/4"x6" Tie Rods Lodging Water - G.G. Telephone - Peterson Emply Record Files Tarp Strap PARTS PARTS Telephone - Royal Pre-Employment - Santage 6 - Random DOT Drug Tests Water & Sewer - Spencer Sign Truck Auger Parts Snow Blower Parts 50 - Plow Shoes #7 Transmission Parts 1157.51 31.31 1948.64 3940.00 199.36 43.76 82.48 13.35 22.67 69.64 499.61 8.25 323.00 180.00 672.08 285.16 7508.67 1827.00 49277.64 VISA Walmart Business Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv nat mtg exp Nat whisk 84.72 4.50 Bill Stevenson Const Black Hills Energy Presto X Company SWIFT AIR Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC snow removal GSC utilities GSC pest control GSC heating repairs 50.00 345.00 21.63 776.15 Clay Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Constance A Adams Ann L Baschke Kristi J Busse Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis John F Fogarty Francis D Lehman Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Eric W Tigges Casey J Timmer Randy J Van Kley Jeffrey M Wiemann Theresa E Wurth County Flex Plan ins prem medical medical ins prem daycare medical medical ins prem medical ins prem ins prem medical medical medical medical ins prem Emergency Medical Services CRP new/renewals EMS moving trailer EMS epipens CPR new/renewals EMS training Kate Stouffer Kim Kroger Mercy Family Pharmacies Robin Patrick Spencer Mun Hospital Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele E-911 Surcharge E911 tower rent E911 line access charges Clay County Board of Supervisors February 23, 2010 3 59.51 66.96 90.77 18.79 786.00 143.02 123.72 66.96 28.01 62.14 94.75 70.00 246.97 117.95 100.00 245.40 285.00 27.00 197.36 285.00 630.00 1649.00 154.30 Clay County Sheriff Evertek Qwest SMU Webb Wireless Staples Credit Plan Pictometry International Willson & Pechacek, PLC Del's Garden Center Canon Fin Services John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply Staples Credit Plan Grand Total K9 shed from shrf dept E911 transport E911 circuit charge E911 circuit charge E911 tower rent Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA calendar 1500.00 445.00 13.58 228.60 2160.00 22.99 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Assr image library licens Assr attorney fees 4772.91 154.00 Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund consv trees 539.80 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr copier contract Assr mileage Assr copier paper Assr sandisk - 4GB 187.90 35.00 70.00 21.98 235699.13 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the payment of drainage claim from Joint Drainage Ditch #61, payable to Clay County Secondary Roads for $144.00 dated February 23, 2010 for removal of beaver dams. Upon approval claim is to be sent to Emmet County for approval, then to Dickinson County for approval and payment. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve the payment of drainage claim from Joint Drainage Ditch #22 Lateral 299 with Buena Vista and Palo Alto Counties, payable to Clay County Secondary Roads for $199.00 dated February 23, 2010 for tile repairs. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the payment of drainage claim from Joint Drainage Ditch #14-42 Lateral 293W with Buena Vista County, payable to Clay County Secondary Roads for $383.00 dated February 23, 2010 for tile repairs. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom, to approve drainage expenditures dated February 23, 2010 totaling $5,514.00 for ditch and tile repairs payable to Clay County Secondary Roads from the following drainage ditches: D.D. #7 $174.00 by stamped warrant; D.D. #8 Lat. 4-38 $784.00 by stamped warrant; D.D. #12 $361.00 by stamped warrant; D.D. #23 $149.00 by stamped warrant; D.D. #48 $1,497.00 by stamped warrant; D.D. #98 $176.00 by stamped warrant; D.D. #11 $227.00; D.D. #28 Lat. 161 228.00; D.D. #30 $982.00; D.D. # 40 $184.00; D.D. #65 $158.00; D.D. #105 $154.00; D.D. #112 $440.00. Upon Clay County Board approval, the county auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims as allowed on February 23, 2010. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Chalstrom updated the Board on his meeting with the NW Ia Youth Emergency Services Center (YES Ctr) relating to pending legislation and a potential transportation vehicle. Clay County Board of Supervisors February 23, 2010 4 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to certify the February 2, 2010 Special School Election cost to be invoiced to South Clay Schools for total of $1,002.23. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept Grade Crossing Surface Repair Agreements between DM&E Railroad, Iowa Department of Transportation and Clay County for the following crossings: 260th Avenue, 270th Avenue, 300th Avenue and 320th Avenue and authorized the Chairperson to sign the agreements. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to set March 23, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m. as Letting Date for the following projects: culvert projects L-7611C-1 and L-7611C-2, seal coat projects L-6809SC-1 and L-7809SC-2 and bridge deck overlay projects L-5811DO-1 and L-6611DO-2. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to authorize Chairperson to sign letter of support to the Iowa Department of Transportation regarding speed limit study on a portion of Highway 18 passing through Section 17 and 20 of Sioux Township (T96N R36W of the 5th PM) that may result in reducing the speed limit on this section of highway. Motion carried. Zoning, Environmental Health, Safety and EMS Coordinator Tammy McKeever gave the Board updates relating to environmental health topics of the Grants to Counties program; LEAD Program education for construction contractors having to be lead certified; the progress of the Gillett Grove septic and sanitary sewer project; the 2010 Pumper Inspection Program with surrounding counties; and the status of inspections for tattoo businesses and swimming pools. McKeever informed the Board of being awarded a Regional Health Care Grant of $5000 to write policies and procedures and of a class being offered for Healthy Home Credentials Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve and authorize chairperson to sign FY 2011 Community Mental Health Center Affiliation form for the Iowa Department of Human Services. Motion carried. County Auditor Marjorie Pitts spoke with the Board regarding the 2010 Census project meetings with the City of Spencer indicating times and content of the public service announcements planned for early March. Pitts shared the progress of the various Geo-thermal Grants and Appropriations that are being applied for relating to a proposed installation of geo-thermal wells at the Administration Building location. Updates to the content on various pages of the Clay County website was also discussed. Pitts gave an overview of the published FY11 budget summary notice showing comparisons and trends. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting March 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors February 23, 2010 5 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 13 held on March 2, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on March 2, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda as amended to include the appointment of a county public information officer for Sprint 2010 potential flooding emergencies for March 2, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom,.seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #12 held February 23, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. The Board discussed the Iowa Office of Energy Independence application for an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant for the Administration Building geothermal project funding. This application has been a joint effort of the Board of Supervisors, The Baker Group facility managers, and Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Council. The Corridor of Opportunity is taking the lead on placing applications for the 2011 Appropriations from Senator Grassley and Senator Harkin due the first week of March, 2010. Supervisor Brockshus spoke with the Board regarding the Community Betterment Task Force that he serves on focusing on retail economic development. This task force is planning to participate in a conference in Las Vegas in May 2010 to promote our communities with businesses and restaurants that would develop in our area. Brockshus requested the Board to consider assisting this task force with funding for registration and retail brochures. Supervisor Skow made a motion that was seconded by Supervisor Matthews to contribute $1000.00 from the Local Option - Any Lawful Use fund but then discussion lead Supervisor Skow to withdraw his motion until the next regular Board meeting on March 9, 2010 when further specific information will be available. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve quote #2126 from Steffen Furniture, 420 N. Grand Avenue, Spencer, IA in the amount of $694.71 for the replacement of a 188” wide track for vertical blinds in the County Recorder’s office from the Hunter Douglas Vertical Solutions Company. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the 28E Agreement between Clay County Board of Supervisors as trustees for Clay County Drainage Districts #8 and the Division of Soil Conservation, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the purpose of conveying financial assistance to achieve water quality benefits as a pilot project for the Integrated Drainage and Wetland Landscape Systems Initiative being administered by the Division and enabling money to be transferred to the District. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors March 2, 2010 1 Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the 28E Agreement between Clay County Board of Supervisors as trustees for Clay County Drainage Districts #24 and #25 and the Division of Soil Conservation, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the purpose of conveying financial assistance to achieve water quality benefits as a pilot project for the Integrated Drainage and Wetland Landscape Systems Initiative being administered by the Division and enabling money to be transferred to the District. Motion carried. Supervisor Swanson discussed training opportunities for county departments relating to human resource management. The agenda for the next Board meeting on March 9, 2010 will have an informational presentation by Jack Walsh from Dickinson County. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to appoint Emergency Management Director Eric Tigges as the County Public Information Officer (PIO) and Supervisor Linda Swanson as alternate PIO for the Spring 2010 pending flood emergencies. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting March 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors March 2, 2010 2 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 14 held on March 9, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on March 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for March 9, 2010 be received as amended to include a 10:00 a.m. closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 21.5(1)(g) and to authorize the Chairperson to sign a letter of support for the Visual Arts Festival and then be placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting # 13 held March 2, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed March 9, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Alisha Rodriquez Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Atlas Barnes Distribution Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Ben Meadows Co Black Hills Energy Boji Information Bomgaars Bud's Service Canon Fin Services Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Leland W Chamberlain Christians Sheet Mtl Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Clay County Fair Assn Coffman's Locksmith Copytec Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The Davis Typewriter Co Inc Des Moines Marriott Downtown Diamond Vogel Paints Dianne Eldridge General Basic Fund interpreter Shrf remove veh equipment shrf air filter Rec stamp Consv zinc caps Union negotations Consv trfc sign/wind mtr Consv utilities Treas toner ink cartrdg Consv misc/bldg misc Shrf oil change Admn copier contract Shrf uniforms Twp mileage Consv vhac serv/ptac unit Dept Feb gas Shrf fees Consv parking stalls Bldg locks Adm bldg blueprint Consv copier lease contra Cthse light bulbs Pub bd mtgs 7-11 DHS monthly lease payment Treas mtg exp - room Buildings Landlord Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 1 15.00 200.75 23.50 19.90 34.61 3314.00 842.29 79.00 160.10 252.28 331.80 406.45 1526.18 11.55 330.41 2819.32 448.00 74.00 146.90 187.00 259.94 185.76 406.80 176.68 244.16 16.78 216.66 Dist III IACCB ESRI Eva Christiansen, Ph D PC Evertek Farm & Home Publishers FASTENAL Galen's Pro-Mow Galls an Aramark Company Green Plains Grain Co LLC Greer Law Office GW "Pete" Howe Sanitation H & N Chevrolet Buick Hartley Sentinel Charles W Huberg Hy-Vee IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy IA Natural Heritage Fndation IA Public Health Association ISACA J&T Rentals Jean A Jackson Janitors Closet Johnston Automotive Ken Matthews Ken Corp Knight Protection, Inc Merlyn R Kriens Randy Krukow Roger H Kruse Kenneth W Lawrence Kevin D Maassen Mar-Lin Business Supply Marriott West Des Moines Tammy R McKeever Menards - Spencer News, Bell, Times, Patriot Northwest Glass Co Inc Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Pitney Bowes Pocahontas Co Sheriff QuarterMaster Quill Reliable Office Supplies Travis J Riley Alice A Roghair Setina Mfg Co, Inc Sidwell Company, The Solutions, Inc Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Family Care SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples SUNTRAC Services, Inc SWIFT AIR Town & Country US Cellular Consv registration GIS ArcVw/Gis/Info maint Medical & Health Services Consv internet/cable Schr Magazines,Period.& Books Consv ratchet susp Consv bar 18" Minor Mv Parts & Access propane partial fill attrny fees Buildings Minor Mv Parts & Access Pub bd mtgs 6-11 Twp mileage rx-medication Consv utilities Medical & Health Services Consv membership Pub Hlth registration Aud 2009 dues VA rent assistance Twp mileage Adm custl supplies Shrf battery rent landlord Admn system monitoring Twp mileage Postage & Mailing Twp mileage Twp mileage Consv meal reimb Rec book ends Shrf mtg exp room Env hlth mtg expense Adm batteries Pub bd mtgs 6-11 Consv LHV10 passage lock DP copies Office Supplies Treas postage shrf fees Wearing Apparel & Uniform DP paper Paper Consv meal reimb Twp mileage Minor Mv Parts & Access DP sftware support maint DP Kodak warranty renewal Maint truck battery ME charges GSC utilities Aud calc tape DHS paper/labels/mon wipe Env hlth leak test kit Adm AHU/air comp tank Consv garbage Adm cell phone Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 2 90.00 9300.00 187.50 129.13 70.20 15.60 41.95 198.98 360.88 150.00 120.00 8.95 601.43 4.90 1193.57 43.76 100.00 250.00 130.00 175.00 220.00 33.25 276.86 99.94 207.50 300.00 5.60 18.39 19.60 5.60 8.57 8.92 265.44 32.36 359.00 554.27 57.00 58.26 146.96 1600.00 16.50 126.49 128.49 142.36 7.50 4.90 1163.92 2500.00 4943.39 85.95 250.00 5831.26 563.46 72.53 25.00 953.36 39.59 604.70 Vytech Signs & Designs Warner Funeral Home Xerox Corporation Zee Medical Service Co Zenor & Houchins, PC Consv tripod bannr stand Facility use Rec copier base charge Adm 1st aid supplies Atty monthly exp NW IA Youth Emergency Pitney Bowes SMU Youth & Family Resource Serv General Supplemental Fund detention Elect postage Elect phone/long distance Detention Fareway Stores Inc Juvenile Drug Court Fund Drug court meal Cherokee County Sheriff Clay County Sheriff Echo Plus Honohan Epley Braddock Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC Hy-Vee Kathleen's Care Inc Mental Health Ctr of North IA Nishna Productions Inc Palo Alto County Sheriff Seasons Center Solutions, Inc US Cellular Village NW Unlimited MH-DD Services Fund sheriff fees sheriff fees wa-care attrny fees wa-care wa--care rx-care rcf-care medck-care wa-care sheriff fees MHS for March2010 labor cell phn chrgs wa-care Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf installation of equi IRVM jacket IRVM fuel IRVM bar 18" IRVM Dist III mtg reg Zon postage Zon wkshop registration RS phone/long distance Alpha Wireless Comm Bomgaars Clay Co Sec Road Fund Galen's Pro-Mow Marc E Gustafson Pitney Bowes Planning & Zoning Workshops SMU Tee's Plus Sheriff DARE Fund DARE plush lion Clay County Fair Assn Local Option - Fair Contrib.-Other Gov.&Organ A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Arnold Motor Supply Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Buena Vista Co Treasurer City of Everly Secondary Road Fund Uniforms WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Dickens PARTS Telephone - G.G. Gas - Royal BUILDINGS Farm Taxes 0111300001 Gas - Everly Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 3 138.27 1400.00 266.10 56.02 8557.41 7200.00 200.00 1.77 186.60 40.99 19.00 165.00 4113.25 180.00 2194.98 643.94 13.00 624.00 119.00 708.96 69.50 18420.73 20.13 17.42 1668.80 2136.55 52.28 69.07 41.95 10.00 50.00 165.00 6.28 45.00 21628.45 166.96 37.68 266.46 782.52 25.23 627.51 406.15 584.00 657.50 City of Royal Clay County Treasurer Crescent Electric Supply Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. Janet Derdall Dyno Oil Co Inc Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co FASTENAL Larry Flaharty Fox International Inc. David P Glienke Graham Tire Co Green Plains Grain Co LLC Louis A Halder Interstate Batteries Johnston Automotive Lawson Products Inc Michael Todd & Co Mid-Iowa Sales Co. NAPA Auto Parts New Sioux City Iron Co Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Premier Communications Reds Radiator Repair Royal Telephone Co Safety-Kleen Systems Doug & Pat Sorenson Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer International SMU St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test Steier Living Trust Town & Country US Cellular Zalaznik Equipment Corp Zep Manufacturing Co Ziegler Inc Water & Sewer - Royal Farm Taxes 943603100005 Service Pit PARTS ROW Easement L-7611C-1 OIL Telephone - Everly Di-Icing Salt - 52.6 Ton BOLTS Tenant Agree L-7611C-1 FILTERS Reimb for Safety Boots Service Gas - Webb Clothing Allowance BATTERIES PARTS BOLTS 34 - Class 2 Safety Vests SUNDRY PARTS BOLTS Service Internet - Spencer Postage Telephone - Webb #207 Radiator Telephone - Royal Parts Washer ROW Easement L-7611C-2 PARTS PARTS Telephone - ENG Office 5 - DOT Drug Tests ROW Easement L-7611C-1 Garbage - Dickens Cell Phones - ENG PARTS SUNDRY PARTS 26.00 1599.00 12.66 100.96 228.50 2608.10 74.66 2761.51 116.37 25.00 184.13 50.00 276.50 44344.21 26.31 53.12 45.28 76.31 802.47 194.64 62.25 302.68 584.91 34.95 100.00 67.45 882.15 22.50 422.98 470.00 2867.64 34.20 66.74 180.00 228.50 15.95 183.60 771.41 201.63 14171.63 Acorn Naturalists Clay Co Sec Road Fund Menards - Spencer Stacie L Young Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv animal tube/mold/mo Consv-Natl fuel Consv claw hammer Consv pants 22.90 25.55 5.98 84.50 Janitors Closet Menards - Spencer US Cellular Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC custl supplies GSC batteries GSC cell phone Constance A Adams Audrey Coffman Sandra S Geidl Tammy R McKeever Glenn I Rouse Clay flex Flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan medical medical medical daycare medical Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 4 163.87 4.48 27.56 40.00 66.74 397.49 300.00 280.00 Eric W Tigges Casey J Timmer Bomgaars Channing Bette Company Pitney Bowes Flex medical Flex daycare Emergency Medical Services EMS key EMS 1st aid DVD EMS postage IA Great Lakes City of Spirit Lake Police Dep Shrf IGLD Clay County Sheriff Shrf IGLD O'Brien County Sheriff Shrf IGLD Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications Qwest Terril Telephone Coop Clay Co Sec Road Fund Daily Reporter, The SMU Verizon Clay Co Clerk of Dist Ct John C Lawson Boji Information Heidi L Chapman Daily Reporter, The Dave Yungbluth Gary Klett Hartley Sentinel Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Lory Krummen Marlin Voss Mindy Sylvestor NCRAAO News, Bell, Times, Patriot Pam Virelli Scott Brown SMU Verizon Verland 'Bud' Meyer Grand Total 120.00 453.03 Drug Task Task Task Task Force Force OT Force OT Force OT E-911 Surcharge E911 line access charges E911 line access charges E911 line access charge E911 phone service E911 line access charges 1.49 99.95 50.00 679.47 238.14 726.00 41.69 180.00 570.04 565.17 9.17 Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA gas EMA pub of budget EMA phone/long distance EMA cell phone charges 77.26 38.16 9.47 159.61 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Assr court costs Assr mileage - prop inspe 140.00 169.05 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Office Supplies Employee Travel Expenses Official Pub.& Legal Not. Asr mileage Asr mileage Official Pub.& Legal Not. Assr mtg expense - romm Asr mileage Asr mileage Asr mileage Asr registration Official Pub.& Legal Not. Asr mileage Asr mileage Asr phone/long distance Assr cell phone charge Asr mileage 346.50 176.37 50.88 16.80 24.50 69.35 501.10 14.00 9.80 14.70 335.00 66.71 16.10 31.50 7.95 51.05 7.00 205185.03 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Letter of Support for the Visual Arts Festival. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus reported on the move of Compass Pointe to the Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 5 Spencer Activity Center. Supervisor Chalstrom reported on the Third Judicial meeting he attended. Supervisor Skow reported on the Empowerment meeting that he attended. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to authorize Supervisor Skow to attend the 2010 Global Retail Real Estate Convention from May 23-25, 2010 and authorize travel expenses. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to appoint Pamela Virelli, 203 King Ave, Royal, Iowa under “City owners” category.on the Commission to Assess Damages pursuant to Section 6B.4 of the Iowa Code for the year 2010 to supplement the list reappointed at the January 4, 2010 meeting. Motion carried. It was moved by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-06 Appoint County Deputies for Sheriff BE IT RESOLVED, that Joshua Carris and Jason Ellison be appointed deputies for the County Sheriff effective March 9, 2010. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa this 9th day of March 2010 and the vote there on being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor The Chairperson Swanson and Clay County Sheriff Randy Krukow conducted the Oath of Office for the new Sheriff’s Deputies- Joshua Carris and Jason Ellison. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize Chairperson and County Sheriff to sign Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Agreement to provide for the training of Joshua Marcus Carris and Jason Scott Ellison as a Sheriff Deputies. Employees’ employment is subject to Civil Service Code as set forth in Iowa Code Chapter 341A. The Academy is scheduled to begin April 19, 2010. Motion carried. 9:30 a.m. The Board met with John (Jack) Walsh of Human Resource Solutions, 614 Lake, Spirit Lake, IA. Walsh spoke with the Board regarding management development training customized to Clay County policies and held on site. Goals include help with leadership positions, improved employee relations, support to Clay County department heads and supervisors that encourage professional growth and learning. Consensus of the Board was to conduct a needs assessment from county departments prior to considering a Letter of Agreement with Human Resource Solutions. Estimated training costs for eight hours at $2000.00 Moved by Matthews, seconded by Skow to enter into closed session at 10:15 a.m. pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 21.5(1)(g) for the purpose of avoiding disclosure of specific law enforcement matters, such as current or proposed investigations, inspection or auditing techniques or schedules, which if disclosed Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 6 would enable law violators to avoid detection. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Moved by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to exit the Closed Session at 10:36 a.m. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Moved by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve certificate of adjustment #2155 on Rect. #15348, Fiscal Year 2008-2008, Payable Year 2009-2010 on parcel #640-963607361001 on property described as S 10’ 5 & 6, ALL 7-9 W 13 1/2’ 10 24 1ST RY & 16’ ALLEY to N 24 1st RY ADD “PART BEING ASSESSED TO VOCATIONAL REHAB, SPENCER, INC, CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, in the amount of $204.00. Reason being: Court order – property is exempt. Motion carried. Moved by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve certificate of adjustment #2156 on Rect. #15349, Fiscal Year 2008-2008, Payable Year 2009-2010 on parcel #640-963607361002 on property described as S 10’ 5 & 6, ALL 7-9 W 13 1/2’ 10 24 1ST RY & 16’ ALLEY to N 24 1st RY ADD “PART BEING ASSESSED TO WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, SPENCER, INC, CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, in the amount of $2136.00. Reason being: Court order – property is exempt. Motion carried. Moved by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve certificate of adjustment #2157 on Rect. #15350, Fiscal year 2008-2008, payable year 2009-2010 on parcel #640-963607361003 on property described as S 10’ 5 & 6, ALL 7-9 W 13 1/2’ 10 24 1ST RY & 16’ ALLEY to N 24 1st RY ADD “PART BEING ASSESSED TO NW IA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, SPENCER, INC, CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, in the amount of $1220.00. Reason being: Court order – property is exempt. Motion carried. Moved by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve Renewal License Application #BB0018578 for Class B Beer Permit pending dram shop certification presented by legal owner: Gary Sanderson, 3299 335th Ave, Ruthven, IA doing business as Lost Island Store & Cafe, 3299 335th Avenue, Ruthven, IA 51358. The permit will be valid for twelve (12) months expiring March 31, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the Underground Construction Permit for Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative to place electrical line in Clay County Secondary Roads right-of-way by boring under 330th Street and along west side of 160th Avenue, Section 1, Lone Tree TWP. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the Underground Construction Permit for Webb-Dickens Telephone to place fiber optic cable in Clay County Secondary Roads right-of-way along 280th Avenue, from 3rd Street, Dickens south 680’ then boring under 280th Avenue, Section 13, Sioux TWP & Section 18, Freeman TWP. Motion carried. The Board met with the Clay County EMA Coordinator Eric Tigges regarding the creation of a Clay County Facebook page. It was the consensus of the Board to authorize Tigges to move forward with the necessary steps and processes to establish a Clay County Facebook page. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:03 p.m. convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting March 12, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 15 held on March 12, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on March 12, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for March 12, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. 10:00 a.m. This being the time and place for the hearing upon the budget estimate for fiscal year 2011. There was present a quorum as required by law. Thereupon the board investigated and found that the notices of the time and place of hearing have, according to law and as directed by the Board, been published on March 2, 2010 in the Spencer Daily Reporter and February 25, 2010 in the Everly-Royal News and the Peterson Patriot, official newspapers, in said county, and the affidavits of said publications are on file with the Clay County Auditor. Finding that there were (neither written nor oral objections) and after due consideration and discussion Supervisor Matthews made motion, seconded by Supervisor Brockshus to adopt the budget as published. The vote upon final adoption of the budget was as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. The County Auditor was thereupon directed to properly certify the budget as adopted and file as required by law. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept the recommendations of the Clay County Compensation Board, resulting in the following salaries for the elected officials of the county for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011: Sheriff $64,575; Attorney $51,250; Auditor $51,250; Recorder $51,250; Treasurer $51,250; and Board of Supervisors $24,600. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:06 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting March 23, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors March 12, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 16 held on March 23, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on March 23, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for March 23, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the minutes of the Board Meeting #14 held March 9, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #15 held March 12, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. The Board spoke with Dr Forslund representing the faith based Spencer Dream Center group that is committed to community betterment. The Spencer Dream Center has acquired The Hotel in Spencer and plan to utilize the structure for youth activities, potential coffee house and restaurant, offices, and a health care clinic. Dr. Forslund will continue to update the Board of Supervisors as progress continues on the project. Sheriff Randy Krukow discussed with the Board the merit of a Social Host and Underage Consumption Ordinance. Twenty counties in Iowa currently have such an ordinance. It was the consensus of the Board to begin the process of publications and public readings to implement the proposed ordinance. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed March 23, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. American Jail Association Arts on Grand Atlas Roger J Baschke Steven D Berends Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Rodney G Boernsen Boji Information Bomgaars CCDA-County Consv Directors City of Spencer Compass Pointe General Basic Fund Shrf membership dues FY10 allocation Recorder stamp Twp mileage Twp mileage rent-landlord Bldg utilities Twp mileage Treas toner cart Shrf safety glasses Consv assoc dues Shrf comm ctr salary exp 3rd qtr allocation FY2010 Clay County Board of Supervisors March 23, 2010 1 48.00 1000.00 19.90 18.20 8.40 220.00 1566.00 1.05 160.10 11.57 25.00 27620.23 3908.00 Crescent Electric Supply Diamond Vogel Paints Farm & Home Publishers Fire Proof Plus, Inc Dana J Galm Sandra S Geidl John W Goeken John W Gross GW "Pete" Howe Sanitation Michael J Houchins Hy-Vee IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water ISAC Jean A Jackson Janitors Closet LeRoy E Spears Light & Siren Mail Services LLC Mastercard Menards - Spencer Marilyn J Meyer Minolta Financial Svcs NW Aging Association Perkins Office Solutions Pitney Bowes Presto X Company QuarterMaster R C & D R.S.V.P. RadioShack Your Phone Co Ronald Peterson Schoeneman Bros Shield Technology Corp Sioux Sales Co SoftChoice Corporation Solutions, Inc Spencer Family Care Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies SWIFT AIR The Toner Place Thrifty White Stores Upper DesMoines US Cellular U S Postmaster Verizon VISA Walmart Business Zee Medical Service Co Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency Clay County Sheriff Employee Benefit Systems J&T Rentals Lexis Nexis Cthse fluorscent lights CCSO primer/tape Shrf plat books Cthse fire extinguisher Twp mileage Treas mileage Twp mileage Twp mileage Jail line cleaning Aty mileage Med/supplies/wellness Consv utilities utility asst Mtg registration Twp mileage Custodial supplies VA transportation Shrf LED 3 lght/housing Treas renewals Consv fuel/mtg exp Jail emerg lght Twp mileage DHS copier 3rd qtr FY2010 allocation DHS folders DHS mail system Bldg pest contrl Shrf sweater FY10 allocation transportation Shrf batteries VA transportation CCSO Oak jamb/casings Shrf SWCAD/SWRMS upgrade Shrf holsters/belts DP sftwr license GIS serv DP symantec backup exec Shrf exam/lab PHN/meals Shrf T1 service Aud tape Adm maint agrmnt DHS kyocera/brother DHS glove/baggies FY10 allocation 3rd qtr DHS cell phones Shrf stamps Consv cell phone San fuel Consv glue Shrf 1st aid supplies General Supplemental Fund EMA allocation Shrf transport Cobra billings Elect equip storage Law Lib online chrges Clay County Board of Supervisors March 23, 2010 2 515.60 183.85 93.30 146.63 25.20 21.00 4.20 7.00 745.00 273.00 212.64 517.48 87.52 275.00 15.05 380.90 82.95 215.80 493.77 89.80 105.98 10.50 67.43 2495.25 63.08 1103.31 86.52 37.37 2000.00 32.64 20.00 29.40 531.16 800.00 130.30 12075.41 9750.33 699.00 11412.43 353.54 882.13 682.00 102.00 8.98 5225.00 272.89 176.00 277.92 186.74 11.54 58.55 7129.00 426.50 270.60 1000.00 1270.00 NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Youth & Family Resource Serv detention MH-DD Services Fund sheriff fees ccms for 2/10 mhs-indthrpy rx-meds icf-res-care wa-care mh adv-mileage cm-bi--care office suppl wa-care rcf-care 72.00 378.00 220.00 16.99 54142.89 233.55 8.00 16683.46 23.55 17271.37 6587.56 Rural Services Basic Fund RS garbage service RS reg/membership RS wkshop registration Consv mtg exp/room chrg IRVM cell phone 5954.00 75.00 55.00 112.00 47.55 Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Eyerly Ball Community MHS Hy-Vee LeMars IA Dept of Human Services Life Skills Training Ctr Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group City of Spencer CoZO % Kay Mocha Planning & Zoning Workshops Quality Inn & Suites Verizon AECOM Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Barnes Distribution Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Black Hills Energy Boyer Trucks Carroll Dist & Const Supply Corn Belt Manufacturing Inc Crysteel Truck Equipment Don Pierson Ford FASTENAL Holiday Inn IA Dept Natural Resources IA Lakes Regional Water IA Dept of Trans Iowa Telecom Kruse, Cate & Nelson Mar-Lin Business Supply HSBC Business Solutions Office Systems Company Qwest Reedsburg Hardware Co Snap On Tools Spencer Mun Hospital SMU St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test State Steel Supply Co. Trans Iowa Equipment US Cellular Walmart Business 2100.00 1259.55 Secondary Road Fund NEPA Services HDP(116) WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Peterson PARTS Sikora - Supreme Court Gas - Spencer PARTS Wire 2010 Belly Dump #416 PARTS 2010 Ford F150SC 4x4 #101 PARTS Lodging - Asphalt Conf SWP - B24 Shoulders Water - G.G. 50 - 8' Grader Blades Telephone - Peterson Industrial Park -Lump Sum OFFICE EXPENSE 10 - 1x4x12 Mailbox Posts Color Copy Costs Telephone - Royal Tire Chains TOOLS 2 - DOT Drug Tests Electric - Spencer Annual DATA Membership PARTS PARTS Data Phone Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv misc Clay County Board of Supervisors March 23, 2010 3 1017.50 13.72 851.22 580.02 623.00 4393.37 1249.13 67.11 47912.00 1873.63 26792.00 2906.38 194.88 175.00 79.76 4992.00 74.23 20520.00 62.80 669.25 72.48 7.80 6135.80 7.96 60.00 661.59 100.00 313.71 151.38 63.81 26.41 Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC snow removal GSC utilities GSC fire ext ins GSC filtervacs GSC pest contrl GSC maint agrmnt Bill Stevenson Const, Inc Black Hills Energy Fire Proof Plus, Inc Janitors Closet Presto X Company SWIFT AIR Clay flex Flex flex Flex Flex flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Constance A Adams Edward D Campbell Kenneth L Chalstrom Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis Daniel J Heissel Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Glenn I Rouse Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Linda K Swanson Casey J Timmer Sheila A Weeks Theresa E Wurth Emergency Medical Services EMS printer/supplies Staples Credit Plan City of Spencer City of Spirit Lake Police Clay County Sheriff O'Brien County Sheriff Osceola Co Sheriff IA Great Lakes IGLD task IGLD task IGLD task IGLD task IGLD task Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Daily Reporter Evertek Northwest Communications Qwest SMU Alpha Wireless Comm Clay County Fair Assn Spirit Lake City Hall Canon Fin Services John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply NADA Appraisal Guides NW District Assessor Assoc Office Systems Company Grand Total County Flex Plan ins prem medical medical ins prem medical medical ins prem daycare ins prem daycare ins prem medical daycare medical ins prem 220.00 345.00 48.87 165.85 21.63 747.60 130.91 516.00 197.99 18.79 90.00 144.59 299.14 109.62 62.14 812.98 94.75 544.00 200.00 120.60 245.40 216.95 Drug Task Force force OT Jan. 1 force OT Januar force OT Januar force OT Januar force OT Januar 655.02 277.45 885.37 539.50 488.16 E-911 Surcharge E911 channel term/mileage E911 pub FY10 budget E911 phone serv E911 dispatch station ser E911 phone service E911 circuit chrg 154.30 38.16 445.00 125.00 13.58 228.60 Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA program radios/batter EMA parking/electricity EMA sandbags - 5,000 1974.98 74.00 800.00 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr copier Asr mileage Asr stapl/refills/ribbon/ Asr housing guide Asr class Asr copies Clay County Board of Supervisors March 23, 2010 4 187.90 405.32 22.18 136.00 250.00 328.87 340046.25 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus and Skow had nothing to report. Supervisor Matthews shared an update from the Upper Des Moines Opportunity finance committee and executive board meetings. Supervisor Chalstrom reported on the Youth Emergency Services Center meeting and potential changes to area Department of Human Services locations. Supervisor Swanson updated on the Northwest Iowa Planning & Development Council meeting that discussed zoning consultation services. 10:00 a.m. The Board and County Engineer conducted the advertised Secondary Roads Bid Letting for a box culvert project, a seal coat project, and a bridge deck project. Results of the bid letting will be announced at the next regular Board of Supervisors meeting held on Tuesday, April 6, 2010. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve the 2011 Fiscal Year Iowa Department of Transportation Secondary Roads Budget and the 5-Year Construction Program as presented by the County Engineer and authorized the Chairperson and County Auditor to sign the budget and construction programs. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve Underground Construction Permit for Iowa Telecommunication Services to place communication cable in Clay County Secondary Roads right-of-way by boring under B53 or 440th Street, Sections 30 & 31, Clay TWP as set out in their Application number 03-10 filed with the Clay County Engineers Office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept the proposed changes to Secondary Roads Driveway and Entrance Policy. Motion carried. 10:30 a.m. The Board met with Dean Pfeil, President and General Manager of EDA, Inc, Sioux Center, IA regarding a proposal for a mechanical and electrical study for the heating and cooling system at the Clay County Administration Building. EDA Inc would be available to conduct a study in May, 2010. No board action taken. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve Employee Payroll Request from the Sheriff’s department for Joshua Carris for full time status at an hourly rate of $ 21.54 per hour effective March 9, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve Employee Payroll Request from the Sheriff’s department for Jason Ellison for full time status at an hourly rate of $ 21.54 per hour effective March 9, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the Off-Premise Renewal License Application #BC0027940 for Class C Beer Permit and Sunday Sales Privilege presented by legal owners: John and Denise Gochenouer, 1217 E. Lyon St., Marshall, MN 56258 doing business as Lost Island Resort, 3286 335th Avenue, Ruthven, IA 51358. The permit will be valid for twelve (12) months expiring March 31, 2011. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors March 23, 2010 5 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to authorize Chairperson to sign the Management Development Training agreement with Human Resource Solutions of Spirit Lake for eight (8) hours of training with prior clearance of his class content and schedule at a cost of $2,000. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve proposal from Pitney Bowes for a Coverbind 5000 Document Binding System at a cost of $1,611 with no Service Level Agreement beyond the equipment warranty. Motion carried. The Board met with Kim Wilson, Clay County Central Point Coordinator pointing out the timeline for a review of the Warner Funeral Home contract. There was also discussion on the employee handbook progress and submitted state bills. Wilson spoke her view point on Season’s Center contracts and policy changes relating to rates and procedures. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve the proposal #469 for carpet replacement in the County Sheriff Administration Building from Speidel Flooring, 901 11th St SW, Spencer, IA in an amount not to exceed $4,635.19 for 199 square yards of Mohawk carpet tile. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the proposal #2163 for carpet replacement in the Central Point Coordinator office at the Clay County Courthouse with carpet wall base and a carpet allowance in the better quality commercial carpet tile range not to exceed $3,996.00. Motion carried. The Chair person adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting April 6, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors March 23, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 17 held on April 6, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on April 6, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Guests: Mary Sloan The Board was led by Chairperson Swanson in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda be amended for April 6 , 2010 to include the closing of B24 or 350th St from 200th Ave west to 180th Ave for widening of shoulders and then be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #16 held March 23, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Supervisor Skow left the meeting at 8:43 a.m. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed April 6, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Advanced Systems Arnold Motor Supply Atlas Stamp & Seal Co Ben Meadows Co Black Hills Energy Bob Barker Company Inc Bomgaars Broken Arrow Bud's Service Canon Fin Services Joshua M Carris CDW Government, Inc Clay Co Extension Service Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Converged Technologies Counsel Office & Document Country Inns & Suites Davis Typewriter Co Inc Diamond Vogel Paints Don Pierson Ford Jason S Ellison Evertek General Basic Fund DP/GIS plotter paper Consv blade Rec stamp Consv hydration pck Consv utilities Shrf shirts/trousers Consv swivel casters ILEA training clothing Shrf tires mount Admn copier contract Shrf mtg exp/meal Atty computer Consv applicator reg Consv fuel Shrf fees DHS phone system program Consv copier contract Shrf lodging DHS copier contract CCSO paint/scraper Shrf bumpers repair & rep Shrf mtg exp/meal Consv internet/cable Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 1 274.34 18.34 19.90 179.10 79.00 165.26 105.94 162.90 363.60 871.45 9.14 1279.35 135.00 518.27 431.50 84.00 365.19 571.20 176.68 226.32 1875.13 10.15 129.13 Farm & Home Publishers Forestry Suppliers Galen's Pro-Mow Sandra S Geidl Graham Tire Co H & N Chevrolet Hartley Sentinel HD Supply Headsets.com Daniel J Heissel IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Iowa Corrections Association IPCA Janitors Closet KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Kyle Long Kevin D Maassen Mar-Lin Business Supply Burlin H Matthews Maxwell Food Equipment Menards - Spencer Midwest Technology Services New Sioux City Iron Co News, Bell, Times, Patriot Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Marjorie A Pitts Polk County Treasurer Ryan and Becky Moran Schoeneman Bros Solutions, Inc Southern Archery SPAN Publishing Speed Printers Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Steffen Furniture Treat America c/o ILEA U S Postal Service US Cellular U S Postmaster Walmart Business Walter Stephens Jr Inc Warner Funeral Home Theresa E Wurth Plat books - 9 Consv burn supplies Consv small handtool Treas mtg exp - meals Consv tire repair Shrf wheel alignment Pub bd mtg 12-15 CCSO bldg supplies DP wireless headset syste Consv mtg exp/meals utility asst Consv utilities ILEA training manuals Jai mtg registration Shrf LECC Conf registrati Consv custl supplies Env hlth shipping sheriff misc service Consv fasteners Treas sharpies/highlighte Bd mtg exp - room & meals Shrf handi-kup CCSO countertop/misc Shrf ext/vm box/routing Consv chuck key Pub bd mtgs 12-15 Shrf remote support Consv weather enclosure DP/GIS color copies DHS post it notes Aud mtg exp -meals/room/p ME charges landlord CCSO jnt cmpnd/brush Shrf computer clean up Consv binoculars Shrf 2010 Natl Directry Shrf ID & business cards Consv mini lamp med expns Shrf gloves Bldg utilities Aud labels & ink cartridg Consv prp Rec window coverings ILEA training meals DHS postage for meter Cell phones postage DHS misc Shrf personal care suppli burial assist GIS/DP mtg meals General Supplemental Fund Clay County Sheriff Shrf trans fees NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr Detention Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 2 270.45 586.99 48.01 54.45 52.00 62.95 420.60 107.88 395.88 20.05 224.24 87.52 863.00 100.00 85.00 65.88 7.40 30.00 4.48 49.36 505.70 20.56 767.67 112.50 353.07 437.71 25.00 1398.00 1107.68 25.60 305.18 150.00 220.00 74.31 8782.53 187.00 152.10 68.00 7.32 437.53 2158.40 4332.79 179.47 101.50 694.71 1949.50 1000.00 597.91 26.40 30.35 321.75 2400.00 57.85 522.00 2250.00 Berryhill Center Clay County Sheriff Echo Plus Greer Law Office Hy-Vee IA Dept of Human Services Plains Area Mental Health Ctr Seasons Center Spencer Mun Hospital Spencer Office Supplies US Cellular U S Postmaster Clay Co Sec Road Fund Don Pierson Ford Forestry Suppliers Inc Galen's Pro-Mow Mobile Spray Systems Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU A-Line Crushing Service Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Catco Parts & Service City of Royal City of Spencer City of Webb Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co FASTENAL Force America Inc Fox International Inc. Green Plains Grain Co Mar-Lin Business Supply New Sioux City Iron Co Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Premier Communications Reds Radiator Repair Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU US Cellular Randy J Van Kley Jonathan E Winterboer MH-DD Services Fund mhc-care shrf fees wa-care attrny fees rx-meds idw-scl-daily-care eval-care indtx-care inpt hosp-care office suppl. cell phone charges postage 75.60 108.00 4387.00 150.00 9.68 32879.26 2873.00 13201.71 7098.00 44.78 14.71 61.60 Rural Services Basic Fund IRVM fuel IRVM R door handle IRVM binoculars/safety IRVM helmet system IRVM Python tube/nozzle Consv oil/fltr/ 198.75 55.00 273.90 58.95 228.00 102.19 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf phone service 29.35 Secondary Road Fund Est. #1 - Lake Pit WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Dickens Radios Repairs OTHER Telephone Gas BUILDINGS Credit Water,Sewer 1 - Tire Water & Sewer Telephone 52.475 Ton De-Icing Salt BOLTS PARTS OUTSIDE SERVICE Gas - Webb #10 Printed Window Envlop BOLTS O-Ring Internet PARTS Telephone Clean & Repair Radiator Reimb for Safety Boots Mileage PARTS Telephone - Spencer Shop Cell Phones Reimb for Safety Boots Dec '09 Dental Refund Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 3 20936.48 406.83 273.38 20.00 312.93 26.58 311.48 745.60 9819.14 26.00 231.35 84.00 43.09 2733.95 36.07 245.44 90892.84 32957.74 33.00 173.81 687.49 34.95 22.70 60.10 125.00 50.00 20.00 942.89 52.81 192.89 80.00 89.51 Zalaznik Equipment Corp PARTS Acorn Naturalists Clay Co Sec Road Fund Menards - Spencer Staples Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv Nat'l supplies Consv Nat'l fuel Consv nat supplies Consv name bdg blue borde HD Supply US Cellular Youngs Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC bldg supplies GSC custodial cell phone GSC toilet repair kits Constance A Adams Amy J Kendall Burlin H Matthews Tammy R McKeever Steven L Sundblad Eric W Tigges Casey J Timmer Kimberly S Wilson Andy Yungbluth Ben O'Clair Bound Tree Medical KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Neal Eisenbacher NW IA Community College Clay County Sheriff Evertek Iowa Telecom Premier Communications Qwest Terril Telephone Coop Alpha Wireless Comm City of Sioux City Verizon Heidi L Chapman Willson & Pechacek, PLC Clay Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare medical 281.16 86.83 25.77 37.38 4.79 35.96 27.55 105.71 20.00 79.82 902.14 117.70 80.00 110.00 200.00 60.00 Emergency Medical Services EMS CPR renewals EMS training expenses EMS battery for equipment EMS shipping EMS CPR renewals CPR instructor renewal 225.00 105.15 331.76 13.11 135.00 27.00 IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force IGLD task force OT 458.71 E-911 Surcharge E911 phone access charges E911 phone line access ch E911 phone line access ch E911 line access charges E911 line access charge 445.00 41.69 570.04 565.17 9.27 Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA radio checks EMA Hazmat 2nd install ye EMA cell phone charges 98.44 7181.23 159.61 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Assr property insp mileag Assr legal fees 24.15 66.00 Kruse, Cate & Nelson Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Consv land survey 1147.72 Apex Software John C Lawson NW District Assessor Assoc Vanguard Appraisals Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr laser meas device Assr mtg exp – meals/rm Assr mtg reg Assr service fees 839.00 334.65 600.00 12272.50 Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 4 Verizon Grand Total Assr phone equipment 297.61 295987.27 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus attended the Spencer Betterment Task Force and Season’s Center meetings and gave an update. Supervisor Matthews shared on the pending Upper Des Moines Executive Board meeting and the Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC) Spring School Conference that he attended. Supervisor Skow updated the Board on his attending the LADE meeting. The Board met with Tom Schueder of Peterson, IA to discuss the potential purchase of county owned property described as Lots 25-26 Block 1, Original Plat, Peterson, Iowa. Mr. Schueder was advised to prepare and submit an offer in writing. The Board, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 3331.361(2), will then publish a time and place for a public hearing to dispose of their interest in real property by sale. Supervisor Skow returns to the meeting at 9:24 a.m. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to set 11:00 a.m. on the 21st day of April, 2010 and 11:00 a.m. on the 4th day of May, 2010 in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. as the times and place to consider the passage of the proposed Social Host & Underage Consumption Ordinance. The Clay County Board of Supervisors will consider the passage of this proposed County Ordinance at its April 21, 2010 meeting at 11:00 a.m. after the public hearing scheduled for the same time and place has been held. Should the ordinance be passed at the meeting, the proposed ordinance will be considered at a second Clay County Board of Supervisors meeting to be held on May 4, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. Should the proposed ordinance be approved at this second and final time, it will become effective upon passage. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the 2010 Annual Meal Service Plan Agreement between the Cabernet Catering of Spencer and the Clay County Jail. Meals are based on costs of breakfast $3.40, dinner $4.50, supper $4.50, totaling $12.40 per day effective July 1, 2010 through June 30th, 2011. The agreement includes delivery of all meals to the jail. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept the March 31, 2010 Sheriff’s Quarterly Report of Fees Collected in the amount of $32,889.68 with detail found in the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to authorize the Clay County Sheriff to sign the Northwest Iowa Project Life Saver 28E Agreement including Dickinson County Sheriff, Spencer Police Department, Buena Vista County Sheriff, Emmet County Sheriff, Lyon County Sheriff, O’Brien County Sheriff, Osceola County Sheriff, Palo alto County Sheriff, Sioux County Sheriff, and the Spirit Lake Police Department to provide a program that provides a tracking system to locate individuals who have a tendency to wander and become lost. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to create the Northwest Iowa Project Life Saver fund in the Clay County financial system effective upon passage. The fund will be classified as an agency fund to Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 5 account for assets held solely in a custodial capacity as an agent for the Northwest Iowa Project Life Saver 28E. The opening cash balance will be deposited with the Clay County Treasurer to create a separate bank account. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to accept the County Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected for the period ending December 31, 2009 totaling $29,252.75 with detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve and authorize Chairperson to sign Clay County Government Month Proclamation for the month of April 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to set the hearing date and time for the Land Use Comprehensive Plan public hearing to be Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. Motion carried. Zoning Administrator McKeever discussed with the Board recent correspondence from Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Council (NWIPDC) regarding their offer of zoning administration responsibilities. McKeever and Supervisor Skow updated the Board on the award to be presented to the Clay County Board of Health at the Iowa Public Health Conference for their performance and commitment during the measles and H1N1 clinics this past year. The Clay County Safety Committee recommends that the Board establish an incentive program to allow employees to use an on-line class experience during work hours for the four safety classes required. The on-line sessions require testing and the issuance of a Certificate of Completion that would then be turned into McKeever that would record and distribute the approved incentive token. The Secondary Road employees would be allowed to do the on-line training at home on their personal computers and obtain the four certificates in exchange for four hours of the Safety Class day off. It was the consensus of the Board consensus for Tammy to move forward on the committee recommendations. McKeever stated that she and Emergency Management Director Eric Tigges have reviewed the invoice submitted by the Spencer Municipal Hospital for the purchase of a new 2009 Ford Medtec ambulance invoice. Supervisor Chalstrom will also be conducting a review of the invoice. The invoice is requesting $137,000 to be reimbursed to the Spencer Municipal Hospital for the ambulance. 10:30 a.m. The Board met with Bill Swift of Swift Air, Sioux Fall, South Dakota regarding the existing building maintenance plans on the Administration Building and the Governmental Services Building. Discussion also regarded the establishment of a maintenance agreement on the Courthouse Building. Swift will meet with the County Auditor and custodial staff to review and recommend changes to the agreements. Swift also offered to do a flat spec of the controls system for the Administration Building if a project is defined. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve the $5,600.00 fee for EDA, Inc of Sioux Center, IA to conduct heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) and electrical study for the Clay County Administration Building Motion carried. Nays: Supervisor Chalstrom. Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 6 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to authorize county auditor to sign Facility Usage Agreement with Clay County Regional Events Center for June 8, 2010 Primary Election. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to authorize Chairperson to sign the Iowa Department of Public Health County Substance Abuse Prevention Services Request for Bid for fiscal year 2011. Total funds requested $3908.00 (Three thousand nine hundred and eight). Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept Auditor’s Report of Fees Collected for quarter ending March 31, 2010 totaling $436.93 with detail on file at the County auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, Seconded by Chalstrom to accept the low bid of $89,502.00 from Midwest Contracting of Marshall, MN for box culvert projects L-7611C-1 & L-7611C-2 and authorized the Chairperson to sign the contract and the Contractor’s Bond. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, Seconded by Skow to accept the low bid of $195,855.00 from Christensen Broth Inc of Cherokee IA for bridge deck overlay projects L-5811DO-1 & L-5811DO-2 and authorized the Chairperson to sign the contract and the Contractor’s Bond. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, Seconded by Brockshus to approve Overhead Construction Permit for Interstate Light & Power Company to place poles in Clay County Secondary Roads right-of-way along 430th Street, section 19 & 20, Clay TWP as set out in their Application number 04-10 filed with the Clay County Engineers Office. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, Seconded by Chalstrom to approve the purchase of 3 used 143H motor graders from Michigan CAT and the sale of 3 140G motor graders. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, Seconded by Skow to close B24 or 350th Street from 200th Avenue west to 180th Avenue for widening of shoulders. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:52 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting April 12, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. for a joint meeting with the Spencer City Council at the Spencer Municipal Golf Course Sunroom, Spencer, IA. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors April 06, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Meeting 18 held on April 12, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on April 12, 2010 at 5:30 o’clock P.M. at Spencer Municipal Golf Course for a joint discussion meeting with the Spencer City Council, County elected officials, as well as county and city department heads. Spencer City Mayor Reynold Peterson opened the meeting at 5:30 o’clock P.M. Those present were: Clay County Board of Supervisor members Linda Swanson, Burlin Matthews, Joe Skow, Kenneth Chalstrom, Del Brockshus, Clay County Auditor Marjorie Pitts, Spencer City Council Members: Rich Prentice, Ron Hanson, Ed Krebs, George Kruger, Randy Swanson, David Scott, Steve Bomgaars, Spencer City Manager Bob Fagen, Assistant City Manager Donna Fisher, Spencer City Clerk Theresa Reardon, Spencer Chief of Police Mark Lawson, Spencer Fire Chief Doug Duncan, Clay County Conservation Board Chair Lee Schoenewe, Clay County Conservation Director Dan Heissel, Spencer City Librarian Kay Larson, Spencer Zoning Director Kirby Schmidt, Spencer Municipal Golf Course Superintendent Brian Mohr, and Spencer Public Works Director Mark White. Clay County Auditor Marjorie Pitts and Spencer City Clerk Theresa Reardon served as clerks for the meeting. Guests: Spencer Daily Reporter and Brad Bolyard. Items on the agenda included the update on sharing and cooperation between the County and City; economic development; tourism, visitor’s center, business park, event center; zoning regulations; and the Spencer City goal setting session results. 6:00 p.m. Spencer City Manager Bob Fagen opens the meeting discussion and asks each attendee to share their experiences with the cooperation and working together that is enjoyed by the county and city currently. All attendees commented on a range of cooperative examples. Discussion on combined efforts of economic development, tourism and a visitor’s center was followed with highlights on how tourism can result in economic development that is not always specific to new industry. Concepts and opportunities that can bring people to our area and communities with improvements to the quality of life were also discussed. The inclusion of the Clay County Fair Board in future meetings was commented on. The business park was described as a lost opportunity for us especially in regard to the airport as a great resource to encourage development. The Events Center was recognized as an important asset that must have continued support. It was stated that the County zoning regulations and analysis has been developed is now open for review by the public. There was discussion on pending legislation effecting flood plan regulations and funding as well as the city’s goal setting session results. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:35 o’clock P.M. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 19 held on April 21, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on April 21, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisor Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for April 21, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Special Board Meeting #17 held April 6, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Special Board Meeting #18 held April 12, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed April 21, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Adjutant General of IA Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Boji Information Canon Fin Services Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Joshua M Carris City Directory Inc Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Clay County Fair Assn Daily Reporter, The DeLoss Contruction Diamond Vogel Paints Don Pierson Ford Ed Roehr Safety Products Exhaust Pros Sandra S Geidl Shirley M Goyette Grand Harbor Resort Hargens Court Reporting Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Robert Heronemus Holiday Inn Ames Conf General Basic Fund Shrf Taser recert Shrf radio equip Shrf turn rotor/drums Union negotations rent-landlord Bldg utilities Aty computer setup/consul Shrf copier contract Shrf collar pin letters Shrf pants/shirts City directories Shrf fuel Shrf fees FY10 allocation 2nd half Pub Bd meetings 12-15 rent landlord CCSO paint Shrf window regulator Shrf batteries/taser oil changes Treas mtg exp/meal Rec mileage Auditor mtg expense room transcript Jail rugs/dm/Mop Twp mileage Treas mtg exp/lodging Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 1 23.00 2250.98 110.89 3335.00 476.66 1467.00 390.00 465.00 208.95 103.79 828.00 2934.46 579.52 17500.00 432.90 220.00 107.08 2516.06 147.80 51.90 141.31 38.54 299.04 53.00 39.09 2.10 179.10 Hy-Vee IA County Atty's Assn IA Dept Natural Resources IA Lakes Corridor Devlp Corp IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IACCB IACCVA ICIT ISACA ISCTA J&T Rentals Jacobsen Home Corp James Keck Janitors Closet Randy Krukow Mail Services LLC Mar-Lin Business Supply Mastercard Janel D Maurer Tammy R McKeever Menards - Spencer Northwest Printing Co Office Systems Company Parker Historical Society Perkins Office Solutions Peterson Heritage Physicians Lab LTD Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Pocahontas Co Sheriff Presto X Company R.S.V.P. RadioShack Your Phone Co RIDES Alicia K Roos Sanford Sheldon Hospital Schoeneman Bros Casey A Schomaker SilverStone Group Joe G Skow Solutions, Inc Spencer Area Activity Center Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Credit Plan Linda K Swanson Thrifty White Stores Town & Country US Cellular U S Postmaster Verizon VISA Xerox Corporation Zenor & Houchins, PC Bd fruit basket/PH Aty 2010-11 membership du San well const permit FY10 allocation 2nd half Consv utilities utility asst Consv sprg conf reg VA sprg sch reg Aud registration Aud 2010 dues Treas reg May conf VA rent/partial rent landlord Landlord Cths custl supplies Shrf cert/regular mailing Treas renewal printing Rec pencil holder Consv mtg exp Twp mileage ZSS mtg exp/meal Adm misc VA letterheads copier contract FY10 allocation 2nd half Shrf tape/bus card/paper FY10 allocation 2nd half ME autopsy Adm Coverbind Machine Postage Shrf fees Cths pest contrl FY10 allocation Shrf battery FY10 allocation Treas mtg exp/meal Cust hearing test CCSO doorstop Twp mileage GASB Actuarial Valuation Bd mtg exp Kofax scan stwre maint FY10 allocation 2nd half Shrf rub Shrf hlth ex wellness screenings Shrf T1 service Aud inkcart Shrf office supplies Bd mtg exp meals/park DHS storage bags Consv garbage/containtr DHS cell phone Shrf stamps Consv cell phone Shrf hood Rec copier/base chrg Aty monthly exp Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 2 53.00 334.00 25.00 10000.00 668.65 43.76 30.00 30.00 175.00 310.00 150.00 220.00 260.00 220.00 235.14 17.19 500.95 16.52 352.28 4.90 15.79 42.84 105.74 103.12 5000.00 79.92 500.00 2400.00 1611.00 1150.00 16.50 86.52 565.50 9.98 7125.00 25.44 77.89 11.53 2.45 2750.00 453.09 600.00 5750.00 24.15 228.00 14641.53 1626.73 985.80 98.25 135.36 9.48 94.55 276.93 298.00 149.45 922.62 416.76 8596.73 General Supplemental Fund Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency EMA allocation - April Clay County Sheriff Shrf transport IA Secretary of State NCOA cards IA Workforce Development 2010 1st Qtr unemployment J&T Rentals Election storage - May Lexis Nexis Law Lib online chrgs NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Elect postage mtr usage SMU Long distance Spencer Office Supplies Elections colored paper Staples Credit Plan Elect jkt hanging file VISA Elect boxes/wastebsk/cord Juvenile Drug Court Fund Fareway Stores Inc JV Drug Ct food MH-DD Services Fund Clay County Sheriff sheriff fee Edinburgh Manor rcf-care Eyerly Ball Community MHS mhs-care Gales Law Firm attrny fees Hope Haven wa-care Horizons Unlimited wa-care Hy-Vee LeMars rx-meds IA Dept of Human Services icf-res--care IA Workforce Development 2010 1st Qtr unemployment Kathleen's Care Inc rcf-care Life Skills Training Ctr wa-care Nishna Productions Inc wa-care Office Systems Company copier contract Seasons Center cm-bi--care Spencer Mun Hospital int.outpt-care Sunshine Services Inc wa-care The Pride Group rcf - care Village NW Unlimited wa-care Rural Services Basic Fund City of Dickens FY10 Library alloc City of Everly FY10 Library alloc City of Peterson FY10 Library alloc City of Royal FY10 Library alloc City of Spencer FY10 Library alloc City of Webb FY10 Library alloc Daily Reporter Zoning publications IA Workforce Development 2010 1st Qtr unemployment SMU Long distance Sheriff Undercover Fund Teamintel, LLC Shrf video recording devi Secondary Road Fund A & M Laundry Inc. Uniforms A-Line Crushing Service Crushing @ Lake Pit Agri Drain Corp. 9 - 6" Yellow Bar Guard Airgas North Central WELDING SUPPLIES Alliant Energy Electric - Peterson Bill Stevenson Const 4 - 6" Couplers(Langdon) Black Hills Energy Gas - Spencer Boyer Trucks PARTS Carroll Dist & Const Supply RR on E Beltway City of Everly Gas - Everly Daily Reporter Notice to Bidders Dyno Oil Co Inc 250 Gals 15W40 Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 3 7129.00 417.50 161.35 326.48 1000.00 1270.00 300.00 200.00 2.52 11.98 139.00 150.21 43.50 460.50 498.30 220.00 54.00 2457.18 790.52 16.99 43337.46 11.59 1488.00 103.80 797.58 240.62 14531.55 768.00 20326.17 15054.05 1903.47 2255.00 2931.50 3157.00 2706.00 14974.00 2480.50 24.17 60.63 5.76 180.00 216.80 8357.52 665.66 15.19 441.70 12.00 1463.22 518.15 10.40 445.16 294.36 2406.90 FASTENAL Herbst Construction IA Lakes Regional Water IA Workforce Development Interstate Batteries Iowa Transit Lawson Products Inc Mar-Lin Business Supply Michigan Cat James R Montgomery Darrell A Nordman Robert W Peters Peterson Contractors Inc Platt & Associates Inc Qwest Royal Telephone Co Sanford Sheldon Hospital SMU St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test Staples Credit Plan Mark A Thompson Town & Country US Cellular VISA Wetherell Sand & Gravel Ziegler Inc IA Workforce Development Walmart Business Black Hills Energy Janitors Closet Presto X Company Constance A Adams Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis Kevin D Maassen Cheryl L Riley Glenn I Rouse L F Rouse Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Joe G Skow Ann E Spooner Steven L Sundblad Linda K Swanson Randy J Van Kley Jonathan E Winterboer Theresa E Wurth Mercy Family Pharmacies Neal Eisenbacher Scott Allen Spencer Mun Hospital Staples Credit Plan City of Spencer BOLTS Guardrail Repairs Water - G.G 1st Qtr Unemployment BATTERIES Recon Battery BOLTS OFFICE EXPENSE 2004 Cat 143H Motor Grade Clothing Allow-Coveralls Reimb for Safety Boots Clothing Allow-Coveralls Est #11 L-TSF(117) Trucking Charge - 143H Telephone - Royal Telephone - Royal 26 - Hearing Tests Electric - Spencer DOT Drug Test OFFICE EXPENSE Reimb for Safety Boots Garbage - Dickens Data Phone Trip to Michigan-MotorGra Ankerstjerne Farm PARTS Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv 2010 1st Qtr unemployment Consv fish bait Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC vac bags GSC pest contrl Clay County Flex Plan Flex medical Flex ins prem Flex daycare flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex ins prem Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical flex medical Flex medical flex ins prem Emergency Medical Services EMS equipment EMS CPR class (4) EMS travel expense EMS class/basic life supp EMS envlps IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force Shrf IGLD Task Force OT Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 4 488.30 3200.00 79.76 409.78 19.98 189.00 105.88 130.09 299500.00 9.20 80.00 18.00 47590.91 2300.00 8.43 22.50 754.00 653.40 36.00 19.99 80.00 15.95 63.81 375.89 431.30 12272.41 7.50 6.50 307.00 157.00 21.63 69.51 18.79 500.00 101.18 202.02 546.46 1240.80 482.42 94.75 386.27 173.00 282.29 131.00 243.98 943.00 245.40 60.99 120.00 53.90 120.00 8.99 528.45 Clay County Sheriff Osceola Co Sheriff Shrf IGLD Task Force OT Shrf IGLD Task Force OT E-911 Surcharge Alliant Energy E911 utilities Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele E911 phone chrgs GeoComm Corporation E911 systems maint servic Northwest Communications E911 line access charges Qwest E911 phone service Royal Telephone Co E911 1st qtr sys agrmnt SMU E911 circuit chrg Webb Wireless E911 shed relocate/concre Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund Alpha Wireless Comm EMA antenna systems servi Clay Co Sec Road Fund EMA fuel IA Workforce Development 2010 1st Qtr unemployment Robert Christensen EMA sandbag delivery SMU Long distance Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Clay Co Clerk of Dist Ct Asr legal costs IA Workforce Development 2010 1st Qtr unemployment Willson & Pechacek, PLC Asr legal services Co. Assessor Agency Fund Canon Fin Services Asr copier contract IA Workforce Development 2010 1st Qtr unemployment John C Lawson Asr mileage Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Asr postage mtr usage SMU Long distance Grand Total 905.08 258.96 16.88 154.30 2314.00 258.75 13.58 1016.37 228.60 986.10 384.10 77.31 11.43 21.28 9.46 275.00 10.96 451.20 187.90 26.62 272.87 350.00 4.01 647509.32 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus and Swanson updated on the Season’s Center meeting regarding a potential correspondence to Dickinson County surrounding expenses of Oak Haven. Supervisor Matthews updated on attending the Airport Board and Upper Des Moines Opportunity Executive Board meetings. Supervisor Skow updated on attending Jail committee meetings. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve the Clay County Clerk’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending March 31, 2010 totaling $14,591.88 for surcharge, county ordinance fines, court cost and reimbursement of sheriff fees, depositions, filing fees, and blood test. Detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Conservation Department for Steve Grimmius for part‐ time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective April 5, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Conservation Department for Gerry Johansen for part‐ time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective April 5, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve the request by Brenda Pullen, on behalf of her deceased sister, Lisa Falline, appeal to the General Assistance notice of decision issued by General Assistance Director, Kim Wilson, on March 18, 2010 that denied county assistance in accordance with the GA Assistance ordinance for burial expenses. The amount of $2400.00 Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 5 payable to Warner Funeral Home is approved due to the appeal. Motion carried. Supervisor Skow abstained. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to abate the taxes on parcel #963606383002 described as Lots 1‐2 Gateway North 2nd Addition Units A & M‐1 Gateway North Condo except 3600 sq ft of Lot 2, Spencer, Iowa, pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code 80.56 payable in fiscal year 2010 and accept the application for exemption on same parcel effective July 1, 2010. Motion carried. Supervisors Matthews and Brockshus abstained. 10:00 a.m. This being the time and place for the Land Use Comprehensive Plan public hearing. The Board determined that proper notice of the public hearing was accomplished and after discussion and finding no objections either written or oral to the plan, motion by Supervisor Chalstrom, seconded by Supervisor Skow to put the approval of the Land Use Comprehensive Plan to a vote. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Clay County Land Use Comprehensive Plan approved. Zoning Director Tammy McKeever gave the Board a departmental update. 11:00 a.m. This being the time and place for the first reading of the Social Host and Underage Consumption Ordinance within the County of Clay, Iowa. The Board determined that proper notice of the public hearing was accomplished and finding no objections either written or oral to the ordinance, motion by Supervisor Matthews, seconded by Supervisor Chalstrom to adjourn to the second and final public hearing for the adoption of the Social Host and Underage Consumption Ordinance Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. Motion carried. It was moved by Brockshus, seconded by Skow, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. #201007 First Reading & Action on the Clay County Social Host & Underage Consumption Ordinance No 3.8 WHEREAS Supervisor Brockshus proposed and Supervisor Skow seconded the adoption and enactment of a certain Ordinance on the 21st day of April 21, 2010, which action is recorded in Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting 19 held on April 21, 2010. WHEREAS a summary of the same was duly published in the Spencer Daily Reporter, Everly Royal News and Peterson Patriot, the official newspapers of general circulation in the county and complying with Iowa Code Sections 618.3 and 618.14, on April 15, 2010. WHEREAS copies of the same have been available to the public from the time of publication at the office of the Clay County Auditor; NOW THEREFORE the following was read and voted upon by the Board of Supervisors for the first time, and it passed by a vote of the majority of the Board of Supervisors. The second and final public hearing for the adoption of the Clay County Social Host and Underage Consumption Ordinance No 3.8 will be Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 11:00 o’clock A.M. Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 6 The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 21st day of April, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: THOSE VOTING FOR PASSAGE: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. THOSE VOTING AGAINST PASSAGE: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Emergency Management Director Eric Tigges spoke with the Board regarding the purchase and use of Knox Fire Boxes to be installed on the Governmental Services Center, the Courthouse, and the Administration Building. The consensus of the Board was to go forward with the installation. Tigges also updated the Board on being awarded an Emergency Operations Center grant, attending a recent LEPC meeting, and his continued efforts for certification through FEMA offered to Emergency Managers. County Auditor Marjorie Pitts gave an update to the Board regarding the upcoming Primary Election time lines and the May 5, 2010 Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC) Legislative webinar. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to accept the low bid of $1,283,440.76 from Concrete Foundations Inc of New Hampton, IA for PCC Overlay project FM‐CO21 (121)‐‐55‐21 and authorize the Chairperson to sign the contract and the Contractor’s Bond. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept the low bid of $273,863.66.00 from The Road Guy Construction of Yankton, SD for seal coat projects L‐6809SC‐1 & L‐7809SC‐2 Div 1 & L‐ 7809SC‐2 Div 2 and authorize the Chairperson to sign the contract and the Contractor’s Bond. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to close 225th Avenue from 380th Street to 390th Street for bridge deck overlay. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:34 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting May 4, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors April 21, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 20 held on May 4, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on May 4, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow, Brockshus, and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting amended agenda for May 4, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #19 held April 21, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed May 4, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Barry DeLoss Donald B Bartlett Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Bomgaars Business Systems Canon Fin Services City of Spencer Daily Reporter, The Davis Typewriter Co Inc Diamond Vogel Paints Eastman Kodak Company Exhaust Pros Farm & Home Publishers GRACESOFT Hartley Sentinel Holiday Inn Express Hotel IA County Atty's Assn Janitors Closet Judy's Lawn Service Mangold Environmental Test Menards - Spencer Midwest Technology Services Minolta Financial Svcs Nat'l Environmental Hlth Assoc Office Systems Company Marjorie A Pitts PreferredPartner.com Larry D Rupert Schoeneman Bros Security Land Title Co Solutions, Inc General Basic Fund Landlord Shrf transport/meals Union negotiations Bldg misc DHS maint contract/copier Copiers/printer Shrf POST testing exp DHS subscription/yrly DHS copies CCSO paint/brushes DP scanr/serv agrmnt tires (4) Buick LeS Shrf plat books Consv InnKeeping Bd pub Mtgs #16-#19 Shrf transport/lodging Shrf reg wkshp Adm cust supplies Consv maint contract San well test Aud cabinets CCSO telephone exp DHS copier ZSS membership copier/printer Aud mtg exp/lodging DP IBM sftware support IS Shrf transport/meals Jail pole sock/hooks Consv abstract DP Symantec virus renewl Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 1 220.00 25.97 204.28 286.40 53.94 406.45 478.17 85.00 309.52 117.26 30.62 399.64 23.10 297.00 689.00 78.12 100.00 383.30 900.00 15.00 278.97 112.50 67.43 95.00 316.60 222.18 3087.00 19.64 52.52 220.00 1308.00 Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Taser International Casey J Timmer US Cellular Verizon Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Youngs ME lab Bldg utilities Aud foldrs/chairmat DP hard drive/file pkts Shrf x26 kit Shrf reimb meals Adm cell phone Consv new phone/mo serv DHS radio burial assist Adm side mnt auto flush 40.00 4099.41 699.12 741.10 809.95 23.41 761.56 413.40 19.96 2400.00 1784.90 General Supplemental Fund Employee Benefit Systems COBRA billing NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Sue Bates matron/transport 92.40 1950.00 45.00 Co Case Management Serv Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies US Cellular MH-DD Services Fund ccms for 3/2010 indtx-care office suppl cell phn charges Rural Services Basic Fund Consv new phone/mo serv Secondary Road Fund A-Line Crushing Service Est. #3 Crushing-Lake Pit Advanced Drainage Systems Plastic Tile AECOM NEPA Services - HDP(116) Alliant Energy Electric Dickens Alpha Wireless Comm #218 New Radio Arnold Motor Supply PARTS Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Telephone G.G. Bennett Radiator Company #6 - Rebuild Radiator Black Hills Energy Gas - Royal Bomgaars TOOLS Catco Parts & Service PARTS Christensen Bros Inc Est. #1 L-6611DO-2 City of Royal Water & Sewer - Royal City of Spencer 2 - Tires Crescent Electric Supply PARTS Crysteel Truck Equipment PARTS Diamond Vogel Paints PAINT Evertek Telephone Everly FASTENAL BOLTS H & N Chevrolet Buick #111 Parts Thomas L Herrig Reimb for Safety Boots Interstate Batteries 1 - MTP78DP Battery IA Dept of Trans 49 - 12'x4"x4" Wood Sign Iowa Telecom Telephone - Peterson Kuehl & Payer Ltd Bridge Design HDP(116) M. D. Products 17" Grader Fender HSBC Business Solutions Pothole Patch New Sioux City Iron Co BOLTS James F OHearn Reimb for safety Boots Peterson Contractors Inc Est. #12 L-TSF(117) Reds Radiator Repair Clean & Repair Radiator Martin L Schoening Mileage - HazMat Training Share Corp Truck/Trailer Wash Verizon Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 2 378.00 14015.05 23.78 13.91 206.69 7748.36 2825.75 7150.33 202.10 639.27 287.18 30.64 650.00 45.89 370.39 1476.38 37733.00 26.00 178.10 131.07 1019.38 139.28 43.09 82.37 861.62 198.40 95.95 3185.00 70.14 3650.60 2147.35 560.27 334.17 75.10 78632.47 90.00 20.00 271.12 State Steel Supply Co. US Cellular Zee Medical Service Co Bomgaars Janitors Closet US Cellular Youngs PARTS Cell Phone Charges First-Aid Kit Supplies Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC oil GSC cust supplies GSC cell phone GSC repair kits Constance A Adams Ann L Baschke Tammy K Brown Raymond D Essick Casey J Timmer Kimberly S Wilson Clay Flex Flex flex flex Flex Flex Iowa Telecom Qwest Terril Telephone Coop E-911 Surcharge E911 phone service E911 phone serv E911 phone charges University of Okoboji Conf Mar-Lin Business Supply Verizon Grand Total County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical daycare medical Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA registration Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr calc ribbons Asr cell phone 55.98 372.15 84.54 8.97 183.08 27.78 59.74 95.20 41.35 65.93 926.72 400.00 100.00 41.69 588.06 9.27 50.00 9.49 99.86 193590.83 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Matthews attended an Executive Board meeting of Upper Des Moines Opportunity. Supervisors Brockshus and Swanson attended a Season’s Center meeting. Supervisor Brockshus attended the Spencer Betterment. Supervisor Chalstrom attended a meeting with Iowa Workforce Development and Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Council. Supervisor Skow will be attending a LADE meeting and a Public Health Board celebration. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to establish the Clay County Jail Planning Committee as an advisory committee for the purpose of building a jail and law enforcement center. The following individuals are duly appointed as members: Jon Bang of Peterson; Kris Thiessen of Everly; Barry Anderson of Greenville; Ken Chalstrom of Webb; Jane Goeken of Spencer; Ed Krebs of Spencer, Joe Skow of Spencer; and Randy Krukow of Spencer. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the proposal for consulting services from Bill Garnos, Jail Consultant, 2204 NE 75th Terrace, Gladstone, MO. for a basic jail needs assessment study as recommended by the Clay County Jail Planning Committee. The needs assessment should schedule completion in six to eight weeks to identify and discuss critical planning issues to help the County determine the best options for accommodating the current and projected growth of the County’s inmate population. The cost of the needs assessment is authorized to not exceed $6700.00. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 3 The Board of Supervisor recessed the Regular Board Meeting at 9:30 a.m. to convene as the Board of Trustees for Drainage District #7; #12; #16; #23; # 48; #98 and #108 Royalty Addition The Board of Supervisors reconvened Regular Board Meeting at 9:37 a.m. 9:53 a.m. Scott Rinehart – County Engineer gave a departmental update that the Iowa Department of Natural Resources requesting the County’s inclusion on the Dan Green Wildlife Complex signage. It was the consensus of the Board to allow Clay County listed on the signage. Rinehart gave a construction update on various projects. 10:00 a.m. This being the time and place for the public hearing for a proposal from Thomas A. Schueder and Marilyn A. Schueder of Peterson, Iowa, to purchase county property located at 212 West Fourth Street, Peterson, Clay County, Iowa legally described as follows, to wit: Lots Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa, The Board finding that the proposal hearing was published as provided in section 331.305 of the Code of Iowa and after hearing no oral or written objections, it was moved by Supervisor Skow seconded by Supervisor Matthews, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION #2010-10 RESOLUTION TO SELL COUNTY PROPERTY BY DEED WHEREAS Section 331.361 (2), Iowa Code, allows the County to dispose of an interest in real property by sale; and WHEREAS, the Supervisors have received an offer to buy real estate of $1500.00 (Fifteen hundred) from Thomas A and Marilyn A. Schueder, Peterson, Iowa for the following described property, to-wit: Lots Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, have determined that said property is of no further benefit to the public and should be vacated; and WHEREAS, a proper notice of the date, time and place of hearing on this issue has been published and a hearing has been held and following said hearing, the Supervisors have determined that, in fact, the property is of no benefit to the public and should be vacated. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the following described property, to-wit: Lots Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa should be and the same is hereby vacated. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Supervisors shall execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed conveying said property as follows: TO: Thomas A. Schueder and Marilyn A. Schueder, husband and wife: Lots Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa SO RESOLVED. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 4th day of May, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson Nays: None. Absent: None. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 4 Public hearing closed at 10:12 a.m. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the move of fiscal year 2010 budgeted spending power of $10,000.00 from the account code 01000-09100-441-53-39 described as Jail Building in the general basic fund in the buildings and grounds-departmental area to the account code 01000-09100423-53-39 described as engineering services in the general basic fund in the buildings and grounds department. This change in appropriations has a net effect of zero to the overall service area budget thereby complying with Iowa Code Chapter 331.435. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve the renewal application for Iowa Retail Cigarette Permit presented by legal owner: Gary Sanderson, 3299 335th Avenue, Ruthven, IA 51358 doing business as Lost Island Corner Store & Cafe, 3299 335th Avenue, Ruthven, IA 51358. The permit will be valid for the period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to accept Employee Payroll Request form for Angie Lawson, Gillett Grove, IA to work part time/temporary status for the Veteran Affairs department beginning April 8, 2010 through June 30, 2010 at an hourly rate of $10.25. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to accept Employee Payroll Request form for Brianne Hanson, to work part time/temporary seasonal status for the Conservation department beginning April 19th, 2010 at a rate of $9.00 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the payroll request form for Robert Kluender from Secondary Roads Department for a change in hourly wages to $19.23 per hour effective May 11, 2010 for longevity increase to $.55 per hour for 20 years of service. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to accept Employee Payroll Request form for Bradley Veit, to work part time/temporary seasonal status for the Secondary Roads department beginning May 10, 2010 at a rate of $8.50 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept Employee Payroll Request form for Preston Black, to work part time/temporary seasonal status for the Secondary Roads department beginning May 12, 2010 at a rate of $8.25 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept Employee Payroll Request form for Trent Witt, to work part time/temporary seasonal status for the Secondary Roads department beginning May 17, 2010 at a rate of $8.25 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to set the hearing date and time for the fiscal year 2010 County Budget Amendment to be Monday, May 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the chairperson to sign the Clay County Peace Officers Memorial Day & National Police Week Proclamation honoring law enforcement officers the week of May 9 – May 15, 2010 and observe Saturday, May 15, 2010, as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day in Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 5 honor of those law enforcement officers who, through their courageous deeds, have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their community or have become disabled in the performance of duty. Motion carried 11:00 a.m. This being the time and place for the second and final public hearing and reading on County Ordinance No. 3.8 regarding Social Host and Underage Consumption in Clay County. Whereupon, the Chairperson called for any written or oral objections, finding none, it was moved by Supervisor Matthews, seconded by Supervisor Brockshus to adopt the Social Host & Underage Consumption Ordinance #3.8. Roll call vote: Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Supervisor Chalstrom and seconded by Supervisor Skow, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-08 Second & Final Reading and Action on the Clay County Social Host & Underage Consumption Ordinance WHEREAS it was proposed the adoption and enactment of a certain Ordinance on the 5th day of May, 2010, which action is recorded in the Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting 20 on May 4, 2010. WHEREAS a summary of the same was duly published in the Spencer Daily Reporter, Everly-Royal News and Peterson Patriot, the official newspapers of general circulation in the county and complying with Iowa Code Section 618.3 and 618.14, on April 14, 2010. WHEREAS copies of the same have been available to the public from the time of publication at the office of the Clay County Auditor: WHEREAS the same was first previously read and passed by a vote of a majority of the Clay County Board of Supervisor on April 21, 2010, which action is recorded in the Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting 19 held on April 21, 2010. NOW THEREFORE the following was read and voted upon for the second time by the Clay County Board of Supervisors, and it passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors; AND IT IS NOW THEREFORE ENACTED AND ORDAINED: Clay County Social Host & Underage Consumption Ordinance 3.8 THOSE VOTING FOR PASSAGE: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson THOSE VOTING AGAINST PASSAGE: None /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 6 It was moved by Skow, seconded by Matthews, to adopt the following resolution: R E S O L U T I O N #201009 WHEREAS, on June 10, 2008, the Clay County Board of Supervisors approved and ordained the Clay County Code of Ordinances; WHEREAS, new ordinances or regulations and/or amendments to ordinances or regulations continue to be adopted by the Clay County Board of Supervisors which require the Code of Ordinances to be supplemented; WHEREAS, the new ordinances or regulations and amendments to ordinances or regulations may be copied as a supplement to the Clay County Code of Ordinances and become a part of the Code by resolution pursuant to Iowa Code §331.302(9). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Resolution 2010‐08 attachment hereto be approved and adopted as addition to the Clay County Code of Ordinances. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clay County Auditor is directed to copy and distribute Supplement No. 2 to the Clay County Code of Ordinances. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 4th day of May, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson Nays: None. Abstentions: None. CLAY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson I, Marjorie A. Pitts, Clay County Auditor, hereby certify that this supplement to the Clay County Code of Ordinances was adopted on the 4th day of May 4, 2010. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, Clay County Auditor Kim Wilson – Central Point Coordinator gave the Board a department update on meetings attended and consumer served. Wilson presented a PowerPoint titled Foundation Practicum Report. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:23 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting May 18, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 21 held on May 18, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on May 18, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for May 18, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #20 held May 4, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed May 18, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Albert Lee Seed Anderson Print Group Arctic Glacier Inc Arnold Motor Supply Asher Motor Co Barama Drug Donald B Bartlett Baum Harmon Mercy Hospital Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Ben Meadows Co Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Bob Barker Company Inc Bomgaars Tammy K Brown Bud's Service Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Carroll Cleaning Supply, Co Cherokee Co Environmntal Hlth City of Spencer Clay Co Extension Ed Fund Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Coffman's Locksmith Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The David A Scott Cornwall Avery Davis Typewriter Co Inc General Basic Fund Consv clover/sanfoin Shrf business cards Consv ice Consv material Schbrg Consv lamp/tail stop bkup Shrf Rx Shrf transport meals Shrf laboratory/clinical Union Negotiations Consv fire pump rent-landlord Bldg utilities Shrf towels Consv misc matron/transport Shrf brake check Shrf shirts/emblems Consv cust supplies Sant tan inspec forms Shrf comm ctr salary exp FY10 allocation Gas/fuel Shrf trans charges Jail deadbolt/key Consv copier contract Consv plg-in cb/volt pen Bd publ Mtg #17 attrny fees DHS copier lease Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 1 137.19 134.25 101.00 17.08 114.00 36.11 18.82 89.25 537.60 303.02 325.00 1489.00 21.43 961.62 86.25 315.95 353.05 279.24 25.50 35340.12 3360.00 228.83 712.50 235.26 469.68 367.43 1331.18 50.00 486.20 Diamond Vogel Paints Dickinson County Sheriff Dr Pepper Snapple Group Eastman Kodak Company Emmet County Sheriff Evertek Farm & Home Publishers Galen's Pro-Mow Sandra S Geidl Graham Tire Co Green Plains Grain Co LLC Hancock County Sheriff Daniel J Heissel Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Hilton of Branson Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Holmes Lock & Safe Co Hy-Vee IA County Atty's Assn Iowa Lakes Community College IA Lakes Regional Water IA Prison Industries ICIT IOWWA J&T Rentals Janitors Closet KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Lindy Laubenthal Mangold Environmental Test Mar-Lin Business Supply Marvin Burk Photography Mc Donald Supply McDonald Supply Spencer Menards - Spencer Midwest Technology Services MyCountyParks.com NACVSO Nathan Ewalt News, Bell, Times, Patriot Northern Safety Technology Northwest Glass Co Inc O'Brien County Sheriff L Elaine Orthmann Perkins Office Solutions Pixler Electric Inc Rodney Meendering Schoeneman Bros Sidwell Company Solutions, Inc Speidel Flooring Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Spencer Signs Stacy Mills Staples Jail paint/primer Shrf fees Consv pop/water Maint – scanners Shrf fees Consv internet/phone/cabl Shrf plat bks/PA & Pocah Consv chain sprocket Treas mtg exp Shrf tires Consv urea/cart rent Shrf fees Consv mtg reg Jail rugs/dm/mop Shrf reservations Shrf mtg exp/lodging VA mtg exp/lodging Cthse entry locks Adm coffee Shrf reg wkshop Aud notary educ Consv utilities Vehicle signage DP reg fee & membership San wkshp registration VA rent May 2010 Consv custl supplies Saf UPS chrgs matron/transport Sant well testing (25) Treas binders Shrf photo shoot/photos Consv gasket/sleeve Cths gasket/o-ring Consv screw 1 1/4" Aud extension swap Consv FY2011 annual fee VA membership Shrf holster/custom Bd publ Mtg #16 Shrf 4 ch led ballast Consv glass & labor Shrf fees Consv registration DHS notary stamp Jail wire nuts rent landlord Jail hinge set GIS professional services DP web hosting-May 2010 CCSO carpet tile Consv fltr Shrf lab/emerg rm Shrf phone/wireless file cab/paper/misc Jail sign Shrf Rx Consv office suppplies Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 2 250.33 23.00 198.12 2903.00 19.50 189.13 44.25 75.16 40.21 226.24 506.15 18.00 44.76 119.90 915.60 748.91 281.08 240.00 68.18 50.00 65.00 86.72 95.04 175.00 100.00 240.00 317.14 11.84 120.00 375.00 81.55 170.00 71.65 71.65 671.86 121.78 250.00 90.00 44.95 680.75 597.00 45.16 64.00 10.00 96.85 72.78 220.00 4.99 4449.26 575.00 5176.12 40.94 13491.57 1724.09 5210.03 44.20 4.00 438.76 Stoney Creek Inn & Conf Ctr SWIFT AIR Sylvia Gieseke Bureau of Lead The Crittenton Center Thrifty White Stores Town & Country Trumbull Recreation Supply US Cellular U S Postmaster Vander Haag's Inc Joan M Waller Warner Funeral Home Theresa E Wurth Xerox Corporation Zee Medical Service Co Zenor & Houchins, PC Shrf lodging Cthse boiler repairs San certification fee shelter care Shrf prescriptions Consv garbage/container Consv sewer cap DHS cell phones Consv stamps .44/.17 Consv PTO leak VA mileage Autopsy facility & repair DP mileage Rec copier base chrg Consv 1st aid supplies Aty monthly office exp 275.52 4731.64 60.00 1166.25 80.58 40.38 202.92 275.88 149.00 560.25 130.61 700.00 77.62 266.10 132.56 8613.99 General Supplemental Fund Buena Vista Co Sheriff Shrf housing Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency EMA allocation Clay Co Sec Road Fund Elections county car gas Clay County Sheriff shrf jv trans J&T Rentals Elect storage Lexis Nexis Law Library online access NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention O'Brien County Sheriff Shrf housing Solutions, Inc Elect photoconductor SMU long distance Tammy Rosacker matron/transport U S Postmaster Elect stamps 60/44 cent Youth & Family Resource Serv Detention 440.00 7129.00 4.69 95.50 1000.00 1309.00 900.00 1120.00 206.24 2.16 127.50 26.40 1072.95 Juvenile Drug Court Fund JV Drug Ct groc Fareway Stores Inc Carroll Co Case Management Carroll County Sheriff Cherokee County Sheriff Cindy Cook Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff David A Scott Cornwall Avery Echo Plus Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Eyerly Ball Community MHS Greer Law Office Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC Hy-Vee Hy-Vee LeMars IA Dept of Human Services Kathleen's Care Inc Life Skills Training Ctr Nishna Productions Inc Marion J Roetzel Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group MH-DD Services Fund mhadv fees-care sheriff fees sheriff fees court fees MH county car gas sheriff fees attrny fees wa-care rcf-care mhs-care attrny fees wa-care wa-care rx-care rx-meds rebate tp DHS rcf-care wa-care wa-care adv-mileage wa-care rcf-care Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 3 59.35 157.13 597.00 31.00 136.00 23.02 759.50 250.00 3821.25 1494.90 385.00 75.00 2413.26 759.52 9.68 16.99 200.00 1440.00 103.80 797.58 100.53 18804.50 9507.66 Village NW Unlimited wa-care 1851.32 Rural Services Basic Fund Albert Lee Seed IRVM clover/sanfoin Bomgaars Consv booster cable City of Spencer RS garbage Clay Co Sec Road Fund Zoning county car gas CoZO % Kay Mocha ZSS membership Daily Reporter, The RS public hearing Farmers Trust & Svgs Bank IRVM petty cash/quarters NW IA Planning & Devlpmnt Comm RS comp plan/contract SMU long distance Van Diest Supply Co Consv milestone/glyphosat 56.18 71.99 5954.00 4.16 50.00 11.02 30.00 3600.00 3.81 11283.70 Local Option - Any Lawful Use SCT grant renovation proj 5000.00 Spencer Community Theatre Local Option - Fair FY21010 LOSST allocation 4752.62 Secondary Road Fund A & M Laundry Inc. Uniforms Advanced Drainage Systems 200' 8" Dual Wall Airgas North Central WELDING SUPPLIES Alliant Energy Electric - Peterson Black Hills Energy Gas - Spencer Blacktop Service Company 10.10 ton Asphalt - B24 Boyer Trucks PARTS Christensen Bros Inc Est #2 L-6611DO-2 City of Everly Gas - Everly Clay County Treasurer D.D. #7 Assessment Crysteel Truck Equipment #101 Parts Daily Reporter, The Ad-Paint Booth/Sign Trk Des Moines Register Ad-Paint Booth Farmers Feed & Supply Co 26.4 Ton De-Icing Salt Force America Inc Bulkhead Cable Fox International Inc. FILTERS Green Plains Grain Co LLC Fork Lift Gas Handcock Concrete Products LLC 600' Felt - B24 Hartley Sentinel Inc Ad-Paint Booth/Sign TRK Holcomb Freightliner, Inc. #208 Parts IA Lakes Regional Water Water - Dickens ICAP Premium Change Iowa Information Inc Ad-Paint Booth/Sign Trk Robert B Kluender Reimb for Safety Boots James L Larson Part for U-Joint Removal Michigan Cat #10 Hydraulics Midwest Trim & Upholstery Seat Repairs 352,200,215 NAPA Auto Parts PARTS Nielsens Tire & Appliance Service Northwest Communications Internet - Shop Peterson Contractors Inc Est. #13 L-TSF(117) Platt & Associates Inc Trucking-motor grader Premier Communications Telephone - Dickens Qwest Telephone - Royal Royal Telephone Co Telephone - Royal Snap On Tools Corp 4 psc. Driver Set Spencer Auto Parts Inc PARTS 166.96 692.23 14.70 219.15 327.82 737.30 670.19 30555.00 140.27 2360.25 930.00 81.20 285.24 1407.12 159.82 1187.93 40451.73 330.00 48.00 1806.15 79.76 12.00 63.00 50.00 29.82 12701.18 445.15 73.45 2299.71 34.95 34887.31 4600.00 53.50 8.35 23.00 49.95 1654.23 Clay County Fair Assn Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 4 Spencer Mun Hospital SMU St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test State Steel Supply Co. Town & Country US Cellular Vander Haag's Inc Zep Manufacturing Co Ziegler Inc DOT Drug Test - Jason Electric - Spencer DOT Drug Test - Jason H. Rebar for B24 Patches Garbage - Dickens Data Phone #202-Rebush Walking Beam Brake Cleaner PARTS 60.00 598.70 74.00 1510.08 15.95 64.01 2250.67 246.71 25124.35 Carey's TV & Stereo Menards - Spencer Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv sound system/spkr Consv 30 pc magnet assort 2722.16 6.89 Black Hills Energy Clay County General Fund Clay Co Sec Road Fund Janitors Closet Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC correct entry to GB GSC gas GSC custl supplies 307.00 2734.04 6.89 155.62 Clay County Flex Plan Flex insurance Flex medical Flex insurance Day Care Charges Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex insurance Flex medical Flex insurance Flex daycare Flex insurance Flex medical Flex medical Flex daycare Flex medical Flex medical Flex insurance 45.82 49.56 18.79 500.00 60.44 355.00 523.70 180.00 66.96 33.36 62.14 445.00 94.75 134.11 330.00 200.00 97.86 300.00 245.40 Constance A Adams Kristi J Busse Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis John F Fogarty Robert B Kluender Randy Krukow James L Larson Kevin D Maassen Cheryl L Riley Glenn I Rouse Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Michael M Skonhovd Steven L Sundblad Casey J Timmer Randy J Van Kley Joan M Waller Theresa E Wurth Clay Co Sec Road Fund Mercy Family Pharmacies Office Systems Company Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Evertek Northwest Communications Premier Communications Qwest SMU Alpha Wireless Comm Emergency Medical Services EMS fuel EMS accu-chek aviva/epipe EMS copies 27.07 243.38 5.64 E-911 Surcharge E911 tower utilities E911 equipment/Royal Fire E911 phone line access E911 line charges E911 insite bkup distr rc E911 special circuit E911 circuit charge E911 circuit charge 18.16 3504.77 154.30 435.48 180.00 570.04 13.58 228.60 Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA comm ctr console Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 5 532.69 Clay Co Sec Road Fund Ramada NW Inn & Suites SMU Verizon EMA gas - april EMA mtg exp/lodging long distance EMA cell phone Co. Assessor Agency Fund Canon Fin Services Asr copier contract IA Lakes Comm College Continui Asr notary educ John C Lawson Asr mileage Mar-Lin Business Supply Asr calc SMU long distance Vanguard Appraisals Asr EDOV custom prog Grand Total 97.34 84.00 8.53 159.71 187.90 65.00 38.85 94.60 6.95 106.50 382520.44 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Matthews updates included the Spencer Municipal Airport Board of Trustees meeting, the Upper Des Moines Opportunity meeting, RIDES, and Compass Point board meeting. Supervisor Chalstrom updated the Board on the Clay County Jail Committee meeting. Supervisor Skow updates included LADI Board and a Clay County Zoning meeting. Supervisor Swanson reported on the Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Council meeting. Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to adopt Resolution 2010‐11 authorizing the funds for economic development purposes to the Spencer Community Theatre. Roll Call: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #2010‐11 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, APPROVING THE FUNDING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES TO THE SPENCER COMMUNITY THEATRE. WHEREAS, the County understands that economic development is a public purpose for which the county may provide grants, loans, guarantees, and other financial assistance to or for the benefit of private persons; and WHEREAS, the County supports the efforts of the Spencer Community Theatre and their expansion activities to the existing playhouse and have determined that a public purpose will be accomplished by dispensing funds according to Iowa Code Chapter 15A.1(2); and WHEREAS, the County has agreed in Resolution #2008‐26 to provide financial assistance to the Spencer Community Theatre in the amount of $5000.00 during the current fiscal year from the Local Option‐any Lawful Use fund; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa; that the County will fund the Spencer Community Theatre an amount totaling $5000.00 for fiscal year 2010. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 18 day of June, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: AYES: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. NAYES: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 6 9:15 a.m. John Torbert of the Iowa Drainage Association spoke with the Board with legislative session results and legal related issues effecting counties. Federal legislation regarding the Clean Water Act was discussed. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could be given authority over all bodies of water in the United States. Iowa drainage repairs or improvements would be affected by requiring a permit from EPA and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. State and Congressional representatives have been approached to not support a change in EPA authority. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to authorize the Clay County Board of Supervisors Chairperson to sign the fireworks permit #2010‐1 submitted by Tom & Linda, 2506 298th Street, Spencer, Iowa and direct the County Auditor to place on file a copy of the executed permit issued in accordance with Section 727.2 of the Code of Iowa. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Brockshus to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request form from the Conservation Department for Peter Buchan, Shane Hessenius and Brian Davis for part‐time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective May 17, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept the 2010 Iowa Department of Corrections Jail Inspection Report dated May 12, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Consulting Service Agreement between Clay County and Bill Garnos, 2204 NE 75th Terrace, Gladstone, MO for analysis of the Clay County inmate population trends, development of inmate population projects and jail capacity requirements, and assessment of the existing jail facility. Compensation shall not exceed $6,644 for professional services and related expenses. Motion carried. No Board action taken on setting the date and time for a Clay County Fair Revenue Note hearing. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to proclaim and authorize the Chairperson to sign the Clay County Emergency Medical Services Week Proclamation for the week of May 16‐22, 2010. Motion carried. Tammy McKeever – Zoning, Environmental Health & Safety and EMS Coordinator spoke with the Board regarding a partnership with the Spencer Municipal Utilities for home energy audits for radon testing. Consensus of the Board was to attempt a grant application for the potential cost of additional radon kits and wait to determine if the City of Spencer will be involved for residents of Spencer. 10:20 a.m. Jason Utton – Wind Turbine Project Coordinator spoke with the Board to describe his position and purpose in a wind turbine project in Clay County. The potential value in Clay County may be $156 million for up to sixty (60) turbines. Utton’s company monitors over 9000 turbines. 10:50 a.m. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize the Chairperson to sign a letter of support to the Iowa Great Places, Department of Cultural Affairs in behalf of the Parker Historical Society of Clay County for the purpose of creating the Clay County Heritage Center. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 7 No action taken by the Board on Resolution #2010‐12. The Board will take up the Resolution for discussion at their next Special Board meeting scheduled for Monday, May 24, 2010. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to authorize Chairperson to sign website maintenance agreement renewal for Clay County with Inukshuk Technologies, 921 2nd Avenue SW, Suite #6, Spencer, IA. The contract begins May 1, 2010 with an estimated total of twenty‐four hours to be used this year at a rate of fifty dollars per hour. Any hours left at the end of the contract may be carried over to the next renewal. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize chairperson to sign the annual Licensed Code Support Agreement & annual Consulting & Services Agreement for I‐Series Support, Monitoring Services, & Prepaid Services Hours between Clay County and Solutions, Inc., 2311 West 18th Street, Spencer, IA. This agreement is effective July 1, 2010 at a cost of $29,080 for Licensed programs; $2,500 for System I Support; and Monitoring Management Services at a cost of $5,100.00. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve the Transfer #238 in the amount of $600,000.00 from the Local Option‐Rural Use fund to the Secondary Roads fund. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve Transfer #239 in the amount of $108,560.00 from General Basic fund to the Secondary Roads Fund. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve Transfer #240 in the amount of $941,760.00 from Rural Basic fund to the Secondary Roads Fund. Motion carried. 11:15 a.m. Shirley Goyette, County Recorder and Theresa Wurth, GIS/IT Coordinator gave the Board departmental updates. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve amendment #1 to the fiscal year 2010 Secondary Roads DOT Budget and Five (5) Year Construction program. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to close 150th Avenue from 440th Street to 430th Street for bridge deck overlay construction. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept the quote to sell a paint booth. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1:06 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors May 18, 2010 8 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 22 held on May 24, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on May 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: Supervisor Skow. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for May 24, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. 8:30 a.m. Fiscal Year 2010 County Budget Amendment Hearing: This being the time and place for the hearing on amending the current 2010 fiscal year budget and the Board finding that the proper notice had been given for the hearing and that there are neither written or oral objections, it is therefore, moved by Supervisor Matthews seconded by Supervisor Chalstrom to adopt the amendment to the 2010 fiscal year budget in the following expenditure service areas for the following amounts: Expenditures in Physical Health and Social Services increased to cover Veterans Affairs State Grant spending; County Environment and Education increased to cover Conservation maintenance and operations, county economic development, library allocations, and motor vehicles. Roads & Transportation increased in administration, roads, and new equipment spending. Government Services to Residents increased for city, school, and primary election supplies, labor costs, and equipment. Administration expenditures increased for the county audit, union negotiations, and a motor vehicle. Revenues in Intergovernmental represent Federal IJOBS funds, Help America Vote Grants, Conservation State Grants. City and School election reimbursements and mental health property tax and state payment program dollars. Licenses & Permits revenue is from Secondary Roads trip permits. Charges for Service revenue is from county zoning and county webb services. Use of Money and Property revenues represent principal and interest payments from the Clay County Revolving Loan fund and auction proceeds. Miscellaneous revenues are from tourism donations, Secondary Roads driveway construction and Secondary Roads sale of equipment and materials. The roll call being called, the following named Supervisors voted: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: Skow. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to set the date of June 15, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. as the public hearing for the issuance of revenue bonds for the Clay County Fair Charitable Trust. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: Skow. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed May 24, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: Skow. Resolution adopted. Clay County Board of Supervisors May 24, 2010 1 General Basic Fund Postage & Mailing Contrib.-Other Gov.&Organ MH-DD Services Fund Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Postage & Mailing Rural Services Basic Fund Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Postage & Mailing LOSST Rev Bond Sinking Fund Northwest Bank Other Long-Term Debt Debt Service Fund Northwest Bank G.O. Bonds Co. Assessor Agency Fund Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Postage & Mailing Grand Total Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Spencer Community Theatre 690.00 5000.00 50.00 100.00 93552.73 200155.00 700.00 300247.73 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to adopt Resolution 2010-12 authorizing the funds for economic development purposes to the Parker Historical Society and the Clay County Heritage Center. RESOLUTION #2010-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, APPROVING THE FUNDING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES TO THE PARKER HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF CLAY COUNTY AND THE CLAY COUNTY HERITAGE CENTER. WHEREAS, the County understands that economic development is a public purpose for which the county may provide grants, loans, guarantees, and other financial assistance to or for the benefit of private persons; and WHEREAS, the County supports the efforts of the Parker Historical Society in their expansion and creation of the Clay County Heritage Center and have determined that a public purpose will be accomplished by dispensing funds according to Iowa Code Chapter 15A.1(2)(b); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa; will fund the Parker Historical Society an amount totaling $25,000 for fiscal year 2010 from the General Basic fund. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 24 day of May, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Resolution adopted. Absent: Skow. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, Auditor Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution 2010-13 to sell county property by Quit Claim Deed: Clay County Board of Supervisors May 24, 2010 2 RESOLUTION #2010-13 RESOLUTION TO SELL COUNTY PROPERTY BY DEED WHEREAS Section 331.361 (2), Iowa Code, allows the County to dispose of an interest in real property by sale; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, have determined that said property is of no further benefit to the public and should be vacated; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the following described property, to-wit: Lots Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20), of Block Two (2), Frydenborg’s Addition to the Town of Everly, Clay County, Iowa IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Supervisors shall execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed conveying said property as follows: TO: Larry D. Erick (Single) Lots Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20), of Block Two (2), Frydenborg’s Addition to the Town of Everly, Clay County, Iowa SO RESOLVED. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 24th day of May, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: Skow. Resolution adopted. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, Auditor The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors May 24, 2010 3 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 23 held on June 1, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on June 1, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for June 1, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the minutes of the Board Meeting #21 held May 18, 2010 be and are hereby approved as corrected and submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #22 held May 24, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed June 1, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Constance A Adams Alpha Wireless Comm American Solutions for Busines Arnold Motor Supply Best Western Holiday Lodge Bomgaars Canon Fin Services Cherokee County Sheriff Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Coffman's Locksmith Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Gina L Ean Farmers Trust & Svgs Bank Shirley M Goyette GW "Pete" Howe Sanitation H.E.A.T. Tactical Team Hanson's Plumbing & Heating Holiday Inn Michael J Houchins Hy-Vee Bedels Pharmacy IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy Inukshuk Technologies General Basic Fund Aud mtg/exp meal Shrf lght bar Treas tax statements Shrf fltr Treas lodging Bldgs misc DP copier chrgs sheriff fees Shrf fuel Shrf fee Adm key box Rec dater pad Aud mtg exp/meal DP sfty depost bx fee Rec mileage Jail auger sink line Shrf membership dues CCSO condnsr fan motor Aud mtg exp/lodging Aty mileage Shrf Rx Consv utilities Consv utilities Shrf Basic Level I School DP website maint agrmnt Clay County Board of Supervisors June 1, 2010 1 12.07 106.27 295.24 13.60 252.00 148.86 419.45 19.00 4209.53 463.00 44.60 14.50 11.53 53.00 21.00 100.00 1995.00 220.35 268.65 127.93 214.00 928.88 293.72 8000.00 1200.00 Mail Services LLC Mar-Lin Business Supply Marriott West Des Moines Mastercard Midwest Technology Services Minolta Financial Svcs NARTEC, Inc Office Systems Company Schoeneman Bros Sidwell Company Smart Computing Solutions, Inc Spencer Family Care Med Exam Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Staples Credit Plan US Bank US Cellular U S Postmaster Verizon VISA Walmart Business ARC Clay County Sheriff Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Employee Benefit Systems NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Staples Credit Plan VISA Cherokee County Sheriff Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Hy-Vee Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies Staples Credit Plan US Cellular U S Postmaster VISA Clay Co Sec Road Fund Verizon A-Line Crushing Service Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Arnold Motor Supply Safelite Fulfillment Bomgaars Bradley H Brunk Christensen Bros Inc Treas renewal printing Treas flags/post-its Shrf rooms DP mtg exp/scooter rental Shrf 2 ext/VM/new phone DHS copier Shrf kit/meth DP copies CCSO plywood/masonite/hge DP parcel bldr admn maint DP subscription FY11 sftwr maint ME charges Shrf emerg rm Bldg utilities Aud bndrs/label hldr DP Acrobat supplies Rec deposit tickets cell phone chgs postage Consv cell phone fuel/misc exp Consv 3.5mm kit/griffin p General Supplemental Fund Elect bags/laptop Shrf transport Elect 3" stamp Cobra billing detention Elect envlps Elect fuel MH-DD Services Fund sheriff fees sheriff fees CCMS for 4/10 rx-meds medck-care office supplies shredder cell phn chrges postage MH fuel Rural Services Basic Fund IRVM fuel IRVM cell phone Secondary Road Fund Est. #4 Crushing WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Royal PARTS Sealant PARTS Clothing Allowance Est. #3 L-6610DO-2 Clay County Board of Supervisors June 1, 2010 2 570.73 54.98 183.68 358.70 150.00 67.43 65.70 15.78 162.23 500.00 48.00 33608.75 250.00 1356.81 3577.48 405.03 758.93 747.87 173.82 630.18 3.06 270.60 1134.79 22.76 888.04 95.50 51.80 92.40 900.00 8.50 112.56 19.00 262.50 390.00 91.88 27843.47 11.71 91.00 20.47 7.14 15.78 210.53 84.51 19101.24 328.22 180.48 33.36 7.50 115.40 24.18 49144.47 City of Spencer Crescent Electric Supply Dyno Oil Co Inc FASTENAL Force America Inc IA Prison Industries Iowa Telecom John Thomas Inc Lawson Products Inc M. D. Products Mar-Lin Business Supply HSBC Business Solutions Michael Todd & Co Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Reds Radiator Repair Spencer International US Cellular Wayne T Hansen Corp Yaggy Colby Associates Clay Co Sec Road Fund VISA Walmart Business Bomgaars US Cellular Patricia A Applegate Ann L Baschke Nicole L Huckfelt Amy J Kendall James F OHearn Daniel W Pullen Travis J Riley John M Rosacker Ann E Spooner Steven L Sundblad Casey J Timmer Cont Rent Spencer Shed 146 Gals -AF UFT Bulk Oil BOLTS PARTS SIGN MAINT. REPAIR Telephone - Peterson PARTS BOLTS #10 Rear Fenders CD Envelopes PARTS SIGN MAINT. REPAIR Old Contrct Billing-Final Time Clock Parts #7-Clean & Repair Condens PARTS 7 - Cell Phones Gravel-Whitney 125,023Ton ROW Acq HDP(116) Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv Natl fuel Consv Magiscope pkg IV Consv food items Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC v belt GSC cell phone Clay County Flex Plan flex medical Flex medical Flex daycare Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical flex medical flex medical flex medical Flex daycare IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force Shrf IGLD OT Qwest Willson & Pechacek, PLC John C Lawson NW District Assessor Assoc Grand Total E-911 Surcharge E911 phone serv Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr legal services Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr mileage Asr yrly mtg dues 11.50 10.92 3362.36 35.44 124.86 4333.75 59.89 202.50 266.17 1123.16 21.38 270.98 387.33 99.24 64.90 75.00 266.51 248.18 285580.60 3909.60 29.39 526.84 51.57 16.92 27.72 247.36 50.00 1770.00 100.95 500.00 300.00 300.00 80.00 28.08 140.81 300.00 86.90 581.94 220.00 73.15 300.00 470867.03 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus updated the Board on his attendance at the Season’s Center meeting. Supervisor Matthews had nothing to report. Supervisor Clay County Board of Supervisors June 1, 2010 3 Chalstrom reported on the YES Center meeting and their transportation venture. Supervisor Skow updated the Board on the Community Betterment Task Force attendance of the 2010 Global Retail Real Estate Convention in Nevada. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to authorize the Clay County Board of Supervisors Chairperson to sign the fireworks permit #2010‐2 submitted by Carol Orris, 3035 190th Avenue, Spencer, Iowa and direct the County Auditor to place on file a copy of the executed permit issued in accordance with Section 727.2 of the Code of Iowa. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following Resolution 2010‐14. RESOLUTION NO. 201014 Approving the proposal from HMN Architects, Inc, 7400 West 110th Street, Suite 200, Overland Park, Kansas for preliminary architectural services for a new Clay County jail. Whereas, the Clay County Board of Supervisors have determined the need to explore the construction of a new Clay County law enforcement facility and have established the Clay County Jail Planning Committee as an advisory committee for that purpose, and Whereas, the Clay County Board of Supervisors have solicited proposals from three independent consultants to assist in determining the number of beds that would be required, and Whereas, the Clay County Board of Supervisors intend to place a public measure on an electoral ballot as early as November, 2010 to finance a law enforcement center. Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairperson be authorized to sign the Letter of Agreement with HMN Architects, Inc., 7400 W. 110th St, Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 66210 to prepare information and public awareness education materials for an amount not to exceed $10,000. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 1st day of June 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor The Board of Supervisors recessed the Regular Board Meeting at 8:48 a.m. to convene as the Tri‐ Joint Board of Supervisors of Palo Alto, Pocahontas, & Clay Counties to prepare to levy an assessment on Tri‐Joint Drainage District #73. The Board of Supervisors reconvened Regular Board Meeting at 8:49 a.m. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve the application for funding submitted by Plueger, Inc dba Cabernet Catering, 1300 W 5th St, Spencer, IA from the Clay County Revolving Loan Fund in the amount of $15,000.00 at a loan rate of 4.75 per cent for a term of seven (7) years. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors June 1, 2010 4 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to set the time and place for a public hearing on a proposal to purchase county property located at 209 West Front Street, Peterson, Clay County, Iowa as 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 in the Boardroom of the Clay County Administration Building. The Board directs the public hearing be published as provided in Section 331.305 of the Code of Iowa. Motion carried. Aaron McHone and six (6) case management staff from the Season’s Center presented their semi‐ annual report of thirty‐nine (39) consumers financed by the County. McHone gave an update on staffing changes. On July 1, 2010 Season’s will go to a service rate based on fifteen (15) minute increments. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize the Chairperson to sign the 2011 Clay County Targeted Case Management Projected Cost Report. The Board directed that the signature page be submitted to Iowa Medicaid Enterprise for approval. Motion carried / failed. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize an allocation not to exceed $1,500.00 from the Mental Health fund in fiscal year 2011 for an ADA Awareness Activity event to be held on October 12th, 2010. It is a county‐wide event that supports the goals of the Clay County MH/DD Managed Care Plan by encouraging the development and maintenance of natural supports in the community for persons with disabilities. Motion carried. Clay County Engineer Scott Rinehart gave the Board a departmental update. Clay County Auditor Marjorie Pitts gave the Board a departmental update. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1:10 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors June 1, 2010 5 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 24 held on June 15, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on June 15, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for June 15, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #23 held June 1, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed June, 15 2010 with claim #10823 lowered by one night’s stay plus tax. Ayes: Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: Supervisor Brockshus. Resolution adopted. Airgas North Central Albert Lee Seed Alpha Wireless Comm Arctic Glacier Inc Arnold Motor Supply Ann L Baschke Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Bud's Service Canon Fin Services Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Carroll Cleaning Supply, Co Carroll Dist & Const Supply Cherokee Co Environmntal Hlth Christians Sheet Mtl Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Compass Pointe Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The DCI - SOR Dell Marketing Deluxe For Business Design Concepts Unlimited Dickinson County Envir Health Dickinson County Sheriff General Basic Fund Consv supplies Consv clover seed Shrf portable radio servi consv ice consv stop and tail Aud postage Union negotiations rent-landlord Bldg utilities Consv elec motor contact Shrf oil change Admn copier contract Shrf shoulder emblems Consv freight Consv metal EH plan & proc mtg exp Consv valve/coset spud Dept gas Shrf fee FY10 4th qtr allocation Consv copier contract CCSO lightbulbs Pub bd mtg 20 & 21 Shrf registration DHS monitors shrf checks Treas file cabinet EH plan & proc mtg exp Shrf fees Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 1 39.90 87.00 46.92 94.93 20.39 12.96 6370.20 325.00 1373.00 473.67 176.00 265.00 750.79 23.34 13.20 390.45 111.97 4480.13 901.00 3908.00 242.84 32.50 792.60 100.00 714.00 208.12 175.00 753.80 19.00 Don Pierson Ford Evertek Green Plains Grain Co LLC Greer Law Office H & N Chevrolet Buick Harmon AutoGlass Hartley Sentinel Incorporated Daniel J Heissel IA Division of Labor Serv Iowa Lakes Community College Ida County Env Hlth Ida County Treasurer Interstate Batteries Jackson Sports Janitors Closet Jennifer Wekony Kent Smock-Safety Products Klein's Korner Inc. Randy Krukow Linn County Public Health Lyon County Env Hlth L-3 Com Mobile Vision Inc Mangold Environmental Test Mar-Lin Business Supply Martin's Flag Co Menards - Spencer Michelle Rosendahl Midwest Technology Services Monona Count Env Health New Sioux City Iron Co News, Bell, Times, Patriot Nicole Pullen Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc NW Aging Association O'Brien County Public Health Oce OMB's Express Police Supply Palo Alto County Sheriff Parker Historical Society Perkins Office Solutions Pocahontas Co Health Dept Presto X Company Quik Spot RadioShack Your Phone Co Reliance Telephone Sac County Zoning/Env Hlth Schwan's Sales Scott Anderson Sheraton Bloomington Hotel Sherwin Williams Sikora Sprinkler Service Siouxland District Health Dept Joe G Skow Solutions, Inc SMU Spencer Office Supplies Env hlth truck repairs Consv internet/phone Scharnberg tank exchange attrny fees Consv windshield wipers Shrf window repair Pub budget amendment consv mtg exp meal Adm boiler inspection Consv utilities EH plan & proc mtg exp EH plan & proc mtg exp consv battery Consv brake pad Cths custl supplies Shrf translator Shrf bullet proof vests Consv worms shrf postage Env Hlth radon kits EH plan & proc mtg exp Shrf video system Well testings Office supplies Cthse flags Consv misc supplies EH plan & proc mtg exp Shrf hanset cord EH plan & proc mtg exp Consv hammer drill Bd pub Mtg #20 Matron fees consv tire service Shrf service call/work Consv return FY10 4th qtr allocation EH plan & proc mtg exp GIS - paper shrf gloves Shrf fees Heritage Center funding shrf three hole punch EH plan & proc mtg exp Bldg pest contrl Consv concessions Consv cable/batteries Shrf adj audio on DVR EH plan & proc mtg exp Consv product VA landlord VA NACVSO training mtg ex Consv coffee Admn sprinkler service EH plan & proc mtg exp Bd mtg exp DP web hosting/June 2010 Bldg utilities Auditor office supplies Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 2 1081.00 139.13 681.30 75.00 37.50 84.95 354.98 7.78 125.00 43.76 190.97 168.52 95.95 41.93 805.09 30.00 1977.00 40.00 6.15 100.00 286.84 10486.00 120.00 202.68 775.92 348.77 15.35 11.85 277.07 149.95 283.19 90.00 10.00 210.00 88.77 2495.25 229.46 71.53 1348.59 27.73 25000.00 72.18 889.30 173.04 415.44 16.48 1255.00 188.88 109.91 265.00 999.95 33.37 175.00 810.62 73.29 1399.41 985.89 474.82 Staples SWIFT AIR The Crittenton Center The Toner Place Town & Country Ultramax Upper DesMoines O E O US Bank U S Postmaster Verizon Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Xerox Corporation Zee Medical Service Co Zenor & Houchins, PC Constance A Adams Ann Johnke Annette Schaeffer Arlene Meyer Box 195 Augusta Overeen Barbara Joenks Barbara Salton Ann L Baschke Bev Rutter Beverly Kimball LeAnn D Black Bonny Swart Buena Vista Co Sheriff Chris Schoelerman Christopher Coffman Chuck Pitts Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency Clay County Sheriff Audrey Coffman Connie Sylvester Coreen Boernsen Dana Metcalf Darlene Enderton David Schaeffer Deb Merten Denise Loring Dennis Price Donna Frederick Donna Jones Doreen Scribner Dorothy M Smith Dorothy McEntee Ellen Sorenson Elsie Mae Brown Florence Ihry Florence Kramer Gaye Winter George P Moriarty Trudy (Gertrude) Elbert Glenda L Peters Hartley Sentinel DHS pencil/correct tape Adm maint agrmnt shelter care DHS Kyocera Scharnberg garbage remova Shrf ammunition FY10 4th qtr allocation Recorder Analysis shrf postage DHS cell phone service DHS myridge 65 edgemont burial assist Rec copier base charge consv first aid supplies Atty monthly exp 617.06 682.50 653.10 64.00 292.65 1491.00 5225.00 105.00 264.00 339.99 454.26 2400.00 266.10 205.00 8188.77 General Supplemental Fund Elect mileage Elect Primary wkr & class election worker Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect mileage Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary election worker Inmate charges Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & publ Elect wkr/tech EMA allocation - June Shrf transport Elect mileage Elect Primay wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect mileage Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Public Test Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Pub Primary election ball 6.30 173.00 94.30 142.00 92.00 162.10 148.00 14.70 191.80 172.80 12.75 57.65 1705.00 142.35 179.40 42.20 7129.00 404.00 34.30 186.90 210.00 96.80 142.50 191.50 61.40 82.50 188.00 224.70 171.40 146.55 99.40 92.70 154.30 75.00 216.75 179.00 159.55 18.75 144.00 138.50 531.00 Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 3 Jean A Jackson Janet Mills Jeryl MacConnell Jim Graham John Blair John Elbert Judith Lorenz Karen Eickhoff Kay Darnell Kaye Price Kris Toay LaVonne B Kruse LaVonne Peterson Lexis Nexis Lisa Elliott Lisa J Myers Lois Fairchild Loretta Kendall Lorrie (Delores) Huffman Mareen Erwin Mark Haan Marla Woelber Mary Gustin Mary Olson Matt Baack Michelle A Krile John L Mills Myrle M Roberts Nancy A Lewis Nancy K Bell Nancy Triggs Natalie Salton News, Bell, Times, Patriot Norman Woelber NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr Mavis C Olson Pat Jensen Patricia Olson Roberta Brehmer Rodney Coffman Rollie Hanson Sharon Roghair Sheldon Olson Shirley Hamrick Cindy K Sonius Steve Launderville Helen Swanson Terry Gruhn Warner C Walrath Weston Miller William Hemme Youth & Family Resource Serv Fareway Stores Inc Berryhill Center Elect school Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Law Library online charge Elect Primary wkr Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary/tech Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary/tech election worker Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect ballot/Primary Elect Primary wkr & class Detention Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect wkr/tech Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary/tech Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Elect Primary wkr & class Detention 38.40 152.00 78.75 207.55 72.00 144.70 158.80 108.95 144.00 195.50 139.20 88.70 144.00 1309.00 56.00 158.70 135.00 93.40 152.00 88.00 28.75 170.00 89.85 135.00 27.90 55.25 180.70 96.85 166.88 76.40 143.20 252.90 314.49 192.20 1200.00 215.30 172.55 154.15 109.50 171.70 39.40 80.00 135.00 154.15 58.80 27.70 93.90 78.75 80.00 179.75 76.00 1446.15 Juvenile Drug Court Fund Drug court meals 51.19 MH-DD Services Fund mhs-care 118.50 Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 4 Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Echo Plus Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC Hy-Vee Hy-Vee LeMars IA Dept of Human Services Kathleen's Care Inc Nishna Productions Inc Spencer Office Supplies Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group Village NW Unlimited Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf radar service consv ball mount & hitch IRVM fuel Zoning publications Shrf tires service/allign Consv chisel blade Zoning copies Consv micro vblt Consv tubing Alpha Wireless Comm Bomgaars Clay Co Sec Road Fund Daily Reporter, The Exhaust Pros Galen's Pro-Mow Office Systems Company Spencer Auto Parts Inc State Steel Supply Co. Plueger, Inc CPC county car gas sheriff fee-care wa-care rcf-care wa-care wa-care rx-care rx-meds cm-card rcf-care wa-care office supplies wa-care rcf-care wa-care Clay Co Revolving Loan Fund Rev Loan proceeds Sheriff Undercover Fund shrf portable toilet gun Shrf pistol box Shrf trim/paint/brushes/m shrf lumber A-1 Portables Galls Menards Schoeneman Bros Historic Arnolds Park Sheriff DARE Fund DARE - admissions A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Bennett Radiator Company Black Hills Energy Boyer Trucks City of Everly City of Royal Crescent Electric Supply Diamond Vogel Paints Don Pierson Ford Gilbert & Carolyn Dotson Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co FASTENAL Force America Inc Secondary Road Fund Uniforms WELDING SUPPLIES Gas - Peterson Radios Telephone - G.G. #10 Radiator Gas - Royal PARTS Gas - Everly Water & Sewer - Royal PARTS PAINT PARTS Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Telephone - Everly 78.35 Ton De-icing Sand BOLTS PARTS Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 5 16.01 72.00 3054.75 1544.73 2384.16 781.76 34.60 16.99 38168.34 1488.00 708.96 51.62 18880.95 9520.65 1668.80 179.54 178.12 373.93 18.65 99.95 151.26 51.21 43.11 37.64 15000.00 44.00 477.87 56.01 24.00 220.00 166.96 384.69 218.29 4219.14 25.29 2021.85 163.60 1352.01 98.05 26.00 13.28 257.09 86.70 1068.00 27.60 4176.06 483.24 795.80 Green Plains Grain Co LLC Hagedorn Excavating, Inc IA Lakes Regional Water Johnston Automotive Kuehl & Payer Ltd M. D. Products Mar-Lin Business Supply Michael Todd & Co Murphy Tractor & Equipment Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Premier Communications Qwest Royal Telephone Co Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU TD Tools Town & Country US Cellular Yaggy Colby Associates Ziegler Inc Forklift Gas Tile Repair water - Dickens PARTS Bridge Services HDP(116) CAT Fender Office Suplies 100 - 72" Sign Posts #10 Snow Wing TIRES & TUBES Internet Telephone - Webb Telephone - Royal Telephone - Royal PARTS Telephone - Spencer Shop TOOLS Garbage - Dickens Data Phone ROW Acquisition HDP(116) PARTS 32453.66 1570.81 36.00 15.96 1825.30 931.50 94.81 2121.94 5500.00 435.99 34.95 58.75 8.12 22.50 1217.26 53.99 42.00 15.95 64.01 251.50 2659.55 Walmart Business Zee Medical Service Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Nat latch boxes Naturalist first aid supp 34.92 35.85 Clay Co Sec Road Fund Janitors Closet Martin's Flag Co Presto X Company Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC custodial gas GSC custl supplies GSC flags GSC pest contrl Constance A Adams LeAnn D Black Kristi J Busse Kenneth L Chalstrom Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis Matthew J Dehrkoop Raymond D Essick Robert B Kluender Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Julian N Ortiz Glenn I Rouse Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Mark A Thompson Casey J Timmer Sheila A Weeks Kimberly S Wilson Theresa E Wurth Alpha Wireless Comm Bam'd Sales Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan ins prem medical medical medical ins prem medical daycare medical medical ins prem medical medical medical daycare ins prem medical daycare medical medical ins prem Emergency Medical Services EMS equipment install EMS safety coats Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 6 30.32 217.11 258.64 43.26 39.51 300.00 159.67 197.16 18.79 889.00 1000.00 924.02 445.00 66.96 222.28 1000.00 124.63 485.00 94.75 595.75 100.00 137.93 660.38 245.40 560.00 784.94 Bound Tree Medical IA Lakes Comm College Mercy Family Pharmacies Northern Safety Technology Speed Printers Spencer Motor Sports Spencer Volunteer Fire Dept SMR Fire Department Clay County Sheriff EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS electrode pads training Epipens and Aviva lights ATV flyers ATV goggles training - EMT equipment supplies 44.47 1015.00 290.42 421.54 180.00 400.00 2490.00 241.40 IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force IGLD task force OT-March 86.90 E-911 Surcharge E911 utilities E911 phone chrgs E911 con fee July 09-june E911 phone E911 access lines E911 line access charges E911 line access charges E911 circuit charge E911 circuit charge E911 line access charges E911 bumper 17.80 154.30 10000.00 454.72 41.69 848.74 570.04 10413.58 228.60 9.27 1036.00 Alliant Energy Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele City of Spencer Evertek Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications Qwest SMU Terril Telephone Coop Ziegler Inc Clay Co Sec Road Fund Mar-Lin Business Supply OMB's Express Police Supply Ramada NW Inn & Suites Eric W Tigges Verizon Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund EMA fuel EMA minute book EMA clothing pants EMA mtg expense room EMA mtg expense meals EMA cell phone charges 59.21 130.00 92.97 214.00 88.95 159.81 Dave's Sand & Gravel Inc Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Consv rock 1" 67.88 Canon Fin Services Ramada - Mall of America Solutions, Inc U S Postmaster Verizon Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr copier contract Assr mtg expense - room Assr VanGuard upload/down Assr post office box chge Assr cell phone 187.90 479.95 3100.00 76.00 103.17 329476.43 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to open B24 or 350th Street from 200th Avenue west to 180th Avenue after completion of widening of shoulders. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept the low tire quote from Graham Tire, Spencer, Ia. Motion carried. Engineer Rinehart gave the Board a departmental update on projects. Conservationist Heissel gave the Board a departmental update on new legislation for State Excise Tax implemented and retroactive to July 1, 2009 on cabin rentals. The Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 7 8:58 a.m. Richard Steely addressed the Board regarding dust control and road closures surrounding 190th Ave and West 18th Street on behalf of Roger and Carol Steely also. Steely’s have spoken with the Board in recent years and told to do their own treatment which they did on May 29, 2010 at an approximate cost of $300.00. Four days after oiled the road was closed so traffic used their road. Steely has filed a complaint with IDNR and also asked the County to pay for re-treating the road, to enact an embargo of large truck traffic on the road, and to restrict speed limits. Engineer Rinehart and Supervisor Skow offered comment to the discussion. 9:22 a.m. Hearing on Proposal to Issue Rev Bonds not to exceed $1,200,000 for Clay Co Charitable Trust This being the time and place specified for holding a hearing on the proposal to issue revenue bonds and to make a loan to the Clay County Fair Charitable Trust, the County Auditor announced that no written objections had been placed on file. The Chairperson called for any written or oral objections, and there were none. The Chairperson then closed the public hearing. After due consideration and discussion, Supervisor Brockshus introduced the resolution next hereinafter set out and moved its adoption, seconded by Supervisor Chalstrom. The Chairperson put the question upon the adoption of said resolution, and the roll being called, the following Supervisors voted: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Whereupon, the Chairperson declared the resolution duly adopted as hereinafter set out. RESOLUTION NO. 2010-16 Resolution expressing intent to issue revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 419 of the Code of Iowa, the Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) of Clay County, Iowa (the “County”), has heretofore proposed to issue revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 (the “Bonds”) and loan that amount to the Clay County Fair Charitable Trust for the purpose of financing livestock facilities and other infrastructure improvements at the Clay County Fairgrounds, and has published notice of the proposed action and has held a hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, it is necessary at this time for the Board to express its intent to authorize the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. The County hereby determines to issue the Bonds in the future, whenever details have been confirmed. Section 2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Passed and approved on June 15, 2010. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson, Board of Supervisors Attest:/s/ Marjorie Pitts, County Auditor Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 8 9:30 a.m. This being the time and place for the public hearing for a proposal from Sarah Henderson of Peterson, Iowa, to purchase county property located at 209 West Front Street, Peterson, Clay County, Iowa legally described as follows, to wit: Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty- (20) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa, The Board finding that the proposed hearing was published as provided in section 331.305 of the Code of Iowa and after hearing no oral or written objections, it was moved by Supervisor Skow, seconded by Supervisor Matthews to adopt the following resolution: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Whereupon, the Chairperson declared the resolution duly adopted as hereinafter set out. RESOLUTION #2010-15 RESOLUTION TO SELL COUNTY PROPERTY BY DEED WHEREAS Section 331.361 (2), Iowa Code, allows the County to dispose of an interest in real property by sale; and WHEREAS, the Supervisors have received an offer to buy real estate of $500.00 (Five hundred) from Sarah Henderson, Peterson, Iowa for the following described property, to-wit: Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty- (20) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa, and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, have determined that said property is of no further benefit to the public and should be vacated; and WHEREAS, a proper notice of the date, time and place of hearing on this issue has been published and a hearing has been held and following said hearing, the Supervisors have determined that, in fact, the property is of no benefit to the public and should be vacated. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the following described property, to-wit: Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty- (20) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Supervisors shall execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed conveying said property as follows: TO: Sarah Henderson, single Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty- (20) of Block One (1), Original Plat in the Town of Peterson, Iowa, SO RESOLVED. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 15th day of June, 2010. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Public hearing closed at 9:43 a.m. Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 9 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize chairperson to sign FY11 contract between Clay County and Upper Des Moines Opportunity for financial support of the local pantry. Motion carried. 10:20 a.m. June 8, 2010 Primary Election Canvass. The Board proceeded to canvass the returns of the Primary Election held on June 8, 2010 as shown by the returns from all precincts. The votes of the federal and state offices were tabulated, signed and certified to the Secretary of State as provided by law. Upon completion of the canvass the following candidates were declared nominated to County offices. The offices listed with No Candidate may be filled by County Convention prior to August 25, 2010. REPUBLICAN TICKET County Offices: Supervisor At Large: KEN CHALSTROM, BURLIN MATTHEWS, LINDA SWANSON; Treasurer: SANDRA S. GEIDL; Recorder: SHIRLEY GOYETTE; Attorney: NO CANDIDATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET County Offices: Supervisor At Large: NO CANDIDATE; Treasurer: NO CANDIDATE; Recorder: NO CANDIDATE; Attorney: MICHAEL J. HOUCHINS 11:20 a.m. Eileen Skogerboe and Phyllis Slawson gave the Board an update on the Department of Human Services office area move within the Governmental Services Building required by July 1, 2010. The Board agreed to assist in the move of desks and office furniture. Auditor Marjorie Pitts spoke with the Board regarding proposals for replacement of two copiers in the Administration Building and the Central Point Coordinator office in the Courthouse. 11:45 a.m. Greg Davis, President of Solutions, Inc spoke with the Board regarding an enhanced email server hosting opportunity for the County. Solution’s Inc currently hosts the county email server and Davis recommends going with Microsoft Business Online Services for $5 per mailbox versus the $6 per mailbox charge with Solutions. The service can be implemented with no interruption to the users and furnishes a disaster recovery plan and 24/7 support services. 12:10 p.m. Steve Davis from HMN Architects, Inc, Overland Park, Kansas and Consultant Bill Garnos spoke with the Board regarding the plans for a jail needs assessment and how the process of analyzing statistic from current jail bookings and inmate populations since 2005 would be compiled. Discussion also related to the process of exchanging information between the citizens group and the Board of Supervisors. Completion of the consultant’s report should be within a month from beginning. 12:25 p.m. Supervisor Brockshus left the meeting. Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 10 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to authorize the Clay County Board of Supervisors Chairperson to sign the fireworks permits #2010‐3 through #2010‐‐07 submitted by Robert Goff, 1701 Carr St, Ruthven, IA; Kathy & Randall Anderson, 102 5th Ave. NW, Fostoria, IA; Valerie Paulsen, 2511 298th St., Spencer, IA; Mary A. Smith, 15 4th Ave NW, Fostoria, IA; Paul Kerkhoff, 3320 340th Ave, Ruthven, IA and direct the County Auditor to place on file the copies of the executed permits issued in accordance with Section 727.2 of the Code of Iowa. Expiration dates will be two (2) days after the requested date of display. Motion carried.. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize Chairperson to sign updated Business Associate Addendum with Employee Benefit Systems, the Counties third party administrator for Iowa Governmental Health Care Plan (IGHCP). This Addendum will take the place of the previous agreement and includes verbiage pertaining to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (HITECH Act.). Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve re‐appointment of Eldon Kopel, 1127 West 5th Street, Spencer, IA to Clay County Veterans Affairs Commission for a three year term ending June 30, 2013. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve certificate of adjustment #2158 on Receipts #79000 and #79001 for fiscal year 2009/2010, payable year 2010/2011 for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service on drainage assessments for Drainage District #98 in the amount of $13.80. Reason being: Tax exempt pursuant to Iowa Code Section 1.4. Motion carried.. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Clay County Board of Supervisors to approve the Union Agreement between Clay County Administration and Courthouse Employees and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 234 from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 and to authorize the Chairperson to sign the agreement. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Conservation Department for Keri Duhn, Brooke Baschke, Karen Bauemeister, and Bradi Baschke for part-time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective May 15, 2010. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1:27 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting June 22, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors June 15, 2010 11 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 25 held on June 22, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on June 22, 2010 at 8:56 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for June 22, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to set the hearing date and time for an application of Croell Redi-Mix, Inc., P O Box 430, New Hampton, IA 50659, for a Heavy Industrial Use Permit for a portable concrete plant located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Eight (8), Township Ninety-six (96) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Riverton Township, Clay County, Iowa. to be Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. Motion carried. Personnel Policy Review Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:22 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting July 6, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. to continue employee policy revisions. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors June 22, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 26 held on June 29, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on June 29, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for June 29, 2010 be received as amended to add the Board to sign the Secondary Roads payroll wage schedule submitted for fiscal year 2011, and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #24 held June 15, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the minutes of the Board Meeting #25 held June 22, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed June 29, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Alpha Wireless Comm Arctic Glacier Inc Arnold Motor Supply Bam'd Sales Black Hills Energy Boji Information Bomgaars Budget Inn Motel Canon Fin Services City of Spencer Clay County Sheriff Clay County Fair Assn Coffman's Locksmith Continental Research Corp Crescent Electric Supply Ed Roehr Safety Products FASTENAL Galen's Pro-Mow Green Plains Grain Co Greg's Repair Helen's Comm Laundry Humane Restraint Hy-Vee General Basic Fund Shrf vertex lghts Scharnburg ice Consv tap cd Shrf handcuffs/leg irons Jail utilities Treas toner cartridge Bldg supplies VA lodging GIS plotter lease Shrf comm ctr capital res sheriff fees VA booth wkr passes/CCF Bldg keys Consv misc Consv plug-in cb Shrf air cartrdge(s) Consv hcs1/2-13x5 Consv chain Consv LP cylinders Cths Briggs engine Jail rugs/dm/mops Shrf belt/transport Shrf Rx Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 1 670.44 185.69 10.79 264.92 116.00 375.00 473.24 99.00 1058.45 35868.24 932.00 75.00 79.80 153.15 92.45 1177.23 11.35 24.64 29.48 258.90 283.02 206.25 108.85 IA County Recorders Assn IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IACCB IACCVA Janitors Closet Judy's Lawn Service Kevin Grigg Klein's Korner Randy Krukow Mail Services LLC Mar-Lin Business Supply Mastercard Tammy R McKeever Menards - Spencer Mike Nims Minolta Financial Modern Marketing Monona County Sheriff MorphoTrak Tacoma Nat'l Recreation & Park Assoc National Pen Company Northern Safety Technology Northwest Equipment Inc Office Systems Company Palo Alto Environmental Hlth Perkins Office Solutions Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Marjorie A Pitts Pocahontas Co Health Dept Presto X Company Proforma Millennium Graphics Quik Spot RadioShack Your Phone Co Reliance Telephone Remillard Custom Wood Sac County Zoning/Env Hlth Safelite AutoGlass Sanra Armenta Leyva Schoeneman Bros Schwan's Sales Shield Technology Corp Sidwell Company Smart Computing Speed Printers Spencer International Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Staples Credit Plan Sterling Solutions Inc The Toner Place Casey J Timmer U S Postal Service Ultramax UPS Rec mtg registration Consv utilities Scharnberg water usage Consv membership dues VA annl membership dues Consv paper towels Consv cleaning supplies Well closures Consv worms Shrf reimb mailings Treas renewal printing Treas file folders consv gas San travel exp consv hexbolt Well closures DHS copier contract Shrf tape/evidence 2" red San salary Shrf Livescan maint agrmn Consv membership Consv pens/business image Shrf super-LED lght consv plugs Shrf contract base chrg San salary DHS rubber bands Post machine rentals postage meter usage Adm reimb shipping cost EH plan & proc mtg exp CCSO pest contrl Treas envlps Concessions Shrf RCA 4-1 remo Shrf microphones/amp/cont Consv Wanata park sign San salary Shrf ws repair Shrf translator & mileage CCSO torx screw/spf/1x2x8 consv concessions Shrf records mangmnt lice DP web hosting DP 1 yr subscription Shrf cetificate Consv bolts PHN/meals Bldg utilities Shrf marker/pens/tape Consv office supplies Misc office supplies VA VIMS maint agrmnt DHS toner cartridges Shrf reimb fuel DHS postage Shrf fdxm193a-p/tact slug Shrf pkg delivery Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 2 65.00 1430.38 385.57 600.00 50.00 361.46 9.78 769.15 80.00 10.44 554.48 114.01 20.48 14.13 169.10 800.00 67.43 58.14 237.31 1074.00 60.00 218.90 1454.97 132.78 87.60 151.88 7.03 1103.31 1300.00 12.08 634.03 86.52 317.62 175.03 29.96 1388.40 225.00 245.34 149.90 48.68 32.17 84.93 2000.00 4080.00 29.00 144.00 26.15 11557.38 4999.98 6508.96 221.22 170.51 450.00 326.00 30.08 1000.00 691.00 12.99 US Cellular U S Postmaster Van Diest Supply Co Verizon VISA Joan M Waller Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Zenor & Houchins, PC Shrf cell phones postage Consv chemicals Consv cell phone Shrf mtg exp/lodging VA mtg exp Consv office supplies VA prof services Aty office supplies General Supplemental Fund Clay County Sheriff Shrf transport Clay County Regional Event Ctr Elect catering/Primary Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Elect Primary ballot prep Hy-Vee Elect school/food IA Municipalities Workers Comp Wk Comp Deposit FY2011 pr IA Secretary of State Elect stamp J&T Rentals Election storage July NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Pitney Bowes Purchase Power postage meter usage SMU Long Distance Spencer Office Supplies Elect elect equip deliver Juvenile Drug Court Fund Harry Rasdal JV Drug Ct mileage/traini MH-DD Services Fund Buena Vista Co Sheriff sheriff fees Clay County Sheriff sheriff fees Co Case Management Serv ccms for May 2010 Greer Law Office attorney fees IA Dept of Human Services icf-res ISAC CPC mtg registration Pitney Bowes Purchase Power postage meter usage Seasons Center indtx-mbak US Cellular cell phn chrgs U S Postmaster postage Rural Services Basic Fund Bomgaars RS oil City of Spencer RS garbage service Clinton Jones Zon BOA mtg exp Dave Kaus Zoning commission mtgs David Simington Zoning BOA mtg exp/mileag David Wyatt Zoning Commission mtgs Larry Flaharty Zon BOA mtg exp/mileage Galen's Pro-Mow Consv trimmer Green Plains Grain Co Consv sulfate Keith R Kruse Zoning commission mtgs L R Petersen Zoning commission mtgs Sharon L McKeever Zoning commission mtgs Northwest Equipment Inc Consv mower purchase John G Olson Zon BOA mtg exp/mileage Rita Smith Zoning commission mtgs Russell Christensen Zon BOZ mtg exp/mileage Spencer Auto Parts Inc IRVM fuse hldr/assrtmnt SMU Long Distance Van Diest Supply Co Consv chemicals Verizon Consv cell phone VISA Consv blade replacements Robert W White Zoning commission mtgs Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 3 603.96 26.40 3063.55 237.66 426.46 176.89 50.22 4800.00 67.47 404.00 454.55 2275.00 41.48 15979.60 7.09 1000.00 600.00 200.00 6.71 1211.25 40.00 100.00 144.00 324.00 75.00 42562.50 35.00 50.00 15861.24 17.57 61.60 143.75 5954.00 60.00 120.00 51.20 124.80 119.20 404.95 29.58 166.20 52.60 120.00 12530.00 85.20 123.00 93.60 5.62 6.89 2514.25 90.26 28.97 141.60 Local Option - Fair FY10 LOSST allocation LOSST Rev Bond Sinking Fund Clay County Fair Assn LOSST revenue funds Secondary Road Fund AECOM NEPA Services - FINAL Alliant Energy Electric - Dickens Bomgaars PARTS Carroll Dist & Const Supply Christensen Bridge Christensen Bros Inc Est #4 FINAL L-6611DO-2 City of Spencer 1- Tire Cornwell Tools Doug Loerts 14 pc Socket Set Matthew J Dehrkoop Reimb For Safety Boots Diamond Mowers, Inc. Mower Parts Gilbert & Carolyn Dotson Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Dyno Oil Co Inc 80W90 - 55 Gals Raymond D Essick Clothing Allowance FASTENAL BOLTS David P Glienke Clothing Allowance Jason H Hass Clothing Allowance IA Lakes Regional Water Water - G.G. IA Municipalities Workers Comp Work Comp Deposit FY10-11 Interstate Batteries 2 - 31P-MHD Batteries Iowa Telecom Telephone - Peterson Kuehl & Payer Ltd Bridge Services HDP(116) Menards - Spencer 8 -1x4x16 Sign Posts New Sioux City Iron Co BOLTS Robert W Peters Clothing Allowance Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Postage Reds Radiator Repair Clean/Repair #205 Radiato Scott L Rinehart Clothing Allowance Rutter Inc Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Safety-Kleen Systems Inc. Parts Washer Snap On Tools Corp TOOLS Spencer International PARTS SMU Electric - Spencer Stan Houston Equipment 3" Trash Pump State Steel Supply Co. Rebar L-5811DO-1 Steven L Sundblad Clothing Allowance US Cellular 7 - Cell Phones Jonathan E Winterboer Clothing Allowance Zee Medical Service Co First Aid Cabinet Zep Manufacturing Co Hand Soap Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Spencer Mun Hospital Consv CPR class Walmart Business Nat supplies Recorders Records Mgt Fnd Spencer Office Supplies Rec desk & misc Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. Black Hills Energy GSC utilities Helen's Comm Laundry Inc GSC rug Janitors Closet GSC custl supplies Presto X Company GSC pest contrl US Cellular GSC cell phone Clay County Flex Plan JoAnn M Alvarez Flex medical Patricia A Applegate Flex medical Ann L Baschke Flex medical Clay County Fair Assn Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 4 13160.79 45000.00 4091.46 47.34 586.00 190.16 53580.93 75.45 42.00 50.00 1987.43 1829.03 409.75 94.75 31.76 100.00 100.00 43.76 23969.40 612.72 58.12 5019.58 354.38 155.96 5.30 100.00 140.00 61.62 1090.00 468.36 87.30 78.26 486.81 1531.00 1846.86 48.48 248.96 100.00 28.94 87.91 60.00 203.00 1505.00 307.00 20.00 134.31 21.63 27.65 300.00 655.80 333.34 Delmar R Brockshus Edward D Campbell Jason S Ellison Michael J Houchins Nicole L Huckfelt Amy J Kendall Danny L Lee Burlin H Matthews Tammy R McKeever John M Rosacker Sheila A Weeks Kimberly S Wilson Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Flex medical Emergency Medical Services Alpha Wireless Comm EMS battery Bound Tree Medical EMS electrode pads/defb p IEMSA EMS membership Tammy R McKeever EMS reimb food ATV traini Mercy Family Pharmacies EMS supplies for trailer Relativity Tees EMS shirts Schoeneman Bros EMS stones-appreciation b IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force Clay County Sheriff IGLD task force OT-March E-911 Surcharge City of Spencer E911 consultant fee Qwest E911 phone service Jnt Co Emergency Mgt Fund Solutions, Inc EMA portion of bill SMU Long Distance VISA EMA GRLevel3 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Pictometry International Corp Assr Image Library Licens Heidi L Chapman John C Lawson Lory Krummen Office Systems Company Pam Virelli Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Scott Brown SMU Staples Credit Plan Verland 'Bud' Meyer Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr mileage Assr mileage Asr Conf Bd mileage Assr color copies Asr Conf Bd mileage postage meter usage Asr mileage/Conf Bd Long Distance Assr labels Asr mileage/Conf Bd 3500.00 84.00 300.00 2000.00 234.15 119.23 300.00 1626.69 70.36 13.00 41.47 244.00 178.14 141.39 100.00 104.30 797.99 150.00 90.00 86.90 10000.00 582.50 497.00 6.71 79.95 14318.75 14.70 172.40 14.00 102.82 8.40 100.00 16.80 2.34 137.96 7.00 401300.27 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve the payment of Drainage Ditch #23 claim from fund #51031 payable to Hagedorn Excavating, Inc, Royal, IA dated June 15, 2010 for tile repairs. Claim approved totals $383.70 Motion carried Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize chairperson to sign letter of support for Watershed Improvement Project. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 5 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to open 225th Avenue from 380th Street to 390th Street after completion of bridge deck overlay. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to accept low oil quote and authorize the Chairperson to sign the three year contract with Dyno Oil Company. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to accept the low fuel quote and authorize the Chairperson to sign the contract. Motion failed. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve Underground Construction Permit for Black Hills Energy to place 4” natural gas main in Clay County Secondary Roads right‐of‐way along the south shoulder of B17, Section 12, Summit TWP. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept detour agreement between the Iowa Department of Transportation and Clay County to use Clay County Secondary Roads M44 as a detour for the US Hwy 18 N Railroad Crossing replacement project estimated to begin August 30, 2010 and end approximately September 03, 2010 and authorize the Chairperson to sign the agreement. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to re‐appoint Dan Heissel as the county representative to Western Iowa Tourism Region to help determine the programs and projects undertaken each year by the Region. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus that Scott Rinehart be appointed Clay County engineer beginning July 1, 2010 for a one year term and his bond be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the Board to accept and sign the Secondary Roads payroll wage schedule submitted for fiscal year 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Secondary Roads Department for Gary Findley for parttime/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective June 21, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Requests from the Conservation Department for Luanna Nair, Anne Skonohvd and Becky Conley for a change in hourly wages to $9.00 per hour effective June 12, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to authorize the Clay County Board of Supervisors Chairperson to sign the fireworks permits #2010‐08 through #2010‐‐19 submitted by: Jason Hass, 1215 430th St, Peterson, IA; Matt Hagedorn, 4340 160th Ave, Royal, IA; Jeff & Patti Mohr, 3040 490th St, Webb, IA; Jeremy & Sharleen Walters, 1710 Hwy 10 West, Spencer, IA; Roberta Shearer, 1227 10th Ave. SE, Spencer, IA; Linda Swanson, 1410 440th St, Peterson, IA; Brenda Sassman, 4915 260th Ave, Webb, IA; David J. Norgaard, 4650 200th Ave, Sioux Rapids, IA; Ken & Veronica Kabrick, 2506 300th St., Spencer, IA; Clayton Burkhart, 3060 490th St., Webb, IA Brett & Mary Jo Smith, 4185 290th Ave, Dickens, IA; Randy & Tracy Schultz, 1030 492nd St., Peterson, IA and direct the County Auditor to place on file the copies of the executed permits Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 6 issued in accordance with Section 727.2 of the Code of Iowa. Expiration dates will be two (2) days after the requested date of display. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to re‐approve the Class B Native Wine Application presented by legal owners: Paul and Sheila Thomsen, 1790 510th St, Linn Grove, IA 51033 doing business as InnSpiration Bed and Breakfast. The permit will be valid for twelve (12) months from August 15, 2010 through August 14, 2011. Motion carried. 10:10 a.m. Kim Wilson – Central Point Coordinator – Dept Update No Board action taken on the approval of a contract with Northwest Iowa Mental Health Center d.b.a. Seasons Center as their preferred provider for community mental health services for fiscal year 2011. Central Point Coordinator Kim Wilson gave a departmental update to the Board and discussed provider negotiated rates. 10:30 a.m. Assessor John Lawson and GIS Coordinator Theresa Wurth gave the Board an update on the GIS Pictometry Project. The images have arrived and installed on selective computers. Aerial flights were taken in March 2010 and plan to refly again in three years. The new viewing product of EFS can be used by other departments. The four sided views were done in county cities but not rural at an approximate project cost of $63,000. 10: 55 a.m. The County Treasurer gave the Board an update on the 2010 tax sale held June 21, 2010. There were 208 parcels offered that was 46 parcels less than the 2009 tax sale. 11:20 a.m. Libby Stricker – Spencer Insurance‐ Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to authorize the county auditor to sign the ICAP insurance renewal documents for fiscal year 2011. Included in the renewal summary is a listing of the locations insured along with the building, contents, scheduled equipment and vehicles insured per location. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize the chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the County Treasurer for Patricia Applegate at a full time status at an annual wage of $42,435.00 equaling 82.8 percent of the County Treasurer salary. Roll call vote: Supervisor Brockshus, no; Supervisor Matthews, no; Supervisor Chalstrom, yes; Supervisor Skow, yes; Supervisor Swanson, yes. Motion carried Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize the chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the County Treasurer for Alicia Roos at a full time status at an annual wage of $32,031.25 equaling 62.5 percent of the County Treasurer salary. Roll call vote: Supervisor Brockshus, no; Supervisor Matthews, no; Supervisor Chalstrom, yes; Supervisor Skow, yes; Supervisor Swanson, yes. Motion carried 11:40 a.m. Sheriff Randy Krukow gave a departmental update and discussed the Jail Fire Alarm Variance Request that was denied by the Division of State Fire Marshall. Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 7 Motion by Skow, second by Matthews to authorize Sheriff Randy Krukow to sign the amended Office Systems Company Maintenance Agreement covering the Canon IRC3380i copier revised to an annual fee of $285.00 for 30,000 copies at a rate of $.0095 per copy and an annual fee of $240.00 for 3000 copies at a rate of $.08 per copy. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following Resolution 2010‐17 to establish the fiscal year 2011 expenditure appropriations by department. RESOLUTION #201017 WHEREAS, it is desired to make appropriations for each of the different county officers and departments for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 in accordance with Section 331.434, Subsection 6, Code of Iowa. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, as follows: SECTION 1. The amounts itemized by department or office on the attached schedule are hereby appropriated from the resources of county funds to the department or office listed in the first column on the same line of the attached schedule. SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of other county procedures and regulations and applicable state law, the appropriations authorized under Section 1. The amounts itemized by department or office on the attached schedule are hereby appropriated from the resources of funds to the department or office listed in the first column on the same line of the attached schedule. Subject to the provisions of other county procedures and regulations, and applicable state law, the appropriations authorized under Section 1 shall constitute authorization for the department or officer listed to make expenditures or incur obligations effective July 1, 2010. SECTION 3. In accordance with Section 332.437, Code of Iowa, no department or officer shall expend or contract to expend any money or incur any liability, or enter into any contract which by its terms involves the expenditure of money for any purpose in excess of the amounts appropriated pursuant to this resolution. SECTION 4. If at any time during the 2010‐2011 budget year the auditor shall ascertain that the available resources of county funds for that year will be less than the total appropriations, the board shall immediately be informed and recommend appropriate corrective action. SECTION 5. The auditor shall establish separate accounts for the appropriations authorized in Section 1, each of which account shall indicated that amount of the appropriations, the amounts charged thereto, and the unencumbered balance. The auditor shall report of the status to such accounts to the applicable departments and officers monthly, during the budget year. SECTION 6. All appropriations authorized pursuant to this resolution lapse at the close of business June 30, 2011. Board of Supervisors Auditor Treasurer County Attorney Sheriff Clerk of Court Recorder Assessor Zoning / Sanitarian / Safety $ 215,964. $ 239,299. $ 285,442. $ 251,599. $1,794,403. $ 96,329. $ 192,377. $ 308,081. $ 109,428. Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 8 Human Services Secondary Roads Veterans Affairs Conservation Board Board of Health Weed Commission Social Services Medical Examiner GIS / Data Processing Buildings & Grounds Mental Health Emergency Management Emergency Medical Services Joint E911 Service Board Non Departmental TOTAL EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL APPORPRIATIONS $ 37,750. $5,840,375. $ 80,261. $ 677,447. $ 100,000. $ 2,372. $ 67,410. $ 37,700. $ 232,275. $ 604,967. $1,844,439. $ 140,835. $ 26,353 $ 200,120. $1,954,343. $15,339,569. $ 2,236,494. $17,576,063. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 29th day of June 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: AYES: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson NAYS: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, Auditor Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to adopt the following Resolution 2010‐18 to approve the funding for economic development purposes for fiscal year 2011. RESOLUTION #201018 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, APPROVING THE FUNDING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011. WHEREAS, the County understands that economic development is a public purpose for which the county may provide grants, loans, guarantees, and other financial assistance to or for the benefit of private persons; and WHEREAS, the County supports the efforts of the following entities and amounts: Corridor of Opportunity $ 20,000 Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) $ 2,000 Western Iowa Tourism Region $ 500 Clay County Regional Event Center $ 50,000 Clay County Revolving Loan $150,000 Main Street Market $ 500 and have determined that a public purpose will be accomplished by dispensing funds according to Iowa Code Chapter 15A.1(2); and Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa; that the County will fund an amount totaling $223,000 for the 2011 fiscal year. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 29th day of June 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: AYES: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson NAYS: None. Whereupon, the Chairperson declared said Resolution #2010‐18 duly adopted. /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, Auditor Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve the designation of $150,000.00 of the June 30, 2010 ending cash balance in the General Basic Fund resulting in a $150,000.00 fund balance for the purpose of providing economic development for the citizens and residents of Clay County, Iowa. Motion carried. No Board action taken on a move of fiscal year 2010 budgeted spending power. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve the Transfer #241 in the amount of $150,000.00 from the Local Option‐Any Lawful Use fund to the Clay County Revolving Loan. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve the Transfer #242 in the amount of $260,000.00 from the Local Option Rural fund to the Secondary Roads fund. Motion carried. The Board was given an update from Emergency Management director Eric Tigges regarding the recent storms. Homeland Security will be in Clay County June 30, 2010 to assess damages and access to Federal dollars. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:49 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting July 13, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors June 29, 2010 10 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 27 held on July 6, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on July 6, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for July 6, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Personnel Policy Review Workshop The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:22 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting July 13, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors July 6, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 28 held on July 13, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on July 13, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: Supervisor Matthews. The Chairperson lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for July 13, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #26 held June 29, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #27 held July 6, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed July 13, 2010. Ayes: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: Matthews. Resolution adopted. Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Black Hills Energy Budget Lighting Inc Bud's Service Kenneth L Chalstrom Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Clay County Regional Event Ctr Converged Technologies Cost Advisory Services Daily Reporter, The Davis Typewriter Co Inc Dickinson County Sheriff Evertek Tricia A Gee Greer Law Office Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Human Resource Solutions IA County Recorders Assoc IA Crime Prevention Assoc IA DNR IA Dept of Public Health IA Lakes Regional Water IA Recorders Association ISAC Jackson Recovery Centers General Basic Fund personnel legal services Consv utilities Cths mini-sprg light Shrf services Bd mileage Adm fuel Shrf fees Shrf deposit/Law Academy DHS reset system FY09 cost recovery/DHS in Treas delqnt taxes DHS copier lease Shrf fees Consv cable/internet/cell Shrf fuel/transport attrny fees Bldg rugs & mops dept mgrs class Rec redacted images/Image Shrf membership San well construction per Rec paper/security Vital Consv utilities Schrnbrg Rec Dist III FY2010 dues FY2011 member dues synergy care Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 1 617.00 79.00 69.51 267.45 674.45 4382.68 135.00 200.00 56.00 3850.00 1307.11 43.84 68.00 79.13 15.04 37.50 160.73 500.00 1793.62 50.00 25.00 270.00 410.01 50.00 4750.00 845.00 Mar-Lin Business Supply Menards - Spencer Monona Count Env Health News, Bell, Times, Patriot Office Systems Company Palo Alto County Sheriff Perkins Office Solutions Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Presto X Company Quik Spot Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Solutions, Inc Spencer Family Care Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Stephanie J Early SWIFT AIR Terril Telephone Coop Town & Country U S Postmaster Verizon Walmart Business Western IA Tourism Region Theresa E Wurth Xerox Corporation Zee Medical Service Co Rec badge/name Bldg screwdrvr/quick snap San NWIA mtg expenses Bd publ rev bonds publ he DP copies - color Shrf fees Shrf office supplies Treas postage Jail pest control Shrf gas/mower Bd publ Mtgs #21-#24 DP web hosting ME service medical exp Shrf phone chrgs Aud tape/correction transcripts CCSO clean coils/condens DP hard drive (VA) Consv garbage removal DHS postage/BRM acct DHS cell phones Consv candy/sun screen/cu IDED funding/matching fun GIS mileage Rec copier Adm 1st Aid supplies 7.50 21.90 237.31 477.29 1.82 18.73 1350.78 4000.00 86.52 38.12 781.49 500.00 375.00 175.50 1138.83 1040.55 91.50 503.24 109.98 706.08 200.00 226.16 51.98 500.00 134.07 449.35 20.49 Clay Co Sec Road Fund Daily Reporter, The Employee Benefit Systems ISACA General Supplemental Fund Elects fuel Elect Primary ballot COBRA billing July 2010 Elect 2010 SEAT Cont Ed .81 521.52 91.30 105.00 Fareway Stores Inc Juvenile Drug Court Fund JV Drug Ct food 57.74 MH-DD Services Fund mhc-care MH fuel sheriff fees member dues for FY2011 rx-meds wa-care rcf-care attrny fees se-care wa-care icf-care rcf-care eval-care wa-care sheriff fees medck-care MHS for July/10 office suppl. wa-care statecase rcf-care 311.50 25.46 77.00 1391.00 158.00 3273.75 1494.90 1789.79 2337.06 977.20 42654.86 720.00 172.00 753.27 361.00 226.00 9849.53 55.46 19437.55 11457.04 Berryhill Center for MH Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff CRIS Disco Drug Echo Plus Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Greer Law Office Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC IA DHS Kathleen's Care Inc Lee & Assoc of Ft. Dodge Nishna Productions Inc Osceola Co Sheriff Plains Area Mental Health Ctr Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 2 Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Tammy K Brown Bud's Service City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Daily Reporter, The Southern Archery Zenor & Houchins, PC Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf radio maint agrmnt Shrf brake rotor Shrf reimb brushes Shrf services RS garbage service IRVM fuel RS offical legal publ 1072.00 1050.27 8.18 340.85 5954.00 686.85 28.84 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf binocs 44.99 NW IA Project Life Saver Fund Shrf NW IA Proj Lifesaver 290.00 Secondary Road Fund Est #5 Crushing-Lake Pit 4 - 10" Rat Guard Pop Up Towels Electric - Royal Radio Repair PARTS #217 Windshield Telephone - G.G. PARTS Gas - Royal 8.62 Ton HMA-West Royal Christensen BridgeOverlay Water,Sewer,Garbage-Everl Water, Sewer - Royal Water, Garbage - Webb FY2010-2011 Safety Prog Emplyment Ad-Mower Oper Traffic Paint 3-AutoCAD Subscriptions PARTS Telephone - Everly 131.675 Ton De-Icing Salt BOLTS PARTS 14 - 17.5R25 Sno Plus Gas - G.G. Reimb for Safety Boots 3-Year SWP(wetland) Sewer - Dickens Gen Liab - Roads BATTERIES Airmeter OFFICE EXPENSE MISC/FENCING/MAILBOX PARTS Service Internet - Shop PARTS Telephone - Webb Telephone - Royal Radiator Clean & Repair 6530.04 71.79 413.19 239.32 1213.77 149.01 360.95 25.59 147.22 65.50 629.26 738.78 48.75 26.00 84.00 6000.00 45.28 516.50 2835.87 112.28 32.95 7018.30 45.86 203.35 30733.29 35790.79 91.40 350.00 36.00 59142.52 573.70 276.10 114.58 259.82 3.45 2509.49 34.95 27.75 66.35 8.56 140.00 A-Line Crushing Service Agri Drain Corp. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Auto Glass Center Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Barnes Distribution Black Hills Energy Blacktop Service Company Carroll Dist & Const Supply City of Everly City of Royal City of Webb % City Clerk Clay County Safety Daily Reporter, The Diamond Vogel Paints DLT Solutions Don Pierson Ford Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co FASTENAL Fox International Inc. Graham Tire Co Green Plains Grain Co LLC Michael L Hermstad IA Dept Natural Resources IA Lakes Regional Water ICAP IA Communities Assurance Interstate Batteries IA Dept of Trans Cashiers Offi Mar-Lin Business Supply Menards - Spencer NAPA Auto Parts Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Premier Communications Qwest Reds Radiator Repair Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 3 Rossie Feed & Grain Royal Telephone Co Darrel K Santage Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU Spencer Ready-Mix Inc The Road Guy Construction Town & Country US Cellular Vander Haag's Inc Vogel Traffic Services Yaggy Colby Associates Zalaznik Equipment Corp Ziegler Inc Coffman's Locksmith Hanson's Plumbing & Heating Holmes Lock & Safe Co Presto X Company SWIFT AIR Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC adjust lock/install l GSC repair leak/sewer pip GSC lock/keys GSC pest control GSC maintenance agrmnt 70.00 225.15 133.00 21.63 747.60 County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical Emergency Medical Services EMS splint/aspirin/jelly EMS ATV Saftey class EMS copies EMS ATV Safety class Bound Tree Medical Clay Co Extension Service Office Systems Company Spencer Motor Sports Alliant Energy Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications Qwest SMU Terril Telephone Coop Mar-Lin Business Supply Sidwell Company, The Verizon Grand Total 1390.00 22.50 100.00 2440.39 74.06 3442.50 244269.27 15.95 64.01 2079.65 31091.00 306.50 160.00 27799.94 Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Constance A Adams Tammy K Brown Audrey Coffman John C Lawson Francis D Lehman Marjorie A Pitts Clay Co Sec Road Fund Verizon Seeding Telephone - Royal Clothing Allowance PARTS Telephone - Spencer Christensen Bridge Overla Est. #1 FINAL L-6809SC-1 Garbage - Dickens Data Phone Labor Pavement Markings ROW Acquisition HDP(116) Equip Rental - DD#75 PARTS 27.99 770.00 39.00 29.99 25.00 264.99 113.54 50.00 3.02 100.00 E-911 Surcharge E911 utilities E911 ANI database maint E911 phone service E911 phone chrgs E911 phone service E911 mthly service E911 mthly circuit chrg E911 circuit 18.32 45.60 41.69 180.00 570.04 13.58 228.60 9.13 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA fuel EMA cell phone 62.63 79.48 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr paper Asr sftwr parcel bldr FAR Asr cell phone Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 4 14.98 900.00 103.17 617,611.19 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus gave a Season’s Center update; Supervisor Chalstrom spoke on an upcoming YES Center meeting and an update from the Third Judicial Committee; Supervisor Skow gave an update on the LADE Committee and the Clay County Drug Court; Supervisor Swanson gave an update from the CGIG meeting on pictometry, introduced the Clay County Communication Committee to the Board related to a central point of events in Clay County linked to the county website. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the June 30, 2010 Sheriff’s Quarterly Report of Fees collected in the amount of $34,488.73 with detail found in the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to accept the Clay County Clerk’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending June 30, 2010 totaling $9,052.77 for surcharge, county ordinance fines, court cost and reimbursement of sheriff fees, depositions, filing fees, and blood tests. Detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request form for Mark Thompson from the Secondary Roads Department for a change in hourly wages to $23.44 per hour effective July 10, 2010 due to longevity increase to $.55 per hour for 20 years of service. Motion carried. 9:45 a.m. The Board met with Terry Glade from Cannon Moss Bruegger for a Courthouse HVAC Review 10:00 a.m. Heavy Industrial Use Permit Hearing for Croell Redi‐Mix, Inc., New Hampton, IA The time having arrived for the public hearing in the Clay County Administration Building, Spencer, Iowa on an application of Croell Redi‐Mix, Inc., P O Box 430, New Hampton, IA 50659, for a Heavy Industrial Use Permit for a portable concrete plant to be located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Eight (8), Township Ninety‐six (96) North, Range Thirty‐seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Riverton Township, Clay County, Iowa. The Board determined that proper notice of the public hearing was accomplished and there being no oral or written objections filed it is moved by Supervisor Brockshus, seconded by Supervisor Skow, to approve the Heavy Industrial Use Permit for a portable concrete plant to be located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Eight (8), Township Ninety‐six (96) North, Range Thirty‐seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Riverton Township, Clay County, Iowa to Croell Redi‐Mix, Inc. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 11:00 a.m. Chuck White and Shane Habben discussed with the Board water issues in Sections 8 & 9 of Riverton Township. White submitted photos in support and explanation of the water issues and potential clean out or construction of a box culvert. Engineer Rinehart gave information regarding the issues discussed by White and Habben. The Board encouraged the Engineer to seek County Attorney advice and investigate the existence of a box culvert. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the County Recorder for Ann Spooner with full time status at an annual wage Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 5 of $38,552.50 equaling 75 percent of the County Recorders salary. The effective date of change is July 1, 2010. Roll call vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept County Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected for period ending June 30, 2010 totaling $34,881.65 with detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve Auditor’s Report of Fees Collected for quarter ending June 30, 2010 totaling $689.82 with detail on file at the County auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize the‐Chairperson to sign the annual Certification of Cost Allocation Plan for fund year 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve the voiding of a prior year’s warrant #118209 for $237.31 to Monona County Sheriff. Warrant is voided due to being made payable to the wrong vendor. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve certificate of adjustment #2159 on Rect #06367; fiscal year 2009‐2010; payable 2010‐2011 on parcel #280 005 953602300003; property described TR SW SW 2‐95‐36 for Thomas J Joynt in the suspended amount of $316.00 Adjustment reason being DHS decision pursuant to Iowa Code Section 427.9. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve certificate of adjustment #2160 on Rect #13257; fiscal year 2009‐2010; payable 2010‐2011 on parcel #640 963607416007; property described N 71’ & W 5’ of N 71’ 8 20 College Addition to City of Spencer for Dick & Hoa Baccam in the suspended amount of $12.00 . Adjustment reason being DHS decision pursuant to Iowa Code Section 427.9. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve certificate of adjustment #2161 on Rect #13915; fiscal year 2009‐2010; payable 2010‐2011 on parcel #640 963607256003; property described 5 5 Fairview Park to City of Spencer for Eleanor Speck in the suspended amount of $740.00 . Adjustment reason being DHS decision pursuant to Iowa Code Section 427.9. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to set and authorize the Chairperson to sign the county’s payroll wage schedules as submitted and amended for departmental wages and salaries for fiscal year 2011, and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. The Board discussed potential office space arrangements for the Veteran Affairs office. Further investigation and discussion will take place before a formal commitment is made. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Service Agreement with Employment Connections, Inc to provide personnel at the rate of wage times 1.48 per hour, and time and one half for overtime to perform building custodial work. The contract rate begins July 12, 2010 thru July 12, 2011. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 6 Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to accept County Treasurer’s Semi‐Annual Report for period ending June 30, 2010 with detail on file at the auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve Military Suspension for Darla B. Sheasley Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the Clay County's FY 2011 Seasons Center for Community Mental Health contract. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve and authorize Chairperson to sign Clay County's FY 2011 Spencer Hospital contract. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve/Authorize Chairperson to sign Clay County's FY 2011 Targeted Case Management contract. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve & authorize Chairperson to sign University of Iowa School of Social Work Advanced Practicum agreement and letter of support. Motion carried. The Board spoke with Bill Swift representing Swift Air related to evaluating the Courthouse HVAC system. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to close 350th Street or B24 from 200th Avenue west to M27 or 130th Avenue for PCC Overlay. Motion carried. Engineer Scott Rinehart gave the Board a departmental update. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept the low quote of $16,645.00 for Gasohol and Diesel fuel from Green Plains Grain Co. of Everly, Iowa to be delivered to Clay County for the period of July 14, 2010 to June 30, 2011 and authorized the Chairperson to sign the contract. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1:44 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting July 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors July 13, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 29 held on July 27, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on July 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for July 27, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #28 held July 13, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed July 27, 2010. Ayes: Supervisor Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow, Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: Supervisor Brockshus. Resolution adopted. Arctic Glacier Asher Motor Co A1 Tech Solutions Bill Caskey Bill Garnos Jail Consultant Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Business Systems Canon Fin Services Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Clay County Treasurer Community Medical Supply Converged Technologies Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Crime Reports Daily Reporter, The Davis Typewriter Co Inc Debra Bergman-Upham Debra M Mc Keever Dr Pepper Snapple Group Eastman Kodak Company EDA inc. Ernie Cupp VA FASTENAL Galen's Pro-Mow Galls an Aramark Company Shirley M Goyette GRACESOFT Green Plains Grain Co General Basic Fund Consv ice Consv headlght bulb DP data jack/cable/box Landlord Jail needs assessmnt Bldg utilities Consv oil DHS copier maint contract DP copier chrg Shrf shldr emblem/star em Special Assessment GA rent assist DHS moved extensions Consv toner Consv lamps Shrf annl subscription Consv subscription DHS copier transcript transcripts Consv pop DP maint/scanner Recdr Adm engineering services VA Dist Mtg Consv trub Consv synthetic oil Shrf boot/accumold/glove Rec mileage Consv Easy InnKeeping Consv LP Clay County Board of Supervisors July 27, 2010 1 437.70 133.85 68.85 620.00 2668.49 1189.00 388.81 32.16 278.00 574.67 197.00 240.00 275.00 265.41 94.32 600.00 85.00 206.17 6.00 100.50 230.24 1242.00 5600.00 30.00 15.15 18.78 217.94 13.30 297.00 72.19 IA Dept of Veterans Affairs IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Secretary of State Jackson Recovery Centers Janitors Closet Klein's Korner Lost Island Sanitary Dist Mangold Environmental Test Mar-Lin Business Supply Martin-Mattice Funeral Home Mastercard Menards - Spencer Minolta Financial Svcs New Sioux City Iron Co Northwest Equipment Inc Perkins Office Solutions Quik Spot RadioShack Your Phone Co Ronnie Joenks Schwan's Sales Seasons Center Sherwin Williams Smith Tractor Repair Solutions, Inc Speed Printers Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Spencer Ready-Mix Ann E Spooner Staples Staples Credit Plan The Toner Place Treas - State of Iowa US Cellular Verizon VISA Walmart Business Woodbury County Sheriff Youth & Family Resource Zee Medical Service Co Zenor & Houchins, PC VA FY10 allocation unspen Consv utilities utility asst Shrf notary application synergy Consv tp Consv worms/flat 40 doz Consv bath house/flow equ San well testing Treas blips/binder ME transport/mileage DP mtg exp/lodging Misc DHS copier Consv drill press vise Consv belt/spindle shvs Shrf file pocket Shrf gas/mower Consv mic std/holder Landlord Consv ice cream product Shrf MMPI testing Adm paint Consv steering cyl/bushin Shrf server/video ownersh Consv camping recpt envlp Consv filter Shrf hlth assessment PHN/meals Bldg trunk lines Aud office supplies concrete Rec mileage Hard drive Shrf Lexmark DHS Kyocera Consv Hotel/Motel tax Adm cell phone Consv cell phones Shrf exp DHS lght fltr/cascade Shrf fees shelter care Consv 1st aid supplies Aty office exp 3235.97 2366.00 87.52 180.00 975.00 1124.07 120.00 353.60 75.00 8.02 300.00 1245.18 273.02 67.43 47.42 692.12 39.04 205.34 40.48 240.00 215.83 25.00 18.88 1442.71 6823.52 460.00 11.09 107.00 11382.43 4979.71 466.63 326.50 6.65 447.74 133.21 128.00 1245.94 602.78 241.56 507.09 21.97 20.18 979.65 173.14 9249.25 General Supplemental Fund ARC Elect ballot bags/plastic Clay Co E M S Assn EMS FY09 equipment alloca IA Municipalities Workers Comp Wk Comp prem #1 FY2010-11 IA Workforce Development Aty 2010 2nd Qtr unemploy ICAP General Liab insurance Intab Elect seal/secure labels ISACA Elect SEAT cont ed sessio Lexis Nexis Law Lib online chrgs NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention SMU Elect phone/long distance VISA Elect fuel 42.55 4782.68 6848.00 336.40 89037.07 98.76 35.00 1309.00 600.00 4.39 26.68 Clay County Board of Supervisors July 27, 2010 2 Youth & Family Resource Serv detention 2379.15 Berryhill Center Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Eyerly Ball Community MHS IA Workforce Development Life Skills Training Ctr Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center US Cellular Village NW Unlimited MH-DD Services Fund mhs-care sheriff fee ccms for 6/10 mhs-care CPC 2010 2nd Qtr unemploy wa-care mileage CMH waiver cell phone chrgs wa-care 75.60 41.00 378.00 110.00 10.07 311.40 30.00 14729.57 25.35 1825.25 Galen's Pro-Mow IA Workforce Development Interstate Batteries Mobile Spray Systems SMU Van Diest Supply Co Verizon Rural Services Basic Fund IRVM valve thru block/plu IRVM 2010 1st Qtr unemply Shrf strmlght/batteries IRVM nozzle body/wet broo RS phone/long distance IRVM gardn weathermx/prem IRVM cell phone 306.52 60.63 96.42 22.00 6.60 9514.80 84.25 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf portable unit serv Shrf hose/roundup/bucket Shrf Chevy pkup 30.00 56.95 500.00 A-1 Portables Bomgaars Cherokee Shrf Forfeiture Fund Local Option - Any Lawful Use Clay Co Local Housing Trust Fd FY2011 allocation 5000.00 Secondary Road Fund Towel Service Safety Glasses Electric - G.G. 20 - User Licenses #217 Windshield PARTS PARTS Mower Parts BOLTS 92 - Extinguisher Inspect PARTS Trimmer Parts Annual Conference Water - G.G. Inst #1-Work Comp 2nd Qtr-Unemployment-ENG Mid Yr Engineers Conferen BATTERIES Telephone - Peterson BOLTS OFFICE EXPENSE Royal Bridge BOLTS 1000' Dust Ctrt-190th Ave Electric - Spencer Rebar-Royal Bridge 200.60 29.88 91.95 700.00 360.95 275.94 83.88 351.81 30.30 1278.00 300.23 27.99 150.00 81.85 10272.00 314.06 55.00 222.75 61.70 96.53 93.37 78.16 199.60 2707.50 528.35 1515.52 A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Safelite Fulfillment Inc Bomgaars Carroll Dist & Const Supply Diamond Mowers, Inc. FASTENAL Fire Proof Plus, Inc Force America Inc Galen's Pro-Mow I.C.E.O.O. % Vicki Hillock IA Lakes Regional Water IA Municipalities Workers Comp IA Workforce Development ICEA Attn: Gail Nordholm Interstate Batteries Iowa Telecom Lawson Products Inc Mar-Lin Business Supply Menards - Spencer New Sioux City Iron Co Northern Iowa Design/Build SMU State Steel Supply Co. Clay County Board of Supervisors July 27, 2010 3 US Cellular Zep Manufacturing Co 7 - Cell Phones PARTS 253.09 369.50 IA Workforce Development Stacie L Young Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv 2010 2nd Qtr unemp Consv geodes Matt Parrott & Sons Recorders Records Mgt Fnd Rec time stamp labels 105.76 Black Hills Energy US Cellular Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC cell phone 307.00 28.24 Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Constance A Adams Kristi J Busse Audrey Coffman John C Lawson Kevin D Maassen Daniel W Pullen Glenn I Rouse Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Casey J Timmer Theresa E Wurth Emergency Medical Services EMS ink Staples Credit Plan IA Workforce Development Willson & Pechacek, PLC 39.51 10.51 18.79 167.60 222.96 32.99 62.14 140.00 46.60 400.00 211.20 136.94 E-911 Surcharge E911 maint agrmnt E911 phone chrgs E911 phone chrgs E911 conv/sys support ser E911 phone service E911 access lines E911 system design agrmnt E911 line access charges 4379.40 154.30 445.00 2314.00 5760.54 362.12 1016.37 9.13 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA 2010 2nd Qtr unemploy EMA shirts EMA phone/long distance EMA sharpie/file pkt 12.15 64.00 3.03 21.97 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr 2010 2nd Qtr unemploy Rec legal services 10.96 44.00 Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Evertek GeoComm Corporation Qwest River Valley Telecom Coop Royal Telephone Co Terril Telephone Coop IA Workforce Development Inventory Trading Company SMU Staples Credit Plan County Flex Plan ins prem ins prem ins prem medical ins prem medical ins prem daycare ins prem daycare ins prem 7.50 24.90 Quality Pump & Control Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Consv sewage pump Canon Fin Services IA Workforce Development John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr copier contract Asr 2010 2nd Qtr unemploy Asr mileage Asr post cards Clay County Board of Supervisors July 27, 2010 4 2058.98 187.90 22.00 144.20 20.84 SMU Grand Total Asr phone/long distance 2.28 246329.61 Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to approve and authorize Chairperson to sign exception to policy funding request for residential child placement at Toledo, Iowa Juvenile Home/Girls State Training School. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the payment of Joint Drainage District #73 claim from Palo Alto County Engineer’s office to repair a big hole in the field one-half mile north of 510th avenue on west side of the tile. Upon approval this claim is to be sent to Palo Alto County for final approval and payment. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve the County Sheriff’s Commissary Account Quarterly Report ending June 30, 2010 totaling $1,049.02. Detail on file in the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve certificate of adjustment order #2162 on Rect #08867 for fiscal year 2009-2010; payable year 2010-2011 on PT SW NE EXC PAR A 3-94-38, Peterson Township, Clay County, Iowa for Owner Unknown in the amount of $86.00. Reason being property believed to be owned by Clay County (boat ramp). All present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve certificate of adjustment #2163 on Rect #13266; fiscal year 2009-2010; payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #640 963607426003 for Gerry L. Lowe on property described as: 4 3 2nd College Addition to the City of Spencer, Clay County, Iowa in the amount of $310.00; reason being elderly credit application. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve certificate of adjustment #2164 on Rect #12492; fiscal year 2009-2010; payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #620 953812251010 for Colleen Kenyon on property described as: 4 2 Royalty Addition to the City of Royal, Clay County, Iowa in the amount of $336.00; reason being elderly credit application. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve certificate of adjustment #2165 on Rect #12890; fiscal year 2009-2010; payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #640 963607128006 for Jacqueline Miller on property described as: S 15’ 2 1 Carlsen’s Sub 3 1 Carlsen’s Sub to the City of Spencer, Clay County, Iowa in the amount of $146.00; reason being elderly credit application. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve certificate of adjustment #2166 on Rect #13787; fiscal year 2009-2010; payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #640 963607254001 for Edith Heinke on property described as: N 97’ 7 3 Fairview Addition to the City of Spencer, Clay County, Iowa in the amount of $292.00; reason being elderly credit application. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors July 27, 2010 5 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve quote from Coffman’s Locksmith Shop, Spencer, IA, for five automatic ADA door openers in the Administration Building in the amount of $8,724.00. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to accept the termination of the 28E agreement between Clay County Auditor, Clay County Board of Supervisors and the Automated Statewide Portal for Integrated Real Estate and Election data (ASPIRE). Termination effective at noon on July 1, 2010 due to the inability of Iowa Interactive and the Auditors’ Affiliate to sell real estate data from the CREW website. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to enter into agreement with the State of Iowa, Clay County and Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad to install 12” LED flashing light signals, gate arms and prediction circuitry at the railroad crossing located on 180th Avenue. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to open 150th Avenue from 440th Street to 430th Street after completion of bridge deck overlay. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:46 a.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting August 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors July 27, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Minutes from Meeting 30 held on August 9, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on August 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda, amended for August 9, 2010 to remove the signing of a Jurisdiction Agreement for a Byway Signage installation, be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #29 held July 27, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed August 9, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Automatic Door Group Inc Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Bennet, Crimmins & Ostrander Black Hills Energy Bud's Service Canon Fin Services Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Community Housing Initiatives Converged Technologies, LLC Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The Davis Typewriter Co Inc Dr. G Wm Phelps Emmet County Sheriff Employment Connections, Inc Evertek Four Seasons Travel Serv Helen's Comm Laundry Inc HMN Architects, Inc IA Dept of Human Services IA Lakes Regional Water IA Veterinary Medical Assoc ISSDA Jake Baxter Janitors Closet Kaeser & Blair Incorp KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Ken Ellingson General Basic Fund Cths install auto doors Union leave inquiries attrny fees Consv utilities Shrf oil/fltr/antifrz/flu Copier/printer lease Fuel usage Shrf fee rent asstDHS computer hook up/exts Cths blst/fluor lamps Shrf sale/leg publ DHS copies Shrf dental eval Shrf fees Custodian Consv phone service air fare (2) Bldg rugs/dm/mop Jail professional service shelter care utilities Shrf seminar/animal abuse Shrf jail schl registrati Shrf shrf work Jail soap Shrf pens/sleeker San mail pkgs rent asst-landlord Clay County Board of Supervisors August 10, 2010 1 2155.00 124.79 55.00 109.00 126.00 406.45 2815.76 468.75 240.00 84.00 213.96 716.02 195.65 126.00 19.50 754.80 79.13 660.00 59.90 2971.39 3755.35 492.66 25.00 110.00 30.00 64.05 154.37 20.44 260.00 Randy Krukow Shrf gas/mower Law Enforcement Systems Shrf citation/complaint Angela M Lawson San mileage Mail Services LLC Treas renewal printing News, Bell, Times, Patriot Publications NW IA Planning & Devlpmnt Comm FY11 dues Office Systems Company VA copies Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Shrf dental eval/extracti Palo Alto County Sheriff Shrf fee Perkins Office Solutions Shrf card stock Pitney Bowes Adm postage mtr ink/tape Marjorie A Pitts Aud mileage Pixler Electric Inc Jail wire nuts Proforma Millennium Graphics Consv envlps/letterhead Qualification Targets Inc Shrf glasses earmuff/plug Ronnie Joenks GA rent-landlord Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Publications Solutions, Inc DP web hosting Spencer Family Care Med Exam ME services Spencer Family Care/Avera medical asst SMU phone/misc Spencer Office Supplies Aud ink cart Staples DP usb cable Steffen Furniture Cths carpet/tile/cove bas SWIFT AIR Adm airflow/diffuser The Toner Place DHS Lexmark U S Postal Service Aud zip+4 UPS Shrf pkg delilvery VISA Shrf fuel Xerox Corporation Rec copier base chrg Youngs Adm side mnt auto flush Zee Medical Service Co Adm 1st aid supplies Zenor & Houchins, PC Aty mthly off exp General Supplemental Fund Employee Benefit Systems COBRA billing IA Municipalities Workers Comp Wkrs Comp Install J&T Rentals Elect equip storage rent NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Premier Election Solutions elec automark vat sftwre SMU long distance Youth & Family Resource Serv detention Fareway Stores Inc Buena Vista Co Treasurer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Echo Plus Greer Law Office Hope Haven Kathleen's Care Inc Loughlin Law Firm Nishna Productions Inc Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center Sunshine Services Inc Juvenile Drug Court Fund Drug Ct groceries MH-DD Services Fund mh adv MH fuel sheriff fees wa-dare attorney fees wa-care rcf-care attrny fees wa-care mh adv-phone fees MHS for 8/10 wa-care Clay County Board of Supervisors August 10, 2010 2 8.00 131.00 75.00 529.63 1023.83 1839.10 64.78 217.00 45.50 112.91 305.48 106.05 45.18 701.64 78.85 240.00 777.13 528.75 500.00 261.40 2028.65 553.04 636.87 3514.80 165.00 166.00 50.00 22.50 35.12 266.10 898.64 44.93 9230.22 92.40 6848.00 1000.00 1500.00 630.00 1.50 839.70 61.46 20.41 9.77 36.00 3438.00 75.00 1824.30 552.00 75.00 753.27 40.32 12557.10 19027.27 Arnold Motor Supply Bud's Service City of Spencer Keltek Incorporated Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU Galen's Pro-Mow Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf rotor/pads Shrf tire repair 21-8 RS garbage service Shrf cable/brackets/lghts Shrf oil Long distance Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf shop time repair Clay County Fair Assn Local Option - Fair FY11 LOSST allocation A & M Laundry Inc. A-Line Crushing Service Advanced Drainage Systems Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Safelite Fulfillment Inc Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Barco Municipal Products Black Hills Energy Carroll Dist & Const Supply Catco Parts & Service Christians Sheet Mtl City of Everly City of Royal City of Spencer DLT Solutions Dockendorf Equipment Co. Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co FASTENAL Force America Inc Fox International Inc. Green Plains Grain Co LLC H T C Inc High Point Distribution IA Lakes Regional Water IA Municipalities Workers Comp Kuehl & Payer Ltd Lawson Products Inc Menards - Spencer NAPA Auto Parts Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Office Systems Company Premier Communications Royal Telephone Co Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU Spencer Ready-Mix Inc St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test Town & Country Secondary Road Fund Shop Uniforms Est. #6 - Lake Pit Crushi 160' - 6" Dual Wall WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Royal Inst of Maxtrac 100 & GPS #203 Window SUNDRY Barracade Lights Gas - Royal PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE Core Credit 7-10205 Wash Bay - Royal Gas - Everly Water & Sewer - Royal Large Tire 3 - AutoCad Renewals PARTS Telephone - Everly 157.275 Ton De-icing Salt BOLTS PARTS PARTS Fork Lift Gas PARTS TOOLS Water - Dickens Inst. #2 - Work Comp Bridge Design - HDP(116) PARTS BUILDINGS PARTS OUTSIDE SERVICE Internet - Spencer PARTS Qtr. Contract Cost Telephone - Webb telephone - Royal PARTS Telephone - Spencer 1 c.y.-390th St/260th Ave Random DOT garbage - Dickens Clay County Board of Supervisors August 10, 2010 3 597.55 295.50 6132.00 1286.50 4.53 7.53 37.50 8408.16 168.26 9195.60 333.63 84.05 214.26 600.00 275.90 26.85 687.73 29.00 285.54 4775.31 122.73 44.55 26.00 55.50 2835.87 4702.90 30.95 8382.63 307.23 1456.31 1403.83 18196.98 74.80 99.95 36.00 10272.00 2281.62 83.82 84.03 24.15 1071.98 34.95 338.69 75.23 62.41 23.38 1560.44 77.77 8906.00 37.00 15.95 US Cellular Vander Haag's Inc Date Phone Rims-#414 Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC fuel GSC blst/fluor lamps GSC rugs Clay Co Sec Road Fund Crescent Electric Supply Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Constance A Adams Patricia A Applegate Ann L Baschke Brian J Davis Tricia A Gee Marc E Gustafson John C Lawson Francis D Lehman Kevin D Maassen Burlin H Matthews Daniel W Pullen Glenn I Rouse Darrel K Santage Ann E Spooner Casey J Timmer Alpha Wireless Comm Clay Co Sec Road Fund Don Pierson Ford Office Systems Company Spencer Trophy & Awards Alliant Energy Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications River Valley Telecom Coop SMU Terril Telephone Coop Clay Co Sec Road Fund SMU Verizon Mar-Lin Business Supply SMU Verizon Grand Total County Flex Plan medical medical medical daycare medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare medical daycare 63.74 480.00 24.62 664.64 40.00 304.00 780.00 45.16 635.00 165.00 200.00 64.79 75.00 410.00 501.20 72.08 347.60 325.00 203.00 200.00 Emergency Medical Services EMS wiring/labor tech EMS fuel EMS coil asy-ignition EMS copies EMS plaques 175.00 49.80 222.18 8.47 188.80 E-911 Surcharge E911 utilities E911 phone service E911 phone service E911 phone chrgs E911 special circuit E911 phone service E911 circuit chrg E911 circuit 21.77 308.60 41.69 180.00 570.04 362.32 228.60 9.13 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA fuel Long distance EMA cell phone 79.94 6.42 107.56 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr correct film/steno pa Long distance Asr cell phone 13.80 4.11 102.98 196330.66 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve the payment of drainage claims from Drainage Ditch #23, payable to Pete Howe Industrial for $562.50 for the county tile west of Royal and the drainage claim from the Drainage Revolving Fund payable to the Humboldt County Auditor in the amount of $2760.00 for FY11 IDDA dues . Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors August 10, 2010 4 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus spoke on Compass Pointe and Seasons Center meetings; Supervisor Matthews shared Upper Des Moines and Compass Pointe meetings; Supervisor Chalstrom gave an update on the Iowa Drainage District Association meeting; Supervisor Skow spoke on the LADE and jail committee meeting; and Supervisor Swanson gave a consortium meeting update. 8:45 a.m. The Executive Director Ron Ludwig and Director Anita Jorgensen of the Upper Des Moines Opportunity gave the Board a presentation of their Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report and discussed the various programs serving consumers in Clay County and the surrounding twelve counties. 9:30 a.m. Spencer City Manager, Bob Fagen spoke with the Board regarding the potential Clay County Visitors Bureau which was a topic during a 2010 goal setting process. The City of Spencer will be placing a public measure on the 2010 General Election ballot to increase the Hotel/Motel tax from 5-7% and if passed, a City Ordinance would define the use of dollars. It was noted that the Spencer Chamber of Commerce will now have a focus on retail development. Discussion also involved around the duties of an employee that would relate to tourism, local housing trust and revolving loan fund responsibilities. A need to design a mission statement and job description was also discussed. 10:00 a.m. Veteran Affairs Director Joan Waller updated the Board regarding the arrival of a new VA van for transportation of veterans. The new vehicle arrived August 6, 2010 but is smaller. The Board of Supervisors recessed the Regular Board Meeting at 10:24 a.m. to conduct the Drainage Ditch #8 meeting as Trustees. The Board of Supervisors reconvened the Regular Board Meeting at 10:40 a.m. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve new applications and disallowances as recommended by the County Assessor for homestead and military credit applications for 2010 pursuant to Iowa Code Chapters 425 and 426. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to authorize the Chairperson to sign the lease‐business property agreement between Tracy and Jennifer Small of J&T Properties, Spencer, IA and Clay County for county storage and office space at 337 10th St SW for a time period beginning September 1, 2010 and to expire on August 31, 2015 at the rental rate of $1500 per month. Motion carried. Auditor Pitts gave the Board an update on Administration Building maintenance projects and upcoming calendar appointments. The HVAC proposal from EDA, Inc of Sioux Center was also discussed but no Board action was taken. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:38 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting August 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors August 10, 2010 5 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 31 held on August 24, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on August 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for August 24, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #30 held August 9, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. 8:35 Kelly McCarty Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the application for funding submitted by Total Family Eye Care, LLC, 110 W 4th St, Spencer, IA from the Clay County Revolving Loan Fund in the amount of $87,500 at a loan rate of 4.75 per cent for a term of ten (10) years. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed August 24, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Advanced Systems Advanced Systems Arctic Glacier Inc Automatic Door Group Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Brown's Shoe Fit Co Cabernet Catering Canon Fin Services Carroll Cleaning Supply CCPOA of Iowa Inc CenTec Cast Metal Products Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Clay County Fair Assn Coffman's Locksmith Community Housing Initiatives Converged Technologies Counsel Office & Document Daily Reporter Dave's Sand & Gravel Inc General Basic Fund Adm copier qtrly rate chr Copier charges Consv ice Cths N ext HDCP transmitt landlord Bldg utilities Shrf batteries/air chuck Shrf shoes Shrf jail meals copier contract chrg Consv 38x58 2.8 mil clear Consv registration VA bronze markers/brass Consv fuel sheriff fees VA passes/fair booth wkrs Adm keys rent-assistance DHS refurbished phone Consv copier lease contra Publication/subscription Consv sand/pea rock Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 1 182.50 215.48 418.15 290.50 565.00 1201.00 519.74 95.00 3581.10 374.00 243.93 240.00 535.72 1482.62 93.00 110.00 43.75 220.00 185.00 706.44 236.55 97.51 Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Don Pierson Ford Dr Daniel Jorgensen Dr Pepper Snapple Group Employment Connections ESRI FASTENAL Galen's Pro-Mow Shirley M Goyette Green Plains Grain Co LLC GW "Pete" Howe Sanitation Inc Daniel J Heissel Hodgin's Manufacturing Hotel Julien Dubuque Hy-Vee IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy Iowa Trails Council Janitors Closet Jimmy Jay Productions KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Klein's Korner Inc. Angela M Lawson Mangold Environmental Test Mastercard Maxwell Food Equipment Inc Meadowbrook Golf & Country Clb Menards - Spencer Minolta Financial Svcs MOCIC Annual Conference Myers Enterprises Nielsens Tire & Appliance Palo Alto County Recorder Perkins Office Solutions Physicians Lab LTD Pottawattamie Co Consv Board Quality Pump & Control Quik Spot Schwan's Sales Sherwin Williams Solutions, Inc Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Thrifty White Stores Town & Country Treat America U S Postmaster Verizon Veterans Information Services VISA Walmart Business Walter Stephens Jr Inc Warner Funeral Home Zee Medical Service Co Treas perma stamps Consv handle asy/door VA medical care Consv pop/water Custodian hours DP ArcGIS Lic Agrmnt Consv caution tape Consv bar oil Rec mileage/supplies Consv LP 30# Jail jetline/new manhole Consv Dist III mtg reimb Consv tube gate/solid tra Recorder mtg exp - room Adm coffee/fltrs/dish soa Consv utilities water usage/assist Shrf MMPI-2 evaluation Consv contribution Custodial supplies Cust shirts San pkg/UPS Consv worms/flat San mileage San well testing Consv fuel/misc Shrf styro foam cups Consv italian ice/ice cre Consv doors/miniblinds DHS copier charge Shrf conf registration Shrf stun-cuff magnum Consv tire service Recorder mileage DHS jumbo paper clips ME autopsy Consv mtg registration Consv duplex float tree Consv product/vendors Consv concessions Consv paint DP Websns Content Fltr re Consv trailer parts PHN Aug/misc Utilities/assist Aud Dymo stamp Shrf Rx Consv garbage Shrf jail school DHS Brm acct/stamps DHS cell phone charges VA annual bk/supplment Shrf fuel consv concessions Shrf deo/toothpaste/shamp ME autopsy Consv gloves Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 2 115.80 14.96 124.00 265.44 943.50 20566.57 16.45 28.16 42.01 29.48 300.00 20.00 38.00 156.80 98.20 2683.47 73.24 135.00 100.00 576.97 120.00 24.39 38.00 12.50 105.00 172.21 34.29 430.28 1055.88 67.43 400.00 635.00 15.81 91.00 9.90 1200.00 400.00 1189.43 263.39 26.98 95.16 15865.32 16.12 9518.03 482.43 483.49 99.83 474.05 55.40 827.46 434.08 50.00 688.89 450.12 168.01 3100.00 29.60 General Supplemental Fund Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency FY11 allocation Clay County Sheriff trans charges J&T Rentals Elect equipment storage Lexis Nexis Law Lib online chrgs NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Spencer Office Supplies Elect paper VISA election labels Juvenile Drug Court Fund Drug Ct food Hy-Vee Advanced Systems Advanced Systems, Inc Cherokee County Sheriff Clay County Sheriff Disco Drug Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Greer Law Office Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC IA Dept of Human Services ISAC Lakes Life Skills LLC Lee & Assoc of Ft. Dodge Life Skills Training Ctr Seasons Center Spencer Mun Hospital The Pride Group U S Postmaster Village NW Unlimited MH-DD Services Fund copier base rate chrg Copier charges sheriff fees sheriff fees rx-meds rcf-care attorney fees wa-care wa-care icf-res-care FY2011 Member dues HomBasHab-care medman-care wa-care indtx-care emergency eval rcf-care postage wa-care Rural Services Basic Fund Alpha Wireless Comm Shrf Vertex llghts Bomgaars Shrf tap/batteries City of Spencer RS garbage - August Clay Co Sec Road Fund IRVM fuel DASH Medical Gloves Shrf exam gloves Keltek Incorporated Shrf antenna/broadband Law Enforcement Coord Committe Shrf targets Spencer Auto Parts Inc Consv stud dbend Van Diest Supply Co IRVM gardian/premier Verizon IRVM cell phone A-1 Portables VISA City of Spencer Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Safelite Fulfillment Inc Barnes Distribution Black Hills Energy Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf portable units Shrf paypal LOSST Rev Bond Sinking Fund refd of funds pd in error Secondary Road Fund WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - G.G. #203 Glass PARTS Gas - Spencer Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 3 14258.00 76.00 1000.00 1309.00 750.00 14.98 550.00 35.93 52.50 92.13 53.00 236.50 32.00 1705.00 75.00 152.40 830.62 42737.55 2488.00 673.10 112.00 285.45 2357.23 155.00 14706.09 68.74 1747.03 314.30 10.77 6132.00 810.52 74.90 333.88 124.42 1.93 1039.20 84.22 31.00 79.28 22500.00 16.21 105.15 275.90 427.60 42.00 Bomgaars Boyer Trucks Buena Vista Co Treasurer Carroll Dist & Const Supply Christians Sheet Mtl Clay County Treasurer Custom Cut Gutters Dyno Oil Co Inc FASTENAL Force America Inc IA Lakes Regional Water Interstate Batteries Iowa Telecom James Joenks Lawson Products Inc Menards - Spencer Qwest Share Corp Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Terracon Yaggy Colby Associates Ziegler Inc PARTS PARTS Land Tax 004900111300001 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE Roof-Paint Booth Removal Land Tax 000943603100005 Spencer Shop 1000 Service Tags BOLTS PARTS Water - G.G. 3 - 31MHD Batteries Telephone - Peterson Reimb. for Safety Boots BOLTS 2x6x16' Telephone - Royal 4way Action 2 - Random DOT Drug Electric - Spencer Geological - HDP(116) ROW Services HDP(116) PARTS 8.99 156.10 647.00 60.24 190.36 1842.00 263.75 92.88 771.04 155.16 43.76 290.85 63.33 35.17 163.84 19.47 9.12 169.59 60.00 418.47 2197.50 1482.00 14322.33 Walmart Business Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Nat supplies 26.26 Black Hills Energy Janitors Closet Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC custl supplies 307.00 156.15 Constance A Adams Kristi J Busse Heidi L Chapman Audrey Coffman Gina L Ean Tricia A Gee Francis D Lehman Kellie M Lowe Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Darrell A Nordman Marjorie A Pitts Cheryl L Riley Glenn I Rouse Darrel K Santage Martin L Schoening Casey J Timmer Theresa E Wurth Mercy Family Pharmacies Alpha Wireless Comm Community Broadcasting Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan insurance insurance medical insurance medical medical medical medical insurance medical medical medical medical insurance daycare insurance daycare insurance Emergency Medical Services EMS epipen/actidose/accuc E-911 Surcharge E911 tower rent E911 tower space Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 4 39.51 10.59 140.00 18.79 113.78 350.83 563.00 127.25 66.96 374.00 149.63 577.12 69.91 62.14 379.57 46.60 200.00 211.20 289.01 1649.00 450.00 Evertek Qwest Ziegler Inc Canon Fin Services John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply Grand Total E911 phone E911 phone service E911 maint contract Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr copier charge Assr mileage Assr correction film 445.00 595.64 2918.23 187.90 44.10 3.48 230086.65 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve drainage expenditure dated August 24, 2010 totaling $1,305.00 for ditch and tile repairs payable to Abel Drainage & Excavating, Inc from the Drainage Ditch #14‐42 Lateral 168, Ditch #51999. County Auditor is instructed to issue payment of $1,305.00 to Abel Drainage & Excavating, Inc with remaining funds of $134.68 and a stamped warrant to the Drainage Revolving Fund of $1,170.32. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus gave an update on Season’s Center; Supervisor Matthews discussed the airport meeting and their capital improvement plan and an Upper Des Moines Opportunity meeting. 9:00 a.m. Leonard Langner State of Iowa Retirement Investor’s Club 457 Plan The Board met with a representative of the State of Iowa Retirement Investor’s Club 457 Plan. The administrative costs are less than the current plan and there would be no entry or surrender costs to employees. The Board will consider a resolution to adopt this plan at the next regular Board meeting on September 7, 2010. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the Overhead Construction Permit for Interstate Power & Light (Alliant Energy) to place single phase overhead power line in Clay County Secondary Roads right‐of‐way along 330th Street, Section 34, Waterford TWP. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Brockshus to open 350th Street or B24 from 200th Avenue west to M27 or 130th Avenue after completion of PCC Overlay. Motion carried. The Board of Supervisors took no action on authorizing the Chairperson to sign the Jurisdiction Agreement for Byway Signage with the Iowa Department of Transportation for the installation and maintenance of byway signage on the Glacial Trail Scenic Byway. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request form for Jon Winterboer from the Secondary Roads Department for a change in hourly wages to $20.44 per hour effective July 1, 2010. Motion carried. 10:00 a.m. Tammy McKeever Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to authorize chairperson to sign the Verification for Firm Certification renewal with the Bureau of Lead Poisoning Prevention, Des Moines, IA. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires certification of all firms that employ lead professionals. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 5 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve certificate of adjustment #2167 on receipt #05181; fiscal year 2009‐2010; payable year 2010‐2011 on parcel #220=963523100001 for PT NW NW 23‐96‐35 for United States of America‐U.S. Fish & Wildlife in the amount of $340.00. Reason being: Property is exempt. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve certificate of adjustment #2168 on receipt #05186; fiscal year 2009‐2010; payable year 2010‐2011 on parcel #220=963523100008 for PT SW NW EXC E PT & PT SE SW 23‐96‐35 for United States of America‐U.S. Fish & Wildlife in the amount of $574.00. Reason being: Property is exempt. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve certificate of adjustment #2169 on Rect. #13822; fiscal year 2009‐2010; payable year 2010‐2011 on parcel 640‐963607257006 for Janet F Bringle for Lot 2 Block 8 Fairview Addition to the City of Spencer, Clay County, Iowa in the amount of $354.00. Reason being: Late elderly credit application. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt Resolution 2010‐19. Resolutions adopted. RESOLUTION 2010‐19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CLAY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPORTING THE COMMUNITY ATTRACTION AND TOURISM APPLICATION FOR THE PARKER HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S CLAY COUNTY HERITAGE CENTER PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Parker Historical Society of Clay County Board of Directors has identified a need to expand its resources to store, archive and display historical artifacts pertinent to the history of Clay County; and this can be achieved through the remodel of an existing building on Grand Avenue in Spencer into the new Clay County Heritage Center; and WHEREAS, the Clay County Board of Supervisors fully supports the need for and identifies the benefits of this project; and WHEREAS, the Clay County Heritage Center project will be financed by private fundraising; foundation grants; and city, county and state financing; including an application to the State of Iowa for a Vision Iowa Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Grant; and WHEREAS, such a new Heritage Center project will benefit all residents of Spencer and surrounding rural areas and small communities within Clay County through enhanced quality of life and new cultural, educational and entertainment amenities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Clay County Board of Supervisors does hereby express its full support and commits a minimum of $25,000 over the course of the construction of the Parker Historical Society’s Clay County Heritage Center project, and furthermore calls upon the State of Iowa to act favorably upon all applications for financial assistance. Clay County’s financial commitment to this project will be contingent upon the successful award of a Vision Iowa CAT grant. Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 6 The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 24 day of August, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Auditor Marjorie Pitts gave the Board a departmental update including discussion on framing options of a courthouse picture; the petition for clarification from the Local Union 234 bargaining units related to Iowa Code chapter 20.4; suggested dates to schedule union bargaining unit negotiations for FY12. During the update, the Board suggested Supervisor Brockshus contact County Attorney Houchins asking for the status of the revisions to the Clay County Employee Personnel Policy. 11:00 a.m. Libby Stricker–ICAP representative and Eric Tigges, Clay County Emergency Management Agency Director spoke with the Board regarding the general liability insurance renewal. Stricker provided a presentation of the coverage and premium requirements. Motion by Brockshus, second by Chalstrom to authorize Eric Tigges, Clay County Emergency Management Director to sign the FY11 liability and physical damage insurance renewal totaling $2,421.50 including the member credit voucher of $78.50. Motion carried. Emergency Management Director Eric Tigges gave the Board a departmental update relating to recent flood disaster declarations from the State of Iowa and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 11:30 a.m. Central Point Coordinator, Kim Wilson gave the Board a departmental update relating to Clay County consumers and the local Dream Center offerings and potential impact. The Board recessed their regular meeting at 11:52 a.m. for a lunch break. The Board reconvened their regular meeting at 1:00 p.m. The Board met with The Baker Group of Des Moines related to facility construction management projects. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3:11 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting September 7, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Minutes from Meeting 32 held on September 7, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on September 7, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Designee Connie Adams as clerk for the meeting. Absent: Brockshus. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for September 7, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #31 held August 24, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed September 7, 2010. Ayes: Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. General Basic Fund Atlas Stamp & Seal Co Bill Garnos Jail Consultant Black Hills Energy Blackhawk Sprinklers Bomgaars Bonnie Hoover Bud's Service Cabernet Catering Canon Fin Services Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Clay County Supplemental Fund Coffman's Locksmith Compass Pointe Converged Technologies Dan Harris DeAnn Sutherland Employment Connections Evertek Farm & Home Publishers Sandra S Geidl Shirley M Goyette HMN Architects, Inc IA County Treasurers Assoc IA Lakes Regional Water IA Secretary of State ISAC J&T Rentals Janitors Closet Kaeser & Blair Incorp Rec stamp/self inking Jail consulting fees Consv utilities Adm annl inspect sprklr Cths oil San well closures Shrf oil/fltr/lub Shrf jail meals-Aug GIS plotter lease Admn custodial gas shrf fees Blgd rental - repay Adm auto-door operators FY11 1st qtr allocation DHS voicemail work San well closure San septic permit refund custodian GSC Consv internet/cable/phon 2010 plat books - 22 @ 17 Treas mileage Rec mileage Jail professional service Treas FY2010-11 dues Consv utilities Treas notary appl Treas registration Building Lease payment Cths custl supplies Shrf emery boards Clay County Board of Supervisors September 7, 2010 1 16.90 3530.57 109.00 1013.24 6.58 676.00 87.50 4413.24 141.45 34.42 870.50 2000.00 8968.75 3908.00 662.21 400.00 100.00 1226.55 279.33 374.00 20.30 35.00 3335.56 445.00 527.80 30.00 260.00 500.00 180.61 352.90 Ken Ellingson Randy Krukow Law Enforcement Systems Legislative Services Agency Mail Services LLC Mar-Lin Business Supply Marceline Mapping Marriott West Des Moines Marvin Burk Photography Meadowbrook Golf & Country Clb News, Bell, Times, Patriot NW Aging Association Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Pictometry International Corp Pixler Electric Inc Quality Services Property Care Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Shirley Wede SoftChoice Corporation Solutions, Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Staples Credit Plan The Toner Place Upper DesMoines O E O UPS US Cellular U S Postmaster VISA Zenor & Houchins, PC landlord Shrf postage reimb Shrf IA citation/complnt Shrf 2010-11 lA Code bks Treas renewal printing Treas pens/calc ribbons GIS plat books 2010 Shrf mtg exp/lodging Shrf photo/jail Consv concession items Bd pub Mtg #29 FY11 1st qtr allocation DP copies Shrf toner cartdge DP Chanfedindr/parcels Adm wired door openers Adm weed control Bd pub Mtg #29 & #30 San well closures DP MS Office Web hosting September Shrf sharps containers Bldg utilities Aud envlps/pen refill/tap DP etherfast ports/cable Treas battery DHS toner FY11 1st qtr allocation Shrf pkg delivery Admn custodial cell phone Consv stamps .44/.17 IT backup tapes Atty monthly office exp 260.00 15.69 205.00 600.00 542.83 125.34 1339.50 385.03 54.00 53.64 268.23 2591.25 17.87 448.93 6000.00 559.12 110.00 287.95 400.00 2999.36 27839.67 366.89 4348.71 439.01 425.43 385.92 413.75 5225.00 73.56 600.07 149.00 750.56 9156.56 General Supplemental Fund Clay County Sheriff Henry M Adkins & Son Inc IA Municipalities Workers Comp NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr Shrf trans Elect absentee envlps Wkrs Comp Install #3 10-1 transport 194.00 1048.93 6848.00 1971.25 MH-DD Services Fund Buena Vista Co Sheriff Cherokee County Sheriff Clay County Sheriff Community Service Association Echo Plus Eyerly Ball Community MHS Greer Law Office Kathleen's Care Inc Lakes Life Skills LLC Plains Area Mental Health Ctr Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies US Cellular sheriff fees sheriff fees sheriff fees reg.fees scl-care outpt-care attorney fees rcf-care hombashab—care intk-care MHS for 9/2010 office supplies cell phone charges 17.00 19.00 242.50 20.00 3839.50 1013.10 75.00 744.00 673.10 818.00 9849.53 78.75 20.44 Rural Services Basic Fund Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Shrf tech support/strobe Shrf misc Clay County Board of Supervisors September 7, 2010 2 115.26 35.96 Bud's Service Graham Tire Co Johnston Automotive KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Law Enforcement Targets Inc Midwest Radar & Equipment Sioux Sales Co Shrf mount/bal tires Shrf tires Shrf battery RS pkg shipping Shrf targets Shrf enforcer/spd guns/py Shrf pistols 100.00 904.96 150.50 7.86 124.42 315.00 860.00 Clay Co Revolving Loan Fund Northwest Bank and Total Rev loan fund proceeds 87500.00 Sheriff Undercover Fund SMU Sur-Tec Inc Shrf phone service Shrf DNIS circuit board/s 47.47 235.00 Secondary Road Fund A & M Laundry Inc. A-Line Crushing Service Advanced Door Systems Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Arnold Motor Supply Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Barnes Distribution Black Hills Energy Catco Parts & Service City of Everly City of Royal City of Spencer Cornbelt Equipment Crescent Electric Supply Diamond Mowers, Inc. Don Pierson Ford Evertek Farmers Feed & Supply Co Fox International Inc. Galen's Pro-Mow Green Plains Grain Co LLC Hagedorn Excavating, Inc Holcomb Freightliner, Inc. IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Municipalities Workers Comp Iowa Transit Kuehl & Payer Ltd Menards - Spencer Nolin Milling Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Premier Communications Royal Telephone Co Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU Spencer Ready-Mix TD Tools US Cellular Vander Haag's Inc Jeffrey M Wiemann Shop Rags Est. #7 - Lake Pit BUILDINGS Latex Gloves Electric - Dickens PARTS Telephone - G.G. BOLTS Gas - Royal PARTS Gas - Everly water & Sewer - Royal 2 - Appliances PARTS Royal Radio Tower Mower Parts #107 Parts Telephone - Everly 104.53 Ton De-Icing Salt PARTS PARTS Fork Lift Gas Pipe Replace - 140th Ave PARTS Non-Metered Repair Water - Dickens Inst #3 - Work Comp Mag Nails 1 1/4" Bridge Design HDP(116) Retractable Straps Royal Fuel Barrel Internet - Spencer PARTS Telephone - Webb Telephone - Royal PARTS Telephone - Shop Royal Fuel Barrel TOOLS 7 - Cell Phones Service on #209 Reimb for Safety Boots Clay County Board of Supervisors September 7, 2010 3 166.96 12187.08 115.45 136.50 196.80 268.96 26.13 271.10 29.00 2517.72 47.35 26.00 133.50 97.71 492.54 1804.64 654.81 31.73 5571.20 2301.52 4.10 41006.67 3475.74 215.29 80.00 36.00 10272.00 34.63 3650.60 14.99 397.39 34.95 16.00 61.66 23.38 916.90 53.07 337.50 105.95 313.20 3633.01 124.97 Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. Baker Group Clay Co Sec Road Fund Crescent Electric Supply Janitors Closet US Cellular GSC GSC GSC GSC GSC replaced elect load custodial gas blst/fluor lamps custl supplies custodial cell phone 16549.00 17.21 142.15 121.60 27.60 Clay County Flex Plan Constance A Adams Audrey Coffman Kimberly K Corcoran Gina L Ean Tricia A Gee Marc E Gustafson John C Lawson Tammy R McKeever Darrell A Nordman Cheryl L Riley Glenn I Rouse L F Rouse Darrel K Santage Casey J Timmer Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical dayare medical 60.00 84.00 75.46 20.00 484.17 20.00 310.49 374.00 352.00 76.65 184.00 255.48 190.00 200.00 Emergency Medical Services Airgas North Central Bound Tree Medical Jeremiah Tuzzio Kim Kroger Melissa Tuzzio Office Systems Company Relativity Tees SMR Fire Department EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS oxygen cyldr defib pad/mask pkt/ai EMT-Basic appl fee trailer exp EMT-Basic appl fee copies shirts EMT Practical tuition 45.35 184.91 70.00 118.65 70.00 1.81 20.00 1953.00 IA Great Lakes Drug Task Force Clay County Sheriff O'Brien County Sheriff Osceola Co Sheriff IGLD task force OT June 2 IGLD task force OT June 2 IGLD task force OT May '1 Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Community Broadcasting, Inc IA Prison Industries Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications SMU Terril Telephone Coop E911 E911 E911 E911 E911 E911 E911 E911 E911 2241.40 296.32 517.12 E-911 Surcharge utilities annual radio equip p tower space resident mrkrs/posts phone service phone chrgs line access charges circuit chrg line access 15.80 50000.00 450.00 1725.00 41.69 180.00 570.04 228.60 9.13 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund Alpha Wireless Comm Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Fair Assn ICAP Iowa HSEMD ISAC EMA EMA EMA EMA EMA EMA siren & lighting cont fuel fair tickets (16) General Liability registration Fall Conf reg Clay County Board of Supervisors September 7, 2010 4 236.51 86.05 80.00 2421.50 125.00 130.00 Verizon EMA cell phone 107.79 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Pictometry International Corp Asr ChangeFindr/parcels 4050.75 Co. Assessor Agency Fund IA St Assn of Assessors John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply Verizon Grand Total Asr Asr Asr Asr conf registration mtg exp/lodging paper cell phone chrgs 550.00 302.51 58.91 102.95 398231.11 8:45 a.m. Mike Houchins– County Attorney Informed the Board the Construction Management contract between Clay County and The Baker Group looked fine. He voiced concern regarding the twenty percent fee charge for project construction manager. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Agreement between Clay County and The Baker Group, 4224 Hubbel Ave, Des Moines, IA for the mechanical system and electrical system improvements, modifications and additions to upgrade air‐ conditioning and heating equipment throughout the facility as selected by the Board of Supervisors for the Clay County Administration Building. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Mathews gave an update on the landfill contract and plans for a household hazardous drop‐off. Supervisor Chalstrom shared information on the Residential House for detention in Sioux City and the 3rd Judicial Court District . Supervisor Skow talked about the Board of Health Budget Agreement. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to accept Employee Payroll Request form from the Sheriff’s department for Daniel Pullen to change base hours per year from 2,223 to 2,210 with the same base total wages. Change is due to schedule and supervision changes. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Conservation Department for Wendi Deeter for part‐time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective September 2, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to set the date of Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 8:45 a.m. for the public hearing to for an application for the modification to an existing animal feeding operation in Clay County, submitted by M & C Anderson Pullet, Inc. for NE ¼ of Section 18, Herdland Township, Clay Co, IA. Motion carried. 9:15 a.m. Scott Rinehart – Secondary Roads Wayne Hansen will start crushing gravel at the Elser Pit. Scott received a bid from VanderHaags Inc., to sand blast and paint a John Deere motor grader for $7,360.00. Scott has visited with County Attorney Mike Houchins, concerning a tile issue with IA Lakes Regional Water. Clay County Board of Supervisors September 7, 2010 5 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to set the canvass of the September 14, 2010 Special Iowa Lakes Community College Election to Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to accept the Clay County Deferred Compensation benefit plan change to be the State of Iowa Retirement Investors’ Club Defined Contribution Plan‐457 effective November 1, 2010 pursuant to Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. Securities are offered through the Hartford Equity Sales Co., Inc, One Griffin Rd North, Windsor, CT and locally administered by Farmers Bank, 125 W 4th Street, Spencer, IA. Motion carried. 9:45 a.m. Ed Campbell – Department Update H&S Roofing Co. Inc. inspected the administration building roof, September 3, 2010. The roof has loose seams and pin holes. A proposal of $8,010 was submitted to repair the roof. A motion will be placed on the next agenda to approve maintenance and repair of the administration building roof. 10:00 a.m. Shaun ArnesonIowa Lakes Corridor of Opportunity – Shaun was accompanied by Samantha Heerdt, Brian Dalziel, and Bill Bumgarner. Shaun presented the results of the Iowa Lakes Corridor “Existing Industry Call Program ‐ August 2010” He presented the overview and key findings, followed with product/service, market, industry, management, workforce, community information and conclusion information. The survey was conducted January 2010‐May 2010 using an Existing Industry Call (EIC) Program. Bill Bumgarner thanked the Board’s for its commitment to the vision of the Corridor. 10:30 a.m. Eric TiggesEMA Eric discussed with the Board the letter received from the Office of the Governor. It stated in the last Sate legislative session a voucher system that would allow eligible affected Iowans (due to disasters) to access the aid they need more easily and rapidly. The rules state that each county must appoint a designee to manage the voucher piece of the Individual Assistance program. That entity will have a signed MOU with DHS to administer those vouchers. 11:00 a.m. Libby Stricker & Dave Jacobsen, Spencer Insurance Services Fred Dozeal & Kasi KoehlerICAP The Board members were presented a County Risk Management Services, Inc. packet. Kasi Koehler briefly reviewed the County’s account and stated it looked good. She does underwriting and portfolio services and will be doing a deductible study that will be available at policy renewable time. There is some additional coverage available at little cost. Areas of concern are any County property that might be located in a flood zone and workers comp claims. She stated ICAP is very stable financially. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:59 a.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Connie Adams, Auditor Designee /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors September 7, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 33 held on September 21, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on September 21, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson called the meeting to order and led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for September 21, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. 8:30 a.m. Dan Heissel – Conservation Director gave an update to the Board. Heissel began with an update on the FEMA Projects including Riverside boat ramp ($45,000); Scharnberg Park sewage pumps and float tree ($2,900); Scharnberg Park fishing pier ($20,000); Scharnberg Park jetty ($15,600); Bern between Ocheydan River & Scharnberg pond ($20,000); Kinklespire crossing, bridges and boat ramp rip rap ($20,000); Burr Wildlife Area stream crossings ($3,000); and Grandview Park shoreline. The total to date of $126,500 with FEMA covering 85% ($107,525) and the balance of $18,975 from the Conservation Land Acquisition Capital Projects fund. Heissel discussed the purchase of the Scharnberg Park Flying Field from the Clay County Secondary Roads department with the consensus of the Board to continue and move forward. Further discussion include the Scharnberg jetty and bank armoring to be made of rock and field stone near the cabins costing approximately $40,000 as well a REAP Grant being used to purchase Nelson property near Kindlespire Park from the Heritage Foundation; the Scharnberg shooting range improvements and that the Iowa DNR will be stocking trout in the Scharnberg Park pond. 8:45 a.m. This being the time and place for the public hearing for a modification to an existing animal feeding operation in Clay County submitted by M & C Anderson Pullet, Inc. in the NE ¼ of Section 18, Herdland Township, Clay County, Iowa. The Board determined that notice of the public hearing was published in the Spencer Daily Reporter pursuant to the Iowa Code. County Sanitarian Tammy McKeever read the public notice text and reviewed with the Board the Master Matrix scoring questions the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Supervisor Brockshus, seconded by Supervisor Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution with the continence of a favorable report from the Iowa DNR site inspection: RESOLUTION NO. #2010-20 Recommending approval of the M & C Anderson Pullet, Inc Modification to An Existing Animal Feeding Operation Application to the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources. WHEREAS, the Clay County Board of Supervisors has adopted the Master Matrix for the purpose of scoring CAFO construction applications to provide an opportunity for local input, and Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 1 WHEREAS, a construction application for adding two (2) high-rise pullet buildings has been submitted by M & C Anderson Pullet, Inc.; The buildings will be 484.0’ X 84.0’ No below ground manure pits, either formed or unformed, will be used. The new pullet buildings will utilize an automated belt manure collection system located under the cages. The manure is conveyed to the back end of the building where it drops into the manure storage areas, which are constructed with concrete floors and sidewalls and WHEREAS, the Clay County Environmental Health Director, has reviewed the application using the Master Matrix, finding a score of 445 points, and has verified all of the elements of the application for accuracy; and WHEREAS, the minimum score set by the DNR is 440 points. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors published a notice of public hearing in the Daily Reporter as required, and, held said public hearing in the Public Meeting Room at the Clay County Administration Building on September 21, 2010, for the purpose of receiving public comment; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, has assembled their comments and those of the public for submission to the DNR; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clay County Board of Supervisors hereby recommends approval of the construction application of M & C Anderson Pullet, Inc. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 21st day of September 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Skow, and Swanson. Nays: None. Absent: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to close 210th Avenue between 330th Street and 340th Avenue for bridge repair. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #32 held September 7, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed September 7, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Advanced Systems Arctic Glacier Inc Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Carpenter Uniform & Promotions Carroll Dist & Const Supply CDW Government, Inc General Basic Fund Admn copier lease Consv ice rent-landlord Bldg utilities Shrf lght/stingr/jacket Consv tie wire 6" HP monitors Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 2 210.32 220.46 325.00 1201.00 184.89 20.16 271.92 Clay County Auditor Clay Co Sec Road Fund Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The David A Scott Dept of Public Defense Don Pierson Ford Dr Pepper Snapple Group Employment Connections Fire Proof Plus Galen's Pro-Mow Graham Tire Co Green Plains Grain Co LLC Greg's Repair John L Hargens Robert Heronemus Human Resource Solutions IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Veterinary Medical Assoc IACCVA IEHA J&T Rentals Jacobsen Home Corp Janitors Closet Klein's Korner Inc. Legislative Services Agency Mail Services LLC Mangold Environmental Test Mastercard Janel D Maurer Menards - Spencer Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Equipment Inc Northwest Printing Co Office Systems Company PATC Physicians Lab LTD Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Pixler Electric Inc Presto X Company Quik Spot Casey A Schomaker Schuchert Funeral Home Schwan's Sales Sioux Sales Co Solutions, Inc Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies SWIFT AIR Town & Country UPS Verizon Walmart Business Shrf plat book 2010 fuels Consv copier lease Consv GE med lamp Pub bd mtg #30 attorney fees Jailer exp Consv trim panel & handle Consv pop/water custodian services Consv extinguishers Consv chain saw service Consv alignment-trk Consv LP 20# Mower blade Twp mileage Twp mileage Human resourse class Consv utilities utility assist Investigation seminar reg VA school registration Fall conference reg October Bldg rent rent asst landlord Bldg custodial supplies Consv supplies Rec Iowa Code Treas renewal printing Well testings IT back up tapes Twp mileage Consv chalkline reel Consv tire Consv oil fltr/oil Rec envlps/letterheads Plotter ink/print head Shrf chrging manual ME autopsys Adm mailing system Treas postage meter usage Plug ins Bdrm/EOC/Rec Cthse pest maint Consv pop Twp mileage VA funeral assistance Consv ice cream product Shrf trousers Toner/photoconductor info Consv copper plus PHN allocation Sept Internet services Shrf binder Admn preventative maint Consv garbage remvl Shrf fee/late DHS cell phone charges Consv misc Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 3 17.50 5235.13 240.02 8.46 109.41 50.00 115.00 107.22 184.54 1000.11 160.00 41.45 59.95 23.59 9.55 4.90 8.40 500.00 2357.52 46.82 25.00 30.00 110.00 1500.00 520.00 556.06 60.00 550.00 505.25 45.00 750.56 16.10 59.48 143.70 44.00 296.91 808.50 200.00 3750.00 602.31 1300.00 552.71 86.52 105.04 9.10 1900.00 25.98 951.00 403.06 202.24 8333.33 1546.43 10.49 682.50 1027.63 2.14 403.19 493.00 Warner Funeral Home Xerox Corporation Zee Medical Service Co ME services Rec copier base chrg Shrf 1st aid supplies General Supplemental Fund Annette Schaeffer Elect wkr ILCC Barbara Joenks Elect wkr ILCC Beverly Kimball Elect wkr ILCC Bonny Swart Elect wkr ILCC Chris Schoelerman Elect wkr ILCC Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency FY11 Sept allocation Clay Co Flex Plan/Medical Exp FY10-11 flex allocation Audrey Coffman Election batteries Coreen Boernsen Elect wkr ILCC David Schaeffer Elect wkr ILCC Donna Jones Elect wkr ILCC Florence Ihry Elect wkr ILCC IA Secretary of State Elect I-Voters maint fee Kay Darnell Elect wkr ILCC Lexis Nexis Law Library charges Lisa J Myers Elect wkr ILCC Marla Woelber Elect wkr ILCC Michelle A Krile Elect wkr ILCC Nancy A Lewis Elect wkr ILCC Norman Woelber Elect wkr ILCC NW IA Youth Emergency Serv JV transportation Pitney Bowes Purchase Power elections postage meter u Sharon Roghair Elect wkr ILCC Solutions, Inc Toner for Ricoh SMU Long distance Spencer Office Supplies election labels Woodbury County Auditor FY11 3rd Judicial Dist Youth & Family Resource Serv Detention Juvenile Drug Court Fund JV drug court meals JV Drug Ct food Fareway Stores Inc Hy-Vee Advanced Systems, Inc Berryhill Center for MH Cerro Gordo Co Sheriff Cherokee County Sheriff David A Scott Disco Drug Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC Humboldt County Sheriff Hy-Vee IA DHS Lakes Life Skills LLC Lee & Assoc Nishna Productions Inc Solutions, Inc Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group Village NW Unlimited MH-DD Services Fund standard copier payment mhc-care sheriff-fees sheriff-fees attorney fees rx-meds rcf-care se-care wa-care sheriff-fees rx-care icf-res-care hombashab-care medck care wa-care call to reset psswrd wa-care statecase rcf-care wa-care Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 4 195.00 266.10 18.90 44.20 61.35 63.70 16.00 97.70 7129.00 5000.00 36.33 127.25 76.20 90.65 134.70 1680.21 96.00 1309.00 125.20 73.40 17.00 126.75 72.00 37.50 500.00 96.00 710.39 2.50 53.98 1003.21 1352.85 21.88 34.30 80.07 75.60 32.00 19.00 250.00 101.50 1705.00 3607.32 1199.26 295.00 9.68 43099.26 231.88 168.00 797.58 20.13 18877.68 14706.09 1825.25 Rural Services Basic Fund RS garbage - september IRVM fuel Consv cooling syst/clutch Shrf lghts-led Zoning postage meter usag Shrf panel partitions IRVM roller brg Long distance IRVM garlon IRVM cell phone 6132.00 241.92 316.24 314.04 50.00 365.36 68.47 3.82 9209.53 84.22 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf maint/portable units Shrf bearings/selas/belt 56.00 486.09 Local Option - Any Lawful Use Clay County Regional Event Ctr FY11 additional subsidy 25000.00 City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund H & N Chevrolet Buick Keltek Incorporated Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Setina Mfg Co, Inc Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU Van Diest Supply Co Verizon A-1 Portables Galen's Pro-Mow Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Safelite Fulfillment Inc Black Hills Energy Boyer Trucks Copper Cottage Crescent Electric Supply Custom Welding & Repair Galen's Pro-Mow Jason H Hass IA Lakes Regional Water Iowa Telecom Kuehl & Payer Ltd Mid Country Machinery Inc Nielsens Tire & Appliance Qwest SMU St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test Town & Country Yaggy Colby Associates Zee Medical Service Co Ziegler Inc Walmart Business Stacie L Young Black Hills Energy Janitors Closet Menards - Spencer Presto X Company Constance A Adams Patricia A Applegate Tammy K Brown Kristi J Busse Secondary Road Fund WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - G.G. #200 Glass Gas - Spencer PARTS Gas Pump - Royal Gas Pump - Royal #215 Parts PARTS Reimb for Safety boots Water - G.G. Telephone - Peterson Overweight Permit PARTS PARTS Telephone - Royal Telephone - Office Random DOT Drug Test Garbage - Dickens ROW Services - HDP(116) First Aid Supplies PARTS Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv/Natl supplies Consv/Natl pants Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC custodial supplies GSC tools GSC pest maint Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan ins prem medical medical ins prem Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 5 16.21 154.63 617.70 38.86 4005.52 373.09 964.45 71.64 10.25 80.00 43.76 62.89 350.00 75.71 868.99 9.31 677.94 37.00 15.95 4759.75 19.75 15625.98 26.39 104.32 307.00 8.79 41.17 21.63 87.50 720.00 37.60 10.59 Kenneth L Chalstrom Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis Marc E Gustafson Robert B Kluender Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Darrell A Nordman Marjorie A Pitts Daniel W Pullen Cheryl L Riley Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Casey J Timmer Theresa E Wurth Bound Tree Medical Clay Co Sec Road Fund SMU VISA Evertek Qwest Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex medical ins prem daycare medical medical ins prem medical medical medical medical medical ins prem ins prem daycare ins prem Emergency Medical Services EMS telfa pads EMS gas Long distance EMS germ-x/bandages/towel E-911 Surcharge E911 line access charges E911 circuits 2498.68 18.79 682.00 20.00 133.00 277.96 382.40 527.00 657.89 52.68 148.61 62.14 46.60 200.00 211.20 12.84 23.96 .19 110.31 445.00 13.58 Don Pierson Ford SMU Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA repairs Long distance 221.86 8.99 Heidi L Chapman Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr mileage 58.10 Evertek Canon Fin Services John C Lawson Office Systems Company SMU Grand Total Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Consv cable TV install Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr copier contract Asr mileage Asr copies Long distance 5785.00 187.90 116.90 191.38 5.95 234763.07 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve the payment of Drainage Ditch #23 claim from fund #51031 payable to G.W. “Pete” Howe Sanitation, Inc. Spencer, IA dated September 21, 2010 for Jet Tile Line – West of Royal, IA. Claim approved totals $787.50. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve the payment of drainage claim from Joint Drainage Ditch #14-42, payable to J & N Farms, Inc, 4990 270th Avenue, Webb, IA for $9,880.00 dated September 21, 2010 for Carlson and Brugman ditch dredging. Upon approval the claim is to be sent to Buena Vista County for approval, then, returned to Clay County for payment. Motion carried with Supervisor Chalstrom abstaining. Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 6 Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the voiding of a prior year’s warrant #118257 for $29.00 to Smart Computing. Warrant is voided due to being a duplicate payment. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Matthews gave an update on the Airport Board meeting. 10:00 a.m. Special Iowa Lakes Community College Election Canvass The Board of Supervisors proceeded to canvass the results of the votes of the Special Iowa Lakes Community College (Merged Area III) Election held on September 14, 2010 and now embodies its findings: Iowa Lakes Community College Board member –Director District #5 – to fill vacancy David Gottsche received sixty-one (61) votes. Harold Prior received twenty-six (26) votes. On the following Public Measure A: Shall the following public measure be adopted: Shall the Board of Directors of the Iowa Lakes Community College (Merged Area III) be authorized to levy a tax of not exceeding twenty and one-fourth cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation in any one year for a period not to exceed ten consecutive years, commencing with the budget year beginning July 1, 2012, for the purchase of grounds, construction of buildings, payment of debts contracted for the construction of buildings, purchase of buildings and equipment for buildings, and the acquisition of libraries, for the purpose of paying the costs of utilities and for the purpose of maintaining, remodeling, improving or expanding the community college of the merged area? YES received three hundred three (303-) votes. No received sixty-four (64-) votes. A copy of the Abstract of Votes and the original tally lists, are hereby delivered to the Commissioner of Elections for filing as required by law. 10:30 a.m. Marjorie Pitts – County Auditor gave a departmental update relating to the recent evaluation of the Courthouse heating and cooling system with input from Ed Campbell, Building Maintenance. Campbell also shared information regarding the condition of the Governmental Services and Administration building roofs. The Board requested Courthouse evaluation information be shared with the County Attorney and that a second quote be obtained for a roof top unit at the Governmental Services Building. Pitts and Veteran Affairs Director Joan Waller spoke with the Board regarding the upcoming move of the VA office to 337 10th St. SW. Plans for office equipment and moving logistics were discussed. A quote for phone equipment and voice over IP services was presented but not action was taken at this time. Pitts discussed the current Employment Connections contract for custodial services with the Board. Performance satisfaction and potential costs to buy out the contract were discussed. The General Election timelines for equipment testing, precinct worker training, and equipment delivery to polling locations was shared with the Board. No Board action was taken on the proposed motion to approve or deny the quote for a five (5) ton roof top HVAC unit that serves the southwest area of the GSC Building from SwiftAir of Sioux Falls, South Dakota for $9,490.00. Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 7 The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:34 p.m., to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting at 8:30 a.m. on October 5, 2010. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors September 21, 2010 8 Meeting #34 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on October 5, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for October 5, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #33 held September 21 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed October 5, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Arctic Glacier Inc Atlas Stamp & Seal Co Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Bomgaars Canon Fin Services CDW Government, Inc City of Spencer Clay County Sheriff Cobblestone Inn & Suites Coffman's Locksmith Counsel Office & Document Crescent Electric Supply Danny Huber Scott T Davis DeLoss Contruction Del's Garden Center Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Don Pierson Ford Employment Connections Galen's Pro-Mow Green Plains Grain Co LLC Helen's Comm Laundry Inc HMN Architects, Inc Holiday Inn DesMoines Hy-Vee IA Assoc Chiefs Police & Peace IA Lakes Comm College IA Lakes Corridor IA Lakes Electric Coop ISAC J&T Rentals Janitors Closet Thomas L Lorenz General Basic Fund Scharnberg ice Treas notary stamp/pad phone consultation Admn supplies Shrf copier DP 2-laptops/ consv Consv garbage disposal Shrf fee transports Shrf mtg exp rooms keys for warehouse Consv copier contract consv 120V plug ins Landlord Shrf meeting exp landlord Consv seddelssunny grass Treas paid stamp Shrf 2010 Ford F150 Custodial help Consv shroud consv lp cylinders Bldg mops and rugs Jail profeesional service Jailer mtg exp rx-meds Shrf memb dues IA peace DP training classroom ren FY2011 econ dev alloc utility asst Fall school reg Landlord Bldg custodial supplies San well closure Clay County Board of Supervisors October 5, 2010 1 36.80 41.40 776.20 362.67 884.45 1827.33 6.50 450.00 300.00 13.50 251.77 56.20 220.00 26.27 220.00 99.99 22.00 13686.00 1302.03 23.84 64.85 177.31 2011.35 244.87 115.97 30.00 250.00 10000.00 182.00 405.00 240.00 232.80 350.00 Meeting #34 Marco DHS copier contract Menards - Spencer Bldgs misc Minolta Financial Svcs DHS copier contract NACo county membership dues Nielsens Tire & Appliance consv tire service Northwest Equipment Inc Consv oil filter NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr CourtOrd.sherff fee Office Systems Company DP copies Perkins Office Solutions DHS digital transcriber Pitney Bowes DHS postage meter Christopher L Raveling shrf mtg exp Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Pub bd mtgs 31-33 Speed Printers Shrf notary stamps Spencer Auto Parts Consv misc Spencer Mun Hospital ME testing SMU Bldg utilities Spencer Office Supplies Office supplies Staples DHS ink Staples Credit Plan Va reclosable fasteners ThermoWorks, Inc San thermometer Casey J Timmer Shrf gas United Farmers Telephone Treas ad/prop taxes due US Cellular Cell phones U S Postmaster VA PO Box rent/key deposi Vinton Police Department Shrf mtg registration VISA Shrf gas Walmart Business DHS kleenex Warner Funeral Home ME autopsy Zee Medical Service Co Adm 1st aid supplies 35.00 455.89 67.43 400.00 13.00 13.97 391.50 99.00 221.71 501.00 12.79 565.50 130.88 132.19 888.35 4451.62 525.08 253.71 194.30 26.90 34.05 20.00 602.09 46.00 250.00 315.11 9.77 673.00 14.80 General Supplemental Fund Clay County Sheriff Shrf transp ISAC Fall school reg Menards - Spencer Elect surge outlets/suppl NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr JV transport/detention Sentinel - News Pub IA Lakes ballot U S Postmaster elect postage 94.50 100.00 104.26 844.00 216.00 183.00 MH-DD Services Fund Berryhill Center mhc-fees Cherokee County Sheriff sheriff fees Clay County Sheriff sheriff fees Eyerly Ball Community outpt-care Greer Law Office attrny fees Hy-Vee rx-meds Lakes Life Skills LLC homebashab-care NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr trans/mileage Richmond Center outpt-care Seasons Center medck-care US Cellular cell phn charges Arnold Motor Supply Bomgaars Don Pierson Ford Galen's Pro-Mow Keltek Incorporated Spencer Auto Parts Inc Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf blade filter IRVM oil Shrf plugs & coil asy ign Consv plug and filters Shrf lLED horiz sync red/ Sjrf floor mats Clay County Board of Supervisors October 5, 2010 2 75.60 38.00 169.00 550.00 135.00 15.00 325.28 158.00 711.36 11623.43 15.07 276.59 24.98 643.18 28.66 180.34 29.95 Meeting #34 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf cell phone SMU Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Barnes Distribution Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Catco Parts & Service City of Royal City of Spencer Crescent Electric Supply Crysteel Truck Equipment Diamond Mowers, Inc. Employee Data Forms Inc Evertek FASTENAL Fox International Inc. Kuehl & Payer Ltd Lawson Products Inc Menards - Spencer New Sioux City Iron Co Northwest Equipment Inc Martin L Schoening Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer International SMU State Steel Supply Co. US Cellular Crescent Electric Supply Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Janitors Closet US Cellular Raymond D Essick Nicole L Huckfelt John C Lawson Tammy R McKeever Darrel K Santage Steven L Sundblad Casey J Timmer Jeffrey M Wiemann Bomgaars Bound Tree Medical Kate Stouffer Office Systems Company Relativity Tees Robin Patrick Secondary Road Fund Gloves & Towels Electric - Dickens #205 GPS Repairs PARTS Telephone - G.G. PARTS Gas - Royal PARTS #200 Rebuild Hyd Pump Water&Sewer-Royal 2 - Truck Tires PARTS #200 Pump PARTS Employee Data Calendars Telephone - Everly BOLTS PARTS Bridge Services HDP(116) BOLTS SIGN MAINT. REPAIR BOLTS FILTERS Clothing Allowance PARTS PARTS Telephone - Spencer Shop Dump Bridge 7 - Cell Phones Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC electrical supplies GSC rugs and mops GSC custodial supplies GSC cust cell phone Clay flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical Emergency Medical Services EMS supplies EMS sterile pads/cold pac EMS CC Fair wages EMS copies EMS medic sweatshirts EMS CC Fair wages Clay County Board of Supervisors October 5, 2010 3 44.14 333.72 202.39 170.23 186.42 26.43 121.28 29.00 177.03 2541.24 26.00 82.50 265.70 3148.00 465.54 26.25 33.60 146.11 2431.35 4929.25 45.42 37.70 273.81 498.97 13.99 1384.44 1043.80 53.27 73.68 245.59 905.48 40.00 118.48 27.60 582.79 329.98 630.41 374.00 490.93 406.97 296.76 80.00 38.90 302.21 337.50 4.64 368.00 337.50 Meeting #34 Royal Fire & Rescue Speed Printers Steve Hopkins EMS tution/ILCC EMS patient logs EMS CC Fair wages Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Iowa Telecom Qwest River Valley Telecom Coop E-911 Surcharge E911 FCC license work E911 database maint E911 line access charges E911 line access charges E911 access lines Mar-Lin Business Supply Verizon Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr compressed air Asr cell phone 908.50 164.20 675.00 2270.77 42.60 41.69 582.10 360.92 12.15 102.95 92686.82 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus gave an update on Season’s Center and Compass Pointe. Supervisor Matthews gave an update on the RIDES Board meeting, and the upcoming UDMO Executive Board meeting. Supervisor Chalstrom gave an update on the YES Center. Supervisor Skow reported on the District III meeting held in Cherokee, and the upcoming Jail Committee meeting. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept the September 30, 2010’s Quarterly Report of Fees collected in the amount of $26,782.15 with detail found in the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. It was moved by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. #201021 CLAY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS October 5, 2010 APPROVAL OF WAIVER OF CLAY COUNTY’S RIGHT TO APPEAL ISSUANCE OF FINAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR THE EXPANSION OF CONFINED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERTION BY THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BE IT RESOLVED by the Clay County Board of Supervisors as follows: Section 1. The Clay County Board of Supervisors has received notice from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that M & C Anderson Pullets, Inc. has been issued a draft permit for the construction of two new poultry confinement buildings with concrete floors and temporary concrete floor dry manure stockpile areas in the NE ½ of Section 18, Herdland Township, Clay County, Iowa. Section 2. The Clay County Board of Supervisors reviewed the construction permit application and the manure management plan and determined that both appeared to be in compliance with the requirements of the Master Matrix, Iowa Code Section 459 and Iowa DNR rules and recommend approval of said application on September 21, 2010. There were no written or oral objections during the public hearing. Section 3. The Clay County Board of Supervisors hereby waive its right to appeal the issuance of the final permit within the fourteen (14) day limit from the time of receipt of notice of the issuance of the draft permit. Clay County Board of Supervisors October 5, 2010 4 Meeting #34 Section 4. The Clay County Board of Supervisors encourages the Iowa DNR to issue the Final Permit immediately upon notification of this waiver. Section 5. The Clay County Board of Supervisors authorizes the Board Chairperson to notify the Iowa DNR of this waiver. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 5th day of October, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: AYES: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. NAYES: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Tammy McKeever discussed the future term expiration of Russell Christianson from the Board of Adjustments effective January 1, 2011. The notice of a board vacancy will be published on the Clay County website when timing is appropriate. McKeever also gave an update to the Board regarding the Emergency Medical Services involvement during the Clay County Fair. 9:30 a.m. Kim Wilson, Central Point Coordinator gave the Board a departmental update of County consumers and conducted a burial ordinance appeal that resulted in the consensus of the Board to execute an exception to the County burial policy. Wilson also shared background information on the ethical responsibilities relating to County assistance guidelines. Wilson invited the Board to a Public Forum scheduled for October 18th and the ADA Awareness night on October 19th. 10:00 a.m. Dale Roberts and wife Carol of Peterson, IA shared a project with the Board explaining that upon retiring he thought it would be interesting to visit each county courthouse in Iowa. The travels began on November 6, 1996 in Ft. Dodge, the Webster County seat. After traveling approximately 3000 miles over the course of 366 days, the final seal was obtained on November 7, 1997 in Keokuk, Iowa, the county seat of Lee County. Mr. Roberts designed affidavits that were printed at Soo Printing in Sioux Rapids, Iowa. He used a Canon 35mm camera, planned the best angle to shoot and took only one picture of the courthouses. As a final touch, he took a picture of the State Capital and asked Governor Branstad to sign an affidavit. 10:30 a.m. – Kevin Holtzhauser of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234-presented the bargaining unit proposals for the Clay Co Administration and Courthouse Employees, and the Conference Board (Assessor) Employees to the Clay County Board of Supervisors. 11:00 a.m. Theresa Wurth – GIS/DP Coordinator gave a departmental update and discussed future plans for Information Technology (IT) coverage in Clay County. 11:30 a.m. Marjorie A. Pitts – County Auditor Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve and authorize county auditor to sign $2,986 quote from Midwest Technology Services, Estherville, IA for the Veterans Affair’s office phone system. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors October 5, 2010 5 Meeting #34 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize county auditor to sign the $1,491 quote from Advanced Systems, Inc for the Veteran Affairs copier contract. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign $8010 quote from H & S Roofing Co, Inc for the needed maintenance and repair work to the Administration Building roof. The proposal will clean and overlay all roof seam areas with primer & a cured cover strip, will clean and reseal all seven roof scupper drainage areas, will reseal all corners at the building perimeter, and will repair any curb corner flashings as needed. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve/deny quote for roof top HVAC unit that serves the southwest area of the GSC Building from SwiftAir of Sioux Falls, South Dakota for $9,490.00. The unit is a five (5) ton unit that is manufactured by American Standard and is equipped with hail guard, economizer, and curb adapter to match the other unit replacements. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve the 2010 revised Clay County Employee Handbook version with the inclusion of the IMWCA recommended safety policy upon approval by the Clay County Attorney. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept the County Auditor’s Report of Fees Collected for quarter ending September 30, 2010, totaling $1,161.59 with detail on file at the County Auditor’s office. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to authorize Chairperson to sign service agreement between the State of Iowa Retirement Investor’s Club Department of Administrative Services and Clay County, Iowa for the purpose of providing the State’s Retirement Investors’ Club to the Clay County eligible employees. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve the Employee Payroll Request Form for David Oltman as a full time employee effective October 11, 2010 in the building maintenance division at a wage rate of $13.00 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve the underground construction permit for Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Telephone Company to place 6 pair phone cable in Clay County Secondary Roads right-of-way along the north and south sides of 420th Street, Section 14 Logan Township. Motion carried / failed. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:36 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting October 19, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors October 5, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 35 held on October 19, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on October 19, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for October 19, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as amended to include the item to approve the amendment to the 28E Agreement between Clay County DD #8 and the Div of Soil Conservation. Motion carried. 8:30 a.m. Anita Jorgensen from Upper Des Moines Opportunity gave the Board an update regarding the operations of the Spencer office. 9:00 .a.m. Kim Wilson, Clay County Central Point Coordinator gave the Board a departmental update and presented a power point titled “Low Income Effects on People in Clay County”. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #34 held October 5, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims as allowed October 19, 2010. Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: Supervisor Skow. None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Advanced Systems Alpha Wireless Comm Baker Group BelinMcCormick Bennet, Crimmins & Ostrander Bill Caskey Black Hills Energy Bud's Service Buena Vista Co Sheriff Cabernet Catering CDW Government, Inc Cerro Gordo Co Sheriff City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Clay County Fair Assn Audrey Coffman Daily Reporter, The De Linda Leu Reporting Employment Connections Evertek General Basic Fund Copier Contracts Shrf radio maint agreemen Admn construction mgmt Admn petition clarificati attrny fees landlord Bldg utilities Shrf oil chge jail van Shrf fees Jail meals September laptops/warranty sheriff fees Shrf Comm Ctr exp Env Hlth gas Shrf fees FY11 allocation Parking charges Shrf sales transcript/trial Custodial service Scharnberg Int/Cable/Phon Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 1 212.90 1072.00 9000.00 1408.70 55.00 325.00 1310.00 409.45 35.50 3473.46 1204.99 32.00 31639.03 3830.14 345.00 17500.00 7.00 518.27 91.50 3972.90 129.73 Exhaust Pros Halitek Industries Hy-Vee IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water ISAC J&T Rentals Janitors Closet JMS Software jR180 Ad Specialties Randy Krukow Marceline Mapping Mastercard Menards - Spencer Midwest Technology Services Minolta Financial Svcs News, Bell, Times, Patriot O'Brien County Sheriff Palo Alto County Sheriff Parker Historical Society Peterson Heritage Pitney Bowes Presto X Company R.S.V.P. RIDES Solutions, Inc Spencer Area Activity Center Spencer Chamber of Commerce Spencer Family Care Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies SWIFT AIR Thrifty White Stores Town & Country Treas - State of Iowa U S Postal Service U S Postmaster Verizon VISA Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Woodbury County Sheriff Xerox Corporation Zenor & Houchins, PC Oil change - Impala Treas notary journals rx-meds Consv elect Consv water usage fall conference reg Bldg rent - November Custodial supplies Shrf sftwre maint Consv clothing/promo Postage reimbursement 2010 plat bk project fee Consv gas Bdlg misc Admn move phone cable DHS copier contract Pub bd mtgs 31-33 Shrf fees Shrf fees FY11 Allocation FY11 allocation DHS meter supplies CCSO pest control FY11 Allocation FY11 allocation new ups for CCAS FY11 Allocation Bd membership dues ME services urgent care PHN T-1/phone lines supplies/moving Bldg serv/repairs Medications Scharnberg garbage Consv hotel motel tax 3rd DHS postage for meter Shrf stamps DHS cell phone charges Shrf gas Consv supplies burial assist Shrf fees Rec copier base charge Aty monthly exp 25.95 32.78 39.79 1774.93 415.68 260.00 1500.00 197.94 1050.00 1375.25 24.52 1000.00 26.00 78.92 183.10 67.43 597.14 32.00 48.50 5000.00 1000.00 238.30 86.52 565.50 7125.00 1121.66 5750.00 170.00 500.00 62.43 8333.33 954.74 620.21 183.75 445.75 396.97 430.00 1000.00 290.40 262.83 289.11 160.99 2400.00 19.60 450.83 8884.99 General Supplemental Fund Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency EMA Allocation Daily Reporter, The ILCC ballot publication Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Election ballot stock IA Municipalities Workers Comp FY10 wkrs comp audit prem IA Workforce Development 3rd qtr Unemployment tax Lexis Nexis Law Library online charge Menards - Spencer Elections ballot bags NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr JV trans/detention Spencer Office Supplies Elect folders U S Postmaster election stamps 7129.00 207.84 534.76 7489.10 212.44 1309.00 98.82 841.00 31.08 305.00 Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 2 Youth & Family Resource Serv Fareway Stores Inc Detention Juvenile Drug Court Fund JV drug court meals A-1 Portables 33.51 MH-DD Services Fund copier contract fee attrny fees mhc-care sheriff fees ccms scl-care rcf-care outpt-care MH advocate mileage wa-care wa-care icf-res--care 3rd qtr Unemployment tax rcf-care wa-care wa-care mh adv-mileage cm-bi--care office suppl. wa-care statecase rcf-care postage wa-care 86.10 101.75 205.88 92.50 764.50 3065.75 1650.00 110.00 45.00 2772.30 1368.08 42812.90 1.91 720.00 311.40 708.96 24.00 34310.88 13.99 19502.91 14231.70 61.60 1773.10 Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf instal grill lights Shrf tire mount/balance Library allocation Library Allocation Library Allocation Library Allocation Library Allocation Library allocation Shrf car body repairs 3rd qtr Unemployment tax Consv clothing shrf windshield Consv cell phone charges 81.27 230.00 2255.00 2931.50 3157.00 2706.00 15152.00 2480.50 744.50 16.74 82.00 223.90 86.26 Advanced Systems Arends & Lee, Attorneys at Law Berryhill Center Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Echo Plus Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Eyerly Ball Community MHS Kristyn C Gerhard Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited IA Dept of Human Services IA Workforce Development Kathleen's Care Inc Life Skills Training Ctr Nishna Productions Inc Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group U S Postmaster Village NW Unlimited Alpha Wireless Comm Bud's Service City of Dickens City of Everly City of Peterson City of Royal City of Spencer City of Webb H & N Chevrolet Buick IA Workforce Development jR180 Ad Specialties Safelite AutoGlass Verizon 466.50 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf gun range portable Clay County Fair Assn Local Option - Fair FY11 LOSST alloc Aug-Sept A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Safelite Fulfillment BelinMcCormick Black Hills Energy Secondary Road Fund Uniforms WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - G.G. #3 Glass 2011 Union Negotiations Gas - Spencer Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 3 30.00 22301.64 216.80 54.59 158.01 235.10 64.60 40.01 City of Everly City of Webb Clay Co Extension Service Copper Cottage Don Pierson Ford Dyno Oil Co Inc FASTENAL Green Plains Grain Co IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Municipalities Workers Comp IA Prison Industries IA Workforce Development IA Dept of Trans Late Night Farm Service M. D. Products Mangold Environmental Mar-Lin Business Supply Michael Todd & Co Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications James F OHearn Performance Car & Truck Acc Peterson Contractors Inc Premier Communications Qwest John M Rosacker Royal Telephone Co Safety-Kleen Systems Inc. Snap On Tools Corp SMU State Steel Supply Co. Town & Country US Cellular Vander Haag's Inc Wayne T Hansen Corp Yaggy Colby Associates Zep Manufacturing Co Ziegler Inc Gas - Everly Water,Garbage-Webb Pest. Appl. - Cat 6 Heater Repairs - G.G. PARTS 183 Gals 30W BOLTS Fork Lift Gas Non-Metered Repair Water - Dickens FY09-10 Adjustment(eng) 60 - Door Signs 3rd Qtr. Unemployment 30 - 12' Flat Drag Dump Bridge Welding 4 - 19" Grader Fenders Wastewater Test - Elser Ink Cart. SAFETY Service Internet - Spencer Shop Clothing Allowance #104 Parts Est. #14 FINAL TSF(117) Telephone - Webb Telephone - Royal Reimb for Safety Boots Telephone - Royal Parts Washer Socket Electric - Spencer Dump Bridge Repairs Garbage - Dickens Date Phone PARTS 19079 ton Gravel-Elser ROW Services HDP(116) PARTS PARTS IA Workforce Development IAN Treasurer Silos & Smokestacks Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv 3rd qtr Unemployment tax Nat fall workshop reg Nat workshop reg Black Hills Energy Clay Co Sec Road Fund H & S Roofing Co Inc Janitors Closet Midwest Technology Services Presto X Company Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC gas GSC bdlg roof repairs GSC custodial supplies DHS phone issues GSC pest control Constance A Adams Jeremy K Bellis Kristi J Busse Audrey Coffman Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan ins prem medical ins prem ins prem Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 4 68.72 84.00 35.00 101.50 45.53 4505.74 257.57 39200.95 142.00 39.60 11561.90 759.00 56.51 42676.90 850.00 1501.74 12.00 43.89 2228.29 497.79 34.95 68.48 1360.00 26133.88 57.08 9.54 80.00 23.34 468.36 37.20 524.58 211.65 15.95 63.74 454.68 43881.70 11382.22 348.04 13237.56 8.00 59.00 55.00 307.00 18.90 85.00 219.07 150.00 21.63 149.51 725.08 10.59 78.79 Kimberly K Corcoran Brian J Davis Sandra S Geidl Amy J Kendall John C Lawson Francis D Lehman Kellie M Lowe Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Ann E Spooner Casey J Timmer Randy J Van Kley Jeffrey M Wiemann Theresa E Wurth Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Emergency Medical Services EMS gas Clay Co Sec Road Fund Alliant Energy Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Evertek IA Prison Industries IAAO Premier Communications Qwest SMU Terril Telephone Coop Ziegler Inc Clay Co Sec Road Fund Don Pierson Ford IA Workforce Development Ramada NW Inn & Suites DesM Eric W Tigges Verizon Heidi L Chapman IA Workforce Development Canon Fin Services Heidi L Chapman Holiday Inn IA Workforce Development John C Lawson Marshall & Swift Grand Total medical daycare medical medical medical medical medical ins prem medical ins prem ins prem medical daycare medical medical ins prem E-911 Surcharge E-911 utilities E911 line access charges E911 line access charges E911 freight chrgs E911 phone recurring chrgs E911 line access charges E911 phone service E911 monthly circuit char E911 line access charges E911 engine coolant 221.80 650.00 755.52 67.99 33.99 46.00 94.97 66.96 393.00 356.13 46.60 376.70 170.00 231.00 40.00 211.20 12.81 19.90 154.30 445.00 55.00 180.00 570.04 13.58 228.60 9.08 2399.64 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA fuel EMA battery 3rd qtr Unemployment tax EMA mtg exp room EMA reimb fuel EMA cell phone 55.15 109.95 .93 112.00 34.50 108.80 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Assr revaluation/insp mil 3rd qtr Unemployment tax 141.75 2.59 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Assr copier contract Assr mileage state school Assr mtg exp room 3rd qtr Unemployment tax Assr mtg expense meals Assr book updates 187.90 142.10 612.17 12.67 32.70 476.20 543514.46 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the payment of drainage claim from Drainage Ditch #8 Branch 4, #51014 payable to Kuehl & Payer LTD, PO Box 458, Storm Lake, IA dated September 30, 2010 for the Iowa Initiative Pilot Plan Improvement Study totaling $1,546.10. The Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 5 County Auditor is directed to issue two (2) warrants, one in the amount of $992.26 and the other as a stamped warrant in the amount of $553.84. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve the payment of drainage claim from Drainage Revolving Fund #51999, on behalf of the Jt. Drainage Ditch 14-42 Main Open. The warrant is payable to J & N Farms Inc, 4990 270th Ave, Webb, IA for sixty-six and one-half (66.5) hours to do the Hanson dredge ditch totaling $8,312.50. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve the payment of drainage claim from the Jt Drainage Ditch 14-42 Main Open to the Drainage Revolving Fund #51999 totaling $8,312.50 to reimburse for service on the Hanson dredge ditch. The County auditor is directed to issue two (2) warrants, one in the amount of $6,864.56 and the other as a stamped warrant in the amount of $1,447.94. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to adopt the 2010 Clay County Employee Handbook version that was approved on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 with an effective date upon adoption. The County Auditor is directed to distribute the handbook to all County employees. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to open 210th Avenue between 330th Street and 340th Street after completion of bridge repairs. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to enter into Jurisdiction Agreement for Byway Signage Installation and Maintenance between Clay County Secondary Roads and the Iowa Department of Transportation and authorize the Chairperson to sign agreement. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept a low pipe quote. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to accept the low tire quote. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve the Underground Construction Permit for Royal Telephone Company to repair fiber service to 4225 180th Avenue in Clay County Secondary Roads rightof-way by trenching across 180th Avenue, Sections 20 & 21, Lincoln TWP. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom seconded by Brockshus to approve certificate of adjustment #2170 on Rect #04572 for fiscal year 2009-2010, payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #170-963620200015 for Jerry Stevenson on 2 Auditor’s Plat No. 17 excluding Parcel J in the amount of $850.00. Reason: Elderly credit application – late filing. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve certificate of adjustment #2171 on Rect #13842 for fiscal year 2009-2010, payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #640-963607258012 for Ivor G Sr & Madeleine D Reuter on E 8’ Lot 13 Blk 7 Fairview; All Lot 14 Blk 7 Fairview in the amount of $156.00 Reason: Elderly credit application – late filing. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept the Sheriff Commissary Quarterly Report for period ending September 30, 2010 in the amount of $1,066.77. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 6 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept the Recorder Report of Fees Collected for period of July 1, 2010 thru September 30, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the Chairperson to sign a letter of support specific to the Iowa Public Airport Association on behalf of the Northwest Iowa Regional Airport. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to set the hearing date and time for the fiscal year 2011 County Budget Amendment to be Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Board Room of the Clay County Administration Building, 300 West 4th St., Spencer, IA. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the Amendment to the 28E Agreement between Clay County Board of Supervisors as trustees for Clay County Drainage Districts #8 and the Division of Soil Conservation, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship signed on March 12, 2010 for the purpose of conveying financial assistance to achieve water quality benefits as a pilot project for the Integrated Drainage and Wetland Landscape Systems Initiative being administered by the Division and enabling money to be transferred to the District. The Amendment changes the scope of this project based upon landowner’s requests and now only includes one lateral instead of the entire drainage district. In addition, the landowners have agreed that the wetland portion of this project will proceed using the conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). The amount of the cost share as provided in Article VI, Paragraph E has been reduced from $1,228,402.00 to 151,000.00 to reflect this reduced scope. Motion carried. 11:00 a.m. Kevin Holzhauser of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234-presented the initial bargaining proposal for the Clay County Secondary Roads bargaining unit. The Board of Supervisors presented their initial counter bargaining unit proposal to the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234-for the Clay County Administration and Courthouse Buildings, the Clay County Conference Board (Assessor), and the Clay County Secondary Roads units. Supervisor Skow left the meeting at 11:27 a.m. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:32 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2010 7 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting #36 held on October 27, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on October 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Supervisor Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for October 27, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. In May, 2010 the HMN Architects of Overland Park, KS, in association with Cannon Moss Brygger Architects of Sioux City, IA was retained by Clay County Board of Supervisors to provide pre‐bond services to assist in preparing information materials for a future vote. These pre‐bond services include providing materials and public awareness education materials, including; Schematic Floor Plan and Elevations, Construction and overall Project Budget Estimate and preparation of graphic materials. Additionally, there was an objective site evaluation of four potential sites to determine the best site for the project. The Jail Study Team worked closely with Sheriff Randy Krukow and the Clay County Jail Committee to provide these pre‐bond services. The Clay County Jail Committee members are: Sheriff Randy Krukow, Brad Hawley, Daniel Pullen, Supervisor Joe Skow, Supervisor Ken Chalstrom, Jane Nolan Goeken, Jon Bang, Rich Prentice, Kris Thiessen, Barry Anderson, and Ed Krebbs A Jail Assessment report, by Marvin J. Wilson, in May 18, 2009, documented numerous jail deficiencies of the current 1938 jail; including lack of a fire sprinkler system and smoke evacuation, lack of ADA access, lack of adequate natural light, inadequate square footage for inmates to meet minimum Iowa Jail Standards, pipes, wires and vents accessible to inmates and occasional flooding of inmate housing in the basement. Additionally, the state fire marshal, in a June 16, 2010 letter, said the county has 18 months to add a new fire alarm system or move forward with construction of a new jail, or be found non‐compliant and have to shut down. After objectively reviewing four different sites, it was determined the existing Sheriff Office site is best suited for a 24‐bed jail project with a schematic floor plan totaling 16,255 square feet. Steve Davis and Anna Harmon of HMN Architects provided a realistic scenario of preliminary project cost estimates of $5.5 million. The HMN Architects summarized by stating that the need for Public Safety has never been felt in a more tangible way than it is today, and the jail and sheriff’s department are a major component to that process. The citizens of Clay County can be confident that their elected officials are taking the prudent steps necessary to address the issue of Public Safety and their efforts are to be applauded. With interest rates still low, but looking to move up, and construction at an all‐time low, and expected to remain low through 2011, there will never be a more economically feasible time to finance a project like this and we look forward to working with the county as you move ahead with a our jail project. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors October 27, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 37 held on November 3, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on November 3, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for November 3, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #35 held October 19, 2010 and meeting #36 held October 27, 2010 be hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed November 3, 2010. Ayes: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow, and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Asher Motor Co Black Hills Energy Bob Barker Company Inc Bomgaars Business Systems, Inc Canon Fin Services Carpenter Uniform & Promotions City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Counsel Office & Document Daily Reporter, The Del's Garden Center Dennis Kacmarynski Electronic Engineering Exhaust Pros FASTENAL Galls an Aramark Company Sandra S Geidl GRACESOFT Green Plains Grain Co LLC Greer Law Office H & S Roofing Co Inc Helen's Comm Laundry Inc HMN Architects, Inc Holiday Inn Hy-Vee IA DHS IA Law Enforcement Academy General Basic Fund Consv 2011 Dodge RAM crew Consv utilities Jail inmate uniforms Cthse filter DHS copier maint contract Shrf copier Consv stinger ds led ac/d Coonsv adapter Consv gas sept shrf fees Consv copier contract consv scharnberg bids Consv grass seed Sanding and painting door Shrf trailer light wiring Buick oil change consv misc Shrf Atac 6in boot side Treas meals/lodging Consv easy innkeeping Consv cylinders attrny fees Admn roof repairs Jail rug/DM/mop Jail engineering service Shrf mtg exp room Admn supplies StJuvHomeShrf Jail Schl Clay County Board of Supervisors November 3, 2010 1 27133.00 109.00 245.00 217.87 89.98 606.45 290.44 26.59 1318.28 36.00 205.54 147.12 437.96 300.00 683.96 25.95 3.73 100.98 228.07 297.00 76.65 75.00 8010.00 179.85 547.60 87.29 92.75 12820.93 250.00 Interstate Battery/Sioux City ISAC Janitors Closet Kaeser & Blair Incorp Randy Krukow Kevin D Maassen Mail Services LLC Marco Mastercard Menards - Spencer MSCIC Northwest Equipment Inc Northwest Glass Co Inc O'Brien County Sheriff Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Physicians Lab LTD Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Pixler Electric Inc RadioShack Your Phone Co Reliance Telephone RSC Equipment Rental Schoeneman Bros Sikora Sprinkler Service Sioux Sales Co Solutions, Inc Spencer Family Care SMU Spencer Office Supplies Spencer Signs Staples Staples Credit Plan State Steel Supply Co. Stoney Creek Inn & Conf Ctr Sunset Apartments SWIFT AIR US Cellular Verizon VISA Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Winther Stave & Co Theresa E Wurth Zee Medical Service Co Zep Manufacturing Co Battery for hydro seeder DP fall conf reg Cthse custodial supplies Shrf emery boards Shrf mtg exp meals Consv mtg exp Treas renewal printing DHS copies Consv mtg exp room Cthse misc Shrf mtg registration Consv hy gard Consv screen and spline shrf fees DP copies DHS pen refills Autopsy DHS mailing system Treas postage Jail supplies shrf tv/dvd remote Shrf install microphone Consv rental handsaw Admn armstromg tile Admn winterize sprinkler Shrf trousers DP Pictometry ME charges Bldg utilities auditor inkcartridges VA signs/magnetic DP computer mouse Env Hlth office supplies Consv tubing Shrf mtg exp room VA rent Admn heating repairs Adm cell phone Consv cell phone charges shrf gas DHS office supplies VA burial expense progress bill FY10 Audit DP mileage Consv first aid supplies Consv zep 40 General Supplemental Fund Clay Co Sec Road Fund election county car gas Clay County Sheriff Shrf trans chgs NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Elect postage Solutions, Inc Ricoh black toner SMU long distance VISA election supplies Hy-Vee Juvenile Drug Court Fund JV ct meals Clay County Board of Supervisors November 3, 2010 2 90.95 130.00 419.74 8.87 99.84 7.16 445.97 101.92 544.93 607.89 120.00 14.87 10.84 34.00 339.27 3.76 500.00 501.00 1050.00 465.62 17.98 344.50 66.00 222.98 130.00 318.28 1046.25 250.00 4923.72 323.51 100.00 708.08 123.31 261.53 199.36 205.00 331.25 597.91 147.01 846.27 31.66 5800.00 10000.00 20.65 48.33 88.86 14.71 348.50 1350.00 250.00 84.15 5.98 59.70 81.88 MH-DD Services Fund mhc-care CPC county car gas sheriff fees ccms for 9/10 attry fees-care attrny-care cm-care hombashab-care medck-care wa-care ind-therapy--care cm-care statecase inpt-dosb cell phn chrgs CPC county car gas Berryhill Center for MH Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Dickinson County CPC Greer Law Office IA DHS Lakes Life Skills LLC Lee & Assoc of Ft. Dodge Life Skills Training Ctr Richmond Center Seasons Center Spencer Mun Hospital US Cellular VISA Bomgaars Clay Co Sec Road Fund H & N Chevrolet Buick IA Prison Industries Mobile Spray Systems Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU 75.60 42.94 425.50 374.00 30.00 150.00 1668.02 930.76 56.00 285.45 126.12 11296.56 1092.00 12.72 32.00 Rural Services Basic Fund Consv taps Consv gas Consv repairs Shrf signage Consv centrifugal pump Consv pigtails long distance 9.58 435.49 193.51 13.90 694.00 61.79 3.75 Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf grass seed Gun range supplies 62.25 108.27 Bomgaars Menards - Spencer Advanced Door Systems Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Safelite Fulfillment Inc Barnes Distribution Black Hills Energy Blacktop Service Company Bomgaars City of Royal City of Spencer Diamond Mowers, Inc. FASTENAL Frank Dunn Company Hancock Concrete Products LLC IA Prison Industries IDNR Water Supply Section Interstate Battery Iowa Telecom Mar-Lin Business Supply Marriott West Des Moines Menards - Spencer Michael Todd & Co Darrell A Nordman Robert W Peters Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Secondary Road Fund PARTS Electric -Dickens Radio Repairs SUNDRY #359 Labor PARTS Gas - Royal 24.21 Ton Asphalt-M27 Pat PARTS Water & Sewer - Royal 1 - Tire Mower Parts BOLTS 1 Pallet High Perf Patch Felt SIGN MAINT. REPAIR Annual Water Use Permit 1 MTP-78 Battery Telephone - Peterson Time Clock Motors Lodging - ICEOO Conferenc 20 Mailboxes-Large PARTS Clothing Allowance Clothing Allowance Postage Clay County Board of Supervisors November 3, 2010 3 18.50 199.16 183.98 290.58 367.90 235.17 29.59 1767.33 187.41 26.00 29.50 1649.04 380.40 560.00 210.00 8750.00 135.00 90.95 58.11 59.90 210.56 660.79 2555.84 28.63 100.00 200.00 Plumbing & Heating Wholesale PMMIC Premier Communications Martin L Schoening Spencer International SMU US Cellular Wayne T Hansen Corp Manure Cross(Sec 2&3 Lake Underground Fuel Tank Ins Telephone - Dickens Clothing Allowance PARTS Telephone - Office Cell Phones - 7 26,500 Tons Gravel-Newqui 637.21 1664.00 64.13 86.01 43.63 21.54 244.67 58300.00 VISA Stacie L Young Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Nat Beacon cases Nat books 503.00 55.44 Bomgaars Clay Co Sec Road Fund Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Janitors Closet SWIFT AIR US Cellular Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC filters GSC gas GSC rug GSC custodial supplies GSC heating repairs GSC cell phone 7.92 34.30 60.00 140.32 230.45 27.53 Constance A Adams Tammy K Brown John C Lawson Tammy R McKeever Darrell A Nordman Cheryl L Riley L F Rouse Jesse L Rustad Casey J Timmer Kimberly S Wilson Clay Co Sec Road Fund PMI SMU Staples Credit Plan VISA Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Premier Communications Qwest Royal Telephone Co Terril Telephone Coop Webb Wireless City of Sioux City Clay Co Sec Road Fund SMU Heidi L Chapman Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare medical Emergency Medical Services EMS county car gas EMS bat forerunner long distance EMS ink EMS cold paks/misc 20.00 127.19 115.00 374.00 80.00 159.00 238.39 267.60 200.00 46.22 24.26 190.00 1.58 26.99 94.26 E-911 Surcharge E911 line access charges E911 line access charges E911 postage E911 line access charges E911 line access charges E911 system design E911 line access charges E911 tower rent 41.69 416.25 25.00 570.04 581.98 1016.37 9.08 5621.60 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund Hazmat 1st install 14 yr EMA county car gas long distance 7181.23 .90 7.19 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr mileage 378.35 Clay County Board of Supervisors November 3, 2010 4 Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Langner Landscape & Concrete C Scharnberg rock jetty Central District Assessors Clay Co Sec Road Fund IAAO John C Lawson Pitney Bowes Purchase Power SMU Verizon Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr wkshop #158 Assr county car gas Asr membership dues Asr mtg exp/hotel/meals Asr postage long distance Asr cell phone 17510.00 300.00 39.36 175.00 352.77 100.00 1.63 64.09 225128.70 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to approve the payment of drainage claim from Drainage Ditch #65, #51075 payable to Bill Stevensen Construction, 616 4th Ave E, Spencer, IA for tile repair in Section 15 of Meadow Township totaling $1,340.10. The County Auditor is directed to issue two (2) warrants, one in the amount of $293.68 from fund #51075 and the other from the Drainage District Revolving Fund #51999 in the amount of $1,046.42. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve the payment of drainage claim from Drainage Ditch #65, #51075 as a stamped warrant payable to the Drainage District Revolving Fund #51999 in the amount of $1,046.55. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign an Agreement between Synergy Center of Cherokee, managed by Jackson Recovery Center of Sioux City, and Clay County to provide funding of eligible county residents for residential treatment services to chemically dependent adults. The agreement will be signed upon review and approval of the Clay County Attorney. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the Chairperson to sign the “Proclamation of Business Appreciation Week” for November 14th thru November-20th, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the list of disallowed family farm credit claims filed prior to November 1, 2010 pursuant to Iowa Code Section 425A.4. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to direct the County Attorney to develop an option to buy three and one-half (3.5) acres west of the Clay County Sheriff Administration Building as part of property described as PT SW SW Section 11-96-37 Riverton Township for $125,000 expiring December 31, 2011 with the first right of refusal for ten (10) years on an additional three (3) acres, more or less, further east. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Service Agreement with Employment Connections, Inc to provide personnel at the rate of wage times $1.42 per hour, and time and one half for overtime to perform office clerical work in the Sheriff department. The contract rate begins November 2, 2010 thru November 2, 2011. Motion carried. There was no Board action taken to authorize the County Auditor to sign the Lease Agreement with Marco, Inc., 1709 N. Humiston Ave, Worthington, MN., on behalf of the Clay County Department of Clay County Board of Supervisors November 3, 2010 5 Human Services for a SHARP MFP model MX-M453N copier. The lease term is forty-eight (48) months at $172.33 per month. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:20 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting, Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors November 3, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 38 held on November 9, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on November 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for November 9, 2010, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Lease Agreement with Marco, Inc., 1709 N. Humiston Ave, Worthington, MN. on behalf of the Clay County Department of Human Services for a SHARP MFP model MX-M453N copier. The lease term is forty-eight (48) months at $172.33 per month. Motion carried. 9:00 A.M. The Board of Supervisors proceeded to canvass the results of the votes of the 2010 General Election for U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative for the 5th District, Governor / Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State, Secretary of Agriculture, Attorney General, State Senator for the 3rd District, State House of Representatives for the 5th and 6th Districts, three Supreme Court Judges, five Court of Appeals Judges, two District 3A Court Associate Judges, and one District 3A Court Associate Juvenile Judge, were made and certified to the Secretary of State as provided by law. We hereby certify that 5838 people voted in Clay County at the General Election on November 2, 2010 The vote for said offices and the County, Township, and Soil & Water Conservation District Commission, Agricultural Extension Council Member offices, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 50.24, were tabulated and the results declared as set forth in the election records which, by this reference, is made a part of these proceedings. County officers were declared elected as follows: County Supervisors At Large - (3) KENNETH CHALSTROM, BURLIN MATTHEWS, LINDA SWANSON County Treasurer – SANDRA S.GEIDL County Recorder SHIRLEY GOYETTE County Attorney MICHAEL J. HOUCHINS Township officers were declared elected as follows: Clay Township: Trustees – MERLYN R. KRIENS Trustee to Fill Unexpired Term – ALICE A. ROGHAIR Clerk – ROGER H. KRUSE Douglas Township: Trustees –JOHN L. MILLS Clerk – MARCIA A. LARSON Freeman Township: Trustees – BRUCE ENDERSON Clerk – PETER HANSEN Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes November 9, 2010 Garfield Township: Gillett Grove Township: Herdland Township: Lake Township: Lincoln Township: Logan Township: Lone Tree Township: Meadow Township: Peterson Township: Riverton Township: Sioux Township: Summit Township: Waterford Township: Trustees – CARL SIMONS Clerk – KAREN GREENE Trustees – JOHN L. HARGENS Clerk – JANEL MAURER Trustees – WILL JONES Clerk – CINDY KRESS Trustees – LAURA HOLT Trustee to Fill Unexpired Term – JIM GRAHAM Clerk - JERRY GROENEWOLD Trustees – SUSAN CHRISTENSEN Clerk - STANLEY D. JESPERSEN Trustees – PAUL SWANSON Clerk – DENNIS KING Trustees – KATHY DAY Clerk – DANA GALM Trustees –ROGER BASCHKE Clerk – JEAN JACKSON Trustees – JAMES A. LARSON Clerk - ROBERT J. MCCARTY Trustees – MARY BECK Clerk – MICHAEL JOHNSON Trustees – PHIL KOHRS Trustee to Fill Unexpired Term – JAN BREDEHOEFT Clerk – BEVERLY DUDZIAK Trustees –DAVID SIMINGTON Trustee to Fill Unexpired Term – ALAN BANKS Clerk – CINDY SONIUS Trustees – KENT KIMBALL Clerk – DEBRA JESSEN Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner declared elected as follows: (2) RICK G. STUEBEN, MICHAEL L. WHITE Agricultural Extension Council Members were declared elected as follows: (5) RYAN J. PHILLIPS, BRAD BROWN, GARY JOHNSON, JAMIE O’HEARN and LOIS BENSON. Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 50.22 the number of provisional ballots rejected and not counted was ZERO (0) of FIVE (5) presented to the Special Precinct Board that convened on Monday, November 8, 2010. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews approve the Transfer #243 in the amount of $90,000.00 from the General Basic Fund to the General Supplemental fund to fund the purchase of a 2009 ambulance manufactured by Foster Coach Sales. Motion carried. Supervisor Brockshus gave the Board an update on the Season’s Center and Supervisor Matthews gave an update from the Airport Board. Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes November 9, 2010 10:45 a.m. The Board visited with Spencer City Manager Robert Fagen regarding the passage of the increased Hotel/Motel tax, and a general update of City Council activities that were of interest to the Board of Supervisors. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:41 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting Friday, November 12, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes November 9, 2010 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 39 held on November 12, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on November 12 , 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda be amended to include discussions on zoning, jail project, and Clay County Revolving Loans for November 12 , 2010 and be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. The Board discussion of county facility improvements focused on the Governmental Services Building. The Board is currently awaiting estimates on window treatments. Configuration of the building offices was discussed with regard to future needs and planning for the next budget year. The Board discussed the Clay County jail project from the standpoint of timelines for public education, financing options that project the least levy impact on real estate taxes. The County Auditor was directed to contact the county’s bonding attorney for language necessary in future board resolutions relating to this project. Development of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) job description was discussed. Examples furnished by other Iowa counties were reviewed. It is the intent of the Board to fill such a full time position by February 1, 2011. The County Auditor was directed to work with fellow board members to construct a job description for the full Board review and to begin the advertising process. Supervisor Chalstrom left the meeting at 10:24 a.m. and returned 11:08 a.m. The Board toured the offices in the lower level of the Administration Building for space usage and requirements. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:55 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors November 12, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 40 held on November15, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on November 15, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for November 15, 2010 be received as amended to include an action item to authorize Chairperson to sign and submit the Clay County Targeted Case Management FY10 actual cost report, and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #37 held November 3, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow that the minutes of the Board Meeting #38 held November 9, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom that the minutes of the Board Meeting #39 held November 12, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. 8:40 a.m. Randy Weimers – presented the Clay County Compensation Board recommendations for salaries of Clay County elected officials. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept, for budgetary purposes, the recommendations of the Clay County Compensation Board at a 1.5% increase in salaries for the elected officials of the county for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012: This recommendation results in the following annual salaries: Sheriff $65,544.; Attorney $52,019; Auditor $52,019; Recorder $52,019; Treasurer $52,019; and Board of Supervisors $24,949. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to review, approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign and submit the Clay County Targeted Case management FY10 Actual Cost Report to the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed November 15, 2010. Ayes: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Advanced Systems Atlas Stamp & Seal Co BelinMcCormick Bill Caskey General Basic Fund Admn copier contract Rec stamp/self inking Union neg/consult rent-landlord Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 1 176.00 115.40 3253.00 325.00 Black Hills Energy Bob Barker Company Boji Information Bud's Service Buena Vista Co Sheriff Cabernet Catering Carpenter Uniform & Promotions City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff Coffman's Locksmith Colin J Campbell, CSR Crawford Supply Company Daily Reporter Darby Glime Dickinson County Sheriff Evertek Fire Proof Plus, Inc Francis Lauer Youth Serv Galls an Aramark Company GW "Pete" Howe Sanitation Human Resource Solutions Hy-Vee IA County Treasurers Assoc IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy IA Public Health Association ISSDA Janitors Closet Judy's Lawn Service Julie Schmidt Ken Matthews Mar-Lin Business Supply MorphoTrak Tacoma Off News, Bell, Times, Patriot Pixler Electric Inc Presto X Company Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Sioux Sales Co Solutions, Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Tim Steffen Properties Todd Kooker Design Consulting Tyler Schaefer UPS Verizon Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Xerox Corporation Youth & Family Resource Serv Zenor & Houchins, PC Alana Heying Almeda Mc Donnell Bldg utilities Shrf shoes/mens orange Treas toner cartridge Shrf towing/service Shrf fees Shrf meals/jail Shrf jacket/belt/shirt ComCtr/econ dev county gas usage shrf fees DHS key/serv call Transcripts Shrf v strap/bic sngl bld Shrf publ shrf sales landlord Shrf fees Consv internet/phone Admn recharges sherlter care Shrf belt Jail clean bathtub line HR class record retrieval Treas certified reg Consv utilities consv util/assist Shrf schooling Membership dues Shrf schl registration Cthse gloves Consv maint contract/Gran Landlord landlord Treas off supplies Jail software support Pub bd mtg #34 Admn bldg wiring Bldg pest contrl Pub bd mtgs 34 & 35 Shrf holster/lght/slings Firewall for new VA offic ME lab/exam Shrf T1 service Shrf paper Landlord Cthse shed plans Misc Shrf pkg pickup DHS cell phones Consv food supplies facility use Rec copier base chrg shelter care Atty office exp General Supplemental Fund Elect wkr Gen election worker Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 2 1475.00 37.60 375.00 190.50 141.00 3618.36 297.38 63983.17 4607.03 575.00 45.00 629.50 25.60 80.70 260.00 19.00 129.13 176.00 1446.15 25.98 130.00 500.00 20.00 10.00 74.99 295.39 105.00 75.00 375.00 303.84 900.00 240.00 240.00 53.80 4650.00 315.01 3211.23 86.52 559.53 351.65 575.16 402.40 1000.18 307.80 175.00 250.00 30.00 13.99 169.86 29.36 3295.00 266.10 326.55 9118.52 120.00 163.55 Ann Johnke Gen election worker Annette Schaeffer Elect wkr Augusta Overeen Gen election worker Barbara Salton Gen election worker Barbara Schomaker Gen election worker Becky Dettmer Gen election worker Bev Rutter Gen election worker Beverly Kimball Gen election worker LeAnn D Black Elect wkr Bonny Swart Elect wkr Bruce Iverson Gen election worker Carla van Holsteijn Gen election worker Chris Schoelerman Gen election worker Clay County Sheriff Shrf trans Audrey Coffman Election mileage Connie Grigg Gen election worker Connie Sylvester Gen election worker Coreen Boernsen Gen election worker Darlene Enderton Gen election worker David Schaeffer Gen election worker David DeJong Elect wkr David Susie Gen election worker Dennis Price General election worker Donna Frederick Gen election worker Donna Ibel Gen election worker Donna Jones Elect wkr Doreen Scribner Gen election worker Doris Wilson Elect wkr Dorothy M Smith Elect wkr Dorothy McEntee Gen election worker Ellen Sorenson Elect wkr Elsie Mae Brown Elect wkr Florence Ihry Gen election worker Florence Kramer Gen election worker Gary Kuiper Gen election worker Gaye Winter Gen election worker Trudy (Gertrude) Elbert Elect wkr Gloria Terrell Gen election worker Jim L Graham Gen election worker Heather Whittenburg Gen election worker IA Municipalities Workers Comp Work Comp Install 5 Janet Mills Gen election worker Jeanette Sherman Gen election worker John Blair Elect wkr Jolene K. Johnson Gen election worker Joyce Flaharty Gen election worker Judith A Bevers Elect school Judith Lorenz Gen election worker Judy Englert Gen election worker Judy Iverson Gen election worker Judy K. Olson Elect wkr Karen Dardar Elect wkr Karen Eickhoff Gen election worker Karli Fredricks Elect wkr/public test Kathy Goeken Elect wkr Kay Darnell Gen election worker Kaye Price Gen election worker Kris Thiessen Elect wkr/public test Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 3 201.90 160.20 94.10 144.00 170.30 153.75 168.50 171.15 14.50 134.05 168.00 167.85 168.45 196.50 29.75 205.70 234.50 175.13 146.25 166.80 138.65 150.00 172.00 196.55 144.80 218.50 123.75 118.20 131.75 124.70 175.20 108.75 217.10 167.80 82.50 165.60 144.00 117.80 216.30 60.00 6848.00 160.00 139.45 80.00 115.00 124.10 28.60 98.55 145.75 160.00 157.50 115.05 148.55 45.00 125.55 160.00 165.75 45.00 Kris Toay LaVonne B Kruse LaVonne Peterson Lexis Nexis Linda Susie Lisa J Myers Lois A Simmons Lois Fairchild Loretta Kendall Lorrie (Delores) Huffman Maia van Holsteijn Mareen Erwin Marilyn E White Marla Woelber Marlene Schoelerman Marlis Kuiper Mary Olson Maye Wiemers Merla J Rust Michelle A Krile John L Mills Nancy A Lewis Nancy K Bell Nancy Triggs Natalie Salton News, Bell, Times, Patriot Norman Woelber NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr Mavis C Olson Pat (Peggy) Johnson Pat Jensen PO BOX 228 Patricia Olson Paul A Brenner Paul DeJong Roberta Brehmer Rodney Coffman Russell Christensen Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Sharon Clausen Sharon Krile Sharon Roghair Sheldon Olson Sheryl Rose Sheryll Toft Shirley Hamrick Spencer Mun Hospital Spencer Office Supplies Terry Gruhn Warner C Walrath William Hemme Youth & Family Resource Serv Fareway Stores Inc Berryhill Center for MH Buena Vista Co Treasurer Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Law Library online charge Gen election worker General election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Elect wkr Elect wkr Elect wkr Gen election worker Elect wkr Elect wkr Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Gen election worker Pub general ballot Gen election worker Detention Gen election worker Gen election worker Elect wkr Gen election worker Gen election worker Elect wkr Elect wkr Elect wkr Elect school Pub general ballot Gen election worker Elect wkr Gen election worker Elect wkr Elect wkr Gen election worker Gen election worker Ambulance Medtec Election equip del/pkup Elect wkr General election worker General election worker Detention 64.00 81.05 160.00 1309.00 150.00 178.70 75.70 150.00 97.75 152.00 133.13 92.00 223.05 225.25 114.00 78.75 138.75 154.20 131.25 178.50 224.20 187.05 102.10 170.10 200.30 244.28 214.80 1650.00 151.40 168.00 171.70 163.40 160.00 116.25 151.00 139.70 15.00 531.00 177.75 135.00 80.00 153.75 135.70 148.55 154.15 137777.00 1360.00 120.00 100.00 71.25 513.15 Juvenile Drug Court Fund Juvenile court meals 62.47 MH-DD Services Fund mhs-care mh adv-care 75.60 62.61 Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 4 Clay County Sheriff Echo Plus Edinburgh Manor of Comm Care Greer Law Office Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited of PAC IA Dept of Human Services Kathleen's Care Inc Lakes Life Skills LLC Lee & Assoc of Ft. Dodge, PC Nishna Productions Inc Plains Area Mental Health Ctr Richmond Center Marion J Roetzel Seasons Center Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group Village NW Unlimited Alpha Wireless Comm Bud's Service City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Office Systems Company Spencer Auto Parts Inc sheriff fees scl-care rcf-care attrny fees wa-care wa-care icf-res--care rcf-care hombashab-care medck-care wa-care outpt-care therapy-care mh adv--care MHS for Nov/10 wa-care statecase rcf-care wa-care Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf squad build Shrf tire repair Rural garbage service IRVM fuel Zoning copies Shrf oil Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf chrge Shrf cell phone A-1 Portables SMU Clay County Fair Assn Local Option - Fair FY11 LOSST Alloc A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele BelinMcCormick Black Hills Energy Boyer Trucks Catco Parts & Service City of Everly Contech Construction Products Copper Cottage Diamond Mowers, Inc. Evertek Force America Inc Fox International Inc. John Goeken Kevin Goeken Tom Goeken Green Plains Grain Co LLC Holmes Lock & Safe Co I.D.A.L.S. IA Drainage Dist Assoc IA Lakes Regional Water Secondary Road Fund Uniforms WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Webb Telephone - G.G. Union Negotiations Gas - Spencer PARTS PARTS Gas - Everly 100 - 18" x 20' CMP Heat Repairs-Webb PARTS Telephone - Everly PARTS PARTS Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Fence Removal L-TSF(117) #2 Diesel - 563 Gals 12 - Pad Locks Cat. #6 IDDA Annual Meeting Water - Dickens Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 5 196.00 4270.25 1705.00 75.00 2593.44 1399.08 41846.75 744.00 233.50 56.00 753.27 650.00 252.24 40.00 9849.53 18897.21 14706.09 1747.03 2860.62 287.30 6132.00 147.07 4.74 22.14 31.00 43.21 6946.74 166.96 499.25 185.16 28.60 507.90 130.26 729.58 750.33 53.01 45394.56 101.50 314.54 35.00 266.58 1181.21 7905.40 10750.80 4685.20 40991.94 482.00 10.00 120.00 32.40 IA Municipalities Workers Comp IA Petroleum Equip Co Inc IA Prison Industries IA State University Interstate Battery/Sioux City Kuehl & Payer Ltd Mar-Lin Business Supply Menards - Spencer Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Office Systems Company Qwest Royal Telephone Co Snap On Tools Corp Accounting Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test Town & Country US Cellular Ziegler Inc Inst. #5 - Work Comp Cathodic Testing SIGN MAINT. REPAIR Engineer's Conference 1 MTP-78 Battery Bridge Design HDP(116) OFFICE EXPENSE TILE & INTAKES-REIMB. PARTS Internet - Spencer Shop Mower Tractor Windshield 720 Color Copies Telephone - Royal Telephone - Royal TOOLS PARTS 1 DOT - Drug Test Telephone - Spencer Shop Jim J.- DOT Drug Garbage - Dickens Data Phone PARTS 10272.00 298.74 680.04 905.00 181.90 8213.85 111.06 25.95 839.30 34.95 365.00 73.80 10.22 23.34 82.90 1069.73 60.00 50.36 37.00 15.95 63.63 28903.04 Walmart Business Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv misc 45.03 Janitors Closet Presto X Company Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC gloves GSC pest contrl 186.24 21.63 Constance A Adams Brian J Davis Marc E Gustafson Daniel J Heissel Kellie M Lowe Burlin H Matthews Darrel K Santage Eric W Tigges Casey J Timmer Clay Flex Flex flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan medical daycare medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare Emergency Medical Services IA Lakes Comm College Continui EMS training-PHTLS Krukow Construction EMS cement pad/fair Spencer Fire & Rescue EMS books for training Alliant Energy ISSDA Northwest Communications Pixler Electric Inc Qwest SMU Clay Co Sec Road Fund Verizon E-911 Surcharge E911 utilities E911 schl registration E911 phone chrgs E911 added 4 circuits/com E911 phone serv E911circuit charge Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA fuel EMA cell phone Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 6 17.99 600.00 37.00 62.00 50.00 749.71 575.03 282.00 200.00 390.00 1738.20 143.14 16.51 100.00 180.00 1277.16 13.58 228.60 70.44 107.22 John C Lawson Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr mileage Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Langner Landscape & Concrete C Rock Jetty repairs Canon Fin Services John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr copier Asr mileage Asr post cards 17.85 12245.00 187.90 56.70 41.68 579198.21 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve drainage expenditure dated November 16, 2010 totaling $9,238.00 for Iowa Initiative Pilot Plan Improvement Study payable to Kuehl & Payer LTD, Storm Lake, IA from D.D. #8 Lateral 4 Ditch No: 51233 by stamped warrant. Upon Clay County Board approval, the county auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims as allowed on November 15, 2010. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus gave a Season’s Center update. Supervisor Matthews gave a Compass Pointe update. Supervisor Chalstrom gave a YES Center update. Supervisor Swanson gave on update on a meeting with providers in O’Brien County. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize the chairperson to sign the payroll request form for Randy VanKley from Secondary Roads Department for a change in hourly wages to $19.59 per hour effective November 17, 2010 for longevity increase to $.26 per hour for 10 years of service. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize the chairperson to sign the employee payroll request from the Secondary Roads Department for Jim Juza, Ralph Kabrick and Joe Gilman for part-time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour effective November 12, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize the move of the $92.00 per month wage differential into the Veterans Affairs departmental salary. Motion carried. County Auditor Pitts discussed a schedule for FY12 department budget time slots. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt Resolution 2010-22 approving the funding for economic development purposes to the City of Spencer Grand Avenue Enhancement project. Roll Call: Ayes: Supervisors Chalstrom, Matthews, and Swanson. Nays: Supervisor Skow. Abstentions: Supervisor Brockshus. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #2010-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CLAY COUNTY, IOWA, APPROVING THE FUNDING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES TO THE CITY OF SPENCER GRAND AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 7 WHEREAS, the County understands that economic development is a public purpose for which the county may provide grants, loans, guarantees, and other financial assistance to or for the benefit of private persons; and WHEREAS, the County supports the efforts of the Grand Avenue Enhancement Project and have determined that a public purpose will be accomplished by dispensing funds according to Iowa Code Chapter 15A.1(2); and WHEREAS, the County has agreed to provide financial assistance to the City of Spencer Grand Avenue Enhancement Project in the amount of $25,000 during the 2011 fiscal year; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa; that the County will fund the City of Spencer Grand Avenue Enhancement Project an amount totaling $25,000 for this fiscal year from the General Basic Fund. Dated this 15th day of November, 2010. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, Auditor 10:30 a.m. Cara Wessling – Northwest IA Planning & Development & Eric Tigges-County EMA Director: Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize Chairperson to sign the addendum to the Contract for Services between Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Council for the Hazardous Mitigation Plan contract. The contract clause to be added is: Reference that all work completed as a result of a contract will be in compliance with 44 CFR, Section 13.36(i) Contract Provisions, as attached. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt Resolution #2010-23 to establish area service “B” roads. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AREA SERVICE “B” ROADS Clay County Resolution No. 2010-23 WHEREAS, Clay County desires to classify certain roads on the area service system in the County to provide for a minimal level of maintenance; and WHEREAS, Clay County after consultation with the County Engineer, has the authority to specify certain roads within the County as Area Service “B” roads pursuant to Iowa Code Section 309.57; and WHEREAS, the Clay County Board of Supervisors, after consulting with the Clay County Engineer, desire to designate various roads in Clay County on the Area Service “B” System to provide for a reduced level of maintenance in order to best utilize maintenance funds. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CLAY COUNTY that this County does hereby establish the road described as an Area Service “B” road, with restricted access and a minimal level of maintenance. Snow will not be removed. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 8 270th Street East part from 190th Avenue to 200th Avenue. 280th Street From 100th Avenue to 110th Avenue. 320th Avenue to 330th Avenue. 290th Street From 110th Avenue to 150th Avenue. From 260th Avenue to 270th Avenue. From 320th Avenue to 330th Avenue. 300th Street From 100th Avenue to 110th Avenue. 310th Street From 140th Avenue to 150th Avenue. East part from 150th Avenue to 160th Avenue. From Highway 71 to 240th Avenue. From 290th Avenue to 300th Avenue. From 310th Avenue to Trumbell Lake. 320th Street From 270th Avenue to 290th Avenue. East part from 290th Avenue to 300th Avenue. 330th Street From 180th Avenue to dead end. West part from 290th Avenue to 300th Avenue. 340th Street From 140th Avenue to dead end. 350th Street From 315th Avenue to 320th Avenue. 360th Street East part from 160th Avenue to 170th Avenue. 370th Street From 270th Avenue west to dead end. From 330th Avenue to 340th Avenue. 380th Street From 100th Avenue to 110th Avenue. From 160th Avenue to 170th Avenue. From 200th Avenue to 210th Avenue. East part from 230th Avenue to 240th Avenue. East part from 250th Avenue to 260th Avenue. From 190th Avenue to 200th Avenue East ¾ mile. 390th Street From 120th Avenue to 130th Avenue. From 300th Avenue to 310th Avenue. 400th Street East part from 310th Avenue to 320th Avenue. From 320th Avenue to 330th Avenue. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 9 405th Street From 280th Avenue West to dead end. 410th Street From 100th Avenue to 110th Avenue. From 180th Avenue to 200th Avenue. East part from 260th Avenue to 270th Avenue. From 300th Avenue to 310th Avenue. 420th Street From 110th Avenue to 120th Avenue. From Highway 71 to 225th Avenue. West part from 225th Avenue to 240th Avenue. From 240th Avenue to 250th Avenue. From 290th Avenue to 340th Avenue. 430th Street From 100th Avenue to 110th Avenue. From 150th Avenue to 170th Avenue. From 180th Avenue to 190th Avenue. From 200th Avenue to 210th Avenue. From Highway 71 to 225th Avenue. 450th Street From 110th Avenue to 150th Avenue. From 160th Avenue to 170th Avenue. From 190th Avenue to 200th Avenue. From 280th Avenue to 290th Avenue. From 300th Avenue to 310th Avenue. From 330th Avenue to 340th Avenue. From 200th Avenue to 210th Avenue. 460th Street From 180th Avenue to 190th Avenue. From 330th Avenue to 340th Avenue. From 270th Avenue to 280th Avenue. From 290th Avenue to 300th Avenue. From 290th Avenue to 310th Avenue. East part from 310th Avenue to 320th Avenue. From 320th Avenue to 330th Avenue. From 230th Avenue to 240th Avenue. 470th Street 480th Street From 180th Avenue to 200th Avenue. 490th Street From 150th Avenue to 160th Avenue. From 170th Avenue to 190th Avenue. 500th Street From 300th Avenue to 310th Avenue. From 330th Avenue East ¾ mile. 505th Street From 150th Avenue to 160th Avenue. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 10 510th Street From 220th Avenue to 230th Avenue. From 260th Avenue to 270th Avenue, East half. From 290th Avenue to 300th Avenue. 100th Avenue From 400th Street to 420th Street. 110th Avenue From Highway 18 to 310th Street. South part from 310th Street to 300th Street. 120th Avenue From 420th Street to 410th Street. From 390th Street to 360th Street. From 290th Street to 280th Street. 140th Avenue From 470th Street to 430th Street. From 420th Street to 370th Street. From 340th Street to 310th Street. From 300th Street to 290th Street. South part from 280th Street to 290th Street. 160th Avenue South part from 510th Street to 500th Street. From 410th Street to 400th Street. 170th Avenue From 430th Street to 400th Street. From 390th Street to 380th Street. South part from 380th Street to 370th Street. 180th Avenue From 400th Street to 390th Street. From 285th Street to 270th Street. 190th Avenue From Highway 18 South to dead end. From 340th Street North to dead end. 200th Avenue North part from 430th Street to 420th Street. From 420th Street to 410th Street. From 400th Street to 370th Street. From 280th Street to 270th Street. 240th Avenue South part from 460th Street to 470th Street. From 300th Street to 290th Street. From 280th Street to 270th Street. 250th Avenue From 430th Street to 440th Street. From 400th Street to 390th Street. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 11 260th Avenue From 390th Street to 380th Street. From 330th Street to 340th Street. 270th Avenue Between 320th Street & 330th Street. South part from Highway 18 to 370th Street. Between 340th Street & 350th Street. 280th Avenue From 505th Street to 495th Street. From 480th Street to 450th Street. From 280th Street to 270th Street. 290th Avenue From 300th Street to 280th Street. 300th Avenue From 450th Street to 440th Street, South ¾ mile. From 390th Street to 380th Street. From 290th Street to 280th Street. 320th Avenue From 510th Street to 490th Street. From 480th Street to 460th Street. From 400th Street to 390th Street. From 370th Street to 350th Street. From 280th Street to 270th Street. 330th Avenue From 500th Street to 490th Street. From 370th Street to Highway 18. From 390th Street to 380th Street. 340th Avenue From 450th Street to 440th Street. South part from 430th Street to 440th Street. Resolution adopted this 15th day of November, 2010 supersedes resolution #2009-20 dated December 15, 2009. Clay County Board of Supervisors /s/ Linda Swanson - Chairperson ATTEST: /s/ Clay County Auditor – Marjorie A. Pitts Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept the Underground Construction Permit for Interstate Power & Light Co to place single phase electric line in Clay Co Sec Roads right-of-way from pole site on north side of 400th St, directional bored south to 2465 400th St, Sect 4 & 9, Gillett Grove TWP. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 12 Representatives Dave Jacobsen and Tom Borror from The Baker Group of Des Moines gave the Board an update on the prior building engineering interviews held in October. The Board and The Baker Group conducted an interview with the MODUS Engineering of Des Moines regarding a heating and cooling project at the Administration Building. MODUS is a generalist engineer with thirty-five mechanical, electrical and telephonic staff members with over forty-eight years experience. The interview discussed a variable refrigerant volume system (VRV). A design timeline was discussed with two weeks devoted to a design study resulting in recommendations, a four to six week bidding process resulting in bid selections done by February, 2011. Fees and site visits were discussed. Consensus of the Board to support the advancement of the project was reached with Supervisor Skow voting no. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:10 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting November 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors November 19, 2010 13 Clay County Board of Supervisor’s Minutes from Meeting 41 held on Nov 24, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on November 24, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for November 24, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #40 held November 15, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Matthews updated on the Upper Des Moines Opportunity (UDMO) building committee meeting. Supervisor Chalstrom updated on the YES Center meeting and Supervisor Brockshus reported on a Season’s Center meeting. The Board has a discussion signage for the new Veteran Affairs office and a proposal will be put on the regular board meeting of November 30, 2010 for further action. The Board discussed the upcoming option to buy land east of the current Sheriff Administrative building with further discussion to be held on November 30, 2010. The Board discussed proposed upgrades at the Clay County Administration Building. The Board also discussed the area occupied by the Iowa Workforce Development in the Governmental Services Building. Supervisor Chalstrom reported that IWD will be sending an architect to review the building for possible modifications and then report back to the Board. At 10:15 a.m. the Board held a phone conversation with Bob Josten of the Dorsey & Whitney, LLC firm in Des Moines regarding procedures necessary to advance indebtedness for a new County Jail if a referendum is passed by the electorate. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve renewal application #LC0030988/LE0001039 for Liquor, Wine or Beer and Sunday Sales Privilege presented by legal owner Randy R. & Julie Dillingham, 1290 Hwy 18, Everly, Iowa, d/b/a: Barb’s Service. The permit will be valid for twelve (12) months expiring December 04, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to table the action that would authorize the Chairperson to sign the agreement between Clay County and MODUS Engineering, 1717 Ingersoll Ave., Ste 111, Des Moines for mechanical and electrical system improvements, modifications and additions to upgrade the air conditioning and heating equipment throughout the Administration Building at 300 West 4th St, Spencer. Motion carried. Supervisor Joe Skow left the meeting at 10:46 a.m. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:00 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting November 30, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors November 24, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 42 held on November 30, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on November 30 , 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews that the Board meeting agenda for November 30, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom that the minutes of the Board Meeting #41 held November 24, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed November 30, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Advanced Systems Advanced Systems Adventureland Inn Agrisafe Airgas North Central Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Automatic Door Group Bam'd Sales Ann L Baschke Bob Barker Company Bomgaars City of Spencer Clay Co Extension Service Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Don Pierson Ford Employment Connections Farm & Home Publishers Fire Proof Plus Sandra S Geidl Graham Tire Co Green Plains Grain Co LLC Greg's Repair Helen's Comm Laundry Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Holmes Lock & Safe Co General Basic Fund VA printer VA printer base rate San room chrgs Consv safety glasses/lens Consv repair connection Consv install lght bar/ra Consv power stg fluid Cths N ext HDCP door Shrf ticket bk Aud parking/meals Shrf laundry bags Cths coupling clinch Consv garbage Consv commerical PAT Bldg misc Bd pub Mtg #34 & #35 Rec 3" stamps Shrf spark plugs/igntn wi Shrf secretary/office DP plat bks Consv annl inspec/extgshr Treas mtg exp/hotel Shrf tires 21-12 Consv LP 20# Adm oil Jail rug/DM/mop Va mtg exp/hotel meals CCSO reprog digital locks Clay County Board of Supervisors November 30, 2010 1 1491.00 274.50 176.96 73.50 126.00 675.73 3.69 440.60 49.98 21.22 164.24 272.48 24.00 135.00 255.36 762.69 59.75 149.60 477.12 68.00 455.00 669.80 1105.42 43.79 11.70 297.76 293.81 75.00 Hy-Vee IA Lakes Electric Coop Janitors Closet Langdon Methodist Church Light & Siren Mangold Environmental Test Marco Marco, Inc Mastercard Tammy R McKeever Menards - Spencer Michael Weber Midwest Technology Services Minolta Financial Performance Car & Truck Acc Perkins Office Solutions Physicians Lab LTD Marjorie A Pitts Pixler Electric Inc RSC Equipment Rental Sac County Sheriff Sherwin Williams Shield Technology Corp Sidwell Company Solutions, Inc SPAN Publishing Spencer Chamber of Commerce Spencer Family Care Med Exam Spencer Family Care/Avera Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Office Supplies Staples Credit Plan Stoney Creek Inn & Conf Ctr Casey J Timmer Town & Country US Cellular U S Postmaster Verizon VISA Warner Funeral Home Webster Co Sheriff supplies Utilities Consv liners San well closure Consv 8 mod light/bar San well testing DHS copier DHS copier Consv fuel San fuel/mileage VA shelf ME IACME mtg reg L Bldg phone equip DHS copier Consv liner spray Shrf pens ME autopsy/limited Aud meals/staff CCSO 3-way switch Consv cut off saw Shrf fees Consv wash spray/clear Shrf software/license DP Parcel Bldr maintenanc Shrf pc/contact list fldr Shrf 2011 Nat'l Directory Consv annual dues ME chrgs Shrf lab tests PHN/tests Bldg utilities Aud inkcart(s) Bd covers - hdbooks Shrf mtg exp/lodging Shrf meals Consv garbage/rear load Cell phones VA stamps - roll Consv cell phone Misc Services sheriff fees 209.43 1280.72 30.24 340.00 1785.76 45.00 495.04 247.01 640.78 133.00 123.19 302.79 2986.00 67.43 400.00 57.06 841.00 45.30 56.23 66.00 125.50 213.22 4527.00 1855.00 105.80 152.10 100.00 250.00 363.60 9256.46 5103.87 771.26 626.95 199.36 47.21 305.86 741.48 44.00 269.63 472.90 5740.00 23.00 General Supplemental Fund Clarinda Youth Corp detention Clay County Regional Event Ctr Elect cater/food & bevera Audrey Coffman Aud mtg exp meals/parking Daily Reporter, The Elect pub General Ballot Employee Benefit Systems Cobra billing Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Elect abst ballot printin Hy-Vee Elect class/cookies-bread Ranae E Kehoe Elect wkr SMU long distance Staples Credit Plan Elect ink cart / sandisk 40.55 782.15 12.84 606.20 378.40 5535.03 24.86 15.00 9.93 85.79 Advanced Systems Co Case Management Serv MH-DD Services Fund copier contract ccms Clay County Board of Supervisors November 30, 2010 2 86.10 390.50 Disco Drug Eyerly Ball Community MHS Greer Law Office IA Dept of Public Health Lakes Life Skills LLC Richmond Center Seasons Center Spencer Office Supplies US Cellular Village NW Unlimited VISA Arnold Motor Supply Bomgaars Daily Reporter, The Spencer Auto Parts Inc SMU Verizon rx-meds medck-care attorney fee-lbai Social Work Licensure hombahab-care ind therapy-care cm-care office suppl. cell phn chrgs wa-care MH fuel Rural Services Basic Fund Shrf 30-20/hal light IRVM plug/door seal Zon subdv & ord hearing Consv spray paint RS long distance IRVM cell phone 182.00 565.40 150.00 72.00 112.70 126.12 18921.88 25.64 17.74 3859.10 11.24 37.96 71.83 26.85 34.95 3.38 84.08 Secondary Road Fund Est. #8 Crushing Lake Pit SUNDRY Electric - Dickens Additive PARTS BUILDINGS Snow Plow Op.-Ad 268 Gals 15W40 BOLTS Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Reimb. for Safety Boots Non-Metered Repair Water - G.G. Telephone - Peterson Box Culvert Repair(M27) Bridge Design-HDP(116) OFFICE EXPENSE Est. #1 L-7611C-1 PARTS BOLTS 22 - 11R24.5 Tires 6 - 25' Piling(M27 Box) PARTS Telephone - Office 7-Cell Phones ROW Services HDP(116) 17347.48 268.42 177.00 1127.82 174.10 369.13 37.76 4779.38 21.20 1264.80 50.00 82.95 43.76 59.33 8565.50 3650.60 234.86 86657.86 46.14 808.47 5270.32 1383.12 59.63 506.52 246.99 26951.03 Acorn Naturalists Owl Brand Discovery Kits Stacie L Young Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv Nat'l educ supplies Consv Nat'l Western US Consv Dist Mtg exp 178.81 325.00 20.00 Bomgaars Crescent Electric Supply Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Menards - Spencer Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC snowplow/pusher GSC fluor lamp GSC rug GSC paint/tray/drain clnr 38.99 127.68 40.00 35.49 A-Line Crushing Service Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Bomgaars Carroll Dist & Const Supply Crescent Electric Supply Daily Reporter, The Dyno Oil Co Inc FASTENAL Kevin Goeken Louis A Halder IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water Iowa Telecom Kooiker Inc Kuehl & Payer Ltd Mar-Lin Business Supply Midwest Contracting, LLC NAPA Auto Parts New Sioux City Iron Co Nielsens Tire & Appliance Sioux County Engineer Spencer International SMU US Cellular Yaggy Colby Associates Clay County Board of Supervisors November 30, 2010 3 US Cellular GSC cell phone Constance A Adams Kristi J Busse Edward D Campbell Audrey Coffman Raymond D Essick Sandra S Geidl Randy Krukow Francis D Lehman Kellie M Lowe Kevin D Maassen Darrell A Nordman Daniel W Pullen Cheryl L Riley Scott L Rinehart Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Steven L Sundblad Casey J Timmer Theresa E Wurth Clay Flex flex flex Flex Flex flex flex Flex flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex flex Emergency Medical Services EMS EZ load body bags EMS product EMS fuel Crescent Sales Pepsi Americas VISA Heidi L Chapman John C Lawson SMU Vanguard Appraisals Grand Total 143.80 10.59 722.00 18.79 778.47 130.00 95.00 75.00 20.00 66.96 190.00 40.00 145.83 300.00 280.76 46.60 98.00 220.00 211.20 231.00 175.21 10.75 E-911 Surcharge E911 tech/tower serv E911 phone mthly chrgs E911 phone chrgs E911 Sys Maint Serv/sftw E911 phone service 3835.74 154.30 464.66 6350.00 582.90 Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA 2011 membership appl EMA long distance EMA reimb fuel 100.00 3.27 252.93 Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr mileage 329.35 Alpha Wireless Comm Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Evertek GeoComm Corporation Qwest IEMA % Robert Christensen SMU Eric W Tigges County Flex Plan ins prem ins prem medical ins prem medical medical medical medical medical ins prem medical medical medical medical ins prem ins prem medical daycare ins prem 35.92 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr mtg exp/meals/hotel/p Asr long distance Asr service fees/parcels 241.12 3.00 4455.00 264138.39 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve the payment of Drainage Ditch #47 claim from fund #51057 payable to Hagedorn Excavating, Inc., Royal, IA dated November 30, 2010 for tile repair in Section 24 of Riverton Township, IA. Claim approved totals $1,861.00. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors November 30, 2010 4 Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Brockshus gave an update on the Season’s Center meeting in Primghar. Supervisor Matthews updated on Upper Des Moines Opportunity. Supervisor Skow stated that the Drug Court meeting is cancelled and upcoming meeting with the Public Health board and LADE. Supervisor Swanson spoke with the Board regarding the relationship with HR Solutions and the last group class scheduled on December 2, 2010. 9:30 a.m. FY11 Budget Amendment Hearing This being the time and place for the hearing on amending the current 2011 fiscal year budget and the Board finding that the proper notice had been given for the hearing and that there are neither written or oral objections, it is therefore, moved by Supervisor Chalstrom seconded by Supervisor Matthews to adopt the amendment to the 2011 fiscal year budget in the following expenditure service areas for the following amounts: Expenditures in Public Safety and Legal Services increased by $254,264; Physical Health & Social Services decreased by $3,759; County Environment & Education increased by $213,790; Government Services to Residents decreased by $9,362; Administration increased by $142,769; Nonprogram Current increased by $3,300; Debt Service for early payoff of Courthouse Restoration note increased by $352,000; Capital Projects increased by $200,000. Revenues were recognized in areas of Intergovernmental increased by $165,219; Charges for Service increased by $1,125; Use of Money & Property increased by $30,200; Miscellaneous increased by $66,980. Newly recognized revenues offset increased expenditures to result in a net decrease in budgeted cash ending balances by $337,478 for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. The roll call being called, the following named Supervisors voted: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 10:00 a.m. Iowa Lakes Community College President Valerie Newhouse gave the Board an update on enrollment, academic programs, and student statistics. There is record high enrollment caused partially from our present economic recession climate. There is a seven (7) percent increase in credit hours that ties directly as a revenue funding stream. Students come from thirty‐four (34) states as well as seventy‐four (74) counties in Iowa with sixty‐nine (69) per cent of the students under the age of nineteen (19). The Iowa Lakes Scholarship Foundation awarded over $800,000 in scholarships this past year. Newhouse also commented on the updates being done to science labs at the various campus locations. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept the Third Judicial District Department of Correctional Services Annual Report for fiscal year 2010. Contents include a District Overview, Program Descriptions, Statistical Data, Board of Directors Committees, Board of Directors Activity Summary, Financial Statements and other misc. information. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Secondary Roads Department for Brian Harmening for part‐ time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour effective November 22, 2010. Supervisor Matthews absent for the vote. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Conservation Department for Barb Treybal for part‐ Clay County Board of Supervisors November 30, 2010 5 time/seasonal status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective November 17, 2010. Supervisor Matthews absent for the vote. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, seconded by Chalstrom to accept proposal of $475.00 from Rolling Signs, Sioux Rapids, IA for a two (2) foot by ten (10) foot single face sign ‐ flexface with translucent vinyl and installation for the Veteran Affairs Office at 337 10th Street SW, Spencer, IA. Motion carried. 10:30 a.m. Kim Wilson, Clay County Central Point Coordinator gave the Board their HIPPA training as required annually. Wilson also reviewed a calendar of meetings upcoming in December and also gave the Board an update on the Season’s Center meeting held in Primghar on November 29, 2010. The 11:00 a.m. appointment with Aaron McCone & Melissa Lynch from Season’s Center had to be cancelled and will be rescheduled. Motion by Skow, seconded by Matthews to approve the option to purchase a 3.5 acre track of real estate from the Westshire Group for a new county jail facility and authorize chairperson to sign agreement with noted changes to the option as directed by the Board. After much discussion by the Board the question was called and the motion failed. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to certify the costs for the September 14, 2010 Special Election. Total invoiced cost for Iowa Lakes Community College is $ 2,317.68. Motion carried. No action taken by the Board to authorize the Chairperson to sign the agreement between Clay County and MODUS Engineering, 1717 Ingersoll Ave., Ste 111, Des Moines for mechanical and electrical system improvements, modifications and additions to upgrade the air conditioning and heating equipment throughout the Administration Building at 300 West 4th St, Spencer. The Board held discussion related to the development of a job description for a GIS Coordinator/Technician and Information Technology employee. Supervisor Chalstrom left the meeting at 12:40 p.m. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:46 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting December 14, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors November 30, 2010 6 Clay County Board of Supervisors Claims from Meeting 43 held on December 14, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on December 14, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for December 14, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 21.5.1(j) at 8:30 a.m. for discussion with council relating to purchase of real estate Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to exit the Closed Session at 9:25 a.m. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign Employee Payroll Request Form for Kay Wilson as a full time employee effective December 27, 2010 in the Sheriff’s office at a wage rate of $14.00 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the purchase a 3.5 acre track of real estate from the Westshire Group and authorize chairperson to sign an option to buy purchase agreement. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews that the minutes of the Board Meeting #42 held November 30, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. 9:45 a.m. GIS/IT Director Theresa Wurth introduced the Board to the process of accessing Pictrometry via the internet. 10:20 a.m. Tom Manley and Becky LaBarre from the Spencer Area Activity Center gave the Board an update on the activities offered, the hiring of a new Director Katie Swenson, and their appreciation for all the support given by Clay County. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to authorize the chairperson to sign a letter of engagement accepting consulting fees for Eide Bailly, CPAs and Business Advisors, to provide consultation and auditing services to the Seasons Center for Community Mental Health, Spencer, Iowa. Clay County has designated the Season’s Center as our mental health provider. The firm of Eide Bailly is participating in a review led by the Iowa Department of Human Services to evaluate Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 1 the current financial and future funding needs of Season’s Center. Through affiliation with the County Rate Information System (CRIS), consultation and auditing services with Eide Bailly of Dubuque each member county of the Seasons Center’s corporation will be asked to pay an equal share toward the cost of these consultative and auditing services. Motion carried. Kim Wilson, Central Point Coordinator reviewed the annual mental health report that was submitted to the State on December 1, 2010. Wilson also reported on the Representative Payee Program training that was held Monday, December 13, 2010. 10:50 a.m. Robert and Kaylene Rose spoke with the Board on behalf of Northwest Iowa Aging. Rose presented the agency annual report and appreciation for prior funding support and anticipation of continued support. State funding represents as much as 25% of the agency funding. Funding formula = $2.75/person over 60. Rose discussed funding sources and services provided by NW Iowa Aging Agency. 11:00 a.m. The Board spoke with Conservationist Dan Heissel. The Board asked clarification on prior claim approvals. There was discussion regarding advertisements for Clay County Conservation on KTIV & Spencer Municipal Utilities made possible thru grants. Heissel gave an update on the FEMA process for flood repairs. The Clay County Conservation Board has completed their budget review process that will be submitted to the county. Two trout stockings at Scharnberg Park will start December 18, 2010 and January 22, 2011 for 1200 fish per stocking. Conservation will tag 100 fish for prizes. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed December 14, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. General Basic Fund ABC Virtual Communications Treas warranty debit card Advanced Systems, Inc. Adm copier base chrg Airgas North Central Consv osygen Alpha Wireless Comm Shrf poere inverter Arnold Motor Supply Consv mud flap/terminal Asher Motor Co Shrf service work Black Hills Energy Cthse utilities Bob Barker Company Inc Shrf laundry bag Bonnie Pullen-Lehman Shrf sew/patches Bud's Service Shrf brakes/car repairs Cabernet Catering Jail meals / november Canon Fin Services DP printer Kenneth L Chalstrom Bd mileage City of Spencer Consv landfill chrgs Clay Co Sec Road Fund Adm fuel Clay County Sheriff Shrf fee jvjv002979 Clay County Regional Event Ctr FY11 allocation Compass Pointe FY11 allocation 2nd qtr Council-Prev Dom Violence FY11 allocation Counsel Office & Document Consv copier lease Crescent Electric Supply Consv lamp/tape/conduit Dee Sutherland Well closure Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Treas dater/2 color Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 2 99.00 202.48 22.49 105.66 462.04 123.37 1182.00 164.24 9.00 772.00 2782.08 141.45 398.30 323.71 4597.58 1358.50 25000.00 3908.00 6000.00 241.33 24.34 321.00 70.00 Emergency Training Associates Employment Connections, Inc Evertek Galen's Pro-Mow Shirley M Goyette Graham Tire Co Green Plains Grain Co LLC Greer Law Office H & N Chevrolet Buick Hanson's Plumbing & Heating HD Supply Facilities Maint Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Holiday Inn Hotel & Confer Ctr IA Dept Natural Resources IA Lakes Regional Water IA State Reserve Law Off Assn IEHA - IA Env Hlth Assoc Inventory Trading Company ISAC ISACA ISSDA J&T Rentals Janitors Closet jR180 Ad Specialties KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Randy Krukow Mail Services LLC Mangold Environmental Test Marceline Mapping Marco Marilyn E White Burlin H Matthews Menards - Spencer Midwest Technology Services National Sheriff's Assoc News, Bell, Times, Patriot Norgaard Sand & Gravel Northwest Communications NW Aging Association O'Brien County Sheriff Office Systems Company Perkins Office Solutions Pictometry International Corp Pixler Electric Inc Pocahontas Co Sheriff Presto X Company Quality Pump & Control Ronald Peterson Ruthven Rocks Schoeneman Bros Schuelke Powersports Sentinel - News NWIA Peach Sidwell Company, The Solutions, Inc Speed Printers Spencer Ag Center, LLC Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Shrf jail inmate clothing Shrf job/secretary Consv internet/cable/phon Consv spark plug/test Rec mileage Shrf tires conv lp tanks attrny fee replace R mirror/Chevy Cths repair urinal Adm soap CCSO rugs Aud mtg exp/lodging Well construction permits Consv water usage -grandv Shrf membership annual dues Shrf jacket Aud mtg registration Precinct Atlas registrati shrf 12 membership applic Rent lease bldg - Decembe Cths custl supplies consv 12 hats Env Hlth shipping Shrf reimb mailing Treas renewal printing well testing DP plat books 2010 (25) DHS copier mthly chrg Mileag lay board member Bd mtg exp room/meals Adm lightset outdr Shrf phone programming shrf membership Bd publ Mtg #35 Well closure Shrf computer support FY11 allocation 2nd qtr Shrf fees color copies DHS easel pads DP self hosting/travel Adm belts Shrf fees Adm pest contrl Consv duplex float tree VA rent Consv rocks and trucking Consv braided poly rope cpmsv gas cap/key switch Bd publ Mtgs #36-#40 GIS prof services Treas 1099 int/envlps shrf door hangers Consv hog gate/hinges shrf misc smh billings Bldg utilities Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 3 90.30 477.12 129.13 33.95 17.50 427.94 155.72 75.00 237.87 118.47 99.98 121.72 211.86 125.00 54.28 15.00 20.00 513.92 130.00 30.00 450.00 1500.00 487.98 186.00 65.43 45.79 691.68 15.00 452.00 176.68 123.20 540.58 3.96 112.50 100.00 532.92 286.76 78.75 2591.25 11.00 13.10 360.00 10125.00 10.92 74.00 86.52 789.57 200.00 371.46 66.24 104.13 733.08 3920.00 1520.85 210.00 201.00 56.49 1000.00 2396.01 Spencer Office Supplies Staples State Steel Supply Co. Linda K Swanson SWIFT AIR Taser International Town & Country Ultramax Upper DesMoines O E O UPS U S Postmaster Verizon Joan M Waller Walmart Business Warner Funeral Home Woodbury County Sheriff Xerox Corporation Zenor & Houchins, PC Aud incart/calendar DP supplies Consv metal flat/angle Bd ISAC registration Adm replace fan motor shrf taser rechgable batt Consv garbage/rear load Consv 40 180gr fmj FY11 allocation 2nd qtr Shrf mailinges Shrf PO Box fee DHS cell phone VA meals Consv vnl fit mc ME autopsy Shrf fees Rec copier Aty office help General Supplemental Fund Clay Co Emerg Mgt Agency EMA allocation - November Clay Co E M S Assn EMS training allocation Clay Co Flex Plan/Medical Exp Flex allocation Clay County Sheriff Shrf fees Holiday Inn Hotel & Confer Ctr Elect exp/lodging IA Municipalities Workers Comp Work Com Prem Install #61 ISACA C Precinct Atlas registrati Lexis Nexis Law Lib online chrges NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr detention SMU long distance Youth & Family Resource Serv detention Juvenile Drug Court Fund Fareway Stores Inc Drug Ct food Advanced Systems, Inc. Berryhill Center for MH Cabernet Catering Carey's TV & Stereo Clay County Sheriff Daily Reporter, The Disco Drug Echo Plus Greer Law Office Hope Haven Horizons Unlimited IA Dept of Human Services Kathleen's Care Inc Lee & Assoc of Ft. Dodge, PC Nishna Productions Inc Northwest Printing Co Perkins Office Solutions Richmond Center Roger Partridge Saga Communications Seasons Center Spencer Community Theatre Sunshine Services Inc The Pride Group MH-DD Services Fund copier contract pymt mhc-care for ADA event Oct 2010 for ADA event Oct 2010 sheriff fees ADA event ad Oct 2010 3-rx's wa-care attrny fees wa-care wa-care icf-res-care rcf-care medck-care wa-care ADA event Oct 2010 for ADA event Oct 2010 indtherapy-care ADA event Oct 2010 ADA event Oct 2010 MHS for Dec2010 ADA event Oct 2010 wa-care rcf-care Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 4 418.09 237.69 56.43 462.64 438.75 69.95 39.59 451.00 5225.00 24.40 478.44 166.38 29.41 17.94 700.00 27.79 266.10 9284.01 14258.00 5956.06 5000.00 196.50 221.76 6848.00 30.00 1309.00 3600.00 8.53 373.20 66.11 61.45 75.60 187.50 206.00 144.50 171.00 54.00 3710.00 75.00 2603.76 1279.12 47049.20 720.00 56.00 708.96 75.00 56.90 126.12 75.00 102.00 11748.18 300.00 19520.40 10683.06 U S Postmaster Village NW Unlimited Y100.1 City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Graham Tire Co SMU SMU Walmart Business postage 70% wa-care ADA event Oct 2010 Rural Services Basic Fund RS garbage IRVM fuel Shrf tires 21-2 long distance Sheriff Undercover Fund Shrf cell phone Shrf lens/Canon rebel T1I 6132.00 66.44 226.48 3.56 51.66 1239.88 Local Option - Fair FY11 LOSST allocation 6794.50 LOSST Rev Bond Sinking Fund Events Center Interest Py 32991.04 Clay County Fair Assn Northwest Bank 66.36 2737.87 50.00 A & M Laundry Inc. Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Alpha Wireless Comm Arnold Motor Supply Safelite Fulfillment Inc Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Barnes Distribution Bill Stevenson Const, Inc Black Hills Energy Boyer Trucks Catco Parts & Service City of Everly City of Hartley City of Royal Contech Construction Products Copper Cottage Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. Custom Welding & Repair, Inc. Don Pierson Ford Evertek FASTENAL Fox International Inc. Green Plains Grain Co LLC Holcomb Freightliner, Inc. IA Lakes Regional Water IA Municipalities Workers Comp IA Prison Industries Scott R Knudtson M. D. Products Menards - Spencer Midwestern Mechanical Inc Nielsens Tire & Appliance Northwest Communications Northwest Equipment Inc Premier Communications Qwest Reedsburg Hardware Co Secondary Road Fund OTHER WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Everly Annual Dispatch-Fostoria PARTS #208 Windshield Telephone - G.G. PARTS Tile Repair Gas - Spencer Shop #202 Parts #69 Hyd Cyl Gas - Everly Shared Light Water&Sewer - Royal 20 - 18" x 20' CMP Webb Shop Heat PARTS Plates for Sand Trucks PARTS Telephone - Everly BOLTS PARTS Forklift Gas PARTS Water - Dickens Install #6 - Work Comp 36x24 Blanks Reimb. for Safety Boots #2 Rear Fenders SIGN MAINT. REPAIR BUILDINGS PARTS Internet - Spencer Shop PARTS Telephone - Dickens Telephone - Royal Chains Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 5 166.96 15.69 504.60 1570.80 145.02 217.90 26.29 284.35 319.07 1451.71 2737.02 1339.34 397.19 50.00 26.00 34646.22 429.43 2165.62 370.77 39.35 43.00 115.92 1183.85 19843.39 937.25 36.00 10272.00 82.90 50.00 1123.16 165.13 583.93 21126.87 34.95 7.60 65.18 11.01 2755.25 John M Rosacker Royal Telephone Co Snap On Tools Corp Accounting Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital SMU Spencer Ready-Mix Inc Div-Grea St Lukes Drug & Alcohol Test State Steel Supply Co. Steven L Sundblad Town & Country Treasurer-State of IA US Cellular Randy J Van Kley Vander Haag's Inc Ziegler Inc Beehive Crafts and Framing CrawDaddy jR180 Ad Specialties Walmart Business Northwest Bank Clay Co Sec Road Fund HD Supply Facilities Maint Helen's Comm Laundry Inc Janitors Closet Presto X Company Constance A Adams Kenneth L Chalstrom Audrey Coffman Gina L Ean Sandra S Geidl Shirley M Goyette Daniel J Heissel Nicole L Huckfelt Randy Krukow Kevin D Maassen Tammy R McKeever Alicia K Roos Jesse L Rustad Darrel K Santage Steven L Sundblad Linda K Swanson Mark A Thompson Casey J Timmer Jeffrey M Wiemann Clothing Allowance Telephone - Royal TOOLS PARTS 5 - DOT Drug Tests Telephone - Eng. Office Salt Shed 3 - DOT Drug Results PARTS Reimb for Safety Boots Garbage - Dickens 7 - Gravel Pit Reg Date Phone Clothing Allowance #2 Grader Repairs/Paint PARTS 61.19 23.34 51.50 1740.97 150.00 78.93 3017.00 111.00 11.43 50.00 15.95 245.00 63.63 42.79 9285.22 6256.90 Reap-Resrc Enhncmnt-Cnsrv Consv paint supplies/stam Consv classrm supplies consv clothing Consv goldfish/candy/chee 16.66 29.44 100.80 14.68 Debt Service Fund Payoff Princ/July 05 issu 667107.50 Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC fuel GSC Titan 6v emeg unit GSC rugs GSC custl supplies GSC pest contrl Clay Flex Flex flex flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex flex Flex Flex Flex Flex County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical medical daycare medical Emergency Medical Services PMI Progressive Medical Int'nl EMS heartstart kit/access Safelite AutoGlass EMS back window SMU long distance Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 6 5.36 473.91 40.00 94.56 21.63 25.00 1391.20 717.00 78.25 163.80 305.00 150.00 786.00 179.60 337.50 374.00 96.10 32.40 429.57 65.46 598.00 1000.00 210.00 120.00 3988.87 216.90 .07 Alliant Energy Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele Evertek Iowa Telecom Northwest Communications Premier Communications Qwest Shield Technology Corp SMU Terril Telephone Coop Alpha Wireless Comm Clay Co Sec Road Fund Heartland Inn Coralville SMU Eric W Tigges Verizon E-911 Surcharge E911 utilities E911 line access charges E911 line access charge E911 phone serv E911 phone insite bkup rc E911 special circuit E911 circuit charges E911 CAD dispatch/srvr/cl E911 circuit chrg E911 circuit Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA equipment service EMA fuel EMA mtg exp/lodging long distance EMA mtg exp/food EMA cell phone Co.Conserv.L.Acq.Tr.Fund Langner Landscape & Concrete C Consv install 75 ton boul L.D. Taylor Construction Serv Riverside Boat Ramp Canon Fin Services John C Lawson Mar-Lin Business Supply SMU Verizon Grand Total Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr copier chrgs Asr mtg exp meals/lodging Asr binders long distance Asr cell phone 29.67 154.30 445.00 41.69 180.00 570.04 13.58 4170.00 228.60 9.08 126.13 73.25 315.81 4.77 60.39 107.22 16050.00 787.05 187.90 385.22 24.29 1.57 80.92 1118253.80 Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Skow to approve two drainage expenditures dated December 14, 2010 of $1,178.00 for tile search payable to Clay County Secondary Roads and for $ 6,554.25 to Kuehl & Payer LTD, Storm Lake, IA for an Iowa Initiative Pilot Plan Improvement Study from Drainage Ditch #8, Lateral 4. Upon Clay County Board approval, the county auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue stamped warrants totaling $7,732.25, against the various settlement of such claims as allowed on December 14, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to designate zero acres to the natural conservation and wildlife tax‐exempt land under Iowa Code Chapter 427.1.22 for January 1, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request form from the Secondary Roads Department for Stacy Vaas for part‐ time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour effective November 30, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Secondary Roads Department for Chad Huckfelt for part‐ time/temporary status at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour effective December 8, 2010. Motion carried. Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 7 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to approve the Clay County GIS job description and authorize advertising the position for an expected hiring date of February 1, 2011. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to establish the Clay County GIS Coordinator/Technician position as a full time department head FLSA exempt status employment. Motion carried. Supervisor Skow abstained. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to approve funding for the City of Spencer and Clay County’s Communication Center Reverse E‐911. The safety project is called WENS for Wireless Emergency Notification Systems. Total cost of the WENS project is $ 12,900 with the county funding 33% or $ 4,300 from the Rural Basic fund. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to accept the work of The Road Guy Construction Company on projects L‐6809SC‐1 & L‐7809SC‐2 as completed on June 23, 2010 as recommended by the County Engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept the work of Christensen Brothers on project L‐6612DO‐2 as completed on June 11, 2010 as recommended by County Engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to accept the work of Christensen Brothers on project L‐ 5811DO‐1 as completed on June 16, 2010 as recommended by County Engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Matthews to accept the work of Peterson Contractors Inc on project L‐TSF‐CO21(117)‐‐74‐21 as completed on June 14, 2010 as recommended by County Engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to accept the work of Concrete Foundations on project FM‐CO21(121)‐‐55‐21 as completed on August 18, 2010 as recommended by County Engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to accept the work of Graves Construction on project BRS‐CO21(107)‐‐61‐21 as completed on August 11, 2009 as recommended by County Engineer. Motion carried. No Board action was taken to accept the work of Midwest Contracting on projects L‐7611C‐1 & L‐ 7611C‐2 as completed on November 23, 2010 with seeding yet to be completed as recommended by County Engineer. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to accept River Bend Estates project as complete and accept road into Clay County Secondary Roads System. Motion carried. County Treasurer Sandra Geidl discussed methods of removing uncollectable property taxes unpaid since 1981 on buildings on leased land or bankruptcy parcels totaling $12,720.56. It was concluded that the Treasurer will submit a resolution to the Board for acceptance to abate and direction to mark tax rolls accordingly. Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 8 Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to authorize the Chairperson to sign an appeal letter addressed to the Iowa Municipalities Workers’ Compensation Association regarding imposing penalties on Clay County related to high‐risk loss ratios of seventy‐five (75) percent or greater in any three fiscal years. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve addendum to agreement originally approved and signed September 14, 2010 between Clay County and Baker Group, 4224 Hubbel Ave., Des Moines, IA for the mechanical system and electrical system improvements, modifications and additions to upgrade air‐conditioning and heating equipment throughout the Clay County Administration Building located at 300 W. 4th Street, Spencer, Iowa. Both parties hereby agree to strike the original paragraph 3.2.7 and replace it with the following: 3.2.7. All change orders exceeding $5,000.00 must be approved by the Clay County Board of Supervisors before they are implemented. To expedite the work, Baker Group will notify the Clay County Auditor on the day such needed change is discovered and prepare a written change order request as soon as costs are established. The Board of Supervisors will call an emergency meeting within 24 hours of receiving the written request to take action on said change orders. All change orders less than $4,999.00 must have written approval by the Clay County Auditor. The vote being as follows: AYES: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Swanson. NAYES: Supervisor Skow. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Skow to certify the cost for the Special Election of City of Spencer from the November 2, 2010 General Election. Amount to be invoiced to the City of Spencer is $5,209.64. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to authorize the Chairperson to sign the agreement between Clay County and MODUS Engineering, 1717 Ingersoll Ave., Ste 111, Des Moines for mechanical and electrical system improvements, modifications and additions to upgrade the air conditioning and heating equipment throughout the Administration Building at 300 West 4th St, Spencer with the condition of requesting all improvements proposals to be submitted with multiple implementation phases. AYES: Supervisors Brockshus, Matthews, Chalstrom, Swanson. NAYES: Supervisor Skow. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom to approve Certificate of Adjustment #2172 to suspend taxes on receipt #13657 for fiscal year 2009‐2010, payable year 2010‐2011 for Ann M Zahrt on W 64’ of S ½ 19 Egleston’s Addition to City of Spencer, Iowa due to Department of Human Services’ decision in the amount of $655.00. Motion carried. Motion by Skow, second by Brockshus to approve Resolution 2010‐24 authorizing the sale and issuance of a $1,200,000 County Fair Revenue Bond, Series 2010, and authorizing execution of documents RESOLUTION NO. 2010-24 Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of a County Fair Revenue Note, Series 2010, and authorizing the execution of documents relating thereto Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa (the “Issuer”) as follows: Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 9 Section 1. (A) The Issuer is a county authorized and empowered by the provisions of Chapter 419 of the Code of Iowa, 2009, as amended (the “Act”), to issue revenue bonds or notes for the purpose of financing the cost of acquiring, by construction or purchase, land, buildings, improvements and equipment, or any interest therein, suitable for the use of any organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) which is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Code (a “Tax Exempt Organization”), or to retire any existing indebtedness on a facility for a Tax Exempt Organization or to refund any Bonds or Notes issued pursuant to the Act; and. (B) The Issuer has been requested by the Clay County Fair Charitable Trust (the “Borrower”) a Tax Exempt Organization, to issue its revenue note pursuant to the Act in a principal amount not to exceed $1,200,000, and to loan said amount to the Borrower for the purpose of (1) paying a portion of the costs of acquiring, renovating, constructing and equipping livestock facilities and other infrastructure improvements at the Clay County Fairgrounds, located at 1401 4th Avenue West, Spencer, Iowa (the “Project”) and (2) financing the costs of issuance and certain other costs associated with the issuance of the Note; and (C) As required by the Act and Section 147(f) of the Code, the Issuer has held a public hearing on the issuance of a revenue note to finance the Project. (D) The issuance and sale of a County Fair Revenue Note, Series 2010 in the principal amount of $1,200,000 (the “Note”) by the Issuer, pursuant to the Act, is in the best interest of the Issuer, and the Issuer hereby determines to issue the Note and to sell the Note to Farmers Savings Bank, Fostoria, Iowa (the “Lender”) as provided herein. The Issuer will loan the proceeds of the Note (the “Loan”) to the Borrower in order to finance the cost of the Project. (E) Pursuant to a Loan Agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) to be entered into between the Issuer and the Borrower, the Borrower agrees to repay the Loan in specified amounts and at specified times sufficient to pay in full when due the principal of and interest on the Note. In addition, the Loan Agreement contains provisions relating to indemnification, insurance, and other agreements and covenants which are required or permitted by the Act and which the Issuer and the Borrower deem necessary or desirable for the financing of the Project. (F) Pursuant to an Assignment and Pledge Agreement (the “Pledge Agreement”) to be entered into between the Issuer and the Lender, the Issuer, among other things, will grant and assign to the Lender a security interest in all of the Issuer’s rights, title and interest in and to the Loan Agreement, including, but not limited to, the right to receive Loan Repayments (as defined in the Loan Agreement). (G) The Note will be a special limited obligation of the Issuer. The Note will not be payable from or charged upon any funds other than the revenues pledged to the payment thereof, nor shall the Issuer be subject to any liability thereon. No holder of the Note shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the Issuer to pay the Note or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the Issuer. The Note shall not constitute a debt of the Issuer within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. Section 2. In order to provide for the financing of the Project, the Issuer hereby authorizes the issuance of the Note. The Note shall be in the form submitted to the Board of Supervisors and shall mature in the years and amounts, be subject to redemption, and provide interest at the rate as therein specified. Section 3. The Loan Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, and the Note are hereby made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein and are hereby approved in substantially the forms presented to the Board of Supervisors. The Chairperson and the County Auditor are authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge, and deliver said documents on behalf of the Issuer with such changes, insertions and omissions therein as may be recommended by bond counsel, such execution to be conclusive evidence of approval of such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. Section 4. The Chairperson and the County Auditor are authorized and directed to execute Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 10 and deliver all other documents which may be required under the terms of the Loan Agreement or Pledge Agreement, or by bond counsel, and to take any other action as may be required or deemed appropriate for the performance of the duties imposed thereby to carry out the purposes thereof. Section 5. In order to qualify the Note as a “qualified tax exempt obligation” within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code, the Issuer hereby makes the following factual statements and representations: (A) The Issuer hereby designates the Note as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation” for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; (B) The reasonably anticipated amount of tax-exempt obligations (other than obligations described in clause (ii) of Section 265(b)(3)(c) of the Code) which will be issued by the Issuer (and all entities whose obligations will be aggregated with those of the Issuer) during this calendar year 2010 will not exceed $10,000,000; and (C) Not more than $10,000,000 of obligations issued by the Issuer during this calendar year 2010 have been designated for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. The Issuer shall use its best efforts to comply with any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effectuate the designation made by this paragraph. Section 6. The Chairperson, County Auditor and other officers of the Issuer are authorized to furnish to the Lender, the Borrower, and bond counsel certified copies of all proceedings and records of the Issuer relating to the Note, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Note as such facts appear from the books and records in the officer’s custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the Issuer as to the truth of all statements contained therein. Passed and approved December 14, 2010. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting December 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors December 14, 2010 11 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 44 held on December 27, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on December 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Guest: David DeYoung. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Chalstrom that the Board meeting agenda for December 27, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved. Motion carried unanimously. The Board began the process of fiscal year 2012 budgeting by hearing a presentation of County Auditor Marjorie Pitts related to the current fund balances, taxable evaluations available for the next budgeting year, and review of the allocation requests received to date. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:07 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting December 28, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors December 27, 2010 1 Clay County Board of Supervisors Minutes from Meeting 45 held on December 28, 2010 The Clay County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment on December 28, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom with Chairperson Swanson presiding and with the following other members present: Supervisors Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Auditor Marjorie Pitts as clerk for the meeting. Absent: None. Chairperson Swanson led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the motions offered at this meeting were carried with the following vote: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow that the Board meeting agenda for December 28, 2010 be received and placed on file with the County Auditor as approved with the addition of adoption of the Clay County Mission Statement and closed session pursuant to IA Code Chapter 21.5.1(c) relating to matters that are presently in litigation. Motion carried. The Board spoke with Rhonda Dean, Executive Director Centers Against Abuse & Sexual Assault (CAASA) regarding funding requests for fiscal year 2012. CAASA provides services for victims of domestic and sexual violence in Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Ida, Palo Alto and Sac counties. CAASA served 666 new clients in 2009 and since July 2010 have worked with 88 new adults and 46 new youth in Clay County. Sixty-five percent of CAASA funding comes from federal and state competitive grants. CAASA is requesting an allocation of $6000 from Clay County for fiscal year 2012 which remains the same as several previous years. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus that the minutes of the Board Meeting #43 held December 14, 2010 be and are hereby approved as submitted. Motion carried. No Board action was taken on the minutes of the Board Meeting #44 held December 27, 2010. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors approve expenditures and that the County Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants, against the various settlement of such claims a allowed December 28, 2010. Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Resolution adopted. Constance A Adams Advanced Systems Arnold Motor Supply Asher Motor Co Ann L Baschke Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Kristi J Busse Canon Fin Services Cellular One City of Spencer Clay Co Sec Road Fund Clay County Sheriff General Basic Fund auditor mtg exp meal Admn copier contract Consv swivel head Consv guardkit/mat kit Auditor mtg exp meal Jail utilities Misc supplies Aty mtg exp copier contracts Shrf cell phones Shrf Comm Ctr salary exp Env hlth gas Shrf trans charges AGCR01 Clay County Board of Supervisors December 28, 2010 1 16.53 212.90 28.99 273.55 17.07 128.00 404.33 146.45 930.00 757.88 15375.86 42.10 532.00 Coffman's Locksmith Daily Reporter, The Employment Connections Farm & Home Publishers Fire Proof Plus, Inc Galen's Pro-Mow Galls an Aramark Company Graham Tire Co Hanson's Plumbing & Heating Bradley A Hawley Hematologics, Inc HMN Architects, Inc Holiday Inn Hy-Vee IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Law Enforcement Academy INOA Inukshuk Technologies ISAC J&T Rentals Janitors Closet KAPCO Postal Pack & Ship Kathy Christensen Ken Matthews Legislative Services Agency Mail Services LLC Mar-Lin Business Supply Mastercard Burlin H Matthews Tammy R McKeever Menards - Spencer Minolta Financial Otis Elevator Co Perkins Office Solutions Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Proforma Millennium Graphics Randy Pullen Roling Signs Shanna Johnson Sioux Sales Co Solutions, Inc Spencer Auto Parts Inc Spencer Mun Hospital Spencer Office Supplies The Nature Conservancy Members Thomson Reuters U.S. Bank US Cellular U S Postmaster Verizon VISA Walter Stephens Jr Inc Westshire Group Zee Medical Service Co Cthse cortanium bit set Pub bd mtgs #36 37 38 39 Shrf office secretary Shrf plat bks Consv bracket/repair ext Consv air filter Shrf zip boot Shrf tires CCSO service Shrf mtg exp meal ME lab Jail professional service Auditor mtg exp room rx-meds Consv utilities utility asst Shrf recert schl/Def Tact shrf membership Shrf pwr pt design/creati Auditor fall school reg Lease bdlg rent - January Custodial supplies Safety mailing Well closures landlord Aty 2010 IA Acts/2011 IA Treas renewal printing Treas pens Consv fuel Bd ISAC reg Suprv Conf Safety meeting expense Cthse socket set/rubbing DHS copier Adm elevator contract Shrf note bk Admn postage machine leas Treas postage mtr usage Auditor env San cistern closure VA sign Landlord Shrf trouser DP warranty InfoPrint Consv batteries PHN/Wellness Misc off supplies Consv annl renewal EBIA flex plan manual Consv parking/meal Shrf cell phone Shrf stamps Consv cell phones Auditor mtg exp room Jail deodorant/shampoo Option to purchase Land p Admn first aid supplies General Supplemental Fund Clay County Board of Supervisors December 28, 2010 2 24.50 515.28 1590.40 256.00 15.50 27.96 110.98 671.40 199.20 10.16 200.00 1404.79 172.48 32.63 972.62 46.82 125.00 250.00 327.97 130.00 1500.00 175.30 19.98 800.00 200.00 600.00 529.62 19.03 100.68 55.00 20.72 89.59 134.86 5024.76 120.99 602.31 1275.00 312.30 300.00 475.00 200.00 165.80 207.00 91.06 10933.33 521.72 100.00 439.50 20.00 68.03 34.00 237.71 1645.89 101.47 5000.00 21.54 Clay Co E M S Assn Clay County Sheriff Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Holiday Inn NW IA Youth Emergency Serv Ctr Pitney Bowes Purchase Power VISA EMS allocation/annl Shrf trans fees Elect maint agrmnt opt sc Election mtg room exp Detention Elect postage mtr usage Election shipping 11000.00 276.50 7125.00 183.68 900.00 200.00 249.21 Advanced Systems Carroll County Sheriff Cherokee County Sheriff Clay County Sheriff Co Case Management Serv Fairview Care Facility Greer Law Office Richmond Center Seasons Center US Cellular MH-DD Services Fund copier contract pymt sheriff fees sheriff fees sheriff fees CCMS for 11/10 rcf-care attrny fees outpt-care cm-care statecase cell phone charges 86.10 413.00 76.00 250.00 379.50 1650.00 150.00 126.12 17249.76 15.41 Verizon Rural Services Basic Fund IRVM cell phone Airgas North Central Alliant Energy Safelite Fulfillment Inc Bennett Radiator Company Bomgaars City of Spencer Crescent Electric Supply Dockendorf Equipment Co. Dyno Oil Co Inc Force America Inc Galen's Pro-Mow Gateway Hotel & Conference Ctr John W Goeken Hanson's Plumbing & Heating IA Lakes Electric Coop IA Lakes Regional Water IA Prison Industries Interstate Battery Iowa Telecom Mar-Lin Business Supply Menards - Spencer NAPA Auto Parts New Sioux City Iron Co Spencer Family Care/Avera SMU Secondary Road Fund WELDING SUPPLIES Electric - Webb #8 Rear Window #4 Radiator Rebuild BUILDINGS 4-Car Tires Sign Shop 20 - Gas Pump Keys 55 Gal 80W90 PARTS 2011 Doolittle Trailer Lodging-ENG Conference Fence Removal L-TSF(117) Heater Repair - Spencer Non-Metered Repair Water - G.G. 12x50 Sheeting 1 MTP-78DT Battery Telephone - Peterson Daily Record Book-Brad PARTS PARTS BOLTS Pre-Employment-Stacy Baas Electric - Spencer 87.01 276.73 138.60 272.06 1135.00 801.56 174.50 1183.70 365.53 1233.65 47.92 4485.00 465.92 1076.40 62.00 87.50 43.76 808.50 56.93 58.97 18.61 14.57 68.65 796.97 115.00 536.71 Matt Parrott & Sons Recorders Records Mgt Fnd Rec time stamp label 57.03 Black Hills Energy Bomgaars Janitors Closet Menards - Spencer Debt Service Fund - G.S.C. GSC utilities GSC scraper GSC custodial supplies GSC shelf/misc 274.00 22.99 106.28 72.21 Clay County Board of Supervisors December 28, 2010 3 Clay Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex Constance A Adams Ann L Baschke Jeremy K Bellis Kristi J Busse Kenneth L Chalstrom Heidi L Chapman Audrey Coffman Brian J Davis Gina L Ean Sandra S Geidl Amy J Kendall John C Lawson Francis D Lehman Kevin D Maassen Daniel W Pullen Glenn I Rouse Martin L Schoening Michael M Skonhovd Theresa E Wurth County Flex Plan medical medical medical medical medical medical ins premium daycare medical medical medical medical medical medical medical ins premium ins premium medical ins premium 171.96 86.00 774.92 73.59 77.20 150.00 18.79 600.00 83.00 316.18 20.00 47.60 85.00 152.46 30.00 62.14 46.60 50.00 211.20 Emergency Medical Services Bomgaars EMS key Clay Co Sec Road Fund EMS gas Pitney Bowes Purchase Power EMS postage mtr usage PMI Progressive Medical Int'nl EMS elctrd defib pedi lp 2.98 39.78 25.00 2309.00 E-911 Surcharge E911 ANI database maint E911 consultant fee E911 tower lease/rent E911 phone mthly service E911 access lines 41.20 5000.00 280.00 581.78 362.72 Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Tele City of Spencer Community Broadcasting, Inc Qwest River Valley Forest Serv Constance A Adams Heidi L Chapman Mar-Lin Business Supply Office Systems Company Solutions, Inc VISA Grand Total Emergency Mgt Agency Fund EMA mtg secretary - 2 mtg Spec Appraiser Fund-Assessor Asr mileage Co. Assessor Agency Fund Asr paper Asr copies Asr post vcs custom file Assr county car gas 50.00 127.05 89.84 147.05 562.50 15.01 126056.63 Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to approve the payment of drainage claim from Joint Drainage Ditch #14-42 Ditch #51999 with Buena Vista County, payable to J & N Farms, Inc., Webb, IA for $2,470.00 and dated December 14, 2010 for stumps dug out and buried. Payment to be made by stamped warrant from Drainage District Revolving Fund Ditch #51014. Motion carried. Supervisor Chalstrom abstained. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Chalstrom to approve the payment of Drainage Ditch #47 claim from fund #51057 payable to Abel Drainage & Excavating, Inc., Greeneville, IA dated Clay County Board of Supervisors December 28, 2010 4 December 28, 2010 for cleaning silt form drainage waterway. Claim approved totals $428.31. Motion carried. Supervisors discussed and shared information from committees and boards they have attended since their last regular board meeting. Supervisor Chalstrom spoke of a meeting with the Clay County Fair Board and an investment group regarding exploring the construction of a motel near the fairgrounds north of the events center. Supervisor Skow reported on the Board of Health and Betterment meetings. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request form for James O’Hearn from Secondary Roads Department for a change in hourly wages to $19.45 per hour effective January 3, 2011 for longevity increase to $.12 per hour for 5 years of service. Motion carried. Motion by Matthews, seconded by Brockshus to accept and authorize chairperson to sign the Employee Payroll Request from the Conservation Department for Gregory Maassen for parttime/temporary status at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour effective December 27, 2010. Motion carried. Motion by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews to adopt the following as the Clay County Mission Statement: To provide courteous, efficient service and open access to public records for the citizens of Clay County. To promote knowledge, understanding, and public participation in the Clay County Government. To encourage excellence and creativity, recognize progress and changes as a friend, and to constantly seek to improve procedures, systems, performance and service. To strive to do our very best for the citizens of Clay County. Motion carried. Motion by Chalstrom, seconded by Brockshus to approve adjustment order #2173 on Rect #3835 for fiscal year 2009-2010; payable year 2010-2011 on parcel #160-963709857901 for Larry Alan Ten Kley for mobile home on leased land in SW SW Riverton Township, Clay County, Iowa in the amount of $230.00. Reason being: Mobile Home removed from Clay County. Motion carried. Kim Wilson, Central Point Coordinator gave and update to the Board regarding four consumers. It was moved by Brockshus, seconded by Matthews, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2010-25 RESOLUTION FOR ABATEMENT FROM TAXES WHEREAS, Clay County desires to remove from Clay County tax rolls, those receipts determined to be uncollectable following the fiscal year 2009-2010 audit performed by Winther, Stave & Company; and Clay County Board of Supervisors December 28, 2010 5 WHEREAS, as the Treasurer has determined that it is impractical to pursue collection of the total amount due pursuant to the sales tax and personal judgment remedies, the Treasurer hereby makes a written recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to abate the amount due; and WHEREAS, Iowa Code §445.16 provides that if the Treasurer makes a written recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to abate the amount due, the Board of Supervisors shall abate, by resolution, the amount due and direct the Treasurer to strike the amount due from the County system; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that it would be impractical to pursue collections of the total amount due pursuant to tax sale and personal judgment remedies. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Supervisors hereby determines that it should abate the amount due and directs the Treasurer to strike the amount due from the County system in the total amount of $13,774.56. Tax receipt detail on file at the County Auditor’s office for review. The above and forgoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Clay County, Iowa, this 28th day of December, 2010 and the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: Brockshus, Chalstrom, Matthews, Skow and Swanson. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairman ATTEST: /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor Motion by Matthews, seconded by Skow to approve 2011 Maintenance Agreements with cities, schools and township trustees and authorize Chairperson to sign agreements. Motion carried. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m. to convene at the next Auditor’s called meeting January 3, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. /s/ Marjorie A. Pitts, County Auditor /s/ Linda Swanson, Chairperson Clay County Board of Supervisors December 28, 2010 6