Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston


Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Neighbor with Neighbor and Neighbor with God
VOL 22 #1
Fall 2013
Office of Mission Advancement
Fiscal Year 2012 Advancement Giving Report
Our donors and other giving resources have supported
our semiannual appeals and have given enthusiastically from
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. The Congregation of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston received $1 million in gifts
and 9,533 donations from donors, grants, foundations and
Wills & Estates as Partners in Ministry. These generous gifts
enable us to support the work we do daily to meet the needs of
our neighbors and provide for our elderly and infirm sisters.
Ministry is at the core of our mission, and your ongoing
financial support complements our efforts daily.
Appeals, Collections for Retired Religious
and Other Donations
We received 2,503 donations to the General Fund through our
appeals totaling $339,892. During the Fall 2012 and Spring
2013 Appeal, 321 donations were made to Elderly & Infirm,
totaling $18,917. The collections for Retired Religious totaled
$348,884. These two collections are from parishioners, locally
through the Church, and nationally, and are vital to all Sisters
of St. Joseph of Boston. Other donations totaling $10,850 were
applied to Retreats & Spiritual Programs, Human Trafficking,
the Holy Spirit Garden and the Motherhouse chapel in
Brighton, MA. In kind donations totaled $5,402.
Card Programs
Donor contributions and support through our card programs
continued to grow again this fiscal year as our Pass Us Along
promotion has caught on and new donors are taking advantage
of these programs. 6,255 donations were made through the card
programs totaling $92,971. These important donations honor the
living and pay tribute to those who have passed away. Donor
generosity is a vital part of how we provide for our retired and
elderly & infirm sisters. Family and friends thoughtfully request
that when a family member or friend of Sister of St. Joseph has
died donations be sent to the Congregation in their memory. Just
over 900 donations were received totaling $37,333 through the
In Lieu of Flowers option.
Wills & Estates
Donors remembered the Congregation through their
Wills & Estates during Fiscal Year 2012. We received
$33,840 designated for our Elderly & Infirm sisters.
We also received a non-restricted donation of $11,000.
Bequests strengthen our ability to respond to the
needs of others, and are another vital, oftentimes,
future source of revenue for the sisters. We thank the
families and friends of those who remembered us and
became Partners in Ministry because they honored
the planned giving wishes of their loved ones. We
will be encouraging our donors to consider this future
giving opportunity by becoming one of our Partners in
Ministry in the months ahead through planned giving.
Ministry Donations
Donations to the following ministries are received
by the Office of Mission Advancement: Casserly
House, The Literacy Connection, St. Joseph Retreat
Center and The Women’s Table. These ministries
received donations and grants for daily operations that
support programs and events. Each of these ministries
fulfills its daily mission and fundraises whenever and
wherever there is an opportunity.
Casserly House raised $60,737 through small events,
grants, a newsletter, and donations. These gifts fund
the newsletter, its adult literacy and summer camp
programs. These funds also provide for various
expenses throughout the year.
The Literacy Connection received $36,500 in grants
and $25,034 through the generosity of donors, some of
which were given because of Connecting. St. Joseph
Retreat Center received $15,111 in donations, some of
which were restricted to various areas of the facility for
improvements. The Women’s Table received $10,905 in
grants and donations.
These ministries provide direct services to the “dear
neighbor” through the Congregation and the financial
support of donors.
We are always mindful that your donations can
change lives. We, therefore, extend our heartfelt thanks
to all of our donors, as we are truly blessed by your
generosity. †
From the President
s I write this article, we are still in a World Series moment
here in Boston. Though the rolling parade is over, the magic
of the season remains. As Sisters of St. Joseph, we also feel
like we are in our own special moment as we begin a year
of celebrating 140 years of presence and dedicated service to the Church
and people of Boston.
There are numerous reasons to mark an anniversary such as this,
and perhaps the most significant reason is the thousands of students,
families, parishioners, co-workers, clergy, and donors, like yourself,
to whom we are deeply grateful. In our Constitution we state, “We
acknowledge humbly and gratefully that from those to whom we
minister we receive more than we give, indeed, in full measure and
flowing over.” It is this relationship we celebrate during this 140th year –
a relationship that is at the heart of all we are and do.
It is our hope that this year will be one of contemplative listening as
to how God is inviting us into the future, along with some celebrating.
So many of you have written to us of your memories of our presence
throughout the Greater Boston area and beyond as educators, nurses,
pastoral associates, spiritual directors, hospital chaplains, and social
workers. Thank you, also, for the special donations celebrating our 140
years. Your gifts continue to be used to provide for medical care for our
infirm sisters and assist in supporting those sisters who are actively
engaged in the mission of the Congregation through their volunteer
work and ministries.
We are exceedingly grateful to you, our donors, whose generosity
allows us to continue to seek new ways to be about serving and
forwarding the mission of Jesus.
Rosemary Brennan, CSJ
Office of Mission Advancement
Mission Statement
The Office of Mission Advancement
of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
fully supports the mission and
ministries of the sisters. We raise
funds to support all present and future
ministries and to continue the legacy of
the community.
We also provide funds through
donor generosity to care for our elderly
and infirm sisters. All donations enable
the Congregation to strengthen its
mission of unity and reconciliation
among the people it serves.
Connecting is published
semi-annually by the Office of
Mission Advancement of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Margaret L. Sullivan, CSJ
Council Liaison
Carol Mack
Cheryl Duggan
Mary Black, CSJ
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Director of Communication
Darlene Rogers
Graphic Designer
Claire Archambault, CSJ
We do not share, rent or sell
our donor list.
The Office of Mission Advancement
makes every effort to list accurately
all information from donors who have
given to the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston during the year.
If you find inaccurate information
or want to notify us of a change
of address, please call us at
Front Cover image: Sister Mary Black
greeting donors on Donor Day 2013.
See story on page 9.
Back Cover: Sister Marie Patrice Carr
greeting donors on Donor Day 2013.
Pictured L-R: Sister Patty Clune of the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Louis receives a Larry
Lucchino-inscribed baseball from Sister Rosemary Brennan.. The baseball was given as a
consolation prize to the loser of a friendly World Series wager. The loser donated $101 (the
age of Fenway Park) to the winner’s charity of choice. Bakhita House, a shelter for victims
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 3
of trafficking, was the charity selectetd by Boston CSJs.
From the Office of Mission Advancement
would like to introduce myself to you. I am
Carol Mack, the new Director of Mission
Advancement for the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston. I look forward to corresponding with
and meeting many of you. I come with many years
of experience in the field of advancement and a
passion to help the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
fulfill their mission.
I am especially pleased to be joining the sisters
and associates during this, the 140th anniversary
celebration year. As I learn about the work of
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, I continue to
be amazed. There seems to be no corner of the
greater Boston area that has not been touched by
the sisters’ love and service to the “dear neighbor”
during the last 140 years. As individual sisters
and as a community, there is a firm, generous, and
ongoing commitment to connecting “neighbor
with neighbor and neighbor with God” – a vibrant
contemporary and inspiring example of living true
Gospel values.
I am so gratified to see the out-pouring of
support that you, our loyal donors, have shown.
THANK YOU! Your response to appeals, your
support of the ministries and your affirmation of
the sisters is a tribute to the spirit of the Gospel
that lives in your own hearts.
I have always loved autumn in New England.
It is such a beautiful time as the most brilliant
colors of the year paint the landscape. Trees have
been growing stronger all summer, and now they
burst into radiant color. It strikes me that this is
a metaphor for the sisters’ lives. So many of the
sisters that I have been privileged to meet are
in their autumn years; a lifetime of growth has
left them “painted” with the vibrant colors of
mature spirituality, abundant knowledge, broad
experience, and deep compassion. Instead of
retiring to a life of leisure, they choose to continue
on with zeal into second and third “careers” as
volunteers, still serving the “dear neighbor” so
close to their hearts.
Pictured L-R: Sister Rosemary Brennan, President,
Sister Peggy Sullivan, CSJ Liaison to Mission
Advancement and Carol Mack, Director of the Office of
Mission Advancement. Pictured R: Sisters, associates,
and friends at the CSJ 140th celebration.
In this issue, you will read the profiles of some
of these “vibrant” sisters along with dedicated
similarly vibrant lay people. Please know that
your generosity is vital and appreciated. Your
contribution supports our sisters and their
ongoing ministry. It also provides for the dignified
professional care of our aging and infirm sisters
whose lives have been selflessly dedicated to
God’s work on earth.
I want you to know that I am totally committed
to advancing the mission of the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Boston. I hope that I can count on
you for your continued support. Together, we do
make a difference by partnering with the sisters
to connect “neighbor with neighbor and neighbor
with God.”
May you enjoy the beauty of autumn and peace
in your heart.
Thank you!
Carol Mack
If It Doesn’t Say
It’s Not Ours
We have, once again, received phone calls
and notes from our friends, relatives, and
donors saying that they have received
solicitations from the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Springfield.
We share many things with our Springfield
sisters: history, tradition, friendship and
a passion for mission. We do not share
finances. We do not share our mailing
list with any other group. Nonprofits can
purchase mailing lists from magazines and
companies. The Springfield sisters do, and
that is why you receive their mailings.
Our mailings always have our logo:
Always our mailing address is:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge St.
Brighton, MA 02135.
Please be sure your gift
reaches its intended destination.
2012 Giving Report Page 2
From the President
Page 3
From the Office of
Mission Advancement
Page 4
CSJ Donor List
Pages 6 - 34
Partners in Ministry
Page 26
Sister Helene Higgins
Page 8
Sister Mary Black
Page 9
Associate Joanne Mauldin Page 14
Sister Mary Mills
Page 15
Sister Diane Neumeyer
Page 16
Rep. Kevin Honan
Pages 20-21
Fall 2012 Luncheon
Page 22
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 5
e, Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates, thank you and keep you constantly in our prayers. Your
ongoing support enables us to care for our elderly and infirm sisters and to reach out to the
“dear neighbor” daily. Your support also helps us to continue our service to God’s people
through our diverse ministries. We have listed your names in this issue of Connecting as part of
our accountability. The following reflects those who have made donations through our
Office of Mission Advancement or on behalf of our ministries from
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
Georgeann Abatzis
Richard Abbadessa
Margaret Abells
James & Catherine Abely
Rev. K. Anoma Abeyaratne
Clarissa M. Achorn
Anne M. Ackerman
Elides Acosta & Elena Millan
Donald & Kathleen Adams
Mary & George Adduci
Mary & Michael Adgate
The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
Peter & Eileen Agnes
Rita Agnes
Diane DiTullio Agostino
Mary L. Ahearn
Paula Ahearn
Catherine Ahern
Mary & Paul Ahern
Salvatore & Mary Ellen Aia
Frances F. Akell
Fabian & Jeannette Albarran
Pauline E. Alberghini
Thomas J. Albert
Nora Albino
John & Mary Alden
Mary Alessandroni
Alice & Fred Wall Family
Helen M. Allain
John Allaire Jr.
Allen Dental Associates PC
Anne Allen
Gerard F. Allen
Nancy J. Allen
Patricia Daly Allen
Allston Brighton Community
Development Corp.
Allston Village Main Streets
Barbara & Brian Alosi
Anne & Carl Alsmeyer
American Gold Wing Assoc.
Nancy Amicangelo
Elizabeth & Carmen Amico
John & Suzanne Amico
Mary F. Amrock
Claire & George Anderson
Francine & Richard Anderson
George & Virginia Anderson
Kathleen Anderson
Marybeth Anderson
Sheryl L. Anderson
Charles & Bertha Angeramo
Jean Anjoorian & Family
Mary Ellen & Kenneth
Anonymous Donors
Michelle & Paul Antico
Paul F. Antonellis
Arbella Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Regina Paloian Arcement
Ernie Ardolino
Arlington Catholic H. S.
Sister Alice Armata OP
Olivia S. Armato
Susan & Richard Armenia
Frances Armstrong
Sarah E. Arnini
Elizabeth & Walter Arnold Jr.
Eva Arnott
Mary G. Arricale
Margaret Arrigo
Janice & Bob Arsenault
& Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Susan & Barry Ashton
Irene Atkinson
Louis & Beatrice Attardo
Anthony & Joan Auciello
Jeanne M. Aurelio
Ronald D. Ayotte
John Babchak
Jean M. Babcock
Mary Babic
Joan M. Bacon
Jennifer & Francis Badger
Sheila J. Bailey
Patricia & Lloyd Bain
Mary Baker & Mary
Ken & M. Val Baker
Donna Balboni
Donald & Margaret Baldaro
Ross & Frances Baldessarini
Dan & Michelle Balestrieri
Judith Balestrieri
Tony & Jen Balestrieri
Paul & Lillian Banas
Doris & Donald Banks
Anne Marie Barber
Dianne Barber
Mary Ellen Barnes
Pat & Gordon Barnes
Patricia A. Barnes
Erika Barnet
Joyce A. Barney
Samuel & Eileen Barrera
John M. Barrett
Joseph & Catherine Barrett
June Bowser Barrett
Margaret Barrett
Sarah T. Barrett
Lynn Barry
Madeline Barry
Mary E. Barry
Robert & Paula Barry
Anita Bartell
M. Trearty Bartley
Kate Barton
Charles E. Batchelder
Ruthann & Richard Bates
Thomas & Teresa Battell
Leona M. Battista
Janet & Frank Battles Jr.
Peggy Baumeister
Mary Kelly Bavis
Jamie & Mark Baxter
& Family
Meryl Baxter
Joseph P. Beaton
Al & Lizanne Beaudoin
Gerald Beaudreault
James & Paula Beauregard
Mary Becker
Eva G. Becky
Joanne & Robert Bedell
Ruth E. Beecher
Patricia & Robert Begin
Ann & Bruce Belason
& Family
Nicholas G. Belezos
Robert Belley
David F. Belluche
Edmond F. Bemis
Mary R. Bemis
Nancy M. Bene
Bette Bennett
Sheila & Jack Bennett
Mary Benoit
Julia Benson
Alice Berard
Mary & Axel Berg
Anne Bergeron
Ellen & Michael Bergeron
Peter & Jackie Berlandi
Mary Bernard
Michael & Pat Bernier
Virginia & Frederick Berrien
Ruth & William Berrigan
John J. Berry Jr.
Yale J. Berry MD
James Bertino
Doris Bertocchi
Robert & Grace Bertolino
The Berube & Ashin Families
Theresa & Mark Berube
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beston
Bethany Health Care Center
Louise Beucler
Linda Bezanson
Stephen Biagioni
Virginia Biagiotti
Bigemm Services Inc.
Janice Settana Bingham
Virginia Birge
Maureen Bisognano
Col. & Mrs. Robert L. Black
Constance Foley Black
Janice & Kevin Black
John & Patricia Black
Martha Black
Maureen C. Blair
John J. Blake Jr.
Rose Breslin Blake
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
Daniel & Norah Blaney
Marlene Blaney
Margaret Blood
Deborah & Robert Bloomberg
Geraldine Bloomer
Lucinda Chandonait Boaen
Irene F. Bocella
Charles D. Boddy Jr.
James Bodoin
Walter & Zoraida Bohn
Helen Bojanowski
Bill & Maureen Boland
Alice & Nelson Bolen
Joseph A. Bolino
Sheila & Tony Bonacci
Linda Boothroyd
Irene & Mel Borden
Kathleen Borgal
Marguerite Quill Bosman
Boston College Governmental
Boston Sand & Gravel
Boston University
Elizabeth Bostrom
Nan & Paul Bouche
Paula J. Boudreau
Rev. Charles E. Bourke Jr.
Michael Bourque
Ed & Laurie Boutin
Frances T. Bowen
Daniel & Janine Bowes
John & Donna Bowie
Christopher & Virginia
Ann & Richard Bowler
Jack & Anne Bowman
Denise & Charles Bowser
Michael & Regina Bowser
Catherine Boylan
Leonard & Kathleen Boyle
Mary E. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Boyle
Marianne Bozzi
Celeste M. Braceland
Jill Rita Braceland
Mary & Joseph Bracken
Val & Jack Bracken
Msgr. Roger J. Brady
Patricia & Charles Brady
Thomas P. Brady
John Braithwaite
Kathleen Brearley
Arlene & Paul Breen Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Breen
Mr. & Mrs. William Breen
Rev. Garcia Breneville
Donna Brennan
Mary Lou Brennan
Patricia Boyle Brewin
Anne F. Briand
Marguerite & Thomas Brick
Edward & Elizabeth Brickley
Margaret Bridges
Mary Brienzo
Martha C. Brigham
Philip & Catherine Brine
James & Susan Britt
Tom & Judy Britt
Frank & Maureen Broderick
& Family
Frances Broderick
Muriel Brodette
James & Kathleen Bronsdon
Helen M. Bronzo
Mary Brophy
Rita Brosnahan & Francis
Michael & Nancy Brown
& Family
Anna M. Brown
Bernice Reynolds Brown
John & Susan Brown
Lt. Col. James Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown
Patricia Brown
Stanley & Gail Brown
Joseph J. Bruce SJ
Margaret M. Bruce
Gisela & John Brunaccini
Evelyn & Patrick Burke
Jeanne M. Burke
Joan M. Burke
John J. Burke
Noreen Burke
Paul & Joan Burke
William & Hsiao-Hua Burke
Judith W. Burling
Robert & Lisa Burns
Vin & Vinnie Burns
George Burr
John Burr
Nancy Busnach & Joe
Marie C. Butler
Cynthia & Alan Butters
Katherine Rose Buxton
Maureen Byrne
Pictured back to front: Sisters Ann McNeil, Charlene
Favreau, Kathy Short, and Associate Elsie Cheverie at the
Liturgy celebrating the CSJ 140th celebration.
Dianne & Thomas Brunner
Jean M. Bruno
Angelina Buchanan
Megan Buchheit
Albert & Joan Buckley Sr.
Buddhist Assoc. of Mass.
David G. Budinger
George R. Bulger
Theodore & Donna Bunnell
Elizabeth R. Buonaugurio
Paul J. Buonopane
Mary C. Burchill
Jane McCarthy Burdick
Mike & Bev Burdick
Mary M. Burgarella
George & Bernadette
Joan M. Burgess
Rita Burgio
Deidra & John Burke
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Burke
Eileen C. Burke
Elizabeth & Jack Burke
Brian Byrnes
Anna & James Byron
Dennis Byron
Lynn & Edward Bzdula
Catherine & Robert
Marianne & John Cafazzo
William T. Cafferky
& Family
Kristine Cafferky
John & Cynthia Cafferty
Mary E. Cafferty
Patricia Caffrey
John & Virginia Cahill
& Family
Ann M. Cahill
Catherine Cahill
Dan Cahill
Gerald & Elizabeth Cahill
Katherine & James Cahill
Kathleen J. Cahill
Patricia M. Cahill
George & Joan Call
Daniel & Helen Callahan
James & Carol Callahan
Joan & Edward Callahan
Joseph P. Callahan
Marge E. Callahan
Thomas & Jean Callahan
David & Naomi Callender
Miriam Calnan
James Camardo
Mary R. Came
Geraldine & Bob Cameron
Richard C. Cameron
Robert & Elinor Curtin Cameron
Don & Ann Campbell
Grace M. Campbell
Rosemary Campbell
William & Candace Campbell
Mary Campos
Charles & Jacqueline Canali
Christine & John Canavan & Family
John W. Canavan
Michael J. Canavan
John & Mary Candito
Tom & Jane Cangiano
Noreen & Vincent Cannamela
Bernadette Canniff
Dorothy Canniff
Joan & Vincent Cannistraro
Emily Canty & Family
Anne & Edgar Canty
Ann & Mary Caples
Joseph & Margaret Capodanno
Valerie Cappola
Susan Rich Caramadre
Robert & Barbara Carberry
Dr. & Mrs. J. Edward Carchidi
Peter & Madeleine Cardello
Cardinal Spellman High School
John Carew III
John & Gloria Carew
Margaret V. Carey
George & Mary Carey
Marilyn Carey
Mary Lou Carey
Rev. George F. Carlson
F. Mary Carney
Anne & Ernie Carpenter
Carpenters Local Union #40
H. Patrick & Susan Carr
James F. Carr
John Carr
Thomas Carrigg & Son Inc.
Michael & Margaret Carrington
Barbara J. Carroll
John & Penelope Carroll
Lauren Carroll
Mary & William Carroll
Rita M. Carroll
CSJ Donors continued on page10
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 7
Sister Helene Higgins
or the past seven years, Sister Helene
Higgins’ ministry has been providing
parish and community outreach services
for New Hampshire Catholic Charities.
She sees it as a way “to help people (get) around
the corner.” “Hopefully,” she said during a recent
interview, “we are helping them move their lives
forward.” Sister does that by being the ‘connector.’
For example, she was recently helping a family
resolve an electric bill issue, and learned their
nine-year-old child was sleeping on a broken
futon. At the same time, a family called to donate
two day beds. Needless to say, Sister Helene
connected the two, and now, the child is sleeping
much more comfortably. Sister Helene said, “I am
grateful when I am able to help, and to connect
people with services.” With a chuckle, she told
an anecdote about herself. Another agency had
run out of ideas to help someone, and told that
person, “When you don’t know what to do, call
Sister Helene.” “When you call,” they said, “she
will listen, and if she doesn’t have an immediate
answer, she will call back in 24 to 48 hours with a
solution.” And, sure enough, in this particular case,
Sister Helene called back a day later with an idea.
She believes, “You just have to take the time to
think it through.”
Unfortunately though, there are also frustrations
with the ministry. For example, there are those
who keep seeking help over a period of years from
Catholic Charities. Sister Helene finds herself
telling them, “We know your need, but we can’t
respond right now.” Besides the frustrations, Sister
Helene said, she sees a lot of sadness in her work.
“We pour out our lives for others, and so we need
to replenish ourselves,” she said.
Sister Helene, who entered the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Boston in 1965, “feeds her soul” by
walking two to four miles every day. She also has
treated herself to tickets to the Boston Symphony
Orchestra. Doing things like this “make you see
there’s another world out there.” In fact, her world
has not been just Catholic Charities.
By Judy Wasserman
“Our greatest
gift is
Pictured R:Sister Helene during a recent board meeting.
Over the years, her ministries have included being a
high school teacher, college professor, and campus
minister. Sister, who is not ready to retire, also said
there are many touching moments in her work. “God
watches over us and helps us connect.”
Looking to the future, Sister Helene said she knows
she must feed her soul “to continue what I am doing.”
She also hopes to start more projects and get more
people involved in them, so she can start to step away.
It’s pretty certain one of the lessons she will teach
others is that “our greatest gift is connecting.” †
Sister Mary Black
By Judy Wasserman
“Talking to people,” said
Sister Mary, helps her to
connect to them.
“I appreciate the time I have
to relate to people more.”
Pictured: Mark Ciommo, City Councilor, speaks with
Sister Mary Black.
ister Mary Black readily admits she “misses
teaching a lot.” But, that hasn’t stopped her
from enjoying her retirement, and “dabbling”
in many different interests. Sister Mary
finds that now, she can be more prayerful, and has time
to read and learn more. Her days are filled with a variety
of activities, as well. She is a consultant to the Office
of Mission Advancement for the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston, a volunteer for a safe house for women who
have been victims of human trafficking, a visitor to
Sisters residing at Bethany Healthcare Center on a regular
schedule, takes a water aerobics class, and visits with a
former aerobics participant who is now in an assisted living
facility. Sister Mary also volunteers at Cathedral High
School and visits a friend who is in prison. She believes
her visits to the prison are more meaningful now because
she has more time to spend there. She can “really listen
now.” Talking to people, helps her to connect to them. “I
appreciate the time I have to relate to people more.”
Sister Mary “retired” in 2012 after spending 33
years at Cathedral High School in the South End,
as a teacher and as the director of development.
Enthusiastic in the classroom and as an
administrator, or raising funds for the school,
Sister Mary looks at Cathedral High School as
“a very special, wonderful place.” Nowadays,
she volunteers there by helping with specific
fundraising events such as the annual golf
tournament. Before she arrived at Cathedral High
School, sister taught at: Walnut Park School,
Newton, St. Theresa School, West Roxbury,
St. Thomas School, Jamaica Plain, and at St.
Columbkille High School, Brighton, where she
had been principal for three years.
Sister was also novice director for the
Congregation for eight years and worked with
a Latino social service agency for two years.
Politics has been and still is an interest of hers.
Sister Mary has served with a Catholic Social
Justice lobbying group and is now a board
member of the Brighton Board of Trade and the
St. Helena House in the South End.
If that is not enough, she is on the CSJ
committee creating the Dare to Dream Dinner to
celebrate the 140th year of the Congregation of
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Having entered in 1949, Sister Mary said
this first year of retirement has been a time for
“exploring and trying new things.” Stay tuned for
what’s next! †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 9
CSJ Donors continued from page 7
Roberta K. Carroll
Agnes M. Carson
Catherine T. Carta
Carter & Company
Adeline & Paul Carter
James & Cheryl Carter
Leroy & Rita Carter
Richard P. Carter
John & Maria Carty
William C. Casey III & Family
Edward G. Casey
Francis & Joanne Casey
Janet Casey
Jim & Allison Casey
Louise Casey
Maureen Casey
Ralph & Mercedes Casey
Larry & Kathy Cashin
Ellen B. Cashman
Christine Cassels
Ruth A. Cassidy
Bernadette Castellanos
Mary E. Caterino
Catholic Alumni Club of
Catholic Daughters of America
Court #324
Catholic Daughters of America
Catholic Daughters of the
Americas Malden
Catholic Daughters of the
Americas West Newton
Catholic Daughters of the
Americas Newton
Catholic Order of Foresters
Carroll Court #57
Henry R. Cavalieri
Mary & Pauline Cavallaro
Joan Power Cavanaugh
& Family
Kenneth & Alberta
Theresa M. Cavicchi
John J. Cawley
Kathleen M. Cawley
Sabino J. Celata
Philip & Judith Celeste
Pat Coughlin Celona
& Joseph Celona
Michael & Mindy Celona
Domenica & Carmelo Cence
Dolores Centola
Centre Cuts
Patricia & Frank Centrella Jr.
Pat Cerasuolo
Mary Cerrato
Virginia A. Cerretani
Margaret Maloof Cerulo
Ellie Chamberland
Chapman Construction
Barbara A. Chase
Claire Chase
Elsie Cheverie
June Chin
Judith E. Chisholm
Marion Chisholm
Richard & Joan Chisholm
Loretta G. Chmura
Kathleen & Herbert Choate
Anne M. Chochrek
Sheila Christensen
Zachary Christman & Jessica
Church of the Sacred Heart
Marie A. Churchill
Jeannette Ciacia
Maria & Sal Ciampa
Patricia Ciampi
Salvatore J. Ciccarelli
Rosella Cicchese
June Cieri & Tom Brown
Maria & Michael Cioffi
Margaret Ciriello
Bob & Ann Citrano
City Realty Group
Ritajane Clancy
This check is in appreciation for
the exceptional education and
life lessons learned during my
years at St. Catherine School
in Somerville, MA, and at
Arlington Catholic High School in
Arlington, MA.
Peter Agnes Wayland, MA
William & Katherine Clancy
William & Mary Clancy
Fr. Bob Clark SSC
Elizabeth Clark
Janice Clark
Stetson H. Clark
Julia L. Clarke
Margaret T. Clarke
Eileen Clarkson
Thomas & Jane Clasby
Mary & Jack Clawson
Susan Clawson
Dorothy Clifford
Helena S. Clifford
Jane & John Clifford
Jeanne A. Clifford
Joseph & Joan Clifford
Patricia & Brian Clifford
Rev. Donald P. Clifford
Clinton Teachers Assoc.
Clipper Ship Foundation Inc.
Nancy R. Cloonan
Virginia Clough
Patricia Coakley
Paul & Joan Coakley
Patricia Coates
David & Mary Jean
Patricia & Gerard Cody
Zita & Humberto Coelho
Edward & Letitia Coffey
Kathleen M. Coffey
Leonard Coffill
Barbara P. Coghlan
Pamela Cogliandro
Mary Cohane
Joan & Fred Colangeli
Mary L. Colangelo
Barbara Colarossi
Francis & Jean Colbert
Florence & George Cole
Margaret M. Cole
Kenneth W. Colebourn
Henry Colella
Jack & Marge Coleman
Margaret & Peter Colerico
Coles & Provencher
The Coles & Swiatkowski
Trudy Coles
Linda Coletti
Richard & Jo Collari
Collection For Retired
Religious Women
Georgette Collins
Kathleen & John Collins
Mary & Paul Collins
Maureen Collins
Rev. James R. Collins
Trudie A. Collins
Mary P. Colomey
Linda Colozzi
Mary A. Columbus
George E. Comeaux
Kathleen M. Comfrey
Comm. to Elect Kevin Honan
Comm. to Elect Mark Ciommo
Comm. to Elect John Connolly
Comm. to Elect Stephen Murphy
Eleanor Commane
Patricia Commane
Commonwealth Mgmt. Group
Bernard & Irene Condelli
Ed & Nancy Condon
Joan F. Conley
Marion Conley
Bob & Eleen Conlon
Claire Murphy Conlon
Frances J. Conlon
Thomas & Catherine
Ann M. Connelly
Helen M. Connelly
Mary E. Connelly
Sara A. Connerty
E. Ruth Connolly
Elizabeth A. Connolly
Helen I. Connolly
James M. Connolly
John & Bridget Connolly
Joseph T. Connolly
Michael & Lynda Connolly
Paul Connolly
Rosemary Connolly
Steve & Patricia Connolly
Tom & Mary Connolly
William M. Connolly
Joan M. Connor
Mary C. Connor
Thomas & Mary Connor
Josephine Connors
Paul & Justine Connors
Rita Connors
Thomas A. Connors
Elizabeth Conrad
Chris & Sharon Mayer Conroy
Philip & Nancy Considine
The Consoli, Fahey & Huston
Lisa Constanzo
Irene Z. Conte
Louis V. Contrino
The Conway Family
Charlotte & Robert Conway
Marion Nelson Conway
Mary H. Cook
Lisa & John Corbett & Family
Pictured L-R: Sisters Pat Underwood and Rita Welch
joined others in a day of prayer, fasting, and advocacy for
immigration reform at the Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse.
Elaine & Paul Corbett
Jan & Jim Corbett
Kate & John Corbett
Helen Corcoran
Mary & George Corcoran
Mary Ellen Corcoran
Helen M. Corkery
Rae & Lena Cornetta
Corrib Charitable Trust
Robert & Nancy Corriveau
Sandy Burke Cortese
Marie Claire Coscia
Joseph & Bernadette Costa
& Family
Andrew & Josephine Costa
Charles J. Costello
Claire Costello
Vincent Costello
Geri & Ray Costigan & Family
Anne & Paul Cotter
Evelyn F. Cotter
William & Mary Cottle
Phyllis C. Coughlin
Thomas J. Coughlin
Maureen Courtenay
Ruth Covell
Margaret Tkacik Coyne
Patricia & Stephen Coyne
Elizabeth Craig
Helen Craig
Robert & Mary Crane
Joel & Eunice Craven
Mary G. Crawford
Robert E. Creighton
Mary B. Crimlisk
Eileen Crisp
Carol Cristello
Harold Cristol
Margot Critchfield
Nancy Crombie
John & Joan Cronan
Basil Cronin
Elsie & John Cronin
Lianne M. Cronin
Margaret A. Cronin
Marion F. Cronin
Patricia Cronin
Barbara A. Crowe
Helen Crowell
Robert W. Crowley Esq.
Aileen T. Crowley
Gertrude A. Crowley
Kara Crowley
Mary Crowley
Patricia Crowley
Patricia Doherty Crowley
Ellen & Paul Crump
Mrs. Gerard Crump & Paul
Michael C. Csorba
T. Richard Cuffe
Donna & John Cullinan
Joan Lyons Cullinan
Daniel C. Cullinane Jr.
Geraldine C. Cummings
Lucille A. Cunnane
Enid Cunniff
Mary E. Cunniff
Martin Cunniffe
Mary Cunning
Jean Cunningham
Mary E. Cunningham
John E. Curley Jr.
Jack & Kathy Curley
Claire Curnane
Norma Curnane
Brendan & Frances Curran
Helen Curran
Kathy L. Curran
Lawrence & Marcia Curran
Robert & Helen Curran
Katherine & Steve Currier
Mary Currivan
Kevin & Diane Curry
Jack & Mary Curtin
Mary P. Curtin
Gerald & Jeanne Curtis
Mary & Damian Curtiss
Josephine Cushing & Mary
Josephine Cushing
Edward & Suzanne Cuthbert
Peter Cymrot
Dale D’Agnese
Edward D’Alelio
Frances D’Amato
Anita & Flora D’Angio
Most Reverand John M.
Stephen G. d’Entremont
Anthony P. D’Isidoro
Nino & Terese D’Urso
Marilyn DaVanage
William & Maryelene Dailey
Kathleen F. Daley & Family
The Daley Family
Mary & Richard Daley Jr.
Ann Marie Daley
Maureen A. Daley
Patricia A. Daley
Kenneth & Geraldine Dalton
Jane & James Daly & Family
The Daly Family
Marguerite A. Daly
Nancy Daly
Paul V. Daly
The Dame Family
Kevin Dame
Andrea Damian
Antonio & Patricia Damian
Carla Damian
Drew Dancoe
Mary V. Dandrow
Maureen G. Dangelo
Mary & Richard Danner
Cecile Darcy
Jane C. Darcy
Mary & Francis Darcy
Patricia B. Dardano
Paul F. Darrah
Thomas & Barbara Dator
& Family
Dolores Dauenhauer
Rosemarie & Edward
Davidson & Family
Caroline & Jessica Davidson
Holly Davis
Lucy & John Davis
Marion V. Davis
Paula & Perry Davis
William Davis
Margaret Davoren
Jim & Elaine Dawson
Rita & Paul Dawson
Ron & Mary Dawson
Charles & Phyllis Day
Mary & Brian Day
Grace DeAngelis
James & Mary DeCamp
Judith DeCourcy
Priscilla Cancellieri DeLong
Eleanor DeLuco
Patrick & Laura DeMaio & Family
Mary K. DeMaio
Lena DeMinico
Karen & Nick DePalo
Mary E. DeRoche
Elaine DeSisto
Patricia DeVito & Family
Joseph & Jeanne DeVito
Sister Eleanor Deady
Barbara & Edward Deane
Rita C. DeBellis
Peggy Vale DeBoy
Dec-tam Corporation
Janet Deegan & Connie Cervone
Louis J. DeFeo
Barbara A. DeFlumere
Rev. James F. Degnan
Rosemarie DelGizzi
Elaine & William DelValle
Delaney & Delaney
Brian Delaney
Charlotte Delaney
Mary Rose & Michael Delaney
Virginia S. Delaney
Anthony Della Piana
Anna DelloRusso
Alice Delmore
Cdr. Michael J. Demeo USN (Ret.)
Edward & Barbara Jo Demeo
Palmer C. Demeo
Beth O’Connor Demers
Richard & Barbara Demers
Margaret Ferrick DeMott
Jean Dempsey
Richard & Elaine Denning
Claire & Eugene Derba
May Deschene & Family
Irene Desharnais
E. Michael Desilets
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Desilets
Alec DeSimone
Genevieve Desmond
Lorraine M. Deta
Barbara A. Deveney
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 11
Pictured:Sisters Charlotte Gulino and Ellen Pumphret visit with
Sister Mary McCormack at a recent CSJ gathering at St. Joseph
Hall, Framingham, MA.
Mary Dever
Paula Devereaux & Richard
Paul A. Devereaux
Robert J. Devereaux
Paul & Judith Devin
Helen & J. Martin Devine
Kathleen Donovan Devine
Kim Devine
Maureen Devine
Rev. Terrence P. Devino SJ
Catherine Devlin
Peggy Devlin
Susan Devlin
Devlin’s Pub & Bistro
Deborah DeWitt
Dick & Cathy DiBurro
Frank & Isabella DiCarlo
Janet DiCarlo
DiCenso Family Charitable
Mary DiCenzo
Elaine & Sophie DiCicco
Margaret & Robert DiFazio
Carmen A. DiMaggio
Jean & Amalia DiMauro
& Family
Andrew & Amalia DiMauro
Marilyn & Luigi DiNapoli
Mary DiPerna
Thomas & Jean M. DiPietro
Mr. & Mrs. Edward DiRamio
Susan DiRocco & Mary-Lou
Irene DiRocco
Brenda DiSessa
Barbara & Nazzareno DiVito
Eduardo Diaz
Margaret Diggins
Nancy A. DiGiovanni
Nancy Dignan & Family
Alice Marie & Robert Dill
Jeff & Rosemary Dillon
Noreen & Joseph Dillon
Sheryl Dinisco
Neil Dinn
Gertrude D. Diskin
Ronnie Dittmeier
Division of Juvenile Justice
Services N. H.
Virginia Doane
Anne Melly Doherty
& Family
Patricia Doherty & The
Corner Girls
Marisa & Francis Doherty Jr.
Anna F. Doherty
Catherine Doherty
Claire T. Doherty
Dennis & Peggy Doherty
Dennis & Carol Doherty
Gene Doherty
Jean & Francis Doherty
John & Lois Doherty
Karen Doherty
Leo M. Doherty
Lydia Doherty
Marie T. Doherty
Mary Doherty
Neil & Betty Doherty
Rebecca Doherty
Richard T. Doherty
Rita A. Doherty
Virginia Doherty
Anne Dolan
Anne Tierney Dolan
Frank G. Dolan
Janice A. Dolan
Maureen & John Dolan
Theresa E. Dolan
Leonard & Gloria Donadio
Brian & Margaret Donaher
Dorothy L. Donahoe
The Donahue Family
Anne M. Donahue
John A. Donahue
Louise & John Donahue
Mary E. Donahue
Ruth M. Donahue
Agatha Donato
Jack & Julie Donehue
Kathryn Donelin
Teresa Dones
Joan Donlan
Joan & Phil Donnelly
Deacon Leo & Edna
Barbara Donohue
Anne T. Donovan
Barry Donovan
Carol Donovan
Carole Donovan
Dianne & John Donovan
Elizabeth Bowen Donovan
Hon. Carol A. Donovan
Jeremiah J. Donovan
Joseph & Agnes Donovan
Margaret Donovan
Marguerite Donovan
Mary E. Donovan
Mary Louise Donovan
William & Dorothy Donovan
William C. Donovan
Elinor C. Dooley
Kathi & Jim Doran
Ralph & Jacqueline
Alan & Carmen Dornan
Rick & Patti Dorney
Angela & Charles Doucot
Marie Doughty
Barbara Dowds
Janet & Robert Dowling
John & Kathleen Dowling
Maureen Dowling
Peg Dowling
Robert & Elizabeth Dowling
William & Helen Downey
Miriam & John Downs
Ann Marie Doyle
Anne McCloskey Doyle
Christopher Doyle
Frances T. Doyle
Gregory W. Doyle
Henry & Kathleen Doyle
James & Joan Doyle
Kathleen T. Doyle
Kevin & Dorothy Doyle
Michael & Patricia Doyle
The Family of Loretta Doyle
Jane Brady Dragone
Charles & Joan Drane
Walter Drew
Elizabeth Driscoll
Geraldine A. Driscoll
Hannah Driscoll
Jeremiah & Cherie Driscoll
John Joseph Driscoll
Nora E. Driscoll
Ronald & Donna Driscoll
Tom & Carol Driscoll
David W. Drislane
John & Karen Dronzek
Christen DuCharme
Barbara Duane
Charles R. DuBerger
Annemarie & Ed DuBois
Charles Duddy
Marianne & John Duffy & Family
Clare Duffy & Russell Anderson
Thomas Duffy Jr.
Agnes Duffy
Arthur J. Duffy
Eugene & Carole Duffy
John & Mary Duffy
Kathleen V. Duffy
Mary & James Duffy
Joe & Catherine Dugan
Robert C. Dugan
Mary L. Duganiero & Family
Dominic Duganiero
Cheryl Anne Duggan
Paul J. Duggan MD
Mary Dundon
Katherine & Joseph Dunford
James & Jackelene Dunn
Jeanne M. Dunn
Madeline Dunn
Marjorie L. Dunn
Robert & Mary Dunn
William H. Dunn
Lorraine Canty Dunnett
Maureen Quinn Dupont
Mary Dupuis
Mary & Bill Durgin
Rosemarie Durkin
Robert B. Durso
Paul & Mary Duseau & Family
Robert & Margaret Dwight
Raymond & Carol Dwyer
Patricia & William Eagar
East Coast Benefit Plans Inc.
Margaret M. Ebbs
The Edinburg Center
Andrew & Maria Edmonds
Irene F. Egan
Jean & John Emde
Rev. George Emerson
Helen A. Emma
Mary Endsley
Mary Jane England MD
Susan English
Christine J. Engustian
Walter L. Enos
Charles Enright
James Enright
Louisa Enright
Roberta H. Erickson
Pauline Erker
Elton & Eileen Ernest
Lorraine Eshbach
John A. Esposito
Estate of Charles J. Murphy
Estate of Doris J. Costello
Estate of Helen T. Skrzowski
Estate of Jean R. McCall
Estate of Richard J. Butler
Barbara Esty
George & Catherine Esty
Sister Jean Evans RSM
Ellen Rita Evans
Fr. George Evans
Jeanne Evans
F. I. Patnode Insurance
Frank A. Facella DDS
Marguerite C. Fagan
Eileen Faggiano
Anne & John Faherty
Florence Fahey
John J. Fahey
Anita Fahy
Gerry Fair
Mary Falcione
Carol A. Fales & Family
Anne & Frank Fallon & Family
Mark Fallon
Mary Fallon
John Michael Falvey Jr.
Joan Falvey
Robert Falvey
Robert & Catherine Falvey
Family Nurturing Center
Joseph McKeown & Family
Francis X. Fandel
Sharon & Joseph Fanelli
Joanne Driscoll Fantini
Mary Scanlan Farley
Rita Farley
Christine Farmer
Francis & Helen Farmer
John P. Farrell PhD
Eileen Farrell
Joan C. Farrell
Patricia Farrell
Dennis & Jacqulyn Farrelly
Catherine Farren
Mary A. Faunce
Debbie Fay
Margaret & Neal Fay
John & Suzanne Feeley
Jacqueline Feeney
Harold & Madeline
Edward & Joanne Fenlon
Donald & Elaine Fenner
Ned & Ethel Fenstermacher
Theresa & John Fenton
Florence M. Ferguson
Jeff Ferguson
Kathleen Fernandez
John & Theresa Ferolito
Rosalind Ferrante
Andrew & Margaret Ferrara
Irene A. Ferrara
Anna M. Ferraro
Anne & Frank Ferreira
Richard C. Ferreira
Kathryn Ferri
Susan Ferzoco
Tracey Fiasconaro
Elizabeth Fidler
Dan & Elizabeth Finn
Maureen Finn
Patricia A. Finn
Francis & Denise Finnegan
Richard & Georgia Finnegan
Evelyn A. Finneran
Robert A. Finneran
Edward & Catherine
Joseph Fiore & Laura Cross
Al & Kerin Fitzgerald
Eileen M. Fitzgerald
James & Barbara Fitzgerald
John J. Fitzgerald
Julie & Brendan Fitzgerald
Maurice J. Fitzgerald
Terry & Jacqueline
Linda Fitzgibbons
Edward L. Fitzmaurice
Barbara & Richard
Margaret Fitzpatrick
Ronan J. Fitzpatrick
Paula M. Fitzsimmons
Barbara & Thomas Flaherty
Catherine A. Flaherty
Elaine Flaherty
Joseph & Deberah Flaherty
Margaret Kelly Flaherty
Patricia Collins Flaherty
Robert & Mary Flaherty
Rosemary Flaherty
Sheila & Thomas Flaherty
James & Mary Flahive
Jean Flanigan
Helen M. Fleming
Joseph A. Fleming
Lawrence & Christine
Ruth M. Fleming
Thomas J. Fleming
Evangelie Flessas
James & Dorothy Flett
Claire Flynn
Kathleen Kelley Flynn
Mary Flynn
Harry & Frances Foden
Barbara J. Foley
Carolyn A. Foley
Claire Foley
Claire T. Foley
Eileen Foley
John & Joan Foley
Lawrence Foley
Margaret Foley
Martin J. Foley
Mary Ellen Foley
Michele Foley
Pat & Marty Foley
Peggy Foley
Thomas & Virginia Foley
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Foley
Joseph & Virginia Fontana
Fontbonne Academy
Fontbonne Academy
Sunshine Club
Dr. & Mrs. Augustino T.
Susan Ford & Paul Paoletti
M. Joyce Ford
Marie Forti
William & Ivy Foshey
C. A. Foster
Claire M. Fouhy
Robert & Mildred Foy
Framingham Carpet Center
Joseph & Jane Francis
John & Virginia Frangos
Gregory & Janet Fraser
Michael & Nanci Fraser
Austine Frawley
Margaret E. Frazier
Frederick & Joan Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. George Freeman
William & Linda French
Virginia Frew
Linda Friberg
Daniel F. Friel CPA PC
Patricia A. Friel
Friends at Lincoln St. School
Maureen K. Frisoli
Anne Marie Fulton
Patricia D. Furber
Mary & John Furlong Sr.
Angela & Dennis Fusco
Ursula Gabryielski
Bethany & Nathan Gade
Mary H. Gaffney & Friends
Frances D. Gajewski
Nancy Galetsky
James Gallagher
Julia Gallagher
Linda Gallagher
Michael & Theresa Gallagher
Patricia Gallagher
Robert & Joan Gallagher
CSJ Donors continued on page 17
Enclosed please find a check
I wish to donate in gratitude and
thanks for the many gifts I’ve received
from the Sisters of St. Joseph. I and
my entire family have been enriched
beyond measure, and each of us hold
many treasured memories deep within.
I only wish it could be more.
Patricia Damian Medford, MA
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 13
Joanne Mauldin, CSJA
n May 1, 2013, Joanne Mauldin became
an Associate of the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston. Since then, she has attended
monthly congregation, associate, and
trinity meetings.
Her connection to the Congregation began during her
junior high school years while attending St. Francis de
Sales School in Roxbury. Next, she was taught by the
Sisters of Charity of Halifax at St. Patrick High School,
where she participated in chorus, glee club, sodality,
cheerleading, and volunteered with the Dominican
Sisters of the Sick and Poor.
It was at this time that Joanne felt her first calling to
enter religious life. Because of the changes after Vatican
II, the Dominicans were not accepting candidates, so
she decided to pursue her LPN license, hoping she
would eventually be accepted as a Dominican Sister.
“But, this was not in the plans God had in mind for
me,” Joanne explained. At the age of twenty-one, she
entered the Sisters of Charity of Halifax in Wellesley,
and remained a sister for eight years.
Again, God had other plans for her. “I attended
New England Baptist School of Nursing and Pine
Manor College and became an RN.” Joanne continued
her education at Boston University and received a
certificate in geriatric nursing. She worked as a staff
nurse at New England Baptist Hospital for eight years.
She met her husband Richard and became the mother
of Janine and Greg. At this time, she reestablished her
relationship with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and
became the Director of Nurses at Bethany Healthcare
Center in 1993.
She was working at the Department of Corrections
in Framingham, in 2000 when her husband died
after twenty-two years of marriage. “I would go to
Fontbonne Hall for morning Mass and often stay for
breakfast with the sisters. I felt the Lord was calling
me back to religious life, having been single, religious,
married with two children, widowed, and single again,”
Joanne said. “In prayer, I began asking the Lord, ‘What
do You want of me now?’ It was at that time I became
the Healthcare Coordinator for the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston,” she explained.
Working for the sisters has become more than a job.
It is her ministry to respond to the medical and spiritual
needs of the sisters. “I always feel welcome and share
prayer about how God is working in my life. There is
a great sense of belonging,” Joanne said. She became
aware of the CSJ Associates and had been invited by
many sisters to join.
“I continued to discern about being called to a
religious community. One evening I was sitting quietly
in a chapel, when I heard the Lord say, ‘You have your
community,’” Joanne said. Then, she had a dream
in which she asked Sister Joan Duffy to sponsor her
to become a CSJ associate and become her spiritual
director. Shortly after that, she met with Sister Joan and
shared her dream. “Sister Joan’s immediate response
was ‘Yes,’ which confirmed my conviction that I had
found my community,” she said.
“I am grateful to both God and the community for
the enrichment this process of becoming an associate
brings to my life. I now understand the message in the
words of Jeremiah, ‘I know well the plans I have in
mind for you,’ and I am grateful for all that has been,
and trust in what will be.” †
Pictured top L: Associates Joanne
Maudlin and Gloria Davila at the
Associate Commitment Celebration.
Below: Sister Theresa Pond visits with Joanne.
Sister Mary Mills
By Judy Wasserman
“. . . whenever
Sister Mary arrives
at Bethany she
feels energized. . .”
hen Sister Mary Mills was growing
up, nursing was “the last thing”
on her mind as a career. After she
entered the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston in 1945, she taught fourth through
eighth grades for 35 years and loved it. But things
change, and today, she looks back on an additional
30 years providing nursing care to the residents of
Bethany Healthcare Center.
In a recent interview, sister explained that during
her teaching ministry she spent her summers
volunteering at Bethany, and ultimately, her
experiences “turned into another vocation.” She
even became a Certified Nursing Assistant. She
works on the 32-bed fourth floor and is responsible
for caring for the patients, which includes: making
as many beds as possible so that the nurses
can attend to other duties; helping with meal
distribution; putting up seasonal decorations; and
spending time with the residents. Sister Mary
enjoys talking with and listening to the residents,
and keeping them up to date on CSJ news.
Although it is difficult to see friends and sisters
she entered with gravely ill and dying, she
appreciates her work at Bethany. “It’s God’s work
for me right now.” In fact, whenever Sister Mary
arrives at Bethany she “feels energized,” and
is often called the energizer bunny by staff and
residents. Sister said there is good rapport with
both the staff and the residents, and they are “one
big family.”
On her days off, she makes her own bed and
cleans her room. She also enjoys walking and
reading, especially mysteries. Before she began
her Bethany Healthcare Center ministry, Sister
Mary had several teaching assignments, including
St. Agatha, Milton, St. Benedict, Somerville, St.
Charles, Waltham, St. Joseph, Medford, St. Joseph,
Lynn, St. John, Winthrop, and St. Catherine,
Norwood. After 35 years in teaching, she knew it
was time for a change.
Being at Bethany, Sister Mary said, “got in
my blood. Kindness, respect, and friendliness
are hallmarks of Bethany.” It’s something she
appreciates every day. †
Pictured L-R: Mary talking with a Bethany Health Care resident,
who recently celebrated her 103rd birthday.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 15
Sister Diane Neumeyer
By Judy Wasserman
ister Diane Neumeyer’s 57 years as an
educator culminated last spring with
a very special surprise. The Jackson
School, where she taught for 20 years,
12 of these as the librarian, honored her by naming
the school library after her. “It was a surprise. I almost
collapsed! I felt so humbled and proud all at the same
time,” said Sister Diane during a recent interview.
Her connection to education and to Jackson School
continues, in this, her first year of retirement.
Sister Diane loved being the librarian at Jackson
School because she worked with all grade levels (K-6)
and watched the students grow. “My favorite part was
seeing the kids become readers.” Sister still volunteers
one day a week at the school, helping out wherever
she is needed.
Sister Diane is expanding her horizons a bit,
too. She has trained to be a tutor for The Literacy
Connection and is waiting to be matched with her
first student. Sister said she looks forward to working
with The Literacy Connection, where she will meet
people from different cultures and help them learn
English and practical life skills in America. “It will be
a challenge to do something different,” she said.
Retirement has given her time to do other things,
too. Sister Diane works out at a gym twice a week,
which, she said, helps her balance her daily life
and health. And, now that she has more time, she
is reading novels and listening to music. In fact,
the Jackson School staff gave her an iPad upon her
retirement; she especially likes to listen to music from
years ago.
Looking back, Sister Diane, who entered the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Boston in 1953, said she loved being
in a school. “The kids are special. They are the future.
I hope it’s a better world for them.” Her career in
education included assignments at St. Agatha School,
Milton, and at Montessori programs at Walnut Park
in Newton, Merrimack Montessori School, Haverhill,
and another in Framingham, where she served as
principal for nine years.
Reflecting on her retirement so far, Sister said, “I’m
starting with these activities, and will see where it
leads. I enjoy what I’m doing and I’ve made good
decisions.” †
CSJ Donors continued from page 13
Robert J. Gallagher
Beverly A. Gallant
Elizabeth R. Gallant
Grace Gallegos
Donna M. Gallo
Helen M. Galvin
Moira A. Galvin
Anthony J. Gambale
Laura & Steven Gang
Bob & Kay Ganley
Paul & Nancy Ganley
Janet Gannon
Janet & Paul Gannon
Bob & Theresa Gardiner
Michael Gardiner
Florence Gardner
Ann M. Garrahan
Michael & Maria Garrity
Stephen & Claire Garvey Jr.
Thomas & Anne Garvey
Thomas E. Garvey
Elizabeth Gaston
Eleanor Gately
Mary Gately
Clara & Paul Gaudet
Mary Gaudet
Patricia A. Gaudet
The Gaughan Family
Paul R. Gauron
Susan Gavaghan
Judy Gavin
Nancy Shea Geaney
William & Eileen Geaney
JoAnn & Paul Geary
Joan C. Geary
Fred & Betsy Geheb
Eugene & Rosemarie Gentuso
Marie Gerhard
John & Kathleen Germano
Frank J. Gersony Jr. & Family
Ann Gerstel & The Price Family
Edward L. Gettings
Francis Ghiloni & Family
The Ghiloni Family
Carol A. Ghiloni
Elaine M. Ghiloni
Sharyn L. Ghiloni
Theresa Ghiloni
Marie & Nicholas Giacobbe
Virginia & Frederick
Mary E. Gibbons
Mary Reilly Giggey
Rev. Robert Giggi
Eva Gilarde
Marie Gilarde
Robert & Rosemary Gilbody
Joseph & Marilyn Gilboy
Kevin & Rita Gill
Mary Gill
Margaret Gillan & Family
Teresa Gillespie
William & Kathleen
Mary Gilligan
David & Rosemary
Elaine Gilmore
James & Elsie Gilmore
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Ginnetty
Mary & Eileen Ginnetty
Louise & Ben Giovino
& Family
Ann Marie Giovino
Mary L. Girouard
Robert & Ruth Glancy
Elva M. Gleason
William Gleason
Grace & Robert Glennon
Joanne I. Glorieux
Jack Goggin
Donna & Michael Golas
Peter & Dolores Golden
Barbara Goldrick
Nancy Goldrick
George & Ann Gonser
Laura & Louis Goodreau
Gloria Goodwin
Elmer Goreczny
Helena P. Gorham
Bill & Eileen Toomey
Claire & George Gorman
James Gorman
John & Mary Gorman
Margaret Gorman
Rosemond Gorrie
Eileen Gorvin
Rev. Richard Gosselin
Mary Sally Gould
Sharon & Bill Gouveia
George J. Govostes
Sandra Goweia
Agnes M. Grace
Peter & Susan Graceffa
John & Noreen Grady
Rita Grady
Seth & Maria Grady
Thomas & Mary Grady
Ann M. Graffeo
Jean S. Granger
Erik Granskog
Bill & Judi Grant
Carole M. Grant
Leo Grant
Mary M. Grant
Paul Grant
Virginia M. Grassa
Helen Grasso
Vincent & Marie Gravallese
Katherine F. Greatorex
Richard P. Greeley
Doris Green
Kathleen M. Greene
Richard & Monica Gribaudo
Margaret M. Griffin
Mark J. Griffin
Patrick C. Griffin
John & Claire Grimes
Rita A. Grimes
Lyle & Dorothea Grindle
Michael Groenhout
Nancy & Paul Guinivan
Guira & Tambora
Gail Gulino
Mr. & Mrs. John Gunn Jr.
Mary Gusmini
Mary & Algimantas
John & Jane Guthrie
Rita Guzzi
Catherine Foley & Levente
Bodak Gyovia
Eileen Hackney & Family
Marilyn A. Hagerty
Linda A. Hagglund
Barbara A. Haid
W. Douglas Hajjar
Ruth Hall
Stetson & Jane Hall
Richard & Barbara Halleran
John Hallisey
Paul & Claire Halloran
Leona M. Hambarian
Gerald & Michele Hamilton
Margaret & Edward
Patricia Bauer Hanehan
James & Margaret Hanley
John B. Hanley
Paula & Robert Hanlon
Lori Hanney
Barbara & Thomas
Ellen & George Hannigan
Anne Hanning
Catherine C. Hannon
Rev. John Mark Hannon
Linda Hansen
Robert & Betty Hansen
Paula A. Harbecke
Mary & Howard Harding III
Tom Harding & Joanne
Thomas D. Hardy Jr.
Tom & Barbara Harkins
Cathy Harmsma
Patricia Harrigan
Annette Harrington
Barbara F. Harrington
Dorothy Harrington
Ellen B. Harrington
Margaret Harrington
Margaret Harrington
Mary E. Harrington
Robert & Jeanne Harrington
Charles A. Hart
Francis & Sarah Hart
Paul & Jane Hart
William D. Hart
Neal & Patricia Harte
Bernice Hartery
Elmer & Frances Hartnett
Ruth Harutunian
Harvard University
Harvard Allston Partnership Fund
Catherine M. Harvey
Lilla Harvey
Madeleine Lamarre Harvey
Paula Harvey
Donald Haskell
Rosalyn Hassell
Arlene L. Hatch
Michael & JoAnn Hatgas
Mildred & Edward Hathaway
Antonietta & Allen Hayes
Catherine M. Hayes
Jennifer Hayes
Julian B. Hayes
Margaret A. Hayes
Antoinette Hays
Paul & Esther Healey
Paul Heanue
Lucy T. Hebard
Mary Patricia Heckman
Marguerite Heenehan
Paul & Angela Heffernan
Raymond S. Heffernan
Richard J. Heffernan
Stephen & Theresa Heffernan
Mary Hehir
Mildred M. Hehir
Sarah S. Heineman
Donna & Wayne Heinstrom
Bruce & Elizabeth Heisey
Claire Hellweg
Marsha & David Helmstadter
Robert & Carolyn Steele Helton
Florence Henderson
Barbara Hendricks
Eileen T. Heneghan
Thomas & Pat Henry
Mary Herrick
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 17
Ben & Lois Heshmatpour
Edward T. Heylin
Michael & Theresa Hickey
& Family
James & Lydia Hickey Jr.
Bill & Betty Hickey
Claire & Jim Hickey
Kathleen D. Hickey
Paul Hickey
Helen O. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins
& Family
Cordae Higgins
Paul & Paula Higgins
Paulette Higgins
Richard & Catherine Higgins
Robert & Jean Higgins
William & Rachel Higgins
Highland Street Foundation
Diane & Douglas Hill
& Family
Bill & Karen Hill
Ellen Hill
Elizabeth & Richard Hiltgen
David & Karen Hinchen
Douglas P. Hines
Richard & Catherine Hines
Ellen Hoarty & Ann Flaherty
Ann Hoarty
The Hobbs Family
Mary E. Hoey
Sister Karen Hokanson SND
Sister Kristin Hokanson SND
Betty Holland
George & Marianne Holland
Mary & Donald Holt
Holy Name Parish, Roxbury
Brian J. Honan Charitable
Rep. Kevin & Mrs. Colleen
Patrick & Mary Honan
Helena & Peter Hood
Priscilla L. Hook
Sheila Hooper
Rev. Brendan R. Horan SJ
Mary A. Horan
Anne M. Horgan
Barbara Whalen Horgan
Gerard & Patricia Horgan
Michael J. Horgan
Patricia Horgan
Richard & Jean Horigan
John & Joan Horrigan
Jennie Horsch
Jaclyn & Stephen Hosley
Houghton Chemical Corp.
James & Tina Houlihan
& Family
Clare & Tom Hourihan
John & Barbara Hourihan
Carolyn & Dick Housman
Deb & Bob Howe
Janice King Howe
Maria & Bill Howe
Arthur & Patricia Howes
Margaret M. Hoy
Gregory Hren
Mary & Clyde Hudnall
Leo & Lauraine Hudon
Share Your Stories
It’s great to share stories of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Do you have a memory of how a Sister of St.
Joseph of Boston touched your life? If so, please
share it with us. Jot down a short paragraph or two
with details - year, location, sister’s name, as much
as you remember. Your story may be in the next
issue of CONNECTING or posted on our website.
Mail your story to:
Office of Mission Advancement
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge St.
Brighton, MA 02135
or email [email protected]
We hope to hear from you soon.
Angeline McIrney Hudson
Rosemary Hughes & Family
Daniel E. Hughes
Faith Brouillard Hughes
John P. Hughes
Judith McIsaac Hughes
Richard & Patricia Hughes
Rosemary Hughes
Josephine Hullinger
William & Susan Humberd
Mary & Joseph Humby
Benita Hume
Karen A. Humphries
Dave & Mary Hunter
John & Elaine Hurley
& Family
Brian Hurley
Maureen Hurley
Rita C. Hurley
Rosemary T. Hurley
Anna & Harold Hutchings
Robert Hutchings
Ellen & Richard Hutchinson
Elizabeth & Walter Hyatt
Joanne M. Hyde
Lawrence H. Hyde
Albert L. Hyland
Joan & Vincent Iacono
Tom & Ruth Iarrobino
G. Douglas & Elizabeth Ide
Jacqueline K. Ierardi
Mary Igo
Theresa Imbornone
Imperial Pizza
Int’l Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers
Roderick & Alice Ireland
Ann Marie Barton Irwin
Margot Isabelle
J & M Installations
Sean & Nicole Jackman
& Family
James & Mary Lou Jacobs
Ann M. Jacques
Jamaica Plain Plumbing
& Heating, Co., Inc.
Maureen Jameson
Robert & Jeanne Janoch
Mary E. Jasper
Paul & Patricia Jeannette
Marie & Robert Jefferson
Melissa & Steven Jenkins
Paul F. Jennette
Thomas & Elizabeth Jewell
Paul & Mary Ellen Jodice
Francis & Joan Johansen
Esther Johnson
John & Andrea Johnson
Karen & Raymond Johnson
Marie Johnson
Jocelyn M. Johnston
Richard & Patricia Johnston
Barbara Gianino Jordan
Joseph & Jacqueline Jordan
Bartley J. Joyce
Margaret Joyce
Martin & Betty Joyce
Martin & Mary Anne Joyce
Sister Elizabeth Joyce
Joanne Jozefowski
Carol & Eric Juel
Julie’s Family Learning
Theodore & Dianne Kable
Geraldine M. Kacey
Julia Kahler
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
Bridget Kane
Carissa & Paul Kane
Albert & Diane Kaneb
Dr. Sylvia Y. Kaneko
Yeetzou Kao
Rita Karle & Raymond Varin
Joan F. Katz
Peter & Linda Katz
Kevin F. Kavanagh
Mary & James Keady
Keane Fire & Safety Equip. Co.
Patricia A. Keane
Terrence & Sandra Keane
Ann Kearn
Anne E. Kearney
James & Maureen Kearney
Suzanne M. Kearney
Joseph T. Keating
Madeline & Daniel Keating
W. Robert Keating
Keefe Funeral Home
James & Michiko Keefe
Joan Keefe
Katherine E. Keefe
Lawrence R. Keefe
Mary Keefe
James & Marie Keegan
Mary L. Keegan
Roberta A. Keegan
Sonia McNamara Keegan
Joan Keenan
John & Barbara Keenan
Lawrence P. Keenan
Catherine & Andrew Kehoe
Joe Keihn
John P. Keilty
Daniel C. Keleher Jr.
Jean & Michael Kelleher
Christopher & Mary Kelleher
Miriam C. Kelleher
Margaret Ann Kelleher
Pictured:Sister Dorothea Masuret speaking with Sister Gail
Donohue at a recent CSJ event.
Thomas & Cynthia Kelleher
Jane Kelleher
Paul & Jean Kellen
Hon. Richard & Jane Kelley Sr.
Deirdre Clancy Kelley
Frank P. Kelley
Gerald & Lauren Kelley
James & Ellen Kelley
Kathleen & Edmund Kelley
Mary A. Kelley
Mary E. Kelley
Mary J. Kelley
Paul & Anita Kelley
Theresa “Betty” Kelley
Thomas W. Kelley
Peter & Winifred Kelly
& Family
Anne E. Kelly
Anne R. Kelly
David & Susan Kelly
Frances G. Kelly
Joseph & Lois Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen & Joseph Kelly
Kathleen R. Kelly
Mary & Bob Kelly
Meghan & Neal Kelly
Michael Kelly
Paul C. Kelly
Richard Kelly
Richard T. Kelly
Therese S. Kelly
Thomas & Sandra Kelly
Deborah Kenealy
Patrick T. Kenealy
Ann Clare Kenneally
Paul & Terese Kennealy
Ann Kennedy
Dorothy Kennedy
Francis & Regina Kennedy
Jeanne F. Kennedy
Leo J. Kennedy
Louise E. Kennedy
Paul B. Kennedy
Thomas & Barbara Kennedy
John & Nicole Kenney
Paul & Eleanor Kenney
Barbara Kenny
Elizabeth A. Kenrick
Robin & Frank Keough
Donald & Paula Kernan
Carol & Mary Keronski
Judith Kerr
John & Elsie Kerrigan
Joseph Keteltas
Mary Ellen & Gil Keteltas
Dorothy A. Keveny
Kathleen Keville
Lucille Kiklis
Sister Margaret Kilduff
Kevin & Mary Lynn Kiley
& Family
Mary & Jerry Kiley
Myles & Mary Kiley
Sheila Kilgallen
Catherine Killilea
Mary T. Killoran
James & Irene Kilroy
John & Theresa Kim
Joyce Kimball
Jennifer Kindamo
Marilyn King’s Nieces
& Nephews
Claire F. King
John F. King
Thomas H. King
The Kinneavy Family
Mildred Kinsley
Anne Kippax
Edward J. Kirby
Marianne Kirby
Carolyn Kling
Judith Klug
William & Elaine Kneeland
Clinton & Jean Knight
Knights of Columbus Boston
Knights of Columbus #269
Knights of Columbus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Koen
James & Joanne Koermer
Joseph & Sonia Kolodziej
David & Maureen Kourtz
Dorothy T. Kozloski
Joshua Krefetz
Marcia & John Kuchta
Phillip & Patricia Kuehne
David & Judith Kunze
John & Debra Kwiatek
Linda Kwiatek
Marvin & Pam Kyea
Albert LaCivita
Diane & Salvatore LaFauci
Mary Ganley LaMarca
Maura LaValle
Charles & Judith LaVerty
Loretta LaCamera
Mary L. Lahey
Kathleen M. Laing
Gerry & Tom Lally
Laura Lally
Mary A. Lally
Thomas & Anna Lally
Maureen & John Lalumiere
Maurice Lamarque
& Family
Elaine Lane
Nancy Lane
Paul & Patricia Lane
Thomas & Donna Lane
Mary Ellen Langan
Kenneth & Virgnia Langley
Lorraine L. Langone
Kathie & Jerry Lanney
Wendy M. Lanoue
Barbara Clifford LaPorta
Frederick & Dorothy Laracy
Ken & Elizabeth Larkin
Francis J. LaRovere
John & Joan Larson
John M. Laubner
Peter Lavelle
Marie Lavery
Marjorie F. Lavin
Carol LaVita
Margaret Lavrenti
Marilyn & Jean Lawless
Teresa M. Lawrence
Christine Lawson
Dorothea A. Lazzari
LCWR Boston Unit
Mary B. Leach
Patricia Leahy & Leona
Margaret E. Leahy
Mary O’Halloran Leahy
Patricia A. Leahy
Ellen M. Leary
Franceline C. Leary
Jeanne M. Leary
William & Phyllis Leary
Roberta K. Leavitt
Allyssa A. Lebel
Roy & Beverly LeBlanc
Mary Jane O’Connor Lee
Natale & Peter Lee
Andrea M. LeGarda
Dienna Lehner
Margaret LeLakes
Mary Ellen Lenihan
Maryellen Lenihan
Carol A. Lennon
Mary Jean Lent
Pompeo & Carmela Leone
Marie Letteri
Marion C. Letvin
M. Edith Levangie
Christine Levering
Eugenia Levins
Paul & Mary Lewis
Richard & Nancy Licari & Family
Carolyn & Paul Liddell
Richard P. Lincourt
Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Lind
Charles & Frances Lindgren
Joan & Robert Lindsey
John Linehan
Mildred & John Linehan
Regina & Kevin Linehan
Joan Linnehan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lionetta
Constance J. Listro
Robert & Cynthia Little
Barbara Livesey
Richard & Marie Lloyd
Local #12
Local 103 of Greater Boston
Local 1162
Mary E. Loesch
Ernest V. Loewenstein PhD
Edwin & Angela Lofgren
Alice McInnis Logan
Noreen M. Logan
Judith M. LoGerfo
Christine A. Lojko
John & Linda Lola
Marie Lombard
Camille M. Lombardi
Norm & Pat Lombardi
CSJ Donors continued on page 22
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 19
Donor Day 2013
Representative Kevin Honan
y connection with the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston influenced my career in public
service,” State Representative Kevin
Honan said during a recent interview.
He is a Massachusetts legislator for the 17th Suffolk
County District serving the Allston/Brighton area of
Boston, and Chair of the Joint Committee on Housing.
“Access to safe, affordable permanent housing for
every family in the Commonwealth is what we are
always working towards. Community partners, like the
Sisters of St. Joseph, help ready families to thrive in
this difficult economy.” Rep. Honan is also a devoted
donor, supporter, and committee member for the CSJ
Fall Luncheon.
“helping people in need
is contagious, and that
inspires others to get
involved. . .”
A second generation donor, Rep. Honan has been
influential in establishing the CSJ Fall Luncheon,
which raises funds for Allston/Brighton-based
ministries, The Literacy Connection and The Women’s
Table. This event was established six years ago to
invite residents, businesses and community leaders
to hear what is going on in the Greater Boston area,
particularly in Allston/ Brighton. The Allston Board of
Trade, Brighton Board of Trade, Allston Village Main
Streets, and Brighton Main Streets are also supporters
of the event.
Pictured: Rep. Kevin Honan and Mrs. Mary Honan.
“It is wonderful that the sisters have continued
this work. Providing strong educational goals and
the necessary support to achieve them through
The Literacy Connection and The Women’s Table
provides a wide range of social support for mothers
and children. He also believes, “one of AllstonBrighton’s greatest assets is our diversity,” and
“access to education, job training, and social support
for Allston/Brighton residents – recent immigrants
and life-long community members – only make our
community stronger.”
As a student at St. Columbkille High School,
Rep. Honan recalls the sisters were supportive
of him not only in the classroom, but also on the
basketball court. “They would even cheer us on
during games,” Rep. Honan said with a smile. He
fondly remembers many sisters who influenced his
community-focused career. He believes, “helping
people in need is contagious, and that inspires others
to get involved. The Sisters of St. Joseph have been
pillars of the Allston/Brighton community for 140
years,” said Rep. Honan. The sisters teach pathways
to employment and self-sufficiency, and I am proud
to support their incredible efforts.” †
Pictured L-R: City Councilor Mark Ciommo, Fr. Richard
Fitzpatrick, Rosemary Brennan, CSJ, Rep. Kevin Honan, and
James Brett.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 21
Fall 2012 Luncheon
Kairos Shen, Chief Planner for the City of Boston, was the guest speaker in
October, 2012 at a luncheon held at the Motherhouse in Brighton, MA. The
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, in conjunction with the Allston Board of Trade,
Brighton Board of Trade, Allston Village Main Streets and Brighton Main Streets
collaborated on this event. Proceeds went to support The Literacy Connection,
The Women’s Table and other Allston/Brighton ministries.
We thank everyone for their support.
The following sponsors supported this event:
Brian J. Honan Charitable Fund
Boston University
The Corrib Pub
Devlin’s Bistro and Bar
Peoples Federal Savings Bank
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Other donations to the event were received from:
Allston Brighton Community Development
Allston Village Main Streets
Anonymous Donors
Boston College Governmental Affairs
Margaret Bridges
Carpenters Local Union #40
City Realty Group
Committee to Elect Kevin Honan
Committee to Elect Mark Ciommo
Anthony D’Isidoro
F. I. Patnode Insurance
Marguerite C. Fagan
Michael & Theresa Gallagher
Rita Grady
Harvard University
Patrick & Mary Honan
Imperial Pizza
Joshua Krefetz
Richard C. Lord
M & J Management
Anne E. Mahoney
James Merrigan
Michael J. Hynes Auto Repair
Alice L. Mills
Ann M. Moran
Morrissey & Associates
Mount Washington Bank
Ann M. Mulligan
NB Guest Street Association
Barbara Pecci
Jeanne M. Simmons
Stadium Auto Body
St. Joseph Preparatory High School
Stage to Sell By Mary
Three Twins Productions
Albert Travaglini
Vocational Advancement Center
Mary Rita Weschler
White Mountain Creamery
Sponsors for the Fall 2013 Luncheon will be recognized
in the Fall 2014 issue of Connecting.
Harvard-Allston Workforce
Collaborative donated used
computers to The Literacy
Connection, which will be used
by students. The computers will
replace old, obsolete computers.
Shown left: Carol Kolenick,
director being thanked by
Sister Peggy Sullivan.
CSJ Donors continued from page 19
Joan & Robert Loncich
Mary & Miguel Londono
Edward J. Lonergan Esq.
Judy Lonergan
Joan Shea Long
Richard C. Lord
Siobhan & Kenneth Lorway
Barbara Jean Lottero
Anna P. Lovell
Kathleen Lovell
William R. Lovett Jr.
Joseph & Theresa Luca
Christine Lucas
Dorothy & Robert Lucas
Joseph & Mary Lucas
Carole Lucey
Edmund F. Lucey
Jack & Jan Lucey
Paul & Maura Lucius
Ann McLaughlin Lundstedt
Pamela G. Lunn
Rosemary Camps Lunney
Lillian P. Lupi
John & Martha Luther
Catherine Luvisi
Barbara A. Lydon
Anne & Owen Lynch
Catherine Mary Lynch
Edward L. Lynch
Francis X. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Lynch
Susan & Herbert Lynch
Theresa Lynch
Daniel F. Lyons Jr.
Ann Marie Lyons
Paul S. Lyons
Judith & Robert Lytle
M & J Management
MA State Court CDA
Anne E. MacDonald
G. Robert & Kathleen
Gilbert & Linda MacDonald
Joan MacDonnell
James A. MacDougall
Rhonda & David MacFarland
Linda Gray MacKay
Catherine MacKenzie
Margaret P. MacKinnon
Diana MacLean
Ann MacNeil
Marie & David MacSwain
Marie MacSweeney
Ursula Maccaro
Dorothy C. MacDonald
Claire M. Mace
Marian J. Maciag
Paula Kirby Macione
John & Donna Litwin
Charlene Bent Mack
Jean & Robert Mack
Jean & Robert Mackey
June M. Mackey
William J. Mackey
Dorothy E. Madden
James Madden
Frances Madigan
Joseph W. Magee & Family
Gail Anne Magenis
Gertrude & Lawrence Maggio
Anne F. Magner
John E. Magno
Claire & Leo Maguire
Elaine Maguire
Kathy & Kevin Maguire
Most Rev. Joseph F. Maguire
Thomas Maguire
Teresa & Gery Magura
James Mahan
Laurence & Jeanette Maher
Mary J. Maher
Patrick & Norah Mahon
John J. Mahoney CPA PC
Angela & Robert Mahoney
Anne E. Mahoney
Arlene G. Mahoney
Charles Mahoney
David Mahoney
Francis Mahoney
Frank Mahoney
Joan H. Mahoney
Joan R. Mahoney
John & Annette Mahoney
Kathryn A. Mahoney
Mary E. Mahoney
Paul F. Mahoney
Paul & Mary Mahoney
Robert C. Mahoney
Timothy & Eileen Mahoney
Robin Main
William Maisey
Ronald & Mary Malek
Phyllis L. Mallard & Family
Jeanne & Doug Mallon
Anne Malone SND
Jim & Sue Malone
Joe & Shirley Malone
M. P. & Edward Malone
Cathy M. Maloney
Francis & Linda Maloney
Helen Maloney
Lorraine Maloof
John & Anne Maloy
Dean & Elizabeth Mancini
Patricia A. Manganelli
Nancy Mann
Joseph G. Manning
Lisa & Michael Manning
Thomas J. Manning
William T. Mansfield
Jean Marchant & Ron
Paul Marchesiani PC
Marian High School
James & Kathleen Marino
Marie & Michael Markey
Margaret & Joseph Marks
Claire & Francis Marnell
Joseph & Diane Marotta
Ellen & Joseph Marques
Martina Z. Marquez
Michael Marraffino
Anne M. Marsh
Mary & James Marsh
Dorothy S. Martin
Eleanor Austin Martin
James & Kathleen Martin
Raymond S. Martin
William & Ethel Martin
Marilyn Masciulli & Family
Jeffrey & Jane Mason
Francis X. Masse
Viola Masuret
Matignon High School
Ann & Debbie Matson
Jean M. Matson
Teresa R. Matte
Janet Mattozzi
Louis & Jean Mattuchio
Susan Mattuchio
Nancy Furlott Matulewicz
Richard & Joan Matulis
Rodney A. Maurice
Mary E. Maye
Geraldine Mayer
Nina & John Mayo
Maureen P. Mazrimas
Irene T. Mazzocchi
Jerome & Elizabeth
Kathleen P. McArdle
Virginia McArdle
Anna & Daniel McAuliffe
Marge McAuliffe
Mary McAuliffe
J. David & C. A. McAvoy
Mary McAvoy
Richard & Rosemary
Robert & Eleanor McBride
Thomas & Jean McBride
Kevin McCabe & Family
Ginny McCabe
Maribeth L. McCabe
Edna & Eunan McCafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
I was a student at St. Joseph School
Amesbury, MA. I did not realize how much
of an impact the education I got there would
effect my life. I was not able to attend a
Catholic high school because of finances.
As a result of all your good efforts, I have
had a successful life and want to thank you
(belatedly) for giving me a good foundation
at an early age. God bless you all and
please keep me in your prayers.
Claire Richard Brady Reno, NV
Anne M. McCall
Irene McCall
Jean & Bill McCall
William & Nancy McCann Jr.
Francis & Paula McCann
Paul & Patricia McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Francis
Claire McCarrick
Jeffrey McGeary & Kathleen
Catherine & John McCarron
Thomas & Patricia
Edmund McCarthy
Edwina Lynch McCarthy
Irene McCarthy
Jim & Patty McCarthy
Joanne McCarthy
John & Jeanne McCarthy
John J. McCarthy
Kathryn A. McCarthy
Marie A. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Francis
Patricia E. McCarthy
William & Laurie McCarthy
Evelyn McCartney
Kathleen McCauley
Patrick & Helen McCauley
Ken & Kathleen McClarey
Jane McClellan
James W. McCloskey
Joseph McCloskey
Ann V. McConkey
John J. McCormack Jr.
Nancy & Fred McCormack
Douglas & Dorothy
George P. McCormack
John J. McCormack
John & Joanne McCormack
Kathleen McCormack
Mary M. McCormack
Maureen McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. John McCormack
Paul McCormack
Robert M. McCormack
William & Marybeth
Claire & Gerry McCormick
Eleanor B. McCormick
Mary E. McCormick
Rev. John J. McCormick
Mary McCourt
Robert & Mary McCready
John McCrohan
Mary M. McCrorey
Barbara McCue
Doris & Jack McCue
Elaine McCullough
Joan G. McCune
Ann F. McCusker
Don & Sally McCusker
Barbara McDaniel
John McDermott
Kathleen & Gregory McDermott
Maureen (Mary) McDevitt
Marian McDonald
Michael & Laurie McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. William McDonnell
Peg McDonough & Jeanne
& Eileen McEnaney
Margaret & Joseph McDonough Sr.
Anne McDonough
Annie McDonough
Francis McDonough
Joan M. McDonough
Mary & Paul McDonough
Mary E. McDonough
Patrick McDonough
Terrance McDonough
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 23
Pictured L-R: Notre Dame
University bus for “Fighting
for Our Children’s Future”
National Bus Tour, Sister Kathleen Carr, Tim Scully, CSC,
Sister Rosemary Brennan, and Sean McGraw, CSC, during the
presentation of the Sorin Award. Visit for more
William G. McDonough
The McDonough Family
The McEachern Family
Kathleen B. McEachern
Maureen McElhinney
Frances & Gary McElligott
William B. McEnaney
Robert McEwan
Irene McFadden
James E. McFaul
Marie E. McGann
Kevin & Anne McGillicuddy
Neil & Betty McGillicuddy
James & Barbara McGilvray
Carol McGinn
David & Dorothy McGinn
Johanne Demeo McGinn
Paul & Mary McGinn
Joan McGinty
Mary C. McGonagle
Mary T. McGonagle
Tricia McGonigle
Francis P. McGovern
Mona McGovern
Donna & Dave McGowan
James McGowan
Jeanne McGowan
Jeanne McCarrick McGowan
Rev. Frederick R. McGowan
Gerald & Arlene McGrath
Jane K. McGrath
Janet McGrath
Joanne M. McGrath
Margaret G. McGrath
Joan Collins McGuigan
James & Judith McGuinness
John & Kathleen McHugh
Victor & Catherine McInnis
Claire McKechnie
Raymond & Patricia
John & Cathy McKelvey
Charles McKenna
Dale McKenna
Joseph & Kathleen
M. Joan McKenna
Sharon McKenna
Marie McKenzie
Rita A. McKenzie
Rev. Gerard R. McKeon SJ
Christina M. McKeon
Dorothy McKeon
Rosalind McKeon
Jean M. McKinney
Albert & Isabelle
Ann M. McLaughlin
Ann Marie McLaughlin
Eugene McLaughlin
Frank & Clare McLaughlin
Margaret McLaughlin
Marianne McLaughlin
Dick & Maureen
Rev. Patrick McLaughlin
Malcolm & Susan McLean
Mary McLean
Jean McLellan
Joyce McMahon
Maureen McMann
Elizabeth McManus
Frances McManus
Fred & Linda McManus
Archie & Joanne McMullen
Paula McMurrough
Joanne & David McNally
John & Patricia McNally
Donna E. McNamara
Margaret McNamara
Maureen McNamara
Patricia McNamara
Paul & Mary McNamara
Helen M. McNamee
James T. McNeil
Kay McNeill
Donna & Robert McNeilly
David K. McNulty Jr.
Maureen McNulty
Ruth McNulty
John & Mary McPhee
Kathleen & James McPhee
Michael McQueeney
Joan Callahan McQuillan
John & Kathleen McQuillan
Gerard & Florence McShane
Mike & Ann McShane
Mary Jean McVeigh
Frederick Meade
Kathleen Meade
Rev. Maurice P. Meade
Debbie & Steve Meahl
Patricia & William Meahl
Claire C. Meehan
Dennis & Linda Meehan
Jan Meehan
Carolyn B. Meek
Carol Meier
Frank & Peggy Meissner
Barbara R. Melanson
George & Kathleen
Ann Melia
John Melley & Ann M.
Bob & Mary Anne Mellone
Francis X. Melly
John & Carol Melly
Juliana Melly
Steven Melly
Terese Menard
George & Nancy Menjin III
& Family
James T. Merrigan
Joyce Merrill
Eleanor A. Meskell
Kevin Meskell
Mary C. Meskell
Rita Meunier
John & Barbara Meuse
Carl & Dorothea Meyer
Michael J. Hynes Auto Repair
Veronica Michalowski
Lyle & Anne Micheli
Mike & Joan Mihaich
Patricia L. Mikus
Marge Milanese
Barbara Miller & William
Mary L. Miller
Linda & Sandy Milley
Alice L. Mills
Mary Ellen & Henry Mills
Nancy Jane Mills
Sharon & Joe Milne
Claire A. Milton
Michael Mingolelli
Anna M. Mitchell
Mary Mitchell
William H. Mitchelson
K. C. Mitkevicius & Family
Evelyn & Charles Mobilia
Catherine & James Moccio
Ann J. Molloy
Margaret Gaffney Moloney
William Monagle & Janet Lusk
Kevin & Mary Monagle
Theresa & Vincent Monagle
Marion & Bill Monson
Francine Montemurro
Margarita Montero
Richard Montgomery
Moody & Regan
Richard & Dorothy Mooney
Richard & Catherine Moore
& Family
Sister Thomas Moore RGS
James & Patricia Moore
Paul & Maureen Moore
Ann M. Moran
Barbara & John Moran
Carolyn & George Moran
Mary Alice Moran
Eugene & Elizabeth Moreno
Kramer & Barbara Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morgan
Richard Moriarty & Family
Albert & Janet Moriarty
Elaine Moriarty
Margaret Finn Morich
Rita R. Morison
Mary A. Morley
Barbara & Jim Moroney
James & Helen Moroney
Sarah Moroney
Carol Morrell
Bruce Morrill
Gerard T. Morris
Rita L. Morris
Sister Ann Morrison SND
Patricia & Andrew Morrison
Patricia & William Morrison
Elizabeth Morrisroe
CSJ Donors continued on page 26
The Literacy Connection
We thank these donors for their generous support.
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
Albert & Diane Kaneb
Sister Roseann Amico
Anonymous Donors
In Memory of Bishop John M. D’Arcy
In Memory of Sister Ellie Daniels
In Memory of Mary A. Bresette
Arbella Insurance Group Charitable Foundation Inc.
In Memory of William H. Dowling Jr.
Arlington Catholic High School
Sister Marian Batho
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
Mary E. Boyle
Judith Burling
Sister Helen Callahan
In Memory of Mary Callahan (Tutor & Friend)
Sister Rose Canney
In Honor of Ida & Bob Emde’s 50th Wedding
Clipper Ship Foundation Inc.
Geri & Ray Costigan
Sister M. Gervasi DiGregorio
Sister Gail Donahue
In Honor of Dr. & Mrs. Michael Donahue & Family
Sister Theresa Donovan
Robert & Elizabeth Dowling
In Memory of William H. Dowling Jr.
The Family of Loretta Doyle
Mary & James Duffy
Sister Joanne Gallagher
In Honor of Judy Swett
In Honor of Kathy Tighe
Harvard Allston Partnership Fund
Houghton Chemical Corp.
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
Sister Margaret Kilduff RSCJ
Anne Kippax
In Memory of Sister Edvardas Clark
Sister Alice Kirby
In Honor of Noreen Burke
In Honor of Louise Norcott
LCWR Boston Unit
Jean & Robert Mackey
In Honor of Sister Christiana Cronin’s 90th Birthday
William J. Mackey
In Honor of Sister Christiana Cronin’s
90th Birthday
Sister Kay Magno
In Memory of Donald Finn
In Memory of Christopher Foley
Anne Mahoney
Jeffrey McGeary & Kathleen McCarrick
In Memory of Sister Ellie Daniels
Barbara McDaniel
Sister Marie Louise McDonough
Jean M. McKinney
In Memory of Alexis McLaughlin
Margarita Montero
Albert & Janet Moriarty
In Honor of Margaret A. Hallisey
Patricia & Andrew Morrison
Julie & Frederick Nagle
Sister Helen Noonan
Sister Catherine O’Neill
Sister Mary O’Rourke
Sister Mary Olsen
Ann & Robert Patterson Jr.
Peoples Federal Savings Bank
Donna Perry
Marcia G. Powers
Barbara E. Shea
James & Luci Spinale
In Memory of Sister Ellie Daniels
St. Agatha Parish Outreach Program
St. Susanna Parish
Sister Danielle Sullivan SP
In Memory of John & Mary Sullivan
Judy & Paul Swett
In Honor of Kathy Tighe
Kathleen & James Tighe
Sister Frances Wool
In Memory of Eileen Welch
In Memory of John Enright
In Memory of William J. Conway
In Memory of Eunice Condrick
Barbara Zino
In Honor of Sister Peggy Sullivan
For more information aboutThe Literacy Connection between Connecting issues,
please visit:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 25
Partners In Ministry
Deceased friends are remembered in prayer
for their thoughtful gifts through their wills or
estates, as are those who have made sure their
wishes were carried out.
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Richard J. Butler
Doris J. Costello
Charles J. Murphy
Helen T. Skrzowski
CSJ Donors continued from page 24
Morrissey & Associates
L. Lucchina MD & T. Morrissey
Helen O’Donnell Morrissey
Joan M. Morrissey
Rose Mary Morrissey
Carol Morrow
Rosemary Mortimer
Wayne & Connie Moses
Mary A. Mosher
Peg & Phil Mottola
Timothy & Joanne Moulton
John A. Mowles
Margaret M. Moylan
Mt. Washington Bank
Jeremiah & Denise Mulcahy
Anne Li & Ed Muldoon
Arthur J. Muldoon
William Paul Muldoon
Ed & Bev Mulholland
Jean D. Mullen
Ann M. Mulligan
Anne M. Mulligan
Priscilla Mullin’s Reading Group
Judith Mullins & Stapleton
Elizabeth & Robert Mullins
E. Joyce Munger
Karen A. Munkley
The Murkidjanian Family
John R. Murnane
Richard & Mary Jo Murnane
Murphy Electric Inc.
Adeline Murphy
Bernice M. Murphy
Betty Murphy
Carol M. Murphy
Clare F. Murphy
Constance & Edmond Murphy
Elaine L. Murphy
George F. Murphy
Helene A. Murphy
James & Cora Murphy
Janet & Robert Murphy
Joanne Murphy
John & Patricia Murphy
Louise M. Murphy
M. Maureen Murphy
Margaret Murphy
Mary J. Murphy
Mary Lou & Michael
Mary T. Murphy
Olive R. Murphy
Patricia W. Murphy
Philip G. Murphy
Rita & Marguerite Murphy
Rita M. Murphy
Sheila F. Murphy
Theresa L. Murphy
Theresa Murphy
Theresa & George Murphy
William & Mary Murphy
Winifred M. Murphy
Donald J. Murray
Kelley & Neal Murray
Lee Ann Pepicelli Murray
Mary L. Murray
Robert J. Murray
Veronica Murray
Sister Elizabeth Murtagh
John & Mary Myers
Therese M. Mylett
Monique Naas
David & Mary Jane Nadeau
Mary T. Nadeau
Dr. Francis J. Nagle
Juliet & Frederick Nagle
JoAnn Nally
Margaret Nangle
Susan & Richard Nashawaty
Carole A. Nassab
Andrea L. Nasson
Michael & Alison Nastari
Nancy E. Natale
Carol A. Naughton
Richard & Mary Ann
NB Guest Street Association
Elaine & Thomas Nealon
Janet M. Nedder
Dr. Cristina Nelson
Eileen Nemerowski
& Family
Nancy & Steve Neri
& Family
Barbara M. Nestor
Elizabeth & Frank Nestor
Jane Audrey Neuhauser
John & Eileen Neville
John F. Neville
Maureen Nevins
New England Copy
Paul & Lorraine Newman
Sister Mary Phuc Nguyen OP
James E. Nichols
Rev. Henry P. Nichols
Rev. John J. Nichols
Robert & Candace Nichols
Rosemary Nicholson
Rita & Edward Nielsen
Cecilia M. Niemiec
Debora A. Nigro
Jean Nigro
Ann F. Nolan
Marjorie Locke Noonan
Rory Noonan
Rita Noone
Northeast Power Line Const.
Brian Norton
James F. Norton
Mary & Richard Norton
Michael & Patricia Norton
Norwood Irish Music Club
Richard & Laraine Novak
Susan Novak
John & Jeanne Noyes
Lauren & Matthew Nusbaum
Rev. John O’Brien & Eileen
Emmett G. O’Brien
Agnes M. O’Brien
Bryan D. O’Brien
Clare M. O’Brien
Eugene O’Brien
Joanne O’Brien
Margaret O’Brien
Margaret & Richard O’Brien
Richard & Jane O’Brien
Stuart F. O’Brien
William J. O’Brien
Ann & Stephen O’Callaghan
Maureen O’Callaghan
Tom O’Callaghan
John D. O’Connell Jr.
David & Anne O’Connell
Katherine M. O’Connell
Mark S. O’Connell
Mary A. O’Connell
Maureen O’Connell
Timothy O’Connell
Edward & Margaret
O’Connor & Family
Ellen M. O’Connor
Judy & Dick O’Connor
Mary T. O’Connor
Maurice & Linda O’Connor
Michael & Donna O’Connor
Noreen O’Day
Ruth Green O’Day
Mary Ellen & John O’Dea
Dorothy M. O’Donnell
Phyllis & Daniel O’Donnell
Rev. John F. O’Donnell
Tom O’Donnell
Alice O’Donoghue
Maureen & Donald O’Driscoll
Sister Sheila O’Friel DC
Mary F. O’Grady
Bernadette & Thomas
Stephen & Lucia O’Hara
Rev. Joseph J. O’Hare III
Kathryn L. O’Leary
Mary C. O’Leary
Olga O’Leary
Rev. Kevin J. O’Leary
Ann O’Malley
Marion T. O’Malley
Patrick & Jane O’Malley
James & Jean O’Neil
Katherine M. O’Neil
Mike & Sue O’Neil
Richard & Maureen O’Neil
Anne O’Neill
David W. O’Neill
John & Margaret O’Neill
Marie B. O’Neill
Mary O’Neill
Mary & Thomas O’Neill
Mary Grassa O’Neill
Mary V. O’Neill
Robert & Margaret O’Neill
Seamus O’Neill
Joseph & Maureen O’Reilly
Catherine T. O’Sullivan
Elizabeth O’Sullivan
Katherine & Michael
Maureen O’Sullivan
Paul & Margaret O’Sullivan
Robert & Mary Ellen
Martina Buckley O’Toole
Carmel Elbery O’Neil
Nancy E. Oates
Fr. Terry M. Odien
Office of Public Health Staff
Nancy Ogles
Nicola & Dawna Oliva
Maureen & Kevin Oliver
Joseph M. Oliverio
Gerald F. Olsen
Nancy Olsen
Russell & Sara Olson
Eugene Oreszak & Leona
McCaughey Oreszak
Barbara Osborne
Patricia Osborne
Jeanne E. Ouellette
Jeffrey & Virginia Ouellette
Our Lady of the Assumption
Church Marshfield
George & Jean Pagliuca
Maureen R. Palmer
Peg M. Palmieri
Mary Palombi
Janet L. Panagiotakos
Anna Panza
Fran & Gino Paolini
Antoinette & Michael
Eugenia Papajiannis
Marie A. Papp
Nancy Papp
Wanda Papp
Margaret M. Paquet
Col. & Mrs. Eugene F.
Margaret Clifford Paradis
Ann R. Parent
Carol S. Parillo
Stephanie & Bradford Parker
Virginia Parker
Parkway Area Running Club
Edward Parr
John & Carol Pasqua
Karen Pastore
George & Lorraine Pate
Betsy Patrone
Ann & Robert Patterson Sr.
Ann & John Patterson
Fiona & Stuart Patterson
Joseph A. Patterson
Carole Paul
Donald & Mary Paul
Mary Jane Paull
Barbara Pecci
Kathleen A. Pedersen
Robert & Carol Peecha
Dorothy Pelton
Rose Marie Pelusi
Annette P. Pendergast
Viktor Pendergraph
Edward J. Pennachio
Richard Penta
Floarea Pentiuc
Peoples Federal Savings
H. Robert Peper
Judy Holland Perella
Maria Perez
Lawrence A. Perfetti
Sister Josephine Perico
Marie Perlatonda
Phyllis Perlatonda
Barbara A. Perrotti
Donna Perry
Suzanne Perry
Elizabeth Pesce
Lori A. Peterson
Walter & Nancy Peterson
William & Claire Peterson
Patricia Petitpas
Richard A. Petricci
Pasquale C. Petrozzelli
Patricia & Augustine Petrus
Patric & Patricia Petta
Patt (Irene) Petterson
Francis Pezzee
Michael & Betsey Pezzee
Patricia Pfau
Aimee Pfeiffer
Virginia Phillips
Arlene Phinney
The Phu & Lai Families
Tina Piantedosi
Theresa Picard
Mary & Richard Pickett
Patricia A. Pidgeon
Walter & Doris Pienton
Frank & Jeanne Pierce
Richard & Veronica Pierce
Doris G. Pike
Mary Pinto
Judy Piolunek
Patricia & Richard Piotti
Anne Pirrera
Elaine P. Pisciottoli
Paolina Piselli
Patricia & Gianni Piselli
Margaret Pistone
Marilyn Pistorino
Joanna R. Pitocchelli
Charles T. Pitts
Marion & William Pitts
PK Associates Inc.
The Plante Family
Stephen & Sharon Plumeri
John T. Poirier
Nicole Poleo
Janet Polillio
Polish White Eagles Society
Geraldine & Alfred Pompeo
Alice & Christine Ponte
Christine Ponte
Peter & Patti Poras
Joseph & Phyllis Porrell
Ralph M. Porter M.D.
David Porter
Richard & Arlene Pote
Colleen Matthews Poth
Claire & George Potter
Rita & Hal Potter
Gordon Pow
Beth Powell
Janice M. Power
James F. Powers Jr.
Genevieve Powers
Joanne Powers
Kathleen Powers
Marcia G. Powers
Marie Minutoli Powers
Rev. Lawrence E. Pratt
Irene & John Prendergast
Mary D. Prendiville
Richard Presti
Sister Katherine Prince
Lorraine Prior
Mary C. Prior
William & Prachit Prior
Kathleen Provencher
Margaret Prozenheim
Pauline M. Puglisi
Richard & Mary Anne
Fred & Marilyn Pula
Donna Pulcini
Joan Kilday Puleo
John & Mary Puleo
Audrey & Joseph Puglini
Dorothy Maloney Puliafico
Frank & Tara Pumphret
Salvatore J. Pustizzi
Mary Quan
Linda & Thomas Quatieri
Sheila Queenan
Charles & Margaret Quilty
Ann Marie Quinlan
Jane E. Quinlan
Pat Quinlan
Regina Quinlan
Ellen Parr Quintal
William Quirk
Leonard & Irene Rabideau
Richard Rackette
Dorothy & James Radcliff
Mary Jane Rainge
Joseph Rainville & Karen
Sister Denise Rajotte SND
Vincent Ranelli & Larry
Catherine & Joe Ranucci
Carolyn A. Rawdon
Elizabeth M. Rawdon
Patricia Raymo
Linda & Eric Raymond
Priscilla Re
Sister Joan Rea
Anne M. & Robert Reardon
Barbara A. Reardon
Marion E. Reardon
Pictured: St. Joseph Preparatory High School choir sings to
the sisters during a celebration of the 140th Anniversary of the
sisters’ presence in Boston.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 27
Please accept this as a memorial gift in
honor of Sister Margaret McGarry.
I knew Sister Margaret for many years
as a teacher and then a colleague.
She was an excellent teacher and a
warm, generous woman who touched
many lives.
She is sadly missed.
Barbara Healy Bristol, RI
William & Katharine Reardon
Mary Ann Reczek
Irene Reddington
Richard & Linda Reed
Margaret C. Reeves
Frances Rega
Sister Ann Regan SC
Cecilia Regan
Joan & Robert Regan
John & Joanne Regan
Peter Regele
Regis College Class of 1966
Bernadette Reid
Patricia Reilly
Peter & Letizia Reilly
William & Mary Reissfelder
Ann Reitman & Family
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Remondi
Catherine Reynolds
David Reynolds
Marjorie A. Reynolds
Thomas & Grace Reynolds
Royal Rhodes
Paul & Marion Ricca & Family
Steve Ricci & Martha Miller
Josephine DeLuca Ricciuti
Daniel & Stephanie Rich
Bob & Barbara Richards
Catherine O’Donnell
Peter & Kathy Richardson
Phyllis E. Richardson
Grace E. Richmond
Francis & Lois Ridge
Mary Ellen Rigano
Claire M. Riley
George & Linda Riley
Marguerite M. Riley
Mary A. Riley
Jane & Philip Rinck
Kathleen & Margaret Riordan
Jenny Rizzo
Marie Rizzo
Catherine & Edward Robak
Martin & Nancy Robb
Margaret Roberts
Michael & Maria Roberts
Maj. Gen. Kenneth L.
Mary Jane Burke Robinson
Bud & Eileen Roche
& Family
Jean A. Roche
Ralph J. Roche
William & Maureen Roche
Anne E. Rocheford
John & Patricia Roddy
Theresa & Greg Rodgers
Jake & Lorry Rodriguez
Kathleen Rogantino
Marion Sullivan Rogantino
Darlene Rogers
Mary Ann Rogers
Mary F. Rogers
Jane D’Ercole Roman
Elaine Romano
Frank & Ginger Romano
Linda J. Romano
Theresa G. Romanoff
Lucy A. Ronayne
Nancy & John Ronayne
Phyllis M. Rorke
John & Mary Rossetti
Anne P. Rossi
Caroline S. Rotch
James & Regina Rourke Jr.
Tom Rourke
Rev. Paul Rouse
Joan Rousseau
Genevieve Rowell
Joanne Rowen & Family
Kathleen Rowlings
Phil & Nancy Roy
Sister Jeannette Roy
Marian A. Royer
Anne E. Rudser
Elizabeth C. Rudser
Dolores Tocci Rufo
Ann Ruggiero
Anthony Ruscito
Joanne C. Russell
Jaye V. Russo
Nicholas T. Russo
Colleen Ryan
Eleanor & William Ryan
Grampi & Nannie Ryan
Joan M. Ryan
John & Janice Ryan
Joseph & Nancy Ryan
Kathleen & Vincent Ryan
Kenneth & Carolyn Ryan
Margaret A. Ryan
Mary Ann & William Ryan
Maureen S. Ryan
Michael J. Ryan
Nayda & Gerald Ryan
Shirley & Michael Ryan
Kathleen Rybak
Dave & Marilyn Ryder
Irma B. Ryer
Edward M. Sabbagh
Patricia Sabbey
Barbara J. Sabonis
Sacred Heart Parish
Salem State Class of 1960
Giuseppe & Annita Salice
Mary R. Salustro
Donna & John Salyards
Nicholas & Norma Samiotes
Petrita Z. Sanchez
Carole Sanetti
Nancy Sannella
John & Carol Sano &
Florence Henderson
Carol & John Sano
Margaret S. Santangelo
Nancy R. Santangelo
Marguerite Santo
Heather M. Santosuosso
Theresa A. Sartorio
Pauline & Thomas Saunders
Richard J. Savage Jr.
Carolyn Savage
Janet M. Savage
Muriel Savoy
Dolores Scadding
Francis & Margaret Scafati
Gertrude Scafidi
Henry Scagnoli
Kathleen Scanlon
Lois & Robert Scannell
Charles Scarcella
Joseph M. Sceppa
Beverly Schacht
Lawrence Schell
Nick Schiarizzi
John & Janet Schickling
Mary G. Schilpp
Gerald F. Schindler
Charles & Rita Schissel
Jean M. Schissel
William & Marie Schleiff
Erika Schluntz
Dolores Schmid
Alice M. Schmitt
Karen J. Schroeder
Kay Schuetz
Michelle Schweitzer & Charles
Bob & Kathy Scobie
George & Maura Scollin
Carole Anne & Dana Scott
Helen M. Scott
Marcia Scott
Rita P. Scott
Roger & Ann Scott
The Scully Family
Dorothea A. Scully
Barbara Montgomery Seager
Marian Sears
Peggy & Larry Segreve
Joseph & Janet Senna
Maria & Victor Serena
Janet Jarvis Sethares
David & Susan Setterland
Janice & Frank Seymour
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Johanna Skenderian Shaghalian
John & Katherine Shanahan
Claire E. Shanley
Gail & Paul Shanley
Francis & Faith Shannon Jr.
Ann G. Shannon
Emily & Frank Shannon
John & Susan Shanta
Dorothy Shapero
Patricia M. Shaughnessy
Mary T. Shay
Barbara E. Shea
Doreen Shea
John & Frances Shea
Mary & Stephen Shea
Mary A. Shea
Mary E. Shea
Maureen Shea
Nora & Rachel Shea
Paul & Ellen Shea
Robert M. Shea
Romaine & Donald Shea
Catherine Tkacik Sheedy
Claire Sheehan
Claire M. Sheehan
John & Maureen Sheehan
Margaret & John Sheehan
CSJ Donors continued on page 30
The Women’s Table
Many thanks to the following donors for their generous support of this ministry.
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Anne T. Donovan
In Memory of Theresa Donovan
Anonymous Donors
Bethany Healthcare Center
William T. Cafferkey & Family
Fr. Bob Clark SSC
Sister Anne Conway
Sister Patricia Cushing
Charles & Joan Drane
Eileen Faggiano
Family Nurturing Center
Christine Farmer
Judith & Robert Lytle
Jean & Robert Mackey
William J. Mackey
In Honor of Sister Christiana Cronin’s
90th Birthday
Sister Mary O’Rourke
Sister Jean Plausky
In Honor of 2012 Golden Jubilarians
Charlie & Lulu Weschler
Mary Rita Weschler
R. Ted Weschler
For more information about The Women’s Table between Connecting issues,
please visit:
Pictured L-R: Four Congregation
ministries of the Sisters of St.
Joseph - The Women’s Table, The
Literacy Connection, St. Joseph
Retreat Center, and Casserly
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 29
Sister Helen Sullivan reviews some CSJ history with a visitor.
CSJ Donors continued from page 28
Margaret A. Sheehan
Maureen Sheehan
Ronnie Sheehan
Janet Sheerin
Robert & Claire Sheridan
Diane Shields
Gail M. Shields
Dan & Terri Shine
James & Barbara Shine
Edward Sicotte
Gary & Dorothy Siden
Jean Sidlowski
The Sienna Group
Anne E. Silva
Josephine Silva
Jeanne M. Simmons
Mary A. Simpkins
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph
Mt. Marie
Margaret Skamarycz
Thomas F. Skehan
Catherine & Robert Slade
& Family
Judith Slamin
Mary Gibbs Slater
Mary E. Slavin
Mary Smalarz
Evelyn Small
Jane Smiley
Bonnie & James Smith III
Anna & Kevin Smith
Dorothea & Robert Smith
Elizabeth & William Smith
Jeanne & Glenn Smith
Karen A. Smith
Paul & Irene Smith
Peter & Catherine Smith
Phyllis & Robert Smith
Richard & Patricia Smith
Simon E. Smith
Teresa Doyle Smith
Elaine W. Snowden
Stan & Cecile Sojka
Christine Hayes Sokolove
Harry & Mary Ann Solletti
Edward Sonn
Carl & Janice Soppers
& Family
Charles Sorensen
Lloyd & Mary Sorenson
Linda Soukiasian
Joan L. Spanbauer
Douglas & Virginia Sparrow
Herbert & Barbara Spellman
Irma L. Spencer
Donna Spera
Robert & Margaret Sperduto
Robert & Margaret Spidle
James Spinale
Marie Spindler & Family
Nancy Spinney
Spirit of Life Community
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Spivack
Eileen Sponaogle
Donald E. Sprague
Ruth S. Spring
Margaret Ouellette Spurrell
Stadium Auto Body
St. Agatha Parish Milton
St. Agatha Parish Outreach
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Catherine of Siena
School Norwood
St. Charles Waltham Class
of 1958
St. Columbkille Partnership
St. Francis Xavier Staff
St. Francis Xavier Parish
So. Weymouth
Barbara & Ronald St.
Raymond & Louise St.
St. Gregory Parish
St. Jeanne D’Arc School
St. Jerome Parish Weymouth
St. John School Assoc.
St. John the Evangelist
School Canton
St. Joseph Preparatory H. S.
St. Joseph Sodality Medford
St. Linus Parish Natick
St. Pius V Parish Lynn
St. Pius V School Lynn
St. Sebastian’s School
St. Susanna Parish Dedham
St. Vincent de Paul Canton
George & Carolyn Stack
& Family
Ann M. Stack
Stage To Sell By Mary
David & Kathleen Stahl
Margaret & Walter Stamp
Debbie & Richard Stande
Esther Stanley
Robert & Moira Stanley
Roberta & Bill Stanley
Susan Stanley
Charlene Rivera & Charles
Lucille Stark
Marilyn Stasonis
State Street Foundation
Mary Stearns
Diane Stelfox
Mary Aylward Stewart
Pat M. Stickney
Jessica Stig
Jennifer & Austin Stokes
Janis Stanziani Stoler
Stone & Paul PC
Barbara A. Stone
Joan Stone
Marcella Stone
Rosemary Stone
Elizabeth A. Strain
George & Margaret
Strategic Placement Club
Mary & William Stucchi
Suffolk District Attorney
Lucille & Stephen Sugar
John & Marcia Sulfaro
Joan M. Sullivan & Family
John & Anne Sullivan & Family
Kerry Sullivan & Family
Charles M. Sullivan Jr. & Cherie
A. Tate
Sister Danielle Sullivan SP
Barbara J. Sullivan
Edith T. Sullivan
Eleanor & Margaret Sullivan
Eleanor B. Sullivan
Ellen Sullivan
F. Adelaide Sullivan
Garrett & Peg Sullivan
Gertrude E. Sullivan
Helen Sullivan
James & Mary Sullivan
Jean Sullivan
Joan M. Sullivan
Joan & Robert Sullivan
Joan Kirby Sullivan
John & Janice Sullivan
John & Mary Sullivan
John & Pam Sullivan
Kathleen Lydon Sullivan
Mary E. Sullivan Waltham
Mary E. Sullivan Roslindale
Mary E. Sullivan Chestnut Hill
Mary E. Sullivan Waltham
Mary Rita Sullivan
Mary T. Sullivan
Nancy M. Sullivan
Naomi Sullivan
Patricia A. Sullivan
Patricia M. Sullivan
Rev. Eugene P. Sullivan
Richard & Karen Sullivan
Robert & Gay Sullivan
Rosemary Sullivan
Theresa Sullivan
Ken & Judy Sumner
Lauraine B. Supino
Leo & Joanne LaCharite Surette
Celia M. Susi
Jean Sutherby
Jeanne Sutton
Linda Crowley Svetz
Pat & Gus Swanson Jr.
Sister Diane Swanson RSM
Judy & Paul Swett
Robert & Mary Symes
William & Ann Szcesuil
Stanley & Maryellen Szetela
& Family
Michael & Ellen Szetela
Barbara Szorenski
Rose E. Tacelli
Anna Taft
Doris Talios
Mark & Ann Tambascio
CSJ Donors continued on page 32
Casserly House
Your generosity helps maintain and create a welcoming environment
and a safe, diverse, and vibrant community. For all you do, we thank you.
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Sister Roseann Amico
Olivia S. Armato
Sarah E. Arnini
Eva Arnott
Sarah T. Barrett
In Memory of Mary Callahan
Sister Marian Batho
Sister Kathleen Berube
Bethany Healthcare Center
Sister Mary Black
Helen Bojanowski
Celeste M. Braceland
Jill Rita Braceland
Megan Buchiet
Buddhist Association of Massachusetts
Maureen Byrne
Ann M. Cahill
William & Candace Campbell
Rev. George F. Carlson
In Memory of John & Steve D’Arcy
Joan Power Cavanaugh & Family
Centre Cuts
Elsie Cheverie
Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale
June Cieri & Tom Brown
Sister Peggy Comfrey
Geri & Ray Costigan & Family
Elizzabeth Craig
Sister Pauline Curley
Willaim Davis
Sister Eleanor Deady
In Memory of Jack Deady
Anna DelloRusso
Irene Desharnais
Sister M. Gervasi DiGregorio
Sister Gail Donahue
In Honor of Rev. Timothy Murphy
Barbara Dowds
Susan English
Rita Farley Sister Brenda Forry
Grace Gallegos
Laura & Steven Gang
Donna & Michael Golas
Bill & Eileen Toomey Gorman
Sister Marie Claire Goudey
Seth & Maria Grady
Helen Grasso
Guira & Tambora
Barbara Haid
Julian B. Hayes
Marsha & David Helmstadter
Kathleen D. Hickey
Sister Helene Higgins
David & Karen Hinchen
Mary & Donald Holt
Holy Name Parish West Roxbury
In Memory of Eileen Mullett
Richard & Patricia Hughes
Maureen Jameson
Sister Elizabeth Joyce
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
Terrance & Sandra Keane
Roberta Keegan
Sister Martha Ann Kelley
In Memory of John Enright
Dorothy A. Keveny
Barbara Jean Lottero
Patricia G. Lunn
Sister Marie Therese Martin
In Memory of James Cawley
Sister Dorothea Masduret
Sister Eniz Mattozzi
Sister Patricia E. McCarthy
James McGowan
Raymond & Patricia McKeen
Rev. Gerard R. McKeon SJ
Sister Ann McNeil
Mary Jean McVeigh
Sister Rosemary Michalski
Sarah Moroney
Rose Mary Morrissey
In Memory of Sean Magee
William Muldoon
E. Joyce Munger
Dr. Cristina Nelson
In Honor of Sister Nancy Braceland
Sister Phyllis O’Callahan
Catherine O’Donnell Richardson
In Memory of Florence Picken
Sister Catherine O’Neill
Sister Mary O’Rourke
Ann & Robert Patterson Sr.
Sister Ellen Powers
Ann Marie Quinlan
Bernadette Reid
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Remondi
Anne P. Rossi
In Memory of Mary Rossi
Nancy R. Santangelo
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Sisters of St. Joseph
In Honor of Sister Declan Sullivan
In Honor of Sister Elizabeth O’Hearn
In Memory of E. Smith
In Memory of Paul Killion
Teresa Doyle Smith
Sister Joanne Solari
Mary E. Sullivan
In Memory of Sister Kathleen Eagar
Pat & Gus Swanson Jr.
Fidelis F. Taylor
Eileen Vautour
Debra Jean Wagner
Diane E. Ward
Sister Dorothy Welch
Janice & Glen Williams
Sister Franny Wool
For more information about Casserly House between Connecting issues,
please visit:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 31
Join us as a “Partner In Ministry”
Enrollment in “Partners in Ministry” is the way we recognize those generous people who have chosen to leave a legacy gift to
the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston with a planned gift in their estates. A planned gift is an excellent way to
say thank you to the sisters who have touched your life and to ensure that the vital ministries of the congregation are able to
continue serving the next generation.
Your gift, through a bequest in your will (or other planned gift vehicle such as a trust, an annuity, property, an IRA, stocks
or life insurance) will be used to provide care for our elderly and infirm sisters and will provide for the continuation of our
ministries. Truly you become our “Partner in Ministry”.
We would like to recognize your thoughtful gift during your lifetime. If you are planning to leave a legacy gift to the
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston, please complete the simple form below, and we will enroll you as a
Partner in Ministry and send you an enrollment certificate. Thank you!
Phone _________________________________
City___________ State_____ Zip_________
Email address_______________________________
__ I have included the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston in my estate plans.
Please mail to:
Office of Mission Advancement
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street, Brighton, MA 02135
If you have any questions contact Carol Mack, Director of Mission Advancement at 617-746-2115 or email [email protected]
CSJ Donors continued from page 30
Eileen P. Tangney
The Taranti Family
Al & Diane Tarara
Chris & Mary Tarpey & Family
Marie M. Tassinari
Tax Collector’s Office Brockton
Martin C. Taylor Sr.
Barbara T. Taylor
Fidelis F. Taylor
Katharine Taylor
Kathleen M. Teahan
Jane & Richard Tedder
Linda A. Tempelman
Richard & Isabelle Terk
Richard & Eleanor Terry
Carolyn & Bill Tewksbury
Maria Thibeault
Ann Thierauf
Mary & George Thissell
Bonnie Thomas
Evelyn & William Thomas
Martin & Lynne Thomas
Arleen & Joseph Thompson
Ella Thompson
Janice Thompson
Jeanne Rose Thompson
Katherine M. Thompson
Mildred Hurley Thompson
Geraldine & Dennis
Three Twins Productions
Anthony & Kathleen
Robert V. Tiernan
Anne F. Tierney
Grace & John Tighe
Kathleen & James Tighe
Maureen A. Tighe
Michael & Dolores Tighe
Robert & Louise Tilden
Raymond & Maria
Elaine Tinlin
Phyllis Titlebaum
James Tobin Jr. & Family
John & Frances Tobin
Sheila & Louis Tobio Jr.
Adam & Paul Tocci
Joseph & Ann Todesca
Peter & Gerry Toland
Guy & Carol Tomase
Aram & Vicky Tomasian
Mary Tompkins
Audra Tong
Charles & Pauline Toole
Ann E. Toomey
Eleanor E. Toomey
Mary V. Toomey
Joanne L. Torigian
Richard S. Torrisi
Audrey Tortolani
Paul R. Tousignant
Joseph & Maureen Tower
Maureen T. Towle
Nancy M. Towle
Joseph & Helen Tracey
Marie Ellis Tracey
Peter & Georgia Tracey
Thomas & Joyce Tracey
Mary F. Tracy
Kathleen A. Trainor
Maureen & Daniel Trainor
Fiorella Tramontozzi
Albert Travaglini
Beth Travers
David & Carol Travers
Joan Travers
Mary M. Travers
Robert & Mary Travers
Sarah & John Trayers
Margaret P. Tretter
Robert V. Tripp
Sabina Troy & Family
Bill & Laura Truesdell
Nancy Tucker
Kathleen J. Tully
Rita Turner
Thomas Turner
Annemarie Tutor
Pictured: Regis College students visit with sisters during a
reception in honor of the sisters’ 140th year in Boston.
Saint Joseph Retreat Center
Cohasset, MA
Your donations help us to create a haven of health,
rest and peace. Thank you all.
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Richard Abbadessa
In Memory of Christine Hudson
Elides Acosta & Elena Millan
John Allaire
Kathleen Anderson
Sheryl L. Anderson
In Memory of Jean Martin
Anonymous Donors
Mary Babic
Jennifer & Francis Badger
Anne Marie Barber
Margaret Blood
Nan & Paul Bouche
In Memory of Jean Martin
Ed & Laurie Boutin
Anne Marie Bozzi
Patricia Brown
Barbara A. Chase
In Memory of Anne Lee Chase
Sister Patricia Corkery
In Memory of Mary Jo Pineo
Sisters Margaret & Anna Crann
CSJ Office of Sponsored Ministries
June Chin
Margot Critchfield
Kathy Curley
Sister Paula Curley
Sister Imelda D’Agonstino
Edward D’Alello
In Memory of Jean Martin
Sister Rita Anne Davis
In Memory of The Davis Family
DiCenso Family Charitable Trust
Virginia Doane
In Honor of The Doane Family
Teresa Dones
Deacon Leo & Edna Donoghue
In Memory of Terri Gomm
In Honor of Sister Barbara Reney
Ralph & Jacqueline Dormitzer
Anne McCloskey Doyle
Robert B. Durso
Raymond & Carol Dwyer
Christine J. Engustian
Sister Jean Evans RSM
In Memory of Sister Liz Elbert OP
Mary Falcione
Evangelie Flessas
Fontbonne Academy
Elva M. Gleason
In Memory of Leo Gleason
In Memory of Ann G. Doughty
Erik Granskog
Marguerite Heenehan
In Memory of Paul &
Marguerite Heenehan
Sister Margaret Horan
John P. Hughes
In Memory of Mary Hughes
Jocelyn M. Johnston
In Memory of Jean Martin
Julie’s Family Learning Program
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
In Memory of Jean Martin
In Honor of Sister Rosemary
Carissa & Paul Kane
In Memory of Jean Martin
Mar Keefe
Kathleen Kelly
Wendy M. Lanoue
Dienna Lehner
In Memory of Jean Martin
Christine A. Lojko
Paula Kirby Macione
In Memory of Paul Kirby
In Memory of Mary Doyle O’Connor
Anne Malone SND
Sister Christine MCCann
Sister Mary McConnell
In Honor of Fr. Jim McConnell
Jean M. McKinney
Paula McMurrough
Francine Montemurro
In Memory of Teela & Champa
Sister Thomas Noore RGS
Sister Rita Morrissey
Sister Cecilia Mulrennan
Sister Elizabeth Murtagh SND
JoAnn Nally
In Memory of Jean Martin
Richard & Mary Ann Nawrocki
Sister Mary Phuc Nguyen OP
In Memory of Joseph & Maria Nguyen
Richard & Jane O’Brien
In Memory of Elizabeth “Beth”
Mary T. O’Connor
In Honor of Sister Barbara Reney
Sister Sheila O’Friel DC
In Memory of Edward Chase
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Virginia Parker
Karen Pastore
Floarea Pentiuc
H. Robert Peper
Donna Perry
Kathleen Powers
In Memory of Tom & Catherine Powers
Sister Katherine Prince FMM
In Memory of Mary Prince
Margaret Prozenheim
In Honor of Sister Kathleen Carr
Richard Rackette
Sister Denise Rajotte SND
In Memory of Annette & Emile Rajotte
William & Katharine Reardon
Sister Ann Regan SC
In Memory of Jean Martin
Sister Jeannette Roy
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Leo Roy
Ann Ruggiero
Nayda & Gerald Ryan
Patricia Sabbey
John & Susan Shanta
In Memory of Jean Martin
Sisters of St. Joseph
In Memory of Jean Martin
Theresa Doyle Smith
Sister Margaret Stinson
In Memory of Harry & Margaret Stinson
Lucille & Stephen Sugar
In Memory of Stephen Sugar
Theresa Sullivan
In Memory of Jerry Sullivan
Sister Diane Swanson RSM
In Memory of William, Margaret &
David Swanson
Barbara Szorenski
Audra Tong
In Memory of Emily To
In Memory of Won Cheung
In Memory of Sik Foo Ma
Janice Uguccioni
In Memory of Jean Martin
Sisters Pam Wagner & Fran Liston
In Memory of Jean Martin
Julie Walsh & Kim Pasqualucci
In Memory of Jean Martin
Mary Wendel
In Memory of Clarence Wendel
Virginia Wholley
Anne Marie & Daniel Willhite
In Memory of Jean Martin
Christine & John Whoriskey & Family
For more information about St. Joseph Retreat Center between Connecting issues,
please visit:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 33
CSJ Donors continued from page 32
Mary M. Twiraga
Rita A. Twomey
Carol A. Tye
Janice Uguccioni
Harry Uhlman
Jeanne Umbrello
Philip & Mary Untersee
Charles & Annette Upton
Lewis & Barbara Uttaro
Ralph & Patricia Vacca
Jeff Vainshpein
Tony & Yvonne Vallace
Paul & Francoise Vallee
Carol Vallely
Anne & John Vallier
Christine & Mark Vallone
Elizabeth VanderAarde
& Family
Dorothy E. Varges
Elaine J. Vaudreuil
Eileen Vautour
Claire & Vincent Vendice
Cleto Venditti
Verizon Foundation
Paul A. Vermaelen
Vertucchio & Smith
Anne & Al Vesperi
Marjorie & Louis Vezeau
Elizabeth Viano
Dr. Emilia Varona Vincente
Francisca Vivero
Isolda Vivero
Vocational Advancement
Dorothea J. Vocino
Kathleen Vogan
Mary Lou & David VonEuw
Joanne & Bob Voytovich
Barbara A. Wade
Sisters Pam Wagner & Fran
Debra Jean Wagner
Gail F. Wagner
Eileen & William Waldron
Gerald & Doris Waldron
Carol Hughes Walker
Stephanie G. Wall MD
Evelyn L. Wall
John & Marie Wall
Caley Wallace & Carol
Julie Walsh & Kim
Carole & Michael Walsh Sr.
Ann Marie & Bill Walsh
Catherine Walsh
David & Neila Walsh
Elizabeth A. Walsh
Margaret A. Walsh
Mary J. Walsh
Mary M. Walsh
Patricia Walsh
Anne & Gerald Walters Sr.
Noreen Walton
Diane E. Ward
Don & Pat Ward
Dorothy J. Ward
Gerard & Lorraine G. Ward
Marie Ward
Marilyn Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Ward
Sister Janice Waters SND
Joanne Crowley Watkins
Maureen Watts
Kathleen Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred N. Weber
Robert & Judith Weber
Carol A. Weese
Marie E. Weidmann
Peter F. Weiss Jr.
Peter & Gail Weiss
Cheryl Weisse
Beverly A. Welch
Marie L. Welch
Mary & John Welch
Gertrude Wellbrock
Mary Wendel
Joseph R. Wenzel
Evelyn M. Werner
Charlie & Lulu Weschler
Mary Rita Weschler
R. Ted Weschler
George T. West
Weymouth Line Dance
Kenneth R. Whelan
Patricia Whelan
White Mountain Creamery
Bernadette White
Francis & Jeanette White
Kathryn White
Robert & Joan White
Deborah Whitman
Mary Whitney
Yvonne Whitney
sisters of st. joseph
of boston
140 years
and beyond
Celebrating 140 years at St. Agatha Church, Milton, MA
David & Doris Whitworth
Virginia Wholley
Christine & John Whoriskey
& Family
Mary & William Whyte
Sandra Widland
Mary Claire Wiegand
Ed & Kathleen Wiggin
Henry & Helen Wilayto
Ian Wilcox
Steven & Nancy Wilcox
Richard C. Wiles
Marilyn & Robert Wilkinson
Elizabeth Willett
Mr. & Mrs. John Willett
Anne M. & Daniel Willhite
Barbara Williams
Donna Williams
Janice & Glen Williams
Joanne & Kevin Williams
John & Barbara Williams
Robert & Barbara Williams
Robert C. Williams
Thomas & Mary Williams
Gail M. Willis
Charles & Carol Wilson
John & Mary Faith Wilson
Judith Wilson
Mary & Robert Wilson
Steve & Jean Wilson
Anne & Walter Winchenbach
Dale T. Wise
Clare & Francis Wohlgemuth
Women’s Guild Blessed
Sacrament Saugus
Conrad Wondolowski
Gretchen & Frank Wood
Philip & Jane Wood
Anna & Samuel Woods
Christopher Woodward
Peter & Elizabeth Worden
Celeste & George Wright
Dr. & Mrs. Alan J. Wright
Jean M. Wright
Tom & Mary Wright
Rev. Thomas F. Wyndham
Anne & Frank Wynne
Aileen Crowley Yates
Laura Yodzio
Marie Yorston
Your Cause LLC
Pauline F. Zammito
Harvey & Shirley Zides
Barbara Zino
Zussman Family Foundation
Chester S. Zwonik †
Card Program
Choosing our cards is a generous way of celebrating the lives of relatives and friends.
Throughout the year, those you honor with a card are remembered in prayer by the
Sisters of St. Joseph and CSJ Associates.
We encourage our donors to request that their family and friends remember
the Congregation by sending donations “in lieu of flowers.” All donations are
acknowledged by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston Office of Mission Advancement.
If you wish to make a donation, know someone who would like to, or are in need of
cards for a relative or friend, please contact Cheryl Duggan,
Mission Advancement Coordinator, at 617-746-2114
or email [email protected].
To make a donation online,
visit and find the donate now button.
St. Joseph
Madonna and Child
Morning Rose
Card Order Form
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St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 35
Non-Profit Org
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Permit No. 58432
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street
Brighton, MA 02135
If you do not wish to receive future CONNECTING mailings, please return your address label to us,
and we will remove your name from all of our mailings.
When you finish with this issue of Connecting please PASS US ALONG. So many good people do not
receive our mailings, but are connected in some way to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. It is our hope that
you will encourage others to read about the sisters and their ministries. When you PASS US ALONG, you will
be passing along good news.
Celebrating Donor Day 2013.