Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston


Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Neighbor with Neighbor and Neighbor with God
VOL 23 #1
Fall 2014
Office of Mission Advancement
Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Advancement Giving Report
For the period July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014
We are pleased to report that you, our donors, have generously
supported our fundraising activities during the period July 1,
2013 through June 30, 2014. The Congregation of the Sisters of
St. Joseph of Boston received 9,714 gifts totaling approximately
$1,900,000.00. This includes: individual private donors, grants,
event revenue, foundation support, estate gifts, as well as the
revenue from our card and In Lieu of Flowers programs.
Semi-Annual Appeals
We received 2,417 donations to the General Fund through
our Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 appeals and through the use
of envelopes from CONNECTING magazine. These gifts
totaled $332,526. Of this sum, $17,063 was designated for our
elderly and infirm sisters.
National and Diocesan Collections for Retired Religious
We receive proceeds from national and diocesan collections
for retired religious sisters. You may have contributed to these
funds through your own parishes. This year, we were awarded
$325,929 from these collections.
Designated Gifts
Donors contributed a total of $23,920 for the following
projects: Human Trafficking, the Motherhouse Chapel, and
Holy Spirit Garden in Brighton.
In Honor of and Memorial Cards and In Lieu of Flowers
We realized a significant increase in support for our Honor
Cards for the Living, Memorial Cards, and In Lieu of Flowers
programs. We were blessed with 6,087 donations through
these programs totaling $102,554.
Fundraising Events
Our annual October Fall Luncheon for the Allston/Brighton
community was well received and realized $5,255 in gifts,
which were equally shared between The Women’s Table and
The Literacy Connection.
This year, we added two new events to our schedule and
are pleased to report an enthusiastic response from sponsors
and attendees. In March, we inaugurated our first annual
Living the Dream Dinner to celebrate the 140th anniversary
of our sisters in the Greater Boston area. This event raised
$632,765 for the support of our retired sisters and our
April saw the fifth anniversary of The Women’s Table
which was celebrated with our first annual “A Place at the
Table.” This event generated 165 donations for a total of
Partners in Ministry
The Partners in Ministry program recognizes those who
have chosen to remember us in their wills and estate plans.
This year, we received $317,238 as non-restricted donations
from planned gifts and $26,389 designated especially for
the care of our elderly and infirm sisters.
CSJ Ministries
In addition to the funding received for our congregation
ministries through the Office of Mission Advancement
activities, these ministries engage in additional fundraising
activities in order to fulfill their mission. Congregation
ministries include: Casserly House in Roslindale, The
Women’s Table and The Literacy Connection in Brighton,
and St. Joseph Retreat Center in Cohasset.
Casserly House raised $40,906 in donations and $42,450
in grants. These gifts fund the newsletter, adult literacy and
summer camp programs, as well as other ongoing programs.
The Literacy Connection received $40,700 through grants
and $16,309 through individual donations. St. Joseph
Retreat Center received $8,590 in donations for general
support and $3,949 in temporarily restricted donations for
furnishings and various other items. The Women’s Table,
in addition to the proceeds from its inaugural event, raised
$13,250 in gifts for the support and empowerment of
From the President
Dear Friends,
St. Paul's greeting in his letter to the Ephesians is
one which is ours for you. "We cease not giving
thanks for you, always making mention of you in our
prayers." As our 140th anniversary year concludes,
our hearts are full of gratitude for each of you who
so thoughtfully gift us with your donations and
remembrances. Your generosity greatly enhances the life
and works of our sisters and energizes us as we plan for the
present and future life of the Congregation.
As Sisters of St. Joseph, we continue to be about many meaningful and
exciting things. A good number of our sisters and associates are forwarding the
CSJ mission and charism through their dedicated work in our Congregation
ministries: The Literacy Program, Casserly House, the Women's Table, and
St. Josephs Retreat Center. Many of our sisters are also actively engaged in
ministry at our sponsored schools: Regis College, Fontbonne Academy, St.
Joseph Preparatory High School, and the Jackson-Walnut Park Schools. Others
also bring our CSJ presence to the Bethany Hill School Apartment community
as well as to their own particular ministries and local parishes.
Places of special remembrance are Bethany Health Care Center and
St. Joseph Hall where, each day, our sisters are about the ministry of
accompaniment and intentional remembrance of you in their prayers. On a
recent visit to Bethany, I once again observed Sister Greta, our oldest sister
at 103, sitting in her wheel chair praying for her long list of accumulated
intentions in which you have a special place of remembrance.
During the fall, I had the opportunity of co-leading a CSJ Heritage
pilgrimage to Le Puy, France, for sisters and associates from throughout the
United States and Canada. As we stood in the simple French kitchen where our
first sisters began our community, I had a profound awareness that what they
began in such an ordinary way has evolved into a powerful presence of Sisters
of St. Joseph and Associates throughout the world. As I stood in this space - so
sacred to our heritage, our mission, and our spirituality, my prayer was that we
be as open and enthused about God's invitation to serve the “dear neighbor”
of our time and as courageous in our response as our first sisters, knowing
full well this can only happen through your continued support and generosity.
With gratitude,
Rosemary Brennan, CSJ,President
Office of Mission Advancement
Mission Statement
The Office of Mission Advancement
of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
fully supports the mission and
ministries of the sisters. We raise
funds to support all present and future
ministries and to continue the legacy of
the community.
We also provide funds through
donor generosity to care for our elderly
and infirm sisters. All donations enable
the Congregation to strengthen its
mission of unity and reconciliation
among the people it serves.
Connecting is published
semi-annually by the Office of
Mission Advancement of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Margaret L. Sullivan, CSJ
Council Liaison
Carol Mack
Cheryl Duggan
Mary Black, CSJ
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Director of Communications
Darlene Rogers
Graphic Designer
Claire Archambault, CSJ
We do not share, rent or sell
our donor list.
Connecting is produced on
recycled paper and environmentally
friendly inks at low cost.
The Office of Mission Advancement
makes every effort to list accurately
all information from donors who have
given to the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston during the year.
If you find inaccurate information
or want to notify us of a change
of address, please call us at
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 3
From the Office of Mission Advancement
Welcome to the 2014 Fall
issue of CONNECTING!
On behalf of all the
Sisters of St. Joseph,
Associates, and staff,
we wish you a Blessed and
Happy Christmas Season.
s the celebration of our 140th year comes
to a close, I am happy to share with you our
2013/2014 Advancement Giving Report for
the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.
To all of you who were so generous, supporting our
semi-annual appeals, sponsoring and attending our
events, using our card and In Lieu of Flowers programsTHANK YOU! I would also like to express gratitude to
those kind people who remembered the Congregation of
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston through their wills and
estates. Your thoughtfulness makes our continued work
You probably know that our sisters who are physically
able are fully engaged in ministering to the “dear
neighbor” in schools, nursing homes, parishes, social
service agencies, one to one outreach and more, in ways
too numerous to list on this page! Did you also know
that additionally, our sisters connect “neighbor with
neighbor and neighbor with God” through four ministries
staffed and supported by this Congregation? These are
The Literacy Connection and The Women’s Table in
Brighton, Casserly House in Roslindale and St. Joseph
Retreat Center in Cohasset. In this issue, we take you
inside to meet the dedicated sisters, associates, and
qualified tutors who staff these ministries and learn about
their programs.
As you enjoy the crisp air and God’s autumn palette,
know that we hold you in our hearts and prayers and are
grateful for every gift you bestow on us!
Carol Mack
Director of Mission Advancement
If you need more information, wish to make a special gift, discuss
leaving a legacy gift to the sisters in your estate, please call me at
The front cover photographs represent the following ministries
The Literacy Connection, St. Joseph Retreat Center, The
Women’s Table, and Casserly House.The story of the Sisters of
St. Joseph springs from a small group of courageous women.
They were lace makers who wove a pattern of inclusive love
across 17th century France and across the world. Over 360
years later we continue to weave the threads of God’s generous
love in our families, our neighborhoods, and our world. Back
cover: Retreat participants gather for welcoming remarks
before the beginning of a directed retreat at St. Joseph Retreat
Center, Cohasset, MA.
If It Doesn’t Say
It’s Not Ours
We have, once again, received phone calls
and notes from our friends, relatives, and
donors saying that they have received
solicitations from the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Springfield.
We share many things with our Springfield
sisters: history, tradition, friendship,
community, and a passion for mission. We
do not share finances. We do not share
our mailing list with any other group.
Nonprofits can purchase mailing lists from
magazines and companies. The Springfield
sisters do, and that is why you receive their
Our mailings always have our logo:
Our mailing address is always:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
n October 31, 2014, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh spoke
eloquently to a crowd of approximately 175 people about
the sisters influence in his life and the importance of
programs like The Literacy Connection and The Women’s Table to
the people of the city of Boston. The occasion was our 7th annual Fall
Representative Kevin Honan was honored with the CSJ Community
Service Award - recognizing his love for and service to the Allston/
Brighton community. In an especially memorable moment, Sister
Maureen Doherty, Assistant President of the Sisters of St. Joseph and
Sister Pat Andrews, Director of The Literacy Connection, donned
top hats and serenaded Kevin with their customized version of “One
Singular Sensation.” Margarita Montero, a former student of The
Literacy Connection spoke movingly about the impact the program
had on her life. Everyone attending enjoyed a wonderful lunch
provided by Devlin’s Bistro & Pub, Brighton, MA. We are looking
forward to 2015!
637 Cambridge St.
Brighton, MA 02135.
Please be sure your gift
reaches its intended destination.
2014 Giving Report Page 2
From the President
Page 3
From the Office of
Mission Advancement
Page 4
CSJ Donor List
Pages 6 - 34
Partners in Ministry
Page 26
The Literacy Connection
Page 9 - 10
St. Joseph Retreat Center
Page 15 - 16
Casserly House Page 20 - 21
The Women’s Table
Page 26 - 27
Fall 2013 Luncheon
Page 25
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 5
e, Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates, thank you and keep you constantly in our prayers. Your
ongoing support enables us to care for our elderly and infirm sisters and to reach out to the
“dear neighbor” daily. Your support also helps us to continue our service to God’s people
through our diverse ministries. We have listed your names in this issue of Connecting as part of
our accountability. The following list reflects those who have made donations through our
Office of Mission Advancement or on behalf of our Congregation ministries from
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
A Friend
Richard Abbadessa
James & Catherine Abely
Laurie Abruzzi
Anne M. Ackerman
Patricia & Frank Adamczyk
Donald & Kathleen Adams
Margaret M. Adams
Anthony Adario
Diane Adelson
Carol & Robert Adey
Mary & Michael Adgate
The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
Peter & Eileen Agnes
Rita Agnes
Steven & Deanna Agostini
Mary L. Ahearn
Charles J. Ahern
Mary & Paul Ahern
Robert J. Ahern
Ai3 Architects LLC
Salvatore & Mary Ellen Aia
Ailanthus Ltd.
Luciano Aimar & Tom Crowley
Frances F. Akell
Rachel (Kelso) Alabiso
Nancy & Steven Albanese
Fabian & Jeannette Albarran
Eleanor Albert
Thomas J. Albert
Nora Albino
John & Mary Alden
Mary Alessandroni
Victor Alibrandi
Gerard F. Allen
John & Elizabeth Allen
Marilyn C. Allen
Nancy J. Allen
Patricia Daly Allen
Allston Board of Trade
Allston-Brighton APAC Inc.
Amy M. Almeida
Barbara & Brian Alosi
Helen & Henry Alpers
Anne & Carl Alsmeyer
Lourdes M. Alvarez
Adjoa Budu-Arthur Amana
Susan Amantangelo
American Mortgage
Resource Inc.
Nancy Amicangelo
Elizabeth & Carmen Amico
John & Suzanne Amico
Christopher & Susan
Mary F. Amrock
Chuck & Amy Anderson
Claire & George Anderson
George & Virginia Anderson
Jennifer Anderson
Marybeth Anderson
Sheri Anderson
Susan G. Anderson
Mary O. Angelos
Charles & Bertha Angeramo
Jean Anjoorian & Family
Mary Ellen & Kenneth
Anonymous Donors
Anthony & Bernice
Paul F. Antonellis
Bernice Antonucci
Trish Appert
Arbella Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Arbella Insurance
Joanne Archambault
Archdiocese of Boston
The Architectural Team Inc.
Arlington Catholic High
School & Staff
Arlington Catholic Women's
Club Arlington
Sister Alice Armata OP
Olivia S. Armato
Frances Armstrong
Marie E. Armstrong
Jennifer Arnini
Sarah E. Arnini
Elizabeth & Walter Arnold
Eva Arnott
Janice & Bob Arsenault
& Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Susan & Barry Ashton
Robert Atchinson
Barbara Athy
Irene Atkinson
Louis & Beatrice Attardo
Anthony & Joan Auciello
Michele Audet
Ronald D. Ayotte
B. C. High School Boston
Jean M. Babcock
Herman & Anna Baca
Lynne & James Bacon
Mary Bagley
Barbara Kelly Bailey
Patricia Baird
Ken & M. Val Baker
Ross & Frances Baldessarini
Janice M. Baldwin
Judith Balestrieri
Geraldine Ballotti
Joan Bandini
Doris & Donald Banks
Elaine Barber
Jack Bardy
Mary Ellen Barnes
Patricia A. Barnes
Joyce A. Barney
Kevin Barney
Samuel & Eileen Barrera
John & Margaret Barrett
Joseph & Catherine Barrett
Mark & Sharon Barrett
Mary J. Barrett
Richard Barrett
Sarah T. Barrett
Elizabeth Barron
Susan Barron
Madeline Barry
Mary E. Barry
M. Trearty Bartley
Kate Barton
Charles E. Batchelder
Jeanne F. Bates
Ruthann & Richard Bates
Batesville Casket Co. Inc.
Thomas & Teresa Battell
Leona M. Battista
James & Jane Batts
Peggy Baumeister
Mary Kelly Bavis
Meryl Baxter
William Bayers & Family
Meghan Bea & Carol
Robert L. Beal
Ann E. Bean
Judy Guilfoyle Beatrice
James & Paula Beauregard
Eva G. Becky
Ruth E. Beecher
Noreen & Bob Begin
Patricia & Robert Begin
Nicholas G. Belezos
Robert Belley
Julia Benson
Eleanor & Robert Bent
Dorothy Berg
Georgeanne Berg
Patricia Bergstrom
Michael & Pat Bernier
Ruth & William Berrigan
Doug & Diana Berthiaume
Doris Bertocchi
The Berube & Ashin Families
Maureen Berube & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beston
Bethany Health Care Center
Bethany Health Care Center Staff
Louise Beucler
Charlie & Linda Bezanson
Stephen Biagioni
Robert & Mary Biette
Bigemm Services Inc.
Louis & Rita Binda
Kenneth Binder
Janice Settana Bingham
Virginia Birge
Birmingham Foundation
Leslie A. Bishop
Constance Foley Black
Janice & Kevin Black
Martha Black
Maureen C. Blair
John J. Blake Jr.
Rose Breslin Blake
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
Daniel & Norah Blaney
Blessed John XXIII Nat'l
Margaret Blood
Deborah & Robert Bloomberg
Blue Hills Bank Charitable
Lucinda Chandonait Boaen
Irene F. Bocella
Charles D. Boddy Jr.
Ruth & James Bodine
James Bodoin
Walter Boggio
Walter & Zoraida Bohn
Bill & Maureen Boland
Eleanor Bolduc
Alice & Nelson Bolen
Joseph A. Bolino
Sheila & Tony Bonacci
Jennie Bonasoro
Anne & Stephen Bonatti
Florencia Anna Bond
George Bonoff
Linda Boothroyd
Kathleen Borgal
Ann Bortolotti
Thomas & Marie Bosak
Marguerite Quill Bosman
Boston College Governmental
Boston College AllstonBrighton Community Fund
Boston Common Asset
Boston Properties
Boston Provincial
Boston University
Elizabeth Bostrom
Louise & Rodrigo Botero
Nan & Paul Bouche
Theresa & Richard Boudette
Leo & Maureen Boudreau
Paula J. Boudreau
Rev. Charles E. Bourke Jr.
The Boutin Family
Frances T. Bowen
Jerry Bowen
Mary E. Bower
Daniel & Janine Bowes
John & Donna Bowie
Christopher & Virginia
Ann & Richard Bowler
Edmund & Dorothy Bowler
Jack & Anne Bowman
Denise & Charles Bowser
Gerard & Connie Boyce
Veronica Boyd
Leonard & Kathleen Boyle
Mary E. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Boyle
Anita M. Braceland
Mary & Joseph Bracken
Val & Jack Bracken
Pat & Diane Bradley
Patricia & Daniel Brady Jr.
William J. Brady Jr.
Claire R. Brady
Msgr. Roger J. Brady
Patrica D. Brady
Patricia Brady
Peter & Marie Brady
Thomas P. Brady
John Braithwaite
Peter & Meredith Branagan
Cynthia & Richard Brandi
Harvey A. Bray
Kathleen Brearley
Arlene & Paul Breen Jr.
Paul F. Breen
Donna Brennan
Mark T. Brennan
Mary-Lou Brennan
Richard A. Brown
Stanley & Gail Brown
Robert J. Browne
Ruth Browne
Margaret M. Bruce
Gisela & John Brunaccini
Dianne & Thomas Brunner
Rev. William Brunner
Jean M. Bruno
Ann M. Bucciarelli
Angelina Buchanan
Sally Buchanan
Megan Buchheit
Janet Buck
Clare & Joseph Buckley
Elizabeth A. Buckley
Sisters and associates join thousands at the
“Stand up for All Children” rally in Boston.
Rev. Gerard Brennan
Jim & Pattie Brett
Timothy Brewer
Patricia Boyle Brewin
Margaret M. Brewster
Brian J. Honan Charitable
Anne F. Briand
Edward & Elizabeth
Margaret Bridges
K. Douglas Briggs
Brighton Motor Service
Tom & Judy Britt
Frank & Maureen Broderick
& Family
Muriel Brodette
James & Kathleen Bronsdon
Helen M. Bronzo
Brian Brooks
Mary Brophy
Rita Brosnahan & Francis
Bernice Reynolds Brown
Marguerite M. Buckley
Albert & Joan Buckley Sr.
Timothy & Jane Buckley
David G. Budinger
George R. Bulger
Theodore & Donna Bunnell
Elizabeth R. Buonaugurio
Paul J. Buonopane
Mary C. Burchill
Sam & Gae Burchill
Paula Buresh
Mary M. Burgarella
Burke Distributing Corp.
Daniel R. Burke
Edward J. Burke
Eileen C. Burke
Elizabeth & Jack Burke
Jeanne M. Burke
Joan M. Burke
Joanne Burke
Marie E. Burke
Mary & Scott Burke
Noreen Burke
William & Hsiao-Hua Burke
Judith W. Burling
Linda S. Burnett
Norma Burnett
Robert & Lisa Burns
Yvonne Burrowes
Nancy Busnach & Joe D'Ovidio
Priscilla Butenhoff
Marie C. Butler
Cynthia & Alan Butters
Katherine Rose Buxton
Mary P. Byrne
Maureen Byrne
Brian Byrnes
Anna & James Byron
Dennis Byron
CSJ Brighton Employees
CSJ Office of Sponsored
CSJ Party of 1963
CSJs from Holy Name Convent
Catherine & Robert Caddigan
Marianne & John Cafazzo
William T. Cafferky & Family
Corinne Cafferky
Kristine Cafferky
John & Cynthia Cafferty
Mary E. Cafferty
Patricia Caffrey
Madilyn H. Caggiano
John & Virginia Cahill & Family
Francis Cahill & Family
Ann M. Cahill
Catherine Cahill
Dan Cahill
Gerald & Elizabeth Cahill
Katherine & James Cahill
Kathleen J. Cahill
Patricia M. Cahill
Regina Caines
George & Joan Call
Daniel & Helen Callahan
James & Carol Callahan
Joan & Edward Callahan
Margaret M. Callahan
Marge E. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Callahan
Thomas & Jean Callahan
David & Naomi Callender
Catherine Calnan
Anthony Camardo
Cambridge Firefighters #126
Cambridge Trust Co.
Mary R. Came
Geraldine & Bob Cameron
Richard C. Cameron
Robert & Elinor Curtin
Camino Real Inc.
CSJ Donors continued on page 9
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 7
The Literacy Connection
he Literacy Connection reaches out
especially to adults most in need
of services, to provide English
language skills and a pathway to U.S.
Citizenship. This in turn opens opportunities for
themselves and their families. It builds stronger
communities, and the social and cultural fabric of
our society is enriched. Sister Pat Andrews often
thinks of the roots of the Sisters of St. Joseph in
terms of her current day ministry.
In 1873, when four Sisters of St. Joseph from
Brooklyn, NY arrived in Boston, they found
themselves in a city full of immigrants, and four
days later they opened a school for 200 children.
Twenty-seven years ago, The Literacy Connection
came into being with that same concern for
helping an immigrant population (this time adults)
alleviate language differences.
At the Celebration of Achievement and Gratitude
in June 2014, I opened the program with these
words of thanks and praise: “Not long ago, our
nation lost one of its ‘Renaissance Women’, Maya
Angelou. Ms. Angelou was a renowned AfricanAmerican poetess, writer, actress, dancer and
political activist. Her words were an inspiration to
One particular quote aptly describes you today,
dear students. Maya Angelou once said, “You may
not control all the events that happen to you, but
you can decide not to be reduced by them.” You
have endured hardships, set-backs, and for some,
violent situations; but the hope for a better future
and opportunities for your families have spurred
you on. We recognize and congratulate you – your
efforts and desire to speak English, to become
more involved in your communities and for many
to become United States citizens. You are a gift to
us! Your sacrifices, motivation, concern for family
and your abundant JOY are an example for us.
As Sisters of St. Joseph, we often use the word
“charism”. Wikipedia describes charism as a gift
that flows from God’s love to us to help us perform
our task in the Church. To our dedicated tutors
- you are charism to The Literacy Connection.
Without your generous gift of time, creativity, and
by Sister Pat Andrews,
Director of The Literacy Connection
Sister Helen Noonan congratulates a student as she
receives her certificate of achievement from TLC.
concern, our program would not be able to function.
Along with the “thank you” expressed by our
students, we add our heartfelt gratitude as well. And
to our benefactors and donors - your great-hearted
and generous support has carried The Literacy
Connection through all these years partnering with
us as we strive to break down barriers and build an
inclusive society. To all: You are ever a part of our
lives; all the good you have shared will live on in our
¹The Monks of Weston Priory
Sister Terry Jardin helps a student of TLC learn English.
CSJ Donors continued from page 7
Sister Peg Horan tutors a student at TLC.
Sister Diane Neumyer helps TLC student with his schoolwork.
Sister Pat Andrews is a former
teacher at Cathedral High
School, Boston. She is also
a former principal of Gate
of Heaven School, South
Boston. After serving on the
CSJ Leadership Team from
1994-2000, Sister Pat became
the director of The Literacy Connection. In 2005,
The Literacy Connection established a Citizenship
Preparation program that has helped over 115 people
become U.S. citizens. Sister Pat is a highly visible
contributor to many organizations in the Allston/
Brighton area. Sister Pat also celebrates her Golden
Jubilee this year.
Maureen & Bill Camire
Campaign for Catholic
Diane Campbell
Don & Ann Campbell
Michael & Lorrie Campbell
Rosemary Campbell
William & Candace
Campion/Greene Family
Charles & Jacqueline Canali
Michael J. Canavan
Elaine Cancilla
Tom & Jane Cangiano
Noreen & Vincent
Bernadette Canniff
Dorothy Canniff
Joan & Vincent Cannistraro
Frances & Herbert Cantwell
Gary & Joan Capadanno
Ann & Mary Caples
Valerie Cappola
Susan Rich Caramadre
Robert & Barbara Carberry
Peter & Madeleine Cardello
Cardinal Spellman High
School Brockton
Eleanor Cardinal
John & Gloria Carew
George & Mary Carey
Marilyn Carey
Mary Lou Carey
Natalie Carey
J. Terence Carleton
Carlo's Cucina
Rev. George F. Carlson
Nancy & Jim Carmody
F. Mary Carney
Carpenters Local Union #40
R. E. & J. E. Carr & Family
James F. Carr
Walter and Maureen Carr
Marijo Carrigan
Thomas Carrigg & Son Inc.
Michael & Margaret
Anne M. Carroll
Barbara & Charles Carroll
Dolores & Tom Carroll
Maureen Carroll
Rita M. Carroll
Roberta K. Carroll
Agnes M. Carson
Judith Carter
Leroy & Rita Carter
Patricia & David Carter
Richard P. Carter
Suzanne Carter
Ruth Cartier
Christina Carty
Mary T. Carty
Diane M. Caruso
Joseph & Joanne Caruso
Mary M. Caruso
Charles Casassa & Family
William C. Casey III & Family
Anne M. Casey
Edward G. Casey
Francis & Joanne Casey
Patrick & Josephine Casey
Ellen B. Cashman
The Cassidy Family
Noel I. Cassidy
Maryanne Cataldo
Mary E. Caterino
Cathedral High School Class
of 1939
Cathedral High School Boston
Catholic Alumni Club of
Catholic Charities
Catholic Daughters National
Directors Board
Catholic Daughters of America
Court St. Clementine #821
Catholic Daughters of the
Americas Brighton
Jane Cavaleri
Henry R. Cavalieri
Joan Power Cavanaugh
& Family
Martha Cave
David & Eleanor Caven
Theresa M. Cavicchi
John J. Cawley
Philip & Judith Celeste
Pat Coughlin Celona & Joseph
Michael & Mindy Celona
Dolores Centola
Centre Cuts
Patricia & Frank Centrella Jr.
Century Bank
Aaron & Frances Cerullo
Patrick Ceruolo
Marie Antonellis Chadderdon
Christine & Surjit Chana
Michael & Catherine Chapman
Eileen T. Charbonneau
Claire Chase & Janet Gibbons
Anne & David Chastain
Grace Chavez
Karen Cherelli
CSJ Donors continued on page 11
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 9
The Literacy Connection
We thank these donors for their generous support.
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
Anne & Carl Alsmeyer
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Sister Roseann Amico
The Bertolino Family & Freddie
Sister Catherine Ginty’s
90th Birthday*
Sister Patricia Andrews
Kay Daley**
Anonymous Donors
Arbella Insurance Group
Charitable Foundation Inc.
Arlington High School Students
& Staff
Janice Baldwin
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Mary Barrett
Bethany Healthcare Center Inc.
Bethany Healthcare Center Staff
Sister Claire Blake
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
Linda Boothroyd
Sister Rose Canney’s Golden
Boston College Allston-Brighton
Community Fund
Sister Patricia Boyle
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Patricia Brady
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Sister Rosemary Brennan
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Judith Burling
Priscilla Butenhoff
Mary Byrne
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
CSJ Brighton Employees
CSJ Party of 1963
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Sister Rose Canney
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Maureen Carroll
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Phyllis DeBaggis Ciannavei
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Clipper Ship Foundation Inc.
Sister Helen Thomas Colbert
Lawrence & Carolann
Geri & Ray Costigan
Sister Gervasi DiGregorio
2013 CSJ Golden
Patricia Doherty
2013 CSJ Golden
James Donahue
Sister Gail Donahue
Charles, Abbie & Jean
Blanco Donahue**
Sister Catherine Ginty’s
John Robert & Elizabeth
Sister Mary Anne Doyle
Sister Anne Mary Duenas
Mary & James Duffy
Patricia Elder
2013 CSJ Golden
Robert & Ida Emde
Sister Rose Canney’s
Golden Jubilee*
Rev. Al Faretra & St. Blaise
Nicolina & Olivia Farmer
Sister Joanne Gallagher
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Sister Ann Marie Ghiloni
Sister Dorothea Masuret*
Mary Sally Gould
Amy Guen
Sister Anna Mary Kelly**
Harvard Allston Partnership
Joan Hoey
Sister Agnes Lee**
Holy Union Sisters
Houghton Chemical Corp.
Leo & Lauraine Hudon
Joanne Hyde
Sister Jeanne Ibach
Sister Catherine Ginty
90th Birthday*
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
Albert & Diane Kaneb
Sister Martha Ann Kelley
2013 CSJ Golden
Marie Kelly
2013 CSJ Golden
Nargas Khan
Mary Anne Lawhorne
2013 CSJ Golden
Sister Lois Lyons
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Sister Kay Magno
Anne Mahoney
Joan McCallion
2013 CSJ Golden
Sister Dionetta McCarthy
Sister Jacqueline McCarthy
Sister Catherine Ginty’s
90th Birthday*
Sister Pat McCarthy
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Barbara McDaniel
Kathleen & Gregory
2013 CSJ Golden
Sister Marie Louise
Sister Marlie McGoldrick
Jean McKinney
Alexis McLaughlin**
Margarita Montero & Family
Patricia & Andrew Morrison
Sister Claire Morrissey
CSJ Party of 1963*
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Juliet & Frederick Nagle
Sister Catherine Nevin
Sister Margaret
Sister Carole Lombard**
Sister Margaret Ginty**
Margaret Donovan
Sister Helen Noonan
Sister Mary Ellen O’Connell
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Sister Virginia O’Connell
Sister Catherine O’Neill
The O’Neill Family*
Sister Mary O’Rourke
Sister Mary Olsen
Ann & Robert Patterson Sr.
Sister Margaret Garballey**
Peoples Federal Savings
Donna Perry
Sister Jean Plausky
Marcia Powers
Regis College Mission
Sister Barbara Reney
Sister Catherine Ginty’s
90th Birthday*
Anne Scott
2013 CSJ Jubilarians*
Sandra Salvarajah
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Barbara Shea
Katherine Shute
Richard Smith**
Sisters Margaret Cunningham
& Helen Noonan
Sister Mary Ellen O’Connell**
James & Luci Spinale
Mike & Keri Babish*
Stratford Foundation Inc.
Sister Danielle Sullivan SP
John & Mary Sullivan**
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Sister Linda Surette OP
Sisters Danielle Sullivan
& Susan Reilly
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians*
Mary Rita Weschler
Sister Margaret Garballey** †
* In Honor of
** In Memory of
For more information aboutThe Literacy Connection between Connecting issues,
please visit:
The Sisters of St. Joseph hosted a Mass and brunch to honor our
donors at the 2014 Donor Appreciation Day in June.
CSJ Donors continued from page 9
Elise Cheverie
Marion Chisholm
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chisholm
Richard & Joan Chisholm
Kathleen Choate
Sheila Christensen
Patricia Ciampi
Phyllis DeBaggis Ciannavei
Salvatore J. Ciccarelli
Rosella Cicchese
The Anmarie Ciccolo Fund
Raymond J. Ciccolo
June Cieri & Tom Brown
Charlotte G. Ciommo
Catherine Reynolds Cipriano
Margaret Ciriello
Bob & Ann Citrano
City of Boston DoIT
Ritajane Clancy
William & Katherine Clancy
William & Mary Clancy
Fr. Bob Clark SSC
Elizabeth Ann Clark
Margaret A. Clark
Stetson H. Clark
Elvira P. Clarke
Margaret T. Clarke
Joseph & Patricia Clasby
Thomas & Jane Clasby
Mary & Jack Clawson
Clay Nissan of Newton
Helena S. Clifford
Jane & John Clifford
Rev. Donald P. Clifford
Clipper Ship Foundation Inc.
Nancy R. Cloonan
Rosemary & William Cloran
Clough Capital Partners LP
Virginia Clough
Lorraine Coakley
Paul & Joan Coakley
David & Claire Coco
David & Mary Jean
Mary Cody
Patricia & Gerard Cody
Kathleen M. Coffey
Leonard Coffill
Pamela Cogliandro
Mary Cohane
Dana & Ginny Cohen
Meryl I. Cohen
Joan & Fred Colangeli
Mary L. Colangelo
Florence & George Cole
Margaret M. Cole
Kenneth W. Colebourn
Anna Coleman
Jack & Marge Coleman
Margaret & Peter Colerico
Trudy Coles
Linda Coletti
Collection for Retired
Religious, Archdiocese
of Boston
National Collection for
Retired Religious Women
Frank & Mary Colley
Claire E. Collier
Barbara Collins
Kathleen & John Collins
Kathy Collins
Mary & Paul Collins
Mr. & Mrs. George W.
Rev. James R. Collins
Trudie A. Collins
Anita Colon
Mary A. Columbus
Kathleen Comeau
Patricia Commane
Commercial Cleaning
Service Inc.
Committee to Elect Kevin
Committee to Elect Mark
Committee to Elect Tim
Commonwealth Building
Compass TRS LLC
Stephen & Katherine
Bernard & Irene Condelli
Joan F. Conley
Marion Conley
Bob & Eleen Conlon
Claire Murphy Conlon
Dorothy Conlon
Frances J. Conlon
Maureen Conlon
Thomas & Catherine
Carol B. Connell
Ann M. Connelly
Bruce R. Connelly
Helen M. Connelly
Penni & Nick Conner
Sara A. Connerty
Karen Ernst Connolly &
Kevin Connolly
James M. Connolly
Joseph T. Connolly
Paul Connolly
Rev. John G. Connolly
Rosemary Connolly
Steve & Patricia Connolly
Joan M. Connor
Lisa Connor
Mary C. Connor
Thomas & Mary Connor
Eileen & Jack Connors
John M. Connors
Josephine Connors
Thomas A. Connors
Elizabeth Conrad
Dana Conroy
Fr. Philip Conroy
John & Jennifer Conroy
Philip & Nancy Considine
Louis V. Contrino
Robert Converty
The Conway Family
Charlotte & Robert Conway
Marion Nelson Conway
Irene E. Cook
Mary H. Cook
Thomas Cook
Kathryn Copeland
Lisa & John Corbett & Family
Jan & Jim Corbett
Joseph E. Corcoran
Mary & George Corcoran
Mary Ellen Corcoran
Thomas & Susan Cormican
Victor Coronella
Corrib Charitable Trust
Robert & Nancy Corriveau
Sandy Burke Cortese
Marie Claire Coscia
Andrew & Josephine Costa
Richard D. Costa
Claire Costello
Lawrence & Carolann Costello
Ltc. Charles J. Costello
William & Claire Costello
Sandra Costigan & Eileen Pailes
Geri & Ray Costigan & Family
Anne & Paul Cotter
Evelyn F. Cotter
Kein & Elizabeth Cotter
William & Mary Cottle
Michael H. Coughlin
Phyllis C. Coughlin
Thomas J. Coughlin
Maureen Courtenay
George & Mary Couturier
Coworkers of Erin Elmore
Patricia & Robert Cox
John & Anna Coyle
Patricia & Stephen Coyne
Carol Craig
Elizabeth Craig
Tim & Helen Craig
Robert & Mary Crane
Joel & Eunice Craven
Mary G. Crawford
Mary E. Creamer
Maureen L. Creasia
Helen Creedon
Robert E. Creighton
Jane T. Crimlisk
Carol Cristello
Margot Critchfield
Edward & June Croke
John & Joan Cronan
Kathleen Cronin
Lianne M. Cronin
Margaret A. Cronin
Marion F. Cronin
Patricia Cronin
Anne & Donald Cross
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 11
Brian Amado, a St. Joseph Preparatory High School student,
speaks to Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston at an ice cream social
held in honor of the the sisters.
Gary & Carol Crossen
Mary Crossen
Barbara A. Crowe
Mary Catherine Crowley &
Judith Healey Walsh
Robert W. Crowley Esq.
Aileen T. Crowley
Elizabeth Crowley
Gertrude A. Crowley
Patricia A. Crowley
Patricia Doherty Crowley
Christine M. Crowley-DeLosh
Ellen & Paul Crump
Mrs. Gerard Crump & Paul
Sally Cuffe
T. Richard Cuffe
Gerard T. Cullen
James & Maria Cullen
Ruth S. Cullen
Susan M. Cullen
Donna & John Cullinan
Joan Lyons Cullinan
Daniel C. Cullinane Jr.
Margaret A. Cullinane
Rose Cundari
Lucille A. Cunnane
Enid Cunniff
Mary E. Cunniff
Mary Cunning
Jean Cunningham
Joseph & Barbara
Margery Cunningham
C. Norma Curnane
Helen Curran
Jane Curran
Lawrence & Marcia Curran
Margaret A. Curran
Robert & Helen Curran
Katherine & Steve Currier
David John Curry
Kevin & Diane Curry
Mary & John Curtin
Gerald & Jeanne Curtis
Noreen Curtis
Mary & Damian Curtiss
Jim & Shirley Curvey
Josephine Cushing
Edward & Suzanne Cuthbert
Mary Jo & Marc Cutler
Frances D'Amato
Anita & Flora D'Angio
Anthony P. D'Isidoro
Nino & Terese D'Urso
Richard D'Angelo
William & Maryelene Dailey
Mary Supple Dailey
The Daley Family
Mary & Richard Daley Jr.
Charles & Janet Daley
James & Kathleen Daley
Kathleen F. Daley
Maureen A. Daley
Patricia A. Daley
Regina Daley
Rev. Francis E. Daley
Kenneth & Geraldine Dalton
Jane & James Daly & Family
Marguerite A. Daly
Paul V. Daly
Kevin Dame
Antonio & Patricia Damian
Carla Damian
Drew Dancoe
Francis & Philomena
Maureen G. Dangelo
Daniel T. Flatley Giving
Louis & Maryann Daniele
Nancy Bates Dapkiewicz
Jane C. Darcy
Rev. James Darcy
Patti Claver Darwin
Thomas & Barbara Dator
& Family
Joseph & Annmarie Davey
Rosemarie & Edward
Davidson & Family
Caroline & Jessica Davidson
Lucy & John Davis
Marion V. Davis
Paula & Perry Davis
Jim & Elaine Dawson
Rita & Paul Dawson
Ron & Mary Dawson
Charles & Phyllis Day
Mary & Brian Day
Arthur & Elaine Ann
Grace DeAngelis
Diane & Frank DeBenedictis
James & Mary DeCamp
Paul & Lucy DeChiara
Mary Ellen DeCoste
Judith DeCourcy
Josephine DeCristofaro
Diane & Peter DeFalco
Priscilla Cancellieri DeLong
Lou & Lorraine DeLucia
Eleanor DeLuco
Patrick & Laura DeMaio
& Family
Elaine DeMers
DeMoulas Foundation
DeMoura Smith LLP
Karen & Nick DePalo
John F. DePinto
Mary E. DeRoche
Tom & Mary Pat DeSwarte
Maria & Mario DeVita
Joseph & Jeanne DeVito
Pasquale DeVito
Rita C. DeBellis
Peggy Vale DeBoy
Dec-tam Corporation
Dedham Wholesale Tire Co.
Susan M. Dee
Janet Deegan & Connie
Louis J. DeFeo
Barbara A. DeFlumere
Rosemarie DelGizzi
Elaine & William DelValle
Victor DelVecchio & Alicia
Delaney & Delaney
Ellen T. Delaney
Kevin & Jaclyn Delaney
Mary Rose & Michael Delaney
Marguerite M. Delhey
Anthony Della Piana
Anna DelloRusso
Frances DeLucia
Marillac E. Demakes
Cdr. Michael J. Demeo USN (Ret.)
Edward & Barbara Jo Demeo
Beth O'Connor Demers
Margaret A. Demers
Jean Dempsey
Richard & Elaine Denning
Claire & Eugene Derba
Jim Derba
Susanna Desai
Elizabeth Desan
Irene Desharnais
E. Michael Desilets
Alec DeSimone
Genevieve Desmond
George R. Desmond
Barbara A. Deveney
Joanne Dever
Mary Dever
Paula Devereaux & Richard
Robert J. Devereaux
Paul & Judith Devin
Helen & J. Martin Devine
Rev. Terrence P. Devino SJ
Devlin's Bistro & Bar
Catherine Devlin
Susan Devlin
John & Mary Deyst
Denise DiCenso
Mary DiCenzo
Elaine & Sophie DiCicco
Carmen A. DiMaggio
Jean & Amalia DiMauro
& Family
Andrew & Amalia DiMauro
Mary DiPerna
Thomas & Jean Marie DiPietro
Susan DiRocco & Mary-Lou
Barbara & Nazzareno DiVito Jr.
John & Donna DiVito
Maria DiChiappari
Joe & Vincent DiGiovanni
Alice Marie Dill
Jeff & Rosemary Dillon
John M. Dillon
Neil Dinn
Theresa R. Dionne
Anne M. Disarcina
Gertrude D. Diskin
Brenda Dittmar & Family
Ronnie Dittmeier
Noel J. Dixon
Patricia L. Dixon
Kathleen Doerr
Paul Doerr
Anne Melly Doherty & Family
Marisa & Francis Doherty Jr.
Mary Jane Doherty PhD
Claire T. Doherty
Dennis & Carol Doherty
Gene Doherty
Henry Doherty
Jean & Francis Doherty
John & Lois Doherty
Karen Doherty
Leo M. Doherty
Marie T. Doherty
Muriel Doherty
Patricia E. Doherty
Tom Doherty
Virginia Doherty
Anne Dolan
Frank G. Dolan
Janice A. Dolan
Maureen & John Dolan
Theresa E. Dolan
Richard Dolejs
Peter & Leona Dolloff
Dominican Sisters
Saratoga, CA
Leonard & Gloria Donadio
Brian & Margaret Donaher
Dorothy L. Donahoe
William & Alice Donahoe
Anne M. Donahue
Barbara Donahue
James W. Donahue
John A. Donahue
Louise & John Donahue
Mary E. Donahue
Ruth M. Donahue
The Donarumo Family
Jack & Julie Donehue
Juliana Donehue
Kara Donellon
Sean Donlon
Joan & Phil Donnelly
Mary K. Donnelly
Paul & Barbara Donnelly
Peter & Susan Donnelly
Teresa & Thomas Donnelly
Anna E. Donoghue
Joseph & Kathleen
Anne T. Donovan
Deirdre Donovan
Dianne & John Donovan
Elizabeth Bowen Donovan
Jeremiah J. Donovan
Joseph & Agnes Donovan
Margaret Donovan
Marguerite Donovan
Mary Donovan
Mary E. Donovan Hihgham
Mary E. Donovan
No. Easton
Walter Donovan
William & Dorothy
William C. Donovan
Marguerite & Kevin Doogan
Jack & Bonnie Doolin
Kathi & Jim Doran
William & Margaret Doran
Alan & Carmen Dornan
Angela & Charles Doucot
Jane Dougan
Lori Dougherty
Michael Douvadjian
Barbara Dowds
Janet & Robert Dowling
John Robert & Elizabeth
Peg Dowling
Stephen & Patricia Dowling
Downey Capital Mgmt. Inc.
Jeanne Downey
William & Helen Downey
Miriam & John Downs
Sister Ellen Doyle OSU
Ann Marie Doyle
Christopher Doyle
Gregory W. Doyle
Henry & Kathleen Doyle
Kevin & Dorothy Doyle
Charles & Joan Drane
Stephen & Phyllis Drew
& Family
The Drew Company Inc.
Walter Drew
Carol A. Driscoll
Elizabeth Driscoll
Jane Driscoll
John Joseph Driscoll
Mary Teresa Driscoll
Maureen Driscoll
Maureen & Joseph Driscoll
Nora E. Driscoll
Patricia A. Driscoll
Ronald & Donna Driscoll
David W. Drislane
John & Karen Dronzek
Janet Drummey
Laurie Druyor
Barbara Duane
Charles R. DuBerger
Annemarie & Ed DuBois
Charles Duddy
Marianne & John Duffy
& Family
Clare Duffy & Russell
Thomas Duffy Jr.
Agnes Duffy
Eugene & Carole Duffy
John & Mary Duffy
Kathleen V. Duffy
Mary & James Duffy
Joe & Catherine Dugan
Robert C. Dugan
Mary L. Duganiero
& Family
Dominic Duganiero
C. A. Duggan
Eleanor E. Duggan
Paul J. Duggan MD
Shirley A. Duggan
Patricia Duncan
Katherine & Joseph Dunford
James & Jackelene Dunn
Madeline Dunn
Marjorie L. Dunn
Robert & Mary Dunn
William H. Dunn
Rita & Paul Dunphy
Maureen Quinn Dupont
& David Dupont
Mary & Bill Durgin
Paul & Mary Duseau & Family
Carol Dussault & Rita DiGesse
Michelle & Connie Duval
Robert & Margaret Dwight
Eileen Dwyer
Jane A. Dwyer
Raymond & Carol Dwyer
Patricia & William Eagar
East Coast Benefit Plans Inc.
Eastern Bank Charitable
Margaret M. Ebbs
Barbara E. Egan
Kathleen & Daniel Egan
Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Eggert
Paula Eichner
Patricia A. Elder
Priscilla & Clark Elliott
Jean M. Ellis
Jean & John Emde
Robert & Ida Emde
Emerald Necklace Road Race Trust
Rev. George Emerson
Virginia Enbody
Mary Endsley
Mary Jane England MD
Edna & William English
Patricia English
Susan English
Christine J. Engustian
Deborah & James Ennis
Roberta H. Erickson
Pauline Erker
Elton & Eileen Ernest
Trudy Ernst
John A. Esposito
George Esty & Family
Barbara Esty
Julianne Evangelista & Family
CSJ Donors continued on page 15
Sisters Pat Quinn and Mary Theresa O’Reilly (back) are among the
sisters and associates who volunteered at St. Francis House recently.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 13
Saint Joseph Retreat Center
Cohasset, MA
Your donations help us to create a haven of health,
rest and peace. Thank you all.
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Richard Abbadessa
Christina Abbadessa Hudson*
Diane Adelson
Adjoa Budu-Arthur Amana
Jennifer Anderson
St. Ignatius Loyola Lay Ministers*
Sheri Anderson
Anonymous Donors
Olivia Armato
Margaret Blood
Sister Barbara Reney*
Nan & Paul Bouche
Sister Agnes Melly**
Sister Anne Harvey SND**
Timothy Brewer
Sister Sara Ann Buckley
Diane Campbell
Claire Chase & Janet Gibbons
Lorraine Coakley
Sister Patricia Corkery
Mary Jo Pineo**
Helen Corkery**
Margot Critchfield
Sister Pauline Curley
John & Sally Curley**
Ellen Delaney
Denise DiCenso
Sister Catherine Donovan
Mary Donovan Kelly**
Sister Joan Duffy
Sister Catherine Ginty*
Christine Engustian
Deborah & James Ennis
Sister Karen Doyle*
Kathleen Ferraro
Evangelie Flessas
Mary Gaffney & Friends
Hoa Giag OAP
Elva Gleason
Nancy Glynn
Sister Charlotte Gulino
Deb Chausse*
Marguerite Heenehan
Paul & Marguerite Heenehan**
Michael & Theresa Hickey & Family
Holy Cross Family Ministries
Mary Horan
Mary Horan**
Meg Howard
Ann Howley
Sister Martha Westwater*
Sister Marge Jaros OP
Dolores Kluczyk**
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
Mary & Arthur Keefe
Kathleen Kelly
Colleen King
Mica Knapp
Johanna Landis
Leslie Landry
Wendy Lanoue
Peter Mahon*
Rosemary Loomis
Rosemary Manaker Straub**
Sarah Loy
Paula Kirby Macione
Julia & Paul Kirby*
Paul & Patricia McCann
Jean McKinney
Elish McPartland
Sister Lorraine Bernier &
Mary McPartland*
Jennifer Mead
Joy Mead**
Taye Moody
Roger Moody & Amelia Brumfield**
Winifred Murphy
Clara Nasello CND
Richard & Mary Ann Nawrocki
Barbara Mullen Neem
Sarah McCarville Mullen**
Sister Mary Phuc Nguyen OP
Elizabeth Pardo IHM
Theresa Pardo**
Donna Perry
Elsie Bouchard**
Judith Perry
Rev. John Phalen CSC
Kathleen Powers
Cynthia Price
Sister Janet Provost
Blanche Holmberg**
Margaret Prozenheim
Sister Kathleen Carr*
William & Katharine Reardon
Judith Recknagel
Sister Marie Agnes Doyle**
Mona Lydon Rochelle
Sister Jeanette Roy
Norman & Patricia Sabbey
Nancy Santangelo
Ralph Santangelo**
Anne Silver
Sister Karen Doyle SSJ*
Teresa Doyle Smith
Dr. Daniel J. Smith**
Dulce Soler
Sister Barbara Srozenski
Peter & Sue Srozenski*
Sister Diane Swanson RSM
William, Margaret & David Swanson**
Dorothy Tarzia
Heidi Tuminowski
Janice Uguccioni
Anne Walsh
Trudy Walsh
Jane Scott*
Mary Rita Weschler
Alice Mills**
Christine & John Whoriskey & Family
William & Doris Good*
Rita Whoriskey*
Janet Winchester †
* In Honor of
**In Memory of
For more information about St. Joseph Retreat Center between Connecting issues,
please visit:
CSJ Donors continued from page 13
Fr. George Evans
Jeanne Evans
F. I. Patnode Insurance
Frank A. Facella DDS
Carol Fagan
Marguerite C. Fagan
Rev. Joseph K. Fagan
Anne & John Faherty
Florence Fahey
Anita Fahy
Gerry Fair
Carol A. Fales & Family
Anne & Frank Fallon & Family
Joseph Fallon
Mark Fallon
Mary Fallon
Mary E. Fallon
John Michael Falvey Jr.
Barbara A. Falvey
Daniel & Jean Falvey
Joan Falvey
Robert & Catherine Falvey
Dorothy & Joseph Fanaras
Francis X. Fandel
Marie A. Fanning
Joanne Driscoll Fantini
Rev. Al Faretra
Mary Scanlan Farley
Rita Farley
Christine Farmer
Francis & Helen Farmer
Nicolina & Olivia Farmer
John P. Farrell PhD
Patricia Farrell
Catherine Farren
Mary Farren
Peggy Fasino
Eleanor & Karen Faulkner
Mary A. Faunce
Maurizio Fava
Alice M. Fay
Ann M. Fay
Federal Glass & Mirror Co.
Helen B. Federowski
Michael R. Feeley
Stephen Feeley
Donald & Elaine Feener
Jacqueline Feeney
Robert F. Feeney
Harold & Madeline Feldmann
Arlene Feltz
Dorothy & Conrad Fenick
Edward & Joanne Fenlon
Dana & Dennis Fennelly
Ned & Ethel Fenstermacher
Theresa & John Fenton Jr.
Jeff Ferguson
Lori Fernald
John & Theresa Ferolito
Rosalind Ferrante
Andrew & Margaret Ferrara
Irene A. Ferrara
Anna M. Ferraro
Kathleen Ferraro
Anne & Frank Ferreira
Richard C. Ferreira
Andrea & Gary Ferry
Eleanor C. Feuer
Paul & Suzanne Fici
Filter Sales & Service Inc.
Joyce Finerty & Sheila
Neal F. Finnegan
Richard & Georgia Finnegan
Evelyn A. Finneran
Robert A. Finneran
Edward & Catherine
Suzanne & Paul Fioretti
Ronan & Mary FitzPatrick
Al & Kerin Fitzgerald
Eileen M. Fitzgerald
John J. Fitzgerald
Julie & Brendan Fitzgerald
Mark Fitzgerald
Maurice J. Fitzgerald
Terry & Jacqueline
Edward L. Fitzmaurice
Barbara Fitzpatrick
Paula M. Fitzsimmons
Flagship Homes
Flaherty Charitable Fund
Anne Flaherty
Catherine A. Flaherty
Charles Flaherty
James Flaherty
Patricia Collins Flaherty
Rosemary Flaherty
Helen M. Fleming
John S. Fleming
Joseph A. Fleming
Lawrence & Christine
Richard T. Fleming
Ruth M. Fleming
Thomas J. Fleming
Evangelie Flessas
Lucy Flores
John & Patricia Flower
Claire Flynn
David Flynn
George J. Flynn
Joseph F. Flynn
Kathleen Kelley Flynn
Madeline B. Flynn
Harry & Frances Foden
William & Susan Fogerty
Alfred & Lorraine Foley
Barbara J. Foley
Carolyn A. Foley
Claire Foley
Claire T. Foley
Eileen Foley
George & Lucille Foley
John & Joan Foley
Lawrence Foley
Margaret Foley
Marilyn Foley
Mary Ellen Foley
Pat & Marty Foley
Joseph & Virginia Fontana
Fontbonne Academy Milton
John A. Foppiano
Susan Ford & Paul Paoletti
Al Ford
Barbara W. Ford
M. Joyce Ford
Mary L. Ford
Patricia Ford
Ralph Forgione
Mary Clare Forry
Joseph A. Forsythe
William & Ivy Foshey
Claire M. Fouhy
Paula & Stephen Fournier
Robert & Mildred Foy
Diane Fraggos
Framingham Carpet Center
Barbara & David Francis Sr.
Franciscan Hospital for
John & Virginia Frangos
Gregory & Janet Fraser
Michael & Nanci Fraser
Austine Frawley
Margaret E. Frazier
Joanne & Kevin Freeley
Diane Freeman
Frederick & Joan Freeman
William & Linda French
Randi Freundlich
Virginia & Alexander Frew
Daniel F. Friel CPA PC
Patricia A. Friel
Friends at Brookline District
Friends of Robyn Panciocco
Theresa Fritscher
Rev. Karen Fritz
Carolyn Frost
Rayann Fryatt
Anne Marie Fulton
Angela & Dennis Fusco
Mary H. Gaffney & Friends
Maryanne Galante
Marie E. Galeota
Bernard & Jean Gallagher
James Gallagher
James D. Gallagher
Linda Gallagher
Patricia Gallagher
Robert & Joan Gallagher
Robert J. Gallagher
Elizabeth R. Gallant
Edith & Paul Galvin
Helen M. Galvin
Anthony J. Gambale
Bob & Kay Ganley
Paul & Nancy Ganley
Janet & Paul Gannon
Bob & Theresa Gardiner
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Gardner
Florence Gardner
Ann M. Garrahan
Mary E. Garrity TTEE
Barbara Garrity
Michael & Maria Garrity
Stephen & Claire Garvey Jr.
Thomas & Anne Garvey
Thomas E. Garvey
John & Carol Ann Gately
Mary Gately
Robert Gately
Joan Gatto & Richard McCarthy
Clara & Paul Gaudet
Mary Gaudet
Patricia A. Gaudet
Susan Gavaghan
Judy Gavin
Edward J. Gaynor
Rita Geaney
William & Eileen Geaney
Francis & Mary Geary
Janet & Jim Geilfuss
Eugene & Rosemarie Gentuso
Gerard & Elaine Schuster
Charitable Foundation
Marie Gerhard
Frank J. Gersony Jr. & Family
Larry & Jake Gertzog
Edward L. Gettings
Francis Ghiloni & Family
The Ghiloni Family
Carol A. Ghiloni
Elaine M. Ghiloni
Joseph & Maxine Ghiloni
Sharyn L. Ghiloni
Marie & Nicholas Giacobbe
Hoa Giang OAP
Virginia & Frederick Giannelli
CSJ Donors continued on page 17
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 15
St. Joseph Retreat Center
Celebrates 40 years of Blessings
by Sister Joan M. McCarthy,
Director of St. Joseph Retreat Center
2014: AS IT IS NOW
During the past year we accommodated 4,762 guests
who came seeking God, quiet, peace, balm for the
soul, and balance in life. Seventy-four percent of
these guests are lay people.
We offer Mornings of Prayer, Directed and Private
Retreats, an At-Home Retreat for Busy People,
Individual Spiritual Direction, and a Contemplative
Sabbatical Program. Some calendar dates are kept
St. Joseph Retreat Center, circa 1900
for hosted groups such as prayer groups, parish,
In 1974 Sister Roberta Marie Brown and I were assigned academic and medical personnel, religious leaders,
to begin St. Joseph Retreat Center. The Directed Retreat CSJ Associates, sponsored ministry staffs. St. Joseph
Retreat Center’s opportunities extend to Milton and
Movement was in its prime. The congregation was
Brighton, Massachusetts where we offer individual
deliberating about having a House of Prayer, and our
spiritual direction and ongoing professional
insightful leadership team had begun training sisters in
development programs for spiritual directors
and retreat directors. Of the 96 people who have
After participating in The Institute of Religious
participated in the eight-month Spiritual Direction
Formation Program (IRF) at St. Louis University from
Internship Initiative, 70 are lay people and 26 are
1972-1973, my ministry as Coordinator of Ongoing
Formation Programs included using the Villa in Cohasset religious or clergy.
for weekend retreats and longer directed retreats during
school vacation weeks. These programs were wellresponded to by sisters and influenced the decision to
officially identify and open St. Joseph Villa as a Retreat
Center in October 1974. Since 1947, it had served as a
summer vacation house for the congregation.
Immediate changes
were made inside the
facility. Electrical
outlets were put in all
rooms. Ceilings on the
The mission of St. Joseph Retreat Center is a
first and second floors
way for the Sisters of St. Joseph to live and
were lowered about 15
inches. Rooms began share their earnest desire for harmony within oneself,
to be divided, and the with God, in human relationships and in all creation.
capacity gradually grew
from 12 bedrooms
to our present 20 private bedrooms. Seven bathrooms
have increased to 11 private bathrooms. Programs were
constantly offered to meet the changing needs.
CSJ Donors continued from page 15
We ask guests, “What did you like best about your
time at St. Joseph Retreat Center?” Some responses:
• “How does one even answer such a question?
The prayerful space, natural beauty, outstanding
food, the silence, everything!”
• “The quality of direction I received.”
• “I cannot choose from the many gifts! What
brings my soul to peace and tears to my eyes
is the warmth and love that wraps around me
the minute I step into this place. This is coming
• “I deeply appreciate the Sisters of St. Joseph
making this sacred space so available for us.”
In this fortieth year, we give thanks for your
generosity in the past. We are deeply grateful for and
rely on your partnership in this precious ministry.
Let God lure you here for renewal if it’s possible.
Visit us at We dare to
dream of installing an elevator for easier access to all
floors. We face additional structural improvements.
Perhaps you can contribute to this dream and
incredible ministry through a donation, a private or
family foundation or a corporate grant. Your prayers
for our future and your volunteer help are priceless
and deeply appreciated as well. And, most of all, be
one with us in our gratitude and celebration of God’s
lavish blessings on all who have worked and prayed
here over the past forty years.
Denise Duffy Gianola
Mary E. Gibbons
Rev. & Mrs. James C.
Mary Reilly Giggey
Rev. Robert Giggi
Marie Gilarde
Gilbane Building Company
Joseph & Marilyn Gilboy
Kevin Gill
Mary Gill
Margaret Gillan & Family
William & Kathleen
Eleanor M. Gillis
Jane & Ralph Gillis
David & Rosemary
Elaine Gilmore
Elsie Gilmore
Patricia A. Gilmore
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Ginnetty
Katherine & Matthew
Mary & Eileen Ginnetty
Louise & Ben Giovino
& Family
Ann Marie Giovino
Mary L. Girouard
Barbara S. Giuggio
Robert & Ruth Glancy
Elva M. Gleason
William Gleason
Glenville Ave. Realty Trust
The Glenville Stops
Joanne I. Glorieux
Ann Marie O'Brien Gluck
Marie & Claire Glynn
Nancy Glynn
Rosemary Gnatek
Arthur F. Gobron
Jack Goggin
Donna & Michael Golas
Betsy Goldberg
Eileen T. Golden
Peter & Dolores Golden
Nancy Goldrick
George & Ann Gonser
Jannette Gonzalez
Claire C. Goodwin
Elmer Goreczny
Bill & Eileen Toomey
Jeanne K. Gorman
Margaret Gorman
Mary Gormley
Rosemond Gorrie
Mary Sally Gould
Sharon & Bill Gouveia
Sandra Goweia
Stephen Grable
Agnes M. Grace
Peter & Susan Graceffa
John & Janice Grady
John & Noreen Grady
Rita Grady
Seth & Maria Grady
Thomas & Mary Grady
Ann M. Graffeo
Margaret Granfield
Erik Granskog
Bill & Judi Grant
Carole M. Grant
Leo Grant
Mary M. Grant
Paul Grant
Tina & Charles Grant
Vincent & Marie Gravallese
Robert & Karen Gray
Richard Grealish
Katherine F. Greatorex
Richard P. Greeley
Sidney & Patricia Greeley
Doris Green
Bob Greene & Family
Kathleen M. Greene
Rosemarie Greene
Marie Louise Greenidge
Richard & Monica Gribaudo
D. Diane Griffin
Jack & Terry Griffin
Patrick C. Griffin
Annemarie Grigorian
Peter & Marion Grillo
Lyle & Dorothea Grindle
Louise Grobl
Amy Guen
Marion J. Guiffre
Nancy & Paul Guinivan
Guira & Tambora
Gail Gulino
Karen & Jan Gullett
Mr. & Mrs. John Gunn Jr.
Joanne M. Gurry
Mary Gusmini
Mary & Algimantas Gustaitis
John & Jane Guthrie
Martha & George Guzewicz
Catherine K. Gwynn
Catherine Foley & Levente
Bodak Gyovia
Daniel D. Haacker
Eileen Hackney & Family
Linda A. Hagglund
Barbara A. Haid
W. Douglas Hajjar
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 17
Donna Hale & John Donovan
David R. Hale
Jane Haley
Robert Hallisey
Paul & Claire Halloran
Sylvia & Russell Halloran
Kathleen Hallstrom
Ethel Hamilton
Gerald & Michele Hamilton
Margaret & Edward Hamilton
Mary & Richard Hamilton
Karen Hammond & Michael
John Hamson
Patricia Bauer Hanehan
Clare J. Hanley
John B. Hanley
Richard & Marilyn Hanlon
Barbara & Thomas Hannigan
Ellen & George Hannigan
Anne Hanning
Annette Hannon
Chris Hannon
Linda Hansen
Robert & Betty Hansen
Sally H. Hansen
Lois Happe
Paula A. Harbecke
Mary & Howard Harding III
Tom Harding & Joanne Bellucci
Patricia Harrigan
Barbara F. Harrington
Margaret Harrington
Mary E. Harrington
Paul & Christine Harrington
Robert & Jeanne Harrington
Charles A. Hart
Francis & Sarah Hart
Jack Hart
Paul & Jane Hart
William D. Hart
Neal & Patricia Harte
Elmer & Frances Hartnett
Harvard University
Harvard Allston Partnership Fund
Harvard Pilgrim Health
Catherine M. Harvey
Lilla Harvey
Madeleine Lamarre Harvey
Rosalyn Hassell
Jill Hatch
Michael & JoAnn Hatgas
Mildred & Edward Hathaway
Liam P. Hawkins
Catherine M. Hayes
Eileen A. Hayes
Jennifer Hayes
Margaret A. Hayes
Ryan Hayes
William & Patricia Hayes
David F. Hayward
Paul & Esther Healey
Paul & Kathleen Healey
Barbara H. Healy
Dr. Grace M. Healy
Marion Healy
Lucy T. Hebard
Mary McDermott Heckman
Marguerite Heenehan
Paul & Angela Heffernan
Raymond S. Heffernan
Richard J. Heffernan
Mary & Tim Hegarty
Sarah S. Heineman
Marsha & David
Robert & Carolyn Helton
Eileen T. Heneghan
Daniel J. Hennessey
Mersine & Bill Hennessey
Barry & Beverly Henry
Francis & Janet Herlihy
Mary Herrick
Ben & Lois Heshmatpour
Catherine & David Hession
Patricia & Theodore
Edward T. Heylin
Michael & Theresa Hickey
& Family
James & Lydia Hickey Jr.
Claire & Jim Hickey
Dr. Raymonda & Frank
Helen F. Hickey
Kathleen D. Hickey
Paul Hickey
Helen O. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins
& Family
Cordae Higgins
Cynthia Higgins
Liam P. Higgins
Paul & Paula Higgins
Richard & Catherine
Robert & Jean Higgins
Highland Street Foundation
Diane & Douglas Hill
& Family
Hill Holliday
Bill & Karen Hill
Kathleen & Edwin Hill
Leo & Kay Hill
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder
Sister Ann McNeil connects with a Bethany Health Care resident.
Douglas P. Hines
Richard & Catherine Hines
Susan Ho
Ellen Hoarty & Ann Flaherty
Dorothy Hoelting
Joan L. Hoey
Mary E. Hoey
Debra Hoffman
Jack & Elaine Hogan
& Family
Bob & Ginny Hogan
Edward & Claire Hogarty
Frank Holbrook & Maureen
Saint Guillen
Elizabeth K. Holland
George & Marianne Holland
Anne M. Holloway
Francis & Deborah Holt
Mary & Donald Holt
Holy Cross Family
Holy Union Sisters
Patrick & Mary Honan
Rep. Kevin & Mrs. Colleen
Virginia A. Honiker
Priscilla L. Hook
Sheila Hooper
Irma Hopkins
Susan Horack
Rev. Brendan R. Horan SJ
Joan & Dick Horan
Kathryn L. Horan
Mary A. Horan
Anne M. Horgan
Michael J. Horgan
Patricia Horgan
Richard & Jean Horigan
James & Jean Hosker
Jaclyn & Stephen Hosley
Houghton Chemical Corp.
Keith Houghton
James & Tina Houlihan
& Family
Clare & Tom Hourihan
Deborah Housten
Paula Houston
Meg Howard
Janice King Howe
Maria & Bill Howe
Arthur & Patricia Howes
Ann J. Howley
Margaret M. Hoy
Gregory Hren
Mary & Clyde Hudnall
Leo & Lauraine Hudon
Donna Reardon Hudson
Rosemary Hughes & Family
Daniel E. Hughes
John P. Hughes
Judith McIsaac Hughes
Richard & Patricia Hughes
Rosemary Hughes
William & Susan Humberd
Mary & Joseph Humby
Gerald & Louise Humphreys
Karen A. Humphries
Dave & Mary Hunter
John & Elaine Hurley & Family
Rita C. Hurley
Robert Hutchings
Ellen & Richard Hutchinson
Elizabeth & Walter Hyatt
Joanne M. Hyde
Albert L. Hyland
James & Ann Marie Hynes Fund
Ann Hynes
Barry T. Hynes
Maureen B. Hynes
Joan & Vincent Iacono
Rita Landers Iamele
Tom & Ruth Iarrobino
Imago Dei Fund
Theresa Imbornone
Imperial Pizza
Larry & Kim Ingeneri
Margot Isabelle
Anne Jackel
Jackson Mann Commmunity
Jackson/Mann Community
Grace Jacobs
James & Mary Lou Jacobs
Ann M. Jacques
Stan & Pat Jakimczyk
James G. Martin Memorial
Maureen Jameson
Ann Jampel
Janney Montgomery Scott
Sister Marge Jaros OP
Melissa & Steven Jenkins
Paul F. Jennette
Jane Jennings
Paul & Mary Ellen Jodice
Robert & Susanne Jodice
Francis & Joan Johansen
Jack & Patty Johnson
Karen & Raymond Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Noreen & George Johnson
Robert & Jessie Johnson
Richard & Patricia Johnston
Holly & Bruce Johnstone
Barry Jones
June Jones
Marcella & Bob Jones
Mary E. Jones
Joseph & Jacqueline Jordan
Joseph M. Smith Community
Health Center Inc.
Elizabeth T. Joseph
Lisa T. Joseph
William P. Joy
Joyce Kilmer Sunshine Club
Bartley J. Joyce
Martin & Mary Anne Joyce
Maureen Joyce
Robert W. Joyce
Jennifer Juliano
Geraldine M. Kacey
Julia Kahler
Niki Kalavantis
Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
Paul & Michele Kaminga
Bridget Kane
Carissa & Paul Kane
Elizabeth Kane
Marcia Kane
Michelle Kane
Albert & Diane Kaneb
Albert & Diane Kaneb
Family Fund
John & Virginia Kaneb
Rita Karle & Raymond Varin
Eric Kasen & Family
Kevin F. Kavanagh
Lee Kavanaugh
Carol Kawa
Keane Fire & Safety Equip.
David Keane
Patricia A. Keane
Terrence & Sandra Keane
Ann Kearn
Anne E. Kearney
James & Maureen Kearney
Elizabeth Kearns
Madeline & Daniel Keating
Margaret & Denis Keating
Keefe Funeral Home
Keefe Funeral Home
Katherine E. Keefe
Lawrence R. Keefe
Mary Keefe
James & Marie Keegan
Mary L. Keegan
Roberta A. Keegan
Sonia McNamara Keegan
Winifred Keegan
Marion Keen
Patricia Keen
Joan Keenan
John & Barbara Keenan
Joe Keihn
John P. Keilty
Daniel C. Keleher Jr.
Kelleher Family Charitable
Miriam C. Kelleher
Margaret Ann Kelleher
Michael Kelleher
Thomas & Cynthia Kelleher
Jane Kelleher
Hon. Richard & Jane Kelley
Alice Kelley
Deirdre Clancy Kelley
Frank P. Kelley
Gerald & Lauren Kelley
James & Ellen Kelley
Letitia Kelley
Mary A. Kelley
Mary E. Kelley
Mary J. Kelley
Mary P. Canavan Kelley
Theresa "Betty" Kelley
Col. Peter & Winifred Kelly
& Family
Kevin Kelly & Kekau
Anne R. Kelly
Catherine Carr Kelly
David & Susan Kelly
Frances G. Kelly
Irene M. Kelly
Joseph & Lois Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen & Joseph Kelly
Kathleen R. Kelly
Marie C. Kelly
Marie E. Kelly
Mary & Bob Kelly
Mary A. Kelly
Michael Kelly
Richard T. Kelly
Rick Kelly
Robert E. Kelly
Therese S. Kelly
Thomas & Sandra Kelly
Bart & Priscilla Kelso
James Kenealy
Ann Clare Kenneally
Paul & Terese Kennealy
Johanna Kennedy & Family
Paul K. Kennedy Sr.
Dorothy Kennedy
Francis & Regina Kennedy
Leo J. Kennedy
Paul B. Kennedy
Rep. Thomas P. Kennedy
Francis & Jean Kenney
John & Nicole Kenney
Lawrence Kenney
Paul & Eleanor Kenney
Barbara Kenny
Barbara & Robert Kenny
Carole Kenny
Elizabeth & George Kenrick
Robin & Frank Keough
Mary Kercz
Donald & Paula Kernan
John & Elsie Kerrigan
Mary Ellen & Gil Keteltas
Dorothy A. Keveny
Kathleen Keville
Nargas Khan
Kiki's Kwik Mart
Lucille Kiklis
Joanne & Patrick Kilcoyne
Debra Kiley
Mary & Jerry Kiley
Patricia Doherty Kilfoyle
Killian Family Foundation
Peggy Kilroy
John & Theresa Kim
Jim King & Family
Andrea King
Colleen King
John F. King
Paul & Iris King
Ellen Kinlin
Edward J. Kirby
Marianne Kirby
Thomas & Heather Kirwin
Colleen Klein
Carolyn Kling
Judith Klug
Mica Knapp
William & Elaine Kneeland
Jean & Russ Knibbs
Clinton & Jean Knight
Drs. Stephen & Lisa Knight
William E. Knight
Knights of Columbus Boston
Richard & Paula Koch
James & Joanne Koermer
Fred & Carole Kohler
Therese Kohler
Lois Kolgian
Joseph & Sonia Kolodziej
Donna Kos
Janet & Steven Kouroubacalis
& Shirley Spero
Cornelia Cassidy Koutoujian
Constance Kowalski
Mary C. Krick
Phillip & Patricia Kuehne
Louise Kuhlman
David & Judith Kunze
Theresa & Jack Kurdzionak
Deacon Norman P. LaPointe
Harriette LaPointe
Loretta LaCamera
Mary L. Lahey
Mary A. Lally
Thomas & Anna Lally
Tom & Gerry Lally
Maureen & John Lalumiere
Maurice P. Lamarque & Family
William Lamey
Johanna Landis
Leslie Landry
Mary Lane & Family
Nancy Lane
Anne Lang
Mary Ellen Langan
Kathie & Jerry Lanney
Wendy M. Lanoue
Barbara Clifford LaPorta
CSJ Donors continued on page 21
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 19
Casserly House by Sister Nancy Braceland
Director of Casserly House
uring many
of 125
years in
Boston, the Sisters of
Saint Joseph pondered
different ways we could
“give back” to Boston
in gratitude for our
years spent together.
On January 6, 2000,
the sisters responded
to this discernment and
bought a three-decker on
Stellman Road in Roslindale, which would be called
Casserly House.
The idea of a neighborhood house was not a new
one - the original incarnation of this ministry was
begun in LePuy, France, 1650, by six Sisters of St.
Joseph. In 1873, four sisters opened our first Boston
convent at St. Thomas Parish in Jamaica Plain where
days later they started our first school. Casserly
House, named for Mother Regis Casserly, was opened
in Roslindale in 2000 in celebration of these first
The first days on Stellman Road were spent
readying our new home to be lived in while also
talking with neighbors about their needs. Adult
immigrants cried out for a place to learn English,
to gain work skills, and a place that would offer
immigration help. The youth came to our door
looking for school help, struggling to combat our
neighborhood’s high dropout rate. Our background as
educators led us to meet these needs with two primary
services: our morning English language program and
our after-school homework program.
In addition to these two successful programs,
we became involved with the reality of other
neighborhood challenges in other ways. We joined
with our neighbors to clean the area and partnered
with the police and the city to address the everyday
violence that marked our streets. Now, 14 years later,
our streets are quieter and safer thanks to these first
days of community-building. We continue to work
together to maintain this community.
Then and now, Casserly House finds support in
the tireless work of volunteers from the greater
Boston area who donate their time and gifts to
further the mission of our center. Additionally, we
are grateful for continuous, generous contributions
from donors, foundations, and organizations across
the country. These offerings of time and resources
are vital to sustaining our work. †
Below: Sister Ann Kaufman speaks to students at the
Casserly House summer camp, Sister Helen Callahan tutors
a student, and tutor Donna Sullivan teaches English to adult
CSJ Donors continued from page 19
Above: Former Mayor Thomas Menino, a long time Casserly
House supporter and advocate visited regularly, and Sister
Nancy greets children as they arrive for a field trip.
I, Sister Nancy Braceland, have
been a part of this spirit-filled
journey since we began. Being
with the “dear neighbor” in
the daily struggles and joys
has incarnated our charism of
reconciliation, of oneness, which
continues to reap fruit each day, week,
and year. Our legacy is already seeing men and
women get jobs, begin to become serious students,
and become citizens. Our first young students are
now college students and graduates, grateful for the
opportunity to finish high school and begin living
bigger dreams. At Casserly House, it is a gift to live
and walk with our neighbors each day as we remain
rooted in Boston and open to the world, committed
to fostering community on Stellman Road and in the
larger global community.
Frederick & Dorothy Laracy
Thomas J. Larkin
Francis J. LaRovere
John & Joan Larson
Robert A. Lash
John M. Laubner
Charles & Judith Laverty
Marjorie F. Lavin
Agnes M. Laviolette
Carol LaVita
Michael & Patty Lavoie
Suy-Sinh Law
Mary Anne Lawhorne
Mary C. Lawlor
Joseph & Mary Layden
Dorothea A. Lazzari
Marjorie Lazzaro
Roy & Beverly LeBlanc
Margaret LeLakes
Mary O'Halloran Leahy
Patricia A. Leahy
Franceline C. Leary
Kevin W. Leary
William & Phyllis Leary
Roberta K. Leavitt
Paul & Joan LeBlanc
Mary Jane O'Connor Lee
Natale & Peter Lee
Jean Lemieux
Maryellen Lenihan
Walter & Penny Lennon
Mary Jean Lent
William & Diane Leon
Pompeo & Carmela Leone
Gail Lerner
David Lester
David & Susan Lester
Joanne Letch
M. Edith Levangie
Christopher Levering
Eugenia Levins
Barbara Levitz
Julie & William Lewis
Paul & Mary Lewis
Richard & Nancy Licari
& Family
Carolyn & Paul Liddell
Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Lind
Mildred & John Linehan
Joan Linnehan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lionetta
Jeanne Little
Robert & Cynthia Little
Barbara Livesey
Richard & Marie Lloyd
Local #12
Kris Locke
Mary E. Loesch
Joanne Logan
Noreen M. Logan
Camille M. Lombardi
Norm & Pat Lombardi
Joan & Robert Loncich
Mary & Miguel Londono
Edward J. Lonergan Esq.
Loomis, Sayles & Co. LP
Rosemary Loomis
Richard C. Lord
Barbara Jean Lottero
Frank J. Lovell
William R. Lovett Jr.
Sarah Loy
Nancy Lozada
Joseph & Theresa Luca
Christine Lucas
Donald & Denise Lucas
Dorothy & Robert Lucas
Jack & Jan Lucey
Paul & Maura Lucius
Agnes K. Lugira
Elaine Lulay
Ann McLaughlin Lundstedt
Pamela G. Lunn
Lynn Luongo
Lillian P. Lupi
John & Martha Luther
Catherine Luvisi
Kathleen Lyden
Barbara A. Lydon
Linda Lynch & Dan Flaherty
The Lynch & Hebard Families
Brian & Mary Lynch
Carolyn & Peter Lynch
Catherine Mary Lynch
Edward L. Lynch
Jane Lynch
Susan & Herbert Lynch
Theresa Lynch
Sheila Lyne
Lynn Home for Elderly Persons
Daniel F. Lyons Jr.
Ann Marie Lyons
Judith & Robert Lytle
MA State Court CDA
Laurie MacCarthy
Donald & Judith MacClellan
Anne E. MacDonald
G. Robert & Kathleen MacDonald
Gilbert & Linda MacDonald
Ivan MacDonald
Jane MacDonald
Joan MacDonnell
James A. MacDougall
Loretta MacEachern
CSJ Donors continued on page 23
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 21
Casserly House
Your generosity helps maintain and create a welcoming environment
and a safe, diverse, and vibrant community. For all you do, we thank you.
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Anthony Adario
Anne & Carl Alsmeyer
Mary Ward Boyle**
Sister Roseann Amico
Archdiocese of Boston
Olivia Armato
Jennifer Arnini
Sarah Arnini & Joe Abraham*
Sarah Arnini
Eva Arnott
Joan Bandini
Sarah Barrett
Sister Kathleen Berube
Bethany Healthcare Center
Sister Mary Black
Sister Claire Blake
Louise & Rodrigo Botero
Anita Braceland
Sister Nancy Braceland
Cynthia & Richard Brandi
Margaret Brewster
Megan Buchheit
Linda Burnett
Yvonne Burrowes
CSJ Party of 1963
Ann Cahill
Cambridge Firefighters #126
William & Candace Campbell
Rev. George Carlson
Diane Caruso
Joan Power Cavanaugh & Family
Sister Elizabeth Cawley
Frances (Cushing) Ventura**
Centre Cuts
Grace Chavez
Elise Cheverie
June Cieri & Tom Brown
Fr. Bob Clark SSC
Elvira Clarke
Sister Catherine Clifford
Sister Helen Thomas Colbert
Committee to Elect Tim McCarthy
John Connors
Corrib Charitable Trust
Geri & Ray Costigan
Elizabeth Craig
Sister Anna Crann
Sister Patricia Cushing
Mary Ellen DeCoste
John DePinto
Anna DelloRusso
Elizabeth Desan
Irene Desharnais
Sister Gail Donahue
Deirdre Donovan
Carol Dussault & Rita
Kathleen & Daniel Egan
Patricia Elder
Emerald Necklace Road
Race Trust
Susan English
Joanne Driscoll Fantini
Lucy Flores
Sister Brenda Forry
Diane Fraggos
Joanne & Kevin Freeley
Diane Freeman
Carolyn Frost
Claire Goodwin
Eileen Toomey Gorman
& Bill Gorman
Jeanne Gorman
Sister Marie Claire Goudey
Seth & Maria Grady
Sister Mary Rita Grady
Rosemarie Greene
Joseph DiNapoli**
D. Diane Griffin
Paul Griffin**
Guira & Tambora
Barbara Haid
Sister Regina Harrington
Jill Hatch
Michael & JoAnn
Claire & Jim Hickey
Kathleen Hickey
Sister Helene Higgins
Highland Street Foundation
Anne Holloway
Mary & Donald Holt
Richard & Patricia Hughes
Imago Dei Fund
Maureen Jameson
Terrance & Sandra Keene
Patricia Koen
Sister Martha Ann Kelley
Dorothy Keveny
Sister Alice Kirby
Coleen Klein
Christopher Levering
Sister Mary Lofgren
Harold & Elizabeth
Barbara Jean Lottero
Pamela Lunn
Jim & Sue Malone
Sister Mari Ryan’s
Jean Marchant & Ron
Dorothy Martin
Massachusetts Bankers
Sister Enis Mattozzi
Richard & Joan Matulis
Joanne Mauldin
Sister Patricia McCarthy
Joan McCune
Kathleen & Gregory
James McGowan
Raymond & Patricia
Rev. Gewrard McKeon SJ
Mary McKinley
Rose Mary Morrissey
Mother Anselme Daycare
E. Joyce Munger
Charles Nagle
Dr. Cristina Nelson
Jane Audrey Neuhauser
Rev. Mark Noonan
Sister Phyllis O’Callaghan
Michael & Donna O’Connor
Ann Patterson & Sister Mary
Ann & Robert Patterson
Patrick & Barbara Payne
Sister Ellen Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Remondi
Sister Miriam Ringer
Roslindale Board of Trade
Sacred Heart Parish
Nancy Santangelo
Carol Anne & Dana Scott
Sandra Selvarajah
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Sisters of St. Joseph
Regina Slowe
Simon Smith
Teresa Doyle Smith
Spirit of Life Community
State Street Bank
Suffolk District Attorney
Eleanor Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Judy & Paul Swett
Fidelis Taylor
Kathleen & James Tighe
University of Scranton
Eileen Vautour
Bette Viano
Debra Jean Wagner
Coleman Wallace &
Carol Jameson
John Watts
Sister Mary Anne Doyle*
The Welch Family
Mary Rita Weschler
Janice & Glen Williams †
*In Honor of
**In Memory of
For more information about Casserly House between Connecting issues,
please visit:
Sisters welcome new CSJ Associates Jean McKinney
and Nan Bouché.
CSJ Donors continued from page 21
Rhonda & David MacFarland
& Family
Lorraine MacKay
Jack & Rosemary MacKinnon
Margaret P. MacKinnon
Diana MacLean
Richard Lombard MacLean
Marie & David MacSwain
Marie MacSweeney
Winifred Macaulay
Ursula Maccaro
Claire M. Mace
Paula Kirby Macione
Carol A. Mack
Edward A. Mack
Jean & Robert Mack
June M. Mackey
William J. Mackey
Daniel & Jean Madden
Dorothy E. Madden
James Madden
Marie A. Madden
Paul & Mary Madden
Frances Madigan
Cheryl Madruga
Catherine R. Maffei
Joseph W. Magee & Family
Gertrude & Lawrence Maggio
Anne F. Magner
Claire & Leo Maguire
Kathy & Kevin Maguire
Most Rev. Joseph F. Maguire
Peter Maguire
Thomas Maguire
Teresa & Gery Magura
Charles & Blanche Mahaleris
Laurence & Jeanette Maher
Mary J. Maher
Patrick & Norah Mahon
John J. Mahoney CPA PC
Angela & Robert Mahoney
Anne E. Mahoney
Arlene G. Mahoney
David Mahoney
Francis Mahoney
Joan H. Mahoney
Joan R. Mahoney
John & Ann Mahoney
John L. Mahoney
Kathryn A. Mahoney
Mary Mahoney
Mary E. Mahoney
Paul F. Mahoney
Paul & Mary Mahoney
Robert C. Mahoney
Robert M. Mahoney
Timothy & Eileen Mahoney
William & Rosemary
Peter Maich
Joan Maider
Robin Main
Cynthia Price Maj
Robert L. Malacarne
Tim & Stephanie Malarkey
Sister Anne Malone SND
Jim & Sue Malone
M. P. & Edward Malone
William F. Maloney PC
Bill & Marie Maloney
Cathy M. Maloney
Francis & Linda Maloney
Helen Maloney
Anna & Francis Mancini
Patricia A. Manganelli
Diane & James Manning
Joseph G. Manning
Peter & Linda Manning
Thomas J. Manning
William T. Mansfield
David Manzo
Jean Marchant & Ron
John Marchocki
Marian High School
Frederick Marino
Marie & Michael Markey
Barbara M. Marois
Joseph & Diane Marotta
Michael Marraffino
Anne M. Marsh
Mary & James Marsh
Dorothy S. Martin
Gerard M. Martin
James & Kathleen Martin
Judy Martin
Maureen Martin
Raymond S. Martin
Richard & Claire Martin
Teri Martin
Tom & June Martin
William & Ethel Martin
Mass. Bankers Association
Mass. Convention Authority
Mass. Electric Construction
Mass. Funeral Directors
Assoc. Inc.
David & Patricia Masse
Jennifer Masuret
Viola Masuret
John S. Matarese
Matignon High School
Ernest J. Matte
Mary Matthews
Janet Mattozzi
Louis & Jean Mattuchio
Richard & Joan Matulis
Joanne Mauldin
Rodney A. Maurice
Donna & Tom May
Mary E. Maye
Geraldine Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mayo
Irene T. Mazzocchi
Eileen McAlduff
Kathleen P. McArdle
Patricia J. McArdle
Virginia McArdle
Donald T. McAuliffe Jr.
Marge McAuliffe
Paula McAuliffe
Barbara McBride
Richard & Rosemary
Robert & Eleanor McBride
Arline McCabe & Family
Kevin McCabe & Family
Eleanor R. McCabe
Ginny McCabe
Maribeth L. McCabe
Edna & Eunan McCafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McCafferty
Paul McCaffrey & Family
Anne M. McCall
Irene McCall
Joan C. McCallion
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward F.
McCann USMC Ret.
Francis & Paula McCann
Paul & Patricia McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCarran
Claire McCarrick
Catherine McCarron
Edmund McCarthy
Francis & Theresa McCarthy
Joanne McCarthy
John & Jeanne McCarthy
Kathryn A. McCarthy
Patricia E. McCarthy
Patricia M. McCarthy
William & Laurie McCarthy
Evelyn McCartney
Kathleen McCauley
Jane McClellan
James W. McCloskey
Peggy Brett McCobb
Mary McColgan
John J. McCormack Jr.
Nancy & Fred McCormack Jr.
Douglas & Dorothy McCormack
George P. McCormack
John J. McCormack
John & Joanne McCormack
Mary M. McCormack
Maureen McCormack
Paul McCormack
Robert M. McCormack
William & MarybethMcCormack
William M. McCormack
Pam McCormick & Tim Kochems
Mary E. McCormick
Rev. John J. McCormick
Mary McCourt
Robert & Mary McCready
John McCrohan
Mary M. McCrorey
Doris & Jack McCue
Elaine McCullough
Joan G. McCune
Ann F. McCusker
McCusker-Gill Inc.
Barbara McDaniel
John McDermott
Kathleen & Gregory McDermott
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 23
Sharon McDermott
Mary & Ann McDevitt
Maureen (Mary) McDevitt
Laurajean McDonald
Marian McDonald
Paul & Frances McDonald
Agnes M. McDonnell
Eddie & Diane McDonnell
Marcia McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. William McDonnell
Terrance McDonough &
Peg McDonough & Jeanne
& Eileen McEnaney
Margaret & Joseph
McDonough Sr.
Joan M. McDonough
Mary & Paul McDonough
Mary E. McDonough
Patrick McDonough
William G. McDonough
Elizabeth McDougall
Maureen McElhinney
James & Evelyn McElroy
Jeanne & Eileen McEnaney
William B. McEnaney
James & Maureen McEneaney
Anne Dever McEvoy
Virginia M. McGaffigan
Tom & Polly McGahan
Marie E. McGann
Kevin & Anne McGillicuddy
Kevin & Nancy McGillicuddy
Neil & Betty McGillicuddy
James & Barbara McGilvray
Johanne Demeo McGinn
Paul & Mary McGinn
Frank & Mary McGinnis
Joan McGinty
Marnie McGoldrick & Mike
Michael McGoldrick
Mary C. McGonagle
Mary T. McGonagle
James & Diane McGonigle
Anna Gloster McGovern
Francis P. McGovern
Mona McGovern
James McGowan
Jeanne McGowan
Jeanne McCarrick McGowan
Rev. Frederick R. McGowan
Gerald & Arlene McGrath
Joanne M. McGrath
Elena McGreal
James & Judith McGuinness
Anne McGuire
John & Kathleen McHugh
William F. McInerney
Phyllis McInnis
Carol & Michael McKean
Elizabeth A. McKeen
Raymond & Patricia
Charles McKenna
Joseph & Kathleen
Rita A. McKenzie
Rev. Gerard R. McKeon SJ
Christina M. McKeon
Dorothy McKeon
Rosalind McKeon
Mary McKinley
Jean M. McKinney
Maureen E. McKinnon
Albert & Isabelle
Eugene McLaughlin
Frank & Clare McLaughlin
James McLaughlin
Margaret McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
Mary E. McLaughlin
Mary McLean
Susan McLean
Mary Anne McLellan
Joyce McMahon
Mary McMahon
Elizabeth McManus
Frances McManus
Fred & Linda McManus
Joanne & David McNally
John & Patricia McNally
Beverly McNamara
Donna E. McNamara
Margaret McNamara
Patricia McNamara
Paul & Mary McNamara
James T. McNeil
Kay McNeill
Donna & Robert McNeilly
Maureen McNulty
Elish McPartland
Kathleen & James McPhee
Joan Callahan McQuillan
Mike & Ann McShane
Paul & Patricia McTague
Mary Jean McVeigh
Jennifer Mead
Frederick Meade
Rev. Maurice P. Meade
Patricia & William Meahl
James & Geraldine Medeiros
Claire C. Meehan
Dennis & Linda Meehan
Margaret E. Meehan
Carol Meier
Edward & Erin Meissner
Frank & Peggy Meissner
Barbara R. Melanson
George & Kathleen
Charles & Carol Melendy
& Family
Margaret Mellon
Bob & Mary Anne Mellone
Francis X. Melly
John & Carol Melly
Juliana Melly
Terese Menard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Menino
George & Nancy Menjin Jr.
& Family
James T. Merrigan
Eleanor A. Meskell
Phillip J. Messina
Fred & Kathleen Messuri
Rita Meunier
John & Barbara Meuse
Carl & Dorothea Meyer
Veronica Michalowski
Kathleen Miett
Mike & Joan Mihaich
Patricia L. Mikus
Lewis H. Milkey
Noreen Millane
Barbara Miller & William
Marianne Miller
Mary L. Miller
Alexander & Linda Milley
& Family
Linda & Sandy Milley
Mary Ellen & Henry
Nancy Jane Mills
Claire A. Milton
Richard Minogue
Steve Mirisola
Anna M. Mitchell
Mariellen & Kenneth
Mary & Ross Mitchell
William H. Mitchelson
Evelyn & Charles
Paula C. Mogan
Margaret Gaffney
Muriel Savoy Moloney
Helene & Rich Monaghan
William & Janet Monagle
Michael Monahan
Arnita Mongiovi
Margarita Montero
& Family
Moody & Regan
Taye Moody
Richard & Dorothy
Richard & Catherine
Moore & Family
Barbara & John Moran
Maureen Farrell Moran
Eugene & Elizabeth
Patricia & Dennis Morey
Kramer & Barbara
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Elaine Moriarty
Kevin & Cheryl Moriarty
Thomas Moriarty
Margaret Finn Morich
Mary & Len Morley
Barbara & Jim Moroney
James & Helen Moroney
Carol Morrell
J. Molly Morrell
Josephine Molloy Morrell
Gerard T. Morris
Sister Ann Morrison SND
Patricia & Andrew Morrison
Patricia & William Morrison
Richard & Helen Morrissey
Rose Mary Morrissey
Carol Morrow
David & Mary Ellen Morse
Wayne & Connie Moses
Mary A. Mosher
Mother Anselme Daycare
Virginia E. Motta
John A. Mowles
Alfred & Emma Moya
Margaret M. Moylan
Gerard W. Moynihan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mucci
Alice A. Mulcahy
Jeremiah & Denise Mulcahy
Anne Li & Ed Muldoon
William Paul Muldoon
Michael Muldowney
Michelle Stinson Mulhern
& Family
Ed & Bev Mulholland
Ann Mullen
Jean D. Mullen
Ann M. Mulligan
Judith Mullins & The Stapleton
Elizabeth & Robert Mullins
Julie & Brian Mulvey
E. Joyce Munger
Karen A. Munkley
The Murphy Insurance Group
Mariette Murphy MD
Adeline Murphy
Ann M. Murphy
Barbara Murphy
Betty Murphy
Carmeline Murphy
Carol M. Murphy
Constance & Edmond Murphy
Eileen E. Murphy
Elaine L. Murphy
Helene A. Murphy
Murphy, Hesse, Toomey
& Lehane LLP
James & Cora Murphy
Janet & Robert Murphy
Joanne Murphy
John & Denise Murphy
John & Patricia Murphy
Kathleen M. Murphy
Kathleen Murphy
Louise M. Murphy
Marjorie D. Murphy
Mary Lou & Michael Murphy
Mary T. Murphy
Olive R. Murphy
Paul & Mary Murphy
Philip & Kathleen Murphy
Philip G. Murphy
Rita & Marguerite Murphy
Rita K. Murphy
Rita M. Murphy
Robert Murphy
Rosemary, J. D., Cheryl
& Terri Murphy
Sheila F. Murphy
Theresa Murphy
Walter Murphy
Winifred M. Murphy
The Murray Family
Donald J. Murray
Kelley & Neal Murray
Lee Ann Pepicelli Murray
Maureen J. Murray
Robert J. Murray
Veronica Murray
John & Mary Myers
Therese M. Mylett
N. E. Telpehone Co.
NEFT Services Inc.
NSTAR Foundation
Charles Nagle
Juliet & Frederick Nagle
Richard Nagle
CSJ Donors continued on page 27
Fall 2013 Luncheon
Jim Brett, President & CEO of The New England Council, was the guest
speaker for the Fall 2013 Luncheon held at the Motherhouse in Brighton. The
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, with the support of the Allston Board of Trade,
collaborated on this Allston/Brighton-based event. We thank the committee
members and Devlin’s Bistro & Pub for their participation. This event supported
The Literacy Connection and The Women’s Table, which are ministries serving
the Allston/Brighton community.
Event Sponsors
Allston Board of Trade
Boston University
Brian Honan Charitable Fund
Committee to Elect Kevin Honan
Local #12 Plumbers Union
Peoples Federal Savings Bank & Employees
Other donations to the event were received from:
Allston-Brighton APAC Inc.
Sister Mary Black
Boston College Govermental
Brighton Motor Service
Elizabeth Buckley
Mary Came
Camino Real Inc.
City of Boston DoIT/ Catherine
Margaret Clarke
Committee to Elect Mark Ciommo
Anthony D’Isidoro
DeMoura Smith LLP
George Desmond
F. I. Patnode Insurance
Marguerite Fagan
Richard Grealish
Margaret Hayes
Patrick & Mary Honan
Rep. Kevin & Mrs. Colleen Honan
Gerald & Louise Humphreys
Jackson Mann Community Center
Mary Canavan Kelley
John & Theresa Kim
Local #40 Carpenters Union
Local #537 Pipefitters Association
Carol Mack
Margarita Montero &
Ann Mulligan
Joanne Powers
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Denise Shepard
Jeanne Simmons
St. Joseph Preparatory
High School
Stage to Sell by Mary
Three Twins Productions
Albert Travaglini
V. B. Smith Senior Center
Mary Rita Weschler
White Mountain Creamery
Pictured L-R: Boston City Councilor Mark Ciommo, Rev. Richard Fitzgerald, Rosemary Brennan,
CSJ, State Representative Kevin Honan, and James T. Brett, at the 2013 Fall Luncheon.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 25
The Women’s Table
Creating Ever-widening
Circles of Love and Compassion!
by CSJ Associate Mary Rita Weschler
Director of The Women’s Table
ver-widening circles of love and
compassion continue to lead The
Women’s Table toward new and unique
paths. These travels might include:
supporting young women living in shelters,
companioning a woman to District Court to obtain
a restraining order, to a Family Resource Center,
or mediation hearings, or traveling to a foreign
consulate. It might also include consulting with
immigration centers or community health clinics,
or visiting women who are home-bound, and more.
As The Women’s Table approaches its sixth
year, new programs continue to evolve and
develop. This fall, for example, The Women’s
Table hosted two six-week Restorative Justice
Circles for homeless adolescents and young
mothers living at Bridge over Troubled Waters.
Promoting communication skills, conflict
management strategies and self-esteem were
primary goals of this program. Funded by the CSJ
Unity and Non-Violence Grant, these programs
created a ‘safe space’ for these young women
living in two different shelters to share their
experiences. They are able to talk about healthy vs.
unhealthy relationships, to learn about personality
temperaments, and related effects in community
living, and more. This promotes a greater sense of
unity and community.
Another innovative program unfolding is a
A Gathering Circle for Mothers of Children with
Special Needs.
Writer’s Workshop for women who struggle with
written expression. This program underscores how
The Women’s Table helps women ‘find their voice.’
Sacred Circles, for women experiencing grief and
loss, have also met for six consecutive weeks this
fall. One participant expressed this feeling, “This is
one place where I can really express myself; I feel
safe in the company of other women.”
Individual advocacy and companioning women
moves The Women’s Table forward, toward evernew and expanding directions. Please consider
supporting these evolving programs and individual
advocacy by volunteering your time or talent, or
making a donation to The Women’s Table. On
behalf of numerous women served by our different
programs, we thank you! †
Embracing and living out the values of the Sisters of
St. Joseph, especially the centrality of relationship
and unioning love, is not unfamiliar to Mary Rita
Weschler, CSJA, the director of The Women's Table.
She has been a lay associate with the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Boston for 25+ years, and has degrees in
Deaf Education and Counseling Psychology. She's
held a variety of teaching positions and other roles
supporting children and families across the country.
CSJ Donors continued from page 25
Participants share while attending The Women’s Table
Multicultural Circle.
Open conversations transpire during the Writer’s
Workshop for women.
Mary Rita offers support and advice to an
individual looking for assistance.
Ingeborg M. Najarian
Margaret Nally
Susan & Peter Nardini
Lara Nasello CND
Susan & Richard Nashawaty
Andrea L. Nasson
Michael & Alison Nastari
National Development
Associates of N. E. LP
Richard & Mary Ann
Margaret Nealon
Janet M. Nedder
Patricia & Carl Nedeau
Thomas Nee & Jan Delaney
Michael Nee
Barbara Mullen Neem
Corinne Nelson
Dr. Cristina Nelson
Eileen O'Brien Nelson
Eileen Nemerowski & Family
Barbara M. Nestor
Jane Audrey Neuhauser
John F. Neville
Maureen Nevins
New England Copy
New England Province of
Newton Cemetery Employees
Sister Mary Phuc Nguyen OP
Rev. Henry P. Nichols
Rev. John J. Nichols
Charles & Gia Nicolazzo
George & Susan Niden
Rita M. Nielsen
Debora A. Nigro
Jean Nigro
Marie Y. Niland
Lillian Niles
Doris Nolan
Rev. Mark L. Noonan
Louise Norcott
Richard Norris
Northeast Rehabilitation
Mike & Margaret Norton
& Family
Mary & Richard Norton
Mary F. Norton
Michael & Patricia Norton
Norwood Irish Music Club
Emmett G. O'Brien
Agnes M. O'Brien
Ann & Richard O'Brien
Anne B. O'Brien
Bill & Kathy O'Brien
Bryan D. O'Brien
Clare M. O'Brien
Gene & Carol O'Brien
Geraldine O'Brien
M. Theresa O'Brien
Margaret O'Brien
Richard & Jane O'Brien
Stuart F. O'Brien
William R. O'Brien
Ann & Stephen O'Callaghan
Maureen O'Callaghan
John D. O'Connell Jr.
Barbara C. O'Connell
David & Anne O'Connell
Katherine M. O'Connell
Mark S. O'Connell
Maureen O'Connell
Claire & Bill O'Connor
Mary T. O'Connor
Maurice & Linda O'Connor
Michael & Donna O'Connor
Roberta & Joe O'Connor
Elizabeth A. O'Conor
Noreen O'Day
Ruth Green O'Day
Mary Ellen & John O'Dea
Mark & Mary O'Donnell
Paul O'Donnell
Rev. John F. O'Donnell
Robert O'Donnell
Alice O'Donoghue
Maureen & Donald O'Driscoll
Mary F. O'Grady
Bernadette & Thomas
Catherine O'Halloran
Gertrude O'Handley
Stephen & Lucia O'Hara
Rev. Joseph J. O'Hare III
Helen & Thomas O'Hearn
Maureen O'Hearn
Vincent O'Keefe
Alice O'Leary
Frank O'Leary
Joanne O'Leary
Joseph & Marybeth O'Leary
Olga O'Leary
Marion T. O'Malley
Patrick & Jane O'Malley
Helen McDonald O'Neil
James & Jean O'Neil
O'Neill & Associates Inc.
Anne O'Neill
David W. O'Neill
John & Margaret O'Neill
Robert & Margaret O'Neill
Robert & Patricia O'Neill
Joseph & Maureen O'Reilly
CSJ Donors continued on page 29
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 27
The Women’s Table
Many thanks to the following donors for their generous support of this ministry
and A Place at the Table 2014 event.
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Sister Carmela Abbruzzese
Luciano Aimar & Tom Crowley
Rachel (Kelso) Alabiso
Lourdes Alvarez
American Mortgage Resource Inc.
Michael DeSantis
Sister Patricia Andrews
Anonymous Donors
Trish Appert
Olivia Armato
Geraldine Ballotti
Harvard Education Collaborative
Meghan Bea & Carol Kolenik
Bethany Healthcare Center
Sister Mary Black
Linda Boothroyd
Sister Nancy Braceland
Sister Thomas Joseph Bradley
Ann Bucciarelli
Paula Buresh
CSJ Office of Sponsored Ministries
Corinne Cafferky
Sister Rose Canney
Carlo’s Cucina
Mary Caruso
Michael & Catherine Chapman
Elise Cheverie
Raymond Ciccolo
June Cieri & Tom Brown
Sister Helen Thomas Colbert
Sister Marie Connolly
Sister Lois Connors
Lisa Connor
Sister Betsy Conway
Charlotte & Robert Conway
Sister Judy Costello
Geri & Ray Costigan
Sister Christina Cronin
James & Maria Cullen
Josephine Cushing
The McClellan Family*
Mary Supple Dailey
Nancy Bates Dapkiewicz
Tom & Mary DeSwarte
Susanna Desai
Denise DiCenso
Maria DiChiappari
Kathleen Doerr
Sister Maureen Doherty
Sister Gail Donahue
Eileen Connors*
Lori Dougherty
Michelle & Connie Duval
Priscilla & Clark Elliott
Virginia Enbody
Trudy Ernst
Joanne Driscoll Fantini
Christine Farmer
Sister Zita Fleming
Sister Carol Fitzsimmons
Phyllis Hurley Cafferky**
Sister Brenda Forry
Randi Freundlich
Rev. Karen Fritz
Sister Joanne Gallagher
Mary Gaudet
Sister Carlotta Gilarde
Jane & Ralph Gillis
Sister Catherine Ginty
Ann Marie Giovino
Glenville Ave. Realty Trust
The Glenville Stops
Sharon & Bill Gouveia
John & Janice Grady
Paul Grant
Karen & Jan Gullett
Sister Kathleen Hagerty
Donna Hale
Chris Hannon
Catherine Harvey
Sister Patricia Keefe*
Sister Carole Lombard**
Susan Ho
Leo & Lauraine Hudon
Jackson/Mann Community
Sister Theresa Jardin
Joseph M. Smith Community
Health Center
Francisca Guevara
Sister Florence Kahler
Sister Ann Kaufmann
Elizabeth Kearns
Catherine Carr Kelly
Sister Denise Kelly
Sister Martina Kelly
Bart Kelso
Sister Bernadette Kenney
Kiki’s Kwik Mart
Colleen King
Sister Alice Kirby
Louise Kuhlman
Sister Joan Patricia Lonergan
Sister Barbara Loud
Agnes Lugira
Sheila Lyne
Judith & Robert Lytle
Carol Mack
Anne Mahoney
Sister Dorothea Masuret
Sister Dionetta MCCarthy
Sister Jacqueline McCarthy
Sister Rita McCarthy
Pam McCormick & Tim
Sister Marie Louise
Marnie McGoldrick & Mike
Michael McGoldrick
Sister Marilyn McGoldrick
Sister Helen Mary McGonagle
Sister Barbara McHugh
Joyce McMahon
Marianne Miller
Mary & Ross Mitchell
Sister Claire Morrissey
Flagship Homes
Ed Mullowney & Greg
Julie & Brian Mulvey
Sister Mary Murphy
Sister Dianne Neumyer
George & Susan Niden
Sister Helen Noonan
Sister Mary Ellen O’Connell
Sister Virginia O’Connell
Sister Mary Theresa O’Reilly
Sister Mary O’Rourke
Wendy Luk &
Pui kong Thomas Pang
Nancy Papp
Ann & Robert Patterson Sr.
Anne Paulsen
Douglass Payne
Barbara Pecci
Marisa Petrillo
Polcari’s/Regina’s Pizza
Alice Poltorick
Sheree DeCoste Rau
Sister Gail Rilpey
Sister Roberta Ristuccia
Marjie Rochon
Mary Ellen Serino
Debbie & Richard Stande
Sister Helen Sullivan
Kathleen Lydon Sullivan
Rose Sullivan
Sister Margaret Sullivan
Judy & Paul Swett
Fidelis Taylor
Kathleen & James Tighe
Joan Travers
Visa Givingstation
Karen & Jan Gullett
Sister Dorothy Welch
Charlie & Lulu Weschler
Katrina Weschler
Mary Rita Weschler
Patrick Weschler
R. Ted Weschler
Thomas Weschler
White Horse Tavern/Bedford
Dining Inc.
Nancy Widjaja
Katherine Williams
Clara Wood †
*In Honor of
** In Memory of
For more information about The Women’s Table between Connecting issues,
please visit:
Sister Joanne Gallagher, Director of Communications,
participates in a Sisters of St. Joseph Federation conference call.
CSJ Donors continued from page 27
Michael & Dale O'Reilly
Mary & Andy O'Shea
Catherine T. O'Sullivan
Eileen O'Sullivan
Robert & Mary Ellen
Jean O'Toole
Karen M. O'Toole
Martina Buckley O'Toole
Margaret J. O'Brien
Rev. John W. O'Brien
Cari & Kevin O'Keeffe
Nancy E. Oates
Thomas F. Oates
Teresa & Carl Obin
Fr. Terry M. Odien
Office of Justice and Peace
Nancy Ogles
Joseph M. Oliverio
Leon & Bernadette Olivier
Nancy Olsen
Russell & Sara Olson
Eugene Oreszak & Leona
McCaughey Oreszak
Patricia Osborne
Jeanne E. Ouellette
Jeffrey & Virginia Ouellette
Thomas J. Owens
Barbara Pace
George & Jean Pagliuca
Lucy T. Palermino
Maureen R. Palmer
Peg M. Palmieri
Mary Palombi
Janet L. Panagiotakos
Pui-kong Thomas Pang
& Wendy Luk
Antoinette & Michael Papagno
Eugenia Papajiannis
Nancy Papp
Margaret M. Paquet
Ann Marie & David Paradis
Elizabeth Pardo IHM
Ann R. Parent
Carol S. Parillo
Stephanie & Bradford
Edward Parr
Beth Paschal
John & Carol Pasqua
Pat Moore's Book Club
Sarah & Ron Pataky
George & Lorraine Pate
Betsy Patrone
Ann & Robert Patterson Sr.
Joseph A. Patterson
Peter & Carol Patuto
Donald & Mary Paul
Mary Jane Paull
Anne Paulsen
Douglass Payne
Patrick & Barbara Payne
James G. Pazzanese
Russell Pearce
Mary & Ted Pearson
Barbara Pecci
Kathleen A. Pedersen
Robert & Carol Peecha
Frances Pellegrino
Dorothy Pelton
Rose Marie Pelusi
Annette P. Pendergast
Viktor Pendergraph
Edward J. Pennachio
Richard Penta
Patricia Pentleton
Peoples Federal Savings
Diane Perella
Barbara A. Perrotti
Donna Perry
Donna & Suzanne Perry
Judith Perry
Sheila & Robert Perry
Suzanne Perry
Emily Pescatore
Elizabeth Pesce
Mary C. Peters
Lori A. Peterson
William & Claire Peterson
Richard Petrilli
Marisa Petrillo
Pasquale C. Petrozzelli
Patric & Patricia Petta
Patt (Irene) Petterson
Rev. John Phalen CSC
Kevin & Anne Phelan
Virginia Phillips
Arlene Phinney
The Phu & Lai Families
Tina Piantedosi
Mary & Richard Pickett
Patricia A. Pidgeon
Walter & Doris Pienton
Frank & Jeanne Pierce
Richard & Veronica Pierce
Doris G. Pike
Ada & William Pinchook
Helen Costello Pino
Judy Piolunek
Patricia & Richard Piotti
Pipefitters Assoc. Local 537
Anthony & Debra Pires
Anne Pirrera
Robert & Anne Piscioneri
Marilyn Pistorino
Joanna R. Pitocchelli
Charles T. Pitts
Marion & William Pitts
The Plante Family
Eugene & Elizabeth Plante
Paul & Annette Plante
Sally A. Platek
Joe Plati
Polcari's/Regina's Pizza
Charles & Margaret Poleo
Nicole Poleo
Janet Polillio
Kryn Polito
Alice Poltorick
Barbara & Bob Pomerantz
& Family
Geraldine & Alfred Pompeo
Alice & Christine Ponte
Christine Ponte
Joseph & Phyllis Porrell
Ralph M. Porter M.D.
Clara & Mary Porter
David Porter
Howard & Sandra Porter
Jenna Porter
Colleen Matthews Poth
Claire & George Potter
Rita & Hal Potter
Leo Power III
Janice M. Power
The Powers Family
Charles Powers
Genevieve Powers
Joanne Powers
Kathleen Powers
Marcia G. Powers
Marie Minutoli Powers
Patricia & Joan Powers
Rev. Lawrence E. Pratt
Irene & John Prendergast
Mary D. Prendiville
Laureen N. Price
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Mary C. Prior
William & Prachit Prior
Kathleen Provencher & Family
Margaret Prozenheim
Pauline M. Puglisi
Richard & Mary Anne Pugsley
Fred & Marilyn Pula
Joan Kilday Puleo
Frank & Tara Pumphret
Salvatore J. Pustizzi
Harold & Betty Anne Putnum
QYHA Board of Directors
Mary Quan
Linda & Thomas Quatieri
Beth A. Quigley
Elinor Quill
Carolyn Quincy
Jane E. Quinlan
Pat Quinlan
Regina Quinlan
Frank & Ellen Quinn
John & Christine Quinn
Marie Quinn
Paul & Nancy Quinn
Ellen Parr Quintal
Edward & Jane Quirk
William Quirk
Dorothy & James Radcliff
Mary Jane Rainge
Joseph Rainville & Karen
Collette & Thomas Rajotte
& Family
Vincent Ranelli & Larry Coppola
Rasky Baerlein Strategic
Sheree DeCoste Rau
Brian Rawdon
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 29
Partners In Ministry
Deceased friends are remembered in prayer
for their thoughtful gifts through their wills or
estates, as are those who have made sure their
wishes were carried out.
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Richard J. Butler
Doris J. Costello
Charles J. Murphy
Helen T. Skrzowski
Carolyn A. Rawdon
Elizabeth M. Rawdon
Priscilla Re
Robert Reardon & Anne Carr
Barbara A. Reardon
Marion E. Reardon
William & Katharine Reardon
Judith Recknagel
Mary Ann Reczek
Red Sox Foundation
Gertrude Anna Reen
Margaret C. Reeves
Bernard & Margaret Regan
Joan & Robert Regan
John & Joanne Regan
Regis College
Regis College Mission
The Reilly Family
Muriel Reilly
Patricia & Stephen Reilly
William & Mary Reissfelder
Amy & Chris Remondi
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Remondi
Catherine M. Reney
David Reynolds
Margaret M. Reynolds
Marjorie A. Reynolds
Thomas & Grace Reynolds
Ruth I. Rheaume
Paul & Marion Ricca & Family
Maria & John Riccio
Josephine DeLuca Ricciuti
Edward G. Rice CFX
Margaret & John H. Rice
Daniel & Stephanie Rich
Catherine O'Donnell
Peter & Kathy Richardson
Phyllis E. Richardson
Sue & John Richmond
Margaret Ridge
Claire M. Riley
Jeanne & Frederick Riley
John Riley
Marguerite M. Riley
Marion F. Riley
Mercedes S. Riley
Jane & Philip Rinck
Riverside Management
James & Margaret Roach
Constance Roberts
Michael & Maria Roberts
Maj. Gen. Kenneth
Robinson (Ret.)
Mary Jane Burke Robinson
Eileen Roche & Family
Barbara Roche
Jean A. Roche
William & Maureen Roche
Mona Lydon Rochelle
Francoise & Eduard Rocher
Marjie Rochon
Marion Rockwood
John & Patricia Roddy
Laura Rodel
Ronald J. Rodericks
Theresa & Greg Rodgers
Claire Rodley
Don Rodman
Kathleen Rogantino
Thomas F. Rogers DDS PC
Darlene Rogers
Mary Ann Rogers
Mary F. Rogers
Jane D'Ercole Roman
Elaine Romano
Frank & Ginger Romano
Lucy A. Ronayne
Nancy & John Ronayne
Robert & Eileen Rooney
Tom Rooney
Thomas & Gayle Rosato
Agnes Rose
Roslindale Board of Trade
Elizabeth S. Ross
John & Mary Rossetti
Rossetti-Cowan Sr. Bowling
& Bocce League
Bernard J. Rothwell III
Roundhill Construction
Rev. Paul Rouse
Richard & Susan Rouse
Joan Rousseau
Ann T. Rowland
Kathleen Rowlings
Nancy Roy
Sister Jeannette Roy
Roycroft Associates
Ragnhild Roycroft
William Roycroft
Marian A. Royer
Anne E. Rudser
Elizabeth C. Rudser
Dolores Tocci Rufo
Maureen A. Rugo
Mark Rukavina
Joanne C. Russell
Rita Russell
Jaye V. Russo
Mike & Jarrett Russo
Nicholas T. Russo
Eleanor & William Ryan
Joan M. Ryan
Joseph & Nancy Ryan
Kathleen & Vincent Ryan
Margaret A. Ryan
Mary Ann & William Ryan
Maureen S. Ryan
Thomas F. Ryan
Kathleen Rybak
Dave & Marilyn Ryder
Norman & Patricia Sabbey
Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart School
Monika Sainsbury
Salem State College Class
of 1960
Stephanie Salim
Rosemary Samson
Petrita Z. Sanchez
Carol & John Sano
Nancy R. Santangelo
Susan Santangelo
Lawrence & Mary Santapaul
Pauline & Thomas Saunders
Adrienne L. Savage
Eileen Sayegh
Francis & Margaret Scafati
Henry Scagnoli
Patricia Scanlon
James & Mary Scannell
Lois & Robert Scannell
Charles Scarcella
Philip & Joan Scaringella
Joseph M. Sceppa
Martha Scheffer
John & Janet Schickling
Mary G. Schilpp
William & Marie Schleiff
Dolores Schmid
Alice M. Schmitt
Karen J. Schroeder
Kay Schuetz
Scott & Heidi Schuster
Bob & Kathy Scobie
Christine LaPlante & Bob
George & Maura Scollin
William & Carole Scollins
Ann E. Scott
Carole Anne & Dana Scott
Rita P. Scott
Roger & Ann Scott
The Scully Family
Dorothea A. Scully
Barbara Montgomery Seager
Seaport Companies
Cecile Sears & Family
Marian Sears
Sandra Selvarajah
Joseph & Janet Senna
Mary Ellen Serino
Lugarda Serrano
Janet Jarvis Sethares
David & Susan Setterland
Mary & George Sexton
Mary & Tom Sexton
William & Mary Sexton
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Johanna Skenderian Shaghalian
Peter & Margaret Shaheen
John & Katherine Shanahan
Claire E. Shanley
Gail & Paul Shanley
Francis & Faith Shannon Jr.
Emily & Frank Shannon
Donna Shaughnessy
Patricia M. Shaughnessy
Mary T. Shay
Joanne Shea & Family
Alison Shea
Barbara E. Shea
Doreen Shea
Eleanor M. Shea
Lois M. Shea
Mary A. Shea
Mary E. Shea
Maureen Shea
Michael & Patrice Shea
Nora & Rachel Shea
CSJ Donors continued on page 32
Living the Dream Dinner 2014 Donors
Ai3 Architects LLC
Christopher & Susan
Arbella Insurance
Charles Batchelder
Robert Beal
Robert Belley
Kenneth Binder
Birmingham Foundation
Blessed John XXII National
Blue Hills Charitable
Boston Common Asset
Jim & Patti Brett
K. Douglas Briggs
Brian Brooks
Burke Distributing Corp.
Campaign for Catholic
J. Terence Carleton
Nancy & Jim Carmody
Cathedral High School
Century Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chisholm
Richard & Joan Chisholm
The Annmarie Ciccolo Fund
Clough Capital Partners LP
Commercial Cleaning
Service Inc.
Karen Ernst Connolly &
Kevin Connolly
Irene Cook
Joseph Corcoran
William & Claire Costello
Gary & Carol Crossen
Mary Catherine Crowley &
Judith Healy Walsh
Gerard Cullen
Jim & Shirley Curvey
Charles & Janet Daley
James & Kathleen Daley
Daniel T. Flatley Giving
Paul & Lucy DeChiara
Diane & Peter DeFalco
DeMoulas Foundation
Victor DelVecchio & Alicia
Jim Derba
Noel Dixon
Walther Donovan
Michael Douvadjian
Downey Capital
Management Inc.
The Drew Company Inc.
Rita & Paul Dunphy
East Coast Benefit Plan Inc.
Eastern Bank Charitable
Daniel & Jean Falvey
Arlene Feltz
Neal Finnegan
Flaherty Charitable Fund
Carolyn Foley
Franciscan Hospital for
James Gallagher
Joan Gatto & Richard
Gerard & Elaine Schuster
Charitable Foundation
Gilbane Building Company
Kevin Gill
Tina & Charles Grant
Karen Hammond & Michael
Neal & Patricia Harte
Harvard University
Harvard Pilgrim Health
Ryan Hayes
William & Patricia Hayes
Mary & Tim Hegarty
Highland Street Foundation
Hill Holliday
Hinckley, Allen &
Snyder LLP
Edward & Claire Hogarty
Rep. Kevin & Mrs. Colleen
Joan & Dick Horan
James & Ann Marie Hynes
Barry Hynes
Larry & Kim Ingeneri
Stan & Pat Jakimczyk
James G. Martin memorial
Janney Montgomery Scott
Holly & Bruce Johnstone
Maureen Joyce
Jennifer Juliano
Carissa & Paul Kane
Albert & Diane Kaneb
John & Virginia Kaneb
Kelleher Family Charitable
Paul Kennedy Sr.
Killiam Family Foundation
Ellen Kinlin
Drs. Stephen & Lisa Knight
Charles & Judith Laverty
Kevin Leary
Loomis, Sayles & Co. LP
Richard Lord
Carolyn & Peter Lynch
Jane MacDonald
Jack & Rosemary
Paul & Mary Madden
Robert Mahoney
Jim & Sue Malone
Peter & Linda Manning
David Manzo
Frederick Marino
Gerard Martin
Tom & June Martin
Mass. Convention Authority
Marge McAuliffe
McCusker-Gill Inc.
Carol & Michael McKean
Sister Monica McManus
Paul & Mary McNamara
Margaret Mellon
Richard Minogue
Paula Mogan
Helene & Rich Monaghan
David & Mary Ellen Morse
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mucci
Michael Muldowney
The Murphy Insurance
Mariette Murphy MD
Murphy, Hesse, Toomey &
Lehane LLP
John & Denise Murphy
Rita Murphy
Rosemary, J. D., Cheryl &
Terri Murphy
NSTAR Foundation
Juliet & Frederick Nagle
National Development
Associates of New
England LP
New England Province of
Bill & Kathy O’Brien
Gene & Carol O’Brien
Barbara O’Connell
Mark & Mary O’Donnell
Frank O’Leary
Olga O’Leary
O’Neill & Associates Inc.
Robert & Patricia O’Neill
Michael & Dale O’Reilly
Rev. John O’Brien
Peoples Federal Savings
Kevin & Anne Phelan
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Regina Quinlan
Rasky Baerlein Strategic
Red Sox Foundation
Regis College
Amy & Chris Remondi
Mr. & Mrs. John Remondi
Mercedes Riley
Barbara Roche
Ronald Rodericks
Don Rodman
Thomas & Gayle Rosato
Thomas Ryan
Scott & Heidi Schuster
Seaport Companies
Shaevel & Krems LLP
Michael Sheehan
Bob & Jean Sheridan Fund
Shields Health Care Group
Kristen Singer
Timothy Smetana
Spectra Energy & Maritimes &
Northeast Pipeline
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spillane Jr.
St. Elizabeth Medical Center
St. Raphael Church
Vincent & Mary Alice
State Street Corporation
State Street Foundation
Steward Health Care System LLC
Stonehill College
John & Dianne Sullivan
Leo Sullivan
The Catholic Schools
Rebecca & Steven Trotsky
Tufts Health Plan
Paul & Debby Urban
Jack & Paula Vercollone
Robert Wagner
Susan M. Walsh LICSW
Joseph Walsh
Robert Westwater
John & Catherine White
Yawkey Foundation †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 31
Join us as a “Partner In Ministry”
Enrollment in “Partners in Ministry” is the way we recognize
those generous people who have chosen to leave a legacy gift
to the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston with
a planned gift in their estates. A planned gift is an excellent
way to say thank you to the sisters who have touched your life
and to ensure that the vital ministries of the congregation are
able to continue serving the next generation.
Your gift, through a bequest in your will (or other planned
gift vehicle such as a trust, an annuity, property, an IRA,
stocks or life insurance) will be used to provide care for our
elderly and infirm sisters and will provide for the continuation
of our ministries. Truly you become our “Partner in
We would like to recognize your thoughtful gift during
your lifetime. If you are planning to leave a legacy gift to the
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston, please
complete the simple form below, and we will enroll you as a
Partner in Ministry and send you an enrollment certificate.
Thank you!
City___________ State_____ Zip__________
Email address____________________________
Phone __________________________________
__ I have included the Congregation of the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Boston in my estate plans.
Please mail to:
Office of Mission Advancement
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street, Brighton, MA 02135
If you have any questions contact Carol Mack, Director of
Mission Advancement at 617-746-2115 or
email [email protected]
CSJ Donors continued from page 30
Paul & Ellen Shea
Richard & Dorothy Shea
Romaine & Donald Shea
Stephen Shea
Catherine Tkacik Sheedy
Claire M. Sheehan
Helen T. Sheehan
John & Maureen Sheehan
Margaret & John Sheehan
Margaret A. Sheehan
Michael Sheehan
Ronnie Sheehan
Joan Sheehy
Janet Sheerin
Waqar & Fatima Sheikh
Dai-Hua Shen
Barbara Shenker
Denise M. Sheppard
Bob & Jean Sheridan Fund
Joan Sheridan
Robert Sheridan & Claire
Barton Sheridan
Shields Health Care Group
Gail M. Shields
George M. Shields
James & Barbara Shine
Anne Shinney
Robert Shulman
Katherine A. Shute
Edward Sicotte
Jean Sidlowski
Robert & Carolyn Siegel
& Family
Mary Lou Signorelli
Anne E. Silva
Josephine Silva
Paula & Thomas Silva
Anne E. Silver
John C. Simcox
Jeanne M. Simmons
Mary A. Simpkins
Kristen Singer
Sisters of Jesus Crucified
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph Mt.
Thomas F. Skehan
Eugene K. Skoropowski
Catherine & Robert Slade
& Family
Judith Slamin
Nola R. Slattery
Regina Slowe
Mary Smalarz
Timothy F. Smetana
Bonnie & James Smith III
Anna & Kevin Smith
Bob Smith
Dorothea & Robert Smith
Eleanor & Roland Smith
Elizabeth & William Smith
Karen A. Smith
Kathleen McLaughlin Smith
Maureen Smith
Murray & Jean Smith
Peter & Catherine Smith
Richard & Patricia Smith
Simon E. Smith
Susan Lyons Smith
Teresa Doyle Smith
John & Eileen Snedeker
Virginia & Gary Snell
Elaine W. Snowden
Dulce Soler
Harry & Mary Ann Solletti
Edward Sonn
Charles Sorensen
George & Barbara Soule
Maria Sousa
Laura & Reynold Spadoni
Mary & Patty Spafford
Kelley Spanos
Douglas & Virginia Sparrow
Spectra Energy & Maritimes
& Northeast Pipeline
Herbert & Barbara Spellman
Donna & Paul Spera
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spillane
Paul & Geri Spillane
James & Luci Spinale
Marie Spindler & Family
Spirit of Life Community
Ruth S. Spring
Margaret Ouellette Spurrell
St. Jeanne D'Arc School
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Charles Waltham Class
of 1958
St. Columbkille Partnership
School Brighton
St. Elizabeth Medical Center
St. Francis Xavier So.
Raymond & Louise St.
St. Gregory Parish Dorchester
St. John Evangelist Parish
St. John School Association
St. John the Baptist Quincy
St. John the Evangelist School
St. John the Evangelist Parish
St. John's Women's Guild
St. Joseph Preparatory High
School Allston
St. Mary's Preparatory High
St. Pius V Parish Lynn
St. Pius V School Lynn
St. Raphael Church Medford
St. Raphael Rel. Ed.
Program Staff
St. Susanna Parish Dedham
St. Vincent de Paul Canton
Ann M. Stack
Stage To Sell By Mary
David & Kathleen Stahl
Margaret & Walter Stamp
Debbie & Richard Stande
Esther Stanley
Robert & Moira Stanley
Roberta & Bill Stanley
Charlene Rivera & Charles
Kathleen Stanton
Vincent & Mary Alice Stanton
Star Market
State Street Bank
State Street Corporation
State Street Foundation
Rev. Michael L. Steele
Diane Stelfox
Elizabeth Cullen
Steward Health Care System LLC
Pat M. Stickney
Robert & Rita Stiegler
George Stinson
Mary C. Stokes
Joan Stone
Stonehill College
Stop and Shop
Elizabeth A. Strain
Stratford Foundation Inc.
Amy & Peter Straub
Mary & William Stucchi
Suffolk District Attorney
John & Marcia Sulfaro
Joan M. Sullivan & Family
John & Anne Sullivan
& Family
Kerry Sullivan & Family
John J. Sullivan MD
Anne H. Sullivan
Barbara J. Sullivan
Charles & Ruth Sullivan
Dan & Lauren Carroll Sullivan
Daniel J. Sullivan
Edith T. Sullivan
Eleanor & Margaret Sullivan
Eleanor B. Sullivan
Garrett & Peg Sullivan
James & Mary Sullivan
Joan & Robert Sullivan
Joan Kirby Sullivan
John & Dianne Sullivan
John & Janice Sullivan
John & Mary Sullivan
John M. Sullivan
Kathleen Lydon Sullivan
Leo V. Sullivan
Madeline D. Sullivan
Margaret M. Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
Mary E. Sullivan Chestnut Hill
Mary E. Sullivan Roslindale
Mary E. Sullivan Waltham
Mary Rita Sullivan
Mary T. Sullivan
Nancy M. Sullivan
Naomi Sullivan
Richard & Karen Sullivan
Robert & Gay Sullivan
Rose Sullivan
Ruth & Edward Sullivan
Ryan Sullivan
Sheila Hickey Sullivan
Denise Sulzbach
Ken & Judy Sumner
Sister Linda Surette OP
Leo & Joanne LaCharite
Stephen & Irene Surette
Celia M. Susi
Jean Sutherby
Michael Sutton & Family
Linda Crowley Svetz
Pat & Gus Swanson Jr.
Sister Diane Swanson RSM
Judy & Paul Swett
Barbara Swist
Tara Syverson
William & Ann Szcesuil
Stanley & Maryellen Szetela
& Family
TD Garden
Anna Taft
Doris Talios
Mark & Ann Tambascio
Kathy Tambke
Robert & Carol Tarpey
Ann & Richard Tarvezian
& Family
Dorothy Tarzia
Marie M. Tassinari
Barbara T. Taylor
Fidelis F. Taylor
Katharine Taylor
Kathleen M. Teahan
Jane & Richard Tedder
Vilma & Miguel Tejada
Linda A. Tempelman
Walter Tennant
Richard & Isabelle Terk
Richard & Eleanor Terry
Carolyn & Bill Tewksbury
The Catholic Schools
Maria Thibeault
Catherine Thibodeau
Mary & George Thissell
Bonnie Thomas
Capt. Joseph G. Thomas
Jeanne Rose Thompson
Katherine & Ronald
Mildred Hurley Thompson
Geraldine & Dennis
Three Twins Productions
Robert V. Tiernan
Anne F. Tierney
Grace & John Tighe
Kathleen & James Tighe
Maureen A. Tighe
Robert & Louise Tilden
Raymond & Maria
Phyllis Titlebaum
James Tobin Jr. & Family
John & Frances Tobin
Joseph & Ann Todesca
Peter & Gerry Toland
Guy & Carol Tomase
Aram & Vicky Tomasian
Robert Tombari
Audra Tong
Charles & Pauline Toole
Eleanor E. Toomey
Mary V. Toomey
Joanne L. Torigian
Richard S. Torrisi
Robert & Camille Tosi
Lorraine Untz Tower
Maureen T. Towle
Joseph & Helen Tracey
Thomas & Joyce Tracey
Mary F. Tracy
Mary Theresa Trahan
Joseph & Penelope Trahey
Maureen & Daniel Trainor
Albert Travaglini
Joan Travers
Mary M. Travers
Robert & Mary Travers
Margaret P. Tretter
Rebecca & Steven Trotsky
Mary T. Troy
John Tucker
Nancy Tucker
Tufts Health Plan
Robert & Leslie Turner
Thomas Turner
Heidi Turninoski
William & Shirley Tuttle
Mary M. Twiraga
William & Sandra Twomey
Carol A. Tye
Most Reverand Peter J.
Janice Uguccioni
Harry Uhlman
Jeanne Umbrello
Joseph & Kathleen Unetic
University of Scranton
Philip & Mary Untersee
Charles & Annette Upton
Paul & Debby Urban
Ralph Urbanowicz
V. B. Smith Senior Center
Ralph & Patricia Vacca
Donald & Jeannette
Valentine M. Valentine
Tony & Yvonne Vallace
Paul & Francoise Vallee
Elizabeth VanderAarde
& Family
Elaine J. Vaudreuil
Eileen Vautour
Claire & Vincent Vendice
Cleto Venditti
Jack & Paula Vercollone
Paul A. Vermaelen
Vertucchio & Smith
Anne & Al Vesperi
Marjorie & Louis Vezeau
Bette A. Viano
Elizabeth Viano
Laurence & Mary Vienneau
Philip & Kathleen Vilasi & Family
Gloria Villari
Visa Givingstation
Rosanne Vitiello
Francisca Vivero
John & Gloria Voce
Dorothea J. Vocino
Kathleen Vogan
Mary Lou & David VonEuw
Joanne & Bob Voytovich
Louise C. Vozzella
Robert & Mary Patricia Vozzella
Alice C. Wadden
Barbara A. Wade
Debra Jean Wagner
Elizabeth & Robert Wagner
Liz Wagner
Robert E. Wagner
Walden Asset Management
Eileen & William Waldron
Gerald & Doris Waldron
Carol Hughes Walker
Alice & Frederick Wall
Donna & Tom Wall
Evelyn L. Wall
John & Marie Wall
Maryann & Thomas Wall
Coleman Wallace & Carol Jameson
Susan M. Walsh LICSW
Carole & Michael Walsh Sr.
Ann & Thomas Walsh
Ann Marie & Bill Walsh
Anne Walsh
Carol Walsh
Catherine Walsh
David & Neila Walsh
Joseph F. Walsh
Margaret A. Walsh
Mary J. Walsh
Mary M. Walsh
Maureen & Phillip Walsh
Patricia Walsh
Patricia A. Walsh
Trudy Walsh
Brian Ward
Don & Pat Ward
Gerard & Lorraine GarnettWard
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 33
Save the Date April 30, 2015
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston celebrate family
Living the Dream 2015
Second Annual Dinner to benefit the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Marie Ward
Marilyn Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Ward
Mark Waters
Joanne Crowley Watkins
Mary Watson
John K. Watts
Kathleen Weaver
Agnes M. Webber
Bob & Judy Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred N. Weber
Carol A. Weese
Marie E. Weidmann
Richard Weidmann
Peter F. Weiss Jr.
Susan & Francis Welby
The Welch Family
Mary & John Welch
Mary Wendel
Joseph R. Wenzel
Evelyn M. Werner
Charlie & Lulu Weschler
Katrina Weschler
Mary Rita Weschler
Patrick Weschler
R. Ted Weschler
Thomas Weschler
George T. West
Robert Westwater
Weymouth H. S. Class of 1947
Raymond C. Wheeler
April 30, 2015
Seaport Hotel Boston 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
The Hynes Family
Alice H. Whelan
White Horse Tavern/Bedford
Dining Inc.
White Mountain Creamery
Francis & Jeanette White
John & Catherine White
Janet E. Whiteley
Deborah Whitman
Mary Whitney
Christine & John Whoriskey
& Family
Mary Ellen Whyte
Nancy Widjaja
Sandra Widland
Mary Claire Wiegand
Ed & Kathleen Wiggin
Henry & Helen Wilayto
Ian Wilcox
Kathleen Wilcox
Robert & Ann Wilcox
Steven & Nancy Wilcox
Richard C. Wiles
Frances Murphy Willaford
Elizabeth Willett
Mr. & Mrs. John Willett
Anne Marie & Daniel
Daniel & Margaret Williams
Donna Williams
Janice & Glen Williams
Joan M. Williams
John & Barbara Williams
Katherine Williams
Robert C. Williams
Thomas & Mary Williams
Thomas E. Williams
Gail M. Willis
Richard & Lorraine Smith
Barbara G. Wilson
Claire Wilson
Frank & Janice Wilson
John & Mary Faith Wilson
Judith Wilson
Steve & Jean Wilson
Anne & Walter
Winchenbach Jr.
Janet Winchester
Walter & Patricia Wingate
John & Marie Winne
William & Mary Winslow
Christopher & Kimberly
Kathleen Wisniewski
David J. Witham
John & Maureen Wojkiewicz
Clara Wood
Gretchen & Frank Wood
Philip & Jane Wood
Mary Woodford
Anna & Samuel Woods
Mary Corliss Woods
Rosalie Woods
Peter & Elizabeth Worden
Jean M. Wright
Krista Wright
Tom & Mary Wright
Richard & Mary Ellen
Rev. Thomas Wyndham
Anne & Frank Wynne
Aileen Crowley Yates
Yawkey Foundations
Laura Yodzio
Anne Yotts
Joseph Yotts
Nancy Yotts
Dr. Richard W. Young
Mary Jo Zaccardi
Tom & Joan Zak
Pauline F. Zammito
Joan Parsons Ziady
Lorraine E. Zolla
Kim Zollo †
Card Program
Choosing our cards is a generous way of celebrating the lives of relatives and friends.
Throughout the year, those you honor with a card are remembered in prayer by the
Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates.
We encourage our donors to request that their family and friends remember
the Congregation by sending donations “in lieu of flowers.” All donations are
acknowledged by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston Office of Mission Advancement.
If you wish to make a donation, know someone who would like to, or are in need of cards
for a relative or friend, please contact Cheryl Duggan, Mission Advancement Coordinator,
at 617-746-2114 or email [email protected].
To make a donation online, visit and find the “make a gift” box.
The below represent sample cards - more designs are available at
St. Joseph
Madonna and Child
Morning Rose
Card Order Form
(Please print clearly)
Address: _______________________________
State:________Postal Code:________________
Ships in Harbor
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 35
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage PAID
Boston, MA
Permit No. 58432
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street
Brighton, MA 02135
If you do not wish to receive future CONNECTING mailings, please return your address label to us,
and we will remove your name from all of our mailings.
When you finish with this issue of Connecting please PASS US ALONG. So many good people do not
receive our mailings, but are connected in some way to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. It is our hope that
you will encourage others to read about the sisters and their ministries. When you PASS US ALONG, you will
be passing along good news.
If you have received Connecting from a friend, and would like to join our mailing list visit the news and
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Retreat participants gather for welcoming remarks before the beginning of
a directed retreat at St. Joseph Retreat Center, Cohasset, MA.