A Word of Welcome - Università degli Studi di Trento


A Word of Welcome - Università degli Studi di Trento
YEAR 2010
This issue features
A Word of Welcome
Human right and Ethnic
p. 3
Identity. Yash Ghai at SIS
Book review
p. 4
Dalla SEI al MEIS
p. 5
Ieri, oggi e domani: 6
domande agli Alumni
p. 7
Conferences, Seminars,
p. 8
News from the MEIS
p. 9
MEIS Internship
p. 9
History File: MEIS Alumni P. 10
by Paolo Collini
The Alumni and Students School of Inates, internships and fellowships and
ternational Studies Trento Newsletter
also about what’s happening in the
is not only a good way to keep you all
Faculties. I invite all of you not only to
up to date with what is happening
read it, but also to
at the School, but also aims to
take the opportunity
build a sense of community around
of having your voice
the School. In this first newsletter,
heard by contributing
I would particularly like to conto the newsletter. So
gratulate the editors for the idea of
get in touch with the
merging Alumni and Students into
editors and share
a single group, all members of this
your experience and
same community. In fact even
ideas with them and
though the Faculties are an importhe SIS community!
tant part of the School, it is the
For a small and young
students, former or current, that
institution like the
give meaning to
SIS, showing our vitality is
everything and
the best way of proving our
‘It is the students, former or
anything we do at
commitment to the future.
the School.
As some of you certainly
current, that give meaning to
Knowledge has
know, in a time of big
value only when
changes in the Italian univerat the School’
we share it with
sity system, the School is,
the others!
like everything else, under
The newsletter
will tell you about recent and upcoming
events at the School, about new graducontinued on page 2
A.S.S.I.S.T.:The Newsletter of the SIS Alumni and
via Verdi 8/10
38122 Trento
by Benedetta Voltolini and Sergio Zanotti, Editors of A.S.S.I.S.T.
Tel. +39 0461 283125
Fax +39 0461 283152
E-mail: [email protected]
Hi everyone, welcome to the first issue of A.S.S.I.S.T. – Alumni and Students of the
School of International Studies of Trento! You have had a first ‘taste’ of A.S.S.I.S.T.
through the survey to choose its title... thank you again for your participation!
Why have a newsletter for the alumni and students of the School of International Studies? First of all, it is a way to share information about activities related to the School,
such as conferences, guest lectures, seminars, summer schools, internships and whatever might be of interest for you.
continued on page 2
I am firmly convinced that the
original intuition of creating a
place where International Studies
can be the unifying force across
disciplines - which not only originated and have developed independently but seldom are at odds
when explaining some of the great
trends in the World - is extremely
valid. Breaking boundaries across
disciplines is a difficult task and the
small community of students, faculties and alumni around the
School of International Studies
contribute to pushing their search
for knowledge toward new and
mainly unexplored territory. After
all, this restless search for the unknown (versus the ‘myth of truth’)
is one of the most worthwhile
outcomes of meeting and understanding other people.
My thanks to the editors for this
initiative and for the
time they devote to the
project. I urge all of you
to get in touch with
them, to see how both
your experiences and
ideas may contribute to
the newsletter and be
shared by all of us.
A . S . S. I .S . T .
SIS News
Guest Lectures
For info:
[email protected]
April 28th, 2010
14:30-16:30 SIS Room 3A
The Lebanese Millet: Ethnic Power-Sharing or
Minority Protection?
Dr. Giovanni Quer
May 5th, 2010
14:30-16:30 SIS Room 3A
The Common Agricultural Policy : Its History and
International Impact
Prof. Ann-Christina L. Knudsen
May 5th, 2010
14:30-16:30 SIS Room 3B
Invoking International Justice: The UK and the
Process of Ratification of the ICC Treaty
Dr. Andrea Betti
May 12th, 2010
14:30-16:30 SIS Room 3A
Internationalisation and reform of
Market Governance
Prof. Mark Thatcher
May 19th, 2010
Time and location TBC
Europe and the Crises
Prof. Paul De Grauwe
Hopefully enough, we’d say! Second, it is an opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts. Last but not least, it is a way
of networking, sharing experiences and personal ‘adventures’, connecting people all over the world! To put it briefly,
A.S.S.I.S.T. connects the past, the present and the future of the School, linking Trento with Italy, Europe and wherever
you are!
In this first issue, Professor Collini, the Director of the School of International
Studies, gives his welcome, followed by a brief report on the celebration of the
opening of the academic year of the School and the Professor Yash Ghai’s Lectio
Magistralis on ‘Human Rights and Ethnic Identity’.
We thank Camilla Mariotto and Bruno Pedrotti, who agreed to be ‘tortured’ by
our interview which, as you will find out, is meant to be a quick and not too serious way to get to know each other. Continuing with SIS alumni, there is also a special section devoted to them, containing a list with the names and the dissertation
titles of the people who have graduated until now.
You can also find announcements on internships, conferences and events promoted
Benedetta Voltolini and Sergio Zanotti
by the School that Milena Bigatto, the new MEIS tutor, has prepared for you.
Finally, you can enjoy Katrin Lambacher’s review of the last issue of the Journal of
Common Market Studies on ‘Political Myth, Mythology and the European Union’, edited by Vincent Della Sala, Professor of European and International Politics at the School and at the Faculty of Sociology.
We hope you enjoy reading A.S.S.I.S.T. and contribute to it by writing a book review, by informing us about internships, conferences and whatever you find interesting, by sharing your experiences, by making suggestions and presenting your ideas! Make A.S.S.I.S.T. an interactive and lively newsletter!
A . S . S. I .S . T .
SIS Opening of the Academic Year 2009-2010
Human Rights and Ethnic Identity
Yash Ghai at SIS
The School of International Studies celebrated the opening of the
academic year on November 19,
2009 in the Sala Falconetto of Palazzo Geremia. The ceremony was
opened by the welcome address
of the Director of the School,
Professor Paolo Collini, and the
greetings of Vice-Chancellor for
International Affairs, prof. Carla
Locatelli, and of the vice-Director
of the School, Professor Luisa Antoniolli. The ceremony continued
with the Lectio Magistralis on
‘Human Rights and Ethnic Identity’
delivered by Yash Ghai, Emeritus
Professor of the Faculty of Law at
the University of Hong Kong and
former Special Representative of
the UN Secretary General for
Human Rights in Cambodia. The
lecture was followed by the Diploma Awarding Ceremony of the
Laurea Magistrale in Studi Europei
e Internazionali and of the PhD in
International Studies for the students graduated in the previous
year. This
summarizes the
points of
Ghai’s lecture.
While the
first quarter of the
the rise of
the ideology of individual-oriented human
rights, the last quarter saw an increasing number of ethnic-based
claims for the recognition of
group rights, challenging the applicability of the human rights dis-
obvious ‘polarizing effect’ between
course in the name of what Prof
the individual and the group, huGhai called ‘ethnicity’.
man rights seek to be differenceAs is well known, the inclusion of
blind, whereas ethnicity makes
human rights in the Charter and
diverse community affiliations basic
mandate of the United Nations
to human personality. Whilst huwas motivated by Nazis’ atrocities
man rights apply to the relations
directed at specific minorities and
among citizens and between these
ethnic groups. However, both the
and the State, ethnicity draws atCharter and the Universal Declatention to the regulation of interration eschewed the question of
ethnic relations and of
groups’ entitlethose between the
ments, focusing
Ethnic claims may
State and different
instead on the
groups. Ethnic conrights of the indinevertheless enrich our
flicts, in addition, are
vidual. Moreover,
understanding of human
often accompanied by
the implications of
the suspension of sevanother important
rights, of their scope and
eral individual rights,
UN principle, selfreach
such as that to freedetermination of
dom of speech and
peoples, on the
movement, due process, habeas
structure and understanding of
corpus, individual or group secuhuman rights went almost unnority. Similarly, when ethnicity leads
ticed, but were confined to the
to the concession of differential
post-colonial discourse. Once pretreatment on the basis of groupsented as the foundation of a rebelonging, it risks undermining
gime of rights, appeals to selfsuch fundamental principles as
determination currently underpin
equality and personal
Although it is clear that
group rights may challenge
individual-oriented human
rights, Prof Ghai suggested
that ethnic claims may nevertheless enrich our understanding of human rights, of
their scope and reach. Notably, human rights still
have the potential to mediate conflicts between communities and between the
State and communities, as
in the cases of India, South
Africa, Canada and Fiji. In
conclusion, Prof Ghai argued that the way in which the
the rallying cry of the champions
challenge of group-based claims
of traditional community cultures,
against State sovereignty is met
challenging State sovereignty.
will determine the resilience and
There are several ways in which
development of human rights.
human rights and ethnic based
claims may conflict. Besides the
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Who is Yash Ghai?
Yash Pal Ghai (born 1938, Nairobi, Kenya) is a scholar of constitutional law. As of 2007 he is the head of the
Constitution Advisory Support Unit of the United Nations Development Programme in Nepal and a Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in
Cambodia on human rights. He has been a Fellow of the British Academy since
2005. Between 1989 and 1995 he was the Sir YK Pao Professor of Public Law at
the University of Hong Kong. Prior to that, Ghai taught at the University of
Warwick, Uppsala University, the International Legal Center in New York, and
Yale Law School. From 2000 to 2004, he was the Chairman of the Constitution
of Kenya Review Commission (in charge of writing a modern constitution for
Kenya). Ghai has written several books on law in Africa, the Pacific islands, and
Recent Publications by Jash Ghai
Book Review: SIS Professors Read by SIS Students and Alumni
Vincent Della Sala (Ed.)
Political Myth, Mythology and the European Union
Special Issue of Journal of Common Market Studies
Volume 48 Issue 1 (Jan. 2010)
This issue deals with political myth and its importance in the European integration process. The
authors underline the fact, that various myths were created in order to provide a base to legitimate political authority in the EU. Some myths have foundational others functional character and some of these myths have gained more successes than others.The introductory section (Della Sala)
deals with the role of myth, primarily political myth. The author underlines the fact that political
myth help to explain and legitimate political actions of political systems. The EU as such uses
myths to govern its systems, to justify and booster the European integration process. Some myths
do not only explain and legitimate the political directions of the EU but they are also part of the
integration process itself (Hansen-Magnuson and Wiener). Myths were always present in the EU integration process; in some periods their influences were stronger than in others (Manners). The volume examines foundational
and functional myths as well. The economic myth (Jones) and the gender equal polity myth (Mac Rae) are described as foundational myth, which foster the European integration process. Especially the economic one plays a crucial role and had a lot of success, whereas the gender one has still difficulties to be recognized. In contrary fundamental rights (Smismans), competition policy (Akman and Kassim) and green Europe (Lenschow and Sprungk) are
seen as functional myths. The competition policy has been successful because it became part of political discourses
and the green Europe myth was successful as well, as the environmental issue were made evident. For fundamental
rights no answers were provided. Altogether, this volume represents a valuable contribution to the existing literature on European integration and on myths and mythologies. It outlines the importance of myths in political
systems and encourages further researches.
Katrin Lambacher - MEIS Student
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Dalla SEI al MEIS… e altre cose. Cosa
avviene nella SEI?
A cura della Giunta della SEI
La Scuola di Studi Internazionali
dell’Università di Trento, nella sua
veste di struttura didattica interfacoltà creata allo scopo di promuovere, progettare e coordinare, in concerto con le Facoltà aderenti, corsi di studio successivi alla
laurea di primo livello, ha attivato,
a partire dall’anno accademico
2004/2005, la Laurea Specialistica
in Studi Europei ed Internazionali
secondo il modello previsto dal
D.M. n. 509 del novembre 1999
(classe 60/S). Il Corso di Laurea è
stato successivamente trasformato
in base al decreto ministeriale n.
270 del 22 ottobre 2004 (classe
LM-52) e rappresenta la naturale
continuazione della Laurea Specialistica.
Il 2008-2009 è stato, quindi, il primo anno accademico di svolgimento della Laurea Magistrale in
Studi europei e internazionali.
Nell’anno accademico in corso
(2009-2010) è stato attivato per la
prima volta il secondo anno della
Laurea Magistrale. Si è
così esaurito il secondo
anno della Laurea Specialistica.
Il numero di studenti
che hanno inviato la
loro iscrizione al test di
selezione è cresciuto
sensibilmente. Sono stati
111 gli studenti che hanno fatto domanda di
partecipazione; di questi
42 sono stati ammessi;
gli iscritti sono stati 39
(più 2 studenti iscritti a
corsi singoli). Gli studenti incoming
(nell’ambito di progetti Erasmus,
Erasmus Mundus, scambi internazionali ecc.) sono stati 14: 6 studenti Eramus, 7 studenti Erasmus
Mundus External Cooperation
Windows, 1 studentessa
nell’ambito dell’Accordo bilaterale
con l’Università di Melbourne.
Il 19 novembre 2009, nel corso
dell’apertura dell’anno accademizazioni internazionali, di lavorare in
co, il prof. Yash Ghai, Emeritus
aziende private e organizzazioni
Professor, Faculty of Law, The
non governative, di prepararsi alla
University of Hong Kong (già
carriera diplomatica e a quella nelSpecial Representative of the UN
le organizzazioni internazionali di
Secretary General for Human
aiuto allo sviluppo. In questo modo
Rights in Cambogia), ha tenuto
si favorisce inoltre la mobilità inuna Lectio Magistralis dal titolo
ternazionale in entrata e uscita
‘Human Rights and Ethnic Identity’.
degli studenti.
Al termine si è svolta la cerimonia
Al fine di favorire il carattere interdi consegna del diploma di laurea
nazionale della laurea è stata deciagli studenti che
sa, inoltre, la modihanno conseguito
fica delle procedure
il titolo in Studi
di selezione e, in
Per proseguire il percorso di
Europei e Internaparticolare, la diffeinternazionalizzazione, il corso esistente
zionali nel corso
renziazione della
(in cui gli insegnamenti sono impartiti
del 2009.
tempistica relativa
La necessità di
alla selezione degli
prevalentemente in lingua inglese) è
proseguire il perstudenti. È stata
stato trasformato in un corso di laurea
corso di internaprevista una prima
interamente in lingua inglese.
zionalizzazione ha
selezione, nella quacomportato la
le vengono banditi
trasformazione del corso esistente
10 posti riservati a cittadini non
(in cui gli insegnamenti sono imcomunitari e una seconda, nella
partiti prevalentemente in lingua
quale vengono banditi 55 posti. È
inglese) in un corso di laurea magiprevisto un meccanismo di riassestrale svolto interamente in lingua
gnazione dei posti residui non atinglese.
tribuiti nella prima sessione.
Questa trasformaIl 13 gennaio sono state bandite le
zione ha l’obiettivo
selezioni pubbliche con scadenza
di rafforzare le corispettivamente il 15 marzo e il 30
noscenze linguistigiugno 2010. Per l’ammissione è
che degli studenti
richiesto un diploma di laurea quaitaliani, ma anche di
driennale o triennale (180 crediti)
favorire l’accesso di
conseguito in Italia o all’estero
studenti stranieri. A
comprendente almeno 60 crediti
questo scopo sono
conseguiti in insegnamenti appartestati modificati i
nenti ad almeno due raggruppacriteri, i prerequisiti
menti disciplinari (storico e filosofie le modalità di
co, economico, giuridico, politoloaccesso, così che il
gico, linguistico). È richiesta inoltre
corso risulti più
una buona padronanza della lingua
accessibile agli studenti stranieri,
inglese, la conoscenza di base di
comunitari e non. Tali modifiche,
una seconda lingua straniera fra
che lasciano intatti gli obiettivi
quelle impartite dall’Ateneo di
formativi del corso di studio, sono
Trento e, infine, una preparazione
destinate anche a rafforzare
personale ed esperienze formative
l’interdisciplinarietà dell’offerta
e professionali adeguate alla natura
formativa e a consolidare la capainterdisciplinare della laurea.
cità del corso di formare figure
capaci di operare nell’ambito delle
istituzioni europee e delle organizcontinua a p. 6
Sono stati mantenuti tre possibili
percorsi formativi: a) politica europea e sistema internazionale, b) tutela dei diritti fondamentali nel diritto
internazionale e nel diritto europeo,
c) globalizzazione, istituzioni internazionali e sviluppo economico.
Si segnala anche quest'anno la particolare attenzione rivolta alla lingua
inglese sotto il profilo sia
dell’insegnamento della lingua, sia
della acquisizione di un adeguato
livello di conoscenza dei lessici disciplinari.
Nel corso del secondo semestre del
2009 e nel 2010 sono stati compiuti
numerosi sforzi tesi a favorire la mobilità degli studenti all’estero per
motivi di ricerca e di studio.
In particolare, nel
è stato previsto un bando per l’attribuzione di
un contributo per gli studenti che
vogliano recarsi all’estero per elaborare la tesi di laurea; nell’attuale anno accademico è stata confermata
questa scelta e, per il futuro, si prevede di attribuire le borse per i soggiorni di studio all’estero con una
cadenza semestrale. È, inoltre, in
discussione la possibilità di supportare gli studenti in visite collettive
presso centri di ricerca, istituzioni
internazionali governative e non.
Per quanto riguarda gli scambi Erasmus e più in generale gli scambi
internazionali, è stato deciso di proseguire nella strada volta a rendere
la Scuola autonoma dalle singole Facoltà. A tale riguardo sono stati diversi i colloqui tra i rappresentanti
della Scuola e gli uffici LLP-Erasmus
di Ateneo e del Welcome Office per
favorire un aumento degli scambi in
entrata e in uscita degli studenti.
È stato deciso inoltre di prevedere
l’attivazione di un posto di tutor, cui
viene affidato il compito di curare i
rapporti con gli studenti e di verificare il corretto funzionamento del sistema di scambi in entrata e in uscita
dalla laurea magistrale.
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Un po’ di numeri…
Studenti prescritti al test di ammissione e iscritti alla SEI per anno accademico.
Studenti stranieri che seguono i corsi della SEI (A.A. 2008-2009 e 2009-2010).
Solo Programmi europei.
Tipo di accordo
Università di provenienza
Griffith University
University of Melbourne
Queensland University
EMECW - Lot2
Ben Gurion University
EMECW - Lot2
IDC Herzliya
EMECW - Lot2
Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro
Universidade Federal de Paranà
EMECW - Lot2
Hebrew University, Jerusalem
EMECW - Lot3
Ben Gurion University
EMECW - Lot4
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Griffith University
Erasmus Fac. Economia
Georg Simon Ohm Fachhochschule Nurnberg
Erasmus Fac. Economia
Jan Evangelista Purkyne University In Usti
Nad Labem
Rep. Ceca
Erasmus Fac. Economia
University of Kalmar
Erasmus Fac. Sociologia
Erasmus Fac. Sociologia
Université de Lille
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Ieri, oggi e domani: SEI domande agli Alumni
Perché 6?
Perché 6?
Dopo tre anni di Sociologia a
Trento avevo voglia di concentrami solo sulle materie che più avevo apprezzato nel
triennio: scienze politiche, relazioni internazionali,
economia. LA SEI mi è parsa una buona opportunità
per dare una svolta alla mio percorso accademico.
La SEI combinava la mia voglia di
approfondire gli studi europei, in
un contesto italiano e, tuttavia, con corsi in inglese e
di inglese.
Due anni vissuti ‘pericolosamente’.
Ricordo i brividi per qualche esame di diritto affrontato ‘all’arrembaggio’. Decisamente più piacevoli gli allenamenti di dragonboat nel tardo pomeriggio a maggio.
Stage: dove, cosa, quando e perché.
Bruxelles, 3 mesi alla Rappresentanza Permanente
d’Italia presso l’UE nell’inverno 2006. Mi sono occupato di politiche sociali e, partecipando a riunioni al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio, ho capito quanto
poco conoscessi l’E. Perché? Ancora me lo domando.
Dalla finestra vedo…
Il panorama mozzafiato offerto dal quartiere europeo
di Bruxelles. Ironia a parte, lavoro nell’Ufficio affari
europei di una compagnia e mi occupo principalmente
di energia, cambiamento climatico e nuove tecnologie.
I sogni son desideri…
Vorrei continuare ad occuparmi di politiche energetiche e ambientali in ambito internazionale.
Le follie dell’imperatore…
Temo di dovervi deludere, non vorrei ci leggesse
Due anni vissuti ‘pericolosamente’.
Sicuramente le facoltiadi, un momento bello, indimenticabile, aggregativo; il primo semestre del primo anno: semplicemente devastante psicologicamente e
Stage: dove, cosa, quando e perché.
Alla Rappresentanza Italiana Permanente a Bruxelles e
poi a Strasburgo - Ufficio Rapporti con il Parlamento
Europeo: finalmente l’UE e il Parlamento Europeo in
carne ed ossa. Ho scritto reports da inviare alle sedi
diplomatiche in tutto il mondo, ho assistito a conferenze stampa, alle plenarie e alle riunioni delle commissioni parlamentari, ho partecipato alla EP Election
Night 2009, ho collaborato nella preparazione di incontri tra il Ministro alle Politiche Comunitarie e i
neoeletti europarlamentari italiani, ho seguito l’intero
iter del loro insediamento.
Dalla finestra vedo…
Milano, sto seguendo il PhD in Studi Politici alla Statale.
I sogni son desideri…
Mi piacerebbe lavorare nel mondo accademico o in
qualche istituto di ricerca, ma anche in qualche istituzione europea.
Le follie dell’imperatore…
Tante, ma la prima sarebbe incontrare Tsebelis!
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Conferences, Seminars, Lectures at SIS (2008-2009)
The SIS organised several conferences, seminars and lectures for MEIS students and alumni, Ph.D. students and the professors. Among the scholars invited to the School for the 2008 and 2009 we can mention:
Balbo Laura, ‘International Association for the Study of Racism’ (Amsterdam, NL) and ‘Italia-Razzismo’ (Rome, IT)
Begg Ian, European Institute, London School of Economics (UK)
O’Connell Arturo, Central Bank of Argentina (RA)
Briault Clive, Risk and Regulation Consulting Limited, Reading (UK)
Bruzzese del Pozzo LT. Col. Francesco, Center of Excellence
for Stability Police Units (CoESPU), Vicenza (IT)
Caccamo Valentina, Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico, Università
di Pisa (IT)
Calleo David, Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of
Advanced International Studies, Washington (USA)
Chiodi Luisa, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Rovereto (IT)
Civico Aldo, Center for International Conflict Resolution, Columbia
University, New York (USA)
Costi Matteo, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Office of the Prosecutor, The Hague (NL)
D’Angelo Sandro, Directorate General for External Policies, European Parliament, Brussels (BE)
De Cecco Marcello, Scuola Normale di Pisa (IT)
Dehn Jan, Ashmore Investment Management Limited, London (UK)
Driffill John, Birkbeck College, University of London, London (UK)
Dutkiewicz Piotr, Institute of European and Russian Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa (CA)
Eichengreen Barry, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
Gazzini Tarcisio, Faculty of Law, VU University Amsterdam (NL)
Geddes Andrew, Department of Politics, University of Sheffield
Ghai Yash, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (CN)
Gorzelak Grzegorz, Centre for European Regional and Local Studies, University of Warsaw (PL)
Gradoni Lorenzo, Faculty of Law, Università di Bologna (IT)
Holzinger Katarina, Department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz (D)
Kleiman Ephraim, Department of economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL)
Kregel Jan A., United Nations, New York (USA)
Hanafi Hazem Hassan, Faculty of Economics and Political Science,
Cairo University (ET)
Hopkin Jonathan, Department of Government, London School of
Economics (UK)
Johaar-Glick Soraya, Department of Field Support/DFS, UNHQ,
New York (USA)
Jones Erik, Johns Hopkins University (USA) and Università di Bologna (IT)
Joppke Christian, Graduate School of Government, American University of Paris (FR)
La Palombara Joseph, Department of Political Science, Yale University (USA)
Missiroli Antonio, European Policy Centre, Brussels (BE)
Ormestad Catrin, The Economist, London (UK)
Perali Federico, Department of Economics, Università di Verona
Pfanner Toni, ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross,
Geneva (CH)
Pomfret Richard, School of Economics, University of Adelaide
Sabra Naila, Humanitarian Operations, Office of the Chief Operations Officer, WFP World Food Program, Rome (IT)
Scheipers Sibylle, Changing Character of War Programme, Oxford
University (UK)
Schunk Xavier, FAI (Federazione Acli Internazionali), Brussels (BE)
Serven Luis, The World Bank, Washington (USA)
Seibel Wolfgang, Fachbereich Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft,
University of Konstanz (D)
Shimazu Naoko, School of History, Birbeck College, University of
London (UK)
Settembri Pierpaolo, Secretariat of the Council of the EU, Brussels (BE)
Silvestri Adriano, Division of International Protection Services,
UNHRC United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees, Rome (IT)
Strazzari Francesco, Department of Political Science, University of
Amsterdam (NL)
Stuart Douglas T., Department of International Studies, Dickinson
College, Carlisle (USA)
Swanström Niklas, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road
Studies Program, Uppsala (S)
Tingsabadh Charit, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (THA)
Toft Christian, Department of Economics, University of Kassel (D)
Toniolo Giovanni, Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ (ITA) and
Duke University, Durham (USA)
Wohlgemut Brigadier-General Karl-Alexander, College of
International and Security Studies, George C. Marshall European
Center, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D)
Zambaudio Maria, Action against Hunger, New York (USA)
Zimmermann Hubert, Department of Government, Cornell University, Ithaca (USA)
Levy Gideon, Haaretz Newspaper, Tel Aviv (IL)
Manzetti Luigi, Department of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, Dallas (USA)
Meir Gideon, Israeli Ambassador to Italy, Rome (IT)
La Raya Ray, Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA)
Mattei Ugo, University of Torino (IT) and University of California
Meir Gideon, Israeli Ambassador to Italy, at SIS
A . S . S. I .S . T .
News from the MEIS Students
Hi everybody, I’m Andrea, I'm sure you have seen me around in the school it's difficult to not notice
me, if not here you have my picture. Just to give you some more information about me I am attending the European Politics and International Systems track, and my interests are: European Culture,
European Citizenship and European Youth Policy. As you might know I am one of your student representatives, so if you have any problem you want to discuss feel free to contact me.
Andrea CANIL: [email protected]
Hi, I’m Alexandra, and I follow the Globalization, International Institutions and Development Economics track. You can easily recognize me because of my German accent that, even despite serious
attempts to get rid of it, sticks to me in every language I speak. I’m originally from Berlin, but I’ve
been living in Italy for about five and a half years now. This largely explains my addiction to coffee
and my tendency to ignore traffic lights. Currently, I’m interested in the external dimension of the
European Union, expecially its relations with less developed countries.
Alexandra ECKERT: [email protected]
Hi everybody! I’m Francesco, I am from Mantova but I have lived in Trento for five years. I got my
bachelor degree (Laurea Triennale) in Sociology at the Faculty of Sociology of Trento Univeristy in
2007, now I am attending the LS-SEI. Feel free to contact me anytime you want to discuss a problem or something about the School.
Francesco COSTA: [email protected]
MEIS Internship
MEIS Graduation
Final Exams
June 10th, 2010
November 11th, 2010
March 24th, 2011
New Admissions to
The Call for Applications for the
2010-11 is now open.
Applications must be submitted between May 30th and June 30th 2010
See details at www.sis.unitn.it
New Admissions to the
PhD in International
The Call for Applications for the
2010-11 is now open.
Applications must be submitted between 24 March and 28 April 2010
See details at www.sis.unitn.it
The program of Laurea Specialistica may be complemented by
an internship, providing students with the opportunity to gain
practical experience in organisations or institutions at national, European and international levels. Depending on the
length of the internship and the organisation or institution
involved, the degree committee will award a number of credits upon completion and presentation of the relevant documentation.
The program of Laurea Magistrale does not provide students
with credits upon completion of an internship. Students undertaking an internship will be awarded one additional mark
to be added to the marks’ average at the graduation exam.
Before a student can carry out an internship, the project must
be planned, approved and formalized. THanks to the Internship Service of the University of Trento trainees, lecturers
and companies can comunicate their projects and availability
and are assisted in all the organizational and technicaladministrative aspects connected to the law and in all the
procedures for its activation.
Students are required to contact the MEIS tutor for further
information: Milena Bigatto ([email protected]).
Receving Hours: Tuesday: 9.00 – 13.00, SIS Tutor Room, 1st
MEIS students and Prof. Riley organise the first series of MOVIES ON IR!
Next dates:
3 May 2010: The Last King of Scotland
10 May 2010: Before the Rain
A . S . S. I .S . T .
History File
They Were Awarded a Master in European and International
Studies From SIS in 2006-2010
Anno di
Titolo tesi
Sirignani Francesca
J. Woelk
Turismo, cittadinanza e diversità culturali nella dimensione europea: normativa comunitaria e
aspetti socio-economici
Fenyvesi-Kiss Boglarka Etelka
S. Piattoni
Europeizzazione e regionalizzazione in Ungheria
Pompermaier Claudia
G. Folloni
Le rimesse come potenziale strumento per lo sviluppo del paese d’origine del migrante
Zorzetto Riccardo
L. Bonatti
Il persistente disavanzo estero degli Stati Uniti e le sue implicazioni per i paesi del Sud-est
Pedrotti Bruno
S. Piattoni
Europeizzazione e politica dell’educazionie. Studio di un caso: Il processo di Bologna
Monfredini On-Li
G. Fodor
Brasile: il Plano real e i suoi adattamenti sotto F.H. Cardoso
Lazzeri Thomas
S. Fabbrini
La politica estera di George W. Bush: gli Stati Uniti e la sfida dell’11 settembre
Clerici Giulia
S. Fabbrini
La politica estera dell’Unione europea nei Balcani: il cado della Bosnia Erzegovina
Ghisu Paolo
R. Scartezzini
The Minority Politics in Xinjiang: Autonomy, Development, and Ethnic Assimilation
Turri Martina
L. Antoniolli
Il rapporto tra Unione Europea e Africa nel quadro della politica di cooperazione allo sviluppo:
evoluzione, problemi e prospettive
Dolkar Dekyi
R. Toniatti
The Autonomy of Tibet: An Analysis of Issues Relating to Minority Rights in China and Its
Dalì Maddalena
P. Foradori
Decentralization as a Peacebuilding Tool: The Case of Kosovo
Zia Giorgia
A. Fodella
La regolamentazione comunitaria in materia di organismi geneticamente modificati
Dossi Samuele
M. Brunazzo
Europeanization at the Urban Level: The Community Initiative URBAN II in Bordeaux and
Genoa. Transforming Policy-making of European Cities
Mongera Francesco
V. Della Sala
Un futuro per il sindacato in Europa? Modelli di capitalismo e sindacati: analisi comparata fra
Italie e Stati Uniti
Dal Bianco Anita
N. Lugaresi
I conflitti ambientali e il ruolo della partecipazione pubblica nel procedimento di VIA: il caso
della Val Susa
Menghini Susan
S. Piattoni
Come funziona la ‘multi-level governance’? La programmazione dei fondi strutturali 2007-2013
nella Provincia autonoma di Trento
Lochmann Andreas
G. Fodor
Renewable Energy in developing Countries: Biodiesel Production in Brazil
Fait Silvia
L. Fazzi
Caratteristiche e traiettorie di sviluppo ddelle organizzazioni non governative italiane nel settore della operazione internazionale: il caso FOCSIV
Cologna Erik
M. Gilbert
La crisi di Suez vista da Parigi
Gadler Alice
M. Pertile
Victims’ Participation in the Proceedings before the ICC
Capano Fabio
M. Gilbert
Totalitarian ideologies in the Twentieth century: Nazism and Communism in Comparative
Allegro Stefania
J. Woelk
The Social Economy of Hungary
Andreatta Barbara
V. Della Sala
La politica energetica europea: tra ‘high policy’ e ‘spillover’
Bottura Giulia
L. Antoniolli
The Development Cooperation Policy of the European Union: A Focus on Gender and Education
Cappelletti Anna Rosa
A. Fodella
Il Protocollo di Kyoto alla Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici
Colombi Maddalena
S. Fabbrini
The EU Normative Power: The Case of the Euromediterranean Partnership and Regional Cooperation in a New Security Contest
Dalpiaz Stefania
A. Fracasso
The Role of Firms in the Global Economy: Evidence from the Province of Trento
Frizzera Mattia
V. Della Sala
Le politiche energetiche in Italia e Germania: interesse nazionale o impegno europeo?
Mazurier Pablo Andres
G. Ferrari
La problematica dell’ambiente in una prospettiva di sociologia del diritto internazionale
Salles Denes Antonio Adolpho
C.L. Gilbert
Alternative Scenarios for the Reform of Cotton Policies in the US and EU and Their Consequences on the Structures of the World Cotton Market
Tezzele Marcello
L. Bonatti
L’M.C.A. Sistemi di welfare a confronto
Torghele Lara
M. Brunazzo
Verso una politica europea delle regioni? Il caso dell’Italia
Tu Thanh Giad
R. Scartezzini
Caught in the Middle… or ‘Those-To-Be Developed’: Construction, Appropriation and Integration/Assimilation in the Ethno-History of Vietnam’s Central Highlands
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Anno di
Titolo tesi
Maule Chiara
P. Rosa
Opportunismo, pacifismo o politica burocratica? Modelli teorici e risposte italiane alle minacce di sicurezza
Fiorentini Enrico
L. Antoniolli
Il regime di non proliferazione nucleare. Il ruolo dell’Unione Europea e la questione iraniana
Zanotti Sergio
R. Caso
Diritto d’autore e principio della dicotomia tra idea ed espressione: nascita, evoluzione e circolazione di un
modello giuridico
Mannino Cristian
R. Scartezzini
Dall’‘orientalismo’ al ‘mediterraneo’? Un’analisi socio-discorsiva delle relazioni euro-mediterranee
Pallaver Matteo
S. Fabbrini
European Security and Defense Policy: beyond Civil Power
Rustico Lisa
V. Della Sala
Equilibri tra flexibility e security in Europa. Il caso italiano
Voltolini Benedetta
S. Fabbrini
The Post-Pillarization of EU Foreign Policy: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Quaglia Ilke Irina
G. Fodor
La Politica agricola comune e le quote latte
Dorigato Alessandro
P. Rosa
‘Realismo islamico’: il programma nucleare iraniano tra identità e potenza
Biffi Francesco
P. Rosa
Minacce, norme, regime: tre modelli interpretativi della politica nucleare nordcoreana
Galetta Antonella
M. Pertile
International Law and Water Conflicts: Water Exploitation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Cittadino Federica
A. Fodella
Il principio di sviluppo sostenibile nel diritto internazionale
Scuratti Stefano
V. Della Sala
The Future of Human Security between Free Arms Trade and Regulation
Garrone Jacopo
L. Antoniolli
Integrazione europea e deficit democratico: il ruolo del Parlamento europeo
Storer Alessandro
L. Antoniolli
Unione per il Mediterraneo: evoluzione degli assetti istituzionali e possibili contributi al processo di pace in
Mariotto Camilla
S. Piattoni
Teorie neoistituzionaliste e processi decisionali dell’Unione Europea. Una critica del modello di Tsebelis
alla luce della Direttiva 98/44/CE
Pancheri Chiara
V. Della Sala
The European Union and Western Balkans: ‘Carrot and Stick’ Approach in Serbia and Kosovo
Zingariello Cosima
V. Della Sala
Cuba: modello per l’America Latina
Paoli Veronica
V. Della Sala
Cittadinanza e immigrazione in Europa
Paulus Noemie Marie Lise
G. Berloffa
Microcredit in Europe: A Comparison between France and Italy
Di Nuzzo Ambra
M. Brunazzo
The Foreign Policy of European Regions: Euroregions and Groupings of Territorial Co-operation in Comparison
Fellin Andrea
M. Brunazzo
L’Unione Europea e il Montenegro: le contraddizioni di un processo di integrazione
Falagiarda Matteo
A. Fracasso
Are the East African Countries Ready for a Common Currency? An Empirical Economic Analysis
Coloni Rossella
M. Brunazzo
Gli OGM e l’Europa: un caso di governance multi-livello?
Gilli Maria Cristina
M. Brunazzo
Movimento regionalisti in Europa. Il caso corso e quello sud-tirolese
Bernard Alex
M.L. Segnana
International Sourcing: Country and Firm-Level Analyses
Di Felice Alberto
M. Nicoletti
The Philosophy of 9/11: A Critical Analysis of the Main Debates
Barbacovi David
M. Gilbert
L'Italia del secondo dopoguerra (1946-1953) vista attraverso le immagini propagandistiche dei principali
partiti politici
Brun Marina
A. Fodella
Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing in International Law
Mitrotta Emma
A. Fodella
La protezione dell’ambiante nei conflitti armati
Zucal Demian Samuel
A. Fodella
La produzione di energia nel diritto internazionale dell’ambiente
Geri Lorenzo
A. Fodella
Il regime giuridico internazionale delle aree protette transfrontaliere terrestri
Benedetti Diana
M. Gilbert
Il Partito comunista italiano negli anni ‘80
Leonardi Claudia
D. Sicurelli
L'evoluzione della politica estera americana nei confronti dell’Africa. La guerra al terrorismo prima e dopo
l’11 settembre
Baldiotti Silvia
S. Fabbrini
Which Europe in the United Nations Security Council?
Adami Nicola
S. Piattoni
L’intesa programmatica d’area come versione veneta del patto territoriale. Analisi del caso dell’IPA basso
veronese e colognese
Angioli Daniel
M. Pertile
La protezione dei diritti dei rom nella giurisprudenza della Corte europea per i diritti umani
Bert Nadia
M. Brunazzo
A Multilevel Governance Process: The Case of Brenner Basis Tunnel
Coslop Angela
D. Sicurelli
Politiche di aiuto allo sviluppo in Africa e Stati Uniti. Verso una convergenza?
Cozzio Giovanni
P. Wagner
Sostenibilità e mutamento in un contesto di razionalità limitata
Nantiat Micol
V. Della Sala
Climate Change and International Security: The Case of Environmental Refugees
Suarez Duque Beatriz Elena
J. Birner
The EU Foreign Policy toward Colombia: The Underestimated Richness of Biodiversity
Tonin Erika
A. Fracasso
La politica migratoria dell’Unione Europea. Analisi di un progetto di successo: MIGRAVALUE
A . S . S. I .S . T .
Give your contribution to
All the MEIS alumni are warmly invited to collaborate to the
following issues of A.S.S.I.S.T. We want to make of this
newsletter your voice. The voice of dozens MEIS Alumni
scattered all along Europe and beyond.
You can reach us by e-mail and send us ideas, comments and
criticisms. But we would also ask you to give us a more concrete contribution: we are looking for materials and short
articles describing your ongoing projects, your current work
and the experiences you are doing in the academic life as
well as in other sectors.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
The editorial board of A.S.S.I.S.T.
Send Us Your News!
Please send us your news, your
coordinates and your photos for
our archive!!!
E-mail: [email protected]
Alumni and Students of the
Master’s Degree in European and
International Studies
School of International Studies
University of Trento
Benedetta Voltolini
Sergio Zanotti
Editorial Committee
Milena Bigatto - MEIS Tutor
Marco Brunazzo - SIS lecturer
Andrea Fracasso - SIS lecturer
Benedetta Voltolini - MEIS Alumnus
Sergio Zanotti - MEIS Alumnus
E-mail: [email protected]
Foto: Alessio Coser e altri, picture archive of
the University of Trento
Breaking News! In the Next Months...
Symposium on ‘Reporting Italy: The
Foreign Press and Italy’
In an increasingly interdependent world, governments have to pay increasing attention to how
their messages play not only at home but abroad
as well. The aim of this panel is to bring to Trento
two or three foreign correspondents from foreign
newspapers to discuss some of the challenges
they face in reporting on Italian politics to an international audience. The panel would take place
over the course of an afternoon in October or
Conference on the Lisbon Treaty and the
Future of the European Union
The School of International Studies plans to organize a conference concerning the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and
the future of the European Union. The aim of the conference is
to highlight the changes and trends from a multidisciplinary approach, analyzing the economic, legal and political impact of the
new arrangements, showing the elements of continuity and novelty in various areas. The conference will involve external guest
speakers and scholars working at the School of International
Studies, and is planned for 28 September 2010.
Beside the organization of this academic conference, the SIS also
plans one or some of collateral events discussing the content and
implication of the Lisbon Treaty with the master and Ph.D students and with a general public audience, possibly together with
external institutions and associations, which should take place in
Spring and Summer 2010.