3M™ Peltor™ Communication Solutions The Sound Solution XXXXX XXXXX Solutions for Worker Safety As one of the world’s leading suppliers of safety and protective equipment, 3M’s goal is to ensure that we satisfy your needs through the provision of exceptional products, expertise, quality and service excellence. Our global technology, manufacturing and knowledge network allow us to provide superior design, cross-over compatibility, expertise, comprehensive support and a continuously evolving range of safety solutions. We provide solutions for work situations that require basic personal protective equipment (PPE) through to environments that call for the most sophisticated and comprehensive protection. Whether the customer is a tradesman, medium sized business, or organisation employing thousands of workers, 3M has a workplace safety solution to meet their needs. If we can make your life and that of your workforce easier, healthier, safer and more productive we are moving in the right direction. The 3M range of solutions for worker safety includes: s2ESPIRATORY0ROTECTION s(EARING0ROTECTION s%YE0ROTECTION s7ELDING0ROTECTION s3PILL-ANAGEMENT s#OMMUNICATIONS 3M Safety brands you can trust: 2 s$ETECTION-ONITORING s7ORKER6ISIBILITY Contents Peltor™ Communication Solutions Functions Attenuation ratings 0ART.UMBER2EFERENCE'UIDE 5 5 Peltor™ Headset Solutions .ON!TTENUATION(EADSET -EDIUM!TTENUATION(EADSET (IGH!TTENUATION3TANDARD(EADSET (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET$IRECT,EAD (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET73"LUETOOTH© (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET)NTRINSICALLY3AFE73"LUETOOTH©!4%8 (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET)NTRINSICALLY3AFE)%#%X (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET3TANDARD4WIN#UP(EADSET (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET)NTRINSICALLY3AFE)%#%X4WIN#UP(EADSET Peltor™ Aviation Solutions (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET'ROUND-ECHANICS73"LUETOOTH© 73'ROUND-ECHANICS!DAPTER (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSETS'ROUND-ECHANICS (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET!VIATION (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET!VIATION (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET4WIN#UP(ELICOPTER(EADSET(UMMINGBIRD Peltor™ Listen Only Solutions -EDIUM!TTENUATION(EADSET (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET (IGH!TTENUATION(EADSET)NTRINSICALLY3AFE)%#%X Peltor™ Lightweight Solutions (EAR0LUG©#OMMUNICATION%ARPLUGS Peltor™ Lite-Com ,ITE#OM©)))"UILTIN4WOWAY#OMMUNICATION(EADSET Peltor™ Tactical Solutions 3PORT4AC©%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT(EARING0ROTECTOR 0RO4AC©))%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT(EARING0ROTECTOR #OM4AC©%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT(EARING0ROTECTOR #OM4AC©80%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT(EARING0ROTECTOR 4ACTICAL©80(EADSET%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT(EARING0ROTECTOR 4ACTICAL©80(EADSET@)NTRINSICALLY3AFE 734ACTICAL©80%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT"LUETOOTH©(EADSET 4ACTICAL©80%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT'ROUND-ECHANIC(EADSET 'ROUND-ECHANIC!DAPTER Peltor™ Workstyle Solutions 7ORKTUNES)) &-2ADIO%ARMUFFS 7ORKTUNES0LUS2ADIO%ARMUFFS%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT&-!-2ADIO 73!LERT"LUETOOTH©(EADSET%LECTRONIC,EVEL$EPENDENT!-&-2ADIO Peltor™ Adapters & Cables &LEX#ABLES 3TANDARD!DAPTERS )NTRINSICALLY3AFE!DAPTERS)%#%X%%XIB))#4 73!DAPTERS"LUETOOTH© 'ROUND-ECHANIC!DAPTERS(IVISIBILITY ,ITE#OM#ABLES#ONNECTIONCORDSFOREXTERNALCOMMUNICATIONEQUIPMENT !CCESSORIES !CCESSORIES 3 Communication Solutions -S0ELTORBRANDISAWORLDLEADERINTHElELDOFCOMMUNICATIONEQUIPMENT/VERYEARSOFDEVELOPINGANDMANUFACTURING hearing e protectors has put us at the forefront of safety, comfort and aesthetics. Peltor was created in a spirit of inventiveness and entrepreneurship n and this spirit is still very much present in the organisation. -ANYOFOURINNOVATIONSAREADIRECTRESULTOFOURABILITYTOLISTENTOOURCUSTOMERS4HEIREXPERIENCEANDOUREXPERTISEMAKEAN n unbeatable combination in the endeavour to create secure, stimulating working environments. )N0ELTORBECAMEPARTOF-GIVINGITACCESSTOTHEDIVERSIlEDTECHNOLOGYANDRESEARCHANDDEVELOPMENTOFTHISGLOBALSCIENCE based company. Our customers are professionals in industries such as manufacturing, mining, construction, the military, aviation, forestry, agriculture ANDMOTORSPORTS4HECHALLENGEISTOOFFERCOMPLETESOLUTIONSTHATPAYATTENTIONTOTHEUNIQUENEEDSANDWORKINGSITUATIONSOFEACH individual. "YFOCUSINGONFUNCTIONANDDESIGNWECREATEADVANCEDCOMFORTABLECOMMUNICATIONSOLUTIONSTHATAREATTRACTIVETOUSE/URPRODUCTS aim not only to protect, but also to facilitate communication between people in the workplace. Peltor is the sound solution for discerning professionals. Functions Attenuation ratings Short description of functions and the meaning of symbols. Short description of attenuation ratings and the meaning of SYMBOLS3,#3OUND,EVEL#ONVERSION Intrinsically - Safe IS approved products developed for users who spend time in explosive atmospheres, such as the Oil and Gas industry. 85 < 90dB Corresponds to AS/NZS 1269.3:2005 Class 1 SLC80 10 to 13dB Built in communication radio Hearing protectors with built in communication radio. 90 < 95dB Corresponds to AS/NZS 1269.3:2005 Class 2 SLC80 14 to 17dB Level Dependent Function Each cup has a microphone that captures all sounds. The electronics inside analyse the information and process the sound before reproducing it to the ear. It provides effective protection against impulse noises like gunshots. At the same time, speech and weak signals can be amplified up to 10 times in comparison to conventional hearing protection. 95 < 100bB Corresponds to AS/NZS 1269.3:2005 Class 3 SLC80 18 to 21dB Two way communication To communicate at a distance via communication radio, mobile or DECT–phone. Bluetooth™ Hearing protectors with built in Bluetooth™. 100 < 105dB Corresponds to AS/NZS 1269.3:2005 Class 4 SLC80 22 to 25dB Built in FM/AM Radio Receiver Hearing protectors with built in FM/AM-radio receiver. Listen only function To be able to listen to radio traffic, for example via a communication radio, mobile or DECT –phone. MP3 105 < 110dB *Corresponds to AS/NZS 1269.3:2005 Class 5 SLC80 26 dB or greater MP3 Connects to MP3 player and other audio devices Warning: At exposures above 110db you will need specialist advice on the selection of hearing protectors. 5 3M™ Peltor™ Communication Solutions Part Number Reference Guide 4HEFOLLOWINGSCHEDULEISINTENDEDTOPROVIDEAGUIDETOTHEINTERPRETATIONOFPARTNUMBERSEQUENCESAPPLIEDTOTHEVARIOUS0ELTOR #OMMUNICATIONANDHEARINGPROTECTIONSOLUTIONS + Every number or letter represents a feature or characteristic of the Headset or Hearing Protector + There will be a cup size in the Code + There will always be a band configuration in the Code + Codes always start with the microphone + There could be part number sequences that end with a suffix which indicate a variant MT32 H01 Microphone .ON!TTENUATING#UP MT7 H79 A Microphone #UP3IZE "AND Mic * Type of Mic Function Headset Platform -4 Electret Ambient noise Mic 4ACTICAL80 -4 $YNAMIC "OOM-IC Selective platforms -4 $YNAMIC 4HROAT-IC Selective platforms -4 $YNAMIC Ambient noise Mic 0ROTAC#OMTAC ,ITECOM -4 $YNAMIC Ambient noise Mic Sporttac -4 $YNAMIC Ambient noise Mic #OMTAC80 -4 $YNAMIC "OOM-IC Non-attenuating -4 Electret "OOM-IC Aviation -4 $YNAMIC "OOM-IC Aviation -4 Electret "OOM-IC All platforms -4 $YNAMIC "OOM-IC Aviation (mainly) * Electret versus Dynamic Microphone? Dynamic Microphones preferred in areas where relatively high ambient noise may be prevalent MT53 H7 P3E 430B Microphone #UP3IZE "AND (EADSET-ODIlCATION ,ITECOM))) Letter Band Style A (EADBAND " Neck band F &OLDABLE(EADBAND &" &OLDABLE(EADBAND P3x (ELMET!TTACHX%'+ETCDEPENDENTONTYPEOF(ELMET Comms Platform Description Basic Function #OMMUNICATIONS(EADSETS'ENERAL'ROUND-ECHANIC .ON-EDIUM(IGH!TTENUATION WAYCOMMUNICATIONTHROUGH2&OR"LUETOOTH4medium Aviation (IGHATTENUATION&IXEDWING(ELICOPTER 2ADIO#OMMUNICATIONSAND0! ,ISTEN/NLY -EDIUMAND(IGH!TTENUATION One way communication ,ITECOM ,EVELDEPENDENTWITHBUILTINWAYRADIO(EARING Protector WAYCOMMUNICATIONTHROUGH"UILTINRADIOOREXTERNAL input signal 4ACTICAL0ROTAC#OMTAC80'ROUND-ECHANIC "LUETOOTH4- ,EVELDEPENDENT(EARING0ROTECTOR )MPULSENOISEPROTECTIONWITH2ADIO#OMMUNICATIONS capability Workstyle - Worktunes, Alert (EARINGPROTECTIONWITH!-&-RADIO )MPULSENOISEPROTECTIONWITH2ADIO"LUETOOTH4#OMMUNICATIONSCAPABILITY Suffix Description of modification Suffix Description of modification $IRECTLEAD)COM MMMONOCONNECTOROHM -35 $IRECT,EADANGLEDPLUG)COM MMMONOCONNECTOROHM $IRECT,EADANGLEDPLUG)COMWITHSCREW -OTOROLA'0'0 $IRECTLEAD+ENWOOD -53 MMMONOCONNECTOR!4%8 $IRECTLEAD-OTOROLA'0#0 MMSTEREOSCREWINCONNECTOR!4%8 -32 $IRECTLEAD-OTOROLA'0'0 3PORT4AC $IRECTLEAD-OTOROLA-40-4( *CONNECTOR $IRECTLEAD-OBILE0HONE$%#4PHONE *'ENTEX'OOSE.ECK-IC &LEX(EADSET "ONE#ONDUCTION-IC !4%8)NTRINSICALLY3AFE 73 "LUETOOTH4- '" 'ROUND-ECHANIC !USTRALIA.EW:EALANDLABELLEDPACKAGED 6) !VIATION(EADSET$YNAMICS-IC&IXED7ING Mono Motorola 6) !VIATION(EADSET%LECTRET-IC&IXED7ING 36 3TANDARD(EADSET"LACK -4(& !VIATION34$IMPEDANCE(ELICOPTER &LEX(EADSET,%-/CONNECTOR -4(& !VIATION,/7IMPEDANCE(ELICOPTER -23 MONOCONNECTOROHM 4WIN#UP(ELICOPTER *CONNECTOR ,OWPROlLE-ED!TTENUATION,ISTEN/NLY &LEX,EAD MMSTEREOCONNECTOROHM Headset Solutions 7ITHITSCAREFULLYDESIGNEDMICROPHONESPEAKERSYSTEMANDEXCELLENTATTENUATION the range offers unique acoustic performance providing outstanding communication in high-noise environments. Peltor™ Non Attenuation Headset MT32H01, MT32H02 s (IGHCOMFORTDUETOABROADHEADBANDOFSPRUNGSTAINLESS steel, which ensures even pressure s 2EPLACEABLEPADDING s "UILTINAIRDUCTS s #ONTINUOUSHEIGHTADJUSTMENT s ,OADRELIEVINGCORDCLIP s 3TANDARDVERSIONWITH*CONNECTOR.EXUS40 s Available in single sided or dual earphones -4( Description Product code Configuration Single sided, J11 MT32H01 Head band Dual earphone, J11 MT32H02 Head band Colour -4( 3M™ Peltor™ (EADSET3OLUTIONS Peltor™ Medium Attenuation Headset MT7H61A, MT7H61B ,OWPROlLECOMFORTABLESHELLCOMPATIBLEWITHOTHER00%DEVICES ,IGHTWEIGHT $YNAMICSPEECHBOOMMICROPHONEWITHEFFECTIVENOISECOMPENSATION for clear and reliable communication Quick positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEAND distortion, offering excellent sound reproduction even in high-noise environments 3TANDARD*CONNECTOR.EXUS40 -4(&! Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 J11 connector MT7H61A Head band 280 3 21dB J11 connector MT7H61B Neck band 280 3 21dB Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation, Standard Headset MT7H79A, MT7H79B, MT7H79P3E (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNAND spacial ear cups, offer great sound quality and comfort $YNAMICSPEECHMICROPHONEWITHEFFECTIVENOISE compensation for clear and reliable communication Quick positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears 3TANDARD*CONNECTION.EXUS40 "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCE and distortion, offering excellent sound reproduction even in very high-noise environments -4(! Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 *DYNAMICMICOHM -4(! (EADBAND D" *DYNAMICMICOHM -4(" .ECKBAND D" *DYNAMICMICOHM -4(0% (ELMETATTACHMENT D" Colour 3M™ Peltor™ (EADSET3OLUTIONS Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Direct Lead (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNANDSPACIALEARCUPS offer great sound quality and comfort Electret speech microphone with effective noise compensation for clear and reliable communication Quick positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears 0440USH4O4ALKBUTTONONTHESHELL "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEANDDISTORTION offering excellent sound reproduction even in very high-noise environments. $IRECTLEADTOSEVERALDIFFERENTCOMMUNICATIONRADIOS$%#4ANDMOBILE phones -4(! !LSOAVAILABLEAS&LEXHEADSET!STANDARDCHASSISJACKFORCONNECTING&LEX CORDS&,5 FORVARIOUSTYPESOFCOMMUNICATIONEQUIPMENTnCOMRADIO MOBILEOR$%#4PHONES Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Direct lead ICOM/Alinco™ Description Product code MT53H79A-31 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead ICOM/Alinco™ MT53H79P3E-31 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead ICOM angled plug MT53H79A-35 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead ICOM angled plug MT53H79P3E-35 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead ICOM angled with screw MT53H79A-95 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead ICOM angled with screw MT53H79P3E-95 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead Kenwood™ MT53H79A-36 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead Kenwood™ MT53H79P3E-36 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead Motorola™ GP300 / CP040 MT53H79A-21 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead Motorola™ GP300 / CP040 MT53H79P3E-21 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead Motorola™ GP340 / GP380 MT53H79A-32 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead Motorola™ GP340 / GP380 MT53H79P3E-32 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead Motorola™ MTP850 / MTH800 MT7H79A-96 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead Motorola™ MTP850 / MTH800 MT7H79P3E-96 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Direct lead Mobilphone / Dectphone 2.5 mm MT53H79A-28 Head band 310 5 31dB Direct lead Mobilphone / Dectphone 2.5 mm MT53H79P3E-28 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Flex headset (Flex cables page 52.) MT53H79A-77 Head band 310 5 31dB Flex headset (Flex cables page 52) MT53H79B-77 Neck band 300 5 26dB Flex headset (Flex cables page 52.) MT53H79P3E-77 Helmet attachment 340 5 29dB Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset WS, Bluetooth™ Wireless connection to phones or communication radios using "LUETOOTH© technology 4HEHEADSETANDTELEPHONECANBEUPTOMETRESAPARTAND out of visible range without losing contact 6OLUMEANDANSWERBUTTONONTHESHELL (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGN spacial ear cups, offer great sound quality and comfort Electret speech microphone with effective noise compensation for clear and reliable communication Quick Positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCE and distortion, offers excellent sound reproduction even in high-noise environments -4(!73 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 WS Headset - Bluetooth™ MT53H7AWS2 Head band 370 5 31dB WS Headset - Bluetooth™ MT53H7BWS2 Neck band 355 5 29dB WS Headset - Bluetooth™ MT53H7P3EWS2 Helmet attachment 420 5 31dB Colour 3M™ Peltor™ (EADSET3OLUTIONS Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Intrinsically Safe, WS, Bluetooth™, ATEX %%XAPPROVEDHEADSETSACCORDINGTO!4%8CLASS ))'%XIA))#4 ))$%XIA$4ª )-%XIA) 7IRELESSCONNECTIONTOPHONESORCOMMUNICATIONRADIOSUSING"LUETOOTH© technology 4HEHEADSETANDTELEPHONECANBEUPTOMETRESAPARTANDOUTOFVISIBLE range without losing contact 6OLUMEANDANSWERBUTTONONTHESHELL (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNSPACIALEARCUPS offer great sound quality and comfort Electret speech microphone with effective noise compensation for clear and reliable communication Quick Positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure -4(&73 around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEANDDISTORTION offers excellent sound reproduction even in high-noise environments Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 WS Headset - Bluetooth™ MT53H7FWS2-50 Foldable Head band 370 5 31dB WS Headset - Bluetooth™ MT53H7P3EWS2-50 Helmet attachment 420 5 29dB Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Intrinsically Safe IECEx )NTRINSICALLYSAFEHEADSETSACCORDINGTO)%#%XCLASS%XIB))#4 (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNSPACIALEARCUPS offer great sound quality and comfort $YNAMICSPEECHMICROPHONEWITHEFFECTIVENOISECOMPENSATIONFORCLEAR and reliable communication Quick positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEANDDISTORTION for excellent sound reproduction even in very high-noise environments 3TANDARD*#ONNECTOR.EXUS40 ATEX Adapters, see page 47 -4(& Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 ATEX, 230 ohm, J11, dyn. Mic. MT7H79F-50 Foldable Head band 335 5 31dB ATEX, 230 ohm, J11, dyn. Mic. MT7H79B-50 Neck band 300 5 26dB ATEX, 230 ohm, J11, dyn. Mic. MT7H79P3E-50 Helmet attachment 345 5 29dB Colour 3M™ Peltor™ (EADSET3OLUTIONS Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Standard Twin Cup Headset Extra high-attenuating twin shells with optimised acoustic design, spacial ear cups offer great sound quality and comfort $YNAMICSPEECHMICROPHONEWITHEFFECTIVENOISECOMPENSATIONFORCLEAR and reliable communication Quick Positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears (IGHVISIBILITYCUPS -4(&'" Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 J11, dynamic mic, 230 ohm MT7H540F GB Foldable Head band 440 5 33dB J11, dynamic mic, 230 ohm MT7H540P3E GB Helmet attachment 440 5 33dB Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Intrinsically Safe, IECEx, Twin Cup Headset Extra high-attenuating shells with optimised acoustic design, spacial ear cups offer great sound quality and comfort $YNAMICSPEECHMICROPHONEWITHEFFECTIVENOISECOMPENSATIONFORCLEAR and reliable communication Quick Positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears )%#%X%XIB))#4 ATEX Adapters, see page 47 -4(& Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 TwinCup Headset MT72H540F-50 Foldable Head band 440 5 33dB TwinCup Headset MT72H540P3E-50 Helmet attachment 440 5 33dB Colour Aviation Solutions 7HENTHEGROUNDISFEETBELOWYOUCANTAFFORDTOHAVEANYTHINGGOWRONG Perfect communication, convenient design, light weight and maximum comfort are essential requirements of a headset in a noisy aviation environment, in the air and on the ground. Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Ground Mechanics WS, Bluetooth™ 7IRELESSCONNECTIONTO73'ROUND-ECHANICADAPTERUSING"LUETOOTH© technology 4HEHEADSETANDADAPTERCANBEUPTOMETRESAPARTANDOUTOFVISIBLE range without losing contact 6OLUMEAND044PUSHTOTALKBUTTONSAREONTHESHELL (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNSPACIALEARCUPS offer great sound quality and comfort $YNAMICSPEECHMICROPHONEWITHEFFECTIVENOISECOMPENSATIONFORCLEAR and reliable communication Quick Positioning boom microphone boom for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEANDDISTORTION for excellent sound reproduction even in very high-noise environments -4(!73'" Description WS Headset - Bluetooth™ Product code MT53H7AWS2-01 GB Configuration Head band 3OCKETFORAN%XTERNAL044 Weight (g) 370 Class 5 SLC80 31dB Colour Peltor™ WS Ground Mechanics Adapter Ground Mechanics WS, Bluetooth™ Description Product code Weight (g) Ground mechanic, WS adapter FL6007-WS 200 External PTT FL5602 150 3M™ Peltor™ Aviation Solutions Peltor™ High Attenuation Headsets Ground Mechanics Special headset for communication between ground staff and aircraft cockpit (IGHATTENUATINGCUPSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNSPACIALEARCUPS offer great sound quality and comfort $YNAMICDIFFERENTIALMICROPHONEWITHEXCELLENTAMBIENTNOISE compensation and a built-in microphone amplifier -4(&'" Quick Positioning boom microphone for easy handling Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears 3TANDARD*CONNECTION.EXUS40 "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEAND distortion for excellent sound reproduction even in very high noise environments Available with high attenuating twin cups Ground Mechanic Adapters, see page 47 -4(&'" Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Ground mechanic, dyn. mic MT7H79F-01 GB Foldable Head band 330 5 31dB Ground mechanic, electret. mic MT53H540F-01 GB Foldable Head band 400 5 33dB Ground mechanic, dyn. mic MT7H79F-01 Foldable Head band 330 5 31dB Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Aviation 8003, 8006 4HEAviation 8003 headset for fixed winged aircraft has an ambient-noise compensated dynamic differential microphone, specially designed for aviation intercom systems 4HEMICROPHONEAMPLIlERCANBEADJUSTEDFOROUTPUTSIGNALSINTHE RANGEOFM6 4HEFREQUENCYRANGEISADJUSTEDFORGOODSPEECHRECOGNITION 4HESTRAIGHTPOLYURETHANECABLEWITHMOULDEDCONNECTORSHAS ASTEREOMONOSWITCHINTHEBRANCHINGBOX 4HEEARPHONESHAVEAvSTEREOCONNECTORANDTHEMICROPHONE HASA0*CONNECTOR 4HEAviation 8006 headset for fixed winged aircraft has an ambient-noise compensated electret differential microphone, specially designed for aviation intercom systems 4HEMICROPHONEAMPLIlERCANBEADJUSTEDFOROUTPUTSIGNALSINTHE RANGEOFM6 -4(&6) 4HEFREQUENCYRANGEISADJUSTEDFORGOODSPEECHRECOGNITION 4HEEARPHONESHAVEABROADFREQUENCYRANGEFORGOODSOUND reproduction 4HESTRAIGHTPOLYURETHANECABLEWITHMOULDEDCONNECTORSHAS ASTEREOMONOSWITCHINTHEBRANCHINGBOX 4HEEARPHONESHAVEAvSTEREOCONNECTORANDTHEMICROPHONE HASA0*CONNECTOR Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Aviation 8003, CE dynamic mic. MT52H79F-04 VI Head band 370 5 31dB Aviation 8006, CE electret mic. MT51H79F-01 VI Head band 360 5 31dB Colour 3M™ Peltor™ Aviation Solutions Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Aviation 8103, 8106 4HE!VIATIONHELICOPTERHEADSETHASANAMBIENTNOISECOMPENSATED dynamic differential microphone, specially designed for aviation intercom systems 4HEMICROPHONEAMPLIlERISDESIGNEDFORINTERCOMSYSTEMSWITH/HM impedance 4HEFREQUENCYRANGEISADJUSTEDFORGOODSPEECHRECOGNITION 4HEEARPHONESHAVEALIMITEDFREQUENCYRANGETOGIVETHEBESTPOSSIBLE speech recognition in the ambient noise of a helicopter 4HESPIRALPOLYURETHANECABLEHASAMOULDED.!4/STANDARDCONNECTOR EQUIVALENTTOTHE.EXUS40 4HE!VIATIONHELICOPTERHEADSETHASANAMBIENTNOISECOMPENSATED electret differential microphone 4HEEARPHONESHAVEALIMITEDFREQUENCYRANGETOENSURETHEBESTPOSSIBLE speech recognition in the ambient noise of a helicopter Peltor© two-point suspension of the shells on a broad head band ensures 4HESPIRALPOLYURETHANECABLEHASAMOULDED.!4/STANDARDCONNECTOR -4(& total comfort and consistent noise attenuation EQUIVALENTTOTHE.EXUS40 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Aviation 8103, CE low impedance MT52H79F-03 Foldable Head band 360 5 31dB Aviation 8106, CE std impedance MT51H79F-02 Foldable Head band 370 5 31dB 22 Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Twin Cup Helicopter Headset Hummingbird 4WIN#UP(UMMINGBIRD(EADSETISDESIGNEDFORCONNECTIONTOLOW impedance helicopter intercom systems ,EATHERCOVEREDHEADBANDFORDURABILITYANDINDIVIDUALLYSPRUNG stainless steel head band provide an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears #ABLEISCOILEDPOLYURETHANEWITHv%UROPEAN.!4/vCONNECTED moulded plug. (IGHLYATTENUATINGHEADSETFORUSEINEXTREMELYNOISYENVIRONMENTS $YNAMICSPEECHMICROPHONEWITHEFlCIENTNOISECOMPENSATIONFOR clear and reliable communication All cables exit the top of the cups to prevent snagging and allow for easy connection to an overhead intercom 4HECOILEDCABLEHASEXTRALENGTHTOENABLEITTOBECONNECTEDTOA console mounted intercom Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Twin Cup Helicopter Headset MT72H540F-91 Head band 440 5 33dB Colour 23 Listen Only Solutions &ORCONNECTIONTOONEWAYCOMMUNICATIONRADIOSPOCKETRECEIVERSAND#$PLAYERS 4HEPROVENANDDURABLEDESIGNSENSUREHIGHCOMFORTLEVELSALLOWINGLONGTERMUSE under very tough conditions. Peltor™ Medium Attenuation Headset ,OWPROlLESHELLSFOREASYANDCOMFORTABLEUSETOGETHERWITHOTHER00% devices ,IGHTWEIGHT Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEAND distortion for excellent sound reproduction even in high-noise environments 3.5 mm stereo connector (4" Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 3.5mm stereo connector HT61A-01 Head band 195 3 21dB 3.5mm stereo connector HT61B-01 Neck band 195 3 21dB Colour 25 3M™ Peltor™ ,ISTEN/NLY3OLUTIONS Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Available in Mono, or in Stereo with a volume level limiter equivalent TOD"!SOUNDLEVEL (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNSPACIALEAR cups offer great sound quality and comfort Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears. "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDESMINIMALRESONANCEAND distortion for excellent sound reproduction even in very high-noise environments Available with different conectors (4"! Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 1/4” stereo connector, 230 ohm HTB79A Head band 290 5 31dB 1/4” stereo connector, 230 ohm HTB79F Foldable Head band 275 5 31dB 1/4” stereo connector, 230 ohm HTB79P3E Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB 3.5mm stereo connector, 230 ohm HTB79A-02 Head band 290 5 31dB 3.5mm mono connector, 230 ohm HTM79A Head band 290 5 31dB 3.5mm mono connector, 230 ohm HTM79B Neck band 275 5 26dB 3.5mm mono connector, 230 ohm HTM79P3E Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB 2.5mm mono connector, 230 ohm HTM79A-03 Head band 290 5 31dB 2.5mm mono connector, 230 ohm HTM79B-03 Neck Band 275 5 26dB 2.5mm mono connector, 230 ohm HTM79P3E-03 Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB 3.5mm mono connector, 32 ohm HTM79A-21 Head band 290 5 31dB 1/4” mono connector, 32 ohm HTM79A-23 Head band 290 5 31dB 6.3mm mono connector, 8 ohm HTM79B-07 Neckband 275 5 26dB Mono Motorola HTM79P3E-34 Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB Colour Peltor™ High Attenuation Headset Intrinsically Safe IECEx )%#%XAPPROVEDHEADSETSACCORDINGTO)%#%XCLASSIB))#4 (IGHATTENUATINGSHELLSWITHOPTIMISEDACOUSTICDESIGNSPACIALEAR cups offer great sound quality and comfort Soft, wide, foam and fluid-filled ear cushions. Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears "EAMMOUNTEDEARPHONESTHATPROVIDEMINIMALRESONANCEAND distortion for excellent sound reproduction even in very high-noise environments (4-& Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 3.5mm mono connector, ATEX HTM79F-50 Foldable Head band 310 5 31dB 3.5mm mono connector, ATEX HTM79P3E-50 Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB 2.5mm mono connector, ATEX HTM79P3E-53 Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB 3.5mm Stereo Screw-In connector, ATEX HTM79P3E-54 Helmet attachment 320 5 29dB Colour Lightweight Solutions Peltor©,IGHTWEIGHTSOLUTIONSAREDESIGNEDFORTWOWAYRADIOUSERSWHOMUSTHAVE CLEARRECEPTIONOFINCOMINGTRANSMISSIONSWHILEWORKINGINHIGHNOISEAREAS#OMPARED to regular earmuffs, these products offer a more neat and discreet solution. Peltor™ HearPlug™ Communication Earplugs Ideal where earmuffs cannot be worn i.e, under helmets or hoods ,ISTENONLYEARPIECEWITHORMMMONOPLUG $ISPOSABLEANDREUSABLECOMMUNICATIONEARPIECESINCLUDED ,ETSYOUCONNECTTOLAPELMICROPHONESAUDIODEVICES (4- 0%,4)0 0%,4)0 Description Product code Weight (g) Class SLC80 HearPlug™, 3.5 mm mono plug HTM06-01 21 - - HearPlug™, 2.5 mm mono plug HTM07-01 21 - - E-A-R™ Ultrafit™, reusable communication earplugs PELTIP1 1 12dB E-A-R™ Classic™, disposable communication earplugs PELTIP2 4 25db Colour Lite-Com 4HE,ITE#OMISAHIGHPERFORMANCEHEARINGPROTECTORWITHABUILTINCOMMUNICATION RADIOFORhHANDSFREEvSHORTRANGECOMMUNICATIONWITHOTHER,ITE#OMHEADSETSAND com radio devices on the same frequency. An auxiliary input allows you to connect a mobile phone or external com radio, regardless of frequency. For safety reasons, THEhEXTERNALvSYSTEMHASSIGNALPRIORITY9OUCANALSOLISTENTO-0PLAYERSOROTHER audio equipment Peltor™ Lite-Com™ III Built-in Two-way Communication Headset $ESIGNEDFORPEOPLEWHOWORKINTEAMSORGROUPSWHERECOMMUNICATION is essential TWOWAYRADIOCHANNELSONTHE,0$-(ZBAND "UILTINACTIVESOUNDFUNCTIONLETSYOUHEARAMBIENTSOUNDSWARNING signals, machine sounds, conversation, etc. Sudden impulse noise at harmful levels are immediately attenuated Electronic voice guided menu system ,#$DISPLAYTOVISUALISESTANDARDANDADVANCEDSETTINGS 3EPARATE044PUSHTOTALKBUTTONFORTHEAUXILIARYINPUTWHEREAMOBILE phone, radio, or other audio source can be connected 3QUELCH6/8ANDAUDIOINPUTADJUSTMENTLETSYOUCONlGURETHEEARMUFFS TOYOURPERSONALCHOICE4HESESETTINGSCANTHENBESAVEDINTHEPRESET buttons 5NUSED,ITE#OM)))SWITCHESOFFAUTOMATICALLYTOCONSERVEBATTERIES -4(!" Accessories see also page 47 Description Product code %XTERNAL044 &, &LEXCORD &,"2 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 LPD 433 MHz MT53H7A430B Head band 436 5 31dB Colour MP3 LPD 433 MHz MT53H7B430B Neck band 421 5 30dB MP3 LPD 433 MHz MT53H7P3E430B Helmet attachment 456 5 27dB MP3 Tactical Solutions Peltor©4ACTICAL3OLUTIONSAREINVALUABLETOOLSFORPEOPLEWHOARESUBJECTEDTO impulse noises. Peltor©4ACTICALPRODUCTSPROTECTAGAINSTHARMFULNOISEWHILE allowing in, and even amplifying, ambient sounds. 32 Peltor™ SportTac™ Electronic Level Dependent Hearing Protector $EVELOPEDSPECIlCALLYFORHUNTINGANDSPORTSHOOTING Smooth level dependent function, which eliminates abrupt sound cut-off Interchangable shells makes it easy to change colour Equipped with automatic shut-off function #OLLAPSIBLEDESIGNFOREASYSTORAGE )NPUTJACKALLOWSYOUTOCONNECTTOSELECTEDWAYRADIOSOROTHER electronic audio devices Angled speakers for better direction perception Electronics on the outside protected from sweat Water resistant exterior !MPLIlESAMBIENTSOUNDSUPTOD" "ATTERYLIFEHR!!!"ATTERIES6 -4(&'. Colour Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Hunting, orange shells inc. MT16H210F-478-GN Foldable head band 318 4 24dB MP3 Sport shooting, black shells inc. MT16H210F-478-RD Foldable head band 318 4 24dB MP3 Accessories Description Product code 3.5 mm mono jack FL6H 2.5 mm mono jack FL6M 3.5 mm stereo jack FL6N 33 3M™ Peltor™ 4ACTICAL3OLUTIONS Peltor™ Pro-Tac™ II Electronic Level Dependent Hearing Protector Improves communication and safety ,EVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONINSTEREOTHATLETSYOUHEARAMBIENTSOUND conversation, machine sounds and warning signals Plenty of space for the ear ,ASTSETTINGISSTOREDWHENSWITCHEDOFF (EADSETOPTIONWITHGUIDEMOUNTEDMICROPHONE ,OWBATTERYWARNINGSIGNAL Automatic shut-off after two hours if no function is used "ATTERYLIFEISAPPROXIMATELYHOURS!!"ATTERIES7ARNINGSIGNAL when power is low, before shut-off !UDIOINPUTJACKFOREXTERNALRADIO !VAILABLEAS"LUETOOTH©HEADSET!$0PROlLE.OTCOMPATIBLEWITH73 adapters -4(!36 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Standard MT15H7F SV Foldable head band 370 5 30dB MP3 Standard MT15H7A2 SV Head band 370 5 30dB MP3 Standard MT15H7B2 SV Neck band 355 5 29dB MP3 Standard MT15H7P3E2 SV Helmet attachment 5 29dB MP3 Headset with J11 Tactical Pro MT15H7A-07 370 SV Head band 5 30dB MP3 Headset with J11Tactical Pro MT15H7B-07 370 SV Neck band 5 29dB MP3 5 29dB MP3 5 29dB Headset with J11 Tactical Pro MT15H7P3E-07 370 SV Helmet attachment WS Headset (Bluetooth™) MT15H7A2WS4 Head band 370 Colour MP3 Peltor™ ComTac™ Electronic Level Dependent Hearing Protector -4(&" ,EVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONINSTEREO ,ASTSETTINGISSTOREDWHENSWITCHEDOFF Fully independent dual earphone system for level dependent and external radio signal, for maximum security An external radio signal has priority and will function even when the #OM4ACISSWITCHEDOFFOROUTOFPOWER +EVLARENCASEDCABLES (IGHQUALITYHEADBANDMADEFROMSTAINLESSSTEELANDLEATHER !UTOMATICALLYSWITCHESOFFAFTERTWOHOURSIFNOFUNCTIONISUSED4WO SIGNALSAREEMITTEDASAWARNINGTHATTHE#OM4ACWILLSWITCHOFFIN one minute if no function is activated "ATTERYLIFEISABOUTHOURS!!BATTERIES4HREEWARNINGSIGNALS AREEMITTEDEVERYSECONDSFORlVEMINUTESWHENPOWERISLOW then the headset switches off !UDIOINPUTJACKTOALLOWCONNECTIONTOANEXTERNALRADIO Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Standard MT15H68FB-02 Foldable head band 315 3 21dB Colour MP3 Headset J11 MT15H68FB-38 Foldable head band 315 3 21dB MP3 Peltor™ ComTac™ XP Electronic Level Dependent Hearing Protector -4(&" 4HINHIGHATTENUATINGCUPS 4ESTEDTO)0ANDMILITARYSPECIlCATIONS Watertight microphones ,EVELDEPENDANTFUNCTIONWITHNEWSETTINGOPTIONS - Plug mode- increases the volume when wearing the headset with earplugs in extremely noisy environments "ALANCE-ODEADJUSTSTHEBALANCEBETWEENLEFTANDRIGHTEARPHONES %QUALIZER-ODEADJUSTSANDCUTSOUTHIGHORLOWFREQUENCIES 2ELEASE4IME-ODE!DJUSTSTHELENGTHOFTIMEBEFORETHE4ACTICAL function is reactivated (IGHQUALITYHEADBANDMADEFROMSTAINLESSSTEELANDLEATHER +EVLARREINFORCED#ABLES "ATTERYLIFEHRS!!!"ATTERIES Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Standard MT17H682FB-02 Foldable Head band 285 3 21dB MP3 Headset J11 MT17H682FB-38 Foldable Head band 335 3 21dB MP3 Standard MT17H682FB-08 SV Foldable Head band 285 3 21dB MP3 Headset J11 MT17H682FB-38 SV Foldable Head band 335 3 21dB MP3 Headset Gentex goose-neck mic. MT17H682FB-68 Foldable Head band 335 3 21dB MP3 Headset bone conduction mic Marconi PRR MT17H682FB-69 Foldable Head band 335 3 21dB MP3 Colour 35 3M™ Peltor™ 4ACTICAL3OLUTIONS Peltor™ Tactical™ XP Headset Electronic Level Dependent Hearing Protector ,EVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONTHATLETSYOUHEARAMBIENTSOUND conversation, machine sounds and warning signals Electronic voice guided menu system equipped with the following FUNCTIONSVOLUMEFORTHELEVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONBALANCE ADJUSTABLERELEASETIMEEQUALIZERVOLUMEFOREXTERNALINPUTAND external input mode Spacial ear cups ,ASTSETTINGISSTOREDWHENSWITCHEDOFF Automatic shut-off after two hours if no function is used Warning signal when power is low, before shut-off !UDIOINPUTJACKFOREXTERNALRADIO !LSOAVAILABLEAS&LEXHEADSET!STANDARDCHASSISJACKFOR CONNECTING&LEXCORDS&,5 FORVARIOUSTYPESOFCOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTnCOMRADIOMOBILEOR$%#40HONE -4(& Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Standard MT1H7F2 Foldable head band 400 5 28dB MP3 Standard MT1H7B2 Neck band 385 5 28dB MP3 Standard MT1H7P3E2 Helmet attachment 435 5 30dB MP3 Headset J11 MT1H7F2-07 Foldable head band 400 5 28dB Headset J11 MT1H7B2-07 Neck band 395 5 28dB Headset J11 MT1H7P3E2-07 Helmet attachment 435 5 30dB Flex headset MT1H7F2-77 Foldable head band 400 5 28dB Flex headset MT1H7B2-77 Neck band 395 5 28dB Flex headset MT1H7P3E2-77 Helmet attachment 385 5 30dB Flex headset, LEMO MT1H7F2-47 Foldable head band 400 5 28dB Flex headset, LEMO MT1H7P3E2-47 Helmet attachment 435 5 30dB Colour Peltor™ Tactical™ XP Headset ‘Intrinsically Safe’ %XAPPROVEDHEADSETINACCORDANCETO!4%8CLASS%%XIB))#4 Ex-approved batteries included Fail safe functions which enable communication if batteries run out ,EVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONTHATLETSYOUHEARAMBIENTSOUND conversation, machine sounds and warning signals, etc. Electronic voice guided menu system %QUIPPEDWITHTHEFOLLOWINGFUNCTIONSVOLUMEFORTHELEVELDEPENDENT FUNCTIONBALANCEADJUSTABLERELEASETIMEEQUALIZERVOLUMEFOREXTERNAL input and external input mode ,EATHERCOVEREDHEADBANDFORDURABILITYANDCOMFORT)NDIVIDUALLY sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears -4(& Spacial Earcups ,ASTSETTINGISSTOREDWHENSWITCHEDOFF Automatic shut-off after two hours if no function is used Warning signal when power is low, before shut-off !UDIOINPUTJACKFOREXTERNALRADIO "ATTERYLIFETIMEAPPROXIMATELYHOURS ATEX Adapters see page 47 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 ATEX, Standard MT1H7F2-50 Head band 390 5 28dB Colour MP3 ATEX, Standard MT1H7B2-50 Neck band 375 5 28dB MP3 ATEX, Standard MT1H7P3E2-50 Helmet attachment 425 5 30dB MP3 ATEX, Headset J11 MT1H7F2-07-50 Head band 400 5 28dB ATEX, Headset J11 MT1H7B2-07-50 Neck band 385 5 28dB ATEX, Headset J11 MT1H7P3E2-07-50 Helmet attachment 435 5 30dB 3M™ Peltor™ 4ACTICAL3OLUTIONS Peltor™ WS Tactical™ XP Electronic Level Dependent Bluetooth™ Headset 7IRELESSCONNECTIONVIA"LUETOOTH©TOCOMMUNICATIONRADIO$%#4ORMOBILE phone ,EVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONTHATLETSYOUHEARAMBIENTSOUND conversation, machine sounds and warning signals Electronic voice guided menu system %QUIPPEDWITHTHEFOLLOWINGFUNCTIONSVOLUMEFORTHELEVELDEPENDENT FUNCTIONBALANCEADJUSTABLERELEASETIMEEQUALIZERVOLUMEFOREXTERNAL input Spacial Earcups ,ASTSETTINGISSTOREDWHENSWITCHEDOFF Automatic shut-off after two hours if no function is used Warning signal when power is low, before shut-off -4(&73 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 WS headset, Bluetooth™ MT1H7F2WS3 Foldable head band 400 5 28dB WS headset, Bluetooth™ MT1H7B2WS3 Neck band 385 5 28dB WS headset, Bluetooth™ MT1H7P3E2WS3 Helmet attachment 435 5 30dB Colour Peltor™ Tactical™ XP Electronic Level Dependent Ground Mechanic Headset Fail safe functions which enable communication if batteries run out ,EVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONTHATLETSYOUHEARAMBIENTSOUND conversation, machine sounds and warning signals etc. Electronic voice guided menu system %QUIPPEDWITHTHEFOLLOWINGFUNCTIONSVOLUMEFORTHELEVELDEPENDENT FUNCTIONBALANCEADJUSTABLERELEASETIMEEQUALIZERVOLUMEFOREXTERNAL input and external input mode Spacial ear cups ,ASTSETTINGISSTOREDWHENSWITCHEDOFF Automatic shut-off after two hours if no function is used Warning signal when power is low, before shut-off "ATTERYLIFETIMEAPPROXIMATELYHOURS -4(&'" Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Headset GM MT1H7F2-07-01 GB Foldable Head band 400 5 28dB Colour Ground Mechanic Adapter 4HEHEADSETMODELLETSYOUCONNECTWITHASEPARATE0ELTOR©ADAPTER 4HE044BUTTONISLOCATEDONTHESEPARATEADAPTER Product code: Cable FL5006 GB Hi-Viz 3,0 - 6,0 m LAU Plug original plug NP3TB-B FL5006-02 GB Hi-Viz 3,0 - 6,0 m LAU NP3C-BAG / Peltor™ Molded FL5006-03 GB Hi-Viz 3,5 - 10,0 m LAU NP3C-BAG / Peltor™ Molded PTT switch FL5007 GB Hi-Viz 1,5 - 6,5 m LAV original plug NP3TB-B Kevlar cable FL5007-02 GB Hi-Viz 1,5 - 6,5 m LAV NP3C-BAG / Peltor™ Molded Kevlar cable FL5007-04 GB Hi-Viz 1,8 - 7,5 m LAV NP3C-BAG / Peltor™ Molded Kevlar cable FL5008 GB Hi-Viz 6,5 m LAU original plug NP3TB-B FL5008-02 GB Hi-Viz 3,0 m LAU NP3C-BAG / Peltor™ Molded Workstyle Solutions With one of the products from the Peltor© Workstyle Solutions range, you can BOTHPROTECTYOURHEARINGEFFECTIVELYANDATTHESAMETIMEENJOYLISTENINGTOTHE radio while working. Some models can even be connected to a telephone or communication radio, making you accessible wherever you are. Peltor™ Worktunes II 4HE!-&-RADIOPROVIDESHEARINGPROTECTIONWITHMUSICWHILEYOUWORK (IGH!TTENUATINGSHELLCUPS %ASYACCESSIBLE6OLUME#HANNELAND"ANDCONTROLS #ONTOUREDCUSHIONINGPROVIDESENHANCEDSLIPRESISTANCEANDRELIABLESEAL Individually sprung stainless steel head band provides an even and consistent distribution of pressure around the ears (28!36'5 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Worktunes II HRX52A-290-SV-GU Headband 340 5 30dB Colour 3M™ Peltor™ Workstyle Solutions Peltor™ FM Radio Earmuffs Protect your hearing while listening to the radio $ESIGNEDFORPEOPLEWHOWORKOUTDOORSnFORESTRYLANDSCAPINGMOWING lawns, hobbies, etc. Extra wide, soft, padded head band distributes weight while two-point suspension exerts low pressure for comfortable, long-term use Soft, liquid and foam-filled ear cushions provide great seal and added comfort 3.5 mm socket audio input for MP3 player. (Not all models) (283! Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Standard, audio jack HRXS7A-01 Head band 340 5 20dB MP3 Standard, audio jack HRXS7P3E-01 Helmet attachment 340 5 28dB MP3 Colour Peltor™ Worktunes Plus Radio Earmuffs Electronic Level Dependent FM/AM-Radio 4HE!-&-RADIOPROVIDESHEARINGPROTECTIONWITHMUSICWHILEYOU work 4HELEVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONALLOWSYOUTOHEARSOUNDSWARNING signals, machinery and conversations. Sudden impulse noise at harmful levels are immediately attenuated Easy-to-handle volume control knobs for radio and level dependent function A short, flexible antenna provides excellent reception with no annoying interference Switches automatically from stereo to mono for the best reception in the event of a weak signal !-&-SWITCHTOCHOOSEYOURRADIORECEPTION -28! Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 Standard M2RX7A 290 Head band 400 5 30dB Colour MP3 Standard M2RX7P3E Helmet attachment 430 5 28dB MP3 3M™ Peltor™ Workstyle Solutions Peltor™ WS Alert Bluetooth™ Headset Electronic Level Dependent AM/FM-Radio Now with Stereo Streaming Bluetooth™ (A2DP) 7IRELESSCONNECTIONVIA"LUETOOTH©TO$%#4ORMOBILEPHONENEVER miss another important phone call again 3TREAMMUSICINTERNETRADIOFROM-0PLAYERMOBILEPHONECOMPUTER etc Noise cancelling microphone enables you to talk on the phone in high noise environments 4HELEVELDEPENDENTFUNCTIONALLOWSYOUTOHEARSOUNDSWARNINGSIGNALS machinery and conversations. Sudden impulse noise at harmful levels are immediately attenuated Easy-to-handle control knobs A short, flexible antenna provides excellent reception Switches automatically from stereo to mono for the best reception in the event of a weak signal !-&-SWITCHTOCHOOSEYOURRADIORECEPTION Not compatible with Peltor© WS-adapter -28!73 Description Product code Configuration Weight (g) Class SLC80 WS headset, Bluetooth™ M2RX7AWS4 Head band 400 5 30dB WS headset, Bluetooth™ M2RX7P3EWS4 Helmet attachment 430 5 28dB Colour Adapters & Cables 3TURDYWATERRESISTANTADAPTERSWITHINTEGRATEDPUSHTOTALKBUTTON044FOR connecting Peltor© headsets to communication radios and mobile telephones. For environments with risk of explosion, we also have intrinsically safe adapters. 3M™ Peltor™ !DAPTER#ABLES Flex Cables Product code FL6U-31 FL6U-31 FL6U-35 FL6U-31 FL6U-21 FL6U-31 TAA13-T0299 FL6U-35 FL6U-31 TAA19-T0299 FL6U-36 FL6U-31 FL6U-31 FL6U-21 FL6U-32 FL6U-61 AL3CB-T0299 TAA20-T0299 FL6U-62 TAA22-T0299 FL6U-31 FL6U-31 FL6U-31 FL6U-58 Communication radio Alan 441 Albecom 1221/1331/PD1000 Albrecht Tectalk Contact 446 PMR Cobra HandiePro, Radius P110 Hunter MK16, MK24 ICOM F31/F41 ICOM IC-F3GS, GT51/61 F4GS, GT etc with angled connector ICOM IC-F3S, F4S, IC-E90, LPD06,PMR06 (with straight connector) ICOM F34/F44 Kenwood 260/270, 360/370 LPD, TH22E PMR etc Lafayette, DC31 Micro-3, DC155 Micro-3 Maxon SL25 Motorola GP300, CPO40 Motorola GP320, 328, 339, 340, 360, 380, 388, 640, 680, 1280 Motorola Visar 3,5 mm, GP344/388 via Motorola adapter plug Motorola GP900 Motorola GP344/GP388, GP328+ /GP338 + Motorola TETRA MTH800/MTP850 Vertex VX160/400 TEKK Yeasu (older models) Zodiac PA2099/PA1599/PA5499/ PA5500/P2400 + various LPD/PMR radios Sepura SRP 2000 / SPM 3*000 Product code FL6U-28A FL6U-28 FL6U-28A FL6U-28 FL6U-28 FL6U-28 FL6U-28 FL6U-28 FL6U-48 FL6U-28 DECT- and mobile phones Ascom DECT 9d23/Offi ce 155 Pro Ericsson 628/688/788/868/888/T10/T18/R5250s Pro and DT570 Ericsson DT400/DT410/DT420/DT590 Ericsson GSM other models Ericsson T20/T28/T29/T39/T65/T66/T68/ R310/R320/R380/R520/R600/T200/T300/T600 Motorola GSM – most models have a jack on the side Nokia 3210/3310/3330/3410/3510/3510i/3650/5210/5510/6510/7650/8210/8310/8850/8890/8910 Nokia 5100/6100/6610/6650/6800/7210/7250 Nokia 5110/5130/6110/6150/6210/6310/6310i/7110 SonyEricsson K310i, K610i, K750i, W800i, W550i, W900i, P990 and more Handsfree adapter TAH10 TAH11 TAH02 TAH03 TAH01 TAH12 #ONTACT-FORMORECABLEOPTIONS Standard Adapters Product code FL5001 FL5005 FL5010 FL5014 FL5017 FL5018 FL5019 FL5030 FL5034 FL5035 FL5042 FL5044 Communication radio Peltor™ “standard” Ericsson Freeset, Tateco CTS900 (2.5 mm plug) ICOM IC, Alan, Zodiac (straight connector), Yaesu, Alinco Motorola CP476, GP300 Motorola Visar (GP344, GP388 with Motorola’s adapter PMLN4455A) Motorola GP900, HT1000, MT2000, XTS2500, XTS5000 Motorola Expo, Maxon Slim line Motorola GP340, GP320, GP328, GP339 ICOM IC-F3GS, IC-F3GT, IC-F4GS, IC-F4GT (angled connector) Kenwood TK3101, Funkey Nokia TETRA THR880/ EADS TETRA THR880i ICOM F31/F41 F51/F61 3M acknowledges the respective Trademark Owner’s rights in the above trademarks Product code FL5058 FL5061 FL5062 FL5063 FL50-T9088 FL50-T9121 FL50-T9139 FL50-T9140 FL50-T9143 FL50-T9148 FL50-T9150 Communication radio Sepura TETRA SRP2000 / SRH3*00 Sailor SP3510, SP3520 Motorola TETRA MTH800 / MTP850 Motorola Mototrbo DP 3400 ICOM IC-M1 / M71 ICOM IC-A5 /A23 ICOM IC-F34/F44 Vertex VX 160 / 400 Motorola GP328+, 344, 388 Vertex VX 820, 920 Vertex HX370 Intrinsically Safe Adapters (IECEx EEx ib IIC T4) Product code FL5205 FL5212 FL5214 FL5216 FL5218 FL5230 FL5245 Communication radio Tateco CTS900,Ericsson Freeset Motorola MX1000, MX2000, MX3000 Motorola GP300 / Radius P110 Ericsson P50/500 Motorola HT1000, MT2000, GP900, GP1200, XTS2500, XTS5000 ( ATEX EX II 2 G EEx ib IIC T4) Motorola GP320/340 TP8000 Atlantis WS Adapters (Bluetooth™) Product code FL6007-WS FL6010-WS FL6014-WS FL6018-WS FL6030-WS FL6034-WS FL6035-WS FL6042-WS FL6044-WS FL6048-WS FL6058-WS Communication radio Ground Mechanic adapter ICOM IC, Alan, Zodiac (straight connector) Motorola GP300, CP040, Radius P110 Motorola HT1000, MT2000, GP900 Motorola GP320/340 ICOM IC-F3GS, IC-F3GT, IC-F4GS, IC-F4GT (angled connector) Kenwood TK 3101 Funkey Nokia TETRA THR880 / EADS TETRA THR880i ICOM F31/F41 F51/F61 ICOM IC-M1, IC-M90 Sepura SRP2000 / SRH3*00 Ground Mechanic Adapters (Hi visibility) Product code FL5006-GB FL5006-02 GB FL5006-03 GB cable Hi-Viz 3,0 - 6,0 m LC Hi-Viz 3,0 - 6,0 m LC Hi-Viz 3,5 - 10,0 m LC connector Original plug PJ051B FL5007 GB FL5007-02 GB FL5007-04 GB Hi-Viz 1,5 - 6,5 m LAL Hi-Viz 1,5 - 6,5 m LAV Hi-Viz 1,8-7,5 m LAV Original plug PJ051B FL5008 GB FL5008-02 GB Hi-Viz 6,5 m LC Hi-Viz 3,0 m LAU Original plug PJ051B Lite-Com Cables (Connection cords for external communication equipment) Product code FL6BR FL6BS FL6BT FL6CS FL6CT Communication radio For use with Peltor™ FL5000 adapters, with J11 connector (Nexus TP-120) Connector cord with 2-pole 2.5 mm connector. For listening. Connector cord with 2-pole 3.5 mm connector. For listening. Connector cord with 3-pole 2.5mm connector for use with DECT and mobile phones Connector cord with a 3-pole 3.5mm stereo connector. For listening to MP3 etc 3M™ Peltor™ Accessories Accessories Headsets Hygiene kit Wind shield surround microphone Wind protection speech microphone Non Attenuation HY02 – M40/1, M42/1 Medium Attenuation HY63 – M40/1, M42/1 High Attenuation Standard HY79 – M40/1, M42/1 High Attenuation Twin Cup HY13 – M40/1, M42/1 High Attenuation Direct Lead HY79 – M995 High Attenuation WS Bluetooth™ HY79 – M995 High Attenuation ATEX HY79 – M40/1, M42/1 High Attenuation Aviation MT52 mic. HY79 – M40/1, M42/1 High Attenuation Aviation MT51 mic. HY79 – M995 High Attenuation Ground Mechanics H79 cup HY79 – M40/1, M42/1 High Attenuation Ground Mechanics H540 cup HY13 – M995 Non Attenuation HY02 – Medium Attenuation HY63 – High Attenuation HY79 – High Attenuation ATEX HY79 – Light Weight Solutions – – – Hearplug – – – Listen Only LiteCom LiteCom Basic HY79 LiteCom III HY79 M60/2 M995 SportTac HY21 210100-** (complete shells) ProTac II HY79 M60/2 M995 ComTac HY68 (sv) M60/2 M40/1, M42/1 ComTac XS HY68 (sv) M60/2 M40/1, M42/1 Tactical XP HY79 M41/2 st headset M40/1, Flex M995 M995 Tactical WorkStyle FM- Radio HY73 Alert HY79 st headset M40/1, Flex M995 M60/2 - - (9 st headset M40/1, Flex M995 Accessories Product code FP9007 HYM1000 HY100A TK52 TK54 TK57-01/1 MT9 MT91-50 FL5602 FL5602-50 Description Headset bag Mike protector 5m Hygiene pads 100’s PTT with J22 PTT with J22, 1,6 m cable Finger PTT with J22, 1,0 m cable Throat microphone, dynamic Throat microphone, dynamic, ATEX External PTT External PTT (IECEx Ex ia IIC T4) 4+ &0 &, 4+ -4 &, ™ Peltor Communication 3M/Peltor Communications Solutions Warranty 3M warrants that all of its Peltor© communications solutions and accessories will be free of defects in workmanship and materials UNDERTHETERMSOFTHELIMITEDWARRANTYFORTHEPERIODOFMONTHSFROMDATEOFPURCHASE Conditions of Warranty /URGOODSCOMEWITHGUARANTEESTHATCANNOTBEEXCLUDEDUNDERTHE!USTRALIAN#ONSUMER,AW9OUAREENTITLEDTOAREPLACEMENTOR REFUNDFORAMAJORFAILUREANDFORCOMPENSATIONFORANYOTHERREASONABLYFORESEEABLELOSSORDAMAGE9OUAREALSOENTITLEDTOHAVE THEGOODSREPAIREDORREPLACEDIFTHEGOODSFAILTOBEACCEPTABLEQUALITYANDTHEFAILUREDOESNOTAMOUNTTOAMAJORFAILURE)NTHE case of a warranty claim, a copy of the receipt with date of purchase, along with a description of the fault must be enclosed. 2EPAIREDORREPLACEDPRODUCTSSHALLWITHRESPECTTOTHEFAULTORTOTHENEWPRODUCTBEWARRANTEDFORTHEREMAININGTIMEOFTHE ORIGINALWARRANTYPERIODORFORNINETYDAYSFROMTHEDATEOFREPAIRWHICHEVERISLONGER2EPAIRORREPLACEMENTMAYINVOLVETHE use of equivalent reconditioned parts. To Obtain Warranty Service 3HOULDYOUR0ELTOR©SOLUTIONREQUIRESERVICEDURINGTHELIMITEDWARRANTYPERIODCONTACT-4ECH!SSIST(ELPLINEON Limited Warranty Exclusions 4HELIMITEDWARRANTYEXCLUDESFAILURERESULTINGFROM s)MPROPERUSEOFEQUIPMENT s2EPAIRALTERATIONORMODIlCATIONOFTHEPRODUCTBYANYONEOTHERTHANA-!UTHORISED3ERVICE0ROVIDER s!CCIDENTABUSENEGLECTlREWATERLIGHTNINGOROTHERACTSOFNATURE s#AUSESEXTERNALTOTHEPRODUCTS s"REAKAGEORPHYSICALDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT s(YGIENEKITSANDBATTERIESARENOTCOVEREDBYTHEWARRANTY s/THERFACTORSBEYONDTHECONTROLOF- Disclaimer of Warranty 5PONRECEIPTANDINSPECTIONSHOULD-DETERMINETHATYOURPRODUCTISNOTCOVEREDBYTHESTATEDWARRANTYYOUWILLBENOTIlED immediately and advised of fees and charges that may apply. Training and Support -STEAMOF#ERTIlED/CCUPATIONAL(YGIENISTSAND3PECIALIST2EPRESENTATIVESAREAVAILABLENATIONALLYTOPROVIDESUPPORTAND training that meet the needs of our customers. &URTHERMOREOURQUALIlEDANDHIGHLYEXPERIENCEDTEAMAREABLETOASSISTCUSTOMERSBY s#ONDUCTINGINITIALANDONGOINGASSESSMENTSOFTHEWORKPLACE s2ECOMMENDINGAPPROPRIATERESPIRATORYHEARINGEYEPROTECTIONCOMMUNICATIONANDSPILLMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSREQUIREDTO maintain a safe work environment s0ROVIDINGTECHNICALADVICEABOUTTHECORRECTUSEANDMAINTENANCEOFTHESOLUTIONTHATHASBEENSELECTED s&ACILITATEONSITElTTESTINGFORBOTHRESPIRATORYANDHEARINGPROTECTIONSOLUTIONSASREQUIRED .OMATTERHOWEFFECTIVEAPIECEOF0ERSONAL0ROTECTIVE%QUIPMENT00%ISITWILLOFFERLITTLEORNOPROTECTIONIFITISNOTlTTEDANDOR worn correctly. Proper inspection, cleaning and storage is vital for safety equipment that protects a worker's health and well being. 4HATISWHY-OFFERSTRAININGPROGRAMSTHATEXPLAINTHECORRECTWAYTOlTINSPECTCLEANANDSTORETHE00%DESIGNEDAND manufactured by our company. /UR3PECIALIST2EPRESENTATIVESAREABLETOPROVIDE#ERTIlCATE)6LEVELWORKPLACETRAININGTOMEETTHESENEEDS 3M TechAssist -4ECH!SSISTISTHEIDEALPOINTOFCONTACTFORYOURQUESTIONSESPECIALLYWHENYOUREQUIREAPROMPTANSWER3UPPORTEDBYTRAINED STAFF4ECH!SSISTISANIMMEDIATELINKTOTHEWORLDWIDERESOURCESOF- #USTOMERSCANCONTACT4ECH!SSISTTOANSWERQUESTIONSONPRODUCTINFORMATIONTECHNICALADVICEGUIDANCEWITHPRODUCTSELECTION Australian Standards and other important information they need to know on a day-to-day basis. 9OUCANCONTACT-S4ECH!SSISTSERVICEBYRINGINGTHEFREE4ECH!SSIST(ELPLINEONORBYEMAIL at [email protected] Nationwide Distributor Network -DISTRIBUTESOURWIDERANGEOFWORKPLACESAFETYPRODUCTSTHROUGHADISTRIBUTORNETWORKWHICHINCLUDESOVERSTORESAND branches throughout Australia. 4OlNDA-SAFETYDISTRIBUTORNEARYOUVISITOURWEBSITEWWWMCOMAUOHSORRING-CUSTOMERSERVICEON Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division -!USTRALIA0TY,IMITED !". 0ACIlC(IGHWAY 0YMBLE.37 ¥-!LLRIGHTSRESERVED Please recycle. 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