read the report - Community Foundation of Chippewa County


read the report - Community Foundation of Chippewa County
For Good. Forever.
Chair & Director Message
Those who live and work in Chippewa County recognize the unique beauty and quality of life
we have in this area. Many have a desire to give back permanently in ways that are especially
meaningful and personal to them. Whether it be a special idea they have or a favorite organization
or charitable cause they wish to support, the Foundation is available to match their interests with a
variety of opportunities throughout the County.
Rick Schafer
The Foundation is an especially important resource when a family or community experiences a
significant loss. Such was the case ten years ago on October 15, 2005 when Doug Greenhalgh
and his wife Therese; their 11 year-old granddaughter, Morgan; long time community member
and bus driver Paul Rasmus; and student teacher Brandon Atherton lost their lives when their
bus, carrying members of the Chippewa Falls Senior High School Marching Band, was involved in a
tragic bus accident while returning home from the State Marching Band Competition in Whitewater,
Wisconsin. In addition to those who lost their lives, another 29 students and adults were injured
that day.
Within 24 hours, Chi-Hi band alumni contacted the Community Foundation office and started the
process of creating a memorial endowment fund. Immediately supported by over 50 former band
students, the Greenhalgh Memorial Music Endowment Fund was established as a Donor Advised
Fund. As such, earnings will forever support Chippewa Falls High School music program activities.
An endowment advisory committee, made up of band alumni, oversees this fund and makes yearly
recommendations on the use of the earnings.
Looking back, we remember that day and the pivotal (yet quiet, humble) role the Foundation
played as the community sought to heal and help each other in the days and weeks that followed.
Melinda Haun
For Good.
Looking forward, we will continue to serve as a resource to the community, work with donors to
help them achieve their philanthropic goals, ensure that we have strong operating standards in
place, make grants to support local programs and projects throughout Chippewa County, assist
various community organizations who have placed their assets with us, and build awareness about
the Foundation with all segments of our Chippewa County communities.
As we consider a longer-term, broader focus, our vision will continue to evolve. We look forward
to working with you and all those serving in key leadership roles this coming year to help advance
the work of the Foundation as we further clarify our vision and strategic direction for continued
growth, impact and community leadership throughout Chippewa County.
Melinda Haun
Executive Director
Rick Schafer
Board Chair
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
To enable donors to achieve
their philanthropic goals to
Current Funds
meet changing community
needs and thereby to benefit
the communities, people and
other nonprofit organizations
Operating Fund
Endowed Funds Permanently Restricted
Agency Funds
Seedling Funds
Pass-through Funds
Grants & Distributions
of Chippewa County.
Designated Funds
Donor Advised Funds
Field of Interest Funds
31 Unrestricted Funds
Special One-time Grants
32 Agency Funds
Pass-through Funds
Creating, Building and
Managing Endowed Funds.
Benefiting the People
of Chippewa County
Lake Hallie
New Auburn
Jim Falls
Founders Society
Heritage Society
Ways to Give
Board of Directors, Committees and Staff
Chippewa Falls
Financial Statements
Financial Overview
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
To Meg MacLaughlin-Barck, Doug
Greenhalgh was much more than a
teacher. He was also a mentor, friend
and father figure.
She felt compelled to do something.
Her friend and fellow bandmate,
Darrin Senn, felt the same way. After
talking to other former classmates,
Senn looked to Carol Gienapp, a
former band parent, community
leader and then-executive director
of the Community Foundation of
Chippewa County, for advice.
“We were very close when I was in
the two spoke by phone the evening
high school,” said MacLaughlin-Barck,
of the accident – which injured 29
“Carol said that my call was ‘exactly
a 1988 Chippewa Falls High School
others – and began to brainstorm.
what she’d been hoping to get
graduate and former clarinet player
and percussionist. “I just remember
that sense of closeness with him.
He was someone you could talk and
laugh with.”
Memorial Music
Endowment Fund
“Megan asked me ‘What are the band
alumni doing?’” said Senn, a drummer
in high school who continues to play
the drums, as well as the guitar, to
this day. “None of us really knew what
from a band student,’ and she said
that we could all create something
together. That something became
the Greenhalgh Memorial Music
Endowment,” Senn said.
When Doug Greenhalgh and four
to do, but we were all thinking the
To date, music program alumni,
others died in a horrific bus crash
same thing. We wanted something
together with donors from across
coming back from a band competition
positive to come from this tragic
the United States, have contributed
in Whitewater nearly 10 years ago,
more than $87,000 to the fund, which
MacLaughlin-Barck – like so many
was established just three days after
others – felt devastated.
the October 15, 2005, bus accident.
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Earnings from the fund have allowed
that reminded me of my sophomore
“It was an honor to play that piece
the Community Foundation to award
year 15 years ago’ – and they’ll share
with the community and be in that
the music department $17,620 in
a story about what band was like for
moment together,” he recalled.
That money has supported purchases
of new drums, an oboe, a string bass,
electronic equipment and computer
software allowing students to record
Senn, a 1990 Chi-Hi grad who will
Doug Greenhalgh
always regard Greenhalgh as a
versatile musician and driven and
caring teacher, finds it hard to believe
that almost a decade has passed
themselves and get feedback on their
since the fatal bus crash – and gets
performance – among other items.
choked up thinking about it. Music
was the biggest part of his life in high
“That money has been just incredible,”
school – and is still important to him
said Michael Renneke, the high
as an adult. Knowing the endowment
school’s current band director.
fund he had a hand in establishing will
“Support for the arts is diminishing
help ensure the music department’s
on a national level, and we haven’t
viability for years to come brings him
experienced that here in Chippewa
Falls. We have a tremendous program,
and we have tremendous support
from our community.”
Many factors go into the quality
great comfort.
“I think what the fund shows is
how the community recognizes the
importance of Doug Greenhalgh’s
When I began teaching
work, as well as Paul, Therese,
staff and school, but Renneke noted
as the choir director
Morgan and Brandon, who all lost
that community support cannot be
alongside Doug, it
of a music program, including its
underestimated. He believes having
their lives that day. I believe it’s a real
testament to their memory and his
was clear that he
legacy,” Senn said.
available has unquestionably raised
passionately believed
Vocal music teacher Ron Buckles said
the music program’s level.
in what a strong music
continuing the music program’s legacy
“There’s just so many different pieces
program could do for
that come together to make success
students, the school
money from the Greenhalgh fund
in any program,” he said. “I think that
a big factor for us in Chippewa Falls
has been this memorial endowment.
It’s another contributing force to this
incredible excellence that goes into
everything we do. That’s something
that a lot of places don’t have, and it’s
such a testament to the community
and what we value.”
is something he knows his former
colleague would love.
“When I began teaching as the choir
community, and the
director alongside Doug, it was clear
larger community.
that he passionately believed in what
a strong music program could do
for students, the school community,
and the larger community,” Buckles
said. “The importance of teaching
Ron Buckles,
Vocal Music Teacher,
Chippewa Falls Senior High School
students through a healthy and safe
‘family’ atmosphere, along with an
excellent education, is second to
Renneke, poised to begin his
fourth year as band director, never
Renneke had the opportunity to play
knew Doug Greenhalgh personally,
at a memorial concert in the spring
although, through stories shared
of 2006 when the Chippewa Falls
by former band members and his
Senior High School band and the wind
colleagues, he sometimes feels as
symphony at UW-Eau Claire – where
though he did.
he was a freshman – came together
“You pick up little insights about him,”
to perform the world premiere of a
Renneke said. “I’ll hear anecdotes
from people working in the building
or alumni will come up and say ‘Oh, I
piece written to honor Greenhalgh and
none. Doug had this type of band
program in place and now the entire
music program continues to strive for
excellence today, both through his
memory and impact that he had on so
many, and also through the support
of the Greenhalgh Memorial Music
Endowment Fund.” ●
the others who lost their lives in the
devastating bus crash.
saw you guys do this Friday night, and
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Current Funds
AS OF JUNE 30, 2015
Funds have been established by individuals,
families, businesses and organizations to
benefit the people of Chippewa County.
Gifts to this fund support the
operations of the Community
Foundation, ensuring the
continuation of our work
throughout Chippewa County.
B. A. Mason Trust
Linda and Mark Bergen
Jackie and Jim Bernier
Bloomer Area Food Pantry
BMO Harris Bank
Byron and Diane Bobb
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
Jeff and Kristen Brown
Tim and Betty Callahan
Rolf N. Chance
Human Services
Chippewa Falls Main Street, Inc.
Chippewa Valley Council Inc., Boy Scouts of America
Cornell/Lake Holcombe Community Ed
Joe and Deb Coughlin
Ken and Debi Custer
Patti and Jeff Darley
Lea Dirks
Eau Claire Ford Lincoln Mercury
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
Dianne and Dave Fish
Joe and Dawn Flater
David Frasch and Evalyn Wiley-Frasch
Fries Financial Group LLC Raymond James
Dave and Ann Gordon
Gordy's Market
Gary and Pat Gray
Great Northern Corporation
Les and Marilyn Harrison
Heartland Contractors Inc.
HSHS St. Joseph's Foundation
HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital
Bob Hogseth
Peter and Sue Holm
Sheila and Bill Volker
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
W.S. Darley & Co.
David and Patricia Jankoski
Wipfli LLP
Mary Lou Keegan
Jim and Arlene Wright
Tom and Pam Kell
Richard Ziemann
Norm and Mary Ellen Keller
Dale and Mary Zwiefelhofer
Kevin and Lynda Koehn
In-kind Contributions
Larson Construction Co., Inc.
Chi-Hi String Quartet
Robert and Cath Lea
Duncan Creek Mfg., Inc.
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Edward & Hannah M. Rutledge Charities
Gary and Joanne Leonard
Jim and Melinda (Haun) Hohncke
Literacy Volunteers – Chippewa Valley
Mason Companies, Inc.
Donna and Allen Loew
RCU – Chippewa Falls
Tim and Meg MacLaughlin-Barck
Seyforth’s Studio & Camera Shop
Ray and Jean MacLaughlin-Larson
T-Bo Studio
Colin and Tanya Malaney
Jerry Way
Elaine Mann
Duncan Cameron
Gary and Carol Gienapp
United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
David and Ellen Kiefer
Judi and Wayne Akey
Chippewa County Department of
ITW Deltar Fasteners
Alice Marshall
In-kind Donors
Mason Companies, Inc.
for Wine and Dine at Irvine Event
Kathleen McLaughlin and Daryl Skobba
Adept Engraving LLC
Loni Meinen and Dave Turany
Ray and Pam Myers
Baskets by Jeanne
Mary Jane Nelson
Don Bichner
Northwestern Bank
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
Ellen A. O'Neil
Chippewa Valley Music Festivals
Orgel Wealth Management LLC
Custer Farms, Inc.
Robert and Elizabeth Poteete
Entwood Golf Course LLC
Steve and Lauree Pregent
Excite! Wellness Studio
Rex and Vickie Rathbun
Garage Salon & Stylist Kristi Oemig
Sandy and Roger Robarge
Dave and Ann Gordon
Rooney Printing Company
Heartland Contractors Inc.
Diane and Dennis Sarauer
Dave and Pat Jankoski
Gordy and Donna Schafer
Tom and Pam Kell
David and Jane Schill
Lake Wissota Golf
Carin Schlick
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co., Inc.
Matthew and Rebecca Schneider
Larson Construction Co., Inc.
Rita Schrantz
Libby Cyr Leinenkugel
David and Lauri See
Mason Companies, Inc.
Steve and Kaye Senn
Cory Cyr Miller
Desiree Sikowski-Nelson
Ojibwa Golf & Bowl
Kevin Smith
Olson’s Ice Cream
Spectrum Industries, Inc.
Rooney Printing Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Sprague
Timber Terrace Golf Course
Diane Steinmetz
Vicki’s Frame Shop
Swanson Fund for Staff Development
Xcel Energy
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
Family Endowment Fund
An Endowment Fund is managed,
invested and kept in perpetuity to
provide earnings for the benefit of
a charitable cause on behalf of an
individual, family, organization or
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
In memory of Leonard Rubesch
Dolores Barnier Education Fund
Designated Fund; grants provide
scholarships to graduating seniors of
Chippewa Falls Senior High School.
Jim and Jeanne Barnier
Jim and Jeanne Barnier
In memory of Jim Flynn
In memory of Marjorie Gilbert
James G. Lindell 1991 Irrevocable Charitable Trust
In memory of Sloane J. Brehmer
Oktoberfest, on behalf of event volunteer Jim Barnier
Luke Bathke Special
Education Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
students in Special Education programs.
Vonnie Bathke In memory of Luke Bathke
Bejin Family Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Mary Blake
In memory of Magdalen Bejin
Bloomer School District
Endowed Scholarship Funds
Designated Funds; grants support
students from the Bloomer School
District. For application information
contact the School District.
RM Dewitt Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alice M. Hanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joe Placek and Sandy Shaurette-Placek
In memory of Bernice M. Marek
Matt and April Snyder
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hebert
Fred R. Bowe Memorial Fund
Dr. Bertha M. Bresina
Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
environmental and nature-related
endeavors in Chippewa County.
Field of Interest Fund; grants benefit
Chippewa County students wanting to
obtain a Catholic (K-12) education.
Judi and Wayne Akey
In honor of Gary and Joanne Bowe Leonard's 50th Wedding Anniversary
Callahan Family Endowment Fund
Jackie and Jim Bernier
In memory of Thomas J. Goettl
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Rolf Chance Memorial
Endowment Fund
Joe and Deb Coughlin
Gary and Joanne Leonard
In memory of Bud Bernier
Designated Fund; grants support the
care and maintenance of housing for the
monkeys at Irvine Park.
Jim and Kathy Smola
Sloane J. Brehmer
Endowment Fund
Chippewa County Agricultural
Advancement Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
George and Sara Abendroth
In honor of Jean Hebert's 70th Birthday
Genevieve Brehmer
Joe and Karen Brehmer
In honor of Genevieve Brehmer
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
and encourage opportunities in agriculture
and related endeavors of benefit to
the people of Chippewa County as
recommended by fund advisors.
Gary and Carol Gienapp
In memory of Thomas J. Goettl
In memory of Allard Peck
Eagle Point Mutual Insurance Company Gary and Carol Gienapp
Ruth Ann Bridges
Kathy Bye
In memory of Tom Bye
Allen and Marcia Dollerschell
In memory of Sloane J. Brehmer
Jean and Tom Hebert, Jr.
In honor of April and Matt Snyder
In memory of Leonard Peck
Eagle Point Mutual Insurance Company
Gary and Carol Gienapp Steve and Sue Meinen
Iona Hoyle
David and Linda Laird
In memory of Joyce and Chuck Veicht
– continued on page 8
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Chippewa Moraine Ice Age
Reserve Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support the
mission and activities of the Chippewa
Moraine Ice Age Reserve. (
In honor of Edgar John Riley
V. Kurt Lothe
Joe Placek and Sandy Shaurette-Placek In honor of Paul and Mary LaLiberte
Sandra Seilheimer
In memory of Allen Seilheimer
Family of Roger and Elaine Sharp and Jeffrey and Deborah Hansen
Community Foundation
Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; accepts gifts for
endowment, including otherwise
undesignated memorial and tribute gifts
and bequests; grants are made at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Patti and Jeff Darley
In memory of Marvin Harrison
In memory of Flo Schaus
Rick and Roz Gates
In memory of Fredrick Siebenshuh
Timothy and Vicki Gjovik
In memory of Courtenay M. Pfiffner
In memory of Ann Stepanek
Sharon Karrmann and Family of
Mathilda Forster In memory of Mathilda Forster
Ronald and Roberta Metzler
In memory of Benjamin R. Hayes
Michael and Dana Schoch
In honor of Rachel and Derek Volz
Desiree Sikowski-Nelson
In memory of Clem Fox
In memory of Ralph Rubenzer
In memory of Julie Rydlund
Walter Sugars Estate
In memory of Walter Sugars
In memory of James M. “Jim” Dimock Anonymous
Advanced Mail Inc.
John and Susan Ayres
Jim and Deb Bieging
Jim and Nancy Bischel
Doris M. Blake
Mary A. Blake
Tom and Xiaomei Blake
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Barry C. Boyer
Bill and Mary Brunstad
Terry and Linda Christianson
Joseph and Nola Cook
Linda and Tim Crawford
Steve and Linda Cyr
Amy Davis
Sara Denure
Eau Claire Public School
Administrators Association
Seth and Deborah Ebel
Timothy and Shari Englebert
Fill-Inn Station
Raymond and Mary Kay Francis
David Frasch and Evalyn Wiley-Frasch
James and Donna Friedeck
Kevin and Candy Geissler
Gifts collectively received in memory of James M. “Jim” Dimock and
from Kris Dimock and family
Timothy and Vicki Gjovik
Melissa Gora
Gary and Pat Gray
Marc and Deb Harding
Barbara Harvey
Gerald and Rosemarie Hoepner
Jim and Melinda (Haun) Hohncke
Cheryl and William Jensen
Tom and Pam Kell
Timothy and Elizabeth Konz
Daniel and Jacey Lea
Robert and Cath Lea
William and Karen Lea
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Tim and Carrie Leis
Dr. John Look
Kristi Lund
Erica Lyberg
Michael and Sharon Memmel
Jerry and Janet Naiberg
Stephen and Laurie Norlander
Bob and Peggy Norquist
Jane and Wally Piotrowski
Arla Prestin
Bruno and Patricia Rahn
Gary and Mary Rambo
Donald Roberts
Thomas and Barbara Sanford
David and Lana Schaller
Patricia Shay Schroeder
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Beth and Randall Schultz
Jim, Rhonda, Nate and Tricia Seckora
Desiree Sikowski-Nelson
Gerald and Mary Skalecki
Marilyn Smith
Timm and Debbie Smith
Larry and Dana Sommerfeld
Sunshine Club for Eau Claire Area School District Administration
Ellen Teske
Jason and Erin Van Helden
Ron and Sue Walsh
Jerry and Carol Way
Weld, Riley, Prenn & Ricci, S.C.
Kevin and Brenda Weltzin
Jim and Lou Ann Wischnewski
Ellen Yindra
Custer Family Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation's Board of
Patti and Jeff Darley
Family Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Patti and Jeff Darley
Bob and Lea Dirks Coast to Coast
Hardware Store Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Lea Dirks
In honor of Howard Buckli's 90th Birthday
In memory of Joseph (Jim) Kuhlman
In memory of Ruth Mueller
Linda Dirks In honor of Lea Dirks’ 90th Birthday
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
Family Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
operational and capital expenditures for
nonprofit organizations, such as food
pantries and community tables, that
provide food security in Chippewa County.
Joe and Deb Coughlin
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
In memory of Thomas J. Goettl
– continued on page 10
Bill Olson
Endowment Fund
To Bill Olson, Chippewa Falls
siblings worked in the business,
for stability and a place to set down
overflows with people who value the
which his dad purchased from Henry
his roots. In the mid-1990s, he was
city and take care of one another.
Huffcutt in 1968, during summers
grateful for the opportunity to return
to earn money for their college
to his family’s growing business,
purchasing Huffcutt Concrete along
“It’s a community that has a close
feel to it,” Olson said. “It seems like
everyone is involved somehow, either
After attending UW-Eau Claire and
on a small or large scale, giving
then finishing his engineering degree
something back through donating or
at UW-Madison in 1981, Olson
followed his college roommate to
Supporting the Community
Foundation of Chippewa County
Like many who contribute to the
construction firms for 12 years.
area's philanthropic atmosphere,
difference in a city that has nurtured
get involved in any volunteering or
his family.
community things because I would
Falls with his two brothers and
also have returned to the area since
Houston, Texas, to work for various
“When I lived in Texas, I really didn’t
Concrete, Olson grew up in Chippewa
John, in 1996. Most of his siblings
gives him a vehicle to make a lasting
Now vice president of Huffcutt
with brother Steve from their dad,
live someplace for three years tops
and then have to move on to another
city when a project was finished.”
through the Community Foundation
was a way to look long term, beyond
those immediate gifts.
continue doing those things, that gift
While he gained a wealth of
was involved in church and the
construction experience within a
community. He and most of his
short period of time, Olson yearned
Establishing an endowment fund
“When the time comes that I can’t
two sisters. The close-knit family
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
he supports a variety of charities.
will continue.” ●
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
George and Peggy
Fleming Family Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor's choice.
George and Peggy Fleming
George and Jacquie Gannon
Family Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
capital improvements at Gannon Field
in Casper Park.
Ric Gannon
In honor of Jacquie Gannon
In memory of George Gannon
Anonymous Cynthia Anderson
Thomas and Rozanne Anderson
Scott and Barb Armstrong
Dale and Mavis Babbitt
Dean and Sue Ann Babbitt
Steve Babbitt
Bill and Karen Bejin
Gerald and Barbara Berseth
Mary Blake
Tom and Xiaomei Blake
Steve and Penny Blank and family
James and Susan Boettcher
Chi-Hi Athletic Booster Club
Chippewa Falls Lions Club
James and Marcia Crawford
Jon and Kathleen Czarnetzki
Dan and Jacque Daniel
Joye and Carl Dobos
Al and Jean Eystad
Bill and Jane Faherty
Robert Ferg
Rick and Rose Frederick
Daniel Gannon
Jacquie Gannon
Ric Gannon
Robert Gannon
Ryan and Krista Gannon
Gary and Carol Gienapp
Sharon Grilley
Phyllis Grohn
Steve and Linda Hamilton
Loretta Harris
Dick and Karen Hebert
Jill and Dan Hietpas
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
Roderick and Robin Lein
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Terri Lindahl
Robert and Wendy Lutz
Ray and Jean MacLaughlin-Larson
David and Peggy Markow
LaVonne Marquie
Alice Marshall
Renee Martell
Terry and Kari McCanna
Bob Miller
Howard Miller
Roger Miller
Jane Molstad
Vernon and Alice Normand
Northwestern Bank
Neil and Judith O'Hanlon
Susan Palmer
Scott Perloff
Chlorn and Karen Petersen
Wayne and Marion Peterson
Rick and Irene Pruzek
Joyce Pugh
Gary Robarge
Rich, Ruth and Chelsea Rosenow
Shirley Rosenow
Thomas and Barbara Sanford
Barbara Schmitt
Ann Shipman
Roger and Marilyn Skatrud
Timm and Debbie Smith
Susan and Bruce Steger
Albert and Marian Steinmetz
Roger and Sheila Thompson
Jean Thornton
Carolyn Townsend
Robert and Kay Marie Trench
Wendell and Janet Uutala
Laura Kasdorf and Tim Wolter
Larry Zorn
Clifford and Linda Zwiefelhofer
Donald and Marie Zwiefelhofer
Gienapp Family Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Brian and Lisa Gienapp and family
J. Murray and Crystal
Gordon Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Pat and Gary Gray
Family Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Greenhalgh Memorial
Music Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
music program activities at Chippewa Falls
Senior High School as recommended by
fund advisors.
Joe and Deb Coughlin
In memory of Doug Parker
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
Kirt and Stacy Pickerign
Barbara F. Harper
Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Les and Marilyn Harrison
Family Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Les and Marilyn Harrison
In memory of Dr. Robert Ippel
Ken and Diane Koss
In honor of Les Harrison's Retirement
Laura Rose
In honor of Les' Birthday and Retirement
In memory of Marvin Harrison
Kenneth and Cindy Deibert
George and Peggy Fleming
Lyle and Rosie Fritz
Dr. Gary and Mrs. Glenna Gibbons
Bob Hogseth
Fred and Carol Holtz
Cheryl and William Jensen
Peter and Joan Kirk
Thomas and Marilyn LeDuc
Bob, Patty, Laura and Tim Rose
Gerald and Carolyn Shurb
Ken and Belle Stanford
Sheila and Bill Volker
Ray and Lilene Helgerson
Educational Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
educational programs, activities, musical
instruments, materials, equipment,
opportunities and/or experiences for
students in K-12 in Chippewa County
public schools; particularly for students
from families in financial need within the
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District.
Ray Helgerson
– continued on next page
Heyde Health System Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
nonprofit organizations that provide
programs of a spiritual nature to nursing
homes in Chippewa County.
John and Mary Hofkes
Family Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations as recommended by fund
Donna and Bob Hogseth Family
Falls Youth Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
youth organizations involved in
community service as recommended
by fund advisors.
Brian and Anne Buell
In memory of Mom at Christmas
Bob Hogseth
In memory of Donna and Vera on Mother's Day
*Harold and Marian Hunt
Family Endowment Fund
Russ and Gloria Kazda
In memory of Leonard Hart
Eugene and Joyce Lyberg
Sheila and Bill Volker
James G. Lindell 1991 Irrevocable Charitable Trust
In memory of James G. Lindell and Lynda Voge
William Irvine Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; provides scholarships
for worthy children who are residents of
Chippewa County.
Dan and Linda Hunt
Family Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Restricted Endowment Fund; for the
maintenance and operations of Irvine Park.
(Not open to receive additional gifts.)
John Lubs
Shawn and Rebecca Thompson
Marcia Wirt, Donaby Henton and Alex Henton
In honor of Wynne Cook's Retirement and Will and his family
Irvine Park Endowment Fund
James and Amelia Hopkins
- Masonic Lodge F. & A.M.
No. 176 Educational Fund
Weather Ridge Condo Association
In memory of Sally M. Petrilli
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations that provide support for
families of severely fragile infants and
career and service
In memory of Dr. Robert Ippel
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Thomas and Barbara Sanford
In memory of Darra Sandrig
Iron Will Endowment Fund
Peter and Sue Holm
In honor of Chuck Card's 80th Birthday
In honor of Dr. Jim Haley's dental Peter and Sue Holm Family Fund
Joe Placek and Sandy Shaurette-Placek, Kayanna, Paul, Sue, Kathy, Jane, Sarah and families
In memory of Mary Helen Stevens
Kris and Richard Simonson
In honor of Harold and Marian Hunt
In honor of our wonderful parents and family
In honor of Wynne Cook's Retirement
George and Sara Abendroth
Mary Kay Aide
Paul and Wynne Cook
Jean Durch
Don and Judy Fedie
Dr. Jeremy Forster and Marcia Kyes
Gary and Carol Gienapp
Doug and Bonnie Gullickson
Jill and Dan Hietpas
Jim and Melinda (Haun) Hohncke
Bob and Chris Maslonkowski
Judith McNamara
Timothy Ringhand
Joseph and Barbara Samens
In memory of Donna Hogseth
Dan and Jacque Daniel
Vern and Jean Hillesland
Paul and Tara Hogseth
Lynda LaCasse and Charter Bank
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Roland and Helen
Irwin Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
endeavors that help clean Chippewa
County waterways.
Gerald H. and Ann
C. Jacobson Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
wildlife and its habitat or parks in
Chippewa County.
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
Mary and Jerry
Jacobson Family Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
youth in Chippewa County.
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
David and Patricia Jankoski
Family Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
improvements to Irvine Park.
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Teresa Germain
Gifts collectively received in memory
of George Corbett and from Helen Corbett and family
Estate of Leonard Hart In memory of Dr. Leonard G. Hart
Fred and Carol Holtz
In memory of Doris Bergeman
Joseph W. Joas Designated
Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
– continued on page 14
* Indicates funds that reached their endowed level during the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Dr. Charles Kemper
Living Land
Endowment Fund
At the southeast corner of Chippewa
Because the Kemper family strongly
Falls just off Highway 29 is an 80-
felt that the land should remain
acre treasure called Kemper Woods,
as wildlife habitat, they worked
where Dr. Charles Kemper has
with the Chippewa County Land
banded and recorded an estimated
Conservancy and Chippewa Valley
100,000 birds since he bought the
Wildlife Society to permanently
parcel in the early 1950s.
preserve the site. As part of this
When Kemper, a licensed renowned
birding expert whose work is
featured in the book Birds of
Chippewa Land, purchased the land,
it was being marketed as a source
of gravel. “That purchase turned
out to be the best investment I
ever made,” he said. His decision
benefited his work with nature and
triggered a chain of events that
permanently preserved the area for
all to enjoy.
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
process, the Living Land Seedling
Fund was established through the
Community Foundation of Chippewa
County to support the long-term
efforts of local individuals and
conservation organizations who
wish to preserve natural areas and
open space for future public use.
To preserve Kemper Woods, private
donations to the endowment’s passthrough fund were added to public
funds to secure the property.
The purchase of Kemper Woods was
The Living Land Endowment allows
a springboard to a series of equally
those who appreciate nature to work
important conservation projects that
together by investing in the quality of
have served to protect a large block
the environment and in the future of
of adjoining land commonly known as
their community. ●
the Hallie Marsh. Under this broader
effort, the Lyberg, Melville, Marquardt,
Visiting Kemper Woods
and the Hallie Marsh
Wildlife Area
Greening, and Cherrier families
subsequently worked with the county,
state, and a number of conservation
organizations, led by Pheasants
Forever, to permanently preserve an
additional 660 acres.
These organizations have since
donated this land to the Department
of Natural Resources, which
Dan Masterpole (left) and Dr. Charles
Kemper (right)
Kemper Woods is located at
roughly 15400 50th Avenue in
Lake Hallie and is managed by
the Chippewa County Department
This (Kemper Woods) is
of Land Conservation and Forest
a great example of how
Management. From Highway 124,
manages the property as an outdoor
a group of families who
take Woodward Avenue south and
recreational area in the heart of the
wanted to conserve their
immediately turn east onto Prairie
Chippewa Falls/Eau Claire urban
area that is readily available to the
View Road, which turns into South
land were able to do so
Avenue and then 50th Avenue. After
public. Kemper Woods now serves
for the benefit of the
passing over Highway 29, look for the
as a forested component of a fully
Kemper Woods sign on the right.
protected landscape that extends from
wooded hilltop to open water marsh.
“This is a great example of how a
group of families who wanted to
conserve their land were able to do so
for the benefit of the community,” said
Mowed trails wind through the area.
Dress suitably for an outdoor nature
Dan Masterpole
Director, Chippewa County
Department of Land Conservation
& Forest Management
Dan Masterpole, Director of Chippewa
County’s Land Conservation and
Forest Management Department.
Kemper is passionate about
The Living Land Endowment was
designating land for wildlife, noting
established to enhance the work of
that open spaces are vanishing
local land conservation groups that
nationwide as more buildings pop up
work with landowners to preserve
for residential and commercial use.
land for the future. The endowment’s
Conservation boosts people’s quality
“pass-through” and core endowment
of life, the value of adjacent land, and
funds provide support to conservation
the county’s overall economy. “People
organizations that choose to sponsor
travel far and wide to see birds,” he
projects like Kemper Woods.
said. “Billions of dollars are wrapped
Under this arrangement, the
up in just birds.”
Community Foundation receives and
“In going about our daily lives, it is
manages community donations and
easy to forget that we live in a very
disperses grant funds. A local advisory
special place,” Masterpole said. “It is
committee provides conservation
important to take good care of things
expertise to assist the Foundation in
while we are here and to pass this
its efforts.
place along to others so that they can
enjoy it as much as we do.”
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Early Riser Kiwanis Endowment
for Hunger Fund
Jake and Peggy Leinenkugel
Family Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants provide support
for Agnes’ Table and hunger issues.
Joseph W. Joas Unrestricted
Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Koehn Family Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
In honor of Jake's Retirement
Joseph W. Joas Estate
Kevin and Lynda Koehn
Chet and Irene Lindsey
Endowment Fund
Lake Wissota Improvement and
Protection Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
civic, humanitarian, cultural, recreational,
aesthetic, environmental and educational
needs in Chippewa Falls and the Lake
Wissota area.
Russ and Gloria Kazda
Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants
generated by this fund, created in
memory of Russ and Gloria’s son
Chad Kazda, are directed to nonprofit
organizations that provide programs
addressing issues associated with mental
illness, particularly depression.
Designated Fund; grants support efforts
to preserve and protect Lake Wissota and
its surroundings, and to enhance the water
quality, fishery, boating safety, and the
esthetic value of Lake Wissota as a public
recreational facility for today and for future
generations. (
Roger and Ronnie Boucher
In memory of Benjamin R. Hayes
Gifts collectively received in memory of George Corbett and from Helen Corbett and family
Carey B. Kell Endowment Fund
William and Barbara Welke Charitable Fund In memory of Richard W. Welke
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
beautification in Chippewa Falls.
Tom and Pam Kell Family Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Kiefer Family Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
David and Ellen Kiefer
Kiwanis Club of Chippewa
Falls Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
advisors. (
Kiwanis Club of Chippewa
Falls Peggy Rathbun
Memorial Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants
provide scholarships for students
pursuing a technical education.
Bill and Mary Lou Leinenkugel
Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing
Company Employee Endowment
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by employee
fund advisors.
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
John A. and Jane E.
Mason Lubs Family Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
John Lubs
Gerald and Elaine
Mann Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Elaine Mann
Elaine Mann
In honor of Carol Gienapp's Birthday
In memory of James M. “Jim” Dimock
Mildred “Penny” C. Mars
Memorial Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Alton Buros
James M. “Jim” Dimock
Roger Geissler
Gladys Dorothy Green
Karen Knorn
Denis Quirk
Hollie Rowan
Ralph Rubenzer
Abbey Russell
Delores Schwandt
Arthur "Stir" Wagner
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Harold D. “Mac” McDonald
Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
Chippewa County youth, music, veterans,
history, and community festivals.
– continued on next page
Irma M. and Vincent E.
Miller Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
projects and programs related to the
historical preservation of the Cadott
community through the Cadott Area
Historical Society and also the habitat,
wildlife, environmental and nature related
endeavors at Otter Lake through the Otter
Lake Booster Club.
Peter and Joan Kirk
Carmen and Gene Mower
Family Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Carmen and Gene Mower
Carmen and Gene Mower
In memory of Doris Bohl
In memory of Otto Bohl
In memory of George Corbett
In memory of Robert (Bob) L. Crane
In memory of Scott Elliott
In memory of Kristen Friedeck
In memory of Jackie Gubrud
In memory of Leonard Hart
In memory of Lamoine Jaquish and Patricia K. Jaquish
In memory of Shirley Ann Krhin
In memory of Richard "Dick" Moe
In memory of Robert (Bob) Moe
In memory of Judith A. Paquette
In memory of Courtenay M. Pfiffner
In memory of LaVerne Roegge
In honor of Gladys Schmidt's 100th Birthday
In memory of Jim Sinette
In memory of Delores Smith
Marcus Myrman and
Marcene O’Brien Myrman
Family Endowment Fund
Unrestricted; for grant-making at the
discretion of the Foundation’s Board of
Don and Norma Frenette and Family
In honor of Marcene O'Brien Myrman's 80th Birthday
Jim and Melinda (Haun) Hohncke
In recognition of Marcie's 80th Birthday
Edwin and Evelyn
Nyhus Centennial Fund
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
In memory of Mom at Christmas
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
agencies and institutions primarily serving
the City of Chippewa Falls, with projects,
programs and services related to public
libraries, public parks and recreation,
youth, senior citizen welfare, animal
welfare and community health.
Ron and Mary Giles
Anonymous In honor of Edgar John Riley
Lois Clark
In memory of Clark Davis
In memory of Clem Fox
In memory of Thomas J. Goettl
In memory of Oscar Medrano's Mother
In memory of Cheryl Nunke
In memory of Sharon Polanski
In memory of Marilee Prince
In memory of Jim Walters
Dwight and Linda Davis
Lorraine Denning
In memory of Evelyn Walloch
Eldred and Violet Nyhus
In memory of Ralph Rubenzer,
Marie and Willis Weaver, Jim Walters, Bernhard Prahl, Tom Ritter, Laurie King, Clark Davis and Thomas J. Goettl
Bill Olson Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor's choice.
James Quigley
RBC Foundation
Ride on Riley Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Carin, Marshall and Amelia in memory of
Riley McCanna
Thankful for your family Terry and Kari McCanna
William and Susan Westbrook, Jr.
In memory of Riley McCanna
George and Sara Abendroth
Dr. Peter Holm, Dr. Jeffrey Brown and staff at Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic-Chippewa Falls
Donna, Colleen, Mary Kay and Bridget
John and LeAnn Nelson
Scott Nelson and Karla Conrad-Nelson
Dan and Kristin Sanders-Gendreau
Carin Schlick
Richard and Nadine Schwab
Stillson Sunshine
Lisa Swoboda
Jim and Lou Ann Wischnewski
William P. Olson
Sandra and Roger Robarge
Family Endowment Fund
Howard L. and Joanne M.
Olson Family Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
education and/or community development
endeavors in the Holcombe and/or Cornell
Designated Fund; grants support special
events sponsored by Chippewa Partners.
St. Vincent de Paul
Service Endowment Fund
John R. and Ellen A.
O’Neil Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
youth community service activities and
programs of Chippewa County nonprofit
Designated Fund; grants support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Patricia Quigley-Anderson
Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
dental health care and education.
Frank Anderson In memory of Wayne Anderson and Patricia Quigley-Anderson
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
In honor of Rebekah Heidtke and Oliver Shakal
– continued on page 17
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
While Leonard Hart may not have
then served in the 37th Medical
Because of this, he decided to leave
been well-known in Chippewa
Field Unit in Korea during the
part of his estate to the Irvine Park
Falls, his gift to the Irvine Park
Korean Conflict. During his tenure,
Endowment Fund. The funds were
Endowment Fund will ensure his
he was awarded the Korean Service
left in his father’s memory, Dr.
memory lives on forever. Leonard,
Medal with three bronze stars,
Leonard G. Hart, a veterinarian that
who passed away in May 2015
Combat Medical Badge, UN Service
served the area.
at the age of 84, was raised in
Medal, and National Defense
Chippewa Falls and graduated from
Service Medal.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School
in 1949. As an exceptional athlete,
he earned the position of captain of
the 1948 Chi-Hi football team.
Leonard Hart's
Personal Legacy
Throughout his life, Leonard was
frugal and never lived beyond his
Following his honorable discharge
means. Due to his focus on saving
from the Army in 1953, Leonard
money and not over-spending, the
returned to Chippewa Falls and
Irvine Park Endowment Fund will
made his home within the city.
be able to utilize his contributions
Upon graduation from high school,
Leonard was a quiet person that
to better the facility for current and
Leonard joined the United States
enjoyed reading, experiencing the
future park-goers. ●
Army and underwent training at
outdoors, and walking throughout
Fort Sam Houston in Texas. He
the city, especially in Irvine Park.
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Frank Schlick Memorial
Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Carin, Marshall and Amelia in memory of Frankie Schlick
Thankful for family and friends
CustomInk Design T-shirts Online
Kathleen McLaughlin and Daryl Skobba
In honor of Amelia Schlick's 16th Birthday
In honor of Amelia Schlick's Confirmation
In honor of Carin Schlick's Birthday
In honor of Marshall Schlick's Birthday
In honor of October 12, 1991 marriage of Frank and Carin Schlick
In honor of Susan Westbrook and Carin Schlick on Mother's Day
In honor of Susan Westbrook's Birthday
In memory of Frank “Frankie” Schlick
Dr. Mahmoud Taman
Endowment Fund
Wisconsin Tree
Identification Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
organizations and agencies that provide
services for mental health urgent medical
and social needs.
Designated Fund; funds are restricted
for the purchase and permanent
identification of indigenous trees of
Wisconsin found in Irvine Park and the maintenance and upkeep of the associated trail.
Doris Vennard Nursing
Endowment Fund
Designated Fund; grants support
scholarships to worthy and needy
Chippewa County high school graduates
who are pursuing an undergraduate
degree in the nursing profession.
In memory of Robert F. Nelson
Designated Fund; grants support the
City of Chippewa Falls Police, Fire and
Emergency Services departments to
be used for equipment and community
Joe and Deb Coughlin
William and Susan Westbrook, Jr.
In honor of Kathleen McLaughlin on Mother's Day
Sheila and Bill Volker
In memory of Frank “Frankie” Schlick
Dick and Kathy Turner
In memory of Emily Waite
In memory of Laura Sault
Don and Dolores Bichner
Denny Buttke
Dick and Kathy Turner
*James and Arlene Wright
Family Endowment Fund
Sheila and Bill Volker
City of Chippewa Falls
Police, Fire and Emergency
Services Endowment Fund
Frank and Janelle Schlick
Don and Dolores Bichner
In memory of George Corbett
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
Gary and Carol Gienapp
In honor of Jim and Arlene Wright
Jim and Arlene Wright
Jim and Arlene Wright
In memory of Timothy Western Johnson
The Youth of Lake
Holcombe Endowment Fund
The WANE Fire Safety and
Prevention Endowment Fund
In memory of Frank Schlick
George and Sara Abendroth
Terry and Kari McCanna
John and LeAnn Nelson
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
fire prevention or safety programs,
smoke detector programs or fire victims'
assistance programs.
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
programs involving the youth of Lake
Holcombe, both inside the school and
youth community programs outside of
Senn Family Endowment Fund
Joye and Carl Dobos
In memory of Doug Parker
Rick and Roz Gates In memory of Joseph Taylor
Bill and Nancy Pickerign
The Silver Bear
In memory of Dietmar Braune
Cecil and Darlene Hehl
Welcome to Chippewa Falls
U.S. Flag Endowment Fund
George Sutor Open Golf Tournament
Swanson Endowment Fund
for Staff Development
Designated Fund; grants support the
purchase, display and maintenance of the
large flag flown on the East Hill in front of
the Heyde Center for the Arts.
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert In honor of 2014 Lake Holcombe Golfers "Swinging Fore A Cause" participants
Lake Holcombe Golfers "Swinging Fore A Cause"
Warren and Virginia
Wermund Endowment Fund
Jason S. Zunker Memorial
Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants support
youth in Chippewa County.
Donor Advised Fund; grants support
organizations recommended by fund
To be determined; the family is working
with the Community Foundation to
establish the parameters of this fund.
Designated Fund; grants support
professional training opportunities for
Foundation staff members.
Jim and Linda Jackson
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
– continued on page 18
* Indicates funds that reached their endowed level during the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Marylin Plansky
Nonprofits may establish an
endowment fund to serve the
purposes of that organization.
Paul and Shirley Poplin
Loren and Kari Sandberg
Robert and Tammy Staber
ALS Support Group of
NW Wisconsin Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support the
mission and activities of the ALS Support
Group of NW Wisconsin. (
Alfresco Casual Living Inc.
Denise Amrhein-Sprunk
Thomas and Monica Bleskacek
In memory of Bernice Krumenauer
Allen and Nancy Borth
Jeffrey Chamberlain
Robert and Judith Ciske
Ruth Crouse
Colleen Dow
Carter and Leora Dueholm
In memory of Scott Carlquist, husband of Monica Murphy Carlquist, father of Catherine
E & J Transportation Inc.
Gary and Nancy Ellis
In honor of Joel Ellis
Jodi Giroux
Grace Home Respiratory, Inc.
Cookie Hagen
Steven and Jill Hartung
Elizabeth Janeczko
George and Margaret Jensen
David and Joyce Johnson
Glen and Cindy Johnson
Duane and Brenda Kado
James and Renee Tatzel
Daniel and Patsy Vance
Thomas and Gloria Wagener
Jon and Julie Warmke
In memory of Oliver Bade, Jr.
Women of the Church of Pine Valley
Ralph and Linda Zabel
In memory of Steven DeLong
Duane and Patricia Butler
Gundersen Lutheran Administrative Services, Inc.
Board and Executive Director of LGBT Resource Ctr-7 Rivers
In memory of Ronald Henning
Marie Henning
Women of the Church of Pine Valley
In honor of Joel's Hope
Kathleen Ducommun
Carlos and Amber Flores
Kyle Henneman
Meredith Pinchak
Larry and Joan Schrofe
Stephanie Woodward
In memory of Eugene Sulfer and Tom Zinda
William and Cindy Brandl
Richard and Heather Burns
Carousel Gymnastics LLC
Colin and Cynthia Newby
Mark and Sara Theroux
Caring for Forest
Hill Cemetery Fund
Chippewa Area Mentor
Program Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support oneon-one mentoring for kindergarten-12th
grade youth in the public and parochial
schools within the Chippewa Falls area.
Tom and Jan Drehmel
In memory of Jim Schumacher
Gary and Carol Gienapp
In memory of Arlan Cloutier
In memory of Dr. Julie C. Stafford
In memory of LaVerne Roegge
Ken and Diane Koss
In memory of LaVerne Roegge
Darrin and Kim Senn
In honor of Carol Gienapp's Birthday
Roger and Marilyn Skatrud
In honor of Gary and Carol Gienapp and family
In honor of Nancy Roshell and family
In honor of Jim and Arlene Wright and family
In memory of James M. “Jim” Dimock
Gary and Carol Gienapp
Pat and Sherry Jasper
Larry and Dianne Marquardt
Heidi White
Jeanne and Robert Wright
Chippewa Area Mentor
Program Scholarship Fund
Agency Fund; distributions provide
college scholarships for students who
have been in the Mentor Program.
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District
In honor of Carol Gienapp
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations of Forest Hill Cemetery.
Sue Dole
In memory of Paul Nagel
In memory of Kathy Ohms
Gifts collectively received in memory of George Corbett and from Helen Corbett and family
Bob and Mary Jenneman
In memory of Charles Lubs
In memory of Dr. Julie C. Stafford
Bruce and Renee Midthun
Joe Mandelert and Ellen Devine
In honor of Cal Myrman
John and Carol Long
Odin Mork
Charles Norseng
Jerry and Mary Nelson
K.M. Paar
Charles Norseng
In memory of Jerry Post
John Plansky
Sheila and Bill Volker
Elizabeth Korpal
Dennis and Sharon Krumenauer
Pearl Kvistad and Orvilla Kvistad
In honor of Laural Kvistad
Steven and Peggy Lynum
Norm and Sue Plourde
In honor of all past and present mentors
Don and Julie West
Jeanne and Robert Wright
In memory of Florence Lindoo
– continued on next page
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Chippewa County Historical
Society Endowment Fund
*Chippewa County Genealogical
Society Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations of the Historical Society;
initiated with a bequest from the estate
of Joseph and Nilah Nabor Bradford.
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations of the Genealogical Society.
Kathleen Anderson
Mary Anderson
In memory of John F. and
Lucille McQuillan Kelly
Mary Lou Burdick
Joseph and Catherine Carroll
Marion Cherrier Murphy and Family
In memory of Jerome Samuelson
Chippewa County Genealogical Society
Sue Dole
Denny Dutton
William Hopkins
Roger Howard
In memory of Joan K. Howard
Lumberjack Tools, Inc.
Kathleen McMillin
Judith Rubenzer
Judith Rubenzer
In memory of Robert and Dolores Loiselle
Janice Mary Uden
In memory of Lucille Bergeron Neuwirth and Catherine Bergeron
In memory of Dave Hillman
Chippewa County Genealogical Society Shirley Hillman
Beverly Meyer
Judy Speirs
In memory of Sharon J. Zenner
Kathleen Anderson
John Bjerke
Chippewa County Genealogical Society
Pat Hebert
Emmett and Anne Keller
Bernie and Shirley Liedl
Richard and Marcelene Ruff
Jim and Nancy Schuh
Joe Placek and Sandy Shaurette-Placek
In memory of Robert (Bob) L. Crane
Chippewa Falls High
School Athletics and
Activities Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions provide
sustainable funding for Chippewa
Falls High School athletics and
activities which provide life lessons
including positive character building,
perseverance, teamwork, sportsmanship,
winning and losing, and hard work.
Chippewa County Humane
Association Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations of the Humane Association;
initiated with a bequest from the
estate of Mildred “Penny” C. Mars.
Gary and Carol Gienapp
In honor of Nancy Roshell
Chippewa Falls High School
Cardinal Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
programs that improve academic
achievement and success of students in
need of additional assistance. (
Chippewa County Humane Association, Inc.
Deborah Newman
In memory of Shirley Ann Krhin
Mary Asplund
Jean Chisholm
Hugh and Marcia Crane
Ellen Devine
Jeanne Ellingson
Thomas and Nancy Leiser
Joe Mandelert and Ellen Devine
Joe Placek and Sandy Shaurette-Placek
Reitway Cleaning Services
Gary Wolfgang
Chippewa Falls Area Senior
Center Memorial Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations of the Senior Center, which is
open to all senior citizens of the Chippewa
Falls area. (
Alice Hanson
In memory of Jim Schleppenbach
Chippewa Falls Museum of
Industry and Technology
Collections Fund
Agency Fund; not open to receive
additional gifts.
Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology
Chippewa Falls Museum of
Industry and Technology
Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
educational services for youth and
preservation of our area’s industrial
and technological heritage at CFMIT.
– continued on next page 21
Chippewa Falls Area
Unified School District
Voyager Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
after school activities for students in
the Chippewa Falls School District.
In memory of James M. “Jim” Dimock
Robyn Criego
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
* Indicates funds that reached their endowed level during the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Erickson Park Project
on GlenLoch
Pass-through Fund
Tammy Loew’s parents watch her eyes
has been a dream of families
recognition and naming rights for
light up every time they announce
associated with Special Friends since
specific park features.
plans to go fishing. Though her
the nonprofit organization began
favorite fare is bullheads, she loves
earmarking donations for such a
catching any species that takes the
project 14 years ago. That dream
has come closer to reality since
“If anybody catches fish, she’ll catch
them,” said Tammy’s mom, Donna.
“She’ll catch a fish before we will.”
Special Friends funded the services of
Eau Claire engineering/architecture
consultant Ayres Associates to design
a site concept. The animated model
The chance to fish someday from an
of Erickson Park can be viewed at
accessible pier at Glen Loch Lake has
driven Tammy, who uses a wheelchair,
to overflow her piggy bank with coins
to donate to the Erickson Park Project
on Glen Loch, a pass-through fund
that Special Friends Inc. established
with the Community Foundation of
Chippewa County.
A Chippewa Falls park and pier that
Another significant step has been the
involvement of a six-person steering
committee, co-chaired by Kyle Darley
of W.S. Darley & Co. and Nick Schafer
of Gordy’s Market, which is raising
funds to finance the highly anticipated
$894,000 park project. Funding levels
have been established for donor
would be accessible to all populations
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
The park would be accessed off
Highway 124 via Ashley Lane
(between Ojibwa Golf Course and 1st
Avenue), a path that’s easy to miss.
After bouncing along the rutted dirtand-gravel road, drivers now reach
a heavily overgrown area that blocks
access to the water and prevents even
a glimpse of Glen Loch Dam, though
adventurous kids and teens find ways
to reach it.
Darley remembers climbing the fence
himself as a kid to fish with friends.
When his mom recently mentioned
that community members were
gearing up to develop the park, he got
on board to make the area safe and
accessible to all who wish to cast their
lines there.
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
“The opportunity to give someone else
Elderly people with mobility challenges
the experience of fishing and giving
will be able to navigate the terrain.
back to the community is something
Veterans will have a place to unwind.
I like to do,” co-chair Darley said. “So
“Maybe it allows them to de-stress, or
many user groups are going to have
maybe if they have lost a limb, they
capabilities: The kid who doesn’t have
will still have the opportunity to do
a boat will have a nice dock to fish
what they always did when they were
from, someone who has challenges
home,” Darley said.
getting to the water will be able to
Currently, groups seeking accessible
cruise right down, or a group like the
Y can teach people to fish there.”
Picture a four-acre park with an
accessible fishing pier for large
groups; a smaller pier for individuals,
areas must venture to fishing spots
Because of her love of fishing, Tammy Loew
(right) presented project co-chairs Nick
Schafer (left), of Gordy's Market, and Kyle
Darley (center), of W.S. Darley & Co., with
$1,000 for the Erickson Park Project.
boardwalk; a handicapped accessible
canoe and kayak launch with a
Bay in Eau Claire. Special Friends
takes groups of 40 to 50 excited
anglers on such excursions.
Other backers of the park project
transfer bench and rails; a viewing
One thing we’ve heard
area overlooking the dam; a grassy
from individuals is they
pavilions; restrooms; and parking
Holcombe, Colfax, Bloomer or Braun’s
families and small groups; a shoreline
play area; concrete walkways; several
well beyond Chippewa Falls, such as
include the Veterans Home, YMCA,
Boys and Girls Club, United Cerebral
don’t want a place that’s
Palsy, Senior Center, and a multitude
of other community members.
stalls suitable for cars, boat trailers,
only for them; they
and buses.
Tammy, who has Down’s Syndrome,
want a place where
has fished since she was 7. She baits
“The Erickson Park Project is
everyone is able to
her own hook, casts her line, and
important to me because I would
come and gather and
really enjoy having a place locally
removes fish from the hook. “She’s
pretty independent when she fishes,”
where I can easily go fishing and
not feel isolated or
catch fish,” co-chair Schafer said. “I
segregated. They want
really enjoy fishing from a pier in my
They’ve cut down on family fishing
other people to be there
trips ever since a friend who lived in
trying to go out in a boat. We also feel
to share good times with
Chetek passed away. The welcoming
there is a need in the community for
wheelchair, as it is much easier than
an easy place to go fishing, whether
someone is physically challenged or is
simply looking for a place to fish.”
The park’s layout has been designed
to help create access for all. Schafer
Donna said.
caught her beloved bullheads. Now
they have to travel farther for a
suitable spot.
Nick Schafer
Committee Co-chair,
Erickson Park Project
“It’s hard for us to get some good
quality fishing time. Once the park
is built, she’ll have access to fishing,
has provided insight on accessibility
from a wheelchair user’s perspective.
woman had a dock where Tammy
there’ll be a bathroom, and there’ll
Families and groups of all ages can
be a place for her to sit, like a picnic
When meeting with potential user
visit the park together. Some may
groups, it quickly became clear to
want to fish, while others might prefer
Darley that an accessible park was
to picnic, canoe, or simply relax and
enjoy the view of the dam and cliffs.
“One thing we’ve heard is they don’t
want a place that’s only for them;
they want a place where everyone is
able to come and gather and not feel
isolated or segregated. They want
other people to be there to share
good times with them.”
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Chippewa Valley Cultural
Association Endowment Fund
*Northern Wisconsin State
Fair Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation
and Forestry Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations and programs at the Heyde
Center for the Arts, which serves all ages
and the entire Chippewa Valley. (
Agency Fund; grants used for the
benefit of the fairgrounds and its facilities.
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association, Inc.
Fantastic Sams
Patti and Jeff Darley
Larry and Dianne Marquardt
In memory of Leonard Peck
Chippewa Youth
HockeyAssociation Kids On Ice
Endowment Fund
Alice Marshall
Agency Fund; distributions support
parks and recreation facilities and
programs in Chippewa Falls that are
open and available for enjoyment by the
public. Donors may direct their gifts to
be used as follows: Unrestricted, Irvine
Park, Casper Park, Irvine Park Zoo,
Marshall Park (ball diamond, swimming
pool, skateboard park, community
gardens), recreation programs, forestry
projects, and/or neighborhood parks.
Agency Fund; distributions support
the charitable purposes of the hockey
association. (
Patti and Jeff Darley Family Fund
In honor of Edgar John Riley
Cook Rutledge Mansion
Endowment Fund
Dick and Karen Hebert
In memory of Pat Brady
Agency Fund; distributions
support operations of the Mansion.
William Irvine Endowment Fund
Andy and Patti Robarge
Susan and Bruce Steger
In memory of Margaret Kemper
Chippewa Falls Public
Library Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
operations of the Chippewa Falls
Public Library; initiated with a bequest
from the estate of R. D. Marshall.
Teresa Germain
Carol Grenko
Chippewa River Industries
Empowerment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions further CRI’s
mission by helping those they serve and
providing a vehicle to sustain their legacy.
In honor of Edgar John Riley
Robert and Karen Allen
Family Support Center
Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support
prevention and intervention services
in the areas of domestic abuse,
sexual assault, and child abuse
throughout all of Chippewa County.
Teresa Germain
Tom and Pam Kell; Melissa Kell and Brett Hansen and Josephine and Violet;
Jeremy, Erin, William, Henry, and Thomas J. Kell
In memory of LaVerne Roegge
Lake Wissota State
Park Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support the
mission and activities of Lake Wissota
State Park. (
Bill and Jan Kroll
In honor of Chuck Card's 80th Birthday
* Indicates funds that reached their endowed level during the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Chippewa Partners, Inc.
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, Inc.
In memory of Lois Kressin
In memory of Allard Peck
Larry and Dianne Marquardt
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, Inc.
Don and Mona Zutter
Stanley Area Historical
Society Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support the
operations and programs of the Stanley
Area Historical Society. (
Stanley Area Historical Society Inc.
United Way of the
Greater Chippewa Valley Endowment Fund
Agency Fund; distributions support the
operations of United Way of the Greater
Chippewa Valley. (
United Way of the Greater
Chippewa Valley
John Wilson Music Endowment Fund Agency Fund; distributions support the
purchase of band and choral music for the
Cornell School District.
– continued on next page 24
In Memoriam
George T. Gannon
George M. Corbett
March 18, 1931 – February 20, 2015
April 3, 1927 – March 4, 2015
Dr. Julie C. Stafford
James M. J“ im” Dimock
March 14, 1931 – June 4, 2015
October 26, 1953 – June 25, 2015
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
A Seedling Fund is a vehicle that
allows donors (or charitable and
other tax-exempt organizations)
to build a named fund now, then
bring it to the endowed level over
time with either lifetime or estate
gifts. Creating a Seedling Fund
is a great alternative for donors
who want to build their charitable
assets over time while meeting their
philanthropic goals.
Beyond Boomers Class
Reunion Seedling Fund
Agency Fund; the parameters of this
fund are to be determined.
Dietmar R. Braune Seedling Fund
To be determined; the family is working
with the Community Foundation to
establish the parameters of this fund.
In loving memory of our cousin Deet Braune
Christian and Marlies Bothe
Damon and Jana Jones
In memory of Dietmar Braune
The Silver Bear
Brunet Island State
Park Seedling Fund
Designated Fund; grants will support
and enhance opportunities and programs
at Brunet Island State Park. (
Chippewa County Land Conservancy
Gathering Waters Conservancy, Inc.
Chippewa Falls Main
Street Seedling Fund
Customers of Chuck Wagon Meats and Cabin Ridge Rides
Agency Fund; distributions will support
operations and programs of Chippewa Falls
Main Street, Inc. (
Craig and Holli Sande
Jack and Dorothy Christensen
Family Education Seedling Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants will
support a wide variety of educational
efforts and programs.
Chippewa County Adult and
Family Literacy Seedling Fund
Designated Fund; grants will be used by
Literacy Volunteers – Chippewa Valley to
provide services and programs supporting
Chippewa County adult and family
literacy. (
Teresa Germain
memory of Patricia Birch
memory of George Gannon
memory of Sandra Roberts Mousel
memory of Gerald Potter
memory of Rosetta Walker
Rick and Heather Hunt
Family Seedling Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants will support
nonprofit organizations that serve the
Cornell community. (
Field of Interest Fund; grants will
support extracurricular, academic
activities/programs for grades 6 through
12; programs for victims of domestic
violence, especially children; and legal
assistance for the poor.
Darley Family Foundation
Seedling Fund
Nancy and Lee Marek
Unrestricted; funds will be used for
grant-making at the discretion of the
Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Living Land Seedling Fund
Cornell Community Seedling Fund
The Darley Family
Lloyd and Arnetta Eckes
Family Seedling Fund
Designated Fund; grants will support
Irvine Park. Initiated in memory of all
former employees of Chippewa Shoe
Company (1903-1984).
Jan and Jim Eslinger
Seedling Fund
Unrestricted; funds will be used for
grant-making at the discretion of the
Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Jimmy and Mary Gosse
Scott and Theresa Stai
In memory of Ella Kate Gosse
Robert “Rusty” Gilles Youth
Agricultural Seedling Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants will
support scholarships or grant awards to
allow youth/young adults, between the
ages of 17-25, to attend or participate in
agricultural-related conferences, seminars
or training opportunities such as national/
international judging competitions,
agricultural leadership conferences,
agricultural conferences, seminars, meatcutting/sausage-making seminars, wood
lot management, and auctioneer school.
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Donor Advised Fund; grants will support
efforts to preserve land and natural areas
in Chippewa County as recommended by
fund advisors.
Staff of Chippewa County Department of Land Conservation and Forest Management
In memory of Robert (Bob) L. Crane
In memory of Thomas J. Goettl
Joe Placek and Sandy Shaurette-Placek
In memory of William "Buzz" Loiselle, Jr.
Richard B. Smith and Patricia J. McKearn
In memory of Margaret Kemper
Staff of Chippewa County Department of Land Conservation and Forest Management
Jim and Jane Jensen
Kathy Lembezeder and Dan Masterpole
McDowell Economic
Development Seedling Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants will support
organizations recommended by fund
Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation
– continued on next page
Dennis and Carole
Mickesh Seedling Fund
To be determined; the family is working
with the Community Foundation to
establish parameters of this fund.
Vance L. and Martha Q. Sinclair
Family Seedling Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants will
support arts and cultural endeavors
throughout Chippewa County.
Mary Beth and Dave
Spooner Seedling Fund
Designated Fund; grants will support
organizations of donor’s choice.
Jodie Mueller Seedling Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants will
support organizations recommended by
fund advisors.
James and Lisa Hable
Lynda LaCasse and Charter Bank
Trent Mueller
Ricky and Linda Roycraft
The Wilhelm Family
In memory of Jodie Mueller
Ann Marie Duquette
Anthony Mueller
Ricky and Linda Roycraft
Operation Backpack and
Endangered Children Seedling Fund
Field of Interest Fund; grants will be
used by Chippewa County authorities to
purchase items to hand out to children
who are taken from their homes during
emergency time of removal.
Karen Hayhoe - Operation Backpack
Stafford Family Seedling Fund
Unrestricted; funds will be used for
grant-making at the discretion of the
Foundation’s Board of Directors.
In memory of Dr. Julie C. Stafford
David and Gail Barnes
Elisabeth Barnes
Robert and Lois Bodeau
Lloyd and Fern Brunstad
Jeffery and Deborah Buckli
Kathy Cernohous and Don Hauser
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Nancy Chisholm
Paul and Wynne Cook
Ruth Jean Crane
Steve and Debra Cray
Nancy Decker
Democratic Party of Chippewa County
Kris Dimock
Lea Dirks
David Frasch and Evalyn Wiley-Frasch
Kevin and Candy Geissler
Ruth Anne Gilbertson and John Lauson
Timothy and Vicki Gjovik
Dave and Ann Gordon
Bruce and Glenna Hayhoe
Edward and Kathy Meade Hebert
Terence and Laurie Hedrington
Francis and Faye Hilgart
Jim and Melinda (Haun) Hohncke
E. Robert and Ruth Kein
Mary Kliner
Ken and Diane Koss
Charles Larson
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Lou Ann Loomis
Kristi Lund
Conrad and Judy Mazur
Bill and Kathy Mehls
Barbara Meredith
Monday Night Spiritual Group
Carmen and Gene Mower
Mark and Marci Myrman
Jerry and Janet Naiberg
Charles Norseng
Northwestern Bank
John and Diane Plantz
Joyce Pugh
Barbara Ray
Steven and Judith Reinhart
Donald Roberts
Edward & Hannah M. Rutledge Charities
Laurel Sazama
Thomas and Mary Sazama
James and Wendy Severson
Larry and Dana Sommerfeld
LaVern and June Steinke
Sheila and Bill Volker
Barb and Karl Wise
Jim and Arlene Wright
– continued on page 26
Grant Awards
Boy Scouts of America, Inc., Chippewa Valley Council
Summer Camp Experience for After-School Cub Scouting
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Chippewa Valley Community Chorus
Healing Harmonies Concert
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Stanley Community Seedling Fund
Donor Advised Fund; grants will support
nonprofit organizations that serve the
Stanley community. (
American Realty Partner – Paul and Mayda Smith
Fred Evans
James and Sheryl Jones
Marvin and Rita Tanzer
Family Seedling Fund
Jerry and Carol Way Seedling Fund
Designated Fund; grants will support
organizations of donor’s choice.
To be determined; established with
donations from the community in honor of
Jerry and Carol’s many years of service,
the Ways are working with the Community
Foundation to establish the parameters of
this fund.
Rita Tanzer
Sheila and Bill Volker
Irvine Park Seedling Fund
Designated Fund; grants will be used for
improvements, not for general operations
and upkeep, at Irvine Park.
Sheila and Bill Volker
Lube Suppliers LLC
Benjamin Ogle Agency – American Family Insurance
Adam Smit Investment Management LLC
Stanley Business Association
Stanley Dental Clinic
Sheila and Bill Volker
Unrestricted Seedling Fund
Unrestricted; funds will be used for
grant-making at the discretion of the
Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Sheila and Bill Volker
Stanley Lions Club
Pass-through Funds are nonendowed funds that are established,
usually for a short term, to receive
gifts to be used for a specific
Bloomer School District
Scholarship Pass-through Funds
Kelly Hartman Memorial Scholarship Fund Grants support students from the
Bloomer School District. For application
information contact the School District.
La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux Scholarship Fund
Masonic Lodge Scholarship Fund
Wisconsin Mason Association - Lodge #281
Bloomer Athletic Complex
Development Pass-through Fund
G. E. Bleskacek Foundation Scholarship Fund
Grants will be used for the construction,
maintenance, continuation and
improvement of the Bloomer Athletic
Complex. (
Bloomer Chiropractic Excellence in Music Award Scholarship Fund
Bloomer Chiropractic Office Inc./
Dr. John Rutsch
B&B Electric, Inc.
Bloomer H&R Block Scholarship Fund
Bloomer Plastics Inc.
Bloomer Retired Teacher Scholarship Fund
Mayo Clinic Health System Chippewa Valley Scholar Athlete Scholarship Fund
Blue Diamond Family Dental, S.C.
Clear View Auto Glass Inc.
Bloomer School Administrators Scholarship Fund
Susan Skroch Mohr Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Reginald and Vicki Holliday
Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund
Herbert H. Kohl Charities
Donald Faschingbauer Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chad Olson
Joseph and Heather Olson
Paulsen Plumbing Inc.
Perfection Paving Company
Processed Metals Innovators LLC
Geissler Plumbing Scholarship Fund
Good Citizen Scholarship Fund
Mayo Clinic Health System Chippewa Valley: Foundation for Medical Education & Research Scholarship Fund
Mayo Clinic Health System - Chippewa Valley
Mike Pecha Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mary Pecha
– continued on next page
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Russell Plummer and Chip Rands Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dick Revoir Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shirley Revoir
Roots of Humanity Scholarship Fund
Tom and Stefanie Purdie
Henry Ruff Insurance Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ruff Insurance Agency
Melissa Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund
William and Eileen Scritsmier Scholarship Fund
William Scritsmier
Canfield Educational
and Artifacts Fund
Chippewa Youth Hockey
Association Pass-through Fund
Funds are restricted for use to build an
education/museum building in Irvine Park
to preserve the County’s heritage.
Funds are restricted for use for debt
reduction and capital expenditures for the
hockey association. (
Chippewa Falls Lions Club
Administrative Pass-through Fund
Community Foundation
Board Grant Fund
Funds are restricted for use by the
Chippewa Falls Lions Club. For grant-making at the discretion of the
Foundation’s Board of Directors.
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Advantage Door Company LLC
Steve and Lauree Pregent
B. A. Mason Trust
Paul and Catherine Salm
Mark Buckli
Cray Inc.
Confluence Arts Center Fund
Jeff Flaig Insurance Agency Inc./
State Farm Insurance
Darrell Reed
All donors who contributed and/
or pledged to the Confluence Project
will be recognized by the Confluence
Campaign Committee. Those listed below
contributed/pledged to the project through
the Community Foundation of Chippewa
County. (
Frank and Linda Rushmann
Jackie and Jim Bernier
Gordy and Donna Schafer
In memory of Gary Gaier
Jerry and Mary Kuehl
Frank & Elizabeth Siverling Memorial Huffcutt Concrete, Inc.
Technical College Scholarship Fund
Mike and Julie Leisz
Frank & Elizabeth Siverling Memorial University Scholarship Fund
Jim and Claran Ramsdell
Twelve to Life Scholarship Fund
WhiteTails Unlimited Scholarship Fund
Chippewa Valley Chapter WhiteTails Unlimited
Senn Blacktop, Inc.
Bloomer Woman’s
Club Mini-Grant Fund
– continued on page 28
Thaler Oil Company, Inc.
TTM Technologies
Provides grants at the discretion of the
Bloomer Woman’s Club.
Grant Awards
St. Paul's Catholic School (school mini-grant)
"Get Excited About Science"
Northern Wisconsin State Fair
Fairgrounds Tree Replacement
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Cornell Stacker Pass-through Fund
Funds are restricted for use for the
painting and refurbishing of the pulp
wood stacker in Mill Yard Park. Little Lake Wissota Stewardship
Project Pass-through Fund
Barbara Meredith
In memory of Bob Meredith
Funds are restricted for use to improve the
water quality of Little Lake Wissota. (co.
Claudia Mielke
Bob and Julie Mitchell
Catherine Murphy
Cornell Area Betterment Association
The grandchildren and their families of Helmer Andersen
In memory of Helmer Andersen
Cornell Class of 1964
Nolan and Nicki Andersen
Northwestern Bank
John Baumgartner
Doris Blake
Erickson Park Project on
Glen Loch Pass-through Fund
Funds are restricted for use to build a
special park to accommodate community
members of all abilities, who wish to fish
from the shore.
Jeffrey and Ginger Waegli
Lake Holcombe Area PRIDE
Committee Pass-through Fund
Funds are restricted for critically needed
repairs and the replacement of items at
the Lake Holcombe School. (
Denis and Gayle Kirkman
In memory of John Schomisch
Michael and Patricia Klich
The Casper Foundation
Jerry and Sue Cherrier
Diane Christopherson
In honor of great tasting Leinenkugel beer
Donald and Nora Collins
Christopher and PattiAnn Curtin
Patti and Jeff Darley
Patti and Jeff Darley
In memory of Dr. Robert Ippel
Daryl and Harriet Dehnke
Lea Dirks
In memory of Dick Clark
Fund Raiser Contributors
Mega Raffle
Springs Sports Show
Thomas and Shirley Hahn
Irvine Park Pass-through Fund
(Capital Campaign)
Susan Hofkes
In memory of Tom Hofkes
All donors who contributed and/
or pledged to the Irvine Park Capital
Campaign will be recognized by the City
of Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation and
Forestry Department. Those listed below
contributed/pledged to the campaign
through the Community Foundation of
Chippewa County.
Theodore and Darlene Joas
Tony and Nancy Schuster
Jim and Mary Flanagan
In memory of W.D. "Don" Flanagan
Steve Henry
Scott and Ann Hoffmann
Scott and Debra Knight
In memory of Gloria and Ron Knight
Ronald and Donna Kuhnen
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Lake Wissota Improvement and Protection Association
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Dan and Lee McCabe
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Lee Rusch
In memory of Mary Jo Rusch
David and Claudette Schaus
Lisa Schuetz and Brenda Buss
Steven and Nina Toutant
In honor of Steve and Nona Toutant
William Walter M.D.
In memory of Edgar and Amelia Walter
Craig and Donna Webb
Eric Wright
Northwestern Bank
School Mini-Grant Fund
Provides small grants to schools
throughout Chippewa County that allow
students to engage in motivational,
innovative or service-learning activities.
Northwestern Bank
Melissa Olson
In memory of James M. “Jim” Dimock
F. & E. Siverling Memorial
Tutor Program Fund
Funds are restricted per school year with
the provision that such funds be utilized
by the Bloomer School District for licensed
teachers to tutor students outside of the
school day in the areas of reading, writing,
and mathematics.
Soo Park Development Fund
Linda Krueger
Patrick McCabe
Daniel Roseman
John and Ann Timmerman
JoAnn Buell
Blanche Dobson
Norm and Mary Ellen Keller
Robert and Amy Perlberg
Susan Singerhouse
Patricia Boyd
Doris Wagner
In memory of Richard, Florella and Carl Wagner
Patti and Jeff Darley
Craig and Nancy Miller
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Funds are restricted for use for projects,
development and improvements for the
Soo Park in Stanley, WI.
Grants & Distributions
JULY 1, 2014 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015
Each year, the Community Foundation awards and distributes funds to
community organizations and programs that are making a difference
and enhancing the quality of life for residents of Chippewa County.
Patti and Jeff Darley Family Endowment Fund
Bob and Lea Dirks Coast to Coast Hardware Store Endowment Fund
Fund holders are able to permanently
support the work of specific nonprofit
organizations or charitable causes
that are important to them. Earnings
from the following Designated Funds
have been earmarked for one or more
nonprofit organizations and programs
serving Chippewa County.
George and Jacquie Gannon Family Endowment Fund
Bloomer School District Endowed Scholarship Funds:
RM Dewitt Memorial Scholarship Fund Alice M. Hanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sloane J. Brehmer Endowment Fund
Rolf Chance Memorial Endowment Fund
Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Reserve Endowment Fund
Howard L. and Joanne M. Olson Family Endowment Fund
Les and Marilyn Harrison Family Endowment Fund
Swanson Endowment Fund for Staff Development
Ray and Lilene Helgerson Educational Endowment Fund
James and Amelia Hopkins – Masonic Lodge F. & A.M. No. 176 Educational Fund
Bejin Family Endowment Fund
Irma M. and Vincent E. Miller Endowment Fund
John R. and Ellen A. O'Neil Endowment Fund
Barbara F. Harper Endowment Fund
Dolores Barnier Education Fund
Lake Wissota Improvement and Protection Endowment Fund
William Irvine Endowment Fund
Joseph W. Joas Designated Endowment Fund
Doris Vennard Nursing Endowment Fund
Sheila and Bill Volker City of Chippewa Falls Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Endowment Fund
Welcome to Chippewa Falls U.S. Flag Endowment Fund
Kiwanis Club of Chippewa Falls Peggy Rathbun Memorial Endowment Fund
Early Riser Kiwanis Endowment for Hunger Fund
Wisconsin Tree Identification Fund
– continued on page 30
Grant Awards
Chippewa County Humane Association, Inc.
Mold Eradication Project
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District
Circle of Friends – Buddy Bench Project, Parkview Elementary
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Various post-secondary educational institutions for the benefit of Bloomer High
School graduates
The following organizations benefited from Designated Funds:
Cadott Area Historical Society Inc.
Chippewa County Historical Society, Inc.
Chippewa County Humane
Association, Inc. (3)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Chippewa Falls Area Senior Center, Inc.
Various post-secondary educational institutions for the benefit of Chippewa County high school graduates
Various post-secondary educational
institutions for the benefit of Chippewa
County high school graduates pursuing an undergraduate degree in the school of nursing
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District Foundation (3)
Chippewa Falls Fire and Emergency Services
Chippewa Falls Main Street, Inc. (2)
Chippewa Falls Masonic Lodge No. 176 (2)
Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department (7)
Chippewa Falls Police Department
Chippewa Falls Youth Baseball
Chippewa Partners, Inc.
Chippewa Valley Cultural
Association, Inc. (3)
Chippewa Youth Hockey Association
Chippewa Youth Hockey Association Kids On Ice Fund
Community Foundation of Chippewa County Operating Fund
Family Support Center, Inc. (2)
First Presbyterian Church of
Chippewa Falls (2)
Holy Ghost Parish
HSHS St. Joseph's Foundation
Noon Kiwanis Club of Chippewa Falls, Inc.
Lake Wissota Improvement and Protection Association
As fund advisors, fund holders
are actively involved in providing
annual grant recommendations for
consideration by the Foundation’s Board
of Directors. Earnings from the following
Donor Advised Funds provided support
to nonprofit organizations and programs
serving the Chippewa County area.
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert Family Endowment Fund
Callahan Family Endowment Fund
Chippewa County Agricultural Advancement Fund
Greenhalgh Memorial Music Endowment Fund
John and Mary Hofkes Family Endowment Fund
Donna and Bob Hogseth Family Falls Youth Endowment Fund
Dan and Linda Hunt Family Endowment Fund
Iron Will Endowment Fund
Kiefer Family Fund
Jake and Peggy Leinenkugel Family Endowment Fund
The Open Door Clinic, Inc.
John A. and Jane E. Mason Lubs Family Fund
Otter Lake Booster Club
Frank Schlick Memorial Endowment Fund
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church (2)
Jason S. Zunker Memorial Endowment Fund
Chippewa Area Mentor Program
Chippewa County Extension Office 4-H
Chippewa County Humane Association, Inc.
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School
District (2)
Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology
Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department (3)
Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
Chippewa Valley Family YMCA, Inc.
Chippewa Youth Hockey Association
The Emily Program Foundation
Family Support Center, Inc. (3)
HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital
Lake Holcombe Schools (5)
Maple School District
Marshfield Clinic – Chippewa Center
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, Inc.
Bill and Mary Lou Leinenkugel Endowment Fund
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley, Inc. (5)
Pat and Gary Gray Family Endowment Fund
Legacy Community Center
Notre Dame Parish
Boy Scouts of America, Inc., Chippewa Valley Council – Troop #72
McDonell Area Catholic Schools
Koehn Family Endowment Fund
McDonell High School Foundation (3)
Bob's House for Dogs
Gienapp Family Endowment Fund
Landmark Christian Church
McDonell Area Catholic Schools (2)
The following organizations benefited from Donor Advised Funds:
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
The Open Door Clinic, Inc.
Saint Thomas Academy
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital
St. Vincent de Paul Service Endowment Fund
Dr. Mahmoud Taman Endowment Fund
The WANE Fire Safety and Prevention Endowment Fund
Chippewa Valley Community Chorus – Healing Harmonies Concert
Fund holders are able to address the
needs of the community and identify
their particular personal interests
when establishing a fund. Earnings
from Field of Interest funds provided
support to the following nonprofit
organizations and programs serving
Chippewa County.
Warren and Virginia Wermund Endowment Fund
Luke Bathke Special Education Endowment Fund
Boy Scouts of America, Inc., Chippewa Valley
Council – Summer Camp Experience for After-School Cub Scouting
Fred R. Bowe Memorial Fund
Dr. Bertha M. Bresina Endowment Fund
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou Family Endowment Fund
Heyde Health System Fund
Roland and Helen Irwin Endowment Fund
Gerald H. and Ann C. Jacobson Fund
Mary and Jerry Jacobson Family Fund
Russ and Gloria Kazda Endowment Fund
Carey B. Kell Endowment Fund
Chet and Irene Lindsey Endowment Fund
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association, Inc. – Chicago Boyz (2)
The Youth of Lake Holcombe Endowment Fund
The following organizations benefited from Field of Interest Funds:
Bloomer Area Food Pantry, Inc. – Tote Bags
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley, Inc. – Digital Arts Program (2)
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley, Inc. – Healthy Meal Program, Chippewa Falls Center
Chippewa County Humane Association, Inc. – Mold Eradication Project
Chippewa County Department of Land
Conservation & Forest Management – Little
Lake Wissota Stewardship Project (2)
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District – Job Olympics
Edwin and Evelyn Nyhus Centennial Fund
Chippewa Falls Fire and Emergency Services – Purchase of two CO2 monitors to be used for carbon monoxide poisoning prevention
Patricia Quigley-Anderson Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation and Forestry
Department – Flowers in Irvine Park
Harold D. "Mac" McDonald Endowment Fund
Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership – Suicide Prevention: Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR) Program (2)
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association, Inc. – Sound Board Digital Upgrade
Chippewa Valley Family YMCA, Inc. – Youth Room Renovation (2)
Communities United in Education, Inc. – Project S.O.A.R. (2)
Department of Natural Resources – David R. Obey Ice Age Interpretive Center Display & Signs (2)
L.E. Phillips Career Development Center, Inc.
– Community Connect Event Meals
L.E. Phillips Career Development Center, Inc.
– Hygiene Kits (2)
Lake Holcombe Girl Scouts Troop #3060 (Girl
Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes, Inc.)
– Summer Camp Assistance
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, Inc.
– Fairgrounds Tree Replacement (2)
St. Peter's Catholic School – Tuition Assistance
Stanley Area Food Pantry, Inc. – Stanley
Weekend Kid’s Meal Program
– continued on page 32
Sandra and Roger Robarge Family Endowment Fund
Grant Awards
Stanley-Boyd School District
PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Educational Trips to College Campuses
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
David R. Obey Ice Age Interpretive Center
Interpretive Center Display and Signs (Ice Age Trail)
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Fund holders are able to maximize the
impact on current community needs
with an Unrestricted Fund. Earnings
from the following Unrestricted
Funds provided support to nonprofit
organizations and programs serving
Chippewa County.
Community Foundation Board Grant Fund
Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Custer Family Endowment Fund
J. Murray and Crystal Gordon Endowment Fund
Joseph W. Joas Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Gerald and Elaine Mann Endowment Fund
Mildred "Penny" C. Mars Memorial
Endowment Fund
Carmen and Gene Mower Family
Endowment Fund
Marcus Myrman and Marcene O'BrienMyrman Family Endowment Fund
The following organizations benefited from Unrestricted Funds:
Bloomer Area Aquatic and Recreation Center,
Inc. – Pool Scholarships
Bloomer Area Food Pantry, Inc. – Tote Bags
Bloomer Community Clothes Closet, Inc. –
Building Improvements
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa
Valley, Inc. – Digital Arts Program
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District –
Job Olympics
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association, Inc. –
Sound Board Digital Upgrade
Chippewa Valley Free Clinic, Inc. –
Comprehensive Health Services for Low
Income and Impoverished Chippewa
County Adults
Communities United in Education, Inc. –
Project S.O.A.R.
English Lutheran Church of Bateman –
Pantry Pals Meal Program
Literacy Volunteers, Chippewa Valley – Pilot
iPad Loaner Program (3)
The Open Door Clinic, Inc. – Patient Education
and Medication
St. Peter's Catholic School – Madison Travel
St. Peter's Catholic School – Novel Units for Middle School (2)
St. Peter's Catholic School – Tuition Assistance
Stanley Area Food Pantry, Inc. – Stanley
Weekend Kid’s Meal Program (3)
Stanley-Boyd Area Schools – Positive Behavior
Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Behavior
Incentive Field Trips
Feed My People, Inc. – Chippewa County
Fresh Food Program (5)
Edwin and Evelyn Nyhus Centennial
Pass-through Fund Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley, Inc. – Healthy Meals Program, Chippewa Falls Center
HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital – Adaptive
Tricycle Program
Chippewa County Humane Association, Inc. – Mold Eradication Project
L.E. Phillips Career Development Center, Inc.
– Hygiene Kits
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, Inc. – Fairgrounds Tree Replacement Project
Family Support Center, Inc. – River Source
Family Center’s Play and Learn Sessions
Lake Holcombe Girl Scouts Troop #3060 (Girl
Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes, Inc.)
– Summer Camp Assistance
Grant Awards
Stanley-Boyd School District (school mini grant)
Strengthening Families Program – Family Gift Bags
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Cornell Elementary School (school mini grant)
Brain Injury Prevention Week
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Nonprofit agencies and organizations
establish endowment funds with
the Foundation to provide regular
income and serve the purposes of that
organization in perpetuity. Earnings are
used to provide an ongoing source of
revenue for the organization.
ALS Support Group of NW Wisconsin Fund
Caring for Forest Hill Cemetery Fund
Chippewa Area Mentor Program Endowment Fund
Chippewa Area Mentor Program Scholarship Fund
Chippewa County Historical Society Endowment Fund
Chippewa County Humane Association Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District Voyager Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls High School Athletics and Activities Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls High School Cardinal Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology Collections Fund
Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation and
Forestry Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Public Library
Endowment Fund
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association Endowment Fund
Chippewa Youth Hockey Association Kids On Ice Endowment Fund
Family Support Center Endowment Fund
Stanley Area Historical Society
Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Lions Club Administrative Pass-through Fund Chippewa Falls Lions Club
Lake Holcombe Area PRIDE Committee Pass-through Fund Lake Holcombe Schools
Establishing a non-endowed project fund
is a convenient way for organizations to
collect money for a specific project or
program that is to be completed within
a defined time period. It is also a way to
assure donors that their tax-deductible
gifts are used exclusively for the project
they wish to support. The Community
Foundation of Chippewa County is
providing administrative support to the
following organizations and projects.
Bloomer Area Food Pantry Pass-through Fund Bloomer Area Food Pantry, Inc.
Little Lake Wissota Stewardship Project Pass-through Fund Chippewa County Department of Land Conservation & Forest Management
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Pass-through Fund Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, Inc.
Northwestern Bank School Mini-Grant Fund Chippewa Falls Middle School – Family Service Night
Cornell Elementary School – Brain Injury Prevention Week
Bloomer Athletic Complex Development
Pass-through Fund
Bloomer School District
Halmstad Elementary School – “I Gotta Move and Groove”
Bloomer Woman's Club Mini-Grant Fund Bloomer School District
Bloomer School District Scholarship Pass-through Funds Bloomer Chiropractic Excellence in Music Award Scholarship Fund
Holy Ghost Elementary School – Wisconsin Citizenship
Jim Falls Elementary School – Pedometers and Moving Kids
Lake Holcombe Schools – Trails End Camp Trip
Good Citizen Scholarship Fund
Masonic Lodge Scholarship Fund
Lake Holcombe Schools – SQAIRS for Innovative Fitness
Mayo Clinic Health System Chippewa Valley: Foundation for Medical Education & Research Scholarship Fund
Parkview Elementary School – Circle of Friends “Buddy Benches”
John Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund
St. Paul's Catholic School – “Get Excited About Science”
Mike Pecha Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dick Revoir Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roots of Humanity Scholarship Fund
Henry Ruff Insurance Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Melissa Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund
St. Paul's Catholic School – Tied to Helping
St. Peter's Catholic School – Novel Units for Middle School
Stanley-Boyd School District – Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)/Oriole Expressmart
Stanley-Boyd School District – Strengthening Families Program
United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley Endowment Fund
William and Eileen Scritsmier Scholarship Fund
John Wilson Music Endowment Fund
Frank & Elizabeth Siverling Memorial Technical College Scholarship Fund
Frank and Elizabeth Siverling Memorial Tutor Program Fund Bloomer School District
Frank & Elizabeth Siverling Memorial University Scholarship Fund
WhiteTails Unlimited Scholarship Fund
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Individuals, families, businesses and organizations dedicated to the longterm viability of our area have made a substantial commitment to the
Community Foundation and the causes they care about. Through their
generosity and commitment, members of the Founders and Heritage
Societies exemplify a philanthropic spirit of giving that will help ensure a
solid future for our local communities and the Community Foundation of
Chippewa County.
Founders Society
Individuals who generously donated or pledged to secure the Foundation’s original operating funds.
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
Jackie and Jim Bernier
Carol Heyde
John A. and Jane Lubs Family
Mary A. Blake
Dennis Heyde
Susan K. and Roger J. Tietz
Chippewa Falls Lions Club
Gerald H. and Mary L. Jacobson
Wells Fargo Banks - Chippewa Valley
Chippewa Falls Noon Kiwanis Club
Kell Container Corporation
Wipfli Ullrich Bertelson, LLP
B. James and Kay Colbert
Carey B. Kell
Hugh and Marcia Crane
Tom and Pam Kell
James and Janice Docksey
B. A. Mason Trust
David and Dianne Fish
Carmen and Gene Mower
George and Peggy Fleming
Northwestern Bank
David and Evalyn Wiley Frasch
Gordon and Donna Schafer
Chuck and Jo Frenette
Dr. Gary and Carol Gienapp
Dr. Les and Marilyn Harrison
Dick and Karen Hebert
Bob and Donna Hogseth Family
Linda and Dan Hunt Family
Joseph W. Joas
Rich and Sue Johnson
Mike and Pat Kell
C.W. and Mary Ann King
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Mark and Marcie Myrman
Northern Wisconsin State Fair
Association, Inc.
Rooney Printing Co., Inc.
Rotary Club of Chippewa Falls
Bert Swanson
Steven M. Thaler
Sheila and Bill Volker
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Heritage Society
Individuals who have created a permanent, named fund during their lifetime or have notified us that they
have made provisions for the Community Foundation of Chippewa County in their will or estate plan.
Bold type indicates those being recognized for 2014-2015.
Anonymous (2)
George and Jacquie Gannon
Tom and Pam Kell
Sandra and Roger Robarge
Judith and Wayne Akey
Brian and Lisa Gienapp
David and Ellen Kiefer
Gerald Sazama
William and Helen Barnes
Dr. Gary and Carol Gienapp
Peter and Joan Kirk
Kristi Sazama
The Family of Delores Barnier
Theresa Gienapp
Kevin and Lynda Koehn
Jane and Dave Schill
Charles and Vonnie Bathke
Judy Gilles and Mark Gilles
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Charles and Magdalen Bejin
Ann and Dave Gordon
Jackie and Jim Bernier
Sheldon and Ruth Gough
William and Mary Lou
The Family of Frank
“Frankie” Schlick
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert
Gary and Pat Gray
Del and Donna Bourget
Barbara F. Harper
The Family of Dietmar Braune
Les and Marilyn Harrison
Dr. Bertha M. Bresina
Karen Hayhoe
Cathy and Marc Brown
Dick and Karen Hebert
Tim and Betty Callahan
Tom and Jean Hebert
Dan Masterpole and
Kathy Lembezeder
Rolf N. Chance
Ray Helgerson
Dr. Terry and Kari McCanna
Beverly Chartier
Carol Heyde
Jack and Dorothy Christensen Family
Dennis Heyde
Kathleen McLaughlin and
Daryl Skobba
John and Mary Hofkes
Dennis and Carole Mickesh
Dr. Mahmoud Taman
Robert and Donna Hogseth
Carmen and Gene Mower
Rita Tanzer and Amanda Tanzer
Peter and Sue Holm
The Family of Jodie Mueller
Shawn and Rebecca Thompson
Estate of Gaylord Howard
Mark and Marci Myrman
Bill and Sheila Volker
Dan and Linda Hunt
Ellen O’Neil and John O’Neil
Jerry and Carol Way
Rick and Heather Hunt
Howard and Joanne Olson
James and Arlene Wright
Gerald and Mary Jacobson
William P. "Bill" Olson
David and Patricia Jankoski
Nancy and Bill Pickerign Family
Joseph W. Joas
John Quigley
Russ and Gloria Kazda
Tom and Jaci Quigley
Carey B. Kell
Dave and Rita Raihle
Ken and Debi Custer
The Darley Family
Patti and Jeff Darley
Dwight and Linda Davis
Bob and Lea Dirks
Lloyd and Arnetta Eckes
Jan Eslinger
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou
George and Peggy Fleming
David and Evalyn Wiley Frasch
Georgiann Scritsmier
Joanne and Gary Leonard
Darrin and Kim Senn
John A. Lubs
Greg Senn
Tim and Megan
Kris and Richard Simonson
Martha Sinclair
Elaine Mann
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Mary Beth and Dave Spooner
Rev. Scott A. and Theresa Stai
Dr. Julie C. Stafford
Rich and Jan Stevens
Bert Swanson
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Ways toGive
The Community Foundation of
Chippewa County provides a
simple, effective, and highly
You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets
to the Community Foundation of Chippewa County. Your charitable gift
qualifies for tax advantage under federal law.
personal approach to giving.
We offer a variety of tools to
You can designate a gift or portion of your estate to the Community
Foundation of Chippewa County and, in some cases, receive a
substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.
You can make a gift of cash,
help you achieve your charitable
stock, bonds, real estate, or
other assets to the Foundation.
Most charitable gifts qualify
for maximum tax advantage
under federal law. For more
You can place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income
to you (or another named beneficiary) for life. After your death,
the remainder of the trust transfers to the Community Foundation
of Chippewa County and is placed into a charitable fund you have
selected. You receive income tax benefits the year you establish your
information and ideas on ways to
integrate your financial planning
with charitable giving, ask your
You can place cash or property into a trust that pays a fixed amount
to the Community Foundation of Chippewa County for the number of
years you select. Once this period ends, the assets held by the trust
are transferred to the beneficiaries you name. In some cases, you
professional advisor or contact
the Community Foundation of
Chippewa County.
receive a substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.
The Community Foundation of Chippewa County
offers a highly personal approach to giving.
We will work with you, and if appropriate,
your professional advisor, to customize a
charitable plan that is right for you.
To discuss your charitable interests and various
options available through the Community
Foundation of Chippewa County you may contact
the Foundation office at (715) 723-8125 to
schedule an appointment.
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
You may designate your gift
to one of our existing funds
Gifts can be made in memory or in honor
of loved ones in any of our existing categories
or you may establish a named fund
Go to, click on DONATE NOW
and make your secure credit card gift
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Board of Directors / Committees / Staff
Linda Bergen
Jeanne Boisvert
Patti Darley
Dave Fish
Dave Jankoski
Sue Kern
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Mason Companies, Inc.
Meg MacLaughlin-Barck
Paul Salm
Rick Schafer
Tim Scobie
Dean White
Melinda Haun
Larson Construction Co., Inc.
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Gordy’s Market
Mason Companies, Inc.
Spectrum Industries, Inc.
Executive Director
Rick Schafer
Sue Kern
Dave Jankoski
Paul Salm
Melinda Haun
Board Chair
First Vice Chair
Second Vice Chair
Secretary (Non-voting)
2014 – 2015 COMMITTEES
Joe Coughlin
Rick Schafer, Board Chair
Sue Kern, Chair
Bill Faherty
Sue Kern, First Vice Chair
Meg MacLaughlin-Barck,
Dave Jankoski
Paul Salm, Chair
Sue Kern
Dennis Heyde
Jeanne Boisvert
Peg Leinenkugel
Bob Hogseth
Patti Darley
Loni Meinen
Dave Jankoski
Carol Gienapp
Rick Schafer
Tom Kell
Ken Custer, Past Board Chair
Ann Gordon
Darrin Senn
Sue Kern
Dave Jankoski
Jamie Leibrandt
Fred Kuss
Peg Leinenkugel
Peg Leinenkugel
Meg MacLaughlin-Barck
Tim Scobie, Chair
Rick Schafer
Rick Schafer
Sue Kern, First Vice Chair
Linda Bergen, Chair
Evalyn Wiley-Frasch
Sue Kern
Darrin Senn
Dave Jankoski, Second Vice Chair
Paul Salm, Treasurer
Melinda Haun, Secretary
Vice Chair
Ken Custer, Past Chair
Jenn Louviere
Bill Volker
Tim Scobie, Past Chair
Jay Mayer, Advisor
Bob Hogseth, Past Chair
Kris McDonald
Patti Darley, Chair
Joyce Pugh
Linda Bergen
Dale Zwiefelhofer
Jeanne Boisvert
Jackie Bernier
Lori Geissler
Peg Leinenkugel
Mike Schoch
Bert Swanson
Dennis Boisvert
Dennis Heyde
John Lubs
Darrin Senn
Jim Colbert
Bob Hogseth
Steve Meinen
Bill Volker
Ken Custer
Heather Hunt
Steve Pregent
Dale Zwiefelhofer
Tom Drehmel
Jerry Jacobson
Joyce Pugh
Dennis Ferstenou
Tom Kell
Dave Raihle, Jr.
Amy Maziarka,
Roz Gates
Jamie Leibrandt
Gordy Schafer
Loni Meinen,
Melinda Haun,
Executive Director
Christine Dusick,
Holly Larson,
Fund Accounting Manager*
Marketing Manager**
Associate Director**
Office Volunteer
*Financial and Fund Accounting services provided by HP&A Solutions LLP
**Partial year (resigned)
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
Financial Statements
Year end June 30, 2015 and 2014
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Unconditional Promises to Give
Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance
Furniture and Equipment (Net)
Accounts Payable
Accrued Payroll
Agency Endowment and Pass-through Funds
Net Assets
Unrestricted – Undesignated, Available for General Activities
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Year end June 30, 2015
Investment Income
Administrative Fee From Funds Held For Others
Special Events
FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Grants and Distributions
Management and General
Program Services
Administrative Fee For Funds Held For Others
Fundraising 18,343
NET ASSETS (Beginning of Year) $ 12,598,565
NET ASSETS (End of Year)
$6,954,426 * This is a summarized financial statement presentation. Complete and audited financial statements are available upon request. Auditors: Wipfli LLP
** The activity of agency and pass-through funds held for other not-for-profit organizations are eliminated from the total statement of activities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Financial Overview
01 .................................................................................................................................$25,338
02 .............................................................................................................................. $170,804
03 .............................................................................................................................. $737,544
33.13% Agency
04 .............................................................................................................................. $686,231
Paul Salm, Chair
Dennis Heyde 27.61% Designated
05 .............................................................................................................................. $567,839
Bob Hogseth
Donor Advised
06 ...........................................................................................................................$2,221,550
Dave Jankoski
Field of Interest
07 ...........................................................................................................................$3,049,844
Tom Kell
10 ...........................................................................................................................$4,077,465
Jamie Leibrandt
11 ...........................................................................................................................$5,613,912
Peg Leinenkugel
12 ...........................................................................................................................$8,388,818
08 ...........................................................................................................................$3,197,762
09 ...........................................................................................................................$2,946,078
13 ........................................................................................................................ $10,051,476
Fiscal year ends June 30.
Sue Kern
Meg MacLaughlin-Barck
14 ........................................................................................................................ $12,524,953
Rick Schafer
15 ........................................................................................................................ $12,898,311
Darrin Senn
Bill Volker
Jay Mayer, Advisor
01 ..........................................................................................................................................$26,000
02 .......................................................................................................................................$147,731
03 .......................................................................................................................................$552,385
05 .......................................................................................................................................$152,776
06 ....................................................................................................................................$1,667,303
Orgel Wealth Management
Donor Advised
Field of Interest
08 ....................................................................................................................................$1,162,702
$459,391 Pass-through
09 .......................................................................................................................................$731,782
Samir Murty, CFA
10 ....................................................................................................................................$1,096,281
Managing Director, Principal
04 ..........................................................................................................................................$57,782
$1,132,753 TOTAL
07 ....................................................................................................................................$1,207,333
11 ....................................................................................................................................$1,122,421
12 ....................................................................................................................................$3,168,678
13 ....................................................................................................................................$1,389,667
14 ....................................................................................................................................$1,735,557
Fiscal year ends June 30.
15 ....................................................................................................................................$1,132,753
NOTE: Gifts are Cash Basis
Wipfli LLP
02 .................................................................................................................................. $1,000
03 ................................................................................................................................$32,523
04 ............................................................................................................................. $137,163
6.38% Cultural Arts
44.08% Education & Religious
05 ............................................................................................................................. $215,536
06 ................................................................................................................................$45,457
documents, conflict of interest
07 ............................................................................................................................. $578,616
policies, and the most recent
14.43% Environmental & Animal Welfare
08 ............................................................................................................................. $864,601
copies of our audited financial
20.76% Health & Human Services
09 ............................................................................................................................. $381,522
statements, IRS Form 990 and
10 ............................................................................................................................. $231,476
IRS Form 990-T. To view these
11 ............................................................................................................................. $300,294
during regular business hours,
12 ............................................................................................................................. $302,549
please contact the Foundation
14.35% Youth Activities / Recreation
13 ............................................................................................................................. $525,118
14 ............................................................................................................................. $515,519
Fiscal year ends June 30.
The public may view governing
office at (715) 723-8125.
15 ............................................................................................................................. $633,551
TOTAL $4,764,926
*The bar chart includes distributions from Pass-through, Agency and Rusk County.
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Community Foundation of Chippewa County
P.O. B ox 153
404½ N. Br idge St re e t
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54 7 2 9
[email protected]
n n n
(715) 723-8125
n n n
A Growing Foundation
The figures to the right continue to
be important benchmarks for our
Community Foundation, a positive
reflection on all those who have
contributed to our work these past
fourteen years. The true measure
of the Foundation’s growth is
ultimately the community benefit
and impact realized through our
[ SINCE 2001 ]
individual and collective efforts.
For Good. Forever.
Annual Repor t design and layout by Des Sikowsk i-Nelson, RiverEdge Design
Operating in compliance with
the National Standards for U.S.
Community Foundations