Kids - ZEST
Kids - ZEST
Index Guide 2 List of items 4 Airton Ladies 8 Airton Gents 28 Airton Kids 36 Equipment 40 Guide Guide Sections number / Количество сложений / Ilość złożeń / Salikumu skaits stick трость laska speķis 2 folds 2 сложения 2 razy składane divskārtīgi 3 folds 3 сложения 3 razy składane trīskārtīgi 4 folds 4 сложения 4 razy składane četrkārtīgi Page layout: Collection, coloration type Folded umbrella, length 5 folds 5 сложений 5 razy składane pieckārtīgi Construction type / Тип конструкции / Rodzaj / Tips hand open механический ręczny mehāniskais auto open автомат automat automātiskais open/close полный автомат super automat pilnīgi automātiskais Sections number, mechanics type Frame material / Материал каркаса / Druty / Spieķu materiāls 2 steel сталь stal tērauds fiberglass стекловолокно fiberglas stikla šķiedra aluminum алюминий aluminowa alumīnijs plastic пластик plastikowa plastmasa carbon углеволокно węgiel anglis leather кожа pokrycie skórzana āda leatherette кожзаменитель pokrycie skóropodobne mākslīga āda polyester-jacquard полиэстер-жаккард polyester-żakard poliesters-žakarda PVC поливинил PVC polivinils Handle material/ Материал ручки / Rączka / Rokturis plastic пластик plastikowa plastmasa wood дерево drewniana koks aluminum алюминий aluminowa alumīnijs Covering material / Материал купола / Tkanina / Kupols polyester полиэстер polyester poliesters satin сатин satyna satīns special fabric специальная ткань tkaniny specjalne īpašs audums polyester with cotton полиэстер с хлопком polyester z bawelniany poliesters ar kokvilnas Ribs number and length Мaterials: fabric, frame, handle Art. number Airton Ladies Art. Mechanics Airton, женские зонты Ribs number and length, cm Frame material Handle material Fabric Collection Page 3 folds (standard) 4 Артикул Тип конструкции Количество и длина спиц, см Материал каркаса Материал ручки Ткань купола Коллекция Страница 3 сложения (standard) 3511 hand open 8 55 S/F P polyester Solid 9 3511 механический 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Solid 9 3512 hand open 8 55 S/F P polyester Print 9 3512 механический 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 9 3515 hand open 8 55 S/F P polyester Print 10 3515 механический 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 10 3517 hand open 6 55 S/F P polyester Print 10 3517 механический 6 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 10 3535 hand open 8 55 S/F W polyester Print 11 3535 механический 8 55 S/F W полиэстер Print 11 3612 auto open 8 53 S/F P polyester Print 11 3612 автомат 8 53 S/F P полиэстер Print 11 3615 auto open 8 53 S/F P polyester Print 12 3615 автомат 8 53 S/F P полиэстер Print 12 3617 auto open 8 53 S/F P polyester Print 12 3617 автомат 8 53 S/F P полиэстер Print 12 3631 auto open 8 53 S/F W polyester Solid 13 3631 автомат 8 53 S/F W полиэстер Solid 13 3635 auto open 8 53 S/F W polyester Print 13 3635 автомат 8 53 S/F W полиэстер Print 13 3651 auto open 8 55 S/F W polyester Solid 14 3651 автомат 8 55 S/F W полиэстер Solid 14 3911 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Solid 14 3911 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Solid 14 3912 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Print 15 3912 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 15 3913 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Solid 15 3913 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Solid 15 3914 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester-satin Print Photo 16 3914 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер-сатин Print Photo 16 3915 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Print 16 3915 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 16 3916 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Print Photo 17 3616 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Print Photo 17 3917 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Solid 17 3917 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Solid 17 3918 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Print 18 3918 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 18 3919 open&close 7 55 S/F P polyester Print 18 3919 полный автомат 7 55 S/F P полиэстер Print 18 3935 open&close 8 55 S/F W polyester Print 19 3935 полный автомат 8 55 S/F W полиэстер Print 19 3944 open&close 9 58 S/F P polyester-satin Print 19 3944 полный автомат 9 58 S/F P полиэстер-сатин Print 19 3955 open&close 9 58 S/F P polyester Print 20 3955 полный автомат 9 58 S/F P полиэстер Print 20 3958 open&close 9 58 S/F P polyester Print 20 3958 полный автомат 9 58 S/F P полиэстер Print 20 4913 open&close 7 52 S/F P special fabric Solid 21 4913 полный автомат 7 52 S/F P спец. ткань Solid 21 4915 open&close 7 52 S/F P polyester Print 21 4915 полный автомат 7 52 S/F P полиэстер Print 21 4918 open&close 7 52 S/F P polyester Print 22 4918 полный автомат 7 52 S/F P полиэстер Print 22 4 folds (mini) 4 сложения (mini) Stick (regular) Трости (regular) 1621 auto open 8 58 S P polyester Solid 22 1621 автомат 8 58 S P полиэстер Solid 22 1622 auto open 8 58 S P polyester Solid 23 1622 автомат 8 58 S P полиэстер Solid 23 1623 auto open 8 59 S P special fabric Solid 23 1623 автомат 8 59 S P спец. ткань Solid 23 1624 auto open 8 57 F P polyester-satin Print Photo 24 1624 автомат 8 57 F P полиэстер-сатин Print Photo 24 5 Ribs number and length, cm Handle material Fabric Collection Page Артикул Тип конструкции 59 S P polyester Print 24 1625 автомат 8 8 57 S P polyester Print Photo 25 1626 автомат 8 59 S P polyester Solid 25 1627 автомат 8 58 S P polyester Print 26 1628 автомат Mechanics 1625 auto open 8 1626 auto open 1627 auto open 1628 auto open Airton Gents Art. Mechanics Материал каркаса Материал ручки Ткань купола Коллекция Страница 59 S P полиэстер Print 24 8 57 S P полиэстер Print Photo 25 8 59 S P полиэстер Solid 25 8 58 S P полиэстер Print 26 Материал каркаса Материал ручки Ткань купола Коллекция Страница Airton, мужские зонты Ribs number and length, cm Frame material Handle material Fabric Collection Page 3 folds (standard) 6 Количество и длина спиц, см Frame material Art. Артикул Тип конструкции Количество и длина спиц, см 3 сложения (standard) 3510 hand open 8 55 S P polyester Black 29 3510 механический 8 55 S P полиэстер Black 29 3610 auto open 8 53 S/F P polyester Black 29 3610 автомат 8 53 S/F P полиэстер Black 29 3620 auto open 8 53 S/F P polyester Black 30 3620 автомат 8 53 S/F P полиэстер Black 30 3640 auto open 8 55 S/F P polyester Black 30 3640 автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Black 30 3910 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Black 31 3910 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Black 31 3920 open&close 8 55 S/F P polyester Black 31 3920 полный автомат 8 55 S/F P полиэстер Black 31 3950 open&close 9 58 S/F P polyester Black 32 3950 полный автомат 9 58 S/F P полиэстер Black 32 3970 open&close 9 58 S/F P polyester Black 32 3970 полный автомат 9 58 S/F P полиэстер Black 32 полный автомат 7 52 S/F P полиэстер Black 33 4 folds (mini) 4910 4 сложения (mini) open&close 7 52 S/F P polyester Black 33 Stick (regular) 4910 Трости (regular) 1600 auto open 8 61 F P polyester Black 33 1600 автомат 8 61 F P полиэстер Black 33 1610 auto open 8 61 F P polyester Black 34 1610 автомат 8 61 F P полиэстер Black 34 1620 auto open 8 61 S P polyester Black 34 1620 автомат 8 61 S P полиэстер Black 34 Материал каркаса Материал ручки Ткань купола Коллекция Страница Airton Kids Art. Mechanics Airton, детские зонты Ribs number and length, cm Frame material Handle material Fabric Collection Page Stick (regular) Артикул Тип конструкции Количество и длина спиц, см Трости (regular) 1511 hand open 8 45 S P PVC Kids 37 1511 механический 8 45 S P PVC Kids 37 1551 hand open 6 40 S P polyester Kids 37 1551 механический 6 40 S P полиэстер Kids 37 1552 hand open 8 40 S P polyester Kids 38 1552 механический 8 40 S P полиэстер Kids 38 1651 auto open 8 40 S P polyester Kids 38 1651 автомат 8 40 S P полиэстер Kids 38 1652 auto open 8 40 S P polyester Kids 39 1652 автомат 8 40 S P полиэстер Kids 39 7 Solid collection Airton Ladies 24 cm art. 3511 standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number hand open Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 9 standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number hand open Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic art. 3512 collection Print Airton Ladies 24 cm Print art. 3515 3535 standard hand open Mechanics type standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number hand open handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: wooden 10 11 ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester Sections number auto open handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 24 cm 3612 29 cm collection fabric: polyester art. 3517 Print ribs: 8/53 cm collection Mechanics type frame: steel/fiberglass Print Sections number hand open standard frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Ladies standard Airton Ladies collection Airton Ladies 24 cm Print Airton Ladies collection 26 cm art. Solid art. 3615 3631 standard auto open Mechanics type standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 8/53 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number auto open handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 8/53 cm fabric: polyester handle: wooden 12 13 ribs: 8/53 cm fabric: polyester Sections number auto open handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: wooden 29 cm 3635 29 cm collection fabric: polyester art. 3617 Print ribs: 8/53 cm collection Mechanics type frame: steel/fiberglass Print Sections number auto open standard frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Ladies standard Airton Ladies collection Airton Ladies 29 cm Print Airton Ladies collection 29 cm art. Print art. 3651 3912 standard auto open Mechanics type standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number open&close handle: wooden Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 14 15 ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 29 cm 3913 30 cm collection fabric: special fabric art. 3911 Solid ribs: 8/55 cm collection Mechanics type frame: steel/fiberglass Solid Sections number open&close standard frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Ladies standard Airton Ladies collection Airton Ladies 29 cm Solid Airton Ladies collection 29 cm art. 3914 collection art. 3916 satin standard open&close Mechanics type standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: satin frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 16 17 ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 30 cm 3917 29 cm collection fabric: polyester art. 3915 Print ribs: 8/55 cm collection Mechanics type frame: steel/fiberglass Solid Sections number open&close standard frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Ladies standard Airton Ladies Print Photo Airton Ladies 30 cm collection Airton Ladies Print Photo 29 cm art. Print collection Airton Ladies 30 cm Print art. 3918 3935 standard open&close Mechanics type standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: wooden 18 19 Mechanics type ribs: 7/55 cm fabric: polyester Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 3944 satin 29 cm collection fabric: satin 29 cm Print ribs: 9/58 cm art. 3919 Airton Ladies frame: steel/fiberglass Print Sections number open&close standard frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Ladies standard collection Airton Ladies collection 29 cm art. Solid art. 3955 4913 standard open&close Mechanics type mini frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 9/58 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 7/52 cm fabric: special fabric handle: plastic 20 21 ribs: 9/58 cm fabric: polyester Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 30 cm 4915 21 cm collection fabric: polyester art. 3958 Print ribs: 7/52 cm collection Mechanics type frame: steel/fiberglass Print Sections number open&close mini frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Ladies standard Airton Ladies collection Airton Ladies 29 cm Print Airton Ladies collection 21 cm art. Solid art. 4918 1622 mini open&close Mechanics type regular frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 7/52 8/55 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel Sections number auto open handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 8/58 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 22 23 Mechanics type ribs: 8/58 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic auto open Mechanics type art. fabric: special fabric handle: plastic 86 cm 1623 86 cm collection ribs: 8/59 cm art. 1621 Solid frame: steel Sections number collection auto open frame: steel Solid Sections number regular Airton Ladies regular Airton Ladies collection Airton Ladies 21 cm Print Airton Ladies collection 86 cm art. collection art. 1624 1626 satin regular Sections number auto open Mechanics type ribs: 8/57 cm fabric: satin frame: fiberglass regular handle: plastic auto open frame: steel regular handle: plastic auto open frame: steel Sections number Mechanics type ribs: 8/57 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 24 25 Mechanics type ribs: 8/59 cm fabric: polyester Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 86 cm 1627 86 cm collection fabric: polyester art. 1625 Print ribs: 8/59 cm collection auto open frame: steel Sections number Solid Sections number Airton Ladies regular Airton Ladies Print Photo Airton Ladies 86 cm collection Airton Ladies Print Photo 86 cm art. 86 cm Print collection Airton Ladies art. 1628 regular frame: steel Sections number auto open Mechanics type ribs: 8/58 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 26 on-line catalogue Zest Umbrellas Airton Gents Black collection Airton Gents 25 cm art. 3510 standard frame: steel Sections number hand open Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 29 standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number auto open Mechanics type ribs: 8/53 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic art. 3610 collection Black Airton Gents 26 cm Black collection Airton Gents Black collection Airton Gents 33 cm 30 cm art. art. 3620 3910 standard auto open Mechanics type standard frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 8/53 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 30 31 ribs: 8/55 cm fabric: polyester Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type art. 3920 34cm collection handle: plastic 32 cm Black fabric: polyester art. 3640 Airton Gents ribs: 8/55 cm collection Mechanics type frame: steel/fiberglass Black Sections number auto open standard frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Gents standard Black art. 3950 4910 standard open&close Mechanics type mini frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number ribs: 9/58 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel/fiberglass Sections number open&close handle: plastic Mechanics type ribs: 7/52 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 32 33 ribs: 9/58 cm fabric: polyester auto open handle: plastic Mechanics type art. handle: plastic 33 cm 1600 88 cm collection fabric: polyester art. 3970 Black ribs: 8/61 cm collection Mechanics type frame: fiberglass Sections number Black Sections number open&close regular frame: steel/fiberglass Airton Gents standard Airton Gents collection Airton Gents 31 cm Black Airton Gents collection 23 cm art. 84 cm Black collection Airton Gents art. 1610 regular frame: fiberglass Sections number auto open Mechanics type ribs: 8/61 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 34 regular frame: steel Sections number auto open Mechanics type ribs: 8/61 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic art. collection Black Airton Gents 88 cm 1620 Airton Kids Airtoncollection Kids 64 cm art. 1511 regular frame: steel Sections number hand open Mechanics type ribs: 8/45 cm fabric: PVC handle: plastic 37 regular frame: steel Sections number hand open Mechanics type ribs: 6/40 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic art. 1551 Airton Kids collection 56 cm Airtoncollection Kids 58 cm Airtoncollection Kids 56 cm art. art. 1552 1652 regular Sections number hand open Mechanics type ribs: 8/40 cm fabric: polyester frame: steel regular handle: plastic auto open frame: steel Sections number Mechanics type ribs: 8/40 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic 38 39 regular frame: steel Sections number auto open Mechanics type ribs: 8/40 cm fabric: polyester handle: plastic art. Airton Kids collection 57 cm 1651 Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment art. 554 art. 554 (modification) art. 105 Parietal stand in assembly (6 cubes with tubes) Parietal stand in assembly; modification of art. 554 Сentral wooden stand Стойка пристеночная в сборе; модификация артикула 554 Стойка центровая деревянная width: 100 cm; depth: 32 cm; height: 221 cm; holding capacity: 200 umbrellas Стойка пристеночная в сборе (6 кубов с трубочками) ширина: 100 см; глубина: 32 см; высота: 221 см; вместительность: 200 зонтов 40 width: 100 cm; depth - 32 cm; holding capacity: 200 umbrellas ширина: 100 см; глубина: 32 см; вместительность: 200 зонтов width: 53 cm; depth: 60 cm; height (with support for stick umbrella): 170 cm holding capacity: 150 umbrellas ширина: 53 см; глубина: 60 см; высота (с подставкой для трости): 170 см вместительность: 150 зонтов 41 Equipment Equipment art. 103 (large) art. 103 (small) Central large stand Central small stand Стойка центровая большая Стойка центровая малая width: 90 cm; depth: 57 cm; height (no flag): 52 cm; height (with flag): 184 cm; holding capacity: 200 umbrellas ширина: 90 см; глубина: 57 см; высота (без флажка):152 см; высота (с флажком): 84 см вместительность: 200 зонтов 42 width: 45 cm; depth: 45 cm; height (no flag): 115 cm; height (with flag): 132 cm holding capacity: 150 umbrellas ширина: 45 см; глубина: 45 см; высота (без флажка): 115 см; высота (с флажком): 132 см вместительность: 150 зонтов Notes Notes
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