Rice Weed Identification
Rice Weed Identification
Rice Weed Identification Louisiana Agricultural Technology and Management Conference February 8, 2007 Johnny Saichuk Keying Out vs Recognizing Plants • Taxonomists use floral parts – Least affected by environment – Lots of differences • Agriculturists use vegetative parts – – – – Cannot wait until reproductive state Fewer and more subtle differences May be affected by environment Restricted to fewer plants Typical Grass Spikelet awn of lemma anthers stamen filament palea stigmas (2) of pistil Lemma (fertile) ovary of pistil inner glume outer glume Typical Dicot Flower (1) stamens filaments anthers stigmas and styles of pistil Typical dicot flower (2) c o r o l l a petals perianth sepals calyx Diagnostic Grass Parts • • • • • • Ligules Auricles Leaf tips Appearance of youngest leaf Stolons and/or rhizomes Seeds Examples of Grass Ligules none row of hairs membrane fringed with hairs short membrane long membrane auricles blunt leaf tip tapered leaf tip Appearance of Youngest Leaf Rolled in bud Folded in bud Stolon of Rice Cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides) Rhizomes of Torpedograss (Panicum repens) Crown buds of Creeping Rivergrass (perennial barnyardgrass) – Echinochloa polystachya Echinochloa sp. Panicum sp. Barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli Mannagrass Glyceria declinata Rice Cutgrass Leersia oryzoides Neally Sprangletop Leptochloa nealleyi Amazon or Tighthead Sprangletop Leptochloa panicoides Red Sprangletop Leptochloa filiformis Mexican Sprangletop Leptochloa uninerva Fall Panicum Panicum dichotomiflorum Torpedograss Panicum repens Brook Paspalum or Canoegrass Paspalum acuminatum Knotgrass Paspalum distichum Water Paspalum Paspalum hydrophilum Diagnostic Broadleaf Parts • • • • Leaf margins Leaf arrangement Leaf attachment Leaf shape • • • • Leaf types Stem properties Flower arrangement Specialized parts Texasweed Copperleaf Caperonia palustris Acalypha ostryifolia serrate leaf margins Alligatorweed Toothcup Alternanthera philoxeroides Rotala ramosior Purple Ammania Toothcup Ammania coccinea Rotala ramosior Arrowhead Sagittaria sp. Burhead Echinodorus cordifolius Ducksalad Heteranthera limnosa Roundleaf Mud Plantain Heteranthera reniformis Eclipta Creeping Spotflower Eclipta prostrata Spilanthes americana antrose pubescence sparse pubescence septate stem ocrea septae stipule pinnately compound leaf 1st true leaf cotyledons 2nd true leaf Hedge Hyssop Gratiola neglecta peduncles G. virginiana spatulate floating leaves filiform submersed leaves Water Starwort Callitriche heterophylla Ducksalad, Heteranthera limnosa Smartweed Polygonum sp. Jungle Rice, Echinochloa colonum anthocyanin pigment A Schematic Diagram for Seedling Weed Identification in Rice Pickerelweed Round-leaf Mud plantain Characteristics of Grasses Long petiole & ovate leaf Ligules Long petiole & linear leaf Ducksalad A triad of 3 fleshy leaves Common arrowhead Straplike leaves & milky juice Spreading dayflower Long slim leaves (8-26 cm) Peruvian watergrass Short leaves (2-3 cm) Southern watergrass Hollow stem with prominent leaf midvein Water paspalum Solid stem with hair at collar region Knotgrass Solid stem without hair at collar region Brook paspalum Long membranous ligule Grass-like wide leaves Membranous ligule Aquatic spp. etc Short membranous ligule Rhizomes present Auricles Monocots Cotyledons absent or parallel veins on leaves perennial grasses Wide or thick fleshy leaves Hairy ligule (yellow) Creeping river grass (perennial barnyardgrass) Grass-like Purple bands on leaves Junglerice No purple bands on leaves Barnyardgrass Ligules absent Annual grasses Rhizomes absent Ligules present Leaves grow in 3 directions Mid veins Seedling Weeds in rice Green leaf 3-6 mm wide Mid-vein prominent leaf surface glabrous Rice flatsedge Dark green leaf 1-2 mm wide Annual sedge Sedges Characteristics of Sedges Leaf tip abruptly tapering Purple nutsedge Leaf tip gradually tapering Yellow nutsedge Fall panicum Narrow membrane fringed with hairs Tuber absent Tuber present Mid-vein not prominent leaf surface pubescent Broadleaf signalgrass Mid-vein prominent Amazon sprangletop Long membrane Large clasping auricles Red rice Mid-vein not prominent No auricles Leaves 3-ranked Cotyledons present or leaves with net-like veins Dicots Triangular stem Perennial broadleaves From vegetative parts Hollow stems Bearded sprangletop Alligatorweed Cotyledons linear to lanceolate Seedling reddish and glabrous Purple ammannia Cotyledons lance-shaped Cotyledon tip acute Pale smartweed No purple mark on leaves Ladysthumb Purple marks on leaves Pennsylvania smartweed Cotyledon tip obtuse Characteristics of Broadleaves Cotyledon shapes Annual broadleaves From seeds Stems and petioles coarsely hairy Texasweed Leaf serrate with long petiole Redweed Cotyledons orbicular Leaf types Cotyledons lanceolate Stems smooth with indented leaves Cotyledons spatulate Cotyledons oblong Leaves alternate & pinnate Leaf remotely toothed w/o petiole Eclipta 1st true leaf entire Hemp sesbania 1st true leaf pinnate compound Created by: Wei Zhang and Eric P. Webster Characteristics drawn by: Cutleaf groundcherry Indian or rough jointvetch Johnny Saichuk 1373 Caffey Rd. Rayne, LA 70578 [email protected] Office: 337-788-7547 Cell: 337-849-6253 Fax: 337-788-7568