Chip-based Ion Sensing
Chip-based Ion Sensing
Chip-based Ion Sensing Trends in Micro Nano 5. Dec. 2013 Christian Schönenberger Department of Physics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 82, CH‐4056, Basel, Switzerland Sensor Schönenberger group wikipedia: “A sensor (also called detector) converts a measured physical quantity into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. which can be read by an observer or by an instrument “ Sensor Schönenberger group wikipedia: A sensor (also called detector) converts a measured physical & chemical quantity into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument GlucoWatch® Monitor • fully integrated analytical systems • portable diagnostic capabilities portable diagnostic capabilities (early detection) • personalized medicine Sensor Schönenberger group human’s sensorics we can see we can hear we can hear we can smell we can taste we can taste we can feel we may have pain we can think (sensor ?) we have emotions (sensor ?) we have intuition (sensor ?) we have intuition (sensor ?) we may be frightened (sensor ?) VIBE from Philips Chip‐based sensing Schönenberger group Bio‐ / chemical sensor Schönenberger group a device that can detect molecules with some specificity Bio‐ / chemical sensor Schönenberger group a device that can detect molecules with some specificity how can this information be read ? Bio‐ / chemical sensor Schönenberger group a device that can detect molecules with some specificity how can this information be read ? mechanically a) mass change (QCM) b) strain (cantilever) Bio‐ / chemical sensor Schönenberger group a device that can detect molecules with some specificity Affymetrix y mechanically a) mass change (QCM) b) strain (cantilever) optically p y a)) labelled (DNA ( chip) p) Bio‐ / chemical sensor Schönenberger group a device that can detect molecules with some specificity OWLS mechanically a) mass change (QCM) b) strain (cantilever) optically p y a)) labelled (DNA ( chip) p) b) refractive index c) Plasmonics BIACORE Bio‐ / chemical sensor Schönenberger group a device that can detect molecules with some specificity how can this information be read ? mechanically a) mass change (QCM) b) strain (cantilever) optically p y a)) labelled (DNA ( chip) p) b) refractive index c) Plasmonics electrically a) impedance spectroscopy b) CV spectroscopy c) potentiometric (e (e.g. g zeta potential) Potentiometric sensing Schönenberger group FET Potentiometric sensing Schönenberger group IS-FET P Bergveld P. B ld / Sensors S andd Actuators A t t B 88 1–20 1 20 (2003) Ion Sensitive FET (IS‐FET) Schönenberger group channel conductance ((i.e. threshold)) depends on gate charge p-channel, h l sub-threshold b th h ld regime i - - source - drain (source-drain current) - ( t potential) (gate t ti l) Ion Sensitive FET (IS‐FET) Schönenberger group channel conductance ((i.e. threshold)) depends on gate charge p-channel, h l sub-threshold b th h ld regime i - source drain - - (source-drain current) - - ( t potential) (gate t ti l) Ion Sensitive FET (IS‐FET) Schönenberger group channel conductance ((i.e. threshold)) depends on gate charge e.g. heparime binding on protamie p-channel, h l sub-threshold b th h ld regime i - - source drain - - - (source-drain current) - SHIFT ( t potential) (gate t ti l) IS FET for pH sensing Schönenberger group Honeywell: Durafet III pH sensors p Endress+Hauser :CPS441 and CPS441D taken from an application note P. Bergveld / Sensors and Actuators B 88 1–20 (2003) Dental Application Schönenberger group • Food components that lower pH of dental plaque cause caries p recording of dental plaque pH g p q P = paraffin chewing S = rinse with sucrose 10% U U = rinse with urea 3 % rinse with urea 3 % H. H. van den Vlekkert, Sensors and Actuators, Vol 14, p. 165 (1988) ISFET pH catheter Schönenberger group chips K. Bedner et al. chip 48 silicon nanowires/sample top width: 100nm – 1µm NW DRAIN 3 SOURCE CONTACTS SU-8 microchannel HfO2, Al2O3 Wtop S D 85nm SiO2 5 5µm silicon K. Bedner et al. electrode fabrication Schönenberger group step 1. 1 p-type (100) SOI 80nm 145nm Si SiO2 step 2.+3. 2 3 Weff = Wtop + 2Wwalls ~10nm Si handle wafer wire length:6um width: 100nm‐1um width: 100nm‐1um step 4.+5. 100nm step 6.+7. metal PMMA step 11.to14. SU-8 silicon silicon oxide ALD oxide ALD oxide resist metal epoxy Kristine Bedner et al. 70 nm 300 nm up-scaling SiO2 mask ~ 180nm NW Si Si Si Si K. Bedner et al. Microfluidics Devices location in µ-fluidic channels in the lab in operation NW-ISFET “quality” (low p‐doped wires in accumulation with p+‐implanted and alloyed contacts) pH response & sensitivity 9.0 7.5 width =1m 8 NW 1 NW 2 4 2 0 pH 7 Vbg=-6V Vsd=0.1V -0.5 0.0 0.5 (V) VrefVref(V) 1.0 1.5 10 -6 1.5 10 -7 0.0 10 -8 8 10 -9 10 -10 2.0 -6 pH 3, 5, 7, 9 10 -7 10 -8 Vbg=-6V Vsd=0.1V 10 -9 (S))) GG (S GG(S) ) (S) 3.0 10 G (S) G (S) GG((S) (S) 120mV/dec 10 4.5 -5 6 -5 120mV/dec 6.0 reproducibility 10 width =1m -0.5 0.0 0.5 Vref V(V) (V) 1.0 1.5 10 2.0 ref with good ALD oxides, HfO2 and Al2O3 always reach maximum sensitivity of ~ 60 mV/pH -10 NW-ISFET “quality” Stability measurements 5.5 days 0.235 0.230 0.225 HfO2 gate oxide pH 6 buffer solution V th [V] 0.220 0.210 reproducibility width =1m 8 0.215 NW 1 NW 2 10 -5 10 -6 0.205 0.200 0 120mV/dec 4 2 0 pH 7 Vbg=-6V Vsd=0.1V -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 10 -7 10 -8 8 10 -9 10 -10 2.0 24 48 72 96 120 Time (h) G (S) G (S) GG((S) (S) 6 FinFET sample p ((EPFL)) 8nm HfO2 g gate ox pH6 buffer solution • 4 different nanowires • Max. Drift ~2mV/day • differential drift ~ 0mV (V) VrefVref(V) S. Rigante et al. Genome sequencing ion-torrent can one measure something else ? oxide surface highly sensitive to protons Nernst limit sensitivity iti it tto other th iions iis usually ll very smallll ! if there are other reactions on the surface that can compete with the de protonation and proton addition at OH sites, de-protonation sites the pH sensitivity may be reduced NW with floating gate purple = Au on top 6µm M. Wipf et al. ACS Nano 2013 Au coated NW: Selective Sodium Sensing M. Wipf et al. ACS Nano 2013 Results 1. maximum sensitivity (Nernst limit) can be achieved (Al2O3 and HfO2) 2. oxide surfaces (Al2O3 and HfO2) can be highly selective to protons ( ld (yielding ideal pH sensor up to buffer conc. of 10 mM) d l b ff f ) 3. maximum sensitivity also for the narrowest nanowires 4. highest resolution in concentration best for wide wires 5. differntial measurement greatly improves stability 6. full passivation possible “ideal” reference electrode 7. good sensitivity with high selectivity to other ions can be achieved h d 8. multi‐ion sensing is promissing System Architecture • 16 nanowires can be interfaced in parallel • voltage across each nanowire is kept constant, and the current flowing through is measured •Two different analog‐to‐digital converter architectures are used (12 bits resolution) • Current range: 1 nA to 5 μA Paolo Livi et al. 33 CMOS readout • Power consumption: 35 mW • I2F resolution: • 8 bits (50 pA -1 μA range) g ) • 10 bits ((10 nA - 400 nA range) • Sigma-Delta resolution: • 12 bits in the range ±2 μA Paolo Livi et al. 34 34 System Architecture VDS = 200 mV Nanowire Sensor Chip sigma‐delta modulator read‐out of 4 Si‐NW, 9.‐10. Nov. 2011 CMOS Readout Chip p Paolo Livi et al. 35 Thanks to.... Uni Basel physics Christian Schönenberger EPFL Oren Mathias Wipf Wangyang Fu Alexey Tarasov Knopfmacher Michel Calame Ralph Stoop PSI Adrian Ionescu Mohammad N j Najmzadeh d h Sara Rigante Jens Gobrecht Kristine Bedner Birgit Päivänranta Päi ä t Vitaliy Guzenko G k Christian D id David Renato Minamisawa Mi i Uwe Pieles Jolanta Kurz UniBas pharma ETHZ Janos Vörös Bernd Dielacher Robert MacKenzie Beat Ernst Arjan Odedra Floriian Binder FHNW D-BSSE Sensirion Andreas Hierlemann Paolo Livi Yihui Chen Matthias Sreiff 36