THE ORIGINAL STANDARD PRODUCTS THE WORLD LEADER 10 10 .9 COMPANY PRICE LIST (EURO) EFFECTIVE July 2009. INTRODUCTION TO UNBRAKO Unbrako is the original and unquestioned world leader in socket screw products. Since the brand was first introduced in 1911, the name Unbrako has been synonymous with quality and performance. Unbrako products offer the highest levels of performance and quality, when used in demanding industrial applications, to deliver long life, fatigue resistance, and reduced “total cost” of maintenance. Unbrako premium socket screw products exceed industry specifications. Working closely with quality control at its specialist steel suppliers, enables Unbrako to control the production of high grade alloy steels with metallurgical and chemical characteristics specifically to suit Unbrako fasteners. It also allows complete control of material from original steel melt to finished product ensuring ultimate fastener reliability. Today, the Unbrako organisation draws on the combined knowledge and experience of over 4,000 employees, with manufacturing and distribution activities covering all corners of the globe. In addition to the well known hexagon socket product range, Unbrako also manufactures Durlok serrated hexagon flange bolts, nuts and washers, and 10.9 premium grade hex heads and hex nuts. Unbrako also manufacturers a wide range of custom designed fasteners and forged components for the industrial, automotive and aerospace markets. For over 90 years, Unbrako has sought opportunities for growth through product innovation and technological advances. Unbrako continues to revitalise its product offering with the addition of specialist products such as track shoe bolts, drop in anchors and high strength construction bolts. UNBRAKO DISTRIBUTORS Your Unbrako Distributor performs vital marketing functions in the distribution of industrial products. The values and economies available to you through his many services include: Large inventories to serve customers from local stocks. Delivery Service JIT and Kitting programmes Product Service Customer Service Purchasing Simplifications QUALITY STANDARDS 1. 2. Company Approvals: Unbrako manufacturing facilities are approved to BS EN ISO 9001:2008 ISO/TS 16949:2002 Quality Levels: 2.1 Final acceptance of a consignment is determined by applying attribute sampling plans as defined in BS 6001 Double sampling tables Level 11 (Normal Inspection). 2.2 Acceptance Levels are as follows : 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 Major Characteristics 1.5% A.Q.L. Minor (A) Characteristics 2.5% A.Q.L. Incidental (Minor B) Characteristics 4.0% A.Q.L. A.Q.L. for characteristics identified as critical by the user will be established by negotiation. Zero acceptance for mixed, scrap or mutilated parts (100% sort). The following identifies the characteristics classified as Major, Minor (A) and Incidental (Minor B). 2.3.1 Major 2.3.2 i Thread conformance ii Dimensions with a tolerance equal to or less than 0.002” total. iii Angles with a tolerance equal to or less than 1º total. iv Surface texture equal to or less than 16 CLA. v Post Heat Treatment physical testing. vi Surface discontinuities. vii Straightness viii Concentricity e.g. Head/Shank/Thread. ix Underhead fillet area / bearing surface squareness. x Thread run-out. xi Hexagon Socket. xii Grip Length. Minor (A) 2.3.3 i Dimensions with a tolerance greater than 0.002” but not exceeding 0.008”. ii Angles with a tolerance varying from 1º up to and including 5º. iii Surface texture greater than 16 CLA and equal to or less than 32 CLA. iv Identification. v Burrs and tool marks. Incidental (Minor B) i ii iii iv 3. Dimensions with a tolerance greater than 0.008” total. Angles with a tolerance greater than 5º total. Surface texture greater than 32 CLA. Visual characteristics. Certifications: Unbrako Standard Socket screw products carry a Certificate of Conformity on each and every box, incorporating a lot traceablenumber, free of charge. In addition Socket Head Cap Screws greater than and equal to ¼” and M5 have an e-code identifier stamped on the head of each part, allowing traceability even when the original box and label is not available. Additionally, the following test certificates are available, subject to extra charge: i ii iii iv v To DIN 50049 To DIN 50049 2.2 To DIN 50049 3.1A To DIN 50049 3.1B To DIN 50049 3.1C PLATING AND PATCHING Unbrako furnishes its alloy steel products with an appealing thermal black oxide finish. This finish is the result of controlled exothermic activity during precision heat treating processes. Further application of a light supplementary oil helps to resist mild corrosion. We are also, able to undertake the plating of a number of finishes, either to international or customer specifications. Customers are advised not to undertake their own plating through non-approved plating contractors as this could invalidate Unbrako's responsibility for product liability. Specifications to which Unbrako will plate include: BS 3382 Parts 1&2 DTD 903 DTD 904 or DEF 03-19 The plating of high strength fasteners must be carried out under strictly controlled conditions. Ensure that you take advantage of the Unbrako resources and experience in this field by ordering your fasteners already plated. Finishes available: Zinc (Electro and Mechanical) includes de-embrittle with 23 hours bake, and passivation to requirements. Geomet Dacromat Xylan E-Cote Cadmium Mang. Phosphate Etc. Proprietary patching and locking features are available on request. LIMITED WARRANTY AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY Deepak Fasteners (Shannon) Ltd., through its Unbrako Division warrants that these products conform to industry standards specified herein and will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty is expressly given in lieu of any and all other express or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and in lieu of any other obligation on the part of Deepak Fasteners (Shannon) Ltd. Deepak Fasteners (Shannon) Ltd. will at its option, repair or replace free of charge (excluding all shipping and handling costs) any products which have not been subject to misuse, abuse, or modification and which in its sole determination were not manufactured in compliance with the warranty given above. The remedy provided herein shall be the exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty or any claim arising in any way out of the manufacture, sale or use of these products. In no event shall Deepak Fasteners (Shannon) Ltd. be liable for consequential, incidental or any other damages of any nature whatsoever except those specifically provided herein for any breach of warranty or any claim arising in any way of the manufacture, sale or use of these products. No other person is authorised by Deepak Fasteners (Shannon) Ltd. to give any other warranty, written or oral, pertaining to the products. STANDARD PRODUCTS PRICE LIST Sr. No. 1. Contents UNBRAKO HIGH STRENGTH ALLOY STEEL RANGE Socket Head Cap Screws ISO Metric Inch Set Screws ISO Metric Inch Countersunk Screws ISO Metric Standard Range Bright Zinc Plated Threaded to Head Low Head Cap Screws 1936 Series 1960 Series 1 5 6 7 8 15 Knurled Cup Point Flat Point Dog Point Cone Point Plain Cup Point Knurled Cup Point 17 19 20 21 22 23 Standard Range Bright Zinc Plated 27 28 29 Standard Range Bright Zinc Plated 32 33 34 Inch Button Head Screws ISO Metric Inch ISO Metric ISO Metric - h8 tolerance UNC 36 37 38 39 Metric Inch Wallet Sets Series 2000 Folded Wrench Sets Hexdrivers - Moulded T-Handle Hexdrivers Ballpoint Wrenches Torx Tooling: Screwdrivers / ‘L’ Wrenches / Fold-Up Wrench 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 Flange Button Head Screws Shoulder Screws Taper Pressure Plugs (Alloy and Stainless Steel) 2. Pages HEXAGON WRENCHES AND SETS Short Arm / Long Arm Loose Wrenches 3. HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS Metric Inch 48 53 4. HEX NUTS Metric & Inch Series 57 5. NON-SOCKET PRODUCTS ISO Metric Imperial ISO Metric Imperial ISO Metric 58 60 62 63 64 ISO Metric 65 66 DOWEL PINS TEE BOLTS 6. 7. 8. DURLOK - Hexagon Flange Bolts DURLOK - Nuts and Washers HEAD MARKING - SPECIFICATIONS The prices, specifications and other particulars contained in this Catalogue are subject to change without notice. All prices quoted in this Catalogue are ex-works. *Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale are applicable (Copy available on request). ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS GRADE 12.9 SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 4762 BS 4168 DIN 912 Diameter M1-6 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Length International Part No. 3 104138 4 5 104150 6 8 10 12 Dia Price Box 96.43 200 115.50 200 M3 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Length International Price Part No. 5 9.66 106218 6 5.25 103002 8 5.78 122097 10 6.65 113583 12 6.65 120870 14 7.53 400509 15 7.53 400506 16 7.70 103003 18 20 9.10 113623 22 25 10.50 103010 30 13.65 103013 35 15.40 106219 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M2 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 104151 36.05 0.02 104152 39.55 104154 43.05 104155 0.02 46.55 104157 52.15 104159 59.50 106216 66.50 M4 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 7.18 106220 0.15 6.65 106223 0.15 6.30 113810 0.17 5.60 113839 0.19 5.60 121077 0.21 6.48 400568 0.23 6.48 400511 0.25 6.48 103014 0.26 7.35 103015 7.35 125753 0.32 8.40 400521 8.40 125381 0.40 9.80 103018 0.48 11.20 103019 0.54 12.60 103021 14.00 103022 15.40 103023 Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M2.5 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.03 200 0.04 200 0.04 200 104161 0.04 200 104162 0.05 200 104163 0.06 200 104164 0.07 200 104166 M5 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.28 0.30 7.00 106224 0.32 5.25 122122 0.36 4.55 122243 0.40 4.55 121094 0.42 5.25 400513 0.44 5.25 400510 0.46 5.25 103024 0.50 5.95 400522 0.54 5.95 113970 0.59 6.83 400523 0.64 6.83 121096 0.74 7.88 103029 0.84 8.75 115292 0.94 9.80 103030 1.04 10.85 103031 1.14 11.90 103035 17.50 103038 21.35 103040 29.05 106225 30.98 106228 Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 31.50 38.50 44.10 49.35 53.90 200 200 200 200 200 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.12 M6 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.46 0.52 0.58 0.62 0.65 0.66 0.70 0.76 0.82 0.88 0.96 1.10 1.26 1.40 1.54 1.68 1.82 1.98 2.20 2.37 103042 122111 120872 400567 400512 103044 103045 119790 103046 119937 122121 121090 121075 122087 112624 113128 122088 103047 103048 103049 103051 103052 103053 103054 103055 7.00 5.60 5.60 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.65 6.65 7.70 7.70 7.88 8.75 10.15 12.25 13.30 15.40 17.15 18.55 19.60 21.00 22.40 24.50 27.30 45.50 49.35 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.82 0.88 0.94 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.15 1.22 1.29 1.40 1.62 1.82 2.06 2.26 2.48 2.70 2.90 3.12 3.32 3.54 3.99 4.45 4.90 5.34 5.82 Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 1 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS GRADE 12.9 SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 4762 BS 4168 DIN 912 Diameter M8 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Length International Part No. 103056 10 114972 12 400524 14 400514 15 103058 16 400569 18 122086 20 120642 22 119351 25 119383 30 122113 35 113143 40 121076 45 121068 50 103063 55 121070 60 103064 65 103066 70 103069 75 103070 80 103073 90 103075 100 103076 110 103077 120 106230 130 106231 140 106232 150 106233 160 106234 180 106235 200 220 260 Price Box 16.10 12.08 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.38 10.68 12.25 12.25 14.00 15.75 17.50 19.25 21.00 22.75 24.33 25.90 27.65 30.45 33.95 37.63 43.75 56.00 60.55 84.00 91.00 115.50 168.00 220.50 245.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 M10 Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 1.90 18.20 106237 2.02 2.14 17.50 400525 2.20 17.50 103080 2.28 18.38 400526 2.48 18.38 113163 2.69 19.25 400527 2.78 19.25 115060 2.88 20.83 122114 3.26 24.15 113257 3.64 26.25 100845 4.00 28.70 121088 4.40 31.15 125660 2.40 33.25 103087 2.58 35.70 122217 2.77 38.50 103088 2.96 40.78 125786 3.26 43.05 103090 3.46 45.50 103091 3.63 50.40 103094 4.08 58.80 103095 4.54 70.00 103096 4.85 86.45 103097 5.26 105.00 106240 5.53 129.15 106241 5.94 159.25 106242 6.30 182.00 106243 3.36 280.00 106244 3.76 311.50 106245 4.17 469.00 400517 Box M12 Wrench Key Size 10mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 200 3.06 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 3.76 3.86 4.05 4.24 4.49 4.74 5.32 5.92 3.24 3.54 3.87 4.17 4.47 4.75 5.10 5.40 5.89 3.25 3.57 3.87 4.18 4.49 4.80 5.08 5.35 5.99 6.58 3.59 Box M14 Wrench Key Size 12mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 106246 43.75 100 2.18 106247 32.38 100 2.27 112607 28.35 100 3.17 122250 122251 125530 114996 115075 112360 122255 122260 122261 103098 103099 103100 103103 122142 125791 103104 103107 103108 103110 107456 107458 107459 31.50 34.65 37.63 38.15 43.75 46.55 50.40 54.25 57.93 61.60 65.10 68.95 76.65 84.00 91.35 98.70 106.75 120.75 143.50 171.50 189.00 255.50 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 3.51 3.87 4.33 2.40 2.65 2.85 3.15 3.31 3.55 3.77 4.00 4.22 4.56 4.99 5.45 5.90 6.35 6.80 7.25 7.71 8.16 8.62 400572 630.00 25 5.05 400528 400529 400530 400531 400532 120863 400533 112000 400534 400535 400536 400537 400538 400539 400540 400508 115.50 115.50 112.00 126.00 137.90 142.80 161.00 167.30 183.75 195.13 229.25 236.25 240.80 256.38 318.50 343.00 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2.24 2.56 2.86 3.16 3.44 3.76 4.06 4.34 4.66 4.96 5.26 5.56 6.16 6.76 7.36 7.96 Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 2 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS GRADE 12.9 SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 4762 BS 4168 DIN 912 Diameter M16 Wrench Key Size 14mm A/F Length International Part No. 25 106248 30 103112 35 103113 40 125751 45 103115 50 112474 55 103117 60 112594 65 103118 70 103119 75 103120 80 125658 90 103122 100 103123 110 103124 120 103126 130 103127 140 103128 150 103129 160 103364 180 107460 200 107448 220 240 260 280 300 400578 Price Box 84.00 25 80.50 25 77.00 25 80.50 25 88.55 25 91.00 25 99.75 25 105.00 25 112.00 25 119.00 25 125.65 25 127.75 25 143.50 25 157.50 25 171.50 25 185.50 25 199.50 25 211.75 25 225.75 25 367.50 25 406.00 25 448.00 25 826.00 5 M18 Wrench Key Size 14mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 1.90 2.08 2.23 400541 266.00 2.43 400542 283.50 2.59 400606 301.00 2.74 100844 318.50 2.98 3.18 400544 353.50 3.35 400545 371.00 3.55 400546 392.00 3.75 3.93 400549 434.00 4.33 400550 476.00 4.70 400551 518.00 5.10 5.48 400552 602.00 5.85 6.25 6.65 7.05 7.86 8.72 4.46 Box M20 Wrench Key Size 17mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box M22 Wrench Key Size 17mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 107465 161.00 25 3.20 25 3.00 107466 171.50 25 3.48 25 3.23 103130 182.00 25 4.25 25 3.43 103131 183.75 25 4.50 25 3.68 103132 185.50 25 4.75 103136 194.25 25 5.05 25 4.18 103137 198.45 25 5.35 25 4.43 103138 208.25 25 5.68 25 4.68 103141 217.70 25 5.82 103142 229.25 25 5.98 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 25 5.18 103143 240.45 25 6.25 180186 899.50 10 3.13 25 5.68 103144 262.50 25 6.55 180187 980.00 10 3.38 25 6.19 103145 287.00 25 7.75 180188 1060.50 10 4.00 103146 308.00 25 8.33 180189 1365.00 10 4.25 103148 332.50 25 9.00 103150 353.50 10 3.80 103151 378.00 10 4.04 180192 1382.50 10 5.17 103152 402.50 10 4.27 107462 472.50 10 4.44 107463 525.00 10 4.94 107464 721.00 5 2.71 400553 1193.50 5 3.02 400554 1295.00 5 3.28 400555 1400.00 5 3.54 400556 1487.50 5 3.76 400557 1575.00 5 4.00 25 7.18 Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 3 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS GRADE 12.9 SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 4762 BS 4168 DIN 912 M24 Diameter Length International Part No. Price Box M36 M30 Wrench Key Size 19mm A/F Wrench Key Size 27mm A/F Wrench Key Size 22mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 40 106249 591.50 10 2.70 45 103153 612.50 10 2.85 50 103155 572.25 10 3.05 55 103157 600.25 10 3.20 60 103158 628.25 10 3.36 65 103159 637.00 10 3.52 70 103160 663.25 10 3.70 75 103161 671.13 10 3.87 80 103162 675.50 10 4.05 140610 2159.50 1 0.69 90 103163 745.50 10 4.40 140611 2184.00 1 0.75 100 103165 770.00 10 4.75 140612 2282.00 1 0.80 Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 140629 2950.50 1 1.07 140631 3311.00 1 1.25 110 103166 775.60 10 5.10 140613 2334.50 1 0.86 120 103167 814.80 10 5.43 140614 2415.00 1 0.91 140633 3773.00 1 1.39 130 103168 822.50 10 5.80 140615 2495.50 1 0.97 400634 3986.50 1 1.47 140 103170 889.00 10 6.13 140616 2527.00 1 1.02 140635 4137.00 1 1.55 150 103171 924.00 10 6.50 140617 2705.50 1 1.08 140636 4417.00 1 1.63 160 104143 987.00 10 6.87 140618 2996.00 1 1.13. 140637 4630.50 1 1.71 180 104146 1158.50 10 7.59 140620 3206.00 1 1.24 140639 5061.00 1 1.87 200 104147 1267.00 5 4.10 140621 3398.50 1 1.35 140640 5488.00 1 2.03 220 400560 2422.00 5 4.52 140622 3818.50 1 1.46 180294 5918.50 1 2.14 240 400561 2607.50 5 4.88 140623 4165.00 1 1.57 140641 6349.00 1 2.25 260 400562 2800.00 5 5.24 140624 4228.00 1 1.68 140642 6776.00 1 2.41 280 400563 2992.50 1 1.12 140625 4742.50 1 1.79 180411 7206.50 1 2.57 300 400564 3185.00 1 1.25 400626 4795.00 1 1.90 140643 7637.00 1 2.73 180848 4896.50 1 2.01 180490 9275.00 1 2.89 320 Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 4 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS BRIGHT ZINC PLATED GRADE 12.9 SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 4762 BS 4168 DIN 912 Diameter M3 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Length International Price Part No. 6 402718 12.25 8 406000 8.40 10 405822 7.70 12 405781 8.40 14 16 406192 9.80 18 20 407245 11.20 25 402719 13.13 30 407272 15.40 35 40 45 50 55 60 Diameter Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M8 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.15 15.75 402707 0.17 9.80 405824 0.19 10.50 405825 0.21 11.38 406108 12.25 405826 0.26 Box 200 200 200 200 200 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.42 0.46 406036 405040 404030 14.00 15.93 18.55 200 200 200 0.54 0.64 0.74 407538 23.80 200 0.94 0.32 0.40 0.48 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Length International Price Part No. 24.15 402786 12 24.85 406295 16 25.03 402787 20 28.00 405716 25 30.80 405717 30 33.95 405433 35 37.45 405434 40 41.13 406296 45 44.63 405435 50 48.30 402844 55 51.98 405436 60 65 59.15 406094 70 62.83 402847 75 66.50 402848 80 90 100 Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 M4 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box 402717 406387 405430 182839 405715 11.20 12.08 12.95 14.00 14.88 200 200 200 200 200 0.52 0.58 0.62 0.65 0.70 402748 406037 402741 405385 406069 406018 406338 16.80 18.20 19.36 21.88 24.50 26.95 29.75 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.82 0.96 1.10 1.26 1.40 1.54 1.68 407354 35.00 200 1.98 M10 Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 2.02 36.23 404084 2.28 39.55 405438 2.69 43.75 402803 2.88 48.30 406297 3.26 52.50 406298 3.64 56.88 405440 4.00 62.13 402852 4.40 67.38 405450 2.40 72.63 402853 2.58 77.88 406043 2.77 83.13 402854 88.38 405441 3.26 3.46 3.63 Box 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 3.86 4.24 4.74 5.32 5.92 3.24 3.54 3.87 4.17 4.47 4.75 5.10 119.70 50 3.57 402858 M5 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. M12 Wrench Key Size 10mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box M6 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F 405387 407729 405259 405295 406039 405431 405432 406040 406092 402832 040641 181577 406041 13.65 14.18 14.53 14.88 15.05 16.45 18.38 21.70 23.10 25.55 26.95 30.45 32.90 56.35 100 3.17 402814 402815 405442 406339 405718 406095 405719 403724 406299 68.60 74.55 80.50 86.63 92.75 100.10 107.45 114.80 122.15 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 3.87 4.33 2.40 2.65 2.85 3.15 3.31 3.55 3.77 402863 151.90 50 4.56 Wt. Kilos Per Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.94 1.00 1.08 1.15 1.22 1.40 1.62 1.82 2.06 2.26 2.48 2.70 2.90 M16 Wrench Key Size 14mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 404401 Box Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 406394 406395 406097 197.75 211.05 224.35 25 25 25 2.43 2.59 2.74 405443 405963 251.30 267.05 25 25 3.18 3.35 All sizes are bright zinc plated and clear passivated to BS 3382 Pt. 2 and de-embrittled (23 hours bake) Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 5 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS THREADED TO HEAD SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 4762 M5 Diameter M6 M8 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Length International Price Box Wt. Kilos International Price Box Wt. Kilos International Price Box Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 400583 400584 400585 400587 21.70 22.40 26.95 32.55 200 200 200 200 1.10 1.26 1.40 1.68 400589 400590 400591 400592 50 60 70 80 200 200 200 200 1.82 2.06 2.48 2.90 3.32 3.99 400593 400594 400595 406180 406181 72.10 88.90 95.38 116.90 130.90 200 200 100 100 100 4.00 2.40 2.77 2.96 3.26 M10 Diameter Length 34.83 38.50 42.88 49.00 WRENCH KEY SIZE 8MM A/F International Part No. 400597 400598 400599 400600 Price Box 121.45 84.00 95.20 152.25 100 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 3.88 4.48 5.10 5.90 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 6 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREWS GRADE 10.9 Diameter M4 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Length International Price Part No. 106250 20.48 8 106251 18.38 10 106255 20.83 12 15 106256 24.50 16 106257 28.18 20 106260 34.30 25 406185 39.20 30 35 40 45 Diameter Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M10 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 106262 0.27 20.41 103500 0.27 20.37 103501 0.36 21.35 400790 31.85 103502 0.45 21.88 103597 0.45 22.40 103503 0.63 25.73 103505 0.72 29.58 Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Length International Price Part No. 87.50 103532 16 35.00 103533 20 38.15 103534 25 42.00 103535 30 45.85 103536 35 57.05 103538 40 71.75 106271 45 78.05 103541 50 95.20 106272 55 60 90 100 Box 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 M5 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 106263 0.45 20.83 103508 0.45 20.83 103509 0.54 24.15 400792 0.60 24.15 103511 0.63 24.15 103512 0.72 24.50 103515 0.95 25.90 103516 1.09 29.40 103517 33.60 103518 42.70 106264 59.50 M12 Wrench Key Size 10mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 2.72 3.27 61.60 103549 3.72 68.25 103550 4.17 78.40 103551 4.90 82.25 103552 2.72 91.70 103553 3.04 3.26 103554 110.25 3.58 103555 128.80 Box M6 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F 2.59 2.96 3.34 3.72 2.00 50 2.52 50 3.76 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.63 0.63 103519 0.72 35.18 400791 0.79 26.95 103520 0.82 26.95 103521 1.09 26.95 103525 1.28 28.00 103526 1.45 32.20 103528 1.72 36.05 103529 1.90 40.08 2.24 M16 Wrench Key Size 12mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 100 100 100 100 50 Box Box M8 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F 255.50 241.50 178.50 196.00 210.00 25 25 25 25 25 1.54 1.68 1.86 2.27 2.47 103566 103574 103575 245.00 346.50 374.50 25 25 25 2.63 3.81 4.22 Wt. Kilos Per Box 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1.45 1.52 1.54 1.82 2.18 2.54 3.00 3.36 M20 Wrench Key Size 14mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 103562 103563 103564 106277 103565 Box Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 103578 315.00 25 3.22 103580 367.50 25 3.76 103581 420.00 25 4.40 103599 682.50 25 6.85 Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 7 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 No. 4 UNC Diameter Length 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” International Part No. 400312 400313 400314 400315 400316 400317 400318 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3” 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 91.00 18.20 18.76 18.90 20.65 27.65 36.75 No. 6 UNC Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.16 100 100 100 100 100 100 No.10 Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F Wrench Key Size 1/8” A/F International Part No. Wrench Key Size 3/32” A/F Price Box 14.35 14.35 14.35 14.35 18.38 19.25 400326 400327 400328 400329 400330 400331 No. 8 UNC Diameter Length Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F Price Box UNF UNC Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box 400337 400338 400339 400340 14.00 14.70 15.40 17.15 100 100 100 100 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.26 103206 112492 112508 112524 39.55 14.00 15.40 16.45 100 100 100 100 400341 400342 400343 21.70 25.20 30.63 100 100 100 0.32 0.38 0.44 112557 103215 103232 103248 103264 18.90 26.95 29.05 32.90 35.00 100 100 100 100 100 106226 103477 106355 77.00 84.00 94.50 100 100 100 International Part No. 111756 116280 117733 117749 117765 117781 117798 117814 117830 117847 117863 117879 107085 107150 Price Box 58.80 58.80 20.30 21.00 21.70 22.75 24.85 25.90 26.60 29.40 37.80 40.25 46.20 66.50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.38 0.42 0.51 0.59 0.68 0.77 0.90 0.95 Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 8 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 2BA Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F Diameter Length 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 ½” 2” International Part No. Price 400045 3/16” BSW Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F Box 35.00 Wt. Kilos Per Box 200 International Part No. 400056 400057 400058 400059 400061 400063 400065 1.22 Price Box 26.95 14.00 15.40 16.10 16.45 26.95 35.70 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.51 0.57 0.64 0.70 0.83 1.22 1.58 1/4” Wrench Key Size 3/16” A/F Diameter Length 1/4” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3 BSW International Part No. 400069 400070 400071 400072 400073 400074 400075 400076 400077 400078 400079 400080 400081 UNF UNC Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box 14.70 16.10 16.45 17.50 18.20 20.30 23.10 35.00 38.00 41.00 43.75 59.00 75.25 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.96 1.08 1.20 1.38 1.44 1.58 1.88 2.18 2.48 2.88 3.18 3.38 3.75 4.06 105232 105248 108937 108954 108969 105256 105272 105288 105304 105320 105336 118338 23.80 14.70 16.10 16.45 17.50 18.20 20.30 23.10 35.00 40.25 42.00 43.75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 114545 117896 117913 111454 111471 119.00 26.25 17.50 18.20 19.60 100 100 100 100 100 111503 111519 111535 108026 108042 108057 118427 118460 20.65 25.20 33.25 34.30 38.50 71.75 89.25 162.75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0.41 0.47 0.53 0.59 0.65 0.71 0.76 0.88 1.04 1.19 1.34 1.45 1.50 1.65 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 9 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 5/16” Wrench Key Size 7/32” A/F UNC Diameter BSW Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box ½” UNF International Part No. Price Box 113038 36.40 100 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 5/8” 400086 36.40 200 2.00 113054 36.40 100 400451 51.10 100 0.97 3/4” 400087 23.10 200 2.20 113070 23.10 100 117162 27.30 100 1.06 117195 28.35 100 1.16 7/8” 1” 400089 24.15 200 2.56 112164 24.15 100 120687 29.75 100 1.26 1 1/4” 400090 30.10 200 3.00 112180 30.10 100 118681 35.00 100 1.45 1 ½” 400091 32.20 200 3.46 112196 32.20 100 118713 40.95 100 1.64 1 3/4” 400092 36.05 200 3.90 112213 36.05 100 118745 50.75 100 1.88 2” 400093 40.60 200 4.36 112228 40.60 100 400452 58.80 100 2.12 112244 43.75 100 400453 70.00 100 2.36 112260 53.90 100 400454 77.00 100 2.60 400370 60.90 100 2.84 400371 68.25 100 3.08 2 1/4” 2 ½” 400095 53.90 100 2.63 2 3/4” 3” 400096 68.25 100 3.08 4” 400099 133.00 100 3.98 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 10 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 3/8” Wrench Key Size 5/16” A/F UNC Diameter BSW UNF Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box ½” 400101 64.75 200 3.12 109982 64.75 100 110867 117.25 100 1.51 109999 46.90 100 110883 80.50 100 1.65 5/8” 3/4” 400103 32.20 200 3.68 110015 32.20 100 110900 44.10 100 1.79 1” 400105 33.95 200 4.24 110048 33.95 100 110934 45.50 100 2.07 1 1/4” 400106 36.75 200 4.82 110065 36.75 100 110950 49.00 100 2.35 1 ½” 400107 39.20 200 5.48 115710 39.20 100 110966 54.60 100 2.63 1 3/4” 400108 50.40 100 3.01 115727 50.40 50 116440 70.00 50 1.49 2” 400109 52.50 100 3.41 115743 52.50 50 116456 80.85 50 1.66 2 1/4” 400110 70.00 100 3.75 115760 70.00 50 116472 95.90 50 1.84 2 ½” 400111 77.00 100 4.07 115776 77.00 50 116488 99.05 50 2.01 115792 80.50 50 115808 84.00 50 116504 101.50 50 2.36 115824 98.00 50 400467 122.50 50 2.53 122480 112.00 50 4” 115857 126.00 50 4 ½” 115873 210.00 50 5” 115889 315.00 50 2 3/4” 3” 400113 84.00 100 4.77 3 1/4” 3 ½” 6” 400115 400119 112.00 472.50 50 50 2.73 4.40 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 11 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 7/16” Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F Diameter Length International Part No. 1 1/4” 1 ½” 2” 2 ½” UNF UNC Price 112345 106074 Box International Part No. 400471 400472 400474 50 50 117.25 154.00 Price Box 101.50 115.50 154.00 50 50 50 Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.67 1.86 2.29 2.77 ½” Wrench Key Size 3/8” A/F Diameter BSW Length ½” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/4” 3 ½” 4” 5” 5 ½” 6” 6 ½” International Part No. Price UNC Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 400130 98.00 100 4.28 400131 400132 400133 400134 400135 87.50 93.80 97.65 123.20 134.05 100 100 100 50 50 5.36 3.00 3.29 3.61 3.91 400137 138.25 50 4.52 400139 150.50 50 5.13 400141 400142 400144 400145 400146 187.60 197.40 297.50 332.50 385.00 50 50 50 50 50 5.75 7.00 8.25 8.61 9.07 International Part No. Price Box 115644 115677 102603 102636 102670 102703 107950 108016 102464 110772 110837 110903 120761 111303 111575 111608 111673 115511 115544 115576 120.75 112.70 98.00 87.50 87.50 93.80 97.65 123.20 134.05 136.50 138.25 145.25 150.50 168.00 187.60 197.40 297.50 332.50 385.50 1431.50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 International Part No. UNF Price Box 104609 104625 109763 109780 109796 122870 107220 111047 107237 115.50 122.50 136.85 146.65 157.50 169.05 180.60 203.00 215.25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 116617 119272 280.00 304.50 25 25 Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.67 1.82 1.90 2.07 2.20 2.45 2.70 2.96 3.21 1.76 1.92 2.07 2.23 2.54 3.47 3.78 4.09 1.76 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 12 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 Diameter Length International Part No. 1” 400150 BSW Price Box 103.60 25 1 1/4” 5/8” Wrench Key Size ½” A/F UNC International Price Box Part No. International Part No. UNF Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.78 103093 127.05 1.99 25 1 3/4” 400153 166.25 25 400489 182.00 25 2.41 2” 400154 176.05 25 400490 228.90 25 2.59 2 1/4” 2 ½” 400156 213.50 25 2 3/4” 2.83 107754 199.15 25 107770 213.50 25 107787 223.30 25 3.30 400492 308.00 25 3.03 3” 400158 236.95 25 107803 236.95 25 3.50 3 ½” 400159 347.90 25 107837 347.90 25 3.98 4” 400160 357.00 25 4.38 4 ½” 400161 616.00 25 4.90 5” 400162 728.00 25 400412 728.00 25 5.33 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 13 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1936 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 3/4” Wrench Key Size ½” A/F Diameter BSW Price Box International Part No. UNC Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Length International Part No. 1 ½” 400169 263.90 25 111576 263.90 25 3.35 2” 400171 311.85 25 114008 311.85 25 4.05 2 ½” 400173 359.80 25 117695 359.80 25 4.73 3” 400175 417.20 25 5.40 3 ½” 400177 505.05 25 6.08 4” 400178 565.25 25 6.78 4 ½” 400179 625.10 25 5” 400180 685.30 25 2” 2 ½” 3” 3 ½” 4” 112980 Price 1690.50 Box 10 7.48 1” Wrench Key Size 5/8” A/F Wrench Key Size 9/16” A/F International Part No. 25 8.15 7/8” UNC Diameter Length 625.10 109145 Wt. Kilos Per Box 3.08 International Part No. 400194 400195 400196 400198 BSW Price Box 1701.00 1925.00 2152.00 10 10 10 2667.00 10 UNC Price International Part No. 120476 Box 1701.00 10 115793 111730 115842 2152.50 2341.50 2667.00 10 10 10 Wt. Kilos Per Box 3.32 3.82 4.32 4.81 5.31 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 14 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1960 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: ANSI B 18.3 No. 2 UNC Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F Diameter Length 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” International Part No. 105509 113307 113323 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3 3 1/4” 3 ½” Box 70.00 100 70.00 70.00 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.05 0.05 0.09 International Part No. 107799 107816 Price Box 35.25 35.00 No. 6 UNC Wrench Key Size 7/64” A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 009 0.14 109328 113440 118792 39.90 24.85 29.40 100 100 100 0.09 0.11 0.13 118840 34.30 10 0.23 114328 41.30 100 0.27 100 100 No. 5/16” Wrench Key Size 1/4” A/F No. 8 UNC Wrench Key Size 9/64” A/F Diameter Length Price No. 4 UNC Wrench Key Size 3/32” A/F UNF UNC International Part No. 118888 118904 118920 118936 Price Box 24.50 25.55 26.60 32.90 100 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.25 103156 103174 103190 36.75 36.75 36.75 100 100 100 0.30 0.37 0.43 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 118419 118436 104055 104071 104088 104104 104121 104137 33.25 37.10 40.25 43.40 49.70 56.35 64.75 71.75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.04 1.15 1.23 1.35 1.55 1.75 2.01 2.23 109916 109932 97.30 102.90 100 100 3.03 3.20 109966 119.35 50 1.76 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 108073 104516 32.20 33.25 100 100 0.94 1.04 110752 110769 51.10 58.80 100 100 1.35 1.55 110802 77.88 100 2.01 110834 110850 96.08 103.60 100 100 2.54 2.71 105344 123.20 100 3.20 N.B. The following diameters are fully interchangeable between 1936 & 1960 Series:- 10 UNC, 10 UNF, 1/4” UNC, 1/4 UNF, 3/8” UNC, 3/8 UNF ½”UNC & ½”UNF. Please refer to pages 8-14 for full range of 1936 Series. Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 15 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1960 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: ANSI B 18.3 No. 7/16” Wrench Key Size 3/8” A/F Diameter UNC Length International Price Box Part No. 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/4” 3 ½” 4” 4 ½” 5” 6” Diameter UNF Weight International Price Box Per Box Part No. 107449 118520 118554 118586 118619 116299 116332 113.40 127.75 140.00 156.80 179.55 193.90 215.25 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 3.03 1.72 1.86 2.09 2.39 2.66 2.87 116396 250.95 25 1.56 110568 115611 286.30 322.00 25 25 1.88 2.00 116520 104561 135.45 153.30 100 50 104593 182.70 50 105615 219.10 50 No. 5/8” UNC Wrench Key Size ½” A/F Weight International Price Per Box Part No. 3.03 109802 207.55 1.72 109593 228.90 109626 250.60 116335 274.40 2.39 111036 294.00 111069 311.50 2.87 111101 350.35 116639 372.05 116673 393.40 Box 116737 102196 102047 25 25 25 120778 7/8” Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F Length International Part No. 1110957 2” 1116479 2 ½” 1104568 3” 1104632 3 ½” 1104665 4” 4 ½” 5” 6” Price Box 1361.50 1533.00 1708.00 1949.50 2191.00 10 10 10 10 10 Wt. Kilos Per Box 2.54 2.63 3.22 3.45 4.04 1” Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F International Part No. 1116002 1115091 1104702 1114821 1114853 1114888 1114920 1103589 Price Box 1673.00 1785.00 1837.50 2303.00 2401.00 2695.00 2947.00 3409.00 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 450.10 497.70 550.20 706.65 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 No. 3/4” UNC Wrench Key Size 5/8” A/F Weight International Price Per Box Part No. 1.95 2.16 2.39 104244 395.85 2.54 2.72 113892 458.85 3.08 113924 490.00 3.31 113957 521.50 3.51 113990 553.00 3.78 111623 609.00 111656 640.50 4.32 111689 672.00 4.56 111722 756.00 5.40 110759 910.00 2.49 121562 1057.00 1 1/4” Wrench Key Size 3/32” A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 3.67 4.08 4.49 5.03 5.49 1104857 5,467.00 6.03 6.2 7.48 Box 1 Box Weight Per Box 25 3.45 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 4.35 4.67 4.94 5.26 5.72 5.99 6.26 7.12 25 10 8.53 3.81 1 ½” Wrench Key Size 7/64” A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1110234 10783.50 1 1.36 1115969 12694.50 1 1.91 1.04 N.B. The following diameters are fully interchangeable between 1936 & 1960 Series:- 10 UNC, 10 UNF, 1/4” UNC, 1/4 UNF, 3/8” UNC, 3/8 UNF ½”UNC & ½”UNF. Please refer to pages 8-14 for full range of 1936 Series. Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous price lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 16 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: METRIC SET SCREWS BS 4168 GRADE 45H KNURLED CUP POINT ISO 4029 PLAIN CUP POINT DIN 916 KNURLED CUP POINT Diameter M4 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F M3 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 3 104076 6.55 200 0.03 4 103172 6.02 200 5 103175 7.11 6 103176 8 M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.03 103182 6.16 200 0.04 200 0.03 103185 5.11 200 0.06 103194 6.58 200 0.08 8.61 200 0.04 103186 6.83 200 0.07 103195 6.16 200 0.10 103177 8.89 200 0.06 103187 7.07 200 0.10 103196 6.90 200 0.15 10 103178 11.27 200 0.08 103188 7.42 200 0.13 103197 7.46 200 0.21 12 103179 14.00 200 0.09 103189 9.10 200 0.17 103198 9.21 200 0.24 401084 11.66 200 0.21 401099 11.83 200 0.32 103191 12.43 200 0.22 103199 12.64 200 0.34 103193 15.89 200 0.28 103202 16.07 200 0.44 25 103203 20.44 200 0.58 30 103204 24.78 200 0.77 15 16 103180 19.15 200 0.09 20 M6 Diameter M8 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F M10 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 6 103207 5.92 200 0.15 8 103208 7.56 200 10 103209 7.14 12 103211 15 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.22 103224 9.42 200 0.34 200 0.28 103227 9.66 200 0.46 103241 7.91 200 0.66 9.17 200 0.36 103228 9.98 200 0.58 103244 9.63 200 0.84 401087 11.41 200 0.47 401091 10.33 200 0.77 401094 12.71 200 1.14 16 103212 10.85 200 0.50 103229 10.12 200 0.84 103245 13.69 200 1.24 20 103214 12.60 200 0.64 103230 13.02 200 1.08 103246 17.75 200 1.64 25 103217 16.10 200 0.82 103231 16.66 200 1.40 103247 22.82 200 2.14 30 103218 19.57 200 1.00 103235 20.27 200 1.70 103249 27.90 200 2.64 35 103219 23.03 200 1.18 103236 23.87 200 2.00 103251 32.97 200 3.14 40 103220 26.53 200 1.36 103237 27.48 200 2.52 103252 38.05 200 3.64 45 103221 30.00 200 1.83 103253 43.12 100 2.07 50 103222 33.46 200 2.04 103254 48.16 100 2.33 103240 34.72 200 3.12 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 17 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: METRIC SET SCREWS BS 4168 GRADE 45H KNURLED CUP POINT ISO 4029 PLAIN CUP POINT DIN 916 KNURLED CUP POINT M12 Diameter M16 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Length Inter. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Inter. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 12 103256 13.30 100 0.59 16 103258 19.32 100 0.87 106352 115.50 50 0.72 20 103259 25.34 100 1.16 103274 58.10 50 0.98 25 103260 32.87 100 1.52 103276 88.20 50 1.32 30 103261 40.36 100 1.89 103277 101.50 50 1.64 35 103262 47.88 100 2.24 103278 123.90 50 1.91 40 103263 55.37 50 1.30 103279 137.90 50 2.30 45 103269 62.90 50 1.48 50 103270 70.42 50 1.66 103282 194.25 50 3.00 103283 202.30 25 1.66 103284 267.26 25 1.83 55 60 103272 85.44 50 2.26 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 18 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: METRIC SET SCREWS BS 4168 GRADE 45H KNURLED CUP POINT ISO 4026 PLAIN CUP POINT DIN 913 FLAT POINT Length 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 Diameter Length 6 8 10 12 15 16 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 M4 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F M3 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Diameter International Part No. 120000 120001 104024 108106 108108 108109 104025 120004 Price Box 7.00 5.25 7.35 7.70 10.50 11.34 12.60 13.86 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M6 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Intern. Part No. 105476 108095 108111 122395 401089 104041 108096 104042 104043 Price Box 6.48 5.60 7.28 11.90 12.32 13.44 17.36 19.60 23.52 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.15 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.47 0.50 0.64 0.82 1.00 120009 32.34 200 1.36 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.09 M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 121084 104027 111691 108110 104028 104029 108101 120005 5.25 6.02 6.93 7.67 8.40 11.20 15.40 16.80 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.22 0.28 M8 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 121109 104031 104033 104034 104035 122408 104038 120006 6.34 5.53 8.58 9.49 9.24 12.36 14.70 20.79 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.21 0.24 0.34 0.44 0.58 M10 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F M12 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Intern. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Intern. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Intern. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 120861 108227 104044 17.85 11.20 8.82 200 200 200 0.34 0.46 0.58 107993 108257 13.02 11.31 200 200 0.66 0.84 120028 27.27 100 0.59 120012 120013 106340 120014 120016 120017 120020 9.80 13.02 14.28 23.10 45.50 52.50 70.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.84 1.08 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.52 3.12 110881 110897 120022 120023 13.65 17.64 22.68 27.30 200 200 200 200 1.24 1.64 2.14 2.64 120029 107985 125795 18.90 20.83 21.42 100 100 100 0.87 1.16 1.52 120025 120027 38.01 46.20 200 100 3.64 2.33 120032 120033 120037 35.56 44.94 159.60 50 50 50 1.30 1.66 2.26 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 19 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: METRIC SET SCREWS BS 4168 GRADE 45H KNURLED CUP POINT ISO 4028 PLAIN CUP POINT DIN 915 DOG POINT Diameter Length 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 Diameter Length 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 45 50 Diameter Length 12 20 25 30 40 50 60 M3 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120182* 120185 108149 120188 17.50 21.00 23.10 23.10 200 200 200 200 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 M6 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120216* 122149 108112 108099 108034 108159 107988 7.00 9.10 11.90 16.80 21.70 28.00 33.60 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.50 0.64 0.82 1.00 M12 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120242* 120243 120244 37.91 33.32 42.84 100 100 100 0.59 1.16 1.52 107982 120248 71.12 78.65 50 50 1.30 1.66 M4 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120194* 120195* 120197 108226 120199 14.00 10.50 14.00 16.80 19.60 200 200 200 200 200 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.17 120204 33.60 200 0.24 M8 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120222* 107983 120226 120227 121121 120228 108188 108146 15.37 14.00 16.10 17.22 21.70 23.80 30.80 42.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.34 0.46 0.58 0.84 1.08 1.40 1.70 2.52 M16 Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 107984 108039 120259 120261 73.26 75.08 97.65 96.18 50 50 50 25 1.64 2.30 3.00 1.83 M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120209* 120210 108151 120211 120212 8.93 7.35 10.50 21.00 29.75 200 200 200 200 200 0.10 0.15 0.21 0.24 0.34 M10 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 108207* 16.10 200 0.66 108191 108113 108085 108098 22.75 23.52 30.24 33.39 200 200 200 200 1.64 1.64 2.14 2.64 120238 120240 42.21 46.41 100 100 2.07 2.33 M20 Wrench Key Size 10mm A/F Price Box International Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 120270 120275 333.55 427.00 25 25 2.20 2.71 Sizes marked (*) have a Half Dog Point as Standard. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 20 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: METRIC SET SCREWS BS 4168 GRADE 45H KNURLED CUP POINT ISO 4027 PLAIN CUP POINT DIN 914 CONE POINT Diameter M3 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Length International Price Part No. 12.11 120071 5 Box 200 M4 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 5.15 120076 0.03 Box 200 M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.06 Box M6 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 6 108208 17.29 200 0.04 108143 7.70 200 0.07 120085 5.15 200 0.10 108209 14.67 200 0.15 8 120072 25.90 200 0.06 108249 10.29 200 0.10 120086 7.21 200 0.15 108041 4.80 200 0.22 10 120077 15.44 200 0.13 113532 10.29 200 0.21 108210 7.35 200 0.28 12 120078 20.58 200 0.17 108144 12.32 200 0.24 108081 9.59 200 0.36 120088 17.47 200 0.34 108224 13.55 200 0.50 20 108020 17.50 200 0.64 25 108158 22.58 200 0.82 30 120093 27.09 200 1.00 16 M8 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Diameter M10 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 8 108097 5.95 200 0.34 10 120102 7.00 200 0.46 12 120103 8.05 200 16 120104 14.35 20 120105 25 120106 40 M12 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.58 120115 12.60 200 0.84 200 0.84 108211 15.93 200 1.24 120129 25.20 100 0.87 17.36 200 1.08 120116 16.80 200 1.64 120130 29.16 100 1.16 19.04 200 1.40 120916 18.90 200 2.14 403341 25.34 200 4.18 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 21 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: METRIC SET SCREWS BS 4168 GRADE 45H KNURLED CUP POINT ISO 4029 PLAIN CUP POINT DIN 916 PLAIN CUP POINT M2.5 Wrench Key Size 1.27mm A/F Diameter Length International Part No. 120917 Price Box 14.00 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.03 4 104045 8.82 200 0.03 5 104048 8.93 200 0.03 104050 9.45 200 0.04 3 International Part No. 104173 Price Box 31.50 200 M3 Wrench Key Size 1.5mm A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.02 6 104115 73.50 200 0.04 8 104116 99.75 200 0.05 10 104117 126.00 200 0.05 Diameter Length 4 5 6 8 M4 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F International Part No. 104051 104052 104053 104054 Price Box 9.66 200 9.80 200 10.26 200 12.95 200 M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.10 M6 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 104057 6.83 200 0.08 104058 7.00 200 0.10 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 104061 6.65 200 0.15 114523 6.79 200 0.22 10 104060 7.49 200 0.21 105882 8.96 200 0.28 12 107871 8.05 200 0.24 104064 9.45 200 0.36 16 108121 11.62 200 0.50 25 108122 19.01 200 0.82 Diameter Length 8 10 12 M8 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F International Part No. 116965 119229 117455 Price Box 7.18 200 7.95 200 9.91 200 M10 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.34 0.46 0.58 International Part No. Price Box M12 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 16 104073 14.77 200 1.24 20 104074 21.81 200 1.64 25 122205 28.04 200 2.14 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 108056 20.06 100 0.59 108053 30.42 100 0.59 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 22 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 ANSI B. 18.3 KNURLED CUP POINT Diameter No. 6 UNC Wrench Key Size 1/16” A/F No.4 UNC Wrench Key Size 0.50mm A/F No. 8 UNC Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 3/16” 107235 23.24 100 0.01 102967 16.91 100 0.02 105233 19.32 100 0.03 1/4” 117866 26.22 100 0.02 102983 18.06 100 0.03 114173 19.60 100 0.04 103005 25.83 100 0.06 3/8” No. 10 Wrench Key Size 3/32” A/F Diameter UNF UNC Length International Part No. Price Box 3/16” 1/4” 105877 18.24 100 5/16” 3/8” 116953 18.41 100 ½” 1” 119170 55.37 100 International Part No. 119453 Price Box 17.50 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.04 119470 18.24 100 0.05 119486 18.24 100 0.07 119502 18.41 100 0.08 119535 32.13 100 0.18 0.22 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 23 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 ANSI B. 18.3 KNURLED CUP POINT 1/8” BSW Wrench Key Size 1/16” A/F Diameter Length 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 3/4” 1” International Part No. 400945 400946 Price Box 28.63 26.50 200 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.04 0.05 400948 40.01 200 0.12 Diameter BSW Length 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 ½” International Part No. 400961 Price Box 18.06 200 400965 400967 400969 400970 400972 400974 22.82 25.73 35.98 39.90 53.76 71.68 200 200 200 200 200 200 Diameter Length 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 2” 3/16” BSW Wrench Key Size 3/32” A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.11 0.16 0.28 0.42 0.54 0.65 0.91 1.41 BSW International Part No. 400975 400986 400977 400978 400980 400982 400984 400983 400985 Price Box 29.12 27.97 23.45 24.85 200 200 200 200 39.90 59.29 75.46 85.75 108.82 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.28 0.38 0.48 0.69 1.10 1.51 1.91 2.32 3.12 International Part No. 400949 400951 400952 400953 400954 400956 400957 1/4” Wrench Key Size 1/8” A/F UNC International Price Box Part No. 114700 114733 114766 120250 18.06 34.86 22.82 25.73 100 100 100 100 119934 113841 39.90 53.76 100 100 5/16” Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F UNC International Price Box Part No. 104901 104917 104934 104966 104982 104998 29.12 27.97 23.45 24.85 34.90 39.90 100 100 100 100 100 100 Price Box 22.61 25.45 21.39 22.44 28.35 35.53 57.12 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.08 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.25 0.39 0.54 UNF International Part No. 120568 120584 120600 120632 Price Box 19.57 35.00 23.87 28.35 100 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.07 0.12 0.15 0.18 120665 45.99 100 0.28 International Part No. 118675 Price Box 35.95 100 118707 26.95 100 118755 118773 120327 43.58 52.50 65.73 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.33 0.37 0.46 0.62 UNF Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 24 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 ANSI B. 18.3 KNURLED CUP POINT Diameter BSW Length 3/8” International Part No. 400988 Price Box 30.87 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.64 3/8” Wrench Key Size 3/16” A/F UNC International Price Box Part No. ½” 112059 30.87 100 112092 32.03 100 UNF International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.29 120412 37.28 100 0.48 5/8” 400990 46.24 200 1.22 112108 46.24 100 0.54 3/4” 400991 46.31 200 1.52 112124 46.31 100 0.66 112157 56.21 100 0.90 1” 1 1/4” 400994 74.31 200 2.70 112173 74.31 100 2” 400997 143.89 100 2.23 112221 143.89 100 84.39 100 1.15 2.29 7/16” BSW Wrench Key Size 7/32” A/F Diameter Length International Part No. 401000 3/4” Price Box 99.68 100 Weight Kilos Per Box 1.10 ½” Wrench Key Size 1/4” A/F UNC Diameter Length 120444 BSW Price Box 60.17 UNF ½” International Part No. 401003 Price Box 100 International Part No. 119072 60.17 100 International Part No. 119207 Price Box 102.20 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.79 5/8” 401005 72.03 50 119088 72.03 100 3/4” 401006 76.20 50 119104 76.20 100 1” 401008 79.49 50 1 ½” 401010 135.87 100 2.91 2” 401013 159.08 50 1.99 2 ½” 401014 367.08 50 2.52 1.05 119239 116.73 100 1.31 119256 125.72 100 1.84 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 25 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET SET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 ANSI B. 18.3 KNURLED CUP POINT 5/8” BSW Wrench Key Size 5/16” A/F Diameter Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 3/4” 401016 143.50 50 0.96 1 1/4” 401018 195.30 50 1.83 1 ½” 401019 230.30 50 2.24 2 ½” 401022 297.85 25 2.13 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 26 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: DIN 7991 ISO 6761 Dia M3 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Length International Part No. 106283 6 103303 8 103304 10 103305 12 14 401672 15 103306 16 18 103308 20 106284 25 106285 30 35 40 45 50 Dia Length 10 12 15 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 Price Box 11.73 11.87 11.73 13.58 200 200 200 200 16.45 17.50 200 200 0.09 0.09 18.03 18.24 18.38 200 200 200 0.18 0.27 0.36 M4 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.08 103309 0.09 103311 0.09 103312 0.09 401674 103313 401675 103315 103316 103317 106287 106288 Price Box 8.72 9.52 10.96 200 200 200 0.18 0.18 0.27 13.23 13.93 15.37 16.84 20.51 24.19 30.42 35.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.27 0.27 0.30 0.36 0.45 0.54 0.64 0.82 M8 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F International Part No. 103336 103337 401680 103338 401681 103340 103341 103342 103343 103344 106297 106298 106299 106300 106301 Price Box 11.41 11.55 12.01 12.60 12.88 13.97 16.63 19.36 27.93 31.36 34.76 41.30 45.43 49.56 57.79 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 M5 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 103318 103319 103320 401676 401660 103321 401677 103322 103323 103324 106289 106290 106293 106294 Price Box 9.66 9.45 9.98 10.82 11.17 11.48 12.36 12.67 12.95 14.07 26.92 32.90 37.10 41.27 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 103325 103328 103329 401678 401661 103330 401679 103331 103332 103333 103334 103335 106295 106296 0.27 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.44 0.45 0.55 0.64 0.73 0.82 1.18 1.27 1.45 1.63 M10 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.09 1.18 1.38 1.45 1.53 1.72 2.00 2.27 2.63 2.90 3.54 3.99 2.18 2.49 2.99 M6 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 14.84 10.05 8.19 9.21 9.66 10.19 11.17 11.80 14.67 17.15 19.64 22.12 32.24 35.84 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.45 0.54 0.64 0.70 0.73 0.73 0.82 0.91 1.00 1.18 1.36 1.54 1.91 2.27 M12 Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 103345 45.61 200 2.00 103347 17.08 200 2.36 103348 103349 103350 103351 103352 106302 106303 106304 106305 106306 106308 106309 106310 19.92 20.72 23.80 29.96 30.38 37.63 41.20 53.69 62.79 73.08 83.30 109.13 121.10 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 2.81 3.27 3.72 4.17 2.36 2.40 3.18 3.45 3.63 2.09 2.31 2.59 2.86 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 103353 103354 103355 103356 103357 106311 103358 106312 106313 106314 106315 106316 106330 52.71 37.84 39.55 41.13 45.85 50.54 55.27 91.32 98.49 122.78 140.07 179.87 199.61 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2.09 2.45 2.81 3.18 3.54 4.26 2.13 2.27 2.72 3.22 3.72 4.26 4.76 Sizes above Bold lines are threaded to head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 27 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: DIN 7991 ISO 6761 M16 Dia Length International Part No. 103359 103360 103361 106318 103362 106320 103363 106321 106322 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 M20 Wrench Key Size 10mm A/F Price Box 130.03 81.66 83.76 100.45 109.87 119.25 128.66 147.46 177.77 Wt. Kilos Per Box 2.54 2.90 3.18 3.81 3.90 2.27 2.59 2.86 3.27 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 International Part No. Wrench Key Size 12mm A/F Price Box 106328 106332 106334 106335 167.83 186.94 206.05 225.16 25 25 25 25 2.49 2.77 3.04 3.36 106337 106338 106339 263.34 301.53 339.71 25 25 25 3.93 4.25 5.00 106342 401685 401686 401687 416.12 659.12 768.71 981.96 25 10 10 10 6.33 2.98 3.46 3.90 ISO METRIC COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS (BRIGHT ZINC PLATED) M4 M3 Dia Wt. Kilos Per Box Specifications: DIN 7991 M5 M6 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Length International Price Box Wt. Kilos International Price Box Wt. Kilos International Price Box Wt. Kilos International Price Box Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 Dia Length 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 407292 404470 407291 405767 8.75 10.43 12.08 15.58 200 200 200 200 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 407550 407742 407551 407745 407746 M8 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F International Price Box Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 407776 405626 407539 404200 400795 407760 404388 407761 407762 29.75 31.68 33.60 39.20 45.43 51.80 58.10 64.40 76.65 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1.18 1.45 1.72 2.00 2.27 2.63 2.90 3.54 3.99 11.73 13.48 16.98 20.62 25.20 200 200 200 200 200 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.36 0.45 407552 400851 407749 404390 407752 407553 407754 12.25 14.00 17.68 21.18 25.73 30.28 36.40 M10 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F International Price Box Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 407541 38.85 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.36 0.36 0.45 0.64 0.73 0.82 1.27 407554 405322 404073 402695 407757 402697 15.05 17.15 21.35 25.55 30.80 36.05 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.54 0.64 0.73 0.91 1.00 1.18 M12 Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F International Price Box Wt. Kilos Part No. Per Box 2.81 401733 52.50 200 3.72 407543 66.15 100 2.36 407545 407546 407547 402696 65.45 75.25 85.05 94.85 100 100 100 100 2.45 2.81 3.18 3.54 407766 114.45 50 2.13 Above screws are bright zinc plated and clear passivated to BS 3382 Pt. 2 and de-embrittled (23 hours bake) Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 28 ALL PRICES € PER 100 COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 (UNIFIED) No. 4 UNC Wrench Key Size 1/16” A/F Dia Length Price Box 1/4” International Part No. 104414 29.16 3/8” 104447 ½” 104480 No. 6 UNC Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F International Part No. 119626 Price Box 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.04 31.15 26.53 100 0.05 119658 44.70 100 0.06 3/4” No. 8 UNC Wrench Key Size 3/32” A/F A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.06 32.73 100 0.08 106645 22.19 100 0.12 119691 34.65 100 0.10 106677 22.89 100 0.15 119759 49.00 100 0.13 106773 43.40 100 0.25 1” No. 10 Wrench Key Size 1/8” A/F Diameter Length UNF UNC Price Box 26.53 3/8” International Part No. 106805 Price Box 100 International Part No. 111890 29.72 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.16 ½” 113654 26.53 100 111889 29.72 100 0.19 5/8” 113687 30.00 100 113158 33.04 100 0.23 3/4” 113719 31.26 100 107655 34.76 100 0.27 1” 107671 38.50 100 0.35 1 1/4” 107687 105.70 100 0.43 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases, orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 29 ALL PRICES € PER 100 COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 (UNIFIED) 1/4” Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F Dia Length UNF UNC Price Box 23.10 ½” International Part No. 105289 Price Box 100 International Part No. 108107 27.30 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.38 5/8” 105321 23.10 100 104289 27.30 100 0.44 3/4” 105352 25.48 100 104322 33.18 100 0.50 1” 118658 28.88 100 104356 37.63 100 0.63 1 1/4” 120514 35.53 100 1 ½” 120581 39.69 100 0.76 107581 47.25 100 0.88 Box 5/16” Wrench Key Size 3/16” A/F Dia Length UNF UNC Price Box ½” International Part No. 120341 International Part No. Price 31.68 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.65 5/8” 119485 31.68 100 0.75 3/4” 119517 34.02 100 103326 39.90 100 0.85 1” 105918 38.85 100 115218 46.20 100 1.04 1 1/4” 105951 71.75 100 115282 77.14 100 1.24 1 ½” 105983 74.55 100 115345 81.55 100 1.44 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases, orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 30 ALL PRICES € PER 100 COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 (UNIFIED) Diameter Length 3/8” UNC ½” UNC 7/16” UNF Wrench Key Size 5/16” A/F Wrench Key Size 7/32” A/F Wrench Key Size 7/32” A/F International Price Box Weight Kilos International Price Box Weight Kilos International Price Box Weight Kilos Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box Part No. Per Box 115671 79.56 100 2.18 102630 79.56 100 2.68 107321 92.79 50 1.65 107353 101.85 50 1.92 1 3/4” 120801 127.12 50 2.19 2” 106977 146.37 50 2.46 2 ½” 107007 176.54 50 2.62 3” 107038 225.05 25 1.89 3/4” 107104 39.20 100 1.31 7/8” 118253 39.20 100 1.46 1” 107136 41.30 100 1.61 1 1/4” 104272 46.73 100 1.90 1 ½” 104338 53.55 100 2.20 106866 76.13 100 5/8” UNC Diameter 1.90 3/4” UNC Wrench Key Size ½” A/F Wrench Key Size 3/8” A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1 ½” 107923 271.25 25 1.61 102436 549.50 25 2.49 2” 107955 605.50 25 2.04 102469 703.50 25 3.13 102502 840.00 25 3.90 2 ½” 3” 120848 927.50 25 2.95 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases, orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Sizes above BOLD Lines are Threaded to Head. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 31 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 4168 Dia M4 M3 Length International Part No. 5 180248 6 106353 8 106354 10 106357 12 106358 15 16 106359 18 20 22 25 30 Price Box 10.15 10.15 8.23 9.45 10.50 200 200 200 200 200 13.30 200 Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.09 0.09 180200 0.09 106360 0.09 106361 0.18 106363 401218 0.18 106364 M8 Dia M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Price Box 7.35 7.35 7.35 8.05 9.80 9.80 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.36 180398 180175 106365 106366 401219 106367 406269 106368 401220 106369 106370 Price Box 14.00 13.86 7.35 8.05 9.45 9.45 20.65 11.20 24.15 13.30 15.05 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.52 0.54 0.60 0.73 0.80 0.82 0.91 M10 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F M6 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 180249 106372 106373 401222 106374 401223 106375 26.43 9.63 9.80 11.20 11.20 11.20 12.08 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.78 0.82 0.91 1.00 106376 106378 12.60 13.13 200 200 1.09 1.27 M12 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 10 12 15 16 20 25 30 35 40 50 106379 106380 401226 106382 106384 106385 106386 106389 106390 16.10 13.65 14.00 14.00 14.35 16.80 19.25 23.45 26.25 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1.00 1.09 1.29 1.36 1.72 2.09 2.54 2.90 3.37 106392 106393 106396 106399 106401 106402 28.00 19.08 21.88 24.50 27.48 30.45 200 200 200 200 200 100 2.90 3.36 3.81 4.35 4.81 2.68 106403 106404 106405 106406 106407 106408 106413 47.25 50.75 52.85 59.15 65.45 71.75 84.35 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 2.30 2.38 2.80 3.16 3.54 1.90 2.30 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 32 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREWS (BRIGHT ZINC PLATED) SPECIFICATIONS: BS 4168 M4 M3 Dia M5 Wrench Key Size 2.5mm A/F Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 6 406301 10.50 200 0.09 8 406104 10.50 200 10 406302 10.50 200 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.09 404222 11.20 200 0.27 0.09 406197 12.95 200 0.27 406304 11.90 200 0.45 12 405711 14.35 200 0.27 406305 13.30 200 0.45 16 406105 17.85 200 0.36 406306 16.28 200 0.54 403578 19.08 200 0.73 20 M6 Dia M8 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F M10 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 10 406106 16.63 200 0.64 12 405778 18.55 200 16 405449 22.40 20 405712 25 407768 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.64 406294 25.20 200 1.09 200 0.82 405701 30.10 200 1.36 26.25 200 1.00 405044 34.65 200 1.72 405713 40.95 200 3.36 31.15 200 1.09 404751 40.60 200 2.09 405714 47.25 200 3.81 Above screws are bright zinc plated and clear passivated to BS 3382 Pt. 2 and de-embrittled (23 hours bake) Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 33 ALL PRICES € PER 100 BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 (UNIFIED) Diameter Length 1/4” 3/8” ½” No. 6 Wrench Key Size 5/64” A/F No.4 UNC Wrench Key Size 1/16” A/F International Part No. 104720 Price 66.85 Box Weight Kilos Per Box 100 0.05 International Part No. 104752 104768 104784 Price Box 19.08 18.90 19.25 100 100 100 No. 8UNC Wrench Key Size 3/32”” A/F Weight Kilos Per Box 0.07 0.09 0.11 International Part No. 116546 116562 116579 19.25 20.65 21.35 100 100 100 Weight Kilos Per Box 0.11 0.14 0.16 UNF UNC 1/4” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” Box No. 10 Wrench Key Size 1/8” A/F Diameter Length Price International Part No. 116932 116948 116964 109705 109722 103539 Price Box 29.05 16.10 17.15 26.60 31.33 44.45 100 100 100 100 100 100 International Part No. 105400 102042 102058 120709 120725 118647 Price Box 31.15 18.55 19.60 27.83 23.28 45.85 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.15 0.18 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.35 1/4” Wrench Key Size 5/32” A/F Dia Length UNF UNC Price Box 3/8” International Part No. 103556 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.32 16.45 100 ½” 110416 16.45 100 120494 24.15 100 0.38 5/8” 104174 16.98 100 120527 32.69 100 0.44 3/4” 104191 17.50 100 120561 27.44 100 0.50 1” 103943 22.58 100 0.62 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases, orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 34 ALL PRICES € PER 100 BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 (UNIFIED) 5/16” Wrench Key Size 3/16” A/F Diameter UNF Length ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” International Part No. 103975 103991 104007 104040 UNF Price Box International Part No. Price Box 26.95 100 30.63 100 32.38 100 118716 38.85 100 49.00 100 120320 54.25 100 3/8” Wrench Key Size 7/32” A/F Diameter UNF UNC Length 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.67 0.76 0.86 1.05 International Part No. 108180 108213 108229 Price Box International Part No. 119491 Price Box 31.50 100 59.15 100 38.85 100 1.62 69.30 100 1.91 1.34 ½”UNC Wrench Key Size 5/16”” A/F Diameter Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1” 111721 163.80 50 1.45 Box quantities for Unified sizes now show the reduced quantities referred to in our previous Price Lists. However some existing stock may still be boxed in the larger quantities. In such cases, orders will be fulfilled to the nearest multiple above the specified quantity. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 35 ALL PRICES € PER 100 METRIC FLANGE BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREWS SPECIFICATIONS: ISO 898 Dia Length 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 International Part No. 404977 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 Price Box 17.29 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.08 International Part No. 180079 404997 404999 405001 405003 405004 Price Box 22.58 22.23 26.08 29.79 34.48 39.20 200 200 200 200 200 200 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.70 0.72 0.90 1.10 1.20 1.28 M5 Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 404982 404983 404984 404986 15.23 17.68 19.60 23.45 200 200 200 200 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.40 M6 Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Dia Length M4 Wrench Key Size 2.5 mm A/F M3 Wrench Key Size 2mm A/F International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 404988 404989 404991 404992 404994 15.75 17.15 20.65 21.70 23.10 200 200 200 200 200 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.90 M8 Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F International Part No. 405005 405007 405009 405011 405012 405013 405015 Price Box 47.95 21.70 25.20 28.35 32.73 37.10 45.50 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M10 Wrench Key Size 6mm A/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.00 1.20 1.48 1.88 2.30 2.80 3.60 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 405016 405017 405018 405019 43.75 49.00 55.65 62.48 200 200 200 200 3.18 3.68 4.20 4.78 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 36 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD SHOULDER SCREWS Precision Ground to h8 tolerances on the Shoulder (Size indicates Ground Diameter) Dia 6mm (M5) Wrench Key Size 3mm A/F Length Inter. Price Part No. 10 12 15 16 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 105364 57.82 105365 62.72 401484 72.45 105366 72.45 105368 82.18 105370 94.36 105372 106.54 105373 125.65 Dia 8mm (M6) Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Box Wt. Kilos Inter. Price Per Box Part No. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0.32 0.32 0.35 0.36 0.41 0.50 0.59 0.64 105375 57.72 401486 72.07 105377 74.41 105379 83.51 105380 94.92 105381 106.37 105383 129.19 105386 141.86 16mm (M12) Wrench Key Size 8mm A/F Box 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10mm (M8) Wrench Key Size 5mm A/F Wt. Kilos Inter. Price Per Box Part No. 0.64 0.70 0.73 0.77 0.86 1.00 1.18 1.63 SPECIFICATIONS: BS 4168 401487 105388 105390 105392 105393 105394 105395 105396 105402 106422 88.34 90.86 100.94 113.61 126.21 151.41 159.01 168.07 189.32 210.32 Box 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 12mm (M10) Wrench Key Size 4mm A/F Wt. Kilos Inter. Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 191.80 118.09 129.92 144.80 159.67 189.39 211.79 240.52 255.33 267.16 270.38 318.68 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.90 0.94 1.04 1.13 1.27 1.50 1.72 1.91 2.13 2.36 2.59 2.81 1.20 1.27 1.36 1.54 1.68 2.00 2.31 2.59 2.90 3.18 401485 105404 105406 105407 105410 105411 105412 105416 105417 105420 105427 105433 24mm (M20) Wrench Key Size 12mm A/F 20mm (M16) Wrench Key Size 10mm A/F Length Inter. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Inter. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Inter. Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 105434 105435 105436 105437 105438 105440 106343 106344 106346 245.67 288.86 332.05 375.20 418.39 446.15 462.67 547.89 845.64 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2.36 2.77 3.13 3.54 3.95 4.35 4.63 5.03 5.85 105441 105442 105444 105448 105449 105450 106347 106348 673.93 762.27 850.57 938.91 1027.22 1115.56 1203.86 1380.51 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2.04 2.27 2.54 2.77 3.04 3.27 3.45 3.99 401488 401489 401490 401491 401492 401493 401494 2330.93 2550.35 2769.76 2989.25 3208.66 3428.08 3866.98 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.75 1.93 2.13 2.33 2.53 2.73 3.12 Method of Specifying: The nominal diameter of a shoulder screw is the diameter of the shoulder & not the thread diameter but it is recommended that both are quoted, e.g. 16mm (M12) x 70mm long to BS 4168. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. 37 ALL PRICES € PER 100 SOCKET HEAD SHOULDER SCREWS (Size indicates Ground Diameter) (Size indicates Ground Diameter) SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 5/16” UNC Wrench Key Size 5/32”A/F Thread Size 1/4” Dia 3/8” UNC Wrench Key Size 3/16”A/F Thread Size 5/16” Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 3/8 ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/4” 3 ½” 3 3/4” 4” 118045 114047 117628 106137 106201 106266 106331 106395 106459 120.51 114.24 102.45 94.96 113.47 131.92 150.43 176.40 195.76 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.23 0.27 0.30 0.33 0.41 0.50 0.54 0.59 0.68 106524 111791 116768 116800 110993 111025 118465 181.34 168.46 167.13 162.40 180.53 184.98 190.19 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.45 0.50 0.51 0.53 0.62 0.71 0.80 114166 114200 114233 119970 120003 120036 120069 120101 118103 195.51 205.28 222.60 239.89 257.22 274.47 291.76 309.09 326.38 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.99 1.08 1.17 1.26 1.40 1.44 1.58 1.62 1.71 Dia 5/8” UNC ½” UNC 3/4” UNC Wrench Key Size 1/4”A/FThread Size 3/8” Wrench Key Size 5/16”A/FThread Size ½” Wrench Key Size 3/8”A/F Thread Size 5/8” Length International Part No. ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/4” 3 ½” 3 3/4” 4” 4 1/4” 4 ½” 4 3/4” 5” 5 ½” 6” 6 ½” 7” 119560 107602 107634 113288 106400 106432 106465 106497 113444 113476 113509 102884 111946 111978 112011 108444 108477 108510 Price Box 196.42 214.62 232.82 269.19 275.07 279.93 287.63 290.36 315.84 341.36 366.80 392.32 417.80 443.24 468.76 494.24 519.75 545.20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.95 1.04 1.08 1.26 1.44 1.50 1.76 1.89 2.07 2.21 2.39 2.52 2.70 2.84 3.02 3.15 3.33 1.40 Price Box Wt.Kilos PerBox 115741 102954 107083 107114 107147 104292 104359 110484 109843 103662 103728 117089 119174 450.10 515.52 574.56 633.61 679.21 736.51 793.77 851.03 908.36 965.62 1022.88 1080.21 1137.47 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 1.93 2.21 2.46 2.71 2.91 3.33 3.40 3.87 4.10 4.32 4.59 1.94 2.03 114737 119201 106617 119573 119605 116312 116313 1251.99 1309.32 1366.58 1481.17 1595.69 1710.28 1824.83 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.66 2.84 2.97 3.20 International Part No. Price Box Wt.Kilos PerBox 102298 611.21 25 2.97 102397 108998 125809 113145 107658 107690 107722 113224 107461 107493 107525 107557 107590 107622 113276 113308 106420 106452 117921 117938 768.85 847.60 926.38 1005.17 1083.95 1162.77 1241.56 1276.31 1317.51 1428.63 1556.66 1567.37 1714.30 1733.31 1871.84 1885.59 2108.23 2190.27 2423.37 2451.86 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3.65 1.62 1.80 1.94 2.07 2.21 2.39 2.52 2.66 2.79 2.93 3.06 3.20 3.33 3.51 3.65 3.96 4.23 4.41 4.68 Method of Specifying: The nominal diameter of a shoulder screw is the diameter of the shoulder & not the thread diameter but it is recommended that both are quoted, e.g. ½” (3/8” UNC) x 1” long to BS 2470 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 38 ALL PRICES € PER 100 TAPER PRESSURE PLUGS NPTF 3/4” BSPT 3/4” Dia International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Wrench Key Size 402208 402209 402210 402211 402212 402213 402214 402215 402216 26.36 37.73 52.68 144.76 264.99 268.35 600.08 1267.98 2633.05 200 200 100 100 50 50 25 25 25 0.40 0.96 1.81 1.81 2.70 3.20 3.79 6.80 8.55 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” 3/4” 1/6” 1/8” 1/4” 3/8” ½” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 ½” NPTF 7/8” International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Wrench Key Size 117052 117068 117084 118963 103846 28.91 28.91 38.96 59.15 141.75 100 100 100 100 50 0.19 0.46 0.86 1.60 1.91 5/32”AF 3/16”A/F 3/4”A/F 5/16”A/F 3/8”A/F 103747 103644 103588 309.19 728.88 1284.71 50 25 25 2.31 2.30 4.10 9/16”A/F 5/8”A/F 3/4”A/F NPTF - STAINLESS STEEL-A2 (18/8 type) 3/4” Dia International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Wrench Key Size International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Wrench Key Size 1/16” 1/8” 1/4” 3/8” ½” 107577 107593 105766 105782 112286 33.60 33.60 50.33 86.73 198.70 100 100 100 100 50 0.14 0.27 0.74 1.32 1.22 5/32”A/F 3/16” A/F 1/4” A/F 5/16” A/F 3/8” A/F 102262 102182 102076 110890 110779 128.91 128.91 170.10 291.66 715.82 100 100 100 100 50 0.18 0.46 0.86 2.72 1.91 5/32”AF 3/16”A/F 1/4”A/F 5/16”A/F 3/8”A/F METRIC PLUGS ( DIN 906.22 (Grade 5.8)Threads to DIN 158) M10 x 1.0 M8 x 1.0 International Price Part No. 402218 75.57 Box Wt. Kilos Wrench International Price Per Box Key Size Part No. Box 80.36 100 100 0.08 4mmA/F 402219 M12 x 1.5 Wt. Kilos Wrench International Price Per Box Key Size Part No. 0.34 5mmA/F 402220 Box 101.47 100 Wt. Kilos Wrench Per Box Key Size 0.64 6mmA/F METRIC PLUGS ( DIN 906.22 (Grade 5.8)Threads to DIN 158) M16 x 1.5 M16 x 1.5 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Wrench Key Size International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Wrench Key Size 402221 144.10 100 1.25 8mmA/F 402222 153.48 100 1.40 8mmA/F Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.10 Wrench Key Size 10mmA/F METRIC PLUGS ( DIN 906.22 (Grade 5.8)Threads to DIN 158) M20 x 1.5 M22 x 1.5 International Part No. 402223 Price Box 187.53 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.76 Wrench Key Size 10mmA/F International Part No. 402224 Price Box 235.52 100 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 39 ALL PRICES € PER 100 HEXAGON WRENCHES METRIC DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 4168 METRIC Size Across Flats SHORTARM LONGARM Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.71 International Part No. 110230 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 22.61 100 0.5 0.89 115932 21.70 100 0.5 114663 34.44 100 0.09 1.27 115965 28.84 100 0.9 1.5 125648 9.03 100 0.9 104118 12.60 100 0.18 2.0 122263 9.52 100 0.23 104119 19.08 100 0.27 2.5 122270 11.13 100 0.36 104120 24.82 100 0.54 3.0 121093 14.67 100 0.50 104122 27.58 100 0.86 4.0 119953 25.38 100 1.09 104123 40.29 100 1.81 5.0 122245 35.21 100 1.91 104127 64.82 100 3.27 6.0 121066 45.75 50 1.50 104129 82.01 50 2.63 8.0 115557 63.67 50 3.00 104130 145.99 50 5.81 10.0 120859 107.66 25 2.63 104131 206.92 10 1.81 12.0 120860 276.08 25 4.22 104132 396.80 10 2.23 14.0 111100 397.46 25 9.12 104133 607.95 10 4.53 17.0 138487 763.07 10 4.45 104134 1058.40 1 0.78 19.0 111133 1073.70 10 6.17 104135 1484.00 1 1.10 22.0 402603 1964.48 1 0.95 24.0 402604 2661.09 1 1.48 27.0 402605 3633.77 1 1.59 32.0 402606 6966.09 1 1.86 CAUTION: Unbrako advise that correct tools should be used for the application. Safety goggles should be worn for your security and protection. The following Imperial sizes are identical to Metric Sizes .028 ins = 0.71 mm 0.35 ins = 0.89 mm 0.50 ins = 1.27mm Please order by across flats dimensions and description. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 40 ALL PRICES € PER 100 HEXAGON WRENCHES METRIC DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS: BS 2470 INCH Size Across Flats SHORTARM LONGARM Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box 1/16 International Part No. 108468 9.03 100 0.9 108485 18.59 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.18 5/64 110164 9.52 100 0.18 117441 19.92 100 0.27 3/32 110180 11.13 100 0.27 117457 23.87 100 0.41 7/64 110197 14.67 100 0.41 117473 26.92 100 0.64 1/8 110213 18.34 100 0.54 114614 26.92 100 0.86 9/64 115080 22.58 100 0.73 113098 33.11 100 1.13 5/32 110246 25.38 100 0.95 114630 37.24 100 1.45 3/16 115915 35.21 100 1.50 114647 64.02 100 2.18 7/32 115948 45.75 50 1.13 114679 89.81 50 1.68 1/4 115981 45.75 50 1.54 114712 98.91 50 2.31 5/16 115997 63.63 50 2.86 114728 175.98 50 4.13 3/8 116013 125.76 25 2.31 114744 252.77 10 1.32 7/16 116029 326.45 25 3.42 114761 656.15 10 1.50 ½ 116046 333.97 25 4.86 114777 672.98 10 3.08 9/16 116063 451.68 25 6.72 114794 823.13 10 4.17 5/8 116080 851.62 10 3.76 107209 1095.50 1 0.56 3/4 116096 1220.21 10 5.99 107225 1541.54 1 0.95 7/8 116112 2047.64 5 0.91 107242 3348.84 1 1.44 1 116128 2893.56 5 1.36 107258 5473.30 1 2.22 CAUTION: Unbrako advise that correct tools should be used for the application. Safety goggles should be worn for your security and protection. The following Imperial sizes are identical to Metric Sizes .028 ins = 0.71 mm 0.35 ins = 0.89 mm 0.50 ins = 1.27mm Please order by across flats dimensions and description. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 41 ALL PRICES € PER 100 WRENCHES WALLET SETS SHORTARM SETS METRIC (mm) SET NO. INTERNATIONALPART NO. PRICE PER 100 WT. KILOS PER SET No. 5 122226 1144.50 0.23 1.27 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 SIZE ACROSS FLATS In flexible vinyl case with pockets. SHORTARM SETS IMPERIAL(inches) SET NO. INTERNATIONALPART NO. PRICE PER 100 WT. KILOS PER SET No. 2 110148 1235.50 0.29 1/16 5/64 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 SIZE ACROSS FLATS In flexible vinyl case with pockets. Weight Per box is approximated. 42 ALL PRICES € PER 100 WRENCHES WALLET SETS LONGARM SETS IMPERIAL(inches) SET NO. INTERNATIONALPART NO. PRICE PER 100 WT. KILOS PER SET SIZE ACROSS FLATS .050 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 9/64 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 No. 3 102756 2800.00 0.29 LONGARM SETS METRIC (mm) SET NO. INTERNATIONALPART NO. PRICE PER 100 WT. KILOS PER SET SIZE ACROSS FLATS No. 26 107475 2100.00 0.18 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Weight Per box is approximated. 43 ALL PRICES € PER 100 HEXAGON FOLDED WRENCHES SETS SERIES 2000 - FOLDED HEXAGON WRENCH SETS - METRIC - BLUE CASING Set No. International Part No. Price €/100 Contents (mm) Wt. Kilos Per Set 70 72 182031 182032 1732.50 2467.50 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0 0.16 0.40 SERIES 2000 - FOLDED HEXAGON WRENCH SETS - IMPERIAL- RED CASING Set No. International Part No. Price €/100 Contents (mm) Wt. Kilos Per Set 80 82 182033 182066 1732.50 2467.50 1/16”, 5/64”, 3/32”, 1/8”, 5/32”, 3/16”, 7/32” 3/32”, 1/8”, 5/32”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8” 0.16 0.40 SERIES 2000 - FOLDED BALLPOINT WRENCH SETS - METRIC - GREEN CASING Set No. International Part No. Price €/100 Contents (mm) Wt. Kilos Per Set 92 182034 3482.50 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0 0.40 SERIES 2000 - FOLDED BALLPOINT WRENCH SETS - IMPERIAL- YELLOW CASING Set No. International Part No. Price €/100 Contents (mm) Wt. Kilos Per Set 97 182067 3482.50 3/32”, 1/8”, 5/32”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8” 0.40 SERIES 2000, an elegantly engineered range of folded wrench sets with distinctive colored casings, Supplied in clear see-through perspex box for ease of identification. Place order using appropriate Set Number. Weight Per Set is approximate. NOTE: All folded wrench Sets are boxed individually. 44 ALL PRICES € PER 100 HEX DRIVERS HEXDRIVERS (Metric Dimensions - (mm)) Size Across Flats International Part No. Price 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 402630 402631 402632 402633 402634 402635 315.00 315.00 315.00 315.00 315.00 315.00 Box Wt. Kilos Per Set 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.16 0.22 0.28 0.34 0.40 0.48 MOULDED T-HANDLE HEXDRIVERS Metric Dimensions - (mm) Imperial Dimensions - (inches) Sizes Accross Flats International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Set Set Number International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Set 1.5 180089 367.50 10 0.18 3/32 108437 367.50 10 0.23 2.0 180090 367.50 10 0.18 7/64 108438 367.50 10 0.23 2.5 180091 367.50 10 0.23 1/8 108440 367.50 10 0.27 3.0 180092 367.50 10 0.27 9/64 108441 367.50 10 0.27 4.0 180093 385.00 10 0.32 5/32 108442 385.00 10 0.32 5.0 180094 385.00 10 0.50 3/16 108443 385.00 10 0.41 6.0 180095 385.00 10 0.65 1/4 112004 385.00 10 0.65 8.0 180096 455.00 10 0.80 5/16 112005 455.00 10 0.84 10.0 180097 595.00 10 0.95 3/8 112007 595.00 10 0.93 Weight per box is approximated. 45 ALL PRICES € PER 100 BALLPOINT HEXGON WRENCHES BALLPOINTL-WRENCH SETS Metric (mm) Set Number International Part No. Price Contents 36M in sturdy poly case 402624 2835.00 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0 37M in sturdy poly case 402625 1330.00 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 BALLPOINTL-WRENCH SETS Imperial (inches) Wt. Kilos Per Set Set Number International Part No. Price Contents 0.26 32 in sturdy poly case 111019 4130.00 .050, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16 0.48 0.18 33 in sturdy poly case 111020 2649.50 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16 0.30 Wt. Kilos Per Set BALLPOINTL-WRENCH - LOOSE IN BOXES Metric Dimensions (mm) International Size Part No. Access Flats Imperial Dimensions (inches) Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Size Part No. Access Flats Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.27 111021 224.00 6 0.02 .050 111021 224.00 6 0.01 1.5 402645 224.00 6 0.02 1/16 111022 224.00 6 0.01 2.0 402646 224.00 6 0.03 5/64 111024 224.00 6 0.03 2.5 402647 224.00 6 0.04 3/32 111028 224.00 6 0.03 3.0 402648 224.00 6 0.08 7/64 111029 224.00 6 0.07 4.0 402649 280.00 6 0.10 1/8 111030 224.00 6 0.08 5.0 402650 339.50 6 0.20 9/64 111031 224.00 6 0.09 6.0 402651 469.00 6 0.30 5/32 111032 280.00 6 0.10 8.0 402652 623.00 6 0.60 3/16 111033 297.50 6 0.19 10.0 402653 980.00 6 0.94 7/32 111034 378.00 6 0.23 1/4 111037 448.00 6 0.32 5/16 111038 752.50 6 0.60 3/8 111039 1302.00 6 0.90 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 46 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ® TORX TOOLING TORX SCREWDRIVERS Size International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Set T7 180351 780.50 10 0.20 T8 180352 780.50 10 0.20 T9 180353 780.50 10 0.20 T20 180356 759.50 5 0.25 T25 180357 759.50 5 0.40 Price Box 574.00 10 574.00 10 574.00 10 574.00 10 588.00 10 602.00 10 616.00 5 647.50 5 864.60 5 Wt. Kilos Per Set 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 TORX ‘L‘ WRENCHES International Part No. 180358 180359 180361 180363 180364 180365 180366 180367 180369 Size T6 T7 T9 T15 T20 T25 T27 T30 T45 ® Is a registered trademark of Camcar Division of Textron Inc. Weight Per Set is approximate. 47 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO IS:1364, ISO:4014, DIN 931/933. 2. THREADS: ISO METRIC 6G AS PER IS:4218. M4 Dia M5 M6 Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 10 12 16 18 20 22 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 1170001 1170002 1170003 1170004 1170005 1170006 1170007 1170008 1170009 1170010 1170011 1170012 1.39 1.59 1.78 1.98 2.18 2.37 2.57 3.09 3.39 3.77 4.20 4.61 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0.85 0.97 1.09 1.21 1.33 1.45 1.58 1.89 2.07 2.31 2.57 2.82 1170013 1170014 1170015 1170016 1170017 1170018 1170019 1170020 1170021 1170022 1170023 1170024 1170025 1170026 1170027 1170028 1.76 2.01 2.26 2.52 2.77 3.03 3.28 3.79 4.30 4.82 5.32 5.83 6.30 6.84 7.74 8.24 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 1.34 1.53 1.73 1.92 2.12 2.31 2.50 2.89 3.28 3.68 4.06 4.45 4.81 5.22 2.25 2.40 1170029 1170030 1170031 1170032 1170033 1170034 1170035 1170036 1170037 1170038 1170039 1170040 1170041 1170042 1170043 1170044 1170045 1170046 1170047 1170048 1.87 2.11 2.37 2.62 2.86 3.11 3.36 3.86 4.36 4.86 5.36 5.86 6.35 6.91 7.88 8.41 8.95 9.48 10.55 11.61 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 2.10 2.38 2.66 2.94 3.22 3.50 3.79 4.35 1.96 2.19 2.41 2.64 2.86 3.11 1.65 1.77 1.88 1.99 2.21 2.44 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: Property Class 10.9 as per IS:1367. 2. Note: The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. The sizes below bold lines are available in full thread with 10% extra cost. 48 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO IS:1364, ISO:4014, DIN 931/933. 2. THREADS: ISO METRIC 6G AS PER IS:4218. M8 Dia Length 10 12 16 18 20 22 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 M10 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1170049 1170050 1170051 1170052 1170053 1170054 1170055 1170056 1170057 1170058 1170059 1170060 1170061 1170062 1170063 1170064 1170065 1170066 1170067 4.15 4.55 4.98 5.39 5.81 6.22 7.05 7.88 8.70 9.54 10.37 11.20 12.02 12.85 13.69 14.51 15.34 17.00 18.66 500 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 5.00 5.50 6.01 6.50 7.01 7.50 3.40 3.80 4.20 4.60 5.00 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30 3.50 3.70 4.10 2.25 M12 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1170068 1170069 1170070 1170071 1170072 1170073 1170074 1170075 1170076 1170077 1170078 1170079 1170080 1170081 1170082 1170083 1170084 1170085 1170086 1170087 1170088 1170089 1170090 1170091 1170092 8.67 9.32 9.97 10.61 11.28 12.58 13.88 15.18 16.48 17.78 19.08 20.38 21.68 22.98 24.28 25.58 28.18 30.78 33.39 36.44 41.27 44.08 46.88 50.06 56.24 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 4.19 4.50 4.82 5.12 5.44 6.07 3.35 3.66 3.98 4.29 4.61 4.92 2.62 2.77 2.93 3.09 3.40 3.72 4.03 2.20 2.31 2.47 2.63 2.80 3.41 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1170093 13.92 100 3.74 1170094 1170095 1170096 1170097 1170098 1170099 1170100 1170101 1170102 1170103 1170104 1170105 1170106 1170107 1170108 1170109 1170110 1170111 1170112 1170113 1170114 1170115 1170116 1170117 1170118 1170119 1170120 15.95 17.83 19.71 21.58 23.46 25.34 27.22 29.09 30.97 32.84 34.72 36.60 40.35 44.10 47.85 51.61 54.98 58.73 67.32 71.36 79.44 87.53 102.50 111.16 119.83 128.49 137.13 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 3.85 4.30 4.76 5.21 2.83 3.06 3.28 3.51 3.74 3.96 4.19 4.42 2.43 2.66 2.89 3.11 3.32 3.54 3.77 1.60 1.78 1.96 4.28 4.65 5.01 5.37 2.87 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: Property Class 10.9 as per IS:1367. 2. Note: The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. The sizes below bold lines are available in full thread with 10% extra cost. 49 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO IS:1364, ISO:4014, DIN 931/933. 2. THREADS: ISO METRIC 6G AS PER IS:4218. Dia (M14) Length International Price Part No. 10 12 16 18 20 22 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 1170121 18.50 1170122 21.90 1170123 25.30 1170124 28.70 1170125 32.10 1170126 35.50 1170127 38.06 1170128 40.62 1170129 43.18 1170130 45.74 1170131 48.30 1170132 50.86 1170133 55.98 1170134 61.10 1170135 66.22 1170136 71.34 1170137 75.94 1170138 81.06 1170139 86.18 1170140 91.35 1170141 109.57 M16 Box 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 2.23 2.64 3.05 3.46 3.87 4.29 4.59 4.90 5.21 5.52 5.83 3.07 3.38 3.69 4.00 4.31 1.83 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.45 1170142 1170143 1170144 1170145 1170146 1170147 1170148 1170149 1170150 1170151 1170152 1170153 1170154 1170155 1170156 1170157 1170158 1170159 1170160 1170161 1170162 1170163 1170164 1170165 1170166 1170167 1170168 1170169 1170170 28.36 29.78 29.58 32.93 36.28 39.63 42.98 46.33 49.68 53.03 56.38 59.73 63.08 66.42 73.08 79.82 86.57 93.22 99.31 106.01 113.10 119.41 143.09 157.48 171.08 185.61 200.13 214.66 229.19 (M18) Box 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 3.42 3.59 3.57 3.97 4.38 4.78 5.19 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.81 4.01 4.41 4.82 2.09 2.25 2.40 2.56 2.73 2.88 3.21 3.53 7.67 8.32 4.48 4.81 5.13 1170171 1170172 1170173 1170174 1170175 1170176 1170177 1170178 1170179 1170180 1170181 1170182 1170183 1170184 1170185 1170186 1170187 1170188 1170189 53.51 57.86 62.21 66.56 70.91 75.26 79.61 83.96 88.31 96.57 105.27 113.97 122.67 129.63 138.33 147.03 155.73 186.54 205.29 M20 Box 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 6.46 6.98 3.75 4.02 4.28 4.54 4.80 2.03 2.13 2.33 2.54 2.75 2.96 3.13 3.34 3.55 3.76 4.18 4.60 1170190 1170191 1170192 1170193 1170194 1170195 1170196 1170197 1170198 1170199 1170200 1170201 1170202 1170203 1170204 1170205 1170206 1170207 1170208 1170209 1170210 1170211 1170212 1170213 1170214 65.69 69.17 74.39 79.61 84.83 90.05 95.27 100.49 105.71 110.93 121.37 131.81 142.25 152.69 162.69 173.13 183.57 194.01 231.54 254.04 274.66 297.62 320.12 342.62 365.12 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 50 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7.93 4.17 4.49 4.80 5.12 5.43 2.30 2.43 2.55 2.68 2.93 3.18 3.43 3.69 3.93 4.18 4.43 4.68 5.19 5.69 6.15 6.67 7.17 7.68 8.18 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: Property Class 10.9 as per IS:1367. 2. Note: The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. The sizes below bold lines are available in full thread with 10% extra cost. 50 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO IS:1364, ISO:4014, DIN 931/933. 2. THREADS: ISO METRIC 6G AS PER IS:4218. (M22) Dia Length 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 M24 (M27)* International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1170215 1170216 1170217 1170218 1170219 1170220 1170221 1170222 1170223 1170224 1170225 1170226 1170227 1170228 1170229 1170230 1170231 1170232 1170233 1170234 1170235 1170236 96.57 103.10 109.62 116.15 122.67 129.20 135.72 148.77 161.82 174.87 187.92 197.93 210.54 223.16 235.77 282.63 308.40 334.18 361.84 389.02 416.21 443.39 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 2.33 2.49 2.65 2.80 2.96 3.12 3.28 3.59 3.91 4.22 4.54 4.78 5.08 5.39 2.85 3.17 6.91 7.49 8.11 8.72 4.66 4.97 1170237 1170238 1170239 1170240 1170241 1170242 1170243 1170244 1170245 1170246 1170247 1170248 1170249 1170250 1170251 1170252 1170253 1170254 1170255 1170256 1170257 1170258 121.37 128.76 136.16 143.55 150.95 158.78 166.17 180.96 196.19 211.41 226.64 240.56 255.78 271.01 286.23 340.74 373.09 403.08 435.42 467.76 500.10 532.44 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 2.93 3.11 3.29 3.47 3.64 3.83 4.01 4.37 4.74 2.55 2.74 2.90 3.09 3.27 3.45 3.82 8.36 9.03 4.88 5.24 5.60 5.96 1170259 1170260 1170261 1170262 1170263 1170264 1170265 1170266 1170267 1170268 1170269 1170270 1170271 1170272 1170273 1170274 1170275 1170276 1170277 1170278 1170279 1170280 176.23 186.78 197.32 207.87 218.41 228.96 239.51 260.60 281.22 301.84 322.47 341.68 362.31 382.93 403.55 445.27 486.04 524.01 565.25 606.97 648.68 690.40 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.97 2.09 2.21 2.33 2.45 2.56 2.68 2.92 3.15 3.38 3.61 3.83 4.06 4.29 4.52 4.99 5.44 5.87 6.33 6.80 7.27 7.73 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: Property Class 10.9 as per IS:1367. 2. Note: The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. The sizes below bold lines are available in full thread with 10% extra cost. IMPORTANT * LONG DELIVERY ITEMS-SUBJECT TO EXTENDED DELIVERIES (3 to 4 MONTHS). USERS ARE ADVISED TO PLAN THEIR REQUIREMENTS IN ADVANCE. 51 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO IS:1364, ISO:4014, DIN 931/933. 2. THREADS: ISO METRIC 6G AS PER IS:4218. M30* Dia Length International Part No. 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Qty./Box 1170281 1170282 1170283 1170284 1170285 1170286 1170287 1170288 1170289 1170290 1170291 1170292 1170293 1170294 1170295 1170296 1170297 1170298 1170299 1170300 1170301 1170302 Price 193.10 210.68 228.26 245.83 263.41 280.99 298.56 333.71 359.02 384.80 410.11 434.02 459.33 485.10 510.41 561.50 612.59 658.99 710.08 761.17 812.26 863.35 (M33)* Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 2.16 2.36 2.56 2.75 2.95 3.15 3.34 3.74 4.02 4.31 4.59 4.86 5.15 5.43 5.72 6.29 6.86 7.38 7.95 8.53 9.10 19.34 Price 1170303 370.74 1170304 386.21 1170305 417.14 1170306 448.08 1170307 479.01 1170308 509.95 1170309 539.01 1170310 569.94 1170311 600.87 1170312 631.81 1170313 693.68 1170314 755.54 1170315 811.79 1170316 873.66 1170317 935.53 1170318 997.39 1170319 1059.26 M36* Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 10 4.15 4.33 4.67 5.02 5.37 5.71 6.04 6.38 6.73 7.08 7.77 8.46 5.46 5.87 6.29 6.70 23.73 1170320 1170321 1170322 1170323 1170324 1170325 1170326 1170327 1170328 1170329 1170330 1170331 1170332 1170333 1170334 1170335 Price 476.20 513.23 550.25 587.28 623.84 657.59 694.61 731.17 768.20 841.79 915.37 982.40 1055.98 1129.57 1203.15 1276.74 M42* Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 5.33 5.75 6.16 6.58 5.59 5.89 6.22 6.55 6.88 7.54 6.15 6.60 7.10 7.59 5.39 5.72 1170336 1170337 1170338 1170339 1170340 1170341 1170342 1170343 1170344 1170345 1170346 1170347 1170348 1170349 1170350 Price 778.04 815.54 853.03 890.53 928.03 979.58 1031.14 1082.70 1181.12 1284.24 1387.35 1490.47 1593.58 1696.69 1799.81 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 5.23 5.48 5.73 5.99 6.24 6.58 6.93 7.28 7.94 5.75 6.22 6.68 7.14 7.60 8.06 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: Property Class 10.9 as per IS:1367. 2. Note: The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. The sizes below bold lines are available in full thread with 10% extra cost. IMPORTANT * LONG DELIVERY ITEMS-SUBJECT TO EXTENDED DELIVERIES (3 to 4 MONTHS). USERS ARE ADVISED TO PLAN THEIR REQUIREMENTS IN ADVANCE. 52 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO ANSI B 182.1 FOR BSW : 1083 2. THREADS: UNIFIED COARSE, 2A AS PER ANSI B1.1 FOR BS : 84 Dia 1/4 Length International Price Part No. 5/16 Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. ½ 3/8 Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box ½ 1170351 2.99 500 3.36 1170364 4.44 500 5.36 1170381 6.66 200 3.21 5/8 1170352 3.24 500 3.65 1170365 4.87 500 5.88 1170382 7.18 200 3.47 3/4 1170353 3.48 500 3.91 1170366 5.28 500 6.37 1170383 7.83 200 3.78 1170400 13.83 100 3.34 7/8 1170354 3.76 500 4.23 1170367 5.68 500 6.85 1170384 8.40 200 4.05 1170401 16.23 100 3.92 1 1170355 4.01 200 1.80 1170368 6.09 500 7.35 1170385 9.02 200 4.35 1170402 18.47 100 4.46 1 1/4 1170356 4.73 200 2.13 1170369 7.00 200 3.38 1170386 10.20 200 4.93 1170403 20.76 100 5.01 1½ 1170357 5.43 200 2.44 1170370 8.05 200 3.89 1170387 11.71 100 2.83 1170404 23.13 100 5.58 1 3/4 1170358 6.15 200 2.77 1170371 9.08 200 4.38 1170388 13.21 100 3.19 1170405 25.90 25 1.56 2 1170359 6.87 200 3.09 1170372 10.12 200 4.89 1170389 14.71 100 3.55 1170406 28.67 25 1.73 2 1/4 1170360 7.57 200 3.41 1170373 11.15 200 5.38 1170390 16.21 100 3.91 1170407 31.44 25 1.90 2½ 1170361 8.91 200 3.74 1170374 12.20 200 5.89 1170391 17.72 100 4.28 1170408 34.01 25 2.05 2 3/4 1170362 9.66 200 4.05 1170375 13.23 200 6.39 1170392 19.20 100 4.63 1170409 36.78 25 2.22 3 1170363 10.32 200 4.20 1170376 14.28 100 3.45 1170393 20.76 100 5.01 1170410 39.55 25 2.39 3 1/4 1170377 15.30 100 3.69 1170394 22.15 100 5.35 1170411 42.31 25 2.55 3½ 1170378 16.35 100 3.95 1170395 23.73 100 5.73 1170412 45.08 25 2.72 3 3/4 1170379 17.38 100 4.20 1170396 25.10 25 1.51 1170413 47.85 25 2.89 4 1170380 19.86 100 4.45 1170397 26.69 25 1.61 1170414 50.62 25 3.05 4 1/4 1170398 28.28 25 1.71 1170415 53.19 25 3.21 4½ 1170399 29.41 25 1.81 1170416 55.96 25 3.38 5 1170417 61.49 25 3.71 5½ 1170418 66.83 25 4.03 6 1170419 77.76 25 4.36 7 1170420 87.13 25 4.88 7½ 1170421 92.90 25 5.20 8 1170422 98.19 25 5.50 6½ 9 10 11 12 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: For UNC Grade 8 as per SAE J 429 for BSW BS : 1083 2. Note: BSF threading will cost 15% extra. The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. 53 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO ANSI B 182.1 FOR BSW : 1083 2. THREADS: UNIFIED COARSE, 2A AS PER ANSI B1.1 FOR BS : 84 Dia 5/8 Length International Part No. 3/4 Price Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 7/8 Price Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. Price 1 Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box ½ 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1170423 33.42 25 2.02 1 1/4 1170424 36.98 25 2.23 1½ 1170425 40.34 25 2.43 1170445 63.08 25 3.81 1170487 129.91 10 3.14 1 3/4 1170426 43.70 25 2.64 1170446 68.02 25 4.10 1170488 139.00 10 3.36 2 1170427 47.85 25 2.89 1170447 73.16 25 4.41 1170467 2 1/4 1170428 52.00 25 3.14 1170448 78.89 25 4.76 2½ 1170429 56.15 25 3.39 1170449 85.02 25 5.13 2 3/4 1170430 60.50 25 3.65 1170450 90.95 25 3 1170431 64.46 25 3.89 1170451 97.08 3 1/4 1170432 68.61 25 4.14 1170452 3½ 1170433 72.76 25 4.39 3 3/4 1170434 76.92 25 4.64 4 1170435 81.07 25 4 1/4 1170436 85.22 4½ 1170437 5 1170438 5½ 104.99 10 2.53 1170489 148.10 10 3.57 1170468 111.91 10 2.70 1170490 157.19 10 3.79 1170469 120.02 10 2.90 1170491 166.29 10 4.01 5.49 1170470 128.13 10 3.09 1170492 176.97 10 4.27 25 5.86 1170471 136.23 10 3.29 1170493 187.45 10 4.52 103.02 10 2.49 1170472 144.54 10 3.49 1170494 197.73 10 4.77 1170453 108.95 10 2.63 1170473 152.65 10 3.68 1170495 209.59 10 5.06 1170454 114.88 10 2.77 1170474 160.75 10 3.88 1170496 219.48 10 5.30 4.89 1170455 121.01 10 2.92 1170475 168.86 10 4.08 1170497 231.34 10 5.58 10 2.06 1170456 126.94 10 3.06 1170476 176.97 10 4.27 1170498 241.23 10 5.82 89.37 25 5.39 1170457 132.87 10 3.21 1170477 185.27 10 4.47 1170499 251.11 10 6.06 97.68 25 5.89 1170458 144.74 10 3.49 1170478 201.68 10 4.87 1170500 272.86 5 3.29 1170439 105.98 25 6.40 1170459 156.80 10 3.78 1170479 211.57 10 5.11 1170501 282.75 5 3.41 6 1170440 114.29 25 6.90 1170460 168.66 10 4.07 1170480 235.30 5 2.84 1170502 316.36 5 3.82 6½ 1170441 131.66 25 7.35 1170461 194.09 10 4.62 1170481 270.58 5 3.03 1170503 370.12 5 4.06 7 1170442 140.19 25 7.85 1170462 206.44 10 4.92 1170482 287.61 5 3.22 1170504 383.48 5 4.30 7½ 1170443 157.87 25 8.35 1170463 219.45 10 5.00 1170483 302.78 5 3.5 1170505 406.92 5 4.56 8 1170444 157.34 10 3.54 1170464 232.22 10 5.20 1170484 321.70 5 3.60 1170506 430.35 5 4.82 9 1170465 257.83 10 5.78 1170485 357.92 5 4.01 1170507 475.09 5 5.32 10 1170466 283.61 10 6.35 1170486 392.00 5 4.39 1170508 521.96 5 5.85 11 1170509 566.71 5 6.35 12 1170510 613.58 5 6.87 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: For UNC Grade 8 as per SAE J 429 for BSW BS : 1083 2. Note: BSF threading will cost 15% extra. The Sizes above bold line are full threaded. 54 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO ANSI B 182.1 FOR BSW : 1083 2. THREADS: UNIFIED COARSE, 2A AS PER ANSI B1.1 FOR BS : 84 Dia Length 1-1/8 International Part No. Price 1-1/4 Packing Mode International Part No. Price 1170534 313.18 1170535 328.09 1170536 343.00 1170537 362.18 1170538 379.22 1170539 398.40 1170540 415.44 1170541 432.48 1170542 451.66 1170543 487.87 1170544 521.96 1170545 558.18 1-3/8 Packing Mode International Part No. Price 1170551 379.22 1170552 396.26 1170553 415.44 1170554 438.87 1170555 460.18 1170556 483.61 1170557 504.92 1170558 528.35 1170559 549.66 1170560 594.40 1170561 639.14 1170562 683.88 1170563 771.22 1170564 815.96 1170565 860.70 1170566 950.18 1170567 1039.66 Packing Mode ½ 5/8 3/4 159.78 1170512 172.57 1½ 1170513 185.35 1 3/4 1170514 198.13 2 1170515 210.92 2 1/4 1170516 223.70 2½ 1170517 236.48 2 3/4 1170518 249.26 3 1170519 264.18 3 1/4 1170520 279.09 3½ 1170521 291.87 3 3/4 1170522 306.79 4 1170523 321.70 4½ 1170524 336.61 5 1170525 351.53 5½ 1170526 379.22 6 1170527 409.05 6½ 1170528 436.74 7 1170529 494.27 1170546 628.48 7½ 1170530 521.96 1170547 662.57 8 1170531 551.79 1170548 698.79 9 1170532 609.31 1170549 771.22 10 1170533 666.83 1170550 841.53 Single Piece Packing 1170511 Single Piece Packing 1 1 1/4 Single Piece Packing 7/8 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: For UNC Grade 8 as per SAE J 429 for BSW BS : 1083 2. Note: BSF threading will cost 15% extra. 55 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX HEAD BOLTS/SCREWS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: GENERALLY CONFORMING TO ANSI B 182.1 FOR BSW : 1083 2. THREADS: UNIFIED COARSE, 2A AS PER ANSI B1.1 FOR BS : 84 1-½ Dia Length International Part No. Price 2½ 1170568 477.22 2 3/4 1170569 500.66 3 1170570 524.09 3 1/4 1170571 545.40 3½ 1170572 573.09 3 3/4 1170573 598.66 4 1170574 626.35 4½ 1170575 651.92 1-3/4 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price 1170585 753.60 1170586 838.27 1170587 927.22 1170588 1023.21 1170589 1120.89 1170590 1225.92 1170591 1341.94 1170592 1463.18 1170593 1589.62 1170594 1783.53 1170595 1987.85 1170596 2202.59 1170597 2559.65 1170598 2795.85 1170599 3051.02 1170600 3468.09 1170601 3906.00 2 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price 1170602 2258.13 1170603 2424.68 1170604 2591.85 1170605 2769.89 1170606 2953.74 1170607 3143.42 1170608 3338.92 1170609 3540.24 1170610 3765.72 1170611 4142.07 1170612 4525.78 1170613 4929.55 1170614 5616.13 1170615 6053.60 1170616 6504.85 1170617 7278.87 1170618 8094.52 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box ½ 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/4 1½ 1 3/4 2 679.62 1170577 732.88 6 1170578 786.14 6½ 1170579 839.40 7 1170580 941.66 7½ 1170581 994.92 8 1170582 1048.18 9 1170583 1154.71 10 1170584 1261.23 Single Piece Packing 1170576 Single Piece Packing 5 5½ Single Piece Packing 2 1/4 1. Material and Mechanical Properties: For UNC Grade 8 as per SAE J 429 for BSW BS : 1083 2. Note: BSF threading will cost 15% extra. 56 ALL PRICES € PER 100 UNBRAKO HEX NUTS (GRADE 10) 1. SPECIFICATIONS: FOR NUTS WITH METRIC THREADS IS : 1364, ISO 4032 FOR NUTS WITH UNC THREADS: (ANSI B 182.2). 2. THREADS: ISO METRIC 6J AS PER IS: 4218, ISO 261, ISO 965 : UNIFIED COARSE, 2B AS PER ANSI B1.1. Size (mm) International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box Size (mm) International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box M6 x 1 M8 x 1.25 M10 x 1.5 M12 x 1.75 (M12) x 1.5 (M14) x 1.5 (M14 ) x 2 M16 x 2 (M18) x1.5 (M18) x 2.5 M20 x 1.5 M20 x 2.5 1170619 1170620 1170621 1170622 1170623 1170625 1170626 1170627 1170629 1170630 1170631 1170632 1.73 3.72 8.09 11.90 11.90 17.43 17.43 23.35 34.47 34.47 44.96 44.96 500 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 1.30 1.11 2.43 3.57 3.57 2.61 2.61 3.50 5.17 5.17 3.37 3.37 (M22) x 2.5 M24 x 3 (M27) x 3 M30 x 3.5 (M33) x 3.5 M36 x 4 M39 x 4 M42 x 4.5 M45 x 4.5 M48 x 5 M52 x 5 M56 x 6 M64 x 6 1170633 1170634 1170635 1170636 1170637 1170638 1170639 1170640 1170641 1170642 1170643 1170644 1170645 55.15 76.90 115.87 161.36 202.58 276.80 352.59 523.54 643.12 784.96 966.40 1155.20 1608.00 50 50 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4.14 5.77 4.35 6.05 3.04 4.15 5.29 6.87 8.44 10.30 12.68 15.16 21.11 INCH (UNC) UNBRAKO HEX NUTS (GRADE 8) Size (mm) International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 1/4 1170646 2.34 1000 3.51 5/16 1170647 3.50 500 2.63 3/8 1170648 5.09 500 3.82 ½ 1170649 9.03 200 3.58 5/8 1170650 11.93 100 3.50 3/4 1170651 23.32 100 5.68 7/8 1170652 37.86 50 4.53 1 1170653 60.45 25 3.38 1-1/8 1170654 90.04 25 4.81 1-1/4 1170655 128.17 10 2.59 1-3/8 1170656 172.76 10 3.48 1-1/2 1170657 232.26 10 4.50 7/16 1170658 300.02 250 3.39 1. Material & Mechanical Properties: : Metric Nuts: Property Class 10 as tabulated as per IS: 1367, ISO 898, Part-III. : Inch Nuts: UNC Grade 8 as per ANSI B 18.2.2. 2. Note: Size in brackets are non-preferred standards. 57 ALL PRICES € PER 100 DOWEL PINS METRIC SPECIFICATIONS: DIN6325 Length International Price Part No. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 30 32 36 40 50 M3 M2 Dia Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. M5 M4 Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 402133 115021 402134 115022 32.41 36.26 36.26 36.26 40 40 40 40 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.10 115024 407128 402137 115026 402138 406347 115028 115031 40.11 40.11 40.11 42.56 42.56 45.01 47.39 47.39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.29 407831 407832 407833 29.61 29.61 29.61 40 40 40 0.02 0.02 0.02 115001 115002 29.61 29.61 40 40 0.02 0.03 115010 115011 30.38 31.57 40 40 0.04 0.05 407835 407836 407837 29.61 29.61 29.61 40 40 40 0.03 0.03 0.04 115003 402118 115004 29.61 29.61 29.61 40 40 40 0.04 0.04 0.05 115012 32.41 40 0.06 402120 115007 402121 406345 402124 29.61 32.41 32.41 34.86 37.31 40 40 40 40 40 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.10 115015 407127 402128 115017 32.41 32.41 32.41 37.31 40 40 40 40 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.12 402132 37.31 40 0.20 Unbrako Dowel Pins are through hardened and precision ground from nominal to 0.0002” over size on Inch sizes and a surface finish of 0.15 micrometers max. On both Metric and Inch products. Genuine Unbrako Dowel Pins should only be supplied against these List Prices. CAUTION: Unbrako advise that correct tools should be used for the application. Safety goggles should be worn for your security and protection. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 58 ALL PRICES € PER 100 DOWEL PINS METRIC SPECIFICATIONS: DIN6325 M6 Dia Length International Part No. 12 402141 16 115032 18 402143 20 115034 24 115037 28 402145 30 115038 32 402146 36 406348 40 115043 45 50 115046 55 60 115047 70 90 100 M8 Price Box 40.11 40.43 40.74 40.74 47.46 52.64 52.71 52.71 52.71 54.74 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 59.57 40 69.72 40 24 30 32 36 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Price Box 69.72 73.01 79.45 79.45 79.45 85.33 87.64 90.09 97.30 107.87 114.80 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.32 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.50 0.55 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.85 0.91 Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 115063 406351 85.12 90.02 40 40 0.49 0.62 115066 104.58 40 0.74 406352 115070 115071 402161 114.80 119.63 130.20 135.03 40 40 40 40 0.86 1.00 1.09 1.27 402163 402164 402167 402169 150.50 165.06 197.54 210.42 40 40 40 40 1.45 1.72 2.27 2.82 M16 M12 Diameter Length Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.18 115049 0.22 406349 0.26 402150 0.27 115053 0.29 402151 0.31 406350 0.35 115055 115056 0.44 115057 402153 0.54 115058 M10 International Part No. 406353 402174 Price Box 114.80 132.65 40 40 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.90 1.09 406354 402178 402180 402182 402183 402184 140.49 154.91 192.57 272.58 272.58 309.82 40 40 40 40 40 40 1.27 1.45 1.81 2.18 2.45 2.81 402186 385.28 40 3.54 International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 406218 270.13 20 1.00 406220 270.13 20 1.26 406225 406226 406227 398.86 454.30 470.47 20 20 20 2.20 2.52 2.84 Unbrako Dowel Pins are through hardened and precision ground from nominal to 0.0002” over size on Inch sizes and a surface finish of 0.15 micrometers max. On both Metric and Inch products. Genuine Unbrako Dowel Pins should only be supplied against these List Prices. CAUTION: Unbrako advise that correct tools should be used for the application. Safety goggles should be worn for your security and protection. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 59 ALL PRICES € PER 100 DOWEL PINS IMPERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: ANSI B 18.8.2 3/16” 1/8” Dia Length International Price Part No. Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 5/16” 1/4” Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 120557 87.47 40 0.23 117265 89.60 40 0.32 117298 92.09 40 0.41 3/8” 116081 49.35 40 0.05 ½” 116097 52.50 40 0.05 3/4” 116129 53.20 40 0.05 7/8” 116146 53.80 40 0.09 1” 116162 57.33 40 0.09 110360 65.80 40 0.18 108942 75.95 40 0.27 117331 94.43 40 0.45 1 1/4” 116179 66.15 40 0.09 110376 66.19 40 0.18 108974 84.18 40 0.32 117363 103.04 40 0.54 1 ½” 116195 73.50 40 0.09 110393 72.94 40 0.23 105277 90.30 40 0.41 117397 114.17 40 0.64 105309 102.90 40 0.45 117429 123.69 40 0.77 110277 95.55 40 0.23 110426 96.60 40 0.32 105341 113.40 40 0.54 117462 136.68 40 0.86 120490 144.90 40 0.68 117527 207.06 40 1.09 117561 275.84 40 1.27 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 5/8” 110293 50.40 40 0.09 104185 63.00 40 0.14 110310 55.44 40 0.09 115069 65.73 40 0.18 110327 58.80 40 0.14 113104 68.25 40 0.23 1 3/4” 2” 2 ½” 3” Dia Length International Part No. 117593 ½” 3/4” 109454 7/8” 109486 109520 1” 1 1/4” 114998 1 ½” 115030 1 3/4” 115062 113097 2” 2 1/4” 2 ½” 111888 107654 3” 3 ½” 4” 4 ½” 3/8” ½” 7/16” Price Box 101.92 40 107.80 40 109.48 40 114.24 40 132.55 40 150.15 40 179.48 40 189.63 40 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.36 0.50 0.59 0.64 107686 286.51 0.82 107718 321.09 0.95 10.9 1.22 233.38 40 1.54 272.58 40 1.81 107521 479.61 Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 5/8” Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 117073 208.08 20 0.45 20 0.45 119158 227.47 20 0.59 20 0.54 114656 249.80 20 0.73 107682 412.23 10 0.50 114721 257.08 20 0.82 107714 454.48 10 0.64 106609 308.00 20 1.09 107453 474.95 10 0.86 107485 703.15 10 0.95 20 1.04 119597 364.81 20 1.36 107517 730.07 10 1.04 119631 444.89 20 1.59 107549 746.41 10 1.22 109023 627.20 20 1.86 111884 716.63 20 2.13 113268 1244.01 10 1.86 Unbrako Dowel Pins are through hardened and precision ground from nominal to 0.0002” over size on Inch sizes and a surface finish of 0.15 micrometers max. On both Metric and Inch products. Genuine Unbrako Dowel Pins should only be supplied against these List Prices. CAUTION: Unbrako advise that correct tools should be used for the application. Safety goggles should be worn for your security and protection. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 60 ALL PRICES € PER 100 DOWEL PINS IMPERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: ANSI B 18.8.2 3/4” Dia Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 2” 106412 1423.80 10 1.22 5” 113521 2520.00 10 2.95 1” Dia Length International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 3 ½” 104251 3076.50 10 3.72 Unbrako Dowel Pins are through hardened and precision ground from nominal to 0.0002” over size on Inch sizes and a surface finish of 0.15 micrometers max. On both Metric and Inch products. Genuine Unbrako Dowel Pins should only be supplied against these List Prices. CAUTION: Unbrako advise that correct tools should be used for the application. Safety goggles should be worn for your security and protection. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 61 ALL PRICES € PER 100 ISO METRIC TEE BOLTS U.T.S. M10 (Body under head - 10mm) Diameter Length International Part No. M12 (Body under head - 12mm) Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 30 35 402457 844.90 50 1.94 40 402458 1163.79 50 2.04 402461 907.31 25 1.63 50 402459 1326.61 50 2.13 402463 1327.13 25 1.77 402464 1381.59 25 1.91 80 402468 1300.50 25 2.41 100 402469 1317.33 25 2.90 125 402470 1330.91 25 3.57 55 60 402460 50 1408.54 2.61 65 70 Dia M16 (Body under head - 16mm) Length International Part No. 50 402477 60 402478 65 70 402480 80 402481 100 402482 125 402483 160 M20 (Body under head - 20mm) Price Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 1.46 1.60 1403.01 10 1429.79 10 1456.56 10 1.80 1472.63 10 1.98 1499.40 10 2.31 1665.41 10 2.76 402486 Price Box 1859.27 10 M24 (Body under head - 24mm) Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 405821 3437.91 10 6.00 402492 3850.25 10 7.71 3.40 402488 1889.65 10 4.00 402489 2118.73 10 4.67 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 62 ALL PRICES € PER 100 TEE BOLTS B.S.W. THREADFORM B.S.W. Dia Length International Part No. 402398 1 ½” 402399 2” 402400 2 ½” 402401 3” 3 ½” 4” 4 ½” 5” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” Dia Length International Part No. 3” 402427 3 ½” 402428 4” 402429 4 ½” 402430 5” 402431 6” 402432 7” 8” 402434 10” 183082 12” 183083 14” 183084 ½” 3/8” Price Box 1325.84 25 1395.91 25 1405.92 25 1451.35 25 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 402414 1357.44 0.78 402404 1434.20 0.99 402405 1445.85 1.20 402406 1509.13 1.39 402407 1775.52 1844.26 402408 402409 1872.05 402410 1973.93 402411 2004.21 402413 2077.08 3/4” 5/8” Box 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 0.82 1.98 1600.45 402415 2.27 1638.04 402416 2.61 1682.80 402417 2.87 1747.24 402418 3.17 1777.69 402419 3.49 1831.38 402420 3.71 1876.14 402421 4.54 2026.50 402422 5.41 2373.81 402424 2814.21 402425 2860.73 483080 Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 25 3.49 25 4.08 25 4.48 25 5.05 25 5.50 25 5.87 10 2.46 10 2.97 10 3.86 10 4.25 5 2.32 Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 402444 4285.75 10 7.37 7/8” Price Box 2019.36 25 2019.36 25 2074.84 10 2142.88 10 2201.96 10 2372.02 10 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. 2.98 3.22 3.36 3.71 402439 3741.50 4.06 402440 3934.49 4.60 1” Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 10 5.76 402445 4466.56 10 7.93 10 6.49 402446 4640.20 10 9.64 402447 4851.46 5 5.39 402448 5223.79 5 5.81 402450 6482.32 5 7.65 2762.27 10 5.56 402442 4021.92 5 3.61 2790.94 5 3.26 183085 4135.67 5 4.34 3023.65 5 3.74 3369.17 5 4.22 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 63 ® ALL PRICES € PER 100 DURLOK HEXAGON FLANGE BOLTS M6 Dia M8 Length International Price Part No. Box M10 Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. M12 Box Wt. Kilos International Price Per Box Part No. Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 12 190540 40.25 200 1.28 190570 41.30 200 2.60 16 190560 30.80 200 1.42 190590 36.40 200 2.86 190620 48.13 200 4.80 20 190160 33.95 200 1.56 190210 39.38 200 3.12 190270 37.63 200 5.20 183640 69.30 100 4.34 25 190170 37.80 200 1.74 190220 43.40 200 3.44 190280 40.95 200 5.74 190320 71.05 100 4.53 30 190180 41.65 200 1.92 190230 47.25 200 3.76 190290 44.63 200 6.26 190330 71.75 100 4.72 35 190600 51.45 200 3.95 190630 55.65 200 6.76 190660 73.50 100 5.10 40 190240 55.30 200 4.20 190300 59.85 100 3.64 190340 79.10 50 2.73 45 408127 64.75 200 4.45 190640 64.05 100 3.89 190670 84.35 50 2.91 50 190610 69.30 100 2.75 190310 68.25 100 4.14 190350 89.60 50 3.09 190680 94.85 50 3.25 407393 77.88 100 3.20 190360 105.35 50 3.51 70 190700 116.55 50 3.85 80 190710 127.40 50 4.70 55 60 Dia Length International Part No. 190730 25 190370 30 190740 35 190380 40 190750 45 190760 50 55 190770 60 70 80 90 100 M16 M14 Price Box 137.55 25 143.50 25 152.25 25 154.00 25 158.55 25 168.00 25 180.60 25 Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. 1.60 1.78 190410 1.81 190420 1.94 190430 2.06 190820 2.18 190440 405105 2.43 190450 190460 190855 190860 190870 M20 Price Box Wt. Kilos International Per Box Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box 307.30 25 2.49 307.30 25 2.61 307.30 25 2.89 190875 507.50 25 5.10 241.15 25 2.95 247.80 25 3.09 405793 446.25 25 5.40 260.75 25 3.25 278.95 25 3.42 190885 500.50 25 6.00 305.20 25 3.75 190890 525.00 25 6.60 318.50 25 4.08 190900 570.50 25 7.25 344.05 25 4.46 190910 616.00 25 7.71 369.25 25 4.74 Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 64 ® ALL PRICES € PER 100 DURLOK NUTS Dia International Part No. Price Box Wt. Kilos Per Box M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 404916 404917 405202 404918 405240 404915 403618 11.41 17.15 25.90 47.60 72.80 87.15 109.55 200 200 200 100 50 50 50 0.50 1.26 2.14 1.80 1.58 2.10 4.00 ® ALL PRICES € PER 100 DURLOK WASHERS d Size M3 M3.5 M3.5L M4 M4L M5 M5L M6 M6L M8 M8L M10 M10L M12 M12L M14 M14L M16 International Part No. 183790 183791 184790 183792 184791 183793 184792 183794 184793 183795 184794 183796 184795 183797 184796 183798 184797 183799 D T Price Box 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 30.24 30.24 32.13 32.13 37.80 37.80 56.70 60.48 88.83 88.83 128.52 83.16 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 Wt. Kilos Per Box 0.08 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.10 0.22 0.14 0.40 0.30 0.58 0.46 0.88 0.58 0.91 0.63 1.46 0.69 Size M16L M18 M18L M20 M20L M22 M22L M24 M24L M27 M27L M30 M30L M33 M33L M36 M39 M42 International Part No. 184798 183800 184799 183801 184800 183802 184801 183803 184802 183804 184803 183805 184804 183806 184805 183807 183808 183809 T Price Box 128.52 128.52 226.80 128.52 226.80 177.66 336.42 226.80 408.24 326.97 408.24 351.54 517.86 396.90 517.86 497.07 517.86 551.88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 Wt. Kilos Per Box 1.29 0.85 1.58 0.95 2.03 1.29 1.66 1.68 2.26 1.65 1.35 2.10 2.24 0.99 2.08 1.40 1.57 1.87 d = Inner Dia, T = Taper, D = Outer Dia, L = Larger Outer Dia * Larger sizes available on request. * Inch series available on request. * Stainless Steel prices available on request. Small quantities, less than one standard box quantity will be subject to surcharge by your Unbrako distributor. Weight Per Box is approximate. 65 HEAD MARKING - SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCTS THREAD SIZES HEAD MARK Socket Head Cap Screws All Less than M5 or 1/4” None Metric Greater than or equal to M5 U130+E-Code Inch 1960 Series Greater than or equal to 1/4” UNB190+E-Code Inch 1936 Series, BA, BSW, BSF Greater than or equal to 1/4” UNB Metric Greater than or equal to M5 U 10.9 Inch Greater than or equal to 1/4” UNB Metric Greater than or equal to M5 UNB 12.9 Inch Greater than or equal to #10 UNB Metric Greater than or equal to M5 UNB 12.9 Inch Greater than or equal to #10 UNB Metric Greater than or equal to M6 UNB 12.9 Inch Greater than or equal to 1/4” UNB Metric All UNBRAKO 10.9 Inch (UNC/BSW) All UNBRAKO Metric All UNBRAKO 10 Inch (UNC) All UNBRAKO Metric Less than M10 U 12.9 Metric Greater than or equal to M10 UNBRAKO 12.9 Inch Greater than or equal to 5/16” UNBRAKO Metric Greater than or equal to M6 U 12.9 Inch Greater than or equal to 1/4” UNB Metric Greater than or equal to M2 UNBRAKO+SIZE Inch Greater than or equal to 5/64” UNBRAKO+SIZE Low Head Cap Screws Countersunk Screws Button Head (incl Flange B/H) Shoulder Screws Hex Head Bolt/Screw Hex Head Nuts T Bolts DURLOK Bolts Hexagon Keys/Wrenches NOTE: Where a part is interchangeable between 1960 & 1936 Series, Inch Thread forms, 1960 Series marking rules will apply. 66 A COMMITMENT TO QUALITY BSI ISO 9001:2000 Certification No. FM 551489 ISO / TS 16949:2002 Certification No. TS 549578 WRC Certification No. PT/285/0609 CE Certified THEWORLDLEADER CONTACT INFORMATION UNBRAKO (U.K.) 12-14 Tower Street, Newton, Birmingham (U.K.), B19 3RR Ph.: +44 - 121 - 333 - 4610 Fax: +44 - 121 - 333 - 4525 UNBRAKO (IRELAND) Bays 25-30, Shannon Industrial Estate, County Clare, IRELAND Ph.: +353 - 61 - 716 - 500 Fax: +353 - 61 - 716 - 584 Email: [email protected] / Website
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