Caractérisation géodésique de la déformation active du point triple d
Caractérisation géodésique de la déformation active du point triple d
Université de Strasbourg Ecole et Observatoire des Science de la Terre Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg - UMR 7516 Ecole doctorale des Science de la Terre, de l’Univers et de l’Environnement Thèse de doctorat de l’Université de Strasbourg Présentée par Yasser MAHMOUD Caractérisation géodésique de la déformation active du point triple d’Hatay (Syrie-Turquie) Geodetic characterization of the active deformation at the Hatay triple junction (Syria-Turkey) Thèse présentée devant le jury composé de : M. Pierre BRIOLE …………….......... M. Ziyadin CAKIR …………….......... M. Jacques HINDERER ………….… M. Frédéric MASSON …………….. M. Mustapha MEGHRAOUI …..… M. Philippe VERNANT ………........ Rapporteur Examinateur Rapporteur Directeur de thèse Co-Directeur de thèse Rapporteur Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean Fault mapping is from (Dilek, 2010). Movement rates are from (McClusky et al., 2003; Reilinger 2006) 2/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion The Hatay region (SE Turkey and NW Syria) The Hatay Triple junction region. Fault mapping from Westaway, (2003) and Meghraoui et al., (2011) 3/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Outline Introduction Tectonic setting of Hatay triple junction. The GPS network in Hatay Region GPS Installation, measurements, and processing strategy (GAMIT/GLOBK). GPS velocity field in different reference frames. Block modeling of the Hatay triple junction Method (DEFNODE) and GPS data. Different geological configurations (models). Results and discussion Slip rate and locking depth. Blocks rotation and Euler poles. Implication to the seismic hazard of the region. Conclusions and perspectives 4/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Dead Sea Fault (DSF) Transform fault (Wilson, 1965). DSF ~ 1000 km with N-S trending. Two different parts with restraining bend in between. 5 main segments with difference in geometry, geology geomorphology and seismicity. (Khair et al., 2000; Nemer et al., 2006). Long term (Geological, Geomorphology) Meghraoui et al. 2003; Sbeinati et al. 2010) slip rate (e.g. 4.0 – 10 mm/yr Short term (Geodetic) (e.g. Reilinger et al. 2006: Alchalbi et al. 2010). slip rate 1.8 – 4.9 mm/yr Segmentation of DSF is after (Khair et al., 2000; Nemer et al., 2006) 5/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay rate Dead Sea Slip Fault (DSF) mm/yr Fault segment DSF (general) Amik basin Block modeling Conclusion Authors ~ 8.7 4–6 9–15 Westaway et al., 2001 Freund et al., 1970 Steinitz et al., 1978 7–10 1.5–3.5 3.5–6 4.94±0.13 6.07 6.07 Garfunkel et al., 1981 Garfunkel et al., 1981 Freund et al., 1968 Karabacak 2009 Altunel et al., 2009 Altunel et al., 2009 Missyaf & Al- 6.9±0.1 Ghab 4.9-6.3 Yammuneh 5.1 ± 1.3b 5–10 5–10 5.1±1.3 Roum 0.86 – 1.05 Serghaya 1.4±0.2 Hula Basin ~ 2.5 Jordan valley 4.7 to 5.1 5 3–4 10 0.5 Wadi Araba 3.4–4.9 4.3–6.0 3.9 4±2 3–7.5 6.4 10 5–10 7.5 Results and discussion Meghraoui et al., 2003 Sbeinati et all., 2010 Daëron et al., 2004 Garfunkel et al., 1981 Garfunkel et al., 1981 Daeron et al., 2004 Nemer et al., 2006 Gomez et al., 2003 Marco et al., 1997 Ferry et al., 2007 Ferry et al., 2011 Marco et al., 2005 Garfunkel et al., 1981 Hamiel et al., 2009 Niemi et al., 2001 Klinger et al., 1999 Ginat et al., 1998 El-Isa et al., 1986 Galli 1999 Garfunkel et al., 1981 Zak and Freund., 1966 Segmentation of DSF is after (Khair et al., 2000; Nemer et al., 2006) 5/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Dead Sea Fault (DSF) Fault segment locking depth Slip rate mm/yr (km) DSF (general) Missyaf & Al- 5-16 km Ghab 15 km Yammuneh 13 km 15 km 13 km Serghaya South DSF South DSF Hula Basin 15 km Jordan valley 15 km Wadi Araba 12 km 13 km 8 ± 5 km ~12 km 13 km ~15 km 15 ± 5 km ~ 8.0 4.5 – 4.8 ± 1 5.6 – 7.5 ± 1 1.8-3.3 4.2 ± 0.3 4.8 ± 0.3 4.7 ± 0.4 3.9 ± 0.3 3.5 ± 0.4 3.4 ± 0.4 1.7 - 2.8 3.7 ± 0.4 4.5 – 4.7 ± 0.2 3.0 ± 0.3 4.0 ± 0.3 4.4 ± 0.3 3.7 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.3 4.7 ± 0.4 4.9 ± 1.4 4.5 ± 0.3 4.4 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 0.3 4.9 ± 0.4 ~ 4.9 Authors Reilinger et al., 2006 McClusky et al., 2003 Alchalbi et al., 2010 Gomez et al., 2007 Reilinger et al., 2006 Mahmoud et al., 2005 Gomez et al., 2007 Reilinger et al., 2006 Mahmoud et al., 2005 Wdowinski et al., 2004 Wdowinski et al., 2004 ArRajehi et al., 2010 Gomez et al., 2007 Gomez et al., 2007 Reilinger et al., 2006 Wdowinski et al., 2004 Mahmoud et al., 2005 Al-Tarazi et al., 2011 Le Béon et al., 2008 Reilinger et al., 2006 Mahmoud et al., 2005 Pe’eri et al., 2002 Al-Tarazi et al., 2011 Masson et al., 2012 Segmentation of DSF is after (Khair et al., 2000; Nemer et al., 2006) 5/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Historical seismicity around the triple junction - Large historical seismic events: M > 7.4 along DSF. Ms = 7.7 Ms = 7.7 Ms = 7.6 Ms = 7.5 1114 AD 1170 AD 1202 AD 847 AD Ms = 7.4 Ms = 7.4 Ms = 7.4 Ms = 7.4 1759 AD 859 AD 1157 AD 1408 AD Historical seismicity in Lebanon and Syria from 37 A.D. to 1900 A.D. Ms > 5, from (Sbeinati et al., 2005) - Large historical seismicity along the EAF. Historical earthquakes along and around the East Anatolian fault before 1900, Ms ≥ 6.5, from (Ambraseys, 2009). Ms = 7.4 Ms = 7.4 Ms = 7.8 Ms = 7.1 1513 AD 1822 AD 1114 AD 1893 AD Ms = 6.8 1905 AD Ms = 6.7 1875 AD Ms = 6.8 1685 AD 7.0 <Ms< 7.8 1759AD 6/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Instrumental Seismicity, DSF Instrumental seismicity between 1964 and 2011, M>3. Data are from: IRIS , ISC, NEIC. Global CMT solution between 1976 and 2011, M>4.5. - DSF has low instrumental seismic activity. - Mw = 7.2 1995, in the golf of Aqaba - Most events have magnitude < 5. - Focal mechanisms show left lateral strike-slip 7/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Instrumental Seismicity, EAF Instrumental seismicity between 1964 and 2011, M>3. Data are from: IRIS , ISC, NEIC. Global CMT solution between 1976 and 2011, M>4.5. - The EAF has relatively higher instrumental seismic activity between 1964 and 2011. - Focal mechanisms refer to left lateral strike-slip with some exceptions - Most of seismic activity is concentrated around the Karliova triple junction between the EAF and NAF. - Two large events near Karliova triple junction: Mw = 6.8 22 May, 1971 Mw = 6.4 1 May, 2003 8/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion The GPS network in NW Syria and SE Turkey Conclusion 9/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 10/40 Motivations and objectives: Densify the existing GPS networks in the region by installing a new regional GPS network. Have a better assessment of slip rate and fault locking parameters of the major faults, as well as, of the small fault segments. Develop a block model to explain the local kinematics and deformation at the Hatay Triple junction using the GPS velocity field. Determine and validate the relative motions of different blocks around the Hatay triple junction and have a new assessment of strain accumulation along the active faults. Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Previous GPS solutions Dislocation model (Savage and Burford, 1973) Faults Slip rate from previous studies: EAF NDSF SDSF KOF KF CA 10 mm/yr 1.8 – 4.8 mm/yr 4.0 – 4.9 mm/yr 3.5 – 5.5 mm/yr 2.5 – 6.4 mm/yr 0.4 – 2.0 mm/yr 5.5 – 7.0 mm/yr 3.5 – 7.0 mm/yr strike-slip normal-slip strike-slip normal-slip Previous GPS solutions in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Eurasia reference frame. Results and discussion Conclusion 11/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay GPS Installation and measuring 57 GPS sites 14 GPS sites 33 (Syria) 24 (Turkey) 6 (Syria) 8 (Turkey) Installed in September 2009. 4 main profiles perpendicular to most of the faults related to the Hatay triple junction. Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 12/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 13/40 3 GPS campaigns in Turkey 2009, 2010, and 2011. 24 hours of measurement >> 2 sessions of 12 hours. 30 seconds of sampling rate. Thales Z-Max receivers Thales Z-Max Ashtech antenna GPS measurement on point PT24 in Turkey. Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 2 GPS campaigns in Syria 2009 and 2010. 24 hours of measurement >> 1 sessions. 30 seconds of sampling rate. Thales DSNP 6502MK receivers Leica AT504 Choke Ring Antenna GPS measurement on point BB02 in Syria. 14/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Stabilization network We processed data from International GPS Service (IGS) between 1998 – 2012 to stabilize our solution and to perform different reference frames. Coordinates and velocities are well constrained in the ITRF 2005. Measurements: 1998 – 2012. (at least 7 years) Good network geometry: Distribution of points over Eurasia, Africa, Arabia. Permanent IGS points whose data between 1998 and 2012 are processed to perform the stabilization frame. 15/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Processing strategy with GAMIT/GLOBK Results and discussion Conclusion (Dong et al., 1998; King & Bock, 1998) Raw data of IGS sites Raw data from Hatay network 1 GAMIT Raw data from Regional CGPS Daily solutions: station coordinates, atmospheric zenith delay, orbit and earth orientation parameters Random walk 2 mm/√yr GLOBK Apply Kalman filter 2 Final solution: consistent set of coordinates and velocities Put in reference frame Constraint Present the final solution in different reference frames: Eurasia and Arabia reference frames 3 16/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Calculated GPS time series of permanent stations Conclusion 17/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Calculated GPS time series of stations in Syria and Turkey Conclusion 18/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion GPS velocity field Lon 17.07 4.36 30.50 14.79 6.92 15.49 21.03 11.93 13.07 1.48 6.61 12.88 41.57 Lat 52.28 50.80 50.36 49.91 43.76 47.07 52.10 57.40 52.38 43.56 52.92 49.14 43.79 ITRF 2005 Ve Vn 18.79 14.06 16.56 15.01 21.69 11.85 18.56 14.99 19.77 15.59 20.50 15.09 19.41 13.79 15.90 14.00 17.83 14.66 18.44 15.30 16.51 15.74 19.09 14.83 24.13 11.18 Eurasia Ve Vn -0.07 -0.19 -0.15 -0.15 -0.09 -0.69 -0.47 0.52 0.69 0.55 0.64 0.68 -0.27 -0.03 -0.45 -0.71 -0.21 0.04 0.30 0.03 -0.04 0.69 0.23 0.20 -0.48 0.58 Sig. E Sig. N 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.23 0.30 0.24 0.40 0.34 0.36 0.29 0.38 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.27 0.31 0.27 0.30 0.29 Sigma E < 0.33 mm/yr Sigma N < 0.40 mm/yr Corr Site -0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.005 0.022 0.010 -0.035 -0.015 -0.009 0.023 0.005 0.001 0.016 BOR1 BRUS GLSV GOPE GRAS GRAZ JOZE ONSA POTS TLSE WSRT WTZR ZECK Calculated GPS velocity field from the permanent GPS sites in ITRF2005 reference frame. 19/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Eurasia Reference frame Lon Lat 17.07 4.36 30.50 14.79 6.92 15.49 21.03 11.93 13.07 1.48 6.61 12.88 41.57 52.28 50.80 50.36 49.91 43.76 47.07 52.10 57.40 52.38 43.56 52.92 49.14 43.79 ITRF 2005 Ve Vn 18.79 14.06 16.56 15.01 21.69 11.85 18.56 14.99 19.77 15.59 20.50 15.09 19.41 13.79 15.90 14.00 17.83 14.66 18.44 15.30 16.51 15.74 19.09 14.83 24.13 11.18 Eurasia Ve Vn -0.07 -0.19 -0.15 -0.15 -0.09 -0.69 -0.47 0.52 0.69 0.55 0.64 0.68 -0.27 -0.03 -0.45 -0.71 -0.21 0.04 0.30 0.03 -0.04 0.69 0.23 0.20 -0.48 0.58 Sig. E Sig. N 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.23 0.30 0.24 0.40 0.34 0.36 0.29 0.38 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.27 0.31 0.27 0.30 0.29 Corr Site -0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.005 0.022 0.010 -0.035 -0.015 -0.009 0.023 0.005 0.001 0.016 BOR1 BRUS GLSV GOPE GRAS GRAZ JOZE ONSA POTS TLSE WSRT WTZR ZECK Eurasia Euler pole : 57.351±0.7 °N, -93.045±0.8 °E ω = 0.255±0.004 °/Myr. WRMS total = 0.42 mm/yr Calculated GPS velocity field from the permanent GPS sites in Eurasia reference frame. 20/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 21/40 Arabia reference frame Lon Lat ITRF 2005 Arabia Sig. E Sig. N Corr Site -0.34 0.67 0.78 -0.025 ALWJ -0.34 0.09 0.52 0.52 0.001 BHR1 23.38 0.60 -0.49 0.46 0.53 -0.033 HALY 31.78 25.54 0.76 0.10 0.55 0.65 -0.041 JEDD 27.91 29.23 0.62 0.45 0.82 0.93 0.001 KUWT 42.045 19.211 33.29 26.79 0.47 0.32 0.56 0.58 -0.009 NAMA 46.401 24.911 30.44 28.61 0.54 0.42 0.52 0.52 -0.016 SOLA 56.112 22.186 33.58 30.96 0.00 -0.48 0.57 0.63 -0.013 YIBL Ve Vn Ve Vn 36.378 26.458 27.33 23.65 0.50 50.608 26.209 29.64 29.80 36.100 29.139 25.35 39.631 21.369 47.972 29.325 Sigma E < 0.82 mm/yr Sigma N < 0.93 mm/yr Arabian Euler pole: 50.645±0.51 °N, -5.662±1.24 °E ω = 0.507±0.014 °/Myr WRMS total = 0.62 mm/yr Calculated GPS velocity field from the permanent GPS sites in Arabia plate and around in Arabia reference frame. Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Velocity uncertainties of the Hatay GPS network 2.42 mm/yr in Syria 1.92 mm/yr in Turkey GPS velocity field of the regional GPS network in NW Syria and SE Turkey in Arabia reference frame. 22/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion GPS profiles Regional GPS velocity field in Arabia reference frame. 23/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 3D-Block modeling of the HTJ using GPS measurements 24/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Why block model ? Direct interpretation of velocity field does not satisfy deformation pattern. The simple 2-D models do not provide accurate estimations in tectonically complex regions where multiple faults segments of different strike and kinematics are present. the understanding of DEFNODE software (McCaffrey, 2002) Calculate co-seismic and inter-seismic deformation using different types of data. Use finite number of rotating elastic blocks and the elastic deformation accumulated at their boundaries (faults). Plates and faults are represented in 3 dimensions. All faults coincide with the blocks boundaries. 25/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 26/40 Block modeling Approach Conditions: Rigid blocks: each point rotate with same angular velocity. The model boundaries are considered as fully creeping faults. Blocks and faults are represented by nodes in 3D on a sphere. Methodology We estimated parameters of the blocks rotations and the faults locking by applying an elastic dislocation model (Savage, 1983) in an elastic and homogeneous half-space (Okada, 1985) and rigid body rotation. Minimize data misfit using the reduced chi-square statistic. 𝜒𝑛2 = (∑r2/s2) / DOF r the residual s the standard deviation DOF the Degree of Freedom. Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Kinematic quantity ɸ = 1 – (Vc / V) Vc Near-field creep vector V Far-field slip vector Transition between Z1 & Z2 According to Wang et al., (2003) ( z ) 1.0 : Z Z1 exp( Z ' / G ' ) exp(1 / G ' ) ( z) 1 exp(1 / G ' ) ( z ) 0.0 : Z Z 2 Where : Z1 > 7 km G ' G (0.0 G 10 D = 30 km Z1 ≤ Z2 ≤ 30 km G ' 20 G (10 G 20) Z ' ( Z Z1 ) /( Z 2 Z1 ) Depth < 7 km Fully locked 27/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling GPS data used in the modeling Combination of different GPS solutions GPS solution time span Common sites RMS mm/yr NRMS Reilinger et al., 2006 17 years --- --- --- Le Béon et al., 2008 6 years 12 0.48 24.21 Alchalbi et al., 2010 8 years 12 0.66 17.84 Al-Tarazi et al., 2011 5 years 16 0.14 32.11 This study 3 years 10 0.36 7.2 High uncertainties GPS solution from Hatay network Results and discussion Conclusion 28/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Different models configurations Model A: Blocks: Arabia, Anatolia, Sinai Faults: EAF, DSF, CA, KF Model B: Blocks: Arabia, Anatolia, Sinai, Iskenderun Faults: EAF, DSF, CA, KF, KOF Model C: Blocks: Arabia, Anatolia, Sinai, Iskenderun, Lebanon. Faults: EAF, DSF, CA, KF, KOF Model D: Blocks: Arabia, Anatolia, Sinai, Iskenderun, Amanous. Faults: EAF, DSF, CA, KF, KOF Results and discussion Conclusion 29/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Modeling results Block modeling Model Observation 135 GPS vectors inverted for the models A, B, C, D. Models with more blocks and faults fit better to the GPS data. Model D with the Amanous micro block gives the best fit . Model D: Arabia ……..… 64 GPS Anatolia …….. 28 GPS Sinai ……..….. 28 GPS Amanous …….. 9 GPS Iskenderun ….. 6 GPS Model WRMS # mm/yr NRMS Red chi**2 DOF Data Free parameter Total ch**2 A 1.16 1.83 3.63 253 272 19 918.08 B 1.09 1.70 3.26 246 272 26 801.44 C 1.07 1.66 3.10 259 288 29 803.06 D 1.04 1.64 3.13 235 270 35 735.83 Results and discussion Conclusion 30/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 31/40 Residuals Overall Model Model # RMS E RMS N A B C D 2.26 1.87 1.88 1.67 1.59 1.59 1.61 1.51 RMS Total 1.95 1.74 1.74 1.59 Around HTJ RMS E RMS N 3.47 4.24 4.46 2.40 2.32 3.18 2.89 2.34 RMS Total 2.95 3.75 3.76 2.37 Introduction Profiles GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 32/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 33/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Slip rates and blocks rotations Fixd Movg Long. Lat. Omega SigOme Arabia Anatolia 45.127 27.610 0.391 0.056 Arabia Iskenderun 37.946 35.070 1.099 0.243 Arabia Sinai 46.494 31.012 0.202 0.067 Arabia Amanous 41.220 37.313 0.638 0.927 Euler poles for the different blocks in model D relative to Arabia. Results and discussion Conclusion 34/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion Fault locking and ɸ values of model D ɸ = 1 – (Vc / V) ɸ = 1 >> full locking ɸ = 0 >> full creeping Fault locking depth: EAF 15 km > 30 km DSF 11 km 25 km KOF 9 km 17-22 km CA 9 km 20 km KF 15 km 8 km Scalar of phi (ɸ) parameter for the different faults (DSF, EAF, CF, CA and KOF) from the inversion of model D 35/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 36/40 Seismic Hazard around the Hatay triple junction M ~ 7.4 1513 AD Anderson et al., (1996) 𝑴𝒘 = 𝟓. 𝟏𝟐 + 𝟏. 𝟏𝟔 ∗ 𝒍𝒐𝒈(𝑳) − 𝟎. 𝟐𝟎 𝒍𝒐𝒈(𝑺) M > 7.8 1114 AD 𝐿 : Length of fault segment. S : Fault slip rate. Ms ~ 7.4 1822 AD Mw 7.3-7.5 1170 AD Fault segment Slip rate EQ DSF (Missyaf) 1.0 - 2.0 mm/yr 1170 AD EAF (SW) 9.0 mm/yr KOF 3.6 - 4.5 mm/yr 1513 AD KF 4.0 ± 1 mm/yr 1114 AD 1822 AD Ref Meghraoui et al., 2003 Ambraseys and Jackson, 1998 L Predicted Magnitude 70 km 7 - 7.2 90 km 7.5 - 7.7 Ambraseys, 2009 75 km 7.1 - 7.2 Sbeinati et al., 2005 50 km 6.8 - 7 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusions Fault slip rates obtained for the Hatay GPS network confirm the low level of strain accumulation along the northern DSF documented by the recent geodetic studies, and that the southern DSF has a slip rate 2-3 times greater than the northern DSF. The slip rate estimations from GPS still significantly different from most long-term estimations. Conclusion 37/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusions Fault slip rates obtained for the Hatay GPS network confirm the low level of strain accumulation along the northern DSF documented by the recent geodetic studies, and that the southern DSF has a slip rate 2-3 times greater than the northern DSF. The slip rate estimations from GPS still significantly different from most long-term estimations. The EAF have a constant slip rate of 9.0 mm/yr along all its segments between the 2 triple junctions (Karliova and Hatay) with no significant extension or compression. Conclusion 37/40 Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 38/40 The Karasu fault shows a slip rate (sinistral and compressional) clearly different from EAF or DSF, therefore it has to be identified as an individual fault and not as an extension or a continuation of the DSF or the EAF. The Amanous micro block or other block between the KF and the KOF is important for the understanding of strain accumulation in the Hatay triple junction. All the faults related to the Hatay triple junction are now accumulating strain and taking into account the Historical seismicity, large earthquakes with magnitude > 7 can be produced in the Hatay region. Introduction GPS network in Hatay Block modeling Results and discussion Conclusion 39/40 Perspectives Repeated GPS measurements on our dense network are needed in the next coming years to improve the uncertainty of the GPS velocity field. The block model inversions can be improved by including different types of data such as earthquake-derived fault slip vector azimuths. The block model proposed in this thesis can be improved by adding other small tectonic features and accounting for their contribution of strain accumulation. Further geophysical and geological investigations are fundamental to map the fault of Iskenderun to better constrain the Amanous block. Thank you for your attention Photo of point PT26, NW of Antakya.
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