Research Activities - Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
Research Activities - Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
Solid State Chemistry and Materials group Prof. M. Guilloux-Viry (University of Rennes 1) - 34 researchers, professors and assistant professors, 15 technical staff people - 20 phD and post-doc ~ 85 peer-reviewed papers / year ~ 3 patents/year Research covers 3 aspects: → New compounds synthesis and identification of their structure and properties → Patterning and functionnalization: from bulk to nanomaterials and thin films → Study of materials behaviour under used conditions Research topics & Keywords → Materials for energy: Intermetallics (U-based), condensed clusters (thermoelectric), oxides (SOFC) → Nanosciences: Nanomaterials and thin films, molecular clusters, lanthanides complexes, hybrids → Materials for health: Biomaterials, Eco(nano)toxicity Materials for energy: Intermetallics, Condensed clusters, Oxides Materials for energy: development of U based Intermetallics or Alloys for nuclear applications Powder metallurgy Densification of fuels Interactions fuel/matrix Diffusion couples fuel Matrix (Al) Interaction product µ-DRX, TEM Dilatometry & thermal analysis New U(Mo) particles with controled µ-structure EBSD of U fuel Diffusion mechanisms & phase formations J. Allenou, F. Charollais, M. Brothier, X. Iltis, O. Tougait, M. Pasturel, H. Noël., international patent, FR-2969661(A1) 201206-29 J. Allenou, X. Iltis, F. Charollais, O. Tougait, M. Pasturel, S. Deputier, French patent n°- 11 55551 2011-06-23 Materials for energy: Intermetallics, Condensed clusters, Oxides Materials for energy: Fondamental Properties of New Uranium and Cerium based Intermetallics Phase relations Crystal structures Electronic properties Heavy Fermions: χ(T), ρ(T), Cp(T), mK < T < 400°C 0 T < B < 14T URu4Si4 P lattice a = 4.11 Å, c = 15.5 Å Local structures U, Ce XRD TEM Isothermal sections: 450°C < T < 1700°C T: Fe, Co, Ni, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Pt, … η-diffraction, NMR, XPS R. Troć, M. Pasturel, O. Tougait, A. P. Sazonov, A. Goukassov, C. Sułkowski, H. Noël, Phys. Rev. B 85, 064412 (2012) A. Soudé, A. P. Pikul, P. Wiśniewski, O. Tougait, M. Pasturel, D. Kaczorowski, H. Noël, Intermetallics, 19 (2011) 1201-1206 Materials for energy: Intermetallics, Condensed clusters, Oxides Solid state synthesis, structural characterizations and study of physical properties of cluster compounds Structure of Ag3.9Mo9Se11: Mo9Se11 cluster units build large voids Statistical occupancy of Ag sites ZT = up 0.9 at 1000 K [51264] [512] Mo4 clusters as building blocks for the design of inorganic clathrate: [(Cs2Mo6Cl14)4.77(CsCl)138Cs47][(CsCl)97Cs24][Mo4S4Cl6]136 136 Mo6Si8Cla12 per unit cell, Fd-3m; a = 42.816(1) Å; V = 78 491 Å3 T. Zhou, B. Lenoir, M. Colin, A. Dauscher, P. Gougeon, M. Potel, E. Guilmeau - Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 162106 (2011) M. A. Shestopalov, A.Y. Ledneva, S. Cordier, O. Hernandez, M. Potel, T. Roisnel, N.G. Naumov, C. Perrin - Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., (2010) 49, 3351. Materials for energy: Intermetallics, Condensed clusters, Oxides Oxides for SOFC: Synthesis ; Reactivity under operating conditions studied by neutron/X-ray diffraction and synchrotron X-ray absorption O3 O2 XANES Mn K-edge Maximum Entropy Method Real-time in situ XAS monitoring of topotactic reduction under H2(g) in Pr0.5Sr1.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O4-δ Molecular Dynamics Conduction pathways at 900°C under air in NdBaCo2O6-δ from NPD/MEM analyses Real-time in situ NPD monitoring of topotactic reduction under H2(g): From tetragonal Sr2MnO4 to monoclinic Sr2MnO3.5 M. Bahout, F. Tonus, C. Prestipino, D. Pelloquin, T. Hansen, E. Fonda, P. D. Battle, J. Mater. Chem. 22 10560 (2012) Y. Hu, O. Hernandez, T. Broux, M. Bahout et al., J. Mat. Chem. 22 18744 (2012) T. Broux, M. Bahout, O. Hernandez, F. Tonus, S. Paofai, T. Hansen, C. Greaves, Inorg. Chem. (submitted) Y. Kobayashi, O. Hernandez, T. Sakaguchi, T. Yajima, T. Roisnel et al., Nature Materials 11 507 (2012) Materials for energy: Intermetallics, Condensed clusters, Oxides Oxydes , Phosphates, structural and physicochemical studies Spin frustration in Solid State NMR studies triangular iron lattice assisted by DFT KFe(HPO3)2 calculations Structure elucidation of VOPO4 31P MAS with and without 51V decoupling 31P MQ-MAS experiments Synchrotron variable temperature diffraction DFT calcultations Hamchaoui, F.; Alonzo, V. ; Venegas-Yazigi, D.; Rebbah, H.; Le Fur, E., J. Solid State Chem. 2013, 198, (0), 295 Hermosilla-Ibanez, P.; Car, P. E.; Vega, A.; Costamagna, J.; Caruso, F.; Pivan, J. Y.; Le Fur, E.; Spodine, E.; Venegas-Yazigi, D., CrystEngComm 2012, 14, (17), 5604 Castets, A.; Carlier, D.; Zhang, Y.; Boucher, F.; Marx, N.; Gautier, R.; Le Fur, E.; Le Polles, L.; Croguennec, L.; Menetrier, M.,. Solid State Nucl. Mag. Res. 2012, 42, 42 Gougeon, P.; Gall, P.; Cuny, J.; Gautier, R.; Le Polles, L.; Delevoye, L.; Trebosc, J., Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, (49), 13806 Gautier, R.; Audebrand, N.; Furet, E.; Gautier, R.; Le Fur, E., Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, (10), 4378 Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids Metal atom clusters as building blocks for the design of luminescent hybrid nanomaterials and redox active molecular junctions Cluster Cluster Cluster = 1 nm Lamellar packing smectic phase Day light UV light Luminescent cluster co-polymer (GDR C’NANO, action nanotrans 2009) STM image of cluster-modified surface of A POM observation cluster– Molecular junction: cluster Clustomesogens: immobilzed on a semiconducting based liquid crystals (US patent n°61/264 888 (2009), CREATE surface via an organic linker 5636- 2010-2012 Région Bretagne, FP7(ANR CLUSTSURF 2007-2011) PEOPLE-Marie Curie actions: 1IEF + 1 IIF, projet maturation DV 615) Y. Molard, F. Dorson, K. Brylev, M. Shestopalov, Y. Le Gal, S. Cordier, Y. Mironov, N. Kitamura, C. Perrin. Chem. Eur. J., 16(19) (2010) 5613-5619. S. Cordier, B. Fabre, Y. Molard, A.B. Fadjie-Djomkam, N. Tournerie, S. Ababou-Girard, A. Ledneva, N. G. Naumov, A. Moréac, C. Godet. J. Phys. Chem. C, 114(43) (2010) 18622-18633. Y. Molard, F. Dorson, V. Circu, T. Roisnel, F. Artzner, S. Cordier - Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., (2010) 49, 3351-3355 Y. Molard, A. Ledneva, M. Amela-Cortes, V. Cı̂ rcu, N. G. Naumov, C. Mériadec, F. Artzner, S. Cordier - Chem. Mater., 2011, 23, 5122 Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids Metal atom clusters as building blocks for the design of luminescent and multifunctional nanoparticles λ exc = 405 nm λ exc = 546 nm K4Re6Se8(OH)6 & K4Re6Se8(OH)6 @SiO2 UV light Optical microscope picture of ((n-C4H9N)4)2Mo6Br14@ZnO colloid γFe2O3-Cs2Mo6Br14@SiO2 ZnO-Cs2Mo6Br14@SiO2 F. Grasset, Y. Molard, S. Cordier, F. Dorson, M. Mortier, C. Perrin, M. Guilloux-Viry, T. Sasaki, H. Haneda. Adv. Mat., 20 (2008) 1710. T. Aubert, A. Y. Ledneva, F. Grasset, K. Kimoto, N. G. Naumov, Y. Molard, N. Saito, H. Haneda, S. Cordier. Langmuir, 26(23) (2010) 18512–18518. F. Grasset, Y. Molard, F. Dorson, S. Cordier, M. Mortier, V. Demange, C. Perrin, V. Marchi-Artzner, H. Haneda –Chem. Comm., (2008) 4729 T. Aubert , N. Nerambourg , N. Saito , H. Haneda , N. Ohashi , M. Mortier , S. Cordier, F. Grasset. Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2013, 30, 90. Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids Oxides Nanoparticles and Nanocolloids: Synthesis and Characterization @ZnO Ferrites, ferrofluids λ exc = 405 nm 2 nm -------- 6 nm 0.05 10 nm 15 nm ZFCM (t w = 3600 sec at T w = 15 K) ZFCM (ref) 0.001 w = 3600 sec 0.03 ZFCM ref - ZFCM t ZFCM / emu g -1 0.04 0.02 0.000 10 0.01 10 Tw 20 Temperature / K T w 20 30 40 Temperature / K 50 F. Grasset, S. Cordier, Y. Molard, C. Perrin, V. Nazabal, M. Guilloux-Viry, S. Pechev, N. Saito, H. Ryoken, H. Haneda and T. Sasaki, Inter. J. Nanotech., 5(6-8), (2008), 708 F. Grasset, Y. Molard, S. Cordier, F. Dorson, M. Mortier, C. Perrin, M. Guilloux-Viry, T. Sasaki, H. Haneda, Adv. Mat., 20 (2008) 1710. F. Grasset, O. Lavastre, C. Baudet, T. Sasaki and H. Haneda, J. Colloids Inter. Sci., 317(2), (2008), 493 V. Roullier, F. Grasset, F. Boulmedais, F. Artzner, O. Cador and V. Marchi-Artzner,Chem. Mater., 20, (2008), 6657 Y. El Mendili, J.-F. Bardeau, N. Randrianantoandro, A. Gourbil, J.-M. Greneche, A.-M. Mercier, F. Grasset, J. Raman Spectrosc., 42, (2011), 239 Y. El Mendili, J.-F. Bardeau, N. Randrianantoandro, F. Grasset, J.-M. Greneche, J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, (2012), 23785 Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids Thin films for electronics Oxides ferroelectric and dielectric epitaxial thin films & multilayers PLD CSD ‘Record’ of tunability 66 % (Fr ) @ 120 kV/cm, 10 GHz Investigation to decrease dielectric losses High ε & Δε/ΔV Au KTN KTN KTN Substrate Tunable devices (KTa1-xNbxO3), ferroelectricity, electro-optic, piezoelectric Nanostructuration ANR Ecotech Ospégaz 2012-2015 (Oxydes sans plomb pour capteurs de gaz) Bi1.5-xZn0.92-yNb1.5O6.92-δ: effect of microstructure on optical properties XRD – 4 circles texture ϕ ψ • A. Le Febvrier, A.C. Galca, Y. Corredores, S. Députier, V. Bouquet, V. Demange, X. Castel, R. Sauleau, R. Lefort, L.Y. Zhang, G. Tanné, L. Pintilie, M. Guilloux-Viry , ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, (2012) • A. Le Febvrier, S. Députier, V. Bouquet, V. Demange, S. Ollivier, A.C. Galca, C. Dragoi, R. Radu, L. Pintilie, M. Guilloux-Viry,, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 4564–4567 • Q. Simon, Y. Corredores, X. Castel, R. Benzerga, R. Sauleau, K. Mahdjoubi, A. Le Febvrier, S. Députier, M. Guilloux-Viry, L. Zhang, P. Laurent, G. Tanne, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 092904 (2011) • A. Bartasyte, J. Kreisel, W. Peng, M. Guilloux-Viry, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 262903 (2010) Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids Thin films for environment and optics CuxMo6S8 intercalation compound thin films Oxides for photoluminescence and deposited by CSD for electrochemistry photocatalysis (coll. Jao Pessoa, Sao Carlos, Brésil – CAPES-COFECUB ; Coll. NIMS, CCA UR1-NIMS) SrSnO3/saphir Eu3+, Ti4+@ZnO Synthesis of Cu2Mo6S8 powders and thin films from intermediate oxides prepared by polymeric precursor method Electrochemical transfer junction (EJT) for cation extraction (coll. C. Boulanger, IJL) Heavy metal ions sensors (thèse CIFRE S. Boursicot (21/11/2012) SrSnO3/SrTiO3 Substrate controlled allotropic phases and growth orientation of TiO2 epitaxial thin films Synthesis of SrSnO3 thin films by pulsed laser deposition: Influence of substrate and deposition temperature Transparent and luminescent ZnO based thin films Patent 2963027, BOPI 27/01/2012, S. Seghir, J.M. Lecuire, C. Boulanger, S. Diliberto, V. Bouquet, M. Guilloux-Viry, M. Potel S. Seghir, C. Boulanger, S. Diliberto, J.M. Lecuire, V. Bouquet, M. Potel, M. Guilloux-Viry, Electrochemistry Communications 12 (2010) 1734–1737 S. Boursicot, V. Bouquet, I. Péron, T. Guizouarn, M. Potel, M. Guilloux-Viry, Solid State Sciences 14 (2012) 719-724 V. F. Silva, V. Bouquet, S. Députier, S. Boursicot, S. Ollivier, I.T. Weber, V.L. Silva, I. M. G. Santos, M. Guilloux-Viry, A. Perrin. J.f App. Cryst. 43 (2010), 1502-1512 T. Aubert, F. Grasset, M. Potel, V. Nazabal, T. Cardinal, S. Pechev, N. Saito, N. Ohashi and H. Haneda, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 11, 044401, 2010 Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids Lanthanides-Based complexes and Coordination Polymers Porosity > 2000 m2.g-1 in a rare earth amino terephtalate Optical properties: hetero-nuclear complexes Magnetic properties Y. Luo, G. Calvez, S. Freslon, C. Daiguebonne, T. Roisnel, O. Guillou. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 368, 170-178 (2011). D. Kustaryono, N. Kerbellec, G. Calvez, S. Freslon, C. Daiguebonne, O. Guillou. Crystal Growth and Design, 10(2), 775-781 (2010). C. Daiguebonne, O. Guillou, N. Kerbellec. (2007). FR2917226-A1 ; WO20088148792-A1 ; WO20088148792-A9 ; EP2152795-A1 ; CN101711265-A ; CA2690044-A1 ; US2010207067-A1. G. Calvez, F. Le Natur, O. Guillou. Demande de brevet Français n°1258525 déposée le 11 septembre 2012. X. Yi, ; K. Bernot, F. Pointillart, G. Poneti, G. Calvez, C. Daiguebonne, O. Guillou, R. Sessoli, Chem.-Eur. J. , 18, 11379-11387 (2012) G. Cucinotta, M. Perfetti, J. Luzon, M. Etienne, P.-E. Car, A. Caneschi, G. Calvez, K. Bernot, R. Sessoli,. Angew. Chem. 51, 1606 (2012). Nanosciences: Nanoparticles - Thin Films, Molecular Clusters, Lanthanides Complexes, Hybrids MOFs with original ligands: Rational design of MOF’s - Synthesis by solvothermal routes and mechanochemitry - Structure determination: single-crystal / powder XRD (Laboratory, synchrotron) - In situ powder diffraction & spectroscopy for studying reactivity (temperature, gas, solvents) - Example: a new Metal-Organic Framework built on Cu paddle-wheels and original 9,9’-spirobifluorene ligand with high surface area and open metal sites potential catalytic applications Langmuir specific surface area = 1427 m2/g > related MOF-2 (Yaghi et al., 1998) • F. Moreau, N. Audebrand, C. Poriel, V. Moizan-Basle, J. Ouvry, J. Mater. Chem. , 21, 18715-18722 (2011) Materials for health: Biomaterials, Eco(nano)toxicity Biomaterials Eco(nano)toxicity Bioactives glasses: - Doping (Mg, Sr, Zn) in SiO2-CaO-P2O5-Na2O glasses → Evidence of bioactivity: Kinetic of bioactivity is tunable according to the biomedical applications → Biological evaluation hydroxyapatite SiO2 reach layer Glassy matrix H. Oudadesse, E. Dietrich, Y. Le Gal, P. Pellen, B. Bureau, A. Mostafa, G. Cathelineau, Biomed. Mater., 6, (2011), 035006 A. Lucas-Girot, F. Mezahi, M. Mami, H. Oudadesse, A. Harabi, M. Le Floch, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357, (2011), 3322 H. Oudadesse, M. Mami, R. Dorbez-Sridi, P. Pellen-Mussi, F. Perez, S. Jeanne, D. Chauvel-Lebret, G. Cathelineau, Key Eng. Mater. 39698, (2009), 107 T. Aubert, A. Burel, M.-A. Esnault, S. Cordier, F. Grasset, F. Cabello-Hurtado, J. Hazardous Mat. 219-220, (2012), 111
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