Sunday, May 3 - the start page


Sunday, May 3 - the start page
Sunday, May 3
PARADE begins at 1 p.m. on Bloomington Avenue and 26th Street
TREE OF LIFE CEREMONY about 3 p.m. after the Parade arrives in Powderhorn Park
FESTIVAL to follow in Powderhorn Park
Created and produced by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre with the assistance of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board.
Each MayDay we celebrate the twining together of two roots of traditional MayDay celebrations: The Green Root honoring the green energy of the
earth—spring! And the Red Root honoring the work of human hand, heart, and mind. This year we celebrate red + green = brown = the ground!
“The work we are going about is this, To dig up the [King’s Hill] and the Waste thereabouts,
and to Sow Seed, and to eat our bread together by the sweat of our brows.
The first Reason is this: to lay the Foundation of making the Earth a Common Treasury for All,
both Rich and Poor, That every one that is born in the land, may be fed by the Earth our Mother
that brought us forth, according to the Reason that rules in the Creation.”
the Poor Oppressed People of England) June 1, 1649
Dig It
Why are we investing in an economy* based on credit that enables
us to spend more than we have to accumulate more than we need
while sickening and depleting our Earth?
Who pays for this system, and who profits from it?
Our current money economy is tumbling to the ground.
Perhaps it is the Earth itself calling us to touch what is real, what is hurting
– calling us down into the richness of the soil itself
from which we were all born and to which we will all return.
The failure of our current economic system gives us opportunity to invest in a new economy
of joy, gratitude, and service for the nourishment of the Earth, our Common Treasury — dig it!
Yes! for pigs, worms, and the smaller-than-the-eye-can-see
who invite us to generate fertile soil for the wealth of all.
Yes! for the weaving of social justice and ecological concerns
to nourish the health of the Earth’s communities.
Yes! For all we have! The wisdom of our bloodlines! Abundance of the Earth!
We have each other, and we are so rich!
*ECONOMY means MANAGEMENT OF THE HOUSE economy: oikos = house + nemein = to manage. (Merriam –Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)
Our Common Treasury
SCENE 1: SAVE OUR ASSETS: Dig the Real Economy Preservemos Nuestros Bienes/Disfrutemos la Economía Verdadera pp. 6–7
SCENE 2: SPROUT! ¡Broten! pp. 8–9
SCENE 3: ALL WE HAVE Todo lo que Tenemos pp. 10–11
Participación Abierta
En El Parque Powderhorn: La Ceremonia del Árbol de la Vida pp. 16–17
The MayDay Parade Creation Process:
From Seeds to Full Bloom
o national corporate logos. No pop culture icons. No waving royalty in gasguzzling vehicles. MayDay, as parades go, breaks the mold. In the Heart of
the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre’s annual MayDay Parade and Festival
has been a vibrant example of art as community building in the Twin Cities area for
35 years. In an era when art is seen mainly as something to buy, and activism is
often narrowly defined as protesters disrupting the system, HOBT’s MayDay Parade
and Festival is an annual embodiment of what happens when communities pull
together and art and activism meet.
For many of us in this northern climate, the MayDay Parade is a time to celebrate
the coming warmth with towering hand-built puppets and masks, music, and performance in the street. The essence of the parade is rooted in the local community
and contemporary issues, concerns, and visions for a better world (see page 15 for
more on the history of In the Heart of the Beast Theatre’s MayDay.)
p. 4
p. 5
Starts at 1:00 p.m., traveling from
26th to 34th on Bloomington Avenue
before entering Powderhorn Park
Parade Scenes
Your friendly guide to the Parade
on Bloomington Avenue
p. 3
Scene 1: Save Our Assets
pp. 6–7
Scene 2: Sprout!
pp. 8–9
Scene 3: All We Have
pp. 10–11
Begins on the west shore of Powderhorn
Lake in Powderhorn Park after the parade
ends, around 3:00 p.m.
pp. 12–13
About In the Heart of the Beast
Puppet and Mask Theatre
Thank You MayDay Friends
p. 14
Etched in My Heart: 35 Years
of MayDay
p. 15
Show Your Support for MayDay!
p. 16
p. 17
For 35 Years
p. 18
Friends and Supporters
p. 19
Thank You Volunteers
p. 20
In the Heart of the Beast Theatre
2009-10 Performances
and Programs
Advertising Section
pp. 21–31
Follows the Tree of Life Ceremony
and ends at sunset.
Map and Schedule
back cover
Everything in the parade is hand-built; every idea grows out of our community.
Early every year, participants and artists brainstorm and articulate a different
theme in open community meetings. People from the community share their hopes
and fears, dreams and concerns, and from these the year’s theme germinates. The
team of staff artists then spends many hours conversing, digging deeper, and critiquing ideas to bring forth the theme and images for the current year’s parade and
ceremony. (For a list of past themes, see page 15.) When the community workshops
begin on the first Saturday of April, In the Heart of the Beast Theatre’s main auditorium is converted into a giant art studio. Throughout the month, everyone is
invited to the 16 public workshops, and all who enter participate in the building of
this communal story through the creation of puppets, masks, floats, and costumes.
Like a garden, the theater begins with all the potential of bare, rich soil. Within a
month, the auditorium is overflowing with puppets, masks, and the creations that
you see today.
On the first Sunday of May, it all spills out into the streets. Puppets come alive,
people dance, sing and play through the streets and into Powderhorn Park. Today,
you are probably joined by more than 50,000 participants and spectators from near
and far. Diverse neighbors have come together in dialogue about current issues and
identified a communal focus. The creative process gives voice to issues and concerns.
Together, artists and area folks have created this parade, which dissect problems in
our society, but also envisions a better alternative. It is here that art galvanizes
bonds between neighbors, evoking great joy and energy for the future. Enjoy, and
happy MayDay!
Hands at Work
(At the May Day Workshop)
Molding, shaping,
voices twining.
A bag of cloth, a bundle of twigs,
laughter abounding.
Wrapping, smoothing,
grace of hands at work.
Sewing, braiding,
everything comes together.
Moist brown clay and crumbled paper,
yellow cloth, black ribbon.
Crimson paint, white of glue,
green rising everywhere.
Craft a pig, shape a bird,
birth a pinwheel, weave a web
to remind us who we are
as we touch earth’s gifts,
our own deep roots.
Mayday Poems 2009
THE TEAMSTERS! Celebrating the 75th anniversary of their
1934 strike that led to many gains in workers’ rights
For stirring our activism with clarity, beauty and wit
BOB CALDWELL, Center Strength of the Tree of Life
WASTEWIN GONZALEZ, Star Bright Leader, Wise Beyond her Years
RAFALA GREEN, Midwife of Community Vision and Beauty, Sister Artist
THANK YOU! to all our 2-legged, 4-legged
flying, swimming, and crawling neighbors!
And to Jim Koplin, greenman, who teaches us all to garden
with his good sense, keen watchful eye, and skillful hands.
Preservemos Nuestros Bienes
The egg is cracked—YIKES! what do we do with it? What will we build to protect the egg? All the king’s men try to find a solution. Their system creates Waste and flies
swarm. The House of Cards is unstable and falling. The king’s men desperately shovel stinky stuff to prop up this falling house. Humpty Dumpty is in his inevitable
El huevo está quebrado - ¡ay, ay, ay! ¿Qué vamos a hacer con él? ¿Construiremos algo para protegerlo? Todos Los Caballeros del Rey tratan de encontrar la solución. Su sistema
crea porquería merodeada por moscas. La casa de naipes es inestable y se está derrumbando. Los caballeros del rey palean desesperadamente para contener el derrumbe de la
Part I
he state of our economy is a reflection of what we value in society, and
of what we invest in with our time, our labor, and our resources. Our
parade begins on the brink of ruin. The nest egg teeters on a wave of
panic with no nest in sight. What happened to all that wealth allegedly created
in the last decade? Where did it go? Did we see an increase in wages? In
health care? In manufacturing and industry? New jobs? Any part of the real
economy? What beyond easy credit (or debt, from our viewpoint) did we
invest in? The assets of the few have been artificially inflated while labor,
industry and the physical infrastructure of our country have been sold off.
We have in effect invested in nothing. As a result, what our parents could
afford on one salary thirty years ago (shelter, transportation, food and
health care) can hardly be secured today with the combined salary of two.
The unregulated financial agencies that got us into this mess, the
king’s men, ride “to the rescue” on the ponies of a negligent government.
Their solution is more of the same: financial manipulations that inflate
their assets but leave us with huge piles of debt — debt on which our economy teeters like a house of cards. This is a debt that we and our children and
our children’s children will shovel to inflate their assets for generations. The
architects of this disaster, the bankers and financial wizards, use our panic
to consolidate resources and political power and further entrench themselves as our economic planners.
The nest egg is paraded as Humpty Dumpty on a swaying house of
credit cards: our future perched on increasingly ethereal constructs of debt.
This economic house is in turn supported by a foundation of waste straight
from the horse’s rear end, while all the little flies seek a share of the awful
(offal) mess.
– Julian McFaul, Mark Safford, Alison Heimstead
“If the American people ever allow private
banks to control the issue of their money…
the banks and corporations that… grow up
around them will deprive the people of their
property until their children… wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
“The Fed has allowed an unregulated and untested, privately-controlled “credit generating”
shadow banking system to infect the broader
economy and create a nation of credit addicts
which are entirely at the mercy of unpredictable
market fluctuations. Is this how the economy’s
“life’s blood” should be distributed? … (The
Fed) threw open the profit-sluicegates for the
banks and Wall Street speculators who made
more money than anyone ever thought possible.
Clearly, this is what motivates Bernanke and
Geithner. These are their real constituents.”
— MIKE WHITNEY, freelance journalist and
columnist from “Counterpunch,” April 4, 2009
Dig the Real Economy
Disfrutemos la Economía Verdadera
downfall. Pigs dig, leveling the soil. Labor and unions assist in the creation of a level field of fertile soil, as do soil organisms. A piggy seed bank encourages us to
invest in fertile soil for the feeding of all.
casa. Es inevitable que Humpty Dumpty se caiga. Los puercos escavan, nivelando la tierra. Las herramientas de trabajo y la resistencia sindical ayudan a la creación de un nuevo
campo nivelado de suelo fértil, con organismos del suelo. Un chanchito de ahorro, invierte en semillas para plantarlas en el suelo enriquecido de la imaginación humana.
Part II
oes collapse mean the end? Or is there
possibility for a different structure, a new
beginning in Humpty Dumpty’s cracks?
A herd of shovel-nosed pigs undermines the devastating, deifying, sky-aspiring constructions of
the king’s men. The pigs root in the dirt for the
simple things they value: healthy poop, living
soil. They upturn the earth, leveling the playing
field, spreading the wealth, and reconnecting us
with the soil and its inherent value.
Though the apocalyptic king’s men try to
stop the swine from leveling the House of Credit,
a line of laborers protects the work of the pigs.
With upraised shovels, these laborers resist the
return of soil into piles of waste. With these same
shovels, they turn to the work of leveling and
invigorating the soil. By maintaining soil that
thrums with life, we invest in a resource that can
be shared equitably. The soil thrives with ecstatic
worms and active micro-organisms, which direct
our attention to the small, honest actions that
create a humane economy. The bugs of the dirt
prepare the soil to be a new kind of bank for us
all: a place to store the seeds that will grow the
bounty of our future. From a transformed economy will emerge a new kind of bank that, rather
than hoarding savings, will protect free access to
the resources of the earth as our common treasury.
– Janaki Ranpura, Lindsay McCaw,
Harry Kingham
LABOR RESISTERS – In 1934, the
Minneapolis Teamsters strike broke
business- backed opposition to unions.
We acknowledge the 75th anniversary
of the strike by showing active resistance through laborers.
If we must fill our lives with bullshit,
let it be in verdant pastures occupied
by noble beasts. After all, would you
rather have bullshit splattered on your
pants and boots or coming out of your
DIGGERS – The words “Common
Treasury” were first used by the
English Diggers in 1649. The Diggers
were a group of poor people who gathered on common land and grew crops
to feed each other and anyone
who wished to join them.
– In 2006, Muhammed Yunus won the
Nobel Peace Prize for pioneering
micro-credit: loans of a few hundred
dollars to help the poorest poor start
their own businesses by buying a car,
a cell phone; tiny advantages that we
take for granted provide a critical difference for entrepreneurs in developing countries. These batik flags honor
the movement of micro-credit. Look up
the Grameen Foundation for more
dokadoka to / hana no ue naru /
bafun kana
Thud thud upon the flowers
drops the horse turd.
“Money is not wealth; money is only a
measure of wealth and a means of
exchange. Real wealth is good land,
pristine forests, clean rivers, healthy
animals, vibrant communities, nourishing food and human creativity.”
— SATISH KUMAR, “Nature Crunch,”
Resurgence, Jan–Feb 2009
“Now is the moment to replace this
thin democracy with a very different,
emergent, ‘living democracy’ — a way
of life, set of values aligned with the
best of human nature.”
Ecology,” Resurgence, Jan–Feb 2009
“Our problems are simply too complex,
interconnected, and pervasive to be
solved from on high: they require the
ingenuity and exuberant engagement
of billions of us.”
Ecology,” Resurgence, Jan–Feb 2009
The weaving of green and red creates an economy which we all share. Chia-leaders give out besos pesos, a new currency (exchange them
for seedlings in Powderhorn Park!) Pinwheels spin wind into energy. Seedlings are carried in a moving community garden.
Compartimos la nueva economía verde, creando un tejido de verde y rojo. “Brotistas” dan besos pesos, la nueva moneda puede ser cambiada por
e sprout, we spin. We are doing the work. We are the green
collar workers, shovels ready. We are employing the Wind.
We are employees of the Wind. We spin and shine. We are
chia-leaders. We are creating our own currency. We exchange our
tenderness for your tenderness. We tend to each other. We are
growing our own food. We share our food. We share our water. We
are employees of the Sun. We are employing the Sun. We are tending
our tender green sprouts. We sprout. We are creating our own new
networks. We are dancing. We hear the call. We are spinning our
own new webs. We pass them with care from hand to hand. We
include all who want to join.
In order for any sort of “Green Economy” to thrive we must accept
and embrace our true relationship with the Earth. We are not here
to conquer and rule the Earth. The Earth is not our tool or our plaything to do with as we please. We are earth. Without this paradigm
shift, any steps towards a “Green Economy” will be hollow and
We are all earth! We are all food! Plants take energy from the sun
and turn it into food. Animals eat plants for nourishment. When
we die our bodies are in turn eaten by tiny creatures. Our bodies
decay and return to soil. Plants grow in the soil and the cycle continues. We are what we eat. We are what our food eats. We are all
food. We are all earth.
— Anne Sawyer-Aitch, Bart Buch, Kevin Long,
Masanari Kawahara, Stacy Lee King
BESOS PESOS: The Tenderest
Tender – One important part of our
vision is developing local networks
and economies. We are inspired by
places around the world that are
creating their own local currencies.
We are planting a seed of this idea
in our parade with besos pesos.
Chia-leaders will buy hugs, kisses,
handshakes, and high-fives in
exchange for besos pesos. Plant
one on them, and plant one in your
garden! Redeem your besos pesos
in Powderhorn Park for seedlings
to take home and tend.
Tender tenderers tend the seedlings, tall grasses, flowers. Bees and insects swirl. Sprouting spiders weave new networks.
plantitas en el parque. Molinetes de papel transforman el viento en la energía. Llevamos las plantitas en un jardín comunitario móvil. Tiernos cuidadores
atienden las plantitas, la hierba alta, y las flores. Las abejas e insectos giran. Las arañas con brotes tejen sus nuevas redes de trabajo.
This is the prayer
Of our life
Written on mud
Uttered by rain,
Spun into seeds,
All held in one web
Shaped by the seen and unseen
This is the song
Of our selves
Each carrying light
And dark
Born of the Earth
Touching the sky
Time to dance our new joy green
MayDay poems 2009
A Noiseless, Patient Spider
A noiseless, patient spider,
I mark’d, where, on a little
promontory, it stood, isolated;
Mark’d how, to explore the vacant,
vast surrounding,
It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
Ever unreeling them—ever tirelessly
speeding them.
And you, O my Soul, where you stand,
Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing,
throwing,—seeking the spheres,
to connect them;
Till the bridge you will need, be form’d
— till the ductile anchor hold;
Till the gossamer thread you fling,
catch somewhere, O my Soul.
“This is what I propose: A social-uplift
strategy that creates green jobs, not jails;
a politics anchored in a New Deal Coalition
for this century; and a moral framework
based on reverence for each other and the
planet. It can be done.”
– VAN JONES, (founding president of Green For All,
an organization that promotes green-collar jobs and
opportunities for the disadvantaged), “Two Crises,
One Solution,” YES! Magazine, Summer 2005
“The precise, miniscule craft of the spiders
had so honed and focused my awareness
that the very webwork of the universe, of
which my own flesh was a part, seemed to
be being spun by their arcane art.”
“The Ecology of Magic,” Finding Home
(an Orion Magazine anthology)
“And then the miracle in green. A shy
miracle and a fragile one.
A seedling, its leaves tender to the sun,
drinking the water tenderly
poured by the prisoners’ hands. A lemon
tree, two inches of
free-hearted life in a tiny patch of dry earth
surrounded by barbed wire.
The prisoners fought for the right to have
a prison garden,
Saving pips and seeds from their food to
plant, and they created
more than a garden, it was a metaphysical
icon for our age.
In all the brutality of Guatanamo- a metallic
thought in a metallic cageThey created green and a memory of shade.”
“Artifice vs. Pastoral,” Orion, March/April 2009
Participating Social Justice and
Environmental Groups*
Afro Eco
Environmental Justice Advocates
of Minnesota
H.I.R.E. Minnesota
Health Care, Infrastructure, Renewable Energy
Sisters Camelot
Urban Farming
Women’s Environmental Institute
Youth Farm and Market Project
*Those who had committed to marching in our
section at the time we went to press.
Todo lo que Tenemos
The elements of Earth, Air, Sun, and Water weave together, feeding the Turtle of the World. From its back grows the Tree of Generations: our rich biological wealth and diverse cultural heritage. Its
falling leaves deliver the wisdom we most need to hear. The creatures of the world dance, connected to its twisted DNA tail. A flock of birds with wings like hands carry gifts of learning from our
Los elementos de la tierra, del aire, del sol, y del agua se tejen juntos. La tortuga del mundo come el tejido y forma el A.D.N. de nuestras raíces rojas y verdes. De éstas raíces, el árbol de
Turtle of the World
ll we have is the wisdom of our ancestors, our red bloodlines
intertwined with the green abundance of the earth. All we
have is the courage and joy with which we strive for a better
world. All we have is each other. And we are rich.
Can we learn to live lightly like birds, to pass on the knowledge
we need to keep moving, and move together when the moment
demands it? Just as a flock of birds is more than the sum of its parts,
our actions can become a part of the vast movement that is rising: the
movement for social and ecological justice (red and green intertwined,
each stronger in that union).
In the nest of hands we find the potential of ourselves as human
beings on this planet. We celebrate the people and movements who
have taught us how to resist, and how to provide for each other.
Fragility and strength are in a precarious balance: we must come
together with courage to face an uncertain future.
Quetzalcoatl delivers the message that the ancestors are here,
opening connections between our creators and ourselves. Their power
keeps us strong in our purpose and our work of giving thanks and
finding balance. One people, one planet. One shining stitch in the
fabric of possibility.
— Gustavo Boada, Malia Burkhart, Tina Nemetz,
Emma Byron, Angie Courchaine
The earth is a gorgeous tapestry, and in every
act, every interaction, we are weaving the
image of ourselves. To gaze upon the intricate
beauty of earth’s vast and splendid body is to
also appreciate the rich heritage of form and
culture that has shaped every one of us. As we
dance around this Turtle Island, linked
together through our DNA, may we learn to
listen to each other fully – to appreciate the
unique and precious gifts that every being
has to offer.
Birds are stronger as a group. In a flock, they
help the weaker, tired birds keep up. When
one moves, the others sense it and quickly
react as a whole. Birds have found a formation, a flock, that works for them. We must
find ours. We need to look out for each other
and learn to react to subtle hints of wisdom.
Stronger ties to each other are necessary in
order to meet the challenges that face us.
The growing movement for global justice
contains this magic of the flock. Groups of
activists in the streets move spontaneously,
flexibly, without leaders. Knowledge and
inspiration are passed between neighbors and
spread across the globe. We are guided and
strengthened by others who teach us about
courage and community: wisdom we will need
to use and share wherever our journey takes us.
past to build a nest. A nest of hands holds the large earth egg. Quezalcoatl, the feathered serpents, collect energy and strength from the circle of this community and send it to the Heart of the Sky.
nuestra riqueza biológica y diversa herencia cultural crece. Un grupo de pájaros con alas, como manos, lleva los regalos de enseñanza de nuestro pasado para construir un nido.
Un nido de manos sostiene un gran huevo-tierra. Quezalcoatl, la serpiente plumada recoge la energía y la fuerza del círculo de esta comunidad y la envía hacia el Corazón del Cielo.
The Human Nest – Our Home
Seeing homes collapse and neighbors
disappear is sobering. As an alternative, we
aim to build our houses and carry them softly. This home for the earth egg is made with
the sticks of the tree, wisdom of ancestors,
and our very hands. The red, white, yellow,
and black hands symbolize the directions
and the colors of all people. The nest nourishes and protects the earth, our common
treasury, with no borders or boundaries.
“Joy and thanks to the colors
streaming in from all the earth’s
illuminated circles.”
– FLORENCE DACEY, MayDay poems 2009
great sacrifice, great commitment to something beyond our own lives, to right what we
have done, to bring health, security, and balance to our earth egg.
“Joy and thanks to those who will
not relinquish justice or banish
– FLORENCE DACEY, MayDay poems 2009
Circle Dance/ Buffalo Dancers
The buffalo is holding firm to our prayers.
Forming a protective circle around the
young, our children, our future. A buffalo is
a house, containing everything we need to
live. The buffalo is continuing abundance.
The Earth Egg/Nest Egg
The earth egg/nest egg is all we have:
the earth growing green grass, Chia
continents abundant and without borders.
We are one.
The Cosmic Earth Egg contains the seeds of
all being. It is pure potential. We are pure
potential. The energies of earth and sky
merging. Energy! Life! Pregnant and patient
about to awaken…
We have pushed the egg to the edge, a
precipice. A gulf exists between what we
have (all that accumulated stuff), what we
have done, and where we need to go — for the
earth, and for our lives on it. Our future is
unsure, through our own doing. It will take
“You are here!
You belong to us
We love you”
“Give us a blessing so that our
words and actions be one in unity,
and that we will be able to listen to
each other. In doing so, we shall with
good heart walk hand in hand to
face the future.”
in prayer before the United States Senate — 1975
Quetzalcoatl’s Presence
Many of the world’s legends say that humankind was created after many attempts, a circle
of failures and amendments. As a result, a
circle of wisdom is opened to us when we are
humble, barefoot and vulnerable. Sometimes
we mistake our human achievements for the
power of creators. We forget to say thank you.
We ignore the necessity of balance. But the
dried mud on our foot connects us to the
Earth, the life provider and mother of the
maize. The Quetzalcoatl are messengers, connecting the creators in the sky with humans
on this ground, reminding us to seek balance.
He is our creator.
We are the new humans made of maize,
substance and food.
The Maize is the fruit of Soil, the Sun and
the honest work of the people.
Quetzalcoatl, again, has gathered all our
He brought these as a humble offering to the
soil spirit — mother Earth.
Generously, She tried one more time; the new
maize was given to us: a fragile egg.
They are all praying timelessly and weaving
our multicolored spirits.
When we are walking, they are shaping, with
smoke, our prayer dance.
We say thanks one and a thousand times,
we dance in infinite circles to keep the
energy of our bodies in the center.
We burn copal to purify the air to make
lighter our prayer to The Heart of the Sky.
A prayer to strengthen our spirit to do it
right this time.
The Tree of Life
La Ceremonia del Arbol de la Vida
Earth as a Common Treasury for All, both rich and poor, that all
may be fed by the Earth, our Mother that brought us forth.
Ceremony Team: Jackie Beckey, Julie Boada, Chris Griffith, Mick Labriola, Esther Ouray, Sandy Spieler, Kristi Ternes, Tom Wells
“Oh sacred world now wounded
We pledge to make you free
Of hate and war and hunger
And selfish cruelty
And here in our small corner
We plant a tiny seed
And it will grow to beauty
To shame the face of greed”
Happy Birthday Pete Seeger! We are thinking of you as you celebrate
your 90th birthday today. Thank you for encouraging us to sing together!
YOUR neighbors
need your help.
The Minnesota Poor Peoples
Economic Human Rights Campaign
is asking for letters to help
neighbors facing foreclosures on
their homes. Here is one example
of a letter:
Dear Sheriff Richard W. Stanek,
Please serve your community by finding alternative solutions to bank foreclosures, other than the taking away
of homes from the hard-working people
of Hennepin County. Thank you!
Conference Between the United States of America and the Sioux Nation of Indians.
Whereas, a conference held between the United States of America and the Sioux
Nation of Indians, Lieut. Z. M. Pike, of the Army of the United States, and the chiefs
and warriors of the said tribe, have agreed to the following articles, which when
ratified and approved of by the proper authority, shall be binding on both parties:
Please send letter to:
MN Poor Peoples Economic
Human Rights Campaign
310 East 38th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55409
For more information:
ARTICLE 1. That the Sioux Nation grants unto the United States for the purpose
of the establishment of military posts, nine miles square at the mouth of the river
St. Croix, also from below the confluence of the Mississippi and St. Peters, up the
Mississippi, to include the falls of St. Anthony, extending nine miles on each side
of the river. That the Sioux Nation grants to the United States, the full sovereignty
and power over said districts forever, without any let or hindrance whatsoever.
ARTICLE 2. That in consideration of the above grants the United States shall, prior
to taking possession thereof, pay to the Sioux two thousand dollars, or deliver the
value thereof in such goods and merchandise as they shall choose.
ARTICLE 3. The United States promise on their part to permit the Sioux to pass,
repass, hunt or make other uses of the said districts, as they have formerly done,
without any other exception, but those specified in article first.
Ratified April 6, 1808
“The credit crunch has shaken the stock markets and
banks around the world… Excessive greed for limitless
profit, and reckless lending and spending are the causes
of the credit crunch. We are doing the same with Nature.
The greedy squandering of natural capital is risking the
integrity and sustainability of the Earth itself…
[We] have confused money with wealth. [We] have failed
to recognize that money is not wealth; money is only a
measure of wealth and a means of exchange. Real wealth
is good land, pristine forests, clean rivers, healthy animals, vibrant communities, nourishing food and human
creativity. But the money managers have turned land,
forests, rivers, animals and human creativity into commodities to be bought and sold. Even money itself has
become a commodity as speculators trade in money to
make more has a place within the broad
context of sustainability and a harmonious relationship
with the natural world, but we have to put it in its place
and keep it there, rather than allow it to dominate our
lives to such an extent that the human community as
well as the Earth community is endangered.”
“Nature Crunch,” Resurgence, Jan–Feb 2009
If we stood silent for one minute
Could we hear This Land
Crying out for us
Through our bodies
The old ones teach
All we have
This cherished Earth
Our Real and Common Treasury
All we have
Each Other
Joined together By and For
This Land
MayDay poems 2009
Joy and thanks to the ones who came before us, their songs and words brought forward, their courage
and their laughter rising above the pain.
Joy and thanks to the ones who teach us to work with respect for the earth and each other.
Joy and thanks to those who will not relinquish justice or banish tenderness.
Joy and thanks to those who never sell their souls and to those who teach us by their errors.
Joy and thanks to the weavers of our breath and meaning, the shimmering webs that link us all.
Joy and thanks to the colors streaming in from all the earth’s illuminated circles.
Joy and thanks to the soil and water and air from which we arise, wild with life.
Joy and thanks to the wondrous world which cracks but does not break, which cradles us through the centuries,
which still proclaims each of us a true and certain wealth.
MayDay poems 2009
t takes a whole village, and then some, to put together
the MayDay Parade and Festival. To all of you who
planned, brainstormed, organized, fundraised, gave
money and/or supplies, sculpted, sewed, pâpier mâchéd,
stapled, built, painted, cooked, cleaned up, sang songs, played music, and
danced: THANK YOU!
Great Praises to Our MayDay Volunteers as of April 21:
Kristin Abhalter
Jemiah Aitch
Ryan Billig
Bruce Blacher
Jane Celine
Paul Chamberlain
Maddy Chamberlain
Lola Chamberlain
Madge Chamberlain
Adam Cook
Kevin Cosgrove
Lynne Derby
Sharon Dill
Gaea Dill-D’Ascoli
Andrew Ehrman
Steve Epley
Orlow Epley
Chris Gamm
Patty Gille
Lenief Heimstead
Soozin Hirschmugl
Sean Hoakland
Kai Hoakland
Eric Hofstad
Mindy Holte
Mike Huber
Johanna Huber
Xena and Ethan HuffJohnson
Loren Kellen
Laura Kosowski
Maria LaNave
Matt Larson
Greg Leirwood
Nick Lethert
D. Blake Love
Cyril Malle-Barlow
Phil Manz
Grace Manz
Kate McDonnell
Hannah Nemetz
Mary Jo Nicholai
Alan Olson
Dan Polnan
Krista Pearson
Nichole Pederson
Tom Peichel
Barbara Peterson
Becky Peterson
Jake Peterson
Don Quixote
Monica Rojas
Chacha Sikes
Sandra Sonnenberg
Igor Stanceric
Sue Sterling
Allison Stewart
Huck Stoike
Celia Swanson
Willow Terri
Cate Thoemke
Jody Thorsett
Harry Waters, Jr.
Katie Willingham
Shelley, Charlie, and
Trevor Adams
Jemiah Aitch
Dave Atchinson
Ryan Billig
Bruce Blacher
Sarah Bowman
Willis Bowman
Crystal Brinkman
Lelis Brito
Leigh Combs
Heidi Eckwall
Soozin Hirschmugl
Xena Huff
Michael Katch
Loren Kellen
Ethan Johnson
Janet Johnson
Naomi Joy
Sharon Meister
Ken Meter
Jason Misik
Mindi Monroe
Sreekishen Nair
Carol North
Eleanor Savage
Molly Van Avery
Arwen Wilder
Vanessa Yancey
Friends School Band
Gals in Sewing Nook
Cherry at Urban
Margaret Shields at
Sister’s Camelot
Linden Hills Co-op
Harry Waters, Jr.’s
Community Theater
John Holmes
Lana Holmes
Michael Holmes
Gene Zemske
Nancy Zemske
Jack Derbis
Cris Derbis
Lyonel Norris
Vicki Kunerth
Dennis Levendowski
Lisa Knazen
Larry Rosenbower
Nancy Rosenbower
Bryce Rosenbower
Forrest Rosenbower
Carol Newman
Dan Newman
Karla Anderson
Sue Magee
Jackie Beckey
Jonathan Kennedy
Rachel Blomgren
Tynan Kerr
Jonathan Waldo
Nikki Grossman
Andy McCormick
Jon Davis
Paul Fonfara
Andie Mazorol
SCENE I: Save Our Assets
Artists:Alison Heimstead, Janaki Ranpura, Julian McFaul,
Lindsay McCaw, Mark Safford, Harry Kingham (visiting artist)
SCENE II: Sprout!
Artists:Anne Sawyer-Aitch, Bart Buch, Kevin Long,
Masanari Kawahara, Stacy Lee King (intern)
SCENE III: All We Have
Artists:Gustavo Boada, Malia Burkhart, Tina Nemetz,
Emma Byron (visiting artist), Angie Courchaine (intern)
Director: Sandy Spieler
Team: Esther Ouray, Julie Boada, Kristi Ternes, Chris Griffith, Jackie
Beckey, Mick Labriola, Tom Wells
Duane Tougas
Florence Dacey, Visiting Writer*
Lucinda Anderson, Clay Room Assistant
Shelley Chinander, Sewing Room Coordinator
Jim Koplin, Puppet Construction
Victoria Pena, Clay Room Assistant
Kathee Foran, Executive Director
Paul Robinson, MayDay Coordinator
Sarah Bourne, Radio Girl
Alina Campana, Communications Coordinator & Booth Coordinator
Leigh Combs, Park Traffic Coordinator
Steve Elliott, Join-In Section Coordinator
Brent Harring, Parade Traffic Coordinator
Jamie Joslin, Parade Route Booth Coordinator
Melissa Koch, Booth Coordinator
Margery Otto, Volunteer Coordinator
Pat Parnow, Co-Vendor Coordinator & Festival Site Coordinator
Katy Peters, Financial Manager
Mary Rivard, Booth Coordinator
Sue Rogers, Co-Vendor Coordinator
Jenna Thorsett, Booth Coordinator
Dixie Treichel, Entertainment Coordinator
Abby Zimmer, Info Booth Coordinator
Judy Baldwin, Audio Description
Mary Catherine, ASL Interpreter
Alina Campana, Editor
Beth Holmes and Stephanie Rogers, Design
Bonita Kosciolek, Ad Sales
Holle Brian & Triangle Park Creative, Ad Layout
Content provided by Parade and Ceremony staff and friends.
Every April, In the Heart of the Beast Theatre opens
its doors to our community for a month of free
workshops during which the MayDay Parade—floats, masks, puppets, and
costumes—is built. People of all ages and walks of life work side by side to
create one of the most beloved events in the Twin Cities—truly a collective
endeavor. The financial and in-kind sponsorship of businesses and foundations help us make this community building through art possible, keeping
the workshops free and open to all. Our deep gratitude goes to:
COMPAS Medtronic Arts Access Program
Hennepin County Medical Center
Jerome Foundation
The McKnight Foundation*
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
The Minnesota State Arts Board*
The United Arts Fund of COMPAS
Concordia Language Villages
Mya Dosch, Em Harris & friends from Carleton College
Susan Gust, Harvey Winje & friends
Sue Hunter Weir & the U of M CLA Art Student Community
Lynne Larsen & friends
Jan Metge & 2800 15th Avenue Block Club
Patricia Ohmanns & friends
Phillips Neighborhood Network
Powderhorn Hennepin Partners
Radical Faeries
Revolting Queers
Solidarity in Health
Spirit of the Lakes Church
Trans March Collective
Twilight Tattoo
Walker Community Church
Kristy Weifenbach & friends
YouthCARE Community Service Stars
*grants made for general operating purposes that also support this program.
* Poet Florence Dacey’s participation in the MayDay process was funded in
part through a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts and Humanities Council.
Biffs Inc.
Chicago Lake Liquors
Clean Water Works
Frontier Natural Products Co-op
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Mother Earth Gardens
Reddy Rents
Seward Co-op and Deli
Welna Hardware
Wilderness Inquiry
Special thanks to all who have donated seeds and plants for this year’s ceremony.
... And the hundreds of individuals, foundations, and corporations
who have contributed to this and other programs at
In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre.
The MayDay Parade and Festival is presented
with the assistance of the Minneapolis Park
& Recreation Board. Special thanks to Obie
Kipper, Minnehaha District Manager;
Richard Mammen, Director of Community
Recreation Services; Arik Rudolph,
Coordinator of Community Events; Peter
Jaeger, Park Director, and the staff of
Powderhorn Park for hosting the annual
MayDay Festival.
35 Years of MayDay
A version of this article appeared in the April/May 2009 edition of The Alley newspaper
ach year arrives fresh with passionate conversations and reflection
about the life we are living and creating together as a community.
Each year is etched in my heart. The inspired dialogue, building, and
performing together acts as a yearly renewal in my life, and serves as a
deep well for the continued unfolding of the many years. 35 YEARS?!
Thank you to the many, many, many people who have shared hearts,
minds, and hands to bring MayDay to this celebration of 35 years!
MayDay began in the Phillips community of south
Minneapolis, from my household called “Almond
Tree” at the corner of 18th Avenue and 25th Street.
It grew from collaboration with my coworkers at
Powderhorn Puppet Theatre (now called In the
Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre) and
with other neighborhood artists and activists. I
wanted to build an event that would bring the
neighborhoods of Powderhorn and Phillips together.
We began with the simple desire to bring neighbors out of their houses to greet each other at the
end of the long winter—the literal long winter—and
also the long “winter” of the Vietnam War. We
envisioned the parade as an Ark carrying us
through the storm that threatened to tear our
community apart – to celebrate our arrival to a
world renewed by joy and camaraderie. I had no
thought of repeating this epic journey 34 more
times, yet here we are, traveling together as a
community through many storms, welcoming all
to the arrival of each year blessed by a community
abundant with love.
During our fourth
year, I began speaking of our MayDay
Festival as a yearly
“pause to honor
Change as the creative force that keeps
life happening – to
honor the changebringing of Earth’s
process and to honor
the change-bringing of people’s lives and work.”
Our MayDay has become a yearly mark, a notice
that another year has unfolded in our lives. Where
are we at THIS moment in time at THIS place?
We pause to celebrate the strength of people
together with the earth, an everyday communion
that we witness with public gratitude on this day. I
see our MayDay rooted in two important traditional celebrations—the celebration of the “GREEN
ROOT” of Earth’s green energy rising in Spring,
and the “RED ROOT” of human work energy rising
from mind, heart and hand.
Our theme this year celebrates the merging of
the red and green energies of the world. We cheer
on the great merging of the social justice movement with the environmental movement to
remember humans as responsible relatives of the
earth. As we experience the failure of our economic
systems built on debt, consumer waste, the theft
and sickening of earth resources, we gather to
rebuild an economic system that protects and sustains our Earth as a “Common Treasury for All.”
It has always been my intent that MayDay’s
images of our world in beauty and peace could
give us energy and courage to make this vision
real. Now more than ever, I wonder how our time
together, this great gathering of brilliant minds,
hearts, and hands, can produce actual work that
serves the health of our planet. For example, our
themes of recent years call us to find ways of transitioning from global oil dependency/depletion to
local sustainable resiliency. To further this call,
this year we have filled Bloomington Avenue with
seedlings grown by many neighbors to be planted
after MayDay in gardens all over the neighborhoods. As we imagine South Minneapolis as a village transitioning to local sustainability, perhaps
neighbors will propose Bloomington Avenue as
the great central permaculture garden for this
“Blooming Town.” Maybe our parade route will
eventually be a
garden — wow!
Maybe Powderhorn
Park will be the center of “Powerdown”
initiatives to bring
energy down from
wind and sun into
local homes. Dream
with us and step into
these visions with
the real work to
make our neighborhood rich in brilliance, beauty and
peace. Let’s do it!
In this year, let us remember with great thanks
all who have built, enacted and received MayDay.
MayDay happens because of the support of thousands and thousands of people. Let us remember
our personal memories of various years, marking
the joys and sorrows of life’s passages. Let us
remember the events of our communities and of
the world which have shaped the themes of the
various years and etched a peculiar history and
possibility into our
neighborhoods. Let us
hold each other at this
moment which will
never be exactly the
same again, this
precious gathering
of THIS moment in
THIS place.
Happy 35th MayDay!!
2009: Our Common Treasury—Dig It
(value and invest in our Earth as our
ultimate treasury)
2008: A New Bridge: Infrastructure for the
Future Beings (a blueprint for sustainability)
2007: Somos Aqua (water)
2006: The Time Is Now! To Come Together
for the Common Good! (common good)
2005: Where Do We Go From Here?
2004: LEAP! (vision of the Holy Fool)
2003: This Is Our Child (violence toward
children and a Bill of Rights for children)
(a cry of distress and call for peace)
2001: Prayer for the Flowering of Compassion
(teachings of the Dalai Lama)
2000: Divining Economy (wealth and health)
1999: Somos Uno (25th celebration honoring
the red and green roots of Mayday)
1998: Sing! (Music)
1997: May Abundant Blessings Flow
(gratitude and community wellness)
1996: Be a Bridge
(to prevent violence in the community)
1995: Gorgeous Fever of Consciousness
(as the virtual world expands, gratitude for
our body’s senses)
1994: In Honor of Seeds: Awesome Vessels of
Power (in honor of seeds)
1993: Let the Sleeper Awake!
(call for deeper layers of consciousness)
1992: I Am Another Yourself
(against colonial mindset in every way)
1991: Return to Turtle Island
(honoring Native American contributions to
the world, and the Tree of Great Peace treaty)
1990: Wheel of Change Ever Whirling
(applauding the dismantalment of the Berlin
Wall and Nelson’s Mandela’s freedom)
1989: Voices of Trees (honoring reciprocal
relationship of humans and trees)
1988: When the Dragon Speaks
(dedicated to the spirit of people)
1987: We May Be Family After All
(from Chief’s Seattle’s famous speech)
1986: Corn (honoring corn as the intrinsic
physical and spiritual sustenance of the
1985: Our World Home
(think globally and locally)
1984: In Honor of Time and Change-bringing
of Hearts, Hands, Minds (honoring teachers
and 10 year olds for the 10th MayDay)
1983: Water II (in honor of water)
1982: Water I (in honor of water)
1981: In Honor of Change
1980: The Year of the Child
(in alignment with United Nations theme)
1979: Wake Up!
(honoring spring and people’s work)
1978: Changes (honoring the change-bringing
of earth and of people)
1977: Seasons
1976: The Ark
(Noah’s carrying us through the storm)
1975: The First One (bringing us back
together from the years of the Vietnam War)
Yvonne Lai
Please Support
In the Heart of the Beast Theatre’s
MayDay Parade and Festival celebrates its 35th year today. As we
remember where we’ve been, we also
look toward the future and dream
that this special Twin Cities event
has decades and decades ahead of it.
But for that dream to be reality, we
need your financial help today.
This one-of-a-kind community event only happens because people like you
value MayDay’s spirit. We gather folks from around the neighborhood and
from across the globe to work collaboratively on this creative endeavor.
We take the castoffs of the world—old newspapers, leftover paint, and bits
of fabric—to create a special lens through which we can look at the life we
live together. With this lens we examine our weaknesses as well as our
strengths, and pledge once again that the good within our human family
will triumph.
Please support us in as
many ways as you are able.
YES! I want to support this year:
I am contributing to this year’s MayDay with my gift of:
Other $
MayDay is not just an event that In the Heart of the Beast Theatre creates
for the community but an event that we create in community with anyone
who walks through our doors. From the very first brainstorming meeting
in February, to the more than 2,500 people who attend the parade workshops in April, all the way through the clean up in mid-May, our community
is integral to the collective creation of the MayDay Parade and Festival.
YES! I want to invest in the long-term:
I want to invest in the long-term stability of MayDay by
participating in the Gift For Us All campaign.
Please contact me about how to get involved.
But it’s not just sweat equity that makes MayDay possible—MayDay, like
all of us, exists in the real world and has real world expenses of more
than $200,000. The production of MayDay is mostly offset by grants,
fees, and sales, but that accounts for only 75% of what is needed. For the
remaining 25%, we turn to those that care about MayDay and ask for your
financial participation. Without it, MayDay is not possible.
My check is enclosed, made payable to HOBT.
I would like to set up automatic monthly charges to my credit
card or deductions from my checking account. Please send me
the necessary form.
Please charge my Visa/Mastercard/Amer. Express (circle one)
Credit Card #
We ask that you dig deeply and make an investment
in the creativity and bonds of our local community.
Whether it’s a donation toward today’s parade or
a multi-year pledge, every gift counts and helps
us to continue to mark the years together!
Expiration Date
E-mail Address
Please fill out the form and return it to:
In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
1500 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407 · (612) 721-2535
Make your contribution today by mail, automatic
monthly deductions from your checking account or
charges to your credit card, or online at
(In the Heart of the Beast is a member of Community Shares of Minnesota.
If your employer participates, you can designate your gift for HOBT.)
Thank You!
s a nonprofit, community-based theatre
company, In the Heart of the Beast offers
hundreds of volunteer opportunities. Looking
for something short-term or year-round, something
creative that supports the community, something
fun? We’ve got just the thing for you! Check our web
site for a current listing.
HOBT volunteers acquire hands-on skills while working with master puppeteers. You’ll become part of the communal energy created
by a large body of people working together toward a common goal.
We also welcome interns or long-term volunteers who are looking
for a more in-depth experience.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the community we call In the Heart
of the Beast Theatre. Hundreds of people donate thousands of
hours each year to make our work possible. They…
Help host families as they come to see a kid-friendly puppet show in
our lobby. Activities include moving tables, chairs and sets, and
greeting folks as they arrive. We offer a different show every week –
which you enjoy for free!
Join a Committee
Build sets
Distribute flyers
around town
Join us at
farmers markets
Host kids’
puppet shows
Usher our shows
Participate in our 2009 – 2010 productions. Get involved in the
“behind the scenes” work that goes into mounting new shows —
building, puppet-making, sewing, ushering and stage-managing.
Help create and stage the 36th Annual MayDay Parade and Festival
next year. Hundreds of positions are available during April and on
the day of the event including: community workshop assistants,
festival set-up crew, ceremony ushers, strike crew, stage managers,
parade marshals, booth staff and more!
Help kids
make art
Stuff envelopes
Stage manage
Load trucks
Serve on the Board
Sell t-shirts
Clean up
(and receive free tickets to our shows)
We smile and laugh a lot. Come join us if you can.
If you have skills and an interest in fundraising, budgeting,
teaching, the legal field, or neighborhood issues, join one of the
Board committees.
If you are interested in
volunteering with
In the Heart of the Beast
Theatre, please contact
Margery Otto, Volunteer
Coordinator, at 612-721-2535
x14 or [email protected].
If you have some experience and skills in painting, pâpier-mâché, set
construction, technical theater, working with children, or are interested in a marketing or arts management internship, please send a
letter indicating your background and availability to motto@
y e s !
I am interested in
doing the following:
Board Committee
Facilities Development
Set Construction
Stage Managing
Office Assistance
Teaching Assistant
Volunteer Internship
w a n t
t o
v o l u n t e e r !
Please print:
What specific skills would you like to put to use as a volunteer, e.g., sewing, painting, organizing, music, etc.?
If you have given us an e-mail address, we will send you a listing of volunteer opportunities each month. We will not share your e-mail address
with any other organizations. Without an e-mail address, you will receive two volunteer newsletters in the mail each year.
*Why do we ask where you work? Many businesses ask if any of their employees volunteer for our theatre when we apply for grant support.
In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, 1500 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407
Phone: (612) 721-2535 VM #14
Fax: (612) 721-7174
E-mail: [email protected]
Web address:
Gayla Ellis
FOR 35
has been combining flour, newspaper,
paint, imagination, and community
input to tell stories that explore and
celebrate the human experience and
the wonders of the world’s natural and
cultural richness.
Puppetry’s power lies in the act of transformation – of bringing something inanimate to life. This act in itself
speaks to our lives, which rise and fall and rise again. As we share this act of building and performing, we find
that art brings people together. It creates and expands community.
Bruce Silcox
Bruce Silcox
The work of HOBT is strongly grounded in the concerns of its home neighborhood as they connect to regional
and global issues. Through its artistry, the theatre brings people together in the hands-on creation of and
participation in community-wide puppet and mask events. In addition to the annual MayDay Parade and
Festival, HOBT produces original plays for both family and adult audiences. The theatre also engages adults,
youth, community groups, and even whole towns in a range of creative education programs and collaborative
experiences across Minnesota.
“Beneath the Surface was fabulous! Funny, witty,
joyful - educational, enlightening, sobering — creative,
poignant, and motivating! Thanks for the hard work,
care and dedication that went into creating such an
important show. Drinking fountain water never tasted
so good!”
Bruce Silcox
— Audience member in response
to Beneath the Surface, 2009
“One of the most inspiring displays of
collaborative community building…
Their ability to work with such a wide
and varied range of ages and interests
was truly inspiring and the results
they achieved were truly remarkable.”
In response to an HOBT residency at
Saint Mary’s University, Winona, MN, 2009
In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
Call or visit us online for tickets, reservations and information.
1500 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 55407 · Phone: (612) 721-2535 · Fax: (612) 721-7174 · E-mail: [email protected] · Web address:
These incredible individuals have contributed to In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre between
April 1, 2008 and March 31, 2009. Their support makes our performances, programs, and the
MayDay Parade and Festival possible. We are grateful to each and every person on this list.
The amazing individuals
listed below have made a longterm investment in the
stability of HOBT by making a
pledge or gift of $1,000 or
more to the theatre’s general
operating budget.
Meg Anderson & David
Shayna Berkowitz &
Phyllis Wiener
Amy Blumenshine &
Michael Troutman
Sarah Bowman
Michael Brown
Karen Cooper & Bruce
Peter D'Ascoli
Paula & Cy DeCosse
Phil Deering & Carol White
Lisa Doerr & Ronald Erickson
Kathee Foran & Tom Beach
Roger Hale & Nor Hall
Patricia Hoff
Catherine Jordan & Steve Lick
David Koenig
Gail Korell & Doug Brown
Amy Lange & Jane Newman
Debi Lipkin & Ray Lipkin
Ed McFadden & Elizabeth
Mary McVay
Dan & Carol Newman
Jane Newman
David O'Fallon
Helen Pound
Catharine Reid
Molly Rice & Dan Priebe
Carole Senty & Richard Miller
Curt Sloan & Helen Duritsa
Kristine Smith & Wayne
Kate Tilney & Fred Kaemmer
Nancy Ward
Barbra Wiener
The following wonderful
people have made a multi-year
pledge to support HOBT.
Julie Andrus
Judy Baldwin
Peter Berrie & Robin Langevin
Roger & Lennore Bevis
Janet Bisbee
Brad & Sonia Borg
Ron Brand & Gail Lundeen
Robert & Mary Brown
Paul Busch & Clare Welter
Carolyn Carr & Jonathan
The McCoy Family
Maura Chapman
Pam Costain & Larry Weiss
Ginny Craig
Angela Crandall
Neal Cuthbert & Louise
Fran Davis
Susan Doherty
Tim & Tara Dougherty
Patricia Eaves & Stuart Alger
Edward Foster & Laura Tiffany
Patricia Francisco & Larry
Kathy Furey
Linda Goldetsky
Dave Hage & Therese Sexe
Loren Halvorson & Ruth
Mark Halvorson
Warren Hanson
Dianne Heins
Michael Henley & Randi
Trish Herbert
Diane & John Herman
Susan Hoffman & Nancy
Linda Houden
Kurt & Kathy Hunter
Nancy Hurd & Bill Schmid
Nancy Hylden & Peter
Jeanne & John Hynes
Beth Hynes-Ciernia & Pat
Julie Ingebretsen
Nancy Johnson & Dan Nordley
Sue Kearns & Steve Compton
Michael Kehoe & Molly
Markell Kiefer & Tyson Lien
Lisa Knazan & Dennis
Gayle Lamb
Paul Landskroener &
Marybeth Neal
Jeenee Lee & Craig Davidson
Luanne Lippold & Bruce
Raeone Loscalzo
Katy Lowery
Robert Lyman
Phil Manz
Ruth Markowitz
Steve Mayer
Denise Mayotte & Warren
Roy McBride & Lucinda
James McCarthy & Gloria
Bill & Eunice Milbrath
Marian Moore
Gretchen Musicant
Carol & Chris North
Patricia Ohmans & Anthony
Dave & JoAnne Peterson
Deanna Phillips
Linda Picone
Jackie Prince
Terese Pritschet
MaryLynn Pulscher & James
Eleanor Savage
D. A. Schaefer
Naomi Scheman
Gary Schiff
David W Schroth & Laura Jean
Jamie Schweser
Sima Shahriar
Colleen Sheehy
Rose Sherman
Erin Terese Sim
Daniel Spock & Lisa First
Walton Stanley & Leslie Rapp
Andrea Steele & Jennifer Cash
Catherine Stepanek
George Sutton
Pat Thompson
Mary Laurel True
Anne & Tom Ulseth
Jill Van Koolwijk & William
Harry Waters Jr
Katherine Werner
Lisa Whitehill & David
Barbara Wiener
Gwen & James Wildermuth
Diane Wiley
Tony Williams & Kathy Webb
Jodi Williams
Laura Wittstock
Grit Youngquist & Jon Kerr
Gene & Nancy Zemske
Louise Ziegler
Those listed below are the
folks who have helped to keep
HOBT strong during the past
Jean Abbott
Tatiana Achcar
Maureen & Ira Adelman
Andrew & Jeanne Adelmann
Shari Albers & Steve Miller
Judith Alessio
Joe & Christine Alfano
Barbara Alfrey
Elizabeth Allis
Kristine Alswager
Verna Alt & Win Weston
Lorie Alveshere
Amy Andersen & Tim Wilson
Mark & Donna Anderson
Beverly Anderson
Joy Anderson
Linda Anderson & Timothy
Elizabeth Anderson
Beverly Anderson
Christine Anderson & Randy
Susan M. Anderson
Ann Anderson
Julia Anderson
Elizabeth Anderson
Jeanne Anderson
Barbara Anderson Van
Dean Andrew
Nancy Andrews
Marion Angelica & Emil
Vincent Anthony
Catherine Apostle
Gretchen Arana
Anne Archbold & Paul
Judy Arginteanu & Dan Welch
Carol Arthur & Alan Arthur
Amy Atzel
Glenn Austin & Naomi Ward
James & Carol Avant
Ann Avant
Sigrid Bachmann
Linda Back McKay & David
Jeanne Badman & Jim Wells
Barbara Bail
Darla Baker
Kelly Barnebey
Carol Barnett
Sara Barsel & Randy Neprash
Karen Bartig
Katherine Barton & Gerald
Cynthia Bartoo
Jim Bartsch
Corrie Bastian
Jack Becker & Nancy Reynolds
Mikkel & Lois Beckmen
Jeanne Bedard
Jeff & Karyl Beeman
Marian & Jean Behrend
Toni Beitz
Donald & Mary Anne Bennett
Eric Berger
Kris Berggren & Ben Olk
Lisa Bergin & Elizabeth
Amy Bergquist
Lorie Bergstrom & Scott
JoAnne Berkenkamp
Michele Bevis
Leo Bickelhaupt
Marian Biehn
Sharon Bigot
Paul Birnberg
Susan Bishop
Judy & Douglas Bjork
Judy Blases
Alice Bloch
Ruth Blom
Alison Blomster
Bonita Blumenauer
Carolyn Borgen
Lynda Borjesson
Tom Borrup
Mary Boyer Alex Boyer
Yiscah Bracha
Margaret Braden-Stein &
Jerome Abraham-Stein
Mary Ann Bradley
Elizabeth Branca & Robin
Mary Brandl
Michelle Brechon
Rachel Breen
Andrea Breen & William
Karen Brezinka & Michael
Moriah Brierley
Lori Brink
Sue Brinton
Judy Broad
Linda Brooks
Kristen Brown & Kristin
Richard Brownlee
James Brummett
John Bueche
Malia Burkhart
Laura Burlis
Mary Burnison
Catherine Burns
Mary Burns
Pat Burns
Francis Busta
Santos Bustamante
Luisa & Patrick Cabello
Andrew Caddock
Douglas Cain
Louise Cameron
Kathryn Campbell & Ralph
Campbell III
Karen Cardy
Renee & David Carey
Lisa Marie Carlson
Alan Carpenter
Stephen Carpenter & Megan
Rosemary & Thomas Caspar
Melisande Charles
Ann Chemin
Elizabeth Childs & Todd
Kimberly Christensen & David
Eric Christopher
Joe Chvala
Susan Claeys
Bruce Clark
Whitney & Sarah Clark
Deb Clemmensen & Jon Pratt
Eva & Barry Cohen
Prentis Cox & Amy
Trentt Cramer
Amy Crawford
Fred Crea
Bonnie Creason
Barbara Crosby
Thomas Cross & Patricia Kelly
Marilyn Cuneo
Howard Cutts
Florence Dacey
Janet Dahlem
Pat Dahlen
Deborah Dane & Scott Walker
Lexie Danner
Catherine Day
Diadra Decker
Lori Dehn
Judy DeLaittre
Claudia Dengler & Alan
Janice DeNoble
Lynne Derby
Arletta & Rolland Derby
Natasha & Dan DeVoe
Andrew Dick & Jeanne
Barbara Dickie
Thomas Dickinson
Gaea Dill-D'Ascoli
Julie Dirksen
Elizabeth Dodd & Joseph
Peter Dodge
Richard & Patricia Donnay
Lisa Dooley
Mary-Carolyn Dorfman
Terry Dosh & Millicent Adams
Melissa Driscoll & Jay
Shannon Drury
Sandra Duclos Field
Mary Durfee
Therese Durkin
Pamela Dyer-Bennet
Julia Eagles Rachael Harlos
Roberta Ebbers
John Eckberg
Joseph Edelheit Machelle
Mary Louise Egan
Terry Egge
George Ehrenberg
Lollie Eidsness
Judith Eisner
Kent Eklund
Jennifer Elliott
Oliver Ellis & Sarah Honeywell
Gayla & Chris Ellis
Judith Emmings
Pam Endean & Colleen Carey
Judy Enenstein
Linda Engberg
Ron & Barbara Engle
Vicki Englich
L. Peter & Karen Erickson
Mary Erler Peters
Mary Everest
Karl & Liz Evert
Tara Fahey Scott & Martha
Martha Soule
Gennae Falconer
Wendy & Sidney Farrar
Peter Farstad & Paul Mellblom
Stephen Fautsch
Robin Fawcett
Nancy & Robert Feldman
John Fenn & Jill Breckenridge
Abby Fenton & Aaron Rutzick
Sandy & Jay Fetyko
Rosemary Field
Jerry Fierkenstad
Suzanne Fischer
Bonnie Fisher
Sally Fisher
Jack & Amy Fistler
Jerry Fjerkenstad
Mary Fleming
Christine Flood-Urdangarin
Kathleen Fluegel
Kathy Foley
Sheila Foran & Scott Edmonds
Dan Foran Sue Foran
Anne & Todd Forrester
Jean Forster
Edward Foss
Ruth Fothergill
Richard & Katherine Fournier
Ann & William Fox
Rita Franchett
Helene Freint
Greta Gaard & Barry
Anne Gadwa & Julia
Mary Elizabeth Galvin
Valerie Garber & Denis
Penelope Gardner
Diane & Kennon Gardner
Gary Gardner & Helen Kivnick
Robert Garfinkle & Susan
Louis & Dorothea Garvey
Kristin & Gregory Garwick
Dianne Gasch
Nancy Gaschott & Donald
Maria Genné & Chris
Cindy Gentling
Paula Gilbertson
Joan & Lynn Gilbertson
Toni & Gerry Gilchrist
Mary Giles
Mary Ann Gillespie
Lori & Pierre GingerichBoberg
Glenn & Robin Gintert
Sarah Gleason
Marcia Glick
Elizabeth Glidden
Michael Goldberg & Gail
Dorthy Goldie
Jan Gonder
Donna Goodlaxson
Lucille Goodwyne
Cam Gordon
Neal Gosman & Sandy Pappas
Sara Gould
Gilbert Gragert
Gail Graham
Elana Gravitz
Leslie Gray
Warwick Green
Julie Greenwood & Larry
Jan & Kevin Gregerson
Jeanine Gregorie & Jack Laffe
Emer Griffin & Molly Obsatz
Magenta Griffith
Ammie & Gary Gronert
Maria & David Groos
Diane Grossman
Mary Jo & Gerald Gruidl
Tom Gullett
Earl Gutnik
Chris Gwinn
Val Gyurci
Sherry Haaf & Betty Edwards
Eleanor Haase
Jocelyn Hale & Glenn Miller
Christopher Haley
Janis Hall
Marjorie Hallinan
Mary Ellen Halverson
Mary Hamel & James Snapp
Nancy Hanauer
Amanda Hand & Michael
Kit Hansen & Stephen
Shirley Hansen
Dolores Hanson
Shirley Hanson
Bob Hanson & Debbie Hadas
Brent Harring
Beth & Nico Harrington
David Harris
Nett Hart & Lada Tamarack
Shawn & Will Hartfeldt
Dale & Edna Hartman
Holly & Joe Hatch-Surisook
Jack Hauer Sharlene Hauer
Robert Hauer
Terri & John Hawthorne
Peg Hayes & Jerome Perkins
Mike Hazard & Deborah
Carey HeartBorne
Virginia Hedges
Diana Hedges
Sandra Heidemann & Jim
Anne & Daniel Heilman
Lenief Heimstead
Stefan & Lonnie Helgeson
Ann Helm & Scott McKell
Jane & Frank Hennessy
Mary Henrickson & Stephen
Michelle Hensley
Dan Herber & Carrie Seib
Karen Hering & David
Susan Herridge
Katie Herron
Patrick Herson
Garry Hesser
Cathy Heying & Wendy
Doug Hicks & Susan Schonfeld
Patrick Higgins & Barbara
Neal Hines
Margaret Hinton
Lisa Hinz & Stuart Macdonald
Susan Hoch & Jim Haefemeyer
Heidi Hoechst
Julianna Hofeld
Wendy Holdman
John Holloway
Del & Gregg Holmes
Anne-Marie Holst
Lydia Holsten
Linda Holt
Malinda Holte
Chuck & Sarah Holtman
Tom Homme & Meri Golden
Will Hommeyer
Kristine Hoover
Kevin Horne
Debra Hornfeldt & Heidi
Elisabeth & Mark Horst
Susanna Hostetter
Louise Hotka & Jill Meyer
Kate Houston
Kelly Hrenko & Kelley
Susan Hubbard
Rachel Hudak
Maxine & Kieran Hughes
Elizabeth Hughes
Kimberlee Hunter
Gregory Huonder
Ruth Hynes
Beth Hynes-Ciernia & Pat
Jeremy Iggers & Carol Bouska
Heather & Jeff Ilse
Judy Isaacson
Paul Ittner
Dana Jackson
Benjamin Jacobs
Susan Jacox
Richard Jaeger & Jennifer
Patricia James
Sarah James
Laurice Jamieson
Lisa & Friedo Jamila-Wuerth
Barbara Jeanetta & Mark
Susu Jeffrey
Lynn Jeffries
Laura Jelinek
Lynne & Donald Jennings
Rose Jensen
Susan Jensen
Sally Johnson & Kay Kramer
Jan Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
Karen Johnson
Maureen Johnson
Wendy & Wade Johnson
Meredith Johnson
Kaarin Johnston
Warren Jones & Marian Gee
Andy Jones & Rosa Oesterreich
Tim Jordan
Suneeta & Dimitri Kaasan
Phyllis & Don Kahn
Carla Kaiser
Gerald & Rebecca Kajander
Amy Kallenberg
Patricia Kaluza
Pamela Karbon
Terri Karis
Gina & Kurt Kastel
Pamela Kaufman & Dennis
Sharon & Alfred Kauth
Mary Ellen Kavanaugh
Masanari Kawahara &
Elizabeth Garvey
Patricia Keefe
Mary Keller
Barbara Kellett
Lynda Kelley
Brenda Kelly
Jay Kemp
Nicole Kenney
Teri Kerkvliet
Nancy Kessler-Moore
Bill Keyes
Jennie Kiffmeyer
Deah Kinion & Paul Kinion
David & Caroline Kirchner
Julia Kirst
Laurence Kivens
Donald & Darcy Kjome
Donald & Marie Klein
Michael & Theresa Klein
Steve Klein
Kathryn Klibanoff & Jeremy
Edes Pierotti
Joanne Klinnert
David & Doreen Kloehn
Karen Knab
Vicky Knickerbocker
Mark Knierim & Ann Sugnet
Marsha Knittig
Sylvia Knutson
Pamela Knutson & John
Melissa Koch
Suzan Koch & Roy Koch
Charles Koch
Janet Kortuem
Kathy Kosnoff & Lyonel Norris
Larry & Lauri Kraft
Jacalyn Krammer & Daniel
Paul Kraska
Liz Kremer
Amy & Bert Kritzer
Judy & Gilbert Krohn
Joyce Krook
Laurel Krouse
Brad Kruse & Kimberly Faurot
Andrea Kuenning & Daniel
Vicki Kunerth
Sarah Kunze
Joseph Kuznik
Angela Lackey
Suzanne Laddusire
Joy & James Laine
Dot Landis Yale Hicks
Jeanne Landkamer
Claudia Landolfi
Betsy & Sharon Lane-Getaz
Robyn Langkos & David
Kathleen & Barry Langton
Jennie Lanners
Kim Lapakko
Nancy Larsen
Helen & Trygve Larsen
Annie Larson
Jean Larson & Timothy
McIntosh Day
Elizabeth Larson
Jenny Larson & Michael
Nicolette LaSorella
Peter & Martha Laudert
Suzanne Lauer
Kathleen Laughlin
Nancy Lauritsen
Lance Lavine
Sue & Stefan Laxdal
Chuck Le Gros & Karen
Lillian Leatham
Seth Leavitt & Camilla
Kristal Leebrick & Don Stryker
Barb Leibundguth & William
Greg & Mina Leierwood
Kathy & Allen Lenzmeier
Victoria Leonard
Deanie Lerner
Nina & Jean-Louis Lesaout
Michelle Lesley
Deborah LeSueur
Laurie Levin & James
Anne & John Levin
Martha Lewis-Hunstiger
Elizabeth Liddiard Wozniak&
Thomas Wozniak
Jay & Sally Lieberman
Harriet Lievan
Scott Likely & Jane Schaffer
Vickie Lind & James O’Connor
Susan & Hans Lindbloom
Laura Lipkin & Joe Sularz
Lyle & Elizabeth Lofgren
Barb Loida
Ann Longfellow
Brenda Louise
Faith Lubitz
Ann & Don Luce
Colleen Ludwig
Jane Lufkin
Linda & William Lundborg
Catherine Lundoff
Beverly Lutz
Nora & Mary Mack
Margaret Mackaman & Brian
Susan & Rick Macpherson
Mike & Gail Madden
Brian & Chrissie Mahaffy
Stephen Mahle
Anne Mahle & David McCarthy
Joelyn Malone
Mollie Malone-Brown &
Griffith Brown
Richard Mammen & Patricia
Dave Mann & Pamela Twiss
Polly Mann
Sheila Manor
Pat Marjoram & Paul Miller
Steve Mark & Nancy Mark
Maureen Markillie
Ann Markusen
Eily Marlow
Judith & Todd Marshall
Lisa Martin
Joel Martin & Lisa Filter
Michelle Martin
Patricia Martinson
Andy Marvy
Ben Marzinski & Jennifer
Jeanne Massey & Paul Taylor
Lotti Matkovits
Kristie & Tony Mattioli
Maura Matula Williams
Stephanie May & Carol Nies
Lisa Mayotte
Paula Mazzacano & Michael
Katherine McClure
Fiona McCrae
Margo McCreary & Peter
William & Virginia McDonald
Megan McGinty
Carla McGrath & Cole Rogers
Paul McHugh
Barbara McIlquham
S Catherine McIntire
Ann McIntosh
Kathy McIntyre Anderson &
Gary Anderson
Cate McKegney & Richard
Lisa McLean
Malcolm & Wendy McLean
Karen McNamara & Scott
Debby McNeil
Barbara Meacham
Mary Kaye Medinger
Carole Megarry
Donald Meisel
Mark & Nancy MeiselYoungman
Sharon Meister
Karen & Daniel Melander
Joyce Mellstrom & Betsy
Sue Melrose
Ann Melrose Engh & Peter
Guild Members
Michael Menner & Margaret
Ken Meter
Kathleen & David Michaelson
Joy R. Miciano
Gail Miller
Ellen Miller
Jane Miller & Anne Breckbill
Sarah Miller & Ron Okagaki
Laura Minnihan
Elizabeth Mitchell
Lia & Jeff Mitchell
Mark Mitchell & Diane Patrick
Christopher Moeller & Sarah
Brie Monahan
Mary Moore
David Moore Jr
Lisa G Moriarty
Michael Mouw
Michael Muehlbach
Philipp & Laura Muessig
Dipankar Mukherjee & Meena
Diane & Gerald Mundt
Vicki Munson
John & Beth Murphy Beams
Joe Musich
Betty Lou & Ron Nelson
Joy Nelson
Julie Nelson & Michael Jubert
Elizabeth Nelson Sather &
Thomas Sather
Julie Nester
Robert Neu & Jera Mariner
Jennifer Newberg
Anne Newhart
Nancy Newman & Pam Heggie
Cecelia Newton
Loren Niemi
Solveig Nilsen
Christie Nixon
Sally Nixon
Marjorie Noonsong
Diane Norman
Julie Norton
Brian Noy
Julie O'Baoighill & Giuliana
Jane Ochrymowycz
Margaret Mary O'Connor
Dianne O'Donnell & Conrad
Bruce Ohnstad
Nancy Okerlund & Susan
Tim Old & Morgan Clifford
Larry Olds
Robert Olsen
Margot & Robert Olsen
Patricia Olsen
Florence Olson
Carolyn Olson
Karen Olson
Lois Olson
Vicki & Daniel Olson
K. Cassandra O'Malley
Bob Onan Jr
Ellen O'Neill
Ann O'Neill CSJ
Vivian Orey
Rebekah Ormsby
Dennis & Turid Ormseth
Lisa Ortiz
Beth Oschwald
Caroline Oster
Margery Otto
Joan Owens
Elizabeth Ozmon & Gjertrud
Marion Padilla
Amy Pagett
Joe & Mary Palen
Madonna Palladino & Michael
Dale & Karen Panton
Carolyn & Robert Papke
Victoria Paprocki Kent &
Robert Kent
Warren Park
Patricia Park
Patsy Parker
Marjorie & Frank Parker
Lorinda Parks & Bradley
Richard Parnell
Melissa Partin & Brian
Joan & David Pasiuk
Carol & Bradley Pass
Ethel PaStarr
Jasen Patalonis
Krista Paterson
Greg Pates
Carole Patrikakos
Mickey Patterson
Mildred Delores Paul
Traudi Pawlowski
Katherine Pearson
Deborah Pearson
Lora & Elizabeth Pedersen
Don Pederson
Anne Peek & Thomas Ehlinger
Paul Pekarek
Heidi Pemberton
Polly Penney
Mary & Craig Peterson
Lee & Donna Peterson
Gene & June Peterson
Jean & James Peterson
Beth Peterson
Ingrid & Chris Petrilla
Margaret & Bill Pharris
Laurie Phillips
Dan Pinkerton & Jane
Dick & Rose Pinomaki
Jen Pirrera
Roxanna Plouff
Gregory Poferl
Steve Pohlen & Chris
Lora Pollari-Welbes & Matt
Jill Ponasik
Mary & Phillip Popehn
Judy Popham
Wayne & Virginia Potratz
Jane Powers & Michael Green
Barbara Pratt
Timothy Price
Jane Prince
Jason Prodoehl
Dr. Keith Prussing
Sister Carolyn Puccio
Colleen Puent & Pam Bonzelet
Michelle Quill
Lyn Rabinovitch
Diane Rackowski
Bonnie Rae
Eric Ramstad & Bree St Peters
Mary Lou Ratz & William Kim
Doris Rausch
Jeannette Raymond & Mark
Phyllis Reames
Jack Reddan & Terrie Arfi
Jodi Reeb-Myers & Brian
Danae Rem Ric Watson
Judy Remington & Julia
Julie Remington
Julie Renner
Tamara Renwick
Nadja Reubenova & Joel
Brian Reusch
Aisling Reynolds
Barbara Rice
Natalie & Timothy Rice
Elizabeth Richards
Kathi Rickert & Paul Eaves
Linda Ridlehuber & Maggie
Ellen Riley
Marilyn Robertson
Nell Robie
Paul Robinson
Tom & Sandra Robinson
Lisa & Michael Rock
Sharon & Michael Rodning
Nancy Roehr
Alice Rogers
JoAnne & Thomas Rohricht
Mike Rollin
Mary Rose
Jody Rosenbloom
Jesse Ross
James Ross
Linda Rost
Greg Rotter
Nancy Rozycki
Paul Rucker
Ann Running Sovik
Patricia Ryan
Matt Ryan
Bridget Ryan
Mary Ryan & Robert Schmitz
Emily Ryan & John Wakefield
Dan Rybeck & Kate Searls
Carol Rydell & Ralph
Daniel Rydholm & Kathleen
Patrick Sadler
Frank & Joan Safford
Sisters of Saint Joseph
Jared Saks
Lesly Sanocki
Rev. José M. Santiago
Ann Sargent & Elise
Janis & Harvey Sarles
Erika Sass & Abby Roza
Lisa Sass Zaragoza
C.M. Sauber
Maralee Savage
Laurie Savran
Merry & Aaron Sawdey
Sally & Tim Sawyer
Edward Sawyer
Timothy Sawyer
Anne Sawyer-Aitch & Jemiah
Kathy Schaaf
Sara Schaefer
Rita Schaefer-Seaton & Dean
Steve Schanback & Cheryl
James & Victoria Schanen
Jim Scheidt & Peggy Larson
David Scheie & Wendy Cook
Barbara Schewe
Donna Schimunek
Jay Schmitt
Jeremy & Susan Adena
Michael Schoeberl
Lola Schoenrich
Kay Schoenwetter
John Schuerman & Max Folim
Kathleen Schuler & Joel Albers
Paul Schumacher
Jackie & Mike Schwartz
Tania Scinto
Ann & Douglas Scott Dumas
Joan Scully
Joe Sehl
Bride Seifert
Dominic & Patty Selly
Corey Sevett & Sue Courchene
Katie Sewell
Mary Shamrock
Katherine Shane
Steve Share & Ronna Rochell
Tibetha Shaw
Glynis Shea & Sidney Schultz
Mary Catherine Sherin
Hyun Kyoung Shin
Joan Shiva & Elayne Lipp
Phyllis G. Shoemaker
Patricia Siebert
Alice Siegfried
Anne Siegle
Linny Siems & Bill Webb
Bernice & John Sisson
Nancy & Keith Sjoquist
Katie Sjursen
Betty Jane Skelton
Ellie Skelton & Tony Thomas
Charles Skrief & Andrea Bond
Claudia Slovacek
Ken Smith
Karen Smudski & Jeffrey
Molly & William Snuggerud
Susan Sobelson & Judy Ingram
Linnea Sodergren
Betsy Sohn & Reggie Crawford
Jeff Solotoroff
Cynthia Sorenson
Jose Souto & Laura Sabatino
Krista Spieler & Thomas
Sandy Spieler
Talin Spring
Tim Springer
Eliot & Jody Stadler
Scott Stangeland
Thomas & Teri Starnes
Nancy Staub
Jearlyn Steele
Susie Steinbach
Barbara & Norman Steinberg
Melanie Steinman
Muriel Sterne
Richard Stever-Zeitlin
Jackie Sticha
Jon Stoike
Claire Stokes
Kathy & John Stolle McAllister
Elizabeth Storey
Marcella Strand
Kate Strathmann
Lauren Stringer & Matthew
Sally Stromquist & Doug
Clare Struck
Chris Stuber
Patricia Suess
Kathleen Sullivan & Mark
Eric Sumner
Peter & Maggie Sventek
Karen Svien
Joanne Swanson
Celia Swanson
Margret Swanson & Mark
Steven Swanson
Suzanne Swanson
Kathleen Swanson & Kenneth
Ida Swearingen
Dorothy Sylvestre
Maj-Britt Syse & Mordecai
Sandra Tanck & Richard
Charles & Janet Tarino
Gary Taruscio
Mike & Laura Temali
Denise Tennen
Jill Terwilliger & Charles
Barb Thoman & Charles
Carei & Joyce Thomas
Rebecca & Michael Thompson
Mary Thorpe-Mease & Bill
Jodell Thorsett
Sandy Tilton
Victoria Tirrel & Edward
DeWaine & Jane Tollefsrud
Rosarah Townsend
Kathy Tran
Maureen & John Trepp
Joanne Tromiczak-Neid
Clare Tropp
Debra Tucker
Toni Tunge
Joanne Turgeon
Marianne Turnbull
Jennette Turner & Jon Rodine
Gerald Tyrrell & Kevin
Daniel Tyson
Claire Uldrich
Katie Ulwelling
Shirley & Frank Ungar
Daniel Ungier
William Upham
Karen Utter
Michelle Van Ryn
Jocelyn van Toor
Anne Vande Berg
Patricia & Paul
Jean Velleu
Kelly Verbrick
Gail Vick & Joel Petersen
Mary Vidas
Richard Vincent
Dolores Voorhees
Cindy & Jeffery Voyen
Joella Vreeland
Dianne Wachs
Grant & Janet Wacker
Paul Wagner
Jeremy & Heidi Wagner
Mary Wahlstrand & Mark
Patricia & Samuel Walker
Monica & David Walsh
Cary Walski
Cindy & Michael Walz
Patricia Ward
Kathy Ward
Jay & Kathy Ward
Maren Ward
Ruth & David Waterbury
Patricia & Ralph Watkins
Martin Watson & Jenny
Michael & Linda Weber
Mary Weber & Peter Fleck
Ken Wedding & Nancy
Jill Weese Steve Vincent
Tom Wegner & Barbara
Maryanne Weidt
Kristy & Kevin Weifenbach
Marybeth & Andy Weisberg
Joel Weisberg & Janet
Thomas Wells
Jonathon & Lucretia Wells
Sue & Jim Welna
Elizabeth Welter & David
Helen Welter
Jerry Werle & Donna Meink
Lina & Nate Werner
Ellen Wersan & Timothy
Nancy West
Thomson West
Robin & Daniel Westacott
Dick & Sandra Westby
Paula Westmoreland & Marc
Deborah Wexler & Michael
Emily & James White
Anita White
Sarah White & Debra Ahrens
Theodore Whitehurst
Emily Whiting
Paul Wiedel & Katy Peters
Dale Wiehle
Sharon Wikstrom
Lori Williams & David
Aurelia Wills
Mary Lou Wilm
Richard Wilson
Holly Windle & Richard Rames
Kevin Winge
Marty Winkler & Noel Holston
Joanna Winship
Renata Winsor
Carol Witte & Winston Cavert
Wolfgang Wolf
Barbara Wolfe
Pam Wollum & John Dewey
Raquel & Frank Wood
Irene Wood
David Woolley
Marian & Bob Wright
Susan Wright Dooley
Jan & Larry Wydra
Mary Yoshida
Patricia Young
Robert Young Walser & Julie
Julie & Steve Young-Burns
Susan Youngdahl
Grace Zaiman
Jessica Zeglin & Robin
Christine Ziebold & John
Tawny Ziemke
Michael Ziomko
April Zoll Close
Lori Zook-Stanley & Joe
Deborah Zvosec
Community Centers
Pepperwolf & Tom Bottolene
The MayDay Parade and
Festival is presented with
the assistance of the
Minneapolis Park &
Recreation Board.
This activity is made possible
by a grant provided by the
Minnesota State Arts Board,
through an appropriation by
the Minnesota State
Legislature. In addition, this
activity is supported in part
by a grant from the National
Endowment for the Arts.
THANK YOU Volunteers!
he following spectacular people have volunteered at In the Heart of the
Beast Theatre sometime in the last year. Our deep gratitude goes to all of
you for performing, coordinating, educating, making art, building sets,
selling merchandise, cleaning, ushering, hosting, singing, serving on the board,
and all of your support.
Shaina Abraham
Alejandro Aguilera
Rodney Alexander
Linda Alton
Nicole Amaris
Norma Amaris
Van Amenya
Lucinda Anderson
Melissa Andrie
Philip Archambault, Jr.
Terrie Arfi
Paul Ashman
Emily Atchison
Gretchen Bailey
Travis Bailey
Wayne Bailey
Janet Ball
Shanon Banishoraka
France Barbeau
Chrissi Barber
Angela Barrerea
Katherine Barton
Kristen Bastis
Colleen Beach
Mike Beach
Tom Beach
Bear, Ron Cronick
Katie Behrendt
Cecile Bellamy
Brent Bender
Elizabeth Bendtsen
Lorie Bergstrom
Christie Berkseth
Winna Bernard
Anna Berowski
Mercedes Betzina
Michele Bevis
Leo Bickelhaupt
Frank Big Bear Jr.
Tanja Birke
Mary Blackburn
Bonita Blumenauer
Gustavo Boada
Julie Boada
Laura Boeringa
Nancy Bonacci
Andrea Bond
Brad Borg
Sarah Bourne
Noemie Bove
Perrin Boyd
Lee Braam
Kelsey Briggs-Dineen
Matt Bromme
Kori Brown
Michael Brown
Bart Buch
Molly Budke
Malia Burkhart
Cindy Burns
Jamie Buss
Ann Butwell
Emma Byron
Luisa Cabello Hansel
Patrick Cabello Hansel
Talia Cabello Hansel
Lisa Marie Carlson
Nicola Carpenter
Michelle Carter
Malia Caruso
Andi Cheney
Judy Chinander
Catie Chi Olson
Matt Christensen
Anna Cioffi
Susan M. Claeys
Brenda Clarno
Steve Cobian
Mary Collins
Karen Cooper
Ramon Cordes
Willow Cordes
Melody Cordes-Eklund
Kat Corrigan
Hannah CoumingNemetz
Angie Courchaine
Angela Crandall
Katrina Croft
Ed Crouter
Keegan Culbertson
Peter D’Ascoli
Nicole de Beaufort
Conrad DeFiebre
Charlotte Degener
Lynne Derby
Becky Zosia Dernbach
Brenda Diederichs
Erin Dietrich
Sharon Dill
Gaea Dill-D'Ascoli
Kader Diop
Dominic DiVita
Leo DiVita
Sam DiVita
Trang Do
Mya Dosch
Aimee Doyle
Anna Drennen
Mishka Dudash
Jackie Duffus
Matt Dulgar &
Paula Duthoy
Mara DuVernois
Sylvia DuVernois
Kat Duvic
Julia Eagles
Alicia Earnest
Ari Edes
Brittany Edwards
Andrew Ehrmann
Deborah Eide
Saleha Erdmann
L. Peter Erickson
Samantha Esguerra
Olivia Faison
Abby Faulkner
Chris Fehring
Andy Fiscke
Kathee Foran
Peter Foster
Joan Fritz
Anne Gadwa
Christine Gamm
Lou Gastuch
John Gebhardt
Willa-Wren Gelvick
Lindsay Gerardy
Patty Gille
Lori Gingerich-Boberg
Pierre GingerichBoberg
Jane Goodnight
Kelsye Gould
Lisa Gray
Helmi Grimm
Leah Grupp-Williams
Anita-Carine Guessou
Earl Gunn
Susan Gust
Jesus Gutierrez
Betsy Guzior
Jacob Guziot
Eleanor Haase
Kathrin Hahn
Amelia Hansa
Sharon Hardy
Danielle Harris
Em Harris
Josie Harstad
Maryanna Harstad
Tyler Hart
Shawn Hartfeldt
Amanda Hedlund
Stefan Henry
Vivian Henry
Lue Her
Allan Hildenbrand
Pam Hill Kroyer
Soozin Hirschmugl
Maggie Hogan
Kaira Hogle
Kimberlee Hunter
Sue Hunter Weir
Barb Hutchins
MC Hyland
Penny Ives
Len Jackson
Susan Jacox
Sharon Jaffe
Laura Jelinek
April Jennings
Fr Bill Johnson
Kyle Johnson
Catherine Jordan
Marcelle Jordan
Lea Karlssen
Michael Katch
Peggy Katch
Mari Kempton
Rachel Kennedy
Natalie Khuen
Mary Faith Kidder
Barb King
Harry Kingham
Deborah Kitzmann
Andrea Kloehn
David Kloehn
Doreen Kloehn
Julia Kloehn
Lisa Knazan
Hannah KnazanLippman
Melissa Koch
Roy Koch
Suzan Koch
Jim Koplin
Bonita Kosciolek
Emma Kosciolek
Kathy Kosnoff
Eleanor Kowalczyk
Georgeanne Krause
Andi Kuenning
Gemma Kumaraea
Araela Kumaraea
Angela Lackey
Jeanne Landkamer
Paul Landskroener
Patricia Lange
Lynne Larsen
Nancy Larsen
Matt Larson
Katie Laughlin
Sarah Launer
Deb Leavitt
Dylan Leavitt
Mitch Lee
Stacy Lee King
Lee Leichentsitt
Dan Leisen
Karla Leon
Kale Lepak
Stephanie Lewis
Tina Lindgren
Joseph Lindquist
Mary Anne Lindquist
Marie Listopad
Elizabeth Lo
Carol Logan
Karen Loida
Faith Lubitz
Leah Ludwig
C Yamil Lumbi Morales
Charity Lusteck
Cody Lusteck
Joey Lusteck
Shelby Lusteck
Nicole Lynott
Leslie MacKenzie
Kiara Madison-Cook
Joe Mailander
Cyril Malle-Barlow
Marakah Mancini
Jose Maquin Gutierrez
Jesus Marquez
Leni Marshall
Bronwen MarshallBass
Susan Marsnik
John Martin
Theresa Mason
Kemal Matoruga
Laci McBride
Roy McBride
Mick McClellan
Sandi McDonald
Ed McFadden
Julie McFadden
Zoe McFaul
Katie McGee
Paul McHugh
Greta McLain
Loranda McLeete
Paul McLeete
Eileen McNulty
Carole Megarry
Sharon Meister
Sue Melrose
Stacy Meshbesher
Jana Metge
Pasha Milbrath
Demi Miller
Edgar Miranda
Andrew Morabu
Jovita Morales
Ricardo Morales
Lindsey Morel
Donna Morris
Betsy Mowry
MJ Mueller
Ana Musachio
Joe Musich
Dave Nedrelow
Deb Nelson
Emily Nemmers
Katie Nemmers Cashel
Dan Newman
Mary Jo Nikolai
Valerie Nordin
Zoe Norris
Lynette Obara
Jane Obern
Dianne O'Donnell
Alan Olson
Ann O'Neill, CJS
Sarah Oppelt
Margery Otto
Eric Page
Kristen Palmer
Carol Pappone
Jean Paradise
James Parker
Richard Parker
Richard Parnell
Sage Passi
Carole Patrikakos
Henry Pawlowski
Nicko Pawlowski
Traudi Pawlowski
Lee Pedersen
Dan Pederson
Kate Percuoco
Samantha Perkins
Renee Petersen
Jesse Peterson
Makena Peterson
Nettie Pignatello
Helen Pound
Laura Price-Waldman
Terese Pritschet
MaryLynn Pulscher
Deborah Ramos
Monica Raymond
Jack Reddan
Joseph Reeves
Brian Reusch
Aisling Reynolds
Siobhan Reynolds
Brian Rice
Beth Richards
Greg Rick
Kegan Riddersen
Ellen Riley
Cass Ritacco
Antonio Rodriguez
Rina Rossi
Stephanie Rosso
Vienna Rothberg
Marg Rozycki
Roxanne Ruid
Marcy Ryan
Mary Ryan
Pat Ryan
Rose Ryan
Gabriela Santiago
Lisa Sass Zaragoza
Emily Savage
Carolyn Sayers
Rita Schaefer-Seaton
HJ Schmidt
Bruce Schneier
Tim Schweitzer
Marcia Seelhoff
Dominic Selly
Carole Senty
Denise Sergent
Ezra Sergent Leventhal
Mimi Sergent
Suzie Shanklin
Bruce Silcox
Andrea Sisel
Charles Skrief
Peter Skrief
Debora Slee
Linnea Sommers
Meredith Sommers
Sandra Sonnenberg
Bill Sorem
Karla Sorensen
Robbin Sorenson
Sandy Spieler
Micah SpielerSandberg
Rose Spieler-Sandberg
Angela Sprunger
Emily Stover
Lindsey Strange
Whittney Streeter
Angela Stubee
Sonja Sutter
Becky Swan
Celia Swanson
Margret Swanson
Maeve Tallman
Stephanie Taylor
Gary Teravskis
Jenna Thorsett
Jodell Thorsett
Lilia Torchia
Luciano Torchia
Micaela Torchia
Rosarah Townsend
Miranda Trimmier
Carrie Trygstead
Elora Turner
Jessica Tweet
Emily Umentum
Wade Underdahl
Jeff Urbanek
Peter Urbanek
Reyna Urbano
Dawn Uribe
Vonda Vaden
Vanessa Van Alstine
Lizette Vega
Steve Vincent
Jon Vogt
Harry Waters Jr
Jill Weese
Kristy Weifenbach
Sue Welna
Catherine Wernecke
Katherine Werner
Eleonore Wesserle
Annie Westmoreland
Zach Wickens
Amy Wick-Moore
Lynndelle Wiebenga
Paul Wiedel
Jodi Williams
Harvey Winje
Rachel Winter
Shea Witzberger
Jan Wyolva
John Xavier
Gloria Xinico Morales
Kristin Young
Nathan Yourchuck
Grace Zaiman
Innokenty Zavyalov
Peter Zeftel
Jessica Zeglin
Lucy Zhang
Carlos Zhingre
Louise Ziegler
Mauricea Ziehr
Mary Zilinski
Abby Zimmer
Shaina Abraham
and YouthCARE
Community Service
Jill Ahrold and Obama
Works Twin Cities
Dean Albrecht and the
Hennepin County
Sentencing to
Service program
Luisa and Patrick
Cabello Hansel and
members of St. Paul
Evangelical Lutheran
Paul Eaves and all the
creators of the
MayDay labyrinth
Becky George and the
merchants and staff
of Mercado Central
Sue Hunter Weir and
the U of M CLA Art
Student Community
Sharon Jaffee and
Hamline University’s
Service Learning
Bridgette Kelly and
members of the
Saint Joseph
Workers program
Cate Luehr and the
Jim McCreary and the
choir of Walker
Community Church
Deb Mullen and
University of
Minnesota Health
Academy students
Joe Musich and South
High School art
Rafael Ortiz and
Metropolitan State
“Citizenship in a
Global Context”
Poppy Potter and students from Skills for
Tomorrow High
Eilidh Reyelts and the
Children's Dental
Service interns
Liz Schachterle and 30
wonderful AmeriCorps
Emily Seru and the
HECUA City Arts
Mary Stein and
Ascension Place
Brad Thompson and
many, many
Hennepin County
Sentencing to
Service crews
Harry Waters Jr. and
Macalester College’s
Community Based
Theatre students
Chris Zweber and the
students and staff
of the Vocational
Evaluation and
Training program
HOBT Mission
To bring people together for the
common good through the power
of puppet and mask performance.
Board of Directors
Michael Brown, Chair
Mary Lynn Pulscher,
Vice Chair
Susan M. Claeys,
Helen Pound,
Karen Cooper
Angela Crandall
Ed Crouter
Kathee Foran
Ed McFadden
Sue Melrose
Dan Newman
Ann O’Neill, CSJ
Charles Skrief
Sandy Spieler
Harry Waters, Jr.
Mary Zilinski
In the Heart of the Beast Staff
Sandy Spieler, Artistic Director
Kathee Foran, Executive Director
Julie Boada, Education Co-Director
Bart Buch, Education Co-Director
Alina Campana, Communications and
Development Coordinator
Masanari Kawahara, Staff Artist
Melissa Koch, Community Programs Director
Jim Koplin, Honorary Art Staff
Margery Otto, Volunteer Coordinator
Katy Peters, Financial Manager
Paul Robinson, Company Manager
Jenna Thorsett, Office Coordinator
Duane Tougas, Staff Artist
Abby Zimmer*, Education Asst.
*Placed with HOBT through the St. Joseph’s Worker Program.
Emma Byron
Angie Courchaine
Stacy Lee King
Harry Kingham
Holmes Design, Graphic Design
Margret Swanson, Fund Development
Nick Lethert, Web Design
Funders and Friends
Alley Communications**
Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Arts Connect All a program of the MetLife
Arts Rising
Beim Foundation
Biffs, Inc**
Bush Foundation
Clean Water Works**
Community Shares of Minnesota
Cy and Paula De Cosse Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Hennepin County Medical Center
Henson Foundation
HRK Foundation
Jerome Foundation
Kopp Family Foundation
Marbrook Foundation
McKnight Foundation
McVay Foundation
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board**
Minneaplois Public Works Department
Minneapolis Rotary Community
Service Committee*
Minnesota Department of Health, Environmental
Health Division, Drinking Water Protection
Minnesota State Arts Board
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
National Endowment for the Arts
Oswald Family Foundation
Park Midway Bank
Phillips Weed+Seed — An Initiative of the
U.S. Department of Justice
Piper Jaffray & Company
The Pugsley Fund of the HRK Foundation
RBC Dain Rauscher
Reddy Rents**
Catherine C. Reid Fund, a fund of the Headwaters
Foundation for Justice
Rehael Fund: Roger L. Hale/Eleanor L. Hall of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Seeds for Change
Slamhammer Sound**
Spire Federal Credit Union
Still Ain’t Satisfied Foundation,
A Foundation with Attitude
Tennant Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
James R. Thorpe Foundation***
Toro Foundation
Travelers’ Foundation
Triangle Park Creative**
United Arts Access to Theatre Project
United Arts Fund of COMPAS
Valspar Corporation**
Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Barbra Wiener Fund, a fund of the Headwaters
Foundation for Justice
Zelle, Hoffman, Voelbel, Mason, Gette, LLP
* Capital gift
** In-kind contribution
*** Capital and operating gifts
MayDay Map & Schedule
15th Avenue South
HOBT T-Shirt Booth
at 33rd and
Powderhorn Park
MAIN GATE Parade Enters Here
Park Building
• Lost Child Area
• First Aid
Walking Paths
Powderhorn Lake
HOBT T-Shirt
and Vintage
Poster Booth
Baseball Field
35th Street South
Besos Pesos Redemption
T-Shirt Booth
Information Booth
Volunteer Central
Lost and Found Items
Tom Thumb Donuts
Snidy’s Pizza Plus
Best Way
Schroder Concessions
Falafel King
Carnival Concessions
Otte’s Kettle Korn
Jerry’s Lemonade
Seward Cafe
LaLoma Tamales
Big Bell Ice Cream
Coffee Wagon
Tom Thumb Donuts
Jersey Brothers
Olson Popcorn
Naturally Delicious
Walleye Wagon
Cookies and More
Magic Bus Cafe
Greek Taste
Jerry’s Lemonade
Simply Nuts
Sweet Roast
9-2-5 Beats 10-2-Life
Herr Concessions
Nuts n Such
Kathie’s Concessions
Jerry’s Lemonade
GRK Donuts
in the
heart of
puppet and mask theatre
or 35 years, In the
Heart of the Beast
Theatre has created
and produced the MayDay
Parade and Festival (with
the help of invaluable
friends). Much of the cost
for this unique community
art event is covered by
grants, fees, and sales—
but not all.
Food Vendors
1 Band Stage (music)
Machinery Hill
Cleo Paticx
The Maroons
2 Show Stage (music, dance)
Mystic Melange
No music during
Ceremony performance
Dred I Dread
Rumba Eterna
Raks Bedawi
3 Family/Folk Stage
(music, poetry, dance)
Sponsored by Hennepin County
Medical Center
Holly Newsom,
Ben Glaros,
Times are approximate.
Schedule subject to change.
4 Lake Stage
(Spoken word, music)
5 Besos Pesos
If you received a besos pesos
note during the parade, redeem
it here for a seedling to take
home, plant, and tend
Around the Park
Mendota Mdewakanton
Dakota Community
Minneapolis Morris Dancers
Thera Labyrinth
Umoja Drum Circle
Wellness and Support Space
Wilderness Inquiry Canoe Rides
Women’s Drum Circle
Thank you to all of today’s performers
for their generous contributions
of time and talent.
After the Parade and
Ceremony, you’ll see
volunteers with Donation
Buckets. You can also
donate at any HOBT t-shirt
booth or the main HOBT
information booth, or
online at
If you value and enjoy
MayDay, please be as
generous as you can.
See page 16 for more on
how you can help.
Audio/Visual Assistance
At noon, there will be a tactile tour
of various floats and puppets.
Preregistration is required for this
tour. Please call (612) 721-2535
ext. 23, to register.
The Tree of Life Ceremony is audio
described and also presented in
American Sign Language (ASL). If you
or someone in your party need these
services, please meet by the seating
area next to the ceremony ring after
the parade.