ANNUAL REPORT Easter Seals Blake Foundation


ANNUAL REPORT Easter Seals Blake Foundation
Easter Seals
Blake Foundation
7750 E. Broadway Blvd. • Suite A200 • Tucson, AZ 85710
Phone: (520) 327-1529
Fax: (520) 327-1836
Easter Seals Blake Foundation has been serving disabled
& disadvantaged individuals and their families throughout
Southern Arizona since 1950, positively impacting the lives of
over 18,000 children, adults, and families each year. Our services
range from Early Intervention and Head Start programs,
summer camps, behavioral health services, all the way to long
term supported living and employment training.
We are the largest non-profit & community services employer in
Southern Arizona. We offer social service programs in Pima, La
Paz, Cochise, Santa Cruz, Gila, Pinal, Graham, Greenlee, Yuma,
Maricopa and the five northern counties.
Easter Seals Blake Foundation is dedicated to the idea that
all people deserve the chance to live healthy, productive, and
independent lives. Our educational, therapeutic, family support
and community living programs are designed in accordance with
our mission: to enable each individual served to discover and
meet his or her maximum potential for independent, productive
living and developmental growth.
We will provide opportunities, support and services to children,
adults and families, with compassion and respect for them as
valued members of their communities, involved and participating
based on their own choices.
2013 was another productive and evolving year for ESBF.
With the help of our board development committee, whose
goal is to identify and engage potential members that connect
with our mission and delight in producing our annual
fundraisers, our board welcomed new members this year.
These new members have unique talents that have bolstered
our creative and diverse partnership.
Despite the economy, our board, staff, and volunteers continue
to make each event more lucrative and successful than the
year before. This year the Spring Golf Classic at the Golf
Club at Vistoso, helmed by Autumn van den Berg, featured
a clinic by Golf Magazine Top 50 teaching pro JoAnne Lusk.
It also featured a stirring post-tournament speech by Adiba
Nelson, whose daughter Emory has flourished at Children’s
Achievement Center.
Our Walk With Me was also a huge success. Chaired by board
member Lindy Cote, the event drew close to 500 participants,
filled three jumping castles with tumbling children, and
delighted all with Cinco de Mayo inspired Chihuahua races
sponsored by country music station KIIM-FM.
We also have to offer a special thank you to Angel Charity For
Children, Inc. who saw fit this year to award our Children’s
Achievement Center with $180,000 for scholarships. Ablebodied children and children with disabilities and development
delays alike can enjoy each other’s accomplishments in an
environment inclusive to children with special needs.
Thank you for help making 2013 a wonderfully productive year,
Betsy Bruce
Board President
2013 has been a whirlwind year for all of us at Easter Seals
Blake Foundation! We are so grateful to be busy with growth,
and expanding our abilities to reach Arizonans in need or at
risk. And we are also grateful for the ongoing support of all our
generous donors and volunteers, as well as the extraordinary
commitment of our staff.
In the fall of 2012, we started consolidating services provided
to one area, a central campus that will allow easier access
to all programs and offers a long-term cost savings for the
organization. The new location at 7750 E. Broadway Blvd.
houses the Administrative, Community Living Services and the
Children & Family Services Arizona Early Intervention program
offices, all of which were housed in several different locations
across Tucson. We feel strongly that the highest and best use of this property
would be the development of a Community Resource
Campus. This would entail leasing many of the vacant suites
to community non-profit organizations. We believe this would
provide an essential synergistic environment for community
service providers.
The Solar Power Project, which we began last year was completed
this fall and we have an impressive array of solar structures on
our Broadway campus. See the aerial view of the project in the
photo below. Working with Technicians for Sustainability was a
great experience, and we look forward to many years of power
savings with this installation.
I must make note of the work of our energetic and engaged
ESBF Board of Trustees. The Board has continued to grow
all their special events each year, and they work as a well-oiled
machine with their planning and events, expertly aided by our
new Events Manager, Carrie Durham. The Board also has been
very active in assessing how they can be of greatest value to the
agency, and is working to develop the Board to be even more
effective in the long term.
The ongoing effects of increasing poverty and insufficient public
funding for children, families, individuals with behavioral health
issues, and physical and developmental disabilities, continue in
our state. And our Child Protective Services and Foster Care
systems are strained past capacity. In responding to these
community challenges, we work continuously to do more with
less, and to reach more children, adults and families in need. This
past year we have reached over 18,000 individuals and families
in Arizona, and have a presence in every county in the state.
The year ends on a bittersweet note; our long-time Director of
Child And Family Services, Annabel Graves Ratley, is retiring
at the end of 2013. It is almost impossible to overstate the
value Annabel has added to our Child And Family Services. In
her twenty plus years with us she has grown the division from
a small self-contained preschool program to a major player
in the field of child development, family support , training
and preservation, infant and child behavioral health, early
intervention, early education, Head Start and Early Head Start
services, and advocacy for all children. She has been generous
with her transition and training time with the new CFS Director,
Arizona State Senator Linda Lopez.
On a happier note, Angel Charity for Children announced in
February that they would be partnering with our Children’s
Achievement Center to provide tuition support for 100 lowincome families in 2014 and 2015. We are honored to have the
chance to partner with Angel Charity and are excited to serve
these families in our community.
Thank you again for the opportunity to make a difference in our
communities with the important work of our agency. We count
on your ongoing support with our mission to afford all people
the means to lead healthy, productive and independent lives.
Ema Kammeyer
Chief Executive Officer
F OU ND AT I O N RE A CH E D OVE R 2 0 ,0 0 0
W ho D i d We Ser ve?
C lien t D e m o gr aphi c s *
A ge
0-2 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 5,172
3 -5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 2,375
6 -1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 1,234
1 8 -6 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 1,558
6 5 -7 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... 15
7 5 + .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................... 8
Ge n de r
Ma l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 5,389
Fe m a l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 4,973
He r it ag e/E thni c i ty
Asia n Am e ri ca n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 123
Afri ca n Am e ri ca n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 441
C a u ca si a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 3,709
Hi sp a n i c.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 4,375
Na tive Am e ri ca n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 280
Na tive Hawa i i a n or o th e r Pacifi c Isl a n d e r ............................ 15
Mu ltipl e Eth n i c it y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 321
O th e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... 35
To tal C lie n t s S e r v ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 18,484
* De m o g ra ph i c d a t a i s n o t col l e c te d for a l l pro g ra m s
C o m m u n it y En ga g ement
C ommu n i t y A c t i v i t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 2,084
Con fe re n ce E xh i bit s
Hea lth Fa i r E x h i bit
O p e n Ho u s e s
E d u c a t io na l Pr o g r a m m i n g A c t i v i t i e s . . ..................................... 497
Pa re nt / C a re g ive r S e m i n a rs
Teach i ng e ng a g e m e nt s
Vol u n t e e r A c t i v i t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 323
Affi l i a te Pro g ra m Volu ntee rs
Sp ec i a l Eve nt s
O ffi ce In iti a tive s
Tot a l En gage d T h ro u g h O u t r e a c h , E d u c a t i o n a l , & Vol un teer Ac tivities... 2,904
S AGE Employment & Community S ervices
SAGE provides individualized residential supports and job development services to individuals
with disabilities who are in their late teens through adulthood and operates with a philosophy
based on the belief that individuals with disabilities must be full and active participants in school,
work, and community occupying socially valued roles. SAGE also offers behavioral health services,
including equine assisted mental health services to youth.
Campo Urbano
We welcomed several new therapists, horses, and
clients to Campo Urbano in 2013! Last year’s inaugural
healthy relationships girls group was such a success that
we expanded to include a boys group, too! Supported
employment programs continue to innovate sustainable
gardening and animal husbandry in the desert. We’ve
partnered with several local organizations this year:
expanding our desert gardens, increasing community
awareness of water harvesting, & writing outdoor
therapy curriculum. We’re excited about 2014, with
amazing collaboration underway with the University of
Arizona’s School of Dance.
Supported Living
In 2013 we assisted 10 new clients in realizing their personal goals of independent living.
We aim to transcend traditional residential support models by providing flexible support,
strength based services, oversight by individuals of staffing & activities, and community
inclusion. With support from SAGE, one new client, whose goal was to move out of
his family home and into his own apartment, not only achieved independent living, but
also earned gainful employment. We’re expanding capacity, too - working to double the
number of new clients in 2014.
Employment & Community Services
Safford’s Main St. Café is the gathering place for community
members. We have won several awards including: Best
Downtown Business, and Best Downtown Dish. SAGE
works in Graham & Greenlee counties to establish innovative
business ventures that serve the dual purposes of creating
employment opportunities and fulfilling community need.
Our ice creamery in Morenci, AZ, Cup & Cone, is a popular
stop for locals, and has a profound effect on employees’ lives. In
collaboration with Freeport-McMoRan Copper Mine, SAGE
supports employees who recycle discarded metals from wire.
We continue to seek opportunities to improve services in rural
areas of Arizona.
Children & Family Services programs provide support to children and families in the
areas of health, child abuse and neglect, parenting, child development and early education,
behavioral health and developmental disabilities. Gift From Angel Charity For Children, Inc.
Lilly is an exceptional 17-month-old girl with ocean blue eyes
and a sunshine smile. While enrolled at Children and Family
Services’ nationally-accredited child care center, the Children’s
Achievement Center, Lilly has had the chance to learn language,
social, and motor skills in a high-quality early education
environment. When Lilly’s parents each lost their jobs within a
few months of each other, the family was at a loss. Safe, reliable
child care is often the biggest expense for working families
and one of the principal barriers to maintaining employment.
Fortunately, our agency was able to provide tuition assistance
as Lilly’s family transitioned through this trying period. With
the support of our agency and donors, Lilly’s parents are each
working again and she continues to learn and grow.
Recognizing the need in our community for affordable high-quality child care, Angel Charity
For Children, Inc. (ACC) took up the cause. In February, ACC announced that it would award
$180,000 to provide tuition assistance for 100 low-income families enrolled at the Children’s
Achievement Center. We were deeply honored to receive this support and recognition and look
forward to serving these families in 2014 and 2015.
Additional Highlights
The Arizona Early Intervention Program (which provides a team of therapeutic professionals in
service to children zero to three with developmental delays and /or disabilities) continues to grow
and now serves southeastern Maricopa County in addition to seven Southern Arizona counties.
Due to the alarming increase in Arizona children involved with Child Protective Services, our
New Visions for Families, Parent Aide, and In-Home Service programs are seeing increased
referrals to provide an array of services, including therapeutic and basic needs support, for this
vulnerable population.
Finally, we are delighted to welcome new CFS Division Director, Linda Lopez. Her vast child
welfare service experience, and her 13 years as an Arizona state legislator, makes her a valuable
addition to the team. Fondest wishes for retiring Division Director Annabel Ratley, who in her
more than 20 years of service, built the division into what it is today.
She will be greatly missed.
Community Living Services provides residential and rehabilitative care for adults with cognitive &
physical disabilities. Some of the residents are dually-diagnosed with traumatic brain and spinal
cord injuries. Their disabilities have led to self-care deficits that require them to need full-time
habilitation care in order to perform daily living activities.
New Homes
Cathy: On March 16, 2013, Community Living Services (CLS) opened the new Cathy Home. It
is the home of two happy, creative and energetic women. The home is owned by one of these two
ladies’ parents. Cathy is an Individually Designed Living Arrangements (IDLA) home funded by
DDD. We are very happy to have these young women as part of our CLS family.
La Cienega: About a year ago, Easter Seals Blake Foundation (ESBF) was given a two bedroom
townhome in the will of an anonymous donor. In September of this year, we were able to furnish
and repair the property to make it a home for two gentlemen that are funded by United Healthcare
Community Partners. The two men are very happy in their new home, and we are very thankful
for the generosity of our anonymous donor!
CLS 1st Annual Rummage Sale
On April 27, 2013, the staff of CLS held our 1st annual Rummage Sale to help benefit the Walk
With Me event. Thanks to the generous donations of people in the community and employees
of ESBF, we were able to accumulate an enormous amount of merchandise for the sale. Our
management team spent many hours sorting and tagging items and everyone did it with a smile,
knowing that it was going to a great cause. On the day of the sale people lined up early to purchase
new found treasures, buy raffle tickets and purchase great hotdogs graciously donated by ESBF
Board Member Linda Fiore and the Tanque Verde Swap Meet. ESBF’s Chief Operating Officer,
Rodney Jilg and CLS Associate Director, Siamphay Bouttirath manned the grill and sold the
hotdogs! We raised an impressive sum and a good time was had by all!
Direct Support Professional of the Year
Tracey Maples, on left in photo, a direct support professional
with our CLS division, was recently honored at the 10th Annual
Direct Support Professionals Awards Ceremony, held at the
Disability Empowerment Center in Phoenix on September 27,
2013. Tracey was one of twelve individuals honored for their
dedication to their profession and was selected from over 140
nominees throughout the State of Arizona!
Tracey is the Assistant Manager of the ESBF Walnut Home in
Safford and is an outstanding advocate for those we serve. Her
goal is to make the lives of the individuals she serves better in
every way. Congratulations Tracey, we are proud to have you on
our team of professionals here at Easter Seals Blake Foundation!
F inancials
How was your money invested?
Easter Seals Blake Foundation and Subsidiary
Consolidated Statement of Activities
Revenue and Support:
Client Services.....................................................................27,197,499
In-Kind Contributions.............................................................892,207
Tuition and fees........................................................................747,170
Other Revenue.........................................................................161,704
Total Revenue and Support......................................................... $29,253,133
Program Services..........................................................26,303,873
Management and General...............................................2,593,695
Total Expenses ...............................................................................29,074,103
Change in Net Assets...............................................................356,445
Net Assets, Beginning of Year...............................................6,568,444
Net Assets, End of Year..................................................................$6,924,889
B alance Sheet
Current Asset:
Cash and Cash Equivalents.............................................1,705,003
Accounts Receivables......................................................3,875,465
Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets..................................151,924
Total Current Assets..............................................................$5,732,392
Property and Equipment, net.......................................11,472,992
Other Assets.......................................................................169,980
Total Assets........................................................................ $17,375,370
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable.............................................................2,538,735
Line of Credit..................................................................1,973,901
Interest Rate Swap Agreement..........................................126,117
Notes payable.....................................................................240,798
Total Current Liabilities..........................................................4,879,551
Notes Payable, Non-Current Portion.............................5,570,930
Total Liabilities................................................................... $10,450,481
Total Unrestricted Net Assets........................................6,924,889
Total Net Assets....................................................................$6,924,889
Total Liabilities and Net Assets.......................................... $17,375,370
Thank you to our D onors
Renee Abbett
Elizabeth Bruce
Academy Adventures,
Bruce & Company
Ruben Acosta
AGM Aviation Logistics
Erin Aguilar
Stuart and Sarah Aitken
William and Marian
Alphagraphics 153
Joe and Marlene
Daniel Anguish
Frank “Pancho” Apodaca
Arizona Diamondbacks
Arizona Early
Development & Health
Patricia C. Arnell
Doris J. Ballmer
Jennipher Ball-Williams
Daniel W. Brunton
Thomas Carballo
Jon Carpenter
Matt Chapman
Fidelity Charitable Gift
Linda Fiore
Hudlow Elementary
Tom & Lorraine Fiore
Patricia Hughes
Marliss Fiscella
Mike Hultquist
Anne V. Foresman
IBM Employee Services
Scott Forrer
Thomas P. Collazo
Freeport McMoRan
Copper & Gold
Mark Collins
Donald Gagnon
Community Partnership
of Southern Arizona
Sherlie & Harry
Dorothy Conner
Pamela A Gambrell
Ron Corbin
Frank R. Garcia
Cornerstone Advisors
Susan B. Gardiner
Sergio Cossio
Eric Geller
Tiffany Cote
Bill Gibson
Dean Cotlow
Carlotta Gilbert
Erlinda Cox
Donna Gillette
Cox Communications
Michael and Candi
Patrick Howard
Communications Group
Hazel Ivey
Amy Jaffe
Rodney Jilg and Nina
Jim Click Nissan
Sue Johnston
Carolyn Jolley
JP Morgan Chase
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Ema Kammeyer
Linda Karl
Robert Karnazes
Michael Goldsmith
Gary Kershner
Sharon S. Graves
Terri Kessler
Dina Green
Stephen Kimble
Bill Greene
Steve King
Mindy Griffith
Joan Klar
John Guth
Linda Klein
Jeffery Guttierez
Edwin H. Kohlhepp
William E. Hall
Travis Eckenrode
Dorothy Harmsen
& Bill Harmsen Sr.,
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John R.
Joseph J. Eigner
Beth Harper
John Leader
Anita Boehme
David & Donna
Sophia Harper
Hazel P. Lederer
Carl Boesewetter
Epsilon Sigma Alpha
George F. Harris, Jr.
Edward Leyba
Nancy Boyle
Harry Erickson
Richard J. Hartje
Pam Liberty
Shirley Brantley
Shirley Estes
Todd Hays
Lifetouch National
School Studies
Robert C. Brei DDS,
Express Scripts
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
Beth Davis
David DeConcini
BBVA Compass
Mary Delaney
Jane C. Beaver
Bellovin & Karnas, P.C.
Desert Bloom
Obstetrics and
Gynecology, PC
Patricia Bender
Joseph Dolan
Pauline Shook & Neil
Melissa Dulaney
Barbara Benjamin
danny Blake
Larry Blake
John Blezenski
Merilys P. Brown
Paula Marie Dwornicki
Richard and Susan Eck
George Herget
Dolores Hillenbrand
Roxanne Holly
John Kronner
Kenneth E. Linville, Jr.
Loren G. Listiak
*This list represents donors who made a gift of $150 or above from July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012.
We appreciate everyone who supported us at all levels
Thank you to our D onors
Marina Logiudice
Dee Olson
Therese Sadorf
Barbara Thompson
Lawrence K. Lunt
G. L. Overby
Robert Lynn
Tom Owen and Lindy
Dina Scalone-Romero
Frank L Thompson for
Chipeta Thompson
Charlene A. Macritchie
Main Street Executive &
Employee Benefits, LLC
Make Yourself
Thomas E. Mangold
Matthew and Colleen
Charles D. Owens
Patrizia Parisella
Ellie Patterson
Roger Pease
Rick Peller
Bruce Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Steven Schmitz
Melvin R. Schoonover
Eric Schrader
MaryAnn Penczar
Schwab Charitable
Andrew Martin
Barbara Pernell
Ellen Schweiss
David Martin
Sylvia Pete
Scotia JV 2005 LLP
Pamela Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G.
Dev Sethi
Brian Mayernick
Gerald H. McClintock
Delbert McCune
Fletcher J. McCusker
Phyllis McEnroe
June E. McLeod
Dorothy Peterson
James Petty
John F. Pierce
Alex Plasencio
Courtney Plotnick
Lawrence Shedd
Victor Trasoff-Jilg
Jeff Turner
Jennifer E. Turner
Julian and Aimee Turner
C. Rose Tyson
Unidas, a program
of the Women’s
United Way of Cochise
Francis Shibuya
United Way of Tucson
& Southern Arizona
Lucinda Smedley
Jason Urban
Michele Smith
Brent VanKoevering
Robert Smith
Eduardo Vegas
Sottosanti Law Firm
Grace Verdugo
Southern Arizona
Mustang Club
Mary Jane Wagner
Richard L. Warren
Gina McRostie
Don and Margaret
Rose Mellor
Ruthann Pozez
Meredith’s Hallmark
Lauri Privett
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
QuikTrip Corporation
Stevenson, Jones &
Holmaas, PC
Camilo C. Michel
David W. Thurston
James W. Waln
John T. Waugaman
Donald and Violet M.
Jean Millen
Scott and Kristina
Joshua & Naomi Miller
Grif and Annabel Ratley
Robert Miskell
Stone Canyon
Community Foundation
Dian Molsen
Resnick Law Group,
Carol Stout
Geraldine G. Williams
Janet Strebe
Jim Windsor
Esther Sutton
Robert E. Woerner
Jason P. Swain
Andrew Wolfe
Frances E. Swift
Carol A. Wolfe
Betty Moritz
Glenn and Johanna
Keith and Jamie Ressler
Daniel E. Reyes
Stewart Title & Trust of
Craig Weitman
Melissa White
Willis Mundt
Shawn Ricksecker
Kam & Alice Nasser
David L. Robb
National Bank of
S. L. Roberts
Tanque Verde
Douglas and Patricia
Jean Rohman
Glenn Tappan
Charles J. Young
Joe Rowles
Technicians for
Jack Young
Joe Nehls
Tari Auletta and Len
Royal Automotive
Daniel R. O’Hearn, Jr.
Candice Ann Ryals
Ali Oksasoglu
Barrie Ryan
Jarrod Thayer
Youth Service America
Hale and Holly
*This list represents donors who made a gift of $150 or above from July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012.
We appreciate everyone who supported us at all levels
annual fundraising events
C ooking with the Stars
spring golf classic
walk with me safford and tucson
Board of Directors
President – Betsy Bruce
Vice-President – MaryAnn Penczar
Secretary – Brent VanKoevering
Treasurer – Edward Leyba
Past President – danny Blake
Frank “Pancho” Apodaca
Dina Green
Lindy Cote
James Maina
Linda Fiore
Michelle Pavon-Gabbard
Michael Goldsmith
Autumn van den Berg
Courtney Plotnick
We all own the future of our mission, and you can help!
1. Learn Experience our mission with a tour or participate in an event
2. Invest Join our cause by making a personal gift
3. Share Be an advocate for our cause! Share our story and invite a friend to experience our mission
4. Sustain Be a lifelong partner and consider including us in your estate plans
If yo u wo u l d l i ke to g e t i nvolved ,
pl ea s e cont ac t C a rri e D u rha m a t (520) 327-1529
cdu rha [email protected] ste rs eal
www.blakefo u n da ti on.ea ste rs eal