Edition 2 201 1 the official magazine of the promotional industry The roll of social media in our industry How to harness the power Page 16 Industry Award Winners Page 45 Show Details Page 57 APPA Member Benefits Inside Member of Australasian Promotional Products Association Edition 2 2011 the official magazine of the promotional industry Regulars Features 8 National Board Members 13 President’s Message 5 What is the roll of social media? – Article 16 CEO’s Message 5 APPA Roadshow Image Gallery 26 Southern Regional Report 6 Supplier Awards 2011 45 Arrivals and Departures 6 Platinum Awards Winner 45 New Zealand Regional Report 7 Best Product Winner 49 Northern Regional Report 8 Best Stand Winner 49 New Members 9 Industry Distinction 52 NSW/ACT Regional Report 10 Generation Next 52 New Arrivals, Newlyweds 14 Life Member 53 Blue Book 15 Best Catalogue Australia 54 APPA Benefits Best Catalogue New Zealand 55 Who is Fashion Biz Ltd NZ? APPA 2012 Show Dates 57 Prominent Promotional People Profile APPA Health 59-73 APPA Distributor Status Membership Program 60-61 38-39 46 49 & 72 Who is Smartbox? 64 APPArition Advertising Booking Form 75 14 45 16 49 Edition 2 2011 the official magazine of the promotional industry Book your advertising APPA CONTACT Boswell | ph. +61 3 9314 8424 | fax. +61 3 9314 3042 Simply fill out and fax the booking sheet enclosed in this edition EditionWayne 2 - 2007 email. [email protected] of APPArition magazine. Fax +61 3 9314 3042 Advertising sales enquiries to Wayne Boswell – [email protected] General APPArition magazine enquiries Artwork Wayne Boswell – [email protected] LEAD-TIMES Booking confirmation: FRIDAY 13 APRIL 2012 Artwork: FRIDAY 20 APRIL 2012 Publisher ARTWORK REQUIREMENTS PRINT READY PDF: High resolution PDF with all fonts and images embedded. All text & images must be supplied as CMYK and the resolution at 300 DPI. FTP UPLOAD: URL ftp.conlay.com.au | Username: strategy Password: direct | Use the path: In to Strat Direct. Important note: No print proof will be supplied. Your print ready PDF is also your approval to print. 4 www.appa.com.au Australasian Promotional Products Association Cover Artwork – Paul Carlyle. [email protected] Design – www.strategydirect.com.au [email protected] Reproduction in whole or part without written permission from APPA is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Information provided was belived correct at the time of the publication. MAGAZINE PUBLICATION: APPA and its officers, employees, contractors and agents (APPA) may not endorse or warrant nor have they verified in any way for the information, products, services or particulars advertised. Views expressed in advertisements are those solely of the advertiser and APPA does not take any responsibility and will not be liable in any way for the information or services advertised. D President’s Message ear Members, October 2011 marks the end of my two year term as President of our Association. In my role as President I have been incredibly fortunate to have worked with an amazing group of people being the National Board and APPA staff. During 2012 we plan more amazing shows, education and events aimed at you and your staff. There will be more Service Providers added and more benefits amongst which the re launch of the APPA website will be a real highlight. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Board. To the outgoing members; Jehad Rasheed and Clive McCorkell, my heartfelt thanks for their hard work and dedication in particular the additional effort from both towards their special projects whilst on the Board. Of course the remaining Board members deserve acknowledgement too for the time and effort they continue to devote to APPA – Narelle Beaton, Karen Long, and Chris Terry, thank you. My sincere thanks to our advertisers, sponsors and contributors and to Wayne, Sharon, Irene, Kellie and Bill for their ongoing efforts on our behalf. My warmest congratulations to Karen Long our new APPA President for the upcoming term and welcome to our new board members, Anthony Brown of Arid Zone and Andrew Bloom of ASB Marketing. I must also applaud the efforts of our regional committees who have delivered fantastic education sessions and factory tours and social events again this year. During 2011 we have held a series of very successful Road Shows and of course the recent Convex Tradeshow at Fox Studios and the Awards evening at Doltone House which was as always, memorable. All events were sell outs which is quite an achievement and testament to the efforts of all involved. Don’t hesitate to contact your regional committee or National Board if there is anything we can do for you. Your National Board for the new term is; Christa Parsloe – Celebrations Group [email protected] Chris Terry – Nottage [email protected] Karen Long – Longs Wholesalers [email protected] Narelle Beaton – Logoline [email protected] Anthony Brown – Arid Zone [email protected] Andrew Bloom – [email protected] William Kestin – CEO [email protected] The contact – For more information contact Christa Parsloe [email protected] I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year. Take care and all the very best. Christa Parsloe I APPA President :: CEO’s Message Convex Sets a Record and again is the Biggest Promotional Show in Australia! A PPA Convex 2011 has hit an all-time record for the most booths in APPA’s 24 year history. Also, this year APPA’s Convex regains the title of the Biggest Promotional Show in Australia. Many thanks to the exhibitors and attendees who gave the show such rave reviews. You’ll find us back at the Royal Hall of Industries next year, August 22nd-24th. But in 2012 we are expanding to include both the Royal Hall and the Hordern Pavilion! The show this year was a wonderful success thanks to the many valued sponsors, the National and Regional Boards, our APPA Ambassadors and all the attending industry participants. As always our exhibitors praised the integrity and professionalism in providing the necessary screening to ensure quality and supplying detailed and certifiable attendance lists. This has been and always will be the trademark of APPA shows. In the general industry, business is spiking and then dipping as uncertainty around the world still permeates spending habits. Now it is more important than ever to be promoting out to your clients how economical promotional products are as a form of advertising. You can receive statistics on this by emailing me on [email protected]. This year, as the contraction of our industry occurred, APPA has worked hard to provide media coverage, guidance, services, education and tradeshows which support the vision of a long term, prosperous profession. Whether you are a Supplier or a Distributor, while you have been educating your clients about our industry, APPA too has been promoting our industry and the use of APPA members. We have appeared in 9 featured stories in marketing magazines and lectured to 10 universities across Australia and New Zealand. We spoke to 4,578 marketing and event management students. In the last 5 years, the total number of ‘future clients’ who have received our curriculum on how to buy and use promotional products is over 17,595. I would like to personally thank the National Board and our outgoing President Christa Parsloe for their dedicated hard work and welcome (with great excitement) our new incoming President Karen Long and we are very excited about this coming year. The contact – William Kestin CEO APPA [email protected] www.appa.com.au I would also like to personally thank our dedicated, hard-working staff for achieving so much this year. I also wish each of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Healthy and prosperous New Year! Wiliam Kestin I APPA CEO :: www.appa.com.au 5 Are you interested in potentially volunteering for your regional committee? Email: [email protected] Southern – Regional Report This year is passing us by really quickly; almost time for the Christmas rush and of course, a well-deserved break from what’s been a challenging and trying year for all. Here is to planning and looking at 2012 now and preparing for a boom year in the world of promotional products and marketing. Our committee itself has been through a few changes this year, with Mary Iles recently stepping down as a the chairperson of the regional committee. On behalf of Michelle, the committee and I, we would like to congratulate and thank Mary for the many years serving as chairperson on the commitee, and thank her for her valued input and many years of hard work. Mary will continue to be present on the committee and we look forward to the many great ideas and wealth of knowledge she has and brings to our industry. The contact – Robert Williams Southern Region Chairperson [email protected] Michelle Howard Southern Region Chairperson [email protected] Michelle Howard (Productology) and I (Robert Williams – Your Brand Unleashed) have been privileged to have been voted as joint Chairpersons to continue on the fantastic APPA Southern Region Committee, and we look forward to bringing some great new ideas and plans to the region, and something to be very beneficial to all the APPA Southern Region Members. Apart from the current APPA Trade Show in Sydney, it has been heads down, bums up for the committee, working on the current Christmas Party which we are pleased to announce will be held at Chloe’s Bar at the Young & Jackson in the City on the 30th of November, from 7:00-9:30 PM. Keep an eye out for our e-mails and invites coming out shortly – it’s going to be an exciting event and one full of fun… Keep an eye out for the Surprise! (to be notified shortly). We strongly recommend all members, suppliers, distributors or service providers to come along, celebrate 2011 and what a year it’s been and join in with the committee, and enjoy a great night of fun, drinks and a great night away from work! We need your support to keep these events up and running year after year, otherwise, they simply won’t survive! Lastly, to introduce this year’s Committee Members – they are: Mark Rae (EziTag), Tony Kopp (Arid Zone), Mary Iles (Simba Towels), Les Frampton (Frampton Concepts), Nik Mirich (Headwear Stockists). If anyone is interested in seeing what we do and how we do it as a committee, you are welcome to join us for our meeting (usually every two months) which goes for an hour. We are looking for people who are generous, committed, fun-loving, positive and want to put some valuable input into your industry. Give me a call on (03) 9738 0879 or Michelle Howard on (03) 9874 2100, should you wish to find out more information on how you can become a valued member on the committee alongside our current team. Have a great Christmas Season everyone, and an enjoyable break and we look forward to some great events run by the committee in early 2012 and look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Party to share a drink or two! NEW MEMBERS: On behalf of the Committee – we would like to welcome the following new members… We trust you will join with us and welcome them to the industry: Tonic Print Production – Edithvale Kiss Promotions – Forest Hill Brandon Merchandise – Scoresby Tiedup com.au – Dandenong Elite Apparel – Dandenong Super Special Pty Ltd – Spotswood Ultimate Insperation – Point Cook Australian Office – Preston Spicy Concept – Melbourne Homedics Aust – Dandenong Ezitag Systems Pty Ltd – Nobile Park Chocolate Prints – Hoppers Crossing Alexander Brands – Richmond Shea Plastics – Tas Greatrex Sporting Goods – SA Kwik Kopy Printing – Marleston Click Promos – Marleston Amer Sports Aust – Braeside Michelle Howard & Robert Williams I Southern Region Chairperson :: Arrivals and Departures Sporte Leisure welcomes a new head of their Corporate Business Unit. Joshua Nelson brings a wealth of experience working with resellers & distributors albeit outside of the Promotional Products Industry and a desire to grow Sporte Leisure beyond its golfing heritage. Contact Josh: [email protected] to discuss how Sporte Leisure can help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Daniel Simone (from Corporate Express and Chilli) is now at Fashion Biz. 6 www.appa.com.au ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Melissa Craig has left Citizen Watches – Danielle is now the contact [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CONGRATULATIONS to Jenny Conomos who has merged Conomos Corporate with Artic Blue and is off to New York City at the start of 2012! We’ll miss you Jenny!!! Are you interested in potentially volunteering for your regional committee? Email: [email protected] New Zealand – Regional Report Just a few weeks now until Christmas and I’m finding it hard to work out where my year has gone! As an Association we have had a busy year and have just completed a very successful series of shows, kicked off in Sydney with the APPA Convex at Fox Studios. Kellie our NZ Regional Manager alongside Bill our CEO have just toured Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch with the well received table top trade shows and Bill and Kellie both spoke at Otago University to marketing students- again well received. Speaking of education we have been lucky to have a variety of top class speakers and sessions this year including; two from Microsoft- the future and trends of IT and an introduction to Office 365, Baldwins intellectual property seminars, a couple of great factory visits and through Kellie’s contacts at Toast Masters a top class speaker at each road show location. The next New Zealand Road shows are scheduled to be held at the amazingly refurbished Eden Park in 2012. As the date gets nearer Kellie will update you on all you need to know as a supplier exhibiting or a distributor attending. We held our 2011 March Show at this venue and had great feedback from suppliers and distributors. We will have education sessions tied in with this so make sure you and your staff diarise the dates. Kellie has worked hard this year to increase membership benefits and we are now lucky to have on board Rydges Hotel, Alpha Design and Royale Asia alongside our existing service providers. Please email Kellie at [email protected] for the benefits you can expect as part of your membership. We have had some changes on our New Zealand committee with my heartfelt thanks going to Cheryl Rae - Presents of Mind and Simon Morgan- Key Imports and Exports and Sandra Thomas - Tickety Boo for their commitment. Cheryl, Sandra and Simon stepped down this year and our committee is now as follows; Scott Ramsay – Europa Watch — Supplier Shane Duffy – Jack in the Box – Distributor Nick Donald – Premium Apparel – Supplier Mike Modgill – Embroidery Works – Decorator Andre Schenk – Design A Gift – Distributor Kellie Tremayne – NZ Regional Manager Christa Parsloe – Celebrations Group – Dual Member The contact – Christa Parsloe New Zealand Region Chairperson [email protected] Kellie will be in touch shortly regarding the date and venue for our annual Christmas get together. Please find the time to come along and bring your staff. These social events provide a great opportunity to not only network but to catch up with what is happening with your suppliers/distributors. I look forward to seeing you there. Thanks for your ongoing support this year, catch up soon. All the very best, Christa Christa Parsloe New Zealand Region Chairperson :: www.appa.com.au 7 www.appa.com.au Are you interested in potentially volunteering for your regional committee? Email: [email protected] Northern – Regional Report The contact – Joanne Madgen Northern Region Chairperson [email protected] Hi fellow members, can you believe another year is drawing to a close. The Northern region has been busy this year with two social events. Our first was our inaugural golf day held at North Lakes Golf Club on a perfect winters day in July. The golf day was a huge success with 36 members teeing off at the widely acclaimed 18 hole course. We started the day off with the golf clinic and then we all took off in our electric carts with no accidents to report and some players played like The Shark! Congratulations to our winners:- 1st Place: Quill Print, Runners Up: Sky Marketing on a count back with Third Place going to Flip Promotions. NAGA was myself, Narelle Beaton, Diane Coloretti and Jeff Thomson. With one game under our belt we should be highly competitive for next year. Individual Winners were Brett Cowan from Team Flip who cleaned up with Nearest the pin & straightest drive. Damien Dunford from Sunprints won best approach & Brett Cosgrove from Sky Marketing took home the prize for the longest drive. All winners went home with some amazing prizes donated from The Corporate Golfer and Sporte Leisure. Of course this fantastic day would not have been possible without our valuable sponsors. A special thank you to: Double Platinum Sponsors: Epicentre Trading. Platinum Sponsors: The Corporate Golfer, Flip Promotions, JS Laser Engraving, Logo-Line, Sky Marketing & Sporte Leisure. Silver Sponsors: Peros Australia. Product Sponsors: The Corporate Golfer, Epicentre, Logo-Line, Results Sales Promotions & Sporte Leisure. Thank you - the prizes and registration bags were all very well received. See below for some great pics from the golf day and we’ll do it all again next year, bigger and be better. Our second social event for 2011 is the APPA Northern Region Christmas Party being held at The Lions Den Chalk Hotel in Woolloongabba on Friday 25th November with a Dress to Impress theme and promises to bigger than ever. Great venue and space including polo table and plenty of seating with champagne on arrival, super scrumptious canapés, thirst quenching beverages and funky DJ tunes. We’ll trust you’ll be there as this is the biggest social event of the year! Please come and enjoy the celebrations of the festive season with your fellow APPA members and our special guests Bill Kestin and Sharon Keogh the newly appointed Exhibitions & Administration Manager. You’ve all earned it after a turbulent year throughout Queensland. We also recently got together at Siana Valley to farewell Allan Murray from Epicentre who sadly is standing down from the board. Allan has dedicated countless hours preparing our bi-annual newsletters and his valuable knowledge and contribution on the board been truly appreciated. On behalf the NR Board and members we sincerely thank you for all your efforts and wish you all the best. The NR Board welcomes Jacki Cocking from Headwear Queensland who is taking on the secretary role. 8 www.appa.com.au 2011/12 Northern Region Committee is as follows:Joanne Madgen from Capital City Connections - Northern Region Chairperson and can contact me on 07 3216 1771 or email [email protected] Arran Haydon-Clark from Bloomfield Creations, Arran’s role is Education. Melissa Ryding from Rippin Threads, Melissa’s portfolio is Social Event Co-ordinator. Narelle Beaton from Logo-Line is our National board representative. Brian Chart from Flip Promotions is a proud committee member. Mary O’Brien from Stickers & Stuff welcomes our new members. Jacki Cocking from Headwear Queensland is our newly appointed Secretary. We welcome all members to attend our regional board meetings and if you are interested in joining us please do not hesitate to contact one of the board members. We do apologise we’ve been light when it comes to education this year however next year plans are under way for a factory tour in February and a speaker in May. Watch this space. In closing, after the success of both Roadshows and Convex, dates have been booked for both. We are pleased to announce next year’s roadhsow will be held again at the RNA Showgrounds on Friday, 30th March 2012. Please mark your calendar. A final thought: There are two primary choices in life. Do you choose to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them? Take care and all the best for 2012 Joanne Madgen | Northern Region Chairperson. :: Northern Region Golf Day Sponsors. New Members 2 -Entity 2007 M/ShipEdition Type Legal State/ Country A warm welcome to the following new members Contact Phone Distributor Appetto Pty Ltd QLD Tracy Krause 07 3353 6453 Supplier Australian Office Pty Ltd VIC Larry Hobson 03 9487 8888 Supplier Alanic Group VIC Johnny Beig 03 8866 0100 Supplier Alanic Group NZ Matt Withers +64 3 374 9274 Distributor Blinklight Pty Ltd SA Garth Anesbury 08 8443 9500 (Kwik Kopy Printing Hilton) Distributor BrandFactor QLD Michael John Smith 07 4954 9079 Distributor Brandon Merchandise VIC Ross Kelly 03 9753 3396 Supplier CA Australia Pty Ltd NSW Judi Newmn 02 9938 5011 Supplier Choice Print NZ Grant Calder 09 444 7210 Supplier CMF Imprint NZ Cathy Tsui 021 225 5263 Distributor CR8 NSW Goce Kociski 1300 675 228 Supplier Croxley Stationery Ltd NZ Alan Pratt 0800 263 234 Distributor Dream Direct Apparel NZ Lawrence Lawrence - Distributor Elite Apparel Australia Pty Ltd VIC Jeremy Chen 03 8774 7401 Distributor Greatrex Australia SA Kevin Greatrex 08 8445 7077 Supplier Homedics Australia Pty Ltd VIC Michael Tapp 03 8795 4200 Distributor Identity Solutions NZ Warren Williams 09 968 3490 Distributor Incremental Marketing Group NSW Anthony Nay 02 9854 9999 Supplier Indico Pty ltd SA Mark Bassett 08 8351 5955 Distributor Industry Promotions QLD Armon Rostami 07 3102 9591 Distributor Kiss Promotions VIC Raymand Indrawan 1300 922 184 Distributor Kwik Kopy Printing Penrith NSW Jason Simaitis 02 4731 6500 Distributor Kwik Kopy Southport QLD David Lynch 07 5591 5299 Provider Mail Call Couriers NSW Natalie Laui 02 8966 5480 Supplier Premier Drink Bottles QLD Daniel Goode 07 3200 8166 Distributor Promotional Logitistics Pty Ltd NSW Woody Van Klein 02 9281 0828 Distributor Red Tomato Promotions & Marketing NSW Justin Reynolds 02 9634 2340 Supplier Smart Box NSW Mike Toweel 02 9317 3400 Distributor Sonicboom Promotional Products NSW Mr Peter Bazos 02 8338 1119 Distributor Sonicboom Promotions Aust Pty Ltd NSW Peter Bazos 02 8338 1115 Supplier Spicy Concept VIC George Theodore 03 921 6177 Supplier Summit Sport QLD Wayne Rowlands 07 3889 8744 Supplier Super Special Pty Ltd VIC Ben Isdale 03 9399 3888 Distributor The Branders VIC Jason Bradbury 1300 417 410 Supplier The Mug Factory QLD Alisa Mylonas 07 3349 6980 Supplier Tiedup.com.au PTY LTD VIC Jeremy Chen 03 9793 4828 Distributor Tonic Print Production VIC Leah Pinches 03 9772 4990 Supplier Tribe Designs NZ Peter Monk 04 385 1152 Distributor Ultimate Inspiration VIC Henry Ng 1300 653 148 Supplier Zammit Promotional Cups NSW Paul Zammit 02 9223 4300 Email/ Web address [email protected] www.appetto.com.au www.leadingbrands.com.au [email protected] [email protected] www.alanic.com [email protected] www.alanic.com [email protected] hilton.kwikkopy.com.au [email protected] www.brandfactor.com.au [email protected] www.brandonmerchanise.com.au [email protected] www.caaustralia.com.au [email protected] www.choiceprint.co.nz [email protected] www.cmfgift.com [email protected] www.cr8.ne.au [email protected] www.collinsstationery.co.nz [email protected] www.dreamdirect.co.nz [email protected] elite1.com.au [email protected] www.greatrex.com.au [email protected] [email protected] www.idsgroup.co.nz [email protected] www.incrementalmareting.com.au [email protected] www.indico.net.au [email protected] www.industrypromotions.com.au [email protected] www.kisspromotions.com.au [email protected] www.penrith.kwikkopy.co.au [email protected] kwikkopy.com.au [email protected] www.mailcall.com.au [email protected] www.premierdrinkbottles.com.au [email protected] www. prologistictics.com.au [email protected] www.redtomato.com.au [email protected] www.smartboxguidebooks.com [email protected] www.sboom.com.au [email protected] www.sboom.com.au [email protected] www.spicyconcept.com.au [email protected] www.summitsport.com.au www.superspecial.com.au [email protected] www.thebranders.com.au [email protected] [email protected] www.themugfactory.com.au [email protected] www.tiedupcustom.com.au [email protected] [email protected] www.tribedesign.co.nz www.ultimateinspiration.com.au [email protected] [email protected] www.zammitpromocups.com.au www.appa.com.au 9 Are you interested in potentially volunteering for your regional committee? Email: [email protected] NSW/ACT – Regional Report Y es, if you blinked, that was 2011. Yet another year has flown past in what feels like an instant. 2011 has been a year of sell out events for NSW. In February we had our ”Sold Out” Golf Day, March saw “Sold Out” Roadshows, May was a “Sold Out” Education Session, August hosted a “Sold Out” Convex and we look forward to November being a “Sold Out” Christmas Party. Not only have the APPA Staff and the Regional Committee put hours of work into the planning and behind the scenes of these events to make them a success but it is you, the members who make these events so successful. It is your support of the Association by your attendance that makes them truly successful. The contact – Karen Long NSW/ACT Regional Chairperson [email protected] Education is as always a very important aspect of your membership. It was great to see 90+ members attend the May session which was held at North Ryde. Thank you again to Bill Kestin for the entertaining and informative session that gave us in insight in to how the industry is represented to the Marketing Managers of tomorrow in universities throughout Australia and New Zealand. Please mark May in your calendars as Education Month and keep an eye out for what your regional committee has put together. Should you have any specific areas you would like to cover in an APPA Regional education session please drop Eva an email. [email protected] If you missed the NSW/ACT Christmas Party or I didn’t get a chance to see you, I wish you a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to yet another fantastic year ahead. Karen Long I NSW/ACT Regional Chairperson :: ur o Y t e G er t s g n a G On ! The 2011 APPA NSW/ACT Christmas Party was proudly sponsored by Whilst those calendars are out, the NSW/ACT APPA Golf Day will be back in 2012. On Tuesday 21st February, we will again tee off at Castle Hill Golf Course. If you have not yet received a registration pack, please contact Tim at [email protected]. Be sure to act quickly to secure your place. Whilst we have increased the number of positions available, we do anticipate yet another Sell Out event. Thank you for your generous support. 10 www.appa.com.au REDRAWS + PROMO MOCKUPS 0402 117 005 [email protected] ov e r ar t y. I'm M 7 year s r s llo ! t e s e b a h Ë the p PA mem ill use Fo r & st u + AP 3 0 0 t r u s t e d h a n k yo T have r vices. rs. e my s m e m b e A A PP WINNER OF THE APPA GENERATION NEXT AWARD 2011 www.appa.com.au 11 Kona Double Wall Mug Carmel Mug & Saucer THE PREMIER COLLECTION NEW PRODUCTS 12 www.appa.com.au Firenze Ceramic Mug Phone (02) 8338 5338 Fax (02) 8338 5335 [email protected] www.premiercollection.com.au DesigneD to Distinguish Combining Bulova’s 135-year tradition of quality and design expertise with Accutron’s history of innovation, Bulova Accutron represents the ultimate expression of timekeeping excellence. and Bulova Accutron are registered trademarks. © 2010 Bulova Corporation. 65B123 swiss MADe CONTACT: Sales Agent: Les Frampton e: [email protected] m: 0414 810 660 APPA’s National Board Members 2011–2012 William Kestin Karen Long Narelle Beaton Chris Terry CEO President, NSW/ACT Region Representative Education Director Northern Region Representative Secretary/Treasurer Christa Parsloe Andrew Bloom Anthony Brown New Zealand Region Representative WA & SA Board Appointee Representative Southern Region Representative, Membership Director The contact – [email protected] www.appa.com.au Edition 2 - 2007 www.appa.com.au 13 APPA new arrivals Mother Member Company Baby’s name Sex of baby DOB Roxanne Jaggers DKM Blue Alyssiah Rosa Girl 1 March 2011 Mother Member Company Baby’s name Sex of baby DOB Weight Length Viktoria Alund Texet Pty Ltd Ella Girl 9 July 2011 3158kg 45.5 cm Mother Father Member Company Baby’s name Sex of baby DOB Weight Mother Bo Peterson Member Company All About Promotions Baby’s name Charlotte Kate Peterson Sex of baby Girl DOB 15 July 2011 Weight 9.5lb Megan Ryan Tim Messer Harry the Hirer Darcy James Messer Boy 22 July 2011 8lb 5oz Mother Father Member Company Baby’s name Sex of baby DOB Weight Length Charlott ’s an absolute dream baby! She sleeps through the night, and fitting in well to being an All About Promo Girl! Her role with our business is “Damaging Director” she will fit this role quite nicely! Nadine Dan Tubman Epicentre Olive Grace Tubman Girl 13 May 2011 3375kg 52cm Born 2 weeks early on Friday the 3th after finishing work 1 week earlier!! APPA Newlyweds Couples names Joanne Cocking & Fred Madgen APPA member company Date of wedding: Location of wedding Honeymoon destination: Capital City Connections Saturday 15th October, 2011 Maleny Qld Fiji 14 www.appa.com.au Couples names Nick Donald & Olivia Donald APPA member company Date of wedding: Location of wedding Premium Apparel 2nd September 2011 Sheraton Fiji Resort, Denerau Island, Fiji Fiji. Bo Burns, Co Director of All About Promotions, recently was awarded The KiaOraMai Awesome Customer Service Award for July 2011. July was a great month, as Bo, her husband Brendon, and 6 year old sister Lucy Jane, welcomed the arrival of a beautiful baby, Charlotte (Charlie) Kate on the 15th July. Australasian Promotional Products Association Blue Book Launch 2012 APPA DISTRIBUTOR MEMBERS ONLY APPA is proud to announce the launch date of Blue Book 2012. Heaps of NEW Blue Book Offers will be redeemable from the launch date. Worth over $40,000 in discounts! LAUNCH DATE – MONDAY 23rd JANUARY 2012 SALES TIPS FOR SAVING MONEY IN 2012: · · · · Review Blue Book Offers BEFORE seeing your clients. Suggest items you know are discounted. Save thousands of dollars in a time when every dollar counts. Encourage your Suppliers to be involved in the Blue Book program! APPA Distributors encourage the APPA Suppliers to participate! Actual dollars saved from APPA members: Brighter Ideas QLD “Our first Blue Book redemption more than covered the cost of our membership to APPA.” One Blue Book Offer saved us $1500! PPI Promotion & Apparel SA “We often look at the Blue Book before we meet with our clients” 12 month Blue Book savings $7,500 Marketiers NSW “I must congratulate APPA on the benefits of the APPA Blue Book. We were able to offer best price to our clients and still make our margins“ 12 month Blue Book savings $4,500 Capital City Connections QLD 12 month Blue Book savings $2,300 Watch for APPA’s Weekly Blue Blasts that highlight 3 random offers from the Blue Book. If you would like to receive the weekly BLUE BLASTS. Email - [email protected] To view a full list of current Blue Book Offers - log onto What is the role of Social By - Clare Murphy Cover Story The contact – William Kestin CEO APPA [email protected] www.appa.com.au How to harness the power of Social Media I f there are two buzz words that have dominated conversations in meeting rooms and around water coolers the past few years, they would have to be “social media”. So what is it all about? Is social media really making a difference to the bottom line in today’s business world? Are you missing out? Dale Denham, CEO of Geiger and social media expert, spoke to a group of members at APPA Convex in Sydney 2010. Dale hails from a background in technology and promotional marketing and delivered a series of throught provoking messages to encourage both APPA suppliers and distributors to harness the power of social media in ways that he believes would both enhance branding and sales. So briefly, what is social media? Using the online collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia’s definition, the term Social Media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue. According to research conducted by the Nielsen Company in March 2009, two-thirds of the world’s Internet population visits a social network or blogging site and the sector now accounts for almost 10% of all Internet time. ‘Member Communities’ have overtaken personal Email to become the world’s fourth most popular online sector after search portals and PC software applications. We can only assume these figures has grown exponentially since that 2009 study. Social networking and other new online media are a result of Web 2.0 technology which about eight years ago introduced the world’s online population to interactive tools such as blogs, RSS feeds, wikis, social networking tools, photo sharing tools, mapping tools, audio and video podcasts, and screencasts. With the ever-increasing popularity of these tools, the way 16 www.appa.com.au organisations use technology to enhance their marketing communications strategies has evolved with exceptional speed, with many including social networking or blogs in their campaigns. The virtual world of social networking has opened doors for organisations or individuals to communicate their key messages to a new audience. It is cost effective and easily implemented into a greater communications strategy, however, as beneficial as social networking or blogging can be for an organisation’s or individual’s image, if not maintained or implemented correctly, it can have negative effects on the brand or person involved and requires careful consideration before implementing. “There is no denying that Social Media will play an increasing level of importance to marketing in the promotional products industry,” says APPA CEO William Kestin. “An investment in understanding and using this channel of marketing is imperative for every successful company whether they be Suppliers or Distributors. If for no other reason than to expand and support your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).” Dale Denham’s recent presentation focused on four key social networking tools; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. To better understand how these tools (and others) work and the purpose they serve, we have put together a table: Media in our industry? CATEGORY TOOL DEFINITION EXAMPLES Communication Blog A blog (a contraction of the term “weblog”) is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blogger, Wordpress, LiveJournal, Open Diary, TypePad, WordPress, Vox, ExpressionEngine, Xanga. Key media such as The Age, Crikey.com and most other online media incorporate blogs into their websites Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs such as graphics or video. Communication Micro-Blog Microblogging is a form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send brief text updates (only a limited number of characters can be used) or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group, which can be chosen by the user. Smartphones have advanced the use of micro-blogs. Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, Tumblr Users microblog about particular topics that can range from the simple, such as “what one is doing at a given moment,” to the thematic, such as “sports cars,” to business topics, such as particular products. Many microblogs provide short commentary on a person-toperson level, share news about a company’s products and services, or provide logs of the events of one’s life. Communication Social Networking A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Photos, videos and text can be easily shared. Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Google+ www.appa.com.au 17 CATEGORY TOOL DEFINITION EXAMPLES Communication RSS feeds RSS (most commonly translated as “Really Simple Syndication” but sometimes “Rich Site Summary”) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardised format. RSS feeds can be found on many websites They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favoured websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an “RSS reader”, “feed reader”, or “aggregator”, which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile device-based. Collaboration Social News The term social news refers to websites where users submit and vote on news stories or other links, thus determining which links are presented. Digg, Mixx, Reddit, NowPublic Collaboration Wikis A wiki is a website that uses wiki software, allowing the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked Web pages. Wikipedia, PBwiki, wetpaint Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems. Multimedia Photo sharing Photo sharing is the publishing or transfer of a user’s digital photos online, thus enabling the user to share them with others (whether publicly or privately). This functionality is provided through both websites and applications that facilitate the upload and display of images. The term can also be loosely applied to the use of online photo galleries that are set up and managed by individual users, including photoblogs. Flickr, Zooomr, Photobucket, SmugMug Multimedia Video sharing A video hosting service allows individuals to upload video clips to an Internet website. The video host will then store the video on its server, and show the individual different types of code to allow others to view this video. The website, mainly used as the video hosting website, is usually called the video sharing website. YouTube, Vimeo, sevenload FACEBOOK Of the many social networking sites, Facebook is the most popular global tool with more than 800 million active users. In August 2011, Facebook reported there were 10.5 million Australian users – this equates to just under half the population. Women make up a slightly higher percentage of users. People from all aspects of the community are using Facebook to communicate with friends, families and the wider public – even the Prime Minister! Facebook started out as a service for university students and had a reputation as the “Generation Y” web communication tool of choice. Today almost one third of its global audience is aged 35-49 years of age and almost one quarter is over 50 years. The bias towards the younger generation is changing and its purpose has also evolved from being purely a web-based social communication tool to a powerful advertising medium for businesses. Creating an individual Facebook page and setting up online friendships with clients and business associates is the first step in developing a social media 18 www.appa.com.au strategy. “Business and personal” aspects of our lives can blend successfully using social networking tools such as Facebook. Here are several key reasons why members of the promotional products industry should be using Facebook as a tool to increase sales: 1. Improve search engine. Google is the most popular search engine. Every personal Facebook page is given a “vanity URL” which includes your name, e.g. www.facebook.com/daledenham. This will ensure Google returns topranking results for your Facebook site when someone searches on your name. This makes it easier for people to find you and start a dialogue. Try adding your company name somewhere in your profile so the connection between individuals and companies can easily be made. 2. Warming up cold calls. Being connected with someone on Facebook means you have already broken the first ‘greeting’ barrier. It’s like getting past the ‘How are you’ part of a client interaction. Recent statistics demonstrate the impact social media can have on improving sales success. Generally speaking, without using social media, 10 cold calls will result in one client appointment. One in 10 appointments leads to a sale. This equates to one in 100 cold calls How to harness the power of Social Media resulting in a sale. If you already have a social media connection to a client, the ratio reduces to one sale per 10 calls. “This is because Facebook has provided an opportunity for the client to get to know you. They can see your likes and dislikes, your interests and activities,” says Dale. “Likewise, you can build a better picture of the client and their interests by listening to their online commentary and observing what they are doing.” 3. Staying in front of clients and prospects. It is impossible to see a client in person every day. Facebook, however, provides the perfect mechanism for staying “front of mind” with clients – both existing and prospective. APPA tips for using Facebook to create subliminal messages that promote you, your company and its brand include: Observe and listen – take note of their interests, comment on things you have in common, take photographs and upload them via your phone. Saw something interesting at a trade show? Why not take a snap and publish it with a brief comment? Interact with your Facebook contacts. Use the birthday tool to receive notifications and keep track. Consider sending a personalized gift from your company’s product range that gently promotes your brand. Remind them you are a fun, interesting person Advertising. Facebook knows a lot about its members so it can be a very costeffective advertising tool, especially if you want to target certain audiences. Consider placing an ad with your photo, a company logo and a bit about you and your company in the week leading up to a big industry expo or client meeting. Facebook allows advertisers to narrow down their audience by gender, location, keywords, age and many other attributes. Advertisers have the option of paying per click or per impression. Remember: Do not try to connect with someone you don’t know. Only connect with people you have met or had a brief interaction with. FACEBOOK FACTS • Facebook has over 800 million members making it the world’s largest social network (wikipedia.com) • Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site. (facebook.com) • More than half of Facebook’s members use the site everyday and spend an average of 19 minutes online (crunchbase.com) • 250 million photos are uploaded onto Facebook every day making picture sharing one of the most popular Facebook activities (Facebook.com) Setting up your profile LinkedIn works like a giant phone directory, but with far more information and interactivity. “The more detail you can add to your professional profile the more credibility it adds to your site,” says APPA CEO William Kestin. “Take the time to do it right. Start with a meaningful summary of your career objectives and skills – this provides relevant insights into what you are focused on and the direction you are looking to take.” Adding resume details, including current and previous employers, your roles and key achievements, all help paint your professional “picture”. Don’t forget to upload a professional-looking photo – you want as many people to recognise you as possible! Think about your profile from the prospective client’s point of view. What information would they like to see? The next step is to start making connections. Search for friends and professional contacts via the search tool or use LinkedIn to check everyone in your Microsoft Outlook contacts and find out who already has a profile. You can then request to be connected. Remember, you want to be connected to people who also have great connections! Once you have built up some connections, ask clients or colleagues to endorse you by writing a “recommendation”. It is also a good idea to endorse others whose work you feel confortable recommending. How to use LinkedIn to prospect and increase sales LinkedIn is probably the most powerful prospecting tool out of all social networking sites. There are two key methods to finding potential clients. First, scan the contacts of your own connections. If you find someone who might be a good contact/prospective client, ask your friend to introduce you. LinkedIn is all about professional networking so it is ok ask to be introduced to people you don’t know, as long as you do so via an existing friend, colleague of business associate. Once connected, you have access to all the contact details you need to start engaging a prospective client. The second way LinkedIn helps you prospect is by staying in touch with key contacts, i.e. marketing managers, even when they have moved to another company. One of the first places people update their career information is on LinkedIn. “You can maintain contact by congratulating them on the new role and offering your services to their new company,” recommends William Kestin. “It also provides an opportunity to find out who replaced them in their previous role. Two contacts can be established in one communication!” Just like Facebook, LinkedIn provides insight into people’s likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests, so it’s important to regularly update your own information as well as read what others are doing and saying. • More people visited Facebook than Google for the week ending March 13, 2010 (wikipedia.com) • The 2010 blockbuster movie The Social Network follows the rise of Facebook and its controversial founder Mark Zuckerberg (thesocialnetwork-movie.com) LINKENIN FACTS • LinkedIn started out in the living room of co-founder Reid Hoffman in 2002. The site officially launched on May 5, 2003 (LinkedIn.com) • The LinkedIn website is mainly used for professional networking, job searching, and other business related activities (crunchbase.com) • As of June 30, 2011, professionals were signing up to join LinkedIn at LINKEDIN As the world’s most popular online professional networking tool, LinkedIn has gained huge momentum over the past 5 years. By building a profile on the site, users can then connect and interact with colleagues, clients and friends. Some prefer LinkedIn to Facebook for professional communication purposes, keeping their Facebook page as a personal communication tool. With this in mind, APPA recommends creating a profile on LinkedIn and keeping up regular activity as part of a holistic social media strategy to promote both individuals and their companies. a rate of approximately two new members per second. (Wikipedia.com) • LinkedIn currently has around 120 million members (linkedIn.com) • A publicly owned company, LinkedIn shares are currently worth around $US86 (crunchbase.com) www.appa.com.au 19 TWITTER Figures reported by socialmedianews.com.au show that in the month of August 2011, 1.8 million Australians visited the Twitter website. Twitter has not gained the same level of popularity as Facebook, possibly because people do not fully understand its purpose and power. Twitter falls into the category of social media known as micro-blogging. It allows users to post messages and links, known as “Tweets”, of no more than 140 characters. Once you have set up an account (all basic social networking accounts are free to create and use), you are then able to “follow” people and be “followed”. You have the right to accept or refuse requests to follow your Tweets. “Many people see Twitter as a waste of time,” says William Kestin. “But there are still some business advantages of adopting a Twitter profile that you may want to consider. Most importantly, it can contribute to your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy and increase your Google search results ranking along with your other social media accounts.” Twitter hints and tips: • In the promotional products industry, being on Twitter may be a differentiator to your clients, as many of your competitors may not be using Twitter yet as a social media tool. Use Twitter to announce new products, advise others if you are at a promotional products event or send out links to something new on your website. It’s good Twitter etiquette to follow those who follow you. If you read an interesting Tweet, you can re-Tweet the message on your own Twitter account. Likewise if other re-Tweet what you have said, it spreads your message even further. TWITTER FACTS • Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting (twitter.com) • The word twitter is defined as ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ and ‘chirps from birds’. (thefreedictionary.com) • Unlike Facebook, it’s ok to follow people you don’t know. To be followed is considered a compliment. • “Tweets” can be a maximum of 140 characters • Twitter has around 200 million users worldwide and handles over • Twitter can be used to prospect for clients using the search tool, much the same was as LinkedIn. • The first ‘tweet’ was posted by founder Jack Dorsey in March of 2006 – • Twitter is also a fun tool and can be used simply to learn new things. Follow your favourite entrepreneur, TV series or politician – just to get updates. • When singer Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, Twitter servers 20 www.appa.com.au 1.6 billion search queries per day (Wikipedia.com) it read, “just setting up my twttr” (Wikipedia.com) crashed after users were updating their status to include the words “Michael Jackson” at a rate of 100,000 tweets per hour (Wikipedia.com) How to harness the power of Social Media YOUTUBE As with all social media tools, YouTube will enhance your SEO results. By posting a video with the right title and keywords, Google will return a high-ranking search result. This can be invaluable when trying to promote promotional product solutions “in action” or making a media announcement. “The key challenge with YouTube for our members,” says William Kestin, “is the time and resources required to create a quality video. Everyone hears of YouTube videos ‘going viral’ and the whole world tuning in, but that rarely happens. The focus must be on creating and uploading quality imagery and messages. Distributors may want to consider uploading product videos created by suppliers, but they should always ask permission first.” “10.5 million Australians watch something on YouTube every month, so it must not be discounted as a way to network.” YOUTUBE FACTS • YouTube is the largest worldwide video-sharing website created by three previous PayPal employees (YouTube.com) • In 2006 Google Inc. bought YouTube for $1.65 billion (wikipedia.com) • Standard YouTube users can upload videos running up to 15 minutes (wikipdeia.com) • YouTube has featured an April fools prank on the site every year since 2008 (Wikipedia.com) • On April 1 2008 all the links to the videos on the main page were redirected to Rick Astley’s music video “Never Gonna Give You Up”, a prank known as “Rickrolling” (urbandictionary.com) MEASURING SUCCESS Social media tools make it easy to monitor success from a networking perspective. Use Google Analytics to see if there has been increased traffic to your website. Any increase in the number of friends, connections or followers you have amassed on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter is easy to track. Trying to measure how these tools have contributed to your business success will come down to your own records. For instance: Have you been on more appointments? Have your relationships strengthened or improved? Ultimately, have your sales increased? APPA’S SOCIAL MEDIA “RULES OF ENGAGEMENT” • Do not use social media to “sell” • Be relevant and transparent • Live as if your Mum is watching • Remember you are mixing so: Don’t play games (Facebook applications such as Farmville etc) Don’t drink and post • Have fun Key points to remember to help increase sales using social media: • Social media will increase your Google ranking via your “Vanity URLs”. • Social media can play a key role in warming up cold calls and converting client meetings to sales. • It’s ok to mix personal aspects of your life with business aspects on social media tools such as Facebook. • Use the tools to network, not sell. • Listen, engage and glean relevant personal information from existing and prospective clients. • Use Facebook to create targeted advertising strategies. • Prospect for new clients using LinkedIn – it’s like an online phone book but with more detail! • Have fun – if you’re not having fun and using these tools creatively and innovatively, social media will not work for you. To summarise, social media can provide many benefits to APPA members in their attempt to promote their business, build relationships and ultimately create more sales. But, as APPA CEO William Kestin believes, all social media campaigns should be part of a holistic sales and marketing strategy that harnesses a range of traditional and proven media. “Even the big companies like Pepsi have made mistakes in their adoption of social media as a primary marketing tool,” says William. “APPA advises its members to consider social media in context of a bigger branding, marketing and advertising picture. It can work well, especially as a complement to other traditional tools. Don’t fall under the social media spell! Consider all the options and be realistic about the resources you have available to maintain a compelling and engaging social media presence, and always see it as a way to network, not to sell.” :: *APPA would like to thank and acknowledge Dale Denham for his contribution to this article. www.appa.com.au 21 24 www.appa.com.au “Experience something NEW!” Why compromise Quality with Value when you can get both! *Terms & Conditions: Distributor use only. Discount is off catalogue quantity pricing for all Bags, USB’s & Keyrings. Catalogue minimums apply. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Only while stock lasts! Mention this advert to receive 10% off any New Norwood product.* Call BIC Graphic on 1800 649 476 Today! www.appa.com.au Valid until 15th February, 25 2011 APPA Convex 2011 E D U C AT I O N 26 www.appa.com.au O P E N I N G N I G H T PA R T Y www.appa.com.au 27 APPA Convex 2011 TRADESHOW 28 www.appa.com.au www.appa.com.au 29 APPA Convex 2011 TRADESHOW 30 www.appa.com.au www.appa.com.au 31 APPA Convex 2011 AWARDS GALA DINNER 32 www.appa.com.au www.appa.com.au 33 APPA Convex 2011 AWARDS GALA DINNER 34 www.appa.com.au www.appa.com.au 35 APPA Convex 2011 AWARDS GALA DINNER 36 www.appa.com.au CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION PROMOTIONAL PRODUCT EXCELLENCE www.appa.com.au 37 APPA bottomline benefits APPA Memberships provides tangible value from our Service Providers who offer exclusive discounts to all APPA Members. Apex Insurance Brokers Saving members over 40% off their previous rates – Now more than ever, income protection and liability insurance is crucial. Contact: [email protected] Ph: 1300 85 APEX The Qantas Club A verification of membership letter from APPA is required to redeem this benefit. 1 year (inclusive of joining fee) $585 (usually $805) 2 years (inclusive of joining fee) $855 (usually $1155) Contact [email protected] Blaise-Drake & Co International Promotional Product Sales and Marketing Training Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Ph: 0011 1610 685 9700 Hunter Express Transport Industries is an Australian freight and courier company. Hunter Express considers all APPA MEMBERS as VIP customers, providing them with priority rates.. Contact: Therese Fresi – Sales Manager Email: [email protected] Ph: 02 9735 2276 Pantheon 5% discounts on specific upgrades exclusively for APPA members. The Xebra system covers sourcing and quotes with images, through accounting, “the ultimate software for Promotional Products Distributors”. XebraSource™ and MyPromoSource. Contact: [email protected] Ph: 02 4389 8600 AdNews 10% discount advertising rates in the Promotional Directory and 30% off subscription price. Ryders International Freight Forwarders (New Zealand) Contact: [email protected] or Ph: 64 9 275 5229 Australian Air Express Bags A verification of membership letter from APPA is required to redeem this benefit. 1Kg Airbag – $7.25 |3Kg Airbag – $ 7.76 5Kg Airbag – $12.42 Contact: [email protected] 38 www.appa.com.au Macanics can help you with all your graphic design requirements including, flyers and advertisment design, logo design or redraw, and all your printing needs. Macanics offers all APPA Members a 10% discount off graphic art as well as one free logo redraw per year. We are located Auckland NZ Contact: Rae Travis Director/Graphic Designer Ph: 09 415 9482 Email: [email protected] Handline provides the highest quality direct marketing, finishing and Contract packing and mailing at an affordable price for APPA Members. Contact: Steven O’Sullivan Email: [email protected] Phone: 03 9706 4448 Blue Book & Blue Blast Worth over $40,000 in discounts exclusively for APPA members. Contact: [email protected] Shirlaws Coaching and Training Whether you manage a major promotional company or you’re an owner manager, your business is of great value. Shirlaws is a training and coaching provider whose programmes helps you better understand your business at each stage of its cycle, and restores the edge to your business life. Discover how Shirlaws can help you put into action the changes that will shift your business to the next level. Contact: +61 (0)408 11 26 11 www.shirlaws.com.au B2B PromoProducts B2B PromoProducts provides all-inclusive support and financial backing to independent business, operating as B2B Affiliates, and as APPA Members you will recieve a 25% discount off our joining fee. B2B is a community or alliance of indiependent small-medium sized Distributor businesses operating under the B2B Brand across Australia and New Zealand. We provide state-of-the-art systems, marketing and financial support. Contact: 1300 222 776 www.b2bpromo.com MailCall mission is to provide a consistently efficient, professional and friendly courier service to a range of clients across the entire Sydney and Melbourne metropolitan area. This is achieved through developing innovative technology and challenging the traditional boundaries of the transport industry. APPA Members receive a discounted rate, but you must have an authorisation letter to receive this rate. Contact APPA for this letter. TNT Discounted rates in Australia and New Zealand. TNT is one of the world’s largest freight providers and offers APPA member’s exclusive rates on both Road Freight and Air Freight. You must have a letter of authorisation from APPA to receive this discount. Contact: [email protected] TNT Australia – [email protected] or Ph: 02 8304 8008 TNT New Zealand – [email protected] or Ph: +64 9 256 7893 MediaBizNet MediaBizNet is a new directory, search and networking site for the media and marketing industries. MediaBizNet has a special introductory rate for APPA members. Currently every member already has a free listing, and only APPA members are allowed to be listed in the promotional products section. Enhance your listing for less than $40 per month. Contact: [email protected] or James Winter – National Sales Manager Ph: 02 9327 3876 www.MediaBizNet.com.au CourierPost is one of New Zealand’s premier courier providers, with a reputation for the speedy and reliable delivery. CourierPost is now offering exclusive additional benefits to APPA members. As a member of APPA, CourierPost is happy to offer special pricing across our entire product range, i.e. trackpaks, parcel tickets, freight forwarding and our Eco range. To take advantage of this offer, simply contact us to arrange either an account with CourierPost, (or for existing customers to arrange an amendment to your current pricing). Contracts will be on CourierPost’s standard terms and conditions for business customers. For more information simply contact: [email protected] for the necessary forms to complete. SGS Product Testing, Product Inspections Overseas, Product Safety Reports. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Ph: 03 9790 3400 Free APPA Educational DVDs APPA supplies 9 free titles of educational DVDs for members to train their staff. Contact: [email protected] or log in and order from the APPA online store at: www.appa.com.au Kiely Thompson Caisley is a boutique law firm which provides specialist employment law and industrial relations advice. They have offices in Auckland and Wellington. Special offer to APPA Members 15% discount off the fee component of their first bill. Opportunity to attend at no cost a series of 6 free employment law seminars in a group of 12 or more small business owners. Contact: [email protected] for more details Discounted PMS Books from APPA Pantone Colour Guide – Solid, Coated and Uncoated for $187 AUD, $195 NZ and Metallic Boos $99 AUD, $102 NZ (all inclusive of GST). Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Marty Daley Graphic Design With years of industry experience and offers special rates exclusively to APPA members. All forms of graphic design, logo re-draws, artwork preparation and artwork approvals. His expertise and pricing provide excellent benefits to APPA Members. Call to find out more. Contact: MARTY DALEY [email protected] or Ph: 02 9802 1515 Hayes Knight is an innovative chartered accountancy practise. We offer APPA members a 10% discount off the time and cost of preparation of your annual financial statements as well as free attendance to our regular Business Booster and Business Evaluator seminars and workshops. Rydges Hotels Fixed rate of $159.00 at Rydges Harborview Auckland regardless of advertised room rate.. Rydges Queenstown and Rotorua offers 10% off best available rate • Rydges Christchurch offers 15% off best available rate. Contact: +64 (0) 9 375 5900 www.rydges.com/cwp/appa Alpha Dezine All members have thier own price break on all services. - Like virtual samples for only $1.00! Basic Artwork Service - only $6,95, Embroidery Digitizing $2/1000 and much more. Contact: 09 2823365 www.alphadezine.com Royale Asia has been providing customised global express delivery solutions to clients worldwide since 1980, Save 25% as an APPA member. A verification letter from APPA must be provided to receive this benefit. Contact: [email protected] www.appa.com.au 39 CELEBRATING 20 YEARS DESIGNING EMBROIDERED APPAREL, HEADWEAR & LUGGAGE FOR GOLF & CORPORATE MARKETS APPAREL HEADWEAR LUGGAGE GOLF TOWELS GLOVES BUGGIES SHOES CUSTOM MAKE CUSTOM PRODUCT DESIGN & MAKE Digitising, Embroidery, Screen-Printing, Sublimation & Direct Digital Print Operational efficiency with huge inventory profile & advanced warehouse capability Excellent reseller margin opportunity with broad range of quality, value products covering wide price-points CORPORATE SALES NSW | VIC | QLD | ACT | TAS SA | WA | NT NZ CORPORATE SALES MANAGER Steve Shaw Rebecca Kolster Richard Drown Josh Nelson www.slcorporate.com.au Ph: 0410 253 755 Ph: 02 9693 5777 Ph: +64 215 004 77 Ph: +61 413 059 933 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] APPA MEMBER SINCE 2005. VISIT US AT THE APPA ROADSHOWS & CONVEX IN 2012 http://www.sporte-leisure.com.au/ http://www.sharkgolf.com.au/ http://www.motocaddy.com.au/ http://www.niblick.com.au/ Jon Bone 18.01.1954 – 12.10.2011 I t is with deep sorrow and regret that we announce the passing of our dear friend and colleague Jon Bone. Jon passed away suddenly on the 12/10/2011 from suspected stroke while away in Tauranga on business. A close friend who was with him at the time said that it happened very suddenly, with no struggle or apparent pain, a small blessing to his family and friends. Jon was a true friend and perfect gentleman, and will be sadly missed by all who knew him, including his customers. We will all treasure our own special memories of the man we affectionately called “The Bone Doctor”. We ask that you remember Jon and his family during this time of bereavement, and keep them in your thoughts and prayers. The APPA and Fashion Biz Teams :: www.appa.com.au 41 42 www.appa.com.au www.appa.com.au 43 44 www.appa.com.au Supplier Awards 2011 Best National Supplier in Australia proudly sponsored by Brand Promotions Pty Ltd Winner: Logo-Line Australia Supplier who received the second largest number of votes: Fashion Biz Pty.Ltd., Suppliers who received third largest number of votes: imagecollection. Best National Supplier in New Zealand proudly sponsored by Brand Promotions Pty Ltd Winner: Fashion Biz Ltd NZ Supplier who received the second largest number of votes: Tuapeka Gold Print Ltd., Suppliers who received third largest number of votes: Headwear Stockists (NZ). Best Customer Service Supplier in Australia proudly sponsored by Sands Promotions Winner: Logo-Line Australia Supplier who received the second largest number of votes: imagecollection , Suppliers who received third largest number of votes: Epicentre Trading Pty. Ltd. Best Customer Service Supplier in New Zealand proudly sponsored by Sands Promotions Winner: Tuapeka Gold Print Ltd Supplier who received the second largest number of votes: Peros Ltd., Suppliers who received third largest number of votes: BMV International Ltd. Best Decorator in Northern Region Best Decorator in NSW and ACT proudly sponsored by Coleman Brands Australia proudly sponsored by Coleman Brands Australia Winner: Colour Crew Winner: Kings Specialty Print Best Decorator in Southern Region Best Decorator in New Zealand proudly sponsored by Coleman Brands Australia Winner: Dex Group Winner: KINGPIN-PRODUCTS proudly sponsored by Coleman Brands Australia Winner: Embroidery Works Ltd Platinum Award Winner Platinum Award 2011 proudly sponsored by Logo-Line Australia, NAME OF ENTRY: Beef Masterpieces MEMBER COMPANY: Sands Promotions www.appa.com.au 45 The contact – Fashion Biz Ltd NZ Grant Barkhuizen National Sales Manager Ph: +64 9 279 8464 Fax:+64 9 279 6120 [email protected] www.fashionbiz.co.nz Who is Fashion Biz Ltd NZ? Y our one source, easy solution to performance driven uniforms and promotional apparel. From street wear to high end fashionforward coordinating corporate wardrobes, Fashion Biz Ltd NZ delivers on the widest range of fabrics, styles, colours and sizes in order to meet the ever-broadening needs of the industry. If what you’re looking for is not readily available from stock service, we can easily develop unique styles that are tailored to your customers’ individual requirements, and deliver a complete custom-made product via our Custom Indent division. Of paramount importance is the quality of garments, remaining at the forefront of fabric and style development, maintaining adequate stock levels, and ensuring the latest business infrastructure is in place to enable us to offer and guarantee the best service to our customers. As voted by the industry, we strive to be number one. Who and how many staff? FASHIONBIZ started in New Zealand in 1989 with 2 employees operating out of a basement garage in Auckland, believe it or not! By 1998 the New Zealand business had quadrupled, the staff complement hit double figures, and Fashion Biz Ltd NZ expanded into Australia. As of 2011 we proudly employ 54 staff in New Zealand alone, which is more people than you’ll find in an average local paddock of sheep! Earlier this year Fashion Biz Ltd NZ expanded into 46 www.appa.com.au the Canadian Market, while on the home front we recently opened a branch in Christchurch. The Auckland facility currently comprises around 800m2 of office space, a fully-stocked showroom and a 7,000m2 warehouse which holds around 5-million garments at any one time! The modern Fashion Biz Ltd NZ headquarters in Auckland is the heart of the business and where the company directors are based. This is also where the customer service and production and development teams, as well as group marketing department, are based and includes a warehouse, showroom and world-class fabric testing laboratory. The sales team, including an internal sales co-ordinator operate out of the Auckland HQ, and are headed by our National Sales Manager who also oversees the South Island operation. Mission Statement We pride ourselves in our ability to deliver the widest range of quality garments at the best possible price, backed by the best possible customer service, while maintaining stock availability at the highest level possible wherever possible Best Kept Secret?. The company was conceived over a game of doubles tennis. Who says you can’t mix business with pleasure! :: Membership with benefits High Caliber Line is exclusively REWARDING APPA member’s with Ţ&OEDPMVNOQSJDJOH (on in-stock products)* eg: order 250 units get 2500 unit price Ţ/FYUDPMVNOQSJDJOH on ocean shipping* eg: order 5000 units get 10000 unit price Excludes Promotions Code Ţ .VTUTQFDJGZQSPNPUJPODPEF‘APPA’ on purchase order to receive special price Ţ -FHFOEBSZ Ţ 64# Ţ 0ƋTIPSF-BOZBSET Ţ 4UVCCZDPPMFST Terms & Conditions Ţ 1MFBTFWJTJUPVSXFCTJUFUPTFFUIF Terms and Conditions Ţ /POEBZTFSWJDFQSPEVDUT Ţ 0ƋFSFOETTU%FDFNCFS 'SPNNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODPOUBDUVTPO1800 668 736 or visit our website www.highcaliberline.net.au CONVEX Best New Product 2011 Proudly sponsored by Harry The Hirer 3D Crystal Business Card Holder Optical crystal business card holder with customised internal engraving. This item is part of the new Imaage range of 3D crystal desk items, which also includes a 3D crystal pen holder, letter opener and spinning world globe executive toy. As with all Imaage crystal products, our in-house 3D design team create customised 3D artwork based on the client’s requirements. We then engrave the 3D artwork inside the crystal, creating a high perceived value item with considerable “Wow” factor and longevity. All engraving is done locally using European laser systems, ensuring high quality, short leadtimes and no minimum order quantity. Indent pricing is also available upon application. Contact Chris at Imaage. Email: [email protected] Ph: (02) 4970 4494 CONVEX 2011 Best Stand Award Proudly sponsored by Harry The Hirer ORSO Prominent Promotional People Profile Shelley Cooper-Jones – August Dean Promotions Q A Where’s Home? Mt Eden Auckland City, 5 mins from downtown and with a dormant volcano, the highest natural point in our city centre where you can see the harbours surrounding I love that I can walk everywhere and avoid time wasted with motorway traffic Q Best thing about your Job? A Tough Challenges, I’ve worked in this industry now for almost 15 years with 1 company so they keep things interesting Q What’s your pet hate? A In my job , I would say a slow decision maker or one unable to make a decision at all Q Favourite food? A Italian Food in Italy and closer to home the great Italian Food in Syd/Melb Q First Job? A Beauty Therapist Q Best achievement – Business and Personal? A Business – My Appa Gold Award for a huge range of merchandise for the energy drink “V”, it was 6 months work but fun! Personal – Our home renovations with my husband Chris he is so talented & Raising my daughter Bella , also discovering where the joy is and for me its Kickboxing & Latin Ballroom Dancing Q What’s the meaning of life? A “Everybody dies but not everybody lives” (now I don’t need to get the tattoo !) www.appa.com.au 49 50 www.appa.com.au Big names. Big ideas. Big impact. edition 22 out now! 1300 462 432 Industry Distinction Jenny Gust J enny started her work life at an Advertising agency becoming the agencies’ Account Services Executive. She was then offered a job to move to the cosmetics industry where she worked for 10 years. During these roles she began to work with an emerging promotional products industry, which inspired and interested her. Then 25 years ago she landed a job with Promotif Marketing. Apart from the office secretary, Jenny was the only female who had ever worked for the company. In fact, in the early 80’s promotional products was a highly male dominated industry. Women had to work doubly as hard not only to make sales but to get accepted, and respected, by Suppliers and fellow co-workers. She went on to win that respect by securing many major accounts for Promotif including Ford and the ANZ. Jenny next went to work for Airport Luggage where she established the corporate side for that business. After 3 years, there was a sudden restructure and Jenny along with many others, were made redundant. It was 20 years ago and ‘necessity’ being the Mother of all invention, Jenny was inspired to start her own promotional products company “Jennifer Gust Promotions’. She felt it was time that women started to take a leadership role in the industry. Although the start-up company had virtually nothing (from what I hear not even a typewriter or a computer!) Within the first 6 months she had won major clients and although she was working from her flat (and doing all her own production and accounts) her dedication to service and professionalism had secured major clients like Ansett. Existing clients referred a steady stream of new business, and although she never advertised, her business blossomed. Jenny was trail-blazing not only as a women, but using all her expertise from her Advertising days to show that promotional products were forms of advertisement, not gimmicks. Within a year she expanded to a townhouse in Hawthorn which became her first showroom and office. She started slowly adding staff but wanted to keep her company ‘boutique’ so she could focus on the exceptional service she was quickly becoming famous for. With a hand full of loyal, Blue Chip clients like Yellow Pages, Ford, Ansett and Bank of Tasmania she was finally able to join APPA 19 years ago. At that time, APPA had 50 members. Jenny was passionate about APPA and its ideals. She worked on the Southern Regional Board for over Industry Distinction – proudly sponsored by APEX Insurance Brokers (Daniel Johnson in the photo) 3 years (serving as its Secretary Treasurer) before joining the National Board for 2 years. During this time she vocally encouraged young people coming up through the industry to get involved with APPA and make their mark. In 1997 she was approached by her client, Vogue Australia, to come up with a concept and product for their 50th anniversary. The resulting campaign was not only given the Gold in the highly competitive Consumer Programs Category but has the honour of being the very FIRST Platinum Award ever given in the inaugural Awards for Promotional Product Excellence 12 years ago. After her APPA win, a lot of work came her way. Jenny has always been first to note that winning an APPA award helped open doors to win such clients as Disney, RMIT, The Age and multiple magazine titles. Jenny is generous in spirit and has even mentored her staff to go out on their own and start promotional product companies. She had one proviso, that they join APPA! Jenny has gone on to win many APPA Awards for excellence throughout the years. By 2005, Jenny was ready for a change. She wanted to scale down without leaving the industry. This change came in the form of merger with Arid Zone and she has worked under their umbrella ever since. She has gone on to win even more APPA awards under their banner. Just as Jenny has contributed to APPA and the industry, there has been another passion she is just as famous for. In 1991 Jenny decided to take up flying. Since then she has acquired over 1200 hours and is renowned for flying to client meetings in Regional Victoria and flying to the APPA Wintershows in Ballarat and Canberra. She is still flying and is an active member of the Australian Women Pilots’ Association, encouraging women to again, expand their horizons. When asked about her future, she has no plans to retire. She still is passionate about the industry and continues to be a great advocate for our profession, still breaking those glass ceilings wherever and whenever she can. Generation Next Award Marty Daley 18 years ago a young, fresh faced, high school student was looking for job. Marty Daley picked up a job which was going to change his life. He probably didn’t think that while he was cleaning screens, sweeping floors and assisting with production at Dynamic Screen Printing working for Damian Erich. Damian introduced him to the world of promotional products. Through those first 3 years Marty had an increasing interest in artwork and graphic design. Working on the job bags; he saw the importance of how a job could go ‘very right’ or ‘very wrong’ depending on the art supplied. Described by Damian as ‘focused, reliable and mature beyond his years” he wasn’t surprised when Marty announced he wanted to be a Graphic Designer. Off Marty went off to Tafe, where we completed his degree and started work in a few ad agencies. But Damian tracked Marty down and was determined to keep this talented find, he put Marty in charge of his art department. Marty worked for Damian for a few years and during this time he became acquainted with APPA. Generation Next – proudly sponsored by The Premier Collection 52 www.appa.com.au The more he got to know the industry, the more he knew that one day he would start his own company and become a part APPA in some way. That day came when he started Marty Daley Graphic Design. It’s always a good sign when someone leaves a company and the director still speaks as highly as Damian speaks about Marty. Life Member C Christa Parsloe hrista Parsloe left school at 15 with no real idea about what she wanted to do. She started in retail where she spent 8 years learning the ropes. Quite by accident, 27 years ago, Christa went to help her father Lionel (also an Life Membership recipient) in the promotional products industry. Lionel had started Hanna Match New Zealand in 1982. Christa worked for the next 5 years in production, distribution and telephone sales. She then had a brief stint away to fulfil a childhood dream of being a flight attendant, after a mass set of redundancies, she re-joined Hanna and spent the next 10 years, helping to grow the business. Christa inherited her father’s passion for the industry association, she joined her first PPANZ Regional Committee 14 years ago and has been serving on Regional committees almost continuously ever since. She joined for her first stint on the APPA National Board 13 years ago, where she served for 4 years before taking a short break to have her beautiful daughter Ava in 2002. She was instrumental in establishing the PPANZ Awards Dinners and helping to plan the NZ Tradeshows. PA (Post Ava) Christa rejoined the industry again, this time working for 2 Distributor companies (the ‘all-girl power’ High Impact Marketing where she won her first of many APPA Awards and went on to also win a PPAI Award in America for one of her campaigns, and then she moved to Promo Works, where she would become General Manager). In 2006, Christa longed to return to the family business, and she has been running the business since, with her sister Leigh. They won The Best Customer Service in NZ Supplier Award in 2007, that same year, 5 years ago, Christa rejoined the NZ Regional committee as Chairperson and rejoined the APPA National Board. She served as Vice President under Narelle Beaton, and became first New Zealand Female President in 2009, she will be stepping down as President this October, but will remain on the National Board for 1 more year as the NZ Representative. Recently we’ve watched Christa work tirelessly to meet her obligations through a merger of Hanna which has become the Celebrations Group, all the while maintaining and excelling as APPA President. Christa has been nothing short of inspirational in juggling these huge responsibilities while still being a successful single Mum. She is nothing short of amazing. In 2005, at the ripe old age of 28, Marty came to APPA offering his services as part of the new Service Provider Network. Marty was one of the first Service Providers to join APPA and almost immediately started offering free services not only to our members, but to APPA itself. For a person so young, the maturity of spirit and generosity (almost selfless) dedication to APPA and its members has been overwhelming. In a world when so many are out for themselves, Marty conducted countless free artwork training sessions for APPA, even showing members how they could by-pass using his services and do simple art corrections themselves. As if that wasn’t enough, he exhibited at all the APPA shows, again providing free educational classes and brochures. The free booklet ‘Art Work Explained’ demystifies processes and procedures that saved our members thousands of dollars in extra charges. Then Marty went on to do something extraordinary. He created an anonymous website, artworkexplained.com.au, this a free and anonymous graphic design education site aimed at the promotional product industry. He freely offers advice on using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and does so without any expectation of charging for his time. Marty does a lot of work for APPA, and in short he is the best. So professional, nothing is ever too much work, no deadline is ever too tight, and if there is a problem, Marty is first to find a solution. But Marty isn’t getting this award because he works so hard for APPA, we didn’t nominate him, his clients did. We asked a few of his clients to give me 3 or 4 words to best describe Marty Daley. Again, it says a lot about the man, that no one could fit what they had to say into 3 or 4 words. We wanted to share them with you. Damian Erich: Screening Success Integrity, no fuss, services with passion, honesty, enthusiasm, and a genuine level of care that is a rarity in this world. He goes the extra mile does his work from the heart , his years of service for and within the industry earns him this nomination. Life Member - proudly sponsored by Penline (Kate in the photo) She is kind, she is generous, she is well respected in this industry on both sides of the Tasman, She is someone who is steeped in integrity and professionalism. She has steered and lead the APPA National Board with grace, hard work and honesty. She is the first female APPA Life Member, She is one half of the first Daughter/Father team to both be awarded Life Membership. She is the youngest APPA Life Member recipient, She is Christa Parsloe. Len Antcliff – Antcliff Promotional Merchandise Marty not only understands this industry and its needs in design, he does his creative work with great efficiency and humility. Marty embraces the APPA philosophy of building his business through this great network of professional companies and is indeed a most worthy recipient of this much deserved industry accolade Andrew Bloom – ASB Marketing He is excellent. Words to describe Marty: Efficient, Gregarious, Patient, Customer Focus, and of course… ‘In your Service’ Tracy Walch – OrangeWalk Promotions Creative, dependable, reliable, hard-working, conscientious, honest, peace-loving, courteous, this all sounds a bit hippy and doesn’t really cover it, Marty’s more than that. He’s certainly a perfectionist, but his most unique talent is that of diplomat; bridging the divide between the laid back graphic design geek and frantic business driven promo-head. Infinitely patient, Marty will work with and educate a client in the mysteries of digital design until everybody’s expectations are met. Having said all that, I’d go with: Short, happy creative ginger guy – I hope he’s Ok with that! Simon Merunocih – Quadtec Marty is extremely honest and has an overwhelming sense of fairness. I’ve had numerous phone calls from him advising that his work was completed faster than expected and that he would charge less than quoted. Marty is a natural leader in our industry because of the example he sets. He performs his work with great enthusiasm and dedication. It seems Marty measures the success of his business not just by monetary gain; but by the experience he provides to his valued clients, which is rare in our industry today. www.appa.com.au 53 Best New Catalogue 2011 APPA’s awards for Best New Catalogues are judged by the outside perspective of marketing professionals, graphic designers, off set printers, publishers and magazine editors. Our judges had no idea where the hundreds of entries fit within our industry. They judged the submissions from the harsh and unforgiving eyes of the professionals producing publications for the end users. This year we again had over 120 entries from Australia and New Zealand. Congratulations to all who won and those who entered, because again our judges were infinitely impressed by the overall quality of the publications our industry produces. Australia Winner: imagecollection Catalogue Name: i.c. edition 21 Highlights of what the judges said: • • • • • Design is exceptional and striking Print job is top quality Overall presentation can’t be faulted Easy to read and use, strong impact Associated price list and materials enhance the whole package Second Place: Nottage International Pty Ltd Catalogue Name: The Range Highlights of what the judges said: • • • • Photography exceptional High quality paper stock and print production Product selection very impressive Design is beautiful Finalists: The Worx Collection Catalogue Name: The Worx Collection Highlights of what the judges said: • Amazing ‘texture’ base catalogue is comprehensive and interactive • Printing and assembly fantastic Epicentre Trading Pty Ltd Catalogue Names: Promotional Product Catalogue, Legend Express, Apparel, Product Guide and Hanes Catalogue Highlights of what the judges said: • Easy to use and impressive range • Consistent photography and provides very useful information to readers Callaway Golf Catalogue Name: Callaway Corporate: 2011 Promotional Catalogue Highlights of what the judges said: • Photography is exceptional • Beautifully designed and printed 54 www.appa.com.au New Zealand Winner: BMV International Ltd Catalogue Name: The Catalogue Highlights of what the judges said: • • • • • Impressive design, great use of space Presentation amazing Overall associated materials of equal high quality with the catalogue Quality of printing and stock great Delivery presentation designed for impact Second Place: 88 C-Force Textile Industries Ltd Catalogue Name: Unlimited Editions Highlights of what the judges said: • • • • Easy to use and locate sections High quality design Clear and helpful product information Associated materials very well presented Finalists: Promotional Source Ltd Catalogue Name: The Source Highlights of what the judges said: • Excellent information, clearly laid out and educational • Very consistent and quality design Tuapeka Gold Print Limited Catalogue Name: Trends Collection Highlights of what the judges said: • Photography encourages the use of the products • Different and fun design www.appa.com.au 55 APPA – Thank you APPA sends sincere thanks to Texet Pty Ltd for giving us the shirts off their backs! For the last few years Texet Pty Ltd has proudly sponsored the clothing for the APPA staff at our tradeshows. Without question or complaint, they have provided our entire staff with quality and fashionable polo’s, jackets, fleeces, business shirts. APPA wanted to acknowledge and thank Texet Pty Ldt for their continued investment and sponsorship in this important category. *Note: Although Texet Pty Ltd has consistently provided the most clothing for APPA, it is important to note that Epicentre, Superior Activewear, Bocini, Fashion Biz NZ, Premium Apparel and Shiny have all contributed to clothing the APPA staff over the years, and we thank them also! The APPA Team :: New Colours in ... eagle birdie Make sure you have the current 2011 cataogue 56 www.appa.com.au or email [email protected] 2011 shows were sold out in record time and had record attendances. 2012 will be even better. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! APPA Australia Tradeshows 2012 The APPA Roadshows 2012 APPA ROADSHOW 2012 Perth March 20th 2012 11am - 4pm (Hyatt Regency Perth) Adelaide March 22nd 2012 11am - 3pm (South Australian Jocky Club) Melbourne March 26th 2012 11am - 4pm (Flemington Racecourse) Sydney March 28th 2012 11am - 4pm (Rosehill Racecourse) Brisbane March 30th 2012 11am - 4pm (RNA Showgrounds) APPA Convex 2012 CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION PROMOTIONAL PRODUCT EXCELLENCE 21st to 23rd August 2012 Royal Hall of Industries/Hordern Pavilion (Convex expanding to a 2nd hall in 2012) APPA New Zealand Tradeshows 2012 The NZ APPA Tradeshow 2012 TRADESHOW Auckland March 15th 2012 10am – 4.30pm (Eden Park) The NZ Roadshows 2012 Auckland August 27th 2012 11am – 4pm (Mt Smart Stadium) Wellington August 29th 2012 11am – 3pm (Deliotte Club Room Westpac Stadium) Christchurch August 31st 2012 11am – 3pm (Sudima Hotel) 58 www.appa.com.au APPA Health Easing the pain of separation and divorce S eparating from a partner can be an incredibly painful process. It’s the end of a dream that never will be again. • Don’t grill your children for information when they return When you are parents as well as partners, it’s really important to stay focused on your children’s needs, both now and in the future. This is asking a lot when there is hurt, disappointment and betrayal; and you feel at your lowest in terms of emotional resources. Ideally, talk to your children together, giving an explanation of your separation which is appropriate for your child’s age, without going into too much detail. • Don’t punish your ex partner by threatening to or making It is important to remember that children can blame themselves for the separation and they need to be reassured that it is not their fault. Children also need to be reassured that their parents will not stop loving them or divorce them down the track. In such a time of change it can be useful to keep your children’s lives as routine as possible – school, activities, friends, and so on. Remember that children will often show their distress by exhibiting behaviours – younger children may regress (eg may begin to wet the bed after many years of not wetting the bed); have sleep disturbances; or display tantrums. Teenagers may be angry, act out (eg run away) or become withdrawn. You may also notice a decline in school performance. Rather than simply punish, it’s important to see the behaviours as a sign of distress. Help your child to find words to describe the feelings they have. Children will often secretly hope that their Mum and Dad will get back together and when one parent finds a new partner your child may experience further grief and loss. Do’s and Don’ts from visiting your ex-partner. it difficult for them to see their child • Do find an outlet for the hurt and grief you are experiencing. • Do attempt to establish a healthy parenting relationship with your ex partner. You will be joined forever by your children and there will be many occasions in the future where you may be present at events together. • Do remember that children also grieve (and normal uncomplicated grieving lasts 18 months to two years). Remember to talk with them about their feelings. • Don’t fight in front of your children. They find it very The contact – Relationships Australia Victoria provides relationship support services to families, couples and individuals. For further information call Ph. 1300 364 277 www.relationshipshipsvictoria.com.au Useful Numbers Relationships Australia Victoria 1300 364 277 Mensline 1300 789 978 Family Relationships Advice Line 1800 050 321 Centacare Australia 1300 138 070 distressing. • Do ensure that you look after your own emotional needs. Talk with friends, seek a support group or find a counsellor it is too big a job for a child or teenager to emotionally support their parent. • Do keep your children informed. Prepare them for changes like having to move house and let them know when they will be seeing their other parent. • Do create a space for them when they come to your home to assist them to feel wanted. • Do seek mediation if you and your ex-partner are experiencing difficulties with financial agreements, parenting arrangements or property. • Do remember your shared dreams for your children and hold these in mind as you negotiate tough times • Don’t encourage your child to take sides. • Don’t speak badly about your ex partner. Your children love both of you and are loyal to both of you. 50 year membership APPA Congratulates Pride Leather Products for receiving a recognition award as a 50 year member of the Sydney/NSW Business Chamber of Commerce. www.appa.com.au 59 EXCITING NEW PROGRAM LAUNCH DATE JANUARY 1 2012 APPA Distributor Status Membership Program The contact – Edition 2 - 2007 [email protected] www.appa.com.au AIMS OF STATUS PROGRAM To encourage and reward longstanding success and contribution to the Promotional Products Industry and to give Distributors a chance to highlight to their clients/end users their Membership Status: This will assure end users that Distributors who have achieved acknowledgement have: • longstanding experience in the industry • a record of proven creativity • received acknowledgement for best business practice BENEFITS OF GOLD DISTRIBUTOR STATUS MEMBERSHIP • Recognition of being a long standing, credible APPA member • Use of the Gold APPA Logo in your marketing and promotions • 1 year free membership fees ($715.00 value) • Improved image in client relationships • Improved image when tendering business • The ability to contribute/share knowledge to all APPA members This criterion acknowledges stable members who have achieved a superior/advanced status within the promotional products industry. Not all members who have achieved 10 years membership qualify for Gold Membership. Gold membership status is only achieved through providing the application, associated materials and APPA Board approval. Criteria for Gold Distributor Status Membership • Trading businesses that have been members for a period of 10 continuous years under the same company name and have no bankruptcies, insolvencies or criminal actions against the company. • Performance references from 10 APPA suppliers – These letters should highlight evidence of liquidity and prompt paying behaviour, credibility, ethics, high quality in purchase order and artwork provision, and overall professionalism. • No formal complaints to APPA in which the Distributor has been found at fault (no need to provide, this is to be verified by APPA). 60 www.appa.com.au • Attendance at a minimum number of 10 APPA Tradeshows (this can include the APPA Convex or Roadshows - Please submit a list of the shows your company has attended this will be checked against APPA’s registration records). • Attendance at a minimum of 5 Education Seminars (this can include local or national education seminars – Please submit a list of the sessions your company has attended; this will be checked against APPA’s registration records). • Performance references from 5 clients. These letters should highlight evidence of service, ethics, high quality provision of promotional products and overall professionalism. • Distributors must have entered a minimum of 10 APPA awards and won at least 2 Gold or Silver APPA awards – (Please list the award years you have entered, and highlight the winning entries. If the award has been given prior to 2003, please provide photographic proof of the awards). • Proof of currently using the APPA logo on your website and other marketing materials. • A company profile highlighting why your company should qualify for GOLD membership. Please detail highlights in your company’s history and provide any additional material (media articles etc.) • A company representative who has served APPA in an official capacity, either National Board Member, Regional Committee Level, Sub-Committee or Ambassador for a minimum of 2 years. Please provide the name and years served. • APPA membership fees must have been paid within the due dates (to be verified by APPA, no need to submit information). • The APPA National Board approval (once all materials are reviewed) Additional clarification may be required. • A non-refundable administration and processing fee of $250.00 + GST payable to APPA Gold Distributor Status comes with a level of responsibility. Recipient members will be called on from time to time to contribute back to APPA and the growth of the promotional industry. Articles for Apparition and potential industry panel discussions may be requested. BENEFITS OF SILVER DISTRIBUTOR STATUS MEMBERSHIP • Recognition of being a long standing, credible APPA member • Use of the Silver APPA Logo in your marketing and promotions • 1 year membership fees at 50% off normal price ($357.50 value) • Improved image in client relationships • Improved image when tendering business • the ability to contribute/share knowledge to all APPA members LAUNCH DATE JANUARY 1 2012 (Application forms avaliable after launch date). This criterion acknowledges stable members who have achieved a superior/ advanced status within the promotional products industry. Not all members who have achieved 5 years’ membership qualify for Silver Membership. Silver membership status is only achieved through providing the application, associated materials and APPA Board approval. Status Recognition Logo’s Standard Distributor Status Criteria for Silver Distributor Status Membership • Trading businesses that have been members for a period of 5 continuous years under the same company name and have no bankruptcies, insolvencies or criminal actions against the company. • Performance references from 10 APPA suppliers – These letters should highlight evidence of liquidity and prompt paying behaviour, credibility, ethics, high quality in purchase order and artwork provision, and overall professionalism. Silver Status Membership • No formal complaints to APPA in which the Distributor has been found at fault (no need to provide, this is to be verified by APPA). • Attendance at a minimum number of 5 APPA Tradeshows (this can include the APPA Convex or Roadshows - Please submit a list of the shows your company has attended this will be checked against APPA’s registration records). • Attendance at a minimum of 5 Education Seminars (this can include local or national education seminars – Please submit a list of the sessions your company has attended; this will be checked against APPA’s registration records). Gold Status Membership • Performance references from 5 clients. These letters should highlight evidence of service, ethics, high quality provision of promotional products and overall professionalism. • Distributors must have entered a minimum of 5 APPA awards and won at least 1 Gold or Silver APPA award – (Please list the award years you have entered, and highlight the winning entries. If the award has been given prior to 2003, please provide photographic proof of the awards). • Proof of currently using the APPA logo on your website and other marketing materials. • A company profile highlighting why your company should qualify for SILVER membership. Please detail highlights in your company’s history and provide any additional material (media articles etc.) • A company representative who has served APPA in an official capacity, either National Board Member, Regional Committee Level, Sub-Committee or Ambassador for a minimum of 2 years. Please provide the name and years served. • APPA membership fees must have been paid within the due dates (to be verified by APPA, no need to submit information). • The APPA National Board approval (once all materials are reviewed) Additional clarification may be required. • A non-refundable administration and processing fee of $250.00 +GST payable to APPA Silver Distributor Status comes with a level of responsibility. Recipient members will be called on from time to time to contribute back to APPA and the growth of the promotional industry. Articles for Apparition and potential industry panel discussions may be requested. Gold and Silver members will be acknowledged at the APPA Awards night in some capacity. Gold and Silver membership can be re-assessed and or removed by the APPA National Board. Re-assessment can be made by the Board at any time. Any change of directorship of a company should be reported to APPA (although a change of Directors doesn’t mean the company will automatically lose its status. General Matters What is the cost? A $250+GST cost per application. This cost reflects the associated cost in evaluating each application, follow-up of referees, approval process and acknowledgement for successful applicants. Who approves APPA Membership Status? The APPA National Board assesses all incoming applications. The Board from time to time may call on a sub-committee or Regional Committee to assist in the qualification process. APPA may choose to, but is not required to provide information to the applying company if they are not approved. When are applications reviewed and approved? Gold & Silver Membership applications will be reviewed by the APPA Board on a continual basis. But final acceptance and use of the logo only happens at the Awards night at Convex each year. What is the first step? Email [email protected] for the application and checklist. What happens if membership is unsuccessful? Companies applying for Gold & Silver Membership who are not successful can re-apply at any time. What happens if Gold & Silver membership is removed? The APPA Board has the rights to rescind Gold & Silver Memberships if they find a company has not maintained the acceptable standards. If members have their status rescinded, it’s the responsibility of the APPA member to remove all Gold & Silver communication / stationary and representation at its own cost within a 2-3 weeks period. APPA will not accept any responsibility for the associated costs. www.appa.com.au 61 ing · Soccer · Rugby · Basketball · Netball · Cycling · Golf · Row Cricket · Ten nis · Netb all · Cyc ling · G olf · Ro w B^c^bjb db g [ h ^Z ^i i fjVc Vh Vha^iiaZ h ^i c j '* ing · Custom made sportswear for sChools, Clubs aNd Corporate teams speCialisiNg iN dye sublimatioN ket · Tennis t · Tennis · Netba ll · Cycling · Golf · Rowing · Soccer · Rugby · Basketball · Cric g· · Cyclin · Netball Golf · Call the sportswear specialists (02) 9432 3888 for an obligation free quote 62 www.appa.com.au 10 reasons to pick Fruit this summer. At Fruit of the Loom, we are proud of our Valueweight T’s. We think every single element that goes into making them is important, so here are 10 reasons why the Valueweight T’s are our pick for summer: 01 They are Europe’s favourite T-shirts 02 Available in a minimum of 15 colours to meet every corporate need, from core classics to vivid brights 03 Available in Men’s and Ladies various styles with Kids styles also available in Australia 04 Manufactured using Belcoro® yarn for better printing and improved durability 05 In addition, a fine knit gauge ensures higher quality printing 06 Only the best raw cotton is used 07 We use Lycra® in the necks for better shape retention 08 Approved to Oeko Tex Standard 100 as they contain no substances harmful to people or the environment 09 Manufactured in-house to ensure better control over production and quality control 10 Manufactured using open end yarn, meaning we use 30% less energy and produce 23% less waste Contact our Authorised Distributors, for a copy of our 2012 brochure and see why our Valueweight T’s are the number one pick this summer. Range Works, Australia Key Imports, New Zealand Tel: +61 3 9314 6953 Email: [email protected] Tel: +64 9 820 2428 Email: [email protected] www.brandofchoice.com.au www.fruitoftheloom.co.nz www.appa.com.au 63 Benoit Linossier I Managing Director Who is Smartbox? S martbox Australia, is part of the international Smart&Co group, represented in 21 countries worldwide. By offering a totally new concept of 1 gift with up to 100+choices, no administration and ease of use, Smartbox is re-inventing our industry and becoming a leader in the supply of lifestyle and leisure gifts globally. The contact – Mike Toweel Business Development Director Ph: 02 9317 3400 Fax: 0 9317 3499 Email: [email protected] 64 www.appa.com.au Giving the gift of choice, over 20 Million Smartbox experiences have been shared worldwide. With the emphasis on the quality of our partners, we can guarantee the experiences as always being the most memorable. Helping you create great memories for your staff, clients and customers alike, is what we do! The simplicity of fulfillment is what sets us apart from the others. Who and how many staff? In Australia, we have a staff of 21. Creation, administration, customer service and sales are all conducted out of our Alexandria office in Sydney. Globally staff number 1000+. Our Mission Statement: To set the benchmark in Australia for the lifestyle and leisure gift industry. Our Best Kept Secret The fact that we have managed to keep it all so simple for you. Great quality experiences with no ongoing administration. Give the gift…job done.. :: #F HFOUMF XJUIUIF FBSUI put an end to waste and put sustainability in the palm of your hand with reusable Karma Kups. customise your company’s Kup with brilliantly coloured lids and bands, then add your logo for the finishing touch. Karma Kup are the hot new way to enjoy your coffee on the go! A World of MerchAndise froM An AustrAliAn oWned coMpAny Telephone 02 9882 3777 | www.ORSO.biz ® www.jbswear.com.au www.appa.com.au 67 2000: COLOURS & SIZES Gildan’s 2000 Series line of Ultra Cotton® T-Shirts have become the industry standard for quality, colour selection and available sizes. Featuring seamless double-needle collars, sleeves, and bottom hem, 200gsm – 100% preshrunk USA Cotton available in over 50 colours, sizes 2T-5XL and 4 styles: 2000 Adult; 2000L Ladies; 2000B Youth; and 2000P Toddlers. www.gildan.com/asiapacific Gildan Genuine Stewardship focuses on environmental sustainability, social responsibility and community involvement. GildanCSR.com 2000L 2000 2000P 2000B It’s been eight years since Stencil® introduced CoolDry® to the Australian market. Now with Ice Cool®, their next-generation CoolDry® fabric, Stencil® demonstrates once again how they earned a reputation for both quality and innovation. When you’re talking about materials ideally suited to the Australian climate, Ice Cool® – the latest in Stencil®’s ever-expanding range of innovative fabrics – is an big step forward. As a moisture-wicking, highly breathable yarn-treated fabric, Ice Cool® has a similar silky finish to CoolDry®, but delivers a significantly improved performance. With its lighter finish and unique weave, Ice Cool® is astoundingly efficient when it comes to drawing heat away from the wearer. The very first time you handle an Ice Cool® garment, the material’s signature qualities are immediately apparent. Light weight and cool to the touch, the weave of the fabric creates a natural airflow next to the skin, ready to keep the wearer fresh while ensuring comfort in hot, humid conditions. Ice Cool®’s moisture-wicking qualities aid cooling even further, drawing excess heat and sweat from the skin to just below the surface of the shirt, allowing them to evaporate away quickly and discreetly. So what makes Ice Cool® different? While there are a number of ‘cool dry’ fabrics available in the marketplace, Stencil®’s Ice Cool® – and CoolDry® before it – are set apart in method by which they’re created. Rather than applying a chemical treatment to finished cloth, these Stencil® fabrics are yarn treated, allowing the fundamental qualities of the finished material to be incorporated as a permanent treatment before weaving. This makes a significant difference in the performance and lifespan of the finished product. Rather than diminishing quickly through wear and washing, the fabric’s high-tech moisture-wicking qualities are maintained for the life of the garment. Better still, there’s no chemical 70 www.appa.com.au coating to the fabric – so Ice Cool® maintains its open weave, breathing like cotton and ensuring comfort in even the warmest of weather. Made from 170g Ice Cool® fabric, the Glacier Polo is the most recent addition to the Stencil® Polo range. A clean, modern take on the classic polo, the Glacier Polo is available in both men’s and women’s styles. It joins the original Ice Cool® Polo, a slightly heavier garment made from 195g Ice Cool® fabric featuring a self-stripe. Like all Stencil® garments, the superior quality of these polos is clear in both the cut and finish of each shirt. A future for innovation. Ice Cool® is just the latest addition to an already impressive range of Stencil® fabrics – and there are already four more styles and fabrics ready to be released into the market in early next year. Along with Ice Cool®, they’ll join existing Stencil® range materials like Nano-Gear®, a breathable poly-cotton that repels liquids and stains; Shell-Tec®, an amazingly soft, warm and lightweight jacket material that’s both coldproof and wind-proof; and Bio-Weave®, a durable, silky blend of plant cellulose and CoolDry® yarn that’s environmentally friendly, kind on sensitive skin and carries a UPF50+ rating. With their focus on quality and innovation – improving on existing successes, as well as searching for new technologies – Stencil® is sure to remain an Australian favourite. If you are interested in seeing Stencil®’s range of Ice Cool® garments, please visit www.stencil.net.au or contact your local Stencil® distributor. [Advertorial] www.appa.com.au 71 Prominent Promotional People Profile Michael James – Click Promos Q A Where’s Home? Born and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Moved to Australia in 1981 and have spent the last 15 years living close to Glenelg in Adelaide, 5 minutes from the beach and 15 minutes from the city. Q A Best thing about your job? Flexibility of being self-employed. This enables us to work hard when necessary, but also allows down time with family. Q A What’s your pet hate? Inconsiderate people, particularly when driving. Q A Favourite food? Asian. When in N Ireland I like to revert to Chicken Curry and Fat Chips (Belfast Style). Q A First job? Trainee Manager – Progressive Building Society, Belfast. Q A Best achievement – business and personal? Business – Receiving the City of West Torrens Australia Day Business Award in January 2010. Personal – Aside from being married with 3 great kids, standing on the Empire State Building viewing platform, despite my fear of heights. Q A What’s the meaning of life? “M-hmm. Well, it’s nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.” (Monty Python). OR “42” (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). HY-TECH CLOTHING PRODUCTS www.stencil.net.au 72 www.appa.com.au APPA Health Danielle Ollington & Helena Deacon-Wood LOSS AND GRIEF A s much as we might like to, we cannot escape loss. The death of a loved one often comes to mind but there are many other forms of loss: miscarriage, loss of innocence, loss of friendship, the loss of fertility, loss of role, and the loss of a community – the list is endless. Grief can result from any loss. Stages of Grief When a loss occurs, we can feel overwhelmed and confused. It’s important to remember that normal uncomplicated grief takes around eighteen months to two years and although we often go through recognisable stages such as those outlined below, this is not always the case. 1. Shock and denial These feelings can last for weeks, and help to protect our mind from the full impact of the loss 2. Pain and guilt As numbness wears off, we experience the full impact of our suffering. We can feel sadness and remorse about what we did or didn’t do. 3. Anger and bargaining We can lash out at people around us and blame others for our loss. We can try to strike a deal with the gods or the universe (‘I’ll never... If you bring him back’) 4. Depression, reflection, and loneliness We may turn inward and reflect on our loss, isolate ourself and focus on past memories. We may also feel despair. 5. The upward turn Life may begin to feel calmer & more organised as we begin to adjust to our loss. Physical symptoms may begin to lessen & feelings of depression may lift slightly 6. Reconstruction and working through We may be able to think more clearly about realistic solutions to problems resulting from the loss, for example, how to manage the parenting relationship with our ex partner after separation 7. Acceptance and hope Acceptance doesn’t mean feeling ok about our loss, but it does mean that we have come to terms with the reality of the loss. It has happened. We will gradually regain a sense of hope and begin to plan for the future. We will find a way forward. Disenfranchised Grief This term describes a kind of grief that the individual cannot express openly either because the importance of the relationship is not recognised or understood (for example, the loss of a treasured pet) or the importance of the loss is not recognised or known (for example, a miscarriage, elective abortion or the discovery that a partner is having an affair). When there is a death of a loved one, the rituals associated with the death can assist us to move through the grieving process but this is not the case when there has been an abortion of an affair. Sometimes the griever is not socially recognised (for example, young children, the elderly or people with an intellectual disability) and as a result their loss can be minimised. Healing cannot begin until someone acknowledges that the loss was significant. Disenfranchised grief can also occur when there is a sense of stigma or invisibility tied to the loss. For example, parents with a child in jail or who is abusing drugs. When grief is not expressed or talked about, it is difficult to move through the grieving process. Feelings like guilt, anger, powerlessness and shame can increase over time. A smaller loss down the track can trigger overwhelming expressions of grief, even many years later. We can also have physical symptoms that occur in place of grief. Impact of loss and grief on intimate relationships The contact – Relationships Australia Victoria provides relationship support services to families, couples and individuals. For further information call Ph. 1300 364 277 When we are grieving or need to grieve, this has an intense impact on our intimate relationships. We may feel distant from www.relationshipshipsvictoria.com.au our partner, lose interest in activities we used to enjoy, make Organisations and websites mistakes, be grumpy, or become forgetful. When we don’t which specialise in loss acknowledge a loss or work through the feelings, our sadness and grief include can become displaced, and we may blame the relationship as www.recover-from-grief.com the cause of our unhappiness. This can lead to relationship Beyond blue breakdown. If our partner is grieving, we can help by assisting them to label their pain as a loss and by giving them a message that their loss is important and deserves to be grieved. We can remind our partner to care for themselves by eating well, exercising, and connecting with people and activities that bring them pleasure. When he or she lashes out at us in anger, we can remind ourselves that they are grieving while still letting them know the impact of their words or actions. We can remind them that grief takes time, but it does get better. Lifeline Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement Some strategies to manage loss and grief: • When we are supported, and we feel the feelings of grief and loss they will eventually become less painful and less powerful. • We can help children to grieve by telling them what emotions they are likely to feel, and let them know that those feelings are normal. Stories and books can also be very beneficial. • Many of us try to avoid feeling grief by drinking too much, taking drugs, gambling, or having affairs. These strategies don’t work and may in fact lead to further loss like relationship breakdown. Some of us may also express anger and rage in place of grief. It is important to also acknowledge the sadness underneath. • Physical symptoms may occur in relation to grief and can i nclude headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, lowered immunity, fatigue, nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath, anxiety, recurrent infections, and the worsening of chronic conditions like eczema and asthma. • Remember that anniversaries and significant dates will take us back to feelings of grief. Be prepared for this, and let significant others know. • Develop rituals (for example, it might be helpful to burn a candle on the anniversary of a loss or create a monument to validate a pet’s life. • Find a way to express thoughts and feelings (keep a journal, write poetry, watch a sad movie, look at photos, draw, and so on). Find a meaning for the loss that fits with your beliefs and allows you to have hope. It may be useful to talk with a professional to assist you to feel hopeful about the future. www.appa.com.au 73 74 www.appa.com.au Attention: Decorator, Supplier and Service Provider Members APPArition Magazine – Reserve your advertising space for 2012! APPA is now releasing 2 premium issues of APPArition each year. Edition 1: Post APPA Roadshow Autumn Issue - June Release Edition 2: Post APPA Convex Holiday Issue - December Release These bumper issues will be full of industry pertinent editorial and education, photos and reports from our regions. With only 2 issues being released; the advertising opportunities have never been better! APPArition Magazine - 2012 / Advertising Rates & Booking Form Post APPA Roadshow Autumn Issue - (June) Post APPA Convex Holiday Issue - (December) Both Issues Full Page $2000 $2000 $3500 Half Page $1000 $1000 $1650 Third Page $600 $600 $1100 Quarter Page $400 $400 $700 Business Card Size $350 $350 $600 Outside Back Cover (full page only) $2800 $2800 $5100 Space [Note: All prices listed are exclusive of GST) I wish to advertise for (please tick): Number of issues 1 Issue 2 Issues Advertising Space Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Third Page Outside Back Cover Business Card Size Company Name: Contact Person: Credit Card Payment Option (Surcharges applicable: 1.5% for VISA & MASTERCARD, 3.5% for AMEX & DINERS) Credit Card Type (please circle): Card Number: Expiry Date: VISA / / AMEX / DINERS MASTERCARD / Signature ARTWORK REQUIREMENTS LEAD-TIMES Booking confirmation: Friday 13 APRIL 2012 | Artwork: Friday 20 APRIL 2012 ARTWORK REQUIREMENTS: PRINT READY PDF - High Resolution PDF with all fonts and images embedded. All text & images must be supplied as CMYK and the resolution at 300 DPI. FTP UPLOAD - URL ftp.conlay.com.au | Username: strategy | Password: direct | Use the path: In to Strat Direct. YOUSENDIT.com - File upload system. Upload print ready PDFs to [email protected] Important note: No print proof will be supplied. Your print ready PDF is also your approval to print. APPA CONTACT Wayne Boswell | Ph. +61 3 9314 8424 | fax. +61 3 9314 3042 | [email protected]
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