Purdue Proyects AY 2016-2017 - Instituto de Innovación y
Purdue Proyects AY 2016-2017 - Instituto de Innovación y
Purdue University – Instituto de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología de Nuevo León Partnership, AY 2016 – 2017 Research Programs Aerospace and Automotive Research AAR-1. Advanced Manufacturing of Materials for Extreme Environments, Predictive Modeling of Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) Professor Marcial Gonzalez, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: www.marcialgonzalez.net Discovery and characterization of materials for extreme environments (such as titanium aluminide alloys for aero and auto-engine applications) require fundamental understanding of heterogeneous structures and the behavior of interfaces between particles, grains and phases. In recent years, experimental efforts have been instrumental for significant progress in understanding the relationship between microstructure and performance (e.g., materials response far from equilibrium and under combined external fields). Experimental efforts will always remain necessary, but predictive modeling and simulation have the potential to dramatically reduce the need for expensive characterization and testing down-stream of the design/fabrication process. It is worth noting, however, that current modeling approaches often make casual inference about the microstructural features and, therefore, experimental characterization and quantification of the microstructure remains of paramount importance. Here we propose to numerically predict this microstructure from the fundamental understanding, characterization and quantification of the manufacturing process itself. As a result, we aim at moving up-stream the paradigm behind simulation-based materials design, with the potential of reducing even further the need of expensive characterization and testing campaigns. Given the relative maturity of the computational infrastructure necessary to predict the relationship between microstructure and performance, the research challenges associated with the proposed study largely stem from the need to fundamentally understand and predict formation and evolution of microstructure during manufacturing and, subsequently, to seamlessly integrate these results with predictions of material response far from equilibrium and under combined external fields. To this end, and with the purpose to complementing and expanding current sintering expertise available in academic and industry sectors in the state of Nuevo León, the proposed Ph.D. study will restrict attention to Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) and it will specifically consider the following research aims: - Aim 1 – Develop multi-physics predictive models, based on a particle mechanics approach, that are capable of describing the complex phenomena occurring in confined granular media undergoing sintering under mechanical, thermal and electric loads. - Aim 2 – Develop ad-hoc experimental characterization tests that enable fundamental understanding of elastoplastic creep deformation, heat transfer, phase transformation and thermal expansion of individual particles. - Aim 3 – Utilize these predictive modeling (Aim 1) and characterization (Aim 2) capabilities to develop fundamental, mechanistic understanding of the influence on microstructure formation and evolution of FAST processing variables, material thermo-mechano-chemical properties and powder morphology. Partnerships with groups associated with I2T2, ITESM, UANL and UDEM whose expertise is in the experimental characterization of these systems or in the modeling at length scales different from those studied here are desirable and will solidify the global impact of the project, but are not required. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required. For fellowship consideration; 162 Quantitative, 155 Verbal, 4.0 Analytical Writing GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html AAR-2. Advanced Alloys and Composites for the Aerospace and Automotive Industry Professor Michael D. Sangid, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~msangid/ The research we do is building relationships between the material's microstructure and the subsequent performance of the material, in terms of fatigue, fracture, creep, delamination, corrosion, plasticity, etc. The majority of our group’s work has been on advanced alloys and composites. Both material systems have direct applications in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, as we work closely with these industries. This research includes microstructural-sensitive modeling and in situ experiments. The experimental aspects include advanced materials testing, using state-of-the-art 3d strain mapping, and characterization. This research lies at the confluence of materials science, solid mechanics, and manufacturing. Specific projects look at increasing the structural integrity of additive manufactured materials, increasing fidelity of lifing analysis to introduce new light weight materials into applications, and working within the forging process to tailor material properties from location to location within components. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 15th for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Minimum required: 159 Quantitative, 156 Verbal, 4.0 Analytical Writing GPA mimimum: 3.5 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/aaen.html AAR-3. Materials for High Energy Generation Efficiency Professor Michael D. Sangid, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~msangid/ In many applications, it is the material choices that restrict the energy efficiency of the system’s cycle. For instance, in gas turbine engines and nuclear systems, operations at higher temperatures result in an increase in efficiency. Further, polycrystalline materials dominate the infrastructure for the transportation industry. Even incremental improvements in tailored material’s properties can result in higher allowable stress levels, thus removing weight from the overall systems and thereby having an economic impact in the range of billions per year in increased fuel efficiency. Research in our group focuses on structure to property relationships, in the form of in situ micromechanical experiments and microstructure-based modeling to allow higher fidelity lifing analysis and the design of new advanced materials with higher temperature and strength capabilities. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 15th for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Minimum required: 159 Quantitative, 156 Verbal, 4.0 Analytical Writing GPA mimimum: 3.5 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/aaen.html AAR-4. Thermomechanical Properties of Metallic Thin Films at High Temperatures Professor Vikas Tomar, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, [email protected] Research website: https://www.interfacialmultiphysics.com The goal of the proposed research is to investigate the role played by grain boundary level deformation on the overall mechanical response of metallic (Ni) thin films at high temperatures. In the current state of the art, the global response of materials to externally applied load is typically measured or modeled while taking into account combined influence of grain and grain boundary properties [1-3]. This is probably because of very small fraction of grain boundary atoms at the bulk scale. At the nanoscale, the fraction of atoms in grain boundary and triple junctions is very high, and evidence of significantly localized strain in these regions is available experimentally [4-10]. Even though it is accepted that the properties of grain boundaries are different from the grain interior, the difference is not critical at lower temperatures (<0.3 Tm, the melting temperature), [11]. However, at higher temperatures, it is widely agreed that thermo-mechanical measurements or models should account for the grain boundary level property dependence on temperature in order to predict accurate global/sample level mechanical properties, [12]. Even though intuitively the high energy nonequilibrium spaced atoms in grain boundaries are expected to show pronounced temperature dependence, the only such study available in the literature rather looks at low temperature effects [12]. The aim of the proposed research is to separate and to quantify the grain and grain boundary level contributions to the overall mechanical strength of thin films using a combination of in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) quantitative measurements and modeling based on combined molecular simulations and cohesive crystal plasticity finite element (CCPFE) method. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the proposed work the design of new advanced materials with higher temperature and strength capabilities. References [1]. Franz, G., Abed-Meraim, F., and Berveiller, M., "Strain localization analysis for single crystals and polycrystals: Towards microstructureductility linkage". International Journal of Plasticity, 2013. 48(0): p. 1-33. [2]. Requena, G. and Degischer, H.P., "Three-dimensional architecture of engineering multiphase metals". Annual Review of Materials Research, 2012. 42: p. 145-161. [3]. Luzin, V., Spencer, K., and Zhang, M.-X., "Residual stress and thermo-mechanical properties of cold spray metal coatings". Acta Materialia, 2011. 59(3): p. 1259-1270. [4]. Tomar, V. and Zhou, M., "Tension-compression strength asymmetry of nanocrystalline a-Fe2O3+fcc-Al ceramic-metal composites". Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006. 88: p. 233107 (1-3). [5]. Tomar, V. and Zhou, M., "Analyses of tensile deformation of nanocrystalline α-Fe2O3+fcc-Al composites using classical molecular dynamics". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2007. 55: p. 1053-1085. [6]. Oliver, J., Huespe, A., and Dias, I., "Strain localization, strong discontinuities and material fracture: Matches and mismatches". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2012. 241: p. 323-336. [7]. Walley, J., Wheeler, R., Uchic, M., and Mills, M., "In-situ mechanical testing for characterizing strain localization during deformation at elevated temperatures". Experimental mechanics, 2012. 52(4): p. 405-416. [8]. Chan, T., Backman, D., Bos, R., Sears, T., Brooks, I., and Erb, U., "In situ heat generation and strain localization of polycrystalline and nanocrystalline nickel", in Thermomechanics and Infra-Red Imaging, Volume 7. 2011, Springer. p. 17-23. [9]. Rupert, T.J., "Strain localization in a nanocrystalline metal: Atomic mechanisms and the effect of testing conditions". Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 114(3): p. 033527. [10]. Wu, Z., Zhang, Y., Jhon, M., and Srolovitz, D., "Anatomy of nanomaterial deformation: Grain boundary sliding, plasticity and cavitation in nanocrystalline Ni". Acta Materialia, 2013. 61(15): p. 5807-5820. [11]. Wang, Y., Ott, R., Van Buuren, T., Willey, T., Biener, M., and Hamza, A., "Controlling factors in tensile deformation of nanocrystalline cobalt and nickel". Physical Review B, 2012. 85(1): p. 014101. [12]. Furnish, T., Lohmiller, J., Gruber, P., Barbee Jr, T., and Hodge, A., "Temperature-dependent strain localization and texture evolution of highly nanotwinned Cu". Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 103(1): p. 011904. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 15th for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Minimum required: 159 Quantitative, 156 Verbal, 4.0 Analytical Writing GPA mimimum: 3.5 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/aaen.html AAR-5. Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Composites Professor Alejandro Strachan, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Professor Marisol Koslowski, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected]) Research websites: https://nanohub.org/groups/strachangroup/overview https://engineering.purdue.edu/~marisol/Home.html The use of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites (FR-PMC) in structural applications is growing at a rapid pace; the current 50 million pounds per year production of carbon fiber (a third of which is for aerospace applications) is expected to growth at an annual rate between 13 and 16% in the coming years, to satisfy demand in automotive and renewable energy sectors. Despite their growing importance and after decades of research and development, we have only begun to “scratch the surface” of the potential of this class of materials. Predictive computational modeling tools are key to enable the effective optimization of this class of materials; yet existing tools are unable to predict ultimate mechanical properties. In this project we will combine molecular dynamics and phase field simulations to connect the molecular-level and microstructural processes that govern fracture toughness. Large-scale MD simulations will be used to characterize crack propagation in thermoset and thermoplastic polymers and to uncover and quantify the interplay between molecular processes and stress concentration in failure. Constitutive laws obtained from the atomistic simulations will be used in phase field micro mechanical simulations to model crack propagation with an explicit description of microstructure (fiber arrangement). A predictive tool such as the one proposed here has the potential to lead to the design of improved polymers and composite microstructures for applications such as aerospace, automotive, and energy sectors. [1] C. Li and A. Strachan. Molecular Simulations of Cross-linking Process of Thermosetting Polymers. Polymer 51, 6058-6070, 2010. [2] C. Li and A. Strachan. Molecular Dynamics Predictions of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Thermoset Polymer EPON862/DETDA. Polymer 52, 2920-2928, 2011. [3] C. Li and A. Strachan. Effect of Thickness on the Thermo-Mechanical Response of Free-standing Thermoset Nanofilms from Molecular Dynamic. Macromolecules 44, 9448–9454, 2011. [4] C. Li, G. Medvedev, E-W. Lee, J. Kim, J. Caruthers and A. Strachan. Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Studies of the Thermomechanical Response of an Epoxy Thermoset Polymer. Polymer 53, 4222-4230, 2012. [5] O. G. Kravchenko, C. Li, Alejandro Strachan, S. G. Kravchenko and R. B. Pipes, “Prediction of the chemical and thermal shrinkage in a thermoset polymer” Journal of Composites, Part A. 66, 35-43 2014. [6] C. Li, E. Jaramillo and A. Strachan. Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Cyclic Deformation of an Epoxy Thermoset. Polymer Polymer, 54, 881-890, 2013. [7] C. Li, M. Koslowski and A. Strachan, “Engineering curvature in graphene ribbons using ultra-thin polymer films”, Nano Letters, 14 7085–7089 (2014) [8] E. Jaramillo, N. Wilson, S. Christensen, J. Gosse, and A. Strachan. Energy-based Yield Criterion for PMMA from Large-scale MD Simulations. Physical Review B 85, 024114, 2012. [9] C. Li, A. Browning, S. Christensen and A. Strachan. Atomistic Simulations on Multilayer Graphene Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Composites Part A 43, 1293–1300, 2012. [10] Y-J. Kim, K-H. Lin and A. Strachan. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of PMMA Slabs. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21, 065010, 2013. [11] A. J. Mendoza-Jasso, J. E. Goodsell, A. Ritchey, R. B. Pipes and M. Koslowski. A Parametric Study of Fiber Volume Fraction Distribution on the Failure Initiation Location in Open Hole Off-Axis Tensile Specimen. Composites Science and Technology 71, (16) 1819-1825, 2011. [12] A. J. Mendoza-Jasso, J. E. Goodsell, R. B. Pipes and M. Koslowski. Validation of Strain Invariant Failure Analysis in an Open Hole off Axis Specimen. JOM 63, (9) 43-48, 2011. [13] O. G. Kravchenko, C. Li, A. Strachan, S. J. Kravchenko, and R. B. Pipes, R.B., Prediction of the chemical and thermal shrinkage in a thermoset polymer, J. Composites-A (submitted). [14] Y. Xie, Y. Mao, L. sun and M. Koslowski, “Local versus average field failure criterion in amorphous polymers”, Modeling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering 23 025004, 2015. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html Agro-Industry AI-1. Next Generation Crop Plant Phenotyping System with Advanced Sensors and Robotics Professor Jian Jin, School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://ag.purdue.edu/plantsciences/Pages/default.aspx Purdue University’s Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering has been ranked as the #1 Graduate Program by US News & World Report for the past 7 consecutive years. The program calls for applications for PhD positions working on imaging and sensors development for plant phenotyping. The successful candidates will be involved in the development of next generation plant phenotyping systems. More specifically, the research will include integrating modern sensor technologies such as hyperspectral, 3D, thermal, fluorescent cameras, and so on for plant screening purpose. The system is expected to help in plant breeding and gene selection so as to produce more and safer food with higher nutrition quality for the world’s growing population. The candidates will also be studying imaging processing and machine vision algorithms. Statistical modeling and big data analysis will be conducted to assist the search of plant genes in a much faster speed than before, so as to produce more and safer food for the world’s growing population. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html AI-2. Engineering Microbes for the Production of Fuels, Medicines and Materials Professor Kevin Solomon, School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://solomonlab.weebly.com We are seeking enthusiastic students to develop next generation microbial systems that sustainably produce fuels, medicines, and advanced materials with synthetic biology. These platforms exploit the breadth and flexibility of biological metabolism to sustainably produce many valuable compounds at mild conditions with minimal pollution. Scaling these processes to produce hydrophobic commodity chemicals such as a biofuels, however, remains an ongoing challenge due to low conversion and product toxicity. This project proposes to develop a novel protein biocatalyst that acts as a sponge to capture products within microbes, protecting them from its toxic effects, and allow for better process efficiency. These biocatalysts can be modified further to scaffold the needed enzymes together in close proximity, and increase pathway flux to product, thereby improving yield. Other projects also being offered include developing new chemistries for the production of renewable biochemical, and analysis of antibiotic-producing microbial communities for new medicines. Potential students are expected to have a strong background in chemistry, the life sciences, biotechnology, and/or engineering principles with the creativity to tackle and independently solve exciting problems at the forefront of synthetic biology. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html AI-3. Developing an Efficient Spray Coating Mechanism for Feed/Pet-food Pellets Professor Kingsley Ambrose, School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ABE/People/ptProfile?resource_id=124618 Uniform coating of pellets is a challenge faced by the feed and pet-food industry. Obtaining a uniform coating is important for safety and storability of pellets. Aim of this part of study will be to optimize the process of coating of rendered protein meals. The product coating uniformity will be determined by two factors – the percent coating per pass of solids (total mass of solids) and the percent covered by the coating. The coating efficiency as influenced by particle size, consistency of mixed tocopherol, application temperature, pressure and velocity will be determined in this study. The color pigment yellow iron oxide, added with mixed tocopherol before spray coating, will be used as the tracing agent. Analytical measurement of coating uniformity and percent coating will be conducted using a colorimeter with the color values measured and reported in CIELAB units. Extensive simulation of spray coating process will be an integral part of this investigation. The simulation work will be carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) of particle modeling. Through this modeling work, the appropriate design of conveyor, length and speed of conveying of powders for effective coating, length of treatment, number of spray applicators, amount of antioxidant, spray volume contact, and velocity and pressure of mixed tocopherol application will be optimized. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html AI-4. Renewable Fuels and Chemicals from Agricultural Materials Professor Nathan Mosier, School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ABE/People/ptProfile?resource_id=7208 Plant materials from agricultural production, including cellulosics (straw), starches (grains), and oils are potential sources for fuels, chemicals, and polymers for industrial and consumer use. Dr. Nathan Mosier, in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) and the Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering (LORRE), has research programs focusing on the development of catalysts and catalytic processes to transform cellulose and plant oils to valuable fuels and chemicals. Potential graduate students are expected to have a strong background in chemistry, biochemistry, and process engineering with a passion for developing innovative approaches to make renewable, plant-based products. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html AI-5. Exploring the Impacts of Increased Food Production Using the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Professor Bernie Engel, School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~engelb/ The water-energy-food nexus provides a framework to examine the interconnection of food production with water and energy consumption. The research effort will focus on the water conservation component of a water-energy-food nexus research effort for a location or locations in Mexico and locations in Indiana. The effort will examine relationships between increased food production that will require increased irrigation and the impacts on energy requirements as well. The project will examine the impacts of a range of water conservation practices on their ability to reduce water consumption for the study sites and the economics of these practices. Water conservation practices that will be examined include irrigation practices as well. The SWAT model as well as other models will be used to explore the impacts of these practices. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html Advanced Manufacturing AM-1. Simulation of Composite Manufacturing Professor R. Byron Pipes, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE/People/ptProfile?id=1436#research-interests-page, https://cdmhub.org/ This project will engage in the integration of a suite of simulation tools to develop a virtual process environment to allow carbon fiber composites manufacturing processes such as prepreg stamping, high pressure resin transfer molding of continuous fiber composites, injection over-molding of thermoplastic composites and additive manufacturing. Experiments will be carried out in the Indiana Manufacturing Institute to validate the simulation suite predictions. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html AM-2. Additive Composites Manufacturing Professor R. Byron Pipes, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE/People/ptProfile?id=1436#research-interestspage, https://cdmhub.org/ This project focuses on the development of Additive composites manufacturing as a vehicle to accelerate the tool-less manufacturing concepts that will provide viable manufacturing processes for personalized products across the aerospace, automotive, medical and leisure products industries. Additive Composites Manufacturing is a process for making a three-dimensional object of virtually any shape from a digital model by the melting and consolidation of comingled reinforcing and polymer matrix fibers. By controlling the location of the melt and consolidation site, three-dimensional shapes can be formed that possess the extraordinary properties of high performance polymer composites. Further, the integration of embedded sensors in the structure during the process is both feasible and viable. Here the addition of electrically conductive elements and MEMS devices within the fiber array provides for placement in situ sensors with electrical continuity within the structure. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE/People/ptProfile?id=1436#research-interests-page https://cdmhub.org/ AM-3. Assembly of Soft-Micromachines in Microfluidic Channels Professor Carlos Martinez, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=34724 The technological world is rapidly moving towards the fabrication of soft-micro/nano-machines for applications in medicine, drug delivery, and environmental cleanup. The idea is simple, build active machines that can do work at the nano and picoliter scales. A key challenge in this area is how to integrate different functionalities into the micromachines by assembling active units that can provide power, mechanical and chemical work as well as sensing capabilities. One potential approach is through the fabrication of functional hydrogel microparticles with well-defined shapes and dedicated functions that can self-assemble into versatile micromachines. In this project we aim to develop the methodology, materials, and assembly approaches to fabricate functional hydrogel-based microparticles and assemble them into soft-micromachines in microfluidic channels. Prof. Martinez group has both the necessary equipment and expertise to operate microfluidic devices and generate hydrogel particles. The first part of the project involves building a bench-top soft lithography station to fabricate microfluidic devices and functional hydrogel microparticles. The microparticles will range in size between 25 to 100 μm and will be made in a variety of shapes according to the desired micromachine shape and functionality. In the second part of the project, microfluidics devices will be fabricated with microchannel arrangements that ease the sequential assembly of the microparticles into a micromachine. The functionality of the micromachines will be tested against different external triggers including chemical and temperature gradients, magnetic and electric fields, as well as light sources. This work will serve as the foundation for the fabrication of highly advanced soft micromachines. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html AM-4. Virtual Manufacturing Science Professor R. Edwin Garcia, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.redwingresearch.org/research/microstructure-evolution At the core of manufacturing science is the development of improved processing operations that result on better material properties, reliability, and performance. The focus of this thread of research is on the development of practical analytical and numerical descriptions that will allow to accelerate the development of materials. Here, we are currently developing theories, advanced software and visualization techniques that will accelerate such process and will make the analysis of a processing operation an intuitive step on the development of new science and even intellectual property. Simulation techniques such as kinetic Monte Carlo, phase field modeling, and level set methods are adapted, generalized, and integrated to each other in an effort to have a realistic description of the complexity associated to real processing operations.Physical and Chemical Vapor Deposition, Annealing and Sintering, and Electrodeposition are example applications of systems that are being analyzed. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html AM-5. Prefabricated Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Professors Rodolfo Pinal, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, [email protected]; Josef Kokini, Department of Food Sciences, [email protected] Research website: http://www.ipph.purdue.edu/faculty/?uid=pinal This will be a new paradigm for the manufacture of pharmaceutical dosage forms, based on the 3D assembly of prefabricated working components according to an a priori design or blueprint. Inspired on the approach for building 3D integrated circuits (3D IC), this new technology is termed 3D Integrated Pharmaceuticals (3D IP). The basic working part of 3D IP products is a polymer film, laminate or smart membrane, used to perform a specific predetermined pharmaceutical function. Drug nanoparticles and proteins are stabilized into functional/smart films. Other desirable pharmaceutical performance attributes of the dosage form (e.g., taste masking, solubilizing agent, absorption enhancer, pH control, bioadhesive layer, ID/anticounterfeiting layer, etc.) are included by integrating additional functional layers into the 3D stack design. The prefabricated 3D IP dosage forms can be made to look and feel as traditional tablets or caplets, as small tablets (minitabs) for elderly patients, or they can be shaped as taste masked sprinkles for children. The core concept of 3D stacking of functional layers will be enhanced through the application of advanced manufacturing methods. Nanolithography and advanced printing technologies will be implemented for engineering smart responsive/triggered working components. Web based methods such as roll-to-roll printing will be used as the basis for the production of highly effective, low cost pharmaceutical dosage forms. The technology will open the creation of inventories of re-usable working parts to an industry where such a concept is lacking: once a solubilizing or an absorption promoting laminate for example, is developed, it will be possible to use it time and again as a working component for the design and assembly of any new product that requires it. Dosage forms built from prefabricated functional parts represent a paradigm shift on dosage form design and manufacture, enabling unprecedented levels of control and flexibility for customizing end product performance of small molecules and biopharmaceuticals. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 580; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores set. GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Mary Ellen Hurt, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/inpp.html Bioengineering BE-1. Role of Polyphenols in Understanding the Mechanisms of Protein Aggregation in Parkinson Disease Professor Lia Stanciu, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=11440 The mechanism of aggregation of the a-synuclein amyloid protein into fibrils goes through intermediate molecular species that are pore-like and have been shown to be toxic to neurons, leading to neuropathologies such as Parkinson’s disease. To date, it has been firmly established that these intermediate stage pore-like species (termed “protofibrils”), rather than the mature fibrils, are neurotoxic. Certain compounds, such as polyphenols (e.g. baicalein and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)) were shown to suppress a-synuclein toxic aggregation. However, the exact mechanism of polyphenol neuroprotection is still a mystery. In this project, we put forward the use of cryo-EM visualization as being unique in its ability to illuminate the exact mechanisms of action of polyphenols on the structure of toxic a-synuclein protofibrils appearing during the dynamic aggregationdisaggregation pathway. The hypothesis that will be verified is that polyphenols may inhibit the formation of neurotoxic a-synuclein protofibrils by interacting with the hydrophobic groups involved in the intermediate stages of alpha-synuclein self-assembly into mature fibrils. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html BE-2. Novel Mechanically Compatible Osteoinductive Scaffolds for Large Bone Defect Healing Professor Meng Deng, School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.regenerativematter.com/index.html Bone loss resulting from trauma, pathological degeneration, or congenital deformity poses a significant health care challenge. In cases of fracture non-unions and large mass bone loss, surgical intervention is often warranted. Transplantation of autografts (patients' own bone) is considered the gold standard for the repair of bone defects. Upon implantation, the grafts support the recruitment and differentiation of stem cells or osteoprogenitor cells into osteoblasts (osteoinductivity). However, autografts are limited in availability and often are associated with donor-site morbidity. Materialbased bone graft substitutes such as calcium phosphates have been proposed as alternatives but often fail due to mechanical mismatch between the grafts and surrounding bone. Thus, there is a critical need to engineer mechanically compatible synthetic materials with osteoinductivity to promote successful in situ bone regeneration. Bone is a natural composite comprising an organic collagen phase and an inorganic phase of hydroxyapatite. For example, advances in polymer science have allowed for the design of biodegradable biomaterials with an appropriate combination of degradation profiles, and physico-chemical and mechanical properties. Furthermore, our recent work has provided new insights into the role of liberated calcium and phosphate ions from calcium phosphates on enhanced osteogenic differentiation of stem cells. The objective of this proposal is to develop a novel biodegradable polymer/ceramic biomaterial system with suitable osteoinductivity and mechanical properties towards accelerated healing of large segmental bone defects. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html BE-3. Treatments to Reduce Inflammation and Thrombosis Resulting from Endothelial Disfunction, Professor Alyssa Panitch, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~apanitch/ Endothelial dysfunction plays a role in sepsis1, multiple system organ failure2, ischemic reperfusion3, vasculitides4 5, and diabetes related vascular disorders6. Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and indeed the world7. If trends continue, 30% of all US citizens may develop diabetes by 2050 with their associated vascular disorders as a result of endothelial dysfunction7. What is more, there are no effective treatments to reduce endothelial dysfunction in the 750,000 cases of severe septic patients diagnosed annually in the United States alone1. Severe sepsis and ischemic reperfusion often leads to multiple system organ failure due to the massive inflammatory response associated with sepsis2. Finally, approximately 900,000 people annually in the United States suffer from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and the resultant life-threatening complication, pulmonary embolism8. Thus treatments to reduce inflammation and thrombosis resulting from endothelial dysfunction are sorely needed. The laboratory is focusing on targeted glycosaminoglycan treatments to treat endothelial dysfunction. 1. Shapiro NI, Schuetz P, Yano K, et al. The association of endothelial cell signaling, severity of illness, and organ dysfunction in sepsis. Critical care 2010;14:R182. 2. Aird WC. The role of the endothelium in severe sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Blood 2003;101:3765-77. 3. Schofield ZV, Woodruff TM, Halai R, Wu MC, Cooper MA. Neutrophils--a key component of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Shock 2013;40:463-70. 4. Zhang J, Hanig JP, De Felice AF. Biomarkers of endothelial cell activation: candidate markers for drug-induced vasculitis in patients or druginduced vascular injury in animals. Vascular pharmacology 2012;56:14-25. 5. Watts RA, Scott DG. Recent developments in the classification and assessment of vasculitis. Best practice & research Clinical rheumatology 2009;23:429-43. 6. Salmon AH, Satchell SC. Endothelial glycocalyx dysfunction in disease: albuminuria and increased microvascular permeability. The Journal of pathology 2012;226:562-74. 7. Moulton AD, Albright AL, Gregg EW, Goodman RA. Law, Public Health, and the Diabetes Epidemic. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2013;45:486-93. 8. Heit JA. The epidemiology of venous thromboembolism in the community. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2008;28:370-2. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): 156 Verbal, 159 quantitative for revised-GRE GPA mimimum: 3.25/4.0 Undergraduate (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Sandy May, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/bmep.html BE-4. Biomechanics of Nerve Injury in Traumatic Blast Injury Professor Riyi Shi, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.vet.purdue.edu/cpr/riyi/ By integrating biological, engineering, and computational methods we are interested in developing biomechanical models of brain and spinal cord tissue to better understand the structural damage, and more importantly, capable of predicting functional loss resulting from various trauma, such as mechanical (compression, contusion) and blast injury. Mechanical or blast injuries to the brain and spinal cord often results in tissue damage that lead to various functional loss. Effective prognosis and treatment of these types of injury is virtually non-existent because of poor understanding of the mechanisms of injury and the mechanical properties of the CNS tissues. Computational models are a valuable tool that can predict the extent of structural damage to the spinal cord and the consequent loss of nerve function. Development of an effective model requires a rigorous interdisciplinary effort that takes into account the anatomical mechanisms of injury as well as the mechanical behavior of the tissue. Engineers can characterize the tissue properties and biologists can monitor anatomical and functional changes. These disciplines have been brought together to in our lab to build an effective model. We have established an interdisciplinary research team working together to understand the mechanisms of various traumatic injuries and establish models that can predict the severity of tissue damage at given external load and also guild treatments. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): 156 Verbal, 159 quantitative for revised-GRE GPA mimimum: 3.25/4.0 Undergraduate (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Sandy May, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/bmep.html BE-5. Novel Adhesives and Scaffolds for Nerve Repair Generation Professor Riyi Shi, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.vet.purdue.edu/cpr/riyi/ We have been researching the use of biological and synthetic polymer adhesives for providing mechanical strength to the recovering injured spinal cord, as well as peripheral nerves. An ideal adhesive is expected to provide synergistic benefits along with Polyethylene Glycol, to the injured spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It was found that a biological adhesive, mussel adhesive proteins (MAP) and a Rapidly Photo-Cross-Linkable Chitosan Hydrogel, can provide strength that is compatible to or better than, some known non-biological adhesives. On-going testing will combine the use of PEG, nerve membrane fusion, and bioadhesives, connective tissue fusion, to achieve optimal results in CNS and PNS nerve repair. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): 156 Verbal, 159 quantitative for revised-GRE GPA mimimum: 3.25/4.0 Undergraduate (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Sandy May, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/bmep.html Biotechnology Research BR-1. Towards Cost Effective Techniques for Real-time Release Testing in Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals Professor Marcial Gonzalez, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: www.marcialgonzalez.net After many decades of near-stagnation, pharmaceutical manufacturing is experiencing unprecedented scientific and technological innovation. In the last few years, the pharmaceutical industry and its technology suppliers have embraced a worldwide transformation from batch to continuous manufacturing of API and solid dosage forms. Interest has already expanded from branded companies to generic companies, and technology suppliers are actively developing a range of process analytical technology (PAT) to enable continuous processing. It is expected that within a few years this technology will also be adopted by the nutraceutical industry. With PAT, production costs are reduced and quality is designed into the process, rather than verified afterwards. In general, performance characterization of solid dosage forms cannot be evaluated on-line due to long laboratory analysis time. PAT closes this information gap with in-process data and analysis tools that improve process understanding and control. Therefore, PAT tools give nutra- and pharmaceutical industries a basis for continuous quality verification during continuous operation. However, this concept is not yet fully implemented in practice, and thus real-time product release (RTR) not yet available. The PAT component of RTR requires a valid combination of assessed material attributes and process controls. The set of direct and/or indirect process analytical methods employed to assess material attributes must be not only redundant and complementary to control risk, but it must also be cost effective. Both aspects then result in an overall cost reduction of the manufacturing process. Currently, no mechanical material attributes that affect tablet compaction are assessed during the process and their impact on the final product quality is only indirectly assessed after the product is manufactured, e.g., by measuring hardness of the tablets. Nevertheless, a feedback control loop can be used to ensure quality during continuous operation. Here we propose a radically different approach. We will implement a forward control loop based on a novel mechanical characterization methodology at the particle scale. This methodology can potentially further reduce production costs by reducing the volume used for assessing material attributes (i.e., a tablet versus a particle) and by decreasing the time-response of the systems to process disturbances. The proposed Ph.D. study will specifically consider the following research aims: - Aim 1 – Develop an experimental procedure and novel contact models for extracting elastoplastic and breakage properties of micro-size particles and granules under diametrical compression. - Aim 2 – Assess the viability of single particle measurements as a reliable and robust RTR testing using the continuous direct compression line available at Purdue University (a one of a kind facility currently funded by NSF, FDA and the pharmaceutical sector). - Aim 3 – Develop multi-physics mechanistic models to predict tablet performance (such as tablet hardness, swelling and disintegration) from particle properties, and use these models to enhance PAT tools. Partnerships with groups associated with I2T2, ITESM, UANL and UDEM whose expertise is complementary to this study (such as the groundbreaking research on fabrication of probiotic powder that contains Lactobacillus casei) are desirable and will solidify the global impact of the project, but are not required. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required. For fellowship consideration; 162 Quantitative, 155 Verbal, 4.0 Analytical Writing GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html BR-2. Bacterial Surface Attachment Professor Arezoo M. Ardekani, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: www.engineering.purdue.edu/ardekani Microbes can be found in both planktonic state (free swimming) or attached to surfaces and interfaces that lead to biofilm formation. Microbial biofilms have been shown to play a key role in a multitude of health-related issues, such as human and animal infections, deficiency of currently available antibiotics, and contamination of medical implants. According to the immunology report published by the National Institute of Health, more than 80% of the microbial infections in the human body are induced by pathogenic biofilms, making them one of the leading causes of death in the US. These infections are initiated by the attachment of bacteria to tissue surfaces or implanted devices, creating anchored biomass via synthesizing extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Aggregation of bacteria in these close-knit communities leads to a 1000-fold increase in their tolerance to antibiotics, thereby making the common pharmaceutical methods to sanitize prosthetic devices ineffective. Decades of research on diverse bacterial species has shown that the interaction of cells with a surface inhibits motility and stimulates the synthesis of adhesins, cell-surface components that facilitate bacterial adhesion. Experimental results for multiple bacterial species show stimulation of production of adhesive polysaccharide upon bacterial surface contact. However, results are mainly obtained from population and lack the analysis of single cells. The mechanism of stimulation of adhesin synthesis and transition from reversible to irreversible adhesion is still unknown. Mathematical modeling approaches are not well established in this area, mainly due to the lack of the experimental analysis of single cells and the direct microscopic observation of adhesin production at high temporal resolution. This theory-experiment project focuses on the mechanisms leading to transition from reversible to irreversible adhesion which is critical for stable surface attachment of bacteria and subsequent biofilm formation Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html BR-3. Nanomaterial-enabled Amperometric Biosensing Professor Timothy Fisher, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/People/ptProfile?id=28558 The field of biomedical sensing has undergone a rapid expansion over the past decade. Much like the fields of microelectronics and telecommunications decades earlier, this growth has been characterized by many scientific breakthroughs whose transition to broad applications has been hindered by insufficient definitions of broad-based standards and implementation protocols. We believe that the field of in vitro physiological sensing has developed to the point at which such standards will become essential to maintain the rate of progress in the field. To this end, we propose to develop, define, and refine common packaging and signal processing standards using sensing elements based on carbon nanopetals developed in Fisher’s lab. We seek to implement next-generation platforms for advanced-throughput, in vitro physiology. These will be based on micro-electromechanical systems developed for biological applications (bioMEMS). Using an existing and expanding set of techniques to measure physiologically relevant analytes we will adapt scalable bioMEMS microfabrication techniques to create platforms for in vitro physiology that utilize the nanopetal sensor as a basis. We will utilize existing protocols and also develop new technologies for enzyme integration in bioMEMS devices. Our focus for biosensor development is based on electroanalytically coupled oxidase enzyme approaches with sensitive and selective amperometric responses. We will exploit bottom-up approaches to grow nanomaterials on roll-to-roll substrates amenable to commercial manufacturing scales as platforms for highly controlled and efficient biosensors when functionalized. Without scalability and data processing/acquisition systems, a biosensor chip is an expensive but esoteric work of craftsmanship. In order to bridge the gap between promise and delivery for advanced throughput functionality we need standardized approaches for manufacturing and diagnostic operation. We will therefore seek to develop standard processes for bioMEMS fabrication and functionalization, and software and computing approaches to support these efforts. Ultimately this will produce the needed instrumentation for long-term operation of scalable nanopetal-based bioMEMS. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html BR-4. Drug/siRNA delivery using multifunctional nanoparticles Professor Alexander Wei, Department of Chemistry, [email protected] Research website: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp?itemID=67 We have engineered nanoparticles that respond to optical (near-infrared) irradiation or magnetic fields for the triggered release of drugs, siRNA, and other bioactive agents. These nanosized payloads are being tested both in vitro and in vivo, to address therapeutically-relevant questions in nanomedicine, with a particular focus on cancer. For some details, see: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/awei/research1.html Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): not required Contact information: Candice Kissinger, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/chem.html BR-5. Bioelectrocatalyzed Reduction of CO2 to Higher Alcohols and Acids Professor George (Zhi) Zhou, Schools of Civil and Environmental and Ecological Engineering, [email protected])) Research website: http://environbiotechnology.com/ Rapid growth of energy consumption and excess greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels have promoted research on renewable energy sources and CO 2 utilization techniques. Certain hydrocarbon compounds, such as butanol, can serve as promising chemical fuels and have been extensively studied in conventional biomass-based biofuel processes, but production of biomass itself is a slow process and needs land, water, and nutrients, which likely compromises the sustainability of these production processes Bioelectrochemical systems, such as microbial electrolysis cell (MECs), have provided another possibility of renewable energy sources. Some microorganisms can take up external electrons on electrode surfaces and reduce CO 2 to useful chemicals using protons or hydrogen produced through water splitting with external potential applications in MECs. Additionally, 2-oxobutyrate and butyrate can be produced in the cathode chamber of MECs by pure cultures and mixed cultures. Nevertheless, studies on the production of biofuels using CO 2 as the only carbon source is still limited in the literature. The objective of this study is to reduce CO 2 to produce higher carbon compounds and alcohols and acids through electrosynthesis with a mixed culture consortium. Different microorganisms will be tested for their substrate utilization and product formation capabilities. The efficiencies of different types of reactors and cultivation media will be compared to improve the efficiency of electrosynthesis. The project will evaluate the feasibility of producing biofuels or higher carbon organic compounds using CO 2 as the only carbon source and electricity as the only energy source, and bypass the difficulties of direct biofuel production by pure cultures or genetic modification. This study will help develop a potentially highly cost-effective approach for biofuel production. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html BR-6. Electrochemical Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Ceramic Membranes to Reduce Bio-fouling and Improve Separation Performance Professor George (Zhi) Zhou, Schools of Civil and Environmental and Ecological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://environbiotechnology.com/ Membrane filtration technologies have been developed rapidly during the last few decades and demonstrated to be viable approaches to separate contaminants from water. While membrane filtration technology has significant advantages and shows considerable future promise, the status of the technology is such that its performance has been often degraded by membrane fouling, which is membrane surface deposition process that results in flux decline and poor effluent water quality. Among the common fouling issues, biofouling is especially difficult to treat and could lead to low water quality, pathogen development, and corrosion, which often requires intensive chemical cleaning or membrane replacement. Therefore, there remains a critical need to develop a membrane filtration technique with reduced biofouling and improved separation efficiency water purification. The objective of this study is to develop an efficient membrane treatment technique that will be useful in reducing biofouling during chemical contaminant removal in water purification. Our rationale for this research is that its successful completion can be expected to provide new opportunities to develop cost-effective water treatment technologies to improve water quality. The specific research objectives are to: 1) Design improved electrochemical graphene-carbon nanotube ceramic membranes with reduced biofouling and increased separation performance; 2) Identify molecular mechanisms of electrochemical ceramic membranes that contribute to biofouling reduction. Upon the successful completion of this project, we expect to have developed innovative electrochemical G/CNT ceramic membranes to effectively remove chemical contaminants and understood the mechanism of biofouling reduction in these membranes. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html BR-7. Development of Antibiotic Resistance Under the Exposure of Trace Levels of Antibiotics in Wastewater and Natural Environments Professor George (Zhi) Zhou, Schools of Civil and Environmental and Ecological Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://environbiotechnology.com/ While antibiotic resistance may pose significant health risks, research on the development of antibiotic resistance under the exposure of trace levels of antibiotics in wastewater and natural environments is limited, due in large part to the limitations of existing techniques. Study of antibiotic resistance in wastewater treatment systems and natural environments requires a thorough grasp of microbiological principles and a systematic integration of microbiology into engineering and natural systems, but current studies on this topic is limited on the occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria or resistance genes. The objective of this project is to understand the development of antibiotic resistance under the exposure of trace levels of antibiotics in wastewater and natural environments through in situ functional gene analysis. The specific research objectives are to: 1) develop a sensitive FISH technique to detect functional genes; 2) examine the development of antibiotic resistance under the exposure of trace levels of antibiotics through in situ analysis of microbial structure and functions. Significant benefits can be expected from the successful completion of the proposed research. The new knowledge generated following the successful completion of this study is expected to provide new insights into potentially effective strategies to improve water quality and abrogate the adverse health risks of antibiotic resistance in the environment. The integration of this knowledge with cross-disciplinary contributions regarding advanced water purification technologies will contribute to our knowledge on a topic that is of significant concern globally. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html BR-8. Nutraceuticals and Personal Care Products Professor Teresa Carvajal, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, [email protected] Professor Bruce R. Hamaker, Food Science, [email protected] Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/Engr/People/ptProfile?resource_id=49581 https://ag.purdue.edu/foodsci/Pages/Profile.aspx?strAlias=hamakerb&intDirDeptID=14 The current nutraceutical and personal care products manufacturing practices have the potential of producing adverse effects on the ecosystems. An approach is to propose other non-conventional ways of manufacturing that have the potential to be gentile with the environment. Also, in an effort of combating the dual burden he growing population: obesity and diabetes, we would like to propose systems that can help improve the smart absorption of nutrients especially to help these conditions. The potential economic impact is expected to be improved efficiency of the development process in the next decade. The societal impact, long term, will be the availability of new and better-quality nutraceuticals to improve health and overall quality of life. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 1st 2015 for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): required, no minimum score set GPA mimimum: 3.0 for undergraduate Contact information: Gail G. Biberstine, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/abe.html Biosensors and Medical Devices BMD-1. Development of Predictive Computational Tools for Optimal Reconstructive Surgery Professor Adrian Buganza Tepole, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://engineering.purdue.edu/people/abuganza My research interest is the application of computational approaches from mechanics and systems biology in clinically relevant scenarios. In collaboration with Dr. Arun K Gosain at the Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago I study skin growth. I am working with Prof. Kevin K Parker at Harvard developing and calibrating predictive computational models of wound healing. A student working with me at Purdue would develop computational tools to optimize reconstructive surgery by means of predictive simulations. The core technological and scientific development would be: to create robust numerical methods for large deformations of thin membranes that account for the mechanical and biological adaptations of living skin; and to develop reduced order models that enable treatment optimization. [1] Buganza Tepole A, Gart M, Gosain AK, Kuhl E. Characterization of living skin using multi view stereo and isogeometric analysis. Acta Biomat. 2014;10:4822-4831. [2] Buganza Tepole A, Steinberg JP, Kuhl E, Gosain AK. Application of finite element modeling to optimize flap design with tissue expansion. Plast Reconstr Surgery. 2014;134:785-792 Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html BMD-2. Stretchable Skin-Patch of Thermotherapy and Topical Drug Delivery for Joint Pain Professor Chi Hwan Lee, Schools of Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://engineering.purdue.edu/BioNanoTronics/ Joint pains are common condition by obesity, aging and sport-related injuries, which results in swelling, muscle weakness and numbness. Topical drug patch that can release drugs directly to the painful site is a classical physiotherapy to act locally in the soft tissues without systemic effects. Thermal therapy offers an additive treatment methodology in orthopedics for synergetic effects such as thermal expansion of the vascular systems and their surrounding soft tissues, thereby further reducing pain and joint stiffness. Several challenges, however, remain: (1) The patches that must conformably adhere to the joints usually require strong adhesive to prevent peeling from large deformations, which causes irritations and damages on tissues when removed. (2) The dynamic strain variations by the large movement of the joints can lead to unwanted, strain-induced leakage of drugs. (3) The conventional heating patches that use passive thermal diffusions are impossible to control temperatures. (4) The materials compositions of drug-reservoir predefine the release kinetics of drugs, making precise dose controls impossible after implantation on the skin. To address these, I propose to develop a soft and stretchable skin-patch that is lightweight and thin, and therefore is capable of conformably adhering to the human joints. The demonstration system will consist of (1) wirelessly addressable thermal actuator (Joule heating resistor), (2) a wireless power supplier that is specially designed to couple with commercially available wireless portable chargers that are typically used at home, (3) a uniform coating of thermo-responsive hydrogel embedded with test drug molecules (i.e., diclofenac epolamine, 1.3% by weight), selectively located on the Joule heating elements. Importantly, the design layouts of the system will employ the “islandinterconnector strategy” to control strains under stretching mode for which the mechanically isolated islands (embedding with the thermo-responsive hydrogel) will withstand negligible strains but the serpentine elastic interconnectors will accommodate most of the strains. These demonstrations will form a basis to adapt various envisioned applications in wearable articular therapeutic uses. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; October 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): 156 Verbal, 159 quantitative for revised-GRE GPA mimimum: 3.25/4.0 Undergraduate (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Sandy May, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/bmep.html BMD-3. Novel Magnetic Sensors and Transducers for Brain Research and Therapies Professor Ernesto E. Marinero, Schools of Materials and Electrical & Computer Engineering, [email protected] Drs. Hector Ramón Martinez Rodriguez and Ricardo Garza Camacho, Insitute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Hospital Zambrano, ITESM, Monterrey, NL. Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=69470, http://www.cmzh.com.mx/neurologia-y-neurocirugia/staff.aspx Present techniques to study brain activity rely either on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) through the change of nuclear relaxation times or on magneto encephalography (MEG) which directly senses the extremely weak magnetic fields (few fTs) produced by neural activity. Therefore current MEG research is currently limited to using large, patient-intrusive equipment requiring low cryogenic temperatures. A novel fT magnetic sensor array to study brain activity is here proposed. The new device offers unprecedented tunable response sensitivity across length scales spanning the nano and macro domains, and can readily be built on wearable headgear as sensor arrays for the study of brain activity in different length and time scales, thereby potentially enabling to link large scale activity of neural circuits with localized neuron physiology. A second goal of the project is the study of trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the brain, a clinical procedure that has been successfully employed in a variety of neurological conditions ranging from depression to Alzheimer disease. In spite of its promise, the fundamental mechanisms involved in TMS are not fully understood. We will use our materials and fabrication capabilities to build TMS probes in combination with the ultra-sensitive magnetic sensors to study TMS in length scales from sub-micron to inches. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html BMD-4. Advanced Medication Microencapsulation for Children Professor Carlos Martinez, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=34724 A challenge that has plagued the pharmaceutical industry is how to reliable administer a drug dose to children. Common drugs such as acetaminophen can be easily formulated for children using natural and artificial flavors that mask the drug inherent bad taste. Sadly, most drugs cannot be formulated in a similar manner which leads to children rejection either because of their taste or texture. One potential way to overcome these issues is to encapsulate the drugs in microcapsules that can mask their bad taste and provide the proper texture. The aim of this project is to develop the chemistry and methodology to encapsulate drugs in microcapsules that mask the taste and provide good texture for children. A second aim is to utilize nanoscale biocompatible renewal sources such as cellulose nanocrystals as the shell material. Prof. Martinez group specializes in microencapsulation using multi-emulsion drops (drops within drops) generated in microcapillary devices. Multi-emulsion drops provide a path for the generation of monodisperse multi-layer capsules with advanced functionalities beyond those offered by conventional encapsulation technologies. Moreover, the monodisperse nature of the capsules ensures precise dosage delivery. The first part of the project will involve identifying the proper chemistries that will enable the encapsulation of a selected group of drugs. Initially, capsules will be fabricated from double emulsions drops (one drop inside another drop) composed of a drug core surrounded by a biodegradable shell. After the drops are generated, the shell material is turned into a solid capsule that can be further used either dry or in solution. Flavors can be embedded in the microcapsule shell by incorporating natural flavor particles or oil drops. Further functionalities will be developed by generating triple and quadruple emulsion drops composed of the primary drug in the core surrounded by shell layers containing a secondary drug and flavors. The capsule texture will also be controlled by the addition of natural modifiers to the shell material. This project will provide a robust path for the proper administration of drugs to children without bad taste and poor texture. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html BMD-5. Biomolecular Target-Surface Interactions in Arbovirus Detection Platforms Professors Lia Stanciu and Ernesto E. Marinero, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected], [email protected]; Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=11440; https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=69470 The goal of this project is to understand the fundamental science behind pushing the physical limits of detection for dengue virus (DENV) and other mosquito borne viruses (arboviruses). Many biosensors are based on measurements that require the reaction in solution of target analytes with receptors on a sensing surface. As biosensing technologies are moving towards extremely small sizes and concentrations, there is a point at which physical limits, such as limitations of diffusion speed in extremely dilute target solutions, become difficult to overcome. This project will use a combination of cryo-electron microscopy and biomolecular design, together with sensor material selection, to identify the best techniques to go beyond what’s the currently possible performance in surface-based arborvirus DNA biosensors (detection limit and response time). Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html BMD-6. Fundamentals of Porosity-Property Relationships in Bioresorbable Metals Professor Lia Stanciu, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=11440 The goal of this project is to understand the fundamental science behind pushing the physical limits of detection for dengue virus (DENV) and other mosquito borne viruses (arboviruses). Many biosensors are based on measurements that require the reaction in solution of target analytes with receptors on a sensing surface. As biosensing technologies are moving towards extremely small sizes and concentrations, there is a point at which physical limits, such as limitations of diffusion speed in extremely dilute target solutions, become difficult to overcome. This project will use a combination of cryo-electron microscopy and biomolecular design, together with sensor material selection, to identify the best techniques to go beyond what’s the currently possible performance in surface-based arborvirus DNA biosensors (detection limit and response time). Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html Energy Research ER-1. Advanced Numerical Simulations of Thermoacoustic Energy Conversion Devices Professor Carlo Scalo, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/People/ptProfile?id=113510 Thermoacoustic Engines (TAE) are special devices designed to be thermoacoustically unstable, i.e. spontaneously converting (any form of) heat into acoustic energy, which is then harnessed in the form of electrical power. TAEs can also be operated in reverse: sound waves generated by a loud speaker propagate into a heat exchanger and create a thermal gradient, achieving refrigeration. While the basic principles of such technology were understood in the early 80’s, the real technological breakthrough were pioneered at the Los Alamos National Labs by Dr. G. Swift in the 90’s. TAEs are subject of continuing work at NASA-Glenn (Dr. Dyson, pers. comm.) and in private industrial efforts all over the world. Cutting edge technological developments have allowed applications ranging from household refrigeration and energy production, to advanced nuclear-powered deep space probes. Remarkable thermodynamic efficiencies, approaching 50% of Carnot’s theoretical limit have been already achieved (Tijiani and Spoelstra, 2012). Performance losses are, however, still present and are due to complex nonlinear fluid dynamic processes that can only be understood with advanced computational methods. The proposed study therefore seeks to establish benchmark quality high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations of carefully selected idealized elements of TAEs and leverage these databases to improve upon engineering predictive tools. Successful completion of the proposed study would overcome a critical deficiency in current design tools for thermoacoustic systems and push the TAE’s efficiency to the limits of the second law of thermodynamics. The proposed study will rely on well established codes such as CFDSU and CharlesX developed from Stanford University and will involve interactions with the department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University and, in the long run, research scientists at NASA-Glenn. Specific investigations will include: 1) distortion and shock formation control in resonating ducts using advanced macrosonic synthesis, 2) thermoacoustic streaming and wave-induced heat fluxes, 3) modeling of piezo-electric acoustic energy extraction, 4) effects of transitional turbulence induced by high-amplitude acoustic waves. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html ER-2. Flexible Self-charging Hybrid Cells for Concurrent Harvesting and Storage of Multi-type Ambient Energies Professor Wenzhuo Wu, School of Industrial Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://sites.google.com/site/wwznanomanufacturing Harvesting and storing the energies from ambient cost-effectively is critical for both addressing worldwide long-term energy needs at the macro-scale, and achieving the sustainable and maintenance-free operation of nanodevices at the micro-scale. The existing energy-harvesting approaches, however, were developed on the basis of different physical principles and diverse engineering approaches to specifically harvest an individual type of energy, while the other types of energies are wasted. In this project, we propose to develop a technology of flexible self-charging hybrid cells (SCHC) by hybridizing the energy conversion and storage into a single unit, which can directly harvest multiple types of energies from the ambient, e.g. mechanical vibration, solar energy and thermal energy, and simultaneously store them in the integrated battery via system hybridization. The SCHC will be developed using semiconductor nanomaterials, e.g. n-ZnO and p-CuO nanowires, for concurrently harvesting the various energies. These converted energies will be stored in the storage unit, e.g. nanostructured Li-ion battery, which is integrated on the same flexible substrate. This proposed SCHC hybridizes energy harvesters, storage devices, and power-management systems, and can be used as a flexible power source that is capable of cost-effective and around-the-clock conversion/storage of ambient energy for supporting the continuous sustainable operations of electronics in emerging applications, e.g. sensor networks, internet of things wearable devices, and implantable sensors. By accomplishing the proposed research goals, a gigantic progress will be made not only in energy-related applications but also in shifting paradigm of nanotechnology from studying discrete nanodevices to developing integrated nanosystem. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 5th 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 80. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 19, Speaking 19 and Writing 19. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) recommended: 151 Verbal, 155 Quantitative, 3.5 Analytical GPA: Undergraduate 3.2/4.0; Graduate 3.5/4.0 Contact information: Cheryl Barnhart, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ie.html ER-3. One-dimensional Piezoelectric Semiconductors Based Piezotronic Nanodevices Arrays for Smart Adaptive Bio-electronics Sensing and Interfacing Professor Wenzhuo Wu, School of Industrial Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://sites.google.com/site/wwznanomanufacturing The seamless and adaptive interactions between electronics and their environment (e.g. the human body) are crucial for advancing emerging technologies e.g. implantable sensors, novel surgical tools and bio-probes. Non-electrical stimuli, e.g. mechanical agitations, are ubiquitous and abundant in these applications for interacting with the electronics. Current scheme of operation not only requires complex integration of heterogeneous components, but also lacks direct interfacing between electronics and mechanical actuations. Piezotronic effect is an emerging field in nanomaterials research and offers novel means of manipulating electronic processes via dynamically tunable strain. The piezotronic principle offers new approach for 3D structuring of vertical nanowire transistor by eliminating the wrap gate electrode. In this research, we propose to develop large-scale array of taxel (tactile pixel)-addressable flexible and transparent matrix of piezotronic nanowires transistors for active and adaptive bio-electronics sensing and interfacing. The goal of this project will be to utilize piezotronic effect in semiconductor nanomaterials for designing and implementing device/systems which can Interact with stimuli from the human body in an active and adaptive way. The functionality of the proposed piezotronics medical device can be reconfigured in response to external stimuli from the human body. In addition, the proposed array device is capable of self-powered active sensing by converting mechanical stimulations into electrical controlling signals without applied bias, which emulates the physiological operations of mechanoreceptors in biological entities, e.g. hair cells in the cochlea. This project is scientifically novel with transformative impact because it not only dramatically advances fundamental understanding of the emerging research on piezotronics, but also enables new opportunities in designing “smarter” electronics that are capable of interacting with the environment seamlessly and adaptively, which is not available in existing technologies, for societally pervasive applications in intelligent medical devices, surgical tools and bio-probes. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 5th 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 80. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 19, Speaking 19 and Writing 19. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) recommended: 151 Verbal, 155 Quantitative, 3.5 Analytical GPA: Undergraduate 3.2/4.0; Graduate 3.5/4.0 Contact information: Cheryl Barnhart, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ie.html ER-4. Oil-in-water Emulsion Flows through Porous Media for Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications, Professor Arezoo M. Ardekani, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: www.engineering.purdue.edu/ardekani The main goal of this is to characterize transport of monodisperse and poly-disperse oil-in-water emulsions in porous media by utilizing a unique state-of-the-art numerical tool. These emulsions have emerged in the petroleum industry as a feasible displacing fluid in order to improve the rate of oil recovery. Experimental studies have revealed that when the droplet diameters are of the same order as pore-throat constriction in porous media, the more permeable paths are effectively blocked by dispersed drops, forcing the displacing fluid to flow through the unswept regions which leads to an increase in the production rate of the residual oil. Modeling the flow of emulsion in porous media, however, poses a big challenge. Even though direct numerical simulations (DNS) have made significant contributions to our understanding of multiphase flows over the last two decades, multiphase flows in porous media remained poorly understood. We perform a fully resolved DNS of emulsion flows at the pore scale to capture physical mechanisms influencing emulsion transport in porous media and to quantify mobility variation with the drop size, viscosity ratio, emulsion concentration, properties of porous media, and corresponding capillary number. The proposed research will test the hypothesis that for porous media with non-uniform pore dimensions polydisperse emulsions are more effective than monodisperse emulsions. The results of this research will also shed light on the role of emulsifying agents in facilitating the oil recovery operations. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html ER-5. High Capacity Thin Film Energy Storage Devices Professor Ernesto E. Marinero, Schools of Materials and Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected]) Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=69470 Portable, wearable electronic devices are ubiquitous in our society and they rely on compact battery devices for their functionality. Trends in consumer electronics and medical devices are towards “smarter devices” which provide multifunction attributes (communications, sensors, computation, etc.) to the user. This exacerbates the need for higher capacity, long-lived rechargeable battery devices. Current fabrication techniques of battery devices rely on bulk materials and conventional fabrication techniques. This precludes the design and fabrication of batteries by design and the integration of materials having optimum transport, electrochemical and mechanical properties. In this project, we will utilize Thin Film Materials Fabrication techniques to provide a versatile and industrially-scalable method to develop new functional materials comprising layers of dissimilar materials chosen for their unique optimum properties (electrical, electrochemical or mechanical) and brought together in nanoscale structures to provide the multiple requirements needed for high capacity energy storage devices. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html ER-6. Electrochemical sensors for greenhouse gas monitoring Professor Alexander Wei, Department of Chemistry, [email protected] Research website: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp?itemID=67 We are currently developing graphene “nanopetals” as sensitive, low-cost electronic sensors of greenhouse gases. In this exploratory project, molecular materials are deposited onto the edges of graphene petals for chemoselective sensing using a scalable electrospray deposition method. Analytes include industrial emissions and volatile organic compounds produced during mining and drilling operation. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, Special Cases Only for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): not required, no minimum score set GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Candice Kissinger, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/chem.html ER-7. Ceramic Electrode/Electrolyte Interface Fundamentals in Solid State Li-ion Batteries Professor Lia Stanciu, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=11440 The goal of the proposed research is to gain a deep understanding of the effect of glassy phases either formed or introduced at the electrode/electrolyte interface on the performance degradation upon cycling of LIB. We propose to achieve this goal by taking advantage of a hybrid approach that combines computational modeling with advanced electron microscopy techniques, ceramics sintering, and precise experimental electrochemical measurements . At the end of the project, besides gaining a clear understanding of the correlation between interfacial properties and performance, we will have the opportunity to find, for the first time, the conditions under which electrochemically-stabilized interfacial (complexion) phases are formed and stabilized at heterointerfaces, which will represent a significant advance in the area of design of the next generation of solid state batteries. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html ER-8. Design of Advanced Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery Technology Professor R. Edwin Garcia, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.redwingresearch.org/research/electrochemistry Modern rechargeable batteries are complex ensembles of particles of electrochemically active material with high charge capacity utilization achieved through the development of optimized chemistries and particle architectures. The research performed by the group led by Prof. Edwin García focuses on the development of thermodynamic and kinetic theories, models, and algorithms to fabricate improved energy storage technology. In order to incorporate the effects of the mesoscale microstructure and tortuosity, his group focuses on establishing processing-property relations that combine the properties of the individual phases into realistic microstructural designs. The developed framework is directly compared against experimental results. The goal is to develop accelerated design strategies, advanced architectures (microstructures), and processing operations for high power density applications.. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html ER-9. Lead-Free Multifunctional Materials Professor R. Edwin Garcia, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.redwingresearch.org/research/ferroelectrics Through this project we develop approaches to engineer from-the-bottom-up the evolution of the polarization kinetic dynamics in polycrystalline lead-free and multiferroic materials. Specifically, fundamental principles are being built. The focus lies on integrating simulation and experiments to provide research and development tools to the community, as it has become a key national priority through the Materials Genome Initiative. Here, we determine the effect of texture on the multiscale response. Undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral researchers have established a thriving research community that extends to collaborations overseas and to open source applications that can be readily accessed through the nanoHUB. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html ER-10. Advanced Materials for Fuel Cells Professor Shiram Ramanathan, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://www.redwingresearch.org/research/ferroelectrics We are designing new materials and interfaces for high performance solid state fuel cells that can operate in natural gas. The project involves research in synthesis of new oxide materials and studying their ionic and electronic conduction in real fuel cell environments. Analysis of defects in the oxides and correlation to conduction mechanism at high temperatures will form one component of the research. Understanding how charge storage in these materials correlates to their crystal structure and microstructure will form another significant component. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html ER-11. New Wind Turbine Tower Design Professor Sukru Guzey, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/People/view_person?resource_id=112221 Wind turbines are used to provide the renewable, clean and plentiful wind energy across the globe. Utility-scale wind turbines, in general, have a horizontal-axis, three-bladed configuration and are supported by tubular steel towers and a heavy foundation. Such tall, slender, and lightweight towers are used to capture favorable wind flow at higher elevations. However, these same towers are also more likely to experience undesirable structural vibrations, which greatly decrease the useful life of the wind turbines they support because of fatigue failure at the tower base. To reduce vibrations in slender towers, wind turbine manufacturers introduced various kinds of control devices such as tuned mass dampers, multi tuned mass dampers, and active mass dampers. The most common of these energy dissipation devices is the tuned mass damper (TMD) placed at the top of the tower structure. TMD can successfully reduce vibrations especially under harmonic excitations. While these passive damping devices showed effectiveness in controlling vibration response for wind turbines in the fundamental mode, these devices have proven to be ineffective in controlling higher modes of vibration. A significant gap remains in controlling higher modes of vibration. In this project, we will address this gap by investigating passive, active and semi-active vibration control techniques successfully used for buildings and bridges. We will obtain the most effective and suitable method to control higher modes of vibration for wind turbine towers to increase fatigue life of the tower and provide safe, reliable and economical designs. The graduate student in this project will perform analytical and computational studies of the tower structure with various damping configurations. Dr. Guzey brings his eight years of industry experience in plate and shell structures and movable structures including wind turbine support structure design and will closely mentor and work with the graduate student over the course of the project. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected], [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html ER-12. Hydraulic Fracturing Across an Interface Professor Antonio Bobet, School of Civil Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~bobet/ Hydraulic Fracturing consists of the pressurization of a production well, usually with water, to create a network of tensile fractures with the purpose of stimulating the reservoir. This is necessary for the extraction of gas in shales, where the permeability of the rock is very small. A critical problem that the oil industry faces is the uncertainty associated with the extent and direction of the cracks created. These are tensile or mode I cracks that propagate in tension. Shales are highly anisotropic materials, in part due to their fissility along the bedding planes, and thus mode I cracks may change direction or arrest upon encountering a bedding plane or interface. The research project focuses on the investigation of tensile fracture propagation in brittle systems across an interface. The objectives are to investigate and develop predictive procedures to determine: (1) mode I crack propagation in the presence of an interface; (2) effects of the initial geometry of the problem (i.e. location and orientation of the hydraulic fracture with respect to the interface); and (3) effects of bonded and unbonded interfaces on fracture propagation. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html ER-13. Integrated DC Collection and Transmission of Offshore Wind Farms Professor Dionysios Aliprantis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~dionysis/ Offshore wind is an abundant renewable energy resource that is increasingly harvested, with more than 7 GW of installed capacity worldwide, an increase of 2 GW in the past year. Globally, the trend is to develop projects that are farther from shore and sited in deeper waters, at increasing hub heights and rotor diameters, using multi-MW directdrive generators. Thus visual impacts are eliminated while still remaining relatively close to large coastal population centers, and the capacity factor is increased. On the other hand, capital expenses, and operation and maintenance costs are substantially higher compared to onshore installations. In this effort, we investigate a transformation of the conventional electric power collection and transmission system design, to enable the transmittal of hundreds of MW of power over tens of km via underwater cables. We question the current practice that dictates the use of a medium-voltage ac collection system with high-voltage dc (HVDC) transmission, since this necessitates an offshore platform housing heavy multi-MW transformers and power electronic converters that accounts for roughly 10% of the capital cost. In order to eschew the offshore platform, we propose the use of integrated dc collection systems with HVDC transmission. Such systems can be implemented either by parallel connection of turbines through high-gain step-up converters, or by incrementally building a high voltage by series connecting the dc output of the turbines. The parallel-dc approach suffers from the major technical challenge of designing an efficient and reliable MW-scale dc-dc converter. On the other hand, the series-dc approach has been gaining traction in the technical literature over the last few years, but is still at an early stage of development. The proposal aims to address important technical challenges related to offshore wind farms with integrated dc collection/transmission. First, we model the tightly coupled aerodynamic and electrical dynamics occurring in the series-dc topology, and we address control challenges associated with their interactions. Second, we study the low voltage ride through capability of offshore power plants during faults occurring in the terrestrial power system, and verify compliance with grid codes. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html Food Security FS-1. Towards a Smartphone-based Analyte Detection System for Food-safety Application Professor Euwon Bae, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: http://engineering.purdue.edu/AOLAB We propose to develop a simple device and associated analytical methods that will provides objective and accurate determination of food safety or quality related analyte concentration such as pathogenic bacteria, fungal contamination using smartphone based colorimetric imaging. In line with the Food Security area of the target area, smartphone-based technology promises a wide applicability and lowcost operation once commercialized. The device utilizes any smartphone with a miniature attachment that positions the sample and provides an enclosure with constant illumination for sample imaging. In addition, different miniature optical attachments for smartphone systems will be developed that can transform the presence of the target into a detectable signal when integrated with other pathogendetection technologies that rely on these endpoint analyses. The computing power of recent smartphones is comparable to that of desktop/laptop CPUs, and smartphones are already being used for Bluetooth communication of physiological signal monitoring, fluorescence detection, colorimetric detection, and mobile microscopes and spectrometers to name a few. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html FS-2. Optical methods of rapid pathogen detection Professor Alexander Wei, Department of Chemistry, [email protected] Research website: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp?itemID=67 We have a developed a label-free method of pathogen detection, using chips patterned with molecular recognition ligands and a Fourier-based readout method. High-affinity ligands are prepared by organic synthesis or isolated as natural products, and modified for optimal presentation and patterning using inkjet printing technologies. The detection strategy has the potential for further development into handheld sensors, for use in hospitals, public arenas, or in limited-resource settings. For some details, see: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/awei/research4.html Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, Special Cases Only for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): not required, no minimum score set GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Candice Kissinger, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/chem.html FS-3 Nanomanufacturing of Food-borne Pathogen Detection Systems Professor Lia Stanciu, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected]; Professor Jan Allebach, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected]; Professor George T.C. Chiu, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected]) Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=11440; https://engineering.purdue.edu/~allebach/; https://engineering.purdue.edu/~gchiu/ Sensing and biosensing have become increasingly relevant for the prevention of food-borne illnesses through the detection food-borne pathogens. However, despite initial promise on smaller scales, challenges related to the manufacturing capabilities and practicality of widespread use of such sensors has prevented biosensor manufacturing and commercialization on a large scale. The goal of this project is to integrate roll-to-roll manufacturing of cellulose films with inkjet printing technologies and nanofunctionalization into a reliable and scalable nanomanufacturing platform. Specifically, we will orient these nanomanufacturing technologies towards the fabrication of single-use, reliable, stable, and high-throughput pathogen nanobiosensing test strips that will be usable for food safety monitoring. Within the Purdue College of Engineering, this project is led by a multidisciplinary team of Purdue faculty members (Jan Allebach, George Chiu, Lia Stanciu) and will provide advanced crossdisciplinary training for graduate students in manufacturing, materials engineering, microbiology, food safety and environmental monitoring. It is being conducted in partnership with Professors Lisa Mauer and Amanda Deering in the Center for Food Safety Engineering, and will make extensive use of facilities in the Birck Nanotechnology Center in Research Park that have been developed for research in scalable nanomanufacturing, based on roll-to-roll printing technologies. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html FS-4. Intelligent Antimicrobial Nanoparticle for Biofilm Inactivation Professor Arun K. Bhunia, Department of Food Sciences, [email protected] Research website: https://ag.purdue.edu/foodsci/labs/bhunia/Pages/default.aspx The persistence of foodborne pathogens in food processing environment is facilitated by biofilm formation which is considered an important factor in food product contamination. Therefore, suitable intervention methods must be developed to eliminate biofilm. Chemical sanitizers are routinely used, but their toxicity and potential for carry-over to finished products make them undesirable. Ecofriendly and biodegradable food-grade antibacterial molecule such as chitosan, from crustaceans with broadinhibitory spectrum or in combination with natural antimicrobial protein is an ideal candidate. Chitosan, in nanoparticulate form, could diffuse through the biofilm layers to inactivate bacterial cells. To augment chitosan activity and selectivity towards pathogens, a novel “pathogen-specific tag” molecule could be loaded on the chitosan nanoparticle (NP) to enhance interaction with the pathogen. We will use Listeria monocytogenes as a model pathogen. We have discovered that LAP (Listeria adhesion protein) secreted by Listeria, re-associates on the surface of the producer strain with strong affinity. This self-binding property could be exploited to design an intelligent nanoparticle for enhanced antilisterial activity. Thus, our overall goal is to develop a functionalized chitosan-NP-LAP with or without additional antimicrobial peptide to inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes biofilm in the food processing environment. We hypothesize; chitosan NP-LAP will diffuse through the biofilm matrix and have a greater access to the Listeria cells for targeted inactivation. The major milestones to be achieved; synthesis and conjugation of chitosan NP with LAP for increased interaction with L. monocytogenes, and demonstrate efficacy of these nanocomposites against biofilms produced by single or mixed cultures of Listeria, Salmonella, Shiga-toxigenic E. coli, Staphylococcus, etc. on model platforms. Successful completion would produce an ecofriendly green product to control pathogens in food production/processing facilities. Department Application Submission Deadline: July 15th 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; November 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, Scores: Verbal 156, Quantitative 151; Analytical Writing 5.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.5 Contact information: Mitzi L. Barnett, [email protected] https://ag.purdue.edu/foodsci/documents/fs_grad_admissions_requirements.pdf FS-5. Wireless Sensors for Food Security Professor Ernesto E. Marinero, School of Materials and Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected]) Professor Dimitrios Peroulis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected] Research websites: https://sites.google.com/site/peroulisteam/ https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=69470 This study will focus on basic and applied research on low-power, inexpensive, wireless sensors for food security, bio-medical, and industrial applications. No commercial sensors exist today that simultaneously satisfy all requirements for such applications. Unique technologies such as MicroElectro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), wireless communications and/or powering, ultra-low-power communication, and cost-effective manufacturing and packaging may need to be employed to successfully implement and rapidly lead to commercialization of these sensors. The student in this program will likely receive training in most of the aforementioned areas and will work under the supervision of appropriate faculty at Purdue University. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th 2015 for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.25; Masters 3.3 Contact information: Deb Bowman, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ecen.html Home Appliances HA-1. Three-dimensional Compressible Turbulence Simulations of Supercritical Refrigerants Professor Carlo Scalo, School of Mechanical Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/People/ptProfile?id=113510 Working fluids commonly used in refrigeration or energy conversion systems may exhibit very anomalous fluid dynamic behaviors under special conditions. In particular, if pressurized near their critical pressure and heated near their critical temperature, a thermodynamic state of quasi-infinite compressibility is achieved; for specific fluids, densities can drop by approximately 1000 kg/m^3 for temperature differences of only a few degrees Kelvin (phenomenon called pseudo-boiling). These conditions occur, for example, in gas turbine engines, where the aircraft cold liquid fuel is heated through fuel-air heat exchangers before entering the combustion chamber. Coupled with the enhanced mixing properties of a turbulent flow, supercritical fluids can exhibit very effective heat transport properties. Unfortunately, further technological development of supercritical heat exchangers has been hampered by the lack of knowledge of the very complex fluid dynamic processes occurring as a result of the interaction between the three-dimensional highly unsteady turbulent flow and the intense density gradients. The latter can only be understood with advanced computational methods discretizing the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The proposed study therefore seeks to establish benchmark quality high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations of idealized supercritical turbulent flow in heat exchangers. Successful completion of the proposed study would overcome a critical deficiency in current design tools for supercritical refrigeration systems. The proposed study will rely on well established codes such as CFDSU and CharlesX developed from Stanford University and will involve interactions with the Maurice Zucrow Laboratories here at Purdue University. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th for Fall 2016; November 1st 2016 for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum required, submit through ETS, see website below for additional information GPA mimimum: 3.2 (for TA/RA 3.7 or higher) Contact information: Julyane Moser, [email protected] [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mech.html Nanotechnology Solutions NS-1. Metallic Multilayers for Wear Resistant Coatings Professor David F. Bahr, School of Materials Engineering, [email protected] Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/MSE/People/ptProfile?id=79235 Two-dimensional metallic nanolaminates, consisting of alternating metal layers with period thicknesses between 2-100 nm, show exceptional mechanical properties at ambient conditions, but limited thermal stability. Exceptional materials will, almost by definition, be used in exceptional applications, which can include exposure to elevated temperatures. Though it is partially understood how these systems perform during and after exposure to elevated temperatures, there is a need to identify mechanisms that stabilize the nanolaminate performance at high temperatures. The strength of nanolaminates increases as individual layer thickness decreases through strengthening mechanisms unique to the interfaces in the layered structure (the confined layer slip mechanism). Based on the PI’s preliminary findings and the work of other groups, it is possible that there are two additional mechanisms where annealing can be used to strengthen nanolaminates during and after annealing. This proposal will develop a new methodology of strengthening nanostructured metals that relies upon two-dimensional architectures in concert with conventional mechanisms to create materials with exceptional strength and thermal stability. This work will (1) characterize metallic nanolaminate systems including homogeneous FCC/FCC systems, precipitate strengthened BCC/FCC- BCC (such as Cr/Cu-Cr) and intermetallic FCC/FCC systems (such as either Cu/Al-Cu or Ni/Al-Cu) after annealing to develop processing-structure relationships; (2) identify how residual stress alters performance by controlling stress development using substrate compliance and applying stress during deposition; (3) use a combination of second phases and stress mechanisms to retain exceptional mechanical properties at elevated temperatures and (4) scale promising systems to electrodeposited materials, providing a route to 3D architectures. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, no minimum scores. Suggested New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Rosemary Son, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/mse.html NS-2. Rust-resistant Magnetic Nanoparticles (ferrofluids) Professor Alexander Wei, Department of Chemistry, [email protected] Research website: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp?itemID=67 The magnetic properties of nanocrystalline iron have long been hampered by oxidation and corrosion under ambient conditions. We are developing a “nano-galvanization” approach that can greatly reduce or inhibit the oxidation of colloidal iron, one that is compatible with aqueous environments. In addition to the obvious benefits of rust inhibition, the rheological properties of aqueous ferrofluids can support many technological advances in transportation, mining, and friction reduction, with positive impacts on process safety. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, Special Cases Only for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): not required, no minimum score set GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Candice Kissinger, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/chem.html NS-3. Scalable Production of Nanoporous Membranes Professor Alexander Wei, Department of Chemistry, [email protected] Research website: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp?itemID=67 Mesoporous membranes are fundamental to filtration technologies and as separators in fuel cells and Li-ion batteries, but control over porosity is highly empirical. We have developed a “pulsed optoporation” method that can produce nanopores in thermoplastic films with tunable pore sizes and densities. This can be performed on non-woven substrates that have already been engineered for specific applications, using web manufacturing (roll-to-roll) processes. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, Special Cases Only for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): not required, no minimum score set GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Candice Kissinger, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/chem.html NS-4. Sustainable Approaches to Surface-modified Nanomaterials and Composites Professor Alexander Wei, Department of Chemistry, [email protected] Research website: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp?itemID=67 We work with collaborators in various colleges of Engineering to enhance the properties of nanomaterials and their composites through changes in surface chemistry. One of our aims is to develop low-solvent methods of materials modification, so that processes can be scaled with significant reductions in waste and carbon footprint. Substrates include thermoplastic films, cellulosebased nanomaterials, and metal and magnetic nanoparticles. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, Special Cases Only for Spring 2017 TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): not required, no minimum score set GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Candice Kissinger, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/chem.html NS-5. Electron, Phonon and Photon Transport in Nano-scale Devices Professor Gerhard Klimeck, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/gekcogrp/ Today's electronic device and gadgets are powered by transistors that have reached nanoscale dimensions where one can count the number of atoms in the critical device dimensions. New materials such as SiGe have been introduced and the hunt for the CMOS switch replacement is still ongoing. Future devices will not only be fully quantum mechanical and discrete in their atom count, but will also have to be designed in the context of interaction with heat (phonons) and optics (photons). The Institute for Nanoelectronic Modeling (iNEMO) is building a tool suite to address these technical issues. Students in iNEMO work closely with industry (Intel, Samsung, Global Foundries, TSMC, Philips) as well as academia (Notre Dame, Syndney, Melbourne). A new PhD student will be part of the iNEMO team and develop her or his PhD topic within this context. Open questions to be addressed are: How can we reduce the computational burden to model these devices? What is the essential physics that needs to be captured to develop reduced order models? How can we utilize new compute platforms such as GPUs and Intel PHIs to speed up raw computing?. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th 2015 for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.25; Masters 3.3 Contact information: Deb Bowman, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ecen.html NS-6. Data Analytics for Global Science Cloud Computing in nanoHUB.org Professor Gerhard Klimeck, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected]) Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/gekcogrp/ nanoHUB.org is the first and so far only completely open end-to-end science cloud. nanoHUB serves over 300,000 users annually all over the globe. Since individual owners build in nanoHUB into part of their day-to-day workflow, without much feedback, we, as the operators and supporters of nanoHUB need to understand what users are doing and what they are achieving. As such we have gathered over 10 years worth of usage data that need a systematic exploration of user behavior that will result in assessing the impact of nanoHUB and suggestions for nanoHUB improvements. We have found that over 1,100 papers in the literature cite nanaoHUB. Over 22,000 students have used simulation tools in their over 1,000 classes. But what else is going on? What are people simulating? How intensely do users view seminars and tutorials? A new PhD student will develop a framework for data mining and assessment and integrate such data mining into the nanoHUB framework, such that we can help users with suggestions and new services. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th 2015 for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.25; Masters 3.3 Contact information: Deb Bowman, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ecen.html NS-7. Novel Nanophotonics and Plasmonics Materials and Devices Professors Vlad Shalaev and Alexandra Boltasseva, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected]; [email protected]) Research websites: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/; https://engineering.purdue.edu/~aeb/ Over the past decade, one of the major focal points for the area of nanophotonics has been developing a new class of “plasmonic” structures and “metamaterials” as potential building blocks for advanced optical technologies, including data processing, exchange and storage; a new generation of cheap, enhanced-sensitivity sensors; nanoscale-resolution imaging techniques; new concepts for energy conversion including improved solar cells, as well as novel types of light sources. Designing plasmonic metamaterials with versatile properties that can be tailored to fit almost any practical need promises a range of potential breakthroughs. However, to enable these new technologies based on plasmonics, grand limitations associated with the use of metals as constituent materials must be overcome. In the structures demonstrated so far, too much light is absorbed in the metals (such as silver and gold) commonly used in plasmonic metamaterials. The fabrication and integration of metal nanostructures with existing semiconductor technology is challenging, and the materials need to be more precisely tuned so that they possess the proper optical properties to enable the required functionality. Our recent research aims at developing novel plasmonic materials (other than the metals used so far) that will form the basis for future low-loss, CMOS-compatible devices that could enable full-scale development of the plasmonic and metamaterial technologies. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th 2015 for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.25; Masters 3.3 Contact information: Deb Bowman, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ecen.html NS-8. Computational Multiphysics of the Refractory Plasmonics Ceramics Professor Alexander V. Kildishev, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [email protected]) Research website: http://nanohub.org/members/6059 The proposed Ph.D. project is a part of several larger research initiatives involving multiple research groups. The optimal design of the materials, building blocks and device prototypes explored in those efforts requires multiphysics and multiscale modeling methods utilizing high-performance computing. One of the core multiphysics models will include the TD thermodynamics of Refractory Plasmonic Ceramics with the focus on devices such as absorbers and nearfield transducers for applications ranging from solar energy harvesting, to biomedical sensing, and theranostics. Plasmonic ceramic elements (with feature sizes on the length scale of electron and phonon mean-free paths) require methods that are different from the traditional macroscopic approaches built upon the Fourier Law. Hence, the principles of QM and the kinetic theory of gases could be used to describe the electrons and phonons in terms of their respective dispersion diagrams. One of the most powerful computer clusters in the world with the nodes equipped with 60-core Xeon Phi (MIC) coprocessors, located at Purdue, will be used for these studies. TD models of ceramics that employ material-specific QM models will be coupled to electromagnetic and thermodynamic TD solvers, focused on highly localized phase changes, along with charge and energy transfer. The numerical modeling will be linked to the design and experimental studies done by other groups. The computational facilities and simulation tools of my and other groups will be widely available to the successful candidate. Desired Qualifications: Strong MS-level background in computational physics, numerical analysis, physical optics. Strong command with C, Linux, Intel MKL, C++, Matlab. Familiarity with COMSOL, CST, parallel computing, GPU/Xeon Phi programming is desirable, but not required. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 15th 2015 for Fall 2016; September 15th 2016 for Spring 2017. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 550; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 77. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Required, New Format Averages: Verbal 154, Quantitative 164; Analytical Writing 4.0 GPA minimum: Undergraduate 3.25; Masters 3.3 Contact information: Deb Bowman, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/ecen.html Sustainable Housing and Computer Assisted Design SH-1. Building-integrated Innovative Materials and Systems to Enable the Next Generation of Smart, net zero Energy Buildings Professor (Thanos) Tzempelikos, School of Civil Engineering, [email protected] Research website: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/People/ttzempel Energy efficiency in buildings has been a major research topic in the last decade, since buildings account for more than 40% of the energy consumed in the US and worldwide. Reducing energy use in buildings can be achieved in many ways, including improved building envelope solutions, efficient HVAC and lighting systems as well as optimal controls. Nevertheless, to achieve energy autonomy and net zero buildings, it is essential that materials and systems that can generate, distribute and store energy, are integrated with the building infrastructure in a practical and efficient manner. This project will develop and demonstrate new concepts for integration of innovative materials and systems with the built environment. Examples include: building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal systems; semi-transparent PV or thermoelectric materials for windows, window shades and frames; solar collector technologies for opaque wall sections/roofs; use of natural resources such as daylighting and natural ventilation; coordinated distributed generation and storage at the building and community level; use of sustainable materials inside and outside the building, etc. Extensions to prefabricated, modular, smart building systems with embedded sensing and control capabilities are desired. We have state-of-the-art experimental facilities such as the Architectural Engineering Laboratories and the Center for High Performance Buildings, which houses the Living Labs, the Perception-Based Labs, and full-scale office spaces with reconfigurable envelope and energy systems and controls. These provide unique and ideal settings for development and demonstration of technologies and concepts related to the project. We collaborate with several leading industrial partners in the development of new technologies related to energy efficiency, sustainable buildings and energy management. The proposed research project is aligned with 2 of the priority technology areas: Energy and Sustainable Housing. Applicants pursuing a PhD with background in architectural/building engineering, materials engineering and mechanical or electrical engineering are encouraged to apply. Department Application Submission Deadline: January 1st 2016 for Fall 2016 admission, September 15th for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 575; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 90. Minimum section requirements: Reading 19, Listening 14, Speaking 18 and Writing 18. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set, but average scores for students enrolled last year Verbal=151, Quantitative = 162 and Analytical writing= 3.5 GPA: Undergraduate 3.0 Contact information: Jenny Ricksy, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/civl.html SH-2. Urban Design and Simulation Professor Daniel G. Aliaga, Computer Science Department, [email protected] Research website: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/aliaga/ Designing, simulating, and visualizing urban regions is a task of critical importance today. Our research efforts have focused on creating interactive urban design tools that allow designing buildings and cities that exhibit a desired socio-economic behavior, vehicular traffic pattern, and/or urban weather. Furthermore, the solutions should be easily modifiable and extendable in order to guide urban development plans supporting sustainability, urban growth planning, and emergency response. Rather than focus on minute environment details, the emphasis should be on modeling flexibility and on intuitive planification, visualization, and response. http://www.cs.purdue.edu/cgvlab/urban Department Application Submission Deadline: December 20th 2015 for Fall 2016 admission, October 1st for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 600; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 100. Minimum section requirements: Reading 23, Listening 23, Speaking 23 and Writing 23. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set. GPA: Undergraduate 3.5 Contact information: Renate Mallus-Medot, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/cs.html SH-3. Appearance Editing Professor Daniel G. Aliaga, Computer Science Department, [email protected] Research website: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/aliaga/ This technology offers a unique way to view visually altered objects with various appearances or visualizations. By carefully controlling how an object is illuminated using digital projectors, we obtain stereoscopic imagery for any number of observers with everything visible to the naked eye (i.e., no need for head-mounts or goggles). Such ability is useful for various applications, including scientific visualization and novel display systems. Our prior work has focused on visual restoration of cultural heritage objects (in collaboration with museums, we even worked with ancient Aztec/Mayan objects), on color compliancy, and on resolution enhancement. Currently, we are looking into mobile robots and computational swarming (e.g., using tens to thousands compact robots) as a new direction to reconstruct and then visually alter an environment. http://wiki.cs.purdue.edu/cgvlab/doku.php?id=projects:appearance_editing. Department Application Submission Deadline: December 20th 2015 for Fall 2016 admission, October 1st for Spring 2017 admission. TOEFL Requirement: Minimum Paper-Based Test (PBT) = 600; Minimum Internet-Based (IBT) Overall score= 100. Minimum section requirements: Reading 23, Listening 23, Speaking 23 and Writing 23. Graduate Record Examination (GRE): no minimum score set. GPA: Undergraduate 3.5 Contact information: Renate Mallus-Medot, [email protected] http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/cs.html