Volume 48 : Winter, 2009 - Louisiana Methodist Children`s Home


Volume 48 : Winter, 2009 - Louisiana Methodist Children`s Home
Louisiana Methodist Children's Home
Leading Children Home
Sponsored Christmas Parties
Farmerville UMC treated Vaughan house boys to a wonderful Christmas party with
lots of food. Each of the youth were given an overnight tote, and a stocking filled with
goodies and a nice sports watch. We do appreciate Farmerville UMC for the great party
as well as the school supplies they donated for our Howard School on campus.
In keeping with our tradition, we took 13 youth and 6 staff to Hodge UMC for a hot
dog supper. After the meal everyone gathered in the church to listen to the story of the
Christmon ornaments. Our youth then decorated the tree with the ornaments. It was
a beautiful sight to see! The youth each received a $25.00 gift card. After the party, we
toured the town to see the beautiful Christmas Lights! A wonderful evening was had by all!
Everett house went to Trinity UMC for the Junior Auxiliary sponsored Christmas party. The youth enjoyed arts and crafts, pizza, and
refreshments. Each girl was given a $25.00 gift card, a throw blanket, stocking with lots of goodies, and a bath set. We appreciate them
for doing this wonderful party for the girls!
Reception center went to Louisiana Tech’s newly renovated Intramural Center. The youth enjoyed playing basketball, skating, ping pong,
and bowling. They were treated to pizza and were able to visit with the Freshman Baseball team members and coaches. The youth were
given baseballs signed by the players and stockings. Thank you so much for an awesome party and wonderful time spent with our youth!!
The Clinton family hosted a social for Shelley house boys. They fried turkey and had all the fixings. They played tailgate golf, horse
shoes, and decorated the tree with ornaments to eat (candy). They helped decorate the outside of Shelley house with lights. Each youth
got a stocking filled with gift cards and stickers designed just for them by a man that designs logo's for race cars. Everyone had a great
day! Cookie tins of homemade cookies were left by Santa to all the good boys. We appreciate the Clinton family for all that they did in
memory of Sandy Clinton. Sandy loved the Children’s home and would have been so
proud of what the family is doing each year.
CAB had a wonderful party with gifts, stockings
and lots of good refreshments including pizza. We held
separate parties for the girls and boys. All the youth
were very proud of the gifts and enjoyed visiting with
members of the Kiwanis and Louisiana Tech Circle K
clubs. The Circle K club gave each
youth a movie pass with popcorn,
a gift card to McDonalds, and a
stocking full of goodies. The
stockings were made by Heritage
Quilt Club and the Piney Hills Quilt
club. These were great parties for
(continued on page 3)
We are excited to announce our first
ever “Distinguished Speakers” Forum!
Mr. Hugh Aynesworth will be our speaker for a Fundraiser
to be held on Saturday, March 21st. Please see more
information regarding this exciting event on page 3.
Volume 48
Winter 2009
President's Message..........................................2
Congratulations to Our Family
Plus Program!!.............................................2
Sponsored Christmas Parties
(continued from cover)....................................3
Upcoming Events for MCH..............................3
The BUZZ from Dr. Bob...................................4
Circle of Friends Annual Fund.........................4
Screamin' OWL Salsa.........................................4
2008 Christmas Luncheon
and Staff Awards.........................................5
Donors, Honors, and Memorials....... 6-9, 14-17
Kids Korner......................................................9
Donor Spotlight....................................... 12-13
New Orleans Message.................................... 17
Update…MCH of Greater New Orleans.......... 18
Hall's 'Marks.................................................. 18
Update…MCH of Southwest Louisiana.......... 19
Medallion Corporate Sponsors....................... 19
LMCH Board of Directors...............................20
Winter 2009 • Pathways
A Year for the History Books
What a year of mixed blessings 2008 has been.
It is certainly a year for the History Books as far as
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services is concerned.
The date of February 18, 2008 records the completion of the transition
of the Methodist Home for Children of New Orleans from Washington
Street in New Orleans to the Methodist Home for Children of Greater
New Orleans at 23515 Hwy 190, Mandeville, LA. The mixed blessing
being that two separate ministries became one while it was no
longer possible for the one to continue. In fact, in becoming one
the wholeness that resulted will be an even greater Blessing for
countless children and families that will benefit from the new
history being created.
The entire year of 2008 was a time when the wilderness of the
Outdoor Wilderness Learning Center was transferred to a Natural
Gas Production Field. With a drilling site every forty acres, the
roadways and pipeline right-of-ways, that campus has undergone
a major change. Indeed the revenue generated from the compensation
for the right-of-ways, drilling sites and timber were indeed welcome
during a year of such dire financial uncertainty. Yet the campus
has been changed forever. The willingness of the drilling company
to compromise on the location of the drilling pads and right-of-ways
was a blessing allowing us to maintain programming integrity of
the facilities. Of the 22 wells drilled, the Home has rights to a fraction
of the production of 6 of those wells. The other 16 we realize no
additional revenue benefits. Many of our friends believe that we
are flushed in revenues.
The truth is the royalty
rights were sold in the
late 40s and production
was kept alive throughout
the years resulting in no
royalty benefits to us for most
of the new drilling. Someday
production will cease and the
wilderness will be reclaimed.
Hurricanes Gustav and Ike did
come through our State, ravaging
resources and destroying much of the recovery
from Katrina and Rita. Our donor base once
again has been impacted and yet in spite of
that and the other economic factors that have
seemingly exploded on us these last several
months, we are on track to almost match our
annual donations required to remain at current level of services.
We pray for God’s Blessings on 2009 that we will be able to
weather this Historical Storm and be able to respond to the
children who need the safety and security of our care.
“God’s Will Be Done,” may all we do be in “His Honor” and we trust
our partners in ministry will continue to help our Special Children.
In His Service
Terrel J. DeVille
President / CEO LUMCFS, Inc.
Congratulations to Our Family Plus Program!!
Family Plus Receives 2008 Best of Monroe Award
U.S. Local Business Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement
WASHINGTON D.C., December 15, 2008—Family Plus has been selected for the 2008 Best of Monroe Award in the Child-Parent
Development Centers category by the U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA).
The USLBA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each
year, the USLBA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community
and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their
customers and community.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2008 USLBA Award
Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the
USLBA and data provided by third parties.
About U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA)
U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large
and small, across America. The purpose of USLBA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.
The USLBA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with
local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing
groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.
SOURCE: U.S. Local Business Association
Pathways • Winter 2009
Upcoming Events
for MCH
Hugh Aynesworth Fund-raiser at the OWL Center
Christmas Parties
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, Inc.
is excited to announce our first ever Distinguished Speakers
Forum. Hugh G. Aynesworth will be our speaker for a
Fund-raising dinner to be held on Saturday, March 21st, 2009.
(continued from cover)
Hugh G. Aynesworth is an award-winning American
journalist. He was the lead reporter for the Dallas Morning
News at the time of the John F. Kennedy assassination
and was the first print reporter to interview Lee Harvey
Oswald's widow, Marina Oswald. He later became a
true-crime author, co-writing the books The Only Living
Witness and Conversations with a Killer about serial
killer Ted Bundy.
our youth, who enjoyed them very much!
Harman House traveled to Grace UMC where they were treated
to crafts, pizza, games, stockings and lots of goodies to eat. The
Christmas story was read and gifts of favorite P.J's were given to
each youth. Harman House youth also received a new TV for
their house!! Everyone enjoyed the party, and we really appreciate
the member’s of Kappa Delta Sorority of Louisiana Tech, and the
Scott, Watson & Lynch Circle of Grace UMC for hosting this party.
C.B. White and Shelly house youth went to St. Paul's UMC for
Christmas sponsored parties. Each house was treated to a wonderful
party with lots of wonderful food, games, and gifts. Each youth
was given a $25.00 gift card and each house was treated to a nice
house gift. We do appreciate Troy Luttgeharm, our Director of
Family Plus and all of his church friends for treating us.
Thanks once again to Chef Ronelle Lenoir for traveling from South
Louisiana to cook Christmas lunch for our youth and staff. This
is a special treat for everyone and we are so blessed to have such a
dedicated volunteer. This is Chef Lenoir’s 8th year of volunteering
his time and culinary skills to us on Christmas day.
We are blessed to have such great sponsors for our Christmas
parties and events!! Each and every party was such a special
opportunity for our youth. We are so grateful to all of our
wonderful sponsors!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the LMCH
Recreation Department!
Aynesworth will be speaking about the assassination of
John F. Kennedy. His book JFK: Breaking the News, released
in 2003 on the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination,
was recently featured in the PBS/BBC special “Oswald’s
Ghost,” shown nationwide along with historian Robert
Dallek, Dan Rather, Gary Hart, and Norman Mailer.
Among Aynesworth’s many accomplishments are six
nominations for the Pulitzer Prize. He was a finalist four
of those times. He has received more than 70 local, state
and national awards including Headliners, Dallas Press
Club Katies, and regional and national AP and UPI awards.
The Fund-raising event will be held at the Methodist Home’s
Henning OWL Conference Center located at 1523 Highway
563 in Dubach, LA. The cost is $50 per person or $250
for a Table of 6. Availability is limited to the first 250
reservations. Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m.,
and will be catered by Tall Timbers Lodge, Homer, LA.
For more information and to place your reservation, please
call the Public Relations Development and Marketing
Department of the Home at 318-255-5575.
Homecoming 2009
Attention LMCH Alumni!! Our annual Homecoming festivities are
scheduled for April 26th. Be on the lookout for more information
from us regarding the schedule of events for that weekend.
Mother’s Day Offering
St. Paul’s UMC’s New Horizons
Sunday School Class and MCH staff
Our Annual Mother’s Day offering is coming soon. We will continue
to implement changes which began with last year’s offering: Due to
continued increases in postage, we regret we will no longer be able to
acknowledge each donation with a personal letter. Please know that
your donations are very important to us and to the daily success
of our ministry and we feel your money is better used to fund
our programs for the children and families we serve. The annual
offering will be taken on Mother’s Day, May 10, 2009.
w w w.lmch.org
from Dr. Bob
Dr. Robert W. Flournoy,
Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving
Big Need for Vo-Tech Program
I have written in earlier issues to inform you about the Vo-Tech
Program at the Children’s Home. Recent events have placed the
Vo-Tech Program in jeopardy.
Here’s a brief summary of our Vo-Tech Program:
When youth in our care reach the age of 18, state law requires us to
release them from our care. They must begin living independently.
We try to help them furnish and find a place to stay, but they are
pretty much on their own to find income. There needed to be a better
way of sending them out into the world, one that would better secure
their productive future. The idea of a campus Vo-Tech Program was
born to teach skills such as carpentry, welding, barbering, and
culinary skills. With the help of our local legislators and securing
a grant, we began the program in the fall of 2007. Currently, there
are 17 youth enrolled in the construction technology curriculum
and 4 enrolled in barbering apprentice curriculum. The enthusiasm
is very high among our youth. So far, we have had two youth who
aged-out of our care and local contractors have hired both. Our
Vo-Tech Program is a win-win situation. Just think what a blessing
for our youth to learn a trade so they can find a job for more than
minimum wage and pay taxes, instead of being a burden to taxpayers.
In addition to MCH youth, we envision youth from other institutions
coming to our campus for vo-tech training.
Now, here’s the recent news causing the program to be in
jeopardy: The current facility for the Vo-Tech Program does
not meet the new state building codes, and this news is of
great concern for us. To keep the program operating we will
have to immediately construct a building compartmentalized
with a separate training room for each skill and specialized
needs for specific training, such as welding.
We have funding for the Vo-Tech Program through June 2009
(tools and staff), but we do not have the funds to construct the
required building; however, architects are currently working
on a plan estimated to be at a building cost of $2 million. Our
annual budget doesn’t allow for capital expenditures and the
state doesn’t provide funds for building costs.
Bottom line: If you believe like I do that we are on the right
path to offer a vo-tech program, give me a call at 318-243-4325
to let me know you will help us with underwriting the cost
of construction. We need big dollars. But
those dollars will produce big dividends
by giving our youth an opportunity
to learn a skill and become
productive citizens. Our
youth need this program
and we need you to help
us offer it to them.
Pathways • Winter 2009
Circle of Friends
A nnual Fund
What is the Circle of Friends?
The Circle of Friends was created in 2004 by the Louisiana
Methodist Children’s Home Board of Directors as an Annual
Fund. Its purpose is to allow individuals and businesses to
financially partner with the Home in the holistic treatment
of abused and neglected youth. In addition, the Annual Fund
gives the Home a steady financial resource.
Who can join the Circle of Friends?
Individuals, businesses, Sunday School classes, small groups,
United Methodist Men and Women’s groups, civic organizations,
churches, schools, and foundations are just some of the members
of this generous group of donors.
When do I join?
Anytime, but the month of January is the best time to join and
renew membership. Generally speaking, financial gifts to the
Home decrease at the first of the year, but our expenses remain
the same. By receiving memberships at the beginning of the
year, the Home has a more constant income. Members may join
at a certain level, but pay monthly throughout the year.
What are the benefits of the Circle?
The youth in our care benefit from the food, clothing, school
supplies, medicine, recreation, and educational instruction the
funds supply. Donors benefit because they become part of a
trusted agency that gives youth the chance for a better life.
Friends Giving Levels
Century Club................................................................ $100
Children’s Club............................................................. $250
President’s Club........................................................... $500
Board of Directors Club............................................ $1,000
Twenty-first Century Club.........................................$2,100
Legacy Club............................................................... $5,000
Centennial Club.......................................................$10,000
screamin' OWL SALSA
Available in:
Just a Tad Warm
Pretty Darn Hot
Holy Cow it's
Screamin’ Hot
Sizzlin’ Tail Feathers
order yours today!
2008 Christmas
Luncheon and
Staff Awards
The 2008 Christmas Luncheon and Staff awards were once
again held out at the OWL in the Henning Conference Center.
Recognized for 5 years of service, left to right: Michael Beard, Daryl Altic,
The event was catered by Campatori Catering, which enabled
Tim Cooper, Herbert Piert, Marlín Giacona, Shawn McMurray, Romontica
our dietary staff to join in the festivities. This is a special
Modest, Epsy Samuel, and Leonard Pruitt. Not pictured: Shatira Saulsberry
time for all employees of the Home to gather and celebrate
the holidays together as well as a time of recognition for
everyone’s hard work and dedication to their various jobs
within the agency. Terrel J. DeVille, President and CEO, and John
Allen, Vice President of Operations each spoke a little bit about
transitions which have taken place over the last year, and plans
for our future expansion and growth. Mr. DeVille then recognized
several employees for their years of service to the Home, and then
awarded various employees for their outstanding service and
accomplishments over the past year.
This year, the LST (Leadership Team) Staff members recognized
Mr. DeVille and Mr. Allen for their outstanding Leadership
of the Home and presented them with a framed picture
commemorating the occasion.
*Please note that not all award winners were present for pictures.
Recognized for 20 years
of service: Diane Wilson
and Rick Wheat
Employee of the Year:
Chris Willis, Shelley
House Supervisor,
pictured with Mr. DeVille
Recognized for 10 years of service:
Jay Hinckley and Tiki Jackson.
Not pictured: Robert Womack
Recognized for 15 years of service
and recipient of the Servant
Award: Dr. David Wheeler
Childcare Specialists
of the Year: Shartika
Hogan, Everett House
Supervisor; Jamie Sims,
Assistant Supervisor of
CAB back hall boys; and
Shawn McMurry, Vaughn
House. Not pictured:
Matalaoa Tuitele,
selected for her work
with CAB back hall boys
Order of the Good Shepherd Award recipients:
Gary Rambin, Director of Residential Services,
and Marilyn Ezell, CAB Therapist
New Employee of the Year:
Morgan Davis, Nursing staff
President's Certificate of Achievement
recipient: Kimberly Tremblay, Reception
Center Therapist, pictured with Mr. DeVille
Volunteer Group
of the Year:
Dwayne Woodard
represents the
Bulldog Barks
and Bites Club
Leadership Award recipients: Mr. Allen and Mr. DeVille with
their framed gift given by LST for Outstanding Leadership
President's Award recipient: Marlín
Giacona, Program Director, MCH of
Greater New Orleans, pictured with
Mr. Allen (left) and Mr. DeVille (right)
w w w.lmch.org
Donor Recognition
September 16, 2008 - December 31, 2008
Thanks again to our extended family for their contributions as well as for honoring and remembering their loved ones.
Jason and Flavia Aaron
Janis Abadie
Abbeville UMC, Abbeville
Karen Abedinzadeh
William and Millie Abrams
Accounting Plus Solutions, LLC
Walter and Judy Achord
Eloise Adams
Robert and Claudia Adley
ADR Inc.
Agape Circle, FUMC
Albemarle Foundation
Aldersgate SS Class, Bogalusa
Perry and Susan Aldridge
Charles and Margaret Alexander
N.W. and Louise Y. Alexander
Ruth Alford
Algiers UMC
Donald and Sandy Allen
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
Mr. Jim C. Allen
Alliance Drilling Consultants
Mark G. Alvarez and Sally Alvarez
Dick and Dona Anders
Anderson Feazel, L.L.C.
Howard and Becky Anderson
Michael and Gretchan Anderson
Buzzy and Carol Anding
Lona Antill
William and Barbara Arceneaux
Area Wholesale Tire Company, Inc.
Argent Trust Company
Argo Fine Imports, Inc.
Arizona UMC, Homer
Reggie and Sylvia Arnold
Asbury UMC Mack Bentley Class
Asbury UMC, Bossier City
Asbury UMC, Gold Bank Class, Lafayette
Asbury UMC, Kaleidoscope Class, Lafayette
Asbury UMC, Lafayette
Asbury UMC, West Monroe
Associates of the Ruston Daily Leader
Don Ater
Atlanta UMC, Atlanta
Albert and Patricia Aura
Avery Homes, Inc.
O. Avinger, Jr.
Captain William Ayers
Baker Family Charitable Foundation
Glenda Baker
Jefferson Baker
Ronald and Velva Baker
W.A. Baker, Jr. and Susan Baker
Wayne D. and Marie Baker
Bill and Susan Baker
Beverly and John Balcom
David and Cindi Baldwin
Tommy Baldwin
Suellen Balfe
Moss Bannerman and Bonnie B. Bannerman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barger, Jr.
Rosemary B. Barham
Barksdale UMC, Bossier City
Joe and Carol Bates
John and Laurine Battalora
Bay Hills
Bayou Blue UMC
Bayou Chicot UMC, St. Landry
Richard and Billie Beach
Kathy Beard-Pickett
Mary Beck
Kristin Beckman
Beech Grove UMC, Spearsville
Belar UMC, Jena
Bobbie Bell
Cheryl Bell
Belle Chasse UMC
Randy Belshe
Carl R., Jr. and Kristine F. Benefield
Robert and Bonnie Bengtson
George and Lisa Benner
Gretchen Benner
Edith Bennett
Richard and Peggy Bennett
James Benton
Benton UMC, Grumpy Old Men's SSC, Benton
Orville and Bonnie Berg
John and Donna Bergstedt
Bobby and Terri Bernard
Kris Bernard
Ernie and Josephine Bernhoft
Joe and Lynn Berry
Joseph and Judy Berry
Katie Berry
Berwick UMC, Berwick
Beta Iota–Delta Kappa Gamma
Beta Sigma Phi Eta Omicron
Make a Secure Gift Online
Please visit us at www.lmch.org. Click on
“Donate Online” or “Ways to Give,” then
select “Online Donation.” We have a secure
site for transferring funds. This is indicated
by a lock symbol on your screen. We want
to thank those of you who have utilized this
feature of our website, and want to encourage
others of you to do so. It is fast and easy!!
No envelopes or stamps needed, just minimal
time spent on your computer. If you run into
problems, or have questions feel free to call
us toll free at 866-255-5830, ext. 4716.
Printing of the Pathways
Please know that we take very seriously the
challenge to manage our finances wisely. We
want our readers to know that thanks to
a long-standing professional relationship
with our printer, as well as because of great
advances in technology, we are able to print
our Pathways now in full color at very little
extra cost. We have had much positive response
to our newsletters that have been printed in
full color, and feel that it would be beneficial
to us to continue to do so in the future.
Pathways • Winter 2009
Bethany UMC, Bethany
Henry and Olive Ann Bethard
James and Florence Bethard
Robert Bethard
Bethel UMC, Logansport
Bethel UMC, Pineville
Ramonalynn Bethley
Dr. and Mrs. C. Bice
Charles and Carolyn Bice
Gaylord Bickham
Bienville UMC, Bienville
Robert and Janice Birkhoff
Andy and Anne Black
Wilbert and Mary Black
Blackwater UMC, Baker
Blackwater UMC, Leroy Hoover Christian Life
Hugh and Grace Blair
Warren and Mary Lou Blakeman
Louis and Mary Blankenbaker
BLGP, Inc.
Bluff Creek UMC
Bob Levy Campaign Fund
Boeuf Prairie UMC, Winnsboro
Richard and Frances Boisture
Bollinger Shipyards
Ricky and Helen Booksh
Booneville Memorial UMC
Gary and Sharon Booth
Greg and Marguerite Bordelon
Paul and Doris Boudra
Carole Boudreaux
Ms. Carole Boudreaux
Ira and Bobbie Boudreaux
Ronnie and Rebecca Bounds
Rev. J. Henry and Virginia Bowdon, Jr.
Madolyn Bowman
Robert and Leigh Bowman
Diane Boyles
Brame & McCain
Raymond Brandes
Jeanne Brandon
Jim and Dorothy Brasher
Karen Brasher
Paul and Anne Bray
J.W. and Pam Brennan
Johnny and Debra Bridges
Henry Briggs
Frank and Suzzanne Bright
Bright Hopes Quilting LLC
Broadmoor UMC, Achievers SS Class, Shreveport
Broadmoor UMC, Baton Rouge
Broadmoor UMC, Lamplighters SS Class, Baton Rouge
Broadmoor UMC, Shreveport
Broadmoor United Methodist
Women's Sunday School Class
Marvin and Dianne Brossette
Donald T. Brown
Joe and Juanita Brown
Ronald and Elizabeth Brown
Steven and Jeanne Browning
Welton Brumfield, Jr.
William and Martha Buck
Lamar and Dorothy Buffington
Deanna Burch
Robert and Peggy Burgess
Daniel Burkhalter
Mary Helen Burns
J.M. Burris
Frank Busch, Jr.
Vic and Fran Bussie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butler
Lois Butler
Louis and Cheryl Butler
Ben and Anne Byland
William and Vicky Byrd
C&C Offshore, Inc.
Caddo Volunteers for Family and Community
Christine Caldwell
Theresia E. Callender
Butch and Jo Lee Calmes
Suzanne Calvert
Nelson and Georgia Campbell
Eddie and Willery Capron
Stone and Eleanor Caraway
George Cardwell
Care & Share of 1st UMC
John and Winnifred Carlson
Rebecca Carney
Frank Carr
Marvin Carraway
Hulbert Carruth
Nancy Carruth
Lillian Carter
Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessie,
Finn, Blossman & Areaux L.L.C.
Robert Case and Mrs. Case
Eloise Cason
Paul and Patricia Cassingham
Evans and Sheri Casso
Paul Catt
Charles and Barbara Causey
Kathy Cavanaugh
Betty Celia
Centenary UMC, Franklinton
CenturyTel, Inc. of Monroe
Robert Chance
Cary and Elaine Chandler
Larry Chandler
Catherine Chastant
Chet Morrison Contractors, Inc.
Chevron NA Exploration Co
Children's Concert and Storytime
Loreeta Chittenden
Jim and Bonnie Choate
Christ UMC, Vista SS Class, Shreveport
Don and Frances Chunn
Claiborne UMC, West Monroe
Buz Clanton
Darryl and Beth Clark
Robert and Margaret Clark
Charles and Pat Clawson
Clothes, Etc.
John O. Clotworthy
Kenny and Johnean Cobb
Bill and Teri Cober
Robert and Mary Cochran
Winona O. Cochran
Jonnie and Margaret Cockerham
Donnie Cockrell
Glenn Coffey
M.Yvonne Coffey
Phil and Nancy Coghill
Hazel Coleman
Colfax UMC, Colfax
Colonel Ware SS Class, Lake Charles
Complete Computer Solutions, Inc.
C.J. Conly
Jann Connell
Pok Re Connell
Dena Cooper
Harold Cooper
Corinne Resweber SS Class, Bastrop
Huiet and Barbara Cormier
Mark and Judy Cosenza
Donald and Glennell Cottrill
Covenant UMC, Fellowship Sunday School, Lafayette
Covenant UMC, Searcher's SS Class, Lafayette
James and Eloise Cox
John and Margie Coxe
Creed & Creed Attorneys At Law
Crick Benefits Inc.
Carmen Cross
Vic and Ann Crowe
Crowville UMC, Crowville
Crusaders for Christ, First UMC, Winnfield
Joe and Edythe Cuce
Felix and Ethel Cucullu
Lottie Culpepper
Richard and Thetis Cusimano
Jodi and Jennifer Daigle
Vivian Daniel
George Daniels
Julian and Doris Darden
Darleen M. Jacobs Professional Law Corp.
Frank Darsey
Richard and Norma Davenport
Doug and Annette Davis
Frances Davis
Maurice Davis
Thelma Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis
Davison Transportion Services
Walter and June Davisson
Bobby and Nelia Day
Edward and Sally De Mouy
Maynard and Diane Dean
P.A. Dean
Deerford UMC, Zachary
Gilbert and Mary Dehuff
Robert and Marianne Deich
Daniel and Agnes Dekeyzer
Sara Delaha
Jim and Lynette DeLaune
Shirley Delaune
Doug and Shannon DeLaureal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deloach
Duane and Dorothy Denham
Waitus W. Denham
Denton-James, LLC
DeQuincy UMC, DeQuincy
Shirley Derosa
Auston G DeVille
Terrel and Carol DeVille
Michael and Martha Anne Dickson
Marcie Didier
Shirley Didier
J.W. and JoAnn Dimmick
Disciples Class
John and Pam Dixon
Pat Dodson
Dodson UMC
Kelli Dooley
Doug and Gail Doremus
Douglas United Methodist Women
Doug's Market
Ross and Yvonne Downing
Herschel M. Downs
Hollis and Cathy Downs
Freddie and Ella Doyle
Doyline UMC, Doyline
Dr. Thomas H. Price–General Dentistry
Paul and Sue Draper
Jerry and Margie Drewett
Mr. Wesley R. Driggs
David and Judy Drinkwater
Joyce T. Driscoll
Michael and Carol Dufilho
Warren and Amy Dugan
Ann Dugas
Charles Dugas
Dr. Grady A. Dugas
June J. Dugger
Norman Duhon
Jack E. Duke
Jimmy and Melba Dulaney
Walton and Suzanne Dunbar
Ernest and Shirley Dunham
James Dunn
Leotis and Joy Duplechian
Gene and Ann Dupree
Durbin Enterprises 1181
Jimmy and Maurice Durbin
Gale Susan Durham
Troy O. and June Durr
Jimmy and Emme Sue Dusek
Carolyn Dykes
Helon Earle
Floyd and Lena Earnest
John Easterwood
Thomas and Judy Eby
Ed McDonald Bible Class, Baton Rouge
Anne Edmonds
Max and Molly Edwards
Mary Ehrhardt
Elegant Shutters, LLC
Joe and Jean Elgin
Elizabeth Sullivan Memorial UMC, Bogalusa
Ruby Ellisor
Ellsworth Corporation
Cammie Emory
William and Diane Engle
Eric Erickson
Eva Smith Sunday School
Charles and Dana Evans
Evelyn Evans
James and Zelia Faye Evans
Norma Evans
Jane Everist
Randy and Rosemary Ewing
Ewing Timber, LLC.
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Louise Fairburn
Faith Community UMC, Youngsville
Jim and Sara Farmer
Rodney and Susan Farrington
Margaret Favaron
Uncas and Catherine Favret
Fellowship Class, Broadmoor UMC, Baton Rouge
Fellowship SS Class, Haynesville
Fellowship UMC, Hineston
Fidelis Bible Class, Shreveport
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Jack Field
Fifty-Fifty Class, First UMC, Alexandria
Donald and Nelda Finley
First UMC Of B.R. Cornerstone Sunday School Class
First UMC, 50-50 SS Class, Natchitoches
First UMC, Alternate View SS Class, Shreveport
First UMC, Anna Gray Noe Sunday School Class
First UMC, Bossier City
First UMC, Boyce
First UMC, Coushatta
First UMC, Co-Wed SS Class, Shreveport
First UMC, DeQuincy
First UMC, DeRidder
First UMC, Fellowship Class, Lafayette
First UMC, Fisherwomen's SS Class, Natchitoches
First UMC, Iowa
First UMC, Lafayette
First UMC, Lake Providence
First UMC, LaPlace
First UMC, Lottie B. Mitchell SS Class, Ponchatoula
First UMC, Madden SS Class, Arcadia
First UMC, Mansfield
First UMC, Men's Bible Class, Tallulah
First UMC, Men's Bible Class, Monroe
First UMC, Men's Bible Class, Lake Providence
First UMC, Minden
First UMC, Natchitoches
First UMC, New Roads
First UMC, Open Door SS Class, Lake Charles
First UMC, Ringgold
First UMC, Ruth Baker SS Class, Pineville
First UMC, Ruth Wesley Bible Class, Jennings
First UMC, Shelbyville, TN
First UMC, Shreveport
First UMC, Slidell
First UMC, Springfield
First UMC, Tallulah
First UMC, Thibodaux
First UMC, Two By Two SS Class, Minden
First UMC, Welsh
First UMC, Welsh U.M.W.
First UMC, Winnfield
Fisher UMC, Franklinton
Orin and Billie Flanigan
Roger and Mary E. Florea
Mary Florence
Hershel and Jennifer Floyd
Mary Fontenot
Mr. Max E. Foote
T.C. Forgey
Skip and Cris Forsthoff
Warren and Mary Founds
Four Square Bible Class
Doris Fourcade
Russell and Vivian Fowler
Bill and Martha Foy, Travis and Amanda
Myrtle Francis
Fred and Teresa Fraser
Troy and Dorothy Freund
Langdon and Katherine Frey
Friendship Class, Broadmoor United Methodist Church
Friendship Class, Summer Grove UMC, Shreveport
Friendship SS Class, Shreveport
Friendship Sunday School Class
Frost Trailer Parts, Inc.
H. Edward and Marie Fuhrmeister
E.C. and Pearl Fulgham
Lynn and Vicki Fuller
Wayne and Carolyn Fulmer
SuAnna W. Funk
Fuqua Paper Supply, LLC
Don and Addie Futch
Guy Gaar
Marie Gabriel
Roy and Gerri Gaines
Bobbie Galli
David and Lynn Galloway
Jay and Hazel Gammill
Leon and Catherine Garfield
Kevin and Sarah Garner
Charles and Nora Garrett
Gary's Plumbing Co., Inc.
Gary and Gay Gaskins
Gordon and Carolyn Gates
S. Kathleen and Callie Gatlin
Barbara T. Geesey
Gene Nims Builders, Inc.
Herschel and Lillian Gentry
George and Mary Geoffroy
Barbara Germany
Robyn and Charles Germany
Gibsland Homemakers Club
Joe F. Gibson
Janet Gildermaster
Give with Liberty Employee Donations
Patrick and Jessica Givens
James and Becky Gleason
Ronald L. Gobert and Laurie C. Gobert
God Spell SS Class, Trinity Methodist Church
Grady and Suzanne Golden
William and Joann Golden
Mary Goldman
Jimmy and Robin Goldsmith
George and Carolyn Golightly
Fred and Agnes Golson
Jim and Wendy Gonzales
Norman and Jeanette Goodson
Kenneth and Angie Goodwin
Government Related Services of LA, Inc.
Grace UMC, Ruston
Steven and Sherrie Graf
Ronny and Judy Graham
Grand Cane UMC, Grand Cane
Linda Graves
Ardis and Sybil Green
James and Elizabeth Green
Marjorie Green
Marvin and Rusty Green
Rex Green
Bobby Greene
Richard and Ann Gremillion
Richard Griffin
Ted and Lanelle Groh
Frank and Mary Groves
Donna Guenard
Bobby and June Guilbeau
E. Douglas Guillory
Jeanne Guillory
E. Rand and Dorothy Guy
H E Storer Foundation
Jerry and Darlene Hackler
Doug and Debbie Haddox
Elaine Hadlock
Paul and Anne Hagens
Donald and Dorothy Hall
Henry and Elbie Hall
Hall Summit UMC, Hall Summit
Thomas Hamilton
Foster and Martha Hamner
Danny Hancock
Hand Family
Bev and Ann Savage Handy
William and Sally Hanson
Phil and Mona Hardgrave
John and Quay Hardin
Bill and Janice Hardin
Ray Hargis
William and Margaret Hargrove
Cecil and Martha Harper
William and Catherine Harper
Charles Harrell
Sandra Harrington
Donor Recognition
Brady and Mary Harris
Daniel and Dona Harris
David and Diane Harrison
G. Kenneth and Debbie Harrison
Lee Harrison, Jr.
Renie S. Harrison
Hart Associates
Clinton and Margaret Hart
Howard and Billie Harvill
Scott and Janice Harville
Haskins Chapel UMC
Dayne and Kathy Hassell
Dana Hauser
Dorothy Hayes
Haynesville United Methodist Women, Haynesville UMC
William and Marian Head
Health Plus of Louisiana
Doug and Mary Hearne
Patricia Hedges
James and Patricia Heege
Robert Heflin
Bennie and Ellen Helmer
David Hendrix
Henning Memorial UMC, Sulphur
W.L. Henning
William and Lena Henning
Sybil and H. Henry
Elinor Herd
Dickie and Laney Heusel
Nenna and Chris Higginbotham
James and Vivian Hinckley
Donald Hine
Doris Hine
Roberta Hinton
HMV Of Ruston DBA Days Inn
Hodge UMC, Hodge
Michael Hoffpauir
Morris Hoffpauir
Sheldon and Sylvia Hoffpauir
Gary and Shelley Holcomb
John and Michelle Holder
Lynne Holladay
Bob and Jo Holladay
Doris Holland
Dud and Elizabeth Holland
Boyd and Susan Holley
Gerald and Welcome Holliday
J.J. and Martha Hollis
Marjorie Holloway
Douglas Holmes
Honda Of Covington
J.B. and Carolyn Honeycutt
Gloria Hood
Diane Hoogland
Patricia V. Hook
Ronald and Kathleen Hoover
Gary V. Horn
Troy and Stephanie Hornbeck
Hosston UMC
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Houston, Jr.
Bill and Judy Howard
Ernest Howard
Tom and Bonnie Hoy
Margaret Hoyt
Frank and Louise Hubig
Hudson House Interiors
Ivan and Wanda Hughes
Allen and Dianne Hughey
Bill and Kathy Hunt
Peggy Hunt
James Hunter
Tracey and Kimberly Hutson
Afton and Kenny Hylton
Stephen and Miskel Hymel
William and Alice Irving
J V J Consulting INC.
J.P. & B. Enterprises, Inc.
JABAR Corporation
Joan D. Jackson
James and Lina Jacobs
John and Beverlee James
James Living Trust
James Machine Works, Inc.
Robert and Laurie James
Monroe Jardell
Jennings United Methodist Church
Clay and Jennifer Johnson
Darryl and Maureen Johnson
J.C. and Annie Johnson
Keith and Fran Johnson
Joann Johnston
Ben and Alison Joiner
Walt and Betty Joiner
Bert and Danni Jones
Betty Ann Jones
Dorothy Jones
Opal Jones
Patricia H. Jones
Richard and Frances Jones
Robert and Mimi Jones
Steven L. Jones and Patricia B. Jones
Wade and Susanne Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jones, Jr.
Calvin and Audrey Jordan
Mrs. O.H. Jordan
Edris Jorgensen
Joy SS Class, University UMC, Baton Rouge
Margaret Joyner
Ruth Judd
Jim and Mary Justice
Jim and Donna Justiss
Marcus and Martha Kahler
Craig and Pamela Kaster
James and Bonnie Keene
Jim and Suzanne Keller
Ron and Jane Keller
Shannon Kelley
Bessie Kells
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kemp
Kentwood UMC, Kentwood
Carolyn Kenyon
Donald and Doris Kessler
Todd Kiefer
K.D. and Anne Kilpatrick
James Kilroy
Max and Anne King
Ronald and Renda King
Margaret Kingrea
John and Linda Kinnebrew
Bruce and Pam Kintner
Dale and Liz Kirkindoll
Carol Kirkland
Eva Kirkland
Ramey and Georgialene Kirkwood
Betty Kleen
Mary Vern Knowles
Kum-Dubl SS Class, Baton Rouge
William and Beatrice Kuntz
Pryor and Grace Kyle
Robert Lacher
Nancy Lado
Gene W. Lafitte
Bonnie LaFont
Donald E. Lagarde
Dale and Patricia LaGrone
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lagrone
Lahey Chapel UMC
Lake Vista UMC, New Orleans
Lakeview UMC, Shreveport
Carole Lamar
Randall and Jodie Lammons
Mrs. Tut Lancaster
Pierre and Mollie Landaiche
Blanche Landrum
Robert and Valerie Lane
Andrew B. Larriviere
Mitchell and Patricia Launey
John and Anne Lavo
S.G. Lawton
Charlotte and Mike LeBlanc
Mrs. Virgie LeBleu
Larry and Trellis Ledbetter
Brent and Yvonne Lee
Bruce and Linda Lee
Mr. John M. Lee
Walter and Mary Lee
Leigh Van Hoose, Jr. Ins. Agcy.,
Inc. State Farm Insurance
Rebecca M. LeJune
Paul and Barbara Leming
Laura Lemley
Juanita Leonard
Robert and Elaine Levy
Lewis & Company
Bill and Louise Lewis
Jim and Marilynn Lewis
Richard and Janine Lewis
Michael and Cynthia Lifsey
John and Nancy Liles
Terry and C.E. Lindsey
Lindy and Judy Lingo
Del and Margaret Lipps
Annette Lipscomb
Maxine Lipscomb
Annette Lipscomb
Ruby Lipscomb
Little Creek UMC
Larry and Ruby Little
Robert and Barbara Lively
Roland and Barbara Livingston
Jennifer Loe
Jon and Lisa Lord
Virginia Lorrain
Anne and Alan Lott
Luther and Kim Lott
Lottie B. Mitchell SS Cl, First UMC, Ponchatoula
Louis St. Martin
Louisiana Annual Conference
Gary M. Love
Jimmy and Pat Love
John and Janet Love
Cedric and Ann Lowrey
Lucille Hendrick SS Class
Lois Lueg
Gary and Sheryl Lum
Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Lyman
Garrett and Beverly Lynch
Dr. or Mrs. Wesley Lynch
Joe and Elizabeth Madden
J.L. Madere
Millard and Barbara Mangrum
Mangum Memorial UMC
Mangum Memorial UMC, United Methodist Women
Mangum Memorial UMC, Adult Bible Class, Shreveport
Mangum Memorial UMC, Parents' Class, Shreveport
Maplewood United Methodist Women
Mr. and Mrs. Will Marston
Diane Martin
Litt and Cindy Martin
Greg and Paula Marx
Lee Mason
K.E. Mathew
Leya and K.E. Mathew
Elvin and Susan Mathews
Frank and Bonnie Mathews
Norman and Katherine Mauroner
Mr. Kenneth May
Thaddeus and Tammie Mayo
Bill and Julie McCarty
Emily McCoy
R.W. and Sue McCranie
Bobby McCullin
Leonard and Kathy McDaniel
Louise McDonald
McDonald UMC, Mansfield
William and Joy McElroy
Jimmie and Renee McGee
L.D. and Mildred McGehee
Elinor McGinty
Rev. Douglas L. McGuire
Jack McGuyer
George and Boopie McInnis
Dolores McKellar
James and Carol McKenzie
Virgil and Millicent McKoin
David and Deborah McLemore
Gaylan and Amy McLin
W.B. McNeely, Jr.
Steve and Cindy McQueen
Jerry and Pat Means
J. Allen Melton
Mike and Pam Melton
Men's Bible Class, Winnsboro
Mer Rouge UMC, Mer Rouge
Merrill Lynch
I.T. Merritt
Lois D. Merry
Merryville UMW
Methodist Men's Club
Carol Meyers
Joel and Sandra Meyers
Margie Miciotto
Dude and Genny Middlebrooks
Mike Michot Campaign Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miletello, Jr.
Allen and Debbie Miller
Paul and Bonnie Miller
David and Sue Miller
Dennis and Cindy Miller
John R. Miller
Julie Miller
Larry and Linda Miller
Reid and Jennifer Miller
William Miller
Scott Mills
Saul Mintz
Dwight Mitchell
James W. Mitchell
Leo and Lois Mitchell
Laurie Moffett
Walter and Virginia Monk
Victor Monsour
Nancy Montgomery
Montgomery UMC
M.L. and Lynda Monzingo
Moon & Hines, LLC–Series 6
Earl and Kay Moorer
Kamal Moorti
Charles and Margo Morgan
Dorothy Moss
Martha Chase Moss
Benjamin and Willie Mount
Mt. Hermon UMC, Kentwood
Mt. Zion UMC, Montgomery
Charles and Nancy Muery
Mike and Cathy Muller
Julius Mullins, Jr.
Munholland UMC, Metairie
Clinton and Sherry Murphy
John and Sharon Naquin
National Camping Methodists, La. Chap. #15
National Christian Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Roy and Pat Naumann
Don and Lenora Nazworth
Reba Neel
Mary Dell Neill
William and Mary Nelson
Sydney and Gail Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nettles
New Centurims S.S., BUMC
New Orleans Womans Club
Newcomer SS Class of Lea Joyner UMC
Robert and Mary Jo Newell
Frank and Ann Nixon
Charles Noble, Jr.
Geraldine Noble
Noel Memorial UMC, Friendly Circle SS Class
Noel Memorial UMC, Men's Bible Class, Shreveport
Noel Memorial UMC, Rasmussen SS Class, Shreveport
Clayton and V. Sue Nolan
William and Janet Nolan
Barbara Nolde
Nolley United Methodist Women
Russell Normand
Robert Normann
North Highlands UMC, Shreveport
North Point UMC, Shreveport
Northlake Gastroenterology Associates
Bonnie and Earl Nunn
Shari and Jeffery Nutter
Darryl and Tina O'Bryant
Larry O'Dell
M. O'Dell and Mrs. Mandy O'Dell
William and Mary Oglesby
Marian Olson
Jane Omohundro
D. Patrick and Michelle O'Neal
Caroline Orechwa
Roy and Elsie Osborne
David and Penny Oswalt
Jean Oswalt
Larry and Linda Oubre
B.N. and Ann Owens
Ouida Oxford
Cynthia Paar
Allen and Nancy Pace
Pairs & Spares Class, Shreveport
Pairs & Spares SS Class, Monroe
Pairs and Spares SS Class, Homer
Mrs. Paul E. Palmer
Tim and Michelle Palmer
Edwin Panichas
Katherine Pankey
Larry and Sadie Parent
Lon and Carol Park
All monetary donations MUST be processed at our corporate
office in Ruston. The only exception to this will be Gifts In
Kind, or non-cash contributions which may be taken directly
to the facility it is intended for and proper paperwork filled
out at the time of donation.
The address for our Corporate Office is:
LMCH • P.O. Box 929 • Ruston, LA 71273-0929
Parker Memorial UMC, New Orleans
Oneal and Duryal Parker
Robert M. Parker
Parker Sunday School Class
William and Delores Parker
Edna Parks
Mary S. Parks
Thomas and Karla Parks
Daniel C. Parrish
Robert and Mary Parrott
Steven and Cheri Pate
Joe and Carol Patin
Lois Peairs
Marshall and Carolyn Pearce
Gertraud Pearson
Curtis and Maria Pellerin
James and Susan Peterson
Petrolog International, Inc.
Betty Phelps
Michael and Kathleen Phillips
Doyle and Pat Pickett
James L. Pierce
James and Laurie Piker
Harold Pique
Terry and Carol Plamondon
Pleasant Valley UMC, Minden
Policy Govt & Publ Affairs
Polk Foundation
Pollock UMC, Pollock
Ponchatoula United Methodist Men
Anna Pope
Port Barre UMC, Port Barre
Port Sulphur Ace Hardware, Inc.
Porter Family Foundation
Robert Powers
Jon and Melinda Pratt
Marjorie Price
Mary Price
Marguerite Bigler Primeaux
Joseph and Janet Pritchett
Mike and Sandy Provine
Jo Ann Pugh
R.W. and Vicki Pugh
Joe and Cheryl Pullis
Mildred Pundt
Rev. and Mrs. Jimmie Pyles
David and Cindy Qualls
Donald and Uletha Quave
James and Margo Racca
Ragan Middleton Sunday School Class
Stephen and Jerrie Rainey
Jason Ramm
Randy Rice & Associates
David and Sandra Rasberry
Macon and Mamie Rathburn
RC Logistics, LLC
REC Marine Logistics, LLC
Red Stick Armature Works, Inc.
Jacquelyn L. Reed
Regions Bank
Reich Associates Landscape Architects & Land Planner
Robert and Diane Reich
Reich, Album & Plunkett, L.L.C.
Reily Memorial UMC, Collinston
Resource Bank
Carl Rhoads, III
Deborah L. Rhodes
M.C. Richard or J.A. Richard
Stephen and Marge Richters
Christopher Ricord
Jill Ridgedell
Kenneth and Jackie Rigby
George and Jackie Risinger
Don and Melba Rittenberry
Charles and Linda Ritter
David and Vivian Roach
Lonnie Roach
Lee and Olitsa Robbins
Georgie Lee Roberson
Frank F. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts
James Robertson
Jimmy and Annita Robertson
J. Glenn and Jeri Robicheaux
Curtis and Katie Robillard
Noula Rodakis
John and Mary Jean Roddey
Andre' and Ashley Rodrigue
Frances Roemershauser
Everett Rogers, Jr.
Frank and Peggy Rogers
Carlyle Rogillio
Wayne and Margaret Roth
Violet Roussel, C.P.A.
William and Betty Rowell
Robert and Glenver Rowland
Lionel and Rosemary Rownd
George and Hazel Rumbaugh
Richard L. Rusch
Mary McKenzie Rushing
Sera and Elizabeth Ann Russell
Ray and Teresa Rutland
William and Pamela Sack
Agnes Saddler
Charles W. Salley
Charles and Michelle Samson
C. David and Kathleen Sanders
Sanders Chapel Methodist Church
C/O Mrs. Eloise Haymon
Jerry Sanders
John and Margaret Sanders
Freddy and Denise Sapp
Walter and Miriam Savage
Lee and Carol Sawyer
Mr. Floyd D. Schadt
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Scheuermann
Susan Schluntz
Otha and Cherine Schofield
Robert A. Schroeder
Roy and Kathy Schubert
Cherry McCraine Schultz
Christopher R. Schwartz Attorney At Law
Ralph and Geri Schwartzenburg
David and Jan Scott
Scott Horton SS Class, St. Andrew's UMC, Sterlington
Marion and Nellie Scott
Dan and Nancy Scurlock
Michael and Kathy Seal
Jerry Segura
Sue Segura
Allen and Bonnie Self
J. Wayne and Flo Sessions
Bill and Myra Sexton
G.L. and Sylvia Shepard
G.L. Shepard
Samuel and Peggy Shepard
Sylvia Shepard
Tommy and Donna Shields
Shiloh UMC, Carthage
Earl and Lynn Shipp
John and Monica Shirley
William and Susan Shirley
Mark and Karin Shoffner
Percy and Carolyn Shook
Joey and Teri Shrell
Shreveport District UMW
Shell and Cynthia Sibley
Dwight and Charlotte Sicard
Ann Simmon
Jimmie and Sharon Simmons
Mr. Melvin Simmons
Michael B. and Suzan D. Simpson
Robert C. Sims
Roger and Glenda Sinkey
Sisung Foundation
Alonzo G. and Lani Smith
Edna S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Smith
George and Ethel Smith
Gordon and Pamela Smith
Harry Smith
Jack Smith
Josie Smith
Marc and Sherril Smith
Mary C. Smith
Ouida Smith
Raymond Smith
Roger Smith
Vicky Smith
Bill and Guion Snyder
Southern Abstracts, Inc.
Michael J. Sparacino
Cory and Melissa Sparks
Julie Sparks
Specialty Auto Glass
Mickey Spencer
Frank and Flip Spooner
St. Andrew's UMC, Baton Rouge
St. Charles UMC, Destrehan
R.M. St. Clergy
St. John's UMC, UMW
St. Luke's UMC, Baton Rouge
St. Mark's UMC, Alexandria
St. Mark's UMC, Alexandria
St. Martin's Episcopal School
St. Matthew's UMC, Seekers SS Class, Metairie
Elizabeth St. Paul Digby
St. Paul's UMC, Cheneyville, LA
St. Paul's UMC, Baton Rouge
St. Peter UMC–Lake Providence
John and Gene Stack
Susan B. Stafford
Carol Stanford
Verne Steen
Corre Stegall
Russ and Carole Stelly
Carrie Stephens
Lynell Stephens
Kenneth and Betty Stevens
Virginia Stewart
Paul and Shirley Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stoddard, III
William Stokes, Jr.
John Stone
Storer Equipment
H.E. and Martha Storer
Marilyn Strickland
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
I.T. Merritt and Linda Stuart
Suburban Rentals
Summerfield UMC, Summerfield
Albert and Linda Summers
John and Cindy Surles
Howard Sutton
Ira Taylor
Michael and Cathy Taylor
Byrum and Jan Teekell
Madeline Teer
Jason and Susan Templet
Thomas and Carole Terral
James and Debbie Terrell
Beverly and Henrietta Thames
Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Tharpe
The Class Of 75
The Gleaners SS Class, Shreveport
The John and Frances Beck Family Foundation
The New Life Foundation
The Rosemary Ewing Foundation
The Shaw Group, Inc.
Ann Thibodeaux
William and Joyce Thibodeaux
Hunter and Christine Thom
Wanda Thom
James and Mary Thomas
w w w.lmch.org
Donor Recognition
Peter and June Thomas
R.P. and Janie Thomas
Herb and Theresa Thompson
Jerry and Pamela Thompson
Wayne and Flora Thompson
S. Tillay
Ray and Sarah Timberlake
Dr. Sallye J. Toniette
Carlton and Sarah Townsend
Ernest and Joy Townsend
Inez Townsend
Townsley Eldridge Mission Circle
Lisa Rogers Trammell
Timothy E. Trammell
Transportation Traffic Engineering
David Treen
Trinity UMC, Alexandria
Trinity UMC, Godspel SS Class, Ruston
Trinity UMC, Pathfinders SS Class, Ruston
Trinity UMC, Ruston
Trinity UMC, Willing Workers SS Class, Ruston
Don and Maureen Trussell
Bob Tucker
George and Anabel Tucker
Rev. Keith Tucker
Parker and Rhonda Tucker
Robert and Sherryl Tucker
Rudy and Jeana Tucker
Louise Tull
Elliot and Elaine Tullier
Jewel Tullier
Ronald J. Tully
Allen and Mary Tuten
Two By Two SS Class, Ruston
H.J. Tyler
Maurice and Pam Tynes
UMM, First UMC, Slidell
UMM, St. Paul's, Monroe
UMW, Camelia Dethloff Circle, FUMC, Natchitoches
UMW, Deerford UMC
UMW, First UMC, Bastrop
UMW, First UMC, Winnsboro
UMW, Franklinton
UMW, Ida UMC, Ida
UMW, Lydia Circle, Rayville
UMW, Many
UMW, Martha Circle, First UMC, Kenner
UMW, Mary-Esther Circle, Sulphur
UMW, Memorial UMC, Matthews
UMW, Methodist Ladies Afternoon Circle, FUMC, Welsh
UMW, North Highlands UMC, Shreveport
UMW, Pine Ridge UMC, Kentwood
UMW, Plain Dealing UMC
UMW, Ruth Circle, First UMC, Mansfield
UMW, Sallie Moore Circle
UMW, St. Luke's UMC, Shreveport
UMW, St. Paul's UMC, Baton Rouge
UMW, St. Paul's UMC, Monroe
Ungar & Byrne
United Church Of The Covenant
United Methodist Women, Farmerville
United Methodist Women Munholland UMC
United Methodist Women of First Church
United Way of NE Louisiana, Inc.
United Way of Northeast La, Inc.–
Combined Federal Campaign
University UMC, Lake Charles
Upper Room Men's Bible Class, First UMC, Jennings
Laurel Upton
Susonne Ursin
Vacherie UMC, Vacherie
Alfred and Merle Vahlkamp
Ellie Valentine
Rose Vaughan and Family
Clem and Mary Vaught
Robert M. Verdin
Stafford J Viator and Susan M Viator
Billy and Bea Vining
Leonard and Iris Vinson
Sarah Voss
Wachovia Securities, LLC
Marian Wadsworth
Rodney and April S. Wagner
Evelyn Wagnon
Waldheim UMC, Covington
Margaret Wallace
Glenda Wallett
Janelle Walton
John and Elaine Walz
Paul and Ann Warner
Joan Warren, C.P.A.
Al and Sue Watts
Charles and Billie Webster
Mary Webster
Milton and Mary Webster
Wedding Ring SS Class, Zachary
Katherine Weir
Robin Welsh
Wesley Chapel UMC, Greensburg
Wesley Chapel UMC, Ruston
Wesley UMC, Baton Rouge, LA
Wesley United Methodist Church, UMW
Margaret A. West
O.D. and Margaret W. Westbrook
William R. Westbrook
Russell and Nancy Westfall
Westlake United Methodist Women
Laura Westmoreland
W.B. and Wilma Wheelis
Cornelius and Johnetta White
Frances White
Fred White
Joe and Sarah White
Virginia White
Frances Wall Whitson
John Whitson
Dennis and Lillian Whitten
Doyle and Dottie Whittington
William Wieger
Barbara D. Wildman
Wayne Wilkerson
Gaylne Wilkins
Philip Wilkins
Bonnie Williams
Williams Community Relations–Matching Gifts
D. Greg Williams
Eric and Aline Williams
Jo Frances Williams
John H. and Dottie R. Williams
Linda Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Quitman Williams
Thomas and Martha Williams
Bobby and Jeanne Williamson
Beau and Renee Willis
William and Judy Willis
Anna Wilson
Pathways • Winter 2009
Carl Besenbach
John and Magdalen Ferguson
Elizabeth Besenbach
John and Magdalen Ferguson
Margie S. Billodeaux
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Berry
Michael S. Bishop
Pamela P. Bishop
Jimmy Blackburn
Wayne and Charlotte Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Blackwood
Geraldine K. Myers
Alison Blondeau
Jeffrey and Linda Delaune
Barret Blondeau
Jeffrey and Linda Delaune
Pat Bloxom
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Buddy Boatright
Malcolm and Tammy Jerry
Charlie Bonnette
Brady and Carol Forman
Henry Bowden
Opal Thompson
Virginia Bowden
Opal Thompson
J.H. Bowdon
Janet and Jerry Kassar
Priscilla H. Bowman
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Parker Adair
Mary C. Bransford
Jamee Schilling
Roe and Romona McCasland
Leroy P. Ades
Karen F. Brasher
Dianna and Bill Penney
Jeremy and Melanie Jones
Marcia Ades
Geraldine Brian
Dianna and Bill Penney
Christine Caldwell
Johnie W. Adkins
Rob and Elizabeth Brickley
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Ted and Joyce Lowery
Eric Alexander
The Brockman Family
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Monty and Harriet Wilkins
Holly Alexander
Lamar S. Buffington
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Anne Wilson
Deb Allamong
Donna Buford
Roberta Laurenson
Barbara Brasher
Brenda Allen
Skip Buford
Dan Hanry
Barbara Brasher
Dorothy Jo Allen
Ski Bunch
Richard and Laura Allen
Leu Wilder
Helon Earle
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry O. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allison
Melba Love
Erich and Gloria Wenzel
Carolyn Burton
Bob Anderson
David and Carolyn Burton
Friendship SS Class, FUMC Monroe
Elizabeth Butler
Chris Andrews
Louis and Cheryl Butler
Spiral Metals Corp. of Baton Rouge
Christine W. Caldwell
Elaine Askew
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Marietta Race
Clint Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Avinger
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
Dianne Mullin
Sherwood D. Campbell
Ruth Bailey
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Tim and Kat Bailey
G.B. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. James Baird
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Joe and Laverne Hightower
Maggie W. Carter [Miriam Circle of Trinity UMC]
Bill Baker
Rebecca Williams
T.D. and Sue Howe
Dr. and Mrs. Jay L. Chambers
Sue Baker
Louise Tull
T.D. and Sue Howe
Elaine Chapman
Wanda M. Barber
Mary Ann M. Arnold
Phil Barber
Dan Chase
Weldon Bares
Martha Chase Moss
Mary Ann M. Arnold
Lilly Chase
Mary Barker
Martha Chase Moss
Pat and Linda Moyers
Sherry K. Chenevert
Carol Barrow
Mike. Chenevert
William J. Barrow
Margie Chisholm
Jim Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Burns
William J. Barrow
Melba Love
Melanie Beauchamp
Robert Chisholm
Sue Chaney
Melba Love
Martha Belton
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Burns
Billy and Estelle Puckett
Melba Love
John Clark
Janice Benoit
Randy and Gail Parker
Ruby B. Segura
Bill Cobb
Donna Bergstedt
Juanita Long
Melvin G. Holland and Nancy Holland
Octavia Cobb
Judy Bertrand
Juanita Long
Melvin Bertrand
Wilson Community Church, Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Wilson, Jr.
Wintech International LLC
Emily Wofford
Douglas and Anne Womack
Charles and Mary Wood
Jim and Rosie Wood
Karl Wood
Jerry and Marcia Woodard
Risdon and Jerry Woodard
Ronald and Debra Woodruff
Patti Woods
Beth Wooldridge
James and Beth Wooldridge
Archie and Emily Worsham
Marcus and Gay Wren
Winsome Wren
Pat Wright–Attorney At Law
Emily Wrye
Mildred Yager
R. Yarborough
Yordan or Maia Yordanov
Donald and Susan Young
Marjorie Young
Zachary United Methodist Women
Billie Zachry
Ann Cole
Gary and J.G. Shows
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cole
Ruby Gibson
Margaret C. Collins
John Golden
Bernice Colvin
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Dorothy Colvin
Les Amities Club
Ethelle Colvin
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Joe C. Colvin
Charlie and Sara Colvin
Ann Comfort
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Carolyn Cook
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Clay Cook
Gloria and Bill Dowden
A.L. Coon
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Cleta Cormier
Jim Cormier
Carter Cox
First UMC, Bastrop
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Crider
Melba Love
Ally A. Crow
Alice Rogers
Richard Darling
Brian and Linda Robinson
Floyd Davidson
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Patricia Davidson
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dazenko
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Mr. and Mrs. Claude DeBeaux
Dianne Mullin
Carey DeLaune
Sarah Bankert
Preston Delaune
Sarah Bankert
Carter K. Dempsey
Dale and Marsha Arceneaux
Terrel J. DeVille
UMM, First UMC, DeQuincy
Dr. and Mrs. Billy Dinwiddie
Jerry and Marjorie Thomas
Joseph M. Donakey
Mr. Douglas A. Behrman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donner
Tony Butler
Sara M. Downing
John and Martha Stinson
Rudolph Driftmien
Charles and Paula Watts
Sue Driftmien
Charles and Paula Watts
Alma Dripps
Dana Hauser
Jason Dripps
Dana Hauser
Helon A. Earle
Richard and Laura Allen
Conrad P. Edwards
Bill and Martha Foy, Travis and Amanda
William I. Eubanks
Mr. Douglas A. Behrman
John M. Evans
Oscar and Clara-Leigh Evans
Rebecca Evans
Randy and Rosemary Ewing
Mark and Rosemary Anderson
Louise Fairburn
Bush UMC, Bush
Jewette & Sue Farley
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Jeanette Farrar
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ferguson
Carl and Elizabeth Besenbach
Q Ferguson
Tyrone and Hattie Edwards
Billie F. Fillingame
Richard and Gail West
First UMC, Minden
Anti Pest & Veitch, Inc
Betty J. Fisher
Karen Brasher
First UMC, New Roads
H.E. Fisher
Ursula Panula
Beth Forester
Carolyn McDowell
Annette Fortuna
Gloria and Bill Dowden
Dave Fortuna
Gloria and Bill Dowden
Cindy Frazier
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Junior and Linda Frazier
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Michael D. Frazier
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Dr. and Mrs. Ben D. Fremming
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Robert and Valleau Caruthers
Fred and Lee Sutton
Charles Fuller
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Glenda Sue Fuller
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Duddy Garrett
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Patrick Garrett
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Mary Jean Garris
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Hannah Gary
Lady and John Patton
Holli Gaspard
Steve and Julie Ridley
Derek and Tammy Gautreau
Alice and Jane Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Glenn
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Mark Goins and Family
Ernestine Peterson
Fred Goza
Charles Fitzpatrick
Martha Goza
Charles Fitzpatrick
Agnes R. Grafton
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Graham
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Jackie Grayson
James and Dorothy Hoogland
Chloe E. Green
Chris and Gloria Andrews
Elizabeth Green
William and Leu Wilder
Gary Green
Mt. Mariah UMC, Arcadia
James D. Green
William and Leu Wilder
Marvin T. Green
William and Leu Wilder
Rusty Green
William and Leu Wilder
Estelle Gregory
Erich and Gloria Wenzel
Ordell Griffith
Ron and Theresa Hay
Mary Groves
Frank Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gueniot
Jim and Mary Justice
Sheila Gulasekharam
Pushpa S. Ratnesar
Mrs. Gwinn
Dianne Mullin
A.L. Gwinn
Dianne Mullin
Mike and Roni Haddox
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Angela Hair and Family
Charles Rougeau
Travis E. and Betty Halford
James and Deanna Sanford
Doug Hall
Charles and Sandra Allen
Rita C. Hamblin
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Etta Faye Hamilton
Gary and J.G. Shows
Bret Hammett
Albert and Beverly Hammett
Craig Hammett
Albert and Beverly Hammett
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Harlow
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Lois M. Harrelson
Circle I, U.M.W.
Robby and Melba Parker
Alice B. Harris
Alice and Jane Harris
Greg and Dori Harris
Alice and Jane Harris
Jane Harris
Alice Harris
Mary Harris
First UMC–Christian Fellowship SS Class
Tim Harris
Alice Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James Harty
Bill and Judy Mitcham
James Harty
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hassell
Katherine Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hauser
Ruby Gibson
Helga Head
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Thomas Head
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Marlene Hendrix
Marietta Race
Benson and Gwen Henry
Kayla Byrne
Susan Francis
Hollis C. Henry
Michael and Janell Lepper
Kay Hester
Charles Turnage
Mr. and Mrs. John Hightower
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hightower
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hightower
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Rebecca Hightower and Family
John and Mary Jane Durrett
Thomas R. Hightower and Family
John and Mary Jane Durrett
James L. Hinckley
The Culture Guild (Ruston)
Ann Holstead
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Thermon Holstead
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Garrett Holtsclaw
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Norma A. Huck
Guyton and Julie Watkins
Marjorie Huff
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Hughes
Carolyn McDowell
Ralph and Mary Lou Hughes
Jeff and Linda DeLaune
Dick Humphries
Lamar and Joanne Robertson
Loyd and Camille Stakes
Bill Hunt
Friendship SS Class, FUMC Monroe
Jeff Hunt
Ted and Joyce Lowery
Cameron Hutto
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Ichter
Melba Love
Johnny Jacobs
Friendship SS Class, FUMC Monroe
Ben James
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Donor Recognition
I am thankful for…
By D.T.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful
love endures forever. —I Chronicles 16:34
Students in Arlene Banks class supplemented their Social
Studies unit with a study of a variety of Native Americans.
Students also had the opportunity to study about Squanto
and the Pilgrims, as well as how our National Thanksgiving
Day originated.
During the program, students shared their creative writings
which began “I am thankful for…” Each student received
a treat bag for a job well done. Several members of the
Home’s administration attended the program and the students
presented them with gifts showing their thankfulness
for all they do for them and the Home.
We would like to share with you two of the students
writings. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
I am thankful for… my
life, my sister Jasmine
, and shelter
that God has given me
. God has also given me
a family, peers
and my favorite teache
r Mrs. Bank s. I am tha
nkful to God.
Family: I am thankful
for family because they
are there for me
and to care for me. My
family is one of a kind.
I love my family.
Sister: I am thankful
for my sister because
she is the only
family member I can
talk to and see and bec
ause she is my
family and my frien
d at the same time. I lov
e my sister!
Resource Family: I am
thankful for this family
because they are
there for me to speak to
and to talk to when I am
bored, and to give
me food when I am ver
y hungry. I love my res
ource family!
Mrs. Banks: I am thank
ful for Mrs. Banks bec
ause she helps
me in school an d teache
s me both God’s word
an d math,
literature, spelling, lan
guage, and others. The
most impor tant
thing is she loves me!
Staff: I am thankful
for my staff because the
y are there to
help me get out of CAB
and to make me feel saf
e and cared
for when I’m alone.
Peers: I am thankful for
my peers because they
are there to play
and talk with and are
there to cheer me up wh
en I am down.
Shelter: I am thankful
for shelter because I fee
l safe, warm
and loved. It gives a saf
e place to live here at MC
Food: I am thankful for
food because it gives me
life, protein, and
vitamins. And it also giv
es me my strength, nutrit
ion and energy.
Life: I am very thank
ful for Life!!
I am thankful for…
By A.S.
Pictured from left to right: Terrel J. DeVille, President and CEO;
Rick Sutton, Howard School Principal; and VP of Operations John
Allen with their tokens of “Thanksgiving” from the students.
Carol Ann James
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Carolyn James
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. James
Bob and Lesley James
Margaret Ann James
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Steve and Julie Ridley
Noel James
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Shirley Jaycocks
Mr. Douglas A. Behrman
Jefferson UMC, Grace SS Class
Michael and Debra Sorel
Conner Jenkins
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Matt Jenkins
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
John Johns
Mr. Douglas A. Behrman
Joseph Johnson
Brady and Carol Forman
Joann Johnston
Tyrone and Beth Riley
Kelsey Jones
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Joyce Jordan
Charles Fitzpatrick
Gaye Kavanaugh
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Track Kavanaugh
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Steven Kelly
Kelley West
Sybil Kelly
Laurie Moffett
Noel UMC, Rasmussen Memorial Class
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kempf
Robert and Patricia Flournoy
Elizabeth Kerr
Carla Schild
Wayne Martin Schild
K.D. and Anne Kilpatrick
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Grace Kinnebrew
Betty Celia
Carol L. Kirkland
Jane Cooper
Eva C. Kirkland
Jane Cooper
Courtney Kneipp
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Josh Kneipp
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kudla
Benjamin and Willie Mount
Art Lackey
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Lakeview UMC, Minden
Anti Pest & Veitch, Inc
Larremore Family
Melanie Barron
Sarah Laurenson
Roberta Laurenson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lawton
Claire Brown
tha nkful for my
I am tha nkful for God. I am
ways. My life has
life. God works in mysterious
me in man y ways.
been amazing. God has blessed
family is great!
I am thankful for my family. My
many times.
God has helped
Bill and Tommie Lee
Peggy Swayze
Jerry Lemley
George and Mary Geoffroy
Pat Lemley
George and Mary Geoffroy
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lewis
Peggy Swayze
Janice Terry
Barbara Liles
Kathy E. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lindsey
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Gail Lindsey
Aaron and Heather Bowling
Patricia D. Lively
Carolyn McDowell
Jennifer Loupe
Paul and Barbara Leming
Melba W. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Burns
Joy Lowe
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Perry Lowe
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Mr. and Mrs. David Luff
Virgil and Myrtis Orr
Minnie L. Lynch
Edward K. Ahrens Jr. Real Estate
Donald and Joan Mack
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant
Hugh Martin
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Mark Martin
Tom and Marilyn Buzbee
Mary Matthews
Dr. Jenne N. Elnady
St. Paul UMC, Ethel
Bob May
David and Barbara Tate
William F. Mayo
Michael and Jennifer Owens
Mary Grace McCarty
Angela Rosenthal
Alan McClain
Joe and Susan Musick
William K. McConnell
Linda Nordan
Chuck and Nell McCullen
Peggy Swayze
Truly W. McDaniel
Betty Moreland
Kyle McDonald and Family
A.W. and Diane McDonald
L.D. and Mildred McGehee
Robert and Patricia Flournoy
Don and Maureen Trussell
Esther A. McGinnis
Rebecca Williams
Dianne McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Burns
Melba Love
Douglas L. McGuire
Jesse and Susan Albright
Raymond and Altha Crofoot
James and Martha Humphreys
G.W. and Evelyn James
Martha Kinnaird
St. Paul's UMC, Spirit Builders Class, Monroe
Lucille Teuton
Samuel D. McGuire
Melba Love
Barbara McKaskle
Mr. Douglas A. Behrman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. McKee
Virgil and Myrtis Orr
David McLemore
Charles and Janet Cooper
Brady A. McMeans
Arthur and Pat McMeans
Riley McMeans
Arthur and Pat McMeans
Methodist Children's Home
Bradford and Joette Verret
Walter G. Middlebrooks
Carrie Franks
Janet Miller-Schmidt
Phillip and Barbara Mollere
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Mills
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Wes and Francis Minchew
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
w w w.lmch.org
CAB (Changing Attitudes and Behaviors)
The last week in October was eventful for C.A.B. youth. We hosted
a football camp for the boys and a cheerleader camp for the girls.
The C.A.B. team’s name was the Tigers. Every day the girls practiced
their cheers and the guys practiced football plays. The week ended
with a fun pep rally for the Tigers before their big game against
the Vaughn house youth. The guys decorated shirts for their big
game day. The ladies made banners and goodie bags for our Tiger
football players. After the awesome, spirited pep rally, the youth
paraded down to the field. They ran through a Tony the Tiger banner
while the "Eye of the Tiger" played in the background. The Tigers
defeated their opponents and paraded back to the building where a
bar-b-cue was held in everyone's honor. Our cheer coach, Ms. Laquasha
Craft, worked hard with the youth. Several other staff sponsored
snacks for our girls. The ladies also performed a cheer routine at
the 1st Wednesday meeting in the chapel. The Tiger team was lead
by head coaches, Jamie Sims, Jamonte Bailey, Jason Knighten, and
Supervisor Greg Goldsmith. Other assisting coaches were Harold
Madison and Keith Williams.
4-H Talent Show
A Talent Show for all local 4-H Youth was held on our Ruston
campus of LMCH. The event was held in our chapel on Saturday,
October 11th. Many of our youth participated in the talent
show and did very well. We had youth place 1st in Senior Dance,
2nd in Senior Dance, and 3rd in Senior Dance. These youth
were awarded trophies and ribbons.
Thanksgiving Dinner
The Henning Conference Center was again the site for our
annual Thanksgiving Dinner this year. On November 20th,
LMCH staff and youth all gathered for a traditional
Thanksgiving meal together. It
was a treat for the
staff to get to bring
their families to
celebrate this special
time of year with the
youth and co-workers
that they see on a
daily basis. As always,
Kathy Modest and
the dietary staff here
at LMCH provided
us with a great
holiday meal. A
special thanks to
the LST members
for serving dinner
to everyone!
At right, both photos:
Members of LST
serve dinner to some
of our youth.
Fall Festival
There was just enough of a chill in the air the evening of our
Fall Festival held at our OWL Center in Dubach. The youth didn’t
seem to notice as they celebrated with game booths, prizes,
hayrides, horse and pony rides and food!!! As always, this was
an opportunity for those of our youth who wanted to, to dress
up in Halloween costumes. They could be seen participating in
the cakewalk, as well as many other booths where prizes were
given out. New this year was face painting, graciously provided
by Ruston High School’s cheerleaders who volunteered to come
out and join the fun! We couldn’t have done it without the help of
our sponsors and volunteers! A huge thank-you to Smurfit-Stone
for again providing and serving us our meal. These men continue
to bless us! The grill was fired up
and burgers and hotdogs with all the trimmings were served to
a large, appreciative crowd of youth and staff members. Thank you
also to the many volunteers who manned our booths and provided
candy and prizes to the youth: Kappa Delta Sorority, Kappa Sigma
Fraternity, Gamma Beta Phi, LTU Baseball Team, and the
GSU Girls Soccer Team,
just to name a few.
At left: Volunteers from
Smurfit-Stone serve our
youth and staff great
burgers, hotdogs, baked
beans and all the fixins!!
At right: Mr. DeVille drives
the tractor for the Hayride
Pathways • Winter 2009
Shoebox Ministry
Many of you are aware of the Shoebox Ministry we participate in
each year here at LMCH. This ministry has been a social accountability
project for our home for the last few years. This project is done in
coordination with Samaritan’s Purse International, a nonprofit
humanitarian organization which provides relief aid and spiritual
support for communities around the world. Each year shoebox gifts
are delivered during Operation Christmas Child, an international
mission project where the gifts are distributed along with bible
lessons and relief supplies. This year, our focus was to be on quality
shoebox gifts, not just quantity. Our residential houses had a little
friendly competition going on and winners were announced at a special
blessing held at the Chapel on our campus. The award for Overall
Presentation went to Everett House,
other awards were: Shoebox Spirit
Below: Two of our youth
Award, CAB Program; and Shoebox
bring their decorated boxes
Creativity Award, C.B. White house.
to the chapel where the
boxes were blessed before
being sent to Operation
Christmas Child.
Heritage Quilt Club
The wonderful ladies in this club made quilts for our youth.
They invited DeNeise Barlow, our Recreation Director to come
and tell them about our children. Several of these ladies also
made stockings for our youth. Thanks also to this club for
making the CAB kids stockings!
They all take pride in making these quilts. They do lots of
service projects for many different organizations as well as
the service men and women. We appreciate the opportunity
to have such nice quilts for the youth beds, and thankfully
they plan to continue making some for us. Lynette Bailey is
the contact person and she is our wonderful volunteer here
for our CAB girls.
Below: Lynette Bailey and Linda Tabor
hold up a quilt made for our youth
Angel Tree Participants
Once again, we are amazed at the generosity that the Christmas Season brings!! Even with our hurting economy you, our very own
angels came through for the youth in our care!! We truly appreciate each and every person who participated in our Angel Tree program,
and want you to know that we could not have made this work without you and your dedication to the children in our care and
this ministry. Again this year, over 50 churches and organizations participated
in making Christmas for our youth a reality. We thank you from the bottom
of our hearts and look forward to
another successful year in 2009!
At right: Thank you to Sibley UMC for
their donation of a group gift from
our General Wish List. They donated
the very popular Nintendo Wii game
console to our Recreation Department.
At far right: The Crowley youth
group made their annual trek to
Ruston to deliver Angel Tree gifts
and this year they helped decorate
the CAB building for Christmas!
w w w.lmch.org
Donor Spotlight
Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, December 6th, a special Pancake Breakfast was held at
Applebee’s in Ruston with proceeds benefiting the Children’s Home.
A special thank you to General Manager Lori Manfull, and her staff
for their time and effort toward making this project a success.
Below: Terrel DeVille, Lori Manfull,
and breakfast volunteer servers
the Grambling Girls Basketball Team
St. Paul's United Methodist Men's
Family To-Do-At-The-Zoo
St. Paul’s UMC in Monroe, LA hosted it’s annual Family
To-Do-At-The-Zoo recently. Children and staff of the Home were
invited to attend. The annual fund raiser helps provide much needed
funds to the Home. This year some of St. Paul’s top chefs prepared
their favorite recipes, and Inky the Clown and his Half-Ring Circus
performed. Thank you so
much to St. Paul’s UMC Men’s
Group for this wonderful
event!! This year the fundraiser raised over $12,000
for our Home!!
At right: Jeff Joyce, President
of the UMM at St. Paul’s
UMC presents Troy
Luttgeharm with a check
from the proceeds of the
To-Do-At-The-Zoo fund-raiser.
Louisiana Chapter of NUMC
The Louisiana Chapter of National United Methodist Campers hosted the National Rally at Yogi Bear RV resort in Robert, LA. The
mission project for this rally was the Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home. Representing the Home were Family Plus Director Troy
Luttgeharm, Southwest Louisiana liason Doug Hall, and Director of the Home’s Greater New Orleans location, Marlin Giacona. They
presented information to all in attendance, updating them on what is going on with youth and development at the Home. During the
evening worship, a love offering was held and approximately $4,000 was collected. Mrs. Clara Jane Jones, Mission Chairman, presented
this offering to Mr. Luttgeharm during services held at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Monroe, LA.
The National United Methodist Campers, Inc (NUMC) was organized as the National Camping Methodists Inc. (NCM) in Connecticut in
1975. The name was changed in 2001 as an affiliate of the United Methodist Church through the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD).
The purpose of NUMC is:
• To enjoy the out-of-doors in a wholesome Christian atmosphere.
• To provide safe and comfortable opportunities for family camping.
• To share in Christian worship at informal campground services or to attend a local church.
• To make new friends and continue long-time friendships with others.
• To assist others in need through Christian service (personal help, disaster relief, mission work)
A national rally brings all chapters together once a year. The national
president selects a place and date for the national rally. Information
about NUMC gathered from the NUMC website: www.umcampers.org
Pathways • Winter 2009
Below: Troy Luttgeharm,
Marlin Giacona, and Doug
Hall sharing information
about our Home and serving
Salsa samples to the NUMC
Rally attendees.
4-H Group Visit and Donation
A 4-H group from Columbia, LA recently toured the OWL Facilities in Dubach, complete
with a picnic lunch and a trip through the A-Mazing Maze!! The youth enjoyed their
time at the OWL, and then visited the Ruston campus where they presented donations
of cameras and photo albums for our youth. While they visited, they watched a video
to learn more about our programs and services, and then had a “question and answer
session” about our programs. Thank you so much to this
generous group of young people
for their donation
and their visit!
At right: The 4-H
Group from Columbia
toured our facility
At far right: A few
of the 4-H members
with their donations
At left: The
unique Castle of
Wishes presented
by Grambling
Students: Albina
Ormokoeva of
Kyrgyzstan, Anna
Saniukevich of
Belarus, and Lusine
Tarlamazyan of
Grambling International Students
VFW Post #3615
The local VFW Post #3615 Men and Ladies Auxiliary of Ruston, LA
fulfilled their October Community Service project during October
by making special “goodie bags” for our youth. Goodie bags were
made for each of our 106 youth plus a few extra. The Goodie
bags were part of the Children’s Home Fall Festival Celebration.
Members of the auxiliary made the following statement about the
service project: “Being a member of VFW #3615 Auxiliary is very
special to each of us. It’s our desire to make others feel special, too!
Our members are veterans of foreign wars. We are proud of our
veterans and our military that is serving our country. Each of
them are keeping our country free and beautiful.”
Thank you so much to the men and ladies who participated
in this project!!
The Grambling International Students group, led by Dr. Marianne
Fisher-Giorlando, raised $200 for the Home. The students were inspired
to make a “Castle of Wishes” for the Home, where each “wish” was
sold for $1 and the person who bought the “wish” would write their
wish for our youth on a “block” which was then used to build the
castle. This idea came from a custom in Russia. The students sold the
wishes, built the castle and then presented it to LMCH’s Public Relations,
Development and Marketing Department. The students earned hours
toward required community service projects for their organization.
A big thank you
to all of our donors!
Whether you give money, supplies or your
time, it all makes a difference in the lives of
our youth and makes our ministry possible.
Above, back row from left: J.D. Harper, Roy Savoie, Thomas
Ledford, Bruce Spauling, Lescar Harlan, Mary Harlan, Lillian
Savoie, Dorothy Schrock, and LMCH Director of Recreation
DeNeise Barlow. Seated from left: Mildred May, Doris Slade,
Velma Brashear, Jerrie Lee, and Ginette Butitta.
w w w.lmch.org
Donor Recognition
We do our best to give each donor
credit for his/her gift. If your name
was listed incorrectly or was not
listed, please accept our apology.
Thomas R. Mitchell
Lance and Linda Armstrong
Rev. and Mrs. Roy B. Moore
Hessie Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Moreland
Betty Moreland
Debbie Morina
Marie Aamodt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Morris
Bill and Dianna Penney
Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Morrow
Dianne Mullin
Ignatius D. Moses
Annie Pernell
Dr. and Mrs. L.K. Moss
John and Cindy Surles
Martha Chase Moss
George Hardin
Maxie Hardin
Bobby Mourad
Melba Love
Janice Mourad
Melba Love
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Burns
Geraldine K. Myers
Alan and Marjorie Blackwood
Billy and Kitty Vice, Children and Grandchildren
Buddy Napper
James and Cyndy Nichols
LaRue B. Napper
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Cheryl Nelson
The Nelson Family
Loy M. Nelson
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Mr. and Mrs. William Newton
Coface Collections North America Employees
Brian and Brittney Nizzo
Alice and Jane Harris
Patrick and Jeffrey Nolen
Byron and Anne Finley
Betty Northen
Brian and Linda Robinson
Pope W. Oden
Bruce and Elaine Poynter
Bennie Orear
Bennie and Claudia Orear
Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Orr
Virgil and Myrtis Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Orr
Virgil and Myrtis Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Joel P. Ory
John and Glynda Fetzer
Sonny and Jean C. Oswalt
David and Penny Oswalt
Julie Oswalt
Our Grandchildren
Alf and Peggy Pike
Ursula E. Panula
Virgil and Myrtis Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Parks
Edna Parks
John Parrott
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Laura Parrott
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Mary Parrott
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Robert D. Parrott
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Charles E. Patrick
Lucile Patrick
Bill Penney
Mike and Pam Bishop
Roy and Marcia Ades
Dianna Penney
Mike and Pam Bishop
Roy and Marcia Ades
Alice H. Perry
Robby and Melba Parker
Jonathan Peyton
Carolyn McDowell
Robert L. and Elizabeth Peyton
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Susan Peyton
Carolyn McDowell
Kathy Pfleider
William and Millie Abrams
Leonard Pfleider
William and Millie Abrams
Tom Pixton
Robert C. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Posey
Melba Love
Donna Prater
Joyce Jordan
Mary E. Price
Kathryn Jenkins
Sue Pugh
Jo Ann Pugh
Jimmie D. Pyles
George and Gwen Tosspon
Martin Raber
Byrum and Jan Teekell
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ramey
R.J. Abney
Amelia Rauser
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Dorothy K. Reeser
Virgil and Myrtis Orr
Frances Redditt
Mary S. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D.
Claire Brown
Jeannie Richard
Peter and Jan Levine
Tom and Susan Richardson
Charles and Paula Watts
Kenneth Rigby
Betty Moreland
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Risinger
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant
Helen Roach
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Neely Roach
Frances Guy
Susan Roberson
Les Amities Club
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy W. Robertson
James and Julia Boddie
Brian Robinson
Richard and Betty Darling
Howard L. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Rodgers
Jerry and Marjorie Thomas
Bill Rogers
Don and Connie Howard
William Rogers
W.R. Wynn
Linda Rolf
Jim and Mary Justice
Faith A. Roper
Ida Roper
Heather E. Roper
Ida Roper
Charles Rougeau and Sons
Charley Rougeau
Roger Rouse
Anna Rouse
Glenver Rowland
Summer Grove United Methodist
Bob Rudnicki
Charles and Paula Watts
Pam Rudnicki
Charles and Paula Watts
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rumbaugh
Barbara and Henry Cantrell
Pathways • Winter 2009
William Ryan
Mike and Tammy Pitts
Gene Schaffer and Virginia Stewart
Wil , John, Reace, Stewart, Ken and Hannah Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt
Carolyn and Dennis Salter
C.R. Scurlock
Lynda Scurlock
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scurlock
V. Henry and Janet Dodd
Vera Lee Seffens
Donald and Kathy Seffens
David J. Sheehan
Evelyn Lowe
Lyn Sheehan
Evelyn Lowe
Sharon Shepherd
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Norma Simpkins
Lee Hughen
Reed Simpkins
Lee Hughen
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Simpson
Bill and Judy Mitcham
Matt Sisler
Monty and Harriet Wilkins
Ben C. Smith
Paul and Margaret Smith
Lander & George Smith
Martha McDade Smith
Shelby L. Smith
Ralph Richardson
Dewey Snowden
Eric and Polly Bentson
Irene Solomon
Mary Ann M. Arnold
Joe D. Solomon
Mary Ann M. Arnold
Cindy St. Amant
Heather M. Valliant
Yvonne Stackhouse
Julie Sparks
Virginia Stage
Michael and Cynthia McCormick
H.E. Storer
Kevin Hughes
Paul Wilson
Martha Storer
Paul Wilson
Kevin Hughes
Fred Stumpf
Warde and Barbara Stumpf
Pat R. Stumpf
Warde and Barbara Stumpf
Sulfur Childrens Home
Believers SS Class, UMC of the Covenant
Betty Swanson
Mary Ann M. Arnold
J. Roddy Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Moore
Byrum and Jan Teekell
Mrs. Ileen F. Brill
Raymond Brill
Gloria and Bill Dowden
Easterwood Family
Dianne Mullin
Pat Temple
Linda Nordan
Judy Thomas
First UMC, Bossier City
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thomas
Jerry and Marjorie Thomas
Greg Thomason
Jimmy and Abby Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson
Melba Love
Frank and Diana Trude
Paul and Betty Leamons
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tschetter
Joe and Laverne Hightower and Chris
Jackie Tucker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant
Robert A. Tucker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant
Ronald J. Tully
Daniel and Jane Vliet
Gordon Van Hoose, III
Billie Wilcox Van Hoose
Hazel Vickrey
Dianne Mullin
Kristin Wadsworth
Marian Wadsworth
James and Ida Mae Walker
Bobby and Loralu Conville
Kenny, Shirley, Kyle and Lauren Walters
Stewart Walton
Shirley Walters
Faithful Friends
Ramon Warren
First UMC-Christian Fellowship SS Class
Greg and Candy Watkins
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Watkins
Barbara Brasher
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant
Robbie and Neely Watson
Mitchell and Patricia Launey
Jerry R. and Carolyn Webb
Dianne Mullin
Byrum and Jan Teekell
Brian and Nicole West
Richard and Gail West
Kelley West
Richard and Gail West
Margaret A. West
Richard and Gail West
Matt West
Richard and Gail West
Mattison West
Richard and Gail West
Sarah West
Richard and Gail West
Richard L. Wheat
Richard and Dorothy Wheat
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas H. Wheless
Carolyn and Dennis Salter
Bunny White
Steve and Julie Ridley
Elaine Whited
Christina Shuler
Mr. and Mrs. Marquis Wiginton
Jerry and Marjorie Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Wiginton
Jerry and Marjorie Thomas
Leu Wilder
Carolyn Huckabay
H.E. and Martha Storer
Caroline Dee Wyly
William M. Wilder
H.E. and Martha Storer
Caroline Dee Wyly
Diane Wilkerson
Van and Frances Wells
Jim Williams
Mr. Shaun Williams
John and Marie P. Williams
Eileen Shoup
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilson
Jack and Bettye Hampton
John M. Winn
John and Elizabeth Hutton
Charles H. Wommack
Rodney and Ellen Berg
Ruth M. Wommack
Rodney and Ellen Berg
Jerry Woodard
John and Betty Bridges
Marcia Woodard
John and Betty Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wynn
Charles Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Yokem
Wade and Sarah Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt L. Yokem
Wade and Sarah Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Young
Elizabeth Dykes
Judy Young
Elizabeth Dykes
Mary K. Young
Elizabeth Dykes
Robert L. Young
Elizabeth Dykes
Willie E. Young
Elizabeth Dykes
Frances O. Youngblood
Mary Anne Shemwell
John S. Ziegler
Charlotte Ziegler
W.W. Ziegler
Charlotte Ziegler
Katherine Behrman
John and Sally Batson
Virginia and Frances Batson
Andrew Bateman
Mr. Douglas A. Behrman
Lynn S. Daniell
Livingston UMC
Gobel and Mollie Lynn
Gary and Shirley Rodgers
Jane Bell
Byrum and Jan Teekell
Mary O. Bell
Cecil Abbott
Jessica Stout
Robert H. Abbott, Jr.
L.H. Bennett
Ellen Y. Abington
Cheryl Bennett
Al and Sarah Beacham
Ruby Bennett
Edwin L. Adrion
Ray and Joanna Hauser
Bertie Calhoun
Ollie Payne
Freda Stephenson
Mark Benson
William and Sally Stephenson
Lawrence and Patricia Chamberlain
Juanita Agan
Jonathan Berger
Dawn Young
Management Recruiters of New Orleans, Inc.
Edwin P. Alexander
Benjamin P. Bergstedt
Steven and Laura Sawyer
Ben and Dena Darby
Eva D. Alexander
Katherine Berhman
Robby and Melba Parker
Beech Ridge Baptist Church
Cora Alford
L.J. Loving
Larry and Anagene Mobley
J.W. Melancon
C.H. Allen
Glenn and Glenn Sibley
Helon Earle
Howard and Howard Sibley
Harold Allen
Brett Bernard
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
Barry and Fran Bernard
Richard and Laura Allen
Oliece Bess
Kayla Allen
Keith and Gay Moncrief
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
Jim T. Best
Mary C. Allen
Fred and Lee Sutton
Glen Allen
William C. Bice
Ruth Allen
Delta Contract Interiors LLC
Lewis and Patsy Moss
David and Carolyn Fox
Robert Anding
Harold R. Bicknell
Dee Dee Mullins
Dr. W.A. McBride and Opal McBride
Miriam M. Andrus
Ira Bihm
Lou and Irma Moore
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
Carolyn Ardinger
Birth Mother
Robert and Sherry Cannon
David Hart
Tomasine Armstrong
Allene Blackburn
Roderick A. and Connie McMullen
Howard Blackburn
Arthur A. Arnold
William J. Blackstock
Mary Arnold
Mary Tam
Toney Arrington
Virgina J. Blackwell
Sheila Arrington
Edna Parks
Lisa Turnbull
Barbara A. Blackwood
Beverly Atchison
Geraldine K. Myers
James J. and Beth A. McGee Burton F. Blair
Edna Austin
Vic and Ann Crowe
Jane and Timothy Thalman
James and Martha Humphreys
Gill E. Austin
Glenda, Whitney, and Sybil Maddox
Carolyn Hitt
Sid and Jimmie Moreland
Lonnie Austin
James and Retta Poole
Jane and Timothy Thalman
Samuel J. and Ruth Riddle
Vicki Austin
William and Betty Rowell
Carolyn Hitt
Ann Scott
Mary Ellen Bailey
J. Wayne and Flo Sessions
Melba Love
Beverly and Henrietta Thames
Roy C. Bain
Charles and Margaret Wilbanks
Kenneth and M. Jane Smith
Eddie Joe Blanchard
Fletcher D. Baker
Ernest and Bessie Blanchard
Carol Casper
Doris Blanche
Clayton Baldauf
Mary Alice Guthrie
George and Christine Baldauf Joe R. Boales
Robert W. Bancks
Charles and Glenda Sue Fuller
Will and Alene Bancks
Daisey K. Boddie
Muriel A. Barber
John and Maxine Bond
Wanda Barber
Paul and Janice Collins
Vaughn and Sally Barber
James and Dianne Davison
Wanda Barber
Dale Dimos
Vaughn W. Barber
Lauree Martin
Wanda Barber
Nell Poole
Nell Barksdale
Alex and Shelley Rankin
Jim and Linda Tuten
Hollis D. and Wilda G. Walker
Kermit and Mildred Bateman Billy Bogle
Brad and Lynda Bateman Davies
Randy, Jan, and Josh Greer
John Bauer
Edna H. Bolton
Eddie and Shawn Moore
Peggy Bolton
Cortez Bays
Joe Borde
Dwight Mitchell
Carroll and Peggy Givens Hoover
Jerry Torbet
Linda A. Bordelon
Susan Ford Fiser
Gail H. Bordier
Alice Hubbard
Susan C. Boren
Francis and Juanita Colletta
Jesse L. Boucher
Sherry Peppard
Alvin and Loraine Bourque
Alverda Bourque
J. Henry Bowdon
Janet and Jerry Kassar
Marguerite Bozeman
Gordan and Billie Van Hoose
Edith Lynn Bradford
Philip and Carolyn Brown
Estel and Sue Simpson
Seth J. Bradford
Jim and Linda Tuten
Barbara Brantley
Richard and Gail West
Margaret A. Breland
Brenda Petro
Clint Brewer
Don and Sue Hortman
John W. Brewer
Ferne and Ricky McDaniel
Margaret Brewer
Ferne and Ricky McDaniel
Earline Bridges
Dale and Marsha Arceneaux
Pearl Briscoe
Byrns and Helen Eves
Lucille Brislan
June L. Clemons
Alice N. Brooke
Zoe Ramsey
Katie Brooks
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
Thomas Brooks
Michael and Frances Perry
Harris and Rita Mae Broussard
Cathy and Ron Frioux
John and Bella Harris and McCordy and Abby
Britt and Alison Ousterhouse and Kevin and Stephanie
Linda Taylor
Kirby Broussard
Karen and Stanley Baldwin
Cynthia W. Brown
Albemarle Corporation
Lloyd Brown
George and Dianne Clark
Mabel R. Brown
John Brown
Jacqueline Brumfield
Welton Brumfield, Jr.
Terry Brumley
Toledo Center Floors
Ora Brun
Richard and Dawn Nuss
Bessmay Bryan
Mary F. Hargrove
Hugh Bryan
Mary F. Hargrove
Craig C. Bryant
Carla Barnes
D.A. Bryant
Lorris and Vera Bodin
Juanita Bryson
Richard E. and Sandra A. Godwin
Andy and Zelda Loftus
Jordan M. Buffington
Michael and Jill Chanler
Beverly Bullock
First UMC, Winnfield
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hanna
Susan W. Burke
Melba Love
Mary K. Burns
Anthony and Marolyn Wolf
Blondell J. Busby
Elsie Allen and Family
Kathy Butler
Mack and Martha Lancaster
Larrie H. Butler
Elizabeth Butler
Larrie and Margaret Butler
Donor Recognition
Veola Bynog
Mrs. Waldean K. Shaw
Billie M. Byram
James and Julia Boddie
Patrica Byrnside
Gar and Leslie Forman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Hammock
Dan and Faye Hollingsworth
Roy and Martha Talley
Maybelle Caillet
Henry and Myrtle Hoffman
Noella C. Caldwell
Larry and Arletta Babineaux
Les and Barbara Dillahunty
Steve Folks
Jim and Martha Landry
Jim and Mary Lee
Andy and Zelda Loftus
Debbie Medus
Mulkey Engineers
John and Jean Reed
Tom and Rhonda Self
Herb and Theresa Thompson
Joseph D. Calhoun
MaryBelle Holstead
W.A. and Schumpert Jones
Pete L. Camp
Charles and Eleanor Higgs
Sherri Campbell
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
Wayne Campbell
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
Anna M. Candies
John and Pam Cowen
Matthew B. Canfield
Vivian Canfield
Frank Cannon
W.A. and Schumpert Jones
Elliott B. Carrier
Liz Swaine
Melba Carrier
James and Donna Hodges
Josie T. Carroll
Jim and Linda Tuten
James Carter
Sara Delaha
Kevin Carter
Richard and Lyn Easley
David C. Cartinez
Steve Kemper
David Caskey
Wayne and Charlotte Blackburn
Bill Cassity
Linda Gugliuzza
James L. Cathey
Fred and Karen Green
Mary JoAnne Cavender
William and Sarah Brown
G.W. and Evelyn James
Darryl and Maureen Johnson
W.A. and Schumpert Jones
Jimmy and Pat Love
Ed and Joyce Moseley
Frank and Virginia Pruitt
Fred and Lee Sutton
Jim and Linda Tuten
Paul and Judy Woodard
Dennis G. Chandler
Larry Chandler
Virginia G. Chandler
Larry Chandler
Walter B. Chandler
J.H. Chandler Land Company
Bill and Anna Chapman
Rhuel and Kathleen Gewin
Dorothy Chase
N.A. Wiggers
Emma M. Chavers
Cecil and Paula Moore
Walterine P. Clark
Richard and Linda Abraham
Fisher Clayton
J.D. Holcomb
James K. Clinton
Roy and Kay McKneely
R.H. Clouser
Warren and Patricia Farmer
Roy Cochran
Lee and Bobbie Kincade
Ronald Cockerham
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
Jack Cole
Gary and J.G. Shows
St. Paul's UMC, Ann Cole SS Class, Monroe
Carolyn Colvin
Bill and Imogene Murphy
James R. Colvin
Virginia Selle
John A. Colin
Margaret West
Floyd Compton
Tammy DeBlieux
Amanda Green
Amanda Howell
Susan LaVernge
Deborah Leeps
Vicky Mueheman
Lorna Reed
Marti Salamon
Southwest LTC Management Services, LLC
Jane Cook
Ben and Margaret Ann James
Virginia Selle
Paul E. Cooke
Walter and Margaret Moore
Ron Cooley
Jerry and Nelda Ford
Mary Louise Cordill
Charles and Frances Cordill
Stephen H. Cordill
Charles and Frances Cordill
Dawson M. Corley
Alan and Marjorie Blackwood
Geraldine K. Myers
John David Corley
Patricia Corley
James and Retta Poole
Katharine Cowen
Matt, Becky, and Rachel Halbrook
Allen L. Cox
Charles and Frances James
Floy Cox
Lavelle and Judy Brown
Randy and Rosemary Ewing
Sara Wafer
Glenn W. Cox
J. Harper Cox
Andrew D. Crawford
Ryan and Olive Sartor
Brandon W. Crawford
Ryan and Olive Sartor
LaNell D. Creel
Billy Creel
Doug Crockett
Jamie and J.D. Crockett
Robert H. Crosby, Jr.
Ray and Joanna Hauser
Ollie Payne
Albert B. Crothers
Laura Crothers
Marshal and Lucille Nakamatsu
Mandy Nesom
Ralph Crowder
Margaret Oatley
S.W. Culpepper
Landmark Land Surveying, Inc
Joe Mary Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. James Standley
George W. Currie
Richard Currie
A.B. and Ruth Curry
Bentley and Sandy Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Claro V. Cyrus
Rodney Cyrus
Carl F. Dahlberg
Constance Dahlberg
Edward J. Daigle
Juanita Daigle
Patsy Daniels
Richard Mehl
Ed Darby
Ben and Dena Darby
Ruby Darby
Ben and Dena Darby
Edward Davey
Eloyce H. Davey
Howard C. Davis
O.K. Davis
James Davis
Mack and Martha Lancaster
Louie R. Davis
Edna Davis
Millie Davis
O.K. Davis
Sallie Bell Davis
James and Diane Bruno
Raymond Dawson
Daniel and Kathy Hutton
Milton Day
Richard E. and Alice S. Gill
Thomas C. Dean
Melba Dean
Robert F. DeBusk
Robert and Elizabeth Debusk
Ned Decoox
Monty and Harriet Wilkins
William Dees
Sonny and Diane Jackson, Victoria and Sarah
Mary Louise Delord
Jack and Linda Tims
Mary Ann Denmon
Mary Johnson
Stephen R. Denmon
Mary Johnson
Robert M. Denton
Claire Brown
Myles Dickerson
Cheryl McLeod
Roddy Dillon
Melba Love
Peggy Dison
Richard and Jo Beth Bridges
Phillip J. Ditta
James and Donna Hodges
Dorothy J. Dodson
Scott and Julie Dodson
Betty R. Doiron
Elayne Stewart
Paul W. Dominick
Kim Dominick
Dan L. and Laura S. Donald
Dan and Penny Donald
L.W. Douglas
Layne and Teresa McNabb
Ben R. Downing
John and Martha Stinson
Pauline Drewett
Bruce and Tyrette Cowan
Geraldine Duke
Drayton and Jan Modisett
J.L. Dunand
Ray and Joanna Hauser
Joella Iles
Ollie Payne
Nell Duncan
Robert Thomas, Jr.
Sam Dunlap
Jim and Linda Tuten
Michael T. Dunn
Jerry and Genny Dunn
Mary Dupre
Bertie Calhoun
D.I. Dupree
Cindy Dupree Coffey
G.I. Dyson
David and Jeannie Dyson
Marguerite R. Dyson
David and Jeannie Dyson
Robert E. Easterly
Guy and Sharon Watkins
Ruth M. Easterly
Guy and Sharon Watkins
Frank N. Edens
Patricia Norton
Margaret Edens
Corinne Bland
Mercedes Edgecombe
Mr. W.J. Edgecombe
Beth Elliott
David Elliott
Edwina Elliott
Jane LeBrun
Russel Elliott
Steve and Sharon Bush
Joe Ann Lillie
Tom Ellis
Rickey and Pat Brummett
Jeff and Cynthia Royer
Clotele F. Erwin [Walker]
Lynn Erwin
Charlotte Ethridge
Robert and Pam Stratton
Homer Evans
Connie Evans
Dixie I. Everist
Bruce and Gay Carter
Margarita Fairley
E.E. Alexander
Fred Falkenheier
Tanner & Company
Mr. and Mrs. George Tanner
Lamar Farley
Revis and Edna Earl Mays
John I. Faulkner
Dale and Anne Cathcart
Evelyn G. Field
Jack Field
Clayton Fisher
J.D. Holcomb
James C. Fisher
Donald and Sandy Allen
Paula R. Crawford
Erin L. Fisher
Buddy and Kathy Fisher
Matt and Mandy Fisher
Toley M. Fisher
Donald and Sandy Allen
Paula R. Crawford
Erin L. Fisher
Buddy and Kathy Fisher
Matt and Mandy Fisher
Kendall Flournoy
Thomas and Sherry Carey
Bessie Floyd
Carrie Lou Taylor
Josh Folden
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
Imogene Brymer
Ann Earle
Bob and Kathy Earle
Helon Earle
Joey and Brenda Earle
Randy and Rosemary Ewing
Mary S. Robinson
Minnie Fontane
Allen and Patricia Bordelon
Douglas Foreman
Wm. Max Welsh
Warren W. Foret
Barbara Foret
Sarah Fouts
Ron and Leta Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit A. Gaar, Jr.
Megan, Liz and Renee
Marian W. Skerrett
William W. Fox
Dr. W.A. McBride and Opal McBride
Nettie Francis
Byrns and Helen Eves
Eloise Frey
Elizabeth Blewer
L.T. Frey
Elizabeth Blewer
Henri Jo Froust
Mary Ann M. Arnold
Leslie G. Fryar
Juanita Gibson
(Deceased Family Members) Fuhrmeister
H. Edward and Marie Fuhrmeister
Martha Gallemore
Jim and Linda Tuten
Mary Josephine S. Galliher
William and Nellie Still
Ardis J. Gamble
Crystal Gamble
David and Priscilla Shoulders
Jose Garcia
Olga Garcia
Edward J. Gay
Claiborne and Hildamae Dameron
Zola Gay
Claiborne and Hildamae Dameron
George Geoffroy
George and Mary Geoffroy
Joe Gibbs
Byron and Carol White
Yvonne Gibbs
Byron and Carol White
Wayne Givens
Brian and Kathy Brewton
Aline Goodwyn
Reg Cassibry
Dale Gordon
Jim and Mary Justice
Lorene Gormely
Jerry and Nelda Ford
Maybelle Grafton
Robert and Patricia Flournoy
Ernest and Ann Graham
John M. and Sue E. Graham
Victoria L. Graham
Mr. Dalton H. Graham
Gary Grand
Patsy Honigman
Welby and Bernie Misner
Bobby Graves
Carolyn Ayers
Armenthia Green
Cleta Cormier
Barbara Darwish
Dolly Green
Kenneth T. and Eddy Gene Bruce
Helen Green
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Dalton
Edward K. Ahrens Jr. Real Estate
Bill and Martha Foy, Travis and Amanda
Jean T. Green
Tracy and Sarah Wyatt
Louise Green
Don and Rita Rinehart
Josh Greene
Robert and Ruth Ann Simmons
Neva Greene
Robert and Ruth Ann Simmons
Alice W. Gregory
Jim and Linda Tuten
Elizabeth Griffin
Ella Taylor
Barry B. Gugliuzza
Linda Gugliuzza
Susan Guimbellot
Collins and Ann Thomas
William Gunther
Toby and Linda Tubbs
Clyde D. Guthrie
Dorothy Guthrie
Beatrice L. Guyton
Thomas and Gayle Camarda
Eugene C. Hadlock
Elaine Hadlock
Bert Hall
Margaret T. Hall
Gary L. Hammett
Robert and Rowena Thompson
Leo Hampton
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Jim Hamric
Jimmie and Carolyn Hamric
Jose Handal
Steve and Julie Ridley
Dorothy Hanible
Gale Susan Durham
Irvin W. Hanks
Betty Hanks
Jackie J. Hanks
David Chiz
Chris and Cindy Strickler
Jim and Linda Tuten
Ella Mae Hannah
W.L. McLelland and P.J. McLelland
Becky C. Hannie
Elayne Stewart
Tracy D. Hanry
Ben and Brenda Allen
Olive F. Hansen
Billy and Cindy Dowers
Charles Hansen
S.J. Harman
J.H. Chandler Land Company
Adele F. Harper
Mary D. Miciotto
Santina Titone
Virginia S. Harper
O.L. Harper
James and Sally Todd
Merry J. Harris
James and Juanita Frye
The Emmett McBride Family
Ruth A. Harris
Bill and Amanda Rogers
Mr. Harrison
Mary Florence
Young At Heart Senior, FMC Bossier
Elizabeth Harrison
John and Betty Harrison
Geoffrey Hart
Janet and John Love
John and Debbie Love
Kellett Hathorn
Martha Madden
Juanita Hawthorne
Theresa Bowers
Norman Hazlewood
Joe Hazlewood
William L. Hedge
Lincoln Builders
Alexis Heinen
Gerald and Anne Hoffpauir
Mary C. Herndon
Alice J. Estes and Ruth James
Evelyn Herring
Anita Harkness
Floyd Hicks
TL and Ruth Garrard
William R. Hicks
Laurabeth Hicks
Eunice A. Hilburn
Judy Hilburn
Earl H. Hines
Beverly Hines
John H. Hirth
Thomas and Delores Hirth
Elsie Hock
Landmark Land Surveying, Inc
Bert Hodge
Margaret Hodge
Edwin Hodge
Julie Adams
H.L. Hartman
Lisa Miller
Edwin Sour
John and Terri Sour
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner
Nelle Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner
C. Donnie Hoffpauir
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
Margery S. Hoffpauir
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
C.O. Holland
John and Peggy Padgham
Dennis Hollingsworth
Troy and Angie Biscomb
Dorothy Jones
IIma J. Holstead
A.W. and Diane McDonald
Gayle Holtzinger
Priscilla Bowman
James and Dorothy Hoogland
Melvin D. Hood
Susan and John Carmichael
Melvin Hood
Oneta Hood
Carrie N. Hooper
Carolyn H. Hargrave
Myrth Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hood
Pauline B. Horn
Kenneth and Dorothy Sweeney
Walter F. Horn
Kenneth and Dorothy Sweeney
L.J. Horton
Charles and Cynthia Adams
Lodie and Connie Adams
Robert and Melanie Bare
Lewis and Cathy Burruss
Michael and Jean Clark
Steven Comfort
Troy and Sandra Cothren
D.K. Daniel
George Daniel
Patsy Dreher
Wilma W. Hanchey
James and Glenda Hendrix and Brian, Tara & Eleanor
Lawrence B. Schneider, M.D. Family Practice
Steven and Margie Mcdonald
Harold and Carol Pittman
David and Debbie Smith
Joseph and Robyn Smith
Randall E. and Marsha D. Smith
Bill and Karen Warm
Michele Weigle
James Howard
"Red" Connor
Mike and Debbie Connor & Family
Tommy and Cathye Leavell & Family
James C. Howard
James and Jane Ball
Robert and Patricia Flournoy
James and Elizabeth Green
Thomas S. Sale
Mrs. Miller Howze
Mrs. Caroline Spiller and Family
Donor Thank You Letters
We will no longer be sending a thank you
letter each time you make a donation, but
look for an End of the Year statement of
giving for your tax records.
Important Donor Information
regarding IRS requirements:
Record needed for all cash gifts.
No matter how small of an amount you donate
to us in cash, you must keep a canceled check,
bank record, or a receipt with our organization’s
name and the amount on it.
Otherwise there will be no deduction allowed by the
IRS. At the end of the year we will send a letter listing
all gifts made that calendar year. You will receive this
letter by the end of January for the prior year’s gifts.
w w w.lmch.org
Donor Recognition
Suzanna Huckaby
Robert and Laurie James
Howard and Ellie John
Frank and Virginia Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woodard
Jill Hudeck
Jim and Talu Carlton
Francis A. Huff
Rosemary Huff
Ralph Hughes
Jeffrey and Linda Delaune
Rocky Humphrey
Melanie Humphrey
Charles B. and Glenda Humphreys
James and Martha Humphreys
John Charles Humphreys
James and Martha Humphreys
Sallie A. Hunt
Syl and Lil Breard
James and Elizabeth Green
Thomas M. Hunt
James F. and Jenna Fae Justiss
Earl G. Hussey
Mrs. Barbara W. Hussey
Clara Hutchins
L.C. Blunt, Jr. and Sandra B. Blunt
Helen Hutson
Jeannette Goodson
Dale Hux
Malcolm and Tammy Jerry
Leo Ihles
Jerry and Nelda Ford
Carl Imhoff
Steve Kemper
Walter and Mary Lee
Peggy Inzer
S.L. Inzer
James Irvin
David and Cindy Brasher
John Ivanhoe
Gladys Simons
Coy and Sarah Jackson
Sonny and Diane Jackson, Victoria and Sarah
George Jackson
Charles and Margaret Wilbanks
Red Jackson
Mrs. Laverne B. Jackson
Thomas B. Jacobs
Charles and Margaret Wilbanks
Dorothy Jenkins
Maurine Parker
Billy Ray Johnson
Donald L. and Lavonne Estes
Joe and Emmilee Green
Claire M. Johnson
Raymond Prince
Tensie Johnson
Carolyn Ayers
Rubye Johnson Dreading
Doris Kelley
Don and Jo McCullough
Bo and Dianne McGuire
Wayne Williamson
Jerry C. Johnston
Fred and Lee Sutton
Jim and Linda Tuten
Elizabeth C. Jones
Margaret Jones
Steve Jones
Billy & Brenda Laird
Betty Jordan
Virginia Malone
Jim W. Joyner
Margaret Joyner
Florence K. Juneau
Donald and Martha Mayeux
James W. Justice
Jim and Mary Justice
Juanita Kachel
Marie Aamodt
Pritam Kaur
Wayne and Charlotte Blackburn
Pud Kay
Jane Jackson Hunsucker
Florence Kelley
Larry and Joye Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rising
Willard Kelley
Larry and Joye Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rising
Virginia G. Kelly
Burton and Mary K. Berry
John E and Melinda Bland
Syl and Lil Breard
Dorothy Clinton
Philip and Debbie Dahl
Larry and Martha Foerster
Ray and Bess Gibbs
L. David Hale, Jr. and Virginia C. Hale
George and Margaret Hayes
James and Margrette Hebert, Jr.
Douglas and Marilyn Hudson
Ann Landry
Helen Ledbetter
Russ and Liz Meyer
Dennis and Teri Mitchell
Donald Moore
James Pascal, Jr. and Helen Norris
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neal, Jr.
Gladney Peyton
Ford Pipes, Jr.
Eleanor Polk
Flint and Jackie Robertson
Vaughn and Janet Ruple
Ryan and Olive Sartor
Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor
William and Susan Wescott
Chris Kerageorgiou
Karen Kerageorgiou
Cleveland Kerry
Ms. Irene Kerry
Charles D. Kessinger
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ford, Jr.
Dan Kessinger
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ford, Jr.
Don Killins
Wilkes Real Estate
Raymond King
Erich and Gloria Wenzel
C.A. Kinnebrew
George and Jackie Risinger
Mercedes Kirby
Lois Peairs
Bernice Knarr
Lewis and Patsy Moss
Takeko Koike
Hideo Koike
Takeko Koike
Barry Lacoste
Shirley LaCoste
Robert J. Lancaster
Mary Alice Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hopson
Lee Mason
Johnnie and Ophelia Tatum
Will Lancaster
Anita Roberts
Curby L. Landers
Dorothy Landers
Pathways • Winter 2009
Jenny Laney
Frank Busch, Jr.
Evelyn LeBlanc
Carol Kirkland
Billy Ledbetter
Danny R. and Gerri Allen
B & B Excavating
Tom and Jan Miller
Stuart and Katherine Peters
Robert and Pam Stratton
Basil Lee
Ronald and Cheryl Hawkins
Ethel T. Lee
Ronald and Cheryl Hawkins
Percy Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Quitman Williams
Sheila Leidig
Hornbeck UMC, Hornbeck
Lewis and Patsy Moss
John LeJeune
Ted and Kathleen David
Evelia Lemarie
David and Dale Clark
David Lester
Norma Lester
Mattie L. Lester
Troy and Angie Biscomb
Hubie and Esther Lewis
Bryant and Heloise Lewis
Samuel J. Liggin
Chris Liggin
Pauline A. Littlefield
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
David Loftin
Michael B. and Suzan D. Simpson
Wade Lofton
TL and Ruth Garrard
Mary E. Losee
Yvonne Bennett
Bertie Love
Gary M. Love
James L. Love
Francis and Jacqueline Bourgeois
Gary M. Love
John and Debbie Love
Loved Ones
Betty Maddry
Dale Lowery
Mrs. Barbara W. Hussey
Burton Lusk
Thelma Lusk
John B. Lusk
Thelma Lusk
John H. Lusk
Thelma Lusk
Sheila W. Lusk
Thelma Lusk
Zachary Lusk
Thelma Lusk
Elwyn C. Lyles
Welby and Bernie Misner
Frank E. Lyons
TL and Ruth Garrard
Jacob Lyons
Frank and Faye Miller
Loraine Mackey
Hilda Lott
Brad S. Maddox
Jessica Stout
Mildred Magee
David and Deborah McLemore
Justin W. Magers
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
Russell H. Mann
Carol Mann
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.
William Manning
Cynthia Daigle
Jim and Mary Justice
Phyliss Martin
Norman and Margaret Sisson
Rose Vaughan and Family
Virginia L. Marbury
Louis and Charlie LoConte
Virginia Selle
Jacob R. Marks
Mary Ann M. Arnold
William Marshall IV
John Brawner "J.B." Caldwell, Jr.
Mary Caldwell
James W. Martin
Jim and Linda Tuten
Robert W. Mason
Monroe and Mary Alice Jones
Curtis Matheus
First UMC, Bastrop
Dorrie Matthews
B.G. and Jean Nichols
Dorothy May
Elbert and Janelle Wheelis
Sybil Mayer
Vicki McGuire
Flossie M. Mayo
Willie Crain
Marta McCarron
Vicki McGuire
Martha Sue McClain
Joe and Susan Musick
Jack and Roberta Strauss
Gerald C. McClaran
B.T. and Carol Jean Johnston
Doris McDowell
Anne Wilson
Robert McDowell
M.W. and Sandra Fife
Polly McGehee
Buz and Martha Bradley
Ronnie and Jean Cole
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Collingsworth
Robert and Patricia Flournoy
Robert and "Shartie" Giles
Don and Maureen Trussell
L.D. and Mildred McGehee
Thomas L. McGinnis
Rebecca Williams
Amy D. McGuire [Scholarship Fund]
Kathleen Baker
Melba Love
Don and Jo McCullough
Bobby and Janice Mourad
Harry E. McInnis
L.C. Saurage
Marvelyn McKenzie
Jimmy and Pat Love
Doris McKinney
Gene and June Pizzolato
June Pizzolato
Mamie McKnight
Alan and Janet Brittain
Nell D. McLemore
James and Diane Bruno
Henry McQueen
Betty M. Richardson
Sammy Means
David and Dale Clark
John C. Michaud
Ms. Dorothy Jo Allen
Anita Miller
Bill and Imogene Murphy
Zora Millspaugh
Peggy Bolton
Louis F. Milner
Lois Cook
Charles Mitchell
Carrie Franks
Gene Mitchell
Homer Elementary School
Dwight Mitchell
Paul and Margaret Smith
Hugh E. Mitchell
John and Debbie Love
Ralph Mitchell
John and Nancy Liles
Thomas Mitchell
Randall and Jodie Lammons
Thomas R. Mitchell
Lance and Linda Armstrong
Hoyle Moham
Lloyd and Ann Boley
Berniece Montgomery
Bertie Calhoun
Charles N. Montgomery
Tanner & Company
Mr. and Mrs. George Tanner
Lowell Moore
Naomi Moore
Alma J. Morace
Jan Sharp
Fred Morales
Alyson Staser
Gordon Moreland
Elizabeth Moreland
Martha Moreland
Jimmie and Sydney Moreland
Esther Morgan
Wanda Barber
Raymond Morgan
Wanda Barber
Ruby M. Morris
Kim Dominick
Sonora A. Morrison
George and Dianne Clark
Pauline Morriss
Kim Dominick
Bob Moseley
Scott and Rita Thompson
John Moser
John Moser, Jr.
A.J. Moullé
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Amanda Moullé
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Nolan Moulle
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Jeanne Mundt
Mary Alice Guthrie
Maxine D. Murphy
Junene Johnson
Azeal Musgrove
Walter and Margaret Moore
Rivers T. Myers
Alan and Marjorie Blackwood
Geraldine K. Myers
Susan Neaville
James and Jane Ball
Ron and Leta Brown
James and Patricia Gilmore
Joe and Lorraine Smith
The Ruth Class (Dubach UMC)
Clifford Neese
Elaine S. Neese
Mary C. Negem
Randy and Rosemary Ewing
Charles and Rose Spangler
Edna Nelson
Gladys Simons
S.S. Nettles
David and Jeannie Dyson
Silas S. Nettles
David and Jeannie Dyson
Wanda A. Nettles
Richard Nettles
Coenie Noble
Ann N. Whitehurst
Carl W. Norton
Ann Jenkins and J.H. Jenkins
Bobby, Bill and Pearl Nuss
Richard and Dawn Nuss
Donald H. Oatley
Spiral Metals Corp. of Baton Rouge
Carey J. O'Neal
Mrs. Barbara G. O'Neal
J.H. Orr
M.L. Richardson
Our Deceased Members
Tharseon SS Class, Baton Rouge
Ed Palmby
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Edward Palmby
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Kenneth Palmby
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Paul Palmer
Norman Business Law Center
My Parents
Mary Lou Betts
Frankie Parker
Mary Louise Neely
Thomas C. Parker
Bill and Bev Hauskins
Ray J. Parr
Mary D. Parr
Isaac A. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Dupuy, Jr.
Elbert and Janelle Wheelis
Dorothelia Paul
Kennon and Janice Daniel
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
John T. Peddy
Charles and Margaret Wilbanks
Scott Pennington
Doris Sheppard
Elaine G. Pesnell
Jerome and Nancy Vascocu
Lora M. Peters
Stuart and Katherine Peters
Aline Phillips
Linda Bridges and Children
Peggy G. Phillips
Fred and Faye Graves
John Piazza
Susan Alexander
Timothy R. and Laura S. Bates
B.T. and Carol Jean Johnston
Robert R. and Linda L. Robinson
Bill Pickett
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
G.B. Pickett
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
Mollie Pickett
Ronny and Tracie Campbell
Alvin "Pete" Pierce
Debra Hebert
Bob Pinckney
Frank Busch, Jr.
Fred R. Pippen
Charles and Gloria Bennett
Thurman Pippens
Mack and Martha Lancaster
James and Martha Lingo
Eloise Plunkett
First UMC, Winnfield
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hanna
Debbie H. Pope
Robert and Pam Stratton
George Porter
TL and Ruth Garrard
Florence Posey
James R. Posey
Gay S. Posey
James R. Posey
Glen F. Post
Randy and Rosemary Ewing
Stan Powell
David and Carolyn Comer Boydstun
Lee and Bobbie Kincade
Edward and Virginia Sigrest
Libbie M. Praedel
Joanne Keuler
Chessie Price
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
Esther Prince
Joe and Emmilee Green
Alvin E. Prothero
Lloyd and Ann Boley
Joy B. Ferrell
Scott and Harriet Ferrell
Joseph and Mary Lattier
James and Sharon Mabus
Milton and Betty Pearce
Jane E. Porter
Donald M. Quinn
First UMC, Bastrop
Patrick Quinn
Bobby and Kathy LeTard
Gertrude Raiford
Cheryl McLeod
Rudolph and Jean B. Ramsey
Zoe Ramsey
Klahr F. and Iris Raney
Fred Stumpf
Virginia Ratzberg
B. Lee Sutton and Catherine H. Sutton
Anita B. Reese
Norman and Margaret Sisson
Louise Reeves
Peggy Bolton
Jim and Talu Carlton
Randall H. Reid
Charlie and Allyson Crow
Mrs. Alvin Green
Robert and Laurie James
Alice Rogers
Elbert and Janelle Wheelis
Betty J. RenFrow
Steve and Julie Ridley
Corinne Resweber
Corinne Resweber SS Class, Bastrop
Anthony and Elsie Reulet
Robert Reulet
Mable Revelle
Nolan and Fae Moullé
Dick Reynolds
Carolyn McDowell
Earl F. Rhone
Ted and Wyndy McDaniel
H.L. Richardson
Alan and Janet Brittain
Lauri B. Richardson
Welton Brumfield, Jr.
M.L. Richardson
M.L. Richardson
April Rigdon
Claudie and Loretta McComic
E. Carl Riggin
Patrick and Clara Riggin
Kathryn Riggin
Patrick and Clara Riggin
Danny Riley
Harold Berry
Hazel J. Riley
George Riley
Thomas R. Riley
Lloyd and Ann Boley
Bennie M. Roberson
Mack and Ruth Albritton
Harvey and Evelyn Black
Donna Burgess
Margie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hopson
Dorothy Jones
Bennie and Georgie Lee Roberson
Diana Scott
T.L. Rodes Elementary Faculty
Rev. Ramon Warren
Milton and Mary Webster
Sue Young
Ray Roberts
Marie Spivey
Ruby Roberts
James and Jane Ball
W.R. Roberts
Randy and Donna Aaron
La Tech University–Refrigeration Shop
Reba Robinson
Corinne Bland
Richard and Jackie Johnson
Frances Ruth A. Roby
Jim and Claudia Fowler
Michael and Frances Perry
Violet Rodgers
Delia Phillips
Simon P. Rodrigue
John and Frieda Boughton
Fred A. Rogers
Frances Rogers
Donor Recognition
New Orleans
We have been busier than ever! We ended October with our 29th
annual golf tournament being a great success. Once again, thank
you to the golf committee, volunteers, and sponsors. We could
not have done it without you!
The youth in our care have enjoyed various events and activities,
such as season tickets to the Saints games, Mandeville Boat festival,
and Trunk-or-Treat at a local church. November brought our first
annual dance competition, girls versus boys. The youth had a blast
and it was amazing to see them come together as a team. Many
of our youth were able to spend Thanksgiving with family and
previous foster families. We are thankful to local churches that
opened their doors to youth and staff for Thanksgiving meals.
Grace Rogers
Don and Jo McCullough
Susan Roland
Kennon and Janice Daniel
Robert and Cynthia Kendrick
Edward O. Rolf
Buz and Martha Bradley
G.W. and Evelyn James
Jim and Mary Justice
Lee and Katherine Kavanaugh
Paul and Kim McCormack
Paul and Dana Milam
Jim and Linda Tuten
Grace Romp
Joanne Keuler
Jean H. Ross
Jimmy and Carolyn Bahm
Leroy C. Ross
Francis and Bess Myers
Felix W. Roth
Betty Jo McCarty and Family
Debra I. Rucker
Kay Saraceno
Louise Rudd
Jim and Linda Tuten
Roy Rudd
Jim and Linda Tuten
Troy E. Rushing
Jane E. Porter
Martha Till
Curtis and Dianne Turner
Charles and Margaret Wilbanks
Amos Russell
Bonnie Williams
William Ryan
Mike and Tammy Pitts
Daniel W. Ryles
Thomas and Sherry Carey
Marvin Salibury
Elbert and Janelle Wheelis
Jerry Salter
Doyle Scaife
Toledo Center Floors
Marcus Sanders
Joe and Towanda Willrodt
Lee Roy Sanford
Jerry Torbet
Anthony Saraceno
Kay Saraceno
J.L. Sauls
Jerry and Nelda Ford
Annie Scarborough
B. Lee Sutton and Catherine
H. Sutton
Naomi Schadt
Janet Brink
Steve and Tura Doak
Linda Clark Hall
Charles and Koni Hofstetler
Norman and Virginia Koehler
Joanne Masters
Alton and Judith Schadt
Dot Enno Schoenhardt
Jane S. Steadman
Laura J. Schneider
H. Edward and Marie Fuhrmeister
Christopher R. Schoroeder
Jimmy and Patricia Fouts
Thelma Schumann
Dennis and Lillian Whitten
Jack Schwartz
Trudy Sartor
Lloyd E. Scott
Mit and Lynette Scott
Wally Scott
Thomas G. and Donna Deloach
John T. Scurlock
Jimmy and Carolyn Bahm
Melba and Ray Scurlock
James Sears
Gene and Lois Sears
Harry D. Seffens
Donald and Kathy Seffens
Ola M. Self
Skip and Judith B. Cryer
Morgan C. Shaffer
Nita Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Z.A. Kidd, Sr.
Richard Parnell
Jim and Wanda Smith
L.N. Shaw
Norma Ware
Donna Shearer
J. Stuart and Sarah Harrison
George and Lousie Shepherd
John and Ellie Stickney
Herbert Shows
Lou Britt
Kimberly Lea Shows
Karen Moody
Gaston Simon
John and Frieda Boughton
Dan Slagle
Phillip and Pamela Ewald
Sally B. Martin
Karen and Stanley Baldwin
Bertha Smith
Carroll Stoppel
Dale Smith
Ray and Carolyn Adkins
Ethel M. Smith
Leah Smith
Marie Smith
Bo and Dianne McGuire
Ruth D. Smith
Bob and Lucy Smith
Shirley H. Smith
Susan Francis
Veron Smith
LeDarby Salter
Wallace R. Smith
Leah Smith
Edith M. Smitherman
Randy, Jan, and Josh Greer
H.V. Smythe
Karen and Stanley Baldwin
Woodrow W. Snyder
George and Dianne Clark
Mary N. Sone
Edward K. Ahrens Jr. Real Estate
Lonie G. Spence
Judy Hearon
Lucas B. Spencer
Joanne G. Smith, David H. Evans, and Joe Evans
Geraldine Sperry
Pete and Ellen Abington
Craig Stafford
Carol Stafford
Josh Staples
Imogene Brymer
Matthew Stewart
Ollie Hargrove
Catherine Stinson
Kim Dominick
Edna Stinson
Alan and Janet Brittain
Edna Earle Stinson
Mary Lowry
Ford Stinson
Alan and Janet Brittain
Mary Lowry
Virginia Stone
Jeffrey K. Carbo Fasla, LLC Landscape Architects
Lily Stoppleworth
Malcolm and Tammy Jerry
Pat Strother
December brought Christmas Tree decorating contests, prayer
chains, and overwhelming support from the community. We
were amazed at how beautiful Christmas was this year. God’s
work was seen in so many ways: through gifts, donations,
and acts of kindness. The children were overwhelmed with
their gifts from various organizations and churches. They were
adopted by various individuals, churches, and businesses that
just wanted to be known as Secret Santa. Our thanks go to the
many United Methodist Churches across the state that opened
their hearts to us during this holiday season. It has definitely
been a busy couple of months and a great end to 2008. With
our first anniversary approaching in February, we know that
the blessings, support, and prayers will continue.
Grace and Peace,
Marlín T. Giacona, LPC, LMFT, NCC
Program Director
The Methodist Home for Children of Greater New Orleans
Norma Lester
Al Strozier
Joyce Strozier
John David Strozier
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
Geralynn Stumpf
Fred and Pat Stumpf
Gracie Sweatman
TL and Ruth Garrard
J.B. Sweatman
TL and Ruth Garrard
G.W. Swift
Jim Swift
Gwendolyn R. Talbot
Frank and Mary Hughes
W. Lane, III and Freda H. Stephenson
Thomas Tanner
George and Janelle Snellings
Paul Tarpley
Bobby and Ivy Strozier
James A. Tarver
G. Hoye and Jane Grafton
Bill and Imogene Murphy
Reagan Odom
Syble Sherron
W. Otho and Marjorie Woods
Gilbert Tedder
Bennie Rhodes
The Baldridge Girls
Connie Shaw
Robert Theis
Glenn and Lori Theis and Lauren
Mabel A. Theisen
Abe Attrep
Dorothy Clinton
Cosmos Club
Micki Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. James Hough, Jr.
Raymond and Rosemary Pillow
Flethcher and Carolyn Sutton
Fred and Lee Sutton
Betty Thiel
Arthur Thiel
Hazel Thigpen
Dan Graham
Terry Graham
John and Belle O’Donnovan
Andrew and Pat O’Donnovan
Edward L. Thomas
James and Carol McKenzie
Edward R. Thomas
Bruce and Betty Canfield
Jean Doerge
V.G. and Helen Grant
James and Martha Humphreys
Sherie Doerge Lester
Evelyn Lowe
James and Ruby Lyon
James and Retta Poole
Sue Sanders
Jennie L. Thompson
Niven and Gloria Morgan, Jr.
Joanne Thurman
George and Dianne Clark
Kenneth L. Tipton
Joe Hazlewood
Sarah Matthews
Al C. Torbert
John and Maxine Bond
Ernest Townsend
Ernest and Joy Townsend
Lallage L. Tucker
Anne G. Boydstun
Buz and Martha Bradley
Stephanie Lee
Martha C. Tomlin
Howard M. Tull
Wayne D. and Marie Baker
Mary Turner
John and Betty Goodwin
Juanita L. Vail
Guglielmo, Marks, Schutte, Terhoeve & Love
Archie and Emily Worsham
Chloe M. Vallet
Peggy Vallet
Pauline Varnado
Rita Ellis
Robert H. Vaughan
Rose Vaughan and Family
Marie L. Verdin
Alice Hubbard
Annette Verret
C.A. Verret
James Vick
Ken and June Darnell
Ken A. Vincent
Betty A. Rogers
David Vineyard
Charles and Margaret Wilbanks
Karen Vining
Barbara Lewis
Floyd E. Volentine
Avis V. Volentine
Mike and Debbie Volentine
Christine Waits
James and Juanita Frye
J.D. and Wanda Teel
Cecil B. Waldrip
Edward Waldrip
Preston and Mary Lavenia P. Waldrip
Edward Waldrip
Don Walter
Jon and Kay Lowe
Lorene P. Walter
John and Suzanne Mercer
Adele Ware
Dr. W.A. McBride and Opal McBride
Annie Laura Ware
Norma Ware
S.L. Ware
Norma Ware
Ted T. Ware
Norma Ware
Ann Washburn
Gene and June Pizzolato
Douglas Watkins
David and Carolyn Comer Boydstun
Margie L. Watkins
John Watkins
B.D. Weaver
Burton D. Weaver, Jr.
Edith J. Wehrman
Kenneth E. Wehrman
L.R. Welch
John R. and Melanie Scottwelch
Elmer Wells
Luther and Martha Wells
John Thomas Wells
Dr. and Mrs. Wells
Casey Wertz
David and Dottie Spann
Nichole West
Richard and Gail West
Delores Whatley
Mack and Martha Lancaster
Elizabeth H. White
Marian W. Skerrett
Robert W. Whitson
Lorne and Nona Michaud
Dude and Genny Middlebrooks
Nan T. Wibker
Ann N. Whitehurst
Mark Wilburn
Jimmy and Marilyn Kirkland
L.A. Wilkins
John and Sandra Wilkins
Bernie S. Williams
Jay Williams
Faye Williams
Jerry and Nelda Ford
Kathleen H. Williams
Dude and Genny Middlebrooks
Mike Williams
Rebecca Williams
Norman Williams
Steve and Julie Ridley
Trudy T. Williams
Carter and Billie Williams
Kenneth Wilson
Edna Wilson
Kirby Wilson
UMM, Bossier City
John M. Wisdom
Richard and Beth Barker
Jack V. Wiseman
George and Mary Geoffroy
Dwight Woodard
Elaine Woodard
John M. Woodard
Melba Love
Bo and Dianne McGuire
Lottie Woodard
Ernest Woodard
Madeline C. Woodland
J.W. and Eleanor Cocreham
Joe F. Woods
Mary Ann Woods
Riley J. Woods
Cenla Office Solutions
Brentley E. and Linda Farquhar
First UMC Pineville (Diane Bolton Circle)
Cal and Betty Jones
Col [Ret] R. McBurney and Mrs. R. McBurney
Buddy and Jane Stroud
John A. Wright
George and Callie Parkman
S.L. Wright
Diane Hoffpauer
William W. Wyche
Martha Wyche
J.E. Young
Bessie Kells
JC Young
Al and Sarah Beacham
Millie Young
Eldon Young
J.D. Youngblood
Mary Anne Shemwell
w w w.lmch.org
of Greater New Orleans
29th Annual Methodist Home Golf Classic
The 29th Annual Methodist Home Golf Classic was a tremendous
success, this past October at the Beau Chêne Country Club in
Mandeville. Over the years, this four-some scramble has become
one of the most popular tournaments throughout the Greater New
Orleans area. Golfers know that when they come to this tournament,
a great time will be had by all! It’s a first-class operation, on two
great courses, with spectacular door-prizes
for each player,
great fellowship,
and mouthwatering food
throughout the
course, prepared
by some of the
best chef’s in all
of Louisiana.
Best of all, all
Above: Bob Reich (co-chairman of Golf Committee) with golfers from
one of the 3 teams sponsored by Reich & Associates. Pictured from
left to right: Bob Reich, Jon Garret, Ty Kelly, and Harvey Kelly
Hall's 'Marks
proceeds benefit The Methodist Home for Children of Greater New
Orleans. So regardless of how well you golf that day, you can’t lose!
All of this is made possible by countless hours of planning and hard
work by a committee of dozens of volunteers, under the leadership
of Bob Squires and Bob Reich. Each year, they make adjustments
to refine the tournament so that it’s even more fun and more profitable
than the previous year. The 2008 event raised over $58,000 in net
profits! Special thanks to our Platinum Sponsors which include:
Robert (“Bob”) S. Reich; Reich, Album & Plunkett, LLC; Northwestern
Mutual; Argo Fine Imports; Wachovia, Louis St. Martin Attorney
at Law, Bollinger Shipyards, and Christopher Schwartz.
Planning is already under way to make the 30th Annual Methodist
Home Golf Classic our best ever. Please save the date: Monday,
October 5th, at the Beau Chêne Country Club in Mandeville. Come
join us! There are many ways to play a part in the success of this
great event: help plan the tournament by serving on the committee
of volunteers, be a Sponsor, donate door prizes, serve as a volunteer
on the day of the tournament, or come join us for a round of golf
as a participant in the tournament. For more information, or to
let us know how you may be able to help, please call our Home in
Mandeville at (985) 626-6649.
by Doug Hall
The New Year brings an opportunity I will be happy to update you on all that is going on at our
for a new start, a fresh look at things. main campus in Ruston, as well as our programs in south
We resolve to make adjustments, to discern
God’s will, and do our very best. As I
consider the ministry of LMCH, I know
God is calling us to do great things for
children and families in need throughout
the state. With your help, LMCH services
will remain strong, and we will see much growth in our
south Louisiana programs throughout the year.
One of my New Years Goals is to visit with each person or
group in south Louisiana who may be interested in learning
more about the ministry of LMCH. That’s a BIG goal. Please
don’t wait for me to call you! You can reach me on my cell
phone: (985) 860-5247, and we can schedule a time for a short
visit. We can meet at your home, work place, or even over
the phone. Please let me know if I can give a presentation to a
group you may be involved with, such as a United Methodist
Women’s group, a Sunday School Class, or Civic Club.
Louisiana. Serving the southeast part of the state, our Home
in Mandeville continues to grow. Additionally, we look forward
to soon beginning construction for the Methodist Home for
Children of Southwest Louisiana, in Sulphur, LA.
You may be interested in exploring different ways to support
our ministry. Some of you may be in a position to share your
resources, or to volunteer time at one of our campuses. I’d love
to have a cup of coffee with you, brainstorm, and hear your ideas.
Perhaps you would like to let me know of someone else who may
also be interested in learning about the ministry of LMCH.
I also look forward to learning a little more about your story
during our short visit. How did you first hear about our ministry?
What motivates you to want to be involved? Which programs
interest you the most?
Thanks again for all of you who continue to support our
children with your prayers and gifts. Looking forward to
visiting with you soon!
Doug Hall, our ambassador to south Louisiana, delights in sharing the "latest" at Louisiana Methodist Children's
Home. He is available to share with you, your church, UMW, UMM, or civic organization. Call him at (985) 860-5247.
Pathways • Winter 2009
of Southwest Louisiana
Progress in Sulphur
Even before we have officially broken ground, Mrs. Lee Mann, Mr. Richard
Morgan, Rev. Jerry Crise and Sue Crise (pictured) were hard at work,
cleaning a house which is on the property of The Methodist Home for
Children of Southwest Louisiana. We are grateful for their dedication,
as these hard working Methodists gave us their time and sweat on
an afternoon just a few days before Christmas. They did a great
job. This building will serve as the temporary main office for staff
of our new Home, in Sulphur, Louisiana. We look forward to
seeing construction begin soon!
If you would like to help
support this program,
which will serve children
and families in need
throughout all of
southwest Louisiana,
you may send a gift to
our main office in Ruston,
designated specifically
for this project.
At left: Our volunteers on the front porch of the
house on the newly acquired Sulphur property.
Medallion Corporate Sponsors
The Louisiana Methodist Children's Home would like to thank
and recognize your business for becoming a Medallion Corporate
Sponsor. Becoming a financial partner with LMCH helps to
make a positive difference in the lives of our Louisiana children.
Your assistance as an annual corporate sponsor will allow us
to continue to provide the highest quality services to youth that
come to us from abused and neglected conditions.
Gold Medallion
Storer Equipment • Shreveport, LA
Community Trust Bank • Ruston, LA
Silver Medallion
$5,000 - $9,999
Amedisys Home Health Services • Baton Rouge, LA
Home & Business Heating, A/C & Electrical • Ruston, LA
Bronze Medallion $2,500 - $4,999
Princeton Place • Ruston, LA
CenturyTel Inc. • Monroe, LA
HealthSouth – NLRH • Ruston, LA
Iberia Bank • Ruston, LA
For more information, contact Dr. Robert Flournoy
at 318-242-4637 or 318-243-4325.
Louisiana Methodist Home for
Children of Southwest Louisiana
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Terrel J. DeVille, President and CEO of LUMCFS, has announced
the recent purchase of a tract of land in the Sulphur/Lake Charles
area. A new facility for children will be built near the intersection
of Highway 27 and Houston River Road. The Houston River will
be the northern boundary and Highway 27 will be the boundary
to the east. The grounds are comprised of approximately 40 acres
on which a residential facility and an administrative building
will be built. The residential building will house youth ages 10
through 17. On October 17th, a Ground-Breaking/Dedication
Ceremony was held to celebrate this exciting new addition to the
Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home Ministry. The ceremony
was well attended by people from across the state.
Rev. Mike McLaurin, from First UMC, DeRidder opened the
ceremony in prayer. Following the prayer Mr. DeVille welcomed
all attendees. The Declaration of the grounds was officiated by
Rev. Steve Spurlock, the Lake Charles District Superintendent.
Presentation of the Construction Site was then made by Mr. Richard
Lewis, Chairperson of the Home’s Board of Directors to Bishop
Hutchinson noting that acquisition of the property had been
made possible by a gift from the William Henning Family, and
it will be named the Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home
of Southwest Louisiana. After response and prayer by Bishop
Hutchinson, the benediction was led by Rev. Timothy Neustifter,
Henning Memorial UMC.
of the new
facility is set
to begin in
2009 with
a goal of
September 1,
2010 for its
The new
building will
enable LMCH
to provide
care for
up to 30
Above: Pictured at the ceremony are John Henning, Tom
Henning, William Henning Sr., William Henning Jr., Bishop
William W. Hutchinson and Terrel J. DeVille, President and
CEO of LUMCFS, Inc. Acquisition of the property was made
possible by a gift from the William Henning family.
w w w.lmch.org
Equal Rights Statement
LUMCFS complies with all regulations as set forth by the LA Dept.
of Agriculture and Forestry: Distribution Division. We serve school
age children from throughout Louisiana regardless of race, color,
religious affiliation, sex, handicap or national origin. LUMCFS’s
programs are not designed for children with significant medical,
psychiatric, or physical needs. Children with such needs are referred
to agencies providing those services.
Methodist Children’s Home
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
901 South Vienna St.
P.O. Box 929
Ruston, Louisiana 71273-0929
P a i d
Shreveport, La
Permit NO. 82
Published by
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, Inc.
Phone: (318) 255-5020 • Fax: (318) 255-5457
Terrel J. DeVille
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services believes that
equal opportunity for all Staff members is important for the continuing
success of our organization. In accordance with state and federal law,
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services will not
discriminate against a staff member or applicant for employment for
any of the following: race, disability, color, creed, religion, sex, age,
national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran status, or non-job-related
factors in hiring, promoting, demoting, training, benefits, transfers,
layoffs, terminations, recommendations, rates of pay or other forms
of compensation. Opportunity is provided to all staff members based
on qualifications and job requirements.
If you receive duplicates of our mailings, please send us all the address
labels and indicate which is correct. Thanks for your help.
An Agency of the Louisiana
United Methodist Conference
Louisiana Methodist Children's Home's Board of Directors
Mrs. Jane Blackwell, Lafayette
Mr. Lamar Buffington, Monroe
Rev. Robert Burgess, Monroe
Rev. Douglas Cain, Shreveport
Mr. Terrel DeVille, Ruston
Mr. Ross Downing, Hammond
Ms. Edna Hickman, Baton Rouge
Mrs. Evelyn Evans, Natchitoches
Rev. Wayne Evans, Ruston
Mrs. Rosemary Ewing, Quitman
Rev. Andrew Goff, Baton Rouge
Mr. Bill Goforth, Lafayette
Rev. Jerry Hilbun, Ruston
Ms. Roberta Green Hinton, Ruston
Bishop William Hutchinson, Baton Rouge
Mr. William “Billy” James, Metairie
Mr. James Justiss, Jena
Mrs. Sara Kreutziger, Metairie
Mrs. Elaine Levy, Dubach
Mr. Richard Lewis, Ruston
Mr. Paul McElroy, Monroe
Mr. Richard McKinney, Ruston
Rev. Mike McLaurin, DeRidder
Pathways • Winter 2009
Mrs. Babs Mollere, New Orleans
Mr. Wayne Parker, Ruston
Mrs. Cindy Qualls, Sulphur
Rev. William Rowell, Broussard
Ms. Lorraine Sparks, Monroe
Mr. H.E. “Bud” Storer, Shreveport
Mr. Robert Temple, Ruston
Mr. Gard Wayt, Shreveport
Life Members
Rev. Chris Andrews, Baton Rouge
Mr. Welton Brumfield, Amite
Mrs. Inez Chrisentery, Baton Rouge
Mr. Jimmy Love, Ruston
Mr. L. D. McGehee, Ruston
Mr. L. D. Napper, Ruston
Mr. Byrum Teekell, Shreveport
Committee Members
Mr. John Buske, Ruston
Rev. Stone Caraway, Monroe
Mr. Bill Carter, Ruston
Mrs. Eloise Cox, Jena
Rep. Hollis Downs, Ruston
Mrs. Ella Doyle, Slidell
Mr. Don Dyson, Ruston
Mrs. Charlotte Favors, Grambling
Mr. Paul Hagens, Shreveport
Mr. Grady Golden, Shreveport
Mr. Dan Hollingsworth, Ruston
Mr. Don McGehee, Ruston
Mrs. Lou Medlock, Monroe
Mr. Dude Middlebrooks, Shreveport
Mr. Jim Oakes, Ruston
Mr. Ed Panichas, Baton Rouge
Rev. Jimmie Pyles, Quitman
Rev. Paul Sabin, West Monroe
Ms. Elouise Sanders, Arcadia
Mr. Reggie Skains, Downsville
Mr. Robert Smith, Ruston
Mr. Mike Stone, Ruston
Mr. Allen Tuten, Ruston
Mr. Jim Tuten, Ruston
Rev. Kirby Vining, Ruston
Rev. Fred Wideman, Baton Rouge