Friday 2nd October - Stamford Bridge Primary School


Friday 2nd October - Stamford Bridge Primary School
Friday 2nd October 2015 Autumn Term Week 4
We welcomed Reverend Fran into school on Tuesday for two interesting assemblies focusing on what makes our
village church a special place. Many of the children recognised key features of a church and some of the
names, for example pew, were new to them! We appreciate having positive links with our local church and are
now busy preparing for our Harvest services on Monday. Thank you in advance for the gifts of non-perishable
food items that the children will place in church as part of our service. The local food banks are playing an increasingly vital role with a rise of 170% in their use over the past year. Being able to contribute to these increases our children’s appreciation both of what we have to be thankful for and of our collective responsibility to
look after each other in times of need.
You may be aware that the East Riding of Yorkshire is one of the lowest funded authorities in the country. MPs in
the worst funded authorities up and down the country are campaigning for a fairer funding system. The best 10
funded authorities receive an average of £6,300 per pupil compared to an average of £4,200 per pupil received
by the 10 worst funded authorities—a difference of £2,100 per child! We would encourage all parents to support
this campaign by signing the petition sheets that are in the reception areas on both sites and will be available at
parents’ evening. Please help us to lobby for a fairer deal for our children.
On Wednesday our Year 6 pupils began their residential visit at Robinwood, Todmorden. I was lucky enough
to be able to spend the day with our three groups yesterday and was really impressed with the team work and
positive attitudes of the children. We saw a number of children face and overcome significant fears on The Trapeze and in The Crate Challenge, where they negotiated minimal space at a great height to build a stable tower
of milk crates! We will put some pictures on the website so that you can see the range of challenges the children have faced and how much fun and learning is had over the three days! Again, thank you to Mr Duggan, Mr
Bell and Mrs Robertson for accompanying the children and to Mrs Walker and Miss Cammidge for each spending a day supporting the groups. The children (and staff) will need a good rest over the weekend to recover in
readiness for another busy week back at school! Mrs Fitzhenry
.Headteacher’s Award
Reception —
Freddie Browne for super number work and setting a good example by choosing independent-
Class 1
Joe Keech for working independently I was impressed by your leaf identification work!
Class 2GJ
Krissy Watson for trying her very best with maths this week –you kept going, well done!
Class 2F
— Daniel Norris for excellent presentation of his work
Class 3
— Ewan Walton for being a really good listener & following instructions
Class 4
— Ellie Hannan for fantastic independent research into Saxon soldiers
Class 4/5
Class 5
Billy Harrison for outstanding improvement in handwriting
— Jess Easton for being polite and always smiling
Vic Naylor Citizenship Award - Class 2GJ
Niamh Bryan for always being helpful and kind to her friends
Harry Warner for always making an effort when tidying and being a good friend
Golden Spoon KS2
Golden Spoon KS1 -
25th Sept — Scarlett O’Connor
Team of the week -
25th Sept —Neve Meek
KS2 Cross Country A team of runners selected
after trials from KS2 had a successful evening at
Woldgate College on Tuesday. In the year 3/4
girls competition Emma Bettles finished second
and Annabel Moat third with Lucy Toulson not far
behind in seventh. The year 3/4 boys race saw
Lewis Ainley come in fourth. It was a very tough
course. Year 5/6 had to complete an extra 400
metres. All our runners came in the top 20.
by Thomas Holmes and Ellie Easton
Well done to all our team of runners
Y3 & 4 Boys Jake Martin , Samson Moat , Louis Rank and Lewis Ainley
Y3 & 4 Girls Megan Wilkie , Emma Bettles, Lucy Toulson and Annabel Moat
Y5 & 6 Boys George Pye, Ben Anderson , Thomas Holmes and Thomas Reed
Y5 & 6 Girls Aimee Reed , Ellie Easton , Ruby Gilbertson and Heidi Fothergill
Harvest Festival It is our Harvest Festival next week and we will be celebrating in the church on Monday
morning. This year we will share our harvest gifts with families in York via the food bank. Reverend Fran
has kindly agreed to pass our donations of non-perishable items on. Thank you in advance for the gifts of
food you generously provide to support this local good cause.
Holidays in Term Time
We realise that the tighter Government restrictions on term time holidays have not been popular with
all parents but, as a school, in accordance with the policy, we are now only allowed to authorise
very specific requests for absence. Sadly, in light of this, some families have told some untruths
about their child’s absence which can lead to embarrassment for all parties. As a school, we have a
duty of care to follow up any cases where we feel this may have happened, which creates a huge
amount of administration work. Penalty notices are only issued when a total of 10 unauthorised absences are taken ( 5 days ). If you request to take your child out of school and it is unauthorised, no
further action will be taken providing it is less than 5 days. We appreciate your honesty.
Joe Keech (Class 1) has lost a school logo sweatshirt age 5-6. Please could you check in case it has
come home by mistake?
Class 2F cake sale
Well done to class 2F who have raised a fantastic £24.30 so far . There are still a lovely selection of
cakes for sale after school today and this will be added to the amount raised to be split between the class
and their chosen charity.
There are a number of extra-curricular activities that will be taking place during the term (and some operate all year round). Individual staff organise each club/activity and for those activities, which are before
and after school, specific letters will be issued. All clubs are open to both boys and girls unless specified
I am very grateful to all staff who offer extra-curricular activities for the children. Some of our clubs are
oversubscribed names and so staff will either put names in a hat after a given deadline or will organise a rota
so that membership would change each term/half term.
Contact Linda Metcalfe
Open to following year groups:
Mon-Fri 3.25pm6.00pm
Jackie Beswick,
1066 Club
Tues 12.30pm –
Tues 3.30pm-4.30pm
Miss Lee
Y3 – Y6
Mrs Douglas
Rounders Club
Wed 12.45pm -1.15pm
Helena Ferguson
Y1 & 2
Library/ Book Club
Wed and Thurs
Mrs Shadrack
Y4 & Y5
`Sumdog` Maths
Wed 12.30pm –
Wed 3.30pm-4.30pm
Miss Lee
Y3 – Y6
Recorder Club
Mrs Robertson
Y3 – Y4
Football Club
Wed 3.30pm- 5.00pm
Mrs Bodill/Miss Midgley
Let`s get Cooking
Thurs 12.45-1.15pm
Mrs Bowes
Y1 & 2
Thur 12.15pm 12.45pm
Mrs Jackson
Scrabble Club
Thurs 3.30 – 4.30pm
Mr Bell
Computer Club
Thurs 3.30 – 4.30pm
Mr Duggan
Y5 & Y6
Football Club
Thurs 3.30pm-4.30pm
Miss Proctor
Day & Time
Mon-Fri 7.30am start
of school
From 5 November
Breakfast Club
Dates for the week ahead
Monday 5th October
Harvest services in church
Finance committee
Tuesday 6th October
Den 1 @ 7pm
NSPCC assemblies
Yr 5 & 6 NSPCC Internet Safety
Yr 5 & 6 Boys 7 a side football at Market Weighton 4.15pm
Wednesday 7th October
KS2 Battle of Stamford Bridge with Mr Wyles
Teddy Bears picnic (potential starters) 4-5pm
Thursday 8th October
KS1 flu vaccinations
PACT AGM KS1 hall @ 7.30pm
All Saints York Yr 6 Open evening 7-9pm
Friday 9th October
Class 4 Forest Schools (am) please bring wellies
Sunday 11th October
York Plusnet Marathon
PACT now have a Facebook page set up where you can keep up to date with PACT
news and events. Please join the group by searching for "Stamford Bridge School parents and carers together" Thank you.
Dates for your diary
PACT AGM Thursday 8th October 7.30pm KS1 hall everyone welcome
Yorkshire Marathon Sunday 11th October The Pool Committee are selling refreshments on Marathon
day – Sun 11 Oct – over the bridge, where the runners double back. Hot dogs and drinks on offer!
Aquathon Sunday 18th October from 11.00. The Pool and PACT are holding this event to help raise
funds for the pool and the school.
If any Junior children would like to enter, please return the entry form by Wed 07 Oct, with £5 entry fee. All
competitors will receive a pizza lunch and drink.
For the Infants, there will be a fun swim, with pool toys, plus a pizza lunch for £5. This will be after the
Aquathon at approximately 12.00pm
Refreshments will be served in the café everyone welcome.
Fashion Show Friday 20th November Stamford Bridge village hall
Swimming Pool
Adult Lane Swimming Sessions at Stamford Bridge Pool on Tuesday 7-8pm and Thursday 19.308.30pm (£2.50 per session). These sessions are open to all adults on a turn up and
swim basis.
PACT Family Swimming Sessions - Sunday 13th September 11am –12pm Prices
- £2.50 Adults/children and Children under 3’s - £1.50
Please phone 07432350598 before 8pm on the Saturday evening to book or
mail:[email protected]. NB If at all possible, the right change on the day is really helpful.
Thanks for supporting your local community pool.
Please phone 07432350598 or mail:[email protected] if you have any queries
Lifeguards The pool are looking for people willing to train as Lifeguards and attend sessions at the pool .
If you or anyone you know may be interested and is available over the weekend and evenings to provide
cover at pool sessions, please contact the pool committee or school. Thank you
Community News
Village Christmas Tree Festival
On Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th November 2015 St John’s Church Stamford Bridge will be
hosting a Christmas Tree Festival . This Festival is planned to join in with the big Christmas
Lights Switch on in the square on the Sunday evening. Throughout the weekend the Church will
be open for viewing of the trees displayed and for judging by the public. The Adult and Child winners will then be announced in Church during the Carol Service after the Light Switch on and visit
of Father Christmas. There will be refreshments available 10 until 4 on the Saturday and 12 until
3 on the Sunday along with a treasure hunt for children. Please come along to see all the wonderful trees.
If you would like to enter a tree in the festival please contact Emma on 372109. [email protected]
Stamford Bridge U'10's football team are looking for new players to come and join their team.
We are starting training on a Thursday evening at the playing field (next to the allotments) 6-7pm.
Matches are normally every other Sunday.
For more information please contact Richard Fountain 07598 781866 ( Dylan's dad) or Johnny
Hill (Noah's dad) or email [email protected]
Wellbeing First ,Christine Peel, Wellbeing Coach
'Wellbeing- the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy'
What can help feeling a good sense of wellbeing? For me it's feeling calm, relaxed, able to cope
with what life throws at me, and being content with the things I am unable to change immediately.
It's about living in the present moment. Having a good sense of wellbeing means life is easier to
cope with and you feel good about yourself. We all want to feel that don't we? I offer a chance to
Treatments I Offer
Access Bars
Relaxation Sessions
• Stress Reduction Body Balancing Package
• Pure Relaxation Package
Problem Solving Strategies
Meditation Classes
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07577 035079
The Community Pool and PACT are holding an Aquathon event on Sunday 18 October to raise funds for both the Pool and
Each entrant* will swim 10 lengths of the pool and run 2 circuits of the Junior playing field. The event will be open to KS2 and
will cost £5 to enter. Cer*ficates will be awarded to all who take part and there will be a prize for the 1st boy and girl in each
age group. All compe*tors will also receive a pizza lunch and a drink.
For the KS1 children, there will be a Fun Swim, with pool toys! This will also cost £5 and will include the pizza lunch and drink.
A café will be open throughout the events and will be open to all.
If you would like to enter the Aquathon or take part in the Fun Swim, please complete the slip below and return to the school
by Wed 07 Oct, with full payment.
If anyone is able to help in the café or act as a *mekeeper for the Aquathon, please also indicate on the slip below.
*All compe
tors in the Aquathon will need a parent/carer to assist in the transi
on stage between the pool and the run.
11.00 – 12.00: Aquathon
12.00 - 13.00: Fun Swim
I/we would like to take part in the Aquathon:
I/we would like to take part in the Fun Swim:
Payment enclosed: £
I/we can help in the cafe/as a mekeeper: