SEALFONTS Character Set Package
SEALFONTS Character Set Package
SEALFONTS Character Set Package Version Status at 29 July 2014 Fritz Leugner Copyright This document and all its parts are protected by copyright. Their use without prior written consent by SEAL Systems is prohibited and subject to prosecution. In particular, this applies to reproduction, translation, microfilming and the storing and processing in electronic systems. Customers that currently own a valid SEAL Systems software license for the product(s) described within the contents of this documentation, may freely distribute this documentation in electronic form (e. g. CD/file server or intranet) for internal usage only. All product names mentioned are the registered of the associated companies. Copyright 2010 SEAL Systems AG Lohmühlweg 4 D-91341 Röttenbach Fonts in the SEALFONTS-Package The SEALFONTS package provides multiple software fonts and PDO fonts. Software fonts are simulated, they are realized by the usage of vectors or polygones. That means that characters are displayed as simple graphic objects. Text can no longer be found for example in AcrobatReader. Software fonts are defined in the SEALFONTS package and can be used for all output formats. PDO fonts can only be used for the creation of PDF. There, fonts are embedded in the PDF files as PDF objects. Texts are included as texts in the PDF files and can be searched for. The fonts in the PDO-fonts are defined as Type1- , TrueType-fonts or Type3-fonts. The SEALFONTS package contains 3 types of software fonts: Hershey fonts, outline fonts and barcode fonts. Hershey fonts are the simplest font type where the characters are represented as simple lines. They require only few computer power and device code but they are not state of the art; for example only one 7 bit character set is supported. But for special applications like the creation of a flag page they are sufficient. Outline fonts are represented by closed polygons that also can contain curve definitions. Closed polygons are realized by vectors or areas depending on the font definition. These fonts are used to simulate the standard PostScript fonts or True Type fonts. The barcode fonts can be used for the barcode creation without knowing how the barcode is structured. Depending on the used font number start and end characters are automatically created based on the text defined by the user, check characters are added and other barcode-specific settings are realized. With version 1.2.0 TrueType- and OpenType-fonts may be used directly. When plotting this fonts, they are converted to internal software fonts which are handled like outline fonts. That means, that these fonts may be used for all output formats, but if PDF is generated, text is generated with graphic objects and can not be investigated. 1. Font definition The defintion of fonts is made in three steps. First there is a font list, which describes, which fonts are available at all. This list may be individual for a specific application and contains for every font a general description, like with which font number a font is referenced, whether a font is displayed with lines or polygons, whether a font is defined as propotional or whether a font should be displayed with a slant ( italic font ). The geometry of the individual characters is described in a glyph file. The glyph file is in a binary form. A glyph file is first created in a readable form , and brought by utilities in a compact binary form. Which character and how many characters are present in a font, which character code is used to represent a character is to be established with a character-mapping file. A glyph file can contain a lot more characters than it is necessary for a font definition. A glyph file and a character mapping file can be used for different fonts. Thus is avoided that redundant information is available. 1.1. The font list The fontlist is in the file sealfontlist , the environment variable SEALFONTS is pointing to the directoy which in which the font list is stored. The first line of the font list contains a header with the magic-string @(#)SEALFontVersion="1.0" After this line some comments may follow. The syntax of the font list corresponds to the syntax of Windows-INF-files, e.c: FontName="Courier Bold" A font is described by a section with the following entries: [Font] FontID FontName AlternateFontID FontVersion FontType FontGeometry FontCMap FontSpacing FontMode FontSlant BarcodeProperties ( only for barcode-fonts ) FontId is the font number, which references a font. This is the number, which is used as "GKS font index" or "CGM-font index". With FontName a talking font name is set. With AlternateFontID an alternative font may be specified. Thus, a font can be enlarged with glyphs of an other font. The glyph file for a Hershey font , such as DEC_Multinational , only has 256 characters. Now, if this font is to be expanded to include asian characters , this is achieved by specifying a suitable alternative font. The alternate font must be defined in the font list as a separate font , this entry is optional. The entry FontVersion is used for documentation only and is optional. With FontType, the type of fonts are set. Valid values are Text, Symbol, Barcode, 2DBarcode and with version 1.2 TrueType and OpenType. With FontGeometry the file name of a glyph file is set. The directory in which the file is contained is determined by the Environmentvariable SEAL FONTS (see above). The description of the glyph file follows in chapter 1.2 With FontCMap the file name of a character mapping file (CMap) is determined. The CMap defines how many characters belongs to a font and how the character values are mapped to the glyph indizes in the glyph file (see section 1.3). If no CMap specified, the number of characters of a font results from the number of glyph data contained in the glyph file, the mapping is done one to one. That is the character value 65 is represented by the glyph number 65, whatever which character is displayed. The directory in which the file is contained is determined by the environment variable SEAL FONTS (see above). The entry FontSpacing specifies whether a font is to be realized as a monospaced font or a proportional font. Valid values are "monospaced" and "proportional". FontMode determines whether the glyphs are generated by lines (stroke) or polygones (outline). Hershey fonts as DEC_Multinational are usually not designed that it can be generated with filled areas. However, the PostScript-compatible fonts such as Courier, Helvetica and Times can all be produced on lines and areas. With FontSlant a font can be displayed as italic font. The value of the FontSlant is the tangent of the tilt angle in the clockwise direction. With BarcodeProperties additional properties of a barcode may be specified, such as a barcode is to be created with check digit or not. 2D-barocdes are generated on open source libraries. Parameters for these libraries may be specified with BarcodeProperties. Example for a fontlist with two fonts: @(#)SEALFontVersion="1.0" FontPackageName="SEALFonts1.0" FontPackageVersion="1.0" #FontList [Font] FontID="-1" AlternateFontID="-30001" FontName="simplex_roman" FontVersion="1.0" FontGeometry="seal/simplex_roman.sgd" FontCMap="seal/simplex_roman.cmap" FontSpacing="proportional" FontMode="stroke" FontSlant="1.0" [Font] FontID="-30001" FontName="flexible font" FontVersion="1.0" FontGeometry="seal/flex.sgd" FontCMap="seal/flex.cmap" FontSpacing="proportional" FontMode="outline" FontSlant="0.0" For customer-specific enhancements the utility gensealfontlist is available. This program checks all files in the directory, specified by the environment variable SEAL FONTS, whether they syntactically match a font list and add these to the font list sealfontlist . 1.2. Glyph files To ensure fast processing, glyph files are stored as binary files. The definition of the glyph data is done by readable text files that need to be converted with an auxiliary program. A glyph definition file consists of a font header, which defines general properties of the font: number of characters, maximum character width or width of the characters in the presentation as a monospaced font, nominal size of the characters and the maximum top height values (eg Ä) and maximum bottom values (for example, q). The individual glyphs are defined by defining a bounding rectangle, the start position of the next character and by the commands MOVE, DRAW and CURVE Example: FONT_NUMBER FONT_NAME NUM_CHAR CHAR_HEIGHT CHAR_TOP CHAR_UNDER CHAR_HALF MAX_WIDTH -20002 "@(#) COURIER 1.3 03/02/18" 256 1000 1259 -396 700 970 ASCII 0: BOUND_BOX START_POINT CONT_POINT 0 0 0 0 ASCII 1: ALIAS 0 . . ASCII 34: BOUND_BOX CONT_POINT MOVE 259 DRAW 320 CURVE 325 CURVE 405 DRAW 487 DRAW 259 MOVE 579 DRAW 639 CURVE 645 CURVE 725 DRAW 806 DRAW 579 259 1066 1073 623 579 561 1073 1073 1073 623 579 561 1073 1073 561 806 1073 341 421 561 579 373 426 561 623 663 741 561 579 693 746 561 623 0 0 Starting with version 1.2. TrueType- and OpenType-font files may be processed directly. The FontType in the font list must be set to truetype or opentype. When displaying these fonts they are converted internally in software fonts and treated as outline fonts. That is, these fonts can be used for all output formats, but they can no longer be recognized as text and researched in the case of PDF output. For these fonts are made known to the SEALFONTSpackage, the font list sealfontlist must be extended to font definitions for the desired fonts. Example: [Font] FontID="-40001" FontName="TTF-Isocpeur" FontVersion="1.0" FontType="truetype" FontGeometry="ttf/isocpeur.ttf" FontCMap="ttf/isocpeur.cmap" FontSpacing="proportional" FontMode="outline" FontSlant="0.0" By default, the SEALFONTS-package is delivered without TrueType- or OpenType-fonts. 1.3 Character Mapping The amount of characters of a font and which character value is represented by a glyph is determined by the character-mapping file (CMap). The CMap consists of a header, which will be start with the magic string @(#)SEALFontVersion="1.0" followed by documentary information. The syntax of the entries corresponds to the Windows INF files, eg CMapName="SEAL Standard CMap" Version="1.0" The definition is introduced by the section [SEALFontCMap] and specifying the number of characters of a font, for example: NumberOfChars="256" In the following section [CMap] any number of mapping may follow. There are three different mapping rules provided: 1. Setting a character range to a fixed value: DefRange="a b c" : The range of the character value a to b is set to the glyph number c 2. Setting a character range to a range of glyph numbers: CIDRange="a b c" : The character a is represented by a glyph number c, the character value of a + 1 by Glyphnummer c + 1 etc. to character value b by glyph numcer c + b-a 3. Setting a character value to a certain glyph number: CIDDef="a b" : The character a is set to glyph number b. The mapping rules are interpreted in the order given. If characters are mapped to nonexistent glyph numbers, the glyph number 0 is used (for undefined characters) implicitly. Example: @(#)SEALFontVersion="1.0" CMapName="Arial Unicode" Version="1.0" [SEALFontCMap] NumberOfChars="65535" [CMap] DefRange="0 31 0" # range from 0 to 31 is mapped to 0 CIDRange="128 159 256" # the range from 128 to 159 is # mapped to the glyph numbers 256 to 287 CIDDef="160 8364" # character 160 is mapped to # glyph number 8364 1.4 Font numbers Fonts are addressed via font numbers. The font numbers are classified as follows: Font number: -1 to -999 Hershey fonts, fonts that are realized only by lines. Font number: -1000 to -9999 Hardware fonts. These are defined in the configuration file of the output driver. Font number: -10001 to -19999 Outline fonts: The characters are realized by lines and curves. Font number: -20001 to -29999 Outline fonts: The characters are realized by areas (limited by lines and curves). Font number: -20200 to -20299 Barcode fonts Font number: -20300 to -20399 2D barcodes Font number: -30001 to -39999 Unicode fonts: The character definition correspond to the stroke and outline fonts, but the character set contains more than 256 characters, at the best it contains the complete unicode character set. Font number: -40001 to -49999 TrueType- and OpenType-fonts. 2. Hershey Fonts The Hershey fonts are evolved from the GKS fonts. Most of these fonts are meanwhile unimportant but are maintained because of compatibility reasons. Some fonts like the SICAD standard lettering are required for converters based on GRIBS GKS. The DEC Multinational Character Set font (font number -401 or -901) is used for the flagpage creation. Hershey fonts (except of font -857) always exist in 2 different specificities: as proportional and as monospaced font. Character Spacing Proportional Simple -1 -31 -51 -101 -121 -151 -153 -161 -171 -181 -201 -203 -221 -301 -302 -303 -351 -352 -355 -356 -358 -361 -363 -367 -401 -501 -531 -551 -601 -621 -651 -653 -661 -671 -681 -701 -703 -721 -801 -802 -803 -851 -852 -855 -856 -857 -858 -861 -863 -867 -901 Simplex Roman (standard) Simplex Script Duplex Roman Triplex Roman Triplex Italic Complex Roman Complex Roman (Grecian) Complex Roman (Cyrillic) Complex Italic Complex Script Gothic German Gothic English Gothic Italian Mathematical Symbols Graphical Symbols I Graphical Symbols II Compatible font for SICAD standard lettering DIN 6776 B, vertical Compatible font for CalComp symbol font Compatible font for CADAM - I Compatible font for HP Character Set 1 Compatible font for CADAM - II Compatible font for PC-Draft font 001 Compatible font for PC-Draft font 003 Compatible font for PC-Draft font 007 DEC Multinational Character Set PC-Draft is a registered trademark of rhv Software Systeme GmbH. SICAD is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG. DEC is a registered trademark of Dgital Equipment Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, USA. 3. Outline Fonts Character Spacing Proportional Simple -10001 -10002 -20001 -20002 -20003 -20004 -20005 -20006 -20007 -20008 -20009 -20010 -20011 -20012 -20013 -20014 -20015 -20016 -20017 -20018 -20019 -20020 -20021 -20022 -20023 -20024 -20025 -20026 -20027 -20028 -20029 -20031 -20032 -20040 -20041 -20042 -20043 -10501 -10502 -20501 -20502 compatible font for PostScript Helvetica compatible font for PostScript Courier compatible font for PostScript Helvetica compatible font for PostScript Courier compatible font for PostScript Times-Roman compatible font for PostScript Symbol compatible font for PostScript Helvetica Bold compatible font for PostScript Helvetica BoldOblique compatible font for PostScript Helvetica Oblique compatible font for PostScript Courier Bold compatible font for PostScript Courier BoldOblique compatible font for PostScript Courier Oblique compatible font for PostScript Times Bold compatible font for PostScript Times BoldItalic compatible font for PostScript Times Italic Cyrillic compatible font for Arial Narrow compatible font for Arial Narrow Bold compatible font for Arial Narrow Italic compatible font for Arial Narrow BoldItalic compatible font for Tahoma compatible font for Tahoma Bold Box drawings - semi graphic SAP Dings SAP Icons SAP Arial compatible font for EPSON-printer compatible font for Verdana compatible font for Verdana Bold compatible font for Verdana Italic compatible font for Verdana BoldItalic compatible font for ISOCPEUR compatible font for Lucida Console compatible font for Andale Mono compatible font for Andale Mono Bold compatible font for Andale Mono Italic compatible font for Andale Mono BoldItalic -20111 -20112 -20113 -30001 compatible font for MICR13 compatible font for OCR-A compatible font for OCR-B Flexible Font, compatible font for Arial Unicode 4. Barcode Fonts 4.1. Linear Barcodes 4.1.1. Code39 The barcode Code 39 is a alphanumerical code. Representable are digits, the 26 capital letters and the 7 special characters Space ! $ % + . / Each character consists of 9 elements (5 bars and 4 gaps). 3 of the elements are broad and 6 narrow with exception of the representation of special characters. Font number: -20201 Barcode without check digit -20221 Barcode with check digit 4.1.2. Code 2/5 Interleaved Numeric barcode, representable 0-9. This code is built by 2 broad and 3 narrow bars or 2 broad and 3 narrow gaps. The first digit is represented by 5 bars, the 2. digit is represented by the gaps directly subsequent to the bars of the 1. digit. Advantage: High information density. Disadvantage: all gaps represent information therefore smaller tolerance. Font number: 20203 Barcode without check digit 20223 Barcode with check digit 4.1.3. Standard 2 of 5 Numeric barcode, representable 0-9. This code is built by 2 broad and 3 narrow bars or 2 broad and 3 narrow gaps. The gaps do not contain information. Font number: 20203 Barcode without check digit 20223 Barcode with check digit 4.1.4. Code 128 Code 128 allows the representation of the complete ASCII character set without character combinations. But Code 128 does not represent directly the complete ASCII character set. 3 character sets A, B, and C are distinguished that can be used depending on the demands. A combination of these character sets is also possible. To represent the complete ASCII character set the start character A or B is required in combination with a special character of Code 128. Font number: -20204 Barcode without check digit, the selection of the character set is done automatically -20205 Barcode without check digit, the A character set is used. -20206 Barcode without check digit, the B character set is used. -20207 Barcode without check digit, the C character set is used. -20224 Barcode with check digit, the selection of the character set is done automatically -20225 Barcode with check digit, the A character set is used. -20226 Barcode with check digit, the B character set is used. -20227 Barcode with check digit, the C character set is used. 4.1.5. EAN-128 Logistic code for the trade. It corresponds to the Code 128 but the combination of start A, start B or start C combined with FNC 1 character (double start character) is used as start character. Font number: -20208 Barcode without check digit, the selection of the character set is done automatically -20209 Barcode without check digit, the A character set is used. -20210 Barcode without check digit, the B character set is used. -20211 Barcode without check digit, the C character set is used. -20228 Barcode with check digit, the selection of the character set is done automatically -20229 Barcode with check digit, the A character set is used. -20230 Barcode with check digit, the B character set is used. -20231 Barcode with check digit, the C character set is used. 4.1.5. EAN-13 The EAN code is primarily used in food supermarkets where the registration process is especially labor-intensive because of the large amount of articles for each customer. The EAN (European Article Number) or the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) are printed encoded as barcode on the packaging. The standard EAN barcode has 13 digits. EAN-13 or GTIN has the following structure: • The first two digits of the EAN-13 of GTIN code represent the country of the article. For example, the numbers 40-43 represent Germany. • The next 5 digits code the producer of the article. In Germany, this number is assigned by the GS1 Germany GmbH. • The following five digits represent the individual article number and classify the product of the producer. This number is directly given by the producer. • The remaining thirteenth digit of the code is the check digit. Font number: -20213 4.1.5. EAN-8 EAN-8 is the sort form of EAN-13. This code is only used if the article is too small for an EAN-13 code. An EAN-8 will only be granted if an EAN-13 will uses more than 25% of the front space of the article. An EAN-8 number is only assigned on demand because these numbers are limited. The applicant must add an article sample to the application as certification. An EAN-8 always has 8 digits: • 3 digits prefix. The prefix identifies the organization that assigns the EAN identification number. • 4 digits article identification. • Check digit. Font number: -20212 4.2. 2D Barcodes 4.2.1 DataMatrix The DataMatrix code is one of the best known 2D barcodes. It has been developed in the 80ies in the USA by Acuity Corporation. The DataMatrix code is standardizes in ISO/IEC 16022:2000 and ISO/IEC 24720:2006 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and additionally described in several standards for applications like in DIN standards and DIN-EN standards. These standards are industry-wide binding and ensure the code reading independently of the producer of the encoder or the reader. Font number: -20300 The Datamatrix-barcode is generated by the OpenSource-library libdmtx. In BarcodeProperties you can specify following parameters, which libdmtx uses for the generating of barcodes: -d, --module=NUM Module size. (in pixels) [default: 1] -m, --margin=NUM Margin size. (in pixels) [default: 2] -e, --encoding=[bfactxe8] Encodation scheme. b = Best optimized f = Fast optimized a = ASCII [default] c = C40 t = Text x = X12 e = EDIFACT 8 = Base 256 best possible optimization (beta) basic optimization (not implemented) ASCII standard & extended digits and uppercase digits and lowercase ANSI X12 EDI ASCII values 32-94 all byte values 0-255 -s, --symbol-size=SIZE Symbol size specified in Rows x Cols. Automatic SIZE options: s = Auto square [default] r = Auto rectangle Manually specified SIZE options for square symbols: 10x10, 12x12, 14x14, 16x16, 18x18, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 26x26, 32x32, 36x36, 40x40, 44x44, 48x48, 52x52, 64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 88x88, 96x96, 104x104, 120x120, 132x132, 144x144 Manually specified SIZE options for rectangular symbols: 8x18, 8x32, 12x26, -tgs1, --textgs1 generate GS1-Barcode 4.2.2. PDF417 PDF417 means "Portable Data File". One PDF417 can save a maximum of 2000 characters. PDF417 is not a real matrix code like the DataMatrix code. There are configurable error correction levels (0-9). PDF417 is much worse off compared to DataMatrix concerning the relation of data content and size. In combination with laser scanners that can not register matrix symbols the code is useful but not very efficient. As soon as camera systems are used as scanners real matrix codes are the best solution. PDF417 has been developed by the Symbol Technologies company. Meanwhile PDF417 is also specified in a ISO/IEC standard. Font number: -20310 4.2.3. AZTEC-Code The Aztec code is a independent 2D code type. It is specified in the ISO/IE 24778 standard. It is also described in the literature volume 2 mentioned below. The German Rail, the Austrian Railways and the Swiss Railways use the 2D barcode on their online or mobile tickets (MMS). Additionally the US government uses this code to save biometrics data at entry and exit (US-VISIT program). Font number: -20320 4.2.4. QR-Code The QR code system was invented in 1994 by Denso Wave. Its purpose was to track vehicles during manufacture; it was designed to allow high-speed component scanning.[3] Although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR codes now are used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile-phone users (termed mobile tagging). QR codes may be used to display text to the user, to add a vCard contact to the user's device, to open a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), or to compose an e-mail or text message. Users can generate and print their own QR codes for others to scan and use by visiting one of several paid and free QR code generating sites or apps. The technology has since become one of the most-used types of two-dimensional barcode. A QR code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera) and processed using Reed– Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted ( the loss of up to 30% of the code is tolerated). The required data are then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image The QR Code is established as a public standard. In Japan it is very common, you can find him there on almost every billboard. The Japanese government used the QR code. For example, the Japanese Immigration Bureau uses the QR code with encrypted data for the visa, which is glued on entry into the passport. Font number: -20340 -20341 -20342 -20343 -20344 QR-barcode with default settings. QR-barcode with ECC-level 1 and modul size 10 QR-barcode with ECC-level 2 and modul size 10 QR-barcode with ECC-level 3 and modul size 10 QR-barcode with ECC-level 4 and modul size 10 The QR barcode is created using the open source library ZINT. The following parameters are provided for the creation of QR barcode, which can be defined on the entry BarcodeProperties: --secure=1 ECC-Level L , 7 % loss of codewords / data can be recovered --secure=2 ECC-Level M , 15 % loss of codewords / data can be recovered --secure=3 ECC-Level , 25 % loss of codewords / data can be recovered --secure=4 ECC-Level H , 30 % loss of codewords / data can be recovered --modulsize=n Modulsize in Pixel. If this is omitted, then the module size is automatically determined from the desired barcode size --vers=s Symbolsize ( 1-40 ) . If not specified, then automatically an appropriate symbol size selected. s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 symbol size 21 x 21 25 x 25 29 x 29 33 x 33 37 x 37 41 x 41 45 x 45 49 x 49 53 x 53 57 x 57 61 x 61 65 x 65 69 x 69 73 x 73 77 x 77 81 x 81 85 x 85 89 x 89 93 x 93 97 x 97 s 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 symbol size 101 x 101 105 x 105 109 x 109 113 x 113 117 x 117 121 x 121 125 x 125 129 x 129 133 x 133 137 x 137 141 x 141 145 x 145 149 x 149 153 x 153 157 x 157 161 x 161 165 x 165 169 x 169 173 x 173 177 x 177 5. PDO-Fonts So-called PDO fonts are provided for the PDF creation. PDO fonts are precast PDF objects that can be inserted into the PDF files which are to be created. The fonts are embedded in the PDF file. This allows the creation of PDF/A conform PDF files. Texts within PDF files can be searched for. The PDO fonts are each present in two forms. The fonts in files with the extension .pdo are defined as Type 1 or TrueType fonts. The files with the extension .t3 contain the fonts as Type3 fonts. This PDF / A standards-compliant PDF files can be created. The text within the PDF files are searchable. List of the available PDO fonts (only for the PDF creation) helvetica.pdo|t3 courier.pdo|t3 times.pdo|t3 symbol.pdo|t3 helvetica_bold.pdo|t3 helvetica_boldoblique.pdo|t3 helvetica_oblique.pdo|t3 courier_bold.pdo|t3 courier_boldoblique.pdo|t3 courier_oblique.pdo|t3 times_bold.pdo|t3 times_bolditalic.pdo|t3 times_italic.pdo|t3 arialnarrow.pdo|t3 arialnarrow_bold.pdo|t3 arialnarrow_bolditalic.pdo|t3 arialnarrow_italic.pdo|t3 tahoma.pdo|t3 tahoma_bold.pdo|t3 epson.pdo|t3 verdana.pdo|t3 verdana_bold.pdo|t3 verdana_italic.pdo|t3 verdana_bolditalic.pdo|t3 isocpeur.pdo|t3 lucida.pdo|t3 ocra.pdo|t3 ocrb.pdo|t3 -1001 -1002 -1003 -1004 -1005 -1006 -1007 -1008 -1009 -1010 -1011 -1012 -1013 -1015 -1016 -1017 -1018 -1019 -1020 -1025 -1026 -1027 -1028 -1029 -1031 -1032 -1112 -1113 6. Text samples 6.1 Text samples of Hershey-fonts Simplex Roman Simplex Script Duplex Roman Triplex Roman Triplex Italic Complex Roman Complex Roman (greek) Complex Roman (cyrillic) Complex Italic Complex Script Gothic German Gothic English Gothic Italian Mathematical Symbols Graphical Symbols I Graphical Symbols II SICAD-Normschrift DIN 6776 B CalComp-Symbolfont CADAM-I HP-Character Set I CADAM-II PC-Draft-Font 001 PC-Draft-Font 003 PC-Draft-Font 007 DEC Multinational 1 -31 -51 -101 -121 -151 -153 -161 -171 -181 -201 -203 -221 -301 -302 -303 -351 -352 -355 -356 -857 -358 -361 -363 -367 -401 6.2 Text samples of outline-fonts Helvetica stroke Courier stroke Helvetica fill Courier fill Times Roman Symbol Helvetica Bold Helvetica BoldOblique Helvetica Oblique Courier Bold Courier BoldOblique Courier Oblique Times Bold Times BoldItalic Times Italic Courier Cyrilic Arial Narrow Arial Narrow_Bold Arial Narrow_Italic Arial Narrow_BoldItalic Tahoma Tahoma_Bold Boxdrawings SAPDings SAPicons SAParial EPSON Verdana Verdana Bold Verdana Italic Verdana BoldItalic ISOCPEUR -10001 -10002 -20001 -20002 -20003 -20004 -20005 -20006 -20007 -20008 -20009 -20010 -20011 -20012 -20013 -20014 -20015 -20016 -20017 -20018 -20019 -20020 -20021 -20022 -20023 -20024 -20025 -20026 -20027 -20028 -20029 -20031 Lucida Console Andale Mono Andale Mono Bold Andale Mono Italic Andale Mono BoldItalic MICR13 OCR-A OCR-B Flexible font (unicode) -20032 -20040 -20041 -20042 -20043 -20111 -20112 -20113 -30001 6.3 Text samples of linear barcodes Barcode 39 Code 2/5 interleaved Code 2/5 5 industrial Code128 Code128 SETA Code128 SETB Code128 SETC EAN 128 EAN 128 SETA EAN 128 SETB EAN 128 SETC EAN8 EAN13 Barcode 39 + CS Code 2/5 interleaved + CS Code 2/5 5 industrial + CS Code128 + CS Code128 SETA + CS Code128 SETB + CS Code128 SETC + CS EAN 128 + CS EAN 128 SETA + CS EAN 128 SETB + CS EAN 128 SETC + CS -20201 -20202 -20203 -20204 -20205 -20206 -20207 -20208 -20209 -20210 -20211 -20212 -20213 -20221 -20222 -20223 -20224 -20225 -20226 -20227 -20228 -20229 -20230 -20231 6.4 Text samples of 2D-barcodes DataMatrix -20300 PDF 417 -20310 Aztec -20320 QR -20340 6.5 Text samples of PDO-fonts Helvetica Courier Times Roman Symbol Helvetica Bold Helvetica BoldOblique Helvetica Oblique Courier Bold Courier BoldOblique Courier Oblique Times Bold Times BoldItalic Times Italic ArialNarrow ArialNarrow-Bold ArialNarrow-Italic ArialNarrow-BoldItalic Tahoma Tahoma-Bold EPSON Verdana Verdana Bold Verdana Italic Verdana BoldItalic ISOCPEUR Lucida Console OCR-A OCR-B -1001 -1002 -1003 -1004 -1005 -1006 -1007 -1008 -1009 -1010 -1011 -1012 -1013 -1015 -1016 -1017 -1018 -1019 -1020 -1025 -1026 -1027 -1028 -1029 -1031 -1032 -1112 -1113 ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ggggggggggggggggg ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ΑΒΧ∆ΕΦΓΗ αβχδεφγη ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ABCDEFGH abcdefgh 7. Text Samples and Character Set Tables On the following pages, for each character set a character set table is described with the correlation of an ASCII value and the corresponding character. In the first column are the 4 high-order bits in hexadecimal notation, in the upper line the lower bits. The corresponding character, that is defined by the ASCII value, is marked by the cross point. Example: Font No 401 (DEC Multinational Character Set) The cross point of 4 and 1 (hexadecimal 41 corresponds to 65 decimal) points top the character 'A'. Some of the character sets exist in 2 specificities: • Proportional font: The character spacing depends on the character • Monospaced font: The character spacing is always the same The appearance is clarified by 2 text samples (capital letter and normal letter). In addition further text samples with different attributes follow: 1. Character spacing 0.2: Additional to the predefined font character spacing, the space is increased about the factor 0.2 of the character height of capital letters. With negative character spacing the letters are printed on top of each other. 2. Character spacing 1.5: All characters are broadened by the factor 1.5 additionally to the predefined font definition, that means, the text appears wider. 3. Character spacing 0.8: All characters are stripped by the factor 0.8 additionally to the predefined font definition, that means, the text seems to be jolted. 4. Line width 0.5 mm: The line width of the polyline, which are used for creating vector fonts. This attribute has no influence on filled fonts. 5. An example of big letters (1.3 cm high, line width of 2 mm). Simplex Roman (standard) font No. 1 and -1 proportional, font No. -501 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Simplex Script font no. -31 proportional, font no. -531 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Duplex Roman font no. -51 proportional, font no. -551 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Triplex Roman font no. -101 proportional, font no. -601 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Triplex Italic font no. -121 proportional, font no. -621 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Complex Roman font no. -151 proportional, font no. -651 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Complex Roman (greek) font no. -153 proportional, font no. -653 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Complex Roman (cyrillic) font no. -161 proportional, font no. -661 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Complex Italic font no. -171 proportional, font no. -671 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Complex Script font no. -181 proportional, font no. -681 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Gothic German font no. -201 proportional, font no. -701 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Gothic English font no. -203 proportional, font no. -703 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Gothic Italian font no. -221 proportional, font no. -721 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Mathematical Symbols font no. -301 proportional, font no. -801 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Graphical Symbols I font no. -302 proportional, font no. -802 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Graphical Symbols II font no. -303 proportional, font no. -803 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: SICAD-Normschrift font no. -351 proportional, font no. -851 monospaced compatible font for SICAD-Normschrift, vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: DIN 6776 B vertikal font no. -352 proportional, font no. -852 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: CALCOMP-Symbolfont font no. -355 proportional, font no. -855 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: CADAM-I font no. -356 proportional, font no. -856 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: CADAM-II font no. -358 proportional, font no. -858 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: HP Character Set 1 font no. -857 monospaced compatible font for HP-Character Set 1, vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: PC-Draft-Font 001 font no. -361 proportional, font no. -861 monospaced compatible font for PC-Draft-Font 001, vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: PC-Draft-Font 003 font no. -363 proportional, font no. -863 monospaced compatible font for PC-Draft-Font 001, vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: PC-Draft-Font 007 font no. -367 proportional, font no. -867 monospaced compatible font for PC-Draft-Font 001, vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: DEC Multinational Character Set font no. -401 proportional, font no. -901 monospaced Hershey vector font character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: HELEVTICA font no. -10001 proportional, font no. -10501 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Helvetica , stroke text character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: COURIER font no. -10002 monospaced, font no. -10502 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Courier , stroke text character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: HELVETICA font no. -20001 proportional, font no. -20501 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Helvetica character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: COURIER font no. -20002 monospaced, font no. -20502 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Courier character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Times-Roman font no. -20003 proportional compatible font for PostScript Times-Roman character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Symbol font no. -20004 proportional compatible font for PostScript Symbol character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Helvetica Bold font no. -20005 proportional compatible font for PostScript Helvetica Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Helvetica BoldOblique font no. -20006 proportional compatible font for PostScript Helvetica BoldOblique character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Helvetica Oblique font no. -20007 proportional compatible font for PostScript Helvetica Oblique character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Courier Bold font no. -20008 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Courier Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Courier BoldOblique font no. -20009 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Courier BoldOblique character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Courier Oblique font no. -20010 monospaced compatible font for PostScript Courier Oblique character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Times Bold font no. -20011 proportional compatible font for PostScript Times Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Times BoldItalic font no. -20012 proportional compatible font for PostScript Times BoldItalic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Times Italic font no. -20013 proportional compatible font for PostScript Times Italic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Cyrrilic font no. -20014 monospaced character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Arial Narrow font no. -20015 proportional compatible font for Arial Narrow character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Arial Narrow Bold font no. -20016 proportional compatible font for Arial Narrow Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Arial Narrow Italic font no. -20017 proportional compatible font for Arial Narrow Italic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Arial Narrow BoldItalic font no. -20018 proportional compatible font for Arial Narrow BoldItalic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Tahoma font no. -20019 proportional compatible font for Tahoma character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Tahoma Bold font no. -20020 proportional compatible font for Tahoma Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Boxdrawing font no. -20021 proportional semigrafic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: SAPDings font no. -20022 proportional SAP symbols character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: SAPIcons font no. -20023 proportional SAP symbols character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: SAPArial font no. -20024 monospaced compatible font for SAP Arial Mono character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: EPSON font no. -20025 monospaced compatible font for EPSON-printer character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Verdana font no. -20026 proportional compatible font for Verdana character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Verdana Bold font no. -20027 proportional compatible font for Verdana Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Verdana Italic font no. -20028 proportional compatible font for Verdana Italic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Verdana BoldItalic font no. -20029 proportional compatible font for Verdana BoldItalic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: ISOCPEUR font no. -20031 proportional character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Lucida Console font no. -20032 monospaced compatible font for Lucida Console character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: AndaleMono font no. -20040 monospaced compatible font for Andale Mono character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: AndaleMonoBold font no. -20041 monospaced compatible font for Andale Mono Bold character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: AndaleMonoItalic font no. -20042 monospaced compatible font for Andale Mono Italic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: AndaleMonoBoldItalic font no. -20043 monospaced compatible font for Andale Mono BoldItalic character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: MICR13 font no. -20111 proportional font for magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: OCRA font no. -20112 proportional font for OCR character recognition (ISO 1073-1) character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: OCRB font no. -20113 proportional font for OCR character recognition (ISO 1073-2) character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: flexible font font no. -30001 proportional, Font Nr. -30501 monospaced unicode character set character set font sample: proportional: monospaced: attributes: Helvetica font no. -1001 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Courier font no. -1002 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Times-Roman font no. -1003 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Symbol font no. -1004 PDO-Font character set 0 ≅ Π π € ° ℵ ∠ ◊ ! 1 Α Θ α θ ∀ 2 Β Ρ β ρ # 3 Χ Σ χ σ ∃ 4 ∆ Τ δ τ % 5 Ε Υ ε υ & 6 Φ ς φ ϖ ∋ 7 Γ Ω γ ω ( 8 Η Ξ η ξ ) 9 Ι Ψ ι ψ ∗ : ϑ Ζ ϕ ζ + ; Κ [ κ { , < Λ ∴ λ | − = Μ ] µ } . > Ν ⊥ ν ∼ / ? Ο _ ο ϒ ± ℑ ∇ 〈 〉 ′ ″ ℜ ∫ ≤ ≥ ℘ ⌠ ⁄ × ⊗ ∞ ∝ ⊕ ∏ ∑ ⌡ ƒ ∂ ∅ √ ♣ • ∩ ⋅ ♦ ÷ ∪ ¬ ♥ ≠ ⊃ ∧ ♠ ≡ ⊇ ∨ ↔ ← ≈ … ⊄ ⊂ ⇔ ⇐ ↑ ⊆ ⇑ → ∈ ⇒ ↓ ↵ ∉ ⇓ font sample: proportional: ΑΒΧ∆ΕΦΓΗΙϑΚΛΜΝΟΠΘΡΣΤΥςΩΞΨΖ αβχδεφγηιϕκλµνοπθρστυϖωξψζ monospaced: ΑΒΧ∆ΕΦΓΗΙϑΚΛΜΝΟΠΘΡΣΤΥςΩΞΨΖ αβχδεφγηιϕκλµνοπθρστυϖωξψζ attributes: χηαραχτερ σπαχινγ 0.2 χηαραχτερ εξπανσιον 1.5 χηαραχτερ εξπανσιον 0.8 λινε ωιδτη 0.5 µµ ΤΑΛΛ+ΤΗΙΧΚ Helvetica-Bold font no. -1005 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Helvetica-BoldOblique font no. -1006 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Helvetica-Oblique font no. -1007 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Courier-Bold font no. -1008 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Courier-BoldOblique font no. -1009 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Courier-Oblique font no. -1010 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Times-Bold font no. -1011 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Times-BoldItalic font no. -1012 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Times-Italic font no. -1013 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK ArialNarrow font no. -1015 PDO-Font character set Ą 0 @ P ‘ p Č č € ° À Ð à ð ą ! 1 A Q a q Ď ď ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ ArialNarrow-Bold font no. -1016 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ ArialNarrow-Italic font no. -1017 PDO-Font character set Ą 0 @ P ‘ p Č č € ° À Ð à ð ą ! 1 A Q a q Ď ď ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ ArialNarrow-BoldItalic font no. -1018 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ Tahoma font no. -1019 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ă Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ŕ Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ŕ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Tahoma-Bold font no. -1020 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó ı Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ˇ Ă ę Ł %& 5 6 E F U V e f u v Ő Ř ő ř ¥ ¦ µ ¶ Å Æ Õ Ö å æ õ ö Ĺ ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ľ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø Ţ ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù ă Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ĺ ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û ľ Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ţ Ŕ ŕ ź Ż ż - . / = > ? M N O ] ^ _ m n o } ~ İ Ÿ ™ đ Œ œ - ® ¯ ½¾ ¿ Í Î Ï Ý Þ ß í î ï ý þ ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK EPSON font no. -1025 PDO-Font character set 0 @ P ` p ° À Ð à ð ! 1 A Q a q ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ 2 " 2 B R b r ¢ ² Â Ò â ò 3 # 3 C S c s £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô 5 % 5 E U e u ¥ µ Å Õ å õ 6 & 6 F V f v ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö 7 ' 7 G W g w § · Ç × ç ÷ 8 ( 8 H X h x ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø 9 ) 9 I Y i y © ¹ É Ù é ù * : J Z j z ª º Ê Ú ê ú + ; K [ k { « » Ë Û ë û , < L \ l | ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü = M ] m } ½ Í Ý í ý . > N ^ n ~ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ / ? O _ o ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Verdana font no. -1026 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ż / ? O _ o ™ œ ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Verdana Bold font no. -1027 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ę Ł %& 5 6 E F U V e f u v Ő Ř ő ř ¥ ¦ µ ¶ Å Æ Õ Ö å æ õ ö ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û Ź ź Ż ż , - . / < = > ? L M N O \ ] ^ _ l m n o | } ~ Ž İ Ÿ ™ ž đ Œœ ¬ - ® ¯ ¼½¾ ¿ Ì Í Î Ï Ü Ý Þ ß ì í î ï ü ý þ ÿ font sample: proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz monospaced: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz attributes: character spacing 0.2 character expansion 1.5 character expansion 0.8 line width 0.5 mm TALL+THICK Verdana Italic font no. -1028 PDO-Font character set Ą ą ! 0 1 @ A P Q ‘ a p q Č Ď č ď € ¡ ° ± À Á Ð Ñ à á ð ñ Ć " 2 B R b r Ě ě ¢ ² Â Ò â ò ć # 3 C S c s Ğ ğ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó Ę $ 4 D T d t Ň ň ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô ę % 5 E U e u Ő ő ¥ µ Å Õ å õ Ł & 6 F V f v Ř ř ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö ł ’ 7 G W g w Ş ş § · Ç × ç ÷ Ń ( 8 H X h x Š š ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø ń ) 9 I Y i y Ť ť © ¹ É Ù é ù Ś * : J Z j z Ů ů ª º Ê Ú ê ú ś + ; K [ k { Ű ű « » Ë Û ë û Ź , < L \ l | Ž ž ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü ź = M ] m } İ đ ½ Í Ý í ý Ż . > N ^ n ~ Ÿ Œ ® ¾ Î Þ î þ ż / ? 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