FISH PASSAGES: • SOME LEGAL ASPECTS IN BRAZIL • FISH MIGRATION IN LARGE SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL SCALES ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AND LICENSING OF HYDROELECTRIC ENTERPRISES National Council on the Environment’s Resolutions National Policy on Environment Law 6.983/1981 Concept of environmental impact Environmental licensing of enterprises Environmental diagnosis of the area of influence Impacts of the project on the physical, biotic and socioeconomic dimensions Environmental programs ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AND LICENSING OF HYDROELECTRIC ENTERPRISES Criminalization of environmental damage Environmental Crimes Law Law 9.605/98 Responsibility of the entrepreneur Crimes against flora and fauna Crimes against the administration (licensing) FISH PASSAGES: LEGAL ASPECTS IN BRAZIL Law 9.798/1997 (SP) Forces the construction of fish ladders in hydroelectric power plants in São Paulo State rivers. Law 12.488/1997 (MG) Determines the construction of ladders for piracema fish in dams built in Minas Gerais State. Law Project 3009/1997 (BR) Establishes mandatory inclusion of locks, equipment and procedures for the protection of aquatic fauna of watercourses, when the construction of dams. THERE IS NO ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL RECIPE (ARONSON, 2011) FISH PASSAGES: FISH MIGRATION IN LARGE SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL SCALES “Most of scientific data is obtained in local scales, while the need for responses to environmental problems occurs mainly in global scales.” (METZGER, 2006) THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CONNECTIVITY FOR RIVERINE FISH ON THREE HIERARCHICAL LEVELS IN RELATION TO TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL SCALES 103 Temporal scale (years) 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Spatial scale (meters) (After SCHMUTZ & JUNGWIRTH, 2001) THE IMPORTANCE OF TEMPORAL SCALE FOR UNDERSTANDING OF EVENTS IN FISH LIFE-HISTORY Temporal scale Phenomenon Seasonal Spates, flow pulses, channel expansion/contraction; Annual Flood pulse, seedling establishment, animal migration, reproduction, shallow ground water exchange; Decadal Drought cycles, episodic events (extreme floods, debris flows), lateral channel migration, channel avulsion, island formation, channel abandonment; Centenial Floodplain formation, hydrosere and riparian succession, deep ground water exchange; Millenial Terrace formation, glaciation, climate change, sea (After WARD et al., 2002) level fluctuation, orogeny. “Conectivity. Capacity of the landscape or landscape units to facilitate biological flows (migration, dispersal etc.), what depends on the proximity of habitat’s elements, on the density of corridors and “stepping stones” and on the matrix permeability.” (METZGER, 2006) “Hydrological connectivity, the exchange of matter, energy and biota via the aqueous medium, plays a major though poorly understood role in sustaining riverine landscape diversity.” WARD et al., 2002 IMPACTS OF DAMS AND RESERVOIRS ON BIODIVERSITY • Loss of habitats (deforestation, submersion) and loss of structural complexity of environments: impacts on biodiversity. • Loss of critical habitats (spawning sites, resting sites for migrants etc.): impacts on recruitment. • Loss of landscape connectivity (migratory routes, dispersal corridors, gene flows etc.): impacts on genetic diversity. Corridor of Biodiversity of Paraná River Paraná River: 1995 2012 HABITAT FRAGMENTATION X POPULATIONS PERSISTENCE 1. Fragmentation is leading to landscapes composed by little patches of habitat, containing small parts of populations. 2. Small populations are highly susceptive to extinctions. 3. The persistence of species in this landscapes depends on regional dinamics. 4. Metapopulation dynamics analysis allows focuses this regional dinamics. 5. Metapopulation dinamics includes genetics (drift, genetic flows, effective size of populations). Genetic structure of Brycon opalinus on Paraíba do Sul basin (Barroso et al., 2005) Migratory fishes, even in a same basin, could be genetically structured: Prochilodus argenteus (HATANAKA & GALLETTI, 2006); Leporinus elongatus (MOLINA et al., 2008); Brycon insignis (MATSUMOTO & HILSDORF, 2009). “Along with intra-population and inter-population genetic variability, knowledge on the precise range of populations is required to determine the adequate geographical scale for conservation and management strategies.” (CEGELSKI et al., 2003, apud PIORSKI et al., 2008). FISH PASSAGES X HABITAT FRAGMENTATION MIGRATIONS STUDIES ON PARANÁ BASIN Study area: 1.425 km of Paraná basin, from Yaciretá to Porto Primavera reservoirs (middle and upper Paraná river) Marking with hydrostatical tags (LEA) and dart tags since 1997 to 2006: 32 867 fish of 18 periodic strategy species 1083 fishes recaptured (recapture rate of 3%) Itapura (Tietê River) Jupiá (Paraná River) Iguaçu Falls (Iguaçu River) Sete Quedas (Paraná River) (After MAKRAKIS et al., 2012a) Brycon orbignyanus 2 Hemisorubim platyrhynchos second highest displacement upstream moved small distances at slow rates no passage through dams Brycon orbignyanus 1 Schyzodon borellii mainly longitudinal movements in mainstem river highest percentage of fish moving upstream moved long distances highest passage through dams Pseudoplatystoma corruscans Pinirampus pirinampu Leporinus elongatus Pterodoras granulosus Salminus brasiliensis Piaractus mesopotamicus Pimelodus maculatus Pinirampus pirinampu Prochilodus lineatus 4 Pterodoras granulosus Piaractus mesopotamicus 3 highest percentage of lateral or no movement little downstream movement farthest and fastest displacement downstream second highest displacement downstream and lateral little upstream movement Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination of 11 fish species in the impounded Paraná River basin (MAKRAKIS et al., 2012a). Figure 3 (After MAKRAKIS et al., 2012b) FISHERIES ON PORTO PRIMAVERA RESERVOIR (2011) Scientific samples SOME CONCERNS: DECISION ON FISH PASSAGE MUST RESULT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, NOT FROM STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS. NEED OF LONG-TIME AND WIDE SPATIAL SCALE STUDIES. CONSIDER CONNECTIVITY AS A KEY CONCEPT FOR CONSERVATION EFFORTS. LONG-TIME GENETIC ASSESSMENT COULD BE A ROBUST TOOL FOR CHECKING THE EFFECTIVITY OF MANAGEMENT. NEED OF IDENTIFYING THRESHOLDS (HOW MANY KM OF UNIMPONDED STRETCHES? HOW MANY FISHES MUST OVERCOME BARRIERS FOR GENETICAL FLOW MAINTENANCE?) OBRIGADO! ¡GRACIAS! THANK YOU! JOÃO HENRIQUE PINHEIRO DIAS [email protected]