science bulletit - Atlas Hymenoptera
science bulletit - Atlas Hymenoptera
sl i t:l:l:!:l:i:l:l:3:l:l':l:li:l:l 11111:;;3:;:;1ç;:;1 :3:3f:3:!:3:3:!:3:3'i'.3..!.3, THE UNIVEI3SITY OF'I(ANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIT{ ) Systematics and Phylogeny of the Anthophorine Bees (Hy*enoptera: Anthophoridae; Anthophorini) By Robert Iry. Brooks V o l. 5 3 , N o . 9 , p p . 4 3 6 - 5 7 5 i v I t F r I E L^ September 30, 19BB t i ; t . ? É. To I I ProfessorCharles Duncan Michener this study is dedicated in anticipation of the aa I fl occasionof his seventiethbirthdav 22 September19BB : and his retirement 1., from the departmentsof Entomology ; F r;. and Systematicsand Ecology 18 Mav 1989 !': l+ THE UNIVERSITY OF I(ANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN September 30, 19BB Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 436-575 Systematics and Phylogeny of the Anthophorine Bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae; Anthophorini) Ronnnr W. Bnoors CONTENTS Introduction Acknowledgem;;,; :::: Historical Review . Methods. Characters Employed. Tribe Anthophorini . . Unplaced Species . incertae sedis . . Anthophorini K.y to Genera of the AnthoPhorini Genus Anthophora Latreille Kty to Subgenera of AnthoPhora. . Subgenus Anthophora Latreille s. str. Pyganthophora new subgenus Lophanthophora new subgenus Mystacanthophora new subgenus Caranthophora new subgenus Subgenus Paramegilla Friese Subgenus Melea Sandhouse. Subgen us AnthophoroidesCockerell and Cockerell Subgen us Anthomegilla Marikovskaya . Rhinomegilla new subgenus Petalosternonnew subgenus Daslmegilla new subgenus . Subgenus C/asodon Patton . Subgenus HelioPhila Klug . Anthophora incertae sedis . . Genus Amegilla Friese K"y to Subgenera of Amegilla Zebramegilla new subgenus Subgenus Amegilla Friese s. str. Dizonamegilla new subgenus Megamegilla new subgenus Subgen us Aframegilla PoPov Ackmonopsis new subgenus Micramegilla new subgenus Subgenus Zonamegilla PoPov . . Notomegilla' new subgenus . Glossamegilla new subgenus . +39 +39 ++0 ++0 ++2 ++7 450 450 450 450 4s3 +57 460 +6+ +66 +70 +70 +76 478 . . 481 +82 +B+ 486 486 ..489 +96 ..+96 498 502 504 505 505 506 508 508 510 511 5t2 'opo{otqog snue8 pue rrpr"Ioq ^ ou âql repun pezrurduou(s st sts(otot1(u.gsnue8 eql uortrppg uI 'seureu cgrcads ot xepû u" pu" .rurpodorqell pue rurroqdoçuy sarcedsqns pue serceds o1 paqdde ueeq e^"q seurcu I[e jo rsq " r*r,ro reqr 3o -uds ivrou l(urduouroq pazru8ocer ,suorleuEtsep cràd1oeu pue d1ir,leu ro3 g xrpueddy pue crddlopal ro3 7 xrpueddy eog 'pepnlcur sr sdnor8 crraue8qns uorssnrsrp Jo lecrqde.r8oeE-orq 'sle^âl cr.reuotqns pue crreue8 '[€qul eql 1z uezrrEare sdrqsuorl€ler Jr]srp€IJ elqeqord V 'Nuotmor! 'v 'y 'ouo{uotuou 'v 'oxopon( çopo4oroyV) puv otzporrl{o(a(opo(otosy) çollOauroAaya) 'y .V ,!ttl, .V ,Htult{a1 .V ,rrplwrpi* @lpflauo{y) @pÊawossolg) 3oryqot (o17.t&zuo4{fl (,oru8auotc1l,tt)'y 'stsuapaac{ot(oplawo.rct7,tg)'y 'saptouotsuoc(opûauntnyg) o11ûawylwuostuopo (nrot1fuqruafi(4) 'y 'yauatlcltu (rfirtdolttq1 'v 'onaol @rttdoqau) 'y 'ixomurifs (orotldotltuorop) 'v 'lurtloq (ototlfutltuorwt[w) 'v 'nsuawotloq (onq(otltuocott(w) 'v 'n1\acot1d(stptotoqtlotlruf) '7 'o\ouîts(sapu.rotldotltuy) ototldotltuyeæ peqrrrsap sarcedsr*a1q 'En1y o1tr1{ouag 5o ruduouds € se_flereTro 3 ototl(otlluottzw pue eseug o1\ûawznd lo urduouds e se peceld sr ede1smo4rul41 r1ûaunlog'(8.U prr€ uosrlcrrg olcunnbsasryfÊtry 'sarcadsed/.'t)opÊawouozNe pue (r"tl.iâar1 '(rltrutg 'g .sarcedsedIl) ouaîzqloototl{otltuy 'sercads adÂ1)o1pîawo.tqa7 osou7ru,ao ototl{otltuy '\'1p1a o113autgto17 oqu@ovw ototl{otltuy'serceds ed,K1) opûaunssqg '(esar.rgogoanru ototl(orpuV 'setceds edl't) olrïauto.ol7tg'(1p1g owaptu.t ut ototl{ot1\uy 'sercads ed,l,1)ns{ouowTcv ,(ql, 'serceds srîtt? ed/'1) oytflzutoîa7tg :lv.reu ere ue^âs qcrr{/r^Jo ereueEqns 11 yo'(da1 p.tno{np onQ *V (Z) prr" ('sser3 Dutluow o.rot1{otltuy'sarceds ad/'1) ototl{otlluoco4s{741 olor1(otltuy'sorcedsed1,1)uotlfutltuotop '(1p13 ouztluoflaw otorl(orpuy'sarcedsad^t) ottt7awouitti '({?T!trna Dlqnrmaupûnb 'sercads '(zeæ1 ,sorcads sldv adl't) opt7tw(mg ototldotltuy !îailoay ,(1 onnt sldy addl) uou4sqqtd '(lVlC m.rayo( otmldot\tuy ,serceds ad/,t) oror1fut1tuot1do7 'serceds adf,1)ototldorltuoâf,4;neuâr" ueÂâsSuru,o11og ern grll,rvt5o e,reue8qnstI Jo stsrsuoc ototl{otltuy (1) 'pezru8oce.roru ereueS crleldqdouour orr-1,'pet"rtsnlg sernl"eJ pcl8oloqd.rour luaurued pue Po$q ere sarcadspapnlJur 'peqrrcsep'sr(e1dq paleredes e.reereueEqnspue "reuec 'pef\er^eJ e.rerur.roqdoqtuv aqr4 uelllodoursoc âr{l Jo e.raueEqnspue eraueE eqa JCVtrJSSV 899"' (xapu1sapnleur)rurpodo:qz11 pue rurroqdoçuv eql ur sâureNcgrcedsqng pue egnedg'g xrpueddy ' 'suorleu8rseqorddloaNpue crdi(1o1ce1 '3 xrpueddy gçç ' ' ' 'o,tpon1(oda 'owo{uonou ollt,twyt79ç qy,zwyrrr, ,rr*rli?riHÏ#r#firiiYlT:{i{;irki @po(otosy) (o118auosso1g)ontS*V '.Brç 's?ptorsrpou(o11ûruotn7,r) qÉ*V lgçç 'nsyc (o1ûnao{y) npûcuV i 2gç 'nuqot ontS*V igyç 'nmtpnac(oc (rnt&M*W) oftùnv igçç 'sapouo.$uot (rpûauout7,t) optiltuy @ilAruo{ù ipçç uuosrtopr (otot1{ot17uo3[4)'V l6pç 'uauaqnw @7tt14u7cfl otul{otltuy :gpç 'ogroî (ottttfupg) uotlfurltuy igçç 'oromq(s (ototlflotltuotog) otoEfuqay '.299 'tu1acotltl (seponldotltuy) ototldotltuV i1gç 'o4ottïts (npory| -otltuV) ototldotltuy '.pgç 'nnruot1oq (otot1{otl1uomls(7,t)ototldotltuV i7gç 'tyoqoq (onq(otpuorys(7a) ototltlotltuy .' ' ' rurroqdoqluy;o sarcadg,roN 'I xrpusddy Zgç LZ9"' PellCerruerâll'I '.dqder8oa8org €2E... "sdrqsuorlela1rrrsrpelC l1g"' "'telq- J "'gâlquJ "'z3twJ "'lelqsr .....srsdpuvrpsrp"lC ""'srp?saoyatutrl1zîtwy . ' " ' 1 â r â I f , o 3 r p o { o t o s ys n u a 8 q n g IZç"' 0zç"' 0zç"' 9Iç"' SIg... çIg"' €Iç"' Nrrsl-rnfl scNsrDS svsNvx do ^rrsus^rN.[I sHJ Bffi SysrpvrATrcs AND PHyrocENy oF THE ANtHopHoRrNB BsBs +39 Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, who allowed me to stay in his home and study his fine collection of anthophorine This study provides a classification and bees. I will remember him for his painstaking and proposes a phylogeny for the genera and beautifully illustrated works on bees and for the many warm interesting discussions in his garden. I wish to subgenera of anthophorine bees. The tribe thank Yu. A. Pesenko of the Zoological Institute of worldwide in distribution, Anthophorini, Leningrad for his help in establishing the status of and considered here to include only two Anthophorabactriana Popov and A. pubescenslabronigro genera, Anthophora and Amegilla, is distinLebedev. Mick C. Day of the British Museum (Natural Hisguished from other Anthophorinae by three tory) and Astrid Loken of the Zoological Institute of submarginal cells, the first recurrent vein Blindern, Norway, brought to my attention many overmeeting the posterior margin of submarginal looked details concerning the identity of Apis aceraorum cell 2 near its midpoint, the forewing with Linneaus. simple aJar papillae, the second abcissa of I am grateful to Lorraine Hammer of the Electron Microscope Facility of the University of Kansas for the vein M + Cu of the hind wing subequal in opportunity to use the scanning electron microscope. length to the cu-v crossvein, and the elonI am indebted to the following collectors and mugate, narrow gonostylus (if present) never seum curators who have generously lent material: C.J. flattened and paddle shaped. The Habrovan Achterberg*, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histopodini consisti.g of Deltoptila, Elaphropoda, rie, Leiden, The Netherlands; A. V. Antropov, Zoological Museum of Moscow, U.S.S.R.; P. Arnaud and Habropoda (: EmQhoropsis rr. syn.), HabroW. Pulawski, California Academy of Sciences, San inphorula and Pachymelus, and formerly Francisco; R. Ayala,Instituto de Biologîa, México; C' distinct as are cluded in the Anthophorini, Baroni-urbani*, Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, from the Anthophorini as the Emphorini are Switzerland; G. E. Bohart and F. D. Parker, Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory Utah State Unifrom the Eucerini. .rersity, Logan; G. R. Brown, Biological and Chemical Anthophorine bees are mainly xerophilic ResearchInstitute, Rydalmere, Australia; C. Besuchet, climates. and abundant in Mediterranean Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland; J. Among the North American species over C. Cardale, Australian National Insect Collection, 90% occur in the dty southwest. In the Old cslRo, canberra; H. V. Daly, IJniversity of california, Berkeley; C. Darling (presently at the Royal World, where most anthophorine bees occur, Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada) and W' P' the most speciose area is the Mediterranean Stephen, Oregon State LJniversity, Corvallis; E. Diller, Region. Of the L+ subgenera of Anthophora ZoàlogischeStaatssammlurrg,Munich, West Germany; eight are found in the New World; only one M. Dylewska, ZoologischesInstitut, Polska Akadernia Nauk, Krakow; G. C. Eickwort, cornell university, is restricted to that area. They are scarce in Ithaca, New York; G. R. Else*, British Museum tropical forests but are often found in trop(Natural History), London; M. Fischer*, Naturhisical montane environs. Amegilla is strictly iorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria; S. Frommer and Old World and flies in the summer, while Riverside; Y' J. C. Hall, University of California, -Hirashima, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; the Anthophora is worldwide in distribution and late P. D. Hurd, J.. and R. J. McGinley* (McGinley commonly flies in the sPritg. was formerly of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts),National Museum of NatACKNOWLEDGMENTS ural History Washington, D.C.; A. Jansson, Zoo' logiska Museum, tlniversity of Helsinki, Finland; J. I am sincerelygratefulto CharlesD. Michenerof the University of Kansas,who providedencouragement, Càsevitz Weulersse and the late S. Kelner-Pillault*, guidance,stimulatingdiscussionand aid throughout Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; F. Koch*, Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt-univerand painstakingly read the manuscript. I am also gratefulto GeorgeW. Byersof the university of Kansas sitât, Berlin; J. Kopelke, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt; w. E. LaBerge, Illinois Natural for his aid and thoroughreadingof the manuscriptand Hisiory Survey, Urbana; thç late M. A. Lieftinck*, for his help in translatingRussian. formerly of the Rijksmuseum Museum, Leiden, The Special thanks are extended to George R. Else of the Netherlands; O. Lomholdt* and B. Petersen, Zoologisk British Museum (Natural History) for his help during to Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark; L. Masner and H' his home for opening Museum, my visit to the British Goulet, BiosystematicsResearch Institute, Ottawa, Onme and providing enjoyable field excursions. Also my tario, canada; s.J. Merritt, Texas A&M University, sincere appreciation to Donald B. Baker for his work in (Natural College Station; C. D. Michener and G' W' Byers, the bee collection of the British Museum university of Kansas, Lawrence; R. M. Murillo, colespecies difficult many out sort History) which helped me gio de Postgraduados, Chapingo, México; G' M' as well as discover the identity of some Walker and Nitftiau, Bishop Museum, Flonolulu, Hawaii; J' Nurse types. Thanks and appreciation also go to the late Oehlke, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, EbersMaurits A. Lieftinck, formerly of the Rijksmuseum van INTRODUCTION -13 ruoJJ perpn}s ere/v\sadda 'rurpodorq"H Pu? rurrorldoqluv eql ur sarreds pâqrrssep ar{l Jo %06 re^o ââs 01 elqs uâeq a^?r{ pu? sâI3âdsdrarre eurrrrexâ o] lqtnos e^erl I SCTOHJgIAI '(geO1)qoorg ur punoJ eq IIIÀ\ sla^el rsrceds pu? rrreuâE er{l }3 s}uâudole^ep Jo /v\er^al [?JrJo]sF{v '(geo r 'raueqcr141ees) plle^ âtueroq erueu leqlr] s(rrroqlr{?cl pue eursu IsJrro8etsr rer{EH e roJ snuat ad& eql s? elq"F"^B ra8uo1 ou s?/v\ 1l 'o"toqdoqruvâur?u âql e^JâsuoJ ol (++Ol 'turururâH) NZDI eql dq pessord -dns se/v\snlrllDpl1a)vo 'lulroqdoçuv eglrl sFI ur Dt\rld\qruv ur lrloqlrlsc çgBI Per"ld 'snyllDpLd snua8 aq] uo peffiq llrllspod dnor8 eq] pasodord (nZOgl) o[rar]"7 '(tAOt 'reueqcllN) DnqdoqîuvJo urduoul's rorunf e se pepffEor /v\oun DntSaWerusu eqJ '(aeprdV) ptqurofl eq] puu '(auprrorldoqluv) rurror{doq}uv pu€ rwpodorqeH 'rursdoleruoxg '(azprtlllel\tr) esurltllatrAt'(aeprlrll"H) esurnuoN Pu? asurl -rlleH '(auprle[oC) eeuroetdH er{} ur eq o} ezrutoceJrvroue/v\ler{f serJodspepnlJur dlpu -rtr-ro r{olrlm [çOgl] Dnzflarysnue8 e petueu snrrrrqsd l'1ue3 pu€ dgrueJqns 'rql4 eql roJ snuat eddl âql erusceqDroqdoq?uv'slu"ld ur pardnf,Joerd sem rallel eql ler{t punor8 eql uo sn!4lDpodro| luarueceldar 3 s3 (sogl) Dnqdnqtuvpesodordemertef 'NZCD ernlelo -ueuoN T€Jr8olooz uo uorssiluuloc puou 'sqdertered luanb -esqns aql uI pepnlcul ere rurpodo-rq?H eqr eroJeraqJ 'eglrt al8urs e s? ursr{} pepæter Jo ureq] PesnJuos Jer{}re e^eq sroq}n? lsoru 'rurroqdoçuy puz rurpodorq"H Jo d1rre1 -lIIIls arp Jo esn"Jâg 'erer{ dgarrq peuor}uaru dpo sr pue uortdursep sll rlllm pale -r3oss? sr snue8qns pue snue8 qJse Jo Ârol -sII Jrlsruelsds er{J 'uorlsJsrssslJ pu? exet csrJadserdns ar{l Jo }uâruqsrlqetsa ur sde}s rol -?tu r{11,v\dpo sleap /v\ar^âr EurrurolloJ âr{J MgIAgU TVCIUOJSIH 'ldrrcsnuenr aqr Jo uorleredard puu ewp go srsdleueeq] w âlqenle^ul per.ord rIJIr{À\ ra}urrd ras?[ " Jo asn roJ uoslrM rrrll pu" aJe^ÀpJBrI ralndtuoJ âruos Jo ueol ern JoJ "cesuod pl^eq gl pelqepur rue I 'serueu crraua8qns /v\eu eql Jo uorleu.y'roJeql tunlceqJ roJ 'sesueltr3o dlrsra^lun 'lueul -pedaq scrssel3 'sdlruqd ra^rlo anp er" sTuer{t oslv 'g KpueddV 3o turlrpa egt Jo oruos roJ pue ldrrcsnuenr âqr Jo tsoru Jo Eurddr lradxa req roJ re^eâM e11aof ol pepuelxe are $[u€ql prcedg 'ldrrcsnu€rrr eq]Jo uor]"J -eda"rd1eu1;aql pu€ 'sesuey go dlrsre^lun eqt t" suerur -cads Jo uorleredard pue Eurlquass" eq] 'suorln]rlsur snorre^ le suorlJâlloc Jo dpnls Âur peJu"ug rIJIr{,tr (role8rlse^ur pdrcurrd 'rauaqcrni 'C 'C) +ZIgI-UBflgO Pue tz,zzt-z8ggcl slu"rc uorlsPunod esualrs Isuor]?N ar{t Jo }roddns l"rrueug aqr e8pal/v\ouTced1p;a1ert 1 srunesnrurreql pelrsr^ I e[qr\ serseunot ^Jfrïiï:t:: s>lsrJelserlllÀ\ peTJsur esoql ,(FtI 'urrnl 'ecrleruel -sls er8o1oo7 Ip otnlrtsl pa oosntrAl'ourunT 'I{ pue leruenldsuued 'q8rnqstlr4 'drolsrH FrnrBN Jo runasntrAl '3 leurqC 'tulliag 'ecrurs ertuâp artaurep '8unoa .1111 -EJV 'tl8o1oo7 Jo elnlrlsul 'nr-uea n1,4 lecrr;y r{}nog 'urvro; ade3 'urnesn141uerrr;V 'peaqelrq1,4 'g {lnog 'trnqurzg 'tunasntr41seqcsr8opoz 1 idueuueC lsâM pun ]ntrlsursts"ts saqcsrtopoz 'rauprepl '11 lueur[nd 'raurn; 't .1l1 iaIIqC ',fursrelrun âlels uol8urqw6 'osreredlen ap "Jrlols3 peprsre^lun 'erto1oo7 ep orroteJoqeT 'oro; '11 lsvreq 'eruro;lpC Jo drlsra^Fn 'droq; .1'4 'U lagrrrsaureg 'drlsnpul tue14 Jo uors -1rrlq 'spodorqrrv uorlce[oD e]e]S eprrold 'a8uelg Jo 'V 'T ieruro;rp3 'urnasn141 d1uno3 sela8uy soT 'erEroag 'tllgrs 'Eurlaug 'U 'U isuaqly 3o dlrsra^lun 'T 'C lecrr;y t{rnog 'erro1ar6 'urnasn141 ["e^suera 'elqocg 'f 'ft lerrlsny 'ueplagsuy 'zrer*qcg '141i>1ron ,vteN cdrolsrH ["JnlBN Jo tunâsntrAlu"oIJâruV 'nearleg 'tr\[ pue 'rf 'uezo11 'C 'f lsarry soueng ',,ernepenrg ourpreurefl,, so[eJn]zN s"rJualC op oullue8ry oesntrAl 'uueurqceg 'O 'V pu€ eursly-Ero11 'V llncrtcauuoC 'uale11 /r\eN ' â1e 'tunasntr41dpoqea4 'uol -5urrua11'T 'C :d1zll 'eouag 'alernlelq errots rp orr^rC oesntrAl'*rEEo4 'lI iper8urual 'etnttlsul pcrtopoz 'xnolqurag 'telg,l ep sanbruro 'o1uesa4 'V À lrunr8leg -uor8y saruarcs sap allnreg 'Âped 'V ilsadepng 'tunes 'dde4 'f lpuepug -ntrAl Â"ro1sr11 FrnlBN uerre8unll 'dlrsrartrun pJoJxO 'suortce11o3 pcr8olour 'pro;xg -otug ado11 '*a1oo;,9 'C ldueurrag ]seg 'eppar til'igl'ïËî'il'?:;:;ii:: ;;iî':Hl' 'snuet eurror{doqtue trsr5 eql paqrrJsap allrerlsf '(ç LLI) snrcrrqe.{sadlpd'FZr{tlÀ\pue snrJrrqsdJo ranroanzv'v oqt qll/v\ JsrJedsuor sr r{rlr{rvr '(Zttù wll€d sa{nun1dsldv s€/v\ peqrJf,sepsercadseurrorldoqlue eurnuet puo -Jes eqJ '('rl* 's Dr\qd\qîuv repun sruazauTc ees :gt1t 'ue>1o1:OtOt drq) eeq elqurnq 3 S?/v\dlqUqOtd un.toor?en'v rcT+ peJa^oJslp ll sz/v\ 'rarrarvroq'r(puacar []un ]oN 'G t tt) snrJrrq"d Lq pesrlueprsnu Euraq reus eâq eurJor{doqlue u3 aq 01 sJeTJo/v\ }uenbesqns dq rqtnoqt se/û pue gnLI ur pauorluetu sldv PaqrrrsâP osF 1sr5 er{ qcnl/v\ 'utntoataz7 sgv w 3eq arl Tro/v\âru?seql uI '(gçr 1) nsryat, aurrorldoqlue lsrs aql Paqrrf,sâpsn"auurT NrrsT-rnfl scNsrDS svsNvx do Àrrsus^rN.o sHJ 0r+ SYsrBuATIcs AND PHvrocENY most all major collections as well as determined and undetermined material in these collections so that as many sPecies as possible could be placed in their appropriate groups. I have attempted to make known the unusual as well as common attributes of anthophorine species so as to facilitate future revisionary studies of the various groups at the specific level. All structures which could be studied flattened, such as sterna, were placed on slides in glycerine for illustrative purposes. Larger structures such as the genital capsule and mouthparts were dissected and studied in either alcohol or glycerine. Terminalia and mouthparts were cleared overnight at room temperature in about l0% KOH and then transferred to one or two changes of water for several hours (sometimes acidulated water), finally to glycerine for study and long-term preservation. Preparation of specimens for scanning electron microscopy entailed initial relaxing in a humidifier for one to two days. Parts were taken from the specimens and ultrasonicated in three warm baths (five minutes each): the first, water with a detergent; then 70% alcohol; and finally, xylene. The structures, if relatively hairless, were allowed to air dty; if hairy they were dried with air blown through a piece of surgical tubing attached to a micropipette. The specimens were then mounted with glue (casein) on stubs coated with Tubekote@ so as to give a uniform black background. Specimens were coated with 200 A of gold-palladium and scanned with 15 Kv (200 spot size), using a Phillips 501 scanning electron microscope. Morphological terminology follows for the most part Michener (1944) and for mouthparts, it certain cases,Winston (1979). New terms for structures are explained in the section on CharactersEmployed. The proboscis is regarded as projecting downward from the head. Thus the anterior surface of the mentum is the surface that would be called dorsal if the proboscis were considered to project forward. To save space the metasomal segments are abbreviated S for sternum and T for tergum. Therefore sternum 6 is termed 36 and tergum 6 is T6, etc. Almost all Anthophorini have bidentate mandibles and OF THE ANTHOPHORINN BBBS ++l apically simple labra, thus only exceptions to these are listed. All caPitalized colors are from Ridgway (1912) excePt dark browns and other nonspecific generalrzed terms (..S., dark brown, ferruginous, amber.) All characters of surface sculpture are described using the system of Harris (1979) and were examined under fiber-optic illumination diffused by frosted drafting film to eliminate reflections. Illustrations of terminalia and mouthparts were drawn from cleared material using a drawing tube. On shaded drawings the light was positioned so as to strike the subject from the upper left. For figures of the uPper (anterior) views of maxillae, the whole maxilla was slightly flattened under a coverslip. The orientation of the lacinia and penis are not standardized and thus their shapes are not meaningful. Comments on distributions were prepared from data taken from specimens and almost always not from the literature' because there are many misidentifications in the latter. The generic and subgeneric descriptions take into account all characters described in the CharactersEmployed section and follow the same lettering system to facilitate comparisons. That is, the characters of the genera are directly comparable, and the characters of the subgenera within a genus are comparable, but not the characters of subgenera of different genera. Major as well as minor trends of variation are noted in the descriptions. When one or a small group of species differed from the majority in a character, the differences and species involved are indicated in parentheses. Structures which are described without indication of sex pertain to both sexes. Genital capsules were drawn with left and right sides illustrating the dorsal and ventral surfaces respectively. Dashed lines represent hidden internal structures, while dotted lines indicate ridges or denote areas of dark sclerotization. Dot matrices represent the penis and other membranes of the genital capsule. Typ. depositories of new species described in Appendix 1 are indicated within brackets, accorditg to the following list: [Ansfelden], Austria, Collection of M. Schwarz; [Berkel"yl, flniversity of California; [Budapest], ratu"qrorlpll tr'tt'"xorprtr{'Eb'eare paddlcerdng 'Zl'eere r"lnro"r"d .ll .eere 1zuâC .0t 'retu?rportarot '69 '"xof,arot 'g€ 'urnâpodord .49 .uorneldord .gg .ârnlns prnald yo eere pur3re141 .26 .srld p.rne1de1e141 -osâtrt 'çg ' lereurrdeodr(g .19 .urntuelsrdesel4l '66 .urnue1srda1u1osa141 '19 'urnurelsrderelrrl '0€ 'apuegr '67 'ape-rrds pepodor4 pepodo.r4 'gZ 'ârnlns relncz.rrdg '/Z 'âr$nq '92'eere 'gz '?ssoJ .tz .unlerncs .gz .srnlns æIIIxv r"IFxv [33]ou"leulllsu"rJ, lelou"lâIll l"ret"losroc '67 'ssacord 'IZ .urnlmsJo .02 .eqorrs '6[ .âJntns pqorrs eltue praleloreruv puralsrdg l"rat"Ioraluv 'BI 'ornlns '41 'epe.rrdsosel '9I '"mxv 'çI 'lsârJ .tI .arntns puralsrda-e.r4 r?ll3lncs tr l"lnrssrrerl '€I 'ârnlns p.rna1de1sy41'ZI 'âqol ptouord 'II '"urr?r rzp-e.rdng '0t 'lld r?I"qns '6 'ssaoo.rd Sura,r, prna14 'g 'aperrdselalN '/ 'eurerlgâd 'g 'uorârurdesey4l'g '"l1x"ârd '7 'ssecord8ur,u ptoueleur JolJeluv 'g '"gre Jsl"qns 'Z 'uor]€lnorge rzp5a; 'l 'r$er^eprs e1a1durog'g 'pa,roura:8url{ qlr^,i,xerorll .V .I .CId Jo sprrrp-omt "reddn ipapruo rr?q qlr/rÀalevt nutolu1uat (o1Vîauoto4)orotl{oquy 1o ^ âr^ âprs eJe/v\ sJalJsJsr{J dnOr8 â^rl3urtsp eql Jo tsoru dlaleunuoJun lnq srelJ?r?rlf, Furalxs pe^rasqo dFsea puu ol pâldulell" e^"q I 'srsdl?us requnJ ol epnlâJd l"rluesse u3 sr ,rerralroq 'saszq crlaueqd d11oqm ro dletrel uo ew,t e[q?rr?^ul ssel Jo uonrutoJelrsrol3"r?rlJ Jo a"Ioru eqt Jo srs?q eql uo pezrutosoJ eJ? e:xP-loql oJurs ssaJord repJrrc 3 sl sF{l ssrnoc '")€l ureuâc }s"o[ le ur elqsrrs^ul ssel JO JO eJoru eJe/v\pu? erel oqt tuo(u? sâJueJesrp elarJsrp pa/v\oqs r"ql âsoql pelJelas I ,sral -c?r?rlr elqrssod;o requnu tsert eql urord CIgÀOTdIAIg S'USJ CVUVH C 'rurJorldoqtuy Jo suorlsurquoJ /v\eu sursluoJ lxe] er{J '(rxar eqt ur ol perreJal sr âru?u lsqr areqM sreqrunu atud ro Jeq(unu ated eql sr aJsJ ploq pu? seseqluaæd urqlr/v\ erusu qJsa repun drlua ls"l eqt) xepw u3 pu? 'sura1 -qoJd ur"ueJ FJnlelJuâruou Jo uortsJgrJ"[J '(rurracng âqt ul /v\eJe) aqt ur IupodorqeH suorlsurquoJ ^tâu'sartuduouds'slueulutrs -s? orJouet luesard turlecrpq sârueu dnort -serf,ods Jo lsll s sr g xrpuâddv pr" suorteu -trsep crd&oau pue crddlolrel sr xlpueddy Z 'xal aql Jo dpoq eql ur ol perreJâr serreds /v\eu Jo suorldrJcsep sur?luo3 I xrpueddv 'srsd1eue eqf ur pesn se/v\ elels snoqdJoru -orseld eql ses33 qcns uI '+ pu? 7, selqBJ uI d se u/v\ol{s sI 1l uoxBl e wg}Il\{ }u?}s -uoJ lou sr JelJsJsrIJ e ueqM 'srusJtopsl3 eql trJnrtsuoJ ol pesn 313p er{} urstuoc t pu? 'suorsrsop dur roJ suosseJ tsa88ns z solqsJ ol luerrgns sr ]nq poter^erqq" dpuenbar; sr uorssnrslçl'(uor1cârlp dreuorlnlo^e) drlrelod Jo stueru8pnf dur roJ ses?q oql pu" selq"rrs^ eql Jo srâtf,?r?rlJ Jo uortnqrrlsrp aw uo selou epnlrul g pu" I salqsJ 'rurror{doqtuy eqrrl aq] Jo sâeq ol sJeJeJ ((seâq âurJor{doq}ue,, uorsserdxa eW dpnls sFIl uI 'eeurroqdoqtuy er{l Jo tser âr{1 pu? rurpodorq"H eql âro/v\ rurroqdoqluy âr{}roJ sdnorttno er{J '(çgOt) s)loorfl pu? turlaus dq pe/v\olloJreql s3 oru?s eqt sr 'duonrrsr"d uo pes"q 'd8olopoqtâu aq; '(tgOl 'progorvrs)anVa tusr8ord ralnd -ruor erll dq pâpl" s?/v\srsdpue Jrtsrp"lc (ro1sr11 FrnleN '[uo1tuft{s3M] iurnas Jo tunesntrAl[?uor]?N -ntrAI ser{rsrrotsrrlrn}"N'[euual1] !danrng '[euzqrnl lecrteuat Âro1sr11 l"rnteN srowfiI -sls ertolooZ lp olntr5l pe oesntrAI'[upna] !secuarrsJo durepef,V"ruroJlle3 '[ocsrruerd ueSJ leruro;lle3 Jo dlrsrarrlun '[aprsro^lU] ldtrsrarrlun ât"ls uotturqffiM'[ueurlpd] lurnasntr4lIe"^suer;'[errolardl !runasn141 srI"rlsnv uralseM '[qrre4] ialarn]"N errot -slH(p IsuolrsN unesntr [ '[srre4] larnrJ]su1 r{ræasâlr srr}"rue}sdsorg '[er*epg] lÂtrs -ra^rull elsls /v\orsotr 'rânesntrN [ I?JIaopo7 '[r*ocso141]!d1uno3 saletuv soT Jo runes -ntrAldrorslH prnreN '[salaEuv soT] :(drol -slH prnre51) runosntrAlrlsrlrrg '[uopuoT] ldlrsre,rlun otzts r{B}n.'droteroquT sJrteruat -sds pue dtolorg eefl '[ueto1] :'g'S'S'n ârll Jo seruârrs Jo durapef,V (etntltsul pcrEol -ooz'[pertrueT] larrolsrll a>1[i1rnnt"N uB^ runasnursTlig '[uepralJ lsesuey ;o dtrsren -1un 'urnasntr\llerltoloulolug /v\ous '[acuar -,,v\eTJiaprnleS srrols Ip oJr^rc oesntrAl '[eouag] :ellernteN arrotsrH(p unesntr I '[enauag] l8reque{rues tnlrlsustunqcs -rod 'lrrry>1uerd] l1n1r1su1 saqcsrtoloru -olug saqcslnaq'lrpp^sraqg] leruro;lleC '[sy'eq] :unesntrAI Jo dlrsrarrlun 1sr8o1 -ooz'[ua8equado3] :'O'U'I'S'C'"lpr] -snv '[errequuC] ir{8opo7 â^r}"reduro3 '[a8prrqûr"C] : ((zl^Bpe^l1{ Jo tunesntrAl oulPJsuJeg,, seFrnlsN ssrJuarc ep oull -uatry oesntrAl'[serry souenfl] iletrsra^rull -lploqurnH 'apun>1rnleNrnJ tunâsntrAl'[tll -refl] lnrnasnl4l drotslH l"rntsN u"rre8unH Nrrsl'rng scNsrcs svsNvx .{o Àrrsus^rNn sHJ zw SysreprATrcs AND PHvrocENy oF THE ANrsopHoRINn Bnes found in the male termin alia and mouthparts, therefore requiritg dissections. Anthophorine females have proven difficult to separate and to place in groups; for the most part, the subgeneric groups of Anthophorini are based on characters of males. The sting ++3 apparatus was remarkably consistent among the taxa and not found useful for placing females in groups. The mouthparts and genitalia were dissected for almost all described species as well as many undescribed ones. The measurements reflect the variation CUBITAL(1St r.M) lst TRANVERSE ALAR PAPILLAE 3rd SUBMARGINAL (2nd Rs) MARGINAL (2Nd R1) 2nd SUBMARGINAL (lst Rs) CUBTTAL(2nd r-m) 2nd TRANSVERSE VEIN(2Nd M.CU) 2nd RECURRENT lst RECURRENT VEIN(1st m-cu) (2nd MEDIAL) 2nd DISCOIDAL (1st R1) 1st SUBMARGINAL PRESTIGMA BASAL VEIN (M) 1st DISCOIDAL (1st MEDIAQ \s FOREWING MEDIAL COSTAL cu-v (1st SUBMEDIAL CUBI HINDWING (2Nd CUBITAU SUBDISCOIDAL TEGI.JLA HAMULI PARAPSIDAL LINE OCELLUS SCUTUM FLAGELLUM PEDICEL M"Cu (2nd ABCISSA) VANNALLOBE SCUTELLUM SUBANTENNAL SUTURE ANTERIOR TENTORIALP|Tq JU94g-- EPISTOMAL CLYPEUS COMPOUND EYE LABRUM MALAR MANDIBLE PREMENTUM FOREFEMUR HIND COXA COXAL CORIUM FORETIBIA HIND TROCHANTER Sugpt-Eunnt SIGNUM / MESOCOXAL CARINA PRECOXALSUTURE HIND TIBIAL SPURS MIDTIBIAL SPUR upinnsus TOOTH BASITARSAL AROLIUM cLAW-=- AXILLARSUTURE PRoPoDEUM relno '3o1pr;41'H 'Â\er^lesrop 'euroselou âIpurJo xady '9 'paunuJâlâp sem eoudsr"IeurJo ^oq çBua1 Eur,uoqs 'eare relnqtpueur ælntrO 'g 'pernseeur se ^ orl?r qtp1,u er(eTecue.raqnlord peddlr,u,oq Sur,uoqs 't\ar^ ePrs 'PuâH 'g 'Â\âI^ 'epsdec 'q 'or1er .ezrJe,r qlpv*7qfua1go u,v\oqs luaure.rnszatu I"sJop lprruoC sluâ.{_Joxedu;o ,u,arrtlecrdeosroq '3 'arerrrleJlue^ 'gg 'g 'pa,rnsearuaJer\ eurepode pue csrp;o çgua1 aa,ogSurnoqs îlar,r 1er1ue,r'/s 'v 'apro sruuo{u\uat(q1pruotoj 'y ,t ,g.:afe:uguqryon (otortdorttuose) ototldotltuy'H 'C 'C-V 'C pue g ur pâllruo rr"H .sluâruerns"âru prrc sur.ratpjr8oloqdrol4l :Z .Cig 'aeles sreâq sder*1e 'saqol ea-rr{} o} euo qtl^À lI pegrpour dlsnorre^ pue pazrtorelrs dpneaq sr eleru ern Jo aqtxocouoïaW{0 xa{o aql (t) '(qçZ 'tld cslp eql sB aueld eru?s eql ur ssel ro erour 'palcarlp dlrorralue pue Euol sr urnlncrds eql o,toq(oqruV '$ry2 'ttg) peloerrp dlpsrop Jo snueFqns auo uI dllensn ']uasard s^(er'r1esr.wnlnetds aqJ '(qZ 'ttg) suorlezrloJalJs l"urpnlrtuol s? [erv\ sB 'uo4tafo"t{ pnpl eqt pue uoqcafol( uotpauqns aqt'seqo1 o/vu eq deur ererll reuroJ lsJelelocrde eql uo saturlatuos 'peorq /v\orreu dlpcrde sr eletu Jo SS (T) '@Z ot 'Elg) uoztvztîzralts 'rrll paueTffp lputpnryEuo1 aql e 'dgeurpnlr8uol Euruunr pue 'uotgozlloralestolnelxt aql 'eere paznorelcs dpqtgl e eq denr erer{} seqol eql o] Ierpotu laqoypsrnp B ll ot lerurxor d pue aqol 'pagrporu Ioquaa e â^BrI UBJ ur8reur l"relel eql dlsnorre^ sl runurels eq] go xade erIJ 'e3 ernSrg ur u/v\oqs sr cslp arll Jo r{}tue1 aql o} aruapode aql Jo {rtua1 ar{r Jo or}Br aql Eurpug Jo porneur eql 'seurapode Euol seq l,lpnsn elstu Io /S (l) 'sa8prr 'secueraqnlord (q se qcns pus suorsserdap sder* snorre^ ul peglporu sr eceJrns Frlue^ aql 'sesseoord pcrde padolarrep [e/v\ o^erl saruapode stl 'rrerl asorunld çynl dlasreds pareAoc dlpraua8 'ntT '.tlg) eleur8rsrue dllerparuoc pue (lgl Tgl -lde dllensn sr eleru Jo gS (t) 'eruosetetr\tr 'selsru eql w luasard uerl/v\ rlet{ Jo pro^ap pu€ pauaqtnor 'geurs are daq; 'seeq aurroqdoqlu€ âl€ru dueur pue sapural IIB ul ]ueserd ete sapld plqltlsaq eq;(q) 'ttour q 'lser eql ol ls€rluor ul 'âsoutnld lnq 's8lg) eraua8qns eruos q 'edocs Flqlt GZZ'egI eq] Jo lsar eql âTrl 'aldnrrs ete Drlq(otltuy Jo €rqll puFI eq] Jo urtreru rotrelsod eql uo srletl eql 'xade o] oseq slr ruory slql} pu5{ eq} Jo ver r€ar pe/v\orr?u oql \ D!q! pulq aw {o utïnw nt"ta\so{ eql 'BIql] pult{ eq} Jo areJrns re}no eq} uo srlel{ aldurs 'suol} Jo slsrsuoc seletueJ 1o o{ocs lelql} pug eql -rsod snorJBA ur aurds eql uo pouesul turaq rnds ereJrns rolrelue sll IBIqp ralno eq]'("It'El$ uo eurds lecrde uB s€I{ D?q! pulq eql dlpuolsecco '(oOZ 'fgz 'stt.{) ereJrns rorretue eql uo tuasord sr t{}oot lecrde o} I"sBq e serurletuos }nq 'pag1pour -un dlpnsn sr seletu Jo snsrntxsoq pullt eql (t) 'qsnrq lnsrotqsxppua eql $ snsrelllsrp eqlJo surEreru leratel âqt uo rletl Tcelq ;o etuuJ ro ,,uEJ,, egl 'V-l sereruosr"] Jo seJeJrns rorralsod eq] uo rpq TrBp o1 epd 3o e8urrJ esool Euol e ffi rlsntq losrntptw 'snsrelrs€q eql eql Jo acBJJns pcrde rorrelu€ Nrrsranfl eq] uo ecuerseqndTc€lq uorls Jo r{r}Bd esuape sr qsuq f)s.tDtxsDqpîu aql '@Zt 'ttg) s8elprurrrer{}uo Jrer{Jo ( (ser{snrg,,ro sa8ulr; }ueJseqndJo spurT eerr{} e^eq o.rot1doqîuv eleluuetuos G-p) 'xeror{J 'qtool ]BrI] e^€q ('dru outo{uozuou 'V n1lpatuV ge ldacxa) ]sorrrl€ pue 'opûauf,sog papry snuatqns Jo sarcedsv'(1.Z,Z,'ttg) eql lnq 'prlql IBSBqar{} uo r{}oo} rorre}ue u3 }no -r{}l^Àalduns sr runlueur oq} o"rot1dotltuv fie }sourle q '(pçZ 'tzf 'rtt.l) ârrlue lgecrde ro (qg3 'tlg) seqol pcrde uor{s snorerrrnu q}r/v\etetuolo eroru turaq 'crlsou8erp sr run11eqegeq] Jo adeqs eq] 'rerorrorT 'ototldoqruV ereua8qns eruos uI 'ototldo Jo -tttuv lsoru pue opflauV IIe lsourle ul (qgt 'EtU) seqol pcrde ary1-ra8ugEuol sur{ ury1aqo{lessolt :*:,","i:i#liî:lill,u:Tîyi""r:l$# roJ poqleur aqJ 'tuo1 se epuv\ s€ eJr/vu se qJnru s€ sarurleruos '(rgz 'rIçZ 'stlg) pa8uolord uaryo (Je^e/v\or{'spedq}noru sr eceds r€leru eql Euol pue sneddlc luereqnlord dl8uorls e r{}r/v\saeq u1 '8uo1 s3 apr/v\ se serurl eJoru Jo e^g ol JnoJ 'sr teqr '(Jz 'Etg) reewl sr dleuuou aco(s npza eql (c) 'qrool 'o.rot1do lecrdeqns B seq s(e/v\le tsourl€ alqryuou ar{I -qruV âFureJ ur erer ere tnq 'oyfauV Jo saleureJ pue eeurror{doqtuy eleru ur lueserd sdervtlelsourle ete sfiulq"low pSco{ Inruawnîa1uy el€d (d '(qt 'Et.f) reqla8ol eerr{} o} o/vu }xeu aql dpo qt8ual ur tur -1enba 'areurolla8eg lsrs uor{s € e^eq eraue8qns regro '@t 'ttg) sereruollaEeg eroru ro e^g ol rnoJ ]xau oq] qttual w spnbe qolqrv\ araruolletug lsrg Euol e Aq,pezrrelcer€qo ere ereuatqns etuos 'seleureJ aleredas 01 lnJesn l,gercedsa sr seJeru -ogateg turpaaccns eq] ol e^rlsler f anwopa&o{ p tlrEual eql 'sewlprru rreql Euole /v\ar^ lerelel ruo{ parns€eru ere/v\ sererrrolateg eql (n) 'p?eH 'suorldrrssep pu? sde>1ur Pesn d8olourrurel eql urzldxa ot se^res tsll sFII '/v\oleq Pâlsll sralr€r?qr Jo sdnort Pâranel eql uo poseq sr uorlJâs lxâu âql ur palueserd DnqdlqruVJo uorlerglss€lr clreuetqns eqJ 'tu"lsuoJ elrnb are sJelJ"J"r{3 eseql fellf s/v\ol{s elqells^? eJe/v\ se snuatqns qJee Jo serJads dueur ffi Jo pu" serJeds uoru -rrror /v\al e Jo spnpl^Ipq Jo su"dqlnour Pu? srl"lrue8 Jo dpnls eql 'ssalaqleuoN 'pelres -slp se/v\ serJeds r{f,?a Jo uerurseds elturs v dpo uago lnq 'uox?l e Jo serceds IIe ul punoJ scNsros svsNv) do Àrrsus^rNo. sHJ wn I I I ? I I SvsrnprATrcs AND PuvrocpNy oF THE ANruopHoRINe Bres SCLEROTIZATION CIRCULAR 445 LATERALPROJECTION PROJECTION SUBMEDIAN VENTRALLOBE DORSALLOBE S CLEROTIZATION LONGITUDINAL APODEME SPICULUM GONOSTYLUS-------------... PENISVALVEAPEX PENISVALVE PENIS VALVEBRIDGE PENISVALVEAPODEME GONOCOXITE GONOBASE EYE WIDTH MALARSPACE EYE CLYPEUS MANDIBLE PROTUBERANCE CLYPEAL PROTUBERANCE PYGIDIAL PLATE GRADULAR PROCESS G MIDDISTITARSALBRUSH esounf,€r-âsornsnr qrr^{ uor'e'I€rrero pue(suunrdrn'::1Li::Tt'J-iiiliiiii''^ï,î:J'J;Tlt"1H: 'a1evs,o\o1ntoul1q (o11t1{oyag)'v 'ç1'c'eruloeJeorf,nu sarnlcund uââM}aq puno:s dlerpatu alulnorlcund orur Surpe:s d1pre1e1Surrnldlncs alelcund Surr*oqs (go ue{orq srrzq qlr,u) pr",1 jo *"1r.i ,ep-a; n717saa (o1tt1(ottrfl 'V 'g 'Surrn1d1nrs et€loâreorrrru qlrm snaddlc 'âFureJ nyatur (o.roq{ot1tuocws(y7) otoq(oq\uy'y 'sn11aro u"rpeu: o 'aurl leluo:; - g 'ztasorcrtu: rur 'zlesorceru= eru :C pue g ,rr ur* i. 'c prre ur ru.'' yg' luasa"rde.râurl a["rs 'saaq aur:oqdor{lu' ur punoy dluoururoc surrnldpcg .€ .cld v :.,,-,,){*.,",,..'ù--... ',ft'', #,,X ,{1pns61 @) 'çJ uo dlarer pue 9J uo luaserd aq '(tOg '3t.{) âtnc" or (t7 osl€ leur ssaco"r( ^ro1npo,rî V '8tg) lunlq'aq uec qclqÀ\ 'ssacord r€lnper8 e olur l,1pra1z1 pe8uolord sl IJ eletu eqt Jo snlnper8 aql l.lpuorserro '(lgl 'tlg) areld prprtdd e sTrel pu€ qleâl uerporuqns o^w\lsreeq LL Jo xede aql uâuo s€ lsnf 'ruasard ueuo sr (32 'tlg) alofl plp\E@ âleru er{J (d) '}uasqe }sotu1e ror{}oue ur pue 'a1nJe ,{1pszq sr a8prrq aq} 'ranervroq 'n"toq{ot1îuV 'aleurEreurâ l.lpseq dlpnsn Jo snuaEqns euo uI sl (pz '8tg ur u/v\or{s luoruernsseru s4) anp\rq aalDa s1ua( eqJ (o) '(tZ 'Etg) xade â^1e^ sruad er{} Jo eseq âql ]e Eurrnseaur 'qlEuel or{t o1 al8ue aa.r8ap 06 v te ueTet sr qtple\ eqt pue urtreur râuur eqt Euop pernsearu sr çEua1 eql 'llpsropocrde xade eq] Eurrvrar4 'âJeJJns l€sJop sll uo ezlâs â]nurru sJ€eq sder*p pue']sarc pcrde ue qllm re^âu 'pepunor Lpua8 s1 xa(o azlao s1ua{ aql (u) 'snldlsouo8 eril Jo r{tpp\ pue qltual âq} ernsuoru ']sol sr ro ralslle I rurorl salertsuourap pZ arnErg e ol paf,nper sr tl serurleruos 'pazrloralrs dpqtrls Âpo sl.ervtp lsorul€ pue âsolas sderv'p sr qclq^/' snl(Tsouoï ercSuola dlpnsn '^norreu 'el8urs u l.po sreeq alrxorouo8 r{reg (-) 'seuo âsounld l.11ensn NIIs-rTnfl scNsrcs svsNvx .{o ^rrsus^rNn sHJ 9tn SysrnvATrcs AND PHvrocENy the first recurrent uein of the forewing joins submarginal cell 2 at or slightly distal to the midpoint on the posterior margin of the cell. It is never interstitial with the firqt transverse cubital vein (Fig. 4u).(r) The sting is 2-3 times longer than the gonostylus. Bo$t length is measured in dorsal aspect from oF THE ANrsopHoRrNe 4+7 BBes the apex of the clypeus to the apex of the metasoma; it is 6-2+ mm. TRIBE ANTHOPHORINI PodaliriiLatreille,l902a,p. 377. DAHLBOM Anthophor i ni D ahl bom , 1835, p. 5. Megillina Thomson, 1869, p.7. A B c D F G H F I G . 4 . F o r e ( A , C , E , G) and hind wings (8, D, F, H) of anthophorine and habropodine bees. A, B, plumipes.C, D, Habropoda tarsata. E, F, H. tristissima. G, H, Pachltmelusconspicuus. Anthophora +48 THn IJNrvBRsrry or KaNSAS ScrnNcs BurrETrN Diagnosis.Bees of small to large size, differing from Habropodini as follows: first recurrent vein joining posterior margin of submarginal cell 2 near midpoint, never interstitial with vein between submarginal cells 2 and 3 (Fig. 4u); anterior and posterior margins of submarginal cell 3 more nearly equal in length; marginal cell short, shorter than combined lengths of submarginal cells along their posterior margins (FiS. 4u); spatha absent; gonostylus of male never paddle shaped, one gonostylus per gonocoxite; apex of 57 of male never pointed but entire to emarginate; 56 of male not strongly convex medioapically; scopal hair simple except on posterior margin of hind tibia usually plumose (Figs. 10ac), sometimessimple (FiS. 10d-e). Description.a. Body length 6.0-2+.0 mm. b. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to combined lengths of next 2.0-5.5 flagellomeres;of male, to next 1.0-4.2 fl,agellomeres. c. Face of male almost always with white to yellow integumental markings, rarely all black; face of female with or without white to yellow integumental marking; mandible almost always with subapical tooth; clypeus protuberant to relatively flat, profile projecting 0.3-1.2 width of eye; labrum usually apically simple, margin thickened; maxillary palpus usuully with six segments, sometimes five or four; labial palpus almost always with four segments, sometimes three or two; mentum usually without a pair of teeth on anterior basal third, length 0.5-0.9 length of prementum; paraglossal length equal to 0.5-1.2 length of stipes; lorum almost always Y-shaped. d. Malar space of male and female 1.0- 16.0 times wider than long. e. Midtibia of male sometimeswith various brushes of hair (Figs. l2c, 13j, l8k). f. Hind basitarsusof male sometimes with tooth, ridge, and/or swollen; hind tibia of female with simple scopalhairs, though usually with a narrow posterior longitudinal zone of plumose hair. g. Arolia present except in Amegilla.h. Basitibial plate of male present to absent. i. 56 of male generally flat except for lateral margin, medioapically emarginate to entire, rarely produced, disc variously modified with depressions,protuberances, or ridges; 54 and 5 of male usually normal, rarely modified. j. 57 of male with disc apically emarginate to bluntly produced, laterally simple or with one to two lobes,length of apodeme0.2+-I.75length of disc. k. SB of male apically narrow to broad, with two small submedian lobes whose length is at most one-fifth length of disc. l. Apex of gonocoxite of male variously modified, simple, bilobed or trilobed. m. Gonostylus of male elongate and narrow to greatly reduced to absent, never flattened and leaf-like. n. Penis valve apex is slender and long to wide and short; sometimes apicully hooked. o. Penis valve bridge present, spatha absent (very weakly developed in a few rare cases). p. T7 of male either with two subapical teeth or pygidial plate; pygidial plate of female with margin simple or carinate. q. First recurrent vein of forewing joining submarginal cell 2 near midpoint, never meeting frrst r-m. r. Hind wing with cu-v subequalto secondabscissaof M * Cu; cu-v slanted from M + Cu basad; vein M about three times length of second abscissaof M * Cu. s. Jugal lobe one-third or less length of vannal lobe. t. Wings essentially bare with well developed alar papillae. Distribution.The tribe Anthophorini with about 600 species is one of the largest tribes in the family Anthophoridae, secondperhaps only to the tribe Eucerini. Members of this tribe are found in the tropical and temper ate zonesof the world with particular abundance in xeric areas such as the southwestern United States, Mediterranean region, northern and eastern Africa and Australia. Biologlt.These bees are swift flyers. Almost all of them nest in the ground, preferably in banks; a few nest in wood [subgenus Clisodonand perhaps Anthophora (Anthophoroides)signatal. Sometimes more than one specieswill nest at the same site and (Schneider, 1982). I have seen 24. bomboides abrupta share the same nest site at Lawrence, Kansas [this was also noted at St. Louis, Missouri (Rau, 1926) and Baltimore County, Maryland (Norden and Scarbrough, 1982)l and A. bomboides and califtrnica at Point Reyes National Seashore in California. Anthophorine bees commonly reuse the same nest site year after year, unlike many other beeq. When the nesting substrate is displaced from the original location, bees may be attracted to it (Michener, 1960), suggesting that there is some chemical nesting marker that seryes as a lure. Perhaps this is one reason why more than one speciescan be found occupying a single nest site. Earthen (or saw dust in the case of Chsodon) cells are lined with wax and provisioned with a semi-liquid mass of pollen, nectar and Dufour's gland secretion (Norden et al., 1980). The wax lining and provisions give off a strong cheesyodor (Malyshev, 1925) from butyric acid, a product of the triglycerides of the Dufour's gland and probably salivary or gut enzymes (Norden et al., l9B0) and is soluble in many solvents (Batra, 1972). The cell linings are thick and similar to those of habropodine bees. Compared to those of Habropodini, anthophorine cell linings are not thicker or do they differ in their separability from the cell wall; furthermore, there is no difference in burrow orientation, contrary to Marikovskaya (1e76a). The mandibular gland secretion may function as an alarm or aggregation pheromone in certain speciesof Anthophora,since netted females give off a mandibular gland secretion attracting other females by the hundreds (Thorp, 1969; Brooks, 1983; Batra, 1984). Some species have males which defend territories (Brooks, 1983) and females which vigorously defend their nests against parasitic bees (Batra, 1978). Polylecty is generally the rule, as exemplified by Anthophoraplumipes(cited under ,4. aceraorum) t r I i (, AND PHvrocENY Svsrer{ATlcs I ') I I I I I F oF THE ANrnoPHoRrNn Bnns whereas speciesof Anthophoraare generally active in the spring. Many species of Amegilla in the Mediterranean region are diminutive and superficially resemble species of Anthophorasubgenus Heliophila. Taxonomy.Numerous keys have been made to the adults of anthophorine genera; the most important covering North America are by Michener (19++), Mitchell (1962, only Eastern U.S.), Stephenet al. (1969); India (Batra, 1977), Europe (Friese, 1897; Schmiedeknecht, 1930), Egypt (Priesner, 1957), and European lJ.S.S.R. (Osychnyuk et al., 1978). Keys and descriptions (Ruszkowski, 1966) and various species of Indian Anthophorini (Batra, 1967). Only two species are known to be narrowly oligolectic; they are Anthophora phaceliae n. sp. whose females visit almost exclusively various species of Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae) (Brooks, unpublished) and Amegilla (Glossamegilla) f,orea which in Japan visits only Impatiens textori (Miyamoto, 1962). The nesting behavior of Amegilla is as in species of Anthophora. Some species of the subgenus Asaropoda nesting in flat ground construct turrets over their nest entrances (Rayment, 1951; Michener, 1965) . Amegilla flies generally in the summer, GALEA BLADE B ( C Q 449 SUBGALEA LACINIA BASILACINIALSCLERITE MAXILLARYP STIPITALTHICK STIPITALSCLERITE I l I SUSPENSORY THICKENING BASISTIPITALPROCESS PROCESS DISTISTIPITAL GALEAL FLAP GALEAL LUMEN maxillaandcrosssectionof galea FIG.5. Maxillae, outerviews. A,B,Anthophora(AnthophorQplumipes, at midlength. C,D, Anugilla (ArnzgillQqudrifascinta, crosssection of galea at midlength and maxilla. E, G, Anthophora(Heliophila) bimaculata,maxilla and cross section of galea at midlength. l, H, Anthophora (Clisodon) terminalis, maxilla and cross section of galea at midlength. F I I i , s r I I F I ;l 'eptu sxuronazlc (opfawo.to1) 'V 'O 'epru qofintgsn(oppawo"tn4) 'V 'J.el€ureJ Dtru 'V'8. 'epureJ -tofiqoc (saprc^rotlfutpuV) oc{tco{ (ororld -otltuoqdoù 'V'v 'o.rorldotltuv aeuuetuv ' Jo L'CI.{ 'rarlaladaT -tt 'F.IceA optsoq 'd1sr*o1zsop"U onqounï nyouûruta{'puerlg .to?qatxa oypayy'pue"rlg s?suatîorapp 'srnoq pîsnqzaot 'uorarue3 s?npnae 're11e16 ota{tlnuuo 'a1rrpe11 oso1nïuo'1,>lsure8lf-^oztâuzn)tr moqoQo :(pa1zc -pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp esr/v\râqto sselun o.totldoqrv u\ peqrrrsep (leurtr"ro erâf\ 11e ila parpnp ueeq lou e^Br{ tnq tsrxe sadft aqt seseJ rr,al e ur) pedorlsep Jo lsol are saddr agl eJurs snuet raqlle ur Ltureuao qtr/y\ paceld aq louuec Laqa 'Dnû -?uv to ototldoqtuv rerltre er€ serJads EurrrrolloJ eql srcss svJusDNr rNnroHdoHrNV 'srnoq s1ruo{aol1atnloapue srno q o1oî1tçsrun'1arqJrs,Dpqtt -!un 'lalslC DîDtrunî 'srnoq olpo{s 'srnoq Dluls 'ra8r11 stlruzs oyfayng 'snrcrrqe i Dpnulues sldV 'srnoq oyouozo{n.t 'srnoq Dîaldat 'srnoq oyouozo"t@ 'srnoq efi(dot(d 'srnoq oeoufit@ 'srnoq opasln{ 'srnoq onld 'sedsel zsol 'srnoq osoutïntaootïru 'srnoq nuottrcaw -id 'lalsr C oîouJo 'srnoq otlu@ouopu'aueqlnoqeT DîDuozotpera'lslJrlD rpo{nstmu'srnoq oîDtpnatpoafll'dorc.rno I Dsteut rydy'Aeg oqoquo{'lalslC Dsl?trc?oppayg'srnoq oqoùuçsoa.tltc'tezue4 Drytrylq sgv :(asrm:aqto pelerrpur sselun ototldotltuV snua8 âql ur peqrrrsep ÂWut8uo ge) peÂortsâp ro tsol rerllre are sadd.r ar{r âJurs rurroqdoqtuv eqt o}ur dture} -JeJ l{l}r\ paceld aq louuef, sercads turrvrogo; aql ssrcsds qscv-IdNlf .(lgO1) uaqdarg puu onlrroJ pus (teOl) Laprgc141 '(gçOt) reueqcrtrAldq uelr8 are rurroqdoqluv Is^rel Jo ueryo eleur ;o talprur 'qlaal qllû\ pesrpour ueryo ap1zurrr;o ta1 pug :(nO)luasord Brlorv 'stsoufiotg ellrarlsT o"aoq{otltuysnuag ' rrll€toru serul]etuosrler{ ol1fauV ' lluasqe ot parnpar dpeert ueryo snl -dtsouot iprrqr lewq uo qloot rorratu" elturs e qllÀ\ sderrrp lsorule runluaru :(pç 'ttg) uorlcelord auo qtlÀ\ ssecord ptrdrlsls€q :(cO '8tg) luesqs sIIorV "llll€telll re^au Drolldoqîuv' rl"r{ lpadole^ep [e/u\ pue tuaserd sr(ervr -[E lsorup sn1Â]souo8:(rtZZ'Etg) prlr{l Fs"q uo qtoot rorreluB r{}l/v\ ro eld -utrrlsruntueru :(l 'e 'eç 's8l.l) suorlraf 'slloruaplcco (oa1ay4fl'V 't 'tnaratltoc(opt1do1ryeH) 'V 'd 'sa{twn1d (orotldoqruV)o,roqdotltuv'g 'stu -n{tquoq (opo{otnsv) 'V 'g. 'oatqola (opûauosso4g) 'V'C'uaqwot (o1lQawouog)'V'g 'ogotcsort.t -ponb (opfawV) oppawy 'V 'ssacord IsteleTs - q -oxe : d'acsds leuralul : c'etprre [ete1e{soxe '8uv*erp qoee Jo lred re/v\ol uI per.IJBu€ eq plno/v\srnds FIqIJ 'dlanrlcedser'uo11oq pu? lqtg aql uo er? secsJrns rorrelus Pu? Jelno aq] ]3rll qcns peluerro ere eelqll 'penluro srnds 1elqll pue runlnqelerv 'acedslsura]ur e]BrIpuI seerepe]]oçl '9 'cI{ 's/vrer^pcrde 'aerqll Pqq el€ureJSosecrdv c J l l q -ord r{11À\ sserord o/vu [et1dr1slffiq:("0 'tuasa"rd erlorv 'tt.{) padola^ap llalvr rNnroHdoHrNVsHr do vusNsc oJ Àsx 'E.IX oppa opûay41 pu" zlrrrr"Jow sa(n.toat>lsrrolzssnc stsuatlryl'.{llurs xau,s ' srnoq o?ulurtrazas'dlsuret s'asarrg n-rtozleuzny zaoueup o{aqqd'a1crpa11 ocna1ofo1d'ta>l1e6 ,arrros'z1ra,rero141 qopdnod'z1rrrtero141suatsalo('[".IteA o\olpo{'rar1a1a -dtT orntplrut'raTleM suaeelnl' e1crpa11Dttqsn tnq'arro; "[11"q ûuimlrutotnal 'srnoq oapopfiay 'elourdg n\ofinaoy 'Â:1snre8 l]-^ozlauzny lulmy'd>1srue8lf -^ozlevzn>{ ruos -qoryt'a1crps11oeluDt!'1ara1coC,c!"ttory?a!'ta1le6DPld?t v g Nrrs'r1nfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rlsus^rNn sHJ 0ç? SvsrnuATICS AND PrrvrocENY with brushes; pubescence never blue or metallic, rnetasoma generally with shaggy hair, sometimes appressed; outer hind tibial spur not to o4y pârtially isolated from inner tibial spur [(Figs.-6eg) see Commenlsunde r Amegillal; anterior surface ôf mentum near basal third almost always without "double," lumen tooth; galea with a single, not (Figs. 5b, g, h). D e s c r i p t i o n .a . B o d y l e n g t h 6 . 0 - 2 4 . 0 m m . b . Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to combined lenfths of next 2.2-5.5 flagellomeres; of male to .t.*t 1.0-+.2 flagellomeres. c. Face of male with yellow to white integumental marking, rarely all black, of female all black, sometimes with pale integumental marking; clypeus protuberant at leasi .7 width of eye in profile (except Mlstacantho- OF T H E AN T H OPH O R IN N BN N S +5r phora); labrum of male usually apically simple, occasionally trilobed (as in Anthomegilla, Daqtmegilla, Petalosternln) weakly in Clisodon and some Pltganthophoraand Rhinomegilla), labial palpus with four segments [except /. (Paramegilla) fulaicauda with three, A. (Heliophila) hololeuca with two]; mentum .5-.8 length of prementum, sometimes with an anterior tooth on basal third fas in Melea, Anthophoroides, and A. (Darymegilla) excisa]; paraglossal length equal to .5-.9 length of stipes; galea with a single lumen (Figs. 5b, S, h). d. Midtarsal brush of male present [.t in Anthophora s. str., Lophanthophora,and Pyganthophora(Figs . 2h, 12c)] or absent. e. Midbasitarsal brush of male present fas in Anthophrra s. str. , Lophanthophora,Pyganthophora, and Caranthophora) (Figs . 12c, 13j)l or FIG. B. Flabella. Scale l i n e s r e p r e s e n t . 0 1 m m . A , B , Anthophora (Anthophora) plumipes, anterior and p o s t e r i o r v i e w s . C , D , A. (Melea) abrupta apicoanterior and posterior views. E, F, Amegilla (Amegilla) quadrifasciata, po sterior and anterior views. .^^âIA (qlfautV) nllpawV '3 ntoq{oqruV'C'^lrell l€srop 'nTntcso{t^rpnnb lpsrop'nsua{mban (otoqdoqTunn4s(74) 's^ er^ epls pordu pus 'ngdn^rqn (rrtrW) otoqdoqruV'9. ' V ' r u n r l o r € - e ' e l n J l q r o - o i g q u r t u I 0 ' Issrop p u e O ' C ' V u l u r u r I ' l u â s â r d a " r( t p l t l l 8 r r u o ) s a u l la l e r s 'sal€uloJJo ellore pu€ s/v\€lrpulH '6 'CL{ 'esso18 stl peqlrcsep (t901) s>1oorg pu€ reuer{f,ItrAI ,(puacar erour pu€ 'ntoqdoqîuv Jo spedqtnou âqt pelerlsnilr (lOgf) srâpun€S pue (gZOt) €IerroC eprâurrrlv '(gçO I ' t+Gl) reuer{rltrAl Lq pessnrslp pu€ palerlsnllr l.1anr1sn€qxa s€^ n"toqdoqruVI€^ -rEI pu€ tlnpe yo l.Soloqdrour âr{J 'r6opq{toyy 'leudorloeu Lp-reurrd sI auo l.1uo pu€ uerer{€s -qns erv eraue8qns eârql 'punoJ er€ €reua8qns ::H!l# ii; :* $ï*,,iËJ;X,ï i,îi{,T#Ji -uopul eql 'et1e;]sn11 ]deoxa seere lrqder8oa8 ur s€] tuaserd eletu Jo e1e1d lerprFÂ4 'ru 'eplû\ se 3uo1 se serul] I'g-l'Q çEua1 '(n11faut0uxl/Vur alnf,e dllecrde) puno"r Lgecrde 'aleur8.reurâ dldaap o] errlue dlpseq '(n11pautlqtuv u luasqe uorlcaf -ord pseq) Surlcalo"rd l.yeseq aEplrq e^F^ slued 'ulq} 't '(pZ '8tg) âplm uer{t -ra8uol seurl} ç'+-6'0 o] >ltlq] pu€ 3uo1 o] uor{s 'l.lpsropocrde pe^\el^ s€ 'xede e^F^ sluâd 'T 'sarceds rlteJ € uI luesqe ,(lqrssod 'uorlcas ssoJJ uI punor ol peuall€U 'eplm ueql .ra8uol sâurlt 07,-Z '(o^rozldoqrunqdoTLuuur 'Vul sz] ur su) 3uo1 oTfsadqnot7 (n11fawnn4) lroqs '[ 'aeut rvo aleilâur€l ]noqtl^\ peqollrt ro paqo[q 'aldurts -orq'* uoo"î:f, ?i:!#:K,"::;,::o{i,ffi., al€ru yo sn1l.]souo3 :;, ro r{}lm 'algord uI uelperu qllm Je^ou 'aleutrec aFpr-r pulpnlr8uol l.lensn ur8reur qlTlnt aleureJ Jo a1e1d lerpr8dd : [ ( r E I ' E ' t t 1 ' s E l . E )n t o q d o q t u n î { 4e r u o s p u e D M d ' '3'a] -lllaH 'ntoqdotlTuoqdoT ]uasa-rd saurllatuos /I '8tg) n116autr(soq aleru Jo ssef,ord relnper8 :l(ltZ ur os ,(pear8] Pexag ut8reru lecrde P€Irâ]u€orluâ^ 'lçZ 'pG 's8tg) n11ûautnn4 euros ' I I€nlf,e [("lgZ 'n11ûautoqruVl a8prr pue q1qdo1lag 'n11ûau.toulqy 'qlaal elnJe ol esnlqo I€urpnlr8uol u€rperu e qll^\ o/vu r{}l^ l.gecrdeolperu peglpour urnrpr8Ld luasqe e1e1duâr{lnt"ro [(ur->1 'r 'qg3 'tEt.E) ntoqdoqtuotldoT pu€ o11Êawnn4 ârrros] qtoot l€ralel qtlm sâtul] -euros pu€ [("-rt 'l 'qgz 'tçI 'rtl '37 't8t.E) Dlfî -azuztzd lsour pue'ntoqdoqTun7r{4'ototldoqTunqdoT se I{Jns suol}€f,Slpoul snoIJeA IIrI/v\ aleul Jo elIXoJ -ouo8 ql8ue1 çL'I-0t'0 '3uo1 xady 'l 'rslp 3 o 3 o 'q '[(t 'pgl '3lg) o] uor{s e1utuJo ZS Jo âruapodv 'uopos713 'Dll!î o1y.qdoplagpu€ q1ûautoulqt 'napy1 -awnq?uv ur. srler{ eldturs qll^^ ut8reur rolrâJsod] (, 'n0I 't8t.{) esounld ur8ruur rolrâlsod ldacxa srl€r{ '8tg) plqll ledocs alduns qllm eleurâJ Jo 'a8pt.rpqq :(lOZ pele8uole saurrlaruos snsr€l leulpnlr8uol ro qlool padolanep 11e/\.e o] ef,u€roqn]ord padolarrep dpleart rorrelu€ u€ r{}lm peglpour ro pâpls-lel -1ered lsoruls 'aldurts âleru Jo snsr€llseq pulH 'E ')Z,I 'qZ 's8tg) ntoqdoqtuorvCpue ']uesqe ro [(lg I 'n^rot1doq7un8(4'ntoqdotlTunq(o7''.lls's o'toqdoqluvur 'J '}uesq€ su] luasard aleuJo r{snrq Iesre}ltslpplntr Nrrs-r1nfl scNsrcs svsNvx .{o ^rISus^INI'I sHJ 7,çt SysrpuATrcs AND PHvlocENrr The Dufour's gland was frrst illustrated by Trojan (1930). Brooks (1983) illustrated the terminalia of the New World species groups. Apomorphic characters for the genus are shown in the cladogram (Fis.40). Knv 1. ro SuscnNERA on' AivrlroplroRA Seven exposed metasomal terga; thir- oF THE ANrHopHoRrNe 2. Bnes +53 2 teen antennal segments; males. Six exposed metasomal terga; twelve 17 antennal segments; females . Midtarsus with middistitarsal brush (FiS. 2h), usually with midbasitarsal brush also (FiS. I2c); apex of S7 later' ally with two lobes , a ventral and FIG. 10. A-E, Outer views of hind tibiae of femalesto show vestiture. A-C show band of plumose hairs along posterior margin oftibia, D and E lack such hairs. Scalelines (on lower right side) represent .1 C, Anthophora(Mysncanihomm. A, Anthophora(Anthophora)plumipes.B, Amegilla(Amegilla)quadrifasciata. phora)capistrata.D, A. (Heliophila) bimaculata.E, A. (Melea)abrupta.F, Ventral view of T7, A. (Heliophila) bimaculata. nllfautoulqA (qgZ '8tg) palurod l.11eseq'Euo1 a8prrq e^l€^ srued :(lgZ 'Et.E)xadz Eurqrza"r a8pu uzlpaur I€uIp -nlr8uol qllm'paua11zg l.gzrlualosrop '3tg) 'l gerpaurocrde urnrpr8l,d :(qg Z 1a1z"red lsotule sut8"rzur l€relel pue o'.TilJïtr ,T:1:i;î' Ë;'ï,i:î'J, 'Etg) nllpautoqruV ' GçZ aleur8reure l.lpseq '1roqs a8pr-rq e^le^ sruad :(fCZ'Etg) suorlf,eford padolan -ep dlTeem 'uerpaurqns lIeurs o/vu t{}lm 'xede Surqrea-r ]ou a8prr uerparu I€u -pntÉuol qllm âlsruJo runrpr8ld :(pCZ '8tg) pâ^aorreu sprnl]-om] pcrde qllm alz8uola 'errlue l,gecrde urn11aqzld '(E II 'n1t's8tg) '0r alzur8-r€ruo l.lpcrdeorperu sl.ertp ]sorule 9S lsaqol leerde uoqs 'snoreurnu qll1!\ ]ou ulnIleqeu pu? pe/v\orJ?u ]ou spJrrl]-o/v\] pcrde ueq] 'a;r1ue yr ro (rg 'Etg) suorlraford eill -ra8ug ue] o] âerr{} q}lm l,lerrde 'aplm puz uor{s urnfieq€U :(qt '8tg) epl^À se 3uo1 ss pJrr{}-euo }soru le '"reaut1 pu€ uor{s sr(urvtp }sourls aceds r€lEtrAi (qgZ 'Etg) seqol 0I porde ilutus snoreurnu urnileqzg ro (pCZ 'Etg) pe^^orreu sprrr{}-o/vu Ier -lde qllm alz8uola 'attlua Lllzcrde Iunl -lequg :QgZ 'qçZ's8t.E) aplm se Euol sz prrr{}-euo uzr{} erour '3uo1 aoeds ælery Dalary ' s8ur>1Jzurleluorun8alur .,vto1a( qll^ âf,€J :QZZ 'Etg) off\l er{} uâe/v\}eq uorlEJJ€ruep ou 'aseq ue{} Pezl}orelJs Lpneaq erour ]ou â]Ixof,ouo8 Jo xade :(IZZ'8tg) aurds prrde lnoqll^\ 'aldurrs zlqll pug lruur tI uzr{} re}€or8 qr8ual (nnuto{t1w pu€ saplotoq(oqluV ' ranrzllDa 'V u\ rrtogal,) s8ur>1rztu plueru -nEalul â]1{llt.r{}lm ereJ :G+Z'Etg) eseq pus xade ueamtâq uollef,Jzruep pezlu -€letu lf,urlslp e, qll^À (alnsdzc lelrua8 Jo uollerzdard percelr uI Lpo uaas) pazrlorâlf,s {pneaq e}Ixorouo8 5o xade :$+Z's8lg) xadu s,aurdsr€eu peuesul rnds lelql] e qtl^^ aurds ptrde Surnuq elql] pulq lurur il ]sour le, r{}3ua1 ' '(qZS 'e1t'u8tg) JIBq 5o ped Trlr{} 6 t{}lm gS Jolpu€ (--ç'g I -ç'ù geus {poq ueq} 'rqol euo q}lm ro l.geratel aldurrs xadu 3r :(pgZ 'eç2, 's8tg) pado -lo^ep dplzam. l.1uo serurleruos 'saqo1 Ierâl€l omt rlll^A ZS Jo xadu lalqzrren snsrelrseq pug l(a8pr"r ro r{}oo} rorr -eluE lnoqlr/v\ pu? pepls-[elFrsd lsourp 'aldurrs snsr€lrssq pulq ueql luas -ard qloo] a18urs€ JI) prSll I€s€q r€eu t{}oo} Jolrelu€ }noqlrrvt alduls runluanl (pfZ 'aZZ,'r8tg) aqol l€rarzl B euo qllÀ\ ZSJo xadz :(l "1Z 'IZZ,'s8t.{) a8prr Suorls ro rllool rorrelue r{llm snsrelrszq pulq :(.:1.ZZ'Elg)prlr{} 1zseq r33u r{}oo} rorre}u? u3 r{}l^A lun}uetrAl uoposry (p 't6z's8tg) aldurrs l.11ecrdetunlleqzs ltuasqz sdeq -rad 'alrxocouo8 3o xade r{}I/v\snoJoloJ -uof, snll.lsouo8 laleluaplr] alqlpuetrAtr ' (tg 'Etg) seqot aTII L -;aEug qll^ l,lpcrdz urn11eqeg la]txoc -ouo8 yo xads rrro{ pa}€f,rzurap l.1rza1o snq] 'pazqorelrs ,(pqEr1snlr(lsouot !a1d -urls seurrleuros 'alu]uaplq elqlpuutr I .L '9 (i':1 '6 .B :\.).,,.oqdoqrun3(4 (r-t 'p 'qtI 't8lg) perlue^ pe>Toor{pu€ peue}teg }ou '"reln8uelrJ ro peqo[q o]rxof,ouo8 ;o xadu :(ngt '3t.{) sa8prr ]noqlrm 'aldurts gS Jo JI€r{ Iz}srçl ntoq(oqlunqdoT ' (q 'niI 's8tg) p€rtua^ peToor{ 'paua11eg 'aldurts alrxouo8 Jo xadz :(pt t 'Etg) sa8prr anbrlqo Eur8ranrp l.lpcrd€ Jo led u qllrvt 95 Jo JIer{ Ie}slCI ' '(ngt 'Etg) peqol uoqdotltuDrDJ -l.rt Lplear't ellxof,ouo8 Jo xadz :(pA I 'Etg) rslp Jo r{t8ua1 sE 3uo1 sE sotrrl} '1roqs i'0 uuq] erour ou seuepode 's8tg) suotlcaf 'puorq dlzorde /S :(pA -ord a>lll-ra8tg qll^ l.lzcrd€ urnileq€l.t ntaqdoqruV ' (q-;Zt 't8t.{) paqoilq lldaap o}Ixor -ouo8 3o xade i(u7t 'Et.{) rslp Jo r{}Euel su Euol se seurl] t' I ]s€el ]u sâurapode 'a1e8uo1a 'parvto-treul,lprrde IS :(lZt 'q 'nB 'sFt.E) urnilaqzl.t l.lecrdu eJllue luasard ç a1z1dprpr8dd lluasard a1e1dplqlllsefl ' ]uesqu + a1u1dprpr8l.d lluasqe a1e1dIUIqIIIS€g ''@Z '8tg)saqol 9 'EgI 's8tg) o / v ur { } l ^ Àr c ( a 7 7 ' p g z ' a O I aldurrs Âgz-rate1/S Jo xade isaqsnrq 'aldurrs snsJulpltr4l ,\uu lnoqtlÀ\ 'Et.f) auo g lesrop @Z NrJsrrng scNsrss svsNvx do ^JrsusAINn sHJ 'ç ., 't tçt SysrnuATrcs 1 1 . Length 12. 13. t+. AND PHvrocENy usually 9-24rnrn; 56 simple without pad of hair; gradular process of T7 at most obtusely projecting, usually not developed (Figs . L3c, 8, 27 a); apex and base of disc of 57 wider than middle, apex laterally angulate cr with two lobes as in Figures 13e, i, 169, L2 20d,27d,k. Length usually 7 .5-13.5mm and/or 56 with thick pad of hair (often hidden until sternum is relaxed and pulled apically); gradular process of T7 often prolonged into tooth (Figs. 30f, g) when body size is small; apodeme of 57 usually short, apex of disc laterally simple, not with two lobes, lateral margins of disc parallel or apically converging, or if narrowed medially then apex of disc laterally simple as in Fig. Heliophila ures 30e, 30j, 32e, 32i . Pygidial plate present (Figs. 13c, g), sometimes lateral tooth below pygidial plate also present (Figs. 20h, i, k); gradular process of T7 sometimes . 13 present . Pygidial plate and lateral tooth absent, apex of T7 with two submedian teeth (Figs . 27 a, f); gradular process of T7 I+ absent Basitibial plate present (FiS. 29a) and hind basitarsus simple, nearly parallelsided; pygidial plate with margin carinate and not concave (Fig. 13c); gradular process of T7 sometimes present Pltganthophora(in part) (Fig. 13c). . Basitibial plate absent or if present, then hind basitarsus with anterior process dilated, not parallel-sided; pygidial plate with margin rounded, almost never carinate (Figs. 20h, i, k-m) if carin ate, then lateral margin concave (FiS. 20n); gradular process of T7 . Paramegilla (in part) absent 57 apically broad as in Figures 169, 27 d; SB with broad, deep apical emargination (weak in A. calcarata), lateral margin on apical half concave (Figs. 15 16h , 27b) 57 apically narrow as in Figures 19e, 27k; SB with narrow shallow apical emargination ,Iateral margin on apical half angulate or concave (Figs. 19c, oF THE ANItHopHoRINn Bees 455 . 16 -.rgin angulate, spiculum projectitg somewhat basally (FiS. 27b); 57 with apex shallowly emarginate with two weakly developed apicolateral lobes, apodeme with lateral process (Fig. 27d); apex of gonocoxite somewhat bilobed in pro{ile, lower lobe weakly developed, not with carinae, sometimes with a tooth on lower inner margin of gonocoxite (FiS. 27e); face almost always with yellow Petalosternon markings . SB with apicolateral margin prolonged and rounded, spiculum not easily visible from ventral aspect but projecting dorsally at a 90 degree angle (FiS. 16h); 57 with apex distinctly emarginate with two strong apicolateral lobes, apodeme without lateral process (FiS. 16S); apex of gonocoxite complex in profile with dorsoventral and lateral carinae (FiS. 16k) ; face with white . . Mlttacanthophora markings 1 6 . T7 with two short submedian teeth, their bases separated by convex lamellate (FiS. 19d) or angular apical margin; median longitudinal carina often present; actual apical zorte of T7 as seen from ventral view, narrow where bent anteroventrad as in Figure 27 a; hind basitarsus anteriorly with tooth, ridge blunt process or longitudinal (Figs. 19g, 20g, j, o); apodemes of 57 almost always short (see character j of Paramegilla), .34- .7 B as long as length of disc, lateral process absent (Figs. " 19e, 20d); apex of gonocoxite in profile simple to weakly bilobed (Figs. 19b, . Paramegilla (in part) 20b). . T7 with two long submedian teeth, their bases separated by rounded apical margin; actual apical zone of T7 as seen from ventral view wide where bent ventroanteriad (FiS. 27f); hind basitarsus almost paralled-sided, anteriorly simple; apodemes of 57 long, 1 .00- L .7 5 as long as length of disc, lateral process present (Fig. 27k); apex of gonocoxite in profile deeply bilobed . Dasltmegilla (Figs.27il.. t 7 . Flabellum narrowly elongate, apically 27h) 1 5 . SB with upi-i.r.t.f 'elrxoJouo8 yo xede pu€ elnsdec 1e1rua3Jo r*âI^ Ierlue^ ' ounq.rn(ntoq oqTuo cn\s(7,,y)otoqdotltuv' g. 'O 'oTonsn{tqonb (n11fawy) o11fau.{V pue nsua{tnban (n^rotldoqtun d -nTsdyy)uoq(oqruVJo al€ural 3o srp8rrls 'fl 'V 'ssaco-rdIeurref, Ierelzl - dl 'sn1l.1souo8- 3 'snlzur_ rrr 'I 'CId 'urnlan - n lurru }uâserdar(rplr rq8rr uo) saurl el€)S 'alnsduc I 1e1rue3pu€ reueelf, l€uueluv I' âraruoga8eg il(nnxa ql8ual ur pnba I 'V) esournld edors Jo auoz Ieurpnlr8uol rorrelsod qlrm pue plro6 plo eq] uro{ uaql qloo] qll^A JI] qloo] rolreluz lno -qll^ 'aldurrs prlr{} Ieszq uo run}uatrAtr IZ ' rat{}â8ot ueTe} serouroga8ug g'g-i'Z JXeu o] {}3ua1 ur lenba I erâuroga8eg :QZZ 'Etg) qlool rolrelue padola^ap IIa1!{'e qll^ prlr{l psEq rEeu unluetr l ^to?r,i,L'J' il:l,iïff ?:':::##" u,, ' (pCZ ollpautoq?uv ' 'Etg) pe^\orreu sprn{}-o^u lecrde q4llt eletuola 'a;rlue Llleerde unileqelg 'Jls 's ntoqdoqruV' ' (pZt '8tg) asournld srrzr{ pdors qtlm zlql} pulr{ Jo ur8reur ârrl pu1pnlr8uol rorralsod :(fZt'8tg) -ua xade 'sprrq]-olvu prrdz uI pemoJreu 'papls lalzred ssel ro erolu urnl '02 '6I -laq"H :GZl 'Etg) eplm se Euol sz prlr{} -euo lsour le 'padola^ap llarlt dlare-r '1-roqs sLz^,ntp lsotule acuds ruletrAi ' â01 a"rn8r.{ul 6I sz aldurrs srrer{ ledocs q}lm zlql} pulq ;o ur8r€tu leulpnlr8uol rotratsod :(qgZ 'Etg) seqol lzcrdz llzurs snorerunu 'Etg) pe^\orreu qllm urnileqzg ro (pçZ sprlq]-o1ûl lecrdz qll^ alz8uola urnl - l a q z g : ( r g Z ' q ç e ' s E I . { ), p l ^ s z E u o l s € prlr{}-euo ueq} erotu 'Euo1 acuds r€letrAl ' râr{}a8ot ueT"l seraruol 0Z -1a8egç'ç-Z'Z ryau ol {r8ua1 ur pnba 1 ereurolla8eg :(rg '8tg) seqol pcrdz e{ll -ra8ug 3uo1 lnteJqtlm 'aplm urnlleqzl,{ .BI BI ' roqle8or ue{"} sereruollaFeg 0'+-Z'I ]xeu o] r{}Eua1 uI lznba I eJOuolla8 -uH :(qgZ '8tg) seqol 11uurs'1roqs sno -rerunu qlrm ro (pCZ 'eB 's8tg) orllua lou Nrrs-rTnfl scNsrcs svsNVN .{o ^Jrsus^rNfL sHJ 9çt SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvrocENY oF THE ANrHoPHoRrNn 2r. to next 2.2-5 .5 flagellomeres taken . 22 together Hind basitarsus with posterior distal process acute (Figs. 22h, 23c); 56 with subapical tooth; posterior margin of hind tibia with simple hair (Figs. 10e, 22h); body longer than 13 mm t trtro Hind basitarsus with posterior distal process blunt as in Figure L2d; S6 posterior subapical tooth; without margin of hind tibia with plumose hair (FiS. 10a); body no longer than 13 mm 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. port.ri.;'- urgir';i n;A*!#rT";{:; simple hair (Figs. 10d, e, 22h); length . 23 6 - 1 5m m . Posterior margin of hind tibia with plumose hair (Figs. 10a, c, l2d); . 2+ length rc-2+ mm Face black, body length l2-I4 mm; Mediterranean region . Paramegilla (in part) Face almost always with yellow to and markings integumental white body length 6-15 mm; if face black then length from 1 1- 13 mm and southern African in distribution . Heliophila Clypeus almost always black, rarely if with pale integumental marking, markings are present then not in shape ( (T" or if in shape of of inverted "T" inverted , then flagellomere 1 longer than combined lengths of next 25 three flagellomeres Clypeus with pale integumental mark( (T' ) (FiS. irg in shape of inverted 1BS); flagellomere 1 equal in length to next 2.2-3 .0 flagellomeres taken toCaranthophora(in part) gether . Metasoma with apical bands of hair complete and/or surface covered with 26 semi-erect to erect hair. . Metasoma with apical bands of hair interrupted medially or surface covered evenly with appressed hair (Figs" Paramegilla (in part) 2 1c-e) . . apically without Clypeus normal, hooked or wavy hairs or basal pecten; flagellomere 1 equal in length to next 2.2-5.5 flagellomeres taken together 457 BeBs Dasym;g'i uo,t ;eî:#;:l'f,::,'oI;:,:,:;?o: - ophora in part) , Paramegilla (ir part), Petalosternln and Pltganthophora Clypeus flattened, with hairs apically hooked or wavy, with a basal pecten (Figs . 17 a-e); flagellomere 1 equal in length to next 2.2-3 .4 flagellomeres :*:i :'::': "rr,,' ",à,i,eio,o1 i,, p*iy Subgenws Anthophora Latreille s. str. PodaliriusLatreille , l}02a, p. 430. Name suppressedby' ICZN Opinion 151 (Hemming, l9++). AnthophoraLatreille, 1803, p. 167. Typ. species: Apis pilipes Fabricius, 1775 (-Ap;t plumipesPallas, 1772, see Comments) designated type and Anthophoraput on Official List of Generic Names by ICZN, Opinion 151 (Hemming, l9++). Lasius Panzer, 1804, H. 86, T. 16. New Synonym. Typ. species:LasiussaluiaePanzer, 1804 (: AnthoQhora crinipesSmith, 1854, p. 324). Monobasic. (See Nomenclatorial H istory). MegillaFabricius, [1805], p. 328. See Richards (1935) for comment on the date. Typ. species:Apis pilipes Fabricius, 1775, designated by Michener, 1984, p. 139. Diagnosis. Male without pygidial plate, Ylt]r two sùbmedian teeth on apex of T7 (FiS. 12k); midtarsal, midbasitarsal, middistitarsal brushes of male almost always present (Fig. I2c); 57 on lateral margin of disc with two well developed lobes, a dorial and a ventral one, apodeme long, never with lateral tooth (FiS. 12n); SB wide spiculum from ventral aspect short and apically, '(Fig. l2î); apex of gonocoxite deeply biunt bilobed'(F-igs . l2f , g); flabellum apically entire, 14); basitibial plate of male not lobeà lfig. weakly delimited to absent. Deicription. a. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to length of next 3.25-+.04 segments tog.ih.t; of mâle to next 2.00-3.75 segments. P Fu.. of male with yellow markings, of female black (except labrum of A. melanognathahas lightyellow'spot); mandible of male with palg spot. c. Malar spuce of female about five times wider than long, of male about six times wider than Jo-"Si flabëilum apically simple, without deeply lobed anteriot *atgin (Fig. 12j); mentum simple without anterior iooth basally, mentum about .6-.7 as long as prementum; paraglossa about .6-.8 as lonf as itipes. -(Fig d. Midtarsal brush of male well . l2c) (except absent in lanata, devéloped weakly devèloped in fuluitarses and subterranga)..e. Midbasitarsal brush of male well developed (Fig. I2c) (except absent in lanata), f . Middistitarsal brush' of male well developed (Fig. 12c) (except weakly developed in lanata). g. Hind basitarsus of . l2a, b). h. BasitiEi4 plate of male simple Gtigs 'defined to absent. i. 56 of male male podrly apicomediaily emarginate [emargination slight to ',\ âr^ 'lS p,re ,t,râr^oprs 'rslp '/S '1q '141'rnar,r 'e1eur;o '1 'itlara ps.rop '(pallruo lertuo^ ["Jlue^ 99 leq) apu Jo l,J Jo xady 'y '^el^ Jor.râlrre 'urnleqelg 'f 'srr,reraâprs pu" Ierluâ^osrop 'alnsdeo 'g 'g 'aprue; go ^4,âr^eprs 'peeq pue ,v\el^ Jotno 'ta1 pur11 'g 'q '(rvrer,rrelno) epur;o Ealpnu I"rIu3C pue purH 'p 'g '(aler,r"re1no)8a1pulH 'V 'gggo xede;o sserord uerpeuens:dus 'qsnrq lusrelprur 'BS;o xede yo ssacord =qtur 3qsruq lesr"lrlsrppru:qpur 'qsnrq lusrelrs"qprrll-qq* lerer€l=dl :sa(ryn1((y) 'ts 'N-I 'g-g iapur 'm1îouâouo1rw ('ù 'V '11i''V 'Droqdotlruy snua8qnso"rot1{orltuy'ZI'CIt o1 peu8rsseeJ sr rezue d ?Dlalnssnxsv7 uâr{M 'ntotld }?q/v\eruos e aABq ,lew sJeTJo/v\ pue suaenb snzunJ -oqruV rapun urduouds e pue reruroJ erll Jo urduo -ralqns snquog Jo suorlelndod uer^eurpu€cs eq] uI 'ue4a1) wn.roT.toq '('ruuroc 'srad pue -utrroq smso7 'seure1q JrreueC sl rezved e tslT snquog Jo tL6I JruBlsru e sr qcFI^/* 'dqrl){ DnaszrrDq 'v Jo eleur IBIT1FO eql uo paceld se/v\ snlcrrqe ù snxsv7 ecurs (ddrouour dq '?08 y 'tezued aptaps smsv7 satcads 3 s?/v\ '-I rantoatac7 'v wqt palcadsns (z0Bl) /(qrtx ' '-I ranrltnl 'V ot ( g 'snquog ad& sll se ser{ '(s1ue Jo snuet e) [çOg I ] snlc I I I) Jo serceds II€ -lrqs.f smsDT ro (çtI uolwdo 'NZCI Âq passard oauoualqns'v srqsarral'v pu€'T relBl pu€'T -dns ',,lslT uetuelrfl,,) [ZOgI-I081] aurrnf sntsoT o] rslrrurs s€/v\ zanroaraeosldv leql Pâ]errPul (Bç1I 'g+Lù snoeuurT 'snqaog qtyv\ pesnJuof, aq o] ]ou 'tgg I tezwd smsv7 lp satcads v sI qclqû\ '(ggOI 'sqqnJ) ''1 oauo.t.talqnssgv go ruduouds B se '-I zannalacp sercads [çOg;] snrcrrqe.{ o17ûa7ag3o 'snrouqed 'V paleu8rsep sadnld sldv ed& âgl se 'çIil uosuroql peceld (gZOf) uaToT pue (Znù 'otoqdotltuv 'esrnor '(ZgU uroqlrl€O ('lso1 pe^arleq sr add] eqJ) 'euo slql Euuvrogog Jo NZCI eql ) urduouds rorunf e eruoreq ppo^ô. opûa74J 'dqareqr t{JItIt\ o} se uI€UeJun s?il\ lrlq snquog Jo salJeds e :(tgOl) reueqoltrAI Euv'rogo; 'o176ayt75o ad& s€ sB 'T tanrooratD'V paceld erl ler{} pe}ou sreq}o pue '(ZOgl) dqrtX '-I zanroanev 'V aæ1der o] 'çLL1 'snrcuqed sadllld Jo Troilr. aq] turr'tâI^er GtOl) uelot sldv aluu8rsep ol eq ppo/v\ ernseetu anrldnrsrp tr1 'Drorl(oqruy go serceds addr eql se papretar tuol 'snquog 'BçL1 'snaeuun zanroorace sldv Jo sn]els aqr qr8ual lseel aqJ Jo snuetqns ler{r re^o d}rrorrd 'I16I '}ton snqu\qoauzuaîqns 'f,toçstg a^?q plno/v\ o17ûa74J le pessncslp GtOl) deq lozrotu1eunaoN 'snauo.ttatQns'{I 'errlue dllecrde Jo ruduouds 3o adft eqt sI t{cFI^À 'sn€ouulT sr rlrlrlr\ urn11eqeg erl] Jo edeqs âq] Lq el€ureJ e sr sneeuurT Jo lanJoalat0 'v eJurs unroaraen n(V 5o dlrluapr alqeqord eqt Eur/v\ouT aq] ur llcadse pJlue^ ur uees se runlnctds alnJe 'prl,tr q (saQunld 'V -) un"toaratDuelrrrq€d tuol € Jo pue dlpcrde 15 Jo ur8reur lerelel eql tou eql turrreq 'snrcrrqug eJuls sJor{lne }soru Etl uo soqol podole^ep IIaÂ\ o/vu Jo acueserd aql 'ale1d -/v\olloJ ''1 wn.toaratv 'v dl8urnl/v\un ecuesqe aqt dq aletu eq] w dppear prpr8dd B Pea\luePrsrlu Jo sprerlrrll lng '-Izanroaratv 'V ''o'l (çSO1) spreqclll peleredes eq uer ll r{r5l,t\ ruor; otoqdoqyuofi(4 'sruauulJ dq oppa74J roJ uorleu8lsep sarcads ed& puoras ol palelar dlesolc sr snua8qns slt1J '(tt6l) erll e]eplle^ tcâiga w ppor* psodord srqt 'uotleu8rsap sprerlJrlI T erelrred 'uosueg plp sB seEuol.n,rfrîttlt;?J.Tl1îi dpog's'snldlsouos xade turpaacxa dpq8rls asodar ur turlg 'r '(lurod ed& poo/ûlse6 erl] Jo uolsserddns âql Pesodord -plur re IIar pur8reuqns turlaeur dgeuorsecco) (ggO1) reuar{rltrN 'spr11t1aurJo snuat u^{.ouT IIo,v\ e '608I '8nlx n(orcny41go satceds ad& eql osp lurodprur Jo pelslp Z IIer leur8reuqns Eururol uIâ^ '[çOgl] 'b 'luasqe q U DplqDI 'W ervrs '(Otg1) poorntlse6 l.q tuârrnrer ]srrd LLJo ssecord relnperE snrrrrqe t D?Dlqol'W sew [çOg1] snrcuq€d o11ûay4J ldoap se eprù\ se serull eJolu Jo o/vu uolleur8retue dq paleredas qleel uerpeuqns pcrde oÀ\l qllû\ Jo sarcads ed& âqr Jo uorleu8lseP lsrg âtIJ 'd 'eplÀ\ uel{} 'Gttr LL lluasqe âletu 3o ereld lerpr8d4 'sege4 sa{twn1d raEuol 'snrcrrqeg sadltld sTdV-) seturl 0'Z-ç'I 'q}Euâl alerâporu Jo '(dg€e/v\ ZLil l.geseq atprrq dpo seurrlauros) aleut8retue sldV s1 sroqtne luanbasqns lsoru pue snlJlrqed uruoarat0 'v roJ eruBu olqslrs^€ ]xeu eql e^1"^ srued 'o (lesropocrd€ pâ/v\el^ ePI/v\ se Euol Jo 'snaunualqns f'lqeqord pue snquog Jo selsadse yo s3 eJr/rr.l lnoqe 'etre1 xade a^p^ srued 'u '(lzt 'Vrcql aer8e ol elqeuosea-r 'Stg) ep1,v\ ust{} re8uol sotul} çL'ç }noqe 'Euo1 urduoul,s e sr.wnJoalaev srueâs ]l 'utntoatasosldV go srsouterp ueeeuurT /v\er^ [€r]ue^ ruoJJ eleur Jo snll,tsouog 'ru '(lzt 'Etd sn1(lsouo8 turrceq rur€ reuul 'pgq dldeap uollslr?^ aq] pus ''dds snqwog uel^eurpueos Jo '(lZl 'Etg) rolor eq] qlp\ dllrelgrue; s(uaToT '(OlOt) dnq eleru Jo elrxooouot 3o xedy 'l ]uâs 'eernls51 -qe usr{} lrred euratsdg uorlezrlorâlJs FrelBI leulpnlr8uol Jo sluerun8re eqt tuuâplsuoC 'dgecrde pezrloralJs dplrep erorrr rred uelperuqns Jo uorlrpe qtgl eq] ur palerodrorul ra]EI (OOll) 'T 'cslp urlarrrC qclqÀ\,,'sreurtnrral snqrrorralsods$qlr,, suorlcalord lerus rnoJ r{}1,v\epru Jo BS uorldrrcsep u?eeuurT aq] ot pepps dpuenbesqns se Euol se serurl gg'I lseel te 'Euol aruepode !(.tZt 'St.{) ssâre pazr}oralcs dqrep l.q erueu eg} pesn snlr eH 'sa{eun1dtldV ro1raruoaraev Pe}uaserdar dpo 'pelereller (9081) retrl11 pus ]no pa]wod serurleruos 'sâf,uuJaqntord yo led s rlll/v\ JSIp Jo ur pereld r'rou serceds essq lurzl arn8rg ur sB algord ut 'eqo1 lesrop r{t1,v\ (ZOgl) dqrU sV 'Droq{otltuV e ol '1 rarunaratoetusu eqr dldde dpa>lerslur dlleseq 'eqol [er]ue^ q]1,v\ dllerpaur ur8reu l"re -lBI 'a1tue Frol€locrde ql1,v\ 'dgecrds eleurEreura dy'rorreu elelu Jo ZS Jo JSICI '[ 'eare pazl]orelcs dpq8rl uelpetuqns v qllù\ '(IZt 'Etg) uolsserdtP 'ttg) 'IîZl sadrutn1d uI }uâsqe Ieretel e r{}1,v\ "i; ":,:":,;1,,::)lzt*ll, jli"r#'"r",Jïf,-irff plno/v\ pue ('ruuroc 'srad pu? tLil 'ua1o1) rncco '\ean sepru rrueleru dpq8rls pue relloc moled Nrrsl'rnfl scNsrcs svsNv) do Àrrsus^INn sHI B9? SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvrocENy oF THE AurHopHoRrNn BBBs mdb ,ï\ I 459 'St1pl4 '4 'rvrarrr 'gg 'g 'r*arrr 'alrxocouot;o '1q-1 'mara 'gg 'y ',uaiz,ralno prlua^ eprs xody lsrlue^ '8e1plry 'f 'a,,r '4g '1 ',uer,rps.rop 'sarr1e,rsrua4 '11 't\âr^ '4ago xady 'g 'smerl lerluo^ 1esrop lpJlue^ 'gS 'd 'g ',^^leJluâ^os.rop 'aynsdzc !C '^er^ '1;;o '^ 'alnsduc pue psrop xedy'p âr^ âprs IS lelrueC 'g 'iraarzr 'gg'y '11spnmpa 'X 'I 'y1 !11t14o.0 (ù 'V'151 lua{otluaao.t (ù (ù 'V FtruâC I"rtua^ V'T 'C :osqat(7)'y'f '(C 'C) '4ggo ur8reru pralelocrdeSo a-n U-V 4a;o xade âql uro{ pellnuo sr rr"H âqol lertuâ^ - I^ 'gS Jo sseco:d uerpeurqns- durs 'a1e1dprpr8dd : dd 'qsnrq psrzlprur = elru 'qsruq ps -relllsrppru - qpur 'qsruq psrelrseeprtu - qqtu 'BS ssocord prerel = d1 '4a yo ssacordrzlnper$ = dfl Jo '49 'seleu 'ototldorltuoâ(4snue8qns orotldotltuV'gI 'CIt 3o urtreur p.ra1z1oc1de Jo âqol l€srop=lp 'tgl 'sEtd al€ru -t8reure d1.,v'ogeqs Pue dpeorq (l 'f '("gl 'Etd rslp uo lueserd saunl Jo /S Jo rsre -euros eere pazrloJalos dpq8rl lerluâJ e pue uors -serdep dlprpeurocrde el€tu lerelel'aleur8r€urâ 't '(e6Z'Etg) pougep Jo gS llalural"tu yo eleld Islqll -lssfl 'r{ 'eplÀ\ se Euol ss seurrt l't-B'Z'paue11eg 'Qtspnmpa ur 'eldurrs eletu qtoo] ]decxe) ]noqlriv\ 'E '(d ' 'sEt,E) padolenap Jo snsrelrs€q pulH fg t 'J qsnrq ile^/' ol luosqe el€tu Jo {esrelllslpPltr\tr 't(lg 'Etg) 'osn4a,r'nqruoxo1or1'tmoqcsn I lllaqels pu€ 'ya11aq 'ncunaloq 'oq1oo.tqo 'nsuap7un 'tpnnn11n ur pedole,rep 11a/u\]]uasord ol ]uosq€ eletu Jo r{snrq l€sre}rsuqplntr 'e '[(agl 'Etg) nta7tuupopuv 'aopatanbsal '37t1c7otc 'S'n urelse/v\ eql ur ldacxal 'p 'sadrts se Euol ]uesqe apru Jo r{snrq lzsr€}pltr41 s€ 6'-g' essolEered lunlueura-rd se Euol se L'-g' runlueru 'dgeseq qlool JorJelu€ ]noqlr/v\ 'aldurs urnlueur ixede le saqol ery1-retug Euol lere^âs qlp\ tunfieqeg !3uo1 se oplm se serur] 0'6-t'g rl€ru Jo 'Euo1 sB âplÀ\ s€ sârur] 0'9-0't e1eruâJ 'c '(etrqrv' qlF^ Duzqrocnalpue Jo aceds r?letrAtr DtrDnD 'dgeseq lods rroged qll/v\ gru1d pue 'paq"to{ 'tttlcgo.rc sarurleruos) szs.rrpaln{pue (ç :g tOt rc1'pauruqotr\tr 'rurqerql) oco4$6ao 'V p L8olorq ar{J '6op1g 'sos?q Jslno Jrer{} uâeff\}eq âJu"}srp se Euol se l' lnoqe qlao] lecrde qllm oleur Jo LL 'd 'aplÀ\ s€ tuol se sarurl ç'I tnoqe eEprrq e^l€^ sruad 'o 'eprm s? Euol s€ seurrl 6 lnoqp 'norJeu âl€ru 3o snldlsouoC 'ur '(qZl 'Elg) dgecrde Eurredel dgenper8 pue 'l 'cslpSo lq8rurls etrxocouo8 e1etuJo surrv ç8ue1 se 3uo1 su sorurl gg'I euepod€ rllr/v\ 45 'f lnoqe 'ef,uereqnlord uerparu lecrdeqns e pue seJueJeqnl 'l '(nsnpaln{ -ord l€ra]el .o/v\t qly/' eleur_ Jo gS 'V ul ruasqe) pausep dlrood tnq ]uâsard eleur Jo 'Elg) /v\orreu pu€ elep8 e1e1dFrqrlrsefl 'q'(eZl -ue dlpurpnlrtuol e1etu Jo snsrelrseq pulH 't dnorg sarcadg eqreu8oueletrAl '?uF{C ure}s?a pu? 'o{uer{rs}ped Beroy ol adorng uro{ rncco dtql ruruoQn pue 'rarlaladal suaesauas'(tezue1) aon1os ' (sege4) sa{rurn1d' 11elc>[co3nryantqn{'(E.tX) npunl 'a sarr g';:,Y::H;"9: K;J:",P d rr: i' :f !i{:#l,it ldocxe) Trelq eleru Jo elqrpueur !>1ce1q al€ural eceJ i(nuqoulds pue 'sa{t{ocs 'outtpocna1 -oqruVw punoJ sr rusrlenrorqcLlod '(sa(ruuc'V se) Jo 'nqnu7tsoqlv v\ ellq/v\ r{}lû\ !4gaq4s pue 'ura{ot1ua3o"t amalDs 3o dtolorq aq] uo peuoda.r (trcf ) ?luruX 'sannrttïru 's{ant7tu 'tmoqcaa 'y,a31aq 'nsuapïuo pu€ rr^opslf '(q 'eZ6Bl) "Uaoqre1 pue '(mOù ss ' I t6I ) ete{Irol '(ZOOI ) rlllT ue1 '(n1nso1pa uaslerN '(gZOl) naqsdp141 l'q (wntoataco se) sa{twn1d'V Jo serpn}suo poseq srr}s 's otoqdoqruV dtolorq u/v\ouT ar{} Jo IIe tsourlv '6op7g Jo'(lZl 'ttg) seseq râlno rreql uee/vuaqeou€lsrp se Euol se I' lnoqe qteel pcrde uelperuqns qll^\ âl€ruJo L3-'d 'aprm se Euol s€ ecr/vu]noq€ e8prrq e^le^ srued 'o 'Get 'Elg) epl^Àuurll retuol sorurt 'rllpl^ uI elerepotu el€ru Jo snldtsouog 0'g-/'ç 'ru '(f 'ttg) padeqs dlrelnterrl pus pe^rnr Zf elrxorouo8 epur Jo sturv 'l '("Zt 'Etg) oslp Jo qÉua1 se Euol s€ eJr/v\l]noqe eurapode qll/v\ eleru 'l '(tZt 'ttd seruereentord lnoqllû\ aletu Jo /S 'q l'1ro 'l 'tuesqe âl€ru 5o e1e1dFIqIlIs€fl Jo gS -rratu€alep8ue lou '(r*orreu amops'V) (qZl 'Etg) 'V u\ {oelq ge ldecxa) ruro11adqrrm al€tu Jo eced 'q 'sluâurtas 0Z'+-Lg'f, lxau o] aptu ;o lreqlatol sruaur8as 0ç'ç-çI'g lxeu oql Jo çEua1 ol pnba eleural Jo 1 tueur8es re11a8e1g 'e :uo4{ucsag 'eldurrs dlerer 'pSIq dl8uorls ol 'Jg 'qZ, dllearr el€ur Jo âtrxocouo8 yo xede '({tI I 's8tg) elnre pue Euol ]cadse Isrlue^ ur runlncrds 'etl 'eZ, 's8lg) 'apl^ dgecrde epur Jo BS :(tgt qtool lera]El 3 rl]r/v\ uouo atuapods 'JI?t{ lecrde 3o urtreur IBrelBI uo qloq 'euo [er]ue^ e pue lesrop e 'saqo1 pedolenep dlluerrr o/v\l r{}lÀ\ e1eur Jo 15 lluasqe ro ]uesard alerr Jo saqsnrq psrelrlslpppr pue 'lesrelrseqpltu 'psrelplru :(E 'rtt 'sEtg) e1e1d prpr8dd pedola,rep 11e/ûe I{}r/v\ e1etr\tr:stsouflotq o' adda ,.i'#;: :"::: : ;*::,,;;' 'sarcadsueeuerretlpotr\tr dla8rel ere IIV 'r€tureg Dauzrralqns pu€ 'gara>1co3 '?llnrg 'oser.rg slstoq1a1n{ nqruufiouD1au T erroJ papryrul ell€O ocn4((Eao(ntotldoqtuv) 'V 'sa3ca(g 'perpnls uââq seq (e36BI '.Seor{re1:gOO1'uoqclures :ZOO1 'uas1arlq:OtO1 'ereprsg) (o1nuos,ta{ se papodar NIIs-ITnfl SONSICS ap*\Pue o';:::J:Tïj;:ï:i:,i pu'HE 'erueu ]ueruaJeldar rnrâu e e;rnbeJ ]ou seop urr(uouor{ Jolunl aqr 'crreuaE -uof, lou eJe uorlsanb ur exel oml eril se Euol se lern se]€rs NZCI er{} Jo r6E olf,ruv 'o11fiauV snuet eq] Jo sarcads e sI reu€l or{r eJuIs 'gLBï 'z1rr*urotr41 aDtaps otoq(oqruV qtyv\ (urduouoq ou sr ârâr{} o^roqdoqruy snue8 eqt Jo urelqord SVSNV) .tIO ÀJISUSAINfl 09t sHJ SysrnuATrcs AND PuyrocENy oF THE ANTHopHoRINB BnBs tO\ F dl vl E mbb- _ | Hl / \ \ \xN/ \ L $ N 7 \ )\fl K M +6r 'gg 'g 'r*arzr ' ,ror^ '(çS I€Jlue^ FJrue^ uo pepnlf,w fnq 95 uo pâtlruo .rreq) çg 1o xade pue 95 'g 'smerrr[€rluâ^ '/S pue 95 'g 'C 'r\er^ rorrâlrre 'urn11aqe1g 'g 'slrer,râprs pu? 'g 'y'urS:eur lerluo^osJop'alnsdzclelrueC 1erâl?lJoaqol l?r]ue^-l^ 'ur8reru 'a8pr.r Sur8rarruoc 8ur8re,up Jorrâlu?-rp? ["ror"l Jo eqol ["srop=1p Fs"q:rf,q'a8prr 'n(sq ('7) 'y 'g laotapo{ ('ù 'V 'C 'U-V 'sa1eu 'otoqflotltuotldoTsnua8qns onqdoryuy 'tI 'CId anqlatanbsal'uossar3 nta7ruuoapue'(gereltoC) 'sapa{g papnleuJ xîUttz,te (o"roqdoqqunfiQ) 'V 'paugep IIe/v\ elsru 'd 'aleuttreure l.11eseq Jo LLJo ssâf,ord relnperg 'rvrorreu pue 'eplrvt ueq] ra8uol serull t'7,-0'Z Euol e8prrq e^lel slued 'o (llesropocrde po/v\ol^ 'Ttlqt pue e8rul ep1,v\u€r{t .re8uol sâtult t'I-g'I 'ttg) xade ez\l€Â srued 'u 'eldurrs o] (tgt PSIq 'qZ dpleer* epur Jo âllxorouot 3o xady 'l '(ogT 'suot1 'Stg) luasq€ serulletuos suollcalo-rd I€re]BI -celord Fro]el u€rl] pedoleneP erotu (gensn suol] -celord uerpeuqns'suot]ceford lecrde pedolenep Lplearnt (ory saurrleuos) rnoJ r{}y/t e}eutErerrre 'Elg) rslp dfpeorq al€ur Jo BS Jo xady '{ '(nZ yo qf}Euel ss Euol s€ lnoq€ euâpode lseare pezq -orelrs dplrep ot (pqEII qly/. dleseq eleur Jo 1S 'f '(dgt 'Etg) padolanep [e/v\ e1etuJo r{snrq Jo csrq 'J 'luasq€ âl€trr Jo r{snrq l€sr€llseq I€srelrlslPpltr\tr -plry 'e ']uasard âl€ur Jo qsnrq lesr€]prtr tr 'p dnorg sarcadg rrr{rtorC 's'n uralseû\ er{} o} pâ})Ir}s3r ere xtpld pue paqto{'llspwrnpa sarcads rl}creeu oql 'zaztlnqespu€ 'stpnnc{nt 'sa(ts.taalp'V ueilqv r{}nos âr{} se IIa/v\ se uot8er JI}JrsloH erl} uror; sarcads sepnlcur e8elqtuess€ slr{I 'ztrh\erolN sllouraa Pue ' ( s a *te z1t toyç 1arry sal' z1t*te tolN t aazJ0fizns' o>lueqcs -]pâ.ft xqznD4s 'rauserr4 ouqout{s 'uueulsJe^g 'eserrg sxlruas 'zata4 Dlnexuas 'elourdg sa{t(ocs M4lnqzs'(uoraure3) srynoc{n^t'retlelade-I rîpuDuzr '(snaeuulT) Dlnlar'elelrequrll ?tw1d'uu3ursre^g 'oPoq_ nTopa{ 'elourdg su,qop"tflru'asarrg sano{t.tïru -lrC onuaotldf,qtl' zate d DqruDxopq' garalc o3 rcaqto{ 'râusor.r Dtqlaqn{ 'opoqlrC an4sa{'(esarrg erroJ T d ell€Cl) xxuuozasnaa'o>lueqcslPâd unlqesr,a'uos -sâJO nsprompa 'asorrg sa{tsnatp 'zeJ)d DeltDll'lup 'asarrg Dtxraa 'o>luaqcslped îutssap 'srnoq lnryaq -1nq 'rc1re1ade1 DqlDztto 'lâusett d Delqot'r 'uorleurq -ruor /v\eu (erro'1 €IFCI) nsuap7ur 'd1smo{zsoP€U (zar)d xpnnnllo 'a1c1pe11 Dpq_rnqoqlv''ds DezoUD 'u wnrlstazpo (otoqdoqyunfl(4) 'V 'saleadgpapnlcuJ '(OgO1 'droql) drcct -tolorq pele8rlselul uaaq svq'ysptofiupa'otoqdotltuo -E[d Jo selcads p1ro6 û\âN el8urs e Âpg '(OgOt 'e,rodo4 'er1eg 'a{o4uo s€) DqlDlrlv pue (tgO 1 (otlcnuow ro stqa4sao seru€u :ZOO1 'uaslelN) aql ropun saunleuos) CIsnpr - perpnls uââq seq .sarcads puo6 plo o/vu ;o (Eololq eql 'ffio1o1g '(sarcads rrtrreeN ul luesqe) peugop ']uaserd eletu Jo LI Jo ssacord rulnperC fiarvr 'd 'ateur8reura dgeseq 'aplm se Euol seturt 0'Z-t'I 'Qnofi w eplm) /v\orreu pue uol{s e8prrq e^p^ srued 'o dgesropocrde pe/v\er^ aplû\ ueql re8uol 'Ttlr{r pue a8rel xade o^[e^ sruâd serurt 0'Z-0'I 'u '[(u 'qtI 's8tg) sa{tacnçsay pue 'osn4a.t'ot1tuoxo1ot1 'tmotlcs.ra'u.aqaq 'nsuapîuo 'tpnonlp v\ (pearttl PUIq (ur 'ltl 'sEt.E) pglq dl8uorls eletu Jo ellxocouo8 yo xady '1 '(uorleredard pâreelf, ur dpo uaas) rted pue pozllorâlrs Lplrep I€retel ueql elnce ârotu 'suotlcafotd oJoru rred uu rpeuqns lecrde rnoJ qll^ areurtre"ià d1môrre" ("lgr 'Érg) aferuJo BS Jo xady 'l '(agt 'EtU) cslpSo çEuel s€ Euol se sorul] '0 eurapodu iQsaq^ro{pue nsprDntpa 'sercads 0' I - 1 's'n urelse/v\ eq] tdacxa) ssere PezllorelJs Tr€p 't '(trdlato$al lnoqrrû\ dgeseq oleru Jo lS Jo cslçI p u e ' n p u a s ' t m o q c a a ' 1 1 s p " t o m p a ' n n q o t ou I ] u e s -q") '(lgt 'ttg) padolenap dlolerâpotu ot dplearnt eleur Jo r{snrq lesr€}r}slppTtr\tr 'J '(sa{tacoysagpu€ 'sqtuas'oauo.r,.ta7qns'rcaqto{'plsp.tDmPa''ocpqo 'y rdacxa) tuasard âleur Jo r{snrq l€sre]Iwqplntr 'P 'a '(lgl 'Elg) ]uâsqe apruJo qsnrq lesrelpll^t dnorp sarcadg esntâl{ 'oroqdoqguy snld 'ssleur eq] IIeÀ\ eq] ol Jo e1e1d prpr8dd Peugâp '(îo1ow{gg Eurrre;ar xgard e 'durnr '('tC) sofi(4 'srsou8elp eql uI ue^It alnsdec '/S âleru eI{} Jo srâ}ruretlr er{} lelrua8 pue BS pue eleru âr{} ur e1e1d prprEdd B Jo erueserd aql 'urnllaqeg paqol dgecrde eqt ,(q rl tuorJ peleredes âq u?r rnq 'rts 's n"totldoq?uvol pet€ler dlasop sr ototldoqtunfl[4 'uerdorq]g Pu€ rr]f,reloH sl l1rlr{,v\ 'sdnor8 o^Àl uI peo€1d eroq aru ]nq '(ggOl) Jo euo sToorg dq dnor8 rlspr€/v\pg eq] s€ ol PerraJ -ar âre sercads JIlJreaN er{I 'aunf o1 drenrqeg '(Eo1otg puo sruazaral7 ruo{-r; selg otoqdotl1uofi(4 'ruru qr8uel dpofl 's 'snldlsouo8 se Euol il-U 'snldlsouo8 xade tutssedrns ss sorurt 3o ç'Z-0'Z 'r 'turodplrrr ro tururep€ asodar ur turlg Jo pelslp 'b Z IIoJ leur8reuqns Eururof ule^ luarJnJer lsrrg -tuaserd ol ]uesqe âl€tu LLJo sserord reppert Io lalelntue dpo dlarer 'aleutlec suttreru lerelel :(E 'cg1 's8t.l) aleur8r€tue rrr (s11o7ua1r0 q]âel lnoqll/v\ dl8uo+s) aleur8rsruo Lpleart ot ârllue {1ec1d9 'd ']uasard e1eru 'paugap Jo a1u1d ppfl.4 IIeÀ\ 'ttd dnort ' 'ep1,v\ueq] ra8uol soturl 0't-t' t [(qg t 'Etg) e}sul8 sercads rreJor{uatog ur ldacxel (pg I -rerue dleseq a8prrq e^le^ slued 'o (lesropocrde 'Tclqr pe/v\âr^ apl^À u3t{1 ratuol satul} ç'?-0' I 'u pue aErel ol /v\oJreu pue II€Irrs xede e^le^ srued 'Qnofl w epl/v\ 'peueusu sâIurleruos Pu? /v\orr?u 'sEtd app\ se tuol se tuol ss setull ç'gl) (u-tgt 'qlEuel ul oterePour ol uolls âleur s€ seurr] ç'B-0'g 'sEI.{) pgtq dl8uorls 'ur '(t-tg I Jo snldtsouog '}u?s o] dpleervr olelrr Jo elrxocouo8 3o xady _l -erd uorlezrloralcs I€urpn]r8uo1 lsuotlcafotd lecrde '{ 'cslp 'sEtg) âl€tu 'T Jo BS Jgt + ro 3 çrm ( o s€ seurr] 0'I-ç'0 'Euo1 ol uor{s 5o çEue[ se tuol 'Etg) aurepode :(lg t luaserd sarulletuos seeru pozrlorolrs Trep qll^À csIP Jo eseq ltt I a:n814 ur s€ eqol l€rtue^ puB l€sJop e qll/v\ ur8 -reru lere]€l 'e1tue 1ere]€locrde qlyv\ 'r(lpcrde el"u Nrrs-rTnfl scNslcs svsNvx to ^rrsus^rNfL sHJ 7,9+ SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvrocENy oF THE ANrHopHoRINs BnBs +63 ,r (çgor) sïooJs;o dnor8 ,,;:i':frY,uli:$ ;Yi#,'ï;tI;':ti'Ë,Ë,:'#: $;'fi1,q:,:,Y;;::, -arnba sr snueSqns snqa'nsouîmq âql ur pelels -rry 'owoïo ldacxa) T"rlq apur Jo elqrpueur sE sr âtrxof,ouot aqr 3o adeqs eqt pue xede eql !(stuq.reu epd qrr,n on!4rrv ldarxa) {relq epruaJ uo suorleefo.rdu"rpeuqns pue 1erer?l 'pedopaep 1o'(sqqmt ul {J"lq ge prrc o1tt1îaupve tsanautp lr d11za,u qt!^À Jo tnoqtrn (ctt 'ElS) 8uo1 uegt elrq,r'rldecxa) sSurlreur,r'ro11adqlr,u e1eruJo âf,"d râprÀ\ sr BS 'gSJoJI"rl Ftsrp eql uo sa8prr enbglqo 'q '(sruaur5as I'e txeu ol pnba 'ogqot ldatxa) eç dq sepur âql w pâter?das eq uec ll rlrrq,r,r, sluaur8as Z'r-0'g lxeu ol a1eur Jo '(slueur5es 'o1mqot'V rdecxa) (rZ '8tf) uro{'rls'sorotldor4tuyprnototl(opuoàt4 olpâtelâr 0'g txâu o1 pnbe .raq1eto1sluaur5as g'g-g't lxâuJo qlSua1or pnbe ,(1aso1clsour sr snuetqns srqa dpf o1 ikenuef uror; dg serceds aq; '6olo!g puo rlwrwuoD el"ureJ Jo y tuaru8as reqaSelg 'e 'uo1t(ytsaq '(p 'q 'eçT 'stld tues -ard qsruq l€sre]r]slpplu 'luasqe dlpnsn qsruq FsJelrssqplur'luaserd sorurlâurosqsruq lesrplplur qlyv\ aleur :("çt 'Elg) e1eruur Juesardsassacord"re1 -npert pus e1u1dprprtdd l(q,'nil 'sttd perluo^ pe{oor{ 'paua11eg 'alduns eletu Jo elrxoJouo8 yo xede :(ptl 'tt$ dlecrde turtraruoo setprr;o rrud p qlr/v\JI"q ps"q 'seEpu turtrarrrp anbrtqoJo rred € rltr/v\a1etuJo 95 Jo JIpr{ I€tslç1 'stsoufiotq 'urru 0Z-11qfual dpog's'(sarurl eerqt l,geuorsecco)snldtsouo8 se tuol se ocr/vu 'snldlsouot go xode Surssedrns dpq8rls ro Eururc,tleasodar ur Eurlg 'r 'lurodprur Jeeu Z, IIoJ purtreruqns Sururof ure^ ]ueJJnJeJ tsrl.rl 'b 'padola^ap lel\ 'apur yo LL Jo ssacord relnpert :(rç t 'ttd eleurtrerue l.lpcrde 'eleu -rrec tou 'dgerelel pepunor pue papuedxe dgeseq 'uorlcalord a]ecunJl uerpetu € s€ dlecrde luasard eleutrrJo e1e1dprprtd4 'd '(g'Z-g'Z sunlxnr pue '0' stytn{stp ldacxe) aplÀ\se tuol ss serur}0'Z-9'I I 'el1ua o] aleur8retrra Llpseq atprrq e^lBA srued 'o (gesropocrde pe/v\er^ eplÀ\ se tuol se serurl 'ql8ual âteraporu ,'Z-0'I lnoq€ Jo xade e^F^ slued 'u '(apl/v\ss Euol se serurl 0'02 'nnuotuoc.tnl pue 'oy1t1"t7o ur /v\orreu pue tuol) epyv\ se tuol se serurl B'9-0't /v\ar^IeJlue^ tuoJJsnldlsouoc 'ur '(q'"+l 's8lg) psrlue^ pa{ooq 'paue1}ug'Qlaswo ur dgecrde paqo[q dplearvr)aldrurs el€tu Jo e]rxor -ouot;o xedy 't '(&l 'ttg) luasqe uortvzltorelcs Ieurpnlr8uol irred uerpetuqns Jo âpls r{rse uo uorlcelord e serur]eruos'suor]colord uerpetuqns U t{}lû\ dgecrde âletu Jo BS 'T 'cs1pyo çEual w Euol se serurl-çZ'I ]see[ ]€ eruepode lseere pezr]orelrs 'saJueregnt Trsp dq dpo pelueserdar sârurleuros -ord Jo rred e qll^À cslp Jo eseq iatl ern8rg ur se elgord ur. '(s171"to(stp w eqol lesrop dpo) eqol Iusrop relno pu€ eqol lerluâ^ reuur qllÀ\ derurprur ur8renr 1erolsl ipepunor dlprelelocrde'(pepunor 'pacnpord dllecrde nyu,o(stp) dnncrde eteu -rtreura dpeorq eprrr Jo /S Jo rsrq 'l '(ptt 'Etg) uorsserdrp lerelel r{}lû\ dlpnsn rslp '.(squro{stp w ]uesqe sa8pu 1eseq)l,lpcrde tur8re^uoc sa8prr eru?s rlllÀ\ JI"q 1ewq 'dqecrdu tur8re,rrp apls rlc€e uo atprr enbrlqo uu qrlÀ\ JIer{ Ie}slp 'a}eurt -rsTuoserurleruos'arrlua (gensn âleru Jo gS 'l '62 arntrg ur s€ paugap 11o^A aptu 3o a1e1d1elqprseg 't{ '(çoot ' w poue}}Bg leseqore}ue q}p\ ,(peart) çoot lnoqtr/v\ 'alduns eletu Jo snsr€lrseq pulH '8 '(p 'q 'eg1 'tttg) sqappt ur dgear'r) luasard eleru Jo rlsnrq lesrelrlslppltr^tr 'J 't(p 'octuo{su1'n{np 'oputtqour 'eçT'sttd suqtnr pus luasardl (qç t 'tt,il luâsqs dlpnsn eleru Jo qsruq cnplllclq pu€'o4snqo.r, lesr"]rs"qplntr'a'(oclupulgrnl 'o171c1"t7o 'qaswo 'owoflo 'tlut ur luasqe) (p 'q 'eçI's8ld padolalep ne/v\o1dplea/v\lueserd uaqrvr epruJo r{sruq lesre}plhl 'p 'sedr}ssBtuol s€ 6'-B' lnoqe essoltured lnrnluaruard se tuol sB B'-L' lnoqe runlueru lqloot JorJelue lnoqlr/v\ 'dgeseq aldrurs runluoru l(arrlua dlpcrde sqapDe rdecxa)cg arn8rg ur sB suorlraford a1q-ra8ug qlu!\ dgecrde urnlloqeg !tuo1 ss epl^Àse serurt ç'B-g't lnoqe adrl oo 6 : ;'#Ë ?'ii :":i; #,T;;:;ds 'uorl -nqlrlslp q u"IsV uJelse/v\pus uBeuerretlpetr\tra-Ie dnor8 rreJor{ua8o11erl} Jo sarcadsgy 'rarlaledal sxrqvfluaa pue 'ôlsrvro>lzsopel{ !!lar!e!s '(asrn51) otïtas 'srnoq snzuqnl 'zlrr*ero141 ua{ot1uaîo.t 'zeta4 suqDlutund ',{rl-S osoutn.t{'zlrr,etoIN sno -luatrr 'asarrg sapofiâ1u 'z1rttftrotr\l s{acltî1u'su1z1s -noruoJ^etr\tr otllossu?all'garalooCDuxrpotnay'zata4 naotl(ocna1'opoqrrg ll7yQ 'z1rrvrero141owgyu{ 'sloorg sapxolvztso{'llareTro3 syanfixauuot (uol} -?urqutuo3/v\euosarJdsnaltuet(zar)d lloJVe'sloorg 'zeta4 TpzJD'zete4 Dzzsnf)puv'asarrg oqoufusoq1o DIIltlqlD (otoqdotltuolf4) 'V 'saya(g paprytul 'l 's o"tot1(or1îuv to1 l"nsnun sr grSI^À sTr€ru relnJoered Tre[ dnort sFIt ur septu raqlo Jo IIV 'sTr"ru relnf,osred geurs a^Bq 'syutofixauuoe se1etr '$F€ru lllaqtls pus ptîns Io I relncoered pedolelep ile^À e^Br{ Durqrotnalpue 'ouylu{ 'oqouîtsoqp 'V seletrAI'sru?arao7 ll&lqï Jo 'peugep dllearvr al€tu ssacordfflnperg 'd '(qSt 'Elg) orrlue Jo LL lo'aplal dgeseq sz tuol sB serurl /rtoJJBu lnoqs t pue Euol atprrq eAF^ srued 'o (gusropocrde 'r*orreu Pe/v\er^s€ opr/v\se tuol s3 serurl ç'?-0't pue gsrrrs xade e^[€^ srued 'u '(tgt 'ttg) algord q pSIq dl8uorls o] dlelerepotu epru Jo elrxocouot 't '(lgl 'ttg) aqol pedole,rap Jo xedy 11a,ue qllrv\l,lpralel pue suorlreford u"rpeuqns o/vurllyr\ areur$reruedp*orreu eptu Jo BS3o xady '>t '(tgl 'Etd rslp 3o qrEuel eq] JI€II euo anrapode lseere pezrlorelrsTrBp rlll,!\ eFru lo LLJo csrc 'l'Q17aqc1s pu" 'ua{ot1uaîot.'outrpocnal ur ruasqe) luasard 'V rrl aleru Jo qsruq lesrelllslppltrN '1 '(o4oufusoq1o padole,repdgeerv\)tuosqe elsur Jo qsruq lesætlseq -pll^t 'e 'luesqs elBrrrJo r{sruq l?sr?}prtrAl'p dnorg sarcadgrraJoque8og 'sUOzrJV pue epe^eN Eurpnlcurs 'n eql Jo sel€]s tseoC r5rced aql ur rnrco sarcads er{J 'â{BIraqIulJ Nrrg-r-Infl scNsrcs svsNvx .{o Àrlsug^IN^o sHJ ,91 I ? r I i { L I I SvsrBuATIcs AND PHvrocENY t !t I I Etymologlt. Lopho.s(Gr.), ridge or crest, indicating the apically diverging ridges on the distal half of 56 of the male, plus Anthophora. Dispar Species Group b. Labrum of male apically with three projections, median projection emarginate, suggesting that of many Heliophila rnales (Fig. 301). e. Midbasitarsal brush of male well developed (FiS. 15a), occupying one-third to one-half length of brush of male well basitarsus. f. Middistitarsal developed (Fig. 15a). g. Hind basitarsus of male somewhat round in cross section and dilated. i. 56 of male apically emarginate medially with a large, deep depression on each side of disc (Fig. 14f); 56 of female normal without median subj. Disc of 57 of male bry_allyapical projection. -of tooth-like protuberances. k. SB of with pàir male itrongly angulatç apicolaterally. m. Gonostylus of male round in cross section, about 3.5 times as long as wide. n. Apex of penis valve about 1 .6 times as long as wide viewed apicodorsally. o. Penis valve bridge basally emarginate, !.7'times as long as wide. p. Pygidial plate of male not distinct, represented as a median shelflike projection, apically wide, about .4 times the distance between the apices of gradular processes. q. First recurrent vein joining submarginal cell 2 distad of midpoint. r. Sting in repose attaining apex of gonostylus, about twice as long as gonostylus. ' Included Speciesand Biologlt Included here is only species , A. (Lophanthophora) one Meditérranean dispar Lepeletier, the biology of which in Egypt *as desciibed by Ibrahim (1976, as A. speciosa Friese). oF THE ANrHoPHoRrNn Bnns +65 Porterae Species Group with a of male medioapically b. Labrum apical margin projection, weakly emarginate sometimes flexed outwardly, greatly produced. e. Midbasitarsal brush of male absent (weakly present in A. atricilla), though ursina and dammersi derived, dense different, have an apparently group of flattened, orange hairs in the same position as a basitarsal brush. f. Middistitarsal brush of male weakly to well developed. g. Hind basitarsus of male flattened. i. 56 of male apically entire (sometimes emarginate as in ffinis, agama, biciliata,, disparilis, neglecta, robusta, turcomanica, and ursina), with a shallow depression on each side (FiS. 14d) (depression absent in disparilis); 56 of female normal, without median subapical projection. j. Disc of 57 of male with a basal pair of dark scleroti zed areas and/or tooth-like protuberances (Fig. 14e). k. SB of male apicolaterally rounded (FiS. 1aS). m. Gonostylus of male flattened to round in cross section, short to long, 2.5-8.5 times as long as wide (Figs . l4a, b) (long in atricilla, and turcomanica, 20 times longer than wide). n. Penis valve apex about as long as wide as viewed apicodorsally. o. Penis valve bridge basally emarginate, | .6-2.3 times as long as wide, short in disparilis, 1.0). p. Pygidial plate of male distinct, apically wide, about 0.3 the distance between apices of gradular processes (Fig. 15c). q. First recurrent vein joining submarginal cell 2 basal to or distal to midpoint. r. Sting in repose attaining or slightly surpassing apex of gonostylus, 2-3 times as long as gonostylus. Comments. A. disparilis Friese is a strange species in that the male has an all black labrum, greatly flattened hind basitarsus with a tooth and process, mbb:midbasitarsal FIG. 15. Anthophora subgenus Lophanthophora,males. gp:gradular brush, mdb:middistitarsal brush, mtb=midtarsal brush, pp=pygidial plate. A, Midleg of A. (L.) dispar, outer view. B, C, A. (L.) porterae,midleg, outer view and apex of T7 (hair is omitted), dorsal view. D, A (L.) hispanica,midleg, outer view. 's^ ar^ âprs pu" pJtue^osrop elnsdec 'y 'f 'mer,r 'qg '1 'alar,r ,gg ,11 .alarzr Flruac lsJluâ^ ["rlua^ 'C) 'aa,er,r 'g '/l^erzr psrop'4;;o xedy'q 's^ âr^ eprs pue pJtuâ^osrop ,elnsder l€rluo^'49 leJluâ^'99 'g 'p 'a,rerrrJorJelu? 'urnlloq€l{ 'g 'ecug 'y '1.rzur paddpe.rdns = rus (Treur relncoe-red- urd I€lluâc 'ssacord 'sselord 'cI 'y ur pellruro trc:g. .DuDqrn lsurref, ["râl"l:Jl leurr"f, pJrue^osrop-c^p 'V'g'3 louoluow('fu 'V 'X-.{ ,C ,g ,y .sepur ,otot$orquotoîst74J snue8qnsotorl{otltuy.gI .C1g (fu pueq lecrde Trlrl] e Eururroy 'pecsaleor sgnl rlerl 's8tg) rler{ TrBIq ro (tIr'ILt TcslqJo sgn} pcrde rnoJ I{}1,t\ pegrpour e1etu Jo çS '.(nsua(tnba"ro''e'l) elecunrl 'pacnpord urEreur lecrde 3o prlrl] uelp -eur qlliv\ Jo '(stsuauntnd ''o'l) uorleur8rerrra lvrol -ler{s 'uerpeur q}yv\ Jo eJr}ua ur8reur pcrds e^Bq sarcads uzf,rreruv t{lnog '09 I 'Etg) uorsserdep 'dgerpaurocrde a]eurtrerue l'peorq 1eretel € rl]r/v\ dlpnsn eptu Jo gS 'l 'Qylqnm pue nlo"t1s1{oc uI pougep [Ie/v\) tuasqe o] peuuap dlrood sder"rp lsoruls aletu ;o a1e1dl€lqllrseg 'r{ 'eplÀ\ se tuol se sâtul] eârql lnoqe 'qlael lnoqlr/v\ 'aldrurs aleur Jo snsrellseq pulH '8 '(s11oatoqpve llqslDm ur dp1ea.,ur luaserd) luasqe epru Jo qsnrq lesrelrlslppltr\tr 'J ']u3sq3 âl?ru pue Jo sâqsruq 'e-p 'sadrls se 8uo1Issr€lrssqplul s€ g L' -Bg' essolt IesrelprtrN -ercd iurntueurard se Euol se Æ'-gZ,' runluoru 'prFn 'aldrurs urnl l€s€q uo qlool JorJelue lnoqlrrvr -ueru :(qgt 'tt.t) seqol all-ra8ug lecrde l€râ^os tltlÀ\ Irrnileqeg i8uol se epr/v\ ss serurt 0I-g eleur 'tuo1 se epyit se sarur] gI-ç apuroJ Jo Jo aceds reletrAI 'c '(nuoqm pue 'n1octty 'y4oo{ 'nsua{mb -atp 'q1oatoq 'ltnqoq 'flsuautprlaq uo luesq€ uelcad rolpue srrerl peToor{) (r-n tt 'stlg) .srrer{ dnean ro pe{ooq dgecrde 'goqs qtp\ pera^or dgensn pue ualcad e qlp\ dgeseq ueryo snaddlc :[(tOt 'ttg) snaddlc uo ollqil\ qlyv\ sxsuauoqoq tdacxa] {relq el€ural Jo ereJ l(s1rd [erro]uâ] rorre]u€ uo slods Trelq roJ tdacxa erlga dleteldtuoc snoddlc ar\pq onq{oqruV ueem}uv eg} pue 'ouoqtn '1ttot1oq}€r{l 'ttg) eete ldacxe) (ngl TOEIq l€ra]Blorrde q]lù\ e^rlcurlsrp sneddlc uo Surlrerrr epd '(lods Fwq ou r{tlÀ\ yyoo{ pue rolltttl ueell}uv eq} ldecxa) dgeseq lods arlqm r{tl^À elqrpueur lparolor-ru€err dlpuors€JJo 's8urlretu elrq/v\ rlllù\ eleur Jo eced 'q 'stueu8es '(+'t 'szsuauolnd'V) 0'U -0'I âFur Jo raqta8ol slueru8es g'g-Z'f, lxau 3o çEuâl ol pnba âprrreJ Jo y luaur8as rega8elg 'e 'uotg(ucsaq .ellq|\ durearc ol elrq/v\ âleru Jo ereJ !(a 'cat 's8t.f) nuoqrn 'tr sarJadt 'S 'n uJelse/v\ ur ]uaserd eurruo IeJlueA -osrop dpo '(r[ 'lgt 'sEt.E)€urr€r Ier]ue^osrop pue [€re]€l e q]r/v\ xelduroJ eletu Jo âlrxocouot ;o xade :(qgt 'Elg) qloo] uot{s q}l^À (geralel as€q 'aqol (1deep I€rolel pedolanap 11o/n\rll1,v\ e]eurtrerue pue dlpeorq epur Jo BS :(Egf 'Elg) eere ruelf, 'aPI^ 'seqo1 Pu? peorq sslP Ie^o u€ r{}rlv\ ra}uâc l€re]el padolenep [e/v\ o/vu q]le\ a1eruJo ZS yo xade :Gtt 'l Jgl 'sEI.{ pue I ralcereqc ees) pegrpour (peer8 9S pue çS rlll^À sder*p lsotule el€tu l(a-e 4 'sEt.E) uatcad € qlr/v\ dgeseq uâUo pue srr€r.{dner* ro pe{oor{ dgecrde trera rplm dgensn snaddlc lada Jo r{}pl/v\ B' }soru }e elgord ur snaddlc 'ace; xâAuoJ dllearvr ro leg r{l1,v\ eleured 'stsouflotq '6981 'uossarC Duuluowo,totldo?tîuv :sarcadgadd; snua8qns ateu o"toq{otltuoco\s[y4J -râlrpetr tr er€ qlofl 'srnoq octuo(stt1 'uorlnqlrlslp ur u?3uBr suol!1ru pve (snrcrrqeg) papnltuJ @"rotldoqtuotldoT)'V'sa4ca{g 'llrdv ol rlrr€tr tr rrro{ dg dnort srrlt Jo srequroruaql '6op7g 'snldlsouo8 se Euol se ecr/vu 'sn1d1s -ouot xade dpqtqs asoder ur turlg turssedrns yo 'r 'lurodpltu ol tururof lelslp Z IIar pur8reuqns ure^ ]uerrncer lsrld 'b 'sassacord relnper8 Jo secrde uaa/vueq acuelslp Jo Z' tnoqe 'epuvr dgecrde 'd 'eprr* se Euol se '1cur1srp âleru 5o areld lerprtd4 serurl g'Z-g' I 'arrlua ol eleurtrenra dlleseq a^F^ pe/v\erl eplrur sruad Jo a8prrg 'o (lpsropocrde se Euol sB a^[e^ sruad 5o xady 'u 'âpI^{. se tuol se olstu So snlftsouoC serull t' +-['t'uoqs'peue]]gu 'T 'rltoo] 'ru 'papunor dgerelelocrd€ el€ru Jo BS ou 'eate pezrlorelrs {rep dpo qtlÀ\ dlpseqore}Bl eleru Jo ZS Jo rslçl | 'oc1un{s1,q'V ul uor}caford Jo 9S iuotssard lecrdeqns uerpâru qtyv\ oleureJ -ep Isra]?I lnoqlr/v\ l€u sslp 'aleur8rstue Â11uer* o] ârrJue dllerparuocrde âFur Jo gS 'l 'pauolteg 't '(pçt 'ttg) pado eleru Jo snsrelrseq pulH -[e^ep dplear'r el€ru Jo gsnrq lesr€]l]slpplntr 'J 'sns -relrsuq Jo rptual squnoJ-eerql turddncco '(pçl 'Etd padolenap ile/r\ eleru Jo qsnrq lusrelrs€q -pll4t 'o 'luesard uotlceford uerpaur 'aleurEreruâ dl4earvr ro orrtua l.11ecrde aleur Jo LunrqeT 'q dnorg sercadg ectuedstll .EISV 'edorng 'sa1e1g pallun Frluef, ol BOII;V quou dgeraue8 punoJ pus cr]f,r€lorl aql lnoqtnorq] sr o"toqdotl\unq{07'uossâJC Duzsrn pue'z1rufr -rotr\i Detunzazernl'(E.lX) D$nqlr 'eserrg nso4at{ 'gera>1coJ anraund 'uossârg ocfico( 'esalu;ù stquaa -xaaxu 'gare1co3 T âTelrequrll n\nllau 'eserrg Dnlnrnta'o>lueqcslped o1oq(acouz1aza'oluaqcslped lqt o3l' oluaqcslpe.{ tuuDtilaulaq' zlr rv\eroIN Dsrur7nn{ 'opoqrrg nlnuaqn{ 'gara>1co3 nntopa{ 'asarrg tsrauazaap 'alelraqurlJ szyuo{stp 'alelrequll suaesn.tautt 'olueqcsrpâd otlruuïotdoc 'rartaladel sqalang'o4uaqcsrpad tmouoploq îutssap'opoqrrg 'oluaqcsrpad oqotcso{tq'rerloledo-I otnlllelq'uuuru -srâ^g DlllclrtD 'a>1crpa11 qasuo 'd1smo>lzsopel{ 'uossar3 pu,pîo 'opoqrrg n\opaqo{o '?ll-fl slup slfqop (ntoqdoqtuoqdoT) 'V 'saltadgpapnlcu7 '(tgOy 'oluaqcp€ll) u/v\ouT x QQsmqzsopor oql dpo plro6 plo w) quy$o Jo (Eolorq eq] q '('ururoc 'sred 'otqcro; a) qetn w ]lnp€ u3 s€ sJelur/v\Jâ^o oc{tco{ 'v $ee| te pue 'cr1ca1 -d1od ere u/v\ou{ er€ s}rq€q esoq n o,toqdoqruoqdoT 11V ,(nlrrI o] drenrqed ruo{ dg serceds crlcreepd erl1 '(raqura^oN se dlree se sexal uI sprorer 'S 'O orntr 1I{EIUpue lsn8ny ur petrelloc sueurtceds uâoq e^eq eror{}) Âpf o} drenuef plur tuo{ 'sr 1eq} 'Jeururns dlree ol turrds uro{ e^r}J€ er€ ntoqdo -qtuoqdoT Jo sarceds ueclrâruv {1ro51 '6op1g 'alnsdec plrua8 pue BS pu€ 4g pcrddluou NrrsTrng scNsrcs svsNv) do ÀrrsusAINI) sHJ 99i I r I 7 SysrpuATrcs { I i, I I I I II { I I I I f I t AND PHvrocENy oF THE ANrHopHoRrNB BBes +67 I I I i I rre ser{ apureJ erIJ'sreloereqJ snoqdroruorsald lsoru eql Eur,req euo eql sr Duoqrn 'V ,sercads n,roqdoqtuoco\s[y47 Euoury'(îop4g puD sruaîazaoC 'snldlsouo8 3o xade Ewurulte lsotu1e esodar ur turlg 'r '(a 'ca[ 'sElg) ]uesqe eurr?c Frelel pue padolanap ssel eurreJ Isrlue^osrop r{}lÀ\ âl€ru Jo snldlsouo8 Jo xady .l .pesrpour ]ou oleru Jo çS lrreq Trelq Jo Unr 1eratel ou pus a8prr pepunor l€urpn1r8uo1 uerpetu e ]noqlr/v\ aptu Jo 9S 'l 'e33J pâUlpourun qll/v\ e[etuad 'q dnorg sercadg €ueqrn '€rreqrs ol u"rl pue adorng 1erluaC ur rnroo 'lttoqoq pue slloaroq 'sarcads plro6 plo 'Fserg uretnnos ol €urlue8ry 'o8er] I€rtuâc pue urequou ssorJe ls€e pue ellqC -ues tnoqe ol euoz ueepuv âr{} ut q}nos 'elenze -ue6 'uplr?Irrl ruor; rnJJo sorceds uecrreurV rpnog er{J '}uerur1 tules o1 (ecruuref ruo{ u/v\ouT }ou tnq) BqnC pus seruer{efl eq} tuor; rnrco '(ZOO1) esârrd dq palsrl 'sarceds ueal[]uv er{J 'eqo}ruutrAtr pu? ue/vl.erlrl?Ts?s 'eueqly 'erqurnloc qsrlrrg Jo seere urarpnos eql ur punoJ are deql dlpuoplppv 'selels urels€erllnos eql ldecxa selels pellun eql Jo lsoru râ^o rnrro dr.{J 'uosserC llqspm pue 'asarrg rolotzsnn '(snrclrqe.{) nllezrl'prelce 4 suo4Q -lld 'traqruloH nsuauon( 'uosser3 pupluuru 'elo -ulds o4aeu! ',{llrrrs s!^tDllq'pro;rvre t3 nyoo{ 'pqce6 'uossar3 oqnt4sp(oc 'z1mtero141 sllDanq ''ds 'u xqnqoq ''ds 'u szsuaaoqnq'uossar3 opJlD 'saqlarg 'd>lllorqeg 'asarrg nsua(mban Dîottpuo 'V'saya{g s(anq1o (o"rotldotlguocoçs(74fl papnltuJ 'u/v\ou1 'e,rodo6;) sgoatoq ,l1uo go (tolorq st (tgOy eqr 'plro6 plo eq] uI '(gçO I ''Ie ]e rouaqcrtrAl :çç61 'rarrruef ogtacut se 'rarnuef) sxsuaunro{ pue (OgO1 'elanzuale1 pue drreneqclg) o4aeuî :u/v\ouT sr orotldoq\uoto\s(741u€crreruv {}nog erl} Jo o/v\} 'nroqdot1quoco\sf,74J ueepr{C ;o d5olorq Eurlseu eql Jo rsll e aneE (lçel) dng l'pf plul o] reqolro ruo{ sr serceds uecrreruv {}nog 3o dlrnrtJe }lnpv 'otortv 'V Io dtolorq Jelrq e senr8 (ZgOl) olos odely pue o.roqdoq\uoco\s(741 uuqnC Jo ]sll e anet (glOl) neur1e61 odely 'raqruereq o] ("IN ruor; dg sarcads uea11rluv 'ocrxetr tr ur reqrueoeq p1ur ot ue^e pue reqolro o1 prdy ppr ruor; ,lg ototld -0t!ruDm7s(7a7 p sarceds uecrreruV r{uo111 '6op1g 'eelesorJeru dpo e^€r{ 'sneddlc aq] uo (rg 'Etg) rurroqdoqluv t( Ê ll rerllo âelesoJf,eru pue oJcrru qloq Jo âJueserd eql sr serJ -eds per"J-lBU or{l5o dqdrourode dqlromelou V '.toloex.tlpu? slr0l!ît Jo sruroJ Jrueleur er€ ere\l lonq(oqguoco\sf,W ur uoru -tuoJun lou sI IusIlsIIIoJI{JIq 'o/v\l eq} uaa/v$eq seruereJlp 1erT8oloqdroru ou er€ erer{J 'xlawoesa ern pue nsua{tnba.tpparrer{-aled eq} uee^r} {retq [11B -eq uorleperErelur pe/v\oqs serJes eq] ur se[BruaJ 'nsua(tnban yo ruroJ cruelar,u eqr sr zlazuozsa erueJeq 1l 'tlawocsa pue nsua(tnban eql teqr tuaredde 'V 'sluaza?aoC Jo sorres ed& or{} Jo ,(pn1s e ruord 'snldlsouot go xede Eurpee_cxadpear8 asoder ur Eurlg 'J 'uorldrrJsap crrouatqns ur poleorpur se sn1(lsouot 5o xady ;1 '(tgl 'Elg) uorldrrcsep rrrauaEqns w palerrpur sP peslporu aptu Jo çS :Ggl 'tlg) rlerl >tcelqJo rJnr 'padole^ap d11eam sarurleruos Fratel a8rel e qlrff\ 'e8prr pepunor leurpnlr8uol uerpetu B r{}r/v\ epur 'l 'paglporuun dlpuorsecro ro uorlducsap Jo 9S cuauaEqns w ss pegrpotrr ere1 r{ll^À eprrred .q dnorg sarcedg eueluotrAtr 'uoxel pâl?leJ B Jo arusu 3 'ntotldotltzy snld 'snadl,1c epureJ eqr Jo eseq erll ]B e"las pegrpour eql o1 turrra;er xserd e 'dr1 reddn aql uodn rler{ eq} '('rC) socoys[747'(EoTowQg 'stsou7otq aql ur ue^rt sra] -cer€rlc aqt dq onq{oqruV p eraue8qns raq}o ruor; paleredes eq dppeer uer tI 'o"rotldotlguocogs(747 o1 snuetqns due Euqurl serqdrourodeuds ou punoJ e^eq I ]nq 'selqurasar dlprcgradns ssel ro eroru 'ntor1{oqruDn7 o} pelelor sr ]l r{rlt{^À }l sdeqra4 'ârncsqo sur€rrret o.toqdoqruVp eraue8qns rarllo ol onqdotltuocoçs(741 yo drqsuorleler eql'sîunaralJ -ouo8;o q,8ueruerr];Sî"? ','%,.{itrï1 (i';ît*: -urelte Lpo Eurts qlp\ DuDqm ldacxa) snldlsouot Jo xede Ewssedrns dpuecgru8rs esoder ur Eurlg 'r 'lurodpltu ot Sururol lelslp Z 11a] purtreuqns ure^ ]ueJrnoer lsrrd 'b 'luesqe eleru Jo LLJo sse -cord relnpert :(pgt 'Etg) lueserd uortcalord e]uu -r8reura dpeorq 'a>1q-y1aqse dgerparuocrde ]nq ]uasqe e1uur;o e1e1dlerprEd4 'd 'aprrrr ueqt retuol sârurl 0' Z-ç' I lnoqp 'ateurtrsrua dgeseq e^le^ sruad 3o etprrg 'o 'fsl1oatoq pue (qOt '8tg) ltnrloq ur rrerl uor{s Jo r{rred punor] (fgt 'tlg) rleq 8uo1 'rreq uoqs q}yr\ Jo r{c}ed punor e r{}ur{ dgerluan '(lesropocrde pere^oJ xede Jo unsrop pe/v\er^ s? app\ se Euol su serurl L'T-1'I e^ls^ sruad yo xady 'u '[durnq IIBurs e dq dpo pe]uaserdar 'luasqe '(qffi 'Etg) aplû\ tsorule sqDanq Jo ]er{r se 8uo1 sB serurt ç'Z'goqs lupqlq Jo leql] opr/v\sB tuol se serurl çt-9 eletu;o sn1&souoC'ur '[(r'rgI 'stt.f) 'fgt 's8tg) ounqm w luesqe eulrer lereletl (l dgerelel peuollrsod (dletuozrroq) euo lecrde pue dgertua^osJop Euruunr euo 1ewq 'a?uu?J e1q-e1e1d o/vu ql1,v\ alerrr Jo elrxocouot ;o xady 'l ']uesqe dlpnsn uorlezrloralcs leurpnlrtuol laprs r{J?e uo eqol 3 r{}r/v\ dlerpaur aleur8rsrue dpeorq xade qlp\ (qgl 'tlg) aptuJo BS 'T 'rslp;o qfual se Euol sB 0' I -g'0 'goqs aurapode lseare pezrl -orelcs {J€p ro seJuerâqn}ord lnoq}r^r. osrp dpseq '[(rOt 'Etg) eqol atrel q]l^À srlunoJ-earq] lecrde 'e1e1n8ue urtreur le urtreur 1erel€l Frelelocrde qlyv\ 'pacnpord dpeorqtuuqoq p l"ql] aleur8rsrua dpzorq xade qly'\ (Egl 'Elg) epruJo IS;o csrq'[ '[Gtt 'Etg) rler{ u^ô.orqJo pueq lecrde q}l/n\ ltrDtlnq pue lprqf Fseq uo rrerl el51/v\Jo pueq esre^suer] osuâp e qlyr\ 'errlua ut8renr pcrde 'rleq {cBIq 'lerurou ]noqlr/v\ sllnaoq larrlua ur8renr lecrde Duoqn ur rdacxa] (lgl 'tlg) âlerurul 'pecnpo-rd dpuorq ur8reur pcrde Jo prltll uerpau :(lgt 'ttg) NrrsT-rng scNsrcs svsNvx Jo Àrrsus^rNn sHJ B9r SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvI-ocENY O F T H E A N T H O P H O R I N N unmodified face and the male has an unmodified 55, 56 and genitalia. A. urbanais at least bivoltine (Mayer andJohansen, 1976), flying from the end of March to mid November. BNNS +69 Included Species. A. (Mystacanthophora) urbana "primitive" species, Cresson. Even though it is a it has the largest range of any North American Mltstacanthophora- Texas and Nebraska (exclud- Scale lines (on right side) represent .1 mm; FIG. 17. Anthophorasubgenus Mystacanthophora. fs=flattenedorroundstouiseta.hs=apicallyhookedsetaofpecten.A,B,Anthophoracapistratafemale, and face and closeup of base of clypeus. C, A. montana,baseof clypeusof female. D,E, A. arequipensis A. hitaris, uppei part of clypeus of females. F, A. walshii, ventral view of male metasoma showing pattern of pubescenceof 55-56. (TJelq rlllù\ serurleruos epureJ yo !s8urTretu rurogad -ropocrde pa/v\ar^ epl^À se 3uo1 se sorurl B'Z-+'Z 'rvro11ad 'geurs pu€ 1v\oJJ€ue^le^ sruad 'u 'epl/v\ 1{Errq dgeuors€f,f,o }qEII ot e}Iq./v\Ltueerc 3o xady r{}l^À âl€ur or€d 'q 's}uourtas Z'g-ç'l txeu o} uegl ratuol seurrl 0'0I -B'1n'uorlcss ssoJc ur punoJ Jo eleur Jo 'sluatu8es 0'1.Z'f, txau yo çEuel ol lenbe ol leg 'poqs 'a1eur go snlL]souoC 'ru '(qgt 'Elg) 'e 'uoq{ucsaq âl€urâJ Jo 1 luatutes reletelg suorlcalord esaql ;o due uo euJog ]ou snldlsouo8 'lo1o.lowa{ pue (.rOU lsuorlcaford g qll^À 'Âgeralel pa/v\or^ 'a1eur Jo ell '8ld lanrnaqnq '7 -xoJouoE Jo xedy 'l ']uasqe uorlezrlorelrs leurpnt ldacxa] sur8reur e]euusr lno -r{}lû\ e1e1dprpr8(d pue (--T 'l 'qgz 'p6I 'ttt.E) -rtuo1 :(rgt 'tlg) popunor pue padole,rep dp1ee.,vr qlae] I€ral€l o/v\} t{}lû\ e^I}rul}slp lnq âlqelr€^ o] dl8uorls rred lerol€l 'a1e1n8ue pue padolan -ap Âl8uorls rred uerpeuqns 'suorlceford t qly/' eleru ur LI :(p 'tIZ, 'stlg) dlerpeur paldnrrâlul spu€q lecrde qlp\ ro Jrere-rurâs Âlesuap '(tlz, dgecrde el€ru Jo BS 'T '(pgt 'Elg) cslp 3o çtua1 'Etg) pesse-rdde eruoseleru 'poqs dlourarlxe aurepode lqtool se Euol se t'-t' Jo ecuerseqnd :(rOZ 't6I's8tg) ro sere pezllorelrs {r€p l€rât€l qll^/t rslp Jo âseq tq8rerls ]sotu1e ol alep8ue dllearr urtreur l€râ]el 'a1e1n8ue dllerelelocrde BS Jo pue lrBI ern8rg ur sB algord ur 'aqol Ierlua^ retrel (pOZ 'a6I 's8tg) seqol rnoJ ro o/vu qlp\ dgucrde 49 e 1r ot 1eseq dpq8rls pue oqol lesrop rell€rus q]p\ d l r n e c u o c e s r o n s u e r } urEreur I€relelocrde :(pgl 'Etg) uorlcalord uerpeur qllÀ\ âleru :(rOZ'.{6I's8lg) z uorlragop Jo eseq te 'f,11uttuen pexeg eptu Jo gS rlll/u\ serurleruos 'dlurpaur eleur8rsrue d1^u.orreu 'f 'EgZ 't6I 'sEtg) peuet]eg 'f 'Get '8tg) 'peorq dgecrde e1etu 3o urtreur pcrde :(o Jo lS Quno{np rolpue qlool padolarrep ilo/v\ ol dtunq rorrelue ue ur dpo) urÊreur pcrd€ uo uorlcelord leralel q]uv\ rlllû\ dgensn el€ur Jo snsrelrseq pulH 'stsouïotq sârurloruos 'aleur8rprue dlmogeqs lnq Lpeorq '(uorleu8rsep pur8rro Lq) xade qtl^À eleur Jo gS 'l 'luesq€ eleur 3o eteld pr -efrrseg 'q '(tgl 'Et,l) pe]ullp rnueJ pue €lqlt pqq ntoq{oqtutr :serro.ffjjt 0BBI'zlrnretow llYs\Dmaqs,r{ :(qgt 'Elg) l.lrnecuor leurpnlrEuol esoles dlasreds 'durqs e Eurneal 'urtreur roualsod ol Eurpualxe -ud5,rÀeN 'Zgg-0ç9 'dd '0861 'eÂe1sno{rr€tr4tr opfauqog '?Bg 'd 'g+61 'esnoqpu€S ]ou âl€ru Jo rlsnrq lesre]rs€q pu5{ râuul : (tg I 'Elg) e^ecuoc dlpeorq âceJrns pr€ûuno 'peue11eg Âq" prtrutrsap 'tLL1 'se11e6soa.nstdv :sercedsadda 'dd ' 'asarrg o11ûauolo4 dlleer8 snsrelrseq lqtoot IBsBq ]noqlr^\ ro r{}lin\ 'gZ pu€ BI L6BI aletu Jo snsrelrseq pulH 't '(lSt 'ttg) pedole,rap aserrf, oq4gfiau,rrrnd snueEqng IIâÂ\ alsru Jo seqsnrq l€srelrlslpplul pu? I€srslls€q '?ulqc -plni 'J-e ']uâsq€ olstu Jo r{snrq lesre}PltrAl 'p 'sedrls se Euol se L' lnoqe essoltered iurnluauard se Euol se 9' ]noqe runluotu 'pr5{l l€seq uo qloot rolJslu€ lnoqltrvr 'aldurÏs runluetu lseqol OTII -ra8ug lecrde lere^âs qllÀ\ run[âqeg l8uol se epl/v\ se serurl L'0I-0'g âlelrr Jo 'Euo1 sB epl/v\ s€ serull 'f, 'Qulprrt 'V ul L'TI-ç'ç oletueJ go eceds r€lenl luasqe) Treru eled qllrnt. urnrqel :Qu1paquI ]uesqe 'ap! ur umorq) (Egl 'Elg) >[reru ellq/v\ pedeqs-a peue^q qllû\ aleureJ 3o sneddlc i(all,{^ elqlpu€rrr qllm lulpaq ù Icelq âlqrpueur 's8urlreur a]lqrvr er€d 'q 's]ueur8as r{}lÀ\ el€ur ]xeu o] ;V1I Jo eleurrr5o 'sluautas 0'g-7,'f, ]xau 3o qfual ol lenbe 'uot4{ttcsaq eleureJ Jo y luaur8as re11a8e1g 'e 'peleredas dleprr* '(fgf 'Elg) qloâl lecrde 'luasqe el?ur 'uerpaurqns o/vu r{llm Jo e1e1d LL prpr8dd :(rgt 'Etg) aqol papunor Ierelel pu€ eqol preleloctde u€rpatuqns qlyv\ urtreur alep8ue 'Etd 'poqs pue psorq aleru uor{s Jo BS :(pgl euepode 'Euo1 s3 epr/v\ s€ ]noq? JSIP qllÀ\ elsru '8tg) pel€llp eptu Jo rnrueJ Puu elql] Jo IS :(tgt esoles l,]tnecuoc pulq :(qgt'ttg) Ieurpnlrtuol (1es-reds 'durqs qllm snsr"tls€q pull{ Jo ereJrns 'tlg) pedole,r râuur Jo ur8reu rotralsod :(lgt -ap ilâ/v\ sâqsnrq Issr€]IlslPplur pue l€sr?]Iseqplul 'V 'luasqu qsnrq lesrslplur qllû\ olsru :Qu1pat1 eseurr{O aqr rdacxe) (Egl 'tlg) Treru aled pedeqs -I parre^ur qll^À eleurâJ yo snaddt3 'stsouflotq urols"e pu€ elpq uJâr{tJou o} seeJ€ uuadorng urelsee puB ueeusrrelrpetr tr aql ur punoJ ere 'lcunlsrp ssel ro ârour ar€ sarcads xrs ar{J dtql 'ds 'u oxocout{s '(snrcrrqe.{) 'uaTJ pue suacsaqn( 'rer1e1a -Iy lraytnauy 'ureqtuq aîo! 'r.{JIV lulpazl -dtT umo{np (ntoqdoqTun"rop) 'V 'saleadgpaprytul .stsouîotq eql ur ue^r8 sralceJer{J âleru Jâr{lo dq pue 'snsrelprur pu€ erqrlpru eq] uo rleq Jo ,(sogsnrq,, dq 'qloo] lecrde ue pue Fseq € eJeJrns rorJâ]ue slr uo sr€eq lsrl] snsr€lrs?q peue]leu pu€ elqlt pue rnuâJ puFI pelelp e Âq,peleredas dppeer er€ seletu âr{I 'srrerl esorunld Jo pueq € qlrû\ elql] pqq eqr Jo ur8reur rorrolsod aqt turzreq dq poteredas oq u€c selsrual slr qcrq/v\ ruoJJ o71.qdo11ag o} pe}?la"r dlasolc otoq(oqruorv7 'sruaaal7 ]soru sr dpueredde 'o"toq{otltuV snld 'aleura; erll Jo ereJ erll uo sTreru epd eq] o] EuureJer xgard e 'etel'('rC) orDJ '(lo1ow(1E 'turu 's 'snldlsouo8 B'Ll-ç'B qlEual ;o qfual serurl 'QIo! ur Eurssedrns dlrqErls) snldrsouo8 ç'Z-0'Z 3o xade tururelte elrnb 1ou dlensn asodar ur turlg 'r 'lurodplu o1 lelslp Z IIeo leur8reuqns Eururolurâ^ 'b 'luasqe luerrnror lsrrd LLJo ssâcord relnper8 :(fg t 'Etg) sas€q relno rrâr{} uee^{.}oq acue}srp sB Euol se t'-Z' qr8ual rreql 'qlaal uerpauqns paleredas dlapunr Z r{tyit dgerpaurocrde aleur Jo 'd 'aprrvtse Euol 4; lluesqe âleurgo areld lerpr8d4 se ç'I-6'9 'dgewq eprû\ pue uorls 'aleur8reruâ ]ou 'eldurrs se^p^ sruodyo a8p1rfl 'o '(eBt 'Etd dles InB' "::::; ;::- ;y" ::i#;-;;" eddl '(eruro; -lleC elug ol erqrunloC qsrlrrg urorllnos) rseo3 er{} o} tsâr* (euroqelTo pue sesuey Erl rgrred Nrrs'rTnfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ÀJrsusArNI) sHJ 0L+ SysrnuATrcs AND PuvrocENy oF THE ANrHopHoRINn Bnns +71 dufouii, all male except G. A, B, Genital capsule, dorsoventral and FIG. 18. Anthophora(Caranthophora) D, E, 57, ventral and side views of disc. F, 56, ventral view. G, Head' ventral view sideviews. C, SB, H, Hind basitarsus, inner surface. I, Hind leg, outer surface. J, Apex of T7, dorsal view. K, Midleg, outer view e-re(p-y 'I 'H) r,J;o sacrdy.,,^âr^ relno,nw.rofu,uac (ù .v to3elpurg .3tflff"ini'ii#:;; 'tnpra (d 'v 'olq"p 'y 'o71oa(ù 'v 'N-x 't*er^ lolno ta{qmt7 ( .y Q) V pue fu) l" 41 ;o xady 4)' 'f 'r*arapsrop'o{rwwos(4)'vJoLrpxedy'1 'ââr^l€srop'1a3oxedy,11 .meïa.re1nà-,8e1 ;oEe1pur11 'c ' ^âr^ JorJelus 'urn11aqu1g'g 'srr,rerrr 'gs pue 'gs 'g-c 's^ âr^ eprs pu? PulH ["rlue^ /s leJluâ^osrop 'elnsder 'g, 'V 'sllosvq (ù .V ,11-y .sapur ,opûawo.to4 snuatqns ototldotltuy .02 .CIù l€trueC ,g ,V .e["u ,soan(optâauoto4)ototlilotltuV.6I .CId 'BS 'C 'si\Àer^âprs pue l"rtuâ^osrop epsdzo pfpeC âpl^À ss gg'-çt' r{loo1 pedolarrep IIe/û B ot drunq JorJolue ue qll^À sdurvrlelsotu1e e1eru Jo snsJelrs€q pulH 'E 'luasqe e1etu Jo seqsnrq qt1,v\ Er1plnt 'sadrls se tuol se J-p B' tnoq€ essol8ered lurnl -ueruard se Euol s€ 9'-g' lnoqe runlueru 'qlool JorJelue lnoqluvr 'aldurrs pJrql l€seq Jeeu urnlueru lsaqol a>p1-ra8ug pcrde lerâ^os rlllÀ\ urnfieq€H l8uol se apy/t sB serurl 0't I - L' ç eleur Jo !Euo1 se epuv\ s€ serurl O'tI-ç'ç elsureJ ;o aceds rel?tr tr 'r 'selqrpu€ru pus runrq€l snadÂ1c uo sTr€ur alud ur8reur pcrde '(suo,ra(ns 'V ur ârrlue ur8reur) dgerpatu eleur8rerue dyvrorreu ol dpeorq âFtu 'r.'(oaupflntta{'Vvl padolarap Ll4eervr Jo gSyo xady 'suota(ns 'V 'oau.tnqa 'V 'untoau1oq 'V u\ luasard) luesqe dlpnsn eletu Jo a1u1d 1erqrlrseg 'q '(lOZ 'Etg) snoqpq 'pare11p ueryo apru Jo rnrueJ pue Blqll pqq :(fOZ 'Etd pale8uole seurleruos a1etuJo snsrel pu5{ i(oautïnua{ 'V pue 'suacsaqnn 'v 'u,rntoau -lnq 'V ur aldurrs) eEprr pqpnlrtuol rorrelue us rllr/v\ ro (o 'f 'tgz '86I 'sttg) Euol se Âqeseq 'urn11eqe1s 'g 'arera ,r, ," . ',,!"rîË1Ëî.T:'i:-iliËt::.ï',tfîT;?"iiî rorrârrr€ rerluâ^ Nrrs-r1nfl ssNsrcs svsNvx do ^rISusAINn sHI zL+ AND PHyrocENy SysrBuATrcs : N A oF THE ANrHopHoRINn BeBs +73 s}l 'Euo1qo,, Eurl're,r sâqol pcrduqns ruo{ slsoutnlp se runurels slt{} sprocar aqs o176aIaDI0SJo rorl ur q8noçle 66olrurels rIlB Jo xode pue alruJels r{t4 Jo seqol lecrdeqns I€rete1 pare8uole dl8uor}s,, eql sr relrereqc turqsrnturlsrp reqloue ler{} pe}e}s osp (OgOI ) edelsnoTlretrN 'exel o/v\l req uââ/v\] -oq delre,ro dleprm r{rlr{ù\ sqrtuel 3o runnurluoo e sr aral{} esnereq (edelsnoTlretrAI nsues) on!8 -araorzd ruor; n1lfauolos e}eredes 1ou seop ereruol -1a8eg lsrg er{} Jo qfuel eqJ '(sa{g4cotâ')sluau8es t'g or (soa4) sluoutas g'Z ro (n370) T;Z eleureJ âql w '(onp1a) 6'2, ot (soa4) stuaur8as ç' I sI el€ru aql uI atuer eql (edelsrtoTrr€tr\I nsues) o117îatu -o.tzd uI 'Qmouotqv prJe lanrnzasouo)stuatutes 0'? o1 (n1onçtasap)sluaurEas L'7, lxau aq] o1 ql8uel ul pnba sr ereruogaEeg âl€ureJ ]srg arl] '(wn.towsouo) ol (o1ocry"rasaù stuaurtas stuatutas ç' I 0't lxeu âq] ol r{}tue1 ur lenba sl arauolla8eg aptu 'o1713auo70s q paceld edelsnoTlretr\tr r€ql tsrg egl sarcads eql q 'exet eql eleredes o1 (araurollaEeg ]srg: ) ,,luourtâs r"letng puores,, âïl 5o çtue1 aql pâsn ede>1s^oTrretrAI'ade âql Jo acuuraqntord eq] 9' sI ler{l 'algord uI aJuereqntord leeddlr arues 'ù qtQ ar{} e^Bq(Wstomaqa() ollfauolos pue (soa4 -azaDrDd Jo serreds ad& eql l.lapvvr serre^ snadÂ1c eq] Jo uorlcalord eqr 'dlrepurrg 'ureq] pâuolslÀua eqs sB exv,t t{}oq Jo satcads eqr tuoure dpear8 serre^ aeue8 erll Jo qlpyv\ eql !o716auo.tzd tuor; o1lfauolog turleredes uI ânle^ ou Jo ere sTeeI{J âpyv\ oqJ 'saletu Jo s1e1d lerprtdd eq] Jo sepls eql Euole qteâl Jo acuesard eq] puz BS pue lS Jo saqol lere]Blocrde paleEuola dltuor]s eql '1 arenr -ogateg pale8uole'snaddlc Eurlceford l,1Euor1s 'sleaqc oplÀ\ er{r uodn peseq opûawolo4 luor; (OgOt) ede>lsnoTIrBIAI paleredas oypauopg prlq] eq] ol tll8ual ur pnbe lnoqe sI sndled drugrxeur a{} Jo }uetutas puocas eq} r{rlqrnr ur pue elql] pulq aql Jo ur8retu rorralsod aqr Euop rlsr{ esounld >1ce1se1utuoJ ern qrrqa ul DII!8 -nanrLd u/v\ou{ dpo eql sePnlcw (o\oan\ 'o\otoua{ 'oso4tquo 'V ' 't'a) dnorE sercads ,(qtrorrrelou '(p 'cIZ's8tg) etral eql uo spu€q rleq pcrde V l,gerpaur a^BrI sarcads Luu141 'GtZ pardnrretq 'Stg) sel€ru Jo ?S uo rl€t{ Jo 6(u/v\orc,, retlnced 'sllosaq uI dnort rer{}ouv e s€q €lsv IBrlueC ur s€ (qf Z 'ttg) /v\oleq pue eloqe tur8renlp sllqro 'ttg) reuur eql wq dnort u€f,r{V euo }nq (B I Z lalpred ssel ro ârotu sqqro reuur eq] e^Bg selelrr o11ûauo"rn4 due141 '(OgOl) e(els,roTlrel4tr dq se/v\ sernlJnJls Jo uorleJlsn11r Pue uols optfiaun.tD1 Jo -snf,srp ]saq aqJ 'orel{ pessnrsrp }ou o11ûawo.to4 'o11paw urqlr/vr sdnor8 satceds duenr ere erer{I -DrDd ueql ellsurtuJel olelu luorarurP pue runlueru eI{} Jo prlq} Isseq eI{} reau q}oo} rolreluv vu ar\sq CIalarypue sapzlrollfuq\uV 'rleq ]cere-Itues ol lrere qly/' dllensn pue ('** ZI-0I) 11eursst saptotoqd -owuv seerorl/v\ rlsrl passardde qtrr* Pu? ('** ?I 'S 'If urelso/v\r{}nos eqt ur rncJo lnoqe) atrel are 'uerdorqlg t€r{} q1ûauon4 Jo serceds o/v\} ar{J pue Jlloreeled dlalalduroc lsorul€ sr n11ûawn"to4 pue rrlrreeN sr s?pt0.t0q{oq7uVecurs uorlnqrr}slp dq Lpsea lsoru saprcnq(oqruV tuor; pale.redas sr olltflawn.tzd 'poqolrrl tou 'lurod eldurs e ol turuoc 'aqol pepunor a8rul B rllr/v\ tou BS Jo eseq eql pue 'a1e1nEue ro papunor lS Jo urEreur 1erât€locrde eqt Eurneq ,(q paleredas ere se1etu aql '('rtt 'n1oan1 'V rdecxe) rl€q esotunld Jo pueq r{tl/u\ ur8;uur Jorrelsod aql pu€ ssacord lelslp rorrelsod tunlq e qtl^À elql] pug aql Eurneq dq epurâJ eql ur Dalary uro{ sreglp }I 'sapto^t0q{oqruVpu€ Dalaw ot pe]€1ar /(1esol3 sI n11ûauon4 'sruawwTc '(loyasaa sef orygïsaa pue e(els,roTlr€tr\tr fiotluaqcstpa{ s€] rcryaqcpa{'016I) pue (utntoauloq 'V ' e06 I ) uoued Lq pepodar ueeq e^eq o11ûauotvd Jo sarceds u€rserng eerr{} yo ser8ololq Eurlsau eqJ 'S '{l ura}se/v\r{}nos eq} u1 dery dlrea ol qf,r€tr\tr 'pFo114 pto eql w lsn8ny ol qrJ?tr trruoJJ t(g olpaaza2rDdJo sercadg 'Gop\g 'ruru 's 'snlLlsouo8 +Z-ç'g {}Euo1 3o çtuel saurrt L'Z-B' 1 Eurls l(çtua1 reldlsouot t+' se reJ se Eurssedrns) sn1(lsouo8 ;o xede Eur -ssedrns o] Eurure]]e esoder ur Eurlg '-r 'lurodpgr Eururol ure^ luârrnoer o] I€lsrp Z IIâr purtreuqns 'b '(p 'rIZ 'sEt.E) dlerpeur peldnrrelq rlerl ]srld Jo spueq lecrde ro eJuef,soqnd lJero-rruos esuâp ro (ttZ 'Elg) posserdde qll,v\ uego etuos"leru :(pOl lluasqe âFru Jo LL Jo ssecord repper8 'tlg) €urrer leurpnlr8uol uerporu qt1,v\ sarurteruos '(tOZ 'Etg) qlâel u€rpatuqns EulluroJ ateut8retue dlapr*r ol dyvtorreu xade qll/vr dpo sorrrrleruos '[(rOZ 'Etg) n1ntoua{ 'V pue ranrlaulnq 'y rdacxe] surtreur eleurrec lnoqlrrvr a1e1d '(qOe 'tlg) ses€q ralno rrâr{} ueo/vqeq aJu€}slp se Euol se 0Z'-90' qlool Iera]BI '1eseq B r{}r/v\ sdervrp }sotul€ a1e1d1er -prtdd padolanep 11eff\q]lrv\ (11ensn el€tr\tr 'd '(nOZ 'e6l 'sEt.E) aplÀ\ se Euol sB serult g'Z-V'l çEue1 '(suo.ra{ns 'V pve '{'V 'o\otoura{'y rdacxa) aleurErsrue dlpseq âAle^ sruad yo a8pufl 'o (1ps -JopoJrde parvter^ s€ epl^/r se Euol sB setull +'7,-0'l e^le^ sruad ;o xady 'u '(sa{qtcnÊ 'V uI durnq 02,'q'n6T I l e u r s o ] p e r n p e r s n l d l s o u o t ) ( q ' n'pauelleg 's8lg) epp\ se tuol ss serull g'B-0'7 dlln -nsn e1etu 5o snldlsouoC 'ru '(qgt 'ttg) peqollr] o] peqo[q d11eem algord ur 'elduts dlanr]e1ar s^(ervr eleru Jo âlrxoJouo8 Jo xady'l'luasard -le ]soutup rrortezrlorâlrs l€ulpntr8uol :(tOZ 'c6I 's8tg) lqtrerls ssal ro erotu ur8reur leretpl !e1e1 -ntuu pue dlerpaur aleur8rerue l.ldaep ol dpqErls el€ru Jo BS 3o xady '>1 '(saun1 L'1-Z'I 'onïtlncou 'sa(qtcn.tE'V 'suoutaql 'V ur tuol) (pOZ 'a6I 'V pue 'goqs eruep 'stt.{) rslp se tuol se sâtult BL'-+g' -ode lluasa-rd sâtulleruos eeJB pâzlloJelJs dplearvr qtnoqt eruerâqnlord lerel€l lnogll/v\ cslp Jo oseq isaqol t-Z qllÀ\ dgecrde 'pscnpord ro arllue 'eleu -rEreura dllerpetuoctde eleur Jo IS 'l 'GlZ 'Etg) JI€II esuop Jo , (u/v\oJJ,, uelpoul e qllÀ\ selulleluos aletuJo ?S :(tOZ 'q6I 'ttt.E) uolsserdtp asre^suerl o1 >l€o1v\ r{tyv\ pexâU dgerluen o^€ruoc tuorts Nrrs-rTng scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rrslrs^rNo. sHI +Lt SysrpvrATrcs AND PHylocENy rounded, merging with apex, to strongly laterally expanded and tapered in the following series of species. Subapical lobes of Bth abdominal sternite not developed, its apex varying from medium width to narrow and strongly elongated The in the following sequence of species. oF THE ANrHopHoRINn BnBs +75 species of Paramegilla (sensu Marikovskaya) show the same variation in the apices of 57 and SB. The last character of the male, namely the presence of teeth on the pygidium, is common in both her Paramegilla and Solamegilla, thus not of value in separating them. For these reasons, I have syn- FIG. 21. Anthophora subgenus Paramegilla. A, A. gracilipes, male, frontal view of head. B, A. semirufa, male, frontal view of head. C, A. ireos, male, dorsal view of metasoma. D, A. olgae, female, dorsal view of me tasoma. E, A. martensi, female, dorsal view of metasoma. F, A. deserticola,male , lateroventral view "crown" of hair on 54, and numbers sterna' of metasoma. arrow indicates midventral o]€r€dâs ol alelu eq] Jo snsrel elpplul or{} uo rleq tuol uâUo 'asuep yo e8ur rJ e pue snsrzlrseq pulq eql uo qtoot e Jo ecuesqe ro acuaserd eql se qJns srelf,€J€r{c pa}lurll-xes pu€ 'eceds r€letu er{} Jo }ueurdole^ep Jo ]unoru€ er{} 'eJeur -ogeteg lsrg or1] Jo rptuel âql uo l'pretu pârler eq 'ssalanlel ss/v\ g IIâJ purtreuqns Jo r{}peerq âql teql Euuntouy 'oapw ol osle lnq (llerelco3) ranrollna otoqdotltuv ol dpo ]ou elqzcrldde sernt sapzlrll!{otltuV }eqr pe^erleq ( I ç6I ) e)plreqtull '(gtO1) asnoqpu€S dq pasodord s?/v\ Dqaw errr€u ]uaruâcelder eqt eJuer{ 'snua8 ueretdopldeT e roJ uorlspuerue u€ s€ (f tg r ) zrssety dq dlsnornard pesn uoeq p€r{ Dssauaaî!ruV arusu eql 'alBru ar{} roJ snsr"trssq pqq peq}oo} aql pue 'epura; eql roJ re]f,€reqe l'a>1pdrcurrd aqt se g IIoc leur8reurqns Jo r{lp€erq releart aql Sursn 'dns n4(ntqo ntoqdoqruV ro1 Dssaozaaqluveurcu rrreu '[rogstg -aE aqt pasodord uosueqog ç06I uI 'rutu LI-?I 's 'sn1d}souot se tuol s€ ocr/v\1'snldlsouo8 {}Eua1 go xade Eururelle lou asodor ur Eurlg 'r 'lurodplur ol lelsrp Z 11âcpurtreuqns tururol ure^ ]uerrncer 'b 'qloot lsrld lecrdeqns qlr/v\ elsrueJ Jo 9S :$ZZ 'ttg) ]uâsqe eleruJo /IJo ssof,ord relnper8 lseseq rolno rrâr{l ueâ^r.}oq oJue}srp se tuol se ç I '-0I ' qleel uBlpeluqns lunlg orur qlyvt 4a iluasqB e[?ur go areld lerprtd4 'd 'aprrurse tuol s€ seurr] g'I-B'0 'aleur8r€rua 'eldurrs dgeseq e^l€^ sluod lou yo a8prrg 'o '(c 'qZZ'stt.f) dgesropocrde pe^\ârl app\ se Euol se sorurl L'l-Z'I o^le^ sruad 3o xady 'u 'ap1,v\se Euol se serurt 'paua11eg epur B-ç Jo snldlsouoC 'ur '(c 'qZZ'stt$ seruereqnlord tur -lcalord dplearvr '1ere1e1o/vu ro auo pue uorlceford 'tuo1 euo qU^À 'eldurrs d1e^tr1e1ereletu lecrde Jo elrxorouo8 3o xedy '1 '(pZZ'ttg) luesqe rrrortezrl -orelrs lewpnlr8uol lpeqoprl dgeseq'suortcalord '1, '@zz pl?relsl olncs o/vu qlllv\ dlecrde eFru Jo BS 'Etg) rslp ' 3o çEuâl se Euol sB seurrl I I - L'0 âtuep -ode leate Ieretel pezrlorelcs Tr€p ro seruereqn] -ord lnoqlr^r rsrp Jo eseq laqol prelel pepunor atrel qllÀ\ 'aleur8reure lou pepunor dlpcrde epru 'l 'GZZ'ttg) luasard uorsserdrp I€relBI leete Jo IS pcrde pezrlorâlf,s dpqtrl qll^À eleur8rerue dl8uorls o] dplea.rvr dgerpaurocrde el€ru Jo gS 'l ']uesqe eleutrrgo aleld lerqrlrseg 'q '@gZ'qZZ'sEl.D elnre ssacord letslp qllÀ\ snsrelrs€q pqq '(qZZ, 'ttg) JIBTI esorunld Jo urtreur JorJe]sod lnoqrr/v\ olerueJ 'ttd atprr ro r{}oo} rorre}u€ Jo elqll pulq :(lZZ qlyv\ peuelleg dgeretel eprrr Jo snsr€lrseq pulH 'E ']uesqe sor{snrq r{}l^Àalsrrrgo EaplI 'J-p 'sedr}s I se Euol se L'-g' essol8ered lurnlueurerd se tuol s€ B'-1,' lnoqe urnlueru '(ttZ,Z'Etd qloo] rorrelue qtyv' Prlr{t I€sBq reeu run}uâru lsaqol o:[1-ra8ug Iere^es qll/u\ dgecrde rrrn11eqeg l8uol sB aplrnr se serurl +'B-0'Z al€tu Jo 'Euo1 se oprlv\ s€ serurl 'o 'Treru eled qllÀ\ B'L-Z'g eletueJ Jo eceds reptr I eleru Jo alqrpueur l>1ce1qeleureJ Jo 'moged qlp\ ap1eutrrJo ac€d 'q'slueurtos L'I-g'I lxau ol eleruJo '.raqla8ol stueru8es g't-1-'f, lxau 3o qfual ol pnba eleureJ Jo 1 lueu8es rege8elg 'e 'uot\{ulsaq 'r{çZ ern8rg ur u/v\oqs se aceds rel€ru padolanap dlalerapou o] [orv\ qlyv\ sarceds crlcrealed :(rtZZ 'tlg) {}oo1 rorro}ue qly prlr{} I€s€q r€eu urn}uaru :(pZZ'Elg) peqolrr} dgeseq pu€ pe/v\orreu llpcrde BS pue (rZZ 'ttg) eqol pâpunor a8rel € r{tr1v\dlpralelocrde IS e1eru 'QZZ 'ttg) aleln8ue ro peqloot urtreur rorrelue r{}yv\ eptu Jo snsr€}rs"q pu1q iqtoot pcrdeqns q}r/v\ 'qZZ 'stt.t) elnf,e ssacord eleutrrâJ Jo gS :@gZ lelslp rorratsod qll/n\ eletueJ snsretrssq puFI :(t&Z Jo 'r0I 's8l.f) asournld 'eldrurs urtreur rorralsod lou 'stsouantq Jo srrer{ q}l/u\ âl"ureJ Jo elql} pulH 'f,rs"qolnv '/gBI 'des o4{ntqnn,roqdoqruy :sarcadsadd; '(uosgeqolf zs.çrowafi -uv roretu?u r'au)6eq .i";,tJ"'J,rjiliriËi:o7'^ rrs"qouory' LtBI 'ÂeSo4{nrqnn,rot1{otltuy :sarcadsadd; 'zrssetv "3"ifi*';:,u;' '(t+st DS s?otuaqtuv ïi:'rii 'selsls pâtlun urâlsam aql w 'opnonaln{ pue slwofitluac 'sarcods o/v\l r{}y/t 'ecgr;y pue ers€Jng uI peerdsepyit sr snuatqns slql'(E"U) Dnpta pue'sloorg ona?ttsaa'(E.tX) nî1oa'z1rrvrero141 Dgualuuqezrl'(1sm,o>1zsop€ll stsuauaqspal'olueqcs -lpâd suaptsrnl 'asarrg ocnu(s 're1p14 suon{ns '(eserrg) 'oluaqcstpad '(aserrg) r{"t sa{tut{s 4îrys1os 'z1r*re,toIN '(uos -xtaas 'zlruretoIN llqaua7ps lappnr -rlrlrg) rlllcî"tponb.' zlrnerotr\tr txilslonzaqsrd'sloorg aaaaturaouo('rar1a1ada1 oâopo{ 'zete 4 ocuold 'zlr.nre -rotr\l pata{'z1uvrero141 ranrDzasuto'o>lueqcsrpod 'essrrg 'o> ao71o sttlu?atJoenla szlouotpuara 'oluaqcslped où@ouolaut 'o>lueqcs -]pâ.{ tsuaLta.a 'reusarr4 ota7qncou 'asarrg ofi@oc -na1 '11ere>lcoCslunal 'pnerrg DparDI 'o>lueqcslpad ruuow{noq 'stnoç1 slrolnâa.r.n'(sege4) soan 're1pp1 n4{1cuz 'aserrg szquaazqlq 'z1rrvrero141 azlnranq 'z1rrvrero141sa{qnnÊ'eserrg sldocnolî'z1u*ero111 mounsolï'.M s.zlnlqqocm{'uu€tusre^g saQaln{ 'e>lelraqrulJ 'z1nturotr41 opnntta1n{ stu"tonaod 'o>lueqcslpâ.{ suatsaangf'rar]a1ada1 naut7n.t"tr{'(t l -^llo) o4o"roua{'d1smo>lzsope}I rctluatlcpa{'puerlg ruslailca 'opoqrrg slwofitoqc4da 'l.1sr*o>1zsop€U oaunqa 'uueursJelg Dlqnp 'z1rrvrerotr41 Dlnttln -sap 'e4JIpaH slurneîatne 'rcTJIV .t0lo2u0t 'o>lueqcs -lpo.{ szuroeraCIlt 'z1rr*ero141 .t{otsttrlc 'uossar3 stwo{t"tquac '(e.(elsnoTrretrAI) nsuagnfioq 'zata4 Dpuqq 'qlprs sllDsDq'oluaqcslpâd sa(lqnq 'rar1a1a -dtT ranrnauf)q 'z1rtr-totr41 tloflotTso 'asarrg oïnaro 'reTJIV osltpquD'(E.tX) sunuranD'o>luaqcslped 'sapa{g papnleul 'V (o71fawo"to4) '(pZ 'Stg) sîuronanle xmnuzrqo Jo eletu eqt Jo aeuualue peqqnlc aql pue (t t 'ttd qnflo.rTso'V Ja e1etu er{} Jo eeuua}ue âlerres leq/v\eruos eql s3 qJns n1ûauo.tD{ u\ dqlrornralou ete sJaIJBJBTIJ xes drepuocas anbrun eruos ' opûauolzd repun npûaunlos pezrurduo NrrsT-rng scNsrDS svsNvx do Àrrsus^rN^[I sHJ 9Lt SysrpuATrcs AND PHvroGENy Anthophlra s. str. (in his sense) from Anthophoroides. Timberlake's idea of Anthophora s. str. did not include Heliophila ( -- Micranthophora), Amegilla., or Clisodon which he considered genera. Timberlake was the first to reco gnize the similarities between Melea and Anthophoroides. Comments.Melea is most closely related to Antho' phoroides. Even though the two share derived characters such as the short first flagellomere, the mentum with an anterior tooth near the basal third, the hind basitarsus of the male with an anterior tooth, and similar male terminalia as well as plesiomorphous male characters such as oF THE ANTHoPHoRINn 477 Bnns lack of midtarsal, midbasitarsal, and middistitarsal brushes, they are distinct groups . Melea can be separated from Anthophoroides in the females by the hind tibia with the scopal hairs all simple, 56 with a subapical tooth and the posterior distal process of the hind tibia acute. The males can be separated by their larger size (L3-I7 mm.), the widely diverging rather than almost parallel apodemes of 57, the trilobed rather than rounded base of SB, and the blunt rather long and acute tooth of the hind basitarsus. Biolog. Melea fly from March to August or September. Several derived biological characters adp FIG' 22. Anthophorasubgenus Melea. adp:vcute distal Process of female hind tibia, l:lorum, m=mentum,tm=toothofmentum. A,A.(M.)pkgiata,apexofgonocoxite,ventralviewofrightside. B-K, A. (M.) abrupn. B, C, Genital capsule, side and dorsoventral views. D-F, SB, S7 and 56 of male, ventral ,rie*t. G, Fhbellum, anterior view. H, I, Hind leg of female and male, outer views. J, Apex of male T7 (hair omitted), dorsal view. K, Lorum and mentum, side view. e^le^ srued yo a8prrg 'o (lesropocrde pe/v\er^ ss apl^À se Euol sB serurl 9'I-6'0 'geurs a^[e^ sruadyo xedy 'u 'ap1,v\se Euol s€ serull /'9-0.g eputuJo snldlsouog 'ru '(J 't+Z 'stl.l) pezrlor -elrs Trep pu€ eleln8ue dgerelel 'peqogq dgearvr turreadde elrxoJouo8 serurloruos 'pedola^op dpleem eqol pralnl lecrdeqns qlp\ rôot ftcrdL q8noql 'eldnrrs dpueredde eptu Jo elrxorouot 'l '(E+Z 'Etg) luosq€ rrorlezrlorelrs Jo xedy IBu -lpnrÉuo1:qt7 ern8rg ur se algord 'papunor BSJo pue pedola,rep dpleam reuroJ lural€locrde '(E+Z '8tg) 'turrceford sâqol Jo rred uerpotuqns 'pozrlorelcs d11er1ua.rt rlllÀ\ dgecrde âletu Jo 'T '(p+Z 'Etg) oslp Trep BS 3o çEuel w Euol se g'I-0'I eurapode iseare pozrlorâlJsTrep ro sorueraqnlord ]noqlr/v\ dleseq rslp ia+Z ern8rg ur s€ algord 'rqol peorq qllÀ\ punor dgecrde el€ruJo IS lerelel 'l '("+Z 'ttd luasard uorssardrp 1erelel lpezrlor -elrs (pqEU 'dgerparu eleur8reura (prrorreu xade rlll/u\e[?tu Jo 9s 'l 'tuesqs al?ru 3o ereld Isrqrlrssg 'r{ '(l+Z 'Elg) snoqpq 'pare11pdllensn aptu Jo rnruâJpulq :(l+Z'EtO xede r€eu awds uo pauesur rnds lelql] ouo 'eurds pcrde 'louelue rllrm pe]Blrp el€utrrJo erqrt puFI :$.'l+Z'stl.{) pe^rnc o1lq8rerls rlloo] Jo ur8reur JorJelu€ raddn 'qlool rorJalue qlyit epur Jo snsrelrseq pulH 'E 'luesqe eleru 'y-p 'sedlls se tuol s€ Jo saqsnrqqlrm trlplry B'-ç' lnoqe essol8ered lurnluaurerd se Euol se L'-ç' rnoq€ runlueru '(lZZ'Etg) prlql IBsBqrsou r{loo1 rorralus r{}yv\ runlueru iseqol a>p1-re8uglere^es qly/' dgecrde urn11eqegltuol se âpp\ se serur] '(sanq] gI zanrolpa)Euol se epr/v\ t'I I -0'L el€ru3o 'c '(o1oufus se seurrl L'B-t'9 eleuralJo acedsrel€trAtr uo sTrer.ualrr{/v\ldacxa) Trelq elBuroJ1o '(onutortpt pu? unr7llno 'vul rvrolel')ellq/v\qllÂ\ el€tuJo ec€d 'q 'slueur8as 0ç' I -gg' I ]xeu ol epur Jo lroqtet -ol sluaur8asgg'g-0ç'Z ]xau Jo {fua1 o} pnba aleural Jo 1 luaurtas releEelg 'e 'uoz7{t^tcsag sr d8olorq âsoq/v\ serreds crlcreepd râqlo dpo âr{I '@gOI 'lTsû\ol[,om) Dsllfa DlelA se qrns seqc]e^ elqee8euerrr e s€ lerlualod e^eq Jo rotsulllod ,{eu o4ofo1d 'V '(OOgl) punl-Ernquaseg pue (nZOey)gaoqran '(OZO1)opell '(trcù rrunrx puu cr^opslf '(ZOO1)ueslelN '(q 'nI96I) rc2co1111 '(OeOl) ede>lsnoTTretr^tr'Qtpunuo"t ss pegodar '9t6t) 'GtOù sorC >lezseuefl se qons (ouqaurn( 'tr lnoqe ere Dalaryrrlrree se pepoder) o7o13o7d -Fd tururecuor sreded luepodurl '6o7o19 '(nzz 'Elg) uortcelord pcrd€ ot uor1lppe ul q]eât FrelBI o/vu rlll/!\ elsul Jo âlrxorouo8 Jo xedy 'l 'Euo1 se l.lpseq op1,v\ su Lt'-tt' qlool 'JIBI{ pcrde uo qloo] IIBurs r{}lû\ ol€ru Jo snsrs}rs€q pulH 't '(qçe 'ttg o] repms) sarurl 'tuo1 sB B't-g'Z eleur Jo aplm se serur] t lnoqe olerueJ;o aceds æletr I 'r dnorg sarcodg e1erte14 'otoq{otltuV 'sl1oatoq (otoqdotltuogot learoq dpo eql ere deqt -s(W) 'V pue ulplsîlC r{tl6 '?ueqlv Jo }sotu pue BrqtunloC qsrtrrfl 'sa1e1g pâ]1un âr{} }noqEnorqr punoJ ere pu€ rrlrrv er{} o}q reJ aEuer daql pue uerrreruV quo51 ere sarreds reqlo eq] luurq3 uJâlseaqlnos ur sJnJJo suotrtÊru 'V 'uosseJC '1era1co3 'dqrly slpruapîceo pue suo{tÊru saptnq'utoq'iev,Soy{n"rqo(oqrW) 'V 'saltadg papnlcu7 '(çgO1 'erleg pue uoproN) sçed lsuoture] rrern tururl]no s]ca[ -go ol 1r dldde pue 'uorlarces puel8 ælnqrpu€ru qlyv\ ll turxrnr dlqenrnserd 'qsnrq 1erqel eq] ur ecrnl eq] tcelloc 'ansslt ('-I DauzsDtautlsz;r) drus -red /v\eqJ o4{n"tqn sepur aql 'srrer.I enrldrospe Jo Peuelleu eug Jo r{snrq pcrde ve seq ulnrqel eqr sercads reqlo ge Suorue leqt ur rurroqdoqluv Jo 'Stg) Dalaç oïTI r{}oo}rorre}ue qruv\Jm Joserceds enbrun ere suo{tÊru pu€ oy{n,tqo 'V Jo seletu leseqr€âu runtuaru :(l+Z'Et$ dlecrde pezrlorâlrs aqJ 'o1(ntqo 'v Jo dtolorq eql uo pesoder (ZAOI) dplrep eleur Jo elrxocouo8 :(E+Z 'Elg) cslp ruor; 'dgeuort1ppv 'dnort q8norqrers pu" ueproN alEue tq8rr le turlceficrd 'Euo1runlnrrds 'pepunor dgeseq 'aqol tr€ralelpepunor pue âqol uerporuqns sarcads seproqurog egl se DalaWJo serceds crlcreeu er{} Jo dtolorq pue uo ernteretrl oqt peû\orler pue aleptu€ rllr/v\dgerarelocrdeBS :(p +Z 'Etd rerllo srrt€ruelsds eql pessnrsrp s€r{ (g86I) sToorg 'serr r{ree or Ieilered }sourle seurepode 'eqol pepunor 'llz, -eds esewqC euo qllÀ\ uerrreruV eplÀ\ t{}1,v\dlleralelocrde e1eru /S :(l çro51 dpreru 'stt.l) qlool rolrolue qll/v\ eleur Jo '(îop1g puo sluarawoC sr dnort sarcads sF{I Jo snsr€]rs€qpu5{ '@zz :(f 'l+Z 's8l.f) aurds 3o prlr{} pcrde uo peuesur 'ttg) uorlcaford pcrde o] uorrlpp€ ul q]oo] pre]€l rnds FIqp e qllÀ\ 'dgecrdsorâlue slqll puFI uo 'l '(lzz'tlg) aurds qllÀ\ e1uurlurur gI-0I tp8ual 'stsou7mq e elBru qlr/v\ Jo alrxocouo8 5o xedy 'JIeq 'uorleu8rsap Fur8rropue crddtouotrAtr Euol se dlewq apr/v\se ?ç'-Zt' r{}oo1 les€q uo '9681 'geraTroDunnlpo sntrqopod:sarcads qlool etrel qlp\ eleTuJo snsrelrs"q pulH 'E 'saurrl addl '(rzl 'El.l or rspurs) tuol s€ 'B+ 'd '1061 'geralcoD pu€ IIârâ>[roCsaprctotldoqruV+'B-L'ç alsur Jo ePy/' se seurrl B'1-ç'ç ol?rrleJJo aceds r?l?tr I 'r IIereTroD pue dnorg sarcadg seproqurofl Ilare{c oJ saplo.roq{oqtuv srrrta8qng 'seeq ruo{*sra'uereqr (,Jrî,T? î,:rii;"r""5',ti,ï elqutrrnq Jo scnurur dpuaredde ere oapry 3o sarceds oql Jo IIV '(ggO1 'qoorg) ror^eqeq tur8urts Jo out(nsn1qo'nM stsuauoyïuow'gera1co3 nyoa"t"ta{ssol luaredde eql pu€ soJueJluâ lseu eql JâAo s1âr 'nM 'otoqdoqruV rrr. -rnt szznrlq1zrautt (rrtrW)'V'sa4ca(g papryguJ Jo uorlJnrlsuor epnlcw âseql '(çgOI 'leld) opatta{ 'V sr.u/v\ouT exel râr{}o urorJ Eur}eredes oapry o} anbrun eJe lr NrrsT-rnfl sDNsrss svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNn sHJ BL+ SysrnuATlcs AND PHvlocENY basally simple, 0.75-1.10 times as long asrvjde (FiS. 2+f). p. pygidial plate of male absent; T7 of *ale with iwo short submedian teeth .I+-.26 as long as distance between their outer bases (FiS. 24b); gradular process of T7 of male absent. qFirst recurrent vein joining submarginal cell 2 distal to midpoint. r. Sting in repose not attaining t o s u r p a s s i n g a p e x o f g o n o s t y l u s, 2 . 2 - 3 . 0 l e n g t h of gonostylus. s. Length 10-13 mm. Commenls.T. D. A. and W. P. Cockerell named Anthophoroidesbecause of the five-segmented maxillarypalpi. This character is only of value at the rpe.ific lével, being found also în A (!gro1"eg.illa) Timberlake futaicauda and in many Heliophila. "1tOS1) included species of Meha with Anthoph.0r0r.des (see Commenls unde r Melea). -ori closely related to Melea and its separation from that subgenus is discussed in the Comments on Melea. Biotog. Species of Anthophoroides, a New World subgenus, are xerophilic. Linsley (IP+2) gate ? detaliled account of the biology of A- linslefi. Giltiam et al. (1984) analyzed the microbial fauna oF THE ANTHoPHoRINn BBBs +79 of an undescribed species of Anthophoroides.The territorial behavior of the males of Anthophoroides is the same as that of Melea in that territories with distinct boundaries, usually enclosing host plants, are defended against conspecific males. The females of Anthophoroides nest aggregatively in earthern banks excep t signata which nests in dead Joshua tree stumps (Yucca) (R. Snellingand possibly also in the ground (Brooks, .o*-.) are generally po_lylectic They unpublished). though phaceliae is oligolectic on Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae). The species which inhabit the regions of the Sonoran and Colorado desert are probably univoltine but possibly bivoltine. There is a normal spring brood(s?) from February (two records in Jànuàry) to mid Jtly. In those dty areas which Lu,r. -id to late summer rains such as southeastern Arizon a, califtrnica has a second brood. .4. marginata, the only truly neotropical species, .is r.^ronul in southwestern Arizona and probably in the seasonally dty tropical areas of México but rnay be multivoltine in other Mexican and Cen- females.Scalelines(onrightside)represent FIG.23. AnthophorasubgeneraMeleaandMystacanthophora, of Anthophora(Melea) abrupta and'.4. plates Basitibial B, A, proc"ss. .l mm; dp=iosteriorii.tal abrupta and A' (Mystaiantiophàre capistrata.C, D, Orrt"t view of apex of hind basitarsus, A. (Melea) trata. c aPis (My stacantho Phora) '/ûer^ 'oclu,rofitoc 'V p Ee1 pur11 relno ('ù '| 'rtern relno 'trl pulH 'l 's^{.or^ 'H 'C'/v\âr^ 'Jslp ePIs pue ler}ue^'BS Ier}ue^osrop'alnsdec 1e}rueC [ 'l,S'g'O'1v\or^ o p l s ' e l n s d e c p l r u a g ' 3 ' r v r e r ^ Jo s/ûer^ eprs puB leJlue^ Iesrop'(prrrl*o leq) LI Jo xedy 'g 'rvrarnlerluan '9g 'y 'tun.rllpa ('ù 'v'l..-v 'septu 'sapto.ror1fuqruv snua8qns otoqdotltuv '+Z'cl.f ffi3 Nlrsa'rng scNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNf) sHJ OB? SvstnuATICS AND PHvrocENY tral American areas. Included Species. A. (Anthophoroides) californica marginata Smith, Cresson , linsleyi Timberlake, phaceliaen. sp ., signata n. sp ., aallorum (Cockerell), and six undescribed species. They range from Colorado and Texas west to southern Oregon and California, south through México (including Baja California) to Honduras. A. californica and marginata are the only two species of the twelve which range into the neotropics. Subgen us Anthornegilla Marikovskaya AnthomcgillaMarikovskaya, 1976a, p. 55. Typ" species:AnthophoraarcticaMorawitz, lBB3. Original designation. oF THE AnrHoPHoRrNn Bnns 48 1 apically trilobed labrum (FiS. 25i); apodemes. of S7 of male short, widely spaced and diverging (FiS. 25e); SB of male with long-apodemes and dpièulum projecting anterodorsally in the same plane as disc (Figs . 25b, c); aPex of penis valvewithout fine, small hairs; female with hairs of posterior margin of hind tibia simple (similar_ to FiS. 10e); flabèllum apically entire, apical half to twô-thirds narrow and elongate (Fig. 25d). Description. a. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to length of next three to four segments together, of male to next 2.0-2.5 segments. b. face of Faie of male with light yellow-white; of male labrum female black; apical margin trilobed, mediar lobe emarginate (FiS. 25i). c. Malar space of female about 1.7 times as wide as long, of male 1.6-2.0 times as wide as long (FiS. 25h); mentum about .7 as long as prementum, ,*3:r::' î,oY'li',:Iï i ffiliffii"**.'TiH B FIG. 25. Anthophora(AnthomegiltQarctica, rna)e.A, 56, venfial view. B, C, S8, side and ventral views' vie"rr.-E, 57, ventral view. F, G, Genital capsule, dorsoventral and side views. D, Flabellum, Lt".io. H, Head, side view I, Labrum. J, Apex of T7 (hair omitted), dorsal view' s€ ecr/vç ]noq€ '1urod dreqs B s€ pa8uolord dgeseq se^F^ sruad 3o eEpug 'o (gesropocrde peÀrer^ se eplû\ se Euol sB serurt L'C ]noqe '(EgZ 'Elg) pe/v\or -r€u dlpcrde pus eletuola e^lel srued ;o xody 'u 'eplù\ se Euol se serur] B al€ru yo snldtsouoC 'ru '(q 'tgz, 'tttg) alrxorouo8 Jo eqol lerluâ^ Jo p"retel eete snouerqrueru € pue pssetu uorlcalord e qly/. luorlceford lerlue^ >lee/v\ r{}lÂ\'aldurs e1etu Jo elrxocouo8 3o xady 'l '(rgZ 'Eld tuasqe uorlezrlorelJs leurpnlrtuol ilq8rerls ]sorul€'el€l -n8ue dpleam ur8reru leralel 'peqo[q 'pervrorreu 'T '(pgZ 'Etg) cslp (lecrde el"tu Jo BS 3o qfual ue{} retuol dpqtrls ltuol enrepode iaqol l€srop e ll ol luseq dpq8rls pu€ oqol lerlue^ e 'saqol Tee/v\ o/v\] rlll/v\ ur8reur lBra]elocrde leil]ua dlecrde aleru Jo IS '1. '@gZ 'ttg) p€rluol paxeg urtreur 'errlua dlecrde eluru 'l 'luesqe apru lecrde Jo gS 'q 'o 'pgI sarntrg ur sB rrer{ Jo e1e1d plqllrsefl aldurrs Eurneq ur8ruur purpnlr8uol rorralsod qlu* al€rrrâJ Jo elqlt pqq ieldrrrrs epur Jo srsrelrseq pulH 'E 'luasqe e1eru Jo seqsnrq rllyv\ EtplIN 'J -p 'sodrls se Euol se ç' lnoqe essol8ered lrunlueru -ard se Euol se 6' ]noqe 'prID les€q reou q]ool rorrelus lnoqlr/v\ runlueur :(qgz 'Etg) seqol uoqs :@gZ, 'ttg) snorerunu qllÀ\ dllecrde un[eqel] epp\ uer{t ra8uol ep}ll e aceds æl€tr4tr 'r 't{r8ua1 ur ruru gI-1 1 essolt '€xo) pqq turssedrns asoder 8uo1 eap8 lada r{tpl M Erl ur '(-ZT-I1) Jo L'l -lcaford snaddlc llcelq elqlpu€ru elgord ur eleruso 'mo11ed qllÀ\ aletu 'q 'Tcelq elerueJ Jo ered Jo 'req]eEo] 'sluanr8es g lxeu o1 pnba ]noqu âletu 3o sluaurtas rnoJ lxeu Jo {rtue1 o} lenbe }noqe olsureJ Jo 1 luour8es rege8elg 'e 'uot1{t.tcsaq 'e 'p01 sern8rd ur se rler{ eldurrs turneq ur8reur leurpn}rtuo1 rorralsod r{tlÀ\ el€ureJ Jo €lql] puII :(qgZ 'Etg) uorlcelord /v\oJJ€u se petuolord 'e1nJe dleseq sa^[€^ srued '(tgz 'Eld /v\orreu pu€ ele8uola e^[B^ 3o aEprrq e}rxocouot ;o eqol ler}ue^ Jo sruad '(,{gZ 'ttd peJe]el eete snoueJqruaru e pus peseru uotlcelord e qll/u\ epsdec plrua8 :(qgZ '8lg) seqol uotls runlleq?u snoreurnu qlr/v\ dlecrde'pedÉqs-uoorq iurur çI-+1 essol8;o çEua1 'exoc pug Eutssedrns asoder ur eelet 'Euo1 dleurarlxe suedqlnour lepun uerll re8uol aplll e aceds relstrAI 'stsouflotq oI61'lare>1co3 ï::K"##i:*;î'u' Euezr;ç ur adda '(ZgOI 'n111) eulr{C '(ltqlJ) acurnor4 'rlrl^ pus 'er1o8uo141 uI '(l g6[ -rng) BISV l€rlueC lel^os Jo surelunotu eql ur '[raqtlq ro (ur ffi Lù ]aoJ 000G1 suol]e^e1a q8rq re 'v pu€ suaqrs Jo auoz lssroJ oq] uI srnJJo oellen 'euFIC o] BISV Isrluer ruor; srnrro snue8qns sIqI 'sToorfl annfii pue zlrlûerotrAtr Dezllnpra 'z1ntero141 oua81q7'zlvvrero141 snaaucos(tc'z1u*ero141 Dplnu! -rDt'(.ld n s u a ï m f t a q ' z 1 u u e r o 1 4 1s a ( u ' n n ' z 1 r t t r e 'V 'salcang papryzul -rotr\tr otltrrD (opfauoqruV) (pf ot eunf urorJ e^Itce ere sllnps otII 'sâeq elqunq crrledurds yo lBrI] ol rslrrurs dl8unprts sI eouec -saqnd rvrogad-e8uero aql eours 'oa1ay4J sr s€ 'saeq elqunq Jo srnulul âq '\etn oryûauoulqv eruos puB o11ûauoqîuv teql alqeqord sreadde lI '[lo1opg 'n11ûawoqruVur padola^ep d1q8tq lsoru dllua -redde sr lnq otot1dot1tuvreqlo q saar8ap Eurd,ren ur PunoJ sr uorlezrloralJsep l€s€q r{}lû\ parued -ruooce uorl€zrlorâlJs lecrde Jo uorlrpuoJ s5{J 'selrxoJouo8 eql polf,auuof, ol eJ€ soJnlcnJts osegl eql Erl ]Jel ur uarl/v\ uorleredas Jo uorssârd*l -^É 'pezrloralrs (pqtU sas€q rreql tnq pezrueletu ere serrde laql leq] punoJ I 'l@+Oy 'reueqclry) âtrxorouot eql Jo eqol lertue,r - ] eelleslo^ aql pâll?c eqs ]?rliv\ Jo uor]€urursxe uodn 'on!8 -a?aoqruVur elrxocouoE eq] uror; ear; erl e€lleslo^ eqt lerll palerlpq (q 'eg LGI) edels,roTlr€tr\tr l.geseq pelrerrp runlnords pue seruepode Euol qll^À BS pu€ qleal ]unlq uor{s go rred u€rpetu e Eur,req L;-So xede eql Jo srâ]c€rer{r leuol}lppe sql dq peteredes ere sâluru âqI 'pepls -1elered pu€ pa/ûorrsu sprrr{} -o/vu ol JIBII pcrde aql 'a-Illue dgecrde tureq ulnl -leqeg eql dq peleredâs sI rl qrlr{/v\ tuo{ o11ûawou 'sîuaural7 -!UV dlasolc n11ûauoqruV pat€1er sr ot 'ruTu tI-6 's 'sn1fts el€ureJ Jo {l8ue1 âleru Jo 'unu tl-lI -ouo8 se Euol se sorurl B'I 'snldlsouo8 yo xede Eurssedrns dpqtrls esoder ur Eurlg 'r 'lurodprru ol Ielsrp Z 11â]leurtreuqns Eururof ure^ ]uorrnf,er 'b '(fCZ 'tlg) luesq€ eleru Jo LI Jo sse ]srld -cord r€lnper8 lur8reur lecrde Eururetle 1ou eEprr Ieulpnlr8uol uerperu e rllr/v\ dlleseq pue r{}ea} uelp -euqns lunlq Z ql1,v\ oletu Jo LLSo xede lluosqe eleru yo areld lerpr8d4 'd '("lEZ 'Elg) eplÀ\ se Euol s€ seur] t' uor]eur8reura '(atprrq uo seJuereqn] -ord Jo rred e qlyv\ oua31ru1) uol]eul8reua daep qll^À â^[€^ sruad 3o a8prrg 'o '(EçZ 'Etg) rleq lnoqlr/v\ '(gesropocrde pe/v\er^ s€ oplÀ\ se Euol sB serurl g o^l€r srued;o xady 'u '("1çZ 'Elg) elrxocouot Jo eceJrns Jeuur uo sJrerl qll^À Jelsrlq e sB turureurer es€q aqr dpo '(oua7gol 'Z w lsol dlelelduro'r) r.rasqe dleiluesse eletu yo inldlsouog 'ru '(EçZ 'EtD elgord ur pe/v\el^ se eqol turlcel -ord lunlq euo qlyv\ 'aldurrs e1ew Jo âlrxoJouo8 'l '(c 'qç2, 'sttg) rslp agl sB aceld arues 3o xady aql ur pue l.llesroporalus Eurtcalord 'a41-aurds qloq 'tuo1 tunlnf,Ids pue saurepode 'luasqe uol] -uzrlorelos Isurpn]rtuo1 'a1e1n8ue dlleralelocrde epru Jo BS '{ '(tçZ 'Etd seere pozl}oralrs TJep ro âcueraqnlord lerolel lnoqll/v\ JsIp Jo es€q lcsrp 'padola^ap dlleervr utEruur ;o qfuel 6' anrepode 'pepunor al€tu xady 'f '(nçe lS Jo 5o I€relelocrde 'Etg) srr€r{ Iere}Blocrde /v\al " }dacxe alduns rletl 'l 'tuesqe 'arrluo dgzcrde ol€ur Jo gS IIE lsorule oleru ;o areld lelqllrsefl 'rI '(rOl 'Etg o] rupurrs) eldrurs elql] pug uo euoz rolrelsod purpnlr8uol Jo srreq qll^À eluurâJ leldrurs â1eur Jo snsrelrwq seqsnrq qll/u\ Et1plf.t pulH 'E ']uasqu eleur Jo 'J-p '(pçZ 'Etg) poprs-lelpred lsotule pue eletuola 'arr1ue l,lpcrde 'par*orreu sprlr{l-o/vu o} JIetI Is}s1p urn[11eqeg lsedr]s s€ 8uo1 s€ 6'- L' ]noqe essolt -eted lprrqr leseq reou qtool rolralue lnoqll/v\ Nrrs-r1nfl sDNsrDS svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNn sHJ zB+ SvsrnuATrcs AND PHyrocENy oF THE ANrHopHoRrNn Bees +83 FIG. 26. Anthophora (Rhinomegilla) megarrhina, male. A, 56, ventral view. B, Flabellum, anterior view. C, Head, side view. D, E, 57 and SB, ventral views. 4 Apex of T7 (hair omitted), dorsal view. G, H, Genital capsule, side and dorsoventral views. ,r,1.r*ara ,ss,11 .urnrqe" ,;"1,Î.i.iË:,iliqrJ;1ift';:iËiirïT:i"ri:iï:i: ,'rruec Fruâ^ '4S 'C 'l*orl 'epsdec 'p ',u.âu 'gg 'g 'smarzr '/J 'gS 'V p]rueC l€Jlue^ leJlua^osJop l€Jlue^ l€Jlue^ 'ololncowuptnb( 'V 'X-H 'd pue 'V 'C 3g-y '.neqgo ped a111-r1eg = gd 'lJ Jo xadu - ure d ltîqoay (a) 'eurapodu;o ssarord 'sayeu 'o11tâtut(nq pue uoura?îolvrad e.reue8qnsotorldotlluy 'LZ '31tr ;erelel:zd1 Jep€oJq qcnru eql pue 'parrtorreu peJlue^oJelue luaq sr ler{} LI p ur8renr lecrde erl} Jo ped eqt Eurneq dq selew np4fiau(soq ruory pue 'selqrpueur elulueprr] ueql rerller et€luaprq eql dq unposllC ruo{r; peleredes aq uer tI 'uoposllC pus oyâau(soq ot pel€ler dlesolc sr uoura$olnlad'sruauuoC eI?Iu aq] Jo '('tC) uoura$ snld 1S Jo rslP ePF/' oql ol Sur.rrasar 'peardslno '1eg 'peorq '('rC) solupd '6o7ow(79 'tutu 's 'snldtsouot ç'ZI-0'0I {}tue1 ;o {}8ue1 sarul} 'snldlsouo8 yo xade Eurssedrns dpq8rp t'Z rnoqe esodar ur Eurlg 'r 'lurodprur ol Ielslp Z IIâo Ieu -r8reruqns Etirùrof uren ]uerrnrâr ]srrd 'É :i,rriqn âl€rrr sserord relnper8 laEprr Jo LLJo Furpn]rtuo1 pcrdeqns'uerpaur qll^À sorurleruos'opûawo"to4 'Quasuotl Jo sarcads reqlo pue soat! eill r{Jnru ur luesard Jler{s dpo 'q}aat ou) (n tZ 'Elg) qtaer usrpeuqns r{}l/v\ alBru Io LLJo xade lluasqe 9/v\] sleru ;o areld prprtd4 'd 'prpuedxe ro peÀ\orr?u dgeseq serurtâruos aEpuq '(rp1rv' se Euol sB ]noq€ sr r{rlr{À\ l4alloaxr ldecxe) epl^À se tuol se serur} 'g-6' '(sanso{tq1o pue ruasunq ur arrtua) el€u I I -rEreure dlleseq â^1e^ sruad yo etpug 'o dgesrop -ocrde pe/v\er^ âplÀ\ se tuol se serurl L'Z-+'I a^le^ sruad 3o xedy 'u 'es€q papuedxe qlr/v\ serurlaruos 'rpl^ sB Euol ss sârurl 'uorlcas ssorJ 0'I I -L'ç utnpunor ol peuetlsg eleuryo snldlsouoC'ru'(rtZ 'Std elrxoJouot reuur uo oqol ra^ô,ol 3o urtreu ol 1ewq qlool e qllÀ\ setulletuos 'dlecrdeorlue^ paqo[q L14eam algord ur e1etu Jo e]rxorouo8 'l '@tZ 'Etg) luosq€ dlensn uortez Jo xady -rlorelJs leurpnlr8uol lenecuoc d11ea/v\o] alep8ue urEreur leretel '(n.t4uaauuavur dgerperrr pacnpord) pâqo[q dldaap o1 dgee/v\ el€tu Jo BS 3o xady 'T '(plZ'ttg) rslpgo ç E u a l s e E u o l s E - s e u r r 9] ' I - 0 ' I e r{tr/v\ ro aurapode Jo qfual letprr Fulpnlr8uol suortoeford o^rl ro euo qllin\ 'eldurrs cslp Jo âlpprur !eqo1 [er]ue^ o] Ieseq oqol l"srop serur]eruos 'eqo1 l?sJop pu€ I?J]ue^ >Fe/v\ 3 rl]r/v\ dlerpeul ur8reur '(n4uaaîauav u1 dplpeur pernpord) errlua Ierâlel 01 oleur8r€ruâ dllearvr lnq 'dpeorq a[€Iu Jo lS 'l'@tZ'ttg) aleur8rerue dpeorq Jo rsrpSo xady o1 l,lelerapou e1etu Jo 95 'f 'luasqe aptu go areld 'q 'snoqpq 'pelBIIp ro l€turou eleru Ierqrlrseg Jo rnruoJ pulq lprrqr lecrde s,aurds uo peuasul rnds l€lql] 'aurds lecrde rorrelue ue qll^À pâtBIIp ro l€rurou oleru Jo erqr] puFI l(çoot dreqs qlp\ tuasuorl pue salcsofiqp tdatxa) aldurs eleru Jo sns -relrseq pulH '8 'tuesq€ âletu Jo seqsnrq Etlplf.I 'J-p 'sedrls s€ Euol se B'- L' essol8ered lurnt -ueureJd se Euol s€ B'-/' trrnlueur lqroot JorJelue 'alduns pr${} lnoqlr/v\ Ies€q r€eu runluetu isaqol a4r1-re8ug lere^as rllyr\ dgecrde urnileq€U i8uol elBur Jo 'Euo1 s€ ePr/v\ se epr/v\ se sarurl 0'tI-9't se satull t'g-g't eleureJ Jo eceds rEIetr I 'r '(tn 'ttd (sa{tssote rrr. padolenap dplee/v\ seqol IBre}BI lanoogo.topue sansortqlo ur luasord eqol uerparu eleur8rerue dpo) eqol u€rpâtu aleur8rerue qrlm dlecrde eprrr Jo tunrq€l l1ce1q el€ureJ peqolrl '(rrlq^ qllÀ\ sanso{tq1o 'V tdetxe) moled qrrm Jo alsru Jo ered 'q 'slueru8es L'Z- L' I txeu ot epru Jo irsqlatol slueru8as g '+-ç'f, lxau go qrtuel ot pnbe âFureJ Jo 1 tuaur8es rega8elg 'e 'uoq{ucsaq '@tZ'stl.D paqogq algo"rd ur 'crlsouterp epru Jo elrxocouo8 3o xade :(" tZ 'Etd qteel uelp -âIuqns o/v\] r{}I/v\ /I 'tuesqs aleul;o ereld prprtl,d :(E tZ'Etg) peqolrrl dlpcrde dgensn a1eruJo tunrq 'Eld elep8ue dgeralelocrde 'dgecrde -e[ :(qn aleurtrerrra dpeorq a1etuJo BS :(p tZ 'Etd ssecord 'szsouflotq lEralBI rlly/t el€ru Jo 15 Jo atuepodv 'ç681 'zata4 tpnoau 'f :serJedsaddl ua8qns ^ uorrJalsofrpd .(u, tgZ?) laeJ 000'lI te Euozq ITUIJ pue (* ZgOt) laal 000'tt t e a s l t u e d g u r ' ( * L L B + - Z L Ç ? )r a e J 0 0 0 , 9 I - ç I J o sepnlrlle le TolueC pue Euof eqtueqy te rrrlTTIS ur punoJ sr nunl.rnflau 'V 'urlTTIS ur pue euSID Jo sâcur^ord uenrlrrs pus tuezr;ç eql ur palrellor ueeq dpo serl npûauroulqg 'nM ns.toytut(s pue (",1D stsuauonqgts'gare1co3 olyldoto'gere1co3 'V 'saya(g paprytuJ outt1.uofiau (opfauouruV) (pf pue aunf ur selg oyûauroulqt '(îo1opg 'rl3r{ Tcslq -qslu/v\orq e^eq sâtulleluos IunlnJs âql Jo JIst{ rorrâlue pue erel âql osl€ ! ç pue ?I pue eure]s 'runapodord eq] uo {c€lq q}lû\ pesrads leruose]eur -relur rler{ aled a^€rl suauncads eruos 'Tcelq dlelelduroc sr outtl.r,.tnflau 'V qtnoqlly lsotup 'pe/v\orreu dgecrde sr qJrrl/v\ BS Jo runlnJrds pue seuepode poqs eql dq pue sa^lsl srued pe^{.orreu ele8uole eql dq '(ssecord t{ll-Jlar{s uurpâruocrde sre}rBrBrlf, l€uor}rpP? eq} dq sepul u33r{}r/v\) tuo eql ur pu€ urnfleqeg eqr Jo turoJ er{} ,(q snuet -qns ]€qr tuor; peleredes eq uec $q DlllflauotltuV pe]eler dlasolc sr o176awoulqy 'sruawwl7 ol 'ace1r""r;iii]J:fit:i e Joorueu€ 'o71tîay47sn1d Eurrro;er xgord u 'âsou '('rC) sruuly '(lo7ow(79 'urur 6[-8 rp8ual eluru 's 'snldlsouoE 'urur se Euol 0Z-B qfual apured se serurl lnoqe 'snldlsouo8 xade Eurssedrns B'I 3o dpq8qs asodar ur 8ur1g 'r 'lurodprur ot lelslp 'b Z'GgZ'8lg) IIoJ leur8reruqns tururof uro^ ]uerrnf,er lsrrg luesq€ âletu Jo LLJo sserordrepperE :GgZ 'Etg) ssacord3o as€q tsed Âpqtqs o1 xede ruor; Burrec uerpatu e dq pepl^1p dpulpnlr8uol 'ssacord ateurtrerue '4ry1-31aqs e qlp\ dlprpeur 'd '(qgZ 'ttd opp\ se Euol ep1eur Jo LL p xady NrrsTrng scNgrcs svsNv) .{o ^rrsus^rNo sHJ +Bn SvsrnuATrcs AND PsvrocENy oF THE ANrsopHoRINn Bnes B K 485 ,zs,f ,r.*^.,,, pue âprs relruâ^ ,n",,,,TiJ ot#'i31lir'ïi#:,,#Jiïlî"HË3ï'.i*-',X: ,gg l,rerrr lerluerr '95 'g 'merzreprs 'elnsdzc Flruac 'g 'erruaqog uror; 'ds ( ù v ?*errr1er1ue,r ;o xedy 'Cqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.'sr'rerrr .3 ,g .a,rar,r ,elnsdec prrueC ,y .st\outwt4 ps.rop'(paUruo.rrzq) 4;;o xedy l?rlue^osrop 'IrrI-X'C'g:oyoun{('g)'V'1-U ,uopoîq7 s n u e 8 q n so t o t l { o t l t u V . g Z , C t t d,g,C.y.sepur $)'V runlueru :(p 'c6Z's8lg) arrlua dgecrde urnfiaqeg rlll/n\ cslp Jo elpprur 'rqol Issrop pazrtoralcs tq8lt !Euo1 se epl^À se sârurt g'ç lnoqe epur Jo 'tuo1 pu€ eqol lerlue^ pezrlorelrs TrBp e 'seqol orvr]q]lm se âpr/v\ se serurl 4 lnoqe eletuoJ 3o aceds rel?trAl .r urtreur 1eJal€locrde 'eleur8rerue dplearvr ol oJrluo 'âlelueplrl elqlpuetu i1ce1q elerrreJ 'stur4reur aletuJo ISJo rsrpSo xady 'f 'GZZ 'Eld rslpJoJleq Jo 'Tcl,{r q}lù\ eteu mo11edqll^A eI€ru Jo ered 'q 'slueurtas t'Z lxeu ol I€wq turddnrro rreqyo ped osuep 'raqlatol sluanrEos -r8reura dyvrorreu ol d11ear* ur8reur pcrde qllm lenba e1etuyo 0'g lxeu o1 pnba âleureJ Jo 1 lueurtas re11ate1g 'e 'uoq{urcsag oleur Jo 95 'l '(nnna ur luaserd) ruesqe elutu Jo '(ugZ 'Etg) 'q 'aldurrs eletuJo snsretrwq pulH dgerluarr a1e1d l€rqrtrseg 'E 'tuosqe el€ru 'J-p 'sedrls se rlerl Jo qcled'punor'r{rl.{r q}l^À â^le^ srued Jo seqsnrq trlplry 'agl arn8rg ur sB aldurs elqll pqq uo ur8reur tuol se JIer{ }noqe essoltered lun}ueruerd se tuol rorrelsod Jo srrerl r{}lÀ\ eleureJ :(p 'c6Z'stlg) se 9' lnoqe runtueru '(oslwa ldacxe) qloot rorrelue . 'eldurs arrlua dlpcrde runilaqell :(qOZ 'ttg) palurod lnoqlr/v\ PrI{l leseq reeu runlueru iseqol puu ele8uole a1e1d1elqllrseq qlyv\ oletueJ l(u ralce a>p1-ratug lere^as qtp\ dgecrde urn11eqzg iEuol -Jer1f, 'uotg{u,csaq ess) elrxoJouo8 qlp\ snoroloJ $s3apr/v\ se sourrl L-ç 3[Bru5o 'tuol s3 epr^{.s€ sarurl 'r 'aqol uerpetu aleurt -uoJ'pazrlorelJs l.1a1a1duroc'lueserd ç-t e1eureJJo aceds re1etrAtr JI'a1eur -r€tue qlyvt 'Quo\lom pu€ pslexa 'Dx.totsnutur eldrurs ralelueprrl'lTH,iH Jo snldlsouo8 'suot{tagco1'V ul os Lpleârv\) (8 'Elg) uoura?stlnpd ,îîïK3 n '6981'uossar3 sqDununy ororldoqîuv :sarcadgedda se paqolrr} dgecrde â1eru Jo rrrnrq€l !>1ce1q ur '6+I 'd '6181'uotlu4 uoposllC âFural 'r*o11ad ot elFI^À durearc el€ru Jo Jo er€d 'q 'slueru8as ç'Z-0'Z ]xeu ol epru Jo lraqla8ot olted uopos!1, snuetq.s r{}tua1 o} lenba }noqe sluatutes eerqt lxeu Jo al€urrreJJo 1 tuaur8as rege8elg 'e 'uoq{uosaq 'GtZ'Elg) '?ulr{c urar{}nospue aplû\ 'pnr] -ua^oJolue ]ueq urtreur pcrde [€n]c" 'q]ee] u"lp Ierluac ol PJe/v\]sBepu? uortar ueâusJJellpetr\t -euqns oûu qly/t dgecrde eletu Jo LL 'luasqe et€ld ot{l 'er,reurpuers 'puelEug Eurpnlcur adorng prprtdd :(ltZ'ttg)JprI FsBq uo rrer{3o ped esuep lnoq8norr{} punoJ ere dr.IJ 'llârâTroC tuoîf)m r{tlm gS :(l 'ttZ 's8td peqoilq ol€ru Jo e}rxocouo8 pue zlrlv\erotrAltsra(nazs'("razue4) DplntÛan.tponb rslp geurs pue seuepode paler 5o xade :(ltZ'Etg) 'o>luaqcslpod Dzrnesnra'a>1crpe11 suotrtaçcq'z1rtvre -edas dlaprr* 'tuo1 qll^À el"ur Jo IS 'stsou7mq -rol4tr Dsltxa (o17paur(soq) 'V 'sapa{g papryeuJ 'crddr '(ZOO1'ueslerg) 'B6LI Dplnzuxultpnnb'V sr u/v\ouT sr d8olorq Eurlsau 'Goplg esor{^r.o716aur(sDcI Io sarcadsdpo aql 'el€ru oql Jo gSJoJIBqleseqoql uo rleqJo r{r}edasuep'atre1 oql ol turrregar 'uoxu] palelar e Jo errr€u e opûay4J snld 'drreq dlesuep '('rC) sûoq '(Eopu(gg 'ruru 'a1eure;'nrru 'e1eur ç'T,I-0'01 0'I I -0'6 ql8uâT 's 'sn1d1souoE5o 3o çEue[ seur] g'U tnoq€ 'snldlsouot xade tururelle asodar ur turlg 'r 'lurodplur Jo ol lelslp Z 11e]leur8retuqns tururof ure^ luerrncar lsrrd 'b ']uesqe ol€ru Io LLJo sse -cord r€lnpsrt :("lf Z 'ttd epp\ pue pertua^oralue luaq urtreur pcrde l€nlJs 'qlaal u€rpetuqns'lroqs 'a1nceo/vuqlp\ oleru xede lluesqe âl€ru Jo lJ 5o yo aruld p1pfd4 'd 'eprrnse tuol sB serultç'Z-0'Z 'o 'eleurtrerue dgeseq o^l€^ sruad Jo atprrg 'e?lâs peJâlt?f,srllr/v\ epl/v\ sz Euol s3 ecl/vulnoqs e^le^ srued3o xedy 'u '(gZ 'El.d epl^Àsu Euol se poqo[q sorurl9 aleuryo snll.lsouoC 'ru '(ltZ'ttd xady 'l '(\tZ elrxooouoE elgord ur âleru Jo 3o 'Etg) vorlez\lorâlcs luesard leurpnlrtuol'ezr€ruor 'peqo[q dplear* Isre}€l JIer{ lecrde uo urEreur eleutllJo BS 3o xedy 'T '6tZ 'tlg) rslp go qrtuel s€ Euol se serurl ç L' I-00' I euapode Jo {}Eue1 'ecuereqnlord ro etprr esJe^suerlpâzrloralcs TJep -ouotrAl rezuedo?rrynenxu!ryrnb sldv :sarcadsadda 'NZDI aqt dq ,,rsrr ua'uelrg,, âI{l r;n::ri::î'$R aqt dq petepr[e^ul'ng1'd'[ZOSI-I0BI] 'aurrnf snlsv7 'GO1I lsrrq3 cau '964I rezued outQnn sldv :sarcadsadÂ; stdv - ) gO/ I razued DpptDzat.rponb snuatqns ^Àerr o41$au[*e 'er1otuotrAtrurelse&\qlnos ol preÀusee pue ueeu -srrelrpetr tr dpreur sr dnort srrll Jo uorlnqrrlslp erIJ 'opoqrJC tuounz pue 'eserrg ruqaîam 'ueT -JIV ol oglpom' o>luaqcs]ped sll !w! s'd>12 srvro>lzs op€ lI (zar)d {lsmotlzsopn^t osofint l:r7loaîr'oluaqcslped 'raTJIV uausat"t{ '(srapunes) anonlorl 'zata4 oîDlllt -o.tï1u 'o>lueqcslped Duunw 'esarrg xaruou 'opoq -lJC DlnetJluî 'zltl.l,e-,tolN tuasuoq 'reuserr d Dlnst4tca 'eserrg ozJnlneîune'rerleladel sa{'rer1e1ade1 zat)d Dnltlqlz'a1crpe11 otDrnelo,'re1;IV saycsofiqTo' papnîtuJ sutuaanuav (uoua1sllop1)'V'sa1ca{g 'reqtua] -d.sol rrdv ruo{,"t?1,,rî;Ë}il"iW, eq] alersdas ol sJeIJBJBqJ poo8 ou tuor; 1v\ouT 'dgerpaur pe/v\orreu ss dlreau ]ou sr qclq^À BS I NrJs-I-rng scNsrcs svsNvx .{o ^rIsugAINn gHI 9Bt SvsrpuATrcs AND PHvrocENy oF THE ANtsopHoRINn I Bnns +87 ' sM er ^ Jor J el u e pue rorrelsodo-ra1e1nlnu?uuray(uoposln) 'V Jo €llâqelC 'C 'C 'eleural 'nlnutwtaT (uopos1p) V pue eleru nspnalpa (uoqdoqqun7{4) ntoq{oqtuv Jo sa1e1dl€rqr}rs€B 'fl 'V 'ç1 'C ur ruur 'fl 'V ur urru ]ueserdâr sâurl âl€ls 'uoposllJ pu€ otoqdoqqunï(4 u-raua8qns onqdoqruV '67, ' I0' pue I' OL{ 'p) 'sdnorE o/vu pazru8of,ar ar{S 'sarceds tsrg aqt / I pâpp? pue uopqsllo Jo uorlrugâp âq] peuâp€orq '(OgO t ) ^ourrrus Jo poqlâur srsLpue f,rurouo -xe] aql Eursn '(6/ u.,{e{s^o>lrr€I4l 'slualawl7 61) '{uru g -6 I qr8ual 's 'sn1L1souo8se 3uo1 sz serurt Z'Z lnoqe 'snlLlsouofi Jo xade tururelle asodar ur Eurlg 'r "lurodpnu 01 plslp Sururol Z IIer leur8-reurqns ure^ luerrn)er]srlC'b'(c'qBZ'r8tg)'pado 'paua11ug -le^ep epur Jo LL Jo ssarord rulnpzr8 L11e-rtua^osrop 'qlaal u€rpetuqns T, rlll^ dgecrde epur Jo urnrpr8.(4 'd 'âplm se 3uo1 se seturl t'e 'ateurS.r?ruâ dgeseq â^lel sruad 3o a8pufl 'o '(ege '3lg) rluq -re8uol Jo r{f,}ed punor e r{}rm l1p-rtuan pue rlsq uor{s q}l^A peralol 'apryt su 3uo1 s€ sâurr} g'I e^len sruad 3o xady 'u '(nAZ '8tg) o^{} âq} uâ3/v\leq uorlssJsurâp ou sr eJâr{} r€r{} r.{f,ns3}rxoJ 'luesard 'a1uur -ouo8 3o xadu qllm snoJolof,uof, 3r 'ru '(rg; '3lg) eqol râ]no 'pseqo Jo snll.rsouog -relel ralprus (rynuru.uay) auo to (n1nu,n/) olw1pus âqol reuur 'lerrde 'a8rz1 qllm 'algord w (stlautuuaT) NrJsT'rnfi scNslcs pâqollrt âleru Jo etl o] (nqouni 'fl paqo[q -xof,ouo8 Jo xady 'l (l 'lBU 's8tg) tuesqe uortez\t 'a1z1n8u€ ol pepuno; ut8rutu -o.râlf,s I€urpnlr8uol 'T '(tgZ 'peorq l.lpcrdz epur Jo BS Iere]zlocrde '(o 'ur 'Etg) rslp se 3uo1 s€ sâtur] B'-g' aurapode -{BZ 'r8tg) rl€r{Jo pueq uerpâtu l€urpntr8uol rltlm pue uorlralord pseq 'pra]e1 q]lm lslp 'tqol lesrop p 1l ol l€s€q dpq8rls puu âqol l€rtue^ p r{tllnt rslp go ur8retu leJelelocrde 'aleut8r€ure ,tptolleqs lnq ,(peorq xade 'peo.rq el€ru Jo LS Jo rslg 'f "(- 'r{BU 'r3lg) euo usrpâru 'psuq erour ,(pq8r1s 'ralpurs e Jo epls râr{}Ie uo dunq a8-ru1 q}lm JIer{ rolr -elu€ uo lsrp '1.11e-rtue^ pâxeg ur8.ruur pcrde 'aleu -r8-reura .(gzrpauroctde elelrr Jo 9S 'l '(qOZ 'Stg) palurod dgecrde 'ale8uole â1etuâJJo 'luasqe âFtu yo aluld 1urqrlrs€g 'q '(aO1 a-rn8rg) srreq asounld 'aldulls srl€r{ pdocs q}l^ Jo prreq Jorrâtsod 3ur>1ce1 âleruâJ JO €IqI] pqg lpzr-ralsod parr-rnf,pu€ peua] -lug 'aldurs âl€ur Jo snsr€]rseq pulH 'E ']uesqu âleur Jo seqsnrq Sr1pl6 'J-p "sadrls se 3uo1 su /' €ssol8e-rediprrqt l€s€q rzeu qlool rorrelu€ lno -qllm 'aldurts urnluâul 'utnlueua.rd se 3uo1 se L' svsNvx do ÀJISus^IN{l aHJ BB? SvsrBvrATrcs AND PHvrocENY furcatus group) includi ng A. furcata (P anzer) , terminalis Cresson , borealis Morawitz, meridionalis Fedtschenko, raddei Morawitz, pubescens(Fabricius) , dufourii Lepeletier, wegelini Friese, riuolleti Pérez and urbana Cresson and the second (A. parietina group) consisting of plagiata (Illiger) [ - parietina (Fabricius)] , nigripas Morawitz, orientalis Morawitz, siewersii Morawitz, excisa Morawitz, uulpina (Panzer), muscaria Fedtschenko , hortensis Morawitz, and giacilipes Morawitz. Marikovskaya's broad definition and diagnosis of Clisodon and of her two included groups is based on characters showing much variation. In my is polyopinion Clisodon (sensu Marikovskaya) phyletic and represents seven distinct lineages which I place in other subgenera of Anthophora. Clisodon (in its usual restricted sense) has often been accorded generic rank (Patton , lB79; Popov, 1951). Its mandibular and basitibial plate differences from other Anthophora are striking, Do doubt associated with its wood-nesting habits. It is, however, only a small derived group of Antho- o"!iï;;l; i:#Ë:: f:f:ffii;:t'1,ï $ru;l the resulting paraphyly of Anthophora). Biologlt. The adults are active from mid May to September. Many of the uniquely derived characters of Clisodon, which easily separate it from its close relative s Dasymegilla and Petalosternln, such as the tridentate mandibles and basitibial plate of the female, are presumably adaptations to wood nesting. Wood as a nesting substrate is known only for Clisodon in the Anthophorini [except perhaps for A. (Anthophoroides) signatal. Females nest in fallen logs utilizing beetle exit holes, and in rotten wood, stumps, telephone poles, fence posts, partially decayed or pithy sticks, etc. t(W. P. Cockerell, 1903, and Medler, 1964 terminalis); (Nielsen, 1902; Popov, 1951; Radchenko, 1984 - furcato)1. Because of the preferance for a wood substrate, Clisodon is usually a forest dweller. I have observed the dark form (pernigra Cresson of terminalis) nesting in driftwood among sand dunes on Mad River Beach in Humboldt The females, which are County, California. somewhat polylectic, have a definite preference for plants of the family Lamiaceae, especially Stacfuts(Popov, 1951). Included Species. A. (Clisodon) furcata (Panzer), sinensis (Wr), terminalls Cresson and xinjiangensis (W") . Clisodon is a boreal holarctic group which ranges far into the Arctic both in North America and the U.S.S.R. Popov (1951) found that the distribution of terminalis besides being nearctic, included East to Central Asia and that of furcata was rnainly European to the Near and Middle East. In the United States terminalrs is generally oF THE ANrsoPHoRINn 489 Bnns found wherever there are northern woodlands, i.e., in the northern states and in the mountains southward. Subgenus Heliophila Klug HeliophilaKlug, 1807, p. 227. Typ. species: Apis bimaculataPanzer, 1798. Monobasic. Latreille, 1809, p. 177. Saropoda Typ. species:Apis bimaculataPanzer, 1798.Autobasic. Proposed unnecessarily for Heliophila Klug, 1807, not HeliophilusMeigen, 1803. Micranthophora Cockerell, 1906, p. 66. New Synonym. Typ. species:Anthophora curtaProvancher, 1895 ( -A. squammulosa Dours, 1869). Original designation. Diagnoses.Length 6.0-15.0 mm, usually 10 mm or less in almost all species of Humilis and Estebana species groups; female face with pale markings,. rarely all-bl-agk-ur.-il A. poste.\rae9or; rior margin of female hind tibia with simple hair (FiS. 10d); male of Old World species usually with 56 and often 55 with thick pad of hair in a depression (Figs. 30a, 31e), pad covering much of preapical ventral surface. Description. a. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to length of next 2.0-3.5 segments together; of male equal to next I.I-2.8 segments. b. Face with white to yellow markings, rarely black; male with paraocular and supraclypeal marks present or absent, labrum of male usually apically trilobed with median lobe emarginate (ur in Fig. 301); scape of male with pale marks anteriorly; female clypeus usually bearing inverted T-shaped mark, paraocular marks of female present or absent, supraclypeal mark of female present or absent; maxillary palpus 4-6 segmented; labial palpus 2 or 4 segmented (apical 2 segments sometimes lost). c. Malar space of female 5-16 times as wide as long, of male 6- 16 times as wide as long; flabellum apically with several finger-like lobes; mentum without anterior tooth on basal third, mentum .6-.7 as long as prementum (.*cept .3 in A. hololeuca);paraglossa about .50-.75 as long as stipes. d-e. Midtarsal and midbasitarsal brushes of male absent. f. Middistitarsal brush of male sometimes present. g. Hind basitarsus of male simple (except flexipes with anterior tooth), sometimes flattened and/or strongly curved; hind tibia of male sometimes with apical, anterior spine; posterior margin of hind tibia of female with simple hair (FiS. 10d). h. Basitibial plate of male usually present. i. 56 of male usually apicomedially emarginaje 30a), Old World ll .(FiS. species usually with dense pad of hair covering much of basal half of ventral surface, basally delimited by gradulus (Figs. 10f, 30a), pad occupying large, flat depression; in Old World species 55 often with similar pad of hair and depression, often deeply emarginate apically. j. 57 of male (FiS. 30e) not or slightly expanded apically, emarginate to produced medially with apex gently rounded; lateral margin with two 'urruq?-I 'T 's,.r^3r^ 'Bs pu" IpJlue^ /s 'y 'f 's,u,arrr 'alnsder ,1 ,11 .sr*arzr ,/I ,gS-tS .C .,,\Àer^ .l,I eprs pu" epls I"rlue^osrop letruâC lerlue^ 'd 's^Àer^ '/S 'l ,C .sMer^ eprs pu? ,alnsdet ,3 ,g .srr,rerzr pue prtue^ lurtue^ BS I?Jtua^os.rop l€trueC '/J '9S-6S 'V 'Dsolnutumbs('H) 'v'l-t lop1ntmuq ('ù 'V,g-y .eruels Isruos"lâru ârltJo srâqunu eqt ar" sreqrunN 'sdnorS sercadseueqals[ pu" srpumH Jo sapur 'WU$olpll snue8qns o.totflot1tuy.0g.CIù c 'b ']urodpl* ot Flsrp U 11ecpur8reurqns Eur se Euol s€ g't-t'I â^l€^ sruad yo xady 'u 'eplm tsrld -qol urâ^ luerrncor lsrrd 'eEprr u€rpetu lnoqlr/v\ s€ tuol se ç'B-Z'2, 'paua11eg ^r.ârl lesrop ruor; 'goqs e1etu snldlsouoC'ureldurrs dgeuors€JJo ro r{rl^À a1e1d lerpr8dd aletueJ :GOg 'Etg) q}oo} So '(tgt 'Etg) pâqolrrl ol pâqoilq dgensn ^Àer^ âpls otq pe8uolord seturleruos 'padola^ep 11âr\dlensn âl€ur Jo LL Jo ssacord relnper8 lsarcads uerdo ur 'paua11eg elerrr Jo alrxocouo8 go xedy 't '(pOg 'ttd -lqlg ur ]uâsârd dleuorsecco qleel pcrdeqns eroru luasq€ ot ]uasard vortez\lorâlcs I€urpnl '(osolnuuonbs pue ou"ta1o"{ -r8uo1 'papunor ro aleln8ue rer{trâ sur8reur pretel Jo o1ûl dgeuortlppe -ocrde lluasqe o] Teâ/v\ uorl€urEreura dgeuorseJJo ur a1e1dprpr8dd) qtaat pcrde o/v\] qlyi'e1eur p LL 'd 'eleur8reura 'ateur8reruâ dgecrde el€tu '{ 'fogolncoutq dlpseq ol errlue pue eplÀ\ se Euol Jo BS se ç'Z-0'I 'papuedxa dlesuq lou (gensn se^lel ur (tOg 'Elg) cslp 3o qr8uel gI'I ldacxa] csrp Jo 'o 'Âgesropocrde pe/v\er^ eplù\ srued Jo atprrg qrtual çL'-BZ' euopodeSo qrtuol laldurrs or seqol Nrrs-rrnfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rISusAINn sHJ 06t, SysrnuATrcs AND PrryrocENy recurrent vein joining submarginal cell 2 distal to midpoint. r. Sting in repose attaining to surpassirg apex of gonostylus, about 2.2-2.7 times as long as gonostylus. s. Length 6.0-15.0 mm. Comments. An attractive idea is to separate Heliophila as a genus from Anthophora. I long considered this possibility, which could be justified on the basis of small size and somewhat dissimilar male terminalia. However, the Vestita species group bridges the gap between the two so that recognition of Heliophila as a genus would be highly arbitrary as well as making Anthophora paraphyletic. Humilis Species Group Description. a. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to length of next 2.0-3.0 segments together; of male equal to next I.l-2.0 segments. b. Face with white to yellow markings; male with paraocular and supraclypeal marks present, labrum of male usually apically trilobed with median lobe emarginate (ut in Fig. 301); scape of male with female clypeus bearing pale marks anteriorly; inverted T-shaped mark, rarely all pale (ascending median arm of mark almost never absent or indistinct as in an undescribed species from Cape Province, South Africa), paraocular marks almost always absent (except in an undescribed species from Kenya and Tanzania), supraclypeal mark present; maxillary palpus +-6 segmented; labial palpus 2 or + segmented (apical 2 segments sometimes lost). c. Malar space of female 5-13 times as wide as long, of male 6-16 times as wide as long; paraglossa about .5 as long as stipes. f. Middistitarsal brush of male sometimes present. g. Hind basitarsus ôf male simple, sometimes flattened and/or strongly curved; hind tibia of male sometimes with apical, anierior spine. h. Basitibial plate of male usually present. i. 56 of (FiS. emarginate male usually apicomedially 3.0u), but s.ome southern and southeastern African species with apex entire (..g. , some rufouestita and tetradonta); usually with dense pad of hair covering much of basal half of ventral surface, basally delimited by gradulus (Figs. 10f, 30a), pad occupying large, flat depression (ptd absent in some African species); 55 often with similar pad of hair and depression, often deeply emarginate apically. j. 57 of male (FiS. 30e) not or slightly expanded apically, entire medially (rarely emarginate and then only slightly) with apex gently rounded; lateral margin with two lobes, ventral more apical lobe larger and usually more darkly sclerotized than dorsal one; disc sometimes with lateral margins lobed midway (as in some African species) but usually margins gradually converging toward apex, length of apodeme .32-.6I length of disc [1 . 16 length of disc (Fig. 30e) in bimaculatal. k. SB of male apically emarginate, occasionally emargination weak; apicolateral margins either angulate or rounded, longitudinal scleroti zation usually present (FiS. 30d). l. Apex of gonocoxite of male flattened, in oF THE ANTHoPHoRINe BBes +91 side view bilobed to trilobed (Fig. 30c), in ventral or dorsal views apicolateral margin either angulate or rounded, apex not projecting inward but extending somewhat straight distally (Fig. 30b). m. Gonostylus of male short, from dorsal view flattened, 3.0-6.0 as long as wide. n. Apex of penis valve I.3-2.6 as long as wide viewed apicodorsally. o. Bridge of penis valves not basally expanded, either 1 .0- 1 .5 as long as wide and basally entire, or brid ge 2.0-2.5 times as long as wide and sometimes emarginate basally (Fig. 30b). p. Pygidial plate of male present, apically emarginate, sometimes like that of Lophanthophora (..g. , fraterna), or with a short tooth situated laterobasally on margin of pygidial plate (..9. , ruJoaestita),or deeply emarginate (FiS. 10f) (..9., fuluodimidiata), more often with strong median ridge; gradular process of T7 of male usually well developed, sometimes prolonged into a tooth (FiS. 30f); female pygidial plate almost always flat, without median ridge [an undescribed species from Peshin Jut (Farah) India has a well developed ridge]. q. First recurrent vein joining submarginal cell 2 distal to midpoint. r. Sting in repose attaining apex of gonostylus, about 2.+ times as long as gonostylus. s. Length 7.5-1 1.5 mm. Comments. A. bimaculata is typical of a small group, not species group within the Humilis formally recognized here, having distinctly different terminal sterna. The 57 of male bimaculatahas long apodemes and SB is narrower apically and more deeply emarginate than subsaharan species (Figs. 30d, e). The rest of the species of the Humilis group (mainly African) have 57 with short apodemes and S8.apically broad with lateral margins weakly emarginate. The Humilis species group is a group with characters between the Estebana transitional (: Micranthophora) and the Vestita species groups, although it is most closely related to the latter from which it differs by its small size, more extensive pale markings on the faces of females, lack of the two median projections on the female labrum, apicolateral margins of the genital capsule more or less straight and SB of the male with lateral margin deeply emarginate. The Humilis group is similar to the Estebana group, being usually by the synapomorphies differentiated (shared with the Vestita group) of the dense pads_ of hair on 56 and 55 in males, lateral margin of 57 of male weakly bilobed (ventral as well as dorsal lobe present), SB of male with apicolateral margins produced (not with apex produced as in sclerotization the Estebana group), longitudinal of SB usually present and pygidial plate of female usually flat (see character p). Biologlt. The adults are active from March to November in the Palearctic region and November to August in subsaharan Africa. Included Species. A. (Heliophila) albella Gussakovsky, albifronella Brooks , albopicta Cockerell, alfkenella Priesner, appletone Cockerell, bimaculata .EJIJJV r{}nog ol eduay ruog dlrsranrp sarcads }soleert slr seq pu€ eolr;V uereqesqns o} peuguor sr dnor8 elrlse1 eqJ 'llâreTcoJ Dunqzalzpue 'eserrg tuuDul -rafii'.Iflurs olqsaa'srnoq slrqqllneraqnl'srnoq nqouolo{nr'opp14-âp€otrN avlsapor(',{ll-S osotaaln{ 'esorrg xocaot{ 'gera>1co3 oyypta( 'ople14-epeâtr tr zplo ' 'ds ' u rrauaqgna 'garelco 3 nsua{oqnw '1are -TOoC Dunmqury 'asarrg DSlrqDI 'asarrg ruasuaqzry 'garelcoJ sluullrpzy'asarrg nuo"tasoflul'gara1co3 nsuautoïtq ''ds 'u o77ao{'sloorg Daqîn 'gera1co3 DîDuqa' garalcoD .çr.çz aamla'aserrg ouvxsunnJç'gara -TroO o11.{sot(îtn (opqdollaH) 'V 'saleadgpaprytul l,lanrlcadsar s(xotlaop pus snat(qa seâq ooTrnr aqt dq peTretl€ ereÀ\ r{rlr{À\ oToun1o{n^tpue ouazsunDrq Qsqa"ul se pâunuralap) 'V rto selou lecrtolorq auos anet (OgO1) uezog 'lsn8ny o] reqo]ro ruor; dg slpp€ er{J 'Gopqg 'sdnor8 €u€qelsg pu" srpunH erl] u€r{} sarqd -rourorseld erour ser{ dno-rt e}l}se âqJ 'dnor8 sr[runH arp q]p\ ]ou pue ototldoqtuv Jo eraua8 -qns rar{}o rl}lù\ porerls dnor8 Bll}se1 arp Jo sra} -rsrer1c ere or€J a1etueJ er{} Jo sTreru apd pa}lurll dlarrrlelar âq] pue seeq eq] Jo ezrs alerepotu aql 'n"roqdotltuvJo sarceds rar{}o tuoure (lpuors -Brco punoJ sr lnq 'sdnort eueqalsg pue srptunH aql uI punoJ lou sr r{rlr{^/t ro}J?rer{c e 'secey Trelq 'sruazawoC IIB I{}lÂ\ sa1etu a^Bg sarcads errros 'unu çt-0I r{}tue1 's 'snlLlsouo8 se tuol se L'Z-n'1, tur}s lsnldlsouo8 ;o qfuel t' s€ r{rnrrr sq snldlsouot 3o xade turssedrns âsoder ur Eurlg 'r 'dnort srpurnH 'b 'leg el€ureJ Jo leqr oTII uorteue Jo at€ld prprtdd ieurds e olur pa8uolord seurlleuos 'pado -lo^ap LL Jo ssacord relnpert lluesqe LLSo etprr [Burpn]r8uo1 u€rperu ldlrnecuoc lesrop pue Bere eTII-JIegs lnoqlr^&\ el€urtreura dldaap eroru ro JIOr{s pcrde uro{ turpualxe q}ae} uzrperuqns Z, rl}lû\ 'aaecuor dldaep dlpsrop e1eru 1rd punor tururro; 'd 'apl/u\ se Euol sB serurt g'Z-g'l Jo LL {}Eua1 'dleseq papuedxe serulletuos'aleur8r€rua dlpseq se^p^ sruad 5o a8prrg 'o (llesropocrde pe/v\erl eplÀ\ se tuol se seurrt L'2,-ç'I e^l€^ sruadSo xady 'u '(rZt 'ttg) peuo]t€U 'oplm se tuol se serur] 'ru ' (tZt 'Etg) lq8rerls E'g- L't eleur so snldlsouoC Urtreru Jouur 'q}eeuoq tuoJJ pe/v\ar^ sB lBr{/v\OTUOS dlprelel pernpord dl8uorls âIBru Jo ellxocouo8 yo xady 't 'GZg 'ttd luasard uorlezrtorelcs l€ulpnlÉ -uo[ 'a1e1n8ue ur8reu lera]elocrde 'peorq Âgecrde 'pepunor '1un1q l,lpseqorpetu eletu 'l '(aZg Jo BS 'ttg) rsrp Jo {}Eue1 ffi'-BZ' âuepode 3o {}Eua1 'luasqe serurleruos seqol lerelelocrde Jo led Iesrop ldacxe dnort srprunH Jo seleur ur ss eleru '[ 'uorssardap e o]ur pesseoer qJBe (ruasard Jo 1S ped uaq/v\ ? pue) ç-g eurels leruose]errr uo rrer{ yo sped 'rleq yo ped repurs qlyv\ dlleuorserro aletu Jo ùS l(errlua dgecrde pue rrer{ Jo ped }noq}r/v\ nsonoln() eryur8reura dlecrde 'rler{ 3o ped relrrurs IIITl'r el€ru Jo çS i(osonalnd q luasqe) (qZS '8tg) dno"r8 srprunH Jo se1etu ur s€ rler{ 3o ped âsuep qlP\ rslP Jo sprrr{}-o/vu o} JIeq I€seq 'dlecrde etreu 'l '(osotaa -rtreura dlmolpqs ol orrlue eletu Jo 95 -pd pue Dltpao ur luasqe) ]uesard dlpnsn eletu 'q 'aldurrs oleur Jo a1e1d lerqr]rseg Jo snsrelrwq pulH 't 'ruaserd l,gensn eptu Jo r{snrq lesru]ltslp -plrN 'g 'sedrls 5o qfuel çI'-0ç' essolEercd isaunl Zl-B eletuSo'Euol sB apr/v\se setull tt-g eprueJJo aceds rel€tr tr 'c '(sace; {celq I[€ rl]r/û esoq] rdecxa) dlrorralue sTreur apd qty/t oleru ;o edecs lluesqe dllensn lnq 'luasard ueq/v\ eleureJ ur sB runrq€l 'a]eur8r€ruâ âqol uelp Jo elpplur ur uorlceford 'osotaolnd tdacxe) , -eru qlp\ (prqo11q .(lecrdeorpeu peqolrrl dgecrde apur Jo turuqel '.Q,rauaqcruur 'xocaot( ur pernper suorlcalord) ("Zt 'Etg) ]uasqe pâqo1q ol errlue dlpcrde 'ay1-;1eqs uauo urruq -el e1etueJ Jo uorlcolord opplur 'pâqo[q unrq -€[ âleureJ Jo uor]calord pcrde llecrde req]o aq] 'der*prtu pa]enlrs euo 'qrpl^ prqel ç'-Z' sq]pr1v\ rreql 'suorlceford usrperu o/vu r{lyv\ sdervrp lsorul€ âFureJ Jo runrq€l :ç saTurloruos 'sluatutes 9 qllrv\ dlensn sndpd Lregrxeluu i(xocantd ' 't'a saoeJTrslq (1pnsn âFru ur II€ r{}yv\ sarceds ldacxo) luesard 'luasqe dgensn âleural ur sTreru paddlcerdns pue relnroered !(xocao^t{''E't) TrBIq ge dlerer'(1reru peua^ul u€ e^eq uaua7exw pue tplo poduqs-; 'ù 'snaddlo t paue^ur Jo ruroJ ul dlerer Jo xade ssorJe Trer,u asre^suer1 apd qlyv\ dgensn el€tueJ l1ce1q 1e dlarer 's8urlreur /v\ollad ot erlqd\ r{}yv\ âced 'q 'sluaru8as lxeu o1 pnbe âleur Jo B'2,-t'l lreqle8ol sluâruEas g't- L'f, lxau 3o qrEual ol lenbe 'e 'uo4{ucsag eleureJ Jo y luarutes regatelg dnorg sarcedg Blrlse4 'su1{C '(rrqll) eour^or 4 tue4X ol pre/vus€e eJuar{} 'adorng ure -qlnos pu€ uorter ueeuerrelrpetrAtr aql seqJ"ar lnq €rl{V Jo suorter euu?^Bs aq} w punoJ sr dnort owltsoîltunx pu€ '(zen6) o4oauquty slr{J 'laro{roJ 'rausarr4 DIIaîuapU'(esarrg) oyoquapt,t1'z1rrvrero141 snDlq! 'gere>1coC Dîunpnr4at'(8.U) qpual 'rausarr4 sllnsJnt 'lsrouag lullos 'rauserr4 nsua"tfloqs'Jeuse -lrd opaps '(arro; eileq) saptopo{ons 'gere1co3 ny4saao{nl'ua4;1y srcuanqqt,'op1e6-epeetr troaouÊ@ 'reuserr d otoltsnln{' zata4 sa(ufiru'reuseu d ouxlp?a 'z1r*retoy4 sa{puo1'oluaqcslped lmaol'(elourdg) slllunq 'JeuserJ4 oclsoîat1 'z1rt*erotr{ opauaî 'reuse -lrd nsua1oTol 'tueqturg nutaqn{ 'srnoq optpua -ppoaln{ 'e4crpa11 o1ouqu{oau{ 'gara1c o3{ 'rauserr4 sxsuarano,(o{'rauserr4 osotcopo{'dlsrro>1e -ssnC aorualna 'rauserr4 DuDqla 'rausarr4 xt4(acap '(E.tX) Duuîguoe'lare>1co3 suotfipryuoc'(razue4) Nrrsl-rnfl sDNsrss svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNn sHJ 7,6+ SysratrATrcs AND PHylocENy oF THE AnTTHoPHoRINB BEns +93 FIG. 3 1 . Anthophora (Heliophita) bimaeulata. Scale lines (on right side) represent . 1 mm in A, E , F . 0 1 s=seta. A, B, Hind tarsus of female. C, D, Lateroposterior and anterior mm in B-D; a:arolium, views of flabellum. E, Ventral view of male metasoma showing the dense pad of hair on 55 and only the apex of the pad of hair on 56. F, Clypeus of male showing rugose-lacunose sculpturing and apicomedian emargination. 'rvrâr^Jolno '3e1 pur11 ,1 .r*arzr ./J ,; .sr*er,rp,rluarr .gg 1esJop ,elnsder ,11 ,g .sner,r -/S 'f 'I 's,!\âr^âprs puu ,gS p,te ,g .sr,,rar,,,prs l€rluâ^osrop 1elrueg l"rtue^ ZS .,1 ,/J .gS-tS ,g .(*o ,y .eu.ra1s pue lsrtue^osrop 'elnsder l€truâC ,q .3 .sa,rarzr "rreg) pea11 lsrlue^ 'T .v ,"I-c :v (il I"ruos€loru âql Jo srâqunu eql eJp srequrnN ldef,xâ âFur II€ .otna\o\ot1 ldecxa aleru 'DI!$aa('D 'V'g-y 'sdno.r8 sercads eueqalsg pu" €lllsâ^ ,41r1do17ag snua8qns ototldotlîuV.Z€ .CIù lIe Ds|uxdstq(gera>1JoCxrnrl4z'uossel J DpqlD,a>1e1raq -aunbs 'aottoznlns 'nTuopo(qco( 'ouonçlota 'anttoq 'V 'sa!e?ds papryrul -urlJ aqruLrq7 (qyldollaH) -?anloe 'antuotqo ur luesjrQ'1.rcrqe atprr rtn.rirnt 'sTu€q uer{u?e ur dlensn dlrvrorreu'uerpaur'1eurpn1r8uo1 l(otoqdoqruDqdlT suor} 'osolnuruonbs ur dpo -e8art8€ ul lseu selerrrâJ ârII 'seeq pezrs-rellurls aFleru Jo leq] 01 r€Furs Jor{to pu? soletu JgrsedsuoJ rrro{ serJolrrrel Jreql ]uasard) tuesqe el€ru yo e1e1d prpr8d4 'd (1pseq paErepa lou pu€ errlue 'Euo1 se eplù\ sB lnoqe Eurpua;ep '1erro1rrre1 eq o] readde septu er{J 'e?o3erolsv sâ^le^ srued yo etprrg 'o (ges-ropocrde pe^rerl egr roJ esuerâJerd elrusâp € sl eraql apl^À sB Euol s€ serur] 0'g-z'z e^l€^ srued Jo ]nq crlraldlod ere seeq âql dll?reueC 'anr,aonndrcI 'V ro1 (ggO1) xady 'u 'uorloes ssoJJ ul punoJ uroples 'poue11ug yessnon Om ) orqcrol pue safixa{ dgunsn '(sarurl 0'0I 'aowoTt.tad pue osllnuuonbs ur.) pu? orr{f,roJ dq rl dnor8 €u?qe}sg eq} Jo sers 'raqtue^oN -eds epy/' se Euol s3 sorurl ç'B -z'z olsru 3o snlftsouoc Jo slunorr€ lerr8olorq dpo eqJ (pacnpord 'ru '(qOg 'Etg) ot drenrqeg ruor; e^rtoe ere s}1npv '6op1g lou surtreru lageredqns 'prervrur turlcaford '(lOg 'Etg) peqolrrl 'LIJo lsrl] o1 rBlnurs qlool 3 olw petuolord I€relelocrde ol peqogq dpleervr /y\er^ epls ur 'paue11eg oleru sr rlsrr{^t gJ uo sserord r€[npBrE aqt pu? sEalprur 'l 'luâsq? uorl€zrlorelJs pue âroJ pesrpoul dlppo pu? els8uole aql Euraq Jo â]rxoJouo8 Jo xady 'pepunor dplearvt sercads e\eJ e ur lseâl eql lou 'selnqrrlle al?tu lBrâ^es ur anbrun I€urpnlr8uol '(TOg 'Etg) aleln8ue (18uor1s dllensn ((alpplur 'serceds pe^rrop dlaurarlxa ue sr sa(1xa{.V , ]nq ' sJe/v\ou /v\oll€r.{s Jo pelslp ro derv.prur peqol urtreur 1eretel laleurt fleIIIs -rerue ueuo 'pacnpord dlmorreu o] peldvpe dlqeurnserd ere spedqlnour sll Uoqs BS aleur go xady '{ '(fOg 'ttd rslp se tuol se g/'-0t'0 aruapode 'ue11od pu€ re]reu roJ pe]lsr^ s]ue1d lsoq;o sed.ft 'saqol eql ol suorteldepe eq deur sadrls pu€ runlueruerd lesrop pue Frlue^ ]noqlr/vr. ur8reu lerel€l 'epls r{c€e uo eso8nr pu€ 'ldpd 1elqeI pue drepxeur eq] tuor; Treru pezr}orelcs }I{ETI Isre}€l e r{llû\ 'dlerpeu pâcnpord ot eteurtrenre 'papuedxe gceâ sluetutes o,/v\]Jo ssol 'tunlueul pu€ tunJol 'l 'luasqe '(tZg 'Etg) 'Euo1 dgecrde el€ru rl€r{ esuâp srrer{ uor{s eql Jo 1S Jo 1edors aldurrs dlprpauorrde pn7tra (suorsserdap p€d'(pacnpord ueâùueq eJueJseqnd ellq/lt passerdde qlrrvr eJBJrns 'arr1ue relno uo âlerueJ Jo elqll pqq leeEnr Furpnlrtuol Ieretel Jo rred e q]l^À errlua nTcutcoao{ o11t1{oual ldacxe) (EOg 'Etg) dlerpauocrdu e}eu r{}yv\ run}ueruârd pu€ sadr}s l(tso1 o/vu pcrde) -rEreura e1etu Jo gS 'l 'tuesqe ro luesard aleru sluarutâs Uor{s o/v\} rlly/' sndpd l€lqel lpadeqs Jo -A runrol iurnluatuerd a1e1d lerqrlrseg 'q '(sadlxa{ w q}oo} rorre}ue q}r/vr g'runtueru Jo {fua1 pue pepuedxe dgeretel 'peua11eg) aldurs eletu Jo lstunlretu pluârun8alur eled ol âcuer€edde ur snsr€lrseq pulH 'E 'sadrts s€ Euol s€ ç1,'-0ç'essol8 reFurs rleq âllq/v\ Jo qtls_d Trlr{} 3 rl}r/v\ dlrorralue 'tuo1 -ered lseunt EI-g âl€ur se epr^\ se serurl pue {r?lq sexes q}oqJo edBrs lruur B-g r{}Euel :srel Jo 'r '(+ qlp\ xvuaqd -r€rer{o tuv'rogo; eq} dq dnor8 €ueqâ}sg er{} 9I-ç eleuroJ Jo eceds reletr I Jo 'ç rltlal autrozoîrs) slueur8as sreqrueru rer{to IIB ruoJJ srâ.urp }I 'rurroqdoq}uv 9 r{}F/t sdervrle lsorule sndpd dregrxeur iQpatatlcoc ur eled 1€ sneddlc) 39ln âql uI ââq lsellsurs oql sr pu€ (erouoS puB eruroJrlec efeg) orrxotrAI pu? €uozrrv 'eruroJrl€c Treru padeqs-J paue^ur padolanap [â1v\ e o] xade ssoJc€ TJeru esre^su€Jl e ql1,v\ snaddlc '(aou,ozo ur punoJ sr'sarceds u€ 'ocna\o\ot1'v Isnsnun -lDS pue 'xouaqd 'nunqaçsa 'osolnunannbs rdacxa) 'rellBI '(ot"ton7"tow lueserd dgensn sTretu paddlcerdns puu qlanleor ldacxa) ruesqe dlpnsn sTreru relnro -ered qlyit aleureJ ldporralue slruur aled qlr/v\ ro '(xouaUd pue ?Dzuorqvur peqol {relq âFur Jo âder s -lr1 dlTee/v\ 'alduns aDxrDqwnllcrdacxa) (tOS 'Etg) aleur8rerue eqol u€rpew qllû\ peqolrr1 dlpcrde eleruJo runJqel 'xade ssoJJB TJBru esJensueJ] rl]riv\ '1reur ]nq (e1ed IIe snaddlc qlanlgog pu€ xDuaqd padeqs-a peue^ul qll^À n1n1ttïru pue sa{txay[) >lreru pedeqs-a peuâ^ur lnoqlr/û dllensn sna -dÂ1c 'lueserd serurlâruos Treru leaddlcerdns '@r, -aqd pue lllaraleo, q ldecxa) ]uesq€ dgensn â1eru 'V ul aldurrs) Jo sTreru relncoered !(aptu xvuaqd rvrolad ol allr{À\ elstuâprq elqrpueur ls8urlreu ql1,v\ or€d 'q 'slueurtas ç'Z-0'I lxeu o1 lenba (rer{}e8o} s}uaurtas ç 'g-Z'Z }xau o1 lenbe el€tu Jo eler.ueJ Jo I tuaurEas ruga8zlg 'e 'uot7{t.rcsag eql râpur. sluau?il7c âr{} w ue^r8 sre}3?reqJ eq} (q peler€des sr lr qcrq/v\ ruor; dnort srpurnH plro6 plo aql ot pelslâr dlasolc sr pus plroM /v\eN eql ol pelf,lrlser sr dnorc €uBqelsg er{J 'sruaralaoc 'ruru ç'tI-$ rptual 's 'snldlsouo8 s€ tuol s€ sârurl 'sn1d1s 7'Z-Z'Z 'r 'dnort -ouot Jo xede turure]le asodar ur turlg srltunH ur se uor]?ue^ 'b 'aleurJsc oslB sur8Jeur 'eleuuec dltuorls o] peua]]?u [ere]31 serurtaruos 'uerpaur qlyv\ alerueJ tBrl/v\eruos e8prr leqpnlr8uol Jo ereld lerp€dd lqtoot e se tueserd rc (n1uopof,t1cn{ pue 'ottonç.tota 'qlataslcocur s€) padolanap Âp1eam dpo serurleuros '(aotnzo1os pue 'xnuaqd 'olngutîru 'aottnqwnloe 'aotuo.tqow luâsqe) luesard uelyo âletu p LLJo sserord repper8 i(osolnurannbs w luesqe) suorlJeford pouelleg dgerlua^osrop'uerpaurqns 'lecrde o/vrl sB lueserd el€tu Jo LI Jo ssecord l(sarceds peqrrrsâpun euo pu€ 'nso1nu Frprtdd NIIsT-rng scNsrDS svsNv) (ntoqdoqruDrztry- ) dnorC sarcads eu€qelsg .{o Àrrsus^rN.[I sHJ +6t SysreuATrcs I AND PsyrocENY oF THE ANIHoPHoRINB BBBs 495 I I , I I -TroC] spuelsruearo u€rpul eq] '(uanr8 .(e1 prr -red e '116I 'lara>1coC)elpq Eurlrqeqursarcads roJ epeur uâeq e^eq (otorldotltuv ur paqrrrsap dgeur8rro) sercads qTtEauVJo stsrl dldurs ro stol -BIBO 'o116awou0z peqrrf,seprer{unJ pu€ opfawy Jo uorlrusâp peorq e Eursn uorldrrcsâpar poot e ane8 (çlOt) TculryelT 'pepnlf,ur suorldrrf,sapar pue sercads /v\eu [ere^os q]lû\ (++OI q orlrld -oqtuv ur tueql pepnlcq eq) oppatuV uersdepl4l ol sda>1e,re8 (gçOI 'i+6I) >lrurgârT 'n^toq(oqruV anrt turaq eruos 'araql petuolaq 11e1ou q8noqr ntoq{otltuv u\ pepnlcw ueeq dlsnorrrardpeq }€rlt opfauV ur sorrodsdueur paceld (Oç01) nodo4 '(OgOy)rauaqclry dq ralel pue (tç01) a4elroqull dq rorre srql o1 pell€o lsrg s€/v\uorlue]lv '(EOO1 ) uosuaqo'U dq u8rat leruoselour aql uo spueq Fluaun8elur ellq/v\qllù\ sercadsuscrrârrrV qlrop o^Àlro3 paldope se/v\qlfauV ârrr€u eqJ '(to4stg '(pg 'ttg) ssacord l€]eleTsoxâ padole,râpilâ/û e dluo 'atprrq 1etâlâTsoxâ ue e^eq ]ou seopsyanfiqulq npfawV ]€r{} sl I atqul (OZOI) s(âueCJo uorlrârror V '(eg 'tlg) rnds FIql] pulq reuur pue rrrnrroc eql ruor; rnds 1elqlt pqq relno eq] Jo uorl€losr (q 'eg 's8tg) elalduror o] (p 'c9 'stt$ prsed aql se^[o^u (OtO1)eue3 l'q puno; , ol1fauV epureJ Jo retc€rerlr elqeTr€ruer euo '(q 'ntt 'rttg) eldurrssr ro (p 'rtg 's8t,q)(srxe agl punore gs 'e'l) e{rl-urTler '(J 'r+t'sEt.E) 'e'l) leldurrs eleru Jo snsrelrseq pulH 'E 'luesqe aptu 'G 'tB 'sttg) saqol eill J-p Jo seqsnrq rpr/v\ttlplft -ra8ug pcrde qlyv\ unileqeg !(eç 'Elg) sreqruerlr uaurnl rorrolue pu€ rorrelsod qtmt eept lsadrls se Euol s€ 0Z'l- Lg'g Bssol8ered lurnluaurard se Euol se çB'-09' runluoru '(ou"to{uo2u0u 'v ur ldecxa) IZZ orn8rg ur se prlql l€seq uo qtoot rorrelue qlp\ urntueur ieldurrs dllecrde elerrr Jo tunrqel :(gg' ot d.) opûaunssol7 ur uorsnrtord ]saluart Eurqceer lnq algord ur eda Jo qlpy'\ gg'-tt' 'luereqnlord dlereuat ot peuoll€lI sneddlc !>1ce1qII€ dlarer 's8urlreur l€]uetun8a]ur u/v\orq ol /v\ollad-qslppor ro arlr{a o} /v\o[ad qlrr* al€ureJ pue aleur Jo of,€d 'c 'sererrroga8eg 7'Z-I'T lxeu ot elerrr Jo isereurogateg Z'i-g'Z lxau ;o sqr8ual pawquror o] pnbo epural Jo I lueu8es rega8elg 'e 'uoq{t.rcsaq 'q 'ruur lZ-B {}Eua1 dpofl '(nç 'ttg) suetunl rorrelsod pue rorrelu€ qlr/v\ eale8 :lZZ ern8rg o1 relrrurs prlrll 1eseq r€eu r{loo1 rolralue olEurs q}lr\À runtueru :(p-ng 's8l.{) rnds lelql} rauul ruor; patel -osl qcntu rnds 1elqll pqq râlno :(t 'ctt 'sttg) ooueJseqnd passardde qlyv\ dgerauot Burossleur 'crgeleur serurleruos Jr€tI ialdturs el€ru 3o s8elprru :(rO 'Elg) luâsq€ sIIorV 'stsouflotq pue pqq eserrt oTTpEauUsnueC 'llâroTroc (ary1-retlrea; s/v\orelrsoddoo/r{.} tutrazzpue llere{lo C DUD?sxTa qsn'd4srvro{zsope A oTonsn{t"t1 'a>1crpe11 ur reqtre esorunld sl rler{ aled 'rolor aq} Eurcnpord sn{ot1t1t1'srepunesruonaoqt'zlrtreJotrNszu.toez.t ']qEII -rasqns'd>lsno4essnC ot{} dlqeurnsard eq} uo satprr srrerl tceqglp suDenuqns'F{oXnnbaoqns'A1sno>1e 'sttd satprr tur8re,ruoc dlpc -ssnC taoyoîsaqs'garaTroC nsuat{as 'gara>1co3 or{J '(q,'ntg T-cgg lqqor -lde qlyv\ 'paua11eg']uaurntatur eql ol pessardde 'z1rrvrerotr41 nuuot( 'pqcen nn4so{ 'z1rrcr-totr41nuasn4a( 'a1crpe11 'ga.relcoC 'e>1crpa11 ere srreq esarlJ 'rlsrl o8uero pu€ ueert 'a.lq Dqntro DuCIunu sanortaaru 'D.totldotltuV 'pqce6 'z1u*erotr41 'z1vvrero141 t?aDau onloïuow Jo sanq cr[e]eru ur peroloc dpq8lrq ew thtol 'o>luaqcslped tî"taqauo.tq'4ezseueg orrrun 'ol1fauvJo sarcads lqDzDI'z1r*tetotr\lsis -uaqlq'zete1 nsuayqo(ot1aq' ii# ##î:r|" o4uer{Js}pedylnwta{'z1rr*e -rotr^trruasx{'d>lsrrolessnCnsuauotlîta{'11anTJoCDsuaa '(esarrg) ouDzstnop'1.>lsnolessn9 zanrouasap'z1rr*ero141 suqul?tuap'dlsnoless nC fl sJvlta eon' zate4 Depslq'd>lsrvro>1 -zsope1 stsuapaqDqlso'z1rrvrero141 nrqDlqntD'1ara1co3 'tr :pelpnts ]ed se lou ro pedorlsep uââq o^er{ o1cunfqo Jo 'lsol are sadd] eq] ;o 'sueurrcadsuJo/v\l,laurerlxa Jo/pue seprual ere saddloloq eql asneoeqsnuetqns ol se dlurel -rer r1llm paceld âq louuer sercads Euuvrogo; er{I srogs svrugcNr vuoHdoHINV eql pue uorEar ueeu€rrellpatr tr aqt 'ecuJv urelsse ur asorcods dgercodso sr oryflawV 'srlerlsnv pue eer, uersdeptuopul eql'recsetepentr'sluaurluoJ plroM plo IIe uo punoJ sr,o1178a?av'uolnqlqslcJ 'o8prr l€ulpnrr8uol uerpeur lnoqlr/v\ eletuoJ 5o ereld prpr8dd llueserd serurloruos a8prr leurpnlr8uol uerpotu'Âgerluan -osrop pâue{clq} sprrr{}-o^r} ol prrr{} I?sBq ro rl}aet 'qlee} earr{t o} Jo es€q le eTrl-Jler{s sarur}âruos o/vu qllù\ dllecrdeorpeu âl€ru Jo LI lluasqe aplu 'ru 'qlplù\ sB tuol se B'e-9'0 Jo a1e1d prprtd4 'e1nce Jâ^eu 'papunor dgecrde 'aleu {fua1 -rEreure o] errtua dleseq sa^F^ sruad 3o etpufl 'l 'aplrvr se tuol 'aosJrns uo pâJetlef,s pue llzurs eeles se serur] L'Z-n' f dlpsropocrde pe/v\el^ se xade e^le^ sruod '{ 'epyv\ se Euol se serurl 0I-1 luaserd uer{/v\ i(o11ûawnrqaz ur tuasq€ dlerer }nq 'szs -{ououtltv pve 'r}s 's opûrwv W tsorul€ pue 'rlfï -aunssolg'o11tflauotelry'oqpflatuouozle'opûawopN) 'relsrlq e dpo ol ]uosq€ dleralduoc saurrloruos pernper dpearE ue13o eletu 3o snldlsouog 't (gec -lde pe/r{,oJJeuo} papuedxe pu" 'dgerluen pa^{ell se pâqolrrt ot aldurs 'poue11eg dgurtua^osrop ol punlor 'eldurrs (1enr1e1ar â1eur Jo ellxoJouo8 yo xedy 'l 'rslp go çEueI Lg'-+Z' 15 Jo euepodv 'q '(qOt 'Etg) asournld ur8reur rorrelsod ldacxe eldturs qtlÀ\ apureJ Jo €lql} pqq srrer{ pdocs 'peleqelslur aq deur uaurrcads eql lurnasntrry urlreg eql ur ueuncads e uo pes€q sr 'ropencg 'pnbedeng ruo{ Dsolrua 's€rnpuoH -wnnbs 'V Jo prof,er lcunlsrp al8urs y o] pre/ûrllnos '(tururodg turpnlcur) eru-roJrleC ol pre/vuse/v\ s€xeJ pue 3tuorl3p19 'sesue>I Jo ware f,rrex ur punoJ are dnor8 eueqelsg âr{l w sarcedg 'llâreTJo1 onauDrlzaozpu€'gere>1coJ DrllqglqruDx 'gara1co3 DpnDetîsn'srnoq Dszlnuupnbs'e4e1raq -utrrll ?ozrnzD1zs'reueqrlntrxn.tlqtrpltp'(11ara1coD) xDuaqd 'gara1co3 o1lqdowd 'gara1co3 aouoytn( ' gara>1c o J Dtuopo{q co{' garelc oJ Dptlâ1u' e1e1.req -urll DrJDnUora 'uossar3 suotrtpcout 'gera1co3 ocnaploq'ga-ra1co3 Duozsreun{'uosserC sadqxagf 'pren11 Dleuîcnao{' uosseJC nnîua'lare>1coJ ouoqat -sa 'rauaqcr141 xnroqlor4l(ta '1are1co3 T â>lelroq -rulJ aoxnquryot'e>lelraqurll tllaraltoe'goro>1co3 Nlrs-rrnfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^TISUSAINO sHJ 96t SvsrEN,{ATrcs AND PHyr-oGENY oF THE ANTHoPHoRINn BeBs 497 FIG. 33. Metasomal tergal hairs of Amegilla,dorsal view. Scalelines represent .l mm in A, C, E, and subinsularisshowing simple red hairs (in life) and a close up .001 mm in B, D, F. A, B, A. (Gtossamegilla) of a single hair. C, D, A. (Zonamegitta)cinguliJera,showing the flattened metallic blue-green hair (in the lower three-fourths) on apical margin of tergum and the sparsely plumose black to pale hairs (in life) (in upper one-fourth) and a close up of a flattened hair showing oblique ridges. E, F, A. (Zebrarnegilla) quod*io showing the flattened white hair (middle) and the sparsely plumose hair (top and bottom margins) and a close up of a flattened hair showing the ridges and marginal teeth. uzrpeu alturs e qlrm ro (lIS 'ttg) seqol asnlqo lleurs Jo rred e uea/vueq eleu -r8renra dy*orr?u dlanrlelar BS Jo xedz i(a,roqe se pornsearu eelet) erqrlâroJ se tuol se serurl g'Z fsour 1" 'exocpnu Jo etpe JorJâlue ol lsoru le esodar ur Eurqceer 'gl8ue1 elereporu Jo eepC o141âawosso4g ' (rlnq a8uero qU^ JIer{ rorra}uz }wel te ro rler{ >pelq IIE r1tlm e8rat pruos -31eru rreqt pu? r{}Eue1 w IrIIII g I }s?el lv, eJ? r{Jlr{,v\ sarJads usrpul eeJql er€ arâq}) u"rs/t"Furopul Âpreur'sarceds 'ttg) seqol esnlqo a8.re1 Ieluorro :Ggg Jo rred e uea/vqâq elsurtrerua BS Jo xede l(sndpd dregrxeru ot xade tuory pernsearu zap8) "rqrleroJ s? Euol se seurrl t lwel ]e 'exocplur Jo elpprur ol 'Euo1 eoleC ls"el 1e turqJeer esodâr ur (l 'J 'egg 0I 's8tg) a8epuadde ate8uole ue ol ralsrlq v, ruor; turdrerr '}uasard snll;souoC ' '(qgg 'JLg'sEl.D tuesqe snldlsouoC 6 DII!îautDtqaZ' ' sarreds usrPul o/v\] dpo qlP\ dnor8 u?3rJJv dpruur lurur il-B {fua1 dpoq :(>1ce1q ser{ qrlqa serreds ueu€r{C IIe IJ e roJ ldacxa) rler{ Jo spueq pcrde epd qtlÀ\ etra] Izrrroseleu il" :(pçg 'Etg) tuol se peorq se 'd1eru tnoq" -rou pepu"dxâ dlerelel ZS Jo xady '6 'B 'r!!!'.*.':':rg 'rorurJ 'elpul 'ecg;y ]see -rluou lurru BI-?I gfual dpoq lleq;o spueq pcrdz a1edql1,v\tJ puz ga Âpo :(tçg 'Etg) Euol uer{} rapeorq r{f,ntu 'd1pre1elpopuzdxa dlreert /S Jo xedy ' (rln.{ e}lq/v\q}l^À ollfauuuoz slpul ur serJedseuo ldecxa) e8uero Jo uoaJ8 'anlq crllelâur sdervrlz]sotule etrat uo JIsr{ Ie{uos"leur lpaluaurtas -9 sndled dregrxeru :(t tg 'ttg) lues -erd eere r"lnJrrc lzf,rdeqnsleretel r{tlm '(J 'nLg ZS leprrvrsu Euol se tsoru te 'stt.l) e pernpor retsrlq ot snldlsouog npo(onsv ' rrlptetu Je^eu 'rlut8 Jo >lJslq 'urvrorqe8ral 1ztu -oseleru uo JIzr{ lpaluaur8as-g dlarzr ro -ç sndpd drepxeur i("lOg'Etd eere relnJrrJ pcrdzqns Ieralel lnoqll/v\ ZS ieprrvrse Euol se seurrl aerr{t }seol}B '(E 'q6g 's8tg) padola^ep [elvr snldlsouoC 'L ' sârrâds L IBluâlrO rvrâJ3 tlll/v\ sdnor8 uzldolqlg ue Âpreru lanlq Jrlplerrr ro^eu JIer{ I€ruoseteur Jo rolor larrtua çS Jo urtreur 1erldv 'usrselert g -snv i(adocsorf,rur e repun elqrsrn l.1uo uego) roloc ânlq crlpleur qlri* e8.re1 ,errlue ,e1eu Ftuos?lâru uo rrerl ueql 51 'ç -rtreura dpeorq çS Jo urtreur pcldy npfauqoN dnorE u"rlertsnv :(rgg'ttg) ]redse lertue^ ur paqo[q dl8uorls BS Jo aseq :(peg 'Etg) qlool 'reln8uelrt Erl Ieralel qtlm aurapode -readde 'pepuedxadl8uorls 4SJo xâdv 'rls 's nl1fautv ' ' ' dnort ptuerro pue rrtrrea1ud 'uerd -oFltg :(tçg 'Etg) pelwod dlecrde 'tld -ulls BSJo aseq :(qçg'ttg) qloor 1erelel lnoqlr/v\aurepode'elerpenb turreedde 't 'pepuzdxa dpo dlalerepou 1SJo xady e8epuedde ç atu8uola ue ot relsrlq e se (ruur 6-8 ere sqÉual dpoq esoq/v\Dleutenaoru uerpul pue fuq 'V ueydoglg eql ur dpo ]ues -qe) tuasard snldlsouot :(tOg 'tLt '{ 'cAt 'sttg) l,ltuor]s peqoflq BS;o xedy all , -xoJouo8 uo relsllq " o] poJnPer sn1d1s -ouo8 pue urur ZI twel le qr8uel dpoq uegt luesard 5r 'luesqe sdurvrp]soruls snldlsouo8 :(tgg 'lçg 's8t.l) paqolq 't Lplzar* dran ro pepunor BS Jo xady (t 'e 'cAt 'sttg) lred B -s3 [?srop Jo l?r]ue^ tuoJJ rep8us}Jar turreadde runurets 'pacnpord d11el -peuocrde saurrleuros'altJua Jo e]"ur8 -r?ure dplprruocrde 'apyo BSJo xady (rt 'l 'cçt 'stt.f) rced t -s3 Issrop ro l"rtue^ ruoJJ ælntueFt sreadde runuJeJs ]etll r{Jns pepunoJ 'z ro peqoilq rârllre 'porvrousuBSJo xady ' ' (sapureJ)'sluaur8aspuuatuu Z,l a^[o/vu le8rat Isruos"lâur pasodxe 4s '(sapur) 'sluarutas puuotue ueet Z .I*rl'i:ïJ;:îii:ïff'":Ë r '(eço I '9 '1curgar1) (o"rotldotltuVânrl rllyr\) spuelsl dreu -BC eql pue (OOO1'esarrg) eeurnC /v\eN '(ç96t '626y 'garaTroC) Brl€rlsnv 'raueqcr141 gO :ql I 'ernssnes lztOl 'goro '[(Âpo recse8epel l) 0681 NIIs-rTnfl scNsrcs svsNvx .{o Àrrsus^rN^[I sHJ B6? SvsreuATrcs AND PHvrocENrr oF THE ANruopFIoRrNn Bnns +99 FIG. 34. Metasomal tergal hairs, dorsal view. Scalelines represent.1 mm in A, C, E, and .001 mm in showing flattened hairs (white in life) in lower twoB, D, F. A, B, Amegilla(Dizonamegilla)sesquicincta, thirds of Figure A and round hairs (black in life) in upper third and a close-up of a flattened hair showing oblique ridges in Figure B. C, D, Amegilla (Zebramegilla)albigena,showing white round hairs the shape of wheat tasslesand a close-up of a single hair showing the longitudinal ridges. E, F, Anthophora(Heliophik) bimaculata,showing plumose (ochraceous in life) and simple (black or pale in life) hair and a close-up of same. -oseterulurur L'Zl tseal]e qr8ual Lpog ' ' (ued u\) D11!flaunrn747 ' slueur8asg't-ç'f, lxau Jo sr{}Euel pewqtuor o] pnbe I âreurolateg Jo {fua1 lurrr g'l }soru }" q}plm leru -os"teru lurur ç'ZI tsoru ]u ql8uel dpog '02, " " (ued u1) s1s(ouoraslev ' 'pr5lr pcrd" o] e1e1d 1elqltlszq uro{ l,gelsrp Eurpuatxesrrer{pdors >lf,elqJo pu"q qll^À elql] pqq yo a8pe rorrelsod srrerl pdocs Jo pu"q TtBIq lno 07, -qrp\ e]$I,v\slqll pu5{ Jo e8perorrelsod ' 6 I eJuacseqnda8uero ro rvrolad lZ 'snoeJeJr{Jo'a}lga passerdde 'asuep qlp\ pere^oc etral II3 ro ourosJo uorl -rod elqrsh r{}1,v\rolpue rlerl Jo spueq pcrde ]noqlr/v\ ut-ral ["ruos"leur etuos ' snoecerr{Joof e}n{/v\'rreq 6I 3o .BI spu"q pcrde qllm etret leruos"reur [V opo(onsv ' 1rd prrotual rorrelu" le >[r"ur {r"p geurs roJ ]dacxa e1ed dlelalduroJ snaddlc lsarcedsuer["r]snv BI 'llg Trelq [1ersoruleol gz snedllc ro (l 'sEtg) ,J, palre^ur Jo ruroJ ur Euqr?ur plueun8alur e1ed qllr\À snaddlc lserc -ads lstuerro ro 'crlcreepd 'uerdo5{lg .LT B Z " sluaur8esxrs rlllÀ\ sndpd dregrxeru :(t '1Lt 'stl.l) tuaserd sTreru rzlnroered ' ' ' ' 'SlUaUI LI -tas x1s ro a^S qllÀ\ sndpd dregrxetu '9r :(pOg 'ttg) tuasqz s>[rerur"lnroeted ' ' 'uerlerlsnv (ued uù DIIlEaunuoT pue uersde1etuopul 'uerpul 'uursy lffieqtnos lsluanrtas B'Z-t'2, txau eql Jo sqrEualpeulqruor eql ol pnba I oreruole8eg lerqrlaloJ s" tuol se serur] 'exocplur ç'7, {}Eua1 Jo a8pa rorre}sod l$sedls"el le turqcear asodar ur "ept isluaurEos 4s rlllÀ\ sndpd drepxe141 ' ' oppauopN dnor8 uerl"rlsnv lstueurtas I ' t-0't lxeu eqt Jo sqÉual Peqqruor egl or Fnbâ I erâruolateg Jo r{l8ua1 ierqr}aro; se Euol s" eJr/vulnoqe gl8ual 'exocprru Jo a8pa JorJelue o] lsoru Ie Eurqcuer asodar ur eeFE lstuau8as e^$ d11e 'çI -uors?rro 'rno; sndpd drepxetr41 qllÀ\ (ued uù DnIîauo^{V' ' sdnort ueJr1;V lluasqe s>lreru re[ncoercd sdnor8 leluârro ro çI uerprlsnv ltuaserd sTreru relnJoered f*1.f q.).Dl1Iîawnsso17 '+r Iluasqe *nrn-rrrr,ro*î?(-îiifltîi -ilrx"ru ol xade tuor; pernseeru eapt) "rqrteroJ Jo rptual sarurt g lnoqe qr8uel 'exor pulq;o e8pe rorrâlsod ol elpprur ruor; asoder ur Eurqcuer 'tuo1 "e1uC sdnor8 ueJrr ,l -JV ro 1eluelro 'uerlerlsnv iluesqe ro luesa.rd s>[r"ru relnJoered :(sndpd dregrxerrr ol xade tuo.r; parnszaru Ba[ -st) "rqrleJoJ Jo t{}Eua1 seurr} g'Z lsour te r{}tua1 'exor pulrl Jo etpe rorrelue ol lsoru te asoder ur turqceer 'qrtual ur tror{s ot et"reporu dlpnsn eapC ' >lrelq ro ,(er8 'moged 9I 'a8uero 'urrnorq 'snoaJ?Jgoo o1 erplrvr 'orgelaru lou z8"ral Ftuoselaur Jo JrpH gl atuero -par Jo enlq 'uear8-enlq 'uaer8 '(adocs -oJJrru e Jepun âlqrsrrr dpo sarurlauros) rrlpletu e8rat Ieruoselaur Jo rleH n1773auofla74J''']uesqe a1z1dFlqllrseq :(ngg 'ttg) aqol lnoqlrm aldurrs ur8reru reuur 'papunor pue papuedxa lcadse Frlue^ tuor; a}rxorouo8 yo xade :("gg 'Eld dlelsrp tur8"ra^lp sprrq]-oml ot JIeq lecrdz 5o sur8r€ur Fra]el r{}lm BS 'luasard nppaun{y " serurteuros a1e1d plqllrseq :(lgg 'ttg) ur8reur Jâuur uo eqol 11"urs rl]lrvr lcadse prlua^ tuog âtrxorouo8 3o xede :(tgg 'Etg) dlulsrp Eur8ra^uor sprrgl-omr ot Jlerl pcrde go sur8reur I"retBI rltlÀ\ BS '(rgg 'Etg) ns{ououtyev " aruereqnlord ]q811sqrlm dppeurocrde ro arrlue ur8reur pcrdu qly/t BS :(qgg 'tt"f) qloo] Frel"l padola^ep llarn r{}lÀ\ Jslp Jo uorloâsplru 'uorsu?dxa pJalel padola^op IIal* qllÀ\ 'apyn ZS Jo xedy 'tI 'zr .II ' ' (t'cgt II 's8tg) seqol uerpetuqns esnlqo yo rred uee/vuequorlsur8reura pcrde qllÀ\ BS :(t 'pgt 'stt.{) qtoo} 1eral"l tq811sq}lÀ\ ro tnoqlr/v\ Jslp Jo uorlf,ssplul 'uors -uedxa l€rol"l lerurou r{}lm 15 Jo xedy ' 0 I qlpauz"ttxry ' ' ' (rp.rsq l"rlde apd qllÀ\ e8rat Ieruoseleurpue {}Eua1 ur urur ZI tsoru le âr? qcII^À sarcadsuzrpul oml are erer{}) sarcadsuerdorq}g dpreur laqol NrrsT-rnfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rrsus^rNn sHJ 00ç oF rHe ANrHopnonrNB BBes Svsreltetrcs lr.lo PHYT,ocENY 2r. 22. 23. 24. 2s. 501 mal width at least 5.0 mm; length of flagellomere I equal to combined lengths of next 3.0-3.3 segments . . . . Amcgillas. str. (in part) hair with some black intermixed or black and white intermixed . . . . . . . . . Atrugilla(in part) 26. MetasomaeitherwithT4coveredwith Pubescence of thorax brown to orange (sometimes with scattered dark hair); metasomal hairs usually almost atl black, sometimes visible portions of terga with appressed white hair from . 22 apical margin of T3-T5 ochrawhite, thorax of Pubescence ceous, brown, black, or black and yellow (sometimes with scattered dark hair); metasomal terga with aPical bands of hair and/or appressed hair on visible portions of T1-T5 or if T1-T3 (excluditg apical margin of T3) all black, then scutum with white hair, 23 black intermixed. . Maxill ary palpus with five segments; body length at least 16 mm; length of flagellomere 1 equal to the combined lengths of next 3.0-+.2 segments . Megamegilla (in Part) Maxill ary palpus with six segments; body length at most 14 mm; length of flagellomere 1 equal to the combined lengths of next 3.0 segments. white hair, T5 with lateral Patch of white hair and remainittg terga black or with T1 or T2-5 with aPPressed ochraceous to orange hair, not with distinct apical bands of hair though hair sometimes gradually becomes denser 27 near apical tergal margins Metasomal T2-T5 with apical bands of white hair, without appressed pale hair on visible portions of terga. . Zebramegilla (in Part) Maxill ary palpus with frve segments; pale mark on clypeus reduced so that inverted T-shaped mark is small, sometimes only represented by a meline; supraclypeal dian longitudinal mark small, almost absent . Megamegilla (in Part) . . Maxill ary palpus with six segments; inverted T-shaped pale mark of clypeus well developed; supraclypeal mark well developed (Figs . 43f , l) 27 . r;;; ," â!rK:#u:,'';^,|,ï? 28.3p..i., ;; ";i#::'$::tî:tii] P#";.,i. eus with inverted T-shaped mark or reduced to a median longitudinal line, if clypeus all black then species from . 2+ the Cape Verde Islands . . Oriental species (Indian region); clypeus all black or with small mark basomedially . . Glossamegilla(in part) Scopal hair on outer surface of hind tibia all white (sometimes with a small patch of dark hair near basitibial plate) 25 or all orange Scopal hair on outer surface of hind . 26 tibia all black. Length of flagellomere 1 equal to combined lengths of next 2.5-3.0 segments; scutum with all white to ochraceous hair, no black intermixed or species almost all black with orange . Micramegilla (in Part) scopa Length of flagellomere 1 equal to combined lengths of next 3.+-3.6 segments; scutum with brown to orange 29. 30. 31. Palearctic regions (East of 65th merid29 ian) . . Species found in Ethiopian or Western Palearctic regions (West of 65th merid..33 ian).. T1 and T2 all black with no pale apical bands or appressed brown hair (T2 sometimes with white Patch of hair 30 laterally) . T1 and T2 with pale aPical bands of hair (sometimes weakly developed on T2) or most of visible portions of T1 and T2 with appressed brown hair (sometimes very sparse or absent me31 . . dially) a except all black terga Metasomal patch of white hair laterallY on T5; propodeum with black hair Glossamegilla (in Part) . . T3 with aPical sometimes T+ and bands of white hair; proPodeum with Dizonamegilla (in part) white hair. . Length at most 9 mm; thorax Prewith white hair, some dominately 'sÀ\âr^ '4J pue 'p 'mara aprs 'slnsdec 'y41'smarzrpJlue^ ./S pre ,.I ["Jlue^ 9g 1etrue3 BS ';1 'rr,ror,r 'alnsdec 'f 'snsrzr 'gS ,I ,H .sÀ\ar^ pue aprs pue pJlue^osrop lerluâ^osrop lerrueC l"rluâ^ /S 'elnsder 'C 't 'peaH 'g 'sr*erzr '/S pue ,C ,C .smâr^ âprs pu" l€rrueC lsJlrrâ^ BS l"rluo^osJop 'alnsdec 'g 'V 'epur 'o1tuutnbsas ('d 'V'N-f :g ldecxe apur lp 'WoltnSupab ('ù .V ,1g, l€lruâC '.a1eu 'oua&q1o ('à 'V'q-y 'o1pântouonepue ''4s'sq1tSawy'rprîawo.tqa7etaua8qnson Sr*V.çg .CIt e o1 pernpâr lnq (ruesqe TEuq 'V u€rrr;V eql e sB Eurrrras pue uoxel palela-r B ol perlddu erueu eql 'opifla747*td 'ecg;y yo à.rtnbe padirls aq] roJ ldacxe) luosard âletu yo snldlsouo8 i(q 'nçg 'sEt.E) popunoJ ol oleJunJlqns ur8reur pcrdz Jeuur D"rqaz'fo1ou(tg eru€u uerurssdqV'(crrequry) 'prervrul 'paua11eg dllerlua^osrop (n4o1ncncvl e1etu Jo lueq elrxorouot 3o xede :(rçg 'tld dgelsrp Eur8ranuoc errlue ldacxe) eleurtrerrre l.1pseq 'eplar se Euol se 'parvrorreu sarurl g'e-0'I se^F,r sruadSo o8pufl 'l 'e€les perâl JI"q ol prltll lelsrp uo surtr€ur lero]el -leJs 'geus qlyv\ 'peorq se Euol sB serull L'Z-y'Z dgzcrde eleru Jo BS Jo xade :(pçg 'Etd luasard eete JelnJJrJ uerpâtuqns 'a1e1n8ue 01 papunor e^le^ sruad ;o xedy 'T 'relsrlq ? s€ (ruesqe funl 'peqopr] ro pepunor pu€ ur8reu ur) luasard apur snldlsouoC 'l '(q 'eçg'stl.E) 1era]Blocrde Jo arrluâ oletuJo /S3o xede laleurtrcura (yvrolegs ol aterunrlqns'peue11eg dllerluo^osrop dllq8rls dpo 'lunlg 'atre1 serurlaruos 'prervrur alEue aertap 'stsouflotg errlua eleru Jo gS lurur ?I-B qltual 06 e lsorule le lueq urEreur Jauur uo eleur Jo elrxorouo8 yo xady 'l '(Tcetq IIe IJ qll^À sasoqxuD ldacxa) spusq pcrde elaldruoc r{}r/v\ gI-1a ierrlue setulleulos aqol uelpetu qly/t ue{o qlâel ueâ^{.leq 'dgenua^os 'qlaal (ued uù Dlllflaunuoztg o^r] ur8reur qllÀ\ lecrde '(nnlawos 'V) -roP pauo{3lr{} sPrrr{}-o/vu o} prFI} lurnlncs qll^À dlln 11telq IF 7J-IJ I€seq -nsn alelnqer dlerpeurocrde eletu Jo LL'q '(tçg uo rlsr{ Tr€lq r{}l/v\ PeKru e}lrlM 'Etg) âruereqnlord IerelBI Tee/û r{}1,v\sprnl}-o/v\} ol JIeq pseq uo 'dgetsrp turEranuor JI€t{ o} prn{} ' '(nTcuxtorîD'V) Eurreed pcrde uo surtreur Ierel€l :(peqolrpenb gJ-tJJo suoruod alqrsr^ pue 7a3o urt -de dilqpaurocrde'parvrorreu pâqo11q_ .szsnqt"rlo) -reru lecrde pue runlnos uo JIeq /v\olla^ '+g eleru Jo BS yo xady 'E '(pçg 'Etg) rslp;o çEue1 euepode lluasard uorl€zl1 çç'-gt' Jo çtue1 f*y.f yt.):r!!8aun^tqa7 -orelJs l€ulpnlr8uol lecuereqnlord leratel t{tl1v\ro ' rl"r{ apd Jo spueq pcrde aldurrs JIBII leseq uo urtreru [€ra1e1 ieqol [er]uâ^ lurur ql1,t\ çJ-II il lsoru te r{18ue1 punor e pu€ eqol Iesrop (aleurrec dlerer) punor e 'rleq aled r{}y/t peqo[q serur]eruos 'a1e1n5ue Jo punor rer{}Ie +t '{celq dgeralel pâpuedxa rslp Jo urtreur Isretelocrde Jo spueq pcrde tnoqlr/v\ IF Z,f ileqJo tlcled a8rel € qllû\ aldnrrs Âgensn ]nq qlxrs pue IJ ]see1w :ruru çI ls"el te qltueT 'gt pcrdz uo eloreqnl uerpaur e ro setprr Isurpnlr8uol (uzd uù zn!îaun"rqa7 u€Ipeluqns o/v$ I{}lù\ setul}etuos f,slp Jo uorilod papuedxe Jo elpplur i(nsoqu,p ul ldecxa) luesard eote JulnoJrc 'luaserd ueryo €urJsc pcrdeqns IeJa -lB[ '(uorleur8reura peorq r{tyv\ peqo[q sxlaDqnw Ie^al /v\oleq IIefft >[r?ur Jo al8uz r?lnf,o ldecxa) euo u€rpetu Jo epls rlree uo eqol atnce 'leurrou >[rzru relnJoeted ldlrorre]ug dlleervr o] lq8rerls uttreur IIBurs qlp\ paqolrr u/v\orq r{rl,v\ edecg Tr"Iu plueun8alur pcrde 'errlue IS epur 3o xedy '3 'Q7uq ur drunq ' (ued u\) un!îaunuoT (oTcutcoaazu posr€r rlllû\ urtreur lera]elocrde) prlt{t lecrde uo 'Eld al8ue paddlc se usrpeur'uorssardtp atprr lecrdeqns leurpnlrtuol ù (rtZg lo^el '(oalntaoeqnspue '1ïuo1 ldecxe) lerelel qlp\ rslp âur?s dlreau w >lJeur Jo altue JelnJo 'aleur8retue l.gecrde dlmogegs erlluâ ol leg rsrp 'aEre1 Treru relnf,oeted ll,lrorrelue Erl -orpetu âleru Jo gS 'â 'eleru ur luaserd ereld l€lqll '28 -TJeru leluetun8alur r*olad ql!v\ edecg -lseg 'p '(sdacryuo6 'V vr. pel"rsnJur) realc s8uunr laleura; pu€ âletu ur ]uaserd sTJetu relncoered (ued u\) DllI&auossolg 'stur>1retu r*olled or ellr{À\ I{}T.,v\ âJuJ lpaluaurtas-7 spuuq olq Eursuapuor 4gecrde sndled dregrxeur pue pelueutas-g sndpd 'e8ra1 go suoruod elqrsn IBIq€l IF ro aruos lexocprur Jo etpa rorrelue ol exocoroJ Jo e8pe uo rler{ umorq passarddu qtlm dlln pulq Eururelle asodâr uI eep8 lsadrts se Euol se -nsn 'r1e.I u/v\oJq Jo spu€q Forde qtrrur lnoqe essoltered lurnluâurard se Euol se L' ]noqe utrrnluetrtr 'r 'reqta8ol stueurtes ç'7,-t'l lxâu Jo utre] Ftuosetâur !pexruuâtur TJelq 'raqleEot slueur8es 0'1,-ç'Z çEua1 o1 lenba al€ru 3o rlllÀ\ serurleruos 'rle,{ peJ rlsrumorq txâu Jo tll8ual ol lenbe elerueJ Jo 1 luaurtes r{lp1,v\xsror{} luur U tseel te tp8ual rela8elg 'q 'rutu +I-B qr8ual 'e 'uo4{ulsaq '(>1ce1qp rler{ epd Jo spueq 1erlde qrrm Zt II qlp\ szsaqulv ldacxe) >lJulq e8ret Ieruoseleur !paxruuelur rler{Jo spusq lecrde olalduror r{tl/v\ çJ-ya lratsrlq addl *B''"'l'i'iiil :Ï'::""îl;::i";;;,^' r*1.f:t.).Dt!!l,y?'rry . ;,;*:,; v)(r'ttn t,ri {;:::'::f^Ëi: Nrrs-r-rng scNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^INn sHJ 209 SysreNaATrcs AND PHyrocENY oF THE ANrHoPHoRrNe Bees 503 -lquoc ^{.eu (11ara>1coC)ocyo71a,uorleurqtuor /v\eu (qlp1trrS)osn{uoc'uorleurqruoo /v\eu (esarrg) nsua(oc '(,{ll*S) suo"rrtuoc(o11fawù 'V 'sapa{g paprytul -nrqed ruo';dsslpp'err}'rrqa*iilfitiËl'fii eqt uI 'llrdv ol reqruoraq tuor; o^r}re ere stlnpe eql Brlr;V ure}sea pue ureq}nos uI '6o7o19 Josrequeqeruoso1da1e anes i:{:ii' frràil 'oppauyo^tq?Zrreql ra8rel ere .rls .s o11ûawV 'ereuatqns o/v\l eql uee/vuaq delrerro ezrs lsoru e sl erer{t q8noqt ue^g 'xade s}r uo rler{ yo qcled u"rparu asuop e turrreq IS Lq pue turpnrlord pue aletuole euepode stl '(lçg 'std dgecrde pepunor pu? pe/v\orr?u se dlreau tou Sureq BS eql dq paleredes ers sa1eru eql qJrq/v\ ruorJ o11ûauotQaZot pel"ler dlasolc lso(u srrls 's oyûauv 'sruazauoC 'errlua ol o]"urtreura l,lpuorq .(1psuq 'a_plal se tuol sB serur] 9.T-Z.T se^F^ srued;o_atpug 'l 'luaserd a€tas IIBurs ,poqs idrct -ropoJrde parvrer^s€ eplrvr se 8uo1 se serurl I.Z-r.I e^le^ sruad Jo xedy 'T '(ralsllq e o1 pernper 'lueserd snldlsouo8 nenalo"rqeo pu€ nsua(oc ]nq ldecxe) ]uasard ruls eelas eTrl-reldtsouo8 qtyr\ 'luesqe dpuaredde ol"ru Jo snld}souog {pryn 'f '(E 'lçg 's8t.{) ereJrns uo asredi ler}uenocrde ol esryord rreq 'algord w pa/v\er^ sB tuesq€ ol ]ues ,1ced -ard aJBJJns pJluel Ja/v\o[ Jo eJueraqnlord -s3 Isrlue^ ruo{ pâ/v\er^ se l,lprerv\}no alep8ue ]erlÀ\etuos prSI] pcrde go ur8reur Fre]el ,elgord w peqo[q aprrr Jo e]rxocouo8 3o xady 'r 'rrlle]etu 'rleq lou Jo spueq pcrde aleldruoc qtyv\ etrel eletu Jo LL Ieutuos€leru ipaqopq dlprpeulocrde 'q '(tçg 'tlg) pcrde 3o urEreur tqtrerls lsorule 'paqo11q dppem dranJIer{ serur]aruos ,punor IerelBI dgecrde ssel ro erorrr epur Jo BS 'E '(qçg .tlg) rsrp Jo rp8ual ffi'-gt' euepode 5o {}Eue1 ,uor1 -ezrlorelrs leurpnlrtuol qlp\ cslp iqtool uor{s q}1,v\ JIBI{ FsBq Jo urtrenr lerelel l(nsua{oc ur luasqe) eete relncrrr pezrlorelrs dpq8rl pcrdeqns qlyv\ dgerolel xade leqol palcalord dlere]elosrop re]no ot lerlue^ aqol paonpord dplee/v\ aroru reuur , (r.rt -ua{oc w eqol elturs) peqo[q dplear"r dlleralelocrde 'rleq Jo qrl"d uerpaurocrde qlyv\ pue (eleur8rerue dlrvroleqs lnq dpeorq osn{uoc pue o1n"t^tofl)err}ua dlpcrde epur Jo ZS 'J '(ocueraqnlord uerparuor -lde IIBurs e qlyv\ osn{uoc pue o1n^t^roi)dgerpaur -ocrde eleur8r€rua dy*ogeqs pue dy*orreu apru 'e 'el€ld 'p '(orotcso{t"t Jo 9S l"lqplsgq qll^À aletr\tr -ponb euros ur pe]ecsn;ur) realc sSuvrr ipedole^ep 'luesqe eFureJ [Ia/u\ elsur Jo Jo sTrsru rslnJoered '(nsua(oc 'V ul rvrogad) stuqreru elrr{/v\ rl}l^À eceJ lpaluanrtas-7 sndpd plqel lpelueurtas-g sndpd drepxeur lexocp1ur Jo elppltu ol a8pe rorrelue tur -ur"tls esoder ur eap8 lsadrls se tuol sB 00'I-1g.0 essolEered lurnlueurard s? Euol se çB'-Z,L' runl -uetr\tr'c 'raqtatot sluaur8es B'I-2,'J lxau 3o qfual o1 lenbo eptu ;o 'raqlatol sluetutas 9'g-0'S lxau yo çtuel ot pnba eleureJ Jo I tuetu8es rega8elg 'q 'rulu g'9I-0'I 'e 'uoty(ucsag I qr8ual nsua(oc 'V u\.) luesqe a1eru;o snldlsouo8 lagord ur uoes sB dlpclde peqogq dpleam e1etuJo all -xocouo8 :($S.'Elg) pepunor ssalro eroru dlfecrdri '81.f) eete r€lncrrr pazrlorelrs fp.i8l BS i(Use pcrdeqns r{}yv\ (uoqfitcsaq aàs) airiuS leratel dlpcrde /S iurur ç.9I-0.I f qi8ual -s1s6ûo1g 'uorleu8rsâp [Bur -EFo' o;,;}!t, 68L1'srasrn,r,:';;i"rt{K :rtTJïï 'LL7,'d 'eIt6I '1ara:1coC dq pel€u -Ersep'6811 'sra1p1 ep Dfntso{tqonbsldv:sercadsaddl 'd '1,681'asarrg ol1pauV BI 'Jls 's eserJg oTpEauV snuatqng urâr{}noso} uortar u-?euerro}rpetrN eq} ;ilr} lnoq8norql punoJ sr dnor8 etrel sHI .uor]Bu -lqutr.Io? /v\eu(1era1coc)aÛzuuzz pus ,uorleurqtuor zuor} 1v\ou (11ara>1coC) 4s{tapuoa '(zen6) s1^to7o7-"wqutrroc /v\eu (ge-ralcoC) oat^ta{o^@nr,(rer1e1eda1) Dalruaoeqns.'(uoraueC) ouoTso1t(s,(rarleladri) t(ufuans'(z1r*retory) aoxalps,(lara1coC) sioruqit 'uorleulquroc /v\eu (lere>1coC) o1o^tponb,(ra>1p6) suotrttcund 'uorleulquror /v\eu (reusorr4) olsiwo 'uorleurqtuor /v\eu (gare>1coC) ylapfio,(aserrg) s(anmcsqo'uorleulquroJ /v\eu (lera>1coC) ou,iqnû 'uorleulqrrroc ^reu (esarrg) ns.toTttùru,uorleurq -ruoo À\eu (garalcoC) stlanrlezw,uorleurqruoJ /v\ou -rvreu (garelcoC) Dluopouqau'uorleurquoc (11ere -rpo3) DraeouDlara'uorleulquoc /v\eu (gara>1cô3) o{n.toryaw'uorleulqruor /v\âu (arnssneg) rssinpow 'uorleurquoJ petwolttol (uoll /v\eu (gera>1coC) ,uorleurqruoJ /v\eu -surqluoc /v\eu (lera>1coc) 18uo7 '(ue4JIV) pltUotl ,uorleurquor IlereTro J Dexsowrotl ^au. (aserrd) sdanpuoÊ 'uorleurqtuo) /v\ou ir.rl -JIV) pcaot7 'uorleulquror /r{,eu (gare>1coC) o1cuti -oua{'(eserrg) rrnr{'(qll*S) *ttr{,uorràurquroc' /v\e_u(esarrg) Dut4ua'uorleurqtuoc /v\eu (11are>1coC) oy{nrslp'uorleurqtuor /v\au (garelcod) s1iuao1o1 -!p'uorleurqtuoc /v\eu (E"U) CIalzre,(snrcrrqeg) ol.Dqntrzt 'uorleurqruoo ^reu (11ara1coC) s!îoanc '(rerlaladrt) sualut'(11era1cod) fraonbaq'iuort -eurquroc (gere>1coC) szsuauontltaq,uorleurq -tuof, /v\eu (gara>1co3) s$pqzqD'(arnssneg) ouawqui 'uorleulqruor /v\eu (eserrg) oaco(ocsoqp,(rertela ouafuqTn(opûauo^rqa7) 'V 'saya{g papqrul -drt) ;iiiï;,Ëii#f frî {f"#i ïf,î'"î,î:'f '6o7o19 Lg slFlnp"aq] Brl{V uersr{Bsqnsq 's op4îawVrcg sruaww.Ceql ur uorr.rt,rrrrnr"Tfl aql dq snua8qns lul{l ruo{ peleredes eq uer pue 'rls 's ol1faaV ot pe]eler dlasolc s1ollfaraorqaz ('rlr s ototldorltuv ro1sruazauo7aas) (d-rescoy11) suaSdld'V dq pecelder eq lou peou pu€ arueu pll"^ e sr (zlrmerotrAl)aomlos 'V '{,l8g urorJ olpflauo"tqaz sarcadsrnoJ o1da1 e Jo ane8(nt 'd'gZil ) uaTJIV 'serprusdreuorsr^erJo esrnoc egl ur peqsllqelseaq Âlqeqord ru/r\ dur(uo -uds orotrAl'eleredas ot lpcgrp pue repurs are nryû auo"tq az ro sercads'yâi:, lou ''eq ;o spueq pcrde eleldurocut;i'ïÀ1i â:î;#^"i:iiir:,f"* 'ttg) padrrls aql o] sri;ar' ô1p*flariùqag tuesqealerrralJo sTrsru sgl Jo seurrros"leru [eruos€]aur:(rçg 'snua8 relncoered l(relsrlq ol pernper wnalorrlto pue eureu erIJ Nlrs-r1nfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rrsus^rNn slq] ur serueu snorJe^JoJ ruels sHJ ?0ç SvsrnuATlcs AND PHvrocENY nation, farinosa (Kl"S) , garrula (Rossi) , incana mauritanica (Benoist) (Klug) new combination, new combination, ochroleuca(Pérer), quadrifasciata (de Villers), socia (Kl"S) new combination, and xerophila (Cockerell) new combination. Members of this subgenus are found in eastern and southregion, Central ern Africa, the Mediterranean Europe, eastward to northern India. Dizonamegilla new subgenus Erichson and Ktg, Typ. species: Megilla sesquicincta lB+2 (- Apit bicinctaFabricius, 1793, nec Schrank, 1781). Diagnosis. Length 14-18 mm; apex of 57 of male medioapically entire, produced bluntly and expanded laterally without lightly sclerotized submedian circular area (FiS. 351); apex of SB of male narrowly tapered, weakly bilobed, lateral margin almost straight (FiS. 35k); gonocoxite apically expanded, dorsoventrally flattened (Fig. 35j); gonostylus present, reduced to a blister. Description. a. Length t4-l8 mm. b. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to length of next 3.2-3.5 segments together, of male about equal to length of next 1.7 segments together. c. Mentum .7 as long as prementum; paraglossa about as long as stipes; galea in repose surpassing slightly anterior edge of midcoxa; maxillary palpus with 6 segments; labial palpus with + segments; face with white markings, paraocular marks present in male but small, and in female well developed; wing infuscated. d. Basitibial plate present in male. e. 56 of male narrowly emarginate apicomedially (FiS. 35n). f. 57 of male medioapically entire, produced bluntly, apicolateral margin with large lobe, submedian circular area absent, carinate C-shaped area on apicosubmedian margin; scleroti zation; length of disc with longitudinal apodeme about one-third length of disc (Fig. 351). g. SB of male with apex narroq bluntly bilobed, lâteral margin almost straight (Fig. 35k). h. T7 of male medioapically shelf-like, dorsoventrally flatridge, and apitened with median longitudinal cally trilobed, median lobe about one-third length of lateral lobe (FiS. 35n). i. Gonocoxite of male flu!apically simple, expanded, dorsoventrally tèned, (Figs. 3 5j , -) . j . Gonostylus of male apparently absent. k. Apex of penis valve about 1 . B times as long as wide viewed apicodorsally, with small scattered setae. l. Bridge of penis valves about 1 .1 times as long as wide, basally emarginate. Etymologlt The name Dizonamegilla refers to the two whitebands of hair on an otherwise all black metasoma of the type species. of Dizonamegilla Comments. The relationship with other subgen era of Amegilla remains obscure. However, its affinities seem to be with Amegilla s. str. and Zebramegilla frorn which it is separated by the limitation of apical bands of metasomal hair to the last two or three segments, by the laterally expanded apex of the male 57 and by the apically rounded apices of the male gonocoxites. OF THE ANTUOPHORINB BEES 505 The name Apis bicincta Fabricius, 1793 is not available for the type of Dizonamegilla because of homonymy. The next available name is Megilla sesquicinctaErichson and Klug, IB+2. The supposed type material of sesquicinctais in Berlin but none of the four specimens there is from the type locality nor of the proper sex. These specimens, however, are the same as A. bicincta Fabricius as Since sesquicincta and interpreted. traditionally bicincta Fabricius are the same species judging from their descriptions, the distinctiveness of the species, their type localities (both from India), and the Erichson and Klug material of M. sesquicincta in Berlin, I here designate a neotype of Megilla sesquicincta Erichson and Klug (see Neotypic Designations). Biology. The adults are active from November to April. Included Species. A. (Dizonamegilla) sesquicincta (Erichson and Klug) new combination, somalica and ,tetrataeniata new combination, (Magretti) (Gribodo) new combination. Each of three !pecies of this subgenus occurs in a different region. A. somalica occurs in Somalia, sesçluicinctain India and tetrataeniata in Timor. Megamegilla new subgenus Fabricius, 1793. Typ. species:Apit acraensis Diagnosis. Length 13-19 mm; apex of 57 of entire, laterally expanded, male medioapically without lateral subapical circular area (FiS. 36d), median section of disc narrow; SB of male apically lateral broad, with apicomedian emargination, margins either diverging or parallel distally €ig. 36c); apex of gonocoxite of male dorsoventrally flattened (Fig. 36a); gonostylus of male pres-ent; basitibial plate of male absent; maxillary palpus with five segments. Description. a. Length 13-19 mm. b. Flagellar segmenf 1 of female equal to length of next 3.0-3.7 segments together, of male about equal to length of next 1.6-2.0 segments together. c. Mentum about .75 as long as prementum; paraglossa about as long as stipes; galea in repose attaining anterior to posterior edge of midcoxa; maxillary palpus witti 5 segments; labial palpus with_ 4 legments; face with white markings, paraocular màrk present in male, present to absent in female; wing infuscated. d. Basitibial plate absent in male. e. S0 of male narrowly emarginate and sometimes ventrally flexed medioapically, at base a transverse depression someof emargination times prèsent. f. 57 of male apicolaterally expanded, entire; median area of disc narrowed sclerotization; greatly; disc with longitudinal length of apodeme .2+-.+0 length of disc (FiS. 36d). g. S& of male apically broad, emarginate medioapically, lateral margins either parallel or diverging distally (FiS. 36c). h. T7 of male mediôapically bilobed. i. Apex of gonocoxite of and expanded flattened male dorsoventrally (Figs . 36a, b) (inner margin with lobe in acraen- '^\er^ 'gS '-I Ierluâ^ 's^{âr^ 'elnsdec plrueC 'y ,f .r*araprluea ,4g ,I .Â\er^ .1g .11 .salarzreprs I"rluâ^osrop pu? eprs lerlue^ ,l's p,te gg 3q .3 .sruerzr pue pJtuâ^os.rop 'elnsdec l€rluoc 'c 'd ',rler^ pJlue^ 'gg 'g 'sr*ara lerlue^ eprs pu? I€Jluâ^osJop 'alnsdec lerruec tg'y 'ot.tqnu(qnflewn{y) 'y ,1-1 loueapowzur (ns(ououtlcv) .v,H -g lnsuao.,o('y4) 'z 'c-v 'opûauo{y prrc 's1s{ououryty'opûawoflay.ereua5qns ,sa1ewoyûaurv jgg :cI.t '{rro5 'epure; ur ]uesqe s>lreru relncoered '(ntafi7n3uo7,t7 "ÇI epn}l}?I Jo ssel ro eroru q}nos srnr -co Lpo snuaEqns uerdorqlg slql .uorlewgtuor pue aDuzqlr 'ouocl{n 'V vl mo11ad)s8urlretu l€}uatu /v\eu (qtl*S) Dplalo pue uorleurquror ^,\eu (11ora -n8alur ellr{^À r{}lÀ\ ereJ ls}ueurtes t rIlTÀ\ sndpd '(ql1urS) ''ds 'u -TcoC) ota{t1nîun7rt DtDutwral ao,ixq61 IBIqBI lslueurtas g r{}1,v\ sndpd dregrxeur lexoc 'uorleurqtuoc .ù\eu (gsra>1coC) n1nfia^r'(rertaladrf) pulr{ Jo atpe rorratsod }soru }e turulene esodar Dtlqnu 'uorleurqtuor /ûeu (pueæg) naumï ,.ds ur eep8 lsadrls s? Euol se L' lnoqe essol8ered 'u 'uorleurqtuoc /y\eu lurnluaurard se tuol se squnoJ-aerql (ernssneg) nuua(tuo(c lnoqe urnl lasp '(snrcrrqe.{) -uetrN 'r 'rer{}a8ot s}uaur8es g'Z-L'I lxeuSo Dltuze '(esarrg) naln"taoc 'uorleurq çtue1 -uroc /v\eu (garelcoC) Duqsapze'uorleurqtuoJ /v\eu o1 pnbe eletu Jo 'raqle8ol sluetu8es 6 'i-0'S lxau 'uorleurquor (aserrg) ol pnba epuroJ ^tou go (aserrg) ouoctt{o reletelg tuoutas lDqpq çtuâl I Jo '(p.I"nA) 'q 'ruru 'V 'saleads 'e 'uot4{uosag ornntn (opûrwor{ù prpntcul ç'çI-0'I I ql8ual '(tgg 'ttg) eqol 'dgerpeur (pf or reqolco ruor; dg slppe or{J '6op!g lleurs r{}1,v\dgerorelocrde aleur8reure dlmogeqs 'aplan xede qlyv\ eptu Jo 'tl.f) alep8ue urtreur alrrl^Àr{}r^Àpere^or (epur ur Er-gJ) rrn**tTuÏ BS :(lgg Frelelocrde qlr,^/' al"ur Jo ZS !(elrxocouo8 go xade qtlû\ snoroloc -uoc) pâzrlorelJs dlalaldruoc ol snouerqrrreru el€ru Jo snldlsouo8 :(lgS'tlg) ssacord olnce or lunlg turlcelord dpre/v\ur uB r.{}r/v\'r*arn 1eJ}ue^ ruor; 'elrxocouot eletu Jo xede lrreq uaert ro enlq f,rll"]eru qlyv\ sareads dueur yo (sawlleuos xsr -oqr se [e/v\ se) nrnsroP leIuosB]er\tr : stsouflotq uI ?I t{}l^À sluos€}atu {relq Pu€ xurollt e}rIl/v\ e dgerluasse wq Dtlqnu pue {c€lq IF eæ stel eq} pu€ rl€rl e8uero qllm pere^oc sr ouont{n 'V 'A1rzqddr -uoN 'opûawo{V ur Euoleq rlsr{ p8rel uear8 f,rlleleutu ro enlq ql1,v\ ollfauV Jo serceds uecrr;y 'rleg rrl1e]eru 11V Jo eruesard eql l'q dgensn pug eqol pepunor llerrrs e Eur,req BS a1etu eqt ;o ur8 'a1e1n8ue llelnce turaq -reru leretelocrde aqt dq dleratelocrde /S â1eru eq] dq 'snldlsouo8 el€ru pedolarrap IIaÀ\ e Jo ârueserd pnsn eql dq ueql uro{ peleredas eq usr pue sts{ouotuytv pue o11paw -oîay4Jo] peluler dlesolc sl opûauo^{V 'sruaua?aoC .(ar1l -ue dgeseq osnzxrao ldecxa) aleurtreure dpeorq dgeseq 'apyl se tuol se sârult B'I-B'0 sa^1"^ sruad Jo aEprrg 'l 'eeles pereuecs geurs r{}l^À i{.lpsropocrde peù\er^ se eplÀ\ se Euol s€ se(ur} 'T 'luasard aleru Z,'2,-2,'I e^le^ sruad ;o xady Jo elrxocouo8 Jo aqol lerlue^ i(aprm se Euol ss sarur] 9 lnoqe) alu8uole ot (peorq sB Euol ss lnoqu) pepunor '({gg 'tl.d a}rxocouoE tuor; pelecreru -op lou sn1(lsouot 'pezrloralcs uoq/v\ 'pezrlorâlcs ol snouerqrueru eprugo snldlsouoC 'f '(lgg 'ttg) oqol lunlq ol elnJe rlll^À 'merrr [eJ]ue^ ur 'a1eru 'l 'paqolrr] Jo alrxocouo8 yo ur8reu lerrde rauul ol peqopq dgecrdeorpetu eprrr Jo /J 'g 'tuesge ol :(tgg 'Et.f) JIerI luesard uoltezltorelrs leqpntrtuol FsBq lB Peqol ol lq8rerls dlerrrleler JISII pcrde 3o ur8reur FretBI 'pepunor dlmorreu pue pacnpord dgerparuocrde ol 'aleurtreura dyvrorreu o] dpeorq ruo{ elqerru^ urtrenr pcrde 'xede peorq rl}l/r\ elsur Jo BS 't '(tgS 'ttd rsrp Jo t{l8ua1 0+'-62,' enrapode Jo g}8ual'uortezrlorelrs Iswpnlrtuol t{}lm rslp l(sqrrno;-eerrl} 1eseq uo qloot pedo -le^ep dpleern qllÀ\ eduey 'rpe8e141 ruor; serceds peqrrrsepun uB) (tgg 'ttg) JprI Fwq uo qrool >leâ^{. pue dlprarelocrde eleptue urEreur 1ere}el lpepunoJ Jo 'pacnpord ro 'eleur8reure dgerpeu xade qlyr\ epru Jo IS I 'eleur8rerrre dyvrogeqs dgerpeurocrde eprrr Jo 9S 'e 'luasard o] ]uesqe elerrr Jo a1e1d 1elqllrssg 'p 'pelersnJur ol realc turrtr i(ogcutc ur ruasqe) eletu ur padolanep ila/vt -EIro 'I1BI '-tot1e1ad "-r Detqn,,rrrdr;;:T:*:tJt ijTt '092,'d '0ç61 lodo4 oyûauo{V dod opg&au,D-r{V snuatqng 'uetue^ Eurpnlcw r{uoN ogl dle}€rrrrxordde epn} 'ds -pel Jo r{}nos punoJ 'uerdorq}g sy o1773awo3a747 'v nxoporo{ pue uor}€urquror /v\eu (esarrg) n1oa((1c -oâ1u 'uorteurqruof, ^{.eu (gerelcoC) stloratpu 'uorleurquoJ /v\au (srnoq) nqopnDeoqlo '(snrc -lrqe.{) nsuaDrtD(opfauofla74fl 'V 'saleadgpapnlcu7 '6op1g (renrqed ol IIrdV tuo{ dg srppe eqJ 'sluaur8es oerr{} o} olvu tsel aq} uo rlel{ aflga }noq}I/v\ ro I{lI/v\ ssluos€}elu Tc€lq pug rl€q JrJeror{1 ruroled o} u^t orq apd lnoq}r/v\ ro r{}r/v\ sp?ârl Tr"p rlly/' dlecrddl er€ seoq eseql '(rrl.{^ pue TJelq Jo OJnJXIIU v sI JI?I{ JIceJoIn esoq/v\ (nsuao.tcDJo ruroJ oa^callataql ' 't'r) suroJ cru€laru eql roJ ldecxg 'pepunor ueql rerll€r aleln8ue Kge -relsl pue soqol Eurpnrlord 3o rred lpurs ]noq]r/v\ dl.rnrorreu 'odecs BS âleru Jo xade aleurtrerrre eletu eql uo s>lrsru aled Jo ToBI 'rlet{ Jrlle}eur 'âzrs a8rel s]l dq o/vu eseq] ruor; pe}er Jo Tre[ -edas dppear eq uer lI 'sts{ouowlzv pue o11faw -n{V o} pa}e1er dlasolr sr o17ûauofia747'sruararal7 'dnor8 s${t Jo seaq oq} Jo ozrs atrel aq] ol sreJer opûauo3a747 'uoxel pa]€ler B Jo erueu âqr 'opfayy snld 'e8re1 '('rC) soflayg '(îoput(1g 'dgeseq aleur8rerue dpeorq 'aplal se tuol se sârurl 0' I -g'0 se^le^ srued '[ 'eceJrns uo ee]es paretters pue ;o a8pug llsurs r{}l/u\ 'dlesropocrde pâ^Àar^ epy/t su tuol ss serur} 'T 'eplÀ\ se Euol se +'Z-0'Z e^lu^ srued 3o xedy serurl 9 or râ]srlq B aTII e1etu 3o snldlsouoC 'f '(rlt NlJ,s-r'rng scNsrcs svsNv) do Àrrsus^rN.o sHJ 90ç Systsl{ATlcs AND PHyrocENy ,y oF THE ANTuoPHoRINB c BnBs 507 'peâH 'T 'y 's,uorzr ,4I ,gS ,çS ,f .sner,r ,I ,H .saâr^ eprs pu" p,te ["rluo^ leJluâ^ BS pu" l,S 'elnsdec plruec 'g 'g 's,r,r,erzr 'gs-gs 'g-D 'saer^ âprs p* ,àjnsder lerluâ^osrop lerlue^ tnrl r.rto.rop aql ot raJa.lsrequrnN '1.ruruJeeddlceldns=s'1.reur relnroered=d FrlueO'g'V'eurats l"ruoseleru '1reur pa&(1e - r 'o["urâJ otDrpnb (.à .y,lialewal oputoealu(.à .V,S1le1ew rmi.tpuo (2) .y, [ o7oaau('y4)'y'1-gfapurWouoz(.2).V,.g-V.opûawortt7,typuerprflauouo7ereuaEqns,otpîr*V.Zg.CIg '(lf -aruos) -ouoE er{} peqo[q dlprparuocrde epru g Jo L".'q Jo uor}cnpar }earti ro ssol eq} pue rl€rl 'ttd rrlleleru Jo Trel sql dq o11ûauo{y tuor; peleredes luosqe uortezrtoralrs leurpnlrtuol ieuapôde eq uec snue8qns er{J 'sâleru erl} Jo sadecs aq} uo Jo eseq ol lq8rerls ssel ro eroru urEreur 1eJe -]€l lpapunor ur8reur sTr€ru apd âq} pue sndpd dregrxeu peluaurtes Frel€locrde lpaqopq ÂWI 't '(qf g -paurocrde 'xade peorq qlyv\ eleru -9 'azrs rolletus aql dq opûaunfla74Jruor; pelerudas Jo BS 'Etg) csrp eq uer lI 'opûaurofia747pue opflawo{V ot pe}€ler Jo {fue1 ffi'-7,t' euapode yo {r8ua1 luorlezrlorâlrs dlesolc eq ol sreadde ns{ououtyzv 'sruauul7 rlllû\ rslp lQuo\qcn\ Ieulpnrr8uol -tpza ur lq8rerls 'rya{opoï w padolanep Lpleam) prll{} o} JIeq FsBq uI q}oot Tee/v\ I{}lÀ\ urtreru '('rC) s4s(o snld 'pnue '('rC) unwpv '(Eo1owfig Fre]BI !aqo1 pepunor r{}l/u\ ur8reur l€ret€locrde f (a1nce pue arrlue luorugoltnza'pepunor pue errlue dgeseq eleurtreure dpeorq 'aplnn Dlpaazupue rya{opoï ldecxe) e}eurtrzrue dlmolpqs s€ Euol se sarurl 0'I-/'0 sa^le^ sruad go etprrg 'dpeorq dlensn aletu 'J '(arrlua Daroenza 'l 'eeles perâ]leJs 'dllesropocrde pe/v\âr^ Jo IS lleurs qlr/v\ oPr/v\ s3 Euol se serurl g' I lnoqe e^[e^ sruad rdacxa) eleurtrerue (1mo1pqs dllerpauorrde opru 'T 'luesq€ o] pâzrlorelos dpq8rl 'e 'luesqe ro epru Jo luasard eleruSo e1e1dFrqrlrseg 5o xady Jo gS 'p 'Qpat{opoï '.(o7cutco"r7o alrxoJouo8 uy po}ecsnJur) realc stuu'r Jo eqol l€rlue^ l(nuaaporazlaur luasard 'V '(S retsrlq e) ul luâsqs e1eru Jo snldlsouog ldecxa) eleurâJ ur luasqe pue eleru ur tuesqe | TgS 'sttg) peuolleg dgerlua^osrop 'lcadse ol lueserd sTJerrr relncoered 's8urlreur rt oged lerlue^ ro ol arlr{a rl}lû\ of,?J lpeluaur8as-7 sndpd FIq€l Iesrop ruor; pemarl se peqo[r] or peqo[q urtreru reuur r{ll^À aleur Jo e]rxocouo8 3o xedy 'r '(ouoc.rn lpaluarutes-g ro -ç sndpd drepxeur lexocprur 'ssecord e1rl-Jler{s ur peqolrrr dpleam) peqolq 3o a8pe rorrelue tururelle lsoru te asoder ur eelet rlll^À dlerperuocrde el€ru Jo lJ 'r{ '(rgg 'Slg) trt !sedrls se Euol s€ lnoqe Bssol8ered lurnluaurard ,el1 -pred lsorule rlunoJ pcrde uo surtreru se tuol se L' runluantr 'r 'slueurtes g'I-I'I ]xouJo IerâlBI -uâ ol uorleur8reura rp8ual o1 pnba eptu 3o 'raqletot sluaurtas 0 't-ç'Z û\olpqs qlyv\ dgerpeurocrde 'peorq dgecrde epur 't '(qgg 'tlg) rslp lxeu Jo r{}tua1 o} pnba eprueJ Jo 1 }ueur8es Jo BS 'q 'ruur 'e 'uo4(ucsaq rele8elg yo çEual 0t'- Lg' oruepode 3o qfual lluesard uort 8I-6 r{}tua1 '(squauuop -ezrtorelrs leurpnlr8uol iqrool qlyv\ JI€II leseq uo ur8retu leJel€l 'luasard rleqJo r{c}"d uerpetu '1uas aes Dltuzeorlv 'V ul rdecxa) aleural ur luâsq€ s{r€rrr 'padeqs -ard eete rB[nJrrJ pcrdeorpeuqns relnroercd lluasqe snldlsouo8 :(E 'JLg 's8t.f ) [^uB 'papuedxe peuel]Bg d1eæuâ^osrop pu" aldrurs l,lpcrde eletu dgerel€l 'lqtrerls ol pepunor urtreu 'orrlua 'Etg) 'raqlet 'J dgerluon poxeg al€ru epp\ Jo elrxocouoE :(ltg BS Jo xede Jo /S Jo xedy 'peqo[q dllecrdeorpeu -ol asolc pu€ ur8reur lecrde 'aleurErerue dprogeqs 'dpeorq Ileurs seqol 'ttd 'e 'apru ep1eutrr (uoq{ucsae e1etu ees) eare relnc ur lueserd a1e1dIerqrlrseg .p Jo BS :(\tg Jo gS 'paleJsnJur Eurrvr lapuray ur 'e1eur ur -rrc 'pazrlorelcs dpq8rl 'pcrdeqns 'prelel lnoqlr/r^ luesqe lues -ard sTJerrr Jelnooered 'sturTreru rvroged ro etrr{rvr pue rrerl Jo qcled esuep B qllÀ\ errtuâ dgucrdeo 'stsoufiotq -lpeutrrep1etu er€J lsluaur8as qtyv\ Jo 15 lurur 8I-6 tlrSual t qllû\ sndpd 1elqel lsluaur -tes g rlll^À sndpd dregrxeur lexocprur Jo e8pe rorralue tururetle esoder ur eep8 isedrls se tuol se tnoqe essoltered lurnlueurard se Euol sB L' 'f, 'reqtetol slueurtas lnoqe runtuetr i 6'I-9'I lxeu 'raqta8ol sluaurtas g 'uetue^ s3 3o qÉuel ol lenbe eletu Jo ]xeu yo qfuel ot pnbe lnoqe epureJ Jo I tueurtas re11a8e1g'q 'ruur çI-Z,I r{}tua1 'v 'uot4{uosag âqlol acuelâr','},.Ti"ll#'i|oË:":ittïîg; ' ii" :ffi "'::: adda :;#'#:";iads [Ia/v\ se BJrJJv uJa}se/v\ olur dyvrouBu pu? [?J]uec 'uralsee ur punoJ sr sts{ouowyzv'uor}eurqruof, /v\eu (11ara1coC) Duaapnzana pue 'uorleurqruoJ /v\eu (garalcoC) Dpapast;â'uor]eurqruof, /v\au (lera -TroD) ountrv(ns{ouowItv) 'V 'sapa(g,r!#:lr* uerrellntr\Iol enp dlqeqord 'opûatanîay4J 3o'srâq -tueur aTII dgercgradns Tool Duaapnaxzapue Dunerv 'V 'loqrueroq o] dpf ruo-r; dg daq} uarueÀ pus erdorqtg uI '[rdv o] reqrueldeg ruor; dg ecrr;y '6op1g Ierluer pue urarllnos ur sllnps âqI 'BS elerrr er{r Jo adeqs eldurrs aql dq pu€ 45 elsur erl] Jo xade papuedxe dpeer8 eql dq o/vu reqlo eq] tuo{ pe}€r}ueraglp 'razroaroy4l 'eleur aq ueo ns{ououlev Jo sn1d1s 'luasard optu 3o ereld pr -ellrseq i(ouaapozaxîa'V u\ relsrlq e) ruesqe e1etu Jo sn1(lsouot :(t Tgg 'rttd pâqolrrl ro paqopq urt -reru rauur qlyv\ pâuelleg dlprluâ^osrop e1eur Jo etrxocouot go xade :(tgg 'tt.{) aleurtreure dplear* ot arrlue dgertuassa xade peorq qllm BS :(qgg 'Etd qloot 'peorq (1enr1e1er rsrp lerelel qlyv\ Jo 'luasard eote relnJrrJ u€rpeuqns 'dgera JIeI{ Fseq -tBI papuedxa ,(lrearE 'errlua dgecrdeorpetu a1etu 'stsouflotq Jo IS Jo xede lurru çVZI çtua1 eI 6I' IIarasÏ; ?rïi'.:,î':,': ;i:ir:î'a Nrrs-rTng scNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNI) sHJ ds adda B0ç SysrnnaATrcs AND PnvrocENY oF THE ANTHoPHoRINn fu' [,1 U Bnes 509 snldlsouo8 â1ztu pernpor dpeart e turneq ,rleq '1ruur paddlc padeqs 1etuoseleur rrlletâur Eurneq -J pau_e^ur u€ turneq dlpnsn tlq opo(otzsv tilor1 'o11ûauopN pu€ opo(onsV paleredes ere dr,{J ol pâl€1er dlasolc ]soru sr,n11fauilDulz 'sruawraoC (geseq eluurtreure dpeorq 'eprrvr sB Euol se serurl 0. 2-6.0 sa^le^ sruod Jo e8prrg 'l 'eeles perouprs lleurs qll,v\ 'dgesropoclde pe/v\er^ se (n^tapaelDc ur peorq ffi Euol se sarull ïù peoJq se Euol s€ oJr/v\l e^l€^ srued 'T '@tg 'Etg) aeles '(peorq se J_oxady B-ù r{}l/û Euol se snll.lsouot o"ra{tac1n, q) ro}srlq ot pecnpar '(oTcutcoaatuverpul q lussqe) luasard e1etu Jo snl 'Elg) alerpenb -dlsouoC 'f 'pre/v\uf luaq pu€ l("tg Dlouoz rdecxa] lcadse leJlua^ ur Jelntuerrl ,paua1 eleur Jo elrxorouo8 yo xady 4W dlprlue^osrop 'l '(nlprl ruo{ oçcutcoaoru)e}lq/v\ 11e ro (rourra r,uo{r;1(Ttaqop)a8uero rrlleteru-uou ro '(sarcads rvta; e) etuero rrlleleru '(sercads lsour) uear8 ro'enlq cr[11e]autrr e8rat I€ruos€]eur uo rrer{ iQ.taqlomur a}eu -rtrenra Lgeerrr pue srcuaturansur papunor) (l tt 'ttg) errluo seqol uee/vuaq urtreur pcrde 'paqopq 'âTII-JIaqs dplperuorrde aleur Jo LL 'q '(clg 'Etg) drcttlp turtranuor prl{} pcrde uo urtreru lere}el ipeqopq 'rvrorreu dgecrde eptuJo BS 'E '(pf g 'Etg) rsrp Jo qr8uel ç'-t' âuepode 3o r{}tue1 lluasard uorlezrloJalos Ieurpnlrtuol'.(oTcutcoaatu ur tuesard qlool 4eervr) JIeq lBseq uo qlool lnot{}rrvr ur8reur FJaIBI lluesard eere JelncrrJ pue eurJsc pcrdeqns ql1,v\ l.11erate1'e1nce dlerpatuocrde dlleuorseroo 'pepunor pue errtue el€rrrJo 'g '(otafiac /S yo xady -lo2 uerpul ur errlua) (l 'rLt 'sEt.D eleur8rerua l.lpeorq dgerpeurocrde eletu Jo çS :@tg 'Stg) uorlcelord 1ere]el ]noq]r/v\ 'oldturs aurepode Jo xade '(oqouozpu€ 'uayorn 'ouo1o77n{ 'Vul uorleur8 -J?rue /v\ollsrls uerpâruocrde qlyr\) pepunol 'eJl1ua ur8reur pcrde :(ltg'Etg) l.gerpaurocrde rleq Toelq 'serlrleouoJ o/v\} erp ueervr}eg e8prr Jo r{oled pue padeqs-a uerpetu 'l.11rrecuoc lerelel deop qll/u\ 'ttlp 'e 'el€tu ur ]uas Jo prlrl] pcrde uo eletu Jo 95 'p 'reelr ol polersnJur tuv* -ord a1e1d I€rqrlrsefl lepue; pue epru ur luasard sTreru relncoered 's8urlreur moled ol el${^À r{}lÀ\ aceJ lstuaurtas ? t{}yv\ sndpd lelqel ls}ueur8es g q}lrv\ sndpd dre -11rxetu iexoc pulq 5o eEpe rorre]ue o] sxoJpnu Jo e1pplur tururel]e asodâr ur eep8 lsadrls se Euol se -reru-â dyvrorreu ol dpeorq dgerpanrocrde e1eur Jo ,j8ueio çS !(uoltdltzsae aas) e8rel letuoseteru uo Jrllelour dleuors€_)ro ro 'rler{ uear8 ro anlq JII -l?tetu qtyv\ sarcads lsoru lurur +I-0I gl8uel lerpu1 .stsou7otq pue euTr{C tseeq}nos o} €rlertsnv purtrrg' stdv ;r:"t:ffitÏlt Bç11'snaeuurl D?Duoz '0gZ 'd '0ç61 'nodo6 o11ûawouoT ilod opgflauvuoz snuetqng '€lpq urer{uou o} pr€^r.}see pue edorngSo uortar ueouerratrpetr [ eq] ol (spue1s1 epre4 ade3 eq] turpnlcur) erl{V ure}see pue l€r}ueJ 'ureq}nos ruor; spue}xe dnor8 slç Jo uortnqrrtslp âqI '(o>luaqrslped) nwtssxerlaopue'(asarrg) ouan1m 'uorleulqtuoc /v\eu (11ere>1coC)suaesaaxu,(esarrg) Dlnaoru '(zltttvtory) nutoct.t7tu 'uorleurquoJ ^f.âu (E"U) paroznw '(o>luaqcstpag) o7oaquow ,.ds 'u saptl$apow' (o4uaqcstpeg) luDlrleulznta,uorleu -rqruor /y\eu (elourd g) nuozlto\ 'uorleurqruoJ /v\eu (srnoc) rya{opoï 'uorleurqtuoo rvreu (snrcrrqeg) oqotcso{ ''ds 'u s?suapnaa(ot ''ds 'u sapouwrQ -uat 'uorleurqtuoJ /v\eu (E"U) oulsst(q 'uorleurq -ruoJ /v\eu (rarleladrt) Dleutto"tlo'uor]ieurqluoc /v\eu (aserrg),,,,(:;##f K,:ï{À,i;i:;olr*r,:i:\{"n r€d pu€ elppltr t eql q 'llrdv ol raquardes ruor; '6o7o1g dg Bclr;V uererl€sqns ur sllnpe eql 'TrBIq ge stal pu€ '(Z,;-yo urtretu pcrde ldacxa) Z,I 'II qllù\ eeq perrerl-r*o11el, etrel e Euraq 'optflawo.telry Io reqtuetu pcrddl -uou e osl€ sr DleutzorlD 'V 'e8uero lq8rrq stal eql uo rler{ pue IJ uo rlerl apd Jo pueq pcrde ue ql1,v\Tr€tq ge dgelluesse sl rI 'spuBIsI epre4 adep agl utrro{-r;serceds Eurryrls e sr. rya{opoï 'V 'e8ra} leruoseleur ar{} Jo suor}rod elqrsr^ eq} uo rlerl pessardde ro/pu€ spueq pcrde alalduroc Eurneq 'o1tt1doqag Eullqueser 'geurs er? serreds duey41 depapuno"É;,î?t'""i ;:?,ï 1î #:l rerer'rocr eql dq pue seqol pcrde uerpetuqns Ilsrrrs o/vur{}yr\ âteJpenb leqrvtâruossr qcrq/y\BS el€ur aql Jo aduqs aql dq 'opûauo{V pue ns(ouotuytv q}l/u\ Euop 'pelerluereglp aq uer tl rlrS{^/t ruor; opûauotqaT 'epru aql w snldlsouot ou selqutrreset o11ûawnrexry lnoqe essol8ered ltunlueruerd se tuol se L' lnoqe pue rlerl rrlleletu-uou turzreq ,\q o717îawD{V ruo{ utrrnluetrAtr'r 'raqle8ol slueurtes B'I-Z'I lxou Jo paleredes sr lI 'Bruos€laureql uo rler{ passerdde tfl8ual o1 pnbe eletu 3o 'raqlatot sluaurtes B 'Z-g'2, rolpue spu€q lecrde Eurneq ,{q sps{ouo?ttIev ruor; lxeu Jo r{}tua1 o} pnbe eletual Jo 1 }uerutas paleredes dpseo sr lI 'oryflawo{V pue sts{ouowytv rega8elg 'q.'11rur +l-0I rp8ual 'e 'uotfiurcsaq ol palelar dlasolJ lsoru sr o11ûawprttry'sruawuo7 { " 'dnorE sF{} ([ ralcerer{r 'uoq{uc.raq ees) qoul ro 'o11û relsrlq ol pernpor a1etu 3o snldlsouo8 lprervruf luaq ur serJedsdueur "'gerus Jo âzrsIlsrrrsaq] ol turrra; et 'l(ntg '8t.{) alerpenb 'nTouoz ?('rC) -a,uV snld 'e1nfl eseurqC aqr rdecxel tàtqt74J',tflo1ôtaf1j 'Qun1qco1evza dlprtua^ peû\or^ se rep8uelrl elrxocouo8 3o xade ur. :@tg 'Etg) pe/v\orreu 'paqo11q dgecrde el€tu os dlpeorq 'suatsantu v\ aleurErerue dpleer*) allua BS Jo f (f 't Lt 'stlg) uorlcalord lere]el ]noqlrrnr aldurs dpseq 'aplnnse tuol se serur]B'Z-I'I se^p,r srued 'l 'peralt€cs pue 'dgesrop anrapod€ Jo xede 'eJueleenlord uo ro dlprpeur Jo aEprrg ll€rrrs eetas 'ecueroqnlord uerperu -ocrde rleq -ocrdepa/v\arleplm se Euol se serurl t'Z-B'I â^lB^ Tr€lq Jo Unr qll/n\ serurleruos 'prFp pcrde uo a8prr pedeqs sruedSoxedy '{ '}uasqee1eruyosnlftsouoC 'f '(E 'I -À l€ulpnlr8uol uerperu 'prl,{l eldrursdlecrde lecrde uo l.lrneruor Lt'tld peue]]Bgdlerlue^osrop 'o.rafiac aleur 'l '(oa"ronu ''o'l) eTrl-Jleqs Ierolel daep qllm e1eru Jo 9S !(arrlue Jo etrxorouoC 's8l.f eleur8 -lDe 'rz uerpul aql ldacxa) (l ', dgeuors€Jcopue (tqol uerpatu >lee/v\qll/v\ serurl Lt ) NrJs-rTnfl sDNsrSs svsNvx .{o Àrrsus^rN^o sHJ OIç ta .:, r I, I r* { s' r'| I: I tt SysrnuATlcs AND PHyrocENy and having a much more apically narrowed male SB. Zonamegilla differs from Notomegilla by having apically strongly emarginate 55 and 56 in the males, lacking a tooth on the apodeme of the male 57 and having the male SB basally simple rather than bilobed. In addition, Notomegilla is restricted New to Australia and Asaropoda to Australia, Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago. Parts of Zonamegilla have been treated by Dover (Oriental - 192+), Rayment (Australia - 1939, t944 [not L9+2], 1947) and Lieftinck (Korea 1975). Some of the Rayment species are probably synonyms but are listed below pending a revisional study. Traditionally Zonamegilla have been referred to "blue as the banded bees" (Rayment, 1935) since almost all members have blue or green metallic hair in apical bands on the metasomal terga. Biologlt. Michener (1960) described the nesting biology of A. salteri. Cardale (1968a-c) described the nesting biology, the lawa, and associated parasites and predators of pulchra. The species fly year around. Included Species.A. (Zonamegilla) adelaidae (Cockerell) , andrewsi (Cockerell) new combination, asserta(Cockerell), atripes (Friese) new combination, atrocaerulea (Dours) new combination, australis (Raymettt), berylae (Rayment), binghamf (Schulz) new combination, borneensas (Cockerell) new combination, buruensis (Cockerell) , calceifera (Cockerell) new combination, cinctofemorata (Dours), cingulata (Fabricius) , cingultftro (Cockerell) new combination, comberi (Cockerell) new combination, custos(Dalla Torre) new combination, dohertyi (Gribodo) new combination, dulciftra (Cockerell), elegans(Smith) , fabriciana (Rayment), ferrisi (Raymettt), flammeozonata (Dours) new combination, hackeri (Rayment) , holmesi (Rayment), insignita Brooks , korotonensis(Cockerell) new combination, longmani (Rayment), longula (Rayment), mimica (Rayment) , murra)ensis (Rayment) , niaeocincta (Smith) new combination, parapulchra (Rayment), parhlpate Lieftinck, perasserta (Rayment), perpulchra (Rayment) , pulchra (Smith) , puttalama (Strand) new combination, salteri (Cockerell) , samarensis (Cockerell) new combination, sapiens (Cockerell) , shaferyella (Rayment) , stantonf (Cockerell) , subsalteri (Rayment) , ternatenses(Cockerell) new combination, thorogoodi (Rayment) , aegeta (Bingham) new combination, walkeri (Cockerell), wallacei (Cockerell) , whiteheadi (Cockerell) new combination, whiteleyella (Rayment) and zonata (Linnaeus). Zonamegilla range from Australia (absent from Tasmania) to southeast China and India. Notornegilla new subgenus Smith, 1854. Typ. species:Anthophoraaeruginosa length 9-12 mm; hair Diagnosis. Australian; having a metallic green tint (sometimes only visible under a microscope; except male of A. chloroqtaneawith white hair); 56 of male simple, convex without lateral depression, margin entire . to shallowly emarginate medially; apex of S7 of oF THE ANtHoPHoRINe BBBs 511 male greatly expanded laterally suggesting Ack' monopsis, without lateral subapical circular area (FiS. 3Bd); apex of SB of male narrowed, truncate or rounded, similar to that of Amegilla s. str. (FiS. 3Bc); apex of gonocoxite of male dorsoventrally flattened, bent inward and apicoventrally (Figs. 3Ba, b); gonostylus of male absent; maxillary palpus with 4 segments (chlororyaneawith 5). Description. a. Length 9-I2 mm. b. Flagellar segment 1 of female equal to length of next 3.0-3.1 segments together, of male equal to length of next I.2-1 .9 segments together. c. Mentum.T as long as prementum; paraglossa about .B as long as stipes; galea in repose attaining anterior edge of midcoxa or slightly less; maxillary palpus with + segments (5 in A. chlorocyanea); labial palpus with 4 segments ; face with white or yellow markings, paraocular marks of male and female well developed; wings clear. d. Basitibial plate present in male. e. 56 of male simple, without lateral depression, apically entire to shallowly emarginate medially. f. Apex of 57 of male greatly expanded laterally as in Ackmonopsis, entire and rounded to flat medially, with dense transverse patch of hair, sometimes with median weakly apicolaterally subapical protuberance; bilobed with small upper lobe and large outer lobe or with only large outer lobe present, outer lobe sometimes with transverse carina mostly paralleling margin on distal half; lateral margin with toottr on basal half (aeruginosa rn addition has tooth on basal third); lateral subapical circular area absent; longitudinal sclerotization present; length of apodome .38-.67 length of disc (FiS. 3Bd). g. Apex of SB of male narrowed, eithel round ôr tiuncate; lateral margin on apical half converging distally (FiS. 3Bc). h. T7 of male apicomèdially with two teeth, apical margin between teeth straight. i. Apex of gonocoxite of male dorsoventrally flattened, bent inward and then basally laeruginosa also with apex laterally expanded on basally directed apex (Figs. 3Ba, b)]. j. Gonostylus of male absent; ventral lobe of gonocoxite of male present. k. Apex of P.lis valve 1.8-2.1 times as long as wide, subapically constricted, as viewed apicodorsally, with small and scattered setae. l. Bridge of penis valves 1.0-1.5 times as long as wide, broadly emarginate basally, not constricted but lateral margin round (Fig. 3Ba). Etymologt. Notos (Gt.), south, plus Megilla, a name of a related taxon. The name Notomegilla refers to the Australian distribution of this subgenus. Comments. Notomegilla is closely related to Zona' megilla and Asaropoda. It is separated from these two by the light green metallic hair (not blue or bright green), the expanded apex of male 57 with a tooth on the apodeme and the apex of the male SB more or less simple. Some of the Rayment species are probably synonyms but are included below pending revisional study. 's,\ er^ prlue^osrop pu" eprs 'alnsdec prruâC '11 'g 'sr*ara ,gS pue ,g ["Jlue^ /S d 's^ ar^ 'l,S puu 'G 'C 's^ âr^ eprs pu" ,alnsdee ptruâC .g .V .al"ru ,mp.t@ovu ["rluâ^ BS Ierlue^osrop 'V'11-g lepur 'osoutïnno('tù 'V'q-y 'opÊawosso1g pue opûawo1o7J zreueEqns .CId (ù ffi ru t. {I -zpluw ur elnru) tunlq dpnsn el"tu Jo elrxocouot 'r 'sluauuo7 vl pessnrsrp serreds peroloc 3o xady dllecrdd]-uou /v\al B ur ldacxe u/v\orq eJuecsaqnd ipapunor dpq8rls dra^ ot lqtrerls qleel uee/vueq urtreur pcrde 'qlaal 5o seseq uee^rleq aTII-JIâqs serurleruos 'qlaal o/vu r{lyv\ dlprpaurocrde eletu 'q 'GgS '8tg) luaserd sarurleruos uortez Jo LL -llo_rel?s leurpnlr8uol idlplsrp turtrarruor dpq8qs ot Eurtre^rp dpqtrls surtreur 1ere]Bl laleur8reura dlpeorq 'peorq e1eul Jo BS Jo xedy 'E .(tgg 'ttg) rsrp Jo r{rtua1 W'- LZ,' aurepode Jo ,{}t"rl Ituasard uortezrlorelrs lewpnlr8uol Tpq les€q uo qtool qlyv\ ur8reur lerelzl iaqol alelntup euo qllÀ\ dlarer 'seqo1 o/vu serurleruos euo qlyv\ 'pepunor urtreur iprrqt pcrde uo e8prr l€ralelocrde 'uerpaur qlyv\ pue surJBJ esJe^sueJl Ieurpnlrtuol 'pcrdeqns'1era1e1 qllÀ\ ueryo'(saptoqwoqopnas{ ur ldacxa) eere r"lncrrJ [BJrdeqns FrelBI ]noq]r/v\ '(saprcqwoqopnas{ ur a}eur8rerue dpeorq ldeJxa) punor 'art1ua eletu Jo lS Jo xady 'J '(errlue dlpuorsecco) uorleurtrerue 1urperuocrde'r*ogeqs qlyv\ a1eur Jo gS 'e 'el€rrr ur luasard e1u1d FI -ellrseg 'p 'parecsnJur sturrur i(saptoqwoqopnas{pue DaeololaJo sa1eureJ ul ruesqe) apuroJ pue âleru ur luaserd sTr€ru relncoered '(nsuafo1owlq ur rrrogad -qslpper) s8urlrerrr anogad ol erFl/v\ qlp\ ar€J lsluaur8as ? qllû\ sndled FIqBI lsluaur8es g qlllur sndpd dregrxeur isaqol ary1-ra8ug uor{s snoreru '(saptoquoqopnas{ 'V ( 't'r) errtue -nu qlP\ lou Jr dlpcrde ueryo 'rvrorreu drel pue ale8uola urnl -leqeg lexoc pug yo e8pe rorretsod or "xorpnu Jo e1pppr Eururelle esodar ur eele8 !sadrlsse Euol se irunluaurardse tuol s€ Z'l-0'1 essol8ered 'r 'reqle8o] s]uaurtes g'Z-t'T 0'l-L'0 utrrnluetrAl lxeu Jo tfltual o1pnbe aleruyo 'raqlatot slueurtes ç 'g-L'7, ]xeu Jo r{}Eue1o} pnbe epureJ Jo 1 tuaruEes rege8elg 'q 'ruru 02,-gt {}tua1 'e 'uot4(ucsaq -ouo' :(,{'t's'str.D rnn'il";:ffiË"îi'ïii# '(nsuaccDlmaur alnce) runlq âqol Jo elrxocouo8 pcrde 'Qqcuu{aqw ruasqe) eqol papunor B r{lr/v\ eptu Jo âlrxooouot ;o ur8reur reuur :GgS 'tlg) dgersrp turtrer'uor dpqtqs ol turtre^rp d1tq8r1s surtreru 1ere]Bl'peqo11qdpunlq 'peorq optuJo BS '8lg) seqol o/vuo] euo qllÀ\ ur8reur ;o xede :(rgg uerpul FJelelocrde'pepunor'(saptoqwoqopnas('tr aql w eleurtreure dpeorq) arrlua eleur Jo lS Jo xade ispueq se dllecrde dpo ro l.parra scsrpptral 'd1arr1an turrarroc 'passardde JIBq l€ruoseleur 'asuap 'poqs rlerl JrJerorll '(syuawwoC ees) u/v\orq 'stsouîotg âcuarseqnd inru 1Z-tI tlltuel os6 1'larercoc i:K addl îil#:,,;î'o' 'erlerlsnV or rrruepue st:Dllllauoyo1g'(ruou -dnU) aopqt(spue '(luanrde6) {nunu '1uaru,(e11) olpxmau '(luarudeg) yawof '(ruetude11) opafuâ ' (gara>1ro oauo(to.tolrle' (qlt-S osowïn.rao'(tuavt ) C) -dnU) Dllaswnpo(opfauosollfi 'V 'saleadg papqeul Nrrsaang scNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rN.clsHJ ZTç SysrnuATrcs i , a i I a AND PHyrocENy censis),inner margin with one or two lobes (Figs. 3Bg, h). j. Gonostylus of male absent. k. Apex of penis valve I.5-2.2 times as long as broad, with small scattered setae. l. Bridge of penis valves 0.8-1.5 times as long as wide, shallowly to deeply and broadly emarginate basally. Etymologlt. Glossa (Gt.) tongue, plus Amegilla. The name Glossamegilla refers to the long tongues characteristic of the bees of this subgenus. Comments. The relationship of Glossamegilla to the other subgenera-of Amegilla remains uncertain. It seems to be closest to Micramegilla. Glossaby the following megilla can be recognized of characters: the usually brown combination appressed pubescence on the metasomal terga, 57 of the male wide apically with two blunt apical lobes and the apex of the gonocoxite of the .male with one or two lobes. Besides the brown coloration, these bees have short, velvety thoracic and appressed metasomal pubescence and have long tongues, attaining as much as 11 mm for the galea and 23 mm for the glossa. A. aiolaceais essentially all black with patches of white hair along the lateral margins of the metasomal terga, fimbriata has white and black hair intermixed on the thorax and a black metasoma with small lateral white patches of hair, and pseudobomboidesis probably a bumble bee mimic having a yellow thorax, a black scutum and the metasôma all orange (male) or T1-T2 yellow, basal half of T3 black; apical half of T3 and subsequent terga orange (female). Lieftinck (19+4, 1956) described some new species, redescribed many others, and gave a key to the Malaysian members of Gbssamegilla Biologlt. The adults fly from Mty to March. Inchfud Species.A. (Glossamcgilla) amymone (Bingbouwmani (Lieftinck), ham) new combination, cinnyris new combination, brookiae (Bingham) cyrtandrae (Liefnew combination, (Lieftinck) tinck) , elephas(Lieftinck) new combination, feronia new combination, i,mbriata (S$th) (Lieftinck) new combination, florea (Smith) , gigas (Friese), combination, new hanitschi (Meade-Waldo) himalaj enses(Radoszkowsky) new combin ation, insularis(Smith) new combination, jacobi (Lieftinck) new combination, lieftincki n. sp., luzonica (Cockerell) new combination, malaccemes(Frigse) _neY combination, mesopyrrha (Cockerell) , pagdeneLieftinck, pendleburyi (Cockerell) new combination, pseudobomboides (Meadeproboscidea Lieftinck, subinsularis (Strand) Waldo) new combination, new combination , subrussata(Cockerell) new comurens (Cockerell) bination, sumatrana Lieftinck, new combination, uigilans (Smith) new combination, aiolacea (Lepeletier) and lunnanensis Wu. Glossamegillais distributed from India to southeast Asia intô the Indomalaysian area where most of the species diversity is found. Subgenus z{sa ropoda Cockerell AsaropodaCockerell, 1926, p. 216. Smith, 1854. OrigiTyp. species:Saropoda bombiformas - nal designation. oF THE ANrHopHoRrNn BnEs 513 Diagnosis. Australian species (including New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago); length 13-24 mm; pubescence brown to gray (mostly black in A. aurata from New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago); maxillary palpus with 5 segments (see Description); apical margins of male metasomal sterna modified, 54 usually produced medially, rounded and having a thick brush of hair (hair omitted from FiS.) (FiS. 39a), q5 broadly and deeply emarginate (FiS. 39a), 56 shallowly emarginate medially with one to two dense patches of hair laterally (hair omitted from FiS.); 57 apically somewhat quadrate, medioapically emarginate (FiS. 39f); SB apically narrowed (FiS. 39c); apex of gonocoxite of male bilobed with long, narrow, upper lobe and small ventral lobe (Figs. 39b, S); gonostylus of male well developed (Fig. 39b). Description. a. Length t3-2+ mm. b. Flagellar segment 1 of female about equal to length of next 2.8-3.1 segments together, of male equal to length of next 1 .3-2.0 segments together. c. Mentum .6-.7 as long as prementum; paraglossa 0 .7-1.1 as long as stipes; galea in repose attaining anterior edge of forecoxa to anterior edge of midcoxa; maxillary palpus with 5 segments (sixth is fused to fifth segment) (/. qurata^lrom Bismarck Archipelago occasionally has 6); labial palpus with 4 ségments; face with yellow to reddish-yellow màrkings, paraocular marks present in male (FiS. 39e), absent in female (FiS. 39d); wings clear to infuscated. d. Basitibial plate present in male. e. Apical margins of male 54-56 modified, 54 with median tenth produced, rounded, with dense hair, 55 wit! patch of black to reddish-brown deep, broad median emargination and with I or 2 dense patches of hair laterally, 56 apically flexed ventrad with shallow, median emargination and rounded ridge on apical median, longitudinal, sixth of disc, laterally with dense patch of redbrown hair (hair omitted from drawing) (FiS. 39a). f. Apex of 57 of male somewhat quadrate, apicomedially entire or with small, shallow emargination, apicolateral margin rounded, lateral subapical carina often present, circular area abridge on sent, often with median longitudinal apical half; lateral margin with tooth on basal hâlf, longitudinal sclerotization present; length of apodem e .41-.46length of disc (FiS. 39f). g. SB of' male apically -fourth narroq bilobed; lateral margins of to half converging distally, margin apical angulate or straight (FiS. 39c); SB basally more or lesi rounded (except dautsoni basally trilobed with lobes basally directed). h. Apex of T7 of male apicomedially with 2 widely separated teeth ("*cèpt dawsoni shelf-like without teeth), apical margin between teeth straight (Fig. 39a). i. Apex of' [onocoxite of male not dorsoventrally flattened 6ut bilobed, with large, apical, elongate upper lobe and small blunt to acute, ventral lobe as viewed ventrally (FiS. 39b), it profile bilobed (FiS. 39g). j. Gonostylus of male present, well developeâ, 5-10 times as long as wide. k. Apex of 'â 'elnsdzr 'g ',u,errr 'l,S 't 'peeH 'g 'q 'a'rsr,rprluazr 'gg 'p âr^ âprs plruâC lenue^ '^ âI^ 'elnsdec 'g 'r'rau '(prrrl-o rtnq) I"rtuâ^osrop l€lruâC l€rluâ^ Z.t pue gS-gS Igedrcurrd Sur,uoqs Bruos?larugo xady 'V 'ele,u 'g-g iapuray 'q lapu '3'-V 'q*ofiquoq (opo{onsy) qf&*V .6g .CIt I I I I I ; Nrrs-r1nfl scNslcs svsNvx do ^rISusArN.o sHJ it9 SysreldATrcs AND PHvrocENy penis valve | .B-2.2 times as long as broad as viewed apicodorsally, with small scattered setae. l. Bridge of penis valves 0.6- I .6 times as long as wide, broadly emarginate basally. Comments. Asaropoda is most closely related to Zonamegilla and Notomegilla. It is separated from the former by the lack of metallic hair, the presence of a well developed male gonostylus, the pale clypeus and characters of the male 57, SB and genital capsule given in the Comments on Zonamegilla. It is separated from Notomegillaby the larger size, brown or gray pubescence, somewhat quadrate apex of the male 57 and presence of a well developed male gonostylus. This group of bees has been given generic status by some authors (Cockerell, 1926; Cockerell, 193lb; Rayment, 1951), but is clearly only of subgeneric import considering many of the derived characters it shares with all other subgenera of Amegilla. Rayment (1951) treated the species of Asaropodabriefly, describing six new species but giving no k.y to species or good diagnostic characters for the group. Some of the Rayment species are probably synonyms but are included below pending a revisionary study. There are several species, both described and undescribed, which look superficially like ,4. bombiformis. Traditional characters for Asaropoda have been the red-brown coloration and loss of the last two segments of the labial palpus, but it appears that these segments are easily broken off and in life there are four segments. Michener (1965) defrned Asaropoda more clearly and recognized its affinity within Amegilla, giving it subgeneric status and building upon the work of Rayment (1951). Biologlt. This group of bees flies year around. There is an apparent absence of Asaropoda frorn the dry interior of Australia, but this rcray be from lack of sufficient sampling. In Anthophora turret-making is found only in species of the subgenus Melea; in Amegilla it is characteristic only of some species of the subgenus Asaropoda. A single female of A. rickae from Bolgart, Western Australia (Rayment, 1951) and a big aggregation of dawsoni from 160 miles (258 k*) northeast W. Australia of Carnavon, (Michener, 1965) both were found with turrets over their nest burrows. Cardale (1968b-d) gave some biological notes about an unidentified species of Asaropoda and described its lawa (Cardale, 19 6 B c ) . Included Species. A. (Asaropoda) albiceps (Ruyalpha (Cockerell), ment), albigenella Michener, anomala (Cockerell) , aurata (Friese) new combination, bombiformrs (Smith), calaa (Rayment) , cygni (Raymettt), dawsoni (Rayment) , dentiaentris(Ruymen|, epaphrodita n. sp., grisescens(Rayment), houstoni n. sp., imitata (Rayment) , meltonensis punctata (Ruypreissi (Cockerell), (Rayment), ment) , rhodosclmna (Cockerell) , rickae (Rayment), rubricata (Rayment) , rufa (Rayment) , rufescens sordida (Rayment), (Friese) , sc)mna (Gribodo), and uictoriensis (Rayment). sordidula (Rayment), oF THE ANrsopHoRrNn 515 Bens This group is Australian (including New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago Tasbut not mania). Auecnte TNcERTAE snDrs The following species of Amegilla cannot be placed with certainty into a subgenus because the males are unknown, the types are lost, destroyed or have not been studied yet: A. aduenula (Cockerell) new combination, annos (Vachal) new combination, aspergina (Cockerell), atriceps (Radoszkowsky), bucharica (Gussakovsky), cafra (Friese) new combination, caldwelli (Cockerell), camelorum (Cockerell), new combination, cana (Walker) candens (Pérez), didella (Priesner), candida (Smith) new combination, centralas(Cockerell) can- new combination, deltoides (Buysson) new combination, expleta (Vachal) new combination, glyqtrrhizae (Gussakovsky), gussakouskyi (Popov) , hypocyanea (Cockerell) new combinanew combination, tion, karakumensis (Gussakovsky) katangensis (Cockerell) new combination, liberica (Cockerell) new combination, lutulenta (Khg), macroleuca (Cockerell), maculicornis (Lepeletier) new combination, marqueti (Pérez), mephistophelicana (Strand) new combination, nigropilosa (Friese) new combination, niuea (L"peletier) new combination, nonconforma n. sp. , potanini puluuea (Walker) (Morawitz) new combination, new combination, rapida (Smith) new combination, ruficornis (Dours) new combination, rufipes (Lepeletier) new com- (Friese) new bination, semipulaerosa (Dours), senegalensas new combination, combination, simbana (Cockerell) subtorrida (Cockerell) sjoestedti(Friese) new combination, new combination, torensis (Priesner) new combination, tubifera (Cockerell) new combination and uestitula (Cockerell) new combination. CLADISTIC ANALYSIS Using a list of variables for which polarity could be determined with reasonable confidence, I have developed a list (Table 1) of 70 apomorphous tribal, generic and subgeneric characters found in the tribes Anthophorini and Habropodini, the genera Anthophora and Amegilla and the subgenera of Anthophora. A similarly constructed list (Table 3) of 17 apomorphic characters was compiled for the subgenera of Amegilla. The distribution of these characters among the taxa, i.e., the data on which the cladograms arebased, are given in Tables 2 and + respectively. Cladistic methodology is discussed in the section on Methods. Because decisions on what taxa to reco gnize were made after the cladistic analysis, some species groups, not now recognrzed as taxa, were included as separate entities in the study. Table 1 therefore includes some characters relevant to those groups but not used as subgeneric characters. 'opûatuy anbrun ol sr pârâqruerp ..uârunl epn9p,, eq'I,'ueurnl pap8 morreu e18urse e^Eq I[" seâqeurprrluâr pu" âurrârne'eunuor11a141 ['(qç '8tg) uaunl MorJ€u a1Sursz qrrrvreepgl '(t) (rç '3rg) 'çI ,,ueurn1 pâJaqrueqr alqnop,, " rllrr\ "â1eC 'op$auou1t1gur dpo punoJ sr Âqdrourodelne srqa ['aldurrs ro pâqol ^1daapul9retu F3ydB tltli\À_run11aqelg] '(t) (qgZ '3rg) urS.retupcrde uo seqol flerus snorerunu qly* 'Euol urnllaqelg :71 'opt8ewoq\uy dqdrourode enbrun u" sr snII 1o ['saqo1a4t-ratug 8uo1 Isre^as qlrru dlerrde runllaqeyg] '(t) (pçZ 'Ërg) paprs lepered prrc pa^\orreu sprul-o^ l lecrde 'aldurrs Âgeerde tun[âqelt 'gI 't1s 's otot$otpuy ol enbrun sr dqdrourode tqf ['lt prr€ €I selqerre^ ur s? ro alduns ro pâqol ilsnoraurnu puz dldeap ur8.reur pcrde qlrm tunllaqelg] '(I) luo"J ur ruo{ pâ^{âr^ se pcr1d11e'aldurrs z(gecrdeurnilâq"ld 'ZI ur Surlseu o1uorlzldepe rrc sr pue uopostlColenbrun sr alqrpue,., et'tueprJt eqa ['qtool 1""rdrqr,rÏJ,ffr '(1) qleel prrduqns râ^{ol puu roddn 'oleluepul tnoqlr/\^ 'slzlueprg rlqlp*Wl elqrpuel4l 'tI çr,rl 'qloor relnqrpueur raddn u? qtr^ sâIeur a^Eq rurpodorqell pue rurroqdoçuy reqto 'o1ufioqag auos go (qdrourode u" sr srql ['qroor pcrdeqns qlr^ âpruJo alqrpueyq] '(1) eldurrs â1eruJoelqrpupl l '0I .rugoqdoqruy erp ur opûauroqtuy pue r11ûauoutrlg 11e'oe7cy47 arnos ur ,(po puno; dqd.rourode snor,rqo ue sr sgudqlnoru aqr;o qfual pâs?ârcur ârp roJ areds apr,rord ol aoeds rel"ur oql ;o uolte5uole aqa ['8uo1 ueç râPrM serull âroru ro ezrg 'reaurl âFurâJ Jo ereds rzpl4i] '(1) 8uo1 u"ql JeprÀ\sorurl aarql 'epraa,eleuray go aczds *py.t '(Z) 3uo1ueql .raprÀ\sarull eotrp uuqt ssal 'ale8uola d1Euo.r1s âlzruâJJo acedsrep;41 '6 'opUdolpU umuJv dnort e;o dqd:ouodeuds y ['eldurrs Jo ol€ureJJo uruqe1l '(nZg 'StS) uorlcalord el€lncreqnlrq pcrdeqns uerperu qlrâÀâ["urâJJo urnrq€rl 'B 'eeuuoqdoqluy râqlo ut punoJ tou sr 1nq rurroqdoqruy eqr ur err^,u ts"al l" uesr.redpuepuadapur szq ruruq€l peqolFr Âleorde eq; ['arrluadlerrdeet'.', Journrqul]'(lçz 'rr-r)psqolrr^ty,ii.TirxfËrri,ffi,r*;* ", pe1ur1dlqrssod sr uoueuroueqd peardsapr,n rliqa 'szposso1floæ;çgo saroadsauo irue ointpuy go sirceds o,r,rl 's1douyn1'('ururoc 's,radarno141)alqmday4J vettreurv qlnos Jo snua8qns paqrJJsâpunue '(wnryttlluop) Dsnqtorl w 'oytg(oqeqp serredsduuru u1 'rpo{otqop 1o sercedsoa,rtur ''ds 'u oxop,to{ opûautF ur punoJ osle sr uorlrpuoJ pe^rrâp e^rlrurlsrp srqa '(sarcads6out) ototldotlluoto1stT4T ol enbrun sr dqdrourodeuds srql rur.roqdoqtuy eql u1 ['eetas pezrrnodpueS 'pezrlercadsun qtrm lu€râqqord l18uor1s o1 dlele.raporu eleurâJ Jo eceg] '(1) (qft 'Std sâpsrrq pâuâlt"U lf,âre lnols Jo ^Àor âsrâ^srrerl ? 'sl l"qr 'uaped e qfrrvrdgeseq uâUo pue azles d,rea,r.ropalooq dgarrde '1ceraqlrar sneddp 'peua11egeFtuâJJo âJ€t 'g dqdrourode ue sr dlqeurnserd slruur âsâql Jo eeuesard eqt âroJeraql '(slreru esâql tsol â^"q o1pïauty lllal e) opôawy rcl ldacxa slreur apd gtrirr eeugoqdoqluy âql w sâprueJ ou lsoru1e ârE âroql ['ruasqe âleurâJur sllr"ru r?lnf,o?Jed ep4] '(1) luesard epureJ q sTr?ru r"lnf,o"red ap4 'g 'sTreru r" epd eql Jo ssol âq ot sueas ruuoqdoçuy oql unprilr e1e1ssnoqd.roruode aqt 'ero;ereqa 'sTreru rulnf,o€red epd er{t â^eq qcrrl,rÀ sâ^rlulâr osolr e^€rl saJEJTf,"lq qlln se1etuâ^"r{ l"ql sarcedsge l€rll sruaeslI 'sTJeur.relnroered apd arreq 're,rainoq 'seleur aurroqdoqlûz pu" eurpodorqeq II€ lsou:rlv 'sEâJ"J€ 1ce1qazreqsaurJeJne epru Ip lsorul€ prre seurruolrlâru ât"ur 11" 'seleur aursdoleuroxe dueru âJurs ur?ueJun sr âlqzrre^ sql '(1) ruasqe eleurJo Tr?ru r€lnf,o€red ap4 '7 Jo,bFelod aq; ['luaserd eleurJo Treru r"lnro"Jed epd] 'ototl{ot1\uy eraue8qns snorre^ 1o uI uaslre z(puapuadapur s"q râlr"r"rlf, strt;- '(tptt4o!tag) o.roq{oqtuy p* on ît*V Jo sâpurâJ I1e lsou{u ur punoJ sturl.reur I?lJeJ âIed 'a1e1ssnoqdrourorseld âql sr srql dlqeurnserd puu 'ua,rotrlun sepurâJ ur sturlreru ["rJ"J sââqeursdoleruoxaeqt tuoruy 's8urryzu rlJns o^Eq saurpodorqeqgo saroads na; e dpg 'rurroqdoçuy aql u1 tdacxa eeurroqdoçuy eqt ur erer sr 8ur1"reurprce; pruarun8etu qlu âIerrrâJV ['1ce1q aprueJ 3o aceg] '(1) snaddp uo Sunlreur plueurn5elur apd qrrar "**"{Jl,iil*.rir"" sSurlreur prcu; irnogedezreq'saleur pece;-apd â.Àeqqf,rqa seaq]soru se IIem se 'aepFoqdoqruy crlrsered -uou 11ulsou{V ['s8uqreur no11edqtr,u apru Jo aceg] '(1) s8urlreru 3tnl^ qlri e1etuJo âr"ù 'Z 'a1e1scrqdrourorsald aql pârâprsuor âroJârerp q qrII À araurole8eg lsrg uoqs dle,lleler e â^"q I1e saeq eursdopuroxe pu" eunuotr1aru 'euuorne 'aurpodorqell ['(qZ '8tS) sluaur8asEurpeeocnsrâ^ÀeJro eerqlJo qfuel pror ot pnbe epruâJJo ; tueruSesre11a8e1g]'(1) slueurSas Eurpaecrns rnoJ ol eeJql u"qt aroru Jo qrtuel pror o1 pnba epurâJ Jo 1 tuaurSes reqetelg 'k) @t 'Erg) sluaruSesSurpeeccnsrnoJ ueql âroruJo r{rtual pror o1 pnba epruaJJo luaur8as re1p8e1g '1 1 'rurpodorqull pue rur.roqdoçuy soqrl eql rrref,uor 0/-09 salq"u€r"otot1{otpuVulpr^r InJesnselqerre^ er? 6ç-I '0 s€ papor pu€ sle1f,€rq ur pâlsrl âr" sel?ls snoqd.rotuorsal4 '(1) raqurnu el€ls snoqdrourodeui(s;o uone,urep rerlunJ e $ âroru ro (7)yo âlels V '(1) sz papoc sr e1e1ssnoqdrourodeur(sr (Of-l) âlq?rr"^ qr"e rot .INIqOdOUSVH ONV INIUOHdOHJNV 'I T'ItrVI dO \rUSNSCSNS dO SS'IS\ilIUVA TO JSI'I STSIUJ SHI CNV VUOH{OHJNZ Nrrs-r1nfl scNflrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNfl sHJ 9Iç SysrnuATrcs AND PHyrocENy oF THE ANrHopHoRINn Bnns 517 16. Sixth segment of maxillary palpus equal to about half length of fifth (1). [Sixth segment of maxillary palpus about equal to length of frfth.] Among those tribes of the Anthophorinae which havea six-segmented maxillary palpus such as exomalopsine, melitomine and habropodine bees, the sixth is about equal in length to the fifth as it is in Anthophora.Amzgilla has a reduced sixth segment, an apomorphy. 17. Bàsistipital processbilobed (Figs. 25a, 25e,25f) (1). [Basistipital processwith one projection (Fig. 5d).] Hàbropodine, centridine, eucerine and melitomine bees have a basistipital processwith one projection. Anthophorahas a secondary projection on the process. 18. Scape antèriorly with dense pilosity such that integumental surface is hidde! (1). [Scape with pilosity anteriorly sparse to absent.] The derived condition is found only in sorne Hel'iophila. 19. Mentum with long anterior tôoth near basal third (Fig. 22k) (1). [Mentum simple (with single, short tooth only in,4. (Dasymegilla)excrsa)near basal third.] This strong synapomorphy unites Melea and. Anthophoroidrs. 20: 57 of male as wide as long, rather square in ventral aspect, sides almost equal in length and lateral margins almost parallel (Fig. 18d) (1). [S7 of male not square in ventral aspect,_width less than length, lateîal marginiconvergin{ apicâXy.l This apomorphy is found only in Càranthophora._ _ 21. Midtarsal brush of male present (Fig. 2h) (1). [Midtarsal brush of male absent.] This apomorphic character is found almost exclusively in Pyganhophoraand its relatives; except for a few oiher speciesof Anthophora,it is unknown in other Anthophoridae. 22. Midbasitarsal brush of male present (Fig. 29b) (1). [Midbasitarsal brush of male absent.] See comments on character 21, except this has independently evolved in Caranthophora. 23. Middistitarsal brush of male present (Fig. 2h) (1). lMiddistitarsal brush of male absent.] See comments on character 22. 24. Hind basitarsus of male modified with tooth and/or ridge (1). [Hind basitarsus of male simple.] Most Anthophoraand ù1 Arnegilk males have simple hind basitarsi. This modifrcation of the hind basitarsus apparently has arisen once in the Anthophorini and is an apomorphy' 25. Basitibial plate of female pointed apically (Fig. 29b) (1). [Basitibial plaf: of female apically rounded.] This is a unique character found in Clisodon. 26. Basitibial plate of male poorly defined to absent (1). [Basitibial p!a1e g'f male. present, well defined.] Presumâbly the genetiè expression in the female to produce a basitibial plate is car-ried over and expiessed in the male. Though the polarity of this character is uncertain, I believe that the loss of the basitibial plate in the male is an apomorphy. 27. Hind ti6ia of female with posterior margin with simple hairs (Fig. 22h) (1). [Hind tibia of female with posterior margin with plumose hairs.l This character is unique to three small groups of Anthophora.The remàining Anihophora, all Anugilln and Habropodini have plumose posterior zones of hair ôn their hind tibiae and thus the simple hair in this zone probably is an apomorphy. 28. Hind femur and tibia of female with white appressedplumose hairs almost completely obscuring outer surfaces(Fig. 321)(1). [Hind femur and tibia of female without appressedplumose hairs on outer surfaces.] This apomorphy is unique to some Heliophik. 29. Hind basitarsus of female with posterior distal process acute (Fig. 22h) (1). [Hind basitarsus of female with posterior distal process rounded.] This is an autapomorphy of Melea. 30. Apex ôf hind tibia of male with anterior spine, hind tibial spurs separated such that one spur is inserted near apex of spine and the otler in the corium (Fig. 2aj) (1). [Apex of_hind tibia of male simple, hind tibial spurs normal, in close approximation and both inserted in the corium.l -In the and rarely seenin other Anthophorinae. Such a Anthophorini this is an autapomorphy of peculiar modifrcation of the male hind tibia must be an apomorphy. . 31. Posterior inner surface of female hind basitarsus with longitudinal cavity (Fig. 18h) (1). [Posterior inner surface of female hind basitarsus convex or angulate.] This character is unique to Caranthophora. 32. Hind femur of male dilated, bulbous (Figs. 24i, 24j) (1). [Hind femur of male normal, slender.] Such a peculiar modification of the male hind femur is not necessarily correlated with a toothed hind basitarsus. This unusual modiûcation must be an apomorphy. 33. Pygidial plate of male with carinate margins, dorsally flattened (Fig. 13c) (1). [Pygidial plate of I am male, if present, without carinate margins.] Carinate margins are unique to Pyganthophora.. uncertain as to whether the presence or absenceof a male pygidial plate is apomorphic. Following the reasoning given in charactei 26, a pygidial plate on a male may be an apomorphy. Males of Amegilla, eucerine,-àelitomine and exomalopsine bees all lack pygidial plates but habropodine bees possess them. Even though tÏe Habropodini are the sister group to the Anthophorini, almost all the rest of the male Anthophorinae lack pygidial plates and thus I believe the presence of one is an apomorphy. On the other hand, the presence-of a male pygidial plate could be an apomorphy indicating,sister group relationship of the Ânthophorini and Habropodini. The loss of the pygidial plate would then be an apomorphy within the Anthophorini. S+. fygiaia plate of male without carinate margins but dorsally rounded (Fig. 15c) (1). [Pygidial te algord ur 'a3:e1 aszqouog] '(l) (egZ .8rg) tuol uerp râp!^Àqcnur elgo.rd ur .gerus â$qouoC .çç ,dqdrourode srq;[.e,rxorouo';o aseq *ïi:ii13ËÏ":'H.:t"*il,':TËiYrTidii!;ii5,.îi5ffiT es€q Pâzrloralrs dlele.raporu-urgrJpel"Jr"ruep dllcurlsrp 'pazrloraps d11rupelrxo5ouo8yd xedy .7ç Jo 'otot1{oquryùo7 'paàeqs ,(ftnôriur ol_e1br,u5rs1 dqdrourode ïqI ['perrua^ pâTooq pue peuellef lou alrxocouot 3o xedy] '(t) (qll 'etr1 's81g) p"rluâ^ pâTooq pue peuâueg erliocouoÉ yo iedy 'gi 'ototldotltuocrts(y4J Iqdrouodetnu u" $ srq.I 3o ['euu]rec e4l-aleld prrdeqns lnoqlgr'elduns {le,rpeler errxoiouoS;o xâriy1 '1y) (lgl 'lgt .sBtg) 1eràiz"i .zç Jâqlo aql 'lerluâ^osrop auo 'auugec e111-are1d prrdeqns o,r t r{tr^ 'xalduroralrxooouo8;o lrdv .(1) .srd srue4r ""IlIffi{oîàJîï{flî#Ëîi1fË.,1.ïT1"ti;,T'"riîâ'riË',?.xi CIcz 'qpîewouttlg ,uorlcefo.rd elnce psâ{ rT anbrun sr dqdrourode_srqa rnoririi, [.aæurEr?ruâ Jo 1un1qdlpseq peelsur aspuq a,rpa srua4l '(1) (qgZ ,8ls) uorpaford ârnf,?-rreiL RaFriorord'dnesàqr'j*lçliï:tn*_gi", uorleSuole Fseq ? sr _ruuoqdoçuv ew ul i(qdrourode ue 'snqa"eldurrs dlperdz lire'repsueu1 41[e.,t., 'puorq sr a8prrq e,rp,r srued_eql_'sea_q eurroqdoqru" eqr Eurpnlcxe1eurroilaorfiuy aip u1 [.e1duin aSptrq errprr srued go asegl '(1) (pZ 'tlf) aleu-Êrerue pue ele8uole etpuq aaprr srued;-o aJeg .6g 'âpr^ s? 8uo1 se sâurrl eoJql o1 dn paleEuole ueâq seq a8prrq aç rurroqdoqruv erlr ultlll6 'uor1e8uo1elesuq ou çra,r, a8prrq aa1e,rsruad rràpEuerri peo.rci (geseq atpr.rq aip,r siued eqi t aeuuoqdoqtuy -'peôrq Tt,I ^eq.roqdoçue-uou_ [p acrns dqdrou'ode ue sr p'uu uo.1s 3o tu1,ra'orreupue uoge€uo1eue leql sreadde l1 ['apr,u,sz Euol se saurlt çtl "iql ssâ1 e5puq e^p^ srua4l '(1) âpr^{ s" 8uo1 se seurll ç'I ts?âl l" lr,rorreu pue 8uo1 eEpr.rqe,rpa ri*a 'gt sdnors dueru ur_pâ_f,npe' dpeers .ruoreq."*it::Ë:t:":Ï:lf1:"îl'""jf,îi":iiliÏ ,:,#'#ffirrx x9{e_a,rpa^qu.ede8.re1V_['.p1al se 8uo1sB sârurl g,I rr.{r relearS ,pa,no.rreulou .e8iq xjâe a"fti stuà4j '(I) '5rd) .Zt (36I aPû\ su 3uo1 se sâurp ç'I tsour 1e'penorreu dpzert ro 11?rusxadu a,r1e,rsrued o1 anbrun sr z(qd:ourode srqa ['alrxocouoE ueql roloc ur retq8rl'.'uoposqC_ 'snouerqureur ro luesqe-sn$rsouog] '(1) ellxocouo8 qlli\{ snorolof,uoc .pezrloraps snldlsouog .97 'sdnor8 euuoqdoqlue dueur ur dgecrqdrourode parnper ueeq seq snldliouoE-aqa 'lldrsôuo8 _ 3leËuole hgtryg e^€q sââqaurpodo.rqeqol ewsdoleuroxtr ['"p1al ueql ra8uo1sârurt uâl rreqt erour '8uo1 snldrsouoS] '(t) ap1,r,l, uuqt ra8uol ssel ro seurn ue1 'goqs snldlsouog .(Z) r,rerqr sn1ôsbuog .çg anbrunsrernrrrurssrqa['runperdsgoqs,leuuouqrl^ gs] .(t) (rçz .Brg)urnpcrds,t r1lfi#':{r"' dqd.roruode ue sr sdnort eurroqdoqlue ureueJ ur xede ,t oJJ?u u i(lqzunser4 'eprr\ sr sâoq âurprJluâf, pue 'âuuârne 'eurruolrleur;o gggo xede eqa .(l) (e97 .trg) xade ^ÀorJ?uqlr/rÀgS .g? ['xedz epr^{ qtr/\ÀgS] 'sdnor8lno âqt ur punoJ lou pu? oyz&awîmq pue uout4sqwj ol enbrun sr dqdrourodlurk srq; ['eldturs 4g 5o eruapody] '(f ) (pZZ '8rg) uoncetold pre1e1 8u-or1sq1r,r,r4i yo àur5pody .71 'saurapodu l.roqs dlelerepour ercq optfloqep r*ot{ '(pgt '8rg,) ototldotlluuo7 q dpo uoqs Ipurarlxs e.rz sauràpodu eq; 'opûcwy pr:ere ototldotltu.V tso:ouur punoJ erz saurepodetuol ['csrpyo qr8ua1o1 pnbaqns 'saurepodeSriq qly* /Sl '(l) (aZg '3rg) csrp;o qr5ua1ueql sselqrntu aurapodeSoqt8ua1 'saurepodu soqs qry lS .Iù u?srsn{I ['suorsserdep ur:req;ospedrr.'o r.ourr,SlnlIffiiii ;o dqd:ouro.Iz lerceds iJflttffi; rsrpJo lsorrr Ewre,roc puz uorssardepuI rleqJo ped esuep, qrp (t seurrleuros)âI€urJo g pu? çS .0t 'qp&nu(nq ol anbrun sr errllf,ru'l_sslqa ['uolsserdap e ur pelenlrs ped uaç 'ped asuepe çyngr ,luarsaqnddlesreds ep-lo ôS] 'î) 'esrpgogpq '6g GtZ'8rg) uorsserdap" w pel"nlls 1ou IBs"q uo rreq;o ped esuep rpr^{ epurJo gS 'otorldorltuuldoTur dpo punoJ ârntf,ruls enbrun y ['seSprr tnoqlra âlsurJo gS] '(t) (plt 'Stdfpq pcrde uo dlerslp Sulgrarrrp se8pu enbllqo;o rred qlr,r- al€urJo gS .g€ dqdrourode ue dlqeqord sr runrrrâls '9S eleul8reura ,(pq81p e àær4oyûawy p eleurS.reureuv '9S arrlue dgecrde ue e^eq rurpodorqzll 11V sarcadseurog ['e.rnue al"ruJo 9g;o ur8reur p"ldV] '(1) elzurS.rzureepurJo 9g;o ur8rzur F IdV 'Zt 'oyûew(mq o1 anbrun sr dqd.rourodu srqa ['aro.r.reuuoruod paxegâp '{por.relue paxagap apur Jo 4a;o ur8reru pcldVl 'î) GtZ'8rg) epr,r,r. uoruod pexâgâp 'r(gorraluz pâxegep el€ur Jo 4;;o ur8rzur pr-tdv tgt (qdrourode ue perâprsuoJ âroJererp sl uolt"rglpour pnsnun srqJ 'lulrâcng puu rurroqdoqluyyo sdno.r8r,\eJ" uI dpo punoy sr aeur.roqdoqluy eqr tuoure ernlrruls snlJ '(t) (82 '81g) rueserd3["urJo ['luasqu e1eurJo4;;o sserordrepperg] 4a;o sssco.rd.re1np"rC'g€ sermrlerâ^esuesrreseqdlluereddull ârursdqdroruode prpr8ddedH]iiËffti"Tl {"â1i,e $ ereld '6t 'luese.rd sltll râlr"J"rp rapun sluaruruor âaS ['paua11eg i(gesrop NrrsfTng Jr ro luesq" epur 3o a1z1d scNsrcs svsNvx do ÀIrsus^rN.o sHJ BI9 SysrpuATrcs AND PnyrocENy oF THE ANtHopHoRINn Bess 519 least half as long as wide (Figs. 19b, 30i).] All habropodine and eucerine bees have large gonobases. The gonobase has presumably become apomorphically reduced in various anthophorine groups. 56. Female constructs turret of mud over nest entrance (1). [Female leaves nest entrzrnce unmodited, without turret.] Even though the old literature gives the reader the impression that most Antlnphora build turrets, they are actually unique to Melea. 57. Stinging behavior absent (1). [Stinging behavior present (1).] An obvious apomorphy of Melea. 58. Batesian and/or Mûllerian mimicry of bumblebees (1). [No apparent mimicry of bumblebees.] Anotlrer autapomorphy of Mclea. 59. Nest constructed in wood (1). [Nest constructed in earth.] Only Clisodonnests in wood, with the possibleexception of Anthophora(Anthophoroides) signnta.Since all melitomine, eucerine and habropodine bees nest in the soil, soil nesting presumably is primitive. 60. Gonostylus fused to gonocoxite (1). [Gonostylus articulated with gonocoxite.] Melitomines, eucerines and habropodines all have articulated gonostyli. Presumably the fusion ofthe gonostylus to the apex ofthe gonocoxite is an apomorphy found in anthophorine as well as centridine bees (except Camonomada). 61. Bridge of penis valves basally elongated and often emarginate (1). [Bridge of penis valves triangular, basally simple and either square or bluntly pointed.] All Anthophorinae -have the plesiomorphic type ofbridge ofpenis valves except the Anthophorini which have the bridge ofthe penis valves elongated to varying degrees. 62. First recurrent vein of forewing meeting posterior margin of second submarginal cell near its midpoint (1). [First recurrent vein meeting or nearly so with first transverse cubital vein.] Melitomine, eucerine and habropodine bees have the first recurrent vein of the forewing meeting or nearly so with trst transverse cubital. Anthophorines have the apomorphic state. 63. Third submarginal cell of nearly equal length on posterior and anterior margins (l). [Alterior margin of third submarginal cell about half lengh of posterior margin.] All bees in the outgroup have a third submarginal cell which is narrowed anteriorly. All Anthophorini have the apomorphy._ ^ 64. 56 of male strongly convex, apically entire, apical margin strongly bent ventrad (1)- {Si of male gently convex, often apically emarginate, apical margin not or only slightly bent ventrad.l The 56 of male centridine and habropodine bees (except pachymelines) is strongly convex, apically bent ventrad and curving only on the lâteral margins (few Anthophorahave the apical margin bent ventrad but the disc is not strongly convex). 65. One gonoJtylus on gonocoxite of male (l). [Two gonostyli on gonocoxite of male.] All bees in the outgroup hàve two gonostyli per gonocoxite. One has apparently been lost in the Anthop!_otiqi. - 66. Gonostyli much flattened and wide, paddle shaped (l). [Gonostyli elongate, usually qlghtly clubbed o. oniy slightly flattened.l Melitomine, eucerine, centridine and anthophorine bees all have the elongate gonosiyli if present. The flattened, paddle shaped, ventral gonostylus is unique to the Habropodini. Oi. Stip"r *ith apical concavity, housing the stipital comb, one-fourth length of stipes (1). [Stipes with long apical concavity housing stipital comb, broadly and shallowly emar,ginate,extending at least one-third lèngth of stipei.] Among the non-parasitic Anthophorinae only the Habropodini and the Anthophorinf have a short round notch housing the stipital comb. This is a strong synapomorphy uniting these two tribes. 68. Forewing-thèn apically papillate, papillae simple, not tipped with hairs (1). [Forewing apically hairy paiillJe tipped with hairs.] Most bees have_hairy wings. In Anthophorinae.the or if papillate, hairs bn the papillae have been lost twice, once in the Centridini (Ctntris) and again in the habropodineanthophorine lineage. 69.-Tibial scopiconsisting largely of simple hairs on outer surface (1). [Tibial scopa consisting largely of plumoie hairs on outer-surface.] Almost all non-parasitic female Anthophorinae \ay9 tfe tiblal icopâ consisting mostly of plumose hairs, except the Habropodini and Anthophorini in,which the scopal hâirs are largèly simple, iometimes with some plumose hairs along the anterior and posterior margrns. 70. Jugal lobe of hind wing one-third or less length of vannal,lobe measured from wing base (l). [Jugal-lo6e of hind wing at-least one-half length-of vannal lobe.] Àll Anthophorinae. except-theÉa6ropodini and Anthophorini have relatively long jugal lobe one-half to three-fourths t!'relength of have the jugal lobe nearing one-half the length the assôciatedvannal lobès. (Large speciesof Pachymclus of the respective vannal lobe.) The ihortening of the jugal lobe must be an apomorphy' prn,,optîewouo| or enbrun sr z(qd.rourode eqa [.u]Ereur prlde pra1e1eïrJ r?u urgreru *:ffi"(ri:i, tlrl^Àepru fo SSI '(t) @6g,aL6.s8rg)xaauô71duor1s ùÉie-'1eciulorffà- ç,* epur Jo 9S ./ sr ,(qd-rourodurn?-eqr '"âu r]?rl.Jg qcled esuap ou ,iluera ,rrr'?Y#i"î.il{rï:.J ['ul'"zru ["fer?l '(l) (aLg'8rg) rpei"l"l rl'q rsrPJo ef,uâf,sâqnd qrrmtPî .9 çsl io .I"1nâ.ro"p " qrl.rÀepru Jo çs {9 tÉIff .?,iiT,y*":;*:ffi pcldearlrue,o,n,o.*"";?,Ti'#,fffi ff $ïTïTErË{,Ï,:îtËi ro csl '(t) (t6g 'tl6 'strJ) areur8reruadldeap pue ipàorq,rfrtn* lecrde''peglpour eleurJo çs .ç ernlârne ,i:X:;îryy::[fi.o5J""d,î:î"t;ff p?llp.*dq"IT,.:' 't ï sââq :'#.:!!fy.v,_Tl__l!_ rrrtsrerupf,rcl" 'Frrrrou e1eruJolSl .(l) (nOg .8lg) pprruâ^ lueq ur8reru'fLârde .peglfour ep',rrjo :l " iè *e sr dlqeurnse.rd-slreur esâql Jo ecuasa.rdeql 'e.roga.req; 'sïr€ru r"Inroered erreq *p** 1T*;î."1: âulpodorq"Il_oNçra'r eprueg] '(1) sryen1"relncoe.redeled qlr*âprirag .g !'(t) U"eu i^'q(uouode snol^qo ue sr 'seaq lsoru ol uoruruof,'sndpd lrelpxeurpaltàut3às-q àniorl ^ '1dpd drelgxeur iraluaur5as-ç s"q rtr*F rpo{o.risy o1Ë'ârcp; kË.t; qior*rri :1:*-::slueuàes {".::o1-aqa 'o?uotbotllyt 'V^'op1ïauo7o7J pue âuo erurs tu"rol ç seq Fjrsajue'pâ'ruaurtâi -;o_sarcads -ç qojJ pâ^[o^a-a^"rl o1 sruaddu o11ûeuoro^I go sndpd d.rzpxeu paluaur8es-l-eri.r. l.rrueuiges q qlr,r,r : '(Z) snol"d ^r"[Fx€I{J '(I) sluaur8as .i' qrrm sndpd ihepxey4i srueur8as ç tr çtm snd-1eà,tepxey{ 'crqdroruodz^âJE pu" 'seaq aurlacne pue (opo{on1do1g tdaoxa) aurpodorqeq ur PunoJ lou er€ PUDIsltll Jo santuot 8uo1 'urc Z spâacxeuerJo rT18ualpsso18 qcrq,rl rn qiiînaDrsàlg uI pe^erqr" uââq s"q qËuâl ân5uo1 1sa1ee.rb' erJils"lloror ælnqnl deap ro srnds .relcau guô1 e^eq ,!\ou qJIq-À\sJâlrao$çr.rt 8ur,r1orraof,ro.ol turfdepe rn J3qlra paleÊuo1eeaeq senSuol dlqerunsarj ['exorPrruJo 3àPerorrelrr"^àurw?ll? ^lerer ^Iuo "eleCl '(I) "xo3prurJo elppFu dpo asodar ur 3uru1e11e "ePc '(z) "xoJ purq ^pqËlls Suss?drns o1 "xoJprru Jo âlpprul asoder ur Sururelte ,tuo1 eepg ;1 'I âlq"J roJ s" sr uorluueldxe aqa 'vT1l2shtY do vusNscsns gHr do sr.rsvruv do rsl-r '6 trTgvr TTTTTOTOOOO TTTTOTOTTÏT 0 6 8L 9 ç I 7 E Z I 0 19999999999 INICOdOUSVI{ INIUOHdOHTT{V 0000000T 000TiI0iI000d000T 0000000000T 00000000T 0000000000T 000T0 BroqdoqfuecBf sdn BIIrBaue-re; 000000000OiI rd0T0T00000T00r 0a0000000d000000T 0000000000000OirT pIIltauroqluv 0000T000T0T0TozrT000000000000000T T00000000T000T00020T 000007 BTIltauouTr{U 0000T0000TT0T0T0T000000000000000TT00000000T 00T0000200000007 00000T 0000T0T0T0T00000T0000T0T000T0T0000r0T 00000000000000d0 saPToroqdoqfuv BaTaH 0TTTT00000T 0T0T0T00000T 0000000T0TT 0T0000T0T0000000000000000 ellqdoTTeH 0000d0000OildT 0T0d0ad0OirOirir0000OirTd000000OirT00000OirOild00iraird eroqdoqfue.rEO 0000T00000T 0T0T000T000T0000T T0000T0r0T0T 00T00000000000002 T0 ETTlSarudseq 0000T000000T 00T0T T00T0TT000000000000000000T0000000T0T 0000a0 uopo sT T3 T0000000000T 0TT0000000T0T 0000000T TT0000000T 00000T 000T000000 uourafsolBlaa 0000000000OiI00iI00T0000T 000Oir00000000000000T000000000T 000007 e.roqdoqtue3d; 0000000T 000Ta0T 0004000T 0d0T00000000Oiririr000T 00000000000000d z e.roqdor{1ueqdo1 000000T 0000T404000000T 00TT0000000000Tird000T000000000000000 z Bror{dor{fuv 00000000000 T00T0000000T 0000000000T00T Ta000T0000T 00000000007 eITTteurV 000000000000T 0T0T00000000000000000000000000T T000000000T0 z0r 6 8L 9 ç , t Z T 0 6 8 L9ç,t Z1068 L 9 ç , ï Z T 0 6 8L 9 ç r 7 ç , 2 T 0L 69 8ç t 7ZtT 0 6 L 8gçtt ZI ççççççççççrrrrtrrTtrre€ [ g6€€eg€T,zzzzzzzzzrrTT TTTTrr seTqBTrEl\ 'srs^lprr€ JrlsrpelJ ârll w pesn s?lÀ ''a'r) luulsuoc tou ere qf,rrJr\{solq"rr" 'rurpodorqell 6 aqt i4 dq perzorpur are (uoxe1 âqt urqlr^À I pu" 0 pue rurroqdoçuv roJ srepsrptlJ pqlrl erp rrrâruor 0/-0g s3lq€rr€,rd1.relurg 'ototldotltuy1o eraueSqns ârll pue opfawy u.râJuor pue ol uro{ ,(q surunloJ eç peluasa.rda.r ere 6ç-I salqerrs rqSp Uel .I 'Z S'ISVJ NI OSTSI'I SUSJ,CVUVHC dO XI'IIJVI{ TTflVI NrJs'r'rnfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rrsus^rNn" sHJ 0zç SysrnuATrcs AND PuyrocENy oF THE ANrHopHoRINn BBns s21 8. A large lateral tooth near end of apodeme of male 57 (Fig. 3Bd) (1). [Apodeme of 37 of male simple, lateral margins more or less parallel.] This tooth is found only in Notomegilln. 9. Lateral margin of 57 of male witJr a tooth on basal half (Fig. 36h) (1). [Lateral margin of 57 of male without a tooth on basal half.] The Habropodini lack this structure but some groups of Amegilla and Anthophorahave it. 10. 57 of male with width of disc on basal two-thirds equal to about half of width of disc on apical third; basal two-thirds almost parallel-sided (Fig. 35h) (l). [S7 of male with width of disc varying on basal two-thirds such that basal two-thirds is not parallel-sided.] Eucerini, Habropodini andAnthophora do not have 57 with a long parallel-sided disc which is slightly expanded on apical third. Such a structure is presumably an apomorphy. 11. SB of male witl two well developed basal processes(Fig. 38c) (1). [SB of male simple, without any basal processes.] This is an autapomorphy of Notomegilla. 12. Median apical lobes and lateral lobes protruding from apex of S8, with margin between them strongly emarginate (Fig. 37i) (1). [Median apical lobes weakly developed or lateral'nlobes absent; Micramegilla. margin between them only weakly emarginate to entire.] This structure is only found 13. S8 of male apically narrowed, lateral margins converging apically (Fig. 37c) (1). [S8 of male apically broad, lateral margins more or less parallel (Fig. 36c).] Almost all males in the outgroup have broad eighth sterna. The apical tapering of this sternum is presumably an apomorphy. 14. Gonobase in lateral view much longer than wide (Fig. :69) (t). [Gonobase in lateral view about as long as wide to wider than long.l This apomorphy is only found in Ackmonopsis. 15. Gonostylus greatly reduced to only a membranous blister or absent on gonocoxite (1). [Gonostylus present, from 3 to 10 times as long as wide.] The absenceof a gonostylus is an apomorphy since all bees in the outgroup have gonostyli. 16. Penis valve with strong laterally protruding lobe on apical half (Fig. 36f) (t). [Penis valve with small lobe or no lobe laterally on apical half. This character is unique to Megatnegilla.l 17. Pubescence metallic (1). [Pubescence not metallic.] None of the non-parasitic bees in the outgroup have metallic hair. TABLE +. MATRIX OF CHARACTERS OF THE SUBGENERA OF AMEGILLA LISTED IN TABLE 3. Variables 1-t7 are representedby the columns from left to right. Explanation as for Table 2 exceptP-1&2. Anthophora Amegilla s. str. Zebramegilla Micramegilla Ackmonopsis Megamegilla Aframegilla Dizonamegilla Notomegilla Zonamegilla Asaropoda CLADISTIC 11111111 123+567 r234s67890 00000000000000000 10010100 000000001 00100000010010100 00100000100100100 100 00000000100001 11000000000000010 1 10000000 20000000 10100000000010100 11 01010101 0P10000 2 0 1 0111 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0101 010100010000 RELATIONSHIPS The relationships of the AnthophoriniHabropodini to other Anthophorinae are not clear. Michener (L97 +) placed the Anthobephorini (which included Habropodini) tween Centridini and Eucerini, positioning ericrocine(and the centridines the "terminus" of the rhathymines) at the seems placement This Anthophorinae. unjustified now that Caenonomadahas been reassigned from the Exomalopsini to the Centridini (Snelling and Brooks, 1985). The many plesiomorphies of Caenonomadaindicate a more ancestral position for the Centridini, possibly near the exomalopsines. If this is correct then the venational apomorphies hitherto used to associate the Anthowith the Centridini phorini-Habropodini (i... , shortening of the second abscissa of M + Cr, loss of hairs on the alar papillae and shortenitg of the marginal cell) are convergent between the more derived members of Centridini (i... , Centris and Ptilotopas) and These wing the Anthophorini-Habropodini. attributes may be associated with large size or rapid flight. Probably the closest relative lineage is of the Anthophorini-Habropodini the Eucerini, the two groups at least sharing a small stigma. The former has diversified and probably arose in the Old World, the latter diversified and most likely originated in the New World. In the following paragraphs, character numbers in parentheses are from Table 1 except as otherwise indicated. 'uorsre^eJ " sâ]?crPur uv 'elq"ræ^ e x Jo srâlJ€rur{f, JequnJ sasaqluaredur srâqrunN 'I âIqea ur pâlsll serqd.rourodeluasarder luasardar Pe^uâP .0t .CId srâqrunu arqa 'ototldotltuyz ;o erauetqns pue ru!:oqdoqruv Jo ereuat eqt rog urertopelC /9 89 69 OL 09 t9 z9 t9 99 It LL LT gz LN t LN 99 tn L 9Z LZ 9t 6? L vz zt n zn I (z)6 t? 99 z L 0? 8? 0r z 8t I 9Z 8i 8 Z z9 tt I LT . z az LZ LT 99 LZ 6Z lzlt LZ tz I 9Z t t gz zz t zt, 99 iz gz rt it 99 zt It 0t L9 ?t 9t LT, 8t t9 LZ 6 9t 9t zn tl 6t It 0 9 t? 6 9 6t 6t n8 8 9 ,!P oSro olo- l"o* Blqdole]l I 9t I 9l ZL tt 89 9Z LN 9 9 $ ^.{ ^^$ ..S"*1fô.ù{ It"oH Pis""s-$*j -ô19 r9 o-9^ù-p F-6- S'-^9 ^{6 - . ô fPloP': 'ô)- o èo- .rt" dstos" où- "*"ir* sl* .$ -oUluv 3o (Eruuag nsrzas)(ldqdouou âtp ol uoddns spuel leq6 'gg aleur8.reureus o "r{ osle oyzÊruty1oserceds^{eJB ecurso,tot1(otltuy rog dqd.rourode >pai* " rt (tç) âIeur erp Jo 'opûat y 9g aleurE.reuraaqa 3o dno.r8 ralsrs eql q lnq ' tou sr otot$otltuy 'razre,lroq'dlluareddy 'cneldqdered âq snql plno,!\ rlrrrl À 'o.tot1{otltuyruo{ esor" rl t€g} '(erlore eql;o ssol ''a'r) lcedsns tq8rur euo o11ûruyp dqdrourode Euo.use Jo esn€ceg zzç sHJ .{o Àrlstrs^rNn NIJ,sT'rng ssNsrcs svsNv) SYsrBuATIcs AND PHvrocENY phora is the bilobed basistipital process (17), which is unique in the Anthophorinae. Even ignoring these characters, I can find no subgeneric group of Anthophora from which Amegilla might have evolved. There are four main lineages of Anthophora shown in the cladogram (Fig. 40). The first is a group consistitg of Anthophora s. str., Pyganthophora and Lophanthophora characterized by long first flagellomeres (1) and "brushes" of hair on males which often have their midlegs (21-23). The second group, consistirg of Petalosternon, Clisodon and Dasymegilla, has males with a trilobed labrum (7) and 57 with a strong lateral tooth on the "deapodeme (+2). The third and most rived" group contain s Rhinomegilla, Anthomegilla, Melea, Anthophoroides, and Paramegilla. Their male synapomorphies include an apically narrowed SB (43) and an elongate, basally emarginate bridge of penis valves (49). The fourth group is Caranthophora,and Heliophila. The females of this group have white to yellow facial markings (3), males have short apodemes on 57 (41) and most have a small gonobase (55) Figure 41 is an alternate cladogram which gives separate origins for the RhinomegillaAnthomegilla and Paramegilla groups, mainly because the former has males with simple hind legs (2+). In addition the Melea-Anthophoroidesgroup is shown as the sister grouP to Heliophila because they share a small gonobase which would have to be reversed in the Estebana species group of Heliophila (55). I prefer the cladogram in Figure 40 since it appears that Rhinomegilla and Anthomegilla have their clos*T relatives among Melea, Anthophoroidesand Paramegilla as suggested by their similar termin alia. The unmodified hind legs (2+, 32) of the Rhinomegilla-Anthomegilla group probably indicate that it is more ancestral than the Melea-AnthophoroidesParamegilla group. Even though both cladograms are about the same length, the alternate one has five more reversals than the preferred one. There are two main groups of Amegilla (FiS. 42). Six subgenera have SB in males narrow apically (13, Table 3) and triangular. In the other five this sternum is broad apically and quadrate. The small number of OF THE ANTHOPHORINB characters reflects the results in change if covered. 523 BNBS used in the analysis of Amegilla homogeneity of this group, and a cladistic pattern that might additional characters are dis- BIOGEOGRAPHY we have only two fossil Unfortunately "Anthophora. " Cockerell derecords for scribed A. melfurdi (1908) from Florissant, Colorado. There is no reason to differ with Cockerell's placement of this Oligocene fossil but not all of the diagnostic wing veins are clear (for further discussion see Zeuner and Manning, I97 6). The placement is therefore "Anthosp€culative. The single specimen of t 50 14 +44 +13 +7 ) 55 37 27 92 1 2 I 32 8 31 3 22 34 28 26 18 10 7 ,2 37 8 2 0 48 3 2 40 2 49 58 57 54 48 56 30 34 32 32 32 29 26 2t 1 35 27 6 24 7 49 47 43 26 FIG . +1. Alternate cladogram shown for certain subgenera of Anthophora, using the same characters as for FiS. 40 but making different assumptions in the main right branch of the cladogram about which characters are convergent. Explanation as for FiS. +0. '0+ 'El.t ur uâ^rE rlâq] Jo JIerI tnoqe dpo re^o rrrlednrds ere are ,onr1{otltuV 'dnort relsrs sll sdnor8 sârcads oûu er{J 'e^r}f,ul}s1p dgecr8ol pue opyflataV erauaE ar{} Jo sarqd 'le^âÀ\oq (dnor8 -rourode aqI '0ù 'tlg roJ se uorteuetdxg .D128 -oqdrou sl serJads rr{JlorC -awv er{J 'seuo plroM plo aq} tuoJJ frede ureqt Jo ereua8qns aql roJ nrer8opelD .Zt .CId stes ]"qt d8oloqdrour rrâqt ur Eurqlou sr arer{} 'sl 'sreqruaur pcrdft oJe dnor8 ]"ql sarf,ads ssnleu eql Jo sreqruâru plroM /v\aN eqJ 'dnort serf,eds"snlalf plroM plo dpreur aqt o1 eerqt pu? dnor8 sârf,eds llgcforC rrrrrapue eqf o] tuoleq eerql 'plro6 rvreN eql ur serr -ads K>ns eq] JO 'Dnqdnt1runî(4 Jo uorlnqrrlsrp oql sureldxa eruzrref,r^ terp dleTllun dgenba stuees 1I (pTII ssol surees 'rasolc rlJnu ere/v\ adorng pue eJrJaruv t{fro1q uor{/v\ 'a1nol 'se}els pe}lun ura}se/v\ rlluellv {}ro51 ât{J oq] ol pelf,rrlseJ ssel Jo eJour sr plroM À\eN eq] ur Drlrldlqtuofit(4 âJurs elnor dpïl ]soru aql sr lrsrls Eurrag eql ip1ro14 ,v\âN orll o] Dnqdoq4unfi(4Jo suorlJnporlul o/vq ere/v\ arar{t llqrsso4 '(eare Eurftag) eulr{C rffiequou z ur earr{t pu? ?JI{v t {tnog ur pe}elosr er? l7,lz n serseds e^s esnsceq /v\ou sr ll u?r{t }wd eq} tr ur puerdsaprr* ârorrr se/v\dlqeqord snue8qns 9[ slrlJ 'dnort eql ur (6e^rlrurlJd,, lsoru eql aJe rIcrrIM Jo dueur sarJeds 6t lseâl te sâpnlJur lr arer{/v\sere ueeueJJo}lpotr\tr aql uI urtrro s1r per{ dlqeqord unrldnqlunl(4 'uortâr u?âu?r -relrpotr\tr eql urrls 's Dnqdoqtuv dno"r8 râlsrs slr ueq] esorJads eJorrr r{Jntu sr pu" uor}nqrJ} Jo eusluour uI punoJ sl D"t\qd\qtuv (eJrJeuv -spp lrunlsrp arotu e serl Drnqdnqîunî(4 '(serc 'scrdor} eq} petsr} {}nos pu? ?rlJJv ur s3 -ads eorrp) elsv 'ellsr}snv ol pesredsrp e^q Âeur lseg -auâd wq arâr{M tr Jo sped alerad 'sarqdroruorseld ]l -urâ] aql qJseJ ol 'lueuratuerre lsoru eq] â^zr{ serJads aqf Fluaulluoc pue peâJdseplm sr ll aJer{/v\ '(sarceds ua^es) lueserd âqf uâ^rt 'ssed o1 peq a^eq ppo/v\ ur8rro ueouerrerlpetrN alqrssod sll ruord ll r{rlr{Â\ q8norql selsurlr pcrdorl lsroru o} 'plroM plo egt ol palrrrlsar srrls 's Dr\qdT pâ]depe-lll Eureq s]l ol enp dlqeqord sr eroq] -qruV'uortnqlrlslp u?euerralrpâtrAtrÂpreurrrd eJuâsq? sll'eere usrlerlsnv-usrsdzleuropul e 'dlrsrerrrp serf,eds Jo sruJal ur ]nq 'elered âq] tuoJJ }uasq? dlsnoncrdsuoc }nq p"erds -uel lrunlsrp 3 s?r{ dnor8 u\qdoqruv eqJ -aplÀ\ sr Dt\qd\qruv snua8 eqJ 'plroM plo .(o,roqd aq] ur pâlsur8rro snue8 eql ]3r{1 alqsqord eroJerâqt sr tI 'srrreruv {}rog 01 peuulï auo dpo pu? JrlJJsaFd osls eJ? ue^es qJrr{/vl 'plro6 ,vreN ar{} ur rnrro 'ntoqdoqtuv }q81a Jo âql JO 'urtrro Jo af,eld Jo ereuotqns il elqrssod s(eqrrl eqf sr r{Jlqn\ uortor u€âuer -relrpetrN âr{} ur sJnJJo eJeuatqns pu? serJâds ourror{doqtue Jo dlrsre,rlp lse}eer8 er{J 'dua8oldqd peunserd pue uorlnqrr] -s1p luesaJd uo pes"q eq ol sBrI uorssnosrp lerrr{dertoa8olq sF{r'rr.{J'Gt1t'Euruu€trAl pus ravnez) o^roqdoqruVur dlureuer Âue qlp\ per"ld aq touuer osle (aueco8lO) Lueurrag 'llolf ruor; (ZgAt 'uapÂeH) lsâM . ,oso{a ornqd - oqîuDiors(7afl dno"rt urqdnqTuocolsr(741 ar{} pug (ntoqdoqruDnC pue DIIqdlnaH) dnort DMdr -!l?H erlt '(o17pau0u!qv pu€ Dll!îawnqruv 'rnll -aunnd 'saprctoqdoqruV 'Dalary) dnort oqary 'uoporyp) eql '(uouta4solDladpuu onllnil(sog dnort urplsll3 aql '(ontldoqtuoqdr7 pue Druld -oqrunî(4 ''rls 's DnqdnqruV) dnor8 DrnqdnqruV eql 'DrlqdnqruVJo sa8eaull e^g ezru8of,âr I 'selïr]uv ressâT Pu" retBarc eIIl se IIa^/t se sPuelsl ueauerrellpetrAl snorelu -nu 'spue1s1 d"reue3 'spue1s1 apre1 ade3 eql ur punoJ sr ll lrazruoloc relnsur poot e dpuaredde sr D^torldoqruV'stulrqerl f,rrox Nlrg-I1nfl gcNgrcs svsNvx .iro Àrrsug^IN.o gHJ t7,ç SysrnuATlcs AND PHyrocENY ranges in North America. Lophanthophora may well have had the same evolutionary past since it has a similar distribution to that of Pltganthophora,but lacks arry South African members and has a widespread range in both western and eastern United States. Again like Pltganthophorait does not range into boreal regions and the New World dismembers are not morphologically tinctive, as a group, from Old World members. The Clisodon group is mainly temperate Palearctic. The most widespread subgenus, Clisodon, has only two or three species. One speciesis Holarctic (Popov, 1951) and inhabits part of northeastern China as well as northern North AmÇrica. The other one or two species are Palearctic. Vicariance is an unlikely explanation of Clisodon's range, since one species is boreal, occurring well into Alaska, and thence to northeastern China. Most likely this species also occurs in the intervening areas of Siberia. Since the other members of the Clisodon group are strictly Palearctic, presumably that is its area of origin. Petalosternnnpossibly originated in the Mediterranean region since 18 of its 2l species occur there. The Melea group includes five subgenera with diverse distributions . Rhinomegilla and Anthomegilla both occur at high elevations in Asia, mainly in Xizang Province, China (Tibet) and in neighboring areas. Rhinomegilla is restricted to Xizang Province and Sikkim . Anthomegilla additionally occurs in Mongolia and the forest zorte of Siberia. Paramegilla is widely distributed in the western Palearctic and Ethiopian regions. In addition, it has two species in the southwestern United States. This distribution may be explained by vicariance, or by former wider distribution. Neither the Old nor New World species are boreal and the two New World species are similar to their Old World counterparts, not unique as a subgroup in any morphological aspect. Paramegilla has great species diversity from the Mediterranean region east to the Aral Sea (at least 40 species). In the Ethiopian faunal region a single derived species group (about 10 species) of Paramegilla predominates. It seems clear that the area of origin for Parame' oF THE ANTHoPHoRINE BBBs 52s gilla was in the Palearctic. Anthophoroidesis found only in western North America, south to Honduras. There are 12 species (includittg six undescribed ones) which are mostly limited to the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. Two species have apparently dispersed to the south, one reaching Jalisco, México and the Since Anthophoroides is other Honduras. strictly New World and is the sister group of Melea, both r.rraywell have originated in the North America. Indeed, of the two species groups of Melea, the one with the most ancestral characters is the Bomboides species group, which has three nearctic and one palearctic species. Of the Heliophila grouP, the member with the most ancestral characters is Caranthophora. It is Palearctic with two disjunct areas, one Mediterranean and the other Asian. The Vestita species group of Heliophila is subsaharan and has its center of species diversity and probable origin in southern Africa where the most primitive members of Heliophila are found. Therefore Heliaphila probably had its origin in Africa. The Estebana species group is largely restricted to the southwestern United States, but ranges to Honduras. (A single specimen in the Berlin Museum is labelled Guayaquil, Ecuador, perhaps in error.) Southern California and Arizona is the center of species diversity of the Estebana species grouP (26 species plus one undescribed). Since one if not all of the species ranging into the neotropics also occur in the southwestern States, they probably dispersed United southward from a possible temperate origin. Mlstacanthophnra occurs in several disjunct areas. Its largest, more or less continuous range is in North America where one species of the Urbana species group and three species of the Montana species group live. A monophyletic subgroup of the Montana species group is Antillean. The five Antillean species are more closely related to two American species than to the other neotropical members (seven plus one or two undescribed species). This suggests that Mystacanthophora invaded the Antilles from Florida. The possible invasion route via the Yucatân peninsula is also less likely because the single Mexican species is more closely related to -radsrp euo dpo snr{J 'erler}snv q npo{o^rnsV l"q] pus ellr;V ur dpo e^rlJns slueruala ot esrr anet pue elsv ruor; peards Jo}saJ 1enrrllâ, sll ]egl ro urtrro u?rdorqlg u" p"rl -ue aterpeuur 'suorlnqlrlslp sll ro ol1faunulz dl.ill leql npfauv duur ueeru slrlJ wqt 'dpreur e^Bq (Z+ arotrr sl 1l 'erlurlsnv q sle^rrrs luaJar dlerrrl uerdorqlg 'Â1e1o1 tou JI -elâr 'Etg) dlqeqord are rurroqdoqruv erurs puer{ nrrrer8op€lr opfauy âgl Jo ureua8qns '(rçg 'ttd euo rep8u€yr Jerpo âqt uO 'oslz npfauuuoz roJ urtrro rnoJ er{J lsrg 1eseq 'rvro"rreu dlpcrde ue qll^ esoqt (Z) p,rn (rgg Jo "er" eql wllt slgl l"r{t elqrssod rl }r uorter 'tlg) 'alerpenb 'apl^ dlecrde u? uer["rtsnv eq] o] peusuor sr opo(onsts orurs BS el"tu 'e?rv uersdepruopul eql ur JnJJ o opfaranuoz qfryt esoql ( I ) 'opl&auvJo seteaurl ureru o/vu uaeq â^er{ a"rârlt}erl} suraestl 'acuetrâ^uoJ Jo sarceds âq] Jo tsotr\tr'uor8ar irlcrea -ted eqr paretue dpq8ls ser{ pue suor8ar 'ototldoqruV let Jo dlluqltsod eql eprse turpnd -uarro pue uerlerlsnv eql punoJ tnoqtnorqt Jo 13qr uu{l luoJa"I eJorrr sr uorl"rpeJ s}l sr 'opo(otDsv o1 dnort ralsrs eql 'n1pîatuDuoz sdeqrad 'umou>T aJesarqdrourodeudscrraue8 'tuaurtuor -qns pooE ,v\eJpu? o"toq{otltuvuer{} snue8 lerp ur peleurErro dlqeqord pue erIBJlsnV Jo esoql of repurs âJe opo{o^tosy snoeuatouroq oJoru qJnru e sr q1fawV 'oteladrqc 'sJarJJeq JIuBaJo .roleur pessoJJ Jo sarcads ueaurn3 rvreN âqJ -rV 'elsv Eurneq Trreluslfl eql Pue seulnC ,v\eN sapnlrul Jo eJuapr^a ou s/v\or{s }l }nq pue dlerluec "rlertsnv ur ereqr*drene ldecxe ruoJJ "rl?r}snv rIJsaJ o} sreuJsq Jruseso dpuaredde sr a8uer asoq/v\ opo{onsts aTrlun âlerepour passorr sBrI 1r dlsnopqo 'uJer1uou 'luaurluoJ er{r JeJ âJe sâlnoJ JrueeJosueJl eJurs 'ppog Jo rorJe}ul eql tur}er}auad 'erlzrlsny ur dpo srnJco oppauqoN 'assql ,v\eN âr{} r{J?eJ o} âJnlreJ s}l sureldxa ssJnJ -eraduret À\ol Jo ecuerelolq sgl dlqeqor4 'eusluo{u Jo I€eJoq }ou sr }l esurs seJnl€ 'arâr{l rnJJo -radtuel /v\olJo eJuerelol oFUI seq 1r dpuared sercads Jrern Jo %06 Je^o eJurs uortar uerdorqlg aql ur peleu -dy 'ws"q ueeuerrelrpatrN eql s" qJns sear? -r8rro qloq esoddns ot elq"uossarun rer{} f,rJox ur uoruruoJ osl" sr opfauV 'psradsrp 'elpul uJâr{tJou pue uorter ueâu ]ou sr ]I sll ol sJerJJeq lou eJ€ scrdorl erIJ'sseJJns -errelrpetrAtrâq} 6eJIr3V urequou pue uralseâ Jo eJnseeru e sB ef,uepunq€ pue dlrsrarrrp uI EurrrnJJo tpalcrrlseJ oJorrr srJls 's DITIE sarcads sâT"t auo yr 'scrdorl plro6 plo eqt ur 'otoqdorttuv eil1un -auv '?Tu"T opfauV paqsrrnog seq Irs pue slpul {}nos ot ecueqt 'ur8rro plro6 /r\eN e per{ dnort aq} }ern asoddns ot elqeuoseer srrroes 1r 'p1"rop1 ,v\eN erp ur ere sarcads Jo dtl -"rofeur lsz^ aq] pu€ satels pellun âql tuor; sr ototldotltuoco\st(74J Jo sarJeds , (e^rlrurlJd,, lsoru âql ef,urs 'urreqrs ot edorng 1erluaC ruor; reqlo orlt pue uerl ur euo 'plro6 plo aql ur JnJJo sarcads o/vu 'de8 a8rel Jerpous ssoJJV 'lrserfl urets€erllnos ol eurlua8ry Jo JIBII ure -quou eqr pue euoz usepuv eql uI sepnlrtls q81q le punoJ ere dpsour sarcads usorretuv {}nog'errreruv ler}uaC ur o^rorldoqTuocoTs(74g Jo atuer eqt ur det atrel e sr areqJ '(AfOt 'urvrorg) drolsn{ r"lrtuls " eæqs 'suorlnqlrlslp sarllrânnq u?âllluv plroM rvreN aq] ureldxa ol sruees aJuerJzJr^ uerll JerIleJ uorsredsrp'srarrreq Jelem lelruersqns ssorJ o] elqe eq ol uarrord wq ototldorlluV eJurs 'eorroruv qlnos ruor; dpcarrp sluer8 -rru a^reJer p1p sa11rtuv aq] dprepac tou 'sauo usallrtuv pu€ u€Jrreruv lsoullv {rrop eq] 01 uer{} sareads u"JrJeruv qtnoq eql 1g ;:"':î"ï iT,xTJ J:i'iil"iïi^ i,iJ' ,::f::J::îïl'ff#,:]',J;'i{y, * ï:ï erll Jo euo sr ' 'rls 's oplîa?av ol dnort relsrs arlr 'n11yflawztqaz'rorurJ ur âuo pue elpul ur auo 'nl1e*os ul auo 'sarcads aeJr{tJo stsrs -uoJ nppawDuozse 'uJalse/v\ oJoru qJIqM 'rls 's nl1pauv pus ollpauuqaz 'dnor8 ldacxa tsrs eql ue{} slsv lffiaq}nos pu? srlerlsnv ur aJoru paJeluâJ sr 'BS aleru /v\oJJeudgecrde ue r{lp\ 'eraueEqns Jo dnort puoJes ar{J 'JrlJJeoFd uJâls€a 'gg apru -qlnos osle ]nq Fluorro dlulzru sr eplÀ\ dlecrde eq] dq u/v\oqs se erauatqns rnoJ lsel ârll ol pelelar sr r{Jrrl,vr 'opûawDssol7 'uortar rrlrreeled erll otul pesredsrp ll tad 'uzrdopllg ere (ns(ouo?tr3ltv pu" nllpaun{y 'op4&auoîayt1''e'l) se^rtsler tsesolr srl erurs 'araql pâteul8rro os[e dlqeqord n11fawzlzlry 'ns(oumaryV pue opQawo{V ere sB 'ecp;y of pelJrJlseJ sr 'sarqdrourorsald lsoru aql qlr/vr snuetqns oqt'n111flauoîaytç'ârer{/v\osle }Jurtxa auo8 â^€rI zraua8qns asor{}Jo sa^r}e}uaserdar Nrru-r-rng scNslcs svsNvx do ^rlsus^INn sHJ 9Zç - SysrnuATrcs AND PHylocENy oF THE ANIHoPHoRINB 527 BBns ,al from Asia to Australia could account for the present Australian fauna. Eiiaentty major barrie rc to Anthophoradis- 1927.Ueber einigeArten derAnthoptnra - Gruppe. Entomol. Mitt. 16:120q.uadiJasciata The only large southern hemisphere Anthophora launa is in southern Africa which is âccessible from the North via the east Af- àa.. à"i principaux genres'd'Apoiâea.Anais da Faculdadede Cienciasdo Porto 56:.l-117. Banaszak,J. -197.!._ Observations.on.!n1hop_!to1g , genus, Mystatanthophora, regions; it is found in both North and South AÀerica and tropical speciesexist now in the Antilles. To accôunt fôr the subgeneric dis- Batra, S. W. 1'. igOZ. Crop pollination and the flower relationships of the wild bees of Ludhiana, India (Hymenoqlela^:.A_poidea)' Jour' KansasEntomol' soc' 40:164-177' ;- phora must have moved between eastern and westernhemispheresat least six times. Most such dispersal^*as p.esu-ably in the North, otËer bees. Jour. Iirtrr"r' Eniornol. Soc. 45:208-218. .1977' Bees of India- (Apoidea)' their *l ,. .' ' ' I. ? ',,'. ' . ,. . ; , '. ,. ^,!3;^ persathavebe"r, o""a',u'dlo*Iu,,â;;"pt.;.^ff:fj-fi:::l?#r*e.";i,?Ji;,iL*,m:: ricanhighlands. otherwi,.o,'rf-o".-'"u- f#:#"i!:i.Slff*l':rA has crossed tropical h"rrrirpt""r",-'À*i;- *.;lriâ;l'#;r:*::,'Tià;lr:I:rÏ;rirl*i persar in thenorthern probably across theBering *"., r"iii involved subgenera that include species that range into cool to cold climates, The Heliophila case (Humilis and Estebana species gro,rps) ho*ever, involves groups ,roï ,"- j r r, 3:l:A:i:';lrumiifff tothesenirlev 1978. Aggression, territoriality, mating and nest aggregation- of- some_solitary-.bees (Hymenoptera:. Halictidae,_ Megachilidae, c^olletidae' Anthophoridae)' Jour' Kansas En- ,-t'icieito warmand "o,r,r'oJj ;;il ;; -"*"]if,r"ô.il.i,i;?i3;"titarybee,Anthophora gions. Vicariance across tJre Atlantic or more accurately dispersal acrossthe Atlantic *hen it was much narrower than at present may well explain the present distribution of this subgenus. The presence of endemic Anthophoraspecieson oceanicAtlantic islands showsthe pôtential for dispersal acrossmoderate ocean barrieis. The fact that the biogeography of Anthophorini can be largely, or wholly explained as dispersal, with little evidence of vicariance th.ough continental movement, suggests that this is a group most of *rt..i "".i""ù." occurred after the continents had more or less attained their present positions. an6ope,in Punjab, India. Jour. KansasEntomol. Soc. 53l.112-114. Solitary bees' sci' Amer' ,*.iro!nli: *""r"r"Ï. i., C. F".rièr. and O. W Richards. tggZ. gânericnamesof the British Hymelist of British nopt€ra Aculeata,with I ch_eck 81-149. Iy'fle GenericNamesof 1ngcjgs,-pp. British Insects,part 5. Royal Entomol. Soc., LTTERAT'RE crrED L. .I. R. 1847. Nomenclator Zoologicus' Agassiz, -co"ti"""", . " fiî:i:b."* rià*i"u iv""îliià ô"nerurÀAni- malium . . , tur.. 1'2, Indecim Ù;i;rJ;. j;;ECræ.àÀ, Soloduri, viii+ 393 pp. (fqt o" àutJ seeBowléy and Smith, tàOS .o**"rrt, and Kevan, 1970). los HimenAlt;-ilma;. f i6zl. crta"_go de opreros de éuba. Instituto C"ubanoàel Libro, Éavana, 218 pp. Alayo -3;;;;b"banos. Soto, n. iôgZ. Observaciones en Himenl. Apoidea y Sphecoidea. Pà"yurr., No. 241, 7 ppi rszo.'.pËii."g "rrr Kenntnis der Al*eri, ;.'o. Sen.k" Bieneifa'na """ Âgypd. " 8:96-128. 1919. Stammesgeschichteder tohiTlt"". Hauiflûgler. Biol. Zentralbl. 39:145-186. R. and H. M. Smith. 1968.The dates Bow-ley,.D. of publicationof Louis Agassiz'sNomenclator Jour' soc' Bibliog' Nat' Hist' t',tftt-tulît' Brooks,R. W. 1983.Systematicsand bionomics and speof Anthophora:^The-!ômboidel F_t_oup îî"'-.:îiïiiff*î,i:'i9lÏ'Ëiirloi",iii: Entomol' 98x-+ 8.6^ppt of the p$oq!o11e 1986.classifrcation bees.(Hy_meno?tera: Anthophorini). Ph. D. IJniv' Kansas'- vi+ 325 pp' -Br9w1, -}:tit' F. M. 1978- The origins of- the West Indian butterfly fl"qu. .1.,:F. B: Gill. kd..)' Zoogeography in the Caribbean. Special Publ. Acad. Nat' Sci. Philadelphia, pp. f9a^13, l-128' Cane,J. H. 1979. The hind tibiotarsal and tibial .pr1. artic rlations in bees (Hymenoptera: ApSoc' Entomol' Kansas 9i^a91)-'.^Jour' ^52:123-137' Caldaler,J. 1968a-.Nestsandnestingbehaviourof Amcgilk (Anugilla) pulchra (Smith) (Hymenop- -drrcsap qllÀl, 'o"tot1doqruV srrua8 aql yo sercads rep "uneJuepldv trrz Eerlrag '206 'dd g1g 'urlreg 'snutîDpod usrrreruV çro51 erllJo lsll V '698I I .g ,uosserC snueC 'ueprdy er€rrlos tg Urqi {eer'àdbi"à eeprdy) sedorng ueuerfl elq 'L6BI 'H 'aserrg 'loruolug 'ros raluadrer eyo turlseu oql 't06I A .14 ,gare1co3 Igç-66?:IL æu€rd 'uuv 'acadsa '0ç-9t: (ù .rstH eilâ^nou eun(p uorldrrcsap eI t ']uN 'tnpuuv 'sâeq ce^e srnessr^erle soreJllaur seraldouarudll sap Jo erauet ureuor uO 'XI 'uoIlBlS pcr8olorg orrxetrAtr /v\eN âr{l ruo{ ]rurlsur6l rns seeqrut?p saloN '206I 'C 'uopag suorlnqrrluoc '106I 'llareTsoc .M pue eqt uo tueruruor roJ 'çt6t a 'sp_reqcr6 l'etep 'aprl 'gç-r+r:z,t eas ra1sr8e11 e srdd lnoqlrû\ I 'dd 'ee8r,rsunrfl 'snqruort 'o^rot1{ot1tuV (Ol) _ 'lslH 'teN 'ErW 'uuv 0t] 0g + 6t, + ^lx -drrcsaq 'snqruorle^Jâsqo 'srco1 'srurduo snuot ar{} Jo seeq uecrr;V tl}nog 'egt6 '+ç-t t: 'Iooz -uds srlcalpy 'sarcadg 'ereuag 'saurprg L u?ïlsrlsnv 'ell?rlsnvJo saoqeqI 'qIt6 utrrnpunrestuntotezer4 eualsdg'[çOgl] ' Z B Z - 7 L Z : L b l )' r s l H ' r s N ' E e I N' u u v ' I A X X D 'sld ''dd 'eeluJeH B (snqruorle^resqo 6Iç 'Z 'lo1 'snqruoltdrrcseq 'saeq 'e1t6 Jo:gsprorar pue suorldrrcseq 'Lç-B1 ' s r c o 1 ' s r u r l . u o u d ss r l c a f p y ' s a r c e d g ' u r a u a g (Of) 'lslH 'tBN 'En141'uuv ^IXXC 'sourprg 'sesse13 'seeq 'e1cny '0t6 unpunJes Blep ]a Jo sprocer pue suorldrrcseq 'dd 'g+t'oN seletr^oN'sntrN.rauv -uaurugBrrleuretsdser8olourotug't6L ll _ 'uortar 'dd uer[Brtsnv aqt tuor; seeg '626 Zgg laers 'LZZ-7[Z:B1(O) ']stH ']€N 'tnIAI 'uuv 'IIXC -dtt 1e rtrnqsuold'snqruorle^resqo'snqruorl 'seeq sprocâr pue suorldrrrseq '9Z6 - d r r c s a q ' s r c o 1 ' s r n r d u o u d ss r l c a l p y ' s a r c e d g Jo 'erauag'seurprg'sasse13 runJolcesulsuelsrs '9IZ-gB[:I unesntrAI 'snrcrrqeg ueqrnq 'uuv 'letsN ruor; dgarqc saaq uerrr;V aer8olouolug euralsdg 'çLLI 'C'f 'BgZ-tI :6 (Ol) .IooZ,.teN qrnos Jo uorlrellor e uo goda11 '9 16 'lrs 'uuv '(sara;rltaI4l) I 'It-6ZtçI 'ros 'uulT 'su€r1 $qC np sareldoueurdll 'V'tr4tr'raurpreg [uopuol] 'rtrAtr drqsre selrns sanbrtololq serlrrerlrall '9Z6I 'd 'r{desof daluelg'f Jo -epnBIC Jo suoll€rlsnill etuos lnoqll/v\ ]nq -peel er{} repun 'ç06I ul ueoco uerpul eq} o} qsruedgotrq uorlelsu€ra 'tg-I:I'ou 'o8e}}ueg uorlrpedxalsruJ uep€ls dcra4 eql 'Z16 'eilqC âp ^lun ''1onro1ug sorpntsg orluaC ' LtZ-ttZ:++ lsrEoloruolug'o"rorldoqtuV 'lqnd 'qdasof epnBIC ep (soragqal/{) o15IC snuet er{} Jo seâq rr}ersv eruos ' I 16 '6I?-60t:ç (e) 'lslH 'l€\I 'EeIN 'uuv 'IIIAXX ep soraldoueurl{ erqos secrEolorg sauorce8rl -sa^ul '096I 'e1enzuap1 'V pue '14 'd.rro^ar{r}g 'soeq sprocâr pue suorldrrrsoq '0I6 Jo 'Bçg'+tt-tzg:e (e) ']stH 'reN 'EeIN 'uuv 'XX lçt:i ezoïercT 'seeq sprorer pue suorldrrrseq '806 ep osar8uo3 'sercuer3 s"l ap osertor4 Jo 'ecr8oloruolue 'gI -ggizt 'ros le ered elouedsg uoro€rcosv I er8olorqap seloN '0t6I €l ep 'ru 'I I 'q 'eralersg 'loruolug'râurv'suer;'eeprror{doqluy dllureg 'dd aql seaq uscrrerrrv qrroN ar{J '906 çr Jo 'urpag'runesntrAtrreurlrefl sap EoleleC-uatralg 'gIn[0]: ç 'lslH 'leN 'tnIN 'uuv -noç[ 'Z7BI 'EntX f, 'C 'f p,tn g .14 'uosqcrrg (ù 'surelunoru ' ZtZ-gZZ:Lç lsr8oloruolug luocefpe eq] ur puu 'ocrxery ,v\eNI'se8e4 wT 'runesntr^tr qsl4rg eql ur dnort oqouoz o,roq(otltuV le Pelrallor saeq uo suorte^resqo '006 eql Jo seeq pepueq-enlq eqJ '+2,6I 'C 'ranoq 'ld 'nZ-çiZ eruerd proN 'uulT uerpeu es' @toq U doqruv)'"1'?,t lrTigg;:i;::& 'ros 'utrr?W'onqdotltuv erua8 .p anbrqder8ou erauat âqtJo sâoqrv\eNl'968I 'V 'O a 'gera1co3 -ocl erqdertouotrAl '698I 'V 'tr4tr 'f 'srnoq ''dd 'rlnlN ru€ unJTuerd 'J€I çgç '+B-çt :ZI uopuoT 'f,os u€euurT 'eraldouaurdll09 uelTesul uop uo^ sruelsdg 'rnof 'lolg 'qfruW pu€ stdv 'pdsaA 's1sûqp -rn]sN ueqcsreuulT saptunupro ueuunJ rep 'xaqdSerauo8 âqr ur sneeuurT Lq poqrrrsap sF lrqcep{cse8uasrâurvpun 'uadse14 'uauarg eraldouaurdll Jo sercedseq; '616I 'C 'W 'kq. ruo^ uâ]Tesul Jep rn]slJueruoN pun uorl '1d ''dd 'Eqlreg 'prnT 'runrru -ergrssely 'alqcrqcsa8rnle51'rcLI 'T 'f 'rrtrq3 I 0? 'gI 'looz 'rnof uerlerlsnv -roJrorug ruruBJr^"wpuecs srurpro uepsnfg '(aeurroqdoçuyL-601:gI runre^rsT rsdoudg elcefpy srleuralsdg :eeprody :ereldoueru -dg11)'ds (opo{onsV) opfawy Jo rnorneqaq tur ruruorardouarudll $oN sl^elD'çtB '1d -lsâu puB slseu uo suorlB^resqo 'p896 ''dd 'turlrag ''roqlog rurpuoT 'uessr6l 'I1.çt: 'cos 'loTrrolug u€rlertsnv 'rnof I çç L 'rlerlsn11l '(eaprody snqruorl ]e ecrqdertouol4 :ereldouaurdll) euurroqdoqluv l]Btr€r; eer^eurpu'rs usrlerlsnv Jo se8els ernl"ruurl '1896 lq."os.ggç,' 'tt-62:L 'ros 'loruot ?r_|,n,r:Ëi11i" -ug uerlerlsnv'rnof '(eeurroqdoqluv :ereldou -aurd11)aserrg ol1pawVJoslseu qtp\ pelerrosse sursrue8rorar{}o pus se}rser€d'qgg6 ' L0L-689:gI'IooZ'rnof u€rlertsnV '(eeurroqdoqruy :eeprody :Bre] e'nleNpu' sprrs(r,'u2r:#:,t'lLriiiS;t:il 'rO 'drT upunzaly Tlrqurg Jord rIrJ Urrqrslsed o,toqdotltuvJ'eaurrueqc eun6p plu uos eluoru -rns Inb eroqdoqluv eun rns '9t6I 'V 'sor3 't6z-687,:7, 'ros 'lotuotug 'raruv 'sueJJ 'setcads/v\eu suor} Jo NrJs-r-rng scNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNn sHJ BZE SysrnuATrcs AND PHyrocENY oF THE ANTHoPHoRINn Bnns s29 . 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Magazin fiir Anthophorini (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, AnInsektenkunde 6 :200-228. thophôridae). Entomol. Obozr. 55:684-690(in Klug, J. C . F. In Panzer, G. W. F. 1809. Faunae 'B0z-107,t0t'ueruoN 'looz 'IIng snqrnS et18o1oo7er8apcrdg 'ZLLI 'S A 'selled '(eaprody 'eratdoueruÂg) 'rc1.Z ('S)'N'Z 'per8urueT 'e>1ne1q 'eraldouarudll 'g 'lo1 'USS6 serueucrreua8Jotsrl Isrcgo egt uo '608I '8n[X So uortall uead -orng erll Jo slresul yo sarcadg''pa 'selqo; '1 sldonoTrtg aceldbl pïà 'çôef inrcrtqùJ onQ;ii 'dd 'eaprodv '8/6[ 'Blerstuouod '7'u! erueu crraua8 eql roJ sarcadsad& B Jo uorleu 'V 'V6Iç-6LZ -trsap rdrg aqr ssàrddnso1psodord 'SbO pu" 'no1gue4 ^ 'ç1 ''Z 'V 'lnduqcdsg 'dd 'çBI-IBI:06 'ros 'loruoluu rut + Ix TroÀ ('ssey41'etprrqursC 'ssar4 ^lun pre^reH ÀreN '(aeprroqdoqluy :eraldouarudll) drS '+16 'seag eI{} rol^Bqeg o4(ntqo o.totldoqtuvJo setsroossepue solrsered l"Iros âqI Jo 'çt-I 'sld 'Z,gt-I:06I ''tslH 'reN 'sntr\l'reruv 'srolepard 'Z,B6f 'qtnorqæcs 'V 'C pue '11ng 'suortar rgrred tl]nog pue u"IIBr]snV ' L60I-960T:107,acuer3s 'tururl eql Jo seeq eqr Jo uor]scurss€lcv 'ç96 11ecpue pooJ [€,rr"l ss e^res spuelt '89-99:9I'leN s.rnoJnq leureleru ruor; seprrecdlt [€nsnun Puslsuean[ '(aeurroqdoqluy'eraldouaurdll) puelsuaan[ :seaqorotldotltuv'086I 'rv\srls'f 'C pue 'z1aga11 'aueqsrrg reeu (opûauV) eaq turrurorrnq . 1 1 1 1'''S g'g'ueproN 'V'sep.{ 'I I'FI'er}Bg a ' z z g - L I g : 4 8u o t 3 Jo ror^Br{eqeq} uo suol}?Àresqo '096 '7,01I-186:Eg'[Ing 'l3S s?su?X -turqse1,4 'ros 'loruotug 'rord '(aeprroqdoql ^1un 'ae^rsl snoraldouaurdq go sâIFtuBJâtll -uV :eraldouaurdll) t*ryrad drusred or daT " qlr/y\ ae^rel eeq Jo serpnls crleurelsds dn tuqcrd roJ ser{r"}sntu uods seeq Trslq pue pcrtoloqdrou o^Itureduro3'tç6 aI"W '986[ '3r]39 I .M 'S pu" 'g 'g 'ueprolq . 9 7 , t _ I ç :I Z B . l s l H . l ? N 'g1I-çL'dd 'u^equaqofy r Euruarod 'sntr 'ratuv '11ng '(erardouaurdll) saeq eql 'lsrqrnleN uep er1 resleleppary atrleqalsue tr 'duaSoldqd 'dtoloqdrour -pl1 'aro11dusserep to relq a8rpa eTsusp Jo uortucgrsselr € pue 'V7GI 'ç1 'C 'reueqcr141 re^o rerpnls a>lsr8olorg '206I 'C 'f 'uas1ar1q Ieurelxe a^rlersdruo3 '187,-6çZ:2, 'gt-tg: I epun{uetTesul JnJ u1zv8etr41'uetresul ueS arEolourolug,p eilensuatrAl en^e)f 'ueuv -rltngrer*z uerlJsr"dorna rap tunperllwes8unl -otot1{otltuyeqcsrrrqls-}so eneN'tBB ' -lBC ueneu reure rlrnsre1 'tgBI .111'f 'uatlel\tr 68g-t gg:gz trnoqsreled-]urss ' g t g r - z g 8 I: 9 6 ap sacualrs sep eprradurl erurepurV,l ap anb 'pBuBC '(aeprroqdoçuy 'loruolug :Bret -lleureqt"trAl-orlsdqd aswlC'ilng'suelsv-lal -douanrdH) ursuorsl6 ul slsau dert w uosserC -tltr\trBun"J-ueuerflrnz Serlleg ulg '0BB '69(uoposllù orotldotltuv'Vg6I 'I 'f 'ra1pa141 stîDuntuaT riz\ 'dd essrssou 'lolrlolug 'Jos eBroH 'rapu?lsns?3 lOg + '(eepro I^x: 16 'JIIeC 'qnd (z1tr*ero141 'loruolug ^lun -nBC rep eun"Jueuelg rnz 'qLBI d. -dy :eraldouaurdll) ee,rrel prode ;o srsdleue 9 g - 6 2 I: ç 'lllry '(aeprroqdoql 'sntN 'looz rrleueqd qrunr eBÀrBIarn]eru uo peffiq e€pllel ullrefl -loC ern Jo srlletuelsds 'IBOI 'f "U 'l,aprgc141 -uV ''urdH) 'rd T aCI oco4((îao o,torldotltuV ' 'I 'perrreqotr 'trN çzT-07,I:2,ç'lolllolug'csd tr ;o d8olorq eqr uo selpnls çL6I ' 9 ç t B ? r t -uud'(aeprroqdoqruv :Breldouaurdll) uossarC LgT ouDqrnouoqtn o.totldotltuvuo suolleÀresqo FJI retrazuy 'looz '('dt o.toq{otltuy 'sntau(pg 'uo1(xo(ûa) -8o1org 'gL6I 'uesueqof 'V 'C pu" f, 'CI 'rade141 reuapoltlrs uereldouerudll 'ç0I-68:l,t 'ros 'loruolug sesuey 'rnof -re^ rolseu erussuretuoc 'q I96I 'sdnor8 snplntow!.tt pue snpnso{oq1oxorrltuv eqr ur sarcedsaruos Jo aednd ;o uorldrrcsap :(ot)tr ucrresunll 'to.,,olug BIIod (#Jttîf pue ol dtT e r{}lÀ\ '(ualceg uatsg) m{ sn1ngn -w!l ,ctnltuv Jo d8olorq eql '+96I 'N 'uo1sre141 '0gI-BzI:6ç ''urdH) zeqesele1z seJ srnog oanulcoa1n{'rB^ ze {otppv 'B196I 'T 'tezcotr41 ougatn( n"roqdotltuv 'çgt-t6g: y ucr8olorel -douaurdll BtrV 'seeq asauedef "lo sdrqsuorl -?lar re/v\oll Jo au{}no '7,96I 's 'o1otuedt141 'rlrel ' Lç9-T:2,çI'llnfl '11 'se1e1g 'erS 'd*g 'crrty Burlor"C {rro1q'g 'neqrlll^tr '7,96I Parlun. urâls"g erll Jo seeg ' I Ll7,-L07,t6t dtoloeg 'sTueq glæa uI slseu .seaqJouollnqlrl -s1p eqt Surcuengur srolred '8ç6I 'runruel"S 'U pue 'egerztrg 'f 'f 'a$ue1 'g 'U ('lotuolug 'rerrrv 'dd gl +ll:ZZ,'lsul 'rluoC '(eaprody) saaq eessolt aqr 3o dpnls Jo e^rlerudurop '?86I 'sToorg .1'4 'lI pue ' + t 7 , - 6 I 2 , : 6 ç ' r o s ' l o t u o l u gs e s u z y ' r n o f 'seoq tuoure serueu dnort-Â11luu1l'986 'Ù+I-BtI:I? 'ueruoN 'looz 'IIng 'lyt7, ('S)'N'Z puetue ot psodord '?86 /v\ar^elrloruotufl ur qq18ug o]q Palslsu"r] 'rzoqo 'lour n(uerssn11 q) tçg-gçg:6ç -olug'(eaprody'eraldouarudll) auprroqdoql -uV dgrue; erll Jo snuet /v\eu V '086 '(uerssng q) B?-0?:Ll erc11seqor -tolorg IIraS "IItse^zI 'et1y-eru1y "l{SS roTsr{T"zey TnBN errtuapzTv'(azprroqdoql -uV 'ereldouanrLll) uo11e4 uoposzlC snua8 aql dqder8oatooz pue ernlrru]S '616 Jo '(uerssn1 q) EreTsaqcr8olorg iZ,-02:ç 'et1y-eu1y 'USS ro{sq)pzey IIreS "nlsa^zl {nBN'pe:lv'(aeprroqdoqluy'era}douarudg) suolleler crqdort pu" seaq aurroqdoqlue Jo d8olouaqd 'euneJ arll lnoqe BIBCI'qg L6 'QtI -9ZI:çç /v\el^oll 'loruolug q qqlEug otul pelelsuerl '(uelssn)f Nlrsa'rnfl scNsrcs svsN\rx do Àrrsus^rNn sHJ 0tç SvsreuATrcs AND PHvrocENY Novae Imprimis et Obscurae Animalium Sp.cies lconibus, Descriptionibus atque Commentariis lllustrantur. Band l, Fasc. 9, Berolini, Reimer. Verschiedene 1773. Reise durch . Provinzen des Russischen Reiches in den Juhren 17 68-17 7+. 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Moscow, 187 pp. .uot1{uxaq Eurrvraroyiuur epru ln,totldot4tuocn\sf74J :alDW rorl]o ur s€ pegrpour +'VI ]soru çtue1 'p-ett sarn8rg ur se lou âreJ ele_ureJ'_agord ur ede Jo qtplÀ\ JIeq dpo elnsdecplrua8 pue 'BS 'l,S :G++ .Slg) rleq orlqrnt lueraqntord snaddlc'srotueqC rlBH .stsou7ot6J â[qTc5{} q}l^À err}ue dgeude }nq Jo JI€r{ Ieseq çS sarcads ,tÀeu 'aleur8rerue dlpeorq gS 'poglporrt eruoselorur{lr/v\ (ototldoituo*ts,qù uoq{otltuV luotloq .(spoçeyr1 'slunoccz cr.raue3qnJ"ql |tii ees)s1a1ce.rquI ere sarceds ^reuJo serrolrsodap ed(a Pâl€cIPw pârreJer eroJereql er" pus 'uorlnqr-r1srp-ro d8oloqdroru esneceqlserelur prcads;o sercads Jo ere daqa 'erâq ^{eJe dpo aqrrrsep 1 'lsrxe rurroqdoqtuy 3o serceds^"r ki** qsïoç1y 'I dO SSICSdS /v\SN XICINgddV INTOHdOHINV 'sld 'Bg?,-6iI:LZ,.loeC ,(.lrlH .rBN) 'z0g-68z:I+'ros 'lotuolugsssu€x'rnof 'sntrN ']lrg t'llnfl 'seeq '(aeprroqdoqtuy 'eeprody :eraldouarudg) uo qdertouoru 'gLil 'Euluuur\tr 't ilssoJ pue 'g [ ,tauneT alrsered eql Jo satels ern]€rurm eql;o uorldrrcs V '(dreuurns U 'aseqq3 -ep qsrlSug q) ntzasoepz'alrseredol e Eurpnlcur 'oqo1ncow 'lo1 'Eurftag 'BuezryJo slresvlu! 'gZ,t-T11 -de1cslr pue sa{ya{ (otoqdoq7uo"lct74J) o,roq{otltuV II 'dd 'eaprody :ereldouerudll ' .r- .À (n1y1 d8ololq âqI '896I 'JâssnoÀ'N 'N pue Z86[ . T B T . L L T : 6 7 5o '1gg-t8g:tç 'retuv 'cos 'lotuo]ug nrueuzod /v\ [azcru1o11 d1o>1zg lazszt{,p7 'uuv'(eaprody :ereldouarudll) sprroqdoqr piluzcog'(eaplodv'ereldouanrdll)'g, ru!ta1^ro{ -uB raqlo qlp\ suosrrsdurocpu€'(uossar3) onqdotltuvlo seruolor elqereJsuertJo uorl"ruroJ s1s{otorldugJo ednd pu€ e^rel aql 'rlsrvrollgrfn sqîqorast?a eql uo slueurrradxo tuord '+96I '1961 'uaqdalg .14 pue f, Jo uorldrrcsaq A 'Lgg-Itg: 'llng 'rrs s?s Iç d d t I ' 9 0 2 , ' o N[ ' o C -ue>I ^lun dpnls e^rlerednroce :seeqpen8uol selatuy soT 'sntrN'lslH 'lEN] aouârrs ur suorl '616I 'T 'IN 'uorsuT6 -tuo1 erllJo srrsoqord eqa -nqrrluoC'lleraTro) aDwo1pra( (otoqdoqtuo^rct74J) '(OSeI q pareadde 'IL6t 'orqcrol Z,gt-I o"roqdoqtuv 'dd) 'stg ''dd '7 ouro; 'uopuol Jo d8olorq eql [ .d 'uenr8uol tgI'ser[rued/Bg+rx ]ueJe.Urç1eq] Jo uorlezr 'ros 'roruolug 'rnof 'lnrprozaÇt.?:gT -uetrg turpuodsarro3 pue stlqeH {roÀ /v\eN FrntBN eqt -douaurdg) sel€ls pellull urelse/tr eql tuor; uo pepunod 's1casu1 uorlergrsselD uropol4l Jo 'Iç6I 'alelrequrlJ eql o] uorlrnporlul uV '0?BI 'O 'f 'poorvrlse6 uoqdoqtuvJo sarceds,v\oN A ' ' ur IZ-7I:ç L ErnqueplratrAl 'rruo]eue.Eo rtolorq 0zr-66:z'pPotr\tr'loruolug elr.Irrr{rseErn}eNrep apunerd rep surare1 sep ('rqng ouqauo(oroq{otltuV) ^It{orv 'reztoteurr{rs arql pun ('rqn.{ ouqatn{ s,rg-attaen seuurT '068I 'C 'punT-traquese6 'epalJ 'tL-lt 'dd 'urlrag onq{otltuV) euerqzledurqel elq '026I [ 'çtt-Bgg: nz âPunard repuâqcsroJrnlsN ueqssllesec zB 'zzsprCImpaototlfutltuy 'leN 'plprorrrv rep elqcrraqs8unzlrs'(ssnlqcg) 'z [3r{I 'ul3ru -ntrrnHrep uarerue1 sep reqn '2, Eunpeltltr^tr '696I .114'lI 'droqa Jo Jor^erleq pue d8olocg 'urelqordrrV sep reqÎ uerpnl$ 'I 'O 'rtoA ''dd gBZ'3 aruoa 'prnT 16I J[ 'qsl ''dd '111 'eretdouarul,llJ Bsuor^eulpueTs'ZLB euro; 9ç9 'erergourcleq te eJlsard ?'runptnl 'Elg ''dd 'lerrelcdrl>1ogelstreqpunT elcne ZB 'punT I '| 'f,s"d snqruorldrrcsaq eBJrJenS aeuned 'er8olour ['uer>1asu1 eqcsr^pwp -olug raeuurT rloreC '6BLI ap 'f 'C 'sra1p6 -uBTsreq1ruaqeEuv aqrsrlsruneJ qrsrteruersdgl 'Btz-ttz: 'ecr8oloruolug epcsndg '698I 'C '3 'uosrrrorlJ BI 'rlJrrgJeN 'loluolug 'uer{Juu€ruueu3rfl 'da,ung 'nI 'u8ledureq3 drolslH Iern 'Z'Z a8rgesa8pun epua;durcT reqan 'qZ6B -leN srowfiI uorsre^ (duourrsred tursn srsd '+çL-DBg:gerelJ'tolfl -l"ue crtaua8otdqd dnvd 'tB6I 'T 'C[ 'progor'rs 'toagggg11 'lsds 'lqv ''qrr{nf 'poz 'eraldouerudll 'dd 'srge,r"ro3 Oty 'seegJo '^l,rn alets uotarg ''etS 'd*g 'crrty rep ar8olorg trrz a8erlrag 'aZ6BI 'C 'geoqran ' 'lour dSoloqdrotrNFurelxg pu€ l'Eolorg eql '696I 002-L6T:7,I'grrrâfl 'onIcroJ -olug '('ptdV 'urd11) 'T zanrooraev otot1fuqruV U"r{og 'g 'C 'A .14 'uaqdel$ I A' bpue 'Lr6I 'f '.{rlT t-[ 'dd '699 'oN '['oC seletuy âql uo arou 5o d8olorq Az ' i l n g ' g Bu€A ' z z T - I z l : z + ' u eVr u o N ' I o o tI soT 'sntrN'tslH 'leN] acuorcsur suortnqrrluoC '(aeprroqdoçuy :eraldouaurdll) rurcorrrrg oglrr arll saaqrrtrs€redoldelc erâuet aqr;o Jo Jo /v\er^erv 'ç86I 'sloorg .M 'lI pu? )I 'u 'Eurleug .IIX.IIA'SId '0gI-66I 'dd 'uopuoT 'oeprdy 'II rred 'urnos -ntrAlqsrlrrfl erll Jo uortrelloc âql ur stresul snoratdoueurdll Jo antople3 'tçB I [ ',{r1urs uorurdg 'ç08 ' opûa74Jgo sarceds 1 ad& se poreutlsep :(eraldouaurdll 'etcasul) 'snrcuqeg sadllldsldv '986I 'X 'sqqnl 1LLI A 'ç89-8/9:6I ârerI 'loTO 'gdro141'\eZ 'oc{t11aw stdv raq esnrq erlrsrnoinp âlO '096I 'g 'uefor; '(esauedef rl) 'r{rluls L6-26:?rqsntrI Dlnsollta ototl(orltuv roqan ' I t6I a 'ele>11ro; Nlrg'r-rnfl scNgrcs svsNvx do ^rrsus^rN.o gHJ ztç SysrnuATrcs AND PHyrocENy length 9.1 mm. Structure. Inner orbits diverging above; shortest distance between eyes .7 frontal length of eye; malar space short; head wider than long; clypeus protuberant, half eye width; labrum oF THE ANtHoPHoRINn Bens 533 apically simple; flagellomere 1 equal to combined length of next two flagellomeres, two-thirds as long as scape (excluding basal bulb) and twice as long as flagellomere 2; flagellomere 2 three- A-D, A. (M.) bohanimale; E-H, male, I, female, FIG. 43. New speciesof Anthophora(M2stacanthophorQ. A. (M.) balumensis.A, B, Genital capsule, side and dorsoventral views. C, D, 57 and S8, ventral views. E, F, Genital capsule, side and dorsoventral views. G, H, 57 and S8, ventral views. I, Head of female (hair omitted). t'ù I t ure^ !.C + tr^tr Jo essrrsq€puores ot rptual uI pnbe 8uv'r pulrl Jo ^-nr llurodprur ot lelslp dpq8rls ure^ luerrnoer lsrg Ewrrracar ilac leur8 -retuqns puoces lacuelslp r€lnrollero JIeq snileco rorralsod ol snllaoo uerparu Jo aJuelsrp 'acuuJ -s1p relnrollaro o] lenbe ]noqe rlleJo rorralsod uee/vuaq eruslsrp lepuvr se tuol se pue r{}Eue1 ur lenba lnoqe 6-Z sereruoge8eg 'araurollateg lsBI sB tuol sB sorurt V'T pue (qpq IBwq turpnlc -xa) adecs se Euol se 9' 'saleurola8eg B'Z ]xeu ;o qfual pewquror ot lenbe I âretuoge8eg lade 'tueraqnlord dlaleraporu +' algord ur Jo qlpyv\ 'padola^epun snaddlc dlanrleler snadl,lc ituol ueqt râpr/v\puaq !poqs acedsr"lgru iadago qfual g' sadaueâ/vueqeruelsrp lselroqs !(lgt 'Stg) e^oqe turtra,rrp strqro rauul 'arnîtnqs 'ruru B {fua1 Eurruraro;lurur I I {Éua1 :apwat 'uo4{utcsaq 'rleq Jo sPusq l€luour -n8alur JJng snoarerqco lecrde qtyv\ etral IBur -oselaur :(lgt '8tg) sneddlc uo Tretu pruaurntel -ur /v\olleÀ erlren8rel4l rllyv\ el€rrrad 'stsouîotg sarcads rtÀau stsu?ramloq (o.totttiottluoco4sîyy) o.toqdotlluy (pn1s sFIt pols]Iilæ1 ,(peart qcrqrvr'dnort srql uo sluaru -ruoc srq pue op.q{o11ag yo dnor8 eueqa}sg eq} Jo sarcadssnorre^ Jo ueol snoJeuet aqt atpeyrrouTJe 'atroàg Âfiryetert i 'rolrellor eril 'ueqog 'g 'rC[ reUB petueu sr sarceds slql :6o7ow(79 'TrBIq r{rnru q}yv\ psxrrura}q sr ereq} rlsrl apd eq] slpa,aoqur leuroseleu pue xeror{} 'peaq eq} uo apd rl"r{ I1edll€ltuessa seq tuntloq',l11euor}lppv '9S pue çS uo dgecrde rleq epd Jo, seqrred aqr pue snaddlc aq] uo dgerelelowq eete {relq atrel eqt dq eleur eqr ur '(** ezrs I I-0I q sl1oaroq) ratrel r{rnru eql dq slparoq 'Z urorJ peleredes aq uer tI 'plro6 plo eq] ur rnrro ]Br{}snua8qnss}rJo sJequtr.reru o/vu euo sr serJedssrq; 'sruau\aTc Jo ' [ue8o1] seddlered eleureJ o/vq pue [ecuarmel] seddtered apureg o/vq '[tot -8urqse6] addloile pus eddloloq eptr\tr :s/v\olloJ se palrsodap sr serres ed& arIJ '(tgO 1 tsntny 'salenra; 'lnt puedeureçl +l Z) Jo eseq eql lB puu 'apura; '(t901 lsntnv auo) ,,o!alDS,,uo uezetg. 6 uo (tgO 1 rsn8ny 6 'aluurag tv 'natlos ofiocryay47 auo) reqeruezeJ ]B uerlog dq uerl uI pelrel -lor ere/v\ saddlered sptuad '(wnnTtsoqwnwtcg) .uerlog 'g atroeC dq pe]rel 11s"quo addtoloq aq] -lor'1961'lsn-tny 0I'uepeurull :uErI :alsru -oJ adftoge pue eFIu add1o1o11'f)îrar)w ad,CJ 'qloours seJnlound uee/vuâqpunor8 'alel -cundurr sur8reru lecrde 'alelncrtcund 'durqs 9I -II l8uiurqi dgea^ nrttld :àlefoereorcrur'Luiç runlnJs Jo surtruur 'qloours 'elelcund*l 'durqs runlnJs Jo reluec laleloeJeoJcrurdplee/v\ol qlootus eJeJ uo sernlcund uae/vueq punort Ip 'elsl -nJrlcund ace; raddn iasotnr eete JelnJoeredpue runrqel iasouncel-aso1ntrueere leaddlcerdnspue snaddlc il,urqs ered 'uotpleund 'snaddlc uo tods aled pcrdeolpeu 11eruse q]y/r serur]eruos'suua -lS lurng €urols puu s8el ldecxa {celg 'uozlnrl Nrrsrrng -llC 'ereruolla8ugSurpeecardueql ra8uol dpq8rls 'qtEual ur pnbe lnoqe 0I âreruolle8eg 6-e sereurol -1a8eg'edecsSoçtual tB' pue sereruogategoerqt lxeu 3o qltuel pewquror o1 pnba I erauoleteg laf,e;o ql8 uel 6' sada ueemlaq eouelsrp tseuor{S 'arrytnQs :s/v\olloJs€ pu€ sJelJBJstIJ pellulll-xes ro; ldeJxe eleur Jo uorldrrcsap qlr/v\ saerty 'ruru 'urur r{}Eua1 :qDwat t'6 qltual Eur/v\eroJ ïil 'el€loeJsoJJnu sernlcund uaaruee punort qllù\ durqs Burals IIB 'sarnlcund pacedsdlesueperotu qllù\ gS-tS 'sarn1 -cund paralteosr{}r/v\tS-Ig içoorus ol eteloereorJ -ltu dpleâ/v\seJnlJund ueer*]eg punorE 'sur8reur pcrde elelrund*l qll/n\ alelcund dlasuap 'durqs laleloereorJnu '11npzrnald pue sur8reur 9I-II le tururqs dqee/v\ ]nq 1pp runlnrs lqtoours sern] -cund uee/vueqpunort 'alelncrlcund 'du1qseJ€J d11eamsarnlcund Jo JIer{ reddn leleloar€orrnu uee/vueqpunor8 'asounJBl'durqs urnrqsl iqtoorus seJnlJund uearvrleqpunort 'asouno€l 'durqs s€eJB padl.lcerdns pue relnroered'snad(13'ulzppund 'rlBr{ e}rq/y\ qcled e q}yv\ dlerpaurossq 'G++ Jo 'ttg) rleq Trlrl} ellqrv' Jo ped TrSIl r{ryv\ S-ZS dgeseq çS lspueq pcrde ]rurtsrpw Eururro; tnq secuJrnsalqrsr^tuuarroc dpene sselro eJorueEre] uo ratuol ]nq Z Jo rler{ :tS-gS Jo sa8pa IBre}B[ araruollateg 3o çtuâl tnoqe 'goqs Bruos€lârupue s8alJo rrerl 'Blqllplru Jo rptual tnoqe rlsr{ ra8uol vete papodord 'adecsJo {}tua1 }noqe xeror{l qtp1rv\ pue peeq yo apd :(l++ 'ttg) rlsr{ TrBp 3o seqcled u"rpauqns Jo rred qlyr\ ?S Jo ur8reur pcrde iqcled u€rparu reTrrrll qlp\ pue dgerelel reTrnll 'rler1 r{}yv\çS Jo ur8reur lzcrde lrnruag3o {rep Jo pueq 'relueqrort eseq lB reqlo yo xede uo euo 'Erl pqq 5o urtreru rauur uo rlerl Jo serlJled lcelq o/v\l roJ stuurr !a1rqr* ]dacxa'sroureq3'atuaesaqn1'J€elJ Âlrorrelue edecs pue 'eete leaddlcerdns 'adecs;o uoruasul or dn eete rslnJosred 'snedÂ1c'urnrqel leuuarg ]urnfl ?S-I S pus 'sta1 'e1n8e1 'surâ^rr '(tlqlpreru Jo JIBII pwq turpnlcur) ssedqlnoru 'uottDrolo7 'Tcelq qsru/v\org 'seqol ]unlq o/vurllyr\ 'luesqe a1e1d LL p urtreur pcrdeolpeu luereddu prpr8d4 'eqol leuus^ Jo {rtua1 prrrl}-euo tnoqu eqol ptnf i.D+tr\tr Jo Bssrrsqepuoces sB tuol ss serurt L'2, trAluren inC + tr\trJo €ssrrsqepuoras go çtual B' ]noqe tuv* pug Jo ^-nc llurodprur ot lelsrp dpqtrls ura^ luarrnf,ar ]srg turnracer IIar 'q,'et+ sarntrg ur sBalnsdec leur8reuqns puoJes plruet :G++ 'ttg) dgelsrp snlnpert ruorg rsrp Jo JIBr{IBffiq turranoc rr€rl otlr{/v\3o ped esuep e qlr/v\ gS lacueraqnlord pcrdeolpeu lnoqluv\ 95 latprr e]?urrec dgerelel 'pesreJuo peuasur esles >lJepJo qcled a8rul qtl^Àrslp pue e€lesTrBpJo r{o}eduerp -atuqns dpo qllû\ urtreur pcrde 'saqo1 pedolen -ap {Hee/v\ o/û} q}1,v\ur8reur Frelel 'e}eur8reruâ dpeorq lou 'punor dlpcrde 1S 'p 'tg, serntrg ur ss BS pu€ IS :GVV 'tlg) errlue dlecrdz Burels reqlo 'aleur8rsrrre Âpeorq 95 pu€ çS 'erue] -slp relnrollero u"qt rauor{s dpq8rls snllaro rorr -alsod ol snilaJo u€rperu ruo{ aoue}slp lecuelsrp rclnsollaJo a3r/v\l ]noq? rlleco rorrelsod uee/vuaq eru€]srp iI or tll8uel ur pnbeqns ereruol1ateglsel lqr8ual ur pnbe lnoqe gl-t 't Jo qltuel squnoJ scNsrDS svsNvx do Àrlsus^INn sHI it9 SvsrpprATrcs AND PHyrocENy times as long as second abscissa of M * Cu; jugal lobe about one-third length of vannal lobe. Colora' tion. Brownish black except mouth-parts (including basal two-thirds of mandible), legs, veins, and metasomal sterna reddish brown; clypeus with pale integumental mark (FiS. 43i); wings clear. Pubescence.Ochraceous Buff, except paler on face, pleura and thoracic sterna; a few dark hairs near posterior ocelli, center of scutum, or visible portions of T2-T6, and dense around pygidial plate; pile on head, thorax (except propodeal area where length is slightly longer), T1 and sterna about equal in length to scape and erect, Posteriorly inclined; hair on T2-T6 shorter than scape; apical bands of hair on terga absent. Punctation. Face dull; clypeal, paraocular and supraclypeal punctures ground between areas lacunose, strongly microareolate; labrum rugose, ground between rugae shiny, smooth; upper face somewhat shining, punctulate, ground between puncscutum and pleura dull, tures microareolate; finely microareolate; propodeal area weakly shining, with scattered punctures, ground between punctures microareolate; T1-T4 dull, puncticulate but apical margin impunctate, width of impunctate margin becoming wider from T1-T4, ground between punctures microareolate, T5-T6 punctate, punctures almost confluent to 1 puncture-width apart, ground between punctures microareolate; 51-56 shiny, with scattered punctures becoming more densely spaced from 51-56, ground between punctures microareolate. Male: Length 10.7 ffiffi, forewing length B mm. Agrees with description of female except for sexlimited characters and as follows: Structure and 1 equal to combined Pubescence. Flagellomere length of next 1.6 flagellomeres together; hind leg simple, basitibial plate absent. Pygidial plate absent, apparent medioapical margin with two blunt lobes; 56 broadly emarginate apically with a medioapical protuberance and lateral depression; 55 apically entire with four patches of black hair, a smaller submedian pair and a larger patch lateral to submedial ones (Fig. +4ù; basal twothirds of disc from gradulus distally with a thick, dense pad of white hair; 54 apicully entire; 57, SB and genital capsule as in Figures 43e-h. Coloration. Basal third of mandible, labral, clypeal, paraocular and supraclypeal areas and scape anteriorly white. Punctation. Labrum shiny, lacunose, with ground between punctures smooth. TyPe materiaL Holotype female: Bahama Islands, New Providence, Nassau, 28 June 190+, collected by Allen, Barbour, and Bryant [Cambridge]. Allotype male: Bahama Islands, Nassau, British Museum 1931-343, collected by G. Salt [London]. species is named for the Etymologlt. This Bahama Islands. Comments. This species is closely related to ,4. tricolor (Fabricius) from which it is separated in the female by a pale mark on the clypeus and in the male by a pale mark on the mandible and the oF THE ANrHopHoRrNn 535 BBns strong median, longitudinal rounded ridge on 56. The shape of 57, SB and the genital capsule distinguish A. bahamensis from other Antillean Anthophora. The species is restricted so far as known to New Providence, Bahama Islands (24. tricolor does not occur there). Anthophora (Anthophoroides) new sPecles signata Diagnosis. Female with white, integumental, inverted T-shaped mark on clypeus and triangular mark on labrum; male with greatly modified hind l.g, tibia dilated with large anteroapical spine and basitarsus gre atly flattened with large basoapical spine (Fig . 44e). 10 mm; forewing Description. Male: Length length 7 .4 rnrn. Structure. Inner orbits diverging above; shortest distance between eyes about equal to length of eye; head wider than long; clypeus protuberant, in profile about equal to eye width; flagellomere 1 equal to combined length of next 1 .6 flagellomeres together, .52 as long as scape (excluding basal bulb), I .6 times as long as flagellomere 2, and .92 times as long as last flagellomere, flagellomeres 2-10 about equal in length and about 1.6 times longer than wide; distance between posterior ocelli equal to 1.5+ median from distance distance; ocellocular ocellus to posterior ocellus equal to .69 ocellocular distance, labrum with medioapical notch; hind l.g modified (FiS. 44e), with femur and tibia dilated, bulbous, apex of tibia with large, anterior spine with outer tibial spur inserted on its apical third, hind basitarsus gre atly flattened and with large blunt tooth and apicoanterior small acute tooth; base of inner hind tibial spur partially enclosed, enclosure forming a small, sharp tooth against spur; second submarginal cell receiving first recurrent vein slightly distal to midpoint; marginal cell length .67 distance from apex of cell to wing tip; hind wing with cu-v 1.2 times length of second abscissa of M + Cu; vein M 3.0 times as long as second abscissa of M * Cu; jugal lobe .+ length of vannal lobe; terminalia as in Figures 44a-d. Coloration. Black except apices of tarsomeres and claws ferruginous; basal half of mandible, labrum (except translucent basolateral spot), clypeus (except anterior tentorial pit), paraocular and supraclypeal areas, and scape anteriorly white; paraocular area extends from malar space to upper margin of antennal socket; wings clear, veins reddish black. Pubescence.Hair white except a few scattered black hairs on vertex; pronotal lobe, scutum, 52-56, T5-T6 medioapically, T7 all white, and ferruginous hair on inner surfaces of tarsi. Length of hair on face, foretarsus, foretibia, hind femur, thorax, metasomal sterna and Tl slightly longer than length of scape, hair on midleg about length of scape or shorter, hair on forefemur and scopa long, about equal to length of hind tibial spur, hair on visible portions of T2' T5 shorter than length of scape and directed 'À\âr^ '99-tr9 'g 'amrl I?rluâ^ prlue^'9S-ZS {'^er^ralno'8.lp.rlH'g'snera[EJlua^'gSp,relS'C'C'sÀrsr^eprspuslerlue^osJop 'nsuruoqpq (ù 'V 'g !1tm1oq 'alnsdec ptruâC 'g 'y 'zu.re1s l"ruos"laru orll ot râJâr sreqrunN (otot1{otlluotwstyr,)'y'g lrlruîts (sapotoq(a1wy)'V'g-V'seyerilr'otot1{ottuv lo sarceds,!\eN 'tt 'CL{ -edas sarnlcund qlylr elelcund 'dutqs erotu LL 'alel 'aleloarsoJJltu sarnlcund uee/v\leq punort -cundrrn sur8rerrr pcrde ldecxo'sqtpu*-ernlcund '0 dq palerudas qll,v\ el€l sarnlcund 0'0 I -ç -nrrlrund -a1e1oe^oJ 'Suturqs dplearv\ 9I-1; !ete1 -oareoJJlur seJnlJund uaarvrleq Punort'sarnlcund peJeueJs gll/v\ 'durqs vete papodord ie]eloersorc -rru seJnlcund uee/vuaq punor8 'sqlprrvr ernlcund dq paleredas sernlcund qrlÀ\ alelcund 0'I-ç'0 dlesreoc 'ilnp erneld leleloareorrltu dppar* sernl -cund uea/vueq punor8 'sur8Jeru PJe/v\ol luanguoc 'sarn1 lsotu1e ol elelJund dlesuep eJotu Eurnrocaq -cund pere1}eJs tlllù\ runlnJs Jo JelueJ lqtootus 'a1e1n1cund e33J uea/vueq punort sernlcund Jo lseJ laleloareoJclr.u l,pp_arrr sarnlcund uee/vu -eq punort'esounoel-esolntnr qrnrq"l le1e1oere -oJouu sernlcund uaar*leq Punor8 'esouncel sBeJB pue relncoered 'sneddlc ltururqs peddlcerdns 'rlet{ apd d11ea*r ered 'urztoxzund Ip_ tl}lÀ\ LL 'spusq rlsrl 'qerl pere^or qllÀ\ 1erldg lnoqll^r II 'tild qtnorqr 'rin.i perellecs asreds qtlÀ\ 7L-ZL alqrsr^ runlnrs lal8ue aar8ap g+ e 1e dporralsod Nrrs-r1nfl scNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNn sHI 9t9 SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvrocENY rated by 0.5-1.0 puncture-widths, ground between punctures smooth to weakly areolate; S1-3 with scattered punctures, 54-56 with punctures becoming denser near apical margins, apical margins impunctate, ground between punctures microareolate. Female:Length 10-11 mm; forewing length 7-B mm. Agrees with male description except for sexlimited characters and as follows: Strzcture.Inner orbits diverging above; shortest distance between eyes about equal to length of eye; clypeus protuberant, in profile .75 eyewidth; flagellomere 1 equal to combined length of next 2.7 flagellomeres, .67 as long as scape(excluding basal bulb) and 1.4 times as long as last flagellomere,flagellomeres 2-9 about equal in length and slightly longer than wide; distance between posterior ocelli equal to 1.25 ocelloculardistance,distance from median ocellus to posterior ocellus equal to .56 ocellocular distance. Coloration.Black except apices of tarsomeresand claws ferruginous; clypeus and labrum with white integumental marks, "T," of that of clypeus shaped like an inverted T6 surrounded balabrum triangular. Pubescence. sally with black and laterally white. Punctation. Face shiny; clypeus with large punctures separated by 0.3-3.0 puncture widths, ground between punctures weakly microareolate; clypeus with median portion lacunose, laterully rugulose to more finely punctate 4t. margin, ground between punctures near margin microareolate; rest of face foveolate, ground between punctures smooth. TyPt materiaLMale holotype: California, Los Angeles Co., 2.5 mi. (4 k*) S. Pearblossom, 3500 feet (1067 *), 14 May 1978, collected on Salazariamexicanaby R. W. Brooks; female allotype with same data [Lawrence]. Paratypes: CALIFORNIA: Inyo Co; Argus Mts., 1 female, 31 Muy 1940 (D. Meado*r), 2 females,4 June 1939 on Penstemon (R. Bohart); San Lucas Canyoû, Inyo Mts., 5800 feet (1768 m), 2 males,22 June l97B (T. Griswold); Surprise Canyon, Panamint Mts. , 4 males, 24 April 1957 on Peucephyllum schottii(J. Powell, P. Hurd), 1 male, 28 April 1953 (G. Marsh), 1 male, 9 Muy 1958 (L. Stange); Wild Rose Canyon, Panamint Mts., 1 male, l+ Muy 1969 (P. Opler). Kern Co: Last Chance Canyon, El Paso Mts., 2 males, 15 April 1964 (R. Snelling). Los AngelesCo: Desert Springs, 2 females, 5 May 1956 (J. Powell); Little Rock, I female, 22 April 1950 (C. MacNeil); Mojave Desert, Highway 138,3600 feet (1097 rrr),2 females, 28 April 1947 on Salaia dorrit (P. Timberlake); Palmdale, 1 male, 15 April 1956 on. Eriogonum(R. Erdmarr); 15 mi. (25 km) southeast Palmdale, San Gabriel Mts., 2 females, 22 April 1972 from burrows (D. Bixler); 2 mi. S. (3,2 k*) Pearblossom,3500 feet (1067 *), 1 male, 18 April 1977 (R. Snelling), 3 females, 1-2 Muy 1977 on Salazariamexicana(R. Snelling); 2 females, 17 Muy 1977 on Salazariamexicana(R. Snelling); 4 mi. (6.+ ktn) S. Pearblossom, 2 OF THE ANTHOPHORINB BNNS 537 femalesand 3 males, 13-14 April 1960 on Salaia (R. Snelling); 5 mi. (B k-) S. Pearblossom, I male, 23 April 1956 on Tamarix gallica (8. Linsley); 6 mi. (10 km) SE. Pearblossom,1 male, 16 March 1972 (R. Snelling). RiaersideCo: Blythe, 1 male, 2 April I94l (J. MucSwain, E. Linsley); Joshua Tree National Monument, Quail Springs, 1 male, 12 April 1950 (P. Hurd) . San Bernadino Co., 10 mi. (16.6 km) S. Adelanto, 1 female, 3 May 1939 (P. Timberlake); Apple Valley, 1 female, B May 1958 on Gilia latif,oradaayi(P. Hurd), 1 female, 9 Muy 1958 on Phacelia distans (P. Timberlake), 1 female, 9 Muy 1955 (W. Richards); Hesperia,1female,30 April 1939 on axillaras(P. Timberlake); Kramer Hills, Tbtradymia 7 mi. (11.6 km) SE. Boron, 1 female, !!_Ap_ril 1958 (I Powell), 1 female, 10 Muy 1955 (W. Richards); Lucerne Valley, 1 female, T May 1938 (C. Dammers); Morongo Valley, 1 female, 18 April 1955 (W. Richardt); San Bernadino Mts., 3800 feet (f 158 m), 1 male, 15 Muy 1937 (E, Linsley);7.5 -i. (12 km) S. Twentynine Palms, 1 female, 7 Muy 1948 on Salazaria mexicana(P. Timberlake); 3 mi. (5 k*) SW. Victorville, 6 females, 6 May 1939 on Daleafremontii saundersii (P. Timberlake), 2 females, 12 _Vly_1939^.on Haplopappuscooperi(E Linsley). NEVADA: Clark Co: Charleston Mts., Lee Canyon, 2 females, 25 Muy 1940 (G. Bohart). Ten paratypes deposited at [Berkeley], t7 [Brooks], 1 [Layrence], 5 [Logan], 13 [Los Angeles], ? [Ottawa], _1 -[Puùmân], 12 [Riverside] and 1 [San Francisc_o]. Ety*olàgt: This species is named {gnqta because of the white clypeal mark on the female. Anthophorasignata and the subgenus Comments. Clisodonare the only known speciesof Anthophora to nest in wood. At Pearblossom,California, the species nests in old Joshua tree stumps (Yucca breuiftlia)(R. Snelling, personal comm.) but apparently also burrows in the ground (see d-ata from 15 mi. SE. Palmdale). This speciestogether (restricted to New Providence, with 24. bahamenszs Bahama Islands) are the only known New World Anthophora(except Heliophila) whose females have white integumental facial marks . A. signatacan since it does easily be separatedfrom bahamemas not have apical pale integumental bands on the metasoma. A. signatais most closely related to another undescribed speciesand A. phaceliaelrom which it can be separatedby the unique shapesof S4-SB, the genital capsule and hind l.g of the male (Figs. 44a-e). Especially notewgrtly is the combinaiion of characters of the male hind leg (FiS. 44e), that is the apical spile on the tibia is bidèntate, the tibia is strongly dilated, the basitarsus greatly flattened with the long basal tooth wide, almost bidentate at apex. Anthophora (Anthophoroides) phaceliae new specles abruptella,Marston, 196+, p. 101 (misiAnthophora dentification). .s^ :SïT,:I'#;,:&îi:;,;::;f*,fr)î::;ow*î,? âr^ eprs 0.',*",,,^o,io'f1{i:T::;1i""L dgzurpnlrtuol srsrzlrs"q pu5{ lo4oufl1s'V ur se rnds FIqp pu1q reuur juorlcaficrd elnce pcrdeqns pue pcrde uB turreeq aurds rouelue tuol rlllÀ\ xade FIql] pqq lsnoqpq ulqll pu€ rnrual pulq lqtool rolrelsod rauur qll/u\ ralu€rlrorl purq :(pçt 'ttg) pegryoru Ea1purq lqc1ou pcrdeolpeu qlyv\ rrrruqsl lecuelsrp fflnrolleco Lg' ot pnba snlloro JorJelsodor sn11ecousrpetu Jo eJue]slp 'ecuelsrp ælncollero Lb'T rlero rorrelsod ueernl,leq aruelslp !1 eraurogeteg 3o çEuel tB' sluonr8es1enp$lpul 'apyn ueql rs8uol serurt 0ç'I 'qt8uel ur pnba ]noqe gl-t sâreruogateg' 1 sratuogetegSo ç8ua1 'ereurolla8eglssl se tuol tç' ereuloge8eg puores se lnoqe pue (qpq 1eseqturpnpxe) eders se 8uo1 sB tç' 'raqtetot sarauroge8eg ç' I lxeu yo çtue1 pewqtuor eq] ot pnba I ereuoga8eg lqrprrn ada L L' algord ur 'luereqnlord snaddlc ituol uerlt reprm peeq lada yo qr8ual lB' o] lenba sala uee/vueq aJus]srp lsatrorls lenoqe tur8rerup slrqJo reuul 'arnî2n45 'ruru L'L lnoqe çEue1 Euv*aro; lurur t I -0I lnoqe r{}tue1 :alpry 'uot7{t^tcsag 'e-eç1 'sEI.{ ur u/v\oqs alnsdec plruat pue BS pue /S 'Eel pug 5o adeqs 'epureJ ur {retq I1e pu" eptu ur srrer{ apd peret}ers /vteJ dpo e dgerluassa qly sruoseletu TcBIq Jo lser lacuaseqnd snoooeJr{co r{}yv\ pâra^oJ luaurtas 'a1eur leruose]eur ]srg pu€ eleru w x"Jor{} Jo II€ 'peaH 'stsouflotq -eJ uI xerorll Jo prlr{} reddn Nrrs'r-rng ssNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNo. sHI Bgç SvsreNIATIcs AND PuvrocENY ffi:*:ï,ï;:::'ii#lliï; :îï#::3:,i T::,ï upper anterior surface concave; terminalia as in Figures 45a-c, e. Second submarginal cell receiving first recurrent vein slightly distal to midpoint; marginal cell length 0.80 distance from apex of cell to wing tip; hind wing with cu-v 0.77 times length of second abscissa of M + Cu; vein M 2.72 times as long as second abscissa of M * Cu; jugal lobe .4 length of vannal lobe. Coloration. Facial markings as in A. signata male. Black except basal half of tarsal claws ferruginous; tegula amber; wings clear, veins reddish brown; legs, 51, 52 ?nd morè or less 53 dark ferruginous. Pubescence.H.air pale except a few scattered dark hairs on supraclypeal areabetween antennae and vertex. Scutal pubescence dense, pale with a few scattered dark hairs; rest of thorax, fore and midtibiae all pale; pubescence of head and thorax about equa] to length of scape; that of fore and midlegs all black except a pale patch on outer apices of tibiae; hind l"g 6lack except pale hair on outer surface of coxa, a pale patch on outer apices of hind femur and tibia; hind basitarsus with a few long pale hairs on outer surface, outer posterior edge of rest of tarsomeres with some pale hair. Metasoma with sparse erect black hair up to length of flagellomere 1; terga with a few pale hairs laterally, T4 and T5 with a sparse weak row of long pale hairs ulglg{ edge.of apical impunctate margin; medioapical margin of T7 with some pale hair. Punctation. Face as in A. signata, weaHy shining. Thorax dull, punctation confluent, propodeaf area weakly shining. Metasoma as in 24. signata except terga weakly shining. Female: Agrees with ynale description except for sex-limited characters and as follows: Length about 11 mm; forewing length about 8.6 mm. in profile .67 eye Structure. Clypeus protuberant, width; flagellomere 1 equal to slightly more than combined length of next three flagellomeres' .79 as long as scape (excluding basal bulb) and 1 :59 times as long as last flagellomere, second flagellomere .31 length of flagellomere t , flagellomeres 3-9 about equal in length, longer than wide, individual segments .37 length of flagellomere 1; distance between posterior ocelli l.l4 ocellocular distance, distance of median ocellus to posterior ocellus equal to .32 ocellocular distance. Colora' tion. Black except basal halves of tarsal claws ferruginous and tegula amber. Pubescence.Upper third of pleura and propodeum with dense pale hair, rest of thorax with dense black hair; that of legs all black except pale patch on outer apices of tiSiae; appressed scale-like pubescence of basitibial plate golden. T1 with sparse Pale pubescence about length of scape; rest of metasoma with sparse erect black hair up to length of flagellomere 1. Punctation. Face as in 24. signata female. TyPt materiaL Male holotype and allotype: California, Solano Co. , 3.2 mi (5 k*) W. of Mix Canyon, (about B km) NW. of Vacaville, 21 April 1976, both collected on Phacelia egena (R. W. Brooks), holotype caught at 0900-0915, allotype OF THE ANTHOPHORINN BNNS 539 caught at 1330- l3+5 hrs. [Lawrence]. Paratypes: CALIFORNIA: ContraCostaCo: Mt. Diablo, 1 female, 2I Muy 1937 (E. Ross). FresnoCo: 6 mi (9.6 km) S. Coalinga, I female, 30 March 1970 0. Powell); 5 mi (B km) S. Coalinga, 1 male, I female,17 March 1975(J. Powell); 4 mi (6.3 k*) N. Orange Cove, 2 males, 1 female, 6 April 1957, on Phacelia(R. Snelling, M. Stage). Kern Co: Woody, 1 female, 29 March 1951, (J. MacSwain) . Madera Co.'San Joaquin Experiment Station, 1 female, 20 April 1953 (H. Childs). MariposaCo: Exchequer Dam, 1 male, 1 female, 9 (R. Snelling), April 1960, on Phaceliaramosissima 4 mi (6.3 k-) W. Echequer Dam, I male, 10 (R. Snelling); Mariposa, 1 April 1960, on Phacelia female, L+ Muy 1960 (R. Snelling); Miami Ranger Station , I male, 2 June 1937 0. Kliewer). MontereyCo.'Arroyo Seco Camp, 5 mi (B km) W. Greenfield, Elev. 1000 feet (305 m), 1 female, 15 Muy 1976, oD Eriodictyoncal'ifornicum (R. Brooks), I female, 1 Muy 1957(P. Torchio), 2 females, 2 males, 5 M.y 1956 (D. Ribble, P. Torchio). Riuerside Co: Idyllwild, San Jacinto Mts., 1 male, 18 June 1952 (M. Cazier, et al.). SantaBarbaraCo: Gaviota Pass, 1 female, 23 April 1966, (J. Powell). San Benito Co: San Benito, 1 male, 24March 1971(E. Cane). SolanoCo: 3.2 mi (5 km) W. Mix Canyon, Elev. 1700 feet (518 m), 4 females, 17 April 1976, or Phaceliaegena(R. Brooks), 6 fernales, 18 April 1976, 4 females, 1 male, 19 April 1976,6 females, 1 male, 21 April 1976, 1 female, 30 April 1976, 2 females, 3 May 1976; 2 mi (3 km) W. Mix Canyon, Elev. 1000 feet (305 m), 1 female, 16 April 1976, oû Phacelia egena(R. Brooks), 3 females, 17 April 1976; 1.5 mi (2 km) W. Mix Canyon, Elev. 1000 feet (305 *), 2 females, 10 April 1976, 3 males, I female, 14 April 1976, 1 female, 16 April 1976, 1 female, 17 April 1976 (R. Brooks), 1 fem ale, 2 Mty 1976 (5. Armbruster) . Stanislaus on Collinsiaheterophylla Co: Del Puerto Canyon, 1 female,20 April t949, (P. Hurd); Knight's Ferry, I male, 10 April 1961, on Phacelia(R. Snelling), 1 male, 1 female, 15 April 1961 (R. Snelling, T. Duncan). TulareCo: Lemoncove, 1 female, 14 April 1950, (I. MacSwain). Yolo Co: Putah Canyon, 2 males, I female, 1 May 1940, on Phacelia(G. Bohart). Unknown Co: Midway, 1 female, 24 Muy 1936, (M. Cazier). One paratype deposited at [Beqkel.yl , 45 [Brooks], 1 [Cambridge], 1 [Davis], 5 [Lawrence],5 [Logut], 12 [Los Angelesl, 2 [San Francis.o], and 3 [Urban?]. MEXICO: Baja CaliforAdditional specimens: nia, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Rancho Viejo, Elev. 7000 feet (2134 m), 1 female, 13June 1953 (P. Arnaud). Comments.The female from Baja California differs from Californian populations in the admixture of several black with pale hairs on scutum, pde pubescenceon upper two-thirds of pleura, lower third of pleura and sterna with black hair, outer apices of tibiae with a patch of amber hair, fore and midlegs with pale hair except anterior margin of tarsus with black hair, qr8ual ur lenba ]noqe 0I-t sereruogaEeglg araru elqrpueru ]decxe u/v\oJq rlslppar Trse 'uot1oto1o3 'ereJrns rorrelue uo qlool pcrde atrel qlp\ peuel -o11e8eg se Euol sB serurt puof,as aroruola8eg 98'0 -lBU snsrelrseq'qlool Jo eseq reeu peuesur rnds :7 ereuol1ateg sB Euol se serur] ç'7, pu" (qpq 'sereur relno qllr\ eceJrns rorralue uo r{}oo} Fwq Surpnlcxa) adecs s€ Euol sB Bg'0 Flqll 'paqoilq leg 'apl^ r{llÀ\ pauo}}€H dpeert lecrde -o11a8egg'Z ]xou Jo r{}Eua1pâwqtuor ot pnbe elql} '(pgt'tlg) ao€Jrnsreuur uo r{}oo} I ereruogateg i(mogad) ssacord peqo[q lecrde I€ffiq'a1ncz '(rgt 'tlg) dgeratelorlue,r -gns usrpatu ra8rel pue (pntd ssacord peqoilq tur II€urs qlyv\ rnrueJ ']unle 'a8re1q]p\ ?xof, '(rgt 'Stg) lecrde uerpetu qlyr\ runrqel lqlool pcrdeqns q]r/vr -tcalord euds elqrpueur lçprm ada ffi'y eru€raqnlord leeddp pele8uola dpeor8 ta1 pqq :(qgt 'tlg) pele8uola lreaurl aceds reletu lada ;o r{}Eua11eluor; LL'1 Ea1prur laleuuec l.lgnecuoc3o surtJuru 'el€Juoc sade uee^{}eq eJu€}srp }seuoqs le,roqe turtrelrp âreJrns reuur '("9+ '8lg) xade uo qlool rorrelsod slrqro reuul 'arryenus'ruru I'6-ç'8 t{}8ua1Euu'r lcurlsrp r{}yv\ tala"rog;o snsre}rseg 'eqol leuue^ 'uo4(ucsaq -eroJ lurur r{}Eua1 :apry r{}tua1 ?'0 eqol feEnl inC + tr\trJo Bssrrsqe L'1I-L'1I Jo 'l 'q 'c 'qLl'stl.{ puores se Euol se sarurt 0g'Z I I ure^ I.C+IN ur sBelerugoalnsd€r [E]rua8pue BS '49 irreq {rup Jo Bssrrsqepuores Jo {fua1 serurt çB'0 ^-nr q}l/rr Eutrn pqq ldrr 8ur/v\o1 ler Jo xade uro{ eou€}srp qly l,J pu€ rlerl ellq/v\qllÀ\ 9J-?I :gl uo pueq 'ef,ue}srp relncollaro al$I/v\ leerde /vrorreu ldacxa {rslq ge rlurl qty'\ I L'0 {fue1 IIer pur8rel4 'Etg) rlerl çg'0 o1 pnbe snllero rorrelsod ol snfiecouerpeur SJ-II :(ltV TrBIq;o atuuJ IBrâlB1pado -la^ep ilerv\qlyrr snsrslrlslpPFr lsaceJrnsrelno uo ruor; ecue}srp 'acuelsrp relnf,ollaoo çt' I rllaJo rlerl TcBIq r{}lÀ\s8el puFI pue plru !a1rqr*q}yv\JprI rorralsod uee/vueq eru€lsrp i 1 eretuol1a8egJo re/v\ol'rleq atuero qlp\ xeroqt Jo JIBI{raddn '(n L+ tuaur8aspnpr^lpq 'aplnnueql re8uo1 {l8ue1 'stsoufiotq 'Et$ 'qt8ual9g'0 r*o11ad-uotuel s{reru ur pnbe lnoqe 0I-g seraruola8egl1 araur telrsd -o11ateg3o çtue1 ZV'g ereuolla8eg puores laraur sarcadsâÀauollao{ (opqdonag) o.toqdqruV -ogeEegls€l se Euol sB serurl BI'I pue (qpq pwq Eurpnpxa) edecs sB Euol sB ç9'0 'sereurogeEeg o/vu txeu Jo r{r8ua1 pâwquo3 o1 pnbe I eretu slr uo saurds padoprap ile^À qlr,* ,;';i:;#Ï;; -o11a8eglqtprrvreda 6ç'0 egord ur eruereqnlord 'V ''cla'BS 'l,S 'te[ poddlc ituol uerll rapr/v\peer{ ladego çtuel IB'0 Jo serJedsdpo eql sr oxotout{s ol pnba sade uee/vuaqef,uslsrp lsauor{s lenoqe Sur8ranrp slrqro reuul 'arnîtn4s 'ruru B'9 qfuol '[u11rag] turrvrarogluru g'0I {}tua1 :alDW'uotg{utcsaq OOOIIIrdV gI 'oqcrref '1aers1:eddroloq el€r\tr 'lpuar)w ,dÇL 'f-Egt 'stl.{ ur u/v\or{s 'sarnlJund uaar*1aq Eurrnldpcs opsdec lelruat pue BS'l,S:(pgt'8td aurds e]"loere r{}1,v\eug sern}ound 'turu$Is dpleer* etral rell"tus qtp\ e3€Jrns reuur uo rnrual puF{ Jo as€q 'luenguor sornlcund 'ilnp xBrotII '8lg) IeruoseletrN aurds 8uo1 ?xor pulq :(rgt '8lg) qly/' 'lensn s€ areJ tser lsernlcund aug qllù\ dgererel :(rgt 'stsoulotq Jo peg1poutrr dpear8 epur Jo Erl puTH pus 'dgerpau otelrund*l 'durqs snaddl3 'uolt sarcadsrÀeu -Dîzund'[:tgt 'stl.{ ur sB elnsdec p1ruaS pu€ BS pxocour.{s (o-roqAotltuo.tog) otoq{oqruV '49 lrrer{ gcred pedeqs-^ uerpetu € qtl/v\ Tr€lq Jo 'uerpauqns çS lrreq >lrelq Jo saqcted lecrdeqns '(o11a4{n"tqo yo rrud B r{tr/v\?S 'rler{ e}F{^Àlcarer(uesq}I/v\Burâ}s 'V se pegrluepr dpcerrocur 'ùg6y 'uolsrsry) eDll?g Ieruos"laur lsanpq lewq uo srrerl {rep }cero ^r.oJ -oqd 'V Jo slsau ruo{ pereer ueaq s€q 'uo1sre14 € rllr/v\ pu€ rler{ etlqlvr passardde }rogs Jo spueq pcrde qrlÀ\ os[e çJ-ZI lrreq etlql'r passardde Dîogqpa snlryDwq tcptîlruV 'ÂV pnldquroq eqJ 'eroJeq uogs qlyvt ur8reur lecrde ldacxa rlst{ arlga }3ore tlprtrsnlcxe turlrsrn {ee/vre ory?eDt14 tuol qryv\ II 'rlerl u/v\orq qt1,v\snsret Jo areJrns âJeÀ\ sal€tuâJ 'selrs asoql le seJuelsur qloq uI 'uossaseqt roJ sârlrl?f,o]esoq] ]3 uaesseFtueJ reuur 'rler{ e8uero }qtï q}lrv\snsre}Is€qJo JIBI{rolr tssl -alsod pue "lql] 'rnureyJo aoeJrnsrolralsod râuul er{} ore/v\selstueJ q}og 'rer{}oue le o11(qdotapr! ols 'durqs pue oæq snsr"lrseq -u!lll7 pu" l;r1eco1auo ur (aeacegl,qdorpdH osp) Jo JIeI{ rolra}ue pue BIql] 'rnruag;o ta1 pu1q Jo eceJrnsreuul lece;rns wncrutortTocuo(Tctpotlgruor; ualod 8ur1e1 suors Jeuur uo sepsrJq u/v\oJq-etuero qlyv\ snsJBlllslp -?JJo luâJerUIPorvrluo peÀIasqo s?/v\eptueJ uJo/v\ -plrrr l1cu1q pue padolenep dplee/v\rlsnrq l"srelrl Âlaurarlxa ue uar{/v\alcdc tur}sau s}l Jo pue eq} -s1pplu lsrreq palerrossudlasooltuol qtlÀ\ urtreur soprseq1ue1d l3 s?/v\JBlJeu JO uefiod ro; oxlaeDîld roualsod puu (osp snsJelrseqJo xede râuul uo s ol turo8 pe^rasqo se/v\aoqacorld'Z erurl Âpo eqJ 'o,totldoqtuv rlerl Trelq 'qgy tt$ rlstl IOelqJo rlsruq Fsrellwq p sarcadscrlcelotrlo u/ûou1 dpo eql sr -pyrr padolanap ilervt qlyv\ snsrellsuqpltu lleq sSlJ 'srnoq 0g9I ot 091,0uro{ sra/ûogaq} tur}rsrn 'elqeperre ueq/v\ 'relceu pue uelod rog dlanrsnlc a8uero dpsrrq lroqs qllÀ\ snsrelrseqeroJ;out8renr JorJelu? Jeuur ieptal pue tunlnf,s uo sauo snoaJ -xe (aeace11(qdorpdg) Dllatuqd Jo sarcads FIu -Brrlco tuorue perellecs srIetl {rBC[ '/vroleqpe]ou -uarad pezrpln septuad 'ururoJrl€C ''oC ou€los 'uodue3 xltr\l l€ aot1acotld 'V Aq uortelrsr^ se ldacxa xeJoqt uo snooJ?JrlJo ]nq uâtuopqe lerog pue stal 'puaq uo arp1/v\'e1ed rlBH 'aeuatsaqnd eq] perpnls I gL6I Jo Eurrdg aql q '(îopyg 'JgV 'ttg ur se sTruru 'rleq epd esreds qllÀ\ d1pre1e1etral Fluetun8alur orlq/v\ tlllÀ\ Fur aJBJhaque qsru/v\orq(raryBp saJlde) saratuosre] -os?laru pue apd sur8reur JorJâlsodpue JorJelue pue sure^ Euu* 'sgedqlnotu reqlo '(sdr1 rdacxe) uo srreq pdocs ldecxe 'rpq Trelq qlyv\ talpurq 3#T,ffi J'Ï$*};'3#-ol,',i:r;;'i;î#;;:;"" NrrsTanfl scNslcs svsNv) do Àrlsus^IN^t sHJ 0tç SysrBruATIcs AND PHyrocENY oF THE ANtHoPHoRINn Bnns 5+l 7i,n:,:|; Ti,; ii ('r'ûli ffi ffi,:,*i Tllt:mn l[{ll,/t:l/) FIG. 46. Anthophora(CaranthophorQspinacoxa,male holotyPe. A-C, Outer views of fore, mid and hind legs. D, Anteriàr view of hind femur, base of femur at top. E, Hind coxa, side view, base of coxa at toP orirightside. F, Head, frontalview. G, 57, ventralview. H, S8, ventralview I,J, Genitalcapsule, dorsoventral and side views. ,f .sarer^ ,alnsdur âprs puere*ue^os'op ,'rruâci1t;ïlHilT:îi"Jïi:ï"Hîi:1î"].î:Ët '9 's,rner^ 'a.rre2 aPIs pue uro.r; addlurzd yà Zr Jo xedy 1 yo'xadÇ ,g ;g . J1,, 1n"t.i"i Jes.rop {o '49 'p 'a,rara .gg ,g .iu,ar,r ,p"âH .V .eddrered "p* ,on la jCtg, lzrlue,r qt(ofqdopùùortîoUri.i+ leluor; *NNN)s-NWNNVVVVVVV Y-\ N æ \SNY -f,S \1\! \w v Z ---., - , f - t l l l f g \\ \f'l|ftl t l t \ - t a \ t a ^ t t v \ \ ] t , J \\rtl't{ u\_ ll..L \ï#r ar t'- t W . 'e}lga lerelel padolaaep ila/û r{ll^À snsrslr}slpplru (mep ol snsrelrs"q Jo JIsq pcrde ruor;) snsret Jo eceJrnsreuq q ldecxa rlerl TcBIq qlp\ Ealprur lrrcq u/vrorq-r{srTrelqqtll\ eJBJrnsrorra}ue }decxa rlerl ellqd\ qll/v\ talaro; lrreq el5{r\ qtyv\JIBIIra^^ol 'rlet{ e8uero x"roqt q}lÀ\ pue peer{ Jo JIsq raddn 'a?u?zsaqna'u$oJq-r{srppeJ "uJe}s IsruosEleurpu? snsrel puF{ Jo ereJrns reuul pu" (nw '8lg) mo11ed sTJ€ru I"IJ"J ldacxa æBIg 'uottD"toloD'l 'q 'q 'rL+'sEI.{ ur sBalnsdecplpat pue '49 ialeurE BS -rerue dpvrorreu dplpaurocrde 9S pue el"ul8r?rue dldeap dgerparuocrde gg lareur8renre dppe,vr d11el -paurocrde ?S ialeptue pue padolarrap 1e/r\ LL Jo sserord relnpert pue (syuauwo, ees tnq) qlool padolenep [e/v\ e gJ Jo ]eqr 'qtoo] )Fe/v\ s o]ul padolar'ep çI Jo ssacord repper8 :(8-pm 's8l.f) qlool lecrdeqns Fsrop qll^À /v\ar^ Isrolsl ruorJ 'etuurtr€rue dlpcrde a1e1d 'r{}ool 1€lpl8dd Jo as€q uo peuesur rnds l€lqll relno 'qlool a8rel qlrrvr urt -retu rorrelus uo €lqll pu${ yo xade iaqol IBuuB^ NIIsTanfl sDNsrcs svsNvx do Àrrsus^rNfl sHJ ztç SYstnvtATIcs AND PHYTocENY oF THE ANTHOPHORINB BNNS 543 and without median subapical process; flagellomere 1 equal to combined lengths of next 1 .6 flagellomeres, 0. 5 1 as long as scape (excluding basal bulb) and 1.9 times as long as flagellomere 2, second flagellomere 0.69 times as long as flagellomere 3, flagellomeres 3-10 about equal in length, each | .22 as long as wide, flagellomere 1 I subequal in length to flagellomere l; distance between posterior ocelli about 1 . 15 ocellocular distance; distance from median ocellus to posterior ocellus 0.65 ocellocular distance; labrum simple without median apical or median subapical protuberances; cu-v of hind wing about equal in length to second abscissa of M * Cu; vein M 3.53 times as long as second abscissa of M + C.t; jugal lobe about one-third as long as vannal lobe- 54-36 with dense pads of hair; 57, SB and genital capsule as in Figs . 4Bc, f-h. Pygidial plate slightly emarginate apically without sublateral tooth (Figs. 4Bd, e). Coloration. Black except facial marks bright yellow (FiS. *Ba). Pubescence.Head and thorax on lower half white and upper half yellowish-white; posterior half of scutum with a few scattered dark hairs. Foreleg all white on outer surface, but dark on inner surface; mid and hind legs with hair all black except white on coxae and trochanters and fuscous on posterior surface of midtibia. T1-T6 with appressed orange hair but white to yellowwhite laterally; metasomal sterna with white hair, becoming fuscous medially from 53-56 . Puncta' tion. Punctures on clypeus and paraocular area fine and separated by 0.5-2.0 puncture widths but fine and nearly contiguous on rest of head. Thorax and metasomal terga dull, weakly shinpunctation contiguous to nearly contiguous_. itg,-Female: Length 12 mm, forewing length 8.2 mm. Agrees with description of male except for sex-limited characters and as follows: Structure. Shortest distance between eyes 0.91 length of eye; flagellomere 1 equal to combined length of next thrèe flagellomeres and equal to 0.58 length of scape (excluding basal bulb); flagellomeres 2-9 about equal in length and individual segments about as long as wide; last flagellomere 0.77 as long as flagellomere 1; labrum simple without median apical or subapical protuberances. ColoraAnthophora (Heliofuhll") miclwneri tion. Facial marks as in Fig. 4Bb. Pubescence.T5 new sPecles with median patch of dark hair; S1-S3 with sparse apical fringe of white hair; 54 with apical fri1g9 gf Diagnosis.Body almost completely covered with orange hair similar to that of Anthophora long white-hair and sparse subapical band of dark haii; 56 with dark hair medially, white hair aestitaSmith; mid and hind legs black except laterally. trochanters and coxae with long white hair (male) male and allotype: Tlpt materiaL Holotype or mid and hind femur with mostly white hair Kenya: 20 mi. [32.2 km] NE. Magadi, 3500 feet (female); middistitarsis of male without lateral 16 June 1967, C. D. Michener fringe of black hairs; male and female with bright [1066.8 *], fringe of black hair (FiS. +7j); hind leg with all black except white on inner surface of tarsus (from apex of basitarsus to claw). T1-T3 mostly with black hair but Tl with a few scattered orange hairs and T3 with appressed narrow apical white band; apical half of T4-T6 with white, T7 with orange-brown hair; 51 with pale brownish hair; 52 and 53 with brownish hair, 54 with short brownish hairs apically and laterally but median area (not reaching apical margin) with dense mat of reddish brown hair; 55 with short brownish hair laterally and a narrow band apically but median area (reaching apical margin) with densemat of yellow orange hair; 56 laterally and broadly apically with short brownish hair but median area (reaching only to apical third) with densemat of yellow orange hair. Punctation.As in A. micheneri. Tyfe materiaLHolotype male: Angola: 45 mi. 172.4kml S. Santa Combre Dâo, 3 April 1970, Edward S. Ross [San Francisco]. One paratype male: Zaire (8. Congo): 18 mi. [29 km] NW. of Tshinsenda, B February 1958, 1330 m altitude, E. S. Ross, R. E. Leech collectors [Lawrence]. This distinctive specieslooks superComments. ficially much like Amegilla (Zebramegilla)atribasis (Cockerell). There is no other speciesthat resembles it in Africa. There are differences between the Angola specimen (holotype) and the Zaire specimen (paratype). The holotype has a distinctive apically emarginate pygidial plate (FiS. +7ù and the gradular process of T6 developed into a tooth whereas the paratype has an almost apically entire pygidial plate (FiS. 47d) and the gradular processof T6 is rounded and not developed into a distinct tooth. The genitalia, howand although these ever, are identical morphological differences are striking, I believe that jh.y are within the range of variation of this specres. Erymologlt This species is named for Joetta Weaver in recognition of her 25 yearsof painstakirg editorial and secretarial contributions for Charles D. Michener and his many students and associates. yellôw markings on face (Figs. 4Ba, b); 57, SB and genital capsule as in Figs. 4Bc, f-h. Description. Male: Length 13 mm; forewing length 7.6 mm. Structure.Inner orbits diverging above; shortestdistancebetween eyes0.79 frontal length of eye; malar spacelinear; head wider than long; clypeal protuberance 0.+2 eye width; mandiblt with subapical tooth; labrum apically simple -[Lawrence]. Commenis. This species looks very similar, though smaller in size, to Anthophora aestitaSmith. The male of uestita has a well developed lateral fringe of black hair on the middistitarsus and a deeply emarginate pygidial plate, whereas michen' eri [acks the fringe of hair on the middistitarsus and has a shallowly emarginate to almost apically sprs pu" .il:iî *,,,0,,r,;îii?Ë':Ëîi.i'Ë:ïj:i;'li1ff,ii'Ëp.,t'"fi,"î:ïJîliï.,3T,9 'g 'y '(addloll? 'tuuatlnw 'a+ 'cii p"arl sl grlq^{ g addroloq Jo rdacxa) alevt (qluùrpù otortdowv 'J-r6t'stld usrpeur ruorJ ef,u"lsrp lacuelsrp rclnJo[ero ur sp alnsdec ptlua8 pus 'l,S :(qOt '8lg) a8urr; rler{ ot pnba lnoq" r11ecororralsod uaa/vuaq ecuel BS Iere}"1 pedolanap -spp j I aretuolla8eg se 8uo1 sB serult Zg.0 eroru dpeaa,rqtyv\ snsrelrls1pplrrrlpedole^ep IIeÀ\qsnrq -oga8eg tsBI laprr* uerlt ra8uol serurl rlrse lrreq per Âpsou rlll6 'stsoufiotq 6Z.l Issrelrseqplur 'ql8ual ur pnbe tnoqe 0I-g sararuogateglg araur sarcadsrtÀeu -oge8eg se 8uo1sB serurt Lg'Oerauoga8eg puores ruttrostatpv ( o,totldotlluo I t4 1 o"toqdotllu V :7 erouollateg se 8uo1 sB seurll t.t pue (qpq FsBq Eurpnlcxa) edecs se 8uo1 s? lB.0,saiaur 'reueqcrtrAl'O selæqC '€eplodv -ogateg L'Z lxeu Jo tll8uel pewqtuoo ol pnba I eroruolte!"g lqrprm ar{e 7g'0 elgord rl ecupraqnt Jo sluapnls duetu ro; aprn8 pcrtolotlrleu pue rol -ord paddlc i8uol uer{} repr/v\peeq iqlool pcrde -rellor eql roJ petueu sr sercedssrql '(îo1ow(gg 'Tcelq -qns qllÀr alqrpueru iada yo s8al pqq ;o {fua1 1e}uor; IB.0 [[" eæ zrauaqztw sade ueeûuaq erustsrp tseuor{s lanoqe turÊraÀrp eql seeJer{/v\'saceJrnsJeuur eqt uo atuero pu? sllqro reuul 'amîtn4s 'ruru 0I rnoqe ql8ua1 Eurrvr sac€Jrnsrelno eql uo srreq erFlr'r r{tlû\ sEal pug -eroJ lurur gI tnoqs rptual :apry 'uoq(ulsaq er{} setl DîlsaaJo el"tual eq; 'e]BId trerpr8dderrtue Nlrs'rTng scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rrsus^rNn sHJ It9 SysrnuATlcs AND PuYrocENY ocellus to posterior ocellus 0.60 ocellocular distance; cu-v of hind wing equal to 0.67 length of vein M 2.3 times as second abscissa of M*Cu; long as second abscissa of M * Cu; j"S4 lolg about one-third as long as vannal lobe. 57, SB and genital capsule as in Figs. 49c-f. Coloration. except facial marks dark yellow Brownish-black (yellow markings on holotype and paratype reddened, presumably due to cyanide exposurg) and tarsi amber-brown. Pubescence.Lower half of head and thorax ochraceous, upper half red. Foreleg with ochraceous on outer surfaces and brown on oF THE ANtHoPHoRINn Bnns 5+5 inner surfaces; midleg with ochraceous hair except midbasitarsal brush and hairs on posterior margin dark-brown and lateral hair fringe on middistitarsus fuscous, inner surfaceof basitarsus brown; hind leg with ochraceoushair, but basitarsus dark brown on inner and outer surfaces (except apex ochraceous). T1 and T2 covered with long, shaggy orange hair; T3 and T+ on apical third with light orange-ochraceoushair and a few scattereddark hairs; basal two-thirds of T4 with short brown hair; T5 and T6 with mostly long, shaggy, dark hair, laterally with lolg, adamsorum,male paratype. A, B, outer views of hind tarsus and mid FIG. 49. Anthophora(Pyganthophora) tibia and tarsus. C, 57, ventral view. D, SB, ventral view. E, F, Genital capsule, side and dorsoventral views. 'urnrqel 'snaddlc 'esocrulerr -rpu€ru Jo sprrr{}-o/vu -oeJeoJJrur dlalnuru dpleem pue ae8nr l€wq puB ''durqs 'uorloroloC 'aqol 'seertap -esoEnr urnrqeT 'unxlD?zund ;o xede ldecxe >lrelq âr€d leuus^ 0g sB qJntu s€ pesr€r çJ-?I uo rrer{ Trslq 'saar8ap Jo çEua1 9g' aqol p8n[ !.C + tr\tr Jo Bssrcsqe puores Jo r{r8ua1 serur} B'Z IAI urâ^ '.C + tr\tr ç? su IIJntu se Peslsr srleq /v\oJI{}I/rrpessarddn6I -IJ uo rreq TrBIq ipasserddespueq elrrl/v\pcrde Jo Bssrcsq€ puocas Jo r{}Eua1 serur} t+'T Eurrrr pqq Jo ^-nr ldrt Suuv\ ol IIao Jo xede ruorJ aouet il,gererel /v\orreu pue Âllerpeurqns ]sepr/v\ lnq -slp IB' {}tua1 dlprpau paldnrrelu spueq tI-gJ uo 'dlerpaur IIar leurtreur irurodplur ol le]slp ure^ lueJJnJeJ lsJg Eur,rracar ilec purtreuqns pus dgerelel re/v\orreu pue dgerpeurqns ]sepr/v\ puores 'erustsrp relnrollaco 99' o1 lenbe snllero pu"q ZI uo ',{lpyvt ruroJrun }noqe Jo II uo pu€q '7J-II rorJelsod ol snlleJo uerpetu Jo ecu€lslp 'acuelsrp uo spueq arlr{a lecrde q}yv\ IcBIq eruos -eletrN 'elqll relnJollaoo t' I ol pnba rllâoo rorrelsod uee/vu pulr{ urtreur rorro}sodocrdepue Jo 'qt8uel 'aerqllpnu pue eroJ -eq eJuslsrp leprrn s€ Euol sB serurl I'I Jo eseq ralno uo qcl"d atrqr* ur lenbo 6-Z sereruolleteg lerauroga8eg lsBI ]decxe TcBIq stel lalrqrvr eete papodord l>1ce1q '(qpq erneld !paxrrurelq âlrq/v\eruos qtlÀ\ TJEIq runlou Jo r{}Eue1 serull +'l pue ["seq Eurpnlcxa) -€letu PUB tunlnJs 'Pexllurelul ellqr/\ /v\eJe I{}|l!\ adecs se tuol se L L' 'raqla8ol sereruolla8eg g'2, raddn 'allga ereJJo sprrr{}-o/vura/v\ol lxeu 5o qr8uel powqtuor o1 pnbe I ereruogateg Trslq prlrll 'euuers lurng f qrprrvr eda algord ur ']ueraqnlord Lplear* uo rrBH 'atuacsaqnd LT,' zs-IS puB slqll sneddlc !tuo1 uerll repr/v\ peeq !el'e ;o ç8uel I'I puFI 3o aSe;rns rorralsod 'rnrua; pulq 'rnura;prru 'rnrueJeJoJ'sralueqJoJ] 'eexoJ sal,a uee/v\]eq eJuelsrp ]seuor.{s lanoqe turtranrp Jo eJBJJnsJorJelue sllqro reuul 'arryen4s 'ruur B' L-Z' L {}Euel,turrnt ldacxe Tc€1fl 'uoztoroîo,'eqo[ Ieuue^ 3o qrtuel ++' 'uoq(uosaq -âroJ lurnr Z,'f leqol letnl inC + tr\l Jo €ssrrsqe puores go qfuel L'6 t{}Eue1 :alvua{ 'runlnJs uo rlsr{ >lJ€[q eruos qlyv\ pexru rl€rl serurt 6'I I\l ure^ i.C + tr^trJo essrrsq€ puores apd qllû\ xsrorl] l1ce1q II€ alerueJ Jo er€J l(nsua{oc ;o qfuel saurlt LB'y turrn pqq Jo ^-nr ldrl tuu'r pue ouocl{o 'V Jo rer{} aTII roloc) /v\olleÀ srBtrAtr ol IIer 3o xade ruory eoue}srpBI' t{rtual ilec FulE -retu llurodprur ol lelsrp dpqtrls ure^ tuerrncer BtuoseleuurJo srreq pue srr€q pdocg 'stsouîotq ]srg Ewnracar IlaJ pur8reuqns puoJes 'eJuelsrp sarcads nÀarr relnrolleco ll' ot pnba snllero rorrelsod or snllero sæuapta aa{o c ftXf auo"tcg,y) DllF?uV uerpetu tuor; eJuelsrp 'aeuelsrp fflnJolleJo 7,'T c1 pnba rlleJo rorre]sod ueerrr]eqecue]slp laprm 'spuBIsI dreue3 se tuol se pue {}tua1 ur lenbo B-Z sereruogateg aql utrrotgsuo4Quocopûawy 'sarceds tuqool relrrurs lereurollateg ]s"l Jo tp8ual sarur] ç'I pue 'adels 'sereurollateg aarrl} e reUB perusu os sr sarcads slqJ :(îo7ow(79 Jo {fua1 ot pnba }noqe 'etral eql uo rlerl ]xau ;o çtual pewqruor o1 lenbe I erauogateg Jo spusq pcrde arlr{a }qt1rq tuu'eq Eruosg}eru lqrprm ade 1?' el5ord rl 'lueraqn]ord dlelerapour TcBIq B qlr/v\ spu€lsl epre^ ede3 eql w olfawv sneddlc ltuol ueqr rapr/v\peaq lada3o qltuet Z'I 'energ 'spue1s1 ol tou 3r Jo sercâds dpo eql sr pue sada uae/vueqaJuelsrp lseuor{s lanoqe Eur8ranrp 'arryenqs 'turu apre1 ede3 eq] ol cruepua ]seel w sr sarceds reuul tlfual tuu'r sllqro ]noqe 6 'roTrsp r{rntu 3r3 srreq rrf,sror{l eq} pu? sHI -aroJ iurur g'Zl-ç'I I Hltue-I:apuat 'uot4(ucsaq 'ùI-6I rellerus sr ]nq spuelsl dreue3 erll ruotl suotfiupe 'V 01 relrrurs dlqelreurer sr sarcads sSlJ 'sruawuoC pue ZI uo paldnrrelq dllurped uo os d1a1a1durof, 'eJuer/û€T 'rle,{ spueq pcrde e}FI/v\qllû\ +;.-II }nq Tr€lq Jo dpsoru rleq i1ce1qIF elerual Jo ered 'stsou7otq lB euo ldacxe BoueC le pelrsodap sad(lered 11V 'e^erg uo qloq 'ur 001,-00? le ]sntnv q petrallor elelrreJ reqloue pue 'ru 00t-0 ]B dpf w pelrelloc alsuroJ euo 'elvP er.u?s or{} rl}lÀ\ salsural rnod :sadl,lergd '[eouag] "r.{ opruuoeT dq pa}rallor 'ur requratdas'errerg'spue1s1 000I-009'868I 'lrnrapw adû epre1 ede3 :add1o1oq epruod '+L-II oTII €urels leruoseleur lale] 'sqlprr* -cund dlesreor pus dlasuap aroru gI-çI -arntcund dq sernlcund Jo uorleredas 0't-ç'0 'surtrenr lecrde /v\oJJeu ldecxe alelcund 1I-II 'esoJruJe^ eer? papodord lra>1ear* rloo^l€ atrel ueâ/vueq uorlsloe^I? e]nunu qtnoql run]nJs OTII e]€[oe^1u 'os dplearvr qEnoqr run]nJs uer{t Lurqs eJoru lsrl/v\euos ernald lelelcund ssel runlnss 'qoerrle ra8rel urqlrm pue ueâ/vueq elel Jo relueJ -oe^F dlelnuru pue dlleervr dgeuorllpp€ 'esocnr -Je^ o1 Jeeu dre,r 'snloarrle qc"a ur durnq qllÀ\ al€loe^F 'durqs dplearvr ol 11np (un]nJs lq]oorus sarlr^?J uee/vueq punort pu" snadÂ1c uo usql sarlr^sr rallerus qlyv\ eleloe^le 'durqs eJ€J Jo lser leleloarcoJcrur dplealt serlr^eJ urrllr/v\ pue uee/vrl -eq punor8 'aleloarsoJorru 'durqs snaddlc :erel sarcads ÂÀarr saprcuo.{tuoc (ùptâauo-tcty,y) opgflau,y 'dpn1ss$Il ;o uorleld -ruor aqt turlqeuâ snql 'roqlnz eql Jo turaq Uerv\ pnlrrrds pue Isuorlotue eql ol qcnru pelnqlrluoJ oqr* 'sesuey 'eJuorrvreTJo sIrrBpVuuv drz141pue p1euo'U roJ petueu sI satcads sHI '(îo1ow(gg '[acuel're1] addlered'[uaprol] ed&otoH '-I 'TruruelT 'v 'r\tr 'llo3 'xa 'uapleT runasntr I B):] ' [ g , 6 9 r ç 1 ' N , 6 z o 6 t ' ! t I s11 ' c ' 9 ? 6 1a u n f 41 retqsuy .1,4rrrT 002 'onttuoqz 'euFIC :epru ad(lered I pue epur addtoloH 'loyapu ad,CJ 'sr{}pLv\-ernlcundaarql o} euo dq paleredas sern} -cund 'durqs etral Ftuos€lel4tr 'snon8tluoo sernl -cund '11.p )GrorIJ 'peer{ Jo lser uo snon8nuoc dlreeu pue JeuUrlontu seJnlJund leare JelnJoered pue snaddlc uo sqlpr/v\-ernlcundç'0 dq palerudes ol snon8rluoo dlreau sernlJund 'uoxlopund 'rletl snoeJerr1oo'd8Eeqs '8uo1 qllû\ euJels letuoseleur lrreq atuero uogs qllrv\ LL lrreq snoacerr{ro Nrrs-rrn8 scNsrss svsNvx .{o Àrrsus^INn sHI SvsrnuATlcs a ^ ! I I AND PHvrocENY ble Burnt Sienna; mouthparts and lateral surface of flagellum Cinnamon- Rufous. Thorax black, wings legs and wing veins Cinnamon-Rufous, clear. Metasomal terga and sterna with visible portions of discs black, margins CinnamonRufous . Pubescence.Hair on face pale but mixed with some black on vertex, hair densely spaced obscuring paraocular area but rest of facial surface visible. Scutum with pale and black hair intermixed; pleura almost all pale with occasionally only a few black hairs; thoracic sterna, propodeal area, mid and hind coxae, trochanters and femora pale; forefemur with long Fuscous hair; tibiae and tarsi Mars Yellow. Metasomal terga Mars Yellow with lighter apical bands of 'I5 with a dense median patch Warm Buff except of Fuscous surrounding base of pygidial plate, hair on terga appressed with some semi-erect hair inclined at most as a 45o angle; metasomal sterna Mars Yellow. Punctation. Face weakly shining; labrum shiny, rugose, rrgae smooth; clypeus spaces again micoarsely areolate-verrucose, nutely microareolate; rest of face somewhat more shiny than clypeus, less coarsely microareolate, spaces smooth. Scutum weakly shining, less dull in center, densely punctate at margins, punctures apart, but in contiguous to .5 puncture-widths middle of scutum punctures separated by 0.5-6.0 punctures ground puncture-widths, between finely alveolate; pleura, scutellum and metanotum weakly shining, densely punctate, puncapart, tures contiguous to .5 puncture-widths ground between punctures finely microareolate; propodeal area dull, finely alveolate. T1-T4 shiny, punctate except apical margin, separation ground of punctures 0.5-3.0 puncture-widths, between punctures minutely microareolate; T5T6 coarsely areolate, ground between punctures minutely microareolate; sterna shiny, punctate, separation of punctures I .0-5 .0 puncture-widths, apical margins and gradular area impunctate but these areas as well as ground between punctures minutely alveolate, alveoli often in rows, appearing striate. UPt materiaL Female holotype: Cape Verde Islands, Boa Vista, December 1897 , collected by Leonardo Fea [Genoa]. Paratypes: Twelve females with same data and eight additional females collected in February 1898. All paratypes deposited at Genoa except two paratypes at Lawrence. Commenfs.This species is similar in appearance to A. africana and capensis but is much smaller in size. Besides being presumably endemic to the Cape Verde Islands and being presumably the only yellow Amegilla there, it is the only yellow species of Amegilla with an all black female face. Etymologlt; This species is named after the Cape Verde Islands. Amegilla (Afrarnegilla) robinae new species Diagnosis. Face of male with pale yellow markings as in (Aniline Yellow) integumental OF THE ANTHOPHORINN BBNS 547 Figure 50f; T1-T5 with apical hair bands pale Russian Blue; terminalia as in Figures 50a-d. 13 mm; forewing Description. Male: Length length 9.2 mm. Structure. Inner orbits diverging above; shortest distance between eyes .B length of eye; malar space linear; head wider than long; clypeus protuberant, in profile .6 width of eye; galea short, reaching slightly posterior to forecoxa; flagellomere 1 equal to combined length of next 2.7 flagellomeres; .B as long as scape (.*cluding basal bulb) and 1 .5 times as long as last flagellomere; flagellomeres 2-10 about equal in length and about 0.9 times as long as wide; distance between posterior ocelli equal to 1 .1 from median distance distance; ocellocular ocellus to posterior ocellus .+4 ocellocular distance. Marginal cell length equal to distance from apex of marginal cell to wing tip; vein cu-v of hind wing .B length of second abscissa of M * Cu; vein M 2.9 times as long as second abscissa of M + Crr; j.rgul lobe a little less than half length of vannal lobe. 55 broadly and shallowly emargiapicomedially nate, 56 shallowly emarginate (FiS. 50e) but apical margin only slightly deflexed ventrally otherwise disc gently convex; 57 apically round, disc with well developed lateral tooth on basal half (FiS. 50d); SB apically rounded (Fig, 50c); T7 apparently bidentate medioapically but margin between bases of teeth weakly produced medially appearing weakly tridentate (Fig. 50e), without median longitudinal ridge; penis valves small; gonocoxite with well developed inner lobe; genital capsule from dorsal view rounded in outline (Figs. 50a, b). Coloration. Black except integumental facial marks Aniline Yellow (FiS. 50f), mouthparts, tegula and S1-S2 Burnt Sienna. Pubescence.Face with pale hair except vertex Brown Buckthorn Brown. Thorax Buckthorn with a few black hairs intermixed, sterna pale; coxa pale; foreleg black except inner surface of tarsus Burnt Sienna, outer surface pale; midleg like foreleg except only pale on outer surface of tibia and basal half of basitarsus; hind leg like foreleg except only pale on outer surface of tibia. T1- T5 with apical bands pale Russian Blue with a few scattered dark hairs; rest black. Punctation, Clypeus dull, coarsely punctate, punctures separated by 0.5-1.0 puncture-width, ground between punctures coriarious-areolate; labrum shiny, rugulose-lacunose, ground between pits alveolate; rugulose-lacunose, shiny, areas paraocular ground between pits weakly microareolate; supraclype al area to posterior ocelli coarsely, densely punctate, punctures separated by 1 punctureScutum and scutellum width to contiguous. weakly shining, coarsely punctate, punctures septo contiguous; arated by 0.5 puncture-width pleura shiny, coarsely punctate, punctures separated by 1.0 puncture-width to contiguous; metadull, finely punctate, notum and propodeum punctures contiguous. T1-T5 dull, puncticulate, ground between pu-nctures microareolate, fPical margin impunctate but microareolate; S1-S2 with 'peeH 'T '^{er^ '(pa11ruo 3X .smâr^ ,ZS r1e.l) ["rlua^ /J pu" 9S;o secrdy lsrtuâ^ 'f '1 'snarrr aprs pu" 'elnsdec 'H 'c 'peaH 'g ',uer,r '(parrruro rreq) pu" pJlua^ Bs l€lruec (f, 's,\ l"Jlua^osJop ,/S .61 .C .s^Àar^ ,alnsdec ar^ puu gS âprs pu? /I pue ggyo xady Ierlue^ Iertuâ^osrop l€fluaC '9.'V 'laqa('ù 'V'1-g lnulqot ('ù 'V,g-y .sapur ,(qyîawo.ttV) r11$etuy5o sarcads,ue1q.0ç .CIt adecs s€ tuol se tg' 'raqle8ot sereruoge8eg6' I lxeu 3o qfuel paurgruor o1 pnba I araruola8eg lqrprr* e'{.'e gy' elgord ur 'lueraqnlord dlalerapour snaddlc !tuo1 uer{} rapr/v\peaq iada go qfuel çB' sede uea^rleq ecuelslp lseuor{s lanoqe Sur8renrp slrqro reuul 'arnîenus'ruru g'B-B'/ turrrr {rtua1 -eroJ iurnr g' Z,I-0'01 t{}Eue1 :apry'uoq(urcsaq .II uo srrer{ a1edro5 ldacxe {rslq IF Bruose}aurlsrreq uo rrsq {cBIq PereusJs r{lr/v\eFd xBror{} Pu? ecsJ lateg Trslq I1eqllû\ epureJ pus e1el4t 'stsouflotq sarcads ^rÀeus?pNors?pou(qlûau.o"tny,y) opfauV 'sJrlerualsdseeq JoJ rusersnqluepu" o] uorlo^ep elqsrlrup€ sltl roJ pue dpnls sF{} ur erue} -srss?elqenp^ slq roy '(drolslH 1ernl"N) urnasn141 r{sr}rrg 'eeprody Jo ro}Brno 'eslg 'U a8roag rouor{ q perueu sr sercadss5{I '(loyowf1g Jo 'suJels petercoss" pue Brl"lrue8 apur Eurreduroc lnoqlr/v\ eleredes ol ]lnrlglp are dnort sarcedssrql '([:80ç 's8lg) olnsdec lelrua5 pue Jo sreqruetuaql '/S apur eqlJo adeqs aql 'rreq anlq ra1q81aqt BS dq pareredes q rlJlr{rvtruor; nsnztnppue wlnranz ll 'y ot peteler dlasolc sr serredssrqa 'sruawwoC '[roP -uoTl T-ZLil (drolslH 1ern]"N) runesntrAlt{sl}rrg eqt Jo uortrped*g uerr{V ureq}nos eq} uo ZL6T 'qcre141 uo pe]ralloc 'e1o8alq 'gN (*l g) 'nu çZ '(LtV) elotuy :eptu addlo1o11'lp!"tapryrdÇL ç 'o]3loâ^BseJnl -cund uoa/v\leq punor8 'alelncrlcund BTuoseletr[ '11np 'a1e1n1cundrun]oue]aur pue unapodord uee/vu !a1e1oar?oJJrru dlasreoc salnlcund -eq punort'sqtprr*-arntcund 0'Z-g'0 dq elere -des seJnlcund 'etelcund dlasuep 'SururqsÂpleervr urn11e]nospue erneld laleloercoJJltu dplearvrsarn] -cund uee/vueqpunort 'snontrluoc ol qlplÀ\-ernl -cund I dq paleredessernlcund 'alelcund dlasuep 'tururqs dpparvr tunlnos'a]"loeJsoJcltu d1>1eer* sarnlcund uaa/v\lâqpunort'alelncrtound xeuel o] BarB paddlcerdns pue relnJoered lal€loâreorc -rur LlasJsooseJnlf,unduaar*laq punort 'alulcund dlasuap 'dlerale1 tururqs dlluarvr lnq 1pP sne -dd1c leleloaæorcltu dplea,rnslld ueamlâq punort 'durqs 'esounoel-aso8nr turuqeT dlmogeqs 'uotloîzund 'dgerotel rlerl erlga esreds qtyv\ çS -gg lrrer{ Tr"lq qtlù\ LL-qL'rleq a}lqtvtesuepq}lù\ 'e8ral dlprarel çI-II Jo suoruod elqlsl^ re^o perallecs rr"g enlq çI-gI uo 'reltolrvu ZL pu" 'rp.I enlg uerssn1 aled passardde 3o IJ uo spueq spueq pcrde qllÀ\ çI-IJ 'etFle\ 11eslqpJo areJrns relno ]dacxa telprru ol r"llruls Etl puF{ !1ce1q Selprru Jo lser 'srreq Tr€lq pâretl"cs /v\eJ€ qll,v\ al5{/v\ef,BJrnsrelno uo eIqI} '1cu1qrnrueJ qlrrvrta1 -plrrr leuuarg lurng snsr€}Jo eJBJrnsreuur 'etqr1 Jo essJrns relno uo srlstl TrBIq /v\eJ€ qtlM ellqf\ talarog !a1rqr*xerorll Jo lsor 'rleq alFl/v\pue 1rstq r{}ll\ urnfie]ncs puu erneld Jo JIet{ raddn 'unlncg 'rler{ e}lq/rl\ rl}lù\ euat pu" selqrpueru 'nrnrqel ixalren ol snaddlc tuo{ rler{ Trelq pue e}lq^À 'erruars lurng snsJs]eroJ rlll/v\ ecsd 'aeuaesaqnd PUB sgedqlnoru '(10ç 'ttg) etrq/v\s>lrerul"lrsJ letuetun '(,{ '80ç 's81.0/v\er^ -tetur ldecxe >lrelg 'uoqo.toloC l"srop TuoJJeulFno w PePunoJlsll/v\etuosalnsdec plrua8 laqol reuur padolanap ilerv\ qrl^/. elrxor -ouot igenrs sa^[e^ srued :(tOç 'ttg) turtra,ruof, dlecrde tou e^sruor ur8reur I"retBI l{tyv\ gS :(lOC '8lg) dlprarel erep8ue dgecrde IS ldlrorralue Eurpualxa e8prr leurpnlrtuol uerperu qryv\ lnq aldrurs qteet uee^ueq ur8renr 'elelueplq dlpcrdeo -lperu LL'(lOç '8ld pertue^ poxeg dltuorls ur8 -r?ru pcrde'dgecrdeorpeu aleuttrerue /,1*rogeqs gS lateur8æure dyvrogeqsPue dpeorq çS 'eqol IBuuB^;o çEuel ?' eqol p8nl inC + tr\trJo Bssrrsqe puores sB 8uo1 sB seturl ,'Z , t ure^ l.C + W Jo Bssrrsqe puores Jo {}tua1 B' Euv'r pqq Jo ^-nJ ure^ ldrl 8ur/v\o] Uec Futtretu 3o xade tuor; eruslsrp ç0'I or pnba qrtuel IIor leur8retr[ 'erue] -s1p relncolleco Bç' sn11ecororra]sod ol snllero uerpetu tuor; eJuB}sIp 'acuelsrp ru1ncollaJo ' 6I t ol lenbe rlleJo rorralsod uee/vueqeJu€lslp !apu* s€ 8uo1 sB serur] gZ,'I lnoq" pu€ tlr8ual ur pnba tnoqs 0T-Z seraruogateg laraurollateg lsel sB Euol w ]noqe pue (qpq 1es"q Surpnlcxe) edecs se tuol se gL' lsarauroge8egï2, lxeu Jo {rtua1 pewqtuor o} pnba I eretuoga8eglexocaro; ol rorralsod dpqtrp turqceer 'poqs eept lada 'lueraqnlord snaddp l8uo1 Jo rllpl/v\ g' algord ur usrll repr/v\peeq lreeurl ecedsJ?[?ru ia/ta3oqfual B' sadauee/vueqeru"lsrp lseuotls lanoqe dpqErp Eurtranlp sllqro reuul 'arrylruIs 'urru +'Tl t{r8ue1 turr*ero; lurur il r{}tua1 :apry 'uot7(t.tcsag 't-EOçsarn8rg ur sB srleurruret !en1g uelssng t1nâ spusq rleq :10ç erntrg uI sB s8uqreru Fr pcrde qllÀ\ çI-II -uaruntelq ellq/v\ qllû\ âIBIrrJo ersd 'stsouîotq oqpfiau.V sarceds ^ lasp (ott@r*o.{ù 'roloelloc dlrlenb e lnq dlrtuenb e tou sr orlÀ\ 'ulqo'U eJlrv\Lur '(îo7owt(79 Jo rouoq q petueu sI satcads sFII 'oppauV Aue uro{ }r e}eredes 's8t.f) alnsdec plruat eq] pue BS rulur (p-nOç el€Irr aqt ',(er*ppr t{}oo} I€retel a8re1e ser{ tlrlr{r\ 'elsru eq] /S elstu aql Jo edeqs e^Ilrurlslp arIJ Jo erBJ ârll uo s8urlreur /v\olledpue rl€tl Jo sPueq Ieruos"elourenlq seq rIOIqe\ opûauo{V snueEqns eq] Jo sarcadsdpo eql sI anutqot,'V 'sruawwoC '[eouag] etep uor]rellor ro ro]rellor ou r{ll,t\ 'auoe1 errars :e[€u adÂ1o1og 'lulrapry ad(CJ 'e]€loeJeoJonrrsernlcund uee/vueqpunor8'ele] -cund dlesreoJ gS-tS 'sarnlcund asreoc perelleJs NlJs-rrnfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rlsus^rN.o sHJ B?9 SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvrocENy oF THE ANrnopHoRrNB Bees 549 9g '1 'sa,rar,r '";ff:Ë;{"3î'Ëttffil!*tt"ï prruerr'4g pu" BS'H 'c 's,!re,,, âprspu" I'rrue^osrop 'IS 'C 'C 's^ er^ aprs prr€ 'alnsdzc plrueC '9,'V 'Htu!{alt PrrEgS l?rlua^osrop V'f-g lsapolsapow h) 'V'q-y 'o1yîeuotsolC pw o1pîeuom71 eraua8qns 'saleut'o1pflauty;o saraads,r,reN 'Ig 'CId (ù t âI t -rpu"ru ldacxa Toelg 'uoqnroloC'q'ep ç sarn8l.{ ul se alnsder Islrue8 'saqol leretul pedole^ep dgear"r r{llÀ\/SJo xede'p'rIç sern8l.{tl s" BS-/g lpedo -le^ep 11a/n\q]ee] IBre]B[ pus padolenep dllearn sr qlool uelperu leql rlrns peqollr] lI Jo xade luorleur8reura uerpeuocrde TBa/v\rll1,t\ 95 !eqo1 esslrsqe Ieuu"^ 3o qÉuol t' eqol ptnl l.C + ntrJo'nC puores Jo rp8uel sorurl Z'Z IN ure^ + tr^l Jo €ssrcsqe puoces Jo rptuel sorul] t' I Eutrur pqq Jo ^-nr idrl tur/v\ ol IIer Jo xade ruoJJ eruB} -slp BB' qfuel llurodplur ol lslslp lar l"urtreur dpq8rls ure^ lueJrncâr lsJU Eurrrracar IIaJ leur8 -reutrrqnspuores 'eruetslp rclnrolleco Z9' ot lenba snlleoo rolrotsod or snileco uelpatu tuor; acu€}slP 'eJuulsrp r€lnJollaJo Z' I o1 lenbe lfieco rorre]sod uee^rleq acu"lsrp lapuv\ se Euol s€ serurl Z,'I pue lareurolleteu {}Eua1 ur lenbe 0T-Z sereruoga8eg '(qpq 1le1 or qrtuel ur pnbe Pu€ leseq turpnlcxe) Nrffi.I1nfl scNsrcs svsNvx do ^rISusAINn sHJ 0çç SYstEIraATIcs AND PuvrocENY bles, posterior surfaces of legs and wing veins Claret Brown, wings slightly infuscated, not clear. Pubescence.Face, including gena, on lower two-thirds covered with white hair such that surface is obscured but surface of labrum visible, white hair with some black around vertex of head; scutum and upper fourth of pleura pale with black hair intermixed, rest of pleura and thoracic sterna Fuscous; legs Fuscous except outer surfaces of tibiae light Orange-Yellow, apices of mid and hind tibiae with white hair; propodeal area and T1 covered with long pale hair, rest of metasoma black. Punctation. Face weakly shiny; clypeus, paraocular and supraclypeal areas microareolate; labrum areolate-rugose, rugae minutely microareolate; vertex punctate, punctures scutum separate by 0. 5- 10.0 puncture-widths; dull, alveolate and within and between alveoli minutely alveolate; pleura and scutellum dull, obscurely variolate, ground between indentations minutely microareolate; propodeum dull, posterior two-thirds microareolate, anterior third minmetasoma dull, punctate, utely microareolate; punctures separated by 1 .0-6.0 puncture-widths, ground between punctures weakly imbricate, with narrow apical impunctate margins. Female: Length 10.7 -13.2 mm, forewing length 7.8-9.2 mm. Agrees with male description except for sex-limited characters and as follows: Stracture. Flagellomere 1 equal to combined length of next three flagellomeres together, .78 as long as scaPe (excluding basal bulb), and 1.6 times as long as to Pubescence. Legs black last flagellomere. Fuscous, with pale hair on outer basal surface of midtibia, and posterior to pencillus on hind tibia; T1, in scopal hair Fuscous to Cinnamon-Rufous; addition to covering of long pale hair, with narrow band of appressed pale hair on apical margin, sometimes T2 and T3 with similar appressed bands of hair but interrupted medially. Typt materiaL Male holotype: Cape Verde Islands, Sâo Tiago, Orgâos Grandes, Muy 1898, collected by Leonardo Fea; female allotype with same data [Genoa]. Paratypes: With same data except 2 females collected in March, 18 females and 1 male collected in April, 19 females and 3 males collected in Muy. All paratypes deposited at Genoa except two males and two females at Lawrence. Commenls. This species is similar in apPearance to A. godofredi but is smaller in size and the scopa is pale, not orange. Besides being presumably endemic to the Cape Verde Islands, it is the only Amegilla which has a black face in both sexes and a black body with pale hair on the head, thorax and T1. Etymologlt:This speciesis named after a similar looking species, Amegilla modesta(Smith) (: A. godofrediDours), which is also endemic to the Cape Verde Islands. Amegilla (Glossamegilla) lieftincki new sPecles Female with Beryl Blue mixed with Diagnosis. oF THE ANrHoPHoRrNn BBBs 551 black and white hair on head, thorax, outer surfaces of fore and midtibiae, and apical margins of T1 -T4; face of female with only small triangular pale mark on apicomedian half of clypeus; Beryl Blue pubescence of male only on apical margins of T1-T5 and hairs scattered near wing base and on outer surfaces of hind tibia, T7 of male with apicomedian trilobed margin (FiS. 51i), 57 of male with apical half much expanded, apodemes small (FiS. 51h), SB of male broadly and deeply emarginate (FiS. 51g). Description. Male: Length l+.6 mm; forewing length Il.2 mm . Structure. Inner orbits almost parallel (Fig. 5lj); shortest distance between eyes .B length of eye; malar space linear; head wider than long; clypeus protuberant, in profile.6 width of eye; galea in repose reaching posterior edge of hind coxa; flagellomere I equal to combined length of next 2.3 fl,agellomeres, 1.5 as long as scape (excluding basal bulb) and 1 .4 times as long as last flagellomere, flagellomeres 2-10 about equal in length and 1.3 times as long as wide; distance between posterior ocelli equal to 1 .3 from median distance distance; ocellocular ocellus to posterior ocellus .2 ocellocular distance. Marginal cell length 1.1 times distance from apex of marginal cell to wing tip; cu-v of hind wing subequal in length to second abscissa of M + Cu; vein M 3. 1 times as long as second abscissa of M + Cu; j,rgul lobe about one-third length of vannal lobe. T7 with apicomedian margin trilobed (FiS. 51i); 56 with weak apicomedian emargination (FiS. 51i); 57 with apical half much SB broadly and deeply expanded (FiS.51h); emarginate, disc constricted in basal two-fifths (FiS. 51g); gonocoxite apically simple from dorsal it profile basally or ventral view (FiS.51e), constricted (Fig. 51f); bridge of penis valve long and wide (FiS. 5le). Coloration. Black except pale integumental facial marks (Fig. 51j), coxae, trochanters, femora, and metasomal sterna Burnt Sienna; wing infuscated. Pubescence.Face with mixture of black and white hair; gena with white hair; hair on scutum black with a little white hair intermixed, ratio of white to black hair gradually increasing ventrally on pleura to thoracic sterna which is nearly all white, propodeum laterally with long white hair; foreleg with white hair on coxa, with black and white hair on outer surface of tibia and tarsus, femur and inner surfaces of tibia with dark hair, inner surface of tarsus Burnt Sienna; midleg with white hair on coxa, outer surface of tibia and apex of femur with black and white hair, rest of midleg with dark hair; coxa and trochanter of hind l.g with white hair; outer surface of tibia with white, black and Beryl Blue hair intermixed, its length about equal to length of scape but long at apex where it is about equal to length of mandible, rest of hind leg with black hair; visible portions of T2-T5 with black hair on basal two-thirds, apical margin with transverse band of pale and Beryl Blue hair intermixed; S154 with pale hair, 55-56 with dark hair. Punctation. Clypeus dull, coarsely punctate, punctures .Euepe4 ,spuelq8rg ^\âJ" rltr^ÀrnrueJ,plur Jo es"q pue dl.rorralue srrcq 00çt-00Sg ,8ueqe6 ol et"lf qeuea ,raa; (.pTr€P ^ÀoJe ro; ldecxa erlq,'t^lle rnrueS; lelrq,ra. uôraruep t) !1g61 eunf 1 pu€ Tl"lq qlu "rqp âroJ Jo erepns relno ldetxe g6gtr ,8uepe4 ol "l?ll qeuea ,spue1q8r11uore 'xepa,r ,Erregeà ,(* -ureC uo ("p* {ælq II€ s8al Tf,elq qlr^À pâxrru pue t) 17961 d:en:qeg OZ ,slIH lnrel '1era4 (apur erlrlr\ 11erleq l"rf,"J ldatxe oxopo.rod opfawy a4r1 1) :9661 I/6I) laay00çf 'atu?tsrqnd 'u/vrorq qsrpper errrâls leruose]eu ldec d1nf gt ,(- t1çl-Cg4 ) reel 66gt-008t ."]"lJ ,spuqq81g uoreru"C ,8ueqe4 (epur -xâ Tr"Ifi, 'uortotolo7 'âqol Fuu€^ go q8u9t ti'g q"æJ ,11r-r1,rasl.rg aqol p8nf :nC + W Jo "ssrrsq" puores se Euol se i) :St6f ti"|àà,(OgZl) lr.l OOZ1 seurlr €t'g I^l urâ^ :nC+I IJo €ssrf,sq?puoc3sJo ,Euer{ed(rp- t) :ersdzp141 uro{ :sadÂ1ae4 .[uapral] &nqe1pue4 'I^I 'H ,(q IIV q15ue1or pnba lnoqe turr* purq;o,r,-nc me,r ldrl ere,r,radrbolp Eurm ot 1ec;o xode uro{ af,u"lsrp gg'g or pnbe pue addloloq Wog .çg6I sunf ç7 ,(ur 9191) leeg qfuel gac pur8re141 '(pZç 'tlg) s1u1duerperu ôOCç.'lnf :àsàf ispue1q5r11uo.raurzp,.Suzqej .Z€6I ,egs,(epry :apure; addloly e Sururoy se8pr.rEurt.ra,ruoc (geerde qlr^À urruq -rt :(pZç '8rg) sneddloJo lser uzqr ,(urqs erour gt ,(* gZl-tlO) lâeJ 0026-000g ,s1p11rruel ' '1ou4rw '>p.ra4 'ersÂzptr .repEuel.rt pesse.rdap uerparuocrde qtrm a{ta I :e1euraddroloH .Sururgs ,(11ee,r,r. sneddlc lecuelsrp relnrollâf,o Zt'g snllâro rorr 91-91 -elsod ol snfleco uelPelu ruo.ll ef,uelslP :âJu?lslP juorleredas rpprrr^-ârnpund ç' ot luanguor dFzeu 'esr?oc sernlcund 'Sururqs lerJnâruos x"ror{I ælnJollâJo 9Z'I ol pnba r11acoroualsod uea,tl 'uotlopund'rreq -eq arrrclsrp lepral se 3uo1 se pue qr8ue1 lnoqz Tr€lq qtr^ "rrrâls pue gJ-çI :çI -ZJ a1eurJo reqr âTI 1I-II ur pnba rnoqp 6-Z saraurolla8eg larauo11a8eglsel i1ae1q s8e1uo rr"q se Euol s? sârurl I'Z pu" (q1nq pseq turpnpxa) ;o lser lrreg enlg 1d.regpue Tr"lq qll^À e€rqnprru adecs se 8uo1 se y6'g 'sarauogaEzg ç'g lxau pue; lrreq elrq,r,rqtp{ exor purq treq 1ce1q pu? etrq^{ qtlm â€xocprur pu? âroJ lrreq 1ce1q Jo rÉual peurquoc ot pnbe 1 areurollaSeg iprrç pu€ ettllrÀ qll/\À 3âr€ papodord lrruq anlg 1rfuag Ps"q uo qlool rorrâlu" lnoqlrr\4,urnluau lglool pcrdeqns qtr^Àalqrpu?u ia,(a;o qtprm g7'g agord pue 'atrqa,r.'1ce1q 3o ârnlxrru çr,rn erneld pue rn ecu?reqnlord peddlc 'teg ece; ituol ueqr runtnrs lrreq alrqan qll,r'l,JIBII ra,no1 lpg "reddn raprn p?aq lreeurlaeedsrepru ledego{fua1 19'6 uo rr"q anlg 1rfueg pu" etrqi qlrm eue8 lanlg seda uaaalloq âruelslp lsâuoqs la,roqe Su8.rerrrp ldr"g p* 'elrqal 'rpe1q Jo ârnlnru " rrcrl [€rJ"d 'etu?s?qnd'{r€lq lsorup ol suuars lurng s8al 'sna dpqEgs slrqro reuul 'anpruts 'urur g'11 qfual -dr(pJoJleq uelpâur uo Tr?ru ptueurn5etur epd 8ura,r,;lurru ç1 qr8ue1 :tloruat 'uolldyraq '(sercads 'ds nsouïug aes) gerus ldacxe )pel16 'uoqDroloC'ævel rep8uerrl terqt 1o 'uoxopon{optàtwyoterue.readdeur.rzlurrsd.rerr -srp .relnoolleJo€I'snllâf,o.ror.relsod o} snllef,o lprrç pseq uo qlool JorJetue lnoqlr/r urnluaur u"rpelu uro{ oJrr"lsrp :âJu"lsrp nlnJollâJo lada;o qrpral çt'0 eJrr?râqnro.rdpeddlc algord ur 7'1 o1 pnba rllâJo rolrelsod uaa,rnlaq ef,u"lsrp le.reruolpSeg1se1se tuol s" 6'I Pu? (qpq pseq :(pZC'StdelulduerperueSuruuo;seSpuBurSra,r -uoc dgecrde qlr^À urruqe.I 's{r€ur ["rr"J l"tuâru Surpnlcxa) adecs se Euol se 9'1 'sa.raruoqet V ïe -n8elur epd lnoqlrrn 'T"rlq 11nateg 'srsou7mq txâu Jo rp5uel peurquroe ol pnbe 1 a.rauro1e8zlg sercads *awnuto{uocuou optscuy "'#,ffi'f_"'&'S"j"':;1ff"j*iïii.J",j3:Èilili r' €I'F8o'ltTjâil'".îË,lt" .scqeruarsds H#;"ffî"*u, aurroqdoqlue ol suorlnqrrluoJ luâllâf,xa dueur srq roJ'TlulrJâl.I'VsnEI I Tqpu_al{poo5_ete1 du;o uorlruSocar urnpârueu sr sercedssyqa'iâ0l,9!trCtg _ _ ^âFru aql;o sSurqruu paddp apd pâf,npar fpn.ri pu€ ec"J elpurâJ{celq lsou{e eql dq p,te azrs ra8rel aql dq 'uuroselâu âql se llâir,r s? x"_rorll âql uo rrurl enlq rrll€lâru ;o eruesa.rd eç dq,'ra,remoq'r11tîtwouo2;o segcadsduz uror; pelzredes Âlrseesrt1lal,{ay'y'qpâawouo2 dueru;o rlpïawosso\g unoun rptlr e{lFltrn rou trcq anlq çy't' dpoeqrsrsarcads sunp's '\qL '"*K,, -^{s-I le gJ"â sel?urâJo ^l Pu" saleru oan1ldecxa uâprâ.11epalrsodap are seddlered 11y '&nqe1pua4 'l\l 'H dq pelcaqoc ere^{ _suorulJeds ge. pefec -rpur asrmrarllo se ldaexg '(uep8e4 f 'H) tlOt eunfç '(ur tgil) real 00gt 'lllH s.res?rd 'Steqed (apurag 1) pr:r- lo1to1otot7uo (uap8e4 f 'g) OlOt iGenuef Ig 'elelf qeuza 'spuzlq8rH uoJaru"C '(ur 'Suer1ed (epruag t) :ggOt 4t"f çZ 91çy) æa3 ''rtr41lzpuâd 'spue1q8111 uoreru?C '8*qtd 0l,Iç (apruag t) :OgOt I'zIN Ll '(u 1161-1991)ree; ,eteloareorcriu sunicund uàe,r1aq pundr-5 9g-7g -,rioirâcunà aropils ot âsreof, pâreilers qlr^ .durqs gg-1g :arftoàr?orrrru ,(lasreoc erou sirnl -cuirâ u5e^iaq pirno.r$ tâacxi z$ral Surpaecerd e1{ uonepund ,Eururqs d11eem 4J-gJ ,erzl -oàieoprur (1eug sarriljrind ueemraq puno-$ ,e1e1 -n1pu.rà dles.reôt ,111,p(p*q leq-5pd Sur.reeq ur5ieur pci.fe Eurpiilcxe) suôrfod elqrsr,r qrln 1a-1a :iegu4s 1nq ruhlnrs u€rll râug uôfenirnd t.ttq* nrr,âia iqroo-* sarnlcund uââ^ leq punor5 _n# ":*ilî,il':ï[i ,il:l ffily"ï.l#3il: sernpund ueâlÀlâq punort 'uzdu sqlpr,u-arnl -cund 7 ol tuenguor sa.rnlcund 'uoltelcund aug' ol âsrzo3 qlrr* ,r(urqsxeue,r lsarnlcund luenguoc Â1.reauas:éoc daap qlr,l,r,'durqs ea:e paddperdns :ilelosreorcrur ,(1eug sa.rnlcund uaaarlaq puno.rt 'durqs searer"lnf,o 'sa.ràlcund,r,rolpqsâsruor çr,u -ured lalzloe.reororru sârnlJund ueea,rleqpunorS ,luenguoc dgeau ,i*o1pqs serntcund 'durqs 1eq,u -eruoJ ruruqe1 ieluloareonrru sarnpund uââ^{}âc. puno.rE ,rredé sqrprar-erntund0'Z-ç'0 pue deep Nrrg-r-rng scNslcs svsNVN do Àrrsus^rNn sHJ zçç SvsrnuATlcs oF THE ANTHoPHoRTNB Bees AND PnvrocENY white hairs anteriorly. T1 with white hair on basal two- thirds, T2-T3 all black, S2-S5 with apicomedian band of short orange hair, in addition S3-S5 laterally with white. Punctation. Like Amegilla paradoxa except face dull, although shiny near posterior ocelli and apicomedian area of triangular clypeus. Anthophora (Megamegjha) new sPecles 553 paradoxa Diagnosis. Clypeus of female completely flat medially, with short dark bristles. Upp.r half of thorax with red hair, lower half white; T1-T3 with all black; T4 with white hair on apical half; T5 covered with white except black apicomedially; legs essentially all black except some white hair on outer surfaces of tibiae. Description. Female: Length 17 .6 mm; forewing length 13.8 mm. Structure. Inner orbits more or less parallel; shortest distance between eyes 0.84 length of eye; malar space linear; head wider than long; clypeal protuberance in profrle 0.6 width of eye; galea in repose reaches anterior margin of midcoxa; mandible with subapical tooth; flagellomere I equal to combined length of next 3 . B flagellomeres, l.l7 as long as scape (excluding basal bulb) and 2. 1 times as long as last flagellomere; flagellomeres 2-9 about equal in length and about 0.87 times as long as wide; distance between posterior ocelli equal to I .22 ocellocular distance, distance from median ocellus to posterior ocellus 0.52 ocellocular distance. Marginal cell length equal to 0.78 distance from apex of cell Tlpt materiaL Holotype female: Malawi, Rumpi, Northern Dist., 12 April 1967, C. D. Michener [Lawrence]. Comments. This species is so strange that without the male I am uncertain as to what subgenus it may be in. It possibly is an Aframegilla. It is easily recognized by the strangely punctured face and lack of a tooth on the mentum, which suggest Anthophora, yet it lacks arolia and has a single basistipital process, features that place it in Amegilla. The color and pattern of the pubescence make it look very similar to Amegilla (Megamegilla) albocaudala (Dours) and A. (M ) paradoxa n. sp., yet the structure of the labrum and all black face easily separate it from those two. Erymologlt This species is so named because it is the only known species of Amegilla without an anterior tooth on the basal third of the mentum. v B? D r-l c/\ -/r\\ z F ) ./ FIG. 52. New species of Amzgilla. A-C, A. (Asaropoda)houstoni,female holotype; head, frontal view; apex of 56, side and ventral views. D, A. nonconforma, female holotype, head, frontal view. E-G, A. (Asaropoda)epaphrodita,female holotype; head, frontal view; apex of 56, side and ventral views. H, ,4. (Megamegilk) paradoxa, female holotype, head, frontal view. ery1-ladrec'esuep pu€ urelred r;3tËrtiil:l -eroJ lurur Z' gT-+' ç1 qrSual :apaat'uotg(ttcsaq '(E 'lZç 'sEt.D qlool pcrdeqns e]€ur8rerue stl Jo asneceq (turrur"qc 'd1ano1''rC 'so4tpottldoda) dpunlq ql1,v\ 9g lrreq Tretq Jo rlrled uerpaurocrde '(Eopu(1g perueu os sr sarcads s5{I qll^ aln{/v\ !(rreq ldacxa 9J I[e gI-tJ 3o qcled '(erprlsnv urelseM urog) erlga lerelelocrde ll€rrrs qll^À tI ldecxa) Trelq ru|Fnoq 'V Pewlar l,lasolr eqt ruo{ (drolrrral ure lrreq ("lpq reddn) atuero pue ("lpq IIe SI-II 'V eteredesgrrnte8rel -t{rro111 eq} ruo4) oTlpoa@eda rarurol) {c€lq q}lû\ xeror{} lrreq (lpq raddn) a8uero Ieruossleur eql uo urelled lueJseqnd aqr s€ IIa/v\ tqEI ol (J1eq rer*o1) âllqÀ\ r{}yv\ peoH 'stsou7otg s€ ("2ç 'Stg) s8urlreur FIrBJ eql 'erlerlsnv ul sarcads rrÀerr Drlporqdoda (opo{o.tosv) ùllfauv rerllo t(ue ruo{ sarcadssIIl ateredes dpsea IIIÀ\ gS uo qtool pcrdeqns aql qlyv\ Euop stsouîptq eql ur 'eete peddlcerdns pu" peddlc pesrporrr dle8uerls uanrt uralled rolor e^rlJurlsp aqJ 'sruauwoC '[ecuerr*e1 '(Eopu(19 eqr roJ perueu sr serceds sHI '[errequeC gaqdrueC'C 'L'7,til drenrqe.{ I ] '?JI{JV rtr Dtotnl of pe}€ler rurreJ t] ?t (apura; I) 'Zgil drenrqe.{ çI (saleure; g) >1aar3 -ng Jo snue8 peqrJf,sopun TJe ur osle ueas uaeq s(Tcorfl 'aprsurng 'drolrrraa urerluoN ruor; s?r{ uor}scgrporu e qrns 'plro^A plo eq} uI seeq sepureJ rnod :saddtercd '[erraqueC] uoldn .S eurroqdoqlue Euoure punoJ uor]erglpour qcns 'Il{ 'r 'N 'BL6I '9,0çoZtI 'S,ZçoZI rlrr?trAtr 6-9 'lllr{eC'}W'g urT çI'drolrrra; urerluoN 'erprlsny :add1o1oq eleruad 'îotrar)w ,d.*n*n sqlpr/v\-eJnlJundg ot snontrluos dlreau sarnlcund 'durqs etre] sarnlcund 'ilnp xeror{I Ieruosererq'snon8rluoJ 'sqlpr/v\-ernlcund 0'g-ç'0 Âq prrnt -edas seJnlcund isnaddlc Jo {reur m.ogadusrperu uo dlprcadsa 'durqs ered 'uour4eun1'?S pue gS uo rreq elFl/r\ Jo segcled prawl v ro3 ldacxe Trelq eurels l"ruosslerrr lrreq Tc€lq Jo qclsd esuap II" 'uerpeurocrde qll^Àosle çI '( [rpl^ ruru tz'g] eæq ?J Jo urtreur usrpeuocrde) srrerl Tr"p parelt"rs pue rleq ellq,v\ pessardde qlp\ gI-?I l(Â11era -1e1ocrdeqcled elFlr\ passarddeqtrrnrtI) Tcelq tJ -II 'rl3rl TrBp rlllÀ\ slqll Jo assJrnsrorrelu€ pu? eJeJJnsJeuw lnq dporrelue Jeuur pue JnrueJ Jo rlsr{ tuol tur,req elql} pue rnueJ 'ralueqcort '(paxrru 'Bxor rll1,v\ ia8uero Ealaro; JIEr{ reddn -relur srrsrl er1lr'r ^ÀeJe rlll^À) TcBIq x€rorll Jo 'o}lq/v\ 'a8uero prrtn-auo ot JI"q re/v\oT JI"t{ raddn r{}l^ÀPser{Jo sPrFl}-o/vuo} JIsr{ râ/v\oT 'xBror{} Pu? 'u/v\orq qslPper peeq uo asueQ 'aeuatsaqnd ?S-IS pue EJorueJ 'srelueqcoJl 'esxoc 'eapt 'urnrqel 'sneddlr Jo sTreur 1essq'ttd 1eretel Jo urtrenr pcrde rvrogel.sTr"ru FIoBJ 'ur*orq uerperu :(tZE qsrpper euuelue ]decxa æEIfl 'ulrtp.toîo7 '(8 'Eurlceford 'IZ,ç 'stt'D dlrorralsod qlool lecrdeqns 'e8re1 qll^À gS 'âqol 'aleur8rerrre dpunlq leuue^ Jo {}tua1 L+'0 aqol ptnf i.C+W Jo Bssrrsqe puorâs sB 8uo1 sB serur] g6't IN ure^ i.C+tr\t Jo essrrsqepuocesJo tp8ual o1 pnba tnoqz tuu* pugJo ^-nr idrt tuuv\ ol IIarJo xade ruor; erue}srp 'ef,uelsrprel 06'0 o1 pnba qttuel IIao 1eurtre141 -nrolleco L+'0 ot pnba snllero rorrelsod or snlleoo uerpetu ruo{ eoue}srp lacuelsrp relnoolleoo I'I rllero rorrelsod uearrrlaqeruelslp !1 eratuoilateg ;o qfuel I L'0 o1 pnbe eretuogeteg rsel iqrtual ur tursearcur dgenperE 6-g seretuogateg lg aiauroilateg 5b qiÊ"ri o'0 oi pnba 7 ariurolfeseg :(qpq Fseq turpnlcxa) adecs se tuol se 16'0 pue sereurogeteg I 'g ]xeu Jo tlltual pewqtuoo ol pnbe I ereuoga8eg iqloot pcrdeqns qllÀ\ elqrpusur içpyrr ada 6ç'0 egord uI aJueraqnlord padllc ituol uerll reprm p€erl iada Jo {}Eue1 IBtuorJSB'0 sadauee/vueqeouelsrplseuotls lanoqe tur8ranlp stlqro reuul 'ruru Zf rnoqe qlEual Eurm lsrg eql sr pue ( t rlqnl ul g elq€rre^ aas) sarcads (otoq ot1\uoco4s(74J) o"tot1d oqtuv avros Jo tuec srur ruer d sr uorlergrporu lepr.g yo adft slql 'sapsrrq Trsp 'uoqs qll^À pexrtu srreq dllecrde pa{ooq lnots 'allr{a 'rr5 e^€q 'uorlrppe ur 'qclq^ ssa*re 1ee -ddlcerdns pue peddlo peuoueg dlaEuerls aql l'q sarcads oppauy rerllo ,lue pue lr ruor; paleredas aq dpsee usc 1nq (srnoq) oppnntoq1o (q1tîauofla747) 'sruarazul7 oppawy solquesar sercads slrlJ '[acuarurel] rauaqclry 'Cg 'C 'Lg6I ''lslc[ ureguoN 'rdun11 IIrdV U '1rvrep141 :eprrral add1o1o11 'lnuapw ad[J 'snoJqu18 'Sururqs arour eurels dllearnr etra] ]nq 'rlur{ dq pernrsqo dlalalduror }sorulg I"uroseretr\l 'secedsrelq ur 8rl ereJrns lnq Eururqs xeroql -uF{s dpleervr lnq asBJ uo snon8r}uoc tsoullv 'uolt -qeund 'elHS 'çS uo dlpralel srr€q /v\oJs pue tS -gS uo qcled 1erâtel âsuep e 'ZS uo dllerelelocrde pue dgerparuocrde srr€rl ù\eJ e ' I S uo a8urr; pcrdu uorls 'rrg e ]dacxe rrer{ TrBp r{}l^À Bura}s Ietuosslaru ldlerpaurocrde u/v\oJq par tdeJxa Trep IIB 9J ll,lprpeurocrde rl€r{ Jo rlr}Bd >1ce1qesuep s pue dlprparuowq rlerl Tr"p 'tcalarruas 'parellers uonlppe ul 'dgelpetu pesserdde 1nq dllerelel rleq elFl/v\ lJere r{}y/t çI lsrreq TrcP lJârerures 'pera1 -]ers e\al e pu€ rlerl âllr1m pesserdde qll/n\ JIsq 'ereJrns pcrde uo ?I l1ce1q ile SI-II leseq relno uo elrqû\ Jo qcled ll€urs q]lm erqr]prru lsnsrelero; Pu? srqrleroJ Jo sereJrns ralno uo ellq/v\ qlyv\ pexru ]dacxe Toelq dpsour qrp\ stel lelrqrvr JFq remol 'a8uero JIsr{ raddn uo xeror{J 'sJIBr{ u/v\orq 'palooq dlpcrde 'arg qrl^À dlerpeuroffiq lqtï urruqsl lsepsrrq Trcp 'lq8rerls '1no1s 'poqs qll^À snaddlc puu eete paddlcerdns uorllppe q lsecrde 'sleq otlq,v\ eug q}lû\ lB perlue^ poToor{ dpsoul urnrqel pus sneddlc 'eete paddlcerdns lurtrenr relnJosred tuop dy*orreu pue olqrpu"ur 'euat 'lndrcco uo elrqrvr arnd lnq rrer{ TcBIq pue e}5{1v\ qfyv\ P?âH 'aeuatsaqnd' u/v\org l{slppâr Jo arnl{ul €urals lBruosB]atr\tr 'TrEIq r{srpper s8al 'u/v\orq qsrppar eept pue elqrpueur Jo dTr :(qZç '4g) al${/v\ Lruearc sTreru 1epe1 F}uaun8alur }decxa 'uoztnroloJ l,lprpaur leg dlelelduroc eete TOBIS 'eqol leaddlcerdns pue sneddl3 I"uuB^ ;o qfual gt'g aqol le8nl i*C + tr\lJo Bssrrsqe puores se tuol su serurt L't trAtrure^ inC + nt Jo essrrsqe puores ;o qf8uel I'1 Eurrrr pqq Jo ^-nf, urel ldrt 8ur/v\ ol Nrrg-r-rnfl scNgrcs svsNvx .{o Àrrsus^rNf} sHJ ,çç SvstB*rATIcs AND PuvrocENY Arnegilla (Asaropoda) houstona'new species Diagnosis: Similar to A. epaphroditabut facial marks differ (FiS. 52a) and T2 and T3 with well developed apical bands of appressedwhite hair; vein M 4.67 times as long as second abscissaof M + Cu; 56 with acute subapical tooth (Figs. 52b, c). Description. Female: Length 15 mm; forewing length 12 mm. Inner orbits diverging above; shortest distance between eyes 0.9 1 frontal length of eye; head wider than long; clypeal protuberance in profile 0.63 eye width; mandible with subapical tooth; flagellomere I equal to combined length of next three flagellomeres and 0.BB as long as scape (excluding basal bulb); second flagellomere equal to 0.84 length of flagellomere 3; flagellomeres 4-9 about equal in length and each segment slightly longer than wide ; last flagellomere equal to 0 .72 length of flagellomere 1 ; distance between posterior ocelli 1 . 1B ocellocular distance; distance from median ocellus to posterior ocellus equal to 0. 52 ocellocular distance. Marginal cell length equal to 0.85 distance from apex of cell to wingtip; cu-v of hind wing slightly longer than second abscissa of M * Cu; vein M 4.67 times as long as second abscissa of M + Cu; jugal lobe about half as long as vannal oF THE ANTHOPHORINN BNBS 555 lobe. 56 with distinct acute, posteriorly projectirg, subapical tooth (Figs. 52b, c). Coloration. Blâck except facial marks yellow (FiS. 52a); malar space, narrow apical margin of clypeus and median area of mandible reddish brown. Pubescence. Like ,4. epaphrodita except T1 with narrow apical band of appressed white hair; T2 with distinct apical white band about twice as wide as that of T1; T3 with distinct apical white band about twice as wide as that of T2; white, appressed, band of hair on T4 departing from margin medially. Punctation. Like /. epaphrodita but apicomedian margin of T4 impunctate and about twice as wide (0.39 mm). female: Australia, fypt materiaL Holotype Western Australia, top of Napier Range, Windjana Gorge, Kimberley Div., 10 April 1980, G: Anderson, D. Symor/on Trichodzsma sp./WAM 87 -1303/#350 Amegilla (Amegilla?) sP. det l9B7 , female, by T. F. Houston [Perth]. Comments. This species is most closely related and similar to A. epaphrodita from which it differs by the characters given in the Diagnosis. Etymologlt This species is dedicated to Terry F. Houston for his meticulously illustrated and fine work on Australian bees. APPENDIX 2. LECTOTYPIC AND NEOTYPIC DESIGNATIONS Each section (Lectotypes and Neotypes) of this Appendix is arranged alphabetically by author. Each type designation is amanged in the following sequence:original combination, type locality (TL), sex, label data (L) with each label separatedby a slash, type depository in brackets according to the list given in Methods, and notes (if any). Each specimen bears a red lectotype or neotype label. LECTOTYPES Lectotypes are designated for various anthophorine and habropodine species when syntypic series exist without published designations of holotypes. Even authors who labelled a type, as distinguished from paratypes or cotypes, often failed to indicate which specimen was the type (: holotype) in their publications. Because of superficial similarity of species in different subgenera, type series are sometimes composite. Designation of lectotypes is the simplest way to clarify such problems. The genus and subgenus to which each name belongs can be determined through the index function of Appendix 3. T. D. A. Cockerell Podaliriuscleomtr(TL: New Mexico, Sante Fe Co., Santa Fe. Male. L: Ckll. +452., Sta. Fe, NM., Veri Boyle/Co-TypeNo. 3+04 U.S.N.M./ P. cleomisCkll. COTYPE) [Washington,D.C.]. Cockerell's "cotypes" are normally paratypes, but no "tyP." (: holotype) can be found for this and the next species. Podalirius aallorum (TL: New Mexico, Dona Ana Co., Las Cruces. Female. L: Ckll +795, or Ipomoea/LasCruces NM/P. vallorum COTYPE) [Washington,D.C.l. J. Dours Anthophorabadia (TL: México. Male. L: Mex 5B/+ males, 2 females/Anthophora badia n. sp./ Museum Paris, Coll. O. Sichel 1867) [Paris]. 19 "Museum male paralectotypes all with the label Paris, Coll. O. Sichel1867". In addition t had no other label, 2 with "Mex 58" , 12 with "Oaxaca'', 2 with "Oax. Salle" and 2 with "Orizaba 66" [15 Paris, 4 Lawrence]. Anthophorabelieri (TL: Sicily. Female. L: Sicile/l53) [Paris]. Anthophoralaticincta(TL: France, Corsica. Female. L: Cors/Anthoph laticincta Sich n. s. 3 females/- nigro-cincta Lp. ,r. female aJurin ghli/ Drews,J.) [P"ris]. H. Friese Anthop horafulu itarsi s murutica (TL : Afghan i stan, Qpndahâr, Ma'rùt. Male. L: Caucasus, Murut) ueeq seq puofi(xo 'V eureu ar{J '[srre4] ('drg '^/6tl1 :T 'aptr\tr 'eru€rrepenC /'srg euotdxo ep €rrers 'uredg :TJ) puofi(xo o^tot1{otltuV 'uorldrrf,sep pur8rro aq] r{}lÀ\ saarSe eddloeu eql 'rl€t{ par t{}!/v\ Pore^oc dpsour stel eqt Jo IIe pue II uo rleq elFl/v\ snoncrdsuoc B rllr/v\ tnq >[r?lq II3 Jo pusq pc1d3 lsorule sr 'spue1s1âpre1 ade3 âql ur pazrutocar dpsee 'sercadssHI '[ocsrcuerd ues] (pttU xg 'uorlcelloClsgreH 'd/eeg,'T 'B6BI-IIX 'ur 009-0 'nelocr1q 'S 'apren ode3 'sI :T 'elurrrad '(a1uec -t^ ogs se/v\d1r1eco1ed& pur8rro) nelocr51 ogs 'spue1s1epre ede3 :TI) ryu{opoî o,roqdotltuV olIseu sed1rp,,lio.lff"Lx il*tuifl3# 'uortdrrJsap pur8rro aqt qly!\ saar8e pue Iecrddlodot sr addtoau aql 'rlel{ ellqn\ ol snoeoerrlro Jo spueq l€cTde ]rurlsp lnq asreds a^Br{ etret leurose}eru eq} puu snoeJeJrloo sr xerorll eql lneq a8uero qll^À pare^or dllsour ere stal aqJ 'r*ogad dpsour sr urnrqel eq] pue snaddlc eqt uo Tretu padeqs-; paua^ur mo11ad e seq epural ar{I '[srre4] (? slsreu^lnJ 'V :T 'elerrrad 'erra8ly :TJ) slsrqlaln{ otoqdoqtuv addroeu searEe *,,;îï'iii':iË.'ïf t:îli;,TH dlpcrdu uB su IIe/r\ sB 'qsnrq l€sr€]r]s1pplur e Jo acuâsard eql pu€ sâqsTrrq lesr€}Is€qplur pu€ I€s -Jslprtu Jo ef,uasqe oql Lq sereads reqlo tuo{ pelsr -edas âq uer eletu âqI '[srre4] (sruge 'V/6IOI pur8rro âql qll/u\ saer8e addloau eql 'uosrred allneg ep 'f '11oC 'srre4 tunasntr^Ilç-11 'suo4 'erratly 'I :T 'eletr -rrror roJ ouo{uozuou 'V pue oxopon( opfawy sluffi ntoqdotltuy :TI) tr 'punoJ ueeq seq aes 'rlzl{ at5l,v\ dpsour q}l/nl çJ pue +L pue 'ecuersaqnd a8uero q}lû\ xeroq} sarceds {oBIq IIB SI-IJ'slreur ?ilrug EurrvrolloJ arll Jo Isueletu adft otr1 'V VpeJ [s]ueurn8a]ure]Ir{^/v\-r{sr JoJIstI raddn ?IINJfl -mo11ed s1r'(urur 6t rnoqe) azrs a8rel s1rdq pezru -8ocar aq dpsee uer r4npnnzoqp'V '[srre4] (srnoq 'saddlolrel roJ se peluaserd ere Bl€Cl er"pnef,oq1eeroqdoqtuy' 2,06I_haWIuorlsur*Irr 'saddloeu Eurrnogo; eqt paleutrsep â^eq -ap s,legceAlllOOl uossdnofl 'f 'oEo1,N enpoSo I (xel ''cuurg o8uo3 :T 'elstrred '(eaurng se/v\l,1r1eco1 e^oq" aqr aas) serrotal?c rrroua8qns w rueql aculd addr purtrro) U,ç2,o6 'N,lzog 'anpo8g 'ranr11 pue serueu EurrrrogoJ orlt ezrlrqs]s o] râpro uI o,tot1(otltuV o8o4,qq'uoqe11 :-II) oîopnugoqlv sgdÀrogN od& .srnoc leuolllpp" ,tue dn urnl Ji'iJ1n1i '1aseg pue 'eneueg 'uol,1 le srunesnur agl lu, s3 IIa/v\se 'urnesntr\trsrrsd erll le qcJsese^Ilsn€r{xe uV 'I MM ur acuurd 'suarruy te quoq v dq padoæsâpsem (aroqe pelsï leuelsur eddlolcel eql ro; ldacxa) prreleru ed& (srnoq Jo IIe lsorulv srnoq 'f 'tuo1 ruru gl-U sr pu" ecuoJseqnd Lart seq aDllannbsal'FZ'alqlpueru eq] Jo lurodprur oql 01 lelslp dpqtrls sI qloo] lecrdeqns oql pue rrrruqel er{} uo (rrtoged I1e q }f) nrrr lecrdu >lrelq ou sBtI alsur o.tafituupo'V 'alqrpusrrr âI{} Jo tIUg pcrde eql uo sr qlool pcrdeqns eql pue urruqsl 'V' eqt uo urlr pcrde 1celq B set{ e1etuaoya.ranbsa1 'e>l"lrâquurll o.ra7ruupa'pz q aopatanbsal oroyfuqruy otoqd qtp1r'\pesnJuoc eq plnor lBI{r (o^rot1dor17uoîQ) -oqruv PIroM /u\eNJo sarradsÂpo eql 'uol]sallor uef,rreurV çro51 dra,ra ]sorule ur ruar{} roJ paTool e^eq I q8noqtle perâ^orslp ueeq e^eg sarcads saddloc oN '['C'A uo]EqqffiMl (ra>1re4 srrll 'g 'oruotuy uBS (*l 'qg Jo ' t'6I) LL-I I-AI 'lur d ''oC /r\oN :T 'e1eIAI'("nl orrooos 'ocrxa141 ZI -sâtr\tr''oC €uV BuoO ss/v\(1r1eco1ad& purtrro) ''oC orroc oruoluv ues (*rt g'6I) 'g rtu Z,I -oS'ocrxa141 /r\eN :TI) aoyatanbsay sntrzîopod '>l-J'p 'q 'egl 'sEI.{w pe}Br}snp ere sorn}BalEurqsrn8ur}slpotIJ 'uossarC Duoluouo"totldotltuv p urduouds rotunf e sr:lnprut d l' D'CI 'uol8url{w6l (t1e* '1ptCInprer eroqdoqtvv/Dtvlnu,asawoalJIo 'srg w/('11>1C)'I I 'se8el wT ''oC dpf 6'tr^{'51 'seta1 seT :T 'alBtrAI 'ocrxa;41/n\eN:TI) snltllupod lnprpe Ian8ltr\trues 'v 'c I llara{coc NIIsT-Infl 'tB6I ul ldrrcsnueru ur eddlot -re[ sB pateu8rsapraTeg'g'61 ]Br{} uaunceds erues aqt sr s${I '[uopuol] (gOg-OO'ou uol]cel -lor 'arlq6 uarred 'srtr\tr'uorlcalloC qlrus/re^l1 puourrlclg 'erlerlsny :T 'oleured 'g , ç g" t ç I 'se1e11 qrnos 'S, 're,u11 puotrtqrlll tE oBZ sya"tofiqwoqopo(o^tog :TI) /r\eN 'erprlsny ' opclsopnas{ 6Z6I'âTrlpap 'v '[,rop 'v se poIueuar s?/v\D\nels Jo eletu s(tltrus -uoTl (qçOçgZf 'urdH edda 'ry 'g/t{}1urs €lnrls 'V :T 'el"tuod l'lTtls :TJ) D1ntlso"rotldotltuV qIFIS U '[srre4] (apur rrpueruo1 :.I 'eletr\l 'uBrO 'erra8ly :TI) tîpumalr ntoqdoqruV '[srre4] ('Ereg 'lS 'erpaurre]q 'V :T 'eletu -ed 'surred 'acuerg o^tot1(otltuV ;TJ) Dzpawnrur 'V :T 'eletu [srre4] (apure; Et"rlrrlg -ad 'uBrO 'erratly :TI) otnlllelq oroqdotltuV '[srre4] (a1eura;tunroeupfl :T 'eleured 'saauard4 'acuerg :TI) wnroaqoq n"totldoqtuy '[srre4] (epnre; eue8rqp 'V :T 'aleruod 'uol1 'acuerg :TI) ouafuqlo o,toq(otltuV 'S ep rarlaladal 'V U sualnolTfauv sr serresad& âg1," $lii,if;?; -qrqsaq; '[u11rogl (oaowodyuo 'doo11-']]ng 'slllH 'ecce1e141 :T 'eptrAtr 'slllH Eurdrel '1era4 'dltl 'ersde1e141 :TI) szsuageolnuD1nslîlla ntoqdoqruV 'adl.tolcel eqt qllÀ\ cgrcadsuoc lou ere pue ?11rug slsrnîlaln{o,rotldoqtuv are_'aleureJ '[urlrag] 'sarras addr âr{rJo }ser aqJ I pue saleru g sCNsIcS SVSNVX .tIO ÀIISus^INn sHJ 9çç Svsrprr,tATlcs AND PrrvrocENY applied to various species of Anthophora. I have even seen a determination label of A. orcygonaon an undescribed species of Pachymelus.From material in the Paris Museum and studying the original.description I am certain that A. ztcygo-na.isa junior synonyin of Anthophora robusta (Khg), a well known Mediterranean species. It is easily recognized by its large size (17-20 -*), upper half of the thorax and T1 and T2 with fulvous hair and the middistitarsus without a lateral fringe of black hair. It can be confused with Anthophora fuliginosa Morawitz which has a well developed middistitarsal lateral fringe of black hair and is broadly black along all of the lateral margin of the clypeus (oxygona has only a small laterobasal spot on its clypeus and is all yellow below the anterior tentorial pir). Anthophora rufolanata (TL: South Africa, .Cape Province, Kaffraria. Male. L: Capland, Willowmore, Arg. 25, 1918, Dt. Brauns) [Pretoria]. This species, endemic to the Cape Province of South Africa, can be recognized and separated from its close relative , Anthophora aestita Smith, by the yellow to red hair (mixed with black) on the thoracic and metasomal dorsum and the lack of a middistitarsal lateral fringe of hair. I found 16 specimens at the British Museum (Natural History) determined by Cockerell as Anthophora rufolanala. His material agreed well with the original description and I have followed his interpretation of the species. Anthophora tarsata (TL: México. Male. L: Mejico, Mus: Drews, Tarsata Sichel, 02: sr.) [Copenhagen] . A. tarsata, a junior synonym of Anthophora californica Cresson, is easily recognized in the western U. S. ând the northern half of México by the white, apical, integumental bands on the metasomal terga and the red legs. The hind tibia of the male is greatly inflated with a large anterior tooth. The topotypical neotype agrees with the original description. Anthophora zonata analis (TL: Equatorial Guinea, Rio Benito, 1"36'N, 9"37'8. Male. L: San Benito, Guiral 1885, 5335-85) [Paris]. This is a dark form of and conspecific with Amegilla acraensis (Fabricius). It is almost all black with scattered white hairs on the head, thoracic scutum and anterior half of the thorax, and T4 and T5 have predominately white hair. This topotypical specimen agrees with the original description. W. Erichson & J. Kl,tg India, Pondicherry Megilta sesquici,ncta(TL: PonState, Karikal. Male. L: SOUTH INDIA, 1964 (P. S. April dicherry State, Karikal, Nathan) ) [Lawrence]. The supposed type material of M. sesquicinctain Berlin, consisting of four specimens, is not from the type locality nor of the proper sex. There is no doubt of its identity from Erichson's description and from where it occurs in India. The head and thorax are almostly completely covered with white hair, T1 and T2 OF THE ANTHOPHORINB BNNS 557 are all black, T3 and T4 have medially interrupted apical bands of white hair and T5 has white hair laterally. See Commenls under Dizonamegilla for further discussion. E. Germar Megilla subterranea (TL: France. Male. L: II-23-1837) [Paris]. There is almost no recognizable remnant of Germar's material in the museums at Berlin, Hamburg, Eberswalde, Frankfurt or Munich. In Paris I found material which is topotypical, agrees well with the original description and may even be type material of Germar's. This large species is common in the Mediterranean region. The head has mostly long pale hair, scutum has long black hair, scutellum, metanotum, propodeal area and T1 with long white hair, T2 and T3 with mostly dark hair, and the rest of the terga has mostly white hair except for the median apical patch of dark hair on T5. J. Giraud Anthophora obesa (TL: Italy, Piemonte, Fenestrelle. Female. L: 34-72) [Genoa]. This specimen was collected on the 34th expedition on the 26-29 July, lB72 (according to the field notes in the Genoa Museum which were brought to my attention by R. Poggi). I could not find type or topotypical material of Anthophora obesa in the Paris Museum. Subsequent searching in other museums uncovered this specimen in Genoa. ,4. obesa, a junior synonym of Anthophora balneorum Lepeletier, is recogni zed by its almost all black head, pale to yellow thorær and almost all black metasoma dorsally, except Tl and T5 apicomedially have pale to yellow hair. J. Klug Megilla farinosa (TL: Egypt. Male. L: Aegypten, Schinker/Anthophorafarinosa Klg. determination label]/Anthophora [Alfken's farinosa Klug [Lieftinck's determination label]) " l+67 lTyp. [Berlin]. The female that is labeled label]/farinosa Klug* [orange [yellow label]/tabsachlich nicht farinosa [Lieftinck's handwriting]/ This specimen is not the type, cf. with Priesner 1957, p. 91 [D. Baker's handwriting]" is not M. farinosa. From the Klug material in Berlin I have selected as neotype the above male which agrees with Priesner's (1957, see pp. 14, 19 and 90 for separation from other species and a description) interpretation of Amegilla farinosa. A. Lepeletier de S. F. Anthophora atrociicta (TL: Senegal. Male. L: Althoygh.molt of Lepeletier's l-pe9up.) [Paris]. cies are represented in the Paris Museum collection, I was unable to find suitable material for lectotypic designation . A. atrocincta is one of the most distinctive African species. The upper half 'op1e6-ep"etrAIaopuoln'uV: Gr-gtv 'ggv-Tgt'Bvr) ['dss oelqnuse] ?16I 'uV:) 'nV 'Aego1{n.tqo 'uV: 'qtlrrrs 'puertg, 6'ur(s 'u osuo(s (tçAI oannal !uro; N ISBI I 161 TrEp 'a>lepaqulJ ?orunrqo 'uV !'ur(s 'u ç061 'uoratueg sncldolltao'04 - lOnf Lg6l @Aù N 'uV glBI 'oluaqcstPâd tmouotqo 'Vfi) 'qrlurs puaopD'uV: :0g91 'srnoq ur.unpnu u?uou Gtf d 'uV- iu"ro; "ur(s 'u 'laqcls DtreDtoqltuaq (gOf) O 'uV ZZ6I '1are1cog o4cunfqo ['dss TJBP '"re>lceelsreC 'srnoq sqouv'uV: !'uds 'u Dlouozs€l 698I /gBI 6981 'qllrus 'ra>lcaelsreCslpoqao{ 'uV: !'uds 'u s?pq o1 Eurprorr? 'gZB1 'retlaladal sutyuaa{nt, fgBI 'ratr11 srpurruopqD o1tyn(tq'uV-) g,'GldV) ruv t6l1 '(snrcury.{) stsuaortD -otaîav- unpnu uataou(on@rW) g0BI 'uorarue3 (flgv'Bgt'gtv ç06I 'uV 'u 'Ott '6gr) (ttWa) sa(twn1(ees 'snaeuulT wruoantD tou 'I 16I 'aserrg oc1fu1qno ro; erueu (Ofç 'l1g> uossâr3 stwo{t4uat aes 'gara>1cogopaT{n'tqo 'g ''q*ot 'rr (rV) sryaut(qczdLIGI'(asarrg) snnursslqu ,î1ff:liiHÏ#i:ilï:ii:lii.i,",iï:,ii::,ili:Ë,i'lilÏËlx srsarceds "u,,.,",*" '1 ât{t uâqt 'uarrt8 st loqurds uor8er crqder8oo8oozeuo ueql ârolu JI 'pcrdo.rloa11 icnc.reap4 '4 ipfuarlg '6 lcrlcreaç '1.1iuerdorqlg 'g luerp.rlsnv 'V suor8a.rcrqde.rEoeEooz.ro3 s8urueeru rreql pue sloqurdg 'âtu ol u1\{ouTun 'un !my17opo4'o4 lopo(oqog'e11 lotot1(otltuy 'utg loplïawy'ury :ele sâureu crreue8 rog s8urueeurrreql pus sloquldg 'xel âql ur ârueu l"ql ol srâJer reql (s)raqurnu eSed eql pue 'dorleurquroJ ,!râu Jo durduouroq ro durduouds pue salou '(i*o1aq uel-B suo-Far ro3 sloqurds) uor8e.rcrqde.rEoe8ooz'sesaqlue.redur auo luârrnt ruo{ luâJe5rp 3r snueE leurErro '(r,r,o1aqua,t8 seureu .ro3sloqur&) snlels crreua8 luoJJnc 'reed '.roqlne 'eureu ogrcedsqnsJo cgrcads:srÂolloJse sr drlue r{ceerePun lueure8uerre oqa '(xsaNl -CIT}IOM INIOOdOUflVH cNlonrcNù CINV INIUOHdOHJNV 'elrxocouot aqt ;o xade eql Jo ur8reur reuul aql Ëurlagered lcadse I€srop eql uIoJJ u/v\erp eql e sPeasxa dpear8 pue tuol sr snldlsouot eql pue (rrrern FsroP tuor; e^F^ xade arlt Jo tllpyv\ lnoqs o1 pnba atppq sruad B Jo pue eleut8:Brrre dlese_q sr atprrq Jo qlpy*) peorq 'eltxocouoE xade erll JBeu eq] e^1e^ sruad eql Jo ur8reru lerel€l eq] uo pâPunor dlqloours sr ]nq 'V eltue ou setl lcadse IssroP eql ruoq puqsal?D? 'lcedse 1esrop uI elrxocouo8 eql Jo xede aql yo ur8 -r?ru Jeuul eql IrIoJJ u/v\"rp aql 3 SPâeJxe Â1areq pue lroqs sr snldlsouot eql pue (rnn'arnlesrop ruor; e^le^ sruad B Jo xade eql Jo qlpl^À erll JIeI{ }noq€ o1-pnba a8prrq Jo qlplm) Ipnrs dran Pue aldurs (ellxoc_ouoSaql l,1pseq sr e8prrq e^F^ stued aql Jo xide etll reeu urtreur IsrelBI ar{} uo e1tu" ellugeP eql ruor; 'psnzttao 'V 'selns e seq 'lcedse Fsrop -dec lelruat turregrp rlaql ruo{ sI tueql e}eredas '(puerlg oaumï '7 ur se) ot del'\ à1qer1ar (po eql pexrrurelq rl"q >lretq Jo erueulruoperd e lnoqll/v\ àgràl Ftuoseleur eql uo rlsq rlll"]etu onlq raprnrod '(1ara1r_oC) ouqsaqot rltl^À seeq eru qclqrv\ Jo r{}oq 'V ot r"llrms dlaurerlxe sI Dsnztravo1lfawy 'Dsnzu?o w el_oqe Jo uolldrrcsap eq] qlr/v\ saer8e eddloau 'ranervroll 'seeq aurroqdoql persll uenrrcads eq] -uB Jo sad& I"qrBA IBroAas elesol o] elqeun sB/v\ I IunesntrAl slr?d aql w suollselloc eeq Jel{lo eq] q8norqt dln;arec Euqool reUV pue IBTIoBA :anooSg-l"ng ro oloT-?n_oo8o .'oputrrl-anoo89 'eunlue141-enootg'anootg-uado141 :secul^ord turrvrolo; -enoôFg aq] Jo /'ue '[stre4] ,ol re_J?r_ u€r uoqgC ,.ir1pcol aqJ ur ,(o8uo379noo86 :T 'el"tr i '(auoe1 errels se/v\ dlrpcol eddr Fu -rFrro) anoo8g 'uoqeg :TI) psnzxraDo.tor1(orltuV 'f leqcen Nlrs'Ilng scll^ln dO SgICgdS 't xloNgddv 'suJels oql puz II-çI Jo sa^Fq pcrde 'Âguralel?I 'I.T, 's8a1 'peaq aql tuue^oo rletl atuero 'eete leapodord qrlÀ\ dpoq {c"tq IIe dllel}uesse s1rdq paztutocar l,lsea eq uer sarcads eql Pue uotldrrcsep F_ul -trro eqt qlr^r dpcexa saar8euerulJeds pcrddrodor aql 'lewg Jo E^eueC 'srre4 'u11raguI Isrre]eur addr ou sr ereql '(OOgt ) ernssn€S dq Pelso -1pq sl addr eq] w traquaTrues sB runesntrN ]ou eql '[srre4] (gO1 (uortrelloC I"qæA) zarsns 'r33 otarq 'recsetepztr\t :T 'oletrtr 'zerens oE_a1q -setepe141:TJ) yuapûq (sn7au(t1tod)opo{o.tqog ?s 'H 'sercads rar{}o due qtp pesnJuor eq }ou ppoqs tl }et{t e8rel sg.l elrlJurlsrp os sr ssroedsueeu?JJelrpe141 'ulq 'rÉr{ apd Jo spueq lecrde trullslp s€tl gI-gI -JBru pcrde aq] pJ€/v\olJesuep sI qclrl/v\ JIBTI_epd 'rl3rl;o sa8urr; lrere ql1,v\pere^or erc II ZL PuB Issr"tlseqPlur padolenap I"retBI lusre]I]slpppr pue 'prer*1no pexegar dltuorls ip^ e surl 8e1pru aqr '?11rufl ruruqsl aqt Jo uttreur pcrde oqt ser{ 'oynsou sls"tntloln{otorldoqruV;o urduouds rorunl e 'v p elsur eI{J 'IunesntrAl s,lrsd a-q_luI PunoJ se/v\lelre]stu leirddfodo] ro ad& oN '[uapla;suv] (reusarr4 'H 'rCI 'rap 'dtT etnseu/'dtT e_lnseu 'S eroqdoqruyTradatr\t'U 'rO '62-AI-III 'elr?t1y '1enoqtel i-I'el€ru '(uerg sem dlrpcol e_d&Ful -trro) lenoq8el'euatlv :TI) rnnsouo"torldotltuv _ 'T,L uo rIBrI pcrde Jo pueq allqlvrB roJ ]dacxe TrBIq IIB are ZI PUBII Pu? rlBtl elFlrv\Tclql qlyr\ er? xsroqr Pu? Pseq aqr 'rl?t{ atuero-r*ogad Trltlt q}lrv\ Jo JIsrI re/v\ol eqt pere^or er? çI-tJ Pu€ xsroql Pu? P"eq er{r Jo scNsIDS SVSN\rX sO Àrrsus^INn sHJ B9ç SYstnuATIcs AND PuvrocENY OF THE Friese,1922 n. syn., dark form; :An. nigriuentras :An. cyanicollisFriese, las analisssp.l n. syn. i 1922 las nubicassp.] n. syn., dark form; :An. Cockerell, 1935 las bipartitassp.] n. syn.l comperei =An. lounidgeiCockerell, 19+6 lasf,aaicol/rsssp.] n. syn., semi-darkform) (438,505-507r 557) acutilabrisMorawitz, lBB0 An, PO (496) adamsella(Rayment), l9++ Am (An), A, publication date, not 19+2 (512) adnmsorunBrooks n. sp., An, P (438, 462, 544-546) afulaidae(Cockerell), 1905 Am (At), A (: An. nnesti Rayment, 79++ las adelaidacssp.] n. syn., publication date, not 19+2, see Text Fig. IX, figt. 3b, 4c and described as new 1947) (511) adaenaSmith, seeacraensr(Fabricius) Cockerell, see albocaudala(Dours) aduenifurme's adoenula(Cockerell), 1930 Am (An), E (515) (Dalla Torre Friese), 1895 An (Megilla), n. aegyptiaca name for An. senilisWalker, l97l, not Eversmann, 1846 (460) aegltptorunPriesner, see atricilla Eversmann Hedicke, 1931 An, P (4841 486) aeneiuentras (Vachal), 1903 Am (An), E (506' 548,558) aerizusa (Smith), 1854 Am (An), A (438, 5ll, 512) aeruginosa aestiualisPanzer, seeretusa(Linnaeus) (462) (Friese) aethiopica(Friese), seeabessinicus Cameron, see acraensis(Fabricius) aethiopicu.ç ajfab;lisCresson, 1B7BAn, N (=An. fulaicollis Timberlake, 1951 n. syn.) (466) ûnit Brullé, 1832 An, P (:An. liturata Lepeletier, 1841 n. syn. i :An. asiaticaMorawitz, 1880i :An. lusitanicaFriese, 1919 las asiaticassP.] n. syn.) (464-466, 556) aj,mbriata LaBerge & Michener, see badia (Dours) af.abellataGribodo , 1926 An, P (466) afra Priesner, see albigena(Lepeletier) africana(Friese), 1905 Am (An), E (:An. pseudococcina Meade-Waldo, l9l+, n. syn.) :An. odontura Cockerell, 1920, n. syn.) (506' 546, 547) africanaBenoist, see balneorumLepeletier aganlaRadoszkowsky, 1869 An, PO (:An. kessleri Fedtschenko,1875, n. syn.) (464-466) agamoidesStrand, seedalmaticaPérez ogràt Smith, see badia (Dours) alaica Hedicke, see retusa(Linnaeus) Cockerell, see urbanaCresson alamosanals alashanicaGussakovsky, seepekinensisCockerell albataCresson, 1876 An, N (494) albellaGussakovsky, 1935 An, P (491) Dours, seequadrfasciata(de Villers) albescens albiceps(Rayment), 1951 Am (Asaropodo),A (515) albicepsFriese, 1916 An, T, not Friese, 1922 (468) Brèthes albicepsFriese, seearequipensis albicillaPérez,1895 An, P (464,486) albida Dours, seealbigena(Lepeletier) Alfken, 1936 An, O (484, 486) albifascies albifronellaBrooks An, P, n. name for Heliophila albifronsWu, 1985, List of Insects of Mt. Tumur, Tienshan, in Biology of Tienshan, Beijing, p. 148-149(in Chinese, English summary on P. 150) not An. albifronsEversmann, 1852 or Smith, 1854 (4e 1) Brèthes albifronsSmith, seearequipensis ANTTOPHORINN BEBS 559 albifrons Eversmann, see bimaculata(Panzer) albifronsWu, seealb'fronella Brooks albigenaLepeletier, 1841 Am (At), P (: Megilla lllige4 1806 n. syn. , noflrennudum; leucomelaena =Megilla moribundallliger, 1806 n. syn. , nomen nudum; :Antofhora (sic) binotataLepeletier, 1841 n. syn. ) :An. albidaDours, 1869 [as albigenassp.] n. syn.; :An nanaRadoszkowsky, 1869 fas qwdrifasciatassp.l n. syn. i : Po. nigrithoraxDalla Torre, lB77 fas albigenassp.]; - Po. pyramidalrsKirby, 1900 n. syn.) :An. afraPriesner, 1957 las albigena n. syn.) (438, 499, 502-504, 556) albigenaRayment, see albigenellaMichener albigenellaMichener, 1965 Am, n. name for Asaropoda albigenaRayment, 1931, not Lepeletier, 1841 (515) albipesFriese, seeplumipes(Pallas) Hedicke, 1936 An, P (462) albobarbata (Dours), 1869 Am (An), E (:An. adueniftr' albocaudata mis Cockerell, 1946 n. syn.) (506' 553, 5541556) Saunders, see humilis (Spinola) albocinerea albofurugineusFriese, seefuruginea Lepeletier Radoszkowsky, see dubia Eversmann albomaculata Timberlake, seecaliftrnica Cresson albomarginata albopictaCockerell, l9l7 An, P (491) albopictulaCockerell, see oldi Meade-Waldo llliger, see aiolacea(Lepeletier) albopunctatu (Friese), 1922 fas circulatussp.] A- (At)' alboscopacea E (504) (Friese), 1896, An (Po), P (:An. fastuosa albosignatu Gribodo, 1924, n' syn' ) :An' tenuicilialaAlfken, 1926) (460, 464) Gribodo alj,nii Alfken, seecaelaDs alfkenellaPriesner, 1957 An, P (491) aliceaeCockerell, seepraecoxFriese Saunders, allwudi Pérez, 1895 An, P (: Po' canariensls Lieftinck, 1958 las allwudi 1903i :An. fuerteaenturae ssp.l n. syn.) (460' 462) alpatouiKuznetzov-Ugamsky, 1927 Un (An), P (450) alpha (Cockerell), 1904 Am (Saropoda),A (515) altaicaRadoszkowsky, 1BB2An, P (:Megilla tersa Erichson, 1849 n. syn.) (460, 462') altunans(Klrrg), 1845 An (Megillo), P (: Po. wegeneri Friese, 1899, n. syn.) (474, 476) alticolaHedicke, see quadrimaculata(Panzer) ambigw Pérez, seeriuolettiPérez ambitiosaAlfken, 1935 fasfemoralassp.l At, P (474, 476) (Lepeletier) amolitaCockerell, see subcoerulea Cockerell, seeniaeala(Friese) amphigltnops amplicepsFriese, see aestitaSmith amseliHedicke, 1936 An, P (464, 466) amtmone(Bingham), 1896 Am (An), O (513) analisDours, seeacraensr(Fabricius) (557) andnlusicaPérez, 1902 An, P (464) andsrsoniCockerell, see mimadaena(Cockerell) andicolaSchrottky, 1911 An, T (468) andinensisRuiz, 1940 (Po) nomennudum andresi(Friese), lgt+ Am (An), P ( :An. glauca Alfken, 1926) (510) andrewsi(Cockerell), 1910 fas zonatassp.l A* (An), O ( 5 0 9 ,5 1 1 ) (Dalla Torre), 1896An (Po), E, r. angolensis name for (t"fX) o$nqo.teas 'asarrt Dptu.tto g 'rpo{otttdptg 996I 'lcurtger-I uorytquaq 'Zg, 'OgV) oyoun{eas 'a>lclpeH op.ttv (rezue4) (sraded luanbosqns Gçg (ggf) I 'uV çgBI 'uossar3 optto ur Jo 698I ur e(ueu snl suorluâru Je^eu sJnoCJ 're.rrarvroq (ra8r11) oynfo1daas 'laraTroC Dlutunaouo lsrnoq 3o dreroduratuoc e 'ârleutr,req3 e1 (E"fX) oîsnqoraas 'a>lcrpeH orto ep rerllefl 'g 'fl 'f roJ petueu se/v\sercadseqt stuees (t"fX) Dîsnqoroos 'asorr{ Drto tr â3urssns{o1alqeqord) d 'rV 698I 'srnoq yaltaq '@pfauotltuV) uV '(nM) nsuaïutftaq (qlg1trrS)suo{tunc aas 'ual IIV ocrtuoîîo Geù 4 /B6t Âqrly saproqao?aas 'geralco1 twzrnp g 'sn1auû1tzd7,961 'lsrouafl s?suanrlaq '21r.ureto,1,111 'uV '0gr) qoïn.r1so (fOç) g '(uV) urv 9g61 '(11ara{roC)swu?urmqeeq B/gI @w d 're8rgl DuoztsDq (ruaurr(e6) oT"tasnndaes 'luaurdeë Dnalwssv unpnu uatuou(rnÊrW) 908I (f lC) V '(uV) urv 9Z61 '(gara>poC) owssa g 'uV tçBI 'qrprs sllonq @tV'llt'çlV) 'uV 'o>luaqcstpâ,fsa(tq.roq (1ara>1co g owo\sop{so 3) suoct"tqnrees'1ara>1co ç1BI @n) d (Clç) g '(uV) tuv tg61 '(lara>1roC) ouûu(st n7o13o7d (roEr6111) aas 'o>1clpâHoeluoîs!îpq 'zlrlrerol4tr otllo?so 'ggg 'grv '7rv-zLt 'oLt) ('uds 'u ?llnrfl stuffi aes Qgg ['dss (gOf) d 'uV 668I 'd1smo>lzsope1sxsulpaqapsD unroaul??wl 0g6I 'lsrouag ouon{o 'uV: !'ur(s 'u 'uV 'garalco1 'lsrouag opuîroeqns'uV906I GAù N lnqtn ['dss urunaulogs"] 0g6I ql5us snnn(suo, âes 'aserrg sa{ :Ogg1 'srnoq ,lqunpnu uruou "rrds 'u leqrrs .topt 'uV: :gggt -!Q: !'ul(s 'u 6ggy 'srnog o4oqyaot7ru ees 'eserrl s!.eqofîrnaln sJnoe oqnuo1o{n"t 'uV: ' p n e r r g D s a q o ' u :V) ('ur(s 'u gt61 'lare>1roC outosoflaw unneqoq @tù I ? B I ' r a r 1 e 1 a d a l d ' r V !['dss DlDrarosel Z,Zil 'esaug nt7a7'uV: !'uds 'u (ZgV'Ogf) ('ur(s 'u ['dss snttmloq sB] 9681 'esaug 'puerlg 'gara>1co3owq{o 'uV: !'ur(s 'u nsanîo.roa'od -) d '(oa) uV g6gy '(asarrg) oclna1oq I [61 tz,6l slpsnqopnas('uV: !'uds 'u ['dss pîozatvse] ç06t nlfiossopq d'eH LLBI'd>1sr*o>lzsopell 'eseug oynaro 'aserrg onîq1ap1r'uV-) g 'uV (snaeuuyl) osnTataas 'elclpeH nsuaf)emq ç061 U,gg-ggg 'uV 'ds 'u sToorg stsuaumlDq 'Bg, 'ggt 'BçV) J (ggg) ('uds 'u g96I 'reueqcrl4l T e8ragel oyoltqu{o eltdot7ag: !'ur(s 'qrlurs lou '61,8[ 'q]lurs slut"to$qwnq 'rr ro1 [tçgt '0d erueu 'ul gOgl 'arroa elleçI sltu"rofiwarq f'uds 'oH: !'uds 'u 'qqtus stw"to$qwoq 'u 6l,8I 6l,8I 'qrlurs sl1fo 'oH- !'uz(s 'u 'r{rlurs Dlunzat 6l,8I -uora 'oH - ) I '(rV) npfioq1aq6981 '(srnoq) otpoq Gcù oe6r 'eraJeurouod Aq unpnu unaou 'uy lodod ount.qeoq (lf C) Zt6I tou elep uorterrlqnd 'V '(rV) urv ??61 '(luaudnU) stlD4snn ('uIs'u'IZI'd'648I'qllurs tou'6I['d'618I 'qrl-S D?Duuanl'uv ro1 erueu 'u '9681 'errol zlIeCI 'od - :Ot 'd '618I 'qtl*S Dtouuarlt saptopo{o.rqot1 I 'uV:) '(tV) optdot7a(I '(srnoq) npfiotorualunD I 6981 'uV 'z1rnretotr41 sa{uno kgù d 9BBI 'laraTJoD Dqxqolnn llorâTJoC Dluopott?teas (çf ç 'gtg) V '(uV) urv I161 '(aseug.)oqo.rno (E"fX) D$nqorees 'âsertg oaco{oesl.tlv (t.1y) r4snqotaas '6991 'srnoq nauûnt"ra{o4n (tgg '0Ig 'B0g 'Z,Où ('uds 'v ZZ61 'aseug sa(yo1'uV= !'ur(s 'u 8061 'gera>1JoCoptlwop 'uV: :Z,ttI 's€l["d tou 'IBL1 'snrcrrqeg sa{run1d sldv - ) tr '(tV) ulv ItBl '(rar1a1eda1)Dttureorto (rrç) O '(srnoq) oalnrantoun '(uV) ruv ['dss oqouozsel698I (zgv 'ogv)('u,(s 'Iu"q 'asrnlq sryppaa'od - !'uds 'u 'u t06I 868I -Erlfl a{oquo'uV:) d'rV I7BI'rarlalede-I Dqportv pre>lced suo{t11dees 'osottg sa{uqo (rlç) '(asarrg) sa(uso '(rV) ulv ['dss o1ouozsef ZZ6I O uosr{JrJg rolotttpnnàeas 'qrlurs suotrt.tqo 'rauserr4 'u ['dss orut!.ttos€] lçG1 @gV-Vg7) ('uds unto4fulao 'uV-) d 'uV 'gtB1 'uuenrsre^g onpup s{an.tqo (gtç) a '(tV) urv 'IBBI '(d>1s,vro>lzsopeg) (arrol elpç1) slsuaplw eas 'zata4 s{an.tqo 'T,Og)g '(uV) ruv gg61 '(garalroC) stsoqruo Gfç'tOç Jïi:kfi:"'ïT;,":';' (vsùJJ"Ï^i aldd8tr 'loruolug 'ros '11ng 'Lç61 '.rausarr6 uarulrysap'uV roJ etu?u 'u tr 'uy sloorg oprtD '1ara1co3 o11{sor(ln 'uV 8g6I QAù g (egv 'Bgt 'ggv 'gg7 'zçv) 'asarrg Dpultltî 'uV: !'ur(s 'u ('uIs 'u ['dss ç261 s{anq1ose] çA6I 'aserrg s{anaawuV: !'ur(s 'u 'asarrg 'eserrg nsuanzlnq'uV -- !'uds 'u ZZ,6T T,Z6l s(a4q1o'uV: lurro; TrBp ''ur(s 'u 026; 'saqlarg tlnaoesa'uV: :Zçg1 'uueursra^fl ]ou tçBI 'qrltus suo.{tq1o'uV: ) I 'rV 02,6f 'saqlarg nsua(mban 'uV 'zlrre.e-totrN ,tgq) Dtlteto SBBI d GgV ouotro (gOC) g '(uV) urv 9g61 '(11ara>1coC) 'rauser.r6 otlqoru 'uV kgù d Lg6I (lOf) g 'uV gt6l 'gara>1cogtuoua1fio 'eH '4cut15at1otso1so{o tL6l O (rurprrrua3 iaeprroqdoqluv) sluuaC-'['dss roloilsna sel (uy) ç?BI 'epnauatrAl-urreng sl1oc7do ureqEurg Duqsytleas '>lculryelT oqap{o oos 'ureq8urg a{oquo Qgù rerlaledo'I Dqloo.ttz (fOç) g '(uV) urv 0681 '(ernssn"S) runaztun (gere>1co C) lûnqqpua( aas'>lcuttgetl sal{aq1uo ees'opoqrrg outrotqlup (rar1e1eda1)oaco1ota 698I 'ra4ceelsJag o1 EurprooJe '6981 'ra>lceelsJeCDlrol -uataaotDluso - unpnu uazauu("V) g0BI 'ratr11 Dtaoqruo '11s.ra>1co3 Âq 'li1l 'ratlaladel oputctty 606I Dluolzl,tryot peJreJsuert '(oa) 006I 'dqtly sntouuatuo pænH oçcutcoon{aas '1arâTJoD ,taqyutsuo (1are>1co 3) slsuauoprotlaas'pue4g nsuaîut(uo (glg) y '(ry0{otosv) ruv 6261 '(gera>1roC)Dloulun (Ogf) a '(uV) un I/BI 'taTle6 on{qnuuo (Clç) ('ur(s 'u 2,261'asarrg 'uV=) g '(tV) *V g0OI '(t"qtt o1nr1(acocna1 ) souuo g86I '1roIBTI ol EurProf,re BUBI 'srsn3 ou4atn{ oluse - ("V) BSBI 'lpa1sra1p7 oyn1snîuo (Ogf) a '(tV) un 0t6I 'a>lcrpag osoynïun Qgv'ogr) IBBI 'uy 'Â>1sr*o>lzsope)I tou 'çGB1 'zete4 s(an.tqo Nlrs'r'rnfl sDNsrcs svsNvx do ÀrrsuflArNn sHJ 099 SvsrBvrATrcs a I I I AND PuvrocENy beqwerti(Cockerell), 1930 Am (An), E (5O4) berylae (Rayment), 1947 Am (Ar), A (511) bettoniCockerell, see conspicuus Smith bicalcarataHedicke, see disparilis Friese biciliataLepeletier, 1841 An, P (:An. caucasica Radoszkowsky, lB74; : An. mucidaGribodo, lB73; : An. rnorawitzrAlfken & Blùthg€n, 1937 I: ,tntilabrisof Morawitz, 1895, not Lepeletier, 18411) (464-466, 556' ) (Erichson & Klug) bicinctaFabricius, see sesquicincta (505) bicolor(Saussure), 1890 Pachltmelus (Hu) n. comb., E bicolorSichel, see balnelrumLepeletier bicornisZetterstedt, 1B3B(A") : Osmia(Megachilidae) bidentataProvancher, see terminalisCresson bifasciataFedtschenko, 1875 An, P (465) bihamataPanzer, 1809 Un (Apis), P (450) bimaculata(Panzer), l79B An (Apis), P (: Apit rotundataPanzer, l79B; : 4n. saropodaLamarck, lBlT; :An. squalidaLepeletier, 1841 n. syn.; --An. albifronsEversmann, 1852i :An. cognata Popov, 1952 Smith, 1854; :' Heliofhila mesasiatica [as bimaculatassp.l nomennudum)(446, 449, 453, 489-491, 493, 499) (Smith) bimaculiftraWalker, see niaeocincla (Smith) bimaculosruDalla Torre, seeniaeocincta binghami(Schulz), 1906 Am (Po), P (r. name for An. Bingham, 1897, not Krg, 1845) (511) crocea binotataLepeletier, see albigena(Lepeletier) bipartita Smith, seeacraensei (Fabricius) birkmanna(Cockerell), 1905 Ha (Emphoropsis)n. comb., N bispinosaCockerell, 1949 An, T (494) bistrigosaIlliger, 1806 (Megilk) nomennudum bisulcaPérez, 1895 An, P (496) blandaPérez, 1895 An, P (476) bogdanowiFedtschenko, 1875 An, P (466) bogutensis(Marikovskaya), 1976 An (Paramegilla), P (476) bohartiBrooks n. sp. An, P (438, 466, 468, 532-534, 536) Brèthes boliaiensisFriese, seearequipensis (Smith), 1854 Am (Saropodo),A (45O, 496, bombiftrmes 513-515, 556) bombiomorphaWu, seep seudobomboidzs(Meade-Waldo) bomboiùsKirby, 1837 An, N (--An. canadensis Cresson, 1869; :An. sodalisCresson, 1879 n. syn.; --An. insularisSmith, 1879 n. syn. i :An. solitariaRitsema, 1BB0[n. name for An. insularis Smith, 1879, not Smith, 18571n. syn.) :An. ssp.] n. neomexicana Cockerell, 1900 las bomboides syn.; --An. stanfordianaCockerell, 1904 n. syn.; --An. Swenk, 1909 n. syn. i :An. fumipennes scutellarisSwenk, 1909 n. syn. i --An. willingi ssp.l; :An. raui Cockerell, 1911 las bomboides Rohwer, 1923 n. syn. i :An. aterrimaCockerell, 192+ n. syn.) (448, 478) bombyformes Smith, see badia (Dours) bombylansMocsâry seeganula (Rossi) boopsAlfken, see aidua (Kl"S) borealisMorawitz, 1864 An, P (466, 468, 478, 489, 534) Priesner, see zanoni Gribodo borgensis oF THE ANrHopHoRINe Bens s61 (Cockerell), 1910 fas zonatassp.l A* (4.), borneensis o (511) bothai(Friese), 1911 Am (An), E (506) bouwmani(Lieftinck), l9++ Am (An), O (513) braunsiana Friese, 1905 An, E (492) brmùftrmrs Dalla Torre, see badia (Dours) Illiger, 1806 (MegiUQ nomennudum breaiuscula (Bingham), 1890 Am (An), O (513) brookiae bucconis (Friese), 1910 Ha (An), O bucharica (Gussakovsky),1935 Am (An), P (515) buruensis (Cockerell), 1911 fas zonatassp.] Am (An), O (511) byssina(Kltg), 1845 Am (Saropoda),P (: Po. schmiedtknechtiFriese, 1899 n. syn.i :An. dusmetiGuiglia, Priesner, 1957 n. 1933 n. syn.; --An. helouanemas syn.) (510) futssinaIlliger, 1806 (Megilla) nomennudum Benoist, seepuluerosaSmith byssinoidzs caelebs Gribodo , 1924 An, P (-- A". alfinii Alfken, 1942 n. syn.) (464, 466) (Cockerell), 1919 Am (An), E (506, 558) caelestina caaulea(Friese), 1905 Am (An), E (:An. ella Strand, l9l4 fas coerulea (sic) ssp.l n. syn.) (506, 548) cafra (Friese), 1905 Am (An), E (515) cala Strand, see calens(Lepeletier) calcarataLepeletier, 1841 An, P (455, 486) calceifua(Cockerell), 1911 Am (An), O (:An. tainaru ssp.l n. syn.) (510, 511) Strand, 1913 las calce'ifera calceina(Cockerell), see calens(Lepeletier) caldwelli(Cockerell), 1911 Am (An), O (515) calens(Lepeletier), 1841 Am (An), E (:An. tonida Smith, lB79; :An. cala Strand, 1914 [as tonida Cockerell, 1936 [as ssp.l n. syn.) :An. calceina tonida ssp.l n. syn.) (504) califurnicaCresson, 1869 An, N (:An. tarsataDours, Cockerell, 1904 [as 1869 n. syn.) =An. subtarsata tarsatassp.] n. syn.i :An. texanaCresson, lB72; - Po. doursiiDalla Torre, 1896 [n. name for An. tarsataDours, 1869, not TetraloniatarsataSpinola, Provancher, 1B3B] n. syn. ) : An. quinquefasciata 1895 l,: S-fasciataProvancher, 18951i : An. nysimi Cockerell, 1937 fas califtrnicassp.] n. syn. ) :An. Timberlake, 1937 las califurnicassp.l albomnrginata n. syn.) (448, 45O, 454, 478-481, 557) califurnieases Michener, see ursina Cresson caligataGerstaecker, see circulata (F abricius) caliginosaKhg see robuila (Klug) calua(Rayment), 1935 Am (At), A (515) Smith camboueiSaussure, see micrelephas (Cockerell), 1911 Am (An), P, n. name for cam.elorum An. ruj,cornisFedtschenko, 1875, not Dours, 1869 (515) cana(Walker), lBTl Am (An), P (:An. niuosella Priesner, 1957, female, not male, n. syn.) (515) Kirby canadrnsisCresson, see bomboidzs canarienszs Saunders, see alluaudi Pérez (Pérez), 1879 Am (An), q n. name for An. candens candidaPérez, t879, not Smith, lB79 (515) candidaPérez, seecandens(Pérez) candidn(Smith), 1879 Am (An), PO (515) candidataGribodo, see hispanica(Fabricius) candiùlla (Priesner), 1957 Am (An), P (515) candidifronsCockerell, 1946 An, E (492) 'opoqug trou 'Bl,B1 'uossar1 opten?a'uV JoJ erueu (ggr) 'oluaqcstpâdûqsao.tntltsts'uV 'u 'N 6'qruoc 'u '(erro; - :Oggy'srnoq (çfgt nuossen etpç1) (od) "H 9681 olyo(o((q 'uV=) g '.tV I7BI 'rerlaladerl stneszaute (gsr ''gruorrr 'VgV) (tgg1 'dqsmoTzsopegoxa1dnd'uV: l7,tgt ("V) eH 6LBI '(r{lFrg) o1"ronu1c N '(uV) urv 'uV'srnoq '(srnoq) o4orowa{opule 'zlra,rerofN 'u (llg) snnyruap !'uz(s 6981 O 6ggy 'uV 'rV' 'rer1e1ada1sa{tsso.rc o7o31r7s1.rpmb (gOç) ('uds 'u ['dss otzult w] 0g6I I1BI ) d 'garelco1 ouof)stl 'uV: :OlO1 'puzrls Dlnplala '(uV) optfut1aq '(aser.rg)nstnttruîsot I 9IGI 'uV-) '(oua.tpuV) '(snrcrrry.D Dttute g urv uosseJC oc{tco{ eas 'lare{coC Joloz?oJot IB/1 (.9pù N 'uV Iq6I 'alepaqurlJ otlwufiotdoc (ruerude6) ouolcq,rqo{ aes 'srnoq Io ottute 'L6B1 'asarrg (asarrg) nsua(ocaas '1arâTJoC tlnapauot @gù (uorlepuerue plle^ul snenuze'od - ) a '(oa) rV 968I '(eserrg) sn?reut, (tw) (rror 'uV: 'lleJeTJoC 'aseug 'u (arnssne g) s1n7n o ees 'asarrg snîoqrt !"uds sa(qouno 016I retureC o?uzrutqn.râes '(ra8r111)rpo(osût1c luotpq'DH !'uz(s'u 868I'uueurlepels snuolnsu? 'gara{JoC 'qll*S oqouoyo{nt sJnoq eas ottpuotqe snnn{suoc n1au(t1cod:) g, '*l*@to1 6LgI 'uv 'z1rtæ,torN punoJ lou uorldrrcsap leur8r.rornq '0t61 'gara>1coC @n) d 0BSI {otsyqc (ratrg) o7o13o7d aas 'e>lclpaH ouofpotlc utnpelsrl 'g '(tV) ['dss opplalo se] puerts, lspotuo, 'reueqrll4t s{oto1r1c 'ra4caelsreC o1 EurprooJ? Ilere{roC aotayo( aâs 698I s(xoqaoS- ("V) 90BI 're8rg1 Daptoule (OZg 'Zlg 'llg) Q+Ot tou sr âlep uorlecrlqnd (aeprpqce8a141) 'tuaurde1.g 6'uds 'u Dloanl 'uV: :Z+Ot tou sr dlsr*o4zsopel1taqels aas 'astn N s'nxeuuot +t6I 'uV '1ara>1co1slrilrorttcnuuot elep uorleJrlqnd ''ur(s 'u 176l 'lueurdea opaû1su1t @gù O LI6I 'uV:) '(gere>1co3.) '(rV) *V 'retr11 Deruot '(uV) un oeuoûo.ro1t1c +16I V a 9081 snrcrrqel oellppu ees 'snrcrrqet syolqe (rurprrlua3 - ("V) ?gBI 'pra1ce4 Dtruot se] 6t61 'esarrg slsuaulqt (Ogf) O 'uV ['dss sls"rorya1n{ iaeprroqdoçuy) s!^ttuaC (rurroqdug leeprroqdoql (rarreladal) oclqnu ees'asarrg nsuaoîuoc -uV) olnpale: ("V) IçBI 'elourdg slsulllqt (fOg) O '(tV) ruv ?çBI '(qtturg) on{uot 'uaTJIV rolotuot 'uV (rururlerap i azprroqdoqluv) @tù d 9Z6I '@nFrW) uV '(S.t11) ouunuoc g86I, ,(pC o1 turprorre '6t81 'reurraC safepqt çtBI QAù a DurpnC - zanpnuunaou (qtQ W) 908I 're8rg1 sarygpqe (snrcrrqeg,) nsuaoteDees 'gare>1co3un(woc srlnlne (fOg) g '(uV) ruv tg61 '(11era>1roC) (Ogf) a '(uV) un 6981 'srnoq oqnqraot uu?rusJâlrg Dlqnpeâs 'eserrt snnqne (f lç 'OçV) O '(tV) ruv I16I '(ilâre>1co3)taqaot (auprpqc @av'rav) 'lpalsralpz '1are1coD 'uV -etary) s!.tolntunîult a1tqcoflaTy("V) BSBI f eTBIraquI:L nlroquryoe N Lg6l uossa.rC ttspn)mpaââs 'louâqcltr t srsulPo.rolne @tv 'ZlV 'g7t 'GW) (['dss{t"r7uac sel906I 'gare els 'qrlus oyouîoc (razuu4) oyo1ncouNq 'uV 'elelraqurl; tnaoleoe 't6V 'OgV) -{roc zYt?p\a'uv: l[urroJ {r"P] 906I '1ara1co3 N L1GT @AV opa1{nrqo'uV:) N 'rV 6LBI'uossar3 stw"ro{utuac eserJdDllruuoees 'esettg onîq1ap1t 'o>luaqcstped 'Z,gV) 'uV (glç) g '(uV) urv 0961 '(1ara1roC) slln.ttuat çIBI lulssep d @gV (OCf) O '(uV) un 8681 'uoraure1 nnpnlt (Cçç) rIlFrS olomî.totueas 'laraTro3 slwoqt (rezue4) oyocn{ aas 'esertt snnsntnne uosseJC ouDq.maas 'gareTcoC ouquauqt (rezue4) oTocm{aes 'elclpeH qoersamDe g 'rn1aut{qtzdZ961 'lstoueg n31oo7c 'olueqcslpe.{ s?u'tottaole 'OgV) 'uV rarlalada-I Dpn!t!? ees'd>1smo1zsop"l{petsotnDt çIBI d @tV uosseJCouoqlnaas 'garâTJoC aouqvîot ees 'leuselJd sa(qono1c JâuserJd D?oetJîtcl 'uV 'zeta4 '(11ara>1co3) ''quroc 'u (s1s(ototldwg)BH o1npc ç69I @gù d llo.tDe 6Z6I N zlrû\eJotrAlsuatsnqnfi,aas 'opoqlJC Deutoe (OCf) N '(tV) un GgBl 'srnoq opït.t1soa"t1tc (.7gù a '(uv) uv 9881 'z1r.lrerotr\loqryuuoe elourdg DîJatw ees 'zeted osoqlt t 'ueqrn ol 'ZOg) ('uds 'u g?OI L96I @Og 'garalco1 DuqelDu 'uV- !'ur(s 'u turprocce (rurracng iaeprroqdoqluv) tggI'(,Ill*S) ['dss n{sry n1oî(t1a: ("9) g06I 'uoreure3 suor{tuuroc s"] ZZ6I 'asarrg s17o1co{'uV=:gtg1 ut ute8e aes '(gera>1co3)lnpne (gg9) uossârC Duotuo?u /v\au s" PeqrrJsâPPu? II,BI 're>lf,e?trsreco7o317oc uue(usJeLg olqnp aas 'zlwteJol4trDuauoqnt opfay6- ) g '(oua.rpuV)urv ISII '(sntcrrqeg,) oqo1nt.ttt uosseJD oc{tco{ eas 'uossâJC Dtrnuoqnt (glç) O '(uV) ulv t?01 '(1cu1tgel-I)n.t(uuzc (f f ç 'ÆV) O '(uV) tuv 016I '(garelco3.) ou{t1nfiuc Gn Ilere>lro3 ouaaptrunaees'gore>1co1Dpnot!1nïun (rrç) '1ara1roC (tlt) Duttnltl 'uV: t'uIs 'u IaOI QZO1 'lera>1coOeunofl 'uV: !'uds 'u ['dss o\opuauasel 'gera>1co3g.taq1f 'uV: lOtgl 'qrlurs oîr/pu?uai) ç06I '(snrcuqe.{) o7o7n3un '6ldV) uV 'uV:) çLn V 'nM neonrlfia)ule 'uV ZB6t @tù d eâs '1era1co1 ntoute Ilere{roC opnozlr.çn (asarrg) snelturcaas 'asatJl snla,u?t eâs 'ttrUIV s{ananutc elourdg s1.rqo7y81z rarlalada1 oâopod aas 'uueutstelg Dzourt Nrralrng ' BIBI'uossarp olo"trs1{oc 69r'Bgt'gg7'gEV) IN'uV (tvg 'IuV 'ds 'u sToorg nsuapuaa(oc '0Ig 'gç7) d ,'gig (srnoq) naysa{ eos 'uoretu"C nsua(oc (tVç 'g7g 'VOg) ('ur(s 'u Z,T,6I '1are>1Jo3 'asarrg s.saepîou'uV: !'ur(s 'u 1,061 qnapauo,'uV-) g '(tV) urv ç061 '(asarrg.)nsua{oc 'vog) (lgoI 'uerJIV Gvç olltuvlto 'uV:) a '(.tV) -V tçBI '(ql1urs) suo.trtuoc 'urv 'ds 'u sToorg sapnuo{tuot 'ggf) d (t"fX) DîDuolees 'srnoe suetsauot @Vg'0Ig ssNslcs svsNv) do Àrlsus^rNn sHJ z,gç SvsrnuATrcs AND PHvrocENy johnsoniCockerell, 1905 [as lB73 (: Emphoropsis :An. aentralisMichener, 1936 [as mucidassp.l) crinipesSmith, seesalaiae(Panzer) (457, 460) croceaBingham, see binghami(Schulz) crocea(Kl.rg), 1845 Arn (Megilla), EP (504) croceipes Morawitz, see laraata Giraud croceitarsas Gussakovsky, 1935 An, P (496) crotchiiCresson, 1B7BAn, N (=An. washingtoni Cockerell, 1905) (445, 460-462) crlsocnemrs Morawitz, IBTB An, P ( = Po. chrysocnemis (sic) Dalla Torre, 1896, and Friese, 1897) (482) cuneataCockerell, see mimadaenaCockerell cuniculanaFriese, 1914 An, E (4S6) curta Provancher, see squamrnulosa Dours (489) curaicornrs Hedicke, 1940 An, P (476) custos(Dalla Torre), 1896 Am (Po), O, n. name for An. uigilansSmith, lB7B, not Smith, 1860 (:An. mcnamarae Cockerell, 1929 las uigilazs ssp.] n. syn.) (511) cyaneotinctaCockerell, see qundratu(Cockerell) cyanicollisFriese, seeacraemr (Fabricius) cyanipennes (Saussure), 1890 Am (An), E (506) cygni(Rayment), 1931 Am (Ar), A (515) cypriacaMavromoustakis, seeplumipes(Pallas) cyrenaicaGribodo, see hispanica(Fabricius) cyrtandrae (Lieftinck), 1944 Am (An), O (513) dalmaticaPérez,1902 An, P (--An. agamoides Strand, 1915 las agamassp.] n. syn.) (462) dalmatiensas Strand, 1916 Un (Ar), P, n. name lor An. subterranr.a Gistel, 1857, not An. subtenaneaGerrnar, 1826 (450) damrnersiTimberlake, 1937 An, N (464-466) dammersi(Timberlake), 1937 Ha (Emphoropsis)n. comb., N darwini Cockerell, see utalkeri(Cockerell) dawsoni(Rayment), 1951 Am (An), A (513, 515) deceptrix(Priesner), 1957 Am (An), P (492') decrepitallliger, seesubterraneaGermar deiopea(Cameron), lB97 Ha (An), O delicataCockerell, see mucorea(Kl"S) deltoides (Buysson), lB97 Am (An), P (515) dentataRayment, see rubricata(Rayment) dentilabrzsMorawitz, lB94 An, P (496) dentipesllliger, seepodagraLepeletier dentiuentras (Rayment), 1951 Am (Asaropoda),A (515) dentricrusMorawitz, see crassipesLepeletier dtpressaFowler, 1899 Ha, N deserticola Morawitz, lB73 An, P (474-476) desatorumGussakovsky, 1935, An, P (496) dtsertorumPriesner, see arida Brooks determinatuFriese, see reichardtiStadlemann diloloensis(Cockerell), 1932 Am (An), E (504) dimidiata Alfken, seeplurnipes(Pùlas) dimidiozonataDours, see sichelii Radoszkowsky disconotaLieftinck , 1974 Ha, O disparLepeletier, 1841 An, P (: An. specæsa Friese, 1919 fas disparssp.] n. syn.l :An. niaeohirta Friese, 1922 [as disparssp.] n. syn.) (462, 464, 465) disparilis Friese, 1922 An, P (: An. bicalcarataHedicke, 1936 n. syn.) (464-466') disrupta(Cockerell), 1920 Am (An), E (504) oF THE ANrnopHoRINn Bnns s63 distinguendaSpinola, lB51 (An) :Diadasra (Anthophoridae; Emphorini) diunsipesFriese, 1922 An, E (: An. fulleri Brauns, 1929 n. syn.) (462) diaesDours, see dufourii Lepeletier dohntyi(Gribodo), 1894 Am (Ar), O (510, 511) domicola(Cockerell), see atrocincta(Lepeletier) domingensas Lepeletier, see maculicornis(Lepeletier) dorsalisVachal, 1909 An, T (:An. ecuadoria Friese, 1922 n. syn. ) :An. trichromaFriese, 1925 n. syn.; =An. incertaJanvier,1955 n. syn.) (468) dorsimaculaDufour, see qwdricolor (Erichson) doursiana(Friese), 1897 An (Po) (:An. uentilabrisof Dours, 1869, not Lepeletier, 1841) (496) doursii Dalla Torre, seecaffirnica Cresson doaeriCockerell, see zonata(Linnaeus) drewseniiSichel, see rufolanataDours dubiaEversmann, 1852 An, P (:An. saussurei Fedtschenko, lB75 ; -- An. semperiFedtschenko, 1875i : An. faddei Radoszkowsky, 1BB2i : An. albomaculata Radoszkowsky, I 874; -- An. carbonaria Morawitz, 1876 n. syn.; :An. ctrbnusFriese, 1919 las semperissp.] n. syn.) (473, 476) dufouriiLepeletier, 1841 An, P (: An. tectaSmith, 1854, type locality of tuctuis not the New World as in description but probably southern France from color form of type; --An. diuesDours, 1869; :An. nigropygaStrand, l92l las dufoura(sic) ssp.J n. syn.i =An. fasciculipesAlfken, 1935 n. syn.) (438, 4 7 O ,4 7 l , 4 g g ) dulciJna(Cockerell), 1926 Am (Ar), O, (:An. senahai Yasumatsu,1935 [as cingulata ssp.l;:An. subYasumatsu, 1965 las senahafssp.] n. syn.) flaaescens (511) durnetorumPanzer, seefurcata (Panzer) duplicicornesllliger, 1806 (MegiUQ nomennudum dusmetiGuiglia, see byssina(Klug) eburnea Radoszkowsky, 1876 An, P (472, 476> ectndoriaFriese, see dorsalrsVachal edwardsiiCresson, 1B7BAn, N (:An. gohrmanae Cockerell, 1903 n. syn.):An. coloradmsis Michener, 1936 fas gohrmanaessp.] n. syn.) (460-462, 488) ffissa Heyden, 1862 Un (An), P (fossil; it is impossible to be sure that this is a speciesof An. [Zeuner and Manning, 1976]) (524) ekuiaensis Cockerell, 1908 An, E (492') elbanaPriesner, 1957 An, P (492) elefas(Friese), 1916 Deltoptila(An), T elegans (Smith), 1859 Am (An), O (511) (Lieftinck), l9++ Am (An), O (513) elephas elgonica(Cockerell), 1946 Am (An), E (504) elimataCockerell, 1933 An, E (:An. infracana Cockerell, 1933 n. syn.) (492) ella Strand, see caeruleaFriese elseiBrooks n. sp. Am, E (438, 506, 548, 549) emarginalaTimberlake, pee rhodothoraxMichener emmdataSmith, seecingulata(Fabricius) Dours ensenadençes Cockerell, seesquarnmulosa Brooks n. sp., Am, A (438, 515, 553-555') epaphrodita epeolinallliger, 1806 (A") : Ammobatesuinctus Gerstaecker, 1869, according to Gerstaecker, 1869 ephippiumLepeletier, see salaiae(Panzer) (snrcrrqeg,) nsottoqolees 'qtlurs{ 'garalroC '6VV) ('uds 'u Glg 9Z61 'uV '(rV) urv '(qllurg) oato{ stsuarunqsnq ) O 6/8I 'uV 'V6f '6Bt) 'uossa.r3sa{1xa{ @AV N 6LBl (ureq8ulg) gn6ou ees 'gareTcoC pqua{ Qev) 'uV 'e>lcrpeg oqourqw{oao{ d ['dss DîDInmwtçse] Ig6t 'VAV) (gOO1'1era1roC tr?qtn4suo'uy-) @ef 'rar1a1edâT 'ç681 'raqcu"^ord ogcutcotîru tou ItBI 'uV JoJoru?u 'u 'N 'uV 'pren11 o4tutcoao{ 1,681 sTooJfl Da.tfJaeas 'asarlg stJîu?a1ao{ zlr1vf"Jotrtr szlDluazJo aes 'eserJù srttuzaloo{ (ernssneg) syoln o ees 'lsrouag xvtotlytoo{ (ruuacng lazprroqdoqruV) tçgt '(elourdg) ns.roytoo{ 'latlcls safioo{ - ("V) o"r1soag Lggl punoJ lou uorldrrcsap pur8rro tnq çg6I 'uâ>IJIV dq pa1sr1 sa(no{ ['dss ou4atn{ sz] a>1crpay1 'uV 'z1r*tetotr41 sturonao{ @tù d 9BBI (snrcrrqeg.) nsuao,ttDoas 'ra1cae1sra1 sqll4oo{ (qlt*S) Dleuteoaant ees 'asarrg s(a4oo{ (snrcrrqeg.) osottoqolaas,garaqco3 nsuatope{ 'uV 'reusarr4 nsuetano(o{ keù d Lç6T eserJd oqoufusoq1? eâs 'opoqrrg nsonçso{ rarlaladal ntno{np aas 'ue>1JlVsadllnncso{ (Olg) a '(ouaryuy)vry çLLy ,(snrcuqe.{) o1onso{ (snaeuurl) nsn1a"r eas 'uaqgly oTottn{ . (srelpn ap) oTottso{tryonb aas ,ua>1g1yosout^to{ 'g0g) (.ur(s .u ,gara>1co3 wn^rocrsn( Qgg 0[6I 'uV:) '@nFrW) urv ,(tnly) nsoutn{ ag ç?BI (fOg) a '(uV) urv 618I '(qlttus) xonp{ 'uV '.rausarr4osotcollo{ kAù d Lç6I uuerusrâ^g Dlqnpees ,1,>lsanoTzsopeà pppv{ .(Vgf) erJtsnv ,ueplagsuy ,zte*tgrs .I t Jo uortrellor ern ur addloloq pu" g,?goIt ,N,tço6Z 'pe,sv urrun .Jeuserrd IpgM se u/v\ouTÀ\oN 'H 'tep 'add; qp1ce;7[leqel par] add1o1o11/reusarrd 'H 'rCI 'çt-t-81 'pessy tutun Ip"M :"tep Eurrvrolog eql wq epur edÂ1o1oqoqJ 'ZZil 'aserrg tou 'Lr:I+ atdrGtr 'lourotug 'ros .ilntr , ,rausarr4 Lç61 s17o1co{'uVro1 eru?u .u 4 ,uy sloorg saproîo1co{ (snrcrrqeg,) o7o1nc4,âes 'aserrg ryo1co{ sToorg saplo1olco{ eas 'lauserrd s11o1co{ Ëff?::îi:;;;i",Ëi#'i:;::# opoqrrg ouu(cs eas 'asartg oan{ (lrç) 'snrcrrqed lou '6981 'srnoq Jo otture.uV (rrc)o IBLI '(tV) uruv '(srnoq) DtDuozo?uuo{ roJ eru"u 'u 'V '(rV) *V Lr6I ,(lueude6) ouolcltqo{ ['dss oTouozsel698I (elourdg) o1os"toy eas 'qlrur1, otouoz? (snrcrrqeg) suacsaqn{aas 'uratsuarlrlT sa(lpaqo{ (ggf) (.uds .u [.dds Dptlqxaw] /961 ,reu (snrcrrqeg) suacsaqn( ees'rar1a1ada1nnrtpaqo{ 'uV:) 'rV ,rausarr4 opt!"tîrce 'uV -sârrd sa{ryooo1c d Lç6I Qgù d Lç61.'rausarr4oyopaqo{ (çlç) g '(uV) urv 0I6t ,(1"WBA) o4a1(xa (gOf) d 'uV 1LBI 'z1r.uretoyt1 yasx{ 'uV 'feq) 'uossor3 rn7ue 'uV 'z1r*retoy41nwqru{ @eV N 6LBl @gù d ?68I (glç) O '(uV) urv 618I '(qlturg) wouqw{ Qtç ' (ra8rg) oqofn1deas 'esartg aonuqc1{ 6 B V ' g g i , g g 7 , O ç 7 ) d ' u V ? 6 8 I , z 1 r r æ r o t r ND s l t t c ? ('uls @tv 'ogt) /çBr 'latslg DslatxaoppaT4J 'aserrg ]ou 'ç06I 'uoJeur€3 nsua{o, roJ 'u lou 'çlBI 'o>luaqcstpe.{oq?trca [ç061 'uV 'od- !'ur(s ro1 arueu 'u tr '(onÊrW) un 916[ ,pu"rts rotsprxl errrzu 'ul gOOl 'zpqcs snîDutruou?fna 'og - :OOOIpu" g06I 'uo.rerueC s?sua{oc 'u (ogr) a '@n4rw) un 1çBI 'telstc ospe,ca ç061 tasor.rgÂq wnpnu u?zaou'asarrg Dsolu?uot'oH :) puzrls rotsptlcaaas 'o1uâr{Jslpad Dsprrca 6.quroc g "qruorrr (n11) rn1au(qcod6991 '(srnoq) snoltsa{ 11 'u '(alepequrlJ) su?nertca 'uV 'opoqrrg (ns(otot1fiag) eH aoysa{ 2961 Qgù d iZ,6T 'snrcrrqeg 'tlV 'ZtV) (['dss snauûn"rn{ s"] 9681 'oserrg @w Ggù 86l I snauûnua{oqp'oA-) d'uV [tB1'rar]a1ada1oautîntu{ lou 'ZçBI 'uueursra^g Dttuttttponb'uV JoJeur?u (Ogf) a '(uV) un I?81 'rarreladal oqou77n.rn{ 'u '6 '(oa) uV q6B1 '(aserrd T errol elp61) nuuûtasnaa (fOç) g '(uV) urv 9g61 '(1era>1roC)n4cutcoru{ uuerrrsJeAg srfuas aas 'r(>1sr*oTzsope1y ruumasfi,aa (llg) V '(uV) wV Lt6I '(luaur.(tU) lsyra{ (gOf) O 'uV I 16I '1are1co1 Dsnaa 'uV '1ara>1f,oC o4n{un{ ees 'slnoq st.tna GAù g ['dss swuar)us€] çt61 ?llnrg sls"toqo1n{ 'uV '1ere1co3 o1oau{ uosseJCoutstnaas 'lare1Jo3 s(ona Ig6I @tù O 'uV 'd1s,ro>pssnCaoruefna (gtç) O '(uV) tuv tt61 '(>1cu!gelT)otuou{ çg6I Geù d 'uV gT,6I '1era1coC ouoqaqa 'Vef) nsuauoqï.ta{ (gOf) d 'uV çt6I 'd>1sr*o>1"ssnC @AV N (ggf) seqtârg nrua{mbarzâos 'saqlarg tl?zaoesa @tr'vlv 'Ow) (OOOIâserrd Aq wnpnu uîwou 'd>1sr*o:lzsope'll (gOf) N 'uV 9g6I 'rauaqcrlN xnrlrlgott1l(u otn)î?lzs'uv:) a '(tldù uV 6811 '(ror,rr1g) oTotoun{ uosserC oclutofiToceas 'gare{roC 1rys[n 'opoqrrg (fOC) (ggO1 'lara1roC Gtù (tOet 'uV:) g '(tV) -V '(asarrg)oulya{ nautoz'uV:) d 'rV 0BBI (z1rnre;orNsuatseqna) 116I lpyo(oa1 'uV ' tmnqtsa) 'tlt) (sraryor'r luanbasqns 'Ogt) @tV çIBI 11"dq pemollog GgV d '(eH) '(>1culgelT) DeqDru) ppo{on1dn1g ueoq seq uort"Puotua slqJ 't6B I uuoluaqcsqpa{ +nil O ees '1ueurÂey ltsaun ot dprp^ur uorlezvrrleï pur8rro sfiI pepuerue (1ara>1co3)aopp1apD pue puru sF{ pa8ueqc ,(puaredde all 'uor} (fOg) g '(uV) urv ç161 '(esaug) ouuqw ' a s e r r gt o u ' 0 6 U - 6 B Z : ç I 6 I keù 968I 'rrlrslrez'lourotug er{rs}na6l'E16I eserrd st.r.Tuaono{ 'tV s>loorg Daqln (c1s)o"rotldotuvroJ etueu 'u t 'u @n) ('uIs 9g6I 'uV: l'ur(s 'u 'geralcog o71$ocna7 'asarrg I 161 oqn{ns 'uV:) g 'rV t6BI 'opoqrrg{tnt14da -drrcsep eql â]rsoddo e8ed eqt uo ,.oTuer{Jtpe.l,, erueu srq sgads eq q8noql ue^e 'papuolul Â11eu -r8rro l,lsm,olzsopelI ]erl,v\ suoluaqcpa{p Surleds aql letlt sreadde ll :t6BI 'd1sr'rolzsop"U toquaqcsqpa{ 'uV: 'rV 'd>1sr*o>1zsop"U roquaqcpa{ ZLBI ) d (ggf) N 'uV 906I 'gera>1co3ocuopa{ NrrsT'rng scNsrDS svsNvx do ^rlsus^rNn sHJ n9ç SysreuATlcs AND PHyrocENy footei Crawford, l9l4 An, T (466, 468) forbesi Cockerell, t907 An, N (460, 462) franciscanaCockerell, 1949 An, T (496) fratucula Gribodo , 192+ An, P (466) fratnna Bingham , 1897 An, O (490-492) freimuthi Fedtschenko, 1875 An, P (--A". oschanini Fedtschenko, 1875; : An. gertaliRadoszkowsky, nomennudumby Friese, 1909) (496) froggatti Cockerell, seepreissi(Cockerell) frontata Say, 1837 Un (At), N (450) Lieftinck, see alluaudi Pérez fuerteuenturae fuliginosa Illiger, see qrudrifasciata(de Villers) fuliginosaMorawitz, lB94 An, P (466, 557) fullai Brauns, see diuersipesFriese fulaa (Smith), 1879 Deltoptila(Ha), T fulua Eversmann, 1852 (Saropoda): E4eoloidescoecutiens (Fabricius), 1775 (Anthophoridae; Epeoloidini) fuluata Fabricius, 1804 (Megilk) : Nomia (Halictidae) fuluicaudaTimberlake, 1937 An, N (450, 476, 479) fuluicollis Timberlake, seeafabilasCresson fuluifrons Smith, see taurea(Suy) fuluipes Cameron, see khasianaSchulz fuluipesEversmann, 1846 An, P (476) fulaiscopaAlfken, see semirufaFriese fuluitarsis Brullé, lB32 Att, R (: Megilla personata Illiger, 1806, nomennudum; -*An. nnsutaLepeletier, l$+l ) : An. arietinaDours, 1869; : An. euris Dours, 1869 fas personatassp.l) (457, 460, 556, 558) fuluitecta Kirby, see inclfia Walker fuluiuentris Zetterstedt, 1B3B(A") :Megachile (Mega' chilidae) fulaocinereaDours, seeplagiatu (Illiger) fuluodimidiataDours, 1869 An, P (491, 492) fuluohirta Meade-Waldo, see insularis(Smith) fumipennesAifken, see aidua (KlnS) Kirby fumipenmsSwenk, see bomboides furcata (Panzer), l79B An (Apis), P (:Apis dumetorum Panzer, l79B; :Megilla noraegicaNylander, 1852 - Po. caucasicus Friese, lasfurcala ssp.] n. syn.l lB97 lasfurcalzs ssp.] n. syn.l - Po. montislinguarum Schulz, 1906 lasfurcalru ssp. and n. name for Po. Friese, 1897, not An. caucasica caucasicu.r Radoszkowsky, lB74l n. syn. ) : An. atrata Hedicke, 1929 lasfurcalassp.] n. syn.l :An. Hedicke, 1929 [asfurcata ssp.l n. syn.; caucasicola : An. obscurella Alfken, original description not found) (487 -4Bg) furcotibialesWu, 1985 An, O (476) fuscipennisSmith, 1854 (An), N, :Melissodes bimaculata (Lepeletier), 1825 n. syn. (Anthophoridae; Eucerini) Priesner, 1957 An, P (492') galalensis gallica Dalla Torre & Friese, see quadricolor(Erichson) garrula(Rossi), 1790 Am (Apis), P (:An. bomfutlans Mocsâry, 1879) (5O4, 505) galti Spinola, 1851 (A") : Eucerinodagayi (Spinola) (Anthophoridae; Eucerinodini) gedzeniRadoszkowsky, seeglasunoaiMorawitz gemellaMorawitz, 1B7BAn, E (492) germabica Radoszkowsky, 1893 Un (An), P (450) gntali Radoszkowsky, seefreimuthi F edtschenko ghigii Gribodo , 192+ An, P (464) giganteaFriese, seehirtiaentrisFriese oF THE ANtHoPHoRrNn BuBs 565 gigas(Friese), 1922 Am (An), O (513) gilberti Cockerell, see cingulata(Fabricius) glasunouiMorawitz, lB94 An (:An. gedzeni Radoszkowsky, nomennudumby Friese, 1909) (476) glaucaAlfken, seeandresi(Friese) glaucopisFriese, 1905 An, E (476> globosaFabricius, 1793 (Apis), T, : Exomalopsis(Atthophoridae; Exomalopsini) glycyrrhizaa (Gussakovsky), 1935 Am (An), P (511) godofredi(Dours), 1869 Am (An), E (:An. modesta Smith, lB79 n. syn.) (508, 5lO, 55tr 556) Cockerell, see edwardsiiCresson gohrmanaa gracilipes Morawitz, lB73 An, P (452, 473-476' 489) graeca(Alfken) , l9+2 Am (An), P (504) grandicep.r (Friese), 1905 Am (An), E (:An. leucophora Cockerell, Cockerell, 1910 n. syn. i : An. semigrisea 1930 n. syn.) (502, 504) grandidieraCockerell, see heydeniiSaussure grandisLepeletier, see hispanicaFabricius grayella(Rayment), 1944 Am (At), A, publication date is not 1942 (512\ grelaeCockerell, see uestitaSmith (Fabricius) griseaChrist, seepubescens griseaSchletterer, 1890 (A") -Suastridesmelanura (Spinola), 1851 (Anthophoridae; Eucerini) griseaFabricius, 1804 (4") : Halictus (Halictidae), not Apit griseaFabricius, 179+ (Friese) grisella(Cockerell), see obscuriceps griseotecta (Cockerell), 1946 Am (At), E (508) griseouestitaCockerell, see uestitaSmith grisescens (Rayment), 1931 Am (An), A (515) Ducke, rcA7 (Po) : Melitoma (An' grisescens thophoridae; Emphorini) Cameron, seepilifrons Packard guachalae guigliaeDusmet, see riaolleti Pérez guinea(Strand), 1912 [as aiuidassp.l Am (An), E (506, 558) (Popov), 1946 Am (An), E, n. name for gussakoasÈyi An. pygmaeaGussakovsky,1935, not Dours, 1869 (515) (Dours) Dalla Torre, see aurulentocaudatu habropodoides hackeri(Rayment), I 947 Am (At), A (511) haef,iguiFriese, 1905 (A") : Eucara (Anthophoridae; Eucerini) hanitschi(Meade-Waldo), 1914 Am (At), O (513) hanseni Morawitz, 1BB3An, P (484, 486) harmalaeMorawitz, LBTBAn, (476) harttigi (Alfken) , 1926 Am (An), P (504) hastulaVachal, 1909 Un (An), E (450) haworthanaKirby, seeretusa(Linnaeus) hediniAlfken, 1936 An, O (: Heliophila latitarsalisWu, 1985 n. syn.) (470\ Priesner, 1957 fas concinnassp.l At, P (492) hegasica Fedtschenko, 1875 An, P (:An. hilgendori' heinemanni Cockerell, 1911 n. syn.) (466) Pérez, 1910 An, P (496) heliopolitensis Priesner, see byssina(Klug) helouanenses Sichel, see acraensis(Fabricius) hemithoracica herbstiFriese, see ruf,caudisCameron Cockerell, see xanthostomaCockerell heteropoda (Hu) n. comb., E hefi"enii(Saussure), 1890 Pachymelus Cockerell, 1916 n. syn.) grandidiere (: Pachlmelus (558) hilaris Smith, lB79 An, T (468, 469) (Ogf) a '(uV) un B0B1 'elourdg o1otuoao1 (re8q11)oqnpofl aes 'a4clpâH DuorllDpol (ggf) d 'uV Ig6I 'a>1crpe11 suo{tasco1 Qeù g'uV I16I'asarrg DsotqDI (Ogf) (snrcrrqeg.) suacsaqn{aas .lrapsqel or7ruorqn1 ('uds 'u ['dss ouopt"ro{w] ç06y '1ara>1roC.ç?.ç -uatopa{sts(o.roq{wg- :tçgI 'qtlurs ouopuo{ 'uy:) "quroru (snquog) eH t0B1 '(snrcuqe.{) DSlunqDI N rarlaladal n?uouol aâs '1ere4co1 mo4auznt! (Oçf) a '(uV) vn LZil 'dlsuretn-r.oz1âuzny lulzny (snrcrrqeg,) qon.t, ees 'uossar3 yïn"tq 'uV 'o>lueqcslpâdûnqauo.rq (gef) ç/BI d 'uV 'aser.rgruasuaqzry s(ac11(wo (Zeù se] çtOt d ['dss '>1cur1 @m 'oH-) 'nH 'ureqtutgDu'qsu1 -JelT o17a7n{o 806I O 'asarrg Qeù srnoq oTouop{nlees lsqary (t I C) (.uds 'u se] g16I 'puertg nsuaîut{uo ['dss flsuauop.totl 'uV:) '(garo1co3) szsz?uotl.toy O'(rV) *V II6t 'uV '>1coC sluoslorpol 9+6I Qeù g (ggf) d 'uV çLBI 'o>luaqcslpedlqtoy (3,tù d 'uV Bt6I 't.TJIV zraytnauy (srelpn ep) oyotcso{tqonbeas 'reusarrd FnlI 'uV 'aserrg oun.rasuoïul ç06I keù g nsuawofltq (Zeù g 'uV 8g6I 'ge-ra>1co3 'uueursrerrg 9?BI saQaln{ 'uV tou '1061 'uo.reureS sa{ta1n{'og to1 erueu 'u 'O '(oa) opo(oqdo1g 9061 '(zpqcg) ouotnqsl (ratr11) opPo1d aes 'gareTroC ouaquutly l,4srrrolzsoP€u ownaoaas'o>luaqcslpâd lralssal (gOf) d 'uV tB6I '4ezseueg lqnzoy 'o>luoqcstpedruuou{not1 @tù d'uv ç/BI (çlç) g '(uV) urv 0t61 '(1ara1coC) nsuaïunqnq nsueunlDrDt! (Clç) a '(uV) urv ç961 '(d>1srro>l"ssn9) (fOç) g '(uV) IrlV 9?61 '(garelcoC) ottsolanl (arro; BIFq) nulsslrg aes 'lereTcoC tuosapf 'ZGt'BgV) g 'uV ''ds 'u sToorg o77ao! Gfç-OVg 'V Glù Z7GI tou sI e]"p uort€rrlqnd '(]uaurÂe6) pruof '(rV) uurv ['dds opaû1suttwl +t6I (Oçf) a '(uV) un LZ,il 'd>lsuretn-r.ozleuzny ruosqotlof (gtç) O '(rV) wV +ril '(:lcultJotT) goco{ 'uV 'srnoq nnpn& @tù d 698I 'glV-tli 'ZLV 'OlV) (gtgy 'uueursre^g @gV optdal'uV:) a'Gldù uV 7LLI '(sBIIed)soa4 (Ogf) d 'un 0t6I 'a1crpa11otluz"t! (rurroqdurg iaeprroqdoçuy) ouorlary - (oa) L06l 'a>1cnqaoaowo(t (.g,tù ('ur(s 'u Z86I 'nM out(srunoyy1fu11ag -) Od 'uV 8681 'ueq8ulgap! ââs 'srnoq Daplo! rarlolada-I su?esaur.ç (ggl) (glOl 'ttTJIV tou 6'uds 'u +7,G1'opoqrrg 'uV -) 'vy 'opoqlt1 Dtntt.tîul D?tctua,tu! tZ6I d IIare{JoC oratssqstt,aas'gara1co3 os.ta{snqut aas'1are{JoC os.ta{snqut IIereTJoC aou,o1ua( ees 'opoqlrg Dîxzrauîut opoqrrC DlDet.tlu, (t"Wd sa(twn1daas 'ua>1JIVDtxxta,taîul ees 'terlaledal Dtpnanruz (gçç) (snaeuu11) osnya.r Âqrry s?ptoqraoç ees 'qrluls saolnsut (glg) (ttOI'op[B6-âpeetrAl oylrlooyn{'uV:) O '(rV) *V /çBI '(,Irl-S) stnlnsul t{l1urs snnn(suo, ees 'uueurlePe}S snuDlnsu, (l I g) 'uetuoN Jo ePoc eql Jo qI I alrluv repun pIIs^uI snql 'looz Nlrs-r1nfl scNsrss svsNv) 'loqtuds ur]eT-uou e sur€luoo eruuu cgrcads aql erurs'B0I - Lç1:64'sa8rnt"N'r{rrv'9161'puurlg 's1oo.rg n1tu7rcut nyruîtsut-r 'uV JoJ erueu 'u 'O '*V sToorg o71u3pu1aas 'pue 49 o4tuîtsu!-r 'lara>lroC ouocot{ut IIarâ{roC DîDrillp eas uossarD nc{tco{ eas 'arro; ellzq st1oun{ut (aop17y1nîa74flnlase: ("V) BSBI 'rpalsraltez stunut (t.u 'd4srvrolzsop"ll Dtrput T) uosqJlrg) oçcunmbz.çâes @ Z ù ( ' u d s ' u I [ 6 I ' e s a r r g s u 4 u a a { n t ' u:V : O O O I 'Âqrly o4carya1n{ 'uV:) 'uV 'rarlle6 o1(1tut aO II,BI (OCf) a'(tldV) un" gB/1 'dorc;nogDstzul (ggf) F1erlre1sllvsropâas 'renuef oç.racut (sgr 'gvv)(r lol 'zeta4osoqrrtt 'uV:) 'rV 'elourdg Dqaeul J IçBI (qOC)a '(uV) urv çtBI '(EnlX) ouocut '(nU) '(>pulgelT) suaqo{wz opo{oq{n1g O +iil ('uz(s 'u tB6I 'nM vsuaïuoûaqz'DH -) O 'e1g-+L61 (>1cu!ge\-Ix!"tîDt!w! (3,çù (uedef uro:y) ç06I 'zate4 1ou '(erssnU pue euÂg tuorg) 016I 'zete4 ruos 'uV r,oI ârueu 'u '4 '(rV) un 'ga"ra>1co1 tclrtntlu! ?16I (çtg) y '(opo{orDsv)tuv tç6I '(}uarude6) o7o7pw1 (Oçf) d 'uV un IIBI 'æTIe714 opgatf uosseJCot{tto{ aes 'uossâJC naouït (rarlaladel) suacsnnute ees 'srnoq o17o{o(û1 (çlC) g '(uV) urv 0t61 '(garelroC) oauof,co{û1 'srepurres Danuteoqln 'u Geù ('uds ù06y 'uV:) '(rpod-ol '(elourdg) n1nuntl uV d BtBl ('uds 'u ['dss (rtr) omoq sel ZZil 'esarrg snrnesqosnlauû1czd!'uz(s 'u g68I 'opoqltg snâoa1?usnlaraû1co4 -) g "qrrroru (nU) snlau(qcDd0681 '(arnssn"S) oaoq 'urv ''ds 'u s{oorg tuo$nor! 'çlg 'gçV) Gçç-gçç V 'uV 'z1rtæ;olN nsua4or! 'egV) @eV d 9BBI '€H '1ara>1coCuatlooq 0Z6I O srnoq oqouoyo{nt aas 'garaTJoC Dlotouoq , O g V )( . u d s . u QgV 016I '[eqce4 nuDzptnu'uV:) d'rV ç68I' zate1 Drl?uztfiloq (rur.racng leeprroqdoqruV) tçgt 'qU*S oa1n{osso1flouay-("V) 'srnoq nt1"u@o1ot1 698I 'uV gZ6I 'garelcoJ Dtnaploq '6gt 'lgt) @eV-Vet N '(uV) uV '(rueurÂnU) L+il lsauloq qlgrs oToutînu oos 'srn oq o!"tlslrl (llç) V 698I 'ralceelsreC o1 EurproJJe ' 'aurrn sn1olncow L0B1 f '.ra8r111 - 1anpnuuaraou("V) saryszd olrtslU 90BI @gf-Vg7) (.uz(s 'uy'u sel lZ6I 'opoqlr1 DetDuat(c ['dss ocluo(s1t1 !'uds 'u ['dss ocluo{s1t1 w] g68I 'opoqlrC Dîoptpunt 'uV: :Ogg1 'srnoq o"toffi"t'uV: :t+gy 'rar1a1ada1 slpun"r8'uV:) a'(tldù vv LBLI '(snrcuqe.{) ocruo{sn1 @fi) (rzad arues aql râle1 ure8e /v\euffi peqrrJsâppu" t'uz(s 'u tI6I 'asarrg oaqunîf 'uV:) g 'rV 'asarrgs!4uaaunq I16I (tnnnd sa(nun1daas 'snrrlrqed Dns4q traqulop stsuauon{ aas '1eqce6 xa{4t1 oqofo1daes 'np1 nsuao(o1nwu1 (raErp111) Gtç 'zlg) ('uds 'u ['dss (ttt) nsua(o1our1q sel ,16l'ople6 -apeetri nsuafiuotlad'uV- :gOgI 'opoqltg nut{nso"r{ 'uV=) '(rV) *V '(Â>1smo>lzsopeg) nsuafolowttl ZBBI O o{uer{Jslpa"f tuuDluautaq aos'geralco g {topuaî1y1 do Àrrsus^rN^cl sHJ 99ç SvsrnuATrcs AND PsvlocENy lanata(Kl.rg), 1845 An (Megilla), P (: An. canescens Dours, 1869 las senesrrnJ ssp.] n. syn.l :An. aennabilisCockerell, 1911 n. syn.) (457 r 460) lanataFabricius, 1775 (Apit) : Megachile (Megachilidae) langi (Cockerell), 1935 Am (An), E (502) laraataGiraud, 1863 An, P (:An. croceipes Morawitz, lB76 n. syn.) (474, 476) lata (Cameron), 1905 Pachymelus (Hu) n. comb., E laticepsFriese, 1905 (A") : Eucara(Anthophoridae; Eucerini) laticepsFriese, see aestitaSmith laticinctaDours, 1869, seesubtenaneaGermar (555) latigenaMorawitz, 1886 An, PO ( -- An. reinigi Hedicke, 1931) (482) latipesFriese, seeatrocinctaLepeletier latitarsalrsWu, see hedini Alfken latizona(Spinola), 1B3B Arn (Saropoda),P (510) leoninallliger, 1806 (MegiWq)nomennudum leonisCockerell, 1933 An, E (476) leopoldiCockerell, seefelina (Friese) lepidaEversmann, see areos(Pallas) Dours, 1869 Un (An), P (450) lepidodea Lieftinck, see malaccensas leptocoma Friese lesquerellaa (Cockerell), lB97 An (Po), N (460, 462, 556) leucocephala Friese, see annls (Vachal) Torre, 1896 Un (Po), P, n. name for IeutomclaenaDalla An. melaleuca Walker, lB7l, not Lepeletier, 1841 (450) leucomelaena Illiger, see albigena(Lepeletier) Pérez, lB79 An, P (464) leucophaea leucophora Cockerell, seegrandicepsFriese leucopyga Friese, 1911 An, E (476) leucorhina Cockerell, l9l7 An, P (460, 464) leucospilaCockerell, see epicharifurmisGribodo Hedicke, l9+0 Un (An), P (450) leucosticta leucostomella Cockerell, see urbanaCresson libuica (Cockerell), 1930 Am (An), E (515) librata llliger, 1806 (MegiUa) nrmennudum libyphaenicaGfibodo, 1893 An, P (462) lieftinckiBrooks n. sp. Am, O (438, 512, 513, 550-552) lilacineCockerell, see cingulata(Fabricius) limassolicaMavromoustakis, An, P, original description not found (464) (Hu) n. comb., E limbatus(Saussure), 1890 Pachymelus linsleyiTimberlake, l9+l An, N (479,481) liriope (Bingham), see mucorea(Klug) lisalanaCockerell, see cincta(Fabricius) lisbonensas Cockerell, seeplumipes(Pallas) litoranaPriesner, see quadrifasciata(de Villers) liturata Lepeletier, see ûnit Brullé liuingstoneiCockerell, see tetradontaCockerell loczyiMorawitz, lB92 An, O (496) loewi Fedtschenko, 1875 An, P (492) lomamica(Cockerell), 1936 Am (An), E (504) longipesMorawitz, lBB4 An, P (492) longmani(Rayment), 1947 Am (Ar), A (511) Iongula(Rayment), 1947 Am (An), A (511) (Fabricius) loueridgeiCockerell, see acraensis lucknoa iensesRadoszkowsky, see subcoerulea(Lepeletier) luluana Cockerell, see triangulifera(Cockerell) oF THE ANtHopHoRrNe Bnns 567 lumbwanaCockerell, 1946 An, E (492) lusitanicaFriese, seeffinis Brullé lusoriaCockerell, see oldi Meade-Waldo luteolaRayment, see chlorocyanea (Cockerell) luteodimidialaDours, 1869 Un (An), T (450) lutescens Walker, lB7 | Un (An),P (450) lutulenta(Klug), 1845 Am (Saropodo),P (515) luzonica (Cockerell), 1914 Am (Ar),O (513) maclachlani (Fedtschenko), 1875 Am (An), P ( --An. meraensis Cockerell, 1933) (508, 510) macrognathaGerstaecker, lB7 | (Eucna) -- Eucara (Anthophoridae; Eucerini) mncroleuca (Cockerell), 1922 Am (An), O (515) maculicornes (Lepeletier), 1841 Am (An), E (:An. Lepeletier, 1841) (515) domingemes maculifrons Cresson, 1879 An, N (496) maculigera Priesner, 1957 An, P (474, 476) madecassa (Saussure), 1890 Am (An), E (504) madnaeSichel, see qundrifasciata(de Villers) Fedtschenko, seesaaignyi(Lepeletier) magnilabras magrettii(Bingha*), 1897 Elaphropoda(Hu), O (- Ho. fletcheriCockerell, 1920) maiellaLieftinck, see tainanicola(Strand) malabaricaGmelin, 1790 (Apit), E, : Nomia curuipes (Fabricius) I 78l (Halictidae) malaccensas (Friese), 1918 [as aillosulassp.] Am (Antophora[sic]), O (: Am. leptocoma Lieftinck, 1956 n . s y n . ) ( 5 1 2 , 5 1 3 15 5 6 ) malelanaCockerell, see circulata(Fabricius) malenominalruSchulz, seefestiaus(Dours) mnngkamensis Wu, 1982 An, P (478) nnnni Mocsâry, see quadricolor(Erichson) marginataSmith, 1854 An, NT (:An. histrio Dours, 1869; - Po. cleomisCockerell, 1896; : An. popenoei Cockerell, l9+9 n. syn. i : An. peleniCockerell, l9+9 n. syn.) (479,481) marqueti(Pérez), 1895 Am (An), P (515) marsupoda Christ, l79l Un (Apis), P (450) martensiFedtschenko, 1875 An, P (475, 476) matopoenses Cockerell, 1933 An, E (492) mnuritanica(Benoist), 1950 las altnnazr ssp.l A* (A.), P (505) mcnamarae Cockerell, see custos(Dalla Torre) mtdicorumCockerell, seepunctifrons(Walker) mediocindruCockerell, l9l7 Pachymelus,E mediorufa(Cockerell), 1920 Am (An), E (504) mediozonataLaboulbene,1870 Un (An), P (450) meditnraneaAlfken, see qwdrifasciata (de Villers) meganhinaCockerell, 1910 An, O (: An. soluta Cockerell, 1910 [as meganhizassp.] n. syn.) (438, 482-484) megasoma Cockerell, see armntaFriese melaleucaWalker, see leucomelaena (Dalla Torre) melaleuca Lepeletier, 1841 Un (Ar), T (450) melanocephala Morawitz, 1894 An, P (466) melanocera (Cockerell), 1946 Am (An), E (504) melanodonta (Cockerell), 1933 Am, E (504) melanognatha Cockerell, 1911 An, O (457, 4591 460) melanopoda llliger, 1806 (MegiUQ nonun nudum Dours melanopsCockerell, see squammulosa Fedtschenko, 1875 An, P (476) melanopyga Dours, 1869 Un (An), T transferred to melanopyrrha Deltoptilaby LaBerge & Michener, 1963, but ,VAV) 'uV ,gara>1co3 qnp^t7ru @AV N tZ6I s1ooJg aDaafl)taouo{ ees,elelerrrouod tzîzmpnu (-rer1e1ade1)ouaî1qp eas ,errol EIeçJ xotoq1t.r7ru (aser-rg)oe!.tmlnqâes 'esertg nsrn7o.tow (snaeuu11) nqouozeos 'lelo q ns,to1ttîru (Olç) a '(uV) urv g/81 ,(o>lueqrslped)oîon4uow (fOg) g '(uV) urv ç061 ,(asarrg,) sps^rn11^rfiu (razue4) oqocm{aes ,zlnqr1 wrutn7uqnpow (snrcrrqeg,) "to1oc1t, eos 'snrcrrqeg o1uflru (srnoq) plppq aas 'qlrrus otwnzaîunw zunpnuuautlu (o11ûa7a)g0BI ,ra8rgl sguol(u,îru (arroa eIFCD thlsmoslzsopDr oas d>1sano:lzsopellDunîuou eserJd ra%ou.teâs 'râusarJd szltduîru (gçç '697 'Bgt 'ggt 'gçt) QAù (s.rnoq Dptpxwtponln{ ('uls 'u 4681 '1era>1roClnpnt .od- !.uds .u 698I 'uV 'uds ,rV ,zata4 'uossar3 alqrssod) 'uV:) '.tV sa(1ây ,uossar3 Jo d 6LBI Dunluoa !!Tî!ws N 698I (Ogf) (ra8r111)o1opo1daas ,ztvvrerotr{ sa(uflru (gOf) d 'uV 068I 'z1ttvv-totr41 ocz1oïuow 'eser (rrWd sa{nun1d aes ,uosr{rlrg DqeDuow tg sa(t.t7ru kgù (snaeuu11) nsnqatâos (arro; "lFç1) sapppo(o"rz.ç âes ,elourdg sutqo1t"r7ru 'eH d Zç6I lodo4 r4saoa 'uaTJlV s(ananutc Qgù (gZOI (Â1sano>lzsopeg)rynu âos ,uleqtulfl uqlaow 'uV: 177'ou'giç.d ,epur ,elourdg '87ç '0Ig ,gw) 'urv .ds .u sToorg saprc$epow (Oçç B S B I d ',rV ,elourdg sltqo1yîy 'uV:) sltqop.tfly d BSBI (lçg) (srnoq) ryu{opoï eos ,qtrurs rysepow 'uV 'lara1cog suotrtÊru @f,ù O It6I sJnoq suol?îrueos 'zlv*eJotr\trouupuw 'Zgt'Ogf) 'uV ,esarrg g sauo{t,t7ru @gf ç06I (ra8rp) oqoûo1deas'd>1sr*oTzsoped!4lmesolola (olg) (çrg1'olueqrstped slu"roclcyd ,rer1e1ade1Dwtu (razue4) oqo1ncowttprnb eâs 'uV:) '(rV) -V ,(z1u*eroy1) s1u^rgcr"r7ru a ELgl (.ur(s .u [.dss ,uV ,Ogf) ,z1rrvre,totr41 s(atuflru @gV Duzqunras"l 6061 'garelJoC outtnruots(o"tot1fiug:) d 9BBI ''quroc 'u ("V) BH (reSrg1) oqnfoydâas 'asartg suacsat7ru '(uossat1) slllqznslw N B1B1 (rrWa) sa(twn1daas 'esertg nfiru (eeprlagoS) snao1(H: g,6Lï ,snrcrrqet Dînuta oJnssn"S srJDlntoââs ,esertg .taîru (rrç) rl (aePrdY'^îÏ:i;;{ii#''iir'Y:ff#'#;î 'et '2, 'I 'sSS ';ç1 arn8ld rxaa s,tuatudell aes ,y '(rV) utuv sel W6I ,(lueurÂu6.) ocpwlw ['dss opasu^ropo 'eH '1ere>1co1otzpara O LZ6I uosserD stlDutwnl aas 'uapeIs Dpiln{oau (gog 'log 'ggv) ('urs 'u gt61 'lara1coC oTxttuotïru'uV: !.uds .u @gv-vgv) tg6l 'uV gt6I 'gara>1coD e>Flrequlr.aoTnTSau '1a;a1coJ D?naune 'uV- !.uds .u gg61 ,garelJoC N T uosseJC ouoqn aas '1ue llrs,szsuam.tqau rpnnn7nîutt 'uV- !.uds .u gg6l 'gara>1coCtulsupuo 'uV:) g '(rV) *V '(11a-re:1co3) (gOf) g 'uV 016I '[eqce^ nanau ouaaprwtw 916I (gOç) g ,(uV) ruv gg6; ,(1ara1roC) sltoratpu (1ero>1co ees'1ara1co C Dgnaprtzw 3) suacsaaru 'srnoq opp6-epeetr\l oenuîtÇ{aas,llareTroC szsuatou ,lq unpnu uazaou rnoJne o?uopoteru 698I (asarrg) slsua{ocaes 'eserril flsuaprru (goeI 'Âresco141 (ggg) ?nnrfl sys.roTy1n{ ees ,rer1a1ade1otnsou rorossn1aw(qczdt.uds .u 0681 ,arnssneg ,,{rlurs soq(ayatctw (rarraladel) oualtqlv aes'Âlsrvrolzsops)f tuDu trnoquDt 'DH -) g 'ry*{qn1 6LBI 'uV 'o>luaqcslpâd ,gg1) g'uV ''ds'u sToorfl (Ogf 'g9t) DttDesnu ( W g'çVç'Z6f d çlBI luuaîlelw (gçc 'ggg (pOç 'ZOç) g '(uV) ruv 0g6y '(lare1roC) npoqe?w 'uV 'ggV) 'ase\rt sel Dttînnu (3çù I '(uV) un 69By 'srnoq Duztzxnu d ['dss s1s"torya1n{ 6161 (6lù ZVAytou âl"p uorlecrlqnd ktù ZVGI tou sI etep 'V '(uV) *V '(ruaurÂrU) t(o"unw uort"crlqnd 'V '(rV) wV +til '(lueurdnU) Dnelmaw ['dss oloamlsu] ?t6I 'uV 'zlru...r-to7N (llç) (unpnu uautou'ç96y 'tueurdea nsua(ounw Dtlnnîau Qgù Od 9BBI 'uV:) '(.tV) *V '(lueurde6,) nsuafo^rntu (tOgg 'snrcrrqet s!.tolqcn176a74JV 6t6I ) (aepprlpH) 'uV 'o4uaqcslped ourrn?a 'snrcrrqe (ggf) s1s{oto1t1coînV (opflay,y) Dnnnpw d çLBf ?08I i (uossor3) slpqonsrutoes'ga-re1co ) ouxtnu Gts N 6'quroru (s1s{o^rot1(wg) "H ç061 '(garalcoC) Dtrrqtrnra $tv) 'uV sel 2,7,il 'esaug sxquaatrotnw d ['dds avîDzaror! anpnu unalu (on@rW) g0B 'retrgl oarltnu I ( O fE ' B 0 g ) ( ' u I s ' u I [ 6 I 'garalcoC otDnlap'uV: !.ur(s .u 'rueqturg 8681 a(01t17'uV:) 4 '@11ûayflurv ç?gI ,(EntX) oa"rocnw rarlolade-I oîD!l!t!? ees 'opoqug oprtnu (arro; eIFCI) ttuossa.te ees 'uosserC Dptmu 'uV 'V6V) 'e>lelraqurlJ ounntnu @ef N Lt6I ('uds 'u 'oH -) s"] 8681 '1ara1roC stsuaotsDd ['dss ouopt^ro{ ''qurorrr ("V) DH '(uossatg) ruost.uout N BLg1 (ggf) ('ur(s 'u ['dss tatt.tout, wl Zç61 'rausarr4 syldy.Ey 'uV:) a '(oa) rV 668I '(aserrg) nttrow (rar1a1ade1)oua7tqpees'(re8rp) Dpunquozu rarlalade-I Dto!l!e!?ââs 'ue8qr}lfl T ua>IJIVtzrmDnza Nlrsllng '(uV) ruv 'Zlg 'gçf) '(geralroD) otlu@osaw O 0t61 (razue4) o1olnmutq ees lodo4 Dellorsosaw (srepn ep) nTonso!ryonbeas 'd>1sr*oTzsop"dstyueoraa (o>luaqcslpad) ruorutopuw ees'1ara>1co J stsunarau (Ogf 'gn\ d 'uV ç/BI 'oluaqcsrpod srlDuotpuau (sneeuurl) osnqa"t oas 'za;ed styruotpw)w zerad Dqruorcop? âas 'lBrIJ"A ouaqatnw (CtC) g '(uV) ruv I16I ,(puerrg) ouon1atl{orsyqfuw '(luaurde11)sîsuauoryau (çlç) y '(opo(otnsv)urv Iç6I 'uV 'rausarr4 Dutnaw keù g Lç61 're>1cae1srag 698I o1 turproJf,e '6981 'ralcaelsrâC oza(ot1^t^t@ rrlaopot?fryC: Ianpnu uatuou("V) g0BI 'raEr11 oîtryqaw 'Euruuutr pue reunez aâs ,orot1(ot1îuV GZù GtOl I o1 stuoleq lenlJe uerurJads srqt Jr âur(uretep ol elqrssodurrlpsso;) N '(rV) rn 806I 'lara1cog lptofiata (ernssneg) oaoqaes 'opoqlrg rnt7oa1rw (Oçf) snonuat luauaceld sDNsrcs svsNvx do ^rrsus^rN,o sHJ 89ç SvsrnuATlcs AND PHYTocENY nigriuentrisZetterstedt, 1B3B(A") - Osmia(Megachilidae) Friese, see acraensis(Fabricius) nigriaentres Dours, 1869 Un (An), Unknown origin nigroaeruginosa (450) nigrociliataPérez, 1895 An, P (486) nigrocinctaLepeletier, seesubtenaneaGermar nigrocinctaProvancher, seeflaaocinctaHuard nigrocinctulaDours, see aentilabrisLepeletier Friese, 1909 Am (An), E (506) nigroclypeata nigrofuluaLepeletier, seeplumipes(Pallas) Lucas, see robuila (Klug) nigromaculata nigromixtaCockerell, see mimadaena(Cockerell) nigropilosa(Friese), 1896 Am (Po), P (515) nigropygaStrand, see dufourii Lepeletier Friese, see pedataEversmann nigroscopacea nigrotarsaWr, 1979 Elaphropoda,P nigroaittalaDours, see balneorumLepeletier nitidula Dours, 1869 (A") : Exomalopsis(4.thophoridae; Exomalopsini) according to Timberlake, 1980 niuea(Lepeletier), 1841 Am (An), E (515) niaeata(Friese), 1905 Am (An), E (:An. amphigltnops Cockerell,1933 fas niuealassp.] n. syn.) (438, 508-5 10) Brèthes Friese, seearequipensis niaeiceps Hedicke, l9+0 An, P (496) niueifacies Friese, 1919 [as robustassp.] An, P (466) niaeiaentras (Smith), 1854 Am (An), P (:An. biniueocinda maculifna Walker, l9Tli :Po. bimnculoszsDalla Torre, 1896, n. name for bimaculifua Walker female, no. 284; - Po.f,auicepsFriese, 1899 [as ssp.] n. syn.) (498, 5O2r 509-511) albigenus niueohirtaFriese, see dispar Lepeletier niuescens (Cockerell), 1936 Am (An), E (:An. microleuca Cockerell, 1937 n. syn.) (510) niuosellaPriesner, see cana(Walker) Brooks n. sp., A*, E (438, 444, 496, nonconforma 515, 552, 553, 556) lrlylander, seefurcata (Panzer) noruegica nubana(Cockerell), 1946 Am (An), E (504) nubica(Lepeletier), 1841 Am (An), EP (:An. Friese, 1909 fas nubicassp.] n. syn.) congoensis (506, 5O7) (Cockerell), 1930 Habrophorula(Ha), O nubilipennas nubiterraeViereck, see tuminalis Cresson nudn(Radoszkowsky), 1BB2Elaphropoda(An) n. comb., O, ( : Ha. moelleriBingham, lB97 n. syn.) nudataProvancher, see terminalisCresson nurranaCockerell, 1931 An, E (496) obesaGiraud, see balneorumLepeletier (557) obscurellaAlfken, seefurcata (Panzer) (Friese), 1905 las circulalassp.] A* (An), E obscuriceps (:An. grisellaCockerell, 1932 n. syn.) (504) obscurusFriese, seehoaa(Saussure) obscurusFriese, see retusa(Linnaeus) (Illiger), 1806 (A") nomennudum obsoleta obtusispinaWu,1982 An, P (478) Cresson, 1869 An, N (45O, 478) occidentalis occipiteMorawitz, seepedataEversmann occultaHedicke, 1938 An, P (496) (Pérez), lB79 Am (An), P (504, 5O5) ochroleuca Friese, see ocularas(Saussure) octomaculatus oF THE ANTHOPHORINN BBBS s69 (Ha) n. comb., E ocularis(Saussure), 1890 Pachymelru (= PachtmelusnigerFriese, 1922 n. syn.; : Pachymelus Friese, 1922 las B-macuoctomaculatus ciliatus Friese, 1922 n. latusl n. syn. ; : Pachymelus syn. ; - Pachymelus flauithoraxBenoist, 1962 n. syn.) odonturaCockerell, see africana(Friese) ogiluiei(Cockerell), 1932 Am (An), E (504) oldi Meade-Waldo, l9l+ An, E (-- A". lusoriaCockerell, l92l las oldi ssp.l n. syn.) :An. albopictula Cockerell, 1933 n. syn.) (492) olgaeFedtschenko, lB75 An, P (474-476) Wu, 1979 Ha, O omeiensis omissa(Priesner), 1957 Am (An), P (504) Morawitz, 1876 An, P (474, 476') onosmannæ optimaCockerell, see armataFriese (Lepeletier), 1841 Ha (An), P oraniensis orbifronsLieftinck, 197+ Ha, O orientalisMorawitz, 1B7BAn, P (: Po.f,aaiuentris ssp.D e62, 464,489) Friese, 1896 fas orientalrs ornataGistel, 1857 Un (An), P (450) orophilaCockerell, 1910 An, P (: An. pseudorophila Wu, l9B2 n. syn.) (484) (Saunders), 1904 An (Po), P (484, 486) orotaaae oschaniniFedtschenko, seefreimuthi F edtschenko lxrgnnaDours, seerobuila(Klug) (556' 557) pachyodonta Cockerell, 1923 An, N (494, 496) pachypo da C ockerell, see quadrimaculata(Panzer) pacijla Cresson, 1B7BAn, N (--An. carbonaria Cresson, lB79 [dark form] i : An. ignauaCresson, lB79; - Po. infunalis Dalla Torre 1896 [n. name Cresson, 1879, not Morawitz, 1876] for carbonaria Cockerell, 1905 n. syn. n. syn. l :An. coraicolor [dark form] , :An. subignauaCockerell, 1929 n. syn. | :An. pernicisTimberlake, 1951 n. syn.) (450, 466> padiolaVachal, 1909 Un (An), E (450) pagdeniLieftinck, 1956 Am, O (513) pahangenças Cockerell, seependleburyi(Cockerell) pahangemas Meade-Waldo, see himalajensis (Radoszkowsky) palestinenças Hedicke, seeplumipes(Pallas) pallescens Morawitz, 1895 Un (An), P (450) pallida (Timberlake), 1937 Ha (Emphoropsis)n. comb., N pallidicinctus Cameron, see aestitaSmith palmipesRossi, seeplumipes(Pallas) pamirica Hedicke, see robusta(Kl"S) pamiricolaHedicke, seeplagiata (Illiger) paradoxaBrooks n. sp., Am, E (438' 506' 516, 552-554, 556) paranensai Holmberg, 1903 An, T (:An. paranensis Holmberg, 1887, nomennudum; :An. saltensis hirpexVachal, Holmberg, 1903 n. syn.i:An. 1 9 0 4 )( 4 6 6 , 4 6 S ) parapulchra(Rayment), l9+7 Am (An), A (511) parhypateLieftinck, 1975 Am, O (511) parietinaFabricius, seeplagiata(Illiger) (478r 489) pascoensis Cockerell, see morrisoni(Cresson) passaini Sichel, see tarsala(Spinola) patruelisCockerell, 1931 An, O (460) pauperataWalker, lBTl Un (An), P (450) pedataEversmann, 1852 An, P (:An. occipiteMorawitz, 1B7Blas pedatassp.l n. syn.) :An. s{oto1t1t'uV : l[.dss aonyo( w] 0Z6y ,ge.repo3 'uVDuDtssDIDqt i[.dss aonpo{ wl I 16I ,gera1co3 tuosîDm'uV: ![.dss an.raç.ro{ w] ç06I ,llereTf,oC oan{twas'uV:) N ,rV 006t ,1a-ra1co3aoraT,ro( q4utrrsoToutï"rnw eas ,laraTJoC uoua(o{ 'ua8qlnlg ,(16-06:ç? @tù Lg6I T ueTJIv tou /v\er^eu .loruotug ur qsrl8ug olul potelsuerl) .zoqg- .lourolug ,9961 ,eteteurouod tgf -Z9I:çl tzlzoToloa'uv JoJ eru?u 'u 4 'Uy 'SlOOrg zDLltOu.touo{ (mrlp6) suotrtnun{ aas ,gara>1co 3 suo{ttUod $tv) ('ur(s 'v ZZ,6I 'asarrg ontnol .uV= :glg1 dresto141 ,UUetUSJA^g Dsoîunaoî'uv: !.uds .u D?JAut' 'uV: :Zçgy 'uueursJe^g zç81.uV: syîas !.uds .u I1BI 'rarlalada-I D{nruV: lunpnu uataou90BI ,ratrgl sa(quapo17pa747:)d ,uV ItBl ,rar1a1ada1 oÊopo( (Ogf) snonual luoruareld tnq '9961 ,reuaqtlntr ry a8rage-I dq ,srnoq otqd o\ltdotlag o] perraJsu"r] .I '(,rV) un 6981 6gv-tç? 'ggt 'tgv-ltr 'ovr) ('u(,('s'u ['dss ?auna.tata se] Lç6I ,snlelsnoruor^etrtr oco1t(û 'uV: t.uIs .u [.dss annaraeD .uV: !.uds .u s€l 9g61 'olcrpe1ggnsuautTsap( [.dss .uV: l.uds lantoor?tosel Z,Z6I ,garalcoO nsuauoqszl 'u ,eserrgsuDuna.uV: se] ['dss raruoorato ZZ6I .uV: !.uds !'uds .u t[6I 'puer]g srcua7uottlsùuld 'u ,æTJIV Dtrcrar?ru! .uV: ['dss anroaratosel g16I !'uz(s 'u ['dss aruooraeosef tI6I ,rcTJIV Dtntptutp 'uV: :0101 ur ure8e /v\au w pâqrrJseppu€ ,ç06I 'zata4 Jo.tos'uV: !.uds .u [.dss ranlnantose] 968I 'asarrg 'od.u sa(1â7u !.ur(s un"toa^taco se] 'asarrg n7tu 'od - !.uds .u [.dss 968I [.dss un"toaucosef 'asarrgsa(1q1n 'od- !.uds .u anrouraeo 968I [.dss w] 6981 ,srnoq sualonbs.uV: :tçgl ,rlllïus 'uV: l.ur(s .u ,qtltus Dlnsonxa [dpo apruag] ,çBI opels 'uV: !.uds .u I?B; ,rerleladrT o1ouua{.uV: .uV: :Z,An !'uds 'u I?81 'rar1e1ede1 oo1n{o^t7ru 'rsso'11sa{1uyn(sldV_ :rcLI ,}srrq3 sa$nt sTdV: : tg L1 'snrcrrqeil Drust?q ouatpuv-. : ç t ty ,snrcrrqeg sadtfd sldv - ) d '(tldV) uv Z,LU '(selp 6) sa{ryn1d (rerreledel) o4ruttoltDâas,snrrlrqsd sa{tun1d (Trlplrt.ra3 ieeprroqdoqtuv) gLBf ,ralsratu -rng nlDrnw st.ttua)- (rV) g68I ,opoqrrg onlnunld (Oçf) a '(uV) un t6B 1 ,z1rnrerotrtr,[aqqd ,OgV) ,uV ,elepaqurll gwld kgf N Iç6I ,eH ,>1curl;er1on{Uuo1d O iL6T 'uV ,zate4 ocuo1d @tù d ç68I 'un ,a>1crpa11 (OCf) ncnapûo1d d ffi6l 'BLi ,lLV) (.uds .u GgV [.dss Dntlrrarltln{sel Z86I 'nM .ùV: .u nsuao(n1u?llq !.uds [.dss oul\ayo( .uV: .u s"l 0?61 'a>lcrpagDeluu?slnDq !.ur(s [:dss .uV _ !.uz(s ouryatn(sel ffi6I ,e{rlpa1g-DuDq1DpDI 'u ,a>1erpay1 ountpoqt.uV['dss DuDquDqIse] Bt61 !'ur(s .u ['dss] Ig6I ,eTtlpaH Dloclr! -aDd 'uV: !.uds .v L2,61dlsuretn-.rrozleuzny 'uv= !.uds .rr ,aSaugollasop{ ,oouJzuts 616; 'uV: !.uds .u seJ I16I ,1ere>lroC [.dss DuDquDrlI 'uV.u ,lleJâ{JoD DuDquDrll1 Dpîuar,aoJ?D !.uds 016I 'uV: !.ur(s .u ,eserrgao"tauqcl{ .uV: 8061 !'uds 'u 4681 'ureqturg taunqepd .uV: !.uz(s .u ,asarrg suacsat7tu .od- l.uds ['dss snutptn( w] /6By 'u ,aserrg .odse] ratD?taas ['dss sa(p11dw1.s 968I :[Ogg1 'zlrnrerotr[ ]ou (7691 ,z1rtvwrotr trsafi41(w1s NrJg-I'Infl scNgIDS 'uV roJ erueu .u] .uz(s .u ,z1rne.rotr ?681 tr xaflrys 'uV: !.uz(s .u gBB1 ,z1rlnerotr\lsa(1Êy 'uV: !.uds .u ?BB1 d>lsivroTzsop€lIt4tmasoqnlu 'uV .u : !.ur(s sa(nq{wts 0BB1,21rl"terotr11 'uV: .u ,erro; !.ur(s "lleçl [.dss ou4atn( sel LLU .u ,o>luaqf,slped ttluaqts 'uV: !.uls wtuornl ç/By 'uV: .u !.ur(s s"] 6981 ,srnoq [.dss ou4auro{ 'uV-, t.uds .u ,regaeqrs-r.IJrrreH oaraunooln{ 0tB1 Dslilta 'uV: lçgty dorc.rnod ]ou ,t611 ,snrcrrqeg nutTatn{sQV-) d '(o11faya)uV 9081 ,(retrlg) o1ofo1d , aerrrps eâs d-resco141 sunldld @Oç OgV) (z1givrero141) (sep4) sa{twn1daas ,pue49 nsuafiuoylsîuyd (ra8r111)oTnpo1daos ,âsertg opaso1yd ztrmeJotrtr ?tyspm?qa{ oas ,z1ri'retoy11osopd (Oçù a ,(uV) un Bç81 ,sadsal osolld ,OVV) (rnnna) sa(tun1daâs ,snrclrq".tl sadlfd (gçp 'lg, faeprroqdoçuy) Dnens-(rv) ç06r,rl|ijitirfuO (ggf) (çZO1 'aserrgsa(u1o,uV: :gOO1,uoraue3 'uV:) ,rV ,pre1ce4 suo{tpd ao1oqconï J 698I (zlyvreroy11)sputoctt7tu aas, o>1uârlrstpâ c1cld 6vç-tss 'Tgf '6I?,6V? rggV) ,uV .ds .u $loorfl aoqacntld N ,V6t) ,(oa) uV ,(garalroD) xouatld @eV N 8681 'n14doîtae 'rauaqcltr\tr a8ragel oToxa( a tgil ry Gav ,VAV) ,uV ,geraqroC qyldowd N [.dss Dunes"] ç061 (gef) d 'uV 1BBI 'z1ru,etotr41 nuasnya{ (Ogf) gllnrfl ststopnln{aas ,ra8r111 o1ouoaa{ (8"U) osoutn{ aas 'garâTroC unrocrsn{ d>1sr*oïzsop€lrlnarlelsaes d>lsrvrolzsopsa oclaa( (l I g) (.uz(s 'u sel Ln6I ,]uetuded onntnnnm ['dss n"n1c1n{tad 'uV:) '(rV) *V ,(tueuÂe6) onlqn{ta( V Li6I rerlaladol sa(tsso^tees,l.1srrro>lzsopeg oxa1dad (egf) uosserD stlnutwra,ees ,uossar3 o"t7lun( uossarC ot{tco( aas 'a1elrâqtulJ slcyta( 'uV 'rausarr4 o1n"t1sry"ra( Geù d Lç61 $ev 'VeV) (['dss aouoTua{s"] ,garo>1roCDlryeult /06y 'uV: l['dss aouroTt.ta( s"] I06it ,gara>1cogns^ta{sn1ut 'uV:) 'rV ,lera1co3 aowo1ura( N ['dss Dunt w] iç061 g ''quroc 'rr ("V) n1au(qcDd 116I ,(esarrg) {anflut"ra( 'qV 'z1r*retoy11 ga"ra( $tù d ç68I 'uV 'gare>1co o1tpn{ Qeù g 9+6ï 3 '(rtt) opo(o"n1do1g ,(garelco3) oTout"roc"ra( 0t6t O (lrs) ,tuerude;g ull?luasso ('uds 'u ['dss np"rasson{ se] &il 'uV:) '(rV) -V ,(rueudeA) nyassou{ V Lt6I (snaeuurl) osn4atoas 'la1srcg sa(ruua( (rnnna) sa{nan1daes 'rer1e1ada1o1ouua( (ruuacng ("V) ç06I ,esarrg o1optcrua{ iaepr-roqdoqruy) Dntng- (src) G+or '1cur1gar1saqfu"n1ruD 'uV,opp111-epeetrAtr ]ou ) ttOt '['dss strDlnsu se] 'gare>1roCnsua7uotlDd .uV LZ61 roJ ârueu 'u 'O '(rV) *V 6?,6I ,(lare1cog) tûnqa1pua( 'eH '>lcurtgarl o1ou7a( O +L6I r{}lutrrsnqoutï.rou.r ees 'garâTroC lualad (çgO1 'dlsnoT€ssnC 'DH 'eH ,ga.relcog nsuauqa{ oerumlsDlo )O I 16I ('uds 'u Ggr) ,aseug oaco{ocso"rflru ['dss o1opa{wJ 6161 SVSNVX .{O ÀrISUgArNn sHJ OLç SySTeuATICS AND PgyTOGENY OF THE ANTuoPHoRINB Michener, Michener, 1936 n. syn. i :An. utahensis 1936 fas chloroprssp.] n. syn.) (438, 463-466) posticaVachal, 1910 An, E (496) potanini(Morawitz), lB90 Am (Ar),P (515) praecox Friese, 1909 las krebsissp.] At, E (-Ar. praecoxFriese, 1911 las wartmannissp.]; Friese (1911) said he originally intended to describe praecoxas ssp. of wartmanni and not krebsi; : An. aliceaeCockerell, 1932 n. syn.) (489' 492) preissi(Cockerell), 1910 Am (An), A (:An. froggatti Cockerell, 1914 [as preississp.] n. syn.) (515) pretiosaFriese, 1919 lasfuluitarsisssp.] An, P (466) priesneriAlfken, 1932 An, P (486) proboscifua Lieftinck, 1956 A-, O (513) proceraCosta, seesubturaneaGetmar proserpinaGribodo, see himalajemas (Radoszkowsky) proximaMorawitz, 1894 An, P (496) prshewalskiiMorawitz, 1BB0An, O (:An. pilosa Morawitz, lBB0) (47O, 474, 476) pruinosaSmith, 1854 An, P (--An. stefaniiPérez, 1902 n. syn.) (464) pseudobasalis Strand, seearmatuFriese pseudobomboides (Meade-Waldo), 1914 Am (An), O Wu, 1983 n. syn.) (512' 513) bombiomorpha (:A*. p seudo coccinaMeade-Waldo, see africana (Friese) pseudorophila Wu, see orophilaCockerell pseudosicula Hedicke, seequadricolor(Erichson) (556) pubescens (Fabricius), lTBl An (Apis), P (: Apit grisea Christ, l79l) : An. f,abelliferaLepeletier, 1841; --An. labronigroLebedev, 1932 ssp.] fas pubescans numennudum; :An. flabellipesLichenstein, 1871) (470,489) pulcherrimaBingham, seeplagiata (Illiger) pulcherrinmY,{u, 1985 Elaphropoda,O pulchra(Smith), 1854 Am (An), A (:An. townleyella Rayment, l9+7 las pulchlassp.] n. syn.) In the British Museum the female type of An. pulchra Smith, B. M. Typ. Hy-. 178666a, is not the type according to D. Baker. The type was apparently repinned and lost and the specimen in its place is (Smith) (511). Am. niaeocinda pulsellaDours, 1869 Un (An), T (450) puluerea(Walker), lB7 | Am (An), P, see note under salaiae(Morawitz) (5 15) Benoist, pulaerosa Smith, 1854 An, P (:An. futssinoides 1950 n. syn.) (492) punctata(Rayment), 1931 Am (Asaropoda),A (515) punctifrons(Walker), lB7 | Am (An), P ( : An. medicnrumCockerell, 1910 n. syn.i :An. politifrons Cockerell, 1946 n. syn.) (504) punctilabrisPérez, lB79 An, P (464) puttalama(Strand), 1913 las zonatassp.l A- (An), O (510,511) kouskyi(Popov) pygmaeaGussakovsky, seeg'Ltr.ça pygmaeaDours, 1869 Un (An), T (450) pltgmaeaMeade-Waldo, 1914 An, E (: An. torridella Meade-Waldo, l9l4 n. syn. i : An. natensisCockerell, 1935 n. syn.) (492) pyralitarszs Dours, see ursinaCressson pyramidalrsKirby, seealbigena(Lepeletier) f u r o f u g aD o u r s , 1 8 6 9U n ( A n ) , E ( 4 5 0 ) pltrozonala Dours, 1869 Un (An), T (450) quadrata(Cockerell), 1911 [as albigezassp.] A- (At)' BnnS 57r Cockerell, 1920 n. syn.) (497 , O (: An. cyaneotincta 502, 504,509) quadricinctaFabricius, l79B (Apit) - Halictus (Halictidae) (Dalla Torre & quadricinctaEversmann, seeeaersmannii Friese) (Erichson), 1840 An (Megilla), P (-An. quadricolor atrifronsSmith, 1854 n. syn.) :An. rectangula Costa, 1863i :An- smithiiDours, 1869 n. syn'; :An dorsimacula Dufo:.r, nomennudumby Dours, -1869; : An. manni Mocsâry, 1BB3; Megilla gallica Dalla Torre & Friese, 1895 [n. name for An. smithii Dours, 1869, not Cresson, 1869] n. syn. i :An. pseudosicula Hedicke, 1929 [n. name for sicula Smith, 1854, male only] n. syn.) (476) (de Villers), l7B9 Am (Apis), P (:Megilla quadrifasciata scalarisllliger, 1806, nlmen nudum,n. syn.; - Megilla fuliginosa llliger, 1806, nomennudunt, tr. Sichel, 1867 [red syn. [red form] i = An. maderae Dours, 1869 n. syn. i :An. form] i :An. albescens Radoszkowsky, 1893; : An. farinosa Almeruensis Alfken, 1927 fken, 1926 n. syn. ', : An' mediterranea Cockerell, n. syn. [red form] i : An. tenerifensas ssp.] n. syn. [dark form]; 1930 fas quadrifasciata = An. litoranaPriesner, 1957 n. syn. i : An. klugi Priesner, 1957 [n. name for An. farinosaAlfken, 1926,not Klug, 1845] n. syn.) (449-453, 456, 503-505) (Panzer), l79B An (Apis). P ( -Apis quadrimaculata uulpinaPanzer, 1798, not Christ, l79l; -APis Kirby, 1802; --An.mixta Lepeletier, 1841 subglobosa -n. syn. ; An. uaraLepeletier, 1B4l n. syn. ', : An. Gribodo , 1873 n. syn. i :An. pachypoda segusina Cockerell, 192+ fas uulpinassp.] n. syn.l :An. alticolaHedicke, 1931 [as uulpinassp.] n. syn.) (438, 485, 486) quadristrigataDours, seecrassipesLepeletier ciata Provancher, see califurnicaC resson quinquefas raddeiMorawitz, 1876 An, P (476,489) (Dalla Torre), 1896 Ha (Po), O, r. name radoszkowskii for Ha. montanaRadoszkowsky, 1BB2, not An. montanaCresson, 1869 Fedtschenko, 1875 An, P (466r 486) radoszkowsfuii (Ha) n. comb., E (Saussure), 1890 Pachymelus radouae rapida(Smith), lB79 Am (An), E (515) KirbY raui Rohwer, see bomboides Costa, seequadricolor(Erichson) rectangula regalis(Cockerell), 19+6 Am (An), E (506) E (-An. reichardtiStadelmann, 1B9BPachymelus, Friese, 1905 n. sYn.) determinala reinigi Hedicke, see latigenaMorawitz repletaDours, 1869 Un (An)' P (450) retusa(T,innaeus), 1758 An (Apis). P ( -Apis pennipes Forster, 1770, nomennudum; :APis aestiualisPantzer, -1801; - Afis haworthanaKirby, 1802; An. intermediaLepeletier, 1841; -Megilla monachaBrichson, Morawitz, lB71 n' 1849 n. syn. i :An. ruthenica syn. ) :An. meridionalisPérez, lB79 las retusassp.] Friese, 1896 las retusu'rssp']; n. syn. i : Po. obscurus - Po. sareptanus Friese, 1896 las retususssp.]; :An. Cockerell, 1911 n. syn. i :An. fasciata retusifurmr^r Alfken, 1913 las retusassp.] n. syn.; :An. ssp.] n. syn'; Hedicke, 1929 las aestiaales baicalensis (3çù a '@tt@aW)un 9081 ,retr11 sqruas (sneeuurl) osnTa^t aes ,z1rrvrurotr tr Drzuau?ru ,rV ,zata4 Dlnr?uas kgù d (gare1co3) napslîslq ees,gera>1co Dulsslràgu Z06I C (3,çù O '(uV) un B/BI ,qllurs ,cauas (ggf) d 'uV 1BBI d>lsrvro>1zsope.l{ oso7n.t (Ogf) (['dss suoesauas '(uV) un ,srnoq o1ouozo{n"t s"J 698I (Oçf) I 6981 'srnoq D?p!o!.uV:) ,rV d Ing;,rarleladrl ,unrruæ (Zef ,lef) (.ur(s .u gi61 ,gara>1coC ,(eser-r (çlç) g ,(rV) wV ,rV ,ga.ra1co g.) nsualoilauas opnotfil.ds.uV:) ZZil g gt6I ory1oioSru g (gara>1coC)ourtctnp ees ,nsleurnse1 ,Z6i) (.uds .u ?Drlouas Qgg 8g6I 'gara>1co1D?orouoq uu?rusre^g olqnp aes ,oluarloslped tn(was .uV- .u ,gara>1ooC Zt61 ,gli ,glV) .u ,uaTJlV 'uv: (.ur(s @ZV Dtzloutorrlt 0t6I i.uds .u I161 ,esarrg suqDlrtmarD ,(asarrg) iS"il*r, o(ocs4a1n{'uV:) a ,(oa) rV 'uV: !.uds .u ,eserrg .uV: :gtgt 868I ç061 'dlsrvro>1zsop€llpuu ,698I ,srnoqlsqaq (çls) sa '(uv) ,(q wnpnu uaaou ,(srnoql utrrv oîotcsurtryrnb 'laqcls wJ .uV: ,.rV ,*uqn(lwas ['dss ,srnoq oTnun1o{n.t 6ggy ttuasmarp ) tr 698I (p1gù a 'GldV) un IB/y ,snrcrrqe{Dpnunaas râTfe6 o7[1cu1 aes ,osertg suguaa{nt (snaeuulT) DSnîaJ '€H g86I 'nM sa{{nt aas ,lsrouag ntîtutruas d (aserrg) s(actpuotîaes ,garr1"o3 rrry,ri1*, (rnnna) sa(uun1deas ,1srrq3 sa{{nt (çlg) g ,(uV) urv I?81 ,(rar1a1ada1)sa{{nt 6'quroc .u (sts(o"rottdwg)eH ,(gara>1roC),orfi*r, ç061 (lare>1co3) wn"tolazuzt ees,o>luaqcstpednu"toc{n.t (çlC) O '(uV) urv 698y ,(srnoq) sru"roc{nt , a s a r r gt î s q n q . u V : ) kgù (.uds.u I161 (retr111)o1oûqd âes ,esârrg rapruns g '([cls] snt.rolopo4)uV ç061 ,(uorourcD) stpnot{nr, (Oçf) a '(uV) vn LZil ,Â>lsuretn-,roz1âuzny mounaas (çtç) V ,(uV) ulv I16I ,(asarrg)suacsa{nt ,uV ,rausarr4 o?raps Geù d rarlaladal o"t7opo(aas ,rarlalede-I D{u Lç61 (tazue1) oqo1ncotu1rymb ,opoqlrg ,(opo(o"rosv) oas ,(luaurde1g) iurrrùæ (çlC) y tuv o{n, Ig6I rarlaladel o"tînpo{ aas ,uu?tusratg nuflas 'uV ,srnoq snntqn.t @gù d 698I ,uV ,lara>1co3nsua"{as @Aù g tt6l (çlC) (.uz(s 'u ( çlù (.uds .u I 16I ,asorrg ,luarude1gDîDruap opodo ['dss o1ontqnr,sel Iç6I ,(.rV) ,(opoqr.r1,) ono{'uV:) '@po{o"rosv) *V ,(tueurde6) -tosv-) ouwtcs V t6BI ary oTon^rqn"t V Iç6t dqrlx saploq?a9ç ees ,luarvrg s!"toile?nes (fOç) (.uIs 'uV ,elourdg sa(t(ocs 'u ,geralro3 owo\sop{so QgV'Ogt) d BSBI ['dss sunt?rqntse] 9g61 'rV. ,asaug 'uV:) '(.rV) ,(1a-ra>1co3) ?a4lnqrs Qgf) g g 6061 *V suon"rqn"t Z,g6f (t"fX) oulss(q aes ,esarr tnlnulapnruqes '(uV) eH ,(optn6-epea141)tpuolmo.t O +16I (ra8rgf o7o1în7d eas ,arro; "lfBCI lryruaqrs (tazue6.) oqn1nntutqeas ,tezue1 Dppunîor (srap4 ep) oqotcn{t^rponb aas ,raErIIl syolzrs (re1la1ede1)nalnnoeqns aes,uoretu"C z{auqqt, (fOç) (.uds .u ç4By ,o>lueqrslped,rqi1ruAr* (gçç'gtr 'uV=) ,(rV) ,(rarlaladol) 'Zgf) *V ûufuoos a I?BI (.uds .u ['dss npumaotffi] 0g6I (llerâ{roC '(rV) ,asa\rl (Oçf) un tnnos tao4auznl 'uV_) d ,uV [?81 ,rar1a1edo1 O 0161 npuoao.t uu?rusJâl.g Dlqnpaes ,oluerlJsfpâd utnssnos ,IgV ,OgV) ,uV ,zlrneto7N ya{ortuaîo"t @gV d Z,LBI ,ZZ,.ou ,g?ç .d ,epureg keù lou (tçg'ggt-?gv) '[B 'ou 'tlç .d_tfn:uu ,BtB1 ,elourdg .uV sltqop^tgy ro1 ('uIs .u ['dss osouûqn{se] It6I ,eTrrpe;ggDrtD eru?u 'u tr '(oa) uV 9681 ,(arro; el1eq) ,rplopojorw 'uV: t'uds .u ,a>1crpa11 ['dss osoutîqn{se] lgOt (tezue 6;) oTolncowqe"s,>lcreurz 1 opo(ons 'uV= !.uds .u ot1"tluto{ se] OtOt [.dss Drynqor 'asarrg naco(ocso.tîD (snaeuuyl) on4a"teâs ,âserrt snuol(ans 'uV- !.uds .u oçsnqo"t sef (ll9) V ,(uV) *V ttOt ,(11arer1co sualdos 'osarrg DInpuD'uV: !.uz(s .u [.dss 3) 616I [.dss oTrnqotsef 'aserrg DrtD'uV- :Ogg1 ,s_rnoq (rrc 'olç)o '(*v) nauûntta{o"t1n 6I6t utrrv ['dss tpoaqaîlqmseJ çZ6y ,(ga_ra>1roCt 'uV: !'uds .u ,srnoq ouofi(xo.uV: :gtgt szsua.wraDs 6981 'eH ,gara>1co1 'secn1 'uV: :çtgl ,EnlX osoutùqot wnnrolDs N oplnemaotîru L6BI (1gV ,BgV , Æf) (.ur(s .u ,çBI ,r{}luls o17pa7ng - ) d '(rtt@rW) uV ç?BI ,(EntX) o1snqot 'uV: l.ur(s .u sad1u1.rc ,g0g ,BgV) ,urv .ds .u tarleladal wntddlrtd, ltgy g $[oorg aouqo,t Gfç-nç 'V,.qruor .u (sntsoù uV ,(tezue6;)-)om1ns 'uV ,1are>1coJ ) d ?0BI (gef) O I16I lqqor 'ggi-tgv 'ggv) Ggv 6'qtuoc .u (sts(o"rotldug)BH ,(reuarplry) ,Ioro, ']anrsnq .uV: .u ('uz(s .u 9t61 ao17îyî !.ur(s 626; ,OgV) 'zata1 'uV:) ,uV ,trgd onîtqun @Og eualdld ç68I A ç69I lpnoay ,re11e6 rlllÀ\ cgrcadsuor sr '(opo(orDsv) ,(tuaurÂe11)aorlet"t oa"taaln(;o 1nq addl (çlC) y ulv Iç6I 'oN ,ILBI anrt eqt sl lou te{FM ç0gg/I HNI ig sel Bt6I ,rcrUIV stsuaoqtt,t Qeù d'uV ['dss DIDIneDratq nanoqn{.uV pe11eqeladft aql t61g1 d-resco141 (gef) QgAl,slelraqurlJ sueflfl 'uV:) a '(tv) *v gLBr'(zluvreroyl) nla1ns o1outî.tnua'uV:) N ,rV 9t6I ,reueqcrlN tcotoryopotl"t ,(uV) ,(11ara>1roC) '(uV) (lf ,(garepo3) outu(csopotl"t urv ç) (çlC) V tuv ç061 lnryDs V ç06y traqulog stsuauoto(aas ,FraqurloH stsuailDs 'uV ,opleg-âpeâtrAIaDlsapoq"t keù g +16I 'f6V) 'uV ,a>lepeqrull aDtrDzDIDs @AV N (snaeuurl) nsn\a"teas,garoTroC sltutofinya^t Lg,6f 'uV ,z1rr,eto1h1tflatua7os ,Ofb ,ggf) (.uz(s .u GZù d SBBI Qgf-Ogt [.dss DrleDunu (snrcrrqeg,) ocyn(s1?âes ,s.rnoq otn([,t $szl/961 'e^rrereuouodDttroelaqtg.u/- !.ur(s .u 'a1crpa11oelDID.uV: !.ur(s ['dss stlooqsaosef Ig6I 'u ,tsrouag oâyu1tuas .uV['dss Dsnptse] 0g61 (JHiT: #,i; ?"i':K;;; ;,,î1#â'"t 'zlrutetolNounpout -uV=) d,uV (erar @gv'vst) ,srnoq 6981 suoffir Nrrs-r'rnfl scNsrDS SVSNVX dO ^rrsus^rNn sHJ ZLç SysrpuATrcs AND PHyrocENY senilisEversmann, 1846 An, P (:An. aetulaEversmann, I 852; -- An. eaerstrunnr Radoszkowsky, I 869) (462) senilisWalker, see aegyptiaca(Dalla Torre & Friese) sngia (Nurse), 1904 An (Po) , O (464) sesquicinda(Erichson & Kltg), lB+2 Am (Megilla), O (-- Apis bicinctaFabricius, 1793, not Schrank, lTBl; --An. indicaRadoszkowsky, 1BB2n. syn.) (438, 499, 503, 505, 557' ) shafryella(Rayment), 1947 Arn (At),A (511) Priesner, 1957 An, P (492) shagrensis shestakoar Gussakovsky, 1935 An, P (496) sibiricusGussakovsky, see terminalasCresson sicheliiRadoszkowsky, 1868 An, P (:An. pnsica Radoszkowsky, 1876; : An. dimidiozonataDours, Nurse, 1904 n. syn.) (460, 1869; - Po. cnnnetcus 464) sichuanensrs (Wu), 1987 An (AnthomegillQ,O (484) Wu, l9B7 Ha, O sichu,anemes sicula Smith, seeplumipes(Pallas) (556) siewersiMorawitz, lB76 An, P (486, 489) s i g n a tB a r o o k sn . s p . A n , N ( 4 3 8 , 4 4 8 , 4 7 8 , 4 7 9 , 4gl, 499, 519, 535-539) simbana(Cockerell), 1936 Am (At), E (515) simia Dours, 1869 Un (An), origin unknown (450) similisFedtschenko, 1875 An, P (486) simillima Cresson, see ursina Cresson simplexMorawitz, seeplagiata (Illiger) simplicipesMorawitz, seeplagiata (Illiger) Alfken, 1937 Ha, O sinensis sinensisWu, see wuu Brooks sinensis(Wr), 1982 An Clisodon,P (489) sintntitarsasFriese, see uestitaSmith (Friese), 1909 Am (An), E (--An. sjostedti sjoestedti Friese, 1909)(515) smirnouiKuznetzov-Ugamsky, seeplagiata (Illiger) smithii Cresson, see montanaCresson smithiùDours, seequadricolor(Erichson) socia(Klug), 1845 Arn (Meg;llo), P (505) Kirby sodalisCresson, see bomboides soikaiBenoist, 1961 An, E (492') solitaria Rado szkowsky, seefemorata (Olivier) Kirby solitariaRitsema, see bomboides solskliFedtschenko,1875 An, P (476) somalica(Magretti), 1B9BAm (Po), E (:An. unicincta Friese, 1922 n. syn.) (5O2,505) sordida(Rayrnent), 1931 Am (Att), A (515) sordidula(Rayment), 1931 Am (An), A (515) sornrMocsâry see micrelephasSmith sororPérez, seeplumipes(Pallas) snrorPérez, see imitatrix Cockerell speciosa Friese, seedispar Lepeletier (465) sperryiCockerell, see terminalisCresson spilostoma(Camero.), 1905 Am (Podalarius[sic]), E 4(504) spinicaudaCockerell, see rufoaestitaCockerell spinacoxa Brooks n. sp., Ar, P (438, 470, 540, 541) spinipes(Friese), 1899 An (Po), P (476) spinitarsisWu, 1982 An, P (484) spinolanaPriesner, 1957 An, P (460, 462) spodiaDours, 1869 Un (An), T (450) sponsaSmith, see abrupta Say squalensDours, seeplumipes (Pallas) oF THE ANtHoPHoRINn Bnns 573 squalidaLepeletier, see bimaculata(Panzer) Dours, 1869 An, NT (:An. curta sqturmmulosa CockProvancher, 1895 n. syn.) :An. melanops erell, 1926 fas curta ssp.l n. syn. | =An. ensenadmsis Cockerell, 1941 las curtassp.l n. syn.) (489' 49O, 494, 496) stanfordianaCockerell, see bomboidesKirby stantoni(Cockerell), 1911 fas zonatassp.l Am (An), O (511) stefaniiPérez, seepruinosaSmith strauchiFedtschenko, 1875 An, P (462) Fedtschenko, see cinnascemLepeletier stschurooskyi (Kohl), 1905 An (Po), P (496) subaequ"a subcarinalaBenoist, see balneorumLepeletier (Lepeletier), 1B4l Am (An), O (=An. subcoerulea Radoszkowsky, 1BB2n. syn.i :An. lucknoaiensrs rothneyiCameron, 1897 n. syn.; --An.amolita Cockerell, 1911 n. syn.) (502, 5O4) Yasumatsu, seedulcifna (Cockerell) subflaaescens Kirby, see quadrimaculata(Panzer) subglobosa Provancher, seeterminalisCresson subglobulosa subignauaCockerell, seepacificaCresson subinsularùStrand [as insularisssp.] Am (An), listed by Cockerell, 1919, but original description not found (497, 5t3) submicans Gussakovsky, 1935 An, P (496) (Cockerell), 1925 Am (An), E (513) subrussata subsaltni(Rayment), 1947 Am (At), A (511) Morawitz, 1894 An, P (496) subserricornis subtarsataCockerell, see califtrnica Cresson subtnraneaGermar, 7826 An, P (: Megilla chrysopoda Illiger, 1806 n. syn., nomennudum; :Megilla decrepitallliger, 1806 n. syn. , nomennudum; :An. laticincta nigrocinctaLepeletier,1841 n. syn.', :At Dours, 1869 n. syn.) :An. procuaCosta, 1BB3n. syn. i :An. flauescemGribodo, 1893 fas nigrocincta ssp.] n. syn.) (457, 460, 462, 557) (Strand) subtenanrzGistel, see dalmatiensæ subtonida(Cockerell), 19+6 Am (An), E (515) sumatranaLieftinck, 1956 Am, O (513) supnansWalker, lBTl An, P (472, 474, 476) supnbaFriese, seeepichariftrmisGribodo suprafmea(Cockerell), 1946 Am (A.), E (504) sutepensis Cockerell, 1929 Ha, O suuorzeaiMorawitz, IBBB An, P (462) sybilae(Rayment), 1944 Am (At), A, publication date is not l9+2 (512) syriacaFriese, 1922 An, P (476) syringaeCockerell, see taminalis Cresson tadzhicaPopov, 1948 Ha, P tainanaStrand, seecalceifera(Cockerell) tainanicola(Strand), 1913 Ha (At), O (: Ha. maiella Lieftinck, 197+ las tainanicolassp.] n. syn.) talaris(Pérez), 1895 Am (An), P (504) tarsalisPriesner, 1957 An, P (492) tarsata(Spinola), 1B3BHa (Tbtralonia),P (: Habrophora :An. passuini Sichel, fsic! ezonatuSmith, 1854; 1856) (447) tarsataDours, seecalifurnicaCresson (557) Fedtschenko, lB75 An, P (476) tarsidens taureaSay, 1837 (An) :Melitoma (Anthophoridae; Emphorini) ( =An. fulaifrons Smith, 1854) tauricaFriese, seepodagraLepeletier 'g?g 'g6t (snezuurl) osn4atoes 'z.rreJerrrouod oe!,tatlaqtsl Q,gg 'zlrtvwtotrNDtlntuDIlto.tî 'uV 'Z6t 'gVf) ('uds 'u 'gare>1f,oC aoû6 'uV: Ig61 BBBI @tù d 'uV- !'uds .u t'uz(s 'u 9Z61 'esarrg stsJunîDnus (rurracng laepr.roqdoqt 'esarrg lou 'I16I 'esarrgs{acqn1'uV ro1eru?u -uV) Dnpptzsollf- ("V) IçBI 'elourdg o7o8u7st.r7 [çOO1 'ul 'asagg s{aq1(wo'uV- !'uds 'u sys(o (lW) ('uz(s 'u ç061 'gerelroC owtsstsoîn.t ç16y tI6I 'gara>1co1otltsaaoantï'uV: !.uds .u 'asarrg -nq{ug: !'ur(s 'u ç0OI '1ara>1cogosn{stayutns{o I16I -totldwg-) N 'urro; {rep 6'quloru (ns{oroqdwg) s(acgoy'uV: !'uds 'u 9061 'uo.ranreJ snpuzi -lplllDd [crs] snr.rzlDpo1 -) g 'uV tgBI 'q]luls Dtltsaa eH ['dss stloura{ryw] ?06I '(1ara1co3) owtsstlstrt âes 'ztrtrerotr{ ot!îsaa (Zeù 4 '(epodoreg) uV 996 1 '(2erc4) oyoauqt.tT @tù s1oorg Dqlartsaa (11era>1coJ) olnftf,zaees'lararlcoC Dpqtîsao (gef) d 'uV 9BBI 'd1sr'ro>lzsope)IogotcsorttT 'rauser-r4pllaruzput 'uV (ggf) I 'uV ç2,6I 'asarrg rolot?sna Qeù d Lç6I '(asarrg) Dtvruaput '(od) tV ees' ge.ralco3 t(ou.taa IIeJa>[coCouo?soqtumc GGBI QAù dg 'uV 'zlrrrero1N stlDuna 'ggt 'ggf) (ef g1 'uossat3 n3ru1 QSù d B/BI Ggç 'snrcrrqeg o7t6tu 'uV: i[urrog 'uds 'u (arro; BIFçJ) tntlssan ees 'leueqcltr4tstlDquaa t0B1 Tæp] 'eH 'nM o1n{ocnquaa uV çLL1 '(snrcuq"d) nloetrt oyûaytg-) I '(oua"rpuy) d tB6I 'srnoq 'u sorllaJg nsua(mbat?ees 'asarrg Dputettl @gù ('uds 6981 'uV:) 'rV 'rer1a1ade1sltqvl!îuaa 'esettg DaoJîlcttl o1nqcutcotïru I?BI d Ier{Je sllasJzpees (3.U) otnuol aas 'geraTroC stltqonuao sn(ot1ct.t1 (gef) d 'uV 0t6I 'a>1crpa11 (OtC) g '(uV) tuv 6061 '(eserrg,)ou4nlaa (gOg) ('ur(s 'u tt6I 'llera>lroC Duonpl '(11ara1co3)on{t1nï 'uV:) g '(rV) -V (Olg) dO '(uV) -V çIBI '(o>luaqcslpeg)Dutsstrol?o 9g6l (llç) O'(uV) urv 968I '(ueq8qg) n4afiao (qll*S) o"rqqn(aas 'luaurdn1 opaû1umoy rerlelede-I DqlDoqDaes 'asrnp sn?îapao ople16-ap"âtr^trnartafi(deas'opp14-epeâtrAl DnaPlrrlt (Oçf) a '(uV) un t6B 1 'z1rl'rerol4trsa(n.rna aas 'qltrug, Dplrrlt (rar1e1ada1)sua1oc anpnu uautou(rnQrW) 908I 'rs8r11 rolottna (çlç) a '(tV) urv Iç01 '(rausay6,)nsuatog (t"U"a) sa(tun1daes 'asorril suDzroo (srnoq) snaqsa{aâs 'esâtJtroslruauot (rezue6) oTo1ncoup"tprnb ees'.rar1a1ade1o"to n osoîuataol rarleladal oâopol aes 'drescotr41 (ggç 'Zgt 'OgV) N 'uV Iç6I 'e>lelraqurlJ ouïruuoa (1araryo1) nauoûonrut aas 'tueurdell opaûysuty 'gereTJoC opttuxî (fOC) g '(uV) urv gt61 '(1ara>1roC)4s[rapuoa Ilera{roC aouo1tn{ aas '.M szsuauuqsnwuetl 'npo(o.rqdoru Ggg'rgt'o}t 6LGf 4 '(1araryoC) 'BLt 'gLV 'VgV) '(oa) 'z1r*reto1Nsllolqt 'uV urunlloa uV N 9681 t6BI keù d '@pfayfl '(tnty) 'glr) '(uV) o37oa uV gtBI IuV OgGl '(ruaurdnU) ryoofiototlt (lf @tV d ç) V '.reuaqcrlN srsueqon (gOf) d 'uV ZBBI 'sropunes tulnuoqt Ilerâ{JoC aa.taun(aes (gOf) ('ur(s 'u ['dss npnon$nse] 6t6t '1ara>1co3 aes'garâ{JoC Duotssolaql IIerâTJoC ao.taç.to( nuauxt 'uV:) I 'rV Z,16I '1are>1coJDpnDtqsn aes 'uossaJD DuDxal uossâJC nnu"to{t1ot 'uV '(oPoqlrg) otoruaoprtat '1ara4coJ Duoînleqsn (gOf) (COC) '(uV) urv d 0g6I t6BI a , (ZeV'rcù ('uds 'u 9?6I Ggf çgV) ([urro; 'gara>1co3 'rauagrll 'uV- !'uds 'u 'uds 'u 'garalcoJ DutqoarnD BSGI Trcp] ['dss Dwlnlwls se] 9961 tr nsuatutortpt 'uV- !'uz(s 'u 9061 '1a.ra>1roC s(ona uuo4s7utaq'uV:) g 'tV tgGI '1ara1coC otuopD.ttzl 'uV: !'uds 'u 'uossetC D?aqlluts'uV :Oggl âserJdDîDaJDâas 'âsetJt Dttot B4B1 'uV-) 'srnoQ sls"tDtllor@ 'uV 'uosserC ousrn (ZgV'l d 'uV BBBI 'z1ruetotrrysa(tacn4say N 6981 (lsmolzsopelJ DI1DUD ees 'uosqrnrg Dstat ( g g g ' g t ç ) O ' ( r V ) u r v I 1 6 I ' ( 1 a r a 1 c o 3 )s u a . r n (lrc)v (Ogf '6gV 'BgV 'gg7 'gçV) ([urroy r*ogad-per] 'ur(s '(11era>1co3) 'uV: l[uro; pâJ] 'uds 'u 'gare>1roC 'u '(rV) uulv szszaîouut 6t61 loptlu ['dss nTouozsel0IOI 'uVse] 6961 '1ara>1roCDuuuazule (srnoq) nppnniltualnlnDaes'qlrurg, oîDu?ant ['dss aoutlulne 'uV: !'ur(s (goç) !'uds 'u tZ61 '1era>1JoColl?uao$oenal '(r{tltug) oloutuar 'uV: '>luervrï 'o., tou 'ç 'ou) g '(uV) urv 'u 'uds nsuatztqau pâr] i[rurol (? GIBI 6061 6lleJe{JoCaoutlotnt'uV: :g0gl 6llere{JoC 'u (Ogf-ggt '6tt) ([ruroy per] 'ur(s 'u ['dss stlDuuahl 668[ s n u o s o z a o l D ' o )AN - ' r V B l , B 1 ' u o s s e r CD u o q t n s€] /g61 'garelroC 1ûn{s unpostlJ- !'uds 'u Zg6[ 'd>1s.rro1essnC snt!4qls 'od - t'ur(s 'u 016I 'uepe15 (Oçf) I '(uV) un 6981 'srnoq oqoït.rlsrun oyocn{oauuoplstl) - :gOO1'lcararç aaraqzqnu rueqturg ap, aes 'nM out{srun '1ara>1coC 'uV: !'ul(s 'u aoîut.t(s'od- :gggl g ''qurorrr (ng) snlauf,tlcD10681 '(arnssn"S) nlonun BOBI 'raqcuenord nsolnqo1fiqns'uV iBBBI'raqcuenorg (1ltar8etr41)on1ouo,seâs 'asar.rgoputnun Dppnu 'uv: :zgg1 'raqcus^ord DlD\uapzq (OCf) a '(uV) un 09BI 'leIIrlS DtDtltnun outîDnC- l[ruroy Tcetql 'ur(s 'u 6/81 'uosserS (Ogf) d 'uV ç/BI 'o>luaqcslpedyluofin oâruta{ 'uV:) N 'tV O9BI 'uossa:3 stloutuut)l (snrcrrqeg,) nsuao.revees 'opleg-apeetrAl aopuo7n (llareTcoc uaurnt '€H ees 'uaTJIV otolfrlnuat aserrd oqoufusoqlz 606I o 'uV 'zlrtle-rol4l Dituouottnt aas '1erâTroC nsua{tuuay (srapn ep) o1ottsort"tponb @gV-fSù a BBB1 '(E.tX) Dnau?t '@po(ot tV (ra8rp) o4ofo1deas 'o>luerlrstpa{ nttuztnt ç?BI O Qeù 4 (gOg) (snrcrrqeg,) nsuao.ttDees 'puerlg oaranat (Oçf) a '(tV) un /çBI 'lâlsl.g Dtotxunt 'eH '1cutryat1 suo4Qprurny (Ogf) a '(tV) un çgG1 'd>lsnoT"ssn9nsuallat +L6l O 'ses 'arro; BIIBCI (çlç) g '(uV) tuv gg61 '(gara4roC) onrtqny [ttt] @tù (gOe1 'srnoq suqDfptnqnt -uau?qtpat'od - ) d 'tV gGBI 'Â>1sr*o>1zsoP3'll sîsueuaqspsl kAù g'uv 698I rarleladal nno{np aas 'qlrurS op?t oaro{ eas 'gere>lro3 nsuaruqsnst (qlp1rrrS) Nlrs-r-rng scNslcs svsNv){ do ^rrsus^rNn sHJ rL9 SvsrBuATIcs AND PHvrocENY aestitellaBrooks An, R n. name for An. aestita Morawitz, IBBB, Horae Soc. Entomol. Ross. 22:232, not Smith, 1854 (474, 476) uestitula(Cockerell), 1936 Am (An), E (:An. uestibula [sic] Cockerell, 1946) (515) aetulaEversmann, see senilisEversmann aetulaKrg, 1845 Un (Megilla), P (450) aictoriensrs (Rayment), 1951 Arn (Asaropoda),A (515) uidua(Khg), 1845 An (Megilla), P (-An. boops Alfken, 1926, [dark form]i :An. fumipennr Alfken, 1926 n. syn. [dark form]) (473, 474, 476) aierecki(Cockerell), 1909 Ha (Emphoropsis)n. comb., N uiereckiCockerell, see centrifurmrsCresson aigilans(Smith), 1861 Am (An), O (513) uigilansSmith, seecustos(Dalla Torre) aillosaHerrich-Schaeffer, seeplagiata (Illiger) aillosulaSmith, seeplumipes(PaLlas)(460) uiolacea (Lepeletier), 1841 Am (An), O (:Megilla llliger, 1806 nomennudum, n. syn.; albopunctata :An. anthracinaGribodo, 1893 [as uiolacea ssp.] n. syn.) (450, 512, 513') uirgoGribodo, 1893 (A") -- Centrismuralis Burmeister, lB76 (Anthophoridae; Centridini) uiaida(Smith), lB79 Am (An), E (506) aiuidulaStrand, seecincta(Fabricius) Dours, 1869 Un (An), T (450) uolucellaeforzes aulpina Panzer, seequadrimnculata(Panzer) (486' 489) wadicolaAlfken, 1935 An, P (486) walkeri(Cockerell), 1905 Am (An), O (--An. darwini Cockerell, 1910 n. syn.) (510, 511) wallacei(Cockerell), 1907 Am (An), A (511) wallaciella Rayment, see perpulchra(Rayment) utalshiiCresson, 1869 An, N (466, 468, 469) waltoni Cockerell, 1910 las aulpiza ssp.] Att, O (486) wartmanmFriese, 1905 An, E (492) washingtoniCockerell, seecrotcàiiCresson watsoniCockerell, seeporteraeCockerell Ja '+,, OF THE ANTHOPHORINB BBBS 575 wegeliniFriese, l9l+ An, P (486,489) wegeneriFriese, see alternazs(Klug) whiteheadi (Cockerell), 1910 las zonatassp.] Am (An), o (511) (Rayment), 1947 Am (An), A (511) whiteleyella wickwari Bingham, 1908 (Po) : Eucara(Atthophoridae; Eucerini) t. comb. Kirby willingi Cockerell, see bomboides wtureBrooks An, P, n. name for Anthomegillasinensis Alfken, 1937, EntoWu, 1982, not Ha. sinensas mology and Phytopathology 5:404-405 or Clisodon Wu, 1982, Insects of Xizang, vol. II:419 sinensis (482) xanthochlora Cockerell, 1923 An, T (496) Cockerell, 1932 An, E (: Ar. uernali xanthostoma Cockerell, 1935 n. syn. The female holotype of uernayi(Transvaal) has the metasoma of a speciesof Tbtraloniaglued onto it; the same metasoma described in the original descriptioni : An. heterossp.] n. syn.) (492) PodoCockerell, 19+6 las aernaye ssp.] Am xerophila(Cockerell), 1911 [as quadrifasciata (Ar), o (505) (Wu), 1985 An (Clisodon),P (489) xinjiangensas xizangensls Wu, 1979 Ha, P Wu, 1983 Ha, P )unnanenses Wu, 1983 Am, P (513) lunnanemes zamoranellaCockerell, l9+9 An, T (496) Priesner, zanoniGribodo , 1924 An, P (= An. borgensis 1957 fas zanonessp.] n. syn.) (486) Wu, see imitatrix Lieftinck zhe;jiangenses zimini Gussakovsky, 1935 An, P (496) zinniae(Cockerell), 1932 Am (An), E (504) zombanaCockerell, 1910 An, E (492) zonata(Linnaeus), 1758 Arn (Apis), O (:An. nigritarsis Dover, 192+ n. syn. i :An. doaeriCockerell, 1931, n. name for An. nigritarsisDover, 192+, not Friese, 1 9 0 5n . s y n . ) ( 5 0 9 - 5 1 1 ) zonatulaSmith, 1854 Ha (Habrophora[sic]), P âp?ls 'v u"ruroN Ia{u€qs uâqlâo rePusfJlopn'u .M d$qd {JrrpâH sradg .M aSroâC uDurDrlc'uoolg'.I ulullllM PtDoglmrorrpg râuaqrrl^I 'c sâlrBr{c toîlpg '0ç88-2200 srqlJorequnN Isrrâsprspuslsï€uollsurelulâqI NSSI Sn sruorlef,rlqnd 'roqtne eql o1 pelrârlp eq plnoris slsânbâr 'u4a\pg âq] vrîs Jo sânssr rePlo du"tu pu€ ]uâlâr lsotrr roJ srl€rs elg"F€^€ ers srot€Erlsa^ur {q esn [?uosrâd roJ srâded Pnpr^rpur Jo slurrdeu '9to99 'suruvuarl svsNvy to ÀrrsusnlNll 'Nvruvxarl scNvHcxg svsNVX 'acnaulll âqt ot pâsserpps âq ppoqs suorldrrcsqns pue sâIes 'sa8ueqcxe Surprz8er suorl€crunruuoc 11V'âtunlo^.red gg'ggg3o âter ât{l 1€ pârâluâ aq deur selunlo^ Euruocql:o; ro3 suorldrrcsqng 'eleredes rad gç'1$ 3o e8reqc urnunultu 3 I{1IÀ\ 'e8ed rad stuâf, (eur eleredss qcng ç'tJo ât"r eql 1e {lenpr,rrpur peszqcrnd eq 'dcrlod 'paqsqqnd sz sreded pnpr^rpur ânssl ol sr '97 eurnlo^ qllir{ Pelerlrw 'sued 'eEed red stuar g luerrnC Jo at"r aqt le pacrrd e-rz strud pnpurpur ur penssr ârâ1v\sârunlo^ eserflJo âIIIos erâqM 'âtllnlo^ red 99'699 1e paseqcrnd 'sâtlâtJos peuJ"âl eq (uur ro 'suorlnlrlsur Jâr{lo pue serllsJâ^Iun pu€ sa3a11oo o1 'suorleorlqnd regrurs ro3 e8ueqcxa ur 'perago eJ€ pus âIq€lle^" IFls âJ€ 'pâ}snsrlxâ ulpnng atutzrs sDsuDX{o Qptaalu1 ârp Jo seunlo^ lsoru 'ra,rer*o11 sarunlo^ p 3o l.lddns eqJ rrl.ou sr {yta\nnfi (1taaazu1 stsuzx eqr Jo 'pe8re1ua ueeq 'sa8zd 6ql ]noqe ot eunlo^ qrze Jo rtt5ual eql SuIrnPâr seq âzrs a8zd 'gç âIrrnlo^ qllnr â^Ilre5g 'r{t8ua1 ur se8ed gggl dlererurxo:ddu 's1e,rre1ur reln8arrr lP sI âJuenssl 0ç âurnlo^ ot ror.rd âunlo^ tIJ"o qlr^\ 'soutnloir 's.reded pnpr^rpur Jo sâIJâs se ro slred raded-rtlnur eâJql Jo o1v\ls€ punoq e1Sursse penssr,(lsnoue^ uââq a^equqqpg aqtJo sâurnlon'uorldacur str arurs 'sluepnls pue d1pcu; dlrsre,rrun dq ro sesue;1 3o i(lrsre,rrun eql l€ tno pelrr€r suorlesrlsa,rul JlllluâIcs l.peloqcs roJ lâpno ue s (,(payorfi (1tuaaru11susutx âqlJo uort€nurluor) ulpllng atuar?Snsuoy {o {yuaatu1 aqa JNSI^IUCNNONNV