強震即時警報系統相關研究 鄧大量1 李汯鑑2 1.美國南加州大學南加地震中心 2.美地質調查所 辛在勤1 蕭乃褀2 1.中央氣象局 2 中央氣象局地震測報中心 1 FINAL REPORT TO THE CENTRAL WEATHER BUREAU ON Development of Strong-Motion Rapid Reporting and Early Warning System – with Assessment on International Earthquake Prediction Research Submitted by Ta-liang Teng Southern California Earthquake Center University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089-0740 William H. K. Lee U.S. Geological Survey Menlo Part, California 94025 Also at862 Richardson Court Palo Alto, California 94303 November 15, 2005 2 Executive Summary This contract performs work that assists the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) in improving and executing the on-going large seismological observation and research programs of its Seismological Center. The work further help expand the capability of the Earthquake Rapid Reporting System (RRS) and the Earthquake Early Warning System (EWS) to include more realistic moment magnitude information, near real-time seismic intensity, damage, and casualty assessment, so that governmental emergency response agencies can more effectively dispatch the rescue resources. A good part of this contract work also helps in defining the instrumentation specifications during its acquisition activities, instrument calibrations, data quality control and database construction – all directly related to the successful Taiwan Strong-Motion instrument Program (TSMIP). A number of scientific have also published that, together with earlier published works, has made Taiwan Central Weather Bureau a well-known governmental agency in the world. Section A: (1) A published scientific paper: A High Frequency View of 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Source Rupture and Fault Mechanics Youlin Chen1, Charles G. Sammis2, and Ta-liang Teng2 Abstract High-frequency band-pass filtering of broadband strong-motion seismograms recorded immediately adjacent to the fault plane of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake reveals a sequence of distinct bursts, many of which contain quasi-periodic sub-bursts with repeat times on the order of a few tenths of a second. The sub-events that produce these bursts do not appear in conventional slip-maps, presumably because of the low-pass filtering used in the waveform inversions. The origin times, locations and magnitudes of about 500 of these sub-events were determined. Those closest to the hypocenter appear to have been triggered by the P wave, while the earliest sub-events at 3 greater distances are consistent with a rupture front propagating at about 2.0 km/s. Later sub-events at a given distance follow Omori’s law and may be interpreted as aftershocks that begin before the Chi-Chi rupture has terminated. The frequency-magnitude distribution of these sub-events has b-value equal to 1.1. The sub-events are clustered in space, with most clusters located at shallow depth along the Chelungpu surface rupture. The larger sub-events tend to occur at greater depth, while the small sub-events are only located at shallower depths. Cluster locations generally coincide with the large amplitude slip-patches found by source inversions at lower frequencies. Relocation of the deeper sub-events suggests a non-planer rupture surface where dip increases with depth at the southern end. Introduction The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw = 7.6) was the largest earthquake to strike Taiwan in the 20th century. Geological field observations and geophysical studies have shown that this earthquake ruptured about 85 km of the Chelungpu fault producing a complicated surface trace. For most of its length, the fault rupture strikes nearly northsouth, dips to the east at a shallow angle (20º - 30º), and is dominated by thrust motion. At the northern end, the fault bends toward the east and exhibits significant strike-slip displacement (Lee et al., 2000). In addition to teleseismic and GPS data, a dense network of broad-band accelerometers operated by the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan (CWB) recorded unprecedented high-quality near-field strong motion data. A number of studies have used this data to characterize the ground motion and measure source parameters. Generally, the fault motion was very different on the southern and northern segments of the Chelungpu fault. The southern segment showed large accelerations but small displacement and slip velocity, while the northern segment showed large displacement (over 9m) and an unusually large slip velocity of over 4m/sec (Chung and Shin, 1999; Huang et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2001). The mainshock released a total moment of 3.38 x 1020 Nm (Harvard CMT solution) over about 30 – 40 sec with an average rupture velocity of 2.5 – 2.6 km/sec (Wu et al., 2001; Ma et al., 2001; Zeng and Chen, 2001). The moment release rate peaked between 19 and 25 sec (Chi et al., 2001). The inversion of strong-motion velocity waveforms by Chi et al. (2001) found that the source was composed mainly of three large sub-events. The first was primarily a thrust event located near the hypocenter and extending 30 km to the north. The second was located at shallow depth near the northern end of the rupture. Slip in this sub-event was oblique with a temporal rotation of the rake from pure thrust to strike slip producing large ground velocities. The third was located at the southern end of the rupture. The first two sub-events were also found by other studies, but they were not clearly separable (e.g. Ma et al., 2001; Zeng and Chen, 2001). All three sub-events were shallower than 10 15km (Wu et al., 2001). 4 The Chi-Chi mainshock triggered over 700 strong-motion stations across the island with an average station spacing of 5km. Shin and Teng (2001) used more than 400 records around the Chelungpu fault to construct a movie of the time averaged (~1sec) and spatially interpolated (<5km) surface acceleration during the rupture. These direct observations of surface motion did not require a crustal velocity model or wave propagation theory. Some surface patches had accelerations exceeding 600 gal, probably indicating large sub-events located directly below. Many more such subevents appear in the movie than are imaged by the slip inversions. Moreover, the movie events do not appear to follow an orderly progression. Many occurred at times significantly later than that would be expected if they were triggered by a propagating rupture front. These late sub-events may indicate discontinuous rupture propagation on the Chelungpu fault, or they may be early aftershocks that cannot be distinguished from the Chi-Chi mainshock. It is not possible to decide between these two hypotheses using teleseismic broadband and GPS data (Ma et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2001; Zeng and Chen, 2001; Chi et al., 2001). Current waveform inversion studies use low-pass filtered velocity or displacement time series numerically integrated from strong-motion accelerograms. The low-pass filter is usually significantly less than 1Hz due to the low resolution of the earth model and poorly known site responses. The absence of subevents in waveform inversion studies, and to a lesser extent in the surface movie, is probably due to the loss of high-frequency information in the low-passed input waveforms. In this study, we image the Chi-Chi rupture at high-frequency (20-50Hz) using the near-field strong-motion accelerograms. After band-pass filtering, each accelerogram of the Chi-Chi mainshock appears as a sequence of high-frequency bursts. The largest were assumed to originate at subevents on the Chelungpu fault and were located using a sub-array of stations nearest to the hypocenter. Once the bursts corresponding to each sub-event were identified, the sources were relocated using a standard algorithm. The relative sizes of these sub-events were then estimated and their distribution in space and time analyzed. High Frequency Seismic Records A total of 441 digital strong-motion records of the Chi-Chi earthquake were processed and disseminated on CDROM by Lee et al. (2001). From these we have selected 49 stations around the Chelungpu surface trace using the criterion that the distance from the station to the Chelungpu fault plane is less than 20 km (Figure 1). These locations and other station information are given in Table 1, including whether the station was equipped with Teledyne Geotech A900 (or A900A) or a Terra Tech IDS (or IDSA) accelerometer. Both instruments have a flat response from DC to 50 Hz and a full-scale range of ±2g. The 16-bit output was digitized at 200 or 250 samples/sec. Figure 2 shows the original and filtered accelerograms from the E-W component of station T084. The top trace shows the first 40 seconds of the original broadband 5 accelerogram. Successive traces show band-pass filtered versions of this trace in progressively higher frequency bands beginning at 10-20 Hz and ending at 40-50 Hz. The time axis of each trace is referenced to the origin time of the Chi-Chi mainshock, and a few seconds of pre-P wave recording are included. The filtered waveforms were produced using a 4th-order Butterworth filter and zero-phase shift. Some intriguing characteristics of these high-frequency waveforms are summarized as follows: 1. High frequency band-pass filtering resolves the continuous 40-second long broadband record into a sequence of distinct high frequency bursts. We assume that each originates at a sub-event lying on or near the fault plane. 2. Some high-frequency bursts appear in all band-pass filtered accelerograms of a given record, while others appear only in the low pass or in the high pass bands. These differences may reflect differences in source size and distance. For example, a burst that only appears in a low frequency band may correspond to a large sub-event far from the recording station, its high-frequency components having completely decayed away. On the other hand, a burst that only appears in higher frequency bands may come from a small sub-event that is located very close to the recording station, its peak acceleration frequency being well above the lower frequency bands. This interpretation was useful in correlating sub-events recorded at different stations; a necessary first step to location. The short duration of the bursts (less than one second) and the fact that some are only seen in the highest frequency bands imply that they are individual sub-events and not the high frequency spectral tail of a larger event. 3. Some high-frequency bursts recorded on the E-W component do not appear on the other two components at a given station. This observation may be a directivity effect since these differences appear to be consistent with dip-slip displacement on the subevents. 4. The bursts consist mostly of S-waves. In the unfiltered accelerograms, the amplitude of the initial P-wave is usually 5 to 10 times smaller than that of initial Swave. Even though the wave amplitudes are greatly reduced by the high-frequency band-pass filtering, the resultant waves still have amplitude levels comparable to the initial P-waves, indicating that they are S-waves. 5. Many of the individual bursts appear to be composed of multiple sub-bursts with similar waveforms as shown in the time-expanded burst in Figure 2. These multiple subbursts often have systematically decreasing or increasing amplitudes and are nearly evenly spaced in time. We interpret these sub-bursts as corresponding to a series of stick-slip instabilities on a given slip patch while it is being rapidly loaded by fault slip during the earthquake. These multiple bursts appear in all high-frequency bands and on all directional components. Locating the High-Frequency Sub-Events The challenge in locating the sub-events was to identify the bursts produced by any given sub-event on the different records, especially since bursts from different 6 sub-events can arrive in a different time order at different stations. This problem is similar to that of locating members of a dense cluster of aftershocks immediately following a large mainshock. Such aftershocks are usually sorted out using bruteforce to compute all possible origin times and locations in the aftershock volume. We simplified the problem by assuming, at first, that all seismic bursts originated from sub-events lying on the Chelungpu fault plane. Once the bursts corresponding to a given sub-event were identified on different records, we relaxed this assumption by using a conventional location algorithm to refine the locations. Chelungpu Fault Model The Chelungpu surface rupture has a complicated geometry, especially at the northern end where it bends toward the east and at the southern end where it bends toward southwest. A simple calculation shows that differences between a single fault plane and actual fault geometry can lead to a 0.3 sec error in travel time from sources on the fault to stations in the array. Since this uncertaninty is too large to sort out the bursts, the fault was represented by the five rectangle planes shown in Figure 1, with orientations, strikes, dips, and dimensions given in Table 2. Each plane was divided into 1km x 1km patches, each of which was regarded as a potential source. The origin time (1999/09/20 17:47:15.85), epicenter (23º51.15’N 120º48.93’E), and focal depth (8.0km as determined by CWB) of the Chi-Chi hypocenter were also used in the location algorithm. There is some overlap of these planes such that there can be two hypocenters for the same epicenter. The location algorithm defined below picks the hypocenter, which gives the best fit to the data. In fact, very few events occurred in the overlaps and those that do are shallow where the differences between overlapping planes is small. Data Processing Data files on CDROM from Lee et al. (2001) were organized into four quality groups (A to D from the best to the worst) based on whether the pre- and post-event records were long enough, whether any component was unrecorded, and whether they contain other defects such as noise spikes. Most of the records from our 49 closest stations were A and B quality as detailed in Table 1. All A quality accelerographs had accurate absolute timing synchronized by their own GPS clocks. Most of the remaining accelerographs were not equipped with GPS timing devices, but the relative times were based on their internal clocks. The apparent timing errors have been corrected, so that the near-field Chi-Chi mainshock records are good to 1 second at epicenter distance less than 50km (Lee et al., 2001). These time corrections are listed in Table 1. A recallibration was necessary because the local velocity model used in this study is different from the Taiwan regional model used by Lee et al. (2001). We used a 1-D velocity model from the tomography study of Ma et al. (1996) for the southwestern Taiwan region (Table 3). It is also the velocity model used 7 in Ma et al. (2001). We first generated a P-wave reference travel-time curve using the local P-wave velocity model, and checked the curve against the P-wave arrivals at all selected station. For the stations with GPS timing, the mean difference between the observed and calculated P-wave travel time is 0.13sec, with a standard deviation of 0.15sec. The scatter of non-GPS stations is larger, probably due to clock errors but also possibly reflecting lateral heterogeneity, differences in station elevations, and errors in identifying the onset of the emergent P wave. To make the wave propagation consistent with the local velocity model, we applied a time shift to the records by lining up the Pwave arrival with P-wave reference travel-time curve. The time shifts are given in Table 1. In order to use amplitude data to help locate the sub-events, we modeled the attenuation using a standard relation for the decay of amplitude A with distance r from Aki and Richards (1980): πfr − A(r) = Aoe Qv (1) where Ao is the amplitude at the source, f is frequency, Q is the quality factor, and v is velocity. We first ignored geometrical spreading, site- and source-effects. In Figure 3, the maximum amplitude of the horizontal component during the first 2 seconds after the S-wave arrival is plotted as a function of hypocentral distance for the pass-band intervals 10-20Hz, 20-30Hz, 30-40Hz and 40-50Hz. We assume that this short initial part of the S wave is generated at the Chi-Chi hypocenter, and does not contain radiation from other sub-events (Chen et al., 2001). The theoretical decay calculated from eqn. (1) for each pass-band is also plotted in Figure 3. For these theoretical curves we use v = 3.21 km/s, the average S-wave velocity of the crust in Taiwan, Q = 250, taken from seismic source inversion studies (e.g. Wu et al., 2001; Chi et al., 2001), and the mean frequency in each band-pass window. At distances less than about 40km, the observational data are well represented by eqn. (1), with the exception of data at the four closest stations where significantly deviations are probably introduced by the radiation pattern. Because the lower frequency data show less scatter than the higher frequency data, we chose to use the 20-30 Hz frequency band in the location algorithm. In this band, the amplitude is attenuated by about one order of magnitude for every 20km of propagation. Since the range between the largest and smallest burst on each record is about an order of magnitude, each station is probably seeing sub-event sources out to distances of about 20 km. A typical burst is comprised of a few oscillations as shown in the expanded accelerograms in Figure 2. For simplicity, we used the peak of the oscillations as the burst arrival time, because it was easier and more accurate to pick than the initial time. Since the duration of each burst is less than 0.4 seconds, replacing initial time with peak time did not significantly affect the final results. We used individual directional components to locate bursts, but all three components were used to determine the final location. 8 Location Algorithm The locations and origin times of the sub-events were determined by the brute force approach sketched in Figure 4. We calculated the travel time from each 1km x 1km patch on the composite fault plane in Fig. 1 to each recording station. Beginning with the origin time to for the Chi-Chi mainshock, we calculated the predicted arrival time at each station for potential sub-events with origin times to + j∆t on each patch. The time interval ∆t between potential sub-events on each patch was set to 0.1 sec. The k calculated arrival times formed the matrix (tcalc )ij , where i indexes the asperity patch, j indexes the origin time, and k indexes the station. At each station k, we also formed a k vector of the observed arrival times of the bursts where (tobs )n is the observed arrival time of the nth burst at station k. For each fault patch i and origin time j, we compared k its predicted arrival times with the nearest observed arrival (tobs )min at the station k by calculating their time difference as ∆tijk = (t obs )min − (t calc )ij . k k We then formed a functional Wij that was minimized to find the optimal origin time and location for each event as Ns ∑ ∆tijkξ k , (2) Wij = k=1 Ns ∑ξ k k=1 where ξ k is a weighting factor and the summation is over all N s stations. Because of the high frequencies, we do not expect the energy from a patch to be recorded at more distant stations. We thus define the weighting factor to include an attenuation factor from eqn. (1) and a factor of 1/r for geometrical spreading. πfr − 1 Qv . (3) ξk = e r where we used f = 25 Hz and v = 3.21 km/sec. We obtained our best results when we reduced Q from 250 to 100, thereby increasing the relative weight of the nearest stations. In fact Q = 100 is still a reasonable value for shallow crust in the source area. Minimizing the functional Wij alone did not give enough constraint to locate all the sub-events. For example, if a source was close to a single station but far away from all other stations, the algorithm yielded multiple source locations of equal weight all lying about the same distances from the closest station. To eliminate such pathological geometries, we introduced the following additional criteria: 1) we required at least 4 stations within 20 km of a potential source, 2) for all stations closer than 20 km, we 9 required the time difference between the observed and calculated arrivals to be less than a prescribed T in the range 0.1<T< 0.2 sec. This criterion was based on the observed 0.13 sec mean difference between observed and calculated travel times for stations with GPS timing (and the other stations which were time corrected using this curve). Sub-event Locations The five planes used to model the geometry of the Chelungpu fault plane were divided into approximately 4000 patches, each with area 1 km2. Travel times from each patch to all stations were computed for origin times between to and to + 40 sec. in 0.1 sec increments. This resulted in a total of 1.6 million potential sources for which the functional Wij was calculated. Of these, only about 500 solutions had small values of Wij and satisfied the two additional constraints. Epicenters of the sub-events located using each component of the seismograms independently are shown in Figs. 5-7. In these figures, the time following to of the mainshock was divided into a sequence of five second intervals and the sub-events belonging to each were assigned a different symbol. Note that all sub-events are concentrated in the first 25 sec, and that almost all are less than 12 km deep consistent with other broadband seismic source studies of the Chi-Chi earthquake (e.g. Ma et al. 2001; Zeng and Chen, 2001; Chi et al. 2001). The temporal and spatial distribution of the sub-events approximately follows the Chelungpu rupture history, initiating at the hypocenter and propagating bi-laterally to the north and south. Spatially, the sub-events cluster in the shaded areas labeled A–G in Figs. 5-7. Individual clusters, or combined nearby clusters, map onto areas of maximum slip found by the inversion of low-frequency seismic data. However, the smaller sources of highfrequency bursts located here give a much more detailed picture of the rupture evolution. Figure 8 compares the sub-event locations determined from the E-W horizontal components with the locations of major energy release read from the movie of surface accelerations from Shin and Teng (2001). The origin times of the major surface acceleration events in the movie were estimated by subtracting the travel time to the fault plane directly below. Each panel in Fig. 8 shows the activity in a five second time interval. The epicenter of the Chi-Chis event is indicated by the solid star. The symbols for the subevents in each panel are the same as in Figs. 5-7. During the first interval (0 – 5 sec), a surface acceleration event was observed at the epicenter, while the sub-events occurred at shallow depths up-dip and slightly to the north of the hypocenter. As we shall show later, these first sub-events nucleate so soon after the origin time that they appear to be triggered by the P-wave from the hypocenter. During the second interval (5-10 sec) a surface acceleration event occurs near the surface trace and the shallow sub-events spread north and south. During the third interval (10 to 15 sec) the rupture propagated in all directions on the Chelungpu fault plane, as evidenced by subevents at distances from 10 to 20 km around the hypocenter. In this time interval, the rupture extended to a depth of about 12 km. All major surface acceleration events occurred to the north of the hypocenter, and 10 each corresponds to a cluster of subevents. On the other hand, many clusters of subevents did not have a corresponding surface acceleration event. Clusters of subevents to the north of the hypocenter, which were active about 12 sec after the origin time, correspond to local maxima in some slip inversions (e.g. Ma et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2001). In the fourth and fifth intervals (15 to 25 sec) the sub-events propagate mainly at shallow depth towards the north and south following the surface trace, but propagation to the east stops at depths greater than 12 km. Delayed sub-events are still observed at depths near 12 km around the hypocenter in the interval 15 to 20 sec. Again major surface acceleration events are observed near some sub-event clusters. Most sub-event clusters are located at shallow depth from the north to south, but only one major acceleration event is observed to the north (at 27 sec). No peak in ground acceleration was reported to the north where the Chelungpu surface trace curves to the east.. Although the temporal and spatial distributions of sub-events identified using N-S and vertical components are similar to those found using the E-W component, there are some differences, particularly in cluster G to the north of the hypocenter. While most sub-events in this cluster that were located using the E-W components occurred between 10-15 sec (Figure 8c), those located using the N-S components occurred between 15-20 sec. This suggests crustal anisotropy where S waves with E-W polarization travel faster. Cluster F was not observed on the vertical components implying that slip in these deeper sub-events is mainly an E-W thrust. This also explains why more sub-events were located using the E-W components than using either the N-S or vertical components. Similarly Shin and Teng (2001) identified more major surface acceleration events on the E-W components than on the N-S components. Moreover, the major acceleration events that they observed after 25 sec on the E-W components did not appear on the N-S components. Neither did we locate any sub-events after 25 sec using N-S components. Relocating the Sub-events Once arrivals from the different sub-events were identified and preliminary locations obtained, these locations were refined using a standard location algorithm. We found the optimal location and origin time for each sub-event by searching a domain centered at its preliminary location and origin time. The precision of final location uncertainty was less than 1km in horizontal direction, 0.5 km in depth and 0.1 sec for origin time. The locations and origin times of most sub-events did not change significantly except those in cluster G. The origin times of events in this deep cluster did not change much, but their locations moved deeper and more to the south relative to their preliminary locations. Since cluster G is located on segment B of the multi-plane fault model, this suggests that the dip of the Chelungpu fault increases with depth at its southern end. 11 Estimating Sizes of the Sub-Events It is impossible to determine the magnitudes of the sub-events by conventional methods using only the 20-30 Hz narrow band seismograms that we used to determine their locations. We can, however, estimate the relative magnitudes of the individual subevents by using the ratios of their peak accelerations (corrected to a common distance). All magnitude scales are based on the logarithm of displacement amplitude ratios of the form (4) M j = log(A j / Ao ) In this expression, the amplitudes are corrected to a common distance and instrument response, A j is the amplitude of a magnitude M j event, and Ao is the amplitude of an arbitrarily defined M = 0 earthquake. If M max is the magnitude of the sub-event having the largest observed amplitude Amax , then the magnitude of any other sub-event M j can be found from its amplitude A j using ⎛ Aj ⎞ (5) M j = M max + log⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Amax ⎠ Since our data are all in the same narrow frequency band, we can replace the ratio of displacement amplitudes in (5) with the corresponding measured ratio of observed accelerations. We normalized all amplitudes back to the source using −γr e j Ak j (r) = Ak j (0) (6) r j Sk where Ak (r) is the peak acceleration from event j measured by station k at distance r j from the event. The attenuation coefficient is γ = πf and the station correction at k is Qv Sk . For each event, the acceleration amplitude at the source, A j (0), was calculated as the geometric average of the Ak j (0) over the stations k that were used to locate the event. The largest A j (0) was defined as Amax (0) and eqn. (5) was used to calculate the relative magnitudes of the other sub-events. Data from the E-W components were used to estimate relative local magnitudes of the sub-events, which ranged from M max down to M max − 2.2 . Figure 9 shows the magnitude distribution in space, where the sub-events have been binned in 0.5 magnitude intervals. Note that the sub-event magnitudes tend to increase with depth. Specifically, almost all largest sub-events are deeper than about 12 km, the approximate lower boundary of seismogenic layer. Smaller events with magnitudes less than M max −1.5 are all located above 2 km. This is not an artifact of attenuation since the small events were observed to distances in excess of 20 km and would have been 12 located, even if their hypocenters extended to depths below 2 km. Figure 10 shows the frequency-magnitude distribution of these sub-events. The logarithm of the cumulative number is linearly distributed with magnitude except at the high and low magnitude ends. At the low magnitude end, the curve probably flattens because the sub-event catalog is incomplete. Not all small sub-events were identified in this study because the high-frequency bursts with amplitudes less than 1/10 of the maximum on each record were discarded. At the large magnitude end, the cumulative number also departs from the linear trend due to the limited sample time. Using the maximum likelihood estimate based on the modified Gutenberg-Richter law derived by Kagan (2002), we found a = 8.1. b = 1.07, and Mt = Mmax – 0.2. In terms of the geometrical interpretation for b-value by King (1983), a b-value of 1.0 implies a planar spatial distribution with fractal dimension D = 2b = 2. Evolution of the Sub-events in Time and Space The origin times of sub-events are plotted as a function of their distance to the ChiChi hypocenter in Figure 11. While there is a range of arrival times at each distance, the earliest origin times (indicated by a plus signs) increase with hypocentral distance. A linear fit to these first origin times has an inverse slope of about 2.06 km/s. Note however that this line does not intersect the origin. As indicated in Figure 11, connecting the earliest sub-event origin time to the hypocenter yields an inverse slope of 5.5 km/s, the P-wave velocity of the Taiwan crust. This suggests that the first sub-events were triggered by the P-wave from the hypocenter, which then nucleated a rupture front propagating at about 2 km/s that triggered later sub-events. It is interesting that the closest events were located near the surface, directly upslope from the hypocenter (vertical triangles in Fig. 5). Our observation that they appear to be triggered by the P wave in advance of the upwardly propagating rupture front is consistent with similar observations by King et al. (1985) and Vita-Finzi and King (1985) who reported the triggering of shallow events by deep fault-slip during large events in the Gulf of Corinth. They proposed that such premature nucleation of shallow seismicity may occur on larger flaws under lower normal stress near the free surface. Sub-events that occurred later than the arrival of the rupture at each distance may be delayed events and/or repeated slips of previously ruptured sources. We calculated the time delay of their origin times relative to the arrival time of the rupture at the same distance to test the hypothesis that they are aftershocks triggered by stress changes at the rupture front. We used only sub-events larger than M max −1.5 based on the completeness in Figure 10. The time delays were binned every 1 sec, and the binned data were fitted to the modified Omori’s law: dN A (10) = dt (t + c ) p A plot of log(dN/dt) as a function of log(t) in Figure 12 gives A = 40 events/s, c = 6.6 sec and p = 1.67. 13 Also plotted on Figure 12 are the aftershock rates in the days and months following the Chi-Chi earthquake. To affect a direct comparison with our sub-events, we only included aftershocks that occurred within 2 km of the fault plane. Each line in the figure represents a range of magnitudes from an assumed Mmax to M max −1.5 , the same range spanned by our sub-event analysis. For all three curves, Mmax = 6.6, 5, and 4, the rates are significantly higher than the extension of the sub-event curve. One possibility is that the sub-events we located were significantly larger than magnitude 6.6, the largest Chi-Chi aftershock, but this seems to be ruled out by their short duration. It seems more likely that they are localized on the fault plane, and are not part of the normal more regional aftershock sequence. Discussion Recordings of the Mw = 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake by a dense array of broad-band accelerometers located within a few kilometers of the Chelungpu fault plane has yielded a unique view of this large event at high frequencies. When observed in the frequency band 20-50 Hz, the Chi-Chi earthquake appears as a sequence of short (less than one second) bursts, which we interpret as being generated by small sub-events on the fault plane. It is not surprising that a large earthquake like Chi-Chi is composed of many smaller sub-events. Chi et al. (2001) found that the source was composed mainly of three large sub-events. It is not much of a stretch to imagine that these sub-events are made up of a collection of smaller events, which are themselves comprised of still smaller events, and so on. This type of hierarchical event structure was proposed by Sammis et al. (1999) to explain the fractal “Cantor Dust” structure of seismicity observed on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield CA. In fact, Das and Aki (1977) and Aki (1979) noted that a large earthquake must be comprised of a collection of smaller sources in order to explain the high-frequency seismic energy observed in the near field. They quantified these ideas in the “barrier model” for large earthquakes. One interpretation of the high frequency bursts observed here is that we are imaging Aki’s barriers. The short duration of our observed bursts suggests that they are small, distinct subevents occurring on discrete slip patches, and are not the high-frequency spectral tails of larger events. The observation of some events in the highest frequency band (40-50 Hz) but not in the lower bands supports this interpretation. The observation that our subevents tend to occur in clusters that are correlated in space and time with the larger subevents found by conventional slip inversion and the movie of surface accelerations suggest that they may be structural components of these larger events. Two intriguing observations in this study are that the sub-events follow the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude distribution with b-value near 1, and that they follow Omori’s aftershock distribution. The geometrical interpretation of b=1 is that this distribution of events produces uniform slip on the fault plane (King, 1983). It is 14 important to again point out that in constructing the Omori’s law plot in Fig. 12, the origin time at each distance was set at the arrival of the rupture front. The implication is that the delayed response of local seismicity to the stress change at the rupture front at very short times seems to follow the same physics which governs the delayed response of regional seismicity to the stress change produced by the entire earthquake over very much longer times. In a sense, local aftershocks begin before the earthquake has ended. It appears that the Gutenberg-Richter and Omori Laws, the two most robust descriptors of the spatial and temporal distribution of regional seismicity over time scales from hours to years, also play a fundamental role in the spatial and temporal evolution of individual earthquakes on time scales from seconds to minutes. Acknowledgements: The authors thank the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau for recording and providing the magnificent strong-motion data set. This research will not be able to take place without it. References: Aki, K., Characterization of barriers on an earthquake fault, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 61406148, 1979. 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Amplitudes of S-wave from the Chi-Chi hypocenter as a function of hypocentral distance. The amplitudes are for horizontal components and have been band-pass filtered as indicated. The solid lines are the theoretical amplitudes for the four frequency bands calculated using eqn. (1). Figure 4. Illustration of the brute-force algorithm used to locate sub-events by searching the modeled surface of the Chelungpu fault. Figure 5. Sub-event epicenters obtained from the E-W components. Progressive 5 sec time intervals are indicated by the different symbols as detailed in the legend. Seven clusters (A to G) are indicated by the shaded areas. Figure 6. Same as Figure 5, but for the N-S components. Figure 7. Same as Figure 5, but for the vertical components. Figure 8. The sub-event epicenters from Fig.5 are plotted for a progression of 5 second time intervals. These hypocenters in each panel are compared with the locations of major surface acceleration events (> 600 gal) in the Chi-Chi movie from Shin and Teng (2001), which are plotted as solid circles and labeled with their arrival times. Figure 9. Spatial distribution of the sub-events showing that the magnitudes tend to increase with depth. Figure 10. Frequency-magnitude distribution of the sub-events. The maximum likelihood estimation based on Tapered Gutenberg-Richter model Kagan (2002) was fit the data yielding b = 1.1. All magnitudes are scaled relative to the largest event, which is assigned magnitude M max . Figure 11. The origin time of the sub-events as a function of their distance from the hypocenter of the Chi-Chi mainshock. A linearly fit to the earliest arrivals (plus signs) gives an apparent rupture speed of 2 km/sec. The inverse of the slope of a line connecting the hypocenter to the closest sub-event is approximately the regional P-wave velocity. Figure 12. Data in Figure 11 are fitted by modified Omori’s law, where the time axis is the delay time between the origin time of the sub event and the arrive time of the rupture front at that sub-event’s distance from the hypocenter. The triangular and square symbols are the rates of the normal regional aftershock sequence at later times. The upward pointing triangles are for magnitudes between 2.5 and 4.0, the squares form 17 events between 3.5 and 5.0, and the downward pointing triangles from events between 4.5 and 6.0. These rates are all significantly higher than those extrapolated from the subevents in this study. 18 Table 1. Locations and Station Parameters for the Accelerometers use in this Study. Code Latitude Longitude Elevation Accelerometer Quality Time_Cor Time_Sft Type Group ( º) ( º) (km) (sec) (sec) C006 23.5815 120.5520 0.200 IDSA B 4.501 0.2597 C010 23.4653 120.5440 0.205 IDSA B -3.654 0.0841 C024 23.7570 120.6062 0.085 A900 B 2.053 0.5051 C028 23.6320 120.6052 0.295 A900 B 0.000 0.0112 C029 23.6135 120.5282 0.105 A900 B 0.000 -0.5084 C034 23.5212 120.5443 0.140 IDSA B 8.674 0.1569 C035 23.5200 120.5840 0.230 A900A B 1.817 0.1649 C041 23.4388 120.5957 0.230 A900 B 0.000 0.9921 C074 23.5103 120.8052 2.413 A900A B 0.000 0.2482 C080 23.5972 120.6777 0.840 A900A B 1.304 0.4136 C101 23.6862 120.5622 0.075 A900A B 0.000 0.1497 T048 24.1800 120.5888 0.160 A900 B -1.593 0.4548 T050 24.1815 120.6338 0.089 A900 B 0.000 -0.1831 T051 24.1603 120.6518 0.068 A900 B 154.996 0.4762 T052 24.1980 120.7393 0.170 A900 B 0.000 -0.5509 T053 24.1935 120.6688 0.127 A900 B -1.114 0.4294 T054 24.1612 120.6750 0.097 A900 B 73.735 0.4445 T055 24.1392 120.6643 0.090 A900 C -2.153 0.5084 T056 24.1588 120.6238 0.062 A900 B -1.623 0.4584 T057 24.1732 120.6107 0.049 A900 B -2.551 0.4320 T060 24.2247 120.6440 0.138 A900 B -1.270 0.3995 T061 24.1355 120.5490 0.030 A900 B 0.000 0.9045 T063 24.1083 120.6158 0.039 A900 B 63.718 0.5235 T064 24.3457 120.6100 0.037 A900 B 0.000 0.8022 T065 24.0588 120.6912 0.048 A900 B 0.000 0.0478 T067 24.0912 120.7200 0.073 A900 B 0.000 -0.1382 T068 24.2772 120.7658 0.276 A900 B -1.050 0.2985 T071 23.9855 120.7883 0.187 A900 B 0.000 0.5048 T072 24.0407 120.8488 0.363 A900 A 0.000 0.3911 T074 23.9622 120.9618 0.450 A900 A 0.000 0.2792 T075 23.9827 120.6778 0.096 A900 A 0.000 0.0866 T076 23.9077 120.6757 0.103 A900 B 0.000 0.0014 T078 23.8120 120.8455 0.272 A900 A 0.000 -0.0920 T079 23.8395 120.8942 0.681 A900 A 0.000 -0.0164 T082 24.1475 120.6760 0.084 A900A B -1.522 0.4845 T084 23.8830 120.8998 1.015 A900A A 0.000 0.1029 T087 24.3482 120.7733 0.260 A900A B 0.000 1.2349 T088 24.2533 121.1758 1.510 A900A B 0.000 0.9905 19 T089 T100 T102 T103 T104 T109 T116 T122 T129 T136 T138 23.9037 24.1858 24.2493 24.3098 24.2455 24.0848 23.8568 23.8128 23.8783 24.2603 23.9223 120.8565 120.6153 120.7208 120.7072 120.6018 120.5713 120.5803 120.6097 120.6843 120.6518 120.5955 0.020 0.100 0.188 0.222 0.213 0.023 0.049 0.075 0.110 0.173 0.034 A900A A900 A900 A900 A900 A900 A900 A900 A900A IDS IDSA A B B B B B B B A B B 0.000 -1.581 0.000 0.000 6.203 -1.795 -2.382 -3.061 0.000 2.771 -8.589 0.0041 0.4074 -0.5355 0.4694 0.3771 0.5306 0.6037 0.5250 0.1263 0.3266 0.6334 Table 2. Strike, Dip, and Dimension of the Fault Planes for the Chi-Chi Earthquake. Single plane model Strike (º ) Dip (º ) Dimension (km x km) 3.0 29.0 80.0 x 50.0 Multi-plane model Fault planes from south to north Strike (º ) Dip (º ) Dimension (km×km) A 45.0 29.0 11.5 x 30.0 B 3.0 29.0 31.9 x 50.0 C 5.0 25.0 15.0 x 53.0 D 3.0 29.0 23.1 x 50.0 E 65.0 25.0 15.0 x 20.0 Table 3: 1-D velocity model from Ma et al. (2001) Thickness Vp Vs (km) (km/s) (km/s) 1.0 3.50 2.00 3.0 3.78 2.20 5.0 5.04 3.03 4.0 5.71 3.26 4.0 6.05 3.47 8.0 6.44 3.71 5.0 6.83 3.95 5.0 7.06 3.99 15.0 7.28 4.21 Half Space 7.87 4.45 20 Figure 1 21 Figure 2 22 Figure 3 23 Figure 4 24 Figure 5 25 Figure 6 26 Figure 7 27 Figure 8 28 Figure 9 29 Figure 10 30 Figure 11 31 Figure 12 32 (2) A submitted manuscript of a scientific paper: A Proposed Plan for Integrating Earthquake and Tsunami Warning at CWB in Taiwan* by W.H.K. Lee1, K.F. Ma2, T.L. Teng3, and Y.M. Wu4 Presented as an invited paper at The Workshop on Earthquake Early Warning (EEW), California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, July 13 -15, 2005 1 MS 977, U. S. Geological Survey (Retired), Menlo Park, CA 94025. 2 Dept. of Geophysics, National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan. 3 Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089. 4 Dept. of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan. * For completeness, an Appendix distributed at the Tsunami Workshop organized by Prof. K. F. Ma at the National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan on March 23-24, 2005 is added in the present version. 33 Abstract A project for implementing an earthquake early warning system in Taiwan (in collaboration with USGS) first proposed by W.H.K. Lee in December 1990 was approved in June 1992. Two plans were put forwarded in January 1993. Plan A was to implement a prototype system in Hualien using modern technology supplied by a commercial company. Although the results were encouraging (Chung et al., 1995; Lee et al., 1996), this plan was abandoned after a brief testing period due to its high cost. Plan B was to make use of the existing Central Weather Bureau’s (CWB) seismic telemetry for transmitting data streams of about 10% of the 600 free-field accelerographs that were deployed at that time was suggested by T.L. Teng. The necessary software was developed in house based on the realtime seismic software by Lee (1994). The goal was for rapid earthquake reporting to government officials with emergency management responsibility (Shin et al., 1996; Teng et al., 1997; Wu et al., 1997). This plan resulted in an operational rapid earthquake information release system, which performed well during the 1999 Chi-Chi (Mw=7.6) earthquake (Wu et al., 2000), and subsequently improved with earthquake warning capabilities (Wu and Teng, 2002; Wu and Kanamori, 2005). In response to the disastrous Sumatra tsunami, Teng and Lee (2005) proposed to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) an implementation of a tsunami warning system in Taiwan. Independently, the CWB’s tsunami group (Chen et al., 2005) showed that the expected tsunami arrival time to Taiwan ports for the March 31, 2002 offshore earthquake (Mw=7) could be obtained by numerical simulation in about 6 minutes. Their results agreed well with the tide gauge data. This paper reviews the current CWB capabilities and proposes to integrate earthquake and tsunami warning using the existing CWB realtime seismic system with numerical simulations. We propose an action plan for CWB to consider: (1) Rapid estimates of earthquake source parameters, (2) Tapping into existing global information, (3) Monitoring tides in real time, (4) Constructing an online tsunami data bank, and (5) Developing an integrated earthquake and tsunami early warning system. This poster is intended to supplement an oral paper by Teng et al. (2005), and to serve as a companion to the poster by Hsiao et al. (2005) in this Workshop. We also discuss the limitations of an early warning system (EWS), and conclude that its response time is unlikely to be less than 10 seconds for earthquakes. Thus, its best use is to activate automated systems to prepare for strong ground shaking. The expected 34 tsunami arrival times could be estimated in about 10 minutes in an EWS, providing tens of minutes or more for people living in the coastal area to take proper actions, except very near the tsunami source. Introduction Taiwan is a very seismically active region, with more than 10 deadly earthquakes having occurred in the past 100 years as shown in Figure 1. A project for implementing an earthquake early warning system in Taiwan was proposed by W.H.K. Lee in December, 1990, and was approved in June 1992. Two plans were put forwarded in January 1993. Plan A was to implement a prototype system in Hualien using modern technology by a commercial company. Although the results were encouraging (Chung et al., 1995; Lee et al., 1996), this plan was abandoned after a brief testing period due to its high cost. 35 Plan B (suggested by T. L. Teng) was to make use of the existing seismic telemetry of the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) for transmitting data streams from 10% of the 600 free-field accelerographs that were being deployed at that time. The necessary software was developed in house based on the realtime seismic software by Lee (1994). The goal was for rapid earthquake reporting to government officials with emergency management responsibility (Shin et al., 1996; Teng et al., 1997; Wu et al., 1997). This plan resulted in an operational rapid earthquake information release system, which performed well during the 1999 Chi-Chi (Mw=7.6) earthquake (Wu et al., 2000), and was subsequently improved with earthquake warning capabilities (Wu and Teng, 2002; Wu and Kanamori, 2005). Historical Tsunami Records in Taiwan Many reports, books, and papers have been published containing information about historical tsunamis in Taiwan and neighboring regions, and several official websites contain online information. However, the existing literature and online databases are often confusing, because: • • • • Many Chinese words have been used to describe phenomena of the sea that may or may not be related to tsunamis (Keimatsu, 1963), Interpreting historical records is difficult and subject to bias, There is a lack of financial support and modern tools to gather the literature (written in many languages and archived in many geographical centers) and analyze the data adequately, and There is little progress in constructing reliable online databases due to lack of adequate support. Historical “Tsunami” events in Taiwan are shown in Figure 2. No damaging tsunamis have been reported since 1868. For the 1960 Great Chilean earthquake, Kelung recorded 66 cm, and Haulien, 30 cm, in the maximum tsunami amplitude as measured by the tide gauges. CWB Rapid Earthquake Information Release System Taiwan is in a good position to integrate a tsunami early warning system with the existing CWB Rapid Earthquake Information Release System, which also has the 36 capability to serve as an earthquake early warning system. The foundation of the existing system was established by a series of scientific publications (Lee et al., 1996; Shin et al., 1996; Teng et al., 1997; Wu et al., 1997). More details about the system are given the companion paper (Hsiao et al., 2005) presented in this Workshop. Figure 3 is a time-line flowchart showing the data processing and results of the CWB rapid report system (RRS) and early warning system (EWS) in Taiwan. For a typical earthquake, the location, magnitude, and a shake map are available for dissemination in about 1 minute, and an earthquake report is routinely released in about 3 minutes. 37 38 Recent work by Wu and Teng (2002) and Wu and Kanamori (2005) showed that early warning capability could be achieved in about 20 seconds after the seismic waves arrived at the nearest station. Chen et al. (2005) showed that the expected tsunami arrival times could be computed by numerical simulation and released in about 6 minutes for the March 31, 2002, offshore Taiwan earthquake (Mw = 7), as shown in Figure 4. Except for the two nearest ports, a few minutes to up to more than 2 hours would be available for warning purposes. A Proposed Action Plan for CWB We proposed the following action plan to CWB for development and implementation: (1) Rapid Estimates of Earthquake Source Parameters The present CWB realtime seismic system can estimate the location and magnitude of a local earthquake in about 1 minute by using telemetered data from about 100 digital accelerographs in the field. It does not perform well, however, for earthquakes that are considerably outside the telemetered accelerograph network. The seismic response of accelerometers to teleseismic events is poor due to rapid amplitude drop off below 1 Hz. Tokyo-Sokushin has developed a broadband sensor (G3) that is capable of recording up to 2g in acceleration (a standard broadband sensor will clip at about 0.1g or less). In 2004, we tested a Tokyo-Sokushin 24-bit accelerograph equipped with a G3 sensor and it worked well. We propose CWB purchases several G3 celerographs and incorporate them into their telemetered network. We propose that CWB develop a database of large (M>7) earthquakes for all potential source regions, so that the incoming broadband waveforms can be rapidly compared with those stored in the database for estimating location and magnitude (see e.g., Menke and Levin, 2005). 39 40 (2) Tapping into Existing Global Information We recommend that CWB participates in the global earthquake and tsunami activities by: • Incorporating tsunami warning information from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and the International Tsunami Information Center in their Rapid Earthquake Information Release System. • Exploring ways and means to share seismic and tide gauge data in near realtime with neighbors: mainland China, Japan, Ryukyu, and Philippines. • Participating in the Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) program of NOAA (Gonzalez, et al. 1998) by funding one or more DART stations to be deployed near Taiwan. • Incorporating USGS global earthquake information in their Rapid Earthquake Information Release System. (3) Monitoring Tides in Real-time Tides in Taiwan are monitored by CWB’s Marine Meteorology Center (MMC). We propose that data from selected tide gauge stations be incorporated with the realtime seismic system. The following information was kindly supplied by Dr. Yueh-jiuan Hsu of MMC: • • • • • • CWB is responsible for 20 tide stations. Tide data from other organizations are also collected. CWB’s tide gauges are being upgraded to the system similar to NOAA/NOS. Most stations make a measurement every 6 minutes, and some stations record every 15 seconds. All the tide data are transmitted to Taipei via telephone line, GSM, or GPRS in near realtime. More information is available online at: http://mmc.cwb.gov.tw/. (4) Constructing an Online Tsunami Databank 41 We propose that CWB perform numerical simulations to build up a “tsunami scenario databank” on the damage potentials from tsunami sources, both teleseismic and nearby, as follows. (A) Tsunami-Generating Source Modeling: For a given earthquake source, it is possible to model how tsunami waves are excited. Realistic modeling with a detailed propagating rupture is not required because the rupture time is short compared with the excited tsunami periods. However, the tsunami’s source radiation pattern as a consequence of the rupture geometry should be carefully evaluated. (B) Tsunami Propagation in Open Ocean: The “shallow water” wave theory used in the open ocean is well understood (Satake, 2002). This is a linear problem and many numerical codes have been developed. With known bathymetry, the scenario path and amplification can be computed for an assumed source. We only need to compute the paths from offshore Taiwan to all points of the potential tsunami-generating sources and then invoke the source-receiver reciprocal theorem to get both the tsunami ray path and amplitude amplification as the wave arriving at offshore Taiwan. (C) Tsunami Inundation and Runup Calculations: High-precision near-coast and harbor bathymetry and coastal topography data should be gathered for use in the finite-element code of J. J. Lee et al. (1998) to compute potential inundation/runup for an incoming tsunami resulted from Item (B) above. (5) Developing an Integrated Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning System We would like to propose that the CWB Rapid Earth-quake Information Release System be modified to include: • Reporting teleseismic events of M > 7, and any potential for tsunami waves that will arrive in Taiwan; 42 • • • Searching an online database of earthquake waveforms for reliable estimates of hypocenter location and magnitude; Processing tide gauge and DART data for rapid changes of water amplitudes that may indicate an arriving tsunami. We recommend that CWB’s seismology, tsunami, and tide groups jointly develop this integrated system and explore possibilities for collaboration with other countries to share data and results in near real time. NOAA proposed a global TsunamiReady program by networking regional “Emergency Operations Centers” (EOCs). We urge CWB to implement emergency operations for earthquakes and tsunamis within its Seismology Center. CWB should have the capability of issuing a timely earthquake and/or tsunami warning not only for events in the Taiwan region, but also for significant events in the world that may affect Taiwan. This will be a challenging problem as shown by Titov et al. (2005). Limitations of an Earthquake Early Warning System The response time, Tr, of an earthquake early warning system may be defined as: Tr = Tt + Tc (1) where Tt is the time required to have received seismic signals from enough stations (e.g., 8), and Tc is the processing time to have a reliable determination of location and magnitude. To a first approximation for a seismic network of uniform station spacing (s), Tt can be estimated from focal depth (h), P-velocity (Vp), and the epicenter location with respect to the stations in a seismic network. For example, if ∆ is the epicentral distance to the nearest station, then T1 = [∆2 + h2] ½ / Vp (2) The present CWB realtime seismic system has about 100 telemetered accelerographs at station spacing of s ≈ 20 km. If we assume an earthquake occurs midway between two stations well inside the seismic network (i.e., ∆ = 10 km), at h = 10 km deep, and Vp = 5 km/sec, then Tt for having reached 8 stations is given by: Tt = [(s + ∆)2 + h2] ½ / Vp ≈ 6.3 sec. (3) For an event 20 km outside the network, ∆ becomes 30 km, and Tt ≈ 10.2 sec. In practice, it is difficult to have uniform station spacing and not all stations may be in 43 operation when an earthquake occurs. Therefore, the CWB experience indicated that Tt ≥ 8 seconds. Computer time for picking P-arrivals and locating the earthquake is small in comparison for the time to have received enough amounts of seismic waves for a good estimate of the earthquake magnitude. Wu and Kanamori (2005) used a minimum of 3-second of P waves to estimate magnitude, and achieved a response time, Tr ≈ 20 seconds. Figure 5 shows the P- and S- travel times (left axis) and the average horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA, right axis) versus epicentral distance from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Lee et al., 2001). We also plot the CWB’s EWS response time at 20 sec. Since P-wave arrives at about 10 sec at epicentral distance of 50 km, and at about 18 sec at 100 km, the present CWB’s Earthquake Early Warning System (EWS) can not response fast enough before people living within 100 km already know an earthquake has occurred. At epicentral distance less than 50 km, the CWB’s Earthquake Early Warning System cannot provide information prior to the onset of strong ground shaking, because the Swaves will arrive at about 18 seconds. At 100-km distance, about 13 seconds will be available before the S-waves arrive. However, at this distance and beyond, the PGA values will have dropped to below 0.2g, and thus an early warning message will be useful for only very big earthquakes. It is clear from Figure 6 that CWB needs to shorten the response time to Tr ≈10 seconds in order to be useful at epicentral distance from 30 km to 100 km, where strong ground shaking is still to be expected. 44 45 This means that we need to decrease the station spacing and to develop a much faster processing scheme. For example from Equation (3), Tt can be reduced approximately by half if the station spacing is also reduced by half. This means that CWB needs to increase the number of realtime stations from 100 to 400, which is not a very practical solution. Another physical limit is that the rupture time for a big earthquake is more than 10 seconds (e.g., the rupture time for the Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake is about 30 sec). Since no reliable magnitude estimate can be made until the rupture stops, it severely limits how anyone can speed up the processing time (and thus the response time), and how useful an early warning system can be for a big quake that matters most to the people. In summary, our above discussion using the case for Taiwan is generally applicable everywhere. Major limitations of any earthquake warning system are: • • • • Station spacing is the primary factor determining the time required to have seismic data received at enough stations for processing, and the present practical limit is Tt ≈ 5 seconds at best. Earthquake rupture time increases with increasing magnitude, and we need at least 3 seconds or more of P-waves to have a reasonable lower limit of the earthquake magnitude, i.e., Tc ≈ 5 seconds at best. Combined (1) and (2), this implies that the response time of an earthquake early warning system is limited to Tr ≈ 10 seconds in practice. Ground motion is most severe in epicentral distance of less than 50 km, and drops rapidly at 100 km and beyond. Therefore, an effective use of an earthquake early warning signal is likely to be limited to activate automated systems to prepare for incoming strong ground shaking (Lee and Espinosa-Aranda, 2003). Consequently, a single station approach (e.g., Saita and Nakamura, 2003) will be more practical than the network approach developed, for example, by CWB. Nevertheless, any rapid earthquake information release will help in emergency response. This is the primary reason for driving regional seismic networks around the world for realtime operations and for releasing earthquake information as rapidly as possible, typically within 1 to 5 minutes (Lee, 2002). Conclusions CWB has demonstrated that an earthquake warning response time can be about 20 seconds, and a local tsunami warning response time can be about 10 minutes. The action 46 plan we propose in this paper is technically feasible to implement, although considerable amounts of work will be involved. However, transmitting warning messages to the users will require establishing an infrastructure and considering the social impacts. We do not recommend releasing any earthquake early warning message to the general public. As pointed out by Lomnitz (2003), most people cannot react effectively to an earthquake warning in a short time that ranges from a few seconds to a few tens of seconds at best. On the other hand, tsunami warning messages will be beneficial to people living in the coastal areas. The expected tsunami arrival times from an offshore Taiwan earthquake could be estimated in about 10 minutes, and thus provide tens of minutes or more for people to take proper actions, except in areas that are very near the tsunami source. Acknowledgements. We thank Jr-hung Chen, Po-fei. Chen, Yueh-jiuan Hsu, Kaiwen Kuo, and Tzay-chyn Shin for providing valuable data and information. We are grateful to Walter Mooney, Jim Savage, and Woody Savage for their comments. References Bryant, E. 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Performance of the Taiwan Rapid Earthquake Information Release System (RTD) during the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake. Seism. Res. Lett., 71, 338-343. 50 APPENDIX. A Proposal for Establishing a Taiwan Tsunami Warning System * By Ta-liang Teng and William H.K. Lee (March 22, 2005) * This proposal was distributed at the Tsunami Workshop organized by Prof. K. F. Ma at the National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan on March 23-24, 2005. 51 Introduction In the aftermath of the Sumatra disaster, it is clear that even though a tsunami is a very infrequent event and difficult to predict, it can nonetheless happen any time and inflict severe damage to coastal areas of many countries. Fortunately, because of its slow propagation speed in the open ocean (~800 km/hour, like that of a jet airplane), an early warning is possible for tsunamis, except for those generated locally off the coast. As Taiwan is very seismically active, and a few tsunamis might have caused considerable damage and fatality in the past, it is important that we prepare for tsunamis through a better monitoring and warning system. This proposal is intended to serve as a starting point for discussions at the Workshop on Taiwan Tsunami Research Program to be held on March 23-25, 2005 at the National Central University (NCU). We hope that a much better proposal will be developed by the Workshop participants and invited experts. Taiwan is in a good position to work on a tsunami early warning program. It currently leads the world in its accomplishments in earthquake rapid reporting and earthquake early warning, which is much more demanding than a tsunami early warning. The foundation was established in a series of scientific publications (Lee et al., 1996; Teng et al., 1997; Wu et al., 1997). Furthermore, some preliminary tsunami research has already been carried out by some recent research projects of NSC and CWB. It is timely that a more comprehensive research and development program for tsunami be taken place in order to achieve: (1) Reduction in the loss of life and property in coastal areas of Taiwan and its offshore islands. (2) Elimination of false alarms which can result in high economic costs for unnecessary evacuations. We hereby propose that Taiwan boosts its instrumental monitoring and numerical modeling efforts on tsunami and expand research towards a reliable tsunami warning system. In order for this proposal to be successfully developed and implemented, we need active participation of everyone in Taiwan who is interested in mitigating tsunami hazards. In other words, we need to prepare a well thought-out proposal, raise some funding, and carry out the necessary tasks. Since Taiwan has only a few tsunami researchers, we must encourage international collaborations and develop an education/training program in tsunami and related topics. Tapping into the Pacific Tsunami Warning System 52 Some initial actions should be taken so that the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), which is responsible for monitoring tsunami in the Taiwan region, may participate in the global tsunami warning activities. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) in Ewa Beach, Hawaii, was established in 1949 by the U.S. Government to provide warnings for tele-tsunamis to Hawaii and most countries in the Pacific Rim. PTWC is also the warning center for Hawaii's local and regional tsunamis. As a United States government center, tsunami information issued by the PTWC is generally available to the public with some time delays. However, PTWC does not formally interact with other countries with respects to tsunamis warning monitoring and warning. This function is being carried out by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC, see Appendix 1) of the UNESCO, a part of the United Nations. Under IOC, the International Coordination Group (ICG) for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (ITSU) had been established since the 1960s with 26 member states. IOC also maintains the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) as the operational unit, which in turn relies on the PTWC for actual tsunami monitoring and warning. In the January 13, 2005 press release, UNESCO is now working towards the establishment of a global tsunami warning system that would be operational by June 2007 according to UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura. In other words, the present IOC/ITIC will be truly international soon. The status of IOC clearly states that only members of UNESCO (i.e., UN) can join its various programs (i.e., including ICG on tsunamis). Since Taiwan is not a member of UN or UNESCO, joining ICG/ITSU will be difficult politically. Appendix 1 contains the IOC status. Mike Blackford (Former Director of PTWC and of ITIC) made the following suggestion in an e-mail to Willie Lee on January 14, 2005: If Taiwan is interested in pursuing a more formal participation in ITSU the primary person to contact is Peter Pissierssens of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), mail: IOC of UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France; email: [email protected]. In the past, UN and UNESCO have granted “observer” status to some non-UN countries. Observers can participate in meetings, but have no voting power. Getting Global Tsunami Warning Information 53 According to Mike Blackford, member states of ICG/ITSU automatically receive tsunami warning information. However, since the tsunami warning information is actually provided by PTWC, it is possible to obtain the same information from its “bulletin board”, which is open for subscription. Obviously, anyone can visit the PTWC website for its latest bulletins. These two methods of obtaining tsunami warning information have the obvious draw-back that there will be some time delays. PTWC also maintains an e-mail list for sending tsunami warning bulletins right away. Mike Blackford has agreed to help us to explore this possibility by putting a CWB seismologist on it. Tsunami Warning Practice in Taiwan If Taiwan decides to establish its tsunami monitoring and warning system, it is best to “join” ICG/ITSU to be a part of the international tsunami warning system. However, establishing an effective system requires, in addition, substantial funding (in millions of US dollars per year) as PTWC history indicates. Furthermore, how to deal with tsunami warnings in practice in order to save lives and properties also require a substantial efforts in education and public outreach, especially in establishing communication and evacuation plans with governmental officials dealing with emergencies. This last aspect of “Communication, Education, and Outreach” (or CEO) is more administrative than scientific, we shall leave it to CWB or other cognizant governmental agencies to work on out the details. We may, as Mike Blackford did it nicely, emphasize that: “No matter how elaborate a tsunami warning system may be, it will not be effective unless emergency managers, operators of potentially affected coastal facilities, and the public in general, know what to do when a tsunami warning is issued. Much needs to be done to communicate the warning to the public, perhaps by sirens and messages on the media, and if necessary, evacuation plans need to be developed. Perhaps some of this may be in place [in Taiwan] already with respect to typhoons.” In summary, we visualize that an adequate Tsunami Warning Program in Taiwan would include at least the following elements: A. Tsunami Monitoring – Validation of generation and approaching tsunamis B. Tsunami Modeling – Construction of Taiwan Tsunami Databank, and run-up and inundation computation C. Tsunami History in Taiwan – Database necessary to study the tsunami potential. 54 D. Communication, Education, and Outreach – Important administrative measures E. Collaborations. 55 Proposed Work A. Tsunami Monitoring - Validation of Generation and Approaching Tsunamis Taiwan currently receives information indirectly from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center whenever a tsunami bulletin is issued. Since this information is relayed twice (via Japan) before reaching CWB, there is some time delays and also a potential problem in reliability. Therefore, we believe that CWB should explore possible means to obtain the tsunami bulletins directly from PTWC as discussed above. In addition, tsunami information from Japan, Ryukyu and Philippines will also be very valuable, if available in near real-time. Again, CWB should explore possible means to share and exchange data with them. Obviously, CWB must fist have some relevant tsunami data in real-time or near real-time to start with. The cost to deploy real-time modern tide gauge stations along the coast of Taiwan and nearby islands (Jinmen, Matsu, and Penghu, Lanyu, Dongsha and Badan) is relatively inexpensive. The output, together with those from the southern Ryukyu Islands (such as Yunaguni, Ishigaki, and Hirara etc.), should be integrated with the telemetered seismic data at CWB in real-time. Instruments deployed in the open ocean such as the DART-type (see Appendix 2) are expensive. However, we may have to join the U.S. effort by deploying a few of them to insure an adequate converge and to tap into the real-time international tsunami information. More importantly, since tsunami bulletins from PTWC will arrive too late if tsunamigenic earthquakes were to occur about several hundred kilometers off the Taiwan coast, tide gauge data from the above islands and DART data in the open ocean near Taiwan would allow Taiwan to timely react to the tsunami waves. The above provisions, in conjunction with a tsunami modeling effort discussed in Section B, are aimed at the reduction of the false alarm. Japanese experience shows that a tsunami false alarm – induced evacuation would cost about US$60 million which cannot be socially and economically acceptable. Following the lead of Japan and U.S., Taiwan should make the general tsunami warning bulletins issued by PTWC more reliable for the coastal areas of Taiwan and nearby islands. In this regard, the monitoring program should be carried out as a collaborative effort with the U.S. DART program (see Appendix 2) in addition to securing the tide gauge data from those islands mentioned above. The participation in the DARTprogram can be similar to the approach of the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IAA) of the Academia of Sinica, which “buys in” the Smithsonian Project in building a large telescope in Hawaii, i.e., IAA contributes 20% of the fund and gets 20% of 56 observation time. Thus, the participation in the DART program is also an economical way to “buy-in” the PTWC of the U.S. and allows Taiwan to directly obtain the global tsunami warning data in real-time. As suggested by Moh-jiann Huang, we should also consider the Japanese approach in observing offshore waves, tsunamis and tides using GPS Buoys (Nagai, et. al., 2003). B. Tsunami Modeling: Databank I. Construction of a Taiwan Tsunami Since time is of essence in the warning of a fast approaching event, preparatory construction of a Taiwan Tsunami Databank (TTD) for the expected arriving tsunami heights and periods should be carried out: 1. For tsunamis generated and propagated across the open ocean, and 2. For tsunamis after having impinged upon the coast and harbor for run-up and inundation estimates The construction of the TTD will be crucial to an operational tsunami warning operation (see Geist, 2000 and references cited). When an earthquake that can potentially generates a tsunami occurs, we would look up the TTD for a computed event nearest to the source and obtain the documented tsunami heights off the coast of Taiwan. Since the tsunami propagation in the open ocean is linear, we can quickly scale our documented results using the source parameters of the just occurred earthquake. This part of the computation is the easiest to implement as the theories are well known and the necessary software exist. However, to validating our computational results in the databank, we need to compare with historical tidal gauge data and run-up observations wherever possible; and to minimizing false alarms we need to deploy real-time monitoring instruments and/or obtain real-time tsunami heights somehow. One possibility for the latter is to obtain real-time tidal gauge data from nearby islands (Jinmen, Matsu, and Penghu, Lanyu, Dongsha and Badan) and nearby Japanese islands (the southern Ryukyu Islands, such as Yunaguni, Ishigaki, and Hirara, etc.) through international collaborations. Task B1. Tsunamis generation and propagation across the open ocean Taiwan should carry out the Okada-Satake type calculations (Okada, 1992; Satake, 2002) to accumulate and finally to build up a TTD for different sources from all important tsunami-generating events in the Pacific Rim and the Taiwan Strait. Here, we 57 need the bathymetry data for a “shallow-wave” type of calculation to estimate the arriving tsunami heights off the coast. Tsunami Generation: With a given earthquake magnitude (usually M>7), focal depth (shallow) and moment tensor solution, it is possible to model how tsunami waves get excited. However, realistic modeling with detailed propagating rupture is difficult, but probably not required; for the earthquake rupture time is short as compared with the excited tsunami periods. Kuo-Fong Ma of NCU has ample experience in this part of the source modeling. Tsunami Propagation in Open Ocean: This is the easier part of tsunami modeling because “shallow water” wave theory can be used in the open ocean. This is a linear problem and many numerical codes have been developed by independent researchers (e.g., E. Geist, and K. Satake). With known bathymetry data (usually with resolution of 2 minutes in latitude and longitude) of the ocean basin, it is relatively easy to carry out scenario-type calculations for a known initial displacement of the sea floor. The initial conditions can be computed using the Okada code, and the subsequent tsunami propagation to the coast of Taiwan can be computed by the Satake code. Drs. Y. Okada and K. Satake had kindly made their computer source codes available to Willie Lee on January 3, 2005. Willie Lee (with the help of Doug Dodge of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) had successfully implemented an Okada-type computer program by using the subroutines provided by Okada and the input/output and graphics display code written by Doug Dodge. After investing the source code supplied by Satake, however, they concluded that it would be difficult to implement without the help of Dr. Satake, because of lack of documentation. An extensive computation is needed to construct the TTD of expected tsunami heights off the coast of Taiwan -- the initial step for building the TTD for damage potentials of tsunamis that could reach Taiwan. Before computing a large number of cases in constructing the TTD of expected tsunami heights, we need to proceed carefully in using software written by other scientists. Experience has indicated that it is best to follow the steps below: (1) Obtaining support from the author(s); (2) Compiling the source code, and repeating author's test case(s); (3) Performing some tests with known answers, and (4) Checking results using a similar program written by different author(s). After we are comfortable with the software, we need to identify potential earthquake sources. Fortunately, a modern global earthquake catalog has been published by Engdahl and Villasenor (2002) and the Harvard Group has computed moment tensor 58 solutions for many large earthquakes http://www.seismology.harvard.edu/. since the 1970s are available at: Notes: In a recent e-mail from Kuo-Fong Ma of the National Central University, we learned that she (and possibly several others in Taiwan) has been running the OkadaSatake code for tsunami modeling, and in particular, Ma has extensive collaboration experience with Satake. Chi Ching Liu of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Academia Sinica has been working on the tide gauge monitoring in Taiwan. His research can provide observed run-up data of arriving tsunamis in the recent decades. For this tsunami project to be successful, we must encourage collaborations with tsunami experts (e.g., E. Geist, K.F. Ma, P.L.-F. Liu, J.J. Lee, and K. Satake, etc.). B. Tsunami Modeling: II. Run-up and Inundation Computation We suggest that this part of the computation will basically follow the approach that has been developed by Professor Jiin-Jen Lee of University of Southern California – a finite element method successfully applied to harbor oscillation computation (Lee and Chang, 1990; Lee et al., 1998; Mei, 1983). All the computation discussed here should be made along-side with the generation of the TTD discussed in Task B1. In fact, results of this computation should also be made as a part of the TTD. Referring to Figure 1, assuming that a tsunami input is approaching Taiwan with unit amplitude and a dominant wavelength of, say, 300 km. Since the wavelength of the incoming wave is comparable to the dimension of Taiwan, the island will serve as an effective diffraction object and a diffracted wave-field will be generated all around Taiwan. 59 Figure 1. Map of Taiwan and neighboring regions with 300 km limit to Taiwan coast drawn. The solid dots show seismic stations (retrieved from the LLNL’s database of world-wide seismic stations). 60 Step 1. The finite element code with an input model that incorporates the effects of diffraction of the island, reflections from the boundaries including the boundaries of the mainland China coast of Fujan (with partial or full reflection, depending on the nature of the absorbing boundaries) and refraction (due to the variable bathymetry surrounding the island and the Taiwan Strait) as well as energy dissipation at boundaries. It is quite possible that for a tsunami approaching from the Pacific side, the diffracted wave filed on the west coast of Taiwan will travel both from the north and the south as the waves round the corners of the island. Interference of these two wave trains may actually cause substantial amplification on the west coast. As the west coast of Taiwan has undergone massive recent developments, this condition could make these areas vulnerable to severe losses. As waves climb up the continental shelf, they are encountering a continental slope with the sea bottom rapidly and progressively becoming shallower until the waves hit the coast. In this region, “shallow water linear waves” no longer holds. The finite element code of Professor Lee will handle the non-linear wave propagation with complex bottom topography and sea-bottom friction variations. Computation is normally carried out in the frequency domain. Step 2. Computation for the realistic estimate of harbor oscillation, run-up and inundation. It starts at the result of Step 1 as the input waves that have climbed the continental shelf or got through the shallow waters of the Taiwan Strait. They would present themselves at an entrance of a harbor or an estuary. The finite element code will compute for a detailed 3D geometry (water depth and harbor or estuary shore lines) to give the response to the input waves for a definitive prediction of run-up and inundation. Again, effects of diffraction and reflections from the harbor boundaries will be modeled by the finite element code with a mesh size small enough to yield the desired details. In actual scenario computations, both Step 1 and Step 2 can be carried out simultaneously. Moreover, both Step 1 and Step 2 computations can be carried out along side with the scenario computations outlined in Task B1. All Task B1 and Task B2 results will form an integral database of the TTD in a manner that once a tsunami is identified, the total scenario of its impact anywhere on the Taiwan coast can be readily estimated from the TTD. Task B2. Computation on Tsunami Run-Up and Inundation This task is to predict tsunami run-up and inundation in Taiwan coast, harbors and estuaries. The input is a tsunami (from Task B1) presenting itself off Taiwan coast. There are three possible cases: Case I: Teleseismic Source: Long waves (~ several hundreds km wavelength) that have propagated over a long distance over the open ocean (4~5 km average 61 depth) and arrived with a certain amplitude and azimuth a few hundreds km off the Taiwan coast. Case II: Regional Source: Long waves have been generated by a large local, shallow, dip-slip event a few hundreds km off coast, and Case III: Local Source: A tsunami has been generated by an event much closer than a few hundreds km off the Taiwan coast. Case III above does not offer enough time for an analysis on the tsunami generation and wave amplitude estimate. At a distance much closer than a few hundreds km, the generated tsunami would attack the coast in less than 15 minutes. Within 15 minutes, Taiwan cannot rely on ITIC information. Neither can Taiwan depend on the Global Seismic Network (IRIS/GSN) for the event location and a moment tensor solution. The location and magnitude of such a large event will have to be obtained by Taiwan CWB Earthquake Early Warning System (CWB/EWS), which can deliver information of an earthquake event in about one minute (Presently, Taiwan leads the world in this regard, see Teng et al., 1997; Wu and Kanamori, 2005a; 2005b). But this carries no information whether a tsunami has been generated, let alone giving an estimate on the tsunami wave amplitude. Thus, Case III is the worst scenario that can happen. Fortunately, tsunami generated by near-shore structures has not been a problem judging from Taiwan’s recent tsunami history; it probably has a very low likelihood in future occurrence. Cases I and II: We shall discuss possible measures Taiwan can take for these two cases in order to assure an adequate run-up and inundation estimate can be obtained necessary for timely issuing warning and an evacuation order. 1. We assume that Taiwan does have ITIC tsunami warning information, and can access the IRIS/GSN broadband seismic data. Based on that, together with Taiwan’s own broadband data, we can obtain the earthquake location, focal depth, moment tensor solution, as well as an estimate on the size and displacement of the rupture plane. This leads to an independent assessment on the tsunami-generated wave amplitudes in addition to ITIC information. From the TTD generated in Task B1 above, we should have a first-order estimate on the input tsunami wave amplitude, its dominant period, and approaching azimuth as it presents itself on the peripheral (~300 km) off shore of Taiwan. 2. Over off-shore waters in the periphery of Taiwan, we need real-time groundtruth confirmation of the approaching tsunami. This can be furnished by: a. DART-type open-ocean wave amplitude and period measurements. b. Tide gauge measurements of wave amplitude and period from southern Ryukyu Islands (Yunaguni, Ishigaki, Hirara, etc. See Figure 1). 62 c. Tide gauge measurements of wave amplitude and period from CWB seismic network stations on Jinmen, Matsu, Penghu, Dongsha, Lanyu, Badan, etc. (See Figure 1). Information from the above sources a, b, and c will allow a “ground-truth” validation that would verify that a tsunami of certain wave amplitude and period has indeed been generated and approaching peripheral waters of Taiwan. This will then trigger additional tsunami analysis leading to warning and evacuation operation in a manner that offers accurate prediction of tsunami run-up and inundation as obtained from the computation as discussed above. C. Historical Tsunami Records of Taiwan Many reports, books, and papers had been published containing information about historical tsunamis in Taiwan and neighboring regions, and several “official” websites contain online information. On a closer examination, however, we found the existing literature and online databases are often confusing and containing errors. There are many reasons: (1) existing literature and relevant data were written in many languages (Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, etc.) and “scattered” in many geographical centers, such that it is not easy for authors to have full access, (2) many Chinese words have been used to describe phenomena of the sea that may or may not be related to tsunamis, (3) interpreting historical records is difficult and subjected to bias, (4) lack of sufficient financial support and modern tools to gather the literature and analyze the data adequately, and (5) lack of scholarship in setting up online databases due to lack of adequate support. “Language” Problem Keimatsu (1963) appears to be the first author to consider the “language” problem in causing confusion in studying historical tsunamis. Dr. Liang-Chi Hsu has kindly translated Keimatsu (1963) into English. The following is an excerpt: The Chinese words corresponding to the Japanese word [tsunami] may include: [sea flowing over], [sea water flowing over], [sea water flowing [tide flowing over], [sea tide flowing out], [sea tide rising], out], [sea tide suddenly rising], [sea water boiling], [sea water [sea roaring], [sea gnawing], [sea howling]; boiling and gushing], there may be more similar words. [tsunami] in Japanese literally means “port waves”. Although tsunami in Japanese is written in Chinese characters [Kanzi], there is no such word used in the Chinese literature. 63 [sea howling] as “tsunami”. This can be a major It is now common to equate cause for confusion if one interprets [sea howling] in historical records as “tsunami”, because [sea howling] may be generated more frequently by meteorological effects, rather than by tsunamis. In English, “tsunami” is often translated as “tidal waves”, a practice that is now abandoned by scientists. We believe that the word “tsunami” should be used as defined by the Japanese to describe a specific phenomenon that is caused mostly by a shallow submarine earthquake. As noted by Keimatsu (1963), tsunami is actually written in Chinese characters: . Perhaps, it is less confusing if we use it when writing in Chinese. On the other hand, one may argue that [sea howling] is now commonly accepted for “tsunami” when writing in Chinese, we should not change. Some Important Historical Dates for Taiwan Although Taiwan was settled by several native tribes thousands of years ago, they do not have written languages; the Chinese probably did not know about Taiwan until about the Sung Dynasty (about 1000 years ago), and some Chinese did not migrate to the Penghu Islands until the late Ming Dynasty (about 500 years go). The large Chinese migration to Taiwan did not start until about 1600 (Wu, 1994). In 1590, Portuguese navigators visited Taiwan and introduced the island to the west as “Formosa”. After establishing a settlement in northern Taiwan, they left. In 1622, the Dutch established a military base on the Penghu Islands, and by the end of 1624, the Dutch occupied southern Taiwan. In 1626, the Spaniards occupied northern Taiwan but were driven away by the Dutch in 1642. When the Ming Dynasty was being taken over by the Manchurians starting in 1644, hundreds of thousands of Chinese began to migrate to Penghu and Taiwan. The Dutch surrendered to the new immigrants under Cheng Ch’eng-Kung, and left in 1661. When the Manchu (or Qing) Dynasty was firmly established in the mainland, Taiwan became part of China in 1683 (Hsieh, 1964; Wu, 1994). Using the 1782 Event as an Illustration of Difficulties Studying earthquakes and tsunamis of Taiwan is very difficult because many Chinese records have been lost due to numerous wars and lack of good archiving practice. For example, the first earthquake noted in Taiwan was in 1655, and the source was traced back to a Dutch publication (Xie and Tsai, 1987, p. 78). However, many missionaries (especially Jesuits) went to China (and Taiwan) beginning from about 1500. They might provide good sources of information about earthquakes and tsunamis, because they sent letters and reports to their friends, relatives, and superiors in their mother countries. Searching for these materials will not be easy, but with some modest funding it can be done by commissioning some local historians in Europe. 64 Before the Sumatra earthquake/tsunami, the most deadly tsunami is an event in the Taiwan Strait on 1782, in which 50,000 people died, as listed in Bryant (2001, p. 21, Table 1.5) and shown online on two major databases (NOAA and Russian Tsunami Laboratory; see References Section below for online websites). Bryant (2001) credited the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center as the source. An online search at: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/hazard/tsevsrch_idb.shtml gives: On a closer examination, we discovered there are serious problems in the interpretation of historical records for this event. The two references cited online above [Iida et al. (1967) and Soloviev and Go (1974)] credited Mallet (1853) and Perrey (1862) as their sources. Mallet (1853) has the following entry on p. 202: On the 22nd [May, 1782] the sea rose with great violence on the coast of Formosa and the adjacent part of China, and remained eight hours above its ordinary level; having swept away all the villages along the coast, and drowned immense numbers of people. No shock is mentioned. Unfortunately, Mallet (1853) did not give any reference source. Since Mallet was in close contact with Perrey at that period, we suspect that he obtained the above information from Perrey. Perrey (1862) gave two references: the earliest one is a paragraph published in Gazette de France, No. 64 as shown below: De Paris, le 12 Août 1783. Une lettre de la Chine fait mention d'un évènement arrivé l'année dernière, & peut-être plus terrible encore que ceux qu'ont éprouvés la Sicile & la Calabre dans le commencement de celle-ci féconde en désastres. En attendant une relation plus détaillée, voici ce que l'on en raconte : Le 22 Mai de l'année dernière, la mer s'éleva sur les côtes de Fo-Kien à une hauteur prodigieuse, & couvrit presqu'entièrement pendant huit heures l'île de Formose qui en est à 30 lieues. Les eaux, en se retirant, n'ont laissé à la place de la plupart des habitations que des amas de décombres sous lesquels une partie de la population immense de cette Isle est restée ensevelie. L'Empereur de la Chine, voulant juger par lui-même des effets de ce désastre, est sorti de sa capitale ; en parcourant ses provinces, les cris de son peuple excités par les vexations de quelques Mandarins, ont frappé ses oreilles ; & on dit qu'il en a fait justice en faisant couper plus de 300 têtes. 65 We obtained an English translation (by Robyn Fréchet) from Julien Fréchet (in an email to Willie Lee, dated March 1, 2005): Paris, August 12th ,1783. A letter from China mentions an event which occurred last year, a disaster perhaps even more frightful than those comparable events experienced at the beginning of this calamitous year in Sicily and Calabria. In anticipation of a more detailed account, here is what the letter reports: On May 22nd last year, the sea on the coast of Fukien rose to an exceptional level, and for eight hours covered almost the whole island of Formosa 30 leagues from the coast. When the waters withdrew most of the dwellings had been reduced to heaps of debris under which part of the immense population of this island remained buried. The Chinese Emperor himself left the capital to take stock of the effects of this disaster; in the course of his journey through the provinces he was assailed by the outcry of his people against the harassments of certain mandarins; and it is reported that he delivered justice in having over 300 persons beheaded. When we asked Julien Fréchet what was the source for the “letter from China” cited above, Fréchet (in an email to Willie Lee, dated March 9, 2005): I found out some information about the Minister Bertin who received the letters from China (Perrey): Henri Leonard Bertin (1720-1792) was a sinology scholar and politician who developed a long correspondence with the French Jesuits in China between 1744 and 1792. The manuscripts of this correspondence have been preserved and are located in a Paris library (Institut de France). I hope Robyn will take a look there; she may be able to find the original letters. The Qing Dynasty was at it peak in 1782, but we could not find any records in the Chinese literature on this disaster so far. In reviewing historical tsunamis in China, neither Keimatsu (1963) nor Lee (1981) mentioned this event. Therefore, it is important to make further investigations before accepting the 1782 event as the most deadly tsunami in history (until the 2004 Sumatra tsunami). Task C. Investigating Historical Tsunamis in Taiwan and Neighboring Regions We propose a systematic investigation of historical tsunamis in Taiwan and neighboring regions using modern tools and international collaborations. With modern imaging technology (using digital cameras and scanners) it is straight forward to put relevant literature online. However, we need to locate the “original” sources, imaging and translating these materials, and interpret them within the historical context. This also means that we need to include information about the social conditions at that time in evaluating how reliable are the “original” sources. 66 In addition to building up a “historical tsunamis in Taiwan” database, we also need to build up a “reference sources” database, an “earthquake” database, and a “tide-gauge” database. In the References section of this proposal, we include both “online” and “published” sources. The quality of the online sources varies greatly, and even the “official” websites contain numerous errors. Some websites are up-to-date, while many others are not. D. Communication, Education and Outreach A necessary action item is to establish society infrastructure for quick response in response to tsunamis. This includes establishing rapid communication between CWB and agencies responsible for emergency services, and educating the public on tsunami hazards. Since we have no experience in these areas, we refer the readers to a well prepared report on this subject by Good (1995). E. Collaborations A good tsunami research program must involve experts in many disciplines. With rapid advances in science, engineering, and technology, it is not possible for anyone to master more than a few topics at a given time. Therefore, it is logical to have collaborations among researchers, especially when expertise in different disciplines is required. Tsunami research in Taiwan is in its infancy, and therefore, it is important to encourage Taiwan researchers to collaborate with well established experts. As noted in the Introduction, this proposal is intended to start discussions. We hope that small groups of the Workshop participants will be formed to consider each elements of our proposal, and spend the necessary time to develop well thought-out plans for execution. Concluding Remarks While Taiwan should make preparation for an effective tsunami warning system that is composed of both empirical monitoring and scenario computations, we must argue that the likelihood of a major tsunami attack on Taiwan is rather remote based on the historical records studied in published papers so far. On the other hand, we also wonder that should the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake occur at a location either 50 km east or west to its actual hypocenter, the tsunami damage could have been quite unthinkable. Of course, one can argue that it is the worse scenario. 67 As we discussed in Section C above, the historical records are “scattered” in many locations and have not been being carefully examined and interpreted by all the published papers we studied so far. In fact, there are many contradictions and obvious errors in the literature and also in the online database as we discussed in Section C above. Therefore, it is important that all existing reports on tsunamis and related earthquake and tide-gauge data in Taiwan and neighboring regions should be systematically collected and carefully re-interpreted. Finally, we wish to point out that in the early 1990s, tsunami workshops were held in the United States, resulting in three important reports (Bernard and Gonzales, 1994; Blackford and Kanamori, 1995; Good, 1995). We should carefully consider their recommendations in developing a more complete tsunami program in Taiwan. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Y. Okada and K. Satake for providing their computer codes to us. We are grateful to Mike Blackford, Eric Geist, Moh-jiann Huang, Hiroo Kanamori, C.C. Mei, J.J. Lee and Ted Wu for their informative discussions and helpful suggestions. We wish to thank Julien and Robyn Fréchet for their kindness in tracking down some critical information concerning the 1782 tsunami (?) event, and Liang-Chi Hsu for translating Keimatsu (1963) from Japanese into English. References Online Information If one conducts an online Google search for “tsunami”, Google reports that about 16,800,000 websites contain information for "Tsunami". During the past 2.5 months, Willie Lee visited about 100 websites, and found the following websites useful in preparing this proposal. Please note that many popular tsunami sites are not included. Websites are grouped by “Institution” and “People”. I. “Institution” Websites International Tsunami Information http://www.prh.noaa.gov/itic/more_about/itsu/itsu.html Center NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, tsunami research program http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tsunami/ 68 (ITIC) NOAA, tsunami data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/hazard/tsu.shtml Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) http://www.prh.noaa.gov/ptwc/ Russian Tsunami Laboratory, historical tsunami database http://tsun.sscc.ru/htdbpac/ II. “People” Websites Geist, Eric http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/staff/egeist/ Kanamori, Hiroo http://www.gps.caltech.edu/faculty/kanamori/kanamori.html Lee, Jiin-Jen http://www.usc.edu/dept/civil_eng/dept/faculty/profiles/lee_j.htm Liu, Philip L.-F. http://www.cee.cornell.edu/faculty/info.cfm?abbrev=faculty&shorttitle=bio&netid=pll3 Okal, Emile http://www.earth.northwestern.edu/research/okal/ Satake, Kenji http://staff.aist.go.jp/kenji.satake/ Synolakis, Costas http://www.usc.edu/dept/tsunamis/staff/costassynolakis.htm Published Literature Bernard, E. N., and F. I. Gonzales (1994). “Tsunami Inundation Modeling Workshop Report (November 16-18, 1993), NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-100, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington, 139 pp. Blackford, M., and H. Kanamori (1995). “Tsunami Warning System Workshop Report (September 14-15, 1994), NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-105, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington, 95 pp. 69 Bryant, E. (2001). “Tsunami: The Underrated Hazard”. Cambridge University Press. Engdahl, E. R., and A. Villasenor (2002). Global seismicity: 1900-1999. In “International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology”, edited by W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. C. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger, Part A, p. 665-690, Academic Press, San Diego. Gazette de France (1783). An un-authored paragraph on p. 288, No. 64, 12 August, 1783 (in French). Geist, E. L. (1998). Local tsunamis and earthquake source parameters. In Dmowska, R. and B. Saltzman, eds., Tsunamigenic Earthquakes and Their Consequences, Advances in Geophysics, 39, 117-209. Geist, E. L. (2000). Rapid tsunami models and earthquake source parameters, unpublished manuscript. Good, J. W. (1995). “Tsunami Education Planning Workshop Report: Findings and Recommendations, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-106, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington, 41 pp. Hsieh, C. M. (1964). “Taiwan – ilha Formosa”. Butterworths, Washington, D.C., 372 pp. Iida, K., D. C. Cox, and G. Pararas-Carayannis (1967). Preliminary catalog of tsunamis occurring in the Pacific Ocean. HIG-67-10, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 275 pp. Keimatsu, M. (1963). On the historical tidal waves in China. Zisin (J. Seism. Soc. Japan), Second Series, 16, 149-160. [English translation by L. C. Hsu is available from Willie Lee]. Lee, Jiin-Jen, Chin-Piau Lai, and Yigong, Li; (1998). Application of computer modeling for harbor resonance studies of Long Beach and Los Angeles Harbor Basin, ASCE Coasting Engineering, Volume 2, 1196 – 1209. Lee, Jiin-Jen and J. J. Chang: (1990). Nearfield tsunami generated by three dimensional bed motions, Twenty-Second Coastal Engineering Conference, Coastal Eng. Res. Council/ASCE, 1172-1185. Lee, S. P. (1981). “Chinese Earthquakes”. Seismological Press, Beijing, China, 612 pp. [in Chinese]. 70 Lee, W. H. K., T. C. Shin, and T. L. Teng (1996). Design and implementation of earthquake early warning systems in Taiwan, Paper No. 2133, 11th World Conf. Earthq. Engin., Elsevier, Amsterdam. Mallet, R. (1852, 1853, and 1854). Catalogue of recorded earthquake from 1606 B.C. to A.D. 1850. Being the Third Report on the facts of earthquake phenomena, Transaction of the British Association for the Advancement of Sciences for Annual Meeting in 1852, 1853, and 1854. Mei, C. C. (1983). “The applied dynamics of ocean surface waves” Wiley, New York. Nagai, T., H. Ogawa, Y. Terada, T. Kanto, and M. Kudaka (2003). Offshore wave, tsunami and tide observation using GPS buoy. Conference paper in a PDF file from Moh-jiann Huang. Okada, Y. (1992). Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 82, 1018-1040. Perrey, A. (1862). Documents sur les tremblements de terre et les phénomènes volcaniques au Japon. Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon - Classe des sciences, v.12, p.281-390 [in French]. Satake, Y. (2002). Tsunamis. In “International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology”, edited by W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. C. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger, Part A, p. 437-451, Academic Press, San Diego. Soloviev, S. L., and Ch. N. Go (1974). “A catalogue of tsunamis on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean”. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Nauka Publishing House, Moscow, 310 p. [in Russian; English Translation by Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 5077, 1984, 447 pp.] Teng, T. L., L. Wu, T. C. Shin, Y. B. Tsai, and W. H. K. Lee (1997). One Minute after: strong-motion map, effective epicenter, and effective magnitude, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 87, 1209-1219. Wu, M. C. (1994). “History of Taiwan”, 2nd edition, Time Post Press, Taipei, 289 pp. [in Chinese]. Wu, Y. M., C.C. Chen, T.C. Shin, Y.B. Tsai, W.H.K. Lee, and T. L. Teng (1997). Taiwan Rapid Earthquake Information Release System, Seism. Res. Lett., 68, 931943. 71 Wu, Y. M. and H. Kanamori (2005a). Experiment on an onsite early warning method for the Taiwan early warning system, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 95, 347-353. Wu, Y. M. and H. Kanamori (2005b). Rapid Assessment of Damaging Potential of Earthquakes in Taiwan from the Beginning of P Waves, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. in press. Xie, Y. S., and M. P. Tsai (Editors) (1987). “Compilations of Historical Chinese Earthquake Data”, Volume 3, Part A (A.D. 1644-1736), Seismological Press, Beijing, 540 pp [in Chinese]. Appendix 1. Status of IOC Please see Status_of_IOC.pdf, which is the English portion that can be downloaded from http://ioc.unesco.org/iocweb/about.php Appendix 2. Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) As part of the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP), the Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) Project is an ongoing effort to maintain and improve the capability for the early detection and real-time reporting of tsunamis in the open ocean. Developed by NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) and operated by NOAA's National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), DART is essential to fulfilling NOAA's national responsibility for tsunami hazard mitigation and warnings. DART stations have been sited in regions with a history of generating destructive tsunamis to ensure early detection of tsunamis and to acquire data critical to real-time forecasts. The 6 buoy operational array shown on the following map was completed in 2001. 72 A DART system consists of an anchored seafloor bottom pressure recorder (BPR) and a companion moored surface buoy for real-time communications (Gonzalez et.al, 1998). An acoustic link transmits data from the BPR on the seafloor to the surface buoy. The data are then relayed via a GOES satellite link to ground stations (Milburn, et al., 1996), which demodulate the signals for immediate dissemination to NOAA's Tsunami Warning Centers, NDBC, and PMEL. The moored system is shown in the accompanying figure below. 73 So far, DART is still in an experimental stage. When all instrumental problems (mainly the long-term reliability) are solved, it is possible that NOAA will install a few dozen DARTS in all oceans. Taiwan can then participate in the DART program by “buying in” three stations to be installed in offshore waters of Taiwan. This “buy in” should allow Taiwan to share all NOAA tsunami warning information and meet Taiwan tsunami monitoring purposes. 74 Section B: Specifications and Evaluations of Strong-Motion Instruments W. H. K. Lee November 16, 2005 Contents I. Introduction ..................................................................................................................76 II. Instrument Specifications............................................................................................76 III. Instrument Evaluation ...............................................................................................76 Appendix B1. 2005 CWB Specifications for Digital Earthquake Strong-motion Accelerographs ................................................................................................................77 Appendix B2. A Preliminary Evaluation of an ES&S Model Kelunji Echo Accelerograph................................................................................................................101 Appendix B3. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Geotech Model SMART-24A Accelerograph................................................................................................................103 Appendix B4. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Reftek Model 130-SMA/01 Accelerograph .......................................................................................................................................113 Appendix B5. A Preliminary Evaluation of Tests on a Geotech Model SMART-24A Accelerograph under CWB Monitoring ........................................................................118 75 I. Introduction Instrumentation specifications and evaluation were performed in 2005 in support of the CWB 2005 procurements of free-field digital accelerographs. II. Instrument Specifications In support of the CWB procurements in 2005, instrument specifications were written for 24-bit digital accelerographs. These specifications are given in Appendix B1. 2005 CWB Specifications for Digital Earthquake Strong-motion Accelerographs. III. Instrument Evaluation I received three technical proposals submitted for bidding the CWB 2005 digital accelerographs: ES&S, Geotech, and Reftek. Evaluation reports were sent to CWB on March 16, 2005 (see: Appendix B2. A Preliminary Evaluation of an ES&S Model Kelunji Echo Accelerograph; Appendix B3. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Geotech Model SMART-24A Accelerograph; Appendix B4. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Reftek Model 130-SMA/01 Accelerograph). Geotech won the 2005 CWB bid and was required to repeat the technical tests witnessed by a CWB observer. Patricia Wang, a graduate student living near Dallas, Texas, agreed to serve as the CWB observer. The results of the monitored tests are given in Appendix B5. A Preliminary Evaluation of Tests on a Geotech Model SMART-24A Accelerograph under CWB Monitoring. 76 Appendix B1. 2005 CWB Specifications for Digital Earthquake Strong-motion Accelerographs January 2, 2005 2005 CWB Specifications for 24-bit Digital Earthquake Strong-motion Accelerographs I. Introduction In this fiscal year, CWB would like to purchase 45 units of 24-bit digital accelerographs. By 24-bit, we mean that a 24-bit A/D chip is used in digitizing the accelerometer signals and the accelerograph achieves 20 bits (120 dB dynamic range) or better in the overall system performance for seismic signals in the earthquake frequency band. II. Required Items For 2005, the following items are required: (1) 45 units of 24-bit digital earthquake strong-motion accelerographs. Each unit must be able to maintain absolute time to +/- 0.005 sec of UTC when a GPS timing device is connected to it, and is ready for Internet access from anywhere in the world when the unit is deployed in the field and is connected to the Internet. [See Section IV below for specifications). (2) 45 GPS timing devices (each with a 50-feet receiver cable) that can be used to connect to the accelerograph for maintaining absolute time to within +/- 0.005 sec of UTC at all times and to provide geographic location of the accelerograph. [See Item 11 of Sub-section 4 of Section IV]. 77 (3) Recommended spare parts for Item (1) and (2) for three years operation, and a listing of their prices. [See Section V below]. (4) A training program for installation, operation, and maintenance of Item (1) and (2). [See Section VI]. (5) The required accelerographs and GPS timing devices must carry 3 years' full warranty and maintenance service (see Note 5 below). NOTE 1: All new bidders must arrange with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu (phone: 02-2-709-5603; fax: 02-3-707-3220) for the Internet access test (see Section IV.10) during the following time period: from _______________ to _______________. Previous bidders who had passed the Internet access test are exempted. NOTE 2: A bidder must submit a report of the test results (including computer readable data files and the required software [see Section IV.6] on floppy disks or CD-ROM) in their proposal in support of their claims that the proposed model meets the CWB 2005 specifications (see Appendix 1). [See Note 6 for exemption, and see Note 8 for a new requirement in 2006]. NOTE 3: A bidder must submit the proposed model for test at the CWB Headquarters and at the CWB Hualien Station for a field test during the following time period: from _______________ to _______________. Details are specified in Appendix 2. [See Note 7 for exemption]. NOTE 4: All delivered units from the awarded bidder will be subjected to performance acceptance tests as specified in Appendix 3. NOTE 5: Full warranty for three years after the final acceptance by CWB or its designated agent is required. This warranty must include parts and labor for fixing any breakdown of accelerographs and GPS timing devices under normal operating conditions in the field (i.e., anywhere in Taiwan) free of charge. Repair or replacement must be completed within 5 working days after notification by CWB, except if any replacement parts require importing from outside of Taiwan, an additional 10 working days will be granted by CWB if requested. NOTE 6: Accelerographs that were qualified in the CWB 2002 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs [Model K2 by Kinmetrics, and Model CV575C by Tokyo Sokushin] are exempted from requirements specified in Note 2 and Note 3 above. Model 130-SMA/01 by Refraction Technology was conditionally approved in 2004, but must be subjected to tests under CWB monitoring. In addition, Refraction Technology must address the technical comments on Model 130-SMA/01 accelerograph by CWB. 78 NOTE 7: If the bidder wins the bid with a new accelerograph, then the same tests as specified in Appendix 1 must be repeated and witnessed by a CWB appointed observer. In this case, the bidder is required to give CWB a two-week advance notice for the time and place for the repeated testing. NOTE 8: Starting from next year, the 2006 CWB Specifications will require the “technical tests” specified in Appendix 1 to be witnessed by a CWB appointed observer. Because there is normally not sufficient time to schedule a monitored test after the CWB bid announcement, all manufacturers intending to bid their new accelerographs in year of 2006 should perform the necessary “technical tests” under CWB monitoring before the 2006 CWB bid announcement. III. Technical Evaluation Each bidder is required to bid an accelerograph model that are in production and meet all the specifications listed below. The bidder should prepare in their bid proposal a clause by clause commentary indicating compliance with each specification. The bid proposal must contain a report of the “technical tests” as specified in Appendix 1. This technical test report must contain a written account of the technical tests (including the specs of the shaking table system used), and the recorded data files and the required software (see Section IV.6) on floppy disks or CD-ROM. The “technical tests” must be conducted in an appropriate test laboratory by the bidder at their own expenses. In addition, the bidder must submit their recorded data at the CWB Headquarters test and at the Hualien field test to CWB immediately after the tests, as specified in Appendix 2. As indicated in Note 6 in Section II, accelerographs that were qualified in the CWB 2004 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from the above test requirements. All bidders with new accelerographs must also arrange with Mr. ChienFu Wu for the Internet access test [see Section IV.10]. The CWB's Instrumentation Advisory Subcommittee will analyze all the recorded data files from the proposed accelerograph (and the reference unit if applicable) to determine if the new accelerograph meets the specifications. A bid of an accelerograph will be automatically rejected if its technical test report (with data files and required software [see Section IV.6] on floppy disks or CD-ROM for personal computers) is not included in the bid proposal, or if the bidder failed to provide the test data recorded at the CWB Headquarters and at the Hualien field test, or if the bidder failed in the Internet access test. In addition, the bidder of a new accelerograph must provide the specifications of the shaking table system used in the “technical tests” (see Appendix 1). If the specifications do not meet the CWB required specs for the shaking table system, then the bid will be automatically disqualified. However, accelerographs that were 79 qualified in the CWB 2004 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from these requirements. Technical evaluation will be carried out in the following steps. (1) Technical evaluation will be based on the bidders' proposals, their technical test report (including using a shaking table system that meets the CWB specs), test data recorded at the CWB Headquarters and at the Hualien field test, the Internet access test, and their reputation with respect to customers' satisfaction of their accelerograph products. Any bidder whose accelerograph failed the Internet access test will be automatically disqualified, and any bidder who used a shaking table system that does not meet the CWB shaking table system specs will also be disqualified. (2) Based on results of the technical evaluation in (1), the CWB's Instrumentation Advisory Subcommittee will decide whether or not a given bid proposal is technically acceptable. NOTE 1: The exact bidding and instrument evaluation procedures are given in the Chinese version of the “CWB (2005) 24-bit Free-Field Accelerograph Specifications”. NOTE 2: Bidders whose accelerographs were qualified in the CWB 2004 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from technical evaluation. See Note 6 in Section II for details. IV. Specifications for Earthquake Strong-Motion Accelerographs 1. General Features The accelerograph must be rugged, compact, weighing less than 25 kilograms, transportable over rough terrain by vehicle, and then capable of being installed and field calibrated with a minimum amount of adjustments. The accelerograph will be installed in all types of environments and should be designed to withstand extremes of humidity, dust, and temperature, and to be waterproof [see 2.1(5) below]. After installation, the accelerograph shall remain in a standby condition until actuated manually for test purposes or triggered by ground motions satisfying the trigger criteria. After actuation, it shall record data for a prescribed time period, and return to the standby condition ready to record the next event without servicing or attention. 80 The accelerograph must be designed for quick trouble-shooting by performing functional tests so that a technician can locate faulty component(s) or circuit board(s) under field conditions. A field installation site may be a simple instrument shelter in a remote region with extreme environment conditions. 2. System Operation The accelerograph is normally packaged in a single unit and consists of four components: the transducers (triaxial accelerometer), a solid-state digital recorder, a GPS receiver, and battery power supply. It must be capable of connecting by means of a user-supplied modem to telephone lines for remote interrogation and data downloading, and for Internet access of its recorded data files when it is connected to the Internet [see subsection 10 below]. The case enclosing the accelerograph shall be rugged enough to permit the accelerograph to operate after having typical non-structural, earthquake-caused debris, such as plaster, ceiling panels, light fixtures, falling on the unit from a height of 2.5 meters. The accelerograph must have handle(s) for ease of carrying and facility for leveling adjustment. If necessary, the triaxial accelerometer can be packaged separately from the recording unit. System operation shall be such that it will automatically start recording when the ground acceleration exceeds a preset triggering criterion. The trigger may actuate from any selected combination of the three transducer signals. A scheme for protected and externally visible indicator(s) must be provided to show the event status. The memory status must be displayed upon user's interrogation via a PC, and optionally by visible indicator(s). 2.1 System Characteristics (1) System Accuracy: A "static" system accuracy of +/- 0.03 g for any sensitive axis aligned with gravity from a tilt test is required, and a "dynamic" system accuracy of +/3% on a RMS basis at room temperature from a shaking table test is required. (2) System Response: nominally flat (+/- 3 dB) from DC to 50 Hz. (3) System Noise: The overall system noise must be less than the equivalent of 1 digital count of a 20-bit system on a RMS basis in the seismic frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. (4) Temperature Stability: Sensitivity change due to temperature effect must be less than +/- 0.06% per degree C for the operating temperature range (-10 degree C to 60 degree 81 C). Similarly, zero-level change due to temperature effect must be less than +/- 0.06% per degree C. (5) Humidity and Waterproof: Must be able to handle high humidity (up to 100%), and must be waterproof according to the NEMA (US National Electrical Manufacturers Association) Standards Publication 250 for NEMA Type 6P enclosures (i.e., protection against the entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth), or the IEC standard IP67. (6) Auto-zeroing of DC level: If the accelerograph has the software feature of autozeroing of DC level, the user must be able to turn it off if necessary. (7) System DC-Level Drift in Field Operation: After removing the temperature effects (see Item 4 above), a daily drift of less than +/- 240 digital counts (of a 20-bit system) and a cumulative drift of less than +/- 720 digital counts (of a 20-bit system) over a period of 5 days are required in a typical field environment (for a 2g full-scale accelerograph when auto-zeroing of DC level is turned off). 2.2. Trigger Operation (1) Trigger Level: Selectable from 0.0001g to 0.1g of any one or more of the 3 accelerometer channels. (2) Trigger Frequency Response: Triggering criterion is applied only in the frequency range from 0.1 to 12 Hz. The trigger filter's parameters must be given by the manufacturer. (3) Trigger Accuracy: Must be within +/-10% at 1% full-scale trigger level in the frequency range from 0.1 to 12 Hz. 3. Transducer Sub-Unit Orthogonally oriented, triaxial (two horizontal and one vertical) accelerometers must be mounted internally to the recording unit. (1) Type: Force-balance or force-feedback accelerometers. (2) Full scale: +/-2g standard. (3) Dynamic Range: at least 120 dB. 82 (4) Frequency Response: nominally flat (+/- 3 dB) from DC to 50 Hz. (5) Damping between 0.6 and 0.7 critical damping. (6) Accuracy: The relationship between output signal and input acceleration is to be within +/- 1% of full scale for all frequencies from DC to 50 Hz at room temperature. (7) Cross-axis Sensitivity: 0.03 g/g maximum; 0.02 g/g desirable. (8) Output: Nominally +/- 2.5 volts full scale, or must match the input requirement of the recording unit. (9) Noise: less than 3 dB (on a RMS basis) with respect to a 120 dB system. (10) The unit itself or its transducer unit must have the facility for tilt testing. There must also be an adjustment so that each axis's zero-level may be reset to compensate for non-level mounting surface (< 2 degree ) by either one of the following methods: (i) by individual axis, or (ii) simultaneously on all three axes. A reference line indicating each sensor's orientation and polarity shall also be provided. (11) The unit itself or its transducer unit must have an indicator for leveling the transducer. (12) Calibration data (voltage per g and accurate to better than +/- 1%) for the three internal transducers must be provided with the accelerograph. 4. Digital Recording Sub-Unit The recording sub-unit shall record three channels with appropriate signal conditioning, A-D conversion, and solid-state memory. The retrieved digital data must contain sufficient coded information to enable proper and complete decoding of the data by the retrieval system using supplied program(s). The format of this recorded digital data shall be in a form suitable for rapid data reduction by modern computer methods and existing standard computer systems. Absolute timing to within +/- 5 msec of UTC must be maintained at all times by the accelerograph if the GPS timing device is used. In the event of losing the external GPS timing signal, the accelerograph must be capable of maintaining absolute timing with a drift of less than +/- 26 milliseconds per day. (1) Filtering: Anti-aliasing filter must be provided suitable for the maximum sampling rate (see item 3). 83 (2) Analog Channel-to-Channel Sampling Skew: The channel-to-channel sampling must be completed within 10% of the sample rate in a known fixed manner so that corrections can be applied. (3) Sample Rate: 200 samples/sec/channel. (4) Pre-event Data Storage: 0-30 seconds, selectable in steps of 1 second by software. (5) Recording Type: Digital, solid-state memory and/or IC memory card. (6) Resolution: 20 bits or better. (7) Noise: less than 3 dB with respect to a 120 dB system (on a RMS basis) when the signal input is shorted. (8) Full Scale: Matching that of the output of the accelerometer. (9) Total Recording Capacity: At least 180 minutes of recording time at 200 samples per second for 3 channels. (10) Removable Recording Device: A removable recording device (e.g., a PC-standard removable memory card) of at least 20 megabytes must be provided for ease of data transfer to a PC for data processing. (11) Absolute Time and Location: A GPS device is required to provide geographical location and absolute time to within +/- 0.005 sec of UTC at all the time by the accelerograph. Data acquisition must not be interrupted by GPS timing adjustments. In the event of losing the external GPS timing signal, the accelerograph must be capable of maintaining absolute timing with a drift of less than +/- 26 milliseconds per day. (12) Coded Information: In addition to the recorded acceleration data, all relevant instrument parameters are to be recorded in a header for each event. These items include (but are not limited to): (a) the instrument's serial number, (b) the day and time as synchronized by a servicing technician or as received from an external time code, and (c) coded indicators for any options (gain, etc.) that are preset at the factory, and would be required for processing the data. (13) IASPEI Software Compatibility: Recorded data must be either written directly in the PC-SUDS format, or a format conversion routine must be provided for conversion to the PC-SUDS format. The PC-SUDS format is required so that the recorded data are compatible with the IASPEI Software Library (jointly published by the International 84 Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America; see Sub-Section 6. “Required Software” below). (14) Post Event Shut Off Delay: The system shall continue to record for 10 to 60 seconds (selectable in steps), after the signal drops below the trigger level. (15) Facility for field calibration must be provided and described. (16) At least 2 serial ports must be provided: Port #1 provides direct or external modem (supplied by the user) communications for setup and/or download data; Port #2 is dedicated to realtime digitized data stream output as specified in Section VII. (17) Realtime digitized data stream in 16-bit data format: The system must be able to provide (on a dedicated serial port) a serial stream of digitized 3-component ground acceleration data at 50, 100, or 200 (user selectable) samples per second per channel for transmission by hardwire or a suitable modem (supplied by the user) to a receiving station of the USGS Digital Telemetry System for realtime operation at all time. The digitized data at 50 or 100 samples per second per channel may be derived from decimation of the 200 sampling rate data. Suitable anti-aliasing filtering to 50 or 100 samples per second is required. A mating connector to the realtime digitized data stream must be provided (see Section VII below). Please note that the 16-bit realtime data stream format is required in order to be compatible with the existing CWB telemetry system. 5. Power Supply The accelerograph shall operate from an internal battery that can be charged either from solar cells or from an 110V +/- 20% AC power source. The accelerograph must meet the following requirements: (1) Internal Battery: 12 volt rechargeable, sufficient to operate the system on standby for a minimum of 36 hours with the GPS timing device (or for a minimum of 48 hours without the GPS timing device) and then record for 90 minutes without external power source for charging. (2) If the external power source for the accelerograph were cut off by more than 36 hours, then the accelerograph must be able to restart automatically and function properly after the external power source is restored. (3) Supplemental Power: The accelerograph shall be configured so that an auxiliary external 12 Vdc power source may be connected in such a way as to add to the Amp-hour capacity of the internal battery. 85 (4) Because a rechargeable battery can create a safety hazard in a waterproof accelerograph as hydrogen gas can accumulate and cause an explosion, the accelerograph must have a safety device (e.g., breather valves) to guard against this safety hazard. 6. Required Software There are two main categories of required software. (1) Instrument Firmware: The instrument's firmware program consists of the code (normally embedded in EPROMs) to perform the basic functions of recording and retrieval of earthquake records. Internal data recording format must be able to store 24bit data samples and should be clearly described. Other important functions are event triggering and pre-event memory control. Also, the programs normally allow the user to examine and set the instrument's operating parameters, and perform important diagnostic functions. They should be upgradeable. In addition, a user must be able to select either the required 16-bit data stream output, or the manufacturer’s 24-bit data stream output of its internal recorded data. (2) External Support and Communications Programs: These programs must run on a typical personal computer (running under either Microsoft Windows or DOS), and provide the user interface to the instrument. They must support remote communications via telephone, including Internet access of the recorded data either via anonymous FTP or by the TCP/IP based software provided by the manufacture. They are also used to retrieve the data and display it. The display of earthquake records should be able to be accomplished with a minimum of processing. A stand-alone utility program to convert the 24-bit recorded data (if it is not written directly in the PC-SUDS format) to the standard PC-SUDS format for IASPEI software compatibility must be provided. IASPEI Software (executable code and source code) packages are published jointly by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America. They are available for sale from the Seismological Society of America, 201 Plaza Professional Building, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA (Phone: 1-510-525-5474; Fax: 1-510-525-7204). 7. Interconnection with Other Identical Accelerographs The accelerograph shall be capable of being interconnected for common timing and common triggering with identical accelerographs. When interconnected, a trigger signal from any one accelerograph shall cause simultaneous triggering in all interconnected accelerographs. 86 8. Ancillary Requirements A convenient means for system calibration and checkout shall be provided. The calibration of the total system for sensitivity shall be possible by a physical tilt test. Operability of the total system shall be possible by application of functional test voltages under software control which stimulate the accelerometer mass, permitting the determination of the damping and frequency response of the system. In addition, testing and data retrieval shall be performed with a typical personal computer (running under either Microsoft Windows or DOS). Remote interrogation shall be possible so that parameters of the data, including event count, battery voltages, amount of memory used, and accelerogram parameters (such as peak value and trigger-time) shall be available via telephone. A manual shall be provided with complete description in full detail of all operational characteristics and of all adjustments or options capable of being made in the factory, in the shop, and in the field. The manual must be sufficiently clearly written that a trained electronic technician in a shop along with the manufacturer's recommended test equipment could thoroughly test out every operating feature of the system and therefore be in a position to judge whether (1) repairs or adjustments are necessary to bring the system up to the required specifications or (2) a return to the factory is necessary. The manual must contain a complete and detailed description of the format of the recorded data. The factory calibration data for individual components, including those for the transducers, filters, and clocks, shall be provided. 9. Training and Support The seller must provide a training course at CWB, Taipei, Taiwan. The training program must provide sufficient instruction on the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of the accelerograph. The course must also include sufficient instruction on the installation and operation of all provided software and timing systems. The maker must supply a copy of their course outline within one month after signing of the contract. 10. Internet Access Capability The proposed accelerograph must have the Internet access capability; i.e., when the unit is deployed in the field and is connected to the Internet, data recorded by the accelerograph must be accessible from anywhere on the Internet for downloading the recorded data files in near real time either via anonymous FTP or by the TCP/IP based software provided by the bidder. The test for the Internet access capability must be 87 performed by all bidders with an arrangement with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu (phone: 02-2-7095603; fax: 02-3-707-3220) within the specified time period given above [see Note 1 of Section II]. A bidder must first set up the proposed accelerograph and connect it to the Internet at a site with telephone communication. He then arranges with Mr. Chien-Fu Wu to set up the necessary software (if necessary) in a PC at CWB that is connected to the Internet. When the bidder is happy with the connection (both Internet and telephone communication), he requests a formal test. Mr. Wu will then instruct the bidder to tell the person at the accelerograph site to start recording and to tap the accelerograph at certain time intervals to generate sudden “pulses”. The recorded file (typically 1 minute in length) should appear for download either via anonymous FTP or by the bidder’s TCP/IP based software in near real time (i.e., within 2 minutes after the recording ended). The downloaded file should be plotted by the bidder using his software to show that “pulses” did occur at the specific times given over the telephone. A bidder will be automatically disqualified if the trigger recorded data files can not be downloaded and shown to have the specified “pulses” after 3 formal requested trials. We realize that there can be Internet problems beyond the bidder’s control. Therefore, a bidder should check out everything at CWB first before requesting a formal test. V. Recommended Spare Parts for Three Years Operation The bidder must quote the recommended spare parts with an itemized price list, valid and firm for one year after the contract is signed, needed for the 3-year operation of the delivered accelerographs. VI. Specifications for Training and Support CWB specifications for training at CWB have been given in Subsection 9 of Section IV above. The seller must provide the training free of charge as follows: On-site training of CWB staff (20 maximum) and demonstration of installation, operation, and maintenance for the accelerographs and related items in Taiwan are required during the period in which the Post Award Performance Acceptance Tests are conducted. VII. Specifications for Realtime Digital Data Stream Output The proposed accelerograph must have two user selectable realtime digital data stream output formats: (1) a 24-bit format with time tag as designed by the manufacturer, 88 and (2) the 16-bit data format as specified below. A bidder must provide technical details on their 24-bit data stream format and the software to read these data. In order to be compatible with existing accelerographs in CWB, digital data are to be streamed out in packets immediately upon completion of a sample scan of all three channels by the accelerograph. The output rate is 50, 100, or 200 samples/channel/second (user selectable by either hardware jumpers or software commands) at 4800, 9600, or 19200 baud, respectively, and each sample packet consists of eight bytes with the following format: Byte No. Description 1 Sync character (user programmable) 2 Most significant byte (MSB) of first channel (16-bit) data 3 Least significant byte (LSB) of first channel (16-bit) data 4 Most significant byte (MSB) of second channel (16-bit) data 5 Least significant byte (LSB) of second channel (16-bit) data 6 Most significant byte (MSB) of third channel (16-bit) data 7 Least significant byte (LSB) of third channel (16-bit) data 8 Auxiliary data byte for timing and error checking This realtime digital data stream output must be 100% compatible with the USGS Realtime Digital Telemetry System when the XRTPDB program (published in the IASPEI Software Library Volume 1; See Sub-Section 6. “Required Software” of Section IV above) is used for realtime data acquisition of the accelerograph. NOTE 1: The Auxiliary data byte (8 bits) should be used as follows: (1) the 0th to 5th bit are used for parity error checking of the six data bytes, (2) the 6th bit may be used for message if necessary, and (3) the 7th bit may be used for timing if necessary. NOTE 2: The realtime digital stream output must not be interrupted when the accelerograph is performing its normal functions. 89 NOTE 3: IASPEI Software (executable code and source code) packages are published jointly by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America. They are available for sale from the Seismological Society of America, 201 Plaza Professional Building, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA (Phone: 1-510-525-5474; Fax: 1-510-525-7204). 90 Appendix 1. Technical Tests to be Conducted by a Bidder for a Proposed Accelerograph “Technical Tests” for a proposed accelerograph must be conducted in an appropriate laboratory by the bidder at their own expenses and must include the following tests. The shaking table system used for the Section 1 tests must be at or exceed the CWB specifications [see Note 1 below]. Otherwise, the bidder will be automatically disqualified. A report describing the “technical tests” and results must be included in the bidder's proposal. In addition, the recorded acceleration data, the recorded displacement data if applicable, and the required software [see Section IV.6] must be provided as computer readable files on floppy disks or CD-ROM for personal computers running under Microsoft Windows or DOS). Failure to submit the technical test report (including the specified data files on floppy disks or CD-ROM) with the bid proposal will lead to automatic rejection of the bidder's proposal. However, bidders whose proposed accelerographs had been qualified in the 2004 CWB bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from these required technical tests (See Note 6 of Section II for details). 1. System Response to Vibration An accelerograph must be subjected to the shaking table tests using a proper shaking table system [see Note 1 below]. The accelerometers used to monitor the shake table (which must be separate from that in the accelerograph) may be used as the reference. The bidder must also record the time history of the shake-table displacement with a suitable displacement sensor (+/- 1% accuracy or better) for test (7) below. The recorded data must be submitted as computer readable files on floppy disks or CDROM, with software to convert the recorded files to the standard PC-SUD format. Input signals for the shake table are: (1) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in x-direction, (2) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in y-direction, (3) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in z-direction, (4) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in x-direction, (5) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in y-direction, (6) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds in z-direction, (7) 1 Hz, 3 mm displacement "steps" in one direction (with 25 msec to 30-msec rise time for “rounding” the step corners) for 60 seconds. 91 2. System Static Accuracy The static accuracy of an accelerograph can be determined by a tilt test of the accelerograph on a tilt table. A precision tilt table (with better than 0.1 degree tilt control) must be used. Data must be recorded for 60 seconds each for the following tilt angles: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, and 360 degrees, and submitted as computer readable files on floppy disks or CD-ROM. 3. Digitizer Performance A bidder may choose one of the following two choices for testing digitizer performance: either 3A) Sandia Test, or 3B) the CWB 2002 Test. 3A. Sandia Test Digitizer performance is to be tested according to the Modified Noise Power Ratio test as described in Sandia National Laboratories technical report SAND 94-0221, "Modified Noise Power Ratio Testing of High Resolution Digitizers", by T. S. McDonald, 1994. This report is available as SANDIA94.PDF from Mr. Chien-Fu Wu upon request. The test involves driving two identical digitizer channels with pseudo random, band limited, Gaussian noise and measuring the noise power ratio (NPR), defined as the ratio of the RMS input noise to the RMS non-coherent noise floor (both averaged over the digitizer pass band). The resolution is estimated indirectly by comparing the NPR as a function of RMS input noise against ideal digitizers. Vendors are required to provide a plot of NPR in decibels versus loading factor in decibels compared with theoretical curves for ideal digitizers of varying dynamic ranges (i.e., number of bits). The loading factor is the ratio of the digitizer clip level to the RMS input noise. The NPR must be determined at RMS input levels between the RMS shorted input and clipping in 10 dB steps. Vendors are also required to provide a plot of shorted input power in decibels versus frequency and at least one plot of the phase of the non-coherent noise in degrees versus frequency. Both plots must including at least the frequency band 0 < f < 50 Hz. 3B. The CWB 2002 Test (1) Noise Test: The inputs to the digitizer are shorted and the system noise is recorded for 300 seconds by the accelerograph as a computer readable file and to be submitted with the report. The recorded system noise should be less than the equivalent of 1 digital count of a 20-bit system on a RMS basis in the frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. 92 (2) Full-Scale Clip: A voltage calibrator is connected to the inputs and the full-scale clip level of the digitizer on each channel be recorded for 10 seconds each by the accelerograph as a computer readable file (to be submitted with the report). This allows the full-scale accuracy to be verified. (3) Filter Performance Verification: A swept sine is applied to the inputs of the digitizer to test the amplitude and phase response of the digitizer and be recorded for 60 seconds by the accelerograph as a computer readable file (to be submitted with the report). Accelerographs using over sampling techniques will demonstrate the performance of the DSP filter, while more classical digitizers will demonstrate the performance of the analog anti-aliasing filter. (4) Frequency Response Spot Tests: Apply a sine wave of very high spectral purity, record 60 seconds by the accelerograph as a computer readable file (to be submitted with the report). CWB will examine the recorded data for noise that should not degrade a 20-bit system to less than 114-dB dynamic range. 4. Utility Software The manufacturers must provide utility software perform the following functions for their proposed accelerograph with their bid proposal: (1) Operate the unit and set the instrument parameters, including the timing system. (2) Retrieve data from the accelerograph. (3) Display the retrieved data. (4) If the accelerograph does not write data in the PC-SUDS format directly, then conversion software must be supplied to convert the data to the PC-SUDS format for test of IASPEI software compatibility. NOTE 1: The bidder must perform the test for “system response to vibration” using a proper shaking table system that must meet the following specifications: (1) The shaking table system must be able to carry the load of the 24-bit accelerograph to be tested plus the weight of all other monitoring sensors on the shake table, and must be capable of shaking up to +/- 0.2g at 1 Hz. (2) The shaking table system must be equipped with a reference 3-component accelerometer and at least one displacement gauge (e.g., a LVDT displacement transducer) along the active shaking axis to monitor the shake table motion. (3) The shaking table system must have a data logger of 24-bit resolution and capable of sampling at 200 samples per second. We recommend that the bidder uses another 93 unit of the bid 24-bit accelerograph as the data logger to record the output of the reference accelerometer and displacement gauge. (4) The shaking table system must be capable of faithfully carrying out the 7 specified input signals as specified in Section 1 of this Appendix. (5) The shaking table system must be able to faithfully record the time history of the displacement of the shake table using a proper displacement gauge with an accuracy of better than +/-1% for small displacements in the millimeter range. (6) The time history of the reference accelerometers and of the displacement gauge must be recorded with a data logger that is time synchronized with the accelerograph under test. If a 3-channel data logger is used for the reference 3-component accelerometer and the displacement gauge, the bidder may substitute one channel of the accelerometer output (in the direction that is not active in shaking) by the out put of the displacement gauge. (7) If a uni-axial shaking table system is used, then the accelerograph must be mounted so that every axis (i.e., x, y, or z) can be tested along the active axis in turn. (8) A detailed description of the shaking table systems used for the technical tests must be provided by the bidder in their technical report, including specs of major subsystems (i.e., the manufacturer, the model number, and its technical performance specifications). Failure to include this information will lead to automatic rejection of the bid. Please note that any bidder not using a proper shaking table system (i.e., whose performance does not meet the above CWB specifications) will be automatically disqualified. NOTE 2: IASPEI Software (executable code and source code) packages are published jointly by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior and the Seismological Society of America. They are available for sale from the Seismological Society of America, 201 Plaza Professional Building, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA (Phone: 1-510-525-5474; Fax: 1-510-525-7204). 94 Appendix 2. Test at the CWB Headquarters and at the CWB Hualien Station Bidder must contact CWB 10 days before the closing date for bidding to arrange a schedule for testing at the CWB Headquarters (64 Kung Yuan Road, Taipei), and at the CWB Hualien Station (24 Hua Kang Street, Hualien). Bidder must transport the proposed accelerograph to the CWB Headquarters and to the CWB Hualien Station at their own expenses. All accelerograph operations must be conducted by the bidder, under monitoring by CWB. A copy of all the recorded data must be provided to CWB immediately after the test. However, bidders whose proposed accelerographs had been qualified in the CWB 2002/2004 bidding of the 24-bit digital accelerographs are exempted from these required technical tests. I. Test at the CWB Headquarters (1 day): (1) Tilt table test: at tilt angles of 0, 30, 60, 90, 135, 180, 210, 270, 315, and 360 degrees. Record at least one minute when the accelerograph is at each tilt angle. (2) RTD (16-bit realtime data stream output) test: Bidder must provide a 2-meter or longer RS-232 output cable with a 25-pin connector for connecting to CWB’s realtime time system. Record at least 5 minutes with occasionally shaking of the accelerograph to simulate an earthquake. II. Test at the CWB Hualian Station (14 days): (1) The bidder must set up their proposed accelerograph with GPS timing on the seismic pier at the CWB Haulien station for a field test of approximately 14 days. (2) Continuous recording for at least 3 hours or until the memory is full. Provide a copy of the recorded data to CWB immediately. (3) Set trigger level at 0.0005g for all 3 seismic channels, and set trigger recording whenever any one of the 3 seismic channels exceeds 0.0005g, with 30 seconds of pre-event and 30 seconds of post-event recording, and synchronize the 95 accelerograph clock with GPS timing. Leave the accelerograph at the Hualien seismic pier for approximately 14 days, and provide a copy of the recorded data to CWB at the end of the test. 96 Appendix 3. Post Award Performance Acceptance Tests I. Criteria for Acceptance The basic question is: how does one know that an accelerograph is functioning properly and meets the technical specifications? By shaking an accelerograph on a shake table, one can find out if it is functioning correctly and by analyzing the recorded data, one can determine if it meets the important technical specifications. II. Tests for All Accelerographs If any accelerographs fail to meet any one of the following tests, besides any applicable penalty clause in the contract, it will be returned to the supplier for repair or replacement until it passes all the tests. 1. Visual Inspection All accelerographs will be visually inspected for damage and other imperfections: (i) Verify that there is no damage to the case, with particular attention to the connectors and latches; (ii) Generally inspect the visible portions of the accelerograph for evidence of damage; and (iii) Verify that all items on the packing list are included in the shipment. An acceptable unit must not have any obvious imperfections. Report any damage or discrepancies to the supplier's representative. Make notes of any damage during shipment for use in preparing possible claims against the shipping carrier. 2. Power/Charger Test Each accelerograph will be connected to its AC power charger and allowed to charge the internal backup battery for a period of 24 hours with the accelerograph turned off. After the charging period, the accelerograph will be turned off and its battery cable disconnected. For an acceptable unit, its open circuit voltage should be 12.9 Vdc +/- 1.3 V at 24 hours later. 97 3. Tilt Test The accelerograph to be tested will be mounted flat on a precision tilt table, and the accelerograph will be tilted to various angles. An error of not more than +/- 0.03 g for the sensitive axis aligned with gravity is required. An additional error of +/- 0.03 g is allowed for cross-axis effects if applicable. 4. Shake Table Test All accelerographs (after charging 24 hours) will be placed on a shake table for shaking tests. The CWB shake table can accommodate 1 accelerograph at a time and shake along one horizontal direction. Input signals for the shake table are: (1) 1 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds, (2) 10 Hz, 0.1 g sine waves for 60 seconds, and (3) 1 Hz, 3 mm rounded displacement "steps" (with 25 msec to 30 msec rise time). An acceptable accelerograph must be able to record all the input test signals, and must record a time history for any test signal that is within +/- 3% of the signal recorded by the reference accelerometer for the sine waves (on an RMS basis and adjusted for sampling time difference), and within +/- 10% of the displacement measured by the displacement gauge. III. Tests for Randomly Selected Accelerographs If any randomly selected accelerograph fails to meet any one of the following tests, besides any applicable penalty clause in the contract, the supplier is required to correct the problem(s) for all accelerographs. 1. Power Consumption Three randomly selected accelerographs will be charged for 24 hours with the units turned OFF. The units will then be disconnected from their AC power chargers and placed in their acquisition mode. After being allowed to operate for a period of 48hours (with GPS timing device off) from the backup battery, the accelerographs will be triggered to record for 90 minutes. An acceptable accelerograph (with GPS timing device off) must be able to operate for 48 hours off the backup battery and then record for 90 minutes. Similar test may be performed on selected accelerographs with the GPS timing device. In this case, these accelerographs must be able to operate for 36 hours off the backup battery and then record for 90 minutes. 98 2. GPS Timing Three randomly selected accelerographs will be checked for GPS timing against an external UTC timing device for several times during a day according to the supplier's procedure. An acceptable accelerograph must be able to maintain time within +/-5 milliseconds of UTC at all the times. In the event of losing the external GPS timing signal, the accelerograph must be capable of maintaining absolute timing with a drift of less than +/- 26 milliseconds per day. 3. DC-Level Drift Three randomly selected accelerographs will be set up for DC-level drift test. The auto-zeroing feature will be turned off and data will be collected several times every day for 5 days in an outdoor environment. After temperature effects are removed, an acceptable accelerograph must have an average DC-level drift (with respect to a 20-bit system) of less than +/- 240 counts per day and a cumulative drift of less than +/- 720 digital counts over a period of 5 days in a typical field environment for the 2g full-scale accelerograph when auto-zeroing of DC level is turned off. 4. Trigger Level Three randomly selected accelerographs will be placed on the CWB's small shake table. Verify that the trigger level is within +/-10% of the technical specifications. 5. Interconnection The supplier will demonstrate that data can be download via direct wire and telephone/modem (supplied by the user) connection, and that the software performs as specified in the technical specifications. 6. Recording Sub-Unit Noise The technical specifications for the recording sub-unit call for “noise less than 3 dB with respect to a 120 dB system (on a RMS basis) when the signal input is shorted”. To test this requirement, three randomly selected accelerographs will be subjected to the following test. By disconnecting the sensors from the analog input board and shorting the input pins together, the noise of the recording unit will be recorded for 10 minutes. The noise should be less than 1 LSB as measured on a RMS basis in the frequency range 0.01 to 50 Hz for a 20-bit system. 99 7. Other Tests CWB may choose to perform additional tests for some randomly selected accelerographs to verify that the units meet the technical specifications. 100 Appendix B2. A Preliminary Evaluation of an ES&S Model Kelunji Echo Accelerograph by The CWB Instrumentation Committee March 15, 2005 1. Introduction The CWB Instrumentation Committee has been charged to evaluate an ES&S model Kelunji Echo accelerograph with respect to the “2005 CWB Specifications of Procuring and Installing 24-bit strong-motion accelerographs”. 2. Submitted Technical Proposal Each member of the CWB Instrumentation Committee received a copy of the submitted technical proposal with an attached CD-ROM. It is obvious that the submitted materials were hastily prepared and lacked the required report on the results of the technical tests. The 2005 CWB Specifications clearly state in Note 2 on Page 6: 101 A bidder must submit a report of the test results (including computer readable data files and the required software [see Section IV.6] on floppy disks or CD-ROM) in their proposal in support of their claims that the proposed model meets the CWB 2005 specifications (see Appendix 1). The second paragraph of Appendix 1 (p. 17) further specifies: A report describing the “technical tests” and results must be included in the bidder's proposal. . . . Failure to submit the technical test report (including the specified data files on floppy disks or CD-ROM) with the bid proposal will lead to automatic rejection of the bidder's proposal. 3. The submitted Accelerograph and Test at the CWB Headquarter The submitted accelerograph has a 3.5 g sensor, which does not meet the CWB Specifications of a 2 g sensor. During the test at CWB Headquarter, the bidder failed to complete the required tests, and also did not partipate in the 2-week Hualien field test. 4. Conclusion The CWB Instrumentation Committee concluded that the ES&S model Kelunji Echo accelerograph does not meet the CWB 2005 Specifications for reasons summarized in the two previous sections. CWB appreciates all reputable seismic instrument manufacturers to join in the bidding process. However, CWB expects that a bidder should be well prepared and has a production model that meets the CWB Specifications. 102 Appendix B3. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Geotech Model SMART-24A Accelerograph by The CWB Instrumentation Committee March 15, 2005 1. Introduction The CWB Instrumentation Committee has been charged to evaluate a Geotech model SMART-24A accelerograph with respect to the “2005 CWB Specifications of Procuring and Installing 24-bit strong-motion accelerographs”. Due to a tight procurement schedule, the Committee decided to present a preliminary evaluation report, including its recommendation. A more technical evaluation report with detailed data analyses will be prepared later. 2. The Submitted Technical Report Geotech submitted a detailed technical report describing the technical tests that they conducted and presented their results based on their analysis of the recorded data. Since 103 they also included all the recorded data on a CD-ROM, members of the CWB Instrumentation Committee have conducted “spot” checks of the recorded data in order to verify some of the key results presented by Geotech in their technical report. Geotech conducted the required shake table tests at a commercial testing laboratory, i.e., the National Technical Systems (NTS) located in Plano, Texas. However, these tests were not witnessed by a designated CWB monitor. On a spot check of the recorded sine-wave tests, we were able to obtained similar results as those presented by Geotech, but we noted that the records contained excessive 60 Hz environement noise. The “step” test, however, was not clearly presented in Geotech’s technical report. In response to the Committee’s request for clarification, Geotech stated that the “step” test was probably not conducted properly, due to time constraint. Subsequently, Geotech repeated the “step” test at NTS and presented the results and data to the Committee on March 2, 2005. Because Geotech’s addendum was submitted within the evaluation period, the Committee accepted it for spot checking. We were able to verify that for the z-component “step” test the double integration of acceleration (with mean removal only) gave essentially the same result as that measured directly by a LVDT displacement gauge and within the 10% error permitted by the CWB Specificaitons. 3. Tests at the CWB Headquarters According to C. F. Wu, both the RTD and Internet Access tests at CWB Headquarters went well for the Geotech SMART-24A accelerograph on February 15, 2005. For the RTD test, the Geotech accelerograph was placed on a tilt table at different tilt angles and the resulting signals were transmitted in the required 16-bit format. Unfortunately, due to an oversight, the data recorded by the accelerograph in 24-bit format were not saved. Therefore, if Geotech wins the bid, it must perform the tilt table test under CWB monitoring. 4. Hualien Field Tests The Geotech Smart-24A accelerograph were deployed at the CWB Hualien Station on February 17, 2005. On March 5, a “double” earthquake of magnitude about 6 near Ilan (two shocks of about the same size occurred about one minute apart) was recorded by 104 three 24-bit accelerographs co-located at Hualien. The Geotech record of this “double” earthquake is shown in Figure 1. We performed a spectral analysis of both the Geotech and Kinmetrics records for comparison as shown in Figure 2. The two spectra were computed by concatenating the data from three components of each instrument and used that as input to the Matlab “pwelch” function. By combining components instead of computing separate spectra, the spectral resolution is improved and errors due to spectral leakage are reduced. The top plot shown in Figure 2 is computed using no averaging. This allows estimation of frequencies to nearly 0.01 Hz but increases the random variations in the spectra. The bottom plot shown in Figure 2 is computed using Hanning windows of length 2048 with 50% overlap. Although low frequencies are not resolved in the plot, the estimates at individual frequencies are stabilized. We did not convert digital counts into physical unit in acceleration. Since the 2g fullscale for the Geotech accelerograph corresponds to less than the full-scale of digitization (about 6.1 million counts vs about 8.4 million counts), the spectral values for the Geotech record are less than that for the Kinemetrics. Plotting Figure 2 using digital counts in the present case has the advantage of systematically “displacing” the Geotech spectrum below the Kinemetrics spectrum, allowing a better visual comparison. In general, the spectral “curves” between these two accelerographs are very similar as shown in Figure 2. This result is to be expected if the new Geotech accelerograph performs well against a well known and tested accelerograph like the Kinemetrics’. 105 Figure 1. Accelerograms of the “double earthquake” at Ilan on March 5, 2005 (19:06 UT) recorded by the Geotech SMART-24A -- Vertical component (top), North-South component (middle), and East-West (bottom). 106 Figure 2. Two types of spectral comparison between the Geotech and Kinemetrics records of the March 5, 2005 “double” earthquake near Ilan (see text for explanation). 107 We performed a coherence analysis between data recorded by the Geotech and Kinemetrics accelerographs. Coherence analysis requires that we use data that are common to both two time-series. Among the three 24-bit accelerographs installed at the CWB Hualien Station, Geotech recorded the longest time series, and the Kinemetrics recorded the next longest time series. Unfortunately, the Tokyo Sokusin accelerograph recorded the shortest with about 10-sec data gap between the two shocks in the “double” earthquake. The Tokyo Sokushin record was derived from two individually triggered records, and the data gap is simply due to the trigger setting of the Tokyo Sokushin accelerograph, which needed to be adjusted for future recording. Results of the coherence analysis are shown in Figures 3 to 5. Coherence between the Geotech and Kinemetrics acceleorgraphs for the Vertical componet (Figure 3) is very good to about 30 Hz. Coherence between the Geotech and Kinemetrics acceleorgraphs for the North-South componet (Figure 4) and for the EastWest component (Figure 5) are nearly perfect to about 40 Hz. The excellent coherence results between these two co-located accelerographs for the March 5, 2005 “double” earthquake near Ilan are encouraging, and we are now continuing the Hualien field tests in order to obtain more earthquakes records for comparison. 5. Conclusion Based on the results dicussed in the above sections, the CWB Instrumentation Committee concluded that the Geotech Model SMART-24A accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB Specifications for the items that we have checked. From spectral and coherence analyses of the records of both the Geotech and the Kinemetrics accelerographs (for the March 5, 2005 “double” earthquake near Ilan), we tentatively concluded that the Geotech accelerograph performed well during the Hualien field test. Because we have time to analyze only one recorded earthquake, more recorded earthquakes must be analyzed to confirm this result. This approval recommendation is conditional, because the technical tests performed by Geotech was not witnessed by a CWB designated monitor, and the Instrumentation Committee did not have sufficient time to analyze all the recorded data submitted by Geotech. If Geotech won the bid, Geotech must repeat the technical tests under CWB monitoring. The CWB Instrumentation Committee will then systematically verify the new results of Geotech based on the monitored tests, and will also complete the analysis of the Geotech records of earthquakes obtained during the Hualien field test. 108 Figure 3. Observed vertical component data that are common to Geotech (top) and Kinemetrics (middle), and their coherence as a function of frequency. Please note that the Geotech accelerograph was triggered 60 seconds earlier than the Kinemetrics accelerograph. 109 Figure 4. Observed North-South component data that are common to Geotech (top) and Kinemetrics (middle), and their coherence as a function of frequency. Please note that the Geotech accelerograph was triggered 60 seconds earlier than the Kinemetrics accelerograph. 110 Figure 5. Observed East-West component data that are common to Geotech (top) and Kinemetrics (middle), and their coherence as a function of frequency. Please note that the Geotech accelerograph was triggered 60 seconds earlier than the Kinemetrics accelerograph. 111 The CWB Instrumentation Committee noted the following problems that Geotech must address: 1. From the Log file, The GPS might not work at Hualien field tests. 2. Station, and sensors information (location, sensitity, orientation etc.) should be recorded on header or trace datafile. 3. The minimum and maxmum data value at converted PC-SUDS data file, should be matched with the instrument (+- 6100000 counts ?). 4. The full- scale digital count for a 24-bit accleerograph should be ±223 or ±8,388,608. However, the full-scale clip test (p. 26- 27 of Geotech’s Technical Proposal) indicated that the full-scale digital count was about ±6,104,000. 5. Data recorded for the first shake table test indicate excessive 60-Hz environmental noise. Final approval can onbly be recommended if the Committee members are fully satisfied with the results of the monitored tests and the above noted problems (plus any problems that may be found in a more thorough examination of the Geotech technical test and Hualien field test data) have been adequately addressed by Geotech. 112 Appendix B4. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Reftek Model 130-SMA/01 Accelerograph by The CWB Instrumentation Committee March 15, 2005 1. Introduction The CWB Instrumentation Committee has been charged to evaluate a Reftek model 130-SMA/01 accelerograph according to the “2005 CWB Specifications of Procuring and Installing 24-bit strong-motion accelerographs” (abbreviated as “2005 CWB Specifications” below). In the 2005 CWB Specs (p. 7), the following statements were given under NOTE 6: Model 130-SMA/01 by Refraction Technology was conditionally approved in 2004, but must be subjected to tests under CWB monitoring. In addition, Refraction Technology must address the technical comments on Model 130-SMA/01 accelerograph by CWB. Due to the tight procurement schedule, the Committee decided to present a preliminary evaluation report, including its recommendation. A more technical evaluation report with detailed data analyses will be prepared later. 113 2. Monitored Compliance Tests Ms Patricia Wang, a graduate student, was appointed by CWB to serve as the “monitor” to witness the compliance tests conducted on two afternoons (February 3, and 15, 2005) at Refraction Technology, Dallas, Texas. Immediately after the tests, Refraction Technology downloaded the recorded data on CD-ROMs. Ms Wang sent them to a Committee member (Willie Lee), who then made copies for other members of the Committee. The shake table used by Refraction Technology could not perform the 1 Hz, 3mm displacement “steps” with 25-msec to 30-msec rise time. It was unfortunate that one of Committee members (Willie Lee) might have confused Refraction Technology on the CWB requirement regarding the input signal for the step test. However, the Committee considers that it is the responsibility of the bidder to follow the “2005 CWB Specifications” on the technical compliance tests, especially for using an appropriate shake table to conduct the vibration tests that are specified under NOTE 1 on p. 19. 3. CWB’s Concerns on the 2004 Delivered Units Refraction Technology did not win the first 2004 CWB bid. However, due to additional available fund, CWB conducted a second bid of 10 accelerographs, which was won by Refraction Technology. Unfortunately, due to the need to conclude procurement within the calendar year, CWB accepted the 10 delivered units without requiring Refraction Technology to carrying out the monitored technical compliance tests. Some problems were noted after the 10 units were delivered, as described below: (1) The sensor input sensitivities (which were recorded on the Reftek “Sensor Calibration Reports” accompanying the delivered units) are not correct. This type of error suggests that Reftek did not perform adequate quality control in the final manufacturing process before shipping the 10 accelerographs to CWB. Table 1 shows the sensitivity values (in micro_g/count) in the “Sensor Calibration Reports” that accompanied the 10 delivered units. After CWB pointed out the error, Reftek’s field engineer, Mr. Ian Billings, re-calibrated these 10 units during his recent trip to Taiwan. The new sensitivity values are shown in Table 2, which show that the original values were in error by a factor of about 3. 114 Table 1. Sensitivity values (in micro_g/count) in the “Sensor Calibration Reports” ---------------------------S/N z-axis y-axis x-axis ---------------------------446 1.526 1.503 1.580 464 1.543 1.517 1.506 465 1.491 1.442 1.452 466 1.384 1.373 1.502 467 1.498 1.509 1.519 468 1.428 1.462 1.419 469 1.379 1.422 1.467 471 1.433 1.554 1.301 472 1.554 1.490 1.432 473 1.480 1.493 1.470 ---------------------------- Table 2. Re-calibrated Sensitivity values (in micro_g/count) -----------------------------S/N z-axis y-axis x-axis -----------------------------446 0.5069 0.5153 0.4921 464 0.5102 0.5182 0.5230 465 0.5095 0.5269 0.5130 466 0.4578 0.4615 0.5217 467 0.4951 0.4907 0.4972 468 0.5004 0.4893 0.4917 469 0.4904 0.5284 0.5096 471 0.5327 0.4912 0.4373 472 0.4944 0.5166 0.4819 473 0.4820 0.4793 0.4749 ------------------------------ (2) The PGA information is very important for the CWB's early earthquake warning system. One percent or better accuracy is implicitly required by the “2005 CWB Specifications”, but from Table 2, the deviations of sensivity values are generally greater than 5% from each other. For example, sensitivity (in micro_g/count) among the 10 accelerographs differs up to about 16% for the z-axis, 14% for the y-axis, and 20% for the x-axis. Sensitivity for a given accelerograph differs, for example, by up to about 18% among the 3-axes for the S/N 471 unit. Consequently, the delivered Reftek accelerographs could not be used for the CWB warning system. Furthermore, users of the acceleration data files recorded by these Reftek accelerographs must perform instruments corrections -- an extra step in data analysis that should not be necessary. (3) The bit-weight of the 2004 tested unit(S/N9081) is 0.795E-06 volt. The bit-weight of all purchased units is 1.161E-06 volt, and the 2005 tested unit is 1.639E-06 volt. The bidder should have provided the same configured instrument for CWB. 115 CWB is also very concerned that the Taiwan agent of Refraction Technology does not have a professional engineer/technician on their staff, and the sale people appear to lack sufficient knowledge about the Refraction Technology accelerographs. 4. Conclusion The CWB Instrumentation Committee regretfully can not recommend the Model 130SMA/01 accelerograph to CWB for purchase in 2005, because Refraction Technology did not met the “2005 CWB Specifications” in conducting the step test with an appropriate shake table and there were serious concerns noted by CWB for the 10 delivered Reftek accelerographs. In hind sight, the Committee should have been more strict for at least two issues during the 2004 evaluation of the submitted Reftek accelerograph for testing: (1) the “2004 CWB Specifications” called for a 2g full-scale unit, but a 3.5g full-scale unit was submitted, and (2) during the 2004 Hualien field test, the Reftek unit failed to complete the 2-week field test, because the internal battery was not charged properly by the AC power source due to an error in the installation at Hualien by Reftek. After more than a decade of instrument evaluations, the CWB Instrumentation Committee recognized the following procedural changes that have occurred over the years are not desirable: 1. Due to budget cut, CWB abandoned conducting testing instruments of all interested manufacturers at the same time in a commercial testing facility. Without testing all the submitted instruments at the same time in the same facility, it is difficult for the Instrumentation Committee to compare test results of different manufacturers. 2. Due to “pressure” from new bidders, CWB allowed bidders to submit instruments based on their own technical tests for evaluation. Because it is not possible to write perfect test procedures, it is easy to have “mis-understandings”. The subsequent monitored tests also add extra expenses to the “successful” bidders, and extra work for the CWB Instrumentation Committee. 3. Due to the tight CWB procurement schedule, the Instrumentation Committee has only about 2 weeks to evaluate the submitted test reports and data. This short period of time is simply not enough for the Committee members to evaluate the proposed instruments properly, especially when there are 3 or more bids submitted by new manufacturers. It is also obvious that some new bidders are 116 “rushing” to bid, and the “hastily” prepared technical reports/data are often difficult to understand. The CWB management now realizes the danger of accepting conditionally approval instruments for purchase, and has established an Internal Committee for developing new procurement procedure and criteria for selection. The CWB Instrumentation Committee, which consists of external advisors, is now charged for recommendations based on evaluating the technical reports and data submitted by the bidders with respect to the CWB Specifications as written. The CWB Instrumentation Committee is are now conducting extensive field tests of multiple co-located accelerometers (recorded by the same model of data loggers in continuous recording mode) and co-located accelerographs (recorded in triggered mode) in Taiwan. The results from these field tests will be useful for the Committee to evaluate actual field performance of accelerometers and accelerographs manufactured by different vendors, and to develop a “performance based” technical specifications for use by CWB in future procurements. Finally, the CWB Instrumentation Committee acknowledges the excellent cooperation provided by Refraction Technology in clarifying technical issues raised by some Committee members. Refraction Technology has a good reputation for customer satisfaction, and we look forward to their support for maintaining the 10 Reftek accelerographs purchased by CWB last year and are now being installed in the field. 117 Appendix B5. A Preliminary Evaluation of Tests on a Geotech Model SMART-24A Accelerograph under CWB Monitoring by The CWB Instrumentation Committee April 24, 2005 1. Introduction The CWB Instrumentation Committee has been charged to evaluate the test data of a Geotech model SMART-24A accelerograph under CWB monitoring with respect to the “2005 CWB Specifications of Procuring and Installing 24-bit strong-motion accelerographs”. Due to a tight procurement schedule, the Committee decided to present a preliminary evaluation report, including its recommendation. A more technical evaluation report with detailed data analyses will be prepared later. 118 2. Evaluation Procedure The CWB appointed monitor (Ms Patricia Wang) sent the test data on CD-ROMs to Willie Lee immediately after each set of the tests on 3 occasions (April 12, 14, and 18, 2005). Lee then sent the data to Mr. Chien-Fu Wu of CWB and Mr. Chun-Chi Liu of the Academia Sinica. Subsequently, Dr. Lani Oncescu submitted a technical report (electronically on April 20, 2005) describing the technical tests that they conducted and presented their results based on their analysis of the recorded data. Members of the CWB Instrumentation Committee conducted checks of the recorded data in order to verify the key results presented by Geotech in their April 20 Technical Report. In particular, Willie Lee performed the data analysis using software (written by Doug Dodge and himself) in order to systematically verify that the results meet the 2005 CWB Specifications. 3. System Response to Vibration According to the 2005 CWB Specifications, an accelerograph is required to be subjected to the shaking table tests using a proper shaking table system. The accelerometer(s) monitoring the shake table motion can be used as the “Reference”. Recording the time history of the shake-table displacement with a suitable displacement sensor (+/- 1% accuracy or better) is also required. Geotech conducted the shake-table test at the National Technical Systems, Plano, Texas on April 18, 2005, and was witnessed by the CWB monitor. Six sets of sine-wave shake- tests were conducted at 1 Hz and at 10 Hz, along NS, EW, and Vertical directions. We analyzed all the records, but will present only the two shake tests along the Vertical direction, because the results from the NS and EW shaking directions are similar to those along the Vertical shaking direction. 3.1. Sine-wave Shake-test at 1 Hz The result is presented in Figure 1, where the upper plot shows the recorded data of the vertical component of the Geotech accelerograph in digital counts, and the lower plot shows the corresponding amplitude spectrum. The 1-Hz peak in the spectrum indicates it is over 120 db above the background noise, although there are many smaller spectral peaks at 10, 20, … Hz. The corresponding result for the Reference accelerometer provided by the National Technical System on the shake table is shown in Figure 2. Because similar spectral peaks at higher frequencies were sensed by both the Geotech accelerograph and the Reference NTS accelerometer, we concluded that these spectral 119 peaks were due to the shake-table’s vibration noises. This is obvious from the plots of the observed acceleration from the Geotech accelerograph and from the NTS accelerometer. Hence, the Geotech accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB Specification for the sine-wave shake-test at 1 Hz. 3.2. Sine-wave Shake-test at 10 Hz The result is presented in Figure 3, where the upper plot shows the recorded data of the vertical component of the Geotech accelerograph in digital counts, and the lower plot shows the corresponding amplitude spectrum. The 10-Hz peak in the spectrum indicates that it is over 120 db above the background noise, although there are many smaller peaks at 10, 20, … Hz. The corresponding result for the Reference accelerometer provided by the National Technical System on the shake table is shown in Figure 4. Because similar spectral peaks at higher frequencies were sensed by both the Geotech accelerograph and the Reference NTS accelerometer, we concluded that these spectral peaks were due to the shake-table’s vibration noises. Hence, the Geotech accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB Specification for the sine-wave shake-test at 10 Hz. 120 Figure 1. 1-Hz vertical sine-waves shake test recorded by the vertical component of the Geotech Accelerograph. 121 Figure 2. 1-Hz vertical sine-waves shake-test recorded by the vertical component of the NTS Accelerometer. 122 Figure 3. 10-Hz vertical sine-waves shake test recorded by the vertical component of the Geotech Accelerograph. 123 Figure 4. 10-Hz vertical sine-waves shake-test recorded by the vertical component of the NTS Accelerometer. 124 3.3. Step Shake-test at 1 Hz As required by the 2005 CWB Specifications, “steps” at 1 Hz (of amplitude about 3 mm and rise time of about 30 milliseconds) were applied to the shake table in the vertical direction (with the Geotech accelerograph and LVDT sensor mounted on it). We took a 2-second section of data from the middle of the recorded data file, removed the mean, and plotted the acceleration data (in digital counts) as shown in Figure 5. We applied integration using the SMQC1 program written by Doug Dodge and obtained the velocity (in counts*seconds). After the mean was removed, we plotted the velocity as shown in Figure 6. We applied integration again and obtained the displacement (in counts*seconds*seconds) as shown in Figure 7. The maximum peak-to-peak displacement from Figure 7 is about 960 counts*sec*sec. Using the conversion factor given by Geotech for the vertical component (3.2118 µm/sec2/count), we obtained a maximum peak-to-peak displacement of about 3.08 mm from the double integration of the acceleration data. The LVDT displacement sensor also recorded the shake table’s displacement directly as shown in Figure 8 for the same time interval. The maximum peak-to-peak displacement from Figure 8 is about 4.8×105 counts. Using the conversion factor given by Geotech for the LVDT sensor (0.006386 µm/count), we obtained a maximum peak-to-peak displacement of about 3.07 mm from the displacement sensor. The difference is about 0.01 mm, well within the 10% accuracy required. Hence, the Geotech accelerograph meets in the 2005 CWB Specification for the step shake-test. 125 4E6 0 2 Time (seconds) Figure 5. Recorded vertical acceleration data for the Geotech accelerograph (with mean removed). 40000 0 2 Time (seconds) Figure 6. Velocity from integrating the acceleration data for the Geotech accelerograph (with mean removed). 126 500 0 2 Time (seconds) Figure 7. Displacement from integrating the velocity shown in Figure 6 for the Geotech accelerograph. Counts 3E5 LVDT 0 2 Time (seconds) Figure 8. Displacement recorded by the LVDT displacement sensor (in digital counts) for the same time interval as Figures 5, 6, and 7. 127 4. System Static Accuracy According to the 2005 CWB Specifications, the static accuracy of an accelerograph can be determined by a tilt test of the accelerograph on a precision tilt table (with better than 0.1 degree tilt control). Data must be recorded for 60 seconds each for the following tilt angles: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, and 360 degrees. Geotech conducted the tilt test on April 12, 2005 witnessed by the CWB monitor. A Geotech Smart-24A Accelerograph (S/N 1050) was mounted on a tilt table and rotated along the direction of the North-South component of the accelerograph from 0° to 360° at 30° increment. The same test was repeated along the direction of the East-West component of the accelerograph. Since the theoretical value of the expected acceleration at a given tilt angle is known, we can compute the difference between the observed (“Acc”) and the theoretical value (“TrueAcc”). 4.1. Tilt test along the North-South Direction Table 1 summarized the results from a tilt test along the North-South direction. The observed value (Acc) is taken as the mean of the recorded acceleration in a 60-second data file. Table 1. Results of Tilt Test along the NS-Component Direction -------------------------------------------------------------Tilt Comp Acc(counts) Acc(g) TrueAcc(g) Diff(g) -------------------------------------------------------------0° NS -6172 -0.00202 0.00000 -0.00202 30° NS 1512270 0.49512 0.50000 -0.00488 60° NS 2624284 0.85919 0.86603 -0.00684 90° NS 3026963 0.99103 1.00000 -0.00897 120° NS 2617408 0.85694 0.86603 -0.00909 150° NS 1500510 0.49127 0.50000 -0.00873 180° NS -13393 -0.00438 0.00000 -0.00438 210° NS -1535256 -0.50264 -0.50000 -0.00264 240° NS -2641277 -0.86475 -0.86602 0.00127 270° NS -3043497 -0.99644 -1.00000 0.00356 300° NS -2635794 -0.86296 -0.86603 0.00307 330° NS -1529642 -0.50080 -0.50000 -0.00080 360° NS -3957 -0.00130 -0.00001 -0.00129 -------------------------------------------------------------- 128 The values in the difference column (Diff in g) are less than 0.01g, and thus meet the 2005 CWB Specification for the static accuracy. Our results also agree to 3 or better significant figures with those presented by Geotech. 4.2. Tilt test along the East-West Direction Table 2 summarized the results from a tilt test along the East-West direction. The observed value (Acc) is taken as the mean of the recorded acceleration in a 60-second data file. The values in the difference column (Diff in g) are less than 0.01g (except one value at 0.1g at 270° tilt), and thus meet the 2005 CWB Specification on static accuracy. Our results also agree to 3 or better significant figures with those presented by Geotech. Table 2. Results of Tilt Test along the East-West Component -------------------------------------------------------------Tilt Comp Acc(counts) Acc(g) TrueAcc(g) Diff(g) -------------------------------------------------------------0° EW -782 -0.00026 0.00000 -0.00026 30° EW 1517434 0.49666 0.50000 -0.00334 60° EW 2620362 0.85764 0.86603 -0.00839 90° EW 3027240 0.99082 1.00000 -0.00918 120° EW 2623271 0.85860 0.86603 -0.00743 150° EW 1512695 0.49511 0.50000 -0.00489 180° EW -1024 -0.00034 0.00000 -0.00034 210° EW -1504256 -0.49234 -0.50000 0.00766 240° EW -2618796 -0.85713 -0.86602 0.00889 270° EW -3022304 -0.98920 -1.00000 0.01080 300° EW -2619351 -0.85731 -0.86603 0.00872 330° EW -1509398 -0.49403 -0.50000 0.00597 360° EW 2046 0.00067 -0.00001 0.00068 -------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Digitizer Performance According to the 2005 CWB Specifications, the bidder may choose one of the following two choices for testing digitizer performance: either 3A) Sandia Test, or 3B) the CWB 2002 Test. Geotech chose the 3B test. 5.1. Noise test This test involves the inputs to the digitizer be shorted and the system noise is recorded for 300 seconds by the accelerograph. The recorded system noise should be less than the 129 equivalent of 1 digital count of a 20-bit system on a RMS basis in the frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. The result for the vertical component is shown in Figure 9, where the upper plot displays the recorded acceleration data (in digital counts), and the lower plot display the amplitude spectra. Figure 9. Plot of the recorded acceleration for the noise test (top), and the corresponding amplitude spectrum (bottom). 130 The recorded noise has amplitude less than 4 counts for almost all the samples in a 24bit system, much less than the equivalent of 1 digital count of a 20-bit system on a RMS basis in the frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. Hence the Geotech accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB Specification for the noise test. In the Geotech Test Report, they computed the RMS noise level at 2.03 counts. 5.2. Full-scale clip test According to the 2005 CWB Specifications, a voltage calibrator is connected to the inputs and the full-scale clip level of the digitizer on each channel be recorded for 10 seconds each by the accelerograph. Geotech reported that the RMS value for an applied 2.50 volt is 6,115,694 counts, or about 3.06×106 counts for 1.25 volts. Since the fullscale of the Geotech accelerograph is ±2 g, we can check this against the results of tilt test for an expected theoretical value of ±1 g . In Table 1 and 2, we have observed values from 3.02×106 to 3.04×106 counts, and are thus consistent with the result obtained in the full-scale clip test. 5.3. Filter performance verification According to the 2005 CWB Specifications, a swept sine is applied to the inputs of the digitizer to test the amplitude and phase response of the digitizer and be recorded for 60 seconds by the accelerograph. The result for the vertical component is shown in Figure 10, where the upper plot displays the recorded acceleration data (in digital counts), and the lower plot display the power spectrum. The PSD estimates are essentially flat from the applied swept sinewaves, and the frequency roll-off is at about 65 Hz, higher than the required 50 Hz rolloff. Hence, the Geotech accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB specification for the filter performance. 131 Figure 10. Plot of the recorded acceleration data for the swept sine-wave test (top), and the corresponding amplitude spectrum (bottom). 132 5.4. Frequency Response Spot Tests According to the 2005 CWB specifications, a sine wave of very high spectral purity is to be applied as input and record 60 seconds by the accelerograph.. CWB will examine the recorded data for noise that should not degrade a 20-bit system to less than 114-dB dynamic range. Geotech applied a sine-wave at 1 Hz, and the result for the vertical component is shown in Figure 11, where the upper plot displays the recorded data (in digital counts), and the lower plot display the amplitude spectra. Figure 11. Plot of the recorded data for the spot sine-wave test at 1 Hz (top), and the corresponding amplitude spectrum (bottom). 133 Geotech also applied a sine-wave at 10 Hz, and the result for the vertical component is shown in Figure 12, where the upper plot displays the recorded acceleration (in digital counts), and the lower plot display the amplitude spectra. Figure 12. Plot of the recorded data for the spot sine-wave test at 10 Hz (top), and the corresponding amplitude spectrum (bottom). 134 Figures 11 and 12 indicate that the spectral peak is better than 106, or 120 db, above the noise level. Hence, the Geotech accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB Specifications for frequency response spot test. 6. Utility Software Demonstration and Water Immersion Test On April 12, Geotech conducted a water immersion test on the Geotech accelerograph and was witnessed by the CWB monitor. On Aprilt 14, Geotech demonstrated the utility software to the CWB monitor. In both cases, the CWB monitored reported that the demonstration went well and the water immersion test was successful. 7. Conclusion and Recommendation Based on the submitted Geotech Test Report of April 20, 2005 and the data analyses performed by members of the Instrumentation Committee on the recorded data sent directly by the CWB monitor, we concluded that the Geotech accelerograph meets the 2005 CWB Technical Specifications. Therefore, we recommend that CWB completes the procurement of purchasing the accelerographs made by Geotech Instruments, LLC. 135 Section C. Strong-Motion Data Processing and Software Development Willie Lee and Doug Dodge November 15, 2005 Contents I. Introduction ................................................................................................................137 II. Software Development .............................................................................................137 Some background information about earthquake location ...........................................137 Other software written...................................................................................................141 Code to Support Relocation of Historic Earthquakes Using Direct Search Method-142 Code to Support Joint Inversion for Hypocenters and Velocity................................164 Code to Compare spectral response of co-located seismometers using earthquake seismograms ..............................................................................................................192 Code to plot comparison of step responses of different seismometers......................198 Code to plot Acceleration Spectra from shake table tests .........................................199 Code to Plot Sumatra quake and aftershocks on bathymetry ....................................201 Code to plot oriented focal mechanisms on bathymetry ...........................................201 Code for plots of tsunami waves superimposed on tide data ....................................209 136 I. Introduction During 2005, we made slow but steady progress in systematic processing of the strongmotion data recorded by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The basic computer program for performing quality assurance, SmBrowser, has been described in the 2003 Annual Report (Dodge and Lee, 2004), and will not be repeated here. Further enhancement has been made to SmBrowser to improve processing efficiency, and considerable efforts have been devoted to verify station coordinates, which is still now underway. II. Software Development One of the major problems facing CWB is how to locate the offshore earthquakes with reasonable accuracy, especially for the Real Time Rapid Information System. Willie Lee has been thinking about this problem for over 30 years, and finally the present PC computer is now fast enough to attack this problem. Some background information about earthquake location Introduction So far, all commonly used algorithms for locating earthquakes on computers are based on an inverse formulation, first published by L. C. Geiger (1912). Numerous software implementations have been made using the Geiger method, which applies the GaussNewton nonlinear optimization technique to find the origin time and hypocenter by iterative linearization steps starting from a trial solution. The travel time residuals (i.e., observed minus predicted from a given velocity model) of the first P-wave (and sometimes the S-wave and later phases) are minimized, usually in the least squares sense (L2 norm). Waldhauser and Ellsworth (2000) introduced the “double- difference” algorithm, which minimizes the residuals of travel times differences for pairs of earthquakes observed at common stations by iteratively adjusting the vector connecting the hypocenters. Similar to JHD, joint hypocentral determination (Pujol, 2003), the double-difference algorithm improves “relative” earthquake locations and works well for a good set of arrival times with large numbers of stations. For a comprehensive review of recent earthquake location developments, see Richards et al. (2006). In brief, they are all variants of the Geiger method based on an inverse formulation. 137 The mathematics of the inverse formulation are elegant as shown next, and it works well for a good seismic network with stations surrounding the epicenters. However, all existing location programs work poorly for earthquakes outside a seismic network, because the available arrival times are not sufficient to solve the problem mathematically as shown below (greatly condensed from Lee and Stewart, 1981 p. 105139). We will use bold face symbols to denote vectors or matrices. The Least Squares Method and Nonlinear Optimization In the least squares method, we attempt to minimize the errors of fit (or residuals) at a set of m data points where the coordinates of the kth data point are (x)k, k =1, 2,…, m., and x is a vector of n independent variables, i.e., x = (x1, x2, …, xn)T (1) where the superscript T denote a vector transpose. The objective function for the least squares problem is F(x) = ∑ [rk(x)]2 (2) where the summation is from k = 1 to m, and rk(x) denotes the evaluation of residual at the kth data point. We may consider these residuals as components of a vector in the mdimensional Euclidean space and Equation (1) becomes F(x) = rT r (3) Taylor expansion of this objective function is F(x + δx) = F(x) + gT δx + ½ δxT H δx + … (4) Where g is the gradient vector and H, the Hessian matrix, and it can be shown that δx = - H-1 g (5) To find the gradient vector g, we perform partial differentiation on Equation (2) with respect to xi , i = 1, 2, …, n, and obtain ∂F(x)/ ∂xi = ∑ 2 rk(x) [∂rk(x) /∂xi], i = 1, 2, …., n and the summation is from k = 1 to m. In matrix notation, 138 (6) g = 2 AT r (7) where A is the Jacobian matrix, whose elements are defined by Aki = ∂rk /∂xi, k = 1, 2, …, m, and i = 1, 2, …, n (8) To find the Hessian matrix H, we perform partial differentiation on the set of n equations in Equation (6) with respect to xj , for j = 1, 2, …, n, assuming that rk(x), k = 1 to m, have continuous second derivatives, and obtain in matrix notation H ≅ 2 AT A (9) by ignoring the cross derivative terms. Hence, δx = - [AT A]-1 AT r (10) The Geiger’s method is essentially applying the least squares method and using the above Gauss-Newton algorithm to solve the earthquake location problem. Starting from a trial origin time and hypocenter, the adjustment vector δx as given in Equation (10) is solved. A new origin time and hypocenter is then obtained and the same procedure is repeated again until some cutoff criteria is met. However, the Jacobian matrix as given in Equation (8) is often ill-conditioned for giving a meaningful inverse, and if the trial solution is not chosen appropriately, the iterative procedure converge to a local minimum, rather than the global minimum. For the earthquake location problem, the 4 independent variables are: time t, and coordinates x, y, and z. The Jacobian matrix A may be written with column vectors as its elements: A = ( V1 V2 V3 V4 ) (11) where V1 = ( 1 1 • • • )T (12) T (13) (14) T (15) 1 V2 = (∂t1/∂x ∂t2/∂x V3 = (∂t1/∂y ∂t2/∂y • • • ∂tm/∂x ) T ∂tm/∂y ) V4 = (∂t1/∂z ∂t2/∂z • • • ∂tm/∂z ) • • • 139 where the travel times for m stations are denoted by: t1, t2 , …, tm . Since the travel time derivatives with respect to time are 1, vector V1 is a unit vector. Let us recall that the determinant of a matrix is zero if any of its column is multiple of another column. Since the first column of the Jacobian matrix is all 1’s, it is easy for other columns of A to be a multiple of it. For example, if an earthquake occurs outside the seismic network, it is likely that the elements of the ∂t/∂x column, and the corresponding elements of the ∂t/∂y will be nearly proportional to each other. In other words, we do have adequate observed data to solve the matrix for meaningful adjustments. Although the Geiger method was published in 1911/1912, computations are too laborious to be done without electronic computers until the early 1960s. There are many pitfalls in solving a problem by the inverse approach primarily because no one has yet found a fool-proof technique to guarantee a true solution in nonlinear optimization since Gauss time (nearly two hundred years ago). Unlike the Fermats last theorem (which was solved recently after more than 300 hundred years efforts), many experts in optimization consider the guarantee for a global minimum is unsolvable in an inverse problem. Almost all physical problems involving observations are formulated as inverse problems simply because solving problems by the method of least squares became so standard (since Gauss first popularized it) that few scientists (even fewer seismologists) ever question it. After electronic computers became available in the late 1950s, a few visionary scientists realized that it is much easier to solve a physical problem involving observations by the forward formulation. Unfortunately it will involve large amounts of computations and computers were far too slow at that time. However, it was adequate for solving most inverse problems. When Lee examined the earthquake location problem from both the mathematical and computation points o f view in the late 1960s, he realized that the computers were about 5 orders of magnitude too slow for the forward formulation and thus had to wait. By the early 2000, computer speed has increased about 10,000 times faster that in the 1960s, Lee began laying a plan to attach the earthquake location problem by the forward formulation approach. The least squares method of Gauss assumes that the observational errors have a normal (or Gaussian) distribution. However, this assumption is not the appropriate for earthquake arrival times, which often have large outliers. Lee and Doug Dodge then began investigating the simplex algorithm developed for minimizing the L1 norm (rather than the L2 norm in least squares). Recently, they are developing a forward simplex search software for earthquake location, and showed that it is practical to use it for relocating large numbers of earthquakes, provided a fast multiprocessor PC is available. 140 Forward formulation can solve many more seismological problems, including seismic tomography. Many seismological problems involves the Greens function, and Greens function is an inverse operator, as pointed out by Lanczos (1961). The forward formulation will usher a new era in seismological research because computers are now fast enough to make the forward approach practical. References: Geiger, L. C. (1912). Probability method for the determination of earthquake epicenters from the arrival time only, Bull. St. Louis Univ., 8, 60-71. Lanczos, C. (1961). Linear Differential Operators, Van Nostrand, London. Lee, W. H. K., and S. W. Stewart (1981). Principles and Applications of Microearthquake Networks, Academic Press, New York. Press, W. H., B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky, and W. T. Vetterling (1986). Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pujol, J. (2003). Software for joint hypocentral determination using local events, in: International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, edited by W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. C. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger, Part B, p. 1621-1623, Academic Press, San Diego. Richards, P. G., F. Waldhauser, D. Schaff, and W. Y. Kim (2006). The applicability of modern methods of earthquake location, in: Advances on Studies of Heterogeneities in the Earth's Lithosphere: The Keiiti Aki Volume II, edited by Y. Ben-Zion and W. H. K. Lee, Pageoph Topical Volumes, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, in press. Waldhauser, F., and W. L. Ellsworth (2000). A double-difference earthquake location algorithm: Method and application to the northern Hayward fault, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 90, 1353-1368. Other software written Much of the software development work done this year consisted of small Matlab programming projects by Doug Dodge. These programs were mostly intended to produce graphics that could be inserted into other reports. The code, along with representative output is included here. Under the direction of Willie Lee, Doug Dodge wrote code that supported an experiment whose goal was to investigate the feasibility of combining regional bulletins to produce joint locations of offshore seismicity. That code is included here with a short summary of the results. 141 Doug Dodge also devoted some effort to porting the Seismic Analysis Code and the NonLinLoc code to run under windows. Both these efforts were successful and provide additional tools that can be used to support our ongoing efforts. We have not included the code from these two efforts in this report since only a small fraction was modified during the port. Code to Support Relocation of Historic Earthquakes Using Direct Search Method The JLOC earthquake location code currently under development is an earthquake location code intended for use in relocating earthquakes in the Taiwan region using data from bulletins dating back to the early 1900s. The purpose of relocating these old earthquakes is to improve our knowledge of which faults the earthquakes occurred on, and thus to improve our knowledge of the earthquake hazard on specific faults. For many of these events, we expect poor station distribution relative to the probable locations of the hypocenters. Also, we expect large numbers of discrepant observations because of the relatively primitive instrumentation available for much of the period. Therefore, we expect that locators in common use will perform poorly with this data set. The JLOC code is intended to be a locator that is stable in the presence of poorly conditioned problems, and relatively insensitive to errors in the input data. It will also be able to make use of data from stations with very inaccurate clocks if the stations reported more than one phase, e.g. S-P times. JLOC finds the best-fitting hypocenter by forward modeling using a combination gridsearch and simplex search algorithm. The misfit function used by JLOC is an L1 norm, and is thus robust in the presence of outlier observations that are expected to be prevalent in much of the old data. Origin times are estimated separately from the hypocentral latitude, longitude and depth. This allows use of bulletins in which some stations have only S-P times available. Also, by removing this dimension from the search, the performance is improved. JLOC is implemented in Java and uses the TauP travel time code by Crotwell and the IASPEI91 Earth model. Work completed so far • • Classes for representing basic seismic objects such as sites, observations, epicenters, etc. completed. Interface and implementations for ISS bulletin parsing 142 • • • Single-Stage Grid-search inverter completed Wrote adaptive depth grid search algorithm Simplex search implemented Work planned or in progress • • • • • • • • • • • Add code to handle S-P phases. The issue here is that currently the median of the arrival times is being removed. Need to investigate with a test case whether an S-P phase is any more stable in the presence of clock errors that two mean removed phases. Add azimuthal gap to output. Use method in EModel class to do the calculation given the collection of observations. Will need to exclude any observations removed during inversion. Report information on the hypocenter line. Add Elevations to travel time calculation. Add file handling to main. In output, report on phases that were removed because of large residual or that could not be calculated. track processing time and iterations in each step and report in output Create program launcher. Add an option to output a user-specified number of residual values as a function of position over a distance and depth range around the hypocenter. add Bondar et al criteria in output and use as aid in removing discrepant observations. Add Automatic phase removal. Output Monte Carlo-derived confidence regions. Code Listing The remaining pages of this report are a listing of the code written so far for this locator. JLOC re uses a large number of general-purpose classes in other packages, and these are not shown here. Rather, this is a listing only of the Jloc package and its two subpackages parsing and simplex algorithm. package dodge.apps.jloc; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Vector; public class DepthLimits { Vector<Double> values; int numSteps; public DepthLimits( double min, double max, double stepSize ) { values = new Vector<Double>(); double value = min; 143 while( value <= max ){ values.add(value); value += stepSize; } numSteps = values.size()-1; } public DepthLimits() { values = new Vector<Double>(); values.add( 0.0 ); values.add( 5.0 ); values.add( 10.0 ); values.add( 20.0 ); values.add( 30.0 ); values.add( 100.0 ); values.add( 200.0 ); values.add( 400.0 ); values.add( 600.0 ); numSteps = values.size()-1; } public DepthLimits getBracketingLimits( double depth ) { int idxCurrent = values.indexOf( depth ); if( idxCurrent < 0 ) { double minError = Double.MAX_VALUE; for( int j = 0; j < values.size(); ++j ){ double error = Math.abs( depth - values.get(j) ); if( error < minError){ minError = error; idxCurrent = j; } } } if( idxCurrent == 0 ){ double dz = ( values.get(1) - values.get(0) ) / numSteps; return new DepthLimits( values.get(1), values.get(0), dz ); } else if( idxCurrent == numSteps ){ double dz = ( values.get(numSteps) - values.get(numSteps-1) ) / numSteps; return new DepthLimits( values.get(numSteps-1), values.get(numSteps), dz ); } else{ double dz = ( values.get(idxCurrent+1) - values.get(idxCurrent-1) ) / numSteps; return new DepthLimits( values.get(idxCurrent-1), values.get(idxCurrent+1), dz ); } } public double getSearchRange() { return values.get(numSteps) - values.get(0); } public String toString() { int n = values.size()-1; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "MinDepth = " + values.get(0) + ", MaxDepth = " + values.get(n) + " over " + (n+1) + " increments" ); return sb.toString(); } 144 public Collection<Double> getValues() { return values; } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import llnl.gnem.util.EModel; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Collection; public class EpicenterGenerator { private private private private private Vector<Vertex> epicenters; static final int EAST_AZIMUTH = 90; static final int WEST_AZIMUTH = 270; static final double NORTH_AZIMUTH = 0.0; static final double SOUTH_AZIMUTH = 180.0; public EpicenterGenerator(Vertex center, double radiusStep, double maxRadius) { epicenters = new Vector<Vertex>(); epicenters.add(center); int numSteps = (int) (maxRadius / radiusStep); numSteps += numSteps * radiusStep < maxRadius ? 1 : 0; // Add vertices along line N-S of current vertex. addNorthSouthVertices(numSteps, radiusStep, center); for (int j = 1; j <= numSteps; ++j) { double delta = j * radiusStep; Vertex vertex = EModel.reckon(center.getLat(), center.getLon(), EAST_AZIMUTH); epicenters.add(vertex); addNorthSouthVertices(numSteps, radiusStep, vertex); vertex = EModel.reckon(center.getLat(), center.getLon(), WEST_AZIMUTH); epicenters.add(vertex); addNorthSouthVertices(numSteps, radiusStep, vertex); } delta, delta, } private void addNorthSouthVertices(int numSteps, double radiusStep, Vertex vertex) { for (int k = 1; k <= numSteps; ++k) { double delta = k * radiusStep; Vertex v = EModel.reckon(vertex.getLat(), vertex.getLon(), delta, NORTH_AZIMUTH); epicenters.add(v); v = EModel.reckon(vertex.getLat(), vertex.getLon(), delta, SOUTH_AZIMUTH); epicenters.add(v); } } public int size() { return epicenters.size(); } public Collection<Vertex> getEpicenters() { return epicenters; 145 } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; public class GridSearchHypothesisTester { public static HypothesisTestCollection createHypothesisTestCollection(ObservationCollection observations, double searchRadius, double radiusStep, DepthLimits depthLimits, HypothesisOrigin initialHypothesis) { HypothesisTestCollection hypothesisTestCollection = new HypothesisTestCollection(); Vertex hypothesisEpicenter = new Vertex(initialHypothesis.getVertex()); EpicenterGenerator eg = new EpicenterGenerator(hypothesisEpicenter, radiusStep, searchRadius); HypothesisTestResult testResult = new HypothesisTestResult(initialHypothesis, observations, HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().evaluateHypothesis(initialHypothesis, observations)); System.out.println("Looking for improvement to initial hypothesis: " + testResult.toString()); int numEpicenters = eg.size(); System.out.println("Performing initial grid search using " + numEpicenters + " epicenters."); System.out.println("Epicenters are centered at (" + hypothesisEpicenter.toString() + ") and extend for " + searchRadius + " degrees at " + radiusStep + " degree intervals..."); for (Double depth : depthLimits.getValues()) { System.out.println("Evaluating depth " + depth + " ..."); for (Vertex vertex : eg.getEpicenters()) { HypothesisOrigin origin = new HypothesisOrigin(vertex, depth); testResult = new HypothesisTestResult(origin, observations, HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().evaluateHypothesis(origin, observations)); hypothesisTestCollection.addHypothesisTest(testResult); } } return hypothesisTestCollection; } public static HypothesisTestCollection buildEpicenterDepthTestCollection(ObservationCollection observations, DepthLimits depthLimits, HypothesisOrigin currentHypothesis) { HypothesisTestCollection hypothesisTestCollection = HypothesisTestCollection(); for (Double depth : depthLimits.getValues()) { Vertex vertex = currentHypothesis.getVertex(); HypothesisOrigin origin = new HypothesisOrigin(vertex, depth); HypothesisTestResult testResult = new HypothesisTestResult(origin, observations, 146 new HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().evaluateHypothesis(origin, observations)); hypothesisTestCollection.addHypothesisTest(testResult); } return hypothesisTestCollection; } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.EModel; import llnl.gnem.traveltime.TaupTraveltime; import java.util.Vector; public class HypothesisEvaluator { TaupTraveltime calculator; private static HypothesisEvaluator instance = null; public static HypothesisEvaluator getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new HypothesisEvaluator(); return instance; } private HypothesisEvaluator() { try { calculator = new TaupTraveltime(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public double evaluateHypothesis(HypothesisOrigin origin, ObservationCollection observations) { Vector<Observation> predicted = new Vector<Observation>(); for (Observation observation : observations.getObservations()) { if (observation.isDefining()) { Observation predObs = getHypothesisObservation(observation, origin); if (predObs != null) predicted.add(predObs); } } ObservationCollection predictedCollection = new ObservationCollection(predicted); return ObservationCollection.compareObservedToPredicted(predictedCollection, observations); } private Observation getHypothesisObservation(Observation observation, HypothesisOrigin origin) { String phase = observation.getPhase(); double delta = EModel.getDeltaWGS84(observation.getSite().getVertex(), origin.getVertex()); try { double predicted = calculator.getTraveltime(phase, delta, origin.getDepth()).time; if (predicted != -999) return new Observation(observation.getSite(), phase, predicted); else return null; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } 147 public double getPredictedTraveltime(Observation origin) { String phase = observation.getPhase(); observation, HypothesisOrigin double delta = EModel.getDeltaWGS84(observation.getSite().getVertex(), origin.getVertex()); try { return calculator.getTraveltime(phase, delta, origin.getDepth()).time; } catch (Exception e) { return -999; } } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; public class HypothesisOrigin { private Vertex epicenter; private double depth; public HypothesisOrigin( Vertex epicenter, double depth ) { this.epicenter = new Vertex( epicenter ); this.depth = depth; } public Vertex getVertex() { return epicenter; } public double getDepth() { return depth; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(epicenter.toString() ); sb.append( ", Depth = " ); sb.append( depth ); return sb.toString(); } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Vector; public class HypothesisTestCollection { private TreeMap<Double, HypothesisTestResult> hypotheses; public HypothesisTestCollection() { hypotheses = new TreeMap<Double, HypothesisTestResult>(); } public void addHypothesisTest(HypothesisTestResult testResult) { hypotheses.put(testResult.getResidual(), testResult); } 148 public void addCollection( HypothesisTestCollection newData ) { for( Double residual : newData.hypotheses.keySet() ){ hypotheses.put( residual, newData.hypotheses.get( residual ) ); } } Collection<HypothesisTestResult> getBestSolutions( int number ) { Vector <HypothesisTestResult> result = new Vector <HypothesisTestResult>(); for( Double key : hypotheses.keySet() ){ result.add( hypotheses.get( key ) ); } return result; } public HypothesisTestResult getBestHypothesisTest() { Double bestKey = hypotheses.firstKey(); if (bestKey != null) return hypotheses.get(bestKey); else return null; } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import java.util.Collection; import java.text.NumberFormat; public class HypothesisTestResult { private HypothesisOrigin hypothesisOrigin; private ObservationCollection observations; private double residual; public HypothesisTestResult(HypothesisOrigin hypothesisOrigin, ObservationCollection observations, double residual) { this. hypothesisOrigin = hypothesisOrigin; this. observations = observations; this.residual = residual; } public HypothesisOrigin getHypothesis() { return hypothesisOrigin; } public ObservationCollection getObservations() { return observations; } public double getResidual() { return residual; } public String toString() { NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(); f.setMaximumFractionDigits( 4 ); Vertex v = hypothesisOrigin.getVertex(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Lat = " + f.format( v.getLat() ) + ", Lon = " + f.format( v.getLon() ) + 149 ", Depth = " + f.format( hypothesisOrigin.getDepth() ) + ", Residual = " + f.format( residual ) ); return sb.toString(); } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import import import import java.util.Vector; java.io.IOException; java.io.FileOutputStream; java.io.PrintStream; import import import import import dodge.apps.jloc.parsing.SingleDataFileParser; dodge.apps.jloc.parsing.DbaseDumpParser; dodge.apps.jloc.parsing.ParseResults; dodge.apps.jloc.parsing.IssParser; gnu.jargs.CmdLineParser; public class Jloc { private static void printUsage() { System.err.println("Usage: jloc inputFileName outputFileName controlFileName"); System.err.println("All arguments are required and must be in the order shown."); } public static void main(String[] args) { CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(); try { parser.parse(args); } catch (CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException e) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } catch (CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException e) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } String [] otherArgs = parser.getRemainingArgs(); if (otherArgs.length != 3) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } String inputFile = otherArgs[0]; String outputFile = otherArgs[1]; String controlFile = otherArgs[2]; Locator locator = new Locator(); SingleDataFileParser fileParser = new IssParser(); try { ProgramData.getInstance().parseControlFile( controlFile ); ParseResults pr = fileParser.parseInputFile(inputFile); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( outputFile ); PrintStream p = new PrintStream( out ); locator.findBestHypocenter(pr.startingOrigin, pr.observations, p); p.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use Settings | File Templates. } } 150 File | } package dodge.apps.jloc; import dodge.apps.jloc.simplex.NelderMead; import java.util.*; import java.io.PrintStream; import llnl.gnem.util.EModel; import llnl.gnem.util.SeriesMath; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class Locator { public void findBestHypocenter(HypothesisOrigin ObservationCollection observations, PrintStream out ) { ProgramData pd = ProgramData.getInstance(); double searchRange = pd.getInitialSearchRange(); double stepSize = pd.getInitialStepSize(); DepthLimits depths = new DepthLimits(); startingOrigin, HypothesisTestCollection results = new HypothesisTestCollection(); results.addCollection(GridSearchHypothesisTester.createHypothesisTestCollection(observat ions, searchRange, stepSize, depths, startingOrigin)); HypothesisTestResult best = results.getBestHypothesisTest(); String msg = "Best result from grid search: " + best.toString(); System.out.println(msg); out.println( msg ); double originTime = getOriginTime(best, observations); suppressDiscrepantObservations( originTime, best ); // Take the best solution from that and use it as the starting point for a simplex solution best = NelderMead.searchForMinimum(best, observations); originTime = getOriginTime(best, observations); printOutput(originTime, best, observations, System.out); printOutput(originTime, best, observations, out ); } private void suppressDiscrepantObservations(double originTime, HypothesisTestResult last ) { Vector<Double> residuals = new Vector<Double>(); for (Observation obs : last.getObservations().getObservations() ) { if( obs.isDefining() ){ double ttime = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().getPredictedTraveltime(obs, last.getHypothesis()); double residual = obs.getTime() - originTime -ttime; residuals.add( residual ); } } double std = Math.sqrt( SeriesMath.getVariance( residuals ) ); double residualCutoff = ProgramData.getInstance().getResidualCutoff(); 151 for (Observation obs : last.getObservations().getObservations() ) { if( obs.isDefining() ){ double ttime = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().getPredictedTraveltime(obs, last.getHypothesis()); double residual = obs.getTime() - originTime -ttime; if( Math.abs( residual ) > std * residualCutoff ){ System.out.println("Removing " + obs + " because residual is > than cutoff..."); obs.setDefining( false ); } } } } private void printOutput(double originTime, HypothesisTestResult last, ObservationCollection observations, PrintStream out) { TimeT otime = new TimeT(originTime); otime.setFormat("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss.SSS"); out.printf("Origin time (%s) Lat = %7.4f Lon = %8.4f Depth = %6.2f Residual = %6.3f\n", otime.toString(), last.getHypothesis().getVertex().getLat(), last.getHypothesis().getVertex().getLon(), last.getHypothesis().getDepth(), last.getResidual()); System.out.println(); OutputStaPhaseData.outputHeader(out); // Sort observations by delta, ttime before outputing TreeMap<Double, TreeMap<Double, Observation>> sortedObs = new TreeMap<Double, TreeMap<Double, Observation>>(); for (Observation observation : observations.getObservations()) { double ttime = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().getPredictedTraveltime(observation, last.getHypothesis()); double delta = EModel.getDeltaWGS84(last.getHypothesis().getVertex(), observation.getSite().getVertex()); TreeMap<Double, Observation> distObsMap = sortedObs.get(delta); if (distObsMap != null) { distObsMap.put(ttime, observation); } else { distObsMap = new TreeMap<Double, Observation>(); distObsMap.put(ttime, observation); sortedObs.put(delta, distObsMap); } } for (Double delta : sortedObs.keySet()) { TreeMap<Double, Observation> distObsMap = sortedObs.get(delta); if (distObsMap != null) { for (Double ttime : distObsMap.keySet()) { Observation observation = distObsMap.get(ttime); if (observation != null) { double azimuth = EModel.getAzimuthWGS84(last.getHypothesis().getVertex().getLat(), last.getHypothesis().getVertex().getLon(), observation.getSite().getVertex().getLat(), observation.getSite().getVertex().getLon()); OutputStaPhaseData ospd = new OutputStaPhaseData(observation.getSite().getSta(), observation.getPhase(), observation.getTime() originTime, ttime, observation.isDefining(), azimuth, delta); ospd.outputLine(out); } } 152 } } } double getOriginTime(HypothesisTestResult solution, ObservationCollection observations) { Vector<Double> otime = new Vector<Double>(); HypothesisOrigin origin = solution.getHypothesis(); Collection<Observation> obs = observations.getObservations(); for (Observation observation : obs) { double ttime = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().getPredictedTraveltime(observation, origin); if (ttime != -999) otime.add(observation.getTime() - ttime); } return SeriesMath.getMedian(otime); } } package dodge.apps.jloc; public class Observation { private Site site; private String phase; private double time; private double timeCorrection; private boolean defining; public Observation( Site site, String phase, double time ) { this.site = site; this.phase = phase; this.time = time; setDefining(true); } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Sta = " ); sb.append( site.getSta() ); sb.append(", Phase = " ); sb.append( phase ); return sb.toString(); } public Site getSite() { return site; } public String getPhase() { return phase; } public double getTime() { return time; } public double getCorrectedTime() { return time + timeCorrection; } public void setTimeCorrection(double timeCorrection) { 153 this.timeCorrection = timeCorrection; } public boolean isDefining() { return defining; } public void setDefining(boolean defining) { this.defining = defining; } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.SeriesMath; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Vector; public class ObservationCollection { private Vector<Observation> observations; public ObservationCollection(Collection<Observation> obs) { observations = new Vector<Observation>(); observations.addAll(obs); double medianObservationTime = getMedianObservationTime(observations); for (Observation obs2 : observations) { obs2.setTimeCorrection(-medianObservationTime); } } public Collection<Observation> getObservations() { return observations; } private static Observation findMatchingObservation(Observation ObservationCollection oc) { for (Observation observation : oc.getObservations()) { if (observation.getSite().equals(obs.getSite()) observation.getPhase().equals(obs.getPhase())) return observation; } return null; } obs, && private double getMedianObservationTime(Collection<Observation> observations) { Vector<Double> obsTimes = new Vector<Double>(); for (Observation obs : observations) if (obs.isDefining()) obsTimes.add(obs.getTime()); return SeriesMath.getMedian(obsTimes); } public static double compareObservedToPredicted(ObservationCollection predicted, ObservationCollection observed) { double sum = 0; int nobs = 0; for (Observation obs : observed.getObservations()) { if (obs.isDefining()) { Observation pred = findMatchingObservation(obs, predicted); if (pred != null) { sum += Math.abs(obs.getCorrectedTime() - pred.getCorrectedTime()); 154 ++nobs; } } } if (nobs > 0) return sum / nobs; else return sum; } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import java.io.PrintStream; public class OutputStaPhaseData { private String sta; private String phase; private double predictedTravelTime; private double measuredTravelTime; private double azimuth; private double delta; private boolean defining; public OutputStaPhaseData(String sta, String phase, double measuredTravelTime, double predictedTravelTime, boolean defining, double azimuth, double delta) { this.sta = sta; this.phase = phase; this.predictedTravelTime = predictedTravelTime; this.measuredTravelTime = measuredTravelTime; this.azimuth = azimuth; this.delta = delta; this.defining = defining; } public void outputLine(PrintStream stream) { stream.printf("%-6s %-8s %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f %1s sta, phase, measuredTravelTime, predictedTravelTime, measuredTravelTime - predictedTravelTime, (defining ? "d" : "n"), delta, azimuth); } public static void outputHeader( PrintStream stream ) { stream.println( "STA PHASE OBSERVED AZIMUTH" ); } } package dodge.apps.jloc.parsing; import llnl.gnem.util.FileInputArrayLoader; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import llnl.gnem.util.SeriesMath; import java.io.IOException; 155 %5.2f %6.1f\n", PRED RES DEF DELTA import java.util.Vector; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import import import import dodge.apps.jloc.Observation; dodge.apps.jloc.Site; dodge.apps.jloc.HypothesisOrigin; dodge.apps.jloc.ObservationCollection; public class DbaseDumpParser implements SingleDataFileParser{ public ParseResults parseInputFile( String filename ) throws IOException { Vector<Double> olatVec = new Vector<Double>(); Vector<Double> olonVec = new Vector<Double>(); Vector<Double> otimeVec = new Vector<Double>(); Vector<Observation> observations = new Vector<Observation>(); String[] lines = FileInputArrayLoader.fillStringsFromFile( filename ); for( int j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j ){ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( lines[j] ); olatVec.add( Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken())); olonVec.add( Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken())); otimeVec.add( Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken())); String sta = st.nextToken(); String phase = st.nextToken(); double time = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() ); double stla = Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken() ); double stlo = Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken() ); Site site = new Site(sta, new Vertex(stla, stlo), 0.0 ); Observation obs = new Observation( site, phase, time ); observations.add( obs ); } double olat = SeriesMath.getMedian( olatVec ); double olon = SeriesMath.getMedian( olonVec ); // double otime = SeriesMath.getMedian( otimeVec ); HypothesisOrigin origin = new HypothesisOrigin(new Vertex( olat, olon ),15.0 ); return new ParseResults(origin, new ObservationCollection( observations ) ); } } package dodge.apps.jloc.parsing; import import import import dodge.apps.jloc.Observation; dodge.apps.jloc.Site; dodge.apps.jloc.HypothesisOrigin; dodge.apps.jloc.ObservationCollection; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import llnl.gnem.util.FileInputArrayLoader; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import llnl.gnem.util.SeriesMath; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class IssParser implements SingleDataFileParser { private OriginSolution getOriginLine(String line) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); st.nextToken(); // throw away first token which is the author... 156 int year = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int month = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int day = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int hour = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int minute = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); double second = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); TimeT time = new TimeT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); double double double return lat = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); lon = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); depth = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); new OriginSolution(lat, lon, depth, time.getEpochTime()); } public ParseResults parseInputFile(String filename) throws IOException { Vector<Observation> observations = new Vector<Observation>(); String[] lines = FileInputArrayLoader.fillStringsFromFile(filename); boolean gotOrigin = false; OriginSolution origin = null; double originTime = 0; for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) { if (lines[j].trim().charAt(0) != '*') { if (!gotOrigin) { origin = getOriginLine(lines[j]); gotOrigin = true; originTime = origin.time; } else { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(lines[j]); String sta = st.nextToken(); String phase = st.nextToken(); if (phase.length() > 1) phase = phase.substring(1); double time = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()) + originTime; double stla = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double stlo = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double elev = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); Site site = new Site(sta, new Vertex(stla, stlo), elev); Observation obs = new Observation(site, phase, time); observations.add(obs); } } } return new ParseResults(origin.origin, new ObservationCollection(observations)); } class OriginSolution { public HypothesisOrigin origin; public double time; public OriginSolution(double lat, double lon, double depth, double time) { origin = new HypothesisOrigin(new Vertex(lat, lon), depth); this.time = time; } } } package dodge.apps.jloc.parsing; import dodge.apps.jloc.HypothesisOrigin; import dodge.apps.jloc.ObservationCollection; 157 public class ParseResults { public HypothesisOrigin startingOrigin; public ObservationCollection observations; public ParseResults( HypothesisOrigin observations ) { this.startingOrigin = startingOrigin; this.observations = observations; } } startingOrigin, ObservationCollection package dodge.apps.jloc.parsing; import java.io.IOException; public interface SingleDataFileParser { ParseResults parseInputFile( String filename ) } throws IOException; package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.FileInputArrayLoader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class ProgramData { private static ProgramData ourInstance = new ProgramData(); private double residualCutoff = 2.5; // observations with residuals more than residualCutoff times the std will not be used. private boolean restartSimplex = false; private int numberOfSimplexRestarts = 0; private int maxSimplexIterations = 200; private double simplexConvergenceTol = 0.000001; private double initialSearchRange = 6; // Range in degrees around starting point to search in grid search private double initialStepSize = 1; // step size in degrees for grid search public static ProgramData getInstance() { return ourInstance; } private ProgramData() { } public double getResidualCutoff() { return residualCutoff; } public boolean isRestartSimplex() { return restartSimplex; } public int getNumberOfSimplexRestarts() { return numberOfSimplexRestarts; } public int getMaxSimplexIterations() { return maxSimplexIterations; } public double getSimplexConvergenceTol() { 158 return simplexConvergenceTol; } public double getInitialSearchRange() { return initialSearchRange; } public double getInitialStepSize() { return initialStepSize; } public void parseControlFile(String filename) throws IOException { String[] lines = FileInputArrayLoader.fillStringsFromFile(filename); for (String line : lines) { if (line.trim().charAt(0) != '*') { // Don't process lines that start with * int starIndex = line.indexOf('*'); //Remove trailing comments as well if (starIndex > 0) { line = line.substring(0, starIndex); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, " \t\n="); if (st.countTokens() == 2) { processTokenPair(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken()); } } } } private void processTokenPair(String token1, String token2) { if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("residualCutoff")) { residualCutoff = Double.parseDouble(token2); } else if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("restartSimplex")) { restartSimplex = Boolean.parseBoolean(token2); } else if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("numberOfSimplexRestarts")) { numberOfSimplexRestarts = Integer.parseInt(token2); } else if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("maxSimplexIterations")) { maxSimplexIterations = Integer.parseInt(token2); } else if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("simplexConvergenceTol")) { simplexConvergenceTol = Double.parseDouble(token2); } else if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("initialSearchRange")) { initialSearchRange = Double.parseDouble(token2); } else if (token1.equalsIgnoreCase("initialStepSize")) { initialStepSize = Double.parseDouble(token2); } } } package dodge.apps.jloc.simplex; import dodge.apps.jloc.*; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import llnl.gnem.util.EModel; import java.util.Random; public class NelderMead { static Random random = new Random(); public static HypothesisTestResult ObservationCollection observations) { searchForMinimum(HypothesisTestResult 159 best, System.out.println("Attempting to refine solution around current point..."); ProgramData pd = ProgramData.getInstance(); boolean perturbAll = false; SimplexVertex trial = NelderMead.descend(best.getHypothesis(), observations, perturbAll); if (pd.isRestartSimplex()) { int iterations = 0; while (iterations++ < pd.getNumberOfSimplexRestarts()) { SimplexVertex thisTrial = NelderMead.descend(trial.origin, observations, perturbAll); System.out.println(thisTrial); trial = thisTrial; } } System.out.println("Simplex iterations finished."); System.out.println(); return new HypothesisTestResult(trial.origin, observations, trial.residual); } public static SimplexVertex descend(HypothesisOrigin startingOrigin, ObservationCollection observations, boolean perturbAll) { HypothesisOrigin[] initialVertices = getStartingSimplex(startingOrigin, perturbAll); return descend(initialVertices, observations); } public static SimplexVertex descend(HypothesisOrigin[] initialVertices, ObservationCollection observations) { SimplexVertex[] simplex = new SimplexVertex[initialVertices.length]; int nvertex = simplex.length; for (int j = 0; j < nvertex; ++j) { simplex[j] = new SimplexVertex(initialVertices[j]); simplex[j].residual = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().evaluateHypothesis(simplex[j].origin, observations); } ProgramData pd = ProgramData.getInstance(); int maxSimplexIterations = pd.getMaxSimplexIterations(); int ilo = 0; for (int iter = 1; iter < maxSimplexIterations; iter++) { /////////// identify lo, nhi, hi points ////////////// double flo = simplex[0].residual; double fhi = flo; ilo = 0; int ihi = 0; for (int i = 1; i < nvertex; i++) { if (simplex[i].residual < flo) { flo = simplex[i].residual; ilo = i; } if (simplex[i].residual > fhi) { fhi = simplex[i].residual; ihi = i; } } double fnhi = flo; for (int i = 0; i < nvertex; i++) { if ((i != ihi) && (simplex[i].residual > fnhi)) { fnhi = simplex[i].residual; } } ////////// exit criterion ////////////// if (isConverged(simplex, ihi, ilo)) { 160 return simplex[ilo]; } ///// compute ave[] vector excluding highest vertex // This is the centroid of the face opposite the high point SimplexVertex ave = VertexOperations.getOppositeFaceCentroidVertex(simplex, ihi); ///////// try reflect e.g. extrapolate by factor -1 through centroid SimplexVertex ytry = amotry(ave, simplex, ihi, -1.0, observations); if (ytry.residual <= flo) { // try additional extrapolation by a factor of 2 amotry(ave, simplex, ihi, 2.0, observations); } else if (ytry.residual >= fnhi) { //Reflected point is worse than the second highest, so look for an intermediate lower point. //i.e. do a 1-dimensional contraction double ysave = simplex[ihi].residual; ytry = amotry(ave, simplex, ihi, 0.5, observations); if (ytry.residual >= ysave) { contractAroundBestVertex(simplex, ilo, observations); ++iter; } } else { // --iter; } } return simplex[ilo]; } private static SimplexVertex amotry(SimplexVertex centroid, SimplexVertex[] simplex, int ihi, double scale, ObservationCollection observations) { SimplexVertex result = VertexOperations.getScaledVertex(centroid, simplex[ihi], scale); result.residual = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().evaluateHypothesis(result.origin, observations); if (result.residual < simplex[ihi].residual) simplex[ihi] = result; return result; } private static boolean isConverged(SimplexVertex[] simplex, int ihi, int ilo) { ProgramData pd = ProgramData.getInstance(); double convergenceTol = pd.getSimplexConvergenceTol(); double rtol = 2 * Math.abs(simplex[ihi].residual - simplex[ilo].residual) / Math.abs(simplex[ihi].residual + simplex[ilo].residual); return rtol < convergenceTol; } private static void contractAroundBestVertex(SimplexVertex[] simplex, int ilo, ObservationCollection observations) { VertexOperations.contractAroundBestVertex(simplex, ilo); for (int j = 0; j < simplex.length; ++j) { if (j != ilo) { simplex[j].residual = HypothesisEvaluator.getInstance().evaluateHypothesis(simplex[j].origin, observations); } } } static HypothesisOrigin[] boolean perturbAll) { getStartingSimplex(HypothesisOrigin 161 startingOrigin, HypothesisOrigin[] result = new HypothesisOrigin[4]; if (perturbAll) result[0] = getPerturbedOrigin(startingOrigin); else result[0] = startingOrigin; for (int j = 1; j < 4; ++j) { result[j] = getPerturbedOrigin(startingOrigin); } return result; } private static HypothesisOrigin getPerturbedOrigin(HypothesisOrigin startingOrigin) { double double double Vertex depth = random.nextFloat() * 50; delta = random.nextFloat() * 5; azimuth = random.nextFloat() * 360; vertex = EModel.reckon(startingOrigin.getVertex().getLat(), startingOrigin.getVertex().getLon(), delta, azimuth); return new HypothesisOrigin(vertex, depth); } } package dodge.apps.jloc.simplex; import dodge.apps.jloc.HypothesisOrigin; import llnl.gnem.util.EModel; import java.text.NumberFormat; public class SimplexVertex { public double residual; public HypothesisOrigin origin; public SimplexVertex(HypothesisOrigin origin) { this.origin = origin; } public String toString() { NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(); f.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Lat f.format(origin.getVertex().getLat())); sb.append(", Lon = " + f.format(origin.getVertex().getLon())); sb.append(", Depth = " + f.format(origin.getDepth())); sb.append(", Residual = " + f.format(residual)); return sb.toString(); } = public boolean equals(Object that) { if (this == that) return true; if (!(that instanceof SimplexVertex)) return false; SimplexVertex thatVertex = (SimplexVertex) that; return thatVertex.origin.getVertex().equals(origin.getVertex()) && thatVertex.origin.getDepth() == origin.getDepth(); } } package dodge.apps.jloc.simplex; import llnl.gnem.util.GeocentricCoordinate; 162 " + import llnl.gnem.util.EModel; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import dodge.apps.jloc.HypothesisOrigin; public class VertexOperations { private static GeocentricCoordinate getGeocentricCoordinate(SimplexVertex vertex) { return new GeocentricCoordinate(vertex.origin.getVertex().getLat(), vertex.origin.getVertex().getLon(), vertex.origin.getDepth()); } /** * Returns centroid Simplex vertex. Centroid must be calculated in local coordinates. Else * if vertices span +- 180 degrees longitude the calculation fails. * * @param vertices * @return A new SimplexVertex at the centroid (lat, lon, depth) of input vertices. */ public static SimplexVertex getCentroidVertex(SimplexVertex[] vertices) { GeocentricCoordinate coordOrigin = getGeocentricCoordinate(vertices[0]); double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; for (SimplexVertex vert : vertices) { GeocentricCoordinate thisCoord = getGeocentricCoordinate(vert); Vector3d vertex = EModel.getLocalCoords(coordOrigin, thisCoord); x += vertex.x; y += vertex.y; z += vertex.z; } x /= vertices.length; y /= vertices.length; z /= vertices.length; Vector3d centroid = new Vector3d(x, y, z); GeocentricCoordinate gc = EModel.getGeocentricCoords(coordOrigin, centroid); HypothesisOrigin centroidOrigin = new HypothesisOrigin(new Vertex(gc.getLat(), gc.getLon()), gc.getDepth()); return new SimplexVertex(centroidOrigin); } public static SimplexVertex getOppositeFaceCentroidVertex(SimplexVertex[] vertices, int highPointIndex) { SimplexVertex[] face = new SimplexVertex[vertices.length - 1]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; ++j) { if (j != highPointIndex) { face[k++] = vertices[j]; } } return getCentroidVertex(face); } public static SimplexVertex getScaledVertex(SimplexVertex centroid, SimplexVertex highPoint, double scale) { GeocentricCoordinate coordOrigin = getGeocentricCoordinate(centroid); GeocentricCoordinate thisCoord = getGeocentricCoordinate(highPoint); Vector3d vertex = EModel.getLocalCoords(coordOrigin, thisCoord); vertex.scale(scale); GeocentricCoordinate reflected = EModel.getGeocentricCoords(coordOrigin, vertex); 163 if (reflected.getDepth() < 0) reflected.setDepth(0); HypothesisOrigin reflectedOrigin = new HypothesisOrigin(new Vertex(reflected.getLat(), reflected.getLon()), reflected.getDepth()); return new SimplexVertex(reflectedOrigin); } public static void contractAroundBestVertex(SimplexVertex[] vertices, int bestPointIndex) { GeocentricCoordinate coordOrigin = getGeocentricCoordinate(vertices[bestPointIndex]); for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; ++j) { if (j != bestPointIndex) { GeocentricCoordinate thisCoord = getGeocentricCoordinate(vertices[j]); Vector3d cartesianVertex = EModel.getLocalCoords(coordOrigin, thisCoord); cartesianVertex.scale(0.5); GeocentricCoordinate gc = EModel.getGeocentricCoords(coordOrigin, cartesianVertex); HypothesisOrigin vertex = new HypothesisOrigin(new Vertex(gc.getLat(), gc.getLon()), gc.getDepth()); vertices[j] = new SimplexVertex(vertex); } } } } package dodge.apps.jloc; import llnl.gnem.util.Vertex; public class Site { private String sta; private Vertex vertex; private double elev; public Site(String sta, Vertex vertex, double elev) { this.sta = sta; this.vertex = new Vertex( vertex ); this.elev = elev; } public String getSta() { return sta; } public Vertex getVertex() { return vertex; } public double getElev() { return elev; } } Code to Support Joint Inversion for Hypocenters and Velocity Much of the seismicity off the eastern coast of Taiwan is poorly located by the Taiwan short-period network. This is because the events are outside the network, resulting in a poorly constrained inverse problem. Many of these events are big enough to be located 164 by various Japanese networks, although the expectation is that such locations would also be of poor quality since the events are outside those networks as well. However, in principle, combining data from both the Taiwan and Japanese networks should provide much better constraints on the locations. We decided to investigate this possibility. We used two types of JMA bulletins and two types of CWB bulletins for this experiment. All four bulletin types needed parsers. In addition, we needed to be able to correlate events between bulletins so that sets of arrivals could be properly combined. All bulletins were converted into CSS format and loaded into an Oracle 10g database. There PLSQL trigger code (not shown here) categorized events by Ground-Truth level using the method of Bondar et al (2004). This allowed selection of only those events for joint relocation for which the network configuration was optimal. The data meeting GT20 criteria were then extracted from the database and formatted for input into the Velest program. Analysis of several runs of the Velest code revealed that the networks inconsistent timing and the differences in timing were not consistent over time. This factor destabilized the inversion to such a degree that we decided to abandon the approach at least with the older data. The codes uses in this effort follow. package dodge.apps.loadCwbNew; import java.util.Vector; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class CwbNewObservation { private String sta; private String phase; private double time; private String chan = "-"; private String auth = "CwbNew"; private String onset = "-"; public CwbNewObservation( String sta, String phase, double time ) { this.setSta(sta); this.setPhase(phase); this.setTime(time); } public String toString() { return getSta(); } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { setTime(getTime() + adjust); } public static Vector parseObsLine( String str, CwbNewOrigin origin ) { Vector result = new Vector(); String sta = str.substring(1,5).trim(); TimeT otime = new TimeT( origin.getTime()); double otimeSec = otime.getSecond(); String phase = "P"; 165 double pSecond = Double.parseDouble( str.substring(23,29).trim() ); if( pSecond > 0 ){ double arrivalOffset = pSecond - otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; CwbNewObservation obs = new CwbNewObservation( otime.getEpochTime() + arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); } sta, phase, phase = "S"; double sSecond = Double.parseDouble( str.substring(39,45).trim() ); if( sSecond > 0 ){ double arrivalOffset = sSecond - otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; CwbNewObservation obs = otime.getEpochTime() + arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); } new return result; } public String getSta() { return sta; } public void setSta(String sta) { this.sta = sta; } public String getPhase() { return phase; } public void setPhase(String phase) { this.phase = phase; } public double getTime() { return time; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } public String getChan() { return chan; } public String getAuth() { return auth; } public String getOnset() { return onset; } } package dodge.apps.loadCwbNew; 166 CwbNewObservation( sta, phase, import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class CwbNewOrigin { private double time; private double lat; private double lon; private double depth; private double magnitude; public CwbNewOrigin( String str ) { int year = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(1,5).trim()); int month = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(5,7).trim()); int day = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(7,9).trim()); int hour = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(9,11).trim()); int minute = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(11,13).trim()); double second = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(14, 19).trim() ); TimeT tmp = new TimeT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second ); setTime(tmp.getEpochTime() ); setLat(Double.parseDouble(str.substring(19,21).trim()) Double.parseDouble(str.substring(21,26).trim())/60); setLon(Double.parseDouble(str.substring(26,29).trim()) Double.parseDouble(str.substring(29, 34).trim())/60); setDepth(Double.parseDouble(str.substring( 34, 40).trim() )); double mag = -999; String mag1Str = str.substring( 40,44); if( mag1Str.trim().length() > 0) setMagnitude(Double.parseDouble( mag1Str.trim() )); } public double getTime() { return time; } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { time += adjust; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } public double getLat() { return lat; } public void setLat(double lat) { this.lat = lat; } public double getLon() { return lon; } public void setLon(double lon) { this.lon = lon; } public double getDepth() { return depth; } public void setDepth(double depth) { this.depth = depth; } public double getMagnitude() { 167 + + return magnitude; } public void setMagnitude(double magnitude) { this.magnitude = magnitude; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Time = " ); sb.append( time ); sb.append( " lat = " + lat ); sb.append( " lon = " + lon ); sb.append( " depth = " + depth ); sb.append( " mag = " + magnitude ); return sb.toString(); } } package dodge.apps.loadCwbNew; import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import dodge.apps.loadjma2.loadjma2; java.io.BufferedInputStream; java.io.BufferedReader; java.io.File; java.io.FilenameFilter; java.io.InputStreamReader; java.sql.CallableStatement; java.sql.Connection; java.sql.DriverManager; java.sql.SQLException; java.sql.Types; java.util.Enumeration; java.util.Vector; java.util.zip.ZipEntry; java.util.zip.ZipFile; llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class loadCwbNew { private Connection conn; class ZIPFilter implements FilenameFilter { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".zip") || name.endsWith(".ZIP"); } } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException{ final String connect_string = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"; DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver()); return DriverManager.getConnection(connect_string, "dodge", "hp15c"); } public void addEvent( CwbNewOrigin origin, Vector obs ) throws SQLException { int orid = -1; CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = add_new_origin(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); stmt.setDouble(2, origin.getLat() ); stmt.setDouble(3, origin.getLon() ); stmt.setDouble(4, origin.getTime() ); 168 call stmt.setDouble(5, origin.getDepth() ); stmt.setDouble(6, origin.getMagnitude() ); stmt.setString(7, "CwbNew" ); stmt.setInt(8, orid ); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.registerOutParameter(8, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.execute(); int evid = stmt.getInt(1); orid = stmt.getInt(8); if( obs != null ){ for( int j = 0; j < obs.size(); ++j ){ CwbNewObservation jobs = (CwbNewObservation) obs.get(j); CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call addArrival(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); cs.setString(1, jobs.getSta() ); cs.setString(2, jobs.getPhase() ); double time = jobs.getTime(); cs.setDouble(3, time ); TimeT otime = new TimeT( time ); cs.setInt(4, otime.getJdate() ); cs.setString(5, jobs.getOnset() ); cs.setString(6, "CwbNew" ); cs.setInt(7, evid ); cs.setInt(8, orid ); cs.execute(); cs.close(); } } stmt.close(); } public void processSingleEvent( ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry entry ) throws Exception { boolean isFirstLine = true; System.out.println( "\t" + entry.getName() ); BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry)); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( is ); BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader( isr ); String str; CwbNewOrigin cno = null; Vector observations = new Vector(); while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) { if( isFirstLine ){ try{ cno = new CwbNewOrigin( str ); } catch(Exception e){ br.close(); isr.close(); is.close(); return; } isFirstLine = false; } else{ if( cno != null ) try{ observations.addAll( CwbNewObservation.parseObsLine( str, cno ) ); } catch( Exception e ){ } 169 } } br.close(); isr.close(); is.close(); if( cno != null ) addEvent( cno, observations ); } public void processSingleZipFile( String filename ) throws Exception { File sourceZipFile = new File(filename); System.out.println( "Processing " + filename + " ..." ); // Open Zip file for reading ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(sourceZipFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ); // Create an enumeration of the entries in the zip file Enumeration zipFileEntries = zipFile.entries(); // Process each entry while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) { // grab a zip file entry ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement(); String currentEntry = entry.getName(); // extract file if not a directory if (!entry.isDirectory()) { processSingleEvent( zipFile, entry ); } } zipFile.close(); } public void processDirectory(String directory) throws Exception { File dir = new File(directory); FilenameFilter filter = new ZIPFilter(); if (!dir.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("FileLister: no such directory"); String[] entries = dir.list( filter ); for(int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++){ processSingleZipFile(directory + "\\" + entries[i]); } } /** Creates a new instance of loadCwbNew */ public loadCwbNew( Connection conn) { this.conn = conn; } public static void main( String[] args ) { try{ Connection conn = loadjma2.getConnection(); System.out.println( "Connected" ); loadCwbNew lcn = new loadCwbNew( conn ); lcn.processDirectory("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\CWB_more_recent\\2000" ); lcn.processDirectory("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\CWB_more_recent\\2001" ); lcn.processDirectory("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\CWB_more_recent\\2002" ); } catch( Exception e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } 170 package dodge.apps.loadCwbOld; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class CwbOldObservation { private String sta; private String phase; private double time; private String chan = "-"; private String auth = "CwbOld"; private String onset = "-"; public CwbOldObservation( String sta, String phase, double time ) { this.setSta(sta); this.setPhase(phase); this.setTime(time); } public String toString() { return getSta(); } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { setTime(getTime() + adjust); } public static Vector parseObsLine( String str, CwbOldOrigin origin ) { Vector result = new Vector(); String sta = str.substring(1,5).trim(); TimeT otime = new TimeT( origin.getTime()); double otimeSec = otime.getSecond(); String phase = "P"; double pSecond = Double.parseDouble( str.substring(23,29).trim() ); if( pSecond > 0 ){ double arrivalOffset = pSecond - otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; CwbOldObservation obs = new CwbOldObservation( otime.getEpochTime() + arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); } sta, phase, phase = "S"; double sSecond = Double.parseDouble( str.substring(39,45).trim() ); if( sSecond > 0 ){ double arrivalOffset = sSecond - otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; CwbOldObservation obs = otime.getEpochTime() + arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); } new return result; } public String getSta() { return sta; 171 CwbOldObservation( sta, phase, } public void setSta(String sta) { this.sta = sta; } public String getPhase() { return phase; } public void setPhase(String phase) { this.phase = phase; } public double getTime() { return time; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } public String getChan() { return chan; } public String getAuth() { return auth; } public String getOnset() { return onset; } package dodge.apps.loadCwbOld; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; /** public class CwbOldOrigin { private double time; private double lat; private double lon; private double depth; private double magnitude; public CwbOldOrigin( String strIn ) { String str = " " + strIn; int year = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(1,5).trim()) + 1900; int month = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(5,7).trim()); int day = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(7,9).trim()); int hour = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(9,11).trim()); int minute = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(11,13).trim()); double second = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(14, 19).trim() ); TimeT tmp = new TimeT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second ); setTime(tmp.getEpochTime() ); setLat(Double.parseDouble(str.substring(19,21).trim()) Double.parseDouble(str.substring(21,26).trim())/60); setLon(Double.parseDouble(str.substring(26,29).trim()) Double.parseDouble(str.substring(29, 34).trim())/60); setDepth(Double.parseDouble(str.substring( 34, 40).trim() )); double mag = -999; String mag1Str = str.substring( 40,44); if( mag1Str.trim().length() > 0) setMagnitude(Double.parseDouble( mag1Str.trim() )); 172 + + } public double getTime() { return time; } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { time += adjust; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } public double getLat() { return lat; } public void setLat(double lat) { this.lat = lat; } public double getLon() { return lon; } public void setLon(double lon) { this.lon = lon; } public double getDepth() { return depth; } public void setDepth(double depth) { this.depth = depth; } public double getMagnitude() { return magnitude; } public void setMagnitude(double magnitude) { this.magnitude = magnitude; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Time = " ); sb.append( time ); sb.append( " lat = " + lat ); sb.append( " lon = " + lon ); sb.append( " depth = " + depth ); sb.append( " mag = " + magnitude ); return sb.toString(); } } package dodge.apps.loadCwbOld; import import import import import dodge.apps.loadjma2.Jma2Observation; dodge.apps.loadjma2.loadjma2; java.io.BufferedInputStream; java.io.BufferedReader; java.io.File; 173 import import import import import import import import import import import import java.io.FilenameFilter; java.io.InputStreamReader; java.sql.CallableStatement; java.sql.Connection; java.sql.DriverManager; java.sql.SQLException; java.sql.Types; java.util.Enumeration; java.util.Vector; java.util.zip.ZipEntry; java.util.zip.ZipFile; llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class loadCwbOld { private Connection conn; class ZIPFilter implements FilenameFilter { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".zip") || name.endsWith(".ZIP"); } } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException{ final String connect_string = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"; DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver()); return DriverManager.getConnection(connect_string, "dodge", "hp15c"); } public void addEvent( CwbOldOrigin origin, Vector obs ) throws SQLException { int orid = -1; CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = add_new_origin(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); stmt.setDouble(2, origin.getLat() ); stmt.setDouble(3, origin.getLon() ); stmt.setDouble(4, origin.getTime() ); stmt.setDouble(5, origin.getDepth() ); stmt.setDouble(6, origin.getMagnitude() ); stmt.setString(7, "CwbOld" ); stmt.setInt(8, orid ); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.registerOutParameter(8, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.execute(); int evid = stmt.getInt(1); orid = stmt.getInt(8); call if( obs != null ){ for( int j = 0; j < obs.size(); ++j ){ CwbOldObservation jobs = (CwbOldObservation) obs.get(j); CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call addArrival(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); cs.setString(1, jobs.getSta() ); cs.setString(2, jobs.getPhase() ); double time = jobs.getTime(); cs.setDouble(3, time ); TimeT otime = new TimeT( time ); cs.setInt(4, otime.getJdate() ); cs.setString(5, jobs.getOnset() ); cs.setString(6, "CwbOld" ); cs.setInt(7, evid ); cs.setInt(8, orid ); cs.execute(); 174 cs.close(); } } stmt.close(); } public void processSingleEvent( ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry entry ) throws Exception { boolean isFirstLine = true; System.out.println( "\t" + entry.getName() ); BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry)); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( is ); BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader( isr ); String str; CwbOldOrigin coo = null; Vector observations = new Vector(); while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) { if( isFirstLine ){ try{ coo = new CwbOldOrigin( str ); } catch(Exception e){ br.close(); isr.close(); is.close(); return; } isFirstLine = false; } else{ if( coo != null ) try{ observations.addAll( CwbOldObservation.parseObsLine( str, coo ) ); } catch( Exception e ){ } } } br.close(); isr.close(); is.close(); if( coo != null ) addEvent( coo, observations ); } public void processSingleZipFile( String filename ) throws Exception { File sourceZipFile = new File(filename); System.out.println( "Processing " + filename + " ..." ); // Open Zip file for reading ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(sourceZipFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ); // Create an enumeration of the entries in the zip file Enumeration zipFileEntries = zipFile.entries(); // Process each entry while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) { // grab a zip file entry ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement(); String currentEntry = entry.getName(); // extract file if not a directory if (!entry.isDirectory()) { 175 processSingleEvent( zipFile, entry ); } } zipFile.close(); } public void processDirectory(String directory) throws Exception { File dir = new File(directory); FilenameFilter filter = new ZIPFilter(); if (!dir.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("FileLister: no such directory"); String[] entries = dir.list( filter ); for(int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++){ processSingleZipFile(directory + "\\" + entries[i]); } } /** Creates a new instance of loadCwbOld */ public loadCwbOld( Connection conn) { this.conn = conn; } public static void main( String[] args ) { try{ Connection conn = loadjma2.getConnection(); System.out.println( "Connected" ); loadCwbOld lco = new loadCwbOld( conn ); lco.processDirectory("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\CWB_OlderData" ); } catch( Exception e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } package dodge.apps.loadJma; import import import import dodge.apps.loadJma.JmaOrigin; java.util.StringTokenizer; java.util.Vector; llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class JmaObservation { private String sta; private String phase; private String onset; private double time; public JmaObservation( String sta, String phase, String onset, double time ) { this.setSta(sta); this.setPhase(phase); this.setOnset(onset); this.setTime(time); } public String toString() { return getSta(); } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { setTime(getTime() + adjust); } 176 public static Vector parseObsLine( String str, JmaOrigin origin ) { Vector result = new Vector(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( str ); boolean hasTwo = st.countTokens() == 8; String sta = st.nextToken(); String onset = "-"; String phase = "-"; String tmpPhase = st.nextToken(); if( tmpPhase.length() ==2 ){ onset = tmpPhase.substring(0,1); phase = tmpPhase.substring(1,2); } else phase = tmpPhase; int hour = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken() ); int min = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken() ); double sec = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() ); TimeT otime = new TimeT( origin.getTime()); int otimeHour = otime.getHour(); int otimeMin = otime.getMinute(); double otimeSec = otime.getSecond(); double arrivalOffset = (hour - otimeHour) * 3600 + (min - otimeMin) * 60 + sec otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; JmaObservation obs = new JmaObservation( otime.getEpochTime() + arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); sta, phase, onset, if( hasTwo ){ onset = "-"; phase = "-"; tmpPhase = st.nextToken(); if( tmpPhase.length() ==2 ){ onset = tmpPhase.substring(0,1); phase = tmpPhase.substring(1,2); } else phase = tmpPhase; min = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken() ); sec = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() ); otime = new TimeT( origin.getTime()); otimeHour = otime.getHour(); otimeMin = otime.getMinute(); otimeSec = otime.getSecond(); arrivalOffset = (hour - otimeHour) * 3600 + (min - otimeMin) * 60 + sec otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; obs = new JmaObservation( arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); sta, } return result; } public String getSta() { return sta; 177 phase, onset, otime.getEpochTime() + } public void setSta(String sta) { this.sta = sta; } public String getPhase() { return phase; } public void setPhase(String phase) { this.phase = phase; } public String getOnset() { return onset; } public void setOnset(String onset) { this.onset = onset; } public double getTime() { return time; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } } package dodge.apps.loadJma; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class JmaOrigin{ private double time; private double lat; private double lon; private double depth; private double magnitude; public JmaOrigin( String str ) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( str ); int year = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken()); int month = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken()); int day = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken()); int hour = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken()); int minute = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken()); double second = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() ); TimeT tmp = new TimeT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second ); setTime(tmp.getEpochTime() ); setLat(Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() )); setLon(Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() )); setDepth(Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() )); setMagnitude(Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken() )); } public double getTime() { return time; } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { time += adjust; } 178 public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } public double getLat() { return lat; } public void setLat(double lat) { this.lat = lat; } public double getLon() { return lon; } public void setLon(double lon) { this.lon = lon; } public double getDepth() { return depth; } public void setDepth(double depth) { this.depth = depth; } public double getMagnitude() { return magnitude; } public void setMagnitude(double magnitude) { this.magnitude = magnitude; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Time = " ); sb.append( time ); sb.append( " lat = " + lat ); sb.append( " lon = " + lon ); return sb.toString(); } } package dodge.apps.loadJma; import import import import import import import import import import java.io.BufferedReader; java.io.FileReader; java.io.IOException; java.sql.CallableStatement; java.sql.Connection; java.sql.DriverManager; java.sql.SQLException; java.sql.Types; java.util.Vector; llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class loadJma { private Vector events; 179 public loadJma( String filename ) { boolean eventStart = true; events = new Vector(); JmaEvent event = null; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { if( str.trim().length() < 2 && event != null ){ events.add( event ); event.adjustTime( -9.0 * 3600 ); eventStart = true; } else if( eventStart ){ event = new JmaEvent( new JmaOrigin( str ) ); eventStart = false; } else event.addObservations( str ); } in.close(); System.out.println( events.size()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException{ final String connect_string = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"; DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver()); return DriverManager.getConnection(connect_string, "dodge", "hp15c"); } public Vector getEvents() { return events; } public void addEvent( JmaEvent event, Connection conn ) throws SQLException { JmaOrigin origin = event.getOrigin(); int orid = -1; CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = add_new_origin(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); stmt.setDouble(2, origin.getLat() ); stmt.setDouble(3, origin.getLon() ); stmt.setDouble(4, origin.getTime() ); stmt.setDouble(5, origin.getDepth() ); stmt.setDouble(6, origin.getMagnitude() ); stmt.setString(7, "jma" ); stmt.setInt(8, orid ); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.registerOutParameter(8, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.execute(); int evid = stmt.getInt(1); orid = stmt.getInt(8); Vector obs = event.getObservations(); for( int j = 0; j < obs.size(); ++j ){ JmaObservation jobs = (JmaObservation) obs.get(j); 180 call CallableStatement cs addArrival(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); cs.setString(1, jobs.getSta() ); cs.setString(2, jobs.getPhase() ); double time = jobs.getTime(); cs.setDouble(3, time ); TimeT otime = new TimeT( time ); cs.setInt(4, otime.getJdate() ); cs.setString(5, jobs.getOnset() ); cs.setString(6, "jma" ); cs.setInt(7, evid ); cs.setInt(8, orid ); cs.execute(); cs.close(); } stmt.close(); } = conn.prepareCall("{call public static void main( String[] args ) { try{ loadJma jma loadJma("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\LudanDatafromJMA\\jma.dat" ); Connection conn = jma.getConnection(); Vector events = jma.getEvents(); for( int j = 0; j < events.size(); ++j ){ JmaEvent event = (JmaEvent) events.get(j); jma.addEvent( event, conn ); } conn.close(); } catch( Exception e ) { SQLException ex = (SQLException ) e; ex.printStackTrace(); } = } class JmaEvent { private JmaOrigin origin; private Vector observations; public JmaEvent( JmaOrigin origin ) { this.origin = origin; observations = new Vector(); } public void addObservation( JmaObservation observation ) { observations.add( observation ); } public void addObservations( String obsLine ) { Vector newObs = JmaObservation.parseObsLine( obsLine, origin ); observations.addAll(newObs); } public Vector getObservations() { return observations; } public JmaOrigin getOrigin() { return origin; } 181 new public int getNumObs() { return observations.size(); } public String toString() { return origin.toString() + " } " + getNumObs(); public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { origin.adjustTime( adjust ); for( int j = 0; j < observations.size(); ++j ){ JmaObservation obs = (JmaObservation) observations.get(j); obs.adjustTime( adjust ); } } } } /* package dodge.apps.loadjma2; import java.util.Vector; public class Jma2Event { private Vector observations; private Jma2Origin origin; public Jma2Event( Jma2Origin origin ) { this.origin = origin; observations = new Vector(); } public void addObservation( Jma2Observation observation ) { observations.add( observation ); } public void addObservations( String obsLine ) { Vector newObs = Jma2Observation.parseObsLine( obsLine, origin ); observations.addAll(newObs); } public Vector getObservations() { return observations; } public Jma2Origin getOrigin() { return origin; } public int getNumObs() { return observations.size(); } public String toString() { return origin.toString() + " } " + getNumObs(); public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { origin.adjustTime( adjust ); for( int j = 0; j < observations.size(); ++j ){ Jma2Observation obs = (Jma2Observation) observations.get(j); 182 obs.adjustTime( adjust ); } } } package dodge.apps.loadjma2; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class Jma2Observation { private String sta; private String phase; private String onset; private double time; public Jma2Observation( String sta, String phase, String onset, double time ) { this.setSta(sta); this.setPhase(phase); this.setOnset(onset); this.setTime(time); } public String toString() { return getSta(); } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { setTime(getTime() + adjust); } public static Vector parseObsLine( String str, Jma2Origin origin ) { System.out.println( str ); Vector result = new Vector(); String sta = str.substring(1,7); String onset = "-"; String phase = "-"; String tmpPhase = str.substring(27,31).trim(); if( tmpPhase.length() > 1 ){ onset = tmpPhase.substring(0,1); phase = tmpPhase.substring(1); } else phase = tmpPhase; String hourStr = str.substring(19,21); String minStr = str.substring(21,23); String secStr = str.substring(23,27); if( hourStr.trim().length() < 1 || minStr.trim().length() secStr.trim().length() < 1 || phase.length() < 1 ) return result; < 1 || int hour = Integer.parseInt( hourStr ); int min = Integer.parseInt( minStr ); double sec = Double.parseDouble( secStr ) / 100; TimeT otime = new TimeT( origin.getTime()); int otimeHour = otime.getHour(); int otimeMin = otime.getMinute(); double otimeSec = otime.getSecond(); double arrivalOffset = (hour - otimeHour) * 3600 + (min - otimeMin) * 60 + sec otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; 183 Jma2Observation obs = new Jma2Observation( otime.getEpochTime() + arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); sta, phase, String phase2 = str.substring(27,31).trim(); String min2Str = str.substring(31,33); String sec2Str = str.substring( 33,37); if( phase2.trim().length() > 0 && min2Str.trim().length() sec2Str.trim().length() > 0 ){ onset = "-"; phase = "-"; tmpPhase = phase2; if( tmpPhase.length() > 1 ){ onset = tmpPhase.substring(0,1); phase = tmpPhase.substring(1); } else phase = tmpPhase; onset, > 0 && min = Integer.parseInt(min2Str ); sec = Double.parseDouble(sec2Str ) / 100; otime = new TimeT( origin.getTime()); otimeHour = otime.getHour(); otimeMin = otime.getMinute(); otimeSec = otime.getSecond(); arrivalOffset = (hour - otimeHour) * 3600 + (min - otimeMin) * 60 + sec otimeSec; if( arrivalOffset < 0 ) arrivalOffset += 86400; obs = new Jma2Observation( arrivalOffset ); result.add( obs ); sta, } return result; } public String getSta() { return sta; } public void setSta(String sta) { this.sta = sta; } public String getPhase() { return phase; } public void setPhase(String phase) { this.phase = phase; } public String getOnset() { return onset; } public void setOnset(String onset) { this.onset = onset; } public double getTime() { 184 phase, onset, otime.getEpochTime() + return time; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } } package dodge.apps.loadjma2; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class Jma2Origin{ private double time; private double lat; private double lon; private double depth; private double magnitude; public Jma2Origin( String str ) { int year = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(1,5)); int month = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(5,7)); int day = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(7,9)); int hour = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(9,11)); int minute = Integer.parseInt( str.substring(11,13)); double second = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(13, 17) )/100; TimeT tmp = new TimeT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second ); setTime(tmp.getEpochTime() ); setLat(Double.parseDouble(str.substring(21,24)) Double.parseDouble(str.substring(24,28))/6000); setLon(Double.parseDouble(str.substring(32,36)) Double.parseDouble(str.substring(36, 40))/6000); setDepth(Double.parseDouble(str.substring( 44, 49) )); double mag = -999; String mag1Str = str.substring( 52,54); if( mag1Str.trim().length() > 0) setMagnitude(Double.parseDouble( mag1Str ) / 10); } public double getTime() { return time; } public void adjustTime( double adjust ) { time += adjust; } public void setTime(double time) { this.time = time; } public double getLat() { return lat; } public void setLat(double lat) { this.lat = lat; } public double getLon() { return lon; } public void setLon(double lon) { this.lon = lon; 185 + + } public double getDepth() { return depth; } public void setDepth(double depth) { this.depth = depth; } public double getMagnitude() { return magnitude; } public void setMagnitude(double magnitude) { this.magnitude = magnitude; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Time = " ); sb.append( time ); sb.append( " lat = " + lat ); sb.append( " lon = " + lon ); return sb.toString(); } } package dodge.apps.loadjma2; import import import import import import import import import import java.io.BufferedReader; java.io.FileReader; java.io.IOException; java.sql.CallableStatement; java.sql.Connection; java.sql.DriverManager; java.sql.SQLException; java.sql.Types; java.util.Vector; llnl.gnem.util.TimeT; public class loadjma2 { private String filename; private Vector events; public loadjma2( String filename ) { this.filename = filename; } public void loadFile(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ boolean eventStart = true; events = new Vector(); Jma2Event event = null; try { System.out.println( filename ); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { if( str.charAt(0) == 'C' || str.charAt(0) == 'M' ) continue; if( str.charAt(0) == 'J' ) eventStart = true; if( str.trim().length() < 2 && str.charAt(0) == 'E' && event != null ){ 186 events.add( event ); event.adjustTime( -9.0 * 3600 ); } else if( eventStart ){ event = new Jma2Event( new Jma2Origin( str ) ); eventStart = false; } else event.addObservations( str ); } in.close(); for( int j = 0; j < events.size(); ++j ){ event = (Jma2Event) events.get(j); addEvent( event, conn ); } conn.commit(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException{ final String connect_string = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"; DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver()); return DriverManager.getConnection(connect_string, "dodge", "hp15c"); } public void addEvent( Jma2Event event, Connection conn ) throws SQLException { Jma2Origin origin = event.getOrigin(); int orid = -1; CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = add_new_origin(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); stmt.setDouble(2, origin.getLat() ); stmt.setDouble(3, origin.getLon() ); stmt.setDouble(4, origin.getTime() ); stmt.setDouble(5, origin.getDepth() ); stmt.setDouble(6, origin.getMagnitude() ); stmt.setString(7, "jma2" ); stmt.setInt(8, orid ); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.registerOutParameter(8, Types.INTEGER ); stmt.execute(); int evid = stmt.getInt(1); orid = stmt.getInt(8); call Vector obs = event.getObservations(); for( int j = 0; j < obs.size(); ++j ){ Jma2Observation jobs = (Jma2Observation) obs.get(j); CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call addArrival(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); cs.setString(1, jobs.getSta() ); cs.setString(2, jobs.getPhase() ); double time = jobs.getTime(); cs.setDouble(3, time ); TimeT otime = new TimeT( time ); cs.setInt(4, otime.getJdate() ); cs.setString(5, jobs.getOnset() ); cs.setString(6, "jma2" ); 187 cs.setInt(7, evid ); cs.setInt(8, orid ); cs.execute(); cs.close(); } stmt.close(); } public static void main( String[] args ) { try{ Connection conn = loadjma2.getConnection(); String[] files = { "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1975.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1976.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1977.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1978.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1979.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1980.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1981.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1982.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1983.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1984.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1985.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1986.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1987.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1988.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1989.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1990.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1991.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1992.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1993.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1994.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1995.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1996.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1997.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1998.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d1999.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d2000.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d2001.taiwan", "C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\d200201_03.taiwan"}; for( int j = 0; j < files.length; ++j ){ loadjma2 lj = new loadjma2( files[j] ); lj.loadFile(conn); } } catch(Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } package dodge.apps.loadjma2; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; public class loadSites { /** Creates a new instance of loadSites */ public loadSites() { } 188 public static void main( String[] args ) { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\JMAdata4TaiwanQuakes\\kstation")); String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { String sta = str.substring(0,6); String londeg = str.substring(6,9); String lonmin = str.substring( 9, 13 ); String latdeg = str.substring( 13, 15 ); String latmin = str.substring( 15, 19 ); double lat = Integer.parseInt(latdeg) + Double.parseDouble(latmin)/100/60.0; double lon = Integer.parseInt(londeg) + Double.parseDouble(lonmin)/100/60.0; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( "insert into Site select siteid.nextval, '" ); sql.append( sta + "', " ); sql.append( lat + ", " ); sql.append( lon + ", 0, -1, 9999999, 'jma2' from dual;" ); System.out.println( sql ); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } package dodge.apps.tovelest; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import llnl.gnem.util.FileInputArrayLoader; public class MakeStaFile { public static void toVelestSta() throws IOException { String[] strings = FileInputArrayLoader.fillStringsFromFile("C:\\dodge\\taiwan_3d\\velest\\velest.sta.tmp"); for( int j = 0; j < strings.length; ++j ){ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( strings[j] ); String sta = (String) st.nextElement(); if( sta.length() > 4 ) sta = sta.substring(0,4); String slat = (String) st.nextElement(); String slon = (String) st.nextElement(); String selev = (String) st.nextElement(); double lat = Double.parseDouble(slat); double lon = Double.parseDouble(slon); double elev = Double.parseDouble(selev) * 1000; System.out.printf("%-4s%7.4fN %8.4fE %4d 1 %3d %5.2f %5.2f\n", sta, lat, lon, (int)elev, j, 0.0, 0.0 ); } } /** Creates a new instance of MakeStaFile */ 189 public MakeStaFile() { } public static void main( String[] args ) { try{ MakeStaFile.toVelestSta(); } catch( Exception ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } package dodge.apps.tovelest; public class ToVelest { /** Creates a new instance of ToVelest */ public ToVelest() { } /* public static void getEvents( double gtlevel, Connection conn ) throws Exception { Set<String> stations = new HashSet<String>(); String sql = "select a.evid, b.lat, b.lon, b.depth, b.time, b.mw from potential_gt a, origin b where " + "gtlevel = " + gtlevel + " and a.evid = b.evid and auth like 'Cwb%'"; Vector columns = new Vector(); columns.add( "Evid" ); columns.add( "Lat" ); columns.add( "Lon" ); columns.add( "Depth" ); columns.add( "Time" ); columns.add( "Mw" ); Vector result = Database.getColumnSetVectorQueryResult(sql, columns, conn, false ); for( int j = 0; j < result.size(); ++j ){ System.out.printf( "\n" ); ColumnSet cs = (ColumnSet) result.get(j); int evid = cs.getValue( "Evid" ).intValue(); double lat = cs.getValue( "Lat" ).doubleValue(); double lon = cs.getValue( "Lon" ).doubleValue(); double depth = cs.getValue( "Depth" ).doubleValue(); double time = cs.getValue( "Time" ).doubleValue(); double mw = cs.getValue( "Mw" ).doubleValue(); TimeT tmp = new TimeT( time ); int year = tmp.getYear(); if( year >= 2000 ) year -= 2000; else year -= 1900; int month = tmp.getMonth(); int dom = tmp.getDayOfMonth(); int hour = tmp.getHour(); int minute = tmp.getMin(); double second = tmp.getSecond(); double latmin = (lat - (int)lat) * 60; double lonmin = (lon - (int)lon) * 60; System.out.printf( " %02d%02d%02d %5.2f%7.1f%6.1f%7d\n", 190 %02d%02d %5.2f %02d %5.2f %3d year,month,dom,hour,minute,second, (int)lat, latmin, (int) lon, lonmin,depth, mw,evid/100 ); // System.out.println( "" + evid + "," + lat + ", " + lon + ", " + depth + ", " + time + ", " + mw ); Vector arrivals = getArrivals( evid, lat, lon, conn ); int count = 0; for( int k = 0; k < arrivals.size(); ++k ){ ColumnSet cs2 = (ColumnSet) arrivals.get(k); String sta = cs2.getValue( "Sta" ).toString(); if( sta.length() > 4 ) sta = sta.substring(0,4 ); String phase = cs2.getValue( "Iphase" ).toString().toLowerCase(); double atime = cs2.getValue( "Time" ).doubleValue() - time; // System.out.println( "\t" + sta + " " + phase + " " + atime ); if( atime < 100 && atime > 0 ){ stations.add( sta ); System.out.printf( "%-4s%1s0%7.4f ", sta, phase.substring(0,1), atime ); ++count; if( count > 5 ){ System.out.printf( "\n" ); count = 0; } } } if( count > 0 ) System.out.printf( "\n" ); } Iterator it = stations.iterator(); while( it.hasNext() ){ String sta = (String)it.next(); sql = "insert into tmpSta values('" + sta + "')"; Database.ExecuteDML(conn, sql,false); } } public static void floober( Connection conn ) throws DatabaseException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( "select b.sta, avg(lat) lat, avg(lon) lon, avg(elev) elev from tmpsta a, Site b where a.sta = b.sta group by b.sta"); Vector columns = new Vector(); columns.add( "Sta" ); columns.add( "Lat" ); columns.add( "Lon" ); columns.add( "Elev" ); Vector result = Database.getColumnSetVectorQueryResult(sql.toString(), columns, conn, false ); for( int j = 0; j < result.size(); ++j ){ ColumnSet c = (ColumnSet) result.get(j); String sta = c.getValue("Sta").toString(); double lat = c.getValue("Lat").doubleValue(); double lon = c.getValue("Lon" ).doubleValue(); double elev = c.getValue("Elev" ).doubleValue() * 1000; System.out.printf("%-4s%7.4fN %8.4fW %4d 1 %3d %5.2f %5.2f\n", sta, lat, lon, (int)elev, j, 0.0, 0.0 ); } } public static Vector getArrivals( int evid, double elat, double elon, Connection conn ) throws DatabaseException{ String sql = "select b.sta, b.iphase, avg(b.time) time from event_arrival_assoc a, arrival b, Site c where a.evid = " + evid + 191 " and a.arid = b.arid and a.siteid = c.siteid and iphase in ( 'P','S' ) and distance( " + elat + ", " + elon + ", c.lat, c.lon) < 650 group by b.sta, iphase order by b.sta, iphase"; Vector columns = new Vector(); columns.add( "Sta" ); columns.add( "Iphase" ); columns.add( "Time" ); return Database.getColumnSetVectorQueryResult(sql, columns, conn, false ); } public static void main( String[] args ) { try{ Connection conn = ConnectionManager.getInstance( "hp15c" ).getConnection(); ToVelest.getEvents( 20.0, conn ); ToVelest.floober(conn ); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } */ } "dodge", Code to Compare spectral response of co-located eismometers using earthquake seismograms An experiment was conducted in which accelerometers from several different manufacturers were co-located on the same period for a long-enough period of time to record a number of strong motion events. This provided a way to directly compare the response of the instruments. The report on this experiment required a number of plots to be produced showing the comparisons. The code in this section was used to do pairwise comparisons of all the instrument-channels over all the earthquakes in common. function OutputMatches( Instruments, idx, ThisName, SimilarityThreshold, frequency, SavePlot2File ) N = length(Instruments(idx).Matches); for j = 1 : N for k = 1 : 3 for m = 1 : 3 if Instruments(idx).Matches(j).NumCorrelations(k,m) > 0 C = Instruments(idx).Matches(j).Correlations(k,m) / Instruments(idx).Matches(j).NumCorrelations(k,m); if C > SimilarityThreshold str = sprintf( '\t\t%s ( channel %d to channel %d ) Average coherence = %4.2f', Instruments(idx).Matches(j).Name, k,m, C ); disp(str ) NC = Instruments(idx).Matches(j).NumCorrelations(k,m); averageCoherence = Instruments(idx).Matches(j).CoherenceSum{k,m} / NC; if ~isempty( averageCoherence ) & ( max( averageCoherence) > min(averageCoherence) + .1 ) plot( frequency, averageCoherence ) str = sprintf( 'Average coherence of Station %s channel %d to station %s channel %d over %d events ', ThisName, k, Instruments(idx).Matches(j).Name, m, NC ); title( str ) ylabel('Coherence' ) 192 xlabel( 'Frequency (Hz)' ) set(gca,'xscale','log' ) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.25,.5,8,10]) if SavePlot2File str = sprintf( 'print -djpeg %s_ch-%d_to_%s_ch-%d_%d-events', ThisName, k, Instruments(idx).Matches(j).Name, m, NC ); eval( str ); end end end end end end end function Instruments = AddCorrelationData( Instruments, idx, idx2, channel1, channel2, coherence, coherenceVector ) if ~isfield( Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2),'Correlations' ) Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).Correlations = zeros(3); Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).NumCorrelations = zeros(3); Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).CoherenceSum = cell(3,3); end; if isempty( Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).Correlations ) Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).Correlations = zeros(3); Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).NumCorrelations = zeros(3); Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).CoherenceSum = cell(3,3); end; Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).Correlations(channel1, channel2) Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).Correlations(channel1, channel2) + coherence; Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).NumCorrelations(channel1, channel2) Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).NumCorrelations(channel1, channel2) + 1; = = coherenceSum = Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).CoherenceSum{channel1, channel2}; str = sprintf( '%d disp(str) %d %d %d', idx, idx2, channel1, channel2 ); if isempty( coherenceVector ) return end if isempty( coherenceSum ) coherenceSum = coherenceVector; else coherenceSum = coherenceSum + coherenceVector; end Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).CoherenceSum{channel1, channel2} = coherenceSum; function [Instruments, idx] = addInstrument( Instruments, instrumentName ) L = length( Instruments ); idx = L + 1; Instruments(idx).Name = instrumentName; function [Instruments, idx2] = addMatchingInstrument( Instruments, idx, instrumentName ) if ~isfield(Instruments(idx),'Matches' ) L = 0; else L = length( Instruments(idx).Matches ); end; idx2 = L + 1; 193 if idx2 == 1 Instruments(idx).Matches.Name = instrumentName; else Instruments(idx).Matches(idx2).Name = instrumentName; end; % A Program to read a file containing the names of Suds files that have % recorded the same event and build a correlation matrix comparing all % possible pairs. % % % % % % % For each Event we read in every file recording that event, Clip the data buffer to start at PrePSeconds Before the (already picked) P-arrival and extending for BufferLength seconds. For every resulting pair of files we call a function that calculates the coherence between the two buffers and returns the average of the coherence between MinFrequency and MaxFrequency. These will be used to construct a matrix containing the average coherence between every possible station-channel pair, PrePSeconds = 1; BufferLength = 20; MinFrequency = 1.0; MaxFrequency = 5.0; SimilarityThreshold = 0.75; SavePlot2File = 0; SaveFinalPlotFiles = 1; % Instruments = []; Data = []; fid=fopen('correlation.driver.txt'); fgetl(fid); while 1 j = 0; tline = fgetl(fid); if ~ischar(tline), break, end [token,remainder] = strtok( tline ); [EventTime,remainder] = strtok( remainder ); % For this event get all data from instruments that recorded the event... % This information goes into the 'Data' structure [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, 'A900Perm', PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, 'A900Temp', PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, 'K2', PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, 'Reftek', PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, 'TS575', PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, 'TSG3', PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); % Cross correlate all combinations and add as appropriate to the 'Instruments' structure [Instruments, F] = doEventCorrelations( Data, MinFrequency, MaxFrequency, Instruments, SimilarityThreshold, EventTime, SavePlot2File ); end fclose(fid); clf for j = 1 : length( Instruments ) str = sprintf( 'For instrument %s the following matches have been determined:', Instruments(j).Name ); disp( str ); 194 OutputMatches( Instruments, SaveFinalPlotFiles ); end j, Instruments(j).Name, SimilarityThreshold, F, function [C, D, F] = doCorrelation( Data, MinFrequency, MaxFrequency, EventTime, SavePlot ) % Compute all pair-wise coherence estimates between seismograms in the % Data structure. Return the result in the Coherence matrix C. % Return raw coherence in D. Upper half only. % For these data restricting the array length to 3200 ensures that all pairs are the same length. L = 3200; WindowLength = 256; N = length(Data); for j = 1 : N for k = j : N d1 = Data(j); d2 = Data(k); f1 = d1.samprate; f2 = d2.samprate; if f1 ~= f2 continue; end; % if f1 and f2 not equal, skip computation. % Calculate coherence/frequency for data 1 vs data 2 [cxyraw, F] = cohere( d1.data(1:L), d2.data(1:L), WindowLength, f1 ); M = length(cxyraw); Time = linspace(0, (L-1)/f1, L); cxy = smooth(cxyraw, 2 ); if j~=k & ~strcmp(Data(j).instrument, Data(k).instrument) & SavePlot subplot(3,1,1) plot(Time, d1.data(1:L)) str = sprintf('For Event at time %s Instrument %s, channel %d ', EventTime, Data(j).instrument, Data(j).channel); title(str); ylabel('Amplitude (counts)'); xlabel('Time (sec)'); subplot(3,1,2) plot(Time, d2.data(1:L)) str = sprintf('For Event at time %s Instrument %s, channel %d ', EventTime, Data(k).instrument, Data(k).channel); title(str); ylabel('Amplitude (counts)'); xlabel('Time (sec)'); subplot(3,1,3) str = sprintf('For Event at time %s Comparison of %s, channel %d to %s, channel %d', EventTime, Data(j).instrument, Data(j).channel, Data(k).instrument, Data(k).channel); plot(F, cxy); title(str); set(gca, 'xscale', 'log'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Coherence'); set(gcf,'paperposition',[1,.5,7,10]); str = sprintf('print -djpeg %s_%s-%d_%s-%d', EventTime, Data(j).instrument, Data(j).channel, Data(k).instrument, Data(k).channel); eval(str); end; [idx1, idx2] = getFreqLimits( F, MinFrequency, MaxFrequency ); 195 C(j,k) = mean( cxy(idx1: idx2 ) ); C(k,j) = C(j,k); D{j, k} = cxyraw; end end function c = smooth( c, ns ) % Applies a ns points smoothing operator to vector c M = length(c); for j = ns + 1 : M - ns c(j) = mean( c(j-ns:j+ns) ); end function [idx1, idx2] = % Gets the indices into Z = abs( F-MinFrequency [Y,I] = sort(Z); idx1 = I(1); Z = abs( F-MaxFrequency [Y,I] = sort(Z); idx2 = I(1); getFreqLimits( F, MinFrequency, MaxFrequency ) the frequency array based on the supplied frequency limits. ); ); function [Instruments, F] = doEventCorrelations( Data, MinFrequency, MaxFrequency, Instruments, SimilarityThreshold, EventTime, SavePlot2File ) % All recordings for this event have been read and stored in the 'Data' structure. Now go through all possible % pairings and compute the coherence between pairs. Add results to the Instrument structure. [C, D, F] = doCorrelation( Data, MinFrequency, MaxFrequency, EventTime, SavePlot2File ); for j = 1 : length( Data ) idx = getInstrumentIndex( Instruments, Data(j).instrument ); if idx < 1 [Instruments, idx] = addInstrument( Instruments, Data(j).instrument ); end; for k = 1 : length(Data ) idx2 = getMatchingInstrumentIndex( Instruments(idx), Data(k).instrument ); if idx2 < 1 [Instruments, idx2] = addMatchingInstrument( Instruments, idx, Data(k).instrument ); end Instruments = AddCorrelationData( Instruments, idx, idx2, Data(j).channel, Data(k).channel, C(j,k), D{j,k} ); end end function [data, samprate] = getDataBuffer( fname, PrePSeconds, BufferLength ) % Read the file (assumed to have a P-pick set, get the pick time and use that % to cut the file from PrePSeconds in front of P to a length of BufferLength. % If BufferLength points are not available, then buffer goes to end of traces. [ waveforms, stations, origins, picks ] = readsuds(fname); picktime = picks.Time - waveforms(1).Time; samprate = waveforms(1).Rate; idx1 = round( picktime * samprate ) + 1; idx2 = round( (picktime + BufferLength ) * samprate ) + 1; 196 [nchannels,m] = size( waveforms ); for l = 1 : nchannels D = waveforms(l).Data; D = D - mean(D); if idx2 > length(D) idx2 = length(D); end; tmp = D(idx1:idx2); data(:,l) = tmp; end function [remainder, Data, j] = getInstrumentData( remainder, Data, j, label, PrePSeconds, BufferLength ) % For the current instrument token inthe control file, open the suds file, get the relevant data and add it to the % Data structure. [instname,remainder] = strtok( remainder ); if ~strcmp( instname, '-' ) [data, samprate] = getDataBuffer( instname, PrePSeconds, BufferLength ); if strcmp(label, 'TSG3' ) data= diff(data); end [rows,cols] = size(data); for m = 1 : cols j = j + 1; Data(j).instrument = label; Data(j).channel = m; Data(j).data = data(:,m); Data(j).samprate = samprate; end end function idx = getInstrumentIndex( Instruments, instrumentName ) idx = 0; if isempty( Instruments ) return; else for j = 1 : length( Instruments ) if strcmp( Instruments(j).Name, instrumentName ) idx = j; return; end; end; end; function idx2 = getMatchingInstrumentIndex( Instrument, instrumentName ) idx2 = 0; if ~isfield( Instrument, 'Matches' ) return; else for j = 1 : length( Instrument.Matches ) if strcmp( Instrument.Matches(j).Name, instrumentName ) idx2 = j; return; end; end; end; 197 Code to plot comparison of step responses of different seismometers As part of a series of seismometer acceptance tests, it was required to compare an LVDT type velocity seismometer to accelerometers currently in use by CWB. Testing was done using an apparatus that can supply a step function to sensors bolted to the device. During the testing, data was collected continuously into SUDS files which were analyzed later. Doug Dodge was asked to supply a Matlab code that would produce comparison plots of the seismometer outputs. [ waveforms_lvdt, stations_lvdt, origins_lvdt, picks_lvdt ] = readsuds( 'lvdt_acc.dmx' ); [ waveforms_ref, stations_ref, origins_ref, picks_ref ] = readsuds( 'reftek_v_acc.dmx' ); [ waveforms_geo, stations_geo, origins_geo, picks_geo ] = readsuds( 'geotech_v_acc.dmx' ); N = length(waveforms_lvdt.Data); f = waveforms_lvdt.Rate; T = linspace( 0, (N-1) / f, N ); lvdt = waveforms_lvdt.Data; lvdt = lvdt / 1565925; reftek = waveforms_ref.Data; reftek = -reftek; reftek = reftek / 2497.81; geotech = waveforms_geo.Data; geotech = geotech / 3113.52; subplot( 3,1,1) plot(T,lvdt, T, reftek, T, geotech ); legend( 'LVDT diff to acc', 'Reftek', 'Geotech' ); set(gca,'xlim',[20, 22] ) title('Time-domain (2-sec) comparison of differentiated LVDT data to Reftek and Geotech accelerograms') xlabel( 'Time (s)') ylabel('Acceleration (cm/s^2)') subplot(3,1,2) WindowLength = 512; [coh, F] = cohere( lvdt, reftek, WindowLength, f ); plot( F, coh,'g' ); set( gca, 'xscale','log','yscale','log') xlabel( 'Frequency (Hz)' ); ylabel('Coherence'); set(gca,'ylim',[0.001, 1.1]) title( 'Coherence of differentiated LVDT data with Reftek measurement') subplot(3,1,3) [coh, F] = cohere( lvdt, geotech, WindowLength, f ); plot( F, coh,'r' ); set( gca, 'xscale','log','yscale','log') xlabel( 'Frequency (Hz)' ); ylabel('Coherence'); set(gca,'ylim',[0.001, 1.1]) title( 'Coherence of differentiated LVDT data with Geotech measurement') set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') 198 set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) print -dill comparison; Code to plot Acceleration Spectra from shake table tests As part of the process of seismometer acceptance test process, sample seismometers are bolted to a shake table, and a vibratory input is supplied. Analyis of the resulting seismograms provides insight into the instrument characteristics. Doug Dodge was asked to provide a Matlab code that produce plots showing the recorded time series along with the power spectrum estimate. [ waveforms, stations, origins, picks ] = readsuds('gmt1_1n2.sud' ); for j = 1 : length( waveforms ) clf set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) waveform = waveforms(j); rate = waveform.Rate; dt = 1 / rate; data = waveform.Data; data = data - mean( data ); N = length( data ); time = linspace( 0, (N-1) * dt, N ); subplot( 2,1,1) plot( time, data ); xlabel( 'Seconds from file start' ); title( ['Time Series: Sta = ' waveform.Sta ' Chan = ' waveform.Chan ] ) set(gca,'position',[.13,.7,.775,.230]) subplot(2,1,2) [s,f] = pwelch(data,N,1,[],rate ); plot( f, s) set(gca,'xscale','log', 'yscale','log') set(gca,'position',[.13,.11,.775,.458]) % grid set(gca,'ylim',[1, 100]) %(3) How to control the range of the X-axis, % e.g., how to change the lower X-limit from 10**-2 to 10**-1. set(gca,'xlim',[.01, 0.1]) title( ['Amplitude Spectrum: Sta = ' waveform.Sta ' Chan = ' waveform.Chan ] ) ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); cmd = sprintf( 'print -dill %s_%s', waveform.Sta, waveform.Chan ); eval( cmd ) end [ waveforms, stations, origins, picks ] = readsuds('Tst1_1N2.dmx' ); 199 for j = 1 : length( waveforms ) clf set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) waveform = waveforms(j); rate = waveform.Rate; dt = 1 / rate; data = waveform.Data; data = data - mean( data ); N = length( data ); time = linspace( 0, (N-1) * dt, N ); [s,f] = pwelch(data,N,1,[],rate ); plot( f, s) set(gca,'xscale','log', 'yscale','log') set(gca,'ylim',[1.0e-4, 1.0e+9]) grid set(gca, 'xminorgrid','off', 'yminorgrid','off' ) title( ['Unsmoothed Amplitude Spectrum: Sta = ' waveform.Sta waveform.Chan ] ) ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); cmd = sprintf( 'print -dill %s_%s', waveform.Sta, waveform.Chan ); eval( cmd ) end [ waveforms, stations, origins, picks ] = readsuds('Tst1_1N21.cut' ); ' Chan for j = 1 : length( waveforms ) clf set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) waveform = waveforms(j); rate = waveform.Rate; dt = 1 / rate; data = waveform.Data; data = data - mean( data ); N = length( data ); time = linspace( 0, (N-1) * dt, N ); subplot( 2,1,1) plot( time, data ); xlabel( 'Seconds from file start' ); title( ['Time Series: Sta = ' waveform.Sta ' Chan = ' waveform.Chan ] ) set(gca,'position',[.13,.7,.775,.230]) subplot(2,1,2) [s,f] = pwelch(data,N,1,[],rate ); plot( f, s) set(gca,'xscale','log', 'yscale','log') set(gca,'position',[.13,.11,.775,.458]) grid title( ['Amplitude Spectrum: Sta = ' waveform.Sta ' Chan = ' waveform.Chan ] ) ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); cmd = sprintf( 'print -dill %s_%s', waveform.Sta, waveform.Chan ); eval( cmd ) end 200 = ' Code to Plot Sumatra quake and aftershocks on bathymetry Soon after the Sumatra earthquake and resulting tsunami, there was great interest in developing a system that could provide early warning for tsunamis that might threaten the coastal areas of Taiwan. For one of the proposals, it was desired to have a plot showing the source region of the Sumatra earthquake along with the main shock epicenter and the epicenters of the larger aftershocks. This was to be used to show the region that would need to be modeled in order to reproduce the sea floor displacement as a first step in modeling the entire process. Iwas asked to produce the plot using Matlab. load epi.txt latlim = [0 15]; lonlim = [90 100]; [latgrat,longrat,map] = SATBATH(1, latlim,lonlim ); worldmap('hi', latlim, lonlim ); surfm(latgrat,longrat,map,map) demcmap(map); daspectm('m',30) %camlight(-80,0); lighting phong; material([.3 5 0]) h1=scatterm( 3.09, 94.26,400,'y','o','filled'); set(h1,'marker','pentagram', 'edgecolor','k') scatterm( epi(:,1), epi(:,2), epi(:,4), 'r', 'filled') axis square hc = colorbar scaleruler( 'units','km'); setm(handlem('scaleruler1'),'color','w') setm(handlem('scaleruler1'),'yloc',.01) h(1) = linem( [-1 0], [-1 0]); set(h(1), 'marker','o','linestyle','none', 'markersize',2, 'MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerEdgeColor','r'); h(2) = linem( [-1 0], [-1 0]); set(h(2), 'marker','o','linestyle','none', 'markersize',4, 'MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerEdgeColor','r'); h(3) = linem( [-1 0], [-1 0]); set(h(3), 'marker','o','linestyle','none', 'markersize',5, 'MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerEdgeColor','r'); h(4) = linem( [-1 0], [-1 0]); set(h(4), 'marker','o','linestyle','none', 'markersize',6, 'MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerEdgeColor','r'); h(5) = linem( [-1 0], [-1 0]); set(h(5), 'marker','o','linestyle','none', 'markersize',8, 'MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerEdgeColor','r'); h(6) = linem( [-1 0], [-1 0]); set(h(6),'marker','pentagram','linestyle','none', 'markersize',80, 'MarkerFaceColor','y','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); [legh,ogjh,outh,outm] = legend(h, '4.0 - 4.9','5.0 - 5.9','6.0 - 6.9','7.0 - 7.9','8.0 8.9','9.0 - 9.9' ); Code to plot oriented focal mechanisms on bathymetry 201 A project was proposed to create a tsunami warning system for the western Pacific region. One component of the project was to identify the likely source regions and the most probable mechanisms with their associated uncertainties. This information would be used as input to a code that can calculate probable wave height as a function of position and source characteristics. As part of this effort, Doug Dodge was asked to provide a Matlab code that could plot Harvard CMT solutions on bathymetry over selected regions of the western Pacific. function plotEvents( lat, lon, depth, mw, strike, dip, rake, latlim, lonlim, depthlim, mwlim, scaleFactor ) I = find( mw < mwlim(1) | mw > mwlim(2) | lat < latlim(1) | lat > latlim(2) | lon < lonlim(1) | lon > lonlim(2) | depth < depthlim(1) | depth > depthlim(2) ); lat(I) = []; lon(I) = []; depth(I) = []; strike(I) = []; dip(I) = []; rake(I) = []; mw(I) = []; beachballsize = ( mw - min(mw) + .1) * scaleFactor; clf [latgrat,longrat,map] = SATBATH(1, latlim,lonlim ); hmap = worldmap('hi', latlim, lonlim ); %setm(gca,'MapProjection','stereo') surfm(latgrat,longrat,map,map) demcmap(map); daspectm('m',30) hChild = get(hmap, 'children'); for j = 1 : length( hChild ) hitem = hChild(j); if strcmp( get(hitem, 'Type' ), 'text' ) tag = get(hitem,'Tag' ); k = findstr( tag, 'ames' ); if k > 0 set(hitem, 'visible','off' ) end; end; end; %hc = colorbar; %scaleruler( 'units','km'); %setm(handlem('scaleruler1'),'color','w') hidem(gca) for j = 1 : length(lat) % [latc,lonc] = scircle1(lat(j),lon(j),log10(mw(j)),[30, 120]); % fillm(latc, lonc,'r' ); beachball(strike(j),dip(j),rake(j),lon(j),lat(j),beachballsize(j),'r'); end %h=plotm(lat,lon,'r.'); % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) 202 set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) function handle = beachball(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color,handle) % Usage: handle = beachball(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color,handle) % % Plot a lower-hemisphere focal mechanism centered at x0,y0 % with radius radius. % handle is an optional argument. If specified, and if handle % points to an existing beachball, then the beachball is updated. % Otherwise a new beachball is created and its handle is returned. nargs = nargin; if nargs < 3 error('Not enough args for beachball!'); end if nargs == 3 x0 = 0; y0 = 0; radius = 1; color = 'k'; handle = []; end if nargs == 4 error('Must specify either both x0 and y0 or neither of them!'); end if nargs == 5 radius = 1; color = 'k'; handle = []; end if nargs == 6 color = 'k'; handle = []; end if nargs == 7 handle = []; end if radius <= 0 error('Radius must be positive!') end if dip < 0, dip = 0;end if dip > 90, dip = 90; end % if isempty(handle) handle = CreateBeachBall(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color); else ModifyBeachBall(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color,handle); ModifyBeachBall(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color,handle); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ModifyBeachBall(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color,handle) [x1,y1,x2,y2, Xp, Yp] = Boundaries(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius); 203 set(handle.patch1,'Xdata',x1,'Ydata',y1); set(handle.patch1,'FaceColor',color); set(handle.patch2,'Xdata',x2,'Ydata',y2); set(handle.patch2,'FaceColor',color); azimuth = (0:360) *pi / 180; x = x0 + cos(azimuth) * radius; y = y0 + sin(azimuth) * radius; set(handle.Equator,'Xdata',x,'Ydata',y); set(handle.Paxis1,'Position',[Xp(1), Yp(1)]); set(handle.Paxis2,'Position',[Xp(2), Yp(2)]); % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle = CreateBeachBall(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius,color) % Draw focal mechanism plot for current strike, dip, rake [x1,y1,x2,y2,Xp, Yp] = Boundaries(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius); handle.patch1 = patch(x1,y1,color,'erasemode','background',... 'Tag','Patch1'); project( handle.patch1 ); handle.patch2 = patch(x2,y2,color,'erasemode','background',... 'Tag','Patch2'); project( handle.patch2 ); azimuth = (0:360) *pi / 180; x = x0 + cos(azimuth) * radius; y = y0 + sin(azimuth) * radius; hBdr = line(x,y,'color','k','erasemode','background', 'Tag','Equator'); project( hBdr ); handle.Equator = hBdr; poleText = 'p'; poleText = ''; handle.Paxis1 = text(Xp(1), Yp(1), poleText, 'color','k','erasemode','background',... 'Tag', 'Paxis1','HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle','fontsize',8); project( handle.Paxis1 ); handle.Paxis2 = text(Xp(2), Yp(2), poleText, 'color','k','erasemode','background',... 'Tag', 'Paxis2','HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle','fontsize',8); project( handle.Paxis2 ); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [x1,y1,x2,y2, Xp, Yp] = Boundaries(strike,dip,rake,x0,y0,radius) % % % % Get the boundaries of the compressional quadrants by starting with a normalized fault (strike = 0, dip = 90, rake = 0) Rotate the 1st and third quadrants of this system to the actual fault orientation and then project onto equal-area lower hemisphere. R = rotationMatrix(strike,dip,rake); conv = pi/180; % Handle special case of dip = 0; if dip > 90,dip = 90;end if dip < .001, dip = 0;end if dip == 0 rot = rake - strike; 204 angle = ( (0:180) + rot + 180) * conv; angle = angle(:)'; x1 = cos(angle) * radius + x0; y1 = sin(angle) * radius + y0; x2 = []; y2 = []; % Get projection of P-axis Paxis = [-1 1;1 -1;0 0] /sqrt(2); [Xpaxis, Ypaxis] = GetProjection(Paxis, R); Xp = Xpaxis * radius + x0; Yp = Ypaxis * radius + y0; % This must always be a 2-element vector even when only one pole is displayed if length(Xp) == 1 Xp(2) = 1000; Yp(2) = 1000; end return; end angle = (0:180) * conv; angle = angle(:)'; SI = sin(angle); ZE = zeros(size(angle)); CS = cos(angle); % get projection of equatorial plane on normalized system th2 = (0:360)*conv; xb = cos(th2); yb = sin(th2); VV = [xb;yb;zeros(size(xb))]; EqPlane = inv(R) * VV; % plane 1 V = [SI; ZE; CS]; %create 1/2 circle in +x-z plane [xp1,yp1] = GetProjection(V, R); % plane 2 V = [ZE; SI; CS]; %create 1/2 circle in y-z plane [xp2,yp2] = GetProjection(V, R); % compressional part of equatorial plane connecting plane1 and plane2 II = find(EqPlane(1,:) >=0 &EqPlane(2,:) >=0); VV=EqPlane(:,II); [xxe,yye] = GetProjection2(VV,R); [xp,yp] = Join(xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,xxe, yye); x1 = radius * xp + x0; y1 = radius * yp + y0; % plane 3 V = [-SI; ZE; CS]; %create 1/2 circle in -x-z plane [xp3,yp3] = GetProjection(V, R); % plane 4 V = [ZE; -SI; CS]; %create 1/2 circle in -y-z plane [xp4,yp4] = GetProjection(V, R); % compressional part of equatorial plane connecting plane3 and plane4 II = find(EqPlane(1,:) <=0 &EqPlane(2,:) <=0); 205 VV=EqPlane(:,II); [xxe,yye] = GetProjection2(VV,R); [xxp,yxp] = Join(xp3,yp3,xp4,yp4,xxe,yye); x2 = radius * xxp + x0; y2 = radius * yxp + y0; % Get projection of P-axis Paxis = [-1 1;1 -1;0 0] /sqrt(2); [Xpaxis, Ypaxis] = GetProjection(Paxis, R); Xp = Xpaxis * radius + x0; Yp = Ypaxis * radius + y0; % This must always be a 2-element vector even when only one pole is displayed if length(Xp) == 1 Xp(2) = 1000; Yp(2) = 1000; end % ---------------------------------------------------------------- function [xp,yp] = Join(xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,eqx,eqy) xp = []; yp = []; N = length(xp1); M = length(xp2); L = length(eqx); % First join the two fault planes forcing the joint at the % endpoints of smallest radius r = sqrt(xp1.^2 + yp1.^2); if r(1) > r(N) xp = xp1(:); yp = yp1(:); else xp = flipud(xp1(:)); yp = flipud(yp1(:)); end r = sqrt(xp2.^2 + yp2.^2); if ~isempty(r) if r(1) > r(M) xp = [xp; flipud(xp2(:))]; yp = [yp; flipud(yp2(:))]; else xp = [xp; xp2(:)]; yp = [yp; yp2(:)]; end end if isempty(eqx) return end % sometimes eqx-eqy comes in as a closed curve, so check endpoints and % remove last if necessary az = atan2(eqy,eqx); II1 = find(az >=0 & az < pi/2); II2 = find(az >= pi/2 & az < pi); II3 = find(az < -pi/2 & az >= -pi); II4 = find(az < 0 & az >= -pi/2); if isempty(II1) | isempty(II4) az(II3) = 2*pi + az(II3); 206 az(II4) = 2*pi + az(II4); end [az,II] = sort(az); eqx = cos(az); eqy = sin(az); r = sqrt( (eqx - xp(1)).^2 + (eqy - yp(1)).^2); if r(1) > r(L) xp = [xp; eqx(:)]; yp = [yp; eqy(:)]; else xp = [xp; flipud(eqx(:))]; yp = [yp; flipud(eqy(:))]; end % --------------------------------------------------------------function [xp,yp] = GetProjection(V, R) xp = []; yp = []; VP = R * V; %rotate to strike-dip-rake I = find(VP(3,:) >= 0); %select part of rotated plane with + z VPP = VP(:,I); if isempty(VPP),return;end r = sqrt(VPP(1,:).^2 + VPP(2,:).^2); inc = ones(size(r)) * pi/2; II = find(VPP(3,:) ~= 0); if ~isempty(II) inc(II) = atan(r(II) ./ VPP(3,II) ); end thet = atan2(VPP(2,:) , VPP(1,:)); R0 = sqrt(2) * sin(inc/2); xp = R0 .* sin(thet); yp = R0 .* cos(thet); % ---------------------------------------------------------------- function [xp,yp] = GetProjection2(V, R) % These points are guaranteed to be on the equator... xp = []; yp = []; VP = R * V; %rotate to strike-dip-rake if isempty(VP),return;end thet = atan2(VP(2,:) , VP(1,:)); R0 = 1; xp = R0 .* sin(thet); yp = R0 .* cos(thet); % ---------------------------------------------------------------- function R = rotationMatrix(strike,dip,rake) conv = pi/180; phi = strike * conv; delta = -(90 - dip) * conv; lambda = rake * conv; cp = cos(phi); sp = sin(phi); cd = cos(delta); sd = sin(delta); cl = cos(lambda); sl = sin(lambda); 207 R3 = [cp -sp 0;sp cp 0; 0 0 1]; % rotation around Z for strike R2 = [1 0 0 ; 0 cd -sd; 0 sd cd]; % rotation around X for dip R1 = [cl 0 sl; 0 1 0; -sl 0 cl]; % rotation around Y for rake R = R3*R2*R1; % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % load data from the supplied events file and store into vectors... s = load('events'); lat = s(:,1); lon = s(:,2); depth = s(:,3); moment = s(:,4); strike = s(:,5); dip = s(:,6); rake = s(:,7); mw = 2/3 * ( log10(moment) - 16.1 ); % set up ranges of data to plot minLat = -10; maxLat = 30; minLon = 120; maxLon = 160; minDepth = 0; maxDepth = 100; minMw = 6.5; maxMw = 8; % Use this to control the absolute size of beach balls in plot (may need to experiment). beachBallScaleFactor = .5; % pack limits into arrays and call plotting routine. latlim = [minLat maxLat]; lonlim=[minLon,maxLon]; depthlim = [minDepth maxDepth]; mwlim = [minMw maxMw]; plotEvents( lat, lon, depth, mw, strike, dip, rake, latlim, lonlim, depthlim, mwlim, beachBallScaleFactor ); % load data from the supplied events file and store into vectors... s = load('events'); lat = s(:,1); lon = s(:,2); depth = s(:,3); moment = s(:,4); strike = s(:,5); dip = s(:,6); rake = s(:,7); mw = 2/3 * ( log10(moment) - 16.1 ); % set up ranges of data to plot minLat = -0; maxLat = 15; minLon = 105; maxLon = 135; minDepth = 0; maxDepth = 600; minMw = 4; maxMw = 9; 208 originLat = ( minLat + maxLat ) / 2; originLon = (minLon + maxLon ) / 2; I = find( mw < minMw | mw > maxMw | lat < minLat | lat > maxLat ... | lon < minLon | lon > maxLon | depth < minDepth | depth > maxDepth lat(I) = []; lon(I) = []; depth(I) = []; strike(I) = []; dip(I) = []; rake(I) = []; mw(I) = []; ); clf % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,9.5]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,9.5]) x = []; y = []; for j = 1 : length( lat ) az = azimuth( 'gc', originLat, originLon, lat(j), lon(j) ) * pi / 180; dist = deg2km( distance( originLat, originLon, lat(j), lon(j) ) ); x(j) = sin( az ) * dist; y(j) = cos( az ) * dist; end; plot3( x,y, -depth , 'r.') xlabel( 'km east of origin' ); ylabel( 'km North of origin' ); zlabel( 'Depth (km) ' ) axis('equal') box on Code for plots of tsunami waves superimposed on tide data During preliminary work on investigating the feasibility of implementing a tsunami warning system for Taiwan it was desired to have a plot showing the response of a particular tide gauge to waves generated by the Sumatra earthquake. function makeTidePlots( filename, station ) % load the X-Y data file s = load( filename ); % for convenience, extract 2 vectors from the automatically-assigned 2-column vector variable. x = s(:,1); y = s(:,2); subplot(3,1,1) % Create a basic plot assigning result to a handle-graphics variable. hLine = plot(x,y); % 2. specify a title: "Residual of Sea Level at Station SALALAH", 209 htitle = title( ['Sea Level at Station ' station] ); %3. specify x-axis label xlabel( 'Time (Day)' ); %4. specify y-axis label ylabel( 'Sea Level (mm)' ); %5. specify x-limit (xmin, xmax, x- tick_mark) %7. options to plot -- data point plot, line plot, line plot with data point % First option sets the plot to just show data points using a '.' as the marker... % possibilities for the marker are: + | o | * | . | x | square | diamond | v | ^ | > | < | pentagram | hexagram | {none} % set(hLine','linestyle','none') % set( hLine,'marker', '.' ) % Second option sets the plot to just show a line % Possibilities for linestyle are: {-} | -- | : | -. | none set(hLine,'linestyle','-') set( hLine,'marker', 'none' ) % Third option sets the plot to show a line with data points. Symbol is a '+' % set(hLine,'linestyle','-') % set( hLine,'marker', '+' ) %8. option to set color, e.g., Title in RED color, plot in Blue color, axes and label in BLACK color. set(htitle,'color','r' ) set(hLine','color','b') subplot(3,1,2) dt = x(2) - x(1); I = find( isnan(y)); y(I) = []; y = y - mean(y); [Pxx,F] = pwelch( y, [], [], [], 1/dt ); plot( F,Pxx) set(gca,'xscale','log', 'yscale','log') xlabel( 'Frequency (Samples Per Day)') ylabel( 'cm^2 / (Samples Per Day)') title( ['Power Spectrum of Sea Level at Station ' station] ); % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) subplot(3,1,3) % filter data from 10 cycles per day to 100 cycles per day using a 3rd-order butterworth filter. order = 3; Nyquist = 1/2/dt; % cycles per day lowpass = 10; % cycles per day highpass = 100; % cycles per day Wn = [lowpass/Nyquist, highpass/Nyquist]; % Create the analog prototype... [b,a] = butter( order, Wn ); 210 % Create an IIR digital filter from the prototype and apply to the data... Y = filtfilt( b, a, y ); % Create a basic plot assigning result to a handle-graphics variable. hLine = plot(x,Y); htitle = title( ['Sea Level at Station ' station ' filtered from 10 - 100 cycles per day (3rd-order, 2-Pass Butterworth)'] ); %3. specify x-axis label xlabel( 'Time (Day)' ); %4. specify y-axis label ylabel( 'Sea Level (mm)' ); %7. options to plot -- data point plot, line plot, line plot with data point % First option sets the plot to just show data points using a '.' as the marker... % possibilities for the marker are: + | o | * | . | x | square | diamond | v | ^ | > | < | pentagram | hexagram | {none} % set(hLine','linestyle','none') % set( hLine,'marker', '.' ) % Second option sets the plot to just show a line % Possibilities for linestyle are: {-} | -- | : | -. | none set(hLine,'linestyle','-') set( hLine,'marker', 'none' ) % Third option sets the plot to show a line with data points. Symbol is a '+' % set(hLine,'linestyle','-') % set( hLine,'marker', '+' ) %8. option to set color, e.g., Title in RED color, plot in Blue color, axes and label in BLACK color. set(htitle,'color','r' ) set(hLine','color','b') % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) function makeFilteredPlot( filename, station ) % load the X-Y data file s = load( filename ); % for convenience, extract 2 vectors from the automatically-assigned 2-column vector variable. x = s(:,1); y = s(:,2); y = y - mean(y); % filter data from 10 cycles per day to 100 cycles per day using a 3rd-order butterworth filter. order = 3; dt = x(2) - x(1); Nyquist = 1/2/dt; % cycles per day lowpass = 10; % cycles per day highpass = 100; % cycles per day Wn = [lowpass/Nyquist, highpass/Nyquist]; % Create the analog prototype... [b,a] = butter( order, Wn ); % Create an IIR digital filter from the prototype and apply to the data... 211 Y = filtfilt( b, a, y ); % Create a basic plot assigning result to a handle-graphics variable. hLine = plot(x,Y); htitle = title( ['Sea Level at Station ' station ' filtered from 10 - 100 cycles per day (3rd-order, 2-Pass Butterworth)'] ); %3. specify x-axis label xlabel( 'Time (Day)' ); %4. specify y-axis label ylabel( 'Sea Level (mm)' ); %7. options to plot -- data point plot, line plot, line plot with data point % First option sets the plot to just show data points using a '.' as the marker... % possibilities for the marker are: + | o | * | . | x | square | diamond | v | ^ | > | < | pentagram | hexagram | {none} % set(hLine','linestyle','none') % set( hLine,'marker', '.' ) % Second option sets the plot to just show a line % Possibilities for linestyle are: {-} | -- | : | -. | none set(hLine,'linestyle','-') set( hLine,'marker', 'none' ) % Third option sets the plot to show a line with data points. Symbol is a '+' % set(hLine,'linestyle','-') % set( hLine,'marker', '+' ) %8. option to set color, e.g., Title in RED color, plot in Blue color, axes and label in BLACK color. set(htitle,'color','r' ) set(hLine','color','b') % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) function makeSpectralPlot( filename, station ) % load the X-Y data file s = load( filename ); % for convenience, extract 2 vectors from the automatically-assigned 2-column vector variable. % May need to run the 'whos' command to determine the name of the 2-column vector. x = s(:,1); y = s(:,2); dt = x(2) - x(1); I = find( isnan(y)); y(I) = []; y = y - mean(y); [Pxx,F] = pwelch( y, [], [], [], 1/dt ); plot( F,Pxx) set(gca,'xscale','log', 'yscale','log') xlabel( 'Frequency (Samples Per Day)') ylabel( 'cm^2 / (Samples Per Day)') title( ['Power Spectrum of Sea Level at Station ' station] ); % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') 212 set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) function makeTidePlot( filename, station ) % load the X-Y data file s = load( filename ); % for convenience, extract 2 vectors from the automatically-assigned 2-column vector variable. x = s(:,1); y = s(:,2); % Create a basic plot assigning result to a handle-graphics variable. hLine = plot(x,y); % 2. specify a title: "Residual of Sea Level at Station SALALAH", htitle = title( ['Residual of Sea Level at Station ' station] ); %3. specify x-axis label xlabel( 'Time (Day)' ); %4. specify y-axis label ylabel( 'Sea Level (mm)' ); %5. specify x-limit (xmin, xmax, x- tick_mark) %7. options to plot -- data point plot, line plot, line plot with data point % First option sets the plot to just show data points using a '.' as the marker... % possibilities for the marker are: + | o | * | . | x | square | diamond | v | ^ | > | < | pentagram | hexagram | {none} % set(hLine','linestyle','none') % set( hLine,'marker', '.' ) % Second option sets the plot to just show a line % Possibilities for linestyle are: {-} | -- | : | -. | none set(hLine,'linestyle','-') set( hLine,'marker', 'none' ) % Third option sets the plot to show a line with data points. Symbol is a '+' % set(hLine,'linestyle','-') % set( hLine,'marker', '+' ) %8. option to set color, e.g., Title in RED color, plot in Blue color, axes and label in BLACK color. set(htitle,'color','r' ) set(hLine','color','b') % Set plot dimensions so that it fills an 8.5X11 sheet when printed. set(gcf,'paperunits','inches') set(gcf,'units','inches') set(gcf, 'position',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) set(gcf, 'paperposition',[.5,.5,7.5,10]) 213