Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation
January 2012 Investor Presentation Delivering growth through exploration and production Solid foundations to deliver sustainable value creation Outstanding exploration potential Delivering high potential projects Upstream profitable growth 2 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Balanced funding Outstanding exploration potential Strong production growth Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Final remarks Appendix 3 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Exploration activities in potential areas to further unlock value Galp Energia geographical spread Core area Potential area Galp Energia has over 40 exploration projects across four continents 4 Investor Presentation – January 2012 A lot to de-risk from Galp Energia’s exploration portfolio Prospective resources1 (Mln Boe) Other areas Brazil 2,550 Gas 2,550 494 494 Mean unrisked Mean risked Potential of Galp Energia portfolio not only in Brazil 1 5 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Resources at the end of 2010. Source: DeGolyer and MacNaughton. Oil Mean unrisked Mean risked Mixed portfolio with c.15% of gas prospective resources On the right track to gas portfolio diversification Rovuma basin ▪ Galp Energia is an early mover into deepwater offshore Mozambique ▪ First exploration well confirmed Rovuma as a world class province ▪ Mamba South estimated natural gas in place up to 22.5 Tcf ▪ Mamba North being drilled, as part of a larger exploration and appraisal program 6 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Drilling activity will continue focusing on high potential projects 7 Potiguar basin BM-S-8 First exploration well scheduled for 1Q12 Drilling third exploration well in Carcará Iara area BM-S-24 Iara W started in 4Q11 to better understand the reservoir Key appraisal well to be drilled in 2012 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Other high potential assets to be developed outside Santos basin Other Brazilian areas 8 Other areas Amazonas basin Pernambuco basin Portugal Campos basin Espírito-Santo basin East Timor Investor Presentation – January 2012 Outstanding exploration potential Strong production growth Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Final remarks Appendix 9 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Production target of 300 kboepd by 2020 Production targets 1 (kboepd) 15x 3x 300 70 20.6 Actual production 9M11 2015 2020 Production target mainly supported by the development of Brazilian assets 1 10 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Working interest production Unique upstream projects will enable sustainable production growth 11 Pre-salt Santos basin Angolan assets Galp Energia’s acreage in pre-salt Santos basin comprises world-class discoveries Presence in Angola rewarded with 26 discoveries Investor Presentation – January 2012 Lula/Cernambi WI production of more than 100 kbopd by 2020 12 FPSO deployment in Lula/Cernambi Gross FPSO oil production capacity (kbopd) 9 FPSO already sanctioned, with 1st FPSO, Cidade de Angra dos Reis, already producing Gross installed oil capacity up to 1,270 kbopd by 2017 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Developing assets in Angola 13 Block 14 development areas Block 32 development hubs Block 14 new projects will ensure production growth Block 32 development through split hub concept, with first oil date per FPSO expected by 2016 and 2017 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Exceptional portfolio to offer sustained production growth Contingent resources1 (Mln Boe) Reserves2 (Mln Boe) Brazil Brazil Angola Angola 2,356 574 397 754 2C 3C Pre-salt Santos basin major contributor to contingent resources 2P 3P Lula/Cernambi fields responsible for over 90% of total reserves 1Working 2Net 14 Investor Presentation – January 2012 interest resources at the end of 2010. entitlement reserves at the end of 2010. 3P not available for Angola Source: DeGolyer and MacNaughton Outstanding exploration potential Strong production growth Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Final remarks Appendix 15 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Solid downstream business in place Refining & Marketing Total refining capacity of 330 kbpd1 Nelson complexity of 7.72 in Sines refinery and 10.72 in Matosinhos Refinery 3rd player in Iberia 1,408 service stations and 513 non fuel stores in Iberia Africa with 107 service stations and 84 non fuel stores Annual sales of c.17 Mln tons refined products 1 16 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Gas & Power Sourcing agreement of 6 bcm of natural gas 2nd natural gas player in Iberia with over 1,300 thousand clients ≈ 11,000 km of NG distribution network Post upgrade capacity. Before the upgrade was 310 kbpd complexity index. Nelson complexity before the upgrade of 6.3 in Sines and 9.4 in Matosinhos. 2 Post-upgrade 160 MW of total capacity installed 1,200 GWh of annual electrical power generation Upgrade project’s positive impact in earnings from 2012 onwards Integrated refining system ▪ Investment of €1.4 Bln, from which 95% of total capex already invested Vaccum Visbreaker Sulphur Recovery Unit Matosinhos HDS Sour Water Stupper CDU upgrade New tankage ▪ Optimization of refining process by using heavier crudes to produce higher-value refined products Hydrocracker Sulphur Recovery Unit ▪ Upgrade project steady production by mid 2Q12 Deisobutanizer Steam reformer CDU upgrade Sines New tankage ▪ Improving our refining margin by c. $3.0 - $3.5/bbl1 1 Diesel-fuel 17 Investor Presentation – January 2012 oil spread assumption of c. $300/ton Outstanding exploration potential Strong production growth Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Final remarks Appendix 18 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Cash-in of $5.2 Bln de-risking Brazilian assets Brazilian portfolio1 ▪ Deal with Sinopec valued Galp Energia’s current portfolio at $12.5 Bln ▪ Capital increase ensures development of Brazilian projects ▪ Galp Energia remains the controlling shareholder, fully consolidating Petrogal Brasil 3P reserves of 554 million boe 3C contingent resources of 2,135 million boe Risked prospective resources (mean estimate) of 188 million boe 1 Reserves 19 Investor Presentation – January 2012 and resources as per DeGolyer and MacNaughton auditing at the end of 2010. ▪ Upside value from Brazilian projects remains Committed to a solid capital structure Net debt to equity (%) ▪ Transaction execution delivers a sound gearing level 114% ▪ Net Debt to Equity below target of 50% 31% ▪ Further growth flexibility added < 20% 1 Galp Energia pre-transaction Sector average 1 Includes 20 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Galp Energia post-transaction a pool of super majors and of European integrated majors. ▪ Raising management focus on strategic projects E&P shaping cash flow profile going forward Capex 2011 2012 E&P 2013 R&M EBITDA 2014 2015 G&P 2011 EBITDA as is Shift in capex focus towards upstream mainly driven by development activities in Brazil Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upgrade project Lula/Cernambi development EBITDA growth supported by refining upgrade project and Lula/Cernambi development Illustrative and non-exhaustive 21 2015 Outstanding exploration potential Strong production growth Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Final remarks Appendix 22 Investor Presentation – January 2012 A well funded Company with profitable growth ahead ▪ Unlocking value through intensive portfolio de-risking ▪ Remarkable production growth within the sector ▪ Downstream business benefiting from upgrade project ▪ Solid capital structure unique among peers 23 Investor Presentation – January 2012 SAVE THE DATE Galp Energia Capital Markets Day 2012 London March 6th 2012 24 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Outstanding exploration potential Strong production growth Sound downstream business Solid capital structure Final remarks Appendix 25 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upstream portfolio Brazil Mozambique Angola Other areas Corporate Third quarter 2011 results 26 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Strong presence in Brazil Brazilian portfolio1 Assets # blocks % Galp Energia Operator Potiguar Santos Espírito Santo Pernambuco Campos 5 4 1 3 1 20% 10-20% 20% 20% 15% Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Potiguar 14 50% Petrobras/Galp Sergipe / Alagoas 2 50% Galp Amazonas 3 40% Petrobras Basin Offshore Onshore 3P reserves of 554 million boe 3C contingent resources of 2,135 million boe Risked prospective resources (mean estimate) of 188 million boe 1 Source: 27 Investor Presentation – January 2012 DeGolyer and MacNaughton Santos basin is a key area in current portfolio Pre-salt Santos basin ▪ Galp Energia is the most leveraged company to Santos Basin ▪ Pre-salt Santos basin with 50 Bln boe of reserves according to ANP ▪ Galp Energia was within the first to cream the play, with Tupi discovery in 2006 ▪ 20 wells drilled in Galp Energia’s four blocks with 100% success rate 28 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Targeting two new prospects of several identified BM-S-8 ▪ Bem-te-vi well in 2007 found a reservoir of light oil with API in the range of 28º-30º ▪ Detailed 3D seismic interpretation ongoing ▪ Biguá drilling already concluded and Carcará being spud ▪ EWT expected in 2012 ▪ Declaration of commerciality to be delivered by December 2012 29 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Exploration activity still underway in BM-S-21 BM-S-21 ▪ Presence established in 2001 ▪ Caramba light oil discovery in 2007 ▪ 3D seismic re-processing in 2009 and 2010 ▪ 2nd exploration well will be drilled in 2013 ▪ Expected declaration of commerciality by April 2015 30 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Intense appraisal works to support Júpiter development BM-S-24 ▪ Significant oil, condensate and gas discovery in 2007 with CO2 content ▪ One appraisal well scheduled for 2012 to study CO2 distribution and oil/water contact ▪ Contingent EWT to be performed before February 2016 ▪ Expected declaration of commerciality until February 2016 31 Investor Presentation – January 2012 BM-S-11 is a great success BM-S-11 ▪ Presence in BM-S-11 established in 2000 ▪ Lula (2006) and Iara (2008) discoveries proved the existence of light oil in the pre-salt interval and Cernambi (2009) confirmed existence of high quality reservoirs ▪ 16 exploration and appraisal wells drilled so far, with 100% success rate 32 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Iara’s development plan being prepared Iara area ▪ In evaluation phase since the end of 2008 ▪ Recoverable oil and natural gas between 3 – 4 bln boe ▪ Iara West started to be drilled in 4Q11 ▪ EWT scheduled for 2013 ▪ Expected declaration of commerciality by December 2013 33 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Lula/Cernambi: the largest field development programme in 30 years BM-S-11: Lula and Cernambi fields ▪ 14 wells drilled so far, with 100% success rate ▪ Total recoverable volumes of 8.3 Bln boe, of which, 6.44 Bln boe in Lula and 1.82 Bln boe in Cernambi ▪ Declaration of commerciality and field development programme submitted to ANP in December 2010 34 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Lula/Cernambi WI production of more than 100 kbopd by 2020 35 FPSO deployment in Lula/Cernambi Gross FPSO oil production capacity (kbopd) 9 FPSO already sanctioned, with 1st FPSO, Cidade de Angra dos Reis, already producing Gross installed oil capacity up to 1,270 kbopd by 2017 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Several options being studied for oil export from Santos basin Oil export solutions ▪ Oil export solutions/infrastructure to be implemented in parallel with production capacity ramp-up ▪ Before 2013: oil export via DP shuttle tankers ▪ After 2013: oil export via shallow water transhipment unit (UOTE) ▪ Technical alternatives to UOTE are also under study 36 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Gas export solutions being evaluated Gas export solutions ▪ Gas export: currently via Mexilhão (10 M3/d capacity) sufficient for three FPSO; after 2014, via Cabiúnas (13 M3/d capacity) ▪ Beyond 2016 through FLNG or incremental gas pipeline ▪ FLNG FEEDs already concluded, with ongoing project evaluation 37 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Other high potential Brazilian assets to be developed, outside Santos basin Other Brazilian areas Amazonas basin Potiguar basin Campos basin Pernambuco basin Espírito-Santo basin 38 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Potiguar basin ready for the first deep water wildcat Potiguar basin blocks ▪ Strong evidence of sandy reservoirs ▪ First exploration Ararauna well will be drilled in 1Q12 in block 760 ▪ Significant resource potential ▪ Wildcat to be drilled before 2014 in block 665 39 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Pernambuco is so far an unexplored basin Pernambuco basin blocks ▪ Stake in three deep water blocks acquired in 2007, covering an acreage of 1,713 km2 ▪ Geochemical anomalies are indicators of the presence of an active petroleum system ▪ 2,721 km2 of 3D seismic already acquired in 2010 covering all the block area 40 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Starting de-risking resources in Espírito Santo BM-ES-31 ▪ An extensive portfolio of prospects already mapped ▪ Ambrosia well was essential to define next well location ▪ Integration of data will de-risk the prospect which will be the target of the second exploration well to be drilled in 2012 41 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Exploring Campos basin BM-C-44 ▪ Galp Energia present in Campos basin since 2007 ▪ BM-C-44 has an area of 84 km2 and is close to several oil producing fields and oil discoveries ▪ One exploration well expected to be drilled in 2012, to test the main target already identified 42 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Amazonas basin is a new frontier province with high potential Amazonas basin blocks ▪ 2D and 3D seismic to be concluded by 2012 ▪ Great potential for natural gas, supported by existing gas discoveries close to Galp Energia blocks ▪ Significant resource potential ▪ Six exploration wells to be drilled until 2014 43 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upstream portfolio Brazil Mozambique Angola Other areas Corporate Third quarter 2011 results 44 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Rovuma basin is a world-class natural gas province Rovuma basin Area 4 location ▪ Galp Energia entered into deepwater offshore Mozambique in 2007 ▪ Rovuma basin contains one of the largest Tertiary delta on the coast of East Africa ▪ Discovery well encountered continuous gas pay in high quality Oligocene and Eocene sands ▪ Mamba South estimated natural gas in place up to 22.5 Tcf 45 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Rovuma basin is now a core exploration area Rovuma basin ▪ Mamba North already being drilled ▪ Two additional wells scheduled for 2012, given the great exploration potential in that area ▪ Outstanding NG volumes will lead to large scale gas development 46 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upstream portfolio Brazil Mozambique Angola Other areas Corporate Third quarter 2011 results 47 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Developing assets in Angola Location ▪ Block 14 is the only producing block (Kuito, BBLT and TL) ▪ 241 Mbbl of total reserves1 and contingent resources2 at YE2010 ▪ Fields in Block 14 (Malange, Gabela, Lucapa, Negage, Lianzi and Menongue) and Block 32 to be developed ▪ 10% stake in LNG II project for monetization of natural gas assets 1 Net 48 Investor Presentation – January 2012 entitlement 2P reserves interest 3C contingent resources 2 Working . Ramp up production from Tômbua-Lândana’s CPT in Block 14 Tômbua-Lândana’s CPT ▪ 3rd producing field in block 14, where Galp Energia holds a 9% stake ▪ Development to date consists of one CPT, one subsea center, 11 producers and three water injection wells ▪ Hub concept, available to incorporate further tie-backs 49 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Malange development leveraging on existing infrastructure Malange tie-back alternatives in block 14 ▪ Malange discovery in 2007 with appraisal programme completed in 2010 ▪ Two drilled wells justified submitting conceptual development plan to concessionaire ▪ Engineering studies underway to mature tie-back development alternative ▪ Aiming for project acceleration with contractual first oil date in 2016 50 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Lucapa progressing towards first oil Lucapa’s development area in block 14 ▪ Lucapa discovery in 2007 with appraisal programme complete in 2010 with Lucapa-6 ▪ Six exploration and appraisal wells drilled justified submitting conceptual development plan to concessionaire ▪ Engineering studies ongoing to select optimal development alternative ▪ Contractual first oil expected for 2016 51 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Kaombo with split hub concept Block 32 development hubs ▪ Kaombo “Split Hub” concept approved ▪ Engineering optimization studies ongoing to mature “Split Hub” concept ▪ Two FPSO supporting six development areas with an aggregated capacity of c.200 kbopd ▪ First oil date staged per FPSO expected by 2016 and 2017 52 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Exploring natural gas reservoir in Angola with LNG II project LNG II project ▪ Galp Energia is part of the first integrated natural gas project consortium in Angola since 2007 ▪ Exploration and appraisal works to establish gas reserves base for LNG II ▪ First appraisal well Garoupa-2 in Block 2 successfully completed in the beginning of 2011 53 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upstream portfolio Brazil Mozambique Angola Other areas Corporate Third quarter 2011 results 54 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Exploring new frontier areas East-Timor 55 Portugal ▪ First exploration well drilled in 2011 gathered valuable subsurface information ▪ Exploration now focused on 3D seismic ▪ Evaluation ongoing to determine next well to be drilled ▪ First exploration well as early as 2013, pending on evaluation outcome Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upstream portfolio Brazil Mozambique Angola Other areas Corporate Third quarter 2011 results 56 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Shareholder structure and shareholders agreement Shareholder structure 25,32% FREE-FLOAT 7,00% PARPÚBLICA 100% Portuguese State Exchangeable bonds Shareholders’ Agreement ▪ Shareholders’ agreement in place until March 2014 55% Amorim Group 33,34% 57 AMORIM ENERGIA 1,00% CGD 33,34% ENI Investor Presentation – January 2012 45% Sonangol ▪ The parties may only sell their holdings in one single block 100% Portuguese State ▪ Parties will have either a preemptive right to buy or a tagalong right to join a sale to a third party A focused management team Chief Executive Officer Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira 58 Head of Refining, Supply and Logistics Head of Exploration & Production Head of Oil Marketing Chief Financial Officer Head of Gas & Power André Ribeiro Fernando Manuel dos Santos Gomes Carlos Gomes da Silva Claudio De Marco Fabrizio Dassogno Investor Presentation – January 2012 Upstream portfolio Brazil Mozambique Angola Other areas Corporate Third quarter 2011 results 59 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Net profit reached €61 Mln in 3Q11 Profit & Loss (€Mln) 3Q11 Turnover YoY QoQ 9M11 YoY 4,277 3,590 +19% (2%) 12,429 +19% EBITDA 221 223 (1%) (4%) 585 (14%) E&P 63 37 +69% (16%) 186 +43% R&M 74 126 (41%) (22%) 191 (41%) G&P 79 56 +41% +34% 199 (6%) 4 4 +10% +165% 9 (13%) 111 136 (19%) (8%) 285 (27%) 17 18 (4%) +13% 53 +2% Financial results (29) (18) (66%) +17% (94) (32%) Taxes (35) (43) (19%) +27% (63) (37%) Net Profit 61 93 (34%) (13%) 172 (35%) Net Profit (IFRS) 94 96 (2%) (6%) 385 +8% Others EBIT Associates 60 3Q10 Investor Presentation – January 2012 ▪ G&P solid performance driven by higher supply margins ▪ R&M earnings still impacted by negative refining margin environment ▪ EBIT affected by non-cash costs related to DD&A in Angola Net debt increase driven by transformational capex execution Balance sheet (€Mln) Sep.2011 Fixed assets Sep - Jun Dec.2010 Sep - Dec 5,884 5,782 +103 5,426 +458 2,494 2,350 +144 1,981 +513 Strategic stock 1,060 1,048 +12 792 +268 Other assets (liabilities) (371) (396) +25 (336) (35) Working capital (231) (344) +113 (333) +103 Net debt 3,378 3,208 +170 2,837 +541 Equity 2,964 2,881 +83 2,711 +253 Capital employed 6,343 6,090 +253 5,548 +794 Net debt to equity 114% 111% 2.6 p.p. 105% 9.3 p.p. Work in progress 61 Jun.2011 Investor Presentation – January 2012 ▪ Capex decelerating with refining upgrade project coming to its end ▪ Work in progress of €2.5 Bln, not yet generating return ▪ Net debt increase of €170 Mln, maintaining net debt to equity at its highest levels Additional facilities of €0.91 Bln with support from international banks M/L-term debt reimbursement profile (€Mln) 1.000 ▪ Major debt reimbursement scheduled for 2012-14 period 800 600 400 200 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 +2015 Debt structure as of September 2011 49% 71% 51% 29% Fixed M/L-term Floating M/L-term 1 62 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Short-term Liquidity position as of end of September 2011 M/L-term ▪ Total net debt of €3.4 Bln, with an average life of 2.3 years ▪ Average interest rate of 4.3%, up 88 b.p. YoY ▪ 60% of current additional facilities already contract guaranteed Short term outlook for 4Q11 ▪ 4Q11 working interest production targeted at c.23 kbopd ▪ Refining margin to be positively impacted by Matosinhos refinery upgrade ▪ Marketing volumes down QoQ, still impacted by the Iberian macro economic environment ▪ Natural gas volumes to increase QoQ supported by seasonality and trading volumes 63 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Disclaimer Matters discussed in this presentation may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements other than in respect of historical facts. The words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intends,” “estimate,” “will,” “may,” "continue," “should” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may include statements regarding: objectives, goals, strategies, outlook and growth prospects; future plans, events or performance and potential for future growth; liquidity, capital resources and capital expenditures; economic outlook and industry trends; developments of Galp Energia’s markets; the impact of regulatory initiatives; and the strength of Galp Energia’s competitors. The forward-looking statements in this presentation are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including without limitation, management’s examination of historical operating trends, data contained in Galp Energia’s records and other data available from third parties. Although Galp Energia believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause the actual results of Galp Energia or the industry to differ materially from those results expressed or implied in this presentation by such forward-looking statements. The information, opinions and forward-looking statements contained in this presentation speak only as at the date of this presentation, and are subject to change without notice. Galp Energia does not intend to, and expressly disclaim any duty, undertaking or obligation to, make or disseminate any supplement, amendment, update or revision to any of the information, opinions or forward-looking statements contained in this presentation to reflect any change in events, conditions or circumstances. 64 Investor Presentation – January 2012 Investor Relations team Tiago Villas-Boas, Head of IR Cátia Lopes Inês Santos Maria Borrega Pedro Pinto Samuel Dias +351 21 724 08 66 [email protected]
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