1989 - Rochester Yacht Club
1989 - Rochester Yacht Club
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' ' HW :mar _ N , _ -Q W " w ,Q £53 ff w w Q55 __ , #3 f Q OFFICERS -___, _;x;~_¢,. _Z My? l , Elf# K "I `V 'ir ` Q -Y Q2 - _ I " IN MEMORIAM NNE l ¢ Q __ ` i , i Q, _ ., ` " 1 gl' Y >; _ Miz: '_ , ii; , A -_ J, ff _;=;, ;~ 1:1211 .jr ' '" C " ' _ _ fe; > _V f , ____ ' -4:2 1.-:= - » - »' JA r' -* . '~~ 1* :- ~ ._ >n=L';.' 'r<'-:.:<¢£ ` John Cowden Cowden John f=1é?`§%¢%Z;::iC:~' 1 r_ _ __ I "\";'f.Z'¥a1',l if 1 'W wi ,= 5? -2& $1 Douglas C C Burkhardt Bur/clzardt Douglas Iéznlborlzis Eugene VanVoorhis Eugene Stanley C Wright Stanley C Wright Commodore Commodore Vice Commodore Vice Commodore Commodore Rear Commodore Joanne Joanne Fredericks Fredeneks þÿ`&= ¬'&§ 1{>7~:Z33L1$E/5317 F 1{`.§3£f em-»<;»¢,m»» - Y- -Y ef \ " V / > so ,J , Qs »¢ ,,, , we _l "sg i ` X. ` f' A ~a T »"i%=$> *` f l I 5, __,_ fi f; ,V Jennifer Nealon Nealon Jenmfer »f % »¢ / ,/`/ fswe, 5% 215% f ~,¢ ,,¢,, l a ,~ f '2. 1 ~ i"::;C%3~735£Z?@ fe-v-`~'F=¢~a-»¢e, , / , " e 3 5 7 f e 'vr ' A f " /" 6 " ,~'" f Howard Rowe Howard Rowe W James S. S. Miers Miers James Recording Secretary Recording Secretary M ,~,. 3 1 ~ _»_ .s " fy' en, , ,_..v..~, & 7 <* / if ,_ W _. "5 em * <;~ ¢» M J A :S "¢ > We v f "Ze "; / J . ¢ ff '5 J ja V' j Q ' J > , , / le nf, h þÿ""`i"'~i5'E':==1?4?e ¬¥ =,. ~ff»Q _Q / /' Q X "7" f mi b ¢ Y; M ;@»,z¢~ John E Ernst Jolzn E Elvzst Corresponding Secretary Secrerary Corresponding George L. L. Guarino Guarino George Treasurer Treasurer > W M sf -=-»g~»» ~vr~¢§»=q-~¢-l " ¢ E. E. Kelsey Scott Kelsey Scott J / 1 s ~ 1 rf; is .7 '"§~ 6 ,='5i!f°~e>" e~ _, WN_. , ér W ei"5 ~ e / -, 5, 5. ~~'~~~ i:ffm 1 Lois Lois Whitney Whitney " J f ,_A rd ' ____ Q W ~ / we.;-Q; _,Y 3 Q vo /~/' C if . / .M je W W " ,»,.W_ ,W , in » ,_,.~, f Q wb; of Helen K. K. Helen A-4 A-4 ,..,,W;,__,gZ-_1;ev,_~__,_,s-s.»,,.,,,,f'~,» ,_ .,, _ _ r> Y yi y ' }"' L " fe if » "' 51' M.~¢~,e=~-zeewl .Y blgerson Ingerson " /-"" .N w sigfé /Q' rn f Q. a.»m~we_. »~ Fleet Fleet Captain Captain Sail Sail "Cf e 12 Y @~_;_ _ þÿa ¬';l>~f f:_Y:' -_ -_,- _ / Ja egg; ;;;_&./za em; ......................................................................... f e, J ,~ : ,» Q s aézwez f A J f al if ..» ,,,._ eg "Q » W' e we .» >@ Ms Me., , 1 ' /-r }" _ _ J ' / ` ~=@ é"- mf,we_;_ f' W. -Ye. l ¢~»M¢~»@» 37 """ » , =' » f we hav/ V / _ -_-1 Q e j J " r ; Q, .¢~ » Q / _ John W Newell John W. Newell Pasr Commodol~ Commodore Past ¢,~Me'¢¢» -§¢=fee.~'E5,f;>e:.~;,.=x§ m',@;"~>2'3-17?*¢' ~___ , 77zomas DD. þÿHCll Hale, Jr. 771077105 JK ¬, Fleet Captain Captain Power Power Fleer _A ¢»=:.:-,.,_ _ ( f 'A Q" _. » , #4 Z o ~ / . _ V ' / ~ M _-'*°`~»<;_~ ff 7 f» Q > ,~'»» /» rw "' '> ,M `" '_ -1 r fig 1 f ~ Wi nil nl l Wm W 1 ill 1 6 , e 1' er » \ i 4 " _Ll DIRECTORS DQECTORS ROCHESTER YACHT ROCIESTER YACHT CLUB CLUB OFFICERS -- DIRECTORS DIRECTORS -OFFICERS COMMITTEECHAIRMEN CHAIRMEN --1939 1989 CUMMITTEE - ~ Q . . . , -° 3 .. OFFICERS OFFICERS * Commodore Commodore * Vice Vice Commodore Commodore Rear Commodore * Rear Commodore PHS* Commodore * Past C°mm°f1<>f@ * Treasurer Treasurer Recording Sec. Recording Sec. Corresponding Sec. Corresponding soo. * Executive Committee __ r (fl -7 _ 4 O'vE "`_;f * i . V;"` r k"_ '_:' `T 15: 5 550` ' " '555' 5 '""1"' eeer HOME NAME NAME Stanley C. C. Wright Wright Stanley VanVoorhis Eugene VanVoorhis Eugene Burkhardt Douglas C. Burkhardt Douglas C. 1003 W- Newell Newell John W. Henry C. Barnum Barnum Henry C. James James S. S. Miers Miers John John Ernst Emst PHONE PHONE 586-3161 586-3161 671-3656 671-3656 323-2263 323-2263 225-2645 225-2645 244-8442 244-8442 544-6684 544-6684 544-1642 544-1642 5 BUS. PHONE PHONE 724-3127 724-3127 232-4221 232-4221 271-1720 271-1720 454-3000 454-3000 475-9050 475-9050 724-4702 724-4702 424-5200 424-5200 DIRECTORS DIRECTORS 2 Director Director __ Charles P. L'"""' Lissow C'1f1"1f§P DIVECTUV Director B- Preish Pfffs/1 Ralph R4/P/1 B. Director Director Richardson Holbrook Richardson Holbrook Director Director - _AWWWWW V_;VV Dallas J. Hoaiy Healy Charles R Lrrsow Charles P. Lissow Ralph B. B. Preish Preish Ralph Director Director Director Director Director Director Vg Q 'V4Vv4 385-3164 385-3164 227-4163 227-4163 225-8031 225-8031 Dallas 1. Drrooror Director Director Director Holbrook Holbrook Richardson Richardson James V. James V. Nealon Nealon Frederick J.J. Odenbach Frederick Odenbach 223-5954 223-5954 544-0869 544-0869 586-5055 586-5055 381-5410 381-5410 227-0760 227-0760 722-0450 722-0450 254-2125 254-2125 726-4529 726-4529 424-64 10 424-6410 APPOINTED APPUINTED OFFICERS OFFICERS "VV .1~~ _ . .--~, p . `! VV i`" """ R y Fleet Capt. (Sail) (Sail) Fleet Capt. Fleet Capt. Capt. (Power) (Power) Measurer Measurer Measurer LYRA LYRA LYRA LYRA LYRA LYRA PHRF PHRF CENTRALS CENTRALS Helen K. K. Ingerson 266-1881 Helen 266-1881 Ingerson Thomas D. D. Hale, Hale, Jr. Jr. 223-6563 621-8400 John Ernst 544-1642 424-5200 H. H. Robb Holt Robb 1-1611 342-2177 342-2177 253-6025 253-6025 Tim Killsella Kinsella Tim 3331735 338-1735 624-3290 024-3290 Michael Nahmias Miohaoi Nrmmms 425-4046 425-4046 986-5126 986-5126 Kenneth Schwenker Kenneth Schwenker 338-7427 338-7427 253-2383 253-2383 Fred F-E Hubble Fred Hubble 266-0766 266-0766 4221463 427-1463 Robert w. W. Caddo Castle Robon 244-3022 244-3022 427-7200 427-7200 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN (Commodore -- Stanley Wright) COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN C. Wright) (Commodore Stanley C. & Audit Audit Budget George L. L. Guarino Guarino 342-8024 Budget & 342-8024 544-0400 544-0400 George Club Club Cruise Cmiso Pom Paul 32& irroz Inez Law Law 342-2403 342-2403 588-0351 588-0351 Martin Directory/Compass Martin A. A. Karch Karch 271-1168 271-1168 334-5440 334-5440 Directory/Compass Historical Historical Mary Ochs Ochs (John) 342-0028 342-0028 (John) Mary Legal & By-Laws Donald F. F. Potter Potter Donald 467-3326 Legal & By-Laws 467-3326 546-7830 546-7830 Log Dr. Gary Wahl (Nadine) Dr. (Nadine) 381-4146 Log 381-4 146 Gary Wahl Publicity Karen Wright Karen 586-3161 Publicity 235-4000 586-3161 235-4000 Wright Tennis Tennis Dr. Joseph Incavo (Noreen) Dr. 266-6324 266-6324 (Noreen) Joseph Incavo Trophy John Texter John Texter 473-0015 477-3019 473-0015 Trophy 477-3019 Trust Trust Management Michael R Riordan Michael E Riordan 248-2895 987-6013 248-2895 Management 987-6013 Women's Women’s Association Association Bianco (Florence) Joseph Bianco 342-2432 342-2432 586-8744 586-8744 (Florence) Joseph Ad Hoc: Ad Hoc: Management Management Task Force Force Task Henry C. Barnum Barnum 244-8442 244-8442 475-9050 475-9050 Henry C. Canada’s Cup Cup Canada`s John Newell 225-2645 John W. W. Newell 225-2645 454-3000 454-3000 Irondequoit Irondequoit Sesquicentennial Robert Robert Lasser Lasser 38541861 Sesquicentennial 385-4861 272-3064 272-3064 Past Past Commodore Commodore Counsel Counsel John John W. W. Newell Newell 225-2645 225-2645 454-3000 454-3000 ileet Thomés £1-84% _ Frederick J. Odenbach E Director _ _, _ "d""%`iéCf;'fe"b""" Dallas J. Healy Director James V, V Nealon Nealon James Di,eC,0, Director - D"[gf,.;[Z5"[> A'6 ~ , -- ---~- .-1. þÿQ-:jj';';2;';};'; ¬;$;5-5513.-_;:-;;;;;.f._ -; .f'-._.' i;;';; -3-;~;§:..i -;l;I;f_5;~;i f--`ff"T-`-"TT '3;`:5.f;f;§1?.'f:-:ll PAST QQ GDURES PAST COMMODORES VanVoorhis) COM1VIITTEE CHAIRMEN (Vice CommodoreEugene VanVoorhis) Commodore Eugene (Vice COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN - Robert & Christina Brinkrnan E31-l§'J.nThomas T1;nma5 Earl Dellvlonte Raymond C. DelMonte Raymond C. Paul Haas (Maryann) Eugene VanVoorhis £5ana0 E"2@"§Vm?' ; "if (Janet) Peter Peter Whitbeck Bernard r; G. 3 Hyde Bernard y 3 Entertainment Emenammem R°é'e."é'nChmuna 3424057 3424057 381-5317 381-5317 244-7479 244-7479 342-3659 671-3656 4614831 461-1831 266-7211 266-7211 1887 1887 George GeorgeH. H. Newell Newell 1888 1888 George George H. H. Newell Newell 1889 George H. Newell 1890 George H. Newell 1891 John R. White 1891 1892 Matthew canwrignt Cartwright 1892 Matthew 1893 Edward N. N.Walbridge Walbridge 1893 Edward 1894 Henry 1894 Henry S. S. Mackie Mackie Arthur T. Hagen 1895 1 89 5 Arthur rt ur T. Hagen agen 1896 1896 Fred Fred S. S. Todd Todd 1897 Alfred AlfredG. G.Wright Wright 1897 1898 1898 Frank Frank E. E. Woodworth Woodworth 1899 Alfred Alfred G. G. Wright Wright 1899 1900 Alfred Alfred G. G. Wright Wright 1900 1901 Charles Charles Vanvoorhis VanVoorhis 1901 1902 Charles Charles VanVoorhis 1902 Vanvoorhis 1903 Charles Charles VanVoorhis 1903 Vanvoorhis 1904 1904 Charles Charles M. M.Everest Everest 1905 Thomas Thomas B. B.Pritchard Pritchard 1905 1906 Frank "liT. Christy Christy 1906 Frank 1907 Thomas B. B. Pritchard Pritchard 1907 Thomas 1908 George PP.Culp Culp 1908 George 1909 Thomas B. B. Pritchard Pritchard 1909 Thomas 1910 WiNfield P. Pembroke 1910 Wlnifield R Pembroke 1911 WinifieldRP.Pembroke Pembroke 1911 Wlnifield 1912 Charles Pullen Pullen 1912 Charles 1913 Winifield 1913 WiNfield P. Pembroke R Pembroke 1914 Fred A. A. Mabbett Mabbett 1914 Fred 1915 Fred A. A. Mabbett Mabbett 1915 Fred 1916 Fred A. A. Mabbett Mabbett 1916 Fred 1917 Fred Fred A. A. Mabbett Mabbett 1917 1918 Fred A. A. Mabbett Mabbett 1918 Fred 1919 1919 Fred Fred A. A. Mabbett Mabbett 1920 1920 William William J.J. Erdle Erdle 1921 1921 William William J.J. Erdle Erdle 1922 1922 Harry Harry C. C. Stevenson Stevenson 1923 Harry Harry C. C. Stevenson Stevenson 1923 1924 Harry Harry C. C. Stevenson Stevenson 1924 1925 1925 Thomas Thomas Parsons Parsons 1926 Harry Harry C. C.Stevenson Stevenson 1926 1927 W. W. Peck Peck Farley Farley 1927 1928 W. W. Peck Peck Farley Farley 1928 1929 Philip Philip G. G. Hoffman Hoffman 1929 1930 Philip Philip G. G. Hoffman Hoffman 1930 1931 1931 Philip Philip G. G. Hoffman Hoffman 1932 1932 Philip Philip G. G. Hoffman Hoffman 1933 Thomas 1933 Thomas A. A. Sharp Sharp 1934 William 1934 William P. Fi Barrows Barrows 1935 Wilmot Wilmot V. 1935 Castle V Castle 1936 Edward 1936 Edward J.J. Doyle Doyle 1937 Edward 1937 Edward J.J. Doyle Doyle 594-9401 5949401 254-9190 254-9190 546-8390 546-8390 House H H3231 Resource Resgm-Ce Human Junivf Junior Yacht Club Y=1ChfCl"b_ 232-4221 232-4221 Long Planning Range Planning Lone Range P001 Pool 325-1650 325-1650 Property Pf°P@1"fY Burkhardt) Douglas CO--TEE ~ (Rear CommodoreDouglas C. C. Burkhardt) (Rear Commodore C() 3384409 338-4409 3814146 3814146 Dr. Gary Wahl Boat Safety 271-1720 271-1720 323-2263 323-2263 Douglas C. Burkhardt Membership lp 544-2131 383-8490 333-3490 544-2131 Davidson Peter G. G_ Davidson Peter Prilgsfrs Protest Racing Fleet Racing Fleet Captains: Ca tains872-4289 872-4289 Roger Libby (Diane) (Diane) Ladies Eadiesl Roger Libby 342-6143 342-6143 W_ Webb, Julian W. Jr. Julian Webb, JR Offshore Offshore 475-8457 475-8457 473-6042 473-6042 Edgar Gardner One Que Design Edgar Gardner besign 266-1881 255-1331 Helen Ingerson Helen Regams (future) Regattas Ingersgn (fume) Regattas (1989), Regattas (1989)~: 232-4440 244-0919 232-4440 244-0919 Lawrence Gaenzle Gaenzle No Americans Americans Lawrence .l/24 No. J/24 423-0100 423-0100 342-7538 342-7538 J. Roth Thomas Thomas J. Roth LYRA LYRA 425-4486 425-2750 425-2750 425-4486 Richard Richard Heider Heider Race Rmhester Race Rochester 248-9426 248-9426 323-1896 323-1896 Taves Bennett Bennett Taves Race Mgmt. & Race Sail & Sail Mgmt. 454-3000 454-3000 227-1104 227-1104 Robert 1. Robert J. Fischer Fischer tnsmiction 3,311 Instruction Sail Pa"1HH§j<§*faf{j&""l d( ' géllgggg " ' ' gllssmehe _ $513 1?/tdsgger A 342-3018 342-3018 964-8385 964-8385 342-5511 342-5511 342-1884 342-1884 , _ , __.. ,... _,W . _ . . -»- ,.... . .. -<-.». .;-..-.:::;;::~::'~;=f:~;:~::».-: _ A-9 A 9 ' 4 ., ' ia. _\13?!a1ha; HC . ° f William J. Kreher Miles Bliss john V/anm//corals Qrggur Eagan [1°§:iu;£;t1syC\lV;31tlrkhardt Club Manager Yard Master Field 1940 John VanVoorhis 1941 John VanVoorhis 1942 \/lllillamas. William S.(llNevin 1942 oevilri 1943 1943 william Williams.S.Nevin Nevin 1944 Jonathan Jonathan H. Heinrich 1944 H. Heinrich 1945 1945 Jonathan JonathanH.H.Heinrich Heinrich 1946 Jonathan H.Heinrich Heinrich 1945 i iam S. Calkins 1947 William 1947 alkins 1948 1948 William WilliamS.S.Calkins Calkins 1949James JamesG. G.Dale Dale 1949 1950James damesG. G.Dale Dale 1950 1951 1951 F. F. Ritter Ritter Shumway Shumway 1952 E Ritter 1952 F. Ritter Shumway Shumway 1953 F. Ritter RitterShumway Shumway 1953 F. 1954 1954 Jonathan Jonathan H. H. Heinrich Heinrich 1955 GilbertL.L.Barber Barber 1955 Gilbert 1956 1956 Gilbert GilbertL.L.Barber Barber 1957 1957 Russell Russell D. D. Hay Hay 1958 Russell Russell D. D. Hay Hay 1958 1959 1959 Turner TurnerFEE Dow Dow 1960 !960 Turner Dow Turner FF. Dow 1961 1961 Wilmot WilmotV.V.Castle, Castle,Jr.Jr. 1962 V. Castle, 1962 Wilmot Wilmot V. Jr. Castle, Jr. 1963 1963 Robert Robert R. R. Dobbin Dobbin 1964 1964 Robert Robert R. R. Dobbin Dobbin 1965 1965 John John H. H. Bushfield Bushfield 1966 1966 John John H. H. Bushfield Bushfield 1967 1967 Jonathan Jonathan C.C.Heinrich Heinrich 1968 1968 Jonathan JonathanC.C.Heinrich Heinrich 1969 1969 Henry Henry M. M. Klein, Jr. Klein, Jr. 1970 Henry Henry M. M. Klein, Klein, Jr. Jr. 1970 1971 Ervin Ervin EE Lyke Lyke 1971 1972 En/in Ervin E F. Lyke Lyke 1972 1973 1973 Bruce Bruce M. M. Cameron Cameron 1974 1974 Bruce Bruce M. M. Cameron Cameron 1975 Jr. Frank R. R. Shumway, 1975 Frank Shumway, Jr 1976 Frank R. R. Shumway, Jr. 1976 Frank Shumway, Jr 1977 Robert 1977 Robert R. R. Rae Rae 1978 Robert R. R. Rae Rae 1978 Robert 1979 William 1979 William J. J. Stolze Stolze 1980 William 1980 William J. J. Stolze Stolze 1981 Peter 1981 Peter M. M. Woodams Woodams 1982 1982 Peter Peter M. M. Woodams Woodams 1983 1983 Gordon Gordon R. R. Britton Britton 1984 1984 Gordon Gordon R. R. Britton Britton 1985 1985 Paul Paul B. B. Schumacher Schumacher 1986 1986 Paul Paul B. B. Schumacher Schumacher 1987 1987 John John W. W. Newell Newell 1988 John W. !988 John W. Newell Newell george E. igl eweil þÿJo ¬l1(hgF?.Whit;Wel - E13/1)at1§afe1?l 1938 Harold Harold L.L. Field Field 1938 1939 1939 Harold Harold L.L. Field 1; 1 - ;:7- 1-?'¥'li=i'f ---f I -----~--»» »-~- I <.~.»Q -1 .-.' 4'.... --- _ _ If -'-' = ~-$=$=-Ili' -»--- ---4" . _ ,%_ COMMITTEES COMMITTEES Rochester Club Yacht Club Rochester Yacht Schedule Entertainment and Party Entertainment and Party Schedule 1989 1989 11 ........................... February February 11 March 18 18 ................................. March May 6 .................................... May 6 20........................................ May May 20 10...................................... June 10 June July 28 ................................ July 28 July 29 .................................. July 29 September September 33 ................................ 24 ........................................ September September 24 15 .................................. October October 15 November 4 ..................................... November 4 11 ................................... November November 11 9 .................................... December December 9 31 ............................... December December 31 __,._ . . _ _ _ .v=»1emme"s Valentine’sDine Dineand andDance Dance _ _ _ _ . 1 _S ! _...__ . _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Patrick’s Day Party Kentucky Derby Party Derby Party _Kentucky Commodores Ball Ball .Commodores New Party New Members Members Party Weekend Basin Weekend Cruise the the Basin .Cruise Shore .south South Shore Bar-B-Que Bare-Que Labor Day _Labor Reception Day Reception Clambake _Clambake River Cruise the River Up the Cruise _Up Cups and Flags and Shafts Sham Props and -PYOPS Christmas Party -Christmas Paffy _New New Year's Year’sEve EveParty Party _ _ _ tt`1 *C _ _ _ _ ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ `_pJ _ _ ~ _ _ Club Historian Historian John JohnJ.J. Ochs Ochs Club Club the Club For Reservations Reservations call call the For 342-5511 342-5511 S _r_e ~'»~~' f»__ »~ f;~f~_;_ -,'~ wwf-ff' ~ -~__: r- _.»~__.~_~_ __ a=~.¢»a~_¢- '_ _ ,_ i -_ . '~" ' - ~ _ ___. ._ _sq = ~ Eff-2:1¢?;i;;=;l'>:;f%13;ff"'@i'f : ff. < ij r» - -. _-V . _ - _ _ __ é :nr *fr _ 'lf =_1-"'°_ _; @f~§ _ ' em" PM ;.< - *_ _ ' _gg 1 ' ~ '_ r _ " A an _,wa _W-f __ fyswv; i 3"_. E _ ¢rr~ _ f 5 House House Committee Presem -- Standing Present DallasHeal),, Charles Standing(left (lejitotoright) right)Dallas Healy, Charles Seated to right) Seated (left Earl Thomas Thomas (chairman), Inez Law, Scharztz Law, Earl (chairman), Marilyn (left to rzght) Inez MarilynSchantz Committee A-IO A-10 w w,~.Y,,~,",<-M __ ___.__ _ ____ __._ _W ,f _ ~ _ _ .au =-,_¢ ;_ <.=,r¢<. _ _ _ _ _ - A-11 A-!I p ' A., - _ __ _ _ ~ _ 1 '=er=.;s~=;r===~; #sz 9 ' _ _ EQ _ = l 1 '_A ~ '_ ° l l ' %A_~e>A "'~ ~ I Gray Gray VVUB/EWS ASSDCEATHUN l 1, __ ~ "' 'iff '~ ~" _ `i ~ ~ \==:__`_ ~,_~ 1 fe :'~ ~ _ .11f11'§' " " 911.1 ~ in ir':'111 ~f ,_ 91111, »1 it #'~' we " 1a.~~_~>~i»' ~.~_ 11'1'11\9i ri11"'t¢¢(.1 ~\\\ [1111 /_ ~~ , 111. 1 M ,Y, >)~11_/W, _/W, 111.1163 y i... 6 _1t') _, __, - - e _~ _ _ , ~: 1 t,zn1i1i,1:;1'.1.11 11 _ Mint ihifhtifltdtnt ,..:1 1 ~ l ~ _,ea y ig; ___ 1 ni1 M _1 J A ,Ut 1" <1 _ . (_1=1t%/ed' 1 11 - 1% ~~» fe ~.=f»¢»_<,t»_,_,,__ 1.,1~ ,,_, ,tt ,¢1t11@§H_¢~¢f 1't11lht l1j% » ,,__ _ ' i ._ 2 ., S* <_f_._ ~ ~~ _ _: _ __ .- _ ,, '1'*""E' ' _ f ~~ \~\' ~ ~ - fi? '11 . __ W%M=g;»<_w(_,yf_s_,,,, _ » '_ f_ 7 1 1f1r(1))1~i/'Q 1. 71119111111 _ __ _ "" ' '72-' _» ..; _ _ ( pw ~ ~° 6 - _ ,, , ~ _ ,wsee/~a,,,cf,1, _ ac" 1 _ _w 1um~1~ "»» .V "ff ___:~~>; -- f " ;;'\ V ' "'" J ~<* p *_1;__» _ ei _ > _ _.La-1. _- .- = __ _aw . , þÿa ¬s;1»__;>-; þÿ~»'a ¬s;1»__;>-;__ "_ ~ _ _f _ 55. 11 ew.»e;e J: s» » _ __ _ _____ _ :__.___". 2f#~fs;ii.;';q:;;a¢i~~ ~~ /,,i@_~1`:;¥_;f gi e<~~fe_tfe@;/e°eaf~ me ~ _ _ '%&Y-_ 5""T':l; ?5§1'§=i'?I ' _ ie Jlrfiffaa if fé r az *Q-~ _ Present -- Standing Women’s Association'Present V\bmen's Association (left Standing (left Joss Gretchen Voss to to right) Kathy Frangos, Gretchen Hangos, Kathy right) Seated to right) Rosenbauer, Geotgie Rosenbatter, right) Georgie Seated (left (left to Florence Bianco, Bianco, Chairperson Florence Chairperson "wt é - ' Y _»§ 1 , .af ee__éf»§f;__; ;§;;_;¢;:»;§a._;-2:9 ~ þÿ_'fre - ¬f.~5¢2Z>_1fr2ff $1`~~' .<» ~» ~» ~»-~-- ~ :em r þÿ a_=_f»»¥ieé;§E'= ¬'f;_~_ >e.a1e:;ee:-,a=;;_;..__; _E '\ Committee Present Ibm Hale, Membership Committee Present -- Standing (left Joe Hale, Joe Membership Standing (lefttotoright) right)Tom bzgerson, John John Ernst. Ernst. Seated Patty Murphy, Murphy, Doug Doug Burkhardt Burkhardt Seated (left to righO lngerson, (left to right) Patty (chairman), Dallas Dallas Healy Healy (chairman), - President President -Backus LorieBackus President -- Lorie First Vice President First Vice Rosenbauer Vice President Second Vice President -- Georgianna Second Georgianna Rosenbauer Voss Gretchen Treasurer -- Gretchen Voss Treasurer - Bianco C. Bianco Florence C. Florence - - - _ ,_______f __ _ _ ,_ ,_..,,__,.,._. __ Recording -- Kathy Frangos .... Frangos Kathy Secretary RecordingSecretary Lisson Linda Lisson Corresponding Secretary Secretary -- Linda Corresponding , - - :: _ _ _ 3\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 » t i § _ p 3 3 ' _ __,_____ ___, ,__,__,,_, .: ~ ~ , ~ 1 at f~~~.~~~~._~_. _,F ,_ _ _ _.__. Presidents Presidents R. Rae Rae (Janet) Robert R. Mrs. Robert (Janet) Mis: Ms. Smith Smith Ms. Nan Nancy W Mrg: Bruce M. M. Cameron Cameron Mrs. Bruce (Baibara) (Barbara) Mrs. Beachner RandallBeachne Mrs. Randall (Shirley) r (Shirley) F, Decker Decker (Camaeta) Walter F. Mrs. Walter (Carmela) Mrs. J. Schwenk Schwenlt (Er[ca) (Erica) Franz J. Mrs. Franz Mrs. Connors (BJi L. Connors Mrs. Donald L. (BJ) Mrs, Donald Scott(Kay’) Mrs. E, Kelsey Mrs, E. (Kay) KelseyScott Haas (Maryann) Mrs. Paul Paul Haas Mrs. (Maryann) Fenton(Carol} P. Fenton Thomas P. Mrs. Thomas (Carol) Mrs. Poli (Geraldine) (Geraldine) Mrs. Mrs. Stephen Stephen Foti A. Taylor Mrs. Mrs. Douglas (Ellen) Taylor (Ellen) Douglas A. B. Burks Mrs. William William B. Burks_(Doris) Mrs. (Doris) B. Skhumacher Mrs. Paul Paul B. Schumacher (Fern) (Fern) Mrs. Cichanowicz (Joanne) Mrs. Philip Mrs. (Joanne) Philip Cichanowicz W. Wambach Wambach (Ann) Mrs. Richard W. (Ann) Mrs. Richard Walsh J. Walsh Mrs. Richard Richard J. Mrs. J, Hickey William J. Mrs. William Mrs. (Janice) Hickey (Janice) ,._ e,,,.¢4;\;g.~; »a »~»--w»`-"? ,,_ v ,;;f;';¥____a~¢ /~'~'.».. §:,, -~:»w~~ f'2s.__ »~ _ __ - _;_r= ¢§~f'1'=1ib=f= ;1~__ ,,,, ,_, g ,___t,a,_.._a_ .,_~._,,,__,,, . __,,,,____,, E7 ~ ., ._ __ »~5f!*L_-aJ£'»'?¢f:2; ea-.__;f_,_.et-_ 1lm?~*,_f;'"e!;'-nrfx' 4~e»f~a»_=f_»~ee%'*i-»~ii'éi~`?"=¢= ni.-'_:_v ZE:=vZ=--1 _» §»=_i1_e¢- 'r'§11»:".-.-_--t-¢~: _ _:ee ,_ eee,_e,=_»t_f¢aa»;,; __ <_<+:.¢ ,r;;, ' , ___ ,_ ___ _,_ , §F'1ii"!, 5L~~:G;=;>`1#. ~,.w.,e_; Q; -egg. T _, ' ' is ~ __ ~_.f.~.__-._¢._aa-¢_ ,-g~;.>-Y: ~=§;~;_===:3'.;'. 1, , .e þÿ-Z¢'~-:4fl%2?»n'%{' ¬\`: _~._9,:,_qa.,@~__,~W A-_-9-g.;-ntxrqi þÿ1*'L'1$:;»»E~/~ ¬;;=~'%=;,e sg sage; "GJQ -_»m»~;wa»==7"~»¢39 _:»;1=y'¢%_.v_~_»s.¢ a'§?=~?`/>:)i='ra»#"' TQ, P ' :@,_:~ _ __`;":;f~3z%' þÿ .¢1$»Ls' ¬%¥;1!>y=f¢.»_¢~wee;%~,es_._1t'a_»t_ -_ .Q _aeaae we >~»»a.~»»».__m-e__, .;_-_e~;_~_, ;_1=:_~__ ' - _, ' ~' y __;,, ~~1~fm, ».¢,,.<:=¢;1,,_¢=e~~1~fm, .~,:;»f , ,_ ,.,_,_ =~ __ _. ` "9 -e?<==:r_e:=¥1$»r meéieasf '~" /se; "' er/;1-'--~ _._ t ,ww '-it ; 5 'in _ _ 1 -a _ -x___.a_ t _...,_ 1 _ ~ - ` -1 f 11 1 "1 '»" 2 _ ,_ 1 em _ 1 ._ 1 ww _ v=~.a.wi:'= .1_,._.¢/___~_.¢t~.e h_"h.__'~"" .__ -1_'<"l%:';'7»51-L? 5l.'W?:f]'-5 f2_ ~? 1' ' 1 9 .- ~..;__;- _.wen @-;_>~ tqnitrniggw( 11 llififtim :sv '" -_ >> w~i~»i , ,_ < : it _ :%;&=iE;';eEi>' _»1e~_,-_»; if 1~_,_;m-izire-~<~ #fl-féifzis; ance;-x -_ ?f~w:;,f=v»:.. _~_,._,M,, free t -- 11: _.___ --'>`*=e1=3'e `t¢E;e;;;;1_ ,' _ 1 ~ 1__sAQ _ 1 1 1 , 'W r 1. -tv 1 9 _ _ _ " 'tt _,f.a,a.a._.,_.a_,,,__.am W... ' __ ~ ~ _ _ ' _'ti <- .-st_f=__;_~'¢._-9_~»;fn~ee. ~-, ~:-:- -;;f=-= ein. 1:34 , ~ _ £¥»fé§=-%,£J;$'<.%`r-ee <1-'W.,1». , ntl 1 § , » f 1 1 _ . 1. 1 1 " 6 ` ' ~ » 1 _ 1 _ '_ 1: 'ff _V » _wt -' gaga _ '3`*§= , _ '_ - ,- ._ _-'__ _ r þÿi5» ¬,'3`*§='`~:-:-` ~-,_.wen - _ea ~-'1= :=_»__ :"~;:: _L '__ , r gf;-_.feta-.se-5 '::J__.-';_.a-,_f:f:7¢ 'fe » 212132. ~ _ .~ ,W _'.....-=11 (_,/.._» VI ..__.__.._.,M_ § f _ ' :' '""e='~°""' `""" fiat*fx-=§5?L'§`H»$@w§?EE='2¥5'iL5Z'2-ri¥2»%:ILy>7¢<1"->J1??v1¢"'?»rZ7?¥% 1* ~ ~"' _, egg' _M Property Present -- Standing (left Jim Hill, Hill, Committee Present Reid Stava, Stava, Jitn PropertyCommittee (lefttotoright) right)Reid Standing Ralph Preish_ Preish. Seated Seated (lefi (left to to right) right) John John Bttslyield, Bushfield,Scoop ScoopHyde Hyde(chairman), (chairman), Ralph - Paul Chechak Chechak Paul -lr 0 9 v _M _ 319, _ ~ - ~~ .-¢- ». .__. _f _.__ _ ' f'11-" _2-§->:~=-Z»'»- iltlef--» A-13 __._ ____ _ .ma ,,,, , _. ____ _ _ ,_ ' " ' `:~2~,;»;-_» ' _____ W_., _, _ _ _ A-12 Awww? ,_ ,_ ___ :_ W I ___,,,__ _ 1' 2 e_ ma _ _ gif 5 _ § __,_ t <'~1~ »__, -_»_, 1'Aw w? .:~, ~1at0,._ e, .¢4;\ g.~; »a »~»- w»`-"? , _ v ,; f ';¥_ _ a~¢ /~' .» . §:, _M_319,_.-¢ »._2-§ >:~=-Z»' - f'1 -"iltef- »' "`:~2~,;» -_» -'_ _;,_ ;, _- f'¢;»:-_ _ ,_ _- `TI_f`i-';» '_; _i:;_ ;_.f -_~;¢ _ _ -;_ Q W _,_, ' _ ie _ , ' RHS ENEB P SDENTS X~ars Years Presidents Presidents 1971 1971 Mrs. RitterShumway F. Ritter M rs. F. (Hettie) Shumway (Hettie) 1972 197"2 F, Ritter RitterShumway (Hettie) M rs F. Mrs. Shumway (Hettie) 1973 1973 Kenneth savage Mrs. M rs. J. J. Kenneth (Ann) Savage (Ann) Barber (deceased) Mrs. M rs, Carolyn (deceased) Carolyn Barber 1974 1974 Barber (deceased) Mrs. M rs Carolyn (deceased) Carolyn Barber 1975 1975 Mrs. Janice Janice Doyle Mrs. Doyle 1976 1976 Janice Doyle Mrs, M rs Janice Doyle 197 7 t977 (Association (Association Inactive lnactive) 1978 t978 Inactive) (Association (Association Inactive) 1979 1979 Huston (Helent Mrs, Bruce Bruce Huston (Helen) Mrs. 1980 Huston Mrs. Bmce (Helen)(Helen)1980 Mrs. Bruce Huston 1981 Jr. 1981 R.Shumway. Mrs, Frank Frank R. Mrs. Shumway. Jr. 1982 1982 (Shirley’) (Shirley) 1983 1983 Wiles Converse Converse (Marj) 1964 M rs Wiles 1964 Mrs. (Marj) 1984 Morse 1984 M rs Rickey’ 1965 t965 Mrs. Rickey Morse 1985 Leach 1985 M rs Carol Carol Leach 1966 1966 Mrs. 1986 Gunkler 1986 1967 Mrs Marion Marion Gunkler 1967 Mrs. 1987 1987 Heinrich (Gretchen) M rs Jonathan Jonathan Heinrich 1968 (Gretchen) 1968 Mrs. !988 1988 M.Klein Klein(Jean) 1969 1969 Mrs Henu (Jean) Mrs. HenryM. Cowles (Cornelia) R. Cowles 19"/0 Mrs. Edward Edward R. 1970 (Cornelia) Mrs. Xears ~ars 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 t955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 195 8 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 ;~ _ _a ; ,, , ' ,_ PAST ?&S'E 5 5 ___,,¢ ~ ,.,,~_. Q \<_ __ _ _Ly __ -' __ _;,__;,;_-_f'¢;»:-_ __ _,___ ____ -_`TI_f`i-';»;»'_;;_i:;_;_;_ .ff-_~;¢;____-;__ ` "` 'i , A Q ~\_ ww \ ~, mywe W ' tn " » ~* x ffl Li; _ he ,_ 2 / __ % _tv `f':l'l\" » r qty 'gg ~f;;;; ¢ vt MW `;, W ~ , "'\~~= ' > _ H "%1',' - _4, § _ _ -.,_ _ w»~w'"=%f ' f~~ _ _ >H @>@» _ ,tw W _ _ ]:Z`E& eua I ' ~_ _ _ _ ` "" w swf , "- Mm f" , ~ , ff fi www " ` '~'fi'@_fQf5'v§` ' "'3'W_I' WW F WM' `""""f,Q"f.4 `T'7 °" "' _ ~~~`` ~ if-3 ,,;¢/,_.`4; ff` W ? '~§LZf;`,'1f/ i i ,_, »_ 'ff _ /, .` _ _ W ` ff 4; _>~z¢f______~_'; QQ :_ '~§LZf;`,'1f/ ? iii _,WM I _ it, _ it Sr' Q _ ~'»»»~»aaM1;_=»,»~L",' \.;~'=w%,g#§v _ ,.~, r _ :;;- _ , "QQ 3 _gf ' ~.M,1`"".f w~,\w,,;»,f "' ' , 1 ty _ ii , '_;=_: *T v ¢@, r~ .' fy _ ' M/_een ii- "Q5;f`;N"'; / - _/:f§§f:2f @ ' tw? , " ' "'= < \~ , AM Ftx _ =_:,~.w,, _:_ ,_ Q 'WU _» ~ 4*-1~'%;'= __ : A w, eff. N. _ ~' t '" Wtttt/aw mm eiQ§;;_ _;, _ f » '__ , ey -MMA ,,»,~ 9 »»»»» _~ ,, . _ i~ ¯ ’, . , ' jggex, ' ~ f "v i__ e' Q ,Q _,_ V : __ ;.~ f;:=-Q1 _t ~,; ff /,> Q V ; _ W ,,__,_¢,» _ "KZ?'*??>@é5»'i§2e:2:ei=??%L »N<¢.,m %@g@~,-@,;%,q;>'5.¢»>»»M¢f~,%~Q__ >f;»=;;, '~*'fW ~"5*' _¢,%»@,-exe Q2 _ ,bi _ . _ , ' my,-<.» ~ 2.-'§,H""~¢,¢ ~*', ' _,%p*w- f `W», r» þÿ/wf%= ¬;'/""";:"`<'f;,YfZ'-:W -M/é:;;_:_ ~ _ 3_?$=1¥~§f1§?'é; ,Mm '~*' fW ;__ wg ,_. -_ _,_/v _ _jx 44.K»»,<,»=. ~»-/" ».~ ,f W . ., _,fy/-,_,».,~.~w ,»» A .~.. ._ q»_._¢w»=»¢¢~ ,,,A,~ fff- _ ; 1 f}____,=*p¢$&'¢' 7- ' A ` »e;e2:¢?@e§Z"- i::~ > ,: ~i ~ ~i~, 1 - 3; _ ,Qee . _z esi?=<'§ ig' Q 'I _ a U ' .: v_ ; _ee iw _ _"fi þÿ _¢=@" ¬ ef Q, = :»,_i1£'» ew_,i :»,_i1£'» ew , _ i Trophy Present -- Standing John Texter 72"-VW"(chairman). þÿ5 ¬f1l (left ¬d P¬f@S@'1f JU/U1 þÿC0mm\tfe (C/1¢1lY'"1¢U1)- Seated Sfflildlflg (169 ff'to TFOPITYCommittee right) Lowe Glen Webster, Howard Lowe þÿW-'bSf ¬I',Howard '78/lf) Glen to right) Present-- Standing CruiseCommittee Committee Cruise Present right)Ybm TomHale, Hale, Dane Long. Dane~Long.~ (Ie]? to Standing (left ~ Seated Law, Inez Inez Law Law (co,chairpersons) Paul Law, to right) Sealed (left (co-clzazrjpersons) right) Paul (left to _ V' - " ' Q E _ _,_ v,`_\_ __,_ _ '_~,» MQ ff ~ ` " r _ eeeee ' ~ f," » .___ _ , r " " eeee ' ° , » ""' ' y ~,,, - .;;e \' ° _ __,_ '_~~` Q f ~.W@~ eeeee _ . _ we 1 .'::'»_~f».»'é_ wt ,_ ft* 5 _ eeee ._ _,Z fl ~,»~» ;;¢-;;f@~é'§`_'" vig' ' t ~ _ _ »eee__ee ' ff; _ »'~~_ »>="#5ff'3 _ Wh"`_` " , _I *J* -5 _ ° 'Lf ` _ 2 ' r - _ we " ` _ ' ' _, ig ,; " Q11 ' ' f' » » * t fit; ;`=f:'1w¢ ~, w ` wt ~ with " ` ' £1 , ,,,, f ' ~ - e _ .___ _ ' ,_ 111 ' e ' ` ~' ":` _ "" _ \%? ~'"»_ e " __,_ 5 ' 3 Tennis Tennis Committee Present C°mm1"<=@ P'e5e"[ -- n"'th t /Ia r' Se Dfffdfe SSmith, Standing Stella Smndmg(left (lefttoI0 right) Wm) Deirdre n ncato (chairman) c 1 az rm cz) oreen I Chechak. Seated eae (left to right) `/M Tmama, N Noreen btcavo (l' Cl}kStd(l zz) Mao’amt ef? to azyuzn Taranto, ng ' ` ` - Q fl ht George Pool Pool Committee Present Ie to to right) Geox e Rosenbauet, Rosenbauer,Janet JanetWhztbeck Whitbeck Committee Present-- (left (chairperson) (C/zauperson) _ ~ A - . . _ - W zec la '_ ~_ ' _ A A , _ W ~ ~ - _ ""' < ,__, ,,,__, ____,,___ ,,__, _, ,,,_, _, ,f_, `-qé-, _,_~_; __~__ tf_~_s ,,_~ 3 _,_~_; __~__ tf_~_s ,,_~ f A-15 uv? __;,_,__ = Q ,_ "" " ' ~""' "' 3 % £3 E f -W , .,__.f -,_,.._,1_-~ f-wr-w.__ _wffp -(ttf--#__ ,_-~%_/~»~» .., ` . 2? " 35 ¢_~-_~ ` $3 W. t ~l"f7T,A,_ 2k§§tVIn.%»¥d%»% WL ,Q 1,7 ,M ,__ wrt* ' ~"=~,»=1\»_ q t .1 -f~- , =t»~£e¢£m» ._ \\,._ , A " ' ' ' ~~_ Qin " tfmtttt tn»:t~.,s:=r~.»~ - t 25% t QW fi 'E Vik 'W W; "' f if3 ;~ w -» -t ' " ` _' __.,,,. 1 ~ 4 _"I "- =~\ /gg § Q , ` , W W »f.~@7et , , 7 ' ' we T' 'f§>' j ,=¢";w~- - »=gt@i¢p¢:¢¢ww " '" Qt xiii"/"" uv: -~ , W , 1`9¢ 'f_ ' ,, MQ D , -55 t ~ _ F _ . t -, _ '_ __ ~ ' 33 ' _ _ _ tt M §=»,¢/swf § _ __ .W _» MA;/#=.t»,~»,=M@¢4}¢?~_¢;¢@_. , _ _ ___ »»f #_ VM, _ = ~.1~_»~f;¢;M~z~= , ¢:,_»,f' "Bm "' eel 15-fi ' ;- ,v~'- ~»'-$i2a=¢#a¥»vn~.¢¢'¢#@v¢»~:"=;1f =' -J Y »m%=_;»f+»:|,.:@¢'~»;~ . 5 @;4_~,,.i Www @_=k'1- tt it _QM _ _ A »'-%,,,£;=,¢;~_¢-=:¢:»»- ,ft ,Q » me »- _f~, _ z, _~_Y, ~~ ' - _ _-_w~@~»< fi Q9 ~f A- ;__ 1. ~ >»'».4",.z';<=»>».» i: ff 9 -,_=,;:_'1 _ J/24 Fleet Fleet _]/2.4 lOthz þÿAIlIll\' Amziversao, ¬I'SGl'\` ~ I »k=~r:;;=gw;¢~ ¢»@;,_.,¢¢~m.».M_,~_,_-@¢»~_m¢af@@,¢»~f»~__ ,»WW~W.~,;,-¢»».f M - f;y ,» - < n 33 » -7- _,Q , s __, _, __ f»'~ 5" _Zi - _ -_ "-~~ _ Q; 22 yaé . Robb Holt Jo/ztz Ernst, Ernst, Robb Present-- (left Measurer Present Holt Measurer rzg/tt)John (lefttotoright) w w t W _M - ~~~~ <’T ____ _ ~'~~ ,_ A _ _ ° _ ~ _ ~ ~ " mt 2 _ 2 ~' 1 "/"f " 'f"" _ , _~ 4 ss ' , _ f ` "F ` l 21+ nw ;f;~~~»-ast t , » _ 'Fw '~ ~;' \ , \ :,»,,,¢` www ,, T'"',i:' V S ,ea/gn fmt, ww £ffi,§t_;;_,;;., 1,_,'§ $ ___>;; ; ~, st _,Je -qi we fm -t ¢ f t _ , _ ft 12 t ,we Ay " »=~:"' : "MW _ \~ 2 wwz, » ,tt t,,ttftt~. ,_ ~ ' ~i 61;-»§'%'W~»»$!'.v¢im <` f "'"i@>§"*'9@£` _»._t,.,,._,,_._,,q , \ . ~=.."<"°' ' W ,f ,tttteatt ,~w<',_ 1 ` 5 ' , =.__ -L f> ~»t~= =:- tw ""'"" M *"' ,ttf W~5;\ "'<~ '~ ' - ts ~ *W - "' ,fam __ w¢ '"~ _ ,\~ Nw .wt ,tm , ~,,.,_,.. __ `1~ \ ,3,y'sf'»;f@%~ __ ' ' _ =t»,.\ '"' ~ f V /,tt _ ,_ _,_/,f , _, » - vs" wf cév. ..=2'>'?>?i?-I ` -f,`" 1 ~,l - _:»>=,_` AI Perm' PerO, && Frzends Friends Al I Camelot Island I I at C Kznsella Tzm Kinsella Ptesent -- Tim PHRFDelegate PHRF DelegatePresent _ Present Sail Sail Committee Present "»\ " 2 3 »3'1'¢¢??M?>}~A - *_ E; ~ """W"w» _ < @% ,_ Q \ __._.-... A = _ ,t ge t V....»;__,,_ 'Z ~ 1 \, ' W, ww W¢'4_ ` ~\\;<' , __ _ M, Q , _ ,__ '~ ,..,~..¢~,_»,¢t¢~~, ~@"'~~* 'mfw §vf'§)'z% _ >' _< \ _ \ _ ».g;_,»_,,¢¢ f 'f~eS1";¢%@2¢:;¢® W " iv _ _ __ t M ' ;_;»'=" _ J 5 , - _@~»,w;% ¢»__,,_,,,.h_,,.__~,_. W , ~ / tm ~-* ww t s _ :\ .www /e _,_ mfg; , _, *__ 5, "Sw Wt~"_ ~»w,1=:' My .,tfty~, !W3,>¢¢~ f .,,_ we ~ , _ " -' _ _ " ___:;m.»,'~' " t t§,,f we ff __ - ww ? ~ ' :~ _&£g§, ft M, f. t f - "ent !f"W ;;=,:=' M' _»-t1m;avf" W tt ' >"""", Wt #fm t t, /Jw' ff _ t=¢fif1=~ ;; _ ' 'tit vw " fffff K' ~` i C/zamnan Bennett C C Tares, Yizves, Chailvnan -- Bennett - R?" % A-17 A-16 . ff- '""'"'"' , _ _,H __ __ , _, ___, 6 /» (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) ~A~ MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN BOATNAME NAME BOAT John V. / Adkin, John Adkin, 88 Sabal Dr. Dr. 88 Sabal Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Punta 33950 Gorda, FL 7/57 7/57 Vonnie Vonnie Swan Swan Agostinelli, Joseph G. Agostinelli, Joseph G. 2200 Edgemere 2200 Dr. Edgemere Dr. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/80 5/80 Jeane Marie Jeane Marie Christina Christina 33 Callisto Callisto B. DianneB. Ainslie, Ainslie, Dianne 44 Sky Dr Sky Ridge Ridge Dr. NY 14625 14625 Rochester, NY Rochester, 1/74 1/74 Albiston, John M. M. Albiston, John 987 East 987 East Ave. Ave. NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY 5/71 5/71 DL Ralph Alexander, E Alexander, Dr. Ralph E. 80 Shaftsbury 80 Rd. Shaitsbury Rd. NY14610 Rochester, 14610 Rochester, NY 9/53 9/53 Allaire, Jeffrey Allaire, Jeffrey 5/83 5/83 John S. S. Allen, John Allen, 9/73 9[73 AIIport, L. Dr. Edgar Allport, Dr. Edgar L. Rt. 105 Cedardale Cedardale Rt. 1, 1, 105 NC 28539 28539 Hubert, NC Hubert, 3/78 3/78 Allyn, M. David M. Allyn, David 1402 East East Ave. 1402 Ave. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/62 2/62 Marion Marion Anoatok Anoatok (H) 442-6734 442-8734 (H) (B) 546-8077 546-8077 (B) Anders, M. M.W. W. Anders, 1/82 1/82 Laurie Laurie Windigo Windigo 248-2071 (H) 248-2071 (H) (B) 275-1681 275-1681 (B) Anderson, James James I.I. Anderson, 4 Bayard Bayard St. St. 4 NY 10538 Larchmont, NY 10538 Larchmont, 6/77 6/77 Jacqui Jacqui Five o’Clock Five o'Clocl< Southerly Southerly D. Anderson, Anderson, Roger RogerD. 307 307 Linwood Linwood Ave. Ave. Ridgewood, NJ NJ 07450 07450 Ridgewood, 8/70 8/70 Richard C. C. Andler, Andler, Richard 51 Commonwealth 51 Commonwealth Rd. Rd. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/67 5/67 Angelidis, Eugene C. Angelidis, Eugene C. 4/84 4/84 RO. Box P.O. Box 12698 12698 NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2702 Oal<view Oakview Dr. 2702 Dr NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 7 7 Broken Broken Hill Hill Rd. Rd. PHONE PHONE Song Song 813-639-3217 (H) 813-639-3217 (H) 227-0284 (H) 227-0284 (H) x3637 (B) 254-4700 254-4700 x3637 (B) Latent Latent Image lmage (H) 385-8893 385-8893 (H) (B) 724-7491 724-7491 (B) (H) 442-6921 442-6921 (H) (B) 266-5650 266-5650 (B) Muriel Muriel 288-2146 (H) 288-2146 (H) 342-3030 (B) 342-3030 (B) Peggy Peggy Pegasus Pegasus (H) 342-5342 342-5342 (H) 458-1000 (B) 458-1000 (B) Shenandoah Shenandoah (B) 919-451-4760 919-451-4760 (B) Pittsford, NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY 331 Lake Front 331 Lake Front NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY W, > __ M me ., /-. M H ,»...a.,~.;,~».,~,.- ,..a.__, ,_ .Wmw~m » a~ gif ,;,z'f,¢e/»~»~=»¢.7»~ Ms.-.-,_ _./_,»»,,,/-....¢.., , Q, mm ----- -2 'e-5~_- ig; ,: 914-834-0211 (H) 914-834-0211 (H) (B) 203-329-8700 203-329-8700 (B) 201-445-0604 (H) 201-445-0604 (H) 212-930-7600 (B) 212-930-7600 (B) Carole Carole 473-8025 (H) 473-8025 (H) 722-2412 (B) 722-2412 (8) Heatwave Heatwave ._e~;¢:-_~ :~,»_.a 4, _,.,, .,,. ;;,»;:,~;~:.;-:-;~:-:- ~ -, .f. , gtzé? wb; (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Phone Home Phone (H) (H) Home Phone BusinessPhone (B) (B) Business ~,~]E~JI B ER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC Hvc E. Angle, Mrs. Charles Charles E. Angle, Mrs. Hills 270 270 Huntington HuntingtonHills NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/70 2/70 G. Loren G. Ansley, Loren A l Rd. Creek Rd. 891;/'Hens 885 Aliens Creek 14618 NY14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/79 2/79 B. Peter B. Archbold, Archbold, Peter 4/77 4/77 sPousE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME NAME BOAT PHONE PHONE 4575150 (H) 467-6150 (H) (H)386-3187 (H)355'3157 4354750 (B) (B) 436-1700 Jennifer Jennifer Hudson 16 16 Hudson Courtney 13 Courtney 13 Cameron 44 Cameron Hurry Scuriy Hurry Scurry Archer, H. Archer, Myron Myron H. Drive 249 Ridgemont 249 RidgemontDrive 14626 NY 14626 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/83 5/83 Arp, p_ George E Arp, George Ha. 5833 Fairgreen 5833 Fairgreen Rd. FL33417 33417 Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL 2/77 2/77 E. Robert, E. Ashodian, Ashodian, Robert, Hd. Lake Rd. 4262 East East Lake 4262 14538 NY 14538 Pultneyville, Pultneyville, NY 6/82 6/82 W. Ashton, Ashton, Craig Craig W. Drive 2044 Prince Drive 2044 Prince FL 33942 33942 Naples, Naples, FL 11/81 11/81 Sandra Sandra Entendre Entendre G. Leland G. Atkinson, lll, Leland Atk'nson, III, St. 215 215lMelrose Melrose St. 14619 NY14619 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/85 8/85 Deborah Deborah Comfortably Comfortably Numb Numb H, Edwin H. Atwood, 111, Edwin Atwood, Ill, Hole Court Court 66 Woods Woods Hole NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 6/74 6/74 Nancy Nancy 14 Nah Nan 14 Julie Backus, Julie Backus, 5/86 5/86 L. Daniel L. Baker, Baker, Daniel Pi. 86 Steger steger PI. NY14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/73 5/73 J. Arthur J. Bamann, Jr., Jr.,Arthur Bamann, Di: BrookDr. 52 Little Little Brook 52 NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 1/70 1/70 Donald P. R Bamann, Donald Bamann, 6819 Creek Road Road 6819 Salmon Salmon Creek NY 14589 14589 Williamson, NY Williamson, 5/77 5/77 Pamela Pamela Barclay,Robert Robert Barclay, 2175 Portland Portland Ave. 2175 Ave. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 6/88 6/88 J. Barnash, James James J. Barnash, 1/75 1/75 Racing F166/ng 227-2077 (H) 227-2077 (H) 7222252 (B) 722-2282 (B) 407-4716081 (H) (H) 407-471-5081 407-471-3999 (B) (B) 407-471-3999 Half-Way Half-Way Paula Paula Wight VWQNT 1/84 1/84 Brian E. E. Barrett, Brian Barrett, 4/85 4/85 84 84 Hemlock Hemlock Woods Woods La. La. Burnett J. J. Barrett, Burnett Barrett, 315-589-9030 (H) 315-589-9080 (H) 7242791 (B) 724-4791 (B) 84 Hemlock Woods 84 Hemlock Woods La. La. 9 -,M ...~,_~~.~_. _~f,, - ..,~.; Sandy Sandy ,145 f~.~1;;~6;-1:7-4 114;li. ..,>~ f~,¢ ,,~.¢,~. 1=f1af~~:I"_~~` 5 3/80 3/80 Beverly Beverly 10/84 10/84 436-9315 (H) (H) 436-9315 2352929 (B) 235-2620 (B) James V. L Barry, Barry, James 1710 Edgemere Di: 1710 Edgemere Dr. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/79 5/79 Elizabeth Elizabeth 381-9749 (H) (H) 381-8749 35155749 (B) 381-8749 (5) E. Gerald E. Battist, Battist, Gerald 111 Farm Brook Dr. Dr 111 Farm Brook NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/69 8/69 Louise Louise 266-4146 (H) (H) 266-4146 4919409 (B) 464-9400 (B) 2692553 (H) 266-2663 24""4840 (B) 244-4840 (B) Bamco Bamco >.-: 544-2676 (H) 544-2676 (H) (B) 626-9699 323-9899 (6) 244-6442 (H) 244-8442 (H) (B) 475-9050 475-9050 (6) 621-3761 (H) 621-3761 (H) Mrs. Irene Irene Barrows, Mrs. Barrows, 1000 East 504 1000 East Ave., Ave., Unit Unit 504 NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 813-598-9588 (H) (H) 813-598-9588 313'453'4533 (B) 813-463-4533 (B) Brass Brass Dragon Dragon 621-6761 (H) 621-3761 (H) 266-9766 (B) 266-9766 (6) (H) 476-6259 473-5259 (H) 277-1066 (H) 277-1038 (H) 253-7226 (B) 253-7226 (6) Expresso Expresso 661-4127 (H) 381-4127 (H) (B) 724-4969 724-4969 (6) 'Em Smoke Smoke ’Em (H) 473-0995 473-0995 (H) Baum, Dr. David David Baum, Dr. 90 Irvington Rd. 90 lrvington Rd. NY 14620 14620 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/88 5/88 Frederick A. A. Bauman, Bauman,Frederick 41 Hillhurst Hillhurst La. La. 41 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 7/65 7/65 Edna Edna Katrinka Katrinka (H) 342-2895 342-2895 (H) 659-2710 (B) 359-2710 (6) Robert B. B. Bayley, Robert Bayley, 1/83 1/83 Susan Susan American American (H) 225-4625 225-4625 (H) 254-1100 (B) (6) 254-1100 Norman F. E Beach, Norman Beach, 16 India India St., St., Box 16 Box 748 748 MA 02554 02554 Nantucket, Nantucket, MA 10/73 10/73 Irene Irene 100 Blvd. 100 Ontario Ontario Blvd. NY 14468 14468 Hilton, NY Hilton, 248-2102 (H) 248-2102 (H) 546-9292 (B) 546-8262 ;!ii ~ Samurai Samurai 18 Leslie Leslie 18 Todd Todd 18 18 NY 14615 14615 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2554145 (H) 266-4146 (H) ' »..1 315-589-9927 (H) 315-589-9927 (H) 615-569-9927 (B) (6) 315-589-9927 Julia Julia B-3 B-3 6. PHONE PHONE NY 14615 14615 Rochester, Rochester, NY Blvd. Paul Blvd. 2675 2675 St. St. Paul 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY A. Dale A. Dale Margaret Margaret James 12 James 12 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Charles W. W. 1/89 1/89 Bauerschmidt, Bauerschmidt, Charles 143 Allwood Drive 143 AIIwood Drive Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Mr. it/16900 Magoo ivir, Lode Lorie Barnum, Henry C. Barnum, Henry C. Treasurer Feasurer Task Task Force Force 199 199 Roosevelt Rd. Roosevelt Rd. NY 14618 Rochester, NY 14618 Rochester, ====== B,==== 3/82 3/82 SPOUSE/ SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 335532) (B) (B) 338-5321 Farm erickrieid Farm Brickfield 14506 NY 14506 Mendon, Mendon, NY JamesL.L. Backus James Backus, 611/6. Paul BIvd. 2675 2675 St. stf Paul 14617 NY 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY JOINED JOINED RYC RYC 231 Bellehurst 231 Bellehurst Dr. Dr. Cynthia Ctfflfhia Gloria Gloria Ladies Ladies MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS <'f`<:<4 Express Express 617-226-2791 (H) 617-228-2791 (H) Phone Home Phone (H) (H) Home Phone BusinessPhone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC FIYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME G. Ftaridall G. Beachner, Beachner, Randall Rd. 1180 Lake Lake Rd. 1180 14580 NY 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 5/52 5/52 Shirley Shirley K Shirley Shirley K M. Alexander M. Beebee, Beebee, Alexander Key Largo Anglers Club Key Largo Anglers Club RR Box262 262 RR 1 1 - Box FL 33037 33037 Key Key Largo, Largo, FL 5/65 6/65 Bennett, R. Bennett, Douglas DouglasR. 25 25 English Woods English Woods 14616 Rochester, NY14616 Rochester, NY 6/79 6/79 Michele Michele M. Bensley, Albert M. Bensley, Albert 11 11 Partridge Hill 14472 NY14472 Honeoye Falls, NY Honeoye Falls, 5/83 5/83 Carol Carol Mrs. Grace Grace Bereza, Bereza, Mrs. Dr. 55 Sky Sky Ridge Ridge Dr. NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY PHONE PHONE 872-0052 (H) (H) 872-0052 (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED J0|NED RYC Ry() SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CH||_DREN Ann L. |_A Bibbens, Bibbens, Ann 2/81 2/81 B;|| Bill Sara Sara 11 H_ Bick, Bick, Carolyn Carolyn H. 11/78 11/78 S31-nUe1 Samuel Louise Louise 33145951 (H) 381-6951 (H) (B) 244-1090 244-t090 (B) 206 206 Woodsmoke Woodsmoke Lane Lane NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY Cora Cora Fire On Fire On 305-367-2382 (H) (H) 305-367-2382 20 St. 20 South South St. NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY - BOAT BOATNAME NAME Bacchante Bacchante pHONE PHONE 225,15-/5 (H) 225-1675 (H) 722-2129 (B) 722-2129 (B) 225-4159 (H) 225-4169 (H) 277-2140 (B) 277-2140 (8) D. Bierworth, Bierworth, George George D. 10/79 10/79 Gail Gall 424 Beach Ave. Ave. 424 Beach NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 621-6864 (H) 621-8864 (H) (B) 225-SOOO 225-6000 (B) 624-5312 (H) 624-5312 (H) Kimberlee Bierworth, Bierworth, Kimberlee 111 ye,-ke, 111 Yorker Avenue Avenue Rochester, Rochester' NY 14612 7/86 7/86 Scott Scott 865-7081 (H) 865-7081 (H) 2/59 2/59 385-9058 (H) (H) 385-9058 Robert J. J. Bircher, Bircher, Robert 637 637 Corwin Corwin Rd. no Rochester, NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY 6/73 6/73 Nancy Nancy 6/80 8/80 385-3248 (H) (H) 385-3246 381-4770 (B) (3) 381-4770 T. Ronald T. Bircher, Bircher, Ronald 16 Locust Locust St. 16 st. NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 5/74 5/74 Bergeson, Befsoson, Marjorie Moriofio Pines 34 Shadow Shadow Pines 34 NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Perifielcl, NY Alan A. Bertch, A. Bench, Alan 413 Grand Ave. 419 Grand Ave. NY 14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/76 11/76 Pt. John R. Blair, Jr., John Blair, Jr., 28849 28849 Barragon earragoh Agoura CA91301 91301 Hills, CA Agoura Hills, 1/80 1/80 Deborah Deborah oe-ohne Deanna iii John III John HBetlem, John H. Botlorn, John 3234 3234 BrockportBrockportSpencerport Rd. Spenoerport Rd. NY14559 14559 Spencerport, Spencerport, NY 10/77 10/77 Joan Jean M. Blair, Richard M. Blair, Richard 642 Spyglass Hill 642 Spyglass Hill Bermuda Run, Bermuda NC 27006 27006 Run, NC 3/75 3/75 Donna oohrie 3/69 3/69 Nancy Nancy Christine 18 18 Christine Blanding, Blending,Douglass DouglassL.L. 185 Coen 185 Beeeonview Beaconview Court NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester' 11/78 11/78 Paul G. G. Betlem, Beilem, Paul 318 Panorama Trail 318 PanoramaTrail NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY Rosemary Rosemary 544-4103 (H) 544-4103 (H) 725-4154 (B) 726-4164 (B) H. Betlem, Todd H. Betlem, Todd 318 Panorama PanoramaTrail Trail 318 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/84 5/84 L. Bonheyo, George, Bonheyo, George, L. 85 Valley View Cres. cres. 85 Valley View NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 7/82 7/82 Joan Joan (H) 544-2284 544-2284 (H) (B) 427-3486 427-3486 (6) Bianco, Bianco, Joseph Jooooh 887 Titus Ave. 887 Titus Ave. NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 6/71 6/71 Booth,Timothy TimothyM. M. Booth, 11/69 11169 Dee Dee Dee Meaghan Meaghan 11 T. William William VII Nirie VII Nirie Lori Bianco, Lori Bianco, 887 Titus Titus Ave. Avo887 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/86 1/86 Thomas N. N. Borshoff, Thomas Borshoff, 5/88 5/88 Bianco. Renee Renee Bianco. 887 Titus Ti1US Ave. Avo. 887 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/84 8/84 5/71 5/71 Diane Diane Seascape Seascape (H) 544-5491 544-5491 (H) (B) 342-5665 342-5665 (6) 6/84 6/84 Joanne Joanne Aqua Aqua 594-1045 (H) 594-1045 (H) Kimberly 17 14 Wendy Wendy 14 Sea D IIll Sea D (B) 722-0241 (H)288-5469 (H)288-5489 847-7508 (B) (8) 647-7506 647-7000 X3884 x3664 347-7000 352-3090 (H) 352-6090 (H) Sea Fever Fever Sea 381-3289 (H) 381-3289 (H) 385-4750 (B) (B) 385-4750 381-3289 (H) (H) 381-3289 Floronoo Florence Womens Women’s Association Association 342-2432 (H) (H) 342-2432 3234310 (B) (B) 328-4310 3691 ho. 3691 Ftiver River Rd. Youngstown, NY14174 14174 Youngstown, NY 342-2432 (H) (H) 342-2432 236 Bivo. 236 Nuhoe Nunda Blvd. Ghost Ghost (H) 482-6858 482-6858 (H) 586-7700 (B) 586-7700 (B) Lou Mary Lou Mary 385-2971 (H) 385-2971 (H) (B) 546-2456 546-2456 re) Andrew 66 Andrew Meredith Meredith 44 Jospeh 11 Jospeh 313-707-1972 (H) 818-707-1972 (H) X212 213-333-7251 x212 (B) 213-333-7251 (6) Johehhe Johanna 10 Kevin Kevin 10 E111-1 11 Erin 919-998-0721 (H) 919-998-0721 (H) 919-768-0110 (B) 919-768-0110 (B) 1-745-3836 (H) 1-745-3836 (H) 1-282-1251 (B) 1-282-1251 (5) NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, 342-2432 (H) 342-2432 (H) Bosco, Bosco, John R. R. John 305 Ave. 905 Titus Titus Ave. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY Jn Arnold Arnold R. R. Boughner, Boughner, Jr. 30 Reddick Lane Lane 30 Reddick NY 14624 14624 Rochester, Rochester; NY B4 B-4 J .,__._ , ,,,,.___.M.__,.L,.,.,.V.u.Wm3,,.,,,, ..,, J. .,.,_, . B-5 ,. ..,_., , ,_,__,,,_ ...Lum .,,,,__ . . Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Phone Business Phone (B) Business (B) Home Phone Phone (H) Home (H) Phone (B) Business Business Phone (B) l MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC 0. Mrs. Ingalls Bradley, 1nge11s S. Bradley, Mrs. Rd, Beach Rd. 930 Rock ROCK Beach 930 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/03 5/83 5, Henri E. Breton, Breton, Henri Lane 88 Kenmore KenmoreLane 88 14617 Rochester, NY14617 Rochester, NY 2/01 2/61 Diane Diane Dirigo DiriQ0 437-2132 (H) 467-2182 (H) 4572152 (B) (B) 467-2182 neben J. J. Brick, Brick, Robert or. 57 Hawk Dr. 57 Kitty Kitty Hawk NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 5/80 5/80 Kathy Kathy 18 Jenny Jenny 18 Zephyr zeptwf 331-1742 (H) (H) 381-1742 425-4470 (B) (B) 425-4470 1=1. Robert R. Bridges, Bridges, Robert Crescent 160 Valley 160 Valley View View Crescent 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/46 4/46 C. Briggs, JosephC. Briggs, Joseph Point 0529 Longs 6529 LongsPoint NY14512 14512 Naples, Naples, NY 11/67 11/67 J. RobertJ. Brinkman, Brinkman, Robert Entertainment Entertainment Ave. 325 Van Van Voorhis veerhis Ave. 325 River Run Run 11 River 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/79 2/79 R. Gordon R. Britton, Britton, Gordon Commodore 1983-84 Commodore 1983-84 Blvd. Paul Blvd. 5250 St. St. Paul " 5250 14617 Rochester, NY14617 Rochester, NY 5/56 5/56 l. Peter I. Britton, Britton, Peter St. 40 40 State State St. NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 7/77 7/77 Brodereon, G. Broderson, Nancy Nancy G. 237 Berkeley St. 237 Berkeley St. NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/75 6/75 L. David L. Brooke, Brooke, David or#618 #618 001 Laurel Laurel Oak OakDr. 801 Naples, FL33963 33963 Naples, FL 5/73 5/73 Robert L. L. Broten, Broten, Robert 14 14 Audubon Audubon St. sr. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/84 1/84 Robert C. C. Brown, Brown, Robert Avenue 545 Pine Pine Grove Grove Avenue 545 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/72 4/72 ' , _ 4 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN MEMBER/ ADDRESS 342-0112 (H) (H) 342-0112 A _ Nancy Nancy 342-1502 (H) (H) 342-1502 Christina Christina 14 Brendan Brendan 14 Eleanor Eleanor Sundowner Sundowner Magician Magician Embrace Embrace 14374-2966 (H) 1-374-2966 (H) 342-4057 (H) (H) 342-4057 am594-9401 a.m. (B) (B) 594-9401 458-9402 p.m. (B) 11-01 (B) 458-9402 g 338-7194 (H) (H) 338-7194 92459335 (B) 924-9335 (B) _ i , 4 2535159 (B) 258-5159 (3) Mary Lu Lu Mary Eagle Eagle Gator Gator 544-2106 (H) 544-2106 (H) 313-251-3503 (B) (B) 813-261-8508 244-3033 (H) 244-3033 (H) 315-935-5050 (B) 315-986-6850 (B) f _ 0 E 5/85 5186 y R. Walter R. Brownell, Brownell, Walter 161 D12 161 Coronado Coronado Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, _ Scott Brownstein, Scott Brewnstein, 210 Winona Blvd. 210 Winona Blvd. NY 14617 14617 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 10/71 10/71 Carol Carol Hop Scotch Hop Scotch 338-1848 (H) 338-1848 (H) 338-1848 (B) 338-1848 (B) Brewnstein, Brownstein, Stephen Stephen 24 Warder werder Dr. or 24 NY 14524 14524 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 11/79 11/79 Susan Susan Ariel Ariel (H) 500-0120 586-8128 (H) (B) 442-9360 442-9360 (0) S. Robert S. Bryant, Bryant, Robert Meigs st. Meigs St. NY 14607 14007 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/79 5/79 Cool-Jerk Coot-Jerk (H) 442-5094 442-5694 (H) 477-7155 (B) 477-7155 (0) Buchholz, R. Buchholz, Douglas Douglas R. 100 Van Voorhis Voorhis Ave. 100 Van Ave. NY 14617 14517 Rochester, Rochesten NY 1/63 1/63 Willeen Willeen Danielle 11 Danietle 11 Gunther K. K. Buerman, Buerman, Gunther 1186 Lake Rd. 1186 Lake Rd. Webster, NY NY 14580 14580 Webster 2/73 2/73 Margaretha Margaretha Bull, Walter B. B. Bull, Jr., Jr., Walter 1010 Wyndon 1010 Wyndon Ave. Ave. Bryn PA 19010 19010 Mawr PA Bryn Mawr, 9/75 9/75 Nancy Nancy Burhans, Keith Keith Burhans, M. 11/1. 122 Sagamore 122 Dr. Sagamore Dr. NY 14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochesten NY 5/79 5/79 Susanne Susanne Kristen Kristen 44 Burkhardt, Douglas C_ Bu,-kha,-dt' DougiasC. 7/73 7/73 Joyce Joyce Tranquitlity Tranquillity William B. B. Burks, Burks, William 135 Hillary Hillary Lane 135 Lane NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Perlfleld, NY 11/68 11168 Doris Doris Sea Sea Oats Oats (H) 586-8143 586-8143 (H) (B) 232-1000 232-1000 (0) Edward J. J. Burns, Burns, Edward 870 870 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, 11/80 11180 14 Christopher 14 Christopher Fartelue Farfelue 787-0706 (H) (H) 787-0706 540-0000 (B) 546-8000 (0) neeen M. 11/1. Jr. Jr. Burton, 001-ren, Robert 337 Lake 337 Lake Rd. Rd. NY 14519 Ontario, 14519 Ontario, NY 7/86 7/86 Mollie Mollie Jenna 16 16 Jenna Graham 15 Graham 15 Foxfire Foxfire 205-2107 (H) 265-2167 (H) 724-0397 (B) 724-8397 (0) Bushfield, Jenn H. H. Busnfield, John Commodore 1965-66 1965-66 Commodore 4577 St. Paul Blvd. 4577 St. Paul Blvd. NY14617 14617 Rochester, pqochesten NY 7/32 7/32 Dorothy Dorothy Hagar Hagar 342-3474 (H) 342-3474 (H) Dennis J. J. Byrne, Byrne, Dennis 22 Gateway Rd. 22 Gateway Rd. NY 14624 14624 Rochester, NY Rochester, 4/62 4/62 Peggy P@9QY 18 Amy Amy 18 16 Kathleen Kathleen 16 Sweet Wind Sweet Wind PHONE PHONE (H) 342-6724 342-6724 (H) Total Total Eclipse Eclipse Partial Partial Eclipse Eclipse Gabriella Gabriella 44 872-3744 (H) 872-3744 (H) (B) 232-4440 232-4440 (0) 215-525-4030 (H) 215-525-4030 (H) 215-665-9300 (B) 215-665-9300 (0) 256-9007 (H) 266-9007 (H) (B) 266-9007 266-9007 (B) 482-7414 (H) 482-7414 (H) 271-1720 (B) 271-1720 (0) NY 14622 Rochester, NY 14622 Rochester, 2403150 (B) (13) 248-3150 1 fl BOAT BOAT NAME NAME Membership Membershm 1575 Bay Shore Shore Blvd. 1575 Bay Blvd. $' 4 31 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Rear Commodore Rear Commodore " _ JOINED 442 442 15 JON Jon 16 14 Mike 14 Mike A11ee Alice RYC `é3g:NED PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Laramie Laramie Betty Betty 342-4307 (H) (H) 342-4307 477-5007 (B) (13) 477-8007 250-1345 (H) 266-1345 (H) (H) 009-4403 889-4403 (H) 1-700-5242 (B) 1-768-6242 (0) B-? B-7 5515 5- -ea , _ , _._ ,,/_.. _ - -'3'7*5'32=3f-¢- 1'-= »'='» f-1 lvf ' ~-»- ' ---- -'='-`f-- 1 """'J';:$12° ,,,.. ' ¢»_,e4,"'e!»»"~%,e. . -»,,;»=-¢ .»-»-..»,~ ._ ew. ...__..._., wc :wh 1. 2 . __. +5-14 ' - " ' _ __ . n,wk>v<.4:.w' 'G/1 _ _ . _ _ ,swf -w,z;~= ,_ _. ._ -546 W0 _ ~v,'w;;a¢vy'w 471W/_svswywp/s--/,. 50-45. 1- 'ef rr//M4511/2-r _,._» .,. s _.»~- Wie.-W ~ ' ' ,__. ,,.,. ~ Phone Home Phone H ) Home ((H) Phone Business Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME NAME BOAT PHONE PHONE 667-2771 (H) 367-2771 (H) 724-4460 (B) 724-4460 (6) 9/63 9/63 Arlen Y. Y. Cady, Cady, Arian 37 ae. 37 sex 226-6730 220-0730 County Box County Rd. NY 14560 14560 Springwater, Springwater, NY Nancy Nancy 16 Christine Christine18 M. Dr. Russel Russel M. Cain, Cain, Dr. Rd. 202 Roosevelt Roosevelt Rd. 202 NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/82 5/82 L. Callahan, James L. Callahan, James 80 80 Haymarket Sq. Haymarket Sq. 14051 NY14051 East Amherst, Amherst, NY East 3/70 3/78 Gallon, Callon, Bettyjean Bettyjean Dr 50 50 Mayon Mayon Dr. NY 14616 14616 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11185 11/85 M. Jean M. Gallon, Callon, Jean Street 53 53 Asbury Asbury Street 14620 NY 14620 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/88 9/88 E. Richard E. Gallon, Callon, Richard Dr. 50 Mayon 50 Mayon Dr. 14616 NY14616 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/55 4/55 Betty eeny D. AlexanderD. Cameron, Cameron, Alexander 161 Hampton 161 Hampton Way Way 14526 NY 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 6/78 6/78 Sian Sian M. Bruce M. Cameron, Cameron, Bruce Commodore 1973-74 Commodore1973-74 Di: PinesDr. Shadow Pines 99 Shadow 14526 Penfield, NY 14526 Penfield, NY 5/55 5/55 D. MenneD. Cameron, camel-en, Martha 8 45 45 Cornell Cornell St., St., Apt. Apt. 8 14607 NY 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/83 6/83 Dale Oameron-Kody, Cameron-Kody, Dale Dr. Lake Crescent Crescent Dr. 11 Lake 14445 NY 14445 E. Rochester, E. Rochester, NY 2/77 2/77 0. Steven D. Carhart, cernen, Steven RO. Box 25091 P.O. Box 25091 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/86 5/86 L. Robert L. Sr., Robert Carlson, Carlson, Sr., Fld. 000 Lake Lake Rd. 690 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 2/84 2/84 L. Carlson, Robert, L. Jn, Robert, Carlson, Jr., or 51 51 Thornciiffe Thorncliffe Dr. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 2/72 2/72 Terrance E. Casey, Terrance E. Casey, 64 Mt. lvlr. Airy 64 Airy or Dr. 6/83 6/83 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Bu siness Phone Phone (0) Cross Celtic Cross Celtic Tigress Ti0f@SS MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED ED JOIN RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN Cl-ltLDREN Cashette, Anthony, Anthony, G. G. Cashette, 7/70 7/-70 Rose Rose Gerard M. M. Cashette, Gerard Cashette, 8/75 8/75 Joanne Joanne Absolute Absolute Cashette, Henry Cashette, Henry 9/69 9/69 Janis Janis Katie 13 Katie 13 Elusive Elusive 312 Ave. 312 Van Van Voorhis Voorhis Ave. 461-3243 (H) (H) 461-3243 2727555 (B) (B) 272-7555 20 Rustic Pines Pines 20 Rustic NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 716-669-0502 (H) (H) 716-689-0502 716`773`5450 (W) (W) 716-773-6450 527 Ontario 527 Ontario Dr. Dr A. A. Ontario, NY NY 14519 14519 Ontario, 17 Christopher 17 Christopher Timothy 11 11 Timothy Aches Aches && P6105 Pains 33145947 (H) 381-6947 (H) Gerda Gerda Samantha Samantha 000-5020 (H) 889-5829 (H) 320-7400 (B) 328-7490 (5) Cassara, Ross RossJ.J. Cassara, 7/85 7/85 Rose Rose The Queen The Queen Rose Rose (H) 482-5019 482-5019 (H) 328-4310 (B) 328-4310 (0) Castle, Carleton Carleton G. G. Castle, 264 Hinchey Rd. 264 Hinchey Rd. NY 14624 Rochester, 14624 Rochester, NY 6/53 6/53 Mary Mary Castle, Edward Edward Castle, W. "Ted" W. "Ted" RD 1 1 Box RD Box 1210 1210 VT05461 05461 Hinesburg, Hinesburg, VT 2/71 2/71 Anne Anne Ned Ned 55 Robert W. W, Castle, Castle, Robert Centra/s Centrals Delegate Delegate 8 8 Nunda Nunda Blvd. Blvd. 2/68 2/68 Barbara Barbara 10 Jennifer 10 Jennifer David David 77 Jeffry 4 Jeffry 4 YaYa YaYa (H) 244-3022 244-3022 (H) 427-7200 (B) 427-7200 (3) / Wilmot V. Castle, Jr., Wilmot Castle, Jr., Commodore 1961-62 1961~62 Commodore 888 Rock Rock Beach Beach Rd. Rd, 888 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/40 7/40 Frances Frances Snow Goose Snow Goose (H) 342-5999 342-5999 (H) 3355994 (H) 385-8984 (H) Joseph Joseph Jack Cavalier, Cavalier, Jack 1305 Millcreek Millcreek Run 1305 Run Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 2/82 2/82 Jane Jane Wildfire Wildfire 665-7560 (H) 385-7580 (H) T. John T. Cavalier, John 1305 Millcreek Millcreek Run Run 1305 NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, 10183 10/83 Jeanne Jeanne 5714259 (H) 671-2269 265-3455 (B) 266-3456 (B) EarlT. T Chapman, Chapman, Earl Paseo de de Santa Santa Anita Anita419 419 Paseo Santa Anita-CL de Golf Golf Santa Anita-CL de Santa Anita, Santa Anita, Mexico Mexico 3/84 3/84 i Nancy Nancy 14 shed 14 Shad 11 Sara 11 Sara Fever Yellow Yellow Fever Cynthia Cynthia 15 Se-an 15 Sean Dan 13 Dan 13 First Class First Class ,....,,....._..,.,......B ,.....~_.,..,,.._. --~- (H)342-5154 (H)342-5154 266-6455 (B) (6) 266-3456 266-2613 (H) (H) 266-2613 454-1650 (B) 454-1880 (5) Retief Relief 320-1001 (H) 328-1081 (H) 020-1001 (B) 328-1081 <01 802-425-3522 (H) 802-425-3522 (H) 002-055-7430 (B) 802-655-7436 (0) Rooney 22 Rooney NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 461-5675 (H) 461-5875 (H) (H) 315-524-3171 315-524-3171 (H) (B) 200-5400 266-5400 (0) 11 Antony 11 Antony NY 14609 Rochester, 14609 Rochester, NY 661-7674 (H) (H) 381-7874 7224843 (B) (B) 722-1843 301-0040 (H) 381-8643 <l-l> 328-3351 (B) 328-3351 (3) 5/75 5/75 Riga Town Line Line Rd. Rd. Riga Town Churchville, NY NY 14428 14428 Churchville, 3 Yorkshire Rd. Rd. 3 Yorkshire Barbara Barbara 342-1867 (H) 342-1867 (H) David R. R, Cassara, David Cassara, 25 25 Chili Chili 665-6615 (H) 865-6315 (H) PHONE PHONE 266-5400 (B) 266-5400 (5) NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 665-5615 (H) 865-6315 (H) Vagabond Vaeabond BOAT BOAT NAME NAME 872-2172 (H) 872-2172 (H) 427-1269 (B) 427-1269 <01 072-2172 (H) 872-2172 (H) Marie Marie Christopher 66 Christopher Comic Relief Comic Relief David David 22 Jean H. H. 9/88 Chapman, 9/88 Chapman, Jean 505 Westgate the Harbor Harbor 505 at the Westgate at NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, B-9 fl"-"f`2¥5`-H775-1°ff'-E -'-' if- _ -f _;, -:Qi-` » 1- ef:-f>- -eva: 225-7533 (H) 225-7533 (H) (B) 722-5504 722-5504 (0) (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) Business Phone (B) Business Phone (B) Phone Home Phone (H) (H) Home Phone Business Phone (B) (B) Business JOINED JOINED RYC RYC MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS 586-3976 (H) (H) 586-3976 555-3975 (B) 586-3976 (B) Hi-Lite Hi-Lite Jean Jean 1/63 1/63 E. Paul E. Chechak, Chechak, Paul Ave. Voorhis Ave. 76 Van Van Voorhis 76 14617 NY 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 10/80 10/80 Stella Stella 11 Katie 11 Katie Gina 99 Gina Fever Yellow Yellow Fever 266-7445 (H) (H) 266-7445 428-7123 (B) (B) 428-7123 O. Donald O. Chesworth, Donald Chesworth, Dr HillDr. 65 Harbor Harbor Hill 65 14617 NY14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 9/86 9/86 Antoinette Antoinette 18 Cynthia 18 Cynthia 15 Deborah Deborah 15 Don Don 12 12 Tranquillity Tranquillity 544-2632 (H) (H) 544-2632 258-2884 (B) (B) 258-2834 J. Cichanowicz, Philip Cichanowicz, Philip J. 4/59 4/59 Joanne Joanne 17 Laura 17 Laura Silent Silent Night Night 266-4324 (H) (H) 266-4324 671-4720 (B) 6714720 (B) 3/89 3/89 lll John III Clapper, Clapper, John Dr PortsideDr. 750 Portside 750 33940 FL 33940 Naples, Naples, FL 11/77 11/77 H. ChesterH. Clarridge, Clarridge,Chester Route 50 Star Star Route 50 12913 NY12913 Bloomingdale, Bloomingdale,NY 1/70 1/70 L. Suzanne L. Clarridge, Clarridge, Suzanne 11 Modelane 11 Modelane 14618 NY 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester, 6/79 6/79 H. William H. Clutz, Clutz, William Road Pittsford-Victor Road 1041 Pittsford-Victor 1041 14534 NY 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 10/80 10/80 A. Ernest A. Coleman, Coleman, Ernest Terr. MadisonTerr. 52 Madison 52 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/81 11/81 D. PaulD. coleman, Coleman,Paul Ft. u. of eox 603, EO. of R. Ho. Box eos, U. Center Medical Center Medical 14642 NY 14642 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/68 4/68 E. David E. Colway, Colway, David Lane 122 Kindlewood Kindlewood Lane 122 14617 NY14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 3/71 3/71 D. Michael D. Colway, Colway, Michael Lane 122 Kindlewood KindlewoodLane 122 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochesten NY 3/89 3/89 Panache Panache """" Edith Edith Lisa Lisa Pamela Pamela Brattissimo Brattissimo Thomas 2/76 Comparato, 2/76 Comparato, Thomas 1320 Old Old Chain Chain Bridge 1320 Rd. Bridge Rd. Suite 400 400 Suite VA 22101 22101 McLean, McLean, VA Connors, DonaldL. L. Connors, Donald 91 91 Huntington Meadow Huntington Meadow NY 14625 Rochester,NY Rochester, 14625 Lindsay Lindsay 10/72 10/72 Consadine, Michael Consadine, Michael 172 172 Sagamore Sagamore Drive Drive NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 7/88 7/88 Converse, James D. D. Converse, James 10 10 Smugglers Smugglers Lane Lane NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/85 11/85 573-4110 (B) 573-4110 (B) 703-356-7798 (H) 703-356-7798 (H) 703-847-0700 (B) 703-847-0700 (B) BJ. B() 381-5855 (H) 381-5855 (H) 422-2827 (B) 422-2827 (B) Intruder Intruder (H) 804-464-2217 804-464-2217 (H) 804-433-221 x531 X531 (B) 804-433-221 (B) Wiles E. E. Converse, Converse, Wiles 83 Stoneleigh Court 83 Stoneleigh Court NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester, 8/58 8/58 Marj Marj Wildfire Wildfire 381-377Q (H) 381-3779 (H) 385-1102 (B) 385-1102 (B) Frederick J. J. Cook, Cook, Frederick Hunt Hollow 11 Hunt Hollow Village Village Naples, NY14512 14512 Naples, NY 3/75 3/75 Suzanne Suzanne 244-6811 (H) 244-6811 (H) 334-5030 (B) (B) 334-8030 Mark Cook, Mark Cook, 9/32 9/82 381-3338 (H) (H) 381-3338 477-2658 (B) 477-2658 (B) WilliamF. F. Coombs, Jr., Coombs, Jn, William 4/74 4/74 Hollow Village 11 Hunt Hunt Hollow Village Naples, NY14512 14512 Naples, NY 2830 Ave. 2830 West West Marion Marion Ave. FL 33950 33950 Punta Gorda, Gorda, FL (H) 255-5494 266-6494 (H) (B) 253-7798 253-7798 (B) 374-5108 (H) 374-5108 (H) (B) 722-5393 722-5393 (B) 374-5108 (H) 374-5108 (H) Betty Betty B B B 81& B 813-639-4961 (H) 813-639-4961 (H) l il cooper, Mrs. Mrs. Paul Paul J. J. 1/84 1/84 Cooper, 307 307 Westage Westage at at the the Harbor Harbor 544-1742 (H) 544-1742 (H) 11l NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY Hippocampus Hippocampus 454-1129 (H) 454-1129 (H) 275-2581 (B) (B) 275-2581 Maureen cooper-Jones, Maureen Cooper-Jones, 11 Hardwood Hill Road 11 Hardwood Hill Road 1/85 1/85 Bevin D Bevin D. i{~i (H) 338-3715 (H) 325-5530 (B) (B) 325-6830 Whisper Whisper Marie Marie Pitts,ord, 14534 CharlesW. W. Corbishley, Charles Corbishley, 139 Valley View View Crescent 139 Valley Crescent Congere COUQSVQ Koeppel koeppei (H) 381-1806 (H) 914-698-4140 (B) 914-698-4140 (B) ncey 11 Pittsford, NY 14534 Lancey 11 7 Tory Tory 7 6/85 6/85 Donna (v|_ Donna M. Sea Sea Cup Cup 544-4325 (H) 544-4325 (H) 381-6670 (B) 381-6670 (B) NY14617 14817 Rochester, Rochester, NY . _ 338-3715 (H) (H) 338-3715 B-lO e,.,..~.e,._.,s..,,,,.2..e m..,.w,e.m,2e,,:2 .,. _W_,,,s, 5/66 5/68 pr-10NE PHONE Melissa Melissa 544-3066 (H) 544-3066 (H) Desire Desire BoAT BOAT NAME NAME Converse, Lt. Mark Mark (USN) (USN) 4/79 4/79 Converse, Lt. 4540 Biscayne 4540 Drive Biscayne Drive VA 23455-4242 23455-4242 Virginia Beach, VA Virginia Beach, _ Evelyn Evelyn Comparato, Comparato, Anthony Anthony 1515 North North Federal 1515 Federal Hgwy. Hgwy_ Boca FL 33432 33432 Boca Raton, Raton, FL SPOUSE/ CHILDREN Shoot the Shoot the Breeze Breeze 518-946-7325 (H) (H) 518-946-7325 515-945-7325 (B) 518-946-7325 (B) Montage Montage Peggy Peggy Bryan 77 Bryan JOINED Brad Brad 16 16 266-5158.... (H) 266-5158 (H) Carol Carol )V `lRYC `!§:3NED Sandy Sandy 813-262-5413 (H) (H) 813-262-5413 813-598-4444 (B) 813-598-4444 (B) Leslie Leslie John John Katelynn Katelynn Nicole Nicole Kathleen Clark, Clark, KatNeen St. Dickinson St. 54 Dickinson 54 14621 NY14621 Rochester, NY Rochester, . L ' Callon KathleenCallon Clack, Clack, Kathleen St. 54 Dickinson Dickinson St. 54 14621 NY14621 Rochester, Rochester, NY MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BOAT BOAT NAME NAME F. Walter F. Chappelle, Jr, Walter Chappelle, Jr., Rd. 77 Winding Winding Rd. 14618 NY 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY Rd. Beach Rd. Rock Beach 630 Rock 630 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY !i SPOUSE/ SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN ..... ., .. .,...- M.. ..._ - 4.4 ...L , B-11 B-l] .,,.e_,.mem,=,-,W fffif" 'i`; -1-lf<~-~>1-f=~`-f'ff'*ff~'ff~1*- '*"f'f**f / y / " "~'- ' _ "-'= "'*WW/'Q/""" - Q'-Y 5 r _ __i =~= of 11 --.»,-1 - t:~i-:-:»:-,-;-;-;,;-==.~.ee 4-ea 4 --- (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) 6Business usiness Phone Phone (6) Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Phone Business Phone (B) Business (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED .iomeo RYC avc SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Costanza, M. Anthony M. Costanza, Anthony Lane 144 Guygrace 144 Guygrace Lane 14580 NY 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 5/80 5/80 J. Costello, Costello, Anthony Anthony J. Huntington Heights Huntington Heights 14622 NY 14622 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/75 6/75 Elaine Elaine 3424427 (H) (H) 342-1427 328-2280 (B) (13) 328-2280 B. Herbert B. Cowden, Herbert Cowden, 4/62 4/62 Betty eetty 266-9092 (H) (H) 266-9092 R. Adam R. Cowles, Cowles, Adam Blvd., 5500 5500 Friendship Friendship Blvd., 1615 Apt. Apt. 1615 20815 MD 20815 Chevy Chase, MD Chevy Chase, 2/30 2/80 R. EdwardR. Cowles, Cowles, Edward Drive 119 Brookside 119 Brookside Drive 14618 NY 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/62 4/62 Cornelia Cornelia Argosy Argosy Coy, George Coy, George c/o General Delivery c/o General Delivery Tortola Town Tortola Road Town Road lsles British British Virgin VirginIsles 5/44 5/44 Carol Carol of Escapade Escapade of Tortola Tortola B. Albert B. DL Albert Craig, Jr., Dr. Craig, Jr., Dr. HillsDr. 285 285 Clover Clover Hills NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/76 11/76 Sybit Sybil World One One World 244-2180 (H) (H) 244-2180 2752205 (B) (B) 275-2205 Alan Cruikshank, Cruikshank, Alan Lane Whitestone Lane 69 69 Whitestone 14618 NY 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/86 1/86 Frances Frances Bird Billie Bird Billie 2712929 (H) (H) 271-2929 (B) 428-5917 (5)4213-5917 BOAT NAME 6oAT NAME PHONE PHONE 5715332 (H) (H) 671-5332 7262585 (B) (5) 726-8585 Neysa Neysa Daatselaar, Joseph Daatselaar, Joseph Rd. 58 Harioff Harloff Rd. 58 14472 NY14472 Honeoye Falls, NY Honeoye Falls, G.M. Theresia G.M. Theresia 5/83 5/83 De Vliegende De /liegende Hollander Hollander H. Hobart H. Mrs. Hobart DaBolI, DaBoll, Mrs. La. 191 Village 191 Village La. 14610 NY14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, Mark S. S. Dailey, Dailey, Mark Rd. BrooksideRd. 376 376 Brookside 06820 CT 06820 Darien, Darien, CT 5/77 5/77 Patricia Patricia Katie 11 Katie Blue Magoo Blue Mag00 E Robert E. Daile Yi Robert Dailey, Rd. Oak Shade Rd. 51 White 51 White Oak 06840 CT 06840 New Canaan, New Canaan, CT 8/54 8/54 Louise Louise Jubilee Jubilee A. Henry Darnell, Jr, A. Henry Darnell, Jr., Ave. 95 Westland Westland Ave. 95 NY14618 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/54 5/54 Jo Jo - B-L2 B42 . ._.._.. § .._..,..~,~ SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Dasson, Frederick Frederick H. H. Dasson, 5/56 5/56 Janet Janet D’Aurizio, Franklin Franklin D'Aurizio, 400 400 Imperial Circle Imperial Circle NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 7/67 7/67 Julie Julie John F. E D’Aurizio, John mxurizto, 400 Imperial 400 Circle Imperial Circle NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 4/82 4/82 Thomas O. O. D’Aurizio, Thomas D7urizio, 400 400 Imperial Circle Imperial Circle NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 10/85 10/85 Peter G. G. Davidson, Peter Davidson, 85 Thistledown Thistledown Drive Drive 85 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11/77 11/77 Davy, L. L. Nevil Nevil Davy, 504 504 Panorama PanoramaTrail Trail Rochester, NY NY 14625 14625 Rochester, 4/70 4/70 John W. Dawes, John Dawes, 10/61 10/61 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME 381 3167 (H) ( H) 381-3167 3318020 (B) (B) 381-8020 ' ~ f f~.f .f..,.~, . , .,.. .... W. 101 101 Parkview Parkview Terrace Terrace PHONE PHONE (H) 342-2256 342-2256 (H) 338-1699 (B) 338-1699 (6) Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Avanti Avanti (H) 342-4136 342-4136 (H) (B) 467-9360 467-9360 (6) Non Non Sequitur Sequitur 342-4136 (H) 342-4136 (H) 467-9360 (B) 467-9360 (6) (H) 342-4136 342-4136 (H) 342-1040 (B) 342-1040 (6) Mary Jane Jane Mary Tyler 88 Tyler Footloose Footloose 544-2131 (H) 544-2131 (H) (B) 383-8490 383-8490 (6) Nancy Nancy Volunteer Volunteer (H) 586-4696 586-4696 (H) 248-6189 (B) 248-8189 (6) Chelsea Chelsea 55 Devon Devon 22 Wilma Wilma SilverBeaver Beaver Silver Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester, 342-5604 (H) (H)342-5804 (B) 342-3030 342-3030 (6) Dawes, Joseph D. Dawes, JosephD. 8/67 8/67 Mary Jane Jane Mary Osprey Osprey 392-7914 (H) 392-7914 (H) (B) 546-2700 546-2700 (6) Jack K. K. Debenham, Debenham, Jack 546 Oakridge Dr 546 OakridgeDr. NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 3/74 3/74 Peg Peg Raffles Raffles 342-3604 (H) 342-3604 (H) Ms. Catherine Catherine Decker, Ms. Decker, 31 Walnut Circle 31 Walnut Circle NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 6/78 6/78 872-0306 (H) (H) 872-0306 477-7161 (B) 477-7161 (6) 2713442 (H) 271-8442 (H) Pamela Decker, Pamela Decker, 693 Summit SummitDr. Dr. 693 Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 6/78 6/78 671-5634 (H) 671-5634 (H) 671-7630 (B) 671-7830 (6) 203'555'1511 (H) 203-656-1611 (H) 212'930'5311 (B) (B) 212-980-5811 P Decker, Walter Walter E Decker, 693 693 Summit Summit Dr. Dr NY 14580 Webster, 14580 Websten NY 7/66 7/66 Defendis, Robert RobertP. R Defendis, 516 Kings Drive 516 Kings Drive NJ 08003 Cherry Hill, 08003 Hill, NJ Cherry 6/78 6/78 E. John John DelMonte, Jr., DelMonte, Jn, E. 909 Linden Ave. Ave. 909 Linden NY 14625 14625 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11/79 11/79 153 153 Salmon Salmon Creek CreekDr. Dr. NY 14468 Hilton, NY 14468 Hilton, -====-= ===== ._,. .,., JOINED JOIN ED RYC RYC 177 177 Thomas Thomas Ave Ave Drive 154 154 Baycrest Baycrest Drive 14622 NY 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY -. MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS 5244362 (H) 624-4362 (H) 335-7510 (B) (3) 385-7510 203'955°2395 (H) 203-966-2395 (H) 203-963-3175 (B) (B) 203-968-3178 473-8953 (H) (H) 473-8953 ,,W,__,...,_;.L..-ganna;- ~@ . ~f / 4 .,., '»"r' -===1'-ff -'-'- -' -- Carmela Carmela Escape Escape 671-5634 (H) 671-5634 (H) 609-795-8909 (H) 609-795-8909 (H) (B) 609-5966136 609-596-5136 (B) Christine Christine B-13 473-1763 (H) 473-1783 (H) 361-0150 (B) 381-0150 (6) Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) li ii( MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Ernest J. J. DelMonte, DelM0nte, Ernest 46 Harwood Harwood Lane Lane 46 14445 E. Rochester, NY 14445 E. Rochester, NY 9/86 9/86 Thelma Thelma DelMonte, A. DelMonte, Gregory Gregory A. 66 Drive 55 Edside Edgide Drive Rochester, Hochgsteri NY 14604 7/88 7/88 C. DelMonte, Raymond C. DelMonte, Raymond Human Human Resource Resource 15 Nevile Lane 15 N@Vi|e Lane NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester, 3/73 3/73 DeIMonte, Steven Delilllonte, Steven 125 W. Hickory Hickory si. St. 125 w. NY 14445 E. Rochesten E. Rochester, NY 2/86 2/86 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Phase Phase Five Five PHONE PHONE 586-4922 (H) 586-4922 (H) 586-3121 (B) 586-3121 (6) SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Doyle, JJ. Gl'990fY Gregory D°Y|e» 886 Lake Rd. Fld. 886 Lake 9/73 9/73 Margie Margie Sleuth Sleuth 7/77 7/77 Lauren Lauren Jack 55 Jack 1806 1806 East East Avenue Avenue Rochester, NY 14610 Rochester, Amy 17 Amy 17 Advantage Advantage Drew, NllCl18e| Michael J. J. Drew. 244-7479 (H) 244-7479 (H) 546-8390 (B) 546-8390 (B) Donna Donna 385-2271 (H) 385-2271 (H) 454-3110 (B) (6) 454-3110 Karen Karen 442-5558 (H) 442-5558 (H) 477-7386 (B) (B) 477-7386 Judy Judy 323-1890 (H) (H) 323-1890 385-6685 (B) (B) 385-6685 10 HSVCIWOOG Hardwood Hill 10 Hill Rd. Rd. College Park, Donna Donna Sarah Sarah Laura Laura Nimb|e~ Be NimbleJack Be Jack Be Quick Jack Be Quick Jack i;~ 342-7751 (H) 342-7751 (H) 464-4768 (B) 464-4768 (B) 213-821-4236 (H) 213-821-4236 (H) (B) 818-981-6513 (6) 818-981-6513 5/75 5/75 C. Frank C. Diem, Diem, Frank RO. Box P.O. Box 226 226 NC28428 28428 Carolina Beach, Carolina Beach, NC 919-458-3786 (H) 919-458-3786 (H) 2/50 2/50 Dorsey, Dorsey, Christopher Christopher B11/o. 5150 si. eui Blvd. 5150 St. Paul Rochester, Rgchestefy NY 14617 8/79 8/79 (H) 442-0723 442-0723 (H) (B) 244-3400 244-3400 (6) 7/85 7/85 Gail L. Gail L. Brendan 44 Brendan Charlotte Charlotte 33 Package Deal Package Deal (H) 385-5898 385-5898 (H) (B) 8657400 865-7400 (B) Georgia 11 Georgia MD 20740 J0hii R. B. Duford, John DUf0l`lZl, 66 Lake Lake Crescent CrescentDr. Dr E. NY 14445 E. Rochester, Rochester, NY 14445 7/75 7/75 Dunlap, Dunlap, Kelly Kelly 720 Van Voorhis Ave 720 Van Voorhis Ave. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/88 9/88 Hebert M. M. Dunlap, Durilepi Robert 720 Ave. 720 V30 Van V00l'l1lS Voorhis Ave. 6/69 6/69 Shirley Shirley South Point Point South 467-6781 (H) 467-6781 (H) (B) 342-1040 342-1040 (B) Dwyer, Michael C. C. Dwyer. Michael 378 Bd. 378 Beresford Beresford Rd. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/73 5/73 Joan Joan Tim 18 Tim 18 Hooligan l-looligan (H) 288-2183 288-2183 (H) (B) 258-2825 258-2825 (B) Queenie Queenie (H) 3.81-0308 (H) 661-0606 (B) 546-6640 546-6640 (6) Paddy Paddy Jeffrey Jeffrey 88 Brian Brian 66 (H) 381-8303 381-8303 (H) 477-2019 (B) 477-2019 (B) (H) 467-6781 467-6781 (H) NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY E. 5/75 Nicholas E. Desiderio, 5/75 Desiderio, Nicholas HarborLane Lane 13920 Old O16 Harbor 13920 90292 Marina Del Dei Ray, CA 90292 Marina Hay, CA H. Robert R. Dobbin, Dobbin, Robert Commodore Cgmmodgfg 1963-64 15029 Kiki Kiki Ct. C( 16029 Fort Mill, 29715 Fort SC 29715 Mill, SC i Duffield, Dr. DR Richard Fliehard M. M. 7/65 7/65 Duffield. 9308 Cherry 9308 Hill Rd., Fld.. Cherry Hill 325 Apt. APL 325 College Park, MD 20740 ~ 2/89 2/89 ill il 671-3400 (H) 671-3400 (H) (B) 244-3400 244-3400 (B) Alexandra 22 Alexandra NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY P1ttSfOl'd, 14445 11/79 11/79 il PHONE PHONE NY 14580 Webslefi NY Webster, 14580 Doyle, -5000 John Gu G., JL Jr. D°Y|9i 170 Clovercrest Di: 170 Clovercrest Dr. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY Jack DePeters, DePeters, Jack Drive 177 Harvington 177 Harvington Drive NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY JOINED JOINED RYC RYC ":;"""E ~ 3/81 Di: Richard Richard A. deMauriac, Dr. A. 3/81 deMauriac, I Demyda, Demyda, Gary Gary T. 24 Havenwood Dr Haveriwood Dr. 24 NY 14622 14522 Rochester, ROC(-(ester, NY 1 ii MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS .... Kevin 15 15 Kevin 5.2, Marion Marion 803-548-2497 (H) 803-548-2497 (H) Eagle, C. C. Thomas Thomas Eeele, 5/66 5/66 Queenie Queenie Eberhardt, Richard Richard J. J. Eberherdl. 1/75 1/75 Deborah Deborah Alexandra Alexandra 11 597 A119115 Aliens Creek Cfeek Rd. Rochester, NY NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Christopher 17 17 Christopher Megan 15 15 Megan y 342-4523 (H) 342-4523 (H) He|en MrS_ Helen Dow, Dow, Mrs. 42 Eagle C(,c|e 42 Eag|e Ridge RidgeCircle NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY Denis Doyle, Doyle, Denis 73 San San Gabriel Drive Gabriel Drive 73 NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY _ We 55 Knolltop Dr56 Krielllee Dr. Rochester, NY 14610 ROCRSSIQT, 1 7 Daphne Daphne 15 Shannon 15 Shannon Commotion Commotion Bangalore Bangalore ..... Eckert, William J. III 5/81 Riverside Book Book Bindery, Riverside Inc. Bindery, Inc. 171 Y0rl< York SISt. 171 NY14611 14611 Rochester, NY Rochesier, 671-0586 (H) 671-0586 (H) 235-1782 (B) 235-1782 (B) _-,_._. , 5/65 5/65 ir (H) 381-6044 381-6044 (H) 661-7010 (B) 381-7010 (6) 7 244-5264 (H) 244-5264 (H) 987-6017 (B) (B) 987-6017 ,,,_a_,,m____,,2,,,,,,M_,,,,M ,B,14 ,,a,,,,,_9__2___.2,,,,,,.,,,a_,_,._a,,,W2,,,_1,_2a,,2, Paul J. JEisman, Elsmaflr Paul ¬ Chase 106 þÿ3@lb0fl'l Selborne Chase 105 Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY _ 6/85 6/85 Marilyn Marilyn 223-3886 (H) 223-3886 (H) (B) 338-3440 338-3440 (B) 2 , I ., , , _._ ..,. .5 -,_., .__ ,_., ..., ,,.,t.... ._.. __~ fr-4---1--. 52,-2- Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home Phone BusinessPhone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Paul R. R. Elli, Elli, Paul 127 Colebrook Colebrook Dr. Dr. 127 14617 Rochester, NY14617 Rochester, NY 11/81 11/81 Michelle Michelle Motion Major Major Motion Enriquez, Philip Enriquez, Philip 120 Avery Place 120 Avery Place PA 19380 19380 West West Chester, Chesten PA 2/75 2/75 Marian Sacco Sacco Marian Home Phone Phone (H) Home (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) PHONE PHONE 338-2552 (H) (H) 338,2552 454-7164 (B) 454-7164 (B) 215-793-3743 (H) 215-793-3743 (H) 215-640-8632 (B) 215-640-8632 (B) 7/65 7/65 John F. F. Ernst, Ernst, John Corresponding Secretary CorrespondingSecretary Measurer Measurer Harbor 1410 Westage at 1410 Westage at the the Harbor NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochesten NY Gerry Gerry Ethyl Ethyl 544-1642 (H) (H) 544-1642 544-1642 (B) (B) 544-1642 R. WilliamR. Esterheld, Esterheld, William 1111 Commanders 1111 Commanders Way WayS.S. MD21403 21403 Annapolis, Annapolis, MD 4/72 4/72 Joan Joan Richard J. J. Richard Evans, Evans, Hill Rd. Rd. 15 15 Broken Broken Hill NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 1/84 1/84 Cheryl Cheryl Steven 5 5 Steven Leigh Leigh 22 Adjournment Adjournment IIll WilliamDavid David Evans, Evans, William Ave. 873 873 Washington Washington Ave. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochesten NY 1/77 1/77 Chris Chris Leslie Leslie10 10 Derek 88 Derek Evan Keel Keel Evan Thomas Evaul, Evaul, Thomas 147 Brower Brower Road Road 147 NY14622 14622 Rochester, Rochesten NY 10/87 10/87 JOIN ED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT BOATNAME NAME H. F-ella, Robert Robert H. Fella, 204 Shorewood Dr. Dr 204 Shorewood NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, 2/67 2/67 Joan Joan Fella Little Little Fella 671-6393 (H) 671-6893 (H) 423-0100 (B) 423-0100 (B) Fenton, Thomas Thomas P. P. Fenton, 340 Rock Rock Beach 340 Beach Rd. Rd. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 8/72 8/72 Carol Carol Cynosure Cynosure (H) 342-3582 342-3582 (H) (B) 722-2024 722-2024 (B) Fields, John John C. C. Fields, 9/78 9/78 Lisa Lisa Aeolus Aeolus 323-1711 (H) 323-1711 (H) 363-0430 (B) 663-0430 (B) Fields, John John M. M. Fields, 4/60 4/60 Mary Mary Blue Horizon Blue Horizon (H) 266-9348 266-9348 (H) 663-0430 (B) 663-0430 (B) Robert D. D. Fields, Robert Fields, 3/68 3/68 Jacquelyn Jacquelyn Vitesse Vitesse (H) 323-1235 (H) 722-6487 (B) 722-6487 (B) 11 Lake 11 Lake Bluff Bluff Rd. Rd. Rochester, NY NY 14622 14622 Rochester, 121 Hoffman 121 Hoffman Rd. Rd. NY 14622 Rochester, NY 14622 Rochester, 301-268-7707 (B) (B) 301-268-7707 (H) (H) (B) (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS 20 20 The The Highlands Highlands NY 14622 Rochester, NY 14622 Rochester, 381-6609 381-6609 454-6950 454-6950 467-6317 (H) (H) 467-6317 288-6050.... (B) 288-6050 (B) Heidi 12 Heidi 12 Brendan 10 10 Brendan Emily Emily 77 David R. R. Fingar, David Fingar, 7/77 7/77 Lyn Lyn Kemah Kemah (H) 385-6616 385-6616 (H) (B) 381-7010 381-7010 (B) Fischer, Edward "Dusty" Edward "Dusty" Fischer, 530 Forest Lawn Lawn Rd. Rd. 530 Forest 11/76 11/76 Cathie Cathie Perfect Perfect Manhattan Manhattan 371-7333 (H) 671-7688 (H) (B) 454-3646 454-3646 (B) R. Marc R. Fischer, Marc Fischer, Lawton Dr. Dr 33 Lawton NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 1/85 1/85 Robert J. J. Fischer, Robert Fischer, Sai/ Instruction Sail Instruction 628 Whispering Whispering Pines 628 PinesCir. Cir. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/83 2/83 Elaine Elaine Fisher, Edward Edward H. H. Fisher, Lawton Dr. Dr 33 Lawton NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 4/73 4/73 Bonnie Bonnie C. Fisk, Raymond Fisk, Raymond C. 35 Wandering Trail 35 Wandering Trail NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 5/84 5/84 James A. A. Fleckenstein, Jr., Jn, James Fleckenstein, 24 24 George St. George St. Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 5/82 5/82 Floyd, John John B. B. Floyd, 378 True 378 True Hickory Hickory Dr. Dr. NY 14615 14615 Rochester, Rochester, NY S/75 6[75 11 Shadow Dr. PinesDr. 11 Shadow Pines NY 14526 14526 Penfield, NY Penfield, ef Noah Noah 11 lan lan 33 wks. wks. ».. NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY DL William G. G. Jr, Dr. Farlow, Farlow, Jr., 39 Dr. 39 Stonington Stonington Dr. Pittsford, NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY 4/79 4/79 Anne Anne summer Bummer (H) 266-6580 (H) 7266-6580 266-6580 (B) 266-6580 (B) William W. W. Farmer, Farmer, William 336 336 Averill Averill Avenue Avenue NY 14620 14620 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/87 9/87 Geraldine Geraldine William 66 William Halley 22 Hailey Alastar 11 Alastar Gazebo Gazebo 546-1782 (H) (H) 546-1782 461-3193 (B) 461-3193 (B) E. Faust, Douglas E. Faust, Douglas 67 Glenwood GlenwoodDr. Dr. 67 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 2/86 2/86 Faust, J. Faust, Eugene Eugene J. 67 Glenwood Glenwood Dr. Dr. 67 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 10/61 10/61 Jane E. E. Faust, Faust, Jane 67 Glenwood Drive 67 Glenwood Drive NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 2/88 2/88 Donald A. A. Fella, Fella, Donald 97 Oliver 97 Oliver St. St. NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester; NY 1/78 1/78 671-5897 (H) (H) 671-5897 342-3030 (B) 342-3030 (B) Anne Anne Sting Sting 671-5897 (H) (H) 671-5897 (B) 422~614§§ 671-6897 (H) (H) 671-5897 Donna Donna Alicia Alicia 473-7433 (H) (H) 473-7433 423-0100 (B) (B) 423-0100 _B-16 248-3948 (H) 248-3948 (H) Gerry Gerry Jamie 13 Jamie 13 4-3_1we-W..-.4-,-,,»,,.4~t,,~1¢6-4.4-as0-.-11.-»-.../.M»~4e.4-,2.-m,-»m74~»-,- ,--- =>'P" -. - ;¢. LM. .;,;.,.;,;.;. ~ ,_, 3. _ .f .~:-:';~- 248-3948 (H) (H) 248-3948 454-3000 (B) 454-3000 (B) Cherokee Cherokee 243-3343 (H) (H) 248-3948 (B) 454-3646 454-3646 (B) The Kid The Kid 385-7953 (H) 385-7953 (H) (B) 546-3630 546-3660 (B) Bluefin Bluefin 223-0918 (H) 223-0918 (H) 288-4740 (B) 288-4740 (B) Matthew Matthew 99 Linda Linda -- ,_-:~,.==~,ws.-waxes:-»~.,~x:f;f;;;= Lw»r;m;m;¢p;;¢.LM..;,;.,.;,;.;.,_, 3._~.f.~:-:';~~<.<~.5-ew-.,,¢»> -...ww-.2:.\~:<.~-fs:v..'0<...~.-v-11. PHONE PHONE --.~.:,-.» 621-4905 (H) 621-4905 (H) 588-3831 (B) 588-3831 (3) _B-17 - »i-;»I~Z-if-'=' ---sea.-M.,-_43».,.0... T -- 4 ...ef $4.4-<¢>~s 31-.6 g (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Phone (H) Home Phone (H) Home Business Phone Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Flynn, K. Colleen K. Flynn, Colleen 300 300 Wintergreen Way Wintergreen Way NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/86 9/86 Fogg, E. Jack E. Fogg, Jack ’176 Pinewood Trail `liail 176 Pinewood NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/60 3/60 Vera Vera 342-2482 (H) 342-2482 (H) Foster, Foster, 26 26 Potter Potter Place Place NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY 11/63 11163 Sally Sally 223-0717 (H) (H) 223-0717 724-3334 (B) 724-3384 (B) Foti, Foti, Stephen Stephen Hidden Bridge 10 Hidden 10 Bridge NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 9/76 9/76 Geraldine Geraldine Susan 17 Susan 17 243-2312 (H) (H) 248-2312 924-9393 (B) 924-9393 (B) Charles J. J. Fox, Fox, Charles 623 Oakridge DL 623 OakridgeDr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/81 4/81 Helen Helen Sea Fox Sea Fox H~544-4409 544-4409 (H) (iE~) 477-6439 (B) 477-6439 William Fox, Fox, William 209 Cornwall Cornwall Lane Lane 209 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/86 5186 Lynda Lynda Kacy Kacy 66 Scoots Scoots 544-2033 (H) (H) 544-2036 Frangos, Frangos, Stephen StephenJ.J. 140 Hillhurst HillhurstLane Lane 140 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/85 3/85 Frantz, M. Frantz, Joseph Joseph M. Rd. 100 Douglas 100 DouglasRd. NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/88 5/88 Bruce R. R. Fredericks, Fredericks, Bruce 160 Beaconview Ct. Beaconview Ct. 160 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/74 5/74 Frickey, R Frickey, Darryl Darryl P. 1500 1500 N. N, Woodward Woodward Birmingham, Ml48011 48011 Birmingham,MI 5/83 5/83 Frickey, Derek Frickey, Derek 49 49 Country Club Dr. Dr. Country Club NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester; NY 1/87 1/87 Fulwiler, Fulwiler, Stanley Stanley 2035 2035 Jamaica Jamaica Way Way Punta Gorda, FL 33950 33950 Punta Gorda, FL 10/71 10/71 PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME 244-4571 (H) 244-4571 (H) 335-7770 (B) (B) 385-7770 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC Gaenzle, L. Gaenzle, Christopher Christopher L. 415 Oakdale 415 Oakdale Dr. Dr Rochester, NY NY 14618 14618 Rochester, 3/87 3/87 Gaenzle, Lawrence W. W. Gaenzle, Lawrence J-24 J-24 North North Americans Americans 415 Oakdale Dr. 415 Oakdale Dr. 2/85 2/85 Allan E. Gaesser, E. Gaesser, Allan 4400 East Ave. Ave. 4400 East NY 14618 Rochester, 14618 Rochester, NY 3/79 3/79 Gallagher, A. Gallagher, Stephen Stephen A. 37 Arch St. 37 Arch St. MA 01581 01581 Westboro, MA Westboro, 3/82 3/82 Pamela Pamela Gardner, Edgar B. Gardner, Edgar B. One Design One Design 11/79 11/79 Linda Linda Christine Christine 22 Garfield, Sr., F. Sr., George Garfield, George E 9/72 9/72 Donna Donna Geary, M.D. M.D. Joseph Joseph E. E. Geary, 7/65 7/65 Catherine Catherine Janis C. Gibaud, Janis C. Gibaud, 19 Village 19 Village Falls Falls Way Way NH 03054 Merrimack, NH 03054 Merrimack, 6/78 6/78 603-429-2935 (H) 603-429-2935 (H) Curtis W. W. Gilbert, Gilbert, Curtis 930 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 930 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 8/85 8/85 872-4187 (H) 872-4187 (H) Gilbert, W. Gilbert, Jay Jay W. 930 Lake Lake Rd. Rd, 930 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 8/58 8/58 Victoria Victoria Gillim, Gillim, Roy Roy 1/80 1/80 Linda Linda John M. Glasow, John M. Glasow, 1/76 1/76 Jean Jean R. Glasow, Timothy Glasow, Timothy R. 7460 Baywood Baywood Lane 7460 Lane FL 32504 32504 Pensacola, Pensacola, FL 11/81 11181 Kathleen Kathleen 60 Westland Westland Ave. 60 Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY 449 Van Van Voorhis Voorhis Ave. Ave. 449 Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY 342-1192 (H) 342-1192 (H) 588-5985 (B) 588-5985 (B) Margaret Margaret Teague 17 17 Teague Courtenay 15 Courtenay 15 Cornhusker Cornhusker Joanne Joanne Thunden Thunder- 95 95 Council Council Rock Rock Ave. Ave. NY 14610 Rochester, NY 14610 Rochester, 431-4242 (H) (H) 461-4242 232-7272 (B) 232-7272 (B) 342-5718 (H) 342-5718 (H) 854-9388 .(B) 654-9388 (B) head head 313-842-7000 (B( (B( 313-642-7000 586-3381 (H) 586-3381 (H) 495 Dr 495 Antlers Dr. Mary Mary Voxcom Voxcom 384 Reach Rd. 384 Reach Rd. Deer Isle, ME 04627 Deer 04627 lsle, ME B-18 B48 4 .4./44 ..4 .~,--./-4-4 (H)244-0919 244-09!9 (H) Billie Billie Leading Leading Edge Edge (H) 244-0919 244-0919 (H) (B) 232-4440 232-4440 (3) Amy Amy Matthew 11 Matthew 11 Star Star Gazer Gazer llII 381-1139 (H) 381-1139 (H) (B) 381-0394 381-0394 (3) 14 Emily 14 Emily -..-4-4-4.-4--4-M44 """"'L'""""'""*F " " " *"'""" ' -4 .-.4-4, ._ ~ " " " "" * .. " ' 317-370-0530 (H) 617-870-0530 (H) (B) 617-481-2840 617-481-2840 (B) Surprise! Surprise! (H) 473-6042 473-6042 (H) (B) 475-3457 475-8457 (B) 342-1923 (H) 342-1926 (H) (B) 458-2550 458-2550 (B) Catherine GG Catherine (H)224-4142 (H)224-4142 544-0310 (B) 544-0310 (B) (H) 872-4187 872-4187 (H) (B) 232-7332 232-7332 (B) Indulgence indulgence 271-4895 (H) 271-4895 (H) 272-3000 (B) 272-3000 (B) 266-7351 (B) 266-7351 (B) 437-4441 (H) 467-4441 (H) B-19 B-19 2115 ~,3~,`4..,"` PHONE PHONE NY14618 14618 Rochester, NY 813-637-4628 (H) (H) 813-637-4628 404-437-7570 (B) 404-487-7570 (B) Furstoss, Frances Furstoss, Mary MaryFrances 610 610 Westgate Harbor at the the Harbor Westgate at NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY mm,=;.>_w,r.';;-,~mv»ma¢»<>;f;5<; BOAT BOATNAME NAME NY14618 Rochester, 14618 Rochester, NY W.~ Blake Blake W. --¢~ SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN .~ . , ~ 5 ... - . 4; _ _#- fate* EM-»-~ .4 , - 4 is-~ 4494"-..,,,., . . . .. .- 4. w~..w:z ff //4 -4 454- //4 ,W -- .... g- ,M ,M 3 ,Q Home Phone (H) Phone (H) Home Business Phone (B) Phone (B) Business (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSEI SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME F. William F. Gleason, Gleason, William 39 Knollwood Knollwood Drive Drive 39 NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/29 6/29 Dorrit Dorrit Mouette Mouette Arthur J. Arthur Gleiner, Gleiner, J. Brae 326 Bonnie Bonnie Brae 326 NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/80 5/80 Susan Susan Joshua 10 Joshua 10 Matthew 6 Matthew 6 Goldberg, 4/73 4/73 Goldbe PQ, Esther Esther S. S 7088 W. Country Country Club Dr. North North 7088 W. Club Dr. FL 34243 34243 Sarasota, Sarasota, FL Synergy Synergy Victor Victor - 1/81 1/81 Sherry Sherry Soiree Soiree Alan J. J. Goldstein, Goldstein, Alan 571 571 Lyell Ave. Lyell Ave. NY 14606 Rochester, 14606 Rochester, NY 9/53 9/53 Jackie Jackie CIoverly Cloverly CharlesF.E Goodwin, Goodwin,Charles 519 East 519 East 83rd 83rd Street Street New York, NY 10028 10028 New York, NY 11/82 11/82 Goodwin III, Frederic C. C. lll, Frederic Goodwin 3791 St. Blvd. 3791 St. Paul Paul Blvd. 1/50 1/50 11 Sarah 11 Sarah David David 9 9 Rebecca 55 Rebecca JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN BOATNAME NAME BOAT Grigsby,Mrs. Mrs.Sharon Sharon Grigsby, 3/80 3/80 Paul Paul Xanadu Xanadu (H) 225-0594 225-0594 (H) -0041 (B) 244 244 -3641 (0) 5/75 5/75 3 Meriden St. 3 Meriden St. P.O. RO. Box Box 12705 12705 Rocheste, NY NY 14612 14612 Rocheste, Mary Mary Second Second Chance Chance 663-1700 (H) 663-1700 (H) 663-1700 (B) 663-1700 (0) Guarino, George L. Guarino, George L. and Audit Budget Audit Budget and 345 Van Van Voorhis 345 Voorhis Ave. Ave. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 10/70 10/70 Barbara Barbara Whisper Whisper (H) 342-8024 342-8024 (H) (B) 544-0400 544-0400 (0) Gugler, Robert S. S. Gugler, Robert Alleyn’s Rise 11 Alleyn's Rise Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 6/75 6/75 Joyce Joyce Touche Touche Mrs. Theodore Theodore Gunkler, Gunkler, Mrs. 1570 East East Ave., Ave.,Apt. Apt. 403 403 1570 NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/81 8/81 (H) (H) 381-1662 381-1662f 264 264 Harvest Harvest Dr. Dr Rochester, NY 14626 14626 Rochester, NY Joel A. Grosshans, Joel A. Grosshans, 442-4982 (H) 442-4982 (H) 454-5900 (B) (0) 454-5960 010-051-0227 (H) 813-351-6227 (H) lra L. L. Goldman, Goldman,Ira 11 Briggsboro La. BriggsboroLa. Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE PHONE 223-6535 (H) (H) 223-6535 588-5987 (B) (0) 588-5987 914-941-3000 (B) 914-941-3000 (0) (H)212-879-8317 (H)212-079-0017 712-265-5100.... (B) (0) 712-265-5100 Charleen Charleen Mrs. Philip Goodwin, Goodwin, Mrs. Philip 326 Rock Rock Beach Beach Rd Rd 326 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 223-1416 (H) 223-1416 (H) (B) 427-0010 (0) 427-6310 (H) 461-0809 461-0809 (H) ~ H ===== ........g-gm... 467-4114 (H) (H) 467-4114 (B) 540-0000 546-8000 (B) NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY PHONE PHONE Haarstick, Haarstick, Stephen Stephen 1415 Ave. 1415 N. N. Clinton Clinton Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY 6/77 6/77 Haas, Paul Haas, Paul DL Oakridge Oakridge Dr. NY 14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 4/71 4/71 5/81 5/81 254 254 342-4747 (H) (H) 342-4747 Christopher Minute~Hand Christopher 99 Minute-Hand Maryannn Maryan Advisor, Junior Junior Advisor 607-273-8906 (H) 607-273-8906 (H) (B) 342-5200 342-5200 (0) Serendipity Serendipity 042-0059 (H) 342-3659 (H) (B) 253-6670 253-6670 (0) Tourmaline Tourmaline 244-5024 (H) 244-5624 (H) (B) 473-4600 473-4600 (0) Tourmaline Tourmaline (H) 671-1273 671-1273 (H) (B) 473-4600 473-4600 (0) Yacht Club Yacht Club Arthur Gosnell, Gosnell, Arthur 555 E E 78th 78th St. 3D 555 St. Apt. Apt. 3D New York, NY 10021 10021 New York, NY 7/79 7/79 Hafner, Colleen M. M. Hafner, Colleen 261/2 261/2 Upton Upton Park Park NY 14607 Rochester, 14607 Rochester, NY 11/68 11/68 Beverly Beverly H. ThomasH. Gosnell, Gosnell, Thomas Lawyers Lawyers Co-Operative Co-Operative Co. Publishing PublishingCo. NY 14694 14694 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/79 8/79 R. Hafner,Thomas Thomas R. Hafner, 210 Point Trail 210 Stony Stony Point Trail 14580 Webster, NY NY 14580 Webster, Ruth K. K. Hahn, Ruth Hahn, 10/88 10/88 Dan Dan Arbuckle Arbuckle Gratrix III, William A. Gratrix A. lll, William 15 15 Huntress HuntressCt. Ct. MD21093 Timonium, 21093 Timonium, MD 10/81 10/81 3/79 3/79 Dee Dee Missy-Ann Missy-Ann (H) 220-0500 223-6563 (H) (B) 621-8400 621-8400 (0) Charles B. B. Gray, Gray, Charles 664 Eaton Eaton Road Road 664 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/79 6/79 Hale,Thomas Thomas D. D. Jr. Jr Hale, Fleet Captain Fleet Captain (Power) (Power) 24 Manor Manor Hill Hill Dr. 24 Dr NY 14450 Fairport, NY 14450 Fairport, Charles A. A. Hall, Charles Hall, 2/76 2/76 Anne Anne Como-N0 Como-No 265-1950 (H) 265-1950 (H) (B) 232-5885 (0) Mickey Mickey (H) 266-0368 266-0368 (H) (B) 724-4630 724-4630 (0) .., 071-5402 (H) (H) 671-5402 546-5530 (B) (0) 546-5530 86 86 Nunda Nunda Blvd. Blvd. Sharon Sharon Jordan Jordan 88 Barbara Barbara Widgeon Widgeon 8/84 8/84 ~ (H) 342-432. (H) A '=f'" 1 x 1256 Shore Rd. Rd. 1256 Lake Lake Shore NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 225 0594 0594 (H) 225 (H) 423-5914 (B) 423-5914 (0) Hall, E. 8/78 Hall, Mary Mary E. 8/78 1008 Harbor 1008 Westage Westage At At The The Harbor NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, . .1 . (~ ,.,.M;_.R_-2 --~-wr--w~:m-r~1z:~::5:f:=:1~nm";"a=u':¢;<2'::v:111-'$i2:;' -:z.....~....~=>.0._..5 ,_.2.5,m,vL~. ~m,0_~,,.~.:,M,gf~,0,.s.4..,..._.4._490_.»,_..»..,,..,,.,,/.-44-.~44-4_4-.,< =~ -" ew _-1. -_ 1.. ,__. ~m:.~,,»~y5 5:14. 4053;-/,-41.9-W 2.5.1. 25.-,»'5:zz,0w_»,...,4.2af;:-:_~.-5:-Y-,..0=,.,,~e@f94_&»,M9,e,.»W ,.-/.~.. V , 4,..4.¢»~.-ww._,.- /.-44-.~44-4_4-.,< 4,..4.¢»~.-ww. 470-2500 (H) 473-2536 (H) 726-0270 (B) 726-0270 (0) NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, 301-252-2067 (H) (H) 301-252-2067 001-700-0925 (B) 301-783-3925 (0) Whitney Whitney 55 S. Grigsby, _Gale S. Grigsby, Gale 264 Harvest Harvest Drive Drive 264 NY14626 14626 Rochester, Rochester, NY _..,`__.__.._ Georgia Georgia -21 ,f --.» - _ . , - -- .4-_ -- - »-~--- ---- - ~ - - - - -- -- av- Phone Home Phone (H) (H) Home Phone BusinessPhone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHlLDREN E. Robert E. Hall, Hall, Robert 302 Pinecrest Dr. PinecrestDr. 302 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/85 4/85 Phyllis Phyllis Ned Hallick, Hallick, Ned 240 8th St., 35 240 8th St., Apt. Apt. 35 Brooklyn, NY 11215 11215 Brooklyn, NY 7/70 7/70 Kerry Kerry Questar Questar Halliday, S. Guy S. Halliday, Guy 49 49 Brighton St. Brighton St. Rochester, NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY 7/85 7/85 Jane Jane Sierra Hotel Sierra Hotel T. HowardT. Hallowell III, Hallowell lll,Howard 520 East East Ave. Ave. 520 Rochester, NY 14607 14607 Rochester,~NY 10/75 10/75 W. Halperyn, Cheryl W. Halperyn, Cheryl 2500 2500 East East Avenue Avenue NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/88 5/88 T Halperyn, Halperyn, Jay Jay T. St. Apt 68. 353 353 East East 78th 78th St. Apt 68. New York, NY 10021 10021 New York, NY 9/78 9/78 E. Joan E. Handler, Handler, Joan 1204 So. 1204 So. Washington Washington St., St., #821W #821W 22314 VA 22314 Alexandria, Alexandria, VA 2/78 2/78 (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOlNED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Hart, M.D. M.D. William William J. J. Hart, 1/83 1/83 Cynthia Cynthia Han Beat Hart Beat Hartwick, Gary G. Hartwick, Gary G. 8/78 8/78 Nancy Nancy Timothy Timothy Jeffrey Jeffrey Thlayli Thlayli 461-5334 (H) 461-5334 (H) 461-9000 (B) (B) 461-9000 Hausin, Volker A. Volker A. Hausin, 226 226 River River St. St. Weymouth, MA 02191 02191 Weymouth, MA 1/71 1/71 Gisela Gisela 442-2531 (H) (H) 442-2531 477-3288 (B) (B) 477-3288 J. Jeffrey Hawley, Jeffrey Hawley, J. 14 14 Pond Pond View View Lane Lane NY 14526 Penfield, 14526 Penfield, NY 6/79 6/79 Emily Emily D. ’Llack" Hay, Johnson D. "Hack" Hay, Johnson 7/66 7/66 PHONE PHONE BOAT BOAT NAME NAME 544-5270 (H) (H) 544-5270 544-9060 (B) 544-9060 (B) `i"' 718-788-0110 (H) (H) 718-788-0110 328-6060 (B) 328-6060 (B) 105 Horseneck Horseneck Pt. 105 Pt. Road Road Oceanport, NJ 07757 07757 Oceanport, NJ 385-1655 (H) (H) 385-1655 467-6080 (B) (B) 467-6080 41 41 Parker Parker Drive Drive Michael 17 Michael 17 Steven 14 Steven 14 Cynde Cynde Jonathan 18 Jonathan 18 Matthew 16 Matthew 16 NY 14534 Pittsford, 14534 Pittsford, NY 212-517-8253 (H) 212-517-8253 (H) 212-422-7161 (B) 212-422-7161 (B) 703-549-4963 (H) (H) 703-549-4963 703-838-8743 (B) (B) 703-838-8743 Russell D. D. Hay, Hay, Russell Commodore 1957-58 Commodore 1957-58 146 146 Dwyer DL Dwyer Dr. NY 14456 Geneva, 14456 Geneva, NY 5/51 5/51 Healy, Dallas J. J. Healy, Dallas Director Director 131 131 Panorama PanoramaTrail Trail 3/79 3/79 Barbara Barbara Hegedorn, Bruce Bruce Hegedorn, Ridge Rd. Ridge Rd. Webster, NY NY 14580 14580 Webster, 5/79 5/79 Mary Mary Heider, Richard Richard E. E. Heider, Rochester Race Rochester Race 34 Wedmore 34 Wedmore Road Road NY 14450 Fairport, NY 14450 Fairport, 3/81 3/81 Nancy Nancy Herbert Hell, Herbert Heil, 3954 Prairie Prairie Dunes DunesDr. Dr. 3954 FL 33583 33583 Sarasota, FL 5/51 5/51 John H. H. Hell, Heil, John 93 Hardwood 93 Hardwood Lane Lane NY14616 14616 Rochester, NY 6/88 6/88 Heinrich, David W. w. Heinrich, David 5775 S. Transit 5775 S. `liansit Lockport, NY 14094 14094 Lockport, NY 6/52 6/52 Heinrich, JonathanC. C. Heinrich, Jonathan Commodore Commodore 1967-68 1967-68 700 Beach Rd 700 Rock Rock Beach Rd NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/51 3/51 473-1040 (H) 473-1040 (H) 544-5821 (B) 544-5821 (B) (H) 201-389-9145 201-389-9145 (H) 201-758-4155 (B) (B) 201-758-4155 617-331-5419 (H) 617-331-5419 (H) Splash Splash 377-9112 (H) 377-9112 (H) 722-9271 (B) 722-9271 (B) Newsboy Newsboy (H) 381-5968 381-5966 (H) 232-6920 (B) 232-6920 (B) Dance Dance Patricia Patricia (H) 315-789-3007 315-789-3007 (H) (B) 315-422-4805 315-422-4805 (B) 1 Wildflower Wildflower 385-3164 (H) 385-3164 (H) 381-5410 (B) 381-5410 (B) NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/81 C. Handler, 10/81 Handler, Nancy Nancy C. Ave. Apt. 6116 Pershing 6116 Pershing Ave. 102 Apt. 102 MO63112 63112 St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 964 964 Richard J. J. Handler, Handler, Richard 194 Rd 194 Croydon Croydon Rd NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/61 2/61 S. Paul S. Handzel, Handzel, Paul 50 50 Tuliptree La. Tuliptree La. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/75 5/75 Peggy Peggy Grand Slam Grand Slam 544-0917 (H) (H) 544-0917 477-5075 (B) (B) 477-5075 G. B. B. (Jed) Hanna, Hanna, G. (Jed) 171 Idlewood ldlewood Rd. Rd. 171 NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/81 3/81 Joan Joan Denali Denali 442-1620 (H) (H) 442-1620 254-4500 (B) (B) 254-4500 Geraldine Geraldine 2/86 Heidi Schwenk Schwenk Harden, 2/86 Harden, Heidi 423 Atlantic 423 Atlantic Ave., Ave., Apt. Apt. 4P 4P NY11217 11217 Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY Daniel Daniel J. Thomas J. Hargrave lll, Thomas Hargrave III, 62 Park Park Lane Lane 62 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, NY Rochester, 7/75 7/75 Nancy Nancy Richard G. G. Hart, Richard Hart, 10180 10/80 321 Thomas Thomas Ave. Ave. 321 NY14617 14617 Rochester NY Rochester 115 Council 115 Council Rock Rock Ave. Ave. NY 14610 Rochester, NY 14610 Rochester, PHONE PHONE Alarm Alarm 482-4661 (H) (H) 482-4661 461-9420 (B) (B) 461-9420 718-596-3830 (H) 718-596-3830 (H) 914-269-2800 (B) (B) 914-269-2800 g 385-1179 (H) (H) 385-1179 254-1222 (B) 254-1222 (B) Kim 18 Kim 18 671-6417 (H) 671-6417 (H) 671-4450 (B) 671-4450 (B) Top Priority Priority Top (H) 425-4486 (H) 425-4486 425-2750 (B) 425-2750 (B) Kristen 18 Kristen 18 14 Kelly 14 Kelly Leona Leona (B) 315-483-8150 315-483-8150 (B) sue Sue 1-434-7090 (H) 1-434-7090 (H) A Kathleen Kathleen Christopher Christopher Richard 18 Richard Christopher Christopher 18 : 342-9412 (H) (H) 342-9412 726-1868 (B) (B) 726-1868 Gretchen Gretchen 342-5779 (H) 342-5779 (H) B-23 B-23 12-92 , -.ffwzs -f.>.=~.15.;--71.4 ~s,- 77:-w;~>1v15», .www ,..-=:» ¢¢,<,>..~»~¢;:,. 11;-1,-¢,9>~{s§;;-;,_.,_s. yn;- (H) Home Phone Phone (H) Home Phone BusinessPhone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN B. PeterB. Heinrich, Heinrich,Peter Ave, 330 Hollywood 330 Hollywood Ave. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/77 2/77 T. Bruce T. Henry, Henry, Bruce 22 Lanark Lanark Cresent Cresent 22 NY 14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/81 10/81 Hestley, Murray Hestley, Murray RO. Box P.O. Box 96 96 NY 14564 14564 Victor, Victor, NY 4/85 4/85 Tom Hiatt, Hiatt, Tom 123 Lane 123 Scotch Scotch Lane 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/75 4/75 Ann Ann William J. J. Hickey, Jr., William Hickey, Jr., 33 33 Dorvid Dorvid Rd. Rd. NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11/66 11/66 Janice Janice Women’s Womens Assoc. Assoc. Stephen 17 Stephen 17 15 Chad Chad 15 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME PHONE PHONE Linda B. B. Holahan, Hotahan, Linda 720 Hinman Hinman St., St., Apt 720 3W Apt 3W IL 60202 60202 Evanston, Evanston, IL 1/81 1/81 11/78 11/78 The Rose Rose The 288-8930 (H) 288-8930 (1-1) 288-8945 (B) (5) 288-8945 Daniel Hollands, Hollands, Daniel 1104 State Street 1104 State Street NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, Weetamoe Weetamoe 244-5904 (H) 244-5904 (H) 924-5019 (B) (5) 924-3019 Holliday, Susan R. R. 2/80 2/80 Holliday, Susan 34 Kingswood 34 Dr. Kingswood Dr. Rochester, NY 14624 Rochester, NY 14624 g Hi-Lo Hi-Lo .44 266-2719 (H) 266-2719 (H) 724-4788 (B) (5) 724-4788 342-1214 (H) 342-1214 (H) Holt, David R. R. Holt, David 23 23 Pine Pine St. St. 2nd 2nd Fir. Fln New Rochelle, New NY10801 10801 Rochelle, NY 4/80 4/80 H. Robb Holt, Robb Holt, H. Measurer Measurer 447 447 Colebrook Colebrook Dr. Dn 6/55 6/55 Mrs. F. F. Richard Holtz, Mrs. Richard Holtz, 6/80 6/80 ~: ¯ ~. ~-- 3 Shadow Pines Pines Dr. Dr 3 Shadow ~ Dreamer Dreamer (H) 544-8246 (l-1) 544-8246 477-4813 (B) 15) 477-4813 David W. W. Hill, Hill, David Rd. 439 Lowden Pt. Rd. Lowden Pt. 439 NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/81 2/81 Susan Susan Jonathan Jonathan 22 lnnisfree Innisfree 392-7329 (H) (H) 392-7329 227-5230 (B) 227-5230 (5) D. Hill, Hill, George George D. 416 Oakridge Dr. Dr. 416 Oakridge NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/63 4/63 JamesS. S. Hill, Hill, James 650 Lake Lake Road Road 650 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 11/75 Kent Hill, Hill, Kent 6175 S.W. St. 6175 S.W. 133rd t33rd St. FL 33156 Miami, 33156 Miami, FL 5/63 5/63 E. Hinz, Hinz, Raymond Raymond E. 11 Springdale Lock 11 Springdale Lock NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 7/85 7/85 Gilbert Hoard, Hoard, Gilbert 15234 Palmwood Palmwood Rd. Rd. 15234 Lake Park, FL 33410 33410 Lake Park, FL 6/52 6/52 Samuel Hodgetts, Hodgetts,Samuel 15 Smugglers La. 15 Smugglers La. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/85 4/85 Helen Helen 342-2098 (H) (H) 342-2098 872-2606 (H) 872-2606 (H) (B) 238-4930 238-4930 (B) Chris Chris Jacqueline Jacqueline 33 Andrew Andrew 1 1 (H) 426-9980 426-9980 (H) 914-576-6254 (H) 914-576-6254 (H) Dodie Dodie Alice Alice Hopkins, Ronald Ronald J. J. Hopkins, 255 Manitou Manitou Beach 255 Beach Rd. Rd. Hilton, NY 14468 14468 Hilton, NY 1/76 1/76 Valerie Valerie Kewero Kewero 342-2177 (H) 342-2177 (H) (B) 253-6025 253-6025 (B) Fred F. F. Hubble, Fred Hubble, 2/75 2/75 Debra Debra 5/83 5/83 Mary Mary Delegate Delegate lll III B-24 - ff! (H) 266-0766 266-0766 (H) 427-1455 (B) 427-1463 (B) 381-5307 (H) (H) 381-5307 Todd Todd (H) 244-5624 244-5624 (H) 473-4600 (B) (B) 473-4600 (H) 544-0482 544-0482 (H) 477-3567 (B) 477-3567 (B) Herbert III Ill Humphrey, Herbert Humphrey, Sagamore Dr. Sagamore Dr. 2/80 2/80 Vandy Vandy Bruce W. W. Huston, Bruce Huston, 1204 1204 Imperial Dr. Imperial Dr. 5/59 5/59 Helen Helen 49 49 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11 Invictus Invictus 872-4212 (H) 872-4212 (H) Webster, NY NY 14580 14580 Webster, 255-5551 (H) (H) 266-5661 722-7723 (B) (5) 722-7723 I V42._...A- ...,s..-4...~¢~»-5-1-,.,.4.,.-44-4-4 .:-- :E ff-1-axrsgr-sw:-1--.5~r>.-4-.>.~¢:=>1f-aw..~11,-.¢~;~>>¢.~:;sf:-:-f¢ .1~ Desperado Desperado NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY Rochester, 505-745-7011 (H) (H) 305-746-7011 505-745-7011 (B) 305-746-7011 (5) Rosanne Rosanne (H) 225-8506 225-8506 (H) (B) 722-2602 722-2602 (B) 2 Hummel, Colleen ColleenHafner Hafner Hummel, 261/2 Park 261/2Upton Upton Park 577-9055 (H) (H) 377-9056 383-1094 (H) 383-1094 (H) 381-5280 (B) (5) 381-5280 Bolero Bolero Tangaroa Tangaroa NY 14534 Pittsford, NY 14534 Pittsford, 505-555-9751 (H) (H) 305-633-9761 505-551-5559 (B) (5) 305-661-6369 Dark Star Star Dark 1-832-7416 (H) 1-832-7416 (H) 1'683»9010 (B) (B) 1’683-9010 1 Hull, Charles Charles J., Jr. Hull, J., Jr. ff. ::,.f.4»¢->.'::~~:-...~.~.1-->~-az-f..s-,~--.1511-¢v;~;'~:>~;"¢-».;¢-.i.,~ , PHONE PHONE 180 Beaconview Ct. 180 Beaconview Ct. NY14617 14617 Rochesten Rochester, NY 671-8206 (H) (1-1) 671-8206 425-1554 (B) 423-1334 (5) Gandalf Gandalf Jacquelyn Jacquelyn Rosanne Rosanne Sawbuck Sawbuck 1/73 1/73 31 31 Tobey Tobey Brook Brook Mary Ann Ann Mary 17 Kimberly 17 Kimberly Sandy Sandy Hooper, Douglas Hooper, DouglasL.l_. 56 Fairfield Ave. Ave. 56 Fairfield NY 14223 14223 Kenmore, Kenmore, NY PHRF PHRF Alice Alice 17 Kelly Kelly 17 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME NYNY 14526 Penfielcl, Penfield, 14526 ¯ 11/75 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN i NY14617-1923 Rochester, 14617-1923 Rochester, NY JoAnn JoAnn :>.,__%;,;.;-.,, JOINED JOINED RYC RYC 244-9352 (H) (1-1) 244-9352 gf, 551-1550 i (B) (5) 381-1880 11/84 11/84 » ~.e;¢y--ew 2-> MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS Phark Phark 10/78 lll H. III 10/78 John H. Hickman, Hickman, John Sweet Sweet Briar Briar Geneseo, NY14454 14454 .... Geneseo, NY H. Higgins, Timothy H. Higgins, Timothy 274 Daley Blvd. 274 Daley Blvd. NY 14617 14617 ; Rochester, Rochester, NY (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) Business Phone (B) Business Phone (B) - -. - ~. -ze .-rizzzxrzuf-az.->v - . - - - ------ _ _ --- .-`.._,v.....,., ._.;.,._;.-_; .-.-.:.~.¢.:_-.=.-.~,<-51,-_-fe-ay-----»--» - --------.4 _ -4 _ þÿ err:ff'-masss;=:e:2If§;§i% ¬Ir-11:22:15-ffri2é£2i¥~2fe ¬¢:=§§assea-e-;»e4e4-4-sae-f-fs:fx.~.=-~-:-' ¢~.;-<45st-4:=t--..-sf-.¢~.-;~:f;--4f-fee-,-;..,»-4-<55-f~>;--~1a,~;~-.91-_--,-';-1-1-.:,; X.-4-&<e> =@-1,-f4:¢»,¢,,:> <~-gt,-4;4.4---4;-->f~-¢~;.-,fer-..._4 f:¢.f><~>:¢- . fre-fs-ef-»----4---.--4.-. 1 ~% .Y...4 ~ 2 ;~.-4e>;-~41;»- gm, Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home (B) Business Phone Phone (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED J0|NED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CWLDREN Hyde, Bernard G. G. Hyde, Bernard Property Property 181 Valley Crescent 181 Valley View View Crescent NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/70 7/70 Marcia Marcia 17 Jennifer 17 Jennifer PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME or. Jekyrr Dr. Jekyll 266-7211 (H) (H) 266-7211 (B) 325-1650 325-1650 ~ (6) _ ' .====~ ==--=-H-=-=-== M_ Alicia M. Incavo, 1|-lcavo, Alicia 25 Vassar Vassar Street Street 25 NY14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester' NY 10/87 10187 4733548 (H) (H) 473-3548 Incavo, MD E, MD lncavo, Joseph Joseph F., 790 790 Oakridge Di: Oakridge Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/78 10/78 Ingerson, CharlesJ.J. Ingerson, Charles 1535 Havilland Havilland PI. Pi. 1535 MD21701 21701 Frederick, Frederick, MD 11/65 11165 Ingerson, Helen K. K. Ingerson, Helen Fleet Fleet Captain Captain (Sail) (Sai0 Regattas (Future) ..... Regattas (Future) 299 299 Rock Rock Beach Beach Rd. Rd_ NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester' NY 7/82 7/82 Noreen Noreen Doris Doris Even Keel Keel Even 342-1510 (H) 342-1510 (H) Jongsma, JOl'1Q$m8, Ronald BOFISIG 2001 N. N. Union 2001 Un|on St. St. Spencerport, NY 14559 14559 Spencerport, NY 6/80 6/80 Peggy PBQQV Nicole 2 Dunk S|am Slam Dunk 352-3745 (H) 352-3746 (H) (B) 722-6066 722-6068 (B) HippoHippocampus campus (H) (H) (Winter) 813-639-3277 (winier)_613-639-3277 (_ = _ ` _ -5 _ _ ' Vernon E. luppa, Jr., Vernon E. luppa, Jr., 10 Countryside 10 Countryside Rd. Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 5/84 5/84 Mark Mark 288-1186 (H) 288-1186 (H) Tracey 1 TTSCSY1 _ Nicole 2 5/795/79 (H)(H)865-1995 865-1995 248-3150 (B) 248-3150 (13) 10161 10/61 June June (H) 225-5256 225-5256 (H) (B) 5534243 663-4243 (13) Paul H. H. Kaltenbach, Paul þÿK3|`l ¬Db3Ch, 10 Ramsey Ramsey Pk. 10 NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11/78 11/78 Judy JLIGY (H) 482-3314 482-3314 (H) 546~64-80 (B) 546-6480 Helen Helen V 1 _. 'V (H) 266-1881 (H) 266-1881 Zest Zest Karch, 11/laffln Martin AA. Kémh- 8/77 8/77 Sheryl S119VY1 Corgwyn COVQWYV1 (H) 271-1168 (1'1>271~1165 359-5151 (B) 359-5151 (B) Karpf, John John Karpf, 9/75 9/75 Carol Carol Sirena Sirena (H) 225-9528 225-9528 (H) W. Karpus, George Karpus, George W. 15 Bay La. 15 Bay Bluff Bluff La. 7/82 7/82 Schery Schery Leap Leap Frog Frog Gain Capital Gain Capital 482-6976 (H) 482-6976 (H) (B) 586-4680 586-4680 (B) Held! Heidi Karshick, K.3|'Sh|Ck1 536 2/882/88 Frederick Karshick, Frederick Karshick, 4/74 4/74 Kelle L. 1_1 Karshick, Kelle Karehrek, 10/85 10/85 Richard W.. Katos, Richard Katos, 2725 2725 Sherman Sherman Street Street 6/74 _ _ 5631711 Road H0311 55 M3"1'1°U Manitou Beach 55 NY 14468 14468 Hilton, NY 11111011 266-1881. 266-1881 _ ' 9/74 9/74 _ 613-639-3277 (Winter) 813-639-3277 (Winter) Directory/Compass D/rectory/Compass 199 Village Village Lane 199 Lane Rochester, NY NY 14610 14510 Rochester- _ 10/88 10188 51 51 Crossroads Crossroads La. La. Jean Betty Betty Jean Renegade Renegade _ NY 14622 14622 Rochester, NY Rochester, Mary Mary Pidgeon Pidgeon 248-5681 (H)(H)248-5681 244_6340 (B) 244-6340 _ 11/80 11180 Jacobs, Steve Jacobs,871 FairportSteveRd. 871 Fairport Rd. East Rochester, East Rocheswr NY NY14445 14445 Jenny Jenny L. tll iii desserer, Jeeeerer, Henry Henry L. 50 Golfside Golfside Pkwy. 50 Pkwy. Rochester, Rochester' NY 14610 Marilyn Marilyn Katharine 99 Katharine Michael 66 Caroline 22 Caroline - .M ,,...,_.,a _ 536 536 Memories IIII Memories (H) 361-5501 586-4810 (B)(H) 586-4810381"5501 (B) Dr: Oakridge Oakridge Dr. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY F1°°11@S1@f» - _- _ _ »- ~-- ,,_,,,_, 7667" Ma. _ Oakridge Did Oakridge Dr. NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 F1°°11@S1@f» 566-6657 (H) 586-6657 (H) 325-6700 (B) 325-6700 (B) . Redwing Hedwirig (H) 467-0696 467-0696 (H) (B) 726-3552 726-3552 (6) _ (H) 467-0696 467-0696 (H) ~»>-», = . 1 ,,__ ._ .__. _: .,,= ;-.;1'.a:mz'.~..,~. -"' 'CZ 2. - .,... _ _..._ 'T-Z¢Ff:~i~:E-: '='l ,.-.. -,.-. - rr-'11-~-'-= 4---9 ...., .. $5/_W it -'-'- _-'_ 5; 5-'~2, . .c....A __.. »...,,,i-.. i (H) 305-925-1794 305-587-1620 (B) 305-587-1620 (B) FL 33020-1824 33020-1824 Hollywood, FL Hollywood, P._9= (;:mm:~_<=::.=¢_::::::-:z::::¢r;m+:»r4:ma4f==:f::"£-'sr 552.-; 4.2.5-.e_...-e..-e..-W. Kate Kate ~~~~-\- 536 536 Cape Horn cape Horn 467-0696 (H) 467-0696 . ' ,. _ Drive 536 Oakridge Oakridge Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, J =J.==,, .,,_,~__2,,,,_,_.,_.,,,2, i Rochester, NY NY 14612 14512 Fmchestefr 265-1884 (H) 265-1884 (H) 342-7590 (B) 342-7590 (6) ' 11/85 11/65 PHONE PHONE William R. R. Kaiser, William Kaiser, _ _ _.J 10/65 10165 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME -- ~ me Bernard M. M. Johnson, Johnson, Bernard 230 230 Van Van Voorhis Voorhis Ave. Ave. Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester, 503 1392011 Avenue 603 Beach Avenue NY 14612 14612 Rochester, NY F1°C11@S1@f» 301-695-9114 (H) 301-695-9114 (H) 301-695-2607 (B) 301-695-2807 (6) Joseph Joseph V. Terrance V. Ingerson, Ingerson,Terrance sa///Haee Sail/Race 1789 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 1789 Webster NY NY 14580 14580 Webster, SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN K K’ ` __ 5/83 5/83 Kaiser, Nancy Kaiser, Nancy Joyce Joyce Marc Mare 15 15 Morgen Morgen 99 6/46 6/46 _`,f Johnson, Mrs. Amy JONHSQHMrs- Amy 299 299 Wisconsin WISCOHSIH St. SiNY 14609 14609 Rochester, NY Rochester- _ Ingersbn, lngersbh,Joseph JosephP.R 299 299 Rock Heck Beach eeaen Rd. Hd. NY14617 14517 Rochester, Rochester, NY _-. S. Ingerson, Terrance S. Ingerson,Terrance 1789 Lake 1789 Lake Road Road NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster! NY <'¢'- JOINED JOINED RYC RYC 266-6324 (H) (H) 266-6324 (B) 342-5709 (B) 342-5709 Tennis Tennis A ,,,___,,_,,,_,,,_~__,,N,,_,_, MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS _ fr# .,f-.¢ :=:~_-:~'<:- -';~:' = -:.'. -i.--.f ,,_., ;:;::-1~:-:-Z~;1f~7-1ff:-7-:;;-'-':' -'-'1 ___.. rf- .rffe ' -'-' 5 _.-.-1-55-.~.5-;-;-;:~§:~'-51-51 47 Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) Phone Business Phone (B) Business (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT BOAT NAME NAME MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC Koop, Deborah A. A. Koop, Deborah Star Star Route Route Lawyersville, NY12113 12113 Lawyersville, NY 5/83 5/83 621-7775 (H) (H) 621-7775 Koris, John V. L Jr., John Koris, Jr., 75 Buckland 75 Buckland Ave. Ave. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/78 10/78 Nancy Nancy PHONE PHONE l SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN i 1 BOAT NAME BOAT NAME , PHONE PHONE 11 i t Becket Becket 671-6086...... (H) (H) 671-6086 254-0664 (B) (6) 254-0664 Restless Restless (H) (H) 516-264-5416 (B) 518-234-5416 (6) W. Edward W. Keck, Keck, Edward 484 484 Pellett Pellett Rd. Rd. Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 5/77 5/77 Susan Susan C. Kennard, KennethC. Kennard, Kenneth Pk. 19A Veldor Veldor Pk. 19A NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/67 3/67 Alberta Alberta B. CharlesB. Kenning, Kenning, Charles 23 Old Old Farm Farm Circle Circle 23 NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 4/62 4/62 Carol Carol Adjournment Adjournment Recess Recess 586-1186 (H) 586-1186 (H) 625-4550 (B) 325-4550 (6) Robert E. E. Korts, Jr., Robert Korts, Jr., 14 PI. 14 Park Park PI. NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 12/65 12/55 Janet Janet Boardwalk Boardwalk (H) 661-5690 381-5690 (H) (B) 266-5500 266-5500 (6) D. JamesD. Keppel, Keppel, James Di: 159 Farmbrook FarmbrookDr. 159 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/77 5/77 Nancy Nancy Cindy Cindy 99 Petrel Petrel 661-7905 (H) 381-7905 (H) 566-5462 (B) 586-5432 (6) James E. E. Kraft, Kraft, James 1581 Rd. 1561 Hermance Hermance Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 9/62 9/62 Sandra Sandra Magic Magic Carpet Carpet (H) 872-4943 872-4943 (H) (B) 671-1297 571-1297 (6) Kreutziger, Benson Kreutziger, Benson 115 Stoney Stoney Brook Brook Dr. 115 Dr. NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 12/87 12/87 Christina Christina Elizabeth 12 Elizabeth 12 Gabrielle Gabrielle 99 Hillary 66 Hillary Treat Dutch Dutch Treat 476-1959 (H) 473-1959 (H) (6) (B) 244-2040 244-2040 Robert C. C. Kwit, Kwit, Robert 152 Sansharon Sansharon Dr. 152 Dr Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY 11/85 11/85 7/71 7/71 Kandte King, King, Kandie c/o c/o J. J. Napier Napier 1302 Westage at Harbor 1302 Westage at the the Harbor NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY Kingston, A. ThomasA. Kingston,Thomas 70 Colonial Colonial Rd. Rd. 70 NY 14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/71 10/71 Tim Kinsella, Kinsella, Tim LYRA LYRA Delegate De/egate Drive 812 Oakridge Drive 812 Oakridge Rochester, NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY 8/78 8/78 Kirkwood, Kirkwood, Virginia VirginiaF.F. 22 Paladin Paladin Drive Drive 22 DE19802 19802 Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 1/83 1/83 Jr. Kittrell, John C., C., Jr. Kittrell, John 33 Lafayette Lafayette Pkwy. Pkwy. NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/86 6/86 KennethL.L. Klassen, Klassen, Kenneth 19 19 Heritage Ct. WoodsCt. Heritage Woods NY14615 14615 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/83 5/83 Teddy Téddy Klein, M. Klein, Henry Henry M. 1969-70 Commodore 1969-70 Commodore Dr. 313 Palm Palm Lake LakeDr. 313 Sanibel Island, FL33957 33957 Sanibel island,FL 5/58 5/58 Jean Jean Klingbiel, RichardT.T. Klingbiel,Richard 638 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 638 NY 14580 Webster NY 14580 Webster, 11/74 11/74 Anne Mary Mary Anne David 11 David 11 . . , 482-1096 (H) (H) 482-1096 1-394-6220 (B) (6) 1-394-6220 Jane Jane 10 Scott Scott 10 Pole Star Star Pole Roben Robert 566-2924 (H) (H) 586-2924 (B) 482-5000 482-5000 (6) Merlyn Merlyn 663-0724 (H) (H) 663-0724 477-6745 (B) (6) 477-6745 616-472-6667 (H) (H) 813-472-3637 Duenna Duenna 266-2702 (H) (H) 266-2702 722-6664 (B) (6) 722-3684 5 / 78 5/76 Grace Grace Labuzetta, Steven Labuzetta, Steven 96 Reservoir Resen/oir Ave. Ave. 96 NY 14620 14620 Rochester, NY Rochester, 6/85 6/85 Tricia Tricia M. John M. Lacagnina, Lacagnina, John 126 Oak Trail Trail 126 Bent Bent Oak Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 7/85 7/85 Kathleen Kathleen John E. E. Lambrix, Lambrix, John 17 North North Terrace 17 Terrace NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 7/83 7/83 Rebekah Rebekah Britten Brittan 11 Lander, Jr. Lander, Raymond A., Jr. Raymond A., 590 590 Aliens Aliens Creek Creek Rd. Rd. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/62 6/62 Margaret Margaret Ray-Mar Ill III Ray-Mar (H) 381-7360 381-7360 (H) (B) 248-5350 248-5350 (6) Susan M. M. Lander, Susan 30 The The Highlands 30 Highlands NY 14622 14622 Rochester, NY Rochester, 2/89 2/89 Patrick J. J. Lane, Lane, Patrick 1220 Rd. 1220 Stockbridge Stockbridge Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 1/80 1/80 Sandy Sandy Zimmer Zimmer Libra Libra 872-6078 (H) 872-6078 (H) (B) 546-6620 546-6320 (6) J LaPaglia, LaPagl|a Anthony Anthony J. 180 Yarkerdale Yarkerdale Dr. 180 Dr Rochester NY 14615 14615 Rochester, NY / 83 5 5/83 Terry Terry Terry LL llII Terry 6499 (H) 665 865-3499 (H) 442-6477 (H) 442-8477 (H) (B) 546-6825 546-6825 (6) Total Total Eclipse Eclipse (H) 425-2915 425-2915 (H) (B) 381-7500 381-7500 (6) 338-3754 (H) 338-3754 (H) (B) 342-7804 342-7804 (6) 1- Gee Dee Gee-Dee 642 1511 (H) (H) 342-1511 266 6201 (B) (6) 266-3201 _ _ , . ;_ J . 1 - 6241330 (B) 624-1330 (6) __ ` ' ~` B 28 B 29 B-29 ' "":%'x"""""" a-ff; (H) 666-1462 338-1432 (H) 458-1000 (B) 458-1000 (6) ~ 1 W;-ey ’ .=..L..=. L 566-6962 (B) 586-8982 (6) Joy Joy Colby Colby 88 Ashley Ashley 66 Scott 44 (H) 461-5244 461-5244 (H) (B) 244-6040 244-8040 (6) Cathryn Cathryn 338-1735 (H) 338-1735 (H) 624-6290 (B) (6) 624-3290 ._ Kohler Donald F Donald F. Kohler, 240 Van Van Voorhis Ave Voorhts Ave. 240 NY 14617 14617 Rochester NY Rochester, _f 518-234-2898 518-234-2898 _ ,,,.,_...A._ ,_._,6,_,,.M,,..___._,_,,2,,,,_.,.2 47:,f '?` ' 4 M. ' ` `- "" _ _-3,-;,:,__,-_._ . . , . _ . _ . _ _. __- .___~, __ _ __ _ _ , ____ . . ....,-2..-c..._2 . ...__ 255;?:5;=§5=ff5'l5§'5*3=`555=?"5 5 5"7"`:?:"5`; ';" 55'~ ' f `3';3' :` 7 " " '5 1 : 5 "T "f? Xgseaasg __ WL.. _ , _ . .-. -._. . . . _ . "ff:'7 ' 5 "5 3 "' " " ._ , 4% 6% .. M, Phone Home Phone (H) Home (H) Phone Business Phone (B) Business (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ _SPOUSEI CHILDREN CHILDREN I. LeRue, Alfred I. LaRue, Alfred 1214 Lake Rd. Lake Point Point Rd. 1214 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 5/83 5/83 Karen Karen Staci 18 Staci 18 Northwind Northwind Robert Lesser, Lasser, Robert Irondequoit Irondequoit Susquecentennial Susquecentennial 25 Tuxford Tuxford Road Road 25 NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 11/88 11/88 Kathie Kathie Forward Fast Forward Fast Peter C. C. Lauterbach, Lauterbach, Peter RO. Box P.O. Box 599 599 OH45201 45201 Cincinnati, Cincinnati,OH 5/74 5/74 I.avery, Jane Lavery, Jane 58 Dorvid Dorvid Rd. Rd. 58 Rochester, NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY 7/85 7/85 Law, A. Paul A. Law, Paul Club Club Cruise Cruise 105 Valley View View Crescent 105 Valley Crescent NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/83 5/83 Daniel Lawless, Daniel Lawless, 48 Sutherland St. 48 Sutherland St. Pittsford, NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY 3/82 3/82 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME . Scorpio Scorpio Timothy Timothy 6/86 6/86 MatthewD. D. Lawless, Lawless, Matthew 40 Knollbrook Knollbrook Rd., #5 40 Rd., #5 NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/82 3/82 R. LeFrois, Richard Richard R. LeFrois, 1/89 1/89 Russell ER LeFrois, Russell LeFrois, 375 375 Salt Salt Road Road NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, 1/89 1/89 Estelle Estelle David M. M. Lent, David Lent, 1/66 1/66 Lois Lois 223-1376 (H) 223-1376 (H) (B) 475-9050 475-9050 (B) Carolyn Carolyn 671-5171 (H) 671-5171 (H) (B) 232-5885 232-5885 (B) 990 Lake Road 990 Lake Road NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, RobertT.T. Lawless, Lawless, Robert 44 Village Grove Village Grove NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 7/45 7/45 RobertT., Jr. Lawless, T, Jr. Lawless, Robert 1831 1831 Baird Baird Rd. Rd. NY 14526 14526 Penfietd, Penfield, NY 10/77 10/77 Fred Lawrence, Lawrence, Fred 43 43 Long Pond Rd. Rd. Long Pond NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY W. LeChase, LeChase, Raymond RaymondW. 32 Landsdowne LandsdowneLa. La. 32 NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY "Sam" nsamn I ,¢4...... -.t ,,,..,....~,.,.. 5 _ - .<_L _- -_ LePage, Herbert Herbert LePage, 11/75 11/75 594 Lake Rd. Rd. 594 Lake Webster, NY NY 14580 14580 Webster, 5/68 5/68 (H) 351-1415 (H) 381-1416 Lerner, Rudolph K. Lerner, Rudolph K. 692 Summit 692 SummitDr. Di: NY 14580 Webster, 14580 Webster, NY Sandra Sandra Andrew 18 Andrew 18 Eric 16 Eric 16 Levy, Chauncey Chauncey E, F., M.D. M.D. Levy, Surrey La. 11 Surrey La. 9/78 9/78 Eileen Eileen Lewis, Jerry Lewis, Jerry 4/77 4/77 Gail Gail Adios Adios 223-1692 (H) 223-1692 (H) (B) 244-4125 244-4125 (B) Libby, A. Libby, Roger Roger A. 1157 1157 Hidden Hidden Valley `l?ail Valley Trail Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 3/84 3/84 Diane Diane Fleet Fleet Captain Captain Sapphire Sapphire 872-4289 (H) 872-4289 (H) 722-1753 (B) 722-1753 (B) Liberto, WilliamP. R Liberto, William 88 Canterbury `li'ail Canterbury Trail NY 14450 Fairport, 14450 Fairport, NY 11/78 11/78 Donald J. Lieber, J, Lieber, Donald 320 Westminster Westminster Rd. Rd. 320 NY 14607 Rochester, 14607 Rochester, NY 5/86 5/86 CharlesP.P Lissow, Charles Lissow, Director Director 58 Parkside 58 Parkside La. La. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, NY Rochester, 4/79 4[79 Litchfield, Linda Linda M. M. Litchfield, 5/82 5/82 Sharon Sharon Roben Robert Cristina Cristina Fever Fever 3/87 3/87 Holly Holly Lariakila Lanakila (H) (H) 392-9471 (B) 392-9471 (5) 1/82 1/82 Beverly Beverly Anne Beverly Beverly Anne (H) (H) 385-4741 ,385-4741 254-3510 (B) 254-3510 (5) 14 Alex Alex 14 `liavis Travis 99 - W . 227-5837 227-5837 Linda Linda Johanna Johanna 44 ~»f----»-»f<~-1'-»-- 4- #_ - ---#--~ ~-13'-1~ ~»--»-~~'r ~~ ---»-~~~ 1 - , Terry Terry Michael 18 Michael 18 Brian 17 Brian 17 . -~ - -- -- - - Foxfire Foxfire (H) 473-5825 473-5825 (H) (B) 451-5570 461-5570 (5) Cannon Ball Cannon Ball 227-4153 (H) 227-4163 (H) 227-0750 (B) 227-0760 (5) Jeffrey 11 11 Jeffrey Linda Linda Chad 77 Chad Meghan 55 Meghan - ---1-1 -»~~ ' ~ 377-2914 (H) (H) 377-2914 377-2670 (B) 377-2670 (B) Jacelyn 11 Jacelyn 184 184 W. W. Bloomfield Bloomfield Rd. Rd. NY 14534 Pittsford, NY 14534 Pittsford, ~.:¢2m..-.-;;.'-z;°;.~,;.~.v,-:,¢'~t'-==-~.»; ~~ _...A (B) 342-5205 342-5205 (B) Ladies Ladies Racing Racing Lara 18 Lara 18 - . . . 245-5151 (H) 248-5151 (H) 385-8750 (B) 385-6750 (5) 12 Lindsay 12 Lindsay B-31 B . I: 671-1364 (H) 671-1364 (H) (B) 724-2066 724-2066 (B) Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 245-3353 (H) 248-3383 (H) -,--»--»~.f».-»--~»»,--»-»~.~»»--»»-»--»-» -,__-._-...._,,,,.,s_._....-_-.~._.......sM.-.F-Ae-....._55,,_.a.4»»e.,.,-.-.,-»,»~4.,-.-.r_,_..~.,4._-s.;-IT-=~<-¢- Montage Montage NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 381-1416 (H) 381-1416 (H) _..,.--.-s»~.---.-_-»--//-I-.4 -M-m---WN __,_...,.,,;, (H) 265-0896 265-0896 (H) 342-2403 (H) (H) 342-2403 (B) 588-0351 (5) B-30 B-30 .M Hustlin Hustlin Russ Russ and and Let Let the the Good Good Times Times Roll Roll 342-9515 (H) (H) 342-9616 288-8910 (B) 288-6910 (5) 288-4206 (H) 288-4206 (H) Whimbrel Whimbrel (H) 404-889-0638 404-889-0638 (H) Budget and and Audit Audit Budget 7 7 Chipping Chipping Ridge Ridge Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 381-1418 (H) (H) 381-1416 Darcey Darcey PHONE PHONE 385-4861 (H) (H) 385-4861 777-5095 (B) (5) 777-8098 586-5271 (H) 586-5271 (H) Amanda Amanda BOAT BOATNAME NAME 6/50 6/50 Rt. Rt. 22 Box Box 405A-1 405A-1 Gainesville, GA GA 30506 30506 Gainesville, 19 Chipping Chipping Ridge 19 Ridge Mark Lawless, Lawless, Mark 4 Grove 4 Village Village Grove NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Lee, Charles Charles W. W. Lee, !iii, M. Lawless, Marcia M. Lawless, Marcia Road 233 Overbrook Road 233 Overbrook NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY JOINED JOINED RYC RYC 265-2434 (H) 265-2434 (H) 554-7753 (B) (5) 654-7753 (H) .513-231-5858 513-231-5856 (H) 513-552-3992 (B) 513-562-3992 (5) lnez Inez 7" Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) .... ---~--------~-----' _ . W. .. . » . ~'-1-2 ~.'--~ . -, ~ -- . _ ., - ,_ - _ ---KL -11 :~ _ -, 1 e éséi '3@" (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business BusinessPhone Phone (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN M. Vincent M. Lobe, Lobe, Vincent Millwood Court Court 44 Millwood NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 5/88 5/88 Paula Paula Michael11 11 Michael Sarah Sarah 44 Eroica Eroica 381-2336 (H) (H) 381-2336 588-5191 (B) 588-5191 (6) Loberg, E. Peter E. Lobeng, Peter 40 Partridge Hill Rd. Rd. 40 Partridge Hill 14472 Honeoye NY14472 Falls, NY Honeoye Falls, 2/79 2/79 Jeanne Jeanne Picaroon Picaroon 624-2225 (H) (H) 624-2225 477-4060 (B) 477-4060 (6) HainesB., Jr. Lockhart, B., Jr. Lockhart, Haines 21 Rock Rock Beach Beach Rd. Rd. 21 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/79 10/79 W. JohnW. Lockwood, Lockwood, John 61 Bonita Bonita Dr. Dr 61 NY14616 14616 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/71 3/71 Margaret Margaret Rose Ann Ann Rose 32' Wind Wind Stalker Stalker PHONE PHONE BOATNAME NAME BOAT Lyke, Ervin F. E Lyke, Ervin Commodore1971-72 1971-72 Commodore 1010 Rock Rock Beach 1010 Beach Rd. Rd, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 1/60 1/60 Betty Betty Audacity Audacity 544-1833 (H) 544-1833 (H) 586-5250 (B) 586-5250 (6) Bottom Line Bottom Line 665-2414 (H) 385-2414 (H) 442-9696 (B) (6) 442-9696 Maggio, Kevin Kevin J. J. Maggio, 369 369 Sagamore Dn SagamoreDr. 3/87 3/87 Jane Ellen Jane Ellen Mahon, John John E E Mahon, 4/64 4/64 Caroline 17 Caroline 17 Laura Laura 15 15 Frank S. S. Lorusso, Lorusso, Frank 2620 2620 Oakview Oakview Drive Drive NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 5/88 5/88 Lovejoy, M. llII Harley M. Lovejoy, Harley Dr 398 398 Mt. Mt. Airy Airy Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/80 10/80 Gaelyn Gaelyn Garrett 6 6 Garrett Morgan Morgan 44 John Lovenheim, Lovenheim, John 190 Council Rock Ave. Ave. 190 Council Rock NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/74 4/74 Barbara Barbara Howard M. M. LOw, Low, Howard 501 Seneca Park Ave. Ave. Seneca Park 501 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2[72 2/72 Charles E. E. I.owe, Lowe, Charles 29 29 Little Little Spring Run Spring Run Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 7/72 7/72 Andrea Lowman, Lowman, Andrea 120 Shaftsbury Rd. 120 Shaftsbury Rd. NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/82 4182 Michael Michael Mizesko Mizesko D. Harold D. Lowry, Lowry, Harold 275 Sagamore Dr 275 Sagamore Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/76 4/76 Polly Polly Radiant Radiant 467-4116 (H) (H) 467-4119 722-2145 (B) (6) 722-2145 L. Luther, Luther, George George L. 1759 Scribner Scribner Rd. Rd. 1759 NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 1/87 1/87 Ann Jo Jo Ann Decision Decision 566-0624 (H) 586-0624 (H) 726-3265 (B) 726-3265 (6) Maureen Maureen Kristin 17 17 Kristin Callin 16 Callin 16 615-471-6400 (B) 315-471-6400 (6) 700 Midtown Midtown Tower 700 Tower NY 14604 Rochester, NY 14604 Rochester, Kevin L. L. Maier, Kevin Maier, 665-6457 (H) 865-6457 (H) 342-3030 (B) (6) 342-3030 548 548 Cir Granger Granger Cir. NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, ¯ Eubalaena Eubalaena Amy 77 Amy 6/79 6/79 Maryrita Maryrita 671-8870 (H) 671-8870 (H) (B) 546-5295 546-5295 (6) Portside Portside Belle Belle JuHa Julia Marsh, C. Marsh, Joseph Joseph C. Farmingham Dr Farmingham Dr. NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 4/84 4/84 Darcie Darcie Alexander A. A. Marshall, Marshall, Alexander Wedgewood Dr. Dr. Wedgewood NY 14624 14624 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/78 1/78 Virginia Virginia AIgina Algina 247-7285 (H) 247-7285 (H) 438-8828 (B) (6) 438-8828 Gerri Gerri Jon 14 Jon 14 Double Double Rainbow Rainbow 586-0303 (H) 586-0303 (H) (B) 427-6652 427-6652 (6) 677-6799 (H) 377-3799 (H) 232-3720 (B) 232-3720 (6) 3 3 Centennial Centennial 275~9133 (H) 275-9133 (H) 546-7060 (B) 546-7080 (6) 37 37 Lynne Lynne Puff Puff 544-6264 (H) (H) 544-3234 Walter F. F Maurer, Maurer, Walter 160 Hampton 160 Hampton Way Way NY 14526 Penfield, 14526 Penfield, NY 5/86 5/86 Shirley Shirley Chimera Chimera 248-5961 (H) 248-5961 (H) 423-6630 (B) 423-6630 (6) Deborah A. Mayer, A. Mayer, Deborah 125 Edgewater Dr Apt. 125 Edgewater Dr. Apt. 55 Coral FL33133 33133 Coral Gables, Gables, FL 7/79 7/79 Edward Mayer, Mayer, Edward 4091 Paul Blvd. Blvd. 4091 St. St. Paul NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/70 10/70 Jane Jane Crest Crest 266-4618 (H) 266-4618 (H) 266-7506 (B) 266-7508 (6) Mayer, N. Mayer, George George N. 1441 1441 Waterford Waterford St. St. NY 14568 14568 Walworth, Watworth, NY 5/64 5/64 Jane Jane Hat Trick Hat Trick 966-2565 (H) 986-2565 (H) Mayer, James W. W. Mayer, James 1441 1441 Waterford Waterford Road Road NY 14568 Walworth, NY 14568 Walworth, 8/79 8/79 " ili 544-3839 (H) 544-3839 (H) 227-1579 (B) 227-1579 (6) 642-4756 (H) 342-4756 (H) 7266176 (B) (6) 726-3173 (H) 288-5463 288-5463 (H) ii i 872-0951 (H) 872-0951 (H) 232-6500 (B) 232-6500 (6) P Charles P. 11/79 Maloney, Jr., 11/79 Jr., Charles Maloney, 1011 Westage Harbor 1011 Westage at at the the Harbor NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY "Pr" i PHONE PHONE (H) 342-0098 342-0098 (H) Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester, 381-8329 (H) 381-8329 (H) 385-2258 (B) 385-2258 (6) Dane Dane Jenn 18 18 Jenn 7 mmm ’====M~ 865-5796 (H) (H) 865-5796 987-6688 (B) (6) 987-6688 9/87 9/87 /' SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN 9/76 9/76 Long, M. Christine M. Long, Christine 663 Beach Beach Ave. Ave. 663 NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4, JOINED JOINED RYC RYC Macaulay, Robert Robert J. J. Macaulay, 21 Larchwood LarchwoodDr. Dr. 21 Pittsford, NY NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Wanda Wanda Asilomar Asilomar MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS 5448286 (H) (H) 544-8286 722-2877 (B) (6) 722-2877 RichardS., D.D.S. 11/84 Lodico, 11184 S.,D.D.S. Lodico, Richard 38 Mountain Mountain Rd. Rd. 38 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY B-32 B-32 M, BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) I White White Lightning Lightning 605-264-1066 (H) 305-284-1033 (H) i 315-986-2565 (H) 315-986-2565 (H) (B) 404-695-1264 404-395-1234 (6) B~33 B-33 (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) Business Phone (B) Business Phone (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Mayer, 4/82 S. 4/82 Mayer, Kimberly Kimberly S. 521 Del 521 Del Medio Medio Ave. Ave. #114 #114 Mountain View, CA 94040 94040 Mountain View, CA BOAT NAME NAME BOAT White white Lightning Lightning (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) PHONE PHONE 415-949-4548 (H) (H) 415-949-4548 415-494-5606 (B) 415-494-5606 (B) Robert Max McCarthy, Max McCarthy, Robert 314 Beach Beach Ave. Ave. 314 NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/63 6/63 Betty Betty All Fun Fun All 621-5609 (H) 621-5609 (H) (B) 663-0984 (B) 663-0984 A. McGrain, McGrain, Joseph Joseph A. 659 659 Oakridge Dr OakridgeDr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/77 4[77 Toni Toni Cricket Cricket 342-5872 (H) 342-5872 (H) John D. D. McGrath, McGrath, John 48 Random Random Knolls KnollsDr. Dr. 48 NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 10/66 10/66 Robert G. G. McGrath, McGrath, Robert 1082 Winona Blvd. 1082 Winona Blvd. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/68 3/68 Edward S. S. McKee, McKee, Edward 1720 Westfall Rd. 1720 Westfall Rd. NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/76 1/76 H. Bruce H. McKeon, McKeon, Bruce 1282 1282 Bayshore Blvd. Bayshore Blvd. NY14609-1931 14609-1931 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/77 3/77 McMahon, W. McMahon, Gregory Gregory W. 30 Monroe 30 Monroe St. St. NY 14472 Honeoye 14472 Falls, NY Honeoye Falls, 4/83 4/83 McMath, Jr. John N., McMath, John N., Jr. Wildwinds WildwindsFarms Farms NY14512 14512 Naples, Naples, NY 8/67 8/67 James R. R. McMillen, Moll/lillen, James 255 Inwood lnwood Dr. Dr. 255 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/60 6/80 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSEI SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT BOATNAME NAME Meteyer, John John C. C. Meteyer, 702 702 Hightower Hightower Way Way NY 14580 Webster, 14580 Webster, NY 5/70 5/70 Anne Anne Incentive Incentive 671-8751 (H) 671-8751 (H) (B) 546-3660 546-3660 (5) James S. Miers, James S. Miers, Recording Recording Secretary Secretary 414 Sagamore 414 Dr Sagamore Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester 2/80 2/80 Virginia Virginia Stephen 18 18 Stephen 16 Douglas Douglas 16 Ann Virginia Virginia Ann (H) 544-5554 544-6684 (H) 724-4702 (B) 724-4702 (5) Charles W. W. Miersch, Charles Miersch, 7/72 7/72 (H) 559-5457 889-5487 (H) (B) 275-4566 275-4566 (3) 5/75 5/75 (H) 338-3697 338-3697 (H) (B) 544-0400 544-0400 (5) 56 56 Stover Stover Rd. Rd. Sly Sly Mongoose Mongoose 377-0575 (H) 377-0575 (H) 385-6960 (B) 385-6960 (B) L. Robert L. Miles, Robert Miles, 66 Madison Terr. Terr. 66 Madison NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY Elizabeth Elizabeth 544-4904 (H) (H) 544-4904 477-5038 (B) 47%5038 (B) Latent Image Latent Image 442-9287 (H) 442-9287 (H) Tara 16 16 Tara Vanessa Vanessa (H) 654-8791 654-8791’i:: (H) 288-2211 (B) (B) 288-2211 Stephanie Stephanie Tyler 16 Tyler 16 Leigh 13 13 Leigh Aquila Aquila 624-4107 (H) 624-4107 (H) 338-7845 (B) (B) 338-7845 716-374-5523 (H) 716-374-5523 (H) 716-546-6480 (B) 716-546-6480 (B) Carol Carol 385-2798 (H) (H) 385-2798 Mrs. Helen Helen B. McNerney, McNerney, Mrs. 81 81 Seascape Dr SeascapeDr. NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY Paul R., M.D. Miller, Miller, Paul R., M.D. 29 East Blvd. Blvd. 29 East NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/71 11/71 Rigmor Rigmor Thomas O. O. Miller, Miller, Thomas 1212 Gerrads Cross 1212 Gerrads Cross Webster, NY NY 14580 14580 Webster, 7/75 7/75 Cathryn Cathryn Montage Montage (H) 872-5141 872-5141 (H) 724-2422 (B) 724-2422 (5) Mills, Charles N. N. Mills, Charles 121 121 Sandringham Sandringham Rd. Rd. NY14610 Rochester, 14610 Rochester, NY 7/61 7/61 Lynn Lynn Little Love Little Love (H)385-3968 (H)355-3955 (B) 223-4330 223-4330 (5) Mills, Jr. L., Jr. Mills, Henry Henry L., 515 Girard 515 Girard Ave. Ave. NY 14052 East Aurora, 14052 East Aurora, NY 7/66 7/66 Noel Noel R Scott P. Mitchell, Mitchell, Scott 15 Dr 15 Red Red Hickory Hickory Dr. NY 14626 14626 Rochester, NY Rochester, 9/72 9/72 Mocny, R. Scott R. Mocny, Scott 209 209 Willow Willow Pond Pond Way Way NY 14526 14526 Penfield, NY Penfield, 4/79 4/79 Linda Linda Joshua 88 Joshua Andrew Andrew 66 Jonathan Jonathan 33 Crazy Horse Horse Crazy Moffett, Raymond Jr Moffett, C., Jr. Raymond C., Cricket Hill Hill Rt. 2 Box Cricket Rt. 2 Box 385 385 VA 22132 22132 Purcellville, Purcellville, VA 4/33 4/83 Lynn Lynn Easy-Go Easy-Go Emmet G. Molz, Emmet G. Molz, 3/65 3/65 Marilyn Marilyn Sea Spray Sea Spray Francis Montbach, Francis Montbach, X. X. Dr Sagamore Sagamore Dr. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 6/59 6/59 Elizabeth Elizabeth (H) 342-2907 342-2907 (H) David Montrallo, David Montrallo, 3/70 3/70 Dee Dee 392-7057 (H) 392-7087 (H) 663-5538 (H) (H) 663-5538 W. Donald W. McPherson, McPherson, Donald 1175 Taughannock Blvd. 1175 Taughannock Blvd. NY 14850 14850 Ithaca, NY Ithaca, 4/71 4/71 E. Mellen, Mellen, Nancy Nancy E. 33 Irvington 33 Road lrvington Road NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY 5/66 5/88 Carol Carol Shrew Shrew 607-272-6029 (H) 607-272-6029 (H) 607-272-6944 (B) (B) 607-272-6944 6903 West 6903 7th 7th Avenue Avenue West FL 33529 33529 Bradenton, FL Bradenton, 225 225 20 Beach Dr. Dr 20 West West Beach B-34 ;,,;;;»-: Hilton, NY 14468 Hilton NY 14468 ---_ /5" -,,,__ ,,,,_,....-- _ 14 Kathleen 14 Kathleen NY 14624 14624 Rochester, Rochester, NY Elli Elli _ .,.. ,.,_ ~....-~,,-.- . . ,,.._...,..._ ,..-4 ...-.-. ......,..... ,,,_ .,,. _ _.,,,... ,,.,-.,,..4, ....,, 5,....,.,,_. _,,,,,, _,gasses .....-.,,..,, , ,Wt PHONE PHONE ~ 271-3555 (H) 271-3568 (H) 271-5413 (B) (5) 271-5413 1-555-0770 (H) 1-665-0770 (H) 1-655-0770 (B) 1-655-0770 (5) Ragamuffin Ragamuftin B-35 B-35 225-4454 (H) 225-4454 (H) 207-596-6464 (B) 207-598-6464 (5) 377-3552 (H) 377-3582 (H) 361-5420 (B) 381-5420 (5) 703-333-7557 (H) 703-338-7557 (H) 703-338-3232 (B) 703-338-3232 (3) (H)813-792-5855 (H)513-732-5355 Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home BusinessPhone Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Daniel R. R. Mooney, Mooney, Daniel 22 State State St., 925 Suite 925 St., Suite NY 14614 14614 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/72 2/72 Martha Martha Mooney, David J. J. Mooney, David 2006 2006 Broadway #409 Broadway #409 TN37203 Nashville, 37203 Nashville, TN 7/84 7/84 Moran, Brian Moran, Brian 161 161 Bay Dr. Bay Village Village Dr. NY 14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/80 11/80 Renee Renee James Moran, Moran, James 820 Lake 820 Lake Rd. Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 1/65 1/65 Patsy Patsy Kevin Moran, Moran, Kevin 775 Penfield Penfield Rd. Rd. 775 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/82 3/82 Amy Amy Jamie Jamie Marcia L. L. Morgan, Morgan, Marcia 820 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 820 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 9/86 9/86 Daniel Morgan, Morgan, Daniel 22698 Et El Dorado Dorado Dr. Di: 22698 Boca Raton, FL 33433 33433 Boca Raton, FL 7/78 7/78 ThomasJ. J, Morgan, Morgan, Thomas 1027 1027 Highland Ave. Highland Ave. NY 14620 14620 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/84 4/84 Jack Morrissey, Morrissey, Jack 187 187 Spring Dr. Spring Valley ValleyDr. NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/87 3/87 William B. B. III Ill Morse, Morse, William 34 34 Kent Kent Pk. Pk. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/66 7/66 Marion Marion A. Richard A. Moss, Richard 230 Harvington Dr. 230 Harvington Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/85 7/85 Pamela Pamela James L. L. Mourer, Mourer, James 14 Country Club Dr. Dr. 14 Country Club NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/75 7[75 Lillian Lillian Montage Montage 586-8465 (H) (H) 586-8465 724-2855 (B) (B) 724-2855 Fred W. W. Muhleman, Muhleman, Fred 700 700 Ashdon Ashdon Circle Circle NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 1/87 1/87 Beth Anne Anne Beth Jacob 33 Jacob Blue Blue (H) (H) Mundell, J. Mundell, Gary Gary J. 553 Forest 553 Forest Lawn Lawn Rd. Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 9/86 9/86 Ann Marie Marie Ann Nirvana Nirvana BOAT NAME NAME BOAT Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) PHONE PHONE 544-3176 (H) 544-3176 (H) 545-2455 {: (B) (B) 546-2456 515-329-0335 (H) 615-329-0339 (H) Fast Fwd. Fwd. Fast 482-8884 (H) (H) 482-8884 394-1520 (B) 394-1520 (B) 671-2975 (H) (H) 671-2975 359-2710 (B) (5) 359-2710 Kingfisher Kingfisher 586-2021 (H) 586-2021 (H) 244-1120 (B) (B) 244-1120 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOATNAME NAME BOAT Gordon D. D. Murphy, Murphy, Gordon 164 Dailey Rd. !64 Dailey Rd. Box 119 RC. Box 119 RO. Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 1 0/67 10/67 Cynthia Cynthia Cynbad Cynbad Murphy, Gordon D., Jr D., Jr. Murphy, Gordon PO. Box 66242 RO. Box 66242 Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 2/88 2/88 Murphy, John R, M.D. R, M.D. Murphy, John 124 Hillary Hillary Lane 124 Lane Penfield, NY NY 14526 14526 Penfield, 4/79 4/79 Murphy, A. Patricia A. Murphy, Patricia 16 Colonial Colonial Rd. 16 Rd. Rochester, NY NY 14609 14609 Rochester, 3/80 3/80 Murray, Donald G. Donald G. Murray, 4/72 4/72 22 22 Diann Diann Dr. Dr. Murray, Geoffrey Geoffrey C. C. Murray, Judith Judith 4 -,... 5.1 . (H) 381-2625 381-2625 (H) (B) 889-2006 889-2006 (B) Dorothea Dorothea Gone With Gone With The Wind The Wind (H) 288-7995 288-7995 (H) (B) 427-5827 427-5327 (B) Judy Judy 6/82 6/82 Chris Chris Gemini Gemini Laura Laura Courtney Courtney 11 266-0663 (H) (H) 266-0663 477-1257 (B) (B) 477-1257 442-5676 (H) 442-5676 (H) 328-1400 (B) (B) 328-1400 Ain’t Ain't Misbehavin’ Misbehavin' Rigel Rigel Jay Jay Bill Murray, Murray, Bill 7/85 7/85 Susan Susan Peddler Peddler 544-7041 (H) 544-7041 (H) (B) 342-4066 342-4066 (5) James E. E. Murrer, Murrer, James 10 Adeane Adeane Dr. D12 10 NY 14624 14624 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/83 5/83 Kathryn Kathryn 20 Carat 20 Carat 247-3661 (H) 247-3661 (H) (B) 454-2552 454-2552 (B) F Martin R Muszak, Muszak, Martin 480 Van Voohis Voohis Ave. Ave. 480 Van NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester; NY 10/79 10/79 Kathleen Kathleen Christine Christine Corey Corey Sneaker Sneaker (H) 544-1492 544-1492 (H) (B) 235-7450 235-7450 (B) In The Life Life In The Fast Lane Fast Lane 425-4046 (H) 425-4046 (H) (B) 986-5126 986-5126 (B) 37 Briarclitfe Rd. Rd. 37 Briarcliffe NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 451-3355 (H) 461-3365 (H) 223-2304 (B) 223-2804 (B) Irish Rover Irish Rover Y-3,4-.9@ g, ,....=,, .;:.,. . --~-f 'f'~ 213-433-1255 (H) 213-438-1288 (H) 213-496-9272 (B) 213-496-9272 (B) CA 90803 90803 Long Beach, CA Long Beach, 335-5445 (H) (H) 338-5446 338-5447 (B) 338-5447 (B) lki I1~ __N__ 333-3350 (H) (H) 338-3350 232-6840 (B) 232-6840 (B) A. Michael Michael Nahmias, Nahmias, A. LYRA LYRA Delegate Delegate 30 Road 30 Steel Road NY 14564 14564 Victor, NY Victor, 10/78 10/78 Nally, J. Nally, Timothy Timothy J. 4 Idlewood Rd. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/78 4/73 671-5316 (H) 671-5316 (H) 422-6273 (B) 422-6273 (B) Napier, William J. J. Napier, William 330 Antlers Antlers Dr. Dr. 330 NY 14618 Rochester, 14618 Rochester, NY 4/68 4/68 Lindsey 55 Lindsey Brent Brent 11 4 ldlewood Rd. 872-3468 Pamela Pamela Marabeth Marabeth Matthew Matthew 88 442-0846 (H) 442-0846 (H) 726-8316 (B) 726-8316 (5) Jane Jane (H) 244-5227 244-5227 (H) (B) 325-6880 325-6880 (B) Benjamin 55 Benjamin B-37 -»--,.44,~4,»2.....,.-4_.,m,.$,%.,M5..,,....,,.2,,,,W. _,.,.,..,.._,....,..,._,.,.M,. Jw- er* g (H) 388-1654 388-1654 (H) 223-0100 (B) 223-0100 (B) Montville, NJ NJ 07045 07045 Montville, 2749 2nd Street Street#1 #1 2749 East East 2nd þÿ»&v'~"*»'7 §,"',&'»;'~» ¬@&»'T"'F»'%1-_;:~:;'._'%,-'~<,».w;¥?~"""*""f »*/3»-"W",,g.r=a.m,-,.-..,,M..3--.<' rs. ,;M ,~@_W.g,,_&i, _ (H) 223-6684 223-6684 (H) 223-0100 (B) 223-0100 (B) Lake Valhalla Lake Valhalla 671-2975 (H) (H) 671-2975 B-36 --5»- PHONE PHONE """ .3-M -"=4~"-' 4 4.-44-.4-M.. "°¢=v"'~ .__~ L ...WWW .. , "RV f .. .. . , ....._ -..L.._.._...,.__.-. ...W _ ._ ""` ,,_ _-5:-5~ . . . 4 31, 3 1 51.-5-4. "\ V, .-;1<¢<<.;1-.54 .-.. .5 aka-=<-» .'.-- -~¢ (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Phone Phone (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE PHONE blue blue barge barge 5/88 G. 5/88 Naughton, JohnBoardmanJ°hnst.G" Naughton,120 120 Boardman St. (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) (1-1) 461-1595 (B) 477-7669 (H)(B) 461-15954777669e,. NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY ~ V JamesV. Nealon, Nealon, James Director Director 500 Sagamore Dr 500 SagamoreDr. NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 5/77 5/77 Gall Gail Spectrum Spectrum 544-0369 (H) (1-1) 544-0869 726-4529 (B) (6) 726-4529 Nelson, Nelson, Raymond Raymond L.L. 42 Tyringham Rd. 42 Tyringham Rd. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/85 7/85 Anne Anne WhipperWhipper~ (H) 342-2734 342-2734 (H) Richard C. C( Neubauer, Neubauer, Richard 48 48 Bent Bent Oak OakTr. Ti: Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 4/81 4/81 Patricia Patricia Brian 12 Brian 12 Kristen 99 Kristen Seascape Seascape 223-7076 (H) (H) 223-7076 477-8018 (B) (6) 477-8018 Bruce D. D. Newell, Newell, Bruce St. 11 Welland Welland St. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/87 3/87 Catherine Catherine Betsy 44 Betsy John 33 John 2 mos. David 2 mos. David Quicken Quicken Nancy Nancy Lotus Lotus snapper snapper 8/71 8/71 William Nichols, Nichols,William 1810 Hydesville Road 1810 Hydesville Road NY14513 14513 Newark, Newark, NY 1/89 1/89 Norry, Neil Norry, Nell 3345 3345 Elmwood Elmwood Ave. Ave. NY14610 14610 Rochester, NY 5/80 5/80 Sharon Sharon Chicane Chicane 244-9160 (H) 244-9160 (H) 328-2900 (B) 328-2900 (6) North, John S. S. North, John 4805 St. St. Paul Paul Blvd. 4805 Blvd. NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 12/87 1 2/87 Joyce Joyce Boreas Boreas 342-7445 (H) 342-7445 <1-1) V. Northrup, CharlesV. 8/67 8/67 Northrup, Charles 122 Lake Lake Shore Shore Drive Drive 122 South 734 734 Quay Quay South N. Palm N. Palm Beach, FL33408 33408 Beach, FL Mary Mary Meermin Meermin A. Richard Richard Nowak, Nowak, A. 4191 Washington Street 4191 Washington Street Pultneyville, NY 14538 14538 Pultneyville, NY Kathryn Kathryn PO. P.O.Box Box808, 808,Park ParkSt, St. 1/71 1/71 Urbanna, VA VA 23175 23175 Urbanna, Brendan 99 Brendan Jean Jean W. Smith O’Brien, W. Smith O'Brien, 6/73 6/73 Elizabeth Elizabeth Slainte Slainte 671-4538 (H) 671-4538 (H) 232-2370 (B) (B) 232-2370 John J., Jr, O’Connell, John O'Connell, J., Jr. 2796 DD Ashley Ashley Drive Drive West 2796 West 8/53 8/53 O’Grady, E. E. John John O'Grady, 549 Oakridge Oakridge Dr. 549 Dr 7/69 7/69 Joanne Joanne lrish Mist Mist Irish (H) 342-3535 342-3535 (H) 722-0387 (B) 722-0387 (B) O’Neill, Henry O'Nei|l, Henry 41 Old 41 Old Farm Farm Circle Circle Pittsford, NY NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, 1/62 1/62 Carolyn Carolyn Dundavce Dundavoe 381-6214 (H) 381-6214 (H) (B) 482-3550 482-3550 (B) O’Neill, Nancy M. O'Neill, Nancy M. 6/75 6[75 Perspective Perspective (H) 248-3589 248-3589 (H) (B) 482-3550 482-3550 (B) Ochs, Mary C. Ochs, Mary C. 3/74 3/74 5137 5137 St. St. Paul Paul Blvd. Blvd. NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 305-627-3183 (H) 305-627-3183 (1-1) 315-589-7311 (H) (H) 315-589-7311 (B) 546-4020 546-4020 (B) Victoria Victoria Amanda 33 Amanda Gardner C. C. Odenbach, Odenbach, Gardner 1945 1945 Clark Clark Rd. Rd. NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/76 1/76 Julie Julie Travis 5 5 Travis G. Dustin 2 2 G. Dustin Odenbach, John John Odenbach, 9/45 9/45 Lucile Lucile Rampage Rampage (H) 586-9313 586-9313 (I-1) 381-7010 (B) 381-7010 (B) 9/71 9/71 Julie Julie Hangover Hangover 671-4243 (H) 671-4243 (H) 381-7010 (B) 381-7010 (B) 1/75 1/75 Donna Donna Rainbow Rainbow M. M. M M. L. Devens Devens Osborne, L. Osborne, 199 Whistle Whistle Stop 199 Stop NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, (H) 654-8738 654-8738 (H) 546-0241 (B) 546-0241 (B) B-39 B-39 - -f» » - - -fa;-= ¢;<=_;1:.e;1f;ea-e<:s»xe~5;e,3~ :_~ -rr ; - -_ " ' " (H) 342-0028 342-0028 (H) 6/88 6/88 B-38 B-38 L..-.2 -»--~< .. .., --f-»;~» UJ UJ Frederick J. J. Odenbach, Frederick Odenbach, Director Director 1860 Five Five Mile Mile Line 1860 Line Rd. Rd. NY 14526 14526 Penfield, NY Penfield, 808 Lake Rd. Rd. 808 Lake NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 663-4961 (H) (H) 663-4961 342-3030 (B) (3) 342-3030 John John Historical Historical 10/81 10/81 Odenbach, Jr., John Odenbach, Jr, John -;- -;-$25-;'?~@Y=""*""""" """"*5-;'?~@Y=""*""""" """"* (H) 889-4216 889-4216 (H) (B) 544-9776 544-9776 (B) Katie Katie 11 11 Kelly 7 Kelly 7 William 55 William Ochs, Mary Elizabeth Ochs, Mary Elizabeth 473 Bay Drive 473 Bay Village Village Drive NY 14609 14609 Rochester, NY Rochester, PO. P.O. Box Box 10 10 NY 14526 Penfield, NY 14526 Peniield, .EQ ,.., -_,~W,,ee,;==3: :>~ -<,:.==.v;;:-a:-1;:m -»- -~m---- (H) 804-758-4471 804-758-4471 (H) (B) 804-776-6463 804-776-6463 (B) 13 Meaghan 13 Meaghan NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 225-2645 (H) 225-2645 (H) (B) (3) 454-3000 454-3000 10/61 10/61 Eileen Eileen PHONE PHONE 6/63 6/63 Ridge Drive Ridge Drive Rochester, NY NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Jasmine Jasmine BOAT NAME NAME BOAT W. Smith O’Brien, W. Smith O'Brien, 40 40 Blue Blue Pond Pond Manor Manor Scottsville, NY NY 14546 14546 Scottsville, 15 15 Sky Sky 5/86 5/86 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN West Palm Palm Beach, FL 33406 33406 West Beach, FL =~’~= O’Brien, S. O'Brien, Benjamin Benjamin S. 45 Stutson Stutson St. St. 45 NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY O’Brien, Brendan Brendan R. R. O'Brien, 726 Rd. 726 Lake Lake Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 663-8702 (H) (H) 663-8702 722-3400 (B) 722-3400 (B) John W. W. Newell, Newell, John Past Past Commodore Commodore Canada’s Canada's Cup Cup 1818 Edgemere Dr. 1818 Edgemere Dn NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY JOINED JOINED RYC RYC -.z=:; ~4,: ..n-:ms-sf;-.-25; -ei -f, .;.-..5,&;a,§.-:ea ~=;;;=;=.:.;. Nemesis Nemesis (H) 586-5055 586-5055 (H) 424-6410 (B) 424-6410 (B) (H) 586-9046 586-9046 (H) 381-7010 (B) 381-7010 (B) 1-924-3829 (H) 1-924-3829 (H) (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED SPOUSE/ JOINED SPOUSE/ RYC CHILDREN RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Home Phone Phone (H) Home (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) PHONE PHONE ====p===== _p_ , V` 7 48227502 (H) (H) 482-2750 Palm, S. Palm, Gregory Gregory S. 457 Bay Dr. 457 Bay Village Village Dr. NY 14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/86 5/86 Palm, R. Bramley Jr., R. Palm, Jr., Bramley 201 201 W. W. Second Second St. St.#311 #311 Oswego, NY 13126 13126 Oswego, NY 8/81 8/81 Palm, John N. N. Palm, John 3020 3020 Beechwood Beechwood Lane Lane Falls Falls Church, VA 22042 22042 Church, VA 4/84 4/84 B. Palm, Ronald B. Palm, Ronald Lake Lake Bluff Bluff Creek Rd. Rd. RD RD #1 #1 Sage Sage Creek 13114 Mexico, NY 13114 Mexico, NY 6/71 6/71 E. Ashley Palmer, Palmer, E. Ashley 1776 Hudson Ave. 1776 Hudson Ave. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/54 3/54 McKee A. Palmer, A. Palmer, McKee 218 Mt. Airy 218 Mt. Dr Airy Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/68 9/68 E. Peter E. Pape, Pape, Peter 523 Wildwood WildwoodTrail Trail 523 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 5/88 5/88 John L. L. Parker, Parker, John 100 Orenda Dr. 100 Orenda Dr. NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/57 8/57 Patrick J. J. Parker, Parker, Patrick 1993 Orchard Road 1993 Orchard Road CA 95023 95023 Hollister, Hollister, CA 4/69 4/69 C. Parker, Parker, Polly Polly C. 123 Nunda Blvd. 123 Nunda Blvd. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/73 7/73 RonaldJ. J. Passero, Passero, Ronald 78 Empire Blvd. 78 Empire Blvd. NY 14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/74 4/74 John L. L. Patterson, Patterson, John 150 Aliens Aliens Creek CreekRoad Road 150 NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/85 1/85 Barbara Barbara Meredith 17 17 Meredith Lindsay Lindsay1111 Laura A. A. Pearce, Pearce, Laura 2220 Clinton 2220 Clinton Ave. Ave. So. So. NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/84 4/84 Robert W. W. Robert Lorlo Makau Makau Lono »i~`6 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Pearson, Jack W. W. Pearson, Jack 318 Edgemere Dr. 318 EdgemereDr. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, NY Rochesten 10/81 10/81 Dorothy Dorothy R. Palkey, Pelkey, Bryan Bryan R. 1171 1171Titus Titus Avenue Avenue NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 315_343_2O51 (H) 315-343-2051 (H) 3'5'290""2'3 (B) 315-298-4213 (B) Peter T. 11 Perkins, Peter Perkins, 1539 1539 Gretchen Gretchen Oasis Oasis Mystery Mystery 7/66 7/66 Perry, Allan Allan M. M. Perry, Mary Beth Beth Mary Persnickety Persnickety (H) 254-8922 254-8922 (H) (B) 544-3440 544-3440 (B) Beverly Beverly Orion Orion 271-5257 (H) (H) 271-5257 271-0671 (B) 271-0671 (6) Windswept Windswept 334-4491 (H) 334-4491 (H) (B) 546-2700 546-2700 (B) 4/81 4/81 287 287 Crockett Crockett Dr. Dr NY 14623 14623 Rochester, NY Rochester, 315_963_8875 (H) 315-963-8875 (H) 315'298°5'2) (B) 315-298-5121 (B) (H) 671-2268 (B) 338-2180 (Q) ggjggg x 4294 4294 1/80 1/80 Parry, Raymond s. Perry, Raymond S. 5/72 5/72 (H) 342-2498 342-2498 (H) (B) 726-3565 726-3565 (6) Marilyn Marilyn Yankee Yankee Easton, CT CT 06612 06612 Easton, Rosalia Rosalia Aku-lll Aku-l ll (H) 342-3153 (B) ( ) 334-1350 !~ (E) 2322323 Perry, Thomas Tnomae S. s. Perry, } 4/85 4/85 Box 28392 R., R., Box 28392 NY 14627 Rochester, NY 14627 Rochester, Paul Patronello, Paul Petronello, 7/71 7/71 Suzanne Suzanne Andrea Andrea 55 Paul E. E. 3 3 Paul Rl02871 02871 Portsmouth, RI Portsmouth, Phyllis Phyllis Frank 16 16 Frank Bill 13 Bill 13 Judson 99 Judson Waupoos Waupoos (H) 342-8995 ((B)) 342-8995 (Q) gjfggggg ' Phelps, Donald Donald S. s. Phelps, 308 San Gabriel Gabriel Dr. Dr. 308 San 2/49 2/49 R. Phelps, Douglas Phelps, DouglasR. 4/84 4/84 Prime Time Time Prime 400`007"*54' (H) 408-637-4541 (H) 308 308 San San Gabriel Gabriel Dr. Dr Anne-Marie Anne-Marie (H) 244-4164 244-4164 (H) (B) 466-4600 458-4800 (6) Australis Australis (H) 244-9397 244-9397 (H) 254-3200 (B) 254-3200 (6) Rochester, NY NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Pierce, James James M. M. Pierce, c/0 c/o D.R. D.R. Goodwin Goodwin P.O. Box 1412 P.O. Box 1412 -- AVP AVP (H) 401-846-5799 401-846-5799 (H) 401-848-0180 (B) 401-848-0180 (6) senlzanrnoe Schizanthus NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, Patricia Patricia Russell Russell Catherine Catherine Michael Michael 203-452-1127 (H) 203-452-1127 (H) 914-935-2478 (B) 914-935-2478 (B) 275-6268 (H) 275-6268 (H) (B) 276-2266 275-2258 (6) u. U. of of 711 Rd. 711 wapplng Wapping Rd. 2/66 2/66 - Stephen Stephen Brooks11 11 Brooks Evan 7 7 Evan Charlie Charlie Terry Terry Sea Gypsy Sea Gypsy (H) 461-3456 (HN613456 4750100 (B) (0) 475-9180 ' NY 14603 Rochester, NY 14603 Roeneerer, Richard G. G. Pignataro, Richard Pignataro, Shagbark Way snagoark Way Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 9/37 9/87 5447442 (H) (H) 544-7442 4400000 (B) (0) 442-0890 Rosanne Pirwitz, Rosanne Pirwitz, 23 Chatworth Chatworth Circle 23 Circle South South Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 5/88 5/88 4400403 (H) 442-0403 (H) 7208013 (B) 726-8013 (B) Pitten Pnl' Pittenger, er, Philip 88 88 Fawn Hill Hill Rd. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, NY Rochester, 4/88 4/88 (H) 288-2022 49 49 (Q) (B) 442-2550 .... ( ) iiggggg ' : Field Field Office Office Fav)/n elif Dianne Dianne JJennifer em''f er 9 9 Temerity Temerity (H) 223-3229 223-3229 (H) 722-2770 (B) 722-2770 (6) H ) 621-7772 621-7772 ((H) B-41 B-40 B~40 ..,,_.,,.a.,,..,»,e..~..,,..,..__-.......,,..,.,,.,a,a2,.,,,;g,_,M,,.,&,,..,..,,,e,...,,,,;§V,,;L,.,%mx¢,,,.,_,,2wpg. ...r - 4 _ - .,.,_,..,o~.,.W.-..,,.s.,.._..a.... .. f! x Parry, Clifford Clifford R. R. Perry, 4467 st. 4467 St. Paul Paul Blvd. Blvd. Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester, 68 Hill Road 68 Wells Wells Hill Road PHONE PHONE 865-3137 (H) 865-3137 (H) NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester, 703_237_676O (H) (H) 703-237-6760 7°3`28""6)6) (B) (B) 703-284-6161 ' Cathy Cathy Highland Ave. Ave. Highland BOATNAME NAME BOAT þÿ "iv =e§:e::;~'~; :2 :l ;z%T ¬ li-i62>i21§ =e f= a4:§§. ;;- 6-ef þÿ""`°" "f ";f "" ; f-? ': ¬£'§~ ....e_...,.E...__._.., t (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home Business Phone Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN J. Nelson Nelson Poirier, Poirier, J. 10620 42nd 42nd Court Court 10620 Clearwater, FL 33520 33520 Clearwaten FL 11/65 11/65 Marjorie Marjorie EdwardT. T. Polidor, Polidor, Edward 233 Winona Winona Blvd. Blvd. 233 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/74 3/74 Lisa Beth Beth Polsky, Polsky, Lisa 235 Oxford 235 Oxford St., St., Apt. Apt. 11 NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/83 7/83 Morton Polsky, Polsky, Morton 140 Viennawood ViennawoodDr. Dr. 140 NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/75 7/75 Poole, Poole, Molly Molly 36 Audubon Audubon St. St. 36 NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochesten NY 1/54 1/54 Robert W. W. Postgate, Postgate, Robert 176 Gregory Hill Rd. Rd. 176 Gregory Hill NY 14620 14620 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/81 7/81 F Donald E Potter, Potter, Donald Legal/By-Laws Legal/By~Laws 131 Valley Circle 131 Valley Circle NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochesten NY 7/65 7/65 Mrs. Harold Harold E. E, Potts, Potts, Mrs. 205-E 205-E Spanish Trail SpanishTrail NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochestel; NY 3/75 3/75 Preish, Preish, Ralph RalphB.B. Director Director 166 166 Mont Mont Morency Dr. Morency Dr. NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester NY 5/80 5/80 Ronald ER Premo, Premo, Ronald 5-17-7 Seijo 5-17-7 Seijo 157 Setagaya, Setagaya, Tokyo Tokyo 157 Japan Japan 3/85 3/85 Jonah Pruitt II, ll, Jonah 11 Selborne SelborneChase Chase Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 6/73 6[73 Judy Judy Bart Psaila, Psaila, Bart 50 Eastgate 50 Dr. Eastgate Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY 3/79 3/79 Sally Sally Pugliese, JohnT. T Pugliese, John 1822 South South 8th 8th St. St. 1822 St. Louis, MO 63104 63104 St. Louis, MO 5/86 5/86 BOAT NAME NAME BOAT PHONE PHONE 513-572-5157 (H) 813-572-8167 (H) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSEI SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Michael J. J. Puleo, Michael Puleo, 5/79 5/79 Meta Meta Lau Lau Michael Michael 2 2 545 545 West West End End Ave. Ave. 3E 3E New New Patricia Patricia 16 Keith 16 Keith Wild Card Wild Card Illusion Illusion Kindo Kindo Pamela Pamela 12 Farley Farley 12 Meghann Meghann 99 Joan Joan Karen Karen Todd Todd Suzanne Suzanne Windrush Windrush 10024 10024 544-5343 (H) (H) 544-8343 544-0400 (B) 544-0400 (B) 473-0229 (H) (H) 473-0229 452-1401 (B) (B) 482-1401 Dorothy Dorothy 17 Susan 17 Susan York, NY NY York, 271-6077 (H) 271-6077 (H) 1-755-2247 (B) (B) 1-768-2247 BOAT BOATNAME NAME (H) 212-752-2524 212-752-2524 (H) (B) 212-208-8144 212-205-5144 (B) 4~ ====~ ._....@w Donald G. G. Quick, Jr, Donald Quick, Jr., 155 Daffodil Daffodil Dr. Dr 155 NY 14845 14845 Horseheads, Horseheads, NY 11/74 11/74 Joanne Joanne 607-739-3450 (H) 607-739-3450 (H) 507-734-4153 (B) 607-734-4183 (B) ~’===== R2-,_-2. Bewitched Bewitched R. Rae, Robert R. Rae, Robert 1977-78 Commodore1977-78 Commodore 15 Shadow Pines Drive Drive 15 Shadow Pines NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 11/65 11165 Janet Janet Robert R. R. Rae, Jr., Robert Rae, Jr., 26 Emerson Emerson Rd. Rd. 26 MA 01890 01890 Winchester, MA Winchester, 4/74 4/74 451-5277 (H) 461-5277 (H) 232-5052 (B) 232-5052 (B) Lynda Lynda M. Rae, Thomas M. Rae, Thomas p.o. Box Box 19506 PO. 19506 NY 14619 14619 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/79 5/79 467-3326 (H) 467-3326 (H) 545-7530 (B) 546-7830 (B) 4/84 4/84 Kathy Kathy 865-0226 (H) 865-0226 (H) Raes, Thomas L.L_ Raes, Thomas 31 Markay 31 Markay Ct. Ct. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY James Richard Richard Rahm, James Rahm, 5660 Nott Nott Rd. Rd. 5660 Canandaigua, NY14424 14424 Canandaigua, NY 2/81 2/81 Beth Beth (H) 395-2554 396-2864 (H) 728-5418 (B) 726-5418 (B) Fred J. J. Rainaldi, Rainalcli, Fred 148 Kindlewood Kindlewood Lane 148 Lane NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/85 3/85 Grace Grace 266-0161 (H) 266-0161 (H) 232-4405 (B) 232-4408 (B) Rainaldi, Richard Richard J. J. Rainaldi, 5/85 5/85 Diana Diana 544-3453 (B) (B) 544-3453 425-7120 (H) 425-7120 (H) (B) 72415004 724:5004 (B) Robert Raleigh, M.D., M.D., Robert Raleigh, 346 Beach Rd. Rd. 346 Rock Rock Beach NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochesteiq NY 5/73 5/73 Michelle Michelle Chantay Chantay 338-3188 (H) 338-3188 (H) 722-2879 (B) 722-2879 (B) 457-4573 (H) (H) 467-4873 454-1474 (B) 454-1474 (B) Robert C. C. Rathke, Rathke, Robert 1616 Brattleboro Dr 1616 Brattleboro Dr. 14580 Webster, NY NY 14580 Webster, 5/81 5/81 Nancy Nancy Philosophy Phuosophy (H) 265-1291 (H) 724-5757 (B) 724-8787 (B) S. Ray, Michael S. Ray, Michael Brandywine La. La. Brandywine NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/84 4/84 Cheryl Cheryl 11 Colin11 Colin Scars && Scars (H) 271-3589 (H) (B) 325-3550 325-3990 (5) 271-5477 (H) 271-5477 (H) 225-8031 (H) (H) 225-8031 722~O45O (B) 722-0450 (B) 482-0711 (H) Tokyo 482-0711 (H) Tokyo 0455-72-0477 (B) 0465-72-0477 (B) 245-5255 (H) 248-5266 (H) 482-1810 (B) (B) 482-1810 148 Kindlewood Lane 148 Kindlewood Lane NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 41 41 Mykonos Mykonos Scrapes Scrapes B»43 vw --4-- --4--~--~f--»-»»-----~f4----~»--~»--.= »- f- -»---4--257-'=:e»~»» - » - ~ » -»- 2-2-2->; »-e5¢;»;12e - " =42-==3»4~ » ,B @-~'-5 _ (H) 381-8938 381-6938 (H) (B) 436-7503 436-7503 (B) (H) 381-6938 381-6938 (H) 436-7503 (B) 436-7503 (B) B~42 ~ PHONE PHONE ..=:.,»:5 -~»3=5,-=-¢;===:ae:¢-2-222-2e5e;32;$=:a=-=.»=e=-=¢,=<;~=:exe -- » 4s§§:saem;===af=;¢m=ae2s=f55-9 244-7425 (H) 244-7426 (H) 544-6330 (B) 544-6330 (B) (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Phone (H) Home Phone (H) Home (B) BusinessPhone Phone (B) Business JOINED JOlNED RYC RYC MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Raycheff, John R. Raychefi, John R. Circle 5338 Park Park Place Place Circle 5338 Boca Raton, FL 33486 33486 Boca Raton, FL 4!84 4/84 R. John R. Reardon, Reardon, John 8870 Indian Dr. BluftDr. 8870 Indian Bluff OH 45242 45242 Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 7/75 7/75 Patricia Patricia La Vie Vie C’est C'est La Leonard E. Redon, Redon, Leonard 48 Pinebrook PinebrookCircle 48 Circle NY 14526 Penfield, 14526 Penfield, NY 11/86 11/86 Denise S. Denise S. 11 Jason11 Jason Jennifer 55 Jennifer Heatwave Heatwave Howard Jr. Jr. Rekers, Rekers, Howard 318 Thomas Thomas Ave. Ave. 318 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochesten NY 6/54 6/54 Ginny Ginny Wendaire Wendaire Vincent G. G. Renda, Renda, Vincent 458 Eastbrooke Eastbrooke Lane Lane 458 NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/80 2/80 RobertE. E. Richards, Richards, Robert N. Bay 6250 N. 6250 Bay Ridge Ridge Whitefish Whitefish Bay, Wl 53217 53217 Bay, WI 8/75 8/75 195 San San Gabriel Gabriel Drive Drive 195 NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/86 5/86 10/81 10/81 Ted Richman, Richman,Ted 15 Cedarwood 15 Cedan/voodCir. Cir. Pittsford, NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY 5/84 5/84 David Riedman, Riedman, David 1125 Westside Westside Drive Drive 1125 NY 14624 14624 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/87 7/87 John E. E. Riester, Riester, John 80 Harvington Drive 80 Harvington Drive NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/78 5/78 A. John A. Rinere, Rinere, John 10 Devonshire 10 Devonshire Dr. Dn NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Pentield, NY 5/81 5/81 P. Riordan, MichaelP. Riordan, Michael Fust Fund Trust Fund Shadow Pines PinesDr. Dr 55 Shadow NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 7/70 7/70 fi.; ,~ 4 ,;;;,;;: SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN (H) 407-391-1763 716-724-2561 (B) 716-724-2561 (B) Gerald L. L. Ritter, Ritter, Gerald 10312 Grafton Rd. 10312 Grafton Rd. Raleigh, NC27615 27615 Raleigh, NC 7/79 7/79 Phyllis Phyllis 513-984-3119 (H) 513-984-3119 (H) 513-793-6464 (B) (6) 513-793-6464 Roberts, Walter R. R. Roberts, Walter 10 Manhattan 10 Manhattan Square Square Rochester, NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY 9/68 9/68 Jane Jane Como No Como No 385-3478 (H) 385-3478 (H) (B) 232-2436 232-2436 (6) Robertson, C. Robertson, Jeffrey Jeitrey C. 1/81 1/81 Bernadine Bernadine Mistress Mistress 338-7647 (H) 338-7647 (H) 722-0822 (B) 722-0822 (6) 6/62 6/62 Marjorie Marjorie Ping Ping 663-1159 (H) 663-1159 (H) (B) 326-9500 328-9500 (6) 11/86 11/86 Mary Ann Mary Ann Roemer, Joel Roemer, Joel 840 Rock Beach Beach Rd. Rd. 840 Rock 7/70 7/70 Erma Erma ill Henry Rohrer, D. Rohrer, III Henry D. 81A 31A Coachmen Coachmen Square Square Twin Twin Lakes Lakes Apts. Apts. 6/81 6/81 Anne Rohrer, Rohrer, Kathy Kathy Anne St. Irving Irving St. MA 01970 01970 Salem, MA Salem, 1/85 1/85 (H) 223-5954 223-5954 (H) 254-2125 (B) (6) 254-2125 Neil F. F. Rohrer, Nell Rohrer, 7/85 7/85 586-9076 (H) 586-9076 (H) 423-3066 (B) (6) 423-3066 William J. J. Rohrer, William Rohrer, Huntington Hills Huntington Hills NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/86 9/86 Root, Gregory Gregory T. T. Root, 769 Penfietd 769 Penfield Rd. Rd. 12/87 12/87 Marla Maria Steel Steel 2/81 2/81 Georgiana Georgiana Joyride Joyride Charles G. G. Ross, Ross, Charles 8/76 8/76 Betsey Betsey 14 Kristi 14 Kristi Kate 13 Kate 13 Wounded Wounded Deer Deer Barbara Roth, Barbara Roth, 9/76 9/76 377-4344 (H) (H) 377-4344 724-4631 (B) 724-4831 (6) 85 Echo St. St. 85 Echo BOAT NAME NAME BOAT PHONE PHONE (H) 919-847-7171 919-847-7171 (H) Rochester, NY 14609 14609 Rochester, NY Robfogel, JamesL. L. Robfogel, James 342-6404 (H) (H) 342-6404 780 Ave. 780 Beach Beach Ave. NY 14612 Rochester, 14612 Rochester, NY Holbrook Richardson, Richardson,Holbrook Director Director 78 78 Selborne Selborne Chase Chase Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 6, JOINED JOINED RYC RYC PHONE PHONE (H) 407-391-1763 442-6446 (H) (H) 442-6446 225-7430 (B) 225-7430 (6) Virginia Virginia Patrick Patrick 7/77 A. 7/77 RossA. Richards, Richards, Ross 727 Harcourt Harcourt 727 Ml 48230 Grosse Point Point Pk., 48230 Grosse Pk., MI David Richardson, Richardson, David MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS BOAT BOAT NAME NAME 718-596-4052 (H) (H) 718-596-4052 414-272-9501 (B) 414-272-9501 (6) 312-649-1875 At (H) 312-649-1875 The Market Market At The (H) 312-580-0033 (B) (6) 312-580-0033 Rockwell, Thomas Thomas Rockwell, 45 45 Allandale Allandale : 266-7447 (H) 288-7447 (H) 722-2989 (B) 722-2989 (6) NY 14610 Rochester, 14610 Rochester, NY Lorna Lorna 342-6464 (H) 342-6464 (H) (B) 342-6464 342-6464 (6) NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY Hank’s Tank Hanl<'s Tank Clifton NY 12065 12065 Clifton Park, Park, NY Jan Jan Chris 17 17 Chris Carol Carol Terry Terry (H) 442-3033 442-3033 (H) (B) 262-3850 262-3850 (6) Arrow Arrow Acorn Blue Blue Acorn 22 22 Hills Huntington Huntington Hills NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 617-741-4890 (H) 617-741-4890 (H) 617-256-8921 (B) 617-256-8921 (B) 544-3632 (H) 544-3832 (H) Chips Chips 248-9206 (H) 248-9206 (H) 427-7700 (B) 427-7700 (6) NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY Jane Jane 266-9337 (H) (H) 266-9337 477-4321 (B) (6) 477-4321 Judy Judy Lauren 33 Lauren 365-7925 (H) 385-7925 (H) 385-6565 (B) (6) 385-6565 248-2895 (H) 248-2895 (H) 987-6013 (B) (6) 987-6013 RichardD. D. Rosenbauer, Richard Rosenbauer, 97 97 Fairlawn Fairlawn Dr. Dr 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, NY 14617 153 Sagamore 153 Dr Sagamore Dr. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1006 Canyon Pt. Circle 1006 Canyon Pt. Circle GA 30076 30076 Roswell, GA Roswell, (H) 342-0936 342-0936 (H) 722-7351 (B) 722-7351 (6) (H) 404-642-9966 404-642-9988 (H) (B) 404-577-7777 404-577-7777 (6) B-45 B-44 i;1>'=;:>-~:s<§~§-ez1-::f1>1s;¢~<11 467-7733 (H) 467-7733 (H) 1-394-7900 (B) 1-394-7900 (6) -. x-§»z~§ 511-eat,-~;~41::.:f>fs3:~I';< -.6f~>t=¢-.1-1;<,6;»~;~f_.6,5--~,.~;;t.@,..,~-;-;.._;.;~,;; -6 1-;_-;z:;.~ s.@;$§§¢ ,-¢.~;1--i.;,~;..- .,.-6. - ;tf_;;;;.~-.-.4-.4;t4; gt;-~§~; ,<,. <1t.f..1-4.5t--.~;;<,,.-:~;-165.6 ; -> &4-2 ;.;;;t,~; ;~f,,_; me-¢:.~,;-11.-rv... r Home Phone Phone (H) Home (H) Business Phone Phone (B) Business (B) JOINED JOINED RYC RYC MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS SPOUSE/ sPousE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN ====S~ S PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) Business Phone phone (B) Business (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPQUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT BOATNAME NAME PHONE PHONE L. Robert L. Roth, Roth, Robert Ave. 452 Seneca Seneca Park Park Ave. 462 14617 Rochester NY NY 14617 Rochester, 4/63 4/63 Doreen Doreen Fascination Fascination 342-9551 (H) (H) 342-9551 423~O10O (B) 423-0100 (B) Sachs, Peter "S Op er 181 Christopher New NY 10014 10014 New York, York, NY 10/72 1°/72 JThomas J. Roth, Thomas LYRA Dr 171 Sagamore 171 Sagamore Dr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/71 9/71 Erin EDD 3322 Jazz (H) 342-7538 (B) 423-0100 Sachs, Robert Robert I.I. 88 Book Hill Rd. Essex, CT 06426 4/64 4/64 Howard J. J. Rowe, Rowe, Howard Drive 255 Sagamore 255 Sagamore Drive NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/51 2/51 342-2807 (H) (H) 342-2807 442-5250 (B) 442-8230 (B) Sahs, Steven Dr 50 Birch Hills Dr. Rochester NY 14622 M622 Rochester, NY 8/75 8/75 Rowe, Rowe Mary Mary 712 Eastbrooke Eastbrooke Lane Lane 712 NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/84 5/84 4426170 (H) 442-6170 (H) 325-1510 (B) (B) 325-1510 Sarbou, Gregory SHFDOU, Gregory 69 Viewcrest Dr. Rochester, NY 14609 5/86 5/86 Meiissa Melissa Bonaventure Bonaventure Paul W. W. Sarbou, Sarbou, Paul 140 Paledeoro 55055 Islamorada, FL 33036 6f76 6/76 Louise Louise Whitecap Whitecap DSaurn, Andrew D. 14 West Street Fairport, 14450 Fair NY14450 /' on NY 5/89 5/88 David G. G. Schaefer, Schaefer, David Pk. 24 Cathaway Pk. OC ester' NY NY 14610 14610 Rochester, 5/84 5/84 Joan Joan Amanda Amanda 55 areakaway Breakaway 473-7215 (H) 473-7215 (H) (B) 588-4024 588-4024 (B) H. Schantz, Schantz, Marilyn Marilyn H. 860 Rock Beach Rd. Rochester, NY 14617 4/78 4/78 Ceiebracion Celebracion 266-2649 (H) 266-2649 (H) (B) 233-2393 266-2695 (B) V3"(Uf3 Venture 'U III 331-3022 (H) 381-6022 (H) 723-3232 (B) 726-8232 (3) P331 ' 18351; ggfghs, Esseio/gi-/'36/Egg 77 Bridges Bridges 4/75 4/73 Rubin, M.D, Philip 39 Hickory Lane NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 1/76 1/76 L. Rueckwald Sandra Sandra L. Rueckwald, Dr. 322 Sandringham 322 SandringhamDr. Rochester, NY14610 14610 Rochester, NY 2/77 2/77 ThomasC. c. Ruflin, Ruflin, Thomas Drive 115 Eastman Hills Hills Drive 115 Eastman 14622 Rochester, NY 14622 Rochester' NY 1/82 1/82 Christina C\"tI'iSIi|'\3 Ruganis, Paul G. 61 Delemere Blvd. NY 14450 14456 Fairport, Fairport NY 1/83 1/83 Rita 312 H. R Rusitzky, Harris H. 3493 East Ave. NY`14618 Rochester NY Rochester, 14618 5/72 5 /72 Joan "/°a" Ruth, Roger A. Hd 390 Rock Beach Rd. NY 14617 146/7 Rochester, Rochester' NY 6/55 6155 Margaret Ma'9a'e/ Jr. David B., B., Jr. Rutherford, Rutherford, David Dr. 90 Rhinecliff R111neo11tfDr. 90 Rochester, NY NY 14618 14618 Rochester, 11/74 11/74 Nancy Nancy Holly 1-1o11y 552 David 2 David mg/Dtazigiiip . eizuésd . gg?) 5439133 (H) 544-9188 (H) (B) 2339733 266-9766 (2) ' 4609 ' 3253;/;);t';§;"S , 813_394_3215 (H) (H) 813-394-3215 ffm; 581-5874 (H) 381-5874 (H) 427-6704 (B) 427-6704 (B) Linda Linda Barbara Barbara (H) 586-0964 {~i" Heuristic Heuristic . _ _ (B) 275-5577 (gg) $4 Cgathaway 38143995 (H) 381-6995 (H) 525-7200 (B) (B) 328-7290 §';C;;;';f/;rB§j'{°§"4QfY 305-664-4113 (H) 305-664-4113 (H) (B) 323-1390 3234390 (B) ' , Tame Stealin’ Stealin' Time Lyric "V"° . 255-2155 (H) 266-2156 (1-1) 558-7455 (B) 588-7468 (B) "f//H Schenkel, Frank M. 4/81 ' S Rd. 95 Lincoln Mills E ast Rochester, R ochesten NY NY 14445 14445 East 223-4427 1-1 223-4427 (H) 7248019 (B) 724-8019 Scherberger, C. Scherberger Nancy Nancy C. 5173 st. Paul Blvd. Blvd. 5173 St. Paul NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/76 5/76 M. Robert M. Schild, sehrtd, Robert 7/ Beverly 71 Street Beverly Street NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/79 5/79 Hai Schindler, Hal 5 Hearthstone earthstone Lane Lane 25 NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 11/84 11/84 Gretchen Gretchen 544-2962 (H) 544-2962 (H) 722-0315 (B) 722-0315 (B) Schleber, Frederick H. H' 6 Highland Hgts NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester' 3/53 6/58 M3"3 Marie 4543223 (H) 454-6226 (H) /Si"/'R";'~ ' ~ 1 /(B/Y PI eawe S "C 11 Pleasure Such 1-1 586-4492 555-4452 (H) 3856510 (B) 385-6510 _ YB( ' . 542-4440 (H) ( R / 342-4440 _ gorgndier, ' Outrageous Outrageous 244-8005 (H) 244-8005 (H) . §'m;°§;:dF'[|e§§"°" X254 (B) 455-2020 436-2020 x294 (B) James James 18 Tuyen Nguyen Nguyen 18 Tuyen Jamie Jamie 44 Tracy 33 `ii'acy Fever Fever _ B47 . ;r (H) 482-3411 482-3411 (H) (B) 323-1390 323-1330 (3) ' ' . ..... 2- (H) 205-757-1504 (H) 203-767-1804 ' ._ Qgéhéo/;?(9§;;;h Klondike kiondtke ' Jenn M. M. Rubens, Rubens, John 37 Lane 37 Old Old Forge Forge Lane NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY ' Katherine Katherine ' 4/.78 4/78 W Rgwe Thomas ThomasW. Rowe, 920 Apt. EL EL 920 Collier Coiiier Court, court,`Apt. Marco Island, FL 33937 33937 Marco Island, FL _ 333233 212-377-3392 (H) 212-877-6392 (H) 2/2`545`4'/38 (B) 212-645-4438 (B) . .,,r.--1; ;;:;:ia-f~~~ re .M `-'-S f f".I@455- . - . . . . H ) 338-7981 338-7981 <(H) (B) 454-3505 454-3505 (5) 244-1151 (H) 244-1161 (1-1) 244'//51 (H) 244-1161 (H) (B) 223.2170 223-2170 (B) Phone (H) Home Home Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Phone Home Phone (H) (H) Home Phone Business Phone (B) Business (B) JOINED JOINED RYC RYC MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN 1 7 i PHONE PHONE BOAT BOAT NAME NAME l Ruth Ruth 3/61 3/61 JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Schwenker, Kenneth Kenneth Schwenker, 5/85 5/85 Christine Christine Iskareen lskareen 3387427 (H) 338-7427 (H) (B) 253-2383 263-2383 (B) 6/58 6/68 Katherine Katherine Blue Jay Blue Jay 223-8085 (H) 223-8085 (H) (B) 425-5555 425-3336 (5) 305-781-3727 (H) 306-781-3727 (H) LYRA Delegate De/egate LYRA 119 Shore Drive 119 Shore Drive 45 Place Place 713 713 N.E. N.E. 45 Pompano FL33064 33064 Beach, FL Pompano Beach, NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/81 5/81 WilliamC. C. Schmidt, Schmidt, William Dr Parkland Dr. 17100 Parkland 17100 44120 Shaker OH44120 Shaker Heights, Heights, OH Marcy Marcy 5/74 5/74 Robert H. Robert Schoenberger, Schoenberger, H. 19 19 Biding Gap Birling Gap NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY Anne Anne IV Datum Datum IV 215-295-1221 (H) 216-295-1221 (H) 216-575-1750 (B) (5) 216-575-1750 DennisRR Schuler, Schuler, Dennis Rd. Beach Rd. 252 252 Manitou Manitou Beach NY 14468 14468 Hilton, Hilton, NY 5/76 5/76 B. Lynette Lynette B. Kindred Kindred Spirit Spirit J. Albert J. Schum, Schum, Albert Rd. Scholfield Rd. 162 162 Scholfield NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/79 6/79 Margaret Margaret Perfect Perfect Manhattan Manhattan B. Paul B. Schumacher, Schumacher, Paul 1985-86 Commodore 1985-86 Commodore Lane Oak Lane 25 Great Great Oak 25 NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 5/74 5/74 Fern Fern E. Orion E. Schupp lll, Orion Schupp III, Ave. 263 Lone Lone Oak Oak Ave. 263 NY 14616 Rochester, Rochester, NY 14616 1/67 1/67 W. Arthur W. Schuster Jr., Schuster Jr., Arthur 129 Dr. 129 Sagamore SagamoreDr. 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/62 7/62 Schwarz C. Schwarz Jr., Jr., Ralph Ralph C. 137 Nunda Blvd. Blvd. 137 Nunda 14610 NY 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/76 11/76 M. Eric M. Schwenk, Schwenk, Eric Ave. 31C 31C Ponquogue Ponquogue Ave. 11946 NY11946 Hampton Hampton Bays, Bays, NY 1/80 1/80 J. Franz J. Schwenk, Schwenk, Franz 107 Bailey Road 107 Bailey Road NY 14468 14468 Hilton, Hilton, NY 2/67 2/67 A. Kurt A. Schwenk, Schwenk, Kurt Rd. 161 Cheltenham CheltenhamRd. 161 CA 95139 95139 S. San San Jose, S. Jose, CA 3/80 3/80 F Mitzi F. Schwenk, Schwenk, Mitzi 135 Weston Rd. 135 Weston Rd. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/74 5/74 Scott, Mrs. Mrs. E. E. Kelsey Scott, Kelsey 6 Bittersweet 6 Bittersweet Rd. Rd. Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 223-1753 (H) (H) 223-1753 248-5087 (B) 248-5087 (5) Mrs. Judson Judson H. H. Scott, Mrs. Scott, 103 103 Eagle Circle Eagle Ridge Ridge Circle Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY 225-8359 (H) 225-8359 (H) 227-7700 (B) (5) 227-7700 Seefried, John John C. C. Seeiried, 6/74 6/74 342-6527 (H) 342-6527 (H) 454-3646 (B) 454-3646 (5) Seeler, William William F. E Seeler, 464 464 Bay Village Drive Drive Bay Village NY 14609 Rochester, 14609 Rochester, NY 5/79 5/79 248-2817 (H) (H) 248-2817 248-8750 (B) 248-8750 (5) Mrs. Donald Seitz, Mrs. Donald W. W. Seitz, 17 Eagle 17 Eagle Ridge Circle Ridge Circle NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY Delaware Delaware 621-4030 (H) (H) 621-4030 722-2116 (B) (5) 722-2116 Kathryn Kathryn Eubalaena Eubalaena 342-2392 (H) (H) 342-2392 473-3410 (B) (5) 473-3410 Jeane Jeane Nandean Nan-Jean 1229 1229 North North Rd. Rd. NY 14546 Scottsville, NY 14546 Scottsville, Clifford Sertl, Clifford Sertl, June A. A. June Becky 17 17 Becky Stephen 33 Stephen 3/74 3/74 Kurt J. J. Sertl, Kurt Sertl, 365 Sagamore 365 Drive Sagamore Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/84 5/84 Mark C. C. Sertl, Mark Sertl, 8/77 8/77 478 Oxford Oxford St. St. 478 Martha H. H. Sewell, Martha Sewell, 392-2435 (H) (H) 392-2435 392-2435 (B) 392-2435 (5) (H) 473-0229 H. Marguerite H. Marguerite 5 " " " (H) 475-0225 (B) 545-0254 546-0264 (5) Das Blau Max Max Das Blau 248-5476 (H) 248-5476 (H) (B) 245-5450 248-5490 (5) 266-1949 (H) 266-1949 (H) (B) 545-5052 546-8032 (5) Cory Cory Lucy Lucy 442-7511 (H) 442-7511 (H) (B) 245-5450 248-5490 (5) 7/88 7/88 4 Erie Crescent NY 14450 Fairport, NY 14450 Fairport, 4 Erie Crescent Fella Seymour, Nancy Seymour, Nancy Fella 1142 Bay 1142 Bay Road Road 8/76 8/76 Robert Robert 571-5289 (H) 671-5289 (H) (B) 455-4442 436-4442 (5) Katharine C. C. Shadman, Katharine Shadman, 18563 Split Rock La. La. 18563 Split Rock MD 20874 20874 Germantown, MD Germantown, 6/74 6/74 Ahmad Ahmad 501-572-5725 (H) 301-972-3729 (H) Shapiro, Sanford R. Sanford R. Shapiro, 3/84 3/84 Miriam Miriam of Cause Cause of Action Action "' "" 288-9328 (H) 288-9328 (H) (B) 232-2282 232-2282 (5) B-49 B-49 : f* _,.--é;»»4;@v2m ~=¢ <¢;5;@¢-.xr~g_-,eMfvw '& ~ 288-5214 (H) 288-5214 (H) 551-5705 (B) 381-9709 (5) NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, ' KZ# Grand Cru Grand Cru NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY Rochester, 3922435 (H) (H) 392-2435 ..w..f42.em...f55 -~ -4,.......;<< 555-5550 (H) 889-3680 (H) 232-1660 (B) 232-1660 (5) 542-5555 (H) 342-3899 (H) NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY - Sonshine Sonshine NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 271-3636 (H) (H) 271-3636 271-4696 (B) 271-4696 (5) Taka Umi Umi Taka A. A. 5 Hill Rd. Hardwood Hill Rd. 5 Hardwood 516-728-3976 (H) (H) 516-728-3976 516-728-3976 (B) 516-728-3976 (5) Erica Erica 544-8718 (H) 544-8718 (H) Sertl, Beth BethM. M. 2/86 2/86 Sertl, 235 235 Oxford Oxford Street, Street, Apt. Apt. #1 NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 42 Rd. 42 Windemere Windemere Rd. ..,, ,,, ,..,. PHONE PHONE )1. i F. Arnold F. Schmidt, ArnoLd Schmidt, MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS " " 1- ' ' " » - 4/Zz . _,. , 5;;5e£:=f:;=rE.:2a =¢= »>~===~z=v§;5§, .-N_L_.,.2m,,»x,q :m4~mw;f;:_:é?¥¢%~ j~.»i-I-1 ~ '»2',f=" " , - .`,, .2 ~ : . -_ ~. , .f - _. -@f..~.. .- (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) Business Phone (B) Business Phone (B) Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home Phone Business Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC 8/54 8/54 J. Webb Webb L. L. Sheehy, Sheehy, J. 45 Exchange St. 45 Exchange St. Rochester, NY14614 14614 ...... Rochester, NY M. John M. Shimshack, Shimshack, John 10 10 Brookwood Rd. Brookwood Rd. PRtsford, NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY 4/82 4/82 W. RichardW. Shineman, Shineman, Richard Road 169 169 Penarrow Penarrow Road NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/85 9/85 F. Ritter Ritter Shumway, Shumway, F. Commodore 1951-53 1951-53 Commodore 375 Ambassador Drive 375 Ambassador Drive NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 9/34 9/34 Frank R. R Shumway Jr., Frank iéiwumway Jr., Commodore1975-76 7975-76 Commodore 1688 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 1688 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 5/51 5/51 R.II1 Ill Frank R. Shumway, Shumway, Frank 1688 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 1688 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 3/83 3/83 Sigl, Paul E E Sigl, Paul 470 470 Marwood Marvvood Rd. Rd. NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/68 7/68 Sinclair, Sinclair, Douglas DouglasC.C. 55 Lacoma Lacoma Lane Lane NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 3/84 3/84 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Ruth Ruth Neaga Neaga PHONE PHONE 467-9581 (H) 467-9581 (H) 232-4797 (B) (B) 232-4797 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN A.R. Solomon, A.R. Solomon, 4/72 4/72 Alva Alva 77 Hill Rd. Rd. 77 Sturbridge Sturbridge Hill New New Marianne Marianne Kindred Kindred Spirit Spirit 385-5889 (H) (H) 385-5889 724-4104 (B) (B) 724-4104 PHONE PHONE 203-972-1278 (H) 203-972-1278 (H) 203-309-8711 (B) (B) 203-309-8711 CT 06840 06840 Canaan, Canaan, CT Spencer, Richard Richard Spencer, 11/87 11/87 479 Street 479 Pearl Pearl Street NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY Rochester, Ann Ann Ouestar Questar 271-2987 (H) (H) 271-2987 328-6060 (B) 328-6060 (B) Flying Gull Flying Gull Spoleta, Michael Michael D. D. Spoleta, 5/88 5/88 Paul Stack, Paul Stack, 2/69 2/69 250 Foxhall Drive Drive 250 Foxhall Rochester, NY 14609 14609 Rochester, NY 381-1211 (H) (H) 381-1211 424-1210 (B) (B) 424-1210 R. R. 65 Marshall 65 Marshall St. St. Rita Rita 232-2302 (H) 232-2302 (H) (B) 473-1540 473-1540 (B) Rochester, NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY Shirley Shirley Stage, Gretchen GretchenC., C.,USN USN 7/85 7/85 Stage, 255-0177 (H) (H) 265-0177 342-3030 (B) (B) 342-3030 Quack Quack Lightwave Lightwave Jr. Smith, Albert, EF Jr. Smith, Albert, 687 Winona Winona Blvd. Blvd. 637 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/83 5/83 Maggie Maggie 17 Jared 17 Jared Maura Maura 14 14 11 Carrie Carrie11 338-7065 (H) (H) 338-7065 342-3030 (B) 342-3030 (B) A. Donald A. Smith, Smith, Donald 65 Pinegrove 65 Ave. Pinegrove Ave. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/82 4/82 Deirdre Deirdre 342-3881 (H) 342-3881 (H) 722-0351 (B) 722-0351 (B) B. Snavely, Snavely, Benjamin Benjamin B. 27 27 Countryside Dr. Countryside Dr, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY 4/72 4/72 Sabine Sabine Endeavor Endeavor 315-637-8655 (H) (H) 315-637-8655 315-437-7052 (B) (B) 315-437-7052 Zickzack Zickzack 1/80 1/80 A. Stahura, Douglas Stahura, Douglas A. 801 Dreams Landing 801 Dreams Landing Way Way MD21401 21401 Annapolis, MD Annapolis, 11/81 11/81 William G. G. Statt, William Statt, 6/51 6/51 Jack B., Ph.D. Staud, Jack B., Ph.D. Staud, 224 224 Payne Beach Rd. Rd Payne Beach NY 14468 14468 Hilton, Hilton, NY 4/71 4/71 Reid J. J. Stava, Stava, Reid 430 430 Clover Clover St. St. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/81 5/81 Steo, Joseph P.P Steo, Joseph 77 Little Little Brook Brook Drive Drive NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY Pittsford, 7/87 7/87 P Daniel E Stolze, Daniel N. Halsted, 2225 N. 22 2225 Halsted, Apt. Apt. 22 lL 60614 60614 Chicago, Chicago, IL 11/76 11/76 Robert Stolze, Stolze, Robert 163 163 West West Ave. Ave. NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY Fairport, 10/74 10/74 Julie Julie Tatoo Tatoo 388-1638 (H) 388-1638 (H) (B) 223-9950 223-9950 (B) William J. J. Stolze, William Stolze, 11/65 11/65 Margaret Margaret Sideband Sideband (H) 544-0647 544-0647 (H) (B) 442-0888 442-0888 (B) 60 Harbour Dr. Harbour Hill HillDr. 60 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 342-5828 (H) 342-5828 (H) Ellen Mary Mary Ellen Stahura, Stanley Stahura, Stanley 108 108 Briarwood BriarwoodDr. Dr NY 14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 381-0205 (H) 381-0205 (H) 425-4380 (B) (B) 425-4380 9/77 Michael R. R. Smart, 9/T7 Smart, Michael 4804 Cavalry Green Drive Drive 4804 Cavalry Green NY 13104 13104 Manlius, NY Manlius, 304-994-9351 (H) 904-994-9851 (H) FL 32570 Pace, 32570 Pace, FL 865-1801 (H) (H) 865-1801 Alice Alice Laser Laser 4740 Frontier Frontier Rd. 4740 Rd. 265-2170 (H) (H) 265-2170 342-1040 (B) (B) 342-1040 T. 4/80 Sladden, 4/80 Sladden, Timothy TimothyT. 320 320 Rock Rock Beach Beach Rd. Rd. Rochester, NY14617 14617 .... Rochester, NY (H) (H) 385-2444 355-2444 253-2394 (B) 253-2394 (5) Commodore 1979-80 Commodore 1979-80 896 Beach Rd. Rd. 896 Rock Rock Beach NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, B-50 B-50 Dorothy Dorothy Betty Betty Jane Jane Polonaise Polonaise 266-1254 (H) 266-1254 (H) Polonaise Polonaise 301-266-0862 (H) 301-266-0862 (H) 301-688-6121 (B) 301-688-6121 (B) Chutzpah Ohutzpah (H) 342-2026 342-2026 (H) 232-1986 (B) 232-1986 (B) Sea Wolf Sea Wolf (H) 392-3335 392-3838 (H) 458-1665 (B) 458-1665 (B) blanc bateau bateau blanc 288-7183 (H) 288-7183 (H) (B) 422-2423 422-2423 (B) (H) 223-5393 223-6393 (H) (B) 245-2434 248-2434 (B) 312-981-0747 (H) 312-981-0747 (H) 312-540-5554 (B) 312-640-5664 (B) B-51 B-51 ~_@,.~t2'i»,:-:'¢'~.-:;;'~7r-3 *~4::::.=.z,zz:f;=-;-_-3» -rg -3.-;,,-g;=:,;3_:__3;,___: ...,.-. 1-.fe-B-.5:-4,-:5awm;3;w3-»-af;-n-fem4-5-=»4~4m--W4-4-4-44e....a,..e.,4»,._,,»-.3153 -__-W...B,-».1-M-W.-,-wermmx þÿ:jf$:ZT», /C2»§Z' ~%=Q$\- ¬f»'&4¢41F=75t¢-12.2°-Gm.:@'%»?2I~v'a-»f"§<5-"-B"-¥=-*Ji?¢!é f.~»,<~¢»f.»1~» 44.4m,,=.4 ,.3--,- -4 - W 'f7"f'-'-"'f """"" " ` 1 " " , - . BOAT NAME BOAT NAME - _:__ - 3;,___: .. . ,. -. -7_zif>~ 1-.fe -B 4,1-51011311-,.1r;©T§ -.5:-4,-:5awm;3;w3-»-af;-n-fem4-5-=»4~4m--W4-4-4-44e....a,..e.,4»,._,,»-.3153 -__-W... B,-».1-M-W ;:1§:3Z_ @;,=3>§i¥ 5 .-,-wermmx .34: ~ I ’ Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home BusinessPhone Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JCINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN William T. T. Stolze, Stolze, William 24 24 Upton Pk. Upton Pk. NY14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/75 2/75 Richard P. R Stone, Stone, Richard 470 470 Bricker Bricker St. St. NY14609 14609 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/83 5/83 E. MacBurney Storm, Storm, E. MacBurney 59 Maplewood Ave. 59 Maplewood Ave. NY14559 14559 Spencerport, Spencerport, NY 12/60 12/80 RobertJ. J. Strasenburgh, Strasenburgh, Robert 24 Monroe Monroe Ave. Ave. 24 NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 9/64 9/64 Betty Betty trasenburgh, Thomas 7/'76 ThomasC.C. 7/78 Bitasenburgh, 2:i: Tobey Tobey Court Court 14534 Pittstord. NY ~uittsford, NY 14534 Jean Jean Straubinger, Robert Straubinger, Robert 1870 Fulton No. 11 1870 Fulton St., St., No. San San Francisco, CA94117 94117 Francisco,CA 11/74 11/74 Ninfa Ninta Jack M. M. Streb, Streb, Jack 69 69 Lake Lake Lea Lea Rd. Rd. Rochester, NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY 2/80 2/80 E. Strobel, CharlesE. Strobel, Charles 35 35 Varinna VarinnaDr. Dr NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5/63 5/63 MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Taylor, Douglas A. Taylor, Douglas A. 399 399 Sagamore D12 Sagamore Dr. 3/71 3/71 Ellen Ellen Eric Eric Heidi Heidi Cire Cire (H) 342-8881 (H) 34,2-6881 647-3940 (B) 647-3940 (B) 342-2378 (H) (H) 342-2378 1-594-0915 (B) (B) t-394-0918 Taylor, Douglas E Taylor, Douglas F. 10/79 10/79 Cynthia Cynthia Aurora Aurora (H) 555-5055 385-6086 (H) 227-7036 (B) 227-7036 (B) 552-5595 (H) (H) 352-5896 252-5559 (B) 262-3689 (B) David C. C. Teather, David Teather, 5/80 5/80 Jacquelene Jacquelene T Jackie T Jackie (H) 671-3718 (H) 671-3718 722-0641 (B) 722-0641 (B) PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME 266-6442 (H) 266-6442 (H) Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Barbara Barbara Candide Candide 8F Manor 8F Lost Lost Mountain Mountain Manor NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 735 735 Gasberry La. La. Gasberiy NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY Webster, Teegarden, Josephine Teegarden, Josephine 381-7638 (H) (H) 381-7638 442-5550 (B) 442-3850 (B) 4849 Connecticut Connecticut Ave. 4849 Ave. N.W. N.W. Apt. 325 325 Apt. Teegarden, Kenneth Kenneth J. J. Teegarden, 6/60 6/60 Tennity, Michael E. Michael E. Tennity, 5/81 5/81 82 Westland Westland Ave. 82 Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY 415-555-5795 (H) 415-386-8795 (H) 415-555-5015 (B) (B) 415-666-5018 23 Suburba 23 Suburba Ave. Ave. Natalie Natalie 544-4074 (H) (H) 544-4074 724-5452 (B) (B) 724-3432 Tette, Michael Michael C. C. Tette, 46 Rd. 46 Loderdale Loderdale Rd. Marian Marian Camelot Camelot 271-0241 (H) 271-0241 (H) 546-2251 (B) 546-2251 (B) PHONE PHONE 202-686-1383 (H) 202-686-1383 (H) Deedee Deedee Henry 14 Henry 14 Good Intent Good Intent 442-2960 (H) 442-2960 (H) (B) 275-7708 (B) 275-7708 Snake Oil Snake Oil _ 8/79 8/79 Elaine Elaine Windborne Windborne ' Suzanne Suzanne Dori 99 Dori Jeffrey 77 Jeffrey Melanie Melanie Aragorn Aragorn 473-0015 (H) 473-0015 (H) 477-3019 (B) 477-3019 (B) Earl J. J. Thomas, Earl Thomas, 3/82 3/82 Sally Sally Peans Pearls 381-5317 (H)381-5317 (H) (B) 254-9190 254-9190 (B) John EE Thomson, Thomson, John 2745 Oakview D. 2745 Oakview D. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/74 5/74 Shirley Shirley H. Tierney, Tierney, Philip Philip H. 141 Hill Dr. Dr. 141 Chestnut Chestnut Hill NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/38 5/38 Virginia Virginia 342-7617 (H) (H) 342-7617 671-1880 (B) (B) 671-1880 John A. A. Titus, Titus, John 310 Harbor Harbor Hill Hill Dr. D11 310 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/73 5/73 Patricia Patricia 323-1896 (H) (H) 323-1896 248-9426 (B) (B) 248-9426 AndreaT. T Tomaselli, Tomaselli, Andrea 99 Front 99 Lake Front NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11/80 11180 House House 21 Cross Cross 21 Rd. Ridge Ridge Rd. Pittsford, NY14534 14534 .... Pittsford, NY 225-0550 (H) 225-0550 (H) 225-1700 (B) (B) 225-1700 Shawn 55 Shawn 4/78 4/78 Tantra Tantra A. Deborah A. Deborah C. Taranto, Taranto, Angelo Angelo C. 122 Old Old North North Hill Hill 122 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 7/72 7/72 Bennett C. C. Taves, Taves, Bennett Sail Sail and and Race Race Mgmt. Mgmt. 4861 Culver Culver Rd. Rd. 4861 NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/82 4/82 467-9290 (H) (H) 467-9290 238-4920 (B) (B) 238-4920 Mary Ann Mary Ann Jane Jane - ,-- ..--t ,is-,-_-.,~~Q ---f, ...- .-_.-......,..-.-- " Paul 18 Paul 18 Jeff 15 Jeff 15 Mark 12 Mark 12 (H) 544-5945 544-8943 (H) (B) 342-9905 342,9905 (5) 266-6218 (H) 266-6218 (H) 342-1895 (H) 342-1895 (H) (5) (B) 454-5370 454-5570 (H) 544-2673 (H) 275-3470 (B) 275-3470 (B) B-53 B. 5 3 B-52 B-52 fl' = ~ ""i-1=-5-5-;;es *- ~- ~n-=z;>=z',-»4-rmz=;»:.5:s.z~1=¢n':-'m-=27~:;f 21-r;~xr»-%1¢ ~" <"§ ;1<:.-$ 95 12 ~»..,_..,.,¢,,..,,.,.5,e,,,..,2.,....,...,_.,._.____-2.-2_5_.,,,_;,,,, 328-9588 (H) 328-9588 (H) 338-7771 (B) 338-7771 (B) 2/83 2/83 Trophies iiophies 100 Gould St. 100 Gould St. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester, NY 442-0594 (H) 442-0894 (H) 11/81 11/81 458-5087 (H) 458-5087 (H) 617-276-7747 (B) 617-276-7747 (B) Texter, John John Texter, ~T~ mmm. . 7/84 7/84 NY 14624 14624 Rochester, Rochester, NY Robert M. M. Szczepanski, Szczepanski, Robert 363 Belmeade BelmeadeRd. Rd. 363 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY ~.~~'- f_,~~~~----. 5~.'-.-.-,- 1 18 Suzanne Suzanne 18 Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY M.D. Richard Richard P. R Sullivan, Sullivan, M.D. 1258 Edgemere Dr. 1258 EdgemereDr. NY14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY --.----.--. 13 Valerie Valerie 13 Erin 10 Erin 10 . BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Washington, DC DC 20008 20008 Washington, 555-7955 (H) (H) 385-7963 Stuart Jr., Mrs, Lyman Stuart Jr., Mrs. Lyman 325 Troy 325 Rd. Troy Rd. NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5 (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) 5 ..-.-. ...,--.__-,~..7 - 5 .--,,-._-,...._. _,.- ---, ..-,.-. .._.>,,. , ...._. , ,,,. ..- ~;a» ;_ ""52= ~..,. -'== .t.._ 1: 13512--1 - - 44--4 .- --e- =»~;==f-54:-=4=-=-1-_-4-=-1245> -~~~==5=aam~e»~ 42» ~ » - -4-...=<=em f_.=aee- -5--2222;-<_1-,..~===e----51-ff-if'f;;?""*'"""f~7§P'°"W"`"`"'"""'J"'"* ' `»'f" ,-.,- --.,,-,, --., ..,_.,-.,-.., , (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Phone Phone (B) Business SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Phone Business Phone (B) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC M. Tomaselli, Tomaselli, Joseph JosephM. Ct. 240 Beaconview Ct. 240 Beaconview 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 3/79 3/79 288-2192 (H) (H) 288-2192 342-5200 (B) 342-5200 (B) C. Mrs. Mary Tomaselli, Mrs. Tomaselli, Mary C. 3/79 3/79 342-3029 (H) (H) 342-3029 Van Voorhis, John 5/85 Van Voorhis, John 5/85 5722 South South Kenwood Kenwood Ave. Ave. #1 #1 5722 Chicago, IL 60637 60637 Chicago, IL Jane Tomaselli, Tomaselli, Mary Mary Jane Terrace 19 Bateau Bateau Terrace 19 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/85 6/85 467-7267 (H) (H) 467-7267 454-5600 (B) (B) 454-5600 Van Voorhis, Norman Van Voorhis, Norman 874 874 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 2/86 2/86 David Tortora, Tortora, David Di: 128 Sagamore 128 SagamoreDr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/81 4/81 342-4869 (H) (H) 342-4869 726-7603 (B) (B) 726-7603 Vaughan, J. Theodore, J. Vaughan, Theodore, 119 Thomas Thomas Ave. 119 Ave. NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 3/45 3/45 Nathalie Nathalie 338-1899 (H) 338-1899 (H) R Tovey, Jay P. Tovey, Jay Road 501 Thomas Thomas Cove Cove Road 501 NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Pentield, NY 5/88 5/88 243-5313 (H) 248-5813 (H) 442-4689 (B) (B) 442-4689 R. Velepec, Velepec, Douglas DouglasR. 221 Bellehurst Bellehurst Drive 221 Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/71 5/71 Cynthia Cynthia 342-8866 (H) 342-8866 (H) (B) 663-5370 (B) A. Lawrence A. Towner, Towner, Lawrence Palm 336 South Coconut CoconutPalm 336 Blvd. Blvd. Tavernier, FL 33070 33070 Tavernier, FL 7/57 7/57 Andrea Lyke Vittum, Andrea Vittum, Lyke 5/71 5/71 Allan Allan 425-2189 (H) 425-2189 (H) (B) 586-5250 586-5250 (B) Ct. 240 240 Beaconview Beaoonview Ct. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY W. Charles Charles W. Treat, Treat, Lane 107 Cornwall Lane 107 Cornwall NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY PHONE PHONE BOAT NAME BOAT NAME Gerri Gerri Slap Shot Slap Shot Barbara Barbara 305-352-6336 (H) (H) 305-852-6366 (B) 232-4221 232-4221 (B) One La. One Beckenham Beokenham La. NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY 271-4553 (B) 271-4553 (B) Susan Davies Davies Susan 227-3792 (H) 227-3792 (H) 254-6620 (B) (B) 254-6620 Tattered Tattered 8/78 8/78 671-0586 (H) (H) 671-0586 Van Voorhis, Charlie Van Voorhis,Charlie 20 20 Pearl Pearl Street Street RO. Box 718 P.O. Box 718 MA 62739 62739 Mattapoisett, Mattapoisett, MA 5/85 5/85 Rachel Rachel 317-733-3203 (H) 617-758-3206 (H) 617-996-3386 (B) (B) 617-996-3386 15 Sean Sean 15 Erin 11 Erin 11 663-7218 (H) 663-7218 (H) 722-2610 (B) 722-2610 (B) Van Voorhis, Van Voorhis, Eugene Eugene Vice Commodore Commodore Vice Long Range Planning Planning Long Range 874 Lake Lake Road Road 674 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 9/52 9/52 Heide Heide Von Von Johannes Schilcher, Johannes Schilcher, !85 185 Severn Severn Way Way Pines~on-the-Severn Pines-on-the-Severn MD 21012 21012 Arnold, MD Arnold, 7/68 7/68 Eric Voss, Voss, Eric 41 41 Edgewater Lane Edgewater Lane Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY 3/88 3/88 Voss, F. Voss, Harry Harry F. 41 Edgewater Lane 41 Edgewater Lane NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 4/73 4/73 18 Louise 18 Louise Linda 17 17 Linda Super Collider Collider Super 671-3656 (H) 671-3656 (H) 232-4221 (B) 232-4221 (B) D. Wachsmuth, Wachsmuth, Beverly Beverly D. 2915 NE St. NE 2915 Ulysses Ulysses St. MN 55418 55418 Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, 10/73 10/73 Bernie Wahl, Bernie Wahl, 4/47 4/47 Wahl, Gary Gary W., W., M.D. M.D. Wahl, 2/85 2/85 200 200 Brittany Lane Brittany Lane NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY Boat Boat Safety Safety 60 Hunters 60 Hunters Pointe Pointe NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY -->~»2 -»-'-»- ~-- 301-757-1112 (H) 301-757-1112 (H) (B) 202-833-5088 202-833-5088 (B) (H) 266-2468 266-2468 (H) Gretchen Gretchen Kiki Kiki (H) 266-2468 266-2468 (H) 334-8030 (B) 334-8030 (B) 612-789-5441 (H) 612-789-5441 (H) 612-374-2577 (B) 612-374-2577 (B) Glenn Glenn Ballerina Ballerina 383-1837 (H) 383-1837 (H) (B) 884-3955 884-3955 (B) Nadine Nadine Moonlight Moonlight 381-4146 (H) 381-4146 (H) (B) 338-4409 338-4409 (B) Log Log Alison 33 Alison B-55 B-55 - 4:3 :-.~ --4-2-2-,aaa-.B-m:=m.e~=1-mea-ff-; -3-rm=;=-»=;=s4¢¢Baf2=-sa1==;4:z>e¢,-9-.4B-as-B=---4-#rem-=:mm=1=-ff¢==--ms3:6-H--=~~»-T-»~- -1-----f--=1»::="»,:.r::~=ma.m=-.¢s.»~ ~» --»~:¢L-'1" -e----- ,,_.~,~_,_,,9,_.A__._,,._,,_,,MM2Nome,M22,,__.~0,.,M,_a;-,-.,,,o9,,;f¢,;-;¢,=,~,¢-g,m%.e»=,~:.=ss-.-.2_-1-:vemewsameee-gwwf. -»--»-V Tartaruga Tartaruga Barbara Barbara =====W===== --»-»»~<-»---»--=- -»--- - -- » ~ ~- -- ------»--»-4--»-f»---»--'<~»-~»-:_1:;f:2<;~f;>:~f;~>= ~¢;av,<; »-»-~ ;:.»»,;:.:~ -m -= ff' _,.4.7~ þÿ-e'?7;`2"°55'1\";*»"f"/§"35"f>7%»-w»~»e-f~f?1E5if%¥'i»~~v'%7'f5?$ffv-'¥~»w=c<§5"m7%=»é3'-7"=}»~e-'-2-'='§l-¢-:>>»;w¥§"57:?§`Z¥3?1T=?~P%1Z:'%'¥:" ¬:' ¬`-§`& 'm~:;2*~7r;f_;1:'-:af,,$:;i61z4\¢=.f:=ee»!"»§-wepage-frr»~:¢,-,1 #1 1- -f-'-'ff*=f6"*f*f='~""-""6 " M ' *"' """ " '" "* '~ ~ "'n ' ~'" "" ' " -- A 4 S " ~,-.,-,sv-1) ~»-Mt, ,. ' 671-3656 (H) 671-3656 (H) Mrs. Paul, Jr Bacho, Mrs. Paul, Jr. Bacho, 31 Terrace 31 Jamestown Jamestown Terrace NY 14615 14615 Rochester, Rochester, NY 342-3042 (H) (H) 342-3042 477-5027 (B) 477-5027 (B) Jo-An Jo-An 5/85 5/85 m,_,,.,,,,. 312-288-0306 (H) 312-288-0306 (H) Super Super Collider Collider B-54 , Gander Grey Grey Gander Von Von 9/73 9/73 .__v_.. ’=="==’V= Van Van Inwagen, Nancy lnwagen, Nancy Rd. 551 Forest Forest Lawn Lawn Rd. 551 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY PHONE PHONE BOAT BOATNAME NAME Van Voorhis, Mrs. John John Van Voorhis, Mrs. 714 Rock Beach Rd. Rd. 714 Rock Beach NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY mum David L. L. Ulp, Ulp, David Rd. 930 Long Pond Rd. 930 Long Pond 14626 NY 14626 Rochester, Rochester, NY CHILDREN CHILDREN _ = - ,_ -" _ -r ,, ae- _ ¢ 2 , -, 4, , , ,,,, wr, f ,_ 'ff-1 ,,.,,, ,~ -, - 4 »---~ 3 ,, 4- , -,W ~ ,,y~,,4W,,f.-9_,,.,,,,-_ s_,_s,/,_ 2%>%~> ~~,-,-, .--,.,,,~,~.-, ,~/,,~,/~,,~,,///,.~,q --,,, (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Phone Home Phone (H) (H) Home Phone Business Phone (B) (B) Business MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS JOINED JOINED RYC RYC SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Ili H. H. Richard Richard Wait, III Wait, 7/81 7/81 Marsha Marsha Alethea Alethea 77 Sarah Sarah 55 M. Richard M. Wakamoto, Wakamoto, Richard Ave. 2660 Chili Chili Ave. 2660 Bldg. 21 24, Apt. Bldg. 24, Apt. 21 Rochester, NY 14624 14624 Rochesten NY 6/68 6/68 Michael F. E Walker, Walker, Michael 7989 Rd. 7989 Munson Munson Rd. NY14551 14551 Sodus, Sodus, NY 7/70 7/70 Robert C. C. Walker, Walker, Robert Ave. 610 Titus Ave. 610 Titus NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochesten NY 5/66 5/66 RichardJ. J. Walsh, Walsh, Richard 138 Durand Durand Blvd. Blvd. 138 Rochester, NY 14622 14622 Rochester, NY 11/65 11/65 Steven G. G. Walther, Walther, Steven Blvd. 4185 St. Paul Blvd, 4185 St. Paul 14617 NY14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/84 6/84 Wambach, Wambach, Nancy Nancy A. A. 39 Edmonds Edmonds St. St. 39 NY 14607 14607 Rochester, Rochester, NY 8/84 8/84 Rd. 1301 1301 Lake Lake Rd. NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY (H) 265-9152 ~ (H) 265-9152 (B) 544-0400 544-0400~ (5) Webb, Christopher 11/85 Webb, Christopher (Corky) (Corky)11185 33 33 Tyringham Rd. Tyringham Rd. Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester Umi Taka Umi Taka 426-0058 (H) 426-0058 (H) 328-3800 (B) (5) 328-3800 Webb Jr., Webb Julian W. W. Jr., Julian Offshore Offshore Fleet Fleet Captain Captain 33 Tyringham 33 Rd. Tyringham Rd. NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 11/74 11/74 Karin Webb, Webb, Karin 33 Tyringham Road 33 Tyringham Road NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, 7/88 7/88 Watt W. W. Webb, Webb, Watt 409 Highland Rd. 409 Highland Rd. NY 14850 14850 Ithaca, NY lthaca, Claire 18 Claire 18 14 Mark Mark 14 Marguerite 77 Marguerite Ann Ann Richard W., W., Jr. Wambach, Wambach, Richard 204 Oxford St. 204 Oxford St. NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/82 5/82 W, Robert W. Warren, Warren, Robert 122 Dunbarton Dunbarton Dr. Dr 122 NY14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/74 6/74 Ann Ann WilliamD. D. Watson, Watson, William Ave. 2021 Rhode Rhode Island lslandAve. 2021 VA 22101 22101 McLean, McLean, VA 5/66 5/66 Nancy Nancy Tennie 88 Tennie Wave Wave Train Train III Ill Ernest G. G. Weber, Weber, Ernest WinnermereCir. Cir. 22 Winnermere Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 11/81 11/81 Kathleen Kathleen 17 Heidi Heidi 17 4th Dimension 4th Dimension Glenn Webster, Webster, Glenn 206 206 Baycrest Dr Baycrest Dr. NY 14622 14622 Rochester, NY Rochester, 11/75 11/75 Suzzanne Suzzanne 5/81 5/81 Marilyn Marilyn Philip 99 Philip Tigress Tigress 442-5834 (H) (H) 442-5834 266-2330 (B) 266-2330 (5) Wehrheim, Wehrheim, Philip Philip Key Key 37 37 Center Center Entrance Entrance Huntington Hills Hills Huntington Rochester, NY NY 14622 14622 Rochester, (H) 544-0443 544-0443 (H) 461-0283 (B) 461-0283 (B) Wiegand Ronald J. J. Jr., Ronald Wiegand Jr., 89 Barry 89 Street Barry Street NY 14520 Rochester, 14520 Rochester, NY 7/88 7/88 586-4813 (H) 586-4813 (H) 586-4813 (B) (5) 586-4813 Welch M.D., Ethan Welch M.D., Ethan 656 Admiralty 656 Admiralty Way Way NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 4/73 4/73 Janet Janet Blue Acorn Blue Acorn 442-5532 (H) 442-5532 (H) 588-4592 (B) (5) 588-4592 787-0055 (H) 787-0055 (H) (B) 266-6290 266-6290 (B) Weld Jr., Norman C. C. Weld Jr., Norman 3233H Shamrock ShamrockDr. Dr. 3233H NC 28215 28215 Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 1/70 1/70 Missy Missy Wetherald, Wetherald, Houghton Houghton D. 281 Shoreham Drive Drive 281 NY 14618 14618 Rochester, NY Rochester, 3/86 3/86 Carol Carol Thomas 18 18 Thomas Diane G. G. Watts, Watts, Diane 838 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. 838 NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 6/76 6/76 Frederick Frederick 7 Irene 7 Irene 2 Frederick 2 Frederick Richard J. J. Whistler, Whistler, Richard 71 Radcliffe 71 Radcliffe Rd. Rd. NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 5/81 5/81 Jackie Jackie Adam 7 7 Adam Beth Beth 33 Charlie Charlie 22 544-5026 (H) (H) 544,5026 325-3351 (B) 328-3351 (5) Weagley, J. William J. Weagley, William Place 344 344 Cottswold Cottswold Place MD21140-1528 21140-1528 Riva, MD Riva, 7/80 7/80 ViCtOl'ia Victoria Peter V. V. Whitbeck, Whitbeck, Peter 100 Blvd. 100 Nunda Nunda Blvd. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, 8/72 8/72 Janet Pool Pool Carolyn Carolyn 66 Thomas 33 Thomas 451-1531 (H) 461-1831 (H) 335-2150 (B) 338-2180 (5) .~ 271-1217 (H) (H) 271-1217 461-7652 (B) 461-7652 (5) New New Directions Directions 703-241-0552 (H) (H) 703-241-0882 703-241-0552 (B) 703-241-0882 (5) 671-0734 (H) (H) 671-0734 301-956-4036 (H) 301-956-4036 (H) 202-331-8963 (B) (B) 202-331-6963 Nova Terra Nova 342-6143 (H) 342-6143 (H) (B) 253-5601 253-5601 (5) 607-257-7592 (H) 607-257-7592 (H) (B) 607-255-3331 607-255-3331 (B) 7'7" :1":nmm==-xx"-:u=r.r4:r¢-=::='_~.2i -. (H) 377-3572 377-3572 (H) 223-2804 (B) 223-2804 (5) (H) 544-8194 544-8194 (H) 477-5257 (B) 477-5257 (B) Mastah Mastah Blastah Blastah (H) (H) 704-333-8053 704-333-805 (B) 704-458-3371 704-458-3371 (B) Javelin Javelin 461-1454 (H) 461-1454 (H) (B) 475-2459 475-2469 (5) B-57 B-56 B-56 -4-»---»~4~a-_-4,--..-,..-W.4 1 ' ~M * »-~"-M (H) 342-6143 342-6143 (H) Page Page (H) 544-5229 544-6229 (H) 255-5941 (B) (5) 266-5941 Whitecap Whitecap PHONE PHONE 9/72 9/72 323-2205 (H) 323-2205 (H) 424-5200 (B) (5) 424-5200 Gregerica Gregerica BOAT NAME NAME aoA'r Deja Vu oe-35 Vu 266-7202 (H) (H) 266-7202 Cheryl Cheryl 15 Ryan Ryan 15 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN Linda Linda 315-483-4765 (H) 315-483-4765 (H) 248-8742 (B) (5) 248-8742 Andrea Andrea Roxanne Roxanne 15 S. Gregory S. Gregory 15 Erica11 11 Erica JOINED JOINED RYC RYC Hall Fawn Fawn Hall 13 Matthew Matthew 13 10 Scott 10 Scott 2/80 Sr. 2/80 Richard W., Wambach, W., Sr. Wambach, Richard 39 Kirklees KirkieesRd. Rd. 39 NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BOAT BOAT NAME NAME _ , 2 42, (H) Home Home Phone Phone (H) (B) Business Business Phone Phone (B) Home Phone Phone (H) (H) Home Phone BusinessPhone (B) (B) Business JOINED JOINED RYC RYC MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN F. 1/84 Whitbeck, Mrs. F. 1/84 Whitbeck, Mrs. PhilipPhilip Terrace 81 Beckwith Beckwith Terrace 81 Rochester, NY14610 14610 Rochester, NY Kindo Kindo MEMBER/ MEMBER/ ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BOAT BOAT NAME NAME JOINED JOINED RYC RYC Woodams, Jr. Woodams, PeterPeter M., Jr M.,1/84 1722 Edgemere Edgemere Dr. 1722 Dr NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester NY 271-0423 (H)(H)271-0423 SPOUSE/ SPOUSE/ CHILDREN CHILDREN BOAT NAME NAME BOAT 1/84 PHONE PHONE 227-0065 (H) (H)227-0065 M. Wilde, Wilde, Stephen Stephen M. Hoffman Rd. Rd. 500 Hoffman 500 NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 11/77 11/77 Jane Jane Breakaway Breakaway 544-5898 (H) 544-5898 (H) (B) 722-6050 (B) Woodhull, Elliot H. H. Woodhull, Elliot 2789 2789 Lake Lake Rd. Rd. Williamston, NY NY14589 14589 Williamston, 11/69 11169 Mary Kathryn Kathryn Mary MK lll III MK H. WilliamH. Wilkinson, Wilkinson,William Dn 147 Spring 147 Spring Valley Valley Dr. NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 10/67 10167 Eileen Eileen Sayeda Sayeda 467-2218 (H) 467-2218 (H) 546-8936 (B) 546-8936 (B) Woodstra, Jan L. L_ Woodstra, Jan 280 280 Tioga Drive Tioga Drive NY 14616 Rochester, 14616 Rochester, NY 9/70 9/70 Maria Maria Macushla Macushla 621-8108 (H) 621-8108 (H) W. WilliamsJr., Williams Jr., Henry HenryW. Main St. St. 69 69 S. S. Main NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 10/60 10/60 Linda Linda Dorothy Gale Gale Dorothy 381-1697 (H) (H) 381-1697 428-0143 (B) (B) 423-0143 Wright, Gerald J. J. Wright, Gerald PO. Box P.O. Box 17727 17727 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester NY 5/74 5/74 Judy Judy Chubasco Chubasco (H) 544-4603 544-4603 (H) S. James S. Williams, M.D., James Williams, M.D., Terrace 227 Nottingham 227 NottinghamTerrace NY 14216 14216 Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 10/65 10/65 Hal Wright, Hal Wright, 358 Larkspur 358 Lane Larkspur Lane 3/81 3/81 Beth Beth Mirage Mirage (H) 342-8027 342-8027 (H) (B) 477-6785 477-6785 (B) E. RichardE. Williams, Williams, Richard Rd. 500 Thomas Thomas Cove Cove Rd. 500 RO. Box P.O. Box 25300 25300 NY 14625 14625 Rochester, Rochester, NY 4/83 4/83 Janet E. E. Wright, Wright, Janet South Main Main Street 66 South Street Wayland, NY 14572 14572 Wayland, NY 1/87 1/87 728-5585 (H) 728-5535 (H) 11/85 11/85 JohnC. C. Wilson, Wilson, John 220 Ct. 220 Beaconview Beaconview Ct. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 2/76 2/76 Susan Susan 17 Greta 17 Greta Wright, Karen M. M. Wright, Karen Publicity Publicity 16 Cross Cross Ridge 16 Rd. Ridge Rd. NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 586-3161 (H) 586-3161 (H) (B) 285-4000 235-4000 (B) Wilson, Wilson,Stephen Stephen L.L. 1083 HillRoad Road 1083 Willis Willis Hill NY 14564 14564 Victor, Victor, NY 10/87 10/87 Patricia Patricia Wright, C. Wright, Stanley Stanley C. Commodore Commodore 16 Cross Cross Ridge 16 Rd. Ridge Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, NY 2/77 2/77 11 Lancey 11 Lancey 7 Tory Tory 7 1-875-2263 (H) (H) 1-875-2263 1-887-4807 (B) (B) 1-887-4807 Joan Joan 266-4679 (H) (H) 266-4679 477-6555 (B) 417-6555 (B) 924-7077 (H) 924-7077 (H) x174 232-6840 x174 (B) (B) 232-6840 Bill-E-Jean Bill-E-Jean E. Jr. J 1/84 1/84 William E. Mrs. William Wilson, Wilson, Mrs. 277 277 Dunrovin Dunrovin La. La. Rochester, NY14618 14618 Rochester, NY Marion Marion 254-6297 (H) 254-6297 (H) JohnDouglas Witmeyer, Witmeyer, John Douglas 475 Sagamore Dr 475 SagamoreDr. NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 6/73 6/73 Laurie Laurie 18 Matthew 16 Matthew Erin 13 Erin 13 342-5524 (H) (H) 342-5524 546-8000 (B) 546-8000 (B) 4/61 4/61 Peter M. M. Woodams, Woodams, Peter Commodore 1981-82 1981-82 Commodore 1722 Edgemere Dr: 1722 Edgemere Dr. NY 14612 14612 Rochester, Rochester, NY Marianne Marianne Young, Dr. Donald Donald Young, Dr. 540 Clover Clover Hills Dr 540 HillsDr. NY 14618 Rochester, NY 14618 Rochester, White White Pepper Pepper Alice Alice 4/72 4/72 227-0053 (H) 227-0053 (H) 227-0085 (B) (B) 227-0065 Ronald L. L. Zarrella, Zarrella, Ronald 20 Partridge Hill Rd. Rd. 20 Partridge Hill NY14472 14472 aoneoye Falls, Falls, NY Honeoye 6/86 6/86 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _,___ __ _, ,HW __`_,_,_,_ M . v , 04, ",. ;»-=~=u . . -=:fa>.-;~¥ P ---=='=&»:*E."e~' "a1-"=~»-f-<»~<=,-we:fs-af.:;~;£¢m.a ~:_ WM, 244-5824 (H) 244-5824 (H) (B) 275-2880 275-2880 (B) Eric Zeiler, Zeller, Eric 20 20 Sibley Pl Sibley PI NY 14607 14607 Rochester, NY Rochester, 6/74 6/74 Karen Karen Zukoski, Zukoski, Jay Jay 114 114 Heather Heather Dr. Dr NY 14625 Rochester, NY 14625 Rochester, 11/86 11186 Hanna Hanna _ __ 582-2269 (H) 582-2269 (H) (B) 338-5079 (B) 338-5079 442-1418 (H) 442-1418 (H) (B) 254-8840 254-8840 (B) Cherry Yacht Yacht Cherry 381-5173 (H) 381-5173 (H) 5714810 (B) 6714810 (B) B 59 B-59 ,-;:¢;;;-=-=i§ = ;3: »= ~»;;¢ - »- » »> ---5--»-»»-3¢~-1:11;1-3;-_-1-,;.»»-.-~,.»~@.,...T_3,\,.,_.,_,,.:[email protected]¢,,,_:_=Z..~__,,.,2T_;».~,»~._~»-» --»-- -;z -- :;~: -><':- ~ '- ~' =;==-=: ~..»a1,-.¢-f:;>v=:~~as' ~_e&' -»- ~es,. Persephone Persephone Unda Linda B58 B -5 8 _M 586-3161 (H) 586-3161 (H) (B) 724-3127 724-3127 (B) Z (14) 603-882-8697~i; (H) 603-882-8697 Sally Sally _ , Cheers Cheers nys... 8/61 8/61 10/71 10/71 Ann Ann 244-9187 (H) 244-9187 (H) WilliamR. R. Wishart, Wishart, William 141/2 Rainier St. 141/2 Rainier St. NY 14613 14613 Rochester, Rochester, NY A. Edward A. Wollensak, Wollensak, Edward 12 Par Lane Lane 12 NH03051 03051 Hudson, Hudson, NH NY 14622 14622 Rochester, Rochester, NY 381-3418 (H) (H) 381-3418 381-7010 (B) 381-7010 (B) Spitfire Spitfire (H) 315-589-9255 315-589-9255 (H) ._ -8 ~ ~ ~»;-:§:5; ~ >:.-~.-..; _z-;;:= 2-~ ¢==-~~f- __ __ - - ~=-» -» -» Z Z - »* 3 :- ........_ -» :m §"." ~" '1=:.':=~;:w ~»~'»2-=-.2»r- -'w»=-»-?"Y'°'= ~ -=~"f'~»~=»? "'"'""=¢a§>f-t$4m1-,Q»>,-~te,¢.:,~¢~~"E§=:;>5;=:;;:=:r:m=,-:z1~am»;:<»- »-r5:-:¢¥»'%»'»_--.=--11111 ~ ~».°>" "fr *§"." ~" '1=:.':=~;:w ~»~'»2-=-.2»r- -'w»=-»-?"Y'°'= ~ -=~"f'~»~=»? "'"'""=¢a§>f-t$4m1-,Q»>,-~te,¢.:,~¢~~"E§=:;>5;=:;;:=:r:m=,-:z1~am»;:<»- »-r5:-:¢¥»'%»'»-fr _... ..._..._._,.... .... __ . ..._.._ s ........._... ..._ ._ ._.. _ .._....... -,..._........_._..._ .__. . .»_.._..~._.._..~._.. -._ __.___. ~ .».-~._..~..._.....f .¢-. > -_~~. .»__ ~,- 24. -..~ :1 ' :ei RUC!-EHEER JUNIOR YACHT CLUB ROCHESTER CLUB GR YACHT Qi i Y Officers: Officers: 6 Commodore -- Jeff Commodore Jeff Hiatt Hiatt Vice Commodore Amy DelMonte Vice Commodore Amy De1Monte Secretary -Eric Lerner Eric Lerner Secretary Treasurer Hyde Treasurer -- Jenny Jenny Hyde Fleet Captain -- Sean Casey Fleet Captain Sean Casey House Committee --Doug DougHeil Heil&&Jenny Jenny Dunlap House Committee Dunlap Past Baker Past Commodore Commodore -- Kristen Kristen Baker 5 We 3: - - - - - - - Advisor Haas, 342-3659 342-3659 Advisor -- Maryann Maryann Haas, Assistant Advisors -- Linda Linda De1Monte, DelMonte,654-9526 654-9526 Assistant Advisors Betsy Ochs, 654-8738 654-8738 Ochs, Betsy 266-7211 Marcia Hyde, Marcia Hyde, 266-7211 LYRA Advisors Tom Hiatt, LYRA Advisors -- Ann Hiatt, 266-2719 266-2719 Ann & & Torn - - - ,,,, _ C, e a; .~.W,, r "' ...t,.a-<5 ee->~,».».,., -W~.~2>»;>»~»,_s i - Y .W _, ..,,, ~\,,r@__ >Z,"" \ ~ ` ' 1 ` n 1 = _ 1-, ",->6%==2<=2~ C / 4" < ~ - -.»~»f%(,,M <%7%»;$f- @Q¢Z%%" <~ 1 ea., ~ i. ;LZ~1="%¢=¢:#J%'»EL% *ctw-»= §"?%'~f--3- 'ff em -:-,=:=- :¢:».=va»"; ff:-1a-»f , 2 ;3T"?"" ,naw Q, ,st /Z1§5='?f'T a»»sw¢a, _ @,,s se ,, _ 9 z 4" 4 0 ' X V J `\ """' 5* .,@,;@__ _ . _ 4 = 1.. ' ' w 2 if/L _, 7 ~ Z at "~~ f f f .~=; ' 1 A mug' in ' » ` f ' i[` Ji- ' " " "' `"9"~~wi¢=sf " ` ' ` W 2" ii* EQ " , ,iyiwmga /ia i 5m ,; f' ' f m W m _~~ "i 1 "" Haas Yacht Club Junior Club Present Present -- Standing (lefttotoright) righODoug Doug Heil, Maryann Haas Heil, Junior Yacht Maryann Standing (Iefi to right) Sean Case3: (advisor), Sean DeIM0nte, Jenm-, Hyde Jenny Ihde (advisor), Ann' DelMonte, (lqi to right)Arm’ Casey Sitting Sitting (left - i C-I C-1 -El ?5_,,¢ 7-2--' 1 fi" I 'M M i //fi? \'~~ if ` 5'l',(H*;L`:.f 'WVU ¢,,\W',\_;,.~ 7 ~ ,, we i "WL ' ' in ' '\ "i '»;-in C Club. Young people,ages ages1313totol9, 19,are arethe theRochester RochesterJunior JuniorYacht Yacht Club. Young people, varied. and Their activities activitiesare areabundant abundant and varied. Their other other and enjoying Summertime findsthem them sailing, racing, swimming and enjoying swimming racing, Summertime finds sailing, LYRA in the role an active regatta take will water sports.This Thisyear, year,they they will take an active role in the LYRA regatta water sports. needneed if you shirts" They They their forfor help. help. "Look at RYCininearly earlyAugust. August. "Look their shirts" if you at RYC in later later American North will also be there for the J-24 North American Championship in J-24 Championship the for will also be there club. host the is RYC as yacht August assistthem, them, as RYC is again the host yacht club. again August totoassist tree as a dogwood On Memorial Day, Day,the theRJYC RJYCplanted planteda beautiful a beautiful dogwood tree as a On Memorial Club Club YachtYacht Junior a very living memorialtotoJennifer Jennifer Nealon, a very special Junior Nealon, special living memorial lov- lovwarm herher warm andand name herher in in member. Also, aanew newtrophy, trophy,designated designated name member. Also, a to eacheach awarded andand year year bebe ing, givingway wayofoflife, life,will will purchased awarded to a purchased ing, giving member. RJYC special special RJYC member. the Women's Association, of of RJYC members, The RJYC The members,with withthe theassistance assistance the Women’s Association, ever were than adults more Last set up the RYC Halloween Party. Last year, more adults than ever were Halloween RYC year, the set up Party. at the distribute Mrs. eggs and Mr. in costume! Our own Mr. and Mrs. Bunny helped distribute eggs at the own helped Our Bunny in costume! Easter Easter Party. Party. full bus a with a to Holiday a ski Wintertime foundthem themonon a ski to Holiday Valley with bus full Valley Wintertime found triptrip friends. and families their and members RJYC of of RJYC members and their families and friends. ever. They are than better Our Monte Carlo CarloNight Nightwas wasbigger biggerand and better than ever. They are Our Monte of theof the the condition to improve funds and labor of their spending some of their labor and funds to improve the condition some spending area. sailing Junior YachtClubhouse Clubhouseand and sailing area. Junior Yacht life.life. RYC of of part These teenagersare areananenergetic, energetic,integral integral part RYC These teenagers Ma e ,», .sf -_ f _ »~n,4wi»~~.i.,¢»,ewat,.r~~'"'» it . _ :M~, tilt- ~ it ', ax, ' ~...1~1,-f..-y_,» c- J. it if 'writ f .i ~ ' ée ` '~ = .»»t,,,tt,,_._» t » it .ft.»faW~t-»._» "Z 7mttviit,ai2:;=,~3>»tt,n=»r.;.,if!!f».;,_,..~"-f' 'ii='=::""¢-¢. M" $5 þÿ'"E1i:i,"-"1',J ¬Y$;i\th\iétir-_éilitlilhiitéWfwr. mr . . _ in »f¢'q~mi?' 11' _ _ "' J \ =;,:-1' aw,-at i»»/ttf . \¢~t, if¢wr' , .', . »f¢'q~mi':' ?' _,r'V'fia-'~',w1t,"*`=,~~" i >,"' 1" t'1-»`- ': '»~tt,,1f=='&'¢.»tt@ saw at 14,/th»,~ti" " 9-' ~ _,rf "'"T ia ' -'~' "/"'°1r ,wi it a fa-4 t ;>s2aaa;»i~.->:1 Q' gf ,fre me wafer ~mf,;~»:f;;_;2=,=s=~ - _, .;_g,_»~;;@;~ __ _N ,_,,%t,_ e . it ,gym #vw g . , .. .,»a,,,t N.. _,S M, new ..,, ;: Jr. SailingBanquet Banquet -- "Shipshape "Shipshape Awards" Awards" Jr. Sailing Present Present --Jon JonMaurer, Jay S/zimshack, Callin Callin McCaulay, McCanlay, Stephanie Stephanie Brownstein Frank LoRusso, Brendan Brendan Brinkman. Brinkman. Missing: Frank LORuss0, Pat Hooker, Alex: Beer Beer Hooker, Alto Missing: Pat - Maurer. Jay Shimshack, - Browns~ein, /'~'~ 'V V H f / r/Qu.-@A~¢»/Y " Haas M. M. Haas V ` ` ' " '7` ` Advisor Advisor "" ` s@,.<'~k_a.. þÿ ;2';§'@?i§¢§ ¬.ec mfs S/*T V* an »ae»e~t_a., W/ . aw V. / 0 -~=,»-~¢.~ , _a_.V_ Maw "_: .gaze agen / f f sd" N/(J we ~ M," ., ,yg/q>w.ww;@,»¢ Xa,-, ¢@» -ea. _ - i ' lp M ._/V n. = ~ $52 %' __ < W"l. aaa i __ -»»~f~» s Jr. Sailing Sailing Banquet Banquet Jn Present Doug Laser Award; Jim Barnash, Present Doug Heil, Heil, Laser Award Award; Jim Bamash, Shumway S/zzmzway Award `* *Jil ti '=1~-wr... it Virtua: " wi `f % I fr ( gf 5:-ff, 1'_\l"i1v~~'3t( 1, ._ _ ., it '~ " ni ii -1 .V rimwmmwiwi "W t , ,W ' is ,t i1tri'ti*1titttai ' ~ `1*w § Wlillimii r»/in ~ _/f -5 "'"" ;~.t J V t JU in "'" .Zf1=t»£ it _i þÿ'tQé ¬i=:nt,.{.P'~.~1 s¢»~t;~i;,t; t a 1 tt fa " gig i , ,exft , rg, if ¢t ~ ,; , 'z' .,W.,,wWi¢t&, ~ , ttf.J, I _,su »W'-~~»~»~»=f'~7,;>Fiff ,r G ,ik Mu t 5 ~i,,, %' t W, M., 1 W,_:r _g_,; _ __ _ rf "WI"-"i'_i;:':£*'"f.<'.,;;L.=;;...='tt¢~».5<=t;\»t_,"~1W, t q ,wt m~=.,.f. ..._,.,,,,_W .mirwf as s ef _ _ _ ~ , `iitvg,;W, {é15"gg:i _W ,Mi /.,_,i it 1 .5 it ~ ~_ it » ' ' 5: ~e /,.% .>_,»e`. . _. __ ' 'fJ"""r"" "'f ..,»;#§ ,__ _gvqj-,§¢;y;/~,\ Wwe" " <%~»~=f._, . , ev' :m ae W, » - . wa >_. at-rw ~\ .hai ~"". ~».¢--w~~ sw e,r..a,, " - A: 'af' W W- as % Q/r* A é e 'aw § , 925 e > W aaawi _ _. ,___ .a._. W r ____¢__-if _, ~~ »» M, ,ca-¢,,;§»> -W » Wm M ~ Jr. Banquet -- "Staff" "Staff" Jr. Sailing Sailing Banquet Susan Karen Webb, Webb, Susan 15"esent -- Doug Doug Kkzukeinen, Kaukeinen, Andrew Doyle, Karen Lerner, D’Arcy Andrew Lemer, D}4rcjvD0)'1e, Present John Denringer (director) Faust, Stuart Ames, Ames, John Dentinger (directoO Faust, Stuart #gg,sf 2%- .H W Q f - R.Y.C. Bemis Jr. Bemis Cup Cup Team Team Jr. Sailing Sailing Banquet Banquet -- R.Y.C. Present Eric Lerner, Keith Polodor Present -- Eric Polodor Lerner, Keith - - - C-3 C-2 .>-~ " ' ~ -zi; ~ ~@ »» w,a , _';;i'~`>\A s M __ :fe-_ m»wt~t=%s@ _'iv i1»-`-`<~i-ia-1~ 4'='»@<'--'-`ftH=ff'='t'="*i':fr¢=»:E~"'-°.;-3* a-.f3<§rf;'~r;~».;>~:¢.=f..e;;-,» '" """ `""'='f'f` ' wt . . f " »"....,,,,. -~»»A MM ~,-U,"-.~___...,.&,f1'*e-;-»--<»f>»»~'1¥--»~-;~ ~'».,~1,a4». - -fa ».s. W. » 1' SN " _N _,_.,_/ , J. T" ,f~»»v.».»~,,..,, T ' . f' iisi »--__~...Wi.aa._ .......i... ...._.,... ...... sr.._...._.___.._.............,.....,... - ROCHESTER JUNIOR JUNIORYACHT YACHTCLUB CLUB1989 ROCHESTER 1989 ~ .¢zw,=;f4=ea_, ,,,, s - ,_ ' ,' - 1 , , R 1 1 , -rw , t, :e.~ 1 »;1. - 1 -1, ~ -¢ve~.:¢-mf.: , -1. `\ ,, , ' 'Z l ll, ' 1, , , ` 1 1, - ' - 41 ,- ; ,lr , 1 ,, , it 1" 1 ,» 1 " " "" ,sn ,, 4:z:]`w¢l/M111 ",/Willy gl, -" ~ rr; lrgw , W ,lu .rfi1"'1~'2*f,1=F » ,..f;» #111151 .... MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS Stuart Ames, Ames, Stuart 46 46 Castlebar Castlebar Rd. Rd. NY 14610 14610 Rochester, NY Rochester, 461-3314 461-3314 Cichanowicz, Laura Laura Cichanowioz, Kristen Baker, Baker, Kristen 34 Wedmore 34 Wedmore Road Road Fairport, NY NY 14450 14450 Fairport, 461-4051 461-4051 Converse, Converse, Bradley Bradley 10 Smugglers Smugglers Lane 10 Lane NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester 266-6494 266-6494 Betlem, Christi Betlem, Christi 318 Panorama 318 PanoramaTrail Trail NY 14625 Rochester, 14625 Rochester, NY 381-3289 381-3289 Kris De,John, Kris DeJohn, 21 Larchwood 21 Larchwood NY 14534 Pittsford, NY 14534 Pittsford, 385-2414 385-2414 Bonheyo, Patricia Bonheyo, Patricia 65 Valley View Crescent 85 Crescent Valley View NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester NY 544-2284 544-2284 DelMonte, DelMonte, Amy Amy 66 Edside Edside Drive Drive 66 NY 14609 14609 Rochester, NY Rochester 482-1741 482-1741 Mark Braunsdorf, Braunsdorf, Mark 15 Buckland Buckland Avenue Avenue 15 NY 14618 14618 Rochester, Rochester NY 244-6613 244-6613 Jennifer Dunlap, Dunlap, Jennifer 720 Van Van Voorhis Voorhis Avenue Avenue 720 NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 467-6781 467-6781 Bray, Kristie Bray, Kristie Sagamore Drive Sagamore Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester NY 342-6471 342-6471 Dwyer, Kevin Dwyer, Kevin 378 Beresford 378 Beresford Road Road NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester NY BrendanC. C. Brinkman, Brinkman, Brendan Washington Street Washington Street Spencerport, NY NY 14559 14559 Spencerport, 352-4186 Dwyer, Tim Dwyer, Tim 378 Beresford 378 Beresford Road Road NY14610 14610 Rochester, Rochester NY Byrne, BYFFIS, Amy Amy Gateway Road Gateway Road NY 14624 Rochester, 14624 Rochester NY 889-4403 Egan, Egan, Byrne, Kathleen Byrne, Kathleen 22 Road 22 Gateway Gateway Road NY 14624 14524 Rochester, F'°°"@S'e" NY 889-4403 889-4403 Fleckenstein,Jamie Jamie Fleckensteln, Y~ 1 at - ~ zfsess 1,0 4, -2 , _ %%¢ -<.>Q:<r:i`-~ 2, ,, »~,,;¢<s-~~,ff , fe _ , ,_ , ,_,,».,, "W J2e¢;1 f- 1, _ W- ,_., fr __ ,- Qi v ,~»-=,.»,s;,_f ~;=:e~>,s_e-as -1-1 .... 630 Rockbeach Road Road 630 Rockbeach NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, ,gt it4 , 266-4324 266-4324 »"' Sean Casey Cas©’ Sean Wizlslz Ryan Walsh ~,atz Nealon Jenny JennyNea/on s - » ` iff ff 5 1' 5 ~ 5 if-' ef ` Q 4 ,__-»_~,'-_F --/» ,t/M., if W s V " ............... , RiW W @, A /»-' Jn " -= ,sf ,, ,Q 498 498 we / / '*` 4 sa 4 % go 389 389 M W M, ,N ,, s .».- W ,_ , ,¢ua, ssss 22 22 - "~'~"'~'"'"'~'~'*"~"*"~ " ' ~'~~~ ' l - , ,, _ Jenny Nealon -- racing racing Jenny Nealon - V , if XZ 1 ` ' Cain, Christy Cain, Christy 202 Roosevelt Road Road 202 Roosevelt NY 14618 14618 Rochester, R°°"°S'e" NY 461-3243 461-3243 5 Casey, Sean Sean Casey Jenny Nealon Jem) Nealon ' 1 _ _Y,,_ , _ ,,___ _ , _._,,___,._s__,,,,,,,,,,_.._,_,__."2_, _,;,;;;=_,1;,,-_¢,,-,¢¢;;;;;;-,_<;¢=».fm¢z,;=K;;;;_-,_;:¢-:; .=i§;-§§;§§ '1"~"'" ';; 64 Mt. 64 Mt. Airy Drive Drive Airy NY 14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 266-2613 266-2613 121 -~_= 1 ' '-I- _ _ 288-2183 288-2183 288-2183 Alicia AIICIG _ _ 160 Beaconwew Beaconview Court 160 Colm Rochester, NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY 342-57!8 ~" _ . 24 24 George Street Street George Fairport, NY 14450 Fai'F'°"-NY14450 ¢ Glauser Glauser,Jenna Jenna 50 Avenue 50 Surburba Surburba Avenue NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 5442321 544-2321 Hart, Christopher Han, Christophe, 321 Avenue 321 Thomas Thomas Avenue NY14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester 342-9412 342-9412 Hp." w w; Y= ROCHESTER ROCHESTER JUNIOR JUNIOR YACHT YACHT CLUB CLUB (c0nt'd.)(cont’d.) i!i ROCHESTER JUNIOR YACHT CLUB (cont’d.) ROCHESTER JUNIOR YACHT CLUB (c0nt'd.) MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS MEMBER/ADDRESS Mike Hawley, Hawley, Mike 14 14 Pond Pond View View Lane Lane NY 14526 14526 Penfield, Penfield, NY 377-9112 377-9112 Alex LePage, Alex LePage, McMahon, Tyler Tyler McMahon, 30 Monroe Monroe Street Street 30 Honecye Falls, NY 14472 14472 Falls, NY l-loneoye 624-4107 624-4107 Smith, Amanda Amanda G. G. Smith, Heider, Helder, Kelly Kelly 34 34 Wedmore Wedmore Road Road NY 14450 Fairport, 14450 Fairport, NY 425-4486 425-4486 Lerner, Lerner, Andrew Andrew 692 Summit 692 Summit Drive Drive Smith, Douglas Smith, Douglas Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 671-1364 671-1364 Mysliwiec, Jon Jon M. M, Nlysliwiec, 547 547 Lake Lake Shore Shore Drive Drive NY 14468 14468 Hilton, NY Hilton, 392-3028 392-3028 Hell, Heil, Douglas Douglas 93 Hardwood Hardwood Lane 93 Lane NY14616 Rochester, 14616 Rochester NY 225-1466 225-1466 Lerner, Eric Eric Lerner, 692 Summit Summit Drive Drive 692 NY 14580 Webster, 14580 Webster, NY 671-1364 671-1364 Nelson, Glenn Nelson, Glenn 88 88 Corona Corona Road Road Rochester, NY 14615 14615 Rochester NY 865-7097 865-7097 Taylor, Eric Eric Taylor, 399 399 Sagamore Sagamore Drive Drive Chad Henry, Henry, Chad 33 Arbor Arbor Court Court 33 NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY 223-6894 223-6894 Todd Lewis, Lewis, Todd 19 19 Chipping Chipping Ridge Ridge NY 14450 14450 Fairport, Fairport, NY 223-1692 223-1692 Nguyen, Tuyen Nguyen, Tuyen 5173 St. 5173 St. Paul Paul Blvd. Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY 338-7981 338-7981 Thomson, Jeff Jeri Thomson, Henry, Jen Henry, Jen 21 21 Peppermill Drive Peppermill Drive Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 223-1534 223-1534 Melissa Lipani, Lipani, Melissa 136 Kindlewood Lane Lane 136 Kindlewood NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester NY 342-8005 342-8005 Paiement, Steve Paiement, Steve Chadwell Ct. Ct. 55 Chadwell Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 223-7864 223-7864 Paul Thomson, Paul Thomson, Henry, Henry, Stephen Stephen 33 33 Arbor Arbor Court Court Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 223-6894 223-6894 Eric Loberg, Loberg, Eric 40 Partridge Hill 40 Partridge Hill NY 14472 Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 Honeoye Falls, 624-2225 624-2225 Hiatt, Jeff Hiatt, Jeff 123 Scotch Scotch Lane 123 Lane NY14617 Rochester, 14617 Rochester, NY 266-2719 266-2719 594 Lake 594 Lake Road Road Webster, NY NY 14580 14580 Webster, 671-5171 671-5171 Callin Macaulay, Macaulay, Callin NY 14534 14534 Pittsford, Pittsford, NY 385-2414 385-2414 Caroline Mahon, Mahon, Caroline 1064 1064 Lake Lake Road Road NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 872-0951 872-0951 Duncan James, Duncan James, Laura Mahon, Laura Mahon, 792 792 Oakridge Drive Oakridge Drive NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 266-2228 266-2228 1064 Lake 1064 Lake Road Road Webster, NY 14580 14580 Webster, NY 872-0951 872-0951 John V., Ill V., III Koris, John 75 Buckland Avenue 75 Buckland Avenue Rochester, NY 14618 14618 Rochester NY 461-5244 461-5244 Tara McKeon, Tara McKean, NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 544-0070 544-0070 315 Sagamore Sagamore Drive 315 Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 226-1533 226-1533 Rochester, NY NY 14617 14617 Rochester 342-8881 342-8881 2745 2745 Oakview Oakview Drive Drive NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester 544-8943 544-8943 2745 2745 Oakview Oakview Drive Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 544-8943 544-8943 Keith Polidor, Polidor, Keith 233 Winona Blvd. 233 Winona Blvd. NY14617 14617 Rochester,NY Rochester, 544-8343 544-8343 21 Larchwood Drive Drive 21 Larchwood Jennifer Hyde, Hyde, Jennifer 181 Valley 181 Valley View View Crescent Crescent NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 266-7211 266-7211 26 North Terrace Terrace 26 North Linda L. L. VanVoorhis, Vanvoorhis, Linda 874 Road 874 Lake Lake Road NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster, NY 671-3656 671-3656 Pruitt, Pruitt, Stephen Stephen 11 Selborne Selborne Chase Chase Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY 425-7120 425-7120 Louise VanVoorhis, Vanvoorhis, Louise 874 Road 874 Lake Lake Road NY 14580 14580 Webster, Webster NY 671-3656 671-3656 Gunnar Richardson, Richardson, Gunnar 78 Selborne 78 Selborne Chase Chase Fairport, NY 14450 14450 Fairport, NY Matthew Walsh, Walsh, Matthew 138 Durand Durand Blvd. 138 Blvd. NY 14622 14622 Rochester, NY Rochester, 323-2205 323-2205 Riesenberger, Rodd Riesenberger, Rodd 15 Bay 15 Bay Bluff Bluff Lane Lane NY 14622 Rochester, 14622 Rochester, NY 482-6976 482-6976 Walsh, Ryan Walsh, Ryan 138 Durand Durand Blvd. 138 Blvd. NY 14622 Rochester, NY 14622 Rochester, 323-2205 323-2205 Jillian Simpson, Jillian Simpson, 361 Sagamore 361 Drive Sagamore Drive Erin Marie Marie Witmeyer, Erin Witmeyer, 475 Drive 475 Sagamore Sagamore Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 338-1109 338-1109 101 Lake 101 Lake Lea Lea Road Road NY 14617 14617 Rochester Rochester, NY 338-1274 338-1274 NY14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 342-5524 342-5524 Simpson, Juliene Juliene Simpson, 261 261 Sagamore Sagamore Drive Drive Matthew Witmeyer, Matthew Witmeyer, 475 Drive 475 Sagamore Sagamore Drive NY 14617 14617 Rochester, Rochester, NY 338-1109 338-1109 '-""-*f"~°~="'>-" ~f" f~ "" fr" ~'*"~-~ '°-'~""'*"~'==~'~""'::';"*f""" ="~"rL*'°°*':';-"X"~`3f:"":'s1"E'ff"l*§i=`r3?'»?'3`i??i?L%1§55ii"§E% :?'~?-?: :;¢:e--,,-2» '~%.;=1#"""'?'"_m" % '~' ``',,,,.'rf;';; ,. > , . N ., ,'-~-, "Mmy->" $4 --,,-2 » ,-. . ,I .',. L11 < NY 14617 14617 Rochester, NY Rochester, 342-5524 342-5524 ug-4 '~%.;=1#"""'?'"_m" % ' ,._.a ~' ` ` 'rf ' ,,,,. ; ';; ,. > , .N ,MM . , , ' - ~ - , "M my- > " ROCISTER @C}E§TER YACHT are 1989 1989 ' Dimeto of goats Boats trectory oi Boat Boat A A Absolute Absolute Aches Pains Aehes &8 Pains Adios Adios Adjournment IIll Adjournment Adjournment Adjournment Advantage Advantage Aeolus Aeolus Ain’t Misbehavin’ Ain`t Misbehavin` Aku-III Aku-lll Alarm Alarm Algina Algina All All Fun Fun .... Type Type Manufacturer Manufacturer Aux. Aux. Sail Sai! Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Power Power Power Power Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Yachts C80 C&C Yachts Abbott Soling Abbott Soling C&C C&C 29 29 Hunter 30 Hunter 30 Chris Craft, Craft, Roamer Chris Roamer Express Express Catalina Catalina Yachts, Yachts, Catalina 30 J-24 J-24 Sabre Yachts Sabre Yachts Bertram Bertram C&C C&C Yachts, Yachts, Custom Custom 33 Viking, Convertible Convertible Viking, Audacity Audacity Aurora Aurora Australis Australis Avanti Avanti M. Caschette Gerald M. Caschehe Gerald Bruce M. M. Cameron Cameron Bruce Lewis Jerry Lewis Jerry Richard J. J. Evans Evans Richard Charles B. Kenning Charles B. Kenning Raymond C. Del Del Monte Monte Raymond C. John Clarke Clarke Fields Fields John Richard A. A. Moss Moss Richard Palmer McKee A. McKee A. Palmer Richard J. J. Handler Handler Richard Al Marshall Marshall AI R.A. Max Max McCarthy R.A. McCarthy Mark Lawless Robert B. Robert B. Bayley Bayley David M. Allyn David M. Allyn Arnold Arnold R. R. Boughner, Jr Boughner Jr. Gregory W. McMahon McMahon Gregory W. John Texter Texter John Edward Cowles Edward R. Cowles Stephen Brownstein Stephen Brownstein Holbrook Richardson Holbrook M. M. Richardson Christine Christine Long Long Ross Richards Ross A. A. Richards Ervin EE Lyke Ervin Lyke Douglas EF, Taylor Douglas Taylor Douglas R. R. Phelps Phelps Douglas Franklin D'Aurizio Franklin D’Aurizio No. Length No. Length B B B88 B&B Bacchante Bacchante William William EE Coombs Coombs Ann L. Bibbens Bibbens Ann L. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Bernie Wahl Bernie Wahl Arthur J. Bamann Bamann Jr. Jr Arthur J. Denis Denis Doyle Doyle Reid Reid J.J. Stava Edward Keck Edward E. Keck Raymond Wayne l_eChase Raymond Wayne LeChase Robert R. Rae Jr Mrs. William William E. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. E. Wilson, Alan Cruikshank Alan Cruikshank James A. Fleckenstein Fleckenstein Jr. Jr James A, Ted Ted Richman Richman Ethan Ethan Welch Welch John John G. G. Naughton Naughton John M. Fields John M. Fields W. Fred Muhleman Fred W. Muhleman E. Kelsey Scott E. Kelsey Scott Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Power Power Hunter, 35 Hunter Sloop-Legend Sloop-Legend 35 American Boat American Boat Bldg., Bldg., Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Lafitte44 44 Laiitte Yachts, Yachts, Lafitte Lafitte 1 ton ton Peterson Peterson 1 Nonsuch Hinterhoeller Hinterhoeller Nonsuch J-24 Tillotson-Pearson J-24 Rllotson-Pearson O’Day, Day Day Sailer Sailer 0'Day, Bertram Motor MotorYacht Yacht Bertram Whitney Operations, Carib 41 33 Hunter 33 Hunter - 41’ 41' 27' 27’ 29' 29’ 30’ 30' 38' 38’ 30' 30’ 24’ 24' 28’ 28' 28' 28’ 33’ 33' 40’ 40' 17' 17’ 24' 24’ 24' 32' 32’ 84666 84666 US761 US761 3006 3006 2326 2326 498 498 13272 13272 .nanda Mark w,ess Sa,J Boats J-24 24 2827 J-Boats-J-24 2222 Amanda American Express American Express Anoatek Anoatok Aqua Aqua /~luila Aquila Aragon Aragon Argosy Argosy Ariel Ariel Arrow Arrow Aeilomar Asilomar At At The The Market Market 1 Sail Sail Owner Owner i Ballerina Ballerina Bamco Bamco Bangalore Bangalore Bateau Bateau Blanc Becket Becket Beverly Anne Anne Beverly Bewitched Bill~E-Jean Bill-E-Jean Billie Billie Bird Bird Blueiin Bluefin Blue Acorn Blue Acorn Blue Acorn Blue Acorn blue blue barge barge Blue Horizon Blue Horizon Blue Jay Blue Jay Blue Blue Jay Jay Marquis Marquis J~Boats, J~24 J-Boats-J-24 Ketch Triangle Marine, Marine, Ketch hiangle Abbott Soling Abbott Soling C&C 29 29 C86 J-24 JJ Boats, Boats, J-24 lrwin Ketch Irwin Ketch 29’ 29' 24' 24’ 46' 46’ 35’ 35` 34' 34’ 26' 26’ 35' 35’ 40' 40’ 30' 30’ 23' 23’ 32' 32’ O’Day 0'Day Peterson Sloop Peterson Sloop Pearson Sloop Pearson Sloop Allmand AIImand 35 35 C&C C&C Yachts, Yachts, Custom Custom 40 40 Beneteau RC RC 30E Beneteau 30E Star Lippincott, Star Lippincott. Pi-32 PT-32 35' 35’ 26' 26’ 44' 44’ 36' 36’ 26' 26’ 24' 24’ 17' 17’ ii 2527 2222 3 3 477 477 41667 41667 2250 2250 10 !0 22610 22610 22108 22108 344 344 5342 5342 353 353 20 20 34103 34103 14 14 4278 4278 114 114 .......... Bewitched WhitooyOperat, ,1 RobertR Aux Rae C-8 »~ Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Cape Cape Dory Dory 28 S~2 28 S-2 Islander Islander 36 36 lslander Islander 36 36 JJ Boats, 24 Boats, JJ 24 44 CSY CSY, CSY, CSY 44 J~24 J-Boats, J-Boats, J-24 J-24 J-Boats, J-Boats, J-24 461/2' 46V2’ 41' 33' 33’ 28' 28’ 28' 28’ 36' 36’ 36' 36’ 24' 24’ 44' 44’ 24' 24’ 24' 24’ 477 477 477 477 502 502 154 154 154 154 D-1 »--»~ 'W' .f ~ *"'" ..-f -aw 4:-"_A /,»~ was #~4_7;g,Ym'* w Boat Boat Owner Owner Type Type Manufacturer Manufacturer Length Length Blue Magoo Blue Magoo Boardwalk Boardwalk Bolero Bolero Bonaventure Bonaventure Boreas Boreas Bottom Line Line Bottom Breakaway Breakaway Breakaway Breakaway Brass Brass Dragon Dragon Brattissimo Brattissimo Mark Mark S. S. Dailey Dailey Robert E. Korts Korts Jr. Jr Robert E. Hoard Gilbert Gilbert Hoard Gregory P. Sarbou Sarbou Gregory P. John North John S. S. North Robert J. Robert J. Macaulay Macaulay David G. David G. Shaeffer Shaetier M. Stephen M. Wilde Wilde Stephen Burnett J. Barrett Barrett Burnett J. Thomas Thomas Comparoto Comparoto Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Power Power Star Star Class Class 25 Cape Dory 25 Cape Dory Nevins Nevins Boston Whaler Boston Whaler In’~in Cruising Cruising Ketch lrwin Ketch C&C 35 35 CBC Yachts, C&C Yachts, C&C Tanan 30 30 Tartan Tartan Tartan db3/~, 24 ton ton Yachtsdb Brighton Yachts Brighton Searay Searay C C Callisto Callisto Camelot Camelot Candide Candide Cannon Ball Ball Cannon Cape Horn Cape Horn Capitol Gain Capitol Gain Catherine Catherine GG G. Agostinelli Joseph Agostinelli Joseph G. E. Strobel Strobel Charles Charles E, Robert Robert J. J. Strasenburgh Strasenburgh P. Lissow Charles P. Lissow Charles lll L. Jesserer Jesserer Ill Henry Henry L. W. Karpus George Karpus George W. E. Geary Joseph Joseph E. Geary Aux. Aux. 30’ 30' Catalina Catalina 30 30 35' 35’ Pearson 35 46' Bucklers Hard, Bucklers Hard, Pilothouse Pilothouse Ketch Ketch 46’ 38’ 38' FBC Bertram, FBC Bertram, 36` Pearson 36’ Pearson 27' Carver 27’ Carver Montego Montego 44' 44’ Glouster Owner-Bldr, Glouster Owner-BIdr., Cause Cause of ot Action Action Celebracion Celebracion Celtic Celtic Cross Cross Centennial Centennial C'est la Vie C’est la Vie Chantay Chantay Charlie Charlie Cheers Cheers Cherokee Cherokee Yacht Cherry Cherry Yacht Chicane Chicane Chicane Chicane Chimera Chimera Richard Christopher Christopher Richard Chubasco Chubasco Chutzpah Chutzpah Cire Cire CIoverly Cloverly Comfortably Numb Comfortably Numb Comic Relief Relief Comic Commotion Commotion Como-No CoreD-No Como-No Como~No Congere Congere Cool Jerk Cool Jerk Corgwyn Corgwyn Cornhusker Cornhusker Crazy Horse Crazy Horse Crest Crest R. Shapiro Sanford Sanford R. Shapiro H. Schantz Schantz Marilyn Marilyn H. M. Cain Cain Russell M. Russell John Lovenheim Lovenheim John R. Reardon Reardon John R. John R. L. Raleigh R.L. Raleigh Polly C. C. Parker Parker Polly C. Wright Stanley Stanley C. Wright H. Fisher Edward Fisher Edward H. Jay Zukoski Jay Zukoski Nell Norry Neil Norry Roy Gillim Roy Gillim Lowe Charles E. Lowe Charles E. Hart G. Hart Richard G. Richard Gerald J.J. Wnght Wright Gerald William William G. G. Statt Statt A. Taylor Douglas Taylor Douglas A. Alan J. Goldstein Goldstein Alan J. lll Leland G. Leland G. Atkinson Atkinson III Earl T. Chapman Chapman Earl T Denis Denis Doyle Doyle Walter R. Roberts Walter R. Roberts Hall Charles A. Charles A. Hall Maureen Maureen Cooper-Jones Cooper~Jones Robert Robert S. S. Bryant Bryant Martin Martin Karch Karch M. Frantz Frantz Joseph Joseph M. Scott R. R. Mocny Scott Mocny Edward Mayer Edward Mayer Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux, Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Cricket Cricket Cynbad Cynbad Cynosure Cynosure A. McGrain McGraln Joseph Joseph A. Gordon D, D. Murphy Gordon Murphy P. Fenton Thomas P. Fenton Thomas Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Columbia 36 Columbia 36 Columbia 36 Columbia 36 & Roberts Roberts Merrifield & Merrifield Laser Laser CBC 29 C&C 29 CBC C&C 9.2A S2 Yachts, $2 Yachts, $2, S2,9.2A Boat Yard Yard Masonboro Boat Masonboro Custom Mason 47 34 Sabre 34 O’Day 0'Day 33 Hunter 33 Aux, Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. AUX, Aux. Aux. Sail Sail ;l,gX_ Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sabre Sabre J~Boats J-35 J~35 J-Boats 37 O’Day O`[]5y 37 Marine Grampian Grampian Marine Borresen Dragon Borresen Dragon Sailer Sitala, Mgtgr Motor Sailer 351313, Columbia ColumbiaMk MkllII 35 W. D. Schock Schock Santana Santana 35 W.D. Marine Grand Grand Banks Banks American American Marine Pearson Flyer Pearson Flyer 30 Hinter Hoeller, Hinter Hoellen Redwing Redwing 30 CPC CPC Sail Sail No. No. Boat Boat Owner Owner Type Type Manufacturer Manufacturer Double Rainbow Rainbow Double Dreamer Dreamer Dr. Jekyll Jekyll Dr Duenna Duenna Dundavoe Dundavoe Dutch Treat Dutch Treat Walter Maurer Maurer Walter H. Higgins Timothy Timothy H. Higgins Bernard G. Hyde Bernard G. Hyde Richard Richard Kingbiel Kingbiel Henry W. W. O’Neill 0'Neill Henry Benson Kreutziger Benson Kreutziger Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. lslander Islander Cape Dury Dury 25 25 Cape C&C C&C Yachts, Yachts, C&C C&C 35 35 Whitby Nbert 30 Boat Works, 30 Works, Albert Whitby Boat Albin Albin Conyplex-Ho]]and Conyplex~Holland 30’ 25’ 35’ 30’ 43’ 30’ David Brooke David Brooke Raymond C.C. Mottett, Moftett, Jr. Jr Raymond Henry A. A. Cashette Cashette Henry Gordon R. R. Britton Britton Gordon W. W. Craig Ashton Craig Ashton M. Lobe Vincent M. Vincent Lobe Power Power Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Power Power Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux, Power Power Aux. Aux. Chris Chris Craft, Craft, Roamer Tillotson*PearsonFreedom Tillotson-PearsonFreedom 36 36 Bertram Bertram Bristol Yachts, Bristol Bristol 40 40 Yachts, Bristol Stamas Stamas Tanzer 26 26 Tanzer, Tanzer Tanzer Columbia, Columbia Columbia50 50 Columbia, Shocker Shucker Mtg., Mfg., Grenada Grenada M.S. MS. Boston Boston Whaler Whaler Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson 323 323 Boston Boston Whaler Whaler Express Yachts Yachts Express 41’ 36’ 42’ 40’ 25’ 26’ 50’ 40’ 16’ 33’ 33’ 32’ 13’ 30’ Hunter Sloop Sloop Hunter Pearson PearsonTillotsor Tillotsor J»24 J-24 Abbott Boat Boat Works Works Abbott Laser Laser Abbott, Abbott, Soling Soling Abbott, Abbott, Soling Soling Pearson Pearson Alsberg Bros. Boat BoatWorks Works Alsberg Bros. Cape Dory, Dory, Cape Cape Dory Dory 27 27 Cape Pearson Sport Sport Fisherman Pearson Fisherrnan Grebe, Grebe, Motor Motor Sailor Sailor J-Boats, J~Boats, J35 CBC C&C C&C C&C Hunter 34 34 Hunter 40’ 37’ 24’ 27’ 14’ 26’ 26’ 33’ 37’ 27’ 27’ 55’ 35’ 38’ 38’ 34’ Hinterhoeller Yachts Hinterhoeller Yachts Abbott Soling Abbott Soling 29 Jensen Marine Marine Cal Cal 29 Jensen Pacemaker, SF-38 SF-38 Pacemakeh 31’ 27’ 29’ 38’ 30’ 20’ 24’ 38’ 26’ 28’ 27’ 26’ Sail No. No. Length Length !I ~i il ~i ' D D E. Hinz Star Dark Star Raymond Hinz Raymond E~ Das Blau Max A. Sertl Clitlord A. Sertl Das Clifford lV Datum IV William C. C. Schmidt Datum William Schmidt George L.L, Luther Luther Decision George lll Delaware Orion E. Delaware E. Schupp, Orion Schupp,1]1 Denali Denali Hanna G.B. G.B. (Jed) (Jed) Hanna Desire Coleman Desire Ernest A. Ernest A. Coleman Desperado Fred E Hubble Fred E Hubble Desperado De Vliegende De Joseph Daatselaar Hollander Daatselaar Vliegende Hollander Joseph Vu Julian W. W. Webb Webb J~ Jr Deja Julian Deja Vu E. Breton Dirigo Henri Henri E. Breton Dirigo Dorothy W. Williams. Williams. Ji: Jr Henry Gale Dorothy Gale Henry W. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Sai! Sail Power Power Aux. Aux. Sailk Sailk Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. 23' 23’ 25' 25’ 73' 73’ 16' 16’ 42’ 42' 35' 35’ 30' 30’ 30’ 30' 33’ 33' 39' 39’ Schooner Schooner 24' Bristol 24’ Bristol Corsair Corsair 35' Columbia 35’ Columbia 10.7 10.7 34' Tartan 34’ Tartan 34 34 35' Pearson 35’ 35 Pearson 35 42' Whitby Boat Works Works 42’ Whitby Boat 44' Marine 44’ Marine Trader Trader 14' Alcort 14’ Alcort Sunfish Sunfish 35' C&C 35’ C&C 29' 29 Ranger Yachts, 29’ Yachts, Ranger Ranger 29 Ranger 34' Trojan 34’ lioian 29' 29 Ericson Ericson Yachts, Ericson 29 29’ Yachts, Ericson 29' Ericson 29 29 Ericson Yachts, 29’ Ericson Yachts, Ericson ik ton 23' ton Ranger Yachts, 23’ Yachts, Ranger Ranger 1/, Ranger 24' Paceship, East East Wind Wind 24’ Paceship, 34' 34 Sabre, 34 34’ Sabre, 30 30' Whitby 30’ Boart Ltd., Ltd.,Alberg Alberg30 Whitby Boart 30' Pearson, Wanderer 30’ Pearson, Wanderer Boat Co, Co. Lightning Allen Boat Allen Lightning Pearson J-24 J-24 Tilotson Tilotson Pearson 19' 19’ 24' 24’ 27' 27’ 36' 36’ 36' 36’ 77' 77’ 14’ 14' 29' 29’ 33' 33’ 30’ 30' 47’ 47' Abbott, Soling Abbott, Soling 34' 34’ 32' 32’ 33' 33’ 31' 31’ 35' 35’ 37' 37’ 28' 28’ 29' 29’ 33' 38’ 26' 26’ 35' 35’ 36' 36’ 30' 30’ 30' 30’ 44’ 44` 134 134 33535 33535 40304 40304 40304 40304 31292 31292 E E Eagle Eagle Easy Go Go Easy Elusive Elusive Embrace Embrace Entendre Entendre Eroica Eroica Escapade oi of Tortola Tortola Escapade Escapade Escapade Ethyl Ethyl Eubalaena Eubalaena Eubalaena Eubalaena Evan Keel Evan Keel Even Keel Even Keel Expresso Expresso 381 381 56 56 99 4692 4692 99 40647 40647 14140 14140 455 455 455 455 20156 20156 215 215 74 74 US168 US168 88 14185 14185 US714 US714 272 272 272 272 US6 USB 490 490 20942 20942 126 126 74 74 42322 42322 144 144 49 49 15054 15054 128 128 3791 3791 41014 41014 " _V ,,.._,.,,.._..a,se_a;.1.a~.ss.=_1;=¢_a.a;:4-;=as==~_:=:_==¢.n:.;f.@~=;e=;;»;=¢4wf.¢¢f2ff """""""""""""'*""""""'*"""""'"'*"" 1 "' ""~"*"""'° ---1;-~ _;-.;=:=f¢1-==a;~»:-m~;==fE 12; þÿz;¢::;;:;:;§f'z_';*1$:.;';", ¬,$ '"*1" ';j;:':§_:',;'.':7;§zt:*,'?x_':,:;';;;.~;§ 2- r . _ "ll ra 44 46 at 53 53 T3 31773 31773 G G Gandalf Gendalf Gator Gator Gazebo Gazebo Gee-Dee Gee-Dee Gemini Gemini Ghost Ghost Good Intent lntent Good Gone With The Wind Wind Gone With The Grand Grand Cru Cru Grand Grand Slam Slam Gregerica Gregerica Grey Gander Grey Gander James S.S. Hill Hill James Robert L. Robert L. Broten Broten William William W. W. Farmer Farmer,JrJr Donald FE Kohler Donald Kohler Thomas Thomas J.J. Morgan Morgan Robert J. J. Bircher Bircher Robert Kenneth J. Teegarden Kenneth J. Teegarden Patricia A. A. Murphy Patricia Murphy William William EE Seeler Seeler Paul Handzel Paul S. S. Handzel Steven G. Walther Walther Steven G. John Van Voorhis Voorhls11ll John Van Aux. Aux. Power Power Sail Sail Whitby Boat Works, 30 Works, Alberg Whitby Boat Alberg 30 Cat Boat Boat Hershoff, Cat Hershott, J-Boats J-Boats Bayliner Bayliner C&C C&C Yachts Yachts Thundercratt Thundercraft Abbott Abbott John Bushtield John H. Bushfield Power Power Wheeler Wheeler George N. Mayer George N. Mayer Eugene Angel!dis 5119909 þÿ/\l1Q ¬¥ldlS Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Abbott, Abbott, Soling 27’ useee US688 Soling Performance Laser so Performance Sailcraft, 14’ 60 Sailcratt, Laser Alcort Suntish Alcort Sunfish 14’ Grampian 30’ Grampian C&C 14238 C&C 30 30 30’ 14238 D. 30 W. Schock W.D. Schock Wavelength Wavelength 30 30’ C80 40381 C&C 26.9’ 40381 rose Holland, Lecompte Lecompte 33 33 33’ 1069 Holland, Ashodian Robert E. Ashodian John Ddenbach Jr. Jr John Odenbach Henry D. D. Rohrer Rohrer II1 lil Henry Charles J.J. Ingerson Charles lngerson William William TT. Hart, Hart, M.D. M.D. E. Redon Leonard E. Leonard Redon Philip Rllbill Rubin MUM.D. Philip Sail Sail Aux Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Sail Salt Sail Sail Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. - es 40190 40190 2585 6072 6072 USBD7 US607 US607 US607 41137 41137 41138 aoiei 20161 20161 20151 543 90 US529 US-529 <41 3 asso 3550 3 eos 609 D-3 :.=- V ';; 4 4; Aux. Aux. Power Power Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux, Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux Aux, i:~ ~ i~ !~ Edwards Burns Edwards Burns Robert Roth Robert L. L. Roth Robert Lasser Robert Lasser Brian Moran Brian Moran H. lll Richard Wait, H. Richard Wait,111 Jr Robert Robert T.li Lawless, Lawless, Jr. Schild Robert Robert M. M. Schild John L. Patterson Patterson John L. Torrance E. Terrance E. Casey Casey William William D. D. Watson Watson James Anderson James I.l. Anderson FE Ritter Ritter Shumway Shumway Peter Davidson Peter G. G. Davidson Moby Burton Burton Moby Donald Lieber Lieber Donald Ernest G. G. Weber Ernest Weber ~ | _7 .__ ?,,._,M_.~.w_»,.,...s '"" """*'°"`°"""""""""""" ' Walter Walter EE Decker Decker John Ernst John EE Ernst John John EE Mahon Mahon A. W. Schuster A.W. Schuster D. Evans William Evans William D. Bernard Johnson Bernard M. M. Johnson Battist Jerry Battist Jerry 4111 4111 us14e US149 F F Fartelue Farfelue Fascination Fascination Past Forward Fast Fonvard Fast Forward Fast Forward lawn Hal! Hall Fawn Fever Fever Fever Fever Reid Office Otiice Field First Rrst Class Class First Rrst Edition Edition Five Rve O’clock D'clock Southerly Southerly Flying Gull Flying Gull Footloose Footloose Foxiire Foxfire Foxfire Foxiire 4th Dimension 4th Dimension H H Hagar Hagar Half-Way Half-Way Hangover Hangover Hank's Hank’s Tank Tank Happiness Happiness Hart Beat Hart Beat Hat Hat Trick Trick Heatv/ave Heatwave Heatwave Heatwave Heuristic Heuristic 149 !49 George Coy George Coy aes 285 ~_;:;' merry5~;:i:; m¢m;;1Mf---~»»mm »~r»»=»=»;f::x=:1~,»<-»-f»~»-~»»-aM=.=m---.__ '~'¥!51'1 '?=r.',5<_T:.,~1»x~7¢- ~;',w;g,v_;r__~3`y'>¢'ff~>~¢'»»T¥5-;EZ?'3T `""%?;: %;*~ ' $?w%&~,?~*myw%`J 117~ %Z7`LT'#E£""fM @v» 4: ~.~'\;~~f~ 1 \...\. 4 .~~f X ,..,;.»s~,.fs~»ft.-»4.~..~we ..... ss<4.<~~.a,;»-zrz ...\ Type Type Boat Boat Owner Owner Hi-Lite Hi-Lite Hi-Lo l'li~Lo Hippocampus Hippocampus Hippocampus Hippocampus Hooligan Hooligan Hop Scotch Hop Scotch Hurry Hurry Scurry Scurry Hustlin’ Hustlin' Rose Rose E Chappelle Walter Chappelle Jr Jr Walter F. Jr William William J. J. Hickey, Hickey, Jr. Paul D. Coleman Coleman Paul D. Helen G. Ingerson Helen G. lngerson C. Dwy~r Michael Michael C. Dwyer Brownstein Scott Brewnstein Scott Myron H. Archer Archer Myron H. P. LeFrois LeFrois Russell E Russell 1I Illusion lllusion incentive incentive indulgence lnduigence ln In Lieu LieuDt. Of... lnnisiree Innisfree intruder Intruder lnvictus Invictus lrish Mist Mist irish lrish Rover Rover irish lskareen Iskareen . Mort Mort Polsky Polsky C. Meteyer John C. John Meteyer Roy Gillim Roy Gillim Christine M. Long Christine M. Long David W. David W. Hill Hill USN Mark Converse, Lt. Mark Converse, USN Lt. Huston Bruce Bruce W. W. Huston E. E. John John O’Grady 0'Grady Jack Jack Mordssey Morrissey Schwenker Kenneth Kenneth Schwenker . Power Power Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux." Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Power Power 18 Bristol, Marlin 18 Bristol, Marlin OeFever DeFever Cal. 29 29 Jensen Marine, Cal. Jensen Marine, Cal. 29 29 Jensen Marine, Jensen Marine, Cal. 30 Tartan 30 Tartan 34 Tartan Tartan 34 Abbott, Soling Abbott. Sniino 87 Weilcraft Wellcrait 87 Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. SaiL S2151 Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Power Power 5455 Sail Saii Sail Meter Creekmore 77 Meter Creekmore JODDSIODE .1324 Johnstone J-24 34 Hunter Hunter 34 JJ Be NimbleNimble» Jack Be Jack Jack Be Be Quick Quick Jack T Jackie T Jackie Jasmine Jasmine Javelin Javelin Jazz Jazz Johanna Johanna Joyride Joyride Jubilee Jubilee Jack DePeters Jack DePeters David Teather David C. C. Teather Richard A. Nowak Nowak Richard A. Houghton D. Wetherald Wetherald Houghton D. Thomas J.J. Roth Roth Thomas Richard M. Blair Blair Richard M. Richard D. Rosenbauer Rosenoauer Richard D. Robert E. Dailey Robert E. Dailey S30 Sail K K Katrinka Katrinka Kemah Kemah Kewero Kewero Kiki Kiki Kindo Kindo Kindo Kindo Kindred Kindred Spirit Spirit Kindred Kindred Spirit Spirit Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Klondike Klondike A. Bauman Bauman Frederick Frederick A. R. Fingar David David R. Fingar H. H. Robb Robb Holt Holt Voss Harry Harry EF. Voss Poole Molly Molly Poole E Whitbeck Whitbeck Mrs. Mrs. PHilip Phillip E R Schuler Schuier Dennis P. Dennis John M, M. Shimshack Shimshack John Brian Moran Moran Brian Kevin Moran Moran Kevin Sachs Robert I.l. Sachs Robert Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Saii Sail Aux. Aux. L L Lawrence Fred J. J. Lawrence Lanakha Lanakila Fred McKee Edward S. S. McKee Latent Image Latent Edward image Latent Ainslie Dianne B. B. Ainslie Latent Image Dianne image Loading Larry W. Gaenzie Gaenzie Leading Edge Edge Larry W. Leapfrog George W. Karpus Karpus Leapfrog George W. R LeFrois LeFrois Let the Russell P. LOt the Good GoodTimes TimesRoll Roll Russell Patrick J. Lane Libra Ubra Patrick J. Lane ln The Nahmias Lite In The Fast Fast Lane Lane Michael Nahmias Life Michael C. Sinclair Sinclair Lightwave Douglas Lightwave Douglas C. Linzbote Raymond C. C. Moffett Moffett Linzbote Raymond Anthony Lisa Usa Comparato Anthony Comparato Fella H. Fella Fella Little Fella Robert H. Little Robert Uttle Charles N. N. Mills Mills Little Love Love Charles R. Bram]ey Lono R. Palm, Jr J~ Uono Makua Makua Bramley Palm, Lorna Joel Roemer Lurna Joel Roemer W. Newell Newell lotus John Lotus John W. Mark C. C. Serti Lucy Mark Sertl Lucy Paul G. G. Rugonis Lyric Paul Lyric Rugonis Manufacturer Manufacturer Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Power Power Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Sail Sail S30 Sail AUX. Aux. Power Powar POV/Sr Power Saii Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Length Length 18’ 18' 42 42’ 29' 29’ 29' 29’ 30' 30’ 34' 34’ 27' 27’ 25' 28’ 23’ 23' 14’ 14' 33’ C80 Yachts Yachts C&C 33' MacGregor 22’ 22 22 MHCGTQQOT 22 30’ 30' J-30 J-Boats, J-Boats, J-30 , 12'/2' 121/2 Davidson Davidson 37' 37’ 731150 37 37 Tartan 23’ 23' Craft Chris Craft Chris 22' 22’ Pearson Pearson Ensign Ensign Sparkman 45’ Meter 45' Stevens, 88 Meter Sparkman && Stevens, Cape Dory Cape Dory J~24 JJ Boats, Boats, J-24 C80 35 C&C 35 Bayliner 2460 Bayiiner 2460 J-24 JJ Boats BORIS J-24 35 C&C, Landfall 35 C&C, Landiali Yacht Co., Corsair Bristol Yacht Co., Corsair Bristol C80 35 35 C&C Frers F3 F3 Hinterhoeller, Hinterhoeller Frets 36 Pearson 36 Pearson Pierson, 35 Pierson, Alberg Alberg 35 Pearson, 35 Pearson, Alberg Alberg 35 C&C 34 34 C&C C&C C86 34 34 JJ Boats, J~24 Boats, J-24 J-24 Boats, J-24 JJ Boats, 40 Bristol Bristol 40 Marine Hunter Hunter Marine 41 Redline 41 C&C Yachts, C&C Yachts, Redline Redline 41 41 C80 Yachts, C&C Yachts, Redline Tillotson-Pearson, lnc., Inc., J-24 Tillotson-Pearson, McLeod Thistle Thistle Douglas Douglas McLeod Chris Craft Crah 85 Chris 86 29 Lancer 29 Lancer J-24 Johnstone, Johnstone, J-24 J-29 J'B03tS, J-29 J-Boats, Cape 30 C409 Dory 000' 30 Yacht Matthews MotorYacht Matthews Motor Chaparral 235Xi-C Chaparral 235XLC Ted Hood Ted Abbott-Melges Soling Abbott»Melges Soling Herreshoif Herreshoff Wiggers Wiggers JJ Boats, J-24 Boats, J-24 Performance Performance Sailcraft Sailcrah Sail Sail No. No. Boat B°a' M M Macushla Macushla Maggie Maggie ||II Magic Magic Carpet Carpet Magician Magician 4150 4150 4150 4150 20968 20968 224 224 US669 US669 35' 35’ 36' 36’ 36' 36’ 35' 35’ 35' 35’ 34' 34’ 34' 34’ 24' 24’ 24' 24’ 40' 40’ 28' 28’ 41` 41’ 41` 41’ 24’ 24' !7’ 17' 30' 30’ 29` 29’ 24’ 24' 29’ 30' 30’ 54' 54’ 23' 23’ 44' 44’ 27' 27’ 36' 36’ 37' 37’ 24' 24’ 28' 28’ M.....~_~,.,..... . ..,,,....2...,,a,..,. _ ,_,.__... »~» .,=a Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux Sail Sa" Aux. Aux. Sail Ralph C. C. Schwarz, Jr Schwarz, Jr. Ralph Sheehy Sheehy Sail Sail Power Power Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Power pgwef Power Power Power pgwef Peo Bros Bros Peo Abbott Abbott Soling Soling Hinterhoeger Hinterhoeller Yachts Yachts Oyster 53 53 Oyster Star Class Star Class Broadwater Broadwater Wellcraft, Nova11ll Wellcratt,Nova Trojan 10 Meter Meter Tioian 10 25' 25’ 40' 40’ 27' 27’ 30’ 30' 53' 53’ 22' 22’ 25’ 25' 27’ 27. 33' 33’ Q 0 03515 Oasis Dbsessiori Obsession 0n On Rre Rre One One World World Uma Orca Orion Orlon Osprey Osprey Our Toye Our Toye Outrageous Outrageous Jghn John palm Palm W. W. Craig mhton Craig Ashton Alexander M. Alexander M. Beebee Beehee Alben Albert B. B. Craig, Jr Craig, Jr. Hai 5 Hat E. Wright Wdght Peter T Perkins Peter T. Perkins D. Dawes Joseph D. Dawes Joseph Bruce H. H. McKeon McKeon Bruce David B. Rutherford David B. Rutherford Power pgwef Aux. Aux. Steamer Steamer Sail Sail Sea Sea Ray Ray Endeavor Endeavor 32 32 A. M. A.M. Beebee Beebee Freedom 25 Freedom 25 20' 20’ 32' 32’ 20’ 20' 25' 25’ Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Tartan 34 34 Tartan Shamrock Pilothouse Shamrock 20 20 Pilothouse Catalina Catalina 27 27 Abbott, Soling Abbott, Soling 34' 34’ 20' 20’ 27 27’ 27' 27’ p p Package 093| pamge Deal Panache Panache Partial Eclipse Partial Eclipse pearls pearls Peddler Peddler Pegasus Pggagus Perfect Manhattan Perfect Manhattan Perfect Manhattan Perfect Manhattan Persephone Persephone Persnickety Persnickety Perspective Pefgpegfgve Petrei Petrel Phark Phark Phase Five Rve Phase Philosophy Philgggphy Picaroon Picaroon Pidgeon Pidgeon Mtchaer J. J_ Drew gm, Michael H. Ctarddge Chester H. Cheater Clarridge K. Buerman Gunther K. Buerman Gunther Earl J. Thomas Earl J. Thomas Bill Bill Murray Murray John S. Allen Allen John Edward "Dusty" "Dusty" Fischer Edward Escher Atbert J. Schum Schum Albert J. D[ Donald Dr Donald Young Young Bryan R. R. Pelkey Brwn Pelkw Nancy M. O’Neill M_ g'Ne;g Na,-my D. Keppell James James D. Keppel! Peter 13. Heinrich Peter ll Heinrich Ernest J.J. DelMonte DelMonte Ernest Rage,-1 Robert (;_ C. gamke Rathke Peter Peter E.E. Loberg Loberg Vernon luppa, Ji: Vernon luppa, Jr. AuX_ Aux. 34 Hunter Hunter 34 Freedom Freedom 39 39 J-24 J-24 30 Catalina Catalina 30 Greenwich Greenwich C&C C&C 27 27 JJ Boats Boats J-24 J-24 Boats J-24 J-24 JJ Beats 38 Hughes Boat Boat Wks., Wks., SS SS 38 Hughes 30 CS G5 30 CS Yachts, Yachts, C5 Boston Whaler Boston Whaler Deysailer Daysailer 34’ 34' 39' 39’ 24' 24’ 30' 30’ 24' 24’ 27' 27’ 24' 24’ 24' 24’ 38' 38’ 30' 30’ 17' 17’ 32' 32’ 19' 19’ 53' 53’ 34' 34’ 34' 34’ 32' 32’ Motion iviastan eiasran Meermin Meermin Memories Memories I1ll Merlyn Merlyn Mickey Mickey 54 54 55775 66776 123 123 Minute-Hand Minute-Hand Missy-Ann Missy-Ann Mistress Mistress MK MK lllIII Money For For Nothing Nothing Money 145 145 U571 US71 203 203 Montage Montage Montage Montage Montage Montage Montage Montage Moonlight Moonlight US30 US30 Mouette Mouette Mr. Magoo Magoo Mr Mykonos Mykgngs Mystery Mystery N N Nan-Jean Nan~Jean Neaga Neaga Nemesis Nemesis New New Directions Directions Nawsboy Newsboy Nirie Nide Vll Vii Nirvana Nirvana Non Seguitur Sequitur Non Ngrmwing Northwind 156 156 32243 32243 33628 33628 14146 14146 212 212 212 212 225 225 225 1947 1947 1947 1947 32 32 1954 1954 1954 1954 4110 4110 2653 2653 29 29 790 790 32662 ,(~ 33597 33697 US 767 767 US 31798 31798 3854 3864 0 ~ C&C Yachts, Yachts, Redwing C&C Redwing Bringavaerd, BB11 BB11 Bringwaerd. Beneteau Beneteau CS Merwin Merwin CS Abbott, Soling Tillotson Tillotson Pearson, J-22 Pearson, J-22 Cape Dory Dory 28 28 Cape Length Length Jan L. L. Woodstra Jan Woodstra Alben JL Albert EE Smith' Smith, Jr. James E_ E. Kraft James Kmft Robert J.J. ennxman Bdnkman Rouen Paul R. Elii Norman Norman C. Weld Jr Jr. c. were Charles V. V. Northrup Charles Northrop Steve Steve Jacobs Jacobs Kenneth Klassen Kenneth L. L. Klassen Hall Mary Hall Mary Haastick Stephen Haastick Stephen Thomas Thomas D. D. Hale Hale C. Robertson Robertson Jeffrey C. Jettrey Elliot Elliot H. H. Woodhull Woodhull Mark Mark C. C. Sertl Sertl William William H. H. Clutz Clutz Lerner Rudolph H. H. Lerner Rudolph Thomas O.O. Miller Miller Thomas James Mourer James L. L. Mourer Gary W. W. Wahl, Wahl, M.D. M.D. Gary William E Gleason Gleason William E James L. Backus Backus James L. Thgmas Rags Thomas [__ L. Raes Ronald Ronaid B.B. Palm Palm Major D~4 .M Manufacturer Manufacturer 30' 30’ 20' 20’ ’ 321/2 321/z' 36' 36’ 27' 22’ 22' 28’ 28' 35' 36’ 25' 25’ 15' 15’ 21' 21’ 36' 36’ 35' 35’ 26' 26’ 17' 17’ 38' 38’ 38' 38’ 38' 38’ 38' 38’ 30' 30’ 40' 40’ 38' 38’ 30' 30’ 44’ 44' Sail Sail No. No. 162 162 US115 USl15 21567 21557 42208 42208 US637 17 17 M or Motion POu, R E,, Sai, Abbott, So, 27 rig Mastah Btastah Aux. US3888 24’ US3888 24' 34' 34’ 28' 28’ 24' 2422 24’ 2422 33775 35’ 33776 35' 24 24’ 24' U52325 24’ US2326 35' 35’ 24' 24’ Type TYPS CWD" Owner ' .__ . . . J. Webb J. Webb L. L. Frederick J. Odenbach Odenbach Frederick J. William D. Watson William D. Watson Johnson D. Johnson D. Hay Hay Timothy M. M. Booth Booth Timothy Gary Mundell Mundeg Gary John EE D’Aurizio John DAurizio Alfred I.|_ LaRue Amer; LaRue Power Power Aux. AUx. Sail Sail Sail Sail Power Power Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. AUx. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. AUx. Aux. Aux. Power Power Sai] Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail AUX, AUx. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. AUx. Sail Sail Sail 533| Aux. AUx. Sail Sail Power Power AuX_ Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Trojan Trojan C80 C&C Yachts, Yachts, C80 C&C 25 25 AMF Alcort Alcort AMF Sill's/Haarstick Custom Custom Sill’s/Haarstick Trojan F-36 Trojan -- 1:-36 JC. Robertson Robertson J.C. Abbott, Abbott, Soling Soling Allen Boat Boat Allen C80 C&C Yachts Yachts C&C C&C Yachts Yachts C&C C&C Yachts Yachts C80 C&C Yachts Yachts Tartan Marine Company Tartan Marine Company Triangle Marine, Triangle 40 Triangle Marine, Triangle 40 Chris 381 Chris Craft, Craft, 381 Catalina Catalina Djuro Batvarv Batvarv Ab Ab 88 Meter Meter Djuro - MacGregor, Venture Venture 25 25 MacGregor Pearson, Vanguard Pearson, Vanguard Corinthian 19 Corinthian 19 Hatteras Hatteras Hunter Hunter C80 C&C34 C&C Yachts, Yachts, C&C34 ll Allied Seawind II Allied Seawind ' 690 690 US604 US604 13971 13971 40889 40889 40889 40889 40889 40889 40889 40889 595 595 22 1194 1t94 US33 US33 599 699 US US738 ~8 439 439 209 209 771 771 US685 US685 125 125 7 7 US4250 US4250 79 79 24153 24153 340 340 40797 40797 23906 23906 81 81 D-5 D-5 , 2.1. Aux. Aux. AUx. Q-; - »=;»--- -;=-~;.=~=_--» if »....,.,,, , ~ =» »-/ -s,ee§rf:a¢¢:».» Owner Owner Ping Ping Polestar Polestar Polonaise Polonaise Polonaise Polonaise Belle Portside Belle Portside Prime Time Prime Time Putt Puff James L. Robfogel James L. Robiogel Kinsella Tim Tim Kinsella Stahura Douglas Stahura Douglas Stahura Stanley Stahura Stanley Jr P Maloney Charles R Charles Maloney Jr. Paul V. V. Petronello Petronello Paul M. Low Low Howard M. Howard Q Q Duack Quack Queenie Dueenie Quastar Duestar Questar Duestar Quicken Quicken Frank R. R. Frank lll Shumway Shumway III C. C. Thomas Thomas Eagle Eagle Ned Hallick Ned Hallick W. Shineman Shineman Richard W. Richard D. Ne, Newell Bmce D. Bruce vell R R Radiant Radiant Raffles Rattles Ragamuffin Ragamuttin Rainbow Rainbow Rampage Rampage Ray-Mar Ray-Mar111lll Recess Recess Redwing Redwing Relief Relief Renegade Renegade Restless Restless Rigel Rigel Rosanne Rosanne D. Lowry Harold Harold D. l.owry Jack K. Debenham Debenham Jack K. Mitchel! Scott Scott RE Mitchell Osborne l.]. Devens Devens Osborne John M. M. Odenbach Ddenbach John Jr A. Lander Lander Jr. Raymond Raymond A. B. Kenning Charles Charles B. Kenning Karshick Frederick Frederick Karshick Castle Cadeton Carleton Castle V. Ingerson Terry lngerson Terry V. Deborah Ann Koop Deborah Ann Koop Fred W. W. Muhleman Muhleman Fred Samuel Samuel Hodgetts Hodgetts s Length Length Sail Sail N0No, Tigotson-paarson, J-24 Rllotson-Pearson, J-24 Yachts 35 Yachts C&C 35 C&C 30 IIll Capitol Yachts, Newport Newport 30 Capitol Yachts, 30 tlll Capitol Yachts, Yachts, Newport Newport 30 Capitol American Ship Builders American Ship Builders TPI, Freedom Freedom 32 32 TPl, Abeking, Dragon Abeking, Dragon 468 24’ 468 41950 35’ 41980 940 940 30’ 940 940 30’ 35’ 32’ DUS20B 29’ DUS208 Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. J~24 Tillotson-Pearson Tillotson-Pearson J-24 365 Pearson 365 Pearson, Pearson Pearson, Pearson, Ensign Pearson, Ensign Pearson, Ensign Pearson, Ensign 26 Rodgers Rodgers 26 24’ 36’ 23’ 23’ 26’ Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Power Power Aux. Aux. Power Power 32 Endeavor 32 Endeavor Banks Marine Grand Grand Banks American Marine American 27 O’Day, 0'Day 27 O'Day, O’Day T2 Cal T-2 Cal 43 Cac 43 C&C Constellation Chris Chris Craft, Craft, Constellation Century Resorter Resorter Century 29 Ericson 29 Ericson Carver Carver 32’ 36’ 27’ 27’ 43’ 43’ !6’ 29’ 26’ Sail Saii Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Cal Cal Yachts Catalina Yachts Catalina Hunter Hunter 27’ 30’ 28’ Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Saii Sail Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Sail Sai! Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Power Power Power Power AUx. Aux. Schooner John Alden, Schooner John Alden, J-24 J~Boats, J-Boats. J-24 Columbia Columbia Tartan 10 Tartan 10 Cutter Alden Alden Cutter J-30 J-Boats J-Boats J-30 32 Freedom Freedom 32 Aux, Aux Aux. Aux Aux. Aux Aux. Aux Power Power Aux. Aux. Sail Sail S R. Cassara Cassara David R. David Barnash J. Barnash James J. James A. Libby Roger Libby Roger A. Hollands Daniel Hollands Daniel William H. William H. Wilkinson Wilkinson Michael Michael S. S. Ray Ray Donald S. S. Phelps Donald Phelps William Fox Fox William A. Law Law Paul Paul A. Charles W. W. Corbishley Charles Corbishley Paul G. Betlem Betlem Paul G. Fox Charles Fox Charles Passero Ronald J. Passero Ronald Burks William B. Burks William B. G. Molz Emmet G. Emmet Molz B. Staud Staud Jack B. Bosco Robert John John Robert Bosco C. Neubauer Neubauer Richard C. Richard Joel Grosshans Joel Grosshans Haas Paul Paul Haas W. Rowe Rowe Thomas Thomas W. Edgar L. AIIport Allpoit Edgar L. Beachner G. Beachner Randall G. Randall Converse D. Converse James D. James McPherson W. McPherson Donald W. Donald J. Stolze Stolze William J. William S. Hall!day Guy Halliday Guy S. Samantha Samantha Samurai Samurai Sapphire Sapphhe Sawbuck Sawbuck Sayeda Sayeda Scars Scars &StScrapes Scrapes Schizanthus Schizanthus Scoots Scoots Scorpio Scorpio Sea Sea Cup Cup Sea Fever Sea Fever Sea Fox Sea Fox Sea Sea Gypsy Gypsy Sea Sea Oats 0ats Sea Sea Spray Spray Sea Wolf Sea Wolf Seascape Seascape Seascape Seascape Chance Second Chance Second Serendipity Serendipity 77 Bddges Bridges Shenandoah Shenandoah Shirley Shirley KK theBreeze Breeze Shoot the Shoot Shrew Shrew Sideband Sierra Hotel Silent Silent Night Night Silver Silver Beaver Beaver Sirena Sirena Slainte Slainte Slam Dunk Dunk Slam Shot Slap Slap Shot Sleuth Sleuth Sly Sly Mongoose Mongoose Manufacturer Manufacturer Type Type Boat B081 Power Power Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sai! Power Power Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Sail Sail Sail Power Power Sail Sail Cichanowicz Philip Cichanowicz Philip W. Dawas Dawes John John W. John Karpf John Karpf 0'Brien W. Smith O’Brien W. Smith Ronald Jongsma Ronald Jongsma Jay R Tovey Tovey Jay P. J. J. Gregory Doyle Gregory Doyle McGrath John McGrath John ~ ~ 1225 1226 1225 1226 525 13833 13838 11772 11772 401 401 2224 2224 46’ 24’ 27’ 33’ 34’ 30’ 32’ 20’ Chaparral Chaparral 34 C&C 34’ C&C 34 24’ J-24 Pearson J-24 Tillotson lillotson Pearson 38’ 382 Morgan Yachts, Yachts, Morgan Morgan 382 Morgan 35’ Hinterhoeller Hinterhoeller 33’ Works Boat Works Allied Boat Allied 39’ C&C 39 C&C 39 26’ Stamas, Stamas, Tarpon Tarpon 30’ Sedan Tollycraft Tollycraft Sedan 25.5’ Craft Chris Craft Chris 30’ 30 Sabre 30 Sabre 37’ Chris-Cralt Chris-Craft 35 35’ C&C 35 Yachts, C&C C&C Yachts, 37’ Nordic Nordic Union Union Yacht Yacht Co., Co.,E0 EO3636Cutter Cutter 36’ 20’ Yan Penn Yan Penn 26 Grampian 26’ Grampian 26 32’ Yachts C&C Yachts 35’ C&C 35 C&C 35 22 Helsen 22’ Helsen 22 72’ King Yachts-Sea Ranger Ranger King Yachts-Sea Dawes 32’ Wes Dawes Was Cope Dory 19’ Dory Typhoon Typhoon Cope 23’ Pearson Pearson Ensign Ensign 27’ Platrend, Platrend, Soling Soling 24’ J.24 J-24 21’ Elite 210 210 Wellcratt Elite Wellcraft 27’ Abbott. Abbott. Soling Soling Boat Boat Owner OWDBI' Type Type Smoke ’Ern 'Em Smoke Snake Oil Dil Snake Sneaker Sneaker Snow Goose Goose Snow Sodus Sodus Light Light Soiree Sohee South South Point Point Spectrum Spectrum Spitfire Spithre Splash Dance Splash Dance Star Star Gazer Gazer IIll Stealin’ Time Stealin' Time Steel Steel Chips Chips Sting Sung Such Such Pleasure Pleasure Sundowner Sundowner Sunshine Sunshine Superco!lider Supercollider Supercollider Supercollider Surprise! Surprise! Swan Sont Swan Sont Sweet Sweet Wind Wind Synergy Synergy David Baum Baum David Michael E. E. Tennity Tennity Michael Martin Muszak Martin Muszak Wilmot V. Castle Wilmot V. Castle J~ Jr Alexander Alexander M. M. Beebee, Jr Beebee, J~ lra L. ira L. Goldman Goldman M. Robert Robert M. Dunlap Dunlap James V. V. Nealon Nealon James John C. Wilson John C. Wilson Jeff Hawley Jeff Hawley Allan E. E. Gaesser Gaesser Allan Thomas C. Rufflin Ruiilin Thomas C. T Root Root Gregory Gregory T. Eugene Faust Faust Eugene Harris Harris H. H. Rusitzky Rusitzky C. Briggs Joseph Joseph C. Briggs John Seetrled John Seefried Eugene Van Voorhis Van Voorhis Eugene Eugene Van Van Voorhis Voorhis Eugene B. Gardner Gardner Edgar Edgar B. John V. Adkin Adkin John V. J. Byrne Dennis J. Dennis Byrne J. Arthur Gleiner Gleiner J. Arthur Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Power Power T T Tangaroa Tangaroa Tantra Tantra Tartaruga Tartaruga Tattered Tattered Tattoo Tattoo Temerity Temerity Rona]d J. Hopkins Ronald J. Hopkins Robert Robert M. M. Szczepanski Szczepanski Johannes Von Schilcher Schilcher Johannes Yon David David UIp Ulp Robert Robert Stolze Stolze Richard Richard G. G. Pignataro Pignataro ..2 ___._,.,.,.._~,.,M___.. w... .._,..... » 27' 27’ 22' 22’ 27' 27’ 36' 36’ 34' 34’ 20' 20’ 30' 30’ 29' 29’ 30' 30’ 31’ 31' 25' 25’ 24' 24’ 24’ 24' 26' 26’ 42' 42’ 35’ 35' 24’ 24' 24’ 24' 24’ 24' 42’ 42' 27' 27’ 30’ 30' Hunter Hunter C30 Yachts C&C Yachts Laser Laser Abbott Soling Abbott Soling Merit Marine Merit Marine US609 US609 30023 30023 101 10! 32512 32512 24 24 468 468 1029 1029 681 681 ~9 709 Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sai! Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Power Power Aux, Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux, Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Power Power Power Power Power Power Hunter 33 Tartan 34 34 Tartan Chris Craft Chris Craft Chris Cratt Chris Craft Ericson 34-1 Ericson 341 Pearson 31 Pearson 31 Ontario Yachts Ontario Yachts Sabre 34 Sabre 34 C30 C&C3535Mk MklllIII Parr Farr Cookson/Sowman Cookson/Sowman Ranger 29 29 Ranger Pearson 35 35 Pearson, Pearson, Pearson Pearson. Pearson Pearson 35 35 Pearson, Laser Laser Chris Chris Craft Crah Marine Marine Trading Tradewinds Trading Tradewinds Carlson Carlson CVX-20 Cl/X-20 34. 34’ 32' 32’ 14' 14’ 1388 1388 27' 27’ US630 US630 25' 16406 25’ 18406 26' 28’ 33' 34' 517 34’ 517 57' 57’ 41' 41’ 34' 121 34’ 121 31' 22809 31’ 22809 32' 32’ 34' 149 34’ 149 35' 35’ 40' US33990 40’ US33990 40' 33990 40’ 33990 29' 24149 29’ 24149 35' 90 35’ 90 35` 90 35’ 90 14' 14’ 33' 33’ 43' 43’ 20' 20’ U U UU JJ Umi Taka Umi Taka Mary Ochs Ochs Mary Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Olson 30 30 Olson C&C 33 C&C 33 30' 30’ 33' 33’ V V Vagabond Vagabond Vanessa Vanessa Venture Ill lll Venture Virginia Ann Virginia Ann Vitesse Vitesse Volunteer Voxcom Voxcom Richard Callco Richard E. E. Callon Bruce Bruce H. McKeon Frank M. M. Schenkel Frank Schenkel James James S. S. Miers Miers Robert D. Robert D. Fields Fields L. L. Nevil Nevll Davy Davy Stanley Fulwiler Fuiwiler Stanley Aux. Aux. C30 Yachts C&C Yachts 32' 32’ 169' 16.9’ 34' 34’ 30' 30’ 30' 30’ 31' 31’ 35' 35’ W W Waupoos Waupoos Wave Train Train lg Wave lll John John L. L. Parker Parker Watt W. Webb Webb Watt W. Thunderhead Thunderhead Touche Touche Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline Toye Boat Toye Boat Tranquility 'kanquility Tranquillity Tranquillity 20 20 Carat Carat 195 198 14103 14108 45 45 42482 42452 .... 1101 1101 375 375 1202 1202 US733 US733 Morgan Morgan -tigress Dgress Top Priority Priority Top Total Eclipse Eclipse Total Total Eclipse Eclipse Total Thlayli Tnlayli 32495 32495 Franz Schwenk Franz J.J. Schwenk Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. O’Day Daysailer 0'Day Daysailer C&C C&C Yachts, Yachts, C30 C&C 34 34 Pearson 30 30 Pearson Goman Express Goman 30 Express 30 Irwin 31 31 Irwin Witness Catamaran Witness Catamaran Triangle Marine, Marine, lnc. Inc. hiangle V33 V33 20196 20196 C&C~32 C&C-32 332 332 464 464 44 35' 35’ 36' 36’ Hinterhoeler Frers 36 Hinterhoeler Frets 1! 31413 31413 D-7 D-7 __ .._"~_... Abbott Abbott Soling Soling Spindrift Spindrift Abbott, Soling Abbott, Soling Nbin 36 Albin 36 Sabre Sabre Yachts, Sabre34 34 Yachts, Sabre Whaler Boston Whaler C&C, Redwing Redwing 30 30 C&C, C&C 29 29Mk Mk llII C&C Express Yachts Express 30 Express Yachts Express30 Gemini Gemini Mirage 25 Yachts, Kirby Mirage Yachts, Kirby 25 S S 22 7.3 Z3 JJ Boats, Boats. inc., J-24 J~24 Hinterhoeller Hinterhoeller Boat Whitby Boat Works, Ketch Works. Ketch Whitby Chris Craft Chris Craft Johnstone J-24 Johnstone J-24 Johnstone J-24 Johnstone J-24 J»24 J-Boats, J-24 J-Boats, Yachts Passport Yachts Passport Tartan 27 Tartan 27 C&C C&C 30 30 William J. Weagley Anthony J.J. Lappaglia Anthony iuappaglia Raymond Fisk Raymond Fisk Ross Ross J. J. Cassara Cassara Bruce Bruce 1. T Henry Henry Gary G. G. Hartwick Hartwick Gary R. Fredericks Bruce R. Bruce Fredericks Philip Key Wehrheim Philip Key Wehrheim Richard E. Richard E. Heider Heider Gunther K. Buerman Gunther K. Buerman John M. Lacagnina John M. Lacagnlna Robert S. Rohan S. Gugler Gugler Coileen Colleen M. M. Hafner Hafner Thomas Thomas R. R. Hafner Hafner Taffy McKeon Mckeon Taffy Donald 0. Cheaworth Donald O. Chest-/orth Douglas C. C. Burkhardt Burkhardt Douglas James James E.E. Murrer Murrer D-6 D-6 » »» ¢--»--»~f-~ -~--»»~»--<-~f--»»-~»-»»\-~--~- <=»»f»»-»»»,r-.»°~1>:=f=;1'-2 ,_ ,,;$.i. \ __ .'i"i;snz@1r; Sail Sail No, No. Length Length Terra Nova Wii,am J Aux Weag,ey ,unter 33 33 Terra Nova Terry l.L IIll Terry The Kid The Kid The Queen The Dueen Rose Rose The Rose The Rose 1552 1652 43 48 22455 22465 425 426 33543 33843 41773 41773 Aux. Aux. Power Power Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Power Power Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail Manufacturer Manufacturer _.e¢$,` A .¢~<¢f.>.,»... ~:::'r _ ,_ :ur _ _ ass* ,Q sq. ., ,,,____"*»__,W g M»,,~.~...._..._..,._.,.c..,..»...~..,... » þÿ;?»='»";¢.~=a:»1=#z:rrw¢.":=:~'f_.f.:* -'~=*** '°'*"" ~ §E ¬> <§3.:&1S '»"~T-"»f4¢2"»%%'f=2Ia¢:z',a:<:=.aerx;w¢? »a ,;,.. "~?'l'-"" ' ,__.~_._. __ _ ~...~.,,. ... .. V _ V _W W W.....~su.,,, ¢`,v,2\., . .. ......~...,.._..,»». .. . . . ,., _ v»~»-»~.»? 1- 12 CM." _ M- ' »f»:~» Boat Boat Owner Owner Type Type Manufacturer Manufacturer We Two `l\~/o We Weetamoe Weetamoe Wendaire Wendaire Whimbrel Whimbrel Whippersnapper Whippersnapper Whisper Whisper E Coombs Coombs Williams F. Williams Murray Hestley Murray Hestley .lr Howard Rekers RekersJr. Howard Robert Robert T. li Lawless Lawless Raymond L. L. Nelson Nelson Raymond George L. Guarino Guarino George L. Aux. Aux. Sail Power Power aux. Aux, 32 Endeavor Endeavor 32 Borresen Dragon Bayliner C&C C&C Yachts Ericson 32 David E. Colway Peter M. Woodams Woodams Peter M. Paul W. Sarbpu W. Wambach Wambach Richard Richard W. mg; Power giégflfakm Pacemaker Whisper Whisper White White Pepper Pepper Whitecap Whitecap Whitecap Whitecap White White Lightning Lightning White White Lightning Lightning Widgeon Widgeon Wild Wild Card Card Wind Wind Stalker Stalker Wildfire Wildfire 3-gbgats Aux. ceo C&C Yachts,Cac 40 Windigo Windigo Windrush Windrush C. Tette Terre Michael C. Michael QE? Aux. lJ-35 léfglef 35’ M. Perry Allan M. Allan Perry Charles G. G. Ross Ross Charles Aux. Power Power 38 Catalina 38 Boston Boston Whaler wnaler féilglma 38’ 17' 17’ X X Xanadu Xanadu Sharon Sharon Grigsby Grigsby Aux. Aux. Bombay Bombay Clipper Clipper ¥Y Ya Ya Ya Ya Robert W. Castle sail Sail J-24 J-Boats, .1-soars, J-24 zZ Zephyr Zephyr Aux. Aux. Arno Aux. QE; Robert J. Brick Robert J, Brick Joseph P. P. lngerson Joseph lrrgerson B. Snavely Benjamin Snavely Benjamin B. Zesi Zest Zickzack Zckzack Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. 23; Lippincot Lightning ugmning Lippincot §l;¥; '§l§2L'Qi""'"@ Aux. Aux. me Robert W. Castle Raymond S.S. Perry Perry Raymond Carlson Robert Robert L. Carlson Paul Chechak Paul Chechak Yankee Yankee Yellow Fever Fever Yellow Yellow Fever Fever Yellow Sail Aux. Aux. Aux. Sail Sail 40’ C&C 40 40; Hunter 3434 34’ vaonta, Aux. Aux. Aux. Anders M. W, Anders M.W. B. Preish Preish Ralph Ralph B. Windswept Windswept Wounded Deer Deer Wounded sarl Sail ~-i 1.988 ROC~’~Sr’~’~R RACE 347 347 US264 by Rick Heider *rRe Chairman "'""'"'*'" _ 751 458 2; 31 Hinterhoeller, Hinterhoeller Niagara Niagara 31 C&C ment, sunshine, sunshine, and and aa very very steady breezeofoften tenknots knotsfrom from the the ment, steady breeze Southwest.As Asisistraditional, traditional, the the sailors sailorswere weretreated treatedtotoa amorning morning Southwest. breakfast of coffee, coffee, doughnuts doughnutsand andorange orangejuice juiceatatthe the7:00 7:00AM AM breakfast of 8322 8322 8322 101 22731 22731 skipper’s meeting' meeting. Skippefs By the start startof ofthe therace, race,the thewind windhad hadincreased increased a respectable to to a respectable By the ten to twenty twentyknots knotssending sendingallall three fleets a powerful broad ten to three on on fleets a powerful broad reach to to the the Braddocks Braddocks Bay Bay mark. mark. With reach With aa gradual veer to to the the West West gradual veer and the and choppy for for the strong the seas seas had had become become somewhat somewhat choppy winds, the strong winds, the downwindspinnaker spinnakerrun runto to the the deep markseven seven miles the downwind water mark miles deep water North North of ofIrondequoit IrondequoitBay. Bay. point fleets At At thisthis the the fleets The The point split.split. long long course course yachts yachtsraced racedtoto Nine Nine Mile Mile Point Point and and the the other other yachts a raced a yachts raced slightlyshorter shortercourse courseback backto to Rochester. yachts Rochester. ForFor the the still still slightly yachts goinggoing downwind, theride ridewas wasananexciting exciting beam reach in wind to beam reach in wind downwind, the to gustsgusts twenty-seven knots and four five seas. legawas a and four to to tive footfoot seas. TheThe finalf’mal twenty-seven knots leg was good beat back back horne. home. good beat 1215 1215 30970 30970 33982 33982 31' 31’ 35’ 31933 30' 30’ 24’ 24: Pearson, Pearson 365 densen Marine, Cal 2-39 2-30 Cal 2-30 Jensen Marine, Jensen Marine, Cal 36’ 30’ 30’ 30' 31232 136 137 137 2021 2021 20562 153 153 153 202% ¢ The Tile Honorable HonorableJohn JohnVan Van Voorhis Voorhis Award Award was wasawarded awardedtotoFred Fred Hubble Hubble and andthe thecrew crewofofthe theyacht yachtDesperado Desperado posting forfor the the bestbest posting overall overall corrected corrected time time on on the course. Deja Deja vu vu and and the long long spinnaker spinnaker course. 31’ 31: 42’ 3841 31 Hunter 31 Hunter Allied, XL2 Tartan 27 ;7L2 27’ _ The fifth annual Racewas was held SeptemThe fifth annual Rochester Rochester Race held on on Saturday, Saturday, September 10, attendedbybyeighty eighty registered yachts racing in nine divisions. ber l0, attended in nine divisions. registered yachts racing 1~1emorning morningofof race, was filled with day exciteThe thethe thethe airair was filled with racerace exciterace, day 32’ 458 14121 14121 36’ ao; 16’ Ericson 32 as Pearson 36 Pearson, Pearson, Pearson Whaler Lippincot Lightning Mirage 32 Sills Marina, Halrton sins Marina, Kirby KirbyHalf-Ton C&C J-24 J-Boats, J-24 Jack C~walier Cavalier Jack Dallas Healy Dallas Healy Wlndborne Windbome 11 40’ 19’ 1s' 19’ 32’ 30’ 30; 27’ 24’ Kimberly Mayer Kimberly Mayer A. Mayer Deborah Deborah A. Mayer B. Gray Charles B. Charles Gray Edward T. I Polidor Polidor Edward D.D.S. S. Lodico, Richard Richard S. Lodico, D.D.S, E. Converse Converse Wiles E. Wiles Wildfire Wildfire Wildfl0wer Wildflower 32' 32’ 29’ 19’ 37’ 25’ 32’ 22115.11 QE? Aux. Arnri Aux. Power David E. Colway Paul W. Sarb0u Sail Sail No. Length No. Length 474 Bottomline,the thesecond secondand andthird thirdplace place overall yachts were overall were Bottomline, bothboth yachts within withinone oneminute minuteofofDesperadds Desperado’s corrected time, attesting corrected to theto the time, attesting hull hull speed speedracing racingconditions. conditions.Tim Tim Donovan Donovan andand the the crew of the crew of the yacht, Silver SilverCloud, Cloud,was wasawarded awarded Yacht Center Trophy thethe Yacht Center for for the the yacht, Trophy best overall overallcorrected correctedtime timeononthetheshort short spinnaker course and best spinnaker course and the the Rochester SesquicentennialCup Cupfor fortheir their performance in several Rochester Sesquicentennial in several performance 1989PHRF PHRFraces, races,including includingthetheRochester Rochester Race. Other trophies 1989 Race, Other trophies were awarded awardedbybythe therace racesponsor, sponsor,Jerry JerryLewis, Lewis,ofofCommand Command Perwere Performancefor forthe thefinishes finishes each division. fomaance in in each division. D-8 D-8 ~»~----- ---~-»~ -_ Y-~ -f ,.__..._....,_.,_._,.o.,a.,,. ,.L.,.,,,.,._.<.,_ ~;.a.._,».J";;=:,=s.u:.;:;;:~ -'~'-:.;=a;f::x.»::m;w=-7~»;#-;~¢¢»-<--~f-»--~:»- _,U ~-»---»~-- _,,_;~;~$¢;g¢;-fgffg-:; --~-~»~-~--»~---~--~»--- "f~3§F1*'- ~ti`?T' þÿ :r ~rJ5 `$'?lt_\> ¬`o>fil~f§_,5zf We ~ -- ~ ' '.;_ 1 ~» a., ,. ` *ar* D-9 D~9 1 ' _ ~ .-.».~.....,...,,,......,,___,,________ ~°-f-'-- "--~""'°~ www. M 5 5§~1f`>;;`§,YSf?L`>£~=§ þÿ1f* `5';~*j- ¬'E,,1i_'5 `1`i;]Pl~z§;`_£`;~_li~zESI"-i' ¢ie\'.""" Q -v ,~ '~'~ My =,m¢_ *mf 1-~ A,.»...,.a. MM., mM%Z"?"4»%Ta,a WDM Q, Hifi; ~:`~";,15?@iz H" ..,_.,,,,;,,_M My wiréiiérli;-1*l`1¢`i!i-°Di:`i~ii11»?via?" ~~:`*; 3~ ~.>i"- ¥1i~`l@i1~>s:9,~=i?=1¢*` ' ' \'?l"~.. ' °' .."_c___ -..,..,,. 'um r,,, 4. gg, ~i1>Iis2t?; þÿi$ ¬;;`5";5l7>;t-1ii§273 1988 ROCHESTER RACE 1988 ROCIESTER RACE mmm RACE RESULTS SEPTEMBER 10, SEPTEMBER 10, 1988 Course Long Spinnaker Course Long Spinnaker DIVISION H DIVISION II DIVISION DIVISION II l1 Desperado l. Bushwacker Bushwacker 1. Desperado 2. 2. Lightwave 2. Breakaway 2. Lightwave Breakaway 3. Dr. Jekyll 3. Dr. 3. Footloose Footloose 3. Jekyll DIVISION III DIVISION HI vu l. deja 1. vu deja 2. High 2. Voltage High Voltage Walkabout 3. Walkabout 3. OFFSHORE OFFSHORE RACING monte FLEET ELEET 1988 RACE RACE RESULTS I988 RESULTS y . PHRF SPRING SUNDAY: PHRF SPRING SUNDAY: DIVISION I DIVISION C&C 35 C&C 35ONE ONEDESIGN DESIGN Bottomline l. Bottomline 1. 2. Kemah Kemah 2. 3. 3. Cayenne Cayenne PHRF SPRING WEDNESDAY: PHRF W EDNES SPRING DAY: I 1-Das BlauMax MaxDIVISION DIVISION I 1-Das Blau l*Das Blau I 1-Das Blau MaxMax 2~Footloose 2-Footloose 2-Dorothy Gale Gale 2-Dorothy 3-Rampage 3-Rampage DIVISION II DIVISION II 3-Absolute 3-Absolute 1-BottomLine Line l-Bottom T2-Jazz T2-Polestar T2-Polestar DIVISION II DIVISION II T2-J azz DIVISION III DIVISION III 1-Desperado l~Desperado DIVISION III DIVISION III 2-Bamco T3-Kiki T3-Kiki T3-Lightwave T3~Lightwave - DIVISION VI DIVISION VI l. Silver Silver Cloud 1. Cloud DIVISION DIVISION IV IV 2. Desire Desire 2. 3. Spectrum 3. Spectrum DIVISION DIVISIONVV Genoa Only Genoa OnlyCourse Course .......... DIVISION VIII DIVISION VIII VII DMSION DIVISION VII l. 1. Bangatore 1. Boreas Boreas 1. Bangalore 2. Boomerang 2. Cheri Mon Cheri 2. Mon 2. Boomerang Panatella 3. Panatella 3. 3. Eclipse 3. Eclipse 1-Kiki 1-Kiki 2-Lightwave 2-Lightwave 3-Desperado 3-Desperado 2-Bamco Short Spinnaker Short Spinnaker Course Course V DIVISION V DIVISION DIVISION IV DIVISION IV Fever Yellow 1. 1. Yellow Fever l. 1. Leading Edge Leading Edge 2. Sunrise Sunrise 2. 2. Life Life in 2. inthe the 3. 3. Hippocampus Fast Lane Fast Lane Hippocampus 3. Hooligan 3. Hooligan 1-BottomLine Line 1-Bottom 2-Jazz T3-Sideband T3-Sideband T3-Polestar T3-Polestar 2-J azz 1-Wild Card 2-Vitesse T3-Innisfree T3-Hooligan T3-Hooligan DIVISION IV l-Wild Card 2-Vitesse T3-Innisfree DIVISION IV l~Stealin 1-StealinTime Time DIVISION DIVISIONVV 1-Vitesse 1-Vitesse 1-Hooligan l-Hooligan 3-Wild Card 3-Wild Card 2-Hippocampus 2-Hippocampus 3-Aragorn 3»Aragorn 1-Hippocampus l-Hippocampus T1-Yellow Fever 3-StealinTime Time 3-Stealin Tl-Yellow Fever DIVISION VI DIVISION VI Rochester Sesguicentennial Rochester Sesquicentennial Cup Cup Main for PHRF PHRF Cup Cup for SBYI, SBYI, MainDuck, Duck,SBLR, SBLR,Rochester RochesterRace Race Tim Donovan, Brockport Y.C. Silver Cloud Tim Donovan, Brockport Y.C. Silver Cloud 1-Chimera 2-Desire 2~Desirc T3-Merlyn T3-Merlyn T3-Bangalore I3-Bangalore l-Chimera Honorable John Honorable John Van VanVoorhis VoorhisAward Award Rochester Race Overall Long Overall LongSpinnacker/ Spinnacker/Rochester Race Y.C. Rochester Y.C. Fred Hubble, Desperado Fred Hubble, Rochester Desperado Yacht Center Yacht Center Trophy Trophy Rochester Race Overall Short Overall Short Spinnacker/ Spinnacker/Rochester Race Donovan,Brockport Silver Cloud Tim Tim Donovan, Y.C. Brockport Y.C. Silver Cloud Overall GenoaOnly Only Overall Genoa Bangalore Bangalore Dennis Doyle, Doyle,Rochester RochesterY.C Y.C Dennis ilii D-11 D-11 13-10 'f _ \ `-'\§¢v/ii* lcv i>f:>=` þÿ is'»-=:~t$.~;3>w_~>.fL.fsp., Jzf!~U1¢§rfI1f!E;21_:1.lfgayyf`~; ¬»f-~'i-§-1'~Y>5¢ ~~»~1~;.~ `&3`;¢'&lr \»:>~,~.»w ¬1?°';! _ r .. . . _ era . »_~=-~\¢,->~ 21125; gszfp ;=;.»¢v,reryv.;;~1;;¢1iit1-fi 171125.- :r~-1.~»1 " -» - em T 1'f"""§"" '*"'1'3l°'"'"'1"'3"*'~'5m-'°-~*'3»-" "5"" '~> ¬`i`5l'.~é`&f~~l`:~$f*`i þÿglsqilg~:~;:1a2-1Li'I-;2f'f5~§=;.~1`&i>~f~*ifsE ¬-iffþÿ:wiA/1":f`a~=I`"=i~ ¬;"1~wi"~»*lf/'~""~T`<'.:» ......................... . ......... . . . I , ..... r .... . . 3 ............ ......yy.y.._.. ll. . ~ ’~ ii !] i~ FLEET OFFSHORE RACING OEFSHEWUERAEE G FLEET OFFSHORE RACING FLEET OFFSHORE RACING FLEET MEMORIAL DAY: MEMORIAL DAY: AUGUST: AUGUST: LABOR LABOR DAY: DAY: DIVISION I I DIVISION 1-Das Blau Max Max I-Das Blau 2-Rampage 2-Rampage 3-Kewero 3-Kewero DIVISION I I DIVISION 1-Cheers I-Cheers 2-Umi Taka 2-Umi Taka 3-Polestar 3-Polestar I~J azz 1-Jazz 2-Cheers 2-Cheers 3-Polestar 3-Polestar DIVISION DIVISION IIII 1-Deja Vu 1-Deja Vu 2-Bamco 2-Bamco 3-Lightwave 3-Lightwave 1-Desperado l-Desperado 2-Lightwave 2~Lightwave 3-Deja Vu Vu 3-Deja DIVISION III I~Desperado DIVISION III 1-Desperado 2-Kiki 2~Kiki 3-Magician 3-Magician l-Umi Taka DIVISION IV 1-Umi Taka DIVISION IV 2-Avanti 2-Avanti 3-Hooligan 3-Hooligan 1~Wild Card 1-Wild Card 2-Splash Dance Dance 2~Splash 3-Expresso 3-Expresso DIVISION IV DIVISION IV I-Hippocampus 1-Hippocampus 2-Aragorn 2-Aragorn 3-Spectrum 3~Spectrum 1~Cherokee DIVISION DIVISION V V 1-Cherokee 2-Stealin 2-Stealin Time Time 3-Lanakila 3-Lanakila 1-Stealin Time 1-Stealin Time 2-Cherokee 2-Cherokee 3-Lanakila 3-Lanakila DIVISION VV DIVISION DIVISION VI DIVISION VI 1-Desire 1-Desire 2-Whippersnapper 2-Whippersnapper 3-Illusion 3-Illusion ' 1-Absolute 1-Absolute 2-Wildfire 2-Wildfire 3-Dorothy Gale 3~Dorothy Gale DIVISION IIII DIVISION DIVISION III DIVISION III 1-Rampage 1-Rampage 2-Wildfire 2-Wildfire 3-Foxfire 3-Foxlire FALL: FALL: SEASON: SEASON: 1-Footloose 1-Footloose 2-Das Blau 2-Das Blau Max Max 3-Rampage 3~Rampage 2-Footloose 2-Footloose I~Umi 1-Umi Taka Taka 1-Jazz l-Jazz 2-Kemah 2-Kemah 3-Cheers 2-Polestar 2-Polestar il i~ 1-Das 1-DasBlau BlauMax Max 3-Rampage 3-Rampage if; l-I azz 1-Jazz 2-Bottom 2-BottomLine Line 3~Bottom Line 3-Bottom Line 3-Polestar 3-Polestar 1-Desperado l-Desperado 1-Desperado 1-Desperado 2-Lightwave 2-Lightwave 2~Bamco 2-Bamco 3-Lightwave 3-Lightwave 3-Kiki 3-Kiki I-Wild 1-WildCard Card I-Wild 1-WildCard Card 2-Vitesse 2-Vitesse 2-Scars 2-Scars & & Scrapes Scrapes 3-Innisfree 3-Innisfree 3-Innisfree 3-Innisfree 1-Cherokee 1-Cherokee 1-Stealin 1-StealinTime Time 2-Hippocampus 2-Hippocampus 3¥eIlow 3-YellowFever Fever 2-Stealin Time Time 2-Stealin T3-YellowFever Fever T3~Yellow T3-Hippocampus T3-Hippocampus 4 an I EVIS SPRINGSUNDAY SUNDAY IMS SPRING IMS IMS SPRING SPRINGWE WEDNESDAY DNESDAY DIVISIONI DIVISION DIVISION DIVISIONI 1 I 1-Rampage I-Rampage 2-Lotus 2-Lotus 3-Dorothy Gale Gale 3-Dorothy 1-Kewero 1-Kewero ¢'1 2-Dorothy Gale Gale 2-Dorothy 3-Rampage 3-Rampage 5 am DIVISION DIVISIONIIII 1-Kemah l-Kemah DIVISION DIVISIONIIII 2-Dorothy Gale Gale 2-Dorothy u 1-Deja Vu Vu I-Deja T2-Kiki T2-Kiki T2-Wild Card T2-Wild Card 3-Kiki 3-Kiki r 5% wx rm <»;;.i iw if 3 D-12 _ _ _ _ _ _ D-I3 D-13 _____..__.,,,~_._._,.Y._,,.__,.,.,,_,_._,,..;,,K;-,..1_-_=a,¢,..__.-. ~ ;~__D::;:;-;¢=~¢--~---»~»~~-»~ _,....a.I__a>_;;.=:_x.,:=-:__:~_:>f_;,::;;::;.;z:;;:;;;u::;-,;_::;,2;»_;:;;__;;..,.1,$::;;;.;.::;;.:;:;.:'>___._.'_;.;:~,-.-;»;=;¢-~»~,.~..,_¢_.y__._7_,,._......_f___:,._;__;_:_;¢ 1;x»:r ;__;;..,.1,$::;;;.;.::;;.:;:;.: _,,@,¢,,V_=§;w$m:r2;::m12:5,.;K.;@:§,g,:__.__._m;...-. _Uw,,_ ,,.,.g,,, .._.:5m;_gm;__;_1__,_;,T..»_=¢»¢= ;ma _,_,,,_,,%,,,,,,,,,I,,"__ wr: #wwf 1-===~f=~ ~---~-f»----'ff -~~»_»~»~ ,,,,_,__7_ : >=~~»-»~ ~~ » ~»»~ ---~--~ -~ f f V » ~1z.;¢f~» ~»-@»-» ~f- ~»-»-~» M-_V-<»~_»~ ' A > -r ___ .ff . ~_-_ _.'_;. ~~ ». ,_~\;, ; >_,@\~;@1_ , __;_, _~,_, __,_~>~:<~_Q1_~,~¢,,;_@_1»¢;¢~;>:;_i_I1~_,>_;~¢~=1~.~f~>¢;;_;_1~~_;zi,___,~;_1,@;~,_\__, ~\, ~_f_ ,_f,¢ ~i,<~~>~_~¢»~¢»,;f<:;,¢__,_~a;_;>Ii,;la, 1@_,<5 1;gig\__:~\_1_;; @~:;:~f1a;f_ar;>,~_;~_¢;»<1=,,;f, 1~:;_; =~f=1."~:;.z;:;r;?~»-~MM_M&, ;:~,-.-;»;=;¢-~»~,.~..,_¢_.y__._7_,,._......_f___:,._; __;_:_;¢ 1;x»:r ', ~1z.;¢f~»»~»-@»-»»~f--~»-»-~» M-_V-<»~_»~ ' ` V V _ 1--~-_~--.._...~._.._,_.,,,_,,,,,,~,, _,_~>~:<~_Q1_~,~¢,,;_@_1»¢;¢~;>:;_i_I 1~_,>_;~¢~=1~.~f~>¢;;_;_1~ ~_;zi,_ _ _ ____ _ ma _~_.____ ' ' .. ' __,~;_1,@;~, _\__, ~\,,~_f_ ,_f,¢ @§.;~,g_»- I -<_:Q:'~ , _ ~i,<~~>~_~¢»~¢»,;f<:;,¢__,_~a;_;>Ii,;la,,1@_,<5 1;gig\__:~\_1_;;;@~:;:~f1a;f_ar;>,~_;~_¢;»<1=,,;f,,1~:;_;; M' FLEET RACWG FLEET OFFSHORE RACING OFFSHORE CALENDAR OF RACES RACES 1989 1989 CALENDAR OF OFFSHORE FLEET OFFSHORE FLEET RACEDATE DATE RACE Tune-Up Races ..................M M ay 21, 24 24 ay 21, Tune-Up Races Spring Sunday Series .............M ay 28, 28, June June 4,4, 11, 11, 18, 18,2525 Series May Spring Sunday Memorial May 29 Memorial DayDay Race Race .............. 29 May 28 Spring Wednesday Series ..........May 31,June June7,7,14, 14,21,21.28 Series May 31, Spring Wednesday Series June Friday Night/GENOAOnly Only Series _June .. June 23,3030(not (not June 2, 2.9, 9, 23, 16)16) Friday Night/GENOA June 16 Scotch Bonnet Race 16 Scotch Bonnet Race (GYC) ......... June (GYC) June 24, Challenge CupRegatta Regatta (SBYC) ..... June 24, 25 25 (SBYC) Challenge Cup .June Lake Ontario Lake Ontario Singlehanded Singlehanded(PCYC). (PCYC)¯. June3131 July Series Wednesday’s .........July 5, 12, 12, 19, 19,2626 July 5, July Series Wednesdays July 21 Main Duck 21 Main Duck (at FHYC) ............ (at FHYC) July Youngstown LevelRegatta Regatta YYC).July .July29,29.3030 (at(at YYC) Youngstown Level TBA July RYC-GYC Race Race .................. RYC-GYC TBA July ..,A. _....... _ _ _ ..... .,......_..... .......... _ OFFSHORE OFFSHORE REGATTA SCHEDULE REGATTA SCEEDULE KEY DATES : -- KEY DATES & & O’F - ERCLUB CLUBSPONSORED SPONSOREDEVENTS EVENTS OH-ER ' - June t6 June 16 ................. June 24, June 25 .............. 24, 25 June 31 31 ................. June July 21 21 .................. July 30 .............. July 29, 29, 30 July ....._...... .._. _...... .... ScotchBonnett Bonnett GYC .Scotch GYC ..._ .... .._........... ....,.... ......... ............ .......,...,...... LYRA WEEK ROCHESTER YACHT CLUB LYRA WEEK ROCHESTER YACHT CLUB August Centennial Race Centennial Race YYC YYCtotoRYC RYC .... 4, 55 August 4. Freeman Cup Race Race -- RYC RYCtotoRYC RYC . August 66 Freeman Cup ¯ .August ~ August LYRA Day at RYC Races LYRA Day Races at RYC .......... 6, 77 ............... August 6. LYRA Day Race August 8 LYRA Day Race 1 & 21 & 2 ............ August 8 LYRA Day Race August LYRA Day A ugust 9 Race 3 & 43 & 4 ............ 9 .............. LYRA Day Race August LYRA Day Race 5 8; 65 & 6 ............ A ugust 10 10 LYRA 7 ............... Au2ust A 11 LYRA DayDay Race Race 7 ugust 11 - - .... -- _ _......... ........,... ,... ..... .... ...,. ..... ..... _..._._..... ,....,....... - Youngstown Youngstown LevelRegatta Regatta YYC Level YYC C C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__. _ _ _ _ August 12 August !2 August August 13 13 August August 14 14 August August 15 15 16 16 August August September September 2 September September 44 September 9 September _ _ _ _ PHRF PHRF 60-190 60-190,Laser Laser2828’s, others s others . Day DayRace Race 11&&22 ...............Day Day Race Race33&&44 ...............Middle Middle Distance Race 55 Distance Race ...............D ay Race Race 66 & & 77 Day ...............D ay Race Race 88 Day 2 .............Labor Labor Day Race to to Sodus Sodus Day Race Sodus to Rochester Rochester Sodus to 9 ............. Rochester Race Rochester Race A .....,. ......_... ..,. ..... .,........ .._.. .... ..... - .... ..... _ D-15 D-15 D-14 D-14 _ ..,f.. .... f~~~. , __ _ ~~.... ..... ..,f ~. ,.,.. ,ff ...~f~., rm,.@f=;~;.@~<¢:,»>;¢s,e@¢.<;;;» M., ~-ff~.,~.~,,... 2 PCYC PCYC August 4, 5 4, 5 ..............Centennial CentennialRace Race Youngstown August to Roch. Roch Youngstown to and Races (Rochester~ and Day Day Races (Rochester) August 66 ................ Start Rochester Rochester to Freeman Start, to Rochester August Rochester August 88 ................ Day Race Race11&&2 2 August Day August 99 ................ Day Race Race 22 && 44 August Day August 10 10 ...............Day Day Race Race 55 &6 &6 August August 11 11 ................ Day Race Race 77 August Day August 18 18 ...............L_I.O_ L.I.O. Rochester Rochester to to Toronto Toronto August August 11 11 . Registration RegistrationCC.O.R.K. SailWeek Week. KYC O R K Sail August ¯ KYC _ L.O.I. RYC to Toronto ............ August L_O_1. RYC to Toronto 18 August 18 Registration CORK Sail Sail Week Week (KYC) (KYC)August August1111 Registration CORK CORK Races at KYC ............. August 12-16 CORK Races at KYC 12~l6 ............. August August Series Wednesdays ....... August 16.25, 25,(Friday), (Friday),30 30Sept. Sept¯6 6 Series August Wednesdays August 16. Labor Day to Sodus Labor DayRace Race to Sodus .......... September September 22 Sodus totoRochester Race S eptember 44 Sodus Rochester Race ...........September S Rochester RaceRace .................. Rochester September eptember 99 Fall Series Fall SeriesSundays Sundays ............ SSeptember 10,17. 17.24, 24.October October1, 1.S 8 eptember 10, Bottle of of 15 (not Bourbon Bottle Bourbon ................October October 15 (not aa make-up make-up day) day) Main Main Duck Duck FHYC FHYC LYRAWEEK WEEK YACHT CLUB LYRA ROCHESTER YACHT v- ROCHESTER CLUB ..... - Challenge Cup Cup Regatta Regatta SBYC SBYC Challenge Lake Lake Ontario Ontario Singlehanded Singlehanded Race Race 11,1 ;: _ J RACE RESULTS RESULTS 1988 J/24 1988 J/24 RACE of 43 43 races races 10 series A in 10 series comprised A total total of of 21 21 yachts comprised of yachts commpeted commpeted in with 485 start = 1 lyacht with 485 starts starts (1 race). (1 start yachtstarting startingaarace). = Overall OverallSundays races, 15l5yachts, races, Sundays(8(8 starts) yachts,80SOstarts) Scratch Scratch lst 1st -- Javelin (Wetherald) -- Innisfree Javelin (Wetherald) Innisfree Trophy Trophy 2nd 2nd -- Leading (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzte) 3rd 3rd -- Life Life in in the the Fast FastLane Lane(Nahmias) (Nahmias) 4th Perfect Manhattan Manhattan (Fischer/Schum) 4th -- Perfect (Fischer/Schum) 5th Ya Ya Ya (Castle) 5th -- Ya (Castle) Handicap Handicap 1st -- Sting lst (Faust) Sting (Faust) 2nd -- Aragorn 2nd (Texter) Aragorn (Texter) 3rd Samurai (Barnash) 3rd -- Samurai (Barnash) 4th -- American 4th American Express Express(Bayley) (Bayley) 5th bateau blanc blanc (Stava) 5th -- bateau (Stava) - - - - 407 starts) 21 yachts, Overall (34 Overall starts) races, 21 (34 races, yachts, 407 Scratch Scratch ..... Javelin (Wetherald) lst -- Javelin 1st (Wetherald) -- Glenn Glenn Litchfield Litchfield Memorial Memorial Trophy Trophy Hull Model Model -- J/24 J/24 Half Half Hull 2nd 2nd -- Leading (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzle) blanc(Stava) 3rd -- bateau bateaublanc 3rd (Stava) 4th 4th -- Quack Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) in the FastLane Lane(Nahmias) 5th -- Life Life in the Fast 5th (Nahmias) Handicap Handicap KraftTrophy 1st lst -- Aragorn (Texter) -- Kraft Trophy Aragorn (Texter) 2nd (Faust) 2nd -- Sting (Faust) Sting 3rd 3rd -- Surprise (Gardner) Surprise (Gardner) 4th -- Ya Ya Ya Ya (Castle) 4th (Castle) Perfect Manhattan Manhattan (Fischer/Schum) 5th -- Perfect 5th (Fischer/Schum) - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ Overall 232starts) Overall Weekends Weekends (23 19yachts, races,19 starts) (23 races, yachts, 232 Scratch Scratch lst -- Leading 1st (Gaenzle) Edge (Gaenzle) Leading Edge 2nd -- Javelin Javelin (Wetherald) 2nd (Wetherald) 3rd 3rd -- Quack Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 4th -- bateau bateaublanc blanc(Stava) 4th (Stava) Life in in the theFast FastLane Lane(Nahmias) Sth -- Life 5th (Nahmias) Handicap Handicap lst -- Sting 1st (Faust) Sting (Faust) 2nd 2nd -- Aragorn (Texter) Aragorn(Texter) 3rd American Express 3rd -- American (Bayley) Express(Baytey) - - -- - - - - 175 starts) 20 yachts, Overall Overall Wednesdays races, 20 starts) (ll races, Wednesdays(11 yachts, 175 Scratch Scratch Cole Trophy lst -- Javelin 1st Javelin (Wetherald) Wetherald) -- Cole Trophy 2nd -- Sea Sea Cup 2nd (Corbishley) Cup (Corbishley) blanc(Stava) 3rd -- bateau bateau blanc (Stava) 3rd 4th -- Yellow YellowSnow Snow(Taves) 4th (Taves) 5th -- Leading 5th (Gaenzle) Edge (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Handicap Handicap Life in in the the Fast Fast Lane Lane (Nahmias) lst -- Life 1st (Nahmias) 2nd -- Surprise 2nd (Gardner) Surprise (Gardner) 3rd 3rd -- Aragorn (Texter) Aragorn(Texter) 4th -- Quack 4th Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 5th -- Amanda Amanda(Lawless) 5th (Lawless) - -- - - - - - - - - - !~ - - ~ - - 55:4 - - Overall Overall Saturdays 16 yachts, l52 starts) races, 16 starts) (l5 races, Saturdays(15 yachts, 152 Scratch Scratch lst 1st -- Leading Seneca Trophy (Gaenzle) -- Seneca Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzle) Trophy 2nd Javelin (Wetherald) 2nd -- Javelin (Wetherald) 3rd 3rd -- Quack Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 4th bateau blanc 4th -- bateau blanc (Stava) (Stava) 5th Life in in the the Fast Lane (Nahmias) 5th -- Life Fast Lane (Nahmias) Handicap Handicap lst 1st -- Sting (Faust) Sting (Faust) 2nd 2nd -- Aragorn (Texter) Aragorn (Texter) 3rd -- Surprise 3rd (Gardner) Surprise (Gardner) 4th Amanda (Lawless) 4th -- Amanda (Lawless) 5th -- Super 5th Collider (van Voorhis/van Voorhis) Voorhis) (van Voorhis/van Super Collider - 'c ,,,~ Tl - - - - - - »- - .,,,, J - - Most Most Improved Improved Surprise (Gardner) McOwen Trophy (Gardner) -- McOwen Surprise Trophy - Coldwater Series Coldwater Series (6 14yachts, 53starts) races,14 (6races, starts) yachts, 53 Scratch Scratch lst 1st -- Quack Quack (Shumway) (Shumway) 2nd 2nd -- Sea Sea Cup Cup (Corbishley) (Corbishley) 3rd 3rd -- Leading (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzle) 4th -- Sting 4th (Faust) Sting (Faust) 5th 5th -- Super Collider (van Voorhis/van Voorhis) Voorhis) (van Voorhis/van Super Collider Handicap Handicap lst Amanda (Lawless) 1st -- Amanda (Lawless) 2nd -- American 2nd American Express (Bayley) Express (Bayley) 3rd Life Fast Lane(Nahmias) 3rd Life in inthetheFast Lane (Nahmias) 4th -- Javelin Javelin (Wetherald) 4th (Wetherald) 5th 5th -- Blue Blue Jay (Hand:/:el/Muhleman) Jay (Handzel/Muhleman) - - - - - - Rasaw in ;,,r' ~ », - - - it -- þÿ¢:,,¢, ¬El þÿ3_ ¬1i2¥J - Memorial Memorial Day Race (1 race, 77 yachts, starts) (1 race, Day Race yachts, 77 starts) 1st -- Quack Quack (Shumway) (Shumway) -- Leading (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzle) 3rd Life in in the the Fast Fast Lane Lane (Nahmias) 3rd -- Life (Nahmias) lst - 2nd 2nd - - D-16 D~l6 D.17 D-17 _¢,/ll mal ez ,Anas Handicap Handicap Guest Guest Skipper 18 starts) races,99yachts, starts) (2races, SkipperDay Day(2 yachts,18 Paiement lst Bob 1st -- Bob Paiement (Javelin) (Javelin) 2nd -- Billy Rohr/Ken Kahn Kahn (Leading 2nd Billy Rohr/Ken (Leading Edge) Edge) 3rd -- Jeff JeffAllaii’e Allaire (Quack) 3rd (Quack) 4th -- Bud Bud Webb Webb (Life in the the Fast Fast Lane) 4th (Life in Lane) 5th O’Leary(Amanda) (Amanda)&& ......... 5th -- Tie Tie -- Brian Brian O'Leary Brook Brook Richardson Richardson (Aragorn) (Aragorn) 1st lst -- American American Express Express (Bayley) (Bayley) 2nd -- Ya Ya Ya Ya (Castle) 2nd (Castle) 3rd -- Sting 3rd (Faust) Sting (Faust) 4th 4th -- Joyride Joyride (Fields) (Fields) 5th -- Sea 5th Sea Cup Cup (Corbishley) (Corbishley) - -- - - - - - - - -- - July Wednesday Series (2 16 yachts, 29 starts) July Wednesday Series (2 races, races,16 yachts, 29 starts) Scratch Scratch Spring 13 yachts, Series(5 53 starts) races,13 starts) (5races, yachts, 53 Spring Saturday SaturdaySeries Scratch Scratch 1st lst -- Leading (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzle) 2nd -- Javelin Javelin (Wetherald) 2nd (Wetherald) 3rd 3rd -- Quack Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 4th -- Life in the theFast Fast Lane Lane (Nahmias) 4th Life in (Nahmias) 5th -- Super Voorhis/van Voorhis) 5th Collider (van (van Voorhis/van Voorhis) Super Collider Handicap Handicap lst -- Surprise 1st (Gardner) Surprise (Gardner) 2nd -- Sting 2nd (Faust) Sting (Faust) 3rd -- Aragorn 3rd (Texter) Aragorn (Texter) 4th -- bateau bateaublanc blanc(Stava) 4th (Stava) 5th -- Sea Sea Cup 5th (Corbishley) Cup (Corbishley) Life in 1st -- Life in the the Fast Fast Lane Lane (Nahmias) (Nahmias) Tie -- Quack -- Tie & Sea Sea Cup Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) & Cup (Corbishley) (Corbishley) 4th -- bateau bateaublanc blanc(Stava) 4th (Stava) 5th -- Joyride 5th (Fields) Joyride (Fields) Handicap Handicap lst Perfect Manhattan Manhattan (Fischer/Schum) 1st -- Perfect (Fischer/Schum) 2nd -- Amanda 2nd Amanda (Lawless) (Lawless) 3rd -- Sting 3rd (Faust) Sting (Faust) 4th 4th -- Samurai Samurai (Barnash) (Barnash) 5th -- Aragorn 5th (Texter) Aragorn(Texter) lst - - - - - - - -- ' - - - - - - August Sunday Series (4 ll yachts, 34 starts) August (4 races, races, 11 Sunday Series yachts, 34 starts) Scratch Scratch -- Javelin Javelin (Wetherald) F. Ritter RitterShumway (Wetherald) -- F. Shumway Trophy Trophy -- Sting (Faust) Sting (Faust) 3rd 3rd -- Quack Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 4th Ya Ya Ya (Castle) 4th -- Ya (Castle) 5th bateau blanc 5th -- bateau blanc(Stava) (Stava) Handicap Handicap lst 1st Aragorn (Texter) -- Aragorn (Texter) 2nd Life in in the the Fast 2nd -- Life Fast Lane Lane (Nahmias) (Nahmias) 3rd Samurai (Barnash) 3rd -- Samurai (Barnash) 4th -- Perfect PerfectManhattan Manhattan(Fischer/Schum) 4th (Fischer/Schum) 5th 5th -- American American Express Express (Bayley) (Bayley) Series (5 18 yachts, 78 starts) Spring races,18 (5 races, starts) Wednesday Series yachts, 78 Spring Wednesday lst 1st - - 2nd 2nd Scratch Scratch 1st lst -- Sea Sea Cup (Corbishley) Cup (Corbishley) 2nd -- Surprise 2nd (Gardner) Surprise (Gardner) blanc(Stava) 3rd -- bateau bateaublanc 3rd (Stava) 4th 4th -- Leading (Gaenzle) Edge (Gaenzle) Leading Edge 5th -- Ya Ya Ya Ya (Castle) 5th (Castle) Handicap Handicap lst -- Amanda Amanda (Lawless) 1st (Lawless) 2nd -- Aragorn 2nd (Texter) Aragorn(Texter) 3rd 3rd -- Sting (Faust) Sting (Faust) 4th -- Quack 4th Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 5th -- Javelin Javelin (Wetherald) 5th (Wetherald) -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - August Wednesday Series (4 19yachts, 68 starts) August races,19 Wednesday Series (4races, starts) yachts, 68 - Scratch Scratch !i lst -- Javelin 1st Javelin (Wetherald) (Wetherald) 2nd -- Quack 2nd Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 3rd -- Leading 3rd (Gaenzle) Leading Edge Edge (Gaenzle) 4th Yellow Snow Snow (Taves) 4th -- Yellow (Taves) 5th -- Aragorn 5th (Texter) Aragorn(Texter) Handicap Handicap lst Samurai (Barnash) 1st -- Samurai (Barnash) 2nd Life in in the theFast FastLane Lane(Nahmias) 2nd -- Life (Nahmias) 3rd 3rd -- Surprise (Gardner) Surprise (Gardner) 4th Perfect Manhattan Manhattan (Fischer/Schum) 4th -- Perfect (Fischer/Schum) 5th 5th -- bateau bateau blanc blanc (Stava) (Stava) Series(4 14yachts, 46starts) July races,14 (4races, starts) July Sunday SundaySeries yachts, 46 Scratch Scratch - 2nd 2nd - - - Tie -- Life Life in in the theFast FastLane Lane(Nahmias) lst -- Tie & 1st (Nahmias) & Leading Edge Leading (Gaenzle) Edge (Gaenzle) Tea m Racing RYC/RHYC Team -- RYC/RHYC Racing Trophy Trophy 3rd -- Perfect PerfectManhattan Manhattan (Fischer/Schum) 3rd (Fischer/Schum) 4th -- Aragorn 4th (Texter) Aragorn(Texter) 5th -- bateau bateau blanc blanc(Stava) 5th (Stava) - - Q O - - - - - - -- - D-18 D" 8 D-19 --AY - ~/~f -- v - ---Y~ » -Y ~ Ys»»-»-»_ ---v _ -V-4 fV»~» ~» » D»l9 Viii _~ -rm ,;;~.»_;1,-;~,-;_=;;=_<;=,-;,,x;=,-,,--;- gr ____ '- -- ~-~'»~M- »---;»_,--1.::»; <~-' YK W--~~---»-i~----.~.,.~....~;;,.,~.;~ -- ~ » - ~ 1: Fall Fall Saturday Series(10 15yachts, 99starts) races,15 (10races, starts) SaturdaySeries yachts,99 Scratch Scratch 1stlst Leading MarthTrophy OscarMarth (Gaenzle) -- Oscar LeadingEdge Edge(Gaenzle) Trophy 2nd -- bateau bateaublanc blanc(Stava) 2nd (Stava) 3rd 3rd -- Quack Quack(Shumway) (Shumway) 4th -- Sting SGH" (Faust) 4th (Fam) 5111 -- Life Lifecin theFast La" (Nahmias) Fas*Lane 5th in the <NahmiaS> Handicap Handicap lst -- Aragorn (Texter) 1st Afagmfl (Texter) 2nd Znd -- Surprise Surpme (Gardner) 3fd -- Amanda (Lawless) 3rd Anmda (Law ess) 4th -- Javelin Javelin (Wetherald) 4th (Wetherald) Nh -- American AmeflcanExpress EXPYESS(Bayley) <BaY1"'Y> 5th - FLEET #41 SCHEDULE E W #iw CALENDAR OF RACES 1989 1 1 - - J/24 J p Q FLEET .J/24 FLEET J/24 RACE DATE RACE DATE COLD COLD WATER WATER COACH COACH SERIES SERIES J-Daze(ur (atCanandaigua Canandaigua YC) ....... May J-Daze &7 7 May 66 & YC) Sundays ........................ May 21 May 14, Sundays 14, 21 Wednesdays ..................... .May May 17, 24 17, 24 Wednesdays Memorial Memorial Day Race .............. May Race 29 May 29 Day SPRING SATURDAY SATURDAYSERIES SERIES ...... May SPRING 29 May 27, 27, 29 June 1O_ 18 June 33, 10, 18 (Sun) (Sun), 24 24 SPRING SPRING WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYSERIES SERIES ... .May May 31, June 7, 28 31, June 7, 14, 14, 21, 21, 28 Scotch ScotchBonnet BonnetRace Race(GYC) (GYC) ......... June 16 June 16 Firecracker Firecracker Regatta ............... July July 11 & & 22 Regatta JULY JULY & & AUGUST AUGUST (scores SERIES (Scores combined) combined) SERIES SUNDAYS .................... July July 9, 9, 16, Aug 55 (Sat), (Sat), 13, 27 SUNDAYS 16, Aug 13, 27 WEDNESDAYS ................ July 5, 12, 26, Aug Aug2,2, 16, 16,30 30 WEDNESDAYS 12, 19, 19, 26, July 5, District 77Regatta Regatta(at(atSBYC) SBYC) ........ July District 22 & & 23 23 21, 22 July 21, YoungstownLevels Levels YYC) ....... July 29 & & 30 30 Youngstown (at(at YYC) July 29 Freeman Freeman Distance/course Distance/courseraces races ..... August August 6, 6, 77 LYRACourse CourseRaces Races --RYC RYC ....... August LYRA August 8-11 8-tl J/24 Americans -- RYC RYC ...... August I/24 North North Americans August 18-25 18-25 ..... ....... FALL FALL SATURDAY SATURDAY SERIES SERIES Rochester Race Rochester Race . September September 99 (Sat.) (Sat.) Fall FallSeries Series ...................... SSeptember 10 (Sun), (Sun), eptember 10 September 16, 23, 30, 30, October October 77 16, 23, September 1 _ _._.... ,al ..................,..... _ ................ " <Gf='ff"@f> . . .............. 1 _.__.. _ . ......... ............... 7 F1158 .................... 1 ga* __._...__._.__._ ........ ....... ..... ,M 3 1233 - ....... _ ..,._. .................. ......,.__._... um :Ecu :aura M.: ..... 1 "L .gm , 1151151 D41 D-2t D-20 D~20 g = U.S.S.A. U.S.S.A. FLEET FLEET #20 #20 1989 SOLING SOLING RACE 1989 RACE SCHEDULE SCI-EDULE ROC!-ESTER ROC~ESrFE]~ YACHT YACHTCLUB CLUB FLEET #41 J/24 #41ROSTER ROSTER- 1989 1989 .J/24 FLEET 11. Bob 15 Bob Bob Bayley Bob Lasser Lasser Bayley 1 - 2. GuntherBuerman Buerman 2. Gunther 3. Bob 3. Bob Castle Castle 4. Earl 4. Earl Chapman Chapman 5. "Corbo" 5. "Corbo" Corbishley Corbishley 6. Jack Jack DePeters DePeters 6. 7. Gene Faust Faust 7. Gene 8. John Fields 8. John Fields 9. Dusty Fischer/A1 Schum 9. Schum Dusty Fischer/A1 10. Ed Gardner 11. Larry Gaenzle Gaenzle u_ Larry 12. Grimmett 12. Tod Tod Grimmett 13. Paul Handley Handzel/ ]3_ Paul Fred Muhleman Fred Muhleman 14. 14. Bob Bob Harvey Harvey (in membershipprocess) process) (in membership 16. Mark Mark Lawless Lawless 17. Kevin Kevin Moran Moran 18. Patty PattyMurphy Murphy .......... 19. Mike Mike Nahmias Nahmias John Naughton 20. John Naughton 21. Bill Bill Rohrer Rohrer Fischer Sertl 22. Cory Sertl Cory Fischer 23. Skip Skip Shumway Shumway 24. Reid Stava Ben Taves Taves 25. Ben John 26. John Texter Texter 27. Jay Jay Tovey Tovey Gene VanVoorhis/ VanVoorhis/ 28. Gene Norm Norm VanVoorhis VanVoorhis 29. Houghty Wetherald Houghty Wetherald SOLING FLEET FLEET SOLING 1 RACE DAY RACE DAY Cold Water Series .........May Cold Water Series May 21, 21, (Sun (Suntune tuneup), up),2727(Sat) (Sat) CupCup Memorial Memorial May ay 29 29 (Mon), (Mon), June June 33 (Sat) (Sat) Day Day ..............M Spring Saturday Series ..........June Series June 10, 18(Sun), (Sun),24 24 Spring Saturday 10, 18 Firecracker ...................July Firecracker July 1,1, 22 & & 33 Summer Sunday Series .........July Summer Series July 16, 23, 30, 30, Aug Aug5,5, 1313 16, 23, Sunday C.O.R.K ..................... A C.O.R.K. u g 11-16 Aug Fall FallSaturday Saturday Series ............Aug Series Aug 27, 27, Sept Sept 10 10 (Sun), (Sun), 16, 16,23, 23, Oct- 7 7 30, 30» Oct. North North Americans Americans(at (atAnnapolis) Annapolis) .Sept .. Sept25-29 25-29 ......... ....... . . _ ..... ..... ................... "1 1 ......... ...... ....... ..... ' a .1 1 ............ _ _ gr; . ' .4 .1 . ._ .1 ms wi.: L .wi 1989 1989 S®E3W@ SOLING FLEET FLEET RQSH ROSTER ER 1988 SOLING FLEET #20 RESUL~ Spring Series Spring Series 1. J. J. Castle Castia 1. 2. J. J. Odenbach Odenbach 2. 3_ M. M_ Tennity 3. Tennity Summer Series Summer Series 1. E P. Odenbach oaenbach 1. 2. Darcy 2. Darcy Doyle Doyle B_ Cameron 3_ B. Cameron 3. Fall Series Fall Series 1. 1. J. J. Odenbach odenbach 2. 2. J. J. Castle Castle 3. B. 3. B. Cameron Cameron Season PerformanceSummary Summary Season Performance 1. J. J. Odenbach odenbach 1. 2. J. J. Castle Castle 2. 3. 3. E F. Odenbach Odenbach Myron Archer Archer Myron Fritz Odenbach Odenbach Fritz Jerry Castle Castle ICH? Denis Doyle Doyle DSU" PaulEui Elli Paul Robert L. L. Lawless LawlessJr. Jr. Robert Brian Moran Moran Brian Bram Bram Bruce Cameron . John Odenbach Palm Palm Dave Riedman David David Rutheffmd Rutherford Mike Mike Tennity Tennity Elliot Elliot Woodhull Woodhull Dave Rledmw we A Cold Water Cold Water Cup Cup 1. J. J. Castle 1. Castle 2. J. J. Odenbach 2. Odenbach 3. Odenbach 3. EF. Odenbach 1 l aw; :fum 1 1 va i ii D-23 D-22 `--e1 þÿ ¬@f;;;`.¢..¢ RUCPESTER YACHT ROCHESTER YACHTCLUB CLUB FLEET AWARDS 1988 DRAGON AWARDS 1988 DRAGON FLEET RACE MEMORIALDAY DAY RACE MEMORIAL Cross Cross Cup Cup SPRING SERIES SERIES SPRING Past Commodores' Past Commodores’ Cup Cup SERIES SUMMER SERIES Lorelei Trophy Trophy MAYOR'S TROPHY TROPHY MAYOR’S Howard Low Howard Low ROCHESTER YACHT YACHTELUE CLUB ROCIESTER DRAGON @R@@@N FLEET FLEET ROSTER R@§'H`ER 1989 gggg PUFF PUFF ....... O.E. O. E. Schupp Schupp O_ E_ Schupp O.E. Schupp Lynne Low Lynne Low Phil Enriquez Enriquez & & Marion Phil Marion Sacco Sacco Murray Hestley Amy Johnson Herbert Humphrey Howard & & Howard :: I DELAWARE DELAWARE Howard PUFF Howard Low Low PUFF Ian Orr Orr MORVEN Ian MORVEN Yacht Club Royal Canadian Yacht Club Royal Canadian Toronto Toronto FALL FALL SERIES SERIES Crescent O.E. O. E. Schupp Crescent Cup Schupp Cup OVERALL OVERALL CLUB CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMPIONSHIP O. E. Schupp Baess O.E. Baess Trophy Schupp Trophy DELAWARE DELAWARE RYE RYC LASER LASER ELEET FLEET #267 #267 1988 AWARDS ESSS AW S DELAWARE DELAWARE RYC KYOUTH RYC LASER LASER DISTRICT DISTRICT IX YOUTHREGATTA REGATTA Sr. Sr. Division Division lst kst Andrew Andrew Lerner Lerner Qualifiers Qualifiers Bob Bob Bryant Bryant lst Master Master 1st Glen Glen Nelson Nelson Keith Polidor Polidor Keith Jen Jen Brick Brick John John Brick Brick Eric Lerner Eric Lerner Callin McCaulay Callin McCaulay Gunnar Richardson Richardson Gunnar 1st Junior Junior lst Stuart Ames Ames 2nd Stuart Heil 3rd Doug Doug Heil 4th Keith Polidor 4th Keith Polidor 5th 5th Jay Shimshack Jay Shimshack Division Jr. Division 5th 5th Chad Chad Henry Henry 1989 ROCHESTER DRAGON FLEET ESSS ROC GOS ELEET STER D P~4~C~G SCHEDULE EWS SQ DIJLE DRAGON FLEET FLEET DRAGON Cups &&Flags Cups Flags lst 1st Bill Bill Rohrer Rohrer 2nd and Derek Derek Prickey Frickey RACEDAY DAY RACE Guest Skipper M ay 21 21 Guest Skipper DayDay ............... May Warm Race .................. May Warm UpUp 27 Race May 27 Memorial Day(Cross (Cross Cup) ........ _May May 29 Memorial Day 29 (Mon) (Mon) Cup) Past Commodores’ 18 (Sun). Past Commodores` June 3, June 18 (Sun), June June 24 24 3, 10, 10, June CupCup ........... _June Founders’ Day Regatta Regatta(at (atRCYC) RCYC)...July 2&3 Founders Day ...July1,l,2&3 Lorelei Cup --Sundays Sundays ........... July 9, 9,16,16,23, Lorelei Cup 23,30, 30,Aug (Sun), .July Aug 55 (Sun), Aug 27 27 LASER FLEET Aug Great Lakes American Great Lakes and and North North American _f (EYC Cleveland) . August 12-1912-19 ............................. (EYC Cleveland) .August ................ & 44 Rochester Mayor`s Rochester Mayor’s Trophy ......... September 2, 2, 33 & Trophy _...September Crescent 10 CrescentCup Cup --Saturdays Saturdays ......... .September September 10 (Sun), (Sun), 16, 23, 30, 30, 16, 23, October October 77 ........ ..... .................. .... _ _ _ ....... . _ _ ....... _ _ _ 3rd Andrew Andrew Lerner 3rd Lerner Most Races Most Races 4th Jane Faust Faust 4th Jane 5th Stuart Ames 5th Stuart Ames NSS LASER DTILE 1989 LASERSC SCHEDULE - RACE DAY LASER FLEET RACE DAY p ............. _ _ _ ..... - ..... _ . . 29 Spring Series . JuneJune 15,15,22, 22,29 Spring Series Summer Series Summer Series ................... July July 6, 6, 13, 20, 27, 27, Aug Aug3.3, 17 17 13, 20, RYC District 28 RYC DistrictLaser LaserYouth Youth Regatta .July 28 July Regatta "" .....__._.._.___.... ___...._.......__._ ._.. D-24 D44 .;~': rx: 3:32 Z/:tx :ZZ 1, ~::z:_ .'2:"_`v_ 1_ ;;~:~::uiJ?Lf:7!:f7 Z:I'1-1FZTZITJITZZ't$`::"::f;:;1!`.; ...-.,.~r_E.;a .... Sarnia..-:-f-_-»~E~_».:==».».¢-@%>;~»~a f'» D*25 D-25 """7:;:';i';.:"..:.:::"52:*Lii?IZ.§:,:LiY;:;.;.f2!;:;. "Zi: 3' ~ - - JY. ;.;_';;' t::;' ':.:'73 » » ' "1 ~»-- * S " ' "Q -»»»~- ~ -af-»~»~f»»»=»»-f%~».--¢,z;w.-¢,.,»=--~=»=e~»»»m~e¢~"2~<-w" -e@~. ~ ' " ` E ' v; ~ ~_ ».:==».».¢- 45`~»""," "'""""""'""'*"""""""*"""*F`*'f"'""*'"""" »~»»-»-»»--»~v»__E;»»--~»~= -»-»»»» 111;-rs: v; """'"W2"*""' --~ M ""'-"W-»'- `7 ~~%¢¢ W,sm» --" @%>;~»~a -af-»~»~"WM "2~<-w" f»»»=»»-f%~».--¢,z;w.-¢,.,»=--~=»=e~»»»m~e¢~ -e@~. J# mfr? "°*»~§»i5=z:".ss°'*'~",'5¢.m»"'ea>»,~',':»~,=~f',,Z1» in R ,~»~,5 Eff" ' " " *'?uY " '7'/~"~""""" ,__,~_~;~ ~¢~ ~é;;°,_w am Harbor Harbor and andProperty PropertyPolicy Policy RYC LASER FLEET FLEET #267 #257 RYC LASER LASER ROSTER 1989 LASERJNOSTERQ S9 Jeff Allaire Jeff Allaire Stuart Ames Stuart Ames Jim Barnash Jim Barnash Trisha & George George Bonheyo Bonheyo Trisha & Jenny & Jon JonBrick Brick Jenny & Robert Bryant Robert Bryant Maggie Buerman Maggie Buerman Greg DelMonte Greg DetMonte Shannon Doyle Shannon Doyle Janie & Janie & Susie SusieFaust Faust Derrek & Derrek & Darryl Darryl Frickey Frickey Mike Hawley Mike Hawley Doug Heil Doug Heil Stephen Henry Stephen Henry Jeff Hiatt Jeff Hiatt Tim & Tim & Jenny JennyHyde Hyde Timothy Jones Timothy Jones Kelli, Heide, Kurt KurtKarshick Karshick Kelli, Heide, Andrew Lerner Andrew Lerner ri Adopted December 1986 December 1, J, 1986 Adopted Callin Macaulay Callin Macaulay Caroline Mahon Caroline Mahon Pare McKeon ....... Pam McKeon Tim Mitchell Tim Mitchell Glen Nelson Glen Nelson Ray Nelson Ray Nelson Steve Paiement Steve Paiement Keith Polidor Keith Polidor Gunnar Richardson Gunnar Richardson Bill Rohrer Bill Rohrer Mike & & Jay Jay Shimshack Shimshack Mike John Texter Texter John Lauren Urich Lauren Urich Kiki Voss Voss Kiki Rick Wait Rick Wait Walsh Boys Boys Walsh David Walsh David Walsh Bud Webb Bud Webb Peter Woodams Woodams Peter lil is General General : ,rs M fin; 1. theuse useofofthetheRochester Rochester Yacht Club l. This This policy Yacht Club policy encompasses encompasses the Facilities consisting Facilities consistingofof basin, breakwalls, docks, the Sailing thethe the Sailing basin, breakwalls, docks, Center dockand andlaunching launching ramp, launching haulout facilities, Center dock and and haulout facilities, ramp, launching indoor and indoor andoutdoor outdoorboat, boat,trailer trailerand andcradle cradlestorage storage areas club areas andand club lockers. lockers. MQ; rm my . 2. The 2. shallmaintain maintain a Club Fleet Register, TheProperty a Club Committee shall Fleet Property Committee Register, which feesfees havehave beenbeen under consisting ofyachts yachtsforfor which registration paid under consisting of registration paid Article VIII, Article VIII, Due Due and andCharges, Charges,Section Section3 3ofofthethe By-Laws. Only By-Laws. Only yachts listedininthe theClub ClubFleet FleetRegister Register may considered be be considered for for yachts listed may and forfor and and assignments thebasin basin and launching, haulout, storage, haulout, assignments totothe launching, storage, Member-Guest privileges.Facilities Facilities be assigned for general willwill be assigned Member-Guest privileges. for general club use forfor thethe club useasasrequired. required.ToTobebeeligible eligible Club Fleet Register, Club Fleet Register, a a yacht shall be: shall be: yacht <14 .,.1 J . N, 1 ~1 J e l :fa 3 A. A. Owned exclusivelybyby a member of the Club Owned or or chartered a member of the chartered exclusively Club in good goodstanding; standing; in 1:1 B. Owned by aasyndicate syndicateofofmembers members (sometimes Owned or or chartered chartered by (sometimes referredtotoasaspartnership partnership multiple owner), allwhom of whom are in referred all of or or are in owner), multiple good standingininthe theClub; Club; good standing C. Held Held in in aa manner manner other which is reviewed C. otherthan thanininA.A.ororB. B. which is reviewed by the Property Committee on an individual basis and approved by the Board. D. In cases involving syndicates, registration fees shall be collected from all syndicate members as if sole owners while all other financial responsibility for the yacht shall be charged to the most senior member. Arrangements concerning syndicate members’ shares of fees must be privately handled among them. B. LADES RAC G SCHEDULE 1989 LADIES RACING RACE DATE June/July Series ..................June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13, 20 Sail with a Male .................July 21 (Friday) Summer Series ...................July 27, Aug 3, 17, 24, 31 Make-up Race ...................September 7 mf' 53 $1 3. The Yacht Facilities are the property of the Rochester Yacht Club. Repairs and alterations to the Facilities are to be done only by the RYC Yard Crew or as authorized by the Yard Master. A berth and mooring not occupied by an assigned yacht because she has not been launched or she is expected to be absent from the RYC for two nights or longer is under the jurisdiction of the Property Committee while the yacht is absent. §. i 4. Assignments to RYC Yacht Facilities are to be made or modified only by the RYC Property Committee. All assignments are for one season only. E-1 ~ »- » ~-.H-f ....»..»,... . . _ --»-»---'~~»~».--~»~»~.~ .. ..~YY . . Y. #_ W., Y~ i _ _._ .W N. . »...,.-._.....» ._ _ _ . ._.i.__ _ __ ,.Aa.»..-.~.-A/_ ....._..n_,.___,_._., »_._ » ..,. e H- ._ ...W -.,._.,_,..,,, M.. ..~.. ..... ew, ; Mi. i .... ~ , _ U.. ._A...-........_ ....v.i\....~_.._».._-»-/"YA..»~.._....-._~,, _,_»..__..~. Y g .W . .. .A - » W ,-- -»...,~...~..`_.,.,.,.....~...».~,.,s,,.~a,......,..,. -»- ...CC.04 :.,,.,,_~,g¢-,,~»:;;¢--~»----.~,_»_»~..,~.l....,,.,,,,,,, ».<».~,.¢>.»...,.-.a~.»»-»»-~..~,»-»,.»/.¢-»,e~»»-_.~»s,..~.._..,,,,,,,,,;,-~'~»»~»»--e_=f-»»~-»~»=»-» -~--»a_,m»<;,:,_ ggi" ~¢<»;i¢ ,d ,»>-»»»--»y,_-~,-»~f»»»-.f»»~»~~»~..§.,i...,,.§ » ,__ -~»-----....,,. ._-,,,¢..g \__i¢»,,ff--»»a~,-~.,.~sr;;';.;»,¢;g;r---»»<»-»-=¢»».'-.¢.».»»»»...<».mir,.¢a,t,,,,,, 5 ~",.="~»»->¢=»,g».,,3r.::;:; -a:,z»z~°»»f-»~»»--»»~»»~»»»~a-»~»< ~ ar MM to syndicates, B. Assignment ofberths berthsand andmoorings moorings to syndicates, including ~ including Assignment of the be made shall partnerships andmultiple multipleowners, owners, shall be made Property by by the Property partnerships and or or of of Committee, afterapproval approvalbybythetheBoard. Board. cases syndicates In In cases Committee, after syndicates each owner's be determined partnerships, seniority shall be determined by applying each owner’s shall by applying partnerships, seniority of membership of years her number percentage ofownership ownershiptotohis/ his/her number of years of membership percentage of at a at to arrive obtained results and and adding addingthe thetotal totalofofthethe results obtained to arrive a "partner"partnera 50% ship seniority" seniority"designation. designation.For Forexample, example, a 50%50% - 50% partnerpartnership would thethe other 9 years ship with withone onemember memberhaving havingl year 1 year and and other 9 years would ship With an an 80% 20% have haveaa55year yearpartnership partnershipseniority. seniority. With 80% -20% ownership, ~! ownership, the partnership partnershipseniority senioritywould would years. In this type of ownerbe be 2.62.6 the years. In this type of owneri! be shall information the ship, the following information shall be required: required: following ship, 5. 5. In In addition addition to toberth berthand andmooring mooringassignments. assignments, RYC thethe RYC Pro-Property may,designate designate a number yachts as Floaters. Committee may a number of of as Floaters. perty Committee yachts These yachtswill willoccupy occupy, slips temporarily being by, an These yachts not not usedused slips temporarily being by an assigned yacht.Floaters Floatersmust mustmeet meet criteria of assigned yachts, thethe criteria of assigned assigned yacht. yachts. Floaters arenot notguaranteed guaranteedananassignment assignment subsequent season, Floaters are thethe season. subsequent B. 6. The 6. The use use of ofRYC RYCYacht YachtFacilities Facilities guests Member-Guests andand Member-Guests by by guests shall be thethe shall be under underthe thesupervision supervisionofof designated Dock Master(s) as Dock as Master(s) designated directed by directed by the the Property PropertyCommittee Committeeand andthe theRYC RYC Board. Board. - ~ 7. RYC 7. RYC equipment equipment used used forfor hauling, launching, moving, rigging hauling, launching, moving, rigging and washingyachts yachtsand andthethefloating floating crane, barge work boat(s) and washing andand work crane, boat(s) barge may beoperated operatedbybymembers membersofofthetheYard Yard Crew only. This restricCrew This restricmay be only. tion does doesnot notinclude includejibjibcranes cranes and launching platform used tion and used launching platform by by drysailed yachts. yachts.Such Suchequipment equipmenttotobebe operated by members only. members drysailed operated by only. 8. Berths, anddry drysail sailareas areasshould should reserved for the 8. be be reserved for the Berths, moorings moorings and active use active useof ofthe themembership. membership. during prime boating season If If thethe season during prime boating (May 25through throughSeptember Septemberl5) 15)thetheuseuse a yacht is not anticipated ofof a yacht is not (May 25 anticipated over an over an extended extendedperiod periodofoftime time (one month more), alternate month or or alternate (one more), should be storage arrangements should be made, and the Property Commitand the Commitmade, storage arrangements Property tee should tee shouldbebenotified. notified.Late Late launching early haulout will be made andand haulout will be made launching early available for available forthese thesesituations. situations. (1) (I) cerCopies of ofFederal FederalDocumentation DocumentationororState State Registration cerRegistration Copies all all members as owners; tificatesor orbill billofofsale saledesignating designating members as owners; tificates (2) (2) the the Copies of of any any policy policyofofinsurance insurancecovering covering yacht yacht Copies named as all members designating all members as named insureds; insureds; designating (3) (3) or used Copies of ofany anyfinancing financingororloan loan agreements used by any or by any agreements Copies all all members memberstotopurchase purchasethetheyacht; yacht; (4) (4) members thethe Copies of any anyagreements agreementsbetween between members regarding regarding Copies of andand maintenance its the the yacht, yacht, itsownership, ownership, maintenance operation; operation; members: A fromallallsyndicate syndicate members: A statement statement from thethe of of (a) As As tototheir theirpercentage percentageofofpurchase purchaseprice price yacht yacht (a) paid by each; each; paid by what (b) Of that that percentage percentagewhat whatpart partwas wascash cashand and what part part (b) Of ofof was financing financingororother otherform form payment; was payment; or or between That there there are areno noother otheragreements agreementsamong among between (c) (c) That information of the the members the memberschanging changingany any of the information provided provided in in (l) (1)through through(5) (5)above; above; The date date of oftheir theiradmission admissioninto into membership. (d) The membership. (d) each that A statement A statementfrom fromthe theTreasurer Treasurer that each syndicate member syndicate member the the andand hashas is aa member memberof ofthe theClub Clubiningood good standing is paidpaid standing RegistrationFee Feefor forthe theyacht; yacht; Registration (5) (5) Assignment Procedure Assignment Procedure Cards for 1.l. Cards for requesting requestingYacht Yacht Facilities be mailed Facilities willwill be mailed to allto all members byFebruary Februaryl.1.Members Membersmust must complete and return cards members by and return cards complete to the the Property to Committee by February 15. Committee 15. Property by February 2. all Yacht YachtFacilities Facilities will be made all members 2. Assignments to all will be made to allto members Assignments to only on the thebasis basisofofseniority. seniority. The member’s of membership The member's datedate of membership only on initiating currentcontinuous continuous resident membership be used to resident will wil! be used to initiating current membership determine seniority, determine seniority,except exceptasasotherwise otherwise provided in the Club in the Club provided By- ByLaws for surviving survivingspouses spousesofofdeceased deceased members. Interim Laws for members. Interim non-nonresident status resident statuswill willnot notdisrupt disrupt continuous membership status, thethe continuous membership status, nor will nor will authorized authorizedleaves leavesofofabsence, absence,except except that in the case of leaves that in the case of leaves of absence of absencethe theactual actualtime timeofofthethe leave of absence shall be subtracted leave of absence shall be subtracted from the from theperiod periodofofmembership membership purposes of seniority under forfor of seniority under the the purposes harbor and property propertypolicy. policy. ....... harbor and (6) (6) A. of berths and moorings to individual owners of ............ A. Assignment Assignment of berths and moorings to individual owners of yachts shallbebemade madebyby thethe Property Committee which require Committee which yachts shall Property maymay require any documentationand andinformation information it deems necessary, it deems any documentation necessary. In addition to the above, the Board may request and consider any other relevant information and circumstances in aa given given case; case; (7) (7) In addition to the above, the Board may request and consider any other relevant information and circumstances in (8) (8) above inforThe Board Boardshall shallgive givesuch suchweight weight to to all all of the of the above inforThe or and mation as mation as ititdeems deemsappropriate appropriate and assign, or deny assignassigndeny assign, there is in which ment, of aaberth berthorormooring mooringtotoanyany yacht in which there is ment, of yacht syndicate,partnership partnershiporormultiple multiple ownership; ownership; syndicate, E-3 _ v - .......-...._...,._. W.. . f . ,_ _ ,, _,V ____, ~ -- . Y -.._ M ~ ~,----~ ~--~ -~»~»~»----W-» ~»-----~»~---~-~--» V- .._......_..,.......__ MC.. .,._..,......,. M. ....._,, _ . - ,.,_. '*"'e~"~~" ' » ' ff" W _ as __.._.-_._.,-.,..........._.._.,. _ -,~@~_,,___......._.`/».-,-4f,»,~_-1~.s.~..,"~__..Ma_i.~,.,. f:;~§-5f--»»--»-¢;»=<w-7»ve~.=e,»»f-~sm>;-~_<> _ " :. .M_ ."" ,..._.a.,.,.,..,....,.......,_. . _ . ,,... 7-. - t _ _ -_----,,,--~._»»~. ~¢M.~m_.._,._,.a.7.....r.~.._,.,V g » ~---:-/,/»-q<~f»»e<w';mm'£.-;:_-;a"~.amf._ , , (9) (9) intended to exclude or eliminate Nothing thispolicy policyis is intended to exclude or eliminate Nothing ininthis members ofsyndicate syndicateowned ownedyachts yachts that meet members of that do do notnot meet the the above requirementsfrom frombeing beingassigned assigned berths moorabove requirements berths andand moorings. However,ininsuch suchcases cases only seniority of most the most thethe of the ings. However, only seniority junior member will be considered. member will be considered. junior 5. membereligible eligible assignment or designation 5. AAmore more senior senior member forfor or designation assignment as a if the as a Floater Floateror orfor forindoor indoorstorage, storage,may maybebe bypassed if the member’s member's bypassed yacht cannot cannotbebeaccommodated accommodatedininavailable available slips or storage space. or storage yacht space. slips Length, beamand anddraft draftarearethethecritical critical criteria. criteria. Length, beam Members acquiring Members acquiringa ayacht yacht larger than than the the oneone previously assigned assigned larger previously to thebasin basinororindoor indoorstorage storageareareadvised advised to review their plans to the to review withwith their plans the Property the Property Committee. Committee. C. berthsand andmoorings mooringsofof yachts chartered or C. Assignment of berths chartered or Assignment of yachts under ofother otherforms formsofofownership ownership(see (see Paragraph under corporate C. C. of of corporate of Paragraph the eligibility the eligibilityfor forClub ClubFleet Fleet Register) shall be made onfacts the facts shall be made on the Register) and circumstances thethe same factors outlined and circumstancesofofeach eachcase, case,using using same factors outlined above above for individually owned and for owned and syndicate owned yachts so as farthey as they owned individually syndicate yachts so far may be applicable. applicable, may be 6. AAmore more senior to to or or indoor senior member member not thethe basin 6. notassigned assigned basin indoor or storage, or designated a Floater the previous season, cannot "bump" a Floater the cannot storage, "bump" designated previous season, aa less less senior seniormember memberfrom fromthe thebasin basinoror storage area during cur-curarea the the storage during rent was a berth or moorrent season seasonififthe theless lesssenior seniormember member was assigned a berth or moorassigned the the indoor ing, designated designateda afloater, floater,ororassigned assigned indoor storage during ing, storage during previous season. previous season. D. assignments,thethe Property Committee and the D. In lnmaking all assignments, Committee and the making all Property Board shall Board shallbe beguided guidedbybyfairness fairness those members relying on the to to those members on the relying various formsofofownership ownershipasaswell well members who be on various forms to to as as members who be on maymay aa waiting waitinglist listfor forberths berthsand and moorings at the Club. Assignment at the Club. shall shall moorings Assignment be made or ordenied deniedsosothat thatsyndicate syndicateownership, ownership, charters, corporate be made charters, corporate and other and other forms formsofofownership ownershipmay may not used to avoid or circumnot be be to avoid used or circumvent the vent thepolicy policyfor forassignments assignments berths mooring established of of berths andand established mooring herein. herein. 7. thethe Thefollowing Committee 7. The maybebeconsidered consideredbyby Property Committee Property following may when assigning assigningmembers memberstotorequested requested berths moorings, lockers, when berths andand moorings, lockers, or preferred preferredlocation locationininthethebasin. basin. or A. participationbyby member in club activities. A. The Thelevel thethe member in club activities. level of of participation 3. with assigned assignedberths berths and moorings 3. Members Members with and willwill havehave moorings preference obtaininglockers. lockers. preference ininobtaining ..... 4. The sequence of assignment of berths and moorings is as follows: 4. The sequence of assignment of berths and moorings is as follows: A. Members A. berthand andmooring mooring previous Members assigned forfor thethe assigned aaberth previous season willbebeassigned assignedone one current season. season will forfor thethe current season. ThisThis rule rule also also appliestotodry drysail, sail,inside insideand and outside storage. term "season," outside TheThe term "season," applies storage. as as applied appliedtotoberths berthsorormoorings, moorings, from launch to haul-out is is from launch datedate to haul~out date. date. As As applied appliedtotostorage storageis isfrom fromhaul-out haul-out date to launch date. date to launch date. C. The Theextent forfor or extent to to which used C. whichthe theyacht yachtis is used racing, cruising or racing, cruising sailing. day day sailing. D. as as one classes. D. The The particular particularclass classofofyacht yachtsuch such one design classes. design Rights,Obligations, Obligations,Restrictions Restrictions Rights, l. The Themember thethe Dock Master whenwhen 1. responsiblefor fornotifying notifying Dock Master member is is responsible he expectshis hisyacht yachttotobebeabsent absentfrom from assigned or designated he expects anan or designated assigned berth and lf proper notification berth andmooring mooringfor fortwo twoorormore more nights. If proper notification nights. is not notgiven, given,a aslip slipwill willcome come under Property Committee jurisdicis Committee under jurisdicProperty tion after tion after aa two twonight nightabsence. absence. B. leasedon onananannual annual basis assignments B. Lockers Lockers will will be be leased basis andand assignments will will be be made madeasasinin "A"above. above, C. The Thebalance C. availableberths, berths,moorings, moorings, lockers, inside, balance of of available lockers, inside, and outside and outsidestorage storageand and dry sail facilities be assigned on the sail facilities willwill be assigned on the dry basis of basis of seniority. seniority. D. D. Floaters for the the Floaters for basis of seniority. B. peculiarities limitations in handling the handling B. Demonstrable limitations in the Demonstrable peculiarities or or characteristics characteristicsofofthe theyacht. yacht. 2. be denied deniedthe theuse useofof assigned or designated 2. AAyacht anan or designated not be yachtmay assigned may not berth and or or berth and mooring mooringbybyany anyother othermember member yachts guest yacht yachts guest yacht exceptwhen wheningress ingressororegress egress basin is restricted during thethe basin is restricted to to during except or if notificaactivities major regattas regattasororconstruction construction activities orthe if the proper notificamajor proper tion tion of of absence absencehas hasnot notbeen beenmade. made. current yearwill willthen thenbebe designated on the on the designated current year basis of seniority, E. Assignments E. anddesignated designatedFloaters Floaters posted willwill be be Assignments and posted by by April 1. April 1. 3. 3. or sublet without Yacht Facilities Yacht maynot notbebeloaned, !oaned, exchanged or sublet without Facilities may exchanged of the Committee. permission of the Property Committee. permission Property E Indoor E assigmentswill will posted at haulout Indoorand andspecial be be at haulout special storage storage assigments posted time. time. E-4 E-4 M., _ __ . _ A. _,_ þÿ- ¬i:fr ¬¥E:i'21&::?:§%T£~E?lrr ._ 2, D ._.,.__m. , . . . _....s,.»~..»,» -:~' :=r=fv==";f= f- f1=»f~»f»°»'ff » E-5 E-5 ~ - »Y ~ ~ _ ~ ._ ==1f1¢f2='TI'¥f11'f»>1T#24*-12»¥#111=~2'S1=1éf»'-1>`ff:»*-§1'e:"~"`;;~> .__ `: , ,A _ _ _ _. , , ._ . ._ _ . _ , . A , _ . , :,:;;;:1::;_ _:;;><,;:-::;:::.:.-.;:.:=:.:; . _ - .2 . ~ -- »-»~=»».».-<»-»~.¢M»-»~»-»--~»~»--»r~»-»»~»¢»-»-- -.:. ..,..,...,, -/--Y/--~"I¥F~»,~¢,».@ g* " '~' --~'--=-»---»-¢»-»-»-.f»_~ lx.. """~'-'>~'4'-"'°",;7=-1~»¢»1¢-was -;»;'==@m yew 4. A maynot notuse useRYC RYCproperty propertyasas a base operations 4. A yacht a base of of for for yacht may operations commercial venturessuch suchasaschartering chartering a yacht brokerage. This commercial ventures or or a yacht This brokerage. will not preclude precludea amember member agent from showing or will not or or hishis from or agent showing the demonstrating the member’s yacht that is for sale. member's that is for sale. demonstrating yacht By-Laws of of By-Laws The YachtClub Club The Rochester Rochester Yacht December 16, (Adopted December 16, 1976) 1976) (Adopted 5. It is that it isitthe of the 5. It is the thepolicy policyofofRYC RYC that is the responsibility ofmembers the members responsibility to to promote promotethe thesecurity, security,safety safety and consideration to ourselves, and consideration to ourselves, our our families and families andtotothe theguests guestsofofRYC. RYC. ARTICLE ARTICLE II Name Name The name of ofthis thisorganization organizationshall shall Rochester Yacht The name be be thethe Yacht Rochester Club,Club, "Club." hereinafter in these by-laws called "Club." called by-laws A. AAyacht not be be used A. used as asaadomicile domicilewhile whileonon RYC proRYC yachtmay may not pro~ perty. This does not preclude the use of a yacht for an occasional not the use of a This does for an occasional perty. preclude yacht onon these of member overnight stay.However, However, these occasions, gatherings of member occasions, overnight stay. gatherings or "sleep overs" or shallnot notdisturb disturb other members or visiting yachts. other members or visiting "sleep overs"shall yachts. Lockers shallnot notbebeused usedasasdomiciles domiciles any time. Lockers shall at at time. any hereinafter in these ARTICLE II ARTICLE II Purposes Purposes 6. AAFloater, or his his designated must be be 6. representative, must readily Floater, or designated representative, readily available for available forcontact contactbybythetheProperty Property Committee to facilitate movCommittee to facilitate moving the yacht to different locations as the need arises. It is the responthe to different locations as the need arises. It is the ing yacht responsibility ofthe theowner ownertotomove move hishis yacht as directed as directed by Property the Property sibility of yacht by the Committee. Committee. andand The to to interests The purposes purposesofofthis thisClub Clubshall shallbebe promote encourage interests promote encourage the the of seamanship in yachts and in yachtsand andyachting, yachting,tototeach teach and promote principles of seamanship principles promote and navagation,totoencourage encouragethethe traditions of yachting, to encourage traditions of yachting, and and and navagation, to encourage to and teach young andand maintain teach youngpeople peopleininseamanship seamanship yachting, to provide and maintain yachting, provide for the and facilities a suitable suitableclubhouse, clubhouse,anchorage, anchorage, and facilities for the and use recreation and recreation of its members, members,and andtotomake makeany anyandand rules to any do any other to do other act act or of its allall rules andand with thethe or inor advancething incidentaltoto orconnected connected with foregoing purposes in advancething incidental foregoing purposes ment thereof. ment thereof. or 7. Member-GuestisisaaRYC RYCmember memberwith with a registered yacht 7. A A Member-Guest a registered not not yacht assigned tothe thebasin basinororberthed berthedat at any marina or club within 10 miles marina or club within 10 miles assigned to any of the RYC RYCwho whowishes wishesa berth a berth and mooring at the RYC a limited of the and at the for afor RYC limited mooring time. time. A Member~Guest A Member-Guest yacht yachtisislimited limitedtotoa total a total 9 days in RYC the RYC ofof 9 days in the staystay basin basin during duringthe theprime primeboating boatingseason season (May 25th through September 25th (May September through 15th), exclusiveofofstays stays in conjunction invitational events in conjunction withwith invitational events and and 15th), exclusive for at RYC as a regattas. Arrangements for staying at RYC as a Member-Guest must Member~C1uest must regattas. Arrangements staying be be made throughthe theDock DockMaster, Master,ororthe theProperty PropertyCommittee. Committee. made through or ARTICLE III Rochester Junior Rochester JuniorYacht YachtClub Club ARTICLE III in young inter~interFor thepurposes purposesofofpromoting promotingandand encouraging in young people For the people encouraging in ests ininyachts yachtsand andyachting yachtingandand teach promote in young people to to teach andand young people the the promote of yachting, and the traditions principles of seamanship and navigation and the traditions of yachting, of and principles seamanship navigation Junior Yacht ClubClub for for this this Club Clubmay maysanction sanctionand andestablish establishRochester a Rochester Junior Yacht of 13ofyears attained the the but but the the membership membershipofofpersons personswho whoshall shallhave have attained 13 years ageage Board of Directors not The not yet yethave haveattained attainedthetheage ageofof19 19 years. The Board of Directors maymay adoptadopt years. of the conduct and and affairs for for the the appropriaterules rulesand andregulations regulations conduct affairs of the appropriate Rochester RochesterJunior JuniorYacht YachtClub. Club. ests 8. A 8. maybebeassigned assignedonly only one berth, (wet or dry), A member member may one or dry), berth, (wet perper season on RYC RYCproperty. property.The Theexception exception to this may be made season on to this if a if a be made may member who member whohas hasaawet wetmooring mooringalso also wishes to have a dry to have a dry wishes sail sail berthberth assignment forananadditional additionalboat(s). boat(s). Such a request must be apa request Such must be apassignment for the proved by the Property Committee before the boat(s) is brought Committee before the is proved by boat(s) brought on on Property to club club premises. to premises. a ARTICLE ARTICLEIV IV 9. Any 9. yachtinindistress distressdue dueto to bad weather, mechanical failure, bad mechanical weather, failure, Any yacht or or sickness or injury injuryof ofthe thecrew crewwill willbebeextended extended of the RYC sickness or thethe of the useuse RYC Facilities Facilities for foraareasonable reasonableperiod period ofof time. time. Membership Membership Section 1. ~: PROPERTY COMMITTEE PROPERTY COMMITTEE Board Approved Board Approved December 1, December 1936 1, 1986 use a Classes of Membership There shall be classes of Club A. E-7 . _ '" ' r follows: as Resident Member All members of the Club nineteen (19) years of age or more who do not qualify for any of the other classes of membership. , V. "" membership __f '»<~_» ,F¢£?.»~""'»§.A¢~ mg,Qs,,,~m@@§;§;= ~w ~" ;-f»»-~»--~ae "" '°* -'~"°"'*-~*-~ """* ... .»» » ¢.,Y,@g~ -»»~¢~;-»-»-=»~»».»_»~f~.~ f:~-»~f»-v "" » -»~ - 1-1< 4, -» _M 4 . .., ~`.4» -¢ . -1¢=¢=7¢/';";~¢-0 B/.;;,<., -»»~&-»-ff- - - - ' . ' f ~~ f ~ .<,~;;~ ,_, .:;.1<;~~1si:<.=~~.zxrfsii es ws . ... .,..,.; .,W.,,a.,;,._¢,¢.~i@i 5.M.,._.si.,~,_a.i.<..,@._...¢;.f.. 'is ~ W, ~.,.i.1,.... .~ ,.,..s..<>i~<.1...~..ti its V , A ~ -W f., L pf theage of twenty-three H. Student underthe Student Membership. memberwho whoisisunder H. age of twenty-three Membership. AAmember (23) years years and and is is aa full full time time student student (which (which shall shall mean meanbeing beingaastustu(23) dent dent for for approximately a.pproximatelynine nine(9) (9)months monthsduring duringthe thecalendar calendaryear) year)inin educational other accredited accredited educational or other at a a school, good standing st,~ding at school, college, good college, or institution institution located located outside outside of of aa 50-mile 50-mile radius radiusfrom fromthe theClubhouse. Clubhouse. (Amended 12/15/88.) (Amended 12/ l5/88.) B. Non-Resident and principal principal Non-ResidentMember. MembenAll Allmembers members whose residence and whose residence place of business are both outside of a 50-mile radius from theClubClubofbusiness are both outside of a 50-mile radius from the place house the Yacht Club regularly, house and and who who do do not not use use the the facilities ofthe facilities of Yacht Club regularly. This can either or joined joined by perThis classification classification can either be be transferred transferred into into or by aa person club. son who who is is already member of of a a recognized already aa member recognized yacht yacht club. Member:May forone oneyear C. Honora~, the Board Board of of Honorary Member Maybebegranted grantedfor year by by the to any in recognition Directors to of conspicuous serviceto to the the Directors any person person in recognition of conspicuous service not be Club. Club. Honorary Members shall shall not be subject to the the payment of any Honorary Members subjectto payment of any dues or or initiation initiation fees. fees. dues Ancient Mariner in good at D. Ancient Mariner. A A non-boat-owning non-boat-owning member member in good standing, standing, at his option, in writing to the his the Board Board of of Directors Directors for for Ancient Ancient may apply option. may apply in writing to Mariner membership. Mariner Tobe beeligible, eligible,the themember membermust musthave havereached reached membership. To been his 65th 65th birthday and have his and have been aa member member for for twenty-tive twenty-five(25) (25)years. years. birthday Non-Resident Ancient Ancient Mariner. Mariner Members Members who who are are eligible for both both E. Non-Resident eligible for Ancient Mariner Mariner and and Non-Resident Non-Resident Member, as specified above. Member, as Ancient specified above, thedeath deathof F. Sun,iving Spouse ofaa member member in in good SpouseMembership. Surviving Membership.Upon Uponthe good the of that member elect to to continue for one one standing, the spouse of that member may continue for may elect standing, spouse the same same class class of of membership as the the deceased the year had at the deceased spouse had at year the membership as spouse time of of his time his or or her her death death by by giving giving written written notice notice to to the the Board Board of ofDirecDirecor if ifnon-boat non-boat owning, tots, suchsurviving begranted tors, or owning, such survivingspouse spousemay maybe granted privileges of the the club club for for one one yar yar by by the the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. At At the the privileges of end of of one end one year year following following the the death death of of aa member, member, the the surviving surviving spouse spouse an abbreviated abbreviated membership may membership procedure addressed may apply apply through through an procedure addressed directly to the the Board Board of of Directors Directors for for (a) (a) such such class class of of membership membership directly to as he he or she would or she as would normally normally be be eligible eligiblefor, for,or or(b) (b)ififnon-boat non-boatownowning, for "Surviving "Surviving Spouse" Spouse" membership. membership. If If the theapplication applicationfor foreither either ing, for is granted, shall be be without without payment is of additional additional initiation initiation fees fees granted, itit shall payment of other than than those those which which would would have have come other come due due had had the thedeceased deceased member not not died. member died. Payment of dues dues shall shall be be established establishedfrom fromtime time Payment of to time to time by by the the Board Board of ofDirectors Directors for for each each such suchclass classof ofmembership. membership. Upon or upon becoming aa boat boat owner, owner, aa "surviving Upon remarriage remarriage or upon becoming "surviving spouse" shall automatically to that convert to that class class of of spouse" membership membership shall automatically convert for which which such membership such person is otherwise otherwise eligible. A spouse membership for person is eligible. A spouse of aa deceased deceased member, member, upon upon election election totomembership, membership, shall shallbe bedeemed deemed to have have seniority the date date of of his his or or her her deceased to seniority from the elecdeceased spouse’s spouse's election to tion to membership membership or or from from the the date date of of said said surviving surviving spouse`s spouse’smarmarriage to the the deceased deceased member, whichever is is later. later. (Amended member, whichever (Amended riage to l2/ 15/ 88.) 12/15/88.) G. Special on an an The Board Board of of Directors Directors may authorize on Special Membership. Members/zip. The may authorize individual case individual case basis basis aa special, special, limited limited term term membership membership(not (nottoto exceed exceed two two years). years). The The Board Boardof ofDirectors Directorsshall shallestablish establishthe thelimited limited term and term and other other conditions conditions of of such such as as membership, initiamembership, including including initiation fees tion and dues. dues. Any Any member member in in this this membership membership class class who who wishes wishes fees and to apply for any to other class class of of membership membership must normust go the norany other apply for go through through the mal membership real procedure. (Amended 12/15/88.) l2/ l5/ (Amended 88.) membership procedure. ~~~/ere--' ___c - __ __ ~~ . _ _.__ ' ~ __....._....._. _, ..._.. ___, » ~-~ _.__ .,_..___ ...__ ...., _ _-__.__,_,_.., _..__.___._....____.-._.._._. _ ...._,... -~ ~ _ _ ..._... . .__.. __ ., __..._.. _ _ _ _ __._:,._ _ 1 ;,g_;g__,_. _ . ' We"Me-»~~~'~»e--r~'-~"°~~*n"'"ff="-~" ~ __ Y"-' .. __._,._.» 2233? _ li? Wx" 1 7'V'/A r/tl Section Leave of Absence Section 4.4. Leave ofAbsence A member member experiencing A personal hardship hardship may mayapply applytotothe theBoard Board experiencing personal exceed two to exceed leave of aa leave of absence absence for for aa period period not not to two years years during which which period period monthly monthly dues dues will willbe bewaived. waived.Upon Uponapplication applicationofof during such such member member full full privileges privileges shall shall be be reinstated reinstated by byaction actionof ofthe theBoard Boardofof fees other than those initiation of additional Directors without Directors without payment payment of additional initiation fees other than those not been been granted. which would have come come due due had of absence absence not the leave leave of which would have had the granted. In In the the event eventsuch suchmember memberfails failstotomake makeapplication applicationfor forreinstatement reinstatementprior prior to the the expiration expiration of of the the leave leave of of absence, absence, such such member membershall shallbe bedeemed deemed to of absence absence period. to have have resigned resigned at to of the the leave leave of at the the end end of period. of of Directors Directors for for E-9 E-9 __ .-.- ' H43 'X A. Each A. Each Candidate Candidate for for membership membership must must be beproposed proposedininwriting writingbybytwo two or second a a either Resident in good Resident Members Members in standing. To either propose propose or good standing. candidate, the the member member must belonged to to the the Club Club for for at at least least have belonged must have candidate, one one year. year. The The applicant must formally formally apply apply for formembership membershipinin applicant must data and such biographic writing providing such and references references as as determined determined biographic data writing providing Form must be An the Board of Directors. by the Board of Directors. An Application Form must be signed signed by by by Application which includes includes an an agreement and seconder, the candidate, candidate, proposer, seconder, which agreement proposer, and to comply by the candidate candidate to comply with the By-Laws Rules and and Regulations Regulations By-Laws Rules by the of the Club. of the Club. B. All applications applications or or proposals proposals of membership shall shall be be referred referred to to the the B. of membership All Membership be the the duty dutyof ofthe theMembership MembershipComCornIt shall shall be Committee. It Membership Committee. mittee to investigate investigate the the candidate candidate and and to to report report to to the the Board Board of of DirecDirecmittee to tots The Membership Membership Committee Committeeshall shall tors with with its its recommendation. recommendation. The to an become known known to candidates to to become establish procedures for an approapproestablish procedures for all all candidates priate number of of its its Committee andMembers Membersofofthe theBoard Boardofof Committee and priate number Directors. Directors. C. C. Candidates will be be elected elected to to membership membership by by aa majority majority vote voteatatany any Candidates will regular Board Board of of Directors Directors Meeting Meeting except exceptthat thataacandidate candidatewill willbebe regular if two two or deemed Not Not Elected Elected if deemed or more more negative negative votes votesare arecast. cast. IfIfthe theappliapplicant elected to to membership cant is is not not elected when presented presented to to the the Board Board of of membership when Directors, he he or or she she may may not not reapply reapplyfor formembership membershipfor fora aperiod period Directors, at least six (6) months. of at (6) months. D. D. or any Elected Ofticers, Officers, Directors, or any person person on on the theMembership MembershipComComa candidate candidate for for membership. mittee can can neither neither propose propose nor membership. mittee nor second second a _ . ll Section Members Election of Section 3.3. Election ofMembers . . gl" Requirements Membership forMembership Requirementsfor The general requirements requirements for for all all classes classes of ofmembership membershipare arethat thatthe the The general to the theother other and be be acceptable person have a genuine in yachting have a interest in yachting and acceptableto person genuine interest members. members. . _ _ _ _ ;::z,:=;.;;;;;;:;:_:; _L1;;;:;:;:.;;v,:;;;;,;:i;_;.:::;;.:¢a<::_-:~x:r;;~;:::;:v;1::::v::~::;::;:w~_:;c.:;c;.;;:.;,::,,:~ ___A_.--___.,;s:_:.:;;::;:;~_::.:_~;::: ._,. ,_ .... ,_._._._-._-.._.,.__ _._,.._.Y.,_,, l Section 2. 2. Section E-8 E-8 ._ _m......_._._..__. il. .__ Y- - _.__. ~ ' _ r_ mf ._-.1 ~_~. s ,»- - .__ - '~ * r 'i;~'>=' ~.m.__,,,i,,,.,_,g,___,._,_,.,,,,__,,_M,7_,_,,,ignzjl;%,,;M_.,,,_i.,,_a__._,;.;g,,p.,. me=-,=.~ »~» »~#~e-_-_~= ~» - --,§*1¢v»mz'2-.~_;~;a»f-f-»».,,.....f»......s._ ___..____%»»'~»»f~»»=.<. .~»-._i~, »ts.~»~._.,.i:;.a.. .,,__ ,..s~»~f-»~=f-»»»»»-»-»-ws __,.» .,_._.. _____;_,e;,_.,.,».a,.._~,,,,._,..W.,,,_, ¢~=¢-=~':-_:__=;;_:.=-free;-m»-e _~:f;f_f_-:::m,~:,¥._%Z~;'&w . ,».__.s,.,,,,s.a»~i»;1,_,,~,..,._.,,.,_,_,..,..,,_,,,,_._ -. _ ,, .M.»,.... __ __ _ , -»y _ ~ A leave of of absence absence will will be be granted granted to to any any member member only A leave once during only once during his or her discretion of the Board Board his or her period of membership. It will will be be the the sole sole discretion ofthe period of membership. It of Directors as of Directors as to to whether whether circumstances circumstancesjustify leaveof ofabsence. absence. justifygranting grantinga aleave C. The member in in arrears arrears after C. The Board Board of of Directors aftersixty Directors may any member sixty may expel expel any (60) from date date of ofstatement. statement. (60) days days from D. or in in connection D. Any member member who who has has incurred incurred charges upon, or connection with with Any charges upon, his yacht, or work work shall shall pay for services, his yacht, for materials, dockage, services, materials, dockage, storage, storage, or pay all such charges charges which become due payable under under the the rules rules all such due and and payable which have have become or may be be launched launched or or or regulations of the the Club Club before before such such yacht regulations of yacht may removed from the the Club's Club’spremises; premises;and andititshall shallbe be the the duty dutyof ofthe the removed from Treasurer to Treasurer to collect collect all all such such charges. charges. E. be E. The names ofofany The names memberswho whoare aresuspended orexpelled shall be suspendedor anymembers expelled shall on of the Club. posted on the bulletin board of the Club. the bulletin board posted Section Section 5. 5. Voting MatingRights Rig/its The The right shall be be vested vested only only in in Resident Resident and and Ancient Ancient Mariner Mariner to vote vote shall right to Members good standing standing who who have havepaid paid during during their their current current consecutive consecutive Members of of good membership boat registration registration fee fee as as provided providedininArticle ArticleVHI, VIII, Section Section membership aa boat 3, of these these By-Laws, or as as may have been been in in effect effect prior 3, of to February By-Laws, or may have prior to February1,1, 1974. Members 1974. Members who who were were Senior Senior Members Members on onJanuary shall have have 31, 1974, 1974, shall January31, the as they they have have been been Resident Resident Members Members in the right to vote vote as as !ong in good stand~ right to long as good standsince that that time, ing time, even even though though said paid aa boat boat said members members may never have have paid ing since may never registration and Ancient Ancient Mariner Mariner Members Members meeting meeting the the fee. All All Resident Resident and registration fee. above are referred above requirements referred to to as asVoting Members. (Amended requirements are (Amended Voting Members. 12/15/88. 12/15/88. Section 8. <3 Discipline Section Discipline A. have power The Board of Directors Directors shall shall have A. The Board of power to to expel expel or or to to suspend, suspend, for for such such time time and and on on such such conditions conditions as as itit may maydetermine, determine,any anymember member who has who has willfully willfully disregarded disregardedany anyrules rulesororregulations regulationsofofthe theClub Club or or whose whose conduct conduct shall shall be be determined determined toto be be injurious injurious totothe thewelfare welfare of the the Club. Club. of B. B. Any member having another member member because because Any member complaint against against another having aa complaint the same same in in writing of such of the the latter latter may or conduct conduct of of such action action or report the writing may report to the Board Board of to the shall set set forth forth the the facts facts of Directors Directors and and such such complaint complaint shall of of witnesses, if any. of the the situation with the the names names of situation together witnesses, if any. together with C. C. If the on its its own own initiative, of Directors, If the Board Board of Directors, on initiative, shall shall consider consider that that aa member should should be be subjected to discipline, discipline, the the Secretary Secretary shall shallprepare prepare member subjected to a a similar similar written written complaint. complaint. D. The Board D. The hear any any complaint complaint promptly, promptly,having having Board of of Directors Directors shall shall hear provided the the complaining complaining member, member,the themember membercomplained complainedof, of,and and provided notice of of the time either party five (5) the time any witnesses witnesses requested (5) days any days notice by either party five requested by and Minutes shall and place place of of the the hearing. hearing. Minutes shall be be kept kept of of the the hearing hearing and and reduced to to writing writing and The decision of The of the the reduced filed with with the the Secretary. decision and filed Secretary. Board of of Directors Directors on on any any such such complaint complaint shall shall be be reduced reduced totowriting writing Board and aa copy copy thereof thereof sent of and and the comand the member member complained the comsent to to the complained of plaining member, member, ifif any. any. plaining E. If E. If a a member Board of of Directors Directors should should state state the the member is is suspended, the Board suspended, the conditions that that must must be be met met for for removal of suspension. suspension. removal of conditions F. E The The decision decision of of the of Directors Directors is is final final on on all all matters matters of of the Board Board of discipline. discipline. ’ Section andand Krpulsion Section 6. 6 Suspension Suspension Erpulsion A. member of the Club who to A. Any member of the Club who isissuspended is no no longer entitled to Any suspended is longer entitled any privileges of the Club, either as a member or a guest. A suspended of the either as a member or a A Club, any privileges guest. suspended member or vote in any any election, election, cannot cannot enter enter any any member cannot cannot hold hold office office or vote in Club-sponsored cannot use use Club Club facilities. facilities. The The suspension suspension and cannot race, and Club-sponsored race, may be removed by meeting meetingthe the conditions conditionsasas outlined outlinedininthese these removed by may be By-Laws or the conditions set by the Board of Directors at the time or the conditions set the Board of Directors at the time By-Laws by of of the the suspension. suspension. B. Any B. memberofofthe theClub Clubwho whoisis expelled is no no longer considered aa Anymember expelled is longer considered member none of of the the rights rights and and privileges privilegesassociated associated member and and is is entitled entitled to to none with Under no circumstances can an expulsion with membership. Under no circumstances can an be membership. expulsion be removed for removed (12)months months from from the the date date the the member member isis notified notified for twelve twelve (12) by the Board Board of of Directors Directors of of such suchexpulsion. expulsion. After After that, that, the the individual individual by the may for membership membership and, and, if accepted, will be required required to to p.ay p.ay if accepted, will be may reapply reapply for the initiation initiation fee the fee in in effect at that that time. effect at time. : i! Section 7. Z Arrears Arrears Section A. A. Statement Statementfor fordues duesand andother otherindebtedness indebtednessshall shallbe be rendered rendered monthly monthly and are are payable and within thirty thirty (30) (30) days. days. Accounts Accounts not not paid paid within withinthirty thirty payable within (30) fromdate date of of statement statement are are considered considered in in arrears. arrears. (30) day, days sfrom At each At each meeting of the the Board Board of ofDirectOrs, theTreasurer Treasurershall shallhave have Directors, the meeting of available available for for review: review: 1. The The names 1. andthethe amount of indebtedness each member in names and of indebtedness amount of eachof in member arrears arrears for for 30 from date of statement. 30 days from date of statement. days 2. The Thenames names andthe theindebtedness 2. and indebtednessofofeach eachmember memberininarrears for arrearsfor 60 days 60 from date date of of statement to expulsion, statement and and subject to days from subject expulsion. B. Directors B. The TheBoard Boardofof Directorsmay memberininarrears. arrears.AA maysuspend suspendany anymember member suspended shall be be reinstated member reinstated upon of all all charges suspended shall upon payment payment of charges previously billed. Any member who who has has been been suspended suspended twice twice within within previously billed. Any member aa period (12)months monthsmay maybe besubject subjecttotoexpulsion expulsionby byaction action of twelve twelve (12) period of of the the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. of ,_,_ __,_, ,,.,r W., .,_,____,_,,.,,.,,,,,.._...,,_ ._A __,,,,_,,., ,.,,.,,,__ E-10 Section 9. 9.Resignation Section Resignation A member who is in good is in A member who may resign resign by by tendering tendering aa written written standing may good standing who is in arrears A member member who is in arrears may Board of of Directors. Directors. A resignation to to the the Board may resignation only resign resign upon upon consent Directors. IfIf aa member member has has paid the Board Board of of Directors. consent of of the only paid an an initiation initiation fee, fee, and and thereafter thereafter resigns resigns and and applies appliesfor formembership membershipagain, again, such member member shall an initiation fee then then in in effect effect unless unless payment such an initiation fee shall pay payment pay because of ofunusual unusual thereof shall shall be thereof Board of of Directors Directors because be waived waived by the Board by the circumstances. circumstances. E~ll E-11 ,,., -..,_~ »,-.-.Y.¢.;_~;»;»~.t~.<.::=-.;<.._-mm».;~_-.¢ef.<.~_f.~.~.-*_-:-:~.-.f.~,;.;¢;;;,,,-.__;;_,_,.;;;_..¢,~;»..;._~_~f».-:L-_-.~;-51 þÿ'"met1?wf1f====5iw=fr-2;=LE'2125e='5#E:?§.Zé2 ¬&1T;£ ¬§§55f-Seééfiéeefr~:-:-e;~:=i:.3i.;=§1.if:-:e§::=;;:;:;,;;§§;,;s.t.'.f-;.f.-..,=' -. - f;¢.».»f; »-:~@.~.-.»:f~ ~¢» .- -_~=~.'» fs _- W .. _ ARTICLE V ARTICLE V Section Section 10. 10 Privileges Privileges A. Every A. and memberiningood use any and all all facilities facilities and Everymember goodstanding standing may may use any and services providedbybythe the Club, Club, on on an an equal equal basis basis with with all all other other services provided members; but if if the that the the the Board Board of of Directors Directors shall shall determine members; but determine that demand for for certain demand as moorings, yard certain facilities facilities or or services services (such as (such moorings, yard storage, or or lockers) or will supply, itit may may does or will exceed exceed the the available available supply, lockers) does storage, adopt plan or or rule rule of of general general application application toto all allmembers members respect~ respectadopt any any plan ing waitinglist listor orpriority priority based based on on such such length lengthor or date dateof ofmembermembering aa waiting or on on such such other ship deem just other basis basis as as the the Board Board of of Directors Directors may deem ship or may just to all all members, to members. B. B. All individual All individual owners, owners,either eitherpart partororwhole, whole,ororallallindividual individualcharterers charterers of yacht or or boat of any boat either either stored stored or or moored moored at at the the Club Club must must be be any yacht members. members, Board of Directors Directors Board of ¢ ' 1. Board Section 1. Board Directors Section of of Directors The Directors shall directors, The Board Board of of Directors shall be be composed of six six elected elected directors, composed of the the elected elected officers, officers, and and the the Past Past Commodore Commodore most most recently recently holding holding such such office. The The Board office. Board of of Directors Directors shall shall have have general of the the policy, general charge charge of policy, management, finances finances and and property property of of this this Club Club and and shall exercise its its shall exercise management, powers generally generally to promote the to promote the welfare welfare of of the the Club. Club. The The Board Board of of DirecDirecpowers tors each month month and and may tors shall shall meet meet regularly regularly once meet specially specially from from once each may meet time time to to time. time. A A majority majority of of its its members members shall shall constitute constituteaaquorum. quorum. All scheduled monthly monthlymeetings meetingsshall shallbebeopen opentotoClub Club All regularly regularly scheduled in which members of such such meetings which members, members except for those those portions portions of members, meetings in except for candidates candidates for for membership, membership, or or employees employees are are discussed discussed or or acted actedupon uponindi~ indiname. All committee chairmen should attend those vidually by name. All committee chairmen should attend those portions vidually by portions of of all all regularly regularly scheduled scheduled monthly monthly meetings meetings when whenaffairs affairsand andrecommenrecommendations Board of dations of of their their committees committees are are considered. considered. The The Board of Directors, Directors, by by a a majority majority vote vote of of its its members members or or by by call call of ofthe theCommodore, Commodore,may mayfrom from time to to time time convene convene special special meetings meetings atat which which club clubmembers members not notmembers members time ofthe of the Board Board of of Directors Directors shall shall be be present present only only upon upon invitation invitationof ofthe theBoard. Board. 12/ 15/ 88.) (Amended 12/15/88.) (Amended Section Section H. ll. Member’s MembersFamily Family The spouse and dependents of members members under underage 19 shall shall have have full full spouse and dependents of The age19 privileges the applicable class of of membership. membership, of the privileges of applicable class Section Section 12. 12. Guests Guests A A member member may invite as as his his guests reasonable number number of of nonnonmay invite guests aa reasonable members members and and aa non-member non-member aa reasonable reasonable number number of of times, to use use the the social social times, to privileges of the Club. Club. The The member member introducing introducing aaguest guestshall shallbe berespon~ responprivileges ofthe sible for for all sible and conduct conduct ofthe of the guest. guest. Adult Adult persons persons who who regularly regularly all acts acts and act as act as one one of of the the crew crew of ofaamember’s member`s yacht areexpected for yacht are expectedtotoapply applyfor membership. guest privileges by any member may The use use of of the the above above guest member membership. The privileges by any may be restricted at time if the Board Board of of Directors Directors shall shall determine determine that be restricted at any if the that such such any time use is is unreasonable use unreasonable or or otherwise otherwise detrimental detrimental to to the the Club. Club. t ,ni _2 . gg -fd W, SD 1 Aft Lil Zi e Section Section 2. 2. Elected Directors Elected Directors There shall shall be be six Elected Directors be two two There whose term term of of office office shall six Elected Directors whose shall be years each, each, with eachAnnual with three three Directors Directorsbeing electedatateach AnnualMeeting. years beingelected Meeting. No Elected Elected Director No twoconsecutive consecutivetwo-year Director shall shall serve servemore morethan thantwo terms. two-yearterms. All in good All Elected standing. Elected Directors be Resident Resident Members Members in Directors shal! shall be good standing. (Amended 12/11/80.) (Amended 12/ll/SO.) Section Not Liable forfor Negligence Section 13. 13. Club Club Not Liabie Negligence of Regardless any negligence negligence on on the the part part of of the the Club, or its agents Regardless of any Club, its agents or it is is expressly emp!oyees, understood and and agreed member that employees, it that expressly understood agreed by by every every member the Club Club shall shall not not be be liable the liable or or responsible responsible to for any any loss loss or or damage damage to anyone anyone for to to any yacht, boat, boat, or stored or or moored moored on on Club Club property property or or or equipment any yacht, equipment stored adjacent loss or or damage damage occurring occurring while yacht, waters, including adjacent waters, while any including any any loss any yacht, boat, control of of the the or equipment may be under the the direct boat, or direct or or exclusive exclusive control equipment may be under Club, agents or or employees employeesfor forthe thepurpose purposeof ofbeing beinghauled, hauled,launched, launched, its agents Club, its stored, or otherwise otherwise serviced serviced or stored, moored, or repaired. moored, or repaired. Section Section 3. 3. Elected Elected Officers Ojjicers The The Elected Elected Officers Officers of of this this Club Club shall shall be be Commodore, Commodore, Vice Vice ComComRear Commodore time of ofelection election shall shall be be boat boat owners Commodore(who the time owners modore, Rear modore, (whoatatthe and and have have paid paid aa boat boat registration registration fee fee as ashereinafter hereinafter provided provided ininArticle ArticleVII, VII, Section and Treasurer.These TheseOffiOffiSection 3), 3), Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Secretary, Corresponding Secretary cers shall be elected for aa term of one cers shall be elected at at the term of one year. All the Annual Annual Meeting Meeting for year. All Elected Officers Officers shall be Resident Resident Members Members in in good good standing. standing. (Amended (Amended Elected shall be 12/ 11 / 80.) 12/11/80.) Section 4. Section 4. Appointed Officers andand Delegates Appointed Delegates Ojicers Officers and and Delegates Delegates shall shall be be appointed appointed annually annually by bythe theCommoCommoOfficers to Board of Directors: dore, subject to approval by the Board of Directors: the dore, subject approval by 1. Sail 1. Sail Fleet Fleet Captain Captain 2. Power Power Fleet Fleet Captain 2. Captain 3. Measurer Measurer 3. 4. Delegates L.Y,R.A. and Alternate AlternateDelegates 4. Delegates and DelegatestotoL.Y.R.A. 5. Governor Y.R.A. Governor to to the the Central NewYork York Y.R.A. Central New 5. 6. Delegates other yachting 6. to other Delegates to yachting organizations organizations 2 E-12 E-12 E-13 E-13 .4 »~ .,... . ..,.., . .... ,.,,.4==,- _..... . .. _ , . ::~"'* :¢.»~,%.,~,,,.~.v...a.~,..-.......~...M,.,.,.»..,.. :.~" ~*""""' -,_.»- » ~ _..» _ _ ,. . _,_ _. »-.. --~ ~ .. .~..~¢;=~ " s. _ . 7 _ ,_ ""X f;:" " :;:5 f ='ff__"=,:_M__, "'f '"=¥ ¢=? '" § s=" -" ' Wes. gg, ._2..._f.q $~\»....,_.....,.,.1,.w.,,.,M_w 3, _,:,,...,,,,..t_.,.,a.¢a,`,s,,.,a,,,w..,,..,w.~.._.»....=,W.........v,.-~,,.=..~;=ff~¢».¢~...,~_..,.~rt'.=s.,..a..,,,..M, /- .. . __. .,.. ,tat/. .~,..t.-.,,, , . .._.. if ~ , .... .. .W ,. ARTICLE VI VI ARTICLE Duties of of Officers Officers Duties Section 7. Section Z Sail Captain SailFleet Fleet Captain The Fleet Captain act as as Executive Executive Office Office of ofthe theCommodore Commodore The Sail Sail Fleet shall act Captain shall during any any regatta, regatta, cruise cruise and and rendezvous rendezvous of ofthe thesailing sailingfleet, fleet,performing performing during such as the the Corm’nodore Commodore may such duties duties as maydirect. direct. He He shall shall have have charge charge of of the the colors colors and and other other flags and signals signals on on the the Club Club signal signal staff. staff. He He shall shall advise advise flags and Members the use and signals use of of flags Members regarding regarding the according to to established established flags and signals according yachting etiquette etiquette and and practice practice and and shall shall transmit transmit to to the the Members Members any yachting any orders orders of of the the Commodore Commodore respecting occasional use use or or display display of of flags flags any occasional respecting any or or uniforms. uniforms. He Sailing Yachts. Yachts. He shall shall maintain maintain aa current current roll roll of of Registered Registered Sailing Section1.1. Commodore Section Commodore The Commodore The Commodore shallbe shall be the the Executive Executive Officer Officer ofthe of the Club, shall Club, shall preside meetings of of the the Club Club and and of of the the Board Board of ofDirectors, Directors, and and shall shall at all all meetings preside at be be an an ex ex officio of all all committees. officio member member of committees. Section Section 2. 2. Vice Commodore Vice Commodore The Vice Vice Commodore Commodore shall shall assist assist the the Commodore Commodore inin the the discharge discharge The of his duties and in of his in his his absence act in in his his stead. duties and absence act stead. The The Vice Vice Commodore Commodore shall be an shall be an ex ex officio member of of the the House officio member House and and Property Committees. Property Committees. Section Section 3. 3. Section & Section 8. Power Captain PowerFleet Fleet Captain The Power The Fleet Captain similar duties duties in Power Fleet shall have have similar in respect to any Captain shall any respect to regatta, cruise yachts of the Fleet take cruise or or rendezvous in which which the the power rendezvous in of the Fleet take regatta, power yachts He shall shall maintain part. He maintain aa current currentroll rollofofRegistered PowerYachts. Yachts. part. RegisteredPower Rear Commodore Rear Commodore The Rear Rear Commodore the Commodore Commodore shall shall assist assist the Commodore and and Vice Vice CornCom' The Section Section 9.9. Measurer Measurer The Commodore Commodore may one or or more more Measurers The Measurers as as he he deems deems may appoint appoint one and proper. AMeasurer, therequest and necessary and expense ofofa aMember, Measurer,atatthe Member, necessary proper. A requestand expense shall shall measure measure the the Member's Member’s yacht yacht under under the the then then prevailing prevailingmeasurement measurement and shall shall certify such measurements and resulting rules, and such measurements mad resulting rating of the the yacht yacht rules, certify rating of to the the Member. Member. A Measurer to A true true copy of such such certificate certificate shall shall be be filed filed by copy of by aa Measurer in the the Office Office of of the the Club, Club, and and he heshall shalladvise advisethe theappropriate appropriateSailing SailingRelated Related in Committee of of the the rating Committee of any measured yacht on request. yacht on rating of any measured request. modore discharge of of their their duties duties and and in in their their absence absence act act in in their their modore in in the the discharge stead. the Sailing Sailing stead. The The Rear Rear Commodore Commodore shall shall be be an an ex ex officio officio member member of of the Related Committees and and of of the Related Committees the Membership Committee. Membership Committee. Section 4. Section 4. Secretary Secretary The Secretary be responsible for the the following: shall be The Secretary shall responsible for following: 1. maintain all all records, records, reports, reports, communications communicationsand anddocudocu1. File File and and maintain ments connected with with this ments connected this Club. Club. 2. Record 2. proceedings of the Club Club Meetings, Meetings, Board Board of of Directors Directors Record all all proceedings of the Meetings all other other matters and of of all matters which which aa record record may be deemed deemed Meetings and may be advisable, advisable. 3. the membership membership list. list. 3. Maintain Maintain the 4. Mail 4. notices of all meetings meetings of of this this Club Club or orthe theBoard Board Mail the the required notices of all required of Directors. of Directors. 5. Notify ofthe 5. Report. theMembers Membersof theNominating Committees Report. Notifythe Nominating Committee’s Section and Alternate Delegates Section 10. I() Delegates and Alternate to L.XR.A. Delegates 'Delegatesto L.Y.R.A. The The Delegates and Alternate Alternate Delegates to L.Y.R.A. L.Y.R.A. shall shall attend attend all all Delegates and Delegates to meetings of of L.Y.R.A. L.Y.R.A. and and inform inform the the Club Club members members of of all all relevant relevant activiactivimeetings ties ties of of L.Y.R.A. L.Y.R.A. and and perform such other other duties duties as as the theCommodore Commodoreand and perform such Board shall Board shall direct. direct. Section to toCentral New York Y.R.A. Section 11. 11. Governor Governor New York XR./1. Central The The Governor Governor to to Central New York York Y.R.A. Y.R.A. shall shall attend attend al! Central New all meetings meetings of the New York inform the the club club members of the Central Central New Y.R.A. and York Y.R.A. and inform membersof ofall all relerelevant activities vant activities of of C.N.Y.Y.R.A. C. N.Y.Y.R.A. and suchother otherduties and perform dutiesasasthe theCornComperformsuch modore and Board shall modore and Board shall direct. direct. Section Secretary Section 5. 5. Corresponding Corresponding Secretary" The Corresponding the Secretary in his shall assist assist the and in his The Corresponding Secretary Secretary shall Secretary and absence act act in in his Heshall his stead. stead. He shallalso alsoconduct conductthe thecorrespondence absence correspondence or requested of him him by the Commodore. Commodore. necessary necessary or requested of by the Section 12. 12. Other Other Section Appointed Officers andand Delegates Appointed Ojjicers Delegates The other and officers The other appointed delegates shall shall perform perform such such duties duties appointed officers and delegates as the the Commodore Commodore and Board of of Directors and the the Board Directors shall shall direct. direct. as Section 6 Treasurer Section 6. Treasurer The Treasurer be the the Chief Chief Financial Financial Officer shall be Officer of of the the Club Club and and The Treasurer shall Chairman of of the the Finance Finance Committee. He shall Committee. He shall receive receive and and hold hold all all accounts accounts Chairman and and records. records. He He shall shall make make all all disbursements, collections and and deposits disbursements, collections deposits of funds of be authorized authorized by by the the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. He funds as as may He shall shall report may be report at monthly at of the the Board Board and and atatthe theAnnual AnnualMeeting Meetingthe thefinancial financial monthly meetings meetings of condition of condition of the the Club. any action action to to the the Board Board of of Club. He He shall shall recommend recommend any Directors regarding Directors the financial financial position position of of the the Club Club and and its its business business regarding the administration. administration. E-14 .... E44 .._.... - --__. .... ..., ..... ..__.. _ ._.. . ..... - - . - q _,.... ff; »;~,~,e:=>=»~f=::~~=».f=»;;a .».:,-:wesurfer;fr:=;¢,=;<;f=ff=>=m~:~f;=~,;:;:;::;;;;-.::.:,f;;-.;~.:<.ees-.;.f.-B-_-.<~.-.Q-_-_'_ »f.;--.-=».»;:,»,=:;¢.:,;.;-.. ...:-::1==:a;:~,;:;:::x_;:;; C::.~.n::~:v:~::f::1-:J;:;:=:;:r,::=::;,:;;.;r,:;;:v;:va;¢~;e¢:~; t~.~;~;:~ ';fy.rr:-:1f1:~w.~:f--:fY;<-::°:s.#:m-'»~~~~* .__-._. ~ » ~ ._..u.M._..........,..,.........,l_W._l,__..__,_~ ' 1- ,._, . . E-15 _*~..M..a.,r.l.ll_,_.__...,.Ca,W,,,_,,,_ 55-.a m"@nex-m»m;;~:; _,¢W~M,.~nm¢~.M x~".e »,r """=='aif=»';°»1m=~m*°-v »¢,gl.)_:g:_,_,,§;i;,-_%,:_»,_-._m,_,... --1 -=.;i~.z'¢'e~'~»'°' @':->"~1z:,»=. .,,,.._,, .;::_m..,.J "~e:v 'f-'~a--#~'~».=»;:aef»f-'~»--¢4l'?»'~%»»»»=-f '"'"~ze~.= -»- ~».:;f;;<~- W... _M ._ . »'-~-~ *'""'°" ARTICLE VII ARTICLE VH activity of of the the Club Club the the amount amount of of money moneywhich whichthe theFinance FinanceCommittee Committee activity deems deems proper proper to to be be used used or or expended. expended. Such budget shall shall be be submitted submitted to to Such budget the of expenditures as compared the Board Board of of Directors Directors for for approval. expenditures as compared approval. Reports Reports of to the the budget budget shall shall be be submitted submitted toto the the Board Board of of Directors Directorsperiodically. periodically. to Committees Committees Section Committee Section 1. ]. Executive Executive Committee The Committee shall shall be be composed composed of of the the Commodore, Commodore, Vice Vice The Executive Executive Committee RearCommodore, thePast PastCommodore Commodore, Commodoreand andthe theTreasurer. Treasurer Commodore, Rear Commodore,the ItIt may act on on behalf behalf of of the the Board Board of ofDirectors, asotherwise otherwisepromay act Directors,except exceptas pro~ vided vided by in any matter between between meetings of the the Board. Board. law, in by law, any matter meetings of At regular or At each each regular or special called for for that that purpose, the ExecExec~ special meeting meeting called purpose, the utive the Board Board for for ratification ratification on on all all action actiontaken taken utive Committee Committee shall shall report to the report to by it. it. by Section 66. Section Audit AuditCommittee Committee The Audit Committee Committee shall be composed of at at least least three three (3) (3) members, members, The Audit shall be composed of and shall shall not not include include the the Treasurer. Treasurer. With With approval approvalofofthe theBoard, Board,ititshall shall and have the the authority authority toto select select an an independent independent certified certified public public accountant accountanttoto have assist itit in in carrying carrying out out its itsduties. duties.Annually, Annually,the theCommittee Committeeshall shallaudit auditoror assist cause to to be be audited audited the the accounts accounts of of the the Club Cluband and shall shallreport reportits itsfindings findings cause of of such such audit audit atat the the Annual Annual Meeting. Meeting. ItIt shall shall also also make make recommendations recommendations with respect respect to to the the financial financial affairs affairsof ofthe theClub, Club,itsitsbusiness businessorganization, organization, with its accounting its accounting procedures, procedures, and and its its financial financial controls. controls. Section and Chairmen Section 2. 2. Committees Committees and Chairmen The hereinafter provided provided for, for, together together with with their their ChairChairThe committees committees hereinafter men, annually by the Commodore subject to approval shall be be appointed the Commodore to men, shall appointed annually by subject approval by the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. Each Each committee committee may and appoint the hy the may designate designate and appoint the necessary to assist assist in in carrying sub-committees to out its its functions, functions. necessary sub-committees carrying out Section 7. Z House HouseCommittee Committee Section of at at least least three three members members The House House Committee shall be be composed The Committee shall composed of and shall shall manage and manage the the Clubhouse, Clubhouse, provide providethe therestaurant, restaurant,bar, bar,swimming swimming and entertainment pool, entertainment facilities facilities and and services, services, and andemploy employand andsupervise supervise pool, and The Committee the employees Committee shall shall adopt the necessary for for such such purposes. purposes. The adopt employees necessary and amend and amend rules rules respecting respecting the the use use of of the the Clubhouse, Clubhouse, the the facilities, facilities, and and with the the approval service, of the the Board Board of of Directors, Directors, and and aa written written record record service, with approval of of such of the the Secretary, distributed in the the possession of such rules rules shall shall be be in and distributed Secretary, and possession of to to the the membership. 12/ 15/ 88.) (Amended 12/15/88.) membership. (Amended Section Section 3. 3. Nominating Committee NominatingCommittee The The Nominating Committee shall be appointed appointed at at least least forty fortydays daysprior prior shall be Nominating Committee to the the Annual Annual Meeting to Meeting and and shall shall be be composed composed of of at at least least five five members, members, at least at least two two of of whom whom are are past past Commodores. Commodores. The The Nominating Committee Nominating Committee shall select select one one candidate shall candidate for for each each elective elective officer officer and and file file aa list list of of such such candidates candidates with with the the Secretary Secretary thirty prior to the Annual Annual Meeting, Meeting, to the (30) days thirty (30) days prior and the the Secretary immediately shall shall post post said said list. list. Other Other candidates candidates for for and Secretary immediately elective office office may may be be proposed proposed as as hereinafter hereinafter provided provided for for under under Article Article elective Elections. XII, XII, Elections. Section Section 8. 8. Proper Conznzittee Property O, Committee of at at least least five five members members The Property Property Committee The be composed Committee shall shall be composed of and the maintenance maintenance and and repair all of (1) of all and shall shall have have charge and control control of (l) the repair of charge and Club property, Club property, (2) (2) the the allocation allocation and anduse useofoflockers, lockers,berths, berths,moorings, moorings,and and marine equipment, use of of the marine railway yard storage, (3) the marine and other other marine (3) use yard storage, railway and equipment, (4) the the parking parkingof ofautomobiles, automobiles,(5) (5)the thesecurity securityand andprotection protectionofofallallClub Club (4) and (6) property, the employment employment and and supervision supervision of ofemployees employeesnecessary necessary (6) the property, and for such such purposes. purposes. Rules Rules respecting respecting the the above above mentioned mentioned facilities facilitiesand andserserfor vices, for such facilities and services and of the the facilities and services and of and a a schedule schedule of of charges for such vices, and charges time or be payable, times when when such such charges shall be time or times be recommended recommended may be payable, may charges shall Committee from by the Property from time time to to time, time, with with the the approval approvalof ofthe the by the Property Committee Board Directors. AA written Rules and and Schedule ScheduleCharges Board of of Directors. ofsuch such Rules written record recordof Charges and distributed distributed to the shall be be in to the shall in the the possession of the the Secretary Secretary and possession of membership. membership. Section Committees Section 4. 4. Sailing Related Committees SailingRelated There one or or more committees, There shall shall be be established established one more sailing related committees, sailing related each be named and each comprised of at at least least three three members, whichmay be named andshall shall members, which comprised of may be be responsible for discharging discharging those those duties dutiestraditionally traditionallydischarged dischargedbybysuch such responsible for committees the past: past: Sailing, Sailing, Race RaceManagement, Management, Protest, Protest, One One Design, Design, committees in in the Regatta, Junior Sailing, Sailing, Junior Junior Yacht YachtClub Club and and Racing RacingTeam. Team.Such SuchsailsailRegatta, Junior ing related committees committees may may be be constituted constituted differently differently from from those thoseenumerenumering related ated, that the the duties duties normally normally discharged dischargedby bythe the to provide, ated, to however, that provide, however, aforementioned aforementioned committees committees shall shall be be assigned to one one or or more more of of the the corncomassigned to mittees so mittees so constituted, constituted. Section 5. 5. Finance Hnance Section Committee Committee The Finance Finance Committee Committee shall The shall consist consist of of the the Treasurer Treasurer as as Chairman Chairman and the finances of and four four (4) other members. lt shall members. It shall have have supervision the finances ofthe the (4) other supervision Club. It Club. It shall shall originate originate and and prepare prepare plans plans for for financing financingthe theactivities activitiesofof the fixed and and capital capitalassets assetsand andobligations. obligations.ItItshall shallsupervise supervisethe the the Club, its fixed Club, its Club’s accounting and andrecord record keeping. keeping.Prior Prior totothe thebeginning beginningofofthe thefiscal fiscal Club's accounting year, the Finance Finance Commitee Commitee shall shall prepare of income income and and expenyear, the prepare aa budget budget of expen~ ditures ditures for year allocating allocating to to each each department, department, committee and for that that fiscal fiscal year committee and E~l6 E-16 Section Section 9.9. Committee Membership MembershipCommittee five The Membership least five The Committee shall shall be be composed composed of of at at least Membership Committee three Board It shall shall deterdetermembers include at least three members and and shall shall include at least Board members. members. It mine mine the the qualifications qualifications of ofall allpersons personsproposed proposedfor formembership membershipininthe theClub Club and Board of of Directors. Directors. its recommendations recommendations thereon and make make its thereon to to the the Board ~ ....... _ E-l7 E-17 ;§:£e =:mwe1»M~m,,mM»mm,%~..~@MM§ "T~ma.e»a_;, ::;;.=-,gs-:==-~»-»~-~ ~..._fu.*`*.,s .~.~_,._..,..._t,..,__,..,,M_,,~,.....~..~..,s.,~.,..m.u . .._,.,.~..,.~ ,.~,.._.,.,.~...~_~__..M,».m »~- ~»--f»-~ Y. .,_, .._.,.,_,_., _ ing" ,,.__.,_, _..,._,.,, ....,_..,..._ .t.. ___. _ area., . _ andCompensation Committee. Section 10. 10. Personnel PersonnelPolicy Section Policyand CompensationCommittee. a Personnel Policy There shall shall be be established established a There and Compensation Compensation ComCornPolicy and mittee of at at least least three three members memberswhich whichshall shallbe beresponsible responsiblefor forreviewing reviewing periodically all matters matters pertaining pertaining to to salaries, salaries, wages, wages, and and benefits benefitsof of periodically all employees and shall shall make make recommendations recommendationsthereon thereontoto the the Board Board of of employees and Directors. Directors. such owner owner shall shall pay pay aa full full registration registration fee fee then then in in effect effectand andapplicable applicable such to them. them. If If an owns more more than than one one boat boat for for which which aa registration registration an owner owner owns fee would would be be due, due, such fee such owner owner shall on the the boat boat which which would shall pay would only on pay only require the largest fee to be paid. (Amended 12/15/88.) the fee 12/ to be 15/88.) require largest paid. (Amended to Section Section4.4. Upon initiation in the the annual annual dues, initiation fees, fees, Uponmaking anychanges makingany changes in charges for dockage and winter storage, and the dues, registration fee, all for and winter and the all charges dockage storage, registration fee, members must be notified in mail of such changes. by by writing members must be notified in writing mail of such changes. Section Trophy and Historical Committee Committee Section II. 11. and Historical Trophy The and Historical Historical Committee Committee shall shall be be composed composed of of at at least least The Trophy Trophy and It shall three have the the duty duty for for caring caring for for all allprizes, prizes,trophies, trophies, three members. members. It shall have have the and historical of the shall have and historical items the Club. Club. It It shall the responsibility responsibility of of seeing seeing items of and protected. that that they are properly maintained, and protected. they are preserved, displayed, displayed, maintained, properly preserved, It shall to engrave It the winners' winners’ names names on on the the permanent permanent shall annually engrave the annually arrange arrange to them in and maintain trophies and maintain them in good repair. good repair. trophies It shall shall compile It compile all all deeds deeds of of gifts gifts and andamendments amendmentsthereto theretofor forthe theperpermanent records manent records ofthe of the Club. Club. ItIt shall shall apply apply all allproceeds proceedsderived derivedfrom fromany any trust fund fund for for a trust a particular particular trophy of solely in accord with the provisions provisions of trophy solely trust. such trust. efforts new deeds of gifts shall use use its its efforts shall advise advise regarding It shall gifts and shall regarding new to to keep from becoming inactive. old cups or trophies becoming inactive. trophies from keep old cups or ARTICLE ARTICLEIX IX Meetings and Notices Notices Meetings and Section 1. The Section 1. TheAnnual forthe theelection election of of officers AnnualMeeting officers and and directors directors Meetingfor and such such other other business business as and before teh as properly come before teh meeting shall may come properly may meeting shall be be held held on on the the first first Thursday Thursday in in December December which whichshall shallfall fallon onororafter afterthe the tenth day day of of that that month. tenth month. Section Section2.2. AAspecial Members may maybe becalled calledupon upon ofthe the Voting specialmeeting meetingof Voting Members request of of the theBoard Boardof ofDirectors, Directors,Commodore, Commodore,or or petition petitionof oftwenty~five twenty-five request VotingMembers, Members, and and such such meeting meeting shall shall be be held held not not less less than than fifteen fifteen days days Voting nor more more than than thirty orthe the receipt ofsuch nor after such such request such petition thirty days days after request or receiptof petition the Secretary. by by the Secretary. It shall decide decide to to what what extent, extent, if if any any permanent permanent trophies trophies may maybe betaken taken or displayed or away from fromthe theClub Clubpremises premises and and that thatthey theyare arereturned returnedwhen when displayed away required. required. It an historical historical record record of of the the Club Club and and its itssignificant significant It shall shall maintain maintain an activities and developments. activities and developments. Section 3. The of the the Annual Annual Meeting, Meeting, Section 3. mail (1) notice of TheSecretary shall mail (l) notice Secretary shall (2) the the ballot ballot specified specified ininSection Section33ofofArticle ArticleXII, XII,and and(3) (3)the thetext textofofany any (2) proposed other business to the Voting Members at least fifteen days before other at fifteen business to the Members least before proposed Voting days said meeting; meeting; and and shall shall mail mail notice notice of of the the Annual Annual Meeting Meeting toto all all other other said members at least fifteen days before said meeting. The Secretary shall mail members at least fifteen days before said meeting. The Secretary shall mail notice a special special meeting meeting of of the the Voting VotingMembers Members toto such suchmembers membersand and notice of of a to all to all other other members before such meeting, and such members at at least fifteen days before such and such least fifteen days meeting, notice shall notice shall state the purpose ofsuch state the suchspecial purpose of specialmeeting. meeting. Section Other Committees Section 12. 12. Other Committees committees shall perform such duties duties as All committees shall perform such as requested requested All other other appointed appointed by the Commodore Commodore and and the the Board Board of of Directors. Directors.They Theyshall shallalso alsorecom~ recomby the Directors. to be be taken taken by the Board Board of of Directors. mend policies actions to mend and actions by the policies and ii! Section 4. AtAtallallmeetings, the Section 4. theSecretary shall have have aa current current list list of of the Secretaryshall meetings,the Voting Members. Voting Members. ARTICLE VIII ARTICLE VIII Dues Dues and and Charges Charges Section 1. Annual be determined determined if any, shall be AnnualDues Dues and and Initiation Initiation Fees, if Section 1. any, shall by the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. by the ARTICLE ARTICLEXX andconditions conditions for for use use of of the the facilities facilities of Allcharges, termsand Section 2. All of Section 2. charges,terms the Club determined by the Club shall shall be be determined by the the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. Section 1. AAquorum shall be be ten tenpercent percent Section 1. forany any membership membership meeting meeting shall quorumfor (10%) of the the Voting Voting Members. Members. (lO%) of Quorum Quorum of a a boat boat and who is is or or becomes becomes the the owner owner of Section 3.3. Any member who Section and who who Any member to or race such boat of the Club employs any facility of the Club to keep, berth, or race such boat (including, berth, (including, keep, employs any facility but not but not limited limitedtotosummer summermooring, mooring,dry drysailing, sailing,winter winterstorage, storage,ororparticparticclub sponsored ipation races) shall shall become become liable liable to to pay pay to to the the Club Club ipation in club sponsored races) in effect effect in such such amount amount as as may then be be in fee for for such such boat boat in aa registration may then registration fee owner of a a boat, In the event event there more than one one owner and applicable. there is more boat, each applicable. In E-18 E-18 fflif-l 3 it . . A33 I-II - » - f E 19 E-19 ... ___ ~ ~ f~=f1==»1~1f=:»'-Q--»'»-e -;~;i-2i-;ac»;- _Z T g .,,,,..~.M,-....,-,-..,.~..,.....Acm_._,..,._ _._ ; }g;<1§><: ~ T. ,.,W~s.a,.a.,._a_._.,,..»,_,..s.._..,..»»__a..».,.,.a~......a. N M y..m..we--~»~»»-¢~r~zewmazrarm ».ayia,,~..»eM,.,.,.~c1.-,.4a,.,,s¢.Y iti.,,,,,,......._c»~=»<=<<,»=1»¢¢ /-~ ~-~ .-_ W . V.-.~..»., ..M -» .,...~¢- .-c..,a._._,,,4,___,»m@__, ARTICLE XI ARTICLE XI Rules of of Order Order and Rules of Business Business and Order of Order Section 4. 4. Ballots Section Ballotsshall shallbe at the the Club Club Office besubmitted submitted at Office on on or or before before 5:00 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Annual Meeting, either bymail mail on the the Annual either p.m. Tuesday preceding Meeting, by or personally. personally. Each Each ballot ballot shall shall be be sealed sealedininaaplain plainunmarked unmarkedenvelope envelope bearing the the Voting Voting Member's Member’sname nameininthe theupper upperleft lefthand handcorner comer and and bearing addressed to addressed to the the Secretary. Secretary. or Directors meeting orBoard Board of ofDirectors Clubmeeting Section 1. l. At Atany Section meeting meeting or anyregular regularClub rule: as a shall be observed business order of the the following general rule: following order of business shall be observed as a general i!!! minutes of ofprevious A. Reading A. meeting. previous meeting. Readingofofminutes B. B. of Officers. Officers. Reports Reports of of Committees. C. Reports Committees. C. Reports of D. D. Communications. Communications. E. E. Unfinished Unfinished Business. Business. F. Election F. of Officers. Officers. Election of G. New New Business. Business. G. of New New Members. Members. H. H. Election Election of Section 55. The Section Thevotes votesshall shallbe becounted countedon onthe theday ofthe the Annual Annual Meeting. dayof Meeting. The shall act act as as teller teller except in the the case case of of a a contest, The Secretary Secretary shall in which which contest, in except in or candidates candidates who who were were nominated case the the highest highest ranking ranking candidate candidate or nominated as as provided in in Section Section 22 above above may mayappoint appointanother anotherteller tellertotoact actwith withthe the provided Secretary. Secretary. case Section The three candidatesfor for Directorwho whoreceive receivethe thehighest Section 6.6 The three candidates Director highest number of of votes votes shall shall be be elected elected to to those those offices offices respectively. respectively. The The candicandinumber date for for each each other other office date office who who receives ofthe thevotes receives aa majority votes for for that that office office majorityof shall be be elected elected unless unless there there shall be three three or office, shall or more more candidates shall be candidates for for an an office, in in which which case case the the candidate a plurality plurality of votes shall shall who receives receives a of such candidate who such votes be elected. be elected. A A Voting one vote vote for Member may cast only foreach eachDirector Director only one Voting Member may cast to to be be elected. elected. be determined determined is required shall be whicha avote voteis 2. All All matters Section matters upon Section 2. required shall uponwhich otherwise as may to vote vote thereon, entitled to of those those entitled by thereon, except may otherwise except as by aa majority majority of law. The or be provided in these be in these By-Laws or by statutory law. The presiding officer presiding officer by statutory By~Laws provided shah of a a tie. tie. in case case of shall vote vote only only in Section Section 7. Z There There shall bebenonovoting offices shall either for for election election of of offices votingby byproxy proxy either or for or for transaction transaction of of any other business. business. any other bedetermined determined shallbe 3. All All Section 3. Section3. Section 3. Section questions procedureshall questionsofofprocedure of Rules Roberts' by Roberts’ Rules of Order. Order. by Section The theAnnual AnnualMeeting Section ~& The officers and directors elected officers and directors electedatatthe shall Meetingshall hold hold office office until until the the election electionor or appointment appointmentofoftheir theirsuccessors. successors.The Theterm term of of any any officer officeror or director director shall shall expire expire automatically automaticallywhen whenhe heshall shallfail failtoto attend attend consecutively three three regular of the the Board of Directors, Board of Directors, consecutively regular meetings meetings of unless, prior prior to to such such failure failure of of attendance, attendance,he heshall shallsubmit submitininwriting writingtoto unless, XII ARTICLE XI] ARTICLE Elections Elections the the Secretary aa reason which is reason for for his his non-attendance non-attendance which is acceptable to the the Secretary acceptable to Board. Board. for each each candidate for shallselect selectone onecandidate Committeeshall Section 1. The TheNominating Section 1. NominatingCommittee elective and file file the the list list of of such such candidates candidates with with the theSecretary Secretarythirty thirty office and elective office and the the Secretary the Annual days prior to shall to the Annual Meeting, immediately shall Secretary immediately Meeting, and days prior list on on the the bulletin bulletin board post board of of the the Club. Club. said list post said Section 9. Section 9. AAvacancy by appointappointoffice shall shall be be filled filled by vacancyoccurring anyoffice occurringininany ment by by the the Board Board of of Directors Directors until until the the next next Annual Annual Meeting Meeting of of the the Club. Club. ment another nominate another Members may ormore moreVoting Section 2. Twenty-five Section 2. may nominate Voting Members Twenty-fiveor at least least twenty with the the Secretary office by elective office candidate for any candidate for twenty Secretary at filing with by fding any elective days prior prior to to the the Annual Annual Meeting Meetingaa written writtennomination nominationsigned signedbybythem them days ifelected. elected. will serve serve if that he he will such candidate candidate that and statement signed and aa statement by such signed by ARTICLE XIII XllI ARTICLE Rules and and Rules Regulations Regulations Section I. TheBoard BoardofofDirectors Directorsmay enactany rulesand andregulations Section 1. The mayenact anyrules regulations regarding the theoperation, operation,administration, administration,and andcontrol controlofofthe theClub Clubnot notpro proregarding vided vided for for in in these these By-Laws. By-Laws. ballotshowing written shall The Section 3. 3. The Section Secretary prepare a awritten ballot showingseparately separately Secretaryshall prepare the candidates for offices selected selected by by the the Nominating Nominating Committee Committee for elective elective offices the candidates and those those nominated and nominated as as provided provided in in Section Section 22 above. above. Such Such ballot ballot shall shallbe be Annual before the least fifteen Members at mailed Members at least fifteen days before the Annual mailed to to the the Voting days Voting the tothe theSecretary addressedto return envelope with aa return Meeting Secretaryatatthe envelope addressed Meeting together together with Club and aa plain plain envelope envelope ininwhich whichthe theballot ballotshall shallbebeenclosed enclosed Office, and Club Office, Member, by the Voting by the Voting Member. Section administration Section 2. 2. The The administrationofofthis thisClub Clubshall shall generally be in in accoraccorgenerally be dance with with established dance established yachting yachting etiquette. etiquette. E-20 E-20 _ ~, in pa ».-. E-21 E-21 wMMm_W_mmmw__*_WM ..=».4 ,~.v.::;;wn~1r,¢;§e;;~:;¢,?n 7~,,»~¢,.,_»W_;_.,3~__ "'""'$,'JZ..";1' þÿ *" "`" '" ' ~°'*" ¥"'*`" "' ¬'"= " " " '"`»'t:2:;* *'3'" ~'1=,`?'~"¢¥7v>`43"?i'¢'-?'?'"2;=r¢;*_1:', tr.;-:~~--f"-4='?-T$3" " "'?l'f1L'-L'2'é%:'1 'Vs:. ,...aa~ """A"»i'! "'"""'T" "'* ,_ 'TV_.»- . 3% 522-m þÿ"'*`"""' ¬'"= "" """"'"` »'t:2:;***'3'""~'1=,`?'~"¢¥7v>`43"?i'¢'-?'?'"2;=r¢;*_1:',' R tr.;-:~ ~ --f §¢@é>» "-4='?-T$3" """'?l'f1L'-L'2'é%:'11'Vs:. #1- )! ii ARTICLE XIV XIV ARTICLE Flags, andUniforms Uniforms Flags, Insignia, Insignia, and ARTICLE XVI ARTICLE XVI Fiscal Year Fiscal Year The flags, The insignia, and and uniforms uniforms of ofthis thisClub Clubshall shallbebeprescribed prescribedbyby flags, insignia, the the Board Board of of Directors Directors and and are are presently as follows: follows: presently prescribed prescribed as The of the the Club Club shall shall begin begin on on the the first first day day of of December December The Fiscal Fiscal Year Year of and and terminate terminate on on the the thirtieth thirtieth day of November November of of each each calendar calendar year, day of year, except except that that such such fiscal fiscal year year may may be be changed changed by resolution of the Board Board of of Directors. Directors. of the by resolution Section Burgee Section 1. 1. Club Club Burgee The The Club shall be be aa triangular triangular pennant pennant of of blue blueground groundwith with Club Burgee Burgee shall aa red the center center of the blue blue ground. ground. red border, with the the letter letter R R in in white white in in the of the border, with ARTICLE XVII XVII ARTICLE Indemnification Indemnification Section 2. Section 2. Officers’ Ojficers'Flags Flags The flags of the Commodore, The flags of the Commodore, Vice Vice Commodore, and Rear Rear CornCornCommodore, and modore shall shall be be rectangular with the device of a foul anchor in the modore with the device of a foul anchor in the circle circle rectangular of thirteen thirteen stars, and the the colors colors of of such such flag shall of shall be, respectively, blue be, stars, and flag respectively, blue with white with white device, device, red red with with white white device, device, and and white white with with red reddevice. device.The The Sail and and of of the Fleet Captain Power shall be recrecshall be flags of the the Fleet Fleet Captain Captain Sail the Fleet flags of Captain Power foul anchor in blue. blue. tangular white with with the the device device of of aa foul anchor in tangular white andininthe themanner Section 1. I. To Tothe theextent extentpermitted mannerprescribed Section permittedand prescribedby law, bylaw, the Club the Club shall shall indemnify indemnify any any person person made, made, or or treatened treatened to to be bemade, made,aaparty party to any to any action, action, suit, suit, or or proceeding, proceeding, civil civil or or criminal, criminal, by byreason reasonofofthe thefact fact was a a director, that he, or intestate, is or or was or committee committee that his testator testator or director, officer, intestate, is officer, or he, his of any member of the the Club kind, domestic other corporation member of or of of any Club or domestic any kind, any other corporation of the at of the or which he served in any capacity at the request or foreign, he served in the Club, which Club, any capacity request of foreign, againstjudgments, judgments,fines, fines, amounts amountspaid paidinin settlement, settlement,and and reasonable reasonable against expenses (which (which the the Club Club may may advance), advance), including includingattorney's attorney’sfees, fees,actually actually expenses and necessarily necessarily incurred incurred as as aa result result of of such suchaction, action, suit, suit, or or proceeding, proceeding, and or any any appeal appeal therein. therein. The The foregoing foregoingright rightof ofindemnification indemnificationshall shallnot notbebe or exclusiveof of any any other other right right to to which which any any such such person person may may be be entitled. entitled. exclusive Section Din,ice Section 3. 3. Cap Device Cap The regulation device for shall consist The for Club Club members members shall consist of of aa circle circle regulation cap cap device of braid with the Club Burgee in a white enameled disc in the center, of gold with the in a white braid Club enameled disc in the center, gold Burgee over a vertical vertical foul foulanchor anchor iningold goldbraid. braid.For Forofficers, officers,directors, directors,honorary honorary over a members, and yacht the single foul anchor anchor shall shall be be replaced members, and owners, the yacht owners, single foul by replaced by crossed crossed foul foul anchors. anchors. Section 2. 2. Section authorize the itsdiscretion, The Board the The BoardofofDirectors, discretion, may Directors,ininits may authorize Club to to indemnify indemnify any anyperson personother otherthan thanaadirector, director,officer, officer,ororcommittee committee Club member, for for expenses expensesincurred incurredoror other other amounts amountspaid paidininany anycivil civilor or member, which such such person to which criminal or proceeding criminal action, action, suit, was, or or was was suit, or person was, proceeding to thathe, ofthe thefact factthat histestator, reasonof threatened to to be, made aa party threatened he,his testator, be, made by reason party by Section 4. 4, Uniforms Section Unyforms Uniforms, decorations or or insignia insignia thereon, thereon, shall shallbe beininaccord accordwith with and decorations Uniforms, and or with with any recognized practice or specific rules rules hereafter hereafter adopted adopted recognized yachting yachting practice any specific the Board Board of by of Directors. Directors. by the or or intestate, the Club. an agent of the Club. is or or was was an intestate, is agent of ARTICLE XV ARTICLE XV Amendments Amendments ii; y it . if ; Fill: Amendments may be be made made by by the the Voting VotingMembers Members Amendments to to these these By-Laws By-Laws may at an an Annual Annual or or Special at Meeting, provided: Special Meeting, provided: A. The or summary of any any proposed proposed amendment amendmentshall shallbe bemailed mailed The text text or A. summary of to to the the Voting Members and and all all other other members days members at at least least fifteen fifteen days Voting Members before the meeting meeting as as required required by by Section Section33of ofArticle ArticleIX, IX,and and before the B. Ten percent total Voting in person B. Ten percent of of the the total Voting Members Members shall shall be be present present in person at the to constitute a quorum the meeting constitute a to act act upon such amendment, and at amendment,and meeting to quorum to upon such C. An amendment shall be two~thirds of the Members C. An amendment shall be approved Voting Members by two-thirds of the Voting approved by present. present. E-22 E-22 E-23 '==f '-"~--'e":r ~""%--»1-»»~-~;.-.;~:;- ~ - -..,»: -»-»-»»- --->-::-"a-'"'-'~+~ .aw-aww * ».~::::=~; -~"M-~»¢f-~»~»-fe-~ _ .,,. ,~.,,..,..,,,.,_ ..,... , ,.,.,._,,,._,,_ ,,., ,,,,_.,...,.s , We .fsWf..,i.,..i-,simM :' ;;:.;' A;/>&2 fs. .fi. 7 f. :' ,»i~=- -~»» <¢.~¢¢v>7?1' -""@s¢#°~f¢~w- . =~»~>»¢»::~=f~=1.@1.~; f~~f 5 i¢1,.;~f.g~,,,,,¢.,;f.i; <,,.;-1,@.,fi;~ 1