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~ OR .. DAN'~~PI:~J:S:A~t 1 Uf :{'- 71<ONGELlG f..y Washington, D.C. ' '-. I G J NA Bil. 1 2 FEB. 2002 3200 Wbiteb2va! SlUer, N.W. Udenrigsministeriet WWingtOll, D.C. 20008 ud N2,JT.1~ StF.l 11f. (20:2):z34 4300 Fax (202) 328 1470 /~ oe- Kopi bedes faxet amb. London, Paris, Stockholm e-mail: [email protected] http://...,,,,,,,.denmark=b.org Faxm.: TELEFAX Daw Ft:a 11. februar 2002 Christina Markus Lassen A:1talsideri alt Bilag JQurmUnwnmer 5 2 17.USA.9j1 M:mgIende sider kan rckvtt=s Fax-nummer 115 på Telefax Telefon 2027975356 Facts sheets vedr. status for fangerne på Guantanamo-basen (amfax 106 af 07.02.02) Under henvisningtil ovenciteredeamfax indsendes vedlagtkopi af to "faet sheets" om statusfor fangemepå GU2:I1tamo-basen. Dolrumenteme er modtaget fra Danmarks" desk officer" i State Department, det tillige havde instruktion om at pr. telefon at oplæse en J:ække punkter, der svarede til indholdet af Det Hvide Hus' pressekonference den 7. ds. Eneste rilføjelse til det allerede h;emsendte var, at man efter at have understreget USA's opbakning til Geneve-konvenrionen anførte, at "DS is also open to discussing with other nations a new insttument conceroing treattnent of detainees in confliets not envisaged in 1949/' Det blev endvidere::fremhævet, at præsident Bush' beslutning ikke har nogen juridisk eller praktisk betydning for personer i den aIDt"rihnske hær, der måtte blive tilfangetaget. P.A.V E.B. ~ 6---- Christina Markus Lassen L --- - n-n_--_-- EUR/FRONT OFFICE P2/08/02 FRI 17:58 FAX 202 736 7627 If" UUj; Page l of 2 \~.~oJrr.\"r~,I:-~JT ,_0_'- o.f STJ\1-'" - -~ -- Ir. f ERfJA TJ{}etAl - ---, , '-'--'- I tJr-ORr,QAl1OI~ r:p.~)G'RAr\15 i f1I!:Q~~i. 7 February 2002 Faet Sheet: 'White Honse ODStatus ofDetamees at GnantaDamo Says treatment consistent witb principles of Geneva Convention (begin text) THE WHITEHOUSE Ofiice ofthe Press Secretary February 7,2002 Fad Sheet . STATUS OFDETAJNEESATGUANTANAMO United States Policy .1 - The United States is treating andwill continueto tTcatall of the individualsdetainedat Guantanamohumanelyand, to the extentappropriateand consistcntwilli militarynec;essity, in a manna consistent witb.theprinciples ofthc Third Geneva Conventionef 1949. -- The President has detennined that the Ge.neva.Convention applies to the Taliban detainees, but not to the at-Qaida detainces. -- AI-Qaida is not a st.ateparty to thc Gc:nevaConvention; it is a foreign terrorist group. As such, its members are not entitlcd to POW status. I I - Although wc never recognized the Tahc3n as the legitimate Afghan govemmcnt. Afghanistan is a party to the Conyention, and the President has detcrmined that theTaliban are covered by the Conventioo. Under the terms ofthe Geneva Convention, howeve-r,the Taliban detainees do not qualify as POWs. -~Therefore,neither the Talibannor al-Qaidadetaineesare cntitled to P~W status. I I -. Even though tbe detainees are oot entitled to P~W privi1eges. they will b~ provided many POW privileges as a matter ofpolicy. i , I ; i , , I All dctainees at Guantat1amoarebeingprovided: thrce mca1sa day that meet Muslimdietarylaws --water - medica1 care --.clothing and shocs shelter -showcrs -- soap BIJdtoilet. articles I . I i http://usinfo.state.gov/regionalleur/factsbeet0207.htm ! i 2/8/02 I I, <J ''<.1::. ~& ../c,@)T (" J J'J FRI J ,,-u. n 17: 58 Fil ""ntH..." 202 7J8 , , 7627 -,",Ol nm-n'---n_.___. "-' '-141003 EUR/FRO~"T OFFICE ~ Page 2 of2 ."7' -- foam slecpingpads and blankets - towels and washcloths - the opportunityto worship . -- correspondence materials, and the roeans to send mm! - the ability to receive packages offood and clothing.subject to security screening The detaineeswi11not be subjectedto physicalor mentalabllse or cruel trcatment.Thc: InternationalCommitteeofthe Red Crosshas visitedand will continue to be ablc to visit the detamcesprivately. The detaineeswillbepermitted tOraise concems abouttheir conditionsand we will attemptto addressthoseconcemsconsistent with security. . Housing.VIe are building faciIitiesin Guantanamomore appropriate for housingthe detaineeson a lang-term basis. Th.edetaineesnow at Guantanamoare beinghoUSad.in temporary'open-airsheltel'suntil these more long-tennfacilities cm be arranged.Their currentshelters are rcasonable in light of tbe serioussecurityrisleposed by thesedetainees and the mild climateaf Cuba. :;,~" P~W Privilegesthe Detainees will not receive.The detaineeswill ref;:eivemuchof the treatmentnormally affotded to POWsby the ThirdGenevaConvention.However.the detaineeswill not receive some ofthe speciticprivilegesafforded to POWs,including:access to a canteen to purehase food, soap, and tobacco ,, i a mantbly advance ofpay - the ability to have and consult persOttalfinancialaccounts 'theabi1.ity to receivescientific cquipment,musical instruments,ar sportsoutfits . ~~_.); - - , .' Many dctaineesat Guantanamopose a severesecurityrisk to those rc:sponsiblefor guanting them and to each other. Same ofthese individua1sdemonstratedhow dangerousthey arein uprisings at Mazar..c-Sharifand in Pakistan.ThcUnitcdStates must take into accountthe need for security in establishing the conditionsfor detentionat Guantanamo. Bac:kgroUndon Geneva ConvcntioDS.The Ihird GenevaConvention af 1949is an internationaltrcaty dcsigncdto proteet prisonersofwar from inhum:metrcatm.entatfue bands oftheir captorsin con:fIictscoveredby the Convention.It is among fourtreati~ concludedin the wake ofWWII to reducethehumansuffering caused by war. Thesefour treaUesprovide protectionsfor four differentclassesof people: the militarywoundedand sick in land conflicts;the military wounded,sick and sbipwrecked in conflictsat sea.; militarypersons and civilians accompanyingthe armed forces in tbe field who arc captured and qualifYas prisoners ofwar; and civiliannOD-(;ombatants who are intcrnedor othorwisc: found in the bands of a party (e.g. in a militaryoccupatjon)during an armedconflict. (end ten) I i ~ It (Distributedby the OfficeofInternational Infomution Programs, U.S. Departrnentaf State. Web sire:http://usinfo.state.gov) I I ThI:>site iS øroduced and malntDlned by the U.S. DepilTtmentof State's Office ot Il'1tematlonallnformatlon Programs '(~. Unlcsto otl\QrInternet sltes should not be construI!Øas an endorsemtl1tet the vleW5 contalned,the~ln. "'cfI; tOI.up" UJ:'_!icml!:! I ,U,Q- ti:!This SItA!I Webm,ster I ~rel\ Thls $.~ I ~ http://usinfo.state.gov/regiona.l/eur/factsheet0207.htm I .1,,",-5, De~rtm~15 91'State 218/02 -- ., 02~l1/2002 ------ --- 13:15 ROYRL DRNISH EMBRSSY 02/08/02 FRI 17:59 FAX 202 736 7627 ~ UM .Bush Says Gencva Convention Applics To Talib~Not ~' ~'.,1~~:~';~ NO.425 EUR/FRONTOFFICE .- Page l of2 al-Qaida ---L.- [;1004 4!Jvv~ ~'~:.~~rt!J 1m I:IWA i lO!'U~L INr o FU,'1A.TI OfJ PRUGRAMS WasnlnotOl'l I. ~II~ Washington File 07 February 2002 I Bush Says Geneva Convention AppJies To Taliban, Not al-Qaida (~a11ban still doesn't qualify as pOWs. Fleischer By Merle D. Kellerhals, Jr. Washington ~ile Staff wri~er says) (460) washington -- president Bush has determined that the GeDeva Convention applies to members ot the Taliban militia, but not to members af the international al-Q4ida terrorist network, saY3 White House spokcsman Ad.. Fleiscber. "Qnder Article 4 of the Geneva Convention, bowever. Taliban detainees are not entitled to POW [priso~r of war} status,. Fleischer said February 7. "To qualifY as POWs unaer Ar~icle ., al.Qai~ an~ Taliban detainees would have to bave satisfied four co~ditions; they would have to be part of a military nierarchy, they would have to have worn unitormB or other di~tinctive signs visible at a distance, they would have to have carried a~s openly, ana ~hey woulå have haa co have ~ondu~ted their military oper~tions in aecordance with the law& and oustoms of w.r, " he saicL i j The Geneva.Conventions set internationalstandards for treatment of pri.oners of war. Specifically, Pleisc~ to the Treatment af Prieoners c:onventiOIl (III) Relative 12, 1949, and entered the humane re:errea tO the of War. August into force O~tober 21, 1950. Fleischer said the war on terrorism iø a war not envisaged when the Geneva Convent:ions were signed in 194'. ,/ . I : However, Fleiseher priva.t.ly. j I r .j. i , said the Uniteci StatefJ will continue to treat 11 all Taliban and al-Qaida detainees in Guantanamo Bay humane ly and consistent witn che principles of the Geneva Convention. They wil1 to receive three appropriate meals a day, excellent medicaI continue care, clotbinSI sbe1ter, showers, and tbe opportunity to worship. The Inte~tional Committee et the ~ea ~oss can visit each detainee n Wnile tne United States has net recogni~ed the Taliban regime as the legitimaee Atghani government, Bueh determined that the Ta~iban members ar!! covered by the conveationa, which Af9'hanistan is li party to, ne said.. Re said the al-Qaida detainees canPot be cODsidered pri.onerø of .is because they ar!! not - st..u;e party to t;ne Geneva, Convl!!ntions, their mernbers are not entitleå to pOW st.tus.. war ;and I I , http://usinfo.state.gov/topicalfpo1/tCIIOI'/C2020707.httn 2/8/02 , '1. J./ ~lala~ .L..:>. .L;;:) r<;u r HL.. .1.11"'11'1 ~;:Jn 1:;1',cn..:>..;J I 'UI .-- I " /08/02 FRI 18:00 FAX 202 736 7627 ~OO5 EVR/FRONT OFFICE Page 2 of2 -Bush Says Geneva ConventioD Applies To Taliban, Not al-Qaida "In thit'war, s-lobal terroriBts transcend national boundaries atld itlternationally target the innocent. The presidetlt nas maintained the Unitea State8' commitm~nt to the principleøef ~he Genava Convention, while reccgn~%ing that the convention simply does not cover every situation in whicn people may he captured er detained by military force s, aS we see in Afghanistan today,\. Pleischer said. the Ubited States is detaining 186 msmbers øf the ralib4D Currently. mi~itia and al-Qaida terroriø~ g~oup at camp X-ray at the Guantanamo Nava~ Base in ~a. (The waøhington File-is a preduct ef the office ef International Information Prosrat'!\$, U.s. Department af State. web site'; http://usinfo.state.gov) This slte Is produced and malotained by the U.5. Department of State', Office af International 1~.-_~ Information proørarns (USinto.StlIte,aov}.Llnksto other IntQrnet~ItesShOUld flOtbe conStnJed as:an efldorsement of the vlews c:ontalfled thereln. .,..,- ha et to top ol: IV'_l:fqr:t:\e I IJl9~ !1'!.Is.A...~ I »'_ttI?'!'..~er l 'j!~- I~ I U,.S,_n.epjlr.tJne.,t_of...s_t;,~e .i I , j I ~-::) ;> ,r , I I i I ! , I I, r I . " I http://usiDfo.state.gov/topica1!poVterror/02020707,111m 2/8102 ~