Great Deals at your Local - Mid
Great Deals at your Local - Mid
Great Deals at your Local Oct. 13 - Nov. 9 COLOGNE PRSRT STD ECRWSS US POSTAGE PAID EDDM RETAIL P.O. Box 177 Cologne, MN 55322-0177 LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER Open at 5 a.m. for breakfast Monday - Friday Soup and Pie Supper Craft and Bake Sale Proud Sponsor Cologne Lions 38th Annual Octoberfest Sat., Oct. 22 • 6:30 p.m. • “Tailgate Party” Theme Monday, Nov. 7, 4 - 8 pm Zion Lutheran Church and School Chili, Chicken and Dumpling and Clam Chowder Homemade Pies and Desserts. Take-outs available. CARWASH CARWASH CARWASH CARWASH THE WORKS 3 OFF $ No other purchase required. Limit 1 coupon per wash. Not valid with any other offers or discount. Expires 11/30/2016 THE WORKS 3 OFF $ No other purchase required. Limit 1 coupon per wash. Not valid with any other offers or discount. Expires 11/30/2016 THE WORKS 3 OFF $ No other purchase required. Limit 1 coupon per wash. Not valid with any other offers or discount. Expires 11/30/2016 THE WORKS 3 OFF $ No other purchase required. Limit 1 coupon per wash. Not valid with any other offers or discount. Expires 11/30/2016 Fill up at our all New Gas Pumps & Easy Access Diesel Pumps FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE., COLOGNE, MN FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE. S, COLOGNE, MN FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE., COLOGNE, MN FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE. S, COLOGNE, MN MEETS OR EXCEEDS enriched with Smart Power engine cleaning additives SAVE ����������������� 11/30/2016 Limit 20 Valid thru 1/31/2014. 15 gallons. Good at participating Holiday Stationstores. One coupon per customer, per visit. Not valid with any other offer or coupon. No copies or facsimiles. Please redeem inside. At MI & WI locations, coupon redeems for $1.00 free gas. STANDARDS 7¢ FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE., COLOGNE, MN FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE. S, COLOGNE, MN MEETS OR EXCEEDS enriched with Smart Power engine cleaning additives SAVE ����������������� 11/30/2016 Limit 20 Valid thru 1/31/2014. 15 gallons. Good at participating Holiday Stationstores. One coupon per customer, per visit. Not valid with any other offer or coupon. No copies or facsimiles. Please redeem inside. At MI & WI locations, coupon redeems for $1.00 free gas. STANDARDS 7¢ FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE., COLOGNE, MN FOR OUR CUSTOMERS AT 409 PAUL AVE. S, COLOGNE, MN MEETS OR EXCEEDS enriched with Smart Power engine cleaning additives SAVE ����������������� 11/30/2016 Limit 20 Valid thru 1/31/2014. 15 gallons. Good at participating Holiday Stationstores. One coupon per customer, per visit. Not valid with any other offer or coupon. No copies or facsimiles. Please redeem inside. At MI & WI locations, coupon redeems for $1.00 free gas. STANDARDS 7¢ MEETS OR EXCEEDS enriched with Smart Power engine cleaning additives SAVE ����������������� 11/30/2016 Limit 20 Valid thru 1/31/2014. 15 gallons. Good at participating Holiday Stationstores. One coupon per customer, per visit. Not valid with any other offer or coupon. No copies or facsimiles. Please redeem inside. At MI & WI locations, coupon redeems for $1.00 free gas. Hwy 212 & 284 • COLOGNE, MN • (952) 466-5657• Gas • NEW Easy Access Diesel Island • Car Wash Hours: Mon. - Fri. 5 am - 10 pm • Sat. 6 am - 10 pm • Sun. 7 am - 10 pm STANDARDS 7¢
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