to the PDF file - New York Oil Heating Association


to the PDF file - New York Oil Heating Association
A newsletter for real estate professionals and home inspectors in the New York City area
This newsletter brought to you by the New York Oil Heating Association, Inc. and the National Oilheat Research Alliance
The Big Green Apple’s Going Even Greener
New York City renters and homeowners take pride in living in a city that continues to push the envelope
in terms of urban sustainability. But did you know that New York is one of the world’s cleanest and
greenest cities due in part to Bioheat® fuel, the clean, green blend of ultra-low sulfur heating oil and
renewable biodiesel that heats thousands of the city’s homes and businesses? It’s true!
Thanks to legislation supported by our industry, all heating oil sold in New York City must be at
least a B2 Bioheat® fuel blend, meaning it contains 2% biodiesel and 98% ultra-low sulfur heating
oil. Your clients will be happy to learn that New York is the only city in the nation with a Bioheat® fuel
standard. In fact, the City Council is currently considering industry-backed legislation that would
increase the minimum biodiesel content of NYC Bioheat® fuel to 5%.
In a recent appearance before the City Council, Anthony Fiore from
the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability said, “Increasing biofuel usage
can reduce air pollutants and so lead to improvements in our
air quality.” He went on describe the results of a pilot program that
has already introduced B5 Bioheat® fuel to city-owned buildings:
“In total through June 2015, the city successfully used over 102
million gallons of B5 or higher blends of biodiesel … reducing
56,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide — the equivalent to removing
almost 12,000 passenger vehicles from the road.”
These stats appeal not only to environmentally conscious
homebuyers, but also to tenants moving out of dusty or
moldy apartments and to anyone with allergies, asthma or other
respiratory issues. No one likes dirty air, and all will be happy to
know that their building’s fuel falls on the right side of an important
public health issue.
Agents Learn About the Benefits of Bioheat® Fuel
Real estate professionals in Queens recently received a quick
education on Oilheat that will help them sell oil-heated homes faster
for more money.
Sixty-five agents and brokers gathered in Queens for a rapidfire seminar on the benefits of Bioheat® fuel and Oilheat, and the
information will prove lucrative, according to Sal Joseph Crifasi of
Crifasi Real Estate, in Brooklyn and Queens.
President of the Western Queens Chapter of the Long Island
Board of Realtors, Crifasi said he learned that real estate agents
can stand behind Oilheat. “We’re in an area where natural gas is
the source of fuel for heating for a majority of the homes, and
when people see Oilheat, it is normally considered a negative,”
he explained. “It was an eye-opener learning about the
benefits of Oilheat and the changes that have happened
with Bioheat® fuel. It’s definitely something that I will be
able to explain to my customers, and that other agents
will be able to explain to their customers. There are
definite benefits to heating oil.”
The seminar, presented by the New York Oil
Heating Association (NYOHA), explained how New
York City has replaced traditional high-sulfur heating
oil with ultra-low sulfur Bioheat® fuel, which burns with cleaner
emissions. In fact, since B2 was introduced, sulfur emissions
have declined 68%, according to the NYC Health Department and
Queens College. The seminar also delved into financial advantages,
such as the state’s tax rebate for Bioheat® and NYOHA’s Upgrade &
Save program, which offers direct rebates to customers on heating
system upgrades (see next page).
Crifasi said he has been at many showings where agents and
buyers alike presume that the Oilheat system should be taken out
and replaced with natural gas heat. After attending the seminar, he
believes that he and other agents can use the talking points they
learned to overcome prejudices against Oilheat and eliminate the
specter of a costly heating system change-out.
“I had zero information about Oilheat before this,” Crifasi
said. “All I knew was the idea that if it was not gas heat and
you had the option to switch, it was better to go to natural
gas. Now if I see an oil system I will tell them there is
absolutely no reason to change it.”
Crifasi also said the presentation was more
informative and entertaining than he expected, given the
subject matter. “It really kept the crowd engaged.”
Finding MI/MO
Upgrade & Save …
Move-In/Move-Out services are the services that homebuyers and sellers come
looking for when they’re just about ready to close a deal, but still need to cross
a few t’s and dot a few i’s. Fortunately, most of them are freely available from
your NYOHA partner.
Tank Readings
3Show your client how much Bioheat® fuel is left in the tank and how much
that fuel is worth.
3This ensures that your client isn’t giving away a full tank for free or moving
into a home without fuel.
3 The dealer will provide all the necessary tank-reading paperwork.
Equipment Evaluations
3The dealer inspects and evaluates the performance and efficiency of the
home’s heating and hot water systems.
3If the equipment is in good condition, it’ll receive a “stamp of approval.”
3If repairs or replacements are needed, your client will be provided a free
quote and recommendations.
Service Plan and Automatic Delivery Contract Transfers
3Heating system service plans and automatic delivery contracts can often
be transferred to a new homeowner at no additional cost.
3 This will prevent gaps in service and ensure the home stays well heated.
3After a move, any new homeowner can appreciate the peace of mind
and certainty provided by service plans and
automatic delivery.
You don’t have to look far to find
MI/MO. Just click “Find A Dealer” at or come to our next FREE
Breakfast Event to meet with a Bioheat®
fuel dealer who can help with all your
clients’ heating and home comfort needs.
Maybe On Your Taxes Too
Studies show that heating system upgrades
can reduce a home’s annual energy expenses
by 30-40 percent and pay for themselves in
just a few years through these savings. Now,
that payback can happen even quicker when a
homeowner takes advantage of the Upgrade & Save
NYC Energy Efficiency and Safety Rebate Program.
Through this program, your client can receive:
Q$500 for the replacement/efficiency
upgrade of an existing oil-fired furnace
or boiler
Q$200 for the installation of an
aboveground oil storage tank to replace
an existing tank
Q$100 for the replacement/efficiency
upgrade of existing oil burner and controls
Plus, depending on the efficiency rating of the
replacement boiler or furnace, your client could also
qualify for a Federal Tax Credit of $150 next April.
And of course, by heating their homes with Bioheat®
fuel, they’ll be able to save up to 20 cents per
gallon on their state income taxes. All you and your
client have to do to get the rebate process rolling is
contact a local Bioheat® fuel dealer. But hurry!
Upgrade & Save ends December 31, 2016, and
all rebates are available on a first-come, first-served
basis, so tell your clients and ask your NYOHA
partner about the program today.
Energy Savings Calculator
Avg. cost to install a new high-efficiency oil furnace or boiler = $4,500
Avg. annual fuel expenses of home with low/mid-efficiency heater = $1,816
Estimated 40% savings with the new furnace or boiler = $725
Estimated payback on purchase = 6 years
Selling Bioheated Homes to First-Time Buyers
As any real estate agent knows, selling property to first-time buyers can be difficult. It’s not just a matter of youthful
indecision. Today’s homebuyers have a world of information at their fingertips and won’t hesitate to ask you questions
about energy efficiency and costs. The quicker you can address their concerns, the better your chance of closing the
deal. To get first-time homebuyers comfortable with Bioheat fuel, here are some things you might point out:
• Bioheat fuel is environmentally friendly: made from domestically grown, renewable resources like soybean oil, Bioheat fuel produces lower emissions than Oilheat, making the air in your home cleaner and healthier,
while also helping NYC reach its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
• Bioheat fuel is convenient: because local Bioheat fuel dealers offer automatic delivery, you never have
to worry about running out of fuel or even calling to schedule a delivery. Plus, many dealers offer budget plans
and online payment options that make paying for Bioheat fuel as easy as paying for Internet or cell phone
• Bioheat fuel is affordable: New York homeowners who heat their homes using Bioheat fuel can claim a
credit on their state income taxes equal to 1 cent per gallon for each percentage of biodiesel in their fuel
(2 cents for each gallon of B2, 5 cents for B5, etc., up to a maximum of 20 cents for B20).
It’s your job to make your clients feel truly “at home” before they even move in. For more
information that will help you do exactly that, don’t miss the NYOHA Oilheat-Realty Partnership
Program’s next Free Breakfast Event.