Spring 2010 - Camp Merrie


Spring 2010 - Camp Merrie
Situated, Celebrated on Fairfield Lake
Spring 2010
Merrie-Woode Lends a
Helping Hand in Chattanooga
In January, a
group of Camp
When we heard
Merrie-Woode’s yearthat Mandy’s family,
round staff traveled
the Hullanders of
to Chattanooga,
Chattanooga, was
TN to assist in the
sponsoring a Habitat
construction of a
for Humanity house in
home for Habitat
Chris’s name, we knew
for Humanity. This
immediately it was a
home is being built
project we wanted to
in memory of Chris
be a part of. Eight of
Horne. Chris and
us piled into the camp
Mandy Horne moved to
Suburbans and headed
Cashiers, NC in the fall
off to Tennessee. We
of 2007 after Chris was
spent Wednesday and
hired to be the Director
Thursday working on
Camp Merrie-Woode volunteers: Travis Fox, Lindsay
of Summit Charter School.
of the new home
Hostetler, Gary Hostetler, Denice Dunn, Debi Stewart,
Many may remember that
Jim Dunn, Cody Hooper, and Cory Pressley
this is the same position Jim
with how far it had already
held before he came to work at Merrie-Woode. Just
come along. We worked with members of a team
before Thanksgiving of that year, Chris and Mandy
from the Hullanders’ siding and window company,
took a vacation to Mexico. They had been married
Hullco Exteriors. By the time we left, the siding was
for four months, had settled into life in Cashiers, and
finished on the house. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in
had grown to love the community of Summit School.
Chattanooga was gracious enough to put us up in their
While they were in Mexico, Chris was tragically
building for the three nights we stayed.
killed in a car accident. Mandy was severely injured
As the house nears completion, a single mother
and returned to her hometown of Chattanooga to
and her two daughters are looking forward to
recuperate with her family. Our local children of
moving into their new home. We were thrilled to
Summit School lost their dearly loved director, the
... continues on page 9
lost a leader,
and Mandy lost
her cherished
Wit’s End........................................ Page 2
husband. We, at
Staff News...................................... Page 2
Alumnae News............................... Page 4
grew close to
Mandy as she
Merlin’s Alderly Edge.................... Page 9
worked part-time
Winter at Merrie-Woode.............. Page 10
in the camp office
Chris and Mandy Horne
Camp Joins NCYCA.................... Page 15
the following
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
At Wit’s End
This beautiful setting will be a wonderful addition to
Chug-a-Wump! Boo-Whoop! As we sit down to write
camp. They are also finishing additional “mature” staff
this, we are returning from Atlanta where Jim has just
housing. Merlin’s Alderly Edge (Old Avalon) has been
finished the ING half marathon. This is only his second
turned into two separate staff housing
one, and he was able to shave twenty
units. If that doesn’t sound busy
minutes off his time from the one
enough, all of this was being worked
he ran three years ago. Way to go,
on in between the many snow and ice
Jim! All of your training in the snow
storms. We’re ready for some spring
paid off. We’re heading back to camp
where there are a lot of exciting
The spring will continue to be busy
projects under way. We are counting
at camp. Camper families received
down the weeks to the upcoming
their camper forms by email this year.
92nd camp season at Merrie-Woode.
This is a first for camp! This new
The camp enrollment is at capacity
“green” approach made for happy
and all of our counselors have
parents and happy trees! Phyllis has
been hired for the summer. Betsy
Jim at the ING Half Marathon
already received many of the forms
Reese Helms, Head Counselor,
back. We appreciate everyone’s
spent numerous hours on the road
in Atlanta in March
prompt response to the new system.
this snowy winter visiting college
We can’t wait to see everyone this summer. Until then,
campuses and encouraging many of our staff to return
we’ll be busy preparing for camp and celebrating family
for another summer of fun.
graduations. Tyler will be graduating from college and
You’ll read later in the newsletter about how busy
Bradley graduates from high school. Jim and I are trying
our facilities crew has been this winter. They have had
to figure out where the time has gone. We have lots to
their hands full working on the new cabin of Avalon,
be thankful for in the Dunn household!
improving the living quarters above the dining hall
for the kitchen staff, and adding a fresh coat of paint
to many of the buildings (including the bath houses
and cabins). Much of their energy has been spent on
the incredible new nature nook, shelter, and pond!
Staff News
We recently heard from Virginia
Alverson, who is loving life in
Birmingham, AL. Hopefully she
will stop by camp for a visit this
summer! Although we would
love to have her back on the
mountaineering staff this summer,
we are happy to hear that Glory
Beveridge will be working in
Yellowstone National Park this
summer. Madeline Baird is excited
about graduating from Salem
College in May! She spent the
month of January in Bangladesh,
where she had a fabulous time.
During her stay, Madeline did
field research on maternal health.
Campbell Bowers, Elizabeth
Etherton, Anne Lykes, Caroline
Madeline Baird in Bangladesh
Reeves, and Scottie Springer met
up in New Orleans to celebrate
Mardi Gras. They had a great
time seeing the city and watching
parades. Per usual, Doug Cameron
is off having wonderful adventures!
He recently participated in the
Everglades Challenge, which
he raced in a boat that he built
himself. Doug was pleased with his
performance; he came in 4th and was
2nd in his class. Plus it was his fastest
time yet! 300 miles in 2 days and
20 hours! Sarah Chatel can’t wait
to start riding for Converse College
Equestrian Team starting in the fall
of 2010. Speaking of the Chatel
girls, Lindsay Chatel graduates
from Georgia Tech soon and will
be teaching with Teach for America
in fall 2010. Alison Chatel is in
graduate school at the University
of Florida, working toward a PhD
in Speech Pathology. MerrieWoode staff members are all over
the world right now! Catherine
Coley is studying in Hong Kong
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
The Bowers Siblings:
Mary Grace, Stuart, Tee, and Campbell
this spring. Kelli Hewitt spent
much of the fall visiting the United
Kingdom, Europe, Egypt, and
Thailand. Now that she’s home
for a while, Kelli is focused on
returning to camp this summer for
her fourth summer. She is our first
Australian staff member to receive
her Merrie-Woode bracelet! Maddie
Marion is studying in London
this spring, and Lauren Norton
is in Italy. Lauren took a side trip
to Paris recently and had a great
time! Frannie Parkinson reports
that she is attending Universite de
San Francisca in Quito, Ecuador. In
other news, Riley Dickey is hanging
out with her family in Tampa, FL.
She joined the Air Force in January
and is on inactive reserve duty,
waiting for placement in a job. She
is studying ranks and the Airmans
Creed while physically preparing
for basic training. In the meantime,
she is planting a spring garden,
going to the beach, and working part
time at Pane Rustica Bakery. Riley
recently had a nice visit with Perry
Ellis, who spent a little bit of time
in Tampa. They picked tangerines,
made campfires, and cooked
Meredith and Taylor Kronn
s’mores! Perry’s recruiting job ends
in late April—just in time for her
to return to camp! In late February,
Sarah Ellison performed in
Charlotte Latin School’s production
of Fiddler on the Roof, which was
attended by Shirley Smircic! She
drove from Davidson College
to watch Sarah’s performance.
Although we will not see Georgia
Grey at camp this summer, we are
excited for her because she will be
spending her summer studying at
Oxford. Congrats, Georgia! There is
plenty of news from Northwestern
University. Sarah Logan is rowing
on their women’s crew team, and
Shelby Lopez performed in the
University’s production of Side
Show. Caity Mans reports that she
got a 4.0 during fall semester and
Chessie MacRae, Denice Dunn,
Mary Matthews, Jim Dunn,
Caroline Reeves, Bess Young,
Rhett Reeves, Doug Cameron
and Carrie Borries at Sewanee
was on the President’s Honor Roll
at Flagler College. She was also
inducted into Sigma Tau Delta, the
national English Honor Society.
As of June 21, 2010, Anna Kat
Moore will be apprenticing with
the Orlando Shakespeare Theatre.
Mollie Murray wrote to camp
recently about her adventures in
Alaska! She began an MFA program
in Creative Writing at the University
of Alaska—Fairbanks in the fall.
She loves living in Alaska! Mollie
is renting a small cabin near the
university, where she lives with
her Husky puppy, Maggie. Amber
Skye continues to work on her
music career in New York City.
You can now download her latest
single, “Locked in Love” on iTunes.
Current campers,
Carson and Sykes Eckhard,
with Doug Cameron in Florida
Avery Shawler has been enjoying
her freshman year at Middlebury
College in Vermont, where she has
been involved with backpacking
trips and the local Habitat for
Humanity. We are excited to have
Susan Spence helping out in the
office twice a week. For her spring
break this year, Lauren Thomas
traveled around Israel. What a great
way to spend spring break! Alicia
Wright is living abroad in the
Czech Republic this semester. She
has traveled to Vienna, Budapest,
and Krakow, as well as little cities in
Bohemia. When she recently visited
Poland, she went to AuschwitzBirkenau. She said it was quite an
experience! Alicia plans to do spring
break in Barcelona, and for the rest
of the semester she will see Croatia,
Istanbul, and the south of France.
Campers and staff
in New Orleans at Mardi Gras
Top Row: Caroline Reeves, Anne Lykes,
Campbell Bowers, and Layne Nalty
Bottom Row: Scottie Springer,
Laura Butcher, and Abby Nalty
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
Alumnae News
Chase and Holly Pierce Ambler (80-96)
with their children, Will and Kate
Katherine Almquist (93-07)
recently enjoyed a visit to the North
Carolina mountains at New Year’s.
She is working towards earning
a Master’s degree in Geology
this summer. She was recently
accepted to the PhD program in
Geoscience Education at North
Carolina State University. Jody
Shartle Anderson (42-46) will
be celebrating her 80th birthday
this March! In May she plans to
swim in the U.S. Maters Short
Course National Championships
in Atlanta, GA. We wish her the
best of luck! Nellie Black (9400) is working at a New York law
firm. Katharyn “Peep” Brown
Cantor (86-91) is living in Atlanta,
GA with her husband, David, and
their two children, Baker and Jane
Morgan. Lydia Dorsey (95-02) is
pursuing her Master’s in archeology
at the University of Tennessee in
Knoxville. Lainey Dorsey (9501) is attending the University of
Georgia, working to earn a degree
in studio art. Dean and Lauren
The Bergen Family: Fred, Malinda (7677), Fred, and Fontaine (01-present)
Thomas Flores (84-97) are keeping
busy in Atlanta with their two sons,
Sam (4), and Thomas (20 months).
Former counselor, LeAnne
Fowlkes (95-06) is working for
Americorps as a volunteer for Girls
Incorporated, a non-profit youth
organization in San Francisco, CA.
Betsy Branch Garrard (86-92)
is living in Columbus, GA. She
and her husband, Frank, welcomed
their first child, Frances, last year.
Former counselor, Jennifer Gawler
(03), is working as an Admissions
Counselor at Duke’s Business
School. She has also started her
own design/paper company called
Jen’s Paper Designs. If that wasn’t
enough to keep her busy, she is also
going to school part time to study
graphic design. Pattie Gabbert
Glassick (97-06) is teaching Art in
Denver, CO while working towards
a Master’s degree in art education.
Elizabeth Haskell Harris (91-92)
is living in Charleston, SC where
she is the associate editor of Garden
and Gun magazine. Erin Hiller
(99-02), who lives in Columbus,
Ohio, recently finished nursing
school. She is enjoying life as a
nurse and as a mother to Jack, who
is now 5 years old. Ainsley Hines
(87-98) recently enjoyed meeting
Mary Coleman Rogers (94-07) and
Natalie Williams (92-06) for dinner
in San Francisco, CA. Cooley
Horner (95-07) graduated from
Boston College last May. She is
now living in Boston and working
for an internet startup, www.
xtraxtra.com. She is also studying
for the LSAT in preparation to go
to law school in 2011. This past
fall Hayes Jernigan (97-06), while
working in the Peace Corps in West
Africa, helped to organize a camp
program for local children of the
region. She was happy to report
that it was a huge success! Jennifer
Humphrey Keaton (83-96) and
her husband, Skip, adopted three
Luke and Kelley Landry Doiron (88-00)
with their boys, Luke Jr. and Samuel
children this past December and
are living in Atlanta. Martha Ann
Keels (67-76) is now practicing
pediatric dentistry at Duke
Children’s Hospital. Maryanna
Phillips Koehring (82-95) and
family are happily settling into
Vermont life in the small but busy
town of Essex Junction. She
reports that her sister, Joanna
Phillips Kunz (81-87), is also
settling into her new hometown of
Huntersville, NC. Susan Edwards
Lewis (90-99) and her husband,
Dan, recently moved to Statesboro,
GA where he is the minister of
First Presbyterian Church. Susan
has started a private-practice in
psychotherapy/counseling and is
enjoying lots of time with their
one-year-old daughter, Elizabeth.
Sarah Michaels (91-05) finished
graduate school at the College of
William and Mary and is working
Andy and Pattie Gabbert Glassick (97-06)
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
Erin Hiller (99-02) with son,
Jack (5 years old)
as a family counselor in Richmond,
VA. Virginia Michaels (97-05) is a
senior at the University of Virginia.
Marriott Horton Miller (93-02)
is graduating from Emory with
an MBA degree in May. She and
her husband, Jimmy, will then be
moving to Valdosta, Georgia where
Marriott will be starting her own
business, Miller College Consulting.
Rachel Pillow Mitchener’s (8588) six-year-old daughter, Martha,
walked the camp lake trail for the
first time with her grandfather,
George Pillow, and father, Frierson,
this past Thanksgiving. Caroline
Mix (98-99) is now in her second
year of law school at Duke
University. Gracyn Mix (99-02)
is a second year theatre student
at Southern Methodist University
in Dallas, TX. Anne-Worley
Bauknight Moelter (90-98)
Hayes Jernigan (97-06) with a
group of her campers in West Africa
and her husband, Mike, opened
Movement Climbing and Fitness,
a state of the art green facility, in
Boulder, CO in July of 2009. You
can visit the company’s web site
and view the new facility at: www.
movementboulder.com. AnneWorley recently went climbing
with former mountaineering staff
member, Chad Wolak (93-01),
in Texas. Katja Rodgers (9196) earned a M.S. in Software
Engineering (Medical Informatics
specialization) from the University
of West Florida in December. She
is presently an adjunct professor
for the Department of Computer
Science at the University of West
Florida. Mary Coleman Rogers
(94-07) is living and working in
The Michaels Family: Sarah (91-05),
Zack, Virginia (97-05), Jack, and Becky
San Francisco. Schuyler Rooth
(00-04) spent her fall semester
studying abroad in Florence, Italy.
Liv Rooth (90-00) is working as
an actor and recently made her
television debut in the series, “The
Good Wife”. She is currently
performing in the restaging of
the Broadway production Boeing
Boeing at The Old Globe Theatre
in San Diego, CA. Lessley Soniat
(96-05) is teaching in the lower
school at Metarie Park Country
Day School in New Orleans, LA.
Sally Scott Edwards Tippett
(81-85) lives in Raleigh, NC. She
has twin six-year-old boys and
a four-year-old daughter who
hopes to attend Merrie-Woode
soon. Reilly Ward (96-06)
graduated from Washington and
Top Row: Suzanne More Paul (85-93),
Forsyth Crommelin Adams (80-87), Annie
B. Waters, and Jane Pope Waters (82-91)
Bottom Row: Katie Paul, Harriet Adams,
and Talbot Waters
Lee University and is in Colorado
working on the ski slopes. Laura
Wyllie (95-05) graduated from the
University of Florida in the Spring
of 2009 with a Master’s degree
in Accounting. She is working
for PriceWaterhouseCoopers in
Charlotte, NC. Carol Graham
Wyllie (62-70), Cynthia Graham
Gordon (66-72), Beth Martinez
(8-74), Ali Martinez (99-present),
and Katie Martinez (02-present)
all joined together to run in the
“National Marathon to Finish Breast
Cancer” in honor of Sandy Graham
Younts (60-67) on February 21st in
Jacksonville, FL.
On a sorrowful note, Elizabeth
Chichester Pressley (74-76) passed
away on February 22, 2010. She
had two daughters, Ellie Gumenick
(01) and Sarah Gumenick (01), and
a son, B Pressley.
The vonThron Family: Cameron, Lindsey
(93-03), Ann, Amanda (95-09), and Jim
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
CMW Engagements and Weddings
Matt and Kate Welsh Newton (04-05)
Katherine Almquist (93-07) is
engaged to be married to Mike
Ryker. He proposed in March at the
historic Pisgah Covered Bridge in
Asheboro, NC. Nancy Dameron
Almquist’s (70-present) son,
Henry, was married on December
19, 2009 to Laura Dopson in
Atlanta, GA. Bridesmaides included
Merrie-Woode girls Katherine (9307) and Anna Almquist (99-07).
Calum Woolner and Lisa Benson
(94-05) were recently married in St.
Lucia. Lisa will graduate this spring
Katherine Almquist (93-07)
with her fiancée, Mike
from the University of South Florida
with a second Bachelors degree
in Social Work. Lindsay Chatel
(97-08) married Jheyson Ospina
January 10, 2009. The wedding
and reception were at Ward Meade
Farm in Marietta, GA. Lindsay
and Jheyson will be moving to
New Orleans this summer where
Lindsay will be a teacher for
the Teach for America program.
Chandler Martin Harris (91-92)
married Murray McNeel Bibb of
Birmingham, AL on July 18, 2009.
Toni Gibbons (98-06) married
Kyle Carter on December 19, 2009
in Bloomington, IN. The wedding
party included fellow Merrie-Woode
girls, Virginia Gibbons (00-06)
and Lindsay Garner Hostetler
Alison Chatel (97-04), Lindsay Chatel
(97-06), and Sarah Chatel (02-present)
at Lindsay’s wedding
(92-present). Susan Clarkson
(91-00) is living in San Francisco
and is engaged to be married this
coming June. Mary Stuart Couch
is engaged to be married to Stuart
Hurst. Holland Horner (03)
married Blair Hunt in Oxford, MS
last June. They are now living in
Nashville, TN. Kelly McCaleb
(92-01) is engaged to marry David
Wesley on March 27, 2010 in Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL. Former counselor
Kate Welsh (04-05) and Matthew
Newton were married on September
12th in an outdoor ceremony at the
High Hampton Inn in Cashiers,
NC. The reception followed in the
pavilion at High Hampton. Lauren
Liza Stone-Banks (93-03)
and her fiancée, Denny Coughlin
Norton (97-09) is engaged to
Jordon Andrews. They are planning
a wedding in Sarasota, FL for May
of 2011. Clare Parkinson (93-02)
married Charlie Wilkinson in July
of 2008. Liza Stone-Banks (94-03)
is engaged to be married to Denny
Coughlin. The wedding date has
been set for August 21, 2010 in
Denver, CO. Elizabeth Tessier (9402) is engaged to be married to Mr.
Joseph Paul Crescenzo III on April
10, 2010 in New Orleans, LA.
Nancy Dameron Almquist (70-present)
with her son, Henry, on his wedding day
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
CMW Births
Scott and Wing Watson Billeisen’s
(83-97) new daughter, Caroline,
with big brother, Peyton
Scott and Wing Watson Billeisen
(83-97) welcomed their second
child, Caroline Tyler Billeisen,
on November 15, 2009. She
weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces and
measured 19 inches. After having
five boys, Paula Wilson Copley
(86) is thrilled to finally have a
future Merrie-Woode girl! Savanna
Kymberli-Grace Copley was born
on October 18, 2009. Jason (04-05)
and Christina Daniels (03-10) have
welcomed a new baby boy to their
family! Leighton Edward “Eddie”
Serafina, daughter of Adam and
Jessica Werner Moskowitz (94-03)
Daniels was born on February 9,
2010 at 5:42pm. He measured in
at 20 inches and weighed 7 pounds,
2 ounces. Holland Horner Hunt
(03) and her husband, Blair, are
expecting their first child this
coming June. Avery Harrelson
Jones (84-99) and her husband,
Bobby, welcomed their second
child, William Yeates Jones, on
November 25, 2009. Big brother,
Thompson, could not be more
proud. Katie Grace Miller (9297) and her husband are expecting
Katja Rodgers (91-96)
and her new daughter, Lorelei
a baby boy this spring. Lane and
Louise Allen Moore (84-89) are
expecting a baby due in April.
Jessica Werner Moskowitz (94-03)
and her husband, Adam, welcomed
their first child, a little girl named
Serafina, on December 30, 2009.
Shawn and Laura Griffith Moxley
(86-98) welcomed a new addition
to their family. Grant John Moxley
was born on June 26, 2009. He
joins his big brother, Wyatt,
William Yeates Jones, son of Bobby
and Avery Harrelson Jones (84-99)
who is four. Mary Mac Clarke
Southerland (86-93) is expecting
a baby this July. Katja Rodgers
(91-96) has a new daughter. Lorelei
Isabella was born on April 23, 2009.
Bennet and Jane Pope Waters
(82-91) have welcomed their third
daughter, Mathille. Carrie Cannon
Wessel gave birth to her second
child, John Cannon Wessel, in July
of 2009. Her 3-year-old daughter
hopes to be a Merrie-Woode girl
one day. Former mountaineering
counselor, Chad Wolak (93-01),
welcomed his first child, Camden.
Bennet and Jane Pope Waters’ (82-91)
latest addition, Mathille
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
If you build it…campers will come!
In our fall newsletter
swinging rope bridge,
we reported on a
provides campers with
couple of exciting
ample opportunities to
building projects that
learn about their camp
are underway. It has
surroundings. Lucille
been about six months,
Orr Morrison, Fritz
and things are really
and Augusta Orr’s
taking shape around
daughter, recently
wrote to camp about
Our new Avalon,
the new Nook. She
just behind Chapel,
told us that the new
is finally complete!
swinging bridge
The cabin is nestled
reminds her of a
behind Doxology and
similar bridge campers
the Bang Shop—just
used to enjoy at the
beside the volleyball
Fritz Orr Camp for
The Nature Nook nestled in the treetops
court. From Avalon’s
boys in Atlanta. How
front porch, campers
serendipitous that
may have the best lake view of any hill cabin! The
Merrie-Woode is returning to one of her former owner’s
exterior of the building fits in beautifully with the rest
camp landmarks. Thank you for sharing, Lucille! The
of camp’s buildings; the bark siding and green shingled
new Nook’s screened windows and large front porch
roof would convince any camp visitor that Avalon has
will allow campers to enjoy the cool mountain air, while
been there for years. The cabin’s interior is much like
the inside of the Nook, with approximately 600 square
Briar Patch and Buckingham Palace. With bathrooms
feet of classroom space, includes wide counters for
stationed in the corners, separated by a large cubby area,
investigating critters, native plants, and local rocks.
Avalon allows plenty of space up front for bunk beds.
Now that camp is building a new Nature Nook,
This exciting new structure will now be the first stop for
we are prepared to unveil our new nature curriculum.
hill campers after moving up the backline. We can’t wait
Our lessons were designed to implement aspects of a
to celebrate Avalon’s relocation with its first residents
nationally recognized nature program called Project
this summer!
Wild®. This program is administered by the Council
The second exciting building project is our new
for Environmental Education and is cosponsored with
Nature Nook! Mike Fischesser, the designer and
the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
architect of camp’s high and low ropes courses, brought
Project Wild® introduces campers to ecological
innovative ideas to fill the space where our Nature
knowledge, environmental challenges, and the need
Nook once stood. This winter, Mike’s vision quickly
for conservation. Between the new Nook and our
moved from paper to our property. Now a tree house
much improved nature program, we feel certain that
peeks through the trees, situated around a majestic red
Merrie-Woode campers will find a new enthusiasm for
maple. The new Nook, which can only be accessed by a
environmental awareness and stewardship.
The Nature Nook under construction
The cabin of Avalon in its new location
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
Merlin’s Alderley Edge
The hill cabin, Avalon, has now been moved to its new
location behind Doxology. Renovation has now begun
on the original building of Avalon above King Arthur’s
Court. Once this renovation is finished, it will provide
camp with a much needed place to house some of our
older staff members during the summer. We have thought
for many months of a new name for this cabin, and we
are thrilled to unveil it to the camp family now. It will be
called Merlin’s Alderley Edge.
There is an old legend surrounding the village of
Alderley Edge, which lies south of Manchester in
Cheshire, England. The village is nestled at the base of
a steep and densely wooded ridge, the Edge, which looks
out over a vast plain. The old legend goes as follows…
Construction underway on Merlin’s Alderley Edge
The Legend of Alderley Edge
According to the story, a farmer from the local village was passing along the cliff’s edge to sell his white mare
at the market in the neighboring town. On the way, he met a mysterious old man dressed in white who offered to
buy the horse. Thinking he would get a better price at market, the farmer refused to sell. The old man predicted
that though the horse would be admired at the market, the farmer would not be able to sell it and promised to wait
for the farmer’s return. True enough, the horse was admired but remained unsold, while other lesser horses went
for a good price. So the farmer returned home with his horse and again, on the cliff’s edge, met the old man. The
offer to buy the horse was repeated and this time the old man struck the nearby rock face with his staff to reveal
a secret opening in the rocks marked with iron gates. The farmer was led inside and there he saw knights of old,
dressed for battle, asleep on the ground. By each man, except one, was a white mare, also asleep. The old man,
who the farmer could now clearly see was the wizard, Merlin, told the farmer that his was the last horse needed
for the sleeping army of King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table. The knights and horses would sleep on until
the country was in its hour of greatest need. “There will come a day when these men awake from their enchanted
slumber and will descend the plain, decide the fate of a great battle, and save their country,” proclaimed Merlin.
The farmer was given gold coins in payment for the mare and led out of the cave. The iron gates closed and the
rocks covered the place, and since that day no one has found the entrance again. During World War II locals
suggested that the hour of need had come, but they hoped the knights would ride not white horses but white tanks.
(Taken from Wikipedia and other sources.)
Merlin’s Alderley Edge will be a welcome addition to the campus of Merrie-Woode and a much anticipated housing
option for some of our long time summer staff members.
Chattanooga, from page 1
meet the future homeowner, Michelle, and enjoyed seeing her
excitement as construction progressed. We left with a feeling
of accomplishment and pride in the work we were able to do in
memory of Chris. Our short time in Chattanooga reminded us
that out of pain and loss can come fresh beginnings and renewed
hope, and healing can often be found through the productivity of
helping hands and a generosity of spirit.
Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity
in Chattanooga, TN
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
Winter Views from Camp Merrie-Woode
It was an unseasonably cold winter here at Camp Merrie-Woode. With record breaking temperatures and snowfalls,
we’ve never been so happy to see spring arrive! In January, Lake Fairfield froze over thick enough to walk out between
the swimming docks, and from December through mid- March we received the most snow camp has seen in over a decade.
Camp truly is beautiful covered in snow. Somehow the valley seems more peaceful and serene as the sun sparkles off
the frozen landscape. As the snow melts with the fresh arrival of spring, however, comes the excitement and anticipation
of summer. So as all you upcoming campers begin to think about packing up the camp trunk, here are some photos of
our winter wonderland for you to enjoy!
We’ve Lost These Alumnae!
We are looking for any current contact information
or news for the following lost alumnae. Please call
the camp office or email Lindsay Garner Hostetler at
[email protected] if you have any updates!
Chad Wolak
Garrett Randolph
Anne Valentine Ellis
Mary Badham
Mary Lothrop
Becky Vinton
Nan Wells
Susan Parker Bousquet
Katherine Cowper
Years at Merrie-Woode
Lee Trotter Dixon
1971 – 1974
Lauren Gardner
1971 – 1975
Karen Ogilby Hamilton
1971 – 1975
Marty Pollard
1971 – 1975
Eleanor Sudderth Whitaker
1980 – 1984
Jane Autrey
1981 – 1986
Mary Boyd
1981 – 1988
Christina Drexel
1981 – 1986
Amanda Keller
1981 – 1990
Nicole Anaclerio Pryor
1981 – 1987
Kelly Roberson McIntosh
1982 – 1986
Lesley Schrader
1982 – 1989
Katherine “Kakki” McEntire Hoggan
1983 – 1990
Jane O’Connor
1983 – 1990
Years at Merrie-Woode
1993 – 2001
1994 – 1995
1958 – 1965
1962 – 1963
1970 – 1974
1970 – 1976
1970 – 1974
1971 – 1975
1971 - 1974
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
Christina and Jason Welcome Baby Eddie!
Leighton Edward Daniels
“Christina and Jason, you just
spent the day at Disney World.
What are you going to do next?”
Their response on February 9, 2010
was “We’re off to the hospital to
welcome our adopted son, Leighton
Edward Daniels, into the world!”
Christina and Jason, who had been
anxiously awaiting a call from their
Florida adoption agency, received
that much anticipated call while
visiting family in Orlando, Florida.
They were actually in Disney World,
so they quickly boarded the Goofy
Shuttle to their car and headed to
Tampa, where little Eddie was born
hours later. The excited parents
were there for the birth and have
happily been spending sleepless
nights ever since! Leighton Edward
was 20 inches in length and weighed
7 pounds, 2 ounces.
Christina has been the
Programming and Development
Director at camp for the last two
years. Prior to joining the yearround staff, Christina worked at
camp for four summers. She spent
three years as the head of ceramics
and spent one summer as the
Program Director. Merrie-Woode
has been fortunate to have Christina
in this full time position. At this
time, with the addition of little
Eddie, Christina is planning to stay
at home and be the Daniels’ family
“Programming and Development”
Director. We wish Christina and
Jason all the best in their new roles
as parents. We are sure Christina
and Eddie will plan a visit to camp
this summer.
Board of Trustees
Elizabeth (Liz) Counce Irwin
Essex Fells, NJ
Nancy Dameron Almquist
Atlanta, GA
Adelaide Davenport Bratcher
Lookout Mountain, TN
Edgar A.G. Bright, III
New Orleans, LA
James (Jimmy) Broughton
Winston-Salem, NC
Vernon (Vee) Smith Chandler
Burlington, NC
Sylvia Sparkman Coker
Bluffton, SC
Wynn Gregory Dorsett
Raleigh, NC
Allison Almand Ezell
Atlanta, GA
Elizabeth (Boo) Tyler Kennedy
Savannah, GA
Jason and Christina
with newborn Eddie
Clair Freeman Marshall
Raleigh, NC
George D. Pillow, Jr.
Killen, AL
Elizabeth Simpson Poynor
Birmingham, AL
Edward (Ed) Owen Savitz
Tampa, FL
Mary Davis McLendon Smart
Charlotte, NC
Lindsay Hostetler, Phyllis Stiwinter, Debi Stewart, Christina Daniels,
Denice Dunn, and Betsy Helms at Christina’s baby shower held at camp.
Steve Straske
Tampa, FL
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
Annual Fund Spring 2010 Update
Merrie-Woode alumnae, parents, and friends continue
to support our Annual Giving effort, even in these
difficult economic times. This fund is an important
source of revenue for Camp Merrie-Woode. Annual
Giving is used to support scholarships, enhance summer
programs, and maintain Merrie-Woode’s historic
buildings and grounds. In 2009, 430 participants
contributed a total of $98,500.00 to the Merrie-Woode
Annual Fund!
All contributions to the Merrie-Woode Foundation
are tax deductible for individuals, corporations, and
foundations within the limits of section 501 (c) 3 of
the IRS code. Gifts are listed through December 31,
2009. Please contact us with any errors or omissions.
Annual Fund Supported in 2009
(Reflects gifts received through December 31, 2009)
Roundtable ($1,000 and above)
Beau and Sally Allen
Lee and Sunny Burrows
John and Ann Preston Carey, Kate
Craig and P-nut Crumbliss Chambers
Sharon and Matt Cole
Gilbert and Wendy Deitch
Dan Cameron Family Foundation, Inc.;
Matthew and Hilda Dill
Jeff and Allison Almand Ezell
Harold and Ginger Somerville Hallock
Brenton and Lindsay Graham Halsey
Beth and Bobby Hassinger
Jimmy and Liz Counce Irwin
John and Boo Tyler Kennedy
John and Betty Blackmon Kinnett
Donald and Peachy Mobley Kohler
Marriott Horton Miller
Marie Turner Moshell
Hebe Sanders Dowling Murphy
George and Rudi Robbins Pillow
Carter Foundation, Inc.
Alice and Harlan Prater
Virginia and John Rowan
Sherwood and Eve Smith
Donnie and Barry Lohmeyer Stout
Chris T. Sullivan
Jay and Mary Jane Scott Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Villere
Ward and Margaret Williams Williams
C. Martin and Daphne Flowers Wood
Knight ($500-$999)
Charlie and Susie Sears Anderson
Dane Andreeff
Joe and Kathy Ross Arterberry
Helen and James Bartelsmeyer, Caroline
Mary Grady and Vic Bell
Mrs. Barrick C. Benson
Ronn and Barbara Bonheur
Grace and James Broughton
Dan and Nancy Beers Carithers
Dr. Geoffrey and Dr. Mary Bess Cole
Joe and Susan McKinney Davenport
Douglas and Cathy Hassinger Drennan
Jay and Christie Farrior
Cathy and Jim Foster
Laura Gossage, Daisy Hoffman
Beth and Tommy Holder
Rick and Lisa Jackson
Tom and Kelly Johnson, Kathryn and Jordan
Harry and Eleanor Lane
Michael and Donna Dismuke Lenaghan
Alan and Ruth Kalmar Lewis
Luis and Beth Graham Martinez
Jaceson and Jennifer Kampel-Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, Jr., Nikki
Roy and Mary Davis McLendon Smart,
Mary Stuart
Dean and Ashley Sparks Stamoulis
Gordon and Laurie Turner Strayhorn
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Swann
Fred and Virginia Seal Wagner
Mimi Wallace
Sarah and George Young
Squire ($250-$499)
Hank and Nancy Dameron Almquist
Fred and Malinda Bradley Bergen
Kara and Andy Berly, Meredith
Ken and Beth Beuley
Bridget and Bobby Bories, Carrie & Evie
Jose Perez-Sanz and Catherine Bosher
Charles and Sylvia Sparkman Coker
M.E. and Lilla Calhoun Costello
Susan and Edward S. Croft, III
Kathryn and Stephen Davie
Jim and Wynn Gregory Dorsett
Steven and Anna Ferguson Duff
Patty Thornhill Edwards
Brian and Caroline Davis Fitzgerald
Jacqueline and Matt Friedlander
Douglas and Mary “Mae Mae” Houlihan Gabbert
Schuyler and Sarah Carter Grey
Greggory and Adrian Steinbach Hale
Ben and Jeanie Mann Hardesty
Elliott and Terrell Luck Harrigan
Jeanne and Mike Heekin, Mary
Emily Helmick, Ashley
Adam Levesque and Lucy Henderson
Phil and Lisa Herget
Harriet Broughton Holliday
James and Elta Posey Johnston
David and Stephanie Gross Julian
Martha Ann Keels
Chuck and Karen Kennedy
Susan and Norman Lent
Justin and Stephanie Blessey Lilley
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lupton
Randall and Anne Mann, Caroline and Elizabeth
Allen and Clair Freeman Marshall
Jay and Rowanne McIntyre McKnight
Gabrey Croft Means
Betsy Shaw Nalty
Morgan and Jill Nalty
Philip and Katherine Rich Niehaus
Jonathan and Candida Price
Mike and Fran Reeves
John and Robin Travis Reifsnider
William and Cecil Collins Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Simmons
George and Suzanne Zoppa Taylor
Ann and Jim von Thron
Suellen Wideman
Dan and Amy Wilbanks
John Hulon and Joan Williams
Richard Woodruff
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
2009 Annual Fund Contributors ... continued
Yeoman ($100-$249)
Nancy MacDougald Albert
Alicia and Mike Alford, Ali
Bond and Virginia Neal Almand
Andy and Susan LaMotte Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bonneau Ansley Jr. and
Fayne Ansley
Babette Bryan Bach
Elizabeth Wellford Baer
Bryan L. Baldwin
Jayne and Thomas Barkdull
Rob and Barbara Beard
Michael and Kaki Johnson Behr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benjamin
J.P. and Sommerville Bevilaqua
Amy and Eric Bicknell, Sarah
Bruce and Jean Stephenson Blair
James and Nancy Hill Carter Bland
Catherine Blanchard Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bohrer
Mary Martin “Bobo” Williamson Borden
Will and Tabitha Rust Bradley
Elissa Jones Brigden
Mary Ann Cooper Broughton
Sarah Nash Bumpas
Carolyn Crusel Caindec
Robert and Leigh Cameron
Catherine Carr
Austin and Millie Cobb Carr
Henry and Molly Carrison
Chan and Vee Smith Chandler
Austin and Meredith Weeks Chase
Carter and Beverly Bailey Chinnis
Michael and Meaghan Dowling Chorske
James and Louise Johnson Clement
Thomas and Katy Mikell Cochran
Sharon and Matt Cole
David Cole and Holly Hill
Louise “Weezie” Shartle Coleman
Rob and Anne Emack Couch
Ryan and Boofie Lupton Crimmins
Mark and Lucy Sparkman Crosswell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumbliss
Judith Cunningham
Mary Mercer “Mimi” Daniel
Mrs. Leland Hume Davenport
Lucy Davidson
Tait Davidson
Philip and Susie Davidson
Matt and Evie Hackney Smith Davis
Julia Brooke Davis
Michael and Lisa Loudermilk deGolian
Mary McFall Dibrell
Lawrence and Vieve Dimmitt
Robin Donohoe
Lindsay and Bill Dorris
Mr. and Mrs. Roddey Dowd, Sr.
Julie and Everitt Drew
Denice and Jim Dunn
David and Christe Ray Eades
Rick and Tweed Cline Eckhard
Doug and Virginia Smith Ellison
Linda Eubank and Chelsea
Jay and Christie Farrior
Bruce and Lynn Felt
Charles and Jennifer Jones Fiorenza
Brian and Caroline Davis Fitzgerald
James and Kathy French
Charles and Teresa Friedlander
William and Joan Tarumianz Gee
Michael and Betty Caskey Gorsage
Navin and Savita Gupta
Philip and Maurine Shores Halperin
Glenn and Jenny Hamilton
Julia Ballard Haralson
Sinclair and Catherine McKenney Harcus
Ned and Ellen Ansley Hardison
John and Margaret McCall Harper
Michael and Nancy Harrell
Jimmy and Lisa Ruffin Harrison
Nikko and Anne Farrar Hayes
Judith Johnson Hays
Claudia and W. A. Heath, Jr.
Debby and Dan Heller, Mary-Lloyd
Laura Tillman Hendley
Edmond and Miriam Wogan Henry
Mrs. William H. Heslip (Joyce Gaston)
Vianda Hale Hill, Nicki and Christiane Hill
Margot and Chet Hinton, Smith
Bob and Hester Hodde
Richard and Eunie Bizzell Huettner
Jason and Talley Woolley Hultgren
Sam and Anne Davis Hummel
Tricia and Lee Johnson
Mark and Walker Freeman Jones
Greg and Amy Jones
Katie Newton Jones, Catherine Newton Jones
Bill and Mary Lee Josey
John and Phyllis Mann Kirwan
Pete and Evelyn Simmons Kissel
William and Lyle Reynolds Klich
Art and Carolyn Kramer
F. Sherwood and Connie Lewis
Amy and Tandy Lewis
Lionel and Lee Lowry
Todd and Cassidy Murray MacKay
Dick and Bettye West Mason
Douglas and Gigi Matthews
Clare McKenzie
Steve and Jane Menton
John and Elizabeth Dempsey Merritt
Morgan and Anne Sognier Murray
Rick and Caroline Tuttle Murray
Chris and Eleanor Davenport Owen
Katrina Parkinson
Wade and Mary Elizabeth Adams Perry
Dana and Larry Pless, Deane
Phillip and Jill Headley Poole
Jan and Gregory Porges
Paul Nitze and Elisabeth Porter
Gene and Ann Preaus
William and Martha Lee Pulley
Albert and Susan Gregory Warburton Redd
Sean and Courtney Minchew Reynolds
Peter and Maria Wornom Rippe
Paige Williams Robbins
Nancy Martin Roberts
Frances Russell Rockwell
Kathryn and Joseph Royal
Catherine Ryan
Louis and Mamie Seaman Sarkes
Ed and Becky Savitz
James and Harriet Schnell
Virginia H. Scruggs
Douglas and Kimberly Selph
Charlie and Kathy Browne Stine
Ewing and Kim Lupton Strang
Stephen and Janice Ferman Straske
Al and Ruth Strayhorn
Mrs. Frank P. Strickler, III
A. Wellford and Ann Tabor
Ben and Nancy Tarbutton
Jerry and Cathy Temple
Walt and Sally Scott Edwards Tippett
Diana and Charles Untermeyer
Henry and Chamie Grandy Valentine, Annie
Woodie and Betsy Hassinger Van Horn
Katheryne and Bestor Ward
Phyllis and John Ward, Elizabeth
Cynthia and Philip Warth
Wagon and Meagher Lee Whigham
Whit and Catherine Cranston Whitham
Anne and Cross Williams, Jr.
Reid Leavitt Willingham
Barry and Jacquelyn Buttram Wright
Edith and Landon R. Wyatt, III
Stuart and Carol Graham Wyllie
Charles and Lucy Baumann Zemp
Page ($50-$99)
Seth and Forsyth Crommelin Adams
Virginia Simpson Aisner
Rosemary and Tim Anderson
Nancy G. Baker
continues next page
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
2009 Annual Fund Contributors ... continued
Darrell and Kelly Quinn Barnett
Rip and Nell Mathis Black
Julia Bradford
John and Anne Trice Brewer
Tim and Merrill Ware Carrington
Frank and Katherine Crutcher Chisholm
Carlton and Carol Hancock Craig
Mary and Steven Craig
Richard and Mary Woolard Crawford
Chris and Susan Crimmins
Deborah and Robert Csere
Susan and Brian Curtiss
Jay and Betsy Caldwell Dalgliesh
Gay and Bob Davis
Ann Carter Murray Dawson
Rufus and Vickie Dorsey
Peggy and John Dozier
Kurt and Cathleen Brooke Dunkle
Whitney Dunlap
Markus and Hannah Davis Emig
Sabrina Rakes Fahey
Peter and Baba Ashby Frew
David and Betsy Lindsay Goode
John and Margaret McCall Harper
Eddie and Nancie Hobby
Elizabeth “Bunny” Johns
Erik and Lucy Cooper Karlsson
Lawrence and Barrie Hill Lewis
Nancy Braam Little
Ted and Corinna Mann
Dick and Bettye West Mason
Alyson McCuaig-Hutchings
William and Anne Wall McIntosh
Irene Pursley Miller
Victoria and Stephen Mix
Luther Moore
Mrs. J.L. Moore
Shawn and Laura Griffith Moxley
Steve and Holly Cooper Myers
Anthony and Nancy O’Gara Nievera
Charles and Nancy Horton Nusbaum
John and Carolyn Pait
Felix and Magda Murphy Pelzer
Brien and Sallie Orr Peterkin
Bill and Sally Querin
Eric and Barbara Mariani Schmitz
Douglas and Kimberly Selph
John and Nancy Newton Sipp
David and Susan Heidt Slack
Lessley Soniat
Jimmy and Kathy Black Stewart
William and Mildred Taylor Tierney
Sally Sanders Townsend
Perrin and Catherine Biggers Trotter
Nancy and Ron Walker, Savannah
David Paltiel and Stuart Warner
Thomas and Diane Windler
John and Cobby Young Witherington
Raye and Jane Minor Woodin
Anne Emack Couch (daughter), Mary Stuart
Couch, Franny Couch & Anne Fairly Alison
By: James and Henrietta Emack
Pattie Moore-Boyette and Andy Boyette
Faye Carrington Brady
Carol Mathis Cartus
Rick and Linda Tienstra Chazal
Susan Crago
David and Carter Cunningham
Gardner and Martha Cousar Davis,
Molly and Elizabeth
Harold and Lucinda Oliver Denton
Benton and Betty Weil Fisher
Elizabeth Allison Biggers Gardner
Rory and Shelby Harrell Geyer
Frances Givhan
Jennifer Granville
Carol Gundersen
Eleanor Hazard
Debby and Dan Heller, Mary-Lloyd
Ainsley Hines
Jeffery and Anne Stout Hughes
Sarah Jenkins
Jane Stoiko Kennedy
Raymond Brastow and Onie McKenzie
Rachel Pillow Mitchener
Lawson and Marie Helmken Moyer
Jacob and Donnell Turner Oakley
Jenny Gass Burch O’Connor
Julie Perry
Betsy Snyder Roberts
John and Elizabeth Lattimore Rousakis
Macon and Margaret Hardesty Rudisill
Lizzie Scruggs
Virginia and Frank Smircic, Shirley
Bill and Betsy Hamilton Verner
Alyce Wellons
Michael and Alice Hanson Yopp
Anne Fairly Alison & Jean Kinnett Oliver
By: James and Susan Alison
Gifts in Honor Of…
Haskell Harris and Chandler Harris Bibb
By: George and Lou Harris
Donor (up to $50)
Mary Katherine and Caroline Strong
By: Kimberly and John Strong
Virginia, Elizabeth & Kalli Calvin
By: Mrs. June R. Matsos
Adelaide Bratcher
By: Mrs. Leland Hume Davenport
Adelaide D. Bratcher and Eleanor D. Owen
By: Cornell and Mary Leland Davenport Wilde
Campbell, Tee, Stuart & Mary Grace Bowers
By: Stuart and Mary Blair Scott Valentine
Carolina Elizabeth Wessel, granddaughter.
By: Carol Ann Brown Cannon
Charlotte Freeman & her great-grandmother,
Charlotte Spruntt Murchison
By: Catherine and Peter Freeman
Christe Eades
By: Thold and Ruth Ellen Gill
Eleanor Davenport Owen
By: Mrs. Leland Hume Davenport
Fontaine Kohler Kane, Peabody Kohler Fox,
McKinley Kane & Laughlin Kane
By: Donald and Peachy Mobley Kohler
Granddaughter, Ciele Gutierrez
By: Dr. and Mrs. James O. Harris
Granddaughters, Taylor & Meredith Kronn
By: James and Dean Rubarts Wilson
Grandmother, Sally Padgett and Mother, Kitty
Bauknight & in Gratitude of Claire Tate for
introducing her to M.W.
By: Anne-Worley Bauknight Moelter
Hamilton Northcutt
By: Harriett G. Northcutt
Jennifer Maupin Alexander
By: Jean and Tony Maupin
Letti Bozard
By: Fred and Barbara Bozard
Lillie Cochran, Meredith Kronn, Rachel Chittum
& Carrie Bories, wonderful 2009 counselors
By: J. Garrett and Helen Hamilton Horsley
Camp Merrie-Woode, Spring 2010
2009 Annual Fund Contributors ... continued
Lindsay & Schuyler Winstead
By: Page and David Winstead
Mary Coleman Rogers
By: Mabry and Jeanne Rogers
Mary Jane and Jay Trimble
By: Chris and Elizabeth Keenan Thompson
Mary Selwyn Arnold
By: Dan and Mary Joyce Arnold
Rush Williams, Caroline Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Margaret Cheatham Williams and
Eleanor Williams
By: Margaret and John Cross Williams, Sr.
Sara Grubbe
By: Stagg Nicholson Sanders
Savannah Walker
By: Nancy and Ron Walker
Soule and Brooks Rodrigue
By: Robert and Mary Rodrigue
Tinsley, Annie, and Caroline Ullrich
By: Mary Campbell
Wedding anniversary of Tweed & Rick Eckhard
By: Harry and Janie McMullen Cline
In Thanksgiving for: daughter, Carolyn Wahlheim
By: William and Cary Wahlheim
Bunch Griffin
By: Eleanor Griffin
Dorothy Metcalf Thomas
By: Dean and Lauren Thomas Flores
Gifts in Memory Of…
Edith Fitzhugh Camp and In Honor Of: The new
nature nook & organic garden
By: Andrew and Jody Shartle Anderson
Dammie Day
By: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Beall, Jr.
Sissy McClellan
By: Harriett G. Northcutt
Roger Grigg Pearce
By: Robin and Anne Chichester Lyle
Mary Adair Howell Bird
By: Alfred and Elizabeth Hewitt
Augusta & Fritz Orr
By: Catherine Porter
By: David and Tinsley Orr Northen
Hugh Caldwell
By: Catherine Porter
By: Robert and Lyda Larkins Astrove
By: Amy Bell
Thank you
to all of our donors!
Merrie-Woode Joins NCYCA
Camp Merrie-Woode is one of over twenty North Carolina summer
camps who recently banded together in hopes of increasing public
understanding of the summer camp industry. The North Carolina
Youth Camp Association is a 501c (6) trade association based out of
Henderson County, NC. The Association aims to spread information
and represent camps’ interests with policy makers at the local, state, and
federal level.
The NCYCA believes that by banding together, North Carolina’s camps can provide more opportunities for
campers to learn and grow. In working together toward this common goal, NCYCA camps plan to cooperate in
order to provide research and information to other organizations and government officials on the importance of
summer camping.
Furthermore, the influence of camping on Western North Carolina’s economy is staggering. In bringing camps
together within one Association, camps like Merrie-Woode can affect public policy. School districts, primarily in
the south, are shortening summers and cutting into camp sessions. Consequently, some camps are struggling to
financially survive. Public parks and waterways that were once free to organized camping groups now apply usage
restrictions. As a result, camps are struggling to provide proper outdoor experiences off of camp property. New
building and sanitation codes for camps resemble the rules applied to motels and restaurants. The codes erode the
nature of camp facilities and change the character of life at camp.
Luckily the NCYCA will provide information to parents while giving camps a voice among state and federal
officials. The Association appointed a Board of Directors who represents camp directors from myriad summer
camps. Single sex, coed, non-profit, and for-profit camps are all accounted for on the Board. Chuck McGrady,
former owner and director of Falling Creek Camp, is serving as NCYCA’s Executive Director. The Association’s
President is Gordon Strayhorn, owner and director of Camp Illahee in Brevard, NC.
If you would like more information on NCYCA, please visit www.nccamps.org.
Return Service Requested
Camp Merrie-Woode®
100 Merrie-Woode Rd.
Sapphire, NC 28774
To The Household Of:
We Need Costumes!
Are you trying to figure out what to do with all those old Halloween costumes piling up in the back of your
closet? Has your daughter outgrown that dress-up trunk she used to have so much fun with? Well, we have
the solution! The Camp Merrie-Woode Costume Shoppe is in need of some new costumes! The Costume
Shoppe continues to be a well loved and much used room in camp. Campers are always looking for fun and
goofy things to adorn themselves with at evening programs, and the Costume Shoppe is the main source of
costumes for Merrie-Woode’s growing theatre program. We are looking for:
• Small men’s suits, coats, and jackets
• Fun hats
• Costumes from the 1920’s,
30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s
• Tap shoes
• Character shoes
• Uniforms
• Plain black shoes
• Plain brown shoes
• Halloween costumes (nothing scary, please!)
• Long sleeved oxford shirts
• Neck ties and bow ties
Here are some other items that the theatre
department always needs at the beginning of
every summer:
• Make-up sponges
• Wig caps
• Stockings
• Bobby pins
• Black hair ties
Please send any donations to the attention of
CMW Theatre Department
100 Merrie-Woode Road
Sapphire, NC 28774