Faculty of Science in Tuzla Univerzitetska 4 75 000 Tuzla Telephone
Faculty of Science in Tuzla Univerzitetska 4 75 000 Tuzla Telephone
Faculty of Science in Tuzla P M F Univerzitetska 4 75 000 Tuzla JU UNIVERZITET U TUZLI UNIVERSITY OF TUZLA Promotivna brošura Promotional Booklet 2007 / 2008 2009 - 2010 PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE TUZLA Telephone: central office: 035 320-860 stud. service: 035 320-864 Fax: 035 320-861 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.pmf.untz.ba P M F PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE IN TUZLA O fakultetu About the Faculty Istorijat fakulteta History of the Faculty Prirodno - matematički fakultet u Tuzli osnovan je 2002. godine Zakonom o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o Univerzitetu u Tuzli, koji je donijela Skupština Tuzlanskog kantona ("Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona", broj 2/02 ), na osnovu ranijih studijskih odsjeka prirodnih nauka i matematike na Filozofskom fakultetu u Tuzli koji postoje od 1993. The Faculty of Science in Tuzla was founded in 2002 by the Law Amending the Law on Tuzla University, brought by the Assembly of Tuzla Canton ("Official gazzette of Tuzla Canton 2/02"), based on the previous study departments of natural sciences and mathematics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla, which exists from 1993. Nastava na Fakultetu je organizovana za redovne studente i izvodi se u okviru studijskih odsjeka. Studij traje četiri godine i, nakon diplomiranja, stiče se stručni naziv profesor, sa naznakom studijskog odsjeka. Studies at the Faculty are organized for full time students and carried out within the faculty departments. Courses last for four years and after completion the students are awarded Bachelor degrees in teaching, denoting the faculty department. Uspostavom Evropskog sistema visokog obrazovanja, školske 2003/04. godine na Univerzitetu u Tuzli je uveden Evropski sistem prenosa bodova ( ECTS ). Danas After the establishment of the European system of higher education, in academic year 2003/04 the University of Tuzla introduced the European Credit Transfer System. Fakultet posjeduje 5 laboratorija za opštu fiziku i naučno-istraživačku laboratoriju za detekciju, dozimetriju i zaštitu od zračenja (LDDZZ), 4 laboratorije za nastavu biologije i 1 za naučnoistraživački rad iz područja mikrobiologije i genetike, 3 kompjuterska centra sa edukativnim softverom itd. Na fakultetu je ukupno angažovano preko 120 članova nastavnog osoblja i asistenata, uključujući i vanjske saradnike. Today Studijski odsjeci Faculty departments 1. Biologija 2. Fizika 3. Geografija 4. Hemija 5. Matematika 1. Biology 2. Physics 3. Geography 4. Chemistry 5. Mathematics The Faculty has 5 laboratories for general physics and a scientific-research lab for detection, dosimetry and radiation protection; 4 labs for biology classes and 1 for scientific researches in microbiology and genetics, 3 computer centers with educational software etc. The faculty employs over 120 members of teaching staff and assistants, including outside associates. P M F Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics in Tuzla - current information The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Tuzla today represents the scientific and educational core of this University. The faculty currently employs 6 full professors, 10 associate professors, 16 assistant professors, 28 seniar assistants, 12 assistants, 6 laboratory assistants. There are engaged teaching staff from other faculties within Tuzla University, and external associates from other universities which totals over 120 professors and assistants . In 2009/10 school year, all departments have in total 844 active students, specifically by departments: – Biology 226 – Physics 97 – Geography 249 – Chemistry 136 – Mathematics 136 As of this school year the faculty offers Bachelor degrees both in teaching or science, introducing four new degrees: graduate biologist, physicist, chemist, mathematician. P M F School Year 2009/2010 B.Sc. Degrees: ► Dept. of Mathematics Teacher of mathematics Graduated mathematician ► Dept. of Physics Teacher of physics Graduated physicist ► Dept. of Biology Teacher of biology Graduate biologist ► Dept. of Chemistry Teacher of chemistry Graduated chemist ► Dept. of Geography Teacher of geography P M F Report on the number of students Overview of the number of students per department 2005/06 - 2012/13 Previous and current status 2005/06 Plan 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 214 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 214 214 214 Total number of students 345 341 334 311 Enrolled during the year 321 290 293 268 Graduated during the year 16 25 32 6 20 20 20 20 62 59 45 43 30 30 30 30 4 7 5 13 44 55 44 28 19 19 19 19 0 0 4 2 28 39 57 27 19 19 19 19 0 0 0 0 42 19 28 26 19 19 19 19 0 0 0 0 Students who repeat a year 145 118 119 144 132 132 132 132 Advanced university students 20 44 32 28 31 31 31 31 active students I year inactive students active students II year inactive students active students III year inactive students active students IV year inactive students active students V year inactive students active students VI year inactive students P M F Policies and procedures of quality assurance Educational concept of the Science and Mathematics Faculty in Tuzla, based on the European academic standards, is being an educational and scientific - research institution, which has developed fundamental science disciplines related to the field of natural sciences and mathematics. Plans and programs for undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Tuzla, in its structure correspond to the recommended programs In Bologna Declaration and are similar (comparative) to a number of reputable universities in other EU countries. Partly their contents differ, respecting specific current needs. In this sense the study programs of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Tuzla is compatible with European higher education systems for teaching personnel in the field of natural sciences. P M F PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE IN TUZLA Odsjek biologija Department of Biology Dodiplomski studij Undergraduate studies Odsjek za biologiju na dodiplomskom studiju školuje obrazovne profile: profesor biologije i diplomirani biolog. Dodiplomski studij traje četiri godine. Prve dvije godine studija su zajedničke za sve profile. With its undergraduate course the Department of Biology offers B.Sc. degrees in biology teaching and science. Undergraduate studies last four years. The first two years are common for all study profiles. Najnovije informacije su dostupne putem studentske službe Prirodno - matematičkog fakulteta u Tuzli. The most recent information is available from the Student Service office at the Faculty of Science in Tuzla. Postdiplomski studij Postgraduate studies Trajanje studija je 2 godine, sa modulima: Studies last for 2 years, with the modules: 1. Modul genetika 2. Modul biosistematika i fiziologija biljaka 3. Modul biosistematika i fiziologija životinja 4. Modul ekologija 1. Genetics 2. Biosystematics and physiology of plants 3. Biosystematics and physiology of animals 4. Ecology Analize i istraživanja Analyses and researches 1. Antropogenetičke studije i istraživanja (genetička struktura humanih populacija) 2. Molekularno – genetske analize (izolacija DNA, direktno i indirektno otkrivanje hromosomskih i genskih mutacija) 3. Mikrobiološka i parazitološka analiza hrane i prehrambenih proizvoda i vode 4. Analiza planktona i bentosa 5. Analiza flore i faune (ihtiofaune, vetebrata i avertebrata, akvakultura) 6. Istraživanje biodiverziteta 7. Bazična fiziološka istraživanja 8. Bazična ekofiziološka istraživanja 9. Morfometrijska, biosistematska, anatomskohistološka, molekularno-biohemijska istraživanja 1. Anthropogenetic studies and researches (genetic structure of human populations) 2. Moleculary-genetical analyses (isolation of DNA, direct and indirect detection of chromosome and genetic mutations) 3. Microbiologic and parasitologic analyses of foodstuffs and water 4. Analyses of plankton and benthos 5. Analyses of flora and fauna (ichtyofauna, vetebrates and avertebrates, aquaculture) 6. Biodiversity researches 7. Basic physiologic researches 8. Basic ecophysiologic researches 9. Researches in morphometry, biosystematics, anatomy and histology, molecular biochemistry P M F Laboratory facilities P M F PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE IN TUZLA Odsjek fizika Department of Physics Dodiplomski studij Undergraduate studies Odsjek za fiziku PMF-a, Univerziteta u Tuzli, na dodiplomskom studiju, školuje profesore fizike i diplomirane fizičare. Dodiplomski studij traje četiri godine. Prve dvije godine studija su zajedničke za sve profile. U školskoj godini 2009/10 upisano je 94 studenta na redovne dodiplomske studije. The Department of Physics at Tuzla FS, University of Tuzla, educates teachers of physics and physicists in this undergraduate studies (B.Sc. degree). Undergraduate study last four years. The first two years are common for all study profiles. In 2009/10, 94 students enrolled in undergraduate studies. Postdiplomski studij Postgraduate studies U toku 2001. godine počeo je sa radom prvi postiplomski studij iz područja fizike (teorijska i eksperimentalna fizika). Do sada je, iz te generacije, magistriralo osam postdiplomaca. U toku 2004. godine otpočeo je i drugi postdiplomski studij iz područja fizike jonizirajućeg zračenja i fizike nejonizirajućeg zračenja. Školske 2008/09 upisano je 12 kandidata na postdiplomske studije iz područja metodike nastave fizike (edukacijski smjer). The first postgraduate studies in the field of physics (theoretic and experimental physics) started in 2001. So far, eight postgraduates obtained masters degrees from that generation. In 2004 another postgraduate studies in field of physics began, the studies of ionizing and nonionising radiation. In the school year 2008/09, 12 candidates enrolled in postgraduate studies in the field of physics teaching methodology (education course). Laboratories Laboratorije Odsjek za fiziku raspolaže sa 3 laboratorije za opštu fiziku, jednom laboratorijom za fiziku čvrstog stanja i nuklearnu fiziku. U pripremi je laboratorija za viši fizikalni praktikum (fizika atoma i molekula, savremene metode eksprimentalne fizike). Na odsjeku je formirana naučno-istraživačka Laboratorija za detekciju, dozimetriju i zaštitu od zračenja (LDDZZ): prirodnog radioaktivnog zračenja, tehnološki modifikovanog ili akcidentnog radioaktivnog zračenja, kao i drugih izvora jonizujućeg zračenja. Ova laboratorija vrši kontrolu radioaktivnosti biosfere sa posebnim akcentom na izučavanje migracije i distribucije radionuklida i radijacionih nivoa. Department of Physics disposes of 3 laboratories for general physics, one laboratory for solid state physics and nuclear physics. We also plan to form a laboratory for higher physical practicum (physics of atoms and molecules, contemporary methods of experimental physics). The Department formed a science-research Laboratory for Detection, Dosimetry and Radiation Protection (LDDRP): natural radiation, technologically modified or accidental radiation and other sources of ionising radiation. This lab conducts researches of biosphere radioactivity, with special focus on migration and distribution of radionuclides and radiation levels. P M F P M F PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE IN TUZLA Odsjek geografija Department of Geography Dodiplomski studij Undergraduate studies Odsjek za geografiju PMF-a na dodiplomskom studiju školuje profesore geografije. Dodiplomski studij traje četiri godine. Najnovije informacije su dostupne putem studentske službe Prirodno - matematičkog fakulteta u Tuzli. The Department of Geography at Tuzla FS, educates teachers of geography (B.Sc. degree). Undergraduate study last four years. The most recent information is available from the Student Service office at the Faculty of Science in Tuzla. Aktivnosti i ciljevi Activities and goals - IzvoĎenje terenske nastave na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Slovenije - Osnivanje i rad postdiplomskih studija - Organiziranje MeĎunarodnih seminara - Izdavanje naučnog časopisa i udžbenika - Učešće u meĎunarodnim projektima, radu Prvog kongresa geografa BiH i meĎunarodnim naučnim skupovima - Field classes in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia - Establishing postgraduate studies - Organizing international seminars - Publishing of scientific journals and textbooks - Participation in international projects, the First congress of B&H geographers, and international scientific meetings - Sistematsko proučavanje zaštite životne sredine, demografskih problema i urbanog razvoja naselja. Proizvodnje hrane, energije, sirovina i vode kao i mogućnosti razvoja tercijarnih djelatnosti. Terenska istraživanja pravog stanja u Bosni i Hercegovini. - Sistematic research of environmental protection, demographic issues and urban development of settlements, and production of food, energy, raw materials and water, alongside development possibilities of tertiary activities. Field researches of actual conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. - Proučavanje elementarnih nepogoda, i raznovrsnih pojava i procesa u prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine. - Investigation of elementary disasters, and various phenomena and processes in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. - UnapreĎivanje naučne teorijske misli, kao i aplikativna proučavanja koja treba da pospješe ekonomskogeografski razvoj (optimalno korištenja pojedinih resursa, pitanja regionalnog planiranja i racionalni prostorni razmještaj privrednih djelatnosti, ekologija). - MeĎunarodna saradnja sa univerzitetima iz Evropske unije, uz uporedno usklaĎivanje nastavnih programa i učešće u zajedničkim naučnim projektima sa ciljem uključivanja Odsjeka za geografiju u asocijaciju geografa Evropske unije i unapreĎenja saradnje sa geografskim udruženjima MeĎunarodne geografske unije. - Advancement of science theory, as well as applicative researches towards improving economic-geographical development (optimal usage of resources, issues of regional planning and rational areal distribution of economic activities, ecology). - International collaboration with universities from the EU, with comparative harmonization of curricula and participation in joint scientific projects, aiming to incorporation of the Department of Geography into the European Association of Geographers and promoting cooperation with geographical associations of the International Geographical Union. P M F P M F PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE IN TUZLA Odsjek hemija Department of Chemistry Dodiplomski studij Undergraduate studies Odsjek za hemiju na dodiplomskom studiju školuje obrazovne profile: profesor hemije i diplomirani hemičar. Dodiplomski studij traje četiri godine. Prve dvije godine studija su zajedničke za sve profile. Školske 2009/10 upisano je 119 studenata na dodiplomske studije. The Department of Chemistry offers B.Sc. degrees in chemistry teaching and science. Undergraduate studies last four years. The first two years are common for all study profiles. In 2009/10, 119 students enrolled in undergraduate studies. Odsjek hemija egzistira na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu od 2002. (ranije odsjek biologija-hemija na Filozofskom fakultetu Tuzla). Od 2003. uvođenjem sistema ECTS, novi nastavni planovi i programi su napravljeni s ciljem unaprjeđenja osnovnog obrazovanja profesora hemije, povećanja efikasnosti studija i usaglašavanja sa opštim ciljevima reforme univerzitetskog obrazovanja. Prvi postdiplomski studij iz oblasti hemija organizovan je školske 2004/05. Na postdiplomski studij upisano je 12 kandidata iz cijele BiH, a u realizaciji nastave učestvuju i profesori iz Slovenije i Hrvatske. Š.k.2008/09 organizovan je novi ciklus sa ukupno 15 polaznika. Odsjek za hemiju raspolaže sa 6 laboratorija (opšta i neorganska hemija, analitička hemija, organska hemija, fizikalna i elektrohemija, hemija i biohemija, analiza tla i geohemijska ispitivanja). Cilj naučno-istraživačkog rada je istraživanje i eksperimentalni razvoj u oblasti hemije koji se ostvaruje kroz istraživanja u podizanju kvaliteta nastave, naučnog i stručnog usavršavanja i primjenjenim istraživanjima. Zbog unaprjeđivanja naučno-istraživačkog rada odsjek sarađuje sa drugim univerzitetima a i farmaceutskim firmama. Mogućnost analiza: - Analiza i sadržaj teških metala u tlu, vodi i prirodnim prehrambenim proizvodima - Određivanje bioloških aktivnih spojeva u prirodnim prehrambenim proizvodima - Hemijska analiza tla - Analiza čvrstih mineralnih goriva - Analiza zraka (stabilnih i otrovnih gasova) - Analiza eksplozivnosti prašine - Analiza gasonosnosti ugljenih spojeva - Analiza požarnih parametara - Analiza agresivnih svojstava mineralnih i organskih prašina - Analiza fizičkih parametara radnih mjesta - Određivanje emisije i imisije štetnih polutanata - Sinteza bioloških aktivnih spojeva-generičkih lijekova - Uticaj strukture-osobine polimera The Department of Chemistry exists at the Faculty of Science from 2002 (previously Dept. of Biology-Chemistry at the Faculty of Philosophy Tuzla). From 2003 onwards, after the introduction of the ECTS system, new curricula were created to promote basic education for chemistry teachers, increase efficiency of the studies and harmonize general objectives of the university with the educational reform. The first postgraduate studies in chemistry were organized in academic year 2004/05, and 12 candidates from whole B&H enrolled; the teaching is supported by professors from Slovenia and Croatia. In 2008/09 we organized a new cycle with 15 candidates. The Chemistry Department has 6 laboratories (general and anorganic chemistry, analitical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical and electro-chemistry, chemistry and biochemistry, soil analysis and geochemistry researches). The goal of scienceresearch activities is research and experimental development in the field of chemistry, that is realized through raising the quality of teaching, scientific and expert training and applied researches. In order to improve science-research activities the department collaborates with other universities, as well as with pharmaceutical companies. Analytical services: - Content analysis of heavy metals in soil, water and natural foodstuffs - Determination of biologic active compounds in natural foodstuffs - Chemical analysis of soil - Analysis of solid mineral fuels - Analysis of air (stable and toxic gases) - Analysis of dust explosivity - Analysis of gaseousness of carbon compounds - Analysis of fire parameters - Analysis of agressive properties of mineral and organic dust - Analysis of physical parameters of workplaces - Determination of emission and imission of harmful pollutants - Synthesis and design of biologic active compounds -generic medicaments - Influence of structure - properties of polymers P M F P M F PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET TUZLA FACULTY OF SCIENCE IN TUZLA Odsjek matematika Department of Mathematics Dodiplomski studij Undergraduate studies Odsjek za matematiku na dodiplomskom studiju školuje obrazovne profile: profesor matematike i diplomirani matematičar. Dodiplomski studij traje četiri godine. Prve dvije godine studija su zajedničke za sve profile. The Department of Mathematics educates teachers of mathematics and graduated mathematicians (B.Sc. degree). Undergraduate studies last four years. The first two years are common for all study profiles. Odsjek matematike na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu egzistira od 2001. godine (ranije odsjek matematika-fizika na Filozofskom fakultetu u Tuzli), a pokriva nastavu matematike i na svim ostalim fakultetima Univerziteta u Tuzli. The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science in Tuzla exists from 2001 (previously known as the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the Faculty of Philosophy Tuzla). The Department staff is also engaged in teaching Mathematics at other faculties of the University. Od 2001./2002. inovirani su nastavni planovi i programi u cilju edukacije studenata iz oblasti primjenjene matematike. Zbog izražene tehničke orijentacije univerziteta, 2004. godine pokrenut je postdiplomski studij iz oblasti primjenjene matematike. Na postdiplomski studij upisano je 19 kandidata iz cijele BiH. U cilju što kvalitetnije realizacije nastavnih planova i programa PDS-a, odsjek održava saradnju sa eminentnim profesorima iz SAD-a, Švedske, Osijeka, Zagreba, Sarajeva i Beograda. Odsjek posjeduje vrlo moderan informatički kabinet opremljen potrebnim licencnim softwareom i specijaliziranim paketima (Matlab, Mathematica, Statistika). U cilju razvoja naučno-istraživačkog rada, otvorene su mogućnosti saradnje sa drugim univerzitetima i razvojnim granama kao što su energetika, rudarstvo, hemijska i metalna industrija, kojima fakultet nudi interesantna znanja iz slijedećih matematičkih oblasti: Obične diferencijalne jednačine Parcijalne diferencijalne i integralne jednačine Diferentne jednačine Statistika i vjerovatnoća Matematičko modeliranje Stohastički i dinamički procesi Numerička matematika Problemi transporta Problemi rezervi i skladištenja Algoritmi i programiranje Aktuarska matematika Problemi optimizacija i stabilnosti Since 2001/2002 curricula has been renewed in the scope of students education in applied mathematics. Due to accented technical orientation of the University, in 2004 postgraduate studies in the field of applied mathematics were set up, and 19 candidates from whole B&H enrolled. With purpose of achieving the best quality realization of postgraduate curricula, the Department collaborates with eminent professors from the USA, Sweden, Osijek, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade. Department owns a very modern classroom for Informatics, equipped with necessary licenced software and specialized packages (Matlab, Mathematica, Statistica). In the scope of developing science-research activities, we open possibilities of cooperation with other universities and developing branches such as energy, mining, chemical and metal industry, to which the faculty offers interesting knowledge in the following mathematical fields: Ordinary Differential Equations Partial Differential and Integral Equation Different Equations Statistics and Probability Mathematical modelling Stohastic and Dynamic Processes Numeric Mathematics Transportation Problems Problems of Stocks and Storage Algorithms and Programming Actuarial Mathematics Problems of Optimisation and Stability P M F b f ( x)dx F (b) F (a) a n k k 1 n(n 1) 2 P M F PRIRODNO - MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET Univerzitetska 4, 75 000 Tuzla > Telefon centrala: 035 320-860 > Telefax: 035 320-861 Studentska služba: 035 320-864 > Email: [email protected] > Web: www.pmf.untz.ba
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