

North East River Yacht Club
Member Newsletter
At the Peak of the Chesapeake
Commodore’s Report
Well it’s been almost a month now
since that extraordinary ball that VC
Jon & Lady Lynn put on and I was
installed as your commodore. I have
been busying myself with the
planning of both the Wassail Bowl,
the New Year’s Eve Gala and
decorating the club for the holidays.
I had the opportunity to attend our Sail Awards Banquet
in mid November and sat at the first official Power
Boaters table with long time members Dwain & Kay
Watkins and several other BOG members, although we
did not have a photo of our sail boat on the table, we did
have a slightly used plastic toy power boat as a lovely
centerpiece, but hey, we did get called first for the buffet
line. This was my 7th Sail Awards banquet and I must
comment that this year it was certainly taken up a notch;
all of our sail folk were dressed quite spiffy in their
snappy casual duds and really cleaned up well for this
prestigious event. I also had the honor to fill in for my
personal hero Chaplain John Sergeant and gave the
invocation; all those years of Catholic schooling really
paid off J.
Jr. Princess Gabi and I assisted B&G chair John and
member Jim Brown with taking down the club awning
on the veranda 2 weeks ago, a task I have always taken
for granted, after cutting off all of the cable ties I will be
sure to take on another job at Spring work day because
reassembling and hanging that awning will surely be a
task I’d rather not tackle! PC George & Suzanne Braun
assisted me with hauling out all of our holiday treasures
from the basement to decorate the club and our
Christmas tree this past weekend, and I plan to procure
several poinsettia plants this morning to add the finishing touches in time for this weekend’s Wassail Bowl.
This year we have decided to ask all of the members
December 2007
attending our complimentary annual holiday festivity to
also bring a gift for a soldier serving in Iraq. As many
of you know, Aaron Dietrich, husband of Kim one of
our wait staff and son in law of Arlene, our banquet
manager, is serving in the US Army in Mosul, Iraq.
Donations of pre-packaged snack foods, DVD’s , books
& magazines, batteries, personal wipes etc. are being
collected to send to Aaron and his comrades and will be
greatly appreciated. We will still be collecting new,
unwrapped toys for the local “Toys for Tots” program
so members can support both of these worthy causes.
Planning is well underway for our New Year’s Eve
Gala and we will once again be entertained by DJ
extraordinaire Bob Cross and served an elegant five
course dinner by Chef Glenn and his able assistant
Wanda. The price per person inclusive of tax and
gratuity is only $60. A cash bar will be available. We
will also be holding our 2nd biannual Effigy burning on
the veranda at 23:30 so that we can rid ourselves of all
of our burdens, hardships and demons before we
commence with the New Year. If smoking, drinking or
eating excessively is your personal demon, make a
small representation of that either in doll form or on
paper and burn it with us and start your New Year with
a clean slate. Whatever you feel weighs you down, free
yourself by partaking in this symbolic ritual and
I’d like to end this month’s article by wishing each and
every member and their families a very happy and holy
holiday season, and another banner year for NERYC!
I hope to see all of you at our upcoming holiday
Commodore Lisa Mack
Our 1920’s themed Commodore’s Ball was a
huge success with 149 people seated for a sit
down dinner and change of watch ceremony.
Dancing to live music provided by the band
“Hypnotic” helped round out a fine evening.
This event was my last duty as Rear Commodore and thankfully so. I would like to thank
those assisting me behind the scenes doing the decorating before the
event; Susan Andrews, Susan Woron, Laura Reynolds, Mary
Cranny, Sharlene Wilkins, Renee’ Landan, Rocco D’Armiento and
my wife Lynn.
To help with my new responsibilities as Vice Commodore, I have
re-enlisted the aid of Doug Cain as the Club’s Legal Counsel and
Bob Efford as Insurance Chairman. A month has gone by and these
two already have full agendas. The BOG and I appreciate their help
in keeping us on the right course.
The house committee already has two volunteers, Susan Andrews
and Susan Woron. Eventually we will need more, so if anyone else
is willing to volunteer, please contact me. Also even though funds
are limited, if you have a suggestion for Club improvements please
let me know.
As the days get shorter with cooler weather approaching, it reminds
us to pause and take a breather. I know that for me, thoughts of
curling up with a nice steamy romance novel beside an open fire
while drinking white wine are not going to happen. Instead, I will be
looking forward to visiting good friends and sharing holiday spirits.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our friends and members
of the North East River Yacht Club.
V/C Jon Fowler
Upcoming can’t miss events at the
Northeast River Yacht Club
December 2007 is going to be a
month to remember for our club and
our guests. Commodore Lisa is
hosting the Wassail Bowl and the New Years Eve party.
(Please see the flyers in this issue for the New Year’s Eve
Bash.) Robert and Regina are again preparing for Birthday,
New Member and Anniversary Night on December 14th.
The Wassail bowl on December 1st promises to be a fun
evening for us with the traditional drink and goodies from
the kitchen made especially for the event. This year the
Commodore is asking that along with the present for the
children we consider bringing a present for our troops in
appreciation of their service. Hopefully this will help to
make them realize how valuable their service is to all of us.
Birthday Night on December 14 is always a lot of fun as we
celebrate along with our fellow members their important
dates. Please remember to help us poor neglected December
Birthday boys and girls as, in my case 64 years, we have had
to share our day with Christmas and New Years. This year
the activity chair is sending invitations to all members that
should come to the club to receive their complimentary
After missing a year the “Incredible and true”, “NERYC
New Years Party” is back on the calendar. Commodore Lisa
has always been the hostess that sets the bar. You should
not miss any of her events and especially not this “Black Tie
Optional” event that she is preparing for us. If you have not
signed up, please call the club and plan to join us.
Remember that friends, family and neighbors are always
welcome to join you. This all helps to reinforce that we are “
The Friendliest Club on the Chesapeake Bay”.
As the Rear Commodore, I have been working hard to have
the 2008 Calendar ready as soon as possible. It has been
finalized, but that does not mean we cannot amend it if you
need to host an event or just want to help with one. If any
member has an interest in helping, I would greatly
appreciate your assistance. I am still looking for member
volunteers to chair, co-chair, or be a committee member for
the 2008 club activities. Please respond to my e-mail
address at [email protected] if you
are interested and can help out the club. If you are new and
feel somewhat on the outside I encourage you to become
involved. It is not only gratifying to participate but it is also
a great way to get to know other members and make new
Roger Hughes awarding Robert & Regina Leigh the
perpetual trophy for the Fleet participation in 2007
R/C Roger Hughes
At NERYC, the achievements of
this past year have definitely exceeded all our fondest expectations.
As all of you who are around on the
weekends can attest, the interest
and excitement level has definitely
been “in the air”. The new docks have put the club in a
position to attract new members and resulted in near
100% slip occupancy. Laura and I look forward to planning a cruise schedule that is fun and within reasonable
distances for all our club members.
The participation in club cruises has shown substantial
increase in attendance and kudos to the previous Fleet
Captain and his team members. I have been fortunate to
have many club members offer to assist me in the 2008
cruising season. I am pleased to announce that Steve
Hogan, together with his First Mate Karen, will be the
new Assistant Fleet Captain for 2007/8. We will be asking volunteers to help organize, orchestrate themes,
choose destinations and offer assistance to fellow cruisers as they arrive at our cruise destinations.
We have a tentative cruise schedule, which we have determined by the many suggestions that we have received. We are still open to other suggestions by the
membership. Please contact me by December 15th with
any ideas. The goal is to encourage all members, power,
sail, and “four wheelers” to attend as often as possible.
The destinations tentatively selected have not been on
the schedule for several years and may be new to many
of our more recent members. We are also considering
extending the Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends
for those who would like to undertake extended cruises,
while others return to their home ports at the end of the
holiday weekend. In addition, watch out for the possibility of one of our club races being held down the Bay
with an over- night raft up following the event.
As I watched the Coast Guard cutter
on the Elk River replace the summer
buoys with the ice ones, I think I
finally realized that winter is upon us.
The docks are mostly empty except
for the 4 hardy sailors who have
decided to winter with us. I expect that many of us will
be envious of them on a warm January afternoon when
they go out for a little pre-season sail.
Many thanks to the hardy souls who helped us pull
moorings, winterize the water and pump out system,
install additional fire extinguishers, pull the Holder
sailboat (who knew that thing could carry so much
water), pull and winterize the barge. Don’t worry if you
missed these fun events as more will follow this winter.
For 2008, it appears that we currently have about 6
empty slips although I have had a number of calls of
interest about several of those already. Please watch our
internet site as I will try and post the most up to date list
of vacancies as they change. All the moorings are full
and we continue to have a waiting list for them. In
addition we already have two cruises booked to visit
NERYC in 2008 .
We do have a number of projects planned to continue to
improve our marina for the coming year. These include
more dingy racks, more safety ladders, additional cleats
for transients and hopefully a sign on the attenuator to
let folks know who we are from the water side.
Hope to see you in the club or around the docks. Have a
great holiday season.
Nigel Veater - Dock Master
Please let me know if there are any suggestions for a
winter land cruise. Many members have planned their
winter sailing cruises to warmer climates. This may be
a better alternative to enduring the cold weather activities in the north east.
Thank you for your continued support. Feel free to
contact me for any input and suggestions at
[email protected]
Have a happy and safe holiday season.
Joe Reynolds - Fleet Captain
Wow! What a wonderful 2007 Sailing
Season! Special thanks and recognition
need to go out to Bill and Lyla Roos for
all of their hard work and dedication in
enhancing the sailing program within the
club and around the Bay. The Saturday
series attracted new boats, new sailors, a
new spinnaker division and continued to be both competitive and fun
for all. The informal Thursday night series had expanded participation and added to club socialization after the races in the Burgee
Lounge. In addition NERYC sailors were well represented around
the Bay in CBYRA events and once again showed their mettle and
skills by bringing home several awards. The Junior Sailing Camp
chaired by Rick and Sue Hanson was well attended and even included an extra session for the Boy Scouts from Ohio. As this program grows, it is a good to have three of our own newly qualified US
Sailing Instructors on hand to assist with the training. Well done
Shannon Wilkins, Kyle Hanson and Bryan Whittington.
The Sailing program at NERYC isn’t just about the fastest boat, the
best sails or sharpest crew, but rather it has something to offer every
member, sailors and non-sailors alike, regardless of age or level of
expertise. From being captain of your vessel, to crewing, to helping
with the race starts, to setting a race mark, to acting as committee
boat, to selling T-shirts at the Invitational, to watching the races from
the veranda, to joining in on the festivities after the races , to attending the Sail Awards Dinner, there is plenty of opportunity for everyone to be involved.
Our first event of the season will be a luncheon with Gary Jobson
as the key-note speaker on Saturday, April 5th, 2008. We are
really excited about bringing this pre-eminent ambassador for sailing
in the U.S. to NERYC! Gary Jobson is a former All-American collegiate sailor. He won the America's Cup in 1977 as tactician for Ted
Turner. He is a broadcaster/producer (he is ESPN's Sailing Analyst),
lecturer, and writer (he is an Editor at Large for Sailing World and
Cruising World magazines). Gary's multi-media presentation has
something for everyone, not just sailors, and it is expected to be a big
draw. We will be inviting clubs from around the Bay to attend this
special event, so mark you calendars now as it will be a sell-out!
We are honored to be your Sail Race Committee Co-Chairs for 2008
and are proud to continue the legacy of past race committee chairs
like Charles Paris, Rick Hanson and Bill Roos. As we gather our
‘team’ of committee members for pre-season planning, we would
like to extend an invitation to all to get involved and support the
program. Please feel free to contact us and ask how you can help!
Have a wonderful Holiday Season.
Bruce & Barbi Taylor - Sail Race Co-Chairs
Sail Awards Report Back
Celebrated by racing crews, supporters, power boaters and various
member enthusiasts, the culmination of the 2007 racing season, the
annual Sail Awards Dinner was held on Nov.17th. It is great to see
how the sport of racing transcends all, as evidenced by the large
cross-section of the membership that now participates in one form or
So many close finishes, tie-breakers and mere seconds separating
many of placings is certain proof that as the standard of our racing
has improved, so has the competitiveness within each fleet. This has
made for enthusiastic racing as well as plenty of exciting action out
on the water this year. Thank you to out-going chair Bill Roos, his
committee and all who assisted with the races over the last year. Congratulations to all the winners, award nominees and competitors alike.
Let’s keep honing our skills, growing participation, encouraging our
young sailors and continuing to build on our accomplishments thus
Keep the fire burning until next season and be sure to get some inspiration by reading the write-ups for the Best in Crew nominations on
the following pages. See you all on the start line in 2008.
Sharlene Wilkins
All the NERYC Race Results for 2007
Season High Point Winners
Division A Non-spin
Pierre Lebron Trophy 2007 Season Champion
Windsprint - Greg Eckman & crew
Division B Non-spin
NERYC Trophy 2007 Season Champion
Moondance - Dave Strojny & crew
Division C Non-spin
Robert Caufman Trophy 2007 Season Champion
Robin - Drew Adair & crew
Division D Spinnaker
Monkey’s Fist Trophy 2007 Season Champion
Blo-Fish - Dailey Tipton & Crew
Charlestown Colonial Cup 2007
Windsprint - Greg Eckman & crew
NERYC Most Improved Sailor Award
Dave Strojny
NERYC Most Improved Crew Award
Warren Lotter
NERYC Most Dedicated Crew Award
Bryan Whittington
NERYC Spring Series
Division A Non-spin
Windsprint - Greg Eckman & crew
First Love - Gill Louw & crew
Southern Cross - Bill Roos & crew
Division B Non-spin
Moondance - Dave Strojny & crew
Her Rey Knot - Joe Reynolds & crew
Cinnamon Girl - Cliff Shaw & crew
Division C Non-spin
Robin - Drew Adair & crew
Dalliance - Kevin McCann & crew
Stray Cat - Dave Uhrin & crew
Division D Spinnaker
Born 2 Run - Rick Hanson & crew
BloFish - Dailey Tipton & crew
Breaking Wind - & crew
NERYC Fall Series
Division A Non-spin
Windsprint - Greg Eckman & crew
Lottery - Barry & Jenn Lotter & crew
First Love - Gill Louw & crew
Division B Non-spin
Her Rey Knot - Joe Reynolds & crew
Moondance - Dave Strojny & crew
About Time - Todd Mc Cormick & crew
Division C Non-spin
Robin - Drew Adair & crew
Stray Cat - Dave Uhrin & crew
Lucia - Guy Tomme & crew
Division D Spinnaker
BloFish - Dailey Tipton & crew
Born 2 Run - Rick Hanson & crew
Breaking Wind - Bill Johnson & crew
2007 Most Dedicated Crew Award Nominations
Winner - Brian Whittington
This young man has been a pillar of strength for
the past three seasons and work his way up from
general deck-hand to star headsail trimmer, or
whatever position he was assigned. He was the
only member of the crew who committed himself
for the entire season schedule and never missed a
race. He was in the water for hours every time the
bottom needed cleaning and part of every delivery
crew to and from races down the Bay.
We sailed with a largely rotating crew this year and since he and I
were the only two who sailed every race, he had to take full responsibility for crew introduction to the front half of the boat and excelled
at it. Even international level crew were guided through our tacking
and trim routines and produced excellent results. He consistently
asks questions and never stops working at improving his understanding and execution. After races he will insist that we analyze mistakes
that were made during the race and often continued to think about
improvements until we reached a resolution. His dedication was a
key factor in helping Southern Cross taking the lead in this year’s
CBYRA Regions 1, 2 and 3 High-Point Championships. He stayed
in the cockpit with me for the entire duration of the Governors Cup
and was always there to celebrate our successes during the highs of
the season. During our bitter moments of sorrow, when one of our
crew members passed away, he was there to share in the grief and
never questioned the decision to stay ashore to show our respect.
Nominated by Skipper - Bill Roos - s/v Southern Cross
Nominee - Shannon Wilkins: Shannon started the season off on
Born 2 Run at the NOODS in April, NERYC’s
spring season, Northern Bay Race Week, sailed
over 200miles during the Gov Cup journey, The
Bay Jam, the fall series and ended the season with
the J80 North Americans. It is not so much the
number of races, or the level of competition at the
races that stands out, it is more the conditions in
which she sailed.; being crew on one of the smallest boats in our fleet and enduring in some of the
most grueling hot, cold and wet conditions. During the NOODS and
the Nationals Shannon would be dressed in full winter gear and still
struggle to stay warm. During the summer events the lack of shade
aboard would result in relentless and blistering days on the water. If
non of this by itself stands out, consider the fact that Born 2 Run has
nothing but a bucket down below (no head, no sink, no privacy) and
if this is not dedication, I don’t know what is….. Not to mention that
she puts up with Kyle too.
Nominated by Skipper - Rick Hanson - s/v Born 2 Run
Nominee - Heike Schmidt : Our nominee for
“Most Dedicated” is an individual who has been
with us since we brought Lottery to NERYC. This
crew member is not just dedicated to the races, but
to the rest of the crew, providing lunches, refreshments, positive attitude, enthusiasm, energy, flexibility, and commitment. She has worked her way
through several positions on the boat, never questioning why we’d asked her to do something different. She could be counted on to show for every club race (unless out
of the country). Most importantly, though, she always reminded us
that sailing in the rain (or cold) is actually kind of fun! A crew
member like Heike Schmidt would be a valued member of any team,
we’re proud to nominate her as OUR “Most Dedicated”!
Nominated by Skippers - Barry & Jenn Lotter - s/v Lottery
Nominee - Kyle Hanson - s/v Born2Run: Sailing a
J80 can be physically demanding in heavy air, and
Kyle demonstrated a tremendous amount of dedication, especially in the non-series races where they
competed against much larger boats. In the series
races, it also takes dedication to want to race every
week against only one other boat in their fleet. Finally, sailing their boat all the way to Annapolis on a
cold autumn day in order to compete in the J Worlds in November
says it all. Nominated by Todd Mc Cormick
Nominee - Mark Lord: Mark has been a great help
on and off the boat, and in and out of racing /sailing
season. He was indispensable in the installation of
the new traveler on my boat and has even crewed on
other boats in the fleet to pick up tips on sail adjustment and trim. Mark has been a good friend and he
and his family will be a welcome addition to the
club in 2008. Nominated by Skipper - Cliff Shaw
s/v Cinnamon Girl
Nominee - Ron Roecker: Ron joined the First Love
race crew for the first time this season. From the outset
he has shown incredible enthusiasm and a great eagerness to learn. But perhaps most importantly when it
comes to crewing, besides ensuring an adequate beer
supply that is, he has proven his utmost reliability and
dedication by showing up on time, every time, with the
exception of one race when he was out of town, for
each of the Spring, Fall races as well as the Invitational and the following races down the Bay: Northern Bay Race Week, GRF Bayjam
and a grueling Governor’s Cup which he endured without a moment
of complaint. He is a great example of the cross–pollination between
power and sail that racing engenders. Nominated by Skipper - Gill
Louw and Sharlene Wilkins - s/v First Love
Nominee - Noel Wise: Noel Wise has race crewed for over five
years with me. Starting out in “C” fleet working our way to “A”, he
has only missed one race in the last five years due to
sickness. Noel has become an integral part of the
crew. On that one race he missed, we noticed at that
time what his contributions meant to the overall functioning of the crew. Noel is currently the main sheet/
Traveler trimmer and has an innate ability to know
when to add twist or flatten the main in order to maintain maximum sail power. On the down wind run
once the sails are set, Noel becomes the Galley chef
and serves up a two handed lunch. On the Havre De Grace Fall Regatta this year Noel was so sick he passed out in the cockpit a couple
of times manning his position before we became becalmed and he
could go below and rest. As a Skipper I know I can count on Noel to
be there, we have raced with just two of us, and Noel has always
been there to crew. In the early days he would show up with a copy
of sailing for Dummies under his arm, so he would know which part
we were talking to him about. Noel is dedicated to the crew rain or
shine he can be counted on. He is never without his intense focus and
large lunch fixings. Nominated by Skipper - Robert E. Leigh s/v Traveleighling
Nominee - Ron Reid: He is not only the most dedicated member of my crew but he is also greatly improved, even although he was pretty good last
year. He is there every race and gives great performances as well as offering intelligent helpful suggestions. Nominated by Skipper - Larry Lemasters
s/v Whispers
2007 Most Improved Crew Award Nominations
Winner - Warren Lotter
Although Lottery had more than one new crew
member in 2007, one in particular stands out as
“Most Improved”. This crew member started
the season with absolutely no previous sailing
experience, but had all the enthusiasm a skipper
could desire. This individual went through several stages during the year, each a learning experience and each an amazing piece of the
First was “Confusion” … Trying to be a useful part of the team, yet
not understanding any boat terminology or the function of any hardware on board.
Second was “Frustration” … Doing things but not knowing why
(including letting the sail out, when he’d just been told to bring it in
a moment ago), as well as being admonished for NOT doing things
he’d never been told to do in the first place
Then came “Repetition” … Doing things only when told or simply
out of habit.
Eventually “Understanding” … That sudden realization of WHY
things need to be done and WHEN!
Finally, the point of “Feedback” … Not only had he grasped the concepts he’d been taught throughout the season, but he’d gotten to the
point of asking the skipper “Are you going to fall off or are you going to keep pinching like a crab?!”
Watching someone learn so much, introducing someone to a new
sport, and being part of a team has never been so much fun. For all
these reasons and more, Lottery’s nominee for “Most Improved” is
our 2007 jib sheet trimmer.
Nominated by Skippers - Barry & Jenn Lotter - s/v Lottery
Nominee - Steve Somers
In the case of my vessel, I would like to submit Steve
Sommers as the most improved. He has gone from
knowing nothing last year to position of bowman,
mainsail trimmer, and overall good hand to have on
Nominated by Skipper - Larry Lemasters - s/v
Nominee - Mike & Peg Long
In April, Bill Roos sent an email to the
fleet advising that there were new club
members who were looking to get
involved in the sail racing program as
crew. We answered that email, and
Mike and Peg jumped aboard with
great enthusiasm and little experience. They had some limited
small catamaran sailing experience and had purchased a larger sailboat, docked on C-27, which intimidated them a bit and needed
some work. During the sailing season, they learned the names of
the ‘ropes’, strategies of race starts (fast and windward), racing
rules - thou shall not foul, how to trim the sails, remove line ‘ass
holes’, how to hang on in high winds and how to drift in no wind
situations, how to crack open a cold one and to appreciate the competition.
Additionally, with the help of another one of our crew members, Ed
Kennedy, they were able to fix and correct some issues on their
own boat. But, most importantly, they gained experience and confidence to go out sailing in their own!
Thank you for considering the Longs for this award. In our eyes…
they are most improved and very deserving.
Nominated by Skippers - Bruce & Barbi Taylor - s/v N’Titled2
Nominee - Jeff Kitchen
Though Jeff is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and has spent many hours on the water and
actually trained Dolpins in the Navy, he had limited sailing experience. Jeff agreed to sail with
team Blofish, which his beautiful wife and two
beautiful daughters frowned at, but the effort was
well worth it.
Jeff stepped on the Blofish in June and was able to make three races
in the spring and three in the fall. Jeff was assigned to the mid-boat
behind our very experience bow man and forward of the pit where
the noise tent to emanate, not much direction I am sure from Jeff’s
point of view, but mainly noise. Jeff learned his way across the
house quickly and by the end of the first race was a master of the
pole! For you non-sailors (non-spinnaker boats), the pole in not a
sexual device or component, but is a device used while sailing
down wind with the spinnaker. To the pleasure of the Blofish team,
Jeff has mastered the mid-boat duties to include, hoist, pole, launch
and recovery of the kite as well as managing the weight on the rail.
Jeff has committed to next year learning how to trim.
Nominee - Regina Leigh
The most improved crew member would have to be
Regina Leigh. A power boat deck jewel turned
lookout and foredeck crewmen in just one and a half
seasons. The agility of this bare footed lady with
the eyes of an eagle and a vice grip on the windward
rail still amazes the rest of the crew. Regina even as
a non-swimmer shows no fear as she leaps forward
to un-snag the headsail during high speed racing
tacks. She has learned that in club racing, with all
that water out there, the look out is a vital position , knowing to yell
starboard when you are sitting on the leading edge of the vessel is an
adrenal rush. Learning to read the tell tails to assist in sail trimming
and knowing when to move the mainsheet verses the traveler showed
that she has come a long way. But best of all, understanding why we
tack off away from the mark to get to the mark faster has truly developed Regina into a most improved crew member.
For those of you who think that the Team Blofish is only made up
of experienced sailors and we have no tolerance for others, Jeff is a
prime example that with a little thick skin and tolerance for hazing,
random violence and occasional slashing, you can learn how to sail
a race boat in one season and yearn for the next year!
Nominated by Skipper Robert E. Leigh - s/v Traveleighling
Nominated by Skipper - Dailey Tipton - s/v Blofish
NOTE: For those of you interested --Team Blofish is taking applications for the 2008 season. Please
submit the following:
1. Height
2. Weight
3. Picture in a bikini or lingerie (your choice)
Sailing experience is optional
Upon screening of the above, Shane, Tim (Fabio) and Brian will be
conducting personal interviews in the bar. Please wait your turn.
There will be ample time for the interview process. (PS. Shane - I
am not sure if this will work, but I told you I would try.)
A hearty hello to all our wonderful club
members! I'm looking forward to an active year as your new membership chair.
With your help we will continue to attract
fun, water oriented members who enjoy
boating on the Chesapeake and its tributaries!
Current members, please consider taking advantage of our new
Legacy membership! No initiation fee ever and half dues fees if
you are the child of an existing member aged 21 through 30. We
also have a Junior membership class, half initiation fee and half
dues fees if you are aged 21through 30, which is designed to encourage new, younger recruits the club . What a wonderful deal!
What a terrific Christmas gift for the young person in your family
or even as a wedding gift for a young couple just starting out!
Please encourage any folks you know to contact me for
information, and remind people they needn't have a boat to enjoy
our facilities and parties. Social, power or sail, we have something for everyone regardless of age or ability.
New Membership Drive Promotion: Sign up two (2) new Full
Members between now and December 31, 2007 and win a
NERYC restaurant credit for $525. All members in good standing are eligible to participate.
• Limit 1 award per membership.
• Award does not cover tax and gratuity.
• The 2 new Full memberships must first pay the initiation
fee and prorated dues before the restaurant credit is authorized.
Credit for new memberships must be verified by the Membership
Chairperson. What a marvelous prize for keeping our club numbers healthy! Be sure that your new members list your name on
the membership application as the sponsoring
Enjoy a joyous holiday season!
Vanderlyn Downing - Membership Chair
Nautical Term of the Month
‘Over the Barrel ‘
Waterline submissions
photographs are due
by the 28th
of each month.
With thanks
Sharlene Wilkins
Adult sailors were flogged on the back or shoulders
while tied to a grating, but boys were beaten instead on
the posterior (often bared), with a cane or cat, while
bending, often tied down, over the barrel of a gun,
known as (kissing) the gunner's daughter.
If DECEMBER is your birthday, or anniversary month ,or you are a new member,
we’d like to celebrate with you!
Please come and enjoy a cocktail compliments of the Club.
You must be present on FRIDAY, December 14th to receive your free drink.
Birthdays Cont.
Mary Alice
Ida Mae Carr
29 1941
Dr Susan
Trainer III
Elizabeth Burke
Buckman Jr
18 1999
Wedding Anniversaries
Club Closed
Club Closed
Club Closed
New Year’s Eve
Party 7pm
Club Closed
Christmas Day
Club Closed
Club Closed
Club Closed
Club Closed
*Dinner will be served until 10 p.m.
on Birthday & BOG Meeting Night s
Call (410) 287-6333
For Reservations
Dining Room
5- 9 PM
Dining Room
5-12 PM
5- 9 PM
Dining Room
5 -12 PM
2PM - 8 PM Dining Room
2PM - 8 PM Bar
5- 8 PM
5-9 PM
Note Club Closed 17th -30th
Club Closed
Club Closed
New Years Day
Birthday Night
BOG Meeting
Three Sheets to the Wind
Coming In January
Club Closed
Club Closed
Birthday Night 7pm
BOG Meeting 7pm
Club Closed
Club Closed
Wassail Bowl