trucker of the month


trucker of the month
Proudly Serving 3,228 Member Companies
Vol. 41, No. 7
Mid-West Truckers Association, 2727 North Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62702
July, 2014
Court Halts
Truck Ban to
Governor Signs
Bill to Stop
Police Ticket
Illinois’ Top
Job Prospect
Mid-West Truckers
Risk Management Association
“We’re in it for the Long Haul!”
Top 10 Reasons to Join MTRMA
CONSISTENT RATES – MTRMA rates have remained consistent over the past several years. MTRMA
has not seen a base rate change for the past 5 years. Each individual member may see some differences in
their rates based on their MOD or their individual losses.
FLEXIBLE PAYMENT OPTIONS – MTRMA offers several different payment options based on individual
company’s needs. We can offer a 25% deposit with 9 equal installments, 10 equal payments, or even monthly
reporting. MTRMA listens to the member and works hard to create payment option solutions.
RETURN OF CONTRIBUTION – OVER $20,000,000 has been returned to qualifying MTRMA members
since 1995. Join MTRMA and save money on your workers‘ compensation premium.
VARIOUS PREMIUM SIZE – MTRMA has over 600 Illinois domiciled companies in the workers’
compensation program. Premium for these companies range from $5,000 to $1,000,000. MTRMA is able to
service a multitude of different size trucking companies.
MARKET FOR TRUCKERS – The Mid-West Truckers Risk Management Association (MTRMA) has
become the workers’ compensation market for the trucking industry in the State of Illinois. MTRMA works
with several agents who match MTRMA with a general liability carrier for a complete package for their
trucking client.
BEST OF THE BEST – MTRMA takes pride in adding good, clean trucking companies to the program. It is
essential to gain quality members who take a proactive approach to safety and presents low loss ratios. Only
the BEST truckers for MTRMA.
MEMBERSHIP – June 15, 1991 was the inception of the MTRMA program. There were 95 members
during the first year of the program with just over $4,000,000 in premium. Today we have over 600 members
with $36,000,000 in standard premium. 55% of the membership has been in MTRMA for 5 years or more.
PROGRAM RETENTION – MTRMA enjoys 98% renewal retention. The benefits for being a long-term
member are: potential return of contribution; longevity credits for qualifying members; consistent premium
levels; and solid relationships with the MTRMA client service team.
PROGRAM STABILITY – MTRMA’s financial status is reviewed annually by the Department of Insurance
(DOI); a payroll auditor and an actuary. The Executive Board and Board of Directors of MTRMA meet
monthly to review the program’s financial status. Due to the financial stability of MTRMA we have been able
to distribute the Return of Contribution.
MTRMA DEDICATED SERVICE TEAM – The Mid-West Truckers Risk Management Association has a
dedicated service team who works on the program. The MTRMA team has combined trucking experience of
over 25 years. With the partnering of the Mid-West Truckers Association, MTRMA has proven to be a cost
effective solution for your workers’ compensation needs.
5. 7.
President’s Desk
Trucker of the Month: Fatlan Trucking & Excavating
Legislative Update
Roadcheck 2014 Results
Federal Judge Stops Elwood Truck Restrictions
Joerg: IDES Audit Questionnaire
HDT Fleet Safety Conference
July Drug & Alcohol Testing Update
2015 Profit & Cost Seminar - Panama
2015 MTA Rhine River Cruise
What Did We Do For You Last Month?
In Memoriam: Allen R. Cassens
Mike Mason
In Memoriam: Joyce Ashby
FMCSA Cuts 30 Minute Break for Livestock Haulers
Illinois MCSR Violations
ICC Penalties
Diesel Price Watch
Lucky Number
New Members
Illinois’ Top Job Prospect
It's quiz time! Name me the number one job area that
Illinois employers are trying to fill. I bet you already
know the answer.
Last month, Mid-West Truckers Association participated
in a transportation workforce planning conference
with the Illinois Department of Transportation and
the Illinois Manufacturers' Association. MTA first
met with IMA almost two years ago as it began work
to fulfill workforce needs of Illinois employers. It
took no time at all to document the need for qualified
employees in the transportation and logistics fields,
especially truck operators.
We all know of the difficulty in hiring and keeping good
employees. Look at the local paper want ads or go to
any job web site and the largest percentage of ads are
in the trucking and logistics fields.
Proud Supporter of
So how do we get them, and how do we keep them?
That's the big question. In many cases, it may be a
matter of getting them right out of high school and
getting them trained to drive (at least intrastate). The
industry loses out on so many potential drivers because
of the interstate driver requirement that they be 21.
By then, many have chosen a different profession.
We also need to make it easier for military veterans to
get a job in the industry. Experience has shown that
many ex-military may be good drivers because they
know how to follow orders, are disciplined in their
responsibilities and often can handle the burdens of
being away from home if the job requires it. Many
companies work closely with their community college
truck driver training program to identify potential hires.
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(USPS 111-370) (ISSN 1539-6142)
Published Monthly by the   
Mid-West Truckers Association, Inc.
2727 N. Dirksen Parkway 
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Springfield, IL 62702
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(217) 525-0310
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FAX (217) 525-0342
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Editor - Don Schaefer
 
e-mail: [email protected]
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Annual subscription fee is $5.00
(included in annual membership fee)
Everyone agrees there's a demand for good drivers.
Many companies are ready to pay for good drivers or
the alternative is to have a truck sit in the lot. It seems
the laws of supply and demand are at work.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Springfield, Illinois
send address change to:
Keep on Truckin’ News
2727 N. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62702
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Contents © Mid-West Truckers Association, Inc.
No re-publication of any material is allowed without
written permission of the editor.
Within 30 miles of their company home location they have four
different labor union halls they have to draw employees from.
This creates a constant challenge to be continuously providing
on-the-job training to employees. With their business primarily
being secondary contractors on gas station new construction,
earth work and petroleum excavation, they are constantly rotating
employees from different union locals depending on the jobsite
location. This suits Bruce and Brian as they have 61 years of
pride in the work that their company provides to customers. “We
are the type of company that the boss works on the jobsite,” says
Bruce. “We keep a tight grip on the reins to make sure the job
is done right.”
Trucker of the Month
Mid-West Truckers Association’s July Trucker of the Month is
Fatlan Trucking and Excavating, Ltd., of Gardner, Illinois.
Fatlan Trucking started in 1953 when Leo Fatlan returned from
the service, joined up with his brother Earl “Shorty,” and started
a trucking operation. Their primary business for the next 40 years
was hauling coal and sand all over Illinois. They hauled most of
the coal for Caterpillar plants in Illinois, and trucked sand from
their own sand pit to asphalt plants in the area. Over the years
they dug three sand pits on their property and leased property
for two additional sand pits.
Shorty and Leo had their heydays in the 60‘s and 70’s when they
were running over 20 trucks from their Gardner home base. They
were known for running black and yellow Hendrickson trucks
everyone nicknamed ‘bumble bee trucks’. They had Hendrickson
trucks running in their fleet until 2000, when they finally switched
out to blue Mack CH613 tractors.
The future of Fatlan Trucking and Excavation, Ltd. will be
securely in the hands of the Fatlan family for years to come.
Bruce and his wife Beth have three boys and a girl; twins
Benjamin and Baily, Brody, and their sister Britney. Brian and
his wife Jill have two boys, Dylan and Devon.
In 1993, Shorty’s son, Bruce took over the company. By that time
the coal hauling had dried up and the sand market was dwindling
due to asphalt mixes not using as much sand. With the pile of
excavating equipment they had amassed from the sand pits, the
company from time to time would pick up excavating side jobs.
Soon excavation grew as the primary side of the business, with
the trucks providing support. Currently, Fatlan does little to no
for-hire hauling, using their trucks to support the excavation work.
As 49-year members, Fatlan Trucking and Excavation has
utilized many of the services and programs provided by MidWest Truckers Association, including drug and alcohol testing,
and are supporters of TRK-PAC. They are kept up-to-date on
regulations and compliance issues with the monthly magazine
and e-mail blasts.
The Board of Directors of Mid-West Truckers Association
expresses their appreciation to Fatlan Trucking and Excavating,
Ltd. for their 49 years of membership and salute Bruce and Brian
Fatlan as our July Truckers of the Month.
Today the company is ran by Bruce Fatlan’s sons, Bruce Jr.
and Brian. They bought out their father in 2011 as a natural
progression from working in the family business, just as their
father did 20 years earlier. Operators out of Local 150, the
brothers work fulltime in the business and have a number of
seasonal employees from various local union halls.
Executive Vice-President
15 Years
SB 3402 Truck Dealer Plate - This legislation allows
the use of a dealer plate on commercial vehicles for the
purposes of repair, maintenance and warranty work if
the vehicle crosses state lines.
Legislative &
SB 3139 Emergency Propane Truck Weight Waiver
Following a winter of several emergency declarations,
this legislation grants increased gross and axle
weight variances for propane haulers under special
circumstances and a declaration of emergency by the
Truck-Related Bills Await
Governor’s Action
When lawmakers left Springfield at the end of May they
had acted on hundreds of bills, many of which affect
truck operators. Once a bill has passed both the House
and Senate, it is sent to the Governor, who has 60 days
to act. He can approve the bill as is, or use his line-item,
amendatory or outright veto powers and send the bill
back to lawmakers to accept or reject his changes.
Thanks to the many MTA members who contacted
their legislators on bills of interest to truck operators!
As this issue went to press, the Governor has signed
into law on just one bill - SB 3411 - Ticket Quotas Passed by near unanimous votes, this bill will outlaw the
requirement that law enforcement officers be required
to issue a certain amount of tickets each month. Many
in the law enforcement community were opposed to
the bill because they felt that ticket quotas serve as a
performance indicator of a certain officer, while other
law enforcement officials think that no matter what, local
police would always be expected to produce so much
ticket and fine revenue for their department as a means of
financial survival. This law is effective January 1, 2015.
The following bills were approved by the General
Assembly but have yet to be acted on by the Governor.
SB 3398 - Covered Farm Vehicles - Sponsored by
Senator Toi Hutchinson. In a process similar to receiving
an ‘SHV’ designation, farmers will apply with the
Secretary of State for a ‘CFV’ exemption on trucks under
12,000 lbs GVWR that are used in farm operations and
qualify for the agricultural exemption from the state and
federal motor carrier safety regulations. The designation
will include a $10 annual fee and will be in addition to
the regular vehicle registration fee. SB 2583 License as Bond This bill stops the practice
of law enforcement authorities from holding a driver’s
license as bond for a simple traffic stop. In the age of
required ID’s for security reasons, the need to have a
government ID pushed the issue.
SB 2015 70 MPH Speed Limit on Tollway Allows
70 MPH speed limit on those roads under control of the
Illinois Toll Highway Authority.
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Federal Judge
Issues TRO Against
Elwood Truck Restrictions
Roadcheck 2014 Results
A federal judge has thrown out the Village of Elwood’s
attempt to block truck traffic from using a local street to
enter the Centerpoint Intermodal Center. The temporary
restraining order granted June 13 required Elwood to
dismantle concrete barriers erected to prevent trucks from
using Illinois Route 53 and Walter Strawn Drive to access
the Union Pacific intermodal facility.
Roadcheck 2014 took place June 3-5 at hundreds of
locations around North America. Illinois Roadcheck
was part of the 26th annual International Roadcheck
2014, which inspected over 60,000 vehicles during
the 72-hour period in the United States, Canada and
Mexico. Roadcheck is coordinated by the Commercial
Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA).
Elwood had erected the barriers the week before after
approving an ordinance effectively banning trucks from use
of Village streets. Elwood contended that some 8,000 trucks
a day were using a railroad crossing that was not designed
to handle the load and that trucks had broken the gates more
than 50 times. On the other hand, truck operators had long
complained that the track crossing, adjacent to Route 53 was
not signaled properly. The Illinois Commerce Commission
has been reviewing the crossing and scheduled a hearing to
review safety options.
Here are some statistics supplied by the Illinois State
Police of the Illinois activities during the annual safety
• 1,934 inspections of suspect vehicles completed
• 412 vehicles placed out-of-service
• 106 drivers placed out-of-service
The out-of-service rate for vehicles and drivers was
24.8%, which was up from last year; the out-of-service
rate for drivers was 5.5%, which was up from last year’s
rate of 4.78%
During the street closures, traffic was being forced to enter
the intermodal facility from I-55 and Arsenal Road, which
was already heavily congested because traffic has been
reduced to one lane for repair work on the Des Plaines River
bridge. As a result multi-mile traffic back-ups have gotten
even worse with the addition of the diverted truck traffic.
Some truck operators, especially those back-hauling grain
in intermodal containers from facilities along Route 53 to
the east of Elwood have been stuck with 16-mile detours.
Brake-related defects accounted for the majority of
the vehicle out-of-service violations, while logbook
violations accounted for the majority of driver out-ofservice violations.
In all, 3,517 violations were recorded in Illinois. Not
every truck on the highway is stopped for inspection.
The Illinois State Police were assisted by the Illinois
Department of Transportation, Illinois Commerce
Commission and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
The lawsuit claims Elwood’s action causes irrepairable
harm to the intermodal facility and its suppliers and violates
federal law protecting interstate commerce. The temporary
restraining order precludes a full hearing on the lawsuit
which is expected in a few weeks.
On the positive side, 565 CVSA decals were issued
to trucks and 136 stickers to trailers that successfully
passed a Level I inspection.
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aware that the IDES does NOT tell the user of the IDES
Worker Relationship Questionnaire that the first set of
questions is based on Section 212(B)! No, the befuddled
user being audited often does not realize where the questions are springing from.
Nancy E. Joerg
Senior Attorney
Wessels Sherman Joerg
Liszka Laverty Seneczko P.C.
St. Charles, Illinois
The second set of questions in the IDES Worker Relationship Questionnaire is based on Section 212(A) of the
Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act. Again, this is not
revealed anywhere on the Questionnaire. The user who
is filling out the many difficult questions is left to wonder
about the origin and intention of the questions facing them.
What Employers Going Through an
IDES Audit Need To Understand
About the IDES Worker
Relationship Questionnaire
The third set of questions is based on Section 212(C)
of the Act. But the Questionnaire itself never reveals this
fact in any direct way.
Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES)
auditors almost always ask the Company they are auditing to fill out the six-page document called the “Worker
Relationship Questionnaire.” The “Worker Relationship
Questionnaire” is modeled largely after the IRS “SS-8”
Questionnaire. These Questionnaires are specially designed to help the auditor determine if a “class” of workers
are Independent Contractors or Employees.
Understanding that the entire Questionnaire is exploring
Section 212 (A), (B) and (C) of the Illinois Unemployment
Insurance Act is very helpful to the person filling out the
document. The questions are devilishly tricky. The terminology is confusing, vague, and misleading.
Much thought and care should go into filling out this
Questionnaire (or any IDES Questionnaire such as the
Illinois employers facing the intimidating job of filling out
the six pages of questions (at the command of the IDES
auditor) will be helped by appreciating the structure of this
lengthy Questionnaire.
Continued on Pagee 23
The first thing to understand is that a single company
being audited by the IDES may be asked to fill out
many Questionnaires—if the company uses many types
of Independent Contractors. Note: For owner-operators
who own a truck, there is a special IDES Questionnaire
under Section 212.1 of the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act.
2312 W. Market St.
Bloomington, IL 61705
I once represented an architectural-engineering firm that
had many different specialist architects and engineers as
Independent Contractors. The firm was audited by the
IDES. We had to fill out twelve different IDES Worker
Relationship Questionnaires in order to prove to the IDES
Auditor that these twelve classes (or types) of Independent
Contractors were not really Employees of my client’s
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The structure of the IDES Worker Relationship Questionnaire is unusual and mystifying! For some odd reason, the order of the questions seems designed to confuse!
Since 1884
The first set of questions spring from Section 212(B) of
the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act. This is the
second part of the three part A-B-C test that the IDES uses
to evaluate most independent contractor relationships. Be
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to remind their CDL drivers in writing they cannot use
medical marijuana. Please call Candy @ (217) 525-0310 or
email [email protected] for the Attachment.
Drug & Alcohol
Testing Update
In addition, we are preparing a similar Attachment for those
members who are participating in the Drug-Free Workplace
Testing Consortium. After legal review we will also have
it available.
Frequently Asked Drug & Alcohol
Testing Questions
Random tests that were not done. We have had a rash of
random tests that were not done in the months they were
selected and not canceled as required by federal regulations.
Please realize it is the employer’s responsibility to get the
random tests done unless there is a valid reason for it not
getting done. Valid reasons are the driver was: laid off,
on medical leave, on active military duty, an illness, on
workmen’s compensation leave, or on vacation the entire
month. You still must call or email us as to why the test(s)
cannot be completed so we can cancel the random test(s).
Reasons such as forgetting or didn’t have time are not
valid reasons.
1) Why have I been random tested 2 months in a
row? Drivers who have been random tested once do not
get put on the back burner. The drivers are eligible for
random testing every time there is a random selection.
The Consortium conducts monthly random selections.
2) I am covered in the other company’s random
program. Do I need to have my own program, too?
Actually, you do need to have a program under your
company also. Each employer is responsible for following
the drug and alcohol testing regulations for their company.
If you send the Attachment B to the other employer, and
the employer completes it (in its entirety), you would not,
however, have to undergo a pre-employment drug test.
Whizzinators are still around! A DeKalb man was
trying to use a Whizzinator to provide a urine specimen
to a probation officer. The man was pulling and tugging
Continued on Page 25
3) When I pay the annual random slot fee do I need to
pay for each random test too? You don’t! The random
slot fee per driver pays for all random testing costs for the
calendar year. If you use a clinic and you get an invoice
for a random test, send the invoice to us. Don’t pay it.
4) If the driver isn’t driving when the collector arrives
to conduct a random drug and alcohol test, should
the alcohol test be conducted? Absolutely NOT! The
alcohol test is only conducted right before, during, or
immediately after the driver has performed a safetysensitive function (SSF). If the driver does not do any
SSF during the random selection period, call us to cancel
the alcohol test only. The drug test still needs to get done.
Illinois Medical Marijuana: In September, the Illinois
Financial and Professional Regulations will review
applications and make final determinations of who will
receive permits for marijuana cultivation centers. There
can only be 21 cultivation centers; one in each State Police
district. Once approved, if the cultivation centers could be
active by the first of next year.
So where does that leave you and your company’s drivers?
We have developed a Medical Marijuana Policy Attachment
for MTA’s Drug & Alcohol Testing Consortium members
Mid-West Truckers Association
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Mid-West Truckers Association travels to Panama for the 40th Annual Profit & Cost Seminar at the
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COMPANY NAME ________________________________________________________________________________
PASSENGER #1 LEGAL NAME _____________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH _________
PASSENGER #2 LEGAL NAME ____________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH _________
HOME ADDRESS_________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP ________________________
HOME PHONE___________________________ BUSINESS PHONE _______________________
FAX _______________________________
______ YES
E-MAIL _____________________________________
_____ NO Insurance payment MUST be included with down payment!
EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME _____________________________________________________________________
CONTACT PHONE #_______________________ CONTACT E-MAIL: ______________________________________
$1,799 per person GARDEN VIEW
$1,899 per person OCEAN VIEW
$300 Per Person Deposit
$149 Per Person ­OPTIONAL Trip Cancellation Insurance
$109 PARK & FLY OPTION (Chicago O'Hare Marriott)
$90 ROUND-TRIP MOTOR COACH Option (Springfield to O'Hare)
Make checks payable& mail to: Mid-West Truckers Association, 2727 N. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62702
Mid-West Truckers Association
Amsterdam to Zurich
Rhine River Cruise
Onboard the Avalon Felicity
July 11-19, 2015
Enjoy cruising one of Europe’s longest rivers between fascinating Amsterdam and culturally diverse Basel.
Accommodating only 138 passengers, the Avalon Felicity offers the intimate feeling of a small ship while providing
the spaciousness passengers have come to expect on the Avalon fleet.
One of Europe’s most legendary rivers awaits on this mesmerizing journey along the Rhine. Enjoy a canal cruise
in splendid Amsterdam as well as guided sightseeing in Cologne, Koblenz and Strasbourg. Delight in excursions to
Germany’s Black Forest and to Heidelberg, Germany’s oldest university with its imposing castle. Also sail through the
dramatic Rhine Gorge, see the legendary Lorelei Rock, and visit the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz. All of this awaits
you on your magnificent sailing down the Rhine River!
Included in your 8 Day Cruise Package:
Round-trip transportation from Springfield to O’Hare; Round-trip air from Chicago O’Hare; All transfers on arrival and departure days
7-night cruise in a river view stateroom on the beautiful Felicity
All meals onboard the vessel; Complimentary regional wines, beer or soft drinks with dinner, and coffee or tea after dinner
4 guided sightseeing tours; Special onboard and onshore experiences presented by local chefs, entertainers, artisans, and experts
An experienced Cruise Manager and attentive, all English-speaking staff
Complimentary Wi-Fi access , Headsets for shore excursions
Cruise Package Rates
Rates are per person, based on double occupancy and do not include shipboard gratuities, guide
gratuities, trip cancellation insurance or items of a personal nature.
Standard Stateroom Category E $4,899.00 per person
French Balcony Stateroom Category B SOLD OUT
French Balcony Stateroom Category A SOLD OUT
French Balcony Stateroom Category P $5,799.00 per person
Call Kathy Krebs at (217) 525-0310 or e-mail at [email protected]
for a complete registration package and more details.
Mid-West Truckers
Risk Management Association
“We’re in it for the Long Haul!”
Loss Control Services
Driver/Warehouse/Shop Training MTRMA Employee Safety Handbook
CSA for Drivers
Hazard Communication
Accident Investigation
Confined Space
Substance Abuse
Fire Extinguisher Use
General Safety
Personal Protective Equipment
Ladder Safety
Lifting Safety
Material Handling
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Cargo Securement Support
Member Training –
CSA for Carriers
Accident Investigation for Carriers
Substance Abuse for Supervisors/Managers
OSHA Recordkeeping
Transitional Duty
Safety Program Development
Warehouse/Maintenance Area Inspections
Job Descriptions with Physical Requirements
Telephone and Email 24/7 Assistance
What did we do for you last month?
We often get asked, “What do we do at Mid-West Truckers Association? Besides the obvious, such as
answering member calls, processing drug & alcohol testing orders and results and helping members on
licensing and permits, there is a lot of travel time to cover the important meetings that affect the trucking
industry. The following is what and where you could find MTA staff during the past month:
Jennifer Grider exhibited MTA’s drug & alcohol testing services at the Township Officials of Illinois Education
Program in Lisle, Illinois.
Matt Wells represented MTA with a display at open houses for Quincy Mack and Decatur Mack. A great opportunity
to meet up with many MTA members.
Don Schaefer attended the quarterly meeting of the Illinois Infrastructure Council in Chicago where the discussion
highlighted the slow process of developing a new highway bill.
Don Schaefer attended a meeting of state transportation officials, vocational experts and educators to address the
critical need of qualified truck operators. The group made suggestions on how to steer potential drivers into the
Matt Wells gave an overview of legislative activity at a meeting of the Northern Advisory Board in Peru.
Matt Wells and Don Schaefer participated in the Illinois Safety Summit organized by the Illinois Department of
Transportation and held over two days in Springfield.
Matt Wells and Don Schaefer attended several legislative fundraisers held throughout the state, enabled by the
generous contributions of MTA members to TRK-PAC, the Association’s political action committee.
Matt Wells and Don Schaefer participated in many meetings of the Transportation for Illinois Coalition (TFIC),
following up on the last minute apoproval of a state bonding program for public works projects. A long-range
funding program was not moved during the Spring Session. TFIC is also closely monitoring the progress of a
new federal highway bill.
Don Schaefer spent several days in Washington, DC, meeting with members of the Illinois congressional delegation
and their staff. He also attended the ITS America Leadership Circle and the congressional technology showcase
as a representative of HELP/PrePass. Don serves as chairman of the Board of Directors for HELP/PrePass.
Kathy Krebs finalized arrangements for the 2015 MTA Profit & Cost Seminar to Panama and the Summer 2015 Rhine
River Cruise.
Don Schaefer participated in follow-up meetings of the Illinois State Freight Advisory Council, which is charged
with developing a comprehensive transportation policy for the state as required by the federal transportation
reauthorization bill.
Don Schaefer participated in several more meetings and conference calls regarding the village of Elwood’s move
to restrict all truck traffic going to intermodal facilities. A federal judge has temporarily stopped the restrictions.
Don Schaefer and Matt Wells conducted several TV interviews on a number of truck issues, including hours-of-service.
Jeanne Campo, Don Schaefer and Matt Wells continued planning for the 2015 MTA Convention and the Mid-West
Truck & Trailer Show, scheduled for February 6 & 7, 2015 at the Peoria Civic Center and the Pere Marquette Hotel
in Peoria, Illinois. Expect changes to the Truck Show layout. Exhibitor contracts have been finalized and material
will be made available to exhibitors in the next few weeks.
Don Schaefer conducted monthly radio programs highlighting the industry on WSMI and for RFD Illinois radio.
-IN MEMORIAMAllen R. Cassens
Mike Mason
Allen R. Cassens, 77, of Edwardsville, Illinois, died June 13,
2014, at his home.
Paul Michael Mason, 59, of Jacksonville passed away June 16,
2014 at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Alton.
Allen was born July 22, 1936, in Granite City the son of the
late Arnold H. & Clara (Strohmeier) Cassens. He married Linda
(Cohn) Braly on September 25, 1969, in Hamel, Illinois. Besides his wife Linda, Allen is survived by 2 sons, Jeff Cassens
& wife Kris of Summerville, South Carolina, and Doug Braly
& wife Angela of Indianapolis, Indiana; 11 grandchildren and 1
great granddaughter. He was preceded in death by 3 daughters,
Deborah Braly, Jill Butcher, and Allison Cassens Hutchinson
and a sister, Audrey Carlton.
He was born on October 10, 1954 in Jacksonville the son of Paul
and Lucille Roegge Mason. He married Barb Devlin on March
12, 1977 in Virginia, IL and she survives. He is also survived
by one daughter, Melissa (husband, Chad) Gerard of Jacksonville; one son, David (wife, Keri) Mason of Jacksonville; five
grandchildren and his mother, Lucille Mason of Jacksonville.
He was preceded in death by his father, Paul W. Mason
Mike graduated from Triopia High School in 1972 and Western
Illinois University in 1976. A gifted musician, Mike made an
appearance at the Grand Old Opry and played in many popular
bands such as Mathias, Just Good Friends, Jax, Madd Hoss
Jackson and many more. He owned and operated Rainy Day
Recording Studio from his home in Jacksonville, which later
developed into a nationally-accredited live sound company,
Mason Sound, Inc. Mason Sound provides audio for acts such
as Eric Church, Confederate Railroad, Kentucky Headhunters,
Charlie Daniels and even two United States Presidents. Mike
was featured as MTA’s Trucker of the Month in May, 2013.
He was a self-employed farmer, who enjoyed taking his grandchildren on tractor rides. And, as he liked to remind everyone,
that he was just a kind, old man.
Allen was Chairman of Cassens Corporation. He served on
many boards including Southern Illinois University Foundation, McKendree College, TheBank of Edwardsville, and Allison’s Friends of Hope. Allen was a member of the Executive
Committee of the National Automobile Transportation Labor
Division for decades. He was extremely active in numerous
national contract negotiations as well as arbitration. Allen was
an avid flyer having many type ratings from helicopters to P-51
Mustangs. He loved traveling, music, dancing, photography,
boating, and was an antique car collector. Allen served in the
U.S. Army Reserves at Ft. Leonardwood.
Visitation and funeral services were held at the Leclaire
Christian Church in Edwardsville with interment at Sunset Hill
Memorial Estates. Family requests memorials be given to Mary
Crowley Cancer Research Center, 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite
1100, Dallas, Texas.
A funeral service was held at Williamson Funeral Home with
burial at Arcadia Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Condolences may be
left online at
FMCSA Grants Temporary
Waiver of 30 Minute Break
Requirement for
Livestock Haulers
Joyce Ashby
Common sense apparently prevailed in Washington
when the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
(FMCSA) announced the granting of a limited
one-year exemption from the 30-minute rest break
provision of the Agency’s hours-of-service (HOS)
regulations for commercial motor vehicle (CMV)
drivers transporting livestock.
Joyce Ashby, 63, of Granite City, Ill., passed away on June
8, 2014, at Gateway Regional Medical Center in Granite
City, Ill., with her loving family by her side.
FMCSA was hit with a barrage of complaints from
livestock haulers who said a 30-minute break in
extreme weather conditions would lead to a massive
kill of their loads. The 30-minute break requirement
was included in last year’s revision to the hours-ofservice regulations. FMCSA issued a limited 90-day
waiver last year.
Numerous states also issued
temporary waivers during the past year - this notice
is aimed at making the waiver consistent at all levels
of enforcement.
Joyce was born on May 29, 1951, in Granite City, a
daughter to the late Harlan and Mabel, nee Covington,
Keel. On March 11, 1972, Joyce married Ronnie Ashby,
the love of her life in Granite City. Joyce was a co-owner
of Ashby Moving & Storage in Madison, Ill. She was a
faithful member of Fairview Heights Church of Christ in
Fairview Heights, Ill. Joyce enjoyed water skiing, spending time at Bull Shoals and Norfork Lakes in Arkansas
with her family and traveling with Ronnie to Estes Park
in Colorado. Her greatest joy was spending time with her
family, especially with her four grandchildren, whom she
adored. Joyce will be sadly missed by all who knew and
loved her. In addition to her parents, Joyce was preceded
in death by one sister, Terri Keel.
She is survived by her loving husband, Ronnie Ashby of
Granite City; two dear sons and daughters-in-law, Ryan and
Michelle Ashby of O’Fallon, and Casey and Amy Ashby
of Granite City; a sister, Trudy (Jim) Black of Granite
City; brother, Harlan (Jolene) Keel of Granite City; loving
grandmother to Christine, Mackenna, Reese and Sullivan
Ashby; extended family and many dear friends.
In celebration of her life, a memorial service will be held
at a later date.
Often Imitated.
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The first – and still the best – roll tarp on
the market! The Original Shur-Lok® side
roll tarp offers watertight protection for
whatever you’re hauling. Preferred by
leading truck and trailer manufacturers,
it’s the side roll tarp of choice.
Authorized Shur-Co® Dealer
Tarps Manufacturing, Inc.
1000 State Hwy 104
Meredosia, IL 62665
3.5 Inches x 2 Inches
Often Imitated. Never Duplicated!
State Motor Carrier
Safety Violation Fines
Illinois Commerce
Commission Penalties
The Illinois Department of Transportation Division
of Traffic Safety has imposed the following financial
penalties to trucking companies and businesses that
use trucks as part of their operation as a result of audit
findings in violation of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
The following Stipulated Settlement Agreements for
violations of the Illinois Commercial Transportation
Law were approved by the Illinois Commerce
Motor carrier based in Hannibal, MO; No Intra-State Operating
Authority. $1,650.
Motor carrier based in Cicero, IL; Driver Qualification File violations. $624.
Motor carier based in Bloomington, IL; No Operating Authority. $4,500.
Company based in Plainfield, IL; Drug & Alcohol Testing, Driver
Qualification Files, Driver Logbook, Inspection Maintenance & Repair,
Periodic Inspection violations. $3,197.
Company based in Hinkley, IL; No Operating Authority. $650.
Company based in Bellwood, IL; No Operating Authority. $1,350.
Motor carrier based in Homer Glen, IL; Pre-Employment Drug Testing,
Hours of Service violations. $19,995.
Company based in Schiller Park, IL; No Operating Authority. $5,000.
Company based in Albers, IL; Pre-Employment Drug Testing violations.
Company based in Homer Glen, IL; No Operating Authority. $1,050.
Motor carrier based in Chicago, IL; No Operating Authority. $4,300.
School Bus company based in Lynwood, IL; Pre-Employment Drug Testing,
Hours of Service violations. $19,779.
Motor carrier based in Montgomery, IL; Hours of Service, Driver Logbook
violations. $1,248.
Motor carrier based in Brownstown, IL; Periodic Inspection violations.
Motor carrier based in McClure, IL; Random Drug & Alcohol Testing
violations. $1,935.
Motor carrier based in Mineral, IL; Driver Logbook violations. $3,120.
Motor carrier based in Chicago; Driver logbook violations. $3,744.
Dump or Van
Steel or aluminum
Motor carrier based in Lombard, IL; Falsification of Records, Driver
Logbook, Periodic Inspection, Hours of Service violations.
Bus Company based in Bolingbrook, IL; Hours of Service violations.
(217) 784-4200
Rt. 47 South
Gibson City, IL 60936
If it’s on a trailer, LRI can fix it!
Attorney L. Necheles
Limousine Service based in DesPlaines, IL; Driver Qualification files,
Hours of Service, Driver Vehicle Inspection Report, Inspection Repair &
Maintenance violations. $1,990.
(Former Driver)
Motor carrier based in Shawneetown, IL; Driver Qualification File
violations. $1,380.
Concentrated in
Tickets, Violations, CDL’s
Motor carrier based in Chicago; Driver Qualification File violations. $2,744.
Motor carrier based in Joliet, IL; Driver medical Qualification violations.
“Fees structured for
tight budgets.”
Motor carrier based in Plainfield, IL; Pre-Employment & Random Drug &
Alcohol Testing, Hours of Service violations. $15,993.
Motor carrier based in Romeoville, IL; Hours of Service violations. $3,744.
Call: (312) 263-4735
Motor carrier based in Huntley, IL; Hours of Service violations. $5,616.
Nancy Joerg (continued)
We’ve got you Covered
special one for owner-operators). It can make or break
an auditor’s evaluation of an entire class of Independent
Contractors under IDES audit.
The Truck
Insurance Store
If any readers would like a free copy of the IDES Worker
Relationship Questionnaire or the special IDES Questionnaire for owner-operators, contact my legal assistant
Tammy Nelson at [email protected] or call
her at 630-377-1554 to request one.
For assistance with IDES audits, hearings, and independent
contractor agreements (or for consultations on limiting your
liability in the use of independent contractors), contact Attorney Nancy E. Joerg, who enjoys a nationwide reputation
in working with companies who use Independent Contractors of all types. Nancy Joerg can be reached at Wessels
Sherman’s St. Charles, Illinois office: 630-377-1554 or
email her at [email protected].
Areas of Practice: Nancy Joerg represents employers in administrative actions,
hearings, and audits before the Illinois Department of Human Rights, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, the Cook County Commission on Human
Rights, the Illinois Department of Employment Security, the Illinois Department
of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Labor.
brumleve ®
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1317 West Main St. • P.O. Box 279
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Phone: 800-trc-k909
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Fax: 815-338-9311
[email protected]
1-800 937-0058
Colton Downey
Insurance Agency
Proudly Representing
Average on-highway diesel price (self-serve
cash price, including taxes):
NATIONAL: $3.882/gal
Ernie Downey
This compares to a price one month ago of $3.901
and one year ago of $3.859. ($3.841 National
Average). Your price may be higher or lower,
depending on state and local taxes. Illinois will
most always be higher.
[email protected]
Zac Ozee
[email protected]
Don Sample
[email protected]
NOW $75.00!
1612 W Wernsing Ave Effingham, Il 62401
Hrs: Mon – Fri 7:30 – 4:30
Lucky membership number #7079
call the MTA office by July 23 and
win $75.00!
Perry Trucking Service, Inc., Timewell,
Illinois did not see their lucky number
in the June issue of Keep on Truckin’
No matter what your trailer
problems are we can help.
Trailer Repair Facility
Dump, Reefer, Dry Box Vans, Flat Beds,
Under Carriage & Collision Repair
Do You Check Your
Number Each Month?
Roof / Side Panels / Frame Rails / Doors
Cross Members Rivets / Hardware Etc.
What about the driver’s consent to allow the prospective or
current employer to access the Database? Who can report
the violations? What violations would be reported? What
is the timeframe for service agents to report the violations
to the Database? Next month, we will provide you with
some of the commenters’ answers to these questions.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Update (Continued)
on something that turned out to be a Whizzinator. The
Whizzinator was attached to a small hose connected to a
“clear, plastic bladder” filled with yellow liquid. He was
caught and arrested immediately.
Comments on the CDL Driver National Drug & Alcohol
Database: There were 162 commenters on the National
Drug and Alcohol Database. The proposed regulations
state there will be fees to access the mandatory database.
They mentioned $5 for each prospective hire and $2.50 per
driver on an annual basis. Some commenters said it would
be cost prohibitive for large companies and said it should
be a subscription-based fee instead. Other commenters
didn’t feel like there was a need to access the Database on
an annual basis.
The proposed regulations state the commercial drivers’
license and the state of issuance would be the unique
identifier for the drivers. Commenters stated only the
social security numbers would be unique. CDLs would be
unique until such time the CDL holder changes residency
to another state.
Proposed regulations state the employer’s U.S. Dept. of
Transportation number or employer identification number
(EIN) would need to be on the Custody & Control Form.
It also states the laboratories would be required to file
annual summary reports identifying the motor carriers for
whom they performed testing services. The Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) would use the data
to identify employers that do not have an active drug and
alcohol testing program.
There will be CDL holders that will be exempt from the
Database. The proposed regulations only apply to CDL
holders that are subject to the FMCSA. It won’t apply
to CDL holders subject to the Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration or to the Federal Transit
Administration or any of the other Dept. of Transportation
regulated modes.
Commenters also present the question of how long the
driver’s record of violation should be maintained and
available in the Database. There is a choice of 3 or 5 years
since the date of the violation determination. The Safe
Roads Act of 2012 specifically states 5 years from the time
the record is submitted to the Clearinghouse, however, the
proposed regulation states 3 years.
IFTA Online Filing
MTA can file your IFTA applications, renewals, additional
decals and quarterly returns - and make this process easy
and at a most reasonable cost!
Call Kathy D or any MTA staff for details at (217) 525-0310
As with all filings, MTA cannot guarantee acceptance or processing time by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
MTA can electronically file your UCR!
It’s as simple as 1-2-3
STEP ONE: Provide the information to MTA for filing. Fax to (217) 525-0342 or e-mail
to [email protected]
STEPS TWO AND THREE will be completed by MTA! It’s that simple!
Electronic UCR filing is a great way to file, insuring accurate and almost immediate
receipt of the UCR. The electronic filing is updated every 15 minutes and is then
accessible to any official needing verification that UCR has been paid.
Contact the MTA office at (217) 525-0310 for the authorization required and the very
reasonable fee schedule for filing your UCR.
We have the record-keeping and
compliance supplies that you need!
Annual Vehicle Inspection Form & Sticker $2.00
DOT Physical Form & Certificate $2.25
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Reg. Handbook $3.25 _____
Driver Guide to FMCSRs$4.00_____
DOT Packet $5.00 _____
Confidential Driver Investigative History Pkt. $2.75 _____
Pocket Guide to Hazardous Materials $5.00 _____
(217) 525-0310
Inspection Book $2.00 _____
Log Book $3.75_____
(217) 525-0342
2012 Emergency Response Guidebook $5.00 _____
Cost Summary Booklet FREE_____
Hours of Service Handbook $7.00
2727 N. Dirksen Pkwy.,
CSA Handbook NEW!$7.00_____
Springfield, IL 62702
MEMBER NAME: ____________________________________
Sales tax & shipping
charges will be added.
MEMBERSHIP #: ____________________________________
These are “member only” prices • Orders in by 2 PM shipped same day
G R E A T N E W S!
(Rev. July 2011)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (99)
Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return
Keep a copy of this
return for your records.
For the period July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012
▶ Attach
both copies of Schedule 1 to this return.
the separate instructions.
OMB No. 1545-0143
▶ See
Employer identification number
or Print
Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)
City, state, and ZIP code (For Canadian or Mexican address, see the separate instructions.)
Check if applicable:
Address change
VIN Correction
Check this box if you are correcting a vehicle
identification number (VIN) listed on a previously filed
Schedule 1 (Form 2290). Do not check this box for any
other reason.
Final Return
Check this box if you no longer have taxable vehicles to
Amended Return
Check this box if reporting (a) additional tax from an
increase in taxable gross vehicle weight or (b) suspended
vehicles exceeding the mileage use limit. Do not check
this box for any other reason.
Part I
D FOR DETAILS (217) 525-0310
Figuring the KATHY
Was the
on this return used
on public highways
July 2011? If YES,
enter 201107 in the boxes to the right. If NO, see the table on page 3 of the instructions . ▶
Tax. Enter the Total from Form 2290, page 2, column (4) . . . . . . . . . . . ▶
Additional tax from increase in taxable gross weight (see instructions) . . . . . . . ▶
Total tax. Add lines 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . -27. . . . . . . . . . . ▶
Credits (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ▶
New Members
Baucom Transport
Camp Point, Illinois
Bestway Transport, Inc.
Bensenville, Illinois
M C Trucking
Belvidere, Illinois
Lowery’s Fiberglassing LLC
Fairfield, Illinois
Triple D Trucking
Litchfield, Illinois
Rocky Road LLC
Eureka, Illinois
Edward F. Kiefer
Fillmore, Illinois
Classic Limousine of Rockford, Inc.
Machesney Park, Illinois
Warrior Logging and Perforating, Inc.
Flora, Illinois
R & J Enterprises of IL, Inc.
Rock Falls, Illinois
Nick Stone Trucking
Chestnut, Illinois
C & C Detasseling, Inc.
Fulton, Illinois
K & H Truck Plaza, Inc.
Gilman, Illinois
Sauk Valley Detasseling LLC
Rock Falls, Illinois
P & J Trucking, Inc.
New Boston, Illinois
J.T.’s Trucks
Anthony, Kansas
Jones Hydroblast, Inc.
Royalton, Illinois
Anchor Farms Trucking LLC
Rushville, Illinois
Malcolm L. Morris Truck, Inc.
Pomona, Illinois
Motor Sport Movers
Frankfort, Illinois
Beck II Farms, Inc.
Potomac, Illinois
Bullitt Express, Inc.
Midlothian, Illinois
S & K Detasseling, Inc.
Morrison, Illinois
Perks Ranch
Rockford, Illinois
R D S Transport
Clay City, Illinois
Rawajih Transportation Services, Inc.
Rockford, Illinois
Bar S Hot Shot Service
Olney, Illinois
Stallion Trucking, Ltd.
Oak Forest, Illinois
2727 N. Dirksen Parkway
(217) 525-0310
Springfield, IL 62702
FAX (217) 525-0342
Name of Company
Owners Name
Contact Person (if different than owner)
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Additional Phone Numbers
E-Mail Address
Federal I.D. #
U.S. DOT #
Type of Carrier:
Ill. C.C. #
Commodities Hauled (Circle all appropriate items):
Truck Tractors
Number of Straight Trucks
Based on Total Number of Power Units
You Own or Operate
No. of Units
Initiation Fee
14. Towing
15. Reefer
16. Fertilizer
17. Hazardous Materials
18. Refuse/Scrap
19. Intermodal
20. Other
8. Road Building Materials
9. Building Materials
10. Steel
11. Logs/Lumber/Wood Products
12. Petroleum Products
13. Machinery/Heavy Equipment
1. General Commodities
2. Grains
3. Seeds
4. Feeds
5. Livestock
6. Farm Supplies
7. Dairy Products
1 units - $235.00
2 units - $245.00
3 units - $255.00
4 units - $265.00
5 units - $275.00
6 units - $285.00
7 units - $295.00
8 units - $305.00
9 units - $315.00 17 units - $360.00
10 units - $325.00 18 units - $365.00
11 units - $330.00 19 units - $370.00
12 units - $335.00 20 units - $375.00
13 units - $340.00 21 units - $380.00
14 units - $345.00 22 units - $385.00
15 units - $350.00 23 units - $390.00
16 units - $355.00 24+ units - $395.00
Associate Business Member, $275.00
Sustaining Member, $725.00
Discover Account Number___________________________________Expiration Date ___________
as my annual
I hereby apply for membership in the Mid- West Truckers Association, Inc., and enclose $
membership dues for the coming year. $5. 00 of this amount is for a one year subscription to "Keep on Truckin' News."
''In the event that the necessity would arise for Mid-West Truckers Association, Inc. to place any claim in litigation, applicant
agrees that said claim would be under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Sangamon County, State of Illinois, and further
agree that there shall be added to the unpaid balance all court costs incurred, plus reasonable attorney fees. ''
Print Name
ILL 6-1-13
HAZMAT $169.00
+ tax
Federal Regulations require training of ALL employees involved in the
transportation of hazardous materials. This expanded and improved video
training program meets federal training requirements and is up-to-date with all
KIT INCLUDES-• Training Video Program - DVD or Video Tape
• Training Guide & Tests
• Placard and Label Charts
• 2012 Emergency Response Guidebook (required in all trucks)
• Pocket Guide to Hazardous Materials
• Employee Training Certificates and Wallet Cards
• Training Logs
• HAZMAT Security Training Module Included at No Charge
Yes! Send me the HAZMAT VIDEO TRAINING PROGRAM for $169 (plus tax). All kits are sent
by UPS - Please give street address to guarantee accurate delivery!
Send to: Mid-West Truckers Association, 2727 N. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62702.
Phone (217) 525-0310. FAX (217) 525-0342. CALL FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS!
STREET ADDRESS(for UPS)______________________________________
Complete step-by-step instructions on how to use your drug and/or alcohol testing program?
A sample policy you can adopt as your own CDL or Drug & Alcohol-Free Workplace Program?
All the appropriate forms to have a legal drug and alcohol testing program? Free updates as needed?
The proper chain of custody of the samples by qualified personnel?
The collection of urine samples by qualified personnel?
Alcohol testing by a qualified Screening Test Technician and/or Breath Alcohol Technician?
Samples taken at your place of business if you desire?
Air courier services for urine samples to be air expressed to a federally-approved laboratory?
A quality test of all your samples?
A qualified Medical Review Officer to approve all DOT drug test results?
All the blind drug test samples that are required by law?
Assistance with all the annual record keeping as required by state and federal law?
(217) 525-0310
Got one of our MTA stickers on the
back of your truck or trailer?
If we see it and post your picture
in the magazine, we’ll pay you $50!
Thanks to Greg Ross Trucking,
Roodhouse, Illinois for showing
your support for MTA!
Order your stickers below!
Join and save.
Midwest Truckers Association, Inc.
is excited to announce an exclusive Membership offer: Employees/members will receive up to a $25 Sam’s
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Plus and business members can beat the crowds starting at
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Plus and business members receive $40 off a regular-priced pair
of prescription eyeglasses when purchasing a one-year supply
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To take advantage of this offer
bring this offer along with proof of employment/membership to the Member Services Desk of your local club.
September 30, 2014
Sam’s Plus
Sam’s Savings
for a full list of benefits.
Sam’s Business
* All terms and conditions apply. Instant savings and instant savings plus (collectively, “instant savings”) are subject to availability. Instant savings are subject to valid dates. Select instant savings are available online. For Click ‘n’
Pull® purchases, instant savings can be redeemed at point of sale at the club with the primary membership card. State and local laws may require sales tax to be charged on the pre-discounted price of an item with an instant
savings offer. To view your instant savings account, visit or download the Sam’s Club app. Member must have a registered email on in order to access the instant savings account
page online. Visit for program details and terms and conditions. Instant savings may take up to 24 hours to load to a membership account and will be valid for 30 days after joining.
** Plus and business members save an additional 8% on name-brand prescriptions and 40% on generics not part of the $4/$10 generic prescription program, when paying out-of-pocket and not using prescription drug coverage. Savings
based on the dispensing Sam’s Club Pharmacy’s regular retail cash price. Discounts do not apply to purchases submitted to any health benefit program, pharmacy benefit program, insurer or governmental health care program. Discount
is non-transferable, may not be combined with other offers, and is available in-club only. Other restrictions may apply. See your local Sam’s Club Pharmacy for details.
Subject to Credit Approval. See “How to Earn Cash Back Rewards” in the Sam’s Club Discover credit application for complete details. Discover® and Discover® Network acceptance marks are service marks used by GE Capital Retail
Bank under license from Discover Financial Services.
Receive $40 off a regular-priced pair of eyeglasses (frames and lenses) with a purchase of a one-year supply of contact lenses. Valid eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions required. One-year supply is determined by manufacturer’s
recommended wear schedule. Offer applies to prescription eyeglasses and prescription sunglasses. Professional eye exam not included. This offer does not apply to individuals using vision insurance of any kind, including Medicaid
or Medicare, for all or part of their purchase. This offer is non-transferable and may not be combined with other offers except associate eyewear discount. Offer not available in Arkansas, Delaware, Oklahoma and Rhode Island, and
is available in-club only.
Join or renew as a Sam’s Plus Member and receive a $25 gift card at sign-up, or join or renew as a Sam’s Savings or Sam’s Business Member and receive a $10 gift card at sign-up. You must be over the age of 18 to purchase
a membership, and membership is subject to qualifications. This offer is valid for memberships issued in-club only and is not valid online. Gift card will be provided at the time membership card is issued. This offer may not
be combined with any other offer or promotion. Only one gift card per primary member. Gift card may not be used to pay for membership fee. Membership cards are non-transferable and are valid at all Sam’s Club locations
worldwide. Walmart® and Sam’s Club associates are not eligible for this offer. A Plus Membership and base membership includes one primary card and one spouse (or other household member over the age of 18) card.
Primary memberships are valid for one year from the date of issue. Certificates and special promotions are not valid at or by mail. Visit to view our privacy policy. Offer not valid in
Puerto Rico. For a limited time only. One-time use only. Only original certificates accepted.
FOR SALE: 1999 oiler with DT466 motor, 2003
Centennial Etnyre oiler, 22’ of bar, all computerized,
3,500 gallon on tandem axle, 11 x 22.5 tires, 5,750
hours, 183,000 miles. $65,000 OBO
on (8) alum wheels, weigh rite scale system, box
on left side, J hooks, 17 winches, door on front of
bulkhead, lift axle, air lines top or underneath. Good
brakes, lots of LED lights. $30,000 OBO.
1993 chipper, 10-year old Cummins motor,
hydrastatic transmission, 12-ft. head. $27,500 OBO.
Merritt aluminum cab protector, no window, no chain
racks. $275 OBO.
1989 Hyster 530 roller, 9 wheel, Perkins Diesel.
Bought new in 1989, 3-speed shift. $10,500 )B).
(2) sets of metal edge protectors for hauling steel
coils. $17.50/set.
1998 John Deere Model 5210 broom, 3 + 3 speed,
1,694 hours, 6-foot broom. $12,900 OBO.
Headache rack with window cutout, two small boxes
with lids on each side, has mounting hardware. $625.
1977 Ford 9000, 3406 Cat 13-speed, wet kit, 10x20
tires, 541,000 miles. $5,500 OBO.
(24) snap binders. $15 each.
1988 White GMC, 315 Cummins, 9-speed, 11R22.5
tires, 340,000 miles. $6,000 OBO.
1979 International tandem, 466 diesel motor 5+4
speed, 14’ aluminum box, 10x20 tires. $5,750 OBO.
(815) 586-4235
FOR SALE: 10,000 gal. fuel tank with stand, 8 ft.
x 28 ft., still in use. $1,500 OBO.
Metal office desk (black) heavy duty. $100, with
new chair $135.
(9) 315/80R 22.5 new virgin caps. $200 each.
(12) 24-5 aluminum bud rims, old style. $180 each.
(217) 254-4140 days
FOR SALE: 1974 Fruehauf dump trailer, 26-ft
alum box w/leaf spring susp & spoke wheels good
tires &brakes grain chute Roll tarp new bed liner.
(24) chains assorted lengths & sizes. Make offer.
Side kit parts: tarp, stakes and panels. Make offer.
2001 Trailmobile van, 53’ air ride suspension, sliding
tandem, transcool roof, roll up door, tuck under lift
2000 Transcraft, all steel, 48 x 102, 10-2 air ride spread,
black in color.
1990 Aeromax L-9000, 400 cumins engine, 10-speed
trans., air ride susp., PTO pump.
1999 Wabash, plate van, transcool roof, air ride
suspension, sliding tandem, swing doors.
1999 Ford 450, 7.3 diesel motor, 4-door, 5-speed trans,
5th wheel, new motor & transmission.
2006 Transcraft drop deck combo with ramps, 48x102,
air ride. 50,000 miles.
Peterbilt 379 black aero bug shield. $25.
1998 Trailmobile van, 53 x 102, air ride slider, swing
doors, metal roof, 13’6” high.
445 x 50 x 22.5 wide base tires, virgin and caps. Priced
according to condition.
2000 Trailmobile van, 53 x 102, air ride slider, swing
doors, transcool roof.
(20) wide base rims. All polished with 2” offset, 14”
wide. $350.
1977 International 4070B IHC, 290 Cummins engine,
(20) coil racks. $5 each.
(15) storage trailers from 28’ to 53’ long vans.
Threaded clevis, assorted sizes. Make offer,
Three-unit car hauler, 2-axle, 50’ long.
Pair of 2005 Peterbilt 379 stainless steel muffler
shields. Make offer.
1996 Great Dane van, 53 x 102, swing doors, sliding
tandem, metal roof, 114” door openings, 13’6” high.
Aluminum trailer tool box, 1 door, (2) latch, fold
down, 24”x24”x60”, diamond tread finish G.C.
$350 OBO.
1978 Office trailer, 32’ x 8’ wide.
1997 Clement 22 ft frameless steel trailer w/spring
susp, bud wheels, good tires &brakes.$8,000
(309) 275-5282
FOR SALE: All from 2010 IH9900i with 300,000
24” air slide Fontane 5th wheel
Fuller RTO (F) 16908LL 10-speed trans. with OD
& DBL, Henrickson, Intl complete air ride 3.90
ratio - 40 K, 52’ spacing.
Also ISX PAN or complete.
(815) 488-1428
FOR SALE: 1996 T600 Kenworth Semi Tractor,
956000 approximate miles, 3406-3 cat motor, 10
speed. Air, cruise, dual chrome stacks and John
Deere green in color. 200 inch wheelbase aprox, cab
extension , day cab.
(815) 718-1103 for price.
FOR SALE: 2000 Peterbilt day cab, 225” WB,
approx. 640,000 miles, 18-speed, C15 CAT, 24.5
tires, wet kit, (white) nice paint. $42.000 OBO.
(217) 556-4848 Matt
FOR SALE: 2009 T660 KW, 72” AC AD bunk,
Espar bunk heater, C-13 Cat 470 hp with engine
brake, 10-spd. manual trans., 3:25 ratio rears, 22.5
LP rubber with aluminum wheels, Splendor interior
with nice gauge package, nice frame paint with AG
400 rear susp. Needs nothing. 510,000 miles. EW
16,700. 226” WB. $44,900 OBO.
Fontaine no slack 5th wheel with air slide track and
cylinder. Good condition. $400 OBO.
2006 Reitenour 48 x 102 Maximiser flatbed trailer
with Conestoga kit. (8) matched 24.5 LP virgin tires
2001 T2000 Kenworth, Super 10 speed trans., C-15
Caterpillar engine, 475 hp, air ride.
(2) 2006 630 Volvo, ISX Cummins, 10-speed auto
shift with clutch, 217” WB, 22.5 LP tires, air ride front
axle, Wabasto bunk heater, stationary 5th wheel, good
frame paint. Trucks have had excellent maintenance,
run every day. 940,000/955,000 miles. Trucks spec’d
alike. $15,000 OBO. Choice.
(2) black steel storage boxes 35” x 18” x 18” fold
down door with keys, no brackets, good condition.
$225 each.
2007 T800 Kenworth with 42’ modular bunk with side
windows. VIT inerior, loaded gauge package. C-13
CAT, 430 hp, 10-speed manual with 3:36 rars, new
clutch, wet kit for dump, also has jack shaft, (1) 150
gal. fuel tank, dual exhaust, 22.5 LP tires with alum.
wheels, AG 400 suspension, sliding 5th wheel, painted
tanks and fenders. 525,000 miles. $40,000 OBO.
2013 40’ MAC aluminum half round dump trailer,
swing gate, coal chute, fiberglass bows, liner, lift
axle, 455 x 55 x 22.5 wide base tires, crank dollies,
alum. clad, Low Pro model front ladder load gauge.
$48,000 firm.
(309) 208-2536
-----------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE (4) 2000 International 9200, 51” bunk,
ISM Cummins engine.
1970 Dorsey tri-axle dump trailer, 20’ long x 96” wide
with 6’ sides.
(3) Fork trucks. 8000 & 20,000 lbs
(10) reefers, some 48’ x 102” and some 53’ x 102”.
(10) 40’ to 53’ vans, roadable and storage
(2) van pup trailers.
(815) 842-2888 or
FOR SALE: (2) 5-ft. aluminum 2-door storage boxes
for under trailer, with mounting brackets.
Set of 16-ft. fiberglass loading ramps, rated 5,500#,
with carrier mounting brackets.
2014 New 53-ft. Utility DX4000 van trailer, stainless
front and rear doors, air ride, side skirt deflectors, quick
draw slider, all alum wheels, extra LED lights, antidock walk, stainless rear bumper and vents, tire carrier,
logistics posts, michelin tires, stainless placard holders.
2007 Columbia Signature Edition Freightliner, 70inch condo with 515 Detroit, 13-speed, new paint,
new Michelins, new brakes and drums, air ride, alum
wheels, bunk beds, refrigerator, in-service date Nov.
2008. 490,000 miles. One owner.
(618) 791-1609
FOR SALE: Raven tri-axle alum dump trailer, 35’ air
ride, 149,000 miles, used on farm, spreader pan, pilot
hub, 11-24.5 tires.
1995 Freightliner FLD 120 day cb, 212” wheelbase,
wet kit, 11-24.5 tires 85%, air ride, 855 Cummins.
(618) 792-3201
business in operation for more than 50 years, has
immediate openings for Full-Time Swing/Sales
Person. CLEAN driving record & High School
Diploma/GED required. Working Personal vehicle
& personal auto insurance required. Heavy repetitive
lifting. Previous experience in Route Sales preferred.
Applicants must possess a good work ethic. Position
fills vacancies in Route Sales,Warehouse & Driver/
Merchandiser. Excellent benefits offered. $12.54 x
40 hrs/week Training Wage. After training, paid rate
of dept working in. Average annual wage 38,00040,000. CDL CLASS A PERMIT REQUIRED.
Apply in person at Springfield Pepsi-Cola, 2900
Singer Ave, Springfield, IL, 8:00 4:30 Mon-Fri.
No phone calls please. EEO Employer.
FOR SALE: (2) 2015 MANAC Extendables 48’ X
102” Flatbed Tridem opens to 80’, Apitong Floor,
25,000# axles, winch track, 22.5 steel wheels, air
2015 MANAC Extendables 48’ X 102” Flatbed
Tandems opens to 80’, Apitong Floor, 25,000# axles,
winch track, 22.5 steel wheels, air ride, Sliders.
2014 Manac Aluminum 53x102 Flatbeds, All
Aluminum Wheels, 22.5 Tires, Air Ride, Rear Slider
Axle, California and Canada Legal, One Tool Box.
(3) 2015 Manac 53x102 Combo Flatbeds, All
Aluminum Wheels, 22.5 Tires, Air Ride, Rear Slider
Axle, California and Canada Legal.
(2) 2014 MAC 48x102 Flatbeds, All Aluminum
Wheels, 22.5 Tires, Air Ride, Two Tool Boxes.
2003 48x102 Trancraft Eagle Combo Flatbed,
Spread Axle, Two Tool Boxes, Wheels Alum outers/
Steel Inners, 24.5 Low Pro Tires. 14 Sliding
Winches with Driver’s Side Winch Track.
2007 48X012 Fontaine Combo Step Deck, Aluminum
Wheels, Tool Boxes between the spread, Winch Track
Drivers Side. 22.5 Tires.
2015 MAC 34’ Frameless Tri-Axle End Dump,
22.5 Low Profile Tires, Two Way Gate with Ground
Control, Air Ride, All Aluminum Wheels, Front Lift
Axle, 60” Sides.
2015 MAC 35’ Frame Tri-Axle End Dump, 22.5 Low
Profile Tires, Two Way Gate with Ground Control,
Coal Door, Air Ride, All Aluminum Wheels, Front
Lift Axle.
2015 Trailstar 39’ Long, 60” Side Heights, Sheet and
Post, 2 Way Tailgate with Ground Control, Coal Door,
Air Ride, 2 Milled/2 Polished Aluminum Wheels,
11R 22.5 Tires
2014 Manac 40 Ton Double Drop, Mechanical Detach,
Steel Wheels, 255 22.5 Tires, Flip Axle Available.
Flip Axle Available
2014 Manac 40 Ton Double Drop Extendable,
Mechanical Detach, Aluminum Outers/Steel Inners,
Tool Box in Neck. Swingout Outriggers, Flip Axle.
(2) 2014 XL Specialized 70MFG, 255/22.5 Tires, Steel
Wheels, Air Ride, Mechanical Detatch. Chain Drops,
Bracket for Rear Flip Axle.
2014 Jet 70 HDG . 53’X102”, 30’ Deck Aluminum
Pullouts, Tri-Axle Axle . Polished Outer Wheels and
Steel Inner. Aluminum Upper Deck.
2013 XL 110 HDG, 255R/22.5 Tires, Steel Wheels,
Brackets for Flip Axle, Rear Lift Axle, Scraper Style
Neck, Open Bottom Well, Bucket Trough.
2014 XL 90 HDE, Hydraulic Detatch Extendable,
Tandem Axle, With Flip Axle, Swing out Outriggers,
Extendable with 24” Stops.
2014 XL 120 SDE . Step Deck Extendable, 17.5 Tires
with PSI, Aluminum Wheels, Spreader Bar and Two
Flip Axles, 60” Flip Neck Extension
2015 MAC 53’ Aluminum Step Deck, 17.5 Tires, All
Alum Wheels with Polished Outers, 2 nailers, Rear
Sliding Axle, Canada and California Legal
2015 MAC 1050 Pneumatic Tank. 22.5 Aluminum
Wheels, Air Ride, Three Manways, Raised Rear Axle.
Cement Spec.
2015 MAC 53’ Aluminum Step Deck Tri- Axle,
17.5 Tires, All Alum Wheels with Polished Outers, 2
nailers, Center and Rear Axle lifts, California Legal
2015 MAC 1050 Pneumatic Tank 22.5 Aluminum
Wheels Air Ride, Three Manways, Raised Rear Axle,
Steel Bottom Drop Tee’s, Schedule 40 Steel Piping.
Sand Ready.
(800) 556-3506 x 107 or (262) 770-6043 Cell
NOW HIRING: OTR Tanker Driver for short and
long haul regional runs hauling ethanol, bio-diesel,
denature, and other various hazmat material. During
your home time, preventive maintenance is performed
at the home terminal repair shop to minimize road
breakdown. We offer safety incentive programs,
company issued fuel card, paid vacation, paid tolls,
supplemental insurance after 90 days, bonuses, driver
referral program, weekly direct deposit, and weekly
home time. We offer recognition programs to show
other drivers you are the best of the best! Direct one
on one communication with dispatch manager. Must
have a Class A CDL with tanker and hazmat endorsements and a minimum of 3 years of previous OTR
experience. Call 815-235-7100 for more information.
2014 MANAC 53’ Step Deck Extendable, Opens
to 72’, 17.5 Tires with Steel Wheel , 33 ½” Deck
Height, Air Ride.
2014 Manac 53’ X102” Combo Step Deck, Rear Axle
Slider for Canada and California Legal, Aluminum
Wheels, 17.5 Tires with 36” Deck Height.
2014 Manac Steel Step Deck 48x102. Spread Axle,
255/70R 22.5 Tires, Steel Wheels. Fully galvanized
2014 Manac 53X102 Aluminum Step Deck, 22.5
Tires and Dura-Brite Wheels.
2009 Transcraft 48x102 Combo Step Deck,
Aluminum Wheels 22.5, Chain Tie Downs, Spread
Axle, Air Ride. DOT and Ready for work.
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Approx. 100 big Dayton
rims 22.5. 20.00 each.
DUMP W/CAT 3208 ENGINE: starter, 150., radiator,
250., 5 spd. trans. (main), 200., 4 spd. aux. trans. 200.
Older mack hoods. 1975-1984? $200 ea.
Older Mack steer axles 9,000-12,000 lb. 400. ea
Older Mack differentials, 4:17 ratios. rear 550.00.
front 750.00
1984 Mller 20 ton tilt trailer. 1,250.00
3 point hitch plow. 275.00
500 gal. water tank on wheels. 1250.00
1994 GMC Topkick CAT 3116 engine, 6 spd, 271,000
mi., 20’6” stake bed. $5,500.
1988 Mack DM Roll-off truck (no dumpster container
included). $10,750.
1976 Mack DM 237 engine, 6 Spd, Red. $8500.
1987 Ford 350 Dump, stick. $1400.
Houghloader H60E, 2 buckets, 1 GP, other 4 in 1. 8500.
500 gal. underground tank. $250.
IH diesel front end loader, 6 cyl., hitch in rear w/wheel
weights. $4500.
John Deere 350-C wide track angel dozer. VGC.
3 Pt. hitch bush hog. $1200.
3 pt. hitch snowblower. $675.
Very heavy 3 pt. hitch landscape box. $295.
Frost tooth for 28,000 lb. excavator, slips on secured,
with chain binder. $350.00
Semi dump cylinders (2) 24’ frameless, good, used..
750.00 EA. (1) 22’ full frame rebuilt. 850.00, (1) 22’
frameless, good, used. 750.00
Misc. (underbody) tool boxes.
Other 3 pt hitch landscape implements avail.
(815) 385-8959
are FREE for
MTA Members!
Deadline for
August KOTN
is July 23
at Springfield, Illinois
2727 North Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62702