January - Norwalk Public Library


January - Norwalk Public Library
January - December 1986
AARP announces formation of a
new chapter, H 11/20/86 p33
AARP elects new officers [photo],
H 6/28/86 p11
AARP installs new officers
[photo], H 6/9/86 p6
AARP names award winners
[photo], H 6/28/86 p32
Chapter chartered [photo], H
10/25/86 p12
Abandoned vehicles. SEE
Abandonment of automobilesNorwalk
Ex-tower says city policy won't
solve abandoned car
problem [letter], H 9/9/86 p5
Police commission hopes $25
bounty will spark towing of
abandoned cars, H 8/19/86
Abandonment of automobilesWilton
Town passes buck to the state
for removal of abandoned
car [photo], H 12/3/86 p13
ABC Cancer Research
Chairman honored by research
group [photo], H 1/14/86 p9
Abdel-Samed, Yaser
2 city students win chemistry
prizes, H 5/21/86 p38
Norwalk sophomore wins science
prize [photo], H 5/9/86 p11
Aberman, Rosalie
Hall-Brooke official on board, H
10/11/86 p46
Absence from work. SEE
Absenteeism (Labor)
Collins reverses on storm
absences, H 3/19/86 p1+
Accessory apartments-Norwalk
25 permits issued in 4 years:
Accessory apartments, H
5/31/86 p29
P & Z approves amendments to
its apartment regulations, H
9/19/86 p1+
Revised apartment rule ready for
public hearing, H 7/25/86 p11
Rules more lenient for extra
quarters, H 11/6/86 p1+
Accessory apartments-Weston
Apartment battle continues, H
3/18/86 p13+
Apartment hearing scrubbed?, H
4/29/86 p9+
Apartment OK sought by church,
H 3/8/86 p13+
Apartment regulations take
effect, H 10/31/86 p54
Apartment requests increase, H
4/25/86 p11+
Apartment rule repeal opposed
[photo], H 5/6/86 p9+
Apartment rules on agenda
again, H 6/14/86 p13+
Apartment rules revised?, H
4/22/86 p11
Apartment rules stand: P & Z
votes against repeal, H
6/3/86 p13+
Apartment vote challenged, H
4/4/86 p9+
Applicant to appeal apartment
vote, H 4/1/86 p13+
Attorney wants rules on
apartments revised, H
4/15/86 p13+
Battle over apartment rules to
resume, H 5/10/86 p13+
Citizens air views on apartment
rules, H 7/22/86 p11+
Commission lifts ban on permits
for apartments, H 1/22/86
Demand for apartments rises
with increasing cost of
homes, H 3/29/86 p13+
Hearing on apartment rules is
Monday, H 5/3/86 p13+
Members of P & Z asked not to
vote on application:
Apartment plan to be heard
March 3, H 2/11/86 p9+
New apartment plan opposed, H
2/11/86 p9+
P & Z adopts apartment
regulations, H 6/17/86 p13+
P & Z considers easing rules for
accessory apartments, H
6/14/86 p1+
P & Z hear apartment arguments,
H 3/4/86 p11+
P & Z to review new set of
apartment regulations, H
6/9/86 p13
P & Z weighs repeal of apartment
rules, H 5/13/86 p9+
Revised apartment rules set:
Weston hearing is Monday,
H 7/19/86 p13+
SWRPA: Keep rule on the books,
H 5/6/86 p9
Weston apartment regulations
set for hearing, H 10/1/86 p9+
Weston mulls changing
apartment rules, H 4/9/86 p11
Weston P & Z rejects Burr
apartment plans, H 4/22/86
Weston P & Z reworks new
apartment rules, H 6/10/86
Weston P & Z studies request for
apartment, H 1/28/86 p9
Weston residents favor
apartment plan, H 4/1/86
Westonites comment on
apartment rules, H 10/7/86
Accessory apartments-Westport
Apartment recommendation
upsets commission, H
4/11/86 p11+
P & Z member to add apartment
at home, H 4/24/86 p13+
Accidental death-Norwalk
City man dies as fan snaps on
car engine, H 3/24/86 p1
Companion is charged in
woman's drug death, H
11/10/86 p1+
Norwalk man found dead, police
say, H 3/25/86 p6
Accidents. SEE ALSO
Boy who fell into pool is listed
`guarded', H 12/22/86 p6
Child recovering from near
drowning, H 12/20/86 p6
Children are hurt at school, H
6/27/86 p8
Woman rescued in pond [photo
p8], H 12/31/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Tree falls on
passing car, H 12/23/86 p8
Accounting firms
Accounting firm opens new office
in Norwalk [photo], H 1/28/86
Acme United Corp.
Strictly Business, H 10/14/86
Acquired immune deficiency
syndrome. SEE AIDS
Acquired immune disease
syndrome. SEE AIDS
Action Housing Inc.
Action group can aid only 3 from
Carver, H 8/8/86 p6
Action Housing letter misused
[letter], H 11/11/86 p5
Action Housing plan is approved
by P & Z, H 8/21/86 p9
January - December 1986
Action Housing Inc. (Continued)
Action Housing targets surplus
lands, H 12/19/86 p10
Agency decides to alter
agreement to assist
residents of development, H
12/4/86 p20
Appeal made for funding for
housing, H 1/16/86 p16
Company to reopen:
Condominium project
resumes, H 11/13/86 p1+
Contract snag puts housing
project in jeopardy, H 5/8/86
Decision on Wood-Burbank deal
put off, H 2/20/86 p10
Housing agency, developer iron
out difficulties, H 6/5/86 p11
Housing units go for hearing, H
6/13/86 p11
Meeting is planned for buyers, H
6/21/86 p9
Technicality stalls housing
hearing, H 8/8/86 p1+
`Cocktail Party' at Pequot
directed by Marion Schnabel
[photo], H 6/13/86 p17
`Fame' school's Cole till up on
show biz [photo], H 9/11/86
`Pack of Lies' suffers from the
truth: At Westport Playhouse
[photo], H 7/30/86 p34
At Playhouse [photo], H 9/13/86
Chris Scott comes back home a
pro: Fame - Norwalk style
[photo], H 1/6/86 p13
Cricket Theater cast featuring
Norwalkers, H 7/25/86 p20
Guy Rocco [photo], H 9/10/86 p30
In `Cocktail Party' [photo], H
1/25/86 p20
In dual role [photo], H 3/22/86 p18
Learned, Heckart star in WCP
`Pack of Lies' [photo], H
7/25/86 p17
Native talents blooming in Los
Angeles: Fun with Buchholz
& Pinto [photo], H 1/16/86
Special guests [photo], H 8/20/86
Weekend cabaret [photo], H
3/22/86 p18
Cricket Theater cast featuring
Norwalkers, H 7/25/86 p20
Dullea is Ruskin in Victorian
Scandal: New Maggie
Williams play [photo], H
5/23/86 p15
Westport actor stars in
Goodspeed's `Irma' [photo],
H 5/23/86 p15
Moving in [photo], H 8/16/86 p13
Actresses-New Canaan
`Pack of Lies' suffers from the
truth: At Westport Playhouse
[photo], H 7/30/86 p34
Learned, Heckart star in WCP
`Pack of Lies' [photo], H
7/25/86 p17
Appears in `Annie' [photo], H
8/6/86 p16
In `Cocktail Party' [photo], H
1/25/86 p20
Dancing, singing Stageworks is
Sunday: Waiting in the
wings, H 7/18/86 p15+
Arthritis videotape made by
Wilton actress, H 8/4/86 p10
June Havoc evening is
scholarship benefit [photo], H
8/15/86 p13
June Havoc, Collins
Development cited for roles
in area tourism [photo], H
5/21/86 p6
Ad Club of Fairfield County
Ad Club is offering informal
network, H 4/15/86 p23
Adam's Rib
Adams Rib to reopen after Inn
renovation, H 8/19/86 p15
Adams, David
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Adams, Nancy Jane
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Adams, Raymond
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Westporter says proper diet
helps drug abusers kick habit
[photo], H 12/13/86 p13+
Addiction to alcohol. SEE
Admiral Lane-Norwalk
Neighbors object to plan for tract,
H 11/25/86 p18
Adopt-A-School program
Efforts of five regional
businesses in advancing
education recognized
[photo], H 5/30/86 p8
Science seminars sponsored by
Perkin-Elmer [photo], H
3/13/86 p25
Students visit U. S. Surgical
[photo], H 5/30/86 p6
Teachers are students in inservice courses: Spirit of the
community [photo], H 1/22/86
Adult Education-Norwalk
Each graduate is a story: 36
adults receive long-awaited
diplomas [photo], H 5/1/86
ADV Marketing Group Inc.
Gutsy, vibrant ad agency, ADV,
is on its way [photo], H
11/18/86 p11
Advertising agencies. SEE
Advertising agencies-Norwalk
Ad agency has growth spurt
[photo], H 9/9/86 p17
Mad Ave. now in SoNo, H
10/28/86 p23+
SoNo Ad firm wins awards
[photo], H 12/23/86 p22
Affirmative action-Norwalk
School board endorses an
affirmative action policy, H
6/4/86 p1+
AFS International/Intercultural
Irish student to visit family:
Participant in AFS program,
H 7/16/86 p13
Tears accompany farewells as
AFS students head home
[photo], H 7/1/86 p11+
Board votes to close home for
elderly [photo], H 2/26/86 p1+
Elderly face loss of home this
week?, H 2/24/86 p1+
Home refuses prospective
tenants [photo], H 2/27/86
Students serve breakfast to
seniors [photo], H 4/9/86 p1+
Walking course for elderly being
considered in Weston, H
10/1/86 p9+
Grant allows start of service for
chronically ill and elderly, H
10/11/86 p45+
Aged-Tax relief-Westport
Tax relief rule to be studied: RTM
to consider amendment, H
2/3/86 p11+
January - December 1986
Elderly face higher tax bills:
Homeowners affected, H
4/23/86 p1+
Elderly tax relief proposal raises
legal questions, H 2/5/86
New van makes travel easier for
the elderly and handicapped
[photo], H 9/10/86 p13
Dial-a-Ride van heads for
Weston [photo], H 7/18/86
Needs assessment committee
named, H 4/16/86 p9
Needs assessment committee
named, H 4/16/86 p9
Ahearn, James
350 attend service for James
Ahearn, H 3/5/86 p6
James Ahearn, 54, was police
chief in New Haven, H 3/3/86
Ahern, Sister Nancy
Two Sisters join St. Joe's, H
8/12/86 p18
Ahl, Peter
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Doctors paint grim picture about
AIDS cure [photo], H 12/5/86
Education top priority of newly
established AIDS task force,
H 6/20/86 p1+
Funds raised for home for AIDS
victims, H 12/17/86 p13+
Home rejects teen exposed to
AIDS, H 4/24/86 p13+
Norwalk among nine cities to get
grants to open AIDS clinics,
H 6/23/86 p6
Wilton school board approves
policy on AIDS, H 6/20/86
High number of AIDS cases
reported: 17 in Norwalk since
1980, H 11/17/86 p9
AIDS-Study and teachingNorwalk
City receives funds for AIDS
education, H 5/8/86 p9
AIDS-Study and teaching-Wilton
School board starts work on
AIDS policy, H 1/10/86 p9+
AIDS policy vote on board
schedule, H 4/12/86 p13+
Westport board adopts AIDS
policy, H 4/15/86 p13
Westport drafts AIDS policy, H
3/28/86 p9
Westport school board debates
AIDS policy, H 4/1/86 p13
AIDS policy turned over to
counsel, H 4/11/86 p11+
Educators to examine AIDS
policy in Wilton, H 4/7/86
Victims' rights stressed in Wilton
AIDS policy, H 5/9/86 p13
Wilton officials work on school
AIDS policy, H 2/4/86 p9+
Aikenhead, Mary
Six from area attend Creative
Youth Center, H 8/12/86 p21
Air Express International Corp.
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p19+
Meeting planned to air concerns
over factory, H 8/13/86 p11
Airlines-Hijacking. SEE
Norwalk woman safe after
escaping plane, H 9/6/86 p1+
Alarms, Burglar. SEE BURGLAR
Alarms, False. SEE FALSE
Ex-Alaskans get a culture shock
here [photo], H 10/20/86 p15
Albert D. Phelps Inc.
Merritt 7's developer buys land in
Danbury, H 3/14/86 p1+
Albertson Sharp Ewing Inc.
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86
p25+, H 9/9/86 p17+
Alcide Corp.
Strictly Business, H 9/2/86 p28
Alcohol abuse. SEE
Alcohol and Drug Awareness
Program of Weston Inc.
Name change announced by
alcohol panel, H 11/24/86
Alcohol Awareness Program of
Weston Inc.
Drug fact booklet to be distrubted
by Weston group, H 4/21/86
Drug identification kits given to
school system in Weston
[photo], H 1/28/86 p9
Name change announced by
alcohol panel, H 11/24/86
Review requested of alcohol
ruling, H 1/9/86 p9+
Alcohol intoxication. SEE
Alcohol possession-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Liquor confiscated
at beach, H 8/2/86 p8
Drug use studied in Weston, H
4/15/86 p13+
Weston officials planning `Be
High on Life Week' [photo], H
4/2/86 p13+
Alcoholic beverage control. SEE
Alcoholism and Drug
Dependency Council
`Safe Holiday Cards' being
distributed in county, H
12/11/86 p14
2 council staffers attend NY
seminar [photo], H 11/22/86
Alcoholism Council of MidFairfield County Inc.
Alcoholism agency plans film
fest, H 1/28/86 p9
Alcoholism Council adds to staff
[photo], H 10/24/86 p27
Alcoholism Council program to
combat alcohol use by
children, H 8/14/86 p29+
Alcoholism council to change
name, H 12/24/86 p19+
Council boosting FAS effort, H
1/11/86 p13+
Drug awareness day scheduled
by the Alcoholism Council, H
9/25/86 p35
New officers announced by
council, H 2/11/86 p9+
Staff members named by council
[photo], H 10/31/86 p55
Alcoholism Council program to
combat alcohol use by
children, H 8/14/86 p29+
Teen alcohol use issue called
community problem in
Weston [photo], H 6/10/86
Weston school officials face
discussion of alcohol
problem, H 6/7/86 p13+
Westport officials seek solution to
alcohol/drug abuse problem,
H 2/22/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Alcosser, Lois
Administrator named for survey
on needs, H 3/3/86 p9+
Alden, John
Alden elected chairman of
Weston board, H 1/15/86 p9+
Aleem, Syed A.
Aleem is added to NCC faculty, H
8/21/86 p6
Alington, Philip
Businessmen come to aid of
carrier [photo], H 3/1/86 p1+
Carrier's new bike is stolen, H
3/7/86 p1+
News carrier presented with 2nd
new bicycle [photo], H
3/13/86 p16
Norwalkers open hearts to news
carrier, H 3/8/86 p1+
All Brite Car Wash
Grand opening of All Brite
[photo], H 2/4/86 p16
Allen, Eric C.
Allen named hospital VP [photo],
H 10/27/86 p33
Allen, Fred T.
Chairman honored by research
group [photo], H 1/14/86 p9
Allington, David
Jury selection beginning in
attendant's stabbing, H
10/29/86 p8
Allison, Gordon F.
Gordon F. Allison, 71, dies:
Cofounder of Town Players,
H 9/23/86 p6
Allison, Marya
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Almeida, Miguel
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Alpha Associates
Firm sells 12-story structure, H
1/10/86 p1+
AlphaGraphics Printshops
Printshop of the future opens
[photo], H 12/9/86 p23
Altieri, John L.
Altieri is named engineering
fellow, H 3/11/86 p22
Altman, Robert
TV mini-series by Rowayton
producer: Christopher
Plummer to star [photo], H
3/17/86 p13+
Amax Inc.
Amax Inc. future is in gold, H
12/4/86 p17
Amazing Stores
Mr. Amazing opens 5th store
[photo], H 11/11/86 p15
American Association of Retired
Persons. SEE AARP
American Brands Inc.
Company tries to buy
Chesebrough's stock, H
12/1/86 p15
American Can Co.
American Can has a buyer, H
8/12/86 p38
American Equine Products Inc.
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p19+
American Field Service. SEE
American Heart Association
Forming new unit [photo], H
1/27/86 p29
Teachers are students in inservice courses: Spirit of the
community [photo], H 1/22/86
American Legion Post 12Norwalk
Legion commander supports
Reagan's stand on terrorism
[photo], H 4/19/86 p1
Life membership award
presented [photo], H 10/8/86
American Red Cross-Darien
Red Cross chapter honors 75
volunteers at picnic, H
7/24/86 p17
American Red Cross-NorwalkWilton Chapter
Agency seeks $11,400 [photo], H
4/1/86 p10
Red Cross recognizes its
sponsors [photo], H 9/12/86
Shelter ready after storm: Few
show up, H 11/21/86 p29+
American Wool Works
Wool Works opens [photo], H
9/29/86 p20
Americans for Drug and Alcohol
Abuse Prevention and
Treatment. SEE ADAPT
AmeriCares Foundation
AmeriCares dispatching aid
[photo], H 5/10/86 p1
AmeriCares is thanked by
archbishop, H 9/15/86 p10
AmeriCares sends aid to quake
victims, H 10/29/86 p39
AmeriCares slates N-aid for
Poland, H 5/6/86 p1+
AmeriCares to send supplies to
Lebanon, H 12/17/86 p14
Amnesty International Group 79
Amnesty International to stage
write-a-thon on Saturday, H
12/12/86 p36
Amnesty International's 25th
observed here with musicale
[photo], H 7/8/86 p13
Write-a-thon labeled a success
by group [photo], H 12/17/86
Amoco Oil Co.
Oil company suing ZBA in
Westport, H 6/14/86 p13+
Amos, Dewey A.
New housemaster at Brien
McMahon [photo], H
11/29/86 p1+
Anastasia, Ed
Sportsmen cite Ed Anastasia
[photo], H 5/20/86 p24
Anastasia, Gerald
Anastasia replaces Whalen
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Anastasia, Lawrence J.
138th District features two-man
battle: Anastasia is confident
but cautious [photo], H
10/28/86 p1+
Anastasia gets endorsement, H
10/7/86 p6
Anastasia, safety panel head,
calls for marked police cars,
H 11/24/86 p21
Democrats send four to
assembly: Republican
Esposito survives tide
[photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Two from Norwalk appointed to
chair leglislative committees
[photo], H 11/20/86 p1+
Anchor Group
Anchor Group buys HQ in
Westport [photo], H 3/4/86
Anchor is forerunner of festival
[photo p1], H 7/28/86 p9
Ancient Order of Hibernians
100 play in AOH/Johnson event
[photo], H 6/4/86 p16
Hibernians alter name of chapter,
H 9/17/86 p6
Hibernians change name of
chapter [photo], H 9/22/86 p6
Officers chosen, H 1/8/86 p6
Young writers receive awards
[photo], H 3/4/86 p30, H
3/7/86 p6
Anderson, Jeff
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86 p16
Anderson, Kevin
Body found, identified as fireman,
H 4/15/86 p6
Firefighter is jump suspect, H
2/14/86 p1+
Anderson, Rosemeri
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
January - December 1986
Anderson, Rudd
Around the Towns: Anderson
awarded scholarship, H
8/5/86 p12
Andre, Peg
Andre to be Democratic registrar,
H 9/3/86 p33+
Angeline M. Post School
CES to continue leasing Post
School: Proposed purchase
delayed, H 9/16/86 p35+
P & Z favors sale of Post School,
H 10/7/86 p11+
School sale opposed, H 9/23/86
Animals In Distress
AID opens modern shelter for
wayward felines [photo], H
12/6/86 p25+
Animals, Treatment of
AID opens modern shelter for
wayward felines [photo], H
12/6/86 p25+
Ann St.-Norwalk
SoNo fate hinges on purchase of
railyards, Olcott declares, H
10/7/86 p6
State DOT aide optimistic over
railyard sale to Norwalk, H
10/10/86 p10
Walls of house yield bottles by
the bushel [photo], H 5/28/86
Anson Rd.-Norwalk
Sunday explosion rocks Anson
Road residence, H 5/27/86 p6
Antique dealers-Darien
Striped Zebra anniversary
[photo], H 5/13/86 p33
Striped Zebra sells pieces of the
past: Hobby becomes a
business [photo], H 4/24/86
Antique dealers-Wilton
Bulldozers have been following
antiques dealer around the
area [photo], H 8/23/86 p13+
Antique shops. SEE ANTIQUE
Apartments. SEE ALSO NAME
Carver tenants end dispute with
owners, H 11/19/86 p1+
City apartment complex sold:
Condo conversion in offing?,
H 12/18/86 p24
Elderly tenants charge landlord
wants them out, H 6/13/86
Renters balk over changes at
complex, H 3/27/86 p1+
Wilton apiarist finds happiness on
the wing [photo], H 3/29/86
Apollo Negative Services
Strictly Business, H 8/5/86 p23+
Apple Festival
Fifth Apple Festival is coming on
weekend [photo], H 10/20/86
United Nations honored at
Westport Apple Fest, H
10/23/86 p26
Westport to welcome visitors to
fifth annual Apple Festival, H
10/24/86 p27
Apulia Restaurant
Grand opening, Apulia
Restaurant [photo], H 3/4/86
Board considers joining
arbitration fight, H 10/10/86
Collins lauds Darien for
arbitration action, H 2/28/86
p6, H 2/3/86 p1+
Health District settles contact
(sic) dispute: Nurses get
three-year pact, H 2/4/86 p9
Highway Department files for
mediation in dispute, H
3/25/86 p11
School panel won't back legal
battle, H 11/20/86 p20
Teacher pact in arbitration, H
12/13/86 p13
Arbor Day
Officials plant gifts from state on
Arbor Day [photo], H 4/26/86
Town to mark Arbor Day by
planting trees, H 4/24/86
Architects-New Canaan
Architect's glass house given to
historic trust, H 12/27/86
Area architect one of six winners
[drawing], H 11/4/86 p17
Norwalk firm coordinating the
planning of new YWCA
[photo], H 12/2/86 p29
Roger Ferris has award for
architecture, H 11/22/86 p23
Cease and desist order sparks
ethics discussion in Town
Hall, H 5/9/86 p13
Town officials end probe on delay
for zoning order, H 5/15/86
Wilton firm finishes museum
addition [photo], H 12/20/86
Armed forces-Local members
Cadet trains for pilot's wings
[photo], H 11/12/86 p25+
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6, H
5/20/86 p6, H 7/26/86 p15, H
7/31/86 p12, H 8/1/86 p6, H
8/1/86 p8, H 8/1/86 p11, H
8/2/86 p12, H 8/2/86 p19, H
8/6/86 p8, H 8/14/86 p6, H
8/15/86 p6, H 9/10/86 p13, H
11/20/86 p34, H 11/22/86
p14, H 11/22/86 p19
Local man is promoted [photo], H
2/19/86 p10
Norwalker retired from USAF, H
11/17/86 p20
Reservist given medal [photo], H
9/3/86 p34
Specialist's mission is supplying
troops [photo], H 5/27/86 p10
Students nominated, H 2/3/86
U.S.M.C. Commission [photo], H
8/28/86 p36
Arrests-Alcohol abuse-Westport
Police Blotter: Man found asleep
in car charged, H 10/20/86 p8
Arrests-Alcohol possessionMinors-Weston
Party leads to arrest of teen-ager,
H 8/20/86 p13+
Police Blotter: Liquor possession
is charged, H 8/5/86 p8
Weston police stage raid at
teenage drinking party, H
7/2/86 p1+
Arrests-Alcohol possessionMinors-Westport
Police Blotter: Minors facing
alcohol charges, H 9/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen arrested on
alcohol charge, H 9/22/86 p8,
H 10/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen charged at
Westport party, H 9/3/86 p8
Arrests-Alcohol possessionMinors-Wilton
Police Blotter: Alcohol
possession is charged, H
8/27/86 p8
Arrests-Alcohol possessionNorwalk
Police Blotter: Minors are
arrested, H 4/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Minors face liquor
charges, H 4/7/86 p8
January - December 1986
Arrests-Alcohol violationsNorwalk
Police Blotter: Liquor seized
during raid, H 1/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pool hall is raided,
H 1/29/86 p8
Attorney seeking insanity
defense for suspect in
Norwalk arson case, H
12/3/86 p12
Evaluation of suspect is allowed,
H 12/10/86 p20
Judge rejects plea to drop bond
for home firebombing
suspect, H 9/25/86 p10
Norwalk woman pleads not guilty
to arson charges on
Thursday, H 11/14/86 p9
Woman arrested on arson
charge, H 9/19/86 p6
Ex-dispatcher gets probation on
arson count, H 7/25/86 p1+
Weston dispatcher arrested for
fires at police station, H
7/7/86 p1+
Arraignment is set for bank
official charged with hiring
cyclists for arson, H 2/3/86
Banker released on bond [photo],
H 2/4/86 p1+
Westport bank V. P. charged with
arson, H 2/1/86 p1+
12 jurors, 4 alternates picked in
Darien felony murder trial, H
4/9/86 p17
Police report incidents at service
area, H 12/17/86 p20
2 arrested in assault of manager,
H 6/11/86 p6
2 men beaten in hallway at
Roodner Court, H 6/4/86 p6
City police are accused of
brutality, H 6/21/86 p1+
Family dispute destined for
superior court, H 6/7/86 p1
Man enters guilty plea in
Christmas shooting, H
2/20/86 p26
Man held in assault, H 8/15/86 p6
Norwalk man misses court, H
11/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 arrested after
fight, H 6/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 arrested in
assault, H 6/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Apartment fight
ends in arrests, H 11/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Argument ends
with assault charge, H
12/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Assault arrest
made, H 2/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Assault with car
alleged, H 3/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Domestic tiff nets
arrest, H 1/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: First-degree
assault, H 10/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Four charged after
brawl, H 5/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested for
slapping daughter, H
12/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested in
domestic dispute, H 11/5/86
Police Blotter: Man assaulted at
shelter, H 5/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged after
chase, H 12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
attack, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
assault, H 9/12/86 p8, H
11/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
attacking youth, H 5/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
threatening, H 8/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man held after
argument, H 2/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man held for
assault, H 2/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man is charged in
assault, H 7/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed in
assault on woman, H 5/9/86
Police Blotter: Man stabbed
during robbery, H 3/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man stabbed with
broken bottle, H 4/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorists engage
in brawl, H 10/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: N. Carolina man
arrested, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pair charged in
home incident, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police jail man in
beating, H 4/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Second man
arrested in assault, H 3/11/86
Police Blotter: Teen-ager
charged with assault, H
10/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three arrested
after scuffle, H 2/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three men
arrested after fight, H 3/22/86
Police Blotter: Two are arrested
after fight, H 6/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two arrested after
fight, H 4/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged
after altercation, H 7/31/86 p9
Police Blotter: Woman nabbed in
robbery, assault, H 7/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Women charged in
fight, H 2/22/86 p8
Police charge man in child's
stabbing, H 8/25/86 p6
Two girls suspended, one named
in stabbing, H 2/28/86 p1+
Two nabbed in beating of
manager, H 8/23/86 p1+
Woman charged with assault in
incident at home, H 5/27/86
Youth status is accorded to
student, H 4/3/86 p6
Police Blotter: Arrested after
domestic dispute, H 9/29/86
Police Blotter: Attack with shovel
alleged, H 7/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man assaulted in
Weston, H 9/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man faces assault
charges, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Student charged
with assault, H 3/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens are arrested
in Weston, H 7/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two claim assault
in Weston, H 5/5/86 p8
Four nabbed after brawl, H
6/12/86 p23
Police Blotter: Aisle argument
leads to arrest, H 12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man bites
Westport officer, H 4/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged after
altercation, H 3/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westporter
charged with assault, H
12/16/86 p8
Woman assaulted at eatery, H
12/8/86 p1+
Gant plea innocent in Wilton
assault, H 6/25/86 p19
Judge won't lower bond in
assault, H 7/16/86 p9
Plea to be filed by Wilton woman,
H 7/19/86 p13+
Police Blotter: Fight ends in
arrest of husband, H 6/28/86
Police Blotter: Man charged after
altercation, H 10/4/86 p8
January - December 1986
Police Blotter: Man charged with
assaulting wife, H 2/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tennis court
altercation reported, H
10/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged in
altercation, H 7/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two cited in dog
dilemma, H 12/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youths charged
after ruckus, H 7/26/86 p8
Arrests-Automobile theft-Darien
Police Blotter: Van reported
stolen in Darien, H 9/9/86 p8
Arrests-Automobile theftNorwalk
Accused car thief arraigned in
Norwalk, H 7/2/86 p6
Police Blotter: Car theft alleged,
H 5/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Duo charged in car
theft, H 8/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Four held in car
theft, H 3/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
auto theft, H 12/3/86 p8
Arrests-Bomb threats-Wilton
Police Blotter: 12-year-old is
charged, H 10/22/86 p8
Arrests-Breach of peace-Norwalk
Police Blotter: 2 arrested at
hospital, H 6/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 arrested after
brawl, H 8/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Assault with car
alleged, H 3/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Breach of peace
charged to man, H 3/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fired worker
arrested, H 10/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged after
incident, H 10/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
breach of peace, H 7/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Merchant
complaint spurs arrest, H
5/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Quarrel leads to 2
arrests, H 5/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Six charged in
fight, H 6/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Struggle ends with
arrest, H 1/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens in fight at
school, H 12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Toy gun leads to
arrest, H 8/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged after
fight, H 5/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Women charged in
fight, H 2/22/86 p8
Three arrested in fake gun
incident, H 7/29/86 p6
Two arrested after scuffle, H
10/11/86 p8
Arrests-Breach of peaceWestport
Police Blotter: Disturbance
reported at store, H 12/22/86
Police Blotter: Wilton man
arrested after fight, H
12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth arrested at
Compo Beach, H 7/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bribery at beach
alleged, H 7/5/86 p8
Arrests-Child abuse-Norwalk
Woman faces 2 charges of child
abuse, H 2/21/86 p6
Justice allegedly agreed to hold
sham marriage, H 5/3/86 p6
Police Blotter: Pair are charged in
hoax, H 2/8/86 p6
Police Blotter: Two girls charged
in conspiracy, H 5/19/86 p8
Arrests-Criminal lockout-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Landlords charged
in `lockouts', H 2/15/86 p8
Arrests-Criminal mischiefNorwalk
Police Blotter: Charges filed in
school incident, H 2/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: False alarms
blamed on teen, H 12/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vehicles damaged
by youth, H 8/16/86 p8
Arrests-Criminal mischiefWeston
2 teens plead innocent in cross
burning, H 9/6/86 p10
Fifth suspect apprehended, H
9/15/86 p9
Five teens charged in burning of
cross, H 8/27/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Criminal mischief
charged, H 10/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Criminal mischief
is alleged, H 5/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Criminal mischief
is charged, H 11/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Criminal mischief
is reported, H 7/10/86 p9
Police Blotter: Man charged in
vandalism of cars, H 7/1/86
Police charge four in vandalism
spree, H 9/12/86 p1+
Police say vandalism involved
two towns, H 8/29/86 p29+
Teens arrested for entering
house, H 12/9/86 p16
Arrests-Criminal mischiefWestport
4 youths nabbed for vandalism, H
12/26/86 p6
Police Blotter: Arrest follows
wreath destruction, H
12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westport teen
nabbed for mischief, H
11/12/86 p8
Arrests-Criminal trespassNorwalk
Police Blotter: Burglary, trespass
charges filed, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged after
fight, H 5/5/86 p8
Soccer players arrested after
parking lot dispute, H
10/20/86 p11
Arrests-Criminal trespassWeston
Police Blotter: 11 arrested for
trespassing, H 3/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens charged
with trespass, H 3/17/86 p8
Arrests-Criminal trespassWestport
Authorities identify youths at
party, H 12/4/86 p26
Police Blotter: 28 teens arrested
at party, H 12/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 spotted on
crane, arrested, H 6/23/86 p8
Three teens are charged in
trespass, H 9/3/86 p10
Trio charged in dangling of
dummies, H 9/3/86 p1+
Was it a crime or just a prank?
[letter], H 9/9/86 p5
Arrests-Cruelty to animalsNorwalk
Man asks rehabilitation in
hanging of spaniel, H
11/14/86 p14
Police Blotter: Man allegedly
hung dog, H 11/4/86 p8
Arrests-Disorderly conductNorwalk
Mace, dog are used to subdue
city man, H 6/30/86 p9
Police Blotter: 2 charged after
dispute, H 12/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Arrest made in
emergency room, H 6/14/86
Police Blotter: Couple arrested
after squabble, H 11/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Gun incident
reported, H 5/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Misconduct at
party alleged, H 6/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: N. Y. man charged
with indecency, H 1/11/86 p8
January - December 1986
Arrests-Disorderly conductWeston
Man attempts hanging, Weston
police report, H 11/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weston youth
charged, H 2/11/86 p8
Arrests-Disorderly conductWestport
Police Blotter: Dinner date ends
in an arrest, H 7/28/86 p8
Arrests-Disorderly conductWilton
Police Blotter: Wilton man
arrested, H 1/28/86 p8
Westporter testifies at Zaccaro's
hearing, H 6/3/86 p13+
Police arrest two men on drug
charges, H 7/2/86 p12
Police Blotter: Duo is charged in
Darien, H 8/26/86 p9
Police Blotter: Two charged with
having cocaine, H 6/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman arrested
on drug charges, H 6/10/86
Police Blotter: Youth charged in
drug counts, H 6/3/86 p8
Three charged with possession
of drugs, H 9/16/86 p36
Arrests-Drugs-New Canaan
4 drug arrests are made at postprom party in park, H 6/16/86
2 plead guilty to drug counts: In
Columbus School case, H
7/1/86 p6
2 plead guilty to sale of cocaine
in Norwalk, H 6/4/86 p19
3 nabbed for drug dealings, H
6/5/86 p6
4th man sentenced for drug
trafficking, H 8/5/86 p7
5 arrested for selling narcotics by
school, H 3/20/86 p1+
Administrative hearing is set for
arrested NPD employee, H
10/17/86 p11
Alleged dealer charged in death
by overdose, H 11/11/86 p1+
Cage star nabbed on drug count,
H 6/6/86 p1+
City drug raid nets two arrests, H
7/5/86 p8
City employees plead not guilty
on drugs, H 10/25/86 p1+
Companion is charged in
woman's drug death, H
11/10/86 p1+
Drug raid nets two city
employees, H 10/15/86 p1+
Drug raid suspect in hospital, H
10/17/86 p1+
Fifth person pleads guilty in drug
case, H 6/13/86 p28
Four city residents nabbed in
drug raids, H 8/29/86 p6
Man charged with selling of
narcotics, H 9/12/86 p6
Man gets 10-year sentence on
drug possession conviction,
H 11/26/86 p16
Man gets jail for drug sale near
school, H 8/6/86 p10
Norwalk resident faces drug
counts, H 6/12/86 p6
Officer bitten during struggle, H
7/21/86 p8
Pair arrested on drug charges, H
11/13/86 p22
Police Blotter: 2 arrested in raid,
H 5/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 caught with
cocaine, H 1/13/86 p6
Police Blotter: 2 charged after
raids, H 10/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 nabbed in drug
raid, H 1/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 nabbed on drug
counts, H 11/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 nabbed on drug
counts, H 4/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 narcotics arrests
made, H 4/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Alleged drug sale
brings arrest, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Alleged drug sales
prompt arrest, H 5/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Boy charged on
marijuana counts, H 5/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bridgeporter
scraped by bullet, H 12/22/86
Police Blotter: Chase ends in
man's arrest, H 10/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: City, Stamford
man nabbed, H 5/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug arrest made
in court, H 6/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug counts filed
against two, H 4/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug possession
charged, H 4/25/86 p8, H
9/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug probe ends
in arrest, H 4/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug sale alleged,
H 10/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Four nabbed on
drug counts, H 10/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Liquor seized
during raid, H 1/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Localite nabbed on
drug counts, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested after
struggle, H 10/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested on
marijuana charge, H 5/2/86
Police Blotter: Man arrested on
narcotics charge, H 10/13/86
Police Blotter: Man charged with
sales, H 5/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man faces drug
charges, H 10/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed on
drug warrant, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed on
variety of charges, H
10/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Marijuana
possession is alleged, H
9/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Narcotics arrest
made, H 2/5/86 p6
Police Blotter: Narcotics charges
are filed, H 1/25/86 p8, H
2/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Narcotics charges
filed, H 2/27/86 p8, H 4/29/86
Police Blotter: Narcotics
possession is charged, H
1/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker
arraigned on charges, H
2/8/86 p6
Police Blotter: Norwalker faces
charges, H 4/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker faces
four charges, H 2/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalkers
charged in drug counts, H
6/30/86 p9
Police Blotter: Police allege
possession of narcotics, H
6/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police announce
four drug arrests, H 5/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police spot sword,
arrest driver, H 1/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Risk of injury
charge filed, H 1/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Substance sale
arrest made, H 1/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Suspect flees, is
caught, H 7/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen arrested on
drug charges, H 3/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens charged
with taking stereos, H 3/7/86
Police Blotter: Teens nabbed for
drug possession, H 11/28/86
Police Blotter: Three arrested
after raid, H 4/21/86 p8
January - December 1986
Police Blotter: Three await
arraignment, H 6/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three stopped,
charged by police, H 11/3/86
Police Blotter: Trio nabbed on
drug charges, H 8/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Unit makes drug
arrests, H 5/24/86 p8
Police ending car-coke probe, H
2/20/86 p1
Police unit makes four drug
arrests, H 4/30/86 p6
Residents credited with aid in
arrests, H 6/9/86 p8
Sentencing of three concludes
drug case, H 8/26/86 p7
South Norwalker is arraigned on
marijuana charges, H 5/6/86
Suspected coke dealer free on
bond, H 10/22/86 p8
Taylor Avenue home raide: Guns
and ammunition seized
[photo], H 3/5/86 p12
Three are charged with drug
counts, H 6/11/86 p1+
Three held, two released in drug
case, H 3/21/86 p6
Three sentenced on drug
charges, H 7/15/86 p9
Trial is set for suspects in drug
sale, H 4/3/86 p10
Two plead guilty in drug case, H
6/3/86 p1+
Woman arrested in raid gains
release on bond, H 5/31/86
Deer hunt stakeout nets cocaine
suspect, H 12/10/86 p6
Police Blotter: 2 men face drug
counts, H 5/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 teens charged in
Weston, H 8/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug charges are
filed, H 6/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen nabbed on
marijuana count, H 5/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen-agers
charged in Weston, H
11/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weston man
facing drug charges, H
7/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug possession
by 2 alleged, H 7/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug, weapons
charges filed, H 7/22/86 p9
Police Blotter: Westport youths
arrested, H 9/29/86 p8
Police nab woman in drug raid, H
5/30/86 p1+
State police seize heroin, arrest
man, H 9/12/86 p8
Narcotics raid nabs Wilton duo, H
9/15/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 2 in court on drug
charges, H 7/22/86 p9
Police Blotter: Bethel man
nabbed in Wilton, H 1/14/86
Police Blotter: Bridgeporter
nabbed in Wilton, H 4/28/86
Police Blotter: Drug charges are
lodged, H 9/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
Wilton, H 4/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ridgefield man
faces charges, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged with
drug possession, H 2/15/86
Police Blotter: Weapon
possession is charged, H
8/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wreck brings
varied other charges, H
12/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth is charged
at Wilton High School, H
3/24/86 p8
Arrests-Drunk driving-Darien
Darien man charged in fatal
crash, H 6/24/86 p6
Police Blotter: DWI charge is filed
in Darien, H 9/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested after
incident, H 6/17/86 p8
Arrests-Drunk driving-New
New Canaanite imprisoned in
drunk-driving death, H
8/26/86 p6
Police Blotter: Car is driven into
condominium, H 8/30/86 p8
Arrests-Drunk driving-Norwalk
City man is arrested after chase,
H 9/8/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Accident brings
charges, H 1/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: DWI charge filed
after crash, H 7/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: DWI charge filed in
crash, H 3/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Incident brings
DWI charge, H 1/13/86 p6
Police Blotter: Motorist is
arrested, H 8/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: New Yorker
charged with DWI, H 8/8/86
Police Blotter: Norwalker charged
in accident, H 5/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker to
answer 3 charges, H
12/23/86 p8
Arrests-Drunk driving-Weston
Police Blotter: Driver charged in
Weston, H 5/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver nabbed in
Weston, H 4/1/86 p6
Police Blotter: Drivers charged in
Weston, H 2/18/86 p6
Police Blotter: Man charged on
DWI count, H 8/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man, 60, faces
DWI charge, H 3/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ridgefield driver
charged, H 4/7/86 p8
Woman turns herself in in death
case, H 8/21/86 p6
Woman, 26 convicted in auto
death, H 12/2/86 p13+
Arrests-Drunk driving-Westport
Crash puts man in hospital, H
7/25/86 p30
Innocent plea entered, H 9/13/86
Meyer: Change needed on
roadblocks, H 1/2/86 p29+
Motorist is found innocent of
charge, H 11/5/86 p43
Pedestrian killed by car in
Westport, H 4/26/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 3 nabbed at
roadblock, H 11/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Charges filed
following crash, H 12/22/86
Police Blotter: Crash results in
DWI charge, H 11/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver nabbed in
Westport, H 2/19/86 p6
Police Blotter: Drunk driving
alleged, H 9/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drunk driving
arrests reported, H 12/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drunk driving
charge is filed, H 9/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drunk driving
charged, H 9/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Erratic driving
leads to arrest, H 12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged after
crash, H 12/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man hit with DWI
charge, H 11/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man treated after
collision, H 12/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Milford woman
charged with DWI, H 11/3/86
Police Blotter: Norwalker nabbed
for DWI, H 8/18/86 p8
January - December 1986
Arrests-Drunk driving-Westport
Police Blotter: Norwalker nabbed
in Westport, H 3/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Redding driver
arrested, H 2/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three face DWI
charges, H 12/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Waterbury man
charged with DWI, H 7/28/86
Police Blotter: Weston man is
charged with DWI, H
11/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westporter
charged with DWI, H 4/11/86
Police make three arrests, H
11/10/86 p8
Three nabbed in crackdown, H
6/20/86 p6
Arrests-Drunk driving-Wilton
Police Blotter: Danbury man
charged with DWI, H 10/3/86
Police Blotter: Driver charged in
Wilton, H 2/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: DWI charge is
filed, H 11/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorists are
charged with DWI, H
11/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton driver, 16,
charged, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton man facing
DWI charge, H 9/22/86 p8
Ex-Vitam worker charged with
embezzlement, H 7/23/86 p1+
Judge doubles bond for local
man charged in theft from
Vitam, H 7/24/86 p1+
Vitam praised for prompt action,
H 7/24/86 p1+
Milford woman arrested on
embezzlement charges, H
2/14/86 p45+
Arrests-Evading responsibilityNorwalk
Police Blotter: Pedestrian
incident filed, H 2/19/86 p6
Toddler hurt when struck by
motorcycle, H 8/20/86 p6
Arrests-Evading responsibilityWilton
Police Blotter: N. Y. woman
charged after wreck, H
11/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton driver
charged, H 5/19/86 p8
Arrests-Failure to cross at
Police Blotter: Woman struck,
charged, H 3/18/86 p8
Arrests-Failure to drive rightNorwalk
Police Blotter: Wilton man
charged in accident, H
12/15/86 p8
Arrests-Failure to drive rightWilton
Police Blotter: West Redding
man charged in wreck, H
7/3/86 p8
Arrests-Failure to face courtNorwalk
Miles charged with failure to face
court, H 10/8/86 p6
Arrests-Fire code violationsNorwalk
Man charged for violations of fire
code, H 8/12/86 p6
Suspect in firebombing to
undergo evaluation, H
10/16/86 p24
Localite fined in case of fireworks
`factory', H 8/5/86 p6
Police Blotter: Firecracker toss
alleged, H 7/10/86 p9
Probation denied in fireworks
case, H 7/8/86 p24
Alleged forger seeks AR, H
12/12/86 p11
3 charged by police in scam, H
6/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ex-teller faces
charges, H 2/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Forgery is
charged, H 8/26/86 p9
Police Blotter: Man arrested on 8
forgery counts, H 6/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Scrip forging
alleged, H 9/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman captured
on check counts, H 6/27/86
Ten people are arrested during
motel party, H 1/22/86 p1
Two women are charged with
forgery, H 12/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Forged
prescription alleged, H
12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westporter faces
check counts, H 2/26/86 p8
College student charged in
forgeries, H 12/2/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Prescription
forgery is alleged, H 12/1/86
Police Blotter: Suspect nabbed in
Wilton, H 2/27/86 p8
Justice of peace pleads guilty, H
9/9/86 p10
Local woman pleads guilty to
conspiracy, H 9/12/86 p6
Police Blotter: Four arrested for
welfare fraud, H 4/23/86 p8
Sheppard's bond cut in Vitam
fraud case, H 8/6/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Fugitive arrested
after crash, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man faces fugitive
charges, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Gambling records
seized, H 10/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Names transposed
in report, H 12/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged
with harassment, H 12/2/86
Darien man charged in fatal
crash, H 6/24/86 p6
Arrests-Housing code violationsNorwalk
Squad says landlord violated
city's codes, H 6/18/86 p18
Arrests-Indecent exposureNorwalk
Police Blotter: Alleged exposure
brings arrest, H 5/27/86 p8
Arrests-Interfering with an
Police Blotter: Man nabbed after
struggle, H 3/11/86 p8
Arrests-Interfering with an
Police Blotter: Wilton man
charged, H 5/19/86 p8
10 years in prison for Aaron, H
3/5/86 p1+
Charges against Darien teenager will not be separated for
his trial, H 9/16/86 p11
Charges upgraded for teen in
rapes, H 3/4/86 p1+
2 plead innocent to holding man
hostage: Pre-trial hearing set
June 5, H 5/21/86 p11
Bond dropped for kidnapping
suspect, H 7/5/86 p6
Bond reduced for teen in kidnap
case, H 8/5/86 p6
January - December 1986
Guardsman pleads not guilty in
kidnapping count, H 7/16/86
Judge refuses to lower suspect's
bond, H 11/26/86 p18
Missing tapes are needed for
appeal-Counsel, H 9/6/86 p11
One of trio is sentenced in
kidnapping, H 5/15/86 p6
Police Blotter: Kidnapping charge
filed, H 7/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: N. Carolina man
arrested, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Suspects identity
revealed, H 5/3/86 p8
Police probe links burglary
suspects to seven break-ins,
H 5/6/86 p1+
Teen pleads not guilty, H 8/27/86
Two hostage holders sentenced,
H 9/10/86 p10
Woman is charged in '83
kidnapping, H 12/16/86 p16
Woman pleads guilty to lesser
charges, H 4/3/86 p10
Police accuse 2 men of larceny,
H 6/10/86 p6
Police Blotter: Man charged with
larceny, H 10/28/86 p8
2 ex-cops file pleas of guilty, H
7/11/86 p1+
Bond pleads not guilty in check
scam, H 12/31/86 p9
Ex-officer is granted
rehabilitation, H 4/23/86 p6
Ex-policeman files request for
probation, H 4/24/86 p1+
Ex-Vitam worker charged with
embezzlement, H 7/23/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Alleged limo thief
arrested, H 12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Check larceny is
alleged, H 2/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Computer theft
alleged, H 10/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Department store
larceny alleged, H 6/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Escapee captured
by police, H 12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ex-teller faces
charges, H 2/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fleeing suspect is
nabbed, H 11/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Larceny at store
alleged, H 5/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested in
auto, H 9/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
bad check spree, H 2/24/86
Police Blotter: Man is arrested in
boat theft, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man is charged in
7 larcenies, H 4/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man is charged in
larceny, H 12/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed on
larceny count, H 6/11/86 p6
Police Blotter: Suspect nabbed in
theft, H 3/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two men charged
with larceny, H 3/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wanted man
nabbed here, H 4/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged
on several counts, H 7/12/86
Police Blotter: Woman charged
with larceny, H 1/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman nabbed at
store, H 3/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Women nabbed in
fracas, H 3/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth faces many
charges, H 2/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth nabbed in
larceny, H 4/22/86 p8
Store security guards nab New
Jersey man, H 9/12/86 p6
2 teens are given probation, H
7/17/86 p10
Police Blotter: Bridgeporter
arrested in Weston, H 8/1/86
Police Blotter: Woman held on
check charge, H 2/20/86 p8
Two cases are removed from
record, H 1/2/86 p8
Arrest spurs $1M-plus suit, H
2/11/86 p1+
Judge denies probation for
Westport teen, H 2/25/86 p12
Police Blotter: Bridgeporter
charged with larceny, H
10/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
tire theft, H 12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police charge man
with larceny, H 3/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Southport man
nabbed in boot theft, H
12/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens charged
with shoplifting, H 11/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westonite charged
with larceny, H 9/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westporter faces
check counts, H 2/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged in
cigarette theft, H 12/5/86 p8
Police use footprint to nab
suspect, H 8/19/86 p29+
Three suspects arrested
following shoplifting spree, H
7/22/86 p6
Westport police arrest teen-agers
following high-speed auto
chase, H 12/4/86 p26
Westporter is sentenced to 30
days, H 7/1/86 p26
2 ex-cops give pleas of innocent,
H 4/9/86 p1+
2 Wilton policemen faces
charges of embezzlement, H
2/28/86 p1+
Detective will face extra count, H
4/8/86 p15+
Police Blotter: New Yorker
charged in larceny, H 4/12/86
Police Blotter: Norwalk woman
faces larceny charge, H
12/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker is
charged in larceny, H 5/31/86
Police Blotter: Stratford man
nabbed in larceny, H 9/22/86
Police Blotter: Teens reportedly
kidnapped Santa, H 12/17/86
Police Blotter: Two allegedly took
cash, checks, H 4/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vehicle theft is
alleged, H 3/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton youth
arrested for larceny, H
12/8/86 p8
Probation sought in PBA larceny
case, H 5/8/86 p11
Arrests-Liquor violationsNorwalk
Police Blotter: 6 liquor arrests
made, H 4/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two arrested at
market, H 4/2/86 p6
Police Blotter: Neighbor cited for
leaf littering, H 11/17/86 p8
Arrests-Lobster violationsNorwalk
Police Blotter: Lobstermen are
charged, H 2/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth arrested
outside pharmacy, H
12/16/86 p8
Man enters not guilty plea in drug
death case, H 11/19/86 p22
January - December 1986
Innocent plea entered, H 9/13/86
Manslaughter charge filed in fatal
crash in Weston, H 6/20/86
Man killed on Route 7 during
fight, H 6/21/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Misrepresentation
is charged, H 8/27/86 p8
Arrests-Motor vehicle violationsNorwalk
Bus driver is charged in incident,
H 11/11/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 56 given speeding
tickets, H 5/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car hits pole,
Westporter injured, H 3/10/86
Police Blotter: Cyclist leads
police on chase, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver charged
after hitting 3 cars, H 4/4/86
Police Blotter: Man faces variety
of charges, H 9/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man issued traffic
citations, H 5/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police roadblock
nabs 2, H 3/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Routine incident
sparks charges, H 12/8/86 p8
Arrests-Motor vehicle violationsWeston
24 arrested at roadblocks, H
5/12/86 p9
Police Blotter: 2 charged after
high-speed chase, H 3/31/86
Police Blotter: Dump truck driver
charged, H 3/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed on
variety of charges, H 7/10/86
Police Blotter: Norwalker ticketed
in collision, H 5/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Speeding drivers
nabbed, H 5/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Stratford man
charged in accident, H 7/2/86
Police Blotter: Two motorcyclists
are charged, H 9/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weston youth
charged, H 5/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged
after accident, H 5/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman escapes
car crash, H 2/1/86 p8
Arrests-Motor vehicle violationsWestport
Bridgeport man faces 12 charges
after police chase, two-car
crash, H 6/17/86 p9
Police Blotter: Emission sticker
check nets 143, H 5/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fairfielder arrested
by police, H 10/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westport driver, 18
nabbed, H 5/22/86 p8
Police say victim was in middle of
the road, H 4/29/86 p9+
Arrests-Motor vehicle violationsWilton
Police Blotter: Man turned over to
Trumbull PD, H 9/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker arrested
after chase, H 11/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker charged
in Wilton, H 4/2/86 p6
Police Blotter: Teens arrested
after `joyride', H 10/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton driver
charged, H 3/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton makes
`seat belt' arrest, H 2/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth leads police
on chase, H 2/7/86 p8
Arrests-Motorcycle violationsWeston
Charges are filed in 'cycle
mishap, H 6/7/86 p13+
Police Blotter: Weston
motorcyclist charged, H
6/7/86 p8
Ex-Norwalker goes on trial in N.
Carolina for murder, H
6/25/86 p19
Arrests-Murder, AttemptedNorwalk
Judge lowers brothers' bond:
Charged with shooting, H
11/11/86 p14
Arrests-Murder, AttemptedWilton
Bond kept in Wilton burglary, H
6/14/86 p13+
Man held in alleged murder try, H
6/13/86 p1+
12 jurors, 4 alternates picked in
Darien felony murder trial, H
4/9/86 p17
Expert links sneakers to slay
suspect, H 5/1/86 p1+
Foot facts kept secret, H 2/15/86
Jury finds Hasan guilty of murder,
H 5/3/86 p1+
Jury picking started in murder
trial, H 4/1/86 p1+
Murder suspect's brother recalls
noticing brother wearing
sneakers, H 4/24/86 p26
Murdered man's son first witness
at trial, H 4/23/86 p1+
Norwalk man is appealing his
1985 murder conviction, H
12/20/86 p6
Verdict on Hasan weighed, H
5/2/86 p13
Arrests-Murder-New Canaan
Community shocked by arrest of
local men, H 12/15/86 p1+
Police: Stolen goods led to
suspects: Two face charges
in city court [photo], H
12/15/86 p1+
Suspect's bond is increased, H
12/16/86 p1+
Alleged dealer charged in death
by overdose, H 11/11/86 p1+
Bond is kept at $250,000 in OD
death, H 11/26/86 p9
City escapee's hearing set, H
1/28/86 p8
Companion is charged in
woman's drug death, H
11/10/86 p1+
Judge sets high bond on drug
death suspect, H 11/15/86 p8
Murder charges reduced, H
12/3/86 p1+
New arrest in Gay murder, H
11/14/86 p14
Norwalk man indicted in murder
try, H 3/6/86 p15
Suspect charged in murder, H
10/6/86 p1+
Decision on Falby supported, H
6/11/86 p37+
Extradition opposed by murder
suspect, H 7/26/86 p1+
Falby denied parole, H 6/10/86
Suspect had ties to gang, H
5/29/86 p1+
Wilton man pleads not guilty:
Murder is charged, H 1/14/86
Arrests-Negligent homicide-New
Teen charged in fatal crash, H
10/21/86 p13
Man charged in false filing, H
5/28/86 p6
Police Blotter: Refrigerator brings
charge, H 5/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Refrigerator nets
man a summons, H 5/10/86
January - December 1986
Police Blotter: 2 arrested for
prostitution, H 3/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: 5 nabbed for
prostitution, H 4/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Four men
arrested, H 1/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged after
altercation, H 2/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Undercover
officers nab woman, H
1/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged
with prostitution, H 1/31/86 p8
Arrests-Public indecency-Darien
Police Blotter: Public indecency
alleged, H 8/5/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless behaviorWestport
Police Blotter: Weston man is
arrested, H 12/20/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless burningNorwalk
Police Blotter: Cell fire attempted,
H 6/9/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless driving-Darien
Police Blotter: Crash brings
seatbelt charge, H 11/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Darien man
arrested after chase, H
5/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
reckless driving, H 6/24/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless drivingNorwalk
Charge reduced, Wilton motorist
pleads guilty to hitting
lieutenant, H 10/27/86 p12
Police Blotter: Man charged after
crash, H 6/30/86 p9
Arrests-Reckless driving-Weston
Police Blotter: Car hits posts:
Driver charged, H 6/11/86 p6
Police Blotter: Man charged with
reckless driving, H 7/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth nabbed
after chase, H 6/11/86 p6
Police say seatbelt saves driver
from serious injury, H 7/31/86
Arrests-Reckless drivingWestport
Police Blotter: Motorist facing
charges, H 12/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorist nabbed
after pursuit, H 12/16/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless driving-Wilton
Police Blotter: Teen charged after
car hits wall, H 2/4/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless endangermentDarien
Police Blotter: BB shots draw
charges, H 7/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Reckless
endangerment is alleged, H
7/1/86 p9
Arrests-Reckless endangermentNorwalk
Police Blotter: Chase ends in
arrest, H 7/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Reckless
endangerment is charged, H
3/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tampering with
car alleged, H 2/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman hit with
pellet, H 8/14/86 p8
Police probe weekend use of
fireworks, H 7/7/86 p1+
Woman charged in
endangerment, H 7/1/86 p6
Arrests-Reckless endangermentWeston
Police Blotter: Youth surrenders
in Weston, H 1/15/86 p8
Arrests-Reckless endangermentWilton
Police Blotter: New Yorker
charged, H 7/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Young motorist
charged, H 10/17/86 p8
Arrests-Risk of injury to minorNorwalk
Friends of Larry aim for defense
fund [photo], H 10/6/86 p12
Norwalker charged in abuse
case, H 7/22/86 p6
Police Blotter: Mother accused of
neglect, cruelty, H 7/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police say children
were at risk, H 3/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Risk of injury to
minor alleged, H 9/30/86 p8
Police charge letter carrier with
`risk of injury' to youth, H
8/11/86 p1+
Getaway is slowed by flat tire, H
8/6/86 p1+
Jury picking started in murder
trial, H 4/1/86 p1+
Police arrest pair on robbery
charge, H 8/19/86 p29+
Police Blotter: 4 charged in
Darien, H 8/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglary charges
are filed, H 10/7/86 p8
Two armed robbery suspects
arrested in Darien, H 8/19/86
Arrests-Robbery-Fairfield County
Summer burglary spree nets man
a 7 year term, H 4/12/86 p19
2 burglars hold man hostage in
house, H 5/2/86 p1+
2 charged in purse theft, H 9/3/86
8 charges faced by teen-ager, H
12/5/86 p1+
Bond reduced for four suspects,
H 10/31/86 p53
Charged in heist, H 8/8/86 p11
Charged with theft, NPD officer
resigns, H 2/24/86 p1+
City man has trial postponed, H
12/4/86 p6
City man is charged in 2 burglary
cases, H 9/17/86 p6
Court finds error in conviction, H
8/12/86 p36
Duo robs man of $90, H 12/26/86
Escapee remains at large, H
1/13/86 p1+
Ex-con held for robbery, H
1/21/86 p1+
Hearing set in New York for local
man, H 6/12/86 p11
Holdup suspect pleads innocent,
H 2/5/86 p1+
Liberatore nabbed in New York
City, H 1/25/86 p1+
Man charged in spree of
burglaries, H 11/7/86 p11
Man confesses to city bank heist,
H 8/14/86 p6
Man enters not guilty plea in
truck heist, H 9/17/86 p6
Man held in assault, robbery, H
3/10/86 p1+
Norwalk police probe burglaries,
arrest one, H 9/6/86 p6
Norwalker is wanted in Florida, H
6/19/86 p6
Police arrest suspect in robbery
of driver, H 9/5/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 2 charged in
burglaries, H 1/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 charged in radio
theft, H 9/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 men charged
with burglary, H 7/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2 nabbed in motor
thefts, H 6/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Alleged burglar
found in closet, H 11/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Alleged robbery
leads to arrest, H 10/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Arrest in '85 case
made, H 2/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglary charges
are filed, H 5/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglary suspect
nabbed, H 1/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglary, trespass
charges filed, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Four nabbed in
holdup, H 3/1/86 p8
January - December 1986
Police Blotter: Greenwich woman
arrested, H 1/9/86 p6
Police Blotter: Man being held in
robberies, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
burglary, H 1/2/86 p8, H
6/26/86 p8, H 12/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
holdup, H 1/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
two robberies, H 11/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
burglary, H 11/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man faces
robbery, gun counts, H
4/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man is charged in
burglary, H 6/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed
outside business, H 6/10/86
Police Blotter: N. J. teens face
burglary charge, H 2/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker held in
burglary, H 2/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker is
nabbed in robbery, H 7/9/86
Police Blotter: Ring thefts end in
arrest, H 8/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Second man
arrested in assault, H 3/11/86
Police Blotter: Suspect nabbed in
breaks, H 4/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Suspect turns self
in, H 4/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Suspects identity
revealed, H 5/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen-ager
charged with theft, H 6/11/86
Police Blotter: Three charged
with burglary, H 4/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two arrested in
holdup, H 4/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman faces
several charges, H 3/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman nabbed in
robbery, assault, H 7/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth arrested, H
3/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth faces many
charges, H 2/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youths found in
school, H 12/6/86 p8
Police investigate robbery,
assault, H 7/22/86 p6
Police investigate several
burglaries, H 8/26/86 p8
Police probe links burglary
suspects to seven break-ins,
H 5/6/86 p1+
Review of pursuit requested, H
6/4/86 p6
Stolen tapes prompt new trial
motion, H 7/5/86 p11
Suspect nabbed after chase:
Bank bag recovered, H
9/16/86 p1+
Theft alibi nailed, Norwalker is
jailed, H 5/14/86 p9
Three `gypsies' held by police in
theft of fur, H 10/30/86 p37+
Two charged in burglaries, H
9/22/86 p6
Two men arrested following holdup, H 6/30/86 p8
Two nabbed in beating of
manager, H 8/23/86 p1+
Two plead guilty in hostage case,
H 7/11/86 p6
Two teens charged in burglaries,
H 6/16/86 p6
Week-long stakeout nets burglary
suspect, H 8/6/86 p1+
Youthful status sought, H 10/3/86
Judge rejects suspect's plea, H
2/5/86 p12
Man charged in burglary
sentenced, H 3/6/86 p14
New charges lodged against teenagers, H 3/17/86 p12
Police Blotter: 3rd arrest made in
stereo thefts, H 3/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bethel man
nabbed in burglaries, H
11/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Carburetor taken
from truck, H 3/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens are arrested
in Weston, H 7/7/86 p8
Police charge two teens in rash
of Weston breaks, H 6/20/86
Weston police add charges to
those facing Bridgeporter, H
9/10/86 p10
Youth is seeking probation, H
7/2/86 p6
Bridgeport man faces 12 charges
after police chase, two-car
crash, H 6/17/86 p9
Police Blotter: Credit card theft
alleged, H 6/30/86 p9
Police Blotter: Man arrested after
chase, H 1/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man arrested:
Three escape, H 11/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man held for
attempted burglary, H
11/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Phone-theft
suspect surrenders, H
3/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westport youths
arrested, H 9/29/86 p8
Man held in alleged murder try, H
6/13/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Alleged robber is
arrested, H 10/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ex-garbageman
arrested, H 12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
Wilton thefts, H 12/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: New Jersey man
nabbed in Wilton, H 10/7/86
Police Blotter: Teen charged in
school break-in, H 9/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three Wilton
youths nabbed, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Worker charged
with bike theft, H 10/30/86 p8
Second suspect nabbed in
jewelry store heist, H
12/24/86 p1+
Arrests-Selling without a permitNorwalk
Police Blotter: `Meaty' case nets
4, H 1/30/86 p8
Arrests-Sexual assault-Darien
Accused rapist is graduated as
school suspension expires, H
3/18/86 p9
Accused rapist obtained
employment, H 3/20/86 p17
Attorney vows fight against
suspension of accused
rapist, H 3/7/86 p1+
Charges against Darien teenager will not be separated for
his trial, H 9/16/86 p11
Charges upgraded for teen in
rapes, H 3/4/86 p1+
Man enters not guilty plea to child
sex abuse charges, H 8/6/86
Police Blotter: Man charged with
assault, H 9/9/86 p8
Rape suspect charged in prior
sexual attack, H 2/20/86 p1+
Suspect in rape rejects plea deal,
H 4/18/86 p1+
Suspect is held for rape on
Sunday, H 1/6/86 p1+
Youth is charged in sexual
assault of Stamford girl, H
2/15/86 p1+
Arrests-Sexual assault-Norwalk
2 local men charged in sex
assault cases, H 6/20/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Arrests-Sexual assault-Norwalk
Attorney asks judge to split rape
cases, H 9/6/86 p11
Attorney questions legality of
charge, H 6/19/86 p6
Bond lowered in rape case, H
7/25/86 p11
Bond stays as is in rape case, H
7/25/86 p9
Case transferred to Stamford:
Sexual assault alleged, H
6/17/86 p6
City man enters guilty plea, H
10/8/86 p6
City man gets prison term in
attack on 14-year-old, H
11/14/86 p9
City man given four years for
rape, H 5/14/86 p9
City man pleads not guilty on
charge of raping girl, H
8/27/86 p11
City man released after posting
bond, H 8/14/86 p6
Court grants Easton woman
probation, H 7/8/86 p24
Defense fund created for Norwalk
man, H 8/20/86 p8
Family member booked in attack
on 4-year-old, H 8/12/86 p6
Former umpire pleads guilty to
sex charges, H 9/25/86 p10
Judge lowers teen's bond in sex
case, H 9/18/86 p6
Judge won't reduce bond in sex
assault, H 8/20/86 p10
Long Island woman is granted
rehabilitation in assault case,
H 11/15/86 p6
Man accused in rape wins bond
reduction, H 9/25/86 p6
Man charged in sex assault
enters plea, H 9/17/86 p13
Man enters not guilty plea in rape
case, H 8/27/86 p10
Man facing sex charge involving
boy, H 4/7/86 p1+
Man gets 2 years probation in
rape of Norwalk woman, H
9/25/86 p9
Man held in assault, robbery, H
3/10/86 p1+
Man in assault case free on
$2,000 bond, H 8/12/86 p35
Man pleads innocent in assault
case, H 5/21/86 p11
Man pleads not guilty in sex
assault, H 9/10/86 p10
Man pleads not guilty to charges,
H 6/26/86 p6
Missing tapes are needed for
appeal-Counsel, H 9/6/86 p11
Norwalk man arrested on 2d (sic)
sex count, H 8/19/86 p6
Norwalk man charged in sex
assault, H 6/23/86 p8
Norwalk man enters not guilty
plea to charge of raping 13year-old, H 10/23/86 p11
Norwalk man enters plea in sex
assault, H 7/3/86 p6
Norwalker pleads guilty to sexual
assault charge, H 10/10/86
Not guilty plea entered in case, H
7/1/86 p26
One-week delay is granted in
case against city resident, H
3/19/86 p9
Police Blotter: Child assault
reported to police, H 8/9/86
Police Blotter: Father charged
with sexual assault, H
11/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police charge two
with incest, H 1/17/86 p6
Police Blotter: Rape suspect is
arrested, H 1/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Rape suspect
picked up, H 1/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Sexual assault
alleged, H 8/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Sexual assault
reported, H 8/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged in
sex assault, H 11/22/86 p8
Rehabilitation requested in sex
case, H 8/21/86 p10
Sex assault case transferred, H
12/3/86 p17
Sex case bond set at $10,000, H
6/10/86 p6
Teen charged in assault, H
6/20/86 p8
Testing ordered: For former
umpire, H 11/6/86 p18
Woman on L. I. refuses to
answer sex charges here, H
4/15/86 p6
Woman surrenders self in sex
case, H 7/25/86 p12
Woman willing to face sex
charges in state, H 5/30/86
Woman, 19, named in sex case,
H 4/4/86 p1+
Woman, 19, pleads not guilty to
sexual assault of two boys, H
5/20/86 p1+
Arrests-Sexual assault-Weston
Judge rejects suspect's plea, H
2/5/86 p12
Arrests-Sexual assault-Westport
Ex-worker at YMCA admits
sexual abuse, H 2/21/86 p12
Man given two years in sex
assault case, H 6/17/86 p9
Norwalker is facing sex counts, H
1/17/86 p1+
Sentence suspended for abuser,
H 4/4/86 p11
Arrests-Sexual assault-Wilton
Police Blotter: Sexual assault is
charged, H 2/1/86 p8
Bond reduced for city men, H
11/19/86 p12
Police Blotter: Police watching for
speeders, H 6/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two drivers
arrested for speeding, H
6/4/86 p8
Arrests-Swimming, IllegalWeston
Police Blotter: Two charged with
illegal swimming, H 8/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
call, H 2/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Threatening, risk
charges filed, H 4/17/86 p8
Man charged in incident involving
gun, H 7/28/86 p6
Cross burners get probation, H
12/19/86 p29
Police Blotter: Man charged in
vandalism of cars, H 7/1/86
Suspects in Weston spray
painting ask to be tried as
youthful offenders, H 9/19/86
4 youths nabbed for vandalism, H
12/26/86 p6
Arrests-Warrants-New Canaan
Police Blotter: New Canaan man
arrested, H 11/10/86 p8
Building owners cited by police, H
7/2/86 p6
Man accused of sea (sic) assault
surrenders to city police, H
7/24/86 p22
Norwalk police release more
names on warrants list, H
11/12/86 p10
Norwalker is wanted in Florida, H
6/19/86 p6
Police Blotter: Man arrested on
warrant, H 9/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
bouncing check, H 8/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man held in sex
assault, H 8/27/86 p8
January - December 1986
Police Blotter: Man nabbed on
warrant, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man nabbed on
warrants, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man taken on
robbery warrant, H 4/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Probationer picked
up, H 4/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen nabbed on
warrant, H 6/5/86 p8
Woman turns herself in in death
case, H 8/21/86 p6
Wood delivery ends in an arrest:
State officials called in, H
1/16/86 p36
Police Blotter: Man surrenders in
Westport, H 2/5/86 p6
Police Blotter: Bethel man
arrested on warrant, H
12/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorist arrested
after stop, H 10/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton man
arrested, H 11/26/86 p8
Bond reduced for city men, H
11/19/86 p12
Man enters guilty plea in
Christmas shooting, H
2/20/86 p26
Police Blotter: Display of rifle is
alleged, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker faces
four charges, H 2/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker nabbed
in Westport, H 1/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weapon charge
lodged, H 9/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weapon threat
alleged, H 3/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weapons counts
lodged, H 10/28/86 p8
Police take gun away from
hospital patient, H 6/6/86 p8
Shots bring four arrests, H 6/2/86
Suspect files innocent plea, H
11/19/86 p22
Taylor Avenue home raided:
Guns and ammunition seized
[photo], H 3/5/86 p12
2 charged in pointing of toy gun,
H 7/17/86 p6
Bridgeporter arrested after
chase, H 4/30/86 p9
Police Blotter: 2 teens nabbed in
Westport, H 2/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver, 17, faces
charges, H 4/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drug, weapons
charges filed, H 7/22/86 p9
Police Blotter: Weapons charge
lodged, H 11/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Trespassing
charges are filed, H 5/31/86
Police Blotter: Weapon
possession is charged, H
8/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youths charged
with firing rifle, H 7/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Party in Weston
brings police, H 5/20/86 p8
Arrowhead Rd. Bridge-Wilton
Bridge almost ready to carry
traffic [photo], H 5/1/86 p13
Bridge repair funds town meeting
topic, H 1/11/86 p13+
Bridge work begins [photo], H
2/22/86 p13
Selectmen to act on bridge
funding, H 1/6/86 p11+
Vote supports bridge repair, H
1/20/86 p9+
Workers remove wooden bridge
[photo], H 3/13/86 p11
Arrowhead Rd.-Wilton
Driveway must be removed, H
4/4/86 p10
Wilton agency weighs lawsuit
over driveway, H 5/2/86 p9
Wilton P & Z turns down plan to
convert house into office, H
3/6/86 p13+
Police probe two incidents of
arson, H 11/3/86 p15+
Art galleries-Darien
Leaving Rowayton [photo], H
5/2/86 p22
Art galleries-Norwalk
Paired exhibits open at the
Cusano Gallery [photo], H
9/5/86 p15
Sculpture gallery opening in
historic SoNo district [photo],
H 4/21/86 p14
Art galleries-South Norwalk
Buckminster Fuller is Cusano
show focus, H 3/3/86 p12
Gala joint openings for SoNo
galleries: Open houses
Sunday [photo], H 11/14/86
Artell, Anne D.
Esposito, Mills, Artell
renominated as GOP fills out
slate, H 7/24/86 p16
Artists-New Canaan
Her work on exhibit [photo], H
5/16/86 p21
Arts Council has new show
[photo], H 4/19/86 p18
Connecticut coppersmith [photo],
H 8/1/86 p16
In bank exhibit [photo], H 12/8/86
In juried show [photo], H 7/16/86
Jane Flora retrospective set to
open in Rowayton Sunday, H
7/3/86 p20
Mary Bailey new member of
Silvermine Guild Center
[photo], H 1/17/86 p13
Merchants exhibits Rudolf
bronzes [photo], H 2/11/86
Nagy finds his greatest pleasures
in smallest acts of help to
others [photo], H 6/28/86 p32
Potter to compete [photo], H
7/31/86 p17
Professional art sale for budget
collector [photo], H 6/6/86 p19
Three solos-Vassos retro at
Silvermine: A reception
Sunday [photo], H 6/5/86
Art is on view at Norwalk Tech
[photo], H 4/10/86 p6
Jane Flora retrospective set to
open in Rowayton Sunday, H
7/3/86 p20
`Two-artists-in-family' theme of
exhibit [photo], H 8/7/86 p13
At Norwalk State Tech [photo], H
4/22/86 p17
`Two-artists-in-family' theme of
exhibit [photo], H 8/7/86 p13
A new view of Westport [photo],
H 7/24/86 p37
Authors stop by classrooms in
Westport [photo], H 5/29/86
Easter event to feature special
touch of artist [photo], H
2/7/86 p9+
New show opens [photo], H
4/5/86 p17
Open House on Sunday, H
2/21/86 p13
Paintings enhance walls in Town
Hall, H 8/20/86 p13+
Roe Halper creates a Haggadah
for today: Passover starts
April 23 [photo], H 3/24/86
January - December 1986
Artists-Westport (Continued)
Roe Halper's work selected by
Austin Jewish Committee
[photo], H 11/22/86 p18
Westport artist are named jurors,
H 2/13/86 p14
Westport artist wins stamp of
approval [drawing], H 9/4/86
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
Artist poses with paintings
[photo], H 4/16/86 p9
Honorable mention to Wilton
artist, H 2/18/86 p14
In solo exhibition [photo], H
11/6/86 p29
Mother/daughter show [photo], H
11/20/86 p15
AS/Ewing and Associates Inc.
AS/Ewing to design renovation, H
8/19/86 p17
Norwalk firm coordinating the
planning of new YWCA
[photo], H 12/2/86 p29
Sam Resnick, ex-city official joins
AS/Ewing of Norwalk [photo],
H 9/23/86 p15+
Asbestos in building-Norwalk
$.5M to remove asbestos at old
NHS, H 1/9/86 p1+
Asbestos in building-Weston
School board OKs report on
asbestos, H 12/23/86 p9+
Asbestos in building-Westport
Hauhuth says asbestos issue
under control, H 7/14/86 p11+
RTM approves asbestos removal
funds, H 11/19/86 p37+
Selectmen to act on asbestos
study, H 7/8/86 p9+
Asbestos in building-Wilton
School to speed up asbestos
removal, H 10/30/86 p38
Town officials set deadline to
remove asbestos at school,
H 12/18/86 p13
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p20
Asken, Dr. Saul
Surgeons learn how to move fat
from part of the body to
another [photo], H 8/5/86
Aspetuck Group Inc.
Strictly Business, H 6/3/86 p25+
Assault, Attempted-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Alleged axing is
probed, H 3/28/86 p8
City man stabbed in prison:
Listed in serious condition, H
9/4/86 p16
Police Blotter: Assailant batters
city man, H 11/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Assault reported at
school, H 1/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Assault victim
treated, released, H 5/17/86
Police Blotter: Couple confronted
in park, H 7/12/86 p9
Police Blotter: Darien man hit
with bottle, H 8/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Dispute with
carrier reported, H 2/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man a victim three
times, H 6/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man assaulted at
station, H 5/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man attacked in
parking lot, H 7/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man beaten in
cemetery, H 6/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man beaten: Coins
taken, H 1/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man hurt after
argument, H 6/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man injured at
cafe, H 1/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man is stabbed in
chest, H 3/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man reports
assault, H 7/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man reports
scuffle on street, H 3/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man treated after
beating, H 7/12/86 p9
Police Blotter: Norwalk man
assaulted, H 3/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police investigate
book toss, H 5/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: SoNo man is
pummeled with pipe, H
7/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Stabbing
investigated, H 12/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Stabbing victim
improves, H 1/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Striking of officer
alleged, H 6/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Students nabbed
in fight, H 9/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen-age girl
reports incident, H 9/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Theater manager
punched, H 8/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tool assault
reported, H 7/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two women
assaulted, H 4/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman hurt:
Pocketbook taken, H 4/7/86
Police Blotter: Woman reports
assault, H 4/12/86 p8, H
6/30/86 p9
Police Blotter: Woman reports
attack, H 12/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth claims
assault, robbery, H 5/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youth reports
assault, H 3/25/86 p8
S.C. fugitive to be charged with
assault, H 2/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Custodian claims
assault, H 6/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man attacked in
school, H 4/5/86 p8
Assembly Balls
'86 Assembly Balls will be Dec.
29 & 30 [photo], H 12/15/86
Dances readied [photo], H
12/18/86 p29
Reassessment lawsuits are
plaguing Westport, H 8/2/86
Residents question assessments:
Westport switchboard busy,
H 1/21/86 p9+
RTM slams door on forming
property reassessment
panel, H 4/3/86 p37+
Assumption Church
Rev. Morrissey to observe
anniversary of ordination
[photo], H 6/27/86 p11+
Assumption School
Students taste Spanish cuisine
[photo], H 5/16/86 p13
HS athletes honored [photo], H
11/26/86 p43
Principals seek higher standards
for athletes, H 5/7/86 p1+
Athletic fields-Westport
Town to review playing field plan,
H 1/17/86 p9+
Atkin, John W.
Atkin announces run, H 7/18/86
Atkin backed, H 4/24/86 p8
Atkin, Rudolf, Santo in race to fill
available Senate chair
[photo], H 3/19/86 p1+
Atkin, Santo trip to inspire voters
[photo], H 4/25/86 p1+
Darien vote key in the 25th: Atkin
sees House experience
making him informed senator
[photo], H 10/31/86 p1+
Democrats pick Atkin, H 3/27/86
Democrats pick Atkin as
candidate in 25th, H 7/24/86
January - December 1986
Atkin, John W. (Continued)
Democrats send four to
assembly: Republican
Esposito survives tide
[photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Norwalk Labor Council sides with
Atkin in state senate race, H
4/10/86 p9
Norwalk's Atkin selected to
Senate leadership post, H
12/3/86 p12
Rudolf, Atkin officially enter race,
H 3/26/86 p1+
Special election [edit], H 5/5/86 p4
Two from Norwalk appointed to
chair leglislative committees
[photo], H 11/20/86 p1+
Voters set to select new senator,
H 5/5/86 p1+
Atkinson, Jane
Weston honors town librarian
[photo], H 10/21/86 p14
Atlas, Ian
Westporter spends year in Israel
[photo], H 6/7/86 p13
Au pair girls
Rowayton moms guide Nanny
business: Help is on the way
[photo], H 3/20/86 p21
Aubrey Thomas Temporaries
Teachers are students in inservice courses: Spirit of the
community [photo], H 1/22/86
Temps at Aubrey Thomas
publicize heart association, H
4/1/86 p27
Auerbach, Andrew
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Auerbach, Joshua D.
Reagan's magnetism charmed
city scholar [photo], H
6/24/86 p7
Student gains national honor
[photo], H 5/19/86 p1+
Aunt Julie's Playschool
86 kids graduate from
playschool, H 7/1/86 p9
Auralogic Inc.
Norwalk firm marketing CPR
`coach', H 5/5/86 p35
Aussenhofer, Charles E.
Import woes forced SoNo firm to
close, H 5/16/86 p1+
Author observes novel's
anniversary [photo], H
9/13/86 p37
Autographing party for Diana
Holdsworth [photo], H
12/29/86 p11
Norwalk lawyer reveals `Turkey
Shoot' in Attica [photo], H
9/15/86 p12
Wright a textbook author, H
7/28/86 p33
Book logs anatomy of a
magazine fiasco: Behind-thescenes saga [photo], H
6/2/86 p23
Ms. Jong talks to library group
[photo], H 10/15/86 p13+
Author observes novel's
anniversary [photo], H
9/13/86 p37
Authors stop by classrooms in
Westport [photo], H 5/29/86
New listing tells where the talent
lies: Debut of a directory
[photo], H 2/3/86 p13
P. D. Eastman dies: Area author
was 76 [photo], H 1/10/86 p6
Teaches course [photo], H
11/1/86 p18
To Vlahos business is one of
livelier arts: Her wisdom is
unconventional [photo], H
1/27/86 p15+
Westport author pleads guilty to
charge, H 4/8/86 p15
Wilk pens a `whatever happened
to' saga: Showbiz lore in new
novel [photo], H 4/7/86 p15+
With a $9 million profit,
Westporter writes a book
[photo], H 4/29/86 p27
Young author helps de-mystify
computer [photo], H 4/14/86
David Wiltse made prophets look
good: Writer for all media
[photo], H 5/5/86 p15
Automobile racing
Carrying on a tradition [photo], H
11/5/86 p17
Cookman, Newman cop races, H
10/20/86 p25
LaJoie joins champions circle
[photo], H 1/21/86 p20
LaJoie qualifies for 500 at 197+,
H 2/11/86 p17
National title eyed by Sharp
[photo], H 10/10/86 p28
No Daytona 500 for Norwalker
[photo], H 2/14/86 p31+
Norwalker moves closer to dream
[photo], H 10/1/86 p16
Sports in Brief: LeDuc tops class
in Englishtown drags, H
5/12/86 p22
Talent isn't enough [photo], H
1/14/86 p17+
Automobile theft-Darien
Police Blotter: Vans found in
Bridgeport, H 7/29/86 p8
Automobile theft-Norwalk
Burglaries, car theft keep police
busy, H 8/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Automobile taken
from parking lot, H 5/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cadillac reportedly
stolen, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car reportedly
stolen from lot, H 9/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car stolen from
parking lot, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car, with key in
switch, is stolen, H 6/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vehicle stolen
from body shop, H 2/4/86 p8
Stolen car recovered 13 years
after theft, H 7/26/86 p11
Automobile theft-South Norwalk
Police Blotter: Car taken from
train station, H 9/17/86 p8
Automobile theft-Westport
Police Blotter: Car is reported
taken at cafe, H 9/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police recover
stolen automobile, H 7/7/86
Car restoration `old fashioned
way' earns solidarity for
native family [photo], H
9/8/86 p1+
Chevy group helps neighbor
[photo], H 7/22/86 p29
Don Thomas Pontiac opens
dealership at Rudy location,
H 9/9/86 p17
Manis Chrysler-Plymouth gets
bigger [photo], H 7/22/86 p29
Manis Chrysler-Plymouth has
`tough' service award
[photo], H 6/10/86 p25
Van donated to Maryglen [photo],
H 7/25/86 p12
Automobiles-Seat belts
69 opposed to seat belt law, H
1/27/86 p14
City school officials oppose belts
in buses, H 1/31/86 p8
Drivers saluted for seat belt use
[photo], H 6/2/86 p10
Educators to study seat belts, H
6/20/86 p11+
Group to protest seatbelt law, H
5/15/86 p15
Pupils must wear seat belts:
Board approves program, H
8/28/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Automobiles-Seat belts
School board adopts bus seat
belt proposal, H 7/3/86 p11+
Seat belt opponents seek stand,
H 5/10/86 p13
Automobiles-Service stations
Gas stations found without pump
prices, H 1/9/86 p1+
Mobil defends right to shut down
service station, H 2/13/86 p1+
Mobil order faces court test, H
2/14/86 p1+
Mobil threatening city station
owner over hours [photo], H
2/12/86 p1+
Automobiles-Service stationsNorwalk
Gas station proprietors file class
action suit against Arco, H
12/5/86 p11
Mobil dealer eager to begin court
fight, H 4/24/86 p15
Mobil dealer headed for court, H
3/11/86 p1+
Moraio has a winner in his
Triumph TR4A, H 9/26/86
Automobiles-Trailers. SEE
Avila, David R.
Counselor opens office in
Westport, H 3/18/86 p16
Avison, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall
Most improved home [photo], H
6/3/86 p26
Avoglia, Evelyn
Shelter director taking up new
duties elsewhere [photo], H
11/15/86 p1+
Baby-First of the New Year
1st infant heads list of babies in
city [photo], H 1/2/86 p1+
Bachand, Dr. Robert G.
Dentist finds `complete diversion'
beneath waves [photo], H
11/1/86 p1+
Bacher, Kim
Mother/daughter show [photo], H
11/20/86 p15
Bacher, Sandra
Mother/daughter show [photo], H
11/20/86 p15
Back, Carl S.
Carl Back opening new law
practice [photo], H 3/22/86 p8
Bacterial toxins
Ice cream is suspect in illness, H
7/8/86 p1+
Baer, Dr. Stephen S.
Health/Fitness: Westport
physician honored, H
12/29/86 p25
Bailey, Mary
Mary Bailey new member of
Silvermine Guild Center
[photo], H 1/17/86 p13
Baker, Amy Elizabeth
Seventeen debutantes in bow: At
June gala [photo], H 6/23/86
Baker, Patrick
Weston resident a home brewer,
beer connoisseur, H
10/25/86 p41+
Balcom, Loris
Home/Town People [photo], H
12/16/86 p21+
Balcom, Rose
Home/Town People [photo], H
12/16/86 p21+
Ball, Rev. J. P.
Ball resigns chairmanship, H
8/7/86 p6
Balloon launch. SEE LISA
Bank Mart
Selectmen to act on road race, H
8/8/86 p9
Teller lines absent from bank
branch, H 10/28/86 p23
Bank of Darien
Bank of Darien has second
quarter profit, H 8/12/86 p37
Bank of Darien is profitable in
only six months, H 4/22/86
Bank of New England Corp.
Earnings, H 7/29/86 p14
Banking Center
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p21+
Banks and banking
Bank files for charter, first new
Norwalk bank in 20 years
[photo], H 8/26/86 p17+
Banks reveal merger, H 6/20/86
First Federal Savings to merge
with People's, H 12/3/86 p17
New city bank leases building
[photo], H 11/12/86 p9
New name of County Federal S &
L is Columbia Federal
Savings Bank [photo], H
2/25/86 p30
Westport Bancorp reports strong
earnings increase, H 2/25/86
Banner issue awaits decision:
Selectmen schedule vote, H
10/27/86 p13+
Bansack, Rod
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Banzhat, Katie J.
Named director [photo], H 9/4/86
Daniel J. R. Vento is baptized
May 18, H 6/4/86 p32
Barata, Ventura
Proposal for marina at park given
dunking by opposition
[photo], H 4/29/86 p1+
Barbee, Donald
3 McMahon students win future
business awards [photo], H
5/29/86 p11
Barber, John
John Barber buys Fox Cycle
[photo], H 3/4/86 p24
Bard, Peter
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19, H 6/24/86 p27
Bardani, Louis W. Sr.
Louis Bardani Sr., local sports
figure dies at age 74, H
11/10/86 p6
Bardos, Peter
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86
p25, H 9/2/86 p26
Bargas, Thomas
Subdivision plan withdrawn, H
1/30/86 p11
Barnard, Carol S.
Area solons recognized [photo],
H 1/20/86 p25
Baron's property-Westport
Appraisal funds vote delayed, H
12/4/86 p15+
New appraisal sought for Baron's
property, H 12/3/86 p13+
Officials study Baron's land
purchase, H 2/5/86 p11
Vote may decide Baron's land
purchase, H 6/5/86 p37+
Baron, Ron
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Barrero, Mrs. Ezequiel F.
Needlework competition aids
Eastern County Rehab
Center [photo], H 7/2/86 p34
Barrett, Christopher Lee
Suntan contest won by
Westporter [photo], H
2/24/86 p11
Barrett, David B.
Darien LWV to question
candidates: Barrett vs. Van
Norstrand, H 9/4/86 p33+
January - December 1986
Barrett, David B. (Continued)
Van Norstrand coasts to easy
win: Party picks lose out, H
9/10/86 p1+
Barrett, Tod
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Barry, Ray
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
King, Barry, Folino honored, H
5/9/86 p33+
Barstow, Earl
Octogenarian facing loss of
apartment over theater, H
1/16/86 p1+
Bartek, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sr.
Wed 60 years [photo], H 6/21/86
Barter Shop
Shop owner seeks zone change
for lot: Single designation
requested, H 3/27/86 p29
Bartoli, Frank Sr.
Frank Bartoli Sr. dies: Founder of
electrical firm [photo], H
4/23/86 p8
Bartoszek, Dr. Maryanne
Health/Fitness: Allergist
appointed to board, H
12/8/86 p42
Health/Fitness: Dr. Bartoszek
joins practice [photo], H
9/22/86 p33
Baseball fields-Norwalk
Ball field's location upsetting, H
12/2/86 p1+
Panel takes second swing: At
baseball field design, H
12/16/86 p13
Baseball fields-Weston
Crews tend to Weston ball fields
[photo], H 8/21/86 p13
16th annual Hour All-City
baseball: Each school places
four players [photo] [chart], H
6/26/86 p25+
Americans go to LL title game:
Velasquez hurls 1-hitter in 50 victory, H 7/25/86 p24
Baseball scouts cite Norwalker
[photo], H 9/9/86 p21
Baseball's finale: McMahon,
Staples, H 4/21/86 p19+
Big 4 snaps city hitting records
[chart], H 7/9/86 p13+
BM's Pratt at .525: City top 10
batting leaders, H 5/23/86
CCHS qualifies, H 5/29/86 p21+
Central's Diamantis selected Allleague [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Champions honored [photo], H
7/26/86 p28
City's MVP gets even: NHS
edges McMahon [photo], H
5/2/86 p31+
Common Council to recognize
city softball, baseball teams,
H 8/26/86 p7
Goodbye league, Cavs think
states [photo], H 5/13/86
Luczkowski tops in pitching,
hitting, H 8/26/86 p23
Luczkowski zips Warriors [photo],
H 5/10/86 p23+
McMahon's Pratt breaks city
hitting mark (.539) [photo], H
6/11/86 p25
Morton's 141 Ks set mark [chart],
H 5/29/86 p21
Norwalk Americans top Ben
Whone Nationals, H 7/16/86
Norwalk HS baseball, softball
teams riding high: Johnson's
boys win 5th in row [photo],
H 5/1/86 p23+
Norwalk in playoffs: McMahon
notches win, H 5/24/86 p31
Norwalk International Little
League All-Star team [photo],
H 7/14/86 p22
Norwalk Jr. Babe Ruth [photo], H
5/9/86 p36
Norwalk Police Union cops Babe
Ruth title, H 8/2/86 p23+
Norwalk Sr. Babe Ruth all-stars
[photo], H 7/11/86 p31
Norwalk Sr. Babe Ruth League
[photo], H 6/9/86 p27
Norwalk's Randazzo tops city in
batting, H 5/7/86 p13+
Norwalk, Staples open FCIAC
play tonight, H 5/27/86 p23+
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Randazzo, Wilmot, Pratt selected
All-conference [photo], H
6/20/86 p34
Senators triumph: Morton
outduels Stanton, H 5/10/86
South Meriden wins state
Bambino crown [photo], H
7/18/86 p27+
Wilton's Roberts bests BMHS'
ace [photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Baseball's finale: McMahon,
Staples, H 4/21/86 p19+
Norwalk, Staples open FCIAC
play tonight, H 5/27/86 p23+
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Randazzo, Wilmot, Pratt selected
All-conference [photo], H
6/20/86 p34
Sonny's of Westport captures
state crown, H 7/23/86 p13+
Staples goes for 2nd in row, H
5/30/86 p20+
Vancho zips Wrecker nine, H
5/31/86 p25+
Luczkowski zips Warriors [photo],
H 5/10/86 p23+
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Wilton's Roberts bests BMHS'
ace [photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Basketball Honorees [photo], H
8/23/86 p23
City should be proud of King &
Barry [photo] [chart], H
3/10/86 p21+
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
Staples' Sutherland named to
first team: All-FCIAC girls'
basketball [photo] [chart], H
3/24/86 p21
Basketball-Fairfield County
Basketball Honorees [photo], H
8/23/86 p23
Hoop officials present awards
[photo], H 4/2/86 p17
Basketball-New Canaan
2 OT's: BMHS 56, NHS 55: State
boys' basketball tournament,
H 3/19/86 p15+
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
`Magic' show at McMahon makes
Stamford disappear [photo],
H 1/11/86 p21+
2 OT's: BMHS 56, NHS 55: State
boys' basketball tournament,
H 3/19/86 p15+
5 qualify for playoffs: Norwalk
dusty basketball, H 3/26/86
All-city final tonight in Williams
cage tourney [photo], H
12/30/86 p15+
BMHS advances to state
semifinals, H 3/22/86 p23+
BMHS, Bears dominate city, H
3/13/86 p19
Bobcats spoil Cavs' opener
[photo], H 12/19/86 p41+
January - December 1986
Basketball-Norwalk (Continued)
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Brown gives city another cage
title, H 2/27/86 p23+
Brown reaches Top 20: City HS
cage scoring, H 2/10/86 p17+
Brown remains No. 1: City HS
cage scoring, H 2/4/86 p13
Brown stands alone, H 2/24/86
Brown's 24.9 average is tops:
City HS basketball scoring, H
1/27/86 p23
Brown's 30.8 leads: City HS
scoring [chart], H 1/3/86 p19+
Brown, Thompson lead 16th
annual All-City team: Brien
McMahon dominates with
four: Norwalk has two[photo
p1], H 4/8/86 p19+
Central Catholic girls advance in
state cage, tally by 43 points
[photo], H 3/6/86 p21+
City champs [photo], H 1/31/86
p28, H 2/8/86 p25
City HS cagers head into state
quarters tonight, H 3/21/86
City schools draw byes in states,
H 3/10/86 p25
City should be proud of King &
Barry [photo] [chart], H
3/10/86 p21+
City title to Brown [photo], H
4/1/86 p17+
Confident McMahon prepared for
Hillhouse [chart], H 3/28/86
Entire All-City squad is back
[photo], H 12/10/86 p41+
FCIAC boys' playoffs set, NHS
hosts Stamford, H 2/26/86
FCIAC cage title on line tonight:
McMahon or Norwalk?
[chart], H 3/8/86 p23
FCIAC: McMahon, Norwalk
favored [photo], H 3/4/86
Here comes Oliver!, H 2/4/86 p13
High school `A' champs [photo],
H 4/15/86 p29
Hill increases lead, H 1/27/86 p23
Hill keeps her lead, H 2/10/86
Hill's 15.0 is first, H 1/3/86 p19+
Hillhouse lived up to its advanced
billing [photo], H 3/31/86 p19+
Injured Tyrone Brown leads at
26.0, H 1/13/86 p17+
It's pressure time for three girls'
teams: FCIAC, WCC playoffs
taking shape, H 2/8/86 p23+
King's cagers qualify again
[photo], H 1/29/86 p13+
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Lady Bears advance to Kuczo
championship, H 12/30/86
Lady Cavaliers lose in states to
Kolbe, H 3/10/86 p25
Lady Cavs nip Weston, 35-30
[photo], H 2/19/86 p15+
Ludlowe knocks Lady Bears out
of FCIAC playoffs, H 2/22/86
Maharaj surprises Coach Kelley
[photo], H 1/22/86 p13+
Masuk rocks Cavs, 68-44, H
1/8/86 p13+
McMahon does number on NHS:
Brown hurt [photo], H 1/8/86
McMahon routs Ludlowe for
eighth straight win [photo], H
2/1/86 p21+
McMahon rules FCIAC
basketball, 78-59 [photo], H
3/10/86 p21+
McMahon, Norwalk cage debuts
are successful: Bears get
revenge with balanced
attack, H 12/19/86 p41+
McMahon, Norwalk cage debuts
are successful: Smith nets
31 in battle of state's best, H
12/19/86 p41+
McMahon, Norwalk triumph,
tangle Tuesday: Maharaj
leads Bears, 77-76 [photo], H
3/15/86 p23+
McMahon, Norwalk triumph,
tangle Tuesday: Smith
shines as Lions fall [photo],
H 3/15/86 p23+
McMahon, Weston go to state
finals: Smith propels 24-2
Senators to 21st straight win,
78-61 [photo], H 3/26/86 p13+
Mickle nets 16 for UB [photo], H
12/2/86 p23+
Murphy nets 44 in NHS benefit
[photo], H 3/17/86 p19+
New England champions [photo],
H 3/18/86 p21
NHS cagers fall: Cross rallies for
76-74 triumph, H 12/20/86
NHS duo tops city in scoring, H
2/24/86 p19+
NHS junior leads city hoop
scoring [photo], H 3/11/86
NHS tallies: 1,001 points for
Brown [photo], H 2/22/86 p23
Norden crowned champions:
Norwalk Hospital falls, 84-73
[photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Norwalk church basketball, H
3/26/86 p16
Norwalk hands McMahon first
loss: Cogdell MVP [photo], H
12/31/86 p15+
Norwalk's Hill continues to top
field: City HS basketball
scoring, H 1/13/86 p17
Norwalk's Oliver leads city in
scoring, H 12/29/86 p24
Norwalk, area cagers in all-star
contests, H 4/3/86 p25
Norwalk, CCatholic to play
Wednesday in state tourney,
H 3/3/86 p19+
Officials drop drug charges vs.
cage star, H 9/10/86 p6
One-time athlete worked so
others could play [photo], H
1/11/86 p1+
Parochial league hoop
champions [photo], H 4/23/86
Polite & Co. face Kolbe Tuesday
in state semis [photo], H
3/24/86 p21+
Rec Church League ends 35th
season [photo], H 4/15/86
Season ends for Norwalk as
Cross prevails, H 3/22/86 p23
Senators' 20-game win streak on
line tonight, H 3/25/86 p19+
Shelton's buzzer shot eliminates
Lady Bears, H 3/6/86 p21+
Six underclassmen on 9th Hour
All-City team [photo], H
3/21/86 p29
Taylor scores 46 points, Murphy
stars nip Dallas, H 4/3/86 p25
Tech basketball is on the rise
[photo], H 2/4/86 p13+
Top prize to Lady Bears: NHS'
Shular named MVP [photo],
H 12/31/86 p15+
Two city teams in big game
[photo], H 3/5/86 p15+
Weston boys capture 40th in row,
H 2/19/86 p15+
Wins tonight will pit city cagers in
West final [photo], H 3/14/86
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
January - December 1986
Basketball-Weston (Continued)
Champs place two on All-WCC
team [photo], H 3/22/86 p26
Just call Weston High's Twin
Towers `Class' [photo], H
1/28/86 p53+
Lady Cavs nip Weston, 35-30
[photo], H 2/19/86 p15+
McMahon, Weston go to state
finals: 26-1 Trojans slip past
Kolbe for 16th win in row, 6260 [photo], H 3/26/86 p13+
Polite & Co. face Kolbe Tuesday
in state semis [photo], H
3/24/86 p21+
Polite scores 42 points [photo
p1], H 3/14/86 p29+
Polite, Jackson head all stars, H
3/7/86 p27
Twin Towers hit for 54: Charles
gets 100th win, H 3/20/86
WCC: Weston recalls '85 [photo],
H 3/4/86 p19+
Weston 5 engages nemesis, H
3/25/86 p19+
Weston boys capture 40th in row,
H 2/19/86 p15+
Weston captures thriller [photo],
H 12/20/86 p41+
Weston faces Kolbe, H 3/17/86
Weston loses Class M title game
in overtime [photo], H
3/31/86 p19+
Weston seeks perfect WCC
season tonight [chart], H
3/7/86 p27+
Weston's strategy: Give ball to
Polite [photo], H 3/8/86 p23+
Weston, Farmington square off
tonight, H 3/22/86 p26
Weston, Masuk vie for
championship, H 3/5/86 p15+
Weston, St. Joseph vie for Class
S title, H 3/28/86 p25+
2 OT's: BMHS 56, NHS 55: State
boys' basketball tournament,
H 3/19/86 p15+
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
It's pressure time for three girls'
teams: FCIAC, WCC playoffs
taking shape, H 2/8/86 p23+
Lady Wreckers lose, H 2/22/86
Maharaj surprises Coach Kelley
[photo], H 1/22/86 p13+
Staples ousts West Haven, H
3/15/86 p23+
Staples' Sutherland named to
first team: All-FCIAC girls'
basketball [photo] [chart], H
3/24/86 p21
Wreckers eliminated, H 3/22/86
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
Wilton man seeks damages for
basketball game injury, H
9/15/86 p9+
Wilton opens state play, H
3/12/86 p13+
Bassler, Maury
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/10/86 p13+
Bateman, Kenneth Edward
Darien remembers fallen police
officer [photo p8], H 5/27/86
Darien service to honor slain
policeman's memory, H
5/23/86 p11
Battered women's shelters. SEE
Bavor, Kendra
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Baxter, Robert
Westport artists are named
jurors, H 2/13/86 p14
City beaches among nicest in
area [photo], H 6/16/86 p1+
Norwalk beaches get a good
rating-better than weather, H
6/6/86 p11
Tests confirm swimmers safe in
local waters, H 8/28/86 p1+
Beachside Ave.-Westport
Home involved in lawsuit is sold
for $3.5 million, H 8/29/86
Beasley, Pat
School board chooses teacher of
the year [photo], H 9/23/86
Beauty contestants
`World Sweetheart' [photo], H
8/4/86 p11
12 contestants at first rehearsal
for Miss Seaport beauty
pageant [photo], H 8/19/86
Both winners [photo], H 12/11/86
Cheryl Calo is to be a designer:
Former Miss Connecticut
Teenager [photo], H 7/24/86
City girl is named `World
Sweetheart', H 7/15/86 p6
D. Zeoli is state contender
[photo], H 7/12/86 p15
In Miss T. E. E. N. finals [photo],
H 11/10/86 p13
In pageant [photo], H 8/9/86 p18,
H 11/1/86 p18
In teen pageant [photo], H
7/23/86 p29
Maria Haworth [photo], H 8/4/86
Mini Miss winner [photo], H
1/23/86 p16
Miss Congenial [photo], H
8/20/86 p33
Miss Fairfield Pageant to debut in
Westport [photo], H 2/6/86
Nadine Pinede--Not just a pretty
face: Norwalk's Glamour Girl
[photo], H 8/7/86 p13+
Norwalk girl chosen state's Miss
TEEN [photo], H 8/9/86 p7
Pageant entry [photo], H 8/7/86
Panel of judges selects six
finalists in Miss Norwalk
Seaport contest [photo], H
8/23/86 p1+
Patricia DiMichele [photo], H
8/4/86 p11
Pretty maids all in a row [photo],
H 7/18/86 p9
Sisters are both entrants [photo],
H 8/2/86 p18
Sisters compete [photo], H
11/1/86 p18
Sunshine Girl [photo], H 10/22/86
Vies for Connecticut Miss
T.E.E.N. [photo], H 7/30/86
Virginia Bossone is selected as
Miss Connecticut entrant
[photo], H 11/20/86 p15
Will compete [photo], H 2/24/86
p16, H 9/11/86 p16
Wins title [photo], H 10/30/86 p14
Beauty contestants-Norwalk
In state pageant [photo], H
3/29/86 p18
Beauty contestants-Weston
The eyes have it for Weston
woman, H 3/8/86 p13
Westonite is finalist in contest, H
3/7/86 p11+
January - December 1986
Bechtolt, Nancy
Pair allowed to attend forum in
Soviet Union [photo], H
9/30/86 p17+
Bechtolt, Richard
Pair allowed to attend forum in
Soviet Union [photo], H
9/30/86 p17+
Bedford Middle School
Program helps pupils, teacher
[photo], H 4/11/86 p11+
Pupils earn $2,000 for Walk
America [photo], H 5/31/86
Pupils step into dancers' shoes
[photo], H 11/14/86 p27
Bedford Middle School-Awards
5 schools cited for excellence, H
1/9/86 p9+
Around the Towns: Literary
magazines from Bedford,
Coleytown Middle and Long
Lots Schools receive award,
H 4/11/86 p12
Bedient, Margery
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/25/86 p9
Bedient, Sidney
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/25/86 p9
Beebe, Cheryl Lynne
Darien man pleads innocent to
charges in fatal accident, H
9/22/86 p13
Darien resident to testify about
June 23 fatal accident, H
9/3/86 p33+
Weston resident a home brewer,
beer connoisseur, H
10/25/86 p41+
Beite, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
50th Anniversary [photo], H
5/17/86 p20
Belaga, Julie D.
Belaga aide says she has the
votes [photo], H 7/26/86 p1+
Belaga and McKinney help GOP
open its headquarters
[photo], H 9/29/86 p9
Belaga blasts O'Neill's `crisis'
response to turnpike safety,
H 8/28/86 p1+
Belaga disappointed on `face-off'
reply, H 4/16/86 p9
Belaga downplays Fairfield GOP
vote [photo], H 4/2/86 p1+
Belaga prepares for main event:
Local GOP bucks tide, picks
loser [photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Belaga protests phone book
message from O'Neill, H
2/22/86 p13
Belaga questions proposed
pipeline path, H 8/15/86 p30
Belaga rules out Bozzuto's offer,
H 4/9/86 p11+
Belaga says Fairfield County
holds key in GOP primary, H
8/14/86 p29+
Belaga selects Ilene Shub as
campaign press liaison, H
2/15/86 p18
Belaga takes aim at O'Neill in
hometown campaign stop, H
9/12/86 p31+
Belaga will organize own urban
delegates, H 3/18/86 p13
Belaga, O'Neill face off [photo], H
10/29/86 p1+
Belaga: State residents
overtaxed, H 10/3/86 p1+
Bozzuto, Belaga at odds over
drug war strategy [photo], H
8/21/86 p1+
Campaign '86: Belaga has `a
vision.'..O'Neill's is different
[photo], H 10/30/86 p20
Campaign workers remain
excited over Belaga chances
in November [photo], H
10/11/86 p1+
Candidate net worth is revealed,
H 10/11/86 p1+
Democrats throw support to
Belaga, H 10/22/86 p37+
Dems, Repubs differ in assessing
Belaga win, H 9/10/86 p1+
Fuchs appointed director in Julie
Belaga's campaign, H 3/3/86
Gender isn't issue in governor's
race, H 9/11/86 p1+
GOP candidates stress
importance of the Fairfield
County vote [photo], H
10/20/86 p13+
Gov. O'Neill says record earned
win [photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Job zone is touted by Belaga
[photo], H 10/30/86 p1+
Julie Belaga to R. E. Van
Norstrand: Join the crowd, H
6/2/86 p1+
Lawmakers `go' to jail but Belaga
stays home, H 2/1/86 p1+
O'Neill and Belaga trade barbs
during their first public
debate [photo], H 10/17/86
Poll gives O'Neill lift: Belaga:
Results bizarre, H 10/20/86
Primary results [edit], H 9/10/86
Rep. Belaga relying on capitol
experience [photo], H 8/2/86
Rep. Belaga urges role for Guard
[photo], H 8/21/86 p1+
Republicans are uncommitted:
Support expected for Belaga,
H 4/4/86 p9
Resident adds Belaga's name to
state's beach project sign, H
3/11/86 p9+
Victory is sweet to Julie Belaga's
hometown team, H 9/10/86
Voters stand behind Belaga but
race draws little interest, H
10/29/86 p37+
Wilton delegation endorses
Belaga, H 6/26/86 p38
Belardinelli, Anso
Old Timers honor ex-sports
greats Nov. 5: `Judge' &
`Beans' [photo], H 10/8/86
Belden Ave.-Norwalk
Office buildings' designs to
complement Belden area, H
12/19/86 p12
Beldoch-Popper Sweater Mill
Apartments, offices proposed for
Concord Street building, H
3/7/86 p22
Building conversion OK'd:
Demolition rapped, H 5/8/86
Old mill to open in November as
condos, offices [photo], H
10/21/86 p23+
Belinsky, Fred
Norwalk Old Timers pick Imri,
Belinsky [photo], H 10/15/86
Bell Island
Houses sold to neighbors, H
7/17/86 p1+
Opening of water main completes
service project for Bell Island
[photo], H 12/9/86 p16
Bell, Alesia
Local designer plans fashion
show [photo], H 7/29/86 p19
Bell, Katie
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
Norwalk freshman takes county
IM [photo], H 11/3/86 p35
State 500 free to Bell [photo], H
11/17/86 p27
Bell, Malcolm
Norwalk lawyer reveals `Turkey
Shoot' in Attica [photo], H
9/15/86 p12
January - December 1986
Bell, Patricia
Girl Scout council honors
Norwalker, H 9/9/86 p10
Bellesse Inc.
Strictly Business, H 11/11/86 p17
Ben-Dor, Gisele Buka
Conductor wins Bartok prize
[photo], H 8/6/86 p11
Benedetto, Erma
In photo show [photo], H 4/1/86
Benedetto, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Wed 50 years [photo], H 10/18/86
Benedict, William
Around the Towns: Benedict
received Senior Membership
designation from the
American Society of
Appraisers, H 8/5/86 p12
Bengston, Eileen G.
Teachers cited for excellence
[photo], H 10/3/86 p1+
Weston teacher to be honored by
state commissioner, H
5/29/86 p33+
Benjamin Franklin School
City to close Franklin School,
expand Vocational center, H
6/18/86 p22
Educators to review options on
use of Franklin, H 5/20/86
Sloan: Closing Franklin School
would save $, H 6/17/86 p19
Bennett, Janice
Volunteer given May Day basket
[photo], H 5/2/86 p9
Beres, Albert A.
National VFW officer finds
pleasure bring joy to lives of
the retarded [photo], H 3/8/86
Beres, Jennifer
In the Service, H 8/15/86 p6
Beres, Joseph W. Jr.
Beres hike in pension is disputed,
H 6/30/86 p14
Beres' bid to recover wages
delayed by illness of referee,
H 12/16/86 p15
Beres' case opens Thursday in
Stamford, H 6/18/86 p18
Ex-police chief seeking pension
raises: Summary judgement
requested, H 3/25/86 p29
Motion says panel couldn't raise
pay, H 6/21/86 p8
Bergamini, Miriam
Bergamini joins freeze panel:
Star Wars will be focus
[photo], H 2/19/86 p9
Berger, Gerald
Rowaytonite wins $1.16M, H
2/19/86 p1+
Bergere, Jane
Court rejects appeal of Hewitt
decision, H 9/24/86 p24
Rowayton resident appealing
Hewitt decision, H 8/13/86
Berggren, Dr. Gretchen
Pair honored for strategy on
health care, H 8/12/86 p9
Berggren, Dr. Warren
Pair honored for strategy on
health care, H 8/12/86 p9
Berglund, Arthur Sr.
Car restoration `old fashioned
way' earns solidarity for
native family [photo], H
9/8/86 p1+
Berkowitz, Solomon
Jewish vet elected to state post
[photo], H 5/23/86 p6
Berlin, Walter L.
Service scheduled on
Wednesday for Walter L.
Berlin, H 4/8/86 p6
Walter L. Berlin, market
president, dies aboard ship,
H 4/7/86 p6
Bernard, Robert
Home/Town People [photo], H
12/16/86 p21+
Berndt, Mary Beth
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Bernhard, Arnold
Two local residents on U. S.
richest list, H 10/14/86 p9+
Bernhard, G. Kenneth
Bernhard is nominated as
Westport selectman, H
12/19/86 p27
Bernstein, Dr. Jeffrey
Doctor joins Wilton group [photo],
H 10/27/86 p34
Berry, Dave
Berry top city scorer [photo], H
6/7/86 p25+
Bertram, Johanna
Merchants fetes two who retire
[photo], H 9/9/86 p19
Beta Shim Co.
Strictly Business, H 12/2/86 p29+
Beth Israel Synagogue
Beth Israel redesigns educational
programs [photo], H 5/31/86
Beth Israel Synagogue
celebrating 80th year, H
7/26/86 p37
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Bishop welcomed to church
conference, H 5/14/86 p12
Bethel African Methodist
Episcopal Church. SEE
Bethel Railroad
Bethel Railroad newest SoNo
store [photo], H 2/4/86 p16
Bicycle accidents
Police Blotter: Boy hurt in carbike crash, H 5/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Girl thrown from
bike, H 5/14/86 p8
Bicycle accidents-Norwalk
2 hospitalized after car hits bike
and pole, H 6/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bicyclist charged
in crash, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bicyclist flees after
collision, H 6/16/86 p8
Bicycle accidents-Wilton
Police Blotter: Boy bicyclist struck
by car, H 4/7/86 p8
Bicycle touring
Bicyclists pay a visit at famed
dairy store, H 8/2/86 p13+
Cyclists leave for Presov: Bike for
Peace '86 [photo], H 7/1/86
Cyclists to visit Soviet Union
[photo], H 4/28/86 p13+
Disaster won't cancel `Bike for
Peace' trip, H 5/10/86 p1+
Local riders can escort peace
bikers [photo], H 7/23/86 p1+
Ready to take Westport tour
[photo], H 4/21/86 p11
Soviet, American bicycle riders
conclude 1,400-mile peace
trek [photo], H 8/2/86 p13+
Westport group sponsors bike
ride: Riders `Bike for Peace',
H 3/15/86 p13+
Bieri, Urs
Wedding guests impressed by
swans created by groom
[photo], H 1/3/86 p29+
Bierwirth, Sister Jane
Two Sisters join St. Joe's, H
8/12/86 p18
Biondi, Paul R.
4 students chosen, H 4/7/86 p6
Biotex Industries Inc.
Strictly Business, H 7/22/86 p29+
Birmingham, Tom
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14,
H 3/29/86 p25
100th birthday [photo], H 7/31/86
Celebrates 80th [photo], H
10/8/86 p21
January - December 1986
Birthdays (Continued)
Happy 102! [photo], H 6/25/86
Abramson, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Acosta, Jaime and Gloria Marie
[Henao] - daughter, H 9/6/86
Acuna, Mr. & Mrs. Salvadore daughter, H 2/22/86 p16
Adair, Mr. & Mrs. Sammie daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Alarcon, Mr. & Mrs. Jairo - son, H
12/29/86 p12
Albertelli, Mr. & Mrs. Richard daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Alberts, James and Carol M.
[Chirillo] - son, H 10/1/86 p33
Albertson, Mr. & Mrs. Mark - son,
H 4/26/86 p18
Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Aliapoulios, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Allen, Richard and Linda [Merritt] daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Allgood, Mr. & Mrs. Jay daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Aloise, Terrence and Claudia
[Pinto] - daughter, H
12/31/86 p25
Andresen, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Andrezejewski, Roger and Janet
[Leopold] - son, H 11/5/86
Angione, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jr. son, H 6/4/86 p34
Annacone, Mr. & Mrs. William son, H 12/18/86 p31
Annunziato, Mr. & Mrs. Steven son, H 10/29/86 p22
Antunes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel son, H 2/15/86 p22
Aptalides, Joseph and Patricia
[Heider] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Apy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jr. son, H 11/5/86 p31
Arena, Mr. & Mrs. Edward daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 12/10/86 p31
Arseniadis, Mr. & Mrs. Laurence son, H 3/22/86 p18
Asaro, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
2/5/86 p27
Audet, Robert J. and Melinda
[Steinegger] - son, H 2/1/86
Avellino, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph son, H 9/20/86 p20
Avrick, Bob and Riva
[Gerstenzang] - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Awlasewicz, B. N. and Janet
[Jacobellis] - son, H 8/2/86
Bach, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
9/4/86 p14
Baez, Mr. & Mrs. George - son, H
7/16/86 p35
Balazas, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 5/24/86 p20
Banfich, Peter and Marilyn [Fritz] daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Bantz, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce - son, H
1/18/86 p20
Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. Jean - son,
H 11/22/86 p17
Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. Magene son, H 3/5/86 p26
Barate, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Barnett, Mr. & Mrs. Larry daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Barnum, Mr. & Mrs. Danny - son,
H 12/10/86 p31
Bau, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son, H
2/27/86 p14
Baumann, Mr. & Mrs. Hans daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Bealle, Mr. & Mrs. William - son,
H 11/19/86 p17
Bear, Martin and Debbie [Tulgan]
- son, H 7/5/86 p18
Beaujour, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Bedoya, Mr. & Mrs. Luis - son, H
7/19/86 p20
Beerwa, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 3/19/86 p27
Beery, William S. and Ellen
[Sommers] - son, H 12/10/86
Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Benedict, Mr. & Mrs. David - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 11/12/86 p36
Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
Benson, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Bergstrom, Kenneth and Debbie
[Long] - daughter, H 1/18/86
Berman, Mr. & Mrs. Jan daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Bickford, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son,
H 4/26/86 p18
Biele, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Birkins, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Bitar, Mr. & Mrs. Sam - son, H
3/19/86 p27
Blackman, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
Blackwell, Mr. & Mrs. Frank son, H 10/8/86 p17
Blau, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Bletsas, Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios son, H 7/19/86 p20
Bloom, Mr. & Mrs. Norman - son,
H 7/19/86 p20
Bloom, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son,
H 1/18/86 p20
Boccuzzi, William J. and Julianne
[Carafa] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p27
Boe, Roy Lars Mangus Jr. and
Josephine [Brown] daughter, H 8/30/86 p18
Bohrer, Joseph and Sallie
[Benevenuto] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Boles, Douglas Luce and
Daralice [Donkervoet] daughter, H 5/7/86 p14
Bollman, Mr. & Mrs. Richard son, H 5/31/86 p18
Bonenfant, Mr. & Mrs. Richard daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
Bosch, Mr. & Mrs. Steven daughter, H 11/22/86 p17
Bouchard, Carl and Jean [Collin] son, H 1/18/86 p20
Bove, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
6/4/86 p34
Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney - son,
H 5/24/86 p20
Bowler, Larry and Leila Anne
[Law] - son, H 4/16/86 p29
Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Donald - son, H
9/10/86 p30
Brana, Luciano and Trudy
[Cacciotti] - son, H 2/1/86 p16
Brandner, Geoffrey S. and Lynn
[Solari] - daughter, H
12/20/86 p18
Brandon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 7/5/86 p18
Breden, Mr. & Mrs. Edward daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Bridgeforth, Harold and Sylvia
[Carter] - son, H 8/30/86 p17
Brosy, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Brown, Dennis M. and Sherri
[Peoples] - son, H 12/10/86
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Perez
- son, H 4/26/86 p18
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jr. daughter, H 2/22/86 p16
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore son, H 8/6/86 p16
Brundage, Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Jr.
- son, H 7/16/86 p35
Bryn, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - twin
daughters, H 2/15/86 p22
Bryon, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher son, H 12/29/86 p12
Bua, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son, H
3/5/86 p26
Bubbico, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Bucknam, Mr. & Mrs. John - son,
H 7/19/86 p20
Bukovcik, Mr. & Mrs. Steven daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Burbank, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory son, H 9/13/86 p26
Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. William son, H 4/16/86 p29
Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son, H
8/23/86 p17
Burr, Mr. & Mrs. Alan - son, H
5/3/86 p17
Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Pierce - son, H
9/4/86 p14
Cafero, Lawrence F. Jr. and
Barbara [Englert] - daughter,
H 2/19/86 p36
Calloway, Gregory and Heidi
[Vogt] - son, H 8/2/86 p18
Calve, Dominick G. and Anne P.
[Smith] - son, H 8/30/86 p18
Calvert, Mr. & Mrs. Brian - son, H
1/2/86 p14
Calzone, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
James - son, H 9/18/86 p14
Cambareri, Salvatore and Linda
[Dammassa] - daughter, H
3/24/86 p19
Camhi, Mr. & Mrs. Fred daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Campanella, Angelo Jr. and
Sharon [Perniciaro] daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Campbell, David and Anne
[Crandall] - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 10/29/86 p22
Cancel, Mr. & Mrs. Luis daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Candrea, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 7/16/86 p35
Cannavino, Mr. & Mrs. John W. daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Capozzoli, Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale son, H 2/5/86 p27
Cappello, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Carrera, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Caruso, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 3/19/86 p27
Cascante, Mr. & Mrs. Eddie son, H 12/10/86 p31
Case, Renwick and Shanon
[Carroll] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas IIIdaughter, H 2/5/86 p27
Cassavechia, Anthony and
Denise [Mete] - son, H
2/22/86 p16
Cassidy, Mr. & Mrs. Roger daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Castaldi, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son,
H 5/3/86 p17
Castiglioni, Mr. & Mrs. Richard son, H 9/17/86 p25
Castravinci, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 12/20/86 p18
Casubolo, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 12/10/86 p31
Catino, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
5/15/86 p42
Caudill, Kim III and Mary Pat
[Dunn] - daughter, H 8/30/86
Cavallo, Douglas C. and Lisa E.
[Hofmann] - son, H 5/7/86
Cavanagh, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Cawley, John J. and Laurie
[Scarcella] - son, H 6/7/86
Cayo, Mr. & Mrs. Elie - daughter,
H 4/26/86 p18
Ceglarski, Paul and Eileen [Tully]
- daughter, H 12/31/86 p25
Cerrentani, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Chamberlin, Brooks and Angela
[Leefe] - son, H 12/10/86 p38
Chandler, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy son, H 3/5/86 p26
Chariott, Mr. & Mrs. Donald daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas - son,
H 6/14/86 p18
Chatelet, Mr. & Mrs. Jacques daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Cheifetz, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Chen, Mr. & Mrs. Harry - son, H
3/5/86 p26
Cherubini, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph son, H 5/3/86 p17
Chieffalo, Mr. & Mrs. Franco daughter, H 12/29/86 p12
Chila, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Choma, Andrew W. and
Elizabeth [Davies] - son, H
11/5/86 p31
Chuba, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 8/6/86 p16
Ciaccia, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Cimino, Mr. & Mrs. Gary daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 12/10/86 p38
Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Classey, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Claudio, Mr. & Mrs. David - son,
H 3/19/86 p27
Clayton, Anthony and Elizabeth
[Meacham] - daughter, H
9/6/86 p18
Clinchy, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth son, H 11/5/86 p31
Closius, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Cloud, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 6/11/86 p19
Coffee, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Howard - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Cole, Mr. & Mrs. John - daughter,
H 7/19/86 p20
Cole, Thomas and Claudia
[Nash] - daughter, H 7/19/86
Collen, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony - son,
H 9/20/86 p20
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Collison, Charles Ryan and
Valerie [Klopp] - son, H
12/10/86 p38
Colonnello, Anthony and Gail
[Mattioli] - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Conant, Mr. & Mrs. James - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Conlan, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen son, H 7/19/86 p20
Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 3/24/86 p19
Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. Ray - son, H
2/22/86 p16
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Cooper, George F. III and
Suzanne M. [Wingert] - son,
H 12/31/86 p25
Cooperman, Mr. & Mrs. Martin daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Coppola, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Cordone, Mr. & Mrs. John Jr. daughter, H 9/4/86 p14
Corn, Richard and Amy [Crean] daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Cortes, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor - son,
H 9/17/86 p25
Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Jose - son, H
12/29/86 p12
Cottrell, Ronald and Nancy
[Luciano] - daughter, H
8/30/86 p18
Cowic, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Craig, Mr. & Mrs. Kent - son, H
3/24/86 p19
Creach, Mr. & Mrs. James - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Cronk, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
2/22/86 p16
Crowcroft, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald son, H 11/5/86 p37
Cuddy, Daniel J. and Jane
[Romaniello] - son, H 5/7/86
Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
Cuseo, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas - son,
H 8/6/86 p16
Cushing, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Cutler, Mr. & Mrs. - daughter, H
8/23/86 p17
Dalton, Belvy and Lorraine
[Charles] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
Daly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph - son, H
11/5/86 p31
Danaher, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Daniello, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 11/12/86 p36
Das, Mr. & Mrs. Kumar - twin
daughters, H 12/10/86 p31
Davis, John and Pat [Colgan] son, H 8/6/86 p16
Davison, Mr. & Mrs. Glen L. daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
DeCarlo, Louis and Karen
[Altomaro] - son, H 10/1/86
DeFelice, Mr. & Mrs. Michael son, H 5/15/86 p42
Deicke, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
DeLeo, Robert Jr. and Kathleen
[Gavaghan] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
DelMazio, Philip and Josephine
[Macari] - son, H 12/20/86
Delmerico, Joseph and Susan
[Krawiec] - daughter, H
5/7/86 p14
DelPrete, Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore son, H 11/5/86 p31
Deluca, R. Reed and Beverly
[Sabia] - son, H 5/7/86 p14
Denny, Mr. & Mrs. Russell daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
DePanfilis, Anthony J. and
Kathleen J. [Kelly] daughter, H 5/1/86 p16
Derosa, Mr. & Mrs. Louis - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Deura, Mr. & Mrs. Mohammad son, H 9/17/86 p25
DeWitt, Jeffrey and Lori [LaSelva]
- daughter, H 6/21/86 p18
Dezso, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore son, H 11/5/86 p37
Diacri, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony - son,
H 2/15/86 p22
Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome daughter, H 9/17/86 p25
Diaz, Mr. & Mrs. Diego - son, H
6/14/86 p18
Dibner, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Dicarlo, Mr. & Mrs. Hamilcar daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
DiMichele, Mr. & Mrs. Patsy son, H 4/26/86 p18
Dinucci, Mr. & Mrs. Frank - son,
H 3/22/86 p18
DiRoma, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - twin
son and daughter, H 3/24/86
DiScala, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
DiScala, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
12/10/86 p31
DiSilvestro, Eric and Sally
[Cregan] - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Dixon, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen - son,
H 7/16/86 p35
Dobles, Mr. & Mrs. Luis daughter, H 8/23/86 p17
Doherty, Robert S. and Ann
[Taylor] - son, H 12/31/86 p26
Dominguez, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 2/15/86 p22
Dominici, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald son, H 11/5/86 p31
Donahue, Peter S. and Marilyn
[Gugginsberg] - son, H
11/5/86 p31
Donofrio, Mr. & Mrs. Francis son, H 12/29/86 p12
Donohue, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce - son,
H 4/16/86 p29
Dornan, Mr. & Mrs. Brian - son, H
5/24/86 p20
Doubleday, F. William and Judy
A. [Bowman] - son, H 11/8/86
Dougherty, Mr. & Mrs. Claude son, H 2/5/86 p27
Dowling, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Jr. - daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Dragan, Roy and Tricia [Mete] son, H 4/26/86 p18
Drake, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel - twins,
H 6/4/86 p34
Dryden, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 4/26/86 p18
Duane, Mr. & Mrs. Francis daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Dufault, Paul and Nancy [Hern] son, H 7/28/86 p17
Duff, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas - son, H
4/26/86 p18
Duffey, Christopher and Kathleen
[O'Brien] - son, H 2/19/86 p36
Duffin, March Jr. and Barbara
[Mooney] - son, H 5/24/86
Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher son, H 5/3/86 p17
Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son, H
4/16/86 p29
Dunne, Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Jr. son, H 7/2/86 p34
Duran, Mr. & Mrs. Aramis - son,
H 7/5/86 p18
Dvornek, Jerome and Linda
[Smith] - daughter, H 1/18/86
Eccles, Warren and Debra
[Hollingsworth] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Edvardsen, John and JoAnne
[Carlson] - daughter, H
8/30/86 p18
Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Elarabi, Mr. & Mrs. Abdessedek daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Eldridge, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son,
H 10/29/86 p22
Elias, Mr. & Mrs. Jorge daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Emerick, Mark and Jacquelyn
[Vella] - daughter, H 5/7/86
p14, H 5/19/86 p17
Eng, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel - son, H
12/17/86 p35
Esaw, Isaac and Jerlene [Davis] daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Evon, Gary E. and Jane P.
[Forte] - son, H 12/31/86 p25
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Fabrizio, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
Falcioni, Ronald J. and Dana
[Robinson] - son, H 2/7/86
Falcioni, Ronald John and Dana
[Robinson] - son, H 1/14/86
Fallo, Mr. & Mrs. Russell daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Farinato, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond son, H 9/17/86 p25
Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Karr daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Faughnan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 3/22/86 p18
Feliciano, Mr. & Mrs. Augustin daughter, H 3/19/86 p27
Felsman, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Ference, Mr. & Mrs. Francis son, H 7/16/86 p35
Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene son, H 12/29/86 p12
Fernandez, Mr. & Mrs. Jorge son, H 2/15/86 p22
Fieber, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Fieto, Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo - son,
H 10/29/86 p22
Finch, Fred E. Jr. and Cathi
[Szuets] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
Finger, Mr. & Mrs. Steven - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph - son,
H 3/22/86 p18
Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. Edward son, H 12/10/86 p38
Flachsbart, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Fleming, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Fletcher, David Allen and Michele
[White] - son, H 9/20/86 p20
Flint, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Fogarty, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis - son,
H 3/22/86 p18
Forcellina, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 3/5/86 p26
Ford, Daniel and Catherine E.
[Curtin] - daughter, H 5/14/86
Forlenzo, Philip and Carol
[Hanley] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Forrest, Harold M. and Cari
[Zimber] - son, H 5/7/86 p14
Forrest, Mr. & Mrs. Kirk daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Fotinopoulos, Mr. & Mrs.
Achileas - son, H 1/2/86 p14
Francis, Mark T. and Florence
[Brown] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Frantz, Mr. & Mrs. Charton - son,
H 9/17/86 p25
Frasca, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph G. III daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Frascino, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Frattalone, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 2/1/86 p16
Freeman, Mr. & Mrs. Adam - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Freitag, Mr. & Mrs. Donald daughter, H 11/22/86 p17
French, Tom and Cathy [Lewis] son, H 5/7/86 p14
Frey, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Friedson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Frydrych, Allen and Donna
[Brantley] - daughter, H
5/7/86 p14
Fuller, Mr. & Mrs. Richard daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
Gaboriault, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Gaffney, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 9/17/86 p25
Gage, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son, H
12/17/86 p35
Gagliardi, Michael and Lynn
[Summers] - son, H 8/30/86
Gagon, Paul-Daniel and Debra
[Kaldon] - son, H 5/7/86 p14
Galella, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 5/24/86 p20
Galvin, Joseph and Patricia
[Hensey] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p29
Galvin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
Gardella, Mr. & Mrs. Lealand son, H 3/22/86 p18
Gardella, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 3/5/86 p26
Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. Michael son, H 4/26/86 p18
Garey, Mr. & Mrs. Allan - son, H
8/20/86 p36
Garfinkle, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff - son, H
12/17/86 p35
Garfunkel, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew son, H 11/12/86 p36
Gaston, Mr. & Mrs. Bradford daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Gelb, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jr. daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Gentile, Anthony J. and
Jeannette [Schreiber] daughter, H 5/29/86 p15
Genuario, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 2/15/86 p22
Gerace, Vincent and Margery
[Bloom] - daughter, H
6/14/86 p17
Giannotto, Louis and Lisa
[Chrisman] - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Gibbons, John and Victoria
Lowell [Reavis] - daughter, H
1/15/86 p24
Gibbs, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth - son,
H 7/19/86 p20
Gigante, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Gilbertie, Mr. & Mrs. Marty M. daughter, H 3/29/86 p15
Gillert, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. son, H 5/28/86 p19
Giorgione, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Gist, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Gleason, Mark E. and Nancy L.
[Winslow] - son, H 12/10/86
Godfrey, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Gold, Mr. & Mrs. Gerry daughter, H 5/7/86 p14
Goldberg, Mr. & Mrs. Bart daughter, H 9/17/86 p25
Goldenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Richard son, H 12/17/86 p35
Gonzalez, Mr. & Mrs. Jaime daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Gonzalez, Nelson and Susan
[VanWert] - daughter, H
5/24/86 p20
Goomrigian, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Gore, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
3/22/86 p18
Grammaticas, William and Nancy
[Duquette] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Granata, Mr. & Mrs. Michael son, H 2/1/86 p16
Gransee, Mr. & Mrs. David H. daughter, H 9/6/86 p18
Gray, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Greenwood, Mr. & Mrs. David F. daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Grills, Joseph Jr. and Joan
[Moreno] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
Grinter, Mr. & Mrs. Donald daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. William - son,
H 8/20/86 p36
Guha, Richard S. and Schimenz,
Marlene - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Gunderson, Barry and Cathryn
[Petri] - daughter, H 11/5/86
Gustafson, Mr. & Mrs. Donald daughter, H 11/12/86 p36
Guyton, Mr. & Mrs. Kurt daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. James son, H 11/19/86 p17
Hale, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher son, H 1/2/86 p14
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Jr. daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
9/10/86 p30
Hamernick, Mr. & Mrs. Richard son, H 8/6/86 p16
Hamm, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son,
H 2/5/86 p27
Hannsz, John E. and Janice
[Randolph] - son, H 11/5/86
Harding, Michael and Sally
[Stone] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Harding, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Hardy, Mr. & Mrs. George daughter, H 7/26/86 p18
Harris, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Harris, Mr. & Mrs. John Jr. - son,
H 6/4/86 p34
Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Hartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Ted daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Hartog, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas daughter, H 11/12/86 p36
Hartwell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas son, H 9/10/86 p30
Hartwell, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Hasson, Mr. & Mrs. Barouh daughter, H 4/30/86 p24
Hatziioannidis, Mr. & Mrs.
Anastasioa - daughter, H
2/15/86 p22
Hauser, Mr. & Mrs. Edward daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Haven, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin - son, H
1/18/86 p20
Hawley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 8/23/86 p17
Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Head, Alec, and Webb,
Marguerite - son, H 1/2/86
[photo] p1+
Heath, Jeffrey C. and Jennifer
[Parrett] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p29
Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - son,
H 11/19/86 p17
Hecht, Mr. & Mrs. Yehoshua daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Heibeck, Mr. & Mrs. Martin daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Heibler, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Heller, Douglas and Janis
[Weiner] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Hemingway, Mr. & Mrs. Ewald daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Hennessy, Brian and Therese
[Belden] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
Herling, Michael J. and Nancy
[Campbell] - son, H 1/18/86
Herman, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Herold, Jay M. and Ann [Ruta] daughter, H 8/30/86 p18
Herring, Mr. & Mrs. Louis - son, H
12/17/86 p35
Herring, Peter E. and Pamela S.
[Dingwall] - son, H 8/30/86
Hersey, Mr. & Mrs. Kimball III son, H 11/12/86 p36
Hess, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Jr. daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Higgs, Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. - son,
H 3/24/86 p19
Hinchcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery son, H 7/26/86 p18
Hinson, Michael and Dawn
[DeLeo] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p29
Hodgson, Mr. & Mrs. Graeme son, H 1/18/86 p20
Hoelle, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Hoffman, D. K. and Karen
[Brown] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Hoffman, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Holcomb, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn - son,
H 3/5/86 p26
Holdsworth, William J. and Phyllis
[Thibeault] - son, H 9/6/86
Hollingworth, Mr. & Mrs. William son, H 4/30/86 p24
Holomakoff, Mr. & Mrs. Gregg son, H 2/15/86 p22
Hood, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Hope, Mr. & Mrs. William Jr. son, H 11/5/86 p31
Hopper, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son,
H 7/16/86 p35
Hough, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher son, H 12/18/86 p31
Hovey, Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. - son,
H 12/10/86 p38
Hracs, Alan and Debra [Felter] daughter, H 4/16/86 p27
Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory son, H 9/17/86 p25
Hulit, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jr. daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Huskins, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Iannacone, Salvatore Joseph III
and Patricia [Hegedus] - son,
H 3/5/86 p24
Imperato, Louis G. Jr. and
Kathryn M. [Slattery] - son, H
5/24/86 p20
Imperato, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Jr. son, H 4/30/86 p24
Interlandi, Michael and Jill
[Crichton] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p29
Ippolito, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son, H
2/19/86 p36, H 2/15/86 p22
Jackson, Alan and Lynne
[Nowack] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Jackson, Robert C. and Mary
Anne [Ribes] - son, H
5/31/86 p18
Jacobson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry daughter, H 3/5/86 p26
Jamnadas, Mr. & Mrs.
Pradipkumar - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Jankins, Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Sr.
- daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Jannelle, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Jasinski, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald son, H 7/26/86 p18
Jenkins, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Jeudy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Johannessen, Jon and Susan
[Vallencroll] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Johnson, David and Robin
[Russo] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Craig daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth son, H 7/16/86 p35
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 5/3/86 p17
Johnson, Robert B. and Margie
G. [Raymond] - daughter, H
12/17/86 p39
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Burton daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son, H
6/14/86 p18
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond son, H 4/30/86 p24
Jopling, John C. and Caroline
[Brown] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence son, H 9/10/86 p30
Joyner, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas - son,
H 4/30/86 p24
Kahn, Mr. & Mrs. Ali - daughter,
H 11/5/86 p31
Kamens, Michael and Joan
[Herz] - daughter, H 3/8/86
Kapec, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bryn daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Kaplan, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Karahalios, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Kasparis, Mr. & Mrs. Andronikos daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Kasprzyk, Walter and Roberta
[Norton] - son, H 8/16/86 p18
Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew - son, H
5/14/86 p33
Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey - son, H
12/18/86 p31
Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Roger daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Kaufman, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
Kavanaugh, Craig and Nancy
[Kirk] - daughter, H 11/5/86
Keane, John J. Jr. and Susan E.
[Bachman] - son, H 9/6/86
Kelley, Robert and Williams,
Dana - daughter, H 2/1/86
Kenaga, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Kenna, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Edward - daughter, H
3/24/86 p19
Kenny, John J. and Jennifer
[Howland] - daughter, H
12/31/86 p26
Kerrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Stephan son, H 3/22/86 p18
Kershaw, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas son, H 5/3/86 p17
Khan, Mr. & Mrs. Farooq daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Kilkenny, Mr. & Mrs. Jay F. - son,
H 3/24/86 p19
Kimball, Mr. & Mrs. Mark daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
King, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
King, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
King, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald - son, H
8/20/86 p36
Klein, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Klein, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
5/3/86 p17
Klucik, Mr. & Mrs. Rodney daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Kolokowski, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel son, H 3/24/86 p19
Koons, Mr. & Mrs. Charles - son,
H 2/1/86 p16
Koosed, Mr. & Mrs. Martin - son,
H 4/26/86 p18
Kozma, William S. Jr. and
Pamela [Toss] - daughter, H
3/19/86 p23
Kraft, Mr. & Mrs. Alan - son, H
2/15/86 p22
Kraft, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Kramer, John C. and Barbara
[Czako] - daughter, H
1/29/86 p27
Kress, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey - son, H
5/14/86 p33
Kress, Stephen W. and
Weinstein-Kress, Evelyn son, H 11/15/86 p18
Kriewalk, Mr. & Mrs. Rand Frazerson, H 11/5/86 p31
Kroll, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Krom, Darrell and Linda [Gallagi] daughter, H 12/10/86 p38
Kronick, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
8/20/86 p36
Kudlicki, Mr. & Mrs. Frank daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Kunz, Mr. & Mrs. Kyle - son, H
6/4/86 p34
Kuper, Mr. & Mrs. George - son,
H 3/22/86 p18
Kurth, Mr. & Mrs. John - twins, H
9/10/86 p30
Kydes, Mr. & Mrs. Christo - son,
H 6/14/86 p18
Kydes, Mr. & Mrs. Tracey daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
LaCava, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
11/12/86 p36
LaCroix, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher daughter, H 4/30/86 p24
Lagana-Dewey, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Patrick - daughter, H 6/14/86
Lake, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 12/29/86 p12
Lamb, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory - son,
H 8/23/86 p17
Lamorte, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Edward - son, H
11/5/86 p37
Langley, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
LaRose, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Lato, Mr. & Mrs. Dominick - son,
H 8/20/86 p36
Lau, Mr. & Mrs. Chong - son, H
8/23/86 p17
Laughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Neal daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Lawrence, Richard P. and Denise
[Prado] - son, H 5/31/86 p18
Lazarus, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Lea, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas II - son,
H 12/17/86 p35
LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jr. son, H 5/3/86 p17
Lee, Mr. & Mrs. James Jr. - son,
H 11/19/86 p17
Leister, Kellen and MaryEllen
[Smith] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Lemons, Mr. & Mrs. David twins, H 9/10/86 p30
LeMoult, Mr. & Mrs. Michael son, H 8/20/86 p36
Lenkowsky, Steven and Diane
[Hartwell] - son, H 12/31/86
Lepore, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Lert, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
1/2/86 p14
Leung, Mr. & Mrs. Keith - son, H
4/26/86 p18
LeVan, David W. and Annamarie
[Vella] - daughter, H 4/16/86
Levine, Robert Jonathan and Eva
Micheline [Szekeres] - son, H
9/6/86 p18
Levy, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph daughter, H 9/4/86 p14
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Alan - son, H
2/5/86 p27
Liaskas, Mr. & Mrs. George son, H 1/2/86 p14
Liepolt, Mr. & Mrs. Werner - son,
H 8/6/86 p16
Lilliedahl, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Lilliedahl, Mr. & Mrs. John - son,
H 2/1/86 p16
Lindstrom, Mr. & Mrs.
Christopher - daughter, H
4/16/86 p29
Lindwall, William A. and Maureen
[Callahan] - daughter, H
5/12/86 p14
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Ling, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis - son, H
4/16/86 p29
Lloyd, Kevin R. and Leslie
[Werner] - son, H 12/10/86
Local couple thanking science for
arrival of healthy triplets
[photo], H 12/2/86 p36
Lockwood, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Lodye-Clark, Mr. & Mrs. John son, H 5/3/86 p17
Logan, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Lom, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Longo, Mr. & Mrs. Francesco daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Lopez, Evelyn - son, H 12/20/86
Lorenz, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 6/14/86 p18
Lorenzetti, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Lotstein, Steven and Linda
[Speiser] - daughter, H
6/4/86 p34
Loudon, Mr. & Mrs. Michael son, H 9/10/86 p30
Louisgene, Mr. & Mrs. - son, H
8/30/86 p18
Lozier, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Lu, Geoffrey Richard and Misun
[Oak] - daughter, H 5/7/86
Luciani, Mr. & Mrs. Frank daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Ludwig, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 9/6/86 p18
Lukaniec, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy daughter, H 7/26/86 p18
MacArthur, Mr. & Mrs. Fred daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
MacDonnell, Mr. & Mrs. Russell
B. - son, H 3/24/86 p19
Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher daughter, H 12/29/86 p12
Maddix, Jeffery and Kathleen
[Reilly] - daughter, H 1/13/86
Magee, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph - son,
H 6/4/86 p34
Magner, Michael J. and Leslie
[Sakson] - son, H 3/12/86 p22
Magner, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Magner, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Magrath, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Maisner, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son, H
3/22/86 p18
Majeski, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Maldonado, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Maley, Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Jr. daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Mallory, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Mangone, Mr. & Mrs. Philip - son,
H 2/22/86 p16
Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald son, H 7/5/86 p18
Mantilia, Robert and Susan
[Allen] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Mantuszewski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank son, H 5/3/86 p17
Manuel, Mr. & Mrs. Charles daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Manuel, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 2/5/86 p27
Marcantonio, Roy and Cheryl
[Corbin] - daughter, H 6/7/86
Markowitz, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
Marks, Mr. & Mrs. George Jr. daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Marotto, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jr. son, H 12/17/86 p35
Marsan, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest - son,
H 4/16/86 p29
Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Sean - son, H
9/10/86 p30
Martinek, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth son, H 2/1/86 p16
Martinez, Mr. & Mrs. Eric - son, H
3/24/86 p19
Martylewski, Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis - son,
H 11/5/86 p37
Matheson, Malcolm and Isabel
[Schaer] - daughter, H 5/7/86
Mathews, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Matregrano, Dennis C. and Ann
[Kozma] - son, H 8/6/86 p18
Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. Calum daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
May, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
Mayorga, Mr. & Mrs. Leolen daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. John - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Luke daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
McClane, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
8/23/86 p17
McCrea, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy daughter, H 2/5/86 p27
McCurdy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 8/20/86 p36
McFadden, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
McFadden, Roger III and Beverly
[Davis] - daughter, H 5/7/86
McGarty, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
McGill, Charles and Diane
[Sedita] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
McGuinness, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
McHenry, Scott P. and Eileen
[Wolf] - daughter, H 5/31/86
McIntosh, Valton and Jennifer
[Days] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
McLaughlan, Mr. & Mrs. Shaun son, H 4/30/86 p24
McManamy, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
McManigal, Mr. & Mrs. John son, H 7/5/86 p18
McMullan, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin daughter, H 9/4/86 p14
McNees, Mr. & Mrs. Donald son, H 8/20/86 p36
McNulty, John and Daniela
[Serrano] - twin sons, H
9/6/86 p18
McShane, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Mecozzi, Mr. & Mrs. Gary daughter, H 4/30/86 p24
Mede, Mr. & Mrs. Murat - son, H
12/10/86 p31
Melitsanopoulos, Konstantinos
and Martha [Sigalos] - son, H
5/31/86 p18
Memoli, Michael A. and Ellen
[Mayshar] - daughter, H
12/31/86 p25, H 12/20/86 p18
Mercuri, Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo son, H 6/4/86 p34
Merlob, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 3/5/86 p26
Meshberg, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald daughter, H 5/24/86 p20
Mihai, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Mihalko, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald - son,
H 3/24/86 p19
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Charles daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest - son, H
5/3/86 p17
Minter, Mr. & Mrs. Donald - son,
H 5/24/86 p20
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Mintz, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Mirkov, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
6/14/86 p18
Miska, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley - son,
H 4/26/86 p18
Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Howard son, H 10/29/86 p22
Mocciola, Mr. & Mrs. Alan - son,
H 2/15/86 p22
Mola, Mr. & Mrs. Richard daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Mondschein, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey son, H 6/14/86 p18
Mones, Craig and Jean [Frieden] son, H 6/25/86 p32
Mones, Mark and Kim [Calzone] son, H 6/25/86 p30
Mones, Mr. & Mrs. Glen - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Montanaro, Michael and Sharon
[O'Connor] - son, H 5/31/86
Montanez, Mr. & Mrs. Julio - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Montanez, Mr. & Mrs. Miguel son, H 11/5/86 p31
Montgelas, Mr. & Mrs. Mark son, H 11/5/86 p31
Montgomery, Joseph S. and
Celia [Congdon] - son, H
12/20/86 p18
Montrechio, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Gary - son, H
5/3/86 p17, H 8/6/86 p16
Morabito, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph son, H 8/6/86 p16
Moretti, Frank Jr. and Janet
[Perillo] - son, H 5/7/86 p14
Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul daughter, H 4/30/86 p24
Morrow, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce daughter, H 3/5/86 p26
Moseley, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin - son,
H 3/19/86 p27
Moss, M. Scott and Sarah
[Shepherd] - daughter, H
5/24/86 p20
Mujumdar, Mr. & Mrs.
Ghanshyam - son, H 11/5/86
Mullaney, Mr. & Mrs. Frank - son,
H 9/20/86 p20
Mulqueen, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Murillo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Murphy, Kevin Palmer and
Jamey L. [Short] - daughter,
H 12/20/86 p18
Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Steven - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy son, H 1/2/86 p14
Nair, Dr. & Mrs. Kesavan - son, H
3/19/86 p27
Napier, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - son,
H 4/16/86 p29
Napurski, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
Narcise, Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Jr. daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Natale, Thomas D. and Nanci
[Roth] - son, H 6/4/86 p24, H
5/24/86 p20
Naylor, Randy and Kathleen
[Kelly] - twin sons, H 3/24/86
Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy - daughter,
H 12/10/86 p31
Neimer, Mr. & Mrs. David - son,
H 3/24/86 p19
Neisler, Anton and Debra
[Wheeler] - son, H 12/10/86
Nelsen, Mr. & Mrs. Craig - son, H
9/10/86 p30
Neuscheler, Carl and Lisa
[Leone] - son, H 4/26/86 p18
Nevas, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard - son,
H 6/14/86 p18
Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce daughter, H 11/22/86 p17
Nickerson, Mr. & Mrs. Alan daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
Nitta, Gregory H. and Diane H.
[Ogata] - daughter, H 9/6/86
Nixon, Thomas and Tracie [Bell] daughter, H 12/13/86 p17, H
12/10/86 p36
Noble, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
10/29/86 p22
Noivadhana, Mr. & Mrs. Karl son, H 6/14/86 p18
Nolin, Peter M. and Carol
[Bateson] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Norris, Mr. & Mrs. Rocky daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
North, Kent C. and Patricia A.
[Cretella] - son, H 3/12/86 p29
Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 7/26/86 p18
Nuro, Mr. & Mrs. Frank - son, H
2/5/86 p27
O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J.
Jr. - son, H 11/5/86 p31
O'Connor, John P. and Julia
[Flora] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
O'Connor, Robert T. and Victoria
[Perillo] - son, H 9/18/86 p14
O'Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
O'Haire, Anthony and Lise
[Nussbaum] - daughter, H
8/30/86 p18
O'Hara, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Oakford, Scott I. and Eileen
[Smith] - son, H 4/16/86 p29
Ocana, Mr. & Mrs. Holger L. son, H 3/24/86 p19
Olan, Mr. & Mrs. William - son, H
5/3/86 p17
Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Carl daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Olmeda, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Jr. daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Oman, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy - son,
H 3/5/86 p26
Ortiz, Mr. & Mrs. Pedro daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Osborn, Frank and Jody [Nelson]
- daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Otalvaro, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Overland, Mr. & Mrs. Keith - son,
H 9/17/86 p25
Oxer, Robert and Pati [DeYulio] son, H 1/18/86 p20
Pacioretty, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond daughter, H 2/1/86 p16
Palumbo, Al Jr. and Noreen
[Smith] - daughter, H 11/8/86
Papachristou, Mr. & Mrs. Petros son, H 9/10/86 p30
Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs.
George - son, H 4/30/86 p24
Pappa, Mr. & Mrs. William - son,
H 3/19/86 p27
Parent, Joseph and Cheryl
[Mockler] - daughter, H
5/3/86 p17
Parese, Gary and Catherine
[Wood] - daughter, H 4/16/86
Parisi, Mr. & Mrs. Danny daughter, H 12/29/86 p12
Parks, Gary P. and Grace
[Flores] - daughter, H 1/18/86
Parks, Mr. & Mrs. Donald daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Passino, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Pastuszak, Gary S. and Vickie
[Pustari] - daughter, H 9/6/86
Patterson, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Patton, Robert H. and Victoria
[Zawacki] - son, H 5/7/86 p14
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Patzelt, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. son, H 3/24/86 p19
Paulson, Donald A. and Anne
[Parker] - daughter, H 8/6/86
Pavlik, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
3/24/86 p19
Payne, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
5/14/86 p33
Peloso, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
9/17/86 p25
Peluso, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 7/5/86 p18
Pena, Mr. & Mrs. Candido - son,
H 2/15/86 p22
Pennell, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Perakis, Mr. & Mrs. James - son,
H 2/15/86 p22
Petrides, Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios son, H 3/19/86 p27
Petrizzi, Richard S. and Laurie
[Correa] - daughter, H
12/24/86 p12
Phelps, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 7/26/86 p18
Pinto, Richard and Sharon
[Wininger] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p29
Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio - son,
H 6/14/86 p18
Plante, Robert and Denise
[Machinello] - daughter, H
3/15/86 p18
Pober, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - son,
H 7/16/86 p35
Polifroni, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas daughter, H 2/5/86 p27
Pollander, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley son, H 10/8/86 p17
Poltrack, James and Regina
[Ferrara] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Preli, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Prescott, Edward and Jennifer
[Buonerba] - son, H 12/31/86
Prescott, Mr. & Mrs. Edward son, H 11/22/86 p17
Press, Mr. & Mrs. Steven daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Price, Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Jr. son, H 3/24/86 p19
Price, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 2/22/86 p16
Proietti, Sante and Anne [Gibson]
- daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Provato, Louis J. and Susan
[DePanfilis] - daughter, H
5/31/86 p17
Pryde, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
8/23/86 p17
Pryor, Daryl R. and Valerie
[Mendence] - son, H 6/4/86
Purcell, Peter and Linda
[Esposito] - son, H 3/13/86
Purcell, Thomas E. and Mary
[Wilcox] - daughter, H 5/3/86
Quattroch, Mr. & Mrs. Charles son, H 8/20/86 p36
Quiles, Mr. & Mrs. Edward - son,
H 5/3/86 p17
Quinones, Mr. & Mrs. Esteban daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Rackliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Dan - son,
H 7/5/86 p18
Rae, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - son, H
1/2/86 p14
Rafalski, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Raggio, Mr. & Mrs. Reed - son, H
2/15/86 p22
Ragland, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 4/16/86 p29
Rakowski, Joseph and YannettiRakowski, Terri - daughter, H
7/26/86 p17
Ramirez, Mr. & Mrs. Mario - son,
H 11/5/86 p31
Raposo, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
Ratcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew daughter, H 11/22/86 p17
Raub, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 11/12/86 p36
Raymond, Dewey A. and Mena
[Walsh] - son, H 6/18/86 p28
Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sr.
- daughter, H 9/4/86 p14
Read, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. son, H 4/26/86 p18
Reed, James E. and Janet
[Jordan] - daughter, H 9/6/86
Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Mark - son, H
8/6/86 p16
Reid, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin - son, H
3/5/86 p26
Reid, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. son, H 11/5/86 p31
Reiff, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Reilly, Kevin and Nancy [Slack] son, H 5/7/86 p14
Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Reis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Renz, Mr. & Mrs. Roger daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Rice, Gary and Eileen
[Fitzgerald] - daughter, H
9/17/86 p19
Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Kim son, H 6/4/86 p34
Ritzzo, Mr. & Mrs. Michael - son,
H 8/6/86 p16
Rivera, Jorge and Maria
[Valentin] - daughter, H
12/20/86 p18
Rivera, Mr. & Mrs. Franklen daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Rivera, Mr. & Mrs. Juan daughter, H 10/29/86 p22
Rivera, Mr. & Mrs. Ramon - son,
H 2/5/86 p27
Rivers, Mr. & Mrs. Clark daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Keith daughter, H 11/22/86 p17
Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. son, H 11/5/86 p31
Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son, H
1/18/86 p20
Rodgers, Mr. & Mrs. Philip daughter, H 2/22/86 p16
Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Felix - son,
H 5/24/86 p20
Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Hector son, H 8/20/86 p36
Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Juan son, H 1/18/86 p20
Rogers, Patrick J. and Cynthia J.
[Lawrence] - son, H 4/16/86
Rojas, Alberto and Elaine
[Fratturo] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Romano, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy son, H 5/14/86 p33
Romeo, Mr. & Mrs. Rory daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Rooney, Mr. & Mrs. J. Gerard daughter, H 11/22/86 p17
Roos, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
9/20/86 p20
Rosati, Rocco P. and Ann
[Faugno] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Rose, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Rosler, Mr. & Mrs. Paul - son, H
3/22/86 p18
Rosso, Joseph L. and Linda
[Burns] - son, H 4/16/86 p29
Rowan, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Rowett, Mr. & Mrs. Henry daughter, H 12/29/86 p12
Ruggiero, Patrick and Patricia
[Tesauro] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p27
Rumsey, Mr. & Mrs. James A. son, H 8/6/86 p16
Runshall, Paul and Margaret
[Hart] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
Russ, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son, H
1/2/86 p14
Russo, Allen A. and Wendy
[Hailend] - daughter, H
12/31/86 p25
Russo, Gerardo John and Jane
[Ginter] - son, H 5/7/86 p14
Russo, Mark R. and Andrea
[Capone] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. David - son, H
3/22/86 p18
Sabia, Salvatore and Elizabeth
[McDermott] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Sabini, David A. and Mary Ann
[Ferris] - daughter, H 11/5/86
Sagliano, Mr. & Mrs. Michael twin sons, H 5/24/86 p20
Sainz, Frank and Evelyn [Carter] son, H 1/18/86 p20
Salas, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel - son,
H 4/30/86 p24
Salta, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore - son,
H 3/5/86 p26
Saltus, Mr. & Mrs. Brett - son, H
11/19/86 p17
Saltus, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth - son,
H 7/16/86 p35
Salvatierra, Mr. & Mrs. Jose daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Samela, Mr. & Mrs. William - son,
H 11/22/86 p17
Sancho, Mr. & Mrs. Martin daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Santella, Peter M. Jr. and Suzan
[Obernier] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Santillan, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo - son,
H 6/4/86 p34
Santori, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic son, H 1/18/86 p20
Santoro, Mr. & Mrs. Nicola daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Sarosi, Mr. & Mrs. Carmine daughter, H 12/29/86 p12
Sassano, Mr. & Mrs. Paolo - son,
H 12/10/86 p31
Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory son, H 4/26/86 p18
Savvidis, Mr. & Mrs. Andre - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Scarmuzzi, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Schaeffer, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene son, H 2/5/86 p27
Schappert, Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
Schechter, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Schlatter, Michael and Pauline triplets, H 12/2/86 [photo] p36
Schlatter, Mr. & Mrs. James triplets, two sons and one
daughter, H 12/18/86 p31
Schwartz, James Jay Jr. and
Abbie [Van Nostrand] - son,
H 9/6/86 p18
Scofield, Mr. & Mrs. Donald son, H 2/1/86 p16
Scordo, Michael J. and Kathy
[Pilleyt] - twin daughters, H
8/30/86 p18
Sease, Mr. & Mrs. Willie Jr. daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Selke, William T. and Patricia
O'Neill [Saksa] - daughter, H
4/16/86 p24
Sell, Mr. & Mrs. Mark - daughter,
H 12/10/86 p31
Senerchia, Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick daughter, H 6/14/86 p18
Senie, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin - son, H
1/18/86 p20
Shafiq, Mr. & Mrs. Mohammad son, H 2/1/86 p16
Shander, Mr. & Mrs. Aryeh daughter, H 9/20/86 p20
Shaw, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Sheehan, James and Pamela
Gail [Wallerstein] - son, H
6/4/86 p31
Sheen, Mr. & Mrs. Donald daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
Sheetz, Mr. & Mrs. Mark daughter, H 12/10/86 p38
Sheldon, Bruce W. and Joanne
[Lane] - son, H 12/10/86 p38
Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. Dominick daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. James son, H 12/10/86 p31
Sherman, William and Lisa
[Tulgan] - son, H 2/5/86 p25
Shields, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Shields, Mr. & Mrs. Day daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
Shufelt, Doug and Betsy
[Duffield] - son, H 4/16/86 p29
Shufelt, Thomas D. and Joanne
P. [Fusci] - son, H 11/5/86
Sichel, Mr. & Mrs. George - son,
H 9/4/86 p14
Siegel, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey - son,
H 9/10/86 p30
Sierra, Mr. & Mrs. Hiram daughter, H 2/15/86 p22
Sieviec, Robet E. and Louise
[Keogh] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Sillo, Michael and Patty
[Pisanelli] - daughter, H
5/7/86 p14
Simons, Mr. & Mrs. Earlston daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
Sinnis, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
Sisterhenm, Floyd and Megan
[Reilly] - son, H 12/10/86 p38
Sizensky, Mr. & Mrs. John - son,
H 8/6/86 p16
Skiba, Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. - son,
H 3/24/86 p19
Slabicki, David D. and Susan
[Knisel] - daughter, H 11/5/86
Sloan, Michael and Marie
[Easley] - daughter, H 8/6/86
Smilansky, Mr. & Mrs. Robert son, H 9/10/86 p30
Smith, Donald F. and Tina Marie
[Shirey] - daughter, H
10/22/86 p22
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Jr. daughter, H 5/3/86 p17
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas V. daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Smythe, Mr. & Mrs. Walter - son,
H 5/3/86 p17
Snider, Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy daughter, H 9/17/86 p25
Snyder, Mr. & Mrs. Eric daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Solomon, Mr. & Mrs. Philip daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Somers, James and Elaine [Kent]
- son, H 11/5/86 p31
Sood, Mr. & Mrs. Om - daughter,
H 10/8/86 p17
Soto, Mr. & Mrs. Jaime - son, H
1/2/86 p14
Soumelidis, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Guy daughter, H 7/16/86 p35
Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. Roger daughter, H 3/8/86 p17
Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald son, H 9/20/86 p20
Speranza, Mr. & Mrs. Mark - son,
H 2/22/86 p16
Springer, Mr. & Mrs. Francis daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Starr, Mr. & Mrs. Richard daughter, H 5/24/86 p20
Starr, Mr. & Mrs. Richard - son, H
11/5/86 p31
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Stashenko, John III and Iolanda
[Guarnieri] - son, H 4/16/86
Stebbins, Charles and Ann
[Symmes] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Stenovec, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jr.
- son, H 1/18/86 p20
Sterling, William D. and Jennifer
[Dowling] - son, H 5/31/86
Stern, Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. son, H 4/16/86 p29
Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Pendleton son, H 2/5/86 p27
Stirland, Mr. & Mrs. Kirk daughter, H 7/26/86 p18
Straker-Nesbit, Mr. & Mrs.
William - son, H 7/16/86 p35
Stroffolino, Dean and Kathy
[DeVack] - son, H 12/13/86
Stuart, Charles E. and Deborah
[Cardamone] - daughter, H
5/24/86 p20
Stuart, Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. son, H 3/24/86 p19
Sturges, Donald and Dawn [King]
- daughter, H 1/29/86 p27
Suares, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 8/23/86 p17
Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Brian daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Sutter, Mr. & Mrs. Charles - son,
H 6/4/86 p34
Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. James - son,
H 11/19/86 p17
Swanberg, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 11/12/86 p36
Swanson, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Sweeney, William and Rebecca
[Seymour] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p31
Swett, Thomas and Mary
[Feldman] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Szuch, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Taccone, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Taccone, Mr. & Mrs. Silvano son, H 9/10/86 p30
Taliercio, Mr. & Mrs. Michael son, H 9/4/86 p14
Tallman, Mr. & Mrs. Clark daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Talloni, Robert A. and Karen
[Villella] - daughter, H
11/12/86 p33
Tamburri, Joseph S. and Mary
Ann [Fera] - daughter, H
3/26/86 p23
Tangreti, Fred and Patricia
[Spivack] - daughter, H
11/5/86 p31
Tarentino, James and Katie
[McEnroe] - son, H 11/5/86
Tarlov, Mark and Roberts, Judith daughter, H 11/19/86 p17
Tarnoff, Peter and DriscollTarnoff, Donna - son, H
5/7/86 p14, H 5/13/86 p17
Tavella, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Taylor, Michael and Joelle
[Boisaubert] - triplets, H
12/31/86 p25
Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Telesco, David C. and Susan
[Tart] - daughter, H 8/30/86
Tella, Edward and Veronica
[O'Connor] - daughter, H
8/23/86 p17
Terbell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jr. son, H 9/20/86 p20
Thain, Mr. & Mrs. Clare - son, H
5/3/86 p17
Theodoridis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter son, H 12/17/86 p35
Thivierge, Mr. & Mrs. Charles daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Moses - son,
H 9/4/86 p14
Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian son, H 4/16/86 p29
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Beresford daughter, H 4/16/86 p29
Timmes, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Tobiassen, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond daughter, H 8/20/86 p36
Tofil, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
3/22/86 p18
Tomaselli, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence daughter, H 11/5/86 p37
Toomey, Mr. & Mrs. Spencer son, H 5/3/86 p17
Topalian, Mr. & Mrs. Peter - son,
H 12/17/86 p35
Topper, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
Toris, Christopher R. and Lauren
[Kraft] - son, H 5/24/86 p20
Tornatore, Mr. & Mrs. Sebastiano
- son, H 9/10/86 p30
Torrence, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip son, H 4/16/86 p29
Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Torres, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
9/10/86 p30
Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Victor daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Torska, Lawrence and Judy
[Richiski] - son, H 2/1/86 p16
Tower, Mr. & Mrs. Dana - son, H
10/8/86 p17
Tower, Mr. & Mrs. Steven - son,
H 10/8/86 p17
Trani, Mr. & Mrs. Louis daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Treadway, Mr. & Mrs. Roger daughter, H 3/19/86 p27
Treschitta, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 3/5/86 p26
Tretin, Mr. & Mrs. Joel - son, H
2/15/86 p22
Trimboli, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony son, H 12/10/86 p31
Tsilfidis, Mr. & Mrs. George son, H 10/29/86 p22
Tucciarone, Mariano and Joanne
[Valente] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Turnbull, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 2/5/86 p27
Turnier, Mr. & Mrs. Ernst - son, H
6/14/86 p18
Tutwiler, Mr. & Mrs. Dan daughter, H 5/14/86 p33
Twohig, Mr. & Mrs. Michael daughter, H 10/8/86 p17, H
11/15/86 p18
Ugol, Dr. & Mrs. Jay - son, H
11/5/86 p37
Uhlman, Derek and Susan
[Molloy] - daughter, H
12/10/86 p38
Ulatowski, Mr. & Mrs. John J. son, H 3/24/86 p19
Ulman, Stephen and Leslie
[Bitter] - son, H 11/15/86 p17
Ulmer, David B. and Marcia Ann
[Alvarez] - daughter, H
2/15/86 p22
Urhan, Herman, Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas - daughter, H 2/5/86
Vaccari, Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo daughter, H 1/2/86 p14
Vahora, Mr. & Mrs. Faruk daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
VanAllen, Mr. & Mrs. David M. daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
VanBuskirk, Mr. & Mrs. Robert daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Vandall, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 7/5/86 p18
VanGeldern, Steven and Anne
[Augustus] - daughter, H
2/1/86 p16
VanScoy, Mr. & Mrs. Fred III daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
VanWormer, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
January - December 1986
Births (Continued)
Vasale, Stephen James and
Adrienne [Aussenhofer] son, H 1/18/86 p20
Vasquez, Mr. & Mrs. Jose daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Velander, Mr. & Mrs. Carl - son,
H 11/5/86 p37
Vena, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Jr. daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Venetos, James S. and Natalie
[Iudicone] - son, H 12/10/86
Vento, Dom and Jan [Regan] son, H 3/29/86 p15
Vento, Mr. & Mrs. Dominick daughter, H 10/8/86 p17
Viechwweg, Mr. & Mrs. Trevor son, H 4/16/86 p29
Vigneault, Michael and Lorraine
[Hockensmith] - son, H
12/20/86 p18
Villa, Manuel V. and Dawn
[Dulick] - daughter, H
12/20/86 p18
Villarreal, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos son, H 11/5/86 p37
Vincent, William III and Angela
[Martin] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Vinci, Charles and Linda
[Plummer] - son, H 12/20/86
Visciotti, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Vochis, Mr. & Mrs. George - son,
H 4/16/86 p29, H 4/16/86 p24
Volpe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward - son,
H 2/15/86 p22
Vris, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas daughter, H 2/5/86 p27
Wade, Mr. & Mrs. Charles daughter, H 9/10/86 p30
Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne - son,
H 1/2/86 p14
Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel - son, H
1/18/86 p20
Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. David daughter, H 7/19/86 p20
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. daughter, H 3/24/86 p19
Wasil, Mr. & Mrs. John - son, H
6/4/86 p34
Watts, Michael G. and Holly
[Miller] - daughter, H 4/16/86
Weaton, George and Debbie
[McRedmond] - son, H
12/31/86 p25
Weeks, Mr. & Mrs. Randall daughter, H 9/17/86 p25
Weiss, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Werdelin, Jeffrey and Pat
[Wilson] - son, H 11/5/86 p31
Werley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles - son,
H 4/16/86 p29
West, Mr. & Mrs. Freddie daughter, H 4/26/86 p18
Weymann, Mr. & Mrs. A. Conrad
III - son, H 8/6/86 p16
Wheeler, Dale and Melody [Lane]
- daughter, H 8/30/86 p18
Whipple, Jay N. and Sara C.
[Bartholomay] - son, H
5/31/86 p18
Whipple, Mr. & Mrs. Philip - son,
H 11/12/86 p36
White, David and Kathleen
[Duren] - son, H 12/10/86 p38
White, Gary and Sharon
[Johnson] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Whiteford, Mr. & Mrs. Russell daughter, H 1/18/86 p20
Whiteley, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 6/4/86 p34
Whitlow, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas son, H 9/10/86 p30
Whitmore, Clyde H. and Cynthia
[Carter] - daughter, H 8/30/86
Whittaker, James B. and Linda
[Eckert] - daughter, H
1/22/86 p32
Wiggins, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. son, H 3/24/86 p19
Wigle, John G. Sr. and Denise
[Shirey] - daughter, H
7/19/86 p19
Wilcox, David P. and Kimberly
[Russo] - daughter, H
12/3/86 p31
Wilkes, Mr. & Mrs. Larry - son, H
4/16/86 p29
Williams, Mario and Maud
[Henrys] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Dylan - son,
H 5/15/86 p42
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie son, H 2/5/86 p27
Willie, James J. and Nancy
[Hylemon] - son, H 9/6/86 p18
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. William daughter, H 3/22/86 p18
Wilson, Scott S. and Michelle
[Teplica] - daughter, H
1/18/86 p20
Wilson, William G. III and Laura
[Sansone] - son, H 8/30/86
Winne, William and Karen
[Timpson] - daughter, H
12/31/86 p26
Winston, Mr. & Mrs. James daughter, H 12/10/86 p31
Winter, Scott A. and Joan
[Giordano] - son, H 9/6/86
Wisner, Mr. & Mrs. John daughter, H 11/12/86 p36
Wolfe, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
2/22/86 p16, H 3/25/86 p17
Wolff, Mr. & Mrs. Peter daughter, H 5/24/86 p20
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Robert - son, H
11/5/86 p31
Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy - son,
H 12/17/86 p35
Wrinn, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene - son,
H 6/4/86 p34
Yearwood, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. daughter, H 11/5/86 p31
Yoder, Mr. & Mrs. Alan daughter, H 8/6/86 p16
Yorzinski, Henry J. and Linda
[Chabot] - son, H 6/4/86 p24
Yorzinski, John and Virginia
[Zglombicki] - daughter, H
4/19/86 p17
Zaccatelli, Mr. & Mrs. William son, H 4/30/86 p24
Zarretta, Salvatore and Regina
[Di'Iorio] - son, H 1/18/86 p20
Zilaitis, Mr. & Mrs. Frank daughter, H 12/17/86 p35
Zimmerman, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald son, H 8/6/86 p16
Zulkeski, Mr. & Mrs. Paul daughter, H 3/5/86 p26
Zurbruegg, Andreas and Magrit
[Egger] - daughter, H 1/18/86
Bisceglie Park-Weston
Reaction to park plan is mixed:
Sell one, develop another, H
6/12/86 p37+
Bissell House-Norwalk
Developers buy historic inn, H
7/31/86 p6
Historic inn renamed for governor
[drawing], H 7/2/86 p1+
Putnam neighbors like office
project, H 12/18/86 p1+
Bitondo, Nunzio R.
Bitondo to enter race for council,
H 7/28/86 p1+
Black History
Black history course is advocated
for Norwalk high schools, H
1/22/86 p12
NCC given books on black
history [photo], H 1/23/86 p6
`Old man' of statue renovation is
still in love with the lady
[photo], H 7/3/86 p1+
Blaisdell-East Manufacturing Co.
Blaisdell-East thanks employees,
H 8/5/86 p26
Strictly Business, H 12/2/86 p29+
January - December 1986
Blake, J. Herman
Blake elected chairman of board,
H 12/8/86 p17
Blanchard, Brooks
Teen-ager chosen as art student
of the month [photo], H
4/23/86 p23
Blanco, Stephanie
City students eager to view
shuttle liftoff [photo], H
1/24/86 p1+
Bleifeld, Stanley
Stanley Bleifeld work Opens at
SoNo Images [photo], H
10/16/86 p27
Blessing of the Animals
Blessing of the Animals is set for
this Sunday, H 12/11/86 p29
Blessing warms spirits on a cold
afternoon [photo], H 12/18/86
Bliotto, Danny
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Bloom Brothers
Blooms seek dock OK for East
Norwalk, H 2/3/86 p8
Bloom, Stephen
Scholarship won, H 4/17/86 p6
SoNo flower store's name irks
department store lawyers
[photo], H 11/12/86 p11
Blueberry Hill Rd.-Weston
Apartment battle continues, H
3/18/86 p13+
P & Z hear apartment arguments,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Permit sought for apartment, H
1/16/86 p35+
Weston P & Z rejects Burr
apartment plans, H 4/22/86
Weston P & Z weighs
subdivision's fate, H 3/5/86
Zoning controversy re-erupts, H
1/8/86 p9
Blum, Dorothy
Dorothy, Joel Blum Hadassah
honorees [photo], H 10/9/86
Blum, Joel
Dorothy, Joel Blum Hadassah
honorees [photo], H 10/9/86
Boardman, Ed
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Boats and boating. SEE ALSO
A boating town is how the city is
known to many [photo], H
5/27/86 Supp. p7A+
Berthing snafu thwarts ship
visitors [photo], H 7/8/86 p1+
Boaters say review harbor center
plans, H 2/20/86 p18
CG Aux, police field OpSail '86
on Sound [photo], H 7/11/86
City sailing school launches new
season with a new name
[photo], H 5/22/86 p49+
City woman paddling to sunny,
warm Miami [photo], H
9/10/86 p25
Fifth generation local man still
sails here [photo], H 4/18/86
Gaff repair adds spice to ship lie,
H 7/5/86 p1+
Holiday boaters jam waters: No
serious mishaps reported, H
7/5/86 p28
Ill-fated ship and skipper receive
praise [photo], H 5/21/86 p1+
Lady Joan offers excursion
cruises off Norwalk shores
[photo], H 7/5/86 p1+
Norwalker to pilot schooner in Op
Sail [drawing], H 6/27/86 p10
Rough Rider sails to first Mayor's
Cup [photo], H 9/19/86 p27
School guarantees to teach you
windsurfing, H 7/11/86 p29
Skip Gardella: Marina Maker
[photo], H 4/25/86 p49
Young boaters pass, H 7/25/86
Youngsters send cookies to
Enterprise, H 6/19/86 p10
Boats and boating-Accidents
Mishap claims Westporter in boat
race [photo], H 11/7/86 p1+
Police save boat that struck rock,
H 5/27/86 p8
Probe ends on sinking of tugboat,
H 6/6/86 p1+
Sailboards overturned: Two
rescued, H 4/26/86 p8
Boats and boating-Races
Mishap claims Westporter in boat
race [photo], H 11/7/86 p1+
Boats and boating-Westport
Employees to keep boat slips, H
9/30/86 p17+
Boatworks Inc.
Boatworks offers marine
hardware [photo], H 3/11/86
Bochinski, Pamela D.
Weston's Bochinski joins law firm
in Greenwich [photo], H
12/20/86 p28
Bogdany, Frank J.
Frank J. Bogdany, ex-fire
captain, dies at age 88, H
11/11/86 p6
Bolken Builders of Norwalk
Code enforcer livid about `in-law'
unit, H 12/18/86 p6
Boll, Jay W.
Attention to Honduras is called
overreaction [photo], H
4/12/86 p1+
Bomb threats-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Bomb scare
empties bank, H 2/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bomb threat
reported at hospital, H
6/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: High School
evacuated, H 1/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Hospital receives
bomb threat, H 7/12/86 p9
Police Blotter: Police check on
bomb threat, H 4/24/86 p8
Bond ratings-Norwalk
City's financial officers elated
over rate for city hall bonds,
H 4/2/86 p1+
Bond, Milton
A new view of Westport [photo],
H 7/24/86 p37
Bondi, Fred
Bondi nominated to replace
Knopp on council [photo], H
12/11/86 p1+
Bonds, Municipal. SEE
Bonello, Edward J.
2 feted fo work in physical fitness
[photo], H 7/28/86 p19
Bonhage, John
City students eager to view
shuttle liftoff [photo], H
1/24/86 p1+
Bono, Fred J.
Fred high on ed [photo], H 4/4/86
Book, John
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Bora, Doug
At Playhouse [photo], H 9/13/86
Borges, Mr. & Mrs. Casey
Celebrate 25th [photo], H
12/27/86 p13
Bosch, Eric
Wilton man appointed to state
board [photo], H 9/30/86 p17+
Bossone, Virginia
Bossone president of future
leaders, H 10/17/86 p28
Virginia Bossone is selected as
Miss Connecticut entrant
[photo], H 11/20/86 p15
January - December 1986
Boswell, Betty
Boswell nears end of active year
as head of state board of
Realtors [photo], H 9/23/86
Bouchard, Claire
English tutor eases barrier of
language [photo], H 2/1/86
Bouknight, Gertrude H.
35th anniversary [photo], H
4/15/86 p23
Bound Brook Associates
City asks highest U. S. court to
let Bound Brook case sink, H
8/12/86 p1+
Bound Brook Estates-Norwalk
`Sunken homes' owners want
high court to reconsider
ruling, H 3/4/86 p1+
City suing homeowner for repairs,
H 5/19/86 p6
Court rejects re-argument of city
case, H 3/5/86 p1+
Court reverses `sinking homes'
verdict, H 2/19/86 p1+
High court asked to hear Bound
Brook case [photo], H
5/30/86 p1+
Homeowners plan new appeal, H
5/10/86 p1+
Ruling disappoints Bound Brook
lawyer, H 10/7/86 p10
Bowater Inc.
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86
p25+, H 8/5/86 p23+
Bowditch, Jim
Sportsmen to honor trio [photo],
H 6/6/86 p35
Bowen, Tad
Just call Bowen `Mr. Champion'
[photo], H 8/1/86 p29+
Norwalk bowler inducted, H
3/3/86 p19
Och going to Seattle [photo], H
5/16/86 p36
Payne bowls another 300 [photo],
H 6/27/86 p34
Amateur bouts in Norwalk, H
6/21/86 p23+
Norwalkers win 7 bouts [photo], H
6/28/86 p25+
Boy Scout Troop 20
Trail, picnic clearing added to
park by Scout's project, H
12/24/86 p20
Boy Scout Troop 36
Scouts honored for lifesaving
effort [photo], H 9/27/86 p35+
Boy Scout Troop 53
Troop honors scoutmaster
[photo], H 4/9/86 p11
Boy Scouts of America
Scout officials given Silver
Beaver awards [photo], H
5/21/86 p37
Boy Scouts of America-Eagle
3 scouts are chosen as Eagles, H
6/13/86 p6
Board to honor two Eagle Scouts,
H 1/6/86 p11
Child identification clinic earns
teen a Scout award, H
12/13/86 p14
Friday blood drive earns Scout
award, H 6/12/86 p37
Scout earns Eagle Scout, H
2/13/86 p37+
Boyd, Virginia
Veteran attorney recalls trials:
Boyd a lawyer since '43
[photo], H 5/1/86 p29
Boykin, Ethel
Nursing assistant praised for
saving life of a patient
[photo], H 6/26/86 p9
VFW lauds nurse's efforts
[photo], H 7/31/86 p13
Boylan, Maureen
Settlement reached in lawsuit
over town employee's firing,
H 10/21/86 p14
Braccia, Michael
Norwalk duo follow their star,
promoting Christian rock
music [photo], H 8/9/86 p37
Brackett, Dr. Anthony
Ex-Wilton school superintendent
Dr. Anthony Brackett dies at
76, H 8/6/86 p6
Brackett, Dr. Mary
Board elects Dr. Brackett as
chairman, H 8/7/86 p9
Bradley, Julia
Taxpayers group elects Bradley,
H 12/8/86 p17
Brady, Norman A.
Fellowship is named for Norman
Brady, H 1/27/86 p30
Braunstein, Gene
Ex-resident co-author of comedy,
H 1/23/86 p33
Bredice, Louis
Redmen honor veteran member
[photo], H 11/1/86 p19
Bredice, Margaret Fish
Margaret Bredice dies: Retired
school teacher [photo], H
6/2/86 p6
Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. David
David Brennans wed 50 years, H
5/31/86 p17
Brescia, Steven M.
Norwalker calls U. S. Contra
support `blunder' [photo p8],
H 12/12/86 p1+
Bria, Mr. & Mrs. William
Brias have golden wedding
[photo], H 5/24/86 p19
Bridge St. Bridge-Westport
Bridge's fate still debated, H
7/7/86 p13
Fate of Bridge Street Bridge in
RTM's hands, H 9/15/86 p9
Hauhuth names panel to study
bridge work, H 1/17/86 p9+
Official backs plan for bridge, H
2/27/86 p35+
Officials planning meeting about
Bridge Street Bridge [photo],
H 2/6/86 p35+
Route 136 resolution worries
Hauhuth, H 6/19/86 p13+
RTM members shoot down
Bridge Street Bridge motion
[photo], H 9/17/86 p11+
Work of bridge committee
honored: Historic
preservation awards, H
6/9/86 p13+
Bridgeport Center
Building People's a challenge
[photo], H 9/26/86 p38
Bridgeport Hydraulic Co.
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p13+
Bridgeport Innovation Center
14 new tenants in incubation
center, H 4/15/86 p24
Incubator gives small business a
better chance to grow bigger,
H 11/18/86 p12+
Bridges, Christine A.
4 students chosen, H 4/7/86 p6
Bridges-Norwalk. SEE FILLOW
Bridges-Westport. SEE ALSO
Westport working to upgrade
bridges, H 5/10/86 p13
Brien McMahon High School
At Norwalk's Mistletoe Ball
[photo], H 1/2/86 p11
Hispanics continue educations, H
5/14/86 p6
Insurance lack kills carnival at
McMahon, H 4/16/86 p6
McMahon anniversary is time for
reminiscing [photo], H
4/25/86 p14
McMahon invaded by mice, H
2/28/86 p21
McMahon students entertain
elderly [photo], H 6/2/86 p6
January - December 1986
Brien McMahon High School
Recital by McMahon student
lights foreign language week
observance, H 3/5/86 p12
Slogan is sought at Brien
McMahon, H 5/13/86 p8
Students serve breakfast to
seniors [photo], H 4/9/86 p1+
Students want ban on Contra aid
[photo], H 10/21/86 p7
Brien McMahon High SchoolAwards
2 city students win chemistry
prizes, H 5/21/86 p38
3 McMahon students win future
business awards [photo], H
5/29/86 p11
Band members receive honors, H
7/9/86 p6
BMHS club is honored by
governor, H 10/23/86 p17
Fire rescuers among honorees at
McMahon [photo], H 6/6/86
It was a night for Lady Senators
[photo], H 6/11/86 p29
Juniors are winners in play
contest: The play's the thing
[photo], H 4/24/86 p19
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
McMahon chapter of honor
society holds induction
ceremony for 29 [photo], H
6/4/86 p18
McMahon senior gets scholarship
[photo], H 6/24/86 p6
McMahon sophomore wins prize
in Norwalk Tech essay
contest [photo], H 4/7/86 p9
McMahon student wins grant
[photo], H 5/16/86 p6
McMahon's top girl athletes
[photo], H 6/17/86 p24
Norwalk sophomore wins science
prize [photo], H 5/9/86 p11
Scholars honored by foundation
[photo], H 5/23/86 p9
Seniors opt for thesaurus gifts
[photo], H 6/25/86 p20
Student at BMHS honored
[photo], H 9/25/86 p1+
Students score, H 4/17/86 p6
Winners announced in Vitam art
contest [photo], H 5/12/86
Brien McMahon High SchoolDrama club
McMahon Showtimers present
`Mixed Nuts' [photo], H
5/9/86 p17
Brien McMahon High SchoolFuture Business Leaders
Bossone president of future
leaders, H 10/17/86 p28
Brien McMahon High SchoolGraduation
BMHS students make plan to
further their education, H
7/2/86 p12
Fauliso is McMahon speaker, H
6/20/86 p9
McMahon grads admonished to
`be remembered' [photo], H
6/27/86 p1+
Seniors opt for thesaurus gifts
[photo], H 6/25/86 p20
Brien McMahon High SchoolKey Club
BMHS club is honored by
governor, H 10/23/86 p17
Students visit with governor
[photo], H 12/5/86 p11
Brien McMahon High SchoolMusic
Accomplishments of 2 bands
lauded by city's school board
[photo], H 12/4/86 p26
All-State musicians [photo], H
5/24/86 p26
Band members receive honors, H
7/9/86 p6
Bears, Senators honored by city
[photo], H 12/23/86 p12
City to honor bands, H 12/13/86
Concert slated to aid band
[photo], H 3/4/86 p18
Marching Senators take Division
II band title, H 11/17/86 p1+
McMahon band nets highest
score ever, H 11/4/86 p21
McMahon band uniforms arrived
just in time for Memorial
parades [photo], H 6/3/86 p11
McMahon captures trophies
[photo], H 5/16/86 p10
Praise for HS bands, leaders
[letter], H 11/21/86 p5
Brien McMahon High School-Ski
7 students join others in
Switzerland ski trip, H
2/15/86 p31
Brien McMahon High SchoolSports
'85 finalists struggling: Local
clubs take to road, H
10/17/86 p23+
`Magic' show at McMahon makes
Stamford disappear [photo],
H 1/11/86 p21+
16th annual Hour All-City
baseball: Each school places
four players [photo] [chart], H
6/26/86 p25+
1986 Hour All-City Boys' Soccer
Team: Senators, Cavs
dominate: 6 repeaters
[photo] [chart], H 12/3/86
1986 Hour All-City softball [photo]
[chart], H 6/20/86 p31
2 OT's: BMHS 56, NHS 55: State
boys' basketball tournament,
H 3/19/86 p15+
21 city wrestlers make 1/4s, H
2/15/86 p35
5-0 Norwalk sinks McMahon
[photo], H 1/16/86 p23+
A first! City schools sweep: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
11/18/86 p17+
All-city final tonight in Williams
cage tourney [photo], H
12/30/86 p15+
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
Anastasia & Cavs debut:
Senators, Bears pack bags,
H 9/19/86 p33+
Another beating for rookies: HS
coaches' corner, H 11/4/86
Baseball's finale: McMahon,
Staples, H 4/21/86 p19+
Basketball Honorees [photo], H
8/23/86 p23
Bears clobber Senators, H 4/7/86
Big 4 snaps city hitting records
[chart], H 7/9/86 p13+
BM's Pratt at .525: City top 10
batting leaders, H 5/23/86
BMHS advances to state
semifinals, H 3/22/86 p23+
BMHS boys: NHS' Corridon look
good [photo], H 1/10/86 p25
BMHS' English closes in on
Welch, H 1/21/86 p17+
BMHS' English fifth on all-time
city list, H 1/14/86 p17
BMHS' King begins 25th season
at helm [photo], H 9/8/86 p29
BMHS, Bears dominate city, H
3/13/86 p19
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Brien McMahon soccer team won
its sixth FCIAC
championship [photo], H
11/1/86 p25
January - December 1986
Brien McMahon High SchoolSports (Continued)
Brown, Thompson lead 16th
annual All-City team: Brien
McMahon dominates with
four [photo p1], H 4/8/86 p19+
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Can BMHS stop Hyatt? Can
Wilton stop English?, H
2/21/86 p19+
Can Wilton boys dethrone
Cards? Swimming preview
[photo], H 1/2/86 p19+
Cardinals continue hex over
Senators [photo], H 10/4/86
Casagrande Era ends [photo], H
12/9/86 p33
Casagrande's Senators lone city
team with win: Local HS
football coaches' corner
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Champions place 5 players each
[photo], H 6/20/86 p31+
City claims 4 titles, FCIAC crown
to Cards [photo], H 2/18/86
City grid standouts decide on
future, H 6/2/86 p19
City HS cagers head into state
quarters tonight, H 3/21/86
City paces All-County [photo], H
3/17/86 p22
City schools looking at banner
soccer seasons, H 9/8/86 p28
City should be proud of King &
Barry [photo] [chart], H
3/10/86 p21+
City trio: Score 6, give 73: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
10/7/86 p15+
City's MVP gets even: NHS
edges McMahon [photo], H
5/2/86 p31+
Confident McMahon prepared for
Hillhouse [chart], H 3/28/86
Corridon, Forcellina bring home
gold [photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
Eight Senators are named: NHS
places one player [photo]
[chart], H 12/10/86 p41+
English dominates [photo], H
3/6/86 p21+
English scores 4: BMHS rips
NHS [photo], H 1/17/86 p23+
English, Hermann named AllFCIAC [photo], H 3/19/86
English: An artist on ice [photo],
H 2/14/86 p31+
Entire All-City squad is back
[photo], H 12/10/86 p41+
FCIAC cage title on line tonight:
McMahon or Norwalk?
[chart], H 3/8/86 p23
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
FCIAC division play begins: Cavs
home tonight, H 9/26/86 p31+
FCIAC, state football berths eyed
by McMahon, H 11/5/86 p13+
FCIAC: McMahon, Norwalk
favored [photo], H 3/4/86
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Football coaches' corner:
Defensive woes differed
[photo], H 9/16/86 p19+
Graduation hits hard:
Casagrande nears 200
[photo], H 12/18/86 p41+
Guilford ends McMahon's soccer
season in OT, H 11/13/86
Hatchl, Cerulli welcomed sights
back on gridiron, H 11/3/86
Herold's passing overwhelms
Norwalk [photo], H 11/3/86
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Hillhouse lived up to its advanced
billing [photo], H 3/31/86 p19+
How do you beat Darien?
McMahon's streak reaches
15, H 1/7/86 p11
HS coaches' corner: Only one is
smiling [photo], H 9/30/86 p9
It was a night for Lady Senators
[photo], H 6/11/86 p29
It's back to X's and O's for
McMahon and Norwalk:
Ridgefield runs over BMHS,
20-0 [photo], H 9/15/86 p21+
King's cagers qualify again
[photo], H 1/29/86 p13+
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Lady Bears too much for
Senators [photo], H 4/25/86
Lady Senators scare Bears
[photo], H 10/3/86 p21+
Lady Senators win state thriller,
H 11/6/86 p35+
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
McMahon does number on NHS:
Brown hurt [photo], H 1/8/86
McMahon routs Ludlowe for
eighth straight win [photo], H
2/1/86 p21+
McMahon rules FCIAC
basketball, 78-59 [photo], H
3/10/86 p21+
McMahon stays a contender,
wins 3rd grid road game, H
10/20/86 p21+
McMahon tennis tourney finalists
[photo], H 6/14/86 p28
McMahon to face state's top
scorer [photo], H 11/6/86
McMahon vs. Staples on
Monday: It's FCIAC
tournament time, H 10/25/86
McMahon wins FCIAC on
Huminski's score [photo], H
10/31/86 p37
McMahon's Pratt breaks city
hitting mark (.539) [photo], H
6/11/86 p25
McMahon's top girl athletes
[photo], H 6/17/86 p24
McMahon, Norwalk cage debuts
are successful: Smith nets
31 in battle of state's best, H
12/19/86 p41+
McMahon, Norwalk triumph,
tangle Tuesday: Smith
shines as Lions fall [photo],
H 3/15/86 p23+
McMahon, Staples qualify for
FCIAC boys' event, H
10/27/86 p21+
McMahon, Weston go to state
finals: Smith propels 24-2
Senators to 21st straight win,
78-61 [photo], H 3/26/86 p13+
Morton's 141 Ks set mark [chart],
H 5/29/86 p21
NHS grapplers rout McMahon, H
1/9/86 p21
No shortage of optimism in new
year [photo], H 12/11/86 p41+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
January - December 1986
Brien McMahon High SchoolSports (Continued)
Norwalk hands McMahon first
loss: Cogdell MVP [photo], H
12/31/86 p15+
Norwalk in playoffs: McMahon
notches win, H 5/24/86 p31
Norwalk won't forget McMahon's
English, H 2/13/86 p25+
Norwalk, area cagers in all-star
contests, H 4/3/86 p25
Officials drop drug charges vs.
cage star, H 9/10/86 p6
Oman, Gardella, Shular chosen
All-conference [photo], H
6/21/86 p23
Past Hour All-City selections
[photo] [chart], H 6/20/86
p31, H 6/26/86 p25+
Past Hour All-City soccer players
[chart], H 12/3/86 p35
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Principals seek higher standards
for athletes, H 5/7/86 p1+
Randazzo, Wilmot, Pratt selected
All-conference [photo], H
6/20/86 p34
SantaLucia tops city in football
scoring, H 11/29/86 p25+
SantaLucia tops city in scoring, H
9/30/86 p11
SantaLucia's 62 pts. leads city
gridders, H 11/18/86 p17
Senators clinch berth, H 2/18/86
Senators lose by 25 goals: It's
Wilton vs. NC for crown
[photo], H 5/14/86 p17+
Senators triumph: Morton
outduels Stanton, H 5/10/86
Senators' 20-game win streak on
line tonight, H 3/25/86 p19+
Senators' King named state's
best goalie [photo], H 12/1/86
Six underclassmen on 9th Hour
All-City team [photo], H
3/21/86 p29
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: McMahon 3,
Kaynor Tech 2 [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Softball begins Thursday [photo],
H 4/7/86 p21+
Staples advances, ousts
McMahon [photo], H
10/28/86 p15+
The Hour proudly presents the
members of its 17th annual
team [photo] [chart], H
12/22/86 p33+
This father/son duo clicks [photo],
H 10/31/86 p35+
Thompson, Brown Hull picked
[photo], H 3/24/86 p21+
Two city teams in big game
[photo], H 3/5/86 p15+
Watch out! McMahon is loaded
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24+
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Wilton's Roberts bests BMHS'
ace [photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Wins tonight will pit city cagers in
West final [photo], H 3/14/86
Brien McMahon High SchoolStaff
Dr. Forcellina named to CASS
post [photo], H 6/13/86 p31
Hinkle to judge, H 8/21/86 p15
New housemaster at Brien
McMahon [photo], H
11/29/86 p1+
Briggs Center for the Vocational
Briggs CVA
BCVA expansion plan is delayed,
H 8/7/86 p10
BCVA gets high marks from
parent [letter], H 6/16/86 p5
Briggs Center expansion eyed, H
1/29/86 p7
Briggs CVA guests [photo], H
5/31/86 p18
Briggs housing projectheads for
hearing, H 7/30/86 p11
City to close Franklin School,
expand Vocational center, H
6/18/86 p22
Hartford architects chosen for
Briggs project, H 7/22/86 p9
P & Z recommends expansion of
BCVA, H 9/4/86 p8
Panel backs bigger Briggs
Center, H 8/5/86 p1+
Vocational Arts students on
Burger King assignment
[photo], H 2/13/86 p15
Briggs CVA-Graduation
Diplomas presented to 41
students at Briggs vocational
arts center [photo], H 6/25/86
Brings, Allen
Home/Town People [photo], H
3/25/86 p15+
British and Commonwealth
Women's Club
British newcomers helped by
recently started club [photo],
H 5/27/86 Supp. p17A
Rooney to receive honor from
peers [photo], H 9/13/86 p1+
Brockenberry, George
Educator is elected, H 6/26/86
Brookfield/SoNo Craft Center
Corporate support a `must' for
Brookfield/SoNo craft center
[photo], H 2/25/86 p30+
SoNo center plans open house
[photo], H 9/2/86 p18
Brookside School
A message for the kids [photo], H
6/25/86 p30
Brookside parents won't forget
[letter], H 5/8/86 p5
City school gets new sign [photo],
H 4/8/86 p6
Edgecomb to be Brookside
principal [photo], H 10/2/86
Brower, Sharri L.
Congressional art winner [photo],
H 8/12/86 p27
Brown, George Richard
New nurse congratulated [photo],
H 10/27/86 p34
Brown, Marion "Nicki"
Banquet scheduled to honor
president of Wilton bank
[photo], H 3/24/86 p13+
Brown, Mary Lana
Board chooses own candidate
[photo], H 4/30/86 p9
Brown, Mary T. "Bea"
Blacks call for more housing they
can afford, H 4/18/86 p1+
Brown demands agency shield
SoNo tenants from
uprooting, H 1/9/86 p1+
Brown, Michael
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Brown, Mitchell
Successful soccer coach goes on
to college ranks [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
Brown, Nicki
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p14
Brown, Otha N. Jr.
Brown is re-elected to UConn
post, H 7/28/86 p20
Brown named to committee, H
10/16/86 p18
Brown, Ruth
King observance her concern:
Hour Neighbors [photo], H
1/18/86 p1+
Brown, Tyrone
Brown gives city another cage
title, H 2/27/86 p23+
Brown reaches Top 20: City HS
cage scoring, H 2/10/86 p17+
Brown remains No. 1: City HS
cage scoring, H 2/4/86 p13
January - December 1986
Brown, Tyrone (Continued)
Brown stands alone, H 2/24/86
Brown's 24.9 average is tops:
City HS basketball scoring, H
1/27/86 p23
Brown's 30.8 leads: City HS
scoring [chart], H 1/3/86 p19+
Brown, Thompson lead 16th
annaul All-City team: Brien
McMahon dominates with
four: Norwalk has two [photo
p1], H 4/8/86 p19+
City title to Brown [photo], H
4/1/86 p17+
Injured Tyrone Brown leads at
26.0, H 1/13/86 p17+
McMahon does number on NHS:
Brown hurt [photo], H 1/8/86
NHS tallies: 1,001 points for
Brown [photo], H 2/22/86 p23
Brubeck, Dave
Brubeck joins Lavalle for
orchestra concert [photo], H
11/24/86 p18
Friday is Brubeck Day [photo], H
5/8/86 p15
Wilton High Madrigals to sing
Brubeck piece [photo], H
3/7/86 p18
Brunner, Amy
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Brunner, Laura
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Bruno, Joseph
Agency opposing restauranteur:
Parking issue red herring?, H
4/3/86 p9
Bryan, Edith L.
Council appoints director, H
11/21/86 p31
Bryce, Dorothy
New listing tells where the talent
lies: Debut of a directory
[photo], H 2/3/86 p13
Bryce, Ed
New listing tells where the talent
lies: Debut of a directory
[photo], H 2/3/86 p13
Buchholz, Bob
Native talents blooming in Los
Angeles: Fun with Buchholz
& Pinto [photo], H 1/16/86
Budde, Dr. Douglas
Hall-Brooke doctor on research
team: To study cocaine
abusers, H 11/10/86 p35
Budgets, School. SEE SCHOOL
New One Norwalk West can take
care of itself [photo], H
5/27/86 p27+
Triangular lobby is unique
[photo], H 5/27/86 p27
Bullens, Cindy
Holly and Cindy have got `The
Touch': New rock group in
town [photo], H 6/20/86 p15+
Bunting, Robert
Connecticut coppersmith [photo],
H 8/1/86 p16
Home/Town People, H 7/15/86
Burgess, Robert
Burgess gets raise in pay from
NEON, H 9/10/86 p1+
Governor praises Burgess at
annual dinner for NEON
[photo], H 4/5/86 p1+
Burglar alarms-Weston
Town alters alarm policy, H
5/16/86 p13+
Burke, Richard E.
Burke is looking forward to
probate judge challenge
[photo], H 10/31/86 p53+
Burke wins probate judge test, H
9/10/86 p11
Burke wins with ease in probate
race, H 11/5/86 p42
Burke, Robert O.
Departing director honored at
Seaport [photo], H 6/13/86 p1
Seaport chief leaving for job with
industry [photo], H 5/1/86 p1+
Burke, Stephen
Home/Town People, H 7/15/86
Burndy Corp.
Burndy Corp. accuses AG of
`distorting information', H
11/3/86 p10
Burndy may face penalties, H
9/19/86 p11
Burndy Library
Burndy Library exhibit features
engineering feat of 1586
[photo], H 9/23/86 p16
Burr Farms School
P & Z asked to review sale of
school tract, H 4/19/86 p13+
P & Z delays land sale vote, H
5/1/86 p14
P & Z to mull plan to sell school
land, H 4/30/86 p9+
RTM divided on sale of school
property, H 6/4/86 p9+
RTM members oppose school
site sale, H 5/22/86 p17+
Burr, Bruce E.
Permit sought for apartment, H
1/16/86 p35+
Zoning controversy re-erupts, H
1/8/86 p9
Burr, Elbert
Power shift on Weston P & Z
Commission: Burr will
become chairman [photo], H
5/23/86 p11+
Weston P & Z re-elects Burr as
chairman of commission, H
12/16/86 p17+
Burton, Charlotte L.
City woman appointed at
Botanical Garden [photo], H
4/4/86 p25
Bus lines-Norwalk. SEE
Bus lines-Westport. SEE
Bus stop shelters-Norwalk
Bus shelter firm snagged by
regulations [photo], H
11/21/86 p1+
Bus stop shelters-Westport
Town tears down Minnybus
shelter, H 8/1/86 p22
Bus tours-Norwalk
Collins provides commentary for
first bus tour, H 5/1/86 p12
Bush, Peter
Local disc jockey braves gridlock
to hit the road with live
broadcast [photo], H 11/7/86
Business Journals Inc.
Century-old SoNo hat, toy factory
to be publishing center
[photo], H 4/1/86 p25
Bustos, Rev. Francisco
St. Joseph's new vicar heard call
at age nine [photo], H
8/23/86 p35
Butler, Jerry
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Butterly, William
2 city GOPers criticize McKinney,
H 7/14/86 p9
Buxton, Irene
2 women reciprocate, help
other's business, H 8/12/86
Buzaid, Norman A.
25 workers at city court back
Buzaid, H 3/11/86 p1+
Attorneys criticize system for
rating of judges, H 3/18/86
January - December 1986
Buzzeo, Dolores S.
Buzzeo: Mayor's site creates a
conflict, H 9/8/86 p11
Cave delivers criticism of
councilman, H 9/4/86 p11
Councilman thinks maritime
center's cost too expensive,
H 7/19/86 p1+
Byron, Christopher
Book logs anatomy of a
magazine fiasco: Behind-thescenes saga [photo], H
6/2/86 p23
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Byxbee, James Harold
Local history read in Byxbee
genealogy: Miss Liberty's
people [photo], H 6/26/86
C. R. Gibson Co.
C. R. Gibson poised for growth
[photo], H 5/20/86 p26
Earnings, H 7/29/86 p14
Gibson acquires Pam Marker Inc,
H 12/17/86 p26
Gibson lists modest but record
gains, H 4/15/86 p26
Gibson to publish baby book with
research royalty, H 12/9/86
Rosenberry new C. R. Gibson
president [photo], H 1/7/86
Sales, profits, dividends up at C.
R. Gibson, H 9/23/86 p15
Lenoue re-elected as CABE
president, H 12/18/86 p14
Cable television
Cable hookups i Weston running
ahead of schedule, H
12/20/86 p27
Cable TV given OK for Weston,
Redding, H 8/25/86 p11
Selectmen approve cable
television plan, H 6/3/86 p13+
Town to view cable TV plans, H
6/2/86 p9
Town turned on [photo], H
12/19/86 p27
Towns seek Cablevision
alternatives, H 2/7/86 p9+
Weston now wired for cable
television, H 12/18/86 p14
Cablevision of Connecticut
Dispute may halt news for blind,
H 7/24/86 p1+
Norwalk-based cable channel
receives two ACE awards, H
3/22/86 p30
Selectmen approve cable
television plan, H 6/3/86 p13+
Weston school official critical of
cable television agreement,
H 5/20/86 p33+
Cahill, Jack
Officials honor former
commissioner [photo], H
11/10/86 p9
Former Norwalk mayor is critical
of calculator use during math
tests [photo], H 9/20/86 p1+
Caldor Inc.
Caldor post of senior V. P. goes
to Heller of Norwalk [photo],
H 3/18/86 p25
Caldor to open 13 new stores, H
3/11/86 p20
Caldor's plans cause concern, H
3/14/86 p21
Strictly Business, H 3/11/86 p20
Calf Pasture Beach-Norwalk
Calf Pasture Beach is site of
annual Lifeguard Olympics,
H 8/11/86 p8
Compo wins `Olympics' at Calf
Pasture [photo], H 8/14/86
Plans to upgrade Calf Pasture
bathhouse on hold, H
6/11/86 p34
Thousands flock to Calf Pasture
for Norwalk fireworks display
[photo], H 7/5/86 p28
Callahan, Dennis F.
Dennis Callahan dies at 60:
Prominent local sportsman,
H 9/25/86 p6
Callahan, Jay
Norwalk Old Timers pick Corbo,
Callahan [photo], H 10/29/86
Callahan, Robert J.
Norwalk native is heading judicial
education center [photo], H
6/23/86 p1+
Old Timers honor ex-sports
greats Nov. 5: `Judge' &
`Beans' [photo], H 10/8/86
Callahan, Tracy
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Calo, Cheryl
Cheryl Calo is to be a designer:
Former Miss Connecticut
Teenager [photo], H 7/24/86
Calvary Baptist Church
Blacks' deeds cited [photo], H
3/3/86 p18
Group celebrates 18th
anniversary [photo], H
5/12/86 p12
Those who aided Clothes Corner
are honored for efforts in
1985 [photo], H 1/20/86 p6
Cameron, Bill
Sports in Brief: Wreckers
Cameron top swim qualifier,
H 3/17/86 p20
Camp St.-Norwalk
After 8 years, city settles Camp
Street lawsuit, H 4/5/86 p11
Camp, Herbert V.
26th district candidates rev up
campaigns, H 8/15/86 p29
Camp, Freedman battle for 26th
District nod: Camp eager to
return to Hartford [photo], H
9/6/86 p25+
Freedman edges out Camp in
26th district race [photo], H
9/10/86 p11+
Campaign debates. SEE ALSO
Belaga, O'Neill face off [photo], H
10/29/86 p1+
Darien Republicans warm up for
primary Tuesday in 141st
[photo], H 9/5/86 p11+
Housing, foreign policy are top
issues in debate, H 10/24/86
League reports attempts to
manipulate debate, H
10/29/86 p37+
League won't sponsor Demo
Mintz-Donen debate, H
9/2/86 p11
Mintz rejects bid for debate from
Donen, H 9/3/86 p11
O'Neill and Belaga trade barbs
during their first public
debate [photo], H 10/17/86
Route 7 issue tackled by Gill and
Mullaney [photo], H 10/27/86
Rowland and Cohen debate at
Wilton candidate's forum
[photo], H 10/27/86 p13+
State Rep. candidates square off,
H 10/23/86 p1+
Campaign debates-Norwalk
GOP hopefuls square off in
Norwalk debate, H 8/30/86
Campaign debates-Weston. SEE
Cohen, Peters ready to clash:
LWV wants to sponsor
debates, H 8/12/86 p9
January - December 1986
Campaign debates-Weston
Cohen-Peters debate scheduled
Sept. 5, H 8/29/86 p29+
Campbell, Bruce D.
Degree earned, H 2/19/86 p6
Campbell, Ed
Architect rises to Project Return
challenge [photo], H 1/20/86
Campbell, Jamie
Scout earns Eagle Scout, H
2/13/86 p37+
Canal St.-Westport
Developers resubmit plans
denied by P & Z, H 9/29/86
P & Z defeats housing plan, H
9/19/86 p13+
Westport North plan draws
protests, H 12/5/86 p33
Canales, James E. "Jimmy"
Two reporters, age 7, probe
security of the mayor's office,
H 6/12/86 p12
As eight-year-old battles cancer,
her mother struggles with
bills [photo], H 5/5/86 p1+
Athletes hold surprise party for
teammate fighting cancer
[photo], H 3/10/86 p1+
Donations grow to over $13,000
for cancer victim, H 5/20/86
Girl's cancer struggle needs
financial support, H 11/25/86
Hands linked to support stricken
girl [photo], H 5/24/86 p1+
Stricken girl gaining support
[photo], H 5/10/86 p1+
Support group [letter], H 8/20/86
Canevari, Fred
Carriaging is a pleasure for city
man [photo], H 3/15/86 p1+
Canfield Island
Special district status sought for
Canfield Island, H 10/24/86
Canfield, C. Richard
Canfield resigns as CCHS
principal [photo], H 8/1/86 p6
Cannon Crossing-Wilton
June Havoc, Collins
Development cited for roles
in area tourism [photo], H
5/21/86 p6
Capoccitti, Vincent
Capoccitti's withdrawal cancels
primary, H 8/22/86 p10
Capone, Lisa
New realtor [photo], H 9/26/86
Capuano, Earl F.
Attorney to seek probate judge
position, H 6/16/86 p9+
Capuano captures judgeship, H
11/5/86 p41+
Capuano declared victor, H
9/12/86 p31
Primary set in Westport probate
race, H 7/18/86 p11+
Primary to resolve probate judge
race, H 7/30/86 p9+
Probate judge race heats up as
election day draws near
[photo], H 10/30/86 p37+
Recount scheduled in Westport
contest, H 9/10/86 p11
Program will deliver work to
volunteers, H 8/6/86 p12
Care for Kids, Inc.
Rowayton moms guide Nanny
business: Help is on the way
[photo], H 3/20/86 p21
Carl J. Herzog Foundation
Foundation gives UB $250,000
challenge, H 12/2/86 p32
Carmichael, Nevin
Carmichael, Cieurzo lead Wilton
to state title, H 3/19/86 p15
Carousel Preschool &
Band visitors [photo], H 4/19/86
Welcoming a visitor [photo], H
9/18/86 p14
Carpenters Local 210-Norwalk
Carpenter trainees build their skill
as they put homeless shelter
[photo], H 9/17/86 p1+
Carpenters interested in using
annex space, H 10/24/86 p9
Carrafiello, Vincent A.
Assembly hopeful seeking
support, H 5/22/86 p17+
Carrafiello takes aim at Rowland:
Candidate visits Weston, H
6/20/86 p11+
Carriage Hill Associates
Selectmen will consider gift of
land, H 11/25/86 p9+
Carroll, Jim
Home/Town People [photo], H
5/6/86 p16
Carroll, Tom
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Carta, Mark R.
Norwalk resident named partner
in Greenwich firm, H
11/12/86 p12
Cartbridge Bridge-Weston
Bridge is nearly repaired, H
1/14/86 p9
Cartelli, Ray
Weston engineer concludes
career, H 8/30/86 p13+
Cartoon premiere planned
[drawing], H 6/13/86 p14
Carver Apartments-Norwalk
27 tenants to return to sue their
landlord, H 10/20/86 p11
Action group can aid only 3 from
Carver, H 8/8/86 p6
Carver Apartments tenants' suit
is continued, H 10/22/86 p10
Carver dwellers appeal sharp
increase in rents, H 3/4/86
Carver rent hikes prohibited, H
7/31/86 p1+
Carver residents concerned
about conversion, H 2/26/86
Carver tenants bring $1 million
lawsuit, H 10/1/86 p1+
Carver tenants end dispute with
owners, H 11/19/86 p1+
Carver tenants, owners, will meet
to discuss conversion
complaints, H 7/28/86 p1+
Carver units sold: Conversion
likely, H 2/25/86 p12
Commission releases report, H
8/5/86 p9
Complex owners face more legal
action, H 7/9/86 p9
Elderly tenants charge landlord
wants them out, H 6/13/86
Landlords are raked over coals,
H 7/3/86 p1+
More charges lodged in Carver
conversion, H 9/18/86 p1+
No ruling on Carver rent hike, H
8/2/86 p11
Rent agency will review Carver
issues, H 7/2/86 p1+
Renters balk over changes at
complex, H 3/27/86 p1+
Tenants at Carver Apartments
agree to talks with landlords,
H 10/8/86 p1+
Carver Center. SEE GEORGE
Casagrande, Jack
Casagrande Era ends [photo], H
12/9/86 p33
Graduation hits hard:
Casagrande nears 200
[photo], H 12/18/86 p41+
January - December 1986
Casagrande, Jack (Continued)
It's last BMHS-NHS grid game for
Casagrande: Senators'
coach retiring: Sam Testa
Trophy is on line [photo], H
10/31/86 p35+
Cascella, Jacqueline
Roses for winning secretary
[photo], H 4/30/86 p24
Cassella, Vince
Double-award day [photo], H
9/23/86 p17
Castelluzzo, Dr. Rosemarie S.
Doctor selected for association
[photo], H 1/20/86 p25
Cater, Inc.
Catering business, H 8/4/86 p11+
Catholic Charities
Social service agencies form
council to coordinate efforts,
H 2/25/86 p1+
Catholic Church
Ceremony will honor city's first
Catholic [drawing], H 6/28/86
Catholic Family and Community
Johnston named supervisor
[photo], H 12/18/86 p14
Catholic schools
Diocese raises elementary
teachers' pay, H 2/26/86 p9
Adventurous tabby returned
home after recuperating from
her travail, H 12/2/86 p1+
Cavalcade of Bands. SEE ALSO
Showers don't dampen spirits as
dozen marching bands strut
[photo], H 11/10/86 p1+
Cave, Jennie F.
Cave delivers criticism of
councilman, H 9/4/86 p11
Colleagues bid farewell to former
Mayor Cave, H 11/6/86 p30
Ex-mayor resigns from agency
board, H 10/29/86 p9
Transportation, housing identified
as top issues during CBIA
forum [photo], H 9/24/86 p23
Cederbaum, Eugene
Cederbaum named to Westport
post, H 2/18/86 p14
Archaeological dig may unearth
cemetery origins, H 10/8/86
Selectmen postpone decision on
historic cemetery issue
[photo], H 10/15/86 p13+
Center for the Vocational Arts.
Center School
Board seeks money to raze old
school, H 1/9/86 p26
Center, Christine
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86
p21, H 11/13/86 p28
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Central America
Clergy laud courage of Friends'
sanctuary, H 7/3/86 p11+
Central Catholic High School
CCHS retreat [photo], H 11/25/86
Homage to the seniors [photo], H
3/13/86 p13
Learning by doing [photo], H
5/21/86 p30
Norwalk: The home of
champions: Lady Cavs nip
Bobcats as Vallerie, DiChiara
sparkle in WCC final [photo],
H 5/31/86 p25+
Speaking to sophs [photo], H
12/12/86 p10
Central Catholic High SchoolAlumni Council
Alumni Council is re-established
at Central Catholic High
School [photo], H 12/10/86 p6
Central Catholic High SchoolAwards
Awards presented at CCHS
[photo], H 6/3/86 p6
CCHS conducts awards program,
National Honor Society
inductions [photo], H 5/15/86
Winner named, H 12/16/86 p12
Central Catholic High SchoolGraduation
Central Catholic grads
admonished to be honest, do
best for others [photo], H
6/7/86 p1+
College plans set by CCHS
students, H 7/2/86 p12
Will Central Catholic bring home
school's first state title?
[photo], H 6/13/86 p33+
Central Catholic High SchoolSports
16th annual Hour All-City
baseball: Each school places
four players [photo] [chart], H
6/26/86 p25+
1986 Hour All-City Boys' Soccer
Team: Senators, Cavs
dominate: 6 repeaters
[photo] [chart], H 12/3/86
1986 Hour All-City softball [photo]
[chart], H 6/20/86 p31
20th win puts Lady Cavaliers in
state semis, H 6/10/86 p21+
All-WCC goalie to pace CCHS
[photo], H 9/8/86 p29
Anastasia & Cavs debut:
Senators, Bears pack bags,
H 9/19/86 p33+
Anastasia replaces Whalen
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Backus, 3 Westonites honored
[photo], H 12/12/86 p53+
Barrera, Norton debut, CC boys'
team scratched [photo], H
4/9/86 p13
Big 4 snaps city hitting records
[chart], H 7/9/86 p13+
Bobcats spoil Cavs' opener
[photo], H 12/19/86 p41+
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Casagrande's Senators lone city
team with win: Local HS
football coaches' corner
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Cavaliers advance to state
quarters, H 11/5/86 p13+
Cavaliers are in state Class S
final [photo], H 11/13/86 p25+
Cavs scalped [photo], H 9/27/86
CC falls to Barlow again: State
volleyball roundup [photo], H
11/8/86 p29
CC football goes on without
Diamantis [photo], H 9/12/86
CC soph, teammates dominate
city soccer [photo], H
11/22/86 p25+
CC's Martin at .591, H 5/23/86
CCHS qualifies, H 5/29/86 p21+
Central booters blank Weston
[photo], H 9/15/86 p25
Central boys came so close
[photo], H 11/17/86 p23+
Central Catholic cheerleaders
[photo], H 11/4/86 p23
Central Catholic girls advance in
state cage, tally by 43 points
[photo], H 3/6/86 p21+
January - December 1986
Central Catholic High SchoolSports (Continued)
Central Catholic wins state
crown: Martin hit in 9th
grounds Granby [photo], H
6/14/86 p25+
Central Catholic, St. Mary clash
for 25th time [photo] [chart],
H 11/26/86 p37
Central's Diamantis selected Allleague [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Champions place 5 players each
[photo], H 6/20/86 p31+
City batting title still at CC,
Vallerie No. 1 [photo], H
6/18/86 p13+
City grid standouts decide on
future, H 6/2/86 p19
City schools looking at banner
soccer seasons, H 9/8/86 p28
City trio: Score 6, give 73: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
10/7/86 p15+
City's best [photo], H 6/4/86 p16
City, Wilton hope to bring home 3
state titles [photo], H
11/14/86 p33+
Diamantis, CC spikers to
honorees [photo], H 3/13/86
Entire All-City squad is back
[photo], H 12/10/86 p41+
FCIAC division play begins: Cavs
home tonight, H 9/26/86 p31+
Firefighters honor athletes
[photo], H 8/23/86 p23
Goodbye league, Cavs think
states [photo], H 5/13/86
Governor cites softball champs
[photo], H 7/31/86 p25
HS coaches' corner: Only one is
smiling [photo], H 9/30/86 p9
It's pressure time for three girls'
teams: FCIAC, WCC playoffs
taking shape, H 2/8/86 p23+
Jacob's 3 TDs, 185 rushing lead
CC to 9th in row [photo], H
11/28/86 p39+
Just give volleyball to Kerri
[photo], H 11/6/86 p35+
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Lady Cavaliers lose in states to
Kolbe, H 3/10/86 p25
Lady Cavaliers powerful again
[photo], H 9/12/86 p28+
Lady Cavs nip Weston, 35-30
[photo], H 2/19/86 p15+
Martin is dominating softball
hitting, H 5/7/86 p13+
Masuk rocks Cavs, 68-44, H
1/8/86 p13+
McIntosh leads in city soccer, H
9/30/86 p9+
No. 13 isn't unlucky for talented
Martin [photo], H 6/14/86
Norwalk, CCatholic to play
Wednesday in state tourney,
H 3/3/86 p19+
Norwalk, Central Catholic head to
softball finals: Lady Cavs to
meet Brookfield, H 5/29/86
Oman, Gardella, Shular chosen
All-conference [photo], H
6/21/86 p23
Past Hour All-City selections
[photo] [chart], H 6/20/86
p31, H 6/26/86 p25+
Past Hour All-City soccer players
[chart], H 12/3/86 p35
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Six underclassmen on 9th Hour
All-City team [photo], H
3/21/86 p29
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: Central Catholic
2, Canton 1, H 11/7/86 p27+
Softball begins Thursday [photo],
H 4/7/86 p21+
Stolba three-hits Brookfield, 2-1
[photo], H 5/7/86 p13+
Stolba's no-hitter puts CC into
final [photo], H 6/12/86 p25
Surace breaks school soccer
scoring record [photo], H
10/30/86 p25
The Hour proudly presents the
members of its 17th annual
team [photo] [chart], H
12/22/86 p33+
Two Central Catholic players on
All-WCC [photo], H 11/18/86
Two Lady Cavaliers named AllWCC [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Vallerie, Martin, McCabe homer
for unbeaten Cavs, H 5/1/86
Watch out! McMahon is loaded
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24+
WCC softball champs meet
Coventry today, H 6/6/86 p31
Weston boys capture 40th in row,
H 2/19/86 p15+
Winning is important at Central
Catholic [photo], H 6/27/86
Central Catholic High SchoolStaff
Canfield resigns as CCHS
principal [photo], H 8/1/86 p6
CCHS continues searching for
school's sixth new principal
[photo], H 8/12/86 p17
Fr. Thorne is named Central
Catholic principal, H 9/2/86
Principal welcomes new staffer
[photo], H 10/20/86 p11
Central Communications Inc.
Telephone answerers open officewith-service rentals, H
4/15/86 p25
Century Communications Corp.
Area firm buys cable company of
San Juan, H 8/5/86 p25
New Canaan Cable TV buyer
gets 6-bank, $390 million line
of credit, H 8/12/86 p37
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86
p19+, H 10/14/86 p13+, H
11/4/86 p15, H 12/2/86 p29+
Chabor, Stacey Lynn
In pageant [photo], H 8/9/86 p18
Chad's Rainbow Toy Store
Chad's Rainbow, toy store,
owned by 2 Norwalkers, H
10/7/86 p24
Toy store opens [photo], H
9/30/86 p19
Chalk, Alan
Teachers honored, H 2/4/86 p10
Calamity a reminder of life's
value, fragility, H 1/29/86 p1+
City students eager to view
shuttle liftoff [photo], H
1/24/86 p1+
Elation turned to horror, H
1/29/86 p1+
Inability to lower flag cause of
outrage, H 1/31/86 p1+
NHS classroom may become a
memorial to space teacher,
H 2/3/86 p1+
Norden made boosters' parts
[drawing], H 1/29/86 p1+
Norwalk teens counting down to
launch, H 1/25/86 p1+
Space shuttle blows up [photo], H
1/28/86 p1+
Students Florida-bound to watch
shuttle launch [photo], H
1/23/86 p1+
Chamber of Commerce. SEE
Champion International Corp.
Champion wants to be the best,
not the biggest, H 2/18/86
January - December 1986
Chapel St.-Norwalk
Chapel Street cost tops $$ set for
it, H 2/21/86 p1+
Committee backs extension:
Chapel Street project, H
4/11/86 p10
Charges dropped
Charges against teens dropped,
H 11/13/86 p15
Charges of murder dropped, H
6/5/86 p1+
City man free after charges are
dismissed, H 12/24/86 p6
Danbury man is freed in
manslaughter case, H
10/9/86 p8
Officials drop drug charges vs.
cage star, H 9/10/86 p6
Sexual assault charges
dismissed, H 12/12/86 p11
Chariott, Anthony J.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Norwalk High donations enrich
the poor [photo], H 12/23/86
Official is ecstatic over holiday
giving, H 12/24/86 p19+
Seasonal spirit spreads through
area businesses, H 12/23/86
Charter Oak College
Charter Oak College degrees to
7 from area, H 10/30/86 p22
Chavez, Oscar
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Central Catholic cheerleaders
[photo], H 11/4/86 p23
Chernow, Burt
Teaches course [photo], H
11/1/86 p18
Chesebrough-Pond Inc.
Analysts: Chesebrough-Pond's
may reject offer, H 11/28/86
Area firm to buy sausage
company, H 4/5/86 p14
Chesebrough sales, profits at a
record, H 11/4/86 p18
Chesebrough-Pond's payment
reduced, H 2/25/86 p14
Earnings, H 8/5/86 p25
Foundation pledge [photo], H
4/15/86 p24
Spectrum Group to be acquired
by Chesebrough, H 12/9/86
Strictly Business, H 2/4/86 p17, H
8/19/86 p15+, H 11/4/86 p14
Unilever makes offer for
Chesebrough-Ponds, H
12/4/86 p17
Westport company to sell
subsidiary, H 4/15/86 p14
Chestnut Hill Rd. Associates
Developers submit second bid to
subdivide estate in Wilton, H
10/18/86 p27+
Chestnut Hill Rd.-Wilton
P & Z hears subdivision plan for
site of one time estate, H
7/22/86 p11+
Subdivision plan awaits vote, H
9/8/86 p9+
Subdivision proposal granted: Off
Chestnut Hill Road, H
11/18/86 p27+
Chewing tobacco. SEE
Child abuse
Paul & Lisa Inc. aims at abuse of
children [photo], H 3/24/86
Child abuse-Norwalk
Child victims of sexual abuse
may lack adequate
counseling, H 6/23/86 p1+
Child care
Program to assist working
parents of sick children is
ailing, H 1/6/86 p1+
Rowayton moms guide Nanny
business: Help is on the way
[photo], H 3/20/86 p21
Child Care Council of WestportWeston Inc.
Council appoints director, H
11/21/86 p31
New program planned for
handicapped pupils, H 1/2/86
Child care-Fairfield County
Info Line's child care wire always
open: The never sleep
service [photo], H 10/13/86
Child care-Norwalk
Opportunities are limited for afterschool day care [photo], H
8/12/86 p16
Children's Corner. SEE
Children, Missing. SEE MISSING
Children, Runaway. SEE
2 visitors to China seek gift to
Collins, H 10/31/86 p11
Exchange teacher enlightening
kids while continuing her own
education, H 5/23/86 p11+
Reporters quiz mayor, find city
scrutable [photo], H 5/28/86
Chinese Association of Fairfield
Chinese to add plaque to wall on
Sept. 28, H 8/14/86 p6
Chinn, Genevieve
Home/Town People [photo], H
3/25/86 p15+
Chmielinski, Terry
Norwalk couple busily plan
married life: They met six
years ago [photo], H 2/4/86
Choraliers elect Claire Fair
[photo], H 3/29/86 p18
Joy Orban christened, H 10/30/86
Christian Community Action
Social service agencies form
council to coordinate efforts,
H 2/25/86 p1+
Christmas. SEE ALSO
Children visit creche in Wilton
[photo], H 12/15/86 p9
Christmas cupboard barren or
bursting [photo], H 12/17/86
Grandfather brings Santa to
scores of delighted kids, H
12/15/86 p1+
Laser guns edge out Cabbage
Patches on children's
Christmas lists this year
[photo], H 11/22/86 p1+
Offer of resident to serve as
Santa ignites brouhaha, H
12/22/86 p49+
Secret admirer's gift giving sends
disc jockey into a spin
[photo], H 12/16/86 p1+
Stocking are hung at Maritime
Center, H 12/15/86 p1+
Tradition of Christmas Eve to
continue on Wilton green, H
12/20/86 p27
Christmas trees-Darien
Tree lighting in Darien on Nov.
30, H 11/22/86 p13
Christmas trees-Norwalk
30 Christmas trees en route, H
11/26/86 p18
Surgical funds festive tree
lighting, H 12/30/86 p23
Yule tree lightings illuminate
season throughout area, H
12/1/86 p1+
Christophersen, Lorna B.
GOP favors Christophersen to fill
school board vacancy
[photo], H 4/14/86 p13+
RTM member investigating veto
power, H 5/23/86 p11+
January - December 1986
Chronogram Corp.
Strictly Business, H 8/26/86 p17
Chulakanit, Pramaree
Thai teacher brings her side of
world to Weston, H 9/13/86
Church of God at Norwalk
Local minister completes Graham
evangelism school, H 5/3/86
Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter-Day Saints
Mormons are rearranging
congregations in area
[photo], H 3/22/86 p35
Church St.-Wilton
Wilton ZBA turns down variance
for guest house, H 7/15/86
Church Women United-Norwalk
Church Women United elect new
officers for two years, H
2/26/86 p28
Church, Clifford
2 feted to work in physical fitness
[photo], H 7/28/86 p19
CCHS qualifies, H 5/29/86 p21+
2 OT's: BMHS 56, NHS 55: State
boys' basketball tournament,
H 3/19/86 p15+
BMHS advances to state
semifinals, H 3/22/86 p23+
Central Catholic girls advance in
state cage, tally by 43 points
[photo], H 3/6/86 p21+
City HS cagers head into state
quarters tonight, H 3/21/86
Confident McMahon prepared for
Hillhouse [chart], H 3/28/86
Hillhouse lived up to its advanced
billing [photo], H 3/31/86 p19+
Lady Cavaliers lose in states to
Kolbe, H 3/10/86 p25
McMahon, Norwalk cage debuts
are successful: Bears get
revenge with balanced
attack, H 12/19/86 p41+
McMahon, Norwalk cage debuts
are successful: Smith nets
31 in battle of state's best, H
12/19/86 p41+
McMahon, Norwalk triumph,
tangle Tuesday: Maharaj
leads Bears, 77-76 [photo], H
3/15/86 p23+
McMahon, Norwalk triumph,
tangle Tuesday: Smith
shines as Lions fall [photo],
H 3/15/86 p23+
McMahon, Weston go to state
finals: 26-1 Trojans slip past
Kolbe for 16th win in row, 6260 [photo], H 3/26/86 p13+
McMahon, Weston go to state
finals: Smith propels 24-2
Senators to 21st straight win,
78-61 [photo], H 3/26/86 p13+
NHS cagers fall: Cross rallies for
76-74 triumph, H 12/20/86
Norwalk, CCatholic to play
Wednesday in state tourney,
H 3/3/86 p19+
Polite & Co. face Kolbe Tuesday
in state semis [photo], H
3/24/86 p21+
Season ends for Norwalk as
Cross prevails, H 3/22/86 p23
Senators' 20-game win streak on
line tonight, H 3/25/86 p19+
Shelton's buzzer shot eliminates
Lady Bears, H 3/6/86 p21+
Staples ousts West Haven, H
3/15/86 p23+
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
Weston 5 engages nemesis, H
3/25/86 p19+
Weston faces Kolbe, H 3/17/86
Weston loses Class M title game
in overtime [photo], H
3/31/86 p19+
Weston's strategy: Give ball to
Polite [photo], H 3/8/86 p23+
Weston, St. Joseph vie for Class
S title, H 3/28/86 p25+
Wilton opens state play, H
3/12/86 p13+
Wreckers eliminated, H 3/22/86
CIAC-Field hockey
Lady Wreckers move to semis, H
11/8/86 p32
Ousted Bears look ahead: State
field hockey [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Simsbury cops Chappa: Staples
ties for 7th [photo], H 6/6/86
Simsbury bests Wilton in state
girls' gymnastics [photo], H
3/8/86 p23+
CIAC-Ice hockey
Hyatt, Voros, Helmig lead Wilton
to victory, H 3/5/86 p15+
NHS to host state opener, H
5/27/86 p23+
Rams repeat, top Wilton [photo],
H 6/10/86 p21+
State crown on line, H 6/6/86
Bruggeman leads Weston, H
11/6/86 p38
Cavaliers are in state Class S
final [photo], H 11/13/86 p25+
Central boys came so close
[photo], H 11/17/86 p23+
Defending champs roll in opener,
H 11/6/86 p35+
Down 2-0, Lady Warriors bounce
back to win, H 11/14/86 p33+
Garvey too much for Wilton
[photo], H 11/17/86 p26
Guilford ends McMahon's soccer
season in OT, H 11/13/86
JV goalie shuts out Manchester,
1-0 [photo], H 11/4/86 p23+
Lady Warriors advance to Class
L semifinal round play, H
11/8/86 p29+
McMahon to face state's top
scorer [photo], H 11/6/86
Pillsbury's goal does it [photo], H
11/17/86 p26
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: McMahon 3,
Kaynor Tech 2 [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: Wilton 2,
Wethersfield 0, H 11/7/86
State boys' soccer: Simsbury
edges Staples, H 11/7/86
State boys' soccer: Wilton
advances, 2-1, H 11/4/86
Wilton advances to boys' state L
championship, H 11/13/86
Yarrow's 2 goals pace Wilton in
state tourney, H 11/7/86 p27+
20th win puts Lady Cavaliers in
state semis, H 6/10/86 p21+
Central Catholic wins state
crown: Martin hit in 9th
grounds Granby [photo], H
6/14/86 p25+
Heads-up base running keeps
NHS season alive, H 6/3/86
No. 13 isn't unlucky for talented
Martin [photo], H 6/14/86
Stolba's no-hitter puts CC into
final [photo], H 6/12/86 p25
January - December 1986
CIAC-Softball (Continued)
Will Central Catholic bring home
school's first state title?
[photo], H 6/13/86 p33+
Winning is important at Central
Catholic [photo], H 6/27/86
Carmichael, Cieurzo lead Wilton
to state title, H 3/19/86 p15
Sports in Brief: Wreckers
Cameron top swim qualifier,
H 3/17/86 p20
State 500 free to Bell [photo], H
11/17/86 p27
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Weston garners state S crown, H
3/20/86 p30
Lady Warriors take state crown
again, H 6/10/86 p21
Staples' Luther wins state girls'
800, H 6/9/86 p27
State gold goes to Corridon, relay
team [photo], H 2/24/86 p19+
Lady Bears eliminated, H 11/5/86
Lady Senators win state thriller,
H 11/6/86 p35+
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
Stokes shocked in final, H 3/3/86
Stokes: Best in state LL [photo],
H 2/24/86 p19+
Ciardullo, Dr. Robin Bruce
Ciardullo accepts a fellowship
[photo], H 6/26/86 p20
Ciardullo, Frances
Norwalker joins law firm [photo],
H 2/27/86 p32
Ciccarelli, Chuck
Ciccarelli reappointed, H 11/7/86
Ciccarello, Jeffrey Michael
Car runs into tree: One dead, one
hurt, H 3/13/86 p1+
Driver, 19, speeding at time of
crash, H 3/15/86 p1+
NHS cites players: Ciccarello's
number retired [photo], H
4/4/86 p33
Cid, Dr. Noelbis
Optometrist joins Norwalk
practice [photo], H 6/30/86
Cider Mill School
Plays to give pupils first taste of
opera [photo], H 2/20/86 p11+
Pupils celebrate month of music
[photo], H 3/19/86 p13
Schools nominated for honor, H
2/10/86 p9
Students in tune for concert
[photo], H 5/8/86 p37
Cider Mill School-Awards
Cider Mill cited for excellence, H
7/1/86 p11+
Efforts lauded [photo], H 10/10/86
School cited for excellence
[photo], H 11/19/86 p37
Cider Mill School-Staff
School official to attend program,
H 7/14/86 p8
Cieurzo, Chris
Carmichael, Cieurzo lead Wilton
to state title, H 3/19/86 p15
Cioffi, Charles
`Pack of Lies' suffers from the
truth: At Westport Playhouse
[photo], H 7/30/86 p34
Learned, Heckart star in WCP
`Pack of Lies' [photo], H
7/25/86 p17
Special guests [photo], H 8/20/86
Cioffi, Nicholas A.
Judge Cioffi to speak at
ceremony [photo], H 10/3/86
Citizens for a Balanced
Coalition pledges renewed fight
on new Route 7, H 7/2/86
City Hall-Norwalk. SEE
Citytrust Bancorp Inc.
$4.4 million net means 16
percent hike for Citytrust, H
4/22/86 p23
Citytrust boosts unsecured notes,
sells them to institutional
investor, H 8/12/86 p39
Citytrust earnings up 17%, H
10/28/86 p26
Citytrust enhances unsecured
notes, H 10/7/86 p21
Citytrust opens its 4th interstate
office, H 8/19/86 p17
Earnings, H 7/29/86 p14
Claar, Brian
Ex-Staples' golfer named PGA
rookie, H 12/1/86 p23
Clarke, Kathleen
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Hauhuth supports use of homes
as shelters, H 4/22/86 p11+
Class reunions-Norwalk
60th reunion is scheduled
[photo], H 7/16/86 p11
NHS class conducts 62nd
reunion, H 8/28/86 p31
NHS class of 1936 holds 50th
reunion [photo], H 8/18/86
NHS classes hold reunion
[photo], H 8/16/86 p1+
Class size-Weston
Board to study class size reports,
H 9/22/86 p14
Class size defended by Weston
principal, H 10/15/86 p13+
Weston still adheres to policy for
small remedial classes, H
11/13/86 p1+
Claveloux, Guy
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
Clean and Green Program
Bill Peters: Leader of the
campaign [photo], H 6/2/86
p6A [Supp]
Campaign slogan produced by
pupil at Tracey School
[photo], H 6/2/86 p11A [Supp]
City cleanup is made target of
youth employment project
[photo], H 4/10/86 p1+
City employees tilling the soil
[photo], H 6/18/86 p10
Clean and Green fete set at East
Norwalk Cemetery, H
10/17/86 p12
Clean and Green is besieged
with a multitude of marigolds
[photo], H 6/17/86 p1+
Clean and Green Road Race
[photo], H 5/13/86 p21
Clean n' Green needs sustinence
[letter], H 2/4/86 p5
Cleaning up at exit ramp [photo],
H 10/30/86 p21
Community effort is credited in
Clean and Green support, H
5/19/86 p10
DPW, R & P crews help in city's
cleanup program [photo], H
6/2/86 p7A [Supp]
East Norwalk committee plans
special displays for
Christmas [photo], H
11/19/86 p39
Flag is donated, H 12/20/86 p6
Jim Maguire of Tracey School
Clean-Green slogan winner
[photo], H 5/23/86 p8
January - December 1986
Clean and Green Program
Marren: Heading up Adopt-aRamp [photo], H 6/2/86 p14A
Ollie Wright gets praise for efforts
[photo], H 6/2/86 p13A [Supp]
Peters and Marriott not alone, H
6/2/86 p14A [Supp]
Ramirez wins Clean/Green race
[photo], H 6/2/86 p2A [Supp]
Shulman: Strong supporter of
effort [photo], H 6/2/86 p4A
Wilson Avenue cleaned up
[photo], H 4/23/86 p10
Cleary, Dr. Joseph P.
2 hospital physicians gain Yale
promotions [photo], H
2/18/86 p15
Clement, Roland
Animal advocates oppose
proposed new widlife bill, H
3/28/86 p1+
Clemmons, Charles
Arts Council has new show
[photo], H 4/19/86 p18
Clifford, Christopher
Strictly Business, H 7/29/86 p11+
Clocktower Close-Norwalk
ZBA turns down variances:
Grand Street complex
proposed, H 3/14/86 p21
Clover Dr.-Wilton
Wedding guests impressed by
swans created by groom
[photo], H 1/3/86 p29+
Club 50
Club 50 opens at 50 Washington
[photo], H 3/25/86 p23
AARP installs new officers
[photo], H 6/9/86 p6
British newcomers helped by
recently started club [photo],
H 5/27/86 Supp. p17A
Church Women United elect new
officers for two years, H
2/26/86 p28
DAV installs new officers [photo],
H 5/12/86 p19
Eagles officers are installed
[photo], H 6/5/86 p6
Friends of Lockwood House elect
W. Kenney president [photo],
H 7/19/86 p11
Hadassah installing new
executive board, H 5/14/86
Hadassah slate [photo], H
5/22/86 p20
Jewish vets get new commander
[photo], H 6/25/86 p19
Members elected to civic group
[photo], H 2/6/86 p19
Mount Holyoke Club meets to
plan 150th anniversary
[photo], H 7/30/86 p32
New Encore officers [photo], H
6/25/86 p38
New officers elected [photo], H
6/25/86 p32
New officers installed [photo], H
5/29/86 p14
NJWC 20th year begins on
Tuesday, H 9/12/86 p18
Norwalk Jr. Women elect [photo],
H 7/17/86 p16
Norwalk Power Squadron watch
change [photo], H 4/11/86
Norwalk Woman's Club looks to
102nd: New season planned
[photo], H 7/17/86 p17
Officers chosen, H 1/8/86 p6
Officers installed at Sons of Italy
[photo], H 4/17/86 p17
OPT organizes and
communicates [photo], H
2/11/86 p27
Power Squadron changes the
watch [photo], H 3/10/86 p11
Quartette Auxiliary officers
[photo], H 4/19/86 p18
Sons of Pericles announce
officers [photo], H 5/17/86 p8
Sports Briefs: Sportsmen of
Westport tab John Kondub
[photo], H 1/3/86 p20
VFW installs new officers [photo],
H 6/3/86 p30
Watch changed at boat club
[photo], H 4/28/86 p6
Westport VFW installs officers
[photo], H 5/28/86 p32
Yacht club set for Hickory Bluff
site, H 3/19/86 p11
Clune, Dr. David F.
Clune organizing headmasters
meeting, H 1/31/86 p9
Cluster housing-Norwalk
P & Z examining proposals:
Cluster housing sought, H
1/30/86 p7
Cluster housing-Wilton
P & Z decision awaited on cluster
housing, H 7/7/86 p13
Zone change sought for Wilton
cluster housing development,
H 5/8/86 p37+
Coalition for Children and Youth
Seminar speakers [photo], H
6/12/86 p16
Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 72
CG Aux Flotilla 72 has eventful
week, H 7/18/86 p23
CG Aux Flotilla 72 put on Honor
Roll, H 4/25/86 p49+
CG Aux, police field OpSail '86
on Sound [photo], H 7/11/86
Coast Guard Auxiliary takes 1st
step toward replacing ship
[photo], H 12/17/86 p23
COGA II takes over LI Sound
[photo], H 8/22/86 p29
Fred high on ed [photo], H 4/4/86
Mayor voices pride of the city in
Coast Guard Auxiliary unit
[photo], H 1/27/86 p6
Plans made for dinner-dance
[photo], H 1/8/86 p6
Season ending: Flotilla 72 keeps
busy, H 9/26/86 p19
Sound keeps Coast Guard busy
[photo], H 10/10/86 p13
Cobb's Mill Inn
Landmark restaurant in Weston
sold [photo], H 12/22/86 p49+
Cockenoe Island
Funds sought for Cockenoe, H
2/24/86 p11
Cody, George
Cody challenges Young in 143rd
district, H 7/30/86 p9+
Cohen, James
Candidates spar for dollars in 5th
district, H 7/18/86 p12
Cohen endorsed by Wilton's
Democrats: In 5th District
primary, H 8/9/86 p13+
Cohen is favorite for Dem nod in
5th District, H 7/21/86 p9
Cohen questions opponent's
leadership: 5th
Congressional District race
[photo], H 10/23/86 p13+
Cohen triumphs in 5th District
primary [photo], H 9/10/86
Cohen, Peters ready to clash:
LWV wants to sponsor
debates, H 8/12/86 p9
Cohen-Peters debate scheduled
Sept. 5, H 8/29/86 p29+
Democrats scramble for
delegates in 5th, H 7/16/86
Rowland and Cohen debate at
Wilton candidate's forum
[photo], H 10/27/86 p13+
Three hopefuls escalate battle for
5th District seat, H 8/16/86
Cohen, Martin
Investment banker turns to
racetrack, H 9/27/86 p36
January - December 1986
Coldwell Banker Residential
Real Estate
Coldwell Banker introduces its
`Best Seller Plan', H 6/3/86
Coldwell Banker offers Sears
discounts [photo], H 8/5/86
Coldwell Banker welcomes
members of Norwalk office
[photo], H 5/13/86 p34
Cole, Dennis
`Fame' school's Cole till up on
show biz [photo], H 9/11/86
Coleman, Marcus F.
City man is killed in crash on
highway, H 5/19/86 p1+
Coleman, Todd
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Coley Barn-Weston
Society debating Coley Barn's
fate, H 1/2/86 p29+
Coleytown Elementary School
Police say children vandalized 2
schools, H 12/8/86 p15+
Coleytown Elementary SchoolAwards
Westport school librarian wins
award, H 11/22/86 p14
Coleytown Elementary SchoolStaff
Gold accepts resignation of
principal, H 3/13/86 p11
Coleytown Middle School
Capturing spirit of the holiday
[photo], H 11/28/86 p57
Choreography created at
Coleytown [photo], H 3/14/86
Fair helps students relive
immigrants' experience
[photo], H 11/25/86 p11
Police say children vandalized 2
schools, H 12/8/86 p15+
Students chosen ScholarLeaders, H 6/26/86 p38
Coleytown Middle SchoolAwards
Around the Towns: Literary
magazines from Bedford,
Coleytown Middle and Long
Lots Schools receive award,
H 4/11/86 p12
Gifted students earn honors, H
5/16/86 p14
Coleytown Middle School-Staff
Around the Towns: Four
Coleytown Middle School
teachers presented
workshops, H 5/16/86 p14
Collective bargaining-Norwalk
Cops ink new pact [photo], H
8/6/86 p6
Panel recommends accepting
new contracts with two
unions, H 11/7/86 p10
Collective bargaining-Westport
Contract ratified by teachers
[photo], H 2/4/86 p9
College athletes
Clemson declares Walker
ineligible, H 8/9/86 p25
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86
p21, H 11/13/86 p28, H
12/8/86 p31
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86
p25, H 9/2/86 p26
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
1/7/86 p14, H 2/25/86 p17, H
6/2/86 p19, H 6/24/86 p27, H
10/2/86 p27
Mickle nets 16 for UB [photo], H
12/2/86 p23+
College graduates
Among the Grads, H 7/26/86 p15
Among the Graduates, H 5/23/86
p21, H 5/30/86 p10, H 6/3/86
p19, H 6/7/86 p10, H 6/9/86
p19, H 6/13/86 p32, H
6/26/86 p35, H 6/28/86 p32
Degree awarded, H 3/22/86 p6
Degree earned, H 2/19/86 p6
Graduates, H 5/20/86 p6
College students
A bear of a task [photo], H
3/31/86 p11
Collegiate Oscar goes to
Westport filmmaker [photo],
H 7/30/86 p30
Dean's List, H 5/24/86 p6, H
8/1/86 p6, H 8/13/86 p6
Dean's list is announced, H
1/28/86 p6
Degree received, H 4/2/86 p6
Graduate, H 8/15/86 p6
Graduates, H 8/1/86 p6
IBM sponsoring career program,
H 2/14/86 p6
Mortarboard traded for fire
helmet [photo], H 7/2/86 p37
Nadine Pinede--Not just a pretty
face: Norwalk's Glamour Girl
[photo], H 8/4/86 p11
On the Dean's List, H 2/8/86 p26,
H 2/13/86 p6, H 2/21/86 p6,
H 3/4/86 p6, H 3/14/86 p6, H
3/18/86 p8, H 4/19/86 p6, H
6/9/86 p19, H 6/28/86 p32, H
7/26/86 p15, H 8/15/86 p6
Students named to Dean's List, H
1/18/86 p6
Tishler receives doctorate
degree, H 9/13/86 p6
Work completed, H 2/15/86 p13
Collins Development Corp.
June Havoc, Collins
Development cited for roles
in area tourism [photo], H
5/21/86 p6
Collins, William A.
`Irate' over mayor's vacation
[letter], H 5/16/86 p5
Buzzeo: Mayor's site creates a
conflict, H 9/8/86 p11
Calls mayor's comments
`insensitive' [letter], H
10/3/86 p5
Campaign officials weighing a
ticket of Moffett-Collins, H
7/9/86 p1+
Chief handled himself with dignity
[letter], H 10/3/86 p5
Collins condemns Congress:
Mayor hits `Age of Reason',
H 3/13/86 p17
Collins draws the line in battle for
Route 7, H 12/8/86 p1+
Collins finds conveniences
missing in Guatemala City, H
4/23/86 p1+
Collins lauds Darien for
arbitration action, H 2/3/86
Collins named to task force on
solid waste [photo], H 8/5/86
Collins off to Texas parley, H
11/21/86 p21
Collins offers response to excouncilmen, H 8/29/86 p1+
Collins provides commentary for
first bus tour, H 5/1/86 p12
Collins puts a spicy pie in The
Mayor's Cookbook [photo], H
8/6/86 p1+
Collins reiterates call for more
state aid to the cities, H
3/31/86 p17
Collins reports trip cemented
opposition to Contra support,
H 5/1/86 p1+
Collins reverses on storm
absences, H 3/19/86 p1+
Collins says tax-base growth
can't cover federal
reductions, H 3/5/86 p6
Collins to attend mayor's San
Juan conference, H 6/11/86
Collins to seek end to GrammRudman, H 1/21/86 p1+
Collins warns weigh station isn't
welcome, H 5/28/86 p1+
Collins, Gibbs favor ending aid to
Contras [photo p1], H
6/12/86 p33
January - December 1986
Collins, William A. (Continued)
Collins, LaBianca clash on `lack
of leadership' [photo], H
9/27/86 p1+
Collins, mayors urge tax revision,
H 3/10/86 p11
Collins: Cities in revenue vise, H
12/1/86 p1+
Collins: Kill primary election rule
now, H 1/28/86 p1+
Collins: Trip to Washington
`depressing', H 1/24/86 p1+
Despite apology, Collins still
under fire, H 10/2/86 p1+
GOP chief says Collins broke
word, H 3/10/86 p1+
Knopp sits in while mayor's in
Nicaraugua (sic), H 4/21/86
Mayor accuses P & Z of
negligence for not cutting
capital budget more, H
3/6/86 p1+
Mayor co-hosting rec conference,
H 5/28/86 p9
Mayor Collins terms allocation
boards `very bad precedent',
H 7/7/86 p1+
Mayor doesn't need an assistant
[letter], H 2/21/86 p5
Mayor is set to return from
Central America, H 4/28/86
Mayor joins abortion march, H
3/10/86 p1+
Mayor receives bowl [photo], H
1/27/86 p14
Mayor should worry about taxes
[letter], H 5/16/86 p5
Mayor's action `inappropriate'
[letter], H 10/3/86 p5
Mayor, school superintendent
spar over study of facilities,
H 9/11/86 p11
Mayors wary on rec funding:
Collins reviews conference,
H 6/2/86 p7
New city policy brings `stormy'
reply, H 3/8/86 p1+
Norwalk mayor to attend Central
America teach-in, H 5/1/86
Officials' convention viewpoints
differ, H 12/5/86 p1+
Override of veto defeated by 1
vote, H 3/26/86 p1+
Police groups back embattled
LaBianca [photo p8], H
9/30/86 p1+
Removal of mayor asked by
union head, H 2/19/86 p1+
Thanks, mayor [letter], H 2/21/86
Traffic, parking are discussed by
Collins, H 6/4/86 p8
Unpopular trip [edit], H 5/5/86 p4
Vote against tax reform it'll hike
taxes here, Collins tells
legislators, H 9/16/86 p12
Colodny, Lester
Play to be next challenge for
writer [photo], H 2/10/86 p9
Colohan, Lt. Col. Edward A.
Chaplain celebrates his 25th
anniversary [photo], H
5/17/86 p37
Colonial Village-Norwalk
Colonial Village gets $150,000, H
10/16/86 p19
Village upkeep is criticized, H
3/21/86 p1+
Save the Children helps volcano
victims find work, H 4/22/86
Columbia Federal Savings Bank
Bank reports loans have been
secured, H 8/6/86 p1+
Chairman resigns from bank, H
8/12/86 p1+
Chairman says search under way
for investors for troubled
bank, H 8/13/86 p1+
New name of County Federal S &
L is Columbia Federal
Savings Bank [photo], H
2/25/86 p30
Westport bank seeks solution to
fiscal losses, H 8/5/86 p1+
Columbiettes install officers, H
6/2/86 p23
Columbus Court CondominiumsNorwalk
Ceremony initiates housing
[photo p1], H 11/6/86 p1+
Columbus Court delay
inconveniences families, H
12/10/86 p11
Housing project delayed?, H
11/11/86 p1+
Columbus School
Eight rockets launched from
schoolyard in city [photo], H
6/26/86 p7
It's a print [photo], H 10/17/86 p9
Parent complaint: Columbus not
a special school anymore, H
11/5/86 p27
Parents: Columbus losing its
magnetism, H 11/6/86 p1+
Playground completed [photo], H
10/30/86 p21
Sentencing of three concludes
drug case, H 8/26/86 p7
Two reporters, age 7, probe
security of the mayor's office,
H 6/12/86 p12
Combustion Engineering Inc.
Company plans to reduce
number of workers by 500, H
9/9/86 p6
Communication tower-Wilton
Selectmen to take up plan for
radio tower, H 11/17/86 p13
Selectmen: P & Z requires added
data on tower plan, H
11/18/86 p27+
Tower plan prompts check by
state DEP, H 11/24/86 p13+
Community Council of WestportWeston Inc.
Lawyer to discuss liability
problem during community
council's meeting, H 5/20/86
Community Development Block
Community League Advocates
for Special People. SEE
Community Needs Assessment
Selectmen help with survey
[photo], H 12/11/86 p13
Selectmen to make calls for
survey, H 12/8/86 p15+
Community-based industries.
Commuter parking lots
Merchants to help the police
keep eye on commuter lots
[photo], H 2/26/86 p11+
State is asked to rethink parking
lot rent policy, H 2/4/86 p23
Commuters' Register
Strictly Business, H 2/4/86 p16+
Van available to employees at
Merritt 7, H 7/1/86 p6
Strictly Business, H 6/17/86
p33+, H 9/30/86 p20
Compensation. SEE WAGES
Compo Beach-Westport
Funds approved for bathhouse
project, H 2/6/86 p35
Computer-assisted instructionWeston
Report favors expansion of
computer program, H 2/27/86
Weston to put more computers in
class, H 1/10/86 p9+
Computer-assisted instructionWilton
Wilton panel approves
January - December 1986
Computer-assisted instructionWilton (Continued)
elementary computers, H
1/25/86 p13
Computers in education. SEE
Computerworks. SEE MORRIS
Comstock Brook-Wilton
Officials seek compromise with
town on pond dredging, H
7/15/86 p11+
Comstock Community Center
`Baseball fever' breaking out in
Wilton, H 4/16/86 p9+
Conboy, Carol Ann
NHS graduate named director of
law firm [photo], H 1/11/86
Concord St.-Norwalk
Apartments, offices proposed for
Concord Street building, H
3/7/86 p22
Concrete Flotation Systems
Former ad exec builds unique
concrete docks [photo], H
5/22/86 p50
Norwalk plant meets deadline for
the big Liberty Weekend
[photo], H 7/2/86 p19
20 condos added to SoNo Coach
Works [drawing], H 11/4/86
Columbus Court delay
inconveniences families, H
12/10/86 p11
Condos are approved for Wall St.
building, H 8/21/86 p10
Exchange of charges continues
over blasting, H 4/9/86 p1+
Falls backdrop for unusual
development [photo], H
9/9/86 p11
Neighbors come out in force to
oppose condos near Caldor,
H 9/18/86 p1+
Neighbors lambaste blasting in
SoNo, H 4/4/86 p8
P & Z allows conversion for
condos, H 1/23/86 p10
Parking could snag condo plan in
SoNo, H 1/17/86 p11
Perry Avenue tract is sold to
builder for $1.9 million, H
9/18/86 p6
Proposal for condos is outlined,
H 12/5/86 p12
Renewed blasting rattles
neighbors, H 4/8/86 p1+
Residents oppose sale of path by
city to developer of condos,
H 12/3/86 p9
Water pressure concerns
neighbors, H 8/21/86 p9
We don't need more condos
[letter], H 9/27/86 p5
Condominiums-South Norwalk
20 condos added to SoNo Coach
Works [drawing], H 11/4/86
Renewed blasting rattles
neighbors, H 4/8/86 p1+
Condo owners to form tax
district?, H 5/13/86 p9
Condo construction leaves
neighbors unhappy in Wilton,
H 1/13/86 p9+
Condo owners seek tax district:
Selectmen to review petition,
H 11/3/86 p15
Emergency access is sought to
condominium complex, H
11/29/86 p13+
Neighbors to oppose rezoning of
gravel pit site for condos, H
9/25/86 p35+
Condy, William R.
Norwalker named assistant editor
[photo], H 7/2/86 p11
Coneybear, John F.
Injury sidelines Coneybear, H
8/26/86 p10
Congregation Beth El
Sisterhood new officers [photo],
H 6/19/86 p16
Connecticut Army National
Guard-Company C 143rd
Support Battalion (Forward)
Probe: Artillery shell contained
full charge, H 10/31/86 p1+
Connecticut Army National
Guard-Sixth Company
Sixth Company faced shelling
during Battle of the Argonne
[photo], H 11/11/86 p1+
Connecticut Association of
Boards of Education. SEE
Connecticut Association of
Boswell nears end of active year
as head of state board of
Realtors [photo], H 9/23/86
Realtors eyeing political action
[photo], H 1/28/86 p28
Connecticut Ave.-Norwalk
Area architect adapts re-use of
shopping plaza in Norwalk
[drawing], H 10/21/86 p23
Supports renumbering of
Connecticut Avenue
buildings, H 8/20/86 p12
Connecticut Bancorp Inc.
Bankcorp offers million shares for
sale, H 10/18/86 p1+
Stock offering by new bank is
sold out, H 12/12/86 p8
Connecticut Bank & Trust Co.
CBT funds `Discover Norwalk'
summer weekend bus tours,
H 4/16/86 p1
CBT has a Presidential Citation
[photo], H 6/24/86 p20
Collins provides commentary for
first bus tour, H 5/1/86 p12
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86
p25+, H 7/1/86 p29, H
7/29/86 p11+
Connecticut Business and
Industry Association. SEE
Connecticut Coastal
Fishermen's Association
2,239 violations of clean water
act charged by group [photo],
H 9/5/86 p1+
Fishermen plan action over Long
Island Sound pollution, H
9/4/86 p1+
Fishermen put off filing suit vs.
city, H 10/30/86 p11
Group outlines allegations
against city, H 9/5/86 p8
Officials, fishermen to discuss
lawsuit, H 10/29/86 p11
Connecticut Community Bank
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p23
Connecticut Commuters Inc.
Group wants state to prevent
Yankee Doodle traffic snarls
[photo], H 9/4/86 p1+
Merritt exit receives `Hazard of
the Month' award, H 2/28/86
Parkway exits called commuter
hazard [photo], H 4/29/86 p9+
Watchdog group: Parkway being
used illegally, H 11/11/86 p13
Connecticut Conference of
Hauhuth seeks to have Westport
rejoin CCM, H 1/3/86 p29
Program's end to cost towns
$10.6 million, H 3/5/86 p1+
Connecticut High School
Coaches Association
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Connecticut Hospice. SEE ALSO
Westporter gives $1,800 to
Hospice [photo], H 8/27/86
January - December 1986
Connecticut Interscholastic
Athletic Conference. SEE
Connecticut Light and Power Co.
CL & P application approved, H
1/30/86 p7
CL & P tops assessment list:
Taxable property is $89.43M,
H 3/4/86 p17
CL & P tops taxpayers in
Weston, H 3/21/86 p9+
Collins seeks to join fight against
CL & P, H 1/15/86 p1+
Power project planned, H 8/4/86
SNEW, CL & P try to reach
mutual aid agreement, H
1/10/86 p11
Wilton drops CL & P lawsuit, H
8/28/86 p13+
Connecticut Mastery Tests
Fourth graders dip below
average in state test, H
1/4/86 p1+
School board will review test
scores, H 1/11/86 p13+
Connecticut Municipal Electric
and Gas Association
Districts considering joining coop, H 11/18/86 p10
Connecticut National Bank
CNB responds to needs of NEON
[photo], H 4/10/86 p9
Connecticut Radon &
Environmental Testing Co.
Westport company gains
approval to make tests for
radon pollution, H 8/30/86
Connecticut Resources
Recovery Authority. SEE
Connecticut State High School
Coaches Association
King, Barry, Folino honored, H
5/9/86 p33+
Connecticut Theater Foundation
Conn. Theater Foundation elects
S. T. Monahan president, H
2/20/86 p15
Connecticut-350th anniversary
Wilton accepts gift of trees, H
2/6/86 p35
Connecticut-Agriculture, Dept. of
Commission welcomes shellfish
jurisdiction, H 3/25/86 p11+
Final birthday observance being
scheduled by Darien, H
5/21/86 p37
City seeking budget for windfall
aid, H 8/13/86 p1+
Mayor Collins terms allocation
boards `very bad precedent',
H 7/7/86 p1+
Surplus placed in budget, H
8/21/86 p13+
Westport windfall set at
$253,000, H 8/6/86 p33+
Wilton officials submit ideas on
how to spend state surplus,
H 8/28/86 p13
Connecticut-Budget surplus
Area towns eligible for money
from state, H 2/3/86 p11+
CBT: Connecticut economy
continues to gain, H 1/14/86
CBT: State economy on a high,
upward plane, H 11/11/86
Inc. Lists Gateway Bank stock
among new-issue top
gainers, H 2/4/86 p17
Regional planner critical of
policies plan by state, H
5/22/86 p17+
Rotarians hear Citytrust's Taylor
on economy [photo], H
4/8/86 p23+
Connecticut-Education, Dept. of
Commissioner teaches school
[photo], H 6/11/86 p1
Tirozzi visit Wilton schools, H
6/11/86 p37+
Protection, Dept. of
DEP weighs action against
developer, H 2/27/86 p35+
Norwalk faces $10,000 fine for
pump test, H 9/12/86 p1+
Connecticut-Five Mile River
McNell appointed to river agency,
H 3/3/86 p10
Connecticut-Governors. SEE
Connecticut-Hometown Heroes
Town to honor unsung heroes:
Four Westporters selected, H
2/12/86 p13+
Connecticut-Motor Vehicles,
Dept. of
DMV chief unhappy with site in
Wilton, H 3/7/86 p1+
DMV forgoes office plans at
Wilton site, H 5/2/86 p1+
DMV to pursue site in Wilton, H
3/24/86 p13+
Obstacle to DMV revealed, H
3/12/86 p1+
Assistance Act
Wilton seeks corporate aid for
programs, H 4/9/86 p11+
Transportation Commission
Wilton man appointed to state
board [photo], H 9/30/86 p17+
Senate OKs bonding for two
projects, H 5/2/86 p8
Connecticut-State Bonding
State bond agency OKs
$750,000 grant to Maritime
Center, H 7/2/86 p10
Connecticut-State grants
Council outlines method for
spending windfall, H 9/24/86
Norwalk schools could be first to
feel impact of new state aid,
H 9/6/86 p10
Surplus distribution studied:
Finance panel asks to be
involved, H 10/23/86 p13+
Surplus fund uses approved:
RTM OKs project list, H
9/17/86 p11+
Surplus placed in trust fund, H
9/23/86 p29+
Weston weighs ways to spend
surplus, H 9/4/86 p33+
Windfall fund sparks debate on
city council, H 9/23/86 p1+
Connecticut-State Police
Police Blotter: State police car
damaged, H 12/5/86 p8
Connecticut-State Police-Car
City man is arrested after chase,
H 9/8/86 p1+
Connecticut-Student Advisory
Council on Education
2 Wilton students on advisory
council, H 9/27/86 p35+
Connecticut-Town Improvement
Windfall put into trust fund, H
9/16/86 p9
Dept. of
Burns says Westport weigh site
only temporary, H 8/28/86
Burns: Bridge checks flawed, H
7/16/86 p14
DOT aide queried about site for
permanent weigh station, H
12/12/86 p35+
DOT back for new 7 hearing, H
7/21/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Dept. of (Continued)
DOT report finds solvable
problems on parkway, I-95,
H 3/6/86 p1+
DOT seeking Route 7 permits, H
4/22/86 p1+
DOT to fund intersection
improvements, H 6/27/86 p11
DOT to repair Hillspoint Road
bridge, H 4/4/86 p10
DOT work is continuing on
Hillspoint bridge repair, H
7/18/86 p11+
Hauhuth fears DOT decision to
increase cars in town lots
[photo], H 4/25/86 p11+
Official backs plan for bridge, H
2/27/86 p35+
Residents react to Rt. 7 plans, H
7/22/86 p8
Selectman feels substation query
has been resolved, H 7/18/86
State DOT listens to ideas about
transportation issues, H
10/28/86 p6
State DOT opens bids for Rte. 7
highway extension, H
11/28/86 p1+
State to install railroad crossing
gates, H 2/21/86 p1+
State to replace trees near I-95
exit, H 4/25/86 p11
Substation problem examined:
DOT officials visit Westport,
H 5/15/86 p15+
Wilton site considered for DMV
office, H 2/14/86 p1+
Conoscenti, Dr. Craig S.
Health/Fitness: Conoscenti
selected as fellow, H
11/24/86 p35
Conservative party-Norwalk
Bitondo to enter race for council,
H 7/28/86 p1+
Conservatives select Giannini to
fill vacant seat on council, H
8/7/86 p1
Kellaher joins Republicans, H
5/16/86 p31
Kellaher resigns Common
Council seat [photo], H
7/16/86 p1+
Constantine, Anthony
Local CP director preparing for
trip to China, H 1/23/86 p32
Construction industry
Region outpaces nation in
construction growth, H 2/4/86
Construction site-AccidentsNorwalk
2 roofers injured in fall at job site,
H 10/30/86 p6
Phone service cut off by
construction accident, H
12/9/86 p1+
Phones back on line for Wilton
customers, H 12/10/86 p15+
Police Blotter: Mixer injures
worker, H 6/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Steelworker falls at
site, H 4/8/86 p8
Contact lenses
New lens soon to be on market,
H 1/27/86 p29
Among the best [photo], H
5/23/86 p24
Art at Vitam [photo], H 5/2/86 p15
At celebrity luncheon [photo], H
12/11/86 p30
Best in show [photo], H 3/31/86
Contest winners [photo], H
10/16/86 p18, H 11/5/86 p27
Contest winners display posters
[photo], H 4/25/86 p16
Contest winners get
congratulations [photo], H
4/18/86 p8
DAR named winners in essay
contest [photo], H 2/28/86
Disc jockeys holding contest to
name truck weigh station
[photo], H 10/18/86 p27
Drawing ends in surprise, H
7/16/86 p42
Handwriting baffles first
selectman [photo], H 6/27/86
Hunt winners receive honors
[photo], H 4/10/86 p10
Jim Maguire of Tracey School
Clean-Green slogan winner
[photo], H 5/23/86 p8
Kendall student wins city spelling
bee [photo p1], H 5/7/86 p11
Leading readers [photo], H
8/30/86 p19
Norwalk Jr. Woman's Club
names '86 craft winners
[photo], H 3/31/86 p13
Norwalker wins Hawaii trip in
contest at radio station
[photo], H 6/28/86 p6
Norwalker wins it all [photo], H
9/30/86 p20
Peggyann wanted the mink for
mom: Connecticut Wisk
winner [photo], H 5/8/86 p13
Prizes to be distributed Sunday in
Christmas tree poster
contest [photo], H 12/12/86
Quartette singers compete in
fest, H 6/28/86 p6
Roses for winning secretary
[photo], H 4/30/86 p24
Rowayton art winners told, H
5/19/86 p17, H 11/14/86 p24
Rowayton Arts Council winners
are named [photo], H 3/18/86
Scholarship drawing [photo], H
8/27/86 p24
Slogan picked as the winner in
contests [photo], H 6/27/86
Students show winning posters
[photo], H 11/17/86 p14
Suntan contest won by
Westporter [photo], H
2/24/86 p11
Teacher wins BMW in St. Luke's
contest, H 3/19/86 p13
Total Travel picks a winner
[photo], H 12/9/86 p23
Trivia quiz winners [photo], H
6/4/86 p24
Weston man earns $6,250 for
puzzle-solving skills, H
3/31/86 p11+
Wilton woman co-hosts show
[photo], H 5/14/86 p35
Winners announced in Vitam art
contest [photo], H 5/12/86
Winners are named in fishing
tourney [photo], H 5/27/86
Winners of art contest revealed
[photo], H 4/29/86 p19
Winners picked in poster fest
[photo], H 3/10/86 p6
Winning exhibits [photo], H 5/8/86
Young writers receive awards
[photo], H 3/7/86 p6
Continuing education-Wilton
Night school called a success:
Students praise program, H
9/26/86 p9
Conway, Amy Jeanne
Teen to sue town over tennis
injury, H 9/29/86 p9+
Conway, Andrew
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/10/86 p15
Conway, Michael
In the Service, H 8/14/86 p6
Cookbooks. SEE COOKERY
January - December 1986
Collins puts a spicy pie in The
Mayor's Cookbook [photo], H
8/6/86 p1+
Cookney, Cheryl
Staff members named by council
[photo], H 10/31/86 p55
Cooney, Michael T.
Rite honors first Catholic [photo],
H 7/11/86 p9
Cooper Estate-Weston
Subdivision plan withdrawn, H
1/30/86 p11
Cooper, Courtney
Wilton rider has championship
plans [photo], H 2/7/86 p9+
Cooperative Educational
CES to continue leasing Post
School: Proposed purchase
delayed, H 9/16/86 p35+
Grant, corporations finance
training program, H 7/11/86
Program at CES helps adults to
gain basic academic skills, H
4/12/86 p1+
School tenant asks to buy
building, H 3/21/86 p24
Willner leaving educational
service in Norwalk [photo], H
4/29/86 p12
Copy Co. Inc.
Strictly Business, H 2/4/86 p17
Corbin, Eileen
Mrs. Corbin elected [photo], H
8/13/86 p27
Corbo, Lee
Norwalk Old Timers pick Corbo,
Callahan [photo], H 10/29/86
Corello, Anthony
Anthony Corello, parks chief was
57, H 6/16/86 p6
Cornish, Andrew
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Corporate Communicators
Corporate Communicators
expands [photo], H 3/11/86
Strictly Business, H 6/10/86
p25+, H 6/24/86 p20, H
7/1/86 p29, H 7/15/86 p30, H
9/9/86 p17+, H 10/7/86 p21+
Wilton agency adds 6 to staff
[photo], H 6/10/86 p25
Corporate Investment Business
Strictly Business, H 8/12/86 p37+
Corporations, Nonprofit
Panel eyes non-profit lessees as
$$ sources, H 5/22/86 p12
Corrigan, Bruce J.
Firm makes Corrigan a partner
[photo], H 8/4/86 p9+
Cortese, Alexandra
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Cosby, Bill
Moving in [photo], H 8/16/86 p13
Cossuto, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Cossutos observe their 40th, H
8/9/86 p18
Costa, Carolyn
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86 p17
Costello, Christopher
Jurors being selected to hear
murder case, H 12/4/86 p15
Cottrell, Faith A.
Wilton doctor sued in death of
girl, 12, H 6/12/86 p10
Couch, Thomas
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
Country Club of Darien Inc.
Membership buys Darien country
club, H 5/23/86 p12
County Federal Savings & Loan
New name of County Federal S &
L is Columbia Federal
Savings Bank [photo], H
2/25/86 p30
Courville, Jerry Jr.
Sports in Brief: Courvilles in
challenge cup matches, H
5/12/86 p22
Courville, Jerry Sr.
Sports in Brief: Courvilles in
challenge cup matches, H
5/12/86 p22
Coyne, Dee Dee
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Coyne, Kevin
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/4/86 p20
Craig, Peter
Preparing for the sea [photo], H
7/9/86 p6
Cranbury School
Author's Day at Cranbury [photo],
H 5/3/86 p9
Community helpers [photo], H
3/19/86 p25
Craw, Kenneth III
City students eager to view
shuttle liftoff [photo], H
1/24/86 p1+
Crawford, Joseph M.
Scout officials given Silver
Beaver awards [photo], H
5/21/86 p37
Crazy Eddie
Crazy Eddie's will reopen across
street, H 1/9/86 p26
Creativity, Activity, Recreation
and Education. SEE CARE
Creeth, Richard F.
Accounting firm opens new office
in Norwalk [photo], H 1/28/86
Creeth, Richman and Associates
Accounting firm opens new office
in Norwalk [photo], H 1/28/86
Consultants expand [photo], H
10/7/86 p25
Crime statistics. SEE CRIMINAL
Crime victims. SEE VICTIMS OF
Criminal statistics
Increase reported in Weston
crime, H 1/20/86 p9+
Police say felonies down for third
year, H 1/28/86 p1+
Police: Crime down in Wilton, H
9/5/86 p11+
Wilton crime reportedly down, H
6/23/86 p11+
Crocker, LeAnn
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
Crocker, Susan
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Cronin, Brian C.
Five for Ireland, H 7/9/86 p6
CROP Walk for the Hungry
CROP hopes to reap $20,000
[photo], H 5/9/86 p6
CROP Walk raises $7,000
[photo], H 5/19/86 p1
Students awarded CROP Cup, H
2/13/86 p37+
Walkers' blisters badges of merit
after hunger trek [photo], H
5/19/86 p13+
Cross & Brown of Connecticut
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p21+
Westport to study interlocal
agreement, H 2/10/86 p9+
Cruelty to animals. SEE
Crump, Frank H.
Frank Crump dies at 56: A
`caring' RTM member, H
11/4/86 p6
Crystal Ice Rink
High insurance rates threaten
indoor rink [photo], H 1/17/86
January - December 1986
Crystal Ice Rink (Continued)
Loss of Crystal Ice Rink creating
major headaches, H 8/2/86
Skidd set to close Crystal Ice
Rink [photo], H 7/24/86 p11
Cub Scouts-Norwalk
Award recipients [photo], H
8/16/86 p7
Culhane, Don
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Cuneo, William J.
William J. Cuneo dies: Former
SNEW engineer [photo], H
2/3/86 p6
Cunningham, James R.
Two ex-councilmen want 2nd
question placed on ballot, H
8/28/86 p1+
Curcio, Peter S.
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p20
Cusano Gallery
Paired exhibits open at the
Cusano Gallery [photo], H
9/5/86 p15
Cushman & Wakefield Inc.
Strictly Business, H 7/22/86 p29+
Cutler, Peter
Student honored by art
department [photo], H
3/12/86 p9
Cutrufello, Mary F.
Student at BMHS honored
[photo], H 9/25/86 p1+
CVS Pharmacy
Strictly Business, H 7/15/86 p29+
D'Addario Industries Inc.
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p22
D'Arrigo, Joe
`Shirtless' captain recalls Army
days [photo], H 7/24/86 p37+
D'Orso, Lou
Baseball scouts cite Norwalker
[photo], H 9/9/86 p21
D. J. Caten Co.
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p22
D/E/Z Associates
If Santa Claus forgot to leave a
camera [photo], H 12/30/86
Dahl, Heather
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Dakers, Robert S.
Collins names Norwich official to
administrative aide position
[photo p8], H 7/14/86 p1+
DAL Advertising
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p20
Damast, Dave
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/3/86 p15+
Damman Insurance Associates
Damman Insurance notes its
80th year, H 12/30/86 p19
New dam to create reservoir, H
8/29/86 p1+
Controversy continues to rage
over dam in Westport yard
[photo], H 9/17/86 p11+
Superior Court will determine fate
of dam on Willow Brook, H
4/21/86 p11+
Dan Klota Associates
Strictly Business, H 9/2/86 p27+
Danbury Rd.-Georgetown
Drivers warned on intersections,
H 3/13/86 p11+
Danbury Rd.-Wilton
Drivers warned on intersections,
H 3/13/86 p11+
Driveway must be removed, H
4/4/86 p10
Nursing home plans filed in
Wilton, H 5/1/86 p13+
Office building given approval of
P & Z, H 5/6/86 p10
P & Z permits conversion of old
house, H 1/28/86 p9+
Wilton agency weighs lawsuit
over driveway, H 5/2/86 p9
Wilton P & Z reviews plans for
colonial-style office building,
H 4/22/86 p11
Wilton residents drop lawsuit:
Danbury Road land sold, H
9/26/86 p9
Danna Parcel-Darien
RTM to vote on land buy, H
9/13/86 p37
DAR-Drum Hill Chapter
DAR requests help of town to put
on annual fund-raiser, H
6/5/86 p37+
DAR-Norwalk-Village Green
DAR chapter celebrates 93rd
birthday [photo], H 1/15/86
DAR named winners in essay
contest [photo], H 2/28/86
DAR names three as Good
Citizens [photo], H 3/13/86
Four area D. A. R. chapters hear
Major Robert Weitzel [photo],
H 12/8/86 p20
Local DAR chapter hears about
Continental Congress, H
5/13/86 p17
Young history scholar is chosen
by DAR [photo], H 7/24/86
Darby, Judy
Weston salutes Girl Scout leader:
`Hometown Hero' selected, H
3/27/86 p13
Darien Book Aid Plan Inc.
Darien Book Aid sent tons of
books to needy, H 6/25/86
Darien Chamber of Commerce
Citizens of the year chosen by
Chamber of Commerce, H
10/17/86 p29+
Darien Dance Club
Darien Dance Club names
officers and future events, H
10/22/86 p19
Darien Dinner Theatre
`Annie' is a holiday delight for
everyone: At Darien Dinner
Theatre [photo], H 12/5/86
`Fame' school's Cole still up on
show biz [photo], H 9/11/86
Winds of Fate [photo], H 5/1/86
Darien High School
Darien officials survey private
school students, H 7/26/86
Darien students plan `Scholar
Aid' telethon [photo], H
5/8/86 p38
Effort aims to teach conservation
to kids, H 8/16/86 p14
Guidance staff to open office on
August 18, H 7/24/86 p17
High school to be host of festival,
H 4/3/86 p37+
Darien High School-Awards
8 students win grants to college,
H 4/10/86 p10
Around the Towns: Darien, H
5/12/86 p10
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
Darien High School-Graduation
Darien High School presents 257
diplomas to Class of 1986
[photo], H 6/26/86 p37+
Darien High School-Sports
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
January - December 1986
Darien High School-Sports
How do you beat Darien?
McMahon's streak reaches
15, H 1/7/86 p11
It's back to X's and O's for
McMahon and Norwalk:
Krasnavage's debut spoiled
by DHS, 25-0 [photo], H
9/15/86 p21+
Lady Bears beat Darien [photo],
H 5/24/86 p31+
Lady Warriors upset, H 5/30/86
Staples duo all-county [photo], H
12/6/86 p39
Staples' Sutherland named to
first team: All-FCIAC girls'
basketball [photo] [chart], H
3/24/86 p21
Darien Historical Society
The nursery crowd of old in
Darien: Come view the past
[photo], H 4/21/86 p13
Darien Playhouse
Octogenarian facing loss of
apartment over theater, H
1/16/86 p1+
Darien Road Race
Road race will benefit cancer
group, H 9/18/86 p6
Darien Senior Activities Center
Health fair to open on Friday
[photo], H 10/16/86 p17
Darien-Planning and Zoning
P & Z chairman to seek 141st
seat, H 7/24/86 p17
Darien-Police Dept.
6 officers share Robert Stankye
memorial award, H 11/22/86
Darien officer graduates from FBI
school program [photo], H
6/24/86 p11
Darien remembers fallen police
officer [photo p8], H 5/27/86
Darien service to honor slain
policeman's memory, H
5/23/86 p11
Officer sues for damages, H
7/29/86 p7
Police get $38,600 for Mercedes
seized in raid, H 11/13/86 p15
Darien RTM will vote on $1.5
million project, H 6/14/86 p13
Darien's RTM to alter formula for
tax relief, H 3/15/86 p13+
RTM to vote on land buy, H
9/13/86 p37
Darien/New Canaan Smith
College Club
Smith Club elects [photo], H
9/4/86 p14
Daskam, William
Daskam to be back at work
Wednesday, H 12/2/86 p13
Daugherty, Charles M.
`Two-artists-in-family' theme of
exhibit [photo], H 8/7/86 p13
Daugherty, Jesse
Boy who fell into pool is listed
`guarded', H 12/22/86 p6
Child recovering from near
drowning, H 12/20/86 p6
Daugherty, Lisa Lindsay
`Two-artists-in-family' theme of
exhibit [photo], H 8/7/86 p13
Daughters of the American
Revolution. SEE DAR-NAME
Daughters of the British Empire.
DAV aids a veteran [photo], H
10/14/86 p6
DAV donates wheelchairs, H
11/6/86 p30
DAV installs new officers [photo],
H 5/12/86 p19
Davidoff, Dr. Ida
Group honors Dr. Davidoff
[photo], H 6/21/86 p13+
Davis Hill Rd.-Weston
Rescinding of order requested, H
3/15/86 p13+
Davis, F. William
Davis named superintendent in
Narragansett, H 7/23/86 p9+
Day camps-Wilton
Day camp opening in Wilton, H
6/3/86 p17
Day care centers-Norwalk
Licensing codes are prohibitive
for many: The dilemma of
child care [photo], H 12/15/86
Day care centers-Westport
Desperate mom opens child care
center: A problem that is
growing [photo], H 11/10/86
Ex-worker at YMCA admits
sexual abuse, H 2/21/86 p12
Day care centers-Wilton
P & Z asked to resolve day care
center dispute, H 11/10/86
P & Z weighs permit for day care
center, H 11/11/86 p24+
Day St.-Norwalk
Century-old SoNo hat, toy factory
to be publishing center
[photo], H 4/1/86 p25
D.B.E. luncheon has notables
and fashions [photo], H
5/10/86 p16
Dead Man's Brook-Westport
Westport seeks OK for foot
bridge, H 1/27/86 p11
Dean, David
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Deane's Dogs
Nadyne Cott's wagon rolls at
lunchtime: Franks and all the
works [photo], H 5/22/86 p19
2 found dead in parked car by
passerby, H 4/9/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Man found dead in
apartment, H 12/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman, 26, found
dead, H 11/8/86 p8
Officials: Death of man caused
by cardiac arrest, H 12/9/86
Autopsy finds bleeding killed
soccer player [photo], H
11/18/86 p1+
Soccer player killed, H 11/17/86
Decision Resources Inc.
Map-Master joins software line of
Westport company, H
3/25/86 p25
Master software developer to be
merged for $13 million, H
8/12/86 p38
Strictly Business, H 2/18/86
p29+, H 7/15/86 p30, H
9/30/86 p20
Decker, Edwin C.
New president is named for
Norden Systems [photo], H
12/17/86 p1+
Decorators, Interior. SEE
Police Blotter: Car kills deer in
Wilton, H 3/13/86 p8
Deering Co.
Deering Co. is searching for new
home, H 12/11/86 p11
DeFelice, Orlando L.
Accident kills man in Wilton, H
3/8/86 p1+
DeJesus, Oscar F.
Youngster awarded $61,500, H
5/24/86 p1+
DeLamar Estate-Weston
Subdivision of estate before
Weston board, H 3/17/86
January - December 1986
Delaney, Allen
Officer sues for damages, H
7/29/86 p7
Deliverance Temple Pentecostal
Congregation seeking approved
for church on South Main
Street, H 12/5/86 p10
Delmonico, Robert
Developer, Realtors, firm
recognized: Better Homes
gives citations [photo], H
7/29/86 p11
Delta Building
Firm sells 12-story structure, H
1/10/86 p1+
Delta Partners Inc.
Delta acquisition [photo], H
7/22/86 p29
Delta Realty
Friends of Lockwood House elect
W. Kenney president [photo],
H 7/19/86 p11
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Sorority gives scholarships
[photo], H 6/24/86 p24
DeLuca, Frank
Norwalk bowler inducted, H
3/3/86 p19
Deluxe Check Printers Inc.
Dividends, H 12/2/86 p32
Earnings, H 7/29/86 p14
DeMattio, Carmen
Sportsmen to honor trio [photo],
H 6/6/86 p35
Demeter, Jon
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Democratic party-Connecticut
Norwalk delegates reflect party
split, H 7/19/86 p1+
Democratic party-Darien
Darien Dems hoping history
repeats itself, H 10/1/86 p9+
Democratic party-New Canaan
Democrats pick Dorsey in the
26th, H 7/24/86 p38
Democratic party-Norwalk
140th primary set: Mintz vs.
Donen [photo], H 8/9/86 p1+
Ball resigns chairmanship, H
8/7/86 p6
Campaign officials weighing a
ticket of Moffett-Collins, H
7/9/86 p1+
Democrats nominate Marcus for
judgeship, H 7/26/86 p10
Democrats pick Atkin, H 3/27/86
Democrats support 140th District
competitors, H 8/27/86 p18
Democrats, Republicans slate
elections for town
committees, H 1/14/86 p11
Dems choose slates for town
panel, H 1/17/86 p6
Dems need to expand their
bailiwick, former national
party chief advises, H
10/8/86 p1
Dems toast Gov. O'Neill in
Rowayton [photo], H
10/20/86 p1+
Dems, Repubs differ in assessing
Belaga win, H 9/10/86 p1+
Donen files petitions to challenge
Mintz, H 8/8/86 p11
DTC agrees to formation of
committees, H 3/11/86 p11
DTC hears from candidate, standins [photo], H 3/11/86 p11
Headquarters for O'Neill [photo],
H 3/17/86 p9
Local Dems choosing sides, H
1/13/86 p1+
Mintz defeats Donen for second
time, 3-1, H 9/10/86 p1+
Parties gearing up to choose
candidates, H 7/10/86 p8
Sen. Dodd visits local Democrats
[photo], H 3/24/86 p8
Democratic party-Weston
Andre to be Democratic registrar,
H 9/3/86 p33+
Democrats attack Rowland's
record: Town committee
hears candidates, H 3/20/86
Democrats rallying behind Mary
Mix [photo], H 10/16/86 p15+
Party picks 15 delegates, H
4/3/86 p37+
Weston Democrats grill
governor's representative, H
10/16/86 p15+
Weston Republicans elected, H
1/16/86 p35+
Democratic party-Westport
Democrats court Republican: Mix
asked to be candidate, H
9/18/86 p33+
Democrats elect members for
new town committee, H
2/13/86 p37
Democrats to use lessons
learned to overcome
Republican numbers, H
12/11/86 p13+
Dems, Repubs differ in assessing
Belaga win, H 9/10/86 p1+
GOP, Democrats confident of
victory at polls on Nov. 4
[photo], H 10/30/86 p37+
Governor keeps Democrats
smiling [photo], H 3/5/86 p13
Hauhuth expects exciting year for
Democrats, H 2/15/86 p17+
Mix mulling Democratic offer: In
probate judge race, H
9/20/86 p25+
O'Neill: Sound barriers to get
high DOT priority [photo], H
3/5/86 p1+
Democratic party-Wilton
Candidates review campaign
plans with Wilton Democrats,
H 4/2/86 p14
Cohen endorsed by Wilton's
Democrats: In 5th District
primary, H 8/9/86 p13+
Democrats gain by GOP switch,
H 8/19/86 p29+
Democrats nominate Marcus for
judgeship, H 7/26/86 p10
Democrats seek ways to reach
the voters, H 11/13/86 p13+
Moffett attacks O'Neill's record
[photo], H 3/18/86 p13+
Moffett officials preparing for
battle against governor
[photo], H 1/8/86 p9+
Party chairman hopes for
peaceful transition, H
11/15/86 p13
Roche considers bid for
selectman, H 7/25/86 p29+
Route 7 splitting Democrats, H
9/3/86 p33+
Smith critizes GOP cowards, H
4/5/86 p13+
`Dirty war' is opposed by group
[photo], H 10/8/86 p10
`Friends' rally at Surgical [photo],
H 5/3/86 p1+
100 protestors in attendance for
screenings of `Hail Mary'
[photo], H 3/1/86 p1+
Mayor joins abortion march, H
3/10/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Protesters at
Norden Systems, H 1/8/86 p8
Teachers protest in Norwalk
[photo], H 9/2/86 p1+
Vigil set to protest Contra aid, H
3/12/86 p11
Den, Dr. Marvin
AIDS subject of program at HallBrooke [photo], H 6/12/86
Denke, Frank A.
Frank A. Denke, dead at age 74,
H 6/24/86 p6
Dennin, Amy
McMahon student wins grant
[photo], H 5/16/86 p6
Dennison, Jerry
Ike Kern honoree [photo], H
7/3/86 p20
January - December 1986
Densmore, Michael
New home gives area family
special reason to give thanks
[photo], H 11/24/86 p1+
Busy in retirement: Dr. Gordon
Pollock [photo], H 6/5/86 p15
Dentist finds `complete diversion'
beneath waves [photo], H
11/1/86 p1+
Health/Fitness: Orthodontist joins
group [photo], H 8/11/86 p25
Health/Fitness: Physician
receives fellowship, H
12/15/86 p33
Joins dentists [photo], H 8/4/86
Youth is awarded $49,000, H
3/29/86 p13+
Local dentist named to state
commission [photo], H 3/5/86
DePalma, Nicholas
Good news/Bad news [edit], H
5/7/86 p4
DePanfilis, Ralph A.
Retired postal official enjoying an
active life [photo], H 1/25/86
Departmental salaries. SEE
DeRegt, Joan
Their storks welcome newcomers
to the town [photo], H
5/29/86 p15
Derry, Gene
Not every story has a happy start
[photo], H 11/8/86 p18
Design, Industrial
On her way: Thinking in 3-D
rewards young designer
[photo], H 7/7/86 p9
Cheryl Calo is to be a designer:
Former Miss Connecticut
Teenager [photo], H 7/24/86
Designspring Inc.
Strictly Business, H 11/11/86 p15
DesMartino, Anthony
Knights honor past navigator
[photo], H 4/14/86 p10
Desmond, Edward C.
Desmond wins nod from Wilton
GOP [photo], H 12/10/86 p1+
Wilton names Desmond to
replace Gill [photo], H
12/16/86 p1+
DeVeny, Donald
DeVeny gains nomination for
high sheriff [photo], H
7/23/86 p9+
DeVeny presses sheriff
campaign, H 5/23/86 p12
DeVeny vows change for high
sheriff post, H 7/28/86 p13+
Opponent sees, would end,
political favoritism, H 5/14/86
Devil's Garden Rd.-Norwalk
Devil's Garden Road changes get
council OK despite pleas, H
4/23/86 p25
Devils Garden is re-opened after
repaving [photo], H 12/3/86
DPW pleased by road project, H
11/20/86 p24
Residents on Devil's Garden
wary of road reconstruction,
H 4/16/86 p12
Devine, Maura
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Devine, Robert B.
Robert B. Devine dies at 71:
Former corporation counsel
[photo], H 2/12/86 p6
Dey, James
Teachers honored, H 2/4/86 p10
Contract awarded this week for
Weston Dial-a-Ride van, H
2/13/86 p37
Dial-a-Ride van heads for
Weston [photo], H 7/18/86
Weston opens bids for dial-a-ride
van, H 1/21/86 p9+
Diamandis, Jason
3-sport star tops in city, H 5/15/86
Diamantis, George
Central's Diamantis selected Allleague [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
City grid standouts decide on
future, H 6/2/86 p19
City's 4 All-State gridders touring
campuses, H 1/29/86 p13
City's best [photo], H 6/4/86 p16
Diamantis, CC spikers to
honorees [photo], H 3/13/86
Firefighters honor athletes
[photo], H 8/23/86 p23
Diaz, Peggyann
Peggyann wanted the mink for
mom: Connecticut Wisk
winner [photo], H 5/8/86 p13
Dickison & Rakaseder Inc.
Strictly Business, H 7/1/86 p29
Dickler, Sigrund
Flight attendant shuns usual
points for out-of way villages
[photo], H 11/29/86 p13
DiDia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Bound for Bermuda [photo], H
8/26/86 p15
DiMichele, Patricia
Patricia DiMichele [photo], H
8/4/86 p11
DiPasquale, Dr. Ned
Physician opens office in
Norwalk, H 8/11/86 p25
DiPietro, Frances
Heart transplant patient's widow
thankful for community's
support, H 12/18/86 p24
DiPietro, John J. Jr.
Boat club projects collect for
heart transplant patient, H
10/10/86 p12
Friends continuing to help hearttransplant, DiPietro, H
11/17/86 p10
John DiPietro recovering: Out of
ICU, H 10/1/86 p6
John J. DiPietro Jr. dies,
transplant patient was 47, H
12/11/86 p6
Local man recovering from
transplant [photo], H 9/25/86
Operation puts DiPietro back in
the hospital, H 11/3/86 p1+
Directors, Motion picture. SEE
Disabled American Veterans.
Disaster relief
Emergency efforts to be
reviewed, H 6/13/86 p13+
Local CP director preparing for
trip to China, H 1/23/86 p32
Town reviews emergency plan, H
6/21/86 p13+
Towns ill-prepared to cope with
disaster: Weston has no
unified plan, H 8/29/86 p1+
Towns ill-prepared to cope with
disaster: Wilton lacks backup power, H 8/29/86 p1+
Underwater emergency exercises
turn city beach into disaster
area [photo p1], H 6/23/86 p9
Discala Fairfield
Discala is Twin Towers exclusive
agent [photo], H 3/4/86 p25
Strictly Business, H 10/7/86 p21+
DiScala, Michael F.
Norwalker designs national
sale/lease plan [photo], H
8/5/86 p24
January - December 1986
DiScipio, Michael
Reservist given medal [photo], H
9/3/86 p34
Discover Norwalk. SEE
Discrimination in educationNorwalk
NAACP charges bring quick
response, H 4/11/86 p1+
Discrimination in employment
Chesebrough-Pond's payment
reduced, H 2/25/86 p14
Guardians suit settled, H 2/28/86
Settlement set in 9-year-old suit
vs. city, H 5/7/86 p8
Discrimination in employmentNorwalk
Four claim work bias at city plant,
H 4/24/86 p1+
Discrimination in housingNorwalk
NAACP to city: OK pact or face
court, H 4/18/86 p1+
NAACP's attorney sees pact
freeing $850,000 in HUD
money, H 3/1/86 p1+
Displaced Homemaker's Center
of Fairfield County
Stop the world-the DHs want to
get on: Free workshops start
Tuesday [photo], H 8/28/86
Distribution of wealth. SEE
Diversified Realty
New realtor is hired by Diversified
Realty [photo], H 9/26/86 p49
Dixon, Charmaine
JROTC members receive awards
[photo], H 5/9/86 p10
Dixon, Robert W.
Four area residents elected to
board of trustees at UB, H
5/29/86 p28
Doble, John
Terrorism is driving distressed
executives to Darien firm's
door [photo], H 5/15/86 p1+
Dobyns, Phyllis
Mountain of money raised: SCF
benefits from climb [photo], H
3/1/86 p13
Blooms seek dock OK for East
Norwalk, H 2/3/86 p8
Permission is being sought for
new floating dock system, H
9/24/86 p22
Dog pound-Weston
Weston ready to raise rates for
dog pound [photo], H
11/13/86 p13+
2,000 dogs to be in ring at Ox
Ridge, H 9/19/86 p14
All the dogs had their day [photo],
H 9/22/86 p13
Dog ordinance debated in
Westport: Vote to be taken in
July, H 6/4/86 p9
Doggie death decree denied, H
10/17/86 p1+
Skirmish over custody of canine
is continuing, H 10/17/86 p1+
Who asks `Charlie's opinion?, H
9/30/86 p1+
Wilton considers raising fees for
impounding roaming dogs, H
10/21/86 p15
Dogs-Law and legislationWestport
Westport to enact pooperscooper law?, H 5/30/86 p29
Dogs-New Canaan
New Canaan residents embroiled
in dog fight, H 11/8/86 p41+
Town attorney asked to rule on
dogs, H 11/20/86 p43
Police Blotter: Dog owner facing
charges, H 11/19/86 p8
Dog owners to clean up after
pets, H 7/2/86 p37+
Dohl, Nancy L.
Appears in `Annie' [photo], H
8/6/86 p16
Dohm, Sally
Pot of gold found in Darien
[photo], H 12/20/86 p10
Dolan, John T. "Terry"
`Terry' Dolan, ex-Norwalker dies
at 36, H 12/30/86 p6
Domestic violence. SEE FAMILY
Dominick, Andrew
CB golden anniversary [photo], H
5/17/86 p20
Dominick, Lillian
CB golden anniversary [photo], H
5/17/86 p20
Domino's Pizza
Have you said `Let's call for a
pizza?' [photo], H 10/7/86 p22
Donen, Steven R.
140th primary set: Mintz vs.
Donen [photo], H 8/9/86 p1+
Candidate ruffles registrars, H
8/16/86 p1+
Donen criticizes GOP, Mills:
Campaign Roundup, H
7/11/86 p24
Donen files petitions to challenge
Mintz, H 8/8/86 p11
Donen issues call for debate: For
140th District Democrats, H
8/29/86 p28
Donen proposes to strive for
better access to polls, H
8/15/86 p6
Donen tosses hat into ring
[photo], H 6/30/86 p8
Donen wants a primary vs. Mintz,
H 7/31/86 p1+
Donen wants party backing for
140th seat, H 6/5/86 p8
Janet Mills blamed for hikes in
taxes, H 6/23/86 p9
Mills draws criticism from Donen
as Democrat enters race in
140th, H 7/1/86 p10
Mintz defeats Donen for second
time, 3-1, H 9/10/86 p1+
Mintz rejects bid for debate from
Donen, H 9/3/86 p11
Tashjian was unaware Donen
had opponent, H 7/12/86 p1+
Donenfeld, Carole
Benefactors honored [photo], H
5/15/86 p42
Donenfeld, Irwin
Benefactors honored [photo], H
5/15/86 p42
Doping in sports
Drug abuse program in FCIAC, H
10/18/86 p15+
Doppelt, Dr. Cela
Health/Fitness: Dr. Doppelt joins
practice [photo], H 10/13/86
Doran Manufacturing Co.
Strictly Business, H 6/3/86 p26
Dore, Anita Wilkes
Library board names new
trustees [photo], H 2/5/86 p11
Dorn, Vinnie
Norwalkers retire [photo], H
6/3/86 p25
Dorr, Christopher M.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Dorsey, Louis
CEA endorses Dorsey in 26th, H
11/1/86 p14
Democrats pick Dorsey in the
26th, H 7/24/86 p38
Dorsey supports law to require
drug programs, H 8/22/86 p10
Dorsey waging hard campaign: In
26th state Senate district
[photo], H 8/26/86 p11+
Educators endorse Dorsey:
Freedman attacks drug
issue, H 10/29/86 p39
Schine and Dorsey enter state
legislative contests, H 7/8/86
January - December 1986
Dougherty, Anne
Assessor awaits field work:
Grand List takes precedence
[photo], H 2/1/86 p13+
Dowie, Ian J.
Exxon Corp. to appeal $10.1
million award, H 7/17/86 p14
Westporter wins $10.0 million in
Exxdon lawsuit, H 7/16/86
Downing, Mariane Elizabeth
Will compete [photo], H 9/11/86
Doyle, Darren B.
Around the Towns: Doyle
awarded scholarship, H
8/5/86 p12
Doyle, Harry J.
Harry J. Doyle dies: Revlon Inc.
executive, H 8/9/86 p6
Doyle, Mike
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Doyle, Peggy
Laryngectomy hasn't stopped
Doyle [photo], H 7/19/86 p1+
Drew, Thomas E.
Thomas E. Drew, attorney, opens
Westport office, H 5/29/86
Drinking problem. SEE
Driscoll School
Commissioner teaches school
[photo], H 6/11/86 p1
Survey: Parents feel kids `overprogrammed', H 11/20/86 p41
Driscoll School-Awards
Receives award [photo], H
8/12/86 p21
Driscoll School-Staff
Receives award [photo], H
8/12/86 p21
Selectmen amend driveway
ordinance: Changes to take
effect July 16, H 6/27/86 p11
Wilton agency weighs lawsuit
over driveway, H 5/2/86 p9
Driving under the influence of
Driving while intoxicated (DWI).
Drotman, Barbara E.
NCC names new director of
admissions [photo], H
10/30/86 p11
Man drowns: Swimmer in Sound
saved, H 7/7/86 p1+
Bridgeporter drowns while
clamming, H 5/12/86 p9+
Wilton teen drowns while waterskiing, H 8/8/86 p1+
Drug abuse. SEE ALSO
Drug abuse and SchoolsNorwalk
Sixth pleads in drug case, H
6/26/86 p17
Two plead guilty in drug case, H
6/3/86 p1+
Drug abuse-Norwalk
Community acceptance blamed
for drug abuse [photo], H
10/16/86 p13
Drug raid suspect in hospital, H
10/17/86 p1+
Norwalk's officials declare all-out
war against illegal drugs
[photo], H 11/18/86 p1+
Residents irked by drug traffic
near complex, H 6/4/86 p1+
Treatment official: Drug use up in
city, H 12/31/86 p7
Drug abuse-Prevention-Fairfield
Drug abuse program in FCIAC, H
10/18/86 p15+
Organization against drugs being
planned, H 4/21/86 p11+
Drug abuse-Prevention-New
Students told of drug perils
[photo], H 7/18/86 p1+
Drug abuse-Prevention-Norwalk
Forum on crack scheduled by
GNCC, H 10/1/86 p19
Vitam to offer advice to teens
Consultation week set Oct. 6,
H 10/1/86 p19
Drug abuse-Prevention-Weston
Parents sent drug/alcohol
handbook, H 12/1/86 p13+
Drug abuse-Prevention-Westport
Town to seek grant to fight drug
abuse, H 8/7/86 p9
Westport group joins drug abuse
fight, H 3/27/86 p13+
Drug abuse-Prevention-Wilton
Police add films to child and drug
abuse fight, H 8/15/86 p29
Restoration of drug counseling
funds requested, H 1/18/86
School system seeks grant for
drug prevention unit, H
6/20/86 p11+
Drug abuse-Treatment
Westporter says proper diet
helps drug abusers kick habit
[photo], H 12/13/86 p13+
Drug abuse-Treatment-Norwalk
Area program's goal is freeing
men from drugs, H 3/22/86
Drug abuse-Treatment-Westport
Group forms for family of cocaine
users, H 7/9/86 p35
Drug abuse-Weston
Drug use studied in Weston, H
4/15/86 p13+
Student drug poll completed, H
3/20/86 p13
Drug abuse-Westport
Westport officials seek solution to
alcohol/drug abuse problem,
H 2/22/86 p13+
Drugs in sports. SEE DOPING IN
Drum Hill Development Corp.
Developer counters charges, H
4/5/86 p8
Exchange of charges continues
over blasting, H 4/9/86 p1+
Renewed blasting rattles
neighbors, H 4/8/86 p1+
Drum Hill Rd.-Wilton
Dredging of pond approved, H
7/3/86 p11+
Drunk driving-Wilton
Students sobered by seminar, H
1/16/86 p35
Dubois, Lorraine
New motion filed in school board
lawsuit, H 10/27/86 p13+
Weston school board wins fiveyear court battle, H 2/27/86
Reward grows for information on
duck killings, H 8/18/86 p14
Dugan, Marilyn
`Hometown heroes' selected:
Town honors Monahan,
Dugan, H 3/22/86 p13+
Duke Laboratories Inc.
Foundation gives UB $250,000
challenge, H 12/2/86 p32
Dullea, Keir
Dullea is Ruskin in Victorian
Scandal: New Maggie
Williams play [photo], H
5/23/86 p15
Dunham, Christopher
Dunham appointed to RTM, H
2/18/86 p13+
Dunphy, Desiree
`World Sweetheart' [photo], H
8/4/86 p11
City girl is named `World
Sweetheart', H 7/15/86 p6
Mini Miss winner [photo], H
1/23/86 p16
Durking, William A. III
In form [photo], H 3/17/86 p18
January - December 1986
Dwyer, John
Retired men are recognized
[photo], H 4/26/86 p10
E & F Development Co.
Fairfielder joins development firm
as its controller, H 8/5/86 p25
Eagles Lair
Bulldozers have been following
antiques dealer around the
area [photo], H 8/23/86 p13+
Earnings. SEE WAGES
Earth Run
`First Earth Run' makes Norwalk
second stop in globe-girdling
trot [map], H 9/15/86 p1+
Earth Run torch carried through
Norwalk [photo], H 9/17/86
Ready to run for world peace
[photo], H 9/16/86 p10
Woman races clock to carry
Earth Run torch to Norwalk
[photo], H 8/16/86 p6
SCF program aids earthquake
victims, H 1/27/86 p12
East Ave. United Methodist
Rev. Horne is leaving Norwalk for
New York post [photo], H
3/8/86 p7
East Norwalk Advent Christian
Congregation marking
anniversary [photo], H
9/20/86 p37
East Norwalk Library
Leading readers [photo], H
8/30/86 p19
Easter Seal Society
Needlework competition aids
Eastern County Rehab
Center [photo], H 7/2/86 p34
Eastman, Philip Dey "P. D."
P. D. Eastman dies: Area author
was 76 [photo], H 1/10/86 p6
Eber, Jennifer
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86 p17
Ebling, Darlene
Administrator set to begin new
job [photo], H 8/9/86 p13+
Eckman, Christopher B.
2 area students on state council,
H 10/17/86 p28
2 Wilton students on advisory
council, H 9/27/86 p35+
Economic conditions. SEE
Ed Mitchell Inc.
Store asks to expand retain
space, H 5/29/86 p33+
Edgecombe, Jason
Edgecombe chosen for seminar,
H 10/4/86 p10
Edgecombe to be Brookside
principal [photo], H 10/2/86
School costs exceed $4,000 per
pupil, H 6/25/86 p13
Westport tops list on money to
schools, H 4/23/86 p1+
Education-Data processing
Computer program debated, H
3/13/86 p11+
County towns head list in school
expenditures, H 7/17/86 p13
Burgess: Needy need skills:
Sloan: System doing its best,
H 4/3/86 p1+
Educational discrimination. SEE
Educational exchanges
Tears accompany farewells as
AFS students head home
[photo], H 7/1/86 p11+
Educational surveys
Darien officials survey private
school students, H 7/26/86
Edwards, Douglas
College gives special award to
Edwards [photo], H 4/23/86
Ehinger, George
Scout officials given Silver
Beaver awards [photo], H
5/21/86 p37
Ekstrom, Peter
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
El Salvador
AmeriCares sends aid to quake
victims, H 10/29/86 p39
Lessons of living go on amid
gunfire in El Salvador
[photo], H 2/4/86 p9+
Elderhouse board whittles
`comfort items' from plans, H
6/11/86 p35
Elderhouse breaks ground
[photo], H 8/28/86 p11
Elderhouse gets a windfall: Cuts
may be restored, H 8/4/86 p6
Elderhouse is given variance, H
1/31/86 p23
Elderhouse is not so lucky, H
4/30/86 p1+
Elderhouse plans out to bid: Site
is near Green, H 4/1/86 p9
Help Elderhouse [edit], H 7/16/86
Lease is signed for Elderhouse
[photo], H 6/4/86 p1
P & Z gives final approval to
Elderhouse plan, H 2/20/86
Eldredge, Allison
Prodigy stars with Bridgeport
Symphony: Season starts
Oct. 11 [photo], H 10/3/86
138th District features two-man
battle: Anastasia is confident
but cautious [photo], H
10/28/86 p1+
138th District features two-man
battle: King wages a `positive
campaign' [photo], H
10/28/86 p1+
140th primary set: Mintz vs.
Donen [photo], H 8/9/86 p1+
142nd district race: Mullaney
faces uphill fight [photo], H
10/28/86 p11+
1986 Official Vote Tally by
Norwalk Precinct [chart], H
11/8/86 p18
2 city GOPers criticize McKinney,
H 7/14/86 p9
26th district candidates rev up
campaigns, H 8/15/86 p29
Absentee votes low in primary
battle, H 9/9/86 p1+
Atkin announces run, H 7/18/86
Atkin backed, H 4/24/86 p8
Atkin's long wait dominated
Democrat's night [photo]
[chart], H 11/5/86 p24
Atkin, Rudolf, Santo in race to fill
available Senate chair
[photo], H 3/19/86 p1+
Atkin, Santo trip to inspire voters
[photo], H 4/25/86 p1+
Battle of personalities in 142nd
may be a victim of numbers
game, H 11/1/86 p13
Belaga blasts O'Neill's `crisis'
response to turnpike safety,
H 8/28/86 p1+
Belaga disappointed on `face-off'
reply, H 4/16/86 p9
Belaga downplays Fairfield GOP
vote [photo], H 4/2/86 p1+
Belaga prepares for main event:
Local GOP bucks tide, picks
loser [photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Belaga questions proposed
pipeline path, H 8/15/86 p30
Belaga ready for Tuesday
Republican caucus:
Candidate hopeful on `home
turf', H 3/29/86 p13+
Belaga rules out Bozzuto's offer,
H 4/9/86 p11+
Belaga says Fairfield County
holds key in GOP primary, H
8/14/86 p29+
Belaga takes aim at O'Neill in
hometown campaign stop, H
9/12/86 p31+
Belaga: State residents
overtaxed, H 10/3/86 p1+
Bozzuto, Belaga at odds over
drug war strategy [photo], H
8/21/86 p1+
Camp, Freedman battle for 26th
District nod: Camp eager to
return to Hartford [photo], H
9/6/86 p25+
Camp, Freedman battle for 26th
District nod: Freedman
confident of victory [photo], H
9/6/86 p25+
Campaign '86: Belaga has `a
vision.'..O'Neill's is different
[photo], H 10/30/86 p20
Campaign officials weighing a
ticket of Moffett-Collins, H
7/9/86 p1+
Candidate net worth is revealed,
H 10/11/86 p1+
Candidate ruffles registrars, H
8/16/86 p1+
Candidates differ on transit issue,
H 6/19/86 p1+
Candidates endorsed, H 9/23/86
Candidates in 141st go to bat at
forum [photo], H 10/28/86
Candidates spar for dollars in 5th
district, H 7/18/86 p12
Candidates to appear at
weekend's events, H 9/6/86
Candidates wary of Route 7
campaign issue, H 8/27/86
Carrafiello takes aim at Rowland:
Candidate visits Weston, H
6/20/86 p11+
CEA endorses Dorsey in 26th, H
11/1/86 p14
Cody challenges Young in 143rd
district, H 7/30/86 p9+
Cohen endorsed by Wilton's
Democrats: In 5th District
primary, H 8/9/86 p13+
Cohen is favorite for Dem nod in
5th District, H 7/21/86 p9
Cohen questions opponent's
leadership: 5th
Congressional District race
[photo], H 10/23/86 p13+
Cohen triumphs in 5th District
primary [photo], H 9/10/86
Cohen, Peters ready to clash:
LWV wants to sponsor
debates, H 8/12/86 p9
Collins says Moffett's drive
mirrors events here in 1975,
H 2/14/86 p6
Committee set, H 1/21/86 p6
Darien LWV to question
candidates: Barrett vs. Van
Norstrand, H 9/4/86 p33+
Darien man gets nod in 27th, H
7/16/86 p41
Darien vote key in the 25th: Atkin
sees House experience
making him informed senator
[photo], H 10/31/86 p1+
Darien vote key in the 25th:
Santo hoping to repeat win in
primary five months ago
[photo], H 10/31/86 p1+
Democrats nominate Mintz for
140th Assembly District, H
7/24/86 p23
Democrats nominate Schmidt, H
7/25/86 p29+
Democrats pick Atkin as
candidate in 25th, H 7/24/86
Democrats pick Dorsey in the
26th, H 7/24/86 p38
Democrats pick Schine in 136th,
H 7/25/86 p29
Democrats rallying behind Mary
Mix [photo], H 10/16/86 p15+
Democrats scramble for
delegates in 5th, H 7/16/86
Democrats send four to
assembly: Republican
Esposito survives tide
[photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Democrats support 140th District
competitors, H 8/27/86 p18
Democrats support O'Neill, H
10/29/86 p37+
Democrats throw support to
Belaga, H 10/22/86 p37+
Dems to pin hopes on
Niedermeier [photo], H
7/21/86 p1+
Dems toast Gov. O'Neill in
Rowayton [photo], H
10/20/86 p1+
Dems, Repubs differ in assessing
Belaga win, H 9/10/86 p1+
Donen criticizes GOP, Mills:
Campaign Roundup, H
7/11/86 p24
Donen files petitions to challenge
Mintz, H 8/8/86 p11
Donen issues call for debate: For
140th District Democrats, H
8/29/86 p28
Donen proposes to strive for
better access to polls, H
8/15/86 p6
Donen tosses hat into ring
[photo], H 6/30/86 p8
Donen wants a primary vs. Mintz,
H 7/31/86 p1+
Donen wants party backing for
140th seat, H 6/5/86 p8
Dorsey supports law to require
drug programs, H 8/22/86 p10
Dorsey waging hard campaign: In
26th state Senate district
[photo], H 8/26/86 p11+
Educators endorse Dorsey:
Freedman attacks drug
issue, H 10/29/86 p39
Esposito names Redi, Bolster cochairmen, H 10/2/86 p10
Esposito to seek 4th term [photo],
H 7/15/86 p1+
First selectman will seek GOP
nomination in 142nd district,
H 7/16/86 p41
For Republicans it was an upand-down night [photo], H
11/5/86 p25
Ford mounts Stamford stump to
urge McKinney re-election
[photo], H 9/5/86 p1+
Four GOP candidates for
governor flay away at O'Neill
and each other [photo], H
4/7/86 p1+
Fourth District race draws
national attention:
Congressman banking on
House clout [photo], H
11/3/86 p1+
Fourth District race draws
national attention:
Niedermeier: Coast needs
strong voice [photo], H
11/3/86 p1+
Freedman edges out Camp in
26th district race [photo], H
9/10/86 p11+
Freedman expresses her views
on major issues affecting
elderly, H 10/16/86 p17
Freedman sweeps `safe' 26th
[photo], H 11/5/86 p41+
Freedman to challenge Gill:
Fuchs to seek Belaga's seat,
H 6/21/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Fuchs edges Schine in the 136th
district [photo], H 11/5/86
Fuchs issues statement about
span, H 10/7/86 p11+
Fund raiser is appointed, H
7/12/86 p6
Fundraiser held for Mintz [photo],
H 7/14/86 p9
Gender isn't issue in governor's
race, H 9/11/86 p1+
Gill and Roche respond to
Mullaney's criticism, H
10/2/86 p35+
Gill captures 142nd nomination,
H 7/18/86 p11+
Gill eager to go to Hartford:
142nd district race [photo], H
10/29/86 p37+
Gill leading Mullaney in campaign
donations, H 10/16/86 p15+
Gill to seek Senate seat [photo],
H 5/15/86 p15+
Gill, Mullaney engage in Route 7
discussion, H 10/10/86 p31+
Gill, Mullaney speak at forum
[photo], H 10/7/86 p11+
GOP backs Freedman in 26th
[photo], H 7/16/86 p41
GOP candidate asks O'Neill to
see Merritt at rush hour, H
8/20/86 p13+
GOP candidates stress
importance of the Fairfield
County vote [photo], H
10/20/86 p13+
GOP chiefs head committee for
election of Santo, H 4/19/86
GOP gives Westporter, Lyons
nods, H 4/3/86 p1+
GOP hopefuls square off in
Norwalk debate, H 8/30/86
GOP taps Lyons for 139th, H
7/18/86 p1+
GOP to pick candidate for 136th
district, H 7/22/86 p11
GOP to select candidate for 26th
state Senate seat, H 7/15/86
Gov. O'Neill says record earned
win [photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Governor berated by candidates,
H 9/5/86 p11+
Hansen joins Senate race
[photo], H 6/25/86 p41+
Health no bar to race in '86
[photo], H 1/14/86 p1+
Indy Party endorses Mintz,
Esposito: In break from
tradition, H 10/24/86 p10
Janet Mills blamed for hikes in
taxes, H 6/23/86 p9
John Ryan takes shot at spot on
GOP ticket, H 7/26/86 p1+
Julie Belaga to R. E. Van
Norstrand: Join the crowd, H
6/2/86 p1+
King opens headquarters, H
9/4/86 p19, H 9/11/86 p19
Knopp critical of contributors to
Lyons' campaign war chest,
H 10/22/86 p10
Knopp gets Democratic
nomination for 139th District
assembly seat [photo], H
7/25/86 p1+
Knopp lashes out at assembly
foe Lyons, H 10/15/86 p10
Knopp, Lyons swap volleys as
assembly campaign opens,
H 7/29/86 p1+
Law named treasurer for
LeMoult, H 9/24/86 p22
Lawless to manage LeMoult's
campaign, H 9/18/86 p6
League reports attempts to
manipulate debate, H
10/29/86 p37+
League won't sponsor Demo
Mintz-Donen debate, H
9/2/86 p11
LeMoult to challenge Rep.
Esposito: Race in the 137th
[photo], H 7/21/86 p1+
Local Dems choosing sides, H
1/13/86 p1+
Lyons has no challenger for GOP
backing in 139th, H 7/17/86
Lyons responds to charges by
139th District opponent, H
10/16/86 p12
Lyons wants Rudolf seat in
Hartford [photo], H 3/21/86
McKinney tabbed for his ninth
term [photo], H 7/12/86 p1+
McKinney will seek a 9th term
[photo], H 4/28/86 p1+
Meyer appoints campaign staff, H
10/30/86 p39
Meyer chalks up easy victory in
135th, H 11/5/86 p43
Meyer renominated in 135th, H
7/18/86 p11+
Mills also comes under fire by
2nd Democratic hopeful, H
7/11/86 p24
Mills draws criticism from Donen
as Democrat enters race in
140th, H 7/1/86 p10
Mintz defeats Donen for second
time, 3-1, H 9/10/86 p1+
Mintz given endorsement, H
6/17/86 p10
Mintz rejects bid for debate from
Donen, H 9/3/86 p11
Mintz rips Mills for `no' vote on
schools bill, H 6/18/86 p22
Mintz, Mills in tug of war for 140th
District: Mills vows to
continue program cuts
[photo], H 10/30/86 p1+
Moffet backers regroup, to
support O'Neill slate [photo],
H 7/21/86 p1+
Moffett attacks O'Neill's record
[photo], H 3/18/86 p13+
Moffett officials preparing for
battle against governor
[photo], H 1/8/86 p9+
Mullaney backed by state
teachers, H 11/1/86 p14
Mullaney blasts Gill, Roche:
Candidate charges
insensitivity, H 10/1/86 p9+
Mullaney endorsed by Democrats
in 142nd [photo], H 7/25/86
Mullaney endorses by Dodd, H
10/22/86 p38
Mullaney will challenge Roche:
Democrat in 142nd District
race [photo], H 5/22/86 p17+
Niedermeier 4th District Dem
choice [photo], H 7/22/86 p1+
Niedermeier envisions `close,
hot' campaign [photo], H
8/2/86 p1+
Niedermeier lays the groundwork
for 1988 rematch with
McKinney [photo], H 11/5/86
Niedermeier visits Norwalk on
opening day of campaign
[photo], H 2/25/86 p34
Norwalk delegates reflect party
split, H 7/19/86 p1+
Numbers may hold key to
outcome in GOP's 142nd
District primary, H 9/6/86
O'Neill and Belaga trade barbs
during their first public
debate [photo], H 10/17/86
Opponents accuse Rowland of
flip-flopping, H 7/2/86 p37+
Opponents take up the issues
[photo], H 10/28/86 p11+
P & Z chairman to seek 141st
seat, H 7/24/86 p17
Party feud dumps `Van' from
slate, H 7/18/86 p1+
Party leaders query Gill, H 9/2/86
January - December 1986
Peters to decide on primary
soon, H 7/28/86 p13+
Poll gives O'Neill lift: Belaga:
Results bizarre, H 10/20/86
Primary results [edit], H 9/10/86
Redding helps Gill to victory
[photo], H 11/5/86 p41+
Rep. Belaga relying on capitol
experience [photo], H 8/2/86
Rep. Belaga urges role for Guard
[photo], H 8/21/86 p1+
Rep. Meyer to run unopposed?,
H 7/25/86 p29
Republicans face primary in 26th,
H 7/30/86 p9+
Richard King announces for
Assembly, H 7/17/86 p9
Ridgefield developer seeks
Rowland's seat [photo p8], H
6/4/86 p1+
Roche won't run for re-election
[photo], H 7/10/86 p13+
Rowland renominated by GOP:
Delegates are unanimous
[photo], H 7/14/86 p11
Rudolf backed for Senate:
Primary ahead, H 7/16/86 p1+
Rudolf out of election for seat in
Senate, H 3/28/86 p1+
Rudolf, Atkin officially enter race,
H 3/26/86 p1+
Rudolf: Freedman candidacy was
`orchestrated' by Lyons, H
7/1/86 p1+
Santo counters criticism of funds
distribution, H 7/11/86 p24
Santo financial statement still
missing, H 10/21/86 p10
Santo indicates intent to pursue
re-election [photo], H 7/10/86
Santo outpolls Santaniello's
widow to gain GOP
nomination for Senate
[photo], H 4/1/86 p1+
Santo wins 25th thanks to Darien
[photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Schine and Dorsey enter state
legislative contests, H 7/8/86
Sen. Truglia renominated, H
7/24/86 p17
Special vote for senator likely in
May, H 3/18/86 p1+
Speck endorses Peters
candidacy, H 7/8/86 p9+
State Rep. candidates square off,
H 10/23/86 p1+
Tashjian was unaware Donen
had opponent, H 7/12/86 p1+
Three hopefuls escalate battle for
5th District seat, H 8/16/86
Toby Moffett brings his campaign
to Norwalk, H 2/24/86 p13
Two council chiefs competing in
139th: Knopp cites
knowledge of Norwalk
[photo], H 10/29/86 p1+
Two council chiefs competing in
139th: Lyons says he can get
things done [photo], H
10/29/86 p1+
Two Democrats in primary for 5th
district nomination [photo], H
7/31/86 p1+
Two vie for election by 137th
District's voters: Esposito
keys on his tenure in
Hartford [photo], H 10/27/86
Two vie for election by 137th
District's voters: LeMoult's
bid based on his background
[photo], H 10/27/86 p1+
Two waging hot battle for 4th
District seat: McKinney rides
wave of experience [photo],
H 10/29/86 p7
U. S. Sen. Gary Hart attends
fundraiser for Neidermeier
[photo], H 9/22/86 p1+
Van Norstrand coasts to easy
win: Party picks lose out, H
9/10/86 p1+
Van Norstrand wins election to
sixth term, H 11/5/86 p1+
Victorious McKinney lambastes
electorate's poor turnout at
polls, H 11/5/86 p1+
Victory is sweet to Julie Belaga's
hometown team, H 9/10/86
Voters stand behind Belaga but
race draws little interest, H
10/29/86 p37+
Waterbury lawyer tops Peters in
try for district nomination, H
7/22/86 p1+
Young sets sights on reduced
taxes, H 11/6/86 p16
Darien Dems hoping history
repeats itself, H 10/1/86 p9+
Incumbents win back nomination,
H 9/10/86 p11+
Santo posts easy win in Senate
test [photo], H 5/7/86 p1+
Schmidt looks forward to election
battle with Van Nostrand
[photo], H 9/22/86 p13+
Special election [edit], H 5/5/86 p4
Voters set to select new senator,
H 5/5/86 p1+
Elections-Fairfield County
Capoccitti's withdrawal cancels
primary, H 8/22/86 p10
Deputies told to contribute to
campaign, H 5/12/86 p12
DeVeny gains nomination for
high sheriff [photo], H
7/23/86 p9+
DeVeny presses sheriff
campaign, H 5/23/86 p12
DeVeny vows change for high
sheriff post, H 7/28/86 p13+
Mak sure contribution probe
would uncover no
wrongdoing [photo], H
5/14/86 p1+
Opponent sees, would end,
political favoritism, H 5/14/86
Republicans renominate Edwin
Mak for sheriff [photo], H
7/22/86 p10
Elections-New Canaan
Burke is looking forward to
probate judge challenge
[photo], H 10/31/86 p53+
Burke wins probate judge test, H
9/10/86 p11
Burke wins with ease in probate
race, H 11/5/86 p42
Candidate to seek write-in vote,
H 9/23/86 p29+
Kimes enters race for judge of
probate [photo], H 6/20/86
Kimes set to contest nomination,
H 8/16/86 p13+
Richard Stewart pinning hopes
on the write-in vote [photo],
H 10/31/86 p53+
1986 Official Vote Tally by
Norwalk Precinct [chart], H
11/8/86 p18
2 vie to become Norwalk-Wilton
probate judge [photo], H
11/1/86 p20
38,859 are eligible for Tuesday's
vote, H 11/3/86 p1+
Absentees are down this year, H
11/4/86 p1+
Bitondo to enter race for council,
H 7/28/86 p1+
City counsel to announce his
candidacy [photo], H 6/20/86
Fate of Santaniello seat to be
decided Tuesday, H 5/3/86
For the record [letter], H 10/27/86
January - December 1986
Elections-Norwalk (Continued)
Independent Party deletes
restriction: On mayoral
nominations, H 10/30/86 p10
Kellaher resigns Common
Council seat [photo], H
7/16/86 p1+
Local GOP split is revealed by a
review of party's losses, H
11/6/86 p1+
Long lines discourage several
voters in city, H 11/6/86 p11
Marcus opens campaign for
probate judge [photo], H
7/2/86 p37+
Officials say May 6 election cost
city $3.50 per ballot, H 6/3/86
Parties gearing up to choose
candidates, H 7/10/86 p8
Probate judge vacancy lures
GOP trio as Wednesday
convention approaches
[photo], H 7/14/86 p1+
Santo posts easy win in Senate
test [photo], H 5/7/86 p1+
Special election [edit], H 5/5/86 p4
Today is day of decision at the
polls: Heavy turnout this
morning at polling spots, H
11/4/86 p1+
Two bow out of race for probate
nod, H 7/17/86 p9
Vallerie easy winner of Probate
judgeship, H 11/5/86 p25
Vallerie seen probate pick as
GOP meets, H 7/16/86 p1+
Voters set to select new senator,
H 5/5/86 p1+
Elections-U. S.
Assembly hopeful seeking
support, H 5/22/86 p17+
Attorney to seek probate judge
position, H 6/16/86 p9+
Mix to run for probate judge on
Democratic ticket, H 9/30/86
Attorney to seek probate judge
position, H 6/16/86 p9+
Capuano captures judgeship, H
11/5/86 p41+
Democrats court Republican: Mix
asked to be candidate, H
9/18/86 p33+
Democrats to use lessons
learned to overcome
Republican numbers, H
12/11/86 p13+
Mary Mix to be candidate for
judge of probate, H 7/8/86
Mix mulling Democratic offer: In
probate judge race, H
9/20/86 p25+
Mix to run for probate judge on
Democratic ticket, H 9/30/86
Nevas joins Westport RTM, H
11/14/86 p27+
Primary set in Westport probate
race, H 7/18/86 p11+
Probate judge candidate sets
campaign committee, H
10/25/86 p42
Probate judge race heats up as
election day draws near
[photo], H 10/30/86 p37+
Former foes still skirmishing: Gill
and Smith, H 10/9/86 p13+
Four in the running to replace
Mrs. Gill, H 11/21/86 p1+
Front-runner balks in race for first
selectman, H 12/4/86 p1+
Gill, Smith exchange volleys:
Over campaign contributions,
H 10/8/86 p23+
Marcus opens campaign for
probate judge [photo], H
7/2/86 p37+
Mullaney: Gill failed to file finance
record, H 9/17/86 p11+
Party labels change meaning on
local level, H 11/25/86 p9+
Quincy joins selectman's race, H
11/25/86 p1+
Reason sought for poor turnout,
H 11/12/86 p25+
Republicans begin work to fill
selectman seat, H 10/15/86
Two bow out of race for probate
nod, H 7/17/86 p9
Vallerie seen probate pick as
GOP meets, H 7/16/86 p1+
Wilton clerk outlines special
election process, H 11/29/86
Electric power failures
Accident on Route 123 KOs
power, H 1/27/86 p1+
Crews repairing cable blamed for
power loss, H 1/15/86 p1
Fallen line blamed for outage, H
2/19/86 p13+
Pair of morning outages leave
1,100 without power, H
4/8/86 p6
Power lost in Westport, H 1/6/86
Power outages of concern to
Hauhuth, H 1/18/86 p13+
Power returning after storm
[photo], H 11/20/86 p1+
Squall leaves many powerless
[photo], H 7/30/86 p1+
Sudden storm snarls traffic,
power lines, H 8/8/86 p1+
Tree limb blamed for loss of
power to Wilton homes, H
1/8/86 p6
Utility companies draw criticism
of residents, H 2/24/86 p11+
Electric power failures-Norwalk
9,000 without power in 2
incidents in area, H 9/16/86
Electric power failures-Weston
Weston resident battles with CL
& P over electrical service
[photo], H 9/27/86 p35+
Electric power failures-Westport
9,000 without power in 2
incidents in area, H 9/16/86
Electric Regulator factory. SEE
Electric shock
Boom hits wire: Shock burns
man, H 6/10/86 p6
Electrolux Corp. of America
Electrolux donates cleaners to
charity, H 7/25/86 p6
Elementary Schools-Norwalk
3 of city's elementary schools opt
for accreditation program, H
5/12/86 p19
Group discusses goals for
elementary schools, H
5/13/86 p19
Police Blotter: Man trapped in
elevator, H 9/23/86 p8
Elizabeth St.-Norwalk
Agreement stays threat of
eviction, H 8/8/86 p1+
Tenants agree to cash offer for
relocation, H 8/12/86 p1+
Tenants say landlord is
intimidating [photo], H 8/7/86
Elks Club-Westport
Elks to help buy new ambulance
[photo], H 1/9/86 p9
Elldredge, Allison
Local musicians tops in youth
competition [photo], H
3/14/86 p17
Elliott, Don
Don Elliott memorial is concert on
Sunday [photo], H 7/11/86
Elliott, Theodore H. Jr.
Prime Capital chairman
associated with Bridgeport
Innovation Center [photo], H
8/12/86 p39
January - December 1986
Elm St.-New Canaan
Office plan still draws opposition,
H 9/17/86 p11+
Ely Ave.-Norwalk
Builder wants to buy footpath: At
Ely Avenue School, H
11/20/86 p10
Sheppard's bond cut in Vitam
fraud case, H 8/6/86 p1+
Westport firm files suit to attach
employee's assets, H
8/27/86 p35+
Officer's case is transferred to
Stamford, H 3/18/86 p13
Panel to hold hearings on
suspensions, H 3/13/86 p11+
Emergency communication
Residents balking at changes, H
12/16/86 p1+
Emergency communication
Officials review emergency plan,
H 11/20/86 p41+
Emergency Medical Services Co.
Terrorism is driving distressed
executives to Darien firm's
door [photo], H 5/15/86 p1+
Emergency medical servicesDarien
Volunteer teens operate Darien
ambulance service [photo], H
5/9/86 p1+
Emergency medical servicesNorwalk
Paramedics' duty is saving
human lives [photo], H
5/27/86 Supp. p2A
Praise for action [letter], H
9/10/86 p5
Emergency medical servicesRowayton
Residents of Rowayton criticize
emergency medical
operations, H 10/24/86 p11
Rowayton EMS issues appeal for
volunteers, H 8/14/86 p16
Rowayton EMS wins
independence from fire
department, H 6/10/86 p1+
Rowayton EMS would like to
relocate its base, H 4/11/86
Rowayton may lose EMS corps,
H 8/15/86 p11
Rowayton Volunteer Emergency
Medical Service disbanded,
H 11/11/86 p13
Emergency medical servicesWeston
EMTs respond to school
`emergency' [photo], H
5/2/86 p9+
Permit problem unresolved for
new Weston ambulance, H
2/12/86 p13+
Red tape idles ambulance, H
2/3/86 p11
Weston EMS in need of cash for
ambulance, H 10/18/86 p27+
Emergency medical techniciansWilton
Paid EMT posts backed in
Wilton, H 10/7/86 p11+
Emergency preparedness. SEE
Emergency relief. SEE
Emery Air Freight Corp.
Earnings, H 7/29/86 p14
Emery Air Freight earnings rise,
H 7/24/86 p38
Emery first to contribute for
awards, H 8/2/86 p13+
Emery of Wilton suspends
dividend, H 12/18/86 p27
Reluctant couple in home-sale
pact sued by Emery, H
5/6/86 p9+
Strictly Business, H 2/18/86
p29+, H 6/10/86 p25+
Emery, Janet M.
Memorial to his mother dedicated
by John Emery [photo], H
6/24/86 p17
Emig Foundation Inc.
Foundation gives out first grant,
H 10/4/86 p11
Employee participation in
technological innovations.
Employees, Dismissal of
Layoffs ordered by Perkin-Elmer,
H 6/18/86 p1+
Employees, Dismissal ofNorwalk
Firm to aid ex-workers locate
work, H 11/24/86 p1+
P-E crops over 400 from payroll,
H 11/24/86 p1+
Banner year for permits: P & Z
files annual report, H 5/10/86
Encore Club of Wilton
Encore helps two services
[photo], H 9/2/86 p18
Help from Encore Club [photo], H
6/18/86 p24
New Encore officers [photo], H
6/25/86 p38
Energy conservation-Weston
Federal funds to 17 buildings,
one in Weston, H 5/19/86 p20
Engineers give Pastore of ASE
Principal Award [photo], H
5/6/86 p21
Engle, Joseph
McMahon's Engle is city's
strongest HS athlete [photo],
H 3/20/86 p25+
English, Darren
BMHS' English closes in on
Welch, H 1/21/86 p17+
BMHS' English fifth on all-time
city list, H 1/14/86 p17
English dominates [photo], H
3/6/86 p21+
English: An artist on ice [photo],
H 2/14/86 p31+
Norwalk won't forget McMahon's
English, H 2/13/86 p25+
Entrepreneur. SEE
Entrepreneurial Woman's
Entrepreneurial Women give to
Crisis Center [photo], H
11/20/86 p19
Here's `low country' sauce with
gumption: Original family
BBQ recipe [photo], H 6/9/86
Episcopal Trinity Church
Chapel given Trinity book [photo],
H 6/16/86 p6
Epstein Funding Inc.
Building funded [photo], H
6/24/86 p19
Epstein, Gail
A dream comes true at Sanitary
Cleaners, H 3/11/86 p20
Epstein, Morris
A dream comes true at Sanitary
Cleaners, H 3/11/86 p20
Epstein, Richard
A dream comes true at Sanitary
Cleaners, H 3/11/86 p20
Ervin, Wilma
Her work on exhibit [photo], H
5/16/86 p21
Esposito, Frank J. Jr.
$750,000 state bond for Maritime
Center OK'd, Esposito says,
H 4/15/86 p10
Democrats send four to
assembly: Republican
Esposito survives tide
[photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Esposito names Redi, Bolster cochairmen, H 10/2/86 p10
January - December 1986
Esposito, Frank J. Jr. (Continued)
Esposito to seek 4th term [photo],
H 7/15/86 p1+
Esposito, Mills, Artell
renominated as GOP fills out
slate, H 7/24/86 p16
LeMoult to challenge Rep.
Esposito: Race in the 137th
[photo], H 7/21/86 p1+
Two vie for election by 137th
District's voters: Esposito
keys on his tenure in
Hartford [photo], H 10/27/86
Esterline Corp.
Dividends, H 7/1/86 p29
Earnings, H 9/23/86 p17
Esterline Corp. promotes three, H
8/5/86 p25
Etzold, Carol L.
Greens Farms teacher given
science fellowship, H 5/19/86
Evening Women's Club of
Another fabulous Heart Ball for
EWC: A history of successes
[photo], H 3/3/86 p11
At 20th annual Heart Ball [photo],
H 3/3/86 p14
New officers installed [photo], H
5/29/86 p14
Evers, Therese
Crash kills Darien girl, 16: 4
classmates injured [photo], H
1/15/86 p1+
Scholarship created for crash
victim, H 7/24/86 p17
Space needed for property of the
evicted, H 1/23/86 p1+
Fourth graders dip below
average in state test, H
1/4/86 p1+
Students' scoresheet revised for
easier reading by parents, H
5/6/86 p12
School board will review test
scores, H 1/11/86 p13+
Wilton officials pleased with test
results, H 1/21/86 p9
Exchange Club. SEE NORWALK
Executive Development
Strictly Business, H 5/20/86 p25+
Executive Limo
Corporate clients have limos
rolling up mileage [photo], H
1/28/86 p34
Explorer Post 53. SEE
Breezeway, car, garage ripped by
explosion, H 1/29/86 p6
Sunday explosion rocks Anson
Road residence, H 5/27/86 p6
Exposure of person. SEE
Expulsion of students. SEE
Extra Texture
Strictly Business, H 6/10/86 p25+
Exxon Chemical Co.
Exxon Chemical Co. to move its
headquarters to Wilton, H
7/1/86 p11+
Exxon seeking move into Wilton
Center, H 6/12/86 p37+
F. D. Rich Co.
Rich to try again to develop
parcel, H 3/17/86 p11
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86 p25+
F. Scott Kimmich & Co.
Ad agency has growth spurt
[photo], H 9/9/86 p17
Kimmich staff grows, H 7/1/86 p30
Fabian Family
Family gets variance for lot
development, H 7/26/86 p10
Factory Outlet Mall. SEE
Fair St. Park-Norwalk
`Santaniello Park' in district?, H
4/2/86 p11
Fair, Claire
Choraliers elect Claire Fair
[photo], H 3/29/86 p18
Fairfield Ave.-Norwalk
Few in attendance at hearing on
Fairfield Avenue zone
change, H 1/23/86 p9
P & Z panel OKs zone change, H
1/31/86 p23
Fairfield Ave.-Westport
Beach area residents hope court
upholds ZBA ruling, H
4/26/86 p13+
Fairfield County Cooperative
VSRP given $10,000 by
foundation, H 4/28/86 p33
Fairfield County Horticultural
Flower show winners announced
[photo], H 9/26/86 p29
Fairfield County Interscholastic
Athletic Conference. SEE
Fairfield County League of
Sportsmen's Clubs
Shellfish ruling challenged
Sportsmen's club files suit, H
3/28/86 p9+
Sportsmen at odds with town
over clam beds, H 5/12/86
Fairfield County Links Inc.
Six scholarships will be awarded,
H 6/5/86 p21
Fairfield County Mortgage Co.
Strictly Business, H 4/22/86 p23+
Fairfield County Public
Relations Association
County PR elects officers, H
9/30/86 p23
Fairfield County Student
Operetta Workshop
Joseph Oravez is named for lead
in `Penzance' [photo], H
7/11/86 p15
Pirates to open theater season in
Wilton, H 7/16/86 p13
Student Operetta auditions set in
Wilton on June 10-11
[photo], H 6/4/86 p31
Student Operetta tonight [photo],
H 7/17/86 p17
Fairfield County-Economic
Economics Watch updates report
on nation, H 10/14/86 p13
Labor economist says county
reaping benefits of job boom,
H 1/28/86 p34
Leaders of business optimistic
about '86 [photo], H 1/10/86
Region outpaces nation in
construction growth, H 2/4/86
Regions pay for progress with
traffic woes, H 1/28/86 p24
Rich area, H 8/1/86 p6
Fairfield Furniture Company
Fairty Farm-New Canaan
Roadside stand in New Canaan
ready to close, H 12/15/86
Falby, Edward
Falby's bid for parole draws fire,
H 5/30/86 p1+
Falcione, Peter
Norwalk Aquarium operator
lauded as small business
person of year [photo], H
5/14/86 p10
Falcone, Lynda
Kiwanis scholars [photo], H
7/18/86 p13
January - December 1986
Falconer, George
Board elects Falconer, H
12/12/86 p35+
Falls at Silvermine
Falls backdrop for unusual
development [photo], H
9/9/86 p11
False alarms-Norwalk
New false alarm law in effect in
the city, H 5/8/86 p11
Ordinance sought to curb false
alarms: Police file request, H
1/24/86 p10
False alarms-Wilton
False alarms cancel contract, H
11/19/86 p37+
Wilton false alarms have officials
scared, H 9/23/86 p1+
Family and Children's Aid of
Greater Norwalk
Ann H. James retires from Family
Aid here [photo], H 1/2/86 p11
Big Friends are named at Family
and Children [photo], H
12/29/86 p13
Family and Children benefit
[photo], H 3/18/86 p19
Honored as caregivers [photo], H
1/15/86 p30
In reaching out, they too, are
touched: Our
homemaker/health aides
[photo], H 3/6/86 p17+
Memorial to his mother dedicated
by John Emery [photo], H
6/24/86 p17
New F & CA board members
appointed, H 7/28/86 p17
Norwalk Family & Children
expands Parent Aide
program [photo], H 5/1/86 p16
Norwalk International Ball honors
multi-ethnic heritage [photo],
H 1/24/86 p13
Norwalk's Family Aid receives
accreditation, H 3/29/86 p15
Parent Aide Program here to be
expanded [photo], H 2/13/86
Program expands, H 3/29/86 p6
Social service agencies form
council to coordinate efforts,
H 2/25/86 p1+
Social services agency uses
techniques of business world
[photo], H 12/18/86 p31
Family and Children's Aid of
Greater Norwalk-Project
14 high school students are
commended, H 6/10/86 p11
New Big Friends enrich young
lives [photo], H 1/16/86 p15
Family violence
Chief of police announces new
policy on domestic violence,
H 3/19/86 p1+
More cities using handcuffs in
domestic fights, H 1/27/86
Police review law on domestic
violence, H 11/3/86 p15+
Farm produce-Roadside
Roadside stand in New Canaan
ready to close, H 12/15/86
Farrelly, Peter T. Jr.
Changes announced on Hour
news desk [photo], H 7/28/86
Favano, Roger
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Fawcett, Isabel
Coordinator [photo], H 4/29/86
Fay, Jim
Ex-Norwalk man markets macelike item, `Watch-It' [photo],
H 2/4/86 p23
Drug abuse program in FCIAC, H
10/18/86 p15+
Norwalk, Staples open FCIAC
play tonight, H 5/27/86 p23+
Randazzo, Wilmot, Pratt selected
All-conference [photo], H
6/20/86 p34
Staples goes for 2nd in row, H
5/30/86 p20+
BMHS, Bears dominate city, H
3/13/86 p19
Brown gives city another cage
title, H 2/27/86 p23+
City schools draw byes in states,
H 3/10/86 p25
City should be proud of King &
Barry [photo] [chart], H
3/10/86 p21+
FCIAC boys' playoffs set, NHS
hosts Stamford, H 2/26/86
FCIAC cage title on line tonight:
McMahon or Norwalk?
[chart], H 3/8/86 p23
FCIAC: McMahon, Norwalk
favored [photo], H 3/4/86
Lady Wreckers lose, H 2/22/86
Ludlowe knocks Lady Bears out
of FCIAC playoffs, H 2/22/86
McMahon rules FCIAC
basketball, 78-59 [photo], H
3/10/86 p21+
Staples' Sutherland named to
first team: All-FCIAC girls'
basketball [photo] [chart], H
3/24/86 p21
Thompson, Brown Hull picked
[photo], H 3/24/86 p21
Two city teams in big game
[photo], H 3/5/86 p15+
Wins tonight will pit city cagers in
West final [photo], H 3/14/86
FCIAC-Field hockey
Staples puts 2 on All-County
[photo], H 12/3/86 p38
Eight Senators are named: NHS
places one player [photo]
[chart], H 12/10/86 p41+
FCIAC changes format, no
outside grid games, H
2/25/86 p15
Wilton places four players: 1986
All-FCIAC East offensive,
defensive teams [photo]
[chart], H 12/9/86 p31+
Staples' duo picked, H 6/27/86
All-FCIAC Gymnasts [photo], H
3/15/86 p26
Will Warriors do it again? The
answer is yes!, H 2/7/86 p23+
FCIAC-Ice hockey
English, Hermann named AllFCIAC [photo], H 3/19/86
Wilton gets another shot at
Tigers, H 2/24/86 p19+
FCIAC crown stays in Wilton
[photo], H 5/28/86 p23+
City schools place 5 boys on AllCounty [photo], H 11/28/86
Lady Warriors garner county
soccer title in OT [photo], H
10/31/86 p37
McMahon wins FCIAC on
Huminski's score [photo], H
10/31/86 p37
Lady Bears engage Warde
tonight for FCIAC laurels
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Norwalk: The home of
champions: Gardella, Oman
guide Lady Bears past AW in
FCIAC title game [photo p1],
H 5/31/86 p25+
January - December 1986
FCIAC-Softball (Continued)
Oman, Gardella, Shular chosen
All-conference [photo], H
6/21/86 p23
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
No big surprises in trials, H
10/30/86 p25+
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
All-FCIAC boys' indoor track
team [photo], H 3/27/86 p26
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
Boys' crown at stake: Saturday's
FCIAC indoor track, H 2/7/86
Corridon, Forcellina bring home
gold [photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Grayer captures FCIAC [photo],
H 10/28/86 p15+
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Staples duo all-county [photo], H
12/6/86 p39
Staples garners FCIAC [photo], H
2/7/86 p23+
Staples' harriers place four
[photo], H 12/5/86 p32
Staples' soph on All-FCIAC
[photo], H 12/2/86 p25
21 city wrestlers make 1/4s, H
2/15/86 p35
City claims 4 titles, FCIAC crown
to Cards [photo], H 2/18/86
County meet at WHS, H 2/13/86
Fedor, Michael
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Fedor, Sue
Student graduated, H 3/27/86 p29
Feinstein, Dr. Robert E.
Health/Fitness: Feinstein elected
to board, H 9/15/86 p34
Principal seeks fence for woods
where student found
murdered, H 11/19/86 p6
Officials, citizen argue over
fence, H 3/31/86 p11+
Fence request rejected, H
8/11/86 p9
Ference, Eugene A.
Apartment denial lands P & Z in
court: Weston resident
appeals decision, H 4/18/86
Applicant to appeal apartment
vote, H 4/1/86 p13+
Fern Valley Rd.-Weston
Subdivision approved by P & Z:
Approval comes with
conditions, H 7/15/86 p11
Ferris Architects
Roger Ferris has award for
architecture, H 11/22/86 p23
Ferris, Frank
Wilton official fired after
investigation [photo], H
9/19/86 p1+
Ferro Corp.
Small amount of toxic gas
released by blaze at plant, H
4/5/86 p1+
Ferrone, Bruce
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Ferry, Rev. Lee Jr. "Skip"
Computers to help house the
homeless [photo], H 12/9/86
Festa, Ellen Wynne
Home/Town People [photo], H
12/16/86 p21+
Festa, Roger
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86
Festival Italiano
Club to donate festival proceeds,
H 11/19/86 p38
Festival funds go to crisis center
[photo], H 11/20/86 p41
Festival Italiano founder predicts
upcoming event will be best
yet [photo], H 7/3/86 p11+
Festival Italiano organizers obtain
insurance for July event, H
5/28/86 p13
Festival Italiano will salute
Westport, H 6/17/86 p13+
Festival opens in Saugatuck
[photo], H 7/11/86 p11
Festivals' fate still in doubt, H
3/14/86 p10+
Insurance crunch may end
recently rekindled tradition
[photo], H 3/8/86 p13+
Rising insurance costs threaten
town festivals, H 3/7/86 p11+
`Festivities' makes entertaining
easier: For the holiday
season [photo], H 12/19/86
Field hockey-Coaching
New Senators' coach builds
confidence [photo], H 9/9/86
Ousted Bears look ahead: State
field hockey [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Field hockey-Norwalk
Bears' experience could mean
playoff [photo], H 9/9/86 p25
City FH champs [photo], H
11/20/86 p30
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Lady Senators scare Bears
[photo], H 10/3/86 p21+
New Senators' coach builds
confidence [photo], H 9/9/86
Ousted Bears look ahead: State
field hockey [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Field hockey-Weston
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Staples' Tiley is rated best goalie
in state, H 9/9/86 p25
Field hockey-Westport
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Lady Wreckers move to semis, H
11/8/86 p32
Staples puts 2 on All-County
[photo], H 12/3/86 p38
Staples' Tiley is rated best goalie
in state, H 9/9/86 p25
Field hockey-Wilton
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Staples' Tiley is rated best goalie
in state, H 9/9/86 p25
Field, Kathy
Child's desire to help inspires
victim of MS [photo], H
6/19/86 p10
Fields, Athletic. SEE ATHLETIC
Fields, School. SEE SCHOOL
Fifty Washington St. SEE DELTA
Fillow St. Bridge-Norwalk
Angry residents near bridge told
regulations require a wider
span [photo], H 5/8/86 p1+
Bridge fight is escalated by
opponents, H 6/25/86 p1+
City accused of `bad faith'
negotiating: In bridge
replacement projects, H
8/27/86 p18
January - December 1986
Fillow St. Bridge-Norwalk
City denied waiver on new
bridge, H 6/2/86 p1+
Collins: It is too late to stop
bridge widening, H 7/1/86 p1+
Committee endorses hiring firm
to oversee bridge work, H
12/17/86 p18
Consultant hired for bridge work,
H 12/26/86 p1+
Fillow Street bridge divides
neighbors, H 3/20/86 p9
Fillow Street bridge meeting
tonight stirs controversy
among councilmen, H
6/17/86 p10
Group ready for battle on Fillow
Street span [photo], H 5/9/86
History holds no place for old
bridge, H 6/10/86 p1+
Legal action weighed by bridge
opponents, H 7/3/86 p1+
Officials asked for comments on
bridge: Nine months after
hearing, H 12/11/86 p11
Panel acts on bridge replacement
plans: Land condemnation
possible, H 8/20/86 p9
Residents express bridge plan
fears, H 6/18/86 p19
Residents file suit over bridge
plans, H 10/23/86 p10
Waiver being asked of federal
rules to downsize span, H
5/20/86 p1+
West Norwalk residents get
opportunity to debate bridge,
H 5/2/86 p6
Fingerprinting of children
Fingerprints made for Wilton
parents [photo], H 6/26/86
Police to take fingerprints of
children, H 6/19/86 p13+
City firefighters support STAR
[photo], H 6/12/86 p10
Wilton, firefighters sign new
contract, H 12/23/86 p9+
Police Blotter: Kitchen fire injures
man, H 7/8/86 p8
Fires-Interstate 95
Fire erupts on moving van
[photo], H 9/8/86 p8
Fires-New Canaan
Vacant home is destroyed
[photo], H 1/27/86 p11
18 flee fire, 5 need temporary
housing [photo p1], H
8/13/86 p8
2nd fire damages buildings
[photo], H 7/25/86 p1+
Apartment damaged by smoky
fire, H 1/21/86 p6
Attic, roof burned, H 2/11/86 p6
City truck, plowing snow, catches
fire, H 2/12/86 p1+
Dwelling damaged by blaze
[photo], H 9/17/86 p6
Fire damaes second floor of
residence, H 2/24/86 p13
Fire damages Harriet Street
home [photo], H 7/18/86 p1+
Fire forces 12 from home [photo],
H 12/30/86 p1+
Fire guts residence: Two hurt, H
12/19/86 p1+
Fire guts two boats in marina
[photo p8], H 11/15/86 p1+
Fire Marshal to investigate blaze
in store, H 5/19/86 p8
Fire probe is continuing, H 6/2/86
Fire rescuers among honorees at
McMahon [photo], H 6/6/86
Fire spoils celebration for family
[photo], H 5/12/86 p1+
Fire start seen in cord misuse, H
1/8/86 p1+
Firemen battle Pine Street blaze
[photo], H 5/31/86 p1+
Firemen halt tanker blaze: Blast
averted, H 2/4/86 p1+
Four flee house fire on Sunday,
H 1/13/86 p8
Gutted boat being raised [photo],
H 11/15/86 p1+
Home blaze forces eight to
evacuate, H 6/17/86 p9
House damaged in Tuesday fire,
H 8/27/86 p6
Housekeeper is charged with
setting garage fire, H
11/25/86 p6
Man injured in house fire, H
10/6/86 p6
Marshal probes fire in storehouse
[photo], H 8/20/86 p1+
Motel fire rousts guests out of
bed [photo], H 8/6/86 p1+
Officials continuing fire
investigation, H 8/7/86 p18
Officials look into fire cause, H
6/20/86 p27
Police Blotter: Abandoned barge
burns, H 4/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ashes ignite small
fire, H 3/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Boat cover set
afire, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire at chairman's
home probed, H 5/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire guts tool
shed, H 4/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire ignites on
garbage truck, H 9/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire labeled as
suspicious, H 7/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire probe
continues, H 11/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire rousts mother,
son, H 4/15/86 p6
Police Blotter: Fire started in city
jail cell, H 7/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Leaking gas ties
up firefighters, H 8/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motor causes
store fire, H 5/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Probe of fire
continuing, H 10/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two brush fire
battled, H 5/14/86 p8
Razing of structures sought, H
7/25/86 p1+
Room is damaged at health
center, H 6/13/86 p6
Tenant falls from window during
blaze, H 3/14/86 p1+
Three teens spot blaze at house,
alert residents and rescue
infant [photo], H 2/13/86 p1+
Trailer fire investigated [photo], H
2/15/86 p1
Truck cab damaged by fire, H
3/14/86 p6
Two structures knocked down
following fire, H 7/26/86 p10
Woman pulled from fire: Condo
residents routed, H 4/26/86
Home fire drill enhances chances
of escape [photo], H 10/6/86
Commission studying fire pond
problems, H 10/28/86 p11+
Fire damages home in Weston, H
11/6/86 p15
Fire ravages home [photo], H
5/20/86 p33+
Officials say blaze caused by
spontaneous combustion, H
5/28/86 p13+
Officials: Ashes from fire caused
blaze, H 11/12/86 p27
Police Blotter: Building site fire
investigated, H 4/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fire damages roof
of home, H 10/14/86 p8
January - December 1986
Fires-Weston (Continued)
Police Blotter: Mattress fire is
reported, H 9/22/86 p8
Weston police label fire as arson,
H 7/18/86 p13
Pizza parlor is closed by fire
[photo p1], H 12/9/86 p36
Police Blotter: Man burned while
working on car, H 12/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Staples lavatory
fire reported, H 5/7/86 p8
Residence destroyed in
Westport, H 11/15/86 p6
2 injured during fire in Wilton, H
8/12/86 p9+
Cause of fire in Wilton still
unknown, H 8/25/86 p11+
Creosote buildup listed as fire
cause, H 12/4/86 p15+
Fire damages church roof
[photo], H 4/4/86 p9
Fire damages vacant home on
waterfront, H 12/3/86 p11
Flames damage truck in Wilton,
H 12/12/86 p6
House damaged in fire, H 12/2/86
Mother, sons flee Wilton fire, H
8/27/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Cottage in Wilton
gutted by fire, H 10/13/86 p8
Wilton fire traced to lit candle, H
8/29/86 p29+
Wire fault smokes up firehouse,
H 8/1/86 p22+
Fireworks seized by Darien police
[photo], H 6/10/86 p34
Fireworks seized during police
raid, H 6/4/86 p6
First Connecticut Small
Business Investment Co.
Earnings, H 8/12/86 p38
First Federal Savings Bank of
Banks reveal merger, H 6/20/86
First Federal Savings to merge
with People's, H 12/3/86 p17
First Norwalk Land Corp.
Developer appeals zoning board
ruling, H 2/22/86 p1+
First Taxing District. SEE
Fischer, Dorothy L.
Westporter plans to sue town:
Over townhouse condition, H
10/11/86 p45
Fischer, Eugenie
One woman's effort matches
`volunteers' with service
tasks [photo], H 7/12/86 p1+
Fischman, Joyce
Woman recalls hatters in a new
video history [photo], H
9/11/86 p1+
Fisher, Dr. John K.
Dr. Fisher to be fourth NSTC
president next year [photo],
H 8/12/86 p20
NY educator selected as NSTC's
president, H 7/31/86 p1+
Fisher, Milton
Milton Fisher keeps love alive on
the 7:05: Metro North's own
Dolly [photo], H 3/10/86 p13
Police Blotter: Fishing, other
charges filed, H 4/15/86 p6
Rod 'n Reel, H 4/4/86 p45, H
4/11/86 p17, H 4/18/86 p21,
H 4/25/86 p49+, H 5/2/86
p46, H 5/23/86 p45, H 6/6/86
p45, H 6/20/86 p29, H
6/27/86 p27, H 7/3/86 p33+,
H 7/11/86 p29, H 7/18/86
p23, H 7/25/86 p27, H 8/8/86
p23, H 8/15/86 p27, H
8/22/86 p29, H 8/29/86 p27,
H 9/12/86 p33, H 9/19/86
p27, H 9/26/86 p19, H
10/3/86 p19, H 10/10/86 p13,
H 10/17/86 p21, H 10/24/86
p28, H 10/31/86 p15, H
11/7/86 p16
Winners are named in fishing
tourney [photo], H 5/27/86
Westport angler lands recordsize marlin [photo], H 7/22/86
Fishkin, Dr. Shelly Fisher
Library plans Twain lecture, H
8/11/86 p9
Scholar sheds light on Twain
mystery [photo], H 8/15/86
Fitch Park-Norwalk
3rd District dedicating park, H
8/29/86 p28
Fitch, Dede
Norwalk Symphony Society
names personnel manager,
H 11/14/86 p20
Fitness, Physical. SEE
Fitzgerald, Eleanor Chariott
Eleanor C. Fitzgerald, NHS
guidance counselor, H
4/21/86 p6
Hundreds attend services for
Eleanor Fitzgerald, H 4/24/86
Five Mile River
Marine life is thriving in salt water
wetlands along Five Mile
River, H 7/30/86 p1+
Five Town Foundation
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Five Town Foundation elects
officers [photo], H 11/15/86
Five Town Foundation fund and
awards grow, H 6/12/86 p9
Five Town Foundation gives
grants to 10 agencies, H
9/3/86 p33+
Foundation presents grants
[photo], H 1/15/86 p9
Scholars honored by foundation
[photo], H 5/23/86 p9
Flag presented to mayor, H
11/26/86 p16
Flagship Investment Counseling
Services Inc.
Investment management [photo],
H 11/25/86 p33
Flamm, Douglas J.
4 students chosen, H 4/7/86 p6
Flax Hill Rd.-Norwalk
Flax Hill Road house being used
in making of film for TV this
fall [photo], H 5/16/86 p1+
Flewellyn, Raymond G.
Raymond G. Flewellyn dies: 61
years at Stew Leoard's
[photo], H 1/31/86 p6
Flight attendants
Flight attendant shuns usual
points for out-of way villages
[photo], H 11/29/86 p13
Flood control-Wilton
5-dam flood control due by mid
1990's, H 10/2/86 p1+
Negotiations on for flood project
parcels, H 5/21/86 p37+
Norwalk may hold key to
watershed project, H 2/1/86
Officials to review flood bill, H
2/22/86 p13+
State plans to set up flood
warning system [photo], H
9/2/86 p13
Flood prevention. SEE FLOOD
Flood protection. SEE FLOOD
January - December 1986
Flora, Jane
Jane Flora retrospective set to
open in Rowayton Sunday, H
7/3/86 p20
Flouton, Robert
Flouton familiar with zoning
regulations [photo], H
7/19/86 p13+
Flynn, Kathleen Marie
A city in shock [edit], H 9/25/86 p4
Child's grief over a tragedy is
more complex, H 10/1/86 p18
Classmates eulogize Kathleen
Flynn, H 10/4/86 p1+
Donor replaces Flynn memorial
tree [photo], H 11/11/86 p1+
Dr. Tec talks of tragedy with
students, H 10/2/86 p12
Funeral scheduled Saturday, H
9/25/86 p1
Hundreds mourn murder victim
[photo], H 9/27/86 p1+
In defense mayor's role [letter], H
10/15/86 p5
Murdered girl found near school:
Ponus Ridge pupil victim of
foul play [photo], H 9/24/86
No arrests made yet in Flynn
murder case, H 10/23/86 p1+
Norwalk parents earn praise from
Collins, H 9/25/86 p8
Norwalk veterans' group support
reward fund, H 10/7/86 p1+
Police ask FBI for help in solving
girl's murder [photo], H
9/25/86 p1+
Police ask students to help probe
[photo] [map], H 9/24/86 p1+
Police Blotter: City, NYS police
confer, H 10/15/86 p8
Police plea nets leads on murder,
H 10/3/86 p1+
Police searching for new clues in
murder of Norwalk student
[photo], H 9/26/86 p1+
Ponus Ridge parents offered
counseling: Memorial service
Friday, H 10/1/86 p1+
Probers quiz `suspects' in girl's
slaying, H 9/29/86 p1+
Reward boosted in Flynn case, H
11/14/86 p1+
Slain youngster's mother feared
worst: Anxious wait ended at
4:30 a.m. [photo], H 9/24/86
Slaying of student leaves a
legacy of fear, H 9/25/86 p1+
Story too graphic [letter], H
10/10/86 p5
Thanks for those who aided
search [letter], H 10/4/86 p5
Three suspects sought in girl's
murder [drawing] [photo], H
10/2/86 p1+
Two views are offered of tragedy,
H 10/8/86 p12
Flynn, Walter A. Jr.
Attorney wants rules on
apartments revised, H
4/15/86 p13+
Folice, Jodi
Folice 1st female to garner
national go-karting crown
[photo], H 12/15/86 p24
Folino, Joe
Another Ben Hogan?, H 5/13/86
King, Barry, Folino honored, H
5/9/86 p33+
Follin & Mady Creative
SoNo Ad firm wins awards
[photo], H 12/23/86 p22
Food adulteration and inspection
Puncture holes in ketchup top
cause concerns, H 4/17/86 p6
1970 All-City gridder named
Norwalk High football coach
[photo], H 6/5/86 p25+
A first! City schools sweep: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
11/18/86 p17+
Anastasia replaces Whalen
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Another beating for rookies: HS
coaches' corner, H 11/4/86
Casagrande Era ends [photo], H
12/9/86 p33
City trio: Score 6, give 73: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
10/7/86 p15+
Dean of grid coaches decides to
pack it in [photo], H 11/25/86
Ex-NHS grid coaches enjoy
banner seasons [photo], H
11/19/86 p29+
Football coaches' corner:
Defensive woes differed
[photo], H 9/16/86 p19+
HS coaches' corner: Only one is
smiling [photo], H 9/30/86 p9
Injury puts coach in hospital, H
9/29/86 p1+
It's last BMHS-NHS grid game for
Casagrande: Senators'
coach retiring: Sam Testa
Trophy is on line [photo], H
10/31/86 p35+
Norwalk football coach resigns,
heads to Jersey [photo]
[chart], H 5/15/86 p27+
This father/son duo clicks [photo],
H 10/31/86 p35+
It's back to X's and O's for
McMahon and Norwalk:
Krasnavage's debut spoiled
by DHS, 25-0 [photo], H
9/15/86 p21+
Football-New Canaan
Wilton places four players: 1986
All-FCIAC East offensive,
defensive teams [photo]
[chart], H 12/9/86 p31+
'85 finalists struggling: Local
clubs take to road, H
10/17/86 p23+
A first! City schools sweep: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
11/18/86 p17+
Anastasia & Cavs debut:
Senators, Bears pack bags,
H 9/19/86 p33+
Anastasia replaces Whalen
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Another beating for rookies: HS
coaches' corner, H 11/4/86
Backus, 3 Westonites honored
[photo], H 12/12/86 p53+
Can NHS football be a winner?
[photo], H 9/11/86 p28+
Cardinals continue hex over
Senators [photo], H 10/4/86
Casagrande Era ends [photo], H
12/9/86 p33
Casagrande's Senators lone city
team with win: Local HS
football coaches' corner
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Cavs scalped [photo], H 9/27/86
CC football goes on without
Diamantis [photo], H 9/12/86
Central Catholic, St. Mary clash
for 25th time [photo] [chart],
H 11/26/86 p37
City grid standouts decide on
future, H 6/2/86 p19
City trio: Score 6, give 73: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
10/7/86 p15+
City's 4 All-State gridders touring
campuses, H 1/29/86 p13
Clemson declares Walker
ineligible, H 8/9/86 p25
Eight Senators are named: NHS
places one player [photo]
[chart], H 12/10/86 p41+
January - December 1986
Football-Norwalk (Continued)
Ex-NHS grid coaches enjoy
banner seasons [photo], H
11/19/86 p29+
FCIAC division play begins: Cavs
home tonight, H 9/26/86 p31+
FCIAC, state football berths eyed
by McMahon, H 11/5/86 p13+
Football coaches' corner:
Defensive woes differed
[photo], H 9/16/86 p19+
Hatchl, Cerulli welcomed sights
back on gridiron, H 11/3/86
Herold's passing overwhelms
Norwalk [photo], H 11/3/86
HS coaches' corner: Only one is
smiling [photo], H 9/30/86 p9
Injury puts coach in hospital, H
9/29/86 p1+
It's back to X's and O's for
McMahon and Norwalk:
Krasnavage's debut spoiled
by DHS, 25-0 [photo], H
9/15/86 p21+
It's back to X's and O's for
McMahon and Norwalk:
Ridgefield runs over BMHS,
20-0 [photo], H 9/15/86 p21+
It's last BMHS-NHS grid game for
Casagrande: Senators'
coach retiring: Sam Testa
Trophy is on line [photo], H
10/31/86 p35+
Jacob's 3 TDs, 185 rushing lead
CC to 9th in row [photo], H
11/28/86 p39+
McMahon stays a contender,
wins 3rd grid road game, H
10/20/86 p21+
Norwalk's finale one to remember
[photo], H 11/17/86 p23+
Norwalk's Walker selects
Clemson [photo], H 2/7/86
SantaLucia tops city in football
scoring, H 11/29/86 p25+
SantaLucia tops city in scoring, H
9/30/86 p11
SantaLucia's 62 pts. leads city
gridders, H 11/18/86 p17
Sloan changes mind: Game will
be played, H 11/18/86 p17
Sloan's blunder leaves bad taste,
H 11/17/86 p23+
The Hour proudly presents the
members of its 17th annual
team: McMahon rules AllCity picks with 13 players
[photo], H 12/22/86 p33+
Watch out! McMahon is loaded
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24+
Backus, 3 Westonites honored
[photo], H 12/12/86 p53+
Hungry Weston opening today
[photo], H 9/13/86 p15
Moral win for Weston, H 9/15/86
Dean of grid coaches decides to
pack it in [photo], H 11/25/86
Lane's era ends on losing note, H
11/26/86 p37+
Staples' coach celebrates silver
anniversary [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
Vikes pound Staples, H 9/15/86
'85 finalists struggling: Local
clubs take to road, H
10/17/86 p23+
Wilton places four players: 1986
All-FCIAC East offensive,
defensive teams [photo]
[chart], H 12/9/86 p31+
Wilton seeks another try at
FCIAC grid crown [photo], H
9/8/86 p28+
Forcellina, Dr. James J.
Dr. Forcellina named to CASS
post [photo], H 6/13/86 p31
Ford, Maureen
Town to honor unsung heroes:
Four Westporters selected, H
2/12/86 p13+
Forger, Gladys
Volunteer is honored [photo], H
4/23/86 p34
Forgery-New Canaan
Forged membership cards
surface, H 10/24/86 p26
Warning issued on money
orders, H 9/16/86 p8
Fortunes. SEE WEALTH
Forums (Discussion and debate)
Gill, Mullaney speak at forum
[photo], H 10/7/86 p11+
Gubernatorial candidate forum
set, H 4/3/86 p37+
Leglslative candidates compared
at forum, H 10/16/86 p11
Referendum opponents collide at
forum [photo], H 6/10/86 p33+
Superior Castings closing its
doors [photo], H 2/18/86 p29
Fourth of July
County residents get ready to
observe July 4 holiday, H
7/2/86 p37+
Dedication 4th of July [photo], H
7/3/86 p6
Fireworks to light up sky over
Bayley Beach Friday night, H
7/3/86 p35
Going Fourth [photo], H 7/5/86
Harbor View continues July 4
observances, H 7/3/86 p8
Holiday boaters jam waters: No
serious mishaps reported, H
7/5/86 p28
Motorists keep police busy over
holiday, H 7/7/86 p1+
Police probe weekend use of
fireworks, H 7/7/86 p1+
Skydivers to precede fireworks in
Weston, H 6/30/86 p11+
Thousands flock to Calf Pasture
for Norwalk fireworks display
[photo], H 7/5/86 p28
Fox Cycle & Hardware Co.
John Barber buys Fox Cycle
[photo], H 3/4/86 p24
Fox Run School
Ball field's location upsetting, H
12/2/86 p1+
Balloons for month [photo], H
5/8/86 p9
Children attend Flag Day
program [photo], H 6/14/86 p1
Fox Run School-Awards
Science fair's big winners [photo],
H 3/25/86 p29
Fox Run School-PTA
Two students get grants, H
5/28/86 p9
Fragakis, Xeni
Six from area attend Creative
Youth Center, H 8/12/86 p21
Francesco's Restaurant
Francesco's adds spice to Wall
Street area, H 10/2/86 p17
Frank Mercede & Sons Inc.
Council approval is expected for
contractor at old NHS, H
5/22/86 p11
Mercede will build city hall, H
5/29/86 p1+
Panel recommends Stamford
contractor for City Hall work,
H 5/16/86 p1+
Franklin School. SEE BENJAMIN
Franklin, Rev. Robert C.
Annual appeal is announced
[photo], H 5/3/86 p37
Fraser, Hector
Psychiatric testimony continues
in trial: Case may end today,
H 1/30/86 p14
Westport slaying trial begins:
Help reportedly sought, H
1/29/86 p9
January - December 1986
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Eagles officers are installed
[photo], H 6/5/86 p6
Darien man pleads guilty in bank
scam, H 11/4/86 p9+
Darien man to stand trial in fraud
case, H 10/27/86 p13+
City man indicted in mail scam, H
10/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police charge man
in bad check, H 3/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Illegal welfare
receipt alleged, H 10/28/86 p8
Westport author pleads guilty to
charge, H 4/8/86 p15
Wilton man faces $102,000 fine
levied by state, H 5/14/86
Frazier, B. J.
Hour elevates Frazier and widens
his scope [photo], H 2/25/86
Freedman, Judith G.
26th district candidates rev up
campaigns, H 8/15/86 p29
Camp, Freedman battle for 26th
District nod: Freedman
confident of victory [photo], H
9/6/86 p25+
Educators endorse Dorsey:
Freedman attacks drug
issue, H 10/29/86 p39
Freedman edges out Camp in
26th district [photo], H
9/10/86 p11+
Freedman expresses her views
on major issues affecting
elderly, H 10/16/86 p17
Freedman named to committees
in legislature, H 12/17/86 p14
Freedman sweeps `safe' 26th
[photo], H 11/5/86 p41+
Freedman to challenge Gill:
Fuchs to seek Belaga's seat,
H 6/21/86 p13+
GOP backs Freedman in 26th
[photo], H 7/16/86 p41
GOP candidate asks O'Neill to
see Merritt at rush hour, H
8/20/86 p13+
GOP gives Westporter, Lyons
nods, H 4/3/86 p1+
Republicans face primary in 26th,
H 7/30/86 p9+
Rudolf: Freedman candidacy was
`orchestrated' by Lyons, H
7/1/86 p1+
Freedom of information-Norwalk
Knopp, district agree to
settlement, H 7/15/86 p1+
NRD files complaint with FOI
over P & Z committee
meetings, H 9/16/86 p1+
NRD, P & Z at odds over 2
August meetings, H 9/4/86
Shelter wins FOI battle, H 5/3/86
Third tax district postpones voting
on FOI complaint, H 6/24/86
Third tax district to battle
complaint, H 7/1/86 p1+
Freedom of information-Weston
Officials go over FOI act
guidelines [photo], H 2/28/86
Freeman, Dr. Stanley
Health/Fitness: Physician
receives fellowship, H
12/15/86 p33
French, Marti
Paintings of Westport to hang in
Town Hall [photo], H
10/24/86 p25
Friends Meeting. SEE QUAKER
Friends of Animals
`Friends' rally at Surgical [photo],
H 5/3/86 p1+
Advocate group seeks ban on leghold traps, H 11/17/86 p21
Animal advocates oppose
proposed new widlife bill, H
3/28/86 p1+
Friends of Animals planning 14th
protest at U. S. Surgical, H
4/7/86 p9
Friends of Children
Director appointed by group
[photo], H 9/19/86 p32
Prize for `Deal of Year' is given to
Friends of Children in Darien
[photo], H 9/16/86 p23
Friends of Rural West Norwalk
Bridge fight is escalated by
opponents, H 6/25/86 p1+
Frietag, Anna C.
Frietag serving as research
assistant at Yale, H 8/21/86
Froelich, Louis C.
Hartog succeeds Froelich as
Rowayton chief [photo], H
8/20/86 p11
Frye, Maye
Maye Frye dies at 69: Special
police officer, H 11/29/86 p6
Fuchs, Josephine S.
Freedman to challenge Gill:
Fuchs to seek Belaga's seat,
H 6/21/86 p13+
Fuchs appointed director in Julie
Belaga's campaign, H 3/3/86
Fuchs edges Schine in the 136th
district [photo], H 11/5/86
Fuchs issues statement about
span, H 10/7/86 p11+
GOP gives nomination to Jo
Fuchs in 136th district
[photo], H 7/23/86 p9+
Mrs. Fuchs to become
selectman, H 1/8/86 p9+
Fuhrmann, Mark E.
Fuhrmann elected partner at
Cummings & Lockwood
[photo], H 10/8/86 p25
Fuller, Adele
Mother sues city cops in shooting
of her son, H 11/28/86 p1+
Fuller, Ralph Edward Jr.
Acquaintances say Fuller not
violent, H 7/9/86 p20
Armed man killed by police
officers, H 7/9/86 p1+
Attorney to probe shooting, H
11/14/86 p1+
Clergyman sees `thorough' probe
[photo], H 7/17/86 p1+
Clergymen help police look for
fatal shooting witnesses, H
7/16/86 p6
Cops overreacted, declares
Burgess [photo], H 7/9/86 p1+
FBI enters Fuller case, H 7/29/86
Flyer decrying shooting, blasts
police actions, H 8/18/86 p1+
Focus should be on stupidity
[letter], H 7/15/86 p5
Fuller shooting report sent for
state review [photo], H
10/18/86 p1+
Inflammatory, disgraceful [edit], H
8/20/86 p4
Mother sues city cops in shooting
of her son, H 11/28/86 p1+
Neighbors talk about the
shooting, H 7/17/86 p1+
Police locate, question pair in
Fuller case, H 7/14/86 p1+
Police reports paint different
picture of Fuller, H 7/15/86
Probe bid withdrawn by Burgess,
H 7/10/86 p1+
Report due on shooting of Fuller,
H 12/26/86 p1+
Services held for Ralph Fuller, H
7/14/86 p6
January - December 1986
Fuller, Ralph Edward Jr.
Use of force outlined by policy, H
7/9/86 p20
Fuller, Robert A.
Fuller endorsed by panel, H
7/24/86 p37
Fuller takes oath to become a
judge, H 7/31/86 p11
Fuller tapped for judgeship
[photo], H 7/15/86 p11+
Fuller, Robert F.
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
Weston man, 75, takes own life
in parking lot, H 1/20/86 p6
Furgess, Bertram
Schieffelin, Anne, H 10/31/86 p55
Staff members named by council
[photo], H 10/31/86 p55
Furst, Austin Owen Jr.
Two local residents on U. S.
richest list, H 10/14/86 p9+
Fusco, Lois A.
Council appoints Westport
woman publicity director
[photo], H 4/16/86 p9
Future Shapes
Future Shapes opens first of six
salons [photo], H 7/22/86 p30
Gabrielle Thorp Realtors
Gabrielle Thorp merges: To
manage Realtech office
[photo], H 11/11/86 p19
Gabrys/Stark Interior Design
Design studio opening this week
in Westport [photo], H
5/12/86 p14
Gager, Charles W.
Volunteers efforts lauded by
YMCA Norwalk, H 1/25/86 p6
Galante, Andrea
Principal welcomes new staffer
[photo], H 10/20/86 p11
Galimi, Andy
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Gall, Galvin G.
Norwalker stays on to help
UConn president [photo], H
8/12/86 p26
Gallagher, David M.
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Gallaher Mansion-Norwalk
City making Gallaher mansion
available for parties,
meetings [photo], H 12/4/86
Gangi, Jay
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Garbacz, Greg
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Garbacz, Jane
LWV officials attend national
convention [photo], H 7/8/86
Garcia, Elio J.
Edgecomb to be Brookside
principal [photo], H 10/2/86
Garcia retiring as Brookside
principal, H 8/2/86 p11
Garcias moving toward new
directions in life: Former
principal retires [photo], H
8/12/86 p19
Garcia, Susan Randolph
Garcias moving toward new
directions in life: Takes
charge of language arts
department [photo], H
8/12/86 p19
Gardella, Louis N. "Skip"
Skip Gardella: Marina Maker
[photo], H 4/25/86 p49
Gardella, Thomas J.
Thomas J. Gardella, Rex Marine
president [photo], H 4/14/86
Garner, Yvette
Scholarship recipient [photo], H
8/28/86 p6
Garrity, David
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Gartner Group
Earnings, H 8/12/86 p38
Gas leakage
Evacuation is forced by propane,
H 5/27/86 p8
Gas dissipated by firefighters
[photo], H 7/1/86 p10
Gas leak empties eateries, H
8/30/86 p8
Leaking gas snarls traffic, H
6/30/86 p13
Police Blotter: Gas leak slows
area train service, H 5/12/86
Police Blotter: Gas odor shuts
community center, H 4/11/86
Small amount of toxic gas
released by blaze at plant, H
4/5/86 p1+
Gasoline prices
$1-gallon barrier broken by
dealers [photo], H 2/27/86
Gasoline stations. SEE
Gasoline-Storage tanks
Replacement of fuel tank is
approved, H 10/7/86 p11+
Gates, Frank
Norwalker wins it all [photo], H
9/30/86 p20
Gateway Bank
`Invest' brokerage service
available at Gateway Bank,
H 9/30/86 p19
A dozen at Gateway Bank make
news [photo], H 12/16/86
Gateway Bank plans regional
mortgage centers, H 4/15/86
Gateway consolidating its
national subsidiary, H
6/24/86 p22
Gateway net up 112%, H
10/28/86 p23
Gateway to issue dividend in
stock [photo], H 6/3/86 p25+
Inc. Lists Gateway Bank stock
among new-issue top
gainers, H 2/4/86 p17
Invest now at Gateway [photo], H
10/7/86 p21
Profit up 83 percent at Gateway
Bank, H 8/5/86 p23
Gaudio, Maxine F.
Director appointed by group
[photo], H 9/19/86 p32
Gawiser Associates Inc.
Consultants offer path to
computerization [photo], H
6/24/86 p17+
Gawiser, Dr. Sheldon R.
Consultants offer path to
computerization [photo], H
6/24/86 p17+
Gawiser, Eric
Gifted students earn honors, H
5/16/86 p14
Gay, Bridgett
Alleged dealer charged in death
by overdose, H 11/11/86 p1+
Bond is kept at $250,000 in OD
death, H 11/26/86 p9
Companion is charged in
woman's drug death, H
11/10/86 p1+
Judge sets high bond on drug
death suspect, H 11/15/86 p8
New arrest in Gay murder, H
11/14/86 p14
Gaydorus, Glenn
Gaydorus is champion at Oak
Hills course [photo], H 8/6/86
Gelderman, Peter V.
Gelderman joins Westport law
firm, H 4/5/86 p14
January - December 1986
Dunn journeying through history
[photo], H 4/5/86 p13+
Local history read in Byxbee
genealogy: Miss Liberty's
people [photo], H 6/26/86
General Electric Co.
GE is selling RCA records, H
9/10/86 p6
Strictly Business, H 5/6/86 p19+
General Electric Credit Corp.
$50,000 donated to Girl Scouts,
H 4/24/86 p13
General Putnam Inn. SEE
Genuario, Robert L.
Probate judge vacancy lures
GOP trio as Wednesday
convention approaches
[photo], H 7/14/86 p1+
Two bow out of race for probate
nod, H 7/17/86 p9
George Washington Carver
Carver chooses board, cites
volunteers, H 5/22/86 p8
Senior citizens invited to dinner
[photo], H 11/22/86 p20
George Washington Carver
Assessment of needs set by
foundation, H 8/6/86 p12
Gerarden, Faye
UB honors Norwalk couple
[photo], H 1/18/86 p16
Gerarden, Sheldon
UB honors Norwalk couple
[photo], H 1/18/86 p16
Gerould, Lesley
Farewell to community council
[photo], H 6/5/86 p21
`Demon' terrorizes Pa. family, H
8/22/86 p1+
Giannini, Rollo
Conservatives select Giannini to
fill vacant seat on council, H
8/7/86 p1
Gibbs, Elizabeth "Tish"
Collins, Gibbs favor ending aid to
Contras [photo p1], H
6/12/86 p33
Named to post [photo], H 3/8/86
Norwalk mayor to attend Central
America teach-in, H 5/1/86
Gibson, C. R. SEE C. R. GIBSON
Gibson, Connie
Caribbean north in a Norwalk
backyard: Creative
landscaping [photo], H
9/29/86 p19
Gifted children-Westport
Gifted students earn honors, H
5/16/86 p14
New programs urged for gifted
pupils, H 12/4/86 p17
Teachers pleased with gifted
program, H 12/9/86 p14
Gifted children-Wilton
Pupils film show on Halley's
Comet [photo], H 1/23/86 p13
Gilbertie, Al
Their flower shop keeps
Gilberties blooming [photo],
H 11/22/86 p25
Gilbertie, Anthony
Home/Town People [photo], H
7/15/86 p13
Gilbertie, Carmella
Home/Town People [photo], H
7/15/86 p13
Gilbertie, Elvier
Their flower shop keeps
Gilberties blooming [photo],
H 11/22/86 p25
Gill, Margaret S.
Battle of personalities in 142nd
may be a victim of numbers
game, H 11/1/86 p13
First selectman will seek GOP
nomination in 142nd district,
H 7/16/86 p41
Freedman to challenge Gill:
Fuchs to seek Belaga's seat,
H 6/21/86 p13+
Gill captures 142nd nomination,
H 7/18/86 p11+
Gill eager to go to Hartford:
142nd district race [photo], H
10/29/86 p37+
Gill leading Mullaney in campaign
donations, H 10/16/86 p15+
Gill to seek Senate seat [photo],
H 5/15/86 p15+
Gill, Mullaney engage in Route 7
discussion, H 10/10/86 p31+
Gill, Mullaney speak at forum
[photo], H 10/7/86 p11+
Mrs. Gill looking forward to
election day in November
[photo], H 9/10/86 p11+
Mullaney: Gill failed to file finance
record, H 9/17/86 p11+
Numbers may hold key to
outcome in GOP's 142nd
District primary, H 9/6/86
Party leaders query Gill, H 9/2/86
Redding helps Gill to victory
[photo], H 11/5/86 p41+
Route 7 issue tackled by Gill and
Mullaney [photo], H 10/27/86
Storm still an issue in Wilton, H
12/2/86 p1+
Wilton names Desmond to
replace Gill [photo], H
12/16/86 p1+
Ginsberg, Betsy
City woman paddling to sunny,
warm Miami [photo], H
9/10/86 p25
Ginsberg begins paddle to Miami,
H 9/3/86 p6
Ready for long trip [photo], H
8/29/86 p27
Girl Scout Council of
Southwestern Connecticut
$100,000 pledged to council, H
12/11/86 p15
$50,000 donated to Girl Scouts,
H 4/24/86 p13
Council appoints Westport
woman publicity director
[photo], H 4/16/86 p9
Girl Scout council honors
Norwalker, H 9/9/86 p10
Girl Scout drive hits halfway
mark, H 8/30/86 p14
Girl Scouts add members to the
board of directors, H 7/16/86
Girl Scouts open $1M drive
[photo], H 2/11/86 p16
Girl Scouts withdraw application,
H 6/5/86 p37+
Ground broken by Girl Scouts
[photo], H 9/12/86 p31
Neighbors upset by proposal for
new Girl Scout building, H
2/28/86 p41+
New building in Wilton sought by
Girl Scout Council, H 2/19/86
Norwalk girl `super seller' in
cookie sale, H 6/7/86 p11
P & Z rejects Girl Scout office
proposal: Plans for new bank
tabled, H 3/11/86 p9+
P & Z to act on request for office,
H 3/10/86 p9+
Scouts earn $50,000 pledge, H
6/30/86 p12
Scouts honored at dinner [photo],
H 5/17/86 p13
Scouts receive gift of furniture
[photo], H 2/5/86 p18
Scouts try new tack for move, H
4/21/86 p11+
Verrilli honored by girl scouts
[photo], H 10/2/86 p35+
Girl Scout Troop 205
Girl Scouts help to fix room at
Project Return, H 3/24/86 p14
January - December 1986
Girouard, Dorothy M.
State convention leader [photo],
H 5/5/86 p16
Glattstein, Judy
Judy welcomes back her wild
things: In a Wilton garden
[photo], H 5/12/86 p13+
Gleason, Brad
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Glen River CondominiumsWilton
Connector road is on agenda: In
Wilton, H 7/21/86 p9+
Southern connector takes shape,
H 7/8/86 p9+
Glendinning Associates Inc.
Glendinning adds 4 to staff, H
3/11/86 p20
Glyco Inc.
Strictly Business, H 2/11/86 p25
Glynn, James
Tinsmith turns back on
commuting [photo], H
5/29/86 p33+
Go-kart racing. SEE KARTING
Gockley, Olive P.
Council plans reception for Mrs.
Gockley [photo], H 4/4/86 p9+
Godfrey Rd.-Weston
Fire pond denial leaves
developer caught in middle,
H 11/10/86 p9
Godleski, Heidi Schreiner
Recognized as a hero [photo], H
5/13/86 p19
Volunteer is honored [photo], H
6/6/86 p6
Godshall, Susan
Council approves legal
department appointees, H
9/10/86 p14
Gold, Claire S.
Gold gives views on rule for
teachers, H 10/23/86 p14
Goldberg, Beverly
Goldberg joins commission, H
1/27/86 p12
Goldberg, Jennifer C.
2 area students on state council,
H 10/17/86 p28
2 Wilton students on advisory
council, H 9/27/86 p35+
Wilton student to be member of
new education study group,
H 3/13/86 p11+
Golden, Carolyn
Commendations presented
[photo], H 4/12/86 p13
Golf Digest/Tennis Inc.
Norwalkers retire [photo], H
6/3/86 p25
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Gaydorus is champion at Oak
Hills course [photo], H 8/6/86
Handicapped get golfing flags
[photo], H 4/23/86 p25
Marino shoots 82 in opening, H
6/24/86 p25
Norwalk foursome fires a 64 in
Oak/Lighthouse tourney
[photo], H 8/6/86 p24
Norwalker to play in Futures golf
event [photo], H 6/19/86 p23
Sports in Brief: Courvilles in
challenge cup matches, H
5/12/86 p22
Another Ben Hogan?, H 5/13/86
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Simsbury cops Chappa: Staples
ties for 7th [photo], H 6/6/86
Staples' duo picked, H 6/27/86
Young again!, H 8/22/86 p23
Gomez, Pedro
`No contest' is plea in case of
WS killing, H 9/6/86 p10
Jury selection begins in `World
Series' trial [photo], H 9/4/86
Gonczy, Ann
Westporter gives $1,800 to
Hospice [photo], H 8/27/86
Gonseski, Jennie
Time for remembrance [photo], H
11/10/86 p13
Good Shepherd House of
The needy find more than soup
at kitchen [photo], H 3/8/86
Goodman, Maurice
Piaget group benefits from
$1,000 grant, H 10/2/86 p10
Goodwin, Robert B.
Girl Scouts add members to the
board of directors, H 7/16/86
Gordon, Craig
Westporter says proper diet
helps drug abusers kick habit
[photo], H 12/13/86 p13+
Grace Baptist Church
Fashion extravaganza [photo], H
4/12/86 p17
Grace Baptist Jr. Hostesses
celebrate anniversary
Sunday [photo], H 5/12/86
Grace Baptist Jr. Hostesses
crown 1986-87 queen, king
[photo p17], H 10/27/86 p18
Jr. Hostess Club present
fashions at gala supper
[photo], H 4/3/86 p14
Jr. Hostesses are honored
[photo], H 5/24/86 p20
Jr. Hostesses, friends model
[photo], H 4/12/86 p17
Graded schools. SEE GRADING
Grading and marking (Students)Weston
Grading policy draws protests
from parents, H 12/9/86 p13+
Graham, Bruce Campbell
Cease and desist order sparks
ethics discussion in Town
Hall, H 5/9/86 p13
Town officials end probe on delay
for zoning order, H 5/15/86
Granata, Kathy
Ex-Alaskans get a culture shock
here [photo], H 10/20/86 p15
Granata, Michael
Ex-Alaskans get a culture shock
here [photo], H 10/20/86 p15
Grand list of taxable property.
Grand list-Norwalk
Audits add $18 million to city's
tax list, H 2/26/86 p1+
City ranks third in the state with
Grand List of $2.7 million, H
1/7/86 p1+
Norwalk grand list 3rd highest in
state, H 12/26/86 p1+
Grand list-Weston
84 new homes propel Weston's
grand list, H 3/5/86 p13
Town given extension on Grand
List, H 1/28/86 p9+
Grand list-Westport
Board files grand list, H 6/3/86
January - December 1986
Grand list-Westport (Continued)
Hauhuth reports town Grand List
to double in size, H 2/21/86
Westport Grand List doubles, H
2/28/86 p41
Grand list-Wilton
Grand List reviewed, H 3/19/86
Wilton list heavily residential, H
1/21/86 p9+
Wilton tax base to rise by 4
percent, H 2/28/86 p41
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day observance
held in 11 of city's
elementary schools [photo],
H 5/10/86 p11
Gray, Kevin
Westport actor stars in
Goodspeed's `Irma' [photo],
H 5/23/86 p15
Grayer, Evan
Grayer captures FCIAC [photo],
H 10/28/86 p15+
Greater Bridgeport Solid Waste
Westport to study interlocal
agreement, H 2/10/86 p9+
Greater Norwalk Boxing
Norwalkers win 7 bouts [photo], H
6/28/86 p25+
Greater Norwalk Chamber of
Area residents learn business
[photo], H 11/24/86 p21
C of C adds voice to city
agencies backing Route 7, H
9/24/86 p1+
Chamber holds holiday affair
[photo], H 12/10/86 p8
Chamber is 2nd in state as 95
join [photo], H 6/19/86 p36
Chamber names Lea Mintz
Businesswoman of the Year
[photo], H 4/18/86 p1+
Chamber offers insurance, H
12/4/86 p6
Chamber sending 3 to White
House talks [photo], H
7/24/86 p12
Chamber supplying economics
kits used for 9th grader
social studies [photo], H
10/9/86 p11
Dairy giant Stew Leonard reaps
accolades for business
contributions [photo], H
6/25/86 p1
Hundreds attend Employment
Fair [photo], H 5/1/86 p9
New chamber president chosen
[photo], H 3/8/86 p8
Pride in Norwalk awards
recognize achievements
[photo29], H 12/2/86 p30
Greater Norwalk Chamber of
Chamber concerned over zoning
rules, H 8/19/86 p18
Panels close on housing needs,
H 8/6/86 p10
Greater Norwalk Club
Three elected, H 3/5/86 p6
Greater Norwalk Community
Farewell to community council
[photo], H 6/5/86 p21
Forum on crack scheduled by
GNCC, H 10/1/86 p19
Guide offers house hunt help: It
doesn't provide housing, H
3/19/86 p9
Greater Norwalk Horsemen's
Area riders participate in GNHA's
hunter pace, H 10/24/86 p27
Greater Norwalk Housing
Guide offers house hunt help: It
doesn't provide housing, H
3/19/86 p9
Greater Norwalk Labor Council
Labor resumes bid to oust Coors
from festival, H 2/4/86 p1+
Green, John
Green joins Wilton firm [photo], H
1/3/86 p29
Green, Paula Mae
Two SoNo designers win
Gourmet award [photo], H
12/24/86 p17
Green, Tracy
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Greenbaum, Stuart
Center names New Yorker new
director [photo], H 3/14/86
New director is welcomed
[photo], H 3/3/86 p18
Greenberg, Syd
Sculptor and friends [photo], H
2/19/86 p32
Greenley Rd.-New Canaan
Judge ready to rule on kennel
injunction, H 12/17/86 p13+
Judge turns down injunction:
Sought by kennel neighbors,
H 12/23/86 p9+
Greens Farms Academy
Area delegates at model
congress: Students become
leaders [photo], H 1/11/86
Bike-a-thon helps Special
Olympics [photo], H 4/17/86
Class earns money to help family
[photo], H 11/29/86 p14
Cyclists raise money for camp
[photo], H 10/24/86 p26
New trustee joins board at
academy [photo], H 2/13/86
Private school's blood bank gives
Red Cross 55 units, H
5/19/86 p13
Pupils raise over $1,500 for
camp, H 11/25/86 p11
Students re-enact Civil War
Battle [photo], H 4/21/86 p11
Greens Farms Academy-Awards
Awards presented to pupils at
Greens Farms Academy, H
7/11/86 p12
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
Reagan's magnetism charmed
city scholar [photo], H
6/24/86 p7
Student gains national honor
[photo], H 5/19/86 p1+
Greens Farms Academy-Drama
On stage at Greens Farms
Academy [photo], H 4/24/86
Greens Farms Academy-Staff
Eleven new teachers welcomed
by Greens Farms Academy
faculty, H 10/15/86 p15
Greens Farms teacher given
science fellowship, H 5/19/86
Greens Farms Association
Residents express opposition to
duplex development plan
[photo], H 2/25/86 p13+
Greens Farms Congregational
Church marks its 275th year with
pageantry [photo], H 6/9/86
Church will its 275th anniversary
[photo], H 6/5/86 p37+
Old church to be dig's focal point,
H 4/14/86 p13
Greens Farms Elementary
Board grants funds for new
school roof, H 7/10/86 p13
Funding is approved for art
center roof, H 7/18/86 p11+
Tenants to work together on
Greens Farms Center, H
7/26/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Greens Farms Elementary
School (Continued)
Two art organizations to merge in
Westport, H 7/14/86 p13
Greens Farms Elementary
School-Maintenance and
Selectmen to consider repairs to
Greens Farms School roof, H
7/21/86 p9+
Greens Farms Garden Club
For state food bank [photo], H
5/7/86 p24
Greens Farms Rd.-Westport
Housing development plan
reviewed, H 9/10/86 p12
Gregor, Richard
Richard Gregor is honored, H
11/17/86 p19
Gregory & Clyburne
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p20
Highway Department files for
mediation in dispute, H
3/25/86 p11
Griffin, Culver
Farewell to Culver, H 3/29/86 p15
Griffith, Holly
Attorney seeking insanity
defense for suspect in
Norwalk arson case, H
12/3/86 p12
Evaluation of suspect is allowed,
H 12/10/86 p20
Grimshaw, Leita W.
Leita Grimshaw dies: Former
school teacher [photo], H
6/12/86 p6
Gross, Dr. Henry S.
Dr. Gross joins podiatry practice,
H 4/14/86 p35
Gross, Lew
Norwalker elected officer of
group [photo], H 5/28/86 p14
Group homes
Grants OKed for two homes, H
7/11/86 p14
Grumbly, William T.
William T. Grumbly dies: Explanning commissioner, H
10/23/86 p6
Gruss, Marvin I.
Gruss joins law firm [photo], H
3/15/86 p13+
Earnings, H 8/5/86 p25
GTE Realty Corp.
Is the honeymoon over for GTE,
neighbors?, H 12/4/86 p23
Guardians Association. SEE
Guckert, Linda J.
Two ad appointments revealed at
The Hour [photo], H 9/16/86
Guidera, Linda A.
Guidera overcomes Hutchinson
challenge, H 3/12/86 p9+
Guimond, Louis
Neighbors fighting tree farm, H
5/27/86 p14
Guman, Michael
Weston woman sues police
officer, H 7/23/86 p9+
All-FCIAC Gymnasts [photo], H
3/15/86 p26
Bitterness surfaces in Wilton over
bouncing of gym program, H
8/26/86 p11+
Granito, Wellman lead Wilton to
county title, H 2/10/86 p17+
Simsbury bests Wilton in state
girls' gymnastics [photo], H
3/8/86 p23+
Will Warriors do it again? The
answer is yes!, H 2/7/86 p23+
H & E Business Enterprises Inc.
Strictly Business, H 6/10/86 p25+
H. L. Jay Associates
Jay wins radio ad award [photo],
H 11/11/86 p19
Dorothy, Joel Blum Hadassah
honorees [photo], H 10/9/86
Hadassah Associates donate
cardiac unit [photo], H 1/6/86
Hadassah honors Purowitz
[photo], H 10/23/86 p27
Hadassah installing new
executive board, H 5/14/86
Hadassah slate [photo], H
5/22/86 p20
Hail Mary
100 protestors in attendance for
screenings of `Hail Mary'
[photo], H 3/1/86 p1+
Bishop joins movie protest
[photo], H 3/4/86 p1+
Boycott is planned for film
preview, H 2/22/86 p1+
Council requests canceling of
movie, H 2/26/86 p1+
Film's preview sparks debate, H
2/27/86 p1+
Film's showing spurs protests, H
2/7/86 p1+
Haith, Malcolm
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Local emigre joyous at return to
liberty [photo], H 2/8/86 p1+
Hale, Dr. William B.
Hale joins group in New Canaan,
H 8/4/86 p25
Halfway houses-Norwalk
Halfway House commended for
its success [photo], H
10/9/86 p1+
Hall, William Dewitt
Weekend cabaret [photo], H
3/22/86 p18
Hall-Brooke Foundation
Accreditation announced by HallBrooke, H 12/18/86 p15
Hall-Brooke doctor on research
team: To study cocaine
abusers, H 11/10/86 p35
Hall-Brooke official on board, H
10/11/86 p46
Halloween frivolity [photo], H
11/1/86 p13
Officials upset by confusion, H
10/28/86 p1+
Halper, Roe
Roe Halper creates a Haggadah
for today: Passover starts
April 23 [photo], H 3/24/86
Roe Halper's work selected by
Austin Jewish Committee
[photo], H 11/22/86 p18
Hamar, Rod
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
Hamilton Ave.-Norwalk
Split vote kills Hamilton Avenue
zone change, H 2/20/86 p10
Hamlette, Tami
2 suspended for 180 days for
NHS fight, H 3/12/86 p1+
Hammel, Dr. John
Health/Fitness: Localite on
Bridgeport staff [photo], H
8/25/86 p29
Hammond, Suzanne
Woman rescued in pond, H
12/31/86 p1+
Handicapped children
Blind teen-ager helping children
learn English, H 7/28/86 p13+
New program planned for
handicapped pupils, H 1/2/86
Reading now pleasure for
disabled kids, H 6/12/86 p38
Handicapped people
Caution urged in vicinity of
handicapped parking, H
1/27/86 p11+
January - December 1986
Handicapped people (Continued)
Handicapped still barred from
many meetings, H 10/1/86
Hearing's location criticized, H
2/5/86 p7
Huminski a winner despite
disease [photo], H 2/15/86
New ramps in place at City Hall,
Annex, H 8/5/86 p18
Puppets teach about
handicapped [photo], H
1/22/86 p35
Handicapped get golfing flags
[photo], H 4/23/86 p25
Motivation is key to `I can do it
too, Inc.' [photo], H 11/18/86
New van makes travel easier for
the elderly and handicapped
[photo], H 9/10/86 p13
Hankin, Joanne
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
Hanks, John
Troop honors scoutmaster
[photo], H 4/9/86 p11
Hanley, James R.
Changes announced on Hour
news desk [photo], H 7/28/86
Hanley, Joseph P.
Group to review re-establishing
committees, H 1/22/86 p12
New school board leader faces
sex ed issue again [photo], H
1/8/86 p1+
Hansen, Audrey
Hansen joins Senate race
[photo], H 6/25/86 p41+
Hanson, Walter E.
Hanson planning retirement, H
10/16/86 p12
Police Blotter: Local worker
harassed by trio, H 5/2/86 p8
Harbinger Group Inc.
Strictly Business, H 12/16/86
Harbor View-Norwalk
Harbor View continues July 4
observances, H 7/3/86 p8
Collins seeks public hearing on
mooring, H 12/22/86 p8
Cracked sewer line found [photo],
H 9/6/86 p1+
DEP tabs funding for harbor
planning, H 5/23/86 p1+
Four bid on marina, H 1/15/86 p7
Harbor Center discussion held
[photo], H 5/2/86 p46
Local contractor is recommended
to build $2.6 million harbor
center, H 2/15/86 p1+
Mayor seeking public hearing: On
mooring proposal, H
10/30/86 p11
McKinney joins fight against
buoy, H 10/24/86 p14
Norwalk faces $10,000 fine for
pump test, H 9/12/86 p1+
River test cost set at $10,000, H
9/17/86 p1+
Harbour, Mr. & Mrs. Don J.
Observe 40th [photo], H 9/20/86
Harper, Dr. Edith
Easter event to feature special
touch of artist [photo], H
2/7/86 p9+
Harriet St.-Norwalk
Fire damages Harriet Street
home [photo], H 7/18/86 p1+
Harris, Marguerite Tjader
Marguerite T. Harris dies: Author,
Dreiser secretary, H 4/10/86
Hartigan, Dave
Sportsmen to honor trio [photo],
H 6/6/86 p35
Hartog, Gary G.
Hartog succeeds Froelich as
Rowayton chief [photo], H
8/20/86 p11
Hartzer, Linda Laufer
Norwalker to be principal of
Greenwich school [photo], H
8/12/86 p18
Harvey, George B.
Harvey, Pitney-Bowes chief,
receives human relations
award, H 11/4/86 p14
Haskell, Rob
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Haskell, Susan
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/3/86 p15+
Hat Corporation of America
Woman recalls hatters in a new
video history [photo], H
9/11/86 p1+
Hatch and Bailey Lumber Co.
Hatch and Bailey asks more for
lot, H 12/27/86 p1+
Hatch and Bailey moving
business to site of Hain
Brother's facility [photo], H
12/4/86 p20
Local firm plans move, H 7/3/86
Hauhuth, Kris
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Hauhuth, Martha S.
Cease and desist order sparks
ethics discussion in Town
Hall, H 5/9/86 p13
Hauhuth at home as host of talk
show, H 2/8/86 p13+
Hauhuth attends hazardous
material session, H 6/11/86
Hauhuth is at home in Westport
Town Hall: After first year in
office [photo], H 11/24/86
Hauhuth opposes weigh stations,
H 6/5/86 p37+
Hauhuth seeks to have Westport
rejoin CCM, H 1/3/86 p29
Hauhuth supports preservation of
former furniture store, H
4/18/86 p9
Hauhuth's appointment urged, H
1/8/86 p9
Hauhuth: $1.3 million is too
much, H 5/15/86 p15+
Officials delay RTM review of
MCA open space proposal,
H 7/29/86 p7
Officials' convention viewpoints
differ, H 12/5/86 p1+
Selectman feels substation query
has been resolved, H 7/18/86
Selectman wants to see historic
building saved, H 6/28/86 p13
Haunted houses. SEE ALSO
Ghost's story recounted by
Weston resident [photo], H
11/1/86 p13+
Havoc, June
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/11/86 p13, H 12/16/86 p21+
June Havoc evening is
scholarship benefit [photo], H
8/15/86 p13
June Havoc, Collins
Development cited for roles
in area tourism [photo], H
5/21/86 p6
Haworth, Maria
Maria Haworth [photo], H 8/4/86
Hay Day
New from Hay Day: Get it while
it's fresh, fresh [photo], H
12/17/86 p36
Haynes, Frederick
Student pays back benefactor
[photo], H 9/4/86 p1+
Haynie, Troy
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
January - December 1986
Haynie, Troy (Continued)
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Haywood, Wayne Patrick
Wayne Haywood, USAF airman,
dies in accident, H 10/16/86
Hazardous substances-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Nitrous oxide
found, H 5/2/86 p8
Hazardous wastes-CollectionNorwalk
City first to plan day for residents
to rid home of hazardous
materials, H 11/19/86 p12
Hazardous wastes-CollectionWeston
Residents make day a success
[photo], H 10/13/86 p11+
Selectmen approve funds for
hazardous waste day, H
9/24/86 p38
Hazardous wastes-Fairfield
Toxic waste problem worrying
area officials [photo], H
4/9/86 p11+
Head Start-Norwalk
Children get jump on learning
through Head Start program
[photo], H 8/12/86 p15
Funds for Head Start sought by
city officials, H 12/4/86 p20
Head Start honors parent
volunteers [photo], H 6/6/86
Head Start marking twenty-first
year here, H 3/8/86 p6
Orloff assumes new position as
coordinator of Head Start, H
9/9/86 p9
Head, Benjamin
1st infant heads list of babies in
city [photo], H 1/2/86 p1+
Health education-Norwalk
Committee to study changes in
health education program, H
6/2/86 p14
Healy, John V.
Resident wins fight on taxes, H
2/19/86 p13+
Hearn, Diane E.
Hearn named to position at Silver
Hill [photo], H 9/15/86 p34
Heart transplantation. SEE
Heart transplant patient's widow
thankful for community's
support, H 12/18/86 p24
Local man recovering from
transplant [photo], H 9/25/86
Transplant patient is well rested,
H 7/17/86 p1+
Heckart, Eileen
`Pack of Lies' suffers from the
truth: At Westport Playhouse
[photo], H 7/30/86 p34
Learned, Heckart star in WCP
`Pack of Lies' [photo], H
7/25/86 p17
Hedley, Gerald L.
In the Service, H 8/15/86 p6
Hefferan, Harry H.
Hefferan named, H 3/29/86 p6
Heidemann, Eric
Pupil wins national award [photo],
H 5/30/86 p29
Heigl, Jason
Teen charged in fatal crash, H
10/21/86 p13
Teen requests youth status in
homicide case, H 10/28/86
Teen-ager succumbs to injuries,
H 10/1/86 p9
Heine, Leonard Jr.
Weston resident planning to start
weekly newspaper, H 9/11/86
Heizelman, Carol
Teacher's resignation tempers
job training graduation night,
H 11/7/86 p13
Town asked to draft helicopter
ordinance, H 12/10/86 p15+
Heller, Arthur M.
Caldor post of senior V. P. goes
to Heller of Norwalk [photo],
H 3/18/86 p25
Hellerman, Nina
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
p28, H 12/8/86 p31
Hempstead, Douglas
Councilman wants vote in
mayoral appointment, H
3/10/86 p11
Hempstead to head Indy party, H
2/28/86 p12
Henry, James
Weston resident battles with CL
& P over electrical service
[photo], H 9/27/86 p35+
Heritage Museum-Wilton
Opening day nears for museum
exhibit [photo], H 2/21/86 p23
Refurbished museum draws
crowd of Wilton residents
[photo], H 3/3/86 p9+
Heritage Wall
`Norwauke shall bee a towne' English Heritage plaque
[photo], H 6/16/86 p7
Blacks' deeds cited [photo], H
3/3/86 p18
Chinese plan plaque for Heritage
Wall, H 9/27/86 p8
Chinese proud of heritage
[photo], H 9/29/86 p1+
Chinese to add plaque to wall on
Sept. 28, H 8/14/86 p6
English add plaque to Heritage
Wall, H 6/14/86 p8
Irish flag hoisted at Heritage Wall
[photo], H 3/18/86 p6
Key ties city to Beijing [photo], H
10/3/86 p11
Portuguese unveil their plaque,
the 14th on city's Heritage
Wall [photo], H 4/14/86 p1+
Wall may receive new plaque, H
1/25/86 p6
Hernandez, Mr. & Mrs. Arcesio
50th anniversary celebrated
[photo], H 12/29/86 p13
Golden anniversary [photo], H
12/20/86 p20
`Heroes' surprise students
[photo], H 6/10/86 p9
Herold, Kristen
Scholars honored by foundation
[photo], H 5/23/86 p9
Herot, Louise
Herot wants meeting with GOP
on first selectman to be
open, H 11/13/86 p13+
Hersom, Walt
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Hewitt Associates
Rowayton resident appealing
Hewitt decision, H 8/13/86
Hickory Bluff Shorefront Club
Investors' response provides
mortgage for Bluff purchase
[photo], H 7/21/86 p11
Pact signed for Bluff property, H
6/30/86 p9
Hickory Bluff Store and Marina
111 yacht club members buy
Hickory Bluff store, marina
[photo], H 10/3/86 p9
Big crowd debates purchase of
store, H 1/16/86 p1+
Buy Hickory Bluff, flyers urge:
Vote on Thursday, H 1/15/86
District voters to decide on
purchase of store, H 1/11/86
January - December 1986
Hickory Bluff Store and Marina
Group urges rejection of Bluff
buy, H 1/13/86 p1+
Hickory Bluff purchase plan
turned down by
Rowaytonites [photo], H
1/17/86 p1+
Yacht club contract on horizon, H
4/30/86 p21
Hicks & Otis Co.
Complaints about noise and
fumes are reiterated [photo],
H 9/5/86 p9
Factory is probed for fumes, H
5/27/86 p1+
Hicks & Otis odor ruled safe, fan
decibels still unchecked, H
6/24/86 p10
Meeting planned to air concerns
over factory, H 8/13/86 p11
Noise emanating from plant
exceeds city limits, H 7/23/86
Noise shield being designed for
Hicks & Otis, H 9/19/86 p11
Hicks, Salodius Z. Jr.
Chesebrough-Pond's payment
reduced, H 2/25/86 p14
High school graduates-Westport
Staples graduates continue
education, H 12/19/86 p29
High school principals-Norwalk
Canfield resigns as CCHS
principal [photo], H 8/1/86 p6
CCHS continues searching for
school's sixth new principal
[photo], H 8/12/86 p17
Decisionon pact received, H
12/10/86 p1+
Dr. Forcellina named to CASS
post [photo], H 6/13/86 p31
Fr. Thorne is named Central
Catholic principal, H 9/2/86
Principal welcomes new staffer
[photo], H 10/20/86 p11
High school principals-Weston
Weston principal pleased with
scheduling program, H
4/29/86 p10
High school students-Norwalk
City schools graduate sub-par
students, H 3/26/86 p1+
High school students-Wilton
Night school called a success:
Students praise program, H
9/26/86 p9
High schools-Norwalk
Aldrich plan: Combine city high
schools, H 11/12/86 p1+
High school proposal, H 11/18/86
School plan meets with
opposition, H 11/13/86 p1+
High Schools-Rankings
Staples labelled `outstanding' in
assessment by magazine, H
5/24/86 p15+
Highland Ave.-Norwalk
Collins says avenue won't be
widened, H 3/4/86 p9
Rowayton residents oppose
widening of road, H 2/5/86 p7
Sixth District will request
Highland Avenue
resurfacing, H 5/15/86 p1+
Thanks, mayor [letter], H 2/21/86
Highland Ave.-Rowayton
Collins says avenue won't be
widened, H 3/4/86 p9
Highland Group
Strictly Business, H 11/25/86
Hijacking of aircraft
Norwalk woman safe after
escaping plane, H 9/6/86 p1+
Hill, Sunny
Here comes Oliver!, H 2/4/86 p13
Hill increases lead, H 1/27/86 p23
Hill keeps her lead, H 2/10/86
Hill's 15.0 is first, H 1/3/86 p19+
NHS junior leads city hoop
scoring [photo], H 3/11/86
Norwalk's Hill continues to top
field: City HS basketball
scoring, H 1/13/86 p17
Hiller, Timothy
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Hillspoint Rd. Bridge-Westport
Crew snaps gas line, halting
cars, trains [photo p1], H
8/8/86 p6
DOT to repair Hillspoint Road
bridge, H 4/4/86 p10
DOT work is continuing on
Hillspoint bridge repair, H
7/18/86 p11+
Progress being made on bridge
replacement, H 7/26/86 p13+
Hillspoint School
Hillspoint lease tops selectmen's
agenda, H 12/9/86 p13+
Selectmen OK lease of school, H
12/10/86 p15+
Hinds, Sydney
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Hines, Teresa
Be it dancing or driving,
Westonite ran in high gear
[photo], H 1/25/86 p13+
Hinkle, Judith L.
Hinkle to judge, H 8/21/86 p15
Anniversary brings peace plea:
41 years after Hiroshima
[photo], H 8/6/86 p33+
Peace groups will observe 41st
anniversary of bombing, H
8/4/86 p9
Remembering the first bomb
[photo], H 8/4/86 p1+
Hirschorn, Joel
Home/Town People [photo], H
5/6/86 p16
Hiscock, John M.
Hiscock succeeds retired
Honnessy, H 4/15/86 p21
Hispanic students
Hispanics continue educations, H
5/14/86 p6
Historic buildings. SEE ALSO
Historic buildings-New Canaan
Architect's glass house given to
historic trust, H 12/27/86
Historic buildings-Norwalk
Historic buildings plan OK'd, H
4/2/86 p10
Twin City Building facelift first
step in redevelopment
[photo], H 9/12/86 p9
Historic buildings-Weston
Ghost's story recounted by
Weston resident [photo], H
11/1/86 p13+
Owner to move house to conform
to zoning, H 2/28/86 p41+
ZBA rules against Toll House
addition, H 2/26/86 p11
Historic buildings-Westport
Commission weighs incentives to
preserve historic buildings
[photo], H 11/25/86 p9+
Committee salutes town's oldest
house [photo], H 3/31/86 p11
Historic building survey grant
sought, H 6/10/86 p34
History buffs try to save old
farmhouse, H 12/9/86 p13+
Officials believe ordinance will
help save old buildings, H
4/4/86 p9+
Officials hope to initiate drive to
save old buildings, H 2/3/86
Old buildings to be surveyed:
Westport given state grant, H
4/8/86 p15
Plan drafted to save old
buildings, H 1/23/86 p13
Westport urged to preserve
historic buildings, H 12/10/86
January - December 1986
Historic buildings-Westport
ZBA to decide fate of old house,
H 12/8/86 p17
Historic buildings-Wilton
P & Z permits conversion of old
house, H 1/28/86 p9+
P & Z studies plan to save old
house, H 1/23/86 p13+
Wilton P & Z to hear plan to
convert old house, H 9/4/86
Historic districts-Georgetown
Historic district considered:
Georgetown being studied, H
3/6/86 p13+
Historic districts-Weston
Speck backs historic district vote,
H 1/4/86 p11+
Zoning order upheld on Weston
landmark, H 1/29/86 p11+
Historic districts-Wilton
Historic district considered:
Georgetown being studied, H
3/6/86 p13+
Hit-and-run drivers-Darien
Police Blotter: Police seek hitand-run car, H 12/6/86 p8
Hit-and-run drivers-Norwalk
City man sentenced to prison by
judge in hit-and-run case, H
12/10/86 p22
Resident plea avoids trial in hitrun death, H 10/10/86 p10
Hit-and-run drivers-Westport
Police Blotter: Hit and run
reported, H 10/18/86 p8
Police seek driver in hit/run
accident, H 6/2/86 p9
Hitt, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Celebrate 50th anniversary
[photo], H 4/26/86 p17
HJR Enterprises Inc.
Officials to scrutinize wares sold
by vendor, H 5/17/86 p13+
Hlavaty, Jodi
Winning exhibits [photo], H 5/8/86
Hoar, Eleanore
Author says women make better
spies: New Canaan tutor
agrees [photo], H 6/16/86 p9
Hoerres, Wanda
Home/Town People, H 2/25/86 p9
Hoets, Pieter J.
Local man searches for Marcos'
millions [photo], H 8/30/86
Hoffman, Betsy LeBlond
Bank school graduates 2 at
Merchants [photo], H 9/9/86
Hoffman, David M.
Weston man earns $6,250 for
puzzle-solving skills, H
3/31/86 p11+
Hogan, James Wallace
Mortarboard traded for fire
helmet [photo], H 7/2/86 p37
Hogoboom, David G.
Flax Hill Road house being used
in making of film for TV this
fall [photo], H 5/16/86 p1+
Holdsworth, Diana [Steer]
Autographing party for Diana
Holdsworth [photo], H
12/29/86 p11
Holland, Maribeth
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Holland, R. William
Appointment outrages pastors
[photo], H 9/13/86 p1+
Holland named to police panel, H
9/8/86 p1+
Hollyhock Ln.-Wilton
Hollyhock Road office buildings
approved by P & Z, H
4/29/86 p9+
Office building proposed for
Hollyhock Lane, H 4/22/86
Wilton P & Z will consider office
building proposals, H 4/28/86
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Holocaust victims remembered
[photo], H 5/7/86 p9
Home Magazine
National magazine features
Schempp-built solar house
[photo], H 1/21/86 p21
Homeless adults. SEE
Homeless persons. SEE ALSO
City policy eyed for homeless, H
1/23/86 p1+
Town action prevents donation
for the homeless, H 3/14/86
Homeless persons-Norwalk
Four city organizations share
$30,586 in funds for
homeless, H 12/12/86 p1+
Need rises for shelter in Norwalk,
H 2/1/86 p1+
Problems of the homeless still
with us, H 6/26/86 p9
Attention to Honduras is called
overreaction [photo], H
4/12/86 p1+
Honey Hill Rd.-Wilton
Selectmen: P & Z requires added
data on tower plan, H
11/18/86 p27+
Honey, Dr. John C.
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86 p17
Honnessy, John J.
Hiscock succeeds retired
Honnessy, H 4/15/86 p21
Honor Roll-Veterans. SEE
Hopson, Alex T. Jr.
Former employee is suing the
city, H 10/30/86 p10
Horizons Program. SEE NEW
Horkel, Dr. John D.
Executive director named at
Westport Nature Center
[photo], H 1/23/86 p13
Horne, Rev. Edward C.
Rev. Horne is leaving Norwalk for
New York post [photo], H
3/8/86 p7
Horrible Secret
`Horrible Secret' airs tonight on
NBC, H 10/27/86 p12
Westport's Burr-Lenehan leads
world cup, H 4/12/86 p21
Winning form [photo], H 9/24/86
Wilton rider has championship
plans [photo], H 2/7/86 p9+
And everywhere there were
horses [photo], H 9/15/86 p9
Area riders participate in GNHA's
hunter pace, H 10/24/86 p27
Investment banker turns to
racetrack, H 9/27/86 p36
Riders compete in gymkhana, H
3/18/86 p16
Carriaging is a pleasure for city
man [photo], H 3/15/86 p1+
Horses-Shows-New Canaan
Riders competer at New Canaan
show [photo], H 11/6/86 p17
Horseshoe Rd.-Wilton
Citizens uneasy about connector,
H 7/9/86 p35+
Condo construction leaves
neighbors unhappy in Wilton,
H 1/13/86 p9+
Court rejects connector order, H
4/16/86 p9+
Date is set for hearing on 10
trees, H 9/4/86 p33+
Southern connector takes shape,
H 7/8/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Hotchner, A. E.
Newman, Hotchner buy
campsite: Architect and
others to donate services
[photo], H 10/14/86 p13+
Hyatt Regency-Greenwich holds
Grand Opening [photo], H
12/4/86 p37
Marriott unveils plans for new
147-room hotel, H 5/16/86
New hotel is launched in
Stamford [photo], H 9/16/86
Businessmen come to aid of
carrier [photo], H 3/1/86 p1+
Changes announced on Hour
news desk [photo], H 7/28/86
Changes are announced on Hour
reporting staff [photo], H
8/26/86 p10
Hour elevates Frazier and widens
his scope [photo], H 2/25/86
Injury sidelines Coneybear, H
8/26/86 p10
News carrier presented with 2nd
new bicycle [photo], H
3/13/86 p16
Newspaper route is a family
tradition [photo], H 11/6/86
Norwalker named assistant editor
[photo], H 7/2/86 p11
Norwalkers open hearts to news
carrier, H 3/8/86 p1+
Two ad appointments revealed at
The Hour [photo], H 9/16/86
Will Watson is named Hour
managing editor [photo], H
5/27/86 p6
Wilton retains Hour-Bulletin
tennis laurels [photo], H
10/3/86 p24
Housing. SEE ALSO
Housing violations-Norwalk
2 city landlords placed on
probation, H 1/3/86 p1+
Housing-Fairfield County
Area's affordable housing
problem to be focus of
SWRPA workshop, H 9/9/86
Conference to study area
housing crunch, H 1/14/86
Housing ills said to be local
burden, H 1/22/86 p1+
Realtors: County homes sold for
18 percent more during '85,
H 4/19/86 p1+
Regional committee set up to
confront housing lack, H
5/21/86 p1+
170 housing units approved by P
& Z committee, H 4/18/86 p19
27 tenants to return to sue their
landlord, H 10/20/86 p11
4 South Norwalk houses
renovated, H 4/8/86 p17
550 seek assistance to find
housing, H 2/18/86 p1+
Agencies in city work to preserve
low-income units [photo], H
1/28/86 p30
Agency to consider parcel for 8
units, H 9/22/86 p10
Appeal filed over Keeler Avenue
housing plan, H 10/15/86 p9
Application filed for multi-family
units, H 5/29/86 p30
Area lauds housing OK as a
`miracle', H 6/5/86 p1+
Blacks call for more housing they
can afford, H 4/18/86 p1+
Carver residents concerned
about conversion, H 2/26/86
Ceremony initiates housing, H
11/6/86 p1+
City gets fund boosts toward
neighborhood rehabilitations,
H 6/19/86 p11
City officials dispute claims that
`home' cannot find residents,
H 2/5/86 p1+
Clergy panel to seek housing for
minorities, H 3/5/86 p12
Committee backs extension:
Chapel Street project, H
4/11/86 p10
Common Council agrees to sell
Briggs site for rental housing
[photo], H 8/27/86 p1+
Contract snag puts housing
project in jeopardy, H 5/8/86
Council approves Briggs rental
housing, H 2/12/86 p1+
Council OKs housing suit
settlement [photo], H 5/14/86
Council tables motion to sell
Briggs parcel, H 8/13/86 p1+
Developer planning payments to
tenants who must relocate, H
5/23/86 p1+
Developer: P & Z proposal
`scary', H 11/8/86 p1+
Flying squad at war with
`slumlords', H 3/14/86 p1+
Housing agency given $27,000:
Banks, businesses donate, H
1/15/86 p7
Housing decree sparks release of
HUD funds, H 11/1/86 p1+
Housing losses in city hurt
Burgess, H 1/28/86 p31
Housing plea met: 27 given
homes, H 1/2/86 p1+
Housing project delayed?, H
11/11/86 p1+
Housing project gets green light,
H 2/6/86 p16
Housing proposal may displace
tenants, H 10/14/86 p16
Housing units go for hearing, H
6/13/86 p11
Hundreds wait on line to apply for
rent relief [photo], H 2/5/86
Keeler Avenue housing step
closer to reality, H 6/11/86
Linkage to gain housing
considered, H 4/1/86 p1+
Long-planned housing project is
moving nearer to fruition, H
6/6/86 p1+
NAACP, city eye agreement, H
2/28/86 p1+
NEON may build long-term
housing for homeless, H
12/11/86 p1+
P & Z OKs Wood-Burbank sale:
Elderly housing site backed,
H 3/22/86 p6
Panel backs SoNo land for
housing sites, H 10/3/86 p1+
Panel endorses loan of $316,215
for senior homes, H 3/6/86
Panel moves to expedite two
projects, H 2/7/86 p1+
Panel tables land sale for
housing units, H 8/1/86 p1+
Panel works out housing plan, H
8/8/86 p1+
Panels close on housing needs,
H 8/6/86 p10
Plan aims to aid poor
homeowners, H 11/18/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Housing-Norwalk (Continued)
Prelate said powerless to halt
home's closing, H 3/18/86
Rules more lenient for extra
quarters, H 11/6/86 p1+
Sale of land to ease city housing
crisis?, H 10/14/86 p1+
Site given OK for housing, H
1/24/86 p6
Site plan for housing is
submitted, H 5/20/86 p1+
Uses for extra money OK'd, H
8/7/86 p25
Zoning case arguments heard:
Neighbors oppose
apartments, H 2/19/86 p10
Housing-South Norwalk
4 South Norwalk houses
renovated, H 4/8/86 p17
Housing losses in city hurt
Burgess, H 1/28/86 p31
Moderate-income housing set for
SoNo, H 1/23/86 p8
Crackdown on permits to
continue, H 3/27/86 p13+
Demand for apartments rises
with increasing cost of
homes, H 3/29/86 p13+
Need for housing emphasized:
Officials review Town Plan, H
1/13/86 p9+
Weston housing policy is
proposed, H 2/22/86 p13
Alternative housing plan is
scrutinized, H 10/8/86 p23+
Commission uneasy about
housing plan, H 9/26/86 p9+
Hauhuth supports use of homes
as shelters, H 4/22/86 p11+
Official criticizes P & Z plan, H
1/17/86 p9+
P & Z approval sought for
downtown project, H 2/13/86
Panel appointed to study school,
H 2/27/86 p35+
Residents oppose plan to build
12 duplexes, H 1/16/86 p35
Westport urged to plan for the
future [photo], H 4/7/86 p13+
Westport's Imperial Trailer Park
is one of a kind in state
[photo], H 3/17/86 p11
Westporter debate housing
issues at hearing, H 10/29/86
Development plans worry Skunk
Lane residents, H 9/23/86
Houses proposed for site, H
9/16/86 p35+
Housing not keeping pace with
demand, H 1/2/86 p29+
Howard, Amanda
Scholarship is awarded to
Howard, H 7/3/86 p11
Howe Furniture Corp.
From Howe brochure [photo], H
9/2/86 p28
Strictly Business, H 6/3/86 p26, H
7/15/86 p31
Hoyt, Christina
Local teachers enjoy summer's
experience [photo], H
8/28/86 p15
Hoyt, Raymond
Local teachers enjoy summer's
experience [photo], H
8/28/86 p15
Hubbell, W. Irving
Volunteers efforts lauded by
YMCA Norwalk, H 1/25/86 p6
Hudgins, Barbara
Nicaragua to be topic of program
[photo], H 12/10/86 p17
Remembering the first bomb
[photo], H 8/4/86 p1+
Returning from Nicaragua trip,
Norwalker questions U. S.
role [photo], H 8/23/86 p7
Human Resources Associates.
Human Resources Inc.
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p14
Huminski, John
Huminski a winner despite
disease [photo], H 2/15/86
Hungarian Committee of
Norwalk & Vicinity
Hungarian rites re-dedicate
Freedom Fighters' Memorial,
H 10/27/86 p1+
Hungarian Reformed Church
Church to see changes [photo], H
6/28/86 p37
Hungaski, Mr. & Mrs. Steven
Wed 60 years [photo], H 5/31/86
Study states area hunger a
growing ill, H 1/9/86 p1+
Hunt, Eileen
Organist leaving [photo], H
3/22/86 p35
Hunter, Tim
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Hunters shooting geese upset
park visitors [photo], H
11/28/86 p1+
Hurlbutt Elementary School
Budget cut may shut Weston
school wing, H 1/15/86 p9+
Chief admires winning posters
[photo], H 12/16/86 p17
Parents call closing of East
House `irresponsible', H
1/22/86 p35+
Parents in Weston to oppose
proposal to close school
wing, H 1/17/86 p9+
Schools nominated for honor, H
2/10/86 p9
Hurlbutt Elementary SchoolMaintenance and repair
Generator approved, H 1/10/86
Hurlbutt Elementary School-Staff
Weston teacher to be honored by
state commissioner, H
5/29/86 p33+
Hurricane Gloria
Board approves hurricane repair
funds, H 9/4/86 p34
Gift presented to linemen [photo],
H 3/6/86 p13
Storm rebate is approved for the
city, H 2/27/86 p1+
Weston receives $13,555 for
damage from hurricane, H
3/31/86 p12
Westport ws ready for storm:
Officials prepared to act, H
8/19/86 p29+
Hustus, Hunter
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Hutchinson, Susan
Guidera overcomes Hutchinson
challenge, H 3/12/86 p9+
Hutfilz, Deborah
Senior at WHS wins scholarship,
H 5/24/86 p16
Hyatt Regency-Greenwich
Hyatt Regency-Greenwich holds
Grand Opening [photo], H
12/4/86 p37
Hydraulic Co.
Dividends, H 7/1/86 p29, H
12/2/86 p32
Hyers/Smith Inc.
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p20
Heart/hypertension Act to be
reviewed, H 9/26/86 p9
Leaders examine hypertension
act, H 9/19/86 p13+
I Can Do It Too, Inc.
Huminski a winner despite
disease [photo], H 2/15/86
January - December 1986
I Can Do It Too, Inc. (Continued)
Motivation is key to `I can do it
too, Inc.' [photo], H 11/18/86
IBM Corp.
IBM sponsoring career program,
H 2/14/86 p6
Ice hockey-Darien
How do you beat Darien?
McMahon's streak reaches
15, H 1/7/86 p11
Ice hockey-Norwalk
BMHS' English closes in on
Welch, H 1/21/86 p17+
BMHS' English fifth on all-time
city list, H 1/14/86 p17
Can BMHS stop Hyatt? Can
Wilton stop English?, H
2/21/86 p19+
English dominates [photo], H
3/6/86 p21+
English scores 4: BMHS rips
NHS [photo], H 1/17/86 p23+
English, Hermann named AllFCIAC [photo], H 3/19/86
English: An artist on ice [photo],
H 2/14/86 p31+
How do you beat Darien?
McMahon's streak reaches
15, H 1/7/86 p11
No shortage of optimism in new
year [photo], H 12/11/86 p41+
Norwalk won't forget McMahon's
English, H 2/13/86 p25+
Seitz is going to Yale [photo], H
7/25/86 p25
Senators clinch berth, H 2/18/86
State champs [photo], H 3/18/86
Ice hockey-Wilton
Can BMHS stop Hyatt? Can
Wilton stop English?, H
2/21/86 p19+
English, Hermann named AllFCIAC [photo], H 3/19/86
Hyatt, Voros, Helmig lead Wilton
to victory, H 3/5/86 p15+
Wilton gets another shot at
Tigers, H 2/24/86 p19+
Ice skating rinks. SEE SKATING
Ice skating-Norwalk
Loss of Crystal Ice Rink creating
major headaches, H 8/2/86
Illegal dumping-Weston
Police Blotter: Used tires are
dumped in park, H 6/26/86 p8
IMAGES-Sculptural Concepts
Sculpture gallery opening in
historic SoNo district [photo],
H 4/21/86 p14
SoNo firm finds a 7-foot bronze
as reflection for office
building [photo], H 9/23/86
Imbruce, Dr. Richard
Westporter visits O'Neill [photo],
H 12/22/86 p50
Imhof, Blanche
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
Additional charges are filed in
immigration fraud probe, H
5/28/86 p1+
Imperial Ave.-Westport
Intersection work approved:
Selectmen vote on
agreement, H 7/9/86 p35
Officials study traffic problems, H
3/19/86 p13+
RTM to consider agreement for
intersection improvement, H
3/31/86 p11+
Imperial Bridge Associates Inc.
P & Z Commission turns down
Imperial Bridge subdivision,
H 7/17/86 p13+
Subdivision developer suing
residents, H 8/28/86 p13+
Weston P & Z sued by developer,
H 8/13/86 p9+
Imperial Trailer Park-Westport
Westport's Imperial Trailer Park
is one of a kind in state
[photo], H 3/17/86 p11
Improved Order of Redmen
Redmen honor veteran member
[photo], H 11/1/86 p19
Imri, Ernie
Norwalk Old Timers pick Imri,
Belinsky [photo], H 10/15/86
Incendiary bombs
Bond reduced for suspect in
bombing, H 9/24/86 p6
Firebombs tossed at local home,
H 9/22/86 p1+
Local police question firebomb
`target', H 12/1/86 p8
Indecent exposure-Darien
Police Blotter: Man allegedly
jumps on car, H 12/17/86 p8
Indecent exposure-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Flasher flees shoe
store, H 1/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Indecent
exposure, H 11/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Indecent exposure
reported, H 6/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged with
indecency, H 10/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man exposes self
to girl, H 12/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man facing
indecency charge, H 4/23/86
Police Blotter: Man sought for
exposure, H 5/5/86 p8
Indecent exposure-Wilton
`Over exposure' is alleged, H
8/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Indecent exposure
charged, H 11/6/86 p8
Independent Jewelers
Company to move offices to Post
Road West, H 7/24/86 p38
Independent party-Norwalk
Hempstead to head Indy party, H
2/28/86 p12
Independent Party deletes
restriction: On mayoral
nominations, H 10/30/86 p10
Indies mull endorsement policy
changes, H 9/25/86 p9
Indy Party endorses Mintz,
Esposito: In break from
tradition, H 10/24/86 p10
Quiet Independents ready to be
noticed, H 4/14/86 p8
Industrial design. SEE DESIGN,
Industrial Designers
Design consultants trade
Manhattan for studio retreat,
H 9/9/86 p17
Infanger, Joan
County prison's bars no barrier
for Wilton tutor [photo], H
5/29/86 p33+
Info Associates of Stamford
Strictly Business, H 9/2/86 p27+
Infoline provides invaluable
service, H 5/27/86 Supp. p4A
InfoLine's child care wire always
open: The never sleep
service [photo], H 10/13/86
Insurance, Liability
Committee OKs higher fees for
self-insurance programs, H
6/4/86 p11
Costs too high: City to insure
itself for job injuries, H 7/2/86
Darien expressing interest in
CCM's insurance program, H
6/17/86 p10
Festival given go-ahead for '86,
H 3/18/86 p13
Festivals' fate still in doubt, H
3/14/86 p10+
January - December 1986
Insurance, Liability (Continued)
Insurance costs force schools to
review rules, H 5/28/86 p13+
Insurance crunch may end
recently rekindled tradition
[photo], H 3/8/86 p13+
Insurance policy on agenda: For
Westport panel, H 6/23/86
Local delegates see insurance as
concern [photo], H 8/25/86
Rising insurance costs threaten
town festivals, H 3/7/86 p11+
School board in Wilton approves
liability policy, H 6/6/86 p25+
Some insurance rates so high
that Norwalk may go without,
H 7/1/86 p10
Wilton groups face rising
insurance cost, H 5/9/86 p13+
Wilton officials seek ways to cut
liability insurance costs, H
7/11/86 p11+
Integrated Marketing
Strictly Business, H 8/26/86 p17
Inter-City Touch Football
Inter-Club Flounder Fishing
Tournament. SEE ALSO
25-year leader [photo], H 5/30/86
Pastimes accept tourney trophy
[photo], H 6/27/86 p27
InterConnect Capital Inc.
Area investment firm guides
Canada aerospace purchase
[photo], H 10/7/86 p21
Intercorp buys 2 more
publications, H 6/3/86 p25
Interfaith Housing Association
Westport officials salute
volunteers at soup kitchen
[photo], H 6/6/86 p25
Interior decorators
ASID's highest award [photo], H
1/2/86 p13
Teachers of interior designers
opens own studio [photo], H
7/22/86 p30
Interior designers. SEE
International Consumer Brands
Earnings, H 9/30/86 p23
International Heritage Ball
Norwalk's diversity represented
[photo], H 2/20/86 p15
International Hospitality
Committee of Fairfield
County. SEE U. N.
Interrante-Judas, Jane
Silver Hill names nursing director
[photo], H 10/29/86 p39
Intersections (Highway
Interstate 95. SEE ALSO
City in line for barriers to cut
noise on turnpike, H 2/14/86
Commuters complain about
dangers, delays on turnpike
[photo], H 10/7/86 p1+
DOT report finds solvable
problems on parkway, I-95,
H 3/6/86 p1+
Grim picture is drawn of I-95,
parkway risks, H 1/23/86 p1+
Hauhuth asks lawmakers to draft
barrier bill, H 2/20/86 p11
O'Neill: Sound barriers to get
high DOT priority [photo], H
3/5/86 p1+
Repairs due on I-95 spans by
year's end, H 1/3/86 p1+
Turnpike renamed for Gov.
Lodge [photo p8], H 10/1/86
Interstate 95-Entrance ramps
Collins asks exit stay open, H
9/16/86 p1+
Exit ramp shutdown extended, H
11/28/86 p8
Hauhuth seeks exit ramp change,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Norwalk loses funds: Truck traffic
increases [photo p8], H
10/6/86 p1+
Ramp adopted, H 1/3/86 p6
State will close ramp from East
Avenue to I-95 [photo], H
10/31/86 p11
Iorio, Mark J.
`Battle' was planned at Iorio's, H
12/10/86 p1+
4 more jurors selected in
Westport case, H 11/24/86
Defense to rest at Iorio trial, H
12/17/86 p16
Examiner fails to link bullet to
Iorio's rifle, H 12/18/86 p13+
Jurors being selected to hear
murder case, H 12/4/86 p15
Tape will be admitted as
evidence at Iorio trial, H
12/9/86 p20
Testimony conflicts in teen-ager's
trial [photo], H 12/11/86 p13+
Testimony continues at trial of
youth charged with murder,
H 12/12/86 p11
Two jurors chosen for murder
trial, H 11/21/86 p11
Westport teen: Iorio said he `got
one', H 12/31/86 p8
Witness at Iorio trial testifies he
heard car window shatter, H
12/16/86 p13
Witness: Seeing car made Iorio
`nervous', H 12/20/86 p27+
Iran-Contra Scandal
Norwalk native says CIA clear in
scandal [photo], H 12/5/86
Ireland Gannon Associates Inc.
Landscaper opens Wilton
operation [drawing], H
4/15/86 p25
Irvine, Sister Donna
Norwalk nun is with Red Cross
amid the mid-west flood
damage, H 10/7/86 p13
Isler, Peter F.
America's Cup entry grabs
Rowayton man [photo], H
9/20/86 p13+
ISOETEC Communications Inc.
Biggest Arizona bank network
buys 208 phone systems
from ISOETEC, H 2/18/86
ISOETEC of Darien finds its
telephone niche in 3 years
[photo], H 1/21/86 p21
ISOETEC successful `In Search
of Excellence' [photo], H
5/20/86 p25+
ISOETEC's philosophy - and its
`Guiding Light', H 5/20/86 p25
Isoetec, Jarvis tell of merger, H
12/17/86 p26
Italian-Americans. SEE UNITED
J. B. Tipton's
New restaurant open at Inn at
Longshore, H 11/25/86 p33
Jackie Robinson Foundation
City park endorsed as site for
jazz event, H 4/22/86 p1+
Foundation pledge [photo], H
4/15/86 p24
Jackie Robinson jazz event elicits
raves from Norwalkers
[photo], H 6/30/86 p1+
Plans discussed for jazz festival,
H 5/20/86 p11
January - December 1986
Jackson, Glenn
Successful maneuver a life saver
for teen [photo], H 11/8/86
Jackson, Marc
Kiwanis scholars [photo], H
7/18/86 p13
Jackson, Nancy
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86
Jackson, Robert
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Jackson, Tony
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Just call Weston High's Twin
Towers `Class' [photo], H
1/28/86 p53+
Polite, Jackson head all stars, H
3/7/86 p27
Jaffe, Marcia Paris
Jaffe chosen for board seat, H
11/3/86 p13
James River Corp.
Earnings, H 9/23/86 p17
Local firm brightens holiday for
less fortunate children
[photo], H 12/20/86 p1+
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p21+
James, Ann Hollis
Ann H. James retires from Family
Aid here [photo], H 1/2/86 p11
Jarbor, Barbara
Health/Fitness: Awards recipient
[photo], H 6/16/86 p25
Jay, Charlotte M.
ASID's highest award [photo], H
1/2/86 p13
Jaye, Marissa
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Jackie Robinson jazz event elicits
raves from Norwalkers
[photo], H 6/30/86 p1+
Jefferson School-Maintenance
and repair
Committee endorses school roof
repair plans, H 7/10/86 p15
Jellyfish plague Sound
swimmers, H 7/24/86 p17
Jenkins, Eleanor
Police Blotter: Wiltonite still listed
as `serious', H 8/13/86 p8
Jerrett, Dr. Steven A.
2 hospital physicians gain Yale
promotions [photo], H
2/18/86 p15
Jewish Federation of Greater
New chairwoman [photo], H
12/12/86 p6
Jewish Seniors of Norwalk
Seniors' officers [photo], H
6/28/86 p18
Jewish War Veterans-Post 141
Jewish vet elected to state post
[photo], H 5/23/86 p6
Jewish vets get new commander
[photo], H 6/25/86 p19
War veterans give scholarship, H
1/3/86 p6
Joblessness. SEE
Jobs for Connecticut Youth
Youths lauded at completion of
special training program
[photo], H 5/23/86 p27
John Cusano Gallery
Buckminster Fuller is Cusano
show focus, H 3/3/86 p12
John's Best Pizzeria-Westport
Pizza parlor is closed by fire
[photo p1], H 12/9/86 p36
Johnson, Christine L.
Specialist's mission is supplying
troops [photo], H 5/27/86 p10
Johnson, Debra
On her way: Thinking in 3-D
rewards young designer
[photo], H 7/7/86 p9
Johnson, Edwin
Edwin Johnson dies, ex-chief of
detectives [photo], H 9/25/86
Johnson, Flip
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Johnson, Lyndon
City grid standouts decide on
future, H 6/2/86 p19
City's 4 All-State gridders touring
campuses, H 1/29/86 p13
Johnson, Philip
Architect's glass house given to
historic trust, H 12/27/86
Johnson, Terrell A.
In the Service, H 5/20/86 p6
Johnson, Willis
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Johnston, Marilyn M.
Johnston named supervisor
[photo], H 12/18/86 p14
Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. William
Golden anniversary [photo], H
5/31/86 p17
Jones, Betty
State arts winners named by
commission: Special
ceremonies Saturday
[photo], H 5/29/86 p13
Jong, Erica
Ms. Jong talks to library group
[photo], H 10/15/86 p13+
Jordan, Nola
Teacher `invigorated' by summer
of study [photo], H 9/4/86 p25
Joyce, Hugh K.
Chairman honored by research
group [photo], H 1/14/86 p9
Julia Balazs Realtors
New realtor [photo], H 9/26/86
Junior League of StamfordNorwalk
Junior League - Force for a better
life: The `Determinators'
[photo], H 9/22/86 p15+
League to sponsor Maritime
exhibit, H 7/29/86 p1+
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Helping fight diabetes [photo], H
3/19/86 p28
Juvenile Diabetes benefits, H
4/2/86 p25
Local diabetes chapter gets a
worldwide award [photo], H
7/26/86 p18
K. W. Griffen Co.
Tracts bought by maker of first
aid kit, H 10/3/86 p10
Kanaga, Karen
P & Z sued over denial for studio,
H 6/6/86 p25+
Kanaga, Lawrence W.
Family seeks ruling on converted
barn, H 5/7/86 p9+
Karl Chevrolet
Strictly Business, H 7/29/86 p11+
Karl, Maura
Karl coordinator of Keystone
program [photo], H 9/2/86 p35
Folice 1st female to garner
national go-karting crown
[photo], H 12/15/86 p24
Kart champs honored [photo], H
2/3/86 p23
Insurance cost keeps Go Karts
off track, H 8/22/86 p9+
Katchko-Zimmerman, Cantor
Congregations getting used to
women cantors, H 12/9/86
Women cantors in concert
[photo], H 12/8/86 p19
Katharine Gibbs School
Chamber trophy to K. Gibbs aide
[photo], H 10/7/86 p23
Gibbs Office Olympics lots of fun
for Rehab [photo], H 4/23/86
January - December 1986
Katz Realty Inc.
Arbitrator says Norwalk free of
claim for past commission, H
6/25/86 p10
Katz, Robert
Katz honors Allen [photo], H
6/11/86 p29
Kavanagh, Cornelia
Professional art sale for budget
collector [photo], H 6/6/86 p19
City woman paddling to sunny,
warm Miami [photo], H
9/10/86 p25
Ginsberg begins paddle to Miami,
H 9/3/86 p6
Ready for long trip [photo], H
8/29/86 p27
Kaye, Arnold
Kaye is recipient of Sportsmen
award [photo], H 4/23/86 p31
Town action prevents donation
for the homeless, H 3/14/86
Keating, Elizabeth
Woman is charged in '83
kidnapping, H 12/16/86 p16
Keefe, David
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Keegan, Mary O.
Norwalk's Town Clerk tries to
cope with rush [photo], H
9/26/86 p38
Keeler Ave.-Norwalk
Appeal filed over Keeler Avenue
housing plan, H 10/15/86 p9
Keeler Ave. housing outlined
before P & Z, H 9/18/86 p10
Keels, Marla
2 suspended for 180 days for
NHS fight, H 3/12/86 p1+
Keene Park-Weston
Commission to review Keene
Park changes, H 8/12/86 p9
Commission to study plan for
swimming area at park, H
5/13/86 p9
Reaction to park plan is mixed:
Sell one, develop another, H
6/12/86 p37+
Keene, Jeffrey
Selectman greets new firemen
[photo], H 11/3/86 p15
Kellaher, Mary J.
Kellaher joins Republicans, H
5/16/86 p31
Kellaher resigns Common
Council seat [photo], H
7/16/86 p1+
Kelley, Kimberly
IBM sponsoring career program,
H 2/14/86 p6
Kellogg-Deering Well FieldNorwalk
Carcinogens are found in well
water, H 5/23/86 p1+
EPA OKs `airstripping' plan to
remove well chemicals, H
9/29/86 p1+
Study says risk low from water, H
4/24/86 p1+
Well field cleanup options listed,
H 7/18/86 p1+
Kelly, Alex A.
Charges against Darien teenager will not be separated for
his trial, H 9/16/86 p11
Kelly, Richard P. Jr.
Supervisor retires from district
post, H 6/4/86 p11
Kelly, Sean M.
Wilton teen drowns while waterskiing, H 8/8/86 p1+
Kelly, William
Man has praise for NEON, H
7/1/86 p26
Kemper, Jacqueline
Weston woman sues police
officer, H 7/23/86 p9+
Kendall School
Challenger 7 are remembered
[photo], H 5/31/86 p6
Kendall School-Awards
Kendall student wins city spelling
bee [photo p1], H 5/7/86 p11
Kendall School-Staff
Woman is named Kendall
principal, H 7/8/86 p24
Kennedy, David R.
Human services director
honored, H 7/31/86 p11
Judge ready to rule on kennel
injunction, H 12/17/86 p13+
Judge turns down injunction:
Sought by kennel neighbors,
H 12/23/86 p9+
Kenney, William W.
Friends of Lockwood House elect
W. Kenney president [photo],
H 7/19/86 p11
Kenny, Thomas
Norwalker found hanged behind
Westport church, H 1/24/86
Kensett Drive-Wilton
Residents in Wilton protest
Kensett Drive subdivision, H
6/3/86 p13+
Wilton Commission delays vote
on Kensett Drive subdivision,
H 6/17/86 p13
Kerekes, Joe
City notables honor longtime
lifeguard [photo p8], H
8/14/86 p1+
Puncture holes in ketchup top
cause concerns, H 4/17/86 p6
Keystone Inc.
Adult group is given variances for
house, H 1/24/86 p10
Health/Fitness: Administrative
aide appointed, H 11/3/86
Hearing slated Feb. 5 on house
conversion, H 1/17/86 p11
Karl coordinator of Keystone
program [photo], H 9/2/86 p35
Kidnapping, Attempted-Norwalk
School-prepped girl says `no' to a
lure, H 9/9/86 p8
Kidnapping is reported, H 8/4/86
Man attempts to entice girl into
his car, H 9/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman reports
kidnapping, H 10/4/86 p8
Kids for Community Service
Community service effort aims to
teach volunteerism, H
12/2/86 p17
Kies, Thomas B.
Two ad appointments revealed at
The Hour [photo], H 9/16/86
Kimes, Russell A. Jr.
Kimes enters race for judge of
probate [photo], H 6/20/86
Kimes set to contest nomination,
H 8/16/86 p13+
$$ for aides OK'd, H 1/15/86 p12
All-day kindergarten responds to
area need, H 8/12/86 p16
King Industries
King Industries is international
[photo], H 8/26/86 p17
King's Birthday
King observance her concern:
Hour Neighbors [photo], H
1/18/86 p1+
More than 700 at church service
held to honor Martin Luther
King, H 1/21/86 p1+
Not everybody will mark day for
King, H 1/17/86 p1+
Organizations are combining to
plan King Day observance
[photo], H 1/14/86 p6
Rites mark King Day in the city
[photo], H 1/20/86 p1+
King's Daughters & Sons Home
Board votes to close home for
elderly [photo], H 2/26/86 p1+
January - December 1986
King's Daughters & Sons Home
City officials dispute claims that
`home' cannot find residents,
H 2/5/86 p1+
Clergymen disappointed,
dismayed by closing, H
3/5/86 p1+
Elderly face loss of home this
week?, H 2/24/86 p1+
Home refuses prospective
tenants [photo], H 2/27/86
King's home closing forcing 7
elderly out, H 1/30/86 p1+
Prelate said powerless to halt
home's closing, H 3/18/86
State investigating King's home
closing, H 4/23/86 p1+
Women get 3rd notice to leave
home, H 3/5/86 p1+
King, Ralph
Basketball Honorees [photo], H
8/23/86 p23
BMHS in final: No. 250 for King
[photo], H 10/29/86 p25+
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
King, Barry, Folino honored, H
5/9/86 p33+
King, Richard S.
138th District features two-man
battle: King waging a
`positive campaign' [photo],
H 10/28/86 p1+
King opens headquarters, H
9/4/86 p19
Richard King announces for
Assembly, H 7/17/86 p9
King, Ricky
Senators' King named state's
best goalie [photo], H 12/1/86
Kingsley, Francis Gerard
Francis Kingsley dies: Textile
exec was 90 [photo], H
1/14/86 p6
Kinlock Tournament-Norwalk
`Adult' behavior? [letter], H
8/12/86 p5
All are sorry for flap at Little
League game, H 8/8/86 p1+
Coaches, ump mix it up at
Kinlock Tournament as
youngsters look on, H 8/7/86
Kiriasizis, Vasilios
P & Z files request for legal
action against ZBA over
house addition, H 4/3/86 p9
Kiska, Wendy
Kendall student wins city spelling
bee [photo p1], H 5/7/86 p11
Kiwanis Club. SEE NAME OF
Kiwanis Emergency Shelter.
Kiwanis Park-Wilton
Park pond to reopen for public
use [photo], H 6/13/86 p13+
Klinga, John
Selectman greets new firemen
[photo], H 11/3/86 p15
Knapp, Jennifer
City students eager to view
shuttle liftoff [photo], H
1/24/86 p1+
Knauth, John
Playhouse fundraiser: Knauth
wins Mustang [photo], H
9/25/86 p15
Kniffen, George
Killer is sentenced to death:
Wilton man among victims, H
9/26/86 p13
Kniffen, Gregory Allen
Death penalty is urged in murder
of Wiltonite, H 6/23/86 p11+
Man convicted in murder of exWiltonite, H 6/5/86 p1+
Knights of Columbus
Life members are honored
[photo], H 5/29/86 p6
Knights of Columbus-Norwalk
Knights honor eleven members,
H 4/9/86 p6
Knights honor past navigator
[photo], H 4/14/86 p10
Knights present scholarship
awards [photo], H 8/1/86 p11
Knopp, Alex A.
Council president declares
interest in assembly seat
[photo], H 7/15/86 p1+
Democrats send four to
assembly: Republican
Esposito survives tide
[photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Knopp critical of contributors to
Lyons' campaign war chest,
H 10/22/86 p10
Knopp gets Democratic
nomination for 139th District
assembly seat [photo], H
7/25/86 p1+
Knopp lashes out at assembly
foe Lyons, H 10/15/86 p10
Knopp meets with governor
[photo], H 8/15/86 p10
Knopp plans to resign from
Common Council at turn of
year, H 11/6/86 p11
Knopp sits in while mayor's in
Nicaraugua (sic), H 4/21/86
Knopp will try to halt weigh
station project, H 9/6/86 p1+
Knopp, district agree to
settlement, H 7/15/86 p1+
Knopp, Lyons swap volleys as
assembly campaign opens,
H 7/29/86 p1+
Knoppis appointed to body on
boating, H 8/15/86 p27
Two council chiefs competing in
139th: Knopp cites
knowledge of Norwalk
[photo], H 10/29/86 p1+
Knox, Kathy
Blind teen-ager helping children
learn English, H 7/28/86 p13+
Knudsen, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Wed 50 years [photo], H 12/27/86
Koellmer, Randall
City man dies in crash on Route
123 in Vista, H 12/12/86 p6
Komarow, Sylvia
Decision pending in libel suit:
Slez vs. P & Z
commissioner, H 8/2/86 p13+
Komarynsky, Dr. Irene
Health/Fitness: Dr. Komarynsky
joins associates [photo], H
12/15/86 p33
Konatsotis, Nicole
Three Nathan Hale eighthgraders chosen for `Main
Street' program [photo], H
8/12/86 p1+
Kondub, John
Sports Briefs: Sportsmen of
Westport tab John Kondub
[photo], H 1/3/86 p20
Konstantin, Rosario
Area solons recognized [photo],
H 1/20/86 p25
Kopf, Sue
Two Lady Cavaliers named AllWCC [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Kopfmann, Craig
DAR names three as Good
Citizens [photo], H 3/13/86
Kowall, Michael
Autopsy finds bleeding killed
soccer player [photo], H
11/18/86 p1+
Donations for fund top $3,000, H
11/21/86 p29
Soccer player killed, H 11/17/86
Kowalsky, John
Officials: Death of man caused
by cardiac arrest, H 12/9/86
January - December 1986
Kowalsky, Mary
Kowalsky named: Sportsmen to
honor [photo], H 5/2/86 p36
Kraig, Anne B.
New Canaan woman takes
challenge [photo], H 11/22/86
Kramer, Theodore
Couple suing ZBA over pool
denial, H 1/6/86 p11+
Krasnavage, Paul
1970 All-City gridder named
Norwalk High football coach
[photo], H 6/5/86 p25+
Injury puts coach in hospital, H
9/29/86 p1+
It's last BMHS-NHS grid game for
Casagrande: Senators'
coach retiring: Sam Testa
Trophy is on line [photo], H
10/31/86 p35+
Kresge, Rev. Ronald W.
Local minister completes Graham
evangelism school, H 5/3/86
Kresko, Ertha
100th birthday [photo], H 7/31/86
Krinsley, Dr. James S.
Health/Fitness: Localite a
Pulmonary Associate [photo],
H 8/11/86 p25
Krom, Lee
Norwalkers retire [photo], H
6/3/86 p25
Kruhlinski, Jamie Lynn
Norwalk girl `super seller' in
cookie sale, H 6/7/86 p11
Krummel, Dr. William M.
Colleagues salute Krummel upon
departure from NSTC
[photo], H 5/30/86 p1+
Krummel trading presidencies of
technical colleges [photo], H
3/27/86 p1+
Kruseski, Albert
Man of the Year, H 5/2/86 p8
Kuczo, Andy
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Academy teaching classic
defense [photo], H 6/3/86 p28
Kurman, Mitch
Kurman featured at camp
graduation, H 6/16/86 p9+
Kydes, Mickey
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Kydes graduates [photo], H
6/24/86 p26
L & L Ever-Green Inc.
Nursery firm joins national
association, H 11/4/86 p18
L'Hommedieu, Denise
Norwalk student Featured
Athlete, one of 14 in UConn
Special Olympics [photo], H
6/5/86 p20
L. R. Johnston Associates
Westport firm picked to ready
harbor plan, H 8/29/86 p11
LaBianca, Carl
`Old timer' defends police chief
[letter], H 10/4/86 p5
Another retiree defends chief
[letter], H 10/8/86 p5
Backs chief, asks mayor to back
off [letter], H 10/2/86 p5
Between the lines [letter], H
8/18/86 p5
Calls mayor's comments
`insensitive' [letter], H
10/3/86 p5
Chief gains council support, H
10/2/86 p1+
Chief gets boost for pay raise, H
10/10/86 p1+
Chief handled himself with dignity
[letter], H 10/3/86 p5
Chief named to task force, H
8/13/86 p6
Chief of police announces new
policy on domestic violence,
H 3/19/86 p1+
Collins, LaBianca clash on `lack
of leadership' [photo], H
9/27/86 p1+
Council defeats motion on police
chief's raise [photo], H
10/15/86 p1+
Council to reconsider chief's pay,
H 10/28/86 p1+
Despite apology, Collins still
under fire, H 10/2/86 p1+
Faith in chief [letter], H 10/10/86
Fears police chief being treated
shabbily [letter], H 9/6/86 p5
For the chief [letter], H 10/2/86 p5
LaBianca bypassed for raise, H
8/7/86 p1+
Mayor's action `inappropriate'
[letter], H 10/3/86 p5
Pay hike OK'd, but it's up to
commission, H 10/29/86 p8
Police chiefs back LaBianca, H
10/3/86 p8
Police groups back embattled
LaBianca [photo p8], H
9/30/86 p1+
Praise for chief [letter], H 9/29/86
Says mayor wants a `yuppie'
[letter], H 8/20/86 p5
Support chief [letter], H 10/1/86 p5
Supports mayor and
commissioners [letter], H
10/3/86 p5
Urges police chief to stick it out
[letter], H 10/2/86 p5
LaClair, Kenneth
LaClair gets top P & Z spot, H
6/19/86 p29
LaClair, Kirsten
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Lacrosse-New Canaan
FCIAC crown stays in Wilton
[photo], H 5/28/86 p23+
Rams repeat, top Wilton [photo],
H 6/10/86 p21+
3-sport star tops in city, H 5/15/86
Bears clobber Senators, H 4/7/86
Berry top city scorer [photo], H
6/7/86 p25+
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
NHS to host state opener, H
5/27/86 p23+
Norwalk faces Wilton in state
semifinal: Site still up in air,
H 6/2/86 p15
Norwalk rocked in opener, H
4/4/86 p31+
Senators lose by 25 goals: It's
Wilton vs. NC for crown
[photo], H 5/14/86 p17+
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Staples becomes lacrosse power
[photo], H 4/9/86 p13+
12-year losing streak goes on:
Wilton advances to state
final, H 6/4/86 p13+
FCIAC crown stays in Wilton
[photo], H 5/28/86 p23+
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Norwalk faces Wilton in state
semifinal: Site still up in air,
H 6/2/86 p15
Rams repeat, top Wilton [photo],
H 6/10/86 p21+
January - December 1986
Lacrosse-Wilton (Continued)
Senators lose by 25 goals: It's
Wilton vs. NC for crown
[photo], H 5/14/86 p17+
State crown on line, H 6/6/86
Lady Joan
Lady Joan offers excursion
cruises off Norwalk shores
[photo], H 7/5/86 p1+
LaGuardia, Michael Jr.
Youth is awarded $49,000, H
3/29/86 p13+
LaJoie, Randy
LaJoie joins champions circle
[photo], H 1/21/86 p20
LaJoie qualifies for 500 at 197+,
H 2/11/86 p17
No Daytona 500 for Norwalker
[photo], H 2/14/86 p31+
Lake Club-Wilton
Club requests permission to tear
down its pro shop, H 9/19/86
Wilton P & Z approves Lake
Club's new shop, H 10/7/86
Lally, Janice R.
Skirmish over custody of canine
is continuing, H 10/17/86 p1+
Who asks `Charlie's opinion?, H
9/30/86 p1+
Lambert, Beverly
Home/Town People [photo], H
3/25/86 p15+
Lametta, Dominick
Norwalk native named `hero', H
8/19/86 p6
Land grants-Darien
RTM to vote on land buy, H
9/13/86 p37
Land grants-Norwalk
Common Council OKs $400,000
land purchase, H 12/24/86
Land grants-Weston
Town officials urged to buy open
space, H 2/25/86 p13+
Land grants-Westport
RTM delays decision on property
fund, H 7/16/86 p41+
Selectmen will consider gift of
land, H 11/25/86 p9+
Land patents. SEE LAND
Landa, Matt
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
1/7/86 p14
Landfills, Sanitary. SEE
Landis & Gyr
Strictly Business, H 9/2/86 p27+
Landmark Academy
Academy expands camp
program, H 6/26/86 p38
Landowne, Helen
Landowne elected to lead United
Way [photo], H 7/19/86 p13+
Landuyt, Eric
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Lane, Paul
Dean of grid coaches decides to
pack it in [photo], H 11/25/86
Lane's era ends on losing note, H
11/26/86 p37+
Staples' coach celebrates silver
anniversary [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
Lane, Pete
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Lange Medical Publications
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86 p25+
LaPorta Realty Corp.
Plaza plans unveiled for trailer
park site, H 12/18/86 p22
LaPorta Trailer Park-Norwalk
Hearing on ex-LaPorta site draws
one dissenting voice, H
1/28/86 p6
Trailer park owners sue city, H
5/13/86 p20
Lappell, David A.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Larceny, Attempted-Westport
Police Blotter: Woman interrupts
larceny, H 3/26/86 p8
Larsen, Margaret
New staffer appointed at United
Way [photo], H 7/1/86 p26
Lasley, Jerry K.
Farmer keeps seaport afloat, H
1/23/86 p30
Latin language
Latin studies class approved in
Wilton, H 9/27/86 p35
Laubscher, Fred
Home/Town People [photo], H
12/16/86 p21+
Lauer, Elizabeth
Amnesty International's 25th
observed here with musicale
[photo], H 7/8/86 p13
Gives recital [photo], H 9/19/86
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86
Laura Raymond Homes Inc.
Panel endorses loan of $316,215
for senior homes, H 3/6/86
Raymond Homes work delayed,
H 10/21/86 p22
Laux, Michael A.
Westport developer protests plan
changes, H 10/22/86 p37+
Lavalle, Paul
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86
LaVigne, Robert P.
Teachers honored, H 2/4/86 p10
Lavin, Mark
Mishap claims Westporter in boat
race [photo], H 11/7/86 p1+
Bus drivers, officials pleased with
new law, H 10/18/86 p27+
Lawless, William J. Jr.
Lawless to manage LeMoult's
campaign, H 9/18/86 p6
Lawrence St.-Norwalk
Neighbors weigh zone change
request, H 8/25/86 p22
Lawrence, David
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
Attorneys for crash victim rest
case: In wrongful death suit,
H 12/23/86 p10
Darien woman files appeal in
Mianus Bridge lawsuit, H
6/17/86 p1+
Leary defense tries to dismiss
hypnosis, H 12/24/86 p1+
Officer sues for damages, H
7/29/86 p7
Teens give testimony about night
of crash, H 12/15/86 p9+
Trial to open in accident which
killed 1, H 12/2/86 p14
Lawsuits-New Canaan
Judge ends battle over office
building, H 12/27/86 p29+
Judge ready to rule on kennel
injunction, H 12/17/86 p13+
New Canaan residents embroiled
in dog fight, H 11/8/86 p41+
Settlement reached on office
complex: P & Z schedules
vote for Nov. 18, H 11/11/86
Town takes homeowners to court
over radio tower, H 7/22/86
$14,500 awarded motorcyclist for
pothole injuries, H 4/18/86 p6
`Sunken homes' owners want
high court to reconsider
ruling, H 3/4/86 p1+
2,239 violations of clean water
act charged by group [photo],
H 9/5/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Lawsuits-Norwalk (Continued)
After 8 years, city settles Camp
Street lawsuit, H 4/5/86 p11
Altered suit settlement gains
majority support, H 5/9/86
Appeal filed over Keeler Avenue
housing plan, H 10/15/86 p9
Arbitrator says Norwalk free of
claim for past commission, H
6/25/86 p10
Beres' case opens Thursday in
Stamford, H 6/18/86 p18
Carver Apartments tenants' suit
is continued, H 10/22/86 p10
Carver tenants bring $1 million
lawsuit, H 10/1/86 p1+
City asks highest U. S. court to
let Bound Brook case sink, H
8/12/86 p1+
City officials miffed over pollution
lawsuit, H 10/1/86 p22
City suing homeowner for repairs,
H 5/19/86 p6
Council OKs housing suit
settlement [photo], H 5/14/86
Court rejects appeal of Hewitt
decision, H 9/24/86 p24
Court rejects re-argument of city
case, H 3/5/86 p1+
Court reverses `sinking homes'
verdict, H 2/19/86 p1+
Court time runs out in water tank
battle, H 12/19/86 p6
Court tosses out church's
discrimination suit, H 3/6/86
Developer appeals zoning board
ruling, H 2/22/86 p1+
Developer counters charges, H
4/5/86 p8
Ex-employee sues hospital for
`wrongful death', H 3/15/86
Ex-hospital chairman sues over
his ouster, H 9/13/86 p11
Fishermen put off filing suit vs.
city, H 10/30/86 p11
Formal ruling issued in NAACP
lawsuit, H 10/28/86 p1+
Former employee is suing the
city, H 10/30/86 p10
Gas station proprietors file class
action suit against Arco, H
12/5/86 p11
Group outlines allegations
against city, H 9/5/86 p8
Guardians suit settled, H 2/28/86
Hatch and Bailey asks more for
lot, H 12/27/86 p1+
High court asked to hear Bound
Brook case [photo], H
5/30/86 p1+
Homeowners plan new appeal, H
5/10/86 p1+
Hospital sued over denture in
windpipe, H 8/4/86 p8
Housing suit's stipulations OK'd,
H 3/27/86 p1+
Judge throws out lawsuit against
city, H 10/16/86 p13
Manager says he was fired for
refusing to break the law, H
12/26/86 p1+
Mother sues city cops in shooting
of her son, H 11/28/86 p1+
NAACP, city eye agreement, H
2/28/86 p1+
Neighbor opposes water tower
site, H 2/26/86 p9
Neighbors fighting tree farm, H
5/27/86 p14
NHA, tenant end action over
collapsed ceiling, H 4/9/86
Norden files suit in test of
assessment, H 5/5/86 p1+
Norwalk wins appeal over state
decision, H 5/7/86 p6
Officials, fishermen to discuss
lawsuit, H 10/29/86 p11
Police car crash results in suit, H
5/23/86 p9
Residents file suit over bridge
plans, H 10/23/86 p10
Rowayton resident appealing
Hewitt decision, H 8/13/86
Ruling disappoints Bound Brook
lawyer, H 10/7/86 p10
State commission dismisses suit
filed by fire dispatcher, H
2/21/86 p1
Suit names ex-president of
council, H 6/24/86 p6
Trailer park owners sue city, H
5/13/86 p20
Youngster awarded $61,500, H
5/24/86 p1+
Zoning case arguments heard:
Neighbors oppose
apartments, H 2/19/86 p10
Apartment denial lands P & Z in
court: Weston resident
appeals decision, H 4/18/86
Apartment vote challenged, H
4/4/86 p9+
Landowners appeal wetlands
amendment, H 4/12/86 p13+
New motion filed in school board
lawsuit, H 10/27/86 p13+
P & Z sued over denial for studio,
H 6/6/86 p25+
P & Z taken to court over
resubdivision approval, H
11/25/86 p9+
Residents: Trail was
thoroughfare, H 9/18/86 p33+
Road dispute sparks
conservancy lawsuit, H
9/16/86 p35+
Subdivision developer suing
residents, H 8/28/86 p13+
Weston P & Z sued by developer,
H 8/13/86 p9+
Weston school board wins fiveyear court battle, H 2/27/86
3 more lawsuits filed over
revaluations, H 6/14/86 p13+
Appeal sought on ZBA vote, H
5/30/86 p29+
Arrest spurs $1M-plus suit, H
2/11/86 p1+
Assessment of property prompts
suit, H 3/28/86 p9+
Company files suit against
Westport bank, H 7/7/86 p13
Couple suing ZBA over pool
denial, H 1/6/86 p11+
Court rejects lawsuit on I-95
weigh station, H 10/17/86 p1+
Court rules against Westport P &
Z on field, H 11/7/86 p33+
Court upholds town in suit on
revaluation, H 6/5/86 p37+
Decision pending in libel suit:
Slez vs. P & Z
commissioner, H 8/2/86 p13+
Developer in Westport sues
Conservation Commission, H
11/24/86 p13+
Exxon Corp. to appeal $10.1
million award, H 7/17/86 p14
First suit dismissed on Westport
North, H 12/5/86 p33+
Fourth lawsuit weighed: Westport
ponders action, H 10/16/86
Home involved in lawsuit is sold
for $3.5 million, H 8/29/86
Incidents at Longshore prompts
lawsuits: Plaintiffs seeking
ovr $6.5 million, H 9/11/86
Mianus suit link forces counsel's
withdrawal, H 9/11/86 p35+
P & Z sued on denial to market,
H 2/11/86 p9
P & Z sued over parking space
plan, H 9/12/86 p31+
January - December 1986
Lawsuits-Westport (Continued)
Reassessment lawsuits are
plaguing Westport, H 8/2/86
Revaluation challenged in court,
H 5/13/86 p9
Revaluation prompts 2 additional
lawsuits, H 6/18/86 p9
RTM to consider request to
overturn setback
amendment, H 4/19/86 p13+
Setback regulation challenged in
suit, H 4/12/86 p13+
Settlement reached in lawsuit
over town employee's firing,
H 10/21/86 p14
Superior Court will determine fate
of dam on Willow Brook, H
4/21/86 p11+
Tiegs files suit over home buy, H
5/21/86 p12
Tool shed ruling lands ZBA in
court, H 11/21/86 p31
Town being sued over fight at
party, H 6/27/86 p12
Weigh station lawsuit begins
[photo], H 9/30/86 p1+
Weigh station legal bill stands at
$71,314, H 12/4/86 p15+
Weston woman sues police
officer, H 7/23/86 p9+
Westport awaits weigh site
verdict, H 11/6/86 p15+
Westport club gets last laugh, H
12/6/86 p1+
Westport files second lawsuit on
weigh station, H 9/16/86 p35+
Westport firm files suit to attach
employee's assets, H
8/27/86 p35+
Westport loses lawsuit against
weigh station, H 12/15/86 p1+
Westport loses second weigh
station decision, H 11/21/86
Westport P & Z facing lawsuit, H
10/4/86 p25+
Westport P & Z sued on zone
change vote, H 6/10/86 p33
Westport undecided about weigh
station appeal, H 12/16/86
Westport weighing suit number
three, H 9/26/86 p1+
Westporter wins $10.0 million in
Exxon lawsuit, H 7/16/86
Westporters appeal ruling by the
ZBA, H 11/19/86 p38
Westporters gain lawsuit
settlement, H 1/11/86 p13+
ZBA taken to court on building lot
denial, H 4/14/86 p13+
Court rejects connector order, H
4/16/86 p9+
Developer takes P & Z to court, H
7/28/86 p13+
Former Wilton firm settles suit
over Wayne memorabilia, H
5/10/86 p13
Lawsuit filed on river work, H
8/29/86 p29+
Officials study insurance plan, H
8/7/86 p9
Reluctant couple in home-sale
pact sued by Emery, H
5/6/86 p9+
Sludge lagoon suit heads to trial,
H 8/20/86 p13
Teen to sue town over tennis
injury, H 9/29/86 p9+
Townhouse developer drops one
Wilton suit, H 8/1/86 p22+
Wilton doctor sued in death of
girl, 12, H 6/12/86 p10
Wilton drops CL & P lawsuit, H
8/28/86 p13+
Wilton man faces $102,000 fine
levied by state, H 5/14/86
Wilton man seeks damages for
basketball game injury, H
9/15/86 p9+
Wilton residents drop lawsuit:
Danbury Road land sold, H
9/26/86 p9
Wilton to take legal action on
purchase of fire engine, H
9/23/86 p29
Wilton woman seeks ZBA ruling
reversal, H 5/15/86 p15+
Wilton ZBA sued over aquifer
permit, H 11/12/86 p25+
ZBA sued over order on sea wall,
H 9/19/86 p13+
Area firm adds lawyer to staff, H
9/23/86 p6
Carl Back opening new law
practice [photo], H 3/22/86 p8
Chairman chosen, H 3/29/86 p6
Firm makes Corrigan a partner
[photo], H 8/4/86 p9+
Focus of women's law group has
changed in its 8 years
[photo], H 5/1/86 p28
Fuhrmann elected partner at
Cummings & Lockwood
[photo], H 10/8/86 p25
Fuller endorsed by panel, H
7/24/86 p37
Gruss joins law firm [photo], H
3/15/86 p13+
Hefferan named, H 3/29/86 p6
In form [photo], H 3/17/86 p18
Joins firm [photo], H 2/8/86 p26
Local lawyer finds catharsis
whipping up dishes in kitchen
[photo], H 9/20/86 p1+
Milton Fisher keeps love alive on
the 7:05: Metro North's own
Dolly [photo], H 3/10/86 p13
New office is opened by attorney
[photo], H 1/22/86 p12
NHS graduate named director of
law firm [photo], H 1/11/86
Norwalk lawyer reveals `Turkey
Shoot' in Attica [photo], H
9/15/86 p12
Norwalker joins law firm [photo],
H 2/27/86 p32
Rimer appointed as town
attorney, H 8/5/86 p11+
Thomas E. Drew, attorney, opens
Westport office, H 5/29/86
Veteran attorney recalls trials:
Boyd a lawyer since '43
[photo], H 5/1/86 p29
City lawyer named to top
Stamford post, H 11/7/86 p12
Norwalk resident named partner
in Greenwich firm, H
11/12/86 p12
Weston's Bochinski joins law firm
in Greenwich [photo], H
12/20/86 p28
Disbarment case is dismissed by
judge, H 4/25/86 p14
Gelderman joins Westport law
firm, H 4/5/86 p14
With a $9 million profit,
Westporter writes a book
[photo], H 4/29/86 p27
Layoff systems. SEE
League of Women VotersNorwalk
League elects new officers
[photo], H 7/2/86 p9
League won't sponsor Demo
Mintz-Donen debate, H
9/2/86 p11
LWV elated with response, H
11/17/86 p14
LWV roasts new town officers in
skits, song and faint prose
[photo], H 1/23/86 p15
LWV: Ponder both the local
referenda, H 11/3/86 p13
League of Women VotersWeston
League tries to educate citizens
on protecting water supply, H
9/29/86 p9+
January - December 1986
League of Women VotersWeston (Continued)
LWV inspects traffic plan, H
3/22/86 p13+
Weston League of Women
Voters debates U. S. foreign
aid policy [photo], H 1/21/86
Westonites attend league
conference [photo], H
10/21/86 p15
League of Women VotersWestport
LWV in Westport suggests
revising school board makup,
H 4/24/86 p13+
League of Women Voters-Wilton
ASID's highest award [photo], H
1/2/86 p13
At annual dinner [photo], H
3/19/86 p23
Council attended by LWV
members [photo], H 6/20/86
Human needs study launched:
Federal officials blamed, H
9/18/86 p33+
League members attend
symposium, H 3/29/86 p14
LWV officials attend national
convention [photo], H 7/8/86
Students to take handbook
overseas [photo], H 4/24/86
Wilton LWV collects views on
community property bill, H
4/17/86 p11+
Wilton LWV in support of reduced
federal deficit, H 1/27/86 p11+
Wilton LWV members asked to
support acid rain legislation,
H 3/8/86 p13+
Leahy, Wendy
Six from area attend Creative
Youth Center, H 8/12/86 p21
Leakage, Gas. SEE GAS
Leary, Edward J.
City Master Plan is challenge for
Leary [photo], H 8/8/86 p6
Lebhar, Dr. Neil F.
Patients honor pediatrician
[photo], H 6/23/86 p29
LeBlanc, Margaret
Norwalk mom plans weddings for
four in a 16-month period, H
2/4/86 p38
LeDuc, Ray Jr.
Sports in Brief: LeDuc tops class
in Englishtown drags, H
5/12/86 p22
Lee, Marion
Norwalker moves to Peach State
[photo], H 5/3/86 p6
Local legislators gain committee
assignments, H 12/17/86 p12
Norwalk's Atkin selected to
Senate leadership post, H
12/3/86 p12
Norwalk's legislators coveting
seats on transportation
panel, H 11/19/86 p1+
Rep. Mills gave her name to a
bundle of bills [photo], H
1/18/86 p1+
Senator stays alive from the
sidelines [photo], H 2/22/86
Windfall fund placed in trust by
legislators, H 10/9/86 p1+
Lemay, Karen
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86
LeMoult, William D.
Law named treasurer for
LeMoult, H 9/24/86 p22
Lawless to manage LeMoult's
campaign, H 9/18/86 p6
LeMoult to challenge Rep.
Esposito: Race in the 137th
[photo], H 7/21/86 p1+
Two vie for election by 137th
District's voters: LeMoult's
bid based on his background
[photo], H 10/27/86 p1+
Lenehan, Leslie Burr
Burr-Lenehan opens Ox Ridge
with win, H 6/11/86 p36
Monahan nips Burr-Lenehan: Ox
Ridge winner heads to world
championships [photo], H
6/16/86 p17+
Westport's Burr-Lenehan leads
world cup, H 4/12/86 p21
Winning form [photo], H 9/24/86
Lenoue, Raymond
Lenoue re-elected as CABE
president, H 12/18/86 p14
Lent, Nancy
DAR names three as Good
Citizens [photo], H 3/13/86
Leonard, Ed
Home/Town People, H 7/15/86
Leonard, Stew
Dairy giant Stew Leonard reaps
accolades for business
contributions [photo], H
6/25/86 p1
Leonard is recipient of
presidential award [photo
p8], H 8/16/86 p1+
Leonard is slated for award
[photo], H 6/21/86 p12
Leonard to receive presidential
award [photo], H 8/15/86 p6
Stew Leonard better after being
taken ill at White House
meeting [photo p8], H
8/18/86 p1+
Stew Leonard is keynote speaker
at `study in excellence', H
3/11/86 p22
Leonard, Stew Jr.
Board member [photo], H 5/23/86
Leong, David Jin W.
Attorney for Chuey vows fight, H
8/23/86 p1+
Chuey case stalled, H 10/11/86
Chuey faces hearing in
extradition battle, H 8/26/86
Judge maintains high bond set
for restaurant murder
suspect [photo], H 10/22/86
Man sought in '82 killing is
arrested, H 5/24/86 p1+
Murder suspect returned, H
10/21/86 p1+
Suspect had ties to gang, H
5/29/86 p1+
Lerner, Dr. Seth
In practice [photo], H 12/29/86
Lesch, Brendan
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Lester, Edna H.
Chorale member resigns in
protest, H 9/19/86 p25
Letterman, David
Letterman faces fine for detector,
H 5/21/86 p6
Leukemia Society of AmericaFairfield County Chapter
Mrs. Corbin elected [photo], H
8/13/86 p27
Levasseur, Dawn Johnson
City woman undergoes transplant
[photo], H 6/10/86 p1+
Levasseur makes progress
following rejection setback, H
7/7/86 p14
Levasseur making progress
`slowly', H 6/14/86 p1+
Recovery is continuing for
recipient of heart, H 6/23/86
Stricken area woman needs
heart transplant [photo], H
6/3/86 p1+
Transplant patient is well rested,
H 7/17/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Levasseur, Dawn Johnson
Transplant recipient clinging to
life, H 6/11/86 p1+
Levine, Paul
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
Levitt Pavilion
Levitt Pavilion '86 opens Sunday,
June 22 [photo], H 6/6/86 p15
Revue `Celebrating America'
opens Levitt Pavilion
Sunday, H 6/16/86 p12
Levy, Tedd
Grant awarded, H 2/15/86 p13
Liability for bridge accidents
Attorney concludes that bridge
was doomed from its design
[photo], H 8/13/86 p1+
Bridge checks said not
acceptable, H 7/23/86 p12
Bridge maintenance records
examined, H 7/25/86 p12
Bridge suit ruling appealed, H
6/6/86 p9
Bridge trial has regular spectator,
H 7/31/86 p14
Cameras allowed in court for
Mianus bridge trial, H 6/19/86
Consultant says bridge design
may have violated standards
[photo], H 7/10/86 p1+
Darien woman files appeal in
Mianus Bridge lawsuit, H
6/17/86 p1+
Designers of Mianus bridge did
not consider maintenance, H
7/30/86 p18
Drains on bridge covered over, H
8/2/86 p11
Engineer claims rust buildup
caused Mianus to collapse,
H 7/26/86 p10
Expert ends testimony on span
collapse [photo], H 7/11/86
Inspector: Key parts of bridge not
inspected, H 7/22/86 p17
Judge allows bridge evidence, H
7/17/86 p1+
Jurors picked for trial on bridge
cave-in, H 6/3/86 p8
Jurors see film of bridge [photo],
H 7/9/86 p1+
Jurors shown bridge video, H
7/18/86 p6
Jury rules for designer in span
suit, H 8/14/86 p1+
Jury selection complete in
Mianus suit, H 6/14/86 p11
Model of bridge protested as
hearing enters 4th week, H
7/29/86 p8
Official testifies at trial, H 7/12/86
Span designers press case, H
7/24/86 p22
Span on brink of collapse for 7
years: Engineer testifies, H
8/1/86 p9
State is blamed for collapse of
bridge: By consulting
engineer, H 7/31/86 p14
State rests case in trial on bridge,
H 7/19/86 p1+
State seeking $25 million in
bridge suit, H 6/2/86 p1+
State weighs appeal of Mianus
ruling, H 8/15/86 p1+
State's case: Mianus Bridge
design flawed, H 7/8/86 p1+
Three jurors selected in Mianus
Bridge suit, H 6/5/86 p10
Trial opens July 8 on bridge
collapse [photo], H 7/5/86 p11
Zetlin gives pins, hangers life for
trial [photo p8], H 7/19/86 p1+
Liability insurance. SEE
Liberatore, Thomas A.
City man has trial postponed, H
12/4/86 p6
Liberatore slated for October trial,
H 8/27/86 p18
Trial of Norwalk suspect delayed
after defense attorney
becomes ill, H 10/7/86 p10
Liberty enlightening the world
Libscomb, William M.
In the Service, H 5/20/86 p6
Most questioned in survey at
store believe retaliation was
long overdue [photo], H
4/15/86 p1+
Lick Your Chops
Specialty pet store has Rover
licking his chops, H 11/22/86
Liddy, Brian
Child's play serious business for
city's `Batman and Robin'
[photo], H 8/16/86 p1+
Lieberman, Dr. Gerald
Weston P & Z studies home
occupation rule, H 11/18/86
Calf Pasture Beach is site of
annual Lifeguard Olympics,
H 8/11/86 p8
City notables honor longtime
lifeguard [photo p8], H
8/14/86 p1+
Compo wins `Olympics' at Calf
Pasture [photo], H 8/14/86
Lilly, Mary
Happy winner [photo], H 5/16/86
Limited Inc.
Sportswear store to lease space
in new building, H 12/18/86
Limosine services
Corporate clients have limos
rolling up mileage [photo], H
1/28/86 p34
Lincoln Center Program
`Lincoln Center Rap' performed
by teachers, H 10/25/86 p41+
Lindblad Travel Inc.
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p19+
Lindblad, Lars-Eric
Wiltonite inducted into Travel Hall
of Fame: He's king of the
byways [photo], H 10/21/86
Lions Club-Norwalk
Lions announce new club officers
[photo], H 6/25/86 p12
Lions celebrate [photo], H
8/29/86 p6
Lions Club donates flags for
students [photo], H 6/14/86
Norwalk Lions observe 40th
[photo], H 11/22/86 p23
Liquor laws-Weston
Review requested of alcohol
ruling, H 1/9/86 p9+
Liquor problem. SEE
LISA Flight of the Beautiful
Balloon launch again highlight of
LISA festival, H 8/21/86 p11
Beautiful balloons soar on high
[photo], H 8/30/86 p1+
Forecast is good for balloon
launch, H 8/29/86 p11
Paucity of wind, -not hot airslows crossing, H 9/2/86 p32
Literacy Volunteers of Greater
Celebrating with his honor
[photo], H 12/8/86 p12
English tutor eases barrier of
language [photo], H 2/1/86
Literacy volunteers reach out, H
11/13/86 p8
January - December 1986
Literacy Volunteers of Greater
Norwalk (Continued)
Purchase helps area non-readers
[photo], H 6/30/86 p14
Recognized as a hero [photo], H
5/13/86 p19
Volunteer is honored [photo], H
6/6/86 p6
Volunteers give gift of reading, H
2/1/86 p1+
With aid of volunteers, seniors
learn English [photo], H
5/2/86 p1+
Little League-Norwalk
All are sorry for flap at Little
League game, H 8/8/86 p1+
Americans go to LL title game:
Velasquez hurls 1-hitter in 50 victory, H 7/25/86 p24
Bambino stars [photo], H 7/25/86
City Little League baseball
openers [photo], H 5/7/86 p15
Coaches, ump mix it up at
Kinlock Tournament as
youngsters look on, H 8/7/86
Cross leads Norwalk Americans
to LL crown [photo], H
7/29/86 p15+
Dinner opens baseball card show
[photo], H 11/22/86 p32
Members of Norwalk American
Little League All-Star team
[photo], H 7/9/86 p17
Norwalk Americans advance to
LL semis: Velazaquez drives
in seven runs in 9-8 win, H
8/5/86 p19+
Norwalk Americans say goodbye
to great year: Berlin posts 40 win in LL semifinals, H
8/7/86 p21+
Norwalk International Little
League All-Star team [photo],
H 7/14/86 p22
West Norwalk Bambino League
All-Star team [photo], H
7/11/86 p35
What a tournament! 4 left, 3 from
Norwalk, H 7/23/86 p13+
Littlejohn, Barbara
Two students get grants, H
5/28/86 p9
Littlejohn, Calvin B.
Hearing continued in city murder
case, H 12/3/86 p16
Hearing is scheduled in city
murder case, H 10/29/86 p9
Murder suspect's case
transferred to Stamford, H
10/16/86 p24
Norwalk man to face a charge of
murder, H 12/9/86 p11
Suspect charged in murder, H
10/6/86 p1+
Livingston, Rev. John S.
After 40 years, Rev. Emig tells
parish to love another
[photo], H 11/18/86 p32
New minister in Rowayton
[photo], H 9/6/86 p7
Rowayton church chooses new
pastor [photo], H 7/26/86 p7
Lloyd, Doug
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Lobsenz, Herbert
Lobsenz resigns, H 4/2/86 p13+
Local taxation-Fairfield County
Taxable property value climbs for
city, county, H 3/1/86 p1+
Local taxation-Norwalk
Board ponders higher fees to
reduce projected tax jump, H
2/6/86 p1+
City's tax increase trimmed to
9.88%, H 4/8/86 p1+
City's taxpayers face 10.7% tax
rate hike, H 1/28/86 p1+
Conveyance taxes set record, H
1/9/86 p16
Elderly face higher tax bills:
Homeowners affected, H
4/23/86 p1+
Josem says city wants too much
in new taxes, H 1/31/86 p1+
Josem wants property assessed
more often to correct
`imbalance', H 3/13/86 p1
Norwalk, like most cities, bracing
for tax hike, H 12/29/86 p1+
Taxable property value climbs for
city, county, H 3/1/86 p1+
Taxpayers, land sellers
stampede for last-minute
deductions, H 12/31/86 p1+
Tenatative tax rate set at 11.4%
increase, H 3/18/86 p1+
Untangling districts taxing
undertaking, H 4/9/86 p1+
Vote against tax reform it'll hike
taxes here, Collins tells
legislators, H 9/16/86 p12
Local taxation-Weston
CL & P tops taxpayers in
Weston, H 3/21/86 p9+
Weston voters adopt $15.2
million budget, H 4/17/86
Local taxation-Westport
14.9-mill rate set in Westport, H
6/12/86 p37+
Newmans take town to court
[photo], H 7/23/86 p9+
Tax rate left up in the air, H
5/15/86 p15
Westport Grand List doubles, H
2/28/86 p41
Westport tax rate predicted to
rise by one mill, H 3/20/86
Westport to set new tax rate, H
5/12/86 p9
Local taxation-Wilton
Resident wins fight on taxes, H
2/19/86 p13+
Wilton mill rate set at 20.7 during
budget battle, H 4/3/86 p37+
Wilton seeks corporate aid for
programs, H 4/9/86 p11+
Wilton tax base to rise by 4
percent, H 2/28/86 p41
Locke, Ilene
Norwalk girl wins awards, H
1/25/86 p6
Lockwood House Museum
Friends of Lockwood House elect
W. Kenney president [photo],
H 7/19/86 p11
Lockwood holiday open house
Sunday: Everyone's invited
[drawing], H 12/1/86 p17+
Portraits donated to museum
[photo], H 6/9/86 p7
Lockwood, William P.
Wilton ZBA sued over aquifer
permit, H 11/12/86 p25+
Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
`Secrets of the Past' at LockwoodMathews [photo], H 5/12/86
Antique lovers flock to party for
L/M Mansion [photo], H
11/21/86 p13
LMMM gets grant, H 4/2/86 p28
LMMM show celebrates Miss
Liberty [photo], H 6/19/86 p15
Mansion is given two grants, H
7/8/86 p1+
Victorian Fair June 1 at
Lockwood-Mathews [photo],
H 5/19/86 p14
Locust Ave.-New Canaan
All tenants renew leases and
landlord throws party [photo],
H 8/19/86 p15
Lodes, Marjorie Myers
Minister's daughter stabbed,
murdered, H 10/27/86 p6
Murder suspect indicted, H
12/17/86 p20
Lodge, John Davis
Turnpike renamed for Gov.
Lodge, H 10/1/86 p1+
Lonergan, Lance
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
January - December 1986
Long Island Sound
Jellyfish plague Sound
swimmers, H 7/24/86 p17
Panel will coordinate activities on
LI Sound, H 10/23/86 p10
Long Lots School-Awards
Around the Towns: Literary
magazines from Bedford,
Coleytown Middle and Long
Lots Schools receive award,
H 4/11/86 p12
Around the Towns: Winner of
state's 1986 National
Knowledge Master Open, H
7/10/86 p14
Gifted students earn honors, H
5/16/86 p14
Long Lots School-Staff
Board names vice principal at
Long Lots, H 7/11/86 p11+
Longshore Associates
Town being sued over fight at
party, H 6/27/86 p12
Longshore ave.-Norwalk
Fire damages vacant home on
waterfront, H 12/3/86 p11
Longshore Club Park-Westport
Incidents at Longshore prompts
lawsuits: Plaintiffs seeking
ovr $6.5 million, H 9/11/86
Longshore Sailing School
School guarantees to teach you
windsurfing, H 7/11/86 p29
Lord, Martha G.
New trustee joins board at
academy [photo], H 2/13/86
Lorenzetti, Frank
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Lorimier, Kimberly
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/3/86 p15+
Lortel, Lucille
Lortel documentaries coming to
White Barn [photo], H 8/8/86
Tribute to a legend [photo], H
9/26/86 p27
Lost children. SEE MISSING
$million ticket sold in SoNo, H
1/18/86 p1
Promise of $17m jackpot
tempting many to take
chance on the lotto [photo],
H 3/28/86 p1+
Lottery winners
2 city residents, Westport man in
$1 million lottery, H 10/22/86
Rowaytonite wins $1.16M, H
2/19/86 p1+
South Norwalk plumber wins $1.6
million in state Lotto, H
1/27/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p1+
Woman from city wins $10G
prize in lottery game, H
2/26/86 p6
Loudin, Martha
Happy 102! [photo], H 6/25/86
Loveday, Thomas
Crash victim identified by Darien
police, H 11/20/86 p41+
Low-Heywood Thomas SchoolGraduation
Diplomas at Low-Heywood
Thomas [photo], H 7/2/86 p24
Lowe St. Association
Zone change request denied: A
Hobson's choice?, H 2/14/86
Lowe St.-Norwalk
Lowe Street quandry baffling to P
& Z, H 2/6/86 p16
New traffic lights no solution:
Lowe Street resident says, H
10/17/86 p11
Luczkowski, Ed
Luczkowski tops in pitching,
hitting, H 8/26/86 p23
Ludwig, Lee
New planner named at city's
hospital [photo], H 6/17/86
Luecke, Marjorie A.
Westporters gain lawsuit
settlement, H 1/11/86 p13+
Luiso, Lee
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17, H 6/2/86 p19
Lundy, Shawn
Settlement reached in Lundy
case, H 8/21/86 p13+
Lunghino, David D.
Strictly Business, H 8/12/86 p37+
Lyall, Christine
Norwalk resident a winner in
Golden Rule competition
[photo], H 1/16/86 p6
Lyall, Dennis
Norwalk artist designs
commemorative stamps, H
5/22/86 p11
Lynch, J. Kenneth
`Old man' of statue renovation is
still in love with the lady
[photo], H 7/3/86 p1+
Lyons Plains Rd.-Weston
Ghost's story recounted by
Weston resident [photo], H
11/1/86 p13+
Weston P & Z studies request for
apartment, H 1/28/86 p9
Lyons Plains Rd.-Westport
Board approves traffic requests,
H 1/15/86 p9+
Lyons, Daniel
Mobil dealer eager to begin court
fight, H 4/24/86 p15
Mobil defends right to shut down
service station, H 2/13/86 p1+
Mobil order faces court test, H
2/14/86 p1+
Mobil threatening city station
owner over hours [photo], H
2/12/86 p1+
Lyons, Karen
DAR names three as Good
Citizens [photo], H 3/13/86
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86 p16
Lyons, Michael W.
Association taps Lyons for board
[photo], H 3/13/86 p17
GOP gives Westporter, Lyons
nods, H 4/3/86 p1+
GOP taps Lyons for 139th, H
7/18/86 p1+
Knopp critical of contributors to
Lyons' campaign war chest,
H 10/22/86 p10
Knopp lashes out at assembly
foe Lyons, H 10/15/86 p10
Knopp, Lyons swap volleys as
assembly campaign opens,
H 7/29/86 p1+
Lyons has no challenger for GOP
backing in 139th, H 7/17/86
Lyons responds to charges by
139th District opponent, H
10/16/86 p12
Lyons wants Rudolf seat in
Hartford [photo], H 3/21/86
Probate judge vacancy lures
GOP trio as Wednesday
convention approaches
[photo], H 7/14/86 p1+
Two bow out of race for probate
nod, H 7/17/86 p9
Two city officials deny speaking
with Lyons about
representation, H 8/19/86 p6
Two council chiefs competing in
139th: Lyons says he can get
things done [photo], H
10/29/86 p1+
Two ex-councilmen want 2nd
question placed on ballot, H
8/28/86 p1+
Lysobey, Christine
One-time athlete worked so
others could play [photo], H
1/11/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Mac Edward Associates
PR firm opens in SoNo area, H
7/29/86 p14
Mackentigre, Kelly
Off to the Caribbean [photo], H
5/13/86 p13
Mackentigre, Tammy
Off to the Caribbean [photo], H
5/13/86 p13
MacLean, Richard E.
Joins firm [photo], H 2/8/86 p26
Magazine publishing. SEE
Magidson, Susan
Young author helps de-mystify
computer [photo], H 4/14/86
Magnet School. SEE
Magrath School
Magrath site to be razed for
college, H 11/25/86 p1+
Study suggests knocking down
Magrath, H 7/29/86 p1+
Magrath, John D.
NCC-Magrath memorial urged, H
8/11/86 p6
Two students get grants, H
5/28/86 p9
Maguire, James P.
Campaign slogan produced by
pupil at Tracey School
[photo], H 6/2/86 p11A [Supp]
Jim Maguire of Tracey School
Clean-Green slogan winner
[photo], H 5/23/86 p8
Maids of Athena
Athena event this Saturday
[photo], H 5/8/86 p17
Mail fraud-Norwalk
City man is indicted for scam, H
5/22/86 p1+
Main Ave.-Norwalk
Buzzeo: Mayor's site creates a
conflict, H 9/8/86 p11
Judge upholds rezoning of Main
Avenue land, H 6/2/86 p1+
Main Avenue housing receives
authority OK, H 8/6/86 p10
Main Avenue rental plan is
criticized, H 2/15/86 p1+
Marriott joins move to build hotels
near Merritt complex, H
6/4/86 p1+
Panel to take up Briggs housing
plan - again, H 8/7/86 p18
Panel works out housing plan, H
8/8/86 p1+
Main St.-Norwalk
Evacuation is forced by propane,
H 5/27/86 p8
Historic buildings plan OK'd, H
4/2/86 p10
Neighbors express opposition to
Main Street zone change, H
4/17/86 p10
P & Z denies request for change
of zone, H 5/8/86 p9
Panel denies rear lot change:
Shop owner to fight, H
4/18/86 p19
Planning panel backs
beautification of uptown, H
5/2/86 p12
Main St.-Westport
Merchants supporting Main
Street proposal, H 3/14/86
P & Z approval sought for
downtown project, H 2/13/86
P & Z to consider Main Street
plan, H 3/13/86 p11+
Work to start on conversion of
gas station, H 6/30/86 p11+
Main Street
City students back to work on TV
series, H 10/16/86 p11
Three Nathan Hale eighthgraders chosen for `Main
Street' program [photo], H
8/12/86 p1+
Trio of local students worn out by
first day of taping for TV
show, H 9/16/86 p1+
Maisonette, Gladys
Local agency fills home-owning
dream [photo], H 1/7/86 p1+
Major, Rev. R. Gordon
Major given board seat, H
5/29/86 p10
Mak, Edwin S.
Deputies told to contribute to
campaign, H 5/12/86 p12
Mak sure contribution probe
would uncover no
wrongdoing [photo], H
5/14/86 p1+
Republicans renominate Edwin
Mak for sheriff [photo], H
7/22/86 p10
Malizia, Christine
Malizia selected for scholarship,
H 8/21/86 p15
Mallard's Landing-Norwalk
Panel encourages Mallard's
Landing revisions, H 5/30/86
Mallett, Katherine
Wilton student is candidate for
McAuliffe scholarship
[photo], H 4/7/86 p13+
Malm, Dorothea
Town to honor unsung heroes:
Four Westporters selected, H
2/12/86 p13+
Malmquist Field-Norwalk
After delay, effort to protect
Malmquist Field back on
track, H 10/31/86 p13
City attorney to research
question of use of athletic
field for parking, H 6/20/86 p9
Despite a threat of a lawsuit,
panel urges parking in park,
H 6/17/86 p28
Park use is urged by panel, H
9/16/86 p12
Residents attack committee: At
Malmquist Field hearing, H
8/19/86 p9
Mandi, Bradford C.
In the Service, H 5/20/86 p6
Manis Chrysler-Plymouth
Manis Chrysler-Plymouth gets
bigger [photo], H 7/22/86 p29
Manis Chrysler-Plymouth has
`tough' service award
[photo], H 6/10/86 p25
Mann, Melissa
Sisters compete [photo], H
11/1/86 p18
Mann, Trini
Sisters compete [photo], H
11/1/86 p18
Murder charges reduced, H
12/3/86 p1+
Mansy, Tera
In teen pageant [photo], H
7/23/86 p29
Biggest Arizona bank network
buys 208 phone systems
from ISOETEC, H 2/18/86
Manufacturing industry. SEE
Maple Ln.-Westport
History buffs try to save old
farmhouse, H 12/9/86 p13+
Selectman feels substation query
has been resolved, H 7/18/86
Substation changes under fire, H
5/1/86 p13+
Westporters angered by changes
at substation: Maple Lane
residents, DOT at odds
[photo], H 5/3/86 p13
Maple St.-Norwalk
Officials explain planned
widening of Maple Street, H
9/19/86 p12
January - December 1986
March of Dimes
Plans made for Walk America
[photo], H 2/26/86 p6
Westport champ walker says it's
a `pay back' [photo], H
4/21/86 p13
Marching bands-Norwalk
Accomplishments of 2 bands
lauded by city's school board
[photo], H 12/4/86 p26
Band invited, H 3/20/86 p11
Band members receive honors, H
7/9/86 p6
Band raises funds for Florida trip,
H 12/19/86 p8
Bands great: Where was crowd?
[letter], H 11/22/86 p5
Bears, Senators honored by city
[photo], H 12/23/86 p12
City to honor bands, H 12/13/86
Go Bears! [letter], H 11/22/86 p5
Marching Bears in 5 straight
wins, H 11/3/86 p13
Marching Senators take Division
II band title, H 11/17/86 p1+
McMahon band nets highest
score ever, H 11/4/86 p21
McMahon band uniforms arrived
just in time for Memorial
parades [photo], H 6/3/86 p11
McMahon captures trophies
[photo], H 5/16/86 p10
NHS marching band state title
favorites, H 10/14/86 p16
Norwalk band keeps winning, H
10/28/86 p9
Norwalk High's marching Bears
chosen best in three states,
H 11/17/86 p1+
Olde time Bears band [photo], H
12/11/86 p18
Parents and Marching Bears fans
give champions an awards
banquet [photo], H 6/4/86 p11
Praise for HS bands, leaders
[letter], H 11/21/86 p5
Praise for HS bands, leaders and
for the coverage [letter], H
11/21/86 p5
Support for the band [photo], H
10/16/86 p30
Marching bands-Westport
Band brings show to board
[photo], H 11/18/86 p28
Marching bands-Wilton
And the band played on [photo],
H 11/7/86 p33
Marcus, Walter
2 vie to become Norwalk-Wilton
probate judge: Marcus would
be `active' judge [photo], H
11/1/86 p20
City attorney given 2 weeks to
answer queries about P & Z,
H 12/10/86 p11
City counsel to announce his
candidacy [photo], H 6/20/86
Democrats nominate Marcus for
judgeship, H 7/26/86 p10
Vallerie easy winner of Probate
judgeship, H 11/5/86 p25
Marine Corps League,
Mahackemo Detachment
Marine League installs officers, H
10/15/86 p6
Marine league offers flags
[photo], H 6/13/86 p12
Marine League presents plaque
[photo], H 7/28/86 p6
Marino, Maria
Marino shoots 82 in opening, H
6/24/86 p25
Norwalker to play in Futures golf
event [photo], H 6/19/86 p23
Maritime Center at Norwalk. SEE
$750,000 state bond for Maritime
Center OK'd, Esposito says,
H 4/15/86 p10
2 variances granted by ZBA: For
Maritime Center, H 6/20/86
Agency decides piers offer ample
access to waterfront, H
7/29/86 p1+
Big test approaching for Maritime
Center, H 6/24/86 p1+
Bypass slight Tamsky, H 6/26/86
Call bonds on Maritime Center
[letter], H 9/24/86 p5
Cave delivers criticism of
councilman, H 9/4/86 p11
Center is searching for parking
alternatives, H 6/17/86 p1+
Center risky project for city
[letter], H 9/11/86 p5
Center will feature marsh,
wetlands fish, H 6/24/86 p1+
City Officials iron out Maritime
Center dispute, H 6/17/86 p1+
City to Maritime board: Nail
funding by June 25, H
6/11/86 p11
Conditions endorsed for center,
H 7/11/86 p9
Construction of center to begin in
one week, H 10/4/86 p1+
Contracts are signed for Maritime
Center, H 10/17/86 p1+
Council committees delay vote
on Maritime Center bonding,
H 9/25/86 p1+
Council is urged to waive fees on
Maritime Center, H 5/7/86
Council will defer building permit
fees at Maritime Center, H
5/15/86 p18
Councilman thinks maritime
center's cost too expensive,
H 7/19/86 p1+
Examine this carefully [edit], H
9/19/86 p4
Financial questions for center
[letter], H 9/25/86 p5
Firms see money lost with center,
H 6/26/86 p1+
Hanson planning retirement, H
10/16/86 p12
League to sponsor Maritime
exhibit, H 7/29/86 p1+
Maritime and P & Z officials
getting the center on course,
H 5/9/86 p11
Maritime Center at Norwalk a
financial risk [letter], H
9/19/86 p5
Maritime Center capital campaign
commences: $8.5 million is
goal [photo], H 12/17/86 p19
Maritime Center collects two
wins, H 7/17/86 p1+
Maritime Center considers
refinancing: $375,000 annual
shortfall possible, H 9/18/86
Maritime Center dream coming
true [drawing] [photo], H
1/28/86 p33
Maritime Center fate is up to vote
tonight, H 9/29/86 p1+
Maritime Center files applicaiton
for permits to allow work in
river, H 12/9/86 p16
Maritime Center gains city
council's approval [photo], H
9/30/86 p1+
Maritime Center gets parking in
city park, H 6/25/86 p1+
Maritime center gives project's
plans to city, H 5/1/86 p1+
Maritime Center lease endorsed
by committee, H 7/16/86 p1+
Maritime center lease OKed, H
7/23/86 p12
Maritime Center low bid is
acceptable, H 9/17/86 p8
Maritime donations pouring in, H
9/19/86 p1+
Maritime home is readied [photo],
H 12/5/86 p1+
No tax $$ for Maritime Center
[letter], H 10/15/86 p5
Officials till soil at center [photo],
H 10/16/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Maritime Center at Norwalk
Public access to river at Maritime
Center causes concern, H
6/19/86 p1+
Senate OKs bonding for two
projects, H 5/2/86 p8
SoNo group hails maritime vote
[letter], H 10/9/86 p5
Stamford firm frontrunner for
project: To construct
Maritime Center, H 9/23/86
Stockings are hung at Maritime
Center, H 12/15/86 p1+
Tamsky jabs at Lyons, H 8/14/86
Two city officials deny speaking
with Lyons about
representation, H 8/19/86 p6
Work, costs pared at Maritime
Center, H 10/1/86 p19
Zoners to hear two key center
issuees tonight, H 6/19/86
Zoning board gives variances for
Maritime Center project, H
5/16/86 p12
Maritime Center at NorwalkFinance
45-year center lease to be aired,
H 7/9/86 p21
Center funding change urged:
Delinquent taxes eyed, H
10/9/86 p11
Lease supported by panel, H
7/10/86 p1+
Rebonding approved for Maritime
Center, H 10/31/86 p1+
Maritime Center at NorwalkParking
O'Neill backs maritime center
parking, H 10/16/86 p8
Marketing Corp. of America
Hauhuth urged to ignore RTM's
advice, H 7/25/86 p29
MCA plan opposed by Hauhuth,
H 7/2/86 p37+
MCA, town agree on Riverside
Avenue deal, H 11/18/86
Officials delay RTM review of
MCA open space proposal,
H 7/29/86 p7
Pilgrim Air acquired by Westport
firm, H 3/1/86 p13+
RTM members to see Riverside
Ave. homes, H 7/18/86 p11+
Town to consider all options:
MCA to meet with selectmen,
H 7/24/86 p37+
Markey, Robert D.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Markosky, Anthony
Educator carves prize-winning
decoys: A beautiful way to
relax [photo], H 6/5/86 p13+
Markowsky, Robert
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Marquardt & Roche Inc.
Strictly Business, H 6/10/86 p25+
Marren, James R.
Marren: Heading up Adopt-aRamp [photo], H 6/2/86 p14A
Adams, Daniel Nelson Jr, H
6/7/86 p17
Alcock, Margaret Rita [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Aldershof, Brian K. [photo], H
2/22/86 p15
Aldrich, Edward Farley, H 9/13/86
Allman, Katherine [photo], H
6/14/86 p16
Ancona, Meagan M. [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Anderson, Beth Ellen [photo], H
8/23/86 p16
Anderson, Gretchen Diane, H
1/18/86 p18
Aneson, Steven Robert [photo],
H 11/29/86 p21
Angione, Brigida [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Anton, Carol Anne [photo], H
9/6/86 p17
Aprea, Sharon Patricia [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Arcamone, Anna Marie [photo], H
8/9/86 p17
Arnold, Arthur Richard [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Askenback, Astrid Ann [photo], H
9/13/86 p25
Aussenhofer, Gail [photo], H
9/13/86 p25
Avery, Maribeth [photo], H 7/5/86
Baan, Beri Ferdette [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Babash, Carol Jeanne [photo], H
10/25/86 p16
Baen, Caryn P. [photo], H 3/1/86
Bailey, Frances Marie [photo], H
12/20/86 p16
Balasa, Janet, H 8/2/86 p17
Baldwin, Kevin Patrick [photo], H
10/25/86 p16
Banks, Arthur William, H 6/14/86
Bannon, Matthew Robert [photo],
H 1/4/86 p15
Barber, Sharon Anne [photo], H
10/13/86 p14
Bardos, Diane [photo], H 8/30/86
Barnett, Ted Davidson, H 4/19/86
Bartlett, William L. [photo], H
10/25/86 p15
Bartoli, John J. [photo], H 8/30/86
Bassett, Bernardeen Ann [photo],
H 11/22/86 p16
Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney [photo],
H 8/11/86 p14
Becker, Bruce David, H 9/20/86
Becker, Noel Ann [photo], H
5/3/86 p15
Bell, Susan [photo], H 12/13/86
Bell, Tracie L. [photo], H 5/24/86
Bellantoni, Annette [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Bellantoni, Joseph M. [photo], H
4/26/86 p16
Benedetto, Debbie Anne [photo],
H 10/25/86 p15
Bennette, Kathleen Ann [photo],
H 6/28/86 p16
Berardino, Sheila Ann [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Beres, John Joseph, H 8/9/86 p16
Berlin, Evan Scott, H 9/27/86 p13
Bishop, Jeffrey Nelson, H
11/22/86 p17
Bleeks, Elizabeth [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Blees, George Robert, H
11/22/86 p16
Bloo, Janice Jean [photo], H
8/2/86 p17
Bloom, Donald P, H 12/27/86 p12
Blough, William F. [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Blumenthal, Susan Andree
[photo], H 12/13/86 p17
Bochicchio, Daniel J. [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Bohy, Andre Pierre [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Bonnadio, Vincenzo Antonio
[photo], H 10/18/86 p20
Born, Regina A. [photo], H
9/15/86 p14
Bort, Randi Ellen [photo], H
8/9/86 p16
Bowen, Donald Fred [photo], H
1/18/86 p19
Braks, Stephen Matthew [photo],
H 2/4/86 p36
Breisler, Marlene Joyce [photo],
H 7/26/86 p16
Breton, Donna Marie [photo], H
11/15/86 p17
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Britto, Arthur Joseph [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Brogan, Barbara A. [photo], H
9/13/86 p26
Brown, Heather Michelle [photo],
H 10/4/86 p18
Brown, Ridgely Whitmore, H
10/4/86 p18
Brown, Scott Burnett [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Brown, Thomas K. [photo], H
11/29/86 p22
Buch, Robert John [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Buffington, Howard F, H 4/26/86
Bugen, Andrea M. [photo], H
9/15/86 p14
Bumber, Julie Anne [photo], H
8/23/86 p17
Burger, Susan Lee [photo], H
11/29/86 p22
Burke, Christopher, H 10/18/86
Burkhardt, Sheila Anne [photo], H
9/13/86 p26
Burlingame, Gail Frances [photo],
H 7/12/86 p14
Burns, Frances Mary [photo], H
11/8/86 p14
Burr, Christopher [photo], H
11/1/86 p17
Burton, Luray Lynn [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Buryj, Jerry E. [photo], H 3/1/86
Butler, John David [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Bylo, Gregory Robert [photo], H
1/4/86 p15
Cahill, Sheila Jean [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Calitri, Joanne Anita [photo], H
5/31/86 p16
Callahan, Anne P. [photo], H
9/6/86 p16
Camerota, Giovanna [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Canaday, Jeffery Glenn [photo],
H 6/21/86 p16
Cardamone, James Anthony
[photo], H 2/4/86 p36
Carlson, Christine B. [photo], H
11/22/86 p16
Carlson, Constance [photo], H
5/24/86 p18
Carmosino, Anna Marie [photo],
H 12/27/86 p11
Carothers, Melissa Helen [photo],
H 10/18/86 p21
Carroll, Patricia Eileen [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Carter, Lewis C, H 6/7/86 p16
Casciari, Susan C. [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
Cassella, Dawn Valerie [photo],
H 1/25/86 p18
Catlett, John M, H 12/6/86 p13
Cavalier, Jane Allison [photo], H
11/1/86 p17
Cavalieri, Cathy Anne [photo], H
9/27/86 p13
Cavanaugh, Matthew J. [photo],
H 9/15/86 p14
Celotto, Elizabeth Blanche
[photo], H 5/10/86 p16
Cenatiempo, Stefano [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Cenatiempo, Stephen Jr. [photo],
H 9/27/86 p13
Chariott, Vickilee [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Cheh, Kevin Michael [photo], H
8/9/86 p17
Chetta, John Andre [photo], H
12/6/86 p14
Chieffalo, Pasquale Jr, H
11/22/86 p16
Chmielinski, Theresa Ann
[photo], H 7/28/86 p16
Christian, Paul Edwad [photo], H
11/22/86 p17
Chutchian, Suzanne, H 5/17/86
Ciardullo, Frances A. [photo], H
4/26/86 p16
Cisar, Franziska Anna [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Clark, Jan Susan [photo], H
7/12/86 p14
Clement, Jay L, H 6/28/86 p16
Clemmons, Angela L. [photo], H
3/1/86 p16
Clune, Cheryl Lynne [photo], H
3/1/86 p16
Cocchia, Dominic Francis
[photo], H 7/5/86 p16
Codey, Heather [photo], H 1/4/86
Cofone, Edward Albert [photo], H
9/27/86 p13
Cole, Jennifer Diane [photo], H
8/9/86 p16
Cole, Peter Thomas [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Collins, Susan Joyce [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Conetta, Laurie Jeanne [photo],
H 4/19/86 p16
Conlon, Darcie J. [photo], H
11/8/86 p13
Conlon, Rebecca Ann [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
Connelly, Brian James [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Conrod, Kevin [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Cooper, Ellen Anne [photo], H
11/15/86 p17
Cornell, Kevin Grout [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Corpaci, Beatrice Johanna
[photo], H 9/13/86 p27
Corsi, Diane [photo], H 12/27/86
Costa, John Francis, H 9/27/86
Cotch, Peter J. [photo], H 1/11/86
Cotton, William Joseph [photo], H
12/27/86 p12
Coughlin, Catherine Ann [photo],
H 5/24/86 p18
Coy, Lori Jean [photo], H 5/3/86
Crane, William Stephen, H 9/6/86
Crocker, Louis Sherwood III, H
8/16/86 p16
Crosby, Raymond E, H 5/3/86 p15
Crouch, Gwyn Jeanette [photo],
H 8/23/86 p16
Crowley, Jill Stephens [photo], H
11/22/86 p16
Cugno, Joseph R. [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Cunningham, Devon Joan
[photo], H 10/25/86 p15
Cunningham, Diana Lynn [photo],
H 6/21/86 p17
Czako, Carol Rita [photo], H
8/16/86 p17
D'Ademo, Kenneth Louis [photo],
H 8/9/86 p17
D'Amato, John Michael [photo], H
12/27/86 p12
D'Andrea, Eileen Mary [photo], H
10/18/86 p21
Daher, John Michael [photo], H
12/13/86 p18
Damato, Virginia E. [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Dauk, Denise Ann [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Davenport, Karin Wyatt [photo],
H 5/31/86 p16
Davidson, Arlene [photo], H
6/21/86 p17
Davis, Angela D. [photo], H
8/30/86 p17
Deberadinis, Sharon Lynn
[photo], H 11/22/86 p16
DeFlorio, Catherine Elizabeth
[photo], H 8/16/86 p17
DeLeo, Marjorie [photo], H
12/13/86 p18
Delia, Joseph Jr, H 4/26/86 p16
Dellabough, Marlitt [photo], H
11/15/86 p17
Dellenbaugh, David Kent [photo],
H 5/31/86 p16
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Dennen, Robert [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Denner, Jerome Patrick [photo],
H 11/22/86 p18
DePanfilis, Michael G. [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
DeSalvo, Tracey A. [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
DeSarno, C. Drew [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
DeSiena, Charles Louis [photo],
H 8/23/86 p17
DiBerardino, John [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
DiCenzo, John [photo], H 12/6/86
DiCostanza, Angela [photo], H
4/26/86 p16
DiDia, Lisa Marie [photo], H
9/27/86 p13
Didio, Anne M. [photo], H 5/31/86
DiFulvio, John [photo], H 2/15/86
DiLeone, Karen Lee [photo], H
11/22/86 p17
DiNoto, Gabriel [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
DiPietro, Alan, H 8/30/86 p18
DiSalvo, Donna Marie [photo], H
7/28/86 p16
DiScala, Michael Frank [photo], H
7/28/86 p16
Dombrowski, Robert Stanley, H
12/20/86 p16
Dougherty, John Gerard [photo],
H 2/4/86 p36
Dougherty, Kathleen Mary
[photo], H 12/20/86 p15
Downing, Maryann [photo], H
7/12/86 p14
Dragonetti, Joseph R. [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Driscoll, Jennifer Ryder [photo],
H 8/30/86 p16
Driscoll, Matthew Edward, H
9/20/86 p18
Dubay, Denise Ann [photo], H
2/15/86 p20
Duncan, Mary Hammond [photo],
H 6/14/86 p16
Dunn, James F. [photo], H 9/6/86
Dunn, Mary-Therese [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Dutlinger, Layne Y. [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Dyess, Timothy Martin, H 1/18/86
Ecker, Jacqueline Diane [photo],
H 12/13/86 p17
Edelman, Richard Winston, H
8/2/86 p16
Emond, Donna Marie [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Engel, Barbara Louise [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Esposito, Ann J. [photo], H 1/4/86
Esposito, Louis M. [photo], H
10/11/86 p16
Estony, Lorraine [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Eula, Tracey Ann [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Evarts, Scott W. [photo], H 8/9/86
Falbo, Michael [photo], H 1/18/86
Falconer, Tonia Widmann
[photo], H 11/8/86 p13
Falconer, Victoria [photo], H
9/6/86 p16
Farinella, Maria [photo], H 2/4/86
Federkiel, Joseph, H 9/13/86 p25
Fedge, Robert Alan [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Fejes, William J, H 11/1/86 p16
Fellows, Margaret Catherine
[photo], H 1/25/86 p18
Ferazzoli, Loreto [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
Fergusson, Kenneth Ewan
[photo], H 12/27/86 p12
Ferrandino, Salvatore Sr. [photo],
H 8/2/86 p16
Ferraro, Laurita Symington
[photo], H 8/23/86 p17
Fields, Cheryl Ann [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
Finn, Joan A. [photo], H 10/11/86
Finney, Edward D, H 8/23/86 p16
Foreit, Terri Lynn [photo], H
4/26/86 p16
Foster, Dulany III, H 1/4/86 p14
Frank, William G, H 6/7/86 p16
Frankel, Leila J. [photo], H
9/27/86 p14
Fraser, Martha Mary [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Freedman, Alan Marc, H
12/13/86 p16
Freeman, Marc [photo], H
9/13/86 p26
Freeman, Martha Suzanne
[photo], H 6/14/86 p16
Friedman, Holly Dana [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Fritz, Joseph Edward, H 9/13/86
Froehlig, Joan Elizabeth [photo],
H 2/1/86 p14
Fudin, Terrell [photo], H 7/12/86
Fuller, Glenn Scott [photo], H
11/22/86 p17
Gaffney, Joanne Christin [photo],
H 8/16/86 p16
Gantrell, Linda Ann [photo], H
6/7/86 p16
Gardella, William T. Jr. [photo], H
2/22/86 p15
Gardner, Stephen Frances, H
8/9/86 p16
Garlock, Kimberly Ann [photo], H
12/27/86 p12
Gaston, Erich H. [photo], H
2/1/86 p14
Geitz, Donna M. [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Generoso, Frank [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Giancaspro, Angela Marie
[photo], H 6/28/86 p16
Giordano, Lisa Jo [photo], H
6/28/86 p16
Giorgio, Bernard [photo], H
9/27/86 p13
Glosson, John Kenneth Jr.
[photo], H 7/26/86 p17
Goeckel, Marianne [photo], H
1/4/86 p15
Goldberg, Harvey [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Gomez, Marta Alicia [photo], H
6/7/86 p16
Gontar, Russell Jeremy, H
11/8/86 p14, H 11/1/86 p16
Gordon, Cheryl Sue [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Gordon, Linda Lee [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Gormley, Brian [photo], H
11/15/86 p17
Gough, Brian George [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Graham, Frances M, H 7/28/86
Graham, Heidi Jill [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Granata, Maria Louisa [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Grantham, Pamela Ann [photo],
H 10/4/86 p18
Greco, Deborah Ann [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Greene, Jacqulyn Sutherland
[photo], H 2/4/86 p36
Greer, Karen Sue [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Gregory, Marylou [photo], H
10/11/86 p16
Guberman, Nyomi Hollis [photo],
H 8/16/86 p16
Guckel, William Gregory [photo],
H 6/21/86 p17
Guerrero, Toni-Francine [photo],
H 7/19/86 p18
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Haffey, John William [photo], H
2/8/86 p16
Hain, Mary Grace [photo], H
12/20/86 p16
Hall, Charles [photo], H 11/29/86
Hall, Elizabeth Warner, H 9/27/86
Halloran, Anne Elizabeth [photo],
H 9/27/86 p13
Halter, Gary Steven, H 7/12/86
Harbilas, Gregory Joseph
[photo], H 12/13/86 p17
Harding, John J. Jr. [photo], H
4/19/86 p16
Harkrader, Nina Elizabeth
[photo], H 4/12/86 p16
Harris, Gail Ellen [photo], H
8/30/86 p16
Harris, Phillip James, H 10/25/86
Haughton, Michael Richard
[photo], H 10/11/86 p16
Hausmann, Susan Jeanne
[photo], H 5/31/86 p16
Hawkins, Maryann [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Hee, Caroly Lynn, H 4/19/86 p16
Hendricks, Harold Todd, H
11/29/86 p20
Henion, Scott Thomas [photo], H
8/9/86 p16
Hennessy, Terrence M. [photo],
H 9/13/86 p25
Henry, Douglas, H 7/19/86 p18
Herman, Jeffrey [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Heussner, Julie Ann [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Heynau, Tracey Anne [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Hill, Kristi Anne [photo], H
6/14/86 p16
Hlavaty, John Edward [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Hobar, Jon Parkinson, H
12/27/86 p11
Hofmann, Donald Stephen
[photo], H 8/16/86 p16
Hollis, William J. Jr. [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Holson, Robin [photo], H 1/25/86
Holson, Scott Ira, H 5/31/86 p16
Hoover, Randall Bruce, H 7/12/86
Hornyak, Glenn William [photo],
H 8/16/86 p17
Houseman, Charles Learned, H
10/4/86 p18
Houston, John Joseph, H 9/6/86
Hov, Kathryn Louise [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Hughes, Nancy Anne [photo], H
9/13/86 p25
Hutchings, Peter Gerald [photo],
H 9/6/86 p16
Hyde, David W. [photo], H
5/31/86 p16
Iandoli, Robert Thomas [photo],
H 10/18/86 p21
Iannotti, John Joseph, H 6/14/86
Incerto, Barbara Ann [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Irizarry, Joseph L. Jr., H 9/13/86
Jacobson, Sara Beth [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Jacoby, Brian R., H 1/4/86 p14
Jambeck, Thomas James
[photo], H 8/2/86 p17
Jankovic, Martha [photo], H
9/27/86 p13
Jarboe, Mark David [photo], H
12/13/86 p17
Jaslow, Alan Philip [photo], H
9/27/86 p14
Jayson, Bonnie [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Jeffery, Cynthia Louise [photo], H
8/9/86 p16
Johnson, Kaye Ann [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Jones, Leslie Anne [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Justice proclaims innocence, H
6/5/86 p8
Kamlani, Deborah L. [photo], H
7/12/86 p14
Kane, Erin Kathryn [photo], H
10/25/86 p16
Karstensen, Donald J. [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Katsiaficas, Athana A. [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Keefe, Matthew Foran, H 1/18/86
Keeney, William [photo], H
12/22/86 p18
Keith, Maureen Patricia [photo],
H 6/7/86 p16
Kelly, David Anderson [photo], H
6/28/86 p16
Kenny, Joseph John, H 9/27/86
Keogh, William Allen [photo], H
11/8/86 p13
Kessler, Griffin Lee [photo], H
12/27/86 p12
Kimber, Christopher John
[photo], H 2/8/86 p16
Kish, Michael A. [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Kolenda, Lynn [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Kolovson, Ruth [Benjamin], H
5/31/86 p16
Kondub, Richard Sterling [photo],
H 5/3/86 p15
Konstantin, David N, H 1/4/86 p16
Kozak, Jeffrey E, H 5/24/86 p18
Kozlowski, Stanley [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Kranglewitz, Michael [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Kristoffersen, Kirk James [photo],
H 11/15/86 p17
Kubelle, Frank Anthony [photo],
H 12/20/86 p16
Kugel, Timothy Jonathan [photo],
H 10/4/86 p18
Kuras, Alison L. [photo], H 8/9/86
Kurensky, Kathleen Julia [photo],
H 11/15/86 p16
Labraga, Mario Roberto [photo],
H 6/7/86 p16
Lambert, Linda Jeanne [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Langer, Gwen Arden [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Lannon, Eileen Ann [photo], H
11/22/86 p16
LaPorte, Barry C. [photo], H
8/16/86 p16
LaRochelle, Carol Ann [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Larson, James K, H 10/25/86 p15
Laurino, Dori Ann [photo], H
8/2/86 p16
Lavis, Joan Ruth [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
LeBlanc, Raymond Joseph
[photo], H 11/8/86 p13
LeBruin, Jeffrey S. [photo], H
9/27/86 p14
LeBrun, Janet Andrea [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
LeClerc, Dennis Lawrence, H
11/15/86 p16
Lee, John F, H 1/4/86 p14
Lee, Thomas Charles Jr. [photo],
H 12/13/86 p16
Lengyel, Perry S. [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Lentini, Lisa [photo], H 8/23/86
Lenz, Lisa, H 8/16/86 p16
Leonard, Jill Marianne [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Leonard, Lizabeth Anne [photo],
H 12/6/86 p13
Lesser, Diane Joan [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Levy, Jennifer B. [photo], H
2/1/86 p14
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Linton, Donna Maria [photo], H
12/27/86 p12
Lodato, Frank G., H 9/15/86 p14
Logan, Bernadette Marie [photo],
H 1/18/86 p18
Long, Jon Randall, H 8/16/86 p16
Lopez-Balboa, Francisco, H
8/9/86 p16
Louer, Kathy Anne [photo], H
1/18/86 p19
Loughran, Nora Elizabeth
[photo], H 8/2/86 p16
Louis, Cereta Deborah [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Lowinger, Lloyd S, H 1/18/86 p18
Lucas, Scott Robert [photo], H
11/1/86 p17
Lucskay, Jennifer Ann [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Lyon, Michelle [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Lyons, Lawrence J, H 9/15/86 p14
MacAusland, Kyle Lake [photo],
H 9/27/86 p13
MacGregor, Anne Leigh [photo],
H 8/30/86 p16
Mackie, Heather Anne [photo], H
8/9/86 p16
MacLeod, Victoria Margaret
[photo], H 10/18/86 p20
Madaffari, Joseph Paul [photo], H
10/18/86 p21
Magi, Karen Ann [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Makowski, John Edward, H
12/20/86 p15
Mallozzi, Anna Marie [photo], H
9/13/86 p25
Malyndziak, Cheryl Ann [photo],
H 12/13/86 p18
Manby, John Thomas, H 9/20/86
Mancuso, Joseph John II [photo],
H 9/6/86 p16
Mandel, Christine [photo], H
10/11/86 p16
Mantegna, Bonnie Rae, H 2/1/86
Manzi, Anthony J. [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
Mappa, Linda Jean [photo], H
11/22/86 p16
Marble, Michael F. [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Marcus, Steven Paul [photo], H
12/13/86 p18
Mariolis, Georgia [photo], H
1/4/86 p14
Mark, Lawrence, H 9/27/86 p13
Marko, Michael S, H 1/4/86 p15
Marren, Lynne Mary [photo], H
12/13/86 p17
Marron, Keith Michael [photo], H
8/2/86 p16
Marron, Kevin Michael [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Marsan, Duane David [photo], H
8/30/86 p16
Marsh, Lisa Jean, H 12/6/86 p14
Martin, Steven Lawrence, H
12/6/86 p14
Mass, Andrea, H 11/15/86 p17
Masten, Tammy Jeanne [photo],
H 6/7/86 p16
Masterson, John Taylor, H 2/1/86
Mastropietro, Mark Andrew, H
2/1/86 p14
Matro, Felicia Ann [photo], H
9/6/86 p16
Mattera, Julia Ann [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Maurice, Normand Adrien
[photo], H 7/28/86 p16
Mauritz, Michael Rudolph [photo],
H 12/20/86 p16
McCabe, Sharon M. [photo], H
8/16/86 p16
McClellan, Paul Arnold [photo], H
2/1/86 p14
McCoy, Robert Augustus Jr, H
6/21/86 p16
McDermott, Michael Kevin, H
6/28/86 p16
McDougall, Kim Ann [photo], H
12/20/86 p16
McElaney, Noelle [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
McElreath, Holly Kristine [photo],
H 11/8/86 p13
McGuire, Susan Lynn [photo], H
2/22/86 p15
McKeon, Brian P. [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
McKinney, Andrew Fancher
[photo], H 10/4/86 p19
McLean, Cathleen A, H 6/28/86
McMahon, Thomas J, H 10/11/86
McManus, Chris Anne [photo], H
6/7/86 p16
McNamara, Patrick Anthony
[photo], H 8/2/86 p17
McSally, Richard John, H 7/19/86
McVarish, Mary Louise [photo], H
2/8/86 p16
Melillo, Stephen [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Mennona, Irene Marion, H 1/4/86
Mercer, Judith Craft [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Merrifield, Lisa Ann [photo], H
2/1/86 p14
Meyer, John David, H 4/12/86 p16
Meyer, Stephen F. [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
Miller, Elizabeth Lynn [photo], H
10/4/86 p19
Miller, Michael M. [photo], H
9/20/86 p18
Miller, Steven Craig [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Minch, Jeffrey [photo], H 11/8/86
Miner, Bruce L. [photo], H
8/23/86 p17, H 8/16/86 p17
Minuskin, Jeffrey Paul [photo], H
5/31/86 p16
Misselbeck, Wayne J. A. [photo],
H 4/5/86 p16
Mitchell, Dennis M, H 11/15/86
Moffat, William K. III, H 9/13/86
Moghaddam, Heda, H 5/24/86
Mola, Kevin Michael [photo], H
11/22/86 p16
Mones, Linda [photo], H 12/6/86
Mongold, Roger Lee [photo], H
10/25/86 p16
Moore, Debra E. [photo], H
3/1/86 p16
Mortensen, Diane [photo], H
8/30/86 p16
Moseley, Robert L, H 9/13/86 p26
Moss, Douglas E. [photo], H
7/12/86 p14
Mulvey, Christopher James
[photo], H 1/4/86 p14
Mulvey, Kathleen Tara [photo], H
9/4/86 p14
Murray, Susan R. [photo], H
9/15/86 p14
Mushkin, Martin [photo], H
5/31/86 p16
Nappa, Robert John [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Neeley, Nicholas E, H 7/26/86
Nemer, William Glen [photo], H
12/15/86 p14
Nerz, Jennifer Sue [photo], H
9/20/86 p18
Neupauer, Stephen Joseph, H
6/28/86 p16
Nicolai, Rogean Brown [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Nicoletti, Peter John [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Nicyper, Mark Graham [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Nixon, Thomas J, H 5/24/86 p18
Nocero, Maria Louise [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Novotnik, Susan A. [photo], H
8/23/86 p16
Nyikos, Maureen [photo], H
12/22/86 p18
O'Boy, William Thomas Jr.
[photo], H 8/23/86 p17
O'Donoghue, John Charles, H
10/25/86 p15
O'Sullivan, Brian M, H 5/17/86
O'Sullivan, Sean Thomas [photo],
H 1/18/86 p18
Olmstead, Amy Louise [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Oravez, Deborah Elizabeth
[photo], H 12/15/86 p14
Ostasiewicz, George Peter
[photo], H 8/23/86 p16
Packwood, Mary Elizabeth
[photo], H 2/4/86 p36
Pagliano, John D. [photo], H
10/11/86 p16
Palguta, Lynn Ann [photo], H
2/8/86 p16
Palinkas, Kevin, H 12/13/86 p16
Palladine, Ralph [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
Palladino, Allison R, H 12/27/86
Palmisano, Deborah M. [photo],
H 11/29/86 p20
Palumbo, Michael P. [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Pappa, Philip Jr, H 11/29/86 p20
Pappolla, Kathryn Ann [photo], H
6/14/86 p16
Parenty, Nancy Annette [photo],
H 5/17/86 p18
Parillo, Julie Ann [photo], H
8/16/86 p16
Parkington, Bruce Frederick
[photo], H 8/30/86 p16
Parrotta, Vincent C. [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Patrick, Kevin D. [photo], H
3/1/86 p16
Patton, Pammy Sue [photo], H
2/1/86 p14
Paulik, Megan Ann [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Pavlik, Judith Ryan, H 8/23/86
Peden, Nancy Ellen [photo], H
9/20/86 p18
Pehanick, Ann Frances [photo],
H 5/24/86 p18
Peloso, Frank Anthony Jr.
[photo], H 12/20/86 p15
Pemburn, Bonnie Ann [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
Penna, James [photo], H 2/8/86
Pennoyer, Kenneth Clinton
[photo], H 1/11/86 p16
Perchak, Janice Marie [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Pesce, Maria Antoinetta [photo],
H 6/7/86 p16
Peters, Steven John [photo], H
6/14/86 p16
Petrino, Joseph S. Jr, H 8/30/86
Petrucci, Leo [photo], H 6/7/86
Pfeifer, Eugene Edward [photo],
H 10/25/86 p15
Pfister, Albert Frank Jr, H 6/14/86
Philcox, Sandra L. [photo], H
1/4/86 p15
Phillips, Linda, H 8/23/86 p16
Pike, Todd Dutton, H 1/4/86 p14
Piper, LuAnn Lanay [photo], H
10/25/86 p15
Piskin, Scott Paul, H 12/27/86 p11
Place, Kevin Foster [photo], H
2/22/86 p15
Plotkin, Steven [photo], H 8/23/86
Podob, Mitchell Seth [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Pollan, Richard Jay, H 7/5/86 p16
Porter, Albert B, H 8/2/86 p17
Post, Joshua Stewart [photo], H
2/15/86 p20
Post, Mary Lynn [photo], H
6/14/86 p17
Powers, Michael J., H 8/16/86 p17
Prackup, David M. [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Pratt, William S. [photo], H
9/13/86 p25
Prescott, Richard Deane [photo],
H 7/26/86 p16
Preston, April A. [photo], H 4/5/86
Preston, Mark G. [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Preye, Claudia [photo], H 6/21/86
Prezzano, John Rayner [photo],
H 11/29/86 p20
Proto, Theresa [photo], H
10/18/86 p22
Pulitano, Michael Anthony
[photo], H 11/29/86 p20
Purciello, Robert P. Jr. [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Quittell, Frederic Charles, H
11/15/86 p17
Raiteri, Lisa Anne, H 10/11/86
Rastocky, Thomas Anthony, H
5/24/86 p18
Rath, Barbara Anne [photo], H
7/12/86 p14
Ratner, Dr. Phillip, H 8/23/86 p16
Raymond, Dawn Marie [photo], H
1/4/86 p14
Raymond, Lawrence M. [photo],
H 11/15/86 p16
Regan, Richard Anthony, H
3/22/86 p16
Reid, Diana [photo], H 10/11/86
Reid, Holly Farnsworth, H
11/1/86 p17
Rekofsky, Stanley E. [photo], H
7/12/86 p14
Remlin, Susan Carol [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Renzulli, Carolyn Blanche
[photo], H 9/27/86 p14
Reppucci, Lisa Ann [photo], H
10/18/86 p21
Reynolds, Richard, H 9/27/86 p13
Riccio, Dana Louis, H 6/14/86 p16
Rice, Michele P. [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
Riley, Kathleen Mary Kristen
[photo], H 4/19/86 p16
Rimkus, Donna Marie [photo], H
9/27/86 p13
Rizzo, Michael John Jr. [photo],
H 6/21/86 p16
Roberts, Petra Anne [photo], H
8/30/86 p16
Robinson, Scott Edward, H
11/22/86 p16
Rockafellow, Carolynn Hall
[photo], H 8/9/86 p16
Rodriguez, Jeanne [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Rogers, Mary Jane [photo], H
1/4/86 p16
Roggenstein, Angela Paula
[photo], H 12/27/86 p12
Roggenstein, Eva Sophie, H
6/28/86 p16
Romano, Janet [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Rosenbloom, Richard G, H
8/9/86 p16
Rosianu, Alyse Joy, H 11/1/86
Rousseau, Cherie [photo], H
1/4/86 p14
Rowan, Jane Marie [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Ruebensaal, Elizabeth Latrobe
[photo], H 2/22/86 p15
Ruess, Philip George [photo], H
3/1/86 p16
Ruffino, Salvatore E. Jr. [photo],
H 11/22/86 p16
Russo, Mary Beth [photo], H
11/8/86 p13
Ryan, Jeanne Irene Humes
[photo], H 11/1/86 p16
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Ryle, Christopher [photo], H
10/4/86 p18
Ryniewicz, Douglas A, H 7/19/86
Salvato, Donna Marie [photo], H
7/26/86 p17
Santella, Caressa M. [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Santillo, Patrick Orlando [photo],
H 2/1/86 p14
Sardaro, Theresa Marie [photo],
H 8/30/86 p16
Satmary, Fred E. [photo], H
8/2/86 p16
Saulnier, Jacqueline Anne
[photo], H 9/20/86 p18
Scalzo, Maria [photo], H 10/25/86
Scarantino, Lisa Ann [photo], H
10/11/86 p16
Scavo, Annette M. [photo], H
8/9/86 p16
Schiff, Gary Michael [photo], H
6/21/86 p17
Schmeichel, Lisa Anne [photo], H
8/16/86 p16
Schmidt, Debra Ann [photo], H
11/22/86 p18
Schneider, Charles S. [photo], H
8/23/86 p16
Schweickert, Mary Jo [photo], H
9/27/86 p14
Scull, Susan Anne [photo], H
9/13/86 p25
Sebastiano, Pasquale Matthew
[photo], H 10/18/86 p22
Sedita, Robert Anthony [photo],
H 7/26/86 p16
Segerson, Nancy Ellen [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Shanahan, David Cockrell
[photo], H 11/15/86 p17
Sharkany, Deborah Jean [photo],
H 7/26/86 p17
Shatos, Diana Frances [photo], H
10/11/86 p16
Shaughnessy, Kathy Anne
[photo], H 8/2/86 p17
Shaw, Richard Edward, H
11/1/86 p17
Shea, Eileen Marie [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Shortland, Dr. Michael [photo], H
8/23/86 p16
Shulman, Marjorie Ann [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Siglow, Camilla Sloat [photo], H
6/7/86 p17
Sikes, Margaret Ann [photo], H
2/15/86 p20
Sileo, Timothy Alan [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Simon, Allan E. [photo], H 1/4/86
Simons, Walter M. [photo], H
3/1/86 p16
Simpson, Loraine Grace Craig, H
9/6/86 p16
Simpson, Samuel S. [photo], H
1/18/86 p18
Sirico, James Rocco [photo], H
11/8/86 p14
Sirois, Richard Thomas Jr, H
4/19/86 p16
Smalls, Earl [photo], H 11/29/86
Smith, Arthur Smith Jr. [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Smith, Chieko [photo], H 8/16/86
Smith, Donna L. [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Smith, Rudolph L. Jr. [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
Smyth, Stephanie Pauline
[photo], H 11/22/86 p17
Snellman, Lisabet Susan [photo],
H 11/8/86 p13
Sohmer, Robert G. Jr, H 9/20/86
Solano, Dominick J. [photo], H
6/7/86 p16
Solazzo, Mark Sebastian, H
10/18/86 p21
Southworth, Edward III [photo], H
6/28/86 p16
Spangle, Valerie Joan [photo], H
9/6/86 p16
Spanoghe, Susan A. [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Spielman, Robin Ann [photo], H
10/4/86 p19
Sposta, Stephanie [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Squires, Richard C. [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
St. John, Lorraine Anne [photo],
H 11/8/86 p13
St.Hilaire, Robert Jr. [photo], H
1/25/86 p18
Staien, Suzanne Margaret
[photo], H 9/6/86 p16
Stanton, Stuart Thomas, H
10/25/86 p15
Stanton, Timothy Richard, H
8/2/86 p17
Stapor, Margaret Maryanne
[photo], H 9/27/86 p13
Stein, Celia Rose [photo], H
11/29/86 p21
Stemplen, Jane Diane [photo], H
11/29/86 p20
Stevens, Glenn H, H 6/14/86 p16
Stevens, Malcolm George
Thomas [photo], H 5/17/86
Stoll, Barry Howard [photo], H
11/1/86 p17
Stolz, Gary M. [photo], H 1/4/86
Strimbeck, George Richard
[photo], H 8/11/86 p14
Sutton, Colleen Mary [photo], H
8/2/86 p17
Swanson, Gordon Stewart
[photo], H 8/23/86 p16
Szabo, Bonnie Ann [photo], H
8/30/86 p17
Szwec, Raymond Jr. [photo], H
11/8/86 p13
Talarico, Nick [photo], H 8/16/86
Taliercio, Andrew Jack [photo], H
12/13/86 p17
Tallmadge, Susan Rae [photo], H
5/3/86 p15
Tamsky, Stella [photo], H 5/31/86
Tanner, Cynthia Lee [photo], H
8/2/86 p16
Tapper, Jill Susan, H 9/20/86 p19
Tarantino, James Jr. [photo], H
8/2/86 p16
Tavello, Rocky Jr. [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Taylor, John Donald Jr, H 7/5/86
Taylor, Mary Anne [photo], H
9/20/86 p18
Thebodo, John William [photo], H
11/22/86 p16
Thivierge, Joseph Lucien Jr.
[photo], H 9/6/86 p17
Thoele, Janice Lynn [photo], H
9/6/86 p16
Thompson, C. Sheldon, H 6/7/86
Thompson, Mark Roy, H 6/14/86
Tierney, Nancy Jane [photo], H
1/4/86 p15
Tirella, Elaine C. [photo], H
8/23/86 p17, H 8/16/86 p17
Tisdall, Katherine Wyatt [photo],
H 10/25/86 p15
Tishler, Eric Paul, H 11/8/86 p13
Toffolo, James Joseph [photo], H
10/25/86 p15
Toffolo, Marissa Bernadette
[photo], H 12/6/86 p14
Tooley, David A. [photo], H
11/15/86 p16
Torpey, Karin Lee [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Trahan, Paula Jean [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Treschitta, Louis Nicholas
[photo], H 8/2/86 p16
Tripp, Mark A. [photo], H 1/18/86
January - December 1986
Marriages (Continued)
Troy, Kathleen Ann [photo], H
2/1/86 p14
Truhn, Lisa Mary [photo], H
11/22/86 p17
Trumble, Kevin Michael [photo],
H 12/27/86 p11
Tucciarone, Joseph Anthony
[photo], H 6/21/86 p16
Tucciarone, Kathryn Mary
[photo], H 2/8/86 p16
Tuomala, Bruce Robert [photo],
H 10/11/86 p15
Tybus, Barbara Karin [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Vaast, Nancy L. [photo], H
8/16/86 p16
Valenta, Andrew Frank [photo], H
7/5/86 p16
Van Der Wielen, Jacob Jacobus
[photo], H 9/20/86 p18
Van Munching Pieter, H 5/10/86
Van Sciver, Arthur Lawrence
[photo], H 11/1/86 p16
Vanecek, David Gilbert, H
10/18/86 p20
VanLaer, John Eric [photo], H
5/31/86 p16
VanWie, Douglas R. [photo], H
8/16/86 p16
Vasquez, Marilyn [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Vento, Dominick Anthony [photo],
H 10/11/86 p16
Villamizar, Curtis [photo], H
9/4/86 p14
Vingo, Dyana Christina [photo], H
9/20/86 p18
Vinson, Joseph Hjalmar, H
11/8/86 p13
Vlahos, John George [photo], H
8/2/86 p16
Vogel, Harriet Renee [photo], H
11/8/86 p14, H 11/1/86 p16
Volderauer, Barbara [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
VonDwingelo, Gail Susan, H
3/22/86 p16
Vuoso, John Joseph [photo], H
10/13/86 p14
Walker, Debra Lee [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Walker, Susan Winship [photo],
H 9/13/86 p25
Walrath, Rosalind Anne [photo],
H 8/2/86 p16
Walsh, Kathleen Clare [photo], H
9/20/86 p18
Walther, Linda Ellen [photo], H
10/25/86 p15
Wargo, Patricia [photo], H
11/1/86 p17
Warren, Margaret Rodgers
[photo], H 12/27/86 p12
Warren, Scott [photo], H 1/25/86
Watson, Dawn Marie [photo], H
6/21/86 p16
Watson, Sheree Ann [photo], H
7/19/86 p18
Weber, Susan Kelson [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Weeks, James M. [photo], H
9/6/86 p16
Weigl, Lisa Gail [photo], H 8/2/86
Weisselberg, Susan E. [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Wendroff, Michael [photo], H
8/30/86 p16
Wenrich, Laureen A. [photo], H
10/18/86 p20
Westbury, Christopher Grey
[photo], H 5/3/86 p15
Westergard, Chris [photo], H
1/11/86 p16
Wetmore, Andrew Hund, H
2/1/86 p14
White, David Andrew [photo], H
11/1/86 p16
Whitton, Jack Hoyt [photo], H
7/26/86 p16
Willette, Joyce Ann [photo], H
12/6/86 p13
Williams, Carl L. [photo], H
8/30/86 p17
Williams, John C. "Jack," H
7/28/86 p16
Williams, Kenneth W. III [photo],
H 10/4/86 p19
Williams, Patricia, H 6/7/86 p16
Williams, Samuel James [photo],
H 9/6/86 p16
Willke, Nancy Jean, H 10/25/86
Willner, Richard John [photo], H
10/11/86 p15
Willson, Roger, H 8/30/86 p16
Wilson, Dorothy Swain [photo], H
8/23/86 p16
Wilson, Wendy Lynn [photo], H
2/22/86 p15
Wolf, Steven Arthur, H 9/20/86
Wolfe, Nancy M. [photo], H
2/4/86 p36
Woods, Paul Bradshaw II [photo],
H 6/7/86 p16
Woodworth, Walker Philip, H
12/6/86 p14
Wuhrer, Matthew Jason [photo],
H 9/27/86 p13
Wunder, Kathleen Patrice
[photo], H 6/14/86 p16
Young, Richard W. Jr. [photo], H
12/20/86 p15
Zigmond, Sheryl Ann [photo], H
12/27/86 p11
Zolluccio, Orrie Richard, H
8/30/86 p16
Zuccarini, Debra [photo], H
12/13/86 p16
Zulkeski, Janice Elizabeth
[photo], H 1/4/86 p14
Marriott Corp.
Committee endorses Marriott
Hotel plan, H 6/13/86 p11
Marriott joins move to build hotels
near Merritt complex, H
6/4/86 p1+
Marriott sails through P & Z:
Panel gets plans for review,
H 6/5/86 p20
Marriott unveils plans for new
147-room hotel, H 5/16/86
Marriott, Jan
Peters and Marriott not alone, H
6/2/86 p14A [Supp]
Marron, William T.
School official to attend program,
H 7/14/86 p8
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. SEE
Martin, Dr. Dean N.
Doctors still helping city's children
[photo], H 5/31/86 p29
Martin, Anne
Ex-employee sues hospital for
`wrongful death', H 3/15/86
Martin, Helen
Receives award [photo], H
8/12/86 p21
Martin, Kim
CC's Martin at .591, H 5/23/86
Martin is dominating softball
hitting, H 5/7/86 p13+
Martinez, Dr. Leonardo
Ex-hospital chairman sues over
his ouster, H 9/13/86 p11
Wall building skill scales
international boundaries
[photo], H 10/2/86 p35+
Matamoro, Francis
South Norwalk plumber wins $1.6
million in state Lotto, H
1/23/86 p1+
Mather St.-Wilton
`Capped' landfill has deteriorated,
H 12/15/86 p9+
DEP: Mather dump site needs
covering, regrading, H
12/9/86 p13+
Tower plan prompts check by
state DEP, H 11/24/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Mather St.-Wilton (Continued)
Wilton board requests updates
on conditions at landfill site,
H 12/16/86 p17+
Mathews Park-Norwalk
City to lease park land to
developer, H 4/10/86 p1+
Developer weighs options on
project, H 4/16/86 p1+
Seligson's parking plan loser at
raucous committee hearing,
H 4/15/86 p10
Mathon, Jean Robert
Local emigre joyous at return to
liberty [photo], H 2/8/86 p1+
Matthews, Allan F.
Tribute to Allan Matthews [letter],
H 8/9/86 p5
Matusewicz, Dennis
Man killed on Route 7 during
fight, H 6/21/86 p1+
Maurice, Norman
Maurice recalls decades of Coast
Guard service [photo], H
11/17/86 p20
Maurice, Norman Jr.
Norwalk couple busily plan
married life: They met six
years ago [photo], H 2/4/86
Mautte, Adelbert
Veteran teacher is honored, H
11/1/86 p14
Mayle, Nicholas
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Maynard, Edna
Wilton woman co-hosts show
[photo], H 5/14/86 p35
MBI Inc.
Strictly Business, H 12/16/86
McArthur, Judson Ward
Home/Town People, H 2/25/86 p9
McAuliffe, Christa
McAuliffe kin to appear at
classroom, H 3/12/86 p12
NHS classroom is dedicated in
Christa McAuliffe's honor
[photo], H 3/13/86 p1+
McBrinn, William "Billy"
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
McCabe, Kathy
Firefighters honor athletes
[photo], H 8/23/86 p23
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
McDonough, Bill
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
McDougall, Jerry
McDougall, Valentine go into
State HS Hall of Fame, H
12/16/86 p29
McElveen, Chuck
Here's `low country' sauce with
gumption: Original family
BBQ recipe [photo], H 6/9/86
McFarland, Dr. Richard
Local veterinarian stresses
`human factor' in treatment
[photo], H 1/4/86 p1+
McGann, Monsignor William J.
Monsignor McGann dies,
Norwalk resident was 69, H
8/8/86 p6
McGeorge, Stephen C.
In the Service, H 8/15/86 p6
McGlone, Lisa
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
McGovern, Phyllis
McGovern honored by realtors
[photo], H 9/25/86 p36
McGraw, Kate
Academy appoints McGraw, H
1/14/86 p9+
McGuinness, Katherine
Young history scholar is chosen
by DAR [photo], H 7/24/86
McIntosh, Dave
CC soph, teammates dominate
city soccer [photo], H
11/22/86 p25+
McIntosh leads in city soccer, H
9/30/86 p9+
McKail, Jennifer
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
McKenna, Tara
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
McKenzie & Co.
Designer picked, H 1/3/86 p6
McKinney, Stewart B.
Belaga and McKinney help GOP
open its headquarters
[photo], H 9/29/86 p9
Candidates differ on transit issue,
H 6/19/86 p1+
Council honors McKinney:
Housing commitment lauded,
H 3/18/86 p9
Ford mounts Stamford stump to
urge McKinney re-election
[photo], H 9/5/86 p1+
Fourth District race draws
national attention:
Congressman banking on
House clout [photo], H
11/3/86 p1+
Health no bar to race in '86
[photo], H 1/14/86 p1+
McKinney joins fight against
buoy, H 10/24/86 p14
McKinney seek funds for USCG,
H 8/4/86 p8
McKinney tabbed for his ninth
term [photo], H 7/12/86 p1+
McKinney will seek a 9th term
[photo], H 4/28/86 p1+
McKinney: Future of GOP rests
on defense, tax issues, H
6/9/86 p20
McKinney: Shuttle donations sign
of confidence in NASA, H
3/3/86 p18
McKinney: Weigh stop ecology
threat, H 9/15/86 p1+
McKinneys to head Red Cross
campaign, H 6/21/86 p13
Opponents take up the issues
[photo], H 10/28/86 p11+
Two waging hot battle for 4th
District seat: McKinney rides
wave of experience [photo],
H 10/29/86 p7
Victorious McKinney lambastes
electorate's poor turnout at
polls, H 11/5/86 p1+
McKinnickinnick, Margaret
`Two-artists-in-family' theme of
exhibit [photo], H 8/7/86 p13
McKissock, Allan
Home/Town People [photo], H
5/6/86 p15+
McMahon, John N.
Norwalk native says CIA clear in
scandal [photo], H 12/5/86
McManus, Hugh
Darien officer graduates from FBI
school program [photo], H
6/24/86 p11
McManus, Kevin G.
Youth dies of injuries from
motorcycle crash, H 11/12/86
McNamara, Dr. John R.
Police Blotter: Local physician
promoted at Yale, H 12/22/86
McNeil, Ronald D.
Conservancy case unresolved, H
4/9/86 p11+
Conservancy taken to court over
land inside of preserve, H
9/11/86 p35+
Residents: Trail was
thoroughfare, H 9/18/86 p33+
Road dispute sparks
conservancy lawsuit, H
9/16/86 p35+
Testimony nears end on land
rights case, H 10/2/86 p35+
McNell, Robert A.
McNell appointed to river agency,
H 3/3/86 p10
January - December 1986
McQuaid, Richard
McQuaid returning to NEON after
absence of six months, H
5/15/86 p12
Mead Pond-New Canaan
Town Council supports idea:
Park pond may be dredged,
H 8/14/86 p29+
Measurement Systems Inc.
Dinner fetes Mehrs upon
retirement [photo], H 2/18/86
Mecchia, John C.
Agreement stays threat of
eviction, H 8/8/86 p1+
Developer planning payments to
tenants who must relocate, H
5/23/86 p1+
Meenan, Chris
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Mehr, Morton H.
Dinner fetes Mehrs upon
retirement [photo], H 2/18/86
Mehr, Rhoda S.
Dinner fetes Mehrs upon
retirement [photo], H 2/18/86
Meighan, Kathryn
Cricket Theater cast featuring
Norwalkers, H 7/25/86 p20
Melady, Monica
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Memorial Day
Ceremonies, parades to honor
area war dead: Nevas to
speak on Westport green, H
5/24/86 p15+
Ceremonies, parades to honor
area war dead: Police chief
to lead Wilton march, H
5/24/86 p15+
Ceremonies, parades to honor
area war dead: Youth theme
for Weston festivities, H
5/24/86 p15+
Ceremony to follow the parade, H
5/23/86 p1+
City having its parade on
Monday, H 5/20/86 p1+
Joy and solemnity share holiday
bill [photo], H 5/27/86 p9+
Memorial parade Monday to
highlight the `Mini-Mo'
[photo], H 5/20/86 p9
Norwalk's war dead are
remembered [photo], H
5/27/86 p1
Officials to scrutinize wares sold
by vendor, H 5/17/86 p13+
Parade chief criticizes stores
which stayed open on
holiday [photo], H 5/27/86 p1+
Rowayton parade will step off at
noon Sunday, H 5/20/86 p10
Rowayton takes time out to honor
dead wartime heroes [photo],
H 5/27/86 p11
Warmer weather is predicted for
holiday festivities, H 5/24/86
Menna, Julie
3 McMahon students win future
business awards [photo], H
5/29/86 p11
Mental Health Board. SEE
Mercede, Frank Jr.
Developer takes P & Z to court, H
7/28/86 p13+
Townhouse developer drops one
Wilton suit, H 8/1/86 p22+
Merchants Bancorp Inc.
Merchants Bancorp files
statement to offer stock, H
10/17/86 p28
Merchants stock now trading on
national network, H 11/20/86
Merchants Bank & Trust Co.
Bank hikes scholarships [photo],
H 4/1/86 p25
Bank school graduates 2 at
Merchants [photo], H 9/9/86
Board member [photo], H 5/23/86
Earnings reach new record for
Merchants Bank, H 7/15/86
Merchants Bank & Trust
promotes 7 officers to higher
posts [photo], H 7/22/86 p29
Merchants Bank declares an
extra dividend, H 10/14/86 p6
Merchants Bank reports 1st
quarter top earnings [photo],
H 4/22/86 p23
Merchants Bank reports increase
of 12 percent, H 4/15/86 p26
Merchants earnings a record, H
10/10/86 p6
Merchants elects auditor, new
officers [photo], H 4/29/86
Merchants exhibits Rudolf
bronzes [photo], H 2/11/86
Merchants fetes two who retire
[photo], H 9/9/86 p19
Merchants reports profits, H
1/28/86 p50
Merchants seminar weighs
investments during change,
H 12/17/86 p26
Merrill Lynch Realty Co.
Raveis Realty is bidding on sale
of Merrill Lynch, H 10/9/86
Merritt 7 Corp.
City weighs lending developers a
hand, H 8/19/86 p18
Conservation Commission
advised of Norwalk River
diversion plans, H 2/25/86
Merritt 5, 6 get OK from P & Z, H
3/20/86 p1+
Merritt 7 buildings OK'd:
Costruction set for '87, H
5/6/86 p12
Merritt 7 concludes its cleanup
along Route 7, H 7/15/86 p29
Merritt 7 contributes [photo], H
5/30/86 p24
Merritt 7 encloses 4th office
building, H 12/16/86 p24
Merritt 7 is building bridges to a
dream [photo], H 9/30/86 p19
Plans announced for more Merritt
7 Buildings, H 2/15/86 p13
Plans ready for buildings for
Merritt 7, H 2/12/86 p8
Van available to employees at
Merritt 7, H 7/1/86 p6
Merritt Contractors Inc.
Judge throws out lawsuit against
city, H 10/16/86 p13
Merritt Parkway
Committee wants tolls on Merritt
removed, H 3/18/86 p1+
DOT report finds solvable
problems on parkway, I-95,
H 3/6/86 p1+
GOP candidate asks O'Neill to
see Merritt at rush hour, H
8/20/86 p13+
Grim picture is drawn of I-95,
parkway risks, H 1/23/86 p1+
Merritt exit receives `Hazard of
the Month' award, H 2/28/86
Not quite 50 [edit], H 10/29/86 p4
Parkway fest [letter], H 11/20/86
Watchdog group: Parkway being
used illegally, H 11/11/86 p13
Merritt Parkway-Entrance ramps
Better parkway ramps sought, H
1/31/86 p11
Gift of plants to city is offshoot of
company's greenhouse
activities [photo], H 6/26/86
Merritt Parkway-Exit ramps
Parkway exits called commuter
hazard [photo], H 4/29/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Merritt St.-Norwalk
Shelter work set to start: Contract
signed, H 1/10/86 p6
Area broker Merrittview sale
earns `Ingenious Deal
Award' [photo], H 8/19/86
Brokers look closely at
Merrittview [photo], H 4/8/86
Merwin Meadows-Wilton
Bike path approved for Merwin
Meadows, H 9/22/86 p13+
League seeks improvements for
Merwin Meadows Park
[photo], H 2/27/86 p35+
Panel provides report on
swimming incident, H 8/21/86
Panel requests funds to clean up
town pond, H 2/18/86 p13
Pond cleanup plan approved:
Board accepts gift of trees, H
2/26/86 p11
Town may close swimming hole
before Labor Day, H 8/21/86
Mete, Nicholas
Police car crash results in suit, H
5/23/86 p9
Metro Mobile CTS Inc.
Selectmen to take up plan for
radio tower, H 11/17/86 p13
Metropool Inc.
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p19+
Meyer, Rev. Sandra
Methodists welcoming new
minister [photo], H 6/28/86
Meyer, Alice V.
Lawmaker cited by women's
group, H 5/10/86 p14
LWV hears about
accomplishments in 1986
General Assembly session
[photo], H 6/21/86 p13+
Meyer appoints campaign staff, H
10/30/86 p39
Meyer chalks up easy victory in
135th, H 11/5/86 p43
Meyer hails referral bill for
business, H 5/10/86 p14
Meyer renominated in 135th, H
7/18/86 p11+
Meyer says session boon to
small business [photo], H
5/21/86 p37
Meyer to make small business a
priority, H 11/7/86 p34
Meyer to seek re-election [photo],
H 6/25/86 p41+
Rep. Meyer to run unopposed?,
H 7/25/86 p29
Meyer, Edward H.
Veteran teacher is suspended:
Educational viewpoints differ,
H 4/12/86 p13+
Meyer, Nicholas
Gifted students earn honors, H
5/16/86 p14
Meyer, Tim
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Meyerholz, Sonja
Nursing chairman named [photo],
H 6/23/86 p29
Meyers Manufacturing Co.
Despite sale of land and building,
manufacturer plans to stay in
city [photo], H 9/9/86 p10
Mianus River Bridge-Greenwich
Acrylic span moves on cue, H
7/17/86 p1+
Attorney concludes that bridge
was doomed from its design
[photo], H 8/13/86 p1+
Awareness increased by
collapse, H 7/14/86 p8
Bridge checks said not
acceptable, H 7/23/86 p12
Bridge maintenance records
examined, H 7/25/86 p12
Bridge suit ruling appealed, H
6/6/86 p9
Bridge trial has regular spectator,
H 7/31/86 p14
Burns: Bridge checks flawed, H
7/16/86 p14
Cameras allowed in court for
Mianus bridge trial, H 6/19/86
Consultant says bridge design
may have violated standards
[photo], H 7/10/86 p1+
Darien woman files appeal in
Mianus Bridge lawsuit, H
6/17/86 p1+
Designers of Mianus bridge did
not consider maintenance, H
7/30/86 p18
Drains on bridge covered over, H
8/2/86 p11
Engineer claims rust buildup
caused Mianus to collapse,
H 7/26/86 p10
Expert ends testimony on span
collapse [photo], H 7/11/86
Inspector: Key parts of bridge not
inspected, H 7/22/86 p17
Judge allows bridge evidence, H
7/17/86 p1+
Judge reserves ruling on Mianus
verdict, H 8/27/86 p11
Jurors picked for trial on bridge
cave-in, H 6/3/86 p8
Jurors see film of bridge [photo],
H 7/9/86 p1+
Jurors shown bridge video, H
7/18/86 p6
Jury rules for designer in span
suit, H 8/14/86 p1+
Jury selection complete in
Mianus suit, H 6/14/86 p11
Mianus victims must prove DOT
alone to blame: Judge, H
2/14/86 p1+
Model of bridge protested as
hearing enters 4th week, H
7/29/86 p8
Official testifies at trial, H 7/12/86
Span designers press case, H
7/24/86 p22
Span on brink of collapse for 7
years: Engineer testifies, H
8/1/86 p9
State is blamed for collapse of
bridge: By consulting
engineer, H 7/31/86 p14
State rests case in trial on bridge,
H 7/19/86 p1+
State seeking $25 million in
bridge suit, H 6/2/86 p1+
State weighs appeal of Mianus
ruling, H 8/15/86 p1+
State's case: Mianus Bridge
design flawed, H 7/8/86 p1+
Three jurors selected in Mianus
Bridge suit, H 6/5/86 p10
Trial opens July 8 on bridge
collapse [photo], H 7/5/86 p11
Zetlin gives pins, hangers life for
trial [photo p8], H 7/19/86 p1+
Mibey, Kip
In appreciation of U. S. support
[photo], H 9/4/86 p6
Miceli, Jim
Norwalk football coach resigns,
heads to Jersey [photo]
[chart], H 5/15/86 p27+
Michels, Peter Chris
Weston teen attends science
camp, H 7/30/86 p9
Mickle, Cherise
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Mickle nets 16 for UB [photo], H
12/2/86 p23+
Mickune, Nancy Beth
Westport champ walker says it's
a `pay back' [photo], H
4/21/86 p13
Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance
Center names New Yorker new
director [photo], H 3/14/86
Center to open outreach office
[photo], H 8/29/86 p30
January - December 1986
Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance
Center (Continued)
Divorce support groups created,
H 10/7/86 p10
Jaffe chosen for board seat, H
11/3/86 p13
New director is welcomed
[photo], H 3/3/86 p18
Rickler is named director [photo],
H 8/14/86 p18
Mid-Fairfield Hospice
At Hospice benefit [photo], H
5/8/86 p14
Benefactors honored [photo], H
5/15/86 p42
Good exchange for Hospice
[photo], H 2/1/86 p11
Hospice offers hospital benefit
through Medicare, H 7/14/86
Mid-Fairfield Hospice plans gala
dinner dance [photo], H
4/17/86 p13
Mid-Fairfield Small Business
Council. SEE ALSO
Caldor president tells group how
his company succeeded
[photo], H 9/26/86 p11
Middle Schools. SEE ALSO
Middle schools-Norwalk
Middle schools are hosting
annual career-day speakers,
H 5/15/86 p35
Middle schools-Westport
Board given alternative to
redistricting plan, H 12/8/86
Board to consider middle school
consolidation, H 11/17/86 p13
Middle school discussion to
continue, H 12/11/86 p13+
New school redistricting plan
keeps eighth grades
together, H 12/9/86 p13
Parents voice concern about
redistricting, H 12/2/86 p13+
School administrators draft third
consolidation proposal, H
12/16/86 p17+
School plan upsets parents, H
12/17/86 p1+
Westport parents air concern
over Long Lots School plan,
H 11/18/86 p27+
Westport school consolidation
plan approved, H 12/23/86 p9
Middlebrook Farms Rd.-Wilton
Pond sediment may cap landfill,
H 8/9/86 p13
Pond sediment won't be used at
landfill: Dredged material
said to be too coarse, H
12/4/86 p15+
Middlebrook School
Officials examine plans for
Middlebrook School, H
10/30/86 p37+
Plays to give pupils first taste of
opera [photo], H 2/20/86 p11+
Pupils salute new season at art
show [photo], H 3/22/86 p13
School uses local history to whet
students' interest, H 6/26/86
Wilton students ignore heat to
participate in walk-a-thon
[photo], H 5/31/86 p13+
Middlebrook School-Awards
5 schools cited for excellence, H
1/9/86 p9+
Pupil wins national award [photo],
H 5/30/86 p29
Middlebrook SchoolMaintenance and repair
Funding is sought by school, H
5/28/86 p1+
Middlesex Genealogical Society
Genealogical Society marks
Washington's real birthday
[photo], H 2/24/86 p11+
Society to go on surname search,
H 9/19/86 p14
Middlesex Middle School-Awards
5 schools cited for excellence, H
1/9/86 p9+
Darien students collect national
contest victory [photo], H
6/24/86 p11+
Middleton, Brett
Student selected, H 3/21/86 p6
Mihilidis, George
Marina is planned in Norwalk, H
5/31/86 p32
Mihura, Alexis
Bulldozers have been following
antiques dealer around the
area [photo], H 8/23/86 p13+
Mikki Williams Dancers
Mikki Williams gala weekend
[photo], H 6/9/86 p15
They'll dance with stars in their
eyes [photo], H 8/22/86 p13+
Miles, Richard
Miles charged with failure to face
court, H 10/8/86 p6
Miles is facing two charges
unlinked to New Jersey trip,
H 10/9/86 p19
Miles, Sachiko
Remembering the first bomb
[photo], H 8/4/86 p1+
Miller School
Schools nominated for honor, H
2/10/86 p9
Miller, Dr. Robert
Psychiatrist goes on stand
[photo], H 4/19/86 p13+
Miller, Alison
City girl recipient of award for
valor [photo], H 6/14/86 p20
Miller, Deyanne F.
Judge ready to rule on kennel
injunction, H 12/17/86 p13+
Judge turns down injunction:
Sought by kennel neighbors,
H 12/23/86 p9+
Miller, Jack E.
Raise for finance director
supported by finance panel,
H 1/8/86 p7
Miller, Natalie
Student's game honors `The
Lady' [photo], H 4/8/86 p1
Mills, Janet M.
Donen criticizes GOP, Mills:
Campaign Roundup, H
7/11/86 p24
Esposito, Mills, Artell
renominated as GOP fills out
slate, H 7/24/86 p16
Housing authority members
critical of Mills' statements, H
1/17/86 p1+
Janet Mills blamed for hikes in
taxes, H 6/23/86 p9
Mills also comes under fire by
2nd Democratic hopeful, H
7/11/86 p24
Mills critical of Legislature
leadership: Too many titles
[photo], H 12/9/86 p11
Mills ire is aroused by grant, H
6/12/86 p1+
Mintz rips Mills for `no' vote on
schools bill, H 6/18/86 p22
Mintz, Mills in tug of war for 140th
District: Mills vows to
continue program cuts
[photo], H 10/30/86 p1+
Rep. Mills gave her name to a
bundle of bills [photo], H
1/18/86 p1+
Milton, Cathy
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Miniter, Wendy
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14,
H 3/29/86 p25
Minnich, Joe
Minnich to receive Wilton sports'
award [photo], H 11/1/86 p25
Minoff Properties
Minoff Properties bloom
continues, H 12/9/86 p26
January - December 1986
Minor, James V. III
Council approves payment to
attorney, H 8/13/86 p11
Minor, city's guide in complex
suits, takes Stamford zoning
attorney post, H 7/16/86 p11
Norwalk's legal eagle is singled
out for his major - and minor deeds, H 6/10/86 p1+
Minor, Kyle
Cricket Theater cast featuring
Norwalkers, H 7/25/86 p20
Counsel says city in need of
minority officers, H 7/22/86
Expert says police must strive to
foster trust, H 7/12/86 p1+
NEON leaders say gap exists
between police and
minorities [photo], H 7/11/86
Minority students
Minorities are majorities in
learning centers, H 8/26/86
NEON says grades force many
minorities to summer school,
H 3/20/86 p11
Project In-Touch initiates
minorities' youth workshops
[photo], H 10/7/86 p9
Sloan proposal on minority
students draws black
educator's criticism, H
8/26/86 p1+
Sloan sets priorities for 1986-87
school year: Minority
success is #1 [photo], H
8/12/86 p14
Sloan surprised by criticism
lodged by prominent
educator, H 8/27/86 p10
Wilkerson replies to Sloan, H
8/28/86 p16
Mintz, Douglas C.
140th primary set: Mintz vs.
Donen [photo], H 8/9/86 p1+
Candidate ruffles registrars, H
8/16/86 p1+
City man named to state task
force, H 7/18/86 p9
Democrats nominate Mintz for
140th Assembly District, H
7/24/86 p23
Democrats send four to
assembly: Republican
Esposito survives tide
[photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Donen files petitions to challenge
Mintz, H 8/8/86 p11
Donen issues call for debate: For
140th District Democrats, H
8/29/86 p28
Donen proposes to strive for
better access to polls, H
8/15/86 p6
Donen wants a primary vs. Mintz,
H 7/31/86 p1+
Fundraiser held for Mintz [photo],
H 7/14/86 p9
Mintz critical in resignation from
city conservation panel, H
11/25/86 p18
Mintz defeats Donen for second
time, 3-1, H 9/10/86 p1+
Mintz given endorsement, H
6/17/86 p10
Mintz rejects bid for debate from
Donen, H 9/3/86 p11
Mintz rips Mills for `no' vote on
schools bill, H 6/18/86 p22
Mintz, Mills in tug of war for 140th
District: Mintz pledges
effective representation, H
10/30/86 p1+
Mintz, Lea
Chamber names Lea Mintz
Businesswoman of the Year
[photo], H 4/18/86 p1+
Miro, Donald E.
Search for missing man called off
by Coast Guard, H 10/17/86
Waters searched for man, H
10/16/86 p1+
Westport man found in city
harbor [photo], H 10/25/86
Miss Fairfield Pageant
Miss Fairfield Pageant to debut in
Westport [photo], H 2/6/86
Missing children
Police Blotter: Boy reported
missing, H 1/23/86 p8
Missing persons-Norwalk
`Missing' teen-ager back home,
H 10/7/86 p1+
Police search for missing
Norwalk girl [photo], H
10/6/86 p1+
Search for missing man called off
by Coast Guard, H 10/17/86
Waters searched for man, H
10/16/86 p1+
Westport man found in city
harbor [photo], H 10/25/86
Mitchel, Mara
`Missing' teen-ager back home,
H 10/7/86 p1+
Miles charged with failure to face
court, H 10/8/86 p6
Miles is facing two charges
unlinked to New Jersey trip,
H 10/9/86 p19
Police search for missing
Norwalk girl [photo], H
10/6/86 p1+
Mitchell, Bob
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Mitchell, Charles R. "Chuck"
New leader takes over vets
panel, H 2/11/86 p7
Mitchell, Richard B.
Mitchell elected as chairman of
police commission, H 4/18/86
Mix, Mary
Chairman asks Mix to resign from
GOP Town Committee, H
10/3/86 p29+
Democrats court Republican: Mix
asked to be candidate, H
9/18/86 p33+
Democrats rallying behind Mary
Mix [photo], H 10/16/86 p15+
Mary Mix to be candidate for
judge of probate, H 7/8/86
Mix mulling Democratic offer: In
probate judge race, H
9/20/86 p25+
Mix to run for probate judge on
Democratic ticket, H 9/30/86
Primary set in Westport probate
race, H 7/18/86 p11+
Primary to resolve probate judge
race, H 7/30/86 p9+
Probate judge candidate sets
campaign committee, H
10/25/86 p42
Probate judge race heats up as
election day draws near
[photo], H 10/30/86 p37+
Recount scheduled in Westport
contest, H 9/10/86 p11
Moccia, Robert A.
Manager says he was fired for
refusing to break the law, H
12/26/86 p1+
Moffett, Toby
Collins says Moffett's drive
mirrors events here in 1975,
H 2/14/86 p6
Toby Moffett brings his campaign
to Norwalk, H 2/24/86 p13
Mohonk House-Westport
Bank officials present award to
Mohonk House in Westport
[photo], H 11/25/86 p10
Home rejects teen exposed to
AIDS, H 4/24/86 p13+
Mohonk House faces shortage in
funding, H 6/27/86 p11
Sale raises $10,000 for Mohonk
House, H 7/11/86 p11
January - December 1986
Mokeler, Dolores D.
Bank school graduates 2 at
Merchants [photo], H 9/9/86
Moldflow Pty. Ltd.
Strictly Business, H 11/25/86
Monahan, Stephen I.
`Hometown heroes' selected:
Town honors Monahan,
Dugan, H 3/22/86 p13+
Monahan, Stephen T.
Conn. Theater Foundation elects
S. T. Monahan president, H
2/20/86 p15
Mondo, Dr. Lia
Norwalk prof recommended for
Order of Merit of Italy [photo],
H 1/22/86 p29
Montana, Dominick
Republicans tap Montana to be
leader [photo], H 3/21/86 p1+
Monterey Village-Norwalk
Residents irked by drug traffic
near complex, H 6/4/86 p1+
Montessori Child's Work Center
Conflict in Montessori plan seen
by P & Z panel chairman, H
1/17/86 p11
Montessori School. SEE
Statue to be moved to the Town
Commons [photo], H 3/20/86
Moore, Wimbly
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Moraio, Bud
Moraio has a winner in his
Triumph TR4A, H 9/26/86
Morano Welding
Judge's court order dampens
welding firm, H 10/11/86 p9
Morano, Eugene A.
City officials seeking order
against owner of business, H
7/30/86 p11
Moreland, Daniel
Ill-fated ship and skipper receive
praise [photo], H 5/21/86 p1+
Norwalker to pilot schooner in Op
Sail [drawing], H 6/27/86 p10
Moreland, William Dawson Jr.
William Moreland Jr., aide to
Cordell Hull [photo], H 1/6/86
Morgan, Timothy
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Morgenstern, Fred
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Morgenthaler, Walter
War veterans give scholarship, H
1/3/86 p6
Moriarity, Michael
Moriarity ends police career:
Inspector 20-year veteran
[photo], H 2/3/86 p9
Moriarty, William Albert
William Moriarty dies: Retired
police detective [photo], H
10/2/86 p6
Morin, Barry
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Morning Star Productions
Norwalk duo follow their star,
promoting Christian rock
music [photo], H 8/9/86 p37
Morris Decision Systems Inc.
Computerworks becomes Morris
Decision Systems, H 6/17/86
Morris, John J.
Administrator will return to
classroom: Morris to teach in
Stamford, H 7/25/86 p29
Morris, Maria
Dolphins swim to top on right arm
of Morris [photo], H 8/12/86
Morris, Mary
Dolphins squeak by 1-0 as
Jagodzinski shines [photo], H
8/22/86 p1+
Morrissey, Rev. Philip T.
Remembering all the years
[photo], H 6/30/86 p6
Rev. Morrissey to observe
anniversary of ordination
[photo], H 6/27/86 p11+
Morton, Kevin
Morton's 141 Ks set mark [chart],
H 5/29/86 p21
Senators triumph: Morton
outduels Stanton, H 5/10/86
City commission will explain
mosquito-control program, H
3/13/86 p18
Mother's Day Race
Funds are donated for Mothers'
race [photo], H 5/10/86 p11
Motion picture producers and
`Isaac in America' premieres in
Westport [photo], H 7/17/86
Motley, Michael Jerome
Norwalk man found dead, police
say, H 3/25/86 p6
Motor vehicle violations-New
Police Blotter: David Letterman
ticketed again, H 11/18/86 p8
Motorcycle accidents-Norwalk
$14,500 awarded motorcyclist for
pothole injuries, H 4/18/86 p6
Man dies when cycle strikes
telephone pole, H 4/5/86 p1+
Motorcycle hits empty school bus
[photo], H 6/20/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 2 injured in
accident, H 8/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cycle crash injures
man, H 10/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cyclist warned
after crash, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Girl hit: Cyclist
flees, H 4/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Moped rider
injured, H 5/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorcycle collides
with car, H 6/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorcyclist hurt in
crash, H 1/13/86 p6, H
3/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three hurt in
accidents, H 7/18/86 p8
Toddler hurt when struck by
motorcycle, H 8/20/86 p6
Youth dies of injuries from
motorcycle crash, H 11/12/86
Motorcycle accidents-Weston
Charges are filed in 'cycle
mishap, H 6/7/86 p13+
Police Blotter: Motorcyclist hurt in
Weston, H 4/29/86 p8
Mount Holyoke Club of Fairfield
Mount Holyoke Club meets to
plan 150th anniversary
[photo], H 7/30/86 p32
Mount Holyoke College welcome
[photo], H 4/30/86 p28
Mountain Capital Corp.
Agency aims to oversee firm's
assets, H 6/26/86 p1+
Moving pictures. SEE HAIL
Moving pictures-Production and
Flax Hill Road house being used
in making of film for TV this
fall [photo], H 5/16/86 p1+
Moving-Pictures. SEE SURVIVAL
Moving-pictures. SEE HAIL
Agency aids refugees fleeing
Mozambique, H 2/11/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Mr. Nick's Inc.
Mr. Nick's opens here [photo], H
6/24/86 p22
Muehleisen, Roland
English tutor eases barrier of
language [photo], H 2/1/86
Mueller, Dr. F. Carl
Mueller joins institute staff as
consultant, H 12/6/86 p26
Mulholland, Mary Ellen
Civilian employee resigns Police
Dept. post, H 10/21/86 p11
Mullaney, Charles P.
142nd district race: Mullaney
faces uphill fight [photo], H
10/28/86 p11+
Battle of personalities in 142nd
may be a victim of numbers
game, H 11/1/86 p13
Gill and Roche respond to
Mullaney's criticism, H
10/2/86 p35+
Gill leading Mullaney in campaign
donations, H 10/16/86 p15+
Gill, Mullaney engage in Route 7
discussion, H 10/10/86 p31+
Gill, Mullaney speak at forum
[photo], H 10/7/86 p11+
Mullaney backed by state
teachers, H 11/1/86 p14
Mullaney blasts Gill, Roche:
Candidate charges
insensitivity, H 10/1/86 p9+
Mullaney endorsed by Democrats
in 142nd [photo], H 7/25/86
Mullaney endorsed by Dodd, H
10/22/86 p38
Mullaney will challenge Roche:
Democrat in 142nd District
race [photo], H 5/22/86 p17+
Mullaney: Gill failed to file finance
record, H 9/17/86 p11+
Route 7 issue tackled by Gill and
Mullaney [photo], H 10/27/86
Munhall, Harold R.
Chamber honors former director
[photo], H 8/14/86 p29
Municipal bonds-Norwalk
Maritime Center bonds floated, H
12/3/86 p1+
Munoz, Claudia M.
In the Service, H 8/14/86 p6
Munro, J. Richard
N. Y. college wil honor Time
officer, H 2/8/86 p13+
Murder-New Canaan
New Canaan woman slain [photo
p8], H 12/11/86 p1+
Police say murderers from area,
H 12/13/86 p8
Second man is charged in Viner
killing, H 12/31/86 p1+
Slaying jars residents of New
Canaan, H 12/12/86 p1+
Viner car scoured for clues, H
12/12/86 p1+
A city in shock [edit], H 9/25/86 p4
Dr. Tec talks of tragedy with
students, H 10/2/86 p12
Hundreds mourn murder victim
[photo], H 9/27/86 p1+
Leads are pursued by police, H
9/27/86 p8
Murdered girl found near school:
Ponus Ridge pupil victim of
foul play [photo], H 9/24/86
Norwalk parents earn praise from
Collins, H 9/25/86 p8
Norwalk veterans' group support
reward fund, H 10/7/86 p1+
Police ask FBI for help in solving
girl's murder [photo], H
9/25/86 p1+
Police ask students to help probe
[photo] [map], H 9/24/86 p1+
Police plea nets leads on murder,
H 10/3/86 p1+
Police searching for new clues in
murder of Norwalk student
[photo], H 9/26/86 p1+
Probers quiz `suspects' in girl's
slaying, H 9/29/86 p1+
Slain youngster's mother feared
worst: Anxious wait ended at
4:30 a.m. [photo], H 9/24/86
Slaying of student leaves a
legacy of fear, H 9/25/86 p1+
SoNo man killed during arrest, H
10/21/86 p1+
Story too graphic [letter], H
10/10/86 p5
Three suspects sought in girl's
murder [drawing] [photo], H
10/2/86 p1+
Two views are offered of tragedy,
H 10/8/86 p12
Falby's bid for parole draws fire,
H 5/30/86 p1+
Man sought in '82 killing is
arrested, H 5/24/86 p1+
Murphy, Calvin
Magicians, Calvin on same court
[photo], H 2/25/86 p15
Murphy nets 44 in NHS benefit
[photo], H 3/17/86 p19+
Murphy, Emmett G.
Murphy elected president of the
new Norwalk Bank [photo], H
9/16/86 p23
Murphy, Terrence J. Jr.
Local lawyer finds catharsis
whipping up dishes in kitchen
[photo], H 9/20/86 p1+
Murphy, Tom
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Murray, Rosa M.
NCC student is chosen for Board
of Trustees [photo], H
2/12/86 p40
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Carnival fun [photo], H 8/25/86
Musicians-New Canaan
Local musicians tops in youth
competition [photo], H
3/14/86 p17
Prodigy stars with Bridgeport
Symphony: Season starts
Oct. 11 [photo], H 10/3/86
Norwalk duo follow their star,
promoting Christian rock
music [photo], H 8/9/86 p37
Norwalker comes home for big
jazz bash: Horace Silver Day
today [photo], H 7/24/86 p13
The Tracks in Battle I [photo], H
7/2/86 p34
Local musicians tops in youth
competition [photo], H
3/14/86 p17
Don Elliott memorial is concert on
Sunday [photo], H 7/11/86
Holly and Cindy have got `The
Touch': New rock group in
town [photo], H 6/20/86 p15+
Amnesty International's 25th
observed here with musicale
[photo], H 7/8/86 p13
At Lincoln Center [photo], H
6/16/86 p11
Brubeck joins Lavalle for
orchestra concert [photo], H
11/24/86 p18
Friday is Brubeck Day [photo], H
5/8/86 p15
Gives recital [photo], H 9/19/86
Master pianist cherishes role as
teacher [photo], H 1/27/86
Organist leaving [photo], H
3/22/86 p35
January - December 1986
Musicians-Wilton (Continued)
State arts winners named by
commission: Special
ceremonies Saturday
[photo], H 5/29/86 p13
Wilton High Madrigals to sing
Brubeck piece [photo], H
3/7/86 p18
Myrtle Ave.-Westport
Intersection improvements given
RTM green light, H 4/2/86
Intersection work approved:
Selectmen vote on
agreement, H 7/9/86 p35
Officials study traffic problems, H
3/19/86 p13+
Officials work to unsnarl
Westport's traffic problems
[photo], H 3/21/86 p9+
Post Road intersection work
given RTM blessing, H
8/6/86 p33
RTM to consider agreement for
intersection improvement, H
3/31/86 p11+
RTM to vote on intersection, H
7/30/86 p9+
Town to ask DOT for signs for
Post Road intersection, H
5/5/86 p13
Traffic upsets street's residents,
H 9/19/86 p13
Westport selectmen examine
Myrtle Avenue
improvements, H 5/14/86
Altered suit settlement gains
majority support, H 5/9/86
Common Council is expected to
approve NAACP agreement,
H 5/13/86 p1+
Coors officials defend policies in
response to NAACP
charges, H 4/15/86 p21
Council OKs housing suit
settlement [photo], H 5/14/86
Fair housing group is formed to
settle NAACP's complaint, H
9/11/86 p6
Formal ruling issued in NAACP
lawsuit, H 10/28/86 p1+
Housing suit's stipulations OK'd,
H 3/27/86 p1+
NAACP charges bring quick
response, H 4/11/86 p1+
NAACP to city: OK pact or face
court, H 4/18/86 p1+
NAACP's attorney sees pact
freeing $850,000 in HUD
money, H 3/1/86 p1+
NAACP, city eye agreement, H
2/28/86 p1+
NAACP-city suit wrap-up
expected Tuesday, H 5/12/86
Nabisco Brands Inc.
Nabisco Sells Wilton Center, H
9/30/86 p21
Nagy, Alexander
Nagy finds his greatest pleasures
in smallest acts of help to
others [photo], H 6/28/86 p32
Nailen, John T.
Norwalker retired from USAF, H
11/17/86 p20
Nair, Dr. Kesav G.
Nair joins medical group [photo],
H 1/27/86 p30
Nancy Strong's Fitness, Inc.
They're certified [photo], H
9/24/86 p31
Nantucket Cafe
Strictly Business, H 11/11/86
p15, H 11/25/86 p33+
Narad, Dr. Joan Stern
Health/Fitness: Physician elected
to academy, H 10/6/86 p33
Nash Engineering Co.
Manager says he was fired for
refusing to break the law, H
12/26/86 p1+
New `Oldtimers' [photo], H
5/27/86 p28
Seasonal spirit spreads through
area businesses, H 12/23/86
Nat Goodwin
Promotion aids Treasure House
[photo], H 11/17/86 p21
Natale, Barry L.
Postal worker's idea wins him
$17,000 [photo], H 9/13/86
Nathan Hale Middle School
Three Nathan Hale eighthgraders chosen for `Main
Street' program [photo], H
8/12/86 p1+
Nathan Hale Middle SchoolAwards
Grant awarded, H 2/15/86 p13
Nathan Hale Middle SchoolSports
City champs [photo], H 6/6/86 p36
Nathan Hale Middle School-Staff
Local teacher author of guide, H
10/30/86 p6
Nathaniel Ely School
Builder wants to buy footpath: At
Ely Avenue School, H
11/20/86 p10
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored
National Executive Service
Strictly Business, H 3/11/86 p19+
National Guard. SEE
National Guardian Corp.
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p13+
National Hall-Westport
Auction set on Nov. 8 for Fairfield
Furniture, H 10/27/86 p13+
Furniture store auction put on
hold [photo], H 11/7/86 p33+
In an effort to head off disaster,
Westport officials post
building [photo], H 7/19/86
Intersection plays role in furniture
store plans, H 11/13/86 p13+
P & Z joins fight to save building:
Commission drafts
regulations, H 10/3/86 p29+
Selectman wants to see historic
building saved, H 6/28/86 p13
National Merit Scholarships
20 area pupils are commended
by National Merit
Scholarships Corp, H
12/18/86 p23
National Merit ScholarshipsDarien
8 students win grants to college,
H 4/10/86 p10
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
National Merit Scholarships-New
8 students win grants to college,
H 4/10/86 p10
National Merit ScholarshipsNorwalk
No honors for pupils in Norwalk,
H 9/11/86 p1+
National Merit ScholarshipsWeston
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
No honors for pupils in Norwalk,
H 9/11/86 p1+
Weston's Merit Semifinalists
[photo], H 9/23/86 p29
National Merit ScholarshipsWestport
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
No honors for pupils in Norwalk,
H 9/11/86 p1+
Staples students are
commended, H 10/11/86 p46
January - December 1986
National Merit ScholarshipsWilton
8 students win grants to college,
H 4/10/86 p10
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
No honors for pupils in Norwalk,
H 9/11/86 p1+
Senior at WHS wins scholarship,
H 5/24/86 p16
Seniors receive commendations,
H 10/2/86 p36
National Westminster Bank
Strictly Business, H 8/19/86 p15+
Nature Center for Environmental
Executive director named at
Westport Nature Center
[photo], H 1/23/86 p13
Learning to care [photo], H
12/11/86 p30
Nature Center Week to be
observed, H 10/13/86 p12
Thousands visit nature center, H
5/27/86 Supp. p10A
Nature Conservancy-Connecticut
Conservancy case unresolved, H
4/9/86 p11+
Environmentalist urges towns to
save remaining open space,
H 10/30/86 p39
Nature Conservancy-Weston
Conservancy taken to court over
land inside of preserve, H
9/11/86 p35+
Residents: Trail was
thoroughfare, H 9/18/86 p33+
Road dispute sparks
conservancy lawsuit, H
9/16/86 p35+
Testimony nears end on land
rights case, H 10/2/86 p35+
NCA Corp.
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p20
Strictly Business, H 3/11/86 p20
Neighborhood Housing Services
Agency buys house for
renovation and resale below
the market price, H 7/28/86
Agency is working harder to meet
city's housing goals, H 6/5/86
Housing agency given $27,000:
Banks, businesses donate, H
1/15/86 p7
Local agency fills home-owning
dream [photo], H 1/7/86 p1+
New home gives area family
special reason to give thanks
[photo p8], H 11/24/86 p1+
Neligan, Dr. Patrick
Hospital post to Ridgefielder: Exchief of staff named [photo],
H 2/21/86 p10
Nelson, Keith D.
Attorneys for crash victim rest
cse: In wrongful death suit, H
12/23/86 p10
Leary defense tries to dismiss
hypnosis, H 12/24/86 p1+
Teens give testimony about night
of crash, H 12/15/86 p9+
Trial to open in accident which
killed 1, H 12/2/86 p14
12 graduate from clerical skills
program, H 11/1/86 p19
3-year plan aims to help poor, H
6/27/86 p13
Agreement stays threat of
eviction, H 8/8/86 p1+
Burgess charges city officials
scuttled tenant relocation
deal [photo], H 10/23/86 p9
Burgess gets raise in pay from
NEON, H 9/10/86 p1+
Burgess queries SEAP valve, H
11/11/86 p14
Burgess seeks funding from area
communities, H 11/11/86 p8
Burgess: Needy need skills:
Sloan: System doing its best,
H 4/3/86 p1+
Business' aid is sought to fund
NEON programs, H 5/1/86
Camp counselor posts OKd for
job program, H 3/11/86 p1+
City teens gain cash, experience
[photo p8], H 7/25/86 p1+
Citywide suffering predicted
under president's budget, H
2/6/86 p1+
CNB responds to needs of NEON
[photo], H 4/10/86 p9
Coors officials defend policies in
response to NAACP
charges, H 4/15/86 p21
Coors, NEON to meet tonight, H
4/14/86 p1+
Cuts cited in firings at agency, H
5/15/86 p1+
Doctors still helping city's children
[photo], H 5/31/86 p29
Governor praises Burgess at
annual dinner for NEON
[photo], H 4/5/86 p1+
Halfway House commended for
its success [photo], H
10/9/86 p1+
Lack of counselors imperils city
camp, H 5/6/86 p1+
Man has praise for NEON, H
7/1/86 p26
McQuaid returning to NEON after
absence of six months, H
5/15/86 p12
NEON adjusting to new policy, H
12/2/86 p36
NEON asks Oyster Fest drop
Coors, H 5/15/86 p1+
NEON backs application for 2
grants, H 12/11/86 p19
NEON board rebukes member
for cut stand, H 4/10/86 p1+
NEON facing a cut in teen
counselors at children's
camp, H 2/20/86 p1+
NEON food program to benefit
area's needy, H 9/22/86 p6
NEON is adding a basic skills
program, H 8/26/86 p9
NEON is pursuing purchase of
South Main Street house, H
7/29/86 p6
NEON leaders say gap exists
between police and
minorities [photo], H 7/11/86
NEON may build long-term
housing for homeless, H
12/11/86 p1+
NEON panels urging new
sponsor for festival, H 5/6/86
NEON project most helpful
[letter], H 11/5/86 p5
NEON re-establishes Norwalk
Housing Fund, H 10/9/86 p1+
NEON says grades force many
minorities to summer school,
H 3/20/86 p11
NEON set to accept $40,000 for
emergency needs of the
poor, H 11/4/86 p20
NEON sets meeting with Coors,
H 4/1/86 p1+
NEON staff joins call for security
against violence, H 2/20/86
NEON still seeks `cheese'
arrests, H 1/9/86 p16
NEON summer camp to open, H
5/13/86 p1+
NEON to use welfare project to
teach skills for job success,
H 6/17/86 p9
Norden gift helps NEON [photo],
H 7/16/86 p9
Poor losing gas, electricity:
Agencies can't help, H
4/16/86 p1+
Program gets a new name, H
4/8/86 p6
Seniors giving thanks at NEON
[photo], H 11/17/86 p10
January - December 1986
NEON (Continued)
Social service agencies form
council to coordinate efforts,
H 2/25/86 p1+
Teacher's resignation tempers
job training graduation night,
H 11/7/86 p13
Teens in summer jobs lack many
basic skills, H 3/25/86 p1+
Tenants agree to cash offer for
relocation, H 8/12/86 p1+
Tenants say landlord is
intimidating [photo], H 8/7/86
Youngsters at workshop [photo],
H 11/3/86 p18
NEON-Project in Touch
Project In-Touch initiates
minorities' youth workshops
[photo], H 10/7/86 p9
Nevas, Bernard
Developer in Westport sues
Conservation Commission, H
11/24/86 p13+
Nevas joins Westport RTM, H
11/14/86 p27+
Nevas, Leo
Committee cites work of Nevas
[photo], H 5/15/86 p17
Landowners appeal wetlands
amendment, H 4/12/86 p13+
P & Z taken to court over
resubdivision approval, H
11/25/86 p9+
New Canaan Ave.-Norwalk
Developer to appeal P & Z denial
of zone change, H 1/23/86
New Canaan Chamber of
O'Neill appointed chamber
director, H 7/11/86 p11
New Canaan Country School
Guidelines established for
program, H 7/7/86 p14
Horizons helps kids understand
that learning can be
enjoyable [photo], H 7/21/86
Pupils' efforts aid Horizons
program [photo], H 4/7/86 p14
New Canaan Grange
Grange celebrates 100th
anniversary, H 5/5/86 p14
New Canaan High SchoolAwards
8 students win grants to college,
H 4/10/86 p10
New Canaan High SchoolGraduation
315 students earn diplomas at
New Canaan High School
[photo], H 6/25/86 p41+
New Canaan High School-Sports
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
New Canaan whips Staples, 6638, H 3/19/86 p15+
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
Rams repeat, top Wilton [photo],
H 6/10/86 p21+
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
Wilton places four players: 1986
All-FCIAC East offensive,
defensive teams [photo]
[chart], H 12/9/86 p31+
New Canaan Historical Society
New Canaan Historical Society to
learn about house
restoration, H 9/13/86 p37
The way they were: Clothes left
behind make vivid history
[photo], H 7/11/86 p15
New Canaan Mounted Troop
And everywhere there were
horses [photo], H 9/15/86 p9
Bareback skills win ribbons for
riders in NCMT show [photo],
H 2/25/86 p14
N.C.M.T. riders triumph at meet
[photo], H 12/5/86 p34
NCMT drill team to appear at
craft fair and tag sale [photo],
H 9/11/86 p36
Riders compete at New Canaan
show [photo], H 11/6/86 p17
Riders compete in gymkhana, H
3/18/86 p16
New Canaan Public Library
NC Library shows Portraits of
'80s, H 10/18/86 p22
New Canaan Rd.-Wilton
Environmentalists can't add
evidence in sludge hearing,
H 10/17/86 p29+
New Canaan Society for the Arts
NC Society for the Arts is
showcasing members, H
11/17/86 p18
New Canaan Water Co.
Water company asks service rate
increase, H 4/7/86 p13
New Canaan-Planning and
Zoning Commission
Judge ends battle over office
building, H 12/27/86 p29+
Office plan still draws opposition,
H 9/17/86 p11+
P & Z to mull new plan for office
complex, H 9/16/86 p35+
Settlement will end office building
dispute, H 11/19/86 p37+
New Canaan-Police Dept.
New Canaan's chief of police
takes off badge after 31
years [photo], H 12/27/86 p1+
Settlement reached in Lundy
case, H 8/21/86 p13+
New Canaan-Town Council
$6 million approved to repair
town roads, H 8/14/86 p29
Town Council supports idea:
Park pond may be dredged,
H 8/14/86 p29+
New England Piaget Conference
New group gets educational
grant, H 5/23/86 p12
Piaget group benefits from
$1,000 grant, H 10/2/86 p10
Newman's Own, Inc./Salad King,
Charities reap $1.7 million from
Newman's company, H
8/22/86 p10
Cyclists raise money for camp
[photo], H 10/24/86 p26
Levitt Pavilion '86 opens Sunday,
June 22 [photo], H 6/6/86 p15
Newman donates $10,000 to
hospice, H 1/23/86 p29
Newman greets disc jockey
[photo], H 12/15/86 p11
Newman, Bernard
Newman will lead the Senior
Center [photo], H 7/22/86 p10
Newman, Mark A.
Man dies in storm accident, H
8/18/86 p1+
Newman, Paul
Actor donates $4 million for camp
[photo], H 9/18/86 p33
Cookman, Newman cop races, H
10/20/86 p25
Ground is broken for camp for
critically ill children [photo], H
12/11/86 p13+
Newman finds site for camp, H
9/16/86 p36
Newman seeking site for
childrens' camp, H 6/19/86
Newman, Hotchner buy
campsite: Architect and
others to donate services
[photo], H 10/14/86 p13+
Newmans take town to court
[photo], H 7/23/86 p9+
News summary-1986-Weston
Vandals, construction leading
Weston stories: 1986 in
review [photo], H 12/29/86
January - December 1986
News summary-1986-Weston
World and national events touch
town of Wilton: 1986 in
review [photo], H 12/31/86
News summary-1986-Westport
Flynn murder is city's top '86
news story, H 12/31/86 p1+
Weigh station was dominant
issue in Westport: 1986 in
review [photo], H 12/30/86
Newspapers. SEE WESTON
Newtown Tpke.-Weston
Family seeks ruling on converted
barn, H 5/7/86 p9+
Newtown Tpke.-Westport
Rich to try again to develop
parcel, H 3/17/86 p11
Collins reports trip cemented
opposition to Contra support,
H 5/1/86 p1+
Collins, Gibbs favor ending aid to
Contras [photo p1], H
6/12/86 p33
Norwalker calls U. S. Contra
support `blunder' [photo p8],
H 12/12/86 p1+
Returning from Nicaragua trip,
Norwalker questions U. S.
role [photo], H 8/23/86 p7
Students want ban on Contra aid
[photo], H 10/21/86 p7
Unpopular trip [edit], H 5/5/86 p4
Nicasio, Jennifer
Their storks welcome newcomers
to the town [photo], H
5/29/86 p15
Nicholas, David C.
Norwalker wins Hawaii trip in
contest at radio station
[photo], H 6/28/86 p6
Nicholson, Tim
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
1/7/86 p14
Nickerson, Nancy Cunningham
Low-Heywood Thomas School
cites two, H 5/16/86 p23
Niedermeier, Christine M.
Candidate backed, H 3/21/86 p6
Candidates differ on transit issue,
H 6/19/86 p1+
Dems to pin hopes on
Niedermeier [photo], H
7/21/86 p1+
Fourth District race draws
national attention:
Niedermeier: Coast needs
strong voice [photo], H
11/3/86 p1+
Fund raiser is appointed, H
7/12/86 p6
Niedermeier 4th District Dem
choice [photo], H 7/22/86 p1+
Niedermeier envisions `close,
hot' campaign [photo], H
8/2/86 p1+
Niedermeier lays the groundwork
for 1988 rematch with
McKinney [photo], H 11/5/86
Niedermeier visits Norwalk on
opening day of campaign
[photo], H 2/25/86 p34
Opponents take up the issues
[photo], H 10/28/86 p11+
Two waging hot battle for 4th
District seat: Niedermeier
challenges representation
[photo], H 10/29/86 p7
U. S. Sen. Gary Hart attends
fundraiser for Neidermeier
(sic) [photo], H 9/22/86 p1+
Victorious McKinney lambastes
electorate's poor turnout at
polls, H 11/5/86 p1+
Nielsen, Gail
New physical therapy office
opens, H 6/23/86 p30
Niewenhous, Charles F.
Landowners appeal wetlands
amendment, H 4/12/86 p13+
Nike Missile Site-Westport
Agreement on Nike Site
approved, H 10/15/86 p13+
Nobel prizes
Area Jews ecstatic over Wiesel
award [photo], H 10/14/86
Local resident inviting Nobel
winners to dinner [photo], H
10/13/86 p1+
NCC's symposium will feature
peace prize winner from
1977 [photo], H 10/14/86 p1+
Nod Hill Rd.-Wilton
Subdivision is opposed by
neighbors, H 12/10/86 p15+
City in line for barriers to cut
noise on turnpike, H 2/14/86
Complaints about noise and
fumes are reiterated [photo],
H 9/5/86 p9
Factory is probed for fumes, H
5/27/86 p1+
Noise emanating from plant
exceeds city limits, H 7/23/86
Norwalk 40th on DOT list for
noise abatement, H 4/1/86 p9
Hauhuth asks lawmakers to draft
barrier bill, H 2/20/86 p11
RTM asked to review noise rule,
H 1/23/86 p13+
Non-profit corporations. SEE
Nonay, Paul
At Norwalk State Tech [photo], H
4/22/86 p17
Norden Systems Inc.
New president is named for
Norden Systems [photo], H
12/17/86 p1+
Norden awarded $70M contract
by U. S. Navy, H 3/13/86 p6
Norden crowned champions:
Norwalk Hospital falls, 84-73
[photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Norden dedicates new R & D
center [photo], H 8/26/86
Norden delivers [photo], H
11/20/86 p13
Norden files suit in test of
assessment, H 5/5/86 p1+
Norden gift helps NEON [photo],
H 7/16/86 p9
Norden made boosters' parts
[drawing], H 1/29/86 p1+
Norden to receive award from
Courant, H 2/19/86 p10
Profit loss sparks Norden
shakeup, H 7/24/86 p21
Radar bug at Norden bites UTC,
H 7/16/86 p1+
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p21
Norfield Cemetery
Archaeological dig may unearth
cemetery origins, H 10/8/86
Norfield Congregational Church
86th Norfield Fair at church June
21, H 6/16/86 p11
Apartment OK sought by church,
H 3/8/86 p13+
Norfield Farm-Weston
Norwalk developer to buy Weston
horse farm?, H 1/31/86 p9
North Calvin Rd.-Weston
Subdivision is opposed by
neighbors, H 4/8/86 p15+
North Main St.-Westport
Developers resubmit plans
denied by P & Z, H 9/29/86
North Main Street plan to be
reviewed by Westport P & Z,
H 7/24/86 p37
P & Z defeats housing plan, H
9/19/86 p13+
P & Z reviews plan for homes, H
7/25/86 p29
January - December 1986
North Main St.-Westport
Plan filed for N. Main Street:
Developers return to P & Z,
H 7/10/86 p13
Proposed housing project elicits
outcry from neighbors, H
7/19/86 p13+
North Taylor Ave.-Norwalk
City asks highest U. S. court to
let Bound Brook case sink, H
8/12/86 p1+
Northeast Bancorp Inc.
N. Y bank buys no-vote shares in
Connecticut bank, H 1/21/86
Northeast Utilities
Gift presented to linemen [photo],
H 3/6/86 p13
Weston may join Northeast
Utilities in an energy alliance,
H 3/1/86 p13+
Weston school to initiate Energy
Alliance [photo], H 3/7/86
Northrop, Jeffrey
Fifth generation local man still
sails here [photo], H 4/18/86
Northrup, Karen
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Norwalk Aquarium
Norwalk Aquarium operator
lauded as small business
person of year [photo], H
5/14/86 p10
Norwalk Aquatic Club
City swimmers star in Jr.
Olympics [photo], H 4/28/86
Norwalk Athletic Association
Founders honorees [photo], H
1/13/86 p20
Pop Warner day [photo], H
1/13/86 p17
Norwalk Auxiliary Police. SEE
Auxiliaries' service recognized
[photo], H 4/1/86 p11
Norwalk Bank
Approval sought for new Norwalk
bank, H 8/20/86 p1+
Bank files for charter, first new
Norwalk bank in 20 years
[photo], H 8/26/86 p17+
Bank moves closer to
certification, H 11/14/86 p10
Murphy elected president of the
new Norwalk Bank [photo], H
9/16/86 p23
New bank is selling stock at $10
a share, H 10/23/86 p17
New city bank leases building
[photo], H 11/12/86 p9
Stock of The Norwalk Bank
expected to be `attractive', H
12/3/86 p17
Norwalk Board of Realtors Inc.
Gavel passing [photo], H 1/28/86
Norwalk Board of Realtors has
long history: Brokers created
panel in 1920 [photo], H
9/26/86 p61
Realtors celebrate 1986, install
officers and present honors
[photo], H 12/16/86 p34
Realtors present scholarships
[photo], H 7/11/86 p25
Realtors' officers [photo], H
1/21/86 p23
Norwalk Boat Club
Commodores congregate [photo],
H 5/2/86 p45
Watch changed at boat club
[photo], H 4/28/86 p6
Norwalk Boat Show
600 boats displayed at show, H
9/10/86 p23
Annual boat show opens
Thursday [photo], H 9/9/86 p1
Boat show is draw at marina
[photo], H 9/15/86 p1+
Boat show opens with a bang
[photo], H 9/11/86 p1+
Crowds flock to marina to view
giant boat show [photo], H
9/12/86 p33
Exhibitors to display wares
[photo], H 9/10/86 p23
Fancy toilet seats hit here, H
9/26/86 p19
Safety is the topic at flotilla's
booth, H 9/10/86 p23
Visitors to the boat show set
attendance, revenue record
[photo], H 9/15/86 p17
Norwalk Business and
Professional Women Club
Business women install officers
[photo], H 6/17/86 p34
Club to honor Robinson as
`Woman of the Year' [photo],
H 10/23/86 p28
Norwalk Center Street Festival
Street fest is planned for
Saturday [photo], H 8/19/86
Norwalk Church Women United.
Norwalk Citizens for Peace
Norwalk Citizens for Peace told
`Star Wars' won't work, H
1/21/86 p16
Norwalk City Hall
Board tables City Hall fund
request: More may be
needed, H 12/2/86 p11
Bond crisis put (sic) project on
line, H 3/25/86 p9
City Hall concerns [letter], H
12/5/86 p5
Construction problems at old
Norwalk High School [letter],
H 12/5/86 p5
Contracts signed for construction
of new city hall, H 6/26/86
Crew goes to work at City Hall
[photo], H 7/24/86 p23
Good news/Bad news [edit], H
5/7/86 p4
Ground is broken for new city
hall, H 7/26/86 p1+
Hidden costs add $500,000 to
City Hall bill, H 11/28/86 p1+
Interest keen in city hall project,
H 3/7/86 p1+
Long fight for new city hall [letter],
H 8/1/86 p5
Low city hall bid under budget, H
4/30/86 p1+
Mercede will build city hall, H
5/29/86 p1+
Panel weighs engineering turning
point for the new city hall, H
7/3/86 p9
The work continues [photo], H
11/4/86 p1
Uses for surplus funds outlined:
Public hearing set for Dec.
11, H 12/5/86 p10
Norwalk City Hall [Old]
Several groups submit ideas for
City Hall use, H 10/14/86 p7
Norwalk City Hall-Auditorium
Violinist serenades work crew, H
10/27/86 p1+
Norwalk City Hall-Building
Building Committee gives
approval to final drawings for
City Hall, H 2/6/86 p12
Council approval is expected for
contractor at old NHS, H
5/22/86 p11
Panel recommends Stamford
contractor for City Hall work,
H 5/16/86 p1+
Panel weighs engineering turning
point for the new city hall, H
7/3/86 p9
Norwalk Clergy Association
Clergy panel to seek housing for
minorities, H 3/5/86 p12
January - December 1986
Norwalk Clergy Association
Clergymen disappointed,
dismayed by closing, H
3/5/86 p1+
Norwalk Co. Inc.
Norwalk Co. is planning to
relocate, H 9/4/86 p10
Norwalk Community Choir
Choir's 11th will be observed
[photo], H 6/12/86 p15
Norwalk Community Chorale
Chorale may withdraw from
Christmas event, H 10/1/86
Chorale member resigns in
protest, H 9/19/86 p25
NJWC 20th year begins on
Tuesday, H 9/12/86 p18
Norwalk Community College
Campus gets key approval, H
6/18/86 p10
Donating Spanish books [photo],
H 11/15/86 p17
Golden years [edit], H 9/26/86 p4
Governor to attend anniversary
dinner [photo], H 8/5/86 p6
Magrath site to be razed for
college, H 11/25/86 p1+
Mayor sees state ignoring city on
NCC plans, H 6/10/86 p10
NCC celebrates its 25th year
[photo], H 9/26/86 p1+
NCC given books on black
history [photo], H 1/23/86 p6
NCC honor society members
give Christmas toys to poor
families [photo], H 12/8/86
NCC report OK'd by association,
H 10/31/86 p6
NCC-Magrath memorial urged, H
8/11/86 p6
Norwalk Community College
begins its silver anniversary
celebration [photo], H
9/19/86 p1+
Nurses pinned at NCC [photo], H
5/19/86 p1
Phonathon donations [photo], H
9/5/86 p6
Planners discuss changes at
campus, H 6/12/86 p6
Secretarial program created:
High schools, NCC
cooperate, H 7/11/86 p14
Selectman pays tribute to NCC,
H 9/25/86 p35
Norwalk Community CollegeAlumni Association
Alumni renamed, H 3/1/86 p8
Norwalk Community CollegeAwards
2 receive awards, H 8/20/86 p6
20 NCC students in honor
society, H 11/1/86 p6
5 staffers win awards at NCC, H
3/22/86 p7
Area grads given diplomas: NCC
holds commencement
[photo], H 5/23/86 p10
Health/Fitness: Scholarship
winners [photo], H 12/22/86
Malizia selected for scholarship,
H 8/21/86 p15
NCC awards certificates, H
5/23/86 p9
NCC student is chosen for Board
of Trustees [photo], H
2/12/86 p40
Recipient [photo], H 4/5/86 p22
Scholarship recipient [photo], H
8/28/86 p6
Seven win awards, H 12/19/86
Smiles for honor students
[photo], H 2/24/86 p13
Norwalk Community CollegeFriends
Friends of NCC are advised of
delay in campus building
[photo], H 4/4/86 p12
Friends of NCC are feted [photo],
H 2/8/86 p18
Norwalk Community CollegeGraduation
NCC degrees for 317 at 24th
commencement [photo], H
5/23/86 p1+
NCC graduates nearly one-half
from this area, H 5/24/86 p25
Norwalk Community CollegeHuman Service Program
Women from area laud NCC
program, H 12/27/86 p29+
Norwalk Community CollegeSports
NCC booters win crown [photo],
H 12/20/86 p43
Norwalk Community CollegeStaff
Aleem is added to NCC faculty, H
8/21/86 p6
NCC names new director of
admissions [photo], H
10/30/86 p11
Norwalk prof recommended for
Order of Merit of Italy [photo],
H 1/22/86 p29
To Vlahos business is one of
livelier arts: Her wisdom is
unconventional [photo], H
1/27/86 p15+
Norwalk Courthouse
City asks state to buy court, H
7/22/86 p1+
Keep trying mayor [edit], H
6/25/86 p4
Mayor again asks assistance in
paying for court operation, H
6/23/86 p9
Norwalk Dolphins
Dolphins feted [photo], H 1/10/86
Norwalk Economic Opportunity
Norwalk Exchange Club
Club makes contribution [photo],
H 12/18/86 p26
Good exchange for Hospice
[photo], H 2/1/86 p11
Norwalk Fabricators Inc.
Arbitrator says Norwalk free of
claim for past commission, H
6/25/86 p10
Norwalk Factory Outlet Mall
Factory Outlet brings $10.6
million [photo], H 3/25/86 p24
Firm pays $10.6 million for
Outlet, H 3/13/86 p1+
Fix-up planned: but no changes,
at Factory Outlet, H 3/14/86
Norwalk Federation of
Educational Personnel
Federation re-elects Reid chief, H
5/29/86 p30
Norwalk Federation of Teachers
NFT complains about tactics:
Used in negotiations, H
10/22/86 p9
NFT hits remarks by Hanley, H
5/19/86 p1+
Teachers offered new contract, H
11/18/86 p1+
Teachers union raps remarks of
chairman, H 4/3/86 p1+
Norwalk Fund for Excellence in
Public Education
Awards given for excellence
[photo], H 4/10/86 p37
Fund for Excellence gives minigrants to Norwalk schools, H
3/14/86 p20
Norwalk Garden Club
Amidst the greenery [photo], H
12/11/86 p29
Bundles of boughs [photo], H
12/18/86 p30
Norwalk Gardeners are making
wreaths, H 12/1/86 p18
Norwalk Guardians Association
Guardians suit settled, H 2/28/86
Guardians' Adams: Wait for
findings, H 7/11/86 p8
Settlement set in 9-year-old suit
vs. city, H 5/7/86 p8
January - December 1986
Norwalk High School
$.5M to remove asbestos at old
NHS, H 1/9/86 p1+
13th Military Ball [photo], H
2/3/86 p14
At Norwalk's Mistletoe Ball
[photo], H 1/2/86 p11
Big Friends are named at Family
and Children [photo], H
12/29/86 p13
NHS classroom is dedicated in
Christa McAuliffe's honor
[photo], H 3/13/86 p1+
Norwalk High donations enrich
the poor [photo], H 12/23/86
Norwalk students host the French
[photo], H 4/11/86 p13
Students raise money for needy
[photo], H 1/10/86 p9
Students turn tables to teach
their peers [photo], H 12/3/86
Norwalk High School-Awards
35 students are selected for
festival, H 2/1/86 p27
Drivers saluted for seat belt use
[photo], H 6/2/86 p10
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
More than 100 at NHS receive
annual awards [photo], H
6/6/86 p29
NHS cites players: Ciccarello's
number retired [photo], H
4/4/86 p33
NHS honors athletes [photo], H
6/12/86 p29
NHS Jazz Ensemble wins two
trophies in two weeks
[photo], H 3/24/86 p12
NHS student 3rd among students
on chemistry test, H 5/24/86
NHS students receive $62,575 in
awards and scholarships, H
6/12/86 p31
Norwalk girl gets scholarship
[photo], H 6/12/86 p33
Norwalk sophomore wins science
prize [photo], H 5/9/86 p11
Scholars honored by foundation
[photo], H 5/23/86 p9
Students inducted by honor
society [photo p1], H 1/10/86
Winners announced in Vitam art
contest [photo], H 5/12/86
Norwalk High School-Drama club
Back tonight [photo], H 5/9/86 p17
Heads up [photo], H 5/1/86 p15
Peter and his shadow [photo], H
5/7/86 p25
Norwalk High School-Fathers
Fathers Club elects officers
[photo], H 6/17/86 p9
Norwalk High School-Graduation
Choice of colleges announced by
Norwalk High graduates, H
7/2/86 p12
Graduates at Staples urged to be
involved individuals [photo],
H 6/28/86 p13+
Principal uges NHS graduates to
face challenge [photo], H
6/27/86 p1+
Norwalk High School-Music
35 students are selected for
festival, H 2/1/86 p27
Accomplishments of 2 bands
lauded by city's school board
[photo], H 12/4/86 p26
Band invited, H 3/20/86 p11
Band raises funds for Florida trip,
H 12/19/86 p8
Bands great: Where was crowd?
[letter], H 11/22/86 p5
Bears, Senators honored by city
[photo], H 12/23/86 p12
City to honor bands, H 12/13/86
Go Bears! [letter], H 11/22/86 p5
Marching Bears in 5 straight
wins, H 11/3/86 p13
NHS Jazz Ensemble wins two
trophies in two weeks
[photo], H 3/24/86 p12
NHS marching band state title
favorites, H 10/14/86 p16
Norwalk band keeps winning, H
10/28/86 p9
Norwalk High's marching Bears
chosen best in three states,
H 11/17/86 p1+
Olde time Bears band [photo], H
12/11/86 p18
Parents and Marching Bears fans
give champions an awards
banquet [photo], H 6/4/86 p11
Praise for HS bands, leaders
[letter], H 11/21/86 p5
Praise for HS bands, leaders and
for the coverage [letter], H
11/21/86 p5
Norwalk High School-Parking
NHS has space problem, too: At
least in parking lot, H 9/10/86
Norwalk High School-ROTC
Flyer tells NHS ROTC Wright
brothers not first, H 5/9/86
JROTC members receive awards
[photo], H 5/9/86 p10
Norwalk High School-Sports
16th annual Hour All-City
baseball: Each school places
four players [photo] [chart], H
6/26/86 p25+
1970 All-City gridder named
Norwalk High football coach
[photo], H 6/5/86 p25+
1986 Hour All-City Boys' Soccer
Team: Senators, Cavs
dominate: 6 repeaters
[photo] [chart], H 12/3/86
1986 Hour All-City softball [photo]
[chart], H 6/20/86 p31
2 OT's: BMHS 56, NHS 55: State
boys' basketball tournament,
H 3/19/86 p15+
21 city wrestlers make 1/4s, H
2/15/86 p35
5-0 Norwalk sinks McMahon
[photo], H 1/16/86 p23+
50th win recorded by Oman
[photo], H 5/15/86 p27
A first! City schools sweep: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
11/18/86 p17+
All-city final tonight in Williams
cage tourney [photo], H
12/30/86 p15+
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
Anastasia & Cavs debut:
Senators, Bears pack bags,
H 9/19/86 p33+
Another beating for rookies: HS
coaches' corner, H 11/4/86
Bears clobber Senators, H 4/7/86
Bears' experience could mean
playoff [photo], H 9/9/86 p25
Berry top city scorer [photo], H
6/7/86 p25+
Big 4 snaps city hitting records
[chart], H 7/9/86 p13+
BMHS boys: NHS' Corridon look
good [photo], H 1/10/86 p25
BMHS, Bears dominate city, H
3/13/86 p19
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Brown gives city another cage
title, H 2/27/86 p23+
Brown reaches Top 20: City HS
cage scoring, H 2/10/86 p17+
Brown remains No. 1: City HS
cage scoring, H 2/4/86 p13
Brown stands alone, H 2/24/86
Brown's 24.9 average is tops:
City HS basketball scoring, H
1/27/86 p23
January - December 1986
Norwalk High School-Sports
Brown's 30.8 leads: City HS
scoring [chart], H 1/3/86 p19+
Brown, Thompson lead 16th
annual All-City team: Brien
McMahon dominates with
four: Norwalk has two[photo
p1], H 4/8/86 p19+
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Can NHS football be a winner?
[photo], H 9/11/86 p28+
Can Wilton boys dethrone
Cards? Swimming preview
[photo], H 1/2/86 p19+
Casagrande's Senators lone city
team with win: Local HS
football coaches' corner
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Champions place 5 players each
[photo], H 6/20/86 p31+
City claims 4 titles, FCIAC crown
to Cards [photo], H 2/18/86
City HS cagers head into state
quarters tonight, H 3/21/86
City paces All-County [photo], H
3/17/86 p22
City schools looking at banner
soccer seasons, H 9/8/86 p28
City schools place 5 boys on AllCounty [photo], H 11/28/86
City should be proud of King &
Barry [photo] [chart], H
3/10/86 p21+
City title to Brown [photo], H
4/1/86 p17+
City trio: Score 6, give 73: HS
coaches' corner [photo], H
10/7/86 p15+
City's MVP gets even: NHS
edges McMahon [photo], H
5/2/86 p31+
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
County meet at WHS, H 2/13/86
Eight Senators are named: NHS
places one player [photo]
[chart], H 12/10/86 p41+
English scores 4: BMHS rips
NHS [photo], H 1/17/86 p23+
English, Hermann named AllFCIAC [photo], H 3/19/86
Entire All-City squad is back
[photo], H 12/10/86 p41+
Ex-NHS grid coaches enjoy
banner seasons [photo], H
11/19/86 p29+
FCIAC boys' playoffs set, NHS
hosts Stamford, H 2/26/86
FCIAC cage title on line tonight:
McMahon or Norwalk?
[chart], H 3/8/86 p23
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
FCIAC division play begins: Cavs
home tonight, H 9/26/86 p31+
FCIAC: McMahon, Norwalk
favored [photo], H 3/4/86
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Football coaches' corner:
Defensive woes differed
[photo], H 9/16/86 p19+
Goodbye unbeaten season:
Greenwich 39, Norwalk 27
[photo], H 1/30/86 p19+
Graduation hits hard:
Casagrande nears 200
[photo], H 12/18/86 p41+
Hatchl, Cerulli welcomed sights
back on gridiron, H 11/3/86
Here comes Oliver!, H 2/4/86 p13
Herold's passing overwhelms
Norwalk [photo], H 11/3/86
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Hill increases lead, H 1/27/86 p23
Hill keeps her lead, H 2/10/86
Hill's 15.0 is first, H 1/3/86 p19+
HS coaches' corner: Only one is
smiling [photo], H 9/30/86 p9
Injured Tyrone Brown leads at
26.0, H 1/13/86 p17+
It's back to X's and O's for
McMahon and Norwalk:
Krasnavage's debut spoiled
by DHS, 25-0 [photo], H
9/15/86 p21+
It's pressure time for three girls'
teams: FCIAC, WCC playoffs
taking shape, H 2/8/86 p23+
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Lady Bears advance to Kuczo
championship, H 12/30/86
Lady Bears beat Darien [photo],
H 5/24/86 p31+
Lady Bears eliminated, H 11/5/86
Lady Bears engage Warde
tonight for FCIAC laurels
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Lady Bears too much for
Senators [photo], H 4/25/86
Lady Senators scare Bears
[photo], H 10/3/86 p21+
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
Luczkowski zips Warriors [photo],
H 5/10/86 p23+
Ludlowe knocks Lady Bears out
of FCIAC playoffs, H 2/22/86
Maharaj surprises Coach Kelley
[photo], H 1/22/86 p13+
McMahon does number on NHS:
Brown hurt [photo], H 1/8/86
McMahon, Norwalk cage debuts
are successful: Bears get
revenge with balanced
attack, H 12/19/86 p41+
McMahon, Norwalk triumph,
tangle Tuesday: Maharaj
leads Bears, 77-76 [photo], H
3/15/86 p23+
Moffets work together [photo], H
5/29/86 p21+
NHS athletes honored [photo], H
11/26/86 p43
NHS cagers fall: Cross rallies for
76-74 triumph, H 12/20/86
NHS cites players: Ciccarello's
number retired [photo], H
4/4/86 p33
NHS duo tops city in scoring, H
2/24/86 p19+
NHS grapplers rout McMahon, H
1/9/86 p21
NHS honors athletes [photo], H
6/12/86 p29
NHS junior leads city hoop
scoring [photo], H 3/11/86
NHS stays unbeaten with key win
over Staples [photo], H
1/22/86 p13+
NHS tallies: 1,001 points for
Brown [photo], H 2/22/86 p23
NHS to host state opener, H
5/27/86 p23+
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
January - December 1986
Norwalk High School-Sports
NHS' Stokes doesn't know what
losing is [photo], H 2/18/86
No shortage of optimism in new
year [photo], H 12/11/86 p41+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Norwalk faces Wilton in state
semifinal: Site still up in air,
H 6/2/86 p15
Norwalk FCIAC Softball champs
[photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Norwalk hands McMahon first
loss: Cogdell MVP [photo], H
12/31/86 p15+
Norwalk HS baseball, softball
teams riding high: 7th
straight for Barry's Lady
Bears, H 5/1/86 p23+
Norwalk HS baseball, softball
teams riding high: Johnson's
boys win 5th in row [photo],
H 5/1/86 p23+
Norwalk in playoffs: McMahon
notches win, H 5/24/86 p31
Norwalk rocked in opener, H
4/4/86 p31+
Norwalk won't forget McMahon's
English, H 2/13/86 p25+
Norwalk's Corridon wins 2, H
1/13/86 p20
Norwalk's finale one to remember
[photo], H 11/17/86 p23+
Norwalk's Hill continues to top
field: City HS basketball
scoring, H 1/13/86 p17
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Norwalk's Oliver leads city in
scoring, H 12/29/86 p24
Norwalk's Randazzo tops city in
batting, H 5/7/86 p13+
Norwalk's Walker selects
Clemson [photo], H 2/7/86
Norwalk, area cagers in all-star
contests, H 4/3/86 p25
Norwalk, CCatholic to play
Wednesday in state tourney,
H 3/3/86 p19+
Norwalk, Central Catholic head to
softball finals: Lady Bears
eliminate Westhill [photo], H
5/29/86 p21+
Norwalk, Staples open FCIAC
play tonight, H 5/27/86 p23+
Norwalk: The home of
champions: Gardella, Oman
guide Lady Bears past AW in
FCIAC title game [photo p1],
H 5/31/86 p25+
Oman, Gardella, Shular chosen
All-conference [photo], H
6/21/86 p23
One-time athlete worked so
others could play [photo], H
1/11/86 p1+
Ousted Bears look ahead: State
field hockey [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Past Hour All-City selections
[photo] [chart], H 6/20/86
p31, H 6/26/86 p25+
Past Hour All-City soccer players
[chart], H 12/3/86 p35
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Principals seek higher standards
for athletes, H 5/7/86 p1+
Quickness keys NHS [photo], H
9/8/86 p29
Randazzo, Wilmot, Pratt selected
All-conference [photo], H
6/20/86 p34
Season ends for Norwalk as
Cross prevails, H 3/22/86 p23
Shelton's buzzer shot eliminates
Lady Bears, H 3/6/86 p21+
Six underclassmen on 9th Hour
All-City team [photo], H
3/21/86 p29
Sloan changes mind: Game will
be played, H 11/18/86 p17
Sloan's blunder leaves bad taste,
H 11/17/86 p23+
Softball begins Thursday [photo],
H 4/7/86 p21+
Something for the 50th [photo], H
5/24/86 p34
State gold goes to Corridon, relay
team [photo], H 2/24/86 p19+
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Stokes shocked in final, H 3/3/86
Stokes: Best in state LL [photo],
H 2/24/86 p19+
The Hour proudly presents the
members of its 17th annual
team [photo] [chart], H
12/22/86 p33+
Thompson, Brown Hull picked
[photo], H 3/24/86 p21+
Top prize to Lady Bears: NHS'
Shular named MVP [photo],
H 12/31/86 p15+
Two city teams in big game
[photo], H 3/5/86 p15+
Watch out! McMahon is loaded
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24+
What a ending! NHS goes from 08 to 5-9 [photo], H 5/22/86
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Norwalk High School-Staff
Eleanor C. Fitzgerald, NHS
guidance counselor, H
4/21/86 p6
Norwalk High School-Television
Call-in shows to come from NHS
studio, H 11/20/86 p12
Norwalk Historical Society
Historical Society elects, H
8/13/86 p27
Putnam neighbors like office
project, H 12/18/86 p1+
Norwalk Hospital
Ex-employee sues hospital for
`wrongful death', H 3/15/86
Grant to be used to set up
training course on newborns
[photo], H 6/23/86 p30
Grant will aid center [photo], H
2/10/86 p25
Heart program denied for
Norwalk Hospital, H 8/16/86
Hospital claims mortality rate is
acceptable, H 3/12/86 p1+
Hospital sued over denture in
windpipe, H 8/4/86 p8
Hospital to submit application, H
1/4/86 p1+
Hospital up from humble start, H
5/27/86 Supp. p13A
Hospital's blood bank accredited
once again, H 3/13/86 p25
Hospital's heart surgery plans on
hold, H 1/2/86 p1+
Looking over new equipment
[photo], H 7/14/86 p29
Norden crowned champions:
Norwalk Hospital falls, 84-73
[photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Volunteer program receives
award [photo], H 8/4/86 p25
Norwalk Hospital-Awards
Governor gives action awards, H
7/19/86 p6
Scholarships are awarded
[photo], H 8/25/86 p29
Norwalk Hospital-Chapel
Chapel given Trinity book [photo],
H 6/16/86 p6
Norwalk Hospital-Respi-Care
Hospital to offer Respi-Care, H
7/7/86 p11
Respi-Care Program expands to
include four more towns
[photo], H 10/20/86 p15
Norwalk Hospital-Staff
8 trustees joins board [photo], H
1/27/86 p30
Allen named hospital VP [photo],
H 10/27/86 p33
January - December 1986
Norwalk Hospital-Staff
Ex-hospital chairman sues over
his ouster, H 9/13/86 p11
Fellowship is named for Norman
Brady, H 1/27/86 p30
Hospital honors employees, H
6/23/86 p30
Hospital lauds longtime workers
[photo], H 5/27/86 p22
New planner named at city's
hospital [photo], H 6/17/86
Nurses ratify pact for next three
years, H 9/23/86 p6
Nursing assistant praised for
saving life of a patient
[photo], H 6/26/86 p9
Nursing chairman named [photo],
H 6/23/86 p29
Norwalk Hospital-Volunteers
NH Volunteers raise $95,000
[photo], H 11/12/86 p31
Norwalk Hospital-Woman's
Serving Norwalk Hospital [photo],
H 11/12/86 p38
Women's board developing
treasure for local Hospital, H
2/8/86 p1+
Norwalk Hour. SEE HOUR
Norwalk Housing Authority
550 seek assistance to find
housing, H 2/18/86 p1+
Additional funding available for
work, H 10/17/86 p12
Agency to consider parcel for 8
units, H 9/22/86 p10
Authority no longer considered
`troubled', H 2/21/86 p1+
Authority: Change in rent
collection policy cuts
delinquencies, H 7/22/86 p9
City money to be asked for
project by authority, H 1/3/86
Committee backs extension:
Chapel Street project, H
4/11/86 p10
Housing authority board OKs its
budget: HUD approved
awaited, H 2/7/86 p22
Housing authority members
critical of Mills' statements, H
1/17/86 p1+
Housing authority picks new
officers, H 6/20/86 p6
Housing authority updates
occupancy policy: For lowincome units, H 10/17/86 p12
Hundreds wait on line to apply for
rent relief [photo], H 2/5/86
Main Avenue housing receives
authority OK, H 8/6/86 p10
Main Avenue rental plan is
criticized, H 2/15/86 p1+
Major given board seat, H
5/29/86 p10
Mills critical of expenditure of
$5,850 for housing authority
report, H 12/23/86 p1+
Mills ire is aroused by grant, H
6/12/86 p1+
Neighbors are not satisfied with
cleanup effort, H 8/1/86 p11
NHA, tenant end action over
collapsed ceiling, H 4/9/86
Prospects trimmed to just 2, H
7/1/86 p9
Norwalk Inn and Conference
Norwalk Motor Inn to be
revitalized, H 7/22/86 p29
Norwalk International In-Water
Norwalk Islands
City's leaders given guided tour
of islands in Long Island
Sound [photo], H 6/30/86 p1+
Norwalk Islands Sailing Fleet.
Norwalk sailing fleet has awards
banquet, H 12/16/86 p29
Norwalk Jewish Community
Center installs new officers
[photo], H 3/12/86 p11
Norwalk Jr. Soccer Association
Soccer champs, H 11/24/86 p27
Norwalk Junior Woman's Club.
Club marks anniversary, H
10/22/86 p8
Looking over new equipment
[photo], H 7/14/86 p29
NJWC 20th year begins on
Tuesday, H 9/12/86 p18
Norwalk Jr. Woman's Club
names '86 craft winners
[photo], H 3/31/86 p13
Norwalk Jr. Women elect [photo],
H 7/17/86 p16
Norwalk Karting Association
Kart champs honored [photo], H
2/3/86 p23
Norwalk Kiwanis Club
Court order to allow N. J. woman
into Kiwanis elicits mixed
reaction, H 2/8/86 p13+
Kiwanis contribution [photo], H
9/5/86 p10
Kiwanis scholars [photo], H
7/18/86 p13
Mayor opens peanut sale [photo],
H 6/5/86 p1
New Kiwanis president installed,
H 10/13/86 p18
Norwalk Kiwanis Emergency
Carpenter trainees build their skill
as they put homeless shelter
[photo], H 9/17/86 p1+
Computers to help house the
homeless [photo], H 12/9/86
Contract battle slowing work at
new shelter, H 4/29/86 p1+
Officials fear delays could close
homeless shelter, H 11/8/86
Shelter director taking up new
duties elsewhere [photo], H
11/15/86 p1+
Shelter wins FOI battle, H 5/3/86
Shelter work set to start: Contract
signed, H 1/10/86 p6
Social service agencies form
council to coordinate efforts,
H 2/25/86 p1+
Unfinished work is delaying
move, H 11/15/86 p1+
Norwalk Lions Club. SEE LIONS
Norwalk Marine Contractors
Developer for center approved, H
3/7/86 p13
Norwalk Mariners
Mariners open season Sunday, H
6/11/86 p25+
Mariners, L. I. split openers, H
6/16/86 p17+
Talbott, Luczkowski lead
Mariners to title, H 6/23/86
Norwalk Medical Group
Big medical center to rise here
[photo], H 5/6/86 p19+
Five area physicians plan to
provide wellness training for
city's teachers [photo], H
10/11/86 p9
Nair joins medical group [photo],
H 1/27/86 p30
Norwalk Medical Society
At Medical Society ball [photo], H
3/26/86 p23
Norwalk Merchants Professional
Merchants believe in beauty
[photo], H 7/1/86 p26
Merchants file annual parking
complaint, H 12/4/86 p1+
Norwalk Middle School Soccer
Soccer champs [photo], H
3/27/86 p25
January - December 1986
Norwalk Montessori Association
City Montessori Association
wants to consolidate its 3
schools into 1, H 7/25/86 p11
Way paved for school by
counsel, H 7/24/86 p16
Norwalk Motor Inn. SEE
Norwalk Newcomers Club
Newcomers plan lunch [photo], H
12/15/86 p13
Norwalk Newcomers officers
[photo], H 9/18/86 p14
Norwalk Old Timers
Ike Kern honoree [photo], H
7/3/86 p20
LL founder, Voice of NHS to
receive Old Timers' awards
[photo], H 10/22/86 p29
Minnich to receive Wilton sports'
award [photo], H 11/1/86 p25
Norwalk Old Timers pick Corbo,
Callahan [photo], H 10/29/86
Norwalk Old Timers pick Imri,
Belinsky [photo], H 10/15/86
Old Timers honor ex-sports
greats Nov. 5: `Judge' &
`Beans' [photo], H 10/8/86
Old timers' night was top shelf
[photo], H 11/6/86 p35+
SHU's Bike to speak at Old
Timers fete [photo], H
11/3/86 p35
Norwalk Power Squadron
Norwalk Power Squadron watch
change [photo], H 4/11/86
USPS, CG Aux units active
[photo], H 8/8/86 p23
Norwalk Public Library
Books for your health at your
Library: Between the covers,
H 8/11/86 p13+
Books on Holocaust at the
Norwalk Library, H 5/1/86 p16
Books-by-Mail service offered by
NP library, H 1/22/86 p30
City denied use of room by
library, H 1/10/86 p11
Language books circulate, H
9/10/86 p28
Library bans plan opponents, H
6/28/86 p1+
Library is expanding its
community outreach, H
10/16/86 p29
Shell show at library [photo], H
7/26/86 p10
Spanish programs to start at
library, H 9/10/86 p35
Storytelling to begin Saturday at
the Library [photo], H 10/9/86
Norwalk Public Schools
18 public schools serve residents
[photo], H 5/27/86 Supp. p3A
City schools graduate sub-par
students, H 3/26/86 p1+
City schools touted at Rowayton
meeting, H 5/31/86 p29
Members of city school staffs
enjoy special recognition
day, H 6/13/86 p10
Schools given good marks for
equality, H 5/21/86 p1+
Silent curriculum eyed for blackwhite effect [photo], H
6/30/86 p10
Norwalk Quartette Club
Quartette Auxiliary officers
[photo], H 4/19/86 p18
Quartette singers compete in
fest, H 6/28/86 p6
Singers join in music fest, H
7/12/86 p6
Norwalk Redevelopment Agency
Agencies in city work to preserve
low-income units [photo], H
1/28/86 p30
Agency approves preservation
plan for uptown area, H
2/8/86 p26
Agency decides piers offer ample
access to waterfront, H
7/29/86 p1+
Agency opposing restauranteur:
Parking issue red herring?, H
4/3/86 p9
Agency votes to seek grant for
museum, H 5/8/86 p12
Brown demands agency shield
SoNo tenants from
uprooting, H 1/9/86 p1+
Building qualifies for tax
advantage, H 8/7/86 p19
Citizens panel backs uses for
additional federal funds, H
8/5/86 p6
Colleagues bid farewell to former
Mayor Cave, H 11/6/86 p30
Consultant to guide uptown
renovations, H 10/13/86 p1+
Ex-mayor resigns from agency
board, H 10/29/86 p9
Four bid on marina, H 1/15/86 p7
Grant funds are expected, H
8/4/86 p6
Guide offers house hunt help: It
doesn't provide housing, H
3/19/86 p9
Housing project gets green light,
H 2/6/86 p16
Keeler Ave. housing outlined
before P & Z, H 9/18/86 p10
Management Commission OKs
development plan, H 2/27/86
Redevelopment panel to seek
grant for mixed use project,
H 12/4/86 p6
Reed-Putnam relocation
concerns expressed, H
9/18/86 p9
Three agencies OK property
purchase, H 12/18/86 p1+
Uses for extra money OK'd, H
8/7/86 p25
Norwalk Retired Men's Club
Retired men are recognized
[photo], H 4/26/86 p10
Norwalk River
Marina is planned in Norwalk, H
5/31/86 p32
Norwalk seeks river pollutant's
source, H 9/18/86 p1+
Senate OKs bonding for two
projects, H 5/2/86 p8
Students get their feet wet: In
study of river [photo], H
10/9/86 p13+
Testing shows coliform counts
high in river, H 10/1/86 p1+
Treat the cause [letter], H
10/11/86 p5
Norwalk River Rowing Club
Rowing club is started in
Norwalk, H 6/9/86 p20
Rowing club starts [photo p1], H
6/6/86 p45
Starting rowing club, H 5/23/86
Norwalk River Watershed Project
Officials to review flood bill, H
2/22/86 p13+
River project bills studied, H
2/25/86 p13+
Norwalk Rotary Club
Projecter presented [photo], H
2/26/86 p10
Norwalk Sailing School
City sailing school launches new
season with a new name
[photo], H 5/22/86 p49+
Norwalk Savings Society
Corporator's meeting [photo], H
4/15/86 p23
Husband-wife team yields most in
mortgages for NSS [photo],
H 6/17/86 p33
Man confesses to city bank heist,
H 8/14/86 p6
Savings Society '85 growth a
record in all categories
[photo], H 4/8/86 p23
Savings Society grants
scholarships [photo], H
7/15/86 p30
January - December 1986
Norwalk Seaport Association
Agency appeals for funds to buy
lighthouse [photo], H 7/24/86
Association reiterates its support
for center, H 9/27/86 p1+
Decision due Wednesday on
lighthouse, H 8/5/86 p7
Departing director honored at
Seaport [photo], H 6/13/86 p1
Director will leave Seaport
Association, H 8/26/86 p1+
Farmer keeps seaport afloat, H
1/23/86 p30
Festival changes leadership
[photo], H 5/3/86 p1+
Lighthouse fund at $1,550
[photo], H 7/25/86 p9
NEON asks Oyster Fest drop
Coors, H 5/15/86 p1+
New director is hired to lead
Seaport group [photo], H
10/21/86 p1+
New officers for association
[photo], H 1/21/86 p6
Nice idea, but... [edit], H 7/31/86
Panel makes small changes to
festival, H 5/15/86 p12
Seaport chief leaving for job with
industry [photo], H 5/1/86 p1+
Seaport fair opens today, keys on
ideas for Christmas [photo],
H 11/15/86 p1+
Seaport group agrees to purchse
lighthouse [photo], H
11/21/86 p1+
Seaport group buys lighthouse
option, H 8/7/86 p19
Seaport group defends loan
[letter], H 11/28/86 p5
Seaport group elects officers,
hears center progress report,
H 1/18/86 p11
Seaport office gains a weather
station [photo], H 4/10/86 p15
Seaport racing for lighthouse, H
10/3/86 p10
SoNo firm: $20,000 toward
lighthouse, H 8/15/86 p26
Norwalk Senior Center
Center marks 15th year [photo],
H 1/22/86 p21
Newman will lead the Senior
Center [photo], H 7/22/86 p10
Norwalk Stamp Club
Cachet given to postmaster
[photo], H 3/3/86 p8
Norwalk Stamping Building
$850,000 sale [photo], H
12/17/86 p26
Norwalk State Technical College
Engineer is impressed with
NSTC [photo], H 7/17/86 p6
N.S.T.C. gets an interim
president until a new
president is appointed, H
6/12/86 p33
New NSTC program is first for
state, H 5/29/86 p10
Rudolf selected for advisory
panel for Norwalk Tech, H
8/21/86 p15
State Tech adds degree in optics,
H 5/28/86 p11
Norwalk State Technical CollegeSports
Tech basketball is on the rise
[photo], H 2/4/86 p13+
Norwalk State Technical CollegeStaff
Colleagues salute Krummel upon
departure from NSTC
[photo], H 5/30/86 p1+
Dr. Fisher to be fourth NSTC
president next year [photo],
H 8/12/86 p20
Krummel trading presidencies of
technical colleges [photo], H
3/27/86 p1+
NY educator selected as NSTC's
president, H 7/31/86 p1+
Professor gets NASA
assignment, H 4/11/86 p19
Norwalk Superior Court
25 workers at city court back
Buzaid, H 3/11/86 p1+
Attorneys criticize system for
rating of judges, H 3/18/86
Officials say police identification
ruling may impede arrests, H
2/26/86 p1+
Security tightened at court
building [photo], H 1/4/86 p1+
Norwalk Symphony
Farewell to Culver, H 3/29/86 p15
Levine: `The music is better than
ever': Save your local
symphony [photo], H
12/11/86 p29
Maestro Levine to play dual role
in concerts, H 3/19/86 p23
Norwalk Symphony bows Oct. 25
for 1986-1987 [photo], H
10/17/86 p13
Norwalk Symphony gets arts
grant, H 9/10/86 p29
Norwalk Symphony hosts young
violinist [photo], H 12/8/86
Norwalk Symphony season bows
Saturday [photo], H 10/24/86
Norwalk Symphony Society
honors staff and volunteers,
H 6/4/86 p34
Norwalk Symphony Society
names personnel manager,
H 11/14/86 p20
Norwalk Symphony starts
broadcasts, H 10/29/86 p18
Van Laer is appointed as
Symphony's manager
[photo], H 4/7/86 p16
Verve and spirit mark NSO
Russian concerts: Music
notes, H 12/22/86 p19
Norwalk Symphony Women's
Norwalk Symphony benefits
[photo], H 12/10/86 p37
Symphony Women have
musicale, H 9/17/86 p19
Norwalk Taxpayers League
Taxpayers' League backs
referendum [letter], H 6/25/86
Norwalk Transit District
Bell Islander named transit
commissioner [photo], H
3/19/86 p9
CBT funds `Discover Norwalk'
summer weekend bus tours,
H 4/16/86 p1
Norwalk Transit District's budget
shows 10 percent increase in
year, H 10/18/86 p10
Norwalk, Westport officials
disagree on transit bill's
impact, H 4/4/86 p1+
Parity for transit [edit], H 2/11/86
Ridership on Wheels drops off, H
1/11/86 p1+
Westport officials are glad bus
funding bill has been killed, H
4/21/86 p1+
Wheels celebrates eighth year on
the road, H 11/22/86 p19
Wheels ridership off, H 4/18/86
Wheels says number of riders off,
H 7/14/86 p8
Wheels turns eight [photo], H
11/21/86 p21
Norwalk Twin Towers
Discala is Twin Towers exclusive
agent [photo], H 3/4/86 p25
Foundation completed for Twin
Tower One, H 7/22/86 p29
Norwalk Twin Towers breaks
ground [photo], H 2/18/86 p29
Traffic commission snags Twin
Towers 2nd building, H
7/24/86 p6
Twin Towers in Norwalk going up
[photo], H 5/6/86 p22
Norwalk United Methodist
The Saunders in concert this
January - December 1986
Norwalk United Methodist
Church (Continued)
Sunday [photo], H 5/16/86
Norwalk Ventures
Investors buy 35 acres off Route
7: Propose condo
development [drawing], H
6/18/86 p1+
Norwalk Woman's Club
'86 Assembly Balls will be Dec.
29 & 30 [photo], H 12/15/86
12th NWC Festival is on Green
May 10 [photo], H 5/5/86 p15
At Norwalk's Mistletoe Ball
[photo], H 1/2/86 p11
Best in show [photo], H 3/31/86
Dances readied [photo], H
12/18/86 p29
Gift from Woman's Club [photo],
H 3/24/86 p18
Local craftsmen in Festival set for
the Green Saturday [photo],
H 5/9/86 p17
Norwalk Woman's Club aids
youth with dance proceeds
[photo], H 5/17/86 p18
Norwalk Woman's Club looks to
102nd: New season planned
[photo], H 7/17/86 p17
NWC undertakes scholarship, H
3/20/86 p23
Pitch Pipers entertain [photo], H
1/25/86 p20
Quilt fabrics give clues to social
history: Home arts in the U.
S. [photo], H 1/9/86 p13
Scholarship open to college
juniors, H 12/15/86 p13
Norwalk Yacht Club
Norwalk Yacht Club holds awards
dinner, H 8/21/86 p26
Norwalk YMCA
Council decides $1 will do for
YMCA parking lot rent, H
6/11/86 p35
For camperships [photo], H
8/13/86 p27
Management grads [photo], H
1/14/86 p15
Opportunities are limited for afterschool day care [photo], H
8/12/86 p16
Scholarship drawing [photo], H
8/27/86 p24
YMCA recognizes Shadbolt's
service [photo], H 2/12/86 p6
Norwalk YMCA-Children's Corner
Graduation day [photo], H
6/11/86 p23
Norwalk YMCA/Calvin Murphy
Biddy Basketball League
New England champions [photo],
H 3/18/86 p21
Taylor scores 46 points, Murphy
stars nip Dallas, H 4/3/86 p25
YMCA Murphy cagers honored
[photo], H 5/5/86 p27
Norwalk Youth Symphony
Conductor wins Bartok prize
[photo], H 8/6/86 p11
Hu Yong-Yan to conduct the
Youth Concert Orchestra
[photo], H 9/27/86 p16
New playes for Youth Symphony
[photo], H 11/28/86 p24
Plays with Norwalk Youth
Symphony [photo], H 2/22/86
Youth Symphony plays at the
United Nations [photo], H
12/10/86 p37
Youth Symphony presents final
season concert Sunday
[photo], H 5/1/86 p15
Norwalk Zoning Coalition
And boom in Norwalk continues,
H 6/6/86 p1+
Mayor signs plan: Foes step up
plan, H 6/5/86 p1+
Request filed for referendum
petitions [photo], H 6/6/86 p1+
Zoning coalition responds [letter],
H 4/4/86 p5
Norwalk-350th Committee
Plaque honors committee work
[photo], H 4/9/86 p6
Tax board aiming for budget cuts,
H 4/7/86 p1+
Tax board asked to restore cuts
in city's budget, H 9/15/86
Tax board reviewing requests, H
2/13/86 p1+
Norwalk-Budget, Capital
Budget cut to $9.9M by panel, H
2/25/86 p1+
Capital budget [letter], H 2/4/86 p5
Capital budget items outlined to
P & Z, H 1/28/86 p7
Caucus unable to find Veterans'
Park funding, H 4/8/86 p10
Citing lean budget, P & Z denies
computer bid, H 3/20/86 p10
Council committee eyes capital
budget requests, H 4/1/86
Council passes capital budget of
$7.2 million, H 4/9/86 p1+
Hearing slated on capital budget,
H 2/3/86 p1+
Hearing to consider school space
needs: Planning panel to
meet, H 3/31/86 p9
Mayor accuses P & Z of
negligence for not cutting
capital budget more, H
3/6/86 p1+
Mayor slashes $3 million from
capital budget, H 3/17/86 p1+
P & Z pares capital budget
tonight, H 3/5/86 p19
Panel OKs budget limit for
projects, H 3/28/86 p1+
Restoration of park $$ sought, H
4/7/86 p1+
Norwalk-Budget, Operating
'86-87 spending review begins, H
2/4/86 p1+
Board told to reduce city budget,
H 3/28/86 p1+
City sets hearings on budget, H
3/25/86 p1+
Norwalk-Charter Commission
Investors' response provides
mortgage for Bluff purchase
[photo], H 7/21/86 p11
Norwalk-City Charter
Citywide vote `not authorized', H
8/30/86 p1+
New look at charter favored by
panel, H 4/21/86 p1+
The four-year term [edit], H
2/3/86 p4
Norwalk-City owned land
Council tables motion to sell
Briggs parcel, H 8/13/86 p1+
Norwalk-Code Enforcement,
Dept. of
City construction may grind to
halt for want of a new
building official [photo], H
8/2/86 p1+
Code enforcer livid about `in-law'
unit, H 12/18/86 p6
Sam Resnick retiring from
Norwalk post [photo], H
5/14/86 p1+
Norwalk-Commission on the
Status of Women. SEE
Permanent status is sought: For
council on women, H 12/2/86
Norwalk-Common Council
$$ for aides OK'd, H 1/15/86 p12
`Hardball' talks set on city marina
plan, H 3/12/86 p1+
`Loan' is approved to buy
lighthouse: Space squabble
ends, H 11/13/86 p11
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Common Council
Altered suit settlement gains
majority support, H 5/9/86
Approval is expected for property
purchase, H 12/23/86 p8
Bondi nominated to replace
Knopp on council [photo], H
12/11/86 p1+
Chief gets boost for pay raise, H
10/10/86 p1+
City accused of `bad faith'
negotiating: In bridge
replacement projects, H
8/27/86 p18
City council rejects money plea
for Clean and Green office
help, H 1/15/86 p12
Collins vetoes measure on hiring
of aide: He calls it `political
mischief', H 3/21/86 p1+
Common Council agrees to sell
Briggs site for rental housing
[photo], H 8/27/86 p1+
Common Council approves
position of mayoral assistant,
H 2/26/86 p6
Common Council authorizes two
out-of-court settlements, H
11/26/86 p9
Common Council is expected to
approve NAACP agreement,
H 5/13/86 p1+
Common Council okays nonbinding referendum, H
8/27/86 p9
Common Council OKs $400,000
land purchase, H 12/24/86
Common Council to recognize
city softball, baseball teams,
H 8/26/86 p7
Conservatives select Giannini to
fill vacant seat on council, H
8/7/86 p1
Council accepts state money for
AIDS awareness effort, H
7/9/86 p21
Council approves Briggs rental
housing, H 2/12/86 p1+
Council approves funds for
addition, H 12/10/86 p11
Council approves legal
department appointees, H
9/10/86 p14
Council approves payment to
attorney, H 8/13/86 p11
Council approves purchase of
SoNo property, H 10/15/86
Council defeats motion on police
chief's raise [photo], H
10/15/86 p1+
Council is urged to waive fees on
Maritime Center, H 5/7/86
Council members say P & Z
should heed voters, H
11/11/86 p12
Council might try to abolish
planning panel, H 12/26/86
Council OKs housing suit
settlement [photo], H 5/14/86
Council OKs lawyer's salary over
objections of 2 members, H
9/24/86 p22
Council OKs raises: Rejects
NASA pact, H 8/27/86 p11
Council outlines method for
spending windfall, H 9/24/86
Council panels proposes twostage pay increase, H
10/10/86 p1+
Council passes capital budget of
$7.2 million, H 4/9/86 p1+
Council president declares
interest in assembly seat
[photo], H 7/15/86 p1+
Council requests canceling of
movie, H 2/26/86 p1+
Council reserve right to OK aide,
H 3/12/86 p11
Council set to vote on master
plan, H 5/27/86 p1+
Council shuffle expected, H
11/15/86 p1+
Council splits bridge projects as
residents gear up for fight, H
9/24/86 p23
Council tables motion to sell
Briggs parcel, H 8/13/86 p1+
Council to act on police and fire
pacts, H 7/21/86 p8
Council to eye rental housing:
Opposition urged, H 2/10/86
Council to reconsider chief's pay,
H 10/28/86 p1+
Council to vote on moratorium
and second master plan
issue, H 8/25/86 p1+
Council will defer building permit
fees at Maritime Center, H
5/15/86 p18
Councilman wants vote in
mayoral appointment, H
3/10/86 p11
Councilmen seek new counselor,
H 12/8/86 p1+
Courville to lead council
succeeding brief troika, H
11/25/86 p1+
Defense funding blasted, H
4/9/86 p18
Devil's Garden Road changes get
council OK despite pleas, H
4/23/86 p25
Fair housing group is formed to
settle NAACP's complaint, H
9/11/86 p6
Fillow Street bridge meeting
tonight stirs controversy
among councilmen, H
6/17/86 p10
Four-year term for mayor may be
taken up by council, H
1/29/86 p6
Housing proposal may displace
tenants, H 10/14/86 p16
Housing site gains support on
council, H 10/13/86 p1+
Keeler Avenue housing step
closer to reality, H 6/11/86
Knopp plans to resign from
Common Council at turn of
year, H 11/6/86 p11
Maritime Center bonds floated, H
12/3/86 p1+
Maritime Center fate is up to vote
tonight, H 9/29/86 p1+
Maritime Center gains city
council's approval [photo], H
9/30/86 p1+
Master plan wins grudging
approval, H 5/28/86 p1+
Meeting offered to smooth over
zoning conflicts, H 12/22/86
Mercede will build city hall, H
5/29/86 p1+
More input sought on housing
proposal, H 8/12/86 p35
NAACP-city suit wrap-up
expected Tuesday, H 5/12/86
New look at charter favored by
panel, H 4/21/86 p1+
New pact sign of harmony?, H
5/14/86 p1+
Override of veto defeated by 1
vote, H 3/26/86 p1+
Police study not expected to be
funded, H 12/16/86 p1+
Request for consultant is rejected
by council, H 3/12/86 p1+
Residents express bridge plan
fears, H 6/18/86 p19
Sale of land to ease city housing
crisis?, H 10/14/86 p1+
School facilities consultant OK'd
by Common Council, H
8/27/86 p6
Suit names ex-president of
council, H 6/24/86 p6
To consult or not [edit], H 3/13/86
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Common Council
Two council members say pay
inequities should be wiped
out, H 10/8/86 p11
Uptown revitalization proposal
approved, H 7/23/86 p1+
Windfall fund sparks debate on
city council, H 9/23/86 p1+
Zoners urged to adopt housing
as city priority, H 11/24/86
Norwalk-Common CouncilFinance Committee
Center funding change urged:
Delinquent taxes eyed, H
10/9/86 p11
Committee OKs higher fees for
self-insurance programs, H
6/4/86 p11
Costs too high: City to insure
itself for job injuries, H 7/2/86
Council committees delay vote
on Maritime Center bonding,
H 9/25/86 p1+
Lack of quorum bars action by
council finance committee, H
4/2/86 p10
Panel OKs a shift to bonds of
short term debt: $60M in
construction expected, H
3/5/86 p20
Raise for finance director
supported by finance panel,
H 1/8/86 p7
Norwalk-Common CouncilHealth, Welfare and Public
Safety Committee
Committee votes funds to allow
office guard, H 9/25/86 p9
Housing suit's stipulations OK'd,
H 3/27/86 p1+
Norwalk-Common Council-Land
Use and Building
Management Committee
City denied use of room by
library, H 1/10/86 p11
Council decides $1 will do for
YMCA parking lot rent, H
6/11/86 p35
Courthouse tabbed as site for
Common Council meeting, H
1/17/86 p21
Hearing slated on available lots,
H 9/17/86 p10
Panel eyes non-profit lessees as
$$ sources, H 5/22/86 p12
Norwalk-Common CouncilOrdinance Committee
Commission on women sought,
H 9/2/86 p11
Garbage trucks may be chased
from Norwalk, H 6/27/86 p1+
Head of SoNo group blasts rate
hike plan, H 9/26/86 p1+
Linkage to gain housing
considered, H 4/1/86 p1+
Panel mulls changing law on
loitering, H 10/24/86 p9
Permanent status is sought: For
council on women, H 12/2/86
Norwalk-Common CouncilPersonnel Committee
Appointee's hike upsets Turek, H
9/22/86 p10
City executives may get raise:
Panel supports plan, H
11/8/86 p11
City pay raises to be aired: 7
percent is minimum, H
7/16/86 p9
Committee refuses to endorse
new contract for supervisors,
H 8/15/86 p10
Mayor Collins presents a plan for
`dream organization' of city
executives, H 1/10/86 p1+
Panel favors creating post of
assistant to the mayor, H
2/14/86 p1+
Panel recommends accepting
new contracts with two
unions, H 11/7/86 p10
Salary hike called inadequate, H
7/18/86 p13
Norwalk-Common CouncilPlanning Committee
Committee approves assistance
plan, H 12/5/86 p13
Committee OKs sale of parcel, H
1/10/86 p11
Council committee eyes capital
budget requests, H 4/1/86
Council committees delay vote
on Maritime Center bonding,
H 9/25/86 p1+
Developer for center approved, H
3/7/86 p13
Developer weighs options on
project, H 4/16/86 p1+
Expanded enterprise requested,
H 11/7/86 p1+
Head of SoNo group blasts rate
hike plan, H 9/26/86 p1+
Hearing to consider school space
needs: Planning panel to
meet, H 3/31/86 p9
How will scheme fare the 2nd
time around?, H 4/25/86 p1+
Lease supported by panel, H
7/10/86 p1+
Long-planned housing project is
moving nearer to fruition, H
6/6/86 p1+
Panel backs SoNo land for
housing sites, H 10/3/86 p1+
Panel backs Tracey wing in
budget, H 4/4/86 p1+
Panel delays master plan vote:
30 speak at hearing, H
4/30/86 p1+
Panel moves to expedite two
projects, H 2/7/86 p1+
Panel tables land sale for
housing units, H 8/1/86 p1+
Panel to take up Briggs housing
plan - again, H 8/7/86 p18
Panel works out housing plan, H
8/8/86 p1+
Park use to be aired at hearing,
H 4/14/86 p1+
Planning panel backs
beautification of uptown, H
5/2/86 p12
Residents tabbed to serve on
panel overseeing project, H
12/18/86 p6
Seligson's parking plan loser at
raucous committee hearing,
H 4/15/86 p10
Three agencies OK property
purchase, H 12/18/86 p1+
Norwalk-Common CouncilPublic Works Committee
City poised to apply
condemnation to bridge
properties, if necessary, H
8/19/86 p9
Committee backs abandoning
road, H 6/18/86 p10
Committee endorses hiring firm
to oversee bridge work, H
12/17/86 p18
Committee recommends
consultants' payment: For
treatment plant work, H
10/22/86 p27
Committee supports treatment
plant plans, H 1/22/86 p21
Council is urged to raise sewer
installation fee, H 5/21/86 p21
Norwalk may take over span
project, H 11/18/86 p1+
Panel acts on bridge replacement
plans: Land condemnation
possible, H 8/20/86 p9
Panel considers higher sewer
installation rate, H 3/19/86 p9
Panel endorses bridge inspection
effort, H 11/19/86 p23
Panel looks into recovering
added refuse disposal cost,
H 7/15/86 p9
Reduction of garbage tonnage
aim of program, H 6/19/86
River test cost set at $10,000, H
9/17/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Common CouncilPublic Works Committee
Supports renumbering of
Connecticut Avenue
buildings, H 8/20/86 p12
Trash tipping fee discussed, H
9/17/86 p10
West Norwalkers unimpressed by
bridge plan, H 1/22/86 p21
Norwalk-Common CouncilRecreation and Parks
After delay, effort to protect
Malmquist Field back on
track, H 10/31/86 p13
Boaters say review harbor center
plans, H 2/20/86 p18
City loan for lighthouse has
tentative approval, H 8/19/86
City park endorsed as site for
jazz event, H 4/22/86 p1+
Courville vows to push Vets Park
improvements, H 12/17/86
Despite a threat of a lawsuit,
panel urges parking in park,
H 6/17/86 p28
Panel takes second swing: At
baseball field design, H
12/16/86 p13
Park use is urged by panel, H
9/16/86 p12
Proposal raises slip fees: At Vets
Park marina, H 12/16/86 p12
Recreation committee wants
ideas for controlling park use
after dark, H 4/22/86 p1+
Residents attack committee: At
Malmquist Field hearing, H
8/19/86 p9
Restoration of park $$ sought, H
4/7/86 p1+
Traffic changes are set at park, H
5/20/86 p11
Norwalk-Common CouncilSchool Building Committee
Committee endorses school roof
repair plans, H 7/10/86 p15
Contract for painting of NHS
endorsed, H 8/14/86 p15
Panel OKs school work, H
12/11/86 p11
Reactivated panel OKs plans for
Tracey, H 6/5/86 p10
Two panels consider school
building issue, H 6/21/86 p1+
Norwalk-Common CouncilSchool Facilities Committee
School facilities panel to seek
outside help to assess
needs, H 7/11/86 p9
The whole story [letter], H 7/2/86
Development Block Grant.
Attorney charges that city misled
his clients, H 4/18/86 p23
Chairman says staff inadequate,
H 12/17/86 p17
Conservation Commission
advised of Norwalk River
diversion plans, H 2/25/86
Conservation panel approves
$100,000 loan for lighthouse,
H 12/23/86 p6
Counsel blasts panel over `unfair'
order, H 10/28/86 p9
Hearing on ex-LaPorta site draws
one dissenting voice, H
1/28/86 p6
Mintz critical in resignation from
city conservation panel, H
11/25/86 p18
Neighbors object to plan for tract,
H 11/25/86 p18
Panel and attorney butt heads, H
3/18/86 p11
Panel to consider revocation of
river stilthouse permit, H
3/17/86 p9
Planners suggest more parking
for project, H 5/30/86 p11
Public hearing sought on
expressway work, H 5/16/86
Norwalk-Corporation Counsel
Appointee's hike upsets Turek, H
9/22/86 p10
City attorney given 2 weeks to
answer queries about P & Z,
H 12/10/86 p11
Council OKs lawyer's salary over
objections of 2 members, H
9/24/86 p22
Counsel says city in need of
minority officers, H 7/22/86
Counsel suggests dedication of
new park land at city hall, H
7/22/86 p6
Lawyer: Planners can ignore city
council, H 12/20/86 p8
Two nominated for city attorney
posts: To round out staff, H
9/5/86 p10
Way paved for school by
counsel, H 7/24/86 p16
Norwalk-Economic conditions
A year of progress [edit], H
1/28/86 p4
And boom in Norwalk continues,
H 6/6/86 p1+
Area planners shepherd diverse
development [photo], H
1/28/86 p27
City jobless again said less than
in Stamford, H 1/10/86 p1+
City to lease park land to
developer, H 4/10/86 p1+
Corporate clients have limos
rolling up mileage [photo], H
1/28/86 p34
Housing will cost city industry
[letter], H 11/7/86 p5
Mayor signs plan: Foes step up
plan, H 6/5/86 p1+
Merrittview leasing activity
reflecting Norwalk's growth
[photo], H 10/21/86 p23
Norwalk is invited to expand
Enterprise Zone, H 9/30/86
Revitalization has changed
Washington Street [photo], H
9/26/86 p48
SoNo black tie celebration
reflects the area's
revitalization [photo], H
12/17/86 p25
Study reveals a job decline in
city's Enterprise Zone, H
1/16/86 p1+
Uptown plan suggests
cooperaiton between city,
private interests, H 4/17/86
Uptown proposal endorsed by
panel, H 6/5/86 p1+
Uptown revitalization proposal
approved, H 7/23/86 p1+
Norwalk-Education, Board of.
Affirmative Action plan OK'd, H
2/21/86 p11
Auditors find fault with school
board purchasing practice, H
1/8/86 p1+
Board eyes room for teacherastronaut, H 2/25/86 p12
Board, NFT opt for $21,500 base,
H 10/8/86 p1+
City school board to consider
appointments to 35 positions,
H 8/28/86 p16
City to add 4 more kindergartens,
H 6/4/86 p1+
City to close Franklin School,
expand Vocational center, H
6/18/86 p22
Classroom expansion is school
board's top goal, H 3/26/86
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Education, Board of
Group to review re-establishing
committees, H 1/22/86 p12
Mayor at fault on class space,
says PTA chief, H 8/29/86
Mayor's formation of panel draws
school board criticism, H
2/26/86 p10
New policy lets some groups use
schools free of rental fee, H
4/8/86 p14
NFT hits remarks by Hanley, H
5/19/86 p1+
Objectives of schools will be
aired tonight, H 11/12/86 p12
School Board adamant over need
for funding, H 2/5/86 p1+
School board endorses an
affirmative action policy, H
6/4/86 p1+
School board hiring counsel for
negotiations, H 5/14/86 p1+
School board OKs renaming of
classroom, H 2/26/86 p9
School board over limit on
salaries: Arouses ire of tax
board, H 12/2/86 p17
School board will retain current
format, H 2/20/86 p17
School board will review chewing
tobacco policy, H 4/22/86 p1+
School panel won't back legal
battle, H 11/20/86 p20
School plan meets with
opposition, H 11/13/86 p1+
Schools in line for $470,000
grant, H 11/21/86 p1+
Sex education is questioned:
Educators warned, H
10/22/86 p11
Tax panel reduces time for pay
hikes, H 10/1/86 p1+
Teachers, board negotiate on
approach to salary law, H
9/10/86 p6
Tobacco-chewing probition in
schools deferred for now, H
4/23/86 p10
Norwalk-Education, Board ofAffirmative Action Advisory
Committee amends proposal for
afirmative action policy, H
5/9/86 p1+
Norwalk-Education, Board ofAwards
Hour school calendar wins
award, H 11/10/86 p16
Norwalk-Education, Board ofBudgets
$52 million request OK'd by
school board, H 12/10/86 p10
10 copier machines head list of
items requested for schools,
H 12/4/86 p23
Board of Education will consider
variety of program
improvements, H 12/2/86 p36
Parents fear trust misplaced
[letter], H 11/15/86 p5
Projected student decline affects
next budget, H 10/10/86 p12
PTA to back schools' budget
requests, H 3/4/86 p16
School board budget given
support during public hearing
by tax board [photo], H
3/27/86 p1+
School board decides good
education is budget's bottom
line, H 11/26/86 p1+
School board deficit dwindles
with insurance, fuel savings,
H 3/25/86 p9
Sloan outlines budget plan: $52
million requested, H 11/19/86
Sloan to outline $51.5 million
budget, H 11/25/86 p8
Tax board OK's $35,000 for
study of school space, H
8/5/86 p8
Tax board OKs funds for schools,
H 4/12/86 p1+
Norwalk-Enterprise Zone
Expanded enterprise requested,
H 11/7/86 p1+
Job zone is touted by Belaga
[photo], H 10/30/86 p1+
Norwalk is invited to expand
Enterprise Zone, H 9/30/86
Study reveals a job decline in
city's Enterprise Zone, H
1/16/86 p1+
Norwalk-Estimate and Taxation,
Board of
'86-87 spending review begins, H
2/4/86 p1+
Board member seeks monitoring
of projects, H 10/7/86 p1+
Board OKs appropriations: To
cover pay increases, H
11/4/86 p20
Board ponders higher fees to
reduce projected tax jump, H
2/6/86 p1+
Board seeks money to raze old
school, H 1/9/86 p26
Board tables City Hall fund
request: More may be
needed, H 12/2/86 p11
Board told to reduce city budget,
H 3/28/86 p1+
City's tax increase trimmed to
9.88%, H 4/8/86 p1+
DiGangi sees big savings in new
routes, H 10/7/86 p1+
DPW receives $275,000 to pay
for hauling of sludge, H
12/3/86 p9
Funds approved for antennas,
grader, H 1/7/86 p10
Higher parking revenues become
priority, H 3/4/86 p1+
NEON board rebukes member
for cut stand, H 4/10/86 p1+
Officials say May 6 election cost
city $3.50 per ballot, H 6/3/86
Panel OKs budget limit for
projects, H 3/28/86 p1+
Panel OKs energy saving plan, H
12/2/86 p36
School board over limit on
salaries: Arouses ire of tax
board, H 12/2/86 p17
Tax board aiming for budget cuts,
H 4/7/86 p1+
Tax board asked to restore cuts
in city's budget, H 9/15/86
Tax board declines to act on
proposal: Submitted by
Buzzeo, H 12/3/86 p16
Tax board OKs $$ for pay hikes,
H 9/16/86 p10
Tax board OKs funds for schools,
H 4/12/86 p1+
Tax board reverses stand, OKs
aides, H 1/7/86 p10
Tax board reviewing requests, H
2/13/86 p1+
Tax panel reduces time for pay
hikes, H 10/1/86 p1+
Teacher pact talks re-opened, H
8/5/86 p1+
Tenatative tax rate set at 11.4%
increase, H 3/18/86 p1+
Unhappy tax board approve
another $125,000 to haul
trash, H 7/8/86 p1+
Windfall put into trust fund, H
9/16/86 p9
Workshop gives educators hope
of increase in budget, H
3/13/86 p18
Norwalk-Fair Housing Advisory
Fair housing group is formed to
settle NAACP's complaint, H
9/11/86 p6
Norwalk-Fair Housing
City eyeing 7 for fair housing, H
11/12/86 p9
More charges lodged in Carver
conversion, H 9/18/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Fair Rent and Human
Relations Commission
`Housing Month' mere lip service,
says Briggs, H 4/9/86 p9
Norwalk-Fair Rent Commission
Commission releases report, H
8/5/86 p9
No ruling on Carver rent hike, H
8/2/86 p11
Rent agency will review Carver
issues, H 7/2/86 p1+
Norwalk-Finance Dept.
Panel OKs a shift to bonds of
short term debt: $60M in
construction expected, H
3/5/86 p20
Norwalk-Fire Commission
Board tables appeal by ex-fire
dispatcher, H 12/24/86 p6
Dispatcher seeks to become
firefighter, H 12/19/86 p12
New officers sworn in [photo], H
5/23/86 p23
Norwalk-Fire Dept.
Chief to take on new post soon,
H 7/1/86 p18
City canvassed for potential
hazards [photo], H 5/3/86 p12
City man is continuing battle to
be firefighter, H 11/22/86 p1+
City may ask reimbursement: For
firefighters' time, H 7/30/86
Civil preparedness will be placed
under Fire Department
supervision, H 5/17/86 p1+
Firefighters are sworn in [photo],
H 11/3/86 p19
Latest ladder truck bought by city
lets firefighters reach new
heights [photo], H 5/22/86
Minority ranks growing among
firefighters, H 10/8/86 p1+
New officers [photo], H 9/25/86
Radiation levels checked here
[photo], H 5/2/86 p1
Retirees honored [photo], H
10/31/86 p26
Three firemen are promoted
[photo], H 2/21/86 p6
Veteran fireman retiring [photo
p8], H 10/11/86 p1+
Norwalk-First Taxing District
`Santaniello Park' in district?, H
4/2/86 p11
10 electors OK budget in 1st
dist., H 11/21/86 p1+
1st District wants to enlarge dam
at 1 of its 4 reservoirs, H
11/17/86 p10
District 1 weighing rate hike, H
11/18/86 p32
District plans Santaniello
memorial, H 8/7/86 p27
District should shut down well
[letter], H 6/24/86 p5
Improvements planned: 1st
District water rate up, H
12/19/86 p24
Neighbor opposes water tower
site, H 2/26/86 p9
Pump house in well field to be
rebuilt, H 1/30/86 p7
Septic systems near reservoir
feared: Aerators suggested,
H 2/5/86 p9
Study says risk low from water, H
4/24/86 p1+
Superfund could pay for wells'
clean-up, H 10/20/86 p1+
Supervisor retires from district
post, H 6/4/86 p11
Tamburri fills post in district
[photo], H 7/2/86 p1
Norwalk-Harbor Management
Bypass slight Tamsky, H 6/26/86
CL & P application approved, H
1/30/86 p7
DEP tabs funding for harbor
planning, H 5/23/86 p1+
Harbor commission prepared for
action, H 5/29/86 p1+
Harbor panel told funds for
planning snagged, H 5/1/86
Management Commission OKs
development plan, H 2/27/86
Panel hit on faulty procedure, H
8/28/86 p1+
Tamsky jabs at Lyons, H 8/14/86
Tamsky wants harbor review by
panel, H 7/24/86 p21
Westport firm picked to ready
harbor plan, H 8/29/86 p11
Norwalk-Health, Dept. of
Complaints about noise and
fumes are reiterated [photo],
H 9/5/86 p9
Health Dept. denies license for
camp a Roodner Court, H
7/8/86 p1+
Housing plea met: 27 given
homes, H 1/2/86 p1+
Public nurse service strives for
better visibility, H 10/31/86
Norwalk-Historical Commission
Historical Commission approves
razing of social services
building, H 12/3/86 p11
Local history read in Byxbee
genealogy: Miss Liberty's
people [photo], H 6/26/86
Olde time Bears band [photo], H
12/11/86 p18
The Way We Were [column with
photo], H 1/2/86 p25, H
1/16/86 p29, H 1/23/86 p31,
H 1/30/86 p25, H 2/6/86 p17,
H 2/13/86 p20, H 2/21/86
p11, H 2/27/86 p19, H 3/6/86
p28, H 3/13/86 p28, H
3/20/86 p31, H 3/27/86 p27,
H 4/10/86 p20, H 4/24/86
p11, H 5/8/86 p24, H 5/15/86
p38, H 5/22/86 p39, H
5/29/86 p10, H 6/5/86 p33, H
6/19/86 p31, H 6/26/86 p23,
H 7/10/86 p20, H 7/17/86
p19, H 7/24/86 p28, H
7/31/86 p18, H 8/7/86 p26, H
8/14/86 p15, H 8/21/86 p12,
H 8/28/86 p30, H 9/4/86 p18,
H 9/18/86 p12, H 9/25/86
p31, H 10/2/86 p28, H
10/9/86 p42, H 10/16/86 p23,
H 10/23/86 p21, H 10/30/86
p22, H 11/6/86 p23, H
11/13/86 p18, H 11/20/86
p31, H 11/28/86 p33, H
12/4/86 p25, H 12/11/86 p18,
H 12/18/86 p20, H 12/24/86
Walls of house yield bottles by
the bushel [photo], H 5/28/86
Norwalk-Housing Sites
Development Agency
Agency could become new
landlord, H 9/17/86 p16
Agency decides to alter
agreement to assist
residents of development, H
12/4/86 p20
Agency gives OK to site plan, H
1/9/86 p18
Authority bows out on housing
site plan, H 9/24/86 p11
Closing set Monday on S. Main
housing, H 10/18/86 p1+
Contract snag puts housing
project in jeopardy, H 5/8/86
Countersuit is urged to stem
housing delay, H 12/17/86
Decision on Wood-Burbank deal
put off, H 2/20/86 p10
Housing agency, developer iron
out difficulties, H 6/5/86 p11
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Housing Sites
Development Agency
Panel endorses loan of $316,215
for senior homes, H 3/6/86
Purchase of parcel endorsed, H
10/10/86 p1+
South Main Street housing
proposal outlined, H 9/18/86
Norwalk-Housing Sites
Development Authority
Commission approves condo
land transfer, H 11/6/86 p8
Norwalk-Labor Council
Norwalk Labor Council sides with
Atkin in state senate race, H
4/10/86 p9
Norwalk-Law Dept.
Board members seek insurance,
H 2/20/86 p18
Council approves legal
department appointees, H
9/10/86 p14
Easement settlement okayed, H
9/10/86 p13
Norwalk's legal eagle is singled
out for his major - and minor deeds, H 6/10/86 p1+
Norwalk-Main Ave. Housing
Residents tabbed to serve on
panel overseeing project, H
12/18/86 p6
Norwalk-Maritime Center
Authority. SEE ALSO
Maritime board votes for 30-year
pay plan, H 10/4/86 p1+
Officers are re-elected on
authority, H 1/23/86 p6
Norwalk-Master Plan
6,635 citizens want master plan
[photo], H 7/7/86 p1+
And boom in Norwalk continues,
H 6/6/86 p1+
City Master Plan is challenge for
Leary [photo], H 8/8/86 p6
City plan criticized and backed at
hearing, H 1/9/86 p1+
City planners are accused of
arrogance, H 12/19/86 p1+
Coalition supports master plan
[letter], H 6/25/86 p5
Commission must wait for vote
[letter], H 8/12/86 p5
Common Council okays nonbinding referendum, H
8/27/86 p9
Council set to vote on master
plan, H 5/27/86 p1+
Council to vote on moratorium
and second master plan
issue, H 8/25/86 p1+
Fine-tuned master plan ready, H
4/25/86 p1+
Foes of master plan claim a
victory, H 7/5/86 p6
How will scheme fare the 2nd
time around?, H 4/25/86 p1+
Loss of trust in P & Z spurs
referendum bid [photo], H
7/3/86 p1+
Marcus: Land use is on hold, H
8/15/86 p1+
Master Plan [letter], H 7/3/86 p5
Master plan [letter], H 6/16/86 p5
Master Plan battle heating up
[photo p8], H 11/1/86 p1+
Master plan faces fight in the
council, H 3/20/86 p1+
Master Plan foes fewer in
number but just as vocal, H
1/8/86 p1+
Master plan is doomed, mayor
says, H 8/19/86 p1+
Master plan moves closer to final
OK, H 5/2/86 p1+
Master Plan to be placed on the
ballot, H 7/11/86 p1+
Master plan wins grudging
approval, H 5/28/86 p1+
Mayor signs plan: Foes step up
plan, H 6/5/86 p1+
Much misinformation about plan
[letter], H 6/28/86 p5
New airing to begin on master
plan, H 1/6/86 p1+
Nibbling away [edit], H 7/14/86 p4
NRD wants city referendum to
include a second question, H
8/19/86 p10
NRD, P & Z at odds over 2
August meetings, H 9/4/86
One more try at explaining, H
11/1/86 p1+
P & Z contempt [letter], H 8/9/86
P & Z panel in favor of
proceeding with zone
changes along corridors, H
7/16/86 p1+
P & Z work on plan is attacked
[photo], H 7/24/86 p1+
P & Z: Master plan must be
citywide, H 12/18/86 p22
Panel alters master plan and
OKs it, H 3/19/86 p1+
Panel delays master plan vote:
30 speak at hearing, H
4/30/86 p1+
Panel recommends changes in
accord with Master Plan, H
7/30/86 p1+
Panel stirs dispute over Master
Plan, H 10/2/86 p1+
Panel to outline master plan for
district committee, public, H
10/22/86 p11
Petitioners banned as political
take to sidewalk, H 7/1/86 p9
Plan a `matter of anxiety' [letter],
H 6/18/86 p5
Planner added to P & Z staff, H
6/19/86 p12
Planner rebuts criticism of land
use guide, H 6/12/86 p1+
Referendum is sought on city's
master plan, H 5/31/86 p1+
Request filed for referendum
petitions [photo], H 6/6/86 p1+
SWRPA support master plan for
city, H 5/6/86 p1+
Taxpayers' League backs
referendum [letter], H 6/25/86
The Master Plan...again [edit], H
4/29/86 p4
Time to speak [edit], H 1/7/86 p4
Two master plan questions
remain on referendum ballot,
H 9/10/86 p10
Urges suppport of petition drive,
H 6/18/86 p5
Norwalk-Mayor's Council in
Support of the Norwalk
Public Schools
Guests sense the
accomplishments as mayor's
school council fetes 4, H
6/20/86 p27
Mayor's school council to fete
groups, individuals for
service, H 6/18/86 p10
Panel to study student service, H
1/22/86 p9
School council advised of
program for service to
community in Atlanta, H
4/23/86 p10
Norwalk-Mayor's Council on the
Status of Women. SEE
Mayor's council on women
requests permanent status,
H 10/24/86 p14
Permanent status requested by
council: Women's group
makes plea, H 9/26/86 p12
Norwalk-Mayor's School
Facilities Building Committee
Panel mulls use of school
facilities, H 5/1/86 p9
Space requirements for schools
continues under committee
study, H 5/22/86 p10
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Mayors. SEE CAVE,
Four-year term for mayor may be
taken up by council, H
1/29/86 p6
Norwalk-Oak Hills Commission
Board seeks written report about
addition, H 4/22/86 p8
Commission to consider
restaurant, H 4/21/86 p6
Norwalk-Officials and employees
4 of city's 5 top wage earners are
policemen, H 3/3/86 p1
Appointee's hike upsets Turek, H
9/22/86 p10
City executives may get raise:
Panel supports plan, H
11/8/86 p11
City pay raises to be aired: 7
percent is minimum, H
7/16/86 p9
City workers' new tabloid
sparkles with helpful prose,
H 6/13/86 p1
City, unions are close in contract
negotiations, H 6/14/86 p1+
Collins backs effort to buy
contract study, H 6/24/86 p1+
Collins names Norwich official to
administrative aide position
[photo p8], H 7/14/86 p1+
Committee refuses to endorse
new contract for supervisors,
H 8/15/86 p10
Common Council approves
position of mayoral assistant,
H 2/26/86 p6
Council OKs lawyer's salary over
objections of 2 members, H
9/24/86 p22
Council OKs raises: Rejects
NASA pact, H 8/27/86 p11
Council to act on police and fire
pacts, H 7/21/86 p8
Drug raid nets two city
employees, H 10/15/86 p1+
Extra pay topic for officials:
Reductions are sought, H
2/21/86 p1+
Mayor Collins presents a plan for
`dream organization' of city
executives, H 1/10/86 p1+
Mayor doesn't need an assistant
[letter], H 2/21/86 p5
New city policy brings `stormy'
reply, H 3/8/86 p1+
New pact sign of harmony?, H
5/14/86 p1+
Panel recommends accepting
new contracts with two
unions, H 11/7/86 p10
Police union city resolve contract
items, H 2/13/86 p6
Police union gives nod to new
contract, H 6/18/86 p1+
Salary hike called inadequate, H
7/18/86 p13
School board hiring counsel for
negotiations, H 5/14/86 p1+
Steps to end conflicts of interest
[letter], H 8/16/86 p5
Tax board OKs $$ for pay hikes,
H 9/16/86 p10
Teachers offered new contract, H
11/18/86 p1+
Two council members say pay
inequities should be wiped
out, H 10/8/86 p11
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
`Similar' zone plan proposed, H
11/12/86 p11
25 permits issued in 4 years:
Accessory apartments, H
5/31/86 p29
Action Housing plan is approved
by P & Z, H 8/21/86 p9
Agencies unanimous in rejecting
sale of footpath, H 12/5/86
Area lauds housing OK as a
`miracle', H 6/5/86 p1+
Attorney says zoning board erred
in giving variance to expand
house, H 4/17/86 p10
Banner year for permits: P & Z
files annual report, H 5/10/86
Building conversion OK'd:
Demolition rapped, H 5/8/86
Businesses on move to SoNo, H
5/22/86 p10
Caldor's plans cause concern, H
3/14/86 p21
Capital budget items outlined to
P & Z, H 1/28/86 p7
Church's plans to expand turned
down-twice, H 2/20/86 p1+
Citing lean budget, P & Z denies
computer bid, H 3/20/86 p10
City planners are accused of
arrogance, H 12/19/86 p1+
Congregation seeking approval
for church on South Main
Street, H 12/5/86 p10
Corset factory plans get
committee OK, H 3/27/86 p27
Council puts two on P & Z, H
6/25/86 p1+
Court tosses out church's
discrimination suit, H 3/6/86
Developer appeals zoning board
ruling, H 2/22/86 p1+
Developer to appeal P & Z denial
of zone change, H 1/23/86
Developer: P & Z proposal
`scary', H 11/8/86 p1+
Few in attendance at hearing on
Fairfield Avenue zone
change, H 1/23/86 p9
Firms see money lost with center,
H 6/26/86 p1+
Fund request `sprung' on city?
[photo], H 2/6/86 p1+
Hearing to weigh zone plan, H
11/19/86 p1+
Homeowners awaiting P & Z
decision, H 6/21/86 p1+
Inclusionary zoning proposal may
not aid low-income folks, H
12/17/86 p10
Is the honeymoon over for GTE,
neighbors?, H 12/4/86 p23
Judge upholds rezoning of Main
Avenue land, H 6/2/86 p1+
LaClair gets top P & Z spot, H
6/19/86 p29
Local contracting of projects
urged, H 5/22/86 p12
Lowe Street quandry baffling to P
& Z, H 2/6/86 p16
Maritime and P & Z officials
getting the center on course,
H 5/9/86 p11
Maritime center gives project's
plans to city, H 5/1/86 p1+
Mayor accuses P & Z of
negligence for not cutting
capital budget more, H
3/6/86 p1+
Mayor slashes $3 million from
capital budget, H 3/17/86 p1+
Meeting offered to smooth over
zoning conflicts, H 12/22/86
Merritt 5, 6 get OK from P & Z, H
3/20/86 p1+
More opposition [edit], H
12/19/86 p4
Neighbor opposes water tower
site, H 2/26/86 p9
Neighbors continue to be
angered by 191-unit condo
development, H 11/20/86 p24
New building is planned in
Rowayton, H 7/5/86 p12
No public objections to golf club
request, H 7/17/86 p9
NRD files complaint with FOI
over P & Z committee
meetings, H 9/16/86 p1+
NRD, P & Z at odds over 2
August meetings, H 9/4/86
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
Commission (Continued)
Office buildings' designs to
complement Belden area, H
12/19/86 p12
Office plan approved at
Rowayton landing, H 7/18/86
Outline of hearing comments
prepared: For Route 1, 7
corridors, H 12/4/86 p24
P & Z allows conversion for
condos, H 1/23/86 p10
P & Z chairman seeking action
on future of vacant buildings,
H 8/12/86 p36
P & Z chief in defense of
changes, H 8/1/86 p1+
P & Z considers easing rules for
accessory apartments, H
6/14/86 p1+
P & Z denies request for change
of zone, H 5/8/86 p9
P & Z examining proposals:
Cluster housing sought, H
1/30/86 p7
P & Z files request for legal
action against ZBA over
house addition, H 4/3/86 p9
P & Z gives final approval to
Elderhouse plan, H 2/20/86
P & Z joins opponents of mooring
proposal, H 12/19/86 p1+
P & Z OKs conversion of factory,
H 5/8/86 p10
P & Z OKs Wood-Burbank sale:
Elderly housing site backed,
H 3/22/86 p6
P & Z overrules public: Rejects
rezoning plan, H 12/18/86
P & Z panel approves '87-88
budget plan, H 12/4/86 p24
P & Z pares capital budget
tonight, H 3/5/86 p19
P & Z preparing a response to
city council's resolution, H
12/16/86 p14
P & Z recommends expansion of
BCVA, H 9/4/86 p8
P & Z says criticism is unfair, H
3/15/86 p8
P & Z turns down bid to delay
Hearings (sic) on
amendments, H 8/7/86 p25
P & Z won't wait for council talk
on amendments, H 12/24/86
P & Z: Master plan must be
citywide, H 12/18/86 p22
P 7 Z to eye marine works plan,
H 7/2/86 p9
Panel backs bigger Briggs
Center, H 8/5/86 p1+
Pine Street neighbors in driveway
fight, H 6/27/86 p25
Planner added to P & Z staff, H
6/19/86 p12
Proposal for condos is outlined,
H 12/5/86 p12
Residents favor Woodward
Avenue zone plan, H 12/4/86
School facilities panel to seek
outside help to assess
needs, H 7/11/86 p9
Shop owner seeks zone change
for lot: Single designation
requested, H 3/27/86 p29
Site plan for housing is
submitted, H 5/20/86 p1+
Split vote kills Hamilton Avenue
zone change, H 2/20/86 p10
Technicality stalls housing
hearing, H 8/8/86 p1+
Three agencies OK property
purchase, H 12/18/86 p1+
Water pressure concerns
neighbors, H 8/21/86 p9
Zoners say they are
misunderstood: Public
hearing set, H 11/14/86 p10
Zoning case arguments heard:
Neighbors oppose
apartments, H 2/19/86 p10
Zoning changed, H 2/8/86 p9
Zoning panel shoots down flurry
of rezoning requests, H
7/3/86 p1+
Zoning proposal would force
developers to create more
affordable housing units, H
11/21/86 p11
Zoning proposals intended to
provide affordable housing,
H 11/13/86 p1+
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
Budget cut to $9.9M by panel, H
2/25/86 p1+
Changes to zoning regulations to
keep P & Z committee busy,
H 7/31/86 p13
Committee continues work on
zoning regulation changes, H
8/5/86 p9
P & Z committee endorses Wall,
Main upgrading, H 7/2/86 p10
P & Z committee endorses
zoning amendments: For
Route 1, 7 corridors, H
12/16/86 p14
P & Z committee weighs
regulations to avoid unsightly
parking garages, H 8/20/86
P & Z panel going ahead on
changes, H 7/23/86 p1+
P & Z panel in favor of
proceeding with zone
changes along corridors, H
7/16/86 p1+
P & Z panel schedules hearing
on amendments, H 9/24/86
Panel alters master plan and
OKs it, H 3/19/86 p1+
Panel recommends changes in
accord with Master Plan, H
7/30/86 p1+
Panels close on housing needs,
H 8/6/86 p10
Some city zoners balking at
planned densities, H 7/17/86
Zone plan changes on agenda, H
12/13/86 p1+
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
Commission-Coastal Area
Management Committee
170 housing units approved by P
& Z committee, H 4/18/86 p19
Application filed for multi-family
units, H 5/29/86 p30
Committee endorses Marriott
Hotel plan, H 6/13/86 p11
Conflict in Montessori plan seen
by P & Z panel chairman, H
1/17/86 p11
Hearing slated Feb. 5 on house
conversion, H 1/17/86 p11
New offices are proposed in
Rowayton, H 6/13/86 p1+
OK given to condos by panel, H
3/20/86 p10
P & Z panel OKs zone change, H
1/31/86 p23
P & Z panel recommends OK for
120 condos and 52 houses,
H 6/13/86 p28
Panel denies rear lot change:
Shop owner to fight, H
4/18/86 p19
Panel encourages Mallard's
Landing revisions, H 5/30/86
Panel lodges opposition to zone
changes, H 6/27/86 p1+
Panel OKs golf courses in AAA
zone, H 5/30/86 p24
Panel rejects second bid by
church to expand, H 2/14/86
Panel votes to recommend denial
of zone, H 1/17/86 p21
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
Commission-Coastal Area
Management Committee
Planners suggest more parking
for project, H 5/30/86 p11
Zone change request denied: A
Hobson's choice?, H 2/14/86
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
Fine-tuned master plan ready, H
4/25/86 p1+
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
City weighs lending developers a
hand, H 8/19/86 p18
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
OK given to condos by panel, H
3/20/86 p10
Residential zone change
opposed, H 7/26/86 p10
Zoners ask ruling on men's club
grill, H 7/25/86 p1+
Norwalk-Planning and Zoning
P & Z reports are revived after
hiatus, H 1/11/86 p1+
Norwalk-Police Commission
Appointment outrages pastors
[photo], H 9/13/86 p1+
Commissioners blunt driving,
weapons plans, H 4/22/86 p7
Commissioners chase wrong
issue [letter], H 10/10/86 p5
Commissioners plan nonsmoking policy for police
officers, H 9/23/86 p1+
Few show for police classes, H
3/25/86 p29
Holland named to police panel, H
9/8/86 p1+
List of chaplains approved by city
fire (sic) commissioners, H
9/24/86 p24
Norwalk wins appeal over state
decision, H 5/7/86 p6
Police commission hopes $25
bounty will spark towing of
abandoned cars, H 8/19/86
Police union leader asks
commissioner to resign from
panel, H 5/30/86 p1+
Police will hire more minorities, H
8/19/86 p18
Rawson offers resignation from
the police commission, H
8/19/86 p1+
Supports mayor and
commissioners [letter], H
10/3/86 p5
Norwalk-Police Dept. SEE ALSO
Norwalk-Police Dept.
4 of city's 5 top wage earners are
policemen, H 3/3/86 p1
5 police officers commended
[photo], H 6/28/86 p8
Administrative hearing is set for
arrested NPD employee, H
10/17/86 p11
Anchor is forerunner of festival
[photo p1], H 7/28/86 p9
Another open house coming
[photo], H 1/18/86 p20
Armed man killed by police
officers, H 7/9/86 p1+
Attorney to probe shooting, H
11/14/86 p1+
Beres hike in pension is disputed,
H 6/30/86 p14
Beres' bid to recover wages
delayed by illness of referee,
H 12/16/86 p15
Beres' case opens Thursday in
Stamford, H 6/18/86 p18
Burglaries, car theft keep police
busy, H 8/15/86 p8
Charged with theft, NPD officer
resigns, H 2/24/86 p1+
Chief gains council support, H
10/2/86 p1+
City police are accused of
brutality, H 6/21/86 p1+
City police are rejuvenating
Hour's athletic league for
poor kids [photo], H 12/20/86
Civilian employee resigns Police
Dept. post, H 10/21/86 p11
Commissioners blunt driving,
weapons plans, H 4/22/86 p7
Commissioners plan nonsmoking policy for police
officers, H 9/23/86 p1+
Cops ink new pact [photo], H
8/6/86 p6
Cops overreacted, declares
Burgess [photo], H 7/9/86 p1+
Council to reconsider chief's pay,
H 10/28/86 p1+
Counsel says city in need of
minority officers, H 7/22/86
Despite apology, Collins still
under fire, H 10/2/86 p1+
Doggie death decree denied, H
10/17/86 p1+
Ex-police chief seeking pension
raises: Summary judgement
requested, H 3/25/86 p29
Expert says police must strive to
foster trust, H 7/12/86 p1+
Factfinder's report has its pros,
cons, H 6/14/86 p1+
Family seeks second probe in
Reyes death, H 10/30/86 p1+
FBI asked to probe shooting, H
10/31/86 p12
Flyer decrying shooting, blasts
police actions, H 8/18/86 p1+
Fuller shooting report sent for
state review [photo], H
10/18/86 p1+
Hiring of non-smokers by PD
may be delayed, H 10/23/86
In program [photo], H 11/6/86 p11
LaBianca bypassed for raise, H
8/7/86 p1+
Local police acquire 2 scooters to
aid in patrols, event
coverage [photo], H 5/23/86
Max Orlins dies at 83: Police
chief 17 years [photo], H
11/7/86 p1+
Moriarity ends police career:
Inspector 20-year veteran
[photo], H 2/3/86 p9
Mother sues city cops in shooting
of her son, H 11/28/86 p1+
Motion says panel couldn't raise
pay, H 6/21/86 p8
NEON leaders say gap exists
between police and
minorities [photo], H 7/11/86
New officers given badges
[photo], H 7/12/86 p9
No rush to judgment [edit], H
7/11/86 p4
Officer bitten during struggle, H
7/21/86 p8
Officer voices concern about
city's reaction, H 10/22/86
Officials say police identification
ruling may impede arrests, H
2/26/86 p1+
Period after shooting traumatic
for officers, H 7/11/86 p1+
Police attend relations seminar,
H 10/29/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Sergeant is
suspended, H 2/19/86 p6
Police chief orders supervisor
shake-up in detective
bureau, H 12/26/86 p8
Police chiefs back LaBianca, H
10/3/86 p8
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Police Dept. (Continued)
Police ending car-coke probe, H
2/20/86 p1
Police getting grants: Norwalk
gets $3,000, H 9/16/86 p7
Police group names Skeeter as
president [photo], H 6/17/86
Police groups back embattled
LaBianca [photo p8], H
9/30/86 p1+
Police may return $160,000 to
city, H 7/22/86 p17
Police officials lodge protest of
manpower utilization study,
H 12/12/86 p10
Police reports paint different
picture of Fuller, H 7/15/86
Police sergeant convinces man
to surrender, H 4/9/86 p8
Police sponsor blood drive
[photo], H 5/24/86 p6
Police study not expected to be
funded, H 12/16/86 p1+
Police try new tactic to reduce
burglaries, H 12/22/86 p8
Police trying to improve relations,
H 10/21/86 p8
Police will get training from feds,
H 10/30/86 p1+
Police will get training from feds
[photo p8], H 10/30/86 p1+
Policeman supported in action by
board, H 4/29/86 p1+
Praise for chief [letter], H 9/29/86
Probe bid withdrawn by Burgess,
H 7/10/86 p1+
Report due on shooting of Fuller,
H 12/26/86 p1+
Residents balking at changes, H
12/16/86 p1+
Residents irked by drug traffic
near complex, H 6/4/86 p1+
Reyes case handling satisfactory
to official, H 10/23/86 p6
Ruling: Plainclothes officer must
show an ID, H 11/20/86 p35
Says mayor wants a `yuppie'
[letter], H 8/20/86 p5
Settlement set in 9-year-old suit
vs. city, H 5/7/86 p8
Shooting's aftermath is anguish,
H 10/27/86 p1+
SoNo man killed during arrest, H
10/21/86 p1+
Support for Police Dept. [letter],
H 7/19/86 p5
Three shooting investigations
planned, H 10/21/86 p1+
U. S. Justice official may suggest
training, H 10/29/86 p1+
Use extra-duty cops to tail
haulers? Legal opinion
requested, H 9/25/86 p9
Use of force outlined by policy, H
7/9/86 p20
Norwalk-Police Dept.-Auxiliary
Police Auxiliary formally ends
service, H 3/31/86 p1+
Norwalk-Police Dept.-Car chase
Chase ends in crash and fire
[photo], H 8/28/86 p1+
Chief says no laws violated
during chase, H 5/31/86 p32
Judge raises bond for man in
chase, fire, H 8/29/86 p6
Police Blotter: Escapee captured
by police, H 12/23/86 p8
Police nab 3 people after chase,
H 7/8/86 p15
Norwalk-Police Dept.-Chaplains
Chaplains sworn in [photo], H
11/15/86 p37
Norwalk-Police Marine Division
Marine officers outline safety on
water [photo], H 11/7/86 p12
Marine patrol ready for heavy
boat traffic [photo], H 7/1/86
Wilton population growth leads
region, H 3/3/86 p1+
Norwalk-Public Works, Dept. of
City refuse workers agree to
experimental collection, H
12/23/86 p12
Committee wants more detail on
rising trash disposal costs, H
7/16/86 p11
DiGangi sees big savings in new
routes, H 10/7/86 p1+
DPW accused of stonewalling
sewage probe, H 8/20/86 p1+
DPW officials explain projects at
plant, H 9/18/86 p12
DPW receives $275,000 to pay
for hauling of sludge, H
12/3/86 p9
DPW seeks to cover 44-foot
drainage ditch, H 11/25/86
DPW wants two rebuilt street
sweepers, H 1/27/86 p9
Owner, city wrangle over land, H
11/20/86 p10
Road crews geared up for winter
weather, H 11/22/86 p19
Shellfish beds to stay closed for a
few days, H 8/23/86 p1+
Norwalk-Recreation and ParksAdvisory Board
R & P advisory panel planning
park survey, H 12/3/86 p9
Norwalk-Recreation, Parks and
Building Management, Dept.
Local contractor is recommended
to build $2.6 million harbor
center, H 2/15/86 p1+
Locked-park policy draws ire at
hearing, H 5/8/86 p1+
One-time athlete worked so
others could play [photo], H
1/11/86 p1+
Plans to upgrade Calf Pasture
bathhouse on hold, H
6/11/86 p34
Proposal raises slip fees: At Vets
Park marina, H 12/16/86 p12
Norwalk-School Facilities
Planning Committee
Collins appoints panel to study
school space, H 2/18/86 p10
Mayor's formation of panel draws
school board criticism, H
2/26/86 p10
Panel created to examine school
needs, H 2/12/86 p1+
Panel studies needs of schools,
H 4/10/86 p11
School facilities consultant OK'd
by Common Council, H
8/27/86 p6
School panel chooses Sudbury
consultants, H 8/22/86 p12
Tax board asked to OK $35,000
for analysis of classroom
needs, H 8/4/86 p1+
Norwalk-Second Taxing District
2nd District considering swap of
land, H 10/22/86 p9
2nd District to repaint water tank,
H 5/21/86 p6
2nd Taxing District presents
educational matter to
schools, H 1/22/86 p11
Changes approved for 2nd
District, H 4/16/86 p19
Environmentalists can't add
evidence in sludge hearing,
H 10/17/86 p29+
Hiscock succeeds retired
Honnessy, H 4/15/86 p21
New dam to create reservoir, H
8/29/86 p1+
Norwalk may hold key to
watershed project, H 2/1/86
Norwalk water official dislikes
Wilton trail map, H 9/25/86
Officials ask to dredge pond: P &
Z to hear plans Monday, H
7/11/86 p11+
Officials seek compromise with
town on pond dredging, H
7/15/86 p11+
January - December 1986
Norwalk-Second Taxing District
Opening of water main completes
service project for Belle
Island [photo], H 12/9/86 p16
P & Z in Wilton to decide Monday
on district's plan, H 7/26/86
Pond sediment may cap landfill,
H 8/9/86 p13
Sale of water to New Canaan
company OK'd, H 2/8/86 p10
Sludge lagoon suit heads to trial,
H 8/20/86 p13
Tax District approves pipe, H
3/8/86 p6
Taxing district eyes firms for
project, H 11/28/86 p10
Taxing district given go-ahead to
dredge pond, H 7/30/86 p9+
Taxing district sues Wilton P & Z
over map, H 11/20/86 p41+
Trails plan examined by Wilton P
& Z: 2nd Taxing District
criticizes proposal, H
10/17/86 p29
Norwalk-Sixth Taxing District
6th Dist. Commission rejects tax
proposal, H 10/9/86 p1+
6th District anxious over water, H
9/19/86 p30
6th District budget is approved, H
3/6/86 p10
Improvement of Rowayton pond
is requested, H 12/12/86 p15
Residents in Rowayton asked to
pass budget with 23.9% tax
increase, H 2/11/86 p1+
Rowayton may lose EMS corps,
H 8/15/86 p11
Sixth District plans to hire police
to arrest vandalism, H
6/12/86 p33
Sixth District will request
Highland Avenue
resurfacing, H 5/15/86 p1+
Surplus will absorb 6th District's
debt, H 7/10/86 p17
Norwalk-Social Services, Dept. of
Aim of training: To get off dole, H
6/26/86 p7
City to receive $68,015 grant for
counseling, H 12/10/86 p11
City welfare rolls have declined,
H 6/26/86 p7
Committee votes funds to allow
office guard, H 9/25/86 p9
Guard requested for agency
office, H 2/27/86 p11
Guard sought as security is
tightened, H 5/29/86 p1+
Panel still wants office security
guard, H 3/27/86 p11
Social services chief unsure
about need for security
guard, H 12/26/86 p6
Social Services Department set
for move to new home, H
12/9/86 p7
Space needed for property of the
evicted, H 1/23/86 p1+
Welfare recipients in need of
training, H 5/29/86 p1+
Norwalk-Special Services District
Special district sets board, H
6/6/86 p7
Norwalk-Third Taxing District
11 of 14 issues settled on CL & P
rate requests, H 6/10/86 p10
3rd district coming clean [photo],
H 10/23/86 p29
3rd District dedicating park, H
8/29/86 p28
3rd District office being
renovated, H 6/16/86 p6
Clean and Green fete set at East
Norwalk Cemetery, H
10/17/86 p12
Knopp, district agree to
settlement, H 7/15/86 p1+
Proposal would promise better
view from Center, H 11/17/86
Third tax district postpones voting
on FOI complaint, H 6/24/86
Third tax district to battle
complaint, H 7/1/86 p1+
Norwalk-Town clerk
Norwalk's Town Clerk tries to
cope with rush [photo], H
9/26/86 p38
Norwalk-Town Improvement
Public hearing is scheduled to
find uses for $781,000, H
12/10/86 p20
Uses for surplus funds outlined:
Public hearing set for Dec.
11, H 12/5/86 p10
Norwalk-Traffic and Parking
Advisory Committee
Committee recommends hike in
rates for parking in city, H
9/16/86 p10
Norwalk-Traffic and Parking
Hearing slated for plan to hike
fees for parking, H 12/2/86
Norwalk-Uptown Task Force
Uptown proposal endorsed by
panel, H 6/5/86 p1+
Uptown rehab plan praised-as far
as it goes, H 6/12/86 p11
Norwalk-Veterans Memorial
Norwalk veterans' group support
reward fund, H 10/7/86 p1+
Palmer to speak at May 18
program: Speech follows
cemetery ceremonies, H
5/8/86 p21
Veterans Committee critical of
city and media, H 3/4/86 p18
Veterans committee has new
chairman, H 11/18/86 p32
Vets' committee airs post-parade
traffic, crowd concerns, H
6/10/86 p11
Norwalk-Wall Street
Improvement Project
Groundbreaking opens effort to
revitalize downtown area
[photo], H 8/28/86 p9
Norwalk-Zoning Board of
2 variances granted by ZBA: For
Maritime Center, H 6/20/86
Attorney says zoning board erred
in giving variance to expand
house, H 4/17/86 p10
Car lot, body shop up for zone
appeal, H 8/20/86 p10
City ZBA upholds appeal by Bait
Shop in Rowayton, H 7/25/86
Developer proposes change in
zoning, H 3/14/86 p21
Neighbors weigh zone change
request, H 8/25/86 p22
P & Z files request for legal
action against ZBA over
house addition, H 4/3/86 p9
Refusal of permit endorsed, H
7/24/86 p6
Restaurant OK upheld by ZBA, H
4/4/86 p11
Tree farm is approved for small
lot, H 4/25/86 p6
ZBA denies permit for auto body
shop, H 8/22/86 p21
ZBA pans P & Z on mixed-use
plan, H 7/25/86 p11
ZBA turns down variances:
Grand Street complex
proposed, H 3/14/86 p21
Zoning board gives variances for
Maritime Center project, H
5/16/86 p12
Norwalk/Nagarote Sister City
Norwalk asks aid for sister city,
Nagarote, H 11/12/86 p21
Sister city project here would get
pencils, medicines to
Nicarauguans [photo], H
11/14/86 p26
January - December 1986
Norwalk/Nagarote Sister City
Project (Continued)
Volunteers ship supplies for
Nicaragua, H 12/18/86 p1+
Norwalkers for Reasonable
6,635 citizens want master plan
[photo], H 7/7/86 p1+
Foes of master plan claim a
victory, H 7/5/86 p6
Group may request injunction vs.
P & Z, H 9/5/86 p10
Library bans plan opponents, H
6/28/86 p1+
Loss of trust in P & Z spurs
referendum bid [photo], H
7/3/86 p1+
Marcus: Land use is on hold, H
8/15/86 p1+
Master Plan to be placed on the
ballot, H 7/11/86 p1+
NRD files complaint with FOI
over P & Z committee
meetings, H 9/16/86 p1+
NRD wants city referendum to
include a second question, H
8/19/86 p10
NRD, P & Z at odds over 2
August meetings, H 9/4/86
P & Z work on plan is attacked
[photo], H 7/24/86 p1+
Petitioners banned as political
take to sidewalk, H 7/1/86 p9
Planner rebuts criticism of land
use guide, H 6/12/86 p1+
SWRPA asked not to null
Norwalk zoning rule
changes, H 9/9/86 p10
Norwest Marina Inc.
Marina asks OK for floats and
harbor dredging, H 4/23/86
Norwood, Dr. Otty
Norwood attends conference for
superintendents, H 9/25/86
Nowak, Amram
`Isaac in America' premieres in
Westport [photo], H 7/17/86
Noyes, William
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
Health/Fitness: Awards recipient
[photo], H 6/16/86 p25
Nursing assistant praised for
saving life of a patient
[photo], H 6/26/86 p9
Two nurses at Norwalk Hospital
among 22 feted by Cancer
Society [photo], H 6/16/86 p7
VFW lauds nurse's efforts
[photo], H 7/31/86 p13
Nursing Homes-Wilton
Nursing home plans filed in
Wilton, H 5/1/86 p13+
Nursing home question still
unanswered, H 5/16/86 p13+
P & Z receives report on nursing
home, H 5/30/86 p29
Nursing students
New nurse congratulated [photo],
H 10/27/86 p34
Nutmeg Real Estate Services Inc.
SoNo firm buys Westport offices
[photo], H 1/21/86 p23
Nystrom, Reid
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
O'Brien, Meaghan
Five for Ireland, H 7/9/86 p6
O'Brien, Steve
Honorable mention to Wilton
artist, H 2/18/86 p14
O'Connell, Maureen
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86
O'Connor, Thomas C.
Former Norwalk mayor is critical
of calculator use during math
tests [photo], H 9/20/86 p1+
O'Connor offers help with Honor
Roll: To veterans committee,
H 10/21/86 p22
O'Donovan, Eleanor Casey
NHS scholarship is in memory of
retired teacher, H 3/14/86 p20
O'Malley, Kathy
Home/Town People [photo], H
3/25/86 p15+
The eyes have it for Weston
woman, H 3/8/86 p13
Westonite is finalist in contest, H
3/7/86 p11+
O'Neill, Elizabeth S.
O'Neill appointed chamber
director, H 7/11/86 p11
O'Neill, William A.
Belaga, O'Neill face off [photo], H
10/29/86 p1+
Campaign '86: Belaga has `a
vision.'..O'Neill's is different
[photo], H 10/30/86 p20
Democrats support O'Neill, H
10/29/86 p37+
Dems toast Gov. O'Neill in
Rowayton [photo], H
10/20/86 p1+
Gender isn't issue in governor's
race, H 9/11/86 p1+
Gov. O'Neill says record earned
win [photo], H 11/5/86 p1+
Governor keeps Democrats
smiling [photo], H 3/5/86 p13
Governor to honor students, H
10/22/86 p37+
O'Neill and Belaga trade barbs
during their first public
debate [photo], H 10/17/86
O'Neill says station probably
temporary [photo p12], H
9/5/86 p1+
O'Neill: Sound barriers to get
high DOT priority [photo], H
3/5/86 p1+
Poll gives O'Neill lift: Belaga:
Results bizarre, H 10/20/86
Weston Democrats grill
governor's representative, H
10/16/86 p15+
Oak Hills Park-Norwalk
Administrator at Oak Hills coming
off the 18th green [photo], H
12/6/86 p6
Oak Hills Tavern-Norwalk
Board seeks written report about
addition, H 4/22/86 p8
Commission to consider
restaurant, H 4/21/86 p6
Oakview Ln.-Westport
Board approves fence around
Westport pond, H 10/8/86
Oakwood Ave. Association Inc.
Court time runs out in water tank
battle, H 12/19/86 p6
Abbot, Mildred [Depoe], H 2/6/86
p6, H 2/4/86 p6
Acquino, Luke J, H 12/3/86 p6, H
12/5/86 p6, H 12/2/86 p6
Acunzo, Carmella, H 2/5/86 p6, H
2/3/86 p6
Acunzo, Mary [Golion], H 3/8/86
p6, H 3/5/86 p6
Adams, Amy [Fabrizio], H 5/22/86
Adams, Ernest, H 10/20/86 p6, H
10/22/86 p6, H 10/18/86 p6
Adams, Paul Donald, H 9/20/86
p6, H 9/18/86 p6
Addis, Ambrose J, H 5/5/86 p6, H
5/2/86 p6, H 4/30/86 p6
Adkins, Margaret Ellen, H 2/1/86
p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Adler, Siegfried, H 9/12/86 p6, H
9/10/86 p6
Agathos, Antonios "Tony," H
12/2/86 p6, H 12/1/86 p6, H
11/29/86 p6
Ahearn, James, H 3/5/86 p6, H
3/3/86 p6
Ahmuty, Alice J, H 1/4/86 p6, H
1/2/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Albano, Alfonso, H 12/12/86 p6,
H 12/15/86 p6, H 12/11/86 p6
Alcaide, John N. "Juan," H
10/24/86 p6, H 10/22/86 p6
Allen, Martin E, H 12/27/86 p6, H
12/23/86 p6
Allingham, Luke F, H 11/20/86
p6, H 11/22/86 p6, H
11/19/86 p6
Allison, Gordon F, H 9/25/86 p6,
H 9/23/86 p6
Almassy, Anthony, H 9/18/86 p6,
H 9/16/86 p6
Ambrose, Charlotte O [Haig], H
8/30/86 p6, H 8/29/86 p6
Amendola, Lillian S, H 11/21/86
Amsler, William H, H 2/20/86 p6
Anderson, Arne C, H 4/16/86 p6,
H 4/18/86 p6, H 4/15/86 p6
Anderson, Herbert E, H 7/12/86
p6, H 7/15/86 p6, H 7/11/86
Anderson, Joan K, H 3/4/86 p6, H
3/1/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6
Anderson, Kevin LaMont, H
4/18/86 p6, H 4/16/86 p6
Anderson, Ralph Frederick, H
7/5/86 p6
Anderson, Sarah A, H 3/14/86
p6, H 3/17/86 p6, H 3/13/86
Anderson, William, H 11/18/86 p6
Anderson, William R, H 4/8/86
p6, H 4/5/86 p6
Andronaco, Annunziato A, H
2/3/86 p6, H 1/31/86 p6, H
1/30/86 p6
Andronik, Edmund, H 6/16/86 p6,
H 6/17/86 p6, H 6/14/86 p6
Appleby, Margaret [Murphy], H
12/9/86 p6, H 12/8/86 p6, H
12/11/86 p6
Arata, William L, H 3/18/86 p6, H
3/19/86 p6, H 3/17/86 p6
Arcano, Samuel Lucius, H 1/6/86
p6, H 1/3/86 p6
Armstrong, Frances [Long], H
11/22/86 p6
Arnold, Margaret M. [Worthy], H
3/12/86 p6, H 3/14/86 p6, H
3/11/86 p6
Artell, Edwin S. Sr, H 9/8/86 p6,
H 9/10/86 p6
Ashe, Edmund M. Jr, H 9/9/86
p6, H 9/8/86 p6
Ashman, Lucy Hall, H 10/21/86
p6, H 10/22/86 p6, H
10/24/86 p6, H 10/20/86 p6
Auerbach, Judith Ann [Kayan], H
12/9/86 p6, H 12/12/86 p6, H
12/10/86 p6
Avery, Charles A, H 12/4/86 p6,
H 12/6/86 p6, H 12/3/86 p6
Bacher, Molly, H 3/11/86 p6
Bachman, Charles W, H 1/25/86
p6, H 1/24/86 p6
Bajnoczi, Louis, H 3/13/86 p6, H
3/12/86 p6
Balch, Virginia [Finley], H 7/29/86
Baldino, Luisa [Bulono], H
5/21/86 p6, H 5/19/86 p6
Ball, Don Jr, H 10/20/86 p6, H
10/17/86 p6
Balogh, Anna [Bayer], H 8/19/86
p6, H 8/22/86 p6, H 8/20/86
Balster, James A, H 8/1/86 p6, H
7/30/86 p6, H 7/29/86 p6
Banoczi, Joseph A, H 1/8/86 p6,
H 1/7/86 p6
Barbera, Teresa, H 5/15/86 p6, H
5/14/86 p6
Bardani, Louis W. Sr, H 11/11/86
p6, H 11/13/86 p6, H
11/10/86 p6
Bardos, William, H 9/3/86 p6, H
9/5/86 p6, H 9/2/86 p6
Barker, William A, H 12/8/86 p6,
H 12/6/86 p6, H 12/10/86 p6
Barnes, Helen [Treiber], H
7/12/86 p6, H 7/10/86 p6
Barnes, Raymond, H 11/3/86 p6
Barnett, David, H 1/9/86 p6, H
1/13/86 p6, H 1/10/86 p6
Barnum, Jeanette M. [Fillow], H
5/15/86 p6, H 5/17/86 p6, H
5/14/86 p6
Barr, Mildred W, H 11/26/86 p6
Barrett, Dorothy [McDonald], H
6/11/86 p6, H 6/10/86 p6
Barrett, Helen Kutner, H 5/12/86
Bartoli, Frank Sr, H 4/24/86 p6, H
4/26/86 p6, H 4/23/86 [photo]
Barzetti, Henry, H 7/11/86 p6
Bascho, Sophie, H 2/25/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6, H 2/24/86 p6
Baskin, James Sr, H 4/4/86 p6, H
4/1/86 p6
Bassett, Clara M. [Guyaz], H
5/20/86 p6, H 5/22/86 p6, H
5/19/86 p6
Bate, Morris, H 7/19/86 p6, H
7/21/86 p6, H 7/18/86 p6
Batson, Ola Cobb, H 12/30/86 p6
Battistella, Garnet Ham, H
12/5/86 p6, H 12/8/86 p6, H
12/4/86 p6
Battye, Sebuda N. [Wright], H
2/20/86 p6, H 2/18/86 p6
Baumann, Wolfgang, H 12/17/86
Bay, Steven, H 8/25/86 p6
Baylis, Yola Green, H 12/31/86 p6
Bayliss, Jean B, H 1/21/86 p6, H
1/18/86 p6
Bayly, Robert Baise, H 7/5/86 p6,
H 7/7/86 p6, H 7/3/86 p6, H
6/30/86 p6
Bedell, Irma [Buckingham], H
6/4/86 p6, H 6/6/86 p6, H
6/3/86 p6
Beede, Cheryl Lynne, H 6/26/86
p6, H 6/25/86 p6
Beers, Gladys L, H 2/26/86 p6, H
2/25/86 p6
Bell, Doris [Saunders], H 3/18/86
p6, H 3/19/86 p6, H 3/20/86
p6, H 3/22/86 p6, H 3/17/86
Bellagamba, Peggy Ann Presnell,
H 5/2/86 p6, H 5/5/86 p6, H
5/6/86 p6, H 5/1/86 p6
Bellus, Robert S, H 11/18/86 p6
Benaduci, Alfred Jr, H 11/21/86
p6, H 11/19/86 p6
Benedetti, Evelyn V, H 12/16/86
p6, H 12/17/86 p6, H
12/18/86 p6, H 12/19/86 p6,
H 12/22/86 p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Benedetto, Rose [Montanaro], H
10/9/86 p6, H 10/11/86 p6
Bennett, Ethel L, H 3/19/86 p6
Benson, Barton Lawrence, H
10/23/86 p6, H 10/24/86 p6,
H 10/27/86 p6, H 10/22/86 p6
Bentley, Mack, H 5/14/86 p6, H
5/16/86 p6, H 5/13/86 p6
Benzyk, Victor R, H 7/18/86 p6
Bepler, Henrietta D. [Lassen], H
12/3/86 p6, H 12/1/86 p6
Berg, Howard L, H 12/31/86 p6
Bergman, Edward F, H 11/25/86
p6, H 11/28/86 p6, H
11/24/86 p6
Berlin, Walter L, H 4/8/86 p6, H
4/7/86 p6, H 4/10/86 p6
Bernard, Adolph E. "Duff," H
11/25/86 p6, H 11/28/86 p6,
H 11/24/86 p6
Betts, Hazel Dykman, H 11/18/86
Betts, Marjorie [Foster], H
7/22/86 p6, H 7/19/86 p6
Bianco, Francesco "Frank," H
5/15/86 p6, H 5/17/86 p6, H
5/14/86 p6
Biasetti, Mary T. [DiScala], H
9/29/86 p6, H 9/30/86 p6, H
10/1/86 p6, H 9/27/86 p6
Bifano, Donna Shepherd, H
12/16/86 p6, H 12/18/86 p6,
H 12/15/86 p6
Bilik, Joan A. [Erickson], H
10/16/86 p6, H 10/18/86 p6,
H 10/15/86 p6, H 10/16/86
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
p6, H 10/18/86 p6, H
10/15/86 p6
Bills, Geraldine Barna, H 1/23/86
p6, H 1/24/86 p6, H 1/25/86
p6, H 1/28/86 p6, H 1/22/86
Bis, Albert M, H 6/28/86 p6, H
6/27/86 p6
Bishop, William A, H 12/8/86 p6,
H 12/5/86 p6
Black, Philip A, H 11/25/86 p6, H
11/26/86 p6, H 11/24/86 p6
Blanding, Robert, H 6/24/86 p6,
H 6/25/86 p6, H 6/27/86 p6,
H 6/23/86 p6
Blasius, William, H 5/20/86 p6, H
5/17/86 p6
Bleakley, Ferrol M, H 5/15/86 p6,
H 5/13/86 p6
Bledsoe, Odessa Mae [Jones], H
8/25/86 p6, H 8/27/86 p6, H
8/23/86 p6
Bloom, Carrie, H 3/18/86 p6, H
3/17/86 p6
Bloomer, Andrew, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Bloomquist, Wayne B. Sr, H
1/15/86 p6, H 1/16/86 p6, H
1/18/86 p6, H 1/14/86 p6
Blore, Edna C. [Tracey], H
10/9/86 p6, H 10/13/86 p6, H
10/10/86 p6
Blum, Rose Crupar, H 5/7/86 p6,
H 5/5/86 p6
Bodnar, John, H 5/20/86 p6
Boehm, Paul Andrew, H 6/24/86
p6, H 6/26/86 p6, H 6/23/86
Bogdany, Frank J, H 11/12/86 p6,
H 11/14/86 p6, H 11/11/86 p6
Boldrighini, Enio, H 11/21/86 p6,
H 11/19/86 p6
Booker, Ernest, H 8/16/86 p6, H
8/18/86 p6, H 8/20/86 p6, H
8/15/86 p6
Boole, Dale Coates, H 6/9/86 p6
Boone, Susan Alexander, H
10/29/86 p6, H 10/30/86 p6,
H 10/28/86 p6
Boote, Katharine K, H 9/9/86 p6
Boothby, George H, H 4/15/86
p6, H 4/17/86 p6, H 4/14/86
Bourne, Emma Cartwright, H
5/7/86 p6
Bowker, Mary, H 5/9/86 p6, H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/12/86 p6
Boyle, Patricia Ann, H 3/27/86
p6, H 3/25/86 p6
Boyle, Patrick J. Jr, H 5/29/86 p6,
H 5/27/86 p6
Bozzi, Carolyn, H 11/21/86 p6
Brackett, Dr. Anthony, H 8/7/86
p6, H 8/9/86 p6, H 8/6/86 p6
Brady, Elizabeth V. [Wood], H
6/24/86 p6, H 6/26/86 p6, H
6/23/86 p6
Brady, John C, H 2/11/86 p6, H
2/12/86 p6, H 2/14/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Brancato, Antonio, H 9/19/86 p6,
H 9/17/86 p6
Branchaud, Anna, H 4/19/86 p6,
H 4/22/86 p6, H 4/18/86 p6
Brandes, Katharine W, H 3/14/86
p6, H 3/17/86 p6, H 3/13/86
Brandes, Raymond L, H 12/6/86
p6, H 12/8/86 p6, H 12/5/86
Brandt, David Hanford, H 7/19/86
p6, H 7/17/86 p6
Braun, Joseph P, H 11/4/86 p6, H
11/6/86 p6, H 11/3/86 p6
Bredice, Margaret Fish, H 6/3/86
p6, H 6/5/86 p6, H 6/2/86
[photo] p6
Brennan, Therese Russell, H
6/18/86 p6, H 6/20/86 p6, H
6/23/86 p6, H 6/17/86 p6
Brenner, Irving, H 9/18/86 p6, H
9/17/86 p6
Briggs, James, H 9/30/86 p6, H
9/29/86 p6
Broadway, Harriet Henry, H
10/11/86 p6, H 10/13/86 p6,
H 10/15/86 p6, H 10/10/86 p6
Brodersen, Jean Shotton, H
2/4/86 p6, H 2/3/86 p6
Brooks, Oliver Kenyon, H 9/17/86
p6, H 9/15/86 p6
Brower, Selma [Lief], H 11/3/86
p6, H 10/31/86 p6, H
10/30/86 p6, H 10/29/86 p6
Brown, Calvin Q, H 3/20/86 p6, H
3/18/86 p6
Brown, Charles Sr, H 2/7/86 p6
Brown, David J, H 5/5/86 p6, H
5/1/86 p6
Brown, Harvey Sr, H 2/8/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Brown, Patricia Ferguson, H
10/2/86 p6, H 10/6/86 p6, H
9/26/86 p6, H 9/27/86 p6, H
9/30/86 p6, H 10/1/86 p6
Brown, Spencer Franklin, H
9/4/86 p6, H 9/5/86 p6, H
9/8/86 p6, H 9/3/86 p6
Browne, Joan, H 4/15/86 p6
Brownell, Margaret A.
[Kamburger], H 3/3/86 p6, H
2/28/86 p6, H 2/27/86 p6
Bruchac, Joseph E. Jr, H 2/6/86
Brunjes, Charles Dean, H 4/14/86
Brush, Ruth L. [Crofoot], H
10/16/86 p6, H 10/14/86 p6
Bryant, Raymond J, H 7/25/86
p6, H 7/28/86 p6, H 7/24/86
Bucciarelli, John S, H 11/24/86 p6
Buchta, John, H 7/21/86 p6
Buckley, Harold W. Jr, H 3/29/86
Bullock, Mary Ellen [Little], H
6/17/86 p6, H 6/19/86 p6, H
6/16/86 p6
Bundegaard, Howard, H 6/30/86
Burke, Elizabeth Ann, H 8/20/86
p6, H 8/22/86 p6, H 8/19/86
Burns, William J, H 9/3/86 p6
Burr, Catherine Burr, H 2/3/86 p6,
H 1/31/86 p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Burr, William Dorman, H 7/30/86
Burroughs, Pearlie Mae, H 1/2/86
Buschbaum, Eleanor J. [O'Brien],
H 4/23/86 p6, H 4/21/86 p6
Butler, Bertha A. [Schlueter], H
7/15/86 p6, H 7/17/86 p6, H
7/14/86 p6
Butterworth, Jennie Nordlund, H
3/11/86 p6
Bynes, Wheeter [Sanders], H
2/8/86 p6, H 2/6/86 p6
Calabrese, Gaetano "Tom," H
9/11/86 p6, H 9/13/86 p6, H
9/10/86 p6
Calderone, Mary [Annese], H
6/14/86 p6, H 6/17/86 p6, H
6/13/86 p6
Caldwell, Bertha L. [Deysenroth],
H 11/21/86 p6, H 11/24/86
p6, H 11/20/86 p6
Calihan, John J, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/4/86 p6
Callahan, Dennis F, H 9/25/86 p6
Callahan, John H. Jr, H 11/13/86
p6, H 11/12/86 p6
Callahan, John P, H 2/5/86 p6
Callander, William Robert
"Scotty," H 10/14/86 p6
Callow, Fay Snapp, H 1/3/86 p6
Cameron, Donald S, H 10/7/86 p6
Cameron, Gwendolyn
[Abrahams], H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/1/86 p6
Cammarota, Allie Jr. "Rocky," H
9/9/86 p6, H 9/10/86 p6
Campbell, Michael J, H 9/29/86
p6, H 10/1/86 p6
Cancelli, Joseph P, H 10/4/86 p6,
H 10/7/86 p6, H 10/3/86 p6
Canevari, William Douglas, H
6/19/86 p6, H 6/17/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Cantalini, D. Louis Sr, H 5/15/86
p6, H 5/13/86 p6
Canto, Mary Bruno, H 2/25/86 p6,
H 2/22/86 p6
Capasse, James, H 5/1/86 p6, H
4/29/86 p6, H 4/28/86 p6
Capocci, Joseph, H 8/20/86 p6, H
8/18/86 p6
Capuano, John J, H 10/28/86 p6,
H 10/25/86 p6
Capuano, Philip A, H 4/16/86 p6,
H 4/14/86 p6
Caputo, Susan Biancardi, H
10/23/86 p6, H 10/21/86 p6
Carey, Jeremiah T, H 10/7/86 p6,
H 10/6/86 p6
Carier, Grace M, H 9/13/86 p6, H
9/16/86 p6, H 9/12/86 p6
Carlin, Barbara McCabe, H
2/28/86 p6, H 2/27/86 p6
Carlos, Michelle Robin, H 11/4/86
p6, H 11/6/86 p6, H 11/3/86
Carpenter, Katherine [Shea], H
1/14/86 p6, H 1/16/86 p6, H
1/13/86 p6
Carreer, Hattie [Perry], H
11/11/86 p6
Carriero, Clara P. [Delfini], H
6/2/86 p6, H 5/30/86 p6
Carusone, Mildred C, H 9/26/86
p6, H 9/23/86 p6
Casimir, Chantal Marie, H
10/9/86 p6, H 10/8/86 p6, H
10/13/86 p6, H 10/10/86 p6
Castagna, Mae, H 5/24/86 p6
Cavallo, Marion E. [Greenwald],
H 10/22/86 p6, H 10/24/86
p6, H 10/21/86 p6
Caviola, Robert J, H 7/30/86 p6,
H 7/28/86 p6
Cea, Mary, H 3/21/86 p6
Cebula, John A, H 5/5/86 p6
Cederbaum, Kiva, H 1/3/86 p6
Cella, Josephine, H 12/3/86 p6, H
12/5/86 p6, H 12/2/86 p6
Cellucci, Larry J, H 12/18/86 p6,
H 12/15/86 p6
Cerra, Peter, H 9/23/86 p6, H
9/22/86 p6
Cerretani, Christina
[Pasternoster], H 1/30/86 p6,
H 1/29/86 p6
Cerulli, Rose Tripido, H 2/7/86 p6
Chabot, Frank, H 1/29/86 p6, H
1/27/86 p6
Chambers, Helen Stoddard, H
3/15/86 p6, H 3/13/86 p6
Champ, Edward, H 2/20/86 p6, H
2/21/86 p6, H 2/22/86 p6, H
2/24/86 p6, H 2/26/86 p6, H
2/19/86 p6
Champion, Edward Gillette Jr, H
1/9/86 p6, H 1/10/86 p6
Champion, Edward Gillette Sr, H
1/9/86 p6, H 1/10/86 p6
Chappa, Nellie J, H 1/3/86 p6
Cheesboro, Winnie [Pelzer], H
9/13/86 p6, H 9/15/86 p6, H
9/11/86 p6
Cherry, Harold S, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Chesley, Marian Craker, H
10/3/86 p6, H 10/6/86 p6, H
10/2/86 p6
Chetcuti, Carmela, H 8/15/86 p6,
H 8/18/86 p6, H 8/14/86 p6
Chimbolo, Phillip William, H
7/11/86 p6, H 7/14/86 p6, H
7/10/86 p6
Chojnacki, Constance S, H
6/12/86 p6, H 6/10/86 p6
Christiano, Caroline C. [Mace], H
12/1/86 p6
Chucta, Julia [Zabawsky], H
4/15/86 p6, H 4/17/86 p6, H
4/14/86 p6
Church, Warren E, H 10/23/86
p6, H 10/25/86 p6, H
10/22/86 p6
Cianci, Anthony, H 2/25/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6, H 2/24/86 p6
Cianci, Doninick J. Jr, H 12/16/86
p6, H 12/13/86 p6
Ciavarelli, Irene [Cousins], H
4/24/86 p6, H 4/22/86 p6
Ciccarello, Jeffrey Michael, H
3/17/86 p6, H 3/20/86 p6, H
3/14/86 p6
Cieri, Joseph N, H 4/12/86 p6, H
4/10/86 p6
Cimelus, Elizabeth, H 4/12/86 p6,
H 4/10/86 p6
Cioffi, Antonio, H 12/30/86 p6
Ciuccoli, Pietro, H 3/27/86 p6, H
3/26/86 p6
Clair, Curtis C, H 4/15/86 p6
Clark, Herbert W. Sr, H 2/5/86
p6, H 2/3/86 p6
Clark, William B. Jr, H 10/9/86
p6, H 10/8/86 p6, H 10/11/86
Clarke, Bertha Mae [Gunther], H
6/19/86 p6, H 6/20/86 p6, H
6/23/86 p6, H 6/18/86 p6
Cloonan, John J, H 3/20/86 p6, H
3/22/86 p6, H 3/19/86 p6
Clougher, William M, H 11/19/86
p6, H 11/17/86 p6
Cocchia, John, H 11/18/86 p6, H
11/15/86 p6
Cocco, Lucy Galiardi, H 9/16/86
p6, H 9/13/86 p6
Coccoli, Virgina [Grimaldi], H
4/15/86 p6, H 4/16/86 p6, H
4/18/86 p6, H 4/14/86 p6
Cody, Joseph, H 1/21/86 p6, H
1/23/86 p6, H 1/20/86 p6
Cogswell, Peter Drew, H 9/27/86
p6, H 9/29/86 p6, H 10/1/86
Cohn, Dorothy Simpson, H
10/1/86 p6
Colaluca, Carmine, H 5/2/86 p6,
H 4/30/86 p6, H 4/29/86 p6
Colby, Joan Held, H 5/15/86 p6,
H 5/17/86 p6, H 5/14/86 p6
Cole, John H, H 1/7/86 p6, H
1/9/86 p6, H 1/6/86 p6
Coleman, Marcus P, H 5/22/86
p6, H 5/24/86 p6, H 5/20/86
Collings, Florence [Gnam], H
3/8/86 p6, H 3/7/86 p6, H
3/11/86 p6
Collins, Delphine Turner, H
10/3/86 p6, H 9/30/86 p6, H
10/1/86 p6
Collins, John J, H 10/25/86 p6, H
10/28/86 p6, H 10/24/86 p6
Colonna, Donato P, H 4/18/86
p6, H 4/21/86 p6, H 4/17/86
Conaty, Edith [Christiansen], H
11/18/86 p6, H 11/20/86 p6,
H 11/17/86 p6
Conforti, Michael J, H 9/5/86 p6,
H 9/3/86 p6
Conklin, Donald E, H 7/2/86 p6,
H 6/30/86 p6, H 6/28/86 p6
Conklin, George W, H 7/21/86
p6, H 7/18/86 p6
Conlin, Walter F, H 6/26/86 p6, H
6/28/86 p6, H 6/25/86 p6
Connelly, Joseph H, H 12/16/86
Conron, Anne [Poth], H 8/28/86
p6, H 8/25/86 p6
Conroy, Thomas F, H 1/28/86 p6,
H 1/30/86 p6, H 1/27/86 p6
Conte, Carl G, H 4/8/86 p6, H
4/7/86 p6, H 4/10/86 p6
Coolis, Mary E, H 3/26/86 p6
Cooper, Bertha Mae Rowley, H
12/29/86 p6, H 12/26/86 p6
Cooper, Josephine [King], H
11/12/86 p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Coppola, Pietro, H 2/6/86 p6, H
2/7/86 p6, H 2/5/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Coppola, Theodore, H 6/9/86 p6,
H 6/6/86 p6
Corello, Anthony, H 6/17/86 p6, H
6/19/86 p6, H 6/16/86 p6
Corello, Carmine Jr, H 12/16/86
p6, H 12/18/86 p6, H
12/15/86 p6
Cornbrooks, Charles, H 1/7/86
p6, H 1/8/86 p6, H 1/6/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Cosier, Florence Jayne, H
3/18/86 p6, H 3/17/86 p6
Cosmas, Arthur M, H 7/29/86 p6,
H 7/26/86 p6
Cote, Edith J. [Pearson], H
12/16/86 p6, H 12/18/86 p6,
H 12/15/86 p6
Cotta, Ludwina [Nowacki], H
2/12/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Couffer, Judith G, H 5/24/86 p6,
H 5/22/86 p6
Coughlin, Raymond C, H
11/17/86 p6, H 11/14/86 p6
Cox, Susan I. [Scinto], H 8/19/86
p6, H 8/16/86 p6
Creagh, Mary V. [Fagan], H
3/21/86 p6, H 3/19/86 p6
Croll, Robert S, H 6/28/86 p6, H
6/26/86 p6
Cromwell, Julia [Holland], H
12/1/86 p6, H 11/28/86 p6
Crosby, Ilda Mae [Walkley], H
1/21/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p6, H
1/20/86 p6
Crowell, Ellen B, H 12/2/86 p6, H
12/5/86 p6, H 12/1/86 p6
Crump, Frank H, H 11/6/86 p6, H
11/8/86 p6, H 11/4/86 p6
Cundle, Mamie [Sinclair], H
8/13/86 p6, H 8/11/86 p6
Cuneo, William J, H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/6/86 p6, H 2/3/86 [photo] p6
Cutrone, Betty Jane [Mate], H
5/1/86 p6, H 4/29/86 p6, H
4/28/86 p6
Czarnecki, Gladys Bielen, H
4/12/86 p6, H 4/15/86 p6, H
4/11/86 p6
Czel, Mary Kopcslo, H 6/14/86
p6, H 6/16/86 p6, H 6/18/86
p6, H 6/13/86 p6
Czernel, Carmella M. [Ferraro], H
9/3/86 p6, H 9/4/86 p6, H
8/30/86 p6
D'Aiuto, Jennie [Ouizzi], H
8/16/86 p6, H 8/19/86 p6, H
8/15/86 p6
Damato, Michael F. Sr, H 4/24/86
p6, H 4/26/86 p6, H 4/23/86
Danielsen, Einar Rolf, H 4/24/86
p6, H 4/23/86 p6
Danielsen, Esther Franciska
[Norbye], H 2/11/86 p6, H
2/13/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Danneman, Mabelle Johanna
[Harris], H 1/17/86 p6, H
1/18/86 p6, H 1/20/86 p6, H
1/11/86 p6
Dannenberg, Jack, H 2/15/86 p6,
H 2/18/86 p6, H 2/14/86 p6
Daon, George, H 2/11/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Darby, Edward A, H 1/29/86 p6,
H 1/31/86 p6, H 1/28/86 p6
Daring, Joseph J, H 2/19/86 p6,
H 2/21/86 p6, H 2/18/86 p6
Dascenzo, Lucy, H 8/6/86 p6, H
8/4/86 p6
Daskam, Velma Avallone, H
3/8/86 p6, H 3/11/86 p6
Davis, Irving, H 2/5/86 p6
Daye, Milton James, H 10/27/86
p6, H 10/29/86 p6, H
10/25/86 p6
DeBone, William V, H 3/13/86 p6,
H 3/15/86 p6, H 3/12/86 p6
DeCapua, Goldie E, H 1/18/86 p6
DeCaro, Lynn Marie, H 2/7/86 p6,
H 2/6/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
DeCiantis, James, H 1/17/86 p6,
H 1/15/86 p6
Deering, Mary E. [Christiano], H
8/20/86 p6, H 8/21/86 p6, H
8/23/86 p6, H 8/19/86 p6
DeFinis, Rocchina Yannelli, H
2/11/86 p6, H 2/14/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
DeJesus, Jesus, H 2/21/86 p6, H
2/19/86 p6
Delinski, Beatrice Gartrell, H
8/2/86 p6, H 7/31/86 p6, H
7/30/86 p6
DeLucia, Michele, H 11/17/86 p6,
H 11/14/86 p6
Delyanas, Barbara [Daukantas],
H 4/18/86 p6, H 4/21/86 p6,
H 4/17/86 p6
DeMarco, Carmelo, H 8/28/86 p6,
H 8/30/86 p6, H 8/27/86 p6
DeMarsh, Marion C. [Morgan], H
9/4/86 p6, H 9/6/86 p6, H
9/3/86 p6
DeMassa, Joseph R, H 11/28/86
DeMilo, Frank, H 12/29/86 p6, H
12/27/86 p6
DeNike, Gerald T, H 5/6/86 p6, H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/5/86 p6
Denke, Frank A, H 6/25/86 p6, H
6/27/86 p6, H 6/24/86 p6
Denner, Adam J, H 9/2/86 p6, H
8/30/86 p6
DeRosa, Nancy Delores
[Malaterra], H 9/3/86 p6, H
9/5/86 p6, H 9/2/86 p6
Despres, George, H 11/12/86 p6,
H 11/10/86 p6
Devine, Robert B, H 2/13/86 p6,
H 2/15/86 p6, H 2/12/86
[photo] p6
DeWeil, Harry E, H 12/1/86 p6, H
11/29/86 p6
Deysenroth, Beatrice E.
[Sturges], H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/6/86 p6, H 2/3/86 p6
Deysenroth, Frederick A, H
4/29/86 p6, H 4/26/86 p6
Diaz, Francis, H 5/19/86 p6, H
5/20/86 p6, H 5/17/86 p6
DiChiaro, Constance, H 8/14/86
DiCicco, Nicholetta [Renzulli], H
12/16/86 p6, H 12/18/86 p6,
H 12/15/86 p6
Dietrich, Margaret Kovacs, H
7/2/86 p6, H 7/5/86 p6, H
7/1/86 p6, H 6/30/86 p6
DiGiacomo, Frank M, H 8/26/86
p6, H 8/28/86 p6, H 8/25/86
Dillon, Thomas F, H 8/6/86 p6, H
8/8/86 p6, H 8/5/86 p6
DiMeglio, Anthony V, H 10/21/86
p6, H 10/23/86 p6, H
10/20/86 p6
DiMeglio, Marie [Boccanfuso], H
3/15/86 p6, H 3/12/86 p6
DiMeglio, Vincenza [Verde], H
8/22/86 p6, H 8/25/86 p6, H
8/21/86 p6
DiPietro, John J. Jr, H 12/12/86
p6, H 12/13/86 p6, H
12/16/86 p6, H 12/11/86 p6
Dipple, Charles G, H 11/5/86 p6,
H 11/3/86 p6
DiScala, Lucia Iacono, H 7/3/86
p6, H 7/7/86 p6, H 7/1/86 p6,
H 6/30/86 p6
Dixon, Robert A, H 11/20/86 p6,
H 11/21/86 p6, H 11/18/86 p6
Dodge, Richard L, H 1/15/86 p6,
H 1/17/86 p6, H 1/14/86 p6
Dohlon, Harold Oxel, H 2/21/86
p6, H 2/19/86 p6
Dolan, Dr. Walter T, H 7/16/86
p6, H 7/14/86 p6
Dolan, John T. "Terry," H
12/30/86 p6
Domonkos, Louis, H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/5/86 p6, H 2/1/86 p6
Dorenbosch, Marrhew M, H
3/19/86 p6, H 3/17/86 p6
Dorey, Jeanette Lorraine
Johnson, H 9/19/86 p6
Dorta, Albert, H 8/18/86 p6, H
8/19/86 p6, H 8/20/86 p6, H
8/21/86 p6, H 8/16/86 p6
Dowd, Charles Henry "Cadillac
Charlie," H 5/9/86 p6, H
5/10/86 p6, H 5/13/86 p6
Dowling, John Francis Jr, H
4/30/86 p6, H 4/28/86 p6
Downey, John "Carp," H 4/28/86
p6, H 4/25/86 p6
Downey, Michael J, H 9/22/86 p6,
H 9/19/86 p6
Downey, Thomas E, H 1/29/86
p6, H 1/28/86 p6
Downing, Edwin S, H 6/4/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Doyle, Harry J, H 8/9/86 p6, H
8/13/86 p6, H 8/11/86 p6
Doyle, Lillian M, H 6/23/86 p6, H
6/20/86 p6
Drabeck, Joseph T. Jr, H 2/10/86
Drake, Rossiter J. Sr, H 10/23/86
Dreier, Evelyn [Stock], H 8/27/86
Drew, John W. Sr, H 4/11/86 p6
Dryden, Charles C. R, H 2/3/86
p6, H 2/1/86 p6, H 1/31/86 p6
Duchnowski, Phyllis Lametta, H
7/16/86 p6, H 7/14/86 p6
Duddie, Frank V, H 6/20/86 p6, H
6/23/86 p6, H 6/19/86 p6
Duffy, Kenneth M, H 5/2/86 p6, H
5/5/86 p6, H 5/1/86 p6, H
4/30/86 p6
Dunbar, David, H 10/24/86 p6
Dunham, Marion O, H 4/21/86 p6
Dunhill, Helen [Borysewicz], H
5/17/86 p6, H 5/15/86 p6
Dunn, Helen [Winzurk], H 5/29/86
p6, H 5/31/86 p6, H 5/28/86
Dunn, James, H 12/5/86 p6, H
12/4/86 p6
Dunn, Margaret [Martin], H 9/2/86
p6, H 8/29/86 p6
Durling, Ralph Leo Sr, H 8/12/86
p6, H 8/14/86 p6, H 8/11/86
Durnin, Sarah McGrath, H
8/23/86 p6, H 8/21/86 p6
Duthie, Jonathan B, H 6/16/86 p6
Dwiggins, Jane Fuller, H 7/30/86
p6, H 7/28/86 p6
Dwyer, Gregory K, H 6/4/86 p6, H
6/6/86 p6, H 6/9/86 p6, H
6/3/86 p6
Dziadzia, Carolyn, H 11/8/86 p6,
H 11/6/86 p6
Earley, Mary C. [McDonough], H
9/5/86 p6, H 9/8/86 p6, H
9/4/86 p6
Eason, Rose [Artell], H 7/24/86 p6
Eastman, Philip Dey "P. D.", H
1/13/86 p6, H 1/10/86 [photo]
Ebeling, Valerie A, H 3/1/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6, H 2/26/86 p6
Eberman, Edwin, H 8/20/86 p6, H
8/18/86 p6
Eblen, Robert Roy, H 8/18/86 p6,
H 8/15/86 p6
Edwards, David, H 10/2/86 p6, H
10/3/86 p6, H 10/4/86 p6, H
10/1/86 p6
Edwards, Elva [Barefield], H
1/7/86 p6, H 1/8/86 p6, H
1/6/86 p6
Egan, Arthur J, H 2/14/86 p6, H
2/13/86 p6
Egan, Mary O'Malley, H 10/15/86
p6, H 10/13/86 p6
Eichberger, John, H 1/7/86 p6, H
1/8/86 p6, H 1/6/86 p6, H
1/10/86 p6
Eisler, Irene S, H 11/1/86 p6, H
10/31/86 p6
Elliot, Joseph Joe Lewis, H
10/21/86 p6, H 10/18/86 p6
Ellis, E. Joseph, H 1/3/86 p6, H
1/6/86 p6, H 1/2/86 p6
Emery, A. Hamilton III, H 3/31/86
p6, H 3/28/86 p6
Emmet, John F, H 10/9/86 p6, H
10/13/86 p6, H 10/10/86 p6
Empey, Marion G. [Murphy], H
5/2/86 p6, H 5/3/86 p6, H
4/29/86 p6
Enright, John L. Sr, H 7/8/86 p6
Epstein, Samuel, H 12/6/86 p6, H
12/4/86 p6
Erickson, Carl Edward, H 6/19/86
p6, H 6/21/86 p6, H 6/18/86
Erickson, Mae E, H 10/9/86 p6, H
10/13/86 p6, H 10/10/86 p6
Erickson, Margaret V, H 2/25/86
p6, H 2/22/86 p6
Ervin, Elizabeth Virginia, H 5/6/86
p6, H 5/7/86 p6, H 5/9/86 p6,
H 5/3/86 p6
Esposito, Grace Maisano, H
6/17/86 p6, H 6/18/86 p6, H
6/20/86 p6, H 6/16/86 p6
Esposito, Veronica Rose
[Yuhasz], H 11/3/86 p6, H
10/31/86 p6
Ettinger, Minerva "Buddie," H
6/23/86 p6, H 6/21/86 p6
Ettlinger, Muriel Serlin, H 5/24/86
p6, H 5/27/86 p6, H 5/23/86
Evan, Joseph A, H 12/3/86 p6, H
12/1/86 p6, H 11/29/86 p6
Evans, Richard R, H 5/13/86 p6,
H 5/12/86 p6
Evans, Robert D, H 5/8/86 p6, H
5/7/86 p6, H 5/10/86 p6
Fairclough, Edward Hall, H
4/28/86 p6, H 4/26/86 p6
Falasca, Anna M. [Czel], H
1/14/86 p6, H 1/13/86 p6
Falcone, Santa L, H 8/4/86 p6, H
8/1/86 p6, H 7/31/86 p6
Falkenberg, Dorothy F, H 2/15/86
p6, H 2/13/86 p6
Falkenthal, Mildred C. [Ely], H
6/6/86 p6, H 6/5/86 p6
Fallet, Ida L. [Vignola], H 8/21/86
p6, H 8/23/86 p6, H 8/20/86
Fanning, Catherine, H 3/15/86
p6, H 3/13/86 p6
Fannon, Dorothy A, H 4/29/86 p6
Farquhar, Grant S, H 3/21/86 p6,
H 3/22/86 p6, H 3/24/86 p6,
H 3/20/86 p6
Farrell, Richard F, H 1/9/86 p6, H
1/13/86 p6, H 1/10/86 p6
Farrelly, Michael P, H 3/3/86 p6,
H 3/4/86 p6, H 3/6/86 p6, H
3/1/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6
Farrelly, Michael Patrick, H
1/18/86 p6, H 1/21/86 p6, H
1/17/86 p6
Farrington, Irene [Saunders], H
2/6/86 p6, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/8/86 p6, H 2/5/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Fay, Jean [Preston], H 12/13/86
p6, H 12/15/86 p6, H
12/12/86 p6
Feistel, Elmer E. Jr, H 10/29/86
p6, H 10/27/86 p6
Feldman, Herman, H 1/3/86 p6
Felner, Antoinette Rose
[DePalma], H 4/17/86 p6, H
4/18/86 p6, H 4/21/86 p6, H
4/16/86 p6
Ferland, Charles, H 6/21/86 p6, H
6/19/86 p6
Fernandez, Helen L. [Thompson],
H 12/31/86 p6
Ferri, Minnie [Chariott], H 12/1/86
p6, H 11/26/86 p6, H
11/28/86 p6
Ferris, Robert "Mike," H 4/12/86
p6, H 4/15/86 p6, H 4/11/86
Ferro, Anthony C. Sr, H 7/15/86
p6, H 7/17/86 p6, H 7/14/86
Ferrone, Angela, H 12/15/86 p6,
H 12/17/86 p6, H 12/13/86 p6
Fetter, Emma A, H 3/6/86 p6, H
3/4/86 p6
Finnerty, Catherine Frances, H
3/1/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6
Fiore, Mary M. [Coccamo], H
7/29/86 p6, H 7/28/86 p6
Fiorella, Lena J. [Maestro], H
5/14/86 p6, H 5/16/86 p6, H
5/13/86 p6
Fischer, Louis, H 11/10/86 p6
Fischl, Theresia [Wirth], H
10/17/86 p6, H 10/14/86 p6
Fiske, Richard, H 6/9/86 p6, H
6/6/86 p6
Fitch, Frank S. Jr, H 11/12/86 p6,
H 11/14/86 p6, H 11/11/86 p6
Fitzgerald, Eleanor Chariott, H
4/22/86 p6, H 4/24/86 p6, H
4/21/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Fitzsimons, Alva Hanson, H
3/25/86 p6, H 3/26/86 p6, H
3/27/86 p6, H 3/28/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6, H 3/24/86 p6
Flaherty, Annie Frances, H 3/3/86
p6, H 3/5/86 p6, H 3/1/86 p6
Flamm, Jeanne [Leaner], H
8/22/86 p6, H 8/25/86 p6, H
8/21/86 p6
Flannigan, Jerome G, H 8/7/86
p6, H 8/8/86 p6, H 8/9/86 p6,
H 8/7/86 p6, H 8/12/86 p6
Fleischer, Kay [Petrone], H
12/23/86 p6, H 12/22/86 p6
Fletcher, Herbert Benjamin, H
8/19/86 p6, H 8/16/86 p6
Flewellyn, George Victor, H
6/27/86 p6, H 6/26/86 p6
Flewellyn, Raymond G, H 2/4/86
p6, H 2/1/86 p6, H 1/31/86
[photo] p6
Flook, Harry E. Jr, H 8/13/86 p6,
H 8/11/86 p6
Florell, Walter, H 10/16/86 p6
Fluet, Dora Bourgault, H 11/12/86
p6, H 11/13/86 p6, H
11/14/86 p6, H 11/11/86 p6
Flynn, Kathleen Marie, H 9/26/86
p6, H 9/25/86 p6
Fodor, Mary A, H 5/7/86 p6, H
5/9/86 p6, H 5/6/86 p6
Foldeak, Anna [Reta], H 5/28/86
p6, H 5/30/86 p6, H 5/27/86
Foley, Edith P. [DiGisi], H 10/1/86
p6, H 9/29/86 p6
Folgiano, August B, H 7/7/86 p6,
H 7/3/86 p6
Fontaine, Ore J, H 3/26/86 p6, H
3/27/86 p6, H 3/28/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6, H 3/25/86 p6
Fontaine, Willie Lee [Johnson], H
6/20/86 p6, H 6/18/86 p6
Forsberg, Russell W, H 10/7/86
p6, H 10/9/86 p6, H 10/6/86
Fourchtein, Jean W, H 5/2/86 p6
Fox, Margaret Gall, H 10/22/86
p6, H 10/20/86 p6
Fox, Zita, H 5/24/86 p6, H
5/22/86 p6
Fraleigh, Olwyn Neff, H 2/26/86
p6, H 2/27/86 p6, H 2/28/86
p6, H 2/25/86 p6
Fraleigh, Olwynn Neff, H 3/3/86
Francoletti, Julia DeMattia, H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/7/86 p6, H
5/10/86 p6
Frank, George A, H 8/5/86 p6, H
8/2/86 p6
Frankel, Dorothy, H 1/18/86 p6, H
1/16/86 p6
Franklin, Melvin Guy, H 11/20/86
p6, H 11/18/86 p6
Franson, George E, H 12/9/86 p6
Franz, Margaret J. [Kinneavy], H
12/11/86 p6, H 12/12/86 p6,
H 12/10/86 p6
Frate, Emile "Francis," H
12/17/86 p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Frate, Gene, H 6/30/86 p6, H
6/27/86 p6
Fratino, Marion T, H 1/2/86 p6
Fratino, Salvatore, H 11/28/86
p6, H 11/26/86 p6
Frazee, Kermit Leslie, H 4/29/86
Fredette, Louis A, H 5/2/86 p6, H
5/5/86 p6, H 5/1/86 p6
French, Daniel Chester II, H
7/7/86 p6
Frey, Everett Conrad, H 1/20/86
p6, H 1/17/86 p6
Friar, Mary [Haggerty], H 11/8/86
p6, H 11/7/86 p6, H 11/11/86
Fritz, Herbert E, H 9/4/86 p6
Froehlick, Anthony G, H 10/21/86
Frost, Alwine R, H 4/22/86 p6, H
4/19/86 p6
Frost, Fred L. "Pappy," H
10/16/86 p6, H 10/18/86 p6,
H 10/15/86 p6
Frulla, Ethel Fitch, H 5/20/86 p6,
H 5/17/86 p6
Frye, Maye, H 12/1/86 p6, H
12/3/86 p6, H 11/29/86 p6
Fuentes, Adam Louis, H 10/29/86
p6, H 10/28/86 p6
Fuller, Ralph Edward Jr, H
7/14/86 p6, H 7/11/86 p6
Fuller, Robert E, H 1/23/86 p6
Fulton, Helen C, H 2/15/86 p6
Gaffney, George E, H 2/8/86 p6,
H 2/7/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Gaines, Ransom, H 10/22/86 p6,
H 10/24/86 p6, H 10/21/86 p6
Gall, John, H 9/3/86 p6, H
8/30/86 p6, H 8/29/86 p6
Gallagher, Jeanne Smith, H
11/25/86 p6, H 11/22/86 p6
Gallagher, Matthew Francis, H
10/6/86 p6, H 10/3/86 p6
Gallagher, Richard M, H 12/3/86
p6, H 12/1/86 p6
Gallo, Christopher, H 5/7/86 p6,
H 5/5/86 p6
Ganias, Adamandia, H 4/7/86 p6
Garcia, Jessica Lynn, H 2/20/86
p6, H 2/24/86 p6, H 2/21/86
Gardella, Anthony, H 7/3/86 p6,
H 7/7/86 p6, H 7/2/86 p6, H
6/26/86 p6
Gardella, Thomas J, H 4/15/86
p6, H 4/17/86 p6, H 4/18/86
p6, H 4/14/86 [photo] p6
Gardiner, Kenneth T, H 11/24/86
Gay, Bridgett Unay, H 11/12/86
p6, H 11/13/86 p6, H
11/14/86 p6, H 11/17/86 p6,
H 11/11/86 p6
Geitz, Ernest Willis, H 6/26/86
p6, H 6/24/86 p6
Genuario, Arthur J, H 5/16/86 p6,
H 5/14/86 p6
George, Anthony V, H 11/8/86
p6, H 11/11/86 p6
Gerhard, Sidney, H 1/17/86 p6, H
1/15/86 p6
Gerling, Erna [Syska], H 1/25/86
p6, H 1/23/86 p6
Gerstel, Helen [Merritt], H
3/29/86 p6, H 3/31/86 p6, H
3/28/86 p6
Gerstel, Helen M, H 4/2/86 p6
Gerster, Anton, H 12/19/86 p6
Geyh, Charles P, H 5/14/86 p6, H
5/16/86 p6, H 5/13/86 p6
Gibbs, Sophronia Elizabeth
[Borel], H 9/16/86 p6, H
9/15/86 p6
Giddiens, Wilbert Leon, H
11/18/86 p6
Gilbert, Eliza [Johnson], H
1/22/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p6, H
1/21/86 p6
Gillardi, A. Charles, H 11/12/86
p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Gillardi, Frances [Hartnett], H
2/25/86 p6, H 2/22/86 p6
Gillespie, Helen [Meyer], H
7/26/86 p6, H 7/24/86 p6
Giogia, Mary A, H 5/28/86 p6, H
5/24/86 p6
Giordano, Kaitlin R, H 3/15/86 p6,
H 3/13/86 p6
Giovagnoli, Susan Hahn, H
3/24/86 p6, H 3/21/86 p6
Gisolfi, Olympia M, H 7/23/86 p6,
H 7/21/86 p6
Glanz, Edward C, H 9/30/86 p6,
H 9/27/86 p6
Glod, George F, H 12/16/86 p6
Glynn, Francis Edward, H
3/22/86 p6
Goedeke, Charles E, H 1/25/86
p6, H 1/28/86 p6, H 1/24/86
Goldberg, Bernard, H 1/30/86 p6,
H 1/28/86 p6
Golden, Edward A, H 10/28/86 p6
Goldstein, Alwyn I, H 1/2/86 p6
Gombas, William, H 7/21/86 p6,
H 7/18/86 p6
Goodkind, Irving, H 9/8/86 p6, H
9/10/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Goodman, Fayalene Decker, H
5/9/86 p6, H 5/7/86 p6
Gordon, Ada [Taylor], H 12/29/86
Gorman, Dorothy C. [Wright], H
4/24/86 p6, H 4/23/86 p6
Gradia, Elsie [Sarno], H 7/9/86
p6, H 7/12/86 p6, H 7/10/86
Gradinette, Diana T, H 3/29/86 p6
Graham, Sterling Bruce, H 7/9/86
p6, H 7/8/86 p6, H 7/11/86 p6
Grandinette, Diana T, H 4/1/86 p6
Grant, Edmund B, H 6/18/86 p6,
H 6/20/86 p6, H 6/17/86 p6
Graveline, Irene B. [Grindrod], H
8/29/86 p6, H 8/27/86 p6
Graves, Mary King Ely, H
11/20/86 p6, H 11/21/86 p6,
H 11/24/86 p6, H 11/19/86 p6
Greco, Albert B. Sr, H 12/17/86
p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Greco, Catherine [Consentino], H
4/8/86 p6, H 4/11/86 p6
Green, George L, H 2/11/86 p6,
H 2/13/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Greenberg, Abraham, H 12/6/86
p6, H 12/4/86 p6
Greenfield, Frederick W. Sr, H
11/26/86 p6, H 11/24/86 p6
Greer, Margaret [Hain], H 8/25/86
Grenz, Naomi A. [Pugh], H
12/16/86 p6
Grieves, Gordon S, H 12/12/86 p6
Griffin, Leona [Ward], H 11/17/86
p6, H 11/14/86 p6
Griffith, Edith Adele [Cooley]
"Edele," H 9/2/86 p6, H
8/29/86 p6, H 8/28/86 p6
Grimshaw, Leita W, H 6/14/86
p6, H 6/16/86 p6, H 6/20/86
p6, H 6/21/86 p6, H 6/23/86
p6, H 6/12/86 [photo] p6
Grossman, Agnes [Pado], H
2/3/86 p6, H 1/31/86 p6
Grumbly, William T, H 10/24/86
p6, H 10/27/86 p6, H
10/23/86 p6
Guarnieri, Lorenzo, H 10/29/86 p6
Guckert, Joan J. Murphy, H
12/8/86 p6, H 12/10/86 p6
Guenin, C. Donald, H 2/13/86 p6,
H 2/12/86 p6
Guerrere, Anthony F, H 8/26/86
p6, H 8/23/86 p6
Guion, Elsie V. [Pell], H 4/9/86
p6, H 4/7/86 p6
Gutkowski, Michael, H 9/12/86
p6, H 9/15/86 p6, H 9/11/86
Haas, Julius Lee, H 6/24/86 p6, H
6/26/86 p6, H 6/23/86 p6
Habicht, Elizabeth, H 4/23/86 p6,
H 4/21/86 p6
Haffner, Anna Segal, H 4/22/86
p6, H 4/21/86 p6
Hager, George A, H 8/7/86 p6, H
8/8/86 p6, H 8/9/86 p6, H
8/6/86 p6
Haims, Harry David, H 4/4/86 p6,
H 4/3/86 p6
Haith, Daisy Miles, H 6/18/86 p6
Halas, Eva B, H 11/12/86 p6, H
11/13/86 p6, H 11/14/86 p6,
H 11/11/86 p6
Halbrecht, Gertrude, H 4/17/86
p6, H 4/16/86 p6
Hale, R. Houston, H 5/5/86 p6, H
5/2/86 p6
Hall, Clara H. [McKeever], H
4/1/86 p6, H 3/29/86 p6, H
3/28/86 p6
Hall, Richard Walkley, H 10/8/86
p6, H 10/9/86 p6, H 10/7/86
p6, H 10/13/86 p6, H
10/10/86 p6
Haller, Margaret Mary, H 11/8/86
p6, H 11/6/86 p6
Hallsted, Ruth Weser, H 6/9/86
p6, H 6/12/86 p6, H 6/13/86
p6, H 6/16/86 p6, H 6/10/86
Hanford, Mary L, H 5/6/86 p6, H
5/3/86 p6
Hann, Althea Cooney, H 6/17/86
p6, H 6/14/86 p6
Hanna, Tessie M, H 7/12/86 p6,
H 7/10/86 p6
Harco, Peter Paul, H 5/16/86 p6
Harding, Margaret Lee
[Cognetta], H 6/3/86 p6, H
5/31/86 p6
Harris, Iris Ramus, H 1/21/86 p6,
H 1/23/86 p6, H 1/20/86 p6
Harris, Marguerite Tjader, H
4/11/86 p6, H 4/14/86 p6, H
4/10/86 p6
Harrison, Doris, H 9/20/86 p6, H
9/19/86 p6
Hartigan, Elizabeth A.
[O'Donnell], H 1/24/86 p6, H
1/27/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p6
Hartman, Mary, H 5/8/86 p6, H
5/7/86 p6, H 5/10/86 p6
Hartmann, Estelle Gallagher, H
10/27/86 p6, H 10/29/86 p6,
H 10/25/86 p6
Hartmuss, Douglas Frederick, H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/6/86 p6
Hartwell, Alice Alida, H 3/18/86
p6, H 3/20/86 p6, H 3/17/86
Hauser, Josephine Evelyn, H
1/7/86 p6, H 1/4/86 p6
Haven, Elmer E, H 7/16/86 p6, H
7/14/86 p6
Haywood, Wayne Patrick, H
10/16/86 p6, H 10/17/86 p6,
H 10/20/86 p6, H 10/14/86 p6
Heath, Lillian DeCost, H 3/27/86
p6, H 3/25/86 p6
Hefferan, Anna G, H 5/1/86 p6, H
5/5/86 p6, H 5/2/86 p6
Hegert, Nancy Keene, H 11/6/86
p6, H 11/4/86 p6
Heigl, Jason Debus, H 10/3/86
p6, H 10/6/86 p6, H 10/2/86
Heiman, Scott, H 4/2/86 p6
Heimann, Elisa Witte, H 11/12/86
p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Heimann, Scott R, H 3/31/86 p6
Heinbaugh, Mary Liberty
[Barnes], H 5/17/86 p6, H
5/15/86 p6
Hemingway, Julie E. [Murphy], H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/6/86 p6
Hemstead, Norman, H 6/23/86
p6, H 6/24/86 p6, H 6/21/86
Hendrick, Robert Joseph, H
2/26/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6, H
2/25/86 p6
Hergert, Nancy Keene, H
10/28/86 p6
Herman, Alfred A, H 9/9/86 p6, H
9/10/86 p6
Herman, Frederick Fox, H 6/6/86
p6, H 6/4/86 p6
Hershkowitz, Milton, H 5/28/86
p6, H 5/27/86 p6
Hidu, Margaret Ellen, H 4/24/86
p6, H 4/26/86 p6, H 4/23/86
p6, H 4/22/86 p6
High, Thelma [Carlyle], H 9/3/86
p6, H 8/30/86 p6
Hill, Marjorie E. "Mary," H 9/8/86
p6, H 9/10/86 p6
Hills, Arthur Goodwin, H 4/9/86
p6, H 4/7/86 p6, H 4/11/86 p6
Hines, Catherine A. [Deegan], H
3/1/86 p6, H 3/4/86 p6, H
2/28/86 p6
Hinkin, Joanne Nancy, H 1/23/86
p6, H 1/21/86 p6
Hippensteel, Veronica M, H
1/29/86 p6
Hitzrot, Henry W, H 3/24/86 p6, H
3/21/86 p6
Hochberg, Anna, H 12/30/86 p6
Hodgins, Elizabeth, H 1/3/86 p6
Hodgins, Joan F. [Coyle], H
9/30/86 p6, H 10/2/86 p6, H
9/29/86 p6
Hodish, Lena, H 1/2/86 p6
Hofmann, Charles E. Jr, H
3/25/86 p6
Holly, Edwin, H 6/13/86 p6, H
6/16/86 p6, H 6/12/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Holmes, Beryl Mackley, H
9/16/86 p6, H 9/18/86 p6, H
9/15/86 p6
Hopp, David P, H 8/28/86 p6, H
8/26/86 p6
Horelick, August, H 1/9/86 p6, H
1/7/86 p6
Horelick, Walter M, H 7/11/86 p6,
H 7/14/86 p6, H 7/10/86 p6
Horvath, Joseph, H 8/26/86 p6, H
8/23/86 p6
Housh, David P. Sr, H 10/30/86
Hoyt, Edward C, H 3/28/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6, H 3/27/86 p6
Hoyt, Joseph E, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/6/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Hoyt, Julia Gall, H 8/8/86 p6, H
8/11/86 p6
Hrbek, Anton S. Sr, H 3/25/86 p6,
H 3/27/86 p6, H 3/24/86 p6
Hudson, Adelaide [Poor], H
11/5/86 p6, H 11/8/86 p6, H
11/3/86 p6, H 11/11/86 p6, H
11/13/86 p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Hullette, Ann Tamburrino, H
8/28/86 p6, H 8/26/86 p6
Hulse, Muriel [Anderson], H
4/2/86 p6, H 3/31/86 p6
Hulsey, Raymond A, H 4/24/86 p6
Hunt, Charles F, H 2/28/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6
Hunt, George L, H 11/22/86 p6, H
11/24/86 p6, H 11/21/86 p6
Hunter, Hays M, H 3/6/86 p6, H
3/7/86 p6, H 3/8/86 p6, H
3/5/86 p6, H 3/10/86 p6
Hunter, Shirley Wesley, H
9/20/86 p6, H 9/24/86 p6, H
9/19/86 p6
Hurst, Carl P, H 11/25/86 p6, H
11/22/86 p6
Hutchinson, Mary S. [O'Neill], H
4/23/86 p6, H 4/25/86 p6, H
4/22/86 p6
Hutton, Joseph Richard, H
11/24/86 p6
Hyatt, Florence, H 11/4/86 p6, H
11/6/86 p6, H 11/3/86 p6
Hydes, Lillie M. [Bowers], H
9/20/86 p6, H 9/22/86 p6, H
9/19/86 p6
Hylen, Henry W, H 4/26/86 p6, H
4/29/86 p6, H 4/25/86 p6
Iaizzi, Margaret R. [DeRosa], H
1/22/86 p6, H 1/20/86 p6
Iannazzo, Antonio "Anthony," H
4/1/86 p6, H 3/29/86 p6, H
3/28/86 p6, H 3/27/86 p6
Iliff, Carrie [Swisher], H 1/11/86
p6, H 1/15/86 p6, H 1/13/86
Indelkof, Elizabeth S.
[McWilliams], H 6/12/86 p6,
H 6/14/86 p6, H 6/11/86 p6
Ingham, Jeanne H, H 11/5/86 p6,
H 11/3/86 p6
Ivancevic, Erna Jane [Michel], H
3/8/86 p6, H 3/5/86 p6
Jachimczyk, Mary Wozny, H
7/18/86 p6, H 7/21/86 p6, H
7/17/86 p6
Janda, Glen, H 10/2/86 p6
Janes, Mabel C, H 10/23/86 p6
Janssens, Leon P, H 4/16/86 p6,
H 4/14/86 p6
Javery, Henrietta G, H 5/21/86
p6, H 5/19/86 p6
Jennings, George S. Sr, H
10/14/86 p6
Jennings, Marion [Allen], H
8/2/86 p6, H 7/31/86 p6
Jenny, Myron "Mike," H 8/5/86
p6, H 8/7/86 p6, H 8/4/86 p6
Jensen, Harry J, H 12/16/86 p6,
H 12/18/86 p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Jerusavage, Frank J, H 5/28/86
p6, H 5/30/86 p6, H 5/27/86
Jobin, Louis E, H 12/30/86 p6, H
12/29/86 p6
Johanson, Glendavere, H 9/16/86
p6, H 9/13/86 p6
Johnson, Edwin F. "Skip," H
9/26/86 p6, H 9/27/86 p6, H
9/30/86 p6, H 9/25/86 [photo]
Johnson, Henry L, H 5/7/86 p6
Johnson, Julie Fairfield, H 4/5/86
p6, H 4/7/86 p6, H 4/4/86 p6,
H 4/10/86 p6
Johnson, Kathleen Lago, H
5/12/86 p6
Johnston, Bonnie [Hill], H 11/3/86
p6, H 10/30/86 p6, H
10/31/86 p6, H 10/29/86 p6,
H 10/28/86 p6
Jones, Edith S. [Grawrock], H
1/31/86 p6, H 1/29/86 p6
Jones, Florence Louise, H 2/3/86
p6, H 2/1/86 p6
Jordan, Mattie Green, H 4/16/86
p6, H 4/17/86 p6, H 4/18/86
p6, H 4/21/86 p6, H 4/15/86
Joseloff, Viola, H 11/25/86 p6, H
11/28/86 p6, H 11/24/86 p6
Kaldon, Stella [Pieloch], H
6/14/86 p6
Kaminski, Mary Rosa, H 8/16/86
p6, H 8/19/86 p6, H 8/15/86
Kantor, Paul, H 10/27/86 p6
Kaplan, Joseph, H 7/22/86 p6, H
7/21/86 p6
Kasofsky, Rose, H 3/15/86 p6, H
3/14/86 p6
Katz, Sylvia [Bernstein], H
4/30/86 p6, H 4/29/86 p6
Kay, Lois [Fitch], H 6/2/86 p6, H
5/29/86 p6
Kelley, Elizabeth, H 11/4/86 p6, H
11/1/86 p6, H 10/31/86 p6
Kelley, Peter D, H 6/5/86 p6, H
6/3/86 p6
Kelly, Joseph L, H 9/24/86 p6, H
9/26/86 p6, H 9/23/86 p6
Kelly, Robert Franklin, H 3/3/86
p6, H 3/5/86 p6, H 3/1/86 p6
Kelly, Saki Hunter, H 4/25/86 p6,
H 4/23/86 p6
Kelly, Sean M, H 8/9/86 p6, H
8/11/86 p6
Kelsey, Alice V, H 12/17/86 p6, H
12/16/86 p6
Kemball-Cook, Denis B, H 2/1/86
Kendall, Frances F. [Creighton],
H 1/20/86 p6, H 1/22/86 p6,
H 1/18/86 p6
Kenefic, Joseph F, H 7/9/86 p6,
H 7/8/86 p6, H 7/11/86 p6
Kennedy, Teresa, H 11/17/86 p6
Kennefick, Frances A, H 1/30/86
p6, H 1/28/86 p6
Kenny, Thomas W, H 1/28/86 p6
Kent, Cheryl [Steinmetz], H
8/18/86 p6, H 8/14/86 p6
Kepes, Julius, H 12/24/86 p6, H
12/22/86 p6
Kern, Veronica [Collins], H
6/19/86 p6, H 6/21/86 p6, H
6/18/86 p6
Keyes, Robert Cathcart Sr, H
6/17/86 p6
Khachadoorian, Jack, H 10/6/86
Kiasky, Beatrice "Brigid," H
4/8/86 p6, H 4/10/86 p6
Kilbourn, Clara Kent, H 9/2/86 p6,
H 8/27/86 p6, H 8/29/86 p6,
H 8/26/86 p6
Kimmick, Herman H, H 9/26/86
p6, H 9/29/86 p6, H 9/25/86
Kingsley, Francis Gerard, H
1/14/86 [photo] p6
Kirmayer, Helen [Sculley], H
4/4/86 p6, H 4/7/86 p6, H
4/1/86 p6, H 3/27/86 p6, H
3/28/86 p6, H 3/29/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6, H 3/26/86 p6
Kish, Jennie L, H 5/3/86 p6, H
5/6/86 p6, H 5/2/86 p6
Kish, Sadie B, H 4/19/86 p6, H
4/17/86 p6
Kisken, Elizabeth, H 2/5/86 p6, H
2/3/86 p6
Kitt, Frederick Jr, H 1/2/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Knight, Eva B. [Lawson], H 3/1/86
p6, H 3/4/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6
Knobel, Arnold M, H 10/16/86 p6
Knowles, Carl, H 10/21/86 p6, H
10/18/86 p6
Koellmer, Randall Scott, H
12/15/86 p6
Koenig, Carl, H 7/2/86 p6, H
7/3/86 p6, H 7/5/86 p6, H
7/1/86 p6, H 6/30/86 p6
Koerner, Regina, H 3/6/86 p6, H
3/4/86 p6
Kogen, David H, H 2/15/86 p6, H
2/14/86 p6
Kohler, Kathryn L, H 3/14/86 p6,
H 3/13/86 p6
Kohorn, Rebecca, H 8/30/86 p6
Koleszar, Anna [Peters], H 4/5/86
p6, H 4/2/86 p6
Koletsos, Vasiliki, H 4/1/86 p6, H
3/28/86 p6, H 3/29/86 p6, H
3/27/86 p6
Komar, Mary J, H 9/26/86 p6, H
9/29/86 p6, H 9/25/86 p6
Korszniak, Henry, H 1/2/86 p6
Kovacs, Edith Frisbie, H 4/14/86
p6, H 4/12/86 p6
Kowalsky, John, H 11/22/86 p6,
H 11/25/86 p6, H 11/21/86 p6
Kozlowski, Mary, H 8/4/86 p6
Kramer, Flora B. [Harrison], H
5/9/86 p6, H 5/12/86 p6
Kretschman, Roy Diedrich, H
2/15/86 p6, H 2/18/86 p6, H
2/14/86 p6
Kritzer, Annette, H 2/1/86 p6, H
1/30/86 p6, H 1/29/86 p6
Krueger, Elizabeth M, H 12/18/86
p6, H 12/19/86 p6, H
12/22/86 p6, H 12/17/86 p6
Kulikowski, Frank P, H 12/24/86
p6, H 12/27/86 p6, H
12/23/86 p6
Kupidlowski, Chester, H 5/16/86
p6, H 5/19/86 p6, H 5/15/86
Kurimai, Stephen Sr, H 1/21/86
p6, H 1/23/86 p6, H 1/20/86
Kurth, Wilhelmina [Campbell], H
9/23/86 p6, H 9/25/86 p6, H
9/22/86 p6
Kvance, Alice C, H 1/14/86 p6, H
1/16/86 p6, H 1/13/86 p6
Kydes, Andrew C, H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/6/86 p6, H 2/3/86 p6
Lagano, Joseph A, H 8/1/86 p6,
H 7/30/86 p6, H 7/29/86 p6
LaGrange, Donald T, H 2/1/86
p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Lamb, Doughlas R, H 1/3/86 p6
Lamont, Elizabeth Carrington
Brown, H 10/21/86 p6, H
10/18/86 p6
Lanefski, John Paul, H 5/29/86
p6, H 5/31/86 p6, H 5/28/86
Lang, Donn G, H 3/5/86 p6, H
3/3/86 p6
Lanzara, Robert V, H 3/28/86 p6,
H 3/31/86 p6, H 3/27/86 p6
Lapak, Pearl [Burkley], H
10/27/86 p6, H 10/24/86 p6
Lapolla, Charles J. Jr, H 4/15/86
p6, H 4/16/86 p6, H 4/18/86
p6, H 4/25/86 p6
LaRacca, Philip, H 11/8/86 p6, H
11/10/86 p6
Larney, Patrick H, H 5/9/86 p6
LaRose, Conrad "Coney," H
4/23/86 p6, H 4/25/86 p6, H
4/22/86 p6
Laszlo, Joseph, H 3/3/86 p6, H
3/1/86 p6, H 2/27/86 p6
Laudadio, Joseph, H 11/12/86 p6
Lauterback, Mary [Knoedler], H
7/1/86 p6, H 6/28/86 p6
Lavin, Mark, H 11/8/86 p6, H
11/11/86 p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Lawrence, Alfred G, H 1/7/86 p6,
H 1/6/86 p6
Lawrence, John J, H 10/6/86 p6
Layden, Florence M, H 5/19/86
p6, H 5/21/86 p6, H 5/17/86
Lazar, Jason Alexander, H
11/22/86 p6, H 11/20/86 p6
Lazaridis, Kiriaki, H 11/13/86 p6,
H 11/15/86 p6, H 11/12/86 p6
Leach, Mary Irwin, H 12/16/86 p6
Leas, John W. Jr, H 5/8/86 p6, H
5/7/86 p6, H 5/10/86 p6
LeBoeuf, George A, H 4/29/86 p6
Lee, Elizabeth D, H 3/19/86 p6, H
3/17/86 p6
Lee, Helen J. [Eleck], H 12/29/86
p6, H 12/31/86 p6, H
12/17/86 p6
Lees, Willard A, H 7/25/86 p6
Leitao, Manuel, H 10/10/86 p6
LeMay, Ernest L, H 7/5/86 p6
Lepore, Frank T, H 8/6/86 p6
Lepore, Michael S, H 12/17/86
p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Leroux, Geoffrey, H 4/21/86 p6,
H 4/22/86 p6, H 4/19/86 p6
LeSchack, Selma [Kamisky], H
9/27/86 p6, H 9/29/86 p6, H
9/26/86 p6
Leue, Eleonor Bruhn, H 9/17/86
p6, H 9/15/86 p6
Levers, Gertrude A. [Burrow], H
2/24/86 p6, H 2/27/86 p6, H
2/25/86 p6
Levesque, Margaret [Toth], H
4/22/86 p6, H 4/19/86 p6, H
4/18/86 p6
Levin, Susann I. [Surovy], H
1/9/86 p6
Levine, Herman, H 5/29/86 p6, H
5/27/86 p6
Levinson, Gene E, H 9/9/86 p6, H
9/11/86 p6
Levy, Gertrude [Bernhard], H
3/28/86 p6, H 3/27/86 p6
Lewis, Helen V. [Kulesca], H
10/24/86 p6, H 10/22/86 p6
Lewis, Marie J. [Caruso], H
3/12/86 p6, H 3/10/86 p6
Libresco, Iris, H 5/23/86 p6
Libuha, John Joseph, H 6/3/86
p6, H 5/31/86 p6, H 5/30/86
Lichter, Joseph A, H 11/15/86 p6,
H 11/17/86 p6, H 11/14/86 p6
Liebreich, Herman, H 2/7/86 p6,
H 2/5/86 p6
Lindhammer, Emma Herd, H
8/7/86 p6, H 8/9/86 p6, H
8/6/86 p6
Lindquist, Elizabeth, H 10/2/86 p6
Lindsay, Maxine Lewis, H 5/5/86
Linton, Donald Lowry, H 9/29/86
p6, H 9/30/86 p6, H 10/2/86
Lipira, Fannie, H 5/3/86 p6, H
5/1/86 p6, H 4/30/86 p6, H
4/29/86 p6
Lirette, Olive M. [Leblanc], H
11/14/86 p6, H 11/17/86 p6,
H 11/13/86 p6
Litsky, Freda, H 2/19/86 p6, H
2/18/86 p6
Livecchi, Damien "Dom," H
4/1/86 p6
Lockwood, Alice Hull, H 8/2/86
p6, H 8/5/86 p6, H 8/1/86 p6
Lockwood, Elsa L, H 10/13/86 p6,
H 10/10/86 p6
Lockwood, Hazel W. [Farr], H
1/15/86 p6, H 1/13/86 p6
Lockwood, Peter Francis, H
9/3/86 p6, H 9/2/86 p6
Lodato, Angela, H 3/18/86 p6, H
3/15/86 p6
Lodes, Marjorie Myers, H
10/28/86 p6, H 10/30/86 p6,
H 10/27/86 p6
Lofton, Edward Sr, H 3/6/86 p6,
H 3/7/86 p6, H 3/5/86 p6
Lombard, Virginia Pemburn, H
5/9/86 p6, H 5/13/86 p6, H
5/10/86 p6
Lombardi, Mariana, H 12/17/86
p6, H 12/19/86 p6, H
12/16/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Lonchak, Marie A. [DiSesa], H
12/27/86 p6, H 12/30/86 p6,
H 12/26/86 p6
Long, A. Katharine, H 1/18/86 p6,
H 1/16/86 p6
Long, Blair Clayton, H 6/21/86
p6, H 6/19/86 p6
Long, Richard W, H 3/12/86 p6,
H 3/10/86 p6
Lopas, Casimar, H 1/22/86 p6, H
1/24/86 p6, H 1/21/86 p6
Loubet, Albert E, H 2/18/86 p6, H
2/14/86 p6
Loudon, Theresa Luella
[Hartwell], H 5/9/86 p6, H
5/12/86 p6, H 5/14/86 p6, H
5/10/86 p6
Loughman, Gerald, H 3/18/86 p6,
H 3/17/86 p6
Louis, Jean Daniel, H 11/26/86
p6, H 11/29/86 p6, H
11/25/86 p6
Lovas, Stephen, H 1/29/86 p6, H
1/28/86 p6
Lowry, Renaldo "Bobby," H
4/25/86 p6, H 4/23/86 p6
Lucas, Barbara [Czako] "Bertha,"
H 10/27/86 p6
Lucas, Dorothy Elise [Siess], H
2/20/86 p6, H 2/19/86 p6
Lucey, David, H 1/2/86 p6
Lundberg, Martha M, H 9/2/86 p6
Lusebrink, Herman Joseph Jr, H
6/18/86 p6, H 6/20/86 p6, H
6/17/86 p6
Luther, Ellsworth Russell, H
12/3/86 p6, H 12/5/86 p6, H
12/2/86 p6
Lyon, Jack Jerome, H 2/11/86 p6
Lyons, Mae M. [Teefy], H 3/17/86
p6, H 3/14/86 p6
MacDonald, Norman A, H
3/18/86 p6, H 3/15/86 p6
Machyowsky, Anna [Chomiak], H
5/2/86 p6, H 4/29/86 p6, H
4/30/86 p6, H 4/28/86 p6, H
4/26/86 p6
Mackin, John A, H 10/16/86 p6
MacLear, Charlotte G, H 3/8/86
Macleod, Anthony Macauley, H
8/2/86 p6, H 7/30/86 p6
Maddock, Katherine [Vannart], H
3/11/86 p6, H 3/13/86 p6, H
3/10/86 p6
Madore, Eldridge S, H 3/6/86 p6,
H 3/4/86 p6
Maerowitz, Julius, H 8/8/86 p6, H
8/6/86 p6
Maestri, Frederick A, H 2/11/86
p6, H 2/12/86 p6, H 2/14/86
p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Maestro, Lena Basone, H 8/13/86
p6, H 8/15/86 p6, H 8/12/86
Magliola, Raymond B, H 9/17/86
p6, H 9/15/86 p6
Magruder, Decker Beard, H
2/21/86 p6, H 2/20/86 p6
Maher, Loretta A, H 7/7/86 p6, H
7/3/86 p6
Makosky, Albert Henry, H
12/15/86 p6, H 12/17/86 p6,
H 12/13/86 p6
Makowsky, Louis Adam, H 2/7/86
Maleski, Susan, H 3/24/86 p6, H
3/21/86 p6
Mandl, Malvin [Kellner], H 1/3/86
p6, H 1/2/86 p6
Mangler, Luella May [Martin], H
11/19/86 p6, H 11/22/86 p6,
H 11/20/86 p6
Mantia, Concetta, H 2/14/86 p6,
H 2/18/86 p6, H 2/13/86 p6
Manzi, Anthony Nicholas, H
10/14/86 p6, H 10/13/86 p6
Manzi, Lauretta Beaulieu, H
8/19/86 p6, H 8/16/86 p6
Marcett, Mildred E, H 12/2/86 p6,
H 12/3/86 p6, H 12/4/86 p6,
H 12/5/86 p6, H 12/8/86 p6,
H 12/1/86 p6
Marini, Sante, H 7/18/86 p6, H
7/21/86 p6, H 7/17/86 p6
Marinozzi, Rosina Petrocelli, H
2/3/86 p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Mariscal, Pedro, H 6/3/86 p6, H
6/4/86 p6, H 6/6/86 p6, H
6/2/86 p6
Marsan, Antoinette [Gauthier], H
7/29/86 p6, H 7/31/86 p6, H
7/28/86 p6
Martin, Barbara A. Stevens, H
4/7/86 p6, H 4/9/86 p6, H
4/8/86 p6, H 4/11/86 p6
Martin, Martha Bley, H 12/11/86
p6, H 12/12/86 p6, H
12/15/86 p6, H 12/10/86 p6
Martineau, Philip G, H 1/16/86
p6, H 1/18/86 p6, H 1/15/86
Martini, Ann P. [Apster], H
8/28/86 p6, H 8/25/86 p6
Martino, Angelina M. [Ciancullo],
H 10/24/86 p6, H 10/27/86
p6, H 10/23/86 p6
Marvin, David G, H 4/19/86 p6, H
4/21/86 p6, H 4/22/86 p6, H
4/24/86 p6, H 4/18/86 p6
Masi, Pasquale J. "Patsy," H
11/21/86 p6, H 11/24/86 p6,
H 11/20/86 p6
Masiello, Mary, H 9/9/86 p6, H
9/8/86 p6, H 9/11/86 p6
Maslowski, Kathryn I. Burr, H
6/9/86 p6, H 6/2/86 p6, H
6/13/86 p6, H 6/16/86 p6, H
6/10/86 p6
Masselink, Richard M, H 8/8/86
p6, H 8/9/86 p6, H 8/7/86 p6
Mastrangelo, Costanzo, H
4/16/86 p6, H 4/18/86 p6, H
4/15/86 p6
Mastropietro, Nicholas
"Broadway," H 6/3/86 p6, H
6/5/86 p6, H 6/2/86 p6
Mathewson, Stella Bunnell, H
4/7/86 p6
Matthews, Anna [Anderson]
"Helen," H 5/9/86 p6, H
5/7/86 p6, H 5/12/86 p6
Mayer, Mona Margaret [Wolfe], H
7/3/86 p6, H 7/5/86 p6, H
7/8/86 p6, H 7/2/86 p6
McBrinn, William "Billy," H
1/29/86 p6
McCahon, Edith [Ambrose], H
6/5/86 p6, H 6/7/86 p6, H
6/4/86 p6
McCammon, Claude F, H 6/23/86
p6, H 6/25/86 p6, H 6/21/86
McCarthy, Ella O, H 3/17/86 p6,
H 3/18/86 p6, H 3/15/86 p6
McCarthy, James Patrick, H
10/21/86 p6, H 10/23/86 p6,
H 10/20/86 p6
McCauley, John "Jack," H
10/15/86 p6, H 10/13/86 p6
McCleery, Iva Fay, H 3/5/86 p6,
H 3/6/86 p6, H 3/8/86 p6, H
3/4/86 p6
McCready, James Coley Jr, H
4/8/86 p6, H 4/9/86 p6, H
4/7/86 p6
McCutcheon, Juliette J, H
10/20/86 p6, H 10/17/86 p6
McDermott, Patricia Ann
[Schuster], H 12/17/86 p6, H
12/19/86 p6, H 12/16/86 p6
McDonald, Gloria, H 2/19/86 p6,
H 2/15/86 p6
McFadden, Roger Sr, H 2/8/86
p6, H 2/11/86 p6, H 2/13/86
p6, H 2/10/86 p6
McGann, William J, H 8/9/86 p6,
H 8/8/86 p6, H 8/12/86 p6
McLean, Robert E, H 7/1/86 p6
McManus, Kevin G, H 11/13/86
p6, H 11/15/86 p6, H
11/12/86 p6
McNamara, James T, H 9/8/86
p6, H 9/5/86 p6
McNamara, Margaret [Amen], H
12/30/86 p6
McQuillan, Edward Thomas, H
5/12/86 p6, H 5/14/86 p6, H
5/10/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Mead, James E, H 11/11/86 p6,
H 11/13/86 p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Mead, Thomas E, H 10/29/86 p6,
H 10/27/86 p6
Meahan, Richard W, H 7/9/86 p6,
H 7/12/86 p6, H 7/10/86 p6
Meath, Albert Wylie, H 2/18/86 p6
Melfi, Dorothy [Hoffman], H
7/15/86 p6
Meno, Nellie Vitti, H 1/27/86 p6,
H 1/24/86 p6
Merwin, Timothy T. Jr, H
10/21/86 p6
Meulendyke, Samuel L, H 9/2/86
p6, H 9/12/86 p6, H 9/15/86
p6, H 9/11/86 p6
Meyer, Margaret [McGrath], H
4/14/86 p6, H 4/16/86 p6, H
4/12/86 p6
Meyer, Sidney, H 6/11/86 p6, H
6/10/86 p6
Mezzo, Ernest Edward, H 3/4/86
p6, H 3/6/86 p6, H 3/3/86 p6
Miano, Joseph, H 12/27/86 p6, H
12/24/86 p6
Middlebrook, Farnham D, H
7/1/86 p6
Middleton, Helen DeForest
[Jones], H 11/14/86 p6, H
11/15/86 p6, H 11/18/86 p6,
H 10/21/86 p6
Miklos, Susan E, H 7/7/86 p6, H
7/3/86 p6
Milano, Mary Nicky, H 10/20/86
p6, H 10/17/86 p6
Miles, Kathryn [Smith], H 7/24/86
p6, H 7/25/86 p6, H 7/28/86
p6, H 7/23/86 p6
Millard, Anne Hughes, H
11/28/86 p6, H 11/25/86 p6
Miller, Elizabeth Barbara, H
4/12/86 p6, H 4/10/86 p6
Miller, Georgia Lois [Jackson], H
1/17/86 p6, H 1/20/86 p6, H
1/16/86 p6
Miller, Ida Friedman, H 8/19/86
p6, H 8/16/86 p6
Miller, Otto K, H 2/18/86 p6, H
2/15/86 p6
Milligan, Roswell B. Jr, H 1/8/86
p6, H 1/7/86 p6, H 1/10/86 p6
Mills, Dorothy H, H 1/2/86 p6
Mills, Frank Edward Sr, H 9/30/86
p6, H 10/2/86 p6, H 9/29/86
Mills, Harry J. Jr, H 10/22/86 p6,
H 10/24/86 p6, H 10/21/86 p6
Mills, Lillian M, H 5/8/86 p6
Mills, Murray Bud Sr, H 1/23/86
p6, H 1/24/86 p6, H 1/27/86
p6, H 1/22/86 p6
Minniti, Emilia, H 1/4/86 p6, H
1/2/86 p6
Minoff, Shirley [Norman], H
7/8/86 p6
Miro, Donald E, H 10/28/86 p6, H
10/30/86 p6, H 10/27/86 p6
Moccia, Elena Morsa, H 7/9/86
p6, H 7/12/86 p6, H 7/10/86
Mockler, Gladys Tierney, H
6/14/86 p6, H 6/11/86 p6
Mohr, Grace, H 12/31/86 p6, H
12/30/86 p6
Mola, James B. Sr, H 12/19/86
p6, H 12/22/86 p6, H
12/18/86 p6
Molina, Efrain, H 4/12/86 p6, H
4/10/86 p6
Mollenhauer, Frank John, H
2/7/86 p6, H 2/22/86 p6, H
2/24/86 p6, H 2/25/86 p6, H
2/21/86 p6
Molloy, George M, H 10/22/86
p6, H 10/20/86 p6
Monahan, James William, H
6/14/86 p6, H 6/17/86 p6, H
6/13/86 p6
Monroe, Karen L. [Barnes], H
11/26/86 p6, H 11/24/86 p6
Montana, Vincent J, H 1/3/86 p6,
H 1/6/86 p6, H 1/2/86 p6
Moore, E. Lillian [Gehr], H
1/29/86 p6, H 1/27/86 p6
Moore, Maureen [Baird], H
11/4/86 p6, H 11/6/86 p6, H
11/3/86 p6
Moran, Alice [Laux], H 8/15/86
p6, H 8/13/86 p6
Moreland, William Dawson Jr, H
1/13/86 p6, H 1/6/86 [photo]
Morgan, Winifred Beed, H
5/22/86 p6, H 5/20/86 p6
Moriarty, William Albert, H
10/3/86 p6, H 10/6/86 p6, H
10/2/86 [photo] p6
Morrell, Gladys [Brown], H
12/1/86 p6, H 11/29/86 p6
Morris, Marjorie Dickie, H 11/5/86
Morrison, Edward J, H 4/25/86
p6, H 4/23/86 p6
Morrissette, Alcide, H 9/17/86 p6
Morrone, Lillian A. [Vena], H
7/3/86 p6, H 7/7/86 p6, H
7/2/86 p6
Moskowitz, Rose, H 11/8/86 p6
Motley, Michael Jerome, H
3/26/86 p6, H 3/27/86 p6, H
3/28/86 p6, H 3/25/86 p6
Mozer, Edward E, H 4/29/86 p6,
H 4/26/86 p6
Mullen, Michaela, H 3/25/86 p6,
H 3/27/86 p6, H 3/24/86 p6
Muller, Pamela [Archibald], H
8/19/86 p6, H 8/20/86 p6, H
8/22/86 p6, H 8/18/86 p6
Munchoff, Monte, H 2/14/86 p6,
H 2/18/86 p6, H 2/13/86 p6
Muoio, Irene A. Wilson [Horvath],
H 3/3/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6
Murphy, Florence Keely, H 1/8/86
p6, H 1/6/86 p6
Murphy, Johanna [Corridan], H
9/25/86 p6, H 9/27/86 p6, H
9/24/86 p6
Murray, Florence Kern, H 2/19/86
Murray, Kenneth B, H 9/24/86 p6
Murtagh, Anna J, H 4/9/86 p6, H
4/7/86 p6
Myers, Angelina Fennili, H
11/20/86 p6, H 11/22/86 p6,
H 11/19/86 p6
Naef, Dorothea James, H 9/2/86
Nagy, Camille Muro, H 8/20/86
p6, H 8/18/86 p6
Nails, Alfred Gregory, H 6/7/86
p6, H 6/6/86 p6, H 6/10/86 p6
Nair, Govindan P, H 5/29/86 p6,
H 5/27/86 p6
Nameth, Viola I, H 2/19/86 p6, H
2/15/86 p6
Napoleon, Theresa [Bartek], H
7/22/86 p6, H 7/24/86 p6, H
7/21/86 p6
Napoleone, Salvatore, H 5/2/86
p6, H 4/30/86 p6, H 4/29/86
Nault, Elphege Edgar, H 4/3/86
p6, H 4/5/86 p6, H 4/2/86 p6
Neiley, Mary Adeline, H 1/11/86
p6, H 1/14/86 p6, H 1/10/86
Neiman, Peter, H 6/27/86 p6, H
6/26/86 p6
Newman, Cecil E, H 11/17/86 p6,
H 11/14/86 p6
Newman, Mark Anthony, H
8/22/86 p6, H 8/20/86 p6
Newton, Arthur Norman, H
5/27/86 p6, H 5/23/86 p6
Nichols, Elizabeth Russo, H
7/8/86 p6
Nichols, Lillian Anderson, H
12/23/86 p6, H 12/24/86 p6,
H 12/26/86 p6, H 12/29/86
p6, H 12/22/86 p6
Norman, Leo, H 10/23/86 p6, H
10/21/86 p6
Nunzarro, Zuleme, H 3/20/86 p6,
H 3/21/86 p6, H 3/24/86 p6,
H 3/19/86 p6
Nytvedt, Ruth Bennett, H 4/3/86
p6, H 4/4/86 p6, H 4/7/86 p6,
H 4/2/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
O'Brien, Viola F, H 7/17/86 p6, H
7/18/86 p6, H 7/21/86 p6, H
7/16/86 p6
O'Donohue, Eileen A, H 2/19/86
p6, H 2/18/86 p6
O'Dwyer, Irma [Seewald], H
11/4/86 p6, H 11/6/86 p6, H
11/3/86 p6
O'Loane, Edrena L. [Bonitz], H
8/21/86 p6, H 8/22/86 p6, H
8/23/86 p6, H 8/25/86 p6, H
8/26/86 p6, H 8/20/86 p6
O'Malley, Helen, H 10/25/86 p6,
H 10/23/86 p6
O'Rourke, Joseph P, H 10/23/86
p6, H 10/24/86 p6, H
10/27/86 p6, H 10/22/86 p6
O'Rourke, Richard John, H
2/26/86 p6, H 2/24/86 p6
O'Toole, Mary Agnes
[Toweyroddy], H 12/31/86
p6, H 12/29/86 p6
Oakes, Cora [Sampson], H
2/19/86 p6, H 2/21/86 p6, H
2/20/86 p6
Oakes, Lester T. "Ted," H
7/16/86 p6, H 7/17/86 p6, H
7/19/86 p6, H 7/15/86 p6
Oberg, Carl T, H 3/5/86 p6, H
3/7/86 p6, H 3/4/86 p6
Obringer, Richard F, H 12/3/86
p6, H 12/1/86 p6
Ogden, Faith N, H 9/11/86 p6
Olive, Karen C. [Gerbert], H
11/25/86 p6, H 11/28/86 p6,
H 11/24/86 p6
Oliverson, Elin F. [Eagerstrom], H
10/4/86 p6, H 10/2/86 p6
Oller, Mary Froehlich, H 3/5/86
p6, H 3/7/86 p6, H 3/4/86 p6
Olmstead, Dorothy, H 12/3/86 p6,
H 12/1/86 p6
Olmstead, Hazel [Butler], H
2/3/86 p6
Olmstead, Hazel Butler, H
1/31/86 p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Oltmann, Hans H, H 6/19/86 p6,
H 6/17/86 p6
Onaitis, Clement P, H 10/31/86
p6, H 10/29/86 p6
Onaitis, Ethel Rauscher "Daisy,"
H 6/30/86 p6
Oravez, Nellie Bibby, H 8/22/86
p6, H 8/25/86 p6, H 7/10/86
p6, H 7/11/86 p6, H 7/14/86
p6, H 8/21/86 p6
Orlins, Max, H 11/8/86 p6, H
11/11/86 p6
Orr, Russell A. Jr, H 11/13/86 p6
Osad, Alexander, H 2/6/86 p6, H
2/8/86 p6, H 2/5/86 p6
Osborn, Emma, H 6/14/86 p6, H
6/12/86 p6
Osvay, Elsie Zackrison, H
5/19/86 p6, H 5/16/86 p6
Overton, Willis F, H 5/16/86 p6, H
5/19/86 p6, H 5/15/86 p6
Paladino, Phyllis [Mocciola], H
6/9/86 p6, H 6/7/86 p6, H
6/11/86 p6
Palmer, Benjamin, H 4/3/86 p6, H
4/1/86 p6, H 3/31/86 p6
Palmer, Frank T. Jr, H 11/5/86
p6, H 11/7/86 p6, H 11/4/86
Palmer, Richard A, H 3/1/86 p6,
H 2/27/86 p6, H 2/26/86 p6
Palumbo, Emily A, H 10/20/86
p6, H 10/17/86 p6
Papageorge, Fanny, H 1/28/86
p6, H 1/30/86 p6, H 1/27/86
Parady, Alton W, H 9/9/86 p6, H
9/8/86 p6, H 9/11/86 p6
Parisi, Philip A. Sr, H 1/16/86 p6,
H 1/18/86 p6, H 1/15/86 p6
Parker, Robert B, H 2/11/86 p6
Parker, Veronica [Hyatt] "Vera,"
H 11/11/86 p6, H 11/13/86
p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Parks, George M, H 3/28/86 p6
Parrillo, Marie V, H 7/1/86 p6, H
6/28/86 p6, H 6/27/86 p6
Parris, Louise Emma [Clarke], H
6/20/86 p6, H 6/23/86 p6, H
6/19/86 p6
Pascarelli, Robert C, H 11/19/86
p6, H 11/17/86 [photo] p6
Paschal, Mother Mary Carton, H
10/2/86 [photo] p6
Pasko, Eva [Vadas], H 1/20/86 p6
Pastore, Angelo, H 4/29/86 p6, H
4/28/86 p6
Patalano, Maria Giovanni, H
7/24/86 p6, H 7/22/86 p6
Patterson, James D, H 4/22/86
p6, H 4/24/86 p6, H 4/21/86
Paulding, Janet Priscilla [Taylor],
H 8/9/86 p6, H 8/12/86 p6
Payne, Augusta Bell [Kasey], H
2/12/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Pazik, Katherine Stockmal, H
6/11/86 p6, H 6/13/86 p6, H
6/10/86 p6
Pearson, Anna [Olson], H
11/11/86 p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Peburn, Joseph Dominick, H
8/1/86 p6, H 9/16/86 p6, H
9/18/86 p6, H 9/16/86 p6, H
7/30/86 p6, H 9/15/86 p6
Peck, Henrietta Farnham, H
10/20/86 p6
Pemble, Josephine Gifford, H
7/18/86 p6
Penachio, Thomas A, H 6/14/86
p6, H 6/12/86 p6
Pennington, Evelyn J. [Sharrett],
H 12/16/86 p6, H 12/18/86
p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Pennington, Jefferis M. III, H
7/21/86 p6, H 7/23/86 p6, H
7/19/86 p6
Pennoyer, Louis, H 10/24/86 p6,
H 10/22/86 p6
Pepe, A. Carmine, H 5/23/86 p6
Perrow, Barbara Ellrich, H
12/17/86 p6, H 12/19/86 p6,
H 12/16/86 p6
Perry, George M, H 2/19/86 p6, H
2/18/86 p6
Perzley, Elaine Kilberg, H 1/8/86
p6, H 1/10/86 p6
Pesak, John Thomas Jr, H
12/20/86 p6, H 12/24/86 p6,
H 12/26/86 p6, H 12/29/86
p6, H 12/18/86 p6
Peterson, Thomas S, H 1/31/86
Petrillo, Cesar R, H 2/15/86 p6
Phillips, Dana L, H 9/3/86 p6, H
9/5/86 p6, H 9/2/86 p6
Pia, Michelina, H 12/30/86 p6
Picard, Lonney R, H 1/30/86 p6
Pimbell, Helen M. [Santella], H
4/7/86 p6, H 4/4/86 p6
Pini, Albin L, H 6/21/86 p6, H
6/19/86 p6
Pivarnik, William J, H 11/1/86 p6,
H 10/30/86 p6
Pizzano, Edna L. [Dornheimer], H
2/25/86 p6, H 2/26/86 p6, H
2/28/86 p6, H 2/24/86 p6
Pleister, Mae [Burkhart], H
1/21/86 p6, H 1/20/86 p6
Pochna, Stabin, H 8/2/86 p6, H
7/31/86 p6, H 7/30/86 p6
Polifroni, Nicholas, H 8/22/86 p6
Pollak, Helen [Lesko], H 10/2/86
p6, H 9/30/86 p6
Poltrek, Anna E. [Smith], H
6/7/86 p6, H 6/4/86 p6
Port, Dorothy Divine, H 4/28/86
p6, H 4/26/86 p6
Porter, Annette C. Barrett
[Brown], H 7/8/86 p6, H
7/5/86 p6
Potter, Eva May, H 9/4/86 p6, H
9/2/86 p6, H 8/30/86 p6
Potter, Jenny, H 5/12/86 p6
Potter, Mabel Gray [Pedder], H
7/7/86 p6, H 7/8/86 p6, H
7/9/86 p6, H 7/5/86 p6, H
7/11/86 p6
Powe, Elsie T, H 8/22/86 p6, H
8/25/86 p6, H 8/21/86 p6
Powell, Margaretta W, H 3/6/86
p6, H 3/7/86 p6, H 3/5/86 p6,
H 3/10/86 p6
Powell, Sallie A, H 7/29/86 p6, H
7/31/86 p6, H 7/28/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Powers, Stevens H, H 11/21/86
Preble, Howard W, H 8/25/86 p6
Price, Ila Lockard, H 11/8/86 p6,
H 11/5/86 p6
Princz, Margit B, H 4/24/86 p6, H
4/26/86 p6, H 4/23/86 p6
Provenzano, John R, H 4/8/86
p6, H 4/5/86 p6
Prycodzien, Ignace, H 10/9/86
p6, H 10/7/86 p6
Punzelt, George Jr, H 1/14/86 p6,
H 1/13/86 p6
Purdie, Julius Earl, H 6/25/86 p6,
H 6/27/86 p6, H 6/24/86 p6
Pustari, Bertha [Sterc], H 5/8/86
p6, H 5/10/86 p6
Quick, Ida [McMurphy], H 1/14/86
p6, H 1/16/86 p6, H 1/13/86
Quinn, Ellen E, H 4/3/86 p6, H
4/4/86 p6, H 4/7/86 p6, H
4/2/86 p6, H 3/17/86 p6, H
3/19/86 p6, H 3/15/86 p6
Quint, Edna Gerstein, H 5/3/86
p6, H 5/2/86 p6
Raab, Angela O. [Bullinger], H
4/17/86 p6
Rabinowitz, Jean, H 11/12/86 p6
Rader, Earline R. [Young], H
5/7/86 p6
Raggio, Anna [Adamo], H 3/4/86
p6, H 3/6/86 p6, H 3/3/86 p6
Ramirez, Ramon A, H 12/26/86
p6, H 12/27/86 p6, H
12/29/86 p6, H 12/24/86 p6
Ramsay, Robert, H 5/3/86 p6
Rappaport, Belle [Rosen], H
6/14/86 p6, H 6/16/86 p6, H
6/13/86 p6
Rasch, Jonathan Matthew, H
6/28/86 p6, H 6/30/86 p6, H
6/27/86 p6
Rawles, Bernette Verna Bacon,
H 7/1/86 p6, H 6/27/86 p6, H
6/28/86 p6, H 6/26/86 [photo]
Rawles, Louis Clifton, H 1/28/86
p6, H 1/30/86 p6, H 1/27/86
Ray, Reginald W. Sr, H 5/21/86
p6, H 5/23/86 p6, H 5/27/86
p6, H 5/20/86 p6
Raymond, John, H 2/1/86 p6, H
1/31/86 p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Raymond, Tina M, H 5/6/86 p6, H
4/29/86 p6
Reardon, Lillian O. [Dominick], H
2/24/86 p6, H 2/27/86 p6, H
2/25/86 p6
Reasoner, Kathleen Carroll, H
10/18/86 p6, H 10/20/86 p6,
H 10/22/86 p6, H 10/17/86 p6
Regan, William F, H 4/10/86 p6
Remson, Vincent H. Sr, H
4/19/86 p6, H 4/22/86 p6, H
4/18/86 p6
Renken, Ralph E, H 5/7/86 p6, H
5/5/86 p6
Renton, C. Elwood, H 3/22/86 p6,
H 3/25/86 p6, H 3/21/86 p6
Resnick, Lenore [Popkin], H
9/25/86 p6, H 9/27/86 p6
Reyes, Jay, H 10/23/86 p6, H
10/24/86 p6, H 10/27/86 p6,
H 10/22/86 p6
Reynolds, Calvin E, H 7/22/86
p6, H 7/23/86 p6, H 7/25/86
p6, H 7/21/86 p6
Reynolds, Georgiana J.
[Skinner], H 12/17/86 p6, H
12/19/86 p6, H 12/16/86 p6
Riccoboni, Lloyd J, H 7/9/86 p6,
H 7/11/86 p6, H 7/10/86 p6
Rice, James W, H 6/27/86 p6
Rich, Florence L, H 12/22/86 p6
Richards, Barbara Tyler, H
2/28/86 p6
Richardson, Clinton, H 1/22/86
p6, H 1/24/86 p6, H 1/21/86
Richmond, Viola R. [Baker], H
4/1/86 p6, H 4/3/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6
Richter, Emily [Fruhauf], H
4/17/86 p6, H 4/16/86 p6
Rick, Julius J, H 12/11/86 p6, H
12/13/86 p6, H 12/10/86 p6
Rickel, John Howard, H 4/1/86
p6, H 3/29/86 p6, H 3/28/86
Rickert, Catherine M, H 9/27/86
p6, H 9/25/86 p6
Ridolfi, Augusta C. [Esposti], H
7/12/86 p6, H 7/10/86 p6
Rilling, Catherine [Kelley], H
8/9/86 p6, H 8/12/86 p6
Ring, Annice [Ellis], H 3/1/86 p6
Riss, Milton J, H 5/7/86 p6
Risteen, Richard J, H 10/22/86
p6, H 10/20/86 p6
Ritz, Anna [Popp], H 7/8/86 p6
Ritz, Henry O, H 1/25/86 p6
Ritzo, Anthony E, H 8/22/86 p6,
H 8/25/86 p6, H 8/21/86 p6
Rivkind, Mildred [Beges], H
4/10/86 p6
Roach, Ruby Kathleen, H 5/8/86
p6, H 5/5/86 p6
Robinson, Herbert S, H 12/12/86
Robinson, Vivien F. [Bullard], H
11/13/86 p6, H 11/12/86 p6
Roca, Louis, H 3/4/86 p6, H
3/6/86 p6, H 3/3/86 p6
Romano, Pasquale L. "Pat," H
10/1/86 p6, H 9/29/86 p6
Romanos, Betty Clark, H
11/20/86 p6, H 11/22/86 p6,
H 11/19/86 p6
Romeo, Benjamin A. Sr, H
4/22/86 p6, H 4/24/86 p6, H
4/21/86 p6
Rose, Bessie, H 2/27/86 p6
Rosen, Helen, H 8/11/86 p6
Rosen, William I, H 5/29/86 p6, H
5/27/86 p6
Rosenau, Ernest V, H 5/28/86 p6,
H 5/30/86 p6, H 5/27/86 p6
Rosenfeld, Joseph, H 5/15/86 p6,
H 5/13/86 p6
Rosenthal, Lee [Parnes], H
6/28/86 p6
Rosenthal, Suzzane, H 2/24/86
p6, H 2/22/86 p6
Rossi, Boniface E, H 11/24/86
p6, H 11/21/86 p6, H
11/20/86 p6
Rouan, Florence G. [Petty], H
11/12/86 p6, H 11/10/86 p6
Rover, Catherine
[O'Shaughnessy], H 7/11/86
Roy, Lucien, H 2/11/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Royle, Leon E, H 4/5/86 p6, H
4/8/86 p6, H 4/4/86 p6
Rozic, Virginia C. [Weed], H
2/12/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Runyon, Leafy Hicks, H 1/21/86
p6, H 1/20/86 p6
Ruscello, Sarina Truglia, H
9/17/86 p6, H 9/15/86 p6
Ryan, Read H, H 6/26/86 p6, H
6/28/86 p6, H 6/25/86 p6
Sabilia, Mary [Coffey], H 7/23/86
p6, H 7/21/86 p6
Sacrider, Robert C, H 12/29/86 p6
Salvato, John, H 3/1/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6, H 2/26/86 p6
Salzer, Mae V. [Glignor], H 2/6/86
p6, H 2/7/86 p6, H 2/4/86 p6
Sanders, Clara B. [Northrup], H
5/13/86 p6, H 5/15/86 p6, H
5/12/86 p6
Sanderson, William L, H 8/23/86
p6, H 8/25/86 p6, H 8/27/86
p6, H 8/22/86 p6
Sanik, Xenia, H 7/28/86 p6
Santaniello, Andrew J., H 3/17/86
p6, H 3/18/86 [photo] p1+
Santopietro, Frederick A. Sr, H
10/18/86 p6, H 10/17/86 p6
Sargent, Margaret Wakeman, H
6/24/86 p6, H 6/21/86 p6
Sargoi, Cecilia Krimski, H 7/23/86
Sarno, Albert, H 1/7/86 p6, H
1/9/86 p6, H 1/6/86 p6
Sassano, Laura [Metera], H
3/8/86 p6, H 3/11/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Sauer, Frances L. [Jarvis], H
5/29/86 p6, H 5/31/86 p6, H
5/28/86 p6
Saunders, Clifford H, H 10/24/86
Saunders, Rev. Austin R, H
5/3/86 p6, H 5/1/86 p6
Savage, Thomas J. Jr, H 6/2/86
p6, H 5/30/86 p6, H 5/29/86
Savitt, Dorothy, H 6/23/86 p6, H
6/25/86 p6, H 6/21/86 p6
Sayre, Alvin G, H 10/2/86 p6
Scarpello, Frank Sr, H 3/4/86 p6,
H 3/1/86 p6
Schanz, James C, H 7/8/86 p6, H
7/10/86 p6
Scharette, Elmer, H 2/1/86 p6, H
1/30/86 p6
Schede, Mary [Holland], H
7/24/86 p6, H 7/26/86 p6, H
7/23/86 p6
Scheidt, Charles A, H 3/22/86 p6,
H 3/20/86 p6
Scherpf, Joy [Streicher], H
4/21/86 p6, H 4/22/86 p6, H
4/24/86 p6, H 4/19/86 p6
Schick, Barbara A, H 4/3/86 p6,
H 4/5/86 p6, H 4/2/86 p6
Schiro, Fortunato "Fred," H
12/27/86 p6, H 12/23/86 p6
Schliesman, Dr. Paul J, H
7/15/86 p6, H 7/17/86 p6, H
7/14/86 p6
Schlubach, Corinda Ann
[Johnson], H 12/22/86 p6, H
12/19/86 p6
Schmidt, George H, H 6/4/86 p6,
H 6/5/86 p6, H 6/7/86 p6, H
6/3/86 p6, H 6/14/86 p6
Schneider, Lois [Tompkins], H
6/18/86 p6, H 6/19/86 p6, H
6/21/86 p6, H 6/17/86 p6
Schueler, Martin, H 4/29/86 p6, H
4/26/86 p6
Schuette, William H, H 6/7/86 p6
Schule, Mary M. [Johnson], H
8/29/86 p6, H 8/27/86 p6
Schumacher, Doris L, H 2/8/86 p6
Schumacher, Emma [Dick], H
1/24/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p6
Schutte, William T, H 2/8/86 p6,
H 2/6/86 p6
Schwab, Lillian H. [Kenealy], H
6/9/86 p6, H 6/11/86 p6
Schwader, Blanche [Thorquist], H
9/9/86 p6, H 9/12/86 p6, H
9/10/86 p6
Scire, Millie L, H 5/9/86 p6, H
5/13/86 p6, H 5/10/86 p6
Scofield, Louise V, H 8/6/86 p6,
H 8/4/86 p6
Scofield, Raymond Hoyt, H
6/25/86 p6, H 6/27/86 p6, H
6/30/86 p6, H 6/24/86 p6
Scott, Margaret Rodgers, H
2/20/86 p6, H 2/18/86 p6
Sead, Carlis, H 11/6/86 p6, H
11/8/86 p6, H 11/5/86 p6
Searles, Alberta [Mandel], H
7/14/86 p6, H 7/11/86 p6
Secchi, Theresa, H 9/9/86 p6, H
9/6/86 p6
Seegull, Marvin, H 7/19/86 p6, H
7/18/86 p6
Self, Charles L. Jr, H 12/9/86 p6,
H 12/5/86 p6
Sestito, Concetta Pensiero, H
11/4/86 p6, H 11/1/86 p6
Setapen, Mary, H 9/26/86 p6, H
9/29/86 p6, H 9/25/86 p6
Seymour, Russell L, H 6/12/86
p6, H 6/11/86 p6
Shahheim, Helen S, H 7/26/86
p6, H 7/24/86 p6
Shattuck, Corrinne Bolduc, H
6/18/86 p6
Shaughnessy, Catherine, H
7/16/86 p6, H 7/18/86 p6, H
7/15/86 p6
Shaughnessy, Mary Quirk, H
10/3/86 p6, H 9/30/86 p6, H
10/1/86 p6
Shea, Irene A. [Pommeret], H
4/24/86 p6
Shea, Shirley Russell, H 7/12/86
p6, H 7/15/86 p6, H 7/11/86
Sheedy, Michael F, H 3/4/86 p6,
H 3/1/86 p6, H 2/28/86 p6
Sheehan, Irene Anna, H 5/21/86
Shelton, Evelyn B. Walker, H
10/8/86 p6, H 10/7/86 p6, H
10/10/86 p6
Sheridan, Sally [Conniff], H
9/6/86 p6, H 9/4/86 p6
Sherwood, Virginia Bisgood, H
8/25/86 p6, H 8/27/86 p6, H
8/23/86 p6
Shilepsky, Julia Lepofsky, H
2/5/86 p6, H 2/3/86 p6
Shumyhora, Elizabeth Benko, H
8/5/86 p6, H 8/2/86 p6
Sideleau, Paul N. Sr, H 5/21/86
p6, H 5/19/86 p6
Sifo, Ted G, H 7/23/86 p6, H
7/21/86 p6
Silk, Elsie L, H 12/2/86 p6, H
12/4/86 p6, H 12/1/86 p6
Silver, John T, H 12/3/86 p6, H
12/1/86 p6, H 11/29/86 p6
Silverman, Donald R, H 12/17/86
p6, H 12/15/86 p6
Simmons, Frederick J. Sr, H
11/26/86 p6, H 11/28/86 p6,
H 11/25/86 p6
Simmons, James H, H 3/17/86
p6, H 3/18/86 p6, H 3/15/86
Simmons, Sallie Bailey, H
4/25/86 p6, H 4/26/86 p6, H
4/24/86 p6
Simoni, Mary Bell E. [McTeigue],
H 10/18/86 p6, H 10/20/86
p6, H 10/22/86 p6, H
10/17/86 p6
Singer, Sylvia [Shilepsky], H
3/21/86 p6, H 3/19/86 p6
Skidd, Walter A, H 10/28/86 p6,
H 10/30/86 p6, H 10/27/86 p6
Skinner, Jane Rankin, H 8/16/86
Slapin, Cecilia [Miller], H
12/27/86 p6, H 12/26/86 p6
Smeriglio, David P. "Pop," H
5/22/86 p6, H 5/24/86 p6, H
5/21/86 p6
Smick, Dorothy Hyatt, H 9/30/86
p6, H 9/29/86 p6
Smith, Beana Doby, H 12/1/86
p6, H 11/26/86 p6, H
11/28/86 p6, H 11/25/86 p6
Smith, Ethel Tobey, H 1/14/86
p6, H 1/13/86 p6
Smith, Evelyn [Taylor], H 4/15/86
p6, H 4/12/86 p6
Smith, Jeannette F, H 11/1/86
p6, H 10/30/86 p6, H
10/29/86 p6
Smith, M. Genevieve, H 1/3/86
p6, H 1/6/86 p6, H 1/2/86 p6
Smith, Mildred [Hubbell], H
1/18/86 p6, H 1/15/86 p6
Smith, Natalie R. [Dugan], H
1/29/86 p6, H 1/27/86 p6
Smith, Sandra [Costantino], H
1/22/86 p6, H 1/24/86 p6, H
1/21/86 p6
Smith, Stephen W, H 3/7/86 p6,
H 3/8/86 p6, H 3/6/86 p6, H
3/10/86 p6
Smith, Wilbur Kenneth Sr, H
8/7/86 p6
Smith, Winthrop Earl, H 7/19/86
p6, H 7/22/86 p6, H 7/18/86
Smolen, Dan J, H 4/3/86 p6, H
4/2/86 p6
Sniegon, Tracy M, H 11/5/86 p6,
H 11/3/86 p6
Sniffen, John Harvey, H 7/24/86
p6, H 7/26/86 p6, H 7/23/86
Soderstrom, Dorothy
[MacGregor], H 3/1/86 p6, H
2/27/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Sokoloff, Louis, H 4/24/86 p6, H
4/23/86 p6
Soltes, Edward E, H 12/31/86 p6,
H 12/30/86 p6
Soos, Charles, H 11/18/86 p6, H
11/20/86 p6, H 11/17/86 p6
Soper, Donald F, H 2/27/86 p6, H
2/28/86 [photo] p6
Soper, F. Donald, H 3/3/86 p6
Sotire, Mary [Nelson], H 10/16/86
Soyak, Rose Klestine, H 5/7/86
p6, H 5/5/86 p6
Spagnuolo, Mario, H 9/29/86 p6,
H 10/1/86 p6
Sperduti, Lorraine Camilla
[Verna], H 10/29/86 p6, H
10/27/86 p6
Spino, Marguerite [Chariott], H
12/31/86 p6, H 12/29/86 p6
Spinola, Frances E. [Shelley], H
8/21/86 p6, H 8/19/86 p6
Spurlock, Bertha Pauline, H
4/7/86 p6, H 4/4/86 p6
Squibb, Doris [Talbot], H 2/7/86
p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Stabell, Paul Anton, H 12/1/86
p6, H 12/4/86 p6, H 12/2/86
Staff, Jack Lee, H 8/21/86 p6, H
8/23/86 p6, H 8/20/86 p6
Stagnetta, Michael, H 9/22/86 p6,
H 9/19/86 p6
Stankey, Anna Lango, H 4/22/86
Staub, Helen Burwell, H 3/17/86
p6, H 3/19/86 p6, H 3/15/86
Staudinger, James P, H 6/27/86
p6, H 6/25/86 p6
Staudinger, Una [Houston], H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/10/86 p6
Stelmack, Lenore "Lee," H
2/15/86 p6, H 2/18/86 p6, H
2/14/86 p6
Stewart, Dorothy, H 1/2/86 p6
Stewart, Thomas Oswald, H
9/9/86 p6, H 9/11/86 p6
Stiven, Valerie, H 10/7/86 p6, H
10/4/86 p6
Stockwell, Douglas Gordon, H
2/12/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Stone, Noris J, H 3/7/86 p6, H
3/10/86 p6
Stowbridge, John James, H
4/29/86 p6, H 4/25/86 p6
Straker-Smalls, Ruby Alford, H
8/1/86 p6, H 7/31/86 p6
Straniti, Salvatore Sr, H 2/8/86
p6, H 2/7/86 p6, H 2/11/86 p6
Strate, Joseph A, H 6/27/86 p6,
H 6/25/86 p6
Strickland, Lawrence Joseph, H
10/1/86 p6
Strickland, Wallie A, H 7/11/86
p6, H 7/14/86 p6, H 7/10/86
Suech, Mary Elizabeth, H 3/13/86
p6, H 3/11/86 p6
Sullivan, Mary W, H 6/2/86 p6, H
5/30/86 p6, H 5/29/86 p6
Supak, Harry, H 4/18/86 p6, H
4/16/86 p6
Sussman, F. Richard, H 7/29/86
p6, H 7/28/86 p6
Swan, Barbara Mary
[Stevenson], H 5/15/86 p6, H
5/13/86 p6
Swan, Bertha, H 10/3/86 p6, H
10/6/86 p6, H 10/2/86 p6
Swan, Hermanus Jr, H 1/27/86
p6, H 1/29/86 p6, H 1/25/86
Swanson, Harry E, H 2/13/86 p6,
H 2/15/86 p6, H 2/12/86 p6
Sweeting John J, H 5/28/86 p6, H
5/27/86 p6
Swenson, Roy S, H 6/26/86 p6, H
6/24/86 p6
Swift, Edward A, H 5/23/86 p6, H
5/27/86 p6, H 5/22/86 p6
Sylvester, Peter, H 11/19/86 p6
Tabb, Annie Mae [O'Neal], H
7/2/86 p6, H 7/5/86 p6, H
7/1/86 p6
Taddeo, Frank, H 12/31/86 p6, H
12/29/86 p6
Tamucci, Joseph V, H 4/23/86
p6, H 4/25/86 p6, H 4/22/86
Tarr, Barbara Jane [Hayden], H
6/27/86 p6, H 6/30/86 p6, H
6/26/86 p6
Tavella, Evelyn A, H 5/8/86 p6
Taylor, Alvis Allen, H 4/21/86 p6,
H 4/18/86 p6
Taylor, Janet [Cole], H 1/23/86 p6
Teague, Alfreda E, H 8/8/86 p6,
H 8/11/86 p6
Teamer, Roosevelt, H 5/1/86 p6,
H 4/29/86 p6, H 4/28/86 p6
Teller, Elizabeth Treadwell, H
7/21/86 p6, H 7/19/86 p6
Testamark, Lesmore A, H 1/3/86
p6, H 1/6/86 p6, H 1/2/86 p6
Thomason, Philip, H 6/7/86 p6, H
6/5/86 p6
Thompson, Anna Marion
[Gannon], H 9/9/86 p6, H
9/6/86 p6
Thompson, Edna M, H 8/9/86 p6,
H 8/12/86 p6
Thompson, James, H 5/1/86 p6,
H 4/29/86 p6
Thompson, Wanda H.
[Dobrynski], H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/6/86 p6, H 2/3/86 p6
Thopsey, Clara, H 4/1/86 p6, H
3/29/86 p6
Thurber, Helen Wismer, H
12/24/86 p6
Tingets, Gordon, H 5/9/86 p6, H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/12/86 p6
Tiska, Thomas Anthony, H
12/1/86 p6, H 11/28/86 p6, H
11/26/86 p6
Titley, Dorothy Billings, H 3/25/86
p6, H 3/27/86 p6, H 3/24/86
Tito, Ernest J, H 5/14/86 p6, H
5/16/86 p6, H 5/13/86 p6
Tomea, Gilda Lucchesi, H
5/17/86 p6, H 5/20/86 p6, H
5/16/86 p6
Tortorella, Frank, H 5/6/86 p6, H
5/8/86 p6, H 5/5/86 p6
Trani, John A, H 11/17/86 p6
Traub, Anne O. [Heilker], H
9/2/86 p6
Traub, Sylvan, H 8/19/86 p6
Treece, Staci Nicole, H 7/1/86 p6
Troiano, Harold R, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/10/86 p6
Trombitas, Margaret Skuba, H
3/26/86 p6, H 3/28/86 p6, H
3/25/86 p6
Troy, Joseph A. Sr, H 6/20/86 p6,
H 6/23/86 p6, H 6/19/86 p6
Tucci, Angelo M, H 3/19/86 p6
Tuck, Charles Cyril, H 6/19/86
p6, H 6/21/86 p6, H 6/18/86
Tucker, Harriet B, H 1/3/86 p6
Tucker, Henry J, H 7/9/86 p6, H
7/8/86 p6, H 7/11/86 p6
Tucker, Mack M, H 10/15/86 p6,
H 10/17/86 p6, H 10/14/86 p6
Tulgan, Rae Gross, H 3/18/86
p6, H 3/17/86 p6
Turner, Kathryn E. Hopkins, H
12/30/86 p6, H 12/29/86 p6
Turner, Quincy, H 12/30/86 p6, H
12/29/86 p6
Tuttle, Agnes M. [Robertson], H
11/19/86 p6, H 11/18/86 p6
Tyler, Walter H. Jr, H 3/12/86 p6,
H 3/10/86 p6
Ujhely, Stephen J, H 4/2/86 p6, H
4/4/86 p6, H 4/1/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6
Underhill, Frank C, H 1/29/86 p6,
H 1/27/86 p6
Urban, Stephen, H 2/4/86 p6, H
2/1/86 p6
Usher, Nora [Greely], H 12/20/86
p6, H 12/18/86 p6
Vaccaro, Agnes [Damaro], H
7/1/86 p6, H 6/28/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Valiante, Michael, H 10/22/86 p6,
H 10/24/86 p6, H 10/21/86 p6
Vallendor, Henry, H 9/19/86 p6,
H 9/17/86 p6
Valoff, Samuel E. Sr, H 1/21/86
p6, H 1/18/86 p6
Van Staagan, Eleanor Rich, H
12/20/86 p6, H 12/26/86 p6,
H 12/27/86 p6, H 12/19/86 p6
Vance, Sally Corell, H 9/6/86 p6,
H 9/4/86 p6
Vanech, Steven T, H 9/25/86 p6,
H 9/23/86 p6
Vargo, Elza Kolbay, H 5/1/86 p6,
H 4/29/86 p6, H 4/28/86 p6
Vargo, Louis A, H 12/17/86 p6, H
12/19/86 p6, H 12/16/86 p6
Vatelle, Josephine [Tortorella], H
9/17/86 p6, H 9/19/86 p6, H
9/16/86 p6
Vaughan, Charles F, H 11/1/86
p6, H 11/4/86 p6, H 11/3/86
Vavrek, Barbara M. [Varanal], H
11/1/86 p6, H 11/4/86 p6, H
10/31/86 p6, H 10/30/86 p6
Vavrek, Stephen J. Jr, H 10/2/86
p6, H 9/29/86 p6, H 9/30/86
p6, H 10/2/86 p6
Veach, Harriet, H 1/7/86 p6, H
1/9/86 p6, H 1/6/86 p6
Velesbir, Jean Katherine
[Vandusen], H 2/25/86 p6, H
2/22/86 p6
Venezia, Emily, H 12/15/86 p6, H
12/17/86 p6, H 12/13/86 p6
Vento, Frank J, H 12/2/86 p6
Ventres, Ada Hoyt, H 8/12/86 p6,
H 8/11/86 p6
Vey, Richard August, H 12/1/86
p6, H 11/25/86 p6, H
11/28/86 p6, H 11/29/86 p6,
H 11/24/86 p6
Villafane, Juan Jose, H 8/19/86
p6, H 8/20/86 p6, H 8/22/86
p6, H 8/18/86 p6
Vincent, Dorothy, H 4/25/86 p6, H
4/26/86 p6, H 4/28/86 p6, H
4/24/86 p6
Vingo, Joseph Edward Sr, H
4/15/86 p6, H 4/17/86 p6, H
4/14/86 p6
Virgulak, Margaret [Fedor], H
4/3/86 p6, H 4/1/86 p6, H
3/31/86 p6
Vitale, John A. Sr, H 4/1/86 p6, H
3/29/86 p6, H 3/28/86 p6
Vitti, Ralph V. Jr, H 10/22/86 p6,
H 10/24/86 p6, H 10/21/86 p6
Vona, Riccardo, H 2/3/86 p6, H
1/31/86 p6, H 1/30/86 p6
Wade, John D, H 3/20/86 p6, H
3/22/86 p6, H 3/19/86 p6
Wagner, Irene, H 5/1/86 p6
Walker, Charles F. Jr, H 7/5/86
p6, H 7/8/86 p6, H 7/3/86 p6
Walker, Clemmie, H 7/26/86 p6,
H 7/29/86 p6, H 7/25/86 p6
Walker, Ethel Edwards, H
11/5/86 p6, H 11/7/86 p6, H
11/4/86 p6
Walker, James B, H 4/25/86 p6,
H 4/28/86 p6, H 4/24/86 p6
Walker, Katherine [Pinson], H
10/15/86 p6, H 10/16/86 p6,
H 10/18/86 p6, H 10/14/86 p6
Wallace, Neal J, H 1/30/86 p6, H
1/28/86 p6
Walling, Chester R, H 8/9/86 p6,
H 8/12/86 p6
Ward, Joanne Judge, H 12/17/86
p6, H 12/18/86 p6, H
12/19/86 p6, H 12/22/86 p6,
H 12/16/86 p6
Ward, Lillian Cogswell, H 7/9/86
p6, H 7/11/86 p6, H 7/14/86
p6, H 7/10/86 p6
Wargo, Adele [Silvermann], H
1/25/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p6
Warjenski, Vincent A, H 2/4/86
p6, H 2/1/86 p6
Warren, Fannie [Farrington], H
1/21/86 p6, H 1/23/86 p6, H
1/20/86 p6
Warren, Joseph, H 10/10/86 p6
Wasco, Frank J, H 2/20/86 p6, H
2/18/86 p6
Washington, Brutus Jr, H 3/26/86
p6, H 3/27/86 p6, H 3/28/86
p6, H 3/31/86 p6, H 3/25/86
Washington, Leroy, H 6/13/86 p6,
H 6/11/86 p6
Wasilko, Frank T, H 5/24/86 p6,
H 5/22/86 p6
Waterhouse, Ottilia [Artman], H
11/25/86 p6, H 11/28/86 p6,
H 11/24/86 p6
Webb, Robert C, H 10/15/86 p6,
H 10/17/86 p6, H 10/18/86
p6, H 10/14/86 p6
Weed, Robert Franklin, H 3/19/86
p6, H 3/20/86 p6, H 3/21/86
p6, H 3/24/86 p6, H 3/18/86
Weed, Ruth Budd, H 3/24/86 p6,
H 3/26/86 p6, H 3/22/86 p6
Wells, Evadne [Young], H
2/11/86 p6
Wennik, Edith Liebman, H
8/16/86 p6, H 8/18/86 p6, H
8/15/86 p6
Werme, Lois Marsh, H 5/9/86 p6,
H 5/8/86 p6, H 5/12/86 p6
West, Brian James, H 11/13/86
p6, H 11/11/86 p6
Westhelle, Theodore F, H 1/3/86
p6, H 1/17/86 p6, H 1/20/86
p6, H 1/16/86 p6
Whaley, Rita [Casavecchi], H
4/22/86 p6, H 4/19/86 p6
White, Frederick E, H 4/22/86 p6,
H 4/23/86 p6, H 4/25/86 p6,
H 4/21/86 p6
Whittaker, Emily [Muldoon], H
3/13/86 p6, H 3/15/86 p6, H
3/12/86 p6
Whitten, Lesley Anne, H 5/8/86
p6, H 5/7/86 p6, H 5/10/86 p6
Whone, Benjamin H, H 6/5/86 p6,
H 6/6/86 p6, H 6/9/86 p6, H
6/4/86 p6
Whone, Lester R, H 8/6/86 p6, H
8/8/86 p6, H 8/5/86 p6
Wiegand, Otto F, H 11/15/86 p6
Wiley, Francis A, H 10/18/86 p6,
H 10/20/86 p6, H 10/17/86 p6
Wilk, Sophie P, H 10/4/86 p6, H
10/2/86 p6
Wilker, Samuel, H 6/5/86 p6, H
6/6/86 p6, H 6/7/86 p6, H
6/9/86 p6, H 6/4/86 p6
Williams, Albert Jr, H 1/4/86 p6,
H 1/2/86 p6
Williams, Anthony, H 4/16/86 p6,
H 4/15/86 p6
Williams, Brigida Marucci, H
12/31/86 p6
Williams, Charlotte, H 5/3/86 p6,
H 5/1/86 p6, H 4/30/86 p6
Williams, Daniel, H 11/20/86 p6,
H 11/21/86 p6, H 11/24/86
p6, H 11/19/86 p6
Williams, Dorothy [Gordon], H
4/9/86 p6, H 4/7/86 p6
Williams, Katherine [Sullivan], H
6/9/86 p6, H 6/12/86 p6, H
6/10/86 p6
Williams, Kenneth R, H 9/3/86
p6, H 8/30/86 p6, H 8/29/86
Williams, Mark Allen, H 8/19/86
Williams, Paul F, H 5/28/86 p6
Williams, Stella L. [Bendict], H
1/15/86 p6, H 1/13/86 p6
Willis, Beatrice Gay, H 3/24/86
p6, H 3/26/86 p6, H 3/27/86
p6, H 3/22/86 p6
Willmott, Jeanette, H 4/7/86 p6, H
4/9/86 p6, H 4/5/86 p6
Willoughby, Louise Hughes, H
7/3/86 p6, H 7/1/86 p6, H
6/30/86 p6
Wilson, Vera Jane, H 1/7/86 p6,
H 1/4/86 p6
Winter, Harold E, H 11/4/86 p6, H
11/1/86 p6, H 10/31/86 p6
January - December 1986
Obituaries (Continued)
Witte, Erna [Konejung], H 8/1/86
p6, H 7/29/86 p6, H 7/30/86
Wohlforth, Ernest E, H 2/8/86 p6,
H 2/12/86 p6, H 2/10/86 p6
Wolf, Albert, H 6/9/86 p6, H
6/10/86 p6
Wolff, Agnes M, H 5/19/86 p6, H
5/21/86 p6, H 5/17/86 p6
Wood, Hezekiah, H 12/20/86 p6,
H 12/29/86 p6, H 12/18/86 p6
Wood, Martha W, H 2/7/86 p6, H
2/5/86 p6, H 2/3/86 p6, H
2/4/86 [photo] p6
Woodall, Elsie, H 11/24/86 p6, H
11/26/86 p6, H 11/22/86 p6
Wortham, Harry Leigh, H 1/16/86
p6, H 1/17/86 p6, H 1/15/86
Wright, Eleanor A. [Carpenter], H
12/23/86 p6, H 12/26/86 p6,
H 12/22/86 p6
Wright, George Laun, H 4/8/86
p6, H 4/7/86 p6, H 4/10/86 p6
Yedwab, Natalie, H 12/5/86 p6, H
12/3/86 p6
Yeo, Edward J. Sr, H 5/23/86 p6
Yoczik, Thomas, H 6/24/86 p6, H
6/26/86 p6, H 6/23/86 p6
Yolles, Celia, H 6/2/86 p6
Yolles, Stanley, H 5/22/86 p6
Youmans, Aloysius J, H 8/1/86
p6, H 9/29/86 p6, H 9/27/86
p6, H 7/29/86 p6, H 7/30/86
p6, H 9/26/86 p6
Young, Everett W, H 6/14/86 p6,
H 6/12/86 p6
Young, Jean Sturges, H 9/9/86
p6, H 9/8/86 p6, H 9/11/86 p6
Young, Nettie, H 1/30/86 p6, H
1/29/86 p6
Young, Robert H, H 1/7/86 p6, H
1/9/86 p6, H 1/6/86 p6
Youngquist, Florence May
[Scribner], H 12/2/86 p6, H
11/29/86 p6
Youngs, James E, H 8/13/86 p6,
H 8/11/86 p6
Yuhas, Julia Margaret, H 2/26/86
Zabelle, Elsie, H 12/19/86 p6, H
12/20/86 p6, H 12/22/86 p6,
H 12/18/86 p6
Zaleski, Anna [Tarnowski], H
8/14/86 p6, H 8/15/86 p6, H
8/13/86 p6
Zangrillo, Mae, H 4/16/86 p6, H
4/14/86 p6
Zeidler, Donald W. Sr, H 2/18/86
p6, H 2/20/86 p6, H 2/21/86
p6, H 2/24/86 p6, H 2/19/86
Zelinsky, George, H 9/4/86 p6, H
9/3/86 p6, H 8/30/86 p6
Zelinsky, Melvina [Trowbridge], H
11/3/86 p6, H 11/6/86 p6, H
11/8/86 p6, H 10/31/86 p6
Zeoli, Jenny [Arena], H 3/3/86 p6,
H 2/27/86 p6
Zeoli, Mary [DeMarte], H 9/12/86
p6, H 9/15/86 p6, H 9/11/86
Ziem, Raymond F, H 8/7/86 p6, H
8/8/86 p6, H 8/6/86 p6, H
8/11/86 p6
Zlock, John, H 3/22/86 p6, H
3/25/86 p6, H 3/21/86 p6
Zwart, Gerrit H, H 11/18/86 p6, H
11/17/86 p6
Occidental Chemical Corp.
Occidental exploring and testing
new wells, H 12/23/86 p21
Partnership: Armand Hammer,
Arm and Hammer, H 9/30/86
Strictly Business, H 4/8/86 p23, H
6/10/86 p25+, H 12/16/86
Transplanted executives
transforming OxyChem
[photo], H 3/18/86 p25
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Strictly Business, H 10/14/86
p15, H 11/4/86 p13+
Och, Barbara
Och going to Seattle [photo], H
5/16/86 p36
Odell, Ray
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Police Blotter: Ammonia odor
reported, H 4/16/86 p8
Office leases
3rd tenant signs in at 200
Connecticut Ave. [photo], H
7/1/86 p29
All tenants renew leases and
landlord throws party [photo],
H 8/19/86 p15
Merrittview leasing activity
reflecting Norwalk's growth
[photo], H 10/21/86 p23
Office leasing cut in half in 2d
(sic) quarter, H 8/5/86 p23
Poll: Office space of quality in
area is found in demand, H
10/7/86 p21
Strictly Business, H 3/4/86 p24+
Office leases-Fairfield County
Analysts accurate in calling glut
of office space [photo], H
1/28/86 p22
Offshore Yachts
Norwalk ketch in tall ships
[photo], H 6/6/86 p45
Ogden House-Wilton
Daffodils herald spring's arrival, H
3/28/86 p9
Elderly celebrate at Ogden
House [photo], H 1/20/86 p9
Ogilvy, Steve
Ogilvy heads NE net rankings, H
3/25/86 p22
Oil spills-Norwalk
Officials seek source of oil in 2
streams, H 4/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fuel oil spilled on
road, H 9/30/86 p8
Olcott, Renee
Olcott is executive director of
SoNo District Association
[photo], H 9/30/86 p23
Old Danbury Rd.-Wilton
Reluctant couple in home-sale
pact sued by Emery, H
5/6/86 p9+
Old Easton Tpke.-Weston
Developer seeking to divide
25.97-acre parcel, H 12/2/86
Old Farm Rd.-Weston
Changes in conditions proposed
for subdivision involved in
suit, H 12/16/86 p17+
Old Mill Beach-Westport
Resident adds Belaga's name to
state's beach project sign, H
3/11/86 p9+
Old Redding Rd.-Weston
One neighbor is opposed to
subdivision, H 10/1/86 p9+
Old Rock Ln. Bridge-Norwalk
Panel acts on bridge replacement
plans: Land condemnation
possible, H 8/20/86 p9
West Norwalkers unimpressed by
bridge plan, H 1/22/86 p21
Old Town Variety Store
Old Town, new owners [photo], H
8/2/86 p11
Old Well Masonic Lodge 108
Lodge officers [photo], H
12/10/86 p23
Older Women's League. SEE
Olin Corp.
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p23
Oliphant, David
Cartoon premiere planned
[drawing], H 6/13/86 p14
Oliver, Thomasina "Sina"
Here comes Oliver!, H 2/4/86 p13
Norwalk's Oliver leads city in
scoring, H 12/29/86 p24
January - December 1986
Olmstead Hill Rd.-Wilton
Nursing home plans filed in
Wilton, H 5/1/86 p13+
Wilton woman seeks ZBA ruling
reversal, H 5/15/86 p15+
Olmstead, Mr. & Mrs. A. Wilson
Olmsteads celebrate 40th, H
6/7/86 p17
Olmstead, Mr. & Mrs. Albert D.
Wed 60 years [photo], H 6/7/86
Olmsted, Pauline
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Olmsted, Richard
Home/Town People [photo], H
8/19/86 p11+
Olson, Betty
Grant awarded, H 2/15/86 p13
Oman, Nancy
50th win recorded by Oman
[photo], H 5/15/86 p27
Something for the 50th [photo], H
5/24/86 p34
Omar Shrine Club. SEE SHRINE
Onaitis, Ethel Rauscher "Daisy"
Ceremony Sunday at cemetery
for Ethel R. Onaitis, H
6/24/86 p6
Tree dedicated in memory of
`Daisy' Onaitis, H 6/30/86 p6
One Norwalk West
Field Brothers, U. S. Concord
have HQs in One Norwalk
West [photo], H 1/21/86 p21
New One Norwalk West can take
care of itself [photo], H
5/27/86 p27+
Optometrist joins Norwalk
practice [photo], H 6/30/86
Oravez, Joseph
Joseph Oravez is named for lead
in `Penzance' [photo], H
7/11/86 p15
Order of the Eastern Star
Eight were winners [photo], H
7/26/86 p18
Organization for Professionals
in Telecommunications
OPT organizes and
communicates [photo], H
2/11/86 p27
Orlins, Max
Chief Orlins remembered as
gentle man, H 11/11/86 p6
Max Orlins dies at 83: Police
chief 17 years [photo], H
11/7/86 p1+
Orloff, Barbara
Orloff assumes new position as
coordinator of Head Start, H
9/9/86 p9
Orris, Michelle
Director will leave Seaport
Association, H 8/26/86 p1+
ORT-Greater Norwalk Chapter
O.R.T. party [photo], H 8/7/86 p15
Officers for ORT [photo], H
6/28/86 p18
Orvis, Celia
Wilton woman named director at
Silver Hill [photo], H 8/8/86
Osako & Associates
Strictly Business, H 9/9/86 p17+
Ostrosky, Anne
Among the best [photo], H
5/23/86 p24
Oudheusden, John
Sign Stop computerized
franchise offers low cost
signs fast [photo], H 12/16/86
Our Lady of Fatima SchoolAwards
Pupil's project wins first place
[photo], H 3/27/86 p13
Overby, Reed
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19, H 6/24/86 p27
Overland, Dr. Keith S.
Chiropractor chosen coordinator
of games, H 7/16/86 p13
Workers to take fitness tests:
Norwalk doctor offers
program, H 10/13/86 p11
Overlook Park Nursing HomeNorwalk
Health-care workers want to
switch unions, H 7/15/86 p1+
Nursing home vote rejects union
bid, H 9/6/86 p11
Nursing home workers to pick
union, H 7/18/86 p9
Nursing home-workers vote on
representation [photo], H
9/3/86 p1+
Overlook workers put mayor in
union, H 7/24/86 p11
Overton, David
U.S.M.C. Commission [photo], H
8/28/86 p36
Overton, Willis F.
Overton services set for Saturday
[photo], H 5/16/86 p6
Willis F. Overton, 76, exchampion racer, H 5/15/86 p6
Owens, Elizabeth
South African play in American
premiere [photo], H 8/11/86
They smooth the way for aging
America: Older Women's
League [photo], H 4/10/86
Ox Ridge Horse Show
Burr-Lenehan opens Ox Ridge
with win, H 6/11/86 p36
Horse show draws riders to
Darien [photo], H 6/11/86
Ox Ridge Hunt Club
2,000 dogs to be in ring at Ox
Ridge, H 9/19/86 p14
Oxford Health Plan
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86 p25+
Venture fund invests in Darien
HMO, H 6/3/86 p25
Oyster Festival
`Super' festival concludes
[photo], H 9/8/86 p1+
Attendance up [photo], H 9/12/86
Bigger and better Oyster Festival
planned for 1987 [photo], H
12/20/86 p1+
Coors officials defend policies in
response to NAACP
charges, H 4/15/86 p21
Coors withdraws from Oyster
Festival, H 6/12/86 p1+
Coors, NEON to meet tonight, H
4/14/86 p1+
Festival `best yet' committee
opines, H 9/26/86 p12
Festival beer sales decline with
extra security, H 9/8/86 p1+
Festival changes leadership
[photo], H 5/3/86 p1+
Festival is given award, H 6/2/86
Festival opening tonight, H 9/5/86
Festival opens with a splash
[photo], H 9/6/86 p1+
Festival planning initiated, H
4/24/86 p26
Labor resumes bid to oust Coors
from festival, H 2/4/86 p1+
Liverpool sound in old town
Saturday: Mersey Beat in hot
spot [photo], H 9/5/86 p15+
NEON asks Oyster Fest drop
Coors, H 5/15/86 p1+
NEON panels urging new
sponsor for festival, H 5/6/86
NEON sets meeting with Coors,
H 4/1/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Oyster Festival (Continued)
OF Boat Parade sign-up is on, H
8/15/86 p27
Oyster Fest chief wins cheers
[photo], H 12/6/86 p1+
Oyster Festival ends up with
$112,135 `profit', H 12/5/86
Oyster Festival Guide [photo], H
9/2/86 Supplement
Oyster Festival to offer variety of
food, H 8/20/86 p22
Panel makes small changes to
festival, H 5/15/86 p12
Sawdust flies, boat builders beat
clock [photo], H 9/8/86 p18
Seymour scheduled to tie the
knot during Oyster Fest next
weekend [photo], H 8/27/86
Small boats to highlight Oyster
Fest, H 4/11/86 p17
Social highlight: It's Sally &
Seymour [photo], H 9/8/86
Some thoughts for next festival
[letter], H 2/4/86 p5
We won! [photo], H 9/26/86 p19
Wetlands group will shun Oyster
Festival `rowdyism' [photo],
H 5/28/86 p1+
Recalling an era of wind and
wave [photo], H 10/25/86 p1+
Paddle tennis. SEE ALSO
Just call Bowen `Mr. Champion'
[photo], H 8/1/86 p29+
Padula, Louis J.
First sight of statue stays with
statesman [photo], H 7/5/86
Paine-Williams Inc.
Wilton company leads drive to
ready Sequoia for July 4
[photo], H 4/15/86 p13+
Palace Production Center
Strictly Business, H 4/15/86 p24
Paladino, Phyllis [Mocciola]
Phyllis Paladino, ex-Hour
employee, H 6/7/86 p6
Palmer, Steven S.
Palmer to speak at May 18
program: Speech follows
cemetery ceremonies, H
5/8/86 p21
Palmieri, Carol
Health/Fitness: Administrative
aide appointed, H 11/3/86
Pappas, Ted
Teachers of interior designers
opens own studio [photo], H
7/22/86 p30
Parachute jumping. SEE
Chutist hurt in 1st jump, H
4/22/86 p1+
Parastatidis, John
4 jurors selected in stabbing
case, H 10/31/86 p11
Jury chosen in stabbing case, H
11/1/86 p6
Norwalker convicted of assault,
robbery, H 11/20/86 p6
Stabbing case goes to jury:
Defendant testifies, H
11/19/86 p39
Testimony continues in trial of
city man, H 11/7/86 p11
Trial in assault case enters third
day, H 11/6/86 p18
Parent Teacher Association.
Parikh, Heena
Norwalk woman safe after
escaping plane, H 9/6/86 p1+
Park, Dr. Rose
New group gets educational
grant, H 5/23/86 p12
Parker Harding Plaza-Westport
Malone wants traffic study
[photo], H 1/6/86 p11+
Parking fees-Norwalk
Committee recommends hike in
rates for parking in city, H
9/16/86 p10
Head of SoNo group blasts rate
hike plan, H 9/26/86 p1+
Hearing slated for plan to hike
fees for parking, H 12/2/86
Higher parking revenues become
priority, H 3/4/86 p1+
Using fees to discourage use of
lots [letter], H 10/11/86 p5
Parking fines-Norwalk
Check was in the mail from
`bootee', H 1/9/86 p8
Parking fines-Westport
`The Boot' is doing its job, H
4/1/86 p1+
New parking fines under study: P
& Z studies traffic problems,
H 9/24/86 p37+
Police Blotter: Woman's car
`booted' at station, H
11/13/86 p8
Westport's scofflaws may get `the
boot': Officials writing
ordinance, H 4/5/86 p13+
Parking penalties. SEE
Free parking scrapped: Lured
few gift shoppers, H 12/4/86
Mayor vows fight against parking
woes, H 12/9/86 p7
Merchants file annual parking
complaint, H 12/4/86 p1+
NHS has space problem, too: At
least in parking lot, H 9/10/86
Parking could snag condo plan in
SoNo, H 1/17/86 p11
Planners suggest more parking
for project, H 5/30/86 p11
Private firms may operate city
parking areas, H 4/11/86 p19
Traffic, parking are discussed by
Collins, H 6/4/86 p8
Parking-South Norwalk
30 parking spaces added, H
11/4/86 p20
Mayor agreeable to parking plan,
H 11/13/86 p17
Others join fight over SoNo
parking shortage, H 4/2/86
SoNo asking mayor to help end
parking squeeze, H 11/11/86
SoNo parking called too sparse
for new eatery, H 3/12/86 p1+
School board seeks parking lot
change, H 12/9/86 p14
Caution urged in vicinity of
handicapped parking, H
1/27/86 p11+
Development jams town's lots:
Parking hassle continues, H
11/13/86 p13+
P & Z chief seeks parking
solution, H 12/6/86 p25
Parking prohibited at fire training
center entrance, H 4/23/86
Progress reported on railroad
leases, H 2/5/86 p11
Railroad lease to be resolved in
court? Selectmen unafraid of
DOT lawsuit, H 1/29/86 p11
Westport to fight ruling on train
station lease, H 1/15/86 p9
Counsel suggests dedication of
new park land at city hall, H
7/22/86 p6
Proposal would promise better
view from Center, H 11/17/86
Weston P & Z wants parks used
more, H 11/18/86 p29
January - December 1986
MCA withdraws park proposal, H
10/7/86 p11+
MCA, town agree on Riverside
Avenue deal, H 11/18/86
RTM vote on Riverside parcel
due Tuesday: HauhuthMcManus at odds, H 10/6/86
RTM: No decision on houses
[photo], H 10/8/86 p23+
Parkway Assembly of God
Church's plans to expand turned
down-twice, H 2/20/86 p1+
Panel rejects second bid by
church to expand, H 2/14/86
Pascarelli, Robert C.
Robert Pascarelli dies in Florida
auto accident [photo], H
11/17/86 p6
Pasch, Marleen
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p19+
Paschal, Mother Mary Carton
Mother Paschal dies [photo], H
10/2/86 p6
Pasta Nostra
SoNo parking called too sparse
for new eatery, H 3/12/86 p1+
Pastore, Michael P.
Engineers give Pastore of ASE
Principal Award [photo], H
5/6/86 p21
Patchen, Joseph John
Area firm adds lawyer to staff, H
9/23/86 p6
Patchen, Mr. & Mrs. James J.
Patchens married 50 years
[photo], H 2/15/86 p22
Pathmark Stores
Strictly Business, H 4/22/86 p23+
Patterson, Cynthia L.
Degree received, H 4/2/86 p6
Paul & Lisa Inc.
Paul & Lisa Inc. aims at abuse of
children [photo], H 3/24/86
Paul T. Barnes Real Estate
Raveis and Barnes form
investment firm, H 8/12/86
Payne, Holly
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Payne, Smitty Jr.
Payne bowls another 300 [photo],
H 6/27/86 p34
PDC Marketing Communications
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p20
Pegasus horse show Sunday
[photo], H 5/15/86 p44
Pellegrino, Joseph M.
In the Service, H 8/6/86 p8
Pelliteri Chevrolet
Van donated to Maryglen [photo],
H 7/25/86 p12
Pelton, Patricia
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
People's Bank
A new presence [photo], H
12/16/86 p31
Bank security no deterrent in
heist of microwave oven
[photo p8], H 8/12/86 p1+
Banks reveal merger, H 6/20/86
First Federal Savings to merge
with People's, H 12/3/86 p17
People's Bank files to sell stock
shares, H 10/21/86 p25
People's Bank offers Norwalk
scholarships, H 12/23/86 p21
People's Phone Co.
Strictly Business, H 6/10/86
p25+, H 12/16/86 p31+
People, Single. SEE SINGLE
People, Unmarried. SEE SINGLE
Pepin Family
Katharine Gibbs family [photo], H
6/24/86 p20
Pepperidge Farm Inc.
Pepperidge Farm appoints 6 new
vice presidents, H 11/4/86
Support for the band [photo], H
10/16/86 p30
Pequot Capital Ltd.
Strictly Business, H 6/17/86 p33+
Perillo, Peter Paul
Perillo picked, H 4/16/86 p12
Periodicals, Publishing of
Intercorp buys 2 more
publications, H 6/3/86 p25
Trio of city youngsters producing
magazine to tell people
about pets [photo], H 7/22/86
Perkin-Elmer Corp.
Dividends, H 12/2/86 p32
Layoffs ordered by Perkin-Elmer,
H 6/18/86 p1+
Museum benefits [photo], H
6/24/86 p22
New V.P.'s elected by PerkinElmer [photo], H 6/3/86 p25
P-E crops over 400 from payroll,
H 11/24/86 p1+
Perkin-Elmer employee fund
gives $280,000 to 88
agencies [photo], H 9/9/86
Perkin-Elmer gift helpful to zoo
[photo], H 4/29/86 p25
Perkin-Elmer hosts Ireland
officials [photo], H 3/25/86
Perkin-Elmer in joint venture, H
1/21/86 p23
Profits are up at Perkin-Elmer, H
2/15/86 p13
Science seminars sponsored by
Perkin-Elmer [photo], H
3/13/86 p25
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p23, H
8/12/86 p38
To Fairfield U. from Perkin-Elmer
[photo], H 7/29/86 p14
Perry Ave.-Norwalk
Perry Avenue tract is sold to
builder for $1.9 million, H
9/18/86 p6
Water pressure concerns
neighbors, H 8/21/86 p9
Perry, Bill
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Perry, Leigh
Child's desire to help inspires
victim of MS [photo], H
6/19/86 p10
Pet Corner
Trio of city youngsters producing
magazine to tell people
about pets [photo], H 7/22/86
Pet stores
Specialty pet store has Rover
licking his chops, H 11/22/86
Pet wild animals. SEE WILD
Petchem Inc.
Air Force axes area firm's tug:
Vessel key in orbiter search
[photo], H 7/17/86 p13+
Peter Pan Bus Co.
Bus firm plans expanded service,
H 12/12/86 p11
Peter, Jeffrey
Cohen triumphs in 5th District
primary [photo], H 9/10/86
Peterdi, Gabor
Art is on view at Norwalk Tech
[photo], H 4/10/86 p6
Peters, Douglas J.
In the Service, H 5/20/86 p6
Peters, George L.
Peters named deputy chief by fire
panel, H 12/16/86 p17+
Peters, Jeffrey
Cohen, Peters ready to clash:
LWV wants to sponsor
debates, H 8/12/86 p9
January - December 1986
Peters, Jeffrey (Continued)
Cohen-Peters debate scheduled
Sept. 5, H 8/29/86 p29+
Democrats scramble for
delegates in 5th, H 7/16/86
Peters to decide on primary
soon, H 7/28/86 p13+
Ridgefield developer seeks
Rowland's seat [photo p8], H
6/4/86 p1+
Speck endorses Peters
candidacy, H 7/8/86 p9+
Three hopefuls escalate battle for
5th District seat, H 8/16/86
Two Democrats in primary for 5th
district nomination [photo], H
7/31/86 p1+
Waterbury lawyer tops Peters in
try for district nomination, H
7/22/86 p1+
Peters, William
Bill Peters: Leader of the
campaign [photo], H 6/2/86
p6A [Supp]
Peters and Marriott not alone, H
6/2/86 p14A [Supp]
Peterson, Mary Janet
Wilton man sentenced for killing
his mother, H 11/20/86 p1+
Wilton man's lawyer may use the
defense, H 2/14/86 p11
Pettersen, Stella
Artist poses with paintings
[photo], H 4/16/86 p9
Pheasant Hill-Weston
Commission will take up
Pheasant Hill subdivision, H
5/8/86 p37+
P & Z committee to review
Pheasant Hill subdivision, H
4/29/86 p9+
P & Z studies revised plan on
subdivision, H 2/4/86 p9+
Revised plans delay subdivision
plan vote, H 1/9/86 p9+
Weston P & Z weighs
subdivision's fate, H 3/5/86
Phelan, Andy
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Philcox, Todd
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
AmeriCares is thanked by
archbishop, H 9/15/86 p10
Local man searches for Marcos'
millions [photo], H 8/30/86
Funding request approved, H
6/19/86 p13
Grant allows start of service for
chronically ill and elderly, H
10/11/86 p45+
PHNA asks for budget by July 1,
H 6/9/86 p13+
Photographers-New Canaan
Busy in retirement: Dr. Gordon
Pollock [photo], H 6/5/86 p15
In photo show [photo], H 4/1/86
Sculptor and friends [photo], H
2/19/86 p32
Arts Council has new show
[photo], H 4/19/86 p18
Joan Wright in color [photo], H
5/2/86 p22
Water scenes [photo], H 12/12/86
Officials issue order against
photographer, H 2/24/86 p11+
Physical fitness
2 feted for work in physical
fitness [photo], H 7/28/86 p19
Physical therapy
New physical therapy office
opens, H 6/23/86 p30
2 hospital physicians gain Yale
promotions [photo], H
2/18/86 p15
AIDS subject of program at HallBrooke [photo], H 6/12/86
All special deliveries [photo], H
9/27/86 p16
Awards given to doctors [photo],
H 7/7/86 p11
Center to honor Dr. Tec, H
12/12/86 p37
Doctor joins Wilton group [photo],
H 10/27/86 p34
Doctor selected for association
[photo], H 1/20/86 p25
Doctors still helping city's children
[photo], H 5/31/86 p29
Hale joins group in New Canaan,
H 8/4/86 p25
Health/Fitness: Allergist
appointed to board, H
12/8/86 p42
Health/Fitness: Conoscenti
selected as fellow, H
11/24/86 p35
Health/Fitness: Dermatologist
opens office [photo], H
12/22/86 p43
Health/Fitness: Dr. Bartoszek
joins practice [photo], H
9/22/86 p33
Health/Fitness: Dr. Doppelt joins
practice [photo], H 10/13/86
Health/Fitness: Dr. Komarynsky
joins associates [photo], H
12/15/86 p33
Health/Fitness: Dr. Vris opens
office [photo], H 12/15/86 p33
Health/Fitness: Feinstein elected
to board, H 9/15/86 p34
Health/Fitness: Localite a
Pulmonary Associate [photo],
H 8/11/86 p25
Health/Fitness: Localite on
Bridgeport staff [photo], H
8/25/86 p29
Health/Fitness: Physician elected
to academy, H 10/6/86 p33
Health/Fitness: Westport
physician honored, H
12/29/86 p25
Hospital post to Ridgefielder: Exchief of staff named [photo],
H 2/21/86 p10
In practice [photo], H 12/29/86
Nair joins medical group [photo],
H 1/27/86 p30
Patients honor pediatrician
[photo], H 6/23/86 p29
Physician opens office in
Norwalk, H 8/11/86 p25
Police Blotter: Local physician
promoted at Yale, H 12/22/86
Psychiatrist goes on stand
[photo], H 4/19/86 p13+
Psychiatrist to forfeit profits: SEC
rules violated, H 3/5/86 p19
Psychotherapist opens office
[photo], H 1/6/86 p29
Schein opens Wilton office, H
1/20/86 p25
Surgeons learn how to move fat
from part of the body to
another [photo], H 8/5/86
Wright a textbook author, H
7/28/86 p33
Pia, Christine
New realtor is hired by Diversified
Realty [photo], H 9/26/86 p49
4 are chosen for area PIC, H
7/9/86 p6
Pifer, Matt
Westporter testifies at Zaccaro's
hearing, H 6/3/86 p13+
Pimpewaug Rd.-Wilton
Briardale subdivision topic for
Wilton P & Z, H 10/18/86
Pinado, Steve
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
January - December 1986
Pinado, Steve (Continued)
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Pine St.-Norwalk
2nd fire damages buildings
[photo], H 7/25/86 p1+
Pine Street neighbors in driveway
fight, H 6/27/86 p25
Razing of structures sought, H
7/25/86 p1+
Two structures knocked down
following fire, H 7/26/86 p10
Pinede, Nadine France Martine
Nadine Pinede--Not just a pretty
face: Norwalk's Glamour Girl
[photo], H 8/7/86 p13+
Pinto, Dominick
Darien couple send tiger back to
Texas, H 8/5/86 p11+
Pinto, Sandra
Darien couple send tiger back to
Texas, H 8/5/86 p11+
Pinto, Stephanie
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Pinto, Steve
Native talents blooming in Los
Angeles: Fun with Buchholz
& Pinto [photo], H 1/16/86
Piorkowski, Kerri E.
Just give volleyball to Kerri
[photo], H 11/6/86 p35+
Winner named, H 12/16/86 p12
Piro Associates Inc.
Top Piro producers [photo], H
3/4/86 p24
Pitney Bowes Inc.
Harvey, Pitney-Bowes chief,
receives human relations
award, H 11/4/86 p14
Pitney Bowes postage meter now
is engineering landmark, H
10/21/86 p25
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p19+
White House lauds Pitney Bowes
for area youth project, H
8/5/86 p26
Pitton, Mark R.
New assistant named at
Saugatuck church [photo], H
8/2/86 p7
Pivot House
Area program's goal is freeing
men from drugs, H 3/22/86
Platt Cemetery-Westport
Selectmen postpone decision on
historic cemetery issue
[photo], H 10/15/86 p13+
Platt House-Westport
Committee salutes town's oldest
house [photo], H 3/31/86 p11
Plattsville Ave.-Norwalk
Residential zone change
opposed, H 7/26/86 p10
Pleas of guilty
2 ex-cops file pleas of guilty, H
7/11/86 p1+
2 plead guilty to drug counts: In
Columbus School case, H
7/1/86 p6
2 plead guilty to sale of cocaine
in Norwalk, H 6/4/86 p19
2 plead innocent to holding man
hostage: Pre-trial hearing set
June 5, H 5/21/86 p11
2 teens plead innocent in cross
burning, H 9/6/86 p10
Aaron agrees to guilty pleas at
kidnap trial, H 1/15/86 p1+
Bond pleads not guilty in check
scam, H 12/31/86 p9
Charge reduced, Wilton motorist
pleads guilty to hitting
lieutenant, H 10/27/86 p12
City employees plead not guilty
on drugs, H 10/25/86 p1+
City man enters guilty plea, H
10/8/86 p6
City man pleads not guilty on
charge of raping girl, H
8/27/86 p11
Cops lost plea for probation, H
6/26/86 p1+
Darien man pleads guilty in bank
scam, H 11/4/86 p9+
Falby denied parole, H 6/10/86
Fifth person pleads guilty in drug
case, H 6/13/86 p28
Former Norwalk man gets death
penalty for N. C. robbery,
slaying, H 7/23/86 p1+
Former umpire pleads guilty to
sex charges, H 9/25/86 p10
Four enter guilty pleas in drug
case, H 1/15/86 p6
Gant plea innocent in Wilton
assault, H 6/25/86 p19
Guardsman pleads not guilty in
kidnapping count, H 7/16/86
Holdup suspect pleads innocent,
H 2/5/86 p1+
Judge rejects plea to drop bond
for home firebombing
suspect, H 9/25/86 p10
Justice of peace pleads guilty, H
9/9/86 p10
Justice proclaims innocence, H
6/5/86 p8
Local woman pleads guilty to
conspiracy, H 9/12/86 p6
Man charged in sex assault
enters plea, H 9/17/86 p13
Man enters guilty plea in
Christmas shooting, H
2/20/86 p26
Man enters not guilty plea in drug
death case, H 11/19/86 p22
Man enters not guilty plea in rape
case, H 8/27/86 p10
Man enters not guilty plea in
truck heist, H 9/17/86 p6
Man enters not guilty plea to child
sex abuse charges, H 8/6/86
Man given two years in sex
assault case, H 6/17/86 p9
Man pleads guilty in sex assault
case, H 3/20/86 p17
Man pleads innocent in assault
case, H 5/21/86 p11
Man pleads not guilty in sex
assault, H 9/10/86 p10
Man pleads not guilty to charges,
H 6/26/86 p6
New Canaanite pleads guilty to
manslaughter, H 6/20/86 p10
Norwalk man enters not guilty
plea to charge of raping 13year-old, H 10/23/86 p11
Norwalk man enters plea in sex
assault, H 7/3/86 p6
Norwalk woman pleads not guilty
to arson charges on
Thursday, H 11/14/86 p9
Norwalker pleads guilty to sexual
assault charge, H 10/10/86
Not guilty plea entered in case, H
7/1/86 p26
Plea to be filed by Wilton woman,
H 7/19/86 p13+
Pre-trial hearing set Feb. 5 for
Wilton man, H 1/30/86 p12
Resident plea avoids trial in hitrun death, H 10/10/86 p10
Sixth pleads in drug case, H
6/26/86 p17
Suspect files innocent plea, H
11/19/86 p22
Suspect in rape rejects plea deal,
H 4/18/86 p1+
Teen pleads not guilty, H 8/27/86
Two plead guilty in drug case, H
6/3/86 p1+
Two plead guilty in hostage case,
H 7/11/86 p6
Westport author pleads guilty to
charge, H 4/8/86 p15
Westporter pleads innocent to
drug-factory allegation, H
6/17/86 p10
Westporter receives 2 years in
drug case, H 11/11/86 p14
Wilton man enters plea in death
of his mother, H 10/10/86 p8
January - December 1986
Pleas of guilty (Continued)
Wilton man pleads not guilty:
Murder is charged, H 1/14/86
Woman pleads guilty to lesser
charges, H 4/3/86 p10
Woman to enter program, H
1/16/86 p8
Woman, 19, pleads not guilty to
sexual assault of two boys, H
5/20/86 p1+
Pledge of Resistance
`Dirty war' is opposed by group
[photo], H 10/8/86 p10
Contra aid brings call for fasting,
H 8/15/86 p6
U. S. armed role opposed here
[photo], H 3/17/86 p1+
Vigil set to protest Contra aid, H
3/12/86 p11
Dr. Gross joins podiatry practice,
H 4/14/86 p35
Poinsettia Ball
At the Poinsettia [photo], H 1/6/86
Police Anchor Club
Perillo picked, H 4/16/86 p12
Police Dept. SEE NAME OF
Police Union Local 1727
Man of the Year, H 5/2/86 p8
Police union city resolve contract
items, H 2/13/86 p6
Police union gives nod to new
contract, H 6/18/86 p1+
Removal of mayor asked by
union head, H 2/19/86 p1+
Polite, Don
Just call Weston High's Twin
Towers `Class' [photo], H
1/28/86 p53+
Polite scores 42 points [photo
p1], H 3/14/86 p29+
Polite, Jackson head all stars, H
3/7/86 p27
Weston's strategy: Give ball to
Polite [photo], H 3/8/86 p23+
Pollock, Dr. Gordon
Busy in retirement: Dr. Gordon
Pollock [photo], H 6/5/86 p15
Pollock, Jeffrey
Three Nathan Hale eighthgraders chosen for `Main
Street' program [photo], H
8/12/86 p1+
Improvement of Rowayton pond
is requested, H 12/12/86 p15
Ponds-Westport. SEE
Officials ask to dredge pond: P &
Z to hear plans Monday, H
7/11/86 p11+
Pond dredging concerns panel:
Fill to be left on edge of
pond, H 6/25/86 p41
Pond dredging OK'd, H 4/28/86
Pond work hearing continued, H
6/12/86 p37+
Pontian Society of Norwalk
Pontian Society honors members
[photo], H 11/12/86 p24
Ponus Ridge Middle School
New security effort established at
Ponus, H 9/26/86 p8
Pennies brighten for one family
[photo], H 12/22/86 p6
Police ask students to help probe
[photo] [map], H 9/24/86 p1+
Ponus pupils re-enact day in
mock dismissal [photo], H
9/26/86 p1+
Ponus Ridge parents offered
counseling: Memorial service
Friday, H 10/1/86 p1+
Principal seeks fence for woods
where student found
murdered, H 11/19/86 p6
Population. SEE NAME OF
Porter, W. R. Bruce
ZBA sued over order on sea wall,
H 9/19/86 p13+
Post Rd.-Westport
DOT to fund intersection
improvements, H 6/27/86 p11
Town to ask DOT for signs for
Post Road intersection, H
5/5/86 p13
Westport selectmen examine
Myrtle Avenue
improvements, H 5/14/86
Post School. SEE ANGELINE M.
Post, Angela [Lovallo]
Celebrating 25th [photo], H
3/15/86 p17
Post, Douglas
Celebrating 25th [photo], H
3/15/86 p17
Post, Vicki
3 McMahon students win future
business awards [photo], H
5/29/86 p11
Postage stamps
Norwalk artist designs
commemorative stamps, H
5/22/86 p11
Westport artist wins stamp of
approval [drawing], H 9/4/86
Postal service
Ribbon-cutting opens new post
office [photo], H 7/12/86 p13
Today extra-special for city mail
carrier [photo], H 5/31/86 p1+
Postal service-Norwalk
Carriers recognized [photo], H
3/21/86 p25
Postal service-Weston
Post office building moved to
park: Selectmen approve
project funds, H 3/19/86 p13
Postal service-Wilton
Post office moves to former
school [photo], H 7/2/86 p37
Post office to move on Monday,
H 6/27/86 p11+
Postmaster hopes new office will
cancel long wait in line
[photo], H 3/7/86 p11+
Variance requested for post
office as a result of error by
contractor, H 3/29/86 p13+
Potts, Eve
Town to honor unsung heroes:
Four Westporters selected, H
2/12/86 p13+
Pounds, Joan
2 women reciprocate, help
other's business, H 8/12/86
Poor losing gas, electricity:
Agencies can't help, H
4/16/86 p1+
Powell, Jane
Arthritis videotape made by
Wilton actress, H 8/4/86 p10
Pratt, Kenneth
BM's Pratt at .525: City top 10
batting leaders, H 5/23/86
McMahon's Pratt breaks city
hitting mark (.539) [photo], H
6/11/86 p25
Praxis Media Inc.
Strictly Business, H 2/25/86
p30+, H 10/14/86 p13+
Precision Printing
Strictly Business, H 10/14/86
Pregnancy, Adolescent
Educator claims teen pregnancy
an alarming problem on the
rise, H 5/1/86 p1
Prescott, Eric
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Preserve the Wetlands Inc.
Officer: Army corps changing
approach, H 10/29/86 p11
January - December 1986
Preserve the Wetlands Inc.
Wetlands group will shun Oyster
Festival `rowdyism' [photo],
H 5/28/86 p1+
Presidential yachts. SEE
Presidents-United States-Yachts
Norwalk will be port of call for
former presidential yacht
[photo], H 7/12/86 p1+
Presidential yacht calls here
[photo], H 7/25/86 p27
Wilton company leads drive to
ready Sequoia for July 4
[photo], H 4/15/86 p13+
Ex-inmates' appearance at
church door reveals system
flaw, H 4/1/86 p1+
Inmates give $600 to help famine
victims, H 2/10/86 p9
Prisoners of war
Wilton accepts flag to fly for
POWs/MIAs, H 9/4/86 p33+
Prisoners-Suicidal behavior
Man attempts hanging, Weston
police report, H 11/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Hanging attempt
alleged, H 8/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Hanging try
reported, H 8/20/86 p8
Suspect attempts to hang
himself, H 9/25/86 p36
Private Industry Council of
Southern Connecticut, Inc.
Private schools
Darien officials survey private
school students, H 7/26/86
Private schools-New Canaan.
Private schools-Stamford. SEE
Pro Fitness
Pro Fitness notes third
anniversary, H 8/5/86 p23
Strictly Business, H 4/1/86 p25+
Proctor, Gifford
Statue headed for Valley Forge
[photo], H 7/7/86 p13
Producers, Television. SEE
Project Friendship. SEE FAMILY
Project Return-Westport
Architect rises to Project Return
challenge [photo], H 1/20/86
Project Return directors honor
club, H 9/12/86 p32
Project Return home opened to
teen girls, H 4/21/86 p11+
Project Return offers reposing
respite [photo], H 10/9/86 p7
Teens collect funds for Project
Return, H 3/6/86 p13
Tour planned on Sunday at teen
home, H 6/7/86 p13+
Promotion Development Corp.
After '84 Christmas fire, PDC is
stronger [photo], H 5/13/86
Promotions Ink
It's a print [photo], H 10/17/86 p9
Property evaluation. SEE REAL
Protection of animals. SEE
Provost, Peter
Who asks `Charlie's opinion?, H
9/30/86 p1+
Psenicnik Family
Newspaper route is a family
tradition [photo], H 11/6/86
City PTA Council is opposed to
election day school closings,
H 6/3/86 p1+
Council to meet Monday, H
5/3/86 p9
Mayor at fault on class space,
says PTA chief, H 8/29/86
New policy lets some groups use
schools free of rental fee, H
4/8/86 p14
Predecessors blast remarks by
president of PTA Council, H
9/3/86 p10
PTA Council will support board's
capital budget bid, H 2/4/86
PTA to back schools' budget
requests, H 3/4/86 p116
PTA unit to study sex ed in
schools, H 1/7/86 p1+
Parents in Weston to oppose
proposal to close school
wing, H 1/17/86 p9+
Public Health and Visiting
Nursing Services
Nursing service changes its
name, H 9/29/86 p29
Public Health Nursing
Association. SEE PHNA
Public Health Nursing Service
Nursing service changes its
name, H 9/29/86 p29
Public housing. SEE ALSO
Public housing-Norwalk
Chapel Street cost tops $$ set for
it, H 2/21/86 p1+
Council to eye rental housing:
Opposition urged, H 2/10/86
Main Avenue rental plan is
criticized, H 2/15/86 p1+
Work starts on public housing, H
5/30/86 p24
Public welfare
Aim of training: To get off dole, H
6/26/86 p7
City welfare rolls have declined,
H 6/26/86 p7
Welfare recipients in need of
training, H 5/29/86 p1+
Purdie, Julius
City man sentenced to prison by
judge in hit-and-run case, H
12/10/86 p22
Resident plea avoids trial in hitrun death, H 10/10/86 p10
Purdue Frederick Co.
Local firm's building gains
acclaim, H 11/25/86 p18
Purowitz, Sandy
Hadassah honors Purowitz
[photo], H 10/23/86 p27
Putnam Ave.-Norwalk
Approval is expected for property
purchase, H 12/23/86 p8
Quaker Religious Society of
Attorney recounts sanctuary trial
[photo], H 6/24/86 p11+
Church stands by decision to
offer sanctuary, H 4/28/86
Clergy laud courage of Friends'
sanctuary, H 7/3/86 p11+
Friends stick to simplicity in a
complex world [photo], H
5/3/86 p37
Quakers risk jail on offer of
sanctuary, H 6/30/86 p1+
Quakers to give sanctuary to
Guatemalan family:
Congregation sets meeting
for June 29, H 6/6/86 p25+
Quakers to meet family on
Sunday, H 6/26/86 p37+
Sanctuary is offered in Wilton, H
4/14/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Quander, Lewis
South Norwalk Branch hosts
talks by Quander, Skeeter
[photo], H 2/20/86 p13
Quilt fabrics give clues to social
history: Home arts in the U.
S. [photo], H 1/9/86 p13
Quincy, Barbara B.
Quincy joins selectman's race, H
11/25/86 p1+
Quincy re-elected chairman, H
12/2/86 p13
Quinlan, Kevin
Wilton students win contest, H
5/3/86 p14
R & G Corset Co. SEE R & G
R & G Corset Factory-Norwalk
Corset factory plans get
committee OK, H 3/27/86 p27
Developers alter their plans for
renovating SoNo factory
[photo], H 10/3/86 p10
From corsets to condos
[drawing], H 9/23/86 p15
Historic designation sought for
corset factory, H 10/28/86 p9
Offices eyed this year in 1895
corset factory, H 3/20/86 p1+
P & Z OKs conversion of factory,
H 5/8/86 p10
Rabbit Ears Production Inc.
Strictly Business, H 4/15/86 p24
Rach, Heidi
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Norwalk VP wins nationals
[photo], H 12/19/86 p44
Radio stations
5 gold rings are delivered to disc
jockey, H 12/17/86 p6
Anonymous donor milks 12-day
yule gag with DJ, H 12/22/86
DJ gets swans a swimming, looks
forward to milkmaids, H
12/19/86 p6
DJ receives holiday geese on
schedule, H 12/18/86 p6
Educational program set for area
radio station, H 12/19/86 p10
Eleven ladies dancing best 12
Days gift yet [photo], H
12/23/86 p6
Local disc jockey braves gridlock
to hit the road with live
broadcast [photo], H 11/7/86
Local radio station's new antenna
may force Bridgeport firm
layoffs, H 2/7/86 p11
Mystery gift-giver unmasks
[photo], H 12/24/86 p6
Radio station taking gifts to
Southbury, H 12/20/86 p28
Radio station to be looking for
laughs: Format change to set
precedent [photo], H 5/28/86
Residents wary of relocation plan
submitted by city radio
station, H 12/4/86 p1+
Secret admirer's gift giving sends
disc jockey into a spin
[photo], H 12/16/86 p1+
Station seeks gifts for training
school residents, H 12/16/86
Radio towers-New Canaan
Town takes homeowners to court
over radio tower, H 7/22/86
Radler, Louis
Four area residents elected to
board of trustees at UB, H
5/29/86 p28
Radon testing
Westport company gains
approval to make tests for
radon pollution, H 8/30/86
Radwan, Stephanie Greene
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Raila, David
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Railroad bridges-Fairfield County
Repair plans divulged for railroad
bridges, H 3/21/86 p9+
Bartender winds up in the drink,
H 11/28/86 p8
Car is hit by train: Driver slightly
hurt [photo], H 2/20/86 p1+
Crash victim identified by Darien
police, H 11/20/86 p41+
Local woman dies in crash
[photo], H 10/4/86 p1+
Metro-North train injures
Westport man on platform, H
1/14/86 p1
Motorists killed at Darien rail
crossing, H 11/19/86 p1+
Train bumps truck at crossing
[photo], H 3/22/86 p1
Train derails at Cross Street
[photo], H 10/13/86 p1+
Train hits cars halted on tracks
[photo], H 2/7/86 p1+
Gates to be installed at railroad
crossings, H 9/3/86 p6
Local woman dies in crash
[photo], H 10/4/86 p1+
State to install railroad crossing
gates, H 2/21/86 p1+
Stone wall at veterans' building
tumbles onto Danbury rail
line [photo], H 1/22/86 p1+
Train bumps truck at crossing
[photo], H 3/22/86 p1
Train derails at Cross Street
[photo], H 10/13/86 p1+
Upgrading is planned at
crossings, H 2/8/86 p1+
Railroads-Parking. SEE ALSO
Selectmen to review fee rule, H
3/24/86 p13+
Officials to air views on railroad
parking lot paving problem, H
7/17/86 p13
30 parking spaces added, H
11/4/86 p20
Commuter complains about RR
depot [letter], H 10/22/86 p5
Hauhuth fears DOT decision to
increase cars in town lots
[photo], H 4/25/86 p11+
Merchants to help the police
keep eye on commuter lots
[photo], H 2/26/86 p11+
Progress reported on railroad
leases, H 2/5/86 p11
Railroad lease to be resolved in
court? Selectmen unafraid of
DOT lawsuit, H 1/29/86 p11
Westport to fight ruling on train
station lease, H 1/15/86 p9
DOT postpones visit to Westport
substation, H 5/6/86 p9+
Substation changes under fire, H
5/1/86 p13+
Substation problem examined:
DOT officials visit Westport,
H 5/15/86 p15+
Westporters angered by changes
at substation: Maple Lane
residents, DOT at odds
[photo], H 5/3/86 p13
O'Neill asked to help free DOT
railyard, H 8/11/86 p8
SoNo fate hinges on purchase of
railyards, Olcott declares, H
10/7/86 p6
January - December 1986
Railyards-Norwalk (Continued)
State DOT aide optimistic over
railyard sale to Norwalk, H
10/10/86 p10
Rainbow Shoppe
Pot of gold found in Darien
[photo], H 12/20/86 p10
Randazzo, Mike
Norwalk's Randazzo tops city in
batting, H 5/7/86 p13+
Randazzo, Sheri
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Randazzo, Wayne
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Randel, James
With a $9 million profit,
Westporter writes a book
[photo], H 4/29/86 p27
Rasch, Jonathan
Westport board accepts gift for
Staples counseling center, H
9/16/86 p35+
Rash, Heidi
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Rassad, Arun
Winners named, H 5/16/86 p6
Ratchford, Roger
Sportsmen select Ratchford
[photo], H 5/15/86 p30
Ravenwood Rd.-Norwalk
Praises DPW for paving work
[letter], H 9/29/86 p5
Ravitz, Robert A.
Local man is promoted [photo], H
2/19/86 p10
Rawles, Bernette Verna Baco
Bernette Rawles dies at 66:
Former tax board member
[photo], H 6/26/86 p6
Rawson, Edmund G. "Terry"
Police union leader asks
commissioner to resign from
panel, H 5/30/86 p1+
Rawson offers resignation from
the police commission, H
8/19/86 p1+
Raymond, Allen
Raymond re-elected chairman, H
3/19/86 p13+
Reading now pleasure for
disabled kids, H 6/12/86 p38
Reading Game
Tutoring group tries to make
lessons fun [photo], H
7/31/86 p11+
Reading, Mark
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Real estate agents
Realtors complete 90-hour
program, H 12/23/86 p11
Real estate business. SEE ALSO
12.7-acre tract changes hands
for $1.2 million, H 10/17/86
2 developers buy SoNo
properties [photo], H 3/4/86
Anchor Group buys HQ in
Westport [photo], H 3/4/86
Apartment building purchased by
Westporters for $3.3M, H
1/3/86 p1
Area broker Merrittview sale
earns `Ingenious Deal
Award' [photo], H 8/19/86
Building located at 102 East Ave.
sold for $500,000, H 1/8/86
City property values soar in 1st
quarter, H 5/21/86 p1+
Coldwell Banker welcomes
members of Norwalk office
[photo], H 5/13/86 p34
Commercial tracts change hands,
H 6/5/86 p11
Computerized home listings give
each Realtor true equality
[photo], H 9/2/86 p27+
Controversial building is sold:
$2.4 million paid, H 1/7/86 p6
Conveyance taxes set record, H
1/9/86 p16
Couple buys 18 acres for $2.4
million, H 10/10/86 p31
Developer, Realtors, firm
recognized: Better Homes
gives citations [photo], H
7/29/86 p11
Economic unknowns slow home
sales [photo], H 9/26/86 p38
Field Brothers, U. S. Concord
have HQs in One Norwalk
West [photo], H 1/21/86 p21
Gabrielle Thorp merges: To
manage Realtech office
[photo], H 11/11/86 p19
Grillo building completed, Turner
is first tenant [photo], H
2/18/86 p29
Houses sold to neighbors, H
7/17/86 p1+
Investors buy 35 acres off Route
7: Propose condo
development [drawing], H
6/18/86 p1+
Marketing awards [photo], H
9/26/86 p63
McGovern honored by realtors
[photo], H 9/25/86 p36
Minoff Properties bloom
continues, H 12/9/86 p26
Mortgage firm offering services,
H 9/24/86 p23
Most improved home [photo], H
6/3/86 p26
Multi-state real estate agencies
offer additional incentives
[photo], H 7/8/86 p22
N. Water Street building is sold
[photo], H 9/3/86 p10
New Realtor firm [photo], H
5/13/86 p33
Norwalk Board of Realtors has
long history: Brokers created
panel in 1920 [photo], H
9/26/86 p61
Norwalker designs national
sale/lease plan [photo], H
8/5/86 p24
Pitt sees strength in the
marketplace [photo], H
9/26/86 p59
Plant sold and leased to seller, H
6/18/86 p10
Raveis and Barnes form
investment firm, H 8/12/86
Raveis Realty is bidding on sale
of Merrill Lynch, H 10/9/86
Realtors celebrate 1986, install
officers and present honors
[photo], H 12/16/86 p34
Realtors' map [photo], H 7/1/86
Realtors: County homes sold for
18 percent more during '85,
H 4/19/86 p1+
Rowayton building sold [photo], H
3/25/86 p24
Schlott makes INC 500 list for 3rd
year, H 12/16/86 p35
Seltzer of Norwalk entertains at
clam bake, starts on 7building, 72-acre office
center [drawing], H 10/7/86
Siegel & Soper join with Merrill
Lynch Realty [photo], H
8/12/86 p37
Sigler wins a plaque [photo], H
2/18/86 p32
Sold or $485,000 [photo], H
2/18/86 p29
SoNo firm buys Westport offices
[photo], H 1/21/86 p23
Strictly Business, H 7/22/86 p29+
Supply of office space in county
is growing, H 9/9/86 p17
System 1 entering real estate
scene [photo], H 6/3/86 p25
Town Line stores will be condos
[drawing], H 12/9/86 p26
January - December 1986
Real estate sales tax
Conveyance taxes set record, H
1/9/86 p16
Real property tax. SEE REAL
Real property-RevaluationNorwalk
Norden files suit in test of
assessment, H 5/5/86 p1+
Real property-Valuation-Fairfield
Taxable property value climbs for
city, county, H 3/1/86 p1+
Real property-Valuation-Norwalk
Assessor `Too soon to revalue',
H 3/24/86 p1+
CL & P tops assessment list:
Taxable property is $89.43M,
H 3/4/86 p17
Josem wants property assessed
more often to correct
`imbalance', H 3/13/86 p1
Taxable property value climbs for
city, county, H 3/1/86 p1+
Real property-Valuation-Westport
3 more lawsuits filed over
revaluations, H 6/14/86 p13+
Assessment of property prompts
suit, H 3/28/86 p9+
Assessments upset residents, H
3/6/86 p13
Assessor to meet with
homeowners, H 3/7/86 p11+
Committee to study property
revaluation?, H 3/31/86 p11+
Court upholds town in suit on
revaluation, H 6/5/86 p37+
Residents question assessments:
Westport switchboard busy,
H 1/21/86 p9+
Revaluation challenged in court,
H 5/13/86 p9
Revaluation prompts 2 additional
lawsuits, H 6/18/86 p9
RTM asked to form revaluation
panel, H 3/18/86 p13+
Husband-wife team yields most in
mortgages for NSS [photo],
H 6/17/86 p33
Reaves, Mike
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
City beaches among nicest in
area [photo], H 6/16/86 p1+
City outlines its summer rec
program for all, H 6/18/86 p19
Oak Hills invites all golfers to tee
up [photo], H 6/20/86 p10
Plethora of parks found in city, H
6/19/86 p1+
Wide range of programs, events
on summer schedule in
Norwalk [photo], H 6/17/86
Recycling tossed in state's lap, H
12/30/86 p1+
Recycling-Fairfield County
Collins named to task force on
solid waste [photo], H 8/5/86
Recycling plans discussed: By
state task force, H 10/21/86
Regional recycling center
proposed: Municipal officials
study plan, H 7/17/86 p13+
Reed-Putnam District-Norwalk
Reed-Putnam relocation
concerns expressed, H
9/18/86 p9
Three agencies OK property
purchase, H 12/18/86 p1+
Referendum Committee-Westport
Backers of Westport budget raise
more money, H 6/6/86 p25+
Citizen input proposal on cuts, H
6/4/86 p9+
Referendum opponents collide at
forum [photo], H 6/10/86 p33+
Agreed: The questions are
confusing, H 10/30/86 p1+
Citywide vote `not authorized', H
8/30/86 p1+
Group: Vote `No' on both
questions, H 10/30/86 p31
Important question on ballot
[letter], H 10/9/86 p5
LWV: Ponder both the local
referenda, H 11/3/86 p13
One more try at explaining, H
11/1/86 p1+
Referendum is sought on city's
master plan, H 5/31/86 p1+
Taxpayers' group view of
referendum [letter], H
10/20/86 p5
Two ex-councilmen want 2nd
question placed on ballot, H
8/28/86 p1+
Two master plan questions on
ballot Tuesday, H 10/30/86
Two master plan questions
remain on referendum ballot,
H 9/10/86 p10
Urges `yes' vote [letter], H
10/31/86 p5
Wait for referendum [edit], H
7/30/86 p4
Wants `yes' vote on questions 4,
5 [letter], H 10/31/86 p5
Yes votes bury city land plan, H
11/5/86 p1+
$11,099 spent by group in
referendum, H 7/24/86 p37+
Budget referendum petitions
taken out, H 5/6/86 p9
Confident committee to turn in
petition forms, H 5/13/86 p9
Hauhuth: $1.3 million is too
much, H 5/15/86 p15+
Referendum cuts break contract:
Teachers' union president
warns, H 6/7/86 p13+
Referendum effort picks up
steam, H 5/8/86 p37+
Referendum leader reports
hassle over flyer handouts, H
6/7/86 p13
School budget cut put before
Westport voters, H 5/21/86
Selectmen will set referendum's
date, H 5/17/86 p13+
Sides trade charges as
referendum nears, H 5/31/86
Teachers protest referendum, H
5/13/86 p9+
Teachers to discuss referendum
threat, H 5/12/86 p9
Westport counting signatures
[photo], H 5/14/86 p13+
Westport voters to determine fate
of school budget Tuesday, H
6/9/86 p13+
Westporter vote against budget
cut, H 6/11/86 p1+
Regent's Park Condominium
Condo owners to form tax
district?, H 5/13/86 p9
Regents Park-Westport
Westporter plans to sue town:
Over townhouse condition, H
10/11/86 p45
Reid, Phyllis C.
Federation re-elects Reid chief, H
5/29/86 p30
Reidenberg, Joy
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86
Reitano, Theodore J.
In the Service, H 5/20/86 p6
Remington Arms Co.
Ammunition maker is going crazy
over old monicker of new
street, H 10/25/86 p12
Rempfer, Tom
Cadet trains for pilot's wings
[photo], H 11/12/86 p25+
Remuneration. SEE WAGES
January - December 1986
Reprographics Plus
Schaberg adapted to market
changes, high-tech and
customers: In business 40
years [photo], H 5/6/86 p20
Republican party-Connecticut
GOP hopefuls square off in
Norwalk debate, H 8/30/86
Republicans face primary in 26th,
H 7/30/86 p9+
Republican party-Darien
Darien GOP battle to keep party
unity, H 9/12/86 p31+
Darien Republicans warm up for
primary Tuesday in 141st
[photo], H 9/5/86 p11+
Governor berated by candidates,
H 9/5/86 p11+
Incumbents win back nomination,
H 9/10/86 p11+
Party feud dumps `Van' from
slate, H 7/18/86 p1+
Santo wins 25th thanks to Darien
[photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Van Norstrand coasts to easy
win: Party picks lose out, H
9/10/86 p1+
Republican party-New Canaan
Burke wins probate judge test, H
9/10/86 p11
Kimes set to contest nomination,
H 8/16/86 p13+
Republican party-Norwalk
Democrats, Republicans slate
elections for town
committees, H 1/14/86 p11
Dems, Repubs differ in assessing
Belaga win, H 9/10/86 p1+
Esposito, Mills, Artell
renominated as GOP fills out
slate, H 7/24/86 p16
For Republicans it was an upand-down night [photo], H
11/5/86 p25
Four Republicans pledge troth to
Fairfield County's faithful
[photo], H 3/5/86 p1+
GOP chief says Collins broke
word, H 3/10/86 p1+
John Ryan takes shot at spot on
GOP ticket, H 7/26/86 p1+
Kellaher joins Republicans, H
5/16/86 p31
Local delegates divide favors at
GOP confab, H 7/25/86 p1+
Local GOP split is revealed by a
review of party's losses, H
11/6/86 p1+
Norwalk delegates to remain
uncommitted until
convention, H 4/4/86 p6
Objects to attacks on GOP
[letter], H 11/15/86 p5
Parties gearing up to choose
candidates, H 7/10/86 p8
Probate judge vacancy lures
GOP trio as Wednesday
convention approaches
[photo], H 7/14/86 p1+
Republicans march to back
Reagan but also to criticize
trip by mayor, H 4/26/86 p1+
Republicans tap Montana to be
leader [photo], H 3/21/86 p1+
Santaniello's widow is seeking
his seat in the state Senate,
H 3/27/86 p1+
Santo wins 25th thanks to Darien
[photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Two bow out of race for probate
nod, H 7/17/86 p9
Republican party-Weston
Guidera overcomes Hutchinson
challenge, H 3/12/86 p9+
Weston gives its support to
Belaga, H 9/10/86 p6
Weston Republicans elected, H
1/16/86 p35+
Republican party-Westport
Belaga and McKinney help GOP
open its headquarters
[photo], H 9/29/86 p9
Belaga prepares for main event:
Local GOP bucks tide, picks
loser [photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Belaga ready for Tuesday
Republican caucus:
Candidate hopeful on `home
turf', H 3/29/86 p13+
Bernhard is nominated as
Westport selectman, H
12/19/86 p27
Camp, Freedman battle for 26th
District nod: Freedman
confident of victory [photo], H
9/6/86 p25+
Capuano declared victor, H
9/12/86 p31
Chairman asks Mix to resign from
GOP Town Committee, H
10/3/86 p29+
Chairman: Mistakes will make
Westport GOP work harder,
H 1/20/86 p9+
Dems, Repubs differ in assessing
Belaga win, H 9/10/86 p1+
Freedman edges out Camp in
26th district race [photo], H
9/10/86 p11+
GOP gives nomination to Jo
Fuchs in 136th district
[photo], H 7/23/86 p9+
GOP in Westport to elect town
committee on Tuesday, H
1/13/86 p9+
GOP to pick candidate for 136th
district, H 7/22/86 p11
GOP, Democrats confident of
victory at polls on Nov. 4
[photo], H 10/30/86 p37+
Primary to resolve probate judge
race, H 7/30/86 p9+
Raymond re-elected chairman, H
3/19/86 p13+
Recount scheduled in Westport
contest, H 9/10/86 p11
Republican hopefuls talk about
campaign [photo], H 10/9/86
Republican selectman happy with
town committee election, H
1/16/86 p35+
Republicans appoint convention
delegates, H 5/21/86 p37
Republicans will vote on party
support rule, H 12/16/86 p17+
Victory is sweet to Julie Belaga's
hometown team, H 9/10/86
Republican party-Wilton. SEE
Democrats gain by GOP switch,
H 8/19/86 p29+
Desmond wins nod from Wilton
GOP [photo], H 12/10/86 p1+
Front-runner balks in race for first
selectman, H 12/4/86 p1+
GOP seeks successor for Gill, H
11/11/86 p24+
GOP to choose first selectman
candidate, H 12/9/86 p13
GOP tries to get out the vote, H
10/3/86 p29+
Herot wants meeting with GOP
on first selectman to be
open, H 11/13/86 p13+
Mrs. Gill looking forward to
election day in November
[photo], H 9/10/86 p11+
Numbers may hold key to
outcome in GOP's 142nd
District primary, H 9/6/86
Republicans begin work to fill
selectman seat, H 10/15/86
Republicans to talk to selectmen,
H 11/12/86 p25+
Smith critizes GOP cowards, H
4/5/86 p13+
Stader prepares to campaign:
142nd district GOP primary,
H 8/29/86 p29+
Two bow out of race for probate
nod, H 7/17/86 p9
Wilton Republicans trying to add
to party membership, H
8/19/86 p29+
January - December 1986
Republican party-Wilton
Wilton selects delegates for
Republican convention, H
4/9/86 p11+
Republicano, Barbara Anne
Antiques fair to benefit cancerstricken girl, H 10/15/86 p16
As eight-year-old battles cancer,
her mother struggles with
bills [photo], H 5/5/86 p1+
Donations grow to over $13,000
for cancer victim, H 5/20/86
Fair to aid Republicanos, H
10/1/86 p6
Girl's cancer struggle needs
financial support, H 11/25/86
Hands linked to support stricken
girl [photo], H 5/24/86 p1+
Norwalk girl going to France to
seek treatment for cancer, H
7/12/86 p9
Stricken girl gaining support
[photo], H 5/10/86 p1+
Woman rescued on Sound, H
8/25/86 p6
Reservoirs-South Norwalk
Sludge lagoon suit heads to trial,
H 8/20/86 p13
Resnick, Samuel
City construction may grind to
halt for want of a new
building official [photo], H
8/2/86 p1+
Sam Resnick retiring from
Norwalk post [photo], H
5/14/86 p1+
Sam Resnick, ex-city official joins
AS/Ewing of Norwalk [photo],
H 9/23/86 p15+
It's a deli: It's a restaurant, a
caterer, A Touch of Class
[photo], H 12/23/86 p21
Landmark restaurant in Weston
sold [photo], H 12/22/86 p49+
New restaurant open at Inn at
Longshore, H 11/25/86 p33
Town urged to take restaurants
to task, H 2/5/86 p11
Restaurateurs seek approval in
Wilton [photo], H 9/20/86
Retail trade
It's difficult to open store in
Norwalk, H 10/28/86 p26
SoNo flower store's name irks
department store lawyers
[photo], H 11/12/86 p11
Rethore, Bernard G.
Two selected to fill positions, H
12/6/86 p25+
Retired Officers Association
Retired officers bestow award
[photo], H 6/24/86 p24
Retired Senior Volunteer
Bilingual tutoring [photo], H
2/5/86 p27
RSVP to get $47,570 in federal
funds, H 1/8/86 p7
Reunions, Class. SEE CLASS
Reyes, Jay
Community reflecting on
shooting, H 10/22/86 p1+
Cousin says Reyes did not steal
chain, H 11/17/86 p8
Family seeks second probe in
Reyes death, H 10/30/86 p1+
FBI asked to probe shooting, H
10/31/86 p12
Officer voices concern about
city's reaction, H 10/22/86
Reyes case handling satisfactory
to official, H 10/23/86 p6
Saturday services set for
shooting victim, H 10/22/86
Rich, Caroline
Settlement reached in Darien
accident, H 10/24/86 p26
Trial begins in 5-year-old
accident: Darien woman
remains in a coma, H
10/10/86 p6
Richard Bergmann Architects
Area architect one of six winners
[drawing], H 11/4/86 p17
Richards, Philip C.
Chapter elects Richards as its
president [photo], H 1/30/86
Richardson, Michael V.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Richardson, Thomas
Administrator at Oak Hills coming
off the 18th green [photo], H
12/6/86 p6
Richardson, Verdie L.
ZBA denies permit for auto body
shop, H 8/22/86 p21
Richardson-Vicks Inc.
Etherington scholars [photo], H
6/24/86 p19
Mid-Fairfield Hospice plans gala
dinner dance [photo], H
4/17/86 p13
Scouts earn $50,000 pledge, H
6/30/86 p12
Richman, Deborah A.
Accounting firm opens new office
in Norwalk [photo], H 1/28/86
Richmond, Patty
New Senators' coach builds
confidence [photo], H 9/9/86
Rickler, Dr. Barbara
Rickler is named director [photo],
H 8/14/86 p18
Safety record is stressed by
vanpoolers, H 6/11/86 p1+
Two Perkin-Elmer employees
dead in van crash on
parkway [photo], H 6/10/86
Ridge Farm Rd.-Norwalk
Attorney charges that city misled
his clients, H 4/18/86 p23
Developer, city due in court, H
4/5/86 p6
Ridge Ln.-Wilton
Hearing on road to continue, H
7/8/86 p9+
Ridge Lane to be extended:
Agency upholds right of way,
H 7/22/86 p11+
Ridge Rd.-Weston
Neighbors protest Weston
subdivision, H 5/7/86 p9
Residents upset over subdivision,
H 6/3/86 p13+
Subdivision developer suing
residents, H 8/28/86 p13+
Subdivision of estate before
Weston board, H 3/17/86
Subdivision plan criticized, H
6/17/86 p14
Rieflin, Deborah A.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Rilling, Harry W.
In program [photo], H 11/6/86 p11
Rimer, Edward Jr.
Rimer appointed as town
attorney, H 8/5/86 p11+
River Ramble. SEE ROWAYTON
River Rd.-Wilton
Accepting roadway supported, H
10/7/86 p11+
Board to vote on River Road, H
10/20/86 p13
Driveway plea denied: River
Road access, H 7/29/86 p7
Progress made on connector, H
10/21/86 p13+
Town moves forward on
connector, H 9/16/86 p35+
January - December 1986
River Rd.-Wilton (Continued)
Wilton P & Z delays decision on
River Road access way, H
12/2/86 p13+
Riverbend Common-Norwalk
Planners suggest more parking
for project, H 5/30/86 p11
Riverfield Dr.-Westport
P & Z member to add apartment
at home, H 4/24/86 p13+
Riverside Ave.-Westport
Assessment of property prompts
suit, H 3/28/86 p9+
Hauhuth urged to ignore RTM's
advice, H 7/25/86 p29
MCA plan opposed by Hauhuth,
H 7/2/86 p37+
MCA withdraws park proposal, H
10/7/86 p11+
MCA, town agree on Riverside
Avenue deal, H 11/18/86
Officials delay RTM review of
MCA open space proposal,
H 7/29/86 p7
Plans for town-owned homes
studied, H 8/13/86 p9+
RTM members to see Riverside
Ave. homes, H 7/18/86 p11+
RTM tour upsets resident, H
7/22/86 p11+
RTM vote on Riverside parcel
due Tuesday: HauhuthMcManus at odds, H 10/6/86
RTM: No decision on houses
[photo], H 10/8/86 p23+
Town to consider all options:
MCA to meet with selectmen,
H 7/24/86 p37+
Zone change sought for
Riverside Avenue, H 2/27/86
RKB Associates/Architects
Home Builders offer awards to
students, H 3/11/86 p22
Road drainage-Westport
Drainage project under way, H
7/1/86 p12
Multimillion drainage plan
proposed in Westport, H
1/31/86 p9+
Road to Recovery
Program to assist working
parents of sick children is
ailing, H 1/6/86 p1+
Roads-Interchanges and
Town to ask DOT for signs for
Post Road intersection, H
5/5/86 p13
Westport selectmen examine
Myrtle Avenue
improvements, H 5/14/86
Roads-Interchanges and
Board approves traffic requests,
H 1/15/86 p9+
DOT to fund intersection
improvements, H 6/27/86 p11
Intersection improvements given
RTM green light, H 4/2/86
Intersection plays role in furniture
store plans, H 11/13/86 p13+
Intersection work approved:
Selectmen vote on
agreement, H 7/9/86 p35
Officials approve DOT plan, H
2/12/86 p13+
Officials study traffic problems, H
3/19/86 p13+
Post Road intersection work
given RTM blessing, H
8/6/86 p33
Residents oppose plans to
improve intersection, H
1/30/86 p11+
RTM to consider agreement for
intersection improvement, H
3/31/86 p11+
RTM to vote on intersection, H
7/30/86 p9+
State urged not to forget
intersection: Westport
selectman expresses
concern, H 12/12/86 p35
Roads-Interchanges and
Drivers warned on intersections,
H 3/13/86 p11+
Traffic backs up at intersection
[photo], H 7/9/86 p35
Roads-Maintenance and repairNew Canaan
$6 million approved to repair
town roads, H 8/14/86 p29
$6,000,000 road improvement
plan faces a vote, H 8/11/86
New Canaan getting road paving
payment, H 4/5/86 p13
Roads-Maintenance and repairNorwalk
City gets $485,909 for roads, H
7/16/86 p6
Collins says avenue won't be
widened, H 3/4/86 p9
Devil's Garden Road changes get
council OK despite pleas, H
4/23/86 p25
DPW pleased by road project, H
11/20/86 p24
Praises DPW for paving work
[letter], H 9/29/86 p5
Residents on Devil's Garden
wary of road reconstruction,
H 4/16/86 p12
Rowayton residents oppose
widening of road, H 2/5/86 p7
Sixth District will request
Highland Avenue
resurfacing, H 5/15/86 p1+
Roads-Maintenance and repairWeston
Commission examines Weston
road report, H 2/12/86 p13+
Report doesn't favor road
reconstruction, H 4/14/86
Traffic report urges Weston road
changes, H 1/13/86 p9+
Roads-Maintenance and repairWestport
Post Road intersection work
given RTM blessing, H
8/6/86 p33
Study: Town roadwork to cost
almost $7,000,000 [photo], H
8/4/86 p9
Roads-Maintenance and repairWilton
Condition of road annoys
residents of Spectacle Lane,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Homeowners urge selectmen to
improve Spectacle Lane, H
3/18/86 p13
Neighbors mount petition drive to
get road paved, H 2/12/86
Reports asked on road work, H
9/8/86 p9+
Town road program a `disaster',
H 11/4/86 p1+
Wilton receives $111,981 for
road repaving work, H
4/11/86 p11+
Work to begin on Wilton road
project, H 7/22/86 p11+
Weston urged to accept road:
Residents submit plea again,
H 4/7/86 p13
Use of roads to draw attention of
selectmen, H 1/25/86 p13+
Selectmen set to name connector
road: 11 suggestions
submitted, H 1/4/86 p11
Wilton residents to select new
name for northern connector,
H 1/8/86 p10
Robbery, Attempted-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Burglar scared
from church, H 1/14/86 p8
January - December 1986
Robbery, Attempted-Norwalk
Police Blotter: City woman
surprises burglar, H 3/31/86
Robbery, Attempted-Weston
Police Blotter: Police probe
burglary try, H 1/21/86 p8
Robbery, Attempted-Westport
Police Blotter: Westport woman
fights off burglar, H 3/27/86
3 theft incidents reported at
show, H 6/17/86 p14
Armed robbers strike Gateway
Bank in Darien, H 5/29/86
Darien police investigating thefts:
Tree taken from shopping
plaza, H 12/23/86 p9+
Police Blotter: Christmas lights
reported stolen, H 12/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Darien PD
investigating theft, H
11/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronics and
alcohol missing, H 7/22/86 p9
Police Blotter: Fifth man is sought
in robbery, H 6/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Gold chains taken
from home, H 12/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items reported
stolen from auto, H 11/22/86
Police Blotter: Man sought in
$5,000 theft, H 7/1/86 p9
Police Blotter: Thefts are
reported in Darien, H 6/24/86
Police Blotter: Thefts reported at
country clubs, H 7/29/86 p8
Police study similarities in bank
holdups, H 5/30/86 p10
Armed bandit hits gas station for
$200, H 7/30/86 p8
Burglaries increasing in several
city areas, H 12/1/86 p8
Burglaries up by 82 percent over
last year, H 12/23/86 p1+
Burglaries, car theft keep police
busy, H 8/15/86 p8
Carrier's new bike is stolen, H
3/7/86 p1+
Cash stolen during holdup at gift
shop, H 6/18/86 p8
Cousin says Reyes did not steal
chain, H 11/17/86 p8
Family home ransacked, H
12/6/86 p6
Fugitive enters city home, H
1/14/86 p1+
Gunman robs gas station, H
6/14/86 p8
Norwalker, 21, shot by robber,
said recovering, H 1/21/86
Police believe burglars boated to
shore home, H 6/24/86 p6
Police Blotter: $1,850 reportedly
stolen, H 9/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: $100 alleged
stolen taken from shop, H
10/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: $100,000 in tools
are stolen, H 2/18/86 p6
Police Blotter: $110 taken from
residence, H 9/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: $150 taken from
man, H 6/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: $18 taken from
woman in car, H 7/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: $200 reported
missing, H 9/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: $29 taken from
teen-ager, H 7/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: $30 taken from
service station, H 8/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: $5,000 in gold
jewelry taken, H 3/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: $50 reported taken
from YMCA, H 4/1/86 p6
Police Blotter: $50 taken from
woman, H 6/11/86 p6
Police Blotter: $500 taken from
business, H 7/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: $53 in coins taken
by burglars, H 7/31/86 p9
Police Blotter: $754 taken from
firm, H 10/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: $850 stolen from
service station, H 9/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: $96 taken at
gunpoint, H 4/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 firms, home
burglarized, H 7/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: 4 diamond rings
taken, H 9/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: A TV missing from
garage, H 3/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Armed robber gets
$295, H 1/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Armed robber
takes $50, H 5/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Attendant gives up
cash, H 3/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Auto wrecker loses
tools, H 5/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Beer, cigarettes
said stolen, H 5/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Beer, wine taken
from bar, H 1/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bicycle stolen from
garage, H 3/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Boat, trailer
reported stolen, H 7/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bonds, deed taken
from house, H 8/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Books stolen from
oil firm, H 1/13/86 p6
Police Blotter: Booty includes
silver dollars, H 7/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Break-in is
reported at pharmacy, H
11/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglar takes $400
in cash, H 3/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglaries are
reported, H 6/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglars ransack
home, H 7/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglars remove
items from home, H 11/28/86
Police Blotter: Burglary charge
filed, H 1/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglary is
reported, H 11/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cable box,
electronics stolen, H 3/26/86
Police Blotter: Cafe reports cash
missing, H 5/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Camera taken
from shop, H 7/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Camera,
calculator, cash stolen, H
7/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Camera, lenses
taken from home, H 10/10/86
Police Blotter: Cameras, TV set
missing, H 2/19/86 p6
Police Blotter: Car electronics
stolen, H 3/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash filched,
rooms ransacked, H 4/23/86
Police Blotter: Cash is stolen
from pub office, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash reported
stolen from home, H 4/8/86
Police Blotter: Cash taken from
restaurant, H 7/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash taken from
Sports Gallery, H 2/18/86 p6
Police Blotter: Cash, `goods'
taken from bar, H 3/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash, jewelry are
stolen, H 5/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash, ring are
stolen in break-in, H 2/27/86
Police Blotter: Cash, smokes are
stolen, H 11/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash, tickets
taken, H 10/24/86 p8
January - December 1986
Robbery-Norwalk (Continued)
Police Blotter: Change stolen
from video machine, H 7/7/86
Police Blotter: Cigarettes stolen
from store, H 1/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: City building
entered, H 8/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: City man injured in
robbery, H 4/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Clock, calculator
taken from office, H 11/10/86
Police Blotter: Clothing stolen in
store entry, H 1/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Coffee can looted
of about $120, H 4/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Coins taken from
store, H 2/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Coins, jewelry
taken from home, H 4/2/86 p6
Police Blotter: Color televisions
taken, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Compressor taken
from trailer, H 10/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Computer
equipment missing, H 6/5/86
Police Blotter: Computer
equipment taken, H 3/25/86
Police Blotter: Computer is
stolen, H 7/22/86 p9
Police Blotter: Computer store
entered, H 2/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Computer, copier
reported stolen, H 5/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Computer, printer
are stolen, H 6/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Computers taken
from school, H 2/19/86 p6
Police Blotter: Construction
equipment stolen, H 6/27/86
Police Blotter: Correction, H
2/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crooked Trail
burglary reported, H 5/13/86
Police Blotter: Currency taken
from residence, H 8/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Dog is killed in
burglary, H 11/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronic
equipment is stolen, H
11/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronic
equipment stolen, H 11/21/86
Police Blotter: Electronic
equipment taken, H 11/11/86
Police Blotter: Electronics are
stolen, H 3/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronics stolen
from home, H 8/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronics taken
from home, H 5/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronics,
bicycle stolen, H 5/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Electronics, coins
stolen, H 1/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Equipment said
stolen, H 2/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fan, television are
purloined, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Five stores
burglarized, H 12/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Food items taken
from home freezer, H 8/21/86
Police Blotter: Four
condominiums burglarized, H
4/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Gas station held
up, H 1/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Gas station safe
taken, H 1/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Goods removed
from home, H 5/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Goods removed
from residence, H 10/15/86
Police Blotter: Goods taken from
home, H 12/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Goods taken from
residence, H 3/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Guitars reportedly
stolen, H 1/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: Holiday burglaries
reported, H 1/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Home entered: TV
taken, H 4/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Home looted of
numerous items, H 4/22/86
Police Blotter: Home on market
burglarized, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Home ransached
(sic) during break-in, H
10/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: IBM computer is
taken, H 3/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items are reported
stolen, H 6/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items removed
from dwelling, H 8/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items removed
from home, H 9/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items removed
from residence, H 12/17/86
Police Blotter: Items reported
stolen from home, H 11/4/86
Police Blotter: Items stolen from
home, H 10/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items taken from
building site, H 5/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items taken from
club, H 8/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items taken from
home, H 3/14/86 p8, H
3/18/86 p8, H 9/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items taken from
residence, H 7/29/86 p8, H
8/16/86 p8, H 9/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry is reported
stolen, H 4/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry is stolen
from home, H 4/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry reported
missing, H 8/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry reported
stolen, H 5/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry stolen
during burglary, H 3/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry taken from
residence, H 1/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry taken in
Hill Street break, H 2/24/86
Police Blotter: Jewelry, VCR
reported taken, H 1/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewels taken from
residence, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewels, bonds
taken from home, H 4/29/86
Police Blotter: Jewels, hunting
knife taken, H 2/5/86 p6
Police Blotter: Jewels, medicine
missing, H 1/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Leafblower taken
from garage, H 4/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Liquor, beer
removed from club, H
7/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man fixing car is
robbed, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man injured during
robbery, H 5/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man reports
daytime robbery, H 5/24/86
Police Blotter: Man robbed and
cut, H 4/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man robbed at
station, H 5/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man robbed by
two men, H 3/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man wounded in
robbery, H 11/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Marina reports
boat theft, H 4/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Medical offices are
burglarized, H 7/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Men walk into
residence, H 11/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Money is stolen
from business, H 9/20/86 p8
January - December 1986
Robbery-Norwalk (Continued)
Police Blotter: Money taken from
sign shop, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Money, liquor
stolen from firm, H 1/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Mulvoy Street
robbery probed, H 1/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: New VCR is taken
from apartment, H 5/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: New York City
man robbed, H 1/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker robbed
by armed pair, H 7/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker tells
police of robbery, H 1/30/86
Police Blotter: Nursery St. home
is looted, H 10/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Official's home
entered, H 1/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Oriental rugs
reported stolen, H 7/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pack of cigarettes
stolen, H 3/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Paintings, rings
cash taken, H 9/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Perry Avenue
apartments entered, H
7/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Petty cash
disappears, H 11/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Plumbing supplies
reported stolen, H 10/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Poles, bike
reported stolen, H 3/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police
investigating burglaries, H
12/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police probe three
burglaries, H 7/1/86 p9
Police Blotter: Police probe,
robbery, assault, H 2/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police say home
ransacked, H 4/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Precision
implements are stolen, H
4/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Purse is taken
from woman, H 4/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Purse stolen in
store lot, H 4/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Purse, $30 taken
from woman, H 8/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Purses taken from
women, H 10/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Rare coins said
stolen, H 4/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Recorder reported
as stolen, H 5/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Recorder stolen
from home, H 4/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Recorder, photo
gear taken, H 3/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Residence looted
by burglars, H 6/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Residence
ransacked, H 12/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Residential breakin reported, H 1/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Restaurant
burglarized, H 9/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Rifles stolen from
blind man, H 1/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Robbers employ
ruse, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Robbery attempt
thwarted, H 12/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Safe stolen from
shop, H 10/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Seafood stolen
from market, H 6/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Seafood theft
reported, H 3/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Senga Road home
entered, H 4/30/86 p6
Police Blotter: Snack bar reports
theft, H 7/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Sneakers stolen
from house, H 1/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: SoNo man hurt
during robbery, H 6/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Space heater
reportedly stolen, H 8/13/86
Police Blotter: Stereo equipment
is stolen, H 1/15/86 p8, H
2/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Store burglarized
again, H 1/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Store receipts
taken, H 7/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Taxi keys stolen in
break, H 6/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens report being
robbed, H 11/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Television is
stolen, H 1/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Television taken
from home, H 7/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Television,
pocketbook stolen, H 8/25/86
Police Blotter: Television, video
recorder stolen, H 5/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Theft of jewels
reported, H 9/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Theft of video
recorder reported, H 3/20/86
Police Blotter: Theft reported at
firm, H 3/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Thief escapes with
purse, H 4/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Thieves take silver
from church, H 6/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three burglaries
are reported, H 1/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three clocks are
stolen in city, H 7/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three houses
burglarized, H 1/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tires, wheels
stolen, H 8/1/86 p9
Police Blotter: Tools are stolen
from home, H 1/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools removed
from job site, H 9/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools taken from
firm, H 5/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools taken from
home site, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools, generator
reported stolen, H 12/17/86
Police Blotter: Tools, radio
reported stolen, H 4/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools, sporting
gear are filched, H 5/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools, taken from
store, H 11/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: TV is reported
stolen, H 9/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: TV thefts are
reported, H 12/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: TV, stereo taken
from home, H 3/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: TV, wedding band
stolen, H 11/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two show knife in
robbery, H 5/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two vehicles are
entered, H 7/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: VCR and tapes
taken in break-in, H 9/29/86
Police Blotter: VCR missing after
house break-in, H 11/10/86
Police Blotter: VCR reportedly
stolen, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: VCR stolen from
dwelling, H 2/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: VCR, camera
reported stolen, H 11/25/86
Police Blotter: VCR, meat
reported stolen, H 2/19/86 p6
Police Blotter: VCR, stereo
reportedly stolen, H 10/30/86
Police Blotter: VCR, TV stolen
from home, H 10/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: VCR, TV taken
from home, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Video camera
filched from car, H 5/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Video cassette
recorders taken, H 3/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Video recorder
stolen, H 9/8/86 p8, H
11/11/86 p8
January - December 1986
Robbery-Norwalk (Continued)
Police Blotter: Video recorder
stolen from store, H 11/10/86
Police Blotter: Video recorders
taken, H 2/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Videotapes
reported stolen, H 8/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Weston home
ransacked, H 12/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wine, lamb are
taken from church, H 7/28/86
Police Blotter: Woman hurt:
Pocketbook taken, H 4/7/86
Police Blotter: Woman reports
$500 stolen, H 4/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman reports
kidnapping, H 10/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman robbed on
Rockland Road, H 10/20/86
Police Blotter: Woman's
pocketbook stolen, H 4/16/86
Police investigate four burglaries
of homes Monday, H 9/16/86
Police investigating jewelry store
heist [photo], H 9/17/86 p1+
Police probe armed heist at gas
station, H 10/16/86 p20
Police probe possible ties in
robberies, H 2/26/86 p1+
Police, FBI agents hunting bank
robber [photo], H 5/22/86 p1+
Robber takes money from
delivery man, H 8/13/86 p6
Screens sliced to enter homes in
local thefts, H 8/27/86 p1+
Spate of burglaries hits homes
and stores, H 12/26/86 p32
Thief trails victim to home, H
4/30/86 p6
Two men rob gas station early
today, H 10/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Box taken, car
damaged, H 1/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglars come up
dry in Weston, H 7/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglars steal
VCR from home, H 6/12/86
Police Blotter: Burglary nets
entertainment gear, H 7/3/86
Police Blotter: Burglary reported
in Weston, H 8/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Camper complains
of missing gear, H 9/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car stereo is
stolen at game, H 9/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Computer reported
stolen, H 7/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Equipment taken
from car, H 1/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Items taken from
building site, H 8/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry and silver
are stolen, H 1/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry taken from
Weston home, H 8/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Larceny of
appliances reported, H
7/14/86 p9
Police Blotter: Lawnmower is
stolen from garage, H
7/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Materials taken
from job sites, H 12/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorcycle taken
from station, H 1/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police probe thefts
of radios, H 2/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Radios taken from
Weston High, H 4/2/86 p6
Police Blotter: Saws, bicycles
taken from garage, H
12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Stereo stolen from
Mercedes Benz, H 8/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Thieves take oven,
typewriter, H 5/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Youngster finds
taken home ransacked, H
6/18/86 p8
Police probe break at club in
Weston, H 1/31/86 p9
Police say over $7,000 taken in
break-in at club, H 2/1/86 p25
Saddles taken from stable, H
3/11/86 p9
Bank security no deterrent in
heist of microwave oven
[photo p8], H 8/12/86 p1+
Burglary reported, H 7/28/86 p6
Evidence stolen from station:
Clamming rake theft probed,
H 5/28/86 p1+
Intruders terrorize resident, H
9/2/86 p1+
Man nabbed in Westport bank
robbery [photo], H 8/7/86 p1+
Police Blotter: $20,000 reported
taken from home, H 11/19/86
Police Blotter: 2nd burglary
reported at house, H 3/26/86
Police Blotter: Burglars hit home
in Westport, H 7/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglars steal
$225 from eatery, H 9/22/86
Police Blotter: Burglary at church
is reported, H 8/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Burglary suspects
sought, H 9/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cash is stolen
from church, H 11/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Eatery reports
$18,500 stolen, H 3/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Imperial Avenue
home entered, H 3/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jacuzzi reported
stolen, H 11/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Jewelry taken in
apartment break, H 9/22/86
Police Blotter: Pin, coins reported
stolen, H 7/1/86 p9
Police Blotter: Police investigate
theft of moped, H 6/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police probe
burglary at caterers, H
9/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Radio thefts
alleged at station, H 3/12/86
Police Blotter: Silk dresses
reported stolen, H 11/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Thief steals purse
from kitchen, H 7/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three saws
reported stolen, H 1/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools taken from
garage of state DOT, H
12/17/86 p17
Police Blotter: VCR, video
camera taken, H 3/31/86 p8
Police Blotter: $35 missing from
business, H 5/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Television sets
stolen in Wilton, H 7/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three cars broken
into in Wilton, H 1/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Tools are reported
stolen, H 2/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: TV, jewelry are
stolen from home, H 11/3/86
Police Blotter: TV, jewelry taken
during burglary, H 10/10/86
Police Blotter: TV, oven taken
from store, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton home
burglarized, H 4/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton man
surprises teen burglar, H
11/17/86 p8
Suspects sought in heist, H
10/2/86 p35+
Warning issued on break-ins, H
7/11/86 p11
January - December 1986
Robbins, Harry
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Robert Easton Dawson Design
Design consultants trade
Manhattan for studio retreat,
H 9/9/86 p17
Robert Faesy Associates
Wilton firm finishes museum
addition [photo], H 12/20/86
Roberts Brothers Circus
Circus a smash [letter], H 8/20/86
For traveling circus performers
another night means another
town [photo], H 8/14/86 p29+
The circus is coming to town
[photo], H 7/28/86 p13
Roberts, Virginia
Secretary honored on retirement
[photo], H 5/17/86 p1+
Robinson, Crystal
In pageant [photo], H 11/1/86 p18
Robinson, Marilyn
Club to honor Robinson as
`Woman of the Year' [photo],
H 10/23/86 p28
Woman of Year [photo], H
10/30/86 p6
Rocco, Guy
Guy Rocco [photo], H 9/10/86 p30
Roche, Marilyn
Mullaney will challenge Roche:
Democrat in 142nd District
race [photo], H 5/22/86 p17+
Roche considers bid for
selectman, H 7/25/86 p29+
Roche says GOP lawmakers
endorse teacher salary bill
[photo], H 3/27/86 p13+
Roche won't run for re-election
[photo], H 7/10/86 p13+
Rocherolle, Eugenie
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/10/86 p13+
Rocking Horse Nursery School
Another open house coming
[photo], H 1/18/86 p20
Open House Thursday [photo], H
9/3/86 p14
Rockland Rd.-Norwalk
Hearing slated on available lots,
H 9/17/86 p10
Potential buyers eye 2 city
parcels, H 8/22/86 p12
Rodenbush, John
City man is continuing battle to
be firefighter, H 11/22/86 p1+
Rodin, Heather A.
Housing authority picks new
officers, H 6/20/86 p6
Rogers Group Inc.
AAAA-accepted [photo], H
6/10/86 p27
Rogers, Wayne
Home involved in lawsuit is sold
for $3.5 million, H 8/29/86
Rogg, Robin
Successful maneuver a life saver
for teen [photo], H 11/8/86
Roman, Mr. & Mrs. Serge
Winds bring back thoughts of
Iceland [photo], H 1/9/86 p9
Romano, Joe "Bozo"
Sportsmen cite Stanton, Romano
[photo], H 4/25/86 p37
Romano, Peter A.
Westport pays tribute to Romano,
H 5/8/86 p37+
Romney, Todd
Child identification clinic earns
teen a Scout award, H
12/13/86 p14
Roodner Court-Norwalk
Health Dept. denies license for
camp a Roodner Court, H
7/8/86 p1+
Residents oppose sale of path by
city to developer of condos,
H 12/3/86 p9
Roodner Court Association
adopts 14 rules in `good
neighbor policy', H 6/20/86
Roodner Court residents start
peer counselling for kids, H
12/18/86 p23
Stamfordite shot at project, H
7/14/86 p1+
Rooney, Andrew A. "Andy"
Andy Rooney accepts award,
criticizes news broadcasters
[photo], H 9/18/86 p1+
Rooney to receive honor from
peers [photo], H 9/13/86 p1+
Rowayton's Rooney receives
honorary degree at Colgate,
H 5/29/86 p6
Roosevelt School
School tenant asks to buy
building, H 3/21/86 p24
Rose, Nancy J.
Convention is attended, H
11/3/86 p41
Rosenberg, David
Wins top prizes [photo], H 6/4/86
Rosenberry, Frank A.
Rosenberry new C. R. Gibson
president [photo], H 1/7/86
Ross, Frederick J.
Four area residents elected to
board of trustees at UB, H
5/29/86 p28
Ross, Hannah
Darien students collect national
contest victory [photo], H
6/24/86 p11+
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S.
T. Rosses wed sixty years, H
6/21/86 p18
Ross, Robert
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Rothenberg, David
Wiltonite testifies in fix, H 6/12/86
Roton Middle School
Balloons launched, H 5/16/86 p6
Roton Middle School-Awards
Winners named, H 5/16/86 p6
Roton Middle School-Music
Christmas music [photo], H
12/26/86 p32
Roton Middle School-Sports
City champs [photo], H 2/8/86 p25
City FH champs [photo], H
11/20/86 p30
Round Hill Highland Scottish
Scottish games highlighted by
bagpipers, caber toss
[photo], H 7/5/86 p28
Route 1-Norwalk
Outline of hearing comments
prepared: For Route 1, 7
corridors, H 12/4/86 p24
Route 1-Westport
State urged not to forget
intersection: Westport
selectman expresses
concern, H 12/12/86 p35
Route 33 Bridge-Wilton
A fair warning [photo], H 10/8/86
Route 33-Westport
State urged not to forget
intersection: Westport
selectman expresses
concern, H 12/12/86 p35
Route 7 Connector
Connector progress makes
road's residents feel helpless
[photo], H 12/8/86 p15+
Route 7 Expressway
Connector road almost done, H
8/2/86 p13+
Route 7-Fairfield County
Candidates wary of Route 7
campaign issue, H 8/27/86
DOT back for new 7 hearing, H
7/21/86 p1+
DOT seeking Route 7 permits, H
4/22/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Route 7-Fairfield County
Residents react to Rt. 7 plans, H
7/22/86 p8
Route 7 bashing [edit], H 12/8/86
Route 7-Norwalk
150 turn out to hear about new
Route 7 plans, H 3/19/86 p10
C of C adds voice to city
agencies backing Route 7, H
9/24/86 p1+
Complex plan being termed
`complicated', H 11/20/86 p1+
DOT map shows `Super 7' path
[map], H 4/4/86 p1+
Greenwich firm low bidder for
Route 7 widening, H 1/9/86
Lawsuit threatened at hearing on
plan, H 11/20/86 p1+
More on Route 7 [edit], H 1/10/86
Outline of hearing comments
prepared: For Route 1, 7
corridors, H 12/4/86 p24
P & Z panel schedules hearing
on amendments, H 9/24/86
Public hearing sought on
expressway work, H 5/16/86
Route 7 plans aired...(again), H
9/26/86 p1+
Route 7 project is supported by
Norwalk P & Z, H 9/19/86 p1+
School facilities panel to seek
outside help to assess
needs, H 7/11/86 p9
Route 7-Wilton
A rose is a rose... [edit], H
8/28/86 p4
Anti-Route 7 group tries to
change its image, H 8/25/86
Bids delayed on widening of
Route 7, H 4/25/86 p11+
Board asked to find new route for
connector, H 6/3/86 p13+
Board to review connector road
routes, H 6/14/86 p13+
Coalition pledges renewed fight
on new Route 7, H 7/2/86
Court rejects connector order, H
4/16/86 p9+
DOT calls hearing on Rt. 7 over
the filling of wetlands, H
9/3/86 p1+
Gill, Collins butt heads on Rte. 7,
H 12/12/86 p1+
New route sought into Wilton
Center, H 5/14/86 p13+
Officials examine linear park
plan, H 6/20/86 p11+
Residents elated over decision
on Wilton connector, H
5/8/86 p37+
Several hundred oppponents of
Route 7 rally in Wilton, H
12/5/86 p1+
Town moves forward on
connector, H 9/16/86 p35+
Wilton board buys land for
southern connector, H
6/17/86 p13
Wilton Town Meeting nixes
connector, H 5/7/86 p1+
Rovins, Leonard
Rovins named vice president of
national education panel
[photo], H 4/15/86 p13
Rowayton Arts Center
Rowayton art winners told, H
6/14/86 p18, H 11/14/86 p24
Rowayton Arts Council winners
are named [photo], H 3/18/86
Rowayton Ave.-Norwalk
Controversial building is sold:
$2.4 million paid, H 1/7/86 p6
New offices are proposed in
Rowayton, H 6/13/86 p1+
Office plan approved at
Rowayton landing, H 7/18/86
Rowayton Civic Association
Members elected to civic group
[photo], H 2/6/86 p19
Rowayton association approves
office, residential
development plan [drawing],
H 10/24/86 p1+
Rowayton Civic AssociationLand Use Study Committee
Traffic is top concern for
Rowayton group, H 10/4/86
Rowayton Fire Dept.
Hartog succeeds Froelich as
Rowayton chief, H 8/20/86
Report is issued by Rowayton
FD, H 9/19/86 p30
Rowayton EMS wins
independence from fire
department, H 6/10/86 p1+
Rowayton FD issues annual call
for cash, H 8/15/86 p11
Rowayton firefighter lauded
[photo], H 11/24/86 p9
Rowayton Hose Company. SEE
Rowayton Library
Library is given new books, H
6/27/86 p12
Rowayton Marine Works
P & Z to eye marine works plan,
H 7/2/86 p9
Rowayton Nativity Pageant
Children in spotlight Sunday in
Rowayton nativity pageant, H
12/18/86 p26
Christmas story to be retold Dec.
21 in Rowayton field, H
12/11/86 p17
Hundreds follow light in sky to
Rowayton's annual pageant
[photo], H 12/22/86 p1+
Rowayton Power Squadron
USPS, CG Aux units active
[photo], H 8/8/86 p23
Rowayton River Ramble
Rowaytonites enjoy their `River
Ramble': Largest turnout in
years, H 7/22/86 p10
Rowayton School
`Heroes' surprise students
[photo], H 6/10/86 p9
Roof chemical sickens students
in Rowayton [photo], H
10/16/86 p6
Rowayton pupils learn about city
government [photo], H
6/10/86 p30
Rowayton School-Awards
Happy winner [photo], H 5/16/86
Rowayton School-Maintenance
and repair
Committee endorses school roof
repair plans, H 7/10/86 p15
School roof to be finished when
youngsters are away, H
10/23/86 p29
Rowayton Yacht Club
111 yacht club members buy
Hickory Bluff store, marina
[photo], H 10/3/86 p9
15 memberships open in
Rowayton Yacht Club, H
9/17/86 p13
Yacht club set for Hickory Bluff
site, H 3/19/86 p11
Rowing along the river [photo], H
6/6/86 p1
Rowing club is started in
Norwalk, H 6/9/86 p20
Rowing club starts [photo p1], H
6/6/86 p45
Rowland, Daniel
Home/Town People [photo], H
7/15/86 p13
Rowland, John G.
Democrats attack Rowland's
record: Town committee
hears candidates, H 3/20/86
January - December 1986
Rowland, John G. (Continued)
Rowland , colleagues seek MIA
panel, H 8/9/86 p13
Rowland and Cohen debate at
Wilton candidate's forum
[photo], H 10/27/86 p13+
Rowland given top rating for
security, H 7/16/86 p14
Rowland renominated by GOP:
Delegates are unanimous
[photo], H 7/14/86 p11
Rowland: Tax bill is in trouble
[photo], H 9/8/86 p9+
Three hopefuls escalate battle for
5th District seat, H 8/16/86
Rowland, Mildred
Home/Town People [photo], H
7/15/86 p13
Rowlinson Travel Agency. SEE
Royce, David
Controversy continues to rage
over dam in Westport yard
[photo], H 9/17/86 p11+
Rubinstein, Franklin
Court upholds town in suit on
revaluation, H 6/5/86 p37+
Revaluation challenged in court,
H 5/13/86 p9
Rudnick, Carol
Couple adds diversity to Norwalk
community, H 11/15/86 p9
Rudnick, Irwin
Couple adds diversity to Norwalk
community, H 11/15/86 p9
Rudolf, Jacob P. "Jack"
Atkin, Rudolf, Santo in race to fill
available Senate chair
[photo], H 3/19/86 p1+
Hobby turns to $$$ [photo], H
1/10/86 p25
Merchants exhibits Rudolf
bronzes [photo], H 2/11/86
Rudolf backed for Senate:
Primary ahead, H 7/16/86 p1+
Rudolf out of election for seat in
Senate, H 3/28/86 p1+
Rudolf seeks new funding for
harbors, H 4/19/86 p19
Rudolf selected for advisory
panel for Norwalk Tech, H
8/21/86 p15
Rudolf, Atkin officially enter race,
H 3/26/86 p1+
Rudolf: Freedman candidacy was
`orchestrated' by Lyons, H
7/1/86 p1+
Santo wins 25th thanks to Darien
[photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Sewage plant $$ available? State
may be source, H 2/7/86 p11
Runaway children
Project Return home opened to
teen girls, H 4/21/86 p11+
Runestad, Dain
Students and teacher honored
[photo], H 6/14/86 p13
In appreciation of U. S. support
[photo], H 9/4/86 p6
Running track-Weston
Renovation of track stalled:
School fails to field team, H
4/24/86 p13
Weston seeking bids for repairs
to track, H 4/5/86 p13
Kenyan plans races for county's
runners [photo], H 10/3/86
Road race will benefit cancer
group, H 9/18/86 p6
`First Earth Run' makes Norwalk
second stop in globe-girdling
trot [map], H 9/15/86 p1+
Clean and Green Road Race
[photo], H 5/13/86 p21
Ramirez wins Clean/Green race
[photo], H 6/2/86 p2A [Supp]
Silver Miler Oct. 18 [photo], H
10/8/86 p38
Rowayton sponsors annual
festive run, H 7/1/86 p10
Selectmen to act on road race, H
8/8/86 p9
Winner stretches for finish tape
[photo], H 9/22/86 p14
Russell, Carol
Archives curator discovers set of
old school records, H 2/21/86
Building committee member
resigns because charge is
`too restrictive', H 11/20/86
Russo, Mike
Norwalker moves closer to dream
[photo], H 10/1/86 p16
Talent isn't enough [photo], H
1/14/86 p17+
Russo, Robert
Veteran fireman retiring [photo
p8], H 10/11/86 p1+
Ryan, Rev. Martin
2 Catholic priests from area
named monsignors, H 5/6/86
Ryan, John
John Ryan takes shot at spot on
GOP ticket, H 7/26/86 p1+
Local delegates see insurance as
concern [photo], H 8/25/86
St. Anthony's Feast
Club to donate festival proceeds,
H 11/19/86 p38
St. Francis of Assisi Church
Annual appeal is announced
[photo], H 5/3/86 p37
St. Joseph Church
`Stations of the Cross' set Friday
[photo], H 3/24/86 p1+
Rev. Saunders dies at 76:
Former pastor in Norwalk, H
5/1/86 p6
St. Joseph's new vicar heard call
at age nine [photo], H
8/23/86 p35
Thousands observe procession
[photo], H 3/29/86 p1+
St. Joseph School
Students aid Haitian relief fund
[photo], H 4/9/86 p8
St. Joseph School-Awards
St. Joseph's prize winners
[photo], H 4/24/86 p26
St. Joseph School-Staff
Two Sisters join St. Joe's, H
8/12/86 p18
St. Luke School
100 parents learn about drugs to
help St. Luke children
[photo], H 11/22/86 p11
Assembly series under way
[photo], H 10/21/86 p15
New building planned at St.
Luke's [photo], H 1/17/86 p9
Spring array [photo], H 5/22/86
St. Luke School-Drama club
Curtain call taken by "Godspell"
cast [photo], H 3/3/86 p9
St. Luke School-Graduation
Seniors graduate at St. Luke's
[photo], H 6/13/86 p13+
St. Luke School-Staff
School headmaster honored
[photo], H 5/30/86 p29
St. Mary Church
Ceremony will honor city's first
Catholic [drawing], H 6/28/86
Church bell to be rung for Easter
and to mark its own 100th
birthday [photo], H 3/17/86
St. Mary School-Sports
Parochial league hoop
champions [photo], H 4/23/86
January - December 1986
St. Peter Lutheran Church
St. Peter's celebrates 75th year
in services [photo p8], H
9/22/86 p1+
St. Philip School
School certification [photo], H
11/22/86 p23
St. Philip school is certified, H
11/21/86 p21
Sabetta, Dr. Julia B.
Health/Fitness: Dermatologist
opens office [photo], H
12/22/86 p43
Directory available [photo], H
2/25/86 p30
SACIA tells legislators about path
to housing, H 4/15/86 p23
SACIA's two big issues are
transit and housing, H
1/28/86 p48
Strictly Business, H 6/17/86 p33+
SADD chapter planned by
students at Staples, H
4/10/86 p13+
Safe Rides
Thanks for Safe Rides [photo], H
5/6/86 p21
Safety education
Safety instruction is part of
curriculum: Police, fire offer
programs, H 8/12/86 p25
Sahnas, John
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Salafia, Dr. Carolyn
Norwalk resident lectures at
Oxford: Placental
inflammation is topic, H
11/3/86 p41
Salaries. SEE WAGES
Salvation Army
Bank joining Army to help 65
families, H 12/6/86 p26
Salvation Army works afternoons
teaching children to
appreciate God [photo], H
4/19/86 p7
Samaritan Van Program
CBT has a Presidential Citation
[photo], H 6/24/86 p20
Sanders, Henry
Darien man gets nod in 27th, H
7/16/86 p41
Sandz & Co.
Mad Ave. now in SoNo, H
10/28/86 p23+
Sanitary Cleaners
A dream comes true at Sanitary
Cleaners, H 3/11/86 p20
Sanitary landfills-Wilton
`Capped' landfill has deteriorated,
H 12/15/86 p9+
DEP: Mather dump site needs
covering, regrading, H
12/9/86 p13+
Pond sediment won't be used at
landfill: Dredged material
said to be too coarse, H
12/4/86 p15+
Wilton board requests updates
on conditions at landfill site,
H 12/16/86 p17+
SantaLucia, Joe
SantaLucia tops city in football
scoring, H 11/29/86 p25+
SantaLucia tops city in scoring, H
9/30/86 p11
SantaLucia's 62 pts. leads city
gridders, H 11/18/86 p17
This father/son duo clicks [photo],
H 10/31/86 p35+
SantaLucia, Mike
This father/son duo clicks [photo],
H 10/31/86 p35+
Santaniello, Alfred T. Jr. "Chip"
Judge Santaniello receives
honors for service in local
probate court [photo], H
9/26/86 p13
Santaniello to be honored, H
9/13/86 p12
Santaniello, citing heavy work
load, giving office of probate
judge [photo], H 7/10/86 p1+
The Probate Court [edit], H
7/15/86 p4
Santaniello, Andrew J.
`Man who loved people' is laid to
rest [photo], H 3/18/86 p1+
Committee set, H 1/21/86 p6
District plans Santaniello
memorial, H 8/7/86 p27
Santaniello, senator, dead at 59
[photo], H 3/15/86 p1+
Santo outpolls Santaniello's
widow to gain GOP
nomination for Senate
[photo], H 4/1/86 p1+
Senator stays alive from the
sidelines [photo], H 2/22/86
Services for Santaniello set for
10 A.M. Tuesday, H 3/15/86
Santaniello, Ernestine
Santaniello's widow is seeking
his seat in the state Senate,
H 3/27/86 p1+
Santo outpolls Santaniello's
widow to gain GOP
nomination for Senate
[photo], H 4/1/86 p1+
Santarella, Scott
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Santella, Andrew J. "Andy"
Andy Santella credits family for
his success [photo], H
12/13/86 p39
Santella, Marge
Drawing ends in surprise, H
7/16/86 p42
Santo, Joseph A.
Atkin, Rudolf, Santo in race to fill
available Senate chair
[photo], H 3/19/86 p1+
Atkin, Santo trip to inspire voters
[photo], H 4/25/86 p1+
Darien vote key in the 25th:
Santo hoping to repeat win in
primary five months ago
[photo], H 10/31/86 p1+
GOP chiefs head committee for
election of Santo, H 4/19/86
Santo counters criticism of funds
distribution, H 7/11/86 p24
Santo financial statement still
missing, H 10/21/86 p10
Santo indicates intent to pursue
re-election [photo], H 7/10/86
Santo outpolls Santaniello's
widow to gain GOP
nomination for Senate
[photo], H 4/1/86 p1+
Santo posts easy win in Senate
test [photo], H 5/7/86 p1+
Santo wins 25th thanks to Darien
[photo], H 9/10/86 p1+
Voters set to select new senator,
H 5/5/86 p1+
Santore, Jill
Home/Town People, H 6/3/86
Saraceni, James
Officer voices concern about
city's reaction, H 10/22/86
Sasco Creek Village-Westport
Westport officials dedicate
revamped mobile home park
[photo], H 9/24/86 p37+
Board will review academic
expectations report, H
12/8/86 p15+
SAT scores keep rising in
Weston, H 9/26/86 p9+
Test scores announced in Wilton,
H 12/12/86 p35+
Saugatuck Congregational
Class confirmed at church
service [photo], H 6/13/86 p13
New assistant named at
Saugatuck church [photo], H
8/2/86 p7
January - December 1986
Saugatuck River Power
Power Squadron changes the
watch [photo], H 3/10/86 p11
Saugatuck School
Hearing to seek input on
Saugatuck School, H 6/11/86
Panel appointed to study school,
H 2/27/86 p35+
Use of school for housing still
opposed, H 6/13/86 p13+
Westport selectman pleased with
Saugatuck School plan
[photo], H 11/21/86 p29+
Saugatuck residents say they
prefer new housing to
offices, H 10/15/86 p13+
Saunders, Rev. Austin R.
Rev. Saunders dies at 76:
Former pastor in Norwalk, H
5/1/86 p6
Saunders, Rev. Marshall
The Saunders in concert this
Sunday [photo], H 5/16/86
Saunders, Margaret
The Saunders in concert this
Sunday [photo], H 5/16/86
Save the Children
$10,000 is presented to Save the
Children, H 1/4/86 p11
Agency aids refugees fleeing
Mozambique, H 2/11/86 p9+
Auction to raise funds [photo], H
1/28/86 p9
Blake elected chairman of board,
H 12/8/86 p17
Children at party [photo], H
12/20/86 p27
Colombia town back to normal a
year after disaster struck
[photo], H 11/11/86 p24+
Ex-employee suing Save the
Children: Organization files
countersuit, H 10/10/86 p31+
Famine relief coordinators bring
hope to people of Sudan, H
8/8/86 p9
Guyer: Ethiopian relief efforts
working, H 4/3/86 p37
Inmates give $600 to help famine
victims, H 2/10/86 p9
Lessons of living go on amid
gunfire in El Salvador
[photo], H 2/4/86 p9+
Money for Bridgeport playground
[photo], H 6/4/86 p24
Mountain of money raised: SCF
benefits from climb [photo], H
3/1/86 p13
On the job at the UN [photo], H
5/10/86 p13
Pair honored for strategy on
health care, H 8/12/86 p9
Relief agency given $404,500, H
2/14/86 p45+
Save the Children aids
earthquake victims in San
Salvador, H 10/21/86 p15
Save the Children helps volcano
victims find work, H 4/22/86
Save the Children is praised, H
4/21/86 p11
SCF program aids earthquake
victims, H 1/27/86 p12
Students raise money for needy
[photo], H 1/10/86 p9
Trip to be auction prize [photo], H
2/11/86 p9
Volunteers set up speakers'
bureau [photo], H 10/23/86
World poor aided via marketing
crafts: Save the Children
outreach [photo], H 8/18/86
Savitzky, Dr. Abraham
Wilton man receives award, H
3/14/86 p11
Sawyer, Jeanette
Teachers cited for excellence
[photo], H 10/3/86 p1+
Saxe Middle School-Awards
Students and teacher honored
[photo], H 6/14/86 p13
Sbarge, Robert
New director is hired to lead
Seaport group [photo], H
10/21/86 p1+
Scalise, Richard
Marina is planned in Norwalk, H
5/31/86 p32
Scalisi, Joseph
Norwalk pair wins at casino, H
6/28/86 p9
Scalisi, Katherine
Norwalk pair wins at casino, H
6/28/86 p9
Scarpato, Robert A.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Schaberg, Bill
Schaberg adapted to market
changes, high-tech and
customers: In business 40
years [photo], H 5/6/86 p20
Schachter, Joseph H.
Former ad exec builds unique
concrete docks [photo], H
5/22/86 p50
Schedules, School
New calendar adopted, H 3/14/86
Schedules, School-Norwalk
Calendar for schools on agenda,
H 1/21/86 p16
Opening is smooth for city
schools [photo], H 9/3/86 p11
Schedules, School-Wilton
School year to start early in
Wilton?, H 2/5/86 p11+
Schein, Dr. Raphael
Schein opens Wilton office, H
1/20/86 p25
Schempp, Gay
In juried show [photo], H 7/16/86
Potter to compete [photo], H
7/31/86 p17
Schempp, Woody
National magazine features
Schempp-built solar house
[photo], H 1/21/86 p21
Schenk's Island
Trail, picnic clearing added to
park by Scout's project, H
12/24/86 p20
Scher, Dr. Steven
Health/Fitness: Orthodontist joins
group [photo], H 8/11/86 p25
Scheyd, Rev. William J.
2 Catholic priests from area
named monsignors, H 5/6/86
Schindel, Morton
Home/Town People [photo], H
3/25/86 p15+
Weston studio marks anniversary
[photo], H 6/6/86 p25
Schine, Lois
Democrats pick Schine in 136th,
H 7/25/86 p29
Lois Schine appointed to lead
new commission, H 12/19/86
Schine and Dorsey enter state
legislative contests, H 7/8/86
Schine to be honored with
university award [photo], H
9/15/86 p10
Schlatter, Pauline
Local couple thanking science for
arrival of healthy triplets
[photo], H 12/2/86 p36
Schleier, Dr. Howard
Professor gets NASA
assignment, H 4/11/86 p19
Schlott Realtors
Schlott makes INC 500 list for 3rd
year, H 12/16/86 p35
Schmidt, Edmund F.
Candidates in 141st go to bat at
forum [photo], H 10/28/86
Democrats nominate Schmidt, H
7/25/86 p29+
January - December 1986
Schmidt, Edmund F. (Continued)
P & Z chairman to seek 141st
seat, H 7/24/86 p17
Schmidt looks forward to election
battle with Van Norstrand
[photo], H 9/22/86 p13+
Schnabel, Marion
`Cocktail Party' at Pequot
directed by Marion Schnabel
[photo], H 6/13/86 p17
Schneider, William
Retired executive, aged 77,
retains zest helping youth
[photo], H 4/26/86 p1+
Schneidmann, Irene
Master pianist cherishes role as
teacher [photo], H 1/27/86
Schnitting, F. William
Octogenarian recalls ill-rated
voyage, H 7/9/86 p1+
Scholars Choice
Day camp opening in Wilton, H
6/3/86 p17
Scholastic aptitude test. SEE
School administrators-Norwalk
Decisionon pact received, H
12/10/86 p1+
Former coach rejoins city's
school system [photo], H
12/20/86 p1+
Norwalk school veteran takes
skill to Buffalo:
Compassionate counselor
[photo], H 8/12/86 p11
Principal welcomes new staffer
[photo], H 10/20/86 p11
Superintendent puts stamp on
school district's staff [photo],
H 12/20/86 p1+
Veteran school administrator
lauded at testimonial dinner
[photo], H 10/18/86 p10
School administrators-Weston
Administrator resigns, H 6/6/86
Administrator set to begin new
job [photo], H 8/9/86 p13+
Educator carves prize-winning
decoys: A beautiful way to
relax [photo], H 6/5/86 p13+
Principal to take post in
Greenwich, H 7/23/86 p9+
School board to act on
resignation, H 7/30/86 p9+
School administrators-Westport
Academy appoints McGraw, H
1/14/86 p9+
Around the Towns: Four
Coleytown Middle School
teacher presented
workshops, H 5/16/86 p14
RTM will consider contract, H
1/7/86 p9
School administrators to receive
8 percent raise, H 1/8/86 p9+
School board to vote on pact, H
1/4/86 p11+
Welsch presents three
workshops at conference
[photo], H 4/18/86 p9+
School administrators-Wilton
Administrator will return to
classroom: Morris to teach in
Stamford, H 7/25/86 p29
Davis named superintendent in
Narragansett, H 7/23/86 p9+
School official to attend program,
H 7/14/86 p8
School budgets-Norwalk
$52 million request OK'd by
school board, H 12/10/86 p10
Board of Education will consider
variety of program
improvements, H 12/2/86 p36
Projected student decline affects
next budget, H 10/10/86 p12
PTA to back schools' budget
requests, H 3/4/86 p116
School board budget given
support during public hearing
by tax board [photo], H
3/27/86 p1+
School board deficit dwindles
with insurance, fuel savings,
H 3/25/86 p9
Tax board OK's $35,000 for
study of school space, H
8/5/86 p8
Tax board OKs funds for schools,
H 4/12/86 p1+
School budgets-Weston
$190,500 cut from Weston school
budget plan, H 1/27/86 p11+
Board cuts $100,000 from school
budget: Selectmen's budget
reduced by $104,000, H
4/3/86 p37+
Board of Finance puts ax to
school budget in Weston, H
3/19/86 p13+
Budget cut may shut Weston
school wing, H 1/15/86 p9+
Educators in Weston fight to
keep new budget intact, H
2/20/86 p11+
Norwood unveils proposed
budget of $10.8 million, H
12/23/86 p9+
School board trims budget by
$100,000, H 4/29/86 p9+
Weston board members clash
over proposed school
budget, H 3/12/86 p9+
Weston school chief used strict
criteria: In preparing budget
proposal, H 12/27/86 p29+
School budgets-Westport
$272,807 deficit is predicted for
school budget, H 1/6/86 p11
Board members urge school
budget be cut, H 2/25/86 p13
Board weighs school budget, H
2/5/86 p11+
Budget forecast draws sparks:
Westport officials clash, H
1/7/86 p9
Budget referendum petitions
taken out, H 5/6/86 p9
Budget set at $24,491,599, H
1/7/86 p9
Citizen input proposal on cuts, H
6/4/86 p9+
Deficit anticipated in school
budget: Enrollment increases
blamed, H 3/12/86 p9+
Education budget reviewed, H
2/27/86 p35+
Educators consider cut list, H
6/24/86 p11+
Educators criticize finance board
action, H 4/15/86 p13+
Educators to act on cut list, H
6/30/86 p11+
Gold defends school budget, H
5/14/86 p13+
Hauhuth: $1.3 million is too
much, H 5/15/86 p15+
Referendum effort picks up
steam, H 5/8/86 p37+
RTM adopts town budget: $1.3
million cut fails, H 5/6/86 p9
RTM leaves budget intact:
School board faces review
tonight, H 5/6/86 p9
School board adopts budget, H
3/11/86 p9+
School board examines $4.1
million request, H 1/14/86 p9+
School board to continue budget
review, H 2/3/86 p11
School budget cut put before
Westport voters, H 5/21/86
School budget slated for vote, H
3/8/86 p13+
Selectmen will set referendum's
date, H 5/17/86 p13+
Sides trade charges as
referendum nears, H 5/31/86
Westport counting signatures
[photo], H 5/14/86 p13+
School budgets-Wilton
$15,893,188 budget proposed for
Wilton schools, H 1/9/86 p9
Budget cut sought by school
board, H 2/4/86 p9+
January - December 1986
School budgets-Wilton
Budget guidelines prepared, H
11/10/86 p9+
Clune ready to release cut list, H
4/17/86 p11+
Educators debate where to make
budget cuts, H 4/11/86 p11+
School board adopts budget, H
2/21/86 p23
School board approves cuts, H
4/18/86 p9+
School board defends Wilton
education budget, H 3/21/86
School budget draws little public
opposition, H 1/24/86 p11
School budget in Wilton cut by
$200,000, H 4/4/86 p9+
Wilton officials to look for ways to
trim budgets, H 2/3/86 p11+
Wilton residents support $15.8
million school budget
proposal, H 3/26/86 p9
School buildings, ConversionWestport
Hearing to seek input on
Saugatuck School, H 6/11/86
Two art organizations to merge in
Westport, H 7/14/86 p13
Use of school for housing still
opposed, H 6/13/86 p13+
Westport selectman pleased with
Saugatuck School plan
[photo], H 11/21/86 p29+
School buildings-Maintenance
and repair-Norwalk
Committee endorses school roof
repair plans, H 7/10/86 p15
Consultant asks delay of building,
H 12/18/86 p21
Contract for painting of NHS
endorsed, H 8/14/86 p15
Expert, panel discuss school
space problem, H 11/13/86
Fund request `sprung' on city?
[photo], H 2/6/86 p1+
Temporaries will force code
compliance, H 11/4/86 p21
School buildings-Maintenance
and repair-Weston
Company to continue repair of
school roof, H 4/23/86 p23+
School buildings-Maintenance
and repair-Westport
Board grants funds for new
school roof, H 7/10/86 p13
Funding is approved for art
center roof, H 7/18/86 p11+
Selectmen to consider repairs to
Greens Farms School roof, H
7/21/86 p9+
Westport board seeks funds to
replace three school roofs, H
11/4/86 p11
School bus drivers-Norwalk
Defends fellow school bus drivers
[letter], H 12/3/86 p5
School bus drivers-Weston
Weston search for drivers, H
9/25/86 p35
School buses-Norwalk
New bus law may force changes
at schools, H 10/29/86 p10
School bus safety on agenda:
Provision for belts eyed, H
2/21/86 p11
School buses-Westport
Bus drivers, officials pleased with
new law, H 10/18/86 p27+
School buses-Wilton
Five-year pact recommended for
school bus firm in Wilton, H
12/13/86 p13+
Superintendent withdraws bus
proposal, H 12/19/86 p27+
Wilton school system seeks bids
on bus service, H 9/25/86 p35
School calendars. SEE
School custodians-Norwalk
Ollie Wright gets praise for efforts
[photo], H 6/2/86 p13A [Supp]
School custodians-Wilton
Pension plan is target of
complaints, H 12/3/86 p13+
School districts-Westport
Board given alternative to
redistricting plan, H 12/8/86
Board to consider middle school
consolidation, H 11/17/86 p13
Middle school discussion to
continue, H 12/11/86 p13+
New school redistricting plan
keeps eighth grades
together, H 12/9/86 p13
Parents voice concern about
redistricting, H 12/2/86 p13+
School administrators draft third
consolidation proposal, H
12/16/86 p17+
School plan upsets parents, H
12/17/86 p1+
Westport parents air concern
over Long Lots School plan,
H 11/18/86 p27+
Westport school consolidation
plan approved, H 12/23/86 p9
School enrollment-MinoritiesNorwalk
Minority enrollment increases, H
10/21/86 p11
School enrollment-Norwalk
New laws, union pacts shrink
school capacities, says
Sloan, H 10/7/86 p9
Projected student decline affects
next budget, H 10/10/86 p12
School enrollment declines
further than Oct. 1
administration figures, H
10/6/86 p1+
School enrollment declines, but
so does rate, says Muro, H
9/22/86 p1+
School enrollment to level off in
'95, H 10/23/86 p10
Tax board asked to OK $35,000
for analysis of classroom
needs, H 8/4/86 p1+
School enrollment-Weston
Enrollment rises in Weston, H
8/26/86 p11+
Enrollment to continue to decline,
H 1/10/86 p9+
School enrollment-Westport
Committee wants Staples to
remain a 4-year school, H
4/14/86 p13+
Deficit anticipated in school
budget: Enrollment increases
blamed, H 3/12/86 p9+
Enrollment continues to decline,
H 11/6/86 p15+
Residents to be sent school
census cards, H 8/21/86 p13+
School officials announce census
results, H 10/9/86 p13+
School enrollment-Wilton
Enrollment increase in Wilton to
be addressed, H 11/14/86
High school enrollment drops
32% in 10 years, H 10/24/86
Wilton schools approach capacity
level, H 11/7/86 p1+
School fields-Weston
Weston will repair Revson soccer
field, H 12/18/86 p13+
School fields-Westport
Athletic field dropped from capital
projects, H 3/22/86 p13+
Court rules against Westport P &
Z on field, H 11/7/86 p33+
School lunches-Norwalk
Prices of hot lunches in schools
remain stable [photo], H
8/25/86 p22
School lunches-Westport
Westport sets guidelines for meal
program, H 8/16/86 p13
School lunches-Wilton
School lunch prices to rise in
Wilton, H 6/28/86 p13
January - December 1986
School nursing-Weston
School board urged to hire nurse,
H 1/24/86 p11
School openings-Norwalk
Classes to start earlier?, H
12/9/86 p1+
School principals-Norwalk
Edgecomb to be Brookside
principal [photo], H 10/2/86
Garcia retiring as Brookside
principal, H 8/2/86 p11
Garcias moving toward new
directions in life: Former
principal retires [photo], H
8/12/86 p19
Receives award [photo], H
8/12/86 p21
Woman is named Kendall
principal, H 7/8/86 p24
School principals-Westport
Gold accepts resignation of
principal, H 3/13/86 p11
Sullivan named principal at
Coleytown Elementary, H
6/17/86 p13
School reunions. SEE CLASS
School St.-Georgetown
Drivers warned on intersections,
H 3/13/86 p11+
School St.-Wilton
Drivers warned on intersections,
H 3/13/86 p11+
School superintendents-Norwalk
Clune organizing headmasters
meeting, H 1/31/86 p9
Sloan eyed for top
Massachusetts job [photo], H
1/30/86 p1+
Sloan gets salary hike to
$73,634, H 6/18/86 p1+
Sloan named finalist for job in
Mass. [photo], H 2/10/86 p1+
Sloan stays as Norwalk schools
chief [photo], H 2/22/86 p1+
Superintendent puts stamp on
school district's staff [photo],
H 12/20/86 p1+
School superintendents-Weston
Norwood attends conference for
superintendents, H 9/25/86
School superintendents-Wilton
Ex-Wilton school superintendent
Dr. Anthony Brackett dies at
76, H 8/6/86 p6
School surveys
School survey set to find
volunteers, H 2/19/86 p9
Schools-Field trips-Norwalk
7 students join others in
Switzerland ski trip, H
2/15/86 p31
City students back from Europe,
H 4/22/86 p28
Field trips city-insured: Other
policy sought, H 9/10/86 p10
School trips axed: Terrorism
blamed, H 1/10/86 p1+
Schools-Field trips-Wilton
Wilton group left Kiev before
blast, H 4/30/86 p1+
Wilton students conclude time
not right for trip, H 4/19/86
Schor, Alison
Miss Congenial [photo], H
8/20/86 p33
Pageant entry [photo], H 8/7/86
Sunshine Girl [photo], H 10/22/86
Schor, Carole
Husband-wife team yeilds most in
mortgages for NSS [photo],
H 6/17/86 p33
Schor, Irwin
Husband-wife team yields most in
mortgages for NSS [photo],
H 6/17/86 p33
Schraff, Greg
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Schraff, Scott
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Schreyer, George
Schreyers married fifty years
[photo], H 5/17/86 p20
Schreyer, Ruth
Schreyers married fifty years
[photo], H 5/17/86 p20
Schubert Club of Fairfield
Schubert has program for 75th
anniversary [photo], H 5/3/86
Schubert's Ensemble group gives
recital Wednesday [photo], H
4/7/86 p15
Schulman, Denise
Two reporters, age 7, probe
security of the mayor's office,
H 6/12/86 p12
Schupack Suarez Engineers Inc.
Engineering award [photo], H
3/25/86 p23
Schwartz, Robert A.
Walls of house yield bottles by
the bushel [photo], H 5/28/86
350 entered in 3rd schools'
science fair, H 4/30/86 p21
City students take honors at scifair, H 4/10/86 p9
Science Fair judges named: 3rd
annual exhibit is Friday, H
5/1/86 p33
Science fair's big winners [photo],
H 3/25/86 p29
Science fairs held at 7 schools, H
8/12/86 p19
Students awarded computers
after winning science fair
[photo], H 5/3/86 p9
Scofield, Lisa Anne
In Miss T. E. E. N. finals [photo],
H 11/10/86 p13
In state pageant [photo], H
3/29/86 p18
Norwalk girl chosen state's Miss
TEEN [photo], H 8/9/86 p7
Vies for Connecticut Miss
T.E.E.N. [photo], H 7/30/86
Scott, Christopher
Chris Scott comes back home a
pro: Fame - Norwalk style
[photo], H 1/6/86 p13
Scott, Ralph M.
New Canaan's chief of police
takes off badge after 31
years [photo], H 12/27/86 p1+
Scottish Games. SEE ROUND
Sculley, Norm
LL founder, Voice of NHS to
receive Old Timers' awards
[photo], H 10/22/86 p29
Hobby turns to $$$ [photo], H
1/10/86 p25
Educator carves prize-winning
decoys: A beautiful way to
relax [photo], H 6/5/86 p13+
Stanley Bleifeld work Opens at
SoNo Images [photo], H
10/16/86 p27
Statue headed for Valley Forge
[photo], H 7/7/86 p13
Sea Robins Veterans Club
Stone wall at veterans' building
tumbles onto Danbury rail
line [photo], H 1/22/86 p1+
Seaman, Joseph
Counsel blasts panel over `unfair'
order, H 10/28/86 p9
Seat belts, Automobile. SEE
Seatek Co. Inc.
Strictly Business, H 6/10/86 p25+
January - December 1986
Seclow, Richard S.
Library board names new
trustees [photo], H 2/5/86 p11
Second Taxing District. SEE
Seitz, Greg
Seitz is going to Yale [photo], H
7/25/86 p25
Seligson, Stanley
City to lease park land to
developer, H 4/10/86 p1+
Developer weighs options on
project, H 4/16/86 p1+
Seligson's parking plan loser at
raucous committee hearing,
H 4/15/86 p10
Seltzer Organization
Seltzer of Norwalk entertains at
clam bake, starts on 7building, 72-acre office
center [drawing], H 10/7/86
Senie, Christopher
Soviet nuclear accident forces U.
S. cyclists to change route
[photo], H 6/4/86 p9+
Senie, Kathryn Claire
Council approves legal
department appointees, H
9/10/86 p14
Sennewald, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Wed 40 years [photo], H 9/27/86
Sentences (Criminal procedures)
10 years in prison for Aaron, H
3/5/86 p1+
1985 World Series incident ends
with jail term, H 10/23/86 p1+
2 city landlords placed on
probation, H 1/3/86 p1+
2 ex-Wilton cops receive
probation, H 9/2/86 p1+
2 teens are given probation, H
7/17/86 p10
2-year sentence given, H 5/8/86
4th man sentenced for drug
trafficking, H 8/5/86 p7
Blevins sentenced to prison, H
7/23/86 p7
Bridgeporter sentenced for
shooting here, H 4/5/86 p11
Calderone cleared, H 5/20/86 p12
Charges of murder dropped, H
6/5/86 p1+
City man gets prison term in
attack on 14-year-old, H
11/14/86 p9
City man given four years for
rape, H 5/14/86 p9
City man is indicted for scam, H
5/22/86 p1+
City man sentenced to prison by
judge in hit-and-run case, H
12/10/86 p22
Court finds error in conviction, H
8/12/86 p36
Court grants Easton woman
probation, H 7/8/86 p24
Courts tough on crack, H 8/11/86
Cross burners get probation, H
12/19/86 p29
Drug dealer sent up for 3 years,
H 12/12/86 p8
Ex-dispatcher gets probation on
arson count, H 7/25/86 p1+
Former Norwalk man gets death
penalty for N. C. robbery,
slaying, H 7/23/86 p1+
Hasan given 80-year term, H
7/18/86 p1+
Jury finds Hasan guilty of murder,
H 5/3/86 p1+
Killer is sentenced to death:
Wilton man among victims, H
9/26/86 p13
Landlord is put on probation, H
1/31/86 p7
Man charged in burglary
sentenced, H 3/6/86 p14
Man convicted in murder of exWiltonite, H 6/5/86 p1+
Man gets 10-year sentence on
drug possession conviction,
H 11/26/86 p16
Man gets 2 years probation in
rape of Norwalk woman, H
9/25/86 p9
Man gets jail for drug sale near
school, H 8/6/86 p10
Man gets two years on charges,
H 2/8/86 p9
New Canaanite imprisoned in
drunk-driving death, H
8/26/86 p6
Norwalk man indicted in murder
try, H 3/6/86 p15
Norwalk man is appealing his
1985 murder conviction, H
12/20/86 p6
Norwalk man sentenced in sex
assault, H 11/20/86 p13
Norwalker is given five-year term,
H 10/8/86 p11
Probation denied in fireworks
case, H 7/8/86 p24
Sentence suspended for abuser,
H 4/4/86 p11
Sentencing of three concludes
drug case, H 8/26/86 p7
Summer burglary spree nets man
a 7 year term, H 4/12/86 p19
Suspect who provoked shot is
sentenced, H 5/7/86 p8
Theft alibi nailed, Norwalker is
jailed, H 5/14/86 p9
Three sentenced on drug
charges, H 7/15/86 p9
Two hostage holders sentenced,
H 9/10/86 p10
Weston teen-agers given youthful
offender status, H 11/28/86
Westporter is sentenced to 30
days, H 7/1/86 p26
Westporter receives 2 years in
drug case, H 11/11/86 p14
Wilton man sentenced for killing
his mother, H 11/20/86 p1+
Serendipity Chorale
Serendipity Chorale to be
Williams backup [photo], H
7/25/86 p17
Servco Oil Co.
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p19+
Sewage disposal plants-Norwalk
Area shellfish beds are closed, H
8/19/86 p1+
Bacterial test results discussed at
meeting, H 8/22/86 p1+
City fears sewage dumpings
[photo], H 8/27/86 p8
City officials miffed over pollution
lawsuit, H 10/1/86 p22
City shellfish beds closed by
officials [photo], H 8/15/86
Closed shellfish beds upset area
fishermen, H 8/22/86 p1+
Committee recommends
consultants' payment: For
treatment plant work, H
10/22/86 p27
DPW accused of stonewalling
sewage probe, H 8/20/86 p1+
DPW officials explain projects at
plant, H 9/18/86 p12
Judge rules plant work can
proceed, H 8/20/86 p1+
Mayor praises sewage plant crew
[letter], H 9/27/86 p5
Overflow of effluent curtails
shellfishing, H 4/2/86 p1+
Collins orders sewage spill
tracked down, H 9/3/86 p1+
Cracked sewer line found [photo],
H 9/6/86 p1+
Sewage in the harbor no secret
[letter], H 9/13/86 p5
City will hire outside firms for
sewer job, H 9/9/86 p1+
Council is urged to raise sewer
installation fee, H 5/21/86 p21
January - December 1986
Sewerage-Norwalk (Continued)
Panel considers higher sewer
installation rate, H 3/19/86 p9
P & Z asked to review proposed
sewer project, H 12/12/86
Sewer links for 129 homes gain
favor of Westport P & Z, H
12/19/86 p28
Lisa sews herself into a nice
business: New shop in
Norwalk [photo], H 1/13/86
Sewing Circle of Norwalk
Sewing Circle enjoys quilting
bees [photo], H 6/28/86 p18
Sex education. SEE SEX
Sex instruction-Norwalk
New school board leader faces
sex ed issue again [photo], H
1/8/86 p1+
Psychologist says sex education
needed, H 10/15/86 p1+
PTA unit to study sex ed in
schools, H 1/7/86 p1+
Sex education is questioned:
Educators warned, H
10/22/86 p11
Sexual assault, AttemptedNorwalk
Police Blotter: Girl averts rape
attempt, H 6/21/86 p8
Sexual assault-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Grove Street
incident reported, H 3/26/86
Police Blotter: Sexual assault
reported, H 1/27/86 p8
Sexual assaults reported by two
women, H 8/11/86 p8
Sexual assault-Weston
Police Blotter: Woman reports
sexual assault, H 7/23/86 p8
Sexual harassment-Norwalk
Police Blotter: Phone harassment
alleged, H 4/17/86 p8
Seymour, Carrie
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Seymour, John
Volunteer is lauded [photo], H
3/18/86 p20
Sforza, Cesare
Bride and bridegroom selected
for WHS gala [photo], H
7/19/86 p20
Shadbolt, P. Wayne
YMCA recognizes Shadbolt's
service [photo], H 2/12/86 p6
Shadow Ln.-Wilton
Neighbors mount petition drive to
get road paved, H 2/12/86
Subdivision approved over
panel's qualms, H 3/4/86
Shanks, Lisa
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
2/25/86 p17
Shapiro, Michelle A.
Norwalk girl gets scholarship
[photo], H 6/12/86 p33
Shared services between
Wiltonite studies calculus taught
in Westport (on TV) [photo],
H 9/16/86 p35+
Shared services between
Wiltonite studies calculus taught
in Westport (on TV) [photo],
H 9/16/86 p35+
Sharp, Scott
Carrying on a tradition [photo], H
11/5/86 p17
National title eyed by Sharp
[photo], H 10/10/86 p28
Shaughnessy, Ed
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Shaw, Dr. Ruby F.
Norwalk school veteran takes
skill to Buffalo:
Compassionate counselor
[photo], H 8/12/86 p11
Veteran school administrator
lauded at testimonial dinner
[photo], H 10/18/86 p10
Shea, Olive
Administrator at Oak Hills coming
off the 18th green [photo], H
12/6/86 p6
Shearer, Greg
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/3/86 p15+
Shedlin, Allan Jr.
Educator stresses elementary
schools' importance, H
3/24/86 p13+
Sheffield Island
Sheffield acquired for refuge, H
2/27/86 p10
Sheffield island an oasis [letter],
H 8/26/86 p5
Sheffield Island Lighthouse
`Loan' is approved to buy
lighthouse: Space squabble
ends, H 11/13/86 p11
Agency appeals for funds to buy
lighthouse [photo], H 7/24/86
Buying lighthouse becomes a
reality [photo], H 12/1/86 p1+
City loan for lighthouse has
tentative approval, H 8/19/86
City loan sought for lighthouse, H
9/16/86 p1
Club makes contribution [photo],
H 12/18/86 p26
Conservation panel approves
$100,000 loan for lighthouse,
H 12/23/86 p6
Contributions scarce on
lighthouse funding, H
10/31/86 p1+
Decision due Wednesday on
lighthouse, H 8/5/86 p7
Funds short for purchase of
lighthouse, H 8/4/86 p8
King obsessed with lighthouse
[photo], H 7/26/86 p1+
Lighthouse drive hits first goal, H
7/30/86 p19
Lighthouse fund at $1,550
[photo], H 7/25/86 p9
Lighthouse fund is doubled
today, H 7/29/86 p8
Nice idea, but... [edit], H 7/31/86
Not city's business [edit], H
9/17/86 p4
Ownership of Sheffield light
passes to seaport
association [photo], H
12/31/86 p6
Plan for lighthouse purchase hits
an unanticipated obstacle, H
12/16/86 p12
Plea is heard for lighthouse
[photo], H 7/28/86 p1+
Seaport group agrees to purchse
lighthouse [photo], H
11/21/86 p1+
Seaport group buys lighthouse
option, H 8/7/86 p19
Sees lasting value in lighthouse
[letter], H 12/12/86 p5
Sheffield fight is on [photo], H
9/10/86 p24
SoNo firm: $20,000 toward
lighthouse, H 8/15/86 p26
Shellfish gathering-Norwalk
Area shellfish beds are closed, H
8/19/86 p1+
Bacterial test results discussed at
meeting, H 8/22/86 p1+
City shellfish beds closed by
officials [photo], H 8/15/86
Closed shellfish beds upset area
fishermen, H 8/22/86 p1+
Overflow of effluent curtails
shellfishing, H 4/2/86 p1+
Oyster company will acquire
additional beds in the Sound,
H 5/31/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Shellfish gathering-Norwalk
Shellfish beds to stay closed for a
few days, H 8/23/86 p1+
Shellfish harvests to resume, H
9/3/86 p1+
Shellfishing not imperiled by
overflow, H 4/3/86 p8
Shellfish gathering-Westport
Clam ruling disputed, H 3/5/86
Commission welcomes shellfish
jurisdiction, H 3/25/86 p11+
Shellfish destined for river home
[photo], H 4/14/86 p13
Shellfish ruling challenged
Sportsmen's club files suit, H
3/28/86 p9+
Sportsmen at odds with town
over clam beds, H 5/12/86
Shelters for the homelessNorwalk
Computers to help house the
homeless [photo], H 12/9/86
Officials fear delays could close
homeless shelter, H 11/8/86
Shenck's Island
Footbridge opens at Shenck's
Island [photo], H 5/28/86 p13
Sheraton Stamford Hotel and
New hotel is launched in
Stamford [photo], H 9/16/86
Sheridan, Colleen
Area broker Merrittview sale
earns `Ingenious Deal
Award' [photo], H 8/19/86
Sherman, Irving
Incidents at Longshore prompts
lawsuits: Plaintiffs seeking
ovr $6.5 million, H 9/11/86
Sherman, Lisa Tulgan
Lisa sews herself into a nice
business: New shop in
Norwalk [photo], H 1/13/86
Sherwood Island State Park
Sherwood Island is still one of
state's most popular parks, H
8/12/86 p9+
Sherwood Mill Pond-Westport
New tidal gates may correct
Sherwood Mill Pond problem
[photo], H 8/28/86 p13+
Selectmen approve mill pond
fund, H 2/26/86 p11+
Sherwood Mill Pond cleanup will
be discussed at meeting, H
8/23/86 p13+
Shields, Betty
Home/Town People, H 6/10/86
Man enters guilty plea in
Christmas shooting, H
2/20/86 p26
Gunman fires at Darien home, H
9/16/86 p36
Police Blotter: Picture window
shot out, H 12/2/86 p8
Vandals, BBs shatter Darien
quiet, H 6/10/86 p6
Shootings-New Canaan
Officer who shot fleeing suspect
absolved by panel, H 1/31/86
2-year sentence given, H 5/8/86
Armed man killed by police
officers, H 7/9/86 p1+
Bridgeporter sentenced for
shooting here, H 4/5/86 p11
Chase nets paint pellet suspects,
H 10/30/86 p1+
Clergyman sees `thorough' probe
[photo], H 7/17/86 p1+
Clergymen help police look for
fatal shooting witnesses, H
7/16/86 p6
Community reflecting on
shooting, H 10/22/86 p1+
Cops overreacted, declares
burgess [photo], H 7/9/86 p1+
Cousin says Reyes did not steal
chain, H 11/17/86 p8
Family seeks second probe in
Reyes death, H 10/30/86 p1+
FBI asked to probe shooting, H
10/31/86 p12
Flyer decrying shooting, blasts
police actions, H 8/18/86 p1+
Fugitive identified as suspect in
shooting, H 1/22/86 p1+
Fuller shooting report sent for
state review [photo], H
10/18/86 p1+
Hearing continued in city murder
case, H 12/3/86 p16
Inflammatory, disgraceful [edit], H
8/20/86 p4
Judge lowers brothers' bond:
Charged with shooting, H
11/11/86 p14
Man shot in dispute about $15, H
8/19/86 p8
Man, 28, is shot in city parking
lot, H 4/5/86 p1+
Neighbors talk about the
shooting, H 7/17/86 p1+
NEON leaders say gap exists
between police and
minorities [photo], H 7/11/86
No rush to judgment [edit], H
7/11/86 p4
Norwalker denies courthouse
incident, H 10/31/86 p14
Norwalker, 21, shot by robber,
said recovering, H 1/21/86
Officer voices concern about
city's reaction, H 10/22/86
Period after shooting traumatic
for officers, H 7/11/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Charge man fired
a shot, H 7/31/86 p9
Police Blotter: Five car windows
are shot out, H 4/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man shot in
shoulder, H 12/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Shots fired at man,
H 4/1/86 p6
Police Blotter: Shots reportedly
fired, H 9/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wanted man shot
at, H 1/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman is
wounded by lead pellet, H
5/19/86 p8
Police report man wounded
girlfriend, then killed himself,
H 8/18/86 p1+
Police seek eyewitnesses to
shooting, H 7/10/86 p1+
Police trying to improve relations,
H 10/21/86 p8
Policeman fires shot at escaping
suspect, H 11/3/86 p8
Probe bid withdrawn by Burgess,
H 7/10/86 p1+
Report due on shooting of Fuller,
H 12/26/86 p1+
Reyes case handling satisfactory
to official, H 10/23/86 p6
Shooting inquiry continues, H
7/11/86 p1+
Shooting's aftermath is anguish,
H 10/27/86 p1+
Shots bring four arrests, H 6/2/86
SoNo man killed during arrest, H
10/21/86 p1+
Stamfordite shot at project, H
7/14/86 p1+
Suspect who provoked shot is
sentenced, H 5/7/86 p8
Three shooting investigations
planned, H 10/21/86 p1+
Two charged in shooting of city
man, H 11/8/86 p8
January - December 1986
Shopper Schlepper
Westport shuttle bus takes to
road [map], H 11/21/86 p30
Shore & Country Club
S & CC sailing awards [photo], H
8/22/86 p26
Swimmers honored [photo], H
8/15/86 p24
Shorehaven Golf Club
No public objections to golf club
request, H 7/17/86 p9
Panel OKs golf courses in AAA
zone, H 5/30/86 p24
Shorehaven plans club
renovations...if, H 5/29/86 p10
Shorehaven swimmers [photo], H
8/20/86 p18
Zoners ask ruling on men's club
grill, H 7/25/86 p1+
Showtech Inc.
Family firm builds sets for
Broadway: Norwalk
business, H 8/12/86 p45
Shrine Club-Norwalk
Dinner honors Imperial Potentate
[photo], H 10/30/86 p39
Shular, Carol
Top prize to Lady Bears: NHS'
Shular named MVP [photo],
H 12/31/86 p15+
Shulman, Richard
Shulman: Strong supporter of
effort [photo], H 6/2/86 p4A
Shumofsky, Claire
Westport school librarian wins
award, H 11/22/86 p14
Sidas, Walter
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/3/86 p15+
Citizens cleaning sidewalks
already [photo], H 10/28/86
Hauhuth asks for withdrawal: Of
sidewalk rule amendment, H
11/8/86 p41+
Residents: Paving job can't be
smoothed over [photo], H
11/14/86 p1+
Siegel & Soper Realty
Siegel & Soper join with Merrill
Lynch Realty [photo], H
8/12/86 p37
Siegel, Stanley M.
Siegel is elected president of
Brookfield Craft trustees, H
6/10/86 p26
Siganos, Nicholas
Teacher wins BMW in St. Luke's
contest, H 3/19/86 p13
Sigler, Sally J.
Sigler wins a plaque [photo], H
2/18/86 p32
Sigma Group
Norwalk Center: The Place for
Everyting, H 10/28/86 p23
Strictly Business, H 10/14/86
Sign Stop
Sign Stop computerized
franchise offers low cost
signs fast [photo], H 12/16/86
Strictly Business, H 9/9/86 p17+
Signs and signboards-Norwalk
City tries to improve sight lines, H
7/24/86 p22
Founding date fixed on city limits
signs [photo], H 11/14/86 p10
Signs still wrong: 65 weeks later,
H 10/30/86 p18
Signs and signboards-Westport
Selectmen put off decision on
stop sign [photo], H 11/13/86
Sign Stop computerized
franchise offers low cost
signs fast [photo], H 12/16/86
Street signs to be bought by
residents?, H 7/29/86 p7
Westport battles neon signs:
Donahue leads fight, H
8/18/86 p13
Signs and signboards-Wilton
Selectmen to hear plea for stop
sign, H 11/12/86 p25+
Sigsway, Ronald
Efforts lauded [photo], H 10/10/86
Silk, Terry
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Silver Hill Foundation
Hearn named to position at Silver
Hill [photo], H 9/15/86 p34
Silver Hill holds annual meeting
[photo], H 7/14/86 p11
Silver Hill names nursing director
[photo], H 10/29/86 p39
Wilton woman named director at
Silver Hill [photo], H 8/8/86
Silver, Ann K.
New chairwoman [photo], H
12/12/86 p6
Silver, Horace
Norwalker comes home for big
jazz bash: Horace Silver Day
today [photo], H 7/24/86 p13
SilverMiler Road Race
Silver Miler Oct. 18 [photo], H
10/8/86 p38
Silvermine Circle
Silvermine Circle [photo], H
11/18/86 p25
Silvermine Community
Merritt 7 contributes [photo], H
5/30/86 p24
Silvermine gives scholarships
[photo], H 6/24/86 p13
Silvermine Guild Arts Center
Mary Bailey new member of
Silvermine Guild Center
[photo], H 1/17/86 p13
New Silvermine board [photo], H
3/12/86 p31
Northeast USA awards to be
presented: At Silvermine
Guild [photo], H 8/1/86 p17
Silvermine USA show raises
some eyebrows, H 8/15/86
Silvermine Guild Galleries
New artist members in exhibit at
Silvermine [photo], H 1/2/86
Silvermine showcases Cornell
influence: Opening reception
Sunday, H 10/2/86 p15
Three solos-Vassos retro at
Silvermine: A reception
Sunday [photo], H 6/5/86
Silvermine School
Youngsters send cookies to
Enterprise, H 6/19/86 p10
Simon's Restaurant
Strictly Business, H 11/11/86 p15
Simon, JoAnn
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/4/86 p20
Simone, Ed
Cricket Theater cast featuring
Norwalkers, H 7/25/86 p20
In `Cocktail Party' [photo], H
1/25/86 p20
Simone, Leigh
Cricket Theater cast featuring
Norwalkers, H 7/25/86 p20
In `Cocktail Party' [photo], H
1/25/86 p20
Sinchak, Thomas M.
Chairman chosen, H 3/29/86 p6
Singer Co.
Singer directors would shed
sewing, furniture operations,
H 2/19/86 p7
Singer purchases Textron
division, H 3/18/86 p8
Singer, Dr. Henry A.
Local resident inviting Nobel
winners to dinner [photo], H
10/13/86 p1+
Single people
Singles group to celebrate
anniversary, H 7/24/86 p38
Singles together for a decade
[photo], H 7/30/86 p9
January - December 1986
Single people-Fairfield County
County singles look for old
friends, conversation, in a
`Cheers' setting [photo], H
10/20/86 p1+
Dancing, sports or sing-alongs,
singles groups cover all
bases, H 10/24/86 p1+
Dating services offer mixed bag
for singles [photo], H
10/23/86 p1+
Newly single find organizations
can be oases in a hostile
world [photo], H 10/22/86 p1+
Vacations can be fun for singles
if they are planned out
carefully, H 10/21/86 p1+
Single persons. SEE SINGLE
Sisk, Scott
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Sister City Project. SEE
Sixth Taxing District. SEE
Skateboarders drafting plans to
construct ramp in Wilton
[photo], H 3/25/86 p11+
Skating rinks-Norwalk
High insurance rates threaten
indoor rink [photo], H 1/17/86
Hockey players, ice skaters may
get an assist from city, H
8/13/86 p6
Skidd set to close Crystal Ice
Rink [photo], H 7/24/86 p11
Skeeter, Malcolm
Police group names Skeeter as
president [photo], H 6/17/86
South Norwalk Branch hosts
talks by Quander, Skeeter
[photo], H 2/20/86 p13
Ski Bears of Connecticut
Bears help STAR, H 7/11/86 p9
Bears make presentation [photo],
H 9/23/86 p6
Skunk Lane-Wilton
Development plans worry Skunk
Lane residents, H 9/23/86
Slapin, Kenneth J.
Suit names ex-president of
council, H 6/24/86 p6
Slattery, James Jr.
Today extra-special for city mail
carrier [photo], H 5/31/86 p1+
Slez, Anthony Sr.
Decision pending in libel suit:
Slez vs. P & Z
commissioner, H 8/2/86 p13+
RTM to consider request to
overturn setback
amendment, H 4/19/86 p13+
Setback regulation challenged in
suit, H 4/12/86 p13+
Sloan, Dr. Ralph E.
Classroom purchase to be
sought by Sloan, H 9/9/86
Mayor, school superintendent
spar over study of facilities,
H 9/11/86 p11
Sloan eyed for top
Massachusetts job [photo], H
1/30/86 p1+
Sloan gets salary hike to
$73,634, H 6/18/86 p1+
Sloan named finalist for job in
Mass. [photo], H 2/10/86 p1+
Sloan sets priorities for 1986-87
school year: Minority
success is #1 [photo], H
8/12/86 p14
Sloan stays as Norwalk schools
chief [photo], H 2/22/86 p1+
Sloan surprised by criticism
lodged by prominent
educator, H 8/27/86 p10
Sloan: City still needs McMahon,
H 12/2/86 p1+
Superintendent puts stamp on
school district's staff [photo],
H 12/20/86 p1+
Temporary classroom request
postponed by
superintendent, H 9/10/86
Sloper, Kimberly
Around the Towns: Sloper
receives $750 scholarship, H
8/5/86 p12
Small business
Incubator gives small business a
better chance to grow bigger,
H 11/18/86 p12+
Norwalk Aquarium operator
lauded as small business
person of year [photo], H
5/14/86 p10
Small, Andrew
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Smallman, Brian
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Smith College Club. SEE
Smith, David
5 gold rings are delivered to disc
jockey, H 12/17/86 p6
Anonymous donor milks 12-day
yule gag with DJ, H 12/22/86
DJ gets swans a swimming, looks
forward to milkmaids, H
12/19/86 p6
DJ receives holiday geese on
schedule, H 12/18/86 p6
Eleven ladies dancing best 12
Days gift yet [photo], H
12/23/86 p6
Mystery gift-giver unmasks
[photo], H 12/24/86 p6
Secret admirer's gift giving sends
disc jockey into a spin
[photo], H 12/16/86 p1+
Smith, Donnie
Athletes hold surprise party for
teammate fighting cancer
[photo], H 3/10/86 p1+
Smith, Earl M. Jr.
Judge ends battle over office
building, H 12/27/86 p29+
Settlement reached on office
complex: P & Z schedules
vote for Nov. 18, H 11/11/86
Settlement will end office building
dispute, H 11/19/86 p37+
Smith, Jeffrey
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Smith, Kevin
In the Service, H 8/14/86 p6
Smith, Mary-Ann Tirone
Anatomy of first novel subject of
Smith talk [photo], H 1/16/86
Smith, Peter A.
Wilton man seeks damages for
basketball game injury, H
9/15/86 p9+
Smith, Stephen W.
Stephen W. Smith dies at age 46:
Business executive, H 3/6/86
Smith, Tracy Patrick
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/4/86 p20
Smokeless tobacco
School board will review chewing
tobacco policy, H 4/22/86 p1+
Tobacco-chewing probition in
schools deferred for now, H
4/23/86 p10
Smoking-Law and legislation
Cities fighting costs of illness by
smoking ban, H 10/27/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Smoking-Law and legislationWeston
Town orders smoking ban, H
3/28/86 p9+
Smoking-Law and legislationWestport
Employees comply with smoking
ban, H 8/20/86 p13+
Smoking law ignored by
restaurants?, H 4/8/86 p15+
Westport takes stronger stand on
smoking, H 4/23/86 p23+
Snaider, Jane
Tourism director appointed, H
5/3/86 p12
Sneaker Spot
Sneaker Spot [photo], H 9/30/86
Snelson, Edward
Pupil's project wins first place
[photo], H 3/27/86 p13
35th anniversary [photo], H
4/15/86 p23
Earnings, H 8/5/86 p25
SONECOR expanding mobile
phone outlets, H 2/4/86 p17
Wilton selectmen to weigh
request by SNET to buy
town-owned land, H 2/15/86
Snyder, Henry
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14
Soap suds murder. SEE TRIALS
BMHS in final: No. 250 for King
[photo], H 10/29/86 p25+
BMHS' King begins 25th season
at helm [photo], H 9/8/86 p29
Successful soccer coach goes on
to college ranks [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
Soccer-Fairfield County
State post season action begins,
H 11/3/86 p35
1986 Hour All-City Boys' Soccer
Team: Senators, Cavs
dominate: 6 repeaters
[photo] [chart], H 12/3/86
All-WCC goalie to pace CCHS
[photo], H 9/8/86 p29
BMHS in final: No. 250 for King
[photo], H 10/29/86 p25+
BMHS' King begins 25th season
at helm [photo], H 9/8/86 p29
Brien McMahon soccer team won
its sixth FCIAC
championship [photo], H
11/1/86 p25
Cavaliers advance to state
quarters, H 11/5/86 p13+
Cavaliers are in state Class S
final [photo], H 11/13/86 p25+
CC soph, teammates dominate
city soccer [photo], H
11/22/86 p25+
Central booters blank Weston
[photo], H 9/15/86 p25
Central boys came so close
[photo], H 11/17/86 p23+
City of Norwalk all-time leading
high school scorers [chart], H
11/22/86 p25
City schools looking at banner
soccer seasons, H 9/8/86 p28
City schools place 5 boys on AllCounty [photo], H 11/28/86
City, Wilton hope to bring home 3
state titles [photo], H
11/14/86 p33+
Guilford ends McMahon's soccer
season in OT, H 11/13/86
Kydes graduates [photo], H
6/24/86 p26
McIntosh leads in city soccer, H
9/30/86 p9+
McMahon to face state's top
scorer [photo], H 11/6/86
McMahon wins FCIAC on
Huminski's score [photo], H
10/31/86 p37
McMahon, Staples qualify for
FCIAC boys' event, H
10/27/86 p21+
NCC booters win crown [photo],
H 12/20/86 p43
Past Hour All-City soccer players
[chart], H 12/3/86 p35
Quickness keys NHS [photo], H
9/8/86 p29
Senators' King named state's
best goalie [photo], H 12/1/86
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: Central Catholic
2, Canton 1, H 11/7/86 p27+
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: McMahon 3,
Kaynor Tech 2 [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Soccer champs, H 11/24/86 p27
Soccer champs [photo], H
3/27/86 p25, H 9/2/86 p26
Surace breaks school soccer
scoring record [photo], H
10/30/86 p25
Two Central Catholic players on
All-WCC [photo], H 11/18/86
Boys' soccer opens this week:
Area schools are ready, H
9/10/86 p21
Bruggeman leads Weston, H
11/6/86 p38
Central booters blank Weston
[photo], H 9/15/86 p25
Weston girls fall, H 11/8/86 p32
Autopsy finds bleeding killed
soccer player [photo], H
11/18/86 p1+
Boys' soccer opens this week:
Area schools are ready, H
9/10/86 p21
City schools place 5 boys on AllCounty [photo], H 11/28/86
Donations for fund top $3,000, H
11/21/86 p29
JV goalie shuts out Manchester,
1-0 [photo], H 11/4/86 p23+
McMahon, Staples qualify for
FCIAC boys' event, H
10/27/86 p21+
Soccer player killed, H 11/17/86
State boys' soccer: Simsbury
edges Staples, H 11/7/86
Wilton, Staples girls head AllCounty team [photo], H
11/29/86 p25
Boys' soccer opens this week:
Area schools are ready, H
9/10/86 p21
Can Warriors repeat as girls'
soccer champs?, H 9/10/86
City, Wilton hope to bring home 3
state titles [photo], H
11/14/86 p33+
Defending champs roll in opener,
H 11/6/86 p35+
Down 2-0, Lady Warriors bounce
back to win, H 11/14/86 p33+
Garvey too much for Wilton
[photo], H 11/17/86 p26
Lady Warriors advance to Class
L semifinal round play, H
11/8/86 p29+
Lady Warriors cop opener, 5-1
[photo], H 9/12/86 p23+
Lady Warriors garner county
soccer title in OT [photo], H
10/31/86 p37
Pillsbury's goal does it [photo], H
11/17/86 p26
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: Wilton 2,
Wethersfield 0, H 11/7/86
January - December 1986
Soccer-Wilton (Continued)
State boys' soccer: Wilton
advances, 2-1, H 11/4/86
Successful soccer coach goes on
to college ranks [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
Wilton advances to boys' state L
championship, H 11/13/86
Wilton gals garner 33rd straight
victory, H 10/4/86 p13+
Wilton, Staples girls head AllCounty team [photo], H
11/29/86 p25
Yarrow's 2 goals pace Wilton in
state tourney, H 11/7/86 p27+
Social surveys
Administrator named for survey
on needs, H 3/3/86 p9+
High school to be subject of
survey: Opinions of Wilton
taxpayers sought, H 11/7/86
Officials ready to work on needs
assessment poll, H 1/30/86
Student drug poll completed, H
3/20/86 p13
Survey: Parents feel kids `overprogrammed', H 11/20/86 p41
Society to Advance the
Retarded. SEE STAR
Soffer, Philip
McMahon sophomore wins prize
in Norwalk Tech essay
contest [photo], H 4/7/86 p9
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Lady Bears beat Darien [photo],
H 5/24/86 p31+
1986 Hour All-City softball [photo]
[chart], H 6/20/86 p31
20th win puts Lady Cavaliers in
state semis, H 6/10/86 p21+
50th win recorded by Oman
[photo], H 5/15/86 p27
A state Bambino sweep for city
girls, H 7/29/86 p15+
Black women umpire honored
[photo], H 6/19/86 p15
CC's Martin at .591, H 5/23/86
Central Catholic wins state
crown: Martin hit in 9th
grounds Granby [photo], H
6/14/86 p25+
Champions place 5 players each
[photo], H 6/20/86 p31+
Ciccarelli reappointed, H 11/7/86
City batting title still at CC,
Vallerie No. 1 [photo], H
6/18/86 p13+
City champs [photo], H 6/6/86 p36
City gals triumph: NE Champs!,
H 7/21/86 p17+
Common Council to recognize
city softball, baseball teams,
H 8/26/86 p7
Dolphins beaten, H 8/23/86 p23
Dolphins capture softball
championship [photo], H
7/28/86 p21+
Dolphins cop state pair: Can get
NE berth tonight, H 7/14/86
Dolphins feted [photo], H 1/10/86
Dolphins finish second, advance
to NE Regional, H 7/16/86
Dolphins out: 10th in nation, H
8/25/86 p19+
Dolphins prevail on 1-hitter, H
7/28/86 p24
Dolphins squeak by 1-0 as
Jagodzinski shines [photo], H
8/22/86 p1+
Dolphins stun NE champs, 4-1, in
10, H 6/27/86 p31
Dolphins swim to top on right arm
of Morris [photo], H 8/12/86
Governor cites softball champs
[photo], H 7/31/86 p25
Heads-up base running keeps
NHS season alive, H 6/3/86
Indy softball season opens
[photo], H 5/15/86 p30
It's this simple! Marinres won't
play Dolphins, H 7/11/86
Jr. softball gals cited [photo], H
9/19/86 p37
King, Barry named top coaches
in state [photo], H 2/25/86
Lady Bears beat Darien [photo],
H 5/24/86 p31+
Lady Bears engage Warde
tonight for FCIAC laurels
[photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Lady Bears too much for
Senators [photo], H 4/25/86
Laurels convince Aces who's No.
1 [photo], H 10/2/86 p23+
Mariners open season Sunday, H
6/11/86 p25+
Mariners, Dolphins win in NE
Regional tourney:
Luczkowski, Hannon handle
Nighthawks in 8-1 victory
[photo], H 7/26/86 p25+
Mariners, Dolphins win in NE
Regional tourney: South
Boston crushed, 14-1
[photo], H 7/26/86 p25+
Mariners, L. I. split openers, H
6/16/86 p17+
Martin is dominating softball
hitting, H 5/7/86 p13+
Morris bests Luczkowski by 1-0
score in first meeting ever of
city teams, H 7/26/86 p25+
No. 13 isn't unlucky for talented
Martin [photo], H 6/14/86
Norwalk Dolphins leave for
national tourney: 22-team
event opens tomorrow in
Michigan [photo], H 8/19/86
Norwalk FCIAC Softball champs
[photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Norwalk HS baseball, softball
teams riding high: 7th
straight for Barry's Lady
Bears, H 5/1/86 p23+
Norwalk, Central Catholic head to
softball finals: Lady Bears
eliminate Westhill [photo], H
5/29/86 p21+
Norwalk, Central Catholic head to
softball finals: Lady Cavs to
meet Brookfield, H 5/29/86
Norwalk: The home of
champions: Gardella, Oman
guide Lady Bears past AW in
FCIAC title game [photo p1],
H 5/31/86 p25+
Norwalk: The home of
champions: Lady Cavs nip
Bobcats as Vallerie, DiChiara
sparkle in WCC final [photo],
H 5/31/86 p25+
Oman, Gardella, Shular chosen
All-conference [photo], H
6/21/86 p23
Open state play today [photo], H
7/10/86 p28
Past Hour All-City selections
[photo] [chart], H 6/20/86
p31, H 6/26/86 p25+
Pony stars head to regionals
[photo], H 7/22/86 p22
Softball begins Thursday [photo],
H 4/7/86 p21+
Softball gals feted [photo], H
9/17/86 p31
January - December 1986
Softball-Norwalk (Continued)
Softball was first class last
weekend in city, H 7/30/86
Something for the 50th [photo], H
5/24/86 p34
Sonny's remains undefeated:
Norwalk Indy Softball
League, H 6/17/86 p24
Stolba three-hits Brookfield, 2-1
[photo], H 5/7/86 p13+
Stolba's no-hitter puts CC into
final [photo], H 6/12/86 p25
Vallerie, Martin, McCabe homer
for unbeaten Cavs, H 5/1/86
WCC softball champs meet
Coventry today, H 6/6/86 p31
Will Central Catholic bring home
school's first state title?
[photo], H 6/13/86 p33+
Winning is important at Central
Catholic [photo], H 6/27/86
Women's softball begins tonight
[photo] [chart], H 7/25/86
Injury-ridden Sonny's finishes 3rd
in regional, H 8/18/86 p21
Sonny's softball team set to play
for NE crown [photo], H
8/14/86 p19+
Sonny's wins Indy loop crown
[photo], H 8/12/86 p43
Sonny's wins NE opener, H
8/16/86 p23
Solan, David
Solan plans campaign to
unbuckle belt law, H
11/10/86 p20
Solazzo, Paul
Scholars honored by foundation
[photo], H 5/23/86 p9
Soltis, Vivian
Merchants fetes two who retire
[photo], H 9/9/86 p19
Sommer, Mary E.
City lawyer named to top
Stamford post, H 11/7/86 p12
SONECOR moves HQ to
Norwalk [photo], H 3/4/86 p27
Sonny's of Westport
Sonny's of Westport captures
state crown, H 7/23/86 p13+
SoNo Arts Celebration
A weekend of fun [photo], H
8/7/86 p14
Arts celebration to fill Washington
Street for weekend, H 8/1/86
Connecticut coppersmith [photo],
H 8/1/86 p16
SoNo art entries win $3,000 cash
awards [photo], H 7/30/86
SoNo Arts Celebration Aug. 2-3:
10th festival is two day
extravaganza [photo], H
7/28/86 p15+
SoNo Celebration boosters
[photo], H 6/6/86 p19
SoNo festival awarded $3,000 by
commission, H 3/18/86 p6
SoNo festival features food, fine
art [photo], H 8/4/86 p1+
Steam launch joins in arts
celebration [photo], H
7/29/86 p1
SoNo Cinema
Cameras cancelled for SoNo, H
2/15/86 p1+
Film's showing spurs protests, H
2/7/86 p1+
SoNo District Association
Olcott is executive director of
SoNo District Association
[photo], H 9/30/86 p23
SoNo Association elects officers
[photo], H 8/19/86 p15
SoNo Improvement Association
Shelter wins FOI battle, H 5/3/86
SoNo's Little Kitchen
Restaurant opening [photo], H
12/23/86 p21
Sons of Italy Lodge-Westport
Club to donate festival proceeds,
H 11/19/86 p38
Officers installed at Sons of Italy
[photo], H 4/17/86 p17
Scholarships given by Sons of
Italy [photo], H 6/20/86 p11
Sons of Pericles
Sons of Pericles announce
officers [photo], H 5/17/86 p8
Sorensen, Robert H.
Four area residents elected to
board of trustees at UB, H
5/29/86 p28
Soundview Dr.-Westport
ZBA taken to court on building lot
denial, H 4/14/86 p13+
South Main St.-Norwalk
2 developers buy SoNo
properties [photo], H 3/4/86
Authority bows out on housing
site plan, H 9/24/86 p11
Council approves purchase of
SoNo property, H 10/15/86
South Main Street housing
proposal outlined, H 9/18/86
South Norwalk Branch Library
`Sail Away--Read!' [photo], H
4/19/86 p18
City library establishing health
resource center, H 11/6/86
South Norwalk Branch hosts
talks by Quander, Skeeter
[photo], H 2/20/86 p13
Top summer readers get
certificates, H 8/27/86 p24
South Norwalk Electric Works
Officials consider dam plant, H
4/4/86 p12
SNEW, CL & P try to reach
mutual aid agreement, H
1/10/86 p11
South Norwalk-Economic
Businesses on move to SoNo, H
5/22/86 p10
Revitalization has changed
Washington Street [photo], H
9/26/86 p48
Sequel to movie on South
Norwalk debuts Sept. 19, H
9/12/86 p6
SoNo black tie celebration
reflects the area's
revitalization [photo], H
12/17/86 p25
Special status is proposed in
SoNo area, H 5/16/86 p1+
South Western Regional
Planning Agency. SEE
Southern Connecticut Wellesley
Wellesley Club officers [photo], H
10/20/86 p19
Southern New England
Telephone. SEE SNET
Southwest Regional Mental
Health Board
Board elects Dr. Brackett as
chairman, H 8/7/86 p9
Formation of crisis service mental
health board priority, H
5/28/86 p9
Shapiro director of health
agency, H 8/12/86 p6
Southwest Regional Pipeline
Area officials hoist glasses to
mark opening of pipeline
[photo], H 2/1/86 p13+
Southwestern Area Commerce &
Industry Association. SEE
Soviet Union
AmeriCares dispatching aid
[photo], H 5/10/86 p1
Pair allowed to attend forum in
Soviet Union [photo], H
9/30/86 p17+
January - December 1986
Space Plants Inc.
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86 p25+
Space shuttles
Air Force axes area firm's tug:
Vessel key in orbiter search
[photo], H 7/17/86 p13+
Board eyes room for teacherastronaut, H 2/25/86 p12
Calamity a reminder of life's
value, fragility, H 1/29/86 p1+
City students eager to view
shuttle liftoff [photo], H
1/24/86 p1+
Cousin slated for dedication of
classroom, H 3/7/86 p31
Elation turned to horror, H
1/29/86 p1+
Inability to lower flag cause of
outrage, H 1/31/86 p1+
McAuliffe kin to appear at
classroom, H 3/12/86 p12
NHS classroom is dedicated in
Christa McAuliffe's honor
[photo], H 3/13/86 p1+
NHS classroom may become a
memorial to space teacher,
H 2/3/86 p1+
Norden made boosters' parts
[drawing], H 1/29/86 p1+
Norwalk teens counting down to
launch, H 1/25/86 p1+
School board OKs renaming of
classroom, H 2/26/86 p9
Space shuttle blows up [photo], H
1/28/86 p1+
Students Florida-bound to watch
shuttle launch [photo], H
1/23/86 p1+
Spalding, Diane
Chutist hurt in 1st jump, H
4/22/86 p1+
Special education-Westport
Disabled pupils aided by special
program [photo], H 4/3/86 p37
Special Olympics
Athletes await Special Olympics
[photo], H 4/22/86 p11
Darienite panning for Olympic
gold in special games
[photo], H 6/11/86 p1+
Norwalk student Featured
Athlete, one of 14 in UConn
Special Olympics [photo], H
6/5/86 p20
Olympians bear torch in Norwalk
[photo], H 6/11/86 p1+
Olympians bring home 33
medals, H 6/16/86 p1+
Torch run adds leg in Norwalk, H
6/6/86 p6
Speck, Helen Satterlee
Speck backs historic district vote,
H 1/4/86 p11+
Speck endorses Peters
candidacy, H 7/8/86 p9+
Spectacle Ln. Holding Corp.
Lawsuit filed on river work, H
8/29/86 p29+
Spectacle Ln.-Wilton
Condition of road annoys
residents of Spectacle Lane,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Homeowners urge selectmen to
improve Spectacle Lane, H
3/18/86 p13
Spectacle Lane order upheld, H
4/1/86 p13+
Spectrum Group Inc.
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p14
Spinola, Patrick D.
Festival changes leadership
[photo], H 5/3/86 p1+
Oyster Fest chief wins cheers
[photo], H 12/6/86 p1+
Sporn, Dr. Robert C.
Dr. Sporn gains board
certification, H 4/14/86 p35
Sports Award Dinner. SEE
Big 4 snaps city hitting records
[chart], H 7/9/86 p13+
Looking Back [1976, 1961, 1936],
H 1/6/86 p22, H 1/13/86 p20,
H 1/20/86 p20, H 1/27/86
p23, H 2/3/86 p23, H 2/18/86
p28, H 3/3/86 p23, H 3/10/86
p24, H 3/17/86 p23, H
3/24/86 p24, H 3/31/86 p22,
H 4/14/86 p26, H 4/21/86
p22, H 4/28/86 p26, H 5/5/86
p26, H 5/12/86 p24, H
5/19/86 p25, H 5/27/86 p26,
H 6/9/86 p26, H 6/16/86 p19,
H 6/23/86 p22, H 6/30/86
p22, H 7/7/86 p18, H 7/14/86
p22, H 7/21/86 p20, H
7/28/86 p25, H 8/4/86 p20, H
8/11/86 p20, H 8/18/86 p23,
H 8/25/86 p21, H 9/2/86 p26,
H 9/8/86 p29, H 9/15/86 p25,
H 9/22/86 p25, H 10/6/86
p25, H 10/13/86 p23, H
10/20/86 p25, H 10/27/86
p25, H 11/10/86 p27, H
11/24/86 p28, H 12/1/86 p24,
H 12/8/86 p31, H 12/15/86
p24, H 12/22/86 p40, H
12/29/86 p19
One-time athlete worked so
others could play [photo], H
1/11/86 p1+
Past Hour All-City selections
[photo] [chart], H 6/26/86
Sportsmen Club of Westport
500+ attend dinner [photo], H
6/12/86 p25+
Ex-UNC hoopsters to be honored
[photo], H 5/23/86 p36
Kaye is recipient of Sportsmen
award [photo], H 4/23/86 p31
Kowalsky named: Sportsmen to
honor [photo], H 5/2/86 p36
Sports Briefs: Sportsmen of
Westport tab John Kondub
[photo], H 1/3/86 p20
Sportsmen cite Ed Anastasia
[photo], H 5/20/86 p24
Sportsmen cite Stanton, Romano
[photo], H 4/25/86 p37
Sportsmen select Ratchford
[photo], H 5/15/86 p30
Sportsmen to honor trio [photo],
H 6/6/86 p35
Sposato, John
Incidents at Longshore prompts
lawsuits: Plaintiffs seeking
ovr $6.5 million, H 9/11/86
Sprague, Elizabeth
Bell Islander named transit
commissioner [photo], H
3/19/86 p9
Spruce Dr.-Wilton
Special permit granted for day
care center, H 12/2/86 p13+
Spurkeland, Kari Jo
Decision on Falby supported, H
6/11/86 p37+
Falby denied parole, H 6/10/86
Falby's bid for parole draws fire,
H 5/30/86 p1+
Squyres, Amy
Incumbents win back nomination,
H 9/10/86 p11+
Strictly Business, H 8/12/86 p37+
St. Jack, Connie
Caribbean north in a Norwalk
backyard: Creative
landscaping [photo], H
9/29/86 p19
Stader, Martin
Mrs. Gill looking forward to
election day in November
[photo], H 9/10/86 p11+
Numbers may hold key to
outcome in GOP's 142nd
District primary, H 9/6/86
Stader prepares to campaign:
142nd district GOP primary,
H 8/29/86 p29+
Dancing, singing Stageworks is
Sunday: Waiting in the
wings, H 7/18/86 p15+
January - December 1986
Stalker, Kathleen K.
Incumbents win back nomination,
H 9/10/86 p11+
Stamford-Economic conditions
City jobless again said less than
in Stamford, H 1/10/86 p1+
Stamps, Postage. SEE
Stanton, George "Skip"
Sportsmen cite Stanton, Romano
[photo], H 4/25/86 p37
Staples High School
Board seeks grant for cable TV
project, H 10/21/86 p13+
Committee wants Staples to
remain a 4-year school, H
4/14/86 p13+
Parking prohibited at fire training
center entrance, H 4/23/86
Students get help to adjust, H
9/13/86 p37
Students set $30,000 goal for
Hands Across America
[photo], H 4/1/86 p13
Study presented on changes at
Staples: Westport school
board hears report, H
6/17/86 p13+
WEA faces labor practice charge,
H 1/24/86 p11
Staples High School-Awards
11 students from Staples earn
awards, H 5/17/86 p13+
Awards presented at Staples, H
6/25/86 p41+
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Governor to honor students, H
10/22/86 p37+
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
School officials pay tribute to
Staples honor students, H
6/30/86 p12
Staples labelled `outstanding' in
assessment by magazine, H
5/24/86 p15+
Staples students are
commended, H 10/11/86 p46
Staples High School-Counseling
Westport board accepts gift for
Staples counseling center, H
9/16/86 p35+
Staples High School-Graduation
Staples graduates continue
education, H 12/19/86 p29
Staples High SchoolMaintenance and repair
Return of heat cools walkout by
students, H 1/17/86 p9+
Staples High School-Music
Band brings show to board
[photo], H 11/18/86 p28
Orphenians to observe 25th
anniversary, H 6/6/86 p30
Staples High School-Sports
All-FCIAC boys' indoor track
team [photo], H 3/27/86 p26
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
Another Ben Hogan?, H 5/13/86
Baseball's finale: McMahon,
Staples, H 4/21/86 p19+
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Boys' soccer opens this week:
Area schools are ready, H
9/10/86 p21
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Can anyone beat Staples? Raila
New coach at Norwalk
[photo] [chart], H 4/18/86
Can Wilton boys dethrone
Cards? Swimming preview
[photo], H 1/2/86 p19+
City schools place 5 boys on AllCounty [photo], H 11/28/86
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
County meet at WHS, H 2/13/86
Dean of grid coaches decides to
pack it in [photo], H 11/25/86
Ex-Staples' golfer named PGA
rookie, H 12/1/86 p23
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Grayer captures FCIAC [photo],
H 10/28/86 p15+
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Interesting year expected in area,
H 9/11/86 p28
It's pressure time for three girls'
teams: FCIAC, WCC playoffs
taking shape, H 2/8/86 p23+
JV goalie shuts out Manchester,
1-0 [photo], H 11/4/86 p23+
Lady Bears eliminated, H 11/5/86
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Lady Wreckers lose, H 2/22/86
Lady Wreckers move to semis, H
11/8/86 p32
Lane's era ends on losing note, H
11/26/86 p37+
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
Maharaj surprises Coach Kelley
[photo], H 1/22/86 p13+
McMahon vs. Staples on
Monday: It's FCIAC
tournament time, H 10/25/86
McMahon, Staples qualify for
FCIAC boys' event, H
10/27/86 p21+
New Canaan whips Staples, 6638, H 3/19/86 p15+
NHS stays unbeaten with key win
over Staples [photo], H
1/22/86 p13+
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Norwalk, Staples open FCIAC
play tonight, H 5/27/86 p23+
Randazzo, Wilmot, Pratt selected
All-conference [photo], H
6/20/86 p34
SantaLucia tops city in football
scoring, H 11/29/86 p25
Simsbury cops Chappa: Staples
ties for 7th [photo], H 6/6/86
Sports in Brief: Wreckers
Cameron top swim qualifier,
H 3/17/86 p20
Staples advances, ousts
McMahon [photo], H
10/28/86 p15+
Staples becomes lacrosse power
[photo], H 4/9/86 p13+
Staples collects two titles:
Tussing Grayer top scorers,
H 2/3/86 p23
Staples duo all-county [photo], H
12/6/86 p39
Staples garners FCIAC [photo], H
2/7/86 p23+
Staples goes for 2nd in row, H
5/30/86 p20+
Staples ousts West Haven, H
3/15/86 p23+
Staples puts 2 on All-County
[photo], H 12/3/86 p38
January - December 1986
Staples High School-Sports
Staples' coach celebrates silver
anniversary [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
Staples' harriers place four
[photo], H 12/5/86 p32
Staples' Luther wins state girls'
800, H 6/9/86 p27
Staples' soph on All-FCIAC
[photo], H 12/2/86 p25
Staples' Sutherland named to
first team: All-FCIAC girls'
basketball [photo] [chart], H
3/24/86 p21
Staples' Tiley is rated best goalie
in state, H 9/9/86 p25
State boys' soccer: Simsbury
edges Staples, H 11/7/86
State gold goes to Corridon, relay
team [photo], H 2/24/86 p19+
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Vancho zips Wrecker nine, H
5/31/86 p25+
Vikes pound Staples, H 9/15/86
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Wreckers eliminated, H 3/22/86
Wreckers, Blue Wave favored, H
10/25/86 p27+
Staples High School-Staff
Job action prompted by lack of
heat, H 1/16/86 p35
Bears help STAR, H 7/11/86 p9
Bears make presentation [photo],
H 9/23/86 p6
Fun time at Shorelands [photo],
H 5/19/86 p17
Many join to help provide STAR
memorable outing on the
Lady Joan [photo], H 6/24/86
Named director [photo], H 9/4/86
S. T. A. R. guests [photo], H
12/18/86 p30
STAR honors businessmen
[photo], H 10/24/86 p14
Stashower, Gloria
Library board names new
trustees [photo], H 2/5/86 p11
Stasiewski, Anne Marchetti
Educator to retire from post
[photo], H 5/6/86 p13
Stasik, Andrew
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/10/86 p13+
Stations, Radio. SEE RADIO
Statue of Liberty National
Monument (New York, N. Y.)
`Old man' of statue renovation is
still in love with the lady
[photo], H 7/3/86 p1+
Bidding farewell to Miss Liberty
[photo], H 7/7/86 p1+
First sight of statue stays with
statesman [photo], H 7/5/86
Gaff repair adds spice to ship life,
H 7/5/86 p1+
Norwalk plant meets deadline for
the big Liberty Weekend
[photo], H 7/2/86 p19
Octogenarian recalls ill-rated
voyage, H 7/9/86 p1+
Student's game honors `The
Lady' [photo], H 4/8/86 p1
Hungarian freedom fighter statue
removed from park for
repairs [photo], H 4/15/86 p10
Missing statue intrigues county's
Revolutionary War buffs
[photo], H 8/13/86 p9+
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Stauffer makes a breakthrough,
H 8/5/86 p23
Steblea, Tracy A.
4 students chosen, H 4/7/86 p6
Stepford Group
Stepford Group is helping hand
for commuters [photo], H
12/12/86 p35+
Stephens, Roseanne
Head injuries ruled cause of
death, H 6/10/86 p10
Innocent plea entered, H 9/13/86
Woman turns herself in in death
case, H 8/21/86 p6
Woman, 26 convicted in auto
death, H 12/2/86 p13+
Stevens, Herman
City police are accused of
brutality, H 6/21/86 p1+
Stevens, Kristin
Six from area attend Creative
Youth Center, H 8/12/86 p21
Stew Leonard's
Association names Stew
Leonard's top employer for
1985 in region [photo], H
1/22/86 p6
Dairy giant Stew Leonard reaps
accolades for business
contributions [photo], H
6/25/86 p1
Dairy store is widening busy
street, H 9/11/86 p1+
Dairy store's missing cow located
along Danbury road, H
7/16/86 p6
Fair exchange [photo], H 7/8/86
Speaking to sophs [photo], H
12/12/86 p10
Stewart, Richard C.
Candidate to seek write-in vote,
H 9/23/86 p29+
Kimes set to contest nomination,
H 8/16/86 p13+
Richard Stewart pinning hopes
on the write-in vote [photo],
H 10/31/86 p53+
Stiven, Valerie
Local woman dies in crash
[photo], H 10/4/86 p1+
Stokes, Darryl
Goodbye unbeaten season:
Greenwich 39, Norwalk 27
[photo], H 1/30/86 p19+
NHS' Stokes doesn't know what
losing is [photo], H 2/18/86
Stokes: Best in state LL [photo],
H 2/24/86 p19+
Stolba, Michelle
Stolba three-hits Brookfield, 2-1
[photo], H 5/7/86 p13+
Stolba's no-hitter puts CC into
final [photo], H 6/12/86 p25
Two Lady Cavaliers named AllWCC [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
Stone, David F.
Hospital sued over denture in
windpipe, H 8/4/86 p8
Stone, Denis
Denis is `distinguished volunteer'
for his work with Special
Olympics [photo], H 5/13/86
Stone, Joseph
Officials issue order against
photographer, H 2/24/86 p11+
Stony Brook Bridge-Darien
Darien gets grant for bridge
project, H 6/14/86 p13
Stop & Shop Co. Inc.
Strictly Business, H 3/11/86 p19+
Supermarket may open store in
new Wilton shopping center,
H 8/4/86 p9+
Storch, Dr. Marc
All special deliveries [photo], H
9/27/86 p16
Stork Express
Their storks welcome newcomers
to the town [photo], H
5/29/86 p15
Strassberger, Peter J.
New office is opened by attorney
[photo], H 1/22/86 p12
January - December 1986
Children taught to cope with
stress, H 7/28/86 p13
Stretton, Thomas
Westporter named District
Deputy, H 4/15/86 p14
Strickland, Wallie A.
Wallie Strickland, former
councilman, H 7/10/86 p6
Striped Zebra
Striped Zebra anniversary
[photo], H 5/13/86 p33
Student awards
11 students from Staples earn
awards, H 5/17/86 p13+
20 area pupils are commended
by National Merit
Scholarships Corp., H
12/18/86 p23
3 visit center, H 7/19/86 p6
4 students chosen, H 4/7/86 p6
7 students recognized, H
11/21/86 p6
Around the Towns: Anderson
awarded scholarship, H
8/5/86 p12
Around the Towns: Doyle
awarded scholarship, H
8/5/86 p12
Around the Towns: Sloper
receives $750 scholarship, H
8/5/86 p12
Awards given for excellence
[photo], H 4/10/86 p37
Awards received, H 5/6/86 p8
Cardullo accepts a fellowship
[photo], H 6/26/86 p20
CIB's scholarships announced, H
10/6/86 p14
City girl recipient of award for
valor [photo], H 6/14/86 p20
Collegiate Oscar goes to
Westport filmmaker [photo],
H 7/30/86 p30
Congressional art winner [photo],
H 8/12/86 p27
Drafting students win state
honors [photo], H 5/15/86 p15
Eight were winners [photo], H
7/26/86 p18
Firefighters honor athletes
[photo], H 8/23/86 p23
Five for Ireland, H 7/9/86 p6
Frietag seving as research
assistant at Yale, H 8/21/86
Getting set for training [photo], H
7/31/86 p6
Graduates receive grants [photo],
H 7/25/86 p29
Health/Fitness: Association cites
students, H 7/7/86 p11
Knights present scholarship
awards [photo], H 8/1/86 p11
Local students attend program at
prep school, H 7/17/86 p26
Malizia selected for scholarship,
H 8/21/86 p15
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
Nine honored, H 4/26/86 p8
Norwalk girl wins awards, H
1/25/86 p6
Norwalk resident a winner in
Golden Rule competition
[photo], H 1/16/86 p6
Preparing for the sea [photo], H
7/9/86 p6
Realtors present scholarships
[photo], H 7/11/86 p25
Reserve Officers fete students
[photo], H 6/11/86 p35
Retired officers bestow award
[photo], H 6/24/86 p24
Savings Society grants
scholarships [photo], H
7/15/86 p30
Scholar award [photo], H 12/4/86
Scholarship is awarded [photo],
H 6/9/86 p20
Scholarship won, H 4/17/86 p6
Scholarships are awarded
[photo], H 8/25/86 p29
Schools honor area students
[photo], H 6/24/86 p10
Seniors are winners [photo], H
6/9/86 p15
Silvermine gives scholarships
[photo], H 6/24/86 p13
Slogan picked as the winner in
contests [photo], H 6/27/86
Sorority gives scholarships
[photo], H 6/24/86 p24
Strictly Business, H 7/29/86 p11+
Students show winning posters
[photo], H 11/17/86 p14
Three from area awarded
degrees, H 12/20/86 p28
Winners of art contest revealed
[photo], H 4/29/86 p19
Wins top prizes [photo], H 6/4/86
Young writers receive awards
[photo], H 3/7/86 p6
Student exchanges. SEE
Student expulsion
Student will appeal expulsion:
Ban imposed after fight, H
3/21/86 p20
Student suspension
2 suspended for 180 days for
NHS fight, H 3/12/86 p1+
Accused rapist is graduated as
school suspension expires, H
3/18/86 p9
Athletes suspended after party, H
5/12/86 p1+
Students approve of suspensions
for drinking, H 5/13/86 p1+
Two girls suspended, one named
in stabbing, H 2/28/86 p1+
Students Against Drunk Driving.
Suarez, Manny
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
Substance abuse-PreventionWeston
Wilton spokeswomen attend
substance abuse meeting, H
11/21/86 p30
Substance abuse-Weston
Substance abuse policy sent
back for more work by school
board, H 10/15/86 p13+
Substitute teachers-Norwalk
School board raises salaries for
substitutes by $2 per day, H
10/9/86 p19
Famine relief coordinators bring
hope to people of Sudan, H
8/8/86 p9
Boards support suicide
counseling funds, H 3/13/86
Body found, identified as fireman,
H 4/15/86 p6
Suicide, Attempted
Police sergeant convinces man
to surrender, H 4/9/86 p8
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
Divers seek body under I-95
bridge [photo], H 2/13/86 p1+
Firefighter is jump suspect, H
2/14/86 p1+
Police report man wounded
girlfriend, then killed himself,
H 8/18/86 p1+
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
Weston man, 75, takes own life
in parking lot, H 1/20/86 p6
City youth found dead in
basement, H 1/27/86 p8
Norwalker found hanged behind
Westport church, H 1/24/86
Suicides frighten parents, H
1/29/86 p11
January - December 1986
Suit, Nelson
Around the Towns: Darien, H
5/12/86 p10
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan named principal at
Coleytown Elementary, H
6/17/86 p13
Sullivan, Doris
Town honors memory of reporter
[photo], H 5/6/86 p9+
Town to honor reporter's
memory, H 5/2/86 p9
Sullivan, Maxine
It's Maxine's birthday [photo], H
5/13/86 p17
Sun, Hao
Exchange teacher enlightening
kids while continuing her own
education, H 5/23/86 p11+
Sunset Pass-Wilton
Order on excavation issued, H
6/6/86 p26
Super Stop & Shop. SEE STOP
Superior Castings Corp.
Import woes forced SoNo firm to
close, H 5/16/86 p1+
Superior Castings closing its
doors [photo], H 2/18/86 p29
Support groups
Group forms for family of cocaine
users, H 7/9/86 p35
Support group [letter], H 8/20/86
Surace, Frank
Surace breaks school soccer
scoring record [photo], H
10/30/86 p25
Surveys, School. SEE SCHOOL
Surveys, Social. SEE SOCIAL
Survival of a Small City Part 2
Controversial film on South
Norwalk restoration
premieres [photo p8], H
9/20/86 p1+
Funding complete for
revitalization film sequel, H
3/25/86 p29
Sequel to movie on South
Norwalk debuts Sept. 19, H
9/12/86 p6
Susan Davis Lloyd Memorial
Cancer patients given
scholarships: Fund honors
Westport student, H 2/6/86
Memorial fund gives 17
scholarships to students
[photo], H 6/30/86 p11+
Suspension of students. SEE
Sutton Place ApartmentsNorwalk
Apartment building purchased by
Westporters for $3.3M, H
1/3/86 p1
Svanda, Mike
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
10/2/86 p27
Svencer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Wed 40 years [photo], H 11/1/86
Swain & Swain
Strictly Business, H 7/8/86 p21+
Hegedus makes right move
[photo], H 10/23/86 p31+
Swimming-New Canaan
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
5-0 Norwalk sinks McMahon
[photo], H 1/16/86 p23+
Can Wilton boys dethrone
Cards? Swimming preview
[photo], H 1/2/86 p19+
City swimmers star in Jr.
Olympics [photo], H 4/28/86
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
Hegedus makes right move
[photo], H 10/23/86 p31+
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
Norwalk freshman takes county
IM [photo], H 11/3/86 p35
Roton Point cops city swim team
relays, H 7/10/86 p28
Shorehaven swimmers [photo], H
8/20/86 p18
Sports in Brief: Norwalk Aquatic
Club does well in states, H
9/2/86 p24
State 500 free to Bell [photo], H
11/17/86 p27
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Swimmers honored [photo], H
8/15/86 p24
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
Pool revenues expected to
increase, H 3/10/86 p9
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Weston garners state S crown, H
3/20/86 p30
Weston girls stop Pomperaug as
5-year WCC streak goes on,
H 10/8/86 p35+
Can Wilton boys dethrone
Cards? Swimming preview
[photo], H 1/2/86 p19+
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
Jellyfish fail to slow swim racers
[photo], H 8/4/86 p9+
Point-to-poit swim nets awards
for several area swimmers, H
8/6/86 p33+
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Cards grab title: Wilton posts five
victories, H 3/1/86 p21
Carmichael, Cieurzo lead Wilton
to state title, H 3/19/86 p15
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
Five Warriors on All-FCIAC, H
4/12/86 p23
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
Panel provides report on
swimming incident, H 8/21/86
Town may close swimming hole
before Labor Day, H 8/21/86
Wilton swimmers honored, H
11/12/86 p15
Area officials hoist glasses to
mark opening of pipeline
[photo], H 2/1/86 p13+
Area's affordable housing
problem to be focus of
SWRPA workshop, H 9/9/86
Increase on police sought for
turnpike, H 3/3/86 p1+
Regional agency reviews plans
for Route 7, H 12/9/86 p7
State is asked to rethink parking
lot rent policy, H 2/4/86 p23
SWRPA asked not to null
Norwalk zoning rule
changes, H 9/9/86 p10
SWRPA backs ban of tandem
trailers, H 8/5/86 p18
SWRPA criticizes rail plan, H
4/8/86 p1+
SWRPA seeks park ideas for the
length of Route 7, H 4/25/86
SWRPA support master plan for
city, H 5/6/86 p1+
SWRPA to review zone changes,
H 8/27/86 p9
SWRPA: Keep rule on the books,
H 5/6/86 p9
January - December 1986
SWRPA (Continued)
Waveny Park measure vetoed:
Policy to be (sic) remain
unchanged, H 1/15/86 p9+
Sylvan Learning Center
Sylvan Centers help students
make grad: Retraining for
success [photo], H 2/20/86
System 1 Real Estate Inc.
Toohey installed president of
System 1 Real Estate Inc.
[photo], H 6/24/86 p21
T-Bar Inc.
Earnings, H 8/5/86 p25
N. J. firm seeking takeover of TBar, H 10/31/86 p53+
New products unveiled in '85
putting glint in T-Bar's eye
[photo], H 1/28/86 p29
T-Bar honors long service
[photo], H 3/11/86 p20
T-Bar present role of matrix
switching [photo], H 7/29/86
T-Bar rejects offer to buy, H
11/13/86 p11
T-Bar sales, earnings up, H
11/4/86 p18
T-Bar set as target of merger, H
11/26/86 p8
Taliercio, Ann
Kiwanis scholars [photo], H
7/18/86 p13
Tall Oaks Rd.-Wilton
Officials reject request to dredge,
H 1/28/86 p9+
Tallmadge Bros.
Oyster company will acquire
additional beds in the Sound,
H 5/31/86 p1+
Tamburri, Joseph S.
Tamburri fills post in district
[photo], H 7/2/86 p1
Tamsky, Joseph
Two city officials deny speaking
with Lyons about
representation, H 8/19/86 p6
Tannery Ln. S.-Weston
Weston urged to accept road:
Residents submit plea again,
H 4/7/86 p13
Tax assessment. SEE
Taxpayers for Quality EducationWestport
$11,099 spent by group in
referendum, H 7/24/86 p37+
Teacher of the Year-Westport
8 nominated for teacher of the
year, H 9/20/86 p25+
School board chooses teacher of
the year [photo], H 9/23/86
Teachers honored, H 2/4/86 p10
Roche says GOP lawmakers
endorse teacher salary bill
[photo], H 3/27/86 p13+
Teachers-Fairfield County
Writing project program
sponsored: Several area
teachers take part, H 8/12/86
10th dinner to honor 25 school
retirees, H 6/7/86 p20
25 school system retirees lauded
by friends, families and
associates [photo], H 6/13/86
Anatomy of first novel subject of
Smith talk [photo], H 1/16/86
Board to honor 25 retirees:
Manor hosting event, H
5/20/86 p10
Board, NFT opt for $21,500 base,
H 10/8/86 p1+
City school board to consider
appointments to 35 positions,
H 8/28/86 p16
Diocese raises elementary
teachers' pay, H 2/26/86 p9
Educator is elected, H 6/26/86
English teachers petition for
lighter work load, H 11/6/86
Grant awarded, H 2/15/86 p13
Local teacher author of guide, H
10/30/86 p6
Local teachers enjoy summer's
experience [photo], H
8/28/86 p15
Margaret Bredice dies: Retired
school teacher [photo], H
6/2/86 p6
McMahon anniversary is time for
reminiscing [photo], H
4/25/86 p14
Negotiators settle state-funded
teacher raises, H 11/7/86 p1+
NFT complains about tactics:
Used in negotiations, H
10/22/86 p9
NFT hits remarks by Hanley, H
5/19/86 p1+
NHS scholarship is in memory of
retired teacher, H 3/14/86 p20
Ruth Budd Weed, longtime
teacher, is dead at 93, H
3/22/86 p6
Seven teachers to take leaves,
return in '87, H 2/28/86 p21
Tax panel reduces time for pay
hikes, H 10/1/86 p1+
Teacher pact talks re-opened, H
8/5/86 p1+
Teachers cited for excellence
[photo], H 10/3/86 p1+
Teachers offered new contract, H
11/18/86 p1+
Teachers protest in Norwalk
[photo], H 9/2/86 p1+
Teachers told not to expect hefty
raises, H 4/2/86 p1+
Teachers union raps remarks of
chairman, H 4/3/86 p1+
Teachers, board negotiate on
approach to salary law, H
9/10/86 p6
20 teachers participating in
project, H 4/28/86 p13+
School staff vote to end pact
dispute, H 3/31/86 p11+
Successful maneuver a life saver
for teen [photo], H 11/8/86
Teacher pact in arbitration, H
12/13/86 p13
Teachers cited for excellence
[photo], H 10/3/86 p1+
18 new staff members join school
system in Westport, H 9/8/86
20 teachers participating in
project, H 4/28/86 p13+
Around the Towns: Four
Coleytown Middle School
teacher presented
workshops, H 5/16/86 p14
Board will consider contract for
teachers, H 2/22/86 p13
Contract approved by Westport
RTM, H 3/5/86 p13
Contract ratified by teachers
[photo], H 2/4/86 p9
CPEC: Westport fourth in teacherpupil ratio, H 10/17/86 p29
Eleven new teachers welcomed
by Greens Farms Academy
faculty, H 10/15/86 p15
Job action prompted by lack of
heat, H 1/16/86 p35
March 4 designated teacher day,
H 2/28/86 p41
Referendum cuts break contract:
Teachers' union president
warns, H 6/7/86 p13+
RTM committees recommend
passage of teacher contract,
H 3/1/86 p13
School staff development plan
reviewed, H 3/25/86 p11
January - December 1986
Teachers-Westport (Continued)
Teachers contract wins approval
of school board, H 2/25/86
Teachers honored in Westport
[photo], H 6/19/86 p13
Teachers in Westport resolve
contract dispute, H 1/28/86
Teachers will go back to class:
Math workshop set in
Westport, H 8/7/86 p9
WEA faces labor practice charge,
H 1/24/86 p11
Westport school librarian wins
award, H 11/22/86 p14
Westport school system
continues relationship with
Lincoln Center, H 8/23/86
Westport will honor teachers: On
retirements, anniversaries, H
6/16/86 p9+
`Lincoln Center Rap' performed
by teachers, H 10/25/86 p41+
20 teachers participating in
project, H 4/28/86 p13+
County prison's bars no barrier
for Wilton tutor [photo], H
5/29/86 p33+
Teachers becoming students, H
11/8/86 p41+
Teachers honored by school
officials, H 6/21/86 p13+
Teachers learn at workshop
[photo], H 11/21/86 p29
Veteran teacher is suspended:
Educational viewpoints differ,
H 4/12/86 p13+
Westport group sponsors bike
ride: Riders `Bike for Peace',
H 3/15/86 p13+
Tec, Dr. Leon
Center to honor Dr. Tec, H
12/12/86 p37
Technological innovationsEmployee participation
Postal worker's idea wins him
$17,000 [photo], H 9/13/86
Technology Finance Group of
Strictly Business, H 12/16/86
Technoserve Inc.
Grant will help group provide aid
in Zaire, H 9/4/86 p18
Local firm exports know-how to
third world, H 6/19/86 p20
Technoserve changes HQ
[photo], H 1/7/86 p20
Technoserve will aid farmers in
Sudan: Project is for five
years, H 4/3/86 p33
Tedesco, Donald
Town to honor unsung heroes:
Four Westporters selected, H
2/12/86 p13+
Tedesco, Larry Jr.
Another Ben Hogan?, H 5/13/86
Teen-age pregnancy. SEE
Telephone systems
Phone service cut off by
construction accident, H
12/9/86 p1+
Phones back on line for Wilton
customers, H 12/10/86 p15+
Television producers and
TV mini-series by Rowayton
producer: Christopher
Plummer to star [photo], H
3/17/86 p13+
Weston producer airs
Shakespeare [photo], H
1/18/86 p13+
Television programs. SEE
Temenos Institute
Mueller joins institute staff as
consultant, H 12/6/86 p26
Temple, Patrick J.
A bear of a task [photo], H
3/31/86 p11
Templin, Roger
Students and teacher honored
[photo], H 6/14/86 p13
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
Lady Warriors upset, H 5/30/86
Tennis-New Canaan
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
Barrera, Norton debut, CC boys'
team scratched [photo], H
4/9/86 p13
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
Jr. netters honored [photo], H
9/17/86 p31
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
McMahon tennis tourney finalists
[photo], H 6/14/86 p28
Roton Point net titlist [photo], H
9/2/86 p26
Sr. tennis finalists [photo], H
9/19/86 p36
Wilton retains Hour-Bulletin
tennis laurels [photo], H
10/3/86 p24
Barrera, Norton debut, CC boys'
team scratched [photo], H
4/9/86 p13
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
Ogilvy heads NE net rankings, H
3/25/86 p22
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
Lady Warriors take state crown
again, H 6/10/86 p21
Lady Warriors upset, H 5/30/86
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
Teen to sue town over tennis
injury, H 9/29/86 p9+
Wilton netters stand 12-0, H
5/17/86 p25
Wilton retains Hour-Bulletin
tennis laurels [photo], H
10/3/86 p24
Teuscher, Philip
Recalling an era of wind and
wave [photo], H 10/25/86 p1+
Thai teacher brings her side of
world to Weston, H 9/13/86
Theall, Steve
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Theatre Artists WorkshopWestport
Gala sale and auction manned by
celebrities, H 12/4/86 p31
January - December 1986
Theatre Artists WorkshopWestport (Continued)
Theatre Artists revive anniversary
gala [photo], H 3/14/86 p13
Thompson, Sister Rosella
Black women umpire honored
[photo], H 6/19/86 p15
Thompson, Keith
Officials drop drug charges vs.
cage star, H 9/10/86 p6
Thompson, Leonard
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 3/29/86 p25
Thompson, Richard
Winning exhibits [photo], H 5/8/86
Thompson, Terrance J.
Tool shed ruling lands ZBA in
court, H 11/21/86 p31
Thorne, Rev. Thomas P.
Fr. Thorne is named Central
Catholic principal, H 9/2/86
Principal welcomes new staffer
[photo], H 10/20/86 p11
Thurber, Helen Wismer
Helen Thurber dies: Widow of
humorist, H 12/24/86 p6
Tiegs, Cheryl
Home involved in lawsuit is sold
for $3.5 million, H 8/29/86
Tiegs files suit over home buy, H
5/21/86 p12
Darien couple send tiger back to
Texas, H 8/5/86 p11+
Darien tiger moves on to zoo
[photo], H 7/28/86 p7
Tiger needs a new home, H
6/24/86 p24
Tiger to find home back in
Indiana?, H 7/18/86 p11
Tilford W. Miller School. SEE
Tingle, Dolli
Westport artist wins stamp of
approval [drawing], H 9/4/86
Tingle, Patricia L.
Woman is named Kendall
principal, H 7/8/86 p24
Tinnen, Clyde
West Rocks names outstanding
student [photo], H 4/28/86
Tinsmith turns back on
commuting [photo], H
5/29/86 p33+
Tishler, Dr. Mitchell S.
Tishler receives doctorate
degree, H 9/13/86 p6
Tishler, Albert
Norwalk wins appeal over state
decision, H 5/7/86 p6
Titus, Carrie
Wins title [photo], H 10/30/86 p14
Tobiassen, Ingrid
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/4/86 p20
Tobiassen, Thor
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/4/86 p20
Tobin, Robert
2 city GOPers criticize McKinney,
H 7/14/86 p9
Toledo, Leila
Girl Scouts add members to the
board of directors, H 7/16/86
Toll House-Weston
Owner to move house to conform
to zoning, H 2/28/86 p41+
ZBA rules against Toll House
addition, H 2/26/86 p11
Zoning order upheld on Weston
landmark, H 1/29/86 p11+
Toll roads
End the parkway tolls [edit], H
3/21/86 p4
Tolson, Ann
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
Tomlin, Marvin
City grid standouts decide on
future, H 6/2/86 p19
City's 4 All-State gridders touring
campuses, H 1/29/86 p13
Toohey, Robert
Toohey installed president of
System 1 Real Estate Inc.
[photo], H 6/24/86 p21
Touch football. SEE ALSO
Touch football-Norwalk
It's championship time Norwalk
recreation touch football
[photo], H 11/12/86 p16
ITFL begins 25th season
Sunday, H 9/13/86 p15
Norwalk drops opener [photo], H
9/17/86 p30
Norwalk gets 1st victory in ITFL,
H 10/2/86 p27
Norwalk heads to playoffs: InterCity touch football, H
11/19/86 p32
Norwalk nearly pulls upset: InterCity touch football, H
11/12/86 p16
Rec touch football opens, H
9/19/86 p37
Special awards given [photo], H
12/13/86 p32
Two teams unbeaten: Recreation
touch football, H 10/2/86 p27
Touch of Class
It's a deli: It's a restaurant, a
caterer, A Touch of Class
[photo], H 12/23/86 p21
Toulmin-Rothe, Ann
Westport artist are named jurors,
H 2/13/86 p14
Tourist trade-Norwalk
Discover Norwalk tour volunteers
applauded, H 10/15/86 p11
June Havoc, Collins
Development cited for roles
in area tourism [photo], H
5/21/86 p6
Mission: Lure tourists to cities'
treasures: Our `Yankee
Heritage' [photo], H 11/3/86
Norwalk's SoNo now big tourist
attraction, H 1/25/86 p20
Tourism director appointed, H
5/3/86 p12
Travel writers take `Heritage' trail
here: Tourism is promoted
[photo], H 2/27/86 p13
Tourist trade-South Norwalk
Norwalk's SoNo now big tourist
attraction, H 1/25/86 p20
Tourist trade-Wilton
June Havoc, Collins
Development cited for roles
in area tourism [photo], H
5/21/86 p6
Mission: Lure tourists to cities'
treasures: Our `Yankee
Heritage' [photo], H 11/3/86
Tower, Norma Corey
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86
Town and Country Magazine
Staples labelled `outstanding' in
assessment by magazine, H
5/24/86 p15+
Town Line Center
Town Line stores will be condos
[drawing], H 12/9/86 p26
Town Players of New Canaan
`Peter Pan' is 111th NC Town
Players show [photo], H
11/10/86 p14
Toys for Tots Program
Collecting `Toys for Tots' [photo],
H 12/8/86 p21
Success of toy drive for needy
`overwhelming' [photo p8], H
12/24/86 p1+
Tracey School
Panel OKs school work, H
12/11/86 p11
Student's game honors `The
Lady' [photo], H 4/8/86 p1
January - December 1986
Tracey School-Maintenance and
Panel backs Tracey wing in
budget, H 4/4/86 p1+
Reactivated panel OKs plans for
Tracey, H 6/5/86 p10
Tracey, Carol
D. A. R. award winner [photo], H
5/31/86 p18
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Moffets work together [photo], H
5/29/86 p21+
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
Staples duo all-county [photo], H
12/6/86 p39
Track-athletics-New Canaan
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
BMHS boys: NHS' Corridon look
good [photo], H 1/10/86 p25
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Corridon, Forcellina bring home
gold [photo], H 5/30/86 p20+
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Moffets work together [photo], H
5/29/86 p21+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Norwalk's Corridon wins 2, H
1/13/86 p20
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
State gold goes to Corridon, relay
team [photo], H 2/24/86 p19+
What a ending! NHS goes from 08 to 5-9 [photo], H 5/22/86
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
All-FCIAC boys' indoor track
team [photo], H 3/27/86 p26
All-FCIAC girls' track [photo], H
6/24/86 p25
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Grayer captures FCIAC [photo],
H 10/28/86 p15+
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Staples collects two titles:
Tussing Grayer top scorers,
H 2/3/86 p23
Staples duo all-county [photo], H
12/6/86 p39
Staples garners FCIAC [photo], H
2/7/86 p23+
Staples' harriers place four
[photo], H 12/5/86 p32
Staples' Luther wins state girls'
800, H 6/9/86 p27
State gold goes to Corridon, relay
team [photo], H 2/24/86 p19+
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Wreckers, Blue Wave favored, H
10/25/86 p27+
All-FCIAC boys' indoor track
team [photo], H 3/27/86 p26
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
The Tracks in Battle I [photo], H
7/2/86 p34
Tracy, Dillon H.
2 city students win chemistry
prizes, H 5/21/86 p38
NHS student 3rd among students
on chemistry test, H 5/24/86
Norwalk sophomore wins science
prize [photo], H 5/9/86 p11
Traffic accidents
City man dies in crash on Route
123 in Vista, H 12/12/86 p6
New Canaanite hurt in fatal auto
accident, H 3/1/86 p14
Police Blotter: Former resident
dies, H 10/18/86 p8
Traffic accidents-Darien
Attorneys for crash victim rest
case: In wrongful death suit,
H 12/23/86 p10
Car-truck crash in Illinois kills
Darien woman, H 1/29/86 p6
Crash kills Darien girl, 16: 4
classmates injured [photo], H
1/15/86 p1+
Crash with police cruisers nets 2,
H 5/30/86 p6
Darien resident to testify about
June 23 fatal accident, H
9/3/86 p33+
Leary defense tries to dismiss
hypnosis, H 12/24/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 2 hurt in collision,
H 10/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crash brings
seatbelt charge, H 11/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police officer is
injured, H 7/14/86 p9
Scholarship created for crash
victim, H 7/24/86 p17
Settlement reached in Darien
accident, H 10/24/86 p26
Teen-ager rams into roadblock, H
8/19/86 p1+
Teens give testimony about night
of crash, H 12/15/86 p9+
Trial begins in 5-year-old
accident: Darien woman
remains in a coma, H
10/10/86 p6
Trial to open in accident which
killed 1, H 12/2/86 p14
Traffic accidents-Fairfield County
Study: Town roadwork to cost
almost $7,000,000 [photo], H
8/4/86 p9
Traffic accidents-Interstate 95
11-car crash snarls rush, H
3/22/86 p1+
2 people hurt in I-95 crash
[photo], H 2/14/86 p45
Car plunges into river: Driver
dies, H 3/28/86 p1+
Cars overturn on turnpike [photo],
H 1/23/86 p1
City man is killed in crash on
highway, H 5/19/86 p1+
Crackdown, toll removal, new
barriers cut I-95 accidents, H
12/1/86 p1+
Crash delays traffic, H 1/21/86 p8
Crashes snarl evening traffic
[photo], H 12/4/86 p1
Five injured in I-95 pileup:
Norwalk man slightly hurt, H
9/25/86 p6
Illness hinted in I-95 fatal, H
4/9/86 p8
Man injured in crash, H 9/3/86
January - December 1986
Traffic accidents-Interstate 95
N.J. man killed as vehicle strikes
tree by highway, H 3/22/86
O'Neill declares war on trucks
[photo], H 8/23/86 p1+
One dead, two hurt in crash on I95 [photo], H 3/21/86 p1+
One hurt as trailer hits trucks
[photo p1], H 8/5/86 p17
Police Blotter: 3 cars in turnpike
crash, H 9/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: 5-car crash causes
foot injury, H 11/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Accident on I-95
reported, H 5/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Accident reported
on I-95, H 10/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bridge crash slow
traffic, H 4/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car reportedly
jumps divider, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crash closes I-95
lanes, H 10/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crashes slow a.m.
traffic, H 11/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Garden Stater hurt
in crash, H 11/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: I-95 crash hurts 4,
H 3/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man injured in
turnpike crash, H 12/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Mazda `totaled' in
pike crash, H 9/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorist makes
wild exit from I-95, H
12/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police probing
turnpike crash, H 10/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Rains blames (sic)
in seceral (sic) crashes, H
7/2/86 p9
Police Blotter: Trooper rescues
man, H 5/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Truck accident
snarls traffic, H 5/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Truck jack-knifes
on turnpike, H 12/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Truckers charged
in wreck, H 8/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman injured in I95 crash, H 12/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman injured in
turnpike crash, H 6/21/86 p8
Three hurt on I-95: Barrier stops
one car, H 12/4/86 p8
Troopers probe cause of fiery
truck crash [photo], H
8/22/86 p1+
Truck accident injures driver
[photo], H 8/26/86 p1
Truckers say O'Neill battling
wrong group, H 8/23/86 p1+
Wilton man run over after crash,
H 10/16/86 p1+
Witnesses recount turnpike
nightmare, H 8/22/86 p1+
Wreck snarls traffic on pike, H
9/22/86 p10
Traffic accidents-Merritt Parkway
Driver failed to follow the arrow
[photo], H 12/4/86 p6
Investigators can't pin down
crash cause, H 6/11/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 2 injured in
parkway crash, H 12/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: 2-car crash slow
parkway traffic, H 4/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cars collide on
parkway ramp, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crashes slow a.m.
traffic, H 11/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man injured in
wreck, H 10/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Parkway collision
injures 2, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman is treated
after car crash, H 7/1/86 p9
Principal escapes injury in crash
[photo], H 10/24/86 p11
Racing car hits tree on Merritt,
cut in half [photo], H 1/21/86
Safety record is stressed by
vanpoolers, H 6/11/86 p1+
Two Perkin-Elmer employees
dead in van crash on
parkway [photo], H 6/10/86
Wreck slows Parkway cars
[photo], H 11/13/86 p22
Traffic accidents-New Canaan
Accident on Route 123 KOs
power, H 1/27/86 p1+
No injuries in accident, H 6/12/86
Police Blotter: Children escape
injury, H 9/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Policeman hurt
after crash, H 8/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three are injured
in car accident, H 6/27/86 p8
Teen charged in fatal crash, H
10/21/86 p13
Teen-ager succumbs to injuries,
H 10/1/86 p9
Traffic accidents-Norwalk
`Unlicensed' driver blamed in
police cruiser accident, H
10/15/86 p1+
2 hospitalized after car hits bike
and pole, H 6/7/86 p8
Bus driver is charged in incident,
H 11/11/86 p1+
Car hits poles: Driver injured
[photo], H 3/31/86 p1
Car is hit by train: Driver slightly
hurt [photo], H 2/20/86 p1+
Car leaves road, strikes garage
[photo], H 4/5/86 p8
Car runs into tree: One dead, one
hurt, H 3/13/86 p1+
Child is injured when hit by car, H
5/28/86 p6
City again heads list of mishaps
on roads, H 3/1/86 p1+
Crash with police cruisers nets 2,
H 5/30/86 p6
Damaged vehicles [photo], H
12/17/86 p1
Driver, 19, speeding at time of
crash, H 3/15/86 p1+
Firefighters wash fuel from
avenue [photo], H 6/19/86 p1
Man dies after hit by 2 cars, H
11/13/86 p1+
Man dies in storm accident, H
8/18/86 p1+
Man on bridge struck, killed:
Other area crashes injure
five, H 6/23/86 p1+
Motorists keep police busy over
holiday, H 7/7/86 p1+
Norwalk man is charged with
hitting ambulance, H 8/4/86
Norwalk youth, 17, dies after car
flips over, H 3/29/86 p1
Pike traffic snarled after 7-car
accident, H 9/20/86 p8
Police Blotter: 3 injured in two-car
crash, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: 6 injured in two-car
accident, H 12/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Accident brings
charges, H 1/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bicyclist flees after
collision, H 6/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Boy runs into auto,
H 9/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car accident
hospitalizes woman, H
5/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car burns on road,
H 3/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car hits apartment
complex, H 9/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car hits pole,
Westporter injured, H 3/10/86
Police Blotter: Car hits telephone
pole, H 10/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car snaps utility
pole, H 9/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car strikes
storefront, H 7/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cars collide at
intersection, H 9/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Child, 3, injured in
collision, H 6/4/86 p8
January - December 1986
Traffic accidents-Norwalk
Police Blotter: City teen hit by
car, H 2/18/86 p6
Police Blotter: Crash blamed on
failed brakes, H 1/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crash victims
treated for injuries, H 7/2/86
Police Blotter: Cruiser crashes,
officer injured, H 10/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver charged
after hitting 3 cars, H 4/4/86
Police Blotter: Driver hurt as car
hits wall, H 4/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver injured in
weekend crash, H 10/20/86
Police Blotter: Driver warned
after crash, H 1/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Drivers injured in
collision, H 1/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: DWI charge filed
after crash, H 7/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: DWI charge filed in
crash, H 3/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Falling car hurts
man, H 5/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Five hurt in 2-car
crash, H 11/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Five injured in
crash, H 8/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Fugitive arrested
after crash, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man escapes
injury in crash, H 2/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man facing 14
charges, H 12/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man injured in 5car crash, H 8/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man injured in
crash, H 8/30/86 p8
Police Blotter: No child involved
in crash, H 4/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: No injuries
reported in accident, H
6/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker charged
in accident, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Norwalker ticketed
in collision, H 5/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Officer in car
mishap, H 4/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pedestrian injured
in accident, H 6/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pedestrian struck
by sports sedan, H 10/20/86
Police Blotter: Stamford man is
injured in crash, H 5/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two hurt in
accident, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton man
charged in accident, H
12/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman freed from
car, H 12/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman injured in
crash, H 8/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman is hurt in
accident, H 7/2/86 p9
Police Blotter: Woman is injured
in car crash, H 12/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman killed by
car identified, H 4/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman struck,
charged, H 3/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman suffers
head injuries, H 11/25/86 p8
Police car crash results in suit, H
5/23/86 p9
Scrap metal truck flips at busy
local intersection [photo], H
11/1/86 p1+
Stew of bad winter weather
makes for a plateful of
accidents on roads [photo], H
2/5/86 p1+
Teen uninjured in one car crash
[photo], H 9/5/86 p13
Three suffer slight injuries in
accidents, H 6/10/86 p6
Travelling in area still hazardous:
Accidents abound [photo], H
2/8/86 p1+
Truck didn't hit the house [photo],
H 12/22/86 p1
Two seriously hurt in North Ave.
crash, H 9/3/86 p8
Woman charged in
endangerment, H 7/1/86 p6
Traffic accidents-Weston
Accident causes outage in
Weston [photo], H 9/12/86
Crash sends two teens to
hospital, H 6/4/86 p9+
Head injuries ruled cause of
death, H 6/10/86 p10
Manslaughter charge filed in fatal
crash in Weston, H 6/20/86
Passenger killed in Weston
crash, H 6/9/86 p6
Police Blotter: Accidents reported
in Weston, H 2/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Bridgeport man
hurt in crash, H 11/26/86 p8
Police Blotter: California man
charged in crash, H 1/25/86
Police Blotter: Car collides with
deer in Weston, H 7/14/86 p9
Police Blotter: Car damaged in
Weston, H 1/29/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car hits posts:
Driver charged, H 6/11/86 p6
Police Blotter: Car hits tree,
driver not hurt, H 3/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Collision with deer
damages car, H 6/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crash cuts power
to 186 in Weston, H 1/14/86
Police Blotter: Crash sends
couple to hospital, H 6/16/86
Police Blotter: Drivers charged in
Weston, H 2/18/86 p6
Police Blotter: Ice sends drivers
off roads, H 1/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged in
crash, H 10/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man hospitalized
after crash, H 7/22/86 p9
Police Blotter: Man injured in
Weston crash, H 2/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: No injuries as
truck hits pole, H 1/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen injured as
car flips over, H 7/31/86 p9
Police Blotter: Teens hospitalized
after crash, H 7/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teens injured in
crash, H 2/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three women hurt
in car crash, H 11/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Truck damaged in
Weston, H 2/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two injured in
Weston crash, H 10/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Warning issued in
one-car mishap, H 7/15/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman charged
after accident, H 5/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman escapes
car crash, H 2/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman given
warning in accident, H
5/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman injured
when car hits ice, H 12/1/86
Police Blotter: Woman suffers
cuts in crash, H 10/1/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wreck nets seat
belt warnings, H 1/13/86 p6
Trooper injured as cruiser hits
van in Weston, H 6/21/86 p1+
Traffic accidents-Westport
Crash puts man in hospital, H
7/25/86 p30
Lunging car runs amuck in car
lot, H 11/14/86 p10
Man charged after crash, H
6/30/86 p9
Motorist faces charges after
crashing into pole, H
12/17/86 p6
January - December 1986
Traffic accidents-Westport
Pedestrian killed by car in
Westport, H 4/26/86 p1+
Police Blotter: 3 injured in
accident, H 8/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Accident results in
minor injuries, H 5/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car runs into
storefront, H 11/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car strikes empty
school bus, H 12/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Cause of crash is
sought, H 10/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Crash results in
DWI charge, H 11/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver injured in
crash, H 12/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man charged after
crash, H 12/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man drives over
lawn, into tree, H 9/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Man hurt as car
flips, H 6/21/86 p8
Police Blotter: Teen charged
following crash, H 9/18/86 p8
Police Blotter: Truck strikes
bridge, H 6/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two hurt in
Westport crash, H 2/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westport accident
injures 2, H 1/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Westporter's car
overturns, H 3/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman hurt as car
flips, H 9/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman still
`serious' after crash, H
6/19/86 p8
Police pull crash victim from river,
H 6/18/86 p6
Police say victim was in middle of
the road, H 4/29/86 p9+
Three are injured in head-on
crash, H 11/13/86 p8
Two people injured in one-car
accident, H 6/13/86 p8
Westport police investigate
collision involving cruiser, H
5/23/86 p9
Traffic accidents-Wilton
Accident kills man in Wilton, H
3/8/86 p1+
Accident sends officer to hospital,
H 8/8/86 p9
N. Y. man killed in Wilton crash,
H 2/14/86 p1
Police Blotter: 2 drivers charged
after crash, H 10/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: 91-year-old
motorist injured, H 8/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car kills deer in
Wilton, H 3/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car knocks down
gas pump, H 3/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car rolls over in
Wilton, H 5/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car severs pole:
Woman hurt, H 2/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car strikes bus:
No one hurt, H 10/4/86 p8
Police Blotter: Car, ambulance
collide, H 11/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Chain reaction
crash in Wilton, H 9/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Collision blamed
on argument, H 1/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver allegedly
falls asleep, H 8/27/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver charged in
Route 7 crash, H 11/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Driver escapes
injury in accident, H 10/13/86
Police Blotter: Injuries in accident
minor, H 2/22/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorist injured in
crash, H 9/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Motorist injured in
Wilton, H 10/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: N. Y. man charged
in accident, H 11/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: N. Y. woman
charged after wreck, H
11/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pumps toppled at
service station, H 2/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Ridgefielder
charged in accident, H
7/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Three men hurt in
one-car crash, H 10/13/86 p8
Police Blotter: Traffic accident
injures two, H 10/6/86 p8
Police Blotter: Truck hits car:
Woman hurt, H 10/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Trucker charged
after mishap, H 4/25/86 p8
Police Blotter: Two charged after
accident, H 4/15/86 p6
Police Blotter: Two collisions in
Wilton, H 3/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: West Redding
man charged in wreck, H
7/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton driver
charged, H 5/19/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wilton driver, 16,
charged, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wiltonite injured in
car crash, H 8/7/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman hurt in bus
crash, H 10/14/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman injured in
two-car wreck, H 11/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Woman is injured
in car crash, H 7/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Wreck brings
varied other charges, H
12/8/86 p8
Two people hurt when truck flips
[photo], H 9/24/86 p38
Wilton man thrown from Jeep, H
8/21/86 p6
Woman dies in car crash, H
6/27/86 p1+
Traffic flow-Fairfield County
Regions pay for progress with
traffic woes, H 1/28/86 p24
Traffic flow-Interstate 95
Group wants state to prevent
Yankee Doodle traffic snarls
[photo], H 9/4/86 p1+
Increase on police sought for
turnpike, H 3/3/86 p1+
Mayor gets bird's-eye view of
city's traffic, development
[photo], H 1/7/86 p1+
Traffic flow-Merritt Parkway
Mayor gets bird's-eye view of
city's traffic, development
[photo], H 1/7/86 p1+
Traffic flow-Norwalk
Dairy store is widening busy
street, H 9/11/86 p1+
Mayor claims traffic safety picture
is unfair, H 5/5/86 p11
Norwalk loses funds: Truck traffic
increases [photo p8], H
10/6/86 p1+
Route 7 traffic is snarled, H
6/16/86 p6
Summer road construction likely
to snarl city traffic [photo], H
4/25/86 p1+
Traffic, parking are discussed by
Collins, H 6/4/86 p8
Traffic flow-Weston
LWV inspects traffic plan, H
3/22/86 p13+
Traffic report urges Weston road
changes, H 1/13/86 p9+
Traffic flow-Westport
Chamber to examine Westport's
traffic problems, H 3/10/86
Malone wants traffic study
[photo], H 1/6/86 p11+
Mayor gets bird's-eye view of
city's traffic, development
[photo], H 1/7/86 p1+
Officials seek ways to ease traffic
problem, H 10/23/86 p13+
Officials study traffic problems, H
3/19/86 p13+
Officials work to unsnarl
Westport's traffic problems
[photo], H 3/21/86 p9+
Traffic improvements topic for
public hearing, H 4/5/86 p13
January - December 1986
Traffic flow-Westport (Continued)
Traffic upsets street's residents,
H 9/19/86 p13
Traffic flow-Wilton
Traffic study says buildings will
not affect Wilton Center, H
10/1/86 p9+
Traffic lights-Norwalk
New traffic lights no solution:
Lowe Street resident says, H
10/17/86 p11
Traffic violations-Norwalk
Police Blotter: 35 motorists
nabbed for speeding, H
6/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Speeding arrests
continue, H 6/14/86 p8
Trailer parks-Norwalk
Trailer park cited for safety
violations, H 11/28/86 p10
Trailer parks-Westport
Westport's Imperial Trailer Park
is one of a kind in state
[photo], H 3/17/86 p11
Commission studies preservation
of trails, H 6/4/86 p9+
Commission will vote on Wilton
bike trail, H 8/20/86 p13+
Conservationists to press for bike
path: P & R Commission
tables request, H 8/22/86 p9
Norwalk water official dislikes
Wilton trail map, H 9/25/86
P & Z panel to hear trail plan, H
8/22/86 p9
Residents support preservation
of Wilton trails, H 9/24/86 p37
Trail association withdraws
request, H 3/5/86 p13
Trail map approved by P & Z, H
11/4/86 p11
Trails plan examined by Wilton P
& Z: 2nd Taxing District
criticizes proposal, H
10/17/86 p29
Trails proposal reviewed, H
8/6/86 p33+
Trails proposal to P & Z, H
9/15/86 p9+
Walking course for elderly being
considered in Weston, H
10/1/86 p9+
Walking course for seniors
support by commission, H
10/7/86 p11+
Wilton panel approves trail
preservation code, H
11/25/86 p9
Preservation of trails supported,
H 2/11/86 p9
Trani, Antonio F.
New Canaanite pleads guilty to
manslaughter, H 6/20/86 p10
Trani, John A.
Man dies after hit by 2 cars, H
11/13/86 p1+
Trans-Lux Corp.
Norwalk's Trans-Lux sells
theaters to Paramount,
president moves too [photo],
H 7/29/86 p11
Sale of screens gives Trans-Lux
highest profits, H 12/2/86 p32
Strictly Business, H 7/15/86 p30
Trans-Lux advancing the use of
message display boards, H
1/28/86 p36
Trans-Lux Corp. enters facsimile
marketplace here, H
10/28/86 p25
Trans-Lux device transforms PC
into a telecommunications
terminal [photo], H 2/11/86
Trans-Lux promotes 3 [photo], H
11/11/86 p18
Transact International Inc.
Earnings, H 7/29/86 p14
Travel agents
Darien travel agents visit China
[photo], H 7/8/86 p23
Travelscope Inc.
Travelscope Inc. notes
anniversary [photo], H
6/17/86 p33
Travers, John
Collegiate Oscar goes to
Westport filmmaker [photo],
H 7/30/86 p30
Treehouse Cafe and Comedy
Ruling favors cafe-club, H
7/31/86 p11
Westport club gets last laugh, H
12/6/86 p1+
Officials to dedicate tree at
Darien parade ground, H
5/30/86 p29
Tree planted here as rebirth
symbol, H 4/26/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Tree closes
Westport street, H 8/26/86 p9
Date is set for hearing on 10
trees, H 9/4/86 p33+
Some trees spared on southern
connector, H 9/10/86 p12
Wilton residents want old trees to
be saved, H 8/26/86 p11+
Trials (Assault)
4 jurors selected in stabbing
case, H 10/31/86 p11
Jury chosen in stabbing case, H
11/1/86 p6
Jury selection beginning in
attendant's stabbing, H
10/29/86 p8
Testimony continues in trial of
city man, H 11/7/86 p11
Trial in assault case enters third
day, H 11/6/86 p18
Trials (Drugs)
Case against Norwalk man is
transferred to Stamford, H
11/6/86 p6
Inability to pick jury delays trial of
Angels, H 1/11/86 p1+
Trial is set for suspects in drug
sale, H 4/3/86 p10
Trials (Fraud)
Darien man to stand trial in fraud
case, H 10/27/86 p13+
Trials (Kidnapping)
4 witnesses testify at kidnapping
trial, H 1/11/86 p1+
Aaron agrees to guilty pleas at
kidnap trial, H 1/15/86 p1+
Stolen tapes prompt new trial
motion, H 7/5/86 p11
Trial for Aaron Tuesday, H 1/6/86
Trials (Manslaughter)
Darien man pleads innocent to
charges in fatal accident, H
9/22/86 p13
Trials (Murder)
$200,000 bond set in retrial, H
11/22/86 p8
`Battle' was planned at Iorio's, H
12/10/86 p1+
`No contest' is plea in case of
WS killing, H 9/6/86 p10
12 jurors, 4 alternates picked in
Darien felony murder trial, H
4/9/86 p17
4 more jurors selected in
Westport case, H 11/24/86
Attorney for Chuey vows fight, H
8/23/86 p1+
Chuey case stalled, H 10/11/86
Chuey faces hearing in
extradition battle, H 8/26/86
Darien resident to testify about
June 23 fatal accident, H
9/3/86 p33+
Death penalty is urged in murder
of Wiltonite, H 6/23/86 p11+
Defense to rest at Iorio trial, H
12/17/86 p16
January - December 1986
Trials (Murder) (Continued)
Ex-Norwalker goes on trial in N.
Carolina for murder, H
6/25/86 p19
Examiner fails to link bullet to
Iorio's rifle, H 12/18/86 p13+
Hasan given 80-year term, H
7/18/86 p1+
Hearing is scheduled in city
murder case, H 10/29/86 p9
Hearing set in New York for local
man, H 6/12/86 p11
Judge gives 30-year-term for
murder, H 1/15/86 p1+
Judge maintains high bond set
for restaurant murder
suspect [photo], H 10/22/86
Jurors being selected to hear
murder case, H 12/4/86 p15
Jury picking started in murder
trial, H 4/1/86 p1+
Jury selection begins in `World
Series' trial [photo], H 9/4/86
Liberatore hearing is set for Aug.
26, H 6/14/86 p11
Liberatore slated for October trial,
H 8/27/86 p18
Murder suspect indicted, H
12/17/86 p20
Murder suspect returned, H
10/21/86 p1+
Murder suspect told to try on
bloodied sneaker, H 2/5/86 p9
Murder suspect's brother recalls
noticing brother wearing
sneakers, H 4/24/86 p26
Murder suspect's case
transferred to Stamford, H
10/16/86 p24
Murdered man's son first witness
at trial, H 4/23/86 p1+
New trial is set for ex-localite, H
12/31/86 p9
Norwalk man to face a charge of
murder, H 12/9/86 p11
Norwalker convicted of assault,
robbery, H 11/20/86 p6
Psychiatric testimony continues
in trial: Case may end today,
H 1/30/86 p14
Stabbing case goes to jury:
Defendant testifies, H
11/19/86 p39
Tape will be admitted as
evidence at Iorio trial, H
12/9/86 p20
Teen requests youth status in
homicide case, H 10/28/86
Testimony conflicts in teen-ager's
trial [photo], H 12/11/86 p13+
Testimony continues at trial of
youth charged with murder,
H 12/12/86 p11
Trial of Norwalk suspect delayed
after defense attorney
becomes ill, H 10/7/86 p10
Two jurors chosen for murder
trial, H 11/21/86 p11
Verdict on Hasan weighed, H
5/2/86 p13
Westport slaying trial begins:
Help reportedly sought, H
1/29/86 p9
Westporter testifies at murder
trial, H 2/24/86 p11+
Wilton man sentenced for killing
his mother, H 11/20/86 p1+
Witness at Iorio trial testifies he
heard car window shatter, H
12/16/86 p13
Witness: Seeing car made Iorio
`nervous', H 12/20/86 p27+
Trials (Robbery)
Jury chosen in stabbing case, H
11/1/86 p6
Trials (Sexual assault)
Attorney files motion for new trial
in rape because tape stolen,
H 1/24/86 p1+
Charges against Darien teenager will not be separated for
his trial, H 9/16/86 p11
Missing tapes are needed for
appeal-Counsel, H 9/6/86 p11
Norwalk man sentenced in sex
assault, H 11/20/86 p13
Stolen tapes prompt new trial
motion, H 7/5/86 p11
Wilton rapist gets 10 years, H
1/24/86 p1+
Trigaux, David
Principal to take post in
Greenwich, H 7/23/86 p9+
School board to act on
resignation, H 7/30/86 p9+
Triple S Inc.
Triple S expands to Stratford
[photo], H 2/11/86 p25
Trojan, Heather
Will compete [photo], H 2/24/86
Trombetta, Dana Lynn
Both winners [photo], H 12/11/86
Sisters are both entrants [photo],
H 8/2/86 p18
Trombetta, Darcy
Both winners [photo], H 12/11/86
Sisters are both entrants [photo],
H 8/2/86 p18
Troy, Patti
Home/Town People, H 2/25/86 p9
Dealing with overweight trucks
[letter], H 9/15/86 p5
O'Neill declares war on trucks
[photo], H 8/23/86 p1+
Tandem trucks face growing
opposition, H 8/4/86 p8
The proof builds [edit], H 8/5/86
Troopers probe cause of fiery
truck crash [photo], H
8/22/86 p1+
Truck parking is a concern, H
6/26/86 p7
Truckers keep to the turnpike, H
10/31/86 p53+
Truckers say O'Neill battling
wrong group, H 8/23/86 p1+
Witnesses recount turnpike
nightmare, H 8/22/86 p1+
Truglia, Anthony
Sen. Truglia renominated, H
7/24/86 p17
Trust for Public Land
Land trust buys 2 lots at Weir
Farm, H 12/1/86 p13+
Tulane University
Wiltonite testifies in fix, H 6/12/86
Tunney, Thomas
Accident sends officer to hospital,
H 8/8/86 p9
Tuozzolo, Scott
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/25/86 p9
Turner Construction
Grillo building completed, Turner
is first tenant [photo], H
2/18/86 p29
Turner, J. Thomas
Former coach rejoins city's
school system [photo], H
12/20/86 p1+
Tutorial method in education.
Tutors and tutoring
Tutoring group tries to make
lessons fun [photo], H
7/31/86 p11+
Twin City Building-Norwalk
Twin City Building facelift first
step in redevelopment
[photo], H 9/12/86 p9
Twin Towers. SEE NORWALK
Two Hundred Associates
Ramp adopted, H 1/3/86 p6
Wariness of capsules is growing
in area, H 2/19/86 p1+
Tyler, George F. Jr.
Expert links sneakers to slay
suspect, H 5/1/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Tyler, George F. Jr. (Continued)
Foot facts kept secret, H 2/15/86
Hasan given 80-year term, H
7/18/86 p1+
Jury finds Hasan guilty of murder,
H 5/3/86 p1+
Murder suspect's brother recalls
noticing brother wearing
sneakers, H 4/24/86 p26
Norwalk man is appealing his
1985 murder conviction, H
12/20/86 p6
Verdict on Hasan weighed, H
5/2/86 p13
U. N. Association of Connecticut
Hospitality Committee welcomes
125 visitors from other
nations, H 12/4/86 p16
Hosts welcome U. N. A. guests
[photo], H 10/15/86 p15
Westport ceremony salutes UN's
anniversary [photo], H
10/25/86 p41
U. S. Electronics Group. SEE
U. S. S. Enterprise
Youngsters send cookies to
Enterprise, H 6/19/86 p10
U. S. Surgical Corp.
`Friends' rally at Surgical [photo],
H 5/3/86 p1+
Chorale member resigns in
protest, H 9/19/86 p25
Current, ex officials of U. S.
Surgical face $1.5 million
payback, H 2/12/86 p1+
Earnings, H 8/5/86 p25
Friends of Animals planning 14th
protest at U. S. Surgical, H
4/7/86 p9
Gift of plants to city is offshoot of
company's greenhouse
activities [photo], H 6/26/86
Maritime Center receives
$25,000 from U. S. Surgical
[photo], H 1/11/86 p1+
Mayoral pitch [photo], H 8/27/86
Questions motive [letter], H
9/12/86 p5
Strictly Business, H 7/1/86 p29, H
8/12/86 p37+, H 11/4/86
p13+, H 11/18/86 p12+
Students visit U. S. Surgical
[photo], H 5/30/86 p6
Surgical funds festive tree
lighting, H 12/30/86 p23
Surgical joins `Adopt-A-Ramp'
[photo], H 6/23/86 p9
U. S. Surgical sales record, H
10/28/86 p26
U. S. Tobacco Co.
Earnings rise 13 percent at U. S.
Tobacco, H 7/24/86 p38
Juvenile Diabetes benefits, H
4/2/86 p25
U. S./U. S. S. R. Nuclear Freeze
Bergamini joins freeze panel:
Star Wars will be focus
[photo], H 2/19/86 p9
Ulmer, Willie Jr.
Home/Town People [photo], H
6/3/86 p17
City jobless again said less than
in Stamford, H 1/10/86 p1+
Unger, Dr. Bernard S.
Local dentist named to state
commission [photo], H 3/5/86
Wilton UNICEF reports, H
1/27/86 p17
Union Carbide Corp.
Carbide completes sale of its ag
unit, H 12/22/86 p29
Carbide put off spill report for 6
hours, H 6/5/86 p16
Union Carbide announces
recapitalization to escape
debts, H 11/5/86 p9
Union Carbide to complete
agriculture units transfer, H
12/16/86 p18
Union Carbide to sell
headquarters and lease
building from developer, H
11/7/86 p35
Union Trust Co.
Bank center [photo], H 9/23/86
Bank officials present award to
Mohonk House in Westport
[photo], H 11/25/86 p10
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86 p25+
Unitarian Church
Church members divided on
sanctuary movement, H
2/1/86 p11
Unitarian appointment made
[photo], H 2/8/86 p6
United Brotherhood of
Carpenters, Local 210 of
Western Connecticut. SEE
United Church Nursery School
Dental hygiene explained to kids
[photo], H 10/9/86 p19
United Church of Rowayton
After 40 years, Rev. Emig tells
parish to love another
[photo], H 11/18/86 p32
New minister in Rowayton
[photo], H 9/6/86 p7
Rowayton church chooses new
pastor [photo], H 7/26/86 p7
United Italian American
Committee of Norwalk
Frank Zullo to be named `Man of
the Year' [photo], H 4/14/86
Judge Cioffi to speak at
ceremony [photo], H 10/3/86
United Methodist Church
Church group leaves today for
mission [photo], H 6/28/86
Methodists welcoming new
minister [photo], H 6/28/86
Nuclear peace letter will be read
Sunday, H 5/24/86 p15+
Westport church studies nuclear
policy, H 5/31/86 p37
United Nations Association of
Connecticut Southwest.
United States Coast Guard. SEE
United Technologies Corp.
UTC cites quarterly large loss, H
12/9/86 p1+
United Way
Weston Union in the spotlight in
United Way educational film
[photo], H 12/17/86 p13+
United Way-Norwalk
Electrolux donates cleaners to
charity, H 7/25/86 p6
Fundraising begins [photo], H
10/2/86 p12
Leaders of next drive of United
Way named [photo], H 6/3/86
New staffer appointed at United
Way [photo], H 7/1/86 p26
United Way attains campaign
goal [photo], H 12/3/86 p12
United Way collects one third of
its goal [photo], H 10/15/86
United Way gets additional grant
for food, shelter, H 3/20/86 p6
United Way hits $1 million mark
[photo], H 11/13/86 p1+
United Way kicks off 1986 drive
[photo], H 10/3/86 p9
United Way marks successful
drive [photo], H 5/23/86 p6
January - December 1986
United Way-Norwalk (Continued)
United Way reaches 92% [photo],
H 11/26/86 p6
United Way set to begin annual
fundraising drive, H 9/19/86
United Way sets schools goal, H
10/4/86 p11
United Way time [edit], H 10/2/86
UW pledges pass $784,000
[photo], H 10/29/86 p10
United Way-Westport-Weston
Landowne elected to lead United
Way [photo], H 7/19/86 p13+
Presenting on (sic) original
[photo], H 4/21/86 p11
United Way extends birthday
greeting [photo], H 6/3/86 p13
United Way-Wilton
United Way nears the halfway
mark, H 11/17/86 p15
United Way raises 88% of its
goal, H 11/24/86 p15
Wilton's United Way exceeds
campaign goal, H 12/20/86
University of Connecticut
Norwalker stays on to help
UConn president [photo], H
8/12/86 p26
University Patents Inc.
New lens soon to be on market,
H 1/27/86 p29
Strictly Business, H 6/3/86 p25+,
H 6/24/86 p19+
Unmarried people. SEE SINGLE
Unmarried persons. SEE
Up With People
Area residents performed with Up
With People, H 9/26/86 p6
Cryptic message [photo], H
9/30/86 p6
Valentine, Bobby
McDougall, Valentine go into
State HS Hall of Fame, H
12/16/86 p29
Valiante, Joe
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 4/17/86 p21
Valiante, Michael
Michael Valiante dies at 72: `Kid
Cement' was ex-boxer, H
10/21/86 p6
Valivsaitis, Vytas M.
In the Service, H 5/20/86 p6
Vallerie, Eileen
City batting title still at CC,
Vallerie No. 1 [photo], H
6/18/86 p13+
Vallerie, John E. Jr.
2 vie to become Norwalk-Wilton
probate judge: Vallerie feels
court is `accessible' [photo],
H 11/1/86 p20
Probate judge vacancy lures
GOP trio as Wednesday
convention approaches
[photo], H 7/14/86 p1+
Vallerie easy winner of Probate
judgeship, H 11/5/86 p25
Vallerie seen probate pick as
GOP meets, H 7/16/86 p1+
Van Norstrand, Ralph E.
Candidates in 141st go to bat at
forum [photo], H 10/28/86
Darien LWV to question
candidates: Barrett vs. Van
Norstrand, H 9/4/86 p33+
Fellow legislators rally around
`Van' [photo], H 7/29/86 p7
Julie Belaga to R. E. Van
Norstrand: Join the crowd, H
6/2/86 p1+
Party feud dumps `Van' from
slate, H 7/18/86 p1+
Schmidt looks forward to election
battle with Van Nostrand
[photo], H 9/22/86 p13+
Van Norstrand coasts to easy
win: Party picks lose out, H
9/10/86 p1+
Van Norstrand rejects
gubernatorial bid idea, H
6/13/86 p9
Van Norstrand wins election to
sixth term, H 11/5/86 p1+
6 youths arrested in Darien, H
6/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Darien mailboxes
damaged, H 11/18/86 p8
Vandalism sparks investigation
by police, H 8/26/86 p12
Vandals, BBs shatter Darien
quiet, H 6/10/86 p6
Decries vandalism of yule tree
[letter], H 12/20/86 p5
Halloween vandalism dwindling
[photo], H 10/31/86 p1+
Hungarian freedom fighter statue
removed from park for
repairs [photo], H 4/15/86 p10
Oak Hills official tees off on golf
course vandals [photo], H
1/4/86 p9
Police Blotter: 2 restaurants
ransacked, H 6/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Brick thrown at
car, teen hurt, H 3/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Garbage truck
damaged, H 12/2/86 p8
Police Blotter: Mailbox vandalism
reported, H 3/24/86 p8
Police Blotter: Paint reportedly
spilled on cars, H 9/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Rock tossed
through car window, H 8/8/86
Police Blotter: Tire slashing
reported, H 12/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandal smashes
teller machine, H 12/11/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandals damage 5
new cars, H 3/17/86 p8
Police Blotter: Window is broken
with rocks, H 6/28/86 p8
Police Blotter: Windows at school
broken, H 6/3/86 p8
Police probe rash of tire
slashings [photo], H 12/29/86
Sixth District plans to hire police
to arrest vandalism, H
6/12/86 p33
3 Weston teens granted youthful
offender status, H 12/4/86
Fifth suspect apprehended, H
9/15/86 p9
Five teens charged in burning of
cross, H 8/27/86 p1+
Police Blotter: Electric meter torn
from wall, H 7/8/86 p8
Police Blotter: Party in Weston
brings police, H 5/5/86 p8
Police Blotter: Police investigate
tree cuttings, H 12/9/86 p8
Police Blotter: Pump at station
damaged, H 6/10/86 p8
Police Blotter: Student's car
vandalized, H 9/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandals damage
equipment, H 8/12/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandals damage
old ambulance, H 12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandals hit high
school again, H 6/16/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandals smash
windows at school, H 6/4/86
Police Blotter: Weston Middle
School vandalized, H 1/29/86
Police charge four in vandalism
spree, H 9/12/86 p1+
Police investigating Weston cross
burning, H 8/26/86 p6
Police say vandalism involved
two towns, H 8/29/86 p29+
Vandals hit high school in
Weston, H 9/2/86 p1+
Weston schools scene of
vandalism incident, H
6/11/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Vandalism-Weston (Continued)
Westonteen-agers given youthful
offender status, H 11/28/86
Police Blotter: Cars vandalized at
train station, H 11/3/86 p8
Police Blotter: Vandalism
reported at rail station, H
12/23/86 p8
Police Blotter: Window smashing
charged, H 8/11/86 p8
Police say children vandalized 2
schools, H 12/8/86 p15+
Police say vandalism involved
two towns, H 8/29/86 p29+
VanLaer, Jan A.
VanLaer is appointed as
Symphony's manager
[photo], H 4/7/86 p16
Varghese, Kevin
Friday blood drive earns Scout
award, H 6/12/86 p37
Vassos, John
Three solos-Vassos retro at
Silvermine: A reception
Sunday [photo], H 6/5/86
Vaupel, Pamela
Home/Town People [photo], H
7/15/86 p13
Vavrinec, Donna
Ousted Bears look ahead: State
field hockey [photo], H
11/7/86 p27+
Vecchiarelli, Dolores
Board names vice principal at
Long Lots, H 7/11/86 p11+
Veccia, Ottaviano
Driveway dismantling ends Wilton
wetlands controversy, H
8/25/86 p11
Vella, Dr. Jane Kathryn
Lessons of living go on amid
gunfire in El Salvador
[photo], H 2/4/86 p9+
Vellotti, Vinnie
LL founder, Voice of NHS to
receive Old Timers' awards
[photo], H 10/22/86 p29
Vena, Gregory
Three Nathan Hale eighthgraders chosen for `Main
Street' program [photo], H
8/12/86 p1+
Verda, Louis P.
Charges of murder dropped, H
6/5/86 p1+
Judge gives 30-year-term for
murder, H 1/15/86 p1+
Verrilli, Rose Marie
Verrilli honored by girl scouts
[photo], H 10/2/86 p35+
Veterans Day
Crowd at Veterans Day
ceremeonies augurs a
renewed patriotic spirit
[photo], H 11/12/86 p1+
Marine recruiter is Veterans Day
speaker, H 11/6/86 p30
Sixth Company faced shelling
during Battle of the Argonne
[photo], H 11/11/86 p1+
Veterans Memorial Park-Norwalk
`Hardball' talks set on city marina
plan, H 3/12/86 p1+
Caucus unable to find Veterans'
Park funding, H 4/8/86 p10
Courville vows to push Vets Park
improvements, H 12/17/86
Developer for center approved, H
3/7/86 p13
Dimming of Vets Park lights to
take place within 2 weeks, H
5/16/86 p9
Local contractor is recommended
to build $2.6 million harbor
center, H 2/15/86 p1+
Locked-park policy draws ire at
hearing, H 5/8/86 p1+
Proposal for marina at park given
dunking by opposition
[photo], H 4/29/86 p1+
Recreation committee wants
ideas for controlling park use
after dark, H 4/22/86 p1+
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Mayor Collins buys VFW's first
poppy [photo], H 5/13/86 p6
Thanks for help [photo], H
10/4/86 p11
VFW installs new officers [photo],
H 6/3/86 p30
Westport VFW installs officers
[photo], H 5/28/86 p32
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
Organ donated by VFW Post
[photo], H 12/6/86 p26
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
VFW lauds nurse's efforts
[photo], H 7/31/86 p13
`Shirtless' captain recalls Army
days [photo], H 7/24/86 p37+
Darien salutes `Hometown
Heroes' [photo], H 6/2/86 p9
Veterans-Honor Roll-Norwalk
O'Connor offers help with Honor
Roll: To veterans committee,
H 10/21/86 p22
Area's `heroes' are praised
during memorial for veterans
[photo], H 5/19/86 p6
Officers raise MIA/POW flag
[photo], H 9/22/86 p13
Veteran speaks at Norwalk
service [photo], H 12/6/86 p1+
Local veterinarian stresses
`human factor' in treatment
[photo], H 1/4/86 p1+
Vick, Margaret
Home/Town People, H 2/25/86 p9
Victims of crimes
Crime victims' families meet
[photo], H 11/17/86 p13+
Vigil, Wilfredo
Ex-employee suing Save the
Children: Organization files
countersuit, H 10/10/86 p31+
Villafane, Juan
Police report man wounded
girlfriend, then killed himself,
H 8/18/86 p1+
Village Bank & Trust Co.
Village Bank promotes four, H
12/30/86 p19
Vincent Andrews Management
Strictly Business, H 7/1/86 p29
Viner, Ann W.
Community shocked by arrest of
local men, H 12/15/86 p1+
New Canaan woman slain [photo
p8], H 12/11/86 p1+
Police say murderers from area,
H 12/13/86 p8
Police: Stolen goods led to
suspects: Two face charges
in city court [photo], H
12/15/86 p1+
Second man is charged in Viner
killing, H 12/31/86 p1+
Slaying jars residents of New
Canaan, H 12/12/86 p1+
Suspect's bond is increased, H
12/16/86 p1+
Viner car scoured for clues, H
12/12/86 p1+
Visitors, Foreign
Bicyclists pay a visit at famed
dairy store, H 8/2/86 p13+
Exchange teacher enlightening
kids while continuing her own
education, H 5/23/86 p11+
Norwalk students host the French
[photo], H 4/11/86 p13
Reporters quiz mayor, find city
scrutable [photo], H 5/28/86
Soviet, American bicycle riders
conclude 1,400-mile peace
trek [photo], H 8/2/86 p13+
Visitors, Foreign-Norwalk
Engineer is impressed with
NSTC [photo], H 7/17/86 p6
January - December 1986
Visitors, Foreign-Weston
Thai teacher brings her side of
world to Weston, H 9/13/86
Visitors, Foreign-Westport
Exchange teacher helping class
to learn about China [photo],
H 3/13/86 p11
Visitors, Foreign-Wilton
Irish student to visit family:
Participant in AFS program,
H 7/16/86 p13
Vitam Center
Art at Vitam [photo], H 5/2/86 p15
Changes at the Vitam Center
benefit young women clients
[photo], H 4/14/86 p17
Coverage fair [letter], H 8/5/86 p5
Ex-Vitam worker charged with
embezzlement, H 7/23/86 p1+
Judge doubles bond for local
man charged in theft from
Vitam, H 7/24/86 p1+
Mayoral pitch [photo], H 8/27/86
Sheppard's bond cut in Vitam
fraud case, H 8/6/86 p1+
Van for Vitam [photo], H 5/14/86
Vitam dedicates fitness course
[photo], H 5/16/86 p12
Vitam is recipient of $1,500 grant,
H 8/28/86 p15
Vitam praised for prompt action,
H 7/24/86 p1+
Vitam to offer advice to teens
Consultation week set Oct. 6,
H 10/1/86 p19
Vlahos, Olivia
To Vlahos business is one of
livelier arts: Her wisdom is
unconventional [photo], H
1/27/86 p15+
CC falls to Barlow again: State
volleyball roundup [photo], H
11/8/86 p29
Just give volleyball to Kerri
[photo], H 11/6/86 p35+
Lady Bears eliminated, H 11/5/86
Lady Cavaliers powerful again
[photo], H 9/12/86 p28+
Lady Senators win state thriller,
H 11/6/86 p35+
McMahon vs. Staples on
Monday: It's FCIAC
tournament time, H 10/25/86
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
Staples advances, ousts
McMahon [photo], H
10/28/86 p15+
Interesting year expected in area,
H 9/11/86 p28, H 9/11/86 p35
Interesting year expected in area,
H 9/11/86 p28
Lady Bears eliminated, H 11/5/86
McMahon vs. Staples on
Monday: It's FCIAC
tournament time, H 10/25/86
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
Staples advances, ousts
McMahon [photo], H
10/28/86 p15+
Staples' soph on All-FCIAC
[photo], H 12/2/86 p25
Interesting year expected in area,
H 9/11/86 p28
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
Voluntary Action Center of MidFairfield County
Coordinator [photo], H 4/29/86
Program will deliver work to
volunteers, H 8/6/86 p12
Volunteers win recognition for
extraordinary service [photo],
H 12/13/86 p1+
Volunteer Action Center of
Southwestern Fairfield
One woman's effort matches
`volunteers' with service
tasks [photo], H 7/12/86 p1+
`Friendly visitors' brighten many
lives [photo], H 3/22/86 p1+
97 volunteers are recognized for
aid in their communities, H
4/22/86 p22
Area volunteers are recognized
[photo], H 4/22/86 p1
Child's desire to help inspires
victim of MS [photo], H
6/19/86 p10
City honors volunteers [photo], H
4/11/86 p10
Community service effort aims to
teach volunteerism, H
12/2/86 p17
Denis is `distinguished volunteer'
for his work with Special
Olympics [photo], H 5/13/86
For volunteers, opportunities
abound, H 5/27/86 Supp.
Governor gives action awards, H
7/19/86 p6
Reception honors school
volunteers [photo], H 6/19/86
Retired executive, aged 77,
retains zest helping youth
[photo], H 4/26/86 p1+
Rowayton volunteers practice
skills [photo], H 4/8/86 p14
Silvermine Circle [photo], H
11/18/86 p25
Volunteer given May Day basket
[photo], H 5/2/86 p9
Volunteer is honored [photo], H
4/23/86 p34
Volunteer is lauded [photo], H
3/18/86 p20
Volunteer program receives
award [photo], H 8/4/86 p25
Volunteers cited for their work, H
4/25/86 p11+
Volunteers efforts lauded by
YMCA Norwalk, H 1/25/86 p6
Volunteers give gift of reading, H
2/1/86 p1+
Volunteers recognized [photo], H
5/23/86 p1
Volunteers thanked by school
board, H 4/23/86 p23
Volunteers win recognition for
extraordinary service [photo],
H 12/13/86 p1+
Weston salutes Girl Scout leader:
`Hometown Hero' selected, H
3/27/86 p13
Westport officials salute
volunteers at soup kitchen
[photo], H 6/6/86 p25
Westport pays tribute to Romano,
H 5/8/86 p37+
Wilton women visit library for
homebound townspeople
[photo], H 1/10/86 p9+
Wiltonites asked to help in
cleanup, H 5/3/86 p13+
VonKohorn, Kenneth
Couple buys 18 acres for $2.4
million, H 10/10/86 p31
Voter registration. SEE NAME
Town changes voting tally
method, H 9/4/86 p33+
Voulgarakis, Peter
Developer seeking to divide
25.97-acre parcel, H 12/2/86
Vris, Dr. Thomas
Health/Fitness: Dr. Vris opens
office [photo], H 12/15/86 p33
W. B. Wood
January - December 1986
W. B. Wood (Continued)
W. B. Wood responds to office
expansions, H 4/8/86 p23
W. W. Gaertner Research Inc.
Model company [photo], H
6/10/86 p28
Strictly Business, H 7/15/86 p31
Wachob & Charney
New Realtor firm [photo], H
5/13/86 p33
Wade, Anne
Darien students collect national
contest victory [photo], H
6/24/86 p11+
4 of city's 5 top wage earners are
policemen, H 3/3/86 p1
Contract approved by Westport
RTM, H 3/5/86 p13
Council OKs lawyer's salary over
objections of 2 members, H
9/24/86 p22
Extra pay topic for officials:
Reductions are sought, H
2/21/86 p1+
More for city in GOP plan for
education, H 4/4/86 p1+
Norwalk schools could be first to
feel impact of new state aid,
H 9/6/86 p10
Roche says GOP lawmakers
endorse teacher salary bill
[photo], H 3/27/86 p13+
Salary hike called inadequate, H
7/18/86 p13
Salary raises given to Westport
officials, H 9/5/86 p11+
Tax board OKs $$ for pay hikes,
H 9/16/86 p10
Teachers told not to expect hefty
raises, H 4/2/86 p1+
Teachers union raps remarks of
chairman, H 4/3/86 p1+
Teachers, board negotiate on
approach to salary law, H
9/10/86 p6
Two council members say pay
inequities should be wiped
out, H 10/8/86 p11
Wagner Pools
Wagner Pools leaving Darien, H
8/12/86 p39
Waite, Heidi
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/24/86 p27
Walden Woods-Weston
Weston P & Z postpones
decision on subdivision, H
7/29/86 p7
Walden, Amelia Elizabeth
Author observes novel's
anniversary [photo], H
9/13/86 p37
Waldvogel, Eileen
AARP names award winners
[photo], H 6/28/86 p32
Waldvogel, Robert
AARP names award winners
[photo], H 6/28/86 p32
Walker, Andrew
City's 4 All-State gridders touring
campuses, H 1/29/86 p13
Clemson declares Walker
ineligible, H 8/9/86 p25
Norwalk's Walker selects
Clemson [photo], H 2/7/86
Walker, Charles F. Jr.
Charles F. Walker Jr., former
Hour typesetter, H 7/3/86 p6
Walker, Kate
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 12/8/86 p31
Walker, Michelle
Commendations presented
[photo], H 4/12/86 p13
Walker, Nicole
Commendations presented
[photo], H 4/12/86 p13
Wall St.-Norwalk
Building qualifies for tax
advantage, H 8/7/86 p19
Condos are approved for Wall St.
building, H 8/21/86 p10
Groundbreaking opens effort to
revitalize downtown area
[photo], H 8/28/86 p9
Historic buildings plan OK'd, H
4/2/86 p10
Norwalk Center: The Place for
Everyting, H 10/28/86 p23
P & Z committee endorses Wall,
Main upgrading, H 7/2/86 p10
Planning panel backs
beautification of uptown, H
5/2/86 p12
Trash pickups irk merchants
[photo], H 1/11/86 p1+
Uptown rehab plan praised-as far
as it goes, H 6/12/86 p11
Uptown revitalization proposal
approved, H 7/23/86 p1+
Wall Street to get $1 million facelift, H 4/11/86 p19
Walsh, Dr. Arlene
Psychotherapist opens office
[photo], H 1/6/86 p29
Waltz, Tom
Norwalk VP wins nationals
[photo], H 12/19/86 p44
Ward, Michael
Home/Town People [photo], H
2/11/86 p13
Ward, Tony
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Warnes, Mike
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Warren, Edward
`Demon' terrorizes Pa. family, H
8/22/86 p1+
Warshofsky, Marian K.
Changes are announced on Hour
reporting staff [photo], H
8/26/86 p10
Warwick Malkin
Strictly Business, H 12/16/86
Washington St.-Norwalk
Revitalization has changed
Washington Street [photo], H
9/26/86 p48
Special status is proposed in
SoNo area, H 5/16/86 p1+
Washington St.-South Norwalk
Housing losses in city hurt
Burgess, H 1/28/86 p31
Waste disposal-Norwalk
City mystified by, must pay for,
unexpected increase in
trash, H 6/4/86 p18
City needs a disposal planDiGangi: Tax board hears of
options, H 3/6/86 p27
Committee supports treatment
plant plans, H 1/22/86 p21
Committee wants more detail on
rising trash disposal costs, H
7/16/86 p11
Garbage trucks may be chased
from Norwalk, H 6/27/86 p1+
Norwalk ponders garbage
increase, H 8/20/86 p38
Norwalk producing more refuse:
Paying extra to have it
removed, H 6/3/86 p1+
Panel looks into recovering
added refuse disposal cost,
H 7/15/86 p9
Reduction of garbage tonnage
aim of program, H 6/19/86
Trash pickups irk merchants
[photo], H 1/11/86 p1+
Trash tipping fee discussed, H
9/17/86 p10
Unhappy tax board approve
another $125,000 to haul
trash, H 7/8/86 p1+
Use extra-duty cops to tail
haulers? Legal opinion
requested, H 9/25/86 p9
Waste disposal-Weston
Three towns try for waste grant,
H 2/14/86 p45+
Town officials study raising
dumping fees, H 3/10/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Waste disposal-Westport
RTM to vote on solid waste
agreement, H 1/31/86 p9
Three towns try for waste grant,
H 2/14/86 p45+
Westport to study interlocal
agreement, H 2/10/86 p9+
Waste disposal-Wilton
Transfer station charges to
change, H 6/3/86 p14
Wilton's garbage disposal fees to
rise: Charge initiated for
bulky waste, H 1/31/86 p9+
Wastewater treatment plants.
6th District anxious over water, H
9/19/86 p30
Study says risk low from water, H
4/24/86 p1+
Tests confirm swimmers safe in
local waters, H 8/28/86 p1+
Water main breaks: Supply
should clear, H 9/6/86 p10
Water officials not panicking over
short supply [photo p8], H
11/12/86 p1+
Area shellfish beds are closed, H
8/19/86 p1+
Bacterial test results discussed at
meeting, H 8/22/86 p1+
City fears sewage dumpings
[photo], H 8/27/86 p8
City shellfish beds closed by
officials [photo], H 8/15/86
DPW accused of stonewalling
sewage probe, H 8/20/86 p1+
Find the cause [edit], H 8/29/86
League tries to educate citizens
on protecting water supply, H
9/29/86 p9+
Homes proposed for dump sites,
H 1/22/86 p35+
Late water test report has Wilton
looking for new company, H
12/3/86 p13
Officials await results of well test,
H 12/5/86 p33+
Officials to look at water
problems, H 9/24/86 p37+
Selectmen seek ways to solve
water problem, H 11/6/86
Water poll results reviewed, H
12/17/86 p13+
Water survey planned, H
11/18/86 p27+
Waterside Building
Waterside doors open for first 2
tenants [photo], H 4/1/86 p25
Watson, Will
Will Watson is named Hour
managing editor [photo], H
5/27/86 p6
Waveny Care Center
New Canaan care center
receives computer [photo], H
7/3/86 p11+
Waveny Park-New Canaan
Waveny Park measure vetoed:
Policy to be (sic) remain
unchanged, H 1/15/86 p9+
Way, Carol J.
Director intrigued by town's
mystique [photo], H 8/22/86
Wayne, John
Former Wilton firm settles suit
over Wayne memorabilia, H
5/10/86 p13
Goodbye league, Cavs think
states [photo], H 5/13/86
Bobcats spoil Cavs' opener
[photo], H 12/19/86 p41+
Champs place two on All-WCC
team [photo], H 3/22/86 p26
Polite, Jackson head all stars, H
3/7/86 p27
Weston captures thriller [photo],
H 12/20/86 p41+
Weston seeks perfect WCC
season tonight [chart], H
3/7/86 p27+
Weston, Farmington square off
tonight, H 3/22/86 p26
Weston, Masuk vie for
championship, H 3/5/86 p15+
Backus, 3 Westonites honored
[photo], H 12/12/86 p53+
Cavaliers advance to state
quarters, H 11/5/86 p13+
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: Central Catholic
2, Canton 1, H 11/7/86 p27+
Two Central Catholic players on
All-WCC [photo], H 11/18/86
Weston girls fall, H 11/8/86 p32
Norwalk: The home of
champions: Lady Cavs nip
Bobcats as Vallerie, DiChiara
sparkle in WCC final [photo],
H 5/31/86 p25+
Two Lady Cavaliers named AllWCC [photo], H 6/2/86 p15
WCC softball champs meet
Coventry today, H 6/6/86 p31
Weston girls stop Pomperaug as
5-year WCC streak goes on,
H 10/8/86 p35+
CC falls to barlow again: State
volleyball roundup [photo], H
11/8/86 p29
Just give volleyball to Kerri
[photo], H 11/6/86 p35+
Two local residents on U. S.
richest list, H 10/14/86 p9+
Police Blotter: Gun permit
returned to state, H 11/4/86
City urges residents to turn in
guns, H 3/8/86 p11
Police Blotter: Bullets, casings
found, H 5/8/86 p8
Police hope for new guns from
program, H 3/11/86 p6
Gun found in water not traced, H
8/27/86 p35+
Although it felt like winter in area,
little snow fell and cold no
record [photo], H 4/24/86 p1+
April is warmer, drier than usual
but all May flowers should
bloom, H 5/5/86 p11
Area escapes tornado threat, but
not those thunderstorms
[photo], H 8/9/86 p1+
Area gets first taste of winter
[photo], H 11/6/86 p1+
Area's suburbs hit hardest by
storm [photo], H 11/19/86 p1+
Canadian air sets a record, H
6/3/86 p1+
Capricious storm turns area white
[photo], H 2/11/86 p1+
Cold will cure spring fever, H
3/7/86 p22
Frigid air moving through the
region, H 11/14/86 p8
Heat wave broke just one record,
H 5/31/86 p32
Heatwave a record breaker, but
forecasters sight relief, H
7/8/86 p15
Icy winds punishing the area, H
3/8/86 p8
January '85 (sic) warmer, drier
than normal, H 2/5/86 p8
Man dies in storm accident, H
8/18/86 p1+
Many stay home as gale winds
whip snow, H 2/7/86 p1+
January - December 1986
Weather (Continued)
March goes out the way it came
in, H 4/1/86 p8
Mercury dips to low point of the
season, a stinging 9, H
1/8/86 p1+
Month of May drier and warmer
than usual, H 6/6/86 p8
More thunderstorms anticipated
in region as cold front
arrives, H 6/16/86 p1
November weather cold, wet, H
12/8/86 p23
Police Blotter: Rains blames (sic)
in seceral (sic) crashes, H
7/2/86 p9
Power returning after storm
[photo], H 11/20/86 p1+
Preview of spring is brief in
Norwalk, H 3/12/86 p1+
Record cold blast snaps collars
up, necks down [photo], H
11/13/86 p11
Record low set, H 6/23/86 p8
Return of winter puts area back
in the icebox, H 1/28/86 p1+
Seaport office gains a weather
station [photo], H 4/10/86 p15
Spring getting cool reception
from winter, H 3/20/86 p8
Squall leaves many powerless
[photo], H 7/30/86 p1+
Storm delays opening of some
area schools, H 12/9/86 p1+
Storm still an issue in Wilton, H
12/2/86 p1+
Sudden storm snarls traffic,
power lines, H 8/8/86 p1+
Sun breaks out after gale zips
through area, H 12/19/86 p1+
Temperature skyrockets over
July 4th weekend, H 7/7/86
Temperatures here hitting record
lows, H 6/26/86 p8
Three `Hs' will keep region in
tight grip through weekend,
H 7/25/86 p12
Travelling in area still hazardous:
Accidents abound, H 2/8/86
Weather in March was hardly
normal, H 4/7/86 p1+
Weather promises miserable
weekend, H 7/19/86 p1+
Weekend chill gives way to
record sizzle, H 5/7/86 p1+
Weekend ends with a boom, H
6/9/86 p1+
Westport is ready for storm:
Officials prepared to act, H
8/19/86 p29+
Windy rainstorm rattles area:
Some minor flooding
reported [photo], H 12/3/86
Winter snows light despite
February's heavy 11 inches,
H 3/5/86 p19
Weatherstone, Cheryl
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
6/2/86 p19
Webb, Marguerite
1st infant heads list of babies in
city [photo], H 1/2/86 p1+
Disc jockeys holding contest to
name truck weigh station
[photo], H 10/18/86 p27
Local disc jockey braves gridlock
to hit the road with live
broadcast [photo], H 11/7/86
Local radio station's new antenna
may force Bridgeport firm
layoffs, H 2/7/86 p11
Town to seek grant to fight drug
abuse, H 8/7/86 p9
Westport group joins drug abuse
fight, H 3/27/86 p13+
Westport officials seek solution to
alcohol/drug abuse problem,
H 2/22/86 p13+
Wedding anniversaries
50th Anniversary [photo], H
5/17/86 p20
50th anniversary celebrated
[photo], H 12/29/86 p13
Brias have golden wedding
[photo], H 5/24/86 p19
CB golden anniversary [photo], H
5/17/86 p20
Celebrate 25th [photo], H
12/27/86 p13
Celebrate 50th anniversary
[photo], H 4/26/86 p17
Celebrating 25th [photo], H
3/15/86 p17
Cossutos observe their 40th, H
8/9/86 p18
Couple celebrates 50th
anniversary [photo], H
5/28/86 p6
David Brennans wed 50 years, H
5/31/86 p17
Golden anniversary [photo], H
5/31/86 p17, H 12/20/86 p20
Observe 40th [photo], H 9/20/86
Olmsteads celebrate 40th, H
6/7/86 p17
Patchens married 50 years
[photo], H 2/15/86 p22
Schreyers married fifty years
[photo], H 5/17/86 p20
T. Rosses wed sixty years, H
6/21/86 p18
Wed 40 years [photo], H 9/27/86
p14, H 11/1/86 p18
Wed 50 years [photo], H 10/18/86
p22, H 12/27/86 p13
Wed 60 years [photo], H 5/31/86
p17, H 6/7/86 p17, H 6/21/86
Wedding guests impressed by
swans created by groom
[photo], H 1/3/86 p29+
Weed, Ruth Budd
Ruth Budd Weed, longtime
teacher, is dead at 93, H
3/22/86 p6
Weigh stations (Trucks)
A valid tool [edit], H 9/5/86 p4
Burns defends weigh station, H
10/1/86 p1+
Burns says Westport weigh site
only temporary, H 8/28/86
Chief joins opposition to station,
H 6/12/86 p37+
Collins wants answers on station,
H 10/20/86 p10
Collins warns weigh station isn't
welcome, H 5/28/86 p1+
Conservation director paints grim
picture of weigh station, H
10/9/86 p13+
Court rejects lawsuit on I-95
weigh station, H 10/17/86 p1+
Decision delayed on weigh site,
H 6/26/86 p37+
Disc jockeys holding contest to
name truck weigh station
[photo], H 10/18/86 p27
DOT aide queried about site for
permanent weigh station, H
12/12/86 p35+
DOT letter worries Hauhuth, H
12/11/86 p13+
DOT official: Rest area started as
weigh station, H 10/3/86 p1+
Finds no problem with weigh
station [letter], H 12/29/86 p5
For weigh station [letter], H
10/4/86 p5
Fourth lawsuit weighed: Westport
ponders action, H 10/16/86
Hauhuth awaits letter from DOT,
H 8/26/86 p11
Hauhuth disappointed by ruling:
On weigh station, H 11/22/86
Hauhuth opposes weigh stations,
H 6/5/86 p37+
Hearing of weigh station suit
concludes, H 10/15/86 p11
January - December 1986
Weigh stations (Trucks)
High court will hear weigh station
appeal, H 12/31/86 p1+
Knopp will try to halt weigh
station project, H 9/6/86 p1+
Legal action urged on weigh
station, H 9/3/86 p33+
Local inspection post opposed, H
9/22/86 p1+
McKinney: Weigh stop ecology
threat, H 9/15/86 p1+
Mianus suit link forces counsel's
withdrawal, H 9/11/86 p35+
Misdirecting energy [edit], H
9/12/86 p4
New weigh station blamed for
traffic, H 10/4/86 p1+
O'Neill decision upsets Hauhuth,
H 8/25/86 p1+
O'Neill defends weigh station, H
10/16/86 p1+
O'Neill says station probably
temporary [photo p12], H
9/5/86 p1+
Opposed to Westport weigh
station [letter], H 9/12/86 p5
Over 8,600 trucks checked at
weigh site, H 12/16/86 p18
P & Z seeks action on weigh
station, H 9/5/86 p11+
PAC criticized on weigh station:
Hauhuth angry, H 9/23/86
RTM supports Hauhuth on weigh
station action, H 9/17/86 p11+
Share the burden [edit], H 9/9/86
State receives case and desist
order: Officials didn't have
special permit, H 9/25/86 p35
Temporary stations are urged, H
9/9/86 p1+
The right spot [edit], H 5/30/86 p4
Weigh station battle to continue:
Briefs filed for injunction, H
10/21/86 p13
Weigh station called success, H
9/30/86 p1
Weigh station lawsuit begins
[photo], H 9/30/86 p1+
Weigh station legal bill stands at
$71,314, H 12/4/86 p15+
Weigh station station opens: 10
trucks sidelined [photo], H
9/29/86 p1+
Weigh those trucks [edit], H
8/27/86 p4
Westport asks court to forbid
highway station, H 9/13/86
Westport awaits weigh site
verdict, H 11/6/86 p15+
Westport board adopts weigh
station resolution, H 9/24/86
Westport expecting final weigh
station decision, H 12/13/86
Westport files second lawsuit on
weigh station, H 9/16/86 p35+
Westport loses lawsuit against
weigh station, H 12/15/86 p1+
Westport loses second weigh
station decision, H 11/21/86
Westport to file appeal of verdict
on weigh station, H 12/23/86
Westport undecided about weigh
station appeal, H 12/16/86
Westporters on picket line say
`no weigh', H 10/1/86 p12
Westporters schedule weigh
station protest rally, H
9/25/86 p35+
Weight lifting-Weston
Athletes carry home
championships [photo], H
3/19/86 p13
McMahon's Engle is city's
strongest HS athlete [photo],
H 3/20/86 p25+
Weinstein, Richard
Home/Town People, H 5/6/86
Weir Farm-Wilton
Farm plan supported by P & Z, H
2/5/86 p11+
Land trust buys 2 lots at Weir
Farm, H 12/1/86 p13+
Officials `optimistic' about Weir
Farm: Land purchase
expected very soon, H
10/16/86 p15+
Officials pledge renewed fight for
Weir Farm open space
[photo], H 1/30/86 p11+
Permit given for homes near Weir
farm [photo], H 9/11/86 p35
Progress slow on Weir Farm:
Preservationists `optimistic',
H 8/20/86 p13+
Weir Farm preservation awaiting
action by state officials, H
6/2/86 p9
Weir Farm preservation vote
awaited, H 4/24/86 p13+
Weisberg, John A.
In the Service, H 1/2/86 p6
Weisman, Kate
Woman races clock to carry
Earth Run torch to Norwalk
[photo], H 8/16/86 p6
Weisman, Peter
Parents establish fund in son's
memory, H 2/24/86 p12
Weiss, Edward A.
Wilton apiarist finds happiness on
the wing [photo], H 3/29/86
Weiss, Harvey
`Two-artists-in-family' theme of
exhibit [photo], H 8/7/86 p13
Welch Inc.
Strictly Business, H 7/22/86 p31,
H 8/12/86 p37+
Weldon, Eileen
Darien woman files appeal in
Mianus Bridge lawsuit, H
6/17/86 p1+
Wellesley Club. SEE SOUTHERN
Welsch, Dr. James R.
Welsch presents three
workshops at conference
[photo], H 4/18/86 p9+
Wessendorf, Jill
Teen chosen art student of the
month [photo], H 1/31/86 p9
West Ave.-Norwalk
Building sold on West Avenue
[photo], H 8/26/86 p7
Norwalk Center: The Place for
Everything, H 10/28/86 p23
Uptown proposal endorsed by
panel, H 6/5/86 p1+
Uptown revitalization proposal
approved, H 7/23/86 p1+
West Norwalk Association
Angry residents near bridge told
regulations require a wider
span [photo], H 5/8/86 p1+
West Norwalk Nursery School
Kids shows (sic) dads how to dig
[photo], H 5/19/86 p17
West Rocks Middle SchoolAwards
West Rocks names outstanding
student [photo], H 4/28/86
West Rocks Middle-Sports
City champs [photo], H 1/31/86
West, Thomas G.
Reception held to honor judge:
West in housing courts
[photo], H 3/21/86 p24
Western Connecticut
Conference. SEE WCC
Weston Center
Addition to center proposed in
Weston, H 1/21/86 p10
Shopping center in Weston
affected very little by change
[photo], H 12/15/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Weston High School
Board seeks grant for cable TV
project, H 10/21/86 p13+
Capturing spirit of the holiday
[photo], H 11/28/86 p57
Dogwood to be planted near
school: Students to donate
funds, H 11/12/86 p25+
Senior dance axed due to frozen
funds, H 9/3/86 p1+
Students approve of suspensions
for drinking, H 5/13/86 p1+
Students protest freeze of class
funds, H 9/9/86 p1+
Weston principal pleased with
scheduling program, H
4/29/86 p10
Weston students invited to U. N.
school, H 12/10/86 p16
Weston High School-Awards
Awards given to Weston High
School students, H 6/5/86
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
Weston's Merit Semifinalists
[photo], H 9/23/86 p29
Weston High School-Behavior
Weston board considers plan to
put pupils on hearing panel,
H 8/26/86 p1+
Weston High School-Drama club
Musical brightening stage at
Weston High [photo], H
5/16/86 p13
Weston High School-Graduation
149 graduate from Weston High
during 16th commencement
[photo], H 6/23/86 p11+
Weston High SchoolMaintenance and repair
Company to continue repair of
school roof, H 4/23/86 p23+
Weston High School-Sports
Backus, 3 Westonites honored
[photo], H 12/12/86 p53+
Barrera, Norton debut, CC boys'
team scratched [photo], H
4/9/86 p13
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Boys' soccer opens this week:
Area schools are ready, H
9/10/86 p21
Bruggeman leads Weston, H
11/6/86 p38
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Central booters blank Weston
[photo], H 9/15/86 p25
Champs place two on All-WCC
team [photo], H 3/22/86 p26
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Interesting year expected in area,
H 9/11/86 p28
Just call Weston High's Twin
Towers `Class' [photo], H
1/28/86 p53+
Lady Cavs nip Weston, 35-30
[photo], H 2/19/86 p15+
McMahon, Weston go to state
finals: 26-1 Trojans slip past
Kolbe for 16th win in row, 6260 [photo], H 3/26/86 p13+
Moral win for Weston, H 9/15/86
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Polite & Co. face Kolbe Tuesday
in state semis [photo], H
3/24/86 p21+
Polite scores 42 points [photo
p1], H 3/14/86 p29+
Polite, Jackson head all stars, H
3/7/86 p27
School athletes facing increase in
pay to play fee, H 1/24/86 p11
Staples' Tiley is rated best goalie
in state, H 9/9/86 p25
State Swim Open slated
Saturday, H 11/20/86 p27+
Twin Towers hit for 54: Charles
gets 100th win, H 3/20/86
WCC: Weston recalls '85 [photo],
H 3/4/86 p19+
Weston 5 engages nemesis, H
3/25/86 p19+
Weston boys capture 40th in row,
H 2/19/86 p15+
Weston captures thriller [photo],
H 12/20/86 p41+
Weston faces Kolbe, H 3/17/86
Weston garners state S crown, H
3/20/86 p30
Weston girls fall, H 11/8/86 p32
Weston girls stop Pomperaug as
5-year WCC streak goes on,
H 10/8/86 p35+
Weston loses Class M title game
in overtime [photo], H
3/31/86 p19+
Weston seeks perfect WCC
season tonight [chart], H
3/7/86 p27+
Weston, Farmington square off
tonight, H 3/22/86 p26
Weston, Masuk vie for
championship, H 3/5/86 p15+
Weston, St. Joseph vie for Class
S title [chart], H 3/28/86 p25+
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Weston Historical Society
Finance board to act on post
office work, H 5/8/86 p37+
Society debating Coley Barn's
fate, H 1/2/86 p29+
Weston history brought to life:
Society members share
memories, H 4/2/86 p13+
Weston Middle School
Pool revenues expected to
increase, H 3/10/86 p9
Pupils represent town in parade
[photo], H 4/23/86 p23
Weston school to initiate Energy
Alliance [photo], H 3/7/86
Weston Middle School-Awards
Weston students to enter world
Odyssey competition [photo],
H 4/30/86 p9+
Weston Middle School-Staff
Vacancies filled by school board,
H 8/1/86 p22+
Weston Public Library
Videos catching on at Weston
library [photo], H 10/4/86
Weston honors town librarian
[photo], H 10/21/86 p14
Weston Public Schools
Energy conservation system
nearly completed, H 2/6/86
Faculty research grants
proposed, H 4/16/86 p9
Phone lines to be cut by school
officials, H 2/20/86 p11
Weston schools boast of
individualism, H 8/12/86 p20
Weston Senior Center
Weston center a favorite of
seniors: Crafts, cards
companionship [photo], H
12/6/86 p25+
Weston Town Meeting
Residents circulate petition to
change budget procedure, H
4/17/86 p11+
Weston Union
Weston Union in the spotlight in
United Way educational film
[photo], H 12/17/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Weston Voice
Weston resident planning to start
weekly newspaper, H 9/11/86
Weston Volunteer Fire Dept.
Fire department nears
completion [photo], H 9/19/86
Telephone dispute disconnected,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Weston Woods
Strictly Business, H 6/24/86 p19+
Weston studio marks anniversary
[photo], H 6/6/86 p25
Weston studio wins award from
children's TV group, H
5/30/86 p29+
Weston Woods taking show on
road [photo], H 10/4/86 p25
Weston, Timothy
Degree awarded, H 3/22/86 p6
Audit report sets surplus for
Weston at $1.3 million, H
2/12/86 p13
Most Westonites new to town, H
9/23/86 p1+
Plans set for town celebration, H
8/15/86 p29
Play to be next challenge for
writer [photo], H 2/10/86 p9
Student models Bicentennial shirt
[photo], H 12/2/86 p14
Town creates calendar to salute
bicentennial [photo], H
10/30/86 p38
Weston planning to observe
Constitution's bicentennial, H
9/17/86 p11+
Weston plates go on sale, H
9/2/86 p13+
Budget includes funding for new
patrolman, H 4/17/86 p11+
Budget proposal left almost intact
by board, H 2/21/86 p23+
Residents circulate petition to
change budget procedure, H
4/17/86 p11+
Weston selectmen reviewing
$15.5 million budget
package, H 2/15/86 p17+
Weston voters adopt $15.2
million budget, H 4/17/86
Weston-Budget, Capital
Tax revaluation tops capital
budget list, H 2/6/86 p35+
Weston-Code Compliance
Code panel to study plans, H
4/30/86 p10
Weston-Code Enforcement,
Dept. of
Rescinding of order requested, H
3/15/86 p13+
Weston-Commission for the
New site sought for walking trail,
H 11/19/86 p37+
Walking course for seniors
support by commission, H
10/7/86 p11+
Weston-Community Needs
Assessment Project
Needs assessment committee
named, H 4/16/86 p9
Needs report doesn't surprise
Hauhuth, H 7/10/86 p13
Report: Housing and substance
abuse top concerns of towns,
H 7/9/86 p35+
Residents to be questioned on
Westport-Weston needs, H
8/8/86 p9+
Commission studying fire pond
problems, H 10/28/86 p11+
Commission will take up
Pheasant Hill subdivision, H
5/8/86 p37+
Fire pond denial leaves
developer caught in middle,
H 11/10/86 p9
Revised plans delay subdivision
plan vote, H 1/9/86 p9+
Weston-Education, Board of
Board of Education to make
appointments for school
year, H 7/14/86 p11
Board rejects policy on drug
abuse, H 11/11/86 p24+
Board will review academic
expectations report, H
12/8/86 p15+
Boards support suicide
counseling funds, H 3/13/86
Computer program debated, H
3/13/86 p11+
Officials draft new behavior code
for students, H 8/22/86 p9
School board OKs report on
asbestos, H 12/23/86 p9+
School board ready to vote on
contract, H 4/10/86 p13+
School board refuses to pay
tuition for course, H 11/11/86
School board seeks generator
purchase, H 5/12/86 p9+
School board seeks input in P &
R budget, H 11/24/86 p13+
School officials find 1985-86 year
of change and challenge, H
7/7/86 p13
School panel will update guard
system, H 8/27/86 p35+
School staff vote to end pact
dispute, H 3/31/86 p11+
Substance abuse policy sent
back for more work by school
board, H 10/15/86 p13+
Teen alcohol use issue called
community problem in
Weston [photo], H 6/10/86
Weston board considers plan to
put pupils on hearing panel,
H 8/26/86 p1+
Weston school board wins fiveyear court battle, H 2/27/86
Weston school official critical of
cable television agreement,
H 5/20/86 p33+
Weston to consider energy
savings plan, H 5/5/86 p13+
Weston-Education, Board ofBudgets
$190,500 cut from Weston school
budget plan, H 1/27/86 p11+
Board cuts $100,000 from school
budget: Selectmen's budget
reduced by $104,000, H
4/3/86 p37+
Educators in Weston fight to
keep new budget intact, H
2/20/86 p11+
Norwood unveils proposed
budget of $10.8 million, H
12/23/86 p9+
School board trims budget by
$100,000, H 4/29/86 p9+
Weston board members clash
over proposed school
budget, H 3/12/86 p9+
Weston school chief used strict
criteria: In preparing budget
proposal, H 12/27/86 p29+
Weston-Education, Board ofCode Compliance Committee
School code compliance work
may cost less than expected,
H 6/24/86 p12
Town cuts $2 million on safety
code costs, H 3/21/86 p9
Weston-Finance, Board of
Boards support suicide
counseling funds, H 3/13/86
Bond approved for expansion of
Town Hall, H 2/21/86 p23+
Computer program debated, H
3/13/86 p11+
Finance board to act on post
office work, H 5/8/86 p37+
January - December 1986
Weston-Finance, Board of
Generator approved, H 1/10/86
Weston to consider energy
savings plan, H 5/5/86 p13+
Weston voters adopt $15.2
million budget, H 4/17/86
Weston-Fire Dept.
$500 cut sparks new debate:
Firemen won't give up
phone, H 2/19/86 p13+
Buzzing continuing over phone
system, H 2/26/86 p11
Firefighters anxious to move
apparatus into new addition,
H 10/23/86 p13
Weston fire department following
five-year plan for
improvements [photo], H
8/16/86 p13+
Weston fire officials upset by
phone cut: Emergency line
unfunded, H 2/14/86 p45+
Weston firefighters request
completion date on firehouse
[photo], H 11/15/86 p13+
Weston-First Selectmen. SEE
Selectman's pay raise supported,
H 12/18/86 p13
Dunn journeying through history
[photo], H 4/5/86 p13+
Weston history brought to life:
Society members share
memories, H 4/2/86 p13+
Weston was once a part of
Fairfield, H 5/27/86 Supp.
Weston-Land Acquisition
Town officials urged to buy open
space, H 2/25/86 p13+
Weston-Land Use Advisor
Crackdown on permits to
continue, H 3/27/86 p13+
Weston-Local Allocation Council
State surplus to be put into trust
fund in Weston, H 10/15/86
Weston-Officials and employees
Caricatures help employees to
remember the good times
[photo], H 2/18/86 p13+
Grievances filed by town
employees, H 1/24/86 p11
Weston, new union agree on
contract, H 12/13/86 p13+
Weston-Parks and Recreation
Alden elected chairman of
Weston board, H 1/15/86 p9+
Commission to review Keene
Park changes, H 8/12/86 p9
Weston-Planning and Zoning
Amendment on wetlands
challenged, H 1/14/86 p9+
Apartment denial lands P & Z in
court: Weston resident
appeals decision, H 4/18/86
Apartment requests increase, H
4/25/86 p11+
Apartment rule repeal opposed
[photo], H 5/6/86 p9+
Apartment rules on agenda
again, H 6/14/86 p13+
Apartment rules revised?, H
4/22/86 p11
Apartment rules stand: P & Z
votes against repeal, H
6/3/86 p13+
Applicant to appeal apartment
vote, H 4/1/86 p13+
Changes in conditions proposed
for subdivision involved in
suit, H 12/16/86 p17+
Citizens air views on apartment
rules, H 7/22/86 p11+
Commission examines Weston
road report, H 2/18/86 p13+
Commission lifts ban on permits
for apartments, H 1/22/86
Developer seeking to divide
25.97-acre parcel, H 12/2/86
Driveway leads town to order halt
to work, H 1/18/86 p13+
Family seeks ruling on converted
barn, H 5/7/86 p9+
Hearing on apartment rules is
Monday, H 5/3/86 p13+
Members of P & Z asked not to
vote on application:
Apartment plan to be heard
March 3, H 2/11/86 p9+
Neighbors protest Weston
subdivision, H 5/7/86 p9
New apartment plan opposed, H
2/11/86 p9+
One neighbor is opposed to
subdivision, H 10/1/86 p9+
Opposition voiced to wetland
amendment, H 1/7/86 p9
P & Z adopts apartment
regulations, H 6/17/86 p13+
P & Z approves subdivisions, H
9/24/86 p38
P & Z committee to review
Pheasant Hill subdivision, H
4/29/86 p9+
P & Z hear apartment arguments,
H 3/4/86 p11+
P & Z seeks definition for `nonconformity', H 12/16/86 p18
P & Z studies raising application
fees, H 3/11/86 p9+
P & Z sued over denial for studio,
H 6/6/86 p25+
P & Z taken to court over
resubdivision approval, H
11/25/86 p9+
P & Z weighs propane tank
screening, H 11/19/86 p38
P & Z weighs repeal of apartment
rules, H 5/13/86 p9+
Planners look into the future, H
1/20/86 p9+
Power shift on Weston P & Z
Commission: Burr will
become chairman [photo], H
5/23/86 p11+
Residents upset over subdivision,
H 6/3/86 p13+
Revised apartment rules set:
Weston hearing is Monday,
H 7/19/86 p13+
Subdivision approved by P & Z:
Approval comes with
conditions, H 7/15/86 p11
Subdivision approved by Weston
P & Z, H 5/28/86 p13+
Subdivision is opposed by
neighbors, H 4/8/86 p15+
Subdivision of estate before
Weston board, H 3/17/86
Subdivision plan withdrawn, H
1/30/86 p11
Subdivision to be reviewed:
Hearing to be continued, H
4/30/86 p9
Weston housing policy is
proposed, H 2/22/86 p13
Weston mulls changing
apartment rules, H 4/9/86 p11
Weston P & Z considering town
plan revisions, H 10/11/86
Weston P & Z postpones
decision on subdivision, H
7/29/86 p7
Weston P & Z re-elects Burr as
chairman of commission, H
12/16/86 p17+
Weston P & Z rejects Burr
apartment plans, H 4/22/86
Weston P & Z reworks new
apartment rules, H 6/10/86
January - December 1986
Weston-Planning and Zoning
Commission (Continued)
Weston P & Z studies home
occupation law, H 12/3/86
Weston P & Z studies home
occupation rule, H 11/18/86
Weston P & Z studies request for
apartment, H 1/28/86 p9
Weston P & Z sued by developer,
H 8/13/86 p9+
Weston P & Z to scrutinize
amendment to wetland rule,
H 1/3/86 p29
Weston P & Z wants parks used
more, H 11/18/86 p29
Weston P & Z weighs
subdivision's fate, H 3/5/86
Weston P & Z working on town
plan, H 9/16/86 p36
Weston Republicans oppose P &
Z vice chairman decision, H
12/10/86 p15+
Weston residents favor
apartment plan, H 4/1/86
Weston's flood plain rules next on
agenda for revision, H
11/8/86 p41
Westonites comment on
apartment rules, H 10/7/86
Weston-Police Commission
Panel support police policy on
teen-agers, H 6/19/86 p13+
Police board to take up party
response policy, H 6/2/86 p9
Police board weighs policy on
teen parties, H 6/4/86 p9+
Weston-Police Dept.
Budget includes funding for new
patrolman, H 4/17/86 p11+
Hiring of officer supported, H
1/9/86 p9
Police given new firing range, H
2/5/86 p11+
Police training will include
handling domestic abuse
calls, H 9/24/86 p38
Police union ready to appeal, H
10/29/86 p39
Selectman study proposal to hire
additional officer, H 1/7/86 p9
Weston PD will gain space with
change in floor plan, H
11/8/86 p41
Workmen have just about backed
chief of police into holding
cell [photo], H 8/30/86 p13+
Weston-Republican Town
Committee-Issues Committee
Town asked to draft helicopter
ordinance, H 12/10/86 p15+
Weston-Selectmen, Board of
Budget proposal left almost intact
by board, H 2/21/86 p23+
Complicated applications make
Weston increase fees, H
5/16/86 p13
Selectman study proposal to hire
additional officer, H 1/7/86 p9
Selectmen amend driveway
ordinance: Changes to take
effect July 16, H 6/27/86 p11
Selectmen approve funds for
hazardous waste day, H
9/24/86 p38
Selectmen approve roof funds, H
7/26/86 p13+
Selectmen approve rules for trust
fund, H 11/4/86 p9+
Selectmen turn down noise
ordinance, H 2/4/86 p9+
Surplus distribution studied:
Finance panel asks to be
involved, H 10/23/86 p13+
Telephone dispute disconnected,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Weston fire officials upset by
phone cut: Emergency line
unfunded, H 2/14/86 p45+
Weston selectmen reviewing
$15.5 million budget
package, H 2/15/86 p17+
Weston selectmen to seek help
in road acceptances, H
10/9/86 p13+
Weston to consider energy
savings plan, H 5/5/86 p13+
Weston to fly MIA flag next
Tuesday, H 11/4/86 p9
Weston weighs ways to spend
surplus, H 9/4/86 p33+
Weston-Tax assessor
Assessor awaits field work:
Grand List takes precedence
[photo], H 2/1/86 p13+
Weston-Town Engineer
Weston engineer concludes
career, H 8/30/86 p13+
Weston-Town Hall
Bond approved for expansion of
Town Hall, H 2/21/86 p23+
Change in plans made on Town
Hall addition, H 11/6/86 p15
Funds used for Town Hall:
$58,825 state grant, H
10/22/86 p39
Officials at odds on wrap-up date
for Town Hall expansion
project [photo], H 11/28/86
Officials concerned by delays on
Weston Town Hall addition
[photo], H 6/18/86 p9
Weston-Town Plan of
Weston P & Z considering town
plan revisions, H 10/11/86
Weston P & Z working on town
plan, H 9/16/86 p36
Weston-Zoning Board of Appeals
Owner to move house to conform
to zoning, H 2/28/86 p41+
ZBA rules against Toll House
addition, H 2/26/86 p11
Zoning order upheld on Weston
landmark, H 1/29/86 p11+
Westphal, Sue
Two SoNo designers win
Gourmet award [photo], H
12/24/86 p17
Town offers a lot to its
newcomers, H 5/27/86 Supp.
Westport Arts Center
`Celebration of Arts' in Westport
Saturday [photo], H 10/10/86
Artists & singers [photo], H 3/7/86
Open House on Sunday [photo],
H 2/21/86 p13
Two art organizations to merge in
Westport, H 7/14/86 p13
Westport Arts Center 3rd Open
House: Gift to the community
[photo], H 2/14/86 p15
Westport Bancorp Inc.
Earnings up sharply for Westport
Bancorp, H 7/29/86 p11
Westport Bancorp income for 9
months rises 16%, H 11/4/86
Westport Bancorp reports strong
earnings increase, H 2/25/86
Westport Bancorp reports strong
increase in earnings, H
4/22/86 p23
Westport Bank & Trust Co.
Arraignment is set for bank
official charged with hiring
cyclists for arson, H 2/3/86
Banker released on bond [photo],
H 2/4/86 p1+
Company files suit against
Westport bank, H 7/7/86 p13
Westport Bank promotes 3
[photo], H 9/30/86 p22
Westport Bank reports best of its
134 years, H 5/6/86 p23
January - December 1986
Westport Bank & Trust Co.
Westport bank V. P. charged with
arson, H 2/1/86 p1+
Westport Center for the Arts
Tenants to work together on
Greens Farms Center, H
7/26/86 p13+
Two art organizations to merge in
Westport, H 7/14/86 p13
Westport Chamber of
Commerce, Inc.
Chamber holds holiday affair
[photo], H 12/10/86 p8
Chamber honors former director
[photo], H 8/14/86 p29
Director intrigued by town's
mystique [photo], H 8/22/86
Officials work to unsnarl
Westport's traffic problems
[photo], H 3/21/86 p9+
Westport Community Action
Westport Country Playhouse
`Oh Coward' to launch Playhouse
season: 56th summer in
Westport [photo], H 6/13/86
`Pack of Lies' suffers from the
truth: At Westport Playhouse
[photo], H 7/30/86 p34
Learned, Heckart star in WCP
`Pack of Lies' [photo], H
7/25/86 p17
Playhouse fundraiser: Knauth
wins Mustang [photo], H
9/25/86 p15
Playhouse recipient of grant, H
3/29/86 p14
Season survivors [photo], H
10/22/86 p15
Westport Historic District
Old buildings to be surveyed:
Westport given state grant, H
4/8/86 p15
Westport Historical Society
Bride and bridegroom selected
for WHS gala [photo], H
7/19/86 p20
Residents share Westport
memories [photo], H 3/18/86
Westport poster to highlight art
show, H 7/17/86 p14
Westport urged to preserve
historic buildings, H 12/10/86
Westport Housing Authority
Westport officials dedicate
revamped mobile home park
[photo], H 9/24/86 p37+
Westport New Englander Motor
Ruling favors cafe-club, H
7/31/86 p11
Westport North Associates
Commission debates home plan
[photo], H 9/5/86 p11+
Developer resubmits plan again,
H 10/23/86 p13+
Developers resubmit plans
denied by P & Z, H 9/29/86
First suit dismissed on Westport
North, H 12/5/86 p33+
North Main Street plan to be
reviewed by Westport P & Z,
H 7/24/86 p37
P & Z panel to review North Main
St. plan, H 9/4/86 p33+
P & Z reviews plan for homes, H
7/25/86 p29
P & Z will consider shopping
center plan, H 3/26/86 p9+
Plan filed for N. Main Street:
Developers return to P & Z,
H 7/10/86 p13
Westport North plan draws
protests, H 12/5/86 p33
Westport Nuclear Freeze
Group makes stop at train station
[photo], H 7/26/86 p13
Westport Police Athletic League
Policemen call a halt to annual
fund-raisers, H 8/15/86 p29
Westport's PAL re-elects officers,
H 8/18/86 p14
Westport Public Library
Browsing the stacks at the new
library [photo], H 9/8/86 p9
Budget cuts upsets town library
officials, H 3/28/86 p9
Getting settled at new library
[photo], H 9/3/86 p33
Library board names new
trustees [photo], H 2/5/86 p11
Library officials try to iron out
problems, H 9/18/86 p33+
Library plans Twain lecture, H
8/11/86 p9
Library purchase pending, H
5/16/86 p13
Library to officially open first
week of September [photo],
H 8/1/86 p22
Library trustees find buyer for old
building, H 8/25/86 p11+
Library will open doors with
flourish [photo], H 9/3/86
New library in Westport much
needed, long sought [photo],
H 5/27/86 Supp. p19A
New library taking shape [photo],
H 1/4/86 p11
Pamphlet file is fount of
knowledge: Resource
supplements book collection
[photo], H 7/10/86 p13
Public to see how books selected
[photo], H 8/27/86 p35
Scholar sheds light on Twain
mystery [photo], H 8/15/86
Shelving books is no mystery
[photo], H 9/25/86 p35
Westport library vet is retiring in
January, H 10/9/86 p13+
Westport Public Schools
Authors stop by classrooms in
Westport [photo], H 5/29/86
In harmony [photo], H 3/4/86 p11
Westport Rd.-Wilton
P & Z denies rezoning of Wilton
gravel pit, H 10/21/86 p13+
Residents line up against Manzi
plan, H 9/26/86 p10
Westport Realty
Developer, Realtors, firm
recognized: Better Homes
gives citations [photo], H
7/29/86 p11
Westport Regional Center
Disabled pupils aided by special
program [photo], H 4/3/86 p37
Westport School of Music
Music school initiates drive for
$250,000 endowment fund
[photo], H 12/12/86 p37
Westport School of Music elects
new chairman, H 1/2/86 p29+
Westport Senior Center
April 1 target set for center
opening, H 1/27/86 p11+
Center donations fall short:
Group stil needs $6,417, H
7/23/86 p9
Donations flow in for Senior
Center, H 1/29/86 p11
Senior Center funding gets
support: RTM to consider
request, H 1/3/86 p29+
Senior Center officially opens
[photo], H 11/10/86 p9+
Seniors benefit from show
[photo], H 2/3/86 p11
Sunday festivities to mark
dedication of senior center, H
11/3/86 p15+
Tenants to work together on
Greens Farms Center, H
7/26/86 p13+
Westport Taxpayers Association
Taxpayers group elects Bradley,
H 12/8/86 p17
January - December 1986
Westport Today
Hauhuth at home as host of talk
show, H 2/8/86 p13+
Westport Transit District
Norwalk, Westport officials
disagree on transit bill's
impact, H 4/4/86 p1+
State officials say transit bill won't
hurt Westport, H 4/8/86 p15
Westport officials are glad bus
funding bill has been killed, H
4/21/86 p1+
Westport Unitarian Church
Westport being sought to join
sanctuary cause, H 2/26/86
Westport Unitarian Singles
Norwalker elected officer of
group [photo], H 5/28/86 p14
Singles group to celebrate
anniversary, H 7/24/86 p38
Singles together for a decade
[photo], H 7/30/86 p9
Westport Weston Community
Leaders want to make towns look
from past into future [photo],
H 1/24/86 p11
Westport Woman's Club
Project Return directors honor
club, H 9/12/86 p32
Westport YMCA
Busy Y in Westport still at site of
original facility, H 5/27/86
Supp. p16A
Ex-worker at YMCA admits
sexual abuse, H 2/21/86 p12
Westport Young Woman's
Creative arts focus of weekend
festival [photo], H 11/21/86
Westport set for campaign
against litter, H 5/10/86 p13
Westport-Bridge St. Bridge
Officials planning meeting about
Bridge Street Bridge [photo],
H 2/6/86 p35+
Board of Finance to begin annual
budget cut sessions, H
3/24/86 p13+
Officials prepare for budget
season, H 2/18/86 p13+
Smith urges board to keep
budget intact, H 2/26/86 p11+
Surplus placed in budget, H
8/21/86 p13+
Westport tax rate predicted to
rise by one mill, H 3/20/86
Westport windfall set at
$253,000, H 8/6/86 p33+
Westport-Budget, Capital
Athletic field dropped from capital
projects, H 3/22/86 p13+
Family park plan placed on back
burner, H 3/28/86 p9
Five-year forecast adopted, H
3/12/86 p9+
Westport-Charter Revision
Charter commission proposes
Recreation Dept. change, H
4/23/86 p23+
Citizens oppose charter change,
H 6/25/86 p41+
Panel given extra time to revise
town charter, H 3/15/86 p13+
Revision to charter to be
considered Tuesday, H
6/19/86 p13+
Selectmen to review charter
changes, H 7/3/86 p11+
Town charter to be reviewed by
selectmen, H 6/30/86 p11
Westport-Community Needs
Assessment Project
Needs assessment committee
named, H 4/16/86 p9
Needs report doesn't surprise
Hauhuth, H 7/10/86 p13
Report: Housing and substance
abuse top concerns of towns,
H 7/9/86 p35+
Residents to be questioned on
Westport-Weston needs, H
8/8/86 p9+
Alternative housing plan is
scrutinized, H 10/8/86 p23+
Board approves fence around
Westport pond, H 10/8/86
Boards to examine subdivision, H
10/20/86 p13
Commission uneasy about
housing plan, H 9/26/86 p9+
Housing development plan
reviewed, H 9/10/86 p12
Subdivision pleases town
conservationists, H 12/23/86
Westport developer protests plan
changes, H 10/22/86 p37+
Westport-Economic conditions
Area planners shepherd diverse
development [photo], H
1/28/86 p27
Westport-Education, Board of
Board chooses own candidate
[photo], H 4/30/86 p9
Board of Education returns
surplus of $34,876 to town, H
8/26/86 p12
Board seeks grant for cable TV
project, H 10/21/86 p13+
Board will consider contract for
teachers, H 2/22/86 p13
Educators to review deficit, H
5/5/86 p13+
GOP favors Christophersen to fill
school board vacancy
[photo], H 4/14/86 p13+
Lobsenz resigns, H 4/2/86 p13+
New class approved by board, H
5/20/86 p33+
Parents voice concern about
redistricting, H 12/2/86 p13+
Parents' rights reviewed, H
11/4/86 p9+
Reports highlight meeting, H
5/17/86 p13+
School board in Westport
weighing cuts, H 6/23/86
School board to act on contract
policy, H 3/24/86 p13+
School board to vote on pact, H
1/4/86 p11+
School staff development plan
reviewed, H 3/25/86 p11
Teachers contract wins approval
of school board, H 2/25/86
Teachers in Westport resolve
contract dispute, H 1/28/86
Two selected to fill positions, H
12/6/86 p25+
Westport board accepts gift for
Staples counseling center, H
9/16/86 p35+
Westport board adopts AIDS
policy, H 4/15/86 p13
Westport board seeks funds to
replace three school roofs, H
11/4/86 p11
Westport tops list on money to
schools, H 4/23/86 p1+
Westport-Education, Board ofBudgets
$272,807 deficit is predicted for
school budget, H 1/6/86 p11
Backers of Westport budget raise
more money, H 6/6/86 p25+
Board members urge school
budget be cut, H 2/25/86 p13
Budget cut may shut Weston
school wing, H 1/15/86 p9+
Budget forecast draws sparks:
Westport officials clash, H
1/7/86 p9
January - December 1986
Westport-Education, Board ofBudgets (Continued)
Budget plan offers $340,000
reduction in cost at Staples,
H 1/25/86 p13+
Budget referendum petitions
taken out, H 5/6/86 p9
Budget set at $24,491,599, H
1/7/86 p9
Confident committee to turn in
petition forms, H 5/13/86 p9
Deficit anticipated in school
budget: Enrollment increases
blamed, H 3/12/86 p9+
Education budget reviewed, H
2/27/86 p35+
Educators consider cut list, H
6/24/86 p11+
Educators criticize finance board
action, H 4/15/86 p13+
Educators to act on cut list, H
6/30/86 p11+
Gold defends school budget, H
5/14/86 p13+
Hauhuth: $1.3 million is too
much, H 5/15/86 p15+
Referendum cuts break contract:
Teachers' union president
warns, H 6/7/86 p13+
Referendum effort picks up
steam, H 5/8/86 p37+
Referendum leader reports
hassle over flyer handouts, H
6/7/86 p13
RTM adopts town budget: $1.3
million cut fails, H 5/6/86 p9
RTM leaves budget intact:
School board faces review
tonight, H 5/6/86 p9
School board accepts 1986-87
budget cut list, H 7/1/86 p11+
School board adopts budget, H
3/11/86 p9+
School board examines $4.1
million request, H 1/14/86 p9+
School budget cut put before
Westport voters, H 5/21/86
School budget slated for vote, H
3/8/86 p13+
Selectmen will set referendum's
date, H 5/17/86 p13+
Sides trade charges as
referendum nears, H 5/31/86
Teachers protest referendum, H
5/13/86 p9+
Teachers to discuss referendum
threat, H 5/12/86 p9
Westport counting signatures
[photo], H 5/14/86 p13+
Westporter vote against budget
cut, H 6/11/86 p1+
Westport-Fair Housing
Cederbaum named to Westport
post, H 2/18/86 p14
Westport-Finance, Board of
14.9-mill rate set in Westport, H
6/12/86 p37+
Board approves hurricane repair
funds, H 9/4/86 p34
Board grants funds for new
school roof, H 7/10/86 p13
Board of Finance to begin annual
budget cut sessions, H
3/24/86 p13+
Board to reconsider cuts in fire
budget, H 4/1/86 p13
Budget cuts upsets town library
officials, H 3/28/86 p9
Chief believes cuts to hurt
department, H 3/25/86 p11+
Finance board to act on storm
damage, H 9/2/86 p13+
Funds approved for bathhouse
project, H 2/6/86 p35
Health district budget still
unavailable, H 3/25/86 p11
Hypertension cases settled, H
7/10/86 p13
Two selected to fill positions, H
12/6/86 p25+
Westport board makes first cuts
in budget, H 3/25/86 p11+
Westport-Fire Dept.
Board to reconsider cuts in fire
budget, H 4/1/86 p13
Chief believes cuts to hurt
department, H 3/25/86 p11+
Firefighters give P & Z permit for
training center, H 2/7/86 p9+
Request by firemen opposed, H
1/24/86 p11
RTM votes approval of
firefighters' pact, H 7/2/86
Selectman greets new firemen
[photo], H 11/3/86 p15
Westport-First Selectmen. SEE
Old church to be dig's focal point,
H 4/14/86 p13
Westport-Human Services
Hauhuth to establish human
services panel, H 7/31/86 p11
Lois Schine appointed to lead
new commission, H 12/19/86
Westport-Human Services, Dept.
Hauhuth to establish human
services panel, H 7/31/86 p11
Human services director
honored, H 7/31/86 p11
Promotions announced by
selectman, H 11/19/86 p38
State fuel assistance given to
171 families in Westport, H
7/28/86 p13+
Westport-Marine Police Auxiliary
New marine police auxiliaries
[photo], H 7/18/86 p23
Westport-New Resident
Orientation Program
Events set to help those new to
town, H 8/5/86 p11+
Westport-Officials and
Board will consider contract for
teachers, H 2/22/86 p13
Contract approved by Westport
RTM, H 3/5/86 p13
Contract ratified by teachers
[photo], H 2/4/86 p9
Employees to keep boat slips, H
9/30/86 p17+
Hypertension cases settled, H
7/10/86 p13
Referendum cuts break contract:
Teachers' union president
warns, H 6/7/86 p13+
RTM committees recommend
passage of teacher contract,
H 3/1/86 p13
RTM to act on Fire Department
contract, H 7/1/86 p11+
Salary raises given to Westport
officials, H 9/5/86 p11+
Settlement reached in lawsuit
over town employee's firing,
H 10/21/86 p14
Teachers contract wins approval
of school board, H 2/25/86
Westport initiates management
plan, H 6/12/86 p37+
Westport officials list goals
[photo], H 12/18/86 p13+
Westport-Parks and Recreation,
Dept. of
Family park plan placed on back
burner, H 3/28/86 p9
Inflation blamed for increase in
recreation fees, H 2/12/86
Westport-Planning and Zoning
Apartment recommendation
upsets commission, H
4/11/86 p11+
Appeal sought on ZBA vote, H
5/30/86 p29+
Board considers changing day of
its meetings, H 12/19/86 p27
Boards to examine subdivision, H
10/20/86 p13
Commission debates home plan
[photo], H 9/5/86 p11+
January - December 1986
Westport-Planning and Zoning
Commission (Continued)
Commission weighs incentives to
preserve historic buildings
[photo], H 11/25/86 p9+
Court rules against Westport P &
Z on field, H 11/7/86 p33+
Decision pending in libel suit:
Slez vs. P & Z
commissioner, H 8/2/86 p13+
Developer resubmits plan again,
H 10/23/86 p13+
Firefighters give P & Z permit for
training center, H 2/7/86 p9+
Neighbors worried about
duplexes, H 1/30/86 p11
New parking fines under study: P
& Z studies traffic problems,
H 9/24/86 p37+
Official criticizes P & Z plan, H
1/17/86 p9+
P & Z approval sought for
downtown project, H 2/13/86
P & Z asked to review proposed
serer project, H 12/12/86
P & Z asked to review sale of
school tract, H 4/19/86 p13+
P & Z chairman stands by
amendment vote, H 4/30/86
P & Z chief seeks parking
solution, H 12/6/86 p25
P & Z Commission turns down
Imperial Bridge subdivision,
H 7/17/86 p13+
P & Z defeats housing plan, H
9/19/86 p13+
P & Z delays land sale vote, H
5/1/86 p14
P & Z extends hearing for
Westport North, H 11/7/86
P & Z joins fight to save building:
Commission drafts
regulations, H 10/3/86 p29+
P & Z member to add apartment
at home, H 4/24/86 p13+
P & Z panel expresses concern
about zone change, H
4/11/86 p11+
P & Z panel to review North Main
St. plan, H 9/4/86 p33+
P & Z reviews plan for homes, H
7/25/86 p29
P & Z seeks action on weigh
station, H 9/5/86 p11+
P & Z sued on denial to market,
H 2/11/86 p9
P & Z sued over parking space
plan, H 9/12/86 p31+
P & Z to consider Main Street
plan, H 3/13/86 p11+
P & Z to mull plan to sell school
land, H 4/30/86 p9+
P & Z will consider shopping
center plan, H 3/26/86 p9+
Plan faces commission a third
time, H 11/7/86 p33+
Proposed housing project elicits
outcry from neighbors, H
7/19/86 p13+
Residents express opposition to
duplex development plan
[photo], H 2/25/86 p13+
RTM to consider request to
overturn setback
amendment, H 4/19/86 p13+
Saugatuck residents say they
prefer new housing to
offices, H 10/15/86 p13+
Sewer links for 129 homes gain
favor of Westport P & Z, H
12/19/86 p28
Three alternates selected for
Westport P & Z panel, H
1/18/86 p13+
Town charter committee divided
on appointed/elected P & Z,
H 5/2/86 p9+
Westport battles neon signs:
Donahue leads fight, H
8/18/86 p13
Westport P & Z facing lawsuit, H
10/4/86 p25+
Westport P & Z mulls Brophy
housing plan, H 10/24/86
Westport P & Z OKs 15-lot
subdivision, H 12/19/86 p27+
Westport P & Z sued on zone
change vote, H 6/10/86 p33
Zone change sought for
Riverside Avenue, H 2/27/86
Westport-Planning and Zoning
Review Committee
Barr files proposal to ease P & Z
Commission work load, H
2/19/86 p13+
Reversal sought on P & Z action,
H 1/9/86 p9+
Westport-Police Dept. SEE
Westport-Police Dept.
$3.4 million bond approved for
police station project, H
3/20/86 p13+
Chief joins opposition to station,
H 6/12/86 p37+
Construction to begin Monday on
addition to police building daughter, H 5/1/86 p13+
Five officers join Westport Police
Department [photo], H
1/29/86 p11
Ground broken at police building
[photo], H 5/8/86 p37
Longtime dream will become
reality at police
headquarters, H 4/17/86 p11+
Officer earns diploma from FBI
Academy [photo], H 6/18/86
Police chief praises training
officers, H 3/19/86 p14
Police go bowling for dollars
[photo], H 3/22/86 p13
Police headquarters project sails
through RTM, H 4/16/86 p9+
Police station renovation plan
advances, H 2/21/86 p23+
Weston woman sues police
officer, H 7/23/86 p9+
Westport officers hang up
badges [photo], H 4/10/86
Westport to vote on police
headquarters: Selectmen
and RTM to act on project, H
4/10/86 p13+
Westport's scofflaws may get `the
boot': Officials writing
ordinance, H 4/5/86 p13+
Westport-Police Dept.-Car chase
Bridgeporter arrested after
chase, H 4/30/86 p9
Police Blotter: Man arrested after
chase, H 1/15/86 p8
Westport police arrest teen-agers
following high-speed auto
chase, H 12/4/86 p26
Westport-Public Works, Dept. of
DPW chief sells RTM on truck
purchase, H 7/16/86 p41
Officials commence campaign to
enforce grease trap rules, H
2/22/86 p13+
Smith urges board to keep
budget intact, H 2/26/86 p11+
Westport-Railroad Parking Dept.
Funding rule change sought by
Railroad Parking officials, H
3/12/86 p9+
Westport-Representative Town
Westport-Republican Town
Chairman asks Mix to resign from
GOP Town Committee, H
10/3/86 p29+
Assistance act guidelines voted
down, H 6/6/86 p25
Attorney clarifies powers of RTM,
H 1/14/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Westport-RTM (Continued)
Committee to study property
revaluation?, H 3/31/86 p11+
Contract approved by Westport
RTM, H 3/5/86 p13
Demolition ordinance passed, H
4/2/86 p13+
Dog ordinance debated in
Westport: Vote to be taken in
July, H 6/4/86 p9
DPW chief sells RTM on truck
purchase, H 7/16/86 p41
Dunham appointed to RTM, H
2/18/86 p13+
Fate of Bridge Street Bridge in
RTM's hands, H 9/15/86 p9
Funds are topic for RTM, H
1/4/86 p11+
Intersection improvements given
RTM green light, H 4/2/86
Nevas joins Westport RTM, H
11/14/86 p27+
Officials to air views on railroad
parking lot paving problem, H
7/17/86 p13
Police headquarters project sails
through RTM, H 4/16/86 p9+
Post Road intersection work
given RTM blessing, H
8/6/86 p33
Roofs, equipment on RTM's
agenda, H 7/12/86 p13
RTM adopts town budget: $1.3
million cut fails, H 5/6/86 p9
RTM approves asbestos removal
funds, H 11/19/86 p37+
RTM approves Senior Center
funds, H 1/8/86 p9+
RTM asked to form revaluation
panel, H 3/18/86 p13+
RTM asked to review noise rule,
H 1/23/86 p13+
RTM delays decision on property
fund, H 7/16/86 p41+
RTM divided on sale of school
property, H 6/4/86 p9+
RTM leaves budget intact:
School board faces review
tonight, H 5/6/86 p9
RTM member investigating veto
power, H 5/23/86 p11+
RTM member plans meeting on
duplexes, H 1/23/86 p13+
RTM members oppose school
site sale, H 5/22/86 p17+
RTM members shoot down
Bridge Street Bridge motion
[photo], H 9/17/86 p11+
RTM slams door on forming
property reassessment
panel, H 4/3/86 p37+
RTM to act on compact with
CRRA, H 3/3/86 p9+
RTM to act on Fire Department
contract, H 7/1/86 p11+
RTM to be asked to study length
of service, H 1/6/86 p11
RTM to consider limiting fund's
use, H 7/15/86 p11+
RTM to debate political
affiliations, H 2/1/86 p13
RTM to vote on solid waste
agreement, H 1/31/86 p9
RTM to weigh options for townowned houses, H 11/15/86
RTM tour upsets resident, H
7/22/86 p11+
RTM vote on Riverside parcel
due Tuesday: HauhuthMcManus at odds, H 10/6/86
RTM votes approval of
firefighters' pact, H 7/2/86
RTM will consider contract, H
1/7/86 p9
School administrators to receive
8 percent raise, H 1/8/86 p9+
Surplus fund uses approved:
RTM OKs project list, H
9/17/86 p11+
Two selected to fill positions, H
12/6/86 p25+
Westport RTM member
questions rising teacher
salaries, H 1/22/86 p35+
Westport RTM to take up
guidelines on assistance act,
H 6/2/86 p9
Westport to enact pooperscooper law?, H 5/30/86 p29
Wood elected RTM moderator:
Jenkins honored by
colleagues, H 12/3/86 p13+
RTM committees recommend
passage of teacher contract,
H 3/1/86 p13
RTM committees recommend
passage of teacher contract,
H 3/1/86 p13
Senior Center funding gets
support: RTM to consider
request, H 1/3/86 p29+
Westport-RTM-Health Committee
Senior Center funding gets
support: RTM to consider
request, H 1/3/86 p29+
Westport-RTM-Planning and
Zoning Committee
Plan drafted to save old
buildings, H 1/23/86 p13
RTM's P & Z panel supports vote
on setbacks amendment, H
5/9/86 p13+
Westport-RTM-Social Services
Senior Center funding gets
support: RTM to consider
request, H 1/3/86 p29+
Westport-Selectmen, Board of
Agreement on Nike Site
approved, H 10/15/86 p13+
Banner issue awaits decision:
Selectmen schedule vote, H
10/27/86 p13+
Bernhard is nominated as
Westport selectman, H
12/19/86 p27
Board approves traffic requests,
H 1/15/86 p9+
Five-year forecast adopted, H
3/12/86 p9+
Hauhuth says asbestos issue
under control, H 7/14/86 p11+
Hillspoint lease tops selectmen's
agenda, H 12/9/86 p13+
Intersection work approved:
Selectmen vote on
agreement, H 7/9/86 p35
Officials approve DOT plan, H
2/12/86 p13+
Roads to reverberate to sound of
many feet, H 1/30/86 p11+
Selectmen approve beach project
funds, H 8/27/86 p35+
Selectmen approve mill pond
fund, H 2/26/86 p11+
Selectmen OK lease of school, H
12/10/86 p15+
Selectmen put off decision on
stop sign [photo], H 11/13/86
Selectmen support worker
program: Historic survey
agreement signed, H 6/11/86
Selectmen to act on asbestos
study, H 7/8/86 p9+
Selectmen to act on road race, H
8/8/86 p9
Selectmen to appoint health
district panel, H 5/2/86 p9+
Selectmen to consider repairs to
Greens Farms School roof, H
7/21/86 p9+
Selectmen to examine 5-year
plan, H 3/10/86 p9+
Selectmen to review charter
changes, H 7/3/86 p11+
Selectmen to weigh CAM
contract renewal, H 8/12/86
Selectmen will set referendum's
date, H 5/17/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Westport-Selectmen, Board of
Use of roads to draw attention of
selectmen, H 1/25/86 p13+
Westport board adopts weigh
station resolution, H 9/24/86
Westport-Shellfish Commission
Commission welcomes shellfish
jurisdiction, H 3/25/86 p11+
Shellfish destined for river home
[photo], H 4/14/86 p13
Westport-Tax Review, Board of
3 more lawsuits filed over
revaluations, H 6/14/86 p13+
Assessment of property prompts
suit, H 3/28/86 p9+
Board files grand list, H 6/3/86
Newmans take town to court
[photo], H 7/23/86 p9+
Westport-Town Assessor
Assessments upset residents, H
3/6/86 p13
Assessor to meet with
homeowners, H 3/7/86 p11+
Westport-Town Charter
Citizens oppose charter change,
H 6/25/86 p41+
Panel given extra time to revise
town charter, H 3/15/86 p13+
Selectmen review changes in
charter, H 7/9/86 p35+
Town charter committee divided
on appointed/elected P & Z,
H 5/2/86 p9+
Westport-Town Hall
Paintings enhance walls in Town
Hall, H 8/20/86 p13+
Paintings of Westport to hang in
Town Hall [photo], H
10/24/86 p25
Westport-Town owned land
Gridlock [letter], H 9/10/86 p5
Plans for town-owned homes
studied, H 8/13/86 p9+
RTM to weigh options for townowned houses, H 11/15/86
Westport-Town Plan of
Citizens to work on town plan, H
7/15/86 p11+
Westport P & Z sued on zone
change vote, H 6/10/86 p33
Westport-Weston Counseling
Town funds needed by
counseling service, H
3/11/86 p9+
Westport-Youth Adult Council
Orientation program eases move
into town for teens, H 7/10/86
Westport-Zoning Board of
Appeal sought on ZBA vote, H
5/30/86 p29+
Beach area residents hope court
upholds ZBA ruling, H
4/26/86 p13+
Board will take up appeal of case
and desist order, H 7/14/86
Couple suing ZBA over pool
denial, H 1/6/86 p11+
Oil company suing ZBA in
Westport, H 6/14/86 p13+
Tool shed ruling lands ZBA in
court, H 11/21/86 p31
Westport ZBA facing 10 variance
requests, H 10/10/86 p31+
Westport ZBA to hear 8 cases, H
9/27/86 p35+
Westporters appeal ruling by the
ZBA, H 11/19/86 p38
ZBA sued over order on sea wall,
H 9/19/86 p13+
ZBA taken to court on building lot
denial, H 4/14/86 p13+
ZBA to decide fate of old house,
H 12/8/86 p17
Westport/Weston Arts Council
Two art organizations to merge in
Westport, H 7/14/86 p13
Westport/Weston Board of
Around the Towns: 27 new
members and 2 new
agencies have been added,
H 8/5/86 p12
Graduates receive grants [photo],
H 7/25/86 p29
New officers elected by realtors
[photo], H 11/22/86 p14
Realtors group to install officers,
H 12/12/86 p37
Realtors hear talk by
superintendents [photo], H
6/14/86 p13
Town officials share ideas to help
newcomers in area [photo],
H 4/4/86 p10
Westport/Weston Cooperative
Nursery School
Nursery fighting to stay open
[letter], H 9/29/86 p5
Westport/Weston Health District
Budget delay queried by officials
in 2 towns, H 3/3/86 p9+
Fees to be increased by health
district, H 3/6/86 p13+
Health district budget finally
drafted, H 4/18/86 p9
Health district budget still
unavailable, H 3/25/86 p11
Health district called viable, H
9/8/86 p9+
Health District seeks to increase
fees 60%, H 4/8/86 p15
Health District settlees contact
(sic) dispute: Nurses get
three-year pact, H 2/4/86 p9
Panel will study future of district,
H 6/12/86 p37+
Selectmen to appoint health
district panel, H 5/2/86 p9+
Attorney charges that city misled
his clients, H 4/18/86 p23
Developer, city due in court, H
4/5/86 p6
Marine life is thriving in salt water
wetlands along Five Mile
River, H 7/30/86 p1+
Amendment on wetlands
challenged, H 1/14/86 p9+
Landowners appeal wetlands
amendment, H 4/12/86 p13+
Opposition voiced to wetland
amendment, H 1/7/86 p9
Weston P & Z to scrutinize
amendment to wetland rule,
H 1/3/86 p29
Agency studies pond request:
Commission expresses
concern, H 1/14/86 p9+
DEP officials express fears about
disappearing wetlands
[photo], H 10/30/86 p37+
Driveway dismantling ends Wilton
wetlands controversy, H
8/25/86 p11
Wetzel, E. Thomas
Panel makes appointment, H
1/7/86 p9
Whitcomb, Richard
School headmaster honored
[photo], H 5/30/86 p29
White Barn Theatre
South African play in American
premiere [photo], H 8/11/86
White Oak Ln.-Weston
Subdivision is opposed by
neighbors, H 4/8/86 p15+
White, Ilene
Bride and bridegroom selected
for WHS gala [photo], H
7/19/86 p20
Whitten, James E.
Norwalk couple makes plans to
tour the world by boat, H
12/15/86 p9+
Whitten, Mary Ella
Norwalk couple makes plans to
tour the world by boat, H
12/15/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Whone, Benjamin H.
Ex-deputy fire chief is dead at
age 65, H 6/4/86 p6
Home/Town People [photo], H
5/6/86 p15+
Wiebe and Squibb
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p15
Wild animals as pets
Tiger needs a new home, H
6/24/86 p24
Tiger to find home back in
Indiana?, H 7/18/86 p11
Wilder, Robert
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 9/2/86 p26
Hour's Halls of Ivy [photo], H
1/7/86 p14
Wilk, Max
Wilk pens a `whatever happened
to' saga: Showbiz lore in new
novel [photo], H 4/7/86 p15+
Wilk, Stephen
Norwalk duo follow their star,
promoting Christian rock
music [photo], H 8/9/86 p37
Wilkerson, Dr. Doxey A.
Sloan proposal on minority
students draws black
educator's criticism, H
8/26/86 p1+
Sloan surprised by criticism
lodged by prominent
educator, H 8/27/86 p10
Wilkerson replies to Sloan, H
8/28/86 p16
William Moore Lodge of Elks
Members of William Moore
Lodge giving 15 holiday food
baskets, H 11/24/86 p21
William Raveis Marketing Group
Marketing awards [photo], H
9/26/86 p63
William Raveis Mortgage Co.
Mortgage firm offering services,
H 9/24/86 p23
William Raveis Real Estate
3 at Raveis going on trip around
world, H 8/12/86 p38
Raveis and Barnes form
investment firm, H 8/12/86
Raveis Realty is bidding on sale
of Merrill Lynch, H 10/9/86
Raveis sales $620 million in 6
months, H 8/19/86 p15
Raveis shoots for condo resale
market [photo], H 4/15/86 p23
Williams, Betty
NCC's symposium will feature
peace prize winner from
1977 [photo], H 10/14/86 p1+
Williams, Brian
$200,000 bond set in retrial, H
11/22/86 p8
Willner, Dr. Peter T.
Willner leaving educational
service in Norwalk [photo], H
4/29/86 p12
Wilson, Robert
Teachers honored, H 2/4/86 p10
Wiltek Inc.
Strictly Business, H 9/30/86 p19+
Wiltek reports profits, buys its
own stock, H 9/30/86 p23
Wiltek reports revenue increase,
H 3/11/86 p20
Wiltek softwear links no-kin
computers: Electronic mail
spans globe [drawing], H
3/4/86 p24+
Both the old and the new are on
display in Wilton [drawing], H
5/27/86 Supp. p18A
Wilton Acres Associates
Developers continue effort to
build townhouses, H 5/17/86
Residents, developer disagree
over `appropriate' use of
land, H 5/20/86 p33+
Wilton P & Z rejects town house
rules, H 7/8/86 p9+
Zone change sought for Wilton
cluster housing development,
H 5/8/86 p37+
Wilton Arms
New bank proposed in Wilton, H
1/27/86 p11+
Wilton Ave.-Norwalk
Factory is probed for fumes, H
5/27/86 p1+
Wilton Bank
Bank breaks ground [photo], H
7/1/86 p29
Bank joining Army to help 65
families, H 12/6/86 p26
Strictly Business, H 11/4/86 p14
Wilton Bank appoints 3 directors,
H 11/4/86 p17
Wilton Center
Bank plan submitted to Wilton P
& Z, H 2/25/86 p13+
Traffic study says buildings will
not affect Wilton Center, H
10/1/86 p9+
Wilton P & Z approves shopping
center plans, H 11/18/86
Wilton Town Meeting nixes
connector, H 5/7/86 p1+
Wilton Children's Theater
Pupils rehearse Broadway
melodies [photo], H 3/21/86
Wilton Crest Condominiums
Emergency access is sought to
condominium complex, H
11/29/86 p13+
Ruling is made on accessway, H
1/7/86 p9
Wilton P & Z OKs driveway for
complex, H 12/9/86 p13+
Wilton Executive Center
Shopping center plan decision
expected, H 10/31/86 p53+
Wilton Family YMCA
Annual luncheon [photo], H
6/12/86 p37
Celebration raises $20,000 for
the Wilton Family YMCA
[photo], H 10/4/86 p25+
Committee will review plan for
outdoor pool, H 8/5/86 p11+
Holiday festivities [photo], H
12/19/86 p27
Nancy's pumpkin pie in Wilton
Y's book [photo], H 1/23/86
Park pond to reopen for public
use [photo], H 6/13/86 p13+
Sagging membership sparks
campaign [photo], H 3/14/86
Wilton makes plans to honor
residents, H 8/7/86 p9
Y officials work on plans for
outdoor swimming pool, H
6/17/86 p13+
Wilton Garden Club
Dedication held at greenhouse
[photo], H 4/28/86 p13
Wilton High School
Board seeks grant for cable TV
project, H 10/21/86 p13+
Fast fingers earn money for
leukemia [photo], H 1/11/86
Hands joined around school
[photo], H 5/15/86 p1
Joining hands to fight hunger
[photo], H 5/15/86 p15
School earns $6,900 grant, H
5/15/86 p17
School plan studied: Staffing
given priority [photo], H
9/11/86 p35+
Stadium will add a team meeting
room, H 7/29/86 p7
Students are apprised of
environmental jobs, H
5/22/86 p17+
Students elected at Wilton High
[photo], H 6/2/86 p9
Students plan to purchase field
house loudspeakers, H
8/11/86 p9
Team to compete at state level,
H 4/25/86 p11
January - December 1986
Wilton High School (Continued)
Today's technology spurs need
for new high school courses,
H 11/28/86 p57+
Wilton school plan questioned:
Omissions concern board, H
9/12/86 p31
Wilton High School-Awards
8 students win grants to college,
H 4/10/86 p10
D. A. R. award winner [photo], H
5/31/86 p18
Drafting students win state
honors [photo], H 5/15/86 p15
Excellence in education [photo],
H 5/23/86 p11
Math squad from Wilton captures
title [photo], H 4/19/86 p13
Nine area students receive Merit
Scholarship, H 4/24/86 p10
Scholarship is awarded to
Howard, H 7/3/86 p11
Senior at WHS wins scholarship,
H 5/24/86 p16
Seniors receive commendations,
H 10/2/86 p36
Student honored by art
department [photo], H
3/12/86 p9
Students awarded CROP Cup, H
2/13/86 p37+
Students in Wilton honored at
awards assembly, H 6/10/86
Teen chosen art student of the
month [photo], H 1/31/86 p9
Teen-ager chosen as art student
of the month [photo], H
4/23/86 p23
Wilton student is candidate for
McAuliffe scholarship
[photo], H 4/7/86 p13+
Wilton students win contest, H
5/3/86 p14
Wilton High School-Drama Club
In Jane Austen play [photo], H
6/3/86 p18
Wilton High School-Graduation
Senior class to resolve
graduation date dispute, H
3/26/86 p9+
Seniors bid farewell to Wilton
High School [photo], H
6/24/86 p11+
Wilton High School-Maintenance
and repair
Town officials set deadline to
remove asbestos at school,
H 12/18/86 p13
Wilton High School-Music
And the band played on [photo],
H 11/7/86 p33
Wilton High Madrigals to sing
Brubeck piece [photo], H
3/7/86 p18
Wilton High School-Newspaper
School paper unafraid of
controversy, H 10/31/86 p1+
Wilton High School-Sports
'85 finalists struggling: Local
clubs take to road, H
10/17/86 p23+
12-year losing streak goes on:
Wilton advances to state
final, H 6/4/86 p13+
All-FCIAC boys' indoor track
team [photo], H 3/27/86 p26
All-FCIAC Gymnasts [photo], H
3/15/86 p26
All-FCIAC selections [photo], H
3/26/86 p16
All-FCIAC tennis picks [photo], H
6/26/86 p28
Boys' hoop season opens:
Thompson ineligible [photo]
[chart], H 12/18/86 p41+
Boys' soccer opens this week:
Area schools are ready, H
9/10/86 p21
Can anyone beat Staples?
[photo], H 9/23/86 p19+
Can BMHS stop Hyatt? Can
Wilton stop English?, H
2/21/86 p19+
Can Warriors repeat as girls'
soccer champs?, H 9/10/86
Can Wilton boys dethrone
Cards? Swimming preview
[photo], H 1/2/86 p19+
Cards grab title: Wilton posts five
victories, H 3/1/86 p21
Carmichael, Cieurzo lead Wilton
to state title, H 3/19/86 p15
City, Wilton hope to bring home 3
state titles [photo], H
11/14/86 p33+
County girls dominate postseason swimming [photo], H
9/19/86 p33+
Defending champs roll in opener,
H 11/6/86 p35+
Down 2-0, Lady Warriors bounce
back to win, H 11/14/86 p33+
English, Hermann named AllFCIAC [photo], H 3/19/86
FCIAC competition under way
Monday [photo], H 4/19/86
Field hockey picture bright
[photo], H 9/9/86 p24
Five Warriors on All-FCIAC, H
4/12/86 p23
Garvey too much for Wilton
[photo], H 11/17/86 p26
Granito, Wellman lead Wilton to
county title, H 2/10/86 p17+
High School lacrosse season
opens today [photo], H
4/3/86 p25+
Hyatt, Voros, Helmig lead Wilton
to victory, H 3/5/86 p15+
Interesting year expected in area,
H 9/11/86 p28
Lady Bears have new coach
[photo], H 4/4/86 p31+
Lady Warriors advance to Class
L semifinal round play, H
11/8/86 p29+
Lady Warriors cop opener, 5-1
[photo], H 9/12/86 p23+
Lady Warriors garner county
soccer title in OT [photo], H
10/31/86 p37
Lady Warriors take state crown
again, H 6/10/86 p21
Lady Warriors upset, H 5/30/86
League cuts 2 matches: Girls
begin play today [photo]
[chart], H 4/21/86 p19+
Luczkowski zips Warriors [photo],
H 5/10/86 p23+
NHS wins in five: State volleyball,
H 11/4/86 p23
NHS' Bell named to All-County
team [photo], H 12/8/86 p27+
No track team at Weston [photo],
H 4/5/86 p25+
Norwalk faces Wilton in state
semifinal: Site still up in air,
H 6/2/86 p15
Norwalk's Moore garners LJ title
[photo], H 2/26/86 p13+
Pillsbury's goal does it [photo], H
11/17/86 p26
Play ball! [photo], H 4/10/86 p23+
Rams repeat, top Wilton [photo],
H 6/10/86 p21+
SantaLucia tops city in football
scoring, H 11/29/86 p25
Senators lose by 25 goals: It's
Wilton vs. NC for crown
[photo], H 5/14/86 p17+
Simsbury bests Wilton in state
girls' gymnastics [photo], H
3/8/86 p23+
Soccer bonanza! 3 schools in
state semis: Wilton 2,
Wethersfield 0, H 11/7/86
Staples' Tiley is rated best goalie
in state, H 9/9/86 p25
State boys' soccer: Wilton
advances, 2-1, H 11/4/86
Successful soccer coach goes on
to college ranks [photo], H
9/10/86 p20
January - December 1986
Wilton High School-Sports
Warriors ousted in states, 51-50:
Lawrence retires [photo], H
3/13/86 p19+
Will Warriors do it again? The
answer is yes!, H 2/7/86 p23+
Wilton advances to boys' state L
championship, H 11/13/86
Wilton gals garner 33rd straight
victory, H 10/4/86 p13+
Wilton gets another shot at
Tigers, H 2/24/86 p19+
Wilton netters stand 12-0, H
5/17/86 p25
Wilton opens state play, H
3/12/86 p13+
Wilton places four players: 1986
All-FCIAC East offensive,
defensive teams [photo]
[chart], H 12/9/86 p31+
Wilton seeks another try at
FCIAC grid crown [photo], H
9/8/86 p28+
Wilton sweeps cross country
openers [photo], H 9/24/86
Wilton's Roberts bests BMHS'
ace [photo], H 4/11/86 p29+
Yarrow's 2 goals pace Wilton in
state tourney, H 11/7/86 p27+
Wilton Historical Society
Refurbished museum draws
crowd of Wilton residents
[photo], H 3/3/86 p9+
Wilton pupils learn delight of
cooking on open hearth
[photo], H 4/10/86 p13+
Wilton Kiwanis Club
Court order to allow N. J. woman
into Kiwanis elicits mixed
reaction, H 2/8/86 p13+
Kiwanians to mark 35th year, H
4/16/86 p9+
Wilton Library Association
Archives curator discovers set of
old school records, H 2/21/86
Changes requested in budget to
increase use of library
[photo], H 2/8/86 p13
Library will receive old school
records, H 3/14/86 p10+
Wilton women visit library for
homebound townspeople
[photo], H 1/10/86 p9+
Wilton Meadows Health Center
New information received on
nursing home site use, H
6/11/86 p37+
Wilton Motors
Chevy group helps neighbor
[photo], H 7/22/86 p29
Wilton Newcomers Club
Club eases entry into community,
H 5/27/86 Supp. p11A
New officers elected [photo], H
6/25/86 p32
Opening event for Newcomers
[photo], H 9/6/86 p18
Wilton Playshop
Curtain goes up on playshop
history [photo], H 6/11/86 p37
Gala day [photo], H 6/23/86 p11
New Playshop board [photo], H
8/25/86 p13
Performers to turn out for
playshop anniversary, H
6/19/86 p13
Wilton Public Schools
Census prepared at Ogden
House [photo], H 3/11/86 p9
Five Wilton schools reach for
new standards: Health and
safety, H 8/12/86 p21
Tirozzi visit Wilton schools, H
6/11/86 p37+
Wilton Rd.-Westport
DOT to fund intersection
improvements, H 6/27/86 p11
Wilton Shopping Center
Concerns aired on new shopping
center, H 9/30/86 p17+
Developer presents plan to
relocate stream, H 9/30/86
Expansion of shopping center
sought: Stores still under
construction, H 9/29/86 p9+
Shops take shape in Wilton
Center [photo], H 5/30/86 p29
Supermarket may open store in
new Wilton shopping center,
H 8/4/86 p9+
Wilton Sports Council
Plans heard for project at
stadium, H 7/15/86 p11+
Wilton Trails Association
Commission studies preservation
of trails, H 6/4/86 p9+
Preservation of trails supported,
H 2/11/86 p9
Trail association withdraws
request, H 3/5/86 p13
Wilton Volunteer Firefighters Inc.
Officials to discuss complaint, H
12/15/86 p9+
Reimbursement bringing more
volunteers to fires, H 9/30/86
Volunteer firefighters contend
payment provides incentive,
H 12/12/86 p35+
Wilton Women's Republican Club
National defense to be topic
[photo], H 2/18/86 p13
Wilton Y Wahoos
Wahoo swimmers star [photo], H
8/28/86 p29
Wilton swimmers honored, H
11/12/86 p15
Audit planned of businesses, H
4/8/86 p15+
Officials defend budgets, H
3/27/86 p13+
Officials review budget, H 3/20/86
Selectmen approve new budget,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Smaller deficit forecast, H
10/17/86 p29+
Social services officials ask for
10% increase in budget, H
2/7/86 p9+
Wilton board urges town officials
to tighten budgets, H 1/29/86
Wilton board weighs budget cut
plan, H 4/2/86 p13+
Wilton budget approved intact, H
5/7/86 p9
Wilton budget faces Board of
Finance ax, H 3/31/86 p11+
Wilton financiers hope to handle
budget deficit, H 8/27/86 p35
Wilton mill rate set at 20.7 during
budget battle, H 4/3/86 p37+
Wilton officials to look for ways to
trim budgets, H 2/3/86 p11+
Wilton sets date for budget vote,
H 5/1/86 p13+
Wilton to vote on town budget, H
5/5/86 p13+
Wilton-Budget, Capital
Wilton selectmen study capital
projects list, H 1/23/86 p13+
Wilton-Civil Preparedness
Towns ill-prepared to cope with
disaster: Wilton lacks backup power, H 8/29/86 p1+
Wilton-Commission on Aging
and Social Services
Commission is given a new
name, H 7/23/86 p9+
Wilton panel lists objectives:
Nursing home tops list, H
1/21/86 p9+
Wilton-Commission on Social
Commission is given a new
name, H 7/23/86 p9+
Agency studies pond request:
Commission expresses
concern, H 1/14/86 p9+
January - December 1986
Commission (Continued)
Commission will vote on Wilton
bike trail, H 8/20/86 p13+
Conservationists to press for bike
path: P & R Commission
tables request, H 8/22/86 p9
Footbridge opens at Shenck's
Island [photo], H 5/28/86 p13
Officials reject request to dredge,
H 1/28/86 p9+
Panel to examine subdivison
plan, H 5/31/86 p13
Plan to save trails to be aired, H
8/1/86 p22+
Pond dredging concerns panel:
Fill to be left on edge of
pond, H 6/25/86 p41
Trails proposal reviewed, H
8/6/86 p33+
Wiltonites asked to help in
cleanup, H 5/3/86 p13+
Wilton-Economic conditions
Area planners shepherd diverse
development [photo], H
1/28/86 p27
Development boom continues in
Wilton [photo], H 12/31/86
Wilton's growth dismays citizens:
Residents express views, H
10/14/86 p9+
Wilton-Education, Board of
Board debates eliminating
athletic fees, H 10/24/86 p25
Board elects Falconer, H
12/12/86 p35+
Board examines class structure,
H 3/14/86 p10+
Design plans accepted by school
board: Code compliance
project reviewed, H 10/24/86
Educators to study seat belts, H
6/20/86 p11+
Insurance costs force schools to
review rules, H 5/28/86 p13+
Library will receive old school
records, H 3/14/86 p10+
Progress on code compliance
project alarms school board,
H 9/26/86 p9+
Pupils must wear seat belts:
Board approves program, H
8/28/86 p13+
School board adopts bus seat
belt proposal, H 7/3/86 p11+
School board in Wilton approves
liability policy, H 6/6/86 p25+
Veteran teacher is suspended:
Educational viewpoints differ,
H 4/12/86 p13+
Wilton boards improve lines of
communication, H 6/18/86 p9
Wilton mulls classroom addition:
Work may cost $588,390, H
5/23/86 p11+
Wilton school board approves
policy on AIDS, H 6/20/86
Wilton school plan questioned:
Omissions concern board, H
9/12/86 p31
Wilton's school board accepts
district priorities for '86-87, H
6/23/86 p11+
Wilton-Education, Board ofBudgets
$15,893,188 budget proposed for
Wilton schools, H 1/9/86 p9
Budget cut sought by school
board, H 2/4/86 p9+
Budget guidelines prepared, H
11/10/86 p9+
Clune ready to release cut list, H
4/17/86 p11+
Educators debate where to make
budget cuts, H 4/11/86 p11+
School board adopts budget, H
2/21/86 p23
School board approves cuts, H
4/18/86 p9+
School board defends Wilton
education budget, H 3/21/86
School budget draws little public
opposition, H 1/24/86 p11
School budget in Wilton cut by
$200,000, H 4/4/86 p9+
Wilton officials to look for ways to
trim budgets, H 2/3/86 p11+
Wilton residents support $15.8
million school budget
proposal, H 3/26/86 p9
Wilton-Education, Board ofBuilding Utilization
Board critical of assumptions of
school utilization committee,
H 12/19/86 p27+
Building committee member
resigns because charge is
`too restrictive', H 11/20/86
Report calls for expansion at 2
schools, H 12/17/86 p13+
Audit planned of businesses, H
4/8/86 p15+
Wilton-Finance, Board of
New computer system baffles
Wilton finance board officials,
H 9/2/86 p13
School budget in Wilton cut by
$200,000, H 4/4/86 p9+
Smith critizes GOP cowards, H
4/5/86 p13+
Wilton board urges town officials
to tighten budgets, H 1/29/86
Wilton board weighs budget cut
plan, H 4/2/86 p13+
Wilton boards improve lines of
communication, H 6/18/86 p9
Wilton budget faces Board of
Finance ax, H 3/31/86 p11+
Wilton finance board to review
budgets: Two sessions set
this week, H 3/17/86 p11+
Wilton financiers hope to handle
budget deficit, H 8/27/86 p35
Wilton-Fire Commission
Funds OK'd for fire station work:
Septic system to be
replaced, H 10/22/86 p37+
Officials honor former
commissioner [photo], H
11/10/86 p9
Officials to discuss complaint, H
12/15/86 p9+
Volunteer firefighters contend
payment provides incentive,
H 12/12/86 p35+
Wilton-Fire Dept.
Chow time! [photo], H 6/16/86 p9
Daskam to be back at work
Wednesday, H 12/2/86 p13
Firemen file complaint over
volunteer pay, H 12/10/86
Peters named deputy chief by fire
panel, H 12/16/86 p17+
Rescue skills practiced by
firefighters [photo], H 9/8/86
Strike puts the replacement of 2
fire engines in limbo, H
9/18/86 p33+
Wilton board OKs fire truck
purchase, H 4/30/86 p9+
Wilton fire chief suspended over
trouble with new engine, H
9/24/86 p1+
Wilton may buy 2 fire trucks, H
4/23/86 p23+
Wilton officials to accept bids on
new fire truck, H 12/18/86 p13
Wilton to replace fire hose, H
7/8/86 p9
Wilton to sell aging fire engine, H
10/14/86 p9+
Wilton to take legal action on
purchase of fire engine, H
9/23/86 p29
Wilton, firefighters sign new
contract, H 12/23/86 p9+
Wilton-First Selectmen. SEE
Search begins for successor, H
11/5/86 p41+
January - December 1986
Both the old and the new are on
display in Wilton [drawing], H
5/27/86 Supp. p18A
Historic district considered:
Georgetown being studied, H
3/6/86 p13+
History lives on in names of
towns, H 4/2/86 p13+
School uses local history to whet
students' interest, H 6/26/86
Wilton-Inland Wetlands Agency
Agency studies pond request:
Commission expresses
concern, H 1/14/86 p9+
Dredging of pond approved, H
7/3/86 p11+
Driveway dismantling ends Wilton
wetlands controversy, H
8/25/86 p11
Driveway must be removed, H
4/4/86 p10
Hearing on road to continue, H
7/8/86 p9+
IWA gets advice on jurisdiction, H
1/27/86 p11+
Landowner may build homes
near preserve, H 6/24/86
Lawsuit filed on river work, H
8/29/86 p29+
Officials reject request to dredge,
H 1/28/86 p9+
Order on excavation issued, H
6/6/86 p26
Pond dredging OK'd, H 4/28/86
Pond work hearing continued, H
6/12/86 p37+
Ridge Lane to be extended:
Agency upholds right of way,
H 7/22/86 p11+
Spectacle Lane order upheld, H
4/1/86 p13+
Wilton agency weighs lawsuit
over driveway, H 5/2/86 p9
Officials study insurance plan, H
8/7/86 p9
Wilton-Local Allocation Council
Council adopts Wilton's board's
spending plan, H 10/2/86 p36
Hearing scheduled on windfall
[photo], H 10/14/86 p9+
Wilton-Officials and employees
Officials to discuss complaint, H
12/15/86 p9+
Wilton DPW pact resolved, H
1/2/86 p29
Wilton employees set to move:
Renovations near
completion, H 3/1/86 p13+
Wilton fire chief suspended over
trouble with new engine, H
9/24/86 p1+
Wilton official fired after
investigation [photo], H
9/19/86 p1+
Wilton, firefighters sign new
contract, H 12/23/86 p9+
Workers to take fitness tests:
Norwalk doctor offers
program, H 10/13/86 p11
Wilton-Outreach Counseling
Board approves funds for
counseling program, H
2/6/86 p35+
Wilton-Parks and Recreation
$1,800 raised by campers for
charity, H 8/11/86 p9
Conservationists to press for bike
path: P & R Commission
tables request, H 8/22/86 p9
Goldberg joins commission, H
1/27/86 p12
Panel provides report on
swimming incident, H 8/21/86
Wilton-Planning and Zoning
Accepting roadway supported, H
10/7/86 p11+
Bank plan in Wilton faces vote, H
3/17/86 p11+
Bank plan submitted to Wilton P
& Z, H 2/25/86 p13+
Briardale subdivision topic for
Wilton P & Z, H 10/18/86
Club requests permission to tear
down its pro shop, H 9/19/86
Concerns aired on new shopping
center, H 9/30/86 p17+
Connector road is on agenda: In
Wilton, H 7/21/86 p9+
Decision awaited on homes, H
8/30/86 p13+
Decision postponed on homes, H
7/30/86 p9+
Developer presents plan to
relocate stream, H 9/30/86
Developer takes P & Z to court, H
7/28/86 p13+
Developers continue effort to
build townhouses, H 5/17/86
Developers submit second bid to
subdivide estate in Wilton, H
10/18/86 p27+
Development plans worry Skunk
Lane residents, H 9/23/86
Driveway plea denied: River
Road access, H 7/29/86 p7
Environmentalists can't add
evidence in sludge hearing,
H 10/17/86 p29+
Farm plan supported by P & Z, H
2/5/86 p11+
Hearing on road to continue, H
7/8/86 p9+
Hollyhock Road office buildings
approved by P & Z, H
4/29/86 p9+
Homes proposed for dump sites,
H 1/22/86 p35+
Houses proposed for site, H
9/16/86 p35+
Landowner may build homes
near preserve, H 6/24/86
Multitude of topics facing Wilton's
P & Z Commission, H
6/23/86 p11+
Neighbors upset by proposal for
new Girl Scout building, H
2/28/86 p41+
New bank proposed in Wilton, H
1/27/86 p11+
Nursing home question still
unanswered, H 5/16/86 p13+
Nursing home site concerns
Wilton residents, H 5/13/86
Office building given approval of
P & Z, H 5/6/86 p10
Office building proposed for
Hollyhock Lane, H 4/22/86
Officials ask to dredge pond: P &
Z to hear plans Monday, H
7/11/86 p11+
P & Z adopts designed residence
district, H 12/4/86 p16
P & Z approves nursing home, H
7/1/86 p11+
P & Z begins work on town plan
update, H 1/7/86 p9
P & Z denies rezoning of Wilton
gravel pit, H 10/21/86 p13+
P & Z favors sale of Post School,
H 10/7/86 p11+
P & Z gives approval on bank
plan, H 3/18/86 p13+
P & Z hears subdivision plan for
site of one time estate, H
7/22/86 p11+
P & Z in Wilton to decide Monday
on district's plan, H 7/26/86
P & Z panel to hear trail plan, H
8/22/86 p9
P & Z permits conversion of old
house, H 1/28/86 p9+
P & Z receives report on nursing
home, H 5/30/86 p29
January - December 1986
Wilton-Planning and Zoning
Commission (Continued)
P & Z rejects Girl Scout office
proposal: Plans for new bank
tabled, H 3/11/86 p9+
P & Z studies plan to save old
house, H 1/23/86 p13+
P & Z to act on request for office,
H 3/10/86 p9+
P & Z to study new subdivision, H
2/18/86 p13+
P & Z weighs permit for day care
center, H 11/11/86 p24+
Permit given for homes near Weir
farm [photo], H 9/11/86 p35
Plan withdrawn for subdivision, H
2/19/86 p13+
Plans heard for project at
stadium, H 7/15/86 p11+
Quincy re-elected chairman, H
12/2/86 p13
Residents elated over decision
on Wilton connector, H
5/8/86 p37+
Residents in Wilton protest
Kensett Drive subdivision, H
6/3/86 p13+
Residents line up against Manzi
plan, H 9/26/86 p10
Residents, developer disagree
over `appropriate' use of
land, H 5/20/86 p33+
Ruling is made on accessway, H
1/7/86 p9
Shopping center plan decision
expected, H 10/31/86 p53+
Special permit granted for day
care center, H 12/2/86 p13+
Stadium will add a team meeting
room, H 7/29/86 p7
Subdivision accepted: Site of old
house, H 10/21/86 p13+
Subdivision approved over
panel's qualms, H 3/4/86
Subdivision is opposed by
neighbors, H 12/10/86 p15+
Subdivision plan criticized, H
6/17/86 p14
Subdivision proposal granted: Off
Chestnut Hill Road, H
11/18/86 p27+
Subivision plan awaits vote, H
9/8/86 p9+
Taxing district given go-ahead to
dredge pond, H 7/30/86 p9+
Taxing district sues Wilton P & Z
over map, H 11/20/86 p41+
Townhouse developer drops one
Wilton suit, H 8/1/86 p22+
Trail map approved by P & Z, H
11/4/86 p11
Trails plan examined by Wilton P
& Z: 2nd Taxing District
criticizes proposal, H
10/17/86 p29
Variety of applications face
Wilton's P & Z
commissioners, H 6/16/86
Wilton P & Z approves Lake
Club's new shop, H 10/7/86
Wilton P & Z approves shopping
center plans, H 11/18/86
Wilton P & Z approves
subdivisions, H 7/29/86 p7
Wilton P & Z delays decision on
River Road access way, H
12/2/86 p13+
Wilton P & Z gives approval for
15-house subdivision plan, H
11/4/86 p9+
Wilton P & Z may decide
applications, H 7/21/86 p9+
Wilton P & Z OKs driveway for
complex, H 12/9/86 p13+
Wilton P & Z rejects town house
rules, H 7/8/86 p9+
Wilton P & Z reviews plans for
colonial-style office building,
H 4/22/86 p11
Wilton P & Z to discuss trail
preservation measure, H
10/10/86 p31+
Wilton P & Z to hear plan to
convert old house, H 9/4/86
Wilton P & Z to hear proposal for
town's first nursing home, H
5/12/86 p9+
Wilton P & Z to take up plans for
subdivision, H 9/22/86 p13+
Wilton P & Z turns down plan to
convert house into office, H
3/6/86 p13+
Wilton P & Z will consider office
building proposals, H 4/28/86
Wilton panel approves trail
preservation code, H
11/25/86 p9
Zone would permit 3 homes to an
acre, H 11/11/86 p24+
Zoning change adopted for
Wilton center site, H 11/4/86
Wilton-Police Commission
Mitchell elected as chairman of
police commission, H 4/18/86
Panel to hold hearings on
suspensions, H 3/13/86 p11+
Wilton commission fires 2
policemen, H 4/4/86 p1+
Wilton-Police Dept.
2 ex-cops give pleas of innocent,
H 4/9/86 p1+
2 ex-Wilton cops receive
probation, H 9/2/86 p1+
Accident sends officer to hospital,
H 8/8/86 p9
Arraignment of officers
postponed, H 3/26/86 p9
Cops lost plea for probation, H
6/26/86 p1+
Detective will face extra count, H
4/8/86 p15+
Ex-policeman files request for
probation, H 4/24/86 p1+
Officer's case is transferred to
Stamford, H 3/18/86 p13
Officers `crooks' or cops gone
wrong?, H 6/27/86 p29
Police add films to child and drug
abuse fight, H 8/15/86 p29
Police propose $1,556,203
budget, H 1/17/86 p9+
Probation sought in PBA larceny
case, H 5/8/86 p11
Study shows need for more
police patroling Wilton, H
2/10/86 p9+
Two cops in Wilton suspended, H
2/22/86 p6
Two officers begin duty on Wilton
force, H 5/19/86 p14
Wilton keeps lid on report of
suspensions, H 2/24/86 p1+
Wilton Police Department
ordering new cars, H
11/22/86 p13+
Wilton police request funds to
hire five new officers, H
1/15/86 p9
Wilton population growth leads
region, H 3/3/86 p1+
Wilton-Public Works, Dept. of
Wilton DPW pact resolved, H
1/2/86 p29
Wilton official fired after
investigation [photo], H
9/19/86 p1+
Wilton-Recreation Commission
Commission to study plan for
swimming area at park, H
5/13/86 p9
Wilton-Selectmen, Board of
`Hometown heroes' selected:
Town honors Monahan,
Dugan, H 3/22/86 p13+
Audit planned of businesses, H
4/8/86 p15+
Board approves funds for
counseling program, H
2/6/86 p35+
Board asked to find new route for
connector, H 6/3/86 p13+
January - December 1986
Wilton-Selectmen, Board of
Board to review connector road
routes, H 6/14/86 p13+
Board to vote on River Road, H
10/20/86 p13
Board will pay for repairs, H
4/15/86 p14
Bridge repair funds town meeting
topic, H 1/11/86 p13+
Commission is given a new
name, H 7/23/86 p9+
Committee will review plan for
outdoor pool, H 8/5/86 p11+
Condition of road annoys
residents of Spectacle Lane,
H 3/4/86 p11+
DAR requests help of town to put
on annual fund-raiser, H
6/5/86 p37+
Funding request approved, H
6/19/86 p13
Panel makes appointment, H
1/7/86 p9
Problems prompt call for
maintenance review, H
10/13/86 p11+
Progress made on connector, H
10/21/86 p13+
Replacement of fuel tank is
approved, H 10/7/86 p11+
Reports asked on road work, H
9/8/86 p9+
Resident wins fight on taxes, H
2/19/86 p13+
Residents elated over decision
on Wilton connector, H
5/8/86 p37+
Selectmen approve new budget,
H 3/4/86 p11+
Selectmen seek ways to solve
water problem, H 11/6/86
Selectmen to act on bridge
funding, H 1/6/86 p11+
Selectmen: P & Z requires added
data on tower plan, H
11/18/86 p27+
Southern connector takes shape,
H 7/8/86 p9+
Timetable sought for Wilton
project, H 10/8/86 p23+
Town to buy 2 dump trucks, H
7/10/86 p13
Vendors ordinance requested in
Wilton, H 11/4/86 p9+
Water survey planned, H
11/18/86 p27+
Wilton accepts gift of trees, H
2/6/86 p35
Wilton board buys land for
southern connector, H
6/17/86 p13
Wilton board makes decision on
how to spend state surplus,
H 9/3/86 p33
Wilton board requests updates
on conditions at landfill site,
H 12/16/86 p17+
Wilton may buy 2 fire trucks, H
4/23/86 p23+
Wilton officials submit ideas on
how to spend state surplus,
H 8/28/86 p13
Wilton selectmen study capital
projects list, H 1/23/86 p13+
Wilton selectmen to weigh
request by SNET to buy
town-owned land, H 2/15/86
Wilton's tax man cometh?, H
10/23/86 p1+
Wilton-Social Services, Dept. of
Outreach program for Wilton
pupils survives skirmish, H
3/15/86 p13
Wilton seeks ways to aid ill
residents, H 11/17/86 p13+
Wilton-Town Attorney
Rimer appointed as town
attorney, H 8/5/86 p11+
Wilton-Town Hall
Employees set up Town Hall
office [photo], H 3/6/86 p13
Hard at work [photo], H 7/21/86
Wilton employees set to move:
Renovations near
completion, H 3/1/86 p13+
Work nearly finished at Wilton
Town Hall, H 5/16/86 p13
Wilton-Town Plan
P & Z begins work on town plan
update, H 1/7/86 p9
Wilton-Voter registration
Voter ratio stays same in Wilton,
H 8/15/86 p29
Wilton-Zoning Board of Appeals
Wilton ZBA grants variance for
new post office building, H
4/1/86 p13+
Wilton ZBA sued over aquifer
permit, H 11/12/86 p25+
Wilton ZBA turns down variance
for guest house, H 7/15/86
Wiltse, David
David Wiltse made prophets look
good: Writer for all media
[photo], H 5/5/86 p15
Winch, Susan Northey
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
Wind-Borne Gallery
Leaving Rowayton [photo], H
5/2/86 p22
Winfield Court-Norwalk
Neighbors are not satisfied with
cleanup effort, H 8/1/86 p11
Shocked at being called `bigots'
[letter], H 8/20/86 p5
Wing Chun Kung-Fu Academy
Academy teaching classic
defense [photo], H 6/3/86 p28
Winkler, Robert S.
Westporter art at Weichert
[photo], H 6/23/86 p15
Winter Management Corp.
Strictly Business, H 4/29/86 p25+
Wiseman, John
Halls of Ivy [photo], H 11/13/86
Wittek, Kurt
City developer buys old hospital
[photo], H 8/12/86 p39
P & Z allows conversion for
condos, H 1/23/86 p10
WMMM-1260 AM
Educational program set for area
radio station, H 12/19/86 p10
Radio station taking gifts to
Southbury, H 12/20/86 p28
Radio station to be looking for
laughs: Format change to set
precedent [photo], H 5/28/86
Station seeks gifts for training
school residents, H 12/16/86
WNLK-1350 AM
5 gold rings are delivered to disc
jockey, H 12/17/86 p6
Anonymous donor milks 12-day
yule gag with DJ, H 12/22/86
DJ gets swans a swimming, looks
forward to milkmaids, H
12/19/86 p6
DJ receives holiday geese on
schedule, H 12/18/86 p6
Eleven ladies dancing best 12
Days gift yet [photo], H
12/23/86 p6
Mystery gift-giver unmasks
[photo], H 12/24/86 p6
Residents wary of relocation plan
submitted by city radio
station, H 12/4/86 p1+
Secret admirer's gift giving sends
disc jockey into a spin
[photo], H 12/16/86 p1+
Wojnoski, Ron
Selectman greets new firemen
[photo], H 11/3/86 p15
Wolfpit School
Students have fun at school
[photo p1], H 6/12/86 p1
January - December 1986
Women (Continued)
2 women reciprocate, help
other's business, H 8/12/86
Commission on women sought,
H 9/2/86 p11
State investigating King's home
closing, H 4/23/86 p1+
Stop the world-the DHs want to
get on: Free workshops start
Tuesday [photo], H 8/28/86
Women in Weston provide
muscle behind many efforts
[photo], H 11/29/86 p13+
Women's American Organization
for Rehabilitative Training.
Women's Bar Association
Focus of women's law group has
changed in its 8 years
[photo], H 5/1/86 p28
Women's Council of RealtorsFairfield County chapter
Realtors installed [photo], H
2/1/86 p16
Women's Crisis Center, Inc.
At WCC benefit [photo], H
12/11/86 p29
Crisis week acknowledged
[photo], H 10/8/86 p8
Entrepreneurial Women give to
Crisis Center [photo], H
11/20/86 p19
Women's crisis center faces
increasing need for services
[photo], H 8/15/86 p1+
Women's Crisis offers a new
series of groups, H 10/8/86
Women's International League
for Peace and FreedomFairfield County Branch
Remembering the first bomb
[photo], H 8/4/86 p1+
Women's shelters
Shelter for women needs $$, H
3/20/86 p11
Women's crisis center faces
increasing need for services
[photo], H 8/15/86 p1+
Wonder Corp.
Committee OKs sale of parcel, H
1/10/86 p11
Its French owners washed hands
of the Wonder Corp., H
6/26/86 p1+
Wonder Corp. closes: Key in
enterprise zone, H 6/23/86
Wonder Corp. ready to rehire 40
workers, H 10/15/86 p1+
Wonderful World of Westport
New film explores Westport, H
1/25/86 p13+
Wood Burbank-Norwalk
Site given OK for housing, H
1/24/86 p6
Wood, Rev. Richard
Clergyman sees `thorough' probe
[photo], H 7/17/86 p1+
Wood, Douglas R.
Wood elected RTM moderator:
Jenkins honored by
colleagues, H 12/3/86 p13+
Woodside Ave.-Norwalk
Committee backs abandoning
road, H 6/18/86 p10
Woodward Ave. Park-Norwalk
Panel favors renovation of park,
H 12/17/86 p22
Woodward Ave.-Norwalk
Residents favor Woodward
Avenue zone plan, H 12/4/86
Woodward, Joanne
Newmans take town to court
[photo], H 7/23/86 p9+
World Day of Prayer
World Day of Prayer [photo], H
3/15/86 p18
World Wrestling Federation
Strictly Business, H 8/19/86 p15+
WPA mural paintings
All of the WPA-era murals taken
down and stored away
[photo], H 4/30/86 p1+
Wrentz, Lawrence
Friends of Larry aim for defense
fund [photo], H 10/6/86 p12
Graduation hits hard:
Casagrande nears 200
[photo], H 12/18/86 p41+
21 city wrestlers make 1/4s, H
2/15/86 p35
City claims 4 titles, FCIAC crown
to Cards [photo], H 2/18/86
City paces All-County [photo], H
3/17/86 p22
County meet at WHS, H 2/13/86
Goodbye unbeaten season:
Greenwich 39, Norwalk 27
[photo], H 1/30/86 p19+
Graduation hits hard:
Casagrande nears 200
[photo], H 12/18/86 p41+
NHS grapplers rout McMahon, H
1/9/86 p21
NHS stays unbeaten with key win
over Staples [photo], H
1/22/86 p13+
NHS' Stokes doesn't know what
losing is [photo], H 2/18/86
Stokes shocked in final, H 3/3/86
Stokes: Best in state LL [photo],
H 2/24/86 p19+
County meet at WHS, H 2/13/86
NHS stays unbeaten with key win
over Staples [photo], H
1/22/86 p13+
Wright, Dr. Kenneth J.
Wright a textbook author, H
7/28/86 p33
Wright, George
In dual role [photo], H 3/22/86 p18
Wright, Joan
Joan Wright in color [photo], H
5/2/86 p22
Water scenes [photo], H 12/12/86
Wright, Ollie
Ollie Wright gets praise for efforts
[photo], H 6/2/86 p13A [Supp]
Wynn, Ann
Home/Town People, H 3/25/86
Wystrach, V. P.
Strictly Business, H 7/15/86 p29+
Strictly Business, H 2/25/86 p30+
Xerox Corp.
Earnings, H 8/5/86 p25
Strictly Business, H 5/6/86 p19+
Xerox undecided about
divestiture, H 12/30/86 p10
Yachts and yachting
America's Cup entry grabs
Rowayton man [photo], H
9/20/86 p13+
Norwalk ketch in tall ships
[photo], H 6/6/86 p45
Wilton company leads drive to
ready Sequoia for July 4
[photo], H 4/15/86 p13+
Yankee Doodle Bridge. SEE
Traffic snarled by broken joint on
I-95 bridge, H 3/6/86 p6
Yankee Doodle Bridge work to
limit traffic flow by restricting
lanes [photo], H 8/11/86 p1+
Yankee Heritage Tourism District
Designer picked, H 1/3/86 p6
January - December 1986
Yankee Heritage Tourism
District (Continued)
Travel writers take `Heritage' trail
here: Tourism is promoted
[photo], H 2/27/86 p13
Yankelovich, Skelly,
White/Clancy Shulman Inc.
Maketing consultants add to
Westport staff [photo], H
6/24/86 p17
Yates, Rev. John F.
First class [photo], H 4/5/86 p37
Yepes, Hernan
Yepes appointed, H 2/13/86 p6
Yoczik, Thomas
Thomas Yaczik, labor official,
dies at 76, H 6/23/86 p6
Yong-Yan, Hu
Hu Yong-Yan to conduct the
Youth Concert Orchestra
[photo], H 9/27/86 p16
Yoo, Scott
Local musicians tops in youth
competition [photo], H
3/14/86 p17
Yost, John
Chief to take on new post soon,
H 7/1/86 p18
Young Republicans-Wilton. SEE
Young Republicans chapter to be
formed, H 10/17/86 p31
Young, Barbara
Young again!, H 8/22/86 p23
Young, Leslie T.
Cody challenges Young in 143rd
district, H 7/30/86 p9+
Young sets sights on reduced
taxes, H 11/6/86 p16
Youngs, Helen Chamberlen
Celebrates 80th [photo], H
10/8/86 p21
Youth services-Norwalk
City teens gain cash, experience
[photo p8], H 7/25/86 p1+
Student pays back benefactor
[photo], H 9/4/86 p1+
Youth services-Westport
Orientation program eases move
into town for teens, H 7/10/86
Project Return directors honor
club, H 9/12/86 p32
Teens uneasy with pressure of
growing up in Westport, H
10/21/86 p13+
Youth services-Wilton
Board approves funds for
counseling program, H
2/6/86 p35+
Youth Shelter
Youth shelter to accept
Westporters, H 1/14/86 p9
Teens in summer jobs lack many
basic skills, H 3/25/86 p1+
Grant will help group provide aid
in Zaire, H 9/4/86 p18
Zeevi, Neeri
Youth Symphony presents final
season concert Sunday
[photo], H 5/1/86 p15
Zengo, Mark P.
Attorneys for crash victim rest
case: In wrongful death suit,
H 12/23/86 p10
Leary defense tries to dismiss
hypnosis, H 12/24/86 p1+
Teens give testimony about night
of crash, H 12/15/86 p9+
Trial to open in accident which
killed 1, H 12/2/86 p14
Zeoli, Danielle
D. Zeoli is state contender
[photo], H 7/12/86 p15
Zepecki, Steven
Gold accepts resignation of
principal, H 3/13/86 p11
Zieman, Sue
Hour's Halls of Ivy, H 1/7/86 p14,
H 3/29/86 p25
Zion Hill Church
Playground takes shape in Wilton