Hydrochemistry on a waste disposal area of sand
Hydrochemistry on a waste disposal area of sand
Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 Hydrochemistry on a waste disposal area of sand mining activities at Analandia, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and their implications on the mobilization of uranium D.M. Bonotto & E.G.de Oliveira Departamento de Petrologia e Metalogenia/Departamento de Geologia Aplicada, Institute de Geociencias e Ciencias Exatas-UNESP, C.P. 178, 13506-900 Rio Claro, Sao Paulo, Brasil Email: [email protected] Abstract Groundwaters and surface waters from an area of treatment of sand for industrial purposes at Analandia municipality, nearly in the center of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically and isotopically analysed with two aims: to evaluate if the anthropogenic activities that has taken place for the last 6 years is affecting the quality of the hydrological resources and to relate the hydrogeochemical behaviour of the uranium isotopes ^U and ^*U with the pattern of circulation of groundwaters. Introduction The Sao Paulo State in Brazil, due to its advanced stage of agricultural and industrial growth, has a great diversity of problems related to the interaction between the society and the environment. The sand mining activities in Depressao Periferica geomorphological province are presently very important, because potentially they can be a source of anthropogenic impacts, since several chemicals are used for the treatment of natural sand like HO, H2SO4, NaOH and NaaSiO^ generating mine tailings that can Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 72 Risk Analysis pollute the surface and underground hydrological resources. The knowledge of the concentrations of dissolved elements and compounds is needed in order to establish their background values and to predict their potential increase in future years, thus, thefirstobjective of this work is to compare the values obtained for various parameters in waters from the studied area with those defined by the national standards for drinking water. The U content and ^U/^*U activity ratio (AR) of dissolved U have been utilized to determine patterns of groundwater flow. For instance, the waters of the Canizo Sand Formation of South Texas [1] exhibit a pattern of changing across reducing barriers where, in general, the samples from the outcrop area and shallow aquifer are characterized by relatively high U concentrations and low AR's, whereas the samples from downdip show much lower U concentrations and higher AR's. A similar tendency was observed for groundwaters in a drill hole from the Lodeve U deposit, SW of the French Massif Central [2] where, higher U concentrations and lower AR's characterized the oxidizing upper part of the aquifer (50-100 m depth), whereas lower U concentrations and higher AR's characterized the more reduced lower part of the aquifer (100-150m depth). The second aim of this work is to relate the measured values for dissolved U content and AR's with the pattern of groundwater flow in the studied area. Geological features at the mine tailings area The studied area belongs to CRS-Mineragao Industria e Comercio Ltda., being located about 5 km from Analandia city, nearly in the center of S3o Paulo State at 22°8'S and 47°40'W (Fig. 1), and situated at the northeastern edge of the Parana sedimentary basin. Several stratigraphic units of this basin cropp-out in the region, where the main features of the geology at the studied area are similar to those described for a sand deposit 5 km distant [3], which belongs to another company and whose lithology includes the Lower and Upper units from Piramboia Formation, the Botucatu Formation and the weathered cover developed over Piramboia Formation (red-yellow latosols). The Lower unit from Piramboia Formation consists of a consolidated whitish sandstone (after washing) with well-preserved sedimentary structures, whose thickness is more than 80 m, the retention after grinding is greater on the 0.125 mmsize sieve, and the Fe oxide mineral content is low. The occurrence of small clay lenses of variable lateral size is very common in this unit. The Upper unit from Piramboia Formation is a light pink saprolite characterized by thin sedimentary structures and a very brittle sandstone located above the water table, whose concentration of Fe oxide is also low Risk Analysis 73 Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 52°W 46°W Ux—' w/ 20°S f 4ns Idnc ,a\ zl ~-—^ • v =: \ 24°S t ^ X \ / M LEGEND Contour Level (meters) Slope Footway ^ Surface Water pggnj Sampling Poin Stream ^ Mining Front Dam Decantation Tank N Figure 1: Location of the Analandia city at Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and sketch map of the mine tailings area. and the dominant particle-size after milling is in the range 0.125-0.25 mm. A 1-30 cm thick stone line profile [4] occurring as an irregular replica of the topography divides this unit and the above located mantle of weathering, which is constituted by tabular blocks of sandstones cemented by black coloured limonite, dark red ferruginous concretions, small tablets of limonite cementing sandstone, SiC>2 pebbles, weathered yellowish Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 74 Risk Analysis sandstone and major concentration of heavy minerals (hematite, magnetite and ilmenite). The Botucatu Formation is represented in the area by weathered sandstones with high content of Fe oxide and particle-size predominantly in the range 0.5-1 mm. The weathered cover developed over Piramboia Formation includes: peat soil, creep soil, and soil above the stone line. The peat soil is light grey-black coloured, and occurs from the point of the discharge of the water table up to the contour level corresponding to that of the local streams. The creep soil is very clayey (12-20%), occurs on the steep ground, being characterized by a redbrownish colour, values of Fe oxide content of about 5000 ppm, and presence of limonite concretions between 2 and 6 m depth. The soil above the stone line is yellow-orangish coloured, its thickness may attain 18m, occurs where the ground slope is smooth, has a clay content varying between 7 and 18%, and a higher Fe oxide content near the surface due to the laterization, which diminishes with increasing depth, rising again at the stone line position. Sampling and analytical methods The study of the hydrologic environment around the waste disposal area involved the sampling of groundwaters from 3 boreholes (Table 1) drilled for characterizing the subsurface flow and of surface waters from Ponte Funda stream that receives most of the area drainage (Fig. 1). The aquifer system developed in the weathered cover over Piramboia Formation,being performed three campaigns of water sampling in December 1991. The samples were stored in polyethylene bottles, and depending on the requirements of the analysis, they were distributed as unfiltered and unpreserved (i.e. for temperature, pH, Eh, dissolved C>2, conductivity and bicarbonate determinations), filtered through 0.45 jam membrane and unpreserved (i.e. for major ions analyses) and filtered and preserved with different acids (i.e. for U isotopes and trace element determinations). Standard analytical techniques were used for obtaining the composition of the major and minor elements in waters, for example, methyl orange end-point titration, potentiometry, flame photometry, ion selective Table 1: Characteristics of the boreholes (BH) at the studied area. Data for water table depth obtained on 3 and 4 December 1991. Parameter Unit BH 1 BH2 BH3 75 75 75 mm Diameter 711.5 688.0 685.0 m Altitude of the top 5.5 16.0 5.5 m Total length 1.60 13.20 2.96 m Water table depth Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 Risk Analysis 75 electrode, inductively-coupled plasma emission, and alpha-spectrometry for determinations of the U content and AR [5]. The results of the measurements are reported in Table 2. Hydrochemistry and water quality The studied groundwaters belong to a low-temperature aquifer system, whose Eh-pH field indicates it is transitional, tending to be reducing in character. When the chemical data obtained for the surface and groundwaters are compared with the maximum (minimum in the case of dissolved oxygen) permissible concentration limits in drinking water established by the national standards NTA-60 (Sao Paulo State Register 12486 published on 20 October 1978) and CON AM A No. 20 (National Register for fresh waters belonging to class 2, published on 18 June 1986), it is possible to verify that the analytical techniques utilized for the measurements of NHL*, P, Cd and Pb have detection limits above the permissible levels. With the exception of pH, all other values obtained for the investigated parameters don't suggest the occurrence of any environmental impact related to the sand mining activities. The pH values could be attributed to some anthropogenic input, however, the cation Na* and anions SO/" and Cl, which are potentially important to affect the area, are present in very low concentrations, confirmed by the low values of conductivity and dry residue, reflecting, in the case of the groundwaters, the composition of rainwater with small amounts of silica added from contact with the aquifer. Such pattern of chemical data is not much amenable to plot on a standard Piper diagram [6], because there is a lack of the preponderance of typical anions and cations, and the mixed character is identified in some situations (Fig. 2). The rainwater interaction with the weathered mantle developed over Piramboia Formation when it enters the aquifer by percolating through the unsaturated zone until it meets the water table constitutes another explanation for the low pH values, because the pH of several soil suspensions representative of horizons from three pedological profiles was determined both in water and in KCI solution and the most of the obtained values are strongly acid (pH<4.5) or moderately acid (pH between 4.5 and 5.5) [7]. If the chemical data obtained for the waters are used to study stability relations of mineral phases in the systems K^OAWs-SiOz-ItO, CaO-A^Oa-SKVHsO and NazO-AlzOg-SiOz-HzO [8], it is observed that they fall into the kaolinite field of stability (Fig. 3), information confirmed by the use of X-ray diffraction in the mineralogical identification of samples from the weathered cover Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 76 Risk Analysis developed over Piramboia Formation, since kaolinite was identified as the second most abundant mineral phase (SiO] was thefirst)[7]. Table 2. Chemical analyses of groundwaters (BH) and stream waters (S) at the studied area, which were sampled on 3 and 4 December 1991. Parameter Temperature Dissolved O: pH S2 SI BH1 BH2 BH3 26 31 26 25 26 8.0 10.0 4.5 7.5 7.1 4.8 4.4 3.9 4.2 5.0 4.6' 5.2' +217 +183 Eh' mV 40 40 40 50 50 Conductivity (25°C) fiS/cm 3.3 3.3 3.7 Silicon 3.0 4.2 mg/L 12.0 1.0 8.0 2.9 5.1 mg/L Bicarbonate <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 mg/L <2.0 Sulfate 0.6 0.4 0.3 1.2 0.9 mg/L Chloride 0.04 0.05 0.04 mg/L 0.06 0.05 Fluoride 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.02 mg/L 0.03 Nitrate + Nitrite mg/L <0.2 Ammonium <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 mg/L <0.1 Phosphorus <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 mg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Boron mg/L <0.1 Aluminum <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.8 mg/L 1.6 Sodium 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 mg/L Potassium 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.5 mg/L Calcium 1.6 0.1 0.1 mg/L Magnesium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.02 mg/L 0.02 0.03 Barium <0.02 <0.02 mg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02^ <0.02 <0.02 Total iron mg/L <0.02 0.04 Manganese <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 mg/L 0.02 <0.02 Zinc <0.02 <0.02 0.02 0.02 mg/L 0.02 Copper <0.02 <0.02 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Lead <0.1 <0.1 mg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Cadmium mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Total chromium mg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Nickel 20 24 32 36 40 DryResidue(105°C) mg/L 1.35 0.05 Uranium^ Hg/L 0.80 1.32 *WUAR* * Measured on 12/20/91; Measured after aeration and filtration; ^Uncertainty ±10% corresponding to la standard deviation. Unit °C mg/L Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 Risk Analysis 77 The total Fe concentration reported in Table 2 for BH3 doesn't reflect the actual value, because after exposure to the atmosphere, an originally light and colorless high-Fe water turned red as ferric species formed,and a reasonably high amount of material precipitated, implying that the measurement only refers to the supernatant phase after filtering in 0.45pm membrane. The major Fe-bearing mineral in the area is limonite, which has been commonly identified in the weathered mantle developed over Piramboia Formation [3].When a solution containing Fe*" is neutralized (pH increases), or aerated (Eh increases), or both, amorphous hydrous Fe oxides precipitate, reordering, subsequently, into more crystalline Fe oxides such as goethite or hematite [9], pattern not confirmed by the reported data for waters of BH1 and BH3 since, if the direction of the flow-through water from BH1 up to BH3 is taken into account, then, it is possible to verify that the pH decreases, Eh increases, and aeration (dissolved 62) decreases. The lower aeration related to the Eh rise in BH3 probably can be attributed to the dissolved O] consumption for the oxidation of Fe^ to Fe% corresponding to 34 mV the difference on Eh Groundwaters G1 - Borehole 1 G2 - Borehole 2 G3 - Borehole 3 Surface waters S1 - Upstream S2 - Downstream 100% 100% Figure 2: Chemical data for the studied waters plotted on a Piper diagram. Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 78 Risk Analysis values measured in BH1 and BH3, which agrees very reasonably with 32 mV evaluated from the theoretical relationship between the Eh, pHand fiigacity of O2 [9], i.e.: Eh = 1.23 + 0.01479 log[OJ - 0.05916pH (1) Mobilization of uranium isotopes A CO: partial pressure corresponding to about 0.1 atm for groundwaters from BH1 and BH3 can be evaluated by Henry's law on using 0.033 mol/L.atm as constant [10], as well a total dissolved COz content estimated from HCCV and pH data shown in Table 2. The Eh-pHfieldfor U species under this condition of pressure shows that its transport in the area may be occurring mainly as UC^ (Fig. 4). The AR for dissolved U logJ!<l [H+] , [Ca*] log-—^ 10 -5 -4 -3 Figure 3: Chemical data for the studied waters plotted on diagrams representing the stability relations of some mineral phases in the systems > at 25°C and 1 atmosphere [8]. Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 Risk Analysis 79 greater than unity in BH1 indicates that preferential removal of ^U is occurring due to the interaction between the groundwater and the mantle of weathering very probably depleted in ^U, situation often reported for other systems and interpreted by alternative mechanisms like preferential chemical dissolution of ^U [11] and ct-recoil release of ^Th at the rock/soil-water interface [12]. Enhanced chemical dissolution of ^U relative to ^*U may occur because of radiation damage to the crystal lattice in the vicinity of^*U decay or because of oxidation of ^U during the decay processes by which it is formed. However, the AR value lower than 1 in BH3 is unusual, being associated with a value of dissolved U concentration about 30 times higher than that measured in BH1. The simplest explanation for similar cases reported elsewhere [13] is that sudden, rather than gradual shifts in geochemical conditions may have occurred, and the "normal" lower than 1 AR value at or near the boundary of the host matrix is put in solution, causing a simultaneous increase in U content and decrease in AR. In the present study, the best mechanism for interpreting the increase on U content in groundwater of BH3 after exposing the sample to the atmosphere is the U co-precipitation with Fe(OH)3.The results of the isotopic compositions of dissolved U obtained in this work showed that a lower U content and a higher AR characterized the more reduced part of the aquifer, like reported by other 1.0 0.8 CM CN 0.60.4- CM o r * GROUNDWATER FROM BOREHOLE 1 f * GROUNDWATER FROM BOREHOLE 3 Eh (volts) crystalline UCU amorphous ' UC>2 -0.6 4 6 8 10 12 pH Figure 4: Data for groundwaters from the studied area plotted on an EhpH diagram showing the stability field of uranyl carbonate complexes at CO2 partial pressure of 0.1 atm [14]. Transactions on Ecology and the Environment vol 24, © 1998 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 80 Risk Analysis investigators [1, 2].However, the direction of the flow-through water in the studied hydrologic context is opposite to that generally considered, since it is from the deeper part of the aquifer up to the shallower zone, involving the generation of a higher U content and a lower AR. References [1] Cowart, J.B. & Osmond, J.K. Uranium isotopes in groundwater: their use in prospecting for sandstone-type uranium deposits, J. Geochem. Explor, 8, pp. 365-379, 1977. [2] Toulhoat,?. & Beaucaire,C. Comparison between lead isotopes, ™U/ ^*U activity ratio and saturation index in hydrogeochemical exploration for concealed uranium deposits, J. Geochem. Explor., 41, pp. 181-196, 1991. [3] Tandel, R.Y., Caracterizagao do arenito Piramboia da Fazenda Sao Joao em Analdndia, SP, e sua uiilizaqao industrial, USP, Sao Paulo, 75 pp., 1993. [4] Lecomte,P. 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