Roger Ender - 356 Registry


Roger Ender - 356 Registry
Volume 16, Number 3
Patrick Ertel
John Jenkins
Brett Johnson
Jerry Keyser
Vic Skirmants
Yellow Springs. OH
Parker. CO
Indianapolis, IN
Westerville, OH
Warren, MI
Vice President
Vic Skirmants, Warren, MI
Brett Johnson, Indianapolis, IN
Brenda Perrin, Columbus, OH
Tom Youk, Waterford, MI
September / October, 1992
President's Letter
Vic Skirmants
16th West Coast Holiday
by event Chairmen Jim Hardie and Bob Cannon
National Membership Chairman
Barbara Skirmants
27244 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48092
Editorial License
Gordon Maltby .............................................
Membership News
Barbara Skirmants ....................................
Club Coordinator
John Jenkins
10940 So. Parker Rd., Parker, CO 80134
Vic Skirmants
Brett Johnson
Of Special Interest
Cole Scrogham ............................................
Guest Editorial
Joe Harris
Editorial Staff
Gordon Maltby
123 N. 2nd St., Stillwater, MN 55082
Technical Editor
Vic Skirmants
27244 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48092
Restoration Editor Brett Johnson
7510 Allisonville Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46250
Classified Ads
Brenda Perrin
2041 Willowick Drive, Columbus, OH 43229
Jim Perrin
P.O. box 387, Pennsville, NJ 08070
Dr. Bill Block
1211 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20852
The Maestro
Harry Pellow
20655 Sunrise Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014
Staff Photo ropher Hal Thoms
13341 ~ t h e l % e Way,
Sants Ana. CA 92705
Of Special Interest Cole R. Scrogham
210 Valley View Ave., Mt. Sidney, VA 24467
Nuts 6. Bolts
Ron Roland
28140 26 Mile Rd., New Haven, MI 48048
Vintage Racing
Roger Ender
3804 Westridge Farm Ln, Clemmons,NC 27012
New members, renewals, circulation:
Barbara Skirmants
27244 Ryan Road, Warren, MI 48092
Commercial advertising, editorial items:
Gordon Maltby, M Design
123 No. 2nd St., Stillwater, MN 55082
612-439-0204 Fax 612-430-2393
Free member classified ads:
Brenda Perrin
2041 Willowick Dr., Columbus, OH 43229
No part of the 356 Registry magazine may he reproduced in any
form without the express written permission of the publisher.
Copyright O 1992 by 358 Registry, Inc.
cro M Design. 123 No. 2nd St.. Stillwater. MN 55082
A proposal for National Concours Awards
Nuts and Bolts
Ron Roland
Bill Block
.......................................... 25
Vintage Racing
Roger Ender
2 9
The Maestro
More Stories
Our cover photo was taken by Hal Thoms during the West Coast
Holiday XVI, on the Truckee river near Squaw Valley, California.
The 356 ~ e g i s t magazine
is the official publication of 356 Registry. Inc., an organization oriented exclusively to the interests, needs and unique problems of the 356
Porsche automobile owner and enthusiast. The mission of the 356 Registry, Inc. is
the perpetuation of the vintage (1948-1965) 356 series Porsche through the 356
Registry magazine. the central forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences and
information. enabling all to share the 356 experiences of one another. 356 Registr
magazine is published bi-monthly for 356 Registry, Inc. by M Design, 123
Second Street, Stillwater. MN 55082.356 Registry, Inc. is a non-affiliated, non-profit,
educational corporation, chartered under the statutes of the State of Ohio.
Membership dues are $20 in the USA, $25 in Canada and Mexico, $35 to foreign addresses, which include a 6 issue subscription to 356 Registry magazine. All rates are
in US. dollars. checks MUST be drawn on U.S. banks.
ort ti
Contributions of material for publication in the 356 Registry magazine are welcome.
All editorial submittals should be in word-processing form (IBM or Mac) on disk
(5-114" or 3-112") with accompanying hard copy, or typewritten. Modem transmission
is available: contact publisher. Illustrations should be clear with good contrast.
Black and white photos are preferred, color prints are acceptable. The right to edit
or refuse publication is reserved and responsibility for errors or omissions is denied.
Vic Skirmants
presume that most of you will notice that this issue has
been printed by a new publisher. This should be the
start of a regular schedule for the appearance of the 356
Registry magazine. A temporary contract has been awarded
while the bids are being considered for a long-term publishing contract.
This has not been a pleasant experience. However, I
pledged to get the Registry out on time; this is the start. I also
vowed to try and decrease the politics; this is also a start in
that direction.
Due to the administrative problems, it is possible that
this issue didn't reach all the paid-up members. If you know
someone who didn't get their copy, please have them contact
your new membership chairman.
I would like to welcome new editor Roger Ender, who
will be covering vintage racing activities. Roger is from
Clemmons, N.C., so his reports will mostly be from races East
of the Mississippi. I'd sure like to hear from someone who
could send us race results from the Western part of the country.
With the expanded racing coverage, I will be limiting
my SCCA race reports to only really interesting events or
ones where something technical was learned.
proposed new National Concours judging concept. It never
seemed to get into print until now. Joe, sorry for the delay.
Members, read it, think about his proposal, and let Joe and
John Jenkins know what you think, we need your input.
I would also like to welcome in this issue, Linda Patterson. Linda has volunteered to reorganize and operate our
"Goodie Store"operation. She has offered to do it on a strictly
not-for-personal-profit basis. All proceeds will go to the
Registry. Linda will be attending the Holidays in person, or
if that is not possible she will ship Registry stock to the
Holiday Chairpersons to sell in their Goodie Store. She will
also be fulfilling your orders from her home on a timely
basis. She has a very exciting program of future products
including car badges, and a lot of enthusiasm for the job.
Linda has been providing this service for the Chicago
area Porsche Club of America for several years, and therefore is well acquainted with what is required. See her announcement in this issue, she already has stock on many
items, so give her a call.
At the direction of the Registry President, Vic
Skirmants, ballots postmarked through June 30 were
accepted and ballots without membership numbets were
also acce~ted.Four hundred and twelve valid ballots
were casi with the following results:
John Jenkins - 321
Brett Johnson - 352
Greg Young - 114
Your photos, news, stories, and comments are
needed. Send 356-related material to the editorial
offices at 123 N. Second St., Stillwater, MN 55082.
Your President hard at work!
It's never too early to ask for people to start thinking
about putting on a 356 ~ o l i d in
a ~1993. john Jenkins has pi
together a "cookbook"on how to do a Holiday, so first-timers
can learn from his efforts. Let me know if you're interested.
We need one West Coast Holiday (Mississippi River to the
Pacific) and one East Coast Holiday (Mississippi River to the
Atlantic) annually.
John Jenkins has also volunteered to be the "club
coordinatorn. He will be the contact person for the regional
clubs. Have a problem? Have a suggestion? Want to start
up a regional 356 club in your area-call John.
Last December, Joe Harris, Rockford, IL, sent in a
356 Registry
Look for the return of the member's letter column
in the next issue, which will mail on November 1st.
Also in the next issue will be coverage of the East
Coast Holiday, Porsche Parade, vintage racing action and a lot more.
If you have any questions or comments, you can
write, call me at 6121439-0204 or fax 6121430-2393.
Advertisers will be receiving updated rate and
insertion instructions shortly. For advertising inquiries, call me at the number above.
Gordon Maltby
Sept. I Oct. 1992
The Squaw Valley Holiday was
set among some of the most gorgeous
mountain scenery in California and
featured a mother lode of 356-era
machinery. Hal Thoms (left, in appropriate headgear for the intense
sunshine) has been the Registry staff
photographer for some years, and on
this page he takes us on a short color tour of the Concours area.
Behind Hal are the tram cables to High Camp where the awards
banquet was held, some 2,000 feet above the headquarters lodge.
Note the tram tower at the top of the photo - and that point isn't
even half way to the top!
The Tohoe area is a weekend mecca for Californians from all over the state, with occasional
traffic jams to prove the point. There are breathtaking vistas on a tour around the lake, although the
traffic density requires a lot of attention. But there
are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the scenery
from quiet back roads and rustic bridges like the one
Above, the eastern end of the concours area where the
serious judging took place. Full concours, special interest (including Dean Watts' Abarth and Warren Eads' center-seat
Spyder) and a few "outlaws"were grouped in this area. The site
offered easy access to food and drink and breathtaking views
all around.
At right, more of the one hundred forty-odd cars on display,
seen from the tram as it begins its ascent. Friday's surprise hail
storm was succeeded by blue skies and intense sun for the
concours and evening awards dinner at the top of the mountain.
A personal highlight was the chance to ice skate outdoors in
shirtsleeves, on an olympic rink at 8,000 feet with views that
stretched for over 50 miles.
Gordon Maltby
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
BY B O ~cannon
and Jim Hardie
356 Porsche Holidays are like
the legendary "Field of Dreams" ....
Have one and they will come! This
year's West Coast Holiday began as
an innocent discussion at the
monthly breakfast meeting of 356
CAR group in Sacramento over two
years prior to the event. Jim Hardie
and Bob Cannon volunteered (?) to
be co-chairmen; the remainder of
the group said they would gladly
help and the rest is history. We had
identified Squaw Valley as an almost "idealnlocation for the event; it
certainly lived up to its billing.
There was blue sky, pine scents,
thrilling tram rides and great 356
drives. Lots can be said about the
16th West Coast Holiday, but for all
of us involved in the planning, the
strong sense of accomplishment as
we observed SO many enjoying so
much and truly being appreciative
of it all was truly worth the months
of effort.
Wednesday night at Squaw
Valley - many of the local committee members were making last
minute checks on events. But everyone would stop and listen when that
familiar sound of a 356 let them
know that someone else was arriving...
Thursday morning, July 23 Registration began and people
started lining up in the parking lot
for the trip to Reno and the Porsche
Cars North America parts facility.
A quick survey let Glen Lewis, special events chairman, know that the
majority also wanted to see the
remainder of Harrah's car collection
in Reno. We didn't see most of that
group for quite a few hours; maybe
they found the casinos as well. A
"round the lake" tour group left
Squaw Valley later that morning;
everyone returned suntanned and
thirsty. In the afternoon, Ted Blake
and Tim Goodrich got everyone in
the mood for the Concours with a
tech session on paint and body work
preparation. That evening 120
people and their Porsches drove to
Zephyr Cove, Nevada, for the MS.
Dixie dinner cruise. Those of us
who stayed at Squaw Valley enjoyed the full moon and just imagined how beautiful Lake Tahoe was
that night.
Friday morning, July 24 - Bright
and early a large group left on a
Nevada style "Poker Rally" that
ended 50 miles away in the small
town of Loyalton. It was a beautiful
drive on a perfect 356-type road, lots
of turns and straight-aways. Bob
King will probably always remember that drive, or more precisely
parking under a tree which held a
squirrel who happened to be gnawing on large green pine cones.... A
dented roof and a broken rear window let us know how much we all
treasure these cars and how bad we
feel for owners when one is damaged. Friday morning brought a
panel of experts (Leo Droughton,
Brett Johnson, Harry Pellow, Bob
Garretson) together to another freeflowing tech session. Friday afternoon was reserved for a literature
tech session ( with Jim Perrin,
Wayne Calaway and Prescott
Kelley) and swap meet. Nancy
John Geil did a
wonderful job of
organizing these
Just before
our outdoor dinner was scheduled,
started noticing a
few black, ominous
clouds over the
peaks of Granite
Chief overlooking the valley.
Within minutes
the first raindrops started and
soon turned to hail. People ran for
their cars and moved them under
cover. The Squaw Valley Inn had
set up the tables for the Bar-B-Que
that evening and suddenly it looked
like the best laid plans needed the
be changed. But thanks to people
like Wes and Diane Morrill who
knew that it would pass over, we
held out. Within one hour, new
tablecloths were in place, the band
was set up, the food was ready and
the Western Bar-B-Que was under
way. We all learned the Texas
Two-Ste~and some line dances. no
one fell into .the
pool, and the
evening turned
out to be great.
morning, July 25 found most of us
polishing those
flicking that last
speck of dust
from the hood. It
was time to move
140 cars into the
Concours area at
Squaw Valley.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
Don Marks and his group got everyone organized and filled the entire
Olympic Village with rows and
rows of gleaming 356's. Lots of
people from the Lake Tahoe and
Truckee area came to admire the
cars and take pictures. The concour
judges were kept busy with 15 fullConcours entries and everyone else
got to vote for their favorites. 6 pm
and most of us had arrived at the
High Camp restaurant complex on
the top of Granite Chief 2000 feet
above the valley floor. The view of
Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada
Awards, door prizes, and dinner
with a view all made the evening
memorable. 10:15 pm, it's dark and
the last tram is ready to leave. Even
for the skiers on board who had
ridden the tram before, it was an
experience to drop off into the darkness on the trip back down to Squaw
Valley ...
Sunday morning, dawn is
breaking over the mountains and
the hardy people who can't resist
finding that perfect part were in the
parking lot for the swap meet. There
were lots of vendors and lots of buyers, which made everyone happy.
People's Choice and Full Concours Winners
The event had come to a close
almost as quickly as it began and
then it was time to say "good-bye" to
over 400 participants ...the Porsches
left in groups with everyone promising to meet at the next Holiday!
The holiday committee then had a
well-deserved beer and collapsed.
The event left us with one strong
inclination: to tell the NEXT
CHAIRMAN, that individual out the
wondering if he or she "can pull it
off", if the financial risk is too great,
if people will help, if people will
come!??... to tell that person "IF YOU
Have at it!
. 1992 West Coast Holiday
Squaw Valley, CA
PreA-A open
Phil Waen
1955 Speedster
Barry Williams
1958 Speedster
Bob Franco
1956 Speedster
PreA-A closed
Bob King
1959 A Coupe
Hector Davalos
1957 A Coupe
Glen Peterschmidt
1958 A Coupe
B open
Rich Sankey &
Jere Walters
1963 Cabriolet
Rolly Resos
William Smith
1962 T6 Roadster
1963 S90 Cob
B closed
Steve Moore
1961 B Coupe
Len Erie
1962 B Coupe
Jim Hardie
1963 B Super
C open
Allen Grossman
1964 Cabriolet
Bob Cannon
1965 Cabriolet
Fred Matzke
1964 Cabriolet
C closed
Dennis Frick
1965 SC Coupe
Chuck Clopton
1965 SC Coupe
Bill Doyle
1965 SC Coupe
Special interest
Dean Watts
Abarth Carrera
Waren Eads
RSK Spyder
Full Concours
Steve Heinrichs
1959 Corerra Cab
John Tolen
1957 Speedster
The Maestro's
an eyewitness account
by Nancy Withers
They're Zeniths - What can I
say ??
The Western band was
wailin', the two-steppers were a'prancin', but there was an engine in
need. It was the Maestro to the
The real action was in the
Squaw Valley Inn parking lot at
dark-o'clock. Jeffrey Leff's newly
Del Johnston
1956 A Coupe
overhauled (??) engine of his '64
Coupe was "...running on two cylinders..."and not idling at all. How he
and his wife got to the West Coast
Holiday from Fenton (near Santa
Cruz) was amazing!
Harry's first exorcism involved
the distributor. After preforming a
"180n, Harry's healing hands
soothed the troubled timing. Then
it was on to the Zeniths. Kneeling
in reverence, the Maestro performed the final blessing, adjusting
the idle screws all the way and
then backing them up just slightly.
Another miracle among miracles
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
Overall People's Choice;
Best of Show
Rich Peters 1960 Roadster
Rich Peters
1960 Roadster
was celebrated as Jeff's coupe was
truly healed and roared off into
the night with that familiar 356
sound of acceleration.
At the concours on Saturday,
Jeff could be heard giving testimony of his coupe's accession to
health. Harry will rebuild his
Zeniths and all will be well. The
thousands of dollars to the quack
mechanic will be a lesson to those
who love their 356's. Jeff's faith
has been restored, and he is now
ready to check that rear teardrop
light wiring.
Gordon Maltby
ith this issue of the Registry
you will notice a number of
changes in the magazine, along with
some changes on the "masthead"; the
list of officers and staff members on
the inside front cover. Conspicuous
among the new names are those of
Barbara Skirmants, who is taking on
the daunting job of Membership
Chairperson; John Jenkins, who will
act as Club Coordinator and resident
Holiday guru; Roger Ender, who will
cover the vintage racing scene (increasingly one of the most active
aspects of the 356 world); and myself, editor and publisher of the next
few issues. Another important club
function is now being handled by
'Linda Patterson, our Goodie Store
manager. See the ad for these items
at the back of the magazine.
With a considerable lapse of
time between this and the last issue,
many people are wondering about
the magazine's schedule, event information and their membership
renewal status (not to mention the
classified ads.) Be assured that the
magazine will be reaching your
mailbox on a regular bi-monthly
basis from now on. Although some
new and renewed member names
were not updated over the last six
months or so, with the mailing of
this Registry we hope to have broken the logjam of names and sorted
out the list. If a problem still exists
with your membership~subscription, use the renewal form on the
wrapper of this issue to note any
changes. Be sure to include the
mailing label with any correspondence (throw the whole page in a
copier and keep your issue intact).
For over a decade and a half
under editor Jerry Keyser, the Registry magazine has been a wonderful, wide-ranging forum for 356 information, a tradition that we all
want to see continue and flourish.
To paraphrase Woody Guthrie,
"This club is your club, this club is
my club..." I urge every member to
contribute material. Since we are
spread over the entire country,
Canada and essentially, around the
world (see page 10, volume 16 #2)
few, if any members will have the
opportunity to take part in every
event. So let's share it all in print.
Many members have stories, photos
and information that others would
love to see. You can contribute directly to me or through one of the
editors who specialize in certain
areas. See the list of their addresses
on the masthead.
Considering the kind of cars we
drive, you might say that 356 people
never made it into the seventies,
much less the nineties, technologywise. So I certainly would not discourage an editorial contribution
that was typed or even handwritten;
but please keep in mind that your
material is most easily submitted
nineties-style; in word-processed
form on disk, with accompanying
hard copy (most people seem to
write on a computer these days, so
why re-type it?) See the small print
on page 2 for more info. I also encourage comments and suggestions
from members about the magazine;
feel free to write or call.
If I may speak on behalf of the
membership, I will say thank you to
the people and companies who have
supported the club through advertising in the Registry. Recognizing
that timeliness is next to godliness
in the ad biz, you will soon be
receiving a new rate and publication schedule (no, prices aren't going
up) that makes ad placement simple
and efficient. And most importantly,
you will know exactly when your
ad will appear. Please contact me if
you have any questions about advertising in the Registry.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
, .K4 2
Interested in the 356 social
scene? Following are currently active local and regional 356 organizations that we know about. They
offer meetings, other events and
their own newsletters.
356 Registry,
Southern California Chapter
Wayne Callaway - 9948 Hayward
Way, S. El Monte, CA 91733
The Porsche 356 Southern
Connecticut Register, Ltd.
P.O. Box 35, Riverside, CT 06878
Rocky Mountain
Porsche 356 Club
John Jenkins - 8303 Hillcrest Way,
Parker, CO 80134
356 CAR
(California Alta Region)
Jim Hardie - 2282 D Sierra Blvd.,
Sacramento. CA 95825
Sierra 356 Porsche Club
Glenn Lewis - 2000 Royal Drive,
Reno, NV 89503
356 Motor Cities Gruppe
Fred Sheill - 469 Fort Dearborn St.,
Dearborn, MI 48124
Eastern Pennsylvania
Dan Haden - 143 W. Carpenter
Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119
Sunday, September 13
Annual RMRIPCA Swap Meet
at CarQuip, 7183 Arapahoe Ave,
Boulder CO 3031443-13143
Send your event announcement to
123 N. 2nd St, Stillwater, MN 55082
Barbara Skirmants
ith the recent resignation of Roger
Whitton as Membership Chairman, I finally decided that I would
volunteer for this 'kinda new job".
With the change of publishers, the
membership chairman is now responsible for maintaining the roster on a
computer, and generating all the mailing labels, state roster lists, billings, and
reminders. Yes, this job is much more
labor intensive than it was in the past,
but I enjoy the computer work and
since I already work at home in my
office that will allow me to be accessible to you during the day time.
tour and chicken BBQ at Mid-Ohio for
the Vintage races in lune, a July Picnic,
a fall color tour, and a Christmas party.
There is no better way to enjoy your
car than to get your wife involved in
the social aspect and have some fun
together touring with other 356 owners
to your local events.
Since John Jenkins has recently
volunteered to become our club coordinator, he will be glad to guide you on
starting up your own local group. That
is really the purpose of the roster
listing of members by your state; that
you can order from me. We hope that
27244 RYAN RD.
WARREN. MI 48092
Leather Accessories:
Interior luggage straps
Spare tire straps
Owners manual holders
356/Spyder logo shirts
Since my marriage to Vic 3 112
years ago and the move to Michigan, I
have also become very active in supporting Vic's role as President, and in
our local 356 Motor Cities Gruppe. If
you enjoy your cars and the friendship
of other 356 owners, I recommend that
you consider starting up a regional
club. Here in SE Michigan, Ron Roland
started our club some years ago, and
now Fred Sheill has taken over, and we
publish a small newsletter that is financed only by donations; no dues-no
bills-no reminders. We currently put
on a Tech session in the spring, a group
this will build a membership base in
your area that can put on local events,
and someday join your forces to put on
a HOLIDAY. It seems to me that the
folks who currently have a local club
really support each other in putting on
a Holiday, and John Jenkins' new cookbook will make that job even easier.
Get involved, you will make some
friends for life and never regret it!!
SASE for current listing including
memorabilia, manuals & literature
Laurel Hollow, NY 11791
Barbara Skirmants
356 Registry
"Gmund"uzuners manual
"Factory Tour " book
'59 Carrera GS/GT
Speedster poster
550A/904/F-1/917 art
poster set
Volume 16 No. 3
Vic Skirmants
always welcome any correction
of errors that appear in my column. Steve Bareis, Cordova, TN,
points out that the Zenith carburetor top screws mentioned in Vol. 15,
# 6, are not 5 x 0.8mm, but are 5 x
0.9mm. Correct, Steve! Helicoil does
not make this size repair coil. Steve
fixed his carbs by using the available 5 x 0.8mm coil and new allen
head bolts. Steve did not check with
the "TIME-SERT" Company on
availavility of 5 X 0.9mm coils. If
anyone does find a source, let me
Still on Zenith carburetors, Alan
Surgi points out the fact that the
main jet thread size is the same as
the carburetor bowl drain plug. So,
if you want to make a site-level
gauge that screws into the drain
plug hole, you can use an extra main
jet and slip-on plastic tubing, rather
than drilling out a drain plug.
Carburetor return springs: are
you aware of the correct placement
for the throttle return spring on
Zenith versus Solex 40-PI1 carbs?
On the Zenith carb, the spring
bracket is held by the screw furthest
away from the throttle arm. On the
Solex 40-PII, the bracket is held by
the screw closest to the throttle arm!
If put under the further screw, the
spring can actually go over-center
on some carburetors, thereby trying
to hold the carburetor open at fullthrottle! (I don't care what they
show in the Stoddard catalog; check
the factory parts book).
A very serious problem in any
racing 356 is the wearing of the
fulcrum plates. The large amount of
negative camber, combined with the
torque and heat cause a literal friction welding of the side-gear, fulcrum plates, and axle shafts. When
similar metals are forced together
hard enough, they will weld to each
other. The solution is to change one
of the materials involved. Porsche
produced a bronze fulcrum plate,
with cross-hatch grooves for better
oiling. My understanding is that
this piece was developed for the
Carrera 11,and maybe even the early
Spyders. Anyway, when I bought
my current E-Production roadster in
late 1975, it came with the bronze
fulcrum plates. I raced that combination for many years, with no problems. The old fulcrums finally
started to fall apart, so we tried
making replacement pieces from the
best industrial bronzes we could
find. Nothing was satisfactory.
Finally, we returned to the steel
fulcrums, cross-hatched them, and
had a little better success. The
fulcrums and axles would still fail,
especially with the ZF limited slip.
The ZF housing is very closed and
doesn't permit much oil flow to get
into the fulcrums.
Lately we've been experiencing
a rash of failures, including my EProduction roadster at the June
Sprints. Well, it seems vintage racer
David Kopf has recently been advertising bronze fulcrums, so I called
him. David had the factory material
spectrographically analyzed, and
determined that the material was
not available in this country! So, he
hired a foundry to cast up a mill-run
of this specific bronze! I recently installed two sets of these fulcrums
and will report later on how they're
holding up.
My wife Barbara and I have
been talking for a couple of years
about building a vintage-racing 356.
The SCCA E-Production roadster
and G-Production cabriolet are fun,
but we don't get to see many other
356's in SCCA.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
With the cost of open 356's too
prohibitive, it was decided a coupe
was the only way to go, The 'A'
coupes are getting more valuable,
and have the funky gearshift. T-6
coupes always truck me as "fat";
that's just my opinion; besides, the
'C's are getting pricier. So, we have
left the underpriced, unloved, 196061 T-5 coupe: the 356 world's ideal
race car! The lean look, almost, of an
'A'; all the right mechanical attachment points, and four holes in the
nose to get air to the oil coolers.
Last November we picked up a
1960 coupe from Charles Coker. I
started doing some stripping over
the winter, but never really progressed beyond that point. With the
beginning of my SCCA racing season, I figured that was the end of
any prep work till fall.
In early May, Tom Youk (our
treasurer) offered to help build the
car; for pay of course (Tom's been
out of work; don't worry, 356 Registry funds are safe). With Tom's help
and a free paint job from my sponsor
Autometric Body Shops, we managed to get the car ready for the
SVRA race at Mid-Ohio, June 25-28,
1992. During the first practice session on Thursday the gearshift coupler bushings disintegrated (they
looked good, even though they were
probably 30 years old). The car ran
flawlessly every session after that.
In Saturday's qualifying race,
Mark Eskuche and I had a terrific
race. I finished first, but Mark's
fastest lap beat my fastest lap by
.028 (thats twenty-eight thousandths) of a second! That meant
Mark would be on the pole Sunday.
At the start of Sunday's race, I
out-dragged Mark to turn one, but
he took the outside and beat me to
the esses. Mark stayed in front for
three laps when a broken rocker
arm ended his race. I won. Chuck
Schank was second and George Balbach was third among the 19 356's
Manufacturers and distributors of obsolete
rubber and trim items for the vintage 356.
(619) 438-2205 (9:"
- 3:OO)
Please write or call
for latest brochure.
P.O. BOX 2818, DEL MAR, &
This is just a sampling of NLA parts available from
International Mercantile - please write or call for complete listing.
I.M. Part #
M 17
M 20
M 33
M 33A
356 / A Bumper Deco Base (as original)
356 / A Rocker deco base seal (1-piece)
356A License light base seal (shine up)
356 / A License light base seal (down)
$ 20.00
Note: M33 and M33A are show quality. There is nothing else on the market that comes close.
M 76
M 111
M 111A
M 127A
M 195
M 200
M 210
Stabilizer Bar grommet kit (6-pieces)
Metal battery cover (3-types) 3 week delivery
Battery cover original fiber board type
Rear suspension stops (3-tier type)
Rubber grommet tailgate area(2" dia.) Perfect.
Pre-A tunnel mats (all types)
75.00 Rubber Grommet (lower) for steering column
All parts in stock and can be shipped within 24 hours. Freight extra.
Restoration Design is
the source for a full line
of quality Americanmade sheet metal pani
elsfor your356 Porsche.
Our parts line covers
those commonly rusted
areas you will find while
restoring your 356, plus
a complete selection of
sheet metal for 9111912
and 914 models. And
best of all, ourvery competitiveretailandwholesale pricing will give you
maximum savings with
your restoration dollars.
Call today for a free catalog or for informationabout our comprehensivewholesale dealer program.
Restoration Design introduces a brand
new die-stamped 356 floor pan made with
.040 US-made two-sided galvanizedsteel.
Available with original style toe board and
seat mounts, it compares in quality with
the European reproduction costing three
times as much.
Complete floor pan package $229.95
Battery floors ...............................$44.95
Jack receiver ...............................
FAX 517-663-5318
Call or write for a free catalog
224 North Main Street , Eaton Rapids, MI 48827-126
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
Brett Johnson
ever say never. Just when I thought I had a good theory
on four digit paint numbers versus three digit (Karmann
vs. Reutter), there comes a 1963 356B cabriolet (all cabriolets
Reutter-built for neophytes) belonging to A1 Brower of
Lakewood,CO., #158095,with a four digit paint number. Also,
a Mr. Ripley of Reno, NV asserts his 1962 Reutter built
Carrera 2 has four numbers. New homework assignment,
1962 and 1963 Reutter coupe and cabriolet owners, check that
paint plate inside the driver's side door and see if it is a four
digit number starting with 62or a three digit number starting
with a 6 or 7.
I spoke with Bob Jernigan from Oklahoma City about his
1953 coupe, #50415. This car was constructed in April of 1953
and it has horn grilles fitted. He has a photo of the car taken
in August of the same year showing them present at that
time. This is a much earlier appearance for horn grilles than
previously reported.
More on travel kits has appeared, as well. Thomas Sparr
of St. Peters, MO. took delivery of his 356C at the factory. His
kit's bag is dark red vinyl, with a tan leather strap with unpainted buckle, which is different than the 'SC" kit belonging to Tim Board of Pasadena, CA. His has a textured grey
vinyl bag with gold fabric lining. The leather strap is tan,
but the buckle is painted black. Photos of this kit show the
following contents:
valve spring
exhaust valves, 616.105.406.01
valve adjustment screw
valve keepers
drain plug
spark plug connector
spark plugs
fan belt
clutch cable
maroon fuse pouch wlfuses
shop towel
fuel pump diaphragm
oil filter gasket
sump gasket
Solex carb. gaskets
engine gasket set, 616.100.184.00
plied. These are dated February 1, 1954. There is a
supplement dated September 1,1954 adding #5410, Adriatic
Blue. The calor was previously used for 1950 - 1953 cars and
was apparently brought back by "popular demand". Note
that this color and Ivory were not used on cabriolets and that
Terrakotta was not used on coupes. As always, special orders
were possible.
It is likely that the same combinations of standard upholstery were used in 1955. Note that leather was optional
for coupes (standard for cabriolets) and those colors are not
Also since yellow upholstery was not used for cabriolets
carpet and luggage area vinyl are not filled in; although, it
was likely beige carpet and yellow vinyl. I would be interested to hear from others regarding luggage area vinyl. My
'55 sunroof coupe had vinyl. A number of other cars have
For those into high level trivia, internal numbers were
also listed for some of the material choices:
- -
Red, 378 Rosanil
Green, 2155
Beige, 2164
Beige-ros6, 2180
Blue, 2152
Grey, 2161
Yellow earth, 145
Toplboot cabriolet
Beige, 5108
Beige-rose, 110
Grey-green, 6325
I am again grateful to Olaf Lang at Porsche AG for
supplying additional trivia from the factory archives. First
as a follow up to the 1950 color chart, last issue, #R502 has
been identified as "Dark Blue". Only one car was painted this
color, #5395.
Mr. Lang also sent four color charts covering 1954,which
are substantially more detailed than any previously sup-
356 Registry
Toplboot cabriolet (cont.)
Black, 5101
Grey-blue, 521
Grey, 5106
Beige, 100
Beige, 2505
Green, ?
Grey, 679
Blue, 678
Terrakotta, 363
The above was written prior to my sojourn to the 356
Euroclub meeting followed by some time at Porsche AG.
Many fascinating things to relate. First, due to personnel
changes, it is necessary to write to a different person and
address at PCNA in order to obtain construction (Kardex)
information about your 356. The rules aren't any different.
You still need to provide documentation stating that you
own the car in question. The address:
Porsche Cars North America
PO Box 30911
Reno, NV 89520-3911
Attn: Howard Adams
Thanks to Olaf Lang and Klaus Parr at Porsche AG, I was
able to review information that will be presented in this
location over the next few issues. Where possible accompanying archive photos will be used to verify.
Continued next page
Sept. I Oct. 1992
Let's talk hood handles. The
five archive pictures (clockwise
from right) show three different
handles. The earliest shows a
bulky blunt fronted handle on a
356 cabriolet with a saucy vixen
aboard. This photo is dated on the
back April 1954. This is earlier
than commonly reported, but, of
course, this could represent a prey*=
production change. The second
and third photos show 1955 and
1956 coupes. Both have a slightly
chunky pointy handle. The fourth
photo shows a car that is identified
as a 1956 coupe. This car has a
Ponto-Stabil t s u e side mirror
mounted on the-fknder. The same car appears with a
1955 Speedster in the final photo. In this picture, you
can make out the chrome plated coat hook, which
should verify its 1956 build. It also has snazzy chrome
wheels. The hood handle is slimmer and has much less
metal below the crest.
Now look closer at the first four pictures and you
will see that the first three have no hood handle seals
and the fourth has light grey seals. Other photos from
model year 1957 on had the more familiar black ones. I
didn't bring those photos.
Conclusions: Evolutionary changes from blunt
(1954) to pointy (1954? through mid-1956) to slimmer
pointy with grey seals (mid to late 1956) to slimmer
pointy with black seals (1957 through 1959). Did earlier
cars have hood handle seals? How about rear grille
seals? Have you restored your car correctly? Why do
I ask so many questions?
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
1954 Color Chart (See Page 11)
Paint #
Beige vinyl wl cord. inserts
Beige vinyl
Beige. cpe
Red. cab
Red vinyl w/ cord. inserts
Red vinyl
Beige, cpe
Green, cab
Red. cpe
Green. cab
Beige vinyl w/ cord. inserts
Beige vinyl
Beige vinyl w/ cord. inserts
Beige vinyl
Yellow vinyl wl cord. inserts
Yellow vinyl
Beige vinyl w/ green cord. inserts
Green vinyl
Red vinyl wl beige cord. inserts
Red vinyl
Yellow vinyl w/ beige cord. inserts Beige
Yellow vinyl
Red vinyl w/ grey cord. inserts
Ked or green vinyl
Black, cab
Blue vinyl w/ grey cord. inserts
Red vinyl
Grey vinyl wl cord. inserts
Yellow vinyl
Beige, cab
Terrakotta 5409
Yellow vinyl w/ cord. inserts
Yellow vinyl
Grey vinyl w/ cord. inserts
Blue or wine red vinyl
Blue or wine
New - Used
Buy - Sell
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Phone: 714-892-5050
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A one stop restoration and general maintenance supplier,
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We carry a large inventory of obsolete and hard to find parts.
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Front Interior Panel (repro.)
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Reconditioned Engines & Transaxles.
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Cole Scrogham
e all know that summer is a
busy time, full of work we
detest. Like painting the house, hosting cookouts, Registry Holidays, Parades and the list goes on and on.
Well, when the heat gets you down
you can always bring a word to
mind that is guaranteed to bring out
a smile: ANTIFREEZE! You don't
have to deal with it! Unless, of
course, you happen to have a water
pumper to sneak out in to work and
to the store. But in the 356, no
problem. Ever noticed those domestic types parked on the road edge
with steam coming out? Sure yours
is just as hot, but that gauge never
worked even when the car was new
and even if it did, water would
never come pouring out. Sure, it
leaks oil, but the stuff doesn't all
come out at one time unless you are
changing it.
out that carpet. He also made a very
timely comment for interior people.
Do not try the hair dryer trick on
headliners; it makes them stretch.
He is so right, and it is a mistake you
will only make once. Thanks for the
Well, enough picking on the
unwary. A lot of activity in the
mailbox, and first up from Iowa is
Bernard Lakemaker. He has a 1958
coupe #I02951 that came out of California in 1983. The car has a Porsche
Owners Club badge inside the
glovebox. Does anyone remember
or know about this event (see photo),
or have any info on POC events of
that vintage? Next up, Daniel Ryan
from Florida noticed an actual, current day, never before seen article
on the 1965 Porsche 356C in a Tampa
newspaper! We have informed
them of copyright violations and
will be pursuing a court case - just
kidding. Still, I found the small
piece in the "Classics Corner" section
to be pretty interesting, hopefully it
got published elsewhere. Thanks
for the eagle eye. Lastly, but certainly not least, a note from Mr. "Just
One Moore" Moore commenting on
last issue's carpet article. Apparently, he was just unboxing a carpet
set he ordered in 1969, and noticed
he was missing a few items. Case in
point once again, inventory and lay
Congratulations are in order for
several 356 people following the
Parade and West Coast Holiday.
There was a collection of some of the
finest 356's ever seen out West, I had
an opportunity to see a few up close
judging interiors at the Parade, but
missed the Holiday after euphoria
took over following great luck showing at the Parade. Besides, I had to
saddle up our Speedsters and head
back to Virginia, not a small trip. It
was great fun to be able to show the
last Speedster in San Diego, the 1959
GT got a lot of attention. Other 356's
attracting attention had been restored by Harv and Linda Smith
(garnering Peoples Choice), Tim
Goodrich, Tom Scott, John and Kim
Tolen, even the sunroof coupe of father and son Johnston made a n
appearance. Those are only to name
a few and the owners too plentiful
to mention in one spot. A 1960
Roadster belonging to Bob and Judy
Hartwell won the Division, and the
previous names let you know the
competition level was way up there
because I just mentioned four Manhattan winners. Steve Heinrichs
won the 356A class with a 1956 deluxe Cabriolet, then took the win at
the Holiday, a great win for him and
a huge week for Tim Goodrich, who
restored Hartwell's and Heinrichs'
cars. I guess Tim will now only restore cars for people if their last
name begins with an "H".
This issue's column is a short
one to catch up on old business and
give a summer rest to myself. Bill
Moore suggests I need to write a
book on assembling 356's, but I think
that is a bit overbearing. I would
rather address problems and concerns that Registry readers have
with their cars, like installing carpet
and other requests I have gotten. If
you have an area you would like
covered, or have insight on a short
cut or easier way (Ha!), let me know.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
Joe Harris
National Concours
judging concept
proposal to the
members of the 356
Registry, Inc.
After attending the recent West
Coast Holiday in Steamboat Springs,
I was impressed by the overall high
quality level of the cars and by the
need to develop a method for allowing more than one car in each class
to be recognized as worthy of a high
award. The system will be called
the "National 356 Registry Contours" and will consist of a uniform
level. of judging and procedures that
will permit recognition for cars at
different levels of originality, authenticity, and restoration. In addition, to earn the highest level award,
two lower level awards will first
have to be received by the same car
and owner in a minimum of two
years. This will encourage more of
the true enthusiasts who intend
long-term ownership of a car rather
than the "investors" who are merely
interested in winning an award and
then selling a "show-winning" car.
In part, the system is patterned after
that which has been very successful
in AACA shows and, if done properly
and given enough time, I believe this
could become the most prestigious
concours offered for Porsche cars.
The 1st level award is signified
by attaching a cloisonne badge to
the engine grill. Each badge will be
numbered and engraved on the back
with the chassis number of the car.
Recording of the award date, level,
chassis number, and owner will be
kept by a National Concours Chairman. In doing this, owners will be
prevented from attaching a badge to
an undeserving car and, when a
higher level award is sought, it can
be positively established that the
car is a previous award recipient.
The 1st level award is to be intended for cars that have been preserved and maintained with good
overall appearance, Obviously,
much thought must go into the judging of this and all levels.
Three award levels will be
created: (300 points - maximum)
1st level award (lowest)STUTTGART AWARD 250 points
2nd level award (middle)ZUFFENHAUSEN AWARD 275
3rd level award (highest)GMOND AWARD 290 points
Preservation AwardZELL AM SEE
The 2nd level award is signified
by attaching a wreath plaque underneath and around the 1st level
award badge. The 2nd level award
is intended for extremely nice original driven cars and high quality
"amateur restorations".
The 3rd level award is designated by an additional wreath
plaque to be placed underneath the
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
1st and 2nd level awards. The 3rd
level award is intended to be FULL
CONCOURS and should be awarded
only to those cars that have been
religiously maintained since new bonus points for excellent condition
original paint, interior, etc., OR those
cars that have been restored to the
highest levels of professional workmanship and authenticity.
The Preservation Award designation has yet to be worked out and
I'm open to your suggestions.
All levels are judged on a points
system. For an entrant to receive an
award, the car must receive a minimum number of points for that level,
but all cars receiving the minimum
number of points will be awarded
that level. Higher levels are judged
in the same manner except for
higher points minimums and the
added requirement that the car must
have previously achieved the next
lower level award. Note: no maximum limit is placed on the time
span between awards for a car, but
you may not receive all three
awards in one calendar year. Also,
each award level may only be received once.
I don't believe there should be a
best overall in class award, but it
can be announced at the awards
banquet by simply awarding the
lowest points award first and so on
until the highest points awarded is
announced last.
This a w a r d is intended for
owners who have already received
the 1st andlor 2nd level awards but
do not elect to go to a higher level.
Preservation Awards can be
won at any level. At the 1st and 2nd
levels they are considered electives.
For example, if you have achieved
your 1st level award and feel that
your car is not capable of achieving
a higher award at that time, you can
elect to stay at the 1st level and
compete for the Preservation
Award. The 2nd level award has
obviously the same principle.
The 3rd level Preservation
Award is an important award because this car will begin to set a
benchmark by which other cars will
be judged. These high award cars
can be used for comparing authenticity and workmanship to assist
judges at all levels. A reduction in
the points required for the 3rd level
Preservation Award should be realized due to deterioration of a restoration over time. A car and owner
can receive any number of Preservation Awards.
Celette Bench:
Includingfixtures for all
model 356's from T-2 through T-6
as well as fixtures for
all of the 91 1 series
up through the 930's
Many specialty Forms and Jigs
Complete service from brakes
through to paint and glass
Equi ment includes:
OEM spot helder, TIG, MIG, Gas
Over 20 years experience in Porsches
Ken Kolbe
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
(216) 285-0785
309 PARK AVE., P.O. BOX 741
The End Of
The Problem,
Since awards are based solely
on a points system, classes are really
not necessary, but they are very
important for judging and an overall
professional appearance on the
show field.
1. Pre "A"
2. 356 A
3. 356 B
4. 356 (3
5. Speedsters 1954-65
6. All &cam cars , not including
race cars.
7. All race cars (with documented
history, if possible.)
8. Low production (50 or less Gmund, America Roadster,
Beutler, etc.)
356 Super Starter
Eliminates starter bushing failure
50%more starting torque thoroughly
race proven 12 volt, low amp draw
perfect fit 356 &I VW simple bolt-on
$385.00 plus shipping [volume discounts available)
Please take some time to think
over what I have outlined above. I
am looking for your input as to your
general opinion of the idea, specific
suggestions for improvements,
chance of enthusiastic acceptance
by the members of the 356 Registry.
Manufactured by Tilton exclusively for:
605 E. I10th St., Northfield, MN 55057
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
Collectible Miniatures
for Porsche People
Corgi Classics Die Casts
High uality 1/43 scale Corgi die cast vehicles have
been Zvorites of children throughout the world
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Styled wheels, rubber tlres anidetailed
356A Speedster, blue, 96360 $16.95
VW Caravanette, redgrey, rhd, 96940 $19.95
Triumph TR3A (not pctured), red, 96300 $16.95
1/20 Die Cast Porsches by Guiloy
Far better than other die casts of this large
size. Doors o en to reveal turnable
steering wheef),folding seat backs,and
uniaue textured u~holstery. Deta~led
en ine com artmint, as well.
%orsche karrera 4, red, 65525 $27.95
Porsche 959 (not pictured), silver, 65569 J L I . Y ~
Model Kits b Fujimi
Back b popurar demand are these incredibly detailed 1124th scale
model tits. So accurate that ou'll find.yourself checklng under $em
for oil leaks! Features IncluL rubber tlres. metal wheels (most k~ts).
opening front and rear lids with completely detailed en ine and
lug a e com artments. Kits are plast~cand requlre on mlnor
mo%ekgskiis. Purchase paint and glue at any h o b b y k 0 ~ .All kits
just $29.95 lus shipping. 356 ~ & l s
356BIC (T-6) Carrera 2 Coupe, EM27
356BlC (T-6) Carrera 2 Cabriolet. EM28
356B ( ~ 1 5doadster
1600s. EM29
356A Coupe Carrera 1500GS, EM30
356A S eedster Carrera 1500GS ( ictured), EM31
356A dbnolet Carrera 1600GS. k ~ 3 2
356BlC (T-6) Carrera 2 CabrioletIHardtop, EM33
91 11930 Models
1967 9 11 R Coupe, EM9
1969 91 IS Coupe, EM7
1973 9 11 Carrera RS Couoe. EM6
1973 91 1 Carrera Rallv s ~ c . .EM8
New! Porsche 356 and 550, A Pictorial
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An exciting new book about the fmt cars to
bear the Porsche name. Superb color
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~nformatlon,period advertmg and factory
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Hardcover 160 pages. 30103 ~$9.95
i988 91i Turbo T@a[ ~
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We have just a handful left of this limited run of
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photography. Hardcover, 160 pages. 38551 $29.91
Credit card holders
Order Toll Free!
(BOO) 553-5319
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Sorry No COD'S
7510 Allisonville Road
Indianapolis. IN 46250
(317) Mi-7677
Authenticily Guides by Bren Johnson
Body, chassis, trim and interior componentsare
detaled to allow you to determine the originalit of
any Porsche 356.91 I(thrpugh l973), 912 or 914: Ea
book has factory ~llustratlons,color charts, chass~s
number listings and over 350 hotos Any of these c,
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The 356 Porsche, A Restorer's Guide to Authenticity,
Rev. 11 75808 $24.95
(A limited quantity of si ned, numbered hardcover
books are available @ b 2 . 9 5 )
The 911 & 912 Porsche, A Restorer's Guide to
Authenticity 75800 $19.95
Phone (
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Shipping O $3.00 per item
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Ron Roland
The Kardex is
dead, Long live the
"The Factory" was kind enough
to send me a letter making it very
clear "...that NO Kardex cards will
be sent to anybody not belonging [to]
or working in the interest of the
Porsche organization". This is because "...experience has shown that
this service was misused causing
significant damage to the effected
356 owners and to our image. Even
the most trust worthy enthusiasts
have turned out to be involved in
fraudulent activities. Therefore, we
do not trust anybody anymore."
Now I feel a lot better! How this
new policy helps Porsche's image is
beyond me, but I will be checking
my 6 o'clock for the Porsche Police.
However, so that "The Factory" will
understand "...why further discussions are being held ..." concerning
the Kardex: most 356 owners really
love their old Porsche and want to
bring it back to its original glory.
This is difficult to do when official
sources tell them that their 1955 car
is a 356A or that the original engine
in a rare and historically significant
race car is not correct, or that a SC
model is really a C, etc., etc. When
you get zerox copies of original
documents nothing can be lost in
translation; unintentional or otherwise. Now that this service is No
Longer Available, authenticity will
be difficult and forgery will be
much easier. In our country we
can't understand a government that
tells a private company they can't
give product information to their
customers. Readily available information is the surest way to avoid
fraud. I believe most, if not all, 356
owners to be honest, law abiding
folks who want to be part of the
Porsche experience. Penalizing
these people on account of a few
thieves is unfortunate.
Fortunately, Howard Adams
and his staff at Porsche Cars North
America (PCNA) have picked up the
ball and are running for a touchdown. Howard is going to great
lengths to assure the accuracy of
production information. PCNA realizes that $3.5 mil in vintage parts
sales is worthwhile and that many
356 owners also own late model,
even new Porsches, or aspire to
(even I have an '84 928 for a daily
driver). You have all been very
good, sending me serial numbers
and Kardexes (of which something
will come yet), now is the time to do
it again; thank PCNA by sending a
card or letter to:
Mr. Fred Schwab, President
Porsche Cars North America
P.0. Box 30911
Reno, NV 89520-3911
If you have nothing else to do
you may also want to let "The Factory" know what you think:
Mr. Arno Bohn, President
Dr. 1ng.h.c.f. Porsche AG
Postfach 1108
7140 Ludwigsburg, Germany
Also write Olaf Lang, at the
same address and let him know how
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
much we appreciate the work he
has done unraveling the serial
number mystery and providing
production information. If we don't
thank those who have gone out on a
limb to help us, and let the others
know who we are, we deserve to be
branded ungrateful and unimportant.
A less controversial subject are
a couple of responses I received to
my sunroof inquiries. Richard
Miller of San Diego, CA found that
Wabasto has an English outlet,
Tudor-Wabasto, who had most of
the parts for early Porsche sunroofs
(as of 1980). VW folding sunroofs,
though, were apparently made by
Golde. Bob Sturm, Gainsville, FL
sent the picture (above) of an early
Porsche folding sunroof isplayed at
their Geneva Motor Show exhibit in
1950. Sharp-eyed readers will note
that this is a Gmund car; and Brett
Johnson has a factory picture of a
1950 coupe with a steel sunroof. All
of which prove that sunroofs were
available from the beginning. Those
trustworthy souls with Kardex information are probably getting as
big a laugh from this sunroof deal as
they did from my Speedster radio
continued on page 22
Brand New Paint Color Charts for
356 B & C!
Authentic reproductions of period charts, published by Porsche in Germany. These "chip chart"
folders accurately present all for the originalstandard colors, listed by paint code, for either the 3568
or the 356C. They also list information on standard
interior color combinations. An invaluable aidrestorers have been requesting these for years!
Porsche literature collectors & history buffs will
want them too.
We have paint formulas for all 356 colors and can
provide custom mixed Glasurit paint to ensure the
originality of your car. Contact our Body Shop for
PCG.012.001.11356 B Color chart
PCG.012.002.11356 C Color chart
$11.50 each
4 112 X 15" Chrome wheels for 356C and '65 thru '67 911 and
912. These wheels use genuine Porsche centers with
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38845 Mentor Ave., Willoughby, Ohio 44094-0908
P O R S C U E m
F _ ~ ~ We~also~carry
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For all of your 356 needs-call us!
We're pleased to announce that we
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Richard Miller is also wondering about the casting marks on two
piece cases. Specifically the numbers on the three round pads in the
vertical "channel" of the generator
stand. They do not appear to be
dates, unless it's a code. Earlier,
aluminum cases had these pads
under the fan shroud and the numbers did look like dates.
lockpost first so you won't have to
use that clothesline anymore to hold
the door closed. Figure 37 shows the
basic construction here; you need to
decide whether the edges are bad or
the entire lockpost needs replacing.
Porsche originally made lockposts
for Coupes, Cabriolets, Speedsters,
etc., high striker, low striker, wedges,
etc., etc., and a lot of these are being
Well, it's about time. We are
finally going to do some "body
work". Since the basic structure of
your car is pretty sound by now, it's
time to make it look pretty. So, as
with the chassis, we'll start with the
most obvious problems; the area
around the doors. If you recall, we
did the doors, themselves, back in
volume 14,number 6 so they could
be used to align the body during
'floor" replacement. Let's do the
reproduced currently. But as long as
you have the proper striker location
(which changed in the middle of '57
- see Dr. Brett's book), you can make
the top corner fit your body. Remember, Porsche used a ton of lead
on these pieces to facilitate perfect
door fit.
The first step is to remove the
rusty fender edge from the lockpost.
Don't remove too much fender at
this time since you will want to use
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
that edge for alignment. If only the
edge is bad you can 'easily" make a
new one by bending an appropriate
sized piece of .030 stock in your
break, or vice, then use a combination of shrinkerlstretcher jaws and
pie shaped cuts to make it conform
to the door edge and remaining lock
post. This piece will be butt welded
to the old lock post. Alignment is
critical to achieve a smooth door
joint, see figure 36. Use a straight
edge across the door and remaining
quarter panel to assure your repair
is not too high or low; just low
enough for the thickness of the new
quarter panel edge.
Replacing the entire lockpost
requires a bit more work, of course,
starting with completely removing
the old lockpost. If the entire lockpost is bad, it is likely that the inner
wheelhouse, that it is welded to, is
also bad. Though similar in concept,
Coupes, Cabriolets, Speedsters, etc.,
all differ in detail here and some
analysis as to exactly what goes
where will be required - just like
underneath. Once you have repaired the inner wheelhouse with
the old cut - form a "patch" - butt
weld it in method, you are ready to
make the inner edge of your replacement lockpost fit the door. See
previous instruction. The lockpost
is attached to the inner wheelhouse
with the spot welds. Punch, or drill
holes about 314 inch apart in the
edge of the inner wheelhouse and
weld from underneath or inside the
car. Just tack weld the new lockpost
in two or three places initially to
check alignment. Drill holes and fit
the striker to assure that the door
will latch properly.
Now cut the remaining rusty
edge off the old quarter panel to
good metal and fabricate a new edge
with the familiar cut -bend - shrink
- stretch method. Note the bentover edge where the quarter meets
the door. Punch~drillholes because
this edge is spot welded to the lockpost, the back edge is butt welded to
the quarter panel. Tack weld everything first, then carefully check
alignment, flushness with door, and
latching of door, before spot welding
and butt welding. Your doors should
now fit and lock like real Porsche
continued next page
The front fender edge is somewhat unique and a precision fit. As
usual, the key to success on the outer
finished surface is preparation
underneath. The edge of the outer
closing panel is critical. Replacing
the entire outer closing panel is not
recommended as there are no fewer
than four variations, with only the
latest style being reproduced (see
Dr. Brett's book, again); and it's a lot
of work. But if yours is gone, it's
gone, so order a new one and refer to
Authenticity to determine what
modifications will have to be made
to make it correct for your car. You
can pound or press in ribs, or shrink
them out as necessary. The inner
edge is spot welded to the inner
finished you'll be amazed. The principle is to have the closing panel the
right height and distance in relation
to the door edge. Too low and the
door edge will catch, not to mention
too thick (with bondo). Too high
and you will have an unmanageable
hump. Too close and there won't be
enough room to wrap the fender
edge around. Too far away you
can get away with this if it's not too,
too far away. There are repair
panels sold for this area but frankly
I don't use them. First, they are just
flat sheets, with the start of a door
edge which I want to do myself
anyway. Second, they are big and
may tempt you to replace more than
necessary. I sold the panels to a shop
The door edge is just a flat piece
butt welded to the fender, the trick
is the wrapped edge at the door. I
have made a simple tool, figure 39,
that allows me to follow the edge of
the door while scribing an accurate
line 4 mm away, when bent over
this becomes a 3 mm door gap. After
scribing, cut 112 inch away, punch
three holes six inches apart for spot
welding, and bend. To bend use vice
grips with a 112 inch wide straight
face. Remove the door, bend about
45' cleanly and evenly along the
scribed line to "break" the edge, then
go back and bend as far past 90' as
possible. Finish with a hammer and
dolly. Finesse is the key here;
hammer just enough to press the
three pieces together, but not so
much that you stretch and squash
the metal, or bell-out the edge which
is now inside. Use a low crown
hammer and flat or low crown dolly.
Direct your hammer blows to keep
the door edgelscribed line straight.
If you do this right the fender will
exactly match the door and you will
need no filler on the door or fender.
I am assuming that you have an accurate, original door edge. If the
edge of the door is bad, make the
fender edge in a smooth, even arc,
then fill the edge of the door to
match - just like The Factory did.
The last step is to make those three
spot welds and grind them flush.
closing panel, so punch holes for
your MIG welder. The outer edge
has the fender edge wrapped around
it and is the critical point. This edge
must fit the front edge of the door,
meaning flat and parallel to the door
skin, but just one sheetmetal thickness lower, with a 3116 to 114 inch
gap. If you elect to change the entire
panel you may want to "innovate" at
the top, if that area is not rusted
away. That is why I prefer to repair
the inner edge with a flat piece of
sheet metal, and make an outer edge
by bending, shrinking, and stretching a piece to fit. The repair pieces
are butt welded to the original and
spotted where they overlap another
When the closing panel is finally fitted you are ready to start
the fender edge. With a properly
fitted closing panel this is going to
be simple and so neat, when you are
clamp a small ubridge"of sheet metal
between the fender and the new
closure edge. Be sure the crown is
straight before starting down the
several years ago; told them to use
flat sheet metal; but instructed them
on how to install the panels, if they
must.. "Yea, yea, yea, no problem."
But they started brazing at the
bottom and ended with a peaked
"roof" at the top of the 'fender. They
were right, noooo problem, just take
a BIG hammer and beat the '#a%*
out of the peak, cut, braze, and
bondo. You won't do that. If you
have to go over the crown of the
fender, make your repair panel in
two pieces. One piece from the
trunk lid over the crown, the second
piece down the flat side. The first,
crown piece, is butt welded in; the
caveats are: remove the rubber seal
to the inside of the car and watch
that you don't burn anything inside,
and keep the fender cowl line
straight. The entire fender edge will
probably be loose and can easily
ride up with heat and pressure. So
Next issue, rocker panels and
clamp it down. You may have to
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
- Very Limited Production -
'A9Model Front
Beautiful and Accurate
Black or Tan Leather
To Mid '57 - 'Square Back'
Show Chrome Finish
'A' Model
Complete Assembly
T-2 & T-5 Fiberboard
Perfect Reproduction
Horn Button Not Included
'A' Model Front - Pair
An Outstanding
Duplicate of
he 'Purple'
FAX 070e ssso
Here are some nifty little additions to our
com~leteline of new and used parts ...
RADIO KNOBS: A very high
quality reproduction of
those hard to find knobs,
with set screws. Black
available now. Beige
available soon. $28.00/pair.
LENSES: Plexiglas repros.
No bubbles. Save your
originals and drive your
car with these. Amber or
3213 N. 4th St., Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 528-2661 fax: (703) 528-2660
VisaIMC accepted
Rubber and cork. Just a hair
thicker than stock. Those
who have tried them won't
go back. $2.25 each.
Bill Block
. . . As in any drifting machine,
the engine's torque may be used to
maintain or increase speed while
aiding to hold [sic] the car into the
turn. Backing off on the gas not only
slows the Carrera, it starts the tail
end moving out quite quickly,
briskly, you might even say. A light,
sensitive foot is the thing to have
and what it must be taught is to
feather that accelerator pedal.
Porsche Carrera GT Speedster
1992, 356 pages composed of color
photographs $249.00 list, $5.00 shipping and handling distributed in the
101A Amherst, NH 03031 6031673-5223
available. PT b MDSAWTM - I
suppose we shall end up calling this
book PORSCHE TOYS is a gigantic,
all inclusive, definitive even, collection of every known model.
PORSCHE TOYS also includes 27
factory design models. Fittingly, the
factory models start with type 114,
the mid-engine V-10 which was
never built, but which externally
resembles the type 64 Rome-Berlin-
Rome car. Unfortunately the book
misidentifies the type 114 as the
Rome-Berlin-Rome car. Does any
one know why this design's type
number is so far out of sequence?
Everything you expect in a hysterically expensive book is here: it's
printed in Germany, it's all color
magnificently reproduced, it's a
limited edition (2500 numbered
copies), it's complete (over 7,000 different models on the master list), it's
in English and German (learn to
read German in about 319 easy lessons), it lists at around $250.00 (but
with the dollar dropping against the
Mark again I wouldn't count on it)
and it has 356 pages.
Other than the master list, reproduced in red so you and your
Xerox can't, the book has two major
sections. The first are the the previously unpublished factory models,
some of which are on display in the
Zuffenhausen Museum. Most of the
models, if previously unpublished,
represent cars which have been
seen; including the four passenger
type 530 and the type 695 which was
the four-passenger predecessor to
the 2+2 9011911. But wait; there is an
interim type 695 which looks more
like a 530 - complete with BIC style
chrome bumpers
than the later
"definitive" 695. Unfortunately the
factory section is weak on 356 era
cars. Several Spyders are shown,
including a 1:5 scale car from 1954155
which cannot be further identified;
but which looks very much like von
Frankenberg's type 645, a.k.a.
Mickey Mouse.
The mid portion of the book is
composed of hundreds of magnificent photographs of Porsche models.
Sometimes the models are by themselves, sometimes they are grouped
to show variations, such as the Tomy
Speedsters or the Solido Spyders, or
in a truly like-like grouping, or just
page filling to boggle your mind.
Some of the cars are so realistic and
the camera lens focal lengths and
angles so carefully selected that it is
virtually impossible to tell if a car is
real or a model. The general feel of
"realistic" photographs is identical
to the factory calendars.
A portion of this section is devoted to the spectacular Henry
Hammer collection, complete with
pictures of Hank holding favorite
models - looking for all the world
like one of those fishermen on Saturday morning fishing shows who
has just landed a 7 pound Bass.
Among the more interesting models
is one of five 1:11scale, ceramic split
window coupes that the factory
gave to rally drivers in 1952. However Tony Singer reminded me that
there were also Sterling Silver
coupes, apparently given to race
A high point is the hours of fun
spent playing "I have one of those."
If you have the money and are
interested in Porsche models or want
a magnificent Porsche book: go for it!
But why does the back cover have
what is a clearly front-engined, tintype model which in no way resembles a Porsche other than having
the word "Porsche" across it's front,
Mercedes-like engine hood?
356 Registry
Sept. 1 Oct. 1992
PORSCHE 356 8 550 A PICTORIAL HISTORY Henry Rasmussen, Top Ten Publishing, 160
pages with extensive color and black
and white photographs $29.95
Henry Rasmussen has out a
spectacular new 911 book PORSCHE
and the publisher, who also puts out
EXCELLENCE MAGAZINE, are following-up with a 356 book. This
book, PORSCHE 356 b 550 - A PICTORIAL HISTORY, originally stemmed
from the book that Gene Babow was
writing when he died. However, the
chapters in the new book bear no relationship to those Gene sent me
several years ago. After Ludvigsen's
Conradt's PORSCHE 356 still auf
Deutsche, but read on - and Maltby's
are precious few new facts available
for gleaning, yet Henry has achieved
a respectable history AND A FEW
GEMS. You could use this book as a
single reference for 356 if not
Even so, the real point of any
Rasmussen book are his superb
photographs. Better than any previous book, the period~contemporary
photographs selected help tell a
story; achieved in part by contrasting photographs: an early 550 dash
inset on the same page as an RS 60
dash: a Pealit banjo wheel (though
in a VW) juxtaposed with a Les
Leston in a steering wheel in a C, a
Spyder racing and a Spyder crashed.
Continued is the tradition of
featuring in each chapter a specific
car for Rasmussen's beautiful color
work. Henry appears to have a solid
working relationship with Chuck
Stoddard. The Gmiind coupe (last
seen, by me at least, at the Registry
meet in Indianapolis), the 1954 PreA, the America Roadster, the '59 A
coupe all belong to Chuck Stoddard.
However, there is also an A cabriolet hard top with chrome bumpers,
restored after being found in a field,
and a Karmann hardtop which has
been in one family all its life.
The early Spyders, including
the GlBckler cars, are covered in 20
pages. Within these pages is only a
single photograph of a car later than
a 550A. While this is in conformity
with the 550 part of the title it is peculiar in that all of the later 718
Spyders properly belong in the 356
era. Still, about half of the photographs from the early Spyder era
are unfamiliar to me.
The book's biggest problem will
be its title's similarity to editor
Maltby's book. Even if you are up on
your books the similarity between
HISTORY is too strong. Especially
when both books list at $29.95.
Walter 1. Spielberger, Haynes Publishing, 9 x 11".hard bound 227 pages
with extensive black & white photographs and technical diagrams
Some of you may remember
really neat book from the 60s by
Walter Speilberger. Mostly, Speilberger wrote about German armor,
auf Deutsche. Finally the best of his
tank books, TIGER 6. KING TIGER
TANKS, has been translated. Other
than the book itself, including its
original Tiger driver's manual,
what's so neat? Porsche type numbers!!!! How about a type 117, or a
type 119? Both are gasoline engines
for the type 101 Panther tank. Or a
type 192 single cylinder diesel with
Simmering-Graz Pauker pre-combustion chambers developed into
the type 212 air-cooled x-16 engine
with twin turbo chargers. There are
even pages of photographs of multiple experimental Porsche engines.
Certainly reading the text cannot
help but reinforce the opinion given
by Ley at the Nurenburg trials that
Porsche represented more of a mad
toy maker to Hitler most fevered
wishes than a war criminal. None of
the fuehrers fantasies was too insane for Porsche to develop. At least
part of the time the ideas appeared
to have originated with Porsche. The
only real question is how and why
Hitler maintained such faith; none
of the designs seemed to work. At
one point Porsche evaluated a Luftwaffe jet power plant. It wouldn't
fit, it used too much fuel and its
torque characteristics were unsuit-
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. :
able for a tank. But Porsche decided
to develop it as the type 305, and
work was still underway as the war
Almost charming was a halved
VW engine (type 141), used as a
starter motor. It produced 9 hp,
which was insufficient to start the
tank motor - 18 hp was needed! Why
didn't Porsche use a full size VW engine to begin with? Or a BMW twin?
Beats me. You might think that
Porsche just went back to a full VW
motor. Wrong! He used the VW
motor to turn an inertial starter.
Incidentally, there is a great
glossary, providing translations of
German words you won't find in
Cassel's, and abbreviations. Really
a nifty book even at $50.00. It is
especially useful if you are interested in Porsche type numbers.
LE MANS PORSCHE John Allen, Osprey Automotive Press, 128
pages primarily color, $14.95
Osprey Automotive books produces books on an assembly line.
You may remember Denis Jenkinson's PORSCHE 356 or even Harvey's
PORSCHE TURBO. They were 10 x
lo", hard-bound books with reasonably reproduced black and white
pages and a small color section. I
think they started at about $12.00,
ultimately rising to $19.95. The new
series are about the same size, soft
bound, and composed entirely of
really well-reproduced color photographs, and list at $14.95; actually a
better deal for your money. LEMANS
PORSCHE is the result of John Allen
photographing LeMans for almost
twenty years. Those of us without
socks will quickly be able to compute that Mr. Allen is too young to
have himself photographed 356s or
Spyders at LeMans. This problem is
solved by photographs taken at the
Laguna Seca Porsche race car retrospective which accompanied the
Parade. It seems to me the West
Coast Holiday was also associated
with this, but 1 don't get west very
often anymore. The reproduction of
the latest Osprey series is really
superb. The only problem is the lack
of coverage of 356s. There are no
photographs of the Gmiind coupe in
early LeMans trim or the later 356
SL. The silver Barrington Gmiind
coupe pictured may not have a race
history but it certainly is spectacular. Only a single Carrera coupe is
shown. On the other hand only a
few starts were made by 356s at
LeMans between 1951 - 1957! Spyders
- so many silver spyders - and 904s
are decently covered. We still need
a decent spyder book. For research
LE MANS PORSCHE does not compare with the out of print LE MANS
PORSCHE, but its price and exceptional color make it a must-buy.
King special is a 356 A which is built
as a replica Carrera coupe - complete with script but not, unfortunately, with motor. Larry Chimura's
T-5 roadster (misidentified as a cabriolet - perhaps to make up for
calling the Janis Joplin SC cabriolet
a '58 Speedster) is as subtly modified
as possible considering an entire 911
drive train is stuffed in the tail. A
Beck spyder is reasonably attractive
but I am not sure it qualifies as a
custom Porsche. Worse, especially if
you have seen the kit built by Ken
Daugherty, it's clearly a kit car,
though cute. A plastic Speedster
ends the 356 section. Of only peripheral concern to us, but a car I love, is
the Towne's Speedster on a short
wheelbase 911 chassis. If you really
don't like 911s, 914s etc. you may
wish to visit the indignities they
have suffered. Good photography
documents extremes of vulgarity
and the cruelness that money in the
wrong hands can visit upon a
Porsche. I don't see any overwhelming reason to buy this book.
Fetherston, Osprey Automotive
Press, 8 x a", soft bound, 128 pages all
color photographs with text $14.95
Everybody seemed interested in
translating PORSCHE 358 by
Conradt, but nothing had happened,
until now! A consortium headed by
Brett Johnson will oversee the effort. This is a spectacular book in
German and given the extraordinary care that the Registry editors
put into their columns it should be
even better in English. The book
should list for $65.00 - not negligible
but the same as I sell it for in
German. Please let Brett, our new
Editor Gordon Maltby or me know
that you are interested.
Fetherston is part of the new Osprey
series and shares with LeMans
Porsche an inexpensive price
($14.95) and 128 pages of really good
color reproduction. There are some
problems for 356 aficionados. Being
an English book, it suffers from a
lack of apparent choice and the
apparent need to toady up to whomever is king of the Porsche heap in
Britain. Hence, we have the Richard
King '52 coupe with is customized
mainly by having an incorrect engine. incorrect tail lights, and incorrect dash color. Another featured
During dinner and drinks, the
night before the Stoddard swap
meet, we were struck by how preAs have become the hot area for
restoration and documentation. Ken
Daugherty proposed the formation
of rump REGISTRY group of pre-A
owners. If you have one, send the
usual model, color, special features
and serial number information either to me or Ken Daugherty (1611
Russell Ave. Louisville, KY 40213,
5021451-3425). If you can think of a
particularly appropriate or inappropriate name that is sufficiently rude,
for this sub-registry let Ken know.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
356 / 912 owners!
The calls and letters keep coming!
From all over the U.S. and Europel
Many thanks to those of you that took the risk to
try the Shasta Design pistons that I introduced
about one and a half years ago to the four cylinder Porsche world. Judging by the overwhelming support and endorsements by some of the
top racers, your faith has been justified. I'm
told over and overthat these pistons~solved
all the previous problems encountered by both
the factory and aftermarket pistons, and they
develop more power!
For those of you that are not familiar with this
product, Shasta Design (exclusively) has designed and developed a high performance piston made from a TRW forged aluminum alloy
that has a very low coeffient of thermal expansion that allows a piston to cylinder clearance of
only 0.0015 inches.This feature keeps the piston and rings in proper alignment to the bore to
assure the best power, oil control, quiet operation, even when starting from cold, and of
course long life.Why pay more for less?
Three piston sizes are now available:
1. 86mm (1720cc) by 9.25:l C.R.
- for street use.
2. 86mm by 10.8:l C.R.
- for racing (105t octane fuel required).
3. 83.5mm by 11.5:l C.R.
- for racing (105t octane fuel required).
Still onlv $650.00 for 4 pistons, rings, lightweight pins and pin locks in the displacement
and compression ratio of your choice. You
supply the Porsche cast iron cylinders and bore
them to size to save even more money.
Developed by: Duane Spencer, author of
Porsche 356 Performance Handbook.
Shasta Design Engineering
22403 Ladeene Avenue
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 378-2032
907-698-1000Tech Line
907-698-1001Fax Line
This is a small sampling of our inventory, call for your specific needs.
S o m e quantities a r e limited
Prices Subject to change
WRSmE 356/912/911
356/912 Compression Ratios Available:
1 7 2 W 8.5:1, 9.5:1, 10.5:l
1640cc- 11.5:l (M.040)
911 81/86mm & 914 95mm in stock
ALSO AVAILABLE: Concours and Vlntage
Race Endne Assemblv
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
Roger Ender
I received a call today (January
'92) that I've been waiting for - for at
least three years. I'm so excited, I'm
writing this less than an hour and a
half after I received that call. It is
like the Lord saying: "Are you ready
?",and I said, "Yes, Lord".
Vic Skirmants called me and
said "Will~wouldyou be our Vintage Racing editor ? You have tried
to participate as a driver and you
already have subscribers to your
raucus 'Punkin Man Papers', so I was
wondering if you could keep every
few other interested parties for the
last 3 or 4 years. It primarily was a
way for drivers to find out how they
finished a race, in case they had to
leave the track early and didn't
want to wait three or four months to
read it in the vintage mags or race
association newsletters. Plus, I had
information on the latest social and
personal goings on and at times four
color prints of everything that rolled
on wheels and walked on two feet.
However, I promised Vic that I
would make my report to the 356
out here in the East. When you read
the ads in a lot of magazines, you
read: "SVRA legal", that can be many
things, but yet, it does show how far
the 'Sportcar Vintage Racing Association" (formerly Southeast) has
come. It has been interesting to see
all that has happened. Right now,
the SVRA is on a straight path, I
hope it stays that way. HSR, or
better known as the Walter Mitty
Challenge Group is making inroads
into the SVRA stronghold - Primarily due to Joe Pendergrast, former
SVRA technical director, being
ousted from SVRA and then joining
HSR. 1991 was interesting and 1992
will be even more interesting in the
vintage racing world.
As the economy goes, so goes
everything else. Participation has
slowed down some and time will
only tell what happens. It is obvious that vintage racing has helped a
lot of race prep shops. Just today, I
received a pamphlet from Time
Berardelli Racing talking about an
engine rebuilding program.
This is the SVRA and HRS remaining schedule for 1992:
SVRA: September 10-13. Watkins Glen; October 2-4, Summit Pt.,
WV; October 23-25, Road Atlanta,
and December 4-6, Moroso, Palm
Beach, FL.
HRS: August 28-30, Mid-Ohio
Historic Challenge, Lexington, OH;
November 13-15, Savannah Historic
Races, Roebling Road, Savannah,
HSR Vintage Enduro - Atlanta, May '92. Jack Lewis' 59/60 Coupe leads the
Speedsters of Joe Cogbill and Weldon Scrogham.
one posted on the vintage racing
scene." I said, "Yes, Vic, but I'm
afraid I can only report on the scene
east of the Mississippi". He stated,
"No one has come to the forefront
from the West, so let's go with what
is happening in the Eastern half of
the country". So, here I am for what
is happening in the old part of the
good old U.S. of A.
As I mentioned earlier, I've been
messing in vintage racing for about
six years and have published a very
informal, but none the less cantroversial newsletter to drivers and a
Registry as generic as possible, and
I'll live up to my word. I feel you
will get an unbiased viewpoint on
the vintage scene.
To give you an idea on how long
I've been driving Porsches, I told
Bruce Jennings last summer that I
wanted to be doing what he was
doing in the ' ~ O ' S , but couldn't afford
it. He told me, he couldn't afford
racing either, but did it anyway.
Consistent. This is not a word
that describes the vintage race scene
over the last few years, at least not
as far as the organization has been
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
Update June 1992
Almost half the year is over and
it seems the slight turn in the economy has improved the grids. MidOhio should provide an interesting
race. It always has a good 356 showing. HRS will have the 356 as the
marque at Road Atlanta in July.
Jack Lewis , driving a 195911960
chopped coupe, continues to run
strong during the early going in 1992.
Mark Eskuche has also done will
with firsts at the SVRA races at
Sebring and Road America. Danny
Marshall, disc brake class and John
Kelly, drum brakes, won the 356
marque only, Brian Redman spon-
Joe Hoppen presents the Eifel Trophy to Danny Marshall.
A sad Cole Scrogham and smiling John Kelly check out the
sored Eifel Trophy Race at Summit Point in May. We are
seeing more and more interest in vintage racing by the
SCCA 'En production drivers. Vic has made a couple of
appearances and Joe Gogbill has co-driven a few races
with John Biggs. It remains to be seen how these guest
appearances fare the rest of the year. If Vic's beard gets
any grayer, he will be an automatic entrant in future
vintage races.
It seems that the Morgans have entered as our chief
competition of late. They did well against us in the early
going, but the 356 contingent has had the upper hand in
early summer races. It has proven to be a good and
friendly confrontation.
Ninety-eight percent of the 356's are running 1600
engines. Tom Trabue and I are running both 1600 and
1300's. I eniog
the small bore
group, I guess i
is because I'm
only 356. When
my '57 1600
coupe acts like
it is lonesome
staying home ir
the garage,
enter i t in group
I'd like tc
hear from you
foIks out West
and would be more than happy to include any information you may have. I have reporters scattered throughout the East and Midwest. I would like to add some input
from the West.
If any of you need information about the vintage
scene East of the Rockies, please let me know and I will
put you on my *Punkin Man Papers" mailing list.
Roger "Pnnkin Man" Ender
Until next time-
TOLL FREE 1-800-843-1343
FAX # 1-303-444-3715
356 USED
B C Front & Rear Guards
Ucense Ute Shine Up
Ucense Ute Shine Down
" C Shoulder.Harnesses Pr
A-BC Lap Belt Pr
B-C Radio w/Cassette
"A" Horn Button
Speedster Seats (fiberglass) Pr
356 Floor Pan Front
356 Floor Pan Rear
"A" Front & Rear Bumpers
Uetz Luggage Rack OE
"A" Radio Cover Plate
A-6-c Longnudlnals
Front Diagonal
Door Posts
Battery Pan A-B-C
"C" Gas Tank Excellent
" A Hood
63 Convertible Decklid OE
" C Engine #730721 (fcty rblt)
Pm-A Seats Good
S-90 Camber Bar Complete
EMPl Modular Wheels " C
"B" Horn ring Excellent
Rear Engine Tin Excellent
Euro Heater Valves & Misc.
Gas Heater Dash Control T-6
Pre-A Visors 54
358 Bosche Euro Headlite Assy 250.00 pr
Roadster Seats
Pre-A Heads with Valves
Pre-A Carbs and Manifolds
Super 90 Engine #Pa04739
Pre-A Fan Shroud
Roadster Visors for pair
" C .Visors for pair
"A" Rear cushion
"A" Hood handle Excellent
T-6 Rear seats Black
60 Roadster 644 Trans
" C Trans Rebuilt (x)
"C Trans BBAA Rebuilt
RlgM & Left Park UgMs T-6 pr.
"C" Seats for pair
Euro Blaupunkt T-6
" C Brakes Complete
" C Crank STISTD w/ MAG
"A" Engine 70067
54 Pm-A Coupe Shell, all panels,
minimal rust, good body
Volume discounts available ask about our engine and transmission rebuild program.
We have over 60 Porsches from 1954 to 1984 for parts
feel free to call or fax the above numbers for your needs.
We also buy used cars & parts.
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
The Maestro
and the Myth
Deep within the Maestro's somewhat twisted brain there lies the
remains of an Ancient Auto Myth.
One he first read a looooonnnngg
time ago in, ifin his memory serves,
Clymer's 356 Porsche Book.
(Back in those Dark Days before
Light, "Secrets", and the Engine Assembly Video Tapes, there were
only Elfrink and Clymer. Books.
Porsche Books. 356 Porsche Books
that is.)
Elfrink's was the better Porsche
book, but Clymers had Redeeming
Social Valve for the Great Diagrams
of the 4-Cam Carrera's Bevel Gear
Drive System- a Mechanical Engineer's Centerfold!) (REAL Carreras,
of course, have 4 Cams. And real
'SC's" have Pushrods. Bill Block says
that. The Maestro agrees.)
Clymer's book also had a Story
in the back, about a guy who drove
into his friendly neighborhood
Porsche dealer to trade in his 356 for
a new 911 (foolish boy that he was356's are now worth LOTS more than
Anyway, as the amazed dealer
looked on, the guy drains the oil
from his old 356 and PUTS THE OLD
Shocking though that might be,
even more shocking was the Fact
that his old oil had over 200,000
miles on it!
Or so said Clymers, in its Telling
of the Myth.
The reason, Clymer explained,
was that like Long Distance Truckers, the guy had used a "Diatomaceous Earth" Oil Filter in his 356 and,
therefore, NEVER HAD TO
And the Wonders of Diatomaceous Earth 011 Filters spread like
Wildfire from that Story- or others
like it.
The Maestro knows that Diatomaceous Earth oil filters are good
filters. They're made from dead little
sea creatures called Diatoms that
have incredible surface area and the
ability to filter out crud and neutralize acids in engine oil. Howeverthey cost more and they DO wear
out eventually, and you can't find
the filters anymore and,...
And then one day, what walks
into the Maestro's Shop, but a n
Original Owner of a 1963 356B Normal- with, guess what, a Diatomaceous Earth Oil Filter!!
Yes, it's true that the '63 Normal
had only a mere 160,000 Original
miles on it, which is low for a Normal, but the HEADS HAD NEVER
Upon seeing that, the Maestro
got excited- for here for once was a
Completed Experiment. One that
could finally answer the questionafter 160,000 miles and Thirty Years
on an Original Engine, using a Diatomaceous Earth Filter, how well
did that filter REALLY work?
Consumer Reports waited
breathlessly for the Report from the
Maestro's Lab.
After a mere 27 years, the
Owner, a Lockheed Engineer in Reentry Systems no less, had finally
decided to have his Normal entered
and turned into a MaestroMaster
SupraNormal. It was Time. It was
also leaking like hell out of every
orifice, and running hotter than
Hades in that warm California Sun.
The Maestro got t h e Dirty,
Greasy job of removing & tearing
down a long-leaking Engine. With
mucho yucko and mucko all over.
He was consoled somewhat by the
fact that everything was Most Definitely Original, as it should be, and
provided Confirming Data on the
Factory's Methods.
Little things such as: Even the
Tail Pipes had 14mm Across The
Flats Nuts and bolts on them! Amazing since all the aftermarket Tail-
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
pipe Kits contain Standard Hardware which now is 13mm Across the
Flats, not 14mm Across The Flats of
long, long ago:.Likewise the 14mm
hardware on the 'J" Tube to muffler
clamps. That you never see nowadays- except on the Maestro's engines, of course.
About the only thing missing
from the Normal was the piece
normally missing- the Oil Pump
Heat Shield. This hardly-ever-seen
rectangular piece fits across the back
middle of the engine- from one
heater box to another- and acts like
a heat shield between the Muffler
and the Oil Pump.
(Actually, it doesn't "act like" a
Heat Shield- it IS a Heat Shield, as
the Owner could tell you, being in
Re-entry Systems.)
The Oil Pump Heat Shield is
also the first piece that falls off a 356!
Highway departments all over the
country must have a huge collection
of these! (Fortunately, so does the
Maestro- as oil pump heat shields
come on the Military Industrial Engines the Maestro gets- and the
Maestro gets more than his fair share
of Military Industrials.) Heat shields
are not allowed to fall off Military
engines. Being totally enclosed, they
have no place to go.
Ah, but I digress. Back to the
Original 1963 356B Normal with
160,000 miles on it- and leaks all
over it! And what wasn't leaking
was stuck together. Intimately. The
push rod tube seals were mated
permanently w i t h the cylinder
heads and refused to separate themselves. Only when the Maestro viciously wrung the push rod tube's
neck did the Original NON-extended push rod tube and Cylinder
Head part company.
(The important word i n the
above sentence is %on-extended".
The non-extended push-rod tube,
was what push rod tubes were way
back then. Current replacement
Push Rod Tubes have a lbxtension
on the sump side. This prevents oil
from flooding into the cylinder
heads on looooong left or right hand
turns. This was a Richard Lukes
invention that the Factory later incorporated into later 912 engines. All
replacement pushrod tubes have a
1" extension on the end you stick
into the crankcase NOT the end you
stick into the head. (Of course, By
Murphy's Law, some fools will put
the 1"extension into the HEAD. They
usually don't win races that way.)
When the Maestro pulled off
the Fan Shroud he found The Reason for the overheating-in-the-california Sun Problem- the Oil Cooler
was COMPLETELY blocked with
OillDirtlCrud on the outside. AND
the cooler was leaking to boot. NO
WONDER it ran hot in the Summer.
And I'm not saying the Oil
Cooler was just "dirtyn- did you
hear? The oil cooler was COMPLETELY blocked with crud! Since
most all the air going to #3 and #4
cylinder has to pass through the oil
cooler, ifin the Oil Cooler is completely blocked with crud, there
ain't much air getting to #3 or #4
cylinder! Again, by Murphy, #3 and
#4 cylinders run the hottest anyway
and need the most cooling. But with
a blocked oil cooler they get little.
Too little. Too late.
This is also another reason why
you want to build leak-free engines.
Otherwise, by the Laws of Murphy,
the oil from ANY leak magically
gets sucked into the fan and deposited on the Oil Cooler fins. Oil covered fins act like oil-bath Air Cleaners and clean the cooling air going to
#3 and #4 cylinders.
Since there's necessarily a LOT
of cooling air going through a
Porsche Air-Cooled Engine, a lot of
dirt collects on the Cooler. And
eventually this dirt fills up and
blocks the left-hand half of the oil
cooler's fins.
Blocking the right-hand half of
the cooler is harder, 'cause the Fan
creates a Centrifugal Separator that
sends oil droplets to the left Hand
side, but given long enough and oily
enough, the cooler will end up
completely blocked. In the Worst
And this was worse than a
Worst Case! Not only was the Oil
Cooler completely blocked with
crud, but there was a PILE of dirt
that completely covered both #3 and
#4 Cylinder fins to a depth of 1"
Is that why it ran Hot? you ask.
But maybe the Diatomaceous
Earth Filter would Save The Day!
The Maestro unearthed the
Valve Cover bail, pried it off and
carefully removed the valve cover
to began his examination of the
Engine's entrails.
As he eyeballed the rocker Entrails, he was Absolutely Amazed at
the performance of the Diatomaceous Earth Oil Filter!
For this engine was, by far:
NEVER had he seen so much
crud inside the valve cover of a 3561
912 engine! Even Engines run with
Arco Graphite when Arco Graphite
was in vogue weren't as gross as this!
In fact, the poor 356 looked like
the '57 Plymouth that once came into
the Maestro's father's junk yard back
in Oh, 1963 or so. Smoking like Hell,
the Plymouth barely made it the
Last Mile to its final resting placethe Junk Yard, bought it for $20.
Though badly smoking, the Plymouth only had 80,000 miles on it.
'How often you change the oil?"
asked the proto-Maestro.
"Change the Oil?" replied the
farmer. "Ah NEVER changed the oil!
Just added a quart now and again.
When it needed it."
The guy NEVER changed the
oil- and it showed- when the Maestro removed the Plymouth's valve
cover. Inside, was a solid mass of
black Jello-like gunk, having the the
impression of the valve cover. Except where moving rockers had
worn a hole in the solid mass of
sludge! Very Impressive.
And this poor Porsche engine
was like that- the valve train and
heads were encrusted with a quarter-inch of Black Goo. The Case
looked like something found in the
LaBrea Tar Pits.
Every square inch inside the
case was slimy with black goo,
sludge and crud.
That's the Bad news.
The Good News is that being
covered in oil-based Crud for neigh
on 30 years meant the parts were
well-PRESERVED! And after immersion in the Maestro's Special
solvents, (He's a Chemical Engineer
too, y'know.) everything cleaned up
remarkably well.
The Case, when cleaned, looked
like new! More importantly, it
checked out like new- OK Standard.
(Well, it WAS a Normal.) As did the
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
Crank. And the Rods. The Cam had
a worn oil pump drive slot, but the
lobes of the low-lift Normal were
Once clean, the Cylinder Heads
looked like a Porsche Advertisement.
The Maestro called the Owner
to give him the Good News and the
Bad News. The Bad News being that
the Engine won the Award for the
Dirtiest Engine the Maestro's Ever
Seen. The Good News being that all
the parts inside were perfect.
The Maestro could stand it no
longer and asked the Owner how
often he had changed the Oil. Like,
had he EVER changed the oil!
Turned out the answer washardly ever. Every 7,000 miles or so.
Whenever the owner got A Round
Tuit. 7000 Mile oil changes for a 356
is close enough to Never for Government Work & All Practical Purposes.
So, 356 Fans, ifin you think a
Diatomaceous Earth oil filter is the
answer to your dirty engine blues,
think again.
Likewise ifin you still believe
in the Myth of the 200,000 mile
Porsche with the Diatomaceous
Earth Oil Filter whose oil was never
changed, DON'T! Believe in the
Tooth Fairy of Santa Claus. It's
cheaper. Cleaner too,
And like Consumer's Reports
says- when CU complied Statistically Significant Data from its readers who had gotten over 100,000
miles on their cars, what was the
Thread? The Common Factor among
owners with 100,000+ miles on their
Zee Answer Pleaze.
You Vant to get a Hundred
Thousand Miles out of your engine?
3,000 miles or less!!! For 365's, with
NO full-flow filter, which is to say
ALL 356's as all 358's have a BYPASS
filter, not a full-flow filter, make
that every 2500 miles. 2000 miles if
you want to be Sure. 1500 miles or
every 6 months if you want to be
REALLY sure.
Many Miles longer.
*I51 Cab complete and ready for
restoration. '57 Speedster, proper and
com lete restoration. Bases and
beze s for turnsignal lights on '50-'51.
Ted Lindh, RD #3, Box 269, Cowdersport, PA 16915, 4121694-8775.
The for sale and wanted mctions are exclusivelg for members' non-commercial usa e. Ads
are limited to 50 words or7ess of
typed copg. We reserve the
right to rqect illegible ads or
even worse, to guess at your
meaning. The right to edit or
refuse publication is reserved;
not responsible for errors or
omissions or misrepresentation.
1. Seller will ship item within
days of receipt of payment.
buyer pa s with personal check,
seller willship within lo days after check is honored.
2. If buyer is not satisfied with tl@
item, buyer may return item
buyer's expense. Within 10
of return of item in same co
tion as received by buyer, seller
will refund the price.
3. Seller assumes risk of non-delivery when item is shipped to
buyer. Buyer assumes risk of nonfc
degvery when item is returned .-,
4. Unless otherwise stated, cost @
shipping will be in addition to
price of item.
5. By placing advertisements "ic&
the 356 Re istry, seller agrees to
these confitions. By or
buyer agrees to these con
In offering a car, please please include your asking
someone a cross-c
call; chassis and
numbers would a
All ads must be r
first of the month
are to appear. Please limit your
ads to 358 items. If your ad arrives
after the deadline, w e will hold it
until the next issue unless you instruct otherwise.
Send your free membe~ads to
Brenda PeWb
2041 Willavvfdk Dziva
Columbus, Ohio 48B2ZPZP
*I51Cab #10333. Original engine was
#30440, a 527 with roller crank and
crash box. These have been replaced
with 1600s engine and 'A' synchro
box. Telefunken radio. Excellent
interior and solid frame. $35,000.
Milton Cooper, 2805 Russell St.,
Berkeley, CA 94705, 5101845-7911.
*'51 coupe missing bum ers, other-
wise very complete an restorable.
$10,000. '55 sunroof coupe with '58
motor, runs well. $13,000. '59 Cabriolet, blue with new top and upholstery, 912 motor, floors replaced by
non-pro craftsman. $15,800. Charles
Coker, 407 Woodland Dr., Hartsville,
SC 29550, fax 8031383-6501, 80313324345 6-10 p.m. EST.
"52 split windshield Cabriolet, 10171,
straight bod , rust, several split case
engines an $ parts, correct bows,
gauges, etc. 16"wheels, workin
Telefunken, tool kit, manuals, wid
not sell separately. $21,000. Brent
Fagan, 808 N. Brookfield, Wichita,
KS 67206, 3161652-0719.
"53 bentwindow coupe #50851, 3
piece 1600 en ine, self contained 12
volt stereo, bfack laquer, beautiful
drivin car, easy concours, engine
needs etailing, many spares including extra transmission, custom bra
and cover. $22,000. Robert Worth,
2312 Bond, Janesville, WI 53545, 6081
756-2544 evesm 6081756-2666 days.
"53 coupe #50187, 1500N #31460,
1500N long stroke, partially disassembled. Has gauges, bumpers and
banjo steering wheel. No radio or
faceplate. 15" wheels. Missing trim.
Vintage racing candidate. $6800. Ed
Anspach, RD #1, Box 6818, Grantville,
PA 17028, 7171865-5428.
*'54 Speedster #80030, 30th of 200.
Older restoration in excellent condition. New carpet, vinyl, canvas to .
16"wheels. Everything is correct. A 1
numbers match. Original 1500N with
factory replacement case. $58,000.
Two twin grille Roadsters and '55
Speedster needing restoration with
new floor pans. Bill Rienecke, 8021
*Two'54 bent window coupes. #52888
is totally complete with engine
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
#33573, solid, straight body, 16"
chromes. All numbers match, no hits.
#52476, no engine, usual rust areas,
numbers match, no hits. Both for
$10,000. '65 coupe, slate gray, red
interior from headliner to floor.
Needs front closing panel. Strong
engine. $6800. All 3 for $16,000.
William Batte,29 Flint Meadow Dr.,
Brookline, NH 03033, 6031673-3851
late eve.
3 4 Cabriolet #60539. Authentic
Lukes & Shorman rebuilt 2-piece
case 1500N, #31322. Very complete
with good body. Pre-A gauges and
18"wheels dated '54. Sleeping Beauty
awaits concours charm. $35,000. Will
consider 3561'A' coupe partial trade.
Chuck Hoover, Box 523, Inverness.
CA 94937, 4151669-7100.
*'55 coupe #53747. A Pre-A project car
that is worth saving for a driver or
vintage racer. $6950 with motor,
$5950 without. Ted Zombek, 61418990904.
*I55 Cabriolet, very solid, straight
and rust free, never wrecked, doors
and unbroken hood align well.
Complete with all glass, seats and
bumpers. Restoration project abandoned in early '70's and car in dry
storage since. $15,750. Ken Dau herty, 1611 Russell Ave., Louisvi le,
KY 40213, 5021451-3425.
"55 bent window coupe #53547, in
restoration, professional1 rebuilt
'58 super motor, battery loor, left
longitudinal, half floor replaced. No
rust in outer body. Car completely
stripped. Have com lete car. $5000.
Dan Sybert, 517 hlBengate Terrace,
Midlothian, VA 23113, 8041379-7911
after 5 p.m.
"55 Speedster #80373, engine #35410.
Fresh Turkish Red Glasurit to ori inal formula. Professional instal ation of floor, longitudinals, closin
panels, battery box and diagonaf
Complete with 16"color coordinated
wheels with Micheline X. You provide mechanical restoration, fabrics,
assembly and trim. Dennis Frick, 2
Pine Tree Drive RD 1,New Cumberland, PA 17070,7171774-6302 days and
eves until 10 ET.
*'55 coupe #53108, engine #34261,
88,000 miles, Telefunken, 16"wheels,
special finned wheel covers, original, new brakes and shocks. $8000.
Gene Schaeffer, 4904 Raffee Cove,
Austin, TX 78731,5121346-8855 after 6
*'57 Speedster #82856, BlacklBlack.
100% restored. Acid dipped. New
w i r e harness. Complete brakes,
shocks, rebuilt trans, engine, etc.
Must sell. $85,000 OBO. Ed Lackie,
250 Flower St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627,
"57 Coupe #100516, no title. Missin :
engine; trunk and engine covers; le t
'door; bumpers and trim. Rough and
rusty. '65 coupe #130366, engine
#732236. Restored '87. Guards Red1
black vinyl interior. Nardi wheel.
European heater. 12 v. conversion
except wiper motor and starter.
Painted wheels. $18,400. Dennis
Bogle, 2711 Middlebush Dr., Columbia, MO 65203-1518, 3141445-3392.
"57 sunroof coupe #100464, teardrop
tail lights. Complete restoration in
silver with navy interior, German
carpet and headliner. '66 912 engine
installed but fresh '57 engine with
Zeniths available in exchange. 741
transaxle and shifter. Man extras
include rare built into boBy Hella
29110 aux. driving lights. $27,500 OBO
or take parts or pro'ect part exchange. '62 twin gri le Karmann
hard top full reatoration. Russell
Ulrich, 19744 Echo Blue Dr., Penn
Valley, CA 95946, 9161432-2499.
*I58 Speedster #84509. Complete1
disassembled. Restoration s t a r t e i
Stripped by Redi Strip. All major
parts are there. 90% of rust replaced
with new metal. Front end needs
some work. $25,000. Karl Schon, 351
W. 22nd Ave., Vancouver, B.C.
CANADA V5Y 2G3, 8041874-3648.
*I58 Speedster #84734. White with
red interior. Carrera brakes, 'S' engine. Great shape. $48,000. '63 coupe,
vintage racer. $16,000. Ralph
McCracken, 6109 Chickering Ct.,
Nashville, TN 37215, 6151371-9713
*I58 coupe. Florida car. Little rust.
Good body, floor. New brakes,
shocks. Electric works. Com lete car.
New VW motor runs good. &999. Joe
Donnatello, 79 Anavan Rd., N. Attleboro, MA 02760, 5081695-6334.
"59 Cabrioletlhardtop #152110 with
'C' engine. Originally delivered to
Japan. Auratium Green, silver hardtop. Very good condition and driven
often but needs restoring. $17,500.
Factory calendars '65 thru '92 in
original boxes with coins. Excellent
condition. Sell as a collection. Make
a reasonable offer. Jim Breeden, 9233
N. Silver Lake Dr., Leesburg, FL
34788, 9041326-3022.
*I59 Cabriolet #152114, steel hardtop,
1600N engine #74463. Basket case but
many new sheet metal and hard
parts. $1500. John Stoianoff, 1402 8th Ave., Lewiston, ID 83501,20817430168 or 2081746-1383 weekdays.
"59 Convertible D #86303. Never
offered before. In stora e since '71.
Rough, having had ear y amateur
restoration. Totally rebuilt b u t
never installed engine. Have misplaced bumpers. Will trade for any
running 356, 912 or cash. Michael
Beaton, South Side Harbour, Antigonish, N.S. CANADA B2G 2L4,9021
"59 Convertible D #86206, engine
603642. Body in primer. New pan,
diagonals, rockers, longitudinals,
battery box, Konis, brakes rebuilt.
Strong engine with Solex P40's. All
the hard work is done. Ready for
project finish. $23,000. Ed Kollar, RR
2, Box 1230, Morrisville, VT 05661,
8021223-3059 eves.
"59 Convertible D #86438, en ine
P74343, 1600N. rollin chassis. c%assis, floor, doors, lid, ood, all excellent and detailed, in primer, all arts
removed bead blasted, painteB top
and glass complete. Needs assembly
and detailing. All parts here except
bumpers. $25,500 OBO. Paul Segal,
100 Washington St., Newport, RI
02840, 4011274-2600 days, 40118487088 eves.
"59 sunroof coupe #105627. Aquamarine /red leather. Ground-up restoration com leted 12/91: new paint;
rubber; up olstery; carpet; gauges;
chrome; 5.5" wheels and Comp TA's,
more. $25,000/0ffer/trade for 911.
Gerry Kleckner, 1755 Concordia Rd.,
Wayzata, MN 55391, 6121471-7344.
*I60 Roadster #88873, 1600N en ine
X604623, Signal Redrblack leatler.
Calif. car. No rust. Documented restoration, concours inside and out,
top to bottom. Tool kit. Over $75,000
invested. Zero miles. Will discuss
price. W.S. Randall, 4016 Medina
Way, Sebring, FL 33872.
*'60 T-5 coupe #112600 red with black
interior. Excellent summer driver.
Clean and sharp. Stored winters.
$14,000 OBO. Steve Helfer, 70816829496 after 5 p.m.
*'60 cou e #110217, Guards Red. Used
for dai y transport. Engine overhauled 2000 miles ago. New engine
mounts, carbs rekitted, etc. Engine
and wheel numbers match. Eye
catching solid car. $8000 OBO. Bill or
Pete Honeycutt, P.O. Box 351822,
Palm Coast, FL 32135, 9041446-5204,
fax 9041445-9093.
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. :
*'60 T-5 sunroof coupe #109800,
l6OON engine. All numbers match.
Red with black interior. Fresh engine and transaxle. $10,000 OBO
includes parts car #115160. '61 coupe
less engine. Terry Moehnke, RR3,
Box 81, Fort Dodge, IA 50501, 51519551871 eves.
*'61 S-90 Roadster, 1 owner 30 years.
All original parts, great condition.
Factory documented. $35,000. Bob
Burnside, Box 3055, Palm Desert, CA
92261, 6191341-4284.
*I61 Roadster #88368, blackltan, 6000
miles on professional, ground-u
restoration, 500 miles on origina
appearing "massaged" 1600N. $49,000
OBO. Zeke Sampson, 50 E. Farm Ln.,
Ridgefield, CT 06877, 2031431-0910
eves, 2031431-9852 days.
*'61 Roadster #88447, red with balck
interior. New top, brakes, etc. Rebuilt S-90 engine. Calif. car. Excellent driver. $32,500. No trades. 356
Speedster seats, repro any color.
Includes frames, hinges and mtg.
hardware. Shipping included in
USA. $1650 per pair. Bruce Bartells,
P.O. Box 1756 Huntington Beach, CA
92647, 7141549-1377.
*'62 Karmann hardtop #202143, engine #607644. T-6 body. Twin grille.
Very rare. One of only 700 production. Completely original car. Excellent original paint. Concours winner. Champaign Yellowltan. Arizona
car. Never rust. Needs nothing.
$26,000. Bill Green, P.O. Box 1467,
Wickenburg, AZ 85358, 6021684-2666
home, 6021684-2833 work.
*'62 Cab. #156117, both tops, complete.
Rough but restorable. $5500. '56
sunroof coupe #56499. Original enine and trans. Restoration would
e a miracle. Parts value at $2800.
Myron Vernis, 475 Winfield Way,
Akron, OH 44303, 2161836-4770.
"62 Roadster #89832, twin grille,
D'Iteren, incredible ground-up restoration. Bali Blue with matching
top. Gray interior. All numbers
match. Correct motor by the "Maestro". $89,000. Trades considered. Fran
Cosentino, 7161244-5400 or 71616244025. Fax 7161244-0628.
"62 Rally car (Carrera replica) fully
reconditioned and in excellent condition. Rebuilt 912 engine with big
bore kit, Webers and Bursch racing
exhaust. $18,000. For further info,
photos and spec sheet call John
McCormack, 9081446-4512 after 4
p.m. EST.
"62 T-6 Cabriolet #156257. This beautiful car has been garaged by same
Calif. owner for the last 20 ears.
Fresh ivory paint, restoredi red
leather interior, restored black top.
Factory hardtop available. Cardex.
$40,000. Mike Hayworth, 127 Montecito Ave. 17, Monterey, CA 93940,
"62 Cabriolet #I56963 T-6 with
#P702908 1600S. Soft top and rare,
ori inal hardtop. Driven daily until
Black leather, working
original Blau unkt. Usual rust.
Absolutely wily not part-out. Must
be sold intact to "preserve history."
Drive as is, or use for ideal restoration opportunity. $14,000 OBO. Eric
Burgoyne, 1403 Main St., Evanston,
IL 60202, 7081869-5293 home, 31218619292, ext. 251 ofc.
"63 Super coupe, Bali Bluelred
leather, 3-band radio. No accidents
or rust. 27,000 original miles. Best
offer. Has not been driven in years.
Phillip Pfaendler, 6912 Sierra Bonita
Way, Sacramento, CA 95831, 91614286450.
*I63 sunroof coupe #121960 with '58
engine #73291. Car is white with
brown interior. Could be a good
driver with very small investment.
Will consider trade for '64-'65 SC
cou e. $7500. Jim Keys, 9647 S.W.
1471% Court, Miami, FL 33196, 3051
382-3972 home, 3051348-3268 office.
"'63 with l600N engine built by Lutz
Comp engineering, LA, CA. Less than
5000 miles, runs ood, new brakes,
suspension, shoc s. $10,000. Have
many parts and one 'A' hood for sale.
S-90 case, Zenith carbs. Charles
Trott, 1101 Powderhorse Canyon,
Kin man, AZ 86401, 6021753-4166.
wid consider some trades. VW,
motor cycle, etc.
"63 coupe, T-6 body #212039, 1600N.
Owned 20 years from original
owner. Unrestored, very good 100%
ori inal car. Solid floors and longitufinals. Never wrecked. Everything is tight and fits right. $8500
OBO. Trip & Pam Trull, 5347 Pine
Ave., Orange Park, FL 32073,90412643524 eves.
*'63 coupe #211447, engine #P609010.
Owned since '65, restored '88. Cloud
white exterior, all new interior
(original green). 5K miles on rebuilt
1720 cc neutrally balanced standard
Webbers.Many spares, manuals. WI
S wipers not working. $14,800. Gordon Wallace, 188 N. Spruceway,
Waldport, OR 97394, 5031563-2740.
*I63 Cabriolet #157154. 1600s
#P703487. 47,000 actual original
miles. White with original interior
and black leather seats. Numbers
match on all body parts and mechanical~.High quality, ori inal
factory bod panel fit. 0riginaB bill
of sale andi paperwork, tools. 6th
place win 1990 Parade concours.
Over $60,000 invested. $40,000.
Carey Kendall, 8051966-7724.
*'63 cou e, normal, original owner,
restore2 numbers match. $15.000.
John St. Marie, 1358 Hymettus Ave.,
Encinitas, CA 92024, 6191753-3184.
*'64 coupe #217124. Hand rubbed
lacquer redltan, ground-up bare
metal restoration, NOS match, engine rebuiltldetailed, all new interior as original, all new rubber,
Konis, Pirellis, 5 chrome wheels, rare
Porsche air (not installed),southern
carlno rust. $22,000. Charles Gatewood, 4019 -28th Ave., Phenix City,
AL 36867, 2051297-4011.
*'64 coupe, numbers match, black
with red interior, chrome wheels,
102,300 ori inal miles. 2400 miles
since comp ete restoration (invoices
available). Over $27,000 invested.
Full set interiorlexterior photos ($25
refundable deposit). $21,700. John,
8031799-1244 ofc., 8031254-6821 home.
"64 SC coupe #128214, rare sunroof,
redlblack, 7000 miles on bare metal
restoration. Fresh engine rebuild.
Strong driver. New Pirellis. Original
Blaupunkt. Garaged. $22,000. Marr
Mullen, 5233 - 82nd Ave. SE, Mercer
Island, WA 98040, 2061232-5143.
"64 2000 GS Carrera 2 sunroof coupe
#126475, blacklblack. 2.5 year 100 pt.
restoration of 56,000 original mile
Calif. car. Correct engine, 741-8A
trans. All body panels match, many
factory options, truly one of the
finest in captivity. $175,00Olpartial
trade consider. Rich Oakes, 52 Locust
St., S. Hampton, NH 03827, 60314748770 days.
*'64 coupe #I31324 European car.
Motor rebuilt according to the
Maestro. Original German title and
rust. $5000. Norman Washer, 1213
Kerns Ave., Roanoke, VA 24015, 7031
*I65 coupe #219380, Blacklblack. Exdellent condition. All numbers
match. Restored. Like new throughout. Detailed engine. Chrome
wheels. New interior, windshield,
tires. Complete with tool kit. $22,500.
Howard & Doreen Burr, 825 Paseo
Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80907, 7191
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
*'65 SC coupe vintage race car. Fresh
engine, limited slip differential, and
all the right stuff. Won many 1st and
2 n d ~SVRA
and HSR legal. Fast and
ready. 'C' engine #710794, clean, comlete and in excellent condition.
1700. '65 SC transaxle complete.
$900. New SC German crankshaft in
original box. $1100. Much more. Bob
Maholick, 435 Watergate Way,
Roswell, Ga 30076, 4041641-7731.
*I65 #221642, excellent condition,
nearly original, redlblack, never
crashed, owned 19 years, no rust on
pans or battery box. Stock engine,
Solex carbs, new clutch, pressure
plate, bearing and cable. Leather
interior, headliner excelllent.
Blaupunkt AMIFMISW. New Pirellis. Owners manual, tool kit, lug a e
rack. $15.500. Jeff or Kathy ~ i c % o f s ,
12428 Alta Mesa, Auburn, CA 95603,
*'65 coupe #222538, Irish Greenlfawn.
Excellent original condition with
detailed documentation. 85K miles.
$17,500. '65 SC coupe #219471 Signal
Redlsaddle leather. 91K miles. Completely restored as original. $22,500.
Tom Blessent, 57 La Costa Court,
Laguna Beach, CA 92651,7141497-1766
"65 SC British coupe. Rare righthand drive. Recent restoration. Red
leather interior (all seats and panels), new items: all lights and
chrome; headliner; windshield;
window seals; paint (red lacquer);
radial tires; brake hoses; clutch;
rings. Original PYE radio. 71,269
miles. $13,000. Jay Panzarella, 600
Grant St. 42nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA
15219, 4121566-6125.
"65 cou e #221317, Signal Redlblack,
very soyid original Texas car with
excellent original floors, original
excellent interior, factory authentic
AIC, doc. matching #s, ainted once,
never wrecked. Exce lent unmolested example. $15,500 OBO or trade
wlcash for BIC Cab. Michael Marino,
3516 NW 3rd St., Gainesville, FL
32609, 9041375-8236, 9041378-0192.
*I65 cou e #222308, engine #P705196,
5000 m i e s on rebuilt engine with
new crank shaft. Rust free Calif. car.
Newer upholstery and carpeting.
Extra short block. $16,000. 31212827333 eves.
*'65 Cabriolet #161047, 68K original
miles, proper restoration in pro ress. '59 cou e #106139. silver/blac\,
82K origina? miles, original pan.
excellent mechanicals. Porsche suspension special tools. Additional
vehicle of Porsche heritage, excellent original condition. Prefer to sell
as package in 30's. Peter Gruner, 1411
NW 2nd St., Gainesville, FL 32601,
9041375-7084 any time.
"65 coupe, major restoration project
90% complete, including new floor
pan, battery box, longitudinals, door
bottoms, engine comp. pan. Car currently in primer and ready to paint.
No engine. Original color Ruby Red.
$12,800. William Terbell, 722 Revere
Rd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137, 70818582539.
*'A' complete nose clip. Perfect reroduction and needs absolutely no
Earnmering or tinkering. This is
heaven. $3000 delivered US. Also 'A'
rear clip again, the real thing and
correct, authentic and no need to
fuss with $2500. Wind wings for 'A'.
$800 pair. M. Lederman, 100-15 Asch
Loop, Bronx, NY 10457.
*Full set of English Christos, #1 #233. make offer for set. English
Christos from #26, 3160 for sale individually; Panos back to 11159; posters
from the '80's. Lots of 911, etc. lit from
'65 to date. Stu Stout, 3488 Iris Ct.,
Boulder, CO 80304, 3031924-4070 ofc.,
3031444-4656 home.
'356 engine cases, heads and more.
Flywheels, 'C' gas tank, Solex carbs
like new, alloy rear grilles for T-6.
New Hella fog li ht in box. Many
misc. parts. SASE for list. Bill Miller,
783 Raymond Ave., St., Paul, MN
55114, 6121644-4336.
'Excellent 009 distributor. $35. 'C'
engine sheetmetal an at rear of
engine (covers muff er). $125. Misc.
32mm Solex carburetor pieces. $2$50. 2 piece 912 vertical engine
shrouds trimmed for Dellorto intake
manifolds. $15. Rechromable pre-A1
A horn grilles. $20. 'A' voltage regulator (3 mounting holes). $50. Steve
Proctor, 11398 Paseo Albacete, San
Diego, CA 92129, 6191672-3606.
*NOS80 liter "GT" gas tank and NOS
tank straps for late 'A' or early 'B'
GT cars; the "Schmid" tank, as recently described in the Registr by
Cole Scrogham. This version o!the
big gas tank has not been reproduced. $3900. Lew Markoff, 20218290391 eves and weekends to 11 p.m.
*356 Parts: 1 set fir bumpers for 'A';
rear has exhaust cutouts. $5001set.
New set pre-A rocker panels. $5001
set. New set fir bumper guards for
'A' #644.505.031.02 and #644.505.032.02.
$160lset. Other parts mail or fax for
list. Brad Urmston, RR1, Box 282A,
Pittstown, NJ 08867, 9081730-6881, fax
"C' seats (pair) good condition, hardware excellent; jum seats included.
$275. .'C' chrome wgeels (4.5 x 15)
includes hubca s, excellent condition. $375.
carbs with manifolds and air cleaners. $240. Tom
Weaver, 20882 E. Parliament Place,
Parker, CO 80134, 3031841-8642.
eni it%
*Carburetors: pair Solex 40 Pll-4
from 912 engine plus manifolds. $200
FOB. Eric Bretzel, 12314 Granada,
Leawood, KS 66209, 9131681-2323
days, 9131491-6728 eves.
*Reproduction of pre-A knobs. Rear
quarter windows (acorn sha ed
tops). $70 pair. Shifter with in ent
on top. $85. Telefunken radio, glass
dial vertical button. $50. Considering making complete set of dash
knobs. Please inquire. Jim Kymer,
2011765-0319 after 7 p.m. EST.
'Set of 'C' disk brakes. $800. 'C' transmission. $800. Rear 'C' tubes and disk
brakes. $500. S-90 engine. $3000. GT
plastic coupe door windows. New
roller crank parts. W.M. Curnow, 12
Tenby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083.
*1500N (type 546) case. $250. 1500N
P&C (for recond). $40014. Pre-A flywheel. $150. 'C' air cleaners (rest/
concours). $100 pair. 'A' 1600 heads.
$175 pair. CISC mains (newlstd). $50.
'C' voltage reg (new). $60. 'A' Porsche
script (new). $20. 'C' oil cooler (NOS).
$150. Zeke Sampson, 50E. Farm Ln.,
Ridgefield, CT 06877, 2031431-0910
eves., 2031431-9852 days.
"65 Cabriolet top, good condition.
$1500. Robert Donnelly, 6767 Bear
Creek Blvd., White Haven, PA 18661,
"A' rear bumper wlo exhaust cutouts (needs work) $150. Pre-A Hazet
450 17 x 19 (trade only). 'C' gen.
wrench. $35. 'C' lugnut wrench. $50.
DIN 895 17119 + 10114. Red Messko,
pre-T2 interior door handles rechromed. $751pair. 'A' plastic wheel
(425 mmlgrey). $225. 'C' seats (dark
brown). $2001pair. More available.
See Wanted. Jerry Haussler, Box 685,
San Mateo, CA 94401, 4151594-2919
*Misc. 356 parts, books, factory
manuals, some accessories. Mainly
'B' and 'C' stuff. SASE for list. Will
sell as a lot or by the piece. Leaving
the hobby. Buyer pays shipping.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
Doun Lvons. Rt. 2, Box 207, Warren"C' engine #730593, complete rebuild,
new pistons, cylinders, valves,
guides, cam, etc. $2850. 6v Electric
Tach, never used, with rebuild invoice from VDO. $250. Two luggage
racks and misc. small parts. Jim
Tobey, 715 Kimry Moor, Fayetteville, NY 13066, 3151422-0487 days, 3151
637-8407 eve.
'Pre-A NOS taillight bases, bezels,
lenses, both styles; aluminium with
chromed brass bezel for pointed
lenses, also other style beehives to
fit America Roadster, Glaser cabs,
etc., red backup light lense, red rectangualr taillights + bases, marron
turn signal ti , clear license lense,
clear backup yense. C. Morley, Box
1705, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, 3101
371-3919, fax 310 371-4827.
*Seat belts. Chrome buckle with
Porsche crest with mounting hardware and instrucitons in black, tan
or red belting. Top quality. Aircraft
specs. $781pair includes shipping and
handling in US. only. Bob Lawson,
P.O. Box 3814, Carmel, CA 93921, 4081
*Continental script, beautiful reproduction. Top concours quality. $2501
pair. Paul Goldzung, 5015 Pleasant
Hill Rd., Athens, OH 45701-9577, 6141
*Red fold down seat backs and cushions in very good condition for T-6.
$100. Bill O'Brien, 5 Circuit Rd. A33,
New Rochelle, NY 10805, 91412354178.
*2 'A' NOS rear drums to trade for 'A'
front drums. '64 trans, good no
brakes. $800.2 heads for S-90 'B', '63,
good. $200. 1 ZF box. $100. 1 set 'B'
drums f&r. $400. 2 backing plates
powder coated. $75. '64 s indles,
rotor, calipers. $350. 1 tach Sated 555, good & hoodshade. $125. Jay Patrick, P.O. Box 998, Manhattan Beach,
CA 90266, 3101546-2972.
*Parting 'C' transmission. $800. transmission lock wlkey. $55. Complete
set of disk brakes. $750. Gas tank.
$300. Electric tach. $100. Window
regulators. $65. Cab top frame assembly. Cab inside mirror. $65.
Complete set of Re istrys Vol. 1-1
thru present. Best offer. Buyer pays
shipping. Bob Cagle, 7944 Hillandale
Dr., San Diego, CA 92120, 61915834931.
'1300 S engine #P33125, clean, complete except flywheel. $2800. '59
Reutter hardtop #4485. All Sekurit
glass. $1000. 'B' model transaxle.
Photos available. B.D. S alding, 113 64th St.. Virginia ~ e a c g .VA 23451,
8041425-9494 days, 8041428-3474 eves.
'Universal engine gasket set for 'B'
1600, 1600S, or 1600 S-90 #616-100184-00 (like in travel kit). NOS in
Porsche marked box. Best offer.
Camber compensator b a r w i t h
mounting hardware and rubber
transmission mount. Best offer.
Becker radio 12v from earl 60's
with se arate shortwave aiapter
(mint). 8450. Perfect BIC steering
wheel. Charlie White, 5801 E. Calle
Del Media, Phoenix, AZ 85018, 6021
949-8096 eve, 6021224-1294 day.
*'63-4 coupes, complete cars for parts.
Lots of ABC parts. Speedster top
bow, f&r bumpers. BIC bumper
guards. $90 each. 'C' tool kit, 'B' travel
kit, coupe, Cab, Roadster doors. Send
for 300 item list. Alex Bivens, 16082
Davis Ln., Huntington Beach, CA
92649,7141892-5050 days, 7141840-2069
*356 car models $10 and up. 356 car
buttons, 2.25" b/w line drawing. $5
each or 3 for $10. Send SASE for lists,
etc. Elmer Langren, 9548 Oliver No.,
Minneapolis, MN 55444.
'356 engine IC. All models used and
new. Call For prices or SASE for
same. 'B' T-6 cou e, apart for 10
years. Some parts g r 356 cars. Send
SASE with your needs. Jeff Langren,
9548 Oliver No., Minneapolis, MN
"59 Convertible D top, original top
fabric, perfect with latches. $2000
FOB. Continental scripts. NOS. Offers or trade. Deta battery decal,
high quality screen print. $12.
Abarth Turin-Italy scripts for GTL
Carrera perfect lost wax castings.
Inquire. John Paterek, 13 Commerce
St., Chatham, NJ 07928, 2011635-5924.
*T-6 B tools. C tool kit complete and
original, $900. Hazet tourist can,
show condition, $1400. A and C
travel kits, restored steering wheels,
A hood, '57 engine, '64 C en ine, preA interior lights, Hella 128 og lights
with switches and relay, $900. A
rear guards, tool ba s, Mesko leather
bags, N.O.S. sunroof parts, A brakes.
many quality parts. Victor J. Miles,
Days 8051963-2867, Eves 8051688-7953
'356 go-kart, a n y condition. '62
wrenches with Porsche stamped in
the center, ood condition prefered.
Bruce ~arteyls.7141549-1377 CA.
*'A' front seats and rear seat complete '58-'59. Any 'A' luggage. 16"
wheels (5). 74112 tranny complete.
Vent window assembly for BIC
coupe. Rear side windows with
frames. Banjo steering wheel. Rear
license lights usable. Pre-A sunroof
coupe and SC Cabriolet. Could be
pro'ect cars but prefer running cars.
cash buyer. M. Lederman. 100-15
Asch Loop, Bronx, NY 10475.
German Christos #1-17. Any 356 sales
lit, factory 356 era posters. Any press
kits, Pano 12/55 & 7156. Registry Vol.
1 #2-6. Distler Porsche toys. Factory
issued S eedster plate and salt &
pepper s akers from the early 60's.
Stu Stout, 3488 Iris Ct., Boulder CO
80304, 3031924-4070 o~c.,30314444856
*Speedster, Roadster, Conv. D, front
clip to mate to my rear cli for
"Econo" racer. Doors, winds ield
frame, top bows or another shell,
crashed, rust, burned, 0.k. Anything
considered. Volkswagen "special"
bodies from Europe: Rometsch;
Denzel; Hebmuller; Wendler;
Dannhauer. OKRASA motor + BRM's
rims, VW double cab pick-up for
sho truck. C. Morley, Box 1705,
~ e g n d oBeach, CA 90278, 310-3713919, fax 310-371-4827.
*Owners of '54 Speedster #80120 and
80121 please contact me regarding
important information about these
cars. N.K. Nielsen-Sigler or Ken
Provasi. Do you know the whereabouts of these Speedsters? Thanks
for your help! Don Zingg, 972 Carnation, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1742, 7141
751-1138 eves.
'Complete carburetor connecting
rod assembly for Solex 32 PBIC carbs
(item 1 2 thru 26 illustrated on page 7
'A' exploded parts diagram). Need
pair 32 PBIC manifolds and original
mesh air cleaners. Russell Ulrich,
19744 Echo Blue Dr., Penn Valley, CA
95946, 9181432-2499.
"A' sunroof coupe project car. Would
like a mostly complete car with
minimal rust. Please no junk. Include description and photos. Need
metal coat hooks for early 'A' coupe.
James E. Rogers, 3906 E. Garryana
Dr., Beals AFB, CA 95903.
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
'356 club pen pals from other countries. If you or a friend belong to 356
Club Deutschland, Amicale Porsche
356 CH or any other 356 club, please
write me. Back issues of the Registry: Vol. 12 #3 and Vol. 11 and back.
Will consider a complete set. Paul J.
Goldzung, 5015 Pleasant Hill Rd.,
Athens, OH 45701 USA.
*Registry issues Vol. 1 #l thru Vol. 4
#2. Panorama 12155 thru 12165. Christos #1 thru 126. Binders for any of the
above. Gary R. Engel, 1220 SW Morrison #1300, Portland, OR 97205, 5031
220-5980 days.
'356 lap and shoulder belt combination set to fit T-6 coupe. Pair of Hella
fog lights and switch, floor mats and
luggage rack to fit single rille lid.
Fred Otjen. 17759 ~ v e r l o o %Circle.
Lake Oswego, OR 97034,5031697-9460.
'Early style non-sealed beam headlights with round prism lenses. PreAlAiB engine sheetmetal pan at rear
of engine (covers muffler). Pre-A
glove compartment box. Early '54
shift knob. 16" wheels (Lemmerz 11
54. Sudrad 10154, Lemmerz 2155) to
buy or trade. 1 6 h h e e l centers or
wheels with bad rims to fit my good
outside rims. Steve Proctor, 11398
Paseo Albacete, San Diego, CA 92129,
'Metal license plate frame with
dealer name from 60's. Help me
finish restoration of my driver ('64
SC). Plastic frames look awful. Richard Cross, P.O. Box 46166, Garland,
TX 75046.
*Early 911 factory sport seats with
removable head rests. .William
Batte, Brookline, NH 03033, 60316733851 late eve. EST.
'Trailer hitch for 356. Cab top bows.
Have Conv. D top bows to trade. L.
Beck, 4909 Orchard Ave. #303, San
Diego, CA 92107.
*Pirelli P3 185170 SR 15 tire
desparately needed. Good used or
new. Tire not made any more (P3).
Have P6 185165 R15 to trade. Will
urchase outright. Call collect. EckEard Schell. 1091 Pascoe Ave. San
Jose, CA 4081267-2341 eve. PST.
'Need one (want 2) Lemmerz 4.5 x 15
wheels dated 2157. Bob Jerni an, 8812
N. MacArthur Terrace. 0flahoma
City, OK 73132, 4051721-1961 or 4051
Continued next page
''A' tool kit and travel kit parts. T-2
combo gauge. SWF (glass) rear reflectors. Uncut fuel line between
ump and carbs. 'A' tool kit jack
have 'B' type to trade). Shine up
backup lens. Oval Speaker grilles.
Bosch ignition switch and key. Euro
lenses #4474. Lemmerz wheels (101
57). See For Sale. Jerry Haussler, Box
685, San Mateo, CA 94401, 41515942919 eve.
*'A' sho manual supplement with
correct {inder. Looking for 356 era
technical bulletins. Have some to
trade or will purchase. Mark
Bouljon, 2214 Canyon Creek Plaza,
Richardson, TX 75080, 2141235-6464.
"A' rear window glass. Must be free
of scratches. Kink free 'C' hood. 6000
RPM red line electric tach. Disk
brake conversion pieces. Terry
Moore, 550 Highland Dr., Danville,
CA 94526, 510-837-6717.
'730718. Yes, the long lost motor is
still lost. Luckily we still have a few
years before the turn of the century
when I have decided to ive up.
Thanks for all the calls a n 3 letters.
Dave Boyer, 564 Doris Dr., Lebanon,
PA 17042, 7171272-4452.
'Speedster #83671. Myron Vernis, 475
Winfield Wav, Akron, OH 44303,
'GT gas tank ('A'). GT bumper trim.
GT brakes. Louvered engine lid for
coupe and Speedster. See For Sale.
W.M. Curnow, 12 Tenby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083.
'Swap Re istrys Vol. 2 #4 & 6, Vol. 3
#I & 2. Vof 10 #5 and 6, Vol. 11#I and
2, Val: 12 #5 and 6. Need Vol. 1 #3, 4,
5, and 6. Bill O'Brien, 5 Circuit Rd.
A33, New Rochelle, NY 10805, 9141
'Timing case cover 'A' #69177 for '58
or close number. 2 NOS F-A drums.
Have 2 NOS 'A' rear to trade. 4
wheels date stamped 3158. Dash
mounted hand throttle assembly.
Jay Patrick, P.O. Box 998, Manhattan
Beach, CA 90266, 3101546-2972.
Parts Manual I (Ersatzteil-Katalog I)
Information on 1952 Porsche coupe
serial number 11994. FOR 356C: 12v
356C wiper motor, pai r of red brown
leather seats, EARLY 911: one 34mm
venturi for 911 Solex, 912 VDO special oil pressurelamp meter (110.021
32/spec),W orkshop and Parts Manuals: pre A, 911SC. Spyder, 904. TECHNICAL BULLETINS. Panoramas
prior to 1958. German Christophorus
(1-17); Annual Automotive Review1
Automobile Year; VW Greats Prior
to Feb. '75. Wm. Block, 12111 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20852 3011
946-5564 eve, 816-2042
Books - Porsche 356 8r KS Spyders
24.00; Porsche Story, 4th ed. 40.00; 911
or 356 Performance Handbook 15.00;
Porsche 356 Authenticity, First Edition "'half price*" 10.00, Second Edition 20.00, Hardbound & Numbered
45.00; How to Make an Old Porsche
Fly 85.00; Porsche - Fine Art of the
Sports Car 85.00; Porsche Factory
Tour 1960 30.00; Excellence Was
Expected 65.00; Porsche 356 or
Porsche 911 18.00; Gmiind Owner's
Manual 20.00; Porsche Toys and
Miniatures 200.00 BLOCK'S BOOKS
911 a speciality, also Mercedes, Ferraris, interesting sportscars and
water cooled Porsches.
Late Additions to Classified:
358 Parts German parts only! Front
wheel cylinders $70, rear $30, 356Al
B master cylinder $75, 356C master
cylinders $60,356AIB fuel pump kits
$21, 3561912 fuel pump $90, 3561912
push rods $10.50, push rod tubes
$5.50, Mailing list, United German
Imports, RR1, Box 282A, Pittstown,
NJ 08867. Fax (201) 402-8122 Telephone (908) 730-6881
Closing Date for inclusion in
the November I December
issue is October 1st. Get your
ad to Brenda Perrin by then!
Commercial Advertisers:
Send your ad copy (80 words
limit) along with a check for
$30. payable to 356 Registry
Inc. to:
M Design
123 No. Second St.
Stillwater, MN 55082
Factory Trained
Expert Repair &
Restoration of:
Parking Garage - Indoor heated secure garage. Club atmosphere for
classic, vintage race, antique and
s ~ e c i a linterest cars. $60. 1 month;
multi-car discount.
Flying Horse Garage, Philadelphia,
PA 2151676-6000 Ask for Warren.
Fuel Gauges & Floats
VDO & Others
Professional Restoration Service Steering wheels, antennas, mirrors,
s u n visors, horns, tools, Mesko
gauges, fog lights, glass reflectors,
etc. Victor J. Miles 8051963-2867,
8051688-7953 eves.
Specializing in:
Stoerk & Motometer
Temperature Gauges
Radio Repairs - Exclusively Euro'CISC engine under $1000. Registr s
1950's, 1960's.
before Vol. 11 15. Pay up to $3 e a c l
Blaupunckt, Becker, Telefunken,
Christo calendar coin 1970. Will ~ a y Radiomobile.
The only shop cater$10 or trade 3 extra coins for it.
ing to these specialized auto radios
Elmer Langren, 9548 Oliver No.,
exclusively. Repairs, restoration,
Minneapolis, MN 55444.
buying, selling, trading. 37 years
ex erience. Available: European
'CISC en ines needing work. 741
r a l i o knobs and pushbuttons.
trans nee&ng work. 356 cars needin
Wilford Wilkes, 101 Swoope St.,
rebuilding or for vintage racing. JeA
Brisbin, PA 16620 8141378-8526, Fax
Langren, 9548 Oliver No., Minneapo8141378-6149.
lis, MN 55444, 6121424-0642.
356 Registry
Volume 16 No. 3
Palo Alto
Speedometer Inc.
718 Emerson St.
Palo Alto, California 94301
Phone: 415-323-0243
FAX: 415-323-4623
8:00 5:00 Mon. Fri.
rrom rLn urange Loast Kegion's Porsche Pandemonium, via Jim
Perrin, another "Speedster in the
barn" story. This one has a slight
twist, however; the b a t h t u b ' s
humble abode for the last twenty
years was a chicken coop. Or exchicken coop, judging from the photos. That's just as well considering
the effect that two decades of
chicken guano might have had on
the car's metal. As it is, even having
sunk to its knees in dirt, the car is
apparently fairly solid and untouched by rust, owing I assume, to
it's southwestern location - the story
is quite circumspect about details.
And without any details, it's not
much of a tale, but
it does serve to reinforce the conviction that manv still
foster; that th&, too
will find that untouched gem in the
junkyard ...
dream found in the
dump ... the ... you
know the scenario.
It is interesting
to consider, though,
that there really is
a large number of
356's still sitting
around people's
back yards. In my neighborhood
alone I know of three. One of them
has been partially under a tarp for
three years (that I know of) and
after driving past it every day for
two of those years, I finally saw the
owner in his driveway, working on
a huge RV.
1 approached and began to introduce myself, "Hi, I drive by here
every day and I noticed that you
have a Porsche over ..."
"Three thousand dollars."
"Excuse me?"
"Three thousand dollars."
"Oh,you mean the Porsche is for
"Nope, but if someone offered
me three thousand dollars I might
let it go."
"So it's not for sale?"
Nope, but it has a rebuilt engine,
it's right in the garage over there.
Brand new factory Bosch rebuilt
(Bosch rebuilt?) "Well, could
vou tell me a little about it? Is it an
'A'? Does it have
a sunroof?"
"No, it's a 'B'
but it does have a
rusty floor. They
all do. No sunroof.
I'm gonna restore
it myself one of
these days. These
things are worth
a mint when
they're restored
and ..."
At this point
my eyes started to
glaze over from
the fountain of ' k:nowledge'spewing
from Mr. Bosch Rebuild's lips, and I
began to back away thinking, "Somebody has to save the poor car from
this guy." Perhaps we need a 'Save
the orphan 356's foundation.' At this
writing, it's still there. If there are
any rescuers out there, let me know.
Gordon Maltby
356 Registry
Sept. I Oct. 1992
The largest, most current listing of
Porsches available for sale in the US.
over 500 ads each monthly issue.
No charge for classified ads listing
Porsches for sale. Published by PCA and
356 Registry member John Hoke.
Special offer for 356 Registy members: Save $10 on a 1-year subscription. Only $30 (include your 356
Registy # to receive special price).
$40.00 for one year,
$25.00 for six months.
Free sample upon request.
P.O. BOX 6 0 3 2 8
FAX 5 2 4 8 1 9 3
Y n Z's
Wiring Harnesses
Authentic reproductions of original
harnesses using correctly color-coded
wire and terminals. Simplified numbering system with illustrations for easy
- Satisfaction guaranteed 1948 Gmund Coupe
1950-1965 Coupes
1952-1965 Cabriolets
1954-1958 Speedsters
1955p1959 Cameras
1958-1959 Conv. D
1959 GT Speedster
1960-1962 Roadsters
1962-1965 Carrera 2
1966-67 911
1966-67 912
RS 60, 61, 550A, 550 Spyder
904, 906, 908. 910, 917
Abarth Carrera
Battery to Starter Cables
1956-59 Full Color 18" x 24"
Wiring Diagram-$22.95
Calif. residents add 7.75% sales tax.
Catalog available for $2.00
333 E. Stuart Ave., Unit A
Redlands, CA 92374
(714) 798-1498
356 reg
Here are some of the goodies available from Linda Patterson, our Goodie Store Manager.
Write or call 708-740-3562. Linda will also be at the Holidays with lots of good stuff.
Porsche shoelaces, 36" - the ultimate accessory!
Iron-on patch, 2 112"
Decal - inside glass, 3"
Decal - outside, 1 314"
Hat, baseball style, white
Garland Heirloom pen, registry logo
Key ring
1 114" pin
Small flat logo medal, 314"
T-shirt, large logo, all cotton, black or yellow
T-shirt, small logo, cotton, large, XL, red or black
Polo shirt,poly-cotton, sewn-on logo, red
Name tags available!
Linda Patterson
356 Registry
24397 Cherokee Trail
Grayslake, IL 60030