Local Action Plan
Local Action Plan
LOCAL ACTION PLAN ENERGY The 935 MILITARY SITE WORKING GROUP 1. Klingeis G. Arnold –Mayor of Avrig 2. Şinca Maria – project manager - REPAIR 3. Bugneriu Andreea – Manager assistant - REPAIR 4. Isachi Lucian – member LWG 5. Sădeanu Doina – member LWG 6. Aldea Cristina - member LWG 7. Petrar Mirela – Urban Planning Department, Municipality of Avrig, Project manager URBENENERGY 8. Ionescu Liliana- Jurist advisor , member of the implementation team 9. Lascu Camelia – public Acquisition Department, Municipality of Avrig \ 10. Tabără Vasile – external expert 11. Teodorescu Doru – manager SC ENEV Avrig AVRIG - Vision and Mission Statement “Avrig will become one of Romania’s leading center for renewable energy by 2020 and aims to become Energy independent by 2030” Short history Founded in 1962 as Artilery Military Site number 935, with rockets speciality, it functioned until 2004 when by the protocol it was transfered from the Ministry of National Defence to the Local Council of Avrig. Here, were instructed 250 soldiers by 60 officers. 1. Present context The abandoned military site lies on a surface of 133.3 ha, meaning a forest area (73 ha ) and an area where buildings can be erected (60,3 ha). At present, the military site belongs to the Local Council of Avrig and it is administrated by the ,,Izvorul Florii,, Forest Administration. The existing buildings are in great decay, the wood ones being destoyed 100%. The only other 2-3 buildings could be regenerated. The value of the site is given by the flora and fauna specific to the under-mountain area together with the varied landscape and natural lakes. Access to the military site On the county route at 5 km far away from E68 and 37km from the airport of Sibiu By train – national railway route Sibiu- Brasov ( Marsa stop) Under-mountain forest route 2. Development of the Military Site Strategy regarding the energy production from RES and waste management Proposed objective Biomass CHP Thermal networks Electricity networks Approximate surface 3 ha 3.5 km 3.5 km Investment cost estimation 8,000,000 EUR 50,000 EUR 10,000 EUR regeneration Financing sources Investors Environment Funds Structural Funds Local Council Possible partners Kelag Austria Strabag Austria UE SC Electrica SA Site Arrangement Plan 4. Local Plan for energy production from RES in the 935 military site The Municipality of Avrig has an integrated plan of renewable energy production. This plan includes the abandoned military site as well. A biomass CHP will develop on the site. Scope: • Integrate the military site in the local energy policy and value its potential. Objectives: • Supply with heating the residential area in Marsa • Supply with heating the Marsa industrial platform • Access the facilities created by using the green energy • Respect the European regulations Organization: • The biomass CHP will be erected on a surface of about 3 ha in the area that does not have forest at a 500m far away from teh built objective • Thermal networks • Electricity network will be checked and regenerated Action Plan It is part of the Energy Local Action Plan. Nr. 1. 2. 3. Overall objectives Setting the integrated plan at local level in the energy sector Positioning of the CHP in the military site Financing the erection and distribution Specific objectives Study of the existing situation Setting the objective in the military site Elaboration of the site arrangement plan for the integrated energy plan Elaboration of the site arrangement for the military site Setting the site arrangement conditions Setting the financing sources for the CHP Action Development period -site visit of the experts in the January 2009field March 2009 -meetings -analyses - consulting external expert January 2009- work meetings March 2009 - contact consulting company March2009- meetings, analyses July 2009 Responsible Local Council LWG members Mayor LWG members - contact consulting company July 2009- October - meetings, analyses 2009 - consulting urban planning company - consulting external experts -LWG meetings - external consulting - management of the external contacts July 2009- October 2009 January 2010December 2010 Arnold Klingeis Maria Şinca Andreea Bugneriu networks construcţiei şi a reţelelor 4. Assignement documents Setting the financing sources for the thermal network Setting the financing sources for the electricity network Elaboration of the documents regarding the land assignement for the CHP Assignement realization -analysis of the European financing opportunities 2011 - analysis of the European financing opportunities 2011 - contact consulting company July 2010- meetings, analyses August 2010 - setting assignement commission - assignement according to the law PARTNERS SC ENEV SRL Avrig SC GOA SA Avrig The „Izvorul Florii“ Forest Administration in Avrig Ministry of Environment SC ELECTRICA SA SC MECANIC SA SC UZINA MECANICĂ SA August 2010December 2010 Public Acquisition Department of the Avrig City Hall LOCAL ACTION PLAN REGARDING WORK PLACE CREATION IN 935 MILITARY SITE WORKING GROUP 1. Klingeis G. Arnold – Mayor Avrig 2. Şinca Maria – Project manager REPAIR 3. Bugneriu Andreea – Manager assistent REPAIR 4. Isachi Lucian – member LWG 5. Sădeanu Doina – member LWG 6. 7. Mărginean Ioana – financial manager Avrig City Hall, implementation team member 8. Aldea Cristina - member LWG 9. Petrar Mirela – Urban Planning Department Avrig City Hall 10. Ionescu Liliana- jurist advisor, implementation team member 11. Alecusan Dorina – Public Acquisition Department Avrig City Hall 12. Lascu Camelia - Public Acquisition Department Avrig City Hall 13. Frunţeanu Marian – Transport Department Avrig City Hall , member LWG Motto: “Work is the law of modern world, the basis of a country and the richness f a nation, that has no place for the lazy” M. Eminescu Short history Founded in 1962 as Artilery Military Site number 935, with rockets speciality, it functioned until 2004 when by the protocol it was transfered from the Ministry of National Defence to the Local Council of Avrig. Here, were instructed 250 soldiers by 60 officers. - Present context The abandoned military site lies on a surface of 133.3 ha, meaning a forest area (73 ha ) and an area where buildings can be erected (60,3 ha). At present, the military site belongs to the Local Council of Avrig and it is administrated by the,,Izvorul Florii,, Forest Administration. The existing buildings are in great decay, the wood ones being destoyed 100%. The only other 2-3 buildings could be regenerated. The value of the site is given by the flora and fauna specific to the under-mountain area together with the varied landscape and natural lakes. Access to the military site On the county route at 5 km far away from E68 and 37km from the airport of Sibiu By train – national railway route Sibiu- Brasov ( Marsa stop) Under-mountain forest route 1. Strategy of job creation in the military site Conference center Rsearch center Museum Natural park Biomass CHP 16 8 5 12 Administrative staff : 20 Season staff : 40 TOTAL WORK PLACE : 91 10 2. Site arragement plan 3. Local Plan of job creation Scope : development of a local strategy that allos the work place creation in the military site in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the community Objectives: - Elaboration of feasible projects that allows work place creation − Setting a marketing policy to attract investors t − facilities creation at local level to shorten the implemention period - ensure work force training Organization: - Creation of legal framework Setting the project types Setting the site arrangement plan Elaboration of assignment documents Access structural funds Action plan Nr. 1. 2. 3. 4. Overall objectives Legal framework creation Setting of future develoent of the military site Studierea fezabilităţii obiectivelor propuse Specific objectives Action Transfer of property - Land planning experts to the City Hall - Jurist consulting Development period Jan.2009- Dec. 2009 Responsible Local Council Member LWG Modification of land status Setting the objectives that will be built on the site Elaborating a site arranement plan Feasibility Conference center Feasibility reasearch center Feasibility museum Feasibility natural park Feasibility biomass CHP Setting a Elaborating marketing plan marketing plans jurist consulting − status land change − technical consulting − LWG meeting Dec 2009-August 2010 Februarie 2009Martie 2009 - technical consulting - meetings, analyses - miniproject realization - analyses partners - miniproject realization - analyses partners - miniproject realization - analyses partners March 2009- June 2009 July 2009December 2009 July 2009December 2009 July 2009December 2009 - miniproject realization - analyses partners - miniproject realization - analyses partners -analysis of the situation on objectivres during the meetings of LWG July 2009December 2009 July 2009December 2009 Jan 2010December 2010 Member LWG Şinca Maria Bugneriu Andreea Grancea Maria Alecuşan Dorina Sădeanu Doina Klingeis Arnold Şinca Maria Bugneriu Andreea Access structural funds Setting partners 5. Assignment documents elaboation of assignment documents Assignment realization -external consulting -market study -analysis the possibilit of accessing the European funds - external consulting -elaborating a contact data base for each objective -access the contacts -contact consulting company - meeting , analyses − setting the assignent commission − -assignment according to the legal regulations Permanent Permanent August 2010December 2010 2010-2012 Acquisition Depatment of the City Hall PARTNERS - „L.Blaga” University in Sibiu „Babeş Bolyai” University in Cluj Napoca Investors in Holstebro –Denmark “Izvorul Florii” Forest Administration in Avrig Ministry of Environment Natural History Museum Brukenthal Museum Kelag - Austia LOCAL ACTION PLAN OF PRESERVATION OF THE 935 MILTARY SITE WORKING GROUP 1. Klingeis G. Arnold – Mayor of Avrig 2. Şinca Maria – Project manager - REPAIR 3. Bugneriu Andreea – manager assistent - REPAIR 4. Isachi Lucian – member LWG 5. Sădeanu Doina – member LWG 6. Grancea Maria – museographer of the Avrig Museum 7. prof. Luca Savin – Director of the Brukenthal Museum 8. prof. Tabără Vasile – Dean of the Political Sciences Faculty of the Sibiu University 9. Sfarloc C-tin – Commander of the Terrestrial Forces Academy in Sibiu Motto: A visit to the military museum is a travel back in time, a good occasion of discovering and admiring military traditions, weapons collections and military objects belonging to a certain period. At Marsa, in the former military site, founding a museum represents a revitalizing of an abandoned area an , meanwhile, a civic obligation of preserving the patrimony. Short history Founded in 1962 as Artilery Military Site number 935, with rockets speciality, it functioned until 2004 when by the protocol it was transfered from the Ministry of National Defence to the Local Council of Avrig. Here, were instructed 250 soldiers by 60 officers. 1. Present context The abandoned military site lies on a surface of 133.3 ha, meaning a forest area (73 ha ) and an area where buildings can be erected (60,3 ha). At present, the military site belongs to the Local Council of Avrig and it is administrated by the ,,Izvorul Florii,, Forest Administration. The existing buildings are in great decay, the wood ones being destoyed 100%. The only other 2-3 buildings could be regenerated. The value of the site is given by the flora and fauna specific to the under-mountain area together with the varied landscape and natural lakes. Access to the military site On the county route at 5 km far away from E68 and 37km from the airport of Sibiu By train – national railway route Sibiu- Brasov ( Marsa stop) Under-mountain forest route 2. Development Strategy of the Military Site Proposed objective Approximative Investment cost surface estimation Financing sources Possible partners Conference Center 40 ha 12,000,000 EUR Investors Research Center 2-3 ha 1,500,000 EUR European Funds Denmark Artexim Bucharest « Lucian Blaga » University in Sibiu Foreign Partners Museum 2-3 ha 100,000 EUR Governmental Funds Local Council Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu Terrestrial Forces Academy in Sibiu Natural Park 73 ha 150,000 EUR Biomass CHP 3 ha 2,000,000 EUR European Funds Sectoral Operationla Program on Environment Investors Natural Sciences Museum Kelag - Austria 3. Site Arrangement Plan The site arrangement plan is a draft of the set objectives. This will be modified after topography changes. TOPIC: Pilar II How to develop alternative site uses and techniques which both secure the long term preservation of the military heritage and enable broader sustainable regeneration Regeneration of the utilities Preservation of vegetation and of trees Alternative uses Techniques Research Tourism Museum Natural park Partial preservation of the environment Keeping and treating the six natural lakes ecologically Effective implementation Promoting the project Stakeholders’ consulting Attracting investors Attracting funds 4. Local Plan of Preservation of the Patrimony a. Marsa Museum Scope : to know the military traditions Objectives: -to create a valuable place of military history -integration in the national museum network -to create a walfare alternative that completes the buildings existing in the military site Organization: - about 20,000 m² -regenerated of the former commandment building - The museum will have a permanent exhibition of the military objects belonging to the national patrimony. 90% of them are original : weapons, battle flags, medals, orders, battle issues, photos, objects belonging to military personalities, waepons machines built in the specialised factory in Marsa. Partners in realization of the project: - Terrestrial Forces Academy in Sibiu Ministry of the National Defence National Military Museum in Bucharest Former officers who worked in the military site Local Council of Avrig Action Plan Nr. Overall crt. objectives 1. Analysis of the necessity of creating a museum of the abandoned military site Specific objectives Study of the region impact Study of integrating the objective in the development plan 2. 3. 4. Target Maing decision before May 2010 Action -public consultaing -public opinion research -discussions with directors of museums and former officers Setting the type Analysis of the Optimal solution -setting of museum possibilities in choosing the contacts Setting the type type of museum -consulting the LWG of museum Feasibility study Study of the site Obtaining a -acquisition feasibility study of the Study of the consulting building service Building, Setting a The building Elaborating regeneration building plan plan the project Getting permits Positioning the objective in the system Permits Gettinf permits Indicator Development Responsible period January2009- Local June2009 Council Members of LWG 60% of the asked people agree with the building of the museum Realization of August 2009the setting September plan 2009 Making decision on finalising the division Evaluation of 3 buildings that could be regenerated Plan realisation in 60 days End permits getting at the October 2009December 2009 January 2010June 2010 Members of LWG Foreign partners Local Council Consultant August 2010September 2010 October 2010- Local Council Consultant Building company end of 2010 5. Endowment of the museum 6. Setting of museum management 7. Organization of marketing Setting the organisation way Setting the necessary quantity of materials Organization of the museum functioning Introducing the museum in the tourist network Organisation -elaborating site arrangement plan Obtaing a certain -Elaborating quantity of a list of materials necessary materials Museum -hiring fuctioning after a -visit constant schedule schedule Valuing the - promotion potential of the actions museum - site arrangement plan December 2010 2011 - list of necessary materials Local Council Consultants Members of LWG Official Dec. 2011 opening at the end of 2011 Local Council - 5% annual increase of visitors Local Council permanent Possible contacts – List of military museums in Romania The Brukenthal Museum Address: 4-5, Big Square, 550163 Sibiu Ph: 0269-217-691; 0269- 101-780 Website: brukenthalmuseum.ro The National Military Museum Address: 125 - 127, Mircea Vulcanescu street, sector 1, Bucharest Ph: 021-224.94.75; 021-224.94.74; 021-212.60.15; 021-212.60.07 Website: muzeu.mapn.ro The National History Museum Address:. 12, Calea Victoriei nr. sector 3, Bucharest Ph: 021-315.82.07; 021-315.70.56 Website: www.mnir.ro; www.munais.ro The “Dimitrie Leonida” Technical Museum Address: 2 Candiano Popescu street , Bucharest Ph: 021-336.77.77 Website: cimec.ro; b24fun.ro; b. Marsa Natural Park The natural parks are protected by law and have as main purpose the protection and preservation of landscapes, creating an important cultural and biological area. As the abandoned military site is situated in an area which is law protected, this narure richness should be valued by creating a natural park. Scope of creating a naturla park: • Preservation of environment and life conditions for wild animals; • Arrangement of a wellfare area with paths and bike lanes. Organization of natural park: • 73 ha forest; • Marking the place borders and tourist paths; • Ensure life conditions and protection for wild animals; • Maintainance and management. 3. Partners The Natural History Museum 1, Cetatii street , Sibiu The Huntig Weapons and Trophees Museum 4 , Scoala de inot street, Sibiu The Environment Protection Agency in Sibiu 2A, Hipodromului street, C.P. 550360, Sibiu www.apmsibiu.ro The Ministry of Environment and Forest 12,Libertatii Boulevard, Sector 5, Bucharest www.mmediu.ro LOCAL ACTION PLAN TRANSPORT TO THE 935 MILITARY SITE WORKING GROUP 1. Klingeis G. Arnold –mayor of Avrig 2. Şinca Maria – project manager - REPAIR 3. Bugneriu Andreea – manager assistant - REPAIR 4. Isachi Lucian – member LWG 5. Sădeanu Doina – member LWG 6. Ionescu Liliana – member LWG 7. Aldea Cristina- member LWG 8. Stoica Daniela – member LWG 9. Fraticiu Gheorghe – vicemayor of Avrig Motto: Octavian Paler said: “There are ways that have been looking for us for a long time, and they reach us when we are looking for them in some other ways” Short history Founded in 1962 as Artilery Military Site number 935, with rockets speciality, it functioned until 2004 when by the protocol it was transfered from the Ministry of National Defence to the Local Council of Avrig. Here, were instructed 250 soldiers by 60 officers. 1. Present context The abandoned military site lies on a surface of 133.3 ha, meaning a forest area (73 ha ) and an area where buildings can be erected (60,3 ha). At present, the military site belongs to the Local Council of Avrig and it is administrated by the,,Izvorul Florii,, Forest Administration. The existing buildings are in great decay, the wood ones being destoyed 100%. The only other 2-3 buildings could be regenerated. The value of the site is given by the flora and fauna specific to the under-mountain area together with the varied landscape and natural lakes. Access to the military site On the county route at 5 km far away from E68 and 37km from the airport of Sibiu By train – national railway route Sibiu- Brasov ( Marsa stop) Under-mountain forest route 2. The Development Strategy of Transport to the Military Site TYPES OF TRANSPORT MILITARY SITE NUMBER 935 EXISTING By car UNEXISTING By train Bike track ATV route Avrig Avrig stop Avrig Avrig National route 1 Marsa stop Marsa Bogdan Hill County route 105G Marsa suburb Military site Military site 3 Km Military site 5km Military site Marsa stop Sibiu stop Military site Military site Natural Park 5 Km 3. Site Arrangement Plan 4. Local Plan of Development of transport to the 953 Military Site Scope : • to ensure an integrated and efficient transport that reaches the international regulations related to the CO2 consumption. • To ensure the promotion of the military site as tourist objective. Objectives: • To create an integrated transport • To connect it to the already existing ones( railway, car) • To create an unpolluting alternative • To complete the already existing access Organisation: • Regeneration of the existing car transport and setting the legal framework for the access through SC Mecanica Mirsa • Regeneration of the existing railway transport that links Marsa stop to the military site, and that crosses the site • Building of bike lanes up to the military site and inside it • Making a route for ATVs Action Plan Nr. 1. 2. 3. Overall Specific objectives objectives Analysis of Study of the transport existing situation possibilities to the military site Setting of the legal framework of the car route Realization of Elaborating the the car necessary studies transport Realization of the railway transport Regenerating of the sewage and water supply networks Regeneration by all means Elaborating the necessary studies Elaborating an organisation strategy of railway transport Action -experts study on the site - meetings -analyses Development period January2009December 2009 - legal consulting - obtaining the access road December 2009March 2010 - contact consulting company and beginning the studies for infrastructure March2010July 2010 - regeneration if necessary 2010 -European Funds 2011 - Obtaining permits from the National Railway Authority - Feasibility study -aquisition, regeneration and making a special decorated train -working schedule, action July 2010December 2010 2011 Responsible Local Council Members of LWG Local Council Local Council plan 4. Realization of the bike lane Regeneration of the transport infrastructure -regeneration and checking of 2011 the existing line Elaborating the necessary studies -contact consulting firm for studies in order to access European Funds -possible European funds August 2010December 2010 -Building a rent base for bikes - contact consulting company for studies in order to access European Funds -building a road by our own 2012 Building the bike lane 5. Realization of the route for ATVs Ensure access to cycling Elaborating the necessary studies Ensure the access Local Council End 2012 August 2010December 2010 2011 Local Council PARTNERS Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure 38, Dinicu Golescu Boulevard Sector 1 Postal code 010873 Bucharest Romania Phone 021.319.61.24 Public relation 021.313.88.69 fax 021.319.61.00 Public Communication and Information Department 021.319.95.65; National Railway Authority Secretariat 021.319.95.28