FORM 133 - 10 Camp Management Manual(draft)


FORM 133 - 10 Camp Management Manual(draft)
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Organizational Structure .................................................................................................................... 5
Camp Relationship to State Association
Gideon and Auxiliary Cabinet Management Charts
Camp Management, Elections and Terms of Office
Camp Officer’s Installation
Camp Officer Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 11
Camp President
Camp Vice-president
Camp Secretary
Camp Treasurer
Camp Chaplain
Common Responsibilities of Appointed Program Chairmen
Church Ministry Chairman
GideonCard Chairman
Membership Chairman
Camp Scripture Chairman
Faith Fund Chairman
Camp Webmaster
Camp Auxiliary President
Camp Auxiliary Vice-president
Camp Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
Camp Auxiliary Chaplain
Auxiliary GideonCard Liaison
Auxiliary Scripture Secretary
Operational Structure, Camp Meetings, Events and Planning ............................................................ 30
Agenda – Gideon Camp Cabinet Meeting
Agenda – Auxiliary Camp Cabinet Meeting
Weekly Gideon Camp Prayer Meeting
Agenda – Gideon Camp Prayer Meeting
Special Prayer Times
Camp Auxiliary Prayer Meetings
Agenda – Camp Auxiliary Prayer Meeting
Monthly Camp Meetings
Agenda – Monthly Camp Meeting
New Member Recognition Ceremony
Gideon Recognition of New Members
Auxiliary Recognition of New Members
Camp Committees
Things We Do or Do Not Discuss at Gideon Meetings
Planning the Annual Camp Program
Funding the Camp Program .............................................................................................................. 44
The Camp Scripture Fund
Using theConnection to Remit Scripture Funds
The Camp General Fund
Manual Record Keeping
Legal and Tax Exempt Status
Allocations of Funds
Special and Planned Gifts
Key Policies of The Gideons International ........................................................................................ 53
Scripture Versions Policy
Scripture Distribution Affiliation Policy
Non-Qualified Churches
Safekeeping of Records and Finances
Use of Gideon Name and Emblem
Use of Electronic Media
Business Use of Gideon Information
Things We Do Not Do or Discuss at Gideon Meetings
Social, Political and Other Causes
Policy of Human Sexuality
Gideons Traveling Abroad
Bequests, Trusts, and Other Special Gifts
Approved Methods of Securing Funds
Use of Published Music
Policy on Attire
Presentation of Awards
Separate Meetings at International Conventions
Parliamentary Procedure
In July, 1899, our ministry founders knelt before God to seek a name for the association of Christian
traveling men that they had envisioned. Having been impressed of the Lord, one of the founders,
Brother Will Knights, is said to have arose from prayer and stated, “We shall be called Gideons”. God’s
hand has been at work in The Gideons International ever since. As the three founders considered the
name "Gideons", their minds likely pictured Gideon’s fledgling army as
“…every man stood in his place all around the camp… ” (Judges 7:21)
So it has been since the beginning of The Gideons International that the local organization has been
known as a camp – some organizations refer to their local unit as a chapter, others as a club, and others
by some other name, but in The Gideons it is a camp.
The camp is the heart of the Gideon ministry. That is where church presentations are made and
relationships with pastors are formed and nurtured; where Scripture placements and distributions take
place; where new members are recruited; where Gideon Expressions Cards are promoted; where the
Faith Fund grows; where the Auxiliary flourishes; and, where people are won to the Lord Jesus Christ!
The camp is God’s work, and that demands our very best response.
With glory to God, over 1.5 billion Scriptures have been placed or distributed by camps around the
world since the first placement was made in Superior, Montana in 1908. Such a monumental
opportunity has never happened haphazardly or accidentally, but within a well disciplined, organized
There must be specific organizational standards, policies, and procedures which must be carefully
understood and followed lest our ministry should fall into disarray and its purpose be thwarted.
Without uniform direction, we would succumb to the same chaos that troubled the Israelites so long
ago, in that
“…every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6)
By the Grace of God, the integrity of the Gideon ministry has always been above reproach, and it is
incumbent on us all to diligently maintain that standard. We must always guard our Christian character
and give all glory to our Lord Jesus Christ who alone is worthy of our praise.
Foundational Core Values of the Association
The following attributes, or core values, are those that are essential to the identity of the Association
and, therefore, must be subscribed by every member. It is critical to understand how these core values
are supported by the organizational structure of the camp and how each aspect of the camp impacts the
ministry as a whole.
An uncompromised belief that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God.
A singular focus on the objective of “winning others to the Lord Jesus Christ.”
A membership consisting of business and professional men, who:
Believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God
Have received Him as their personal Savior
Endeavor to follow Him in their daily lives
Are members in good standing of an evangelical or protestant church, congregation or
Participate in the activities of a camp
A complementary element of the association known as the Auxiliary, which is comprised of the
wives of Gideon members who meet the same spiritual qualifications.
An ongoing emphasis on the importance of fulfilling the seven spiritual objectives: Men and
Women of the Book, Prayer, Faith, Separated Walk, Compassionate Heart, Men and Women
who Witness and Give.
Funding for the mission of the association is secured through the following approved methods:
personal contributions and bequests, church offerings, and through the GideonCard program.
Recognition of an intentional relationship with evangelical and protestant churches as a prayer
base, a source of members, and financial support.
A simple, disciplined, well-defined ministry that is carried out exclusively by the membership of
the association under the authority and direction of the International Cabinet.
These foundational core values apply worldwide.
The long-range vision of The Gideon ministry, consistent with its purpose to reach the lost for Christ,
provides for the following objectives:
To have developed, personally and corporately, a culture of excellence throughout the
worldwide ministry where 100% achievement, commitment and effort is the benchmark
To be distributing 120 million Scriptures annually by the year 2020
To have 100% of our members, Gideons and Auxiliary, in every camp involved in camp activities
To have intentionally developed a relationship with each eligible church in every camp area
In keeping with the above foundational core values statement that provides for, “a complementary
element of the association known as the Auxiliary, which is comprised of the wives of Gideon members
who meet the same spiritual qualifications”, The Auxiliary of The Gideons International has a
complementary long range objective within the sphere of Auxiliary activity as follows:
To have developed, personally and corporately, a culture of excellence throughout the
worldwide ministry where 100% achievement, commitment and effort is the benchmark.
To assist the Gideons in Scripture distribution by distributing five million Scriptures [in Auxiliary
approved areas] of the 120 million Scripture distribution annual goal established by the Gideons.
To have the wife of every Gideon who meets the spiritual qualifications as a member of the
Auxiliary and to have her involved in the activities of the Auxiliary.
To have the worldwide Auxiliary operating in a highly effective, uniform manner to accomplish
the work of the Auxiliary.
Yet, a vision with no intention or hope of reality is only a dream. Pray that our Lord will guide our vision,
indeed the vision of every camp, and allow us the opportunity to realize the fulfillment of these
objectives to His honor and glory.
The camp is the fundamental and most important organizational unit in The Gideons. A camp consists
of at least six Gideons who live within the geographic area defined by either the state association,
national association or the International Outreach Committee, depending on its location and the
authority designated by the Association Bylaws with respect to forming new camps. All camps
worldwide operate under the same basic structure although there may be some variations from country
to country. This manual addresses only USA camps.
A man joins The Gideons International, but is assigned to a camp in the community where he lives;
hence he also becomes a member of the state association where the camp is located. It is in the camp
where men can most actively serve, so they do not attempt to serve in other camp territories unless
they are asked to assist.
A Camp Auxiliary may be organized when there are at least four Auxiliary members in a camp. The
camp is the most important unit of the Auxiliary. It is at the camp that the work is done, and the
functions of the ministry are accomplished. It is therefore imperative that the Auxiliary have regular
camp, cabinet, and prayer meetings. The basic rules governing the Camp Auxiliary are contained in
Article 11 of the Bylaws of The Gideons International.
Camp Relationship to State Association
Article 4 of the Gideon Constitution vests management authority of the Association in the International
Cabinet. In the USA, management of the ministry is further broken down into state associations as
defined by Article 9 of the Gideon Bylaws.
The state association cabinet establishes camp territories under authority of the Bylaws with the
understanding that the Gideon ministry actually functions at the camp level. The same authority that
establishes a camp also has the authority to re-define the camp’s territory or disband a camp if
Each camp is part of an area, led by Gideon and Auxiliary Area Directors. Gideon and Auxiliary Camp
Presidents represent their camp as members of either the Gideon or Auxiliary area team, which may
consist of 8 to 10 camps. As such, the Gideon and Auxiliary Camp Presidents are expected to attend
their respective area team meetings. Area team meetings take place within two weeks of state
association leadership meetings so that any pertinent information from the state meeting is shared with
camp presidents as soon as possible. The Area Director is not a member of the state cabinet, per se, but
is a member of the state leadership team; therefore, the Camp President’s primary contact with the
state association is through the Area Director.
The Gideon and Auxiliary management flow charts on the following pages illustrate the camp
relationship with the state association and the state association relationship with the International
Gideon and Auxiliary Cabinets.
Camp Management, Elections and Terms of Office
The management framework of a camp is defined by Article 10 of the Association Bylaws. Camp
management in the USA is executed by five officers elected by the membership at large (President, Vicepresident, Secretary, Treasurer, And Chaplain) and five program chairmen (Church Ministry,
GideonCard, Scripture Distribution, Faith Fund, and Membership) appointed by the camp president with
concurrence of the elected officers. These ten (five elected and five appointed) officers comprise the
Camp Gideon Cabinet. Additionally, there may be a camp webmaster appointed by the president and
approved by the cabinet. The webmaster is accountable to the camp secretary, but is not a member of
the camp cabinet; thus the Camp Webmaster has neither voice nor vote at camp cabinet meetings.
Camp management of the Auxiliary is similar to that of the Gideons with the exception that the Auxiliary
has fewer officers. The Camp Auxiliary President, Vice-president, Secretary-Treasurer, and Chaplain are
elected annually by the Auxiliary membership at large. The Auxiliary Scripture Secretary and
GideonCard Liaison are appointed by the elected Auxiliary president with concurrence of the elected
officers. These six comprise the Camp Auxiliary Cabinet.
All camps are to hold annual elections conducted by the Gideon Area Director or his qualified designee.
Any Gideon or Auxiliary member elected or appointed to a camp office must be a member in good
standing; i.e., membership dues must be current and they cannot be under any form of discipline.
Elected officers serve for one-year terms until their successors are elected and may serve for a
maximum of three successive terms.
Program chairmen, both Gideon and Auxiliary, also serve for one-year terms until their successors are
appointed, but are not subject to a three-term limitation, thus maintaining program continuity from
year to year; however, there should always be a designated Gideon and Auxiliary member who has the
attributes necessary to carry on program continuity should any program chairman become unable to
serve for any reason.
Results of camp elections should immediately be communicated either on the Gideon/Auxiliary Camp
Officer Election Report (Form 520) or in theConnection by the Gideon Secretary to:
The State Secretary
The Area Director
The State Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
The Auxiliary Area Director
The Gideons International, P. O. Box 140800, Nashville, TN 37214
Results of officer elections are most easily and efficiently communicated electronically in theConnection.
Camp Management, Elections and Terms of Office
The management framework of a camp is defined by Article 10 of the Association Bylaws. Camp
management in the USA is executed by five officers elected by the membership at large (President, Vicepresident, Secretary, Treasurer, And Chaplain) and five program chairmen (Church Ministry,
GideonCard, Scripture Distribution, Faith Fund, and Membership) appointed by the camp president with
concurrence of the elected officers. These ten (five elected and five appointed) officers comprise the
Camp Gideon Cabinet. Additionally, there may be a camp webmaster appointed by the president and
approved by the cabinet. The webmaster is accountable to the camp secretary, but is not a member of
the camp cabinet; thus the Camp Webmaster has neither voice nor vote at camp cabinet meetings.
Camp management of the Auxiliary is similar to that of the Gideons with the exception that the Auxiliary
has fewer officers. The Camp Auxiliary President, Vice-president, Secretary-Treasurer, and Chaplain are
elected annually by the Auxiliary membership at large. The Auxiliary Scripture Secretary and
GideonCard Liaison are appointed by the elected Auxiliary president with concurrence of the elected
officers. These six comprise the Camp Auxiliary Cabinet.
All camps are to hold annual elections conducted by the Gideon Area Director or his qualified designee.
Any Gideon or Auxiliary member elected or appointed to a camp office must be a member in good
standing; i.e., membership dues must be current and they cannot be under any form of discipline.
Elected officers serve for one-year terms until their successors are elected and may serve for a
maximum of three successive terms.
Program chairmen, both Gideon and Auxiliary, also serve for one-year terms until their successors are
appointed, but are not subject to a three-term limitation, thus maintaining program continuity from
year to year; however, there should always be a designated Gideon and Auxiliary member who has the
attributes necessary to carry on program continuity should any program chairman become unable to
serve for any reason.
Results of camp elections should immediately be communicated either on the Gideon/Auxiliary Camp
Officer Election Report (Form 520) or in theConnection by the Gideon Secretary to:
The State Secretary
The Area Director
The State Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
The Auxiliary Area Director
The Gideons International, P. O. Box 140800, Nashville, TN 37214
Results of officer elections are most easily and efficiently communicated electronically in theConnection.
This service is to be moderated by the Gideon Area Director or his qualified designee and is to be held
immediately after the elections using the following outline:
Brief (2 min.) challenge to all newly elected officers and other camp members. Use Romans
12:1-2 or another appropriate Scripture. This brief challenge could be given at the conclusion of
the installation service rather than at the beginning.
Introduction of camp officers
1. Camp President
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to him
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by a selected camp member
2. Camp Auxiliary President
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to her
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by a selected Auxiliary camp member
3. Camp Vice-president
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to him
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by newly elected Camp President
4. Camp Auxiliary Vice-president
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to her
c. Specific prayer by newly elected Camp Auxiliary President
5. Camp Secretary
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to him
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by newly elected Camp Vice-president
6. Camp Treasurer
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to him
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by newly elected Camp Secretary
7. Camp Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to her
c. Specific prayer by newly elected Camp Auxiliary Vice-president
8. Camp Chaplain
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to him
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by newly elected Gideon Treasurer
9. Camp Auxiliary Chaplain
a. Basic responsibilities (1 min.)
b. Commend a verse of Scripture to her
c. Specific prayer (30 sec.) by newly elected Camp Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
10. Program Chairmen appointed by the elected Gideon and Auxiliary officers should be asked
to stand together, a challenge be given to them to be diligent in executing the program for
which they have been appointed, a verse of Scripture be commended to them as a group,
and a specific closing prayer by the Area Director or his designee.
Consideration of each officer’s responsibilities in a Gideon camp quickly reveals that no single officer
exists independently. The Camp Cabinets, both Gideon and Auxiliary, must function as a team with
overall dedication to bring about a culture of excellence in all activities where 100% achievement,
commitment and effort is the benchmark by which the Gideon ministry reaches others for our Lord
Jesus Christ. There must be a cooperative spirit within the cabinet as no program functions alone, but in
conjunction with all the others. This cooperative effort carries over into the relationship between the
Gideon Cabinet and the Auxiliary Cabinet. Auxiliary activities are planned in conjunction with Gideon
activities, which in a very real sense reflects the Foundational Core Values of the Association; that is, “A
complementary element of the association known as the Auxiliary, which is comprised of the wives of
Gideon members who meet the same spiritual qualifications”.
Camp President
The president is the leader of the camp. He performs all duties normally pertaining to that office,
presiding at all camp meetings and events such as Bible dedications and dignitary presentations. The
president closely supervises camp work and activities, always giving glory to the Lord. Specifically he:
Appoints program chairmen, committees, and those to fill other needed functions with the
concurrence of the other elected camp officers or the camp cabinet, whichever is appropriate.
Finds the right man for the job, rather than trying to find a job for all men.
Guards against the formation of denominational or special interest groups within the camp.
Assures that business meetings are conducted timely and follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
Prayerfully plans the monthly camp meeting and the monthly cabinet meeting.
Serves as a member of the area team and attends the area team meetings under the leadership
of the Area Director. Submits a written report on his camp’s activities as needed.
Maintains a supportive understanding of all Gideon programs, policies and procedures, taking
corrective action in the camp when necessary.
Supervises preparation of the Annual Camp Meeting and Event Planner in April or May and the
Annual Goals Planner in July.
Attends the state association convention, especially the Saturday morning presidents’ breakfast
when he delivers the camp Countdown 100 offering.
Is responsible for the work and activities of the Auxiliary; if the camp does not have an active
Auxiliary, the camp Gideon president works to establish one.
Is the camp’s spiritual example and leader.
Establishes and maintains a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
Having the title of camp president and being the camp president are not necessarily one in the same.
The president’s job is far more than simply knowing the above responsibilities. It involves a passion for
reaching others for Christ; being a leader, but not a dictator; planning the work and working the plan;
and pursuing a commitment to excellence. The success of the worldwide Gideon ministry toward
reaching people for Christ depends on the success of the camp president to make it happen. However,
the president cannot do it alone. He must inspire the cabinet and the camp membership to fulfill their
roles with the ministry’s singular goal in mind.
In addition to the camp cabinet, the president has an array of other officers to assist. As a member of
the area team, he should never hesitate to call on the Area Director; in fact, assistance at the state level
begins with the Area Director. The state association leadership team also has a cadre of regional
program leaders for each of the five international programs, and these regional program leaders are
responsible for providing assistance to camp program chairmen as needed. The president should be
sure the camp program chairmen know who these regional program leaders are and how to reach them
for assistance.
Camp Vice-president
The Vice-president should assist the President in every possible way and be prepared to assume the
presidential duties in his absence. The camp cabinet may delegate special responsibilities to the Vicepresident such as publicity, promoting attendance at camp meetings or arranging for transportation to
Gideon functions. Therefore he:
Makes himself generally useful to the camp, acting as an excellent source of ideas and
suggestions that can be effectively used in conducting the camp program within ministry
guidelines and policy.
Writes articles of interest for the camp and state newsletter or The Gideon magazine regarding
testimonies, success stories, and blessings received through the Gideon work within the camp.
Serves as chairman of the camp telephone and communications committee to enhance
attendance at all camp activities.
Serves as chairman of the Camp Annual Pastors Event.
Maintains a supportive understanding of all Gideon programs, policies and procedures, taking
corrective action in the camp when necessary.
Understands parliamentary procedure.
Establishes and maintains a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
As with the President, the Camp Vice-president’s job is more than merely holding the office. The Vicepresident is the primary source of support for the president. He functions as the Camp President from
time to time during the President’s absence, so he should maintain an exemplary level of excellence. He
ensures that the Annual Pastors Event is properly promoted and conducted according to the published
timetables and agendas. He works with the camp program chairmen to be sure all program activities
are executed properly.
Camp Secretary
The Secretary is the communications arm of the camp cabinet. He is responsible for:
Recording in the minutes all motions, whether carried or not.
Making an impartial summary of all discussions.
Bringing the minutes and record book to every camp cabinet meeting or, if absent, having a
substitute to present the minutes for cabinet approval or correction.
Taking minutes of meetings neatly, accurately, clearly and briefly.
He should speak distinctly when reading the minutes and make his report to the cabinet both
interesting and informative.
Recording and condensing officer reports at cabinet meetings.
Sending written memos of motions to all parties affected.
Handling correspondence in a business-like manner, typing letters on camp stationary or other
proper letterheads.
Recording elections and committee appointments, and communicating election reports to the
correct parties, including International Headquarters.
Promptly referring all correspondence to the proper officer, and answering other incoming
Maintaining camp content in theConnection within established Gideon policies and guidelines.
Supervising the camp webmaster (the secretary may serve concurrently as the webmaster;
however, he can only serve as secretary for three successive 1-year terms).
Maintaining a complete record of camp membership. He should diligently encourage all camp
members to maintain accurate personal profiles in theConnection.
Sending meeting notices to all concerned parties well in advance.
Ordering supplies for the camp on the Merchandise Order Blank (Form 502) or in theConnection.
Preparing a written report on camp activities for the state leadership team when requested.
Establishing and maintaining a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp
As with all officers, the job of the camp secretary goes beyond the title itself; his is a key responsibility.
His efficiency has a direct bearing on the overall success of the camp. He not only records decisions and
handles correspondence, but also ensures that members are informed of duties delegated to them. He
should help the president prepare an agenda for each cabinet meeting, and generally assist in seeing
that meetings are handled in a business-like way. The secretary is the nerve center of the camp, and his
communications with the camp membership help drive attendance and involvement.
Camp Treasurer
The treasurer is responsible for the safe, accurate, and prompt handling of and accounting for all funds
of the camp. His specific responsibilities include:
1. Maintain a local bank account in the name of the Gideon camp. Updates signature cards as
2. Use the treasurer’s tools in theConnection for managing and transferring Scripture funds to
International Headquarters, receipting and maintaining camp general funds.
3. Collect all offerings received in church and other services from camp members, deposit them
and then remit Scripture Funds to International Headquarters.
4. Remit Scripture funds to International Headquarters as soon as possible, at least monthly.
5. Issue a Donation Receipt (Form 206) for all funds received as donations.
6. Work with GideonCard Chairman to establish a procedure of deposits and receipting.
7. Remit to International Headquarters all donations received via credit card on Form 503C with
the original, signed credit card billing slip attached. Camps do not process credit card charges.
8. Account for camp expenses such as postage, meals, etc., separately and pay for such expenses
using only camp general funds; never, ever, use Scripture funds to pay for general camp
expenses. The Treasurer should keep a detailed record of the disbursement of funds.
9. Present a written report at every monthly camp cabinet meeting on the status of both Scripture
funds and camp general funds.
10. Check the Monthly Camp Report received online from International Headquarters for accuracy
and report on it at monthly cabinet meetings.
11. Maintain records of all transactions for five years.
12. Review bank statements and give a copy to the Camp President.
13. Have records audited annually immediately following the end of the camp fiscal year. This
includes making sure all records are properly maintained and the bank statement is reconciled
to the camp checkbook. Provide a copy of the audit to the Camp President.
14. Forward promptly to headquarters any notice of, or proceeds from, a will or estate received by
the camp. Any gifts of securities must also be promptly sent to International Headquarters.
Consult the Development Department at International Headquarters prior to accepting any gifts
of real estate or other property.
15. Prepare all records and books for the new camp treasurer in a timely manner when the term is
completed. All records will be turned over to the new Treasurer so keep them filed accordingly.
16. Maintain an understanding of treasurer’s tools in theConnection.
17. Establishes and maintains a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
General Best Practice Standards for Camp Treasurers
When you begin your term, you will be responsible for adhering to the current set of books and records
from the former Treasurer. Your duties will involve managing and tracking incoming and outgoing
Incoming funds include but are not limited to:
Personal donations (both member and non-member)
Church presentation receipts
Proceeds from Annual Pastors Events, rallies, etc.
GideonCard receipts
Outgoing funds include but are not limited to:
General camp expenses including office supplies
The cost of GideonCard materials
Annual Pastors Event expenses
Camp meeting related expenses including meals
Scripture funds remitted to International Headquarters
Dues do not come in through the camp, but are sent directly to International Headquarters. The
Treasurer will report monthly at the camp cabinet meeting on expenses and income and indicate the
status of fundraising and overall budget.
All checks should be marked “for deposit only” as soon as received and then deposited in a timely
manner. For large collections the Gideon camp should use a night bank depository with two Gideons
going to the bank, placing the deposit in the night depository receptacle, and being sure it falls into the
receptacle such that it could not be retrieved from outside the bank. Concerning state conventions and
other large Gideon meetings, the host camp may need to arrange for security personnel to protect
transportation of funds.
The Treasurer will work with the GideonCard chairman to determine how funds are deposited and
submit credit card charge slips to International Headquarters. Most of these contributions will come
into the camp Post Office Box, which should be maintained by every camp. Either the Treasurer or the
GideonCard chairman can make the deposit and/or record funds in theConnection (or manually on Form
510). Original credit card charge slips must be forwarded to International Headquarters for processing.
Check Disbursements:
Check disbursements should be recorded in theConnection (or manually on Form 510). Checks should
be stored in a secure location. The Treasurer will order checks as needed and inform the camp
president of doing so.
Fund Transfers:
From time to time camps may desire to transfer Scripture fund balances to another camp in need of
Scripture funds. In such cases the proper procedure is to contact the State President and advise him of
the desired transfer. The State President, who is in a position to know where funds are needed within
the state, will contact the Camp Accounting Supervisor at International Headquarters and request the
transfer for your camp.
Tax Information:
The Gideons do not provide tax advice or assistance beyond issuing receipts on all donations. Donors
should consult their own tax advisor or appropriate IRS publications for additional information about
their personal tax obligations.
Camp Chaplain
The camp chaplain promotes the spiritual strength and well being of the camp. In doing so, he should
exhibit compassion for camp members and their families, promptly representing the camp in times of
severe illness, bereavement and other special needs. The Gideon camp chaplain should not attempt to
supplant the responsibility of the member’s church in his response to their spiritual needs, but come
along side the church to offer additional support. Additionally, the camp chaplain:
Promotes reading through the Bible annually using the Bible Reading Calendar (Form 414).
Encourages daily prayer for the Gideon ministry among camp members using the Daily Prayer
Calendar (Form 411).
Promotes members taking advantage of the Hour of Power, praying for the Gideon ministry
between 7:00 & 8:00 am, for a few minutes as individual members have time.
Promotes Scripture memorization among camp members using the Scripture Memory Courses
(Forms 403 & 404).
Personally conducts or assigns another Gideon to conduct the Scripture reading and prayer
aspects of camp and cabinet meetings.
Assists with Bible dedications, hospital services, and other camp activities that may involve
Scripture reading and prayer.
Assists members to develop their personal witnessing aptitude using Gideon tracts, Personal
Workers Testaments, and the books, “Share Jesus Without Fear” (Form 415) and “Soul Winning
Made Easy” (Form 413).
Chairs the camp’s Personal Evangelism Committee.
Arranges for and moderates the camp weekly prayer meetings, which may include breakfast if
Works with pastors and other Gideons to arrange for personal follow-up with people who have
indicated a need for spiritual guidance during Scripture placements, distributions and
Arranges and promotes the camp’s annual International Day of Prayer (second Saturday in
Notifies the state association chaplain and International Headquarters upon the death of a camp
member. The chaplain’s notification should include such information as the survivor’s name and
address, whether the survivor is a Gideon or Auxiliary member and some personal information
about the deceased (obituary notice, etc).
Carefully and prayerfully follows the Discipline Manual (Form 103) whenever the spiritual, moral
or ethical integrity of a member is in question.
Establishes and maintains a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
By guarding the spiritual strength of the camp and its individual members, the camp chaplain assures
that the following Seven Spiritual Objectives that undergird our ministry become standards by which we
all should adopt and live:
» Men of the Book
» Men of Prayer
» Men of Faith
» Men of Separated Walk
» Men Who Witness
» Men of Compassionate Heart
» Men Who Give
It’s easy to see from the foregoing list that the camp chaplain’s job is far greater than just reading
Scripture and praying at camp meetings. His is an awesome responsibility since the Gideons is, indeed, a
spiritual organization.
The camp program chairmen are central to the effectiveness of the Gideon ministry within each of the
five international programs. Each is appointed by the camp president for a 1-year term with the
concurrence of the elected officers. The program chairmen serve as members of the camp cabinet, and
each has the responsibility to coordinate camp activities as they relate to the program for which he has
been appointed while recognizing the synergy with which all the programs function to the success of the
camp. In addition to being committed Gideons with a burden to reach others for Christ, program
chairmen should also:
Be able to motivate others.
Practice sound principles of delegation, management, and leadership.
Be committed to obtaining annual goals set by the camp and state association.
Understand all details in the program for which they have been chosen.
Be wholly cognizant of the relationship between the success of his program and the worldwide
need for the Word of God.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
The whole of the Church Ministry Program is the responsibility of the Camp Church Ministry Chairman.
That encompasses several different aspects: church relations, church presentations, church speaker
development and obtaining church services. Details of administering the program are found in the
Church Ministry Program Manual (Form 223); however the specific responsibilities of the church
ministry program chairman are enumerated here:
Church Relations
Maintain in theConnection a current listing of all available information for each church in
the camp territory.
With the approval of the camp cabinet appoint a Gideon church representative to act as
a liaison between the church and the camp for as many churches in the camp territory
as possible.
i. Promote intentionally developing and maintaining positive relationships with
churches and pastors.
ii. Provide church representatives with information, training and materials to
successfully accomplish their task.
Schedule and hold two Church Relations Days annually, to contact churches where no
church representative is functioning.
Work with the Camp Vice-president to schedule and hold an Annual Pastors Event.
Work with the Camp GideonCard Chairman to assure that GideonCard materials are
readily available for church representatives and Church Relations Days.
Work with the Camp Membership Chairman to be sure information and materials are
available for church representatives and Church Relations Days.
Church Presentations
Be responsible for obtaining Gideon presentations in the same number of churches as
the last fiscal year, plus three additional services, through:
i. Church Representatives
ii. Church Relations Days
iii. Personal Contact
Communicate the details of church presentations, and supply supportive materials to
pastors and church speakers as outlined in the Church Ministry Manual (Form 223).
i. Immediately after receiving the information gathered on the Gideon Church
Presentation (Form 202), secure a qualified church speaker and assign a prayer
ii. Send a confirmation letter to the pastor (see sample letter in theConnection).
iii. Provide all pertinent materials to the church presenter
» Completed Form 202
» Directions to the church, if needed
» Completed Church Presentation Envelope (Form 205)
» Pad of Donation Acknowledgement Forms (Form 224)
» Sample Gideon Expressions Tribute Cards (obtain from GideonCard
» Video Feedback Postcard (Form 791P), if appropriate.
iv. Deliver the appropriate number of Church Bulletin Inserts (Form 209) to the
church at least 10 days prior to the presentation.
Speaker Development
Pray for church presenters as they qualify, re-qualify and continue to improve their
Promote the blessings of being a church presenter. Identify members that could be
church speakers and encourage them to pursue qualification.
Participate with the Area Director and Church Ministry Regional Program Leader in the
annual International Speaker Qualification Day, commonly known as “SPEAKUP”.
Provide necessary materials and instructions to potential church presenters that will
allow them to proceed with the qualification process. Follow up with members who are
preparing to qualify as presenters.
Secure the venue for the qualifying presentation, which must be a church-like setting.
Assemble the necessary outline and presentation evaluation teams.
Ensure that the speaker evaluation process is handled promptly and efficiently – don’t
allow a potential presenter’s enthusiasm to become cold because of procrastination.
Maintain a record of presentation activity for each church speaker in theConnection.
Send the pastor of all churches where Gideon presentations are to be held an Evaluation
of Gideon Presentation (Form 215) along with a self addressed, stamped envelope one
week prior to the presentation (see sample letter in theConnection).
i. Also furnish a copy of this form to the prayer partner assigned to accompany
the church presenter.
ii. Receive the evaluation from the pastor and prayer partner and notate the date
of receipt as part of the presenter’s record in theConnection.
iii. Together with the Camp Vice-president, review any negative comments from
pastors or prayer partners with the Gideon speaker as a basis for the speaker to
be the best he can be. Take corrective action as needed according to the
guidelines in the Church Ministry Manual (Form 223).
Assure that all camp church presenters are re-qualified every three years by providing
them information, inspiration and materials to accomplish that requirement.
Schedule regular qualifying/re-qualifying opportunities.
Encourage presenters to qualify using Power Point and video as a part of their
presentations. Be sure all video-qualified presenters have a copy of the latest church
ministry presentation DVD (Item 791D).
A cursory review of the foregoing list indicates that the Camp Church Ministry Chairman cannot fulfill all
the responsibilities alone. He should establish a Church Ministry Committee with specific duties
assigned to each member. For example, one committee member may be responsible for Speaker
Development, another for Church Presentations, and another for Church Relations – either of these
three is a great deal of responsibility in itself, so each area may be broken down further by having
additional committee members depending largely on the size of the camp.
The Church Ministry Program aspects of Vision 2020: Objective 100 should always be at the forefront of
program planning; that is,
Maintain by scheduling a presentation in every church in which a service was held in the
previous year;
Grow by scheduling two presentations in those churches where there has been no service in the
last three years;
Develop by scheduling three presentations in churches where there has been no service in the
last four years or more.
Intentionally develop a relationship with the pastor or church leader in every eligible church in
the camp territory.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
The GideonCard Program should not be viewed in isolation. It is complementary to the Church Ministry
Program in that GideonCard displays in churches provide the most prominent venue for Christian people
to use the cards. It is complimentary to the Scripture Distribution Program in that it helps fund
providing God’s Word for the world. It is complimentary to the Faith Fund Program in that 60% of
GideonCard receipts are used to supply Scriptures in the International Outreach Ministry, thus affecting
the Faith Fund goal. It is complimentary to the Membership Program in that members themselves use
the cards, give Tribute Card Collections (Form 825) to friends and family, and make presentations to
promote the GideonCard Program.
Details of the GideonCard Program are found in the GideonCard Manual (Form 814), which is available
either in printed form or downloadable in theConnection.
The camp GideonCard Chairman should encourage the use of Gideon Expressions cards in his camp by
suggesting giving cards for specific occasions, events, etc. He should also make available "In Memory",
"In Recognition" and "Thinking of You" Tribute cards at each Gideon meeting. He should use the camp
card display to promote the Occasion and Holiday card lines, too. The GideonCard chairman promotes
all efforts to attain the camp’s GideonCard goal.
The GideonCard Chairman is also a member of the camp cabinet. He should make a regular presentation
on the GideonCard Program at camp cabinet meetings, reporting on progress of the program with
respect to annual goals.
The GideonCard Program Chairman’s areas of responsibility are:
Overall operation and promotion of the GideonCard Program to achieve the camp’s fiscal year
Supervision of the Camp GideonCard Program Committee.
Execution of all phases of the GideonCard Program. This includes sending "Thank You Cards"
(Form 808), and appropriate Tribute Cards: "In Memory", "In Recognition" or "Thinking of You"
to users of the GideonCard Program.
Prepare and execute all GideonCard program activities involved in a Church Relations Day.
Review the monthly camp report in theConnection to determine progress and to monitor
Work with the camp webmaster to maintain GideonCard Program listings and reports in
Implement special programs, such as Holiday Card offerings.
Report program progress at camp cabinet meetings.
Use the GideonCard Regional Program Leader as a resource for assistance.
Arrange for Gideons and Auxiliary, where appropriate, to personally visit and present the BlueCovered "In Memoriam" Bible (Form 5000 KJV or 4300 MEV) to the bereaved when the
GideonCard Program is used in connection with a funeral.
Promote the camp GideonCard Program by bringing the camp card display to meetings and
encouraging use by members. Order a small supply of all card lines to offer to members at camp
meetings, and handle the sales of these cards to members to reimburse the camp for the cost of
the cards.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
The GideonCard chairman obviously cannot be expected to do the doing of the entire program alone. A
Camp GideonCard Committee should be formed to assist with various aspects of the program. The camp
GideonCard Auxiliary Liaison serves as a member of the committee to coordinate the Auxiliary’s
responsibility within the program. The Auxiliary GideonCard Liaison coordinates presentations of the
GideonCard Program to all-women church groups and at Retirement and Assisted Living facilities.
Depending on the size of the camp a GideonCard committee may also consist of:
Materials and Displays Member to be responsible for keeping all the cards formatted and
inventoried, being sure the church and funeral home displays are up to date and available,
and the presentation videos are available to be shown at the approved venues.
Video Scheduling Member to be responsible for coordination of video showings in churches
and at retirement and assisted living facilities.
Record Keeping Member to be responsible for keeping all donor and location records up to
date in theConnection. This member may also be assigned responsibility for acknowledging
GideonCard gifts.
In Memoriam Presentation Member to maintain an inventory of the blue-covered hotel
Bibles to be used in making presentations to the bereaved when the GideonCard Program is
used in connection with a funeral.
The potential of the camp GideonCard Program can be very significant; therefore, the program must be
implemented with diligence and a vision for reaching the lost.
The Camp Membership Chairman manages the process of recruiting, activating, and retaining members.
He should be familiar with all of the details of recruitment and retention programs as described in the
Membership Development Program Manual (Form 128) and the New Member Plan Training Manual
(Form 129).
Therefore he:
Develops and maintains a file of prospective new members in theConnection.
Implements action plans with the assistance of the camp cabinet to attain the annual camp new
member goal.
Reports progress toward goal achievement at camp cabinet meetings.
Plans and executes the Annual Membership Dinner according to the Membership Development
Program Manual (Form 128).
Serves as liaison for the camp with the state association when a New Member Plan is scheduled:
» Works with the Camp Church Ministry Chairman to provide an up-to-date church list.
» Works with the Area Director and Membership Regional Program Leader to select a
proper place for new member dinner and the telephoning of pastors and prospects.
» Encourages camp members to review their church directories, visit with their pastors as
appropriate, and suggest names of qualified men to be invited to the New Member Plan
» Assists the State Membership Coordinator with all details, including suggesting
potential Training Leaders.
» Assists in telephoning pastors and prospects.
» Makes arrangements for sending confirmation letters and reminder postcards to
prospective members who commit to attend the dinner meeting.
Assists the camp president in retention of members through the Annual Membership Retention
Project. Encourages all members to renew their dues before the end of the calendar year as
dues are payable in advance on a calendar year basis.
Seeks the input and assistance of every camp member with respect to identifying prospective
new members.
Maintains a complete inventory of supplies and makes them available to camp members for
individual recruiting needs. Supplies include:
» Gideon Membership Application (Form 501)
» Auxiliary Membership Application (Form 603)
» Membership Development Manual (Form 128)
» A World of Opportunities (Item 788D)
» A Step of Faith (Form 782)
Constantly promotes the need for new members among the existing membership and develops
within the camp membership the sense of a recruiter’s heart.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
Camp Scripture Chairman
The camp Scripture Chairman is responsible for ordering all Scriptures for the camp including Auxiliary
Scriptures; in which case he coordinates closely with the Auxiliary Scripture Secretary. His duties include
storage, transportation, display and delivery of Scriptures to accommodate placements, distributions,
blitzes, etc. It is important that he use a current Scripture Order Form (Form 507) when ordering
Scriptures and that his camp number be recorded on the form.
While it is his responsibility to see that it is done, he should not personally do the whole thing himself.
As in the case of all other officers, he serves as the leader of a team that accomplishes the task of
Scripture distribution. Each time he submits an order for Scriptures, he will receive a new Form 507
with the shipping notice of his order. Details of the Scripture distribution and placement program are
found in the Scripture Distribution Manual (Form 115), the current edition of which the chairman should
have in his possession.
The Scripture Chairman:
With the assistance of other camp members constantly surveys the need for Scriptures in the
camp territory. All officers and members of the camp should be alert to opportunities for
Scripture placements within the camp territory.
Reports the results of Scripture placements and distributions monthly to the camp cabinet along
with those that are planned for the future.
Maintains in theConnection a list of all Scripture placement and distribution venues within the
camp territory and ensures that presentations are made systematically.
Maintains in theConnection a complete record of all Bible and Testament placements and
distributions made by his camp.
Arranges to have a suitable display when appropriate for camp activities such as Bible
dedications, Annual Pastors Events, etc.
Does not order Scriptures if the camp Scripture fund shows a deficit of more than $2,000.00 or if
the order will create a deficit of more than $2,000.00, unless a Camp Credit Application (Form
504) accompanies the order.
Contacts the state Scripture Coordinator for potential use of the Emergency Scripture Fund
when Camp Scripture Funds are insufficient to cover large Scripture orders.
Maintains complete and current knowledge of all policies and guidelines related to Scripture
distributions and placements as found in the Scripture Distribution Manual (Form 115).
Provides enforcement of Gideon Scripture placement and distribution policies in the camp.
Note: if any member for any reason cannot or will not follow the policies and
guidelines for placement and distribution of Scriptures, he must not be
allowed to participate due to the potential of bringing irreparable harm to
the ministry.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
The Camp Scripture Chairman is at the heart of the Gideon ministry in terms of accomplishing the
purpose – spreading the Word of God in the traffic lanes of life so that men, women, boys, and girls will
have an opportunity to learn of Jesus’ saving Grace. This work should be at the forefront of camp
activity and all Gideons should be encouraged to participate in distributions.
Faith Fund Chairman
Scripture distributions in International Outreach Countries and some National Associations are largely
influenced by the Camp Faith Fund Chairman. Therefore, he should have a complete understanding of
his camp’s role in worldwide Scripture distribution.
He promotes giving to the Faith Fund to attain the Faith Fund goal in cooperation with the state Faith
Fund Coordinator and the Faith Fund Regional Program Leader. The Camp Faith Fund Chairman is a
member of the Camp Cabinet.
His specific duties include:
At the discretion of the Camp President, he makes a Faith Fund appeal during the Gideon
Program Challenge portion of the monthly camp meeting using The Gideon magazine, the
International Update or through his own experience with the International Outreach Ministry.
He also promotes Faith Fund giving through:
» Establishing, with concurrence of the Camp Cabinet, the goal for the camp’s annual
Faith Fund Banquet or Annual Pastors Event held in the form of a traditional evening
» The state’s Countdown 100 Program that takes place during the 100 days prior to the
state association convention
» The camp newsletter
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
Camp Webmaster
The Camp Webmaster is appointed annually by the Camp President with approval of the camp cabinet.
He is not a member of the camp cabinet; therefore, has neither voice nor vote in conducting the
business of the camp. The Camp Webmaster is supervised by and is accountable to the Camp Secretary,
and may concurrently hold the office of Camp Secretary with approval of the camp cabinet; however,
the Camp Secretary is limited to three consecutive one-year terms.
The Camp Webmaster is responsible for maintaining camp data in theConnection and retrieving data to
benefit the camp as necessary. The Camp Webmaster performs his function in keeping with standards
and protocols established by the Information Services Division at International Headquarters. No
individual camp websites are authorized. He maintains a working knowledge of features in
theConnection as developed by International Headquarters and assists camp members to use them
efficiently. He restricts camp postings in theConnection to Gideon related business, and secures the
approval of a camp cabinet member (usually the camp secretary) prior to posting any information,
including photographs, in theConnection. He assures that all information of any kind posted in
theConnection on behalf of the camp is in compliance with policies and procedures established by the
International Cabinet, and, when in question, verifies such compliance with the state cabinet or
International Headquarters. He is restricted with respect to Gideon concerns to the design, format, and
technology developed by the Information Services Division at International Headquarters. The Camp
Webmaster is further responsible for updating camp utilities in theConnection as they are developed by
International Headquarters and become available for use by camps.
Realizing that many Gideons are not well acquainted with electronic media, the Camp Webmaster works
closely with the Camp Cabinet and individual members as appropriate to assist in the area of electronic
communications, providing reports and forms in support of camp programs.
Camp Auxiliary President
The Auxiliary Camp President shall perform all duties pertaining to that office. She shall prayerfully plan,
preside and participate in camp activities, always giving glory to the Lord. Specifically she shall:
1. Be committed to attend every Gideon cabinet meeting and report the status of Auxiliary goals
2. Report to Auxiliary cabinet members information, important dates and distributions from Gideon
cabinet meeting
3. Plan and preside at Auxiliary cabinet meetings or delegate to the Camp Auxiliary Vice President if
4. Plan and present the Auxiliary President’s Report at camp meetings
5. Participate in the Membership Recognition Ceremony for New Auxiliary members
6. Serve as a member of the Auxiliary Area Team and attend the Area Team Meeting as scheduled by
the Area Director within two weeks of the State Leadership Team meeting
7. Promote the HEART Program, in the camp, 100 days before the state association convention
8. Attend the state association convention, especially the Saturday morning presidents’ breakfast and
deliver the camp offering during the roll call
9. Attend Camp President’s Conference held by the State Auxiliary President once a year
10. Attend and promote area, region or state Auxiliary Enrichment Seminars and Luncheons
11. Encourage all Auxiliary to assist in activating inactive members, regardless of their husband’s
12. Plan and promote participation in possible activities to engage non-member wives of Gideons to
become active Auxiliary members
13. Invite wives (not spouses) of pastors to attend the Annual Pastors Event held in the form of a
traditional evening banquet with their husbands
14. Personally send, or delegate to a communications committee, agendas and/or an item of
encouragement to all of the above and ascertain whether they may have prayer needs to be
included in Auxiliary prayer meetings
15. Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities
The Auxiliary president sets the manner for the direction and implementation of the Five Core Programs
in her camp. She must inspire the Auxiliary cabinet and membership to fulfill their roles with the
ministry’s singular goal in mind and lead them to realize the significance of their service to our Lord
Jesus Christ. In that sense, the Auxiliary president is a spark plug. She should produce an electrical spark
in her Auxiliary which will ignite a passion to further God’s Kingdom. While there is much work to be
done in the camp, the Auxiliary president cannot do the work alone. Through her passion and
inspiration, she coordinates the efforts of the camp with the assistance of her Auxiliary cabinet and
Camp Auxiliary Vice-president
The Auxiliary Vice President performs all the duties of the President in her absence and assists the
President whenever possible. In addition, she
Oversees personal enlistment of new members
Focuses on activating less active members
Reaches out to non-member Gideon wives
Attends, participates and presents the membership report at all Auxiliary cabinet meetings
Attends the area, regional or state Auxiliary Enrichment Seminar and Luncheon
Serves as chairman of the name tag, communications and table decoration committees
Establishes and maintains a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities
Membership in The Auxiliary of The Gideons International is a joy. This blessing is only fully realized by
individual Auxiliary members when they become active in some aspect of the work. As with the
President, the Auxiliary Vice President’s office is to inspire the membership to be active in the ministry.
Her focus is specifically membership. Even though everyone participates in membership, the Auxiliary
Vice President’s responsibility is to encourage growth and value of membership. Using the possible
activities list on the following page, the Vice President should enlist Auxiliary members to become
mentors of less active members. It is through the mentoring process, relationships are built resulting in
personal spiritual growth, additional prayer power, more hands to distribute the Scriptures, more
personal witnessing, and more Scripture funds, thereby resulting in more souls won for the Lord Jesus
Christ. In addition to mentoring less active members, the Auxiliary vice president should organize
Auxiliary teams to pray, call and visit non-member Gideon wives encouraging them to join the ministry.
Suggested items for membership visits include:
Prayer materials
o Bible Reading Calendar
o International Prayer Calendar
o State Prayer Calendar
o Camp Prayer Calendar
Additional items
o Form 683D09 ‘God’s Word for a Hurting World’
o Possible Activities List (see the following page)
o Calendar of Camp meetings and Prayer meetings
o Auxiliary application
Camp Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer performs all duties pertaining to that office; specifically including:
Keep careful and accurate minutes of all proceedings at each cabinet meeting, making notes of
all motions, whether or not carried. Make a copy of the minutes available to all members.
Handle all correspondence prayerfully and promptly. Forward all membership applications,
along with membership dues, to
Membership Department
The Gideons International
P. O. 140800
Nashville, TN 37214-0800
Maintain a complete and current roster of all camp Auxiliary members, including
» Name
» Mailing address
» Auxiliary membership number
Phone number
Email address, if available
Make a copy of the camp Auxiliary membership roster available to all Auxiliary members. The
camp Auxiliary roster can be obtained in theConnection, or by requesting a copy from the
membership department at International Headquarters.
Immediately after each annual election, ensure that the Gideon officer conducting the election
and the Gideon Secretary receives a complete list of all newly elected and appointed camp
Auxiliary officers.
Order Auxiliary supplies and Auxiliary Personal Workers Testaments through the International
Headquarters merchandise ordering system, either manually using the Merchandise Order Blank
(Form 502) or, preferably, in theConnection.
All Scripture orders other than Personal Workers Testaments for use in
personal witnessing by Auxiliary members are ordered through the camp
Gideon Scripture Chairman.
Ensure that the number of Auxiliary prayer meetings and the number of Auxiliary GideonCard
presentations are reported monthly to the Gideon Treasurer in order for him to accurately
report them on the camp Scripture Funds Remittance (Form 503).
Reconcile with the Gideon Treasurer at the end of each monthly camp meeting amounts given
to the Auxiliary Scripture Fund. Any contributions received by the Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer
should be given to the camp Gideon Treasurer at this time in an envelope clearly marked
"Auxiliary Scripture Fund". The Gideon Treasurer is responsible for promptly remitting Auxiliary
Scripture Funds to International Headquarters properly designated as such. The Auxiliary
Secretary-Treasurer monitors the monthly Camp Report in theConnection to assure Auxiliary
Scripture Funds have been properly credited.
Receive free-will offerings at Auxiliary meetings for the camp Auxiliary General Fund for
incidental expenses, such as the cost of prayer center materials, favors for visitors, etc. She
maintains an accurate accounting of the camp Auxiliary General Fund.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
Camp Auxiliary Chaplain
The chaplain is the spiritual leader of the camp Auxiliary. She encourages Auxiliary members and
performs the following duties:
Be one who sets the example for the Auxiliary in the primary function of praying for the Gideon
ministry. Lead in Auxiliary prayer times and encourage all Auxiliary members likewise.
Plan and moderate all Auxiliary prayer meetings, or designate a substitute moderator
when necessary. The Auxiliary Chaplain is responsible for Scripture reading, a brief
devotion, praise report or testimony of answered prayer and leading the Auxiliary in the
actual prayer time.
Encourage participation in the International Hour of Power, for Auxiliary members to
take a few moments, however much time they can, from 7am to 8am, to pray
specifically for the needs of the Gideon ministry.
Urge members to take advantage of a daily quiet time using the Daily Bible Reading
Calendar and prayer calendars.
Initiate the camp Auxiliary prayer chain for urgent Gideon-related camp prayer needs
and praise reports.
The Auxiliary prayer chain should be initiated only by the camp
Auxiliary Chaplain (for specific urgent camp needs), the state Auxiliary
Chaplain (for specific urgent state needs), or the International Auxiliary
Chaplain (for specific urgent international needs). The Gideon policy on
things we do or do not discuss at Gideon and Auxiliary meetings also
applies to prayer chains. Prayer chain items should be kept brief and
accurate. To ensure confidentiality, direct contact should be made with
prayer chain participants; do not leave prayer requests on telephone
answering machines. If a person cannot be contacted, contact the next
person on the list. These guidelines apply to both telephone and email
prayer chains. It is always encouraging to communicate, back through
the prayer chain, praise reports for answered prayer.
Work with the camp Gideon Chaplain to plan and promote the International Day of
Prayer the second Saturday of June.
Personal Witnessing
Be a personal witness and set the example for the camp Auxiliary. Encourage Auxiliary members
to use Personal Workers Testaments in their daily activities. Use Share Jesus Without Fear (Form
415) and Auxiliary tracts as resources to encourage personal witnessing.
Scripture Distribution
The camp Auxiliary Chaplain should participate is distributions at domestic violence shelters and
crisis pregnancy centers. In Auxiliary jail and prison ministry distributions, whenever possible,
she may:
» Relate salvation testimonies
» Share the Gospel through music, prayer and individual spiritual counseling
» Present the Gospel and give invitations to receive Christ as Savior
» Lead a Bible study avoiding any controversial doctrinal matters
All such services must be arranged with the permission of jail/prison
authorities. Auxiliary members distribute Facilities Testaments to
female inmates. Jail or prison chaplains may distribute the Testaments
if, and only if, the facility is closed to visits by Gideons and Auxiliary
members. Each jail and prison facility has its own policies, and these
must be strictly followed by Auxiliary members.
Used Bibles may be placed in cells and chapels, and these are included
in Bibles placed in the Auxiliary minutes.
Seven Spiritual Objectives
» Women of the Book
» Women of Prayer
» Women of Faith
» Women of Separated Walk
» Women Who Witness
» Women of Compassionate Heart
» Women Who Give
The chaplain should make the seven spiritual objectives part of her daily life and encourage all
camp Auxiliary members to do likewise.
Provide prayerful assistance to other camp Auxiliary members in times of sickness, bereavement,
and personal trials.
Communicate notification of death of the wife of a Gideon, whether or not an Auxiliary member,
to the following:
» State Gideon Chaplain
» State Auxiliary Chaplain
» International Headquarters
Membership Department
The Gideons International
P. O. Box 140800
Nashville, TN 37214-0800
Include the deceased’s name and address, Auxiliary membership number if applicable, and the
name and address of the Gideon or other survivor.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
Auxiliary GideonCard Liaison
The elected members of the Auxiliary cabinet appoint the Auxiliary GideonCard Liaison member, and she
becomes a member of the camp Auxiliary cabinet. She serves on the camp GideonCard Program
Committee, which is chaired by the Gideon GideonCard Chairman. As such, she is responsible for
communicating details of the GideonCard Program to the camp Auxiliary and securing Auxiliary
participation in the program as needed. She is specifically responsible for the following activities:
Serve as the GideonCard Program communication link between the Gideon Cabinet and the
camp Auxiliary.
Coordinate all Auxiliary GideonCard activities with the GideonCard Chairman.
Contact all-women church groups and retirement/assisted living facilities for the purpose of
arranging a GideonCard presentation by the Auxiliary.
Coordinate equipment and any other Auxiliary needs with the GideonCard Chairman when a
video showing is scheduled at all-women church groups or retirement/assisted living facilities.
Promote among Auxiliary members placing and servicing GideonCard displays in
retirement/assisted living facilities, to include scheduling and presenting the GideonCard video.
Coordinate reporting and handling any GideonCard offerings received as a result of Auxiliary
Provide training for Auxiliary members to present the GideonCard video at all-women church
groups and retirement/assisted living facilities.
Ensure that the number of GideonCard presentations by the Auxiliary is properly reported to the
Gideon Camp Treasurer so that he can accurately report the results on the Scripture Remittance
Form (Form 503) at least monthly.
Establish and maintain a personal and corporate standard of excellence in all camp activities.
Camp Auxiliary Scripture Secretary
The Auxiliary Scripture Secretary ensures proper and timely contacts are made and that Auxiliary
members conduct distributions in all approved areas of Auxiliary Scripture distribution in the camp
territory. It is especially important that she encourage all Auxiliary members to participate in this vital
activity. Her specific duties include:
Prepare and maintain a complete listing of camp Auxiliary Scripture distribution points in
Have sufficient supplies on hand to effectively make Scripture distributions as needed; e.g.,
supplies for distributions at medical conventions.
Maintain a proper inventory of all Auxiliary Scriptures needed. All Auxiliary Scriptures other
than Personal Workers Testaments are ordered by the Gideon Scripture Chairman; however, the
Auxiliary Scripture Secretary must communicate needs with him.
Understand and enforce association policies regarding Scripture distribution as they pertain to
the Auxiliary.
Note: if any member for any reason cannot or will not follow the policies and
guidelines for placement and distribution of Scriptures, she must not be
allowed to participate due to the potential of bringing irreparable harm to
the ministry.
In conjunction with the Camp Scripture Chairman, contact hospitals and nursing homes to
arrange for joint distributions. Be prepared to furnish Auxiliary members with Medical
Testaments for hospital personnel and Personal Workers Testaments for personal witnessing
during these distributions.
Be sure that an adequate number of Auxiliary members are committed to participate in all
Scripture distributions and placements.
Contact domestic violence shelters, crisis pregnancy centers, and correctional facilities to
arrange for Scripture distributions.
Record the number of Scriptures placed in theConnection and report figures at the next Camp
Auxiliary Cabinet Meeting.
Be thoroughly familiar with approved procedures for Medical Testament distributions as found
in Five Core Programs of The Auxiliary of The Gideons International (Form 600) and enforce
them at all such distributions.
The Gideon and Auxiliary Cabinets are charged with the responsibility for maintaining the business
aspects of a Gideon camp; that is, they do the planning, promotion, record keeping, and
communications within the camp. Since, there is no business conducted at the monthly camp meeting,
it is absolutely necessary that both Gideon and Auxiliary Cabinets meet monthly In order to maintain the
business aspects of the camp according to the following suggested agendas. All camp business,
including controversial matters which may arise from time to time, is handled at the Cabinet Meetings.
In order to maintain continuity, the Auxiliary President attends and gives a report at the Gideon Cabinet
meeting. She has a voice, but does not vote, at the Gideon Cabinet meeting.
6:00 pm
Call to Order
Scripture Reading and Prayer
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Camp Vice-president’s Report
Church Ministry Chairman’s Report
Scripture Chairman’s Report
GideonCard Chairman’s Report
Membership Chairman’s Report
Faith Fund Chairman’s Report
Auxiliary President’s Report
Review of Goals and Progress
Review of Upcoming Camp Meetings
Review of Annual Planner
Unfinished Business
New Business
Adjournment Prayer
Church Ministry Chairman
Scripture Chairman
GideonCard Chairman
Membership Chairman
Faith Fund Chairman
Camp Auxiliary President
Camp President
Camp President
Camp President
Camp President
Camp President
Camp Chaplain
From time to time there will be special matters, such as the Annual Pastors Event, that need to be
discussed in detail. Such matters will render the timing of the meeting exceptional; however, all Cabinet
members should be mindful of the time and share their reports with as much brevity as possible. Officer
reports should summarize immediate past accomplishments, plans for the immediate future and where
the camp is with respect to its annual goals. Detailed written reports should be made available to the
other Cabinet members and given to the Camp Secretary to be included with the meeting minutes.
The Cabinet, both individually and collectively, must realize its leadership responsibility to influence
camp activity.
Welcome and Call to Order
Approval of Minutes of Previous Cabinet Meeting
Officer Reports
1. Review Auxiliary goals, progress and overall health of the camp
2. Share information from Gideon Cabinet meeting
3. Share focus of next monthly camp meeting and make assignments as necessary
1. Review status of membership and ongoing action plans
2. Share status of visitation to inactive members and non-member wives
3. Review action plans to improve program performance
4. Report on upcoming membership meetings; e.g., Annual Membership Dinner or
New Member Plan
5. Discuss Annual Membership Dinner or New Member Plan
1. Review Auxiliary Scripture Fund goal and progress
2. Review action plans to improve program performance
3. Report of Camp Auxiliary General Fund
4. Review status and promotion of the Auxiliary HEART Program, if applicable
1. Report on number of prayer meetings
2. Review jail/prison ministry report
3. Encourage distribution of Personal Workers Testaments ordered – encourage
their use
4. Review action plans to improve program performance
5. Encourage ministry to widows
6. Emphasize spiritual growth
7. Review special upcoming prayer meetings; e.g., International Day of Prayer
Scripture Secretary
1. Review Scripture distribution goal and progress
2. Report on recent distributions
3. Announce upcoming distributions
4. Review action plans to improve program performance
GideonCard Liaison
1. Report on number of presentations made last month and year-to-date
2. Announce upcoming presentations and presenters
3. Discuss promotion of the program
4. Review training opportunities
5. Encourage use of cards and Tribute Card Collections (Form 825)
6. Review action plans to improve program performance
Review upcoming events, such as Annual Pastors Event, Faith Fund Banquet, Auxiliary
Enrichment Seminar and Luncheon, state or international convention.
Old Business
New Business
Dismiss in Prayer
Camp President
Gideon camps hold a weekly prayer meeting for many reasons, including:
to undergird the entire Gideon ministry before the Throne of Grace
to encourage united prayer for national and world leaders
to stimulate prayer for churches, pastors and general Christian work in the camp area
to unite Gideons in prayer for one another and for the activities of the camp
to provide fellowship in the spiritual context of who we are as Gideons
The weekly prayer meeting is scheduled to last 30 minutes and is moderated by the Camp Chaplain. It
should be held at a time that will not conflict with regularly scheduled church meetings. Early in the day
is generally better so that Gideons will not be inhibited in their occupations; although consideration
should also be given to a time conducive to attendance by as many Gideons as possible. If the prayer
meeting is held in a hotel or restaurant, Gideons should be encouraged to have breakfast there as an
appreciation to the establishment. The prayer meeting should be held before breakfast to allow those
needing to leave the opportunity to do so.
The prayer meeting should consist of Bible reading and prayer. There should never be any preaching,
Bible study, or doctrinal comments. Nor should there be any camp business, since business matters are
reserved for the Camp Cabinet. It is suggested, and generally used by most camps, that the New
Testament portion of the Daily Bible Reading Calendar (Form 414) be used for Scripture reading with
each Gideon reading a verse at the time until the entire passage is read. Scripture reading is done from
a Gideon approved version (KJV or MEV in the English language). Although not mandatory, it is
generally helpful if a single version is used by all in attendance.
After Scripture reading, all those present should be given an opportunity to express prayer requests,
which should be restricted to Gideon activities, pastors and churches, and immediate personal concerns.
This is not the time to voice prayers for healing, extraneous physical needs, or
other matters far removed from those in attendance. Further, it is not the
function of the Gideon ministry to supplant the prayer ministry of area churches.
It is useful to pray for the item(s) on the International Daily Prayer Calendar (Form 411), the Prayer
Calendar produced by the state association and other officially produced prayer calendars (e.g., the
International Convention prayer calendar). Also use prayer requests taken from the Gideon magazine
for those traveling worldwide on behalf of the Gideon ministry. It is most important to fervently pray
for upcoming camp activities:
Scripture distributions
Church presentations
GideonCard needs
Faith Fund – the need for more Scriptures in IOC countries
Membership needs, such as the Annual Membership Dinner and member retention
Auxiliary needs
Verbal participation in prayer should always be entirely voluntary. No one should feel obliged to
verbalize a prayer just because it’s his turn when the camp is praying in order around a circle or a table.
The Camp Chaplain should emphasize a statement, such as, “Please pray aloud as you feel led, and I will
close at the appropriate time.” As has been common practice in the Gideon ministry for many years,
men should kneel to pray if possible; however, no one should be made to feel uncomfortable due to
their physical inability to kneel.
Moderator – Camp Chaplain
Brief opening prayer (1 min)
Scripture reading (use New Testament portion of Daily Bible Reading Calendar (8 min)
Prayer Requests (5 min)
Prayer (14 min)
Scripture Memorization (verse taken from Forms 403 or 404) (1 min)
Announcements (1 min)
Breakfast and fellowship
In addition to the weekly prayer meeting, the International Cabinet has set aside other special times for
Gideon and Auxiliary prayer. Of course, there are no restrictions on when Gideons may pray.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this
is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – II Thessalonians 5:16-18
Daily Hour of Power
All Gideons and Auxiliary are officially urged to spend a few moments, however much time one can
afford, in prayer for the Gideon ministry between 7:00 and 8:00 am daily. The International Daily Prayer
Calendar (Form 411) which is mailed to all Gideon and Auxiliary by the International Chaplain during
August or September is an excellent tool for the Hour of Power. The Prayer Calendar is also available
online in theConnection.
International Day of Prayer
The second Saturday of June is designated as the International Day of Prayer. A special agenda for this
event is determined by the International Chaplain and published to all camps. Each camp should make
plans for this important event. The impact of camps around the world praying on this special day is
tremendous. In all 24 time zones, Gideons and Auxiliary are praying for the needs of the Gideon
ministry, for churches, for national and world leaders, for spiritual awakening, for salvation of lost souls,
for open doors and many other considerations. Look for the special agenda to be announced each April.
Prayer is the fundamental function of the Auxiliary and is necessary for an effective Auxiliary. The Camp
Auxiliary Chaplain should promote Auxiliary prayer meetings through the camp newsletter, in
theConnection, and personal contact by phone, mail, and/or email. She can be used of God to deepen
the spiritual life of the Auxiliary through regular and effective prayer meetings. Since prayer is so central
to the Auxiliary, and the camp as a whole, prayer meetings should be held regularly on a monthly, semimonthly, or weekly basis, at least once each month. Because Auxiliary members are Women Who Pray,
every camp should strive to exceed this minimum. Following are additional considerations pertaining to
Auxiliary prayer:
A Praying Auxiliary
In order to be counted as a "Praying Auxiliary", the camp Auxiliary must:
(a) hold at least 12 prayer meetings during the fiscal year. This includes the Auxiliary prayer time at
monthly camp meetings, whether held separately or jointly with the Gideons, and
(b) have at least two Auxiliary members present at Auxiliary only prayer meetings.
Additional Prayer Meetings
Additional Auxiliary prayer meetings should be held at times as convenient as possible for members.
Weekly Prayer Breakfast
Auxiliary members are not to be part of the prayer time at a weekly Gideon prayer breakfast. The
Auxiliary may have breakfast with the Gideons, but their prayer time should be separate from the
Gideons, and in another area of the facility.
Reporting of Prayer Meetings
The number of prayer meetings held each month should be reported on the offering envelope
submitted to the camp Gideon treasurer, to be recorded by him on Form 503 for submission to
International Headquarters.
Training on Prayer Meetings
Training on how to conduct effective Auxiliary prayer meetings should be held whenever possible.
Following are some considerations:
» Possible training subjects
i. Fervent, effective prayer
ii. The value of intercessory prayer
iii. Praying Scripture
iv. Praying in short, simple sentences
» Possible training times
i. Additional camp prayer meetings
ii. In conjunction with camp cabinet meetings
iii. Training conferences and conventions (camp, state, zone, national or international)
Advance Preparation for the Camp Auxiliary Prayer Meeting
» A prayer interest center may be used to create a reverent atmosphere.
» Written prayer requests specifically for the Gideon ministry, prepared as single-page
printouts or on individual cards, obtained from:
i. Camp Gideon chaplain for camp needs
ii. State association paper and state prayer calendar
iii. The Gideon magazine (prayer and praise column)
iv. International prayer calendar
v. Prayer requests in theConnection
Moderator – Camp Auxiliary Chaplain or Her Designee as Necessary
Brief opening prayer (1 min)
Scripture Reading (one to ten verses from a Gideon approved Scripture Version)
Brief Devotional (optional)
A devotional must be limited to two to three minutes, must be carefully selected to be
interesting to members from various denominations, and must avoid any controversial,
doctrinal, or denominational matter.
Brief Testimony or Result of Answered Prayer (optional as time permits)
Prayer Time
Chaplain should encourage members to pray as led with:
i. Intercessory prayer for the Gideon ministry
ii. Praying Scripture
iii. Simplicity, using short, simple sentences
iv. Random as led, not in a circle
v. Printed praise and prayer items (see "Advance Preparation")
Closing Prayer
The Chaplain closes after 20 minutes in a monthly camp meeting, or 30 minutes in an additional
prayer meeting, after all who desire to pray verbally have done so).
Inasmuch as possible, the Auxiliary is also encouraged to hold additional prayer meetings on a weekly or
bi-weekly basis.
The monthly Gideon camp meeting is a wonderful time of fellowship, spiritual reflection and growth,
and personal development in all aspects of the Gideon ministry. Exciting, interdenominational
fellowship is one of the unique hallmarks of The Gideons International, and the monthly camp meeting
is an excellent venue for it. Some monthly camp meetings are joint with both Gideons and Auxiliary
together sharing the same material and prayer time. Others are separate sessions where some aspect
of the ministry is unique to either the Gideons or the Auxiliary, or both. Some camps find it
advantageous, especially for Auxiliary considerations, to conduct a separate prayer time even when the
meeting material is held jointly. Attire at monthly camp meetings can be either traditional business or
business casual as determined by the Camp Cabinet and described in the Gideon Policy on Attire.
There is no business conducted at the monthly camp meeting since the business of the camp is
conducted at the monthly Camp Cabinet meetings. However, a time of reporting to the camp is
available to both Gideon and Auxiliary Camp Presidents, who share a brief report to the camp on
activities, plans, goals and progress. Either president may yield their time to a program chairman when
some upcoming event is of such significance to make it advantageous to do so.
The monthly camp meeting may be held in:
A hotel
A restaurant with private meeting facilities
A community center – some may be provided by corporate, medical or sporting organizations
A church with appropriate facilities in a building separate from the sanctuary
A full meal may be served or a simple time of refreshments at the option of the camp. Camps are not
authorized to have pot-luck style meals since it creates an inappropriate and unnecessary burden for the
Over the years, Gideon camps have been known to collect several offerings during the course of the
monthly camp meeting. Such collections have drawn considerable criticism from members and
sometimes tended to dampen the enthusiasm of new members. Therefore, only one offering, which
includes the camp general fund, the Faith Fund, the Auxiliary Scripture Fund, or other designated gifts is
to be taken at monthly camp meetings. Members should simply complete a single check or credit card
charge form and indicate thereon to the Camp Treasurer how the money is to be allocated. The offering
is to be collected at the end of the Gideon program challenge.
Each year International Headquarters produces a DVD based series of camp meeting programs
containing either personal development in some aspect of the Gideon ministry or a spiritual
development message, or both. Instructions for use of the DVD based camp meeting programs is sent
to all Camp Presidents toward the end of the fiscal year, which allows the camp to plan its monthly
meetings for the next fiscal year. Planning for monthly meetings uses the Camp Annual Planners for
Gideons and Auxiliary (Forms 125 and 625, respectively). Camps also hold a number of monthly
meetings on topics of the Camp Cabinet’s discretion, such as a Faith Fund emphasis, fellowship picnic,
Annual Pastors Event, or some other interesting subject matter. As mentioned earlier, some monthly
camp meetings may be joint, with both Gideons and Auxiliary participating, while others may be
separate. Following are agendas for both. The timing of the agendas may change from year to year
according to the special DVD material produced by International Headquarters.
Joint Monthly Camp Meeting Agenda
Separate Monthly Camp Meeting Agenda
6:30 p
Welcome by Camp President
6:30 p
Welcome by Camp President
6:35 p
6:35 p
7:07 p
Countdown to Meeting - DVD
7:07 p
Countdown to Meeting DVD
7:10 p
Gideon President’s Report
7:10 p
Gideon President’s Report
7:18 p
Auxiliary President’s Report
7:18 p
Auxiliary President’s Report
7:23 p
Gideon Program Challenge
7:23 p
Gideon Program Challenge
7:26 p
Receive Offering
7:26 p
Receive Offering
7:28 p
Personal Development DVD
7:28 p
Break – Auxiliary Separates*
8:08 p
7:33 p
Personal Development DVD
8:13 p
Prayer Time*
8:03 p
Break – Auxiliary Returns (Optional)
8:33 p
Preview of Next Meeting
8:08 p
Prayer Time*
8:35 p
Adjournment Prayer
8:28 p
Preview of Next Meeting
8:30 p
Adjournment Prayer
[ Separate Auxiliary Agenda ]
7:32 p
Welcome by Camp Auxiliary President
7:33 p
Personal Development DVD
8:03 p
Rejoin Gideons for Joint Prayer Time*
8:28 p
Review Next Meeting (Optional)
8:30 p
Adjournment Prayer
* Gideons and Auxiliary are encouraged to share a joint prayer time. However, the Auxiliary has the option of
holding a separate prayer time. If the Auxiliary chooses to hold a separate prayer meeting, they would leave to
another room during the break, would not re-join the Gideons and close their meeting separately at 8:30 pm.
In the case of monthly camp meetings other than the DVD based meetings, whether the meeting is
separate or joint is at the option of the Camp Cabinet; although most would be joint meetings, the
Auxiliary retains the option of a separate prayer time.
New Member Recognition Ceremony
A special New Member Recognition Ceremony should be planned for new members when they attend
the monthly camp meeting for the first time. Both Gideon and Auxiliary Camp Presidents should
confirm their attendance and make arrangements to adjust the agenda as necessary for the purpose of
this special time. Both presidents should strive to have the new Gideon and his Auxiliary wife at the
same meeting whenever possible in order to add special emphasis to the ceremony.
An information and welcome packet is mailed from International Headquarters to each new Gideon and
Auxiliary member. The recognition ceremony builds the International Headquarters packet and serves
as a camp specific welcome. Emphasis should be placed on new members becoming active in camp
activities as the Lord leads in their individual talents and abilities.
Gideon Recognition of New Members
Moderator – Camp President.
Parts may be assigned by the camp president to other camp members as appropriate. This presentation
should last approximately four minutes.
We are pleased to officially welcome you as a member of The Gideons International and the
(name of camp) Camp. We praise God for His call on your life to serve Him through this
association, and we trust you will receive many blessings as a result of your willingness to follow
Him and your personal involvement in the activities here in the (name of camp) Camp.
The Importance of Membership
As a ministry we are always thankful for new members. Jesus said in the ninth chapter of
Matthew, verse 38, “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send our laborers into His harvest.”
New members allow us to reach more people with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the
sole objective of The Gideons International. Truly, the harvest is plentiful.
Camp Activities
There are a number of activities in which you can participate here in the (name of camp) Camp.
We realize that every member may not be able to take part in every activity, but we all are
expected to do what we can. God uses our combined resources to accomplish His purpose. So, I
want to encourage you to take part, as the Lord leads, in the following ways:
Every member can, and should, pray daily for the worldwide Gideon outreach. We take
advantage of what we refer to as the Hour of Power where all members take a few moments
between 7:00 and 8:00 am, for however much time we can afford, to pray for the needs of
the Gideon ministry; those in leadership positions, those who travel worldwide on behalf of
the Gideons, as well as other important needs. The (name of camp) Camp also holds a
weekly prayer meeting at (time) on (day of week) at (location). Please join us for prayer each
week. We have the special blessing of hearing testimonies of how God answers prayer.
Remember James 5:16, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Scripture Distribution
God uses people to “do the doing” of His work, and that is true of the Gideons. Taking part in
distributing the Word of God is perhaps the most tremendous blessing in all the areas of
Gideon activity. I encourage you to take part in every opportunity to place God’s Word in the
areas we cover as well as in your own personal witnessing having faith in the truth of Isaiah
55:11, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void,
but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it”.
Membership Dues
Although we only pay our membership dues once a year, it is a very important part of
supporting the Gideon ministry. Your membership dues are vital to meeting the
administrative costs of our ministry. You will receive a dues notice from International
Headquarters in October each year, and your dues are to be paid annually by December 31st
for the next calendar year.
The Meaning of the Emblem
Another important way of participation is to wear your Gideon emblem. [At this point, the Gideon
president or his designee may wish to place an emblem on the new member’s lapel, if
appropriate, or ask his Auxiliary wife to do so if this is a joint ceremony]. God has provided many
Gideons a unique opportunity to share their faith in Christ as someone inquired about the emblem
they were wearing. The emblem is simple, yet its design brings us spiritual meaning:
The Circle of Gold
The circle itself reminds us of God, without beginning or end. The color gold indicates
“belonging to God” as a Gideon must, first and foremost, be a child of the King.
The Blue Background
The color blue again reminds us of our heavenly relationship – God’s children, blessed by
Him, protected by Him, and used by Him to reach others.
The White Pitcher
Gideon used a pitcher to carry the light. We carry the Light of the Gospel to a dark world.
We lay aside our personal plans to become God’s vessel to carry the Light. “But we have this
treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”
(II Corinthians 4:7)
The Red Flame
The flame itself represents to us the Word of God. Remember Psalm 119:105, “Thy Word is a
light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path”. The color red reminds us of the blood of Jesus,
shed for our redemption and freely given for all who believe.
Your Membership Card
Please carry the membership card that you received with you as it identifies you as a member of
The Gideons International. You may be asked to show your membership card when representing
the Gideons at distributions and other functions. The card has your membership number printed
on the front and the Seven Spiritual Objectives of our ministry on the back. We hope you will
make these spiritual objectives applicable to your life and that being a Gideon will become part of
your Christian character.
Personal Workers Testament
One of the seven spiritual objectives is to be men who witness. One of the most important
responsibilities we have as Christians is to tell others about Jesus. As Gideons, we have the
opportunity to purchase small New Testaments to give others as we have an opportunity to share
Christ with others. Personal Workers Testaments are a great tool in sharing our faith. There are
important “helps” in the front as well as the plan of salvation in the back. It is my privilege to
provide you this Personal Workers Testament at no cost on behalf of our camp. In the future, it
will be your responsibility to purchase them yourself. The current cost is $1.35 each. Let me
encourage you to keep a supply on hand. We have a goal of each member presenting at least one
Personal Workers Testament to someone each month. Imagine the impact we can have for the
sake of our Lord Jesus as we share our faith with others. We never know when God will bring an
individual across our path who desperately needs a copy of God’s Word and the good news it
Auxiliary Recognition of New Members
Moderator – Camp Auxiliary President.
Although not mandatory, other camp Auxiliary officers may participate in the ceremony as indicated in
brackets. Also indicated in brackets are items that the officer may wish to present to the new member.
This ceremony lasts approximately four minutes.
We are pleased to officially welcome you as a member of The Auxiliary of The Gideons
International and the (name of camp) Camp Auxiliary. We praise God for His call on your life to
serve Him through this association, and we trust you will receive many blessings as a result of your
willingness to follow Him and your personal involvement in the activities here in the (name of
camp) Camp. The Auxiliary is a component of the Gideon ministry whose object is to win others
for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through prayer, personal witnessing, and the
placement and distribution of Scriptures.
[Vice-president – Bible Reading Calendar and Prayer Calendar(s)]
Our primary function is prayer. This Prayer Calendar (show Prayer Calendar or present one to the
new member) was included in the informational packet you received from our International
Headquarters. It contains specific prayer requests related to the Gideon ministry for each day of
the month. You also received this Daily Bible Reading Calendar (show Bible Reading Calendar or
present one to the new member), which will guide you to read through the entire Bible in one
year. As a Christian and an Auxiliary member, we hope you will be diligent in both prayer and
Bible reading. We also hope you will use these calendars daily, not only in your own personal
quiet time, but also with your family as they will attribute to your involvement in the Gideon
ministry, and we trust they will enhance your own spiritual growth as well.
Personal Witnessing
[Secretary-Treasurer – Personal Workers Testament for the New Member]
Our second function is witnessing. We are pleased to present you with this Personal Workers
Testament as an encouragement to you as you have opportunities to share your faith with others.
As Auxiliary members, we are privileged to purchase these special Personal Workers Testaments.
They are great witnessing tools because they have a section in the front that contains where to
find help in times of need, and they have the plan of salvation clearly explained in the back. We
hope you will keep some of these with you at all times so you can give them to those in desperate
need for the Word of God and the good news it contains.
Scripture Distribution
[Scripture Secretary – Bible, Medical Testament, Facilities Testament]
Our third function is service – distributing the Word of God in the areas of Auxiliary Scripture
distribution. Auxiliary members place Bibles (show Bible) in medical and dental offices and in
crisis pregnancy centers. Medical Testaments (show the Medical Testament) are given to
personnel in medical facilities, and these Facilities Testaments (show Facilities Testament) are
given to female inmates in correctional facilities, residents of domestic violence shelters and
residents of crisis pregnancy centers. We are privileged to provide financial support, as the Lord
leads, to our Auxiliary Scripture Fund, which helps provide Scriptures in our own camp, for
Testaments at Medical Conventions, and for Testaments given to the staff of medical facilities in
many other countries.
The GideonCard Program
[GideonCard Liaison – Tribute Card Collection (Form 825)]
The Auxiliary also has a vital role in the GideonCard Program, which helps provide funds necessary
for Scripture distribution around the world. I want to present you this Tribute Card Collection that
contains "In Memory", "In Recognition" and "Thinking of You" cards (show samples of cards).
Many people use these cards to provide a lasting memorial to a friend or loved one who has
entered the Lord’s presence, to recognize a special event in someone’s life, or simply to say, “I’m
prayerfully thinking of you.” This attractive brochure (show Form 824) explains the program and
describes special Occasion and Holiday Cards. Auxiliary members have the joy of presenting the
GideonCard Program by way of video at all-women church groups and at retirement and assisted
living facilities. We try to give away as many Tribute Card Collections as possible, at least one a
month. We hope you will use these cards and share these packets with friends and family
Spiritual Objectives and the Importance of Membership
[Chaplain – "God’s Word for a Hurting World" (Form 657) and a Sample Membership Card]
We have seven spiritual objectives for which we strive to make a part of our everyday Christian
lives. We are to be
» Women of the Book
» Women of Prayer
» Women of Faith
» Women of Separated Walk
» Women of Compassionate Heart
» Women Who Witness
» Women Who Give
In the packet that you received from our International Headquarters was a membership card,
which lists these spiritual objectives. We hope you will take them to heart and make them a part
of your life. On the other side of the membership card is your membership number. Please keep
your Auxiliary membership card with you as you may need to show it when making Scripture
distributions and at other places from time to time. Next, I want to present you with this booklet,
“God’s Word for a Hurting World” which illustrates how The Auxiliary of the Gideons International
is used of God to make His Word available in places that few, if any, others go.
The Auxiliary Emblem and Closing
[President – Auxiliary Emblem]
The Auxiliary Emblem that each of us wears, and that you received from our International
Headquarters, has special significance. [At this point, the Auxiliary president or her designee may
wish to place an emblem on the new member, if appropriate, or ask her Gideon husband to do so
if this is a joint ceremony]. We hope you will wear it at all times. God has given many Auxiliary
members an opportunity to share their faith in Christ when another individual inquired about the
We are always thankful for new members. Jesus said in Matthew 9:8, “Pray ye therefore the Lord
of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.” We pray on a regular basis for
more members because there is a direct relationship between new members and souls won for
Christ. There are blessings and joy in this service, and we pray that you will receive many as you
serve with us.
Closing Prayer
The Camp President, with approval of the cabinet, may establish and appoint members to committees
for specific purposes. Given the extent of Gideon programs, many times committees are required to
adequately accomplish the camp’s goals. Such committees may include, but not be limited to:
Church Ministry Committee
GideonCard Committee
Scripture Distribution Committee
Membership Development Committee
Annual Pastors Event Committee
The Association has a longstanding policy that prohibits the discussion of doctrinal matters and the
performance of certain practices regarding which earnest Christians have different opinions. Specifically,
communion services, baptismal services, divine healing meetings, speaking in tongues, and other similar
practices should never be discussed or engaged in during, or in connection with, Gideon meetings.
From a positive standpoint, we should focus on the power of the Word of God and winning the lost to
Christ which is the purpose of the Gideons. When this policy is violated, it inevitably brings division
among the Gideon members and serves to tear down our ministry, rather than build it up. Obviously,
every Gideon has the right to his own persuasion regarding such doctrinal matters and practices, but, to
repeat, we must refrain from discussing or performing such practices at Gideon meetings and focus on
the primary things regarding which we can all agree as members of this Association.
Rarely do the critical events of Gideon camps take place without proper planning, the end result of
which is fewer Scriptures placed and fewer opportunities to reach people for Christ. In order to make
things happen, we have to "plan the work and work the plan" under God’s direction and to His glory.
A. Meeting and Event Planning
Gideon camps plan their meetings and events annually in April and May for the following fiscal year.
Gideons use the Meeting and Events Planner (Form 125), which is generally available in theConnection
as a download around mid-April. The planner is also generally included with the DVD Camp Meeting
Series developed and sent to Camp Presidents in April or May. The Camp President should call a special
meeting of the camp cabinet to complete the planner. The Camp Auxiliary President attends the
meeting and event planning session since the timing of many Auxiliary activities is dependent on the
Gideon planner. Monthly meeting and event planning includes such things as:
Monthly Topics Using DVD Camp Meeting Series
Camp Elections
Annual Membership Dinner
Seasonal Fellowship
Annual Pastors Event
Faith Fund Meeting
Gideon Cabinet Meetings (remember the Auxiliary President attends)
International Convention
State Convention
International Day of Prayer (2nd Saturday in June)
International Speaker Qualification Day (SpeakUp)
Scripture Distributions
Special Distributions
Church Relations Days
Other Meetings and Events as Appropriate
These and any other pertinent meetings and events should be written into the calendar during the
month in which they are planned. This will help prevent duplication or conflicting activities. In addition
to meeting and event planning, the camp cabinet should review its calendar at the monthly camp
cabinet meeting to assure that all planned activities are on schedule. Sometimes the schedule will need
to be revised. The camp planning calendar should also be made available to the entire camp. A letter
from the Camp President that encloses the planning calendar is appropriate.
There should be no conflict between the Auxiliary planner and the Gideon planner. The Auxiliary Camp
Meeting and Event Planner (Form 625) is available during the same time frame as the Gideon planner.
As Gideons plan their monthly camp meetings, the Auxiliary planner is coordinated. Additional items for
the Auxiliary to consider include:
Medical Conventions
Prayer Meetings
Auxiliary Enrichment Seminar and Luncheons
GideonCard Presentations
Auxiliary Cabinet Meetings
Medical Testament Distributions
Distributions to Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Domestic Violence Shelters
Jail and Prison Ministry
The camp planners are also available in theConnection under the Officer Access > Camp Planner tabs.
The online planner provides camps a useful tool to combine all their planning, calendar, and goal
planning activities in a single forum.
B. Goal Planning
Annual goal planning takes place in June and July after end of the fiscal year when preliminary
international Scripture Distribution and New Member goals have been determined by the International
Executive Committee and preliminary International Scripture Funds goals have been determined by the
International Finance Committee. The goals determined by these committees are allocated to state
associations, national associations, and International Outreach Countries. State associations in turn
transmit minimum goals to camps, and these goals are shown on the June camp reports. Camps review
their goals with the ability to increase them and distribute them among the various components; for
example, the Scripture Funds goal may be re-allocated among the various sources of Scripture funds;
the Scripture distribution goal may be re-allocated among the various Scripture distribution venues, etc.
The total goals may be increased by camps, but not decreased.
Camp goal planning is done exclusively on the camp planner in theConnection. Camps have the option
of accepting the goals transmitted from the state association or submitting changes as described above.
Fiscal year goals are "locked in" at the end of July, and become those shown on the monthly camp
reports for the remaining fiscal year.
The three approved promotional methods for securing funds for general expenses of the camp and for
purchasing Scriptures are:
Personal Contributions and Bequests
Offerings taken at churches at the time of Church Presentations
The GideonCard Program
Other methods of soliciting funds have been considered but not approved. This precludes having other
fundraising events such as participation in flea markets, auctions, or any other means. However, this
does not preclude accepting free will offerings.
Camp financial management is the responsibility of the Camp Treasurer serving as a member of the
camp cabinet. He should keep an accurate, but separate, record of all Scripture Funds and Camp
General Funds. While it is acceptable to maintain Scripture Funds and Camp General Funds in a single
bank account, records must never be comingled; i.e., Scripture Funds must be used only for Scriptures
and the Camp General Fund must be used only for operating expenses. The Camp Treasurer should be
able to give an accurate report of the camp finances at any time if proper records are maintained.
A. The Camp Scripture Fund
The Gideons International, P. O. Box 140800, 50 Century Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37214, USA, is the
only legal entity of the Association in the United States as recognized both by its charter and by the US
Internal Revenue Service. Therefore, this address is the only official repository of all USA Scripture
Funds. Very careful attention must be paid to this fact so that the tax exempt status of the Association
is not questioned or placed in jeopardy. Scripture Funds received by USA camps must be promptly
remitted to International Headquarters using prescribed methods.
The Camp Treasurer should be the only person designated to make Scripture fund remittances;
however, in his absence or inability, the Camp President should designate another camp officer to remit
Scripture funds on the treasurer’s behalf. Both the Treasurer and his designee should be instructed in
the correct procedures for reporting funds. Camp treasurers are urged to remit Scripture funds to
International Headquarters within 48 hours after their monthly camp meeting or other special event
where Scripture funds may be received. The Camp Treasurer should deposit all checks and cash received
in the camp bank account, and then issue one check, covering the entire amount, to International
B. Using theConnection to Remit Scripture Funds
USA Camp Treasurers are encouraged to take advantage of theConnection to remit Scripture Funds
electronically saving both time and money. Prior to initially submitting funds in theConnection, the
Camp Treasurer or other authorized funds handler must complete the online enrollment form, which
can be accessed in theConnection. The enrollment form is completed by entering the name of the
camp’s bank, the type of account, the ABA routing number and account number (the routing number
and account number can be found on a blank check). Once the enrollment from is completed and
verified, the camp can remit Scripture funds in theConnection using the electronic version of Form 503.
TheConnection provides a robust Online Camp Treasury tool. Now a camp treasurer can input detailed
donation records. Centralized receipting will now be provided by International Headquarters for all
donations submitted. A credit card entry page enables the Camp Treasurer to process credit card
receipts immediately; expediting the acquisition of funds for Scriptures. TheConnection also provides a
platform to more easily train new camp treasurers as they are elected. A detailed tutorial explanation of
each of these features is found on theConnection homepage.
C. The Camp General Fund
Gideons themselves provide for the Camp General Fund, which is used for camp expenses, such as
meals, supplies, GideonCard materials, church presentation materials, stationary, etc. Many camps
provide for the General Fund by over-paying the cost of meals at the monthly camp meeting or other
activity involving camp expenses. The camp General Fund can also be managed and tracked in
theConnection, and Camp Treasurers are again encouraged to take advantage of it, keeping an accurate
and current record of all camp expenses.
D. Manual Record Keeping
Should the Camp Treasurer elect, with the approval of the camp cabinet, to maintain manual records, he
does so on the Treasurer’s Record (Form 510), which is a two part record (front and back) consisting of
(a) the Scripture Fund Record and (b) the Camp General Fund Record.
[ front of Form 510 ]
[ back of Form 510 ]
It is imperative that Scripture Funds and Camp General Funds are never co-mingled. Using these
instructions along with Form 510 should enable a camp treasurer to maintain accurate and proper
financial records under a manual system. However, using the Treasury Tools in theConnection is the
preferred method. Please read all instructions before starting.
1. Number a new sheet consecutively in the space at the top of the first column starting the
corresponding number from the last known 510.
2. Enter the beginning balance for both the Scripture Fund and the Camp General Fund on each new
sheet in the space at the top of the sheet. This number will be the same as the last balance number
on the previous sheet.
3. For Scripture Fund Receipts:
A. Record the date the contribution was received in the first column - not the date of remittance.
B. Record the name and address of the contributor in the second column.
C. Enter the total amount of the contribution in the appropriate "CONTRIBUTION FOR" columns
and the "TOTAL CONTRIBUTION RECEIVED" column (from a church, GideonCard, Faith Fund,
Auxiliary or other)
D. Calculate 40% of the contribution, if from a church, GideonCard, or Auxiliary Scripture Fund,
[Note: Faith Fund is 0%] and enter the result in the "% FOR CAMP SCRIPTURE NEEDS" column.
At this time, 40% of these contributions are reserved for Scripture needs of your camp. This
percentage is subject to periodic change. Designated gifts are credited 100% to the camp.
E. Add the value in the "% FOR CAMP SCRIPTURE NEEDS" column to the previous Form 510 and
enter the total in the "CAMP SCRIPTURE FUND BALANCE" column.
F. Summarize the totals of the "CONTRIBUTION FOR" columns in the recap at the bottom of the
4. Remitting Funds to Headquarters
A. Transfer "TOTAL CONTRIBUTION RECEIVED" to The Gideons International lockbox on a weekly
basis. Use the Scripture Funds Remittance Form (Form 503) to timely submit these funds. Send
Form 503 to the following lockbox if you are not using theConnection:
The Gideons International, P.O. Box 403797, Atlanta, GA, 30384-3797.
B. All credit card transactions will be turned into International Headquarters using the Credit Card
Scripture Funds Remittance Form (Form 503C). The form is similar to the 503 and you insert
the appropriate fund and how many credit card slips you are sending to Headquarters. Send
(Form 503C) to:
The Gideons International, P.O. Box 140800, Nashville, TN, 37214-0800.
C. For Multi-Camp Faith Funds, such as for a state convention, you can use Form 503M which
simply takes the camp number, camp name and amount for credit. This form is sent to The
Gideons lockbox with one check for the 503M total:
The Gideons International, P.O. Box 403797, Atlanta, GA, 30384-3797
D. Cross-reference each entry with the Scripture Funds Remittance (Form 503 or 503C) by
consecutively numbering the Scripture Fund Remittance Forms and entering that number in the
"REFERENCE NO." column.
E. Use up-to-date Scripture Remittance Forms (Forms 503, 503C and 503M) to accompany
Scripture funds and credit card remittances sent to International Headquarters. Remittances
sent to headquarters on outdated forms, or without any form, are extremely difficult to process.
In such cases it is often impossible to determine where the remittance should be credited. These
forms may be obtained from International Headquarters at any time, or downloaded in
F. Scripture Funds Remittance Forms should not be used for merchandise orders or membership
5. For Scriptures Ordered:
A. Record the date that Scriptures were ordered in the first column.
B. Record the number and type of Scriptures ordered in the second column. Use a separate line for
each different type of Scripture.
C. Record the total cost for each type of Scripture ordered (with the exception of Military
Testaments and Emergency Services Testaments, both of which are charged to the Service
D. Subtract the amount in the "COST OF SCRIPTURES ORDERED FROM HEADQUARTERS" column
from the previous amount in the "CAMP SCRIPTURE FUND BALANCE" column and enter the new
fund balance.
6. For Camp General Fund Receipts and Disbursements:
A. Record the date, source and amount of any funds received for the Camp General Fund.
B. If money is received for a particular General Fund purpose, be sure to note what that purpose is.
C. Add the amount entered in the "RECEIVED" column to the amount shown in the previous
"LOCAL FUND BALANCE" column and enter the result of the new balance. Record the date,
name(s) of those receiving payment and reason for any payment made out of the Camp General
Fund in the first two columns.
D. Enter the amount of payment in the "SPENT" column.
E. Subtract the amount entered in the "SPENT" column from the previous amount in the "LOCAL
FUND BALANCE" column and enter the new balance.
F. Use a separate line for each entry in this fund.
G. Make a copy of the Treasurer's Record (Form 510). Keep one copy for your records and deliver
the other copy to the Camp President at each monthly camp cabinet meeting. Make a verbal
report of the Camp Scripture Fund and the Camp General Fund at the cabinet meeting.
E. Legal and Tax Exempt Status
The Gideons International is incorporated and exists under the laws of the state of Illinois, having had its
headquarters office in Chicago, Illinois, USA for over sixty years. Since 1964, the headquarters office has
been located in Nashville, Tennessee. The Association operates in Tennessee as a foreign corporation;
i.e., outside the state of incorporation.
The official corporate name of the Association is The Gideons International, which is a non-profit
membership corporation qualified under paragraph 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the
United States. The corporation is listed on the IRS website under Publication 78, Treasury Department's
Cumulative List of Organizations. Thus, gifts to The Gideons International may be deducted on USA
federal tax returns, generally to the extent of 50% of adjusted gross income with carryover to future
years as allowed. Those who wish to take a tax deduction for gifts to The Gideons should seek the
advice of their tax professionals. Documentation of individual gifts in the form of an official Donation
Receipt (Form 206) may be required to insure compliance with current IRS regulations. Receipts are
issued either by International Headquarters in the case of funds remittance in theConnection or by the
Camp Treasurer in the case of manual record keeping.
Cash contributions to The Gideons International are generally deductible for income tax purposes to the
extent of 50% of adjusted gross income with carryover to future years as allowed. Donations may be
designated for the general fund for use in conducting the overall ministry, or to purchase and place
Scriptures. Individual receipts may be required to insure compliance with current IRS regulations.
Charitable gifts of property may also be made, which will allow the fair market value of the property to
be deductible, generally up to 30% of adjusted gross income, if the property qualifies for long-term
capital gains treatment. The deduction for other property will depend on its cost basis. Any deductions
which exceed the above noted limits can be carried over into future years as specified by IRS
Since tax laws regarding charitable contributions are complex, it is suggested that a donor contact his
accountant or lawyer if there is a question. In case of audit, probably the best way to satisfy the
examiner that The Gideons International is tax exempt, and that gifts to it are deductible, is to refer the
examiner to Publication 78 on the Internal Revenue Service website.
Gideons are advised that the only non-profit corporation in the USA involving Gideons is The Gideons
International, P.O. Box 140800, 50 Century Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37214-0800, and that all camps
and state associations are unincorporated subsidiaries. Thus, upon receipt of any notification from an
executor or other person concerning an estate or trust (or other legal document) in which The Gideons
will benefit or is concerned, the camp or state officer in receipt of such documents should immediately
forward the complete information to International Headquarters along with a copy of the document(s),
if available. Even though a bequest may be designated for use by a camp or state association, it is
essential that all correspondence, checks, documents, etc. first be cleared through International
Headquarters in Nashville, which then will consult the Association’s legal counsel.
Any gift or potential gift of property other than cash, or any contact by an estate
attorney, executor, or administrator must be referred to the Development Department
at International Headquarters since peculiar tax and documentation circumstances may
be involved. If the camp should receive a check from an estate, the camp must not cash
it, but send it along with any other documentation to the Development Department at
International Headquarters.
The fiscal year of The Gideons International is June 1 through May 31.
F. Allocation of Contributions from Church Presentations and the GideonCard Program
All contributions to The Gideons International that are received in the USA either through offerings at
the time of church presentations or through the GideonCard Program are allocated among Scripture
Funds as indicated by the chart on the following page.
Following is a description of the Scripture Funds indicated on the allocation chart:
Camp Scripture Fund – 40%
This is the major source of the Camp Scripture Fund, from which a camp purchases Scriptures to
be placed or distributed in its geographic area. Under certain unusual circumstances part or all of
this 40% allocation may be credited to a state association’s Undistributed Scripture Fund for use
by camps within the state association or to assist with state sponsored Scripture blitzes.
Emergency Scripture Fund – 10%
The Emergency Scripture Fund is used basically as the name implies; i.e., for supplying Scriptures
in an urgent situation when other Funds are not available. The most common use of the
Emergency Scripture Fund is for domestic Metropolitan Scripture Blitzes.
Service Testament Fund – 6%
This 6% is used to provide Scriptures to military personnel, military chaplains, emergency services
personnel, and to place Scriptures in Veteran’s Administration hospitals.
International Outreach Fund – 40%
This is the major source of funding for the Scriptures to be placed in the International Outreach
Scripture Distribution Fund – 4%
Gideons should especially be aware of this allocation, which is used to offset the cost of freight,
customs, importation duty, order processing, and other expenses. Since such costs are part of the
allocation; therefore, it is improper to say, “100% of your contribution is used to purchase
Scriptures”. Rather, it is more correct to say, “Give to The Gideons International and help impact
lives for Christ. For less than $1.32, God's Word can be placed in the hands of individuals
anywhere in the more than 190 countries where Gideons are serving”.
The Faith Fund is not part of the allocation from church presentations and the GideonCard Program, but
is a separate International Program that promotes contributions provided almost exclusively by Gideons
and Auxiliary members to provide Scriptures for the International Outreach Ministry and to support the
needs of some National Associations. The 40% allocation described above is insufficient to provide all
the Scripture needs budgeted by the International Outreach Committee; therefore, there is almost
always a deficit in the International Outreach Fund. That deficit is made up by the Faith Fund, 100% of
which is used for those needs.
G. Special and Planned Gifts
Oftentimes Gideons, Auxiliary members and non-member donors desire to make gifts to The Gideons
International that require careful planning in consideration of their overall personal financial goals. The
Development Department at International Headquarters exists to assist those individuals to achieve the
most beneficial method of accomplishing their desire given their personal family, taxation and estate
situations. There are several ways in which an investment in the Word of God can be made through The
Gideons. Some of these are cash gifts, securities, life insurance, a bequest through a will or trust, and
using retirement plans. Additional information is contained in the pamphlet “Investing in the Word of
God” (Form 310).
a. Estate Gifts
We are grateful to God and to those individuals who include the Association in their wills or trusts.
Those who wish to include The Gideons International in their estates should seek the counsel of
their own attorneys, although considerable guidance may be provided by the Development
Department at International Headquarters. Estate gifts may be made through a Will or a Revocable
Trust (also known as a Living Trust or a Family Trust). Bequests to The Gideons may be stated in an
estate document as a lump sum dollar amount or a percentage of the remainder. The following
wording may be helpful:
“I bequeath to The Gideons International, P.O. Box 140800, 50 Century Blvd., Nashville,
Tennessee 37214-0800, $ (Insert dollar amount being bequeathed)”
“I bequeath to The Gideons International, P.O. Box 140800, 50 Century Blvd., Nashville,
Tennessee 37214-0800, (Insert percentage being bequeathed) % of the rest and remainder of
my estate.”
- or “I bequeath (Insert description of property being bequeathed) to The Gideons International,
P.O. Box 140800, 50 Century Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37214-0800.”
Those wishing to make bequests to The Gideons International are advised to refrain from making
bequests for Scriptures to be placed in a particular country, state or camp as it is often impossible or
impractical to carry out the wishes of the individual exactly. Also, there may be a great need for the
Word of God in some location while a specific bequest may not be useful for such a need.
b. Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT)
There are a number of different kinds of CRT’s, each designed to meet a particular need, although all
CRT’s must meet certain criteria to qualify as such. One common form of CRT is designed to pass
property to heirs over a period of time and, at the end of that time, pass the remainder to The
Gideons International. Other forms of a CRT may be used to provide an income to a grantor or
other individual for some period of time. Regardless of its design purpose, a charitable remainder
trust by definition is intended to provide a remainder for charitable use, such as supplying the Word
of God through The Gideons.
c. Gift Annuities
A gift annuity is a vehicle available in most states that allows an individual or a couple to make a gift
and receive a set income for lifetime (either a single life or two lives as in the case of a married
couple), receive a potential tax benefit, and provide for the ministry of The Gideons International.
Part of the income received from a gift annuity may be considered a non-taxable return of principal
and the stated income is backed by the full assets of The Gideons International. Gift annuities
through The Gideons are available at $5,000 and above.
d. Gifts of appreciated securities or real estate are also a wonderful way to provide support of the
Gideon ministry since there may be considerable tax advantages in doing so. Appreciated property
may also be used to fund a gift annuity, causing most the capital gain to be discounted. Giving
appreciated property generally is deductible on US Federal taxes at its fair market value. Those
desiring to provide gifts of appreciated property should consult their tax advisor; however, the
Development Department at International Headquarters can provide significant guidance.
e. Life insurance policies whose ownership has been assigned to The Gideons International and where
The Gideons is named as beneficiary are often a good way to support the ministry. Premiums paid
are generally tax deductible on USA Federal tax returns. Gideons and Auxiliary members often have
“paid-up” life insurance policies although their need for life insurance is diminished from prior years;
therefore, to assign such policies to The Gideons and name the ministry as beneficiary is beneficial,
and it may reduce a person’s taxable estate.
Many people name The Gideons International as beneficiary of retirement plans when their spouse
is no longer living and their heirs could benefit better from a non-taxable inheritance. When these
tax-deferred assets pass through an estate to heirs, the taxes become due either as a lump sum or in
a determined withdrawal process. Thus, there may be a tax advantage to making The Gideons
International beneficiary of remaining amounts in tax-deferred retirement plans.
Those who wish to make special, planned gifts to The Gideons International are advised to consult the
Development Department at International Headquarters. The following information may be helpful to
attorneys and tax advisors:
The official corporate identification of the Association is The Gideons International, P. O. Box
140800, 50 Century Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee, 37214. The corporation is tax exempt and is
listed on the IRS website under Publication 78, Treasury Department's Cumulative List of
Organizations. The corporate tax identification number of The Gideons International is 362270051.
In an organization as large and complex as The Gideons International there must be certain policies that
ensure uniform adherence to its core values and orderly execution of its purpose. The International
Cabinet over the years has established certain policies that are followed throughout the worldwide
ministry. Further, the International Cabinet is the only entity within the Association that has the
authority to establish these policies, and International Headquarters, through the executive director
serving as secretary to the International Cabinet, is charged with enforcing their compliance. All
members should be fully cognizant of the following key policies of The Gideons International and adhere
to them in all their Gideon activity.
Scripture Versions Policy
The Association will distribute only those versions of the Scriptures, for any and all languages, which
were translated by protestant scholars who held (or hold) to the doctrine of verbal, plenary inspiration
of the Scriptures. In other words, we only use versions of the Scriptures which were translated by those
who believe that the very words of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Ghost, and that they were
inspired in their entirety.
Scripture Distribution Affiliation Policy
There is an approved association policy that The Gideons International does not affiliate (i.e., enter into
a form association) with any other organization in carrying out the program of The Gideons
International. The Gideons International does not participate in the program of any other organization,
and this applies in all Gideon countries.
Therefore, the Gideon program of Scripture distribution and personal witnessing is performed solely by
Gideons. This means that Scriptures are not supplied by The Gideons to other Christian groups of
individuals. On occasion, the International Cabinet has approved exceptions (e.g., military chaplains,
prison chaplains, and hospital chaplains).
If there is a question as to the advisability of making unusual placements or distributions of Scriptures,
members should consult International Headquarters for instructions.
Non-Qualified Churches
Members of the following churches (or groups) are not eligible for Gideon membership according to the
International Cabinet's official interpretation of Article 3 of the constitution. Further, Gideons must not
solicit or hold services in, nor solicit funds from Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons (LDS),
Christian Scientists, Seventh-Day Adventists, Advent Christians, the Orthodox Churches (i.e. Eastern,
Greek, Syrian, Russian, Western, etc.), Unitarian, and Universalist. Pastors and members from these
churches should not be invited to attend Gideon functions.
Safekeeping of Records and Finances
The Executive Committee has prepared recommended procedures to be followed by camp treasurers
and/or camp church ministry chairman for handling funds received from banquet offerings, church
presentations, etc. as follows:
1. As soon as the checks are received from a Faith Fund offering, church presentation, etc. they
should be endorsed “For Deposit Only.”
2. If the Gideon camp uses a night bank depository, two Gideons should go to the bank and physically
see that the bag containing cash and checks is placed in the depository. The night depository
should be shut and locked, and then re-opened to make certain that the bag has dropped into the
receptacle where it cannot be retrieved by a third party.
This procedure is especially important in connection with camp rallies, state and national
association conventions, and other large Gideon meetings. In such cases, the host Gideons may
want to arrange to have bank guards, or other security personnel, available to protect the funds,
while they are being received at the hotel where the meeting is being held, and to transport these
funds to the bank for deposit.
Keep an accurate, but separate, record of all Scripture Funds and Camp General Funds received.
The camp treasurer should be able to give an accurate report of the camp finances at any time if
proper records are maintained. Records of all financial transactions should be maintained in a
secure location and copies of records or backup discs, in the case of electronic files, should also be
All records should be audited immediately following the end of the camp fiscal year.
Use of Gideon Name and Emblem
The Gideon name and emblem are registered as a trademark with the governments of more than 190
countries. No brochures tracts, folders, pamphlets, forms, books, video presentations, tapes, videos,
slide presentations, displays, lecterns, etc. are to be published, manufactured or produced in the name
of The Gideons International except those authorized by the International Cabinet or a committee
appointed by the Cabinet (usually the Executive Committee). This policy also applies to the internet,
including social networking sites, and to manufactured products including novelty items such as jewelry,
pen sets, wearing apparel, etc. This policy, of course, does not apply to the publication of a special state
or camp Gideon paper or newsletter for circulation among Gideons, but does apply to any other
publications for distribution to Gideons or to the public.
Use of Electronic Media
USA camps and state associations may establish an email prayer chain for the membership of that camp
or state association with approval and clearance by the Camp or State Chaplain, and with the provision
that a confidentiality statement be included.* However, USA camps and state associations are not
authorized to establish their own websites, publish state or camp email newsletters, or establish links
from other sites to the Gideons International website.
*suggested confidentiality statement: “The information in this email is confidential and intended solely
for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). It must not be disclosed to any person without
our authority. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the
intended recipient, you are not authorized to and must not disclose, copy, distribute, or retain this
message or any part of it. If you received this communication in error, please immediately notify the
sender via email and destroy the original message and any printout thereof. Thank you.
Business Use of Gideon Information
According to rules of the International Cabinet, the Gideon name or emblem shall not be used in
connection with business stationery or advertising. This means that it should never be used on business
cards (except those used for Gideon activity) or political or other advertising. Rules of the International
Cabinet also state specifically that, “The Gideon name or emblem shall not be used by any individual or
group for any private or personal gain or advantage.”
The policy of the Association specifies that direct mailings, including email, to Gideons by camps, state
or national associations, or individual members must be those containing Gideon subject matter only.
Approved subject matter for such mailings includes such items as the promotion of Gideon meetings,
training events, Faith Fund banquets, etc. This policy prohibits mailings which identify the Gideon name
and emblem with non-Gideon subjects or activity, such as political matters, church or denominational
matters, social concerns, solicitations for other causes, etc.
Some state associations publish directories
such information is also available in limited
used for any purpose not directly related
supplied to other persons. A statement to
containing the names and addresses of all members, and
form in theConnection. Such information should never be
to the Gideon ministry, nor should such information be
this effect should appear prominently in any membership
The long standing policy of the Association is that Gideons do not seek publicity. The effectiveness of the
ministry of The Gideons International is in no way dependent upon publicity. Many cases could be cited
of instances when areas of Scripture distribution have been closed to The Gideons International because
of indiscriminate publicity efforts. The recognized and approved method for getting the Gideon message
across to Christians is through the presentation of the Gideon message to church congregations by
Gideons themselves.
Advertising should never be purchased except in connection with the international convention, state
conventions, or other major Gideon meetings. Such advertising should be confined primarily to
announcing the meeting, rather than giving a detailed explanation of the Gideon ministry. It is
appropriate to promote the GideonCard Program through church or denominational newsletters, other
Christian publications, and as outlined in the GideonCard Program Manual (Form 814).
Regularly sponsored radio programs, television programs, public online services, or newspaper
advertising should not be entered into using the name or other identification of the Gideons, even if the
time or space is offered free of charge.
Ours is a spiritual ministry. Prayer and dependence on the work of the Holy Spirit are necessary if our
purpose of winning the lost for Christ is to be realized. Finances are also necessary, and these come
through the free will offerings of church congregations at Gideon presentations, through the
GideonCard program, and through individual gifts. While public advertising might seem effective in a
few cases, more often than not it proves to be a vehicle for bringing our ministry to the attention of
those who would oppose the activities in which we are engaged.
Many years of experience have proven that the Gideon ministry flourishes best when carried on in a
prayerful, quiet, unobtrusive manner.
Although we do not seek publicity, occasionally, requests are received from the news media for news
releases or other information about The Gideons. Therefore, the following model news release is
available for use at Gideon conventions and other occasions when requested.
Model News Release When Requested
“The Gideons of (camp, state or national association) are meeting in convention at the (name of local
hotel) the weekend of (give dates).”
“The Gideons International is a Christian business and professional men's association numbering almost
200,000 members in more than 190 countries around the world. The Association is engaged in a
program of placing the Holy Bible in such public institutions as hotels and hospitals, and of presenting
the New Testament to such groups as military personnel, college and university students, medical
personnel, and emergency service personnel. Approximately (fill in number) Gideons and Auxiliary
members will be in attendance during the convention. There will be intensive periods of training during
which the members in attendance will be instructed in proper procedures for conducting the work of
placing and distributing Bibles and New Testaments. There will also be business sessions at which
matters relative to the operation of the Gideon ministry in this area will be decided.”
“The membership of The Gideons International is composed of Christian business and professional men
who donate their time without charge to place and distribute Bibles and New Testaments. The president
of the local (state or national association) Gideons is Mr. (name to be supplied).”
“Since the beginning of the Scripture distribution program of The Gideons International in the year 1908
more than 1.5 billion Bibles and New Testaments have been distributed. Last year the local Gideons
distributed a total of (supply figure) Bibles and New Testaments.”
“Almost daily letters flow into the Gideon International Headquarters from those who have found
blessing and hope through reading Bibles and New Testaments distributed by the Association.
“On Sunday members of the Gideons will make presentations in (state number) churches in the local
area, telling congregations of the work of the Association as well as some of the results.
This vast Scripture program is financed by free will contributions received at church services where the
work of the Association is presented, as well as contributions made by Gideons themselves.”
Things We Do or Do Not Discuss at Gideon Meetings
The Association has a longstanding policy that prohibits the discussion of doctrinal matters and the
performance of certain practices regarding which earnest Christians have different opinions. Specifically,
communion services, baptismal services, divine healing meetings, speaking in tongues, and other similar
practices should never be discussed or engaged in during, or in connection with, Gideon meetings.
From a positive standpoint, we should focus on the power of the Word of God and winning the lost to
Christ which is the purpose of the Gideons. When this policy is violated, it inevitably brings division
among the Gideon members and serves to tear down our ministry, rather than build it up. Obviously,
every Gideon has the right to his own persuasion regarding such doctrinal matters and practices, but, to
repeat, we must refrain from discussing or performing such practices at Gideon meetings and focus on
the primary things regarding which we can all agree as members of this Association.
Social, Political and Other Causes
The policy of the Association is that Gideons and camps must not be identified as either supporting or
protesting various social, political, governmental, or similar organized causes which may be pertinent
issues at one time or another at the local, state or national levels.
Each Gideon has a right to his own personal views on such subjects as political candidates and issues,
social groups, unions, etc. However, in declaring his views on such subjects, he must not identify himself
as a Gideon. Also Gideons must not write letters or e-mails, make statements, or give public opinions of
either support or protest, identifying themselves as Gideons, or in the name of a Gideon camp or
association to candidates, political or social organizations, unions, etc.
Policy on Human Sexuality
The Gideons International continues to hold a high view of Scriptures, believing the Bible to be the
inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. We accept the literal translation of the Scriptures in regard to
human sexuality. Therefore, it is inappropriate for our ministry to participate in any Gideon activity with
individual congregations that publicly hold different views. More details are available from International
Headquarters regarding a comprehensive policy.
Gideons Traveling Abroad
Many times Gideons who travel abroad expect the local Gideons to prepare special meetings, hold
special functions, or show exceptional consideration when they are in the area. It must be understood
that it is unreasonable to expect local Gideons to make special preparations for visiting Gideons, except
for official representatives of the International Cabinet and International Outreach Committee assigned
to conduct camp visitation. A special booklet, Gideons Abroad (Form 906), has been prepared as a guide
for Gideons who plan to travel abroad. Any further questions concerning visits to international outreach
camps should be directed to the International Outreach Division at International Headquarters.
Bequests, Trusts, and Other Special Gifts
Some Gideons are unfamiliar with legal practices involving estates and trusts and thus are unaware of
the proper procedure to follow when notified by the executor of an estate, or the trustee of a trust, or
some other person, of a bequest to The Gideons International. Gideons are advised that the only nonprofit corporation in the USA involving Gideons is The Gideons International, P.O. Box 140800, 50
Century Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37214-0800, and that all camps and state associations are
unincorporated subsidiaries. Thus, upon receipt of any notification from an executor or other person
concerning an estate or trust in which The Gideons will benefit, the complete information should
immediately forward to International Headquarters along with a copy of the document, if available.
Even though the bequest may be designated for use by a camp or state association, it is essential that all
correspondence, checks, documents, etc. first be cleared through International Headquarters in
Nashville, which then will consult the Association’s legal counsel. As per Bylaw Article 7, Section 1, all
monies received by The Gideons International, when not otherwise designated, are credited to the
General Fund; however, such gifts are often placed in the Scripture Fund by action of the Finance
Gifts from estates, gifts of securities, proceeds from life insurance policies, etc. should be immediately
forwarded to International Headquarters without depositing in the bank. It is important that these be
properly cleared through legal counsel. When forwarding estate or trust checks, also include copies of
all correspondence and documents. The cooperation of Gideon members in following this procedure will
be greatly appreciated.
Approved Methods for Securing Funds
The three approved promotional methods for securing funds for general expenses and to purchase and
place Scriptures are: (a) through personal contributions and bequests, (b) through offerings taken at the
time of church presentations, and (c) The GideonCard Program.
Other methods of soliciting funds have been considered but not approved. These methods are not
intended to preclude the appropriate distribution of approved public relations forms as listed on the
Merchandise Order Blank, such as Investing in the Word of God (Form 310).
This means that Gideons are not to participate in flea markets, auctions, or various other promotional
programs for the purpose of securing Gideon Scripture, administrative, or camp funds of any kind.
Use of Published Music
The penalties for using copyrighted music without permission have become very stringent and are being
enforced. To avoid violation of copyright laws, it is important that Gideons operate within careful
guidelines as it relates to using music at Gideon meetings, conferences, or conventions. To that end,
particular attention must be paid to the following points:
It is a violation of copyright law to print the words of a song with or without the music notes.
Gideons should not reprint songs on banquet programs or make photocopies of music selections.
Music at Gideon meetings should not be recorded.
If music is accidentally recorded, it should never be reproduced or sold.
If any display of song lyrics is desired, whether it be on a screen or a handout, an “Event License”
issued by Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) must be obtained, which will be valid
for a 7-day period. Call CCLI at 800-234-2446, Ext. 318, and furnish the list of songs that will be
reproduced and the number of people expected to attend the event. The charge for the CCLI
license will be based on the number of people in attendance; however, the fee is far less than the
potential consequences.
Policy on Attire
As the worship culture has shifted in some evangelical churches, the attire that people wear to church
has become generally more casual. Men's church-going dress style today ranges from traditional coat
and tie to business casual to very casual, with a mixture of styles often represented in a single worship
service. The long-standing philosophy of The Gideons International is that a Gideon making a
presentation in a church should not call attention to himself by the manner in which he dresses. In
today's church, this means that the proper attire may vary from church to church.
The way members of an organization dress is, in itself, a statement about the nature and standards of
that organization. In short, the standard of dress set and maintained within an organization has a
significant bearing on the external image and reputation of that organization.
The Gideons International is a Christian business and professional men's association. Because of the
nature of the organization and the work it undertakes, it is essential that the image our members
project when representing the ministry, or participating in its activities, is one in keeping with respected
business and professional organization standards.
Of course, adherence to an organizational "dress" policy is equally as important as the policy itself.
Failure of members to strictly adhere to the policy ultimately damages the external image and
reputation of the organization, and causes problems within the organization, because of a lack of
discipline and a consequent adverse impact on morale.
It is very important that The Gideons presents itself, and carries out its work, in a manner which is
relevant to the times in which we live. The "message" will never change, but the way in which it is
delivered must be relevant to the people we are endeavoring to reach.
These concepts are particularly relevant with regard to church presentations and the accompanying
Church Ministry Program initiatives.
The following Gideon and Auxiliary "dress" policy is to be followed:
A. Gideons
Traditional Business Dress
The preferred attire for Gideons at all formal Gideon functions, assignments and church
presentations is:
» Business suit
» Plain or muted stripe business (dress) shirt
» Conservative tie
» Dress/business shoes
National Dress
In countries where a national garment is worn as regular "business dress" then this will also be
acceptable attire at all formal Gideon functions, assignments and church presentations.
Business Casual Dress
In instances where "casual dress" is authorized, for example in the case of a Church presentation
where it is established that the pastor for the church dresses "casually" when preaching from the
pulpit, the Gideon presenter assigned to that church may wear "business casual dress" defined
» Tailored jacket, optional (not leather, plaid, etc)
» Plain or muted stripe open-collar business (dress) shirt (short or long sleeve)
» Dress slacks/trousers (not jeans, khakis, etc)
» Dress/business shoes (not athletic shoes or sneakers)
Under no circumstances is a Gideon to dress less formally than stated in the above section of this
policy when representing the Gideon ministry in any way.
Church Ministry Program
» The Gideon obtaining a church presentation is to ascertain what the pastor wears when
preaching. If the pastor dresses casually, the Gideon presenter is to wear business casual attire
as defined above.
» If a presentation is to be made at a church function other than a worship service, the Gideon
arranging the presentation is to ascertain how the people attending the function will be dressed
and the assigned Gideon speaker should dress accordingly, but in accordance with the above
» When there is any doubt about what an assigned Gideon presenter should wear, he should
always err on the side of caution and wear traditional business attire as defined above.
B. Auxiliary
The principles of the above policy shall also apply to The Auxiliary of The Gideons International as
Traditional Business Dress
The preferred attire for Auxiliary members at all formal Gideon functions, when attending a church
presentation with her husband, and Auxiliary Scripture distributions is:
» Conservative business suit, dress, or tailored pants suit
» Dress shoes
» Conservative accessories
National Dress
In countries where a national garment is worn as regular "business dress" then this will also be
acceptable attire at all formal Gideon functions or Auxiliary assignments.
Business Casual Dress
In instances where "casual dress" is authorized, Auxiliary members may wear business casual attire
defined as:
» Smart conservative dress, tailored pant suit, skirt or slacks (not shorts) and coordinating blouse
» Conservative footwear (heels or flats as appropriate, but not sneakers, athletic shoes or casual
» Conservative accessories as appropriate
Church Ministry Program
When an Auxiliary member accompanies her husband at a church presentation she should also dress in
keeping with the dress policy as it applies to the assigned Gideon presenter.
When making the GideonCard presentation, an Auxiliary member should dress similar to the leader of
the women's church group, but never more casually than described above under Business Casual Dress.
Presentation of Awards
Inasmuch as all glory within The Gideons belongs to our Lord, Gideons or Auxiliary members do not
make official presentations of plaques, mementoes, awards, etc., as part of an official Gideon program
at Gideon or Auxiliary functions, to members in recognition of achievements, positions held or services
Separate Meetings at International Conventions
The International Cabinet has adopted the following policy in connection with the international
"That no organized meetings of USA state associations or Gideon countries be held during the
international convention, since such meetings often take up needed hotel facilities, require the use of
hotel personnel, tend to create factionalism which detracts from the international aspect of the
convention, and otherwise cause problems."
Parliamentary Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order are the parliamentary procedure adopted by The Gideons International for its
business meetings. Such rules relate to the orderly transaction of business in meetings and to the duties
of officers in that connection. The object of rules of order is to facilitate the smooth functioning of the
meeting and to provide a firm basis for resolving questions of procedure that may arise.
Robert’s Rules of Order are to be used for the conduct of the business including calling to order,
obtaining and assigning the floor, the handling of motions, debates, the procedure for amending
motions, recesses, adjournment, etc. Camp presidents should understand general parliamentary
procedure and be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, latest editions may be purchased at most
bookstores or online.