New PG Post 08.18.05 Vol.73#33


New PG Post 08.18.05 Vol.73#33
May 12 — May 18, 2011 — The Prince George’s Post —a5
by William Reed
Not Just Another Empty Suit
Seems that all America’s
Black Ladies’ Clubs have banned
together to "boycott Donald
Trump until he admits that
President Obama was born in the
Trump’s “Celebrity
Apprentice” television show, his
casinos, office buildings, and
hotels, have been put in economic peril by little gray-haired Black
The Little Ladies’ boycott
may be “on hold” since President
Obama put out his long-form
Birth Certificate.
Trump is blowing smoke to
inflate his television and presidential poll ratings; but the theory that Obama is not a naturallyborn citizen and consequently
ineligible to serve as President
continues to built in size and
strength. Birthers’ doubts about
Obama go to the core of his signature appeal: his life as an
example of “a multicultural
ideal”. The “Obama legitimacy
question” and the Black Ladies’
Clubs’ “Hate on Trump” campaign is headed for overtime.
Record say that Barack Sr. and
Ann Dunham married in
Wailuku, Maui, on February 2,
1961; but many wonder whether
it was a marriage in anything but
name or whether there was a
marriage at all.
Trump’s legitimacy to be
President of the United States is
in question too. Trump talks
more game than he’s got. It’s said
in business circles that “The
Donald” begged Forbes to list
him as a billionaire, but – to no
avail. Trump’s claim to fame is
more that of a celebrity than businessman. Father Fred Trump
built the real estate empire, the
rest is a play were the 65-year-old
Donald John Trump portrays the
role of a prominent American
business magnate, author, and
television personality. He is the
Chairman and CEO of the Trump
Organization, a US-based real
estate development company.
Trump is also the founder of
Trump Entertainment Resorts,
which operates numerous casino
and hotel properties across the
world. Trump's extravagant
lifestyle and outspoken manner
have made him a celebrity for
years most recently with his
NBC reality show, The
Apprentice (where he serves as
host and executive producer).
Most African-Americans ultimately don't take Donald
Trump’s presidential candidacy
seriously. But, they should
understand and accept the “he’s
not one of us” position and culture.
Bottom-line, the Little Ladies
have a tiger by the tail. The
“birther” issue is part of a definite
and dedicated movement to
make Barack Obama a one-term
President. Trump’s candidacy
message may fall on deaf ears
among African Americans, but
Herman Cain represents the kind
of “American success” bona
fides the Little Ladies might like
to hire in Obama’s place. There
is no question that Cain’s “one of
us. A 66 year-old successful
businessman and radio talk show
host, Cain is an “equal opportunity poster child”. He a former
Godfather's Pizza, former deputy
chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City. A
“Morehouse Man,” Cain joined
Pillsbury in 1977 and rose to vice
president level. A successful
company man, Cain took poor
performing units and made them
Pillsbury then
appointed him President and
CEO of Godfather's Pizza- in 14
months Cain returned the company to profitability. In 1988, Cain
and a group of investors bought
Godfather's where Cain continued as CEO until 1996 when he
resigned to become CEO of the
National Restaurant Association
where he had previously been
chairman concurrently with his
role at Godfather's.
A 2012 election campaign
with Cain on the ticket would be
the type of “hope and change”
Americans thought they were
getting in 2008. If Cain couples
his candidacy with a focus on
race issues, the tactic could put
many Blacks on the Republicans’
rolls in 2012. Cain’s conservative credentials could enhance his
taking a principled approach to
the race issue; and could jeopardize Obama’s and Democrats’
ability to continue getting 95 percent Black voter support. Only
such a candidacy as Cain can
mount could get the millions of
Little Ladies to see how issues of
Black economic development
and chronic unemployment are
being overlooked at the expense
of the symbolism of keeping
Obama in office. Herman Cain
may be “the truth” in these matters.
(William Reed is available for
speaking/seminar projects via
Call 310-627-0900
By Press OFFiCer
Office of the Governor
Administration’s ‘Generating
Clean Horizons’ initiative to
compete for the Kennedy School
of Government’s ‘Innovations in
American Government’ Award
2011) – Governor O’Malley
today announced that Maryland
has been recognized by the Ash
Governance and Innovation at
the John F. Kennedy School of
University for developing one of
the most innovative public sector
programs in the nation. The
announcement comes as the
Kennedy School names the top
twenty-five innovations in government, representing the best in
creative problem solving of local,
state, and federal municipalities
around the country, as part of the
competition for the prestigious
Government Award.
“In times when governments
must do more with less, Maryland
is leading by example: using its
from A1
prosecuted, court records show.
His mother said Layne had not
been using marijuana since a stint
last fall in drug rehab.
No arrests have been made in
his murder case, but Ellis said
police have stayed in touch with
her weekly.
And although police can't give
Ellis the jacket her son wore the
day he was killed, she said, she
does have a closet full of his
clothes and shoes -- and notebooks that her son must have
written in daily.
It's not a lot of consolation for
a life cut so short.
Layne had "started making
some good decisions and deciding what he really wanted to do,"
Ellis said. "I think that's the part
that really bothers me. He was
taken away when our family was
seeing ... him developing into a
Annette Nichols, a neighbor,
said she had known Layne since
fifth grade. She remembers him
playing outside as a child, tossing
a football around or riding his
bike with other neighborhood
kids. Nichols said her son, 21year-old Anthony Nichols, was
one of the children Layne often
played with.
"We basically watched him
(Layne) grow up," Nichols said.
"He wasn't a troublesome kid at
all; he was well-mannered. He
would say 'Hi, Miss Annette.'
You'd see Mike, he'd always
speak. He didn't cause no problems."
Nichols said Layne would frequently go to the Marlow Heights
Community Center to play basketball, a fact Ellis recalled as
well. Layne cared about his
physique just as he did the
clothes he wore.
"He was in excellent condition," Ellis said. "He played basketball every single day at the rec
Nichols said Layne was in
"the wrong place at the wrong
time." She worries about her own
increasingly limited resources to
make the right choices and investments in the future,” said
Governor Martin O’Malley. “By
investing in smart, creative solutions like Generating Clean
Horizons, Maryland is creating
jobs through innovation and making real progress towards our goal
of generating twenty-percent of
our state’s energy needs from
renewable sources by 2022.”
Horizons initiative was launched
in 2008 in an effort to ‘kick-start’
utility-scale clean power generation in Maryland. The initiative,
which is administered by the
Maryland Energy Administration
(MEA) in partnership with the
Department of General Services
(DGS) and the University of
Maryland Systems (UMDS), was
designed to leverage the State of
Maryland’s purchasing power by
offering twenty-year power purchase agreements (PPAs) to
developers of new, renewable
energy facilities. The state solicited proposals from developers of
renewable energy technologies
(biomass, solar and wind), ultimately signing agreements with
two commercial scale onshore
wind farms and one of the
nation’s largest solar farms. As a
result, the Generating Clean
Horizons program has spurred
the creation of 78 MW of new
renewable energy generation –
enough to power nearly 20,000
average Maryland homes per
year – while also creating new
'green' jobs and saving Maryland
millions of dollars each year in
energy costs.
The Harvard Kennedy School
of Government’s Innovations in
American Government Award
was created in 1985 by the Ford
Foundation in response to widespread pessimism and distrust in
government’s effectiveness. In
the time since, Maryland governments have been honored with
the award four times, most
recently in 2004 for the City of
Baltimore’s CitiStat program: a
data-driven management tool
developed by then-Mayor Martin
O’Malley to encourage personal
accountability and focus attention on results.
son, given the circumstances of
Layne's death, but knows there's
not much she can do.
"I just pray on it," Nichols
said. "My son, he's 21, and he
hangs out ... but I just keep praying to God that nothing ever happens to him.
"It's not good to be out on the
streets during the night time."
Ellis said she always knew
when Layne wanted something
"When he was getting ready
to ask me for something, he
would come lay on my bed, and
say, 'Hey mom, what you looking
at'" I'd say, 'What do you want
now, Michael,'" she recalled.
Layne's fashion-consciousness extended beyond his own
appearance. Ellis said when
Layne was out shopping, he'd
always keep his 3-year-old brother, Gregory, in mind.
"He would say, 'Mom, you
need to get this for Gregory, that
for Gregory.' It was unreal," Ellis
said. A single mother, Ellis said
her eldest son played a big role in
helping raise his little brother.
"He helped me with everything," she said. "He occupied his
(Gregory's) time, like while I was
either getting rest, or just playing
with him, being that big brother,
showing him different things.
Especially with getting potty
Layne was generous with
friends, too. Ellis said one of her
son's friends didn't have many
clothes, so Layne would give that
friend what he could spare.
"I would buy him T-shirts and
underwear and stuff like that, and
he'd say, 'Mom, I need another
pack,'" Ellis said. "He helped out.
(His friend) didn't really have
After Layne died, Ellis said
she gave away many of his
clothes. Most of them ended up
with that friend.
Tiera Cutler, 18, a close a
friend of Layne's, said his kindness extended to her, too.
Pregnant at age 16, Cutler said
she was considering abortion
after doctors told her the child
had a chance of developing
Down syndrome. Distraught,
Cutler sought Layne's advice. He
told her to have the baby.
She did, and the 1-year-old
boy is healthy, she said.
"He was such a good friend to
me. He was always there. I would
call Michael for anything, and he
would listen," Cutler said. "I can
honestly say Michael is the reason why my son is here."
Though he used marijuana for
a time, Ellis said she could see
her son starting to grow up. He
finished home schooling last
May and earned his high school
Layne landed a summer job at
the National Institutes of Health
in the radiology department. Ellis
works at NIH as a supervisory
program specialist.
Ellis said Layne was supposed
to start working in February at
the Government Printing Office
in the bindery department. He
planned to buy a car once he
made enough money -- he told
his mother he wanted a Monte
Carlo, not realizing the old
Chevrolet wasn't going to be particularly fuel-efficient.
"He just wanted to be different," Ellis said. "He wanted to
have a different kind of car. I had
actually planned to give him my
other car once he got a job."
Layne was still trying to
decide what he wanted to do in
his career, but Ellis said her son's
favorite subject in school was
English. Layne apparently wrote
a lot, Ellis said, which she only
learned after going through his
closet after he died. It was lined
with stacks of spiral notebooks.
"When I was going through
his room, I found a journal, I
never knew he wrote in it," Ellis
said. "I haven't had the courage to
go and read everything in it. He
has a lot of stuff in it. He wrote
maybe every day.
"I used to wonder where all
the spiral notebooks were going."
Layne was apparently interested in taking pictures and
video, too. For Christmas, he
picked out and received a camcorder, his mother said. The camcorder is still in its box in Layne's
"He never even got the chance
to use it," Ellis said.
Faced with using leave time or
losing it at the end of December,
Ellis took the last three weeks of
the month off and spent most of
that time around the house with
Layne. She said she normally
wouldn't have taken the time in
such a large chunk, but was glad
she did this time.
She returned to work Monday,
Jan. 3.
Layne was killed the next day.
Ellis has not yet given up hope
that police will find her son's
killer, but she admits there are
few good days for her emotionally.
She said she tries to visit her
son's grave at Fort Lincoln
Funeral Home in Brentwood,
Md., on Fridays.
In March, Ellis and her sister
organized an event for friends
and family to pass out Crime
Solvers reward fliers in parking
Ellis said everything reminds
her of Layne; a camera he used
frequently hasn't been used since
he died, and the CDs he used to
listen to in the car haven't been
She's stopped cooking -Layne's favorite meals were fried
chicken with corn and cubed
steak with sauteed onions, gravy
and rice -- but going out to eat
isn't any easier.
Ellis said she knows she
needs therapy, but hasn't signed
up. She said doctors have given
her medication to help keep her
It's difficult, she said, but she
tries to remember the things she
is grateful for: Her son graduated
from high school and was
becoming a man.
"He was a wonderful kid,"
she said. "All kids have their
problems, but he was, like, the
joy of our family."
PHOTO BY CaPiTal News serviCe
Governor Martin O'Malley Celebrates Earth Day By
Announcing Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
At BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport
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Business Exchange
Maryland Recognized by the John F. Kennedy
School of Government at Harvard University
A6 — May 12 — May 18, 2011 — The Prince George’s Post
Calendar of Events
Movie Review
“Fast Five”
Rated PG-13 for moderate
profanity, a lot of
action violence.
2 hrs., 10 min.
"Fast Five" is a movie about
two guys who steal expensive
cars for a living and are forced
to do this in Brazil because of
America's draconian anti-stealing policies. It is like when people moved to Canada to avoid
the draft. These two guys are
conscientious objectors to the
notion of having jobs. One of
them used to be an FBI agent,
but he quit that job in order to
steal expensive cars, which was
always his true calling.
This is the fifth movie in the
"Fast and the Furious" franchise. I believe street racing was
a significant part of the story at
some point. When did it start
focusing on theft? Or was theft
always a component? The only
way to answer these questions
would be to read my reviews of
the previous four movies, and
that seems like a lot of work,
and I am a conscientious objector.
The two guys are Vin Diesel
and Paul Walker. No doubt their
characters have other names,
but let's not pretend that matters.
The movie begins with Paul
Walker and his buddies ambushing a prison bus in order to liberate the newly incarcerated Vin
Diesel. This scene typifies the
rest of the movie: it involves an
elaborate plan that could not
possibly work yet does anyway,
it is moderately exciting to
watch, it demonstrates a brazen
disrespect for the laws of
physics, and it miraculously
fails to kill anyone. Vin Diesel,
Paul Walker, and their associates are responsible for millions
of dollars of property damage
over the course of the movie,
but not once do they take anyone's life, even accidentally.
That's because they are the good
guys, i.e., the car thieves. The
bad guys (whose cars are sometimes stolen by the good guys)
kill wantonly. That's how you
know they're bad.
Anyway, everybody goes to
Brazil, and in the process of
very innocently stealing some
expensive cars gets tangled in
the web of Rio de Janeiro's leading crime boss, Reyes (Joaquim
de Almeida), who rules the
favelas. Paul Walker and Vin
Diesel decide to do One Last
Job and steal all of Reyes' illgotten money. They will use
cars to do this, somehow. This
"Ocean's Eleven"-style heist
requires a dream team of drivers, hackers, con artists, and
rappers, and so suddenly it's
"Fast and/or Furious" franchise
reunion time! Why, there's
Tyrese Gibson, Ludacris, and
people with names like Jordana
Brewster, Matt Schulze, Sung
Kang, Gal Gadot, and Tego
Calderon. The movie implies
that we should know these characters because they were in previous chapters of the saga, but
I'll be honest, you could give me
a list of a hundred people, fifty
of whom had been in the "Fast
and/or Furious" movies and
fifty of whom had not, and I
wouldn't be able to tell you
which was which.
New to the series, however,
is Dwayne Johnson, the artist
formerly known as The Rock,
May 12 - May 18, 2011
May 2011
3901 rhode island avenue
Brentwood, MD
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker lead a reunion of returning allstars from every chapter of the explosive franchise built on
speed in Fast Five.
playing an American federal
agent trying to arrest Vin Diesel
and Paul Walker. I was intrigued
to learn of The Rock's participation in the movie, as I curious to
see what kind of technology
would be involved in making it
look like he and Vin Diesel are
two different people. The Rock
has facial hair, which helps us
tell them apart, and is a Tommy
Lee Jones-style blowhard who
barks orders at subordinates and
will not rest until the criminals
are apprehended.
The screenplay, by Chris
Morgan (who also wrote parts 3
and 4, as well as "Cellular" and
"Wanted"), is brimming with the
usual idiotic macho dialogue
and many opportunities for the
actors to swagger, puff out their
chests, and flare their nostrils.
At one point Tyrese Gibson
declares, "This job just went
from 'Mission: Impossible' to
'Mission: In-freakin'-sanity'!";
that is one of the movie's better
But the action scenes are
marvelously energetic and wellchoreographed, and -- even on
an IMAX screen -- not so chaotic as to become incomprehensible. (Yes, we're at the point
where action scenes must be
praised merely for being coherent.) We could sit here all day
and discuss the plausibility of
the things that Vin Diesel, Paul
Walker, and co. do with their
automobiles and bodies, but that
would be a waste of our time.
As far as I can recall, "Fast
Five" is one of the better entries
in the series. That's not to say it
isn't big and dumb, only that its
big dumbness is executed with
some degree of competence -one might even say flair -- by
director Justin Lin. We used to
wish that Lin would return to
the kind of savvy, stylish filmmaking that marked his first feature, the Sundance hit "Better
Luck Tomorrow," but now we
have resigned ourselves to the
idea that he will make "Fast
and/or Furious" movies forever,
and it's OK. There are worse
things a person could do than
that, and worse movies a person
could watch than this.
Arena Stage Offers Ticket Savings Progam
By Michael Weiss
Associate Director, Event PR
(Washington, D.C.) Beginning
with the revival of Rodgers and
Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! this
summer, Arena Stage at the Mead
Center for American Theater will
offer tickets for patrons ages 5 to
30 in the new Pay Your Age savings program. This program was
developed to foster relationships
with younger generations and
allow them to experience theater
at Arena Stage that might otherwise be cost-prohibitive. 10,500
tickets have been designated for
this program throughout the
2011/12 season. Pay Your Age
tickets for Oklahoma! will
become available by phone and at
the Arena Stage Sales Office starting Monday, May 9, 2011.
Pay Your Age tickets go on
sale two months prior to the first
public performance of a production. Patrons may purchase tickets
by phone or in person, limit of
four Pay Your Age tickets per
household. Proof of age for each
member of the party will be
required at time of purchase
and/or pickup from the box office.
A limited number of Pay Your
Age tickets will be guaranteed
available per performance on a
first come, first serve basis. The
Pay Your Age program replaces
the $15 tickets for 30-and-under
patrons program that was in effect
for the past several seasons concluding with the 2010/11 season.
Packs Special for the production
of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s
Oklahoma!, Arena Stage is offering families the opportunity to
purchase tickets in a Family Fun
Pack for $153, all fees included.
Four tickets are included per
Family Fun Pack, with a limit of
two packs per household. For
each Family Fun Pack there must
be at least two children ages 5 to
17, and proof of age is required at
the time of purchase or pick up
from the box office. A limited
number of fun packs are available
per performance.
ONGOING SAVINGS PROGRAMS Student Discounts Fulltime students (one student ticket
per valid ID) may receive 35% off
regular ticket prices. This discount is offered by phone or in
person for every performance and
is subject to availability.
Metro Mondays Bring your
SmarTrip or Metro card to the
Arena Stage Sales Office after
noon on Mondays and get halfprice tickets to that week's performances. Limit two tickets while
supplies last. Subject to availability. Not valid on previously purchased tickets. Not to be combined with any other offer.
HOTTIX Arena Stage is committed to making theater accessible to persons for whom the regular cost of tickets would be prohibitive. For these members of the
community, a limited number of
half-price tickets are sold for most
performances of Arena Stage productions, subject to availability.
HOTTIX go on sale 30 minutes
before curtain and are sold until
all available HOTTIX sell out.
HOTTIX must be purchased in
person at the Sales Office. Limit
of two per person. (May not be
available for selected dates and/or
special productions.)
Southwest Nights A special
invitation is extended to our
Southwest D.C. neighbors to buy
$25 tickets for one specially designated performance of each production. Proof of Southwest D.C.
residency or employment for each
member of the party must be presented at the time of purchase.
Tickets are limited to four per person and are based on availability.
*Discounts cannot be combined or applied to previously
purchased tickets. Per-ticket handling fees apply for telephone and
Internet sales. A $4 facility fee
applies to all tickets.
Arena Stage at the Mead
Center for American Theater is a
national center dedicated to the
production, presentation, development and study of American
University of Maryland Celebrates 13th
Annual Maryland Day
By: arlette Philogene
COlleGe ParK--This past
saturday, the University of Maryland
hosted Maryland Day, its annual open
house. with more than 400 events and
activities, officials estimated that the
university attracted more than 97,000
visitors, breaking previous attendance
as one of the top free annual events
in the state of Maryland, the university
welcomed the entire washington, D.C.
region to explore and discover what
the campus had to offer and what it
meant to be a Terp. The 1,250 acre
campus was broken up into six areas of
exploration, learning and fun: science
and Tech way, ag Day avenue, arts
alley, sports and rec row, Biz and
society Hill and Terp Town Center.
Children, parents, alumni and other
community members experienced the
Maryland campus with a day full of
fun, educational activities. Children
got their pictures painted by caricature
artists, went on archaeological digs
and climbed a 60 foot high climbing
Prospective students learned
about university programs, financial
aid and met with deans from several
departments. visitors also learned
about healthy eating, campus jobs and
watched performances by some of the
most talented dance teams.
One of the day’s most popular
events featured the Today show’s
nutrition and health expert, Joy Bauer
7th Annual Gateway Open Studio Tour
saturday, May 14, 12:00-5:00pm
Get up close and personal with legions of local artists in their
studios and see the work of this intensely creative community.
Free shuttle bus transportation is available along the route 1 /
rhode island avenue corridor to help get you to all the venues on
the tour Or ... drive, walk, bike your way along this self guided
Maps and more information available at
and in advance of the tour, or at
the Gateway arts Center on the day of the tour.
The Gateway Open studio Tour is is generously supported by:
Maryland National Capitol Park and Planning Commission, and
sponsored by Bank of america and the anacostia Trails Heritage
Ashley Lyon, May Wilson, Lu Zhang, Jenny Cullinan
curated by Ledelle Moe
Opening reception, saturday, May 14, 5:30-8:00pm
Jenny Cullinan from south africa (living and working in south
africa) embroiders small internal organs onto delicate surfaces,
lu Zhang from China (living and working in the Usa) works
with the notion of body extensions through finely articulated pen
drawings. May wilson from the United states (living and working in the Usa) focuses on the discarded and precious qualities
of life through the representation of animal forms . ashley lyon,
american (living and working in the Usa) creates works that
investigate the idea of the human body in relation to the idea of
sculpted and psychological realism.
Through the manipulation of various materials, these artists speak
to the fragility of the body and reveal the way in which we locate
the interior and exterior and extensions of the body to ideas of the
scared and the secular.
39th Street Gallery and Project Space
entrance on 39th Street
Gallery Hours:
Thursdays and Fridays: 7pm - 9pm
saturdays: 12pm - 4pm
4 FROM N.Y.:
Manhee Bak ,Stephn Honicki, Elisabeth Jacobsen and Sheila
Opening reception, saturday, May 14, 5:30-8:00pm
The group exhibit will feature mixed media and photography by
four artists living and working in N.Y.
39th Street Gallery Corridor Space
entrance on 39th Street
Gallery Hours:
Thursdays and Fridays: 7pm - 9pm
saturdays: 12pm - 4pm
A book reading with Liz Lerman
Thursday, May 19, 7:00-9:00pm
On May 19, choreographer liz lerman will present excerpts
from her new book, Hiking the Horizontal. Published by
wesleyan University Press, this collection of personal stories and
insightful essays reflects on the 35-year career that has taken this
2002 Macarthur "Genius Grant" recipient from theater stages to
shipyards, from synagogues to science labs. Through readings
and conversation this event will explore liz's 35-year career as a
maverick dance-maker, expansive educator, and advocate for the
role of art in public policy and community life.
39th Street Gallery Corridor Space
entrance on 39th Street
Curator/Sculptor Ledelle Moe, and artists Ashley Lyon, May
Wilson and Lu Zhang from the "BODY" Exhibit
saturday, May 28, 2:00-4:00pm
39th Street Gallery Corridor Space
entrance on 39th Street
Programs and exhibitions at the 39th Street Gallery are generously supported by the M-NCPPC Department of Parks &
Recreation, Arts and Cultural Heritage Division.
’86 who hosted the Health
and wellness cooking stage
on Hornbake Plaza. she
presented signed copies of
her book Four steps to Thin
Forever and gave advice on
healthy eating habits. Bauer
advised that women keep
their waist line below 35 inches and
that men kept theirs below 40 and recommended that audience members
know their cholesterol levels.
University dining chefs held live cooking demonstrations on preparing
healthy, flavorful meals. Oatmeal
cookies and frozen hot chocolate
Maryland Day had an event or
activity that sparked the interest of
anyone who stepped foot on the cam-
pus. it was the final celebration of the
university’s recently inaugurated
President wallace loh who was honored with a limited time vanil- loh
mango ice cream, a mixture of vanilla
and mango flavors.
“Maryland Day has become a
model for other schools and one of the
premier annual events in the state,"
said University President wallace loh.
The university plans on making next
year’s Maryland Day, saturday, april
28, more fun and family friendly than
ever before.
For more information on this year’s
Maryland Day, and to plan your next
May 12 — May 18, 2011 — The Prince George’s Post —a7
The Edge of Sports
Shut Up and Play?
Patriotism, Jock Culture
and Limits of Free Speech
In the aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s assassination, the
sports world embraced the public eruption of patriotism.
From the spontaneous cheers of 40,000 fans in Philly, to
amped "Military Appreciation Night" celebrations at stadiums around the country; from the chest-thumping tweets of
athletes and sports writers, to entire blocks on sports radio
exalting in the rush of bin Laden’s dramatic demise.
Yet some athletes dared to buck the trend, and in the
process have learned a tough lesson about the limits of free
speech in the jockocracy. Chris Douglas-Roberts, former
Memphis basketball All-American and current Milwaukee
Buck, responded to bin Laden’s death by listing a litany of
reasons for why he wasn’t playing the Toby Keith on repeat,
tweeting among other things, “It took 919,967 deaths to kill
that one guy. It took 10 years & 2 Wars to kill that...guy. It
cost us (USA) roughly $1,188,263,000,000 to kill
that...........guy. But we winning though. Haaaa. (Sarcasm).”
Profanity, threats, and the general belief that he was "stupid," a "moron" and that he should shut his "dumb [expletive] mouth" because he is "not intelligent" came rolling in.
CDR tried to hit back, tweeting, “What I'm sayin has nothing
to do with 9/11 or that guy (Bin Laden). I still feel bad for the
9/11 families but I feel EQUALLY bad for the war families.
... People are telling me to get out of America now b/c I'm
against MORE INNOCENT people dying everyday? B/c I'm
against a 10 year WAR? Whatever happened to our freedom
of speech?..What I've learned tonight, athletes shouldn't have
perspectives. But I don't care. We feel certain ways about
things TOO.”
Rashard Mendenhall, the pro-bowl running back for the
Pittsburgh Steelers, raised eyebrows even higher with his
comments, writing, [“For] those of you who said you want to
see Bin Laden burn in hell and piss on his ashes, I ask how
would God feel about your heart?... What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man
they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one
Mendenhall then took it somewhere Douglas-Roberts did
not, raising the exhaustively debunked conspiratorial doubts
about the events of 9/11, tweeting, “I just have a hard time
believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition.”
This caused Sports illustrated's senior football writer Don
Banks to write a piece titled, Mendenhall just the latest NFL
player to spout utter nonsense.
The outrage intensified to the point where Steelers
President Art Rooney II, a big money bundler for President
Obama stated, “I have not spoken with Rashard so it is hard
to explain or even comprehend what he meant with his recent
Twitter comments. The entire Steelers’ organization is very
proud of the job our military personnel have done and we can
only hope this leads to our troops coming home soon.”
Whether or not you supported some or all the wars of the
last decade (I think they’ve been a hellacious, unconscionable waste of human life that has serve to make the
world a more dangerous place), there is a bigger lesson that
the guardians of Jock Culture seem to be trying to teach: by
being an athlete you have signed away your right to have an
opinion beyond your choice of sneaker or sports drink. This
is something that runs very deep in the marrow of our sports
culture: that athletes, particularly black athletes should just
“shut up and play.” They should feel fortunate to just to have
the good fortune to get paid and they have no right to say
anything that might make anyone even a bit uncomfortable.
If you look historically at athletes who today are admired for
their courageous honesty—people like Muhammad Ali,
Billie Jean King, Jim Brown, and Bill Russell—they were all
told by the sports columnists of their day that they should
button their lips and just play. When Tommie Smith and John
Carlos raised their black gloved fists, a young sportswriter
for the Chicago American by the name of Brent Musberger
wrote, “One gets a little tired of having the United States run
down by athletes who are enjoying themselves at the
expense of their country,” going on to call them, “a pair of
black-skinned storm-troopers.”
In other words, to be a political athlete in any way that
doesn’t involve wrapping yourself in the flag has always
been apostasy in the eyes of the guardians of Jock Culture. I
would argue this is a deeply destructive line of thought that
damages our society beyond the confine of sports. Athletes
are role models whether we want to admit it or not. Do we
really want them modeling that a lack of political thought is
a virtue? Or that having the biggest contract makes you the
best possible human being? Or do we want them modeling
the simple idea that having something to say about the world
is something to be emulated?
If you disagree with what an athlete says, say so. I don’t
agree with Tim Tebow that women shouldn’t be able to have
abortions because the star quarterback disapproves. I don’t
agree with Rashard Mendenhall that 9/11 was any kind of
inside job. But let’s argue out these issues on the merits.
Let’s stop perpetuating the idea that athletes have forfeited
their right to say whatever they damn-well please. To Chris
Douglas-Roberts: yes, athletes DO have a right to have perspectives, and I hope we can continue to hear what's on your
mind. But your silence only will embolden those who
believe otherwise, and make it that much harder for the next
athlete with something to say.
[Dave Zirin is the author of “Bad Sports: How Owners
are Ruining the Games we Love” (Scribner) and just made
the new documentary “Not Just a Game.” Contact him at
[email protected].]
EARTH TALK - "Timber thefts.”
Dear EarthTalk:
I heard that timber thefts are
increasing across the country.
Why would people steal timber
and is it a particular kind for a
particular use?
-- Rosie Ng, Stanwood, WA
People are stealing timber
for the same reasons they steal
anything: to profit from someone else’s hard work. What
makes timber thefts that much
harder to stop is the fact that,
most of the time, they occur in
remote forested areas and loggers typically don’t have to
document their sales as meticulously as other kinds of natural
resource extraction. With the
economy still in the doldrums,
it’s not surprising that timber
thefts appear to be on the rise,
at least based on anecdotal evidence from around the country.
“Timber theft can range
from a landowner cutting down
a neighbor’s tree to loggers
stealing hundreds or thousands
of trees from private or public
lands,” reports Lori Compas in
the September/October 2010
“Investigators say it’s difficult
to calculate the exact number of
trees lost to theft, but losses are
estimated at $3 million over the
last five years in Mississippi
alone.” She cites one example
there whereby a logger was
arrested on three counts of timber theft after clearing some
$375,000 worth of trees from
land set aside to benefit local
In some cases, thieves are
targeting specific types of rare
or expensive wood, such as the
Justice from A1
al-Qaeda and salute the public
servants who have supported
this effort over the last ten
“The fight against al-Qaeda
is far from over and we must
remain vigilant, but yesterday
the terrorist network lost its
founder and leader. It was a
good day for America and for
all those throughout the world
who work for freedom, justice,
and peace.”
Congresswoman Edwards’
Statement on President Obama
Announcing the Death of
Osama bin Laden
Washington, D.C. –
Congresswoman Donna F.
Edwards (D-MD) issued the
following statement regarding
President Obama’s announcement that Osama bin Laden
was killed.
“Tonight, nearly a decade
after the horrific events of
Funds from A3
robust war chest, he could face
a significant challenge to reelection if his district is
The Democratic-controlled
Maryland General Assembly
will convene for a special session to address redistricting and
they may try to draw the lines
of the 1st District to give
Democrats a better chance,
Eberly said.
The competitive district
could mean an increased need
for cash by all candidates in the
"Harris will be wellfinanced, and whoever runs
against him will also be wellfinanced," he said. Kratovil's
campaign committee continues
to file with the Federal Election
Commission, but did not report
any contributions this quarter.
Harris is not alone in continuing to build his coffers. In the
3rd District, Rep. John
Sarbanes, D-Towson, raised
$233,000 this cycle, bringing
his total cash on hand to more
than double his total in 2009.
Five of Maryland's eight
House members have less cash
on hand at present than they did
at this stage of the last race.
"Safe" Democratic candidates in Maryland may not need
distinctively patterned birdseye maple used in some highend musical instruments. Since
there’s no way to tell if the
wood inside a maple tree will
show the birds-eye pattern
without cutting into it, thieves
aren’t scared to damage or
potentially kill a tree to find
out. “We can see where they’ve
notched trees [on state-owned
forest land] to see if they have
that desirable pattern,” says
Larry Raedel, chief law
enforcement officer for the
Washington State Department
of Natural Resources. “When
they find one that does, they cut
down the entire tree and pack
out a five- or six-foot section.
They might make $300-$400
for a slab of birdseye.”
Of course, on the other end
of the spectrum, more complex
schemes involve unreported or
falsified mill receipts. “For
instance, a logger might have a
legitimate contract to cut timber
on a parcel of land, with the
understanding that he will cut
certain trees, take them to a
sawmill, receive payment and
pay the landowner a portion of
the receipts,” reports Compas.
“The trick is that he might take
the logs to several different
mills and only report the sales
from one mill, pocketing the
proceeds from the others.” In
response to these more sophisticated tactics law enforcement is
starting to step up efforts to
catch timber thieves red-handed
by the use of tracking paint,
surveillance and hidden cameras. Oftentimes other loggers
will even tip off local authori-
Timber thefts appear to be on the rise and losses in Mississippi
alone were estimated to be $3 million over the last five years.
Pictured: the aftermath of a timber theft (in this case, maple)
in Washington State.
ties about a rogue member of
their industry perpetrating such
According to Tree Farmer
magazine, legislatures and
courts in various states are also
starting to assign stiffer penalties for timber thefts. “Not only
will actual or compensatory
damages be awarded, but also,
in the proper situations, swift
and severe penalty awards and
punitive damages will be handed down by the courts,” Tree
Farmer reports. Unlike in the
past, timber thieves today often
must answer to civil trespassing
charges along with larceny of
natural resources—and may be
expected to pay back not only
the value of the stolen timber
but also the cost of reforesting
the site(s) in question. Timber
thieves who haul their take out
of state might also face federal
charges for transporting stolen
timber across state lines.
CONTACTS: E Magazine,
Tree Farmer,
EarthTalk® is written and
edited by Roddy Scheer and
Doug Moss and is a registered
trademark of E - The
( Send
questions to:
[email protected].
Subscribe: Free Trial Issue:
“This closes a sad and tragic chapter in our country and
our world’s history. Commend
the men and women of our
Armed Forces and the dedicated public servants of our
nation’s security agencies. This
should be a day of reflection
and prayer for a more peaceful
Statement from Governor
Martin O’Malley on the killing
ofOsama ben Lauden
2011) – Governor Martin
O’Malley issued this statement
today following President
Obama’s announcement to the
nation last night that Osama bin
Laden has been killed:
Senator Barbara Mikulski’s
Statement on the death of
Osams bin Lauden
Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
(D-Md), member of the Senate
Intelligence, today issued the
following statement on the
news that Osama bin Laden has
been killed by American
“This is a historic day for
our country. A lot of heroic
effort went into making this
happen. Due to a lot of bravery
from the men and women of
our military and intelligence
community, Osama bin Laden
is dead.
“Osama bin Laden was
responsible for the deaths of
thousands of Americans and
many Marylanders – on 9/11
and other terrorist attacks.
“Today, I think of that
morning of 9/11. Of how we all
ran out of the Capitol. Of how
we saw smoke coming from the
Pentagon. And of how we all
felt as we saw the World Trade
Center fall.
“The next day, I spoke at a
prayer service at the Capitol. I
said that America would not
rest until we had justice. I never
thought it would take 10 years.
“While bin Laden is dead,
the hateful ideology he espouses will persist. Al Qaeda is a
resilient operation. We must
remain vigilant and prepared.
Terrorists will continue to harbor predatory intent toward the
United States.
“But tonight, justice has
been done.”
as much money to fund their
races in 2012 because the presidential election will bring their
party members to the polls to
re-elect Obama, Epperly said.
"You're gonna ride that wave to
some extent, regardless of how
much money you spend."
Of the three members with
less money at this point in the
cycle than they did in 2009,
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, DCockeysville, has the most
notable difference of $455,000.
"The reason that he doesn't
have to be hustling right now is
that he's probably not going to
get any significant opposition
in the Democratic primary,"
Crenson said. "He's in a pretty
good position. He doesn't need
to scramble."
For Ruppersberger, it may
be too soon to know whether he
will need to spend a lot to maintain his seat. "It would be too
early to try to make a determination as to whether the field of
candidates this election would
be as competitive as last time
around," said Ruppersberger's
press secretary, Jaime Lennon.
In 2010, the average cost for
House victors was $1,376,254,
according to an analysis by the
Campaign Finance Institute, a
research organization that studies election funding. The
amount of money spent by
House winners has steadily
increased in the last decade,
said Brendan Glavin, the
Institute's data manager.
Overall totals for Rep. Chris
Van Hollen, D-Kensington, are
down 31 percent from last cycle
-- understandable considering
his change in position in the
party and lack of registered
opposition in the 2012 race.Van
Hollen is the only member of
the delegation with more than
$1 million cash on hand now.
He leads the delegation this
cycle, as he did in the last campaign. This quarter, Van
Hollen's campaign committee
reported more than $1.75 million cash on hand -- almost
$800,000 less than he had in
April 2009.
Even though his total
exceeds that of the next-closest
Cummings, D-Baltimore, by
more than $900,000, Van
Hollen has significantly less
money than in 2009 when he
Committee, an organization
that helps elect Democrats to
the House.
Campaign finance laws permit candidates to give unlimited amounts to the organization,
which can then spend the
money in tight races, and party
leaders traditionally give large
sums to the group. House
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, DMechanicsville, is a major contributor.
Hoyer led the delegation in
fundraising this quarter, posting
more than $500,000 in receipts.
More than two-thirds of that
money came from other political committees, like PACs.
Other delegation members
have considerably less to work
with. Cummings' receipts of
about $60,000 this quarter nearly matched his receipts of
$66,675 from the first quarter
of 2009. His overall cash on
hand is up 38 percent from the
same time in the last race.
Rep. Donna Edwards, DFort Washington, trailed the rest
of the delegation this cycle and
last cycle. According to the latest report, her campaign has
about $41,000 cash on hand. In
April of the previous cycle, her
committee reported $64,000
cash on hand.
Roscoe Bartlett, R-Frederick,
raised the least money this
quarter, bringing in $44,400.
The 84-year-old announced that
he will run for his 11th term in
Congress in 2012.
The next FEC reporting
deadline for candidates is July
September 11, 2001, President
Barack Obama announced that
the mastermind of that horror,
Osama bin Laden, has been
killed. President Obama made a
commitment to the American
people to bring Bin Laden to
justice -- that day has come at
last. American servicemembers
and our intelligence and counterintelligence forces have
done everything we have asked
of them; they have served justice and they have served the
cause of freedom. Our thoughts
and prayers continue to go out
to the families who lost loved
ones on September 11.”
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those undergoing treatment for
all types of cancer, including
breast cancer. Cancer treatments
such as chemotherapy can kill
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these patients rely on blood
transfusions throughout their
treatment to remain strong and
recover. According to the
American Cancer Society, over
1.5 million people are expected
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2010 in the United States. Many
of those patients will require
transfusions of blood and
“This is a wonderful opportunity to give life to local patients in
need with a blood donation and
show your support of the fight
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Officer for the GC&P Region.
“Many of us know someone who
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this give our donors the opportunity to share their experience with
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The “Wall of Hope” will be
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Over 1000 units of blood are
needed daily to meet the needs
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Red Cross Blood Donors Can
Honor the Fight Against Breast
The American Red Cross,
Greater Chesapeake and Potomac
Region is honoring those who
have struggled with this disease
with “Walls of Hope” at all blood
drives and donor centers throughout the month of October.
Participants may write a small
card in honor of a cancer patient
to post on the Wall Of Hope. Call
1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-7332767) to schedule a life-saving
donation appointment. Platelet
donors can call 1-800-272-2123
to schedule an appointment.
Blood is often used to treat