The Austin Quarterly - Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW
The Austin Quarterly - Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW
The car of the century Th f th t #11 Oct 2015 The Austin Quarterly ^ Newsletter 50th Anniversary of the Austin 1800 in Australia A i f th A ti 1800 i A t li Welcome to the October 2015 Newsletter. On 12th October 1964, a major expansion of the factory was announced (worth some £7M) and as part of this, it was also announced that the Austin 1800 1800 would be manufactured at the Zetland plant ld b f d h Z l d l after exhaustive testing for Australian conditions. The expansion plans included relocation of Parts and Accessories from Zetland to Liverpool, thus freeing up an additional 100,000 sqft of manufacturing space. Two UK made vehicles were imported into Two UK made vehicles were imported into Australia for testing. The eventual modifications for Australian conditions included: Sump guard; Steering ratio; Folding‐back seats in front; Seat padding and covering altered; Front‐door arm‐ rests fitted; Parcel‐tray rail modifled with a divider; Throttle linkage; Safety‐belts added for front seat passengers; Safety belt anchorage front‐seat passengers; Safety‐belt anchorage points in the back seat; Exhaust mountings altered; Dust sealing improved; Electric fuel‐ pump relocated in the boot; Speedo cable lengthened for improved run. By the end of production, there were some 29 Drawing Office Instructions, 169 Dealer Liaison Summaries, 250 Product Fault Summaries, and 350 Technical Bulletins. Not too bad actually for a production run of about 60,000 vehicles. Book Announcement BMC‐Leyland Australia Vehicle Reference 1950‐1982 by Peter Davis & Tony Cripps By the time you read this newsletter, a new book will be available from the BMC‐Leyland Australia y Heritage Group. Written by Peter Davis, and your Editor Tony Cripps, this book provides identification details for all the passenger cars and derivatives manufactured by BMC/Leyland at the Zetland factory. As well, some interesting historical information is provided as background to the work. This is primarily a reference book, and a fine addition to the library of any BMC enthusiast. See for further details. Yours, in first class comfort, Tony. AUSTIN 1800 Page 1 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 ISSIGONIS Man with a vision. ISSIGONIS – M ih i i 1961 Compact Design Practical Boot Shape Very short for space available and engine size engine size Wheel at each corner 1964 Page 2 Smooth Contours give exceptional give exceptional internal width five figures The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 BMC (AUSTRALIA) NEWS BMC (AUSTRALIA) NEWS The British Motor Corporation (Australia) Pty Ltd. Joynton Avenue, Zetland NSW. Public Relations Office Phone 663‐0321 ext 364. Embargoed until Midnight 20 November 1965. BMC ANNOUNCES THE AUSTIN 1800 Unlike the Morris 1100, the launch of the Austin 1800 was not marked by a spectacular event at the Trocadero but (probably Trocadero, but (probably because of the visit of Sir George Harriman) a more modest affair at the factory. Prior to the launch, Dealer Previews and Press Conferences were held around the country. Rob Luck Bill Tuckey Geoff Allen Lindsay Shimmin Viv Dawes Page 3 7th Nov. 1965 Harvey Grennan Mike Kable The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 H.C. Hodgson G.A. Lloyd Sir George Bill Abbott J.F. Bramley (UK) H.J. G Graves Sir George Harriman was in attendance for the launch of the Austin 1800. Here is the official opening lunch held in the Theatrette on 22nd Nov 1965. Note the BMC swords and shields on the wall, and the 1800 posters on the other wall. While the official lunch was underway with Sir George, factory staff were living it up at a party with professional entertainers in the Canteen (which wan’t far away from the theatrette). Page 4 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 Australian Production Numbers: Saloon MKI Manual Auto MKII 26,531 26 531 2,120 27,125 Total 55,766 Utilit Utility MKI Manual Auto MKII Manual Auto (estimate) (estimate) (accurate) 820 44 (estimate) (estimate) 1175 112 (estimate) (estimate) Total 2,151 X6 17,761 (accurate) Estimates from figures mentioned in Service technical documentation. Page 5 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 PROJECT HYDROLASTIC PUMP PART 3 PIPE FITTINGS PROJECT: HYDROLASTIC PUMP: PART 3 – PIPE FITTINGS Well, after the last issue, where we made the vacuum pump, it is time to have a bit of a break and handle something much easier. A casual inspection of any genuine Hydrolastic Pump reveals that many pipe fittings are required to p p g connect all the valves and pumps together. What could be easier? You say. Well, unfortunately, all these pipe fittings have to be made, they being non‐standard for the most part, imperial thread sizes, and no longer available anywhere for direct purchase. (32) Machining Pipe Fittings On the bright side, they can all be made from y , brass which is easy to work with and, with a little bit of silver soldering, the most complicated part can be readily made. (33) Pipe Fittings Machined Some stock round and hex bar is required. The bar is cut to length for the various fittings required, and then shaped, and finally the threads cut. As we shall see, the most difficult parts are the A h ll th t diffi lt t th banjo barrel style tail connectors. After making these connectors, I found that very similar items can be found on Ebay, but even Ebay could not supply all the combinations needed. (31) Parting Off Fittings (34) Pipe Fittings Threaded Page 6 The Austin (1800) Quarterly March 2015 (35) Machining Pipe Fittings (38) Barrel Fittings prepared (39) Slots in Spigot (36) Brazing Barrel Fittings (37) Slotting Vacuum Pump Spigot (40) Ball Retainer Page 7 The Austin (1800) Quarterly March 2015 Now, just in case you have doubts about whether this project will ever be finished whether this project will ever be finished, below is a sneak preview of the unit nearing completion. (41) Slotting Ball Retainer ( ) (42) Finished Ball Retainer (two needed) ( ) When we get to the end of the project, we’ll discover that not one part from an old pump is needed – everything from the handles to the high pressure Schrader fitting will be hand made or purchased from stock. As can be seen from the foregoing pictures, it is not just a matter of machining and tapping threads. For the barrel fittings, the tails have to be silver soldered onto the circular body of the fitting. Slots have to be cut into other fittings, and as can be seen, this was done by mounting a grinding disc in a dremel tool, which in turn was mounted on a milling slide attachment to the lathe. Despite all the inconvenience, quite a satisfactory job can be had. Let’s have a break from machining now and in our next issue, we’ll do some steel fabrication and make up the frame fabrication and make up the frame. Page 8 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 IN THE FACTORY IN THE FACTORY Page 9 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 IN THE WORKSHOP IN THE WORKSHOP In a past Newsletter, readers were advised to fit new cylinder head studs and nuts when replacing the cylinder head since worn ones will be difficult to tighten to the specified torque without stripping the thread. Also, it was mentioned, that washers needed to be fitted to prevent the nut from being squeezed into the relatively large clearance hole in the cylinder block for the stud. These washers are mentioned in Service Bulletin C44/67 mentioned in Service Bulletin C44/67. Research into this matter has revealed following: PWZ106 12H2178 3/8 Plain Washer Zinc Coated, ID: 0.390” – 0.395”; OD: 0.75”; Thickness 0.072” Steel Washer ID: 0.3980” – 0.390”; OD: 0.75”; Thickness 0.12” minimum hardness 217 BHN Faces must be flat parallel and square with bore Faces must be flat, parallel and square with bore. The new studs are identified by a dimple in their ends. Page 10 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 IN THE FACTORY IN THE FACTORY Austin 1800 engine undergoing dynamometer testing. The dynamometer is most likely an eddy current device. Note the fan in the background blowing air on to the exhaust manifold. There is handy drip dray placed underneath to catch anything that might fall. ADO17 is written on the adaptor plate below the starter motor. d t l t b l th t t t Page 11 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 IN THE FACTORY A BODY STAMPING ERROR? IN THE FACTORY – A BODY STAMPING ERROR? Product Engineering designated the Austin 1800 Saloon MKI Manual as YAHS3. However, the MKI Manual vehicles were physically stamped YAHS2. YAHS2 is in fact the body code prefix for the Austin Lancer Series II DO1115. An examination of the records show the following entries in the vehicle identification specifications. It seems that this was intentional, or at least recognised quite early on as the entry for the S2 code shows 1115 and ADO17 in the above table. According to Peter Davis (former Administration Manager for Product Engineering) this doubling up of identification number was done by Jim Bigelow, Standards Engineer at the factory. Page 12 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 READERS’ CARS READERS’ CARS Neil Charlesworth Tim Woodcock Sid Breeden Sid Breeden Page 13 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 FEATURE ARTICLE COMPRESSION RATIOS AND OCTANE RATING FEATURE ARTICLE: COMPRESSION RATIOS AND OCTANE RATING Did you know that the compression ratio of our Austin 1800 B series engines is 8.2:1? What exactly does this mean? Theoretical Thermal Efficiency About a century ago, someone called S. Carnot formulated a theory which expressed the maximum thermal efficiency of a heat engine using the Otto cycle, such as our B Series engines. Monsieur y g g y , g Carnot found that the formula depends only on the compression ratio! This is indeed an amazing result. Who would have thought it? Indeed, who would have thought it necessary to compress the micture before igniting it anyway? It so happens that without this crucial step, an internal combustion engine would be next to useless. So what do we mean exactly by “thermal efficiency”. It is the percentage of mechanical work produced as an output relative to the energy input (in this case, the energy released by combustion of the fuel). of the fuel). The Otto cycle starts off with the first half of a pumping cycle, which is interrupted by the actual working cycle, after which the pumping cycle resumes. This cycle forms the basis of nearly all the world’s motor vehicles. Combustion chamber 0 – 1 Constant pressure intake (intake stroke). – Pumping cycle. V2 1st half of Pumping p g cycle y V1 1 – 2 Compression with increase in pressure and temperature and decrease in volume (compression stroke). - Working cycle. 2 – 3 Constant volume addition of heat. Pressure and temperature increase with no change in volume. No work flow. - Working cycle. Working cycle 3 – 4 Expansion (power stroke). Decrease in pressure and temperature and increase in volume (power stroke). - Working cycle. p 4 – 1 Constant volume heat rejection Pressure and temperature fall to their initial values (exhaust valve opens). - Working cycle. 3 Working cycle 1 – 0 Constant pressure exhaust (exhaust stroke). - Pumping cycle. 2nd half of Pumping cycle Pressure‐Volume diagram (note, the area enclosed within the cycle has units of energy) 2 Pumping cycle 4 0 1 V According to Carnot, the maximum theoretical thermal efficiency of an engine using the Otto cycle depends on the compression ratio V1/V2 and is given by: i 1 1 V1 V 2 1 The adiabatic index is a number worked out from the ratio of the specific heats for the working substance. For air, it is about 1.4. Page 14 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 What Carnot’s equation tells us is that if everything else were perfect (such as 100% mechanical efficiency and no heat losses anywhere), then the only way to raise the inherent basic thermal efficiency of our engine is to raise the compression ratio. For a compression ratio of 8.2:1, and assuming air as the working substance, our maximum possible efficiency (with no mechanical friction, thermal, or volumetric losses) is an astounding 56%. If we were able to achieve this level of efficiency, we would be very happy indeed. In practice, much energy is wasted: about 30% into the cooling system; 25% as hot exhaust gas; 20% or so by heat loss by convection, conduction and radiation from the engine. By the time all the real‐life issues are accounted for, our efficiency drops to about 25%. Add in losses due to rolling resistance, wind resistance, transmission losses, etc, you can see where all our energy is going – out the window, and not to propelling our vehicles forward. We are lucky if we get about 20% overall efficiency from our internal combustion engines – a sad state of affairs that would offend any engineer or scientist. How then can we improve matters? One way is to raise the compression ratio so that at least our theoretical maximum is increased. Diesel engines, with compression ratios of about 18:1, are more fuel efficient than petrol engines and give a theoretical maximum efficiency of about 68%. But, of course things are not always that easy for us 1800 owners. When the compression ratio is raised, not only do mechanical loads on the engine increase (which is why diesel engines are made so heavy), but petrol, being a light hydrocarbon, is prone to detonation or uncontrolled combustion, due to the pressures attained during the compression stroke That is if the compression pressures are too to the pressures attained during the compression stroke. That is, if the compression pressures are too high, petrol will explode (due to the heat of compression – like in a diesel) and the resulting pressure waves will cause mechanical damage and a characteristic pinking or knocking sound. Diesel engines use a heavier fuel, and the injector introduces the fuel into the combustion chamber in a controlled manner so that combustion proceeds smoothly. So, the upper limit to compression ratios in our B series engines is really set by the knock characteristics of the fuel. Octane Rating In the 1950’s, when our B series engines were designed, the average compression ratio of most vehicles was about 7.5:1. This was mainly due to the standard of fuel produced by oil companies of the day. Over the years, petrol became more carefully refined and the compression ratios slowly crept up to take advantage of the better fuel. The Octane rating of a fuel is a measure of its knock resistance when used in an internal combustion engine. Iso‐Octane is a hydrocarbon fuel that can withstand the pressures of high compression ratios engine Iso Octane is a hydrocarbon fuel that can withstand the pressures of high compression ratios without knocking (or “pinking”). It is arbitrarily assigned an octance rating of 100. Heptane is another hydrocarbon fuel, but knocks very easily. It is assigned an octance rating of zero. To assign an octane number to a particular batch of petrol, the petrol is used in a special test engine which has a variable compression ratio. The compression ratio is increased until pinking occurs. This compression ratio is then noted. The test engine is then kept at this compression ratio, and fed with a mixture of octane and heptane. The % iso‐octane to heptane is varied until pinking occurs. If, for example this occurs at 80% iso octane to 20% heptane the petrol is given an Octane Number of 80 example, this occurs at 80% iso‐octane to 20% heptane, the petrol is given an Octane Number of 80. This is called the Research Octane Number (or RON). Page 15 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 Compression Ratios In the “olden” days of the 1950’s, the average octane number of petrol was in the mid 70’s, and this kept compression ratios down. These days, some 50 years later, 98 octane fuel is readily available and most modern cars run a compression ratio of about 10:1. Therefore, you say, one should be able to shave the head and raise the compression ratio way past the standard 8.2:1 and use 98 fuel. To some extent, this is true and worthwhile. The other factor that comes standard 8 2:1 and use 98 fuel To some extent this is true and worthwhile The other factor that comes into play is the ignition timing. As discussed in a previous newsletter, it is desirable to have the maximum combustion pressure occur when the connecting rod has the greatest downwards leverage in relation to the crank pin. To obtain this condition, it is necessary to begin combustion of the fuel before the piston reaches TDC on the compression stroke. For the most part, the static ignition timing is somewhat retarded and limited by the onset of pinking. Technically, pinking occurs due to too high a rate of compression of the mixture by the flame front arising from ignition from the spark plug and to the purist, p g g p should not be confused with pre‐ignition arising from hot spots in the combustion chamber. Both processes cause rough running and undesirable mechanical loads on the engine. The onset of pinking is determined to a large extent by the octane number of the petrol. Owners of yesteryear used to routinely fit water injection systems in an attempt to reduce the onset of pinking. Whether or not the actual water did anything to the process of combustion is debatable, but the presence of water most assuredly keeps carbon deposits from forming in the combustion chamber thus reducing the chance of hot spots which may cause pre‐ignition. S i ll thi So, is all this any good to me? You say. Well, it might be. If you use 98 octane fuel, you could at least dt ?Y W ll it i ht b If 98 t f l ld t l t increase the ignition timing a few degrees and get a tangible benefit for almost no cost outlay except for the higher cost of the fuel. Be careful though, any sign of pinking means that you have gone too far. Alcohol fuels But, what about alcohol blend fuel? The reason why we use petrol and diesel in our engines is that these fuels have by far the most useful “calorific value”. That is, the most energy content per kilogram. The calorific value of petrol is about 45 MJ/kg. Now, alcohol (such as methanol) has a calorific value of about 1/2 of that of petrol and so mixing it with petrol will most assuredly reduce the performance of the engine and increase the fuel consumption (if the desired level of acceleration and speed is retained). So why use it? Well, alcohol fuels are actually more costly to produce than petrol, but have excellent anti‐knock qualities and so p p g there is some value in the potential for an increase in compression ratio and resulting increase in thermal efficiency. One major disadvantage of alcohol fuels is that they soak up moisture, and in the presence of petrol, this moisture is often released as liquid water, which in turn can cause misfiring. Further, plastic parts such as floats and pipe fittings in older cars are not compatible with alcohols and may dissolve or distort. My recommendation is that unless the plastic parts of the fuel system are replaced with modern equivalents, then do not use alcohol blends in an old car such as our Austins unless it is in an g y emergency. Page 16 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 FROM THE ARCHIVES FROM THE ARCHIVES Page 17 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 FROM THE MARKETPLACE FROM THE MARKETPLACE You’ve probably seen advertised a Liquid Levers hydrolastic pump advertised on Ebay and Gumtree in recent months. This unit ended up in the hands of a Member who kindly provided the following photos, and comments. The buyer says “don't look too hard. Sawn of ZP bolts and nylons to act as clevis pins… I'm not sure what you would classify the valve as (not quite a shuttle valve) but it must direct flow as required through the common pump. Not sure if it just needs use or lube but the porting doesn't always allow the vacuum gauge to zero. The reservoir looks like a generic screen wash bottle with a plastic tube punched (stabbed) through the side. I think it would only be capable of trim adjustment or maybe fill one side, certainly not both. However it comes with an 'O' ring and ball kit taped inside the case. Not sure if this is a plus? No fluid filtration provision so it's still a case of needing two complete units.” Buyer purchased this unit at $677 AUD Buyer purchased this unit at $677 AUD from seller in Perth, WA. New units presently listed on Ebay at $1466 AUD + estimated $260 shipping. Page 18 The Austin (1800) Quarterly October 2015 Fred Armfield Motors, Footscray, 1964 WEB SITE REGISTRATION CONTRIBUTIONS The Austin 1800 web site provides additional valuable information for 1800 owners. Done some work on your 1800? Been on a trip? Have something to say? Why not make a contribution to the Newsletter. Contributions are accepted in email form only, preferably in PDF, but standard Office format is OK A4 size Please leave room at the top of format is OK. A4 size. Please leave room at the top of each page for the letterhead (see above). • Emailed newsletter each quarter • Access to downloadable material such as parts lists Access to downloadable material such as parts lists, service sheets, and full length brochures in PDF. • Help with location of parts, tools, and advice. //// To register, you only need to supply your email address, name, and city. Your details will not be given to any person or entity without your express permission. Registration is absolutely free and need not be renewed periodically unless you wish to stop receiving the above benefits. Some contributions will be extracted for individual articles on the Contributions web page. Copyright for contributions remains the property of the author. By submitting a contribution, you permit the webmaster to publish the contribution in the newsletter and on the web site with your name as author. Email your contribution to [email protected] About This web site is financed completely from private contributions. The sole purpose is to bring Austin 1800 owners together and provide a resource to assist them in keeping their cars on the road so to be appreciated by all. We do not endorse any particular supplier or commercial venture. Any advertising from commercial vendors appears for information purposes only and is not paid for. The organisers of this web site assume absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for the accurateness or appropriateness of the information contained within it, including the contents of the newsletter. The contents of the web site and newsletter is copyright. The material may be copied for your personal private use only. Reproduction in other publications for non‐profit use may be made with permission from [email protected] Page 19