- Candlewood Valley Chapter
- Candlewood Valley Chapter
f Trout Lines President’s Corner James Belden What a good way to end the year of meetings before taking the summer break. For the May meeting we will hold a casting clinic, fly tying demonstrations and have other information and tutorials available. If you are a beginner, or just want to have fun trying each other's rods and seeing tying techniques, this is a great event. Did I mention we will have pizzas and refreshments too! Bring yourself, bring your kids or a friend that you need to convince to become involved, but definitely come out on May 8th. You could also win a prize or bid on some gear we will have available. John from The Valley Angler also plans on showing up to demonstrate some new rods, primarily the new line from Sage. I hope to see new and prospective members there and let's have fun and celebrate a very successful year which included several more grant awards, many meaningful completed and ongoing projects, a record-breaking fundraising banquet and the outstanding start to our Trout in the Classroom program. I personally would like to thank all of our Officers, Chairs and volunteers for their hard work and commitment to our Chapter's work for coldwater conservation. We have been in ongoing contact with Mike Beauchene after the recent floods. It is Mike's opinion that a macroinvertebrate sampling in May would be unrepresentative due to extreme streambed scouring. Therefore we have decided to cancel the spring sampling and replace it with a planting event. The area along Deep Brook that was subject to invasive plant removal last year needs to be planted with native species. We will meet on May 5th at 8:30-9:00 and finish by early afternoon. We will assemble at the end of Commerce Rd in the cul de sac. It will be light work as we will be planting mostly small wetland plants, grasses and small trees. Bring gloves and a small shovel or gardening spade if you wish. Speakers Forum Jerry Rekart How do you write a Speaker’s Forum when you have no speaker? That’s just the way it is in May at CVTU! This will be the fifth year that we have used the May meeting as a casting and fly tying clinic. If it isn’t raining too hard we will be starting our casting clinic at 6:30 PM in the grass at the end of the parking lot, and inside we will be setting up a fly tying clinic at the same time. I’m hoping to find a knot guru, buy so far no luck. Any takers??? I know we will have outstanding fly tyers and our best casters available to pass on their sage words of wisdom to anyone willing to listen and learn. But that’s not all. We also have lots of pizza and with luck a very short business meeting. Tell the pres. that if he can’t make it short, make it funny. That will insure a short meeting. This is my last Speaker’s Forum. In September, Alan Taylor will become the new CVTU Program Chair. He’ll be responsible for getting the speakers, planning the programs, writing the Forum, maintaining the Calendar, and media PR. It can be a time consuming job, and I’m sure if someone would volunteer to assist him, he’d happily accept. If there is anyone you would like to have make a presentation at one of the meetings, give Alan his name and he will do his best to get him as a speaker. Thank you all for all of the support and assistance you have given me in the last five years in managing the programs. May 8 Meeting We will meet at the Miry Brook Firehouse south of the airport in Danbury at 6:30 PM. We will have a fly-tying clinic, a casting clinic and pizza. Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 1 Projects/Conservation Joe Hovious/James Belden Flood Report/Conservation: Wow, more of us may have been surfing last week than fishing! Depending upon where you are specifically we all saw somewhere around a 50 year flood event on April 16th and at no other time does it become more apparent that water shapes our planet. Also apparent is that stream bank stability is an important factor in long term fish habitat as well as public safety. A river or stream's ability to access its flood plain during these events allowing to dissipate without damage depends upon a good riparian buffer with deep-rooted plants without impervious surfaces and channelized banks. With that in mind we shall continue our work with a planting project on May 5th along Deep Brook at the confluence with the Pootatuck River (end of Commerce Rd., Newtown). The bank work performed in this area the past 2 years not only survived the flood, but worked marvelously. Flood water poured over the sculpted banks into the field (flood plain) and receded without damage. USGS stream gages showed that the Pootatuck stream flow went from about 40 cfs to well over 2,000 cfs in a matter of hours which nearly took down the dams on the lower river, but our banks projects held their ground. At these spots in the past banks would have crumbled, and sediment filled the pools, thus ruining trout and macroinvertebrate habitat. Testimony Regarding Fairfield Hills Impacts on Deep Brook (excerpted from News Times) Newtown resident Joe Hovious spoke at last week's Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on behalf of Trout Unlimited, a conservation group that protects the area's Deep Brook and Pootatuck River. "I am concerned in the fact that the proposed water feature could result in a ecological detriment," he said. The water that runs under Shelton Hall is chilled before it runs into Deep Brook, said Hovious who presented data from TU studies. The cold water provides a thermal refuge for fish in the summer. He said if the water is put into a pond and is warmed, ecological problems could result. The commission then decided to continue the public hearing at a later date. The water feature was removed from the application at the later hearing. Bog Bridge Repair 6 hearty souls did yeoman's work, replacing the Pootatuck River Bog Bridge moved from it's foundation by recent floods. After the tree planting on April 20, the crew moved to the rear of the Methodist Church to replace the bridge. Even with the 6 workers it was impossible to lift and carry bridge sections. By scooting sections 6' at a time the largest section was moved 20+' to its original position. Others followed. Repair was completed in time for Earth Day hikes highlighting the Pootatuck and possible impairments of a proposed Technology Park on the banks of Deep Brook. Many thanks to the TU members and helpers who participated! New TMA Sign A new sign has been errected on the banks of the Pootatuck delineating the start of the Trout management Area and highlighting some of the work of the Candlewood Valley Chapter in the area. Next time you are fishing the TMA take a look. Testimony Regarding Fairfield Hills Impacts on Deep Brook (excerpted from News Times) Pootatuck Bank Re-Restoration A project was completed April 20 to plant willows and sedge on a bank we had previously built up with logs and grass. The grass was not holding up to foot traffic and we reinforced with different types of plantings. Stream restoration work on the East Aspetuck River at the Pratt Center will be the week of Sept. 10th thru 14th. We have learned that New Milford is in our area of responsibility. Because we will have no meetings until September, please mark your calendars now. For info contact Doug Peterson [email protected]. Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 2 TROUT IN THE CLASSROOM Jerry Rekart/Gary Whipple We have received the DEP Wild Fish Liberation Permit. Sometime in the month of May we will be releasing all of the trout we have raised during the ’06-’07 school year. That will be the last TIC project for this school year (except for cleaning and storing the equipment). This project has exceeded our expectations for students, teachers and numbers of schools participating and will, hopefully, be forming new advocates for the environment and trout habitat in the next generation. In July we will be ordering the equipment for next year, assembling it in September and distributing eggs in October. Next September we are also working on an all state teachers meeting to prepare the new teachers for the situations they will face. We can always use another volunteer in the program, so if you are interested call one of us and volunteer. Pictures This isn’t where we Put this bridge ?? Tony B and Hoagy, Jr Couple of book aficionados Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 3 Do you want to write your state representative or the President ? Here’s how! Go to www.tu.org on the web. When the “home” page comes up, click on “members” When the “members” page comes up, click on “take action” Take action will come up as the “elected officials search” page Fill in your user name, password and address and up pops your elected officials from the pres. to your state rep. Click on the one you want and you’ll receive all the information you need. . DATE Sept. 09 Sept.12 Sep18-21 Sep 22-24 Oct.10 Oct.24 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Nov. 2 Nov. 15 Nov. 14 Nov. 23 Nov. 28 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Dec.18 Dec.25 Jan. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 17 Mar. 13 DAY Sat Tues M-T F-S-S Tues Tues Wed Wed. Thurs Tues Tues Thurs. Tues Thurs Fri. Fri. Tues Tues Mon Tues. Tues. Sat Tues. Mar. 23 Fri. Apr.10 Apr. 14 May, 5 May. 8 May17-20 May. 19 Jun. 4 - 8 Jun 15-17 July Sept Nov Tues. Sat Sat Tues. T-S Sat TBA F-S TBA TBA TBA 2006/2007 EVENT CALENDER TIME EVENT 8:30-3:00 Microinvertibrate sampling 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting 3-Sep E.Aspetuck Stream Restoration Ausable Trip 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting Newtown P & R Comm. CT TU State Council Meeteng NW Conservation Dist. Annual Mtg. all day Connequot State Park, LI NY Trip PWA Board Meeting 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting Happy Thanksgiving Newtown Rams Pasture Mtg. NRCS WHIP Submitted Natives Grant subm. to F&W Found. Pratt Center Banquet & Auction 7:00 PM PWA Board Meeting 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting EAS Grant Deadline Merry Christmas 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting 9AM-3PM All CT TU Day 7:00 PM CVTU Monthly Meeting LOCALE Newtown Water Treatment Miry Brook Fire House Pratt Ctr. New Milford Miry Brook Fire House Miry Brook Fire House INFORMATION Hovious 203-270-1960 Capt. Bob Turley, Speaker Peterson 203-775-0655 Whipple 203-746-5982 Mike Goodwin, Speaker Belden 203-426-6039 Hovious 203-170-1960 Belden 203-426-6039 Whipple 203-746-5982 Hovious 203-270-1960 Mike Tougias, Speaker Belden 203-426-6039 Belden 203-426-6039 Candlewoo Lake Inn Miry Brook Fire House Miry Brook Fire House Miry Brook Fire House Yale School of Forestry Miry Brook Fire House Peterson 203-775-0655 Hovious 203-270-1960 Frank Plona, Speaker Belden 203-426-6039 Jerry Bannock Dr. Marc Taylor Rekart 203-775-2764 Bill Hyatt - CT DEP 6:30 PM CVTU Annual Banquet Stonyhill Inn - Bethel Belden 203-426-6039 7:00 PM Miry Brook Fire House Leominster, MA Deep Brook Miry Brook Fire House Rocco Rosamilia Lodge Marriott Courtyard Rocco Rosamilia Lodge Hoagy Carmichael Jr. Allardt 203-869-4343 Belden 203-426-6039 Casting & tying clinic - PIZZA Whipple 203-746-5982 [email protected] Whipple 203-746-5982 Whipple 203-746-5982 Whipple 203-746-5982 Whipple 203-746-5982 Whipple 203-746-5982 9AM 7:00 PM TBA 8Am - ? TBA TBA TBA TBA CVTU Monthly Meeting TU NE Meeting Tree Planting CVTU Monthly Meeting PA Still River Clean Up PA - Green Drake hatch Cape Cod - Stripers CT River headwaters Ausable river Connecquot River Lopstick Lodge, NH Hungry Trout Long Island, NY Fishing trips are dependent on membership participation. Contact Whipple as soon as you can commit!!!! Contact Jerry Rekart with any additions or corrctions to the calendar. Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Rekart - 04.27.07 Page 4 CVTU Sponsored Trips Gary Whipple Here's a trip-by-trip update as to where we still have openings to go fishing with the chapter, and what you need to do to get a seat on the trip: May 17-18-19-20 Trip to central PA: Nine stalwart fishermen have signed up; this equals the number of guide days available. However, there are still four beds available in a second lodge for those of you who want to fish on your own. June 1,2,3 Trip to the Westfield River in Massachusetts with FVTU. If you want to fish with the Farmington Valley folks on "no-license" weekend in Massachusetts, contact Jerry Bannock at 860-877-0001 or [email protected]. June 4-8 Trip to fish over the Green DRake Hatch in central PA. So far, only one person has signed up for this weekday trip. There is room for 8 more fishermen at Rocco's. June 8-10 Trip to fish the Catskills with Nutmeg Chapter. More info: email Gary Anderson at [email protected] June 15-16-17 to fish for stripers on Cape Cod. The gGreen Harbor was holding a block of rooms for us unitl the end of March. You may still call and try to arrange for a room. Summer trip to fish the Connecticut River headwaters for trout. Postponed until October. September 28-29-30 trip to fish the Ausable for trout and the Boquet or Ausable for salmon. For those of you planning on participating in the CVTU-sponsored trip to fish the Ausable, here is an action required of you. If you are going to fish the Ausable the weekend of September 28/29/30, please contact the Hungry Trout Inn in Wilmington, NY before the end of May to reserve your own room against the block of 5 rooms being held in the name of CVTU. Three of the 5 rooms are reserved already, so please call sooner rather than later. This is a popular time of the year for the Hungry Trout, so don't count on reserving an individual room later (I know the weekend prior to ours is sold out). As a second action, even though a deposit is not required, please email me or pmessage me to let me know you are going? October weekend to be determined. We'll fish the Connecticut River headwaters for fall trout. Arrangements to be announced soonest. November 1 Trip to fish Connetquot State park. Reserve your place with a deposit of $50.00 For information about any of these trips, email ([email protected]) or privatemessage Gary Whipple, or call 2037465982. Detaisl for these trips are shown in the Forum at www.cvtu.org . A Mianus Stonefly Picture: Jon Atherton Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 5 Items for Sale: Bamboo Rod: 8 1/2', Jay Harvey-Jackson #7 1/4 D by Heddon, 3pc/2tips, 5wt. moderate action, green wraps with gold trim, bright nickel silver ferrules, Heddon nickel/silver/Bakelite reel seat. Comes with replacement bag and original paper covered aluminum rod tube. Rod is the same quality level as a Heddon #20. Has one agate tip top, and agate stripping guide. Very good condition $250 Call Doug at 203 775-0655 or [email protected] Send me an email ([email protected]) or see me at a meeting for any items you want to sell or swap and I’ll list them in the newsletter. Advertisements Salty Flies Charters (an Orvis endorsed fly fishing guide with 25 years experience fishing Long Island Sound) has a Custom 23’ boat out of Rowayton, CT 203-561-9683 (email: [email protected]) North Coast Charters – an Orvis endorsed fly fishing guide Fishing CT, NY a& Southern RI Capt. Bob Turley 203-378-1160 Old Saybrook, CT www.northcoastcharters.com English Angling Trappings at Angler’s Den 11 MEast Main S. Pawling, NY 12564 845-855-5812 www.Anglers-Den.com Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 6 Our chapter meetings are held September through May on the second Tuesday of each month starting around 6:30 PM for snacks and coffee (and usually some fly tying) with the meeting starting at 7:30. The meetings are open to all – members and nonmembers. Come over and see what we’re about, we’d like to meet you. A Spawning Brown in our local stream Visit our web site for copies of newsletters, interactive member forum, trout fishing links and much more: This newsletter is for you, our members. Let me know how we can improve it or make it more useful to you. And think about dropping me a note with some content, items for sale, stories, etc. It makes it more interesting to all of us ! Tony Mortimer [email protected] http://www.cvtu.org Candlewood Valley Chapter Trout Unimited – Board of Directors James Belden 203-426-6039 President [email protected] Tony Mortimer 203-241-7716 Newsletter Editor [email protected] Jerry Rekart 203-775-2764 Vice President & Programs [email protected] Joe Hovious 203-270-1960 Conservation [email protected] Chuck Rich 203-952-4408 Treasurer & Membership [email protected] Gary Whipple 203-146-5982 Trips [email protected] Steve Zakur Webmaster Doug Peterson [email protected] Grants & Gov't Affairs [email protected] Facilities/Setup Jonathan Atherton [email protected] Secretary [email protected] Joe McGowan 203-426-5725 Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 7 Candlewood Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited P.O. Box 3795 Danbury, Ct 06811 Email: [email protected] First Class Postage Stamp Address Label Volume 12, Issue 9 - May 1, 2007 Page 8
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