Tractor Parts: International Harvester-Case-IH-Farmall
Tractor Parts: International Harvester-Case-IH-Farmall
C60 CID ENGINE INFORMATION C60 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. 4 CYL GAS FLAT HEAD PISTON, ROD BRG LENGTH: .761" ROD #251246R3 DESCRIPTION Guide, Valve PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-352973R3 8 Keeper, Valve A-46209D DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS60 1 ALLIS CHALMERS SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Gasket, Upper Set A-352540R91 1 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK600 Gasket, Pan A-251369R1 1 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK600 Gasket, Head A-251229R1 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 For Models: (CUB, CUB LO-BOY ALL ENG SN <261717) CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston w/Rings PART NO A-RK166 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Piston w/Rings A-RK166-30 .030 1 MI Piston w/Rings A-RK166-40 .040 1 MI Rings, Piston A-PR199 Rings, Piston A-PR199-30 .030 4 Rings, Piston A-PR199-40 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-357216R92 & 2-357219R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-376625R91 & 2-376622R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-376632R91 & 2-376629R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-357267R91 & 2-357264R91 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB60 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-251248R21 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-355273R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376604R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376606R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-251254R21 .030 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-251247R1 DESCRIPTION Seal, Front Crankshaft PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-378193R91 1 Seal, Rear Main A-364692R91 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK600 Valve, Intake A-251260R1 Std GEHL HYSTER IMT 4 INGERSOLL RAND 4 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 JACOBSEN JCB A-MB60-10 .010 1 M JOHN DEERE A-MB60-20 .020 1 M LANDINI A-MB60-30 .030 1 M LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 4 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 4 Valve, Exhaust A-251261R2 4 Spring, Valve A-251262R2 8 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 1 C113 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 4 ENGINE INFORMATION C113 CID Valve Train Kit 5 A-VTK209 1 Valve, Intake 4 A-42024D 4 OVERBORE: 3" TO 3-1/8", 3-5/16" OD SLEEVE AT SEAL Valve, Intake 5 4 PART NO. Valve, Exhaust 4 A-42025DA 4 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK113 Valve, Exhaust 5 A-57798D 4 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK113 Spring, Valve A-24544DA 8 Guide, Valve A-356583R21 8 Keeper, Valve A-42026D 16 Seal, Rear Crankshaft FORD / NEW ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: IMT INGERSOLL RAND DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK260 Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK265 4 Piston 1 A-PA50Y 4 Piston 2 A-PA50X 4 Liner, Cylinder 3 A-SW52 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK713 JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA A-24425D DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS113 M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS HYSTER DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-389407R92 1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI MI 4 4 Rings, Piston A-PR113 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-360216R11 & 1-360221R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-360218R11 & 1-360223R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376640R11 & 1-376641R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376643R11 & 1-376644R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) PART NO A-MB113 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356304R11 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356306R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376636R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376638R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356305R1 .030 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-64508D A-MB113-02 .002 1 M A-MB113-10 .010 1 M A-MB113-20 .020 1 M A-34S507 M .030 1 A-3A3150HS 1 I Gasket, Pan A-43458DB 1 I Gasket, Upper Set A-354474R95 1 Gasket, Head A-366301R11 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 M RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, Upper Set SIZE QTY KIT 4 1 1) fw/ flat head piston 2) w/ stepped head piston 3) 3-5/16" OD sleeve at seal 4) w/ 4.83 valve length 5) w/ 4.94" valve length 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-57797D DESCRIPTION For Models: (TRACTOR: A, AV, A1, B, BN, C, 130, 140, 230, 240, (U-2, U-2A ALL SN <22113)), (COMBINE: 22, 62, 76, 81) GEHL SIZE QTY KIT 1 4 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT PART NO A-VTK113 C123 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK122 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-57797D 4 4 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-57798D 4 OVERBORE 3.125" TO 3.250". STEPPED HEAD PISTON, CYL. SLEEVE 3 7/16" O.D. AT SEAL AREA. Spring, Valve A-24544DA 8 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C123 CID DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK122 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK122 Guide, Valve A-356583R21 8 Keeper, Valve A-42026D 16 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS123 For Models: 100, 200, SUPER C, (SUPER A, SUPER AV ALL SN 310300>) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR SIZE QTY KIT 1 M CLARK Gasket, Upper Set A-3A3150HS 1 I Gasket, Pan A-43458DB 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 FIAT Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND DEUTZ GEHL DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK275 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA123 4 Piston Liner Kit A-SK275 4 HYSTER IMT Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK701 4 Rings, Piston A-31R500 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-360216R11 & 1-360221R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-360218R11 & 1-360223R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376640R11 & 1-376641R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376643R11 & 1-376644R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) PART NO A-MB113 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-34S507 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356304R11 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356306R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376636R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376638R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356305R1 .030 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-64508D INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB A-MB113-02 .002 1 M A-MB113-10 .010 1 M A-MB113-20 .020 1 M LEYLAND M LINCOLN ELECTRIC .030 1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 JOHN DEERE LANDINI MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION Seal, Front Crankshaft PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-389407R92 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-24425D 1 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 3 C123 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C123 CID A-366302R2 4 Valve, Exhaust 6 A-366303R4 4 BORE: 3-1/8", 3-5/16" OD SLEEVE AT SEAL Spring, Valve A-406723R1 8 8 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-356583R21 A-OK211 Keeper, Valve A-42026D A-IK211 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS123 IN FRAME OH KIT Gasket, Upper Set A-3A3150HS 1 I Gasket, Pan A-43458DB 1 I For Models: 130, 140, 230, 240 Gasket, Upper Set A-357476R95 1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS Gasket, Head A-356313R2 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2 PART NO A-SK260 Piston Liner Kit 1 A-SK265 4 Piston 1 A-PA50X 4 Piston 2 A-PA50Y 4 INGERSOLL RAND Liner, Cylinder 3 A-SW52 4 JACOBSEN Rings, Piston A-PR113 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-360216R11 & 1-360221R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-360218R11 & 1-360223R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376640R11 & 1-376641R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376643R11 & 1-376644R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) PART NO A-MB113 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M DESCRIPTION Seal, Rear Crankshaft IMT JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK713 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 MI 4 A-MB113-02 .002 1 M A-MB113-10 .010 1 M A-MB113-20 .020 1 M A-34S507 .030 1 M PART NO A-24425D SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft 4 A-389407R92 1 MICHIGAN Seal, Front Crankshaft A-378193R91 OWATTONA DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356304R11 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356306R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376636R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376638R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356305R1 .030 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-64508D PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP 5 1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 M VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 4 16 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1) w/ stepped head piston 2) w/ flat head piston 3) 3-5/16" OD sleeve at seal 4) For SN <42289 5) For SN 42290> 6) length 4-57/64" Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 6 FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK210 4 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit C135 CID ENGINE INFORMATION C135 CID ALLIS CHALMERS 4 CYL GAS CASE-IH Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 3-1/4", STEPPED HEAD PISTON DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK135 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK135 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (330, 340 ALL W/ ENG SN <100500) FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK419 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA717 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW713 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK701 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-2367749R11 & 1-367750R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376650R11 & 1-376651R11 DESCRIPTION Seal, Rear Crankshaft PART NO A-MB135 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-MB135-10 .010 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Bearing, Conn Rod A-376646R11 .010 4 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK210 A-366302R2 JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI A-366303R4 4 8 Guide, Valve A-356583R21 8 Keeper, Valve A-42026D 16 LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE 4 A-406723R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS123 MI SIZE QTY KIT 1 Spring, Valve Valve, Exhaust JACOBSEN 1 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-367777R11 STD 4 MI 1 INGERSOLL RAND M DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod Valve, Intake 1 1) length 4-57/64" IMT A-PR160 Seal, Front Crankshaft A-378193R91 HYSTER 4 Rings, Piston PART NO A-24425D GEHL MICHIGAN OWATTONA SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, Upper Set A-3A3150HS 1 I Gasket, Pan A-43458DB 1 I Gasket, Upper Set A-357476R95 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 5 C152 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C152 CID A-362534R1 4 Valve, Intake 5 A-50706DA 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Valve, Exhaust 4 A-362535R1 4 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK212 Valve, Exhaust 5 A-50707DA 4 A-IK212 Spring, Valve 4 A-358197R1 8 IN FRAME OH KIT JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE A-24544DA 8 A-8049DR 8 Keeper, Valve A-42026D 16 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Gasket OH Set w/Rear A-OGS152 M 1 Seal A-354475R1 Gasket, Upper Set 1 I DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK361 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK368 4 Piston 1 A-PA320 4 Piston 2 A-PA321 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD22 4 Rings, Piston 3 A-PR124 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-43707DAX & 1-43708DAX Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-377967R11 & 1-377968R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-377970R11 & 1-377971R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB152 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-43788DBX STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-355268R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-377962R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-377964R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-25998H MI A-MB152-10 .010 1 M A-MB152-20 .020 1 M Gasket, Pan A-45267DA 1 Gasket, Head A-43988DF 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 I SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-360692R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-45014D 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT 1 Bearing Set, Camshaft (3) A-CBS152 M Incl: 1-53421DA, 153420DA & 1-53419DB VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 6 1) w/ flat head piston 2) w/ stepped head piston 3) 3 comp rings .0905" thick; 1 oil ring .1805" thick 4) Used on SN 106908-391357 w/ 5-15/32" Valve Length 5) Used on SN <106970 w/ 5-5/16" Valve Length Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. INGERSOLL RAND 5 Guide, Valve Spring, Valve M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS IMT A-VTK152 OVERBORE: 3-3/8" TO 3-7/16" FORD / NEW ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HYSTER Valve Train Kit 5 SIZE QTY KIT Valve, Intake 4 For Models: (H, HV ALL SN <106970), (H, HV ALL SN-106908-391357), (O4, OS4, W4 ALL SN <33339) GEHL PART NO A-VTK175 4 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 4 C152 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C152 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 4 PART NO A-VTK152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve Train Kit 5 A-VTK175 1 4 CYL GAS Valve, Intake 4 A-50706DA 4 OVERBORE: 3-3/8" TO 3-7/16" Valve, Intake 5 A-362534R1 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Valve, Exhaust 4 A-50707DA 4 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK214 Valve, Exhaust 5 A-362535R1 4 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK214 Spring, Valve 4 A-24544DA 8 A-358197R1 8 Guide, Valve A-8049DR 8 Keeper, Valve A-42026D 16 Spring, Valve For Models: (H, HV ALL SN 391358>), (O4, OS4, W4 ALL SN 33340>) NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK361 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK368 4 Piston 1 A-PA320 4 2 A-PA321 4 A-SD22 4 A-PR124 4 Liner, Cylinder Rings, Piston 3 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE STD Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB152B Incl: 2-357994R11 & 1-357998R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB152B-10 .010 Incl: 2-376700R11 & 1-376701R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB152B-20 .020 Incl: 2-376703R11 & 1-376704R11 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE Bearing, Conn Rod A-357990R11 STD MI 1 A-43988DF 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 I JACOBSEN LANDINI QTY KIT 4 MI SIZE QTY KIT 4 M 1.168" 4 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-360692R91 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Camshaft (3) A-CBS152 Incl: 1-53421DA, 153420DA & 1-53419DB IMT M MI A-45014D HYSTER 1 4 Seal, Rear Crankshaft GEHL JOHN DEERE A-376698R11 .020 A-25998H A-45267DA Gasket, Head M Bearing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 .935" Gasket, Pan 1 MI Bushing, Conn Rod DEUTZ JCB 4 Bushing, Conn Rod CLARK QTY KIT 1 M A-376696R11 .010 PART NO CATERPILLAR INGERSOLL RAND Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT FIAT Gasket OH Set w/Rear A-OGS152 M 1 Seal FORD / NEW HOLLAND A-354475R1 Gasket, Upper Set 1 I ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS Piston 5 ALLIS CHALMERS LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN 1 OWATTONA SIZE QTY KIT M 1 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) w/ flat head piston 2) w/ stepped head piston 3) 3 comp rings .0905" thick; 1 oil ring .1805" thick 4) w/ 5-5/16" Valve Length 5) w/ 5-15/32" Valve Length ZETOR 7 C164 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C164 CID A-VTK164-A 1 Valve Train Kit 3 A-VTK175 1 OVERBORE: 3-1/2" TO 3-9/16", STEPPED HEAD PISTON Valve, Intake 1 A-57696D 4 PART NO. Valve, Intake A-50706DA 4 A-OK164 Valve, Intake 3 A-362534R1 4 A-IK164 Valve, Exhaust 1 A-57697D 4 A-50707DA 4 A-362535R1 4 IN FRAME OH KIT IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND Valve, Exhaust Spring, Valve A-358197R1 8 For Models: SUPER H, SUPER HV, SUPER W4 Guide, Valve 5 A-6169DR 8 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS Guide, Valve A-8049DR 8 Keeper, Valve A-42026D SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA251 4 Gasket, Pan A-45267DA Liner, Cylinder A-SD252 4 Gasket, Head A-362746R2 Rings, Piston A-PR127 4 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-357994R11 & 1-357998R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376700R11 & 1-376701R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376703R11 & 1-376704R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB152B SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-MB152B-10 .010 1 M A-MB152B-20 .020 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-357990R11 STD 4 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC Bearing, Conn Rod A-376698R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO MASSEY FERGUSON Bushing, Conn Rod A-25998H PERKINS USA SIZE QTY KIT 4 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-360692R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-45014D DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Camshaft (3) A-CBS152 Incl: 1-53421DA, 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-53420DA & 1-53419DB RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 8 16 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 PART NO A-SK372 MI OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Rear A-OGS169 Seal A-HGS164 Gasket, Upper Set DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit A-376696R11 .010 4 MICHIGAN 2 Valve, Exhaust 3 Bearing, Conn Rod MELROE 2 1) Length 5-23/64" 2) Length 5-5/16" 3) Length 5-15/32" 5) used w/ A-57696D & A-57697D valves 1 I 1 I 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve Train Kit 2 FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK164 4 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 1 C169 & C175 CID DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Rear A-OGS169 Seal A-HGS164 Gasket, Upper Set ENGINE INFORMATION C169 & C175 CID 4 CYL GAS Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. OVERBORE: 3-9/16" TO 3-5/8", STEPPED HEAD PISTON, .875" DIA PISTON PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK175 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK175 Gasket, Pan A-45267DA Gasket, Head A-362746R2 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 1 I 1 I ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH 1 SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 CLARK 1 DEUTZ FIAT For Models: 300, 350 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit GEHL PART NO A-SK269 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA290 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD292 4 Rings, Piston 1 A-PR136 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-357994R11 & 1-357998R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376700R11 & 1-376701R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376703R11 & 1-376704R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB152B SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod A-376696R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376698R11 .020 4 MI HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN A-MB152B-10 .010 1 M JCB A-MB152B-20 .020 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-357990R11 STD 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 M LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-360692R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-45014D MICHIGAN 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bearing Set, Camshaft (3) A-CBS152 1 M Incl: 1-53421DA, 1-53420DA & 1-53419DB DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 2 PART NO A-VTK175 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 2 A-362534R1 Valve, Exhaust 2 A-362535R1 4 Spring, Valve A-358197R1 8 Guide, Valve A-8049DR 8 4 A-42026D Keeper, Valve 16 1) 3 comp rings .0875" with top one chrome, and 1 three piece oil ring .250" thick. 2) w/ 5-15/32" Valve Length OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 9 C221 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit ENGINE INFORMATION C221 CID 6 CYL GAS STD BORE: 3-9/16", STEPPED HEAD PISTON INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC A-367192R1 12 Guide, Valve A-237248R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK221 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK221 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 For Models: 460 SN <35093 M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK288 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA371X 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 Rings, Piston A-PR128 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-367275R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-376669R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-376682R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-372444R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-367294R1, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 10 6 1) 3.750" Thrust Brg Dia. 2) valve head 1-21/32" dia SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. IMT 6 A-372699R3 Spring, Valve ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER A-234275R1 Valve, Exhaust PART NO. FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL Valve, Intake 2 DESCRIPTION DEUTZ FIAT PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-VTK221-B 1 C221 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-VTK221-B 1 Valve, Intake 1 A-234275R1 6 6 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 STD BORE: 3-9/16", STEPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C221 CID CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-237248R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK940 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK940 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 For Models: 460 SN 35094> ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK288 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA371X 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 Rings, Piston A-PR128 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 A-10153 ALLIS CHALMERS CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ FIAT SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW 1 HOLLAND 1 GEHL HYSTER IMT SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN .010 1 M JCB .020 1 M .030 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE SIZE QTY KIT 6 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 PERKINS USA 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) valve head 1-21/32" dia ZETOR 11 C221 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit ENGINE INFORMATION C221 CID ALLIS CHALMERS 6 CYL GAS CASE-IH STD BORE: 3-9/16", CONTOUR STEPPED HEAD PISTON CATERPILLAR CLARK 12 12 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK215 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK215 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK453 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA755 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 Rings, Piston A-PR128 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-367275R91 STD Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-376669R91 .010 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-376682R91 .020 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 1 A-372444R91 .030 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-367294R1, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE A-367408R11 STD Bearing, Conn Rod JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC QTY KIT 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M QTY KIT 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 PERKINS USA Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 RENAULT SULAIR CORP . VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 12 1) 3.750" Thrust Brg Dia. 2) valve head 1-21/32" dia SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-367192R1 A-237248R1 M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS INGERSOLL RAND 6 Guide, Valve ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS IMT 6 A-372699R3 Spring, Valve FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND HYSTER A-234275R1 Valve, Exhaust PART NO. For Models: (606, 2606 ALL SN <35093) GEHL Valve, Intake 2 DESCRIPTION DEUTZ FIAT PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-VTK221-B 1 C221 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-VTK221-B 1 Valve, Intake 1 A-234275R1 6 6 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 STD BORE: 3-9/16", CONTOUR STEPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C221 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-237248R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK216 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK216 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI CLARK Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M DEUTZ Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 For Models: (606, 2606 ALL SN 35094>) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK453 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA755 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 Rings, Piston A-PR128 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 .020 1 M .030 1 M HYSTER INGERSOLL RAND JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI MI MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI A-367631R11 .030 6 MI A-364913R1 GEHL JCB A-376666R11 .010 6 Bushing, Conn Rod 1 M A-367632R11 .002 6 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW HOLLAND 1 JACOBSEN Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION A-10153 FIAT IMT Bearing, Conn Rod Bearing, Conn Rod Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 CATERPILLAR LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE SIZE QTY KIT 6 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 PERKINS USA 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) valve head 1-21/32" dia ZETOR 13 C248 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C248 CID A-50732DA 4 OVERBORE: 3-7/8" TO 4" PIN: 1.312" Spring, Valve A-356951R1 8 8 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-8044DR A-OK219 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 16 A-IK219 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-3A3149PS 1 M A-46109DA 1 I A-OGS248 1 IN FRAME OH KIT For Models: (M, MV ALL SN 278050>), (O6, OS6, W6 ALL SN 35464>) M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS PART NO A-SK262 2 A-SK267 4 A-PA210 4 Piston 2 A-PA211X 4 INGERSOLL RAND Liner, Cylinder A-SD12S 4 Rings, Piston A-PR145 JACOBSEN DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-356985R11 & 1-356986R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376720R11 & 1-376721R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376723R11 & 1-376724R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB248A Bearing, Conn Rod A-356959R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376716R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376718R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-45748DAR JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE Piston Liner Kit Piston 1 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 MI 4 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-MB248A-10 .010 1 M A-MB248A-20 .020 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356957R11 STD 4 MI SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357972R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft Felt (2 Halves) DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-53424DA, 1-53423DB, 1-53422DA VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 14 1) flat head piston 2) stepped head piston A-57613DA 2 PART NO A-CBS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-369957R1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 IMT 4 A-50731DA Valve, Exhaust ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK517 4 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit C248 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK517 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-50731DA 4 4 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-50732DA 4 OVERBORE: 3-7/8" TO 4" PIN: 1.312" Spring, Valve A-356951R1 8 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C248 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-8044DR 8 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK517 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 16 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK517 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI CLARK Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-3A3149PS 1 M DEUTZ A-46109DA 1 I For Models: (M, MV ALL SN <278049), (O6, OS6, W6 ALL SN <35463) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK262 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 2 A-SK267 4 A-PA210 4 A-PA211X 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD12S 4 Rings, Piston A-PR145 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-45628DAX & 1-45630DAX Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-355278R11 & 1-355279R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-377979R11 & 1-377980R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-377982R11 & 1-377983R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB248 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M PART NO A-45745DBX Bearing, Conn Rod A-377974R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-377976R11 .020 4 MI Piston Liner Kit Piston 1 Piston 2 MI CATERPILLAR FIAT Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-OGS248 1 A-369957R1 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 GEHL Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB A-MB248-02 .002 1 M JOHN DEERE A-MB248-10 .010 1 M LANDINI A-MB248-20 .020 1 M LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-45748DAR SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357972R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft Felt (2 Halves) DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-53424DA, A-57613DA 2 PART NO A-CBS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP 1-53423DB, 1-53422DA VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) flat head piston 2) stepped head piston ZETOR 15 C263 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit ENGINE INFORMATION C263 CID Valve, Intake 3 A-234275R1 6 6 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 STD BORE: 3-9/16", STEPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 12 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-237248R1 A-OK263 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 A-IK263 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 IN FRAME OH KIT For Models: (TRACTOR: 560 SN <36693, 660 SN <38981) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK285 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA370 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 1 A-PR129 Rings, Piston INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-367275R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-376669R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-376682R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-372444R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-367294R1, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft RENAULT SULAIR CORP A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 16 1) 3 comp rings .098" thick; 1 oil ring .190" thick 2) 3.750" Thrust Brg Dia. 3) valve head 1-21/32" dia Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT DEUTZ FIAT PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-VTK221-B 1 C263 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-VTK221-B 1 Valve, Intake 2 A-234275R1 6 6 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 STD BORE: 3-9/16", STEPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C263 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-237248R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK220 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK220 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI CLARK Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M DEUTZ Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 For Models: 560 ENG SN 36694>, 660 ENG SN 38982> ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK285 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA370 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 1 A-PR129 6 Rings, Piston DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 STD Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 .010 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 .020 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 .030 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE A-367408R11 STD Bearing, Conn Rod QTY KIT 1 M 1 1 M 1 M HYSTER INGERSOLL RAND JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND QTY KIT 6 MI MI MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI A-367631R11 .030 6 MI A-364913R1 GEHL JCB A-376666R11 .010 6 Bushing, Conn Rod 1 M A-367632R11 .002 6 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW HOLLAND 1 JACOBSEN Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION A-10153 FIAT IMT Bearing, Conn Rod Bearing, Conn Rod Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 CATERPILLAR LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE SIZE QTY KIT 6 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 PERKINS USA 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) 3 comp rings .098" thick; 1 oil ring .190" thick 2) valve head 1-21/32" dia ZETOR 17 C263 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C263 CID A-234276R1 Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 STD BORE: 3-9/16", STEPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-535229R1 6 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK222 Guide, Valve A-237248R1 6 A-IK222 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI IN FRAME OH KIT Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M For Models: 2656, 2706, 656, 706 Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK287 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA371 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD372 6 Rings, Piston A-PR128 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 18 6 A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK291 6 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit C264 CID ENGINE INFORMATION C264 CID 4 CYL GAS Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. OVERBORE: 4" TO 4-1/8", STEPPED HEAD HIGH COMPRESSION PISTON; 1.3125" PIN SIZE DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK264 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK264 For Models: SUPER MTA, SUPER M, SUPER W6, W6TA ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS PART NO A-41339D SIZE QTY KIT 16 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-3A3149PS 1 M A-46109DA 1 I ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-OGS248 1 A-369957R1 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DEUTZ Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FIAT CLARK FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 DESCRIPTION Keeper, Valve GEHL PART NO A-SK271 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston A-PA300 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD152 4 Rings, Piston 2 A-PR149 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-356985R11 & 1-356986R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376720R11 & 1-376721R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376723R11 & 1-376724R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB248A Bearing, Conn Rod A-356959R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376716R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376718R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-45748DAR HYSTER IMT SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN A-MB248A-10 .010 1 M JCB A-MB248A-20 .020 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356957R11 STD 4 MI SIZE QTY KIT 4 LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON M MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357972R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft Felt (2 Halves) DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-53424DA, A-57613DA PART NO A-CBS248 2 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT 1-53423DB, 1-53422DA DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK517 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-50731DA 4 Valve, Exhaust A-50732DA 4 Spring, Valve A-356951R1 8 Guide, Valve A-8044DR 8 1) 1.3125" Pin Size 2) comp rings .091" thick; oil ring .2435" thick SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 19 C264 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C264 CID A-362435R1 Valve, Exhaust A-362436R1 4 OVERBORE: 4" TO 4-1/8", STEPPED HEAD HIGH COMPRESSION PISTON; 1.3125" PIN SIZE Spring, Valve A-356951R1 8 Guide, Valve A-8044DR 8 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 16 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-3A3149PS 1 M A-46109DA 1 I A-OGS248 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK223 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK223 For Models: (400, W400 ALL SN <163807) IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK271 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston A-PA300 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD152 4 Rings, Piston 2 A-PR149 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-356985R11 & 1-356986R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376720R11 & 1-376721R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376723R11 & 1-376724R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB248A Bearing, Conn Rod A-356959R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376716R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376718R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-45748DAR SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-MB248A-10 .010 1 M A-MB248A-20 .020 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356957R11 STD 4 MI SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357972R1 1 OWATTONA Seal, Rear Crankshaft Felt (2 Halves) DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-53424DA, PERKINS USA RENAULT A-57613DA 2 PART NO A-CBS248 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 1-53423DB, 1-53422DA SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 20 1) 1.3125" Pin Size 2) comp rings .091" thick; oil ring .2435" thick 4 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-369957R1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: GEHL PART NO A-VTK223 4 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit C264 & C281 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C264 & C281 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK223 Valve, Intake A-362435R1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 4 4 CYL GAS Valve, Exhaust A-362436R1 4 OVERBORE: 4" TO 4-1/8", STEPPED HEAD PISTON, 1" DIA. PISTON PIN Spring, Valve A-356951R1 8 DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK281 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK281 For Models: (400, W400 ALL C264 ENG SN 163808>), (450, W450 ALL C281) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK280 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA300X 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD152 4 Rings, Piston 1 A-PR149 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB248A Incl: 2-356985R11 & 1-356986R11 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH Guide, Valve A-8044DR 8 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 16 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS248 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-3A3149PS 1 M A-46109DA 1 I CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ FIAT Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Lower Set A-OGS248 1 A-OPS248 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 GEHL Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 HYSTER IMT SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN A-MB248A-10 .010 1 M JCB A-MB248A-20 .020 1 M JOHN DEERE Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376720R11 & 1-376721R11 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 2-376723R11 & 1-376724R11 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-356957R11 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-356959R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376716R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376718R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364921R1 LANDINI SIZE QTY KIT 4 LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON M MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357972R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft Felt (2 Halves) DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-53424DA, 1-53423DB, 1-53422DA MICHIGAN A-57613DA 2 OWATTONA PART NO A-CBS248 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) comp rings .091" thick; oil ring .2435" thick ZETOR 21 C291 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION C291 CID A-234276R1 Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 STD BORE: 3-3/4", CONTOUR STEP HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-535229R1 6 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK291 Guide, Valve A-237248R1 6 A-IK291 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI IN FRAME OH KIT Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M For Models: 2706, 2756, 666, 686, 706, 756, 766, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK436 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA729 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD602 6 Rings, Piston A-PR138 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 22 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK291 6 CYL GAS DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit C301 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION C301 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK806 Valve, Intake A-234276R1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 6 NON-SLEEVE ENGINE 6 CYL ENGINE, GAS Valve, Exhaust A-372699R3 6 CONTOUR STEP HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-367192R1 12 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-535229R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK806 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK806 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Pan Set A-3A3153PS 1 M Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS263 1 For Models: 2826, 2856, 806, 826, 856 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-PA777-20 .020 6 MI Piston A-PA777-30 .030 6 MI A-PA777-40 .040 6 MI A-PR211 STD 6 MI Rings, Piston A-PR211-20 .020 6 MI Rings, Piston A-PR211-30 .030 6 MI Rings, Piston A-PR211-40 .040 6 MI Piston Rings, Piston 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 A-10153 ALLIS CHALMERS CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ FIAT SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW 1 HOLLAND 1 GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-364913R1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-357672R1 1 RENAULT Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 1 SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 VERMEER 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 1) used on .010 piston also WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 23 BD144 & BD144A CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION BD144 & BD144A CID 4 CYL DIESEL STD BORE: 3-3/8", FLAT HEAD PISTON DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK144 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK144 FIAT For Models: 354, 434, B250, B275, B276 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK486 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA754 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD759 4 Rings, Piston A-PR212 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bearing Set, Main (5) A-708912R91 STD 1 M Incl: 4-3064523R11, 1-708910R91 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB144-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (5) A-708913R91 .030 1 M Incl: 4-3064524R11, 1-708911R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bearing, Conn Rod A-3070536R11 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-RB144-10 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-RB144-20 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-3070537R11 .030 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-3043611R1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3108650R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3072092R91 1 M DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) PART NO A-CBS144 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK144 SIZE QTY KIT 1 RENAULT Valve, Intake A-3040361R1 OWATTONA SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 24 4 Valve, Exhaust A-3043825R1 4 Spring, Valve Inner A-3044239R1 8 Spring, Valve Outer A-3044240R1 8 Guide, Intake Valve A-3044492R1 4 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-3044493R2 4 Keeper, Valve A-704443R1 16 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-706105R93 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Pan A-LGS144 1 M A-703840R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-3041249R92 1 A-703883R2 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set BD154 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK144 Valve, Intake A-3040361R1 4 4 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-3043825R1 4 STD BORE: 3-1/2", FLAT HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve Inner A-3044239R1 8 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION BD154 CID SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Spring, Valve Outer A-3044240R1 8 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK154 Guide, Intake Valve A-3044492R1 4 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK154 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-3044493R2 4 Keeper, Valve A-704443R1 16 For Models: 2424, 2444, 364, 384, 424, 434, 444, B414 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK475 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 2 A-SK476 4 Piston A-PA778 4 Liner, Cylinder 1 A-SW757 4 Liner, Cylinder 2 A-SW758 4 Piston Liner Kit Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK734 Rings, Piston A-PR179 MI 4 4 Bearing, Conn Rod A-RB144-10 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-RB144-20 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-3070537R11 .030 4 MI PART NO A-3043611R1 CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-706105R93 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Sea Gasket, Pan A-LGS144 1 M FIAT A-703840R1 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-3041249R92 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND A-703883R2 1 GEHL DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 HYSTER Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 DEUTZ IMT JACOBSEN Bearing Set, Main (5) A-708913R91 .030 1 M Incl: 4-3064524R11, 1-708911R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3070536R11 STD 4 Bearing, Conn Rod MI DESCRIPTION CASE-IH INGERSOLL RAND DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bearing Set, Main (5) A-708912R91 STD 1 M Incl: 4-3064523R11, 1-708910R91 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB144-10 .010 1 M Bushing, Conn Rod ALLIS CHALMERS JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3108650R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3072092R91 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) PART NO A-CBS144 1 OWATTONA M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) SN <57678 2) SN 57679> ZETOR 25 D155 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH ENGINE INFORMATION D155 CID A-3055055R2 Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 3 STD BORE: 3-7/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 6 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 6 A-OK159 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 12 A-IK159 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 6 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136798R1 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set A-3136802R98 For Models: 238, 3210, 353, 383, 385, 395, 423, 440, 540 Gasket, Pan ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS IMT DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK445 SIZE QTY KIT 3 MI Piston A-PA739 3 Liner, Cylinder A-SW749 3 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK724 INGERSOLL RAND A-PR168 Rings, Piston DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179 Incl: 3-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179-10 Incl: 3-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179-20 Incl: 3-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179-30 Incl: 3-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 - Has .030 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-3055351R91 JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN 3 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 3 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-3056834R11 .010 3 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-3056879R11 .020 3 MI Bearing, Conn Rod OWATTONA 3 1 A-3057781R11 .030 3 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-3132018R2 MI SIZE QTY KIT 3 M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3138701R91 Seal, Rear M 1 Crankshaft Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228401R91 1 M RENAULT SULAIR CORP Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) 32 mm wide 26 1 1 M A-3055160R3 1 I PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION IN FRAME OH KIT HYSTER 3 MAJOR OH KIT DEUTZ ZETOR SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake CLARK GEHL PART NO A-VTK159 3 CYL DIESEL CATERPILLAR FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D179 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D179 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK179 Valve, Intake A-3055055R2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 3 3 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 3 STD BORE: 3-7/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 6 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 6 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK179 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 12 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK179 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 6 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-3136798R1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set A-3136802R98 1 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-OGS179 1 A-3228361R2 1 Gasket, Pan A-3055160R3 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 For Models: 454, 464, 484 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK473 SIZE QTY KIT MI 3 Piston 1 A-PA753 3 Liner, Cylinder A-SW756 3 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK724 3 Rings, Piston 1 3 A-PR178 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179 Incl: 3-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179-10 Incl: 3-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179-20 Incl: 3-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (4) A-MB179-30 Incl: 3-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 - Has .030 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3055351R91 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 3 MI MI MI DESCRIPTION PART NO A-3132018R2 FIAT I FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB LANDINI LINCOLN ELECTRIC A-3056879R11 .020 3 Bushing, Conn Rod DEUTZ M LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3057781R11 .030 3 Bearing, Conn Rod CLARK JOHN DEERE Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3056834R11 .010 3 2 CATERPILLAR IMT SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 .010 1 ALLIS CHALMERS SIZE QTY KIT 3 M MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3138701R91 Seal, Rear M 1 Crankshaft 3,4,5,6 Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228401R91 1 M Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring 1) w/ square type rings 2) 32 mm wide RENAULT SULAIR CORP 1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 27 D188 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D188 CID A-278301R1 Valve, Exhaust A-278302R1 4 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-315744R1 8 8 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 A-OK188 Keeper, Valve A-41339D A-IK188 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS188 IN FRAME OH KIT For Models: (504, 2504, 3514 ALL FARMALL W/SN <12092 & IH W/SN <11524) IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1,2 PART NO A-SK332 Piston Liner Kit 1,2 A-SK332-05 .005 4 Piston 2 A-PA480 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482 4 Rings, Piston A-PR105 4 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 M KIT MI MI MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 4 MI PART NO I M A-376666R11 .010 4 A-306708R1 I 1 M A-367632R11 .002 4 DESCRIPTION 1 A-OPG188 KIT M Bearing, Conn Rod Bushing, Conn Rod 2 A-HGS188 Gasket, Pan MI Bearing, Conn Rod SIZE QTY KIT 4 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 RENAULT Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS188 VERMEER 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 28 16 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, Upper Set SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB188 STD 1 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB188-10 .010 1 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB188-20 .020 1 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) A-MB188-30 .030 1 Incl: 1-367291R91, 1-367294R91, 1-367288R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY A-367408R11 STD 4 Bearing, Conn Rod 4 1) 0.2345" Flange Width/ 0.224" Flange Height 2) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK188 4 CYL DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D188 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D188 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK188 Valve, Intake A-278301R1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 4 4 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-278302R1 4 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-315744R1 8 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 8 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK224 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 16 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK224 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS188 For Models: (2504, 3514, 504 ALL FARMALL W/ SN 12093> & IH W/ SN11525>) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1,2 PART NO A-SK410 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston 2 A-PA480 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD706 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SD706-05 4 Rings, Piston A-PR105 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91 Bearing Set, Main (3) Incl: 1-367291R91, 1-367294R91, 1-367288R91 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB188 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-367408R11 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 4 MI ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR SIZE QTY KIT 1 M CLARK Gasket, Upper Set A-HGS188 1 I Gasket, Pan A-OPG188 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 FIAT Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND DEUTZ GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB A-MB188-10 .010 1 M A-MB188-20 .020 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND A-MB188-30 .030 1 M LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod 2 A-306708R1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-834831M1 Seal, Front Crankshaft 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (3) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS188 SULAIR CORP 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2 1) 0.088" Flange Width/ 0.0665" Flange Height 2) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 29 D206 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH ENGINE INFORMATION D206 CID A-3055055R2 Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 4 STD BORE: 3-7/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 8 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 8 A-OK501 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 16 A-IK501 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS239 Seal A-3055161R3 Gasket, Pan For Models: 474, 584, 585 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS IMT DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK445 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA739 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW749 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK724 INGERSOLL RAND Rings, Piston A-PR168 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206 Incl: 4-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-10 Incl: 4-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-20 Incl: 4-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION PART NO 1 Bearing, Conn Rod A-3055351R91 JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE 4 4 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 .010 1 M .020 1 M SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 4 Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-3056834R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-3056879R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-3132018R2 SIZE QTY KIT 4 M MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3138701R91 Seal, Rear M 1 Crankshaft Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228401R91 1 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 30 1) 32 mm wide PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136799R1 1 MI 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-OGS206 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION IN FRAME OH KIT HYSTER 4 MAJOR OH KIT DEUTZ ZETOR SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake CLARK GEHL PART NO A-VTK501 4 CYL DIESEL CATERPILLAR FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D236 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 5 PART NO A-VTK225 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve Train Kit 7 A-VTK229 1 6 CYL DIESEL Valve Train Kit 11 A-VTK236 1 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Valve, Intake 5 A-278301R1 6 ENGINE INFORMATION D236 CID DESCRIPTION PART NO. Valve, Exhaust 5 A-278302R1 6 A-OK236 Valve, Intake 7 A-323774R1 6 A-IK236 Valve, Exhaust 7 A-612312C1 6 5,7 A-315744R1 12 Guide, Valve A-278300R1 12 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 1 For Models: (2606, 606, 460 ALL ENG SN <-13753) Spring, Valve 11 A-367192R1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 MAJOR OH KIT 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. IN FRAME OH KIT 1 Spring, Valve NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 3 PART NO A-SK434 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston 3 A-PA734 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-367275R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-376669R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-376682R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 2 A-372444R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-367294R1, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS263 Incl: 1-70259R2, ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ 12 FIAT SIZE QTY KIT 1 M FORD / NEW HOLLAND 1 I Gasket, Upper Set A-HGS236 Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 1 I SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN .010 1 M JCB .020 1 M .030 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-367408R11 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod 3 A-306708R1 MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA SIZE QTY KIT 6 M PERKINS USA RENAULT DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 SULAIR CORP 1 VERMEER 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) 3.750" Thrust Brg Dia. 3) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. 5) 460 W/ ENG SN 10984-13753 7) 606 & 2606 BOTH W/ ENG. SN <-13753 11) 460 W/ ENG SN 5611-10983 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 31 D236 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D236 CID A-278301R1 Valve, Exhaust A-278302R1 6 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-315744R1 12 12 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 A-OK228 Keeper, Valve A-41339D A-IK228 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 For Models: 460 ENG SN 13754> IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2 PART NO A-SK434 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston 2 A-PA734 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod .020 1 M .030 1 M 1 I A-369984R1 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod 2 A-306708R1 MICHIGAN A-HGS236 Gasket, Pan 6 M SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 32 24 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, Upper Set SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 6 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT 1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK225 6 CYL DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D236 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D236 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK229 Valve, Intake A-323774R1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 6 6 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-612312C1 6 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-315744R1 12 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK231 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK231 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 For Models: (606, 2606 ALL ENG SN 13754-16620) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2 PART NO A-SK434 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston 2 A-PA734 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 STD Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 .010 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 .020 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 .030 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE A-367408R11 STD Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-HGS236 1 I Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 FIAT Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND DEUTZ GEHL HYSTER INGERSOLL RAND JCB 1 M 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND QTY KIT 6 MI MI MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI A-367631R11 .030 6 MI A-306708R1 CLARK M A-376666R11 .010 6 Bushing, Conn Rod 2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M JACOBSEN A-367632R11 .002 6 PART NO CATERPILLAR Gasket, Upper Set QTY KIT 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION CASE-IH IMT Bearing, Conn Rod Bearing, Conn Rod ALLIS CHALMERS LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE SIZE QTY KIT 6 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. ZETOR 33 D236 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D236 CID A-323774R1 Valve, Exhaust A-612312C1 6 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-315744R1 12 12 PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 A-OK516 Keeper, Valve A-41339D A-IK516 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 For Models: (606, 2606 ALL ENG SN 16621>) IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2 PART NO A-SK474 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston 2 A-PA734 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD706 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod .020 1 M .030 1 M 1 I A-369984R1 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367632R11 .002 6 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod 2 A-306708R1 MICHIGAN A-HGS236 Gasket, Pan 6 M SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 34 24 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, Upper Set SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 6 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT 1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK229 6 CYL DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D239 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D239 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK239 Valve, Intake A-3055055R2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 4 4 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 4 STD BORE: 3-7/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 8 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 8 MAJOR OH KIT A-OK239 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 8 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK239 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 16 For Models: 544, 574, 664, 674, 684 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK473 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston 1 A-PA753 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW756 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK724 4 Rings, Piston 1 4 A-PR178 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206 Incl: 4-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-10 Incl: 4-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-20 Incl: 4-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB239-30 Incl: 4-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3055351R91 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3057781R11 .030 4 MI PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-3132018R2 Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, OH Set w/Seals Gasket, Head A-LGS239 1 A-OGS239 1 A-3228362R1 1 Gasket, Pan A-3055161R3 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 GEHL Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 HYSTER 1 DEUTZ M FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND I INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB LANDINI MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 4 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 M Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3138701R91 1 M Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228401R91 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136799R1 1 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC MI DESCRIPTION CLARK DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set LEYLAND A-3056879R11 .020 4 Bearing, Conn Rod CATERPILLAR JOHN DEERE Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3056834R11 .010 4 2 CASE-IH IMT SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 .010 1 ALLIS CHALMERS 1 OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) w/ square type rings 2) 32 mm wide ZETOR 35 DT239 Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION Gasket, Rear Main Housing Gasket, Upper Set ENGINE INFORMATION DT239 Diesel 4 CYL TURBO DIESEL STD BORE: 3-7/8" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OKDT239 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IKDT239 FIAT For Models: 856 EUROPEAN ENG SN: 836369> ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 36 M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK147 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Liner, Cylinder A-SW756 4 Sealing Ring, Liner A-3228348R1 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206 Incl: 4-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-10 Incl: 4-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-20 Incl: 4-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod A-3132101R91 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 .010 1 M .020 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-3136203R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-3136329R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 M Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3138701R91 1 M DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3055055R2 4 Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 8 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 8 A-3136799R1 1 MI A-LGS239 1 MI A-3228362R1 1 A-3055161R3 1 Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Head Gasket, Pan DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3055215R3 1 D246 Diesel Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D246 Diesel DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTKD246 Valve, Intake A-3055055R2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 4 4 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 4 STD BORE: 3-15/16" Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 8 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 8 MAJOR OH KIT A-OKD246 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 8 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IKD246 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 1 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136799R1 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Head A-LGS239 1 A-3228362R1 1 Gasket, Pan A-3055161R3 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Engine Oil A-3136430R95 For Models: HYDRO 84, 4240, 784, 785, 795 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK163 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-SK520 4 A-3144682R3 4 A-3228344R1 4 Sealing Ring, Liner 2 A-3228348R1 4 Liner, Cylinder Sealing Ring, Liner Rings, Piston 1 A-3218669R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206 Incl: 4-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-10 Incl: 4-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-20 Incl: 4-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB239-30 Incl: 4-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3055351R91 4 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI MI Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3055781R11 .030 4 MI PART NO DEUTZ MI SIZE QTY KIT 1 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JOHN DEERE LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3056879R11 .020 4 A-3132018R2 CLARK LANDINI MI DESCRIPTION CATERPILLAR JCB Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3056834R11 .010 4 Bushing, Conn Rod ALLIS CHALMERS SIZE QTY KIT 4 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3228133R93 Seal, Front Crankshaft M 1 Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3138701R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3055215R3 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER 1 WHITE/ OLIVER 1) S/N <123040 2) S/N 123041> 3) 32 mm wide ZETOR 37 D268 Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 1 M Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3138701R91 1 M ENGINE INFORMATION D268 Diesel 4 CYL DIESEL STD BORE: 3-15/16" PART NO. Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3055215R3 A-OKD268 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IKD268 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTKD268 Valve, Intake A-3055055R2 DEUTZ FIAT For Models: 4230, 844, 844S, 845, 884, 885, 895 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit A-3055056R2 4 A-3055060R1 8 Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 8 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 8 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 1 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136799R1 1 MI A-LGS239 1 A-3228362R1 1 A-3144697R2 1 A-SK521 4 Liner, Cylinder A-3144682R3 4 Gasket, Pan Sealing Ring, Liner A-3228348R1 4 Rings, Piston A-3144977R91 4 DESCRIPTION Pump, Engine Oil DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206 Incl: 4-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-10 Incl: 4-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-20 Incl: 4-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB239-30 Incl: 4-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3144688R92 .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI MI A-3144881R92 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3144886R92 .030 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3055351R91 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3056834R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3056879R11 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3055781R11 .030 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-3132018R2 WHITE/ OLIVER 2) 30 mm wide 3) 32 mm wide MI PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136430R95 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3144876R92 .010 4 2 4 Spring, Valve Piston VERMEER 38 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Exhaust Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Head SULAIR CORP ZETOR PART NO A-SK165 1 SIZE QTY KIT 4 M DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT DT268 Turbo Diesel Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION DT268 Turbo Diesel DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTKDT268 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-3055055R2 4 4 CYL TURBO DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 4 STD BORE: 3-15/16" Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 8 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 8 MAJOR OH KIT A-OKDT268 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 8 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IKDT268 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 1 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136799R1 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Head A-LGS239 1 A-3228362R1 1 Gasket, Pan A-3144697R2 1 For Models: 995, 4240 ENG SN: <900000 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Pump, Engine Oil DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK167 Liner, Cylinder A-3144682R3 4 Sealing Ring, Liner A-3228348R1 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206 Incl: 4-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-10 Incl: 4-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB206-20 Incl: 4-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (5) A-MB239-30 Incl: 4-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod A-3132101R91 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 .010 1 M CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ MI PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-3136430R95 1 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 HYSTER Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB .020 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI .030 1 LEYLAND SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-3136203R11 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-3136329R11 .020 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 M Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3138701R91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3055215R3 ALLIS CHALMERS LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA 1 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 39 D282 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D282 CID A-VTK225 1 Valve Train Kit 7 A-VTK229 1 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Valve, Intake 8 A-278301R1 6 7 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Valve, Intake A-323774R1 6 MAJOR OH KIT 1,2 A-OK234 Valve, Exhaust 8 A-278302R1 6 A-IK234 Valve, Exhaust 7 A-612312C1 6 5 A-367192R1 12 Spring, Valve 9 A-315744R1 12 IN FRAME OH KIT 1,2 Spring, Valve Guide, Valve A-278300R1 12 For Models: (2656, 2706, 560, 656, 660, 706 ALL ENG S/N <44821) Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 3,2 PART NO A-SK332 SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 6 Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK332-05 .005 6 Piston A-PA480 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482 6 INGERSOLL RAND Liner, Cylinder A-SD482-05 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 6 JACOBSEN DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE Bearing Set, Main (4) 4 A-367275R91 STD Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-367282R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 4 A-376669R91 .010 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376676R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 4 A-376682R91 .020 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376689R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) 4 A-372444R91 .030 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-367294R1, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE A-367408R11 STD Bearing, Conn Rod JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA MI 1 M 1 M 1 M MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI A-367631R11 .030 6 MI PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod 2 A-306708R1 A-HGS236 1 I Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 QTY KIT 6 MI A-367632R11 .002 6 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set QTY KIT 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod Bearing, Conn Rod SIZE QTY KIT 1 M SIZE QTY KIT 6 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 40 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. 3) 0.2345" Flange Width/ 0.224" Flange Height 4) 3.750" Thrust Brg Dia. 5) ENG S/N <29264 6) ENG S/N 29265-40698 7) ENG S/N 40699-44821 8) ENG S/N <40698 9) Eng SN 29265-44821 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve Train Kit 6 FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK236 6 CYL DIESEL, 1.250 Wrist Pin DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 5 D282 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 5 PART NO A-VTK229 Valve, Intake 5 A-323774R1 6 6 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust 5 A-612312C1 6 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve 7 A-315744R1 12 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D282 CID SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK235 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK235 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 For Models: (560, 660 ALL ENG S/N 44822>), (2656, 2706, 656, 706 ALL ENG S/N 44822-71777) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2,3 Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK332 3 A-SK332-05 .005 6 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD482-05 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 6 Gasket, Upper Set A-HGS236 1 I Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 FIAT Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FORD / NEW HOLLAND DEUTZ HYSTER INGERSOLL RAND SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M JACOBSEN JCB .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI PART NO CLARK IMT A-367632R11 .002 6 A-306708R1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M MI Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION CATERPILLAR GEHL A-PA480 Bushing, Conn Rod 3 CASE-IH SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Piston DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod ALLIS CHALMERS SIZE QTY KIT 6 MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-834831M1 Seal, Front Crankshaft 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) 0.2345" Flange Width/ 0.224" Flange Height 3)Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. 5) ENG S/N 40699-44821 7)ENG S/N 29265-44821 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 41 D282 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D282 CID A-323774R1 Valve, Exhaust A-612312C1 6 STD BORE: 3-11/16", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-315744R1 12 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-278300R1 12 A-OK237 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT1 A-IK237 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS236 For Models: (2656, 2706, 656, 706 ALL S/N 71778>) INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2 PART NO A-SK410 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston A-PA480 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD706 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD706-05 6 Rings, Piston A-PR105 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382357R91 Incl: 1-367276R91, 1-332267R91, 1-367279R91, 1-367285R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382360R91 Incl: 1-376670R91, 1-332276R91, 1-376673R91, 1-376679R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382361R91 Incl: 1-376683R91, 1-332279R91, 1-376686R91, 1-376692R91 Bearing Set, Main (4) A-382358R91 Incl: 1-367288R91, 1-367291R91, 1-332270R91, 1-367297R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-367408R11 Bearing, Conn Rod .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M A-367632R11 .002 6 MI A-376666R11 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-376668R11 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-367631R11 .030 6 MI PART NO A-306708R1 A-HGS236 1 I Gasket, Pan A-369984R1 1 I DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod Bushing, Conn Rod 3 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-834831M1 1 RENAULT Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-538983R1 1 SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Incl: 1-70259R2, PART NO A-CBS263 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M VERMEER 1-70260R1, 1-70261R2, 1-70262R1 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 42 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of Engine on pad Below the Oil Pump Shaft Support 2) 0.088" Flange Width/ 0.0665" Flange Height 3) Used with 1.250 wrist pin only. Does not fit .875 wrist pin. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. IMT 6 MAJOR OH KIT1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK229 6 CYL DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D310 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D310 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK310 Valve, Intake A-3055055R2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 6 6 CYL DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 6 STD BORE: 3-7/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 12 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK310 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK310 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS310 Gasket, Lower Set A-3136817R99 1 M Gasket, Pan A-3055987R3 1 I For Models: 2706, 2756, 686, 706, 756, HYDRO 86 A-OGS310 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION PART NO A-10152 Assembly Lube; 8oz ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK445 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA739 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW749 6 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK724 A-PR168 Rings, Piston DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310 Incl: 6-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310-10 Incl: 6-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310-20 Incl: 6-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310-30 Incl: 6-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 - Has .030 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3055351R91 6 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 6 A-3057781R11 .030 6 Bushing, Conn Rod A-3132018R2 SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW 1 HOLLAND 1 GEHL HYSTER INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB LANDINI LEYLAND MI PART NO FIAT JOHN DEERE Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3056879R11 .020 6 DESCRIPTION DEUTZ IMT MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-10153 CLARK 6 Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-3056834R11 .010 6 2 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles CATERPILLAR SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 1 ALLIS CHALMERS MI SIZE QTY KIT 6 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA M PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228133R93 M Incl: Seal, Retainer Spacer, Dowel Pins & Sealing Ring Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-3138701R91 1 M Seal, Front Crankshaft A-3228401R91 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER 1 WHITE/ OLIVER 1) S/N is Stamped on the RH side of the Engine below Oil FIlter 2) 32 mm wide ZETOR 43 D358 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D358 CID A-3055055R2 Valve, Exhaust A-3055056R2 6 STD BORE: 3-7/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-3055060R1 12 IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-3055022R2 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK358 Keeper, Valve A-3055057R91 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK358 Seal, Valve Stem A-3218399R1 1 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS310 Gasket, Lower Set A-3136817R99 Gasket, Pan A-3055987R3 For Models: 786, 826, 886 CHASSIS SN 14472>, 2826, 3088 SN <121247, 3288 SN <111090 A-OGS310 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION PART NO A-10152 Assembly Lube; 8oz M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 2 PART NO A-SK473 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston 2 A-PA753 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW756 6 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK724 Rings, Piston 2 A-PR178 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310 Incl: 6-3055130R21, 1-3055129R21 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310-10 Incl: 6-3056832R21, 1-3056820R11 - Has .010 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310-20 Incl: 6-3056877R21, 1-3056875R11 - Has .020 O/S Thrust Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB310-30 Incl: 6-3055779R21, 1-3055776R11 - Has .030 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3055351R91 OWATTONA 3 .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M PART NO I SIZE QTY KIT 1 1 MI MI A-3132018R2 1 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI MI DESCRIPTION M 6 A-3056879R11 .020 6 Bushing, Conn Rod A-10153 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3057781R11 .030 6 Bearing, Conn Rod Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 6 Bearing, Conn Rod 3 A-3056834R11 .010 6 MICHIGAN 6 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft 4 A-3228133R93 M A-3138701R91 1 Seal, Front Crankshaft 5 A-3228401R91 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft M VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 44 1) S/N is Stamped on the RH side of the Engine below Oil FIlter 2) w/ square type rings 3) 32 mm wide 4) seal, retainer spacer, dowel pin, & sealing ring 5) seal only Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: GEHL PART NO A-VTK358 6 CYL DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit D360 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION D360 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK360 Valve, Intake A-675574C2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 6 6 CYL, DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-675573C3 6 STD BORE: 3-7/8" CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-682064C1 12 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-675439C1 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK360 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK360 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 For Models: (TRACTOR: 766, 886), (COMBINE: 453) ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK511 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Rings, Piston A-PR219 6 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK732 6 PART NO A-MB360 Bearing Set, Main A-MB360-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main A-MB360-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main A-MB360-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-681314C2 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681316C2 .030 6 MI PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-675899C1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI SIZE QTY KIT 6 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-690437C91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 HYSTER IMT DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main DESCRIPTION GEHL 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-680117C3 1 M LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS360 Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS414 Seal A-OGS360 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 1 MI 1 OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) S/N is stamped on LH side of engine on pad to the front of the oil filter base ZETOR 45 D361 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D361 CID 6 CYL DIESEL STD BORE: 4-1/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK361 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK361 FIAT For Models: 806, 2806 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK435 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Liner, Cylinder A-SD744 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD744-02 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD744-10 6 Rings, Piston A-PR165 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361 Incl: 1-328771R91, 1-328777R91, 5-328774R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-10 Incl: 1-341545R91, 1-341551R91, 5-341548R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-20 Incl: 1-341554R91, 1-341560R91, 5-341557R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-30 Incl: 1-341563R91, 1-341569R91, 5-341566R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-681314C2 Bearing, Conn Rod SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-681316C2 .030 6 MI MICHIGAN PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-326562R1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-606780C93 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS361 Incl: 1-332573R1, 1-70260R1, 1-332629R1, 1-77514R1 1 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 46 Valve, Intake A-343433R2 6 Valve, Exhaust A-612313C1 6 Spring, Intake Valve Inner Spring, Intake Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Inner Guide, Valve A-62264VA 6 A-62265VA 6 A-160908R1 6 A-160907R1 6 A-326505R3 12 Keeper, Valve A-32485D 24 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS361 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS407 Seal A-328731R1 Gasket, Pan Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz MASSEY FERGUSON DESCRIPTION PART NO A-VTK361 1) S/N is Stamped on LH Side of the Engine on Pad located below the Oil Pump Shaft Support Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-OGS361 SIZE QTY KIT 1 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit DT361 CID ENGINE INFORMATION DT361 CID 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. STD BORE: 4-1/8", CUPPED HEAD PISTON DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK238 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK238 For Models: 1206, 21206 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK440 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA736 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD744 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD744-02 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD744-10 6 Rings, Piston A-PR165 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361 Incl: 1-328771R91, 1-328777R91, 5-328774R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-10 Incl: 1-341545R91, 1-341551R91, 5-341548R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-20 Incl: 1-341554R91, 1-341560R91, 5-341557R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-30 Incl: 1-341563R91, 1-341569R91, 5-341566R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-681314C2 Bearing, Conn Rod 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M ALLIS CHALMERS Valve, Exhaust A-612313C1 6 Spring, Intake Valve Inner Spring, Intake Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Inner Guide, Valve A-62264VA 6 A-62265VA 6 CATERPILLAR A-160908R1 6 CLARK A-160907R1 6 DEUTZ A-326505R3 12 Keeper, Valve A-32485D 24 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS361 Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS407 Seal A-328731R1 Gasket, Pan A-OGS361 CASE-IH FIAT SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW HOLLAND 1 MI 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN M JOHN DEERE .020 1 M LANDINI .030 1 M LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI A-687382C2 .020 6 MI A-681316C2 .030 6 MI A-326562R1 6 .010 1 Bearing, Conn Rod Bushing, Conn Rod A-343433R2 SIZE QTY KIT 1 JCB MI PART NO Valve, Intake Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-681315C2 .010 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-VTK361 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Bearing, Conn Rod Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit SIZE QTY KIT 6 MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-606780C93 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS361 Incl: 1-332573R1, 1-70260R1, 1-332629R1, 1-77514R1 1 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1)S/N is Stamped on LH Side of the Engine on Pad located below the Oil Pump Shaft Support ZETOR 47 D407 & DT407 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK PART NO A-VTK361 Valve, Intake A-343433R2 6 Valve, Exhaust A-612313C1 6 A-62264VA 6 A-62265VA 6 A-160908R1 6 A-160907R1 6 For Models: (1026, 1256, 21026, 21256 ALL DT407), (2856, 815, 856 ALL D407) Spring, Intake Valve Inner Spring, Intake Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Inner Guide, Valve A-326505R3 12 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS Keeper, Valve 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL STD BORE: 4.321", CUPPED HEAD PISTON, 1-1/2" PISTON PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK407 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK407 DEUTZ FIAT FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK413 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA711 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD708 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD708-02 6 INGERSOLL RAND Liner, Cylinder A-SD708-10 6 Rings, Piston A-PR108 6 JACOBSEN DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361 Incl: 1-328771R91, 1-328777R91, 5-328774R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-10 Incl: 1-341545R91, 1-341551R91, 5-341548R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-20 Incl: 1-341554R91, 1-341560R91, 5-341557R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-30 Incl: 1-341563R91, 1-341569R91, 5-341566R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-681314C2 Bearing, Conn Rod HYSTER IMT JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M .010 1 M .020 1 M .030 1 M SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681316C2 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-326562R1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-606780C93 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS361 Incl: 1-332573R1, 1-70260R1, 1-332629R1, 1-77514R1 1 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 48 1)S/N is Stamped on LH Side of the Engine on Pad located below the Oil Pump Shaft Support SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-32485D 24 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS407 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Pan A-LGS407 1 M A-345287R94 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-OGS407 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit ENGINE INFORMATION D407 & DT407 CID DT407 CID ENGINE INFORMATION DT407 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL STD BORE: 4.321", CUPPED HEAD PISTON, 1-5/8" PISTON PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK240 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK240 For Models: 1456, 21456, (COMBINE: 915) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK441 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA733 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD708 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD708-02 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SD708-10 6 Rings, Piston A-PR108 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361 Incl: 1-328771R91, 1-328777R91, 5-328774R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-10 Incl: 1-341545R91, 1-341551R91, 5-341548R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-20 Incl: 1-341554R91, 1-341560R91, 5-341557R91 Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB361-30 Incl: 1-341563R91, 1-341569R91, 5-341566R91 DESCRIPTION PART NO A-681314C2 Bearing, Conn Rod 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M 6 ALLIS CHALMERS Valve, Exhaust A-612313C1 6 Spring, Intake Valve Inner Spring, Intake Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Outer Spring, Exhaust Valve Inner Guide, Valve A-62264VA 6 A-62265VA 6 CATERPILLAR A-160908R1 6 CLARK A-160907R1 6 DEUTZ A-326505R3 12 Keeper, Valve A-32485D 24 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS407 Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, Pan A-LGS407 A-345287R94 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 CASE-IH FIAT SIZE QTY KIT FORD / NEW HOLLAND 1 MI 1 M 1 I GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JOHN DEERE .020 1 M LANDINI .030 1 M LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681316C2 .030 6 MI A-670681C1 A-343433R2 M MI Bushing, Conn Rod Valve, Intake SIZE QTY KIT 1 .010 1 A-681315C2 .010 6 PART NO PART NO A-VTK361 JCB Bearing, Conn Rod DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit SIZE QTY KIT 6 MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-606780C93 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg Set, Camshaft (4) A-CBS361 Incl: 1-332573R1, 1-70260R1, 1-332629R1, 1-77514R1 1 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1)S/N is Stamped on LH Side of the Engine on Pad located below the Oil Pump Shaft Support ZETOR 49 D414 CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION D414 CID A-675046C1 Valve, Exhaust A-676865C4 6 STD BORE: 4.3", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-682064C1 12 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-675439C1 12 A-OK414 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK414 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS414 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS414 Seal A-671827C1 Gasket, Pan For Models: 815, 966, UD414 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK411 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA709 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW462 6 Rings, Piston A-PR106 6 Sealing Ring, Liner A-680086C1 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684570C92, 1-684579C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684573C92, 1-684582C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-687391C2, 1-687394C2 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684576C93, 1-684585C93 - Has .005 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB414 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-681314C2 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681316C2 .030 6 MI SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-MB414-10 .010 1 M A-MB414-20 .020 1 M A-MB414-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-675006C1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 50 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-690437C91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-680117C3 1 M Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-OGS414 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. IMT 6 MAJOR OH KIT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-VTK241 6 CYL, DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit DT414 & DT414B CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION DT414 & DT414B CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK241 Valve, Intake A-675046C1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 6 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-676865C4 6 STD BORE: 4.3", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-682064C1 12 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-675439C1 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK241 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK241 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS414 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS414 Seal A-671827C1 Gasket, Pan For Models: 1066, 1086, (COMBINE: 915), (POWER UNIT: UD7-414), (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: H56C, E200) Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK375 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA441 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW462 6 Rings, Piston A-PR107 6 Sealing Ring, Liner A-680086C1 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684570C92, 1-684579C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684573C92, 1-684582C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-687391C2, 1-687394C2 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684576C93, 1-684585C93 - Has .005 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB414 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-681314C2 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI A-681316C2 .030 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod CATERPILLAR 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 CLARK DEUTZ FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 JACOBSEN JCB A-MB414-10 .010 1 M A-MB414-20 .020 1 M A-MB414-30 .030 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-675006C1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 6 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-690437C91 1 M DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-OGS414 ALLIS CHALMERS 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-680117C3 1 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) Top or side breather ZETOR 51 DT436 & DT436B CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION DT436 & DT436B CID GEHL HYSTER IMT Valve, Intake A-675046C1 Valve, Exhaust A-676865C4 6 STD BORE: 4.3", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-682064C1 12 DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-675439C1 12 A-OK505 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK505 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS414 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI For Models: 1440 W/ NATURALLY ASPIRATED D-436 ENGINE, 1460, 1466, 1480, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3688 W/ NATURALLY ASPIRATED D-436 ENGINE, 4166, 4186, 5088, 6388, (986, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 186 ALL W/ NATURALLY ASPIRATED D-436 ENGINE) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK374 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI A-PA441X 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW462 6 Rings, Piston A-PR107 6 JACOBSEN Sealing Ring, Liner A-680086C1 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684570C92, 1-684579C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684573C92, 1-684582C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-687391C2, 1-687394C2 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684576C93, 1-684585C93 - Has .005 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB414 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-681314C2 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI A-681316C2 .030 6 MI LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN Bearing, Conn Rod OWATTONA SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-MB414-10 .010 1 M A-MB414-20 .020 1 M A-MB414-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-675006C1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 52 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-690437C91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS414 Seal A-671827C1 Gasket, Pan Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles Piston JOHN DEERE 6 MAJOR OH KIT INGERSOLL RAND JCB SIZE QTY KIT 1 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-680117C3 1 M A-OGS414 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. FORD / NEW HOLLAND PART NO A-VTK241 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit DT466 & DTI466 CID Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENGINE INFORMATION DT466 & DTI466 CID DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit PART NO A-VTK241 Valve, Intake A-675046C1 SIZE QTY KIT 1 6 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL Valve, Exhaust A-676865C4 6 STD BORE: 4.3", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-682064C1 12 CASE-IH DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-675439C1 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK466 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK466 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS414 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS414 Seal A-671827C1 Gasket, Pan For Models: 4366, 4386 ENG SN <74999 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK412 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA710 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW462 6 Rings, Piston A-PR107 6 Sealing Ring, Liner A-680086C1 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684570C92, 1-684579C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684573C92, 1-684582C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-687391C2, 1-687394C2 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684576C93, 1-684585C93 - Has .005 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB414 PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-681314C2 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681316C2 .030 6 MI A-MB414-20 .020 1 CATERPILLAR 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 CLARK DEUTZ FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-MB414-10 .010 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-OGS414 ALLIS CHALMERS M M INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI A-MB414-30 .030 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-675006C1 M SIZE QTY KIT 6 LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M OWATTONA DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-690437C91 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-680117C3 1 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1)S/N is Stamped on Upper LH side of Engine Crankcase below Intake Manifold ZETOR 53 DT466B, DTI466B, DT466C, & DTI466C CID ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION DT466B, DTI466B, DT466C, & DTI466C CID A-675046C1 Valve, Exhaust A-676865C4 6 STD BORE: 4.3", CUPPED HEAD PISTON Spring, Valve A-682064C1 12 IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION PART NO. Guide, Valve A-675439C1 12 MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK218 Keeper, Valve A-41339D 24 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK218 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-HGS414 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI For Models: 3588, 3788, 4386 ENG SN 77300>, 5288, 5488, 6588, 6788, (COMBINE: 1470, 1480, 1660, 1680), (COTTON PICKER: 1844 SN <JJ0002462) M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK427 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA724 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW462 6 Sealing Ring, Liner A-680086C1 6 Rings, Piston A-PR107 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684570C92, 1-684579C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684573C92, 1-684582C92 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-687391C2, 1-687394C2 Bearing Set, Main (7) Incl: 6-684576C93, 1-684585C93 - Has .005 O/S Thrust DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB414 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-681314C2 STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-681315C2 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-687382C2 .020 6 MI A-681316C2 .030 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-MB414-10 .010 1 M A-MB414-20 .020 1 M A-MB414-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Bushing, Conn Rod A-675006C1 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Front Crankshaft A-690437C91 1 M RENAULT Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-691631C91 SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION Brg Set, Camshaft (4) PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-680117C3 1 M 1 M VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 54 6 1)S/N is Stamped on Upper LH side of Engine Crankcase below Intake Manifold Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-LGS414 Seal A-671827C1 Gasket, Pan Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-OGS414 1 M 1 I 1 PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake FORD / NEW ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: GEHL PART NO A-VTK241 6 CYL TURBO DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 148 CID Gas DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-OGS148 ENGINE INFORMATION 148 CID Gas SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Upper Set A-A189552 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 1 4 CYL Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. STD BORE: 3.375" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK148 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK148 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: 300, 300B, 400B FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK439 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA737 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW745 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK715 IMT 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-MB148 Bearing Set, Main STD 1 M Incl: 1-30289, 1-30290, 1-GD157G3081 A-MB148-10 .010 1 Bearing Set, Main M Bearing Set, Main A-MB148-20 .020 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod 1 PART NO A-VT3390 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI 1 A-VT3310 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-VT3320 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 1 A-VT3330 .030 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-A36500 STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-A36502 .010 4 MI 2 A-A36503 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-A36504 .030 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod Bearing, Conn Rod M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-VT3392 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-VT3373 HYSTER 4 A-PR166 Rings, Piston GEHL M INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN SIZE QTY KIT 1 OWATTONA 1 PERKINS USA RENAULT Seal, Rear Main A-1750216M1 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit (Std) PART NO A-VTK148 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-VT3232 4 Valve, Exhaust A-VT3233 4 Spring, Valve A-VT3372 8 Guide, Valve A-VT131 8 Keeper, Valve A-VT3234 16 1) Rod Forging# VT3200 Or VT4538 2) Rod Forging# G-11176 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 55 188 CID Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION 188 CID Diesel 4 CYL STD BORE: 3.812", 1.249" DIA PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK104 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK104 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND For Models: 311B, 320B, 330, 430, 431, 441, 470, 480, 530, 531, 540, 540C, 541, 541C, 570, 584, 600, 630, 640, 310B, 420, 425, 440, 480CKB, 480CKC, 480D, 480LL, 500LK, 530C, 580B, 580C, 580CK, 580CKB, 680CK, LCK430, LCK530, 1845B ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK449 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston A-PA730 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK723 4 Rings, Piston A-PR164 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (5) Incl: 1-A36495, 2-A36485, 1-A36490, 1-A36480 Bearing Set, Main (5) Incl: 1-A36497, 2-A36487, 1-A36492, 1-A36482 Bearing Set, Main (5) Incl: 1-A36498, 2-A36488, 1-A36493, 1-A364830 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod 2 PART NO A-MB364 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 PART NO A-A36500 SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 4 Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-A36502 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-A36503 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod 2 A-A36504 .030 4 MI MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-A41425 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI OWATTONA Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-A40713 1 A-OGS104 1 JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-MB364-10 .010 1 M A-MB364-20 .020 1 M PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 56 MI 1) Wide Flange 4.537 2) Rod Forging# G-11176 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ D207 CID ENGINE INFORMATION D207 CID 4 Cyl Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. STD BORE: 4" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK105 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK105 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-A41425 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-A40713 1 M ALLIS CHALMERS A-A43064 1 I CASE-IH DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 1 CLARK DEUTZ For Models: 310, 450, 450B, 480, 480B, 580, 580C, 580CK, 580D, 350, 500 FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK512 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK513 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK733 MI 4 GEHL HYSTER IMT Rings, Piston A-PR220 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (5) Incl: 1-A36495, 2-A36485, 1-A36490, 1-A36480 Bearing Set, Main (5) Incl: 1-A36497, 2-A36487, 1-A36492, 1-A36482 Bearing Set, Main (5) Incl: 1-A36498, 2-A36488, 1-A36493, 1-A364830 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-MB364 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 PART NO A-A50975 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A50977 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A50978 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A50979 .030 4 MI INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN A-MB364-10 .010 1 M JCB JOHN DEERE A-MB364-20 .020 1 M LANDINI LEYLAND DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Crankshaft Front A-A39110 SIZE QTY KIT Seal, Crankshaft Rear A-A51339 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Camshaft Incl: (1) A41230, (3) A41231, (1) A151068 DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake PART NO A-CBS207 SIZE QTY KIT M 1 PART NO A-A38422 SIZE QTY KIT 4 Valve, Exhaust A-A38423 4 VALVE SPRING A-A30025 8 Guide, Intake Valve A-G2068 8 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-G2069 8 VALVE KEEPER A-A30004 16 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) 2.25 Bowl Dia. 2) 2.6 Bowl Dia. ZETOR 57 A267D ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION A267D 4 CYL., 4 RING PISTON OVERBORE: 4.250", 1.358" DIA PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK106 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK106 HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK128 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI Piston A-PA400 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW402 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK703 4 4 Rings, Piston A-PR154 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (5) PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-34A39-STD STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (5) A-34A39-010 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (5) A-34A39-020 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (5) A-34A39-030 .030 1 M 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62573 .185 1 LEYLAND DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 4 MI MASSEY FERGUSON Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 4 MI LANDINI MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit (Std) PART NO A-VTK106 SIZE QTY KIT 1 OWATTONA Valve, Intake A-A11801 4 Valve, Exhaust A-A24910 4 Guide, Intake Valve A-A26294 4 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-A11803 4 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP Spring, Valve A-A21076 8 Keeper, Valve A-A27872 16 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 58 1) cyl block gasket, front and rear crank seals included SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 1 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-A189516 1 A-3A202FS 1 M MI PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: SUPER 400 DIESEL SN 8106131>, (700B, 730, 740, 800B ALL DIESEL) FORD / NEW ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: GEHL PART NO A-A40346 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set A301D SN <7070351 & A301DF Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION A301D SN <7070351 & A301DF Diesel 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 4.375", 1.50" DIA PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK108 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK108 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-A189529 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 1 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz A-A189516 1 A-3A203FS 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 A-10153 MI ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 1 CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (TRACTOR: 830), (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 840, 850, W7, W7C, W9A, 750 SN <7070351, 850 SN <7073469), (COMBINE: 1000, 1010, 1060, 1160) FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS GEHL DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK438 SIZE QTY KIT 4 MI HYSTER Piston A-PA550 4 IMT Liner, Cylinder A-SW552 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK714 INGERSOLL RAND 4 Rings, Piston A-PR157 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (5) PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-34A39-STD STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (5) A-34A39-010 .010 1 M JCB Bearing Set, Main (5) A-34A39-020 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (5) A-34A39-030 .030 1 M JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 4 MI 4 DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit (Std) PART NO A-VTK108 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-A43024 4 Valve, Exhaust A-A43026 4 Guide, Intake Valve A-A26294 4 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-A11803 4 Spring, Valve A-A21076 4 Keeper, Valve A-A27872 8 JACOBSEN LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) cyl block gasket, front and rear crank seals included ZETOR 59 336BDT CID Turbo Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION 336BDT CID Turbo Diesel 4 CYL ENG SN <2539000 STD BORE: 4.625", 1.799" DIA PIN, FIREWALL 5.092/5.097" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK336 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK336 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND For Models: 870 ENG SN <253900, (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: (W14, 780CK ALL ENG SN <253900), (P336, TB336, T336, 780, 800, 880, 880B ALL ENG SN <2539000)), (SKIDDER: (300C, 400C, 600, 825 ALL ENG SN <2539000)) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK416 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston A-PA714 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW709 4 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK720 A-PR111 Rings, Piston JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336 4 4 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336-10 .010 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336-20 .020 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-CRB336 Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-10 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-20 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-30 .030 4 MI 1 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-A41756 4 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-A189547 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI PERKINS USA Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-A189533 1 M A-A43005 1 I A-OGS114 1 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 60 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles 1) includes sleeve, piston, pin, retainer, rings set PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ 336BDT CID Turbo Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION 336BDT CID Turbo Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS ENG SN 2539001> 4 CYL CASE-IH Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. STD BORE: 4.625", 1.799" DIA PIN, FIREWALL 5.189/5.194" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK114 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK114 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (870, W14, 780CK ALL SN 253900>), 880B EXCAVATOR SN 2539000>, (780, 800, 880 ALL CRAWLER SN 2539000>), (SKIDDER: (300C, 400C, 600, 825 ALL SN 2539000>)), (P336, TB336 ALL CONCRETE PLACER SN 2539000>) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK424 SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 Piston A-PA714 4 Liner, Cylinder A-SW711 4 A-PR111 Rings, Piston DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336 IMT INGERSOLL RAND 4 4 JACOBSEN SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336-10 .010 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336-20 .020 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (6) A-MB336-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK722 FIAT JCB JOHN DEERE SIZE QTY KIT 1 LANDINI Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 LEYLAND DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-CRB336 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-10 .010 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-20 .020 4 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-30 .030 4 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-A41756 4 M MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO SIZE QTY KIT A-A189547L 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals Gasket, Pan A-A189533 1 M PERKINS USA A-A43005 1 I RENAULT A-OGS114 1 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles 1) includes sleeve, piston, pin, retainer, rings set SULAIR CORP PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 61 4.108 Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS ENGINE INFORMATION 401 CID Diesel OVERBORE: 4.250" DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK930 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK930 FIAT For Models: 930 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK128 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA400 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW402 6 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK703 INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB 6 Rings, Piston A-PR154 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-MB451 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-30 .030 1 M JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M LANDINI Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62573 .185 1 LEYLAND DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 6 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 62 DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake PART NO A-A21812 SIZE QTY KIT 6 Valve, Exhaust A-A24910 6 Spring, Valve A-A21076 6 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-A11803 6 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Lower Set1 w/Seals Gasket, Lower Set2 w/Seals Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-A31142 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M A-A189521 1 M A-A189518 1 MI Gasket, Pan A-A152479 1 I Gasket, OH Set w/Seals A-OGS930 1 1) Early 930 Series w/ 6 Speed Trans & Tin Oil Pan 2) Late 930 Series w/ 8 Speed Trans & Cast Iron Oil Pan Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ 401BD Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION 401BD Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS 6 CYL, 3 RING PISTON CASE-IH Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 4.125", 1.50" DIA PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK109 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK109 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (TRACTOR: 970, W9), (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 1150 SN 7110300>, W8, W8E, W9E, W10E, W18, W20) FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS GEHL DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK470 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA750 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW754 6 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK731 HYSTER IMT 6 INGERSOLL RAND Rings, Piston A-PR174 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-MB451 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-30 .030 1 M JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62573 .185 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 6 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 LANDINI M SIZE QTY KIT 1 MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 1,5 PART NO A-A189550 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI MICHIGAN Gasket, Upper Set 3,6 A-A189548 1 MI OWATTONA Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 4 Gasket, Pan A-A44075 1 M A-A152479 1 I A-3A205FS 1 RENAULT PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 SULAIR CORP A-10153 1 VERMEER Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PERKINS USA WHITE/ OLIVER 1) S/N <2323000 3)SN 2323001> 4) Cyl Block Gasket & Both Front & Rear Crank Seals Included 5) Fire ring separate 6) Fire ring built in gasket ZETOR 63 451 CID Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION 451 CID Diesel 6 CYL STD BORE: 4.375", 1.50" DIA PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK1030 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK1030 IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK438 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA550 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW552 6 Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK714 INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB 6 Rings, Piston A-PR157 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-MB451 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-30 .030 1 M JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M LANDINI Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62573 .185 1 LEYLAND DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 6 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit (Std) PART NO A-VTK1030 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake A-A43024 6 Valve, Exhaust A-A43026 6 Guide, Intake Valve A-A26294 6 Guide, Exhaust Valve A-A11803 6 Spring, Valve A-A21076 6 Keeper, Valve A-A27872 24 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 64 Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 2 Gasket, Pan A-A189521 1 M A-A152479 1 I A-OGS1030 1 1) includes crankshaft seals 2) Late 930 Series w/ 8 Speed Trans & Cast Iron Oil Pan PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: (TRACTOR: 1030, 1200), (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 1150B, W12) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER SIZE QTY KIT MI 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-A189530 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 1 A451BDT CID Turbo Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION A451BDT CID Turbo Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS 6 CYL CASE-IH Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. STD BORE: 4.375", 1.625" PISTON PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK1170 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK1170 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: 1170, 1175, 1270 FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK415 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW707 6 Rings, Piston A-PR110 6 Sealing Ring, Liner A-A23316 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-MB451 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-30 .030 1 M GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62573 .185 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI LANDINI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 6 MI LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Guide, Valve PART NO A-A41783 SIZE QTY KIT 12 JOHN DEERE LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 2,3 PART NO A-A189548 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 4 Gasket, Pan A-A44075 1 M A-A152479 1 I A-OGS451 1 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 1) includes sleeve, piston, pin, retainer, rings set 2) includes crankshaft seals 3) SN 2323001> 4) Cyl Block Gasket & Both Front & Rear Crank Seals Included VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 65 A451BD CID Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION A451BD CID Diesel 6 CYL STD BORE: 4.375", 1.50" DIA PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK107 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK107 FIAT For Models: 1070, 1090, 1200, (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 1150B, 1150C) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK450 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI Piston A-PA712 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW707 6 Rings, Piston A-PR109 6 Sealing Ring, Liner A-A23316 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-MB451 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-30 .030 1 M JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION PART NO Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62572 SIZE QTY KIT .156 1 M LANDINI Washer Set, Thrust (2) A-A62573 .185 1 LEYLAND DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 6 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Guide, Exhaust & Intake Valve PART NO A-A41783 SIZE QTY KIT 12 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 1,2 PART NO A-A189548 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 3 Gasket, Pan A-A44075 1 M A-A152479 1 I A-OGS451 1 OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 66 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 A-10153 1 1)includes crankshaft seals 2) SN 2323001> 3) Cyl Block Gasket & Both Front & Rear Crank Seals Included Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ A504BD CID Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION A504BD CID Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS 6 Cyl., Keystone Compression Rings CASE-IH Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. Cyl. Sleeve Fire Dam 5.189"/ 5.194"O.D. 1.625" Piston Pin DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK512 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK512 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: 2090, 2290, 2294 FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit PART NO A-SK661 SIZE QTY KIT 6 M DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-MB451 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-10 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-20 .020 1 M Bearing Set, Main (7) A-MB451-30 .030 1 M DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-A43173 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 M Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43175 .010 6 M Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43176 .020 6 M Bearing, Conn Rod A-A43177 .030 6 M GEHL HYSTER IMT DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 SIZE QTY KIT 1 INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 DESCRIPTION Guide, Valve PART NO A-A41783 SIZE QTY KIT 12 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 1 PART NO A-A151404 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M MELROE Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 2 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals 3 Gasket, Pan A-A44075 1 MICHIGAN A-OGS504 1 OWATTONA A-A152479 1 PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 RENAULT Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 M LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) includes crankshaft seals 2) Cyl Block Gasket & Both Front & Rear Crank Seals Included 3) Used For Eng SN 2539000> ZETOR 67 4.108 Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION A504BDT CID Turbo Diesel 6 CYL, ENG SN 2539000>, CYL SLEEVE FIRE DAM 5.189"/5.194"O.D. DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 STD BORE: 4-5/8" , 1.7995" PISTON PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK115 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK115 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT For Models: (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 880C ENG SN 2539000>), (TRACTOR: (1370, 1470, 1570, 2390, 2470, 2590, 2670, 4490 ALL ENG SN 2539000>)), (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: (W24, 224B, W26B, W36, 980B, 128D, 1450 ALL ENG SN 2539000>)) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK424 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 6 Piston A-PA714 INGERSOLL RAND Liner, Cylinder A-SW711 JACOBSEN Rings, Piston JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK722 A-PR111 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg/Washer Set, Main (8) A-MB504 6 6 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (8) A-MB504-10 .010 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (8) A-MB504-20 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-CRB336 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-10 .010 6 MI LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-20 .020 6 MI LINCOLN ELECTRIC Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-30 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT MASSEY FERGUSON Bushing, Conn Rod A-A41756 6 MELROE DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 MICHIGAN Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 OWATTONA DESCRIPTION Guide, Valve PART NO A-A41783 SIZE QTY KIT 12 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 2 PART NO A-A151404 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 3 Gasket, Pan A-A44075 1 M A-A152479 1 I A-OGS504 1 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER Gasket, OH Set w/Seals 4 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 68 1) includes sleeve, piston, pin, retainer, rings set 2) includes crankshaft seals 3) Cyl Block Gasket & Both Front & Rear Crank Seals Included 4) Used For Eng SN 2539000> Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ 4.108 Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION A504BDT CID Turbo Diesel Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ENG SN <2539000, 6 CYL, CYL SLEEVE FIRE DAM 5.092"/5.097"O.D. STD BORE: 4.625", 1.7995" PISTON PIN DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK504 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK504 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 880C ENG SN <2539000), (TRACTOR: (1370, 1470, 1570, 2390, 2470, 2590, 2670, 4490 ALL ENG SN <2539000)), (128D, 1450, 224B, 980B, W24, W26B, W36 ALL ENG SN <2539000) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK416 SIZE QTY KIT MI 6 Piston A-PA714 6 Liner, Cylinder A-SW709 6 Rings, Piston A-PR111 DESCRIPTION PART NO Brg/Washer Set, Main (8) A-MB504 FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS Sealing Ring Kit, Liner A-SRK720 FIAT IMT INGERSOLL RAND 6 6 JACOBSEN SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (8) A-MB504-10 .010 1 M Brg/Washer Set, Main (8) A-MB504-20 .020 1 M JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-CRB336 Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-10 .010 6 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-20 .020 6 MI LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod A-CRB336-30 .030 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT LINCOLN ELECTRIC Bushing, Conn Rod A-A41756 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-A157044 SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI JCB M LANDINI MASSEY FERGUSON SIZE QTY KIT 1 MELROE Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-A62050 1 MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION Guide, Valve PART NO A-A41783 SIZE QTY KIT 8 OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 2 PART NO A-A151406 SIZE QTY KIT MI 1 Gasket, Lower Set w/Seals 3 Gasket, Pan A-A44075 1 M A-A152479 1 I A-OGS504A 1 Gasket, OH Set w/Seals 4 1) includes sleeve, piston, pin, retainer, rings set 2) includes crankshaft seals 3) Cyl Block Gasket & Both Front & Rear Crank Seals Included 4) Used For Eng SN <2539000 w/ Fire Ring of 5.092" to 5.097" RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 69 4.108 Diesel ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION AD3/49A 3 CYL, 4 RING PISTON DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK117 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK117 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-PA769 SIZE QTY KIT STD 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 3 Piston Liner Kit 1 A-SK480 3 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (4) A-SC200 3 PART NO A-K928540 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928557 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928558 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 3 M MI M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-A41756 4 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-K964876 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, OH Set w/o Seals DESCRIPTION Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K964877 1 A-3A208FS 1 PART NO A-K311938 SIZE QTY KIT 1 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 70 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 1) Contains Semi-Finished Liner MI Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: 770 DAVID BROWN SELECTAMATIC DIESEL FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL PART NO A-10152 BORE: 3.939" DEUTZ FIAT DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz 355011 ENGINE INFORMATION 355011 3 Cyl., 4 RING PISTON Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK118 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK118 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-K964876 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, OH Set w/o Seals DESCRIPTION Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K964877 1 A-3A208FS 1 PART NO A-K311938 MI ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 CLARK For Models: 780 DAVID BROWN DIESEL ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DEUTZ Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston 1 PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT STD 3 MI Piston A-K949719 .020 3 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 3 MI Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (4) A-SC200 GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND 3 JACOBSEN PART NO A-K928540 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M JCB Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928557 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928558 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 3 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN M OWATTONA DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake 5,7 PART NO A-K928622 SIZE QTY KIT 6 PERKINS USA Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 3 RENAULT Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 3 Keeper, Valve 5 A-K943439 6 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) SN 11052361> 5) for SN 6039> 7) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long ZETOR 71 AD3/55A ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION AD3/55A 3 Cyl., 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK119 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK119 FIAT For Models: 880 DAVID BROWN DIESEL ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS PART NO A-K964876 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, OH Set w/o Seals DESCRIPTION Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K964877 1 A-3A208FS 1 PART NO A-K311938 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston 1 PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 3 Piston A-K949719 .020 3 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 3 MI INGERSOLL RAND Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 3 MI JACOBSEN Piston Liner Kit 1,2 A-SK481 3 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (4) A-SC200 3 PART NO A-K928540 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928557 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928558 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 3 M JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 3 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake 8 PART NO A-K928622 SIZE QTY KIT 6 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 3 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 3 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 6 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 72 1) SN 11052361> 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 8) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long MI Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set 355011 ENGINE INFORMATION 355011 3 Cyl., 4 RING PISTON Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK121 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK121 DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-K964876 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Lower Set w/o Seal Gasket, OH Set w/o Seals DESCRIPTION Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K964877 1 A-3A208FS 1 PART NO A-K311938 MI ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 CLARK For Models: 885 SYNCHROMATIC DIESEL ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DEUTZ Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston 1 PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 3 Piston A-K949719 .020 3 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 3 MI Piston Liner Kit 1,2 A-SK481 3 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (4) A-SC200 3 PART NO A-K928540 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928557 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928558 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 3 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake 8 PART NO A-K928622 SIZE QTY KIT 6 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 3 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 3 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 6 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1) SN 11052361> 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 8) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long ZETOR 73 165004 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION Gasket, Upper Set ENGINE INFORMATION 165004 Gasket, Lower Set w/o A-K260286 Seal 3 Cyl., 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK124 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK124 For Models: (1190, 1194 ALL DIESEL) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT STD 3 MI Piston A-K949719 .020 3 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 3 MI INGERSOLL RAND Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 3 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 3 MI JACOBSEN Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK481 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (4) PART NO A-K928540 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928557 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (4) A-K928558 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN 3 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 3 M OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-K628127 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-K921611 1 DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake 8 PART NO A-K928622 SIZE QTY KIT 6 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 3 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 3 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 6 M WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 74 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 8) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 1 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311938 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ FIAT PART NO A-K260287 4.108 Diesel ENGINE INFORMATION 449001 4 CYL., 4 RING PISTON DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 CASE-IH BORE: 3.939 " Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ALLIS CHALMERS DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 5 A-OK126 IN FRAME OH KIT-NA 5 A-IK126 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (990, 990 SELECT ALL SELECTAMATIC DIESEL) FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-PA769 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Liner, Cylinder 5 A-SC200 4 M Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 4 MI DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI M GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 M DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 2,3 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 3,4 A-K928622 8 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS 8 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 SIZE QTY KIT 1 LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 2) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 3) for selectamatic SN 15240> 4) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long 5) Kit w/ semi-finished liner ZETOR 75 455051, 455071, 455009, 455031 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS ENGINE INFORMATION 455051, 455071, 455009, 455031 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK127 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK127 FIAT For Models: (1210, 1212, 995, 996 ALL DIESEL W/ 455009) Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Piston A-K949719 .020 4 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 4 MI INGERSOLL RAND Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 4 MI JACOBSEN Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK481 4 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) A-SC200 4 PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE M Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI MICHIGAN Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT OWATTONA Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 76 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 3 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 4 A-K928622 8 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 3) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 4) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI A4155A DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS ENGINE INFORMATION A4155A 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK128 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK128 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK For Models: 1200 DAVID BROWN DIESEL DEUTZ FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Piston A-K949719 .020 4 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 4 MI Piston Liner Kit 2 A-SK481 4 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) A-SC200 4 PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 M JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 3 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 4 A-K928622 8 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 3) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 4) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 77 2200004 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS ENGINE INFORMATION 2200004 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 IN FRAME OH KIT Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 A-OK129 1 A-IK129 For Models: 1290 DIESEL SN <11052360 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1,2 PART NO A-SK480 SIZE QTY KIT M 4 Piston 1 A-PA769 STD 4 I Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 4 I Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 4 I Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) A-SC200 PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI 4 M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 M MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 3 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 4 A-K928622 8 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 78 1) SN <11052360 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 3) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 4) for selectamatic SN 15240> Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ FIAT SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 2200004 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS ENGINE INFORMATION 2200004 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 CASE-IH BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 PART NO. 1 IN FRAME OH KIT Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ALLIS CHALMERS A-OK266 1 SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 A-IK266 CLARK For Models: 1290 DIESEL SN 11052361> ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 DEUTZ FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston 1 PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 4 Piston A-K949719 .020 4 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 4 MI DESCRIPTION Rings, Piston PART NO A-K261069 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 4 MI Rings, Piston Piston Liner Kit 1,2 A-K261071 A-SK481 .040 4 4 MI Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) A-SC200 GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN 4 JCB PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M JOHN DEERE Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 3 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 OWATTONA Valve, Intake 4 A-K928622 8 PERKINS USA Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 M MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER 1) SN 11052361> 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 3) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 4) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 79 220008, 2200002 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS ENGINE INFORMATION 220008, 2200002 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK130 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK130 FIAT For Models: (1294, 1390 ALL DIESEL W/ 220008) Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston 1 PART NO A-K949474 SIZE QTY KIT MI STD 4 Piston A-K949719 .020 4 MI Piston A-K949720 .040 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 4 MI INGERSOLL RAND Rings, Piston A-K261070 .020 4 MI Rings, Piston A-K261071 .040 4 MI JACOBSEN Piston Liner Kit 1,2 A-SK481 4 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) A-SC200 4 PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE M Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI MICHIGAN Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT OWATTONA Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 80 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 3 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 4 A-K928622 8 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 1) SN 11052361> 2) Contains Semi-Finished Liner 3) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 4) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 220103 DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 1 ENGINE INFORMATION 220103 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK131 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK131 ALLIS CHALMERS DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 CASE-IH Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: 1394 DIESEL FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-K944573 Liner, Cylinder A-SC200 A-K261069 Rings, Piston Piston Liner Kit 1 A-SK483 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 MI 4 MI STD 4 MI GEHL HYSTER IMT 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) PART NO A-K928541 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M INGERSOLL RAND Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928554 .010 1 M JACOBSEN Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K928555 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928542, 2-K928543 Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928560, 2-K928561 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4710 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 JCB JOHN DEERE A-VPC4711 .005 1 PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 1 MI M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON M MELROE DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 2 PART NO A-VPA6033 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MICHIGAN Valve, Intake 3 A-K928622 4 OWATTONA Valve, Exhaust A-K950100 4 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 RENAULT SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI SULAIR CORP DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 PERKINS USA VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER 1)Contains Semi-finished Liner 2) contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 3) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long ZETOR 81 455011 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK ENGINE INFORMATION 455011 DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT A-OK132 IN FRAME OH KIT A-IK132 FIAT For Models: (1410, 1412 ALL DIESEL) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston PART NO A-K944573 SIZE QTY KIT STD 4 M Rings, Piston A-K261069 STD 4 Piston Liner Kit 1 A-SK483 4 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) A-SC200 4 PART NO A-K928997 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K946345 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K946346 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928998, 2-K928999 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-VPC4712 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 PART NO A-K929148 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod A-K946351 .010 1 M Bearing, Conn Rod A-K946352 .020 1 M M DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 M DESCRIPTION Seal, Rear Crankshaft PART NO A-K940135 SIZE QTY KIT 1 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 2 PART NO A-VPA6032 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 82 Valve, Intake 3 A-K928622 8 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve 4 A-K943439 8 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS SIZE QTY KIT 1 M Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965803 1 1) Contains Semi-finished Liner 2) for SN 11930>, contains 4 int. & ext. valves w/ valve springs and keepers 3) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long 4) 8 req, for SN 11930-> Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ 220101, 220105 DESCRIPTION PART NO Gasket OH Set w/Seals A-3A210FS ENGINE INFORMATION 220101, 220105 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI Gasket, Upper Set A-K964883 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 1 4 CYL, 4 RING PISTON Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 A-OK133 IN FRAME OH KIT 1 A-IK133 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (1490, 1494 ALL DIESEL W/ 220101) FIAT ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS SIZE QTY KIT MI 4 GEHL DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK483 Piston (Std) A-K944573 4 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) Rings, Piston (Std) A-SC200 4 IMT A-K261069 4 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (3) PART NO A-K928997 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M INGERSOLL RAND Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K946345 .010 1 M Bearing Set, Main (3) A-K946346 .020 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K928998, 2-K928999 PART NO A-VPC4712 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-K929148 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K946351 .010 1 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K946352 .020 1 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 4 DESCRIPTION Seal, Rear Crankshaft PART NO A-K940135 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 HYSTER JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN DESCRIPTION Valve, Intake 2,3 PART NO A-K928622 SIZE QTY KIT 4 OWATTONA PERKINS USA Valve, Exhaust A-K950100 4 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 4 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 4 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 8 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER 1) Contains Semi-finished Liner 2) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long 3) contains 4 intake & exhaust valves w/ valve springs & keepers WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 83 330002, 330102 ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 1 ENGINE INFORMATION 330002, 330102 6 CYL, 4 RING PISTON BORE: 3.939" DESCRIPTION PART NO. MAJOR OH KIT 1 IN FRAME OH KIT A-OK134 1 A-IK134 DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 FIAT For Models: (1594, 1694 ALL DIESEL W/ 330002) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS FORD / NEW NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: HOLLAND GEHL M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS DESCRIPTION Piston Liner Kit 1 PART NO A-SK483 Piston (Std) A-K944573 6 Liner, Cylinder (SemiFinished) Rings, Piston (Std) A-SC200 6 A-K261069 6 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) PART NO A-VPC3150 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K917635, 2-K917636 PART NO A-VPC4708 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M LANDINI DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 2 MI LEYLAND Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 2 MI .020 2 MI HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 SIZE QTY KIT 6 MI DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 6 DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-K628127 M SIZE QTY KIT 1 M MICHIGAN Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-K306765 1 OWATTONA DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 2 PART NO A-VPA6034 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Valve, Intake 3 A-K928622 6 Valve, Exhaust A-K950100 6 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 6 PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 84 M Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 6 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 12 DESCRIPTION Gasket OH Set w/o Seals Gasket, Upper Set PART NO A-3A211FS SIZE QTY KIT MI 1 A-K965964 1 Gasket, Lower Set A-K965963 1 1) Contains Semi-finished Liner 2) contains valves, springs, and keepers 3) 10) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ 330001 PART NO A-3A211FS SIZE QTY KIT 1 MI 6 CYL, 4 RING PISTON DESCRIPTION Gasket OH Set w/o Seals Gasket, Upper Set A-K965964 1 BORE: 3.939" Gasket, Lower Set A-K965963 1 ENGINE INFORMATION 330001 DESCRIPTION MAJOR OH KIT IN FRAME OH KIT Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DESCRIPTION PART NO Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer A-K311939 PART NO. 1 A-OK136 1 CLARK For Models: (1690, 1690T ALL DIESEL W/ 330001) ENGINE COMPONENT PARTS DESCRIPTION Assembly Lube; 8oz PART NO A-10152 SIZE QTY KIT 1 Assembly lube; Case of 12-8oz bottles A-10153 1 Liner, Cylinder 1 A-SC200 A-K261069 Rings, Piston Piston Liner Kit 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing Set, Main (7) A-SK483 PART NO A-VPC3150 DEUTZ FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND NOTICE: Parts included in the overhaul kits are indicated as follows: M parts included in MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS I parts included in IN FRAME OVERHAUL KITS PART NO A-K944573 CASE-IH SIZE QTY KIT CATERPILLAR 1 A-IK136 DESCRIPTION Piston ALLIS CHALMERS SIZE QTY KIT STD 6 MI 6 MI STD 6 MI GEHL HYSTER IMT 6 SIZE QTY KIT STD 1 M INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN DESCRIPTION Washer Set, Thrust Incl: 2-K917635, 2-K917636 PART NO A-VPC4708 SIZE QTY KIT M STD 1 DESCRIPTION Bearing, Conn Rod PART NO A-K207436 SIZE QTY KIT STD 2 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207497 .010 2 MI Bearing, Conn Rod A-K207498 .020 2 MI JCB JOHN DEERE DESCRIPTION PART NO SIZE QTY KIT Bushing, Conn Rod A-K31669 6 M LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON DESCRIPTION PART NO Seal, Front Crankshaft A-K628127 SIZE QTY KIT 1 M MELROE Seal, Rear Crankshaft A-K306765 1 DESCRIPTION Valve Train Kit 2,3 PART NO A-VPA6035 SIZE QTY KIT 1 MICHIGAN Valve Train Kit 4,5 A-VPA6034 1 OWATTONA 6,7 A-K928622 6 Valve, Exhaust 8 A-K950100 6 Spring, Intake Valve A-K921435 6 Spring, Exhaust Valve A-K921436 6 Keeper, Valve A-K943439 12 Valve, Intake M PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER 1) Contains Semi-finished Liner 2) w/o turbo, contains valves and keepers 3) Used on Models w/ 330001 4) Used on Models w/ 330101 5) for 1690 w/ turbo, contains valves and keepers 6) for 1690 w/o turbo 7) One Groove, 45°, 1.505" Head Dia, 0.373" Stem Dia, 4.905" Long 8) for 1690 w/ turbo WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 85 Engine Related Parts A-3059262R92 Rings, Piston USED W/ 4 RING PISTON 0.27 Lbs. A-F62450 Washer Set, Thrust (.007") 0.22 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH For Models: 523 W/ D179 ENGINE, (574, 674, 724 ALL W/ D239 ENGINE) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-704100R1 Sealing Ring, Liner 0.04 Lbs. For Models: C100, C70, C80, C90, CX100, CX70, CX80, CX90, MX100C, MX80C, MX90C A-A21069 Bushing, Connecting Rod Replaces: A21722 1.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: 6 Gasket, Head FIAT 0.38 Lbs. For Models: 1594 W/ 330002 ENG, 1690 W/ 330001 ENG, 1694 W/ 330102 ENG For Models: 770, 830, 970 W/ 401B Engine, 1030, (1070, 1090 ALL W/ 451B Engine), 1200, 1010, 1060, 301BD, 336BD, 451BD, A301D A-K905229 A-OGS114L Gasket, Head Cover CLARK DEUTZ For Models: (275, 276, 354 ALL W/ BD144 ENGINE), (374, 384, 434 ALL W/ BD154 ENGINE) A-K952527 CATERPILLAR 0.13 Lbs. Gasket, Overhaul Set with Seals 0.00 Lbs. FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL For Models: 990 W/ AD4/47 ENGINE, 990 W/ 449001 ENGINE, 995 W/ 455051 ENGINE, 996 W/ 455071 ENGINE, 1200 W/ A4155A ENGINE, 1210 W/ 455009 ENGINE, 1212 W/ 455031 ENGINE, 1290 W/ 2200004 ENGINE, 1294 W/ 220008 ENGINE, 1390 W/ 2200002 ENGINE, 1394 W/ 220103 ENGINE, (1410, 1412 ALL W/ 455011 ENGINE), 1490 W/ 220101 ENGINE, 1494 W/ 220105 ENGINE A-3069767R1 Gasket, Head Cover 0.22 Lbs. HYSTER For Models: (300C, 400C, 600, 780 ALL ENG SN 2539000>), 780CK ENG SN 253900>, (800, 825 ALL ENG SN 2539000>), 870 ENG SN 253900>, (880, 880B, P336, T336, TB336 ALL ENG SN 2539000>), W14 ENG SN 253900> A-3118131R1 Rings, Piston Replaces: 41158045, 86775 0.20 Lbs. For Models: (275, 276, 354 ALL W/ BD144 ENGINE), (374, 384, 434 ALL W/ BD154 ENGINE) A-3138642R1 Gasket, Head Cover 0.22 Lbs. A-3138641R1 Gasket, Head Cover For Models: 475 3 Ring Piston Bushing Gasket, Head Cover JOHN DEERE For Models: 1210, 1212, 995, 996 A-3118170R91 0.22 Lbs. Piston LANDINI 3.61 Lbs. LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC 0.14 Lbs. For Models: 475 A-367229R1 Camshaft 15.25 Lbs. For Models: 475 W/ A4.212 ENGINE A-K918684 Gasket, Pan JCB 0.09 Lbs. For Models: 3210, 3220, 353, 383, 385, 395, 423, 440, 454, 484, 485, 495, 523, 540, 238, 248 A-737225M1 INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN A-K628751 For Models: (3230, 474, 584, 585, 595, 644, 645 ALL W/ D206 ENGINE), (4210, 574, 674, 684, 685, 695, 724, 743, 744, 745, 745S ALL W/ D239 ENGINE), (4220, 784, 785, 795 ALL W/ D246 ENGINE), (4230, 844, 844S, 845, 884, 885, 895 ALL W/ D268 ENGINE), (4240, 995 ALL W/ DT268 ENGINE), 856 W/ DT239 ENGINE IMT MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE 0.32 Lbs. MICHIGAN For Models: (2606, 2706 ALL Gas & Diesel), 2806 Gas, (460, 560, 606, 660, 706 ALL Gas & Diesel), 806 Gas, C221, C263, C282, C291, C301, D236, D282, D301 A-670349C1 For Models: 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 996 A-3055987R3 Gasket, Pan 0.44 Lbs. Camshaft OWATTONA 19.30 Lbs. PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 2706, 2756, 2826, 3088 SN <121247, 3288 SN <111090, 686, 706, 756, 786, 826, 886 CHASSIS SN 14472>, HYDRO 86 For Models: 1026 DT407 Diesel Eng., 1206 DT361 Diesel Eng., (1256, 1456, 21026 ALL DT407 Diesel Eng.), 21206 DT361 Diesel Eng., (21256, 21456 ALL DT407 Diesel Eng.), 2806 D361 Diesel Eng., 2856 D407 Diesel Eng., 806 D361 Diesel SULAIR CORP Eng., 856 D407 Diesel Eng., D361, D407, DT361, DT407 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 1 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-A153521 CHALMERS Camshaft; 4 Cylinder Diesel 8.05 Lbs. A-K262750 Gasket, Head 0.60 Lbs. CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: (TRACTOR: (470, 570 ALL SN 8656925>)), (SKID STEER LOADER: 1700 SERIES, 1835, 1835B, 1845, 1845B, 1845S), (COMBINE: 660) A-1802337C91 Camshaft; 6 Cylinder 400 Series Diesel 22.40 Lbs. For Models: 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 990, 995, 996 A-A9235 Gasket, Head 1.23 Lbs. CLARK For Models: HYDRO 186, 966, 986, 1066, 1086, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3488, 3588, 3688, 3788, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388, 6588, 6788, (COMBINE: 815, 915, 1440, 1460, 1480, 1640, (1660, 1680 ALL Early FORD / NEW SN)) FIAT HOLLAND A-3139594R91 Rings, Piston 0.21 Lbs. GEHL HYSTER IMT For Models: 454, 574, 674, 684, 685, 695, 724, 743, 744, 745S, 824, 840, 940, 956, 1056, 4210 A-A43064 Gasket, Pan 0.88 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN For Models: 400 SN 8106131>; Gas & Diesel, 500 Diesel, 600 LP, Gas & Diesel, (700, 800 ALL Gas & Diesel), 800B, 900 LP, Gas & Diesel, (420, 425 ALL Gas & Diesel), W9 SN <8150186; Gas & Diesel, (COMBINE: 800) A-1808832C92 Kit, Engine Oil Pump Service 7.80 Lbs. For D466, DT466, DT466B, DTI466, DTI466B & DTI466C Engine SN's AFTER: 468TF2U466775, 468BF2U466775, 467TF2U194972 & 466DF2U057803. Replaces: 1808832C91 Dim/Info: 1 1/4" Gear 1802845C91 Gerotor, 1802879C1 Plate, 1808833C91 Housing & (2) 675860C1 Rings. For Models: (COMBINE: 1640 SN <JJC0034705, 1660 SN <JJC0038346, 1670, 1680 SN <JJC0045689), (COTTON PICKER: 1822, 1844), (ENGINE: (D466, DT466, DT466B, DTI466, DTI466B, DTI466C ALL Late Engine SN - See Note)) A-52164DAX-20 For Models: 310, 350, 450, 450B, 480, 480B, 500, 580, 580C, 580CK, 580D JCB A-3136817R99 Gasket, Lower Set Bearing, Connecting Rod (.020") 0.75 Lbs. 1.17 Lbs. JOHN DEERE For Models: (400, 450 ALL Diesel), MD Diesel W/ D248 Engine, SUPER MD Diesel W/ D264 Engine A-52164DAX LANDINI Bearing, Connecting Rod (Std) 0.70 Lbs. For Models: 946, 955, 956, 1046, 1055, 1056 LEYLAND A-SK147 Piston Liner Kit 11.40 Lbs. For Models: (400, 450 ALL Diesel), MD Diesel W/ D248 Engine, SUPER MD Diesel W/ D264 Engine LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: 1246, 1255 A-3136203R11 MELROE A-A61241 Bushing, Connecting Rod Replaces: A42491 Dim/Info: 6 Bearing, Connecting Rod (.010", 32 mm) 0.30 Lbs. For Models: 1170, 1175, 1270, 2090, 2094, 2290, 2294, 336D, 336DT, 451BDT, 504BD, 504BDT, 504D MICHIGAN A-K940135 OWATTONA Seal, Rear Crankshaft 0.02 Lbs. For Models: 1246, 1255 A-3136329R11 PERKINS USA 1.00 Lbs. Bearing, Connecting Rod (.020", 32 mm) 0.30 Lbs. For Models: (1410, 1412, 1490, 1494 ALL DIESEL W/ 220101) A-G47077 RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 2 Tappet (Diesel) 0.20 Lbs. For Models: 1246, 1255 For Models: (TRACTOR: 430, 470, 530, 570, 630), (COMBINE: 660), (SKID STEER LOADER: 1150, 1255, 1700 SERIES, 1835, 1835B, 1845, 1845B, 1845S) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ Engine Related Parts Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-911776R3 Tappet, Valve (0.999") Replaces: 75524R3, 684729C1 0.32 Lbs. Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener 25.35 Lbs. Dim/Info: 10.203" O.D. 3.30" Wide 2.805" Hole Dia. For Models: HYDRO 186, (HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86, 666, 686 ALL W/ 312 Engine), (766, 886 ALL W/ 360 Engine), 966, 986, 1066, 1086, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3488, 3588, 3688, 3788, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388, 6588, 6788, (ENGINE: C221, C263, C291, C301, D188, D236, D282, D360, D361, D414 Engine SN <155806, (D436, DT436, DT436B ALL Engine SN <121624), (D466, DT466, DT466B ALL Engine SN <140087)), (COMBINE: 815, 915, 1440, 1460, 1480, 1640 SN <JJC0034705, 1660 SN <JJC0038346, 1680 SN <JJC004 A-1802340C1 A-683459C94 Tappet, Valve (1.12") ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: (1466, 1486, 1566, 1586 ALL W/ DT-436 ENGINE), (1480, 1640, 1660, 1680, 3788, 5288, 6788 ALL W/ DT-466 ENGINE) A-3132434R1 Gasket, Exhaust Manifold 0.03 Lbs. Dim/Info: 4 CLARK DEUTZ 0.29 Lbs. FIAT For Models: 1046, 1055, 1056, 1255, 1455, 3210, 3220, 3230, 353, 385, 395, 4210, 4220, 423, 4230, 4240, 440, 454, 474, 475, 484, 485, 495, 523, 540, 574, FORD / NEW 584, 585, 595, 640, 644, 674, 684, 685, 695, 724, 740, 743, 744, 745, 745S, HOLLAND 784, 785, 795, 840, 844, 844S, 845, 856, 884, 885, 895, 946, 955, 956 A-708294R93 Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer 1.40 Lbs. For Models: HYDRO 186, 966, 986, 1066, 1086, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3488, 3588, 3688, 3788, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388, 6588, 6788, (ENGINE: D414 SN 155806>, D436 SN 121624>, D466 SN 140087>, (DT436, DT436B ALL SN 121624>), (DT466, DT466B ALL SN 140087>), DT466C, DTI466C), (COMBINE: 815, 915, 1440, 1460, 1480, 1640 SN <JJC0034705, 1660 SN <JJC0038346, 1680 SN <JJC0045689), (COTTON PICKER: 1822, 1844) A-3110995R91 Crankshaft w/o Bearings Does not include bearings. 37.10 Lbs. GEHL HYSTER IMT For Models: 275, 276, 354, 364, 374, 384, 434, B414 A-K262265 Repair Kit, Fuel Pump 0.25 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN For Models: (275, 276, 354 ALL W/ BD144 ENGINE), (374, 384, B414, 434, 444 ALL W/ BD154 ENGINE) For Models: 1190, 1194, 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1690, 1694, 770, 780, 880, 885, 990, 995, 996 A-3132270R95 A-47V299 Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener 25.00 Lbs. Bowl, Sediment 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: 1 3/4" Tall 3/4" Bottom Hole For Models: (706, 756 ALL W/ D-310 ENGINE), (2826, 826 ALL W/ D-358 ENGINE) A-3228202R92 Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener 38.00 Lbs. 3.54 Lbs. Dim/Info: 66 Teeth Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener 21.09 Lbs. Dim/Info: 10.203" O.D. 2.61" Wide 2.25" Hole Dia. For Models: (666, 686, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 ALL W/ D-312 ENGINE), 766 W/ D-360 ENGINE, 886 SN <14472 W/ D-360 ENGINE, 966 W/ D-414 ENGINE, (986, 3688, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 186 ALL W/ D-436 ENGINE), 3488 W/ D-466 ENGINE, (1066, 1086 ALL W/ DT-414 ENGINE), (4166, 4186, 5088 ALL W/ DT-436 ENGINE), (6588, 3588 ALL W/ DT-466 ENGINE) LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE For Models: 886 SN 14472> W/ D-358 ENGINE, (3288, 786 ALL W/ D-358 ENGINE), 3088 W/ D-358 Engine A-680275C92 JOHN DEERE LANDINI For Models: (574, 584 ALL ENGINE SN 318210> W/ D179, D239, DT239, D310 OR D358 ENGINES), (464, 484 ALL ENGINE SN 376420> W/ D179, D239, DT239, D310 OR D358 ENGINES), (275, 375, 674, 684, 784, 884 ALL W/ D179, D239, DT239, D310 OR D358 ENGINES) A-375712R1 Gear, Camshaft Timing Replaces: 6779DB JCB MICHIGAN For Models: (A, AV, B, BN, C, SUPER A, SUPER A1, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1 ALL W/ C113), (SUPER C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240 ALL W/ C-123), (330, 340, 404 ALL W/ C-135), 424 W/ C-146, (444, 504 ALL W/ C-153) A-6664DB Gear, Camshaft Timing OWATTONA 4.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 48 Teeth PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: (H, HV ALL W/ C-152), (SUPER H, SUPER HV ALL W/ C-164), 300 W/ C-169 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 3 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-312500R1 Gear, Camshaft Timing CHALMERS Replaces: 367240R1 6.15 Lbs. A-367272R1 Gear, Crankshaft Timing 1.66 Lbs. CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK A-3055046R3 Camshaft For Models: 454 W/ C-157, (350, 454, 464 ALL W/ C-175), (504, 2504 ALL W/ D-188), (544, 574, 674 ALL W/ C-200), (460, 606, 2606 ALL W/ C-221), (460, 606, 2606 ALL W/ D-236), (560, 656, 660, 706, 2706 ALL W/ C-263), (560, 656, 660, 706, 2706 ALL W/ D-282), (HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86, 666, 686, 706, 756, 766, 2706 ALL W/ C-291), (806, 826, 856 ALL W/ C-301) A-675663C92 Crankshaft 179.00 Lbs. 14.50 Lbs. FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL For Models: 3220, 3230, 4210, 4230, 4240, 584, 585, 595, 684, 685, 695, 784, 884, 885, 895, 995, H84 HYSTER A-J929039 Camshaft 12.10 Lbs. Replaces: J925582, J914638, J912842, J907823, J907446 For Models: (1460, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3688, 4166, 4186, 5088, 986, H100, H186 ALL DT436) A-675668C92 Crankshaft 178.00 Lbs. IMT INGERSOLL RAND For Models: 5120 W/ 4T-390 Eng., 5220 W/ 4T-390 & 4TA-390 Eng., (SKID STEER LOADER: (1840, 1845C, 40XT, 60XT, 70XT, 75XT, 85XT ALL W/ 4-390 Eng.), 90XT JACOBSEN SN <-JAF0245224 W/ 4T-390 Eng., 95XT SN <-JAF0237963 W/ 4T-390 Eng.), (WINDROWER: (8825, 8825HP, 8860, 8860HP ALL W/ 4-390 Eng.)), (POWER UNIT: 4391 W/ 4-390 Eng.) JCB A-J929042 Camshaft For Models: (1066, 1086, 815, 915, 966 ALL DT414 DIESEL ENGINE) A-675669C92 Crankshaft 178.00 Lbs. 16.50 Lbs. JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC For Models: (1085B, 1085C, 1086B, 1088, 1150E ALL W/ 6-590, 6T-590 or 6TA590 Eng.), 1150G SN <-JJG0218478, W/ 6-590, 6T-590 or 6TA-590 Eng., 1155E W/ 6-590, 6T-590 or 6TA-590, 1620 W/ 6T-590 Eng., (1640, 1644, 1800 ALL W/ 6TA-590 Eng.), 1822 SN JJC0012691-> W/ 6TA-590 Eng., 1844 SN JJC0002462> W/ 6TA-590 Eng., (2022, 2044 ALL W/ 6TA-590 Eng.), 2144 SN <-JJC0173150 W/ 6TA-590 Eng., 5130 W/ 6-590 Eng., 5140 W/ 6T-590 Eng., 5230 W/ 6-590 Eng., (5240, 5250 ALL W/ 6T-590 & 6TA-590 Eng.), 621 W/ 6-590, 6T-590 o MASSEY FERGUSON A-J923478 Camshaft Replaces: J924471, J920065, J923388 For Models: (1480, 1620, 1660, 1680, 3588, 3788, 4366, 5288, 5488, 6588, 6788 ALL W/ DT466 ENGINE) A-J908032 Crankshaft (6.590 Engine) 121.98 Lbs. For 6-590, 6T-590 & 6TA-590 Engines Replaces: J918324 29.00 Lbs. MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: (7210, 7220, 8910, 8920 ALL W/ 6T-830 Eng.), (7230, 7240, 7250, OWATTONA 8930, 8940, 8950, 9310, 9330 ALL W/ 6T-830 & 6TA-830 Eng.), (MX180, MX200, MX210, MX220, MX230 ALL W/ 6T-830 & 6TAA-830 Eng.) PERKINS USA A-43706D Gear, Crankshaft Timing 1.65 Lbs. For Models: (MX100, MX110, MX120, MX135, 1620, 1640, 1644, 2144, 2344, 5130, 5140, 5230, 5240, 5250, 680K, 680L, 780C ALL W/ 6-590, 6T-590 OR 6TA-590 DIESEL ENGINES) A-J908031 Crankshaft (4.390 Engine) For 4-390, 4T-390 & 4TA-390 Engines Replaces: J916190, J918323 93.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 24 Teeth RENAULT SULAIR CORP For Models: (H, HV ALL W/ C-152), (SUPER H, SUPER HV ALL W/ C-164), 300 W/ C-169 VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 4 For Models: (1840, 1845C, 40XT, 480E, 480ELL, 480F, 480FLL, 5120, 5220, 570LXT, 580K, 580L, 580SE, 584E, 585E, 586E ALL W/ 4-390, 4T-390 OR 4TA-390 DIESEL ENGINES), 590 TURBO W/ 4-390, 4T-390 OR 4TA-390 DIESEL ENGINES, (590SL, 6000, 60XT, 6500, 70XT, 75XT, 85XT, 8825, 8825HP, 8860, 8860HP, 8870, 90XT, 95XT ALL W/ 4-390, 4T-390 OR 4TA-390 DIESEL ENGINES) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ For Models: 454 W/ C-157, (350, 454, 464 ALL W/ C-175), (504, 2504 ALL W/ D-188), (544, 574, 674 ALL W/ C-200), (460, 606, 2606 ALL W/ C-221), (460, 606, 2606 ALL W/ D-236), (560, 656, 660, 706, 2706 ALL W/ C-263), (560, 660, 706, 2706 ALL W/ D-282), 2706 W/ C-291, 656 W/ D-282, (HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86, 666, 686, 706, 756, 766 ALL W/ C-291), (806, 826, 856 ALL W/ C-301) Engine Related Parts A-701036C93 Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener 20.00 Lbs. A-360679R1 Used w/ Short Bowl Gasket, Sediment Bowl (15 pack) 0.01 Lbs. Dim/Info: 2" O.D. For Models: (1026, 1256, 1456, 21026, 21256, 21456 ALL W/ DT407 Engine), (2856, 856 ALL W/ D407 Engine) A-6502DC Pulley, Crankshaft 6.22 Lbs. CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: A, B, C, CUB, CUB LO-BOY, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1, SUPER C, 100, 130, 140, 2400A, 2404, 2500A, 2504, 2606, 2656, 340, 404, 454, 460, 464, 504, 574, 606, 656, 674 A-50-1123T91 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. ALLIS CHALMERS Pump, Lube CLARK 5.20 Lbs. DEUTZ For Models: A, B, C, SUPER A, SUPER C A-5515PL Pulley, Power Steering FIAT 4.42 Lbs. For Models: BEARCAT SERIES IV - CS & KS MODELS W/ 855 CUMMINS ENGINE, COUGAR CR & KR 1225, 1280 W/ RANGE POWER SHIFT, (COUGAR, PANTHER ALL SERIES III - PTA-251, PTA-280 CUMMINS, PTA-310), (COUGAR, PANTHER ALL SERIES IV - CS & KS MODELS W/ 855 CUMMINS ENGINE) For Models: M A-4R595 Seal, Crankshaft, Rear, Speedi-Sleeve 0.46 Lbs. Note: Used w/ rear crankshaft seal 538983R1 for C157, C175, C200, C221, C263, C282, D282, C291 & C301 Gas301 Diesel Engines. A-3064060R91 Pump, Engine Oil FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL 7.40 Lbs. HYSTER IMT For Models: (2300A, 238, 2424, 2444, 3414 ALL W/ BD154 Engine), 3434 W/ BD144 Engine, 3444 W/ BD154 Engine, 354 W/ BD144 Engine, (364, 374, 384, 424, 434, 444, 7000, B275 ALL W/ BD154 Engine), B276 W/ BD144 Engine, (B414, B434 INGERSOLL RAND ALL W/ BD154 Engine) A-3136429R95 For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS A-53888D Seal, Crankshaft, Front Pump, Engine Oil 8.44 Lbs. JACOBSEN 0.15 Lbs. JCB For Models: (385, 395, 454, 464, 484, 485 ALL W/D-179 3 CYL. DIESEL ENG.) A-3136430R95 For Models: 300 FARMALL, 350 FARMALL Pump, Engine Oil 9.50 Lbs. LANDINI A-3132895R93 Balancer Assembly 18.75 Lbs. Replaces: 3132874R91, 3132874R92, 3132874R93, 3228366R91, 3132895R92, 3132895R91, 3132874R94 LEYLAND For Models: 4120, 4230, 4240, 574, 584, 585, 595, 674, 684, 685, 695, 784, 884, 885, 895 For Models: 2500, 258, 268, 278, 3230, 4210, 474, 574 Series A, 584, 585, 595, 674, 684, 685, 695, 724, 733, 784, 785, 824, 833, H84 A-J905449 Gasket, Head Cover A-352014R1 Gasket, Manifold Used w/ 251175R21 manifold. A-3136434R91 Pump, Engine Oil 14.50 Lbs. 0.20 Lbs. For Models: 1822, 2022, 2044, 2055, 2155, 2555, 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, 8950, 9110, 9130, 9210, 9230, 9240, 9250, 9260, 9310, 9330, (1150E, 1155E, 1187C, 1550, 1850K, 721, 721B, 721C, 821, 821B, 821C, 9040, 9040B, 9045B, W36 ALL W/ 6-830, 6T-830 or 6TA-830 Eng.) 0.07 Lbs. JOHN DEERE LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: (2544, 544, 664 ALL W/D-239 ENG.), (686, 706, 756, HYDRO 86 ALL W/D-310 ENG.), (2826, 786, 826, 886 ALL W/D-358 ENG.) A-3136433R95 Pump, Engine Oil 10.36 Lbs. OWATTONA PERKINS USA For Models: (A, B, C, SUPER A, SUPER C, 100, 140, 200, 230, 240 ALL W/ C113 & C123 GAS ENGINES) RENAULT For Models: 3088, 3288, (COMBINE: 715, 1420, 1620) SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 5 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-379138R1 Pump, Oil w/ Screen CHALMERS Used in C221, C263, D282 or C291 engines. 5.00 Lbs. CASE-IH A-1802666C92 Service Kit, Engine Oil Pump 7.45 Lbs. For D466, DT466, DT466B, DTI466, DTI466B & DTI466C Engine SN's BEFORE: 468TF2U466776, 468BF2U466766, 467TF2U194973 & 466DF2U057804. Replaces: 1802666C91, 675361C2, 671608C91, 675361C1 Dim/Info: 1" Gear CATERPILLAR For Models: (2656, 2706, 3514, 3614, 560, 606, 656, 660, 706 ALL W/ C221, C263, C291 OR D282 ENGINES) DEUTZ A-A38372 Pump, Oil Replaces: G37070, A49050 6.90 Lbs. For Models: DT414, DT436, DT466 For Early Engine SN - See Note A-326705R1 Gear, Crankshaft 2.40 Lbs. FIAT FORD / NEW For Models: (1150, 1255, 1700 SERIES, 1835, 1835B, 1845, 1845B, 1845S, 310E, HOLLAND 310F, 310G, 350, 350B, 420C, 430, 430CK ALL W/ 188 DIESEL ENG), 450 W/ 188 GEHL HYSTER & 207 DIESEL ENG, (450B, 455B ALL W/ 207 DIESEL NATURALLY ASPIRATED ENG), (470, 480B, 480C, 480CK, 480D, 480LL, 500, 530, 530CK, 570, 580, 580B ALL W/ 188 DIESEL ENG), 580C W/ 207 DIESEL ENG, (580D, 580SD ALL W/ 207 DIESEL NATURALLY ASPIRATED ENG), 584C W/ 207 DIESEL ENG, 584D W/ 188 DIESEL ENG, 585C W/ 207 DIESEL ENG, 585D W/ 188 DIESEL ENG, 586C W/ 207 DIE A-J930336 Pump, Oil Replaces: J926202 IMT For Models: 1026 W/ DT407 ENG., 1206 W/ DT361 ENG., (1256, 1456, 21026 ALL W/ DT407 ENG.), 21206 W/ DT361 ENG., (21256, 21456 ALL W/ DT407 ENG.), 2806 W/ D361 ENG., 2856 W/ D407 ENG., 806 W/ D361 ENG., 856 W/ D407 ENG. A-251269R3 Pulley, Crankshaft (Fan Drive) 4.64 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND For Models: CUB, CUB LO-BOY JACOBSEN For Models: (5120, 5220 ALL W/4T-390 OR 4TA-390 ENG.) A-J925568 Pulley, Damper Replaces: J914456, J912681,J910907, 75204967 JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC For Models: 1896, 2096, (5130, 5140, 5230, 5240, 5250 ALL W/6-590 OR 6T-590 ENG.), MX100, MX110, MX120, MX135, MX150, MX170, 1085B, 1085C, 1086B, 1088, 1150E, 1150G, 1150H, 1155E, 6030, 621, 621B, 621C, 621D, 680K, 680L, 780C, 780D, 850D, 850E, 850G, 850H, 850K, 855D, 855E, 880D, 888, 9030, 9030B, CX210, CX210LR, CX240, CX240LR, CX290, W14B, W14C, (SPRAYER: 3150, 3185, 3210, SPX3210), (POWER UNIT: 6590, 6590T, 6590TA, 6591T, 6591TA) A-J948071 Pump, Oil 16.98 Lbs. Dim/Info: 9.67" O.D. 2.24" Wide .95" Hole Dia. A-J937404 Pump, Engine Oil 5.20 Lbs. Replaces: J901175, J941742, J930337, J926203, J924720, J918212, J914006, J906414, J908151, J905811 JCB 4.76 Lbs. For Models: (1150E, 1155E, 1550 ALL W/ 6-830 or 6T-830 Eng.), 1666 W/ 6T-830, (1688, 2055 ALL W/ 6TA-830), 2155 P.I.N. < JJC0156230, W/ 6TA-830, 2155 P.I.N. JJC0156230 >, W/ 6TA-830 EMISS CERT, 2166 P.I.N. < JJC0180000, W/ 6T-830, 2166 P.I.N. JJC0180000 >, W/ 6TA-830 EMISS CERT, 2188 W/ 6TA-830 EMISS CERT, 2366 SN: < JJC0255699, 2388 SN: < JJC0272999, 2555, (7110, 7120 ALL W/ 6T-830), (7130, 7140, 7150 ALL W/ 6T-830 & 6TA-830), 721 W/ 6-830 or 6T-830 Eng., 7210 P.I.N. < JJA0064978, W/ 6T-830, (721B, 721C AL A-675813C2 Gasket, Timing Cover 0.10 Lbs. 5.44 Lbs. MASSEY On all 7100 Series Magnums w/ eng. serial # 44487830 & prior this pump FERGUSON can be used ONLY if the pressure regulator valve (J918532) has been MELROE installed. Replaces: J930338, J926201, J924644, J921067, A77801, J910066, J914007, J918213, J906415, J906415 MICHIGAN For Models: 1066, 1086, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3588, 3688, 3788, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388, 6588, 6788, 966, 986, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 186, HYDRO 3488 A-4819DX Cap, Oil Filler 0.76 Lbs. OWATTONA For Models: 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, 8950, 9110, 9130, 9210, 9230, 9240, 9310, 9330, PERKINS USA MX180, MX200, MX220, 1150E, 1155E, 1187C, 1550, 721, 721B, 721C, 821, 821B, 821C, 9040, 9040B, 9045B, W36 RENAULT A-293177A1 Pump, Oil 5.89 Lbs. For Models: 300, 350, 400, 450, H, HV, M, MD, MDV, MV, SUPER H, SUPER HV, SUPER M, SUPER MTA A-87416028 Cooler, Oil Replaces: J921558, J918293, J911940, JR903375 5.45 Lbs. SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 6 For Models: C100, C70, C80, C90, CX70, CX80, CX90, MX100C, MX80C, MX90C For Models: 1896, 2096, 5130, 5140, 5230, 5240, 5250, MX100, MX110, MX120, MX135, MX150, MX170, (POWER UNIT: 6590, 6590T, 6590TA, 6591T, 6591TA) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. CLARK Engine Related Parts A-87416027 Cooler, Oil Replaces: J904320, JR904320, J918292, J921557 5.00 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: (TRACTOR: 5120, 5220), (SKID STEER LOADER: 1840, 1845C, 40XT, 60XT, 70XT, 75XT, 85XT, 90XT, 95XT), (WINDROWER: 6000, 6500, 8820, 8825, 8825HP, 8830, 8840, 8860, 8860HP, 8870), (POWER UNIT: 4391, 4391T, 4391TA) A-3957543 Cooler, Oil with Mounting Gaskets Replaces: J904320, JR904320, J918292, J921557 5.00 Lbs. ALLIS A-688067C1 Drain Plug, Oil Pan 0.22 Lbs. CHALMERS For Engines: D282, D312, D360, D407, DT407, D414, DT414, DT429, D436, DT436, DT466 & V800 Replaces: 445096 CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: 1026, 1066, 1086, 1256, 1440, 1456, 1460, 1466, 1480, 1486, 1566, 1586, 1822, 1844, 21026, 21256, 21456, 2656, 2706, 2856, 3388, 3488, 3588, 3688, 3788, 4100, 4156, 4366, 4386, 4568, 4586, 4786, 5088, 5288, 5488, 560, 6388, 656, 6588, 660, 666, 6788, 686, 706, 766, 856, 886, 966, 986, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 186, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 A-364420R1 Gasket, Oil Filler Cap CLARK DEUTZ 0.01 Lbs. FIAT For Models: (TRACTOR: FARMALL 105U, FARMALL 85C, FARMALL 85U, FARMALL 90, FARMALL 95, FARMALL 95C, FARMALL 95U, JX1085C, JX1080U, JX1090U, JX1095C, JX1100U, MAXXUM 100, MAXXUM 110, MAXXUM 120, MAXXUM 130), MXU100, (TRACTOR: MXU110), 521E, 570MXT, 580M, 580SM, 586G, 588G, 590SM, 650K, 750K, 750L, TX742, TX842, TX945, 430, 440, 440CT, 445, 445CT, 450, 450CT, 465, WDX1002S, WDX1202, WDX1202S, P110, P70, P85, PX110, PX70, PX85 A-87452245 Cooler, Oil For Models: H, HV, M, MD, MDV, MV, SUPER H, SUPER HV, SUPER M, SUPER MTA, 300, 350, 400, 450 A-K948427 Cap, Engine Oil Filler FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL 0.11 Lbs. HYSTER 11.35 Lbs. IMT For Models: 1194, 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1694, 990, 995, 996 For Models: MAGNUM 215, MAGNUM 245, MAGNUM 275, MAGNUM 305, MAGNUM 335, MX215, MX245, MX275, MX285, MX305, (STX275, STX325 ALL SN <JEE0099501) A-3957544 Cooler, Oil with Mounting Gaskets Replaces: J921558, J918293, J911940, JR903375 27.00 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN 5.45 Lbs. JCB For Models: (TRACTOR: MAXXUM 115, MAXXUM 125, MAXXUM 140, MXU115, MXU125, MXU130, MXU135, PUMA 115, PUMA 125, PUMA 140, PUMA 155, PUMA 165, PUMA 180, PUMA 195, PUMA 210), 1150K Series 3, 1650L Tier III Hydro, 621D SN JEE0135501>, 721D, 850K, (1850K, 621E, 721E, 821E, 850L ALL Tier III), P170, PX140, PX170, 3320 A-87453888 Cooler, Oil Replaces: J944463, J945565, J918175, J906296 A-8033DCX Manifold Includes manifold gaskets and outlet pipe. Replaces: BMD# B-8033DC A-MG701SET Gasket Set, Manifold 0.13 Lbs. JOHN DEERE A-62476D Pipe, Exhaust 3.15 Lbs. LANDINI 8.00 Lbs. LEYLAND For Models: H, SUPER H, SUPER W4, W4, 300, 350 A-G11149 Manifold, Intake 10.89 Lbs. LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: 200B, 300B, 320, 320B, 400B, 420B, 420BD For Models: MX180, MX200, MX210, MX220, MX230, MX240, MX255, MX270, MX285, STX275, 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, 8950, 9110, 9130, 9210, 9230, 9240, 9310, 9330 A-91450C1 Switch, Oil Pressure Sender A-A24715 Manifold, Exhaust (Rear) 9.80 Lbs. MELROE MICHIGAN 0.08 Lbs. OWATTONA For Models: 1030, 930 DOM A-G2022 Elbow, Exhaust For Models: 385, 485, 485XL, 585, 585XL, 644, 685, 685XL, 743, 744, 745, 745S, 785, 785XL, 844, 844S, 844XL, 845, 845XL, 885, 885XL, 956 4.60 Lbs. PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 300, 320B, 400B, 420B, 420BD SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 7 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-J918562 Hose, Turbo Supply CHALMERS Replaces: J909548 0.40 Lbs. CATERPILLAR For Models: (5140, 5240, 5250 ALL W/ 6T-590), (621B, 621C ALL W/ 6T-590 Eng.), (721, 721B ALL W/ 6T-830 Eng.), 721C, 821 W 6T-830 Eng. W/ Eng. SN 44487830->, 821B W 6T-830 Eng., 821C SN <-JEE0155000, 850G, 850E W/ 6T590 Eng., (855E, 888 ALL W 6T-590 Eng.), (1150E, 1150G, 1155E ALL W/ 6T-590 Eng.) A-ZCK28 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Zenith) 0.50 Lbs. Kit contains all parts necessary for major overhaul w/ instructions. FIAT For Models: (A, AV, B, SUPER A ALL W/ Zenith Carb.# 10514A) HYSTER For Models: 385, 395, 484, 485, 495, 584, 585, 595, 684, 685, 695, 784, 785, 795, 884, 885, 885, 895, 990, 995, 995, 1190, 1194, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1690, 1694, 3210, 3220, 3230, 4210, 4220, 4230, 4240 A-3112805R91 Heater Plug Replaces: 3112805R1 A-IHCK12 Carburetor Kit, Basic (IH) Kit contains: gaskets & float valve only. 0.50 Lbs. Heater Plug, Thermostat Burner 0.18 Lbs. For Models: 1190, 1194, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 885, 990, 995, 996 A-221977A6 Oil Cooler Replaces: 303498A1, 221977A5 9.66 Lbs. Dim/Info: 20.312" 5.875" IMT INGERSOLL RAND 0.36 Lbs. For Models: 454, 474, 475, 574, 674 A-K928523 FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL 0.18 Lbs. For Models: (H, HV, W4 ALL W/ IH CARBURETOR 50981DA OR 45108DB) JACOBSEN A-6507DA Arm, Governor Rockshaft 0.20 Lbs. For Models: C100, C50, C60, C70, C80, C90, CX100, CX50, CX60, CX70, CX80, CX90, MX100C, MX80C, MX90C A-353934R11 Shaft, Distributor Drive Gear For Models W/ Battery Ignition & IH Distributor. 0.30 Lbs. JCB JOHN DEERE For Models: (200, 230, 240 ALL SN: < 65000, W/ C123), A, A1, AV1, B, C, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER C A-1061972C1 LANDINI Cable, Tachometer 1.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 63 1/4" Total Length LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC A-16040DD For Models: 274, 284 W/ DIESEL ENGINE A-47V1535 Cable, T Handle Pull (82") For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS A-47V1534 Cable, Round Handle Pull (82") 0.55 Lbs. Dim/Info: 82" Long For Models: 1026 DT407 Diesel Eng., 1206 DT361 Diesel Eng., (1256, 1456, 21026 ALL DT407 Diesel Eng.), 21206 DT361 Diesel Eng., (21256, 21456 ALL DT407 Diesel Eng.), 2806 D361 Diesel Eng., 2856 D407 Diesel Eng., 806 D361 Diesel Eng., 856 D407 Diesel Eng., D361, D407, DT361, DT407 A-405023R2 OWATTONA For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS A-K952332 Switch, Water Temp Sender 0.10 Lbs. PERKINS USA SULAIR CORP For Models: CUB For Models: 1410, 1412, 990 SYNCROMATIC SN 11070001>, (995, 996 ALL SN 11070001>) A-710348R2 Glow Plug 0.40 Lbs. VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 8 0.31 Lbs. 0.62 Lbs. MELROE RENAULT Tappet, Valve Dim/Info: 82" Long MASSEY FERGUSON MICHIGAN For Models: A, AV, B, BN, C, CUB, CUB 154, CUB 184, CUB 185, CUB LO-BOY, H, HV, M, MD, MDV, MV, OS6, SUPER A, SUPER A1, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1, SUPER C, SUPER H, SUPER HV, SUPER M, SUPER MTA, SUPER W6, SUPER WD9, SUPER WDR9, W400, W450, W6, W9, WD6, WD9, WDR9, WR9, WR9S, 200, 230, 240, 300, 330, 340, 350, 400, 404, 424, 450, 504, 2404, 2424, 2504 For Models: (275, 276, 3434, 354 ALL W/ BD144 ENGINE), (374, 384, 434, 444, 364 ALL W/ BD154 ENGINE) Manifold 8.50 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ Heater Plug, Thermostat Burner Dim/Info: Length - 21 3/16" CASE-IH CLARK A-3118299R1 Engine Related Parts A-362437R1 Manifold Includes carburetor & manifold gaskets & outlet pipe. Replaces: BMD# B-8035D 38.00 Lbs. A-A65917 Manifold, Exhaust (Front & Rear) Replaces: A58907 9.90 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: 1170, 1175, 1270, 1370, 1470, 1570, 2290, 2294, 2390, 2394, 2470, 2590, 2594, 2670, 3294, 3394, 3594, 4490, 4494, 4690, 4694 A-MG784SET Gasket Set, Manifold 0.14 Lbs. A-62476D Pipe, Exhaust 3.15 Lbs. A-A76322 Manifold, Exhaust (Center Section) Replaces: A58906 19.00 Lbs. CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ For Models: M, SUPER M, SUPER MTA, SUPER W6, W6, 400, 450 A-367261R11 Manifold, Intake FIAT 16.80 Lbs. For Models: 1170, 1175, 1270, 1370, 1470, 1570, 2290, 2294, 2390, 2394, 2470, 2590, 2594, 2670, 3294, 3394, 3594, 4494, 4690, 4694, 4490 A-670034C1 Elbow, Exhaust FORD / NEW HOLLAND 13.80 Lbs. GEHL For Models: (2656, 2706, 2756, 656, 666, 686, 706, 756, 766, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 ALL W/ C-263 & C-291 Gas Eng.) A-384290R21 Manifold 33.53 Lbs. HYSTER IMT For Models: 1026, 1256, 1456 D, 21026, 21256, 21456 D For Models: (2756, 2826, 2856, 460, 560, 656, 660, 666, 686, 706, 756, 766, 806, 826, 856, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 ALL W/ C263, C291 OR C301 ENG.) A-251175R21 Manifold Replaces: BMD# B-251175R1 A-675316C2 Elbow, Exhaust Uses sleeve #675317C2 & seal #702299C2. 10.00 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND 15.20 Lbs. JACOBSEN JCB For Models: 1066, 1466, 1566, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386 For Models: (A, B, C, SUPER A, SUPER C, 100, 200, 230, 240 ALL W/ C113 & C123 GAS ENGINES) A-369645R21 Manifold, Intake & Exhaust A-675317C2 Sleeve, Turbocharger Exhaust 0.90 Lbs. 18.80 Lbs. LANDINI For Models: 1066, 1466, 1566, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386 For Models: 130, 140, (2404, 404 ALL W/ HORIZONTAL EXHAUST) A-406046R1 Manifold, Vertical 27.16 Lbs. A-702299C2 2 Required Seal, Exhaust Sleeve LEYLAND 0.01 Lbs. LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: 1066, 1466, 1566, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386 A-A61265 For Models: (2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 3400A, 3500A, 454, 464, 574, 674 ALL W/ C157, C175 OR C200 GAS ENGINE) A-704165R3 Gasket 23.12 Lbs. MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA For Models: 1170, 1175, 1270, 1370 For Models: 238, 250, 275, 276, 3434, 354, 374, 384, B414, 434, 444 A-G2113 Manifold, Dual Outlet Replaces: BMD# B-G2113 Elbow, Exhaust Turbo 0.01 Lbs. Dim/Info: 4 JOHN DEERE A-A65554 Connector, Turbo to Exhaust Replaces: A58896 4.70 Lbs. PERKINS USA 18.80 Lbs. For Models: 310E, 310F, 310G, 350, 350B, 420C, 430, 450, 470, 480, 480B, 480C, 480D, 480LL, 530, 570, 580B, 580C, 580D, 584, 584C, 585C, 585D, 586C, 586D, 630 RENAULT For Models: 1080, 1080B, 1150B, 1150C, 1150D, 1155D, 1170, 1175, 1187, 1187B, 1270, 1280, 1280B, 1370, 1450, 1450B, 1455B, 1470, 1570, 2470, 2670, 300C, 40 SERIES D, 40 SERIES E, 400C, 50E, 600, 780, 780B, 800, 825, 880, 880B, 980, 980B, W14, W14FL, W14H, W18, W18B, W20, W20B, W20C, W24B, W24C, W26B, W30, W36 SN <-17754000 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 9 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-K952969 Exhaust Elbow; External Fitting Muffler CHALMERS Replaces: K928275, K951161 1.90 Lbs. A-293169A2 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear Replaces: 293169A1 111.45 Lbs. Dim/Info: Flange Dia: 1.625" CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK For Models: 990, 995, 996, 1200, 1210, 1212 A-K928274 Exhaust Elbow W/ Gasket Replaces: K912440 For Models: C70, C80, C90, C100 2.70 Lbs. Flywheel w/ 60883H Ring Gear Used w/ 11" clutch. Dim/Info: 126 Teeth FIAT FORD / NEW For Models: 770, 780 DAVID BROWN, 880, 885, 1190, 1194 HOLLAND GEHL 103.00 Lbs. A-3072544R1 Exhaust Elbow Replaces: 704614R31, 704614R21 1.70 Lbs. For Models: H84, 574, 584, 585, 595, 674, 684, 784, 454 W/ HYDRO TRANS & D-179 ENG., 464 W/ SYNCROMESH TRANS & D-179 ENG. A-1808412C92 Flywheel w/ 60883H Ring Gear Used w/ 12" clutch. 90.10 Lbs. HYSTER IMT For Models: 275, 276, 354, 384, 434, 444, 2300, 2350A, B275, B414 INGERSOLL A-K907910 RAND Exhaust Manifold 8.30 Lbs. For Models: H84, 574, 584, 585, 595, 595XL, 684, 685, 685XL, 695, 695XL, 784 A-396420R91 Flywheel w/ 396421R1 Ring Gear 72.10 Lbs. Dim/Info: 133 Teeth Ring Gear JACOBSEN For Models: 770, 780 DAVID BROWN, 880, 885, 1190, 1194 JCB A-3042719R1 Exhaust Manifold Replaces: 704163R21 7.40 Lbs. For Models: 656 Gear Drive W/ C-263 Gas Engine., (666, 686 ALL Gear Drive W/ C-291 Gas Engine.) JOHN DEERE A-388302R21 Flywheel w/ 367042R1 Ring Gear LANDINI For Models: 275, 276, 434 LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC A-405860R11 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear 66.00 Lbs. For use on 3500A application, must also use 405866R1 adaptor, not available from A & I Products. Also need to change ring gear from 159 teeth to 133 teeth Part# 396421R1 for 3500A application. MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: 656 Gear Drive W/ D282 Diesel Engine A-3144614R95 Flywheel w/ 60883H Ring Gear Used w/ 11" clutch. MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: (2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B, 3400A ALL W/ C-175 Engine), 3500A W/ C-200 Engine SN 28344> / See Note, (454, 464 ALL W/ C-175 Engine), C-157 GAS PERKINS USA For Models: 454 SN 021314> W/ D-179 DIESEL ENGINE, (3220, 484, 485, 495 ALL W/ D-179 DIESEL ENGINE) A-282208A1 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear Used w/ 11" clutch. Replaces: 680712C91 96.80 Lbs. Dim/Info: 134 Teeth RENAULT VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 10 105.84 Lbs. Dim/Info: 126 Teeth A-405862R11 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear 73.90 Lbs. For use on 3500A application, must also use 405867R2 adaptor, not availOWATTONA able from A & I Products. Also need to change ring gear from 159 teeth to 133 teeth 396421R1 for 3500A application. SULAIR CORP 79.90 Lbs. Dim/Info: 134 Teeth For Models: (2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B ALL W/ C-200 GAS ENG), 3500A W/ C-200 GAS ENG SN <28343 / See Note, (574, 674 ALL W/ C-200 GAS ENG) For Models: (666, 686 ALL GEAR DRIVE W/ D-312 ENG) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ A-3136044R42 Engine Related Parts A-3218731R92 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear 67.70 Lbs. A-672215C91 Flywheel w/ 326759R1 Ring Gear Used w/ 14" clutch. 80.10 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: 686 W/D-310 DIESEL ENGINE Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-3055980R11 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear Used w/ 12" clutch. 93.00 Lbs. For Models: 436 DSL ENG, 1066 Gear Drive, 1086, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3688, 4166, 4186 CLARK A-A153946 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear 108.00 Lbs. Can replace A66613 if (6) A58629 washers are ordered from Case. DEUTZ FIAT For Models: (706, 756 ALL W/D-310 ENG), (3088, 3288, 786, 826, 886 ALL W/D-358 ENG) A-341603R31 Flywheel w/ 341604R1 Ring Gear Used w/ 12" clutch. 83.00 Lbs. For Models: 2094, 2294, 2390, 2394, 2590, 2594, 3294, 3394, 3594, 4490, 4494, 4690, 4694, (2470, 2670 ALL W/SPLINED HUB USED W/PTO), (2090, 2290 ALL W/31SPLINED HUB PWR SHIFT TRANS) A-55755DB Ring Gear, Flywheel A-1808413C92 Flywheel w/ 3218637R1 Ring Gear Used w/ 12" clutch. 92.00 Lbs. For Models: 884 SN 9397-> W/D-268 ENG, (885, 885XL, 895, 895XL ALL W/D268 ENG) A-326760R41 Flywheel w/ 326759R1 Ring Gear Used w/ 14" clutch. 80.00 Lbs. HYSTER IMT For Models: A, B, C, SUPER A, SUPER C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 240 A-60883H Ring Gear, Flywheel 4.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 126 15.930" 14.625" .562" For Models: 385, 395, 454, 464, 484, 485, 495, 574, 584, 595, 684, 685, 695, 784 A-367507R1 GEHL 1.84 Lbs. Dim/Info: 90 11.435" 10.495" .50" For Models: 806 W/D361 ENG, (1026, 21026, 2856, 856 ALL W/407 ENG) FORD / NEW HOLLAND Ring Gear, Flywheel 3.80 Lbs. Dim/Info: Teeth: 160 I.D.: 14.945" INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND For Models: 560 Gas; Farmall & International, (616, 622 ALL W/ C-291 Gas Engine), 660 Gas; International For Models: (1206, 21206 ALL W/DT361 DSL ENG), (1256, 1456, 21256, 21456 ALL W/DT407 DSL ENG) A-142022C91 Flywheel w/ 326759R1 Ring Gear 74.00 Lbs. For Models: 3388, 3588, 3788, 6388, 6788 A-672211C91 Flywheel w/ 341604R1 Ring Gear Used w/ 12" clutch. A-405861R1 Ring Gear, Flywheel 4.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 159 15.69" 14.69" .484" For Models: (2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B, 3400A, 454, 464 ALL W/ C175 GAS ENGINE), (2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 574, 674 ALL W/ C200 GAS ENGINE), C-157 GAS A-3218637R1 79.30 Lbs. Ring Gear, Flywheel MICHIGAN PERKINS USA RENAULT Ring Gear, Flywheel 6.60 Lbs. Dim/Info: 132 16.950" 16.180" 0.740" For Models: 5088, 5288, 5488 MELROE OWATTONA For Models: 884, 885, 895, 995, 4230, 4240 For Models: (HYDRO 186, HYDRO 100 ALL W/DT436 DSL), (766, 886 ALL W/D360 DSL), 966 W/DT414 DSL, 986 W/D436 DSL, 1066 W/HYDRO TRANS, W/DT414 DSL, (3488, 3688 ALL W/DT466 DSL) MASSEY FERGUSON 4.80 Lbs. Dim/Info: 128 16.125" 14.625" 0.5625" A-1813752C1 LINCOLN ELECTRIC SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 11 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-367042R1 CHALMERS Ring Gear, Flywheel 2.88 Lbs. Dim/Info: 134 CASE-IH 13.560" 12.332" .485" CATERPILLAR For Models: 2424, 2444, 2504, 2544, 2606, 340, 350, 3514, 3514, 4000, 424, 460, 504, 544, 606, 656, 666, 686, T-340A CLARK A-396421R1 Ring Gear, Flywheel 2.70 Lbs. Ring Gear, Flywheel For Models: 1190, 1194, 1200, 1210, 770, 780, 880, 885, 990, 995, 996 A-3118310R1 Gear, Ring Replaces: 130300020708 For Models: 2544, 3500A, 3514, 3514, 2504, 3514, 504, 544, 656, 666, 686, 8000, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 FORD / NEW A-45638DB Ring Gear, Flywheel GEHL HYSTER 3.20 Lbs. A-266142R1 Dim/Info: 127 Teeth Ring Gear, Flywheel 6.08 Lbs. Dim/Info: 125 INGERSOLL 15.720" RAND 14.485" .800" JACOBSEN For Models: M, MD, SUPER M, SUPER MD, SUPER W6, WD6, W400, W450, W6, 400, 450, (560, 660 ALL DSL ONLY) JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND A-341604R1 Ring Gear, Flywheel 4.22 Lbs. Dim/Info: 132 16.680" 15.485" 610" For Models: 1026 DSL, 1066 HYDRO, DSL, (21026, 2826, 2856, 3088, 3288 ALL DSL), (3488, 3688 ALL HYDRO, DSL), (706, 756, 766, 786 ALL DSL), 806 W/ D361, (826, 856, 886, 966, 986, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 186 ALL DSL) A-326759R1 Ring Gear, Flywheel A-A27920 Ring Gear, Flywheel OWATTONA 12 Dim/Info: 138 Teeth For Models: 9110, 9130, 9210, 9230, 9240, 9310, 9330 A-A190182 Clutch, Torque Limiter 8.26 Lbs. For Models: (5120, 5130, 5140, 5220, 5230, 5240, 5250 ALL W/ POWER SHIFT TRANSMISSION) A-295850A2 Flywheel Replaces: 295509A2, 295509A1 For Models: 1030, 1200, 1200TK, 1470, 1896, 2090, 2094, 2096, 2290, 2294, For Models: C50, C60, CX50, CX60 4694, 730, 830, 930CK, 930 DOM A-367506R11 Flywheel w/ Ring Gear Includes 367507R1 Starter Ring A-A58778 Ring Gear, Flywheel 9.24 Lbs. Dim/Info: 139 17.547" 15.880" VERMEER For Models: 1070, 1090, 1170, 1175, 1270, 1370, 1570, 770, 870, 970 ZETOR 0.00 Lbs. 100.00 Lbs. 9.31 Lbs. PERKINS USA 2390, 2394, 2470, 2590, 2594, 2670, 3294, 3394, 3594, 4490, 4494, 4690, WHITE/ OLIVER A-J902127 Ring Gear Replaces: 3902127, 75204965 Dim/Info: 137 17.300" 15.880" MICHIGAN SULAIR CORP For Models: MX100, MX110, MX120, MX135, MX150, MX170, 5130, 5140, 5230, 5240, 5250, CX130, CX160, CX210, CX210LR, CX240, CX240LR, CX290, W14B, W14C, W36, 621, 621B, 621C, 680L, 688, 688C SN 10501->, 721, 721B, 721C, 780C, 780D, 821, 821B, 821C, 850D, 850K, 855D, 880D, 888, 1085B, 1085C, 1086B, 1088, 1150E, 1150G, 1150H, 1155E, 1187C, 1550, 6030, 6888CK SN 120301->, 9010, 9010B, 9020, 9020B, 9030, 9030B, 9040, 9040B, 9045B, PX190, PX215, PX240, 6590, 6590T, 6590TA, 6591T, 6591TA, 6830T, 6830TA, 6831T, 6831TA 5.82 Lbs. Dim/Info: LINCOLN 132 ELECTRIC 16.685" 15.490" MASSEY .875" FERGUSON For Models: (1206, 1256, 1456, 1466, 1468, 1486, 1566, 1568, 1586, 21206, 21256, 21456, 3388, 3588, 3788, 4100, 4156, 4166, 4186, 6388, 6588, 6788 MELROE ALL DSL ENG.), (1066, 1086 ALL GEAR DRIVE, DSL ENG.) RENAULT 3.50 Lbs. For Models: H, SUPER H, SUPER W4, 300, 330, 340, 350 IMT JCB For Models: C100, C50, C60, C70, C80, C90, CX100, CX50, CX60, CX70, CX80, CX90 A-J905427 Gear, Ring Replaces: 3905427, 75208365 Dim/Info: 104 13.165" 12" .550" HOLLAND 4.10 Lbs. Dim/Info: 114 Teeth DEUTZ FIAT 3.98 Lbs. Dim/Info: 102 14.160" 12.970" .630" For Models: 560 Gas; Farmall & International, 660 Gas; International 103.94 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. Dim/Info: 133 A-K36134 Engine Related Parts A-J991513 Tube, Aneroid Replaces: J934603, J926739 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: Length - 6" For Models: 1150G SN JJG0218023-> W/ 6T-590 Eng., 550G SN JJG0255794-> W/ 4T-390 Eng., 621B SN JEE0053350-> W/ 6T-590 Eng., (7220, 7230 ALL SN JJA0064978-> W/ 6T-830 Eng.), (7240, 7250 ALL SN JJA0064978-> W/ 6TA-830 Eng.), 821B SN JEE050601-> W/ 6T-590 Eng., (8910, 8920, 8930 ALL W/ 6T-830 Eng.), (8940, 8950 ALL W/ 6TA-830 Eng.), 9040B SN DAC04#2001-> W/ 6T-830 Eng., (9045B, 9310 ALL W/ 6T-830 Eng.), 9330 W/ 6TA-830 Eng., MX120, MX135 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-3118234R1 Pump, Fuel Lift (4 Hole Mount) 1.30 Lbs. ALLIS A-23995DC Cap, Fuel (Vented) 0.28 Lbs. CHALMERS Replaces: 361910R91, 538063R1, 224839C91, 224839C92 CASE-IH For Models: A, C, CUB, CUB LO-BOY, CUB 185 LO-BOY, H, M, MD, SUPER A, SUPER CATERPILLAR C, SUPER H, SUPER M, SUPER W4, SUPER W6, W4, W6, W9, 100, 1026, 1066, 1206, 1256, 130, 140, 1456, 1466, 1468, 1566, 1568, 1640, 1660, 1670, 1680, CLARK 184, 200, 21026, 21206, 21256, 21456, 230, 2404, 2424, 2444, 2504, 2544, 2606, 2656, 2706, 2756, 2826, 2856, 300, 330, 340, 350, 400, 403, 404, 4156, 4166, 4186, 444, 450, 460, 503, 504, 544, 560, 606, 615, 656, 706, 715, 756, DEUTZ 766, 806, 815, 826, 856, 915, 966 A-K304590 Cap, Fuel (Vented) 0.14 Lbs. FIAT For Models: 475 W/ A4-212 ENGINE A-87319987 Pump, Fuel Lift For 4-390 & 6-590 Diesel Engines 0.90 Lbs. For Models: 1190, 1194, 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1694, 770, 780, 880, 885, 990, 995, 996 A-K622061 Valve, Fuel Tap 0.18 Lbs. FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER For Models: 1210, 1212, 1410, 1412, 780, 880, 995, 996, 885 SYNCROMATIC For Models: 1896, 2096, 5120, 5130, 5140, 5220, 5230, 5240, 5250, MX100, MX110, MX120, MX135, MX150, MX170, 1150E, 1150G, 1155E, 550G, 550H, 570LXT, 580L, 580SL, 584E, 585E, 586E, 590SL, 621B, 650G, 660, 680K, 850G, 888, 9010B, 9020B, 9030B, (SKID STEER LOADER: 1840, 1845C, 40XT, 60XT, 70XT, 75XT, 85XT, 90XT, 95XT), (POWER UNIT: 4390, 4390T, 6590, 6590T, 6590TA), (WINDROWER: 6000, 6500, 8820, 8830, 8840, 8860, 8860HP) A-87648717 Pump, Fuel (Cummins Diesel) 1.84 Lbs. A-J918873 INGERSOLL RAND For Models: 721B SN JEE053200-> W/ 6T-830 Eng., 721C, 7220 SN JJA0064978-> W/ 6T-830 Eng., (7230, 7240 ALL SN JJA0064978-> W/ 6T-830/6TA-830 Eng.), 821B SN JEE0050601-> W/ 6T-830 Eng., 821C SN <JEE0155000, (8910, 8920 ALL W/ 6T-830 Eng.), (8930, 8940 ALL W/ 6T-830/6TA830 Eng.), 9040B SN DAC04#2001-> W/ 6T-830 Eng., 9045B W/ 6T-830 Eng., (9310, 9330 ALL SN JEE0036501-> W/ 6T-830/6TA-830 Eng.), MX180 W/ 6T-830 Eng. A-51498DX For Models: 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7210, (7220, 7230, 7240, 7250 ALL SN <JJA0064978), 9110, 9130, 9210, 9230, 9240, 9310 SN <JEE0036001, 9310 SN <JEE0036501, 9330 SN <JEE0036001, 9330 SN <JEE0036501, 570MXT, 580M, 580SM, 585G, 586G, 588G, 590SM, (SKID STEER LOADER: 60XT, 70XT, 75XT, 85XT, 90XT, 95XT, 1840, 1845C SN JAF0250483>), (POWER UNIT: 4391, 4391T, 4391TA, 6830T, 6830TA) A-K311939 Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.29 Lbs. JCB JOHN DEERE LEYLAND For Models: A SN 501-41329, B SN 501-40192 A-356355R11 Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.29 Lbs. LINCOLN ELECTRIC 1.94 Lbs. A-58367DAX Fuel Line, Tank To Strainer For Models: 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1694, 580G, 990, 995, 996, 580F SN 3739160->, (1210, 1212, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1690T, 1694, 990, 990 DAVID BROWN, 995, 996 ALL DIESEL) For Models: (H, HV ALL SN 50866->) A-K311938 A-58366DX 2.40 Lbs. JACOBSEN LANDINI For Models: (SUPER A, SUPER AV ALL SN 356001->), SUPER C, 100, 200 Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer IMT Line, Fuel Supply, Lift Pump to Injection Pump 0.50 Lbs. 0.33 Lbs. MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.44 Lbs. PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: (H, HV ALL SN 50866->) For Models: 1190, 1194, 780, 885, 885N, (1190, 1194 ALL DIESEL) A-J936316 Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer 1.50 Lbs. A-60684DX SULAIR CORP Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.46 Lbs. VERMEER For Models: 8930, 8940, 8950, MX180, MX200, MX210, MX220, MX230 For Models: M, MV SN FEK24215->, SUPER M, SUPER MV WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 13 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-361494R11 CHALMERS Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.36 Lbs. CASE-IH For Models: 300 FARMALL, 350 FARMALL CATERPILLAR A-362558R11 Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.36 Lbs. Injection Line, #1 Cylinder 0.60 Lbs. A-684512C1 Injection Line, #2 Cylinder 0.62 Lbs. A-684513C1 Injection Line, #3 Cylinder 0.63 Lbs. A-684514C1 Injection Line, #4 Cylinder 0.57 Lbs. A-684515C1 Injection Line, #5 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. A-684516C1 Injection Line, #6 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. CLARK For Models: (400 FARMALL, 450, W400, W450 ALL W/ 18 Gallon Fuel Capacity) DEUTZ A-365339R1 Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.45 Lbs. FIAT FORD / NEW For Models: (400 FARMALL, 450, W400, W450 ALL W/ 21 1/2 Gallon Tank) HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER A-278702R21 Injection Line, #1 Cylinder Replaces: 278702R11 0.38 Lbs. For Models: 1086 W/ DT414, ENG SN: < 140023, 1486 W/ DT436, ENG SN: < 100077, 1586 W/ DT436, ENG SN: < 100393, (3688, 986, HYDRO 186 ALL W/ D436) IMT A-278703R11 Injection Line, #2 Cylinder 0.33 Lbs. A-680121C1 INGERSOLL A-278704R11 RAND Injection Line, #1 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. Injection Line, #3 Cylinder 0.39 Lbs. A-680122C1 Injection Line, #2 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. A-278705R11 Injection Line, #4 Cylinder 0.42 Lbs. A-680123C1 Injection Line, #3 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. A-278706R11 Injection Line, #5 Cylinder 0.40 Lbs. A-680124C1 Injection Line, #4 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. A-278707R11 Injection Line, #6 Cylinder 0.40 Lbs. A-680125C1 Injection Line, #5 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. For Models: 460 W/ D236, 560 W/ D282, 606 W/ D236, 656 W/ D282, W/ ROOSA MASTER PUMP, 660 W/ D282, 706 W/ D282, W/ ROOSA MASTER PUMP A-680126C1 Injection Line, #6 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE For Models: 1066 W/ DT414, (1466, 1486, 1586 ALL W/ DT436), 3388 W/ DT436B, 3688 W/ D436, 4366 W/ DT466, (5088, 6388 ALL W/ DT436B), 966 W/ D414, (986, HYDRO 186 ALL W/ D436) LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN A-688851C1 ELECTRIC Injection Line, #1 Cylinder 0.64 Lbs. A-688852C1 Injection Line, #2 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. MASSEY FERGUSON A-688853C1 Injection Line, #3 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. A-A20501 Injection Line, #1 Cylinder 1.10 Lbs. A-688854C1 Injection Line, #4 Cylinder 0.66 Lbs. A-A20502 Injection Line, #2 Cylinder 1.10 Lbs. A-688855C1 Injection Line, #5 Cylinder 1.00 Lbs. A-A20503 Injection Line, #3 Cylinder 1.10 Lbs. A-688856C1 Injection Line, #6 Cylinder 0.63 Lbs. A-A20504 Injection Line, #4 Cylinder 1.10 Lbs. A-A20505 Injection Line, #5 Cylinder 0.50 Lbs. A-A20506 Injection Line, #6 Cylinder 1.10 Lbs. MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: 1086 W/ DT414, ENG SN: 140024 >, 1486 W/ DT436, ENG SN: 100078 >, 1566 W/ DT436, 1586 W/ DT436, ENG SN: 100394 >, 3388 W/ DT436B, (3588, 3788 ALL W/ DT466B), 5088 W/ DT436B, 5288 W/ DT466B, 6388 PERKINS USA W/ DT436B, (6588, 6788 ALL W/ DT466B) OWATTONA RENAULT For Models: (700, 730, 800 ALL W/ 267), 830 W/ 301, 900 SN: < 8141036 W/ 377, 930 W/ 401 1960-1962, 930 DOM W/ 401 1965-1969, 930CK W/ 401 19621964, 940 W/ 401 1960-1962, 1030 W/ 451 A-61782C1 Bowl Assembly, Sediment (Short Bowl) 0.27 Lbs. Dim/Info: 2" Dia. X 1.280" Long Glass Bowl SULAIR CORP VERMEER A-17C171 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 14 Adapter 0.03 Lbs. For Models: A, B, C, CUB, CUB LO-BOY, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1, SUPER C, 100, 130, 140, 2400A, 2404, 2500A, 2504, 2606, 2656, 340, 404, 454, 460, 464, 504, 574, 606, 656, 674, 884 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-684511C1 Engine Related Parts A-17C52 Small Bowl Bowl & Gasket, Fuel Sediment 0.14 Lbs. A-49923D Used w/ Short Bowl Screen, Fuel Filter 0.01 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH A-17C51 Bowl, Fuel 0.10 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: 100, 130, 140, 2400A, 2404, 2500A, 2504, 2606, 2656, 340, 404, 454, 460, 464, 504, 574, 606, 656, 674, A, B, C, CUB, CUB LO-BOY, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1, SUPER C A-A30049 Strainer, Fuel Replaces: O3990AB1, 38465DB, 720714 For Models: A, B, C, CUB, CUB LO-BOY, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1, SUPER C, 100, 130, 140, 2400A, 2404, 2500A, 2504, 2606, 2656, 340, 404, 454, 460, 464, 504, 574, 606, 656, 674 A-13194D Used w/ tall bowl. Screen, Sediment Bowl 0.01 Lbs. Dim/Info: 7/16" Center Hole 0.24 Lbs. For Models: 2500A Gas, 430, 470, 500B, 530, 570, 574 Gas, 600B, 630, 674 Gas, 8820 Gas & Diesel, 8825, 8825HP, 8830 Gas & Diesel, 8840, 8850, VA, VAC A-370832R91 Strainer, Fuel Assembly Replaces: 358245R91 FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER Dim/Info: 2.125" Dia. x 2.370" Long Glass Bowl For Models: 2656, 2706, 2756, 2826, 2856, 460, 560, 656, 660, 706, 756, 766, 826, 856, M, 600, 650, 806, H, HV, O4, OS4, SUPER M, SUPER MTA, W4 A-614421R91 0.01 Lbs. Dim/Info: 2.125" O.D. 0.67 Lbs. CLARK DEUTZ For Models: A, B, C, H, M, SUPER A, SUPER C, SUPER H, SUPER M, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240, 2656, 2706, 2756, 2826, 2856, 300, 330, 340, 350, 400, 450, 460, 560, 656, 660, 706, 756, 766, 806, 826, 856 A-355888R1 Gasket, Sediment Bowl (10 pack) Used w/ Tall Bowl; Pkg Qty 10 CATERPILLAR Strainer, Fuel Assembly 0.47 Lbs. For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS A-49947D Bail & Nut, Sediment Bowl (Used w/ Short Bowl) 0.10 Lbs. IMT INGERSOLL RAND For Models: A, B, C, CUB, CUB LO-BOY, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER AV1, SUPER C, 100, 130, 140, 2400A, 2404, 2500A, 2504, 2606, 2656, 340, 404, 454, 460, 464, 504, 574, 606, 656, 674 A-17564D Used w/ Tall Bowl Bail & Nut, Sediment Bowl 0.10 Lbs. JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE For Models: (1026, 1066, 1206, 1256, 1456, 1466, 1566, 1568, 21206, 21256, 21456 ALL W/ Diesel Engine), (2424, 2444 ALL W/ Gas Engine), (2656, 2706, 2756, 2806, 2826, 2856 ALL W/ Diesel Engine), (424, 444 ALL W/ Gas Engine), (656, 706, 756, 806, 826, 856, HYDRO 100 ALL W/ Diesel Engine) A-A31102 Strainer, Fuel 0.24 Lbs. LANDINI For Models: A, B, C, H, SUPER A, SUPER C, SUPER H, SUPER M, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240, 2656, 2706, 2756, 2826, 2856, 300, 350, 400, 450, 460, 560, 656, 660, 706, 756, 766, 806, 826, 856 LEYLAND A-FLM16 Fuel Line Replaces: 60684D LINCOLN ELECTRIC 0.36 Lbs. Dim/Info: 28" Long For Models: S SERIES A-350623R11 MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: H, M, SUPER H, SUPER M, 300, 350, 400 Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.29 Lbs. A-17C61 Fuel Line, Strainer To Carburetor w/ Nuts 0.29 Lbs. Dim/Info: 18" Long MICHIGAN For Models: B, SUPER A, SUPER C, 100, 130, 230 For Models: A, AV SN 250001 - 355669, C A-357957R1 Tall Bowl Bowl, Sediment 0.30 Lbs. A-17C63 Fuel Line Fits models listed and others w/ 6 cylinder engines. Dim/Info: 41" Long Dim/Info: 2.125" O.D. For Models: A, B, C, H, M, SUPER A, SUPER C, SUPER H, SUPER M, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240, 2656, 2706, 2756, 2826, 2856, 300, 350, 400, 450, 460, 560, 656, 660, 706, 756, 766, 806, 826, 856 MELROE 0.47 Lbs. OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 460, 560, 706, 806 SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 15 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-97013C1 CHALMERS Hose, Between Main & Auxiliary Fuel Tanks 0.55 Lbs. Dim/Info: A - 1.625" A-IHCK02 Carburetor Kit, Basic (IH) Basic carb kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.50 Lbs. CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK For Models: 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, 8950 A-ZCK31 Carburetor Kit, Complete 0.24 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. For Models: CUB W/ IH CARBURETOR 251234R94 OR 364579R91 A-ZCK22 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Zenith) "Viton" Basic carb. kits contain gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.02 Lbs. FIAT For Models: (A, B ALL W/ Zenith Carb.# 8808) FORD / NEW HOLLAND A-CCK01 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Carter) Basic carb. kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.50 Lbs. For Models: CUB Eng. SN 312390> W/ Zenith Carb.# 13794/68YY7, OEM# 71523C91 A-ZCK30 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Zenith) 0.50 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. GEHL HYSTER IMT For Models: (C, SUPER A, SUPER AV, SUPER C ALL W/ Carter Carb.) A-ZCK29 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Zenith) 0.50 Lbs. INGERSOLL Kit contains: gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. RAND For Models: AV W/ ZENITH CARB. 9752, (A, B, SUPER A, SUPER AV ALL W/ Zenith Carb.# 9752 & OEM Carb.# 52499D) A-MSCK23 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Marvel-Schebler) "Viton" 0.26 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE For Models: (A, C ALL W/ ZENITH CARB. 11115) A-IHCK15 Carburetor Kit, Complete Kit contains all parts necessary for major carburetor overhaul. 0.50 Lbs. For Models: (A, B, SUPER A ALL W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#'s: TSX157, OEM Carb.#: 69401D) A-MSCK10 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Economy carb. kit contains gaskets & float valve only. 0.02 Lbs. LANDINI LEYLAND For Models: (H, HV, W4 ALL W/ IH CARBURETOR 50981DA) A-IHCK11 Carburetor Kit, Complete (IH) LINCOLN Kit contains: all parts necessary for major carburetor overhaul. ELECTRIC 0.50 Lbs. A-ZCK11 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Zenith) "Viton" 0.22 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts needed for complete carb. overhaul. MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: (M, MV, W6 ALL W/ IH CARBURETOR 50983DB OR 6513DX) A-IHCK14 Carburetor Kit, Complete Kit contains all parts necessary for major carburetor overhaul. 0.60 Lbs. For Models: (SUPER A, SUPER C ALL W/ Zenith Carb.#: 11115, OEM Carb.#: 355485R91) OWATTONA PERKINS USA For Models: (M, MV, W6 ALL W/ OEM Carb.# 50983DB / Throttle Body# 8867DX) RENAULT 16 0.02 Lbs. For Models: (F-12, F-14 ALL W/ OEM IHC Carb.#'s: 24707DA, 24707BC, 29953D, 29953DA) VERMEER ZETOR A-IHCK03 Carburetor Kit, Basic (IH) Basic carb kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. A-IHCK01 Carburetor Kit, Basic (IH) 0.50 Lbs. For OEM IHC carb.#'s: 47387, 50983DB w/ 8867DX throttle body, 356948R92, 361525R92, 52814D, 52815D, 60329DA / basic kit includes: gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. SULAIR CORP WHITE/ OLIVER For Models: (A, B, C, SUPER A, 140, 240, 330, 340, 404 ALL W/ Marvel Carb.#: TSX156, 730, 744, 748, 827, 348), (VA, 200, 300B, 350, 400, 480, 500 ALL W/ Marvel Carb.#:TSX253, 663, 114, 597, 635, 696, 936, 338) For Models: Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ Engine Related Parts A-IHCK06 Carburetor Kit, Complete (IH) "Viton" 0.02 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. A-ZCK07 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Zenith) "Viton" Basic carb kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.02 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH For Models: (130, 140 ALL W/ Zenith Carb.#'s: 12122/68X7, 12911/68X7) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: SUPER H W/ IHC Carb.#: 358065R91 A-IHCK04 Carburetor Kit, Complete (IH) "Viton" 0.04 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. A-MSCK40 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Basic carb. kits contain gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.02 Lbs. CATERPILLAR CLARK DEUTZ FIAT For Models: (M, MV ALL Distalate W/ IHC Carb# 47387DB & 8867DX Throttle Body.) A-IHCK09 Carburetor Kit, Complete (IH) "Viton" 0.03 Lbs. Carb. kit contains most parts necessary for major carb. overhaul (EXCEPT CHOKE SHAFT & BUTTERFLY) For Models: (200, 230, 240, 330, 340 ALL W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#'s: TSX744, TSX748) A-ZCK05 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Zenith) Economy carb. kit contains gaskets & float valve only. 0.20 Lbs. FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER For Models: (SUPER M, SUPER MTA ALL W/ OEM IHC Carb. #: 356948R92) A-IHCK13 Carburetor Kit, Basic Kit contains gaskets & float valve only. 0.50 Lbs. For Models: (300, 400, 500, 580CK, 600 ALL W/ Zenith Carb.#: 13328, 13106, 12534, 12509), (504, 544, 656, 666 ALL W/ Zenith Carb.#: 12685, 13384, 13716) A-IHCK05 Carburetor Kit, Basic (IH) "Viton" Basic carb. kits contain gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. IMT 0.02 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB For Models: (M, MV, W6 ALL W/ IH CARBURETOR 50983DB W/ 6513DX Throttle Body OR 47387DB) A-IHCK10 Carburetor Kit, Complete (IH) "Viton" 0.04 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. For Models: 560 W/ IHC Carb.#: 381984R91 A-MSCK12 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Economy carb. kit contains gaskets & float valve only. 0.02 Lbs. JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND For Models: (500B, 700 ALL W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#'s: TSX780, TSX749, TSX782) For Models: (M, MV ALL Distalate W/ IHC Carb.#: 47387DB & Throttle Body# 6513DX) A-IHCK08 Carburetor Kit, Basic (IH) "Viton" Basic carb. kits contain gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.03 Lbs. LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON A-IHCK07 Carburetor Kit, Complete (IH) "Viton" 0.02 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. MELROE For Models: (W9, WR9 ALL W/ IHC Carb.#'s: 52814D, 52815D, 60329DA) A-MSCK27 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Basic carb. kits contain gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. For Models: (403, 660 ALL W/ IHC Carb.#: 379813R93), (403, 453, 503, 715 ALL W/ IHC Carb.#: 534933R91) MICHIGAN A-MSCK19 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Basic carb kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. OWATTONA 0.02 Lbs. 0.02 Lbs. PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 504 W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#: TSX857 For Models: (2400A, 2400B, 2500A, 2500B, 454, 464, 574, 674 ALL W/ MarvelSchebler Carb.#:TSX857, TSX939, TSX984SL, TSX985SL) A-ZCK08 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Zenith) Basic carb kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.02 Lbs. SULAIR CORP VERMEER For Models: C Series Case W/ Zenith Carb.# 7124 Or OEM Carb.# 01690AB2 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 17 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-ZCK20 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Zenith) 0.02 Lbs. CHALMERS Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. A-MSCK13 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Economy carb. kit contains gaskets & float valve only. 0.02 Lbs. CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK For Models: C Series Case W/ Zenith Carb.#: 8964, OEM Carb.# 04990AB A-ZCK09 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Zenith) 0.02 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. For Models: (540, 541C, 600, 640 ALL W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#'s: TSX799, TSX798) A-117384C1 Cable, Choke 0.30 Lbs. FIAT FORD / NEW For Models: (L, LA ALL W/ Zenith Carb.#: 6799, 8714, OEM Carb.#: 01709AB2, HOLLAND 4669AB) GEHL For Models: CUB SN 248125> A-529926R1 Cable, Choke 0.40 Lbs. Dim/Info: 31" Total Length A-ZCK16 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Zenith) "Viton" 0.02 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. HYSTER For Models: CUB 185 LO-BOY, 184, CUB 154 LO-BOY SN 14536> A-362425R93 IMT Cable, Choke 0.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: 39" Total Length INGERSOLL For Models: S Series Case W/ Zenith Carb.#: 9667, OEM Carb.#: 05571AB A-MSCK28 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Marvel-Schebler) "Viton"0.02 Lbs. RAND Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. JACOBSEN For Models: (300, 350 ALL UTILITY-GAS) A-363710R93 Cable, Choke JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI 0.48 Lbs. Dim/Info: 71" Total Length For Models: V Series Case W/ Marvel Schebler Carb.#: TSX43 A-MSCK25 Carburetor Kit, Complete (Marvel Schebler) 0.02 Lbs. Complete carb. kit contains all parts necessary for major carb. overhaul. For Models: (400, 450 ALL FARMALL) A-363709R95 Cable, Choke 0.38 Lbs. Dim/Info: 64" Total Length LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC For Models: (VA, VAC ALL Case W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#: TSX114, OEM Carb.#: VT3593) MASSEY A-MSCK01 FERGUSON Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Basic carb kit includes gaskets, float valve & throttle shaft. 0.22 Lbs. For Models: 2826, 666, 686, 826, (300, 350 ALL FARMALL), (2706, 2756, 656, 706, 756 ALL GAS), HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 A-369689R93 Cable, Choke 0.38 Lbs. Dim/Info: 48 1/2" Total Length MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA For Models: (TRACTOR: 300 Case W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#'s: TSX365 & TSX680) A-MSCK09 Carburetor Kit, Basic (Marvel-Schebler) Economy carb. kit contains gaskets & float valve only. 0.02 Lbs. For Models: 2544, 2606, 460, 544, 606 A-371796R92 Cable, Choke 0.31 Lbs. Dim/Info: 55" Total Length PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 2424, 2444, 404, 444, (2504, 504 ALL GAS), (2606, 606 ALL LP) SULAIR CORP For Models: (400B, 600B ALL W/ Marvel-Schebler Carb.#: TSX749) A-374217R92 Cable, Choke VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 18 0.31 Lbs. Dim/Info: 46" Total Length For Models: 340, 574, 674 Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. Dim/Info: 36" Total Length DEUTZ Engine Related Parts A-374219R93 Cable, Choke 0.48 Lbs. A-3234947R2 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff Dim/Info: 69" Total Length 0.70 Lbs. Dim/Info: 50 1/2" Total Length ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH For Models: 2856, 766, 806, 856, (460, 656 ALL FARMALL), 340 INTERNATIONAL Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-374251R93 Cable, Choke Replaces: 372908R91 0.38 Lbs. Dim/Info: 68 3/4" Total Length For Models: (385, 485, 685, 885 ALL DIESEL), 584 DIESEL SN 3936>, 484 DIESEL CATERPILLAR SN 6308>, 884 DIESEL SN 6621>, 784 DIESEL SN 7113>, 684 DIESEL SN 7233>, 585 DIESEL W/O CAB, HYDRO 84 HYDRO, DIESEL SN 6002> CLARK A-1965053C2 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff Replaces: 1333179C1 0.03 Lbs. Dim/Info: 53 3/4" Total Length DEUTZ FIAT For Models: 460 FARMALL SN 501-9241 A-374218R92 Cable, Choke Replaces: 363710R93 0.48 Lbs. Dim/Info: 71" Total Length For Models: 385 DIESEL, 885 DIESEL SN <26399, (3220, 4230, 4240, 695, 895, 995 ALL DIESEL W/ CAB), 585 DIESEL W/O CAB, 685 W/ CAB A-1333000C1 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff 0.03 Lbs. Dim/Info: 34 1/2" Total Length 0.50 Lbs. GEHL HYSTER For Models: 460 Grove, 560 Farmall SN 14819>, International SN 2071>, 660 SN 1349>, (706, 756, 806, 826, 856 ALL LP) A-374254R91 Cable, Choke Replaces: 371278R91 FORD / NEW HOLLAND For Models: (395, 495 ALL DIESEL) A-3112806R1 IMT Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff Dim/Info: 71" Total Length 0.43 Lbs. INGERSOLL RAND Dim/Info: 35" Total Length JACOBSEN For Models: 560 FARMALL SN 501-14818, 660 SN 501-1348 A-378833R93 Cable, Choke For Models: 484 DIESEL SN <6307 0.38 Lbs. A-529001R1 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff Dim/Info: 58 3/4" Total Length 0.46 Lbs. Dim/Info: 38" Total Length JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI For Models: 504 GAS A-529797R1 Cable, Choke 0.34 Lbs. Dim/Info: 40" Total Length For Models: (574, 674 ALL DIESEL), 584 DIESEL SN <3935, 884 DIESEL SN <6620, 784 DIESEL SN <7112, 684 DIESEL SN <7232, HYDRO 84 HYDRO, DIESEL SN <6001, (2400, 454 ALL SN <101442) A-1333003C1 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff 0.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: 38 1/2" Total Length Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff 0.25 Lbs. Dim/Info: 29" Total Length For Models: (585, 595 ALL DIESEL), (3220, 695, 895, 995 ALL DIESEL W/O CAB), 685 DIESEL W/O CAB SN 25893>, 885 DIESEL W/O CAB SN 26399> A-530332R1 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff A-530762R2 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff 0.49 Lbs. Dim/Info: 47 1/2" Total Length Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff Dim/Info: 32" Total Length For Models: (2400, 454, 464 ALL DIESEL) MICHIGAN PERKINS USA For Models: (2826, 826 ALL DIESEL) For Models: 284 DIESEL MELROE OWATTONA 0.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: 39" Total Length A-529000R1 0.31 Lbs. Dim/Info: 67" Total Length For Models: 274 DIESEL A-1061971C4 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: 464, (2400, 454 ALL SN 101443>) A-1059710C2 LEYLAND 0.46 Lbs. RENAULT SULAIR CORP For Models: 664 DIESEL, (2544, 544 ALL DIESEL SN 14272>) VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 19 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-374220R91 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff 0.53 Lbs. CHALMERS If replacing 374221R91, 372423R91 you may need to cut cable to length CASE-IH A-1202938C93 Pump, Fuel Hand Primer 0.40 Lbs. needed. Replaces: 374221R91, 372423R91 Dim/Info: 81 1/2" Total Length CATERPILLAR For Models: 585, 595, 685, 695, 885, 895, 995, 3220, 3230, 4210, 4230, 4240 CLARK A-396387R91 Cable, Fuel Stop/ Shutoff 0.10 Lbs. 0.34 Lbs. Dim/Info: 80" Total Length FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND For Models: (2756, 756 ALL DIESEL), 706 FARMALL DIESEL SN 37237>, 2706 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL SN 5274> GEHL Switch, Oil Pressure Sender A-1981368C1 Cable, Throttle 0.30 Lbs. For Models: CUB 154, H84, 1066, 1086, 1206, 1256, 1456, 1466, 1468, 1486, 1566, 1568, 1586, 21206, 21256, 21456, 2400A, 2500A, 2706, 2756, 2826, 2856, 3388, 3588, 3788, 385, 454, 464, 484, 485, 574, 584, 6388, 6588, 674, 6788, 684, 706, 756, 766, 784, 786, 806, 826, 856, 884, 966, 986, 100 HYDRO, CUB 185 LO-BOY A-K311686 Switch, Oil Pressure Sender Replaces: K903851, 3060472R91 0.10 Lbs. Dim/Info: 33 3/4" Total Length HYSTER For Models: 1194, 1200, 1210, 1212, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1490, 1494, 1594, 1690, 1694, 770, 780, 880, 885, 990, 995, 996 IMT For Models: 275 INGERSOLL A-97173C4 RAND Cable, Foot Throttle 0.50 Lbs. A-1002871C1 Cable, Choke 0.41 Lbs. Dim/Info: 48" Total Length Dim/Info: 72 3/4" Total Length JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE For Models: 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, 8950 A-1267688C3 Cable, Hand Throttle For Models: 284 A-397931R2 0.05 Lbs. 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: 100" Total Length LANDINI LEYLAND For Models: 7120, 7130, 7140, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, LINCOLN 8930, 8940, 8950 ELECTRIC A-1251797C2 For Models: 1026, 1066, 1256, 1456, 1468, 1566, 1568, 21026, 21256, 21456, 2400, 2500, 2544, 2656 SN 30746>, 2756, 2826, 2856, 384, 4386, 454, 4586, 464, 4786, 544, 574, 656 SN 30746>, 664, 666, 674, 686, 756, 766, 826, 856, 966, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 A-104311C1 Cable, Throttle Cable, Speed Control 0.50 Lbs. MELROE 0.90 Lbs. Dim/Info: 48 1/4" Total Length Dim/Info: 72 1/2" Total Length MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: HYDRO 186, 3488 For Models: HYDRO 186, 986, 1086, 1486, 1586, 3088, 3288, 3488, 3688, MICHIGAN 5088, 5288, 5488 A-127338C2 Cable, Throttle A-3401585R3 Cable, Throttle 0.01 Lbs. Dim/Info: 57" Total Length 1.10 Lbs. Dim/Info: 132" Total Length OWATTONA PERKINS USA For Models: 585, 595, 685, 695, 895, 995, (3220, 4230, 4240 ALL W/ CAB) A-K957154 RENAULT Knob, Throttle For Models: 3388, 3588, 3788, 6388, 6588, 6788 A-51348DAX Lever, Throttle Friction 2.42 Lbs. Cable, Tachometer 0.52 Lbs. Dim/Info: 41" Total Length SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 20 For Models: H, M For Models: (1190, 1594, 1690 ALL Less Cab), 1290 < 11053998, Less Cab, 1390 < 11126572, Less Cab, 1490 < 11186068, Less Cab Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ A-3129031R91 For Models: 660 DIESEL, 560 FARMALL & INTERNATIONAL- DIESEL, 460 FARMALL DIESEL SN 9242>, (2656, 656 ALL INTERNATIONAL - DIESEL) Engine Related Parts A-K955274 Cable, Tachometer 0.64 Lbs. A-1962381C1 Cable, Tachometer 0.59 Lbs. Dim/Info: 48.00" Long ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH For Models: (990, 995, 996 ALL S/N 11089151>) For Models: 275 A-K948533 A-3070503R93 Cable, Tachometer 0.50 Lbs. CATERPILLAR Cable, Tachometer Dim/Info: 38" Total Length Dim/Info: 49.50" Total Length Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. 0.40 Lbs. CLARK DEUTZ For Models: 885 S/N 636557>, (990, 995, 996 ALL S/N <11089150), 1194 W/ Cab, 1210 S/N 729733>, 1212 S/N 1004296>, (1410, 1412 ALL W/O CAB) A-K311487 Cable, Tachometer 0.45 Lbs. FIAT For Models: (2300, 354, 364 ALL DIESEL) A-529795R92 Cable, Tachometer 0.40 Lbs. FORD / NEW HOLLAND Dim/Info: 38" Total Length GEHL For Models: (2400, 454, 464, 574, 674 ALL GAS) For Models: 1200, 780, 880 A-K954959 Cable, Tachometer 1.25 Lbs. A-3125111R91 Cable, Tachometer 0.46 Lbs. Dim/Info: 40" Total Length Dim/Info: 64.50" Total Length IMT INGERSOLL RAND For Models: 384 For Models: (1210, 1212, 1410, 1412, 1594, 1690 ALL W/ Cab) A-K954957 Cable, Tachometer 0.71 Lbs. A-1970820C1 Cable, Tachometer Replaces: 529234R1 0.07 Lbs. Dim/Info: 53" Total Length Dim/Info: 55" Total Length For Models: (385, 484, 485, 584, 585, 684, 685, 784, 785, 844, 885 ALL W/O SUPER DELUXE CAB) A-K957380 A-A39404 Cable, Tachometer Replaces: 393330R92 0.58 Lbs. Dim/Info: 44" Total Length A-A135494 Cable, Tachometer 0.60 Lbs. Dim/Info: 51 1/4" Total Length For Models: (1294, 1394, 1494 ALL Less Cab), 1290 11053998 >, Less Cab, 1390 11126572 >, Less Cab, 1490 11186068 >, Less Cab 0.73 Lbs. JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC For Models: 485, 385 CASE/INTERNATIONAL W/O CAB, (2400, 454, 464 ALL DIESEL), 656 FARMALL - LP, HYDRO 84 HYDRO A-1500716C1 Cable, Tachometer Replaces: 1536644C1 Dim/Info: 61" Long JACOBSEN JCB For Models: 1290 SN <11053998 W/ CAB, 1390 SN <11126572 W/ CAB, 1490 SN <11186068 W/ CAB, 990 SYNCROMATIC W/ CAB, (1190, 995, 996 ALL W/ CAB) Cable, Tachometer HYSTER 1.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 65 1/2" Total Length MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: 4690 A-1271708C1 Cable, Tachometer 0.26 Lbs. Dim/Info: 31 1/2" Total Length For Models: C50, C60, 3220, 395, 4230, 4240, 495, 695, 995, (595, 895 ALL W/O CAB) A-1970911C1 Cable, Tachometer OWATTONA 0.68 Lbs. PERKINS USA Dim/Info: 59 1/2" Total Length RENAULT For Models: 234, 235, 254, 255 A-1963558C1 Cable, Tachometer 0.56 Lbs. Dim/Info: 39 1/2" Total Length For Models: 685, 885, 585 W/ CAB SULAIR CORP VERMEER For Models: 265 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 21 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-363811R92 CHALMERS Cable, Tachometer 0.60 Lbs. Dim/Info: 49" Total Length CASE-IH A-397016R92 Cable, Tachometer 0.50 Lbs. Cable is used for different applications on different models, please check length before ordering. Replaces: 370197R91 Dim/Info: 44" Total Length CATERPILLAR For Models: (300, 350 ALL UTILITY), 330 W/ BATTERY IGNITION A-364375R91 Cable, Tachometer 0.70 Lbs. Dim/Info: 61" Total Length CLARK DEUTZ FIAT A-393328R93 Cable, Tachometer Please verify length before ordering. For Models: (300, 350, 460 ALL FARMALL) A-364396R91 Cable, Tachometer GEHL For Models: (400, 450 ALL FARMALL), 340 GROVE W/ BATTERY IGNITION HYSTER Dim/Info: 82" Total Length 0.70 Lbs. Dim/Info: 66" Total Length FORD / NEW HOLLAND A-150938R91 Cable, Tachometer 0.60 Lbs. Dim/Info: 47 1/2" Total Length IMT INGERSOLL For Models: 404, (340, 504 ALL FARMALL-GAS), (2424, 2444, 444 ALL GAS) RAND A-388524R91 Cable, Tachometer JACOBSEN 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: 37" Total Length 0.90 Lbs. For Models: 1026, 1206, 1256, 1456, 21206, 21256, 21456, 3088, 3288, 786, (2856, 766, 806, 856, 2806 ALL DIESEL), (666, 686, HYDRO 70, HYDRO 86 ALL W/ D310 DIESEL ENGINE), 886 W/ D358 DIESEL ENGINE A-65325C93 Cable, Tachometer 0.80 Lbs. Dim/Info: 76" Total Length For Models: (686, HYDRO 86 ALL W/ D312 DIESEL ENGINE) A-396386R93 Cable, Tachometer 1.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 87 1/2" Total Length JCB JOHN DEERE For Models: (2424, 2444, 444 ALL DIESEL) A-537494R91 Cable, Tachometer Replaces: 402024R92 LANDINI 1.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 71 1/2" Total Length For Models: HYDRO 100, 706 FARMALL DIESEL SN 32237>, 706 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL SN 5274>, 756 DIESEL, 826 GEAR DRIVE, 966, 1066, 1466, 1566, 2706 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL SN 5274>, 2756 DIESEL, 2826 GEAR DRIVE A-3399115R91 Cable, Tachometer Replaces: 531986350914 0.97 Lbs. LEYLAND LINCOLN For Models: HYDRO 186, 544 FARMALL- DIESEL ELECTRIC A-400727R91 Cable, Tachometer 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: 42" Total Length MASSEY FERGUSON For Models: 1046, 1246, 1255, 1455, 946 A-393488R1 Gauge, Oil Pressure (80 lb) For Models: 2656, (2544, 544 ALL HYDRO), 656 INTERNATIONAL MICHIGAN A-401830R92 Cable, Tachometer Replaces: 371245R91 OWATTONA 0.70 Lbs. Dim/Info: 63" Total Length For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS A-50A25 Gauge, Temperature (100-280°) 0.25 Lbs. Dim/Info: 2" Dia. Gauge 72" Long Capiliary Tube w/ 1/2" NPT Connector PERKINS USA RENAULT 0.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: 2" Body Dia. MELROE For Models: 1086, 1468, 1486, (330, 340 ALL Diesel Grove), 3688, 460 Grove, 560, 660, 886 W/ D360 Eng., 986 For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS SULAIR CORP A-50A60 Gauge, Ammeter (60-0-60) Dim/Info: 2" Body Dia. 12 Volt VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 22 For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS 0.17 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. For Models: 1026, 2606, 2656, 606, 504 FARMALL - DIESEL, 2544 GAS, (100, 1066, 2826, 826, 966 ALL HYDRO), (460, 656 ALL INTERNATIONAL), (2504, 544 ALL INTERNATIONAL - GAS), 340 W/ BATTERY IGNITION Engine Related Parts A-03601AB Gauge, Ammeter (30-0-30) 0.17 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. Dim/Info: 2" Dia. 6, 12 or 24 volt A-631570C91 Injector Replaces: 675960C91 0.50 Lbs. CASE-IH For Models: S, SC, SO, VA For Models: (666, 686 ALL W/ D312), 766 W/ D360, HYDRO 86 W/ D312 A-536229R1 Ammeter Assembly (30-0-30) 0.17 Lbs. Replaces: 393334R91, 354473R91, 360053R91, 378424R91 A-749089C91 Injector Replaces: 702541C91 CATERPILLAR 1.48 Lbs. CLARK Dim/Info: 2" Body Dia. 6, 12 or 24 volt DEUTZ For Models: A-332495R91 Injector Replaces: 279263R91, 310388R91 ALLIS CHALMERS 2.64 Lbs. FIAT For Models: 1026, 1256 SN 6663->, 1456, 21026, 21256, 21456 A-749082C91 Injector Replaces: 610715C91 1.44 Lbs. FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER For Models: 340, 460, 560, 656, 660, 706 W/ D282 Engine A-735252C91 Injector Replaces: 3055422R93 1.38 Lbs. For Models: 1206, 1256 SN <-6662 A-675967C91 Injector (new) 0.46 Lbs. IMT INGERSOLL RAND For Models: 1466, 1486 ESN <-100078, 1566, 1586 ESN <-100394, 3688, 4166, 4186, (COMBINE: 1440 ESN 66058->, 1460 ESN <-100008, 1480 ESN <-103042) For Models: 2706, 2756, 686, 756, HYDRO 86, 706 W/ D310 Engine A-749085C91 Injector 1.46 Lbs. A-687372C91 Injector (new) 1.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: D407 Only. For Models: 2806, 2856, 806, 856, (COMBINE: 815) A-675967C91 Injector 0.46 Lbs. For Models: (TRACTOR: 1486 ESN 100078->), 1586 ESN 100394->, 3388, 3588, 3788, 4386 ESN 77300->, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388, 6588, 6788, (COMBINE: 1460 SN ESN 100008->, 1470 Hillside Combine, 1480 Rice Machine, 1480 SN ESN 103042->, 1660 SN <-JJC0038346, 1670, 1680 SN <-JJC0045689), (COTTON PICKER: (1822, 1844 ALL W/ Navistar Engine)) A-749680C91 Injector Replaces: 687148C92 For Models: 1066, 1086 ENG. SN <-140024, 1466, 1486 ENG. SN <-100078, 1566, 1586 ENG. SN <-100394, 3688, 4166, 4186, 966, (COMBINE: 1440 ENG. SN 66058->, 1460 ENG. SN <-100008, 1480 ENG. SN <-103042) A-A156323-R Injector Replaces: A156232 0.60 Lbs. 0.48 Lbs. Injector JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC For Models: 1440 W/ D436 Eng. SN <-66057, 453, 766, 886 W/ D360, 986, HYDRO 100, HYDRO 186 A-687372C91 JACOBSEN 1.00 Lbs. MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN For Models: 2090, 2094, 2294 A-A8013-R Injector (R & R only) 1.50 Lbs. For Models: 1086 ENG. SN 140024->, 1466, 1470, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 3588, 3788, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388, 6588, 6788, (COMBINE: 1460, 1470, 1480, 1660, 1670 SN <-JJC0080540, 1680), (COTTON PICKER: 1844 SN <JJ0002462) A-J930525 Injector Replaces: J928228, A77851 For Models: 1030, 680CK, 680CK SERIES B SN 9102282-9103966, 700, 730, 800, 830, 900, 930 A-A138323-R Injector 0.34 Lbs. 0.55 Lbs. OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 7220 SN JJA0064978->, (7230, 7240 ALL 6T830 Emissions Certified SULAIR CORP Eng. SN JJA0064978->), 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, (9310, 9330 ALL 6T830 & 6TA830 Eng. SN JEE0036501>), MX180 VERMEER For Models: (1270, 1370 ALL SN 8736001->), 2470 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 23 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-PCA4500 CHALMERS Pre-Cleaner Assembly 5.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: Inlet Diameter: 4.500" Bowl Diameter: 10.000" CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: SEVERAL A-A42467 Bowl, Pre-Cleaner (10") CLARK A-73186 Bowl, Pre-Cleaner (7") HYSTER Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 4"-4 1/2" 1.80 Lbs. A-955040 Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 5"-4" 1.90 Lbs. Dim/Info: 5 1/2" Length A-955055 A-956050 Bowl, Pre-Cleaner (6.375") INGERSOLL RAND Dim/Info: 6" Length A-956055 Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 6"-5 1/2" 0.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 6" Length A-957060 JACOBSEN For Models: 1190, 1194, 1290, 1294, 1390 A-52871DKIT Cup w/ Clamp, Air Cleaner (oil) Kit includes 52871D oil cup & 52872D clamp. Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 6"-5" 0.00 Lbs. 0.48 Lbs. Dim/Info: A - 6.375" B - 3.625" C - 2.000" D - 3.000" IMT Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 5"-5 1/2" 0.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 6" Length For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS A-K260907 A-954045 0.40 Lbs. Dim/Info: A - 7.250" B - 3.500" C - 3.000" D - 4.125" GEHL Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 4"-3" 1.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: 5 1/4" Length For Models: FITS SEVERAL MODELS FORD / NEW HOLLAND A-954030 Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 7"-6" 0.00 Lbs. 0.75 Lbs. JCB Dim/Info: 6" Length A-958060 Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 8"-6" 0.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 8" Length JOHN DEERE A-958070 LANDINI For Models: A, B Centri Rubber Hump Hose Reducer w/2 Clamps 8"-7" 0.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 5" Length LEYLAND For Models: ALL MODELS LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY A-EX20 FERGUSON A - 5.250" MELROE Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/2" Inlet B - 3.375" A-EX25 A - 6.500" OWATTONA B - 4.250" PERKINS USA C - 2.500" B - 5.000" C - 3.000" A-EX50 C - 4.000" RENAULT SULAIR CORP A-EX60 ZETOR 24 C - 7.000" For Models: ALL MODELS C - 8.000" A-94600 Centri Rubber Hump Hose w/2 Clamps 6" 950-1600 CFM Range 0.00 Lbs Dim/Info: 7" Length A-94700 Centri Rubber Hump Hose w/2 Clamps 7" 0.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 7" Length 9.20 Lbs. A-94800 Centri Rubber Hump Hose w/2 Clamps 8" 0.00 Lbs. 0.00 Lbs. 1.90 Lbs. Dim/Info: 6" Length Dim/Info: 7" Length 750-1350 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/8" Inlet A - 14.750" B - 8.500" Centri Rubber Hump Hose w/2 Clamps 5" 7.10 Lbs. 500-950 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/7" Inlet A - 14.750" B - 8.500" A-EX80 WHITE/ OLIVER C - 6.000" 4.70 Lbs. 350-700 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/6" Inlet A - 12.750" B - 7.750" A-EX70 VERMEER C - 5.000" A-94500 200-400 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/5" Inlet A - 11.250" B - 7.500" 3.30 Lbs. 1.60 Lbs. Dim/Info: 5 1/2" Length 150-275 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/4" Inlet B - 5.875" A-94400 Centri Rubber Hump Hose w/2 Clamps 4" 100-200 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/3" Inlet A-EX40 A - 8.875" 1.50 Lbs. 50-100 CFM Range Centri Precleaner Assembly, w/2 1/2" Inlet2.30 Lbs. MICHIGAN A-EX30 A - 6.500" C - 2.000" For Models: ALL MODELS 0.00 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ FIAT 0.60 Lbs. Dim/Info: A - 10.500" B - 5.562" C - 3.000" D - 4.000" Engine Related Parts A-A157336 Turbocharger Replaces: A76341, A44499, A48192 19.02 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH A-972522 Rubber Insert Extrusion Reducer 2 1/2"-2 1/4" 0.10 Lbs. A-973027 Rubber Insert Extrusion Reducer 3"-2 3/4" 0.10 Lbs. A-975047 Rubber Insert Extrusion Reducer 5"-4 3/4" 0.30 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. CATERPILLAR For Models: ALL MODELS For Models: (1370, 1570, 1896, 2290, 2294, 2390, 2394, 2470, 2590, 2594, 2670, 3294, 3394, 3594, 4490, 4494, 4690, 4694, 1080, 1080B, 1150D, 1155D, 1187, 1187B, 1280, 1280B ALL TO4B19 turbo model), (1450B, 1455B ALL Eng. SN 10335337->, TO4B19 turbo model), (40 SERIES E, 50E, W18B, W20C, W24C, W30, W36 ALL TO4B19 turbo model) A-A184785 Turbocharger Replaces: 749267C92 CLARK DEUTZ 18.46 Lbs. FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND A-974030 Rubber Extrusion Reducer 4"-3" 0.40 Lbs. GEHL A-974035 Rubber Extrusion Reducer 4"-3 1/2" 0.30 Lbs. For Models: 1066, 1086, 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 4100, 4156, 4166, 4186, 4386 Eng. SN <-77300, 5088, 5288, 5488, 6388 A-974037 Rubber Extrusion Reducer 4"-3 3/4" 0.20 Lbs. A-735270C91 Turbocharger 18.68 Lbs. Replaces: A184781, 684281C91, 684698C91, 1806078C91 A-975040 Rubber Extrusion Reducer 5"-4" 0.70 Lbs. A-975045 Rubber Extrusion Reducer 5"-4 1/2" 0.50 Lbs. A-976050 Rubber Extrusion Reducer 6"-5" 0.70 Lbs. For Models: 3588, 6588, 6788, 4386 W/ Eng. SN 77300->, (3588, 3788, 4366, 4386, 5088, 5288, 5488 ALL TO4B25 turbo model), 1480 W/ SN 24001-> OR ALL RICE, (1660, 1670, 1680, 1822 ALL W/ DT466) 1.00 Lbs. A-J802289 Turbocharger 22.70 Lbs. For Cummins 6T-590 & 6TA-590 Engines Replaces: J919113, J907028, P3943547, J535414, J907026, J905818, J905817, JR802289, 3522778, 75287862, 148571A1, P3943547, Z5884227 For Models: ALL MODELS A-670036C1 Sleeve, Exhaust Outlet Elbow (Turbo) HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI For Models: 1026, 1206, 1256, 1456, 21026, 21256, 21456, DT407 A-SBA135756171 Turbocharger Replaces: 87780726, SBA135756170, 87772751 Dim/Info: 5 Bolt Mounting For Models: 410 Europe SN N7M468736->, 410 NA SN N7M480924->, 420 Europe SN N8M466713->, 420 NA SN N7M466710->, 420CT SN <- N7M45501, DX48 SSS SN CV10001-CV10033, HDG500034-Z6NFA1001->, DX55 SSS & EHSS, DX60 SSS SN Z7NFE1001-> & EHSS SN Z7NFG1001->, FARMALL 55, FARMALL 60 A-A157335 Turbocharger Replaces: A44052, A43361, A48190, A43360, A66770 LEYLAND 10.00 Lbs. For Models: (TRACTOR: 1896, 2096, 5140, 5240, 5250), (POWER UNIT: 6590T, 6590TA), (INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTION: 1085B, 1085C, 1086B, 1088, 1150E, 1150G SN <JJG02182023 & JJG0218024 Thru JJG0218478, 1155E, 621, 621B SN < JEE0053350, 680L, 780C, 780D, 850D, 850E, 850G SN <JJG0254015 Except JJG0254005 Thru JJG0254009, 855D, 855E, 880D, 888, 9030, 9030B SN <DAC03#2001, W14B, W14C) A-J802303 Turbocharger Model H1E Replaces: J802303, J909308, JR909308, J919199 LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE 27.80 Lbs. MICHIGAN 18.46 Lbs. OWATTONA PERKINS USA For Models: (1150C, 1170, 1175, 1270 ALL W/ 451BDT Eng.), (W18, W20, W20B ALL W/ 401BDT Eng.) For Models: 7110, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7210, 9110, 9130, 9210, 9230, 9240, (9310, 9330 ALL SN <-JEE0036001), (PUMA, WILDCAT ALL SN JCB0003600->), (7220, 7230, 7240 ALL SN <-JJA0064977) A-J802824 Turbocharger 34.40 Lbs. RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER For Models: (7220, 7230, 7240 ALL SN JJA0064978-> W/ 6T-830/6TA-830 Eng.), 8910, 8920, 8930 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 25 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-J536309 CHALMERS Turbocharger 34.80 Lbs. A-J937404 Pump, Engine Oil 5.20 Lbs. Replaces: J901175, J941742, J930337, J926203, J924720, J918212, J914006, J906414, J908151, J905811 CASE-IH CATERPILLAR For Models: (TRACTOR: 7150, 7250, 8950) CLARK A-J802859 Turbocharger 34.00 Lbs. A-J948071 Pump, Engine Oil 5.44 Lbs. Replaces: J930338, J926201, J924644, J921067, A77801, J910066, J914007, J918213, J906415, J906415 FIAT For Models: 7240 SN JJA0064978-> W/ 6T-830 & 6TA-830 Eng., 8940 W/ 6T-830 FORD / NEW & 6TA-830 Eng. HOLLAND A-A157337 Turbocharger Replaces: A151278, A42166, A48194 20.50 Lbs. GEHL For Models: (COMBINE: 1660, 1670, 1680, 1688, 2166, 2188, (2366, 2388 ALL SN <JJC0255699)), (COTTON PICKER: 420, 1822, 1844, 2022, 2044, 2055, 2155, 2555, CPX420) HYSTER A-675813C2 IMT INGERSOLL A-680275C92 RAND Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener JOHN DEERE 0.10 Lbs. 21.09 Lbs. Dim/Info: 10.203" O.D. 2.61" Wide 2.25" Hole Dia. JACOBSEN JCB Gasket, Timing Cover For Models: (780, 780B, 850B, 850C, 855C, W14, W14FL, W14H ALL W/ 336BDT Eng.) For Models: 1440, 1460, 1470, 1480, 1660 S/N <-JJC0038345, 1670 S/N <JJC0080539, 1680 S/N <-JJC0045688, 815 W/ D414, 915 W/ DT414 For Models: 1440 W/ D-436 ENGINE, (1460, 1480 ALL W/ DT-436 ENGINE), 815 W/ D-414 ENGINE, 915 W/ DT-414 ENGINE A-683459C94 Pulley, Crankshaft Dampener LEYLAND For Models: (COMBINE: (1480, 1640, 1660, 1680 ALL W/ DT-466 ENGINE)) LINCOLN A-J923478 Camshaft ELECTRIC Replaces: J924471, J920065, J923388 29.00 Lbs. 16.98 Lbs. Dim/Info: 9.67" O.D. 2.24" Wide .95" Hole Dia. 25.35 Lbs. Dim/Info: 10.203" O.D. 3.30" Wide 2.805" Hole Dia. LANDINI A-J925568 Pulley, Damper Replaces: J914456, J912681,J910907, 75204967 For Models: 1666 W/ 6T-830, (1688, 2055 ALL W/ 6TA-830), 2155 P.I.N. < JJC0156230, W/ 6TA-830, 2166 P.I.N. < JJC0180000, W/ 6T-830, 2155 P.I.N. JJC0156230 >, W/ 6TA-830 EMISS CERT, 2166 P.I.N. JJC0180000 >, W/ 6TA-830 EMISS CERT, 2188 W/ 6TA-830 EMISS CERT, 2366 SN: < JJC0255699, 2388 SN: < JJC0272999, 2555, CPX420 A-J918562 Hose, Turbo Supply Replaces: J909548 MASSEY FERGUSON 0.40 Lbs. Dim/Info: Length - 21 3/16" MELROE For Models: (1660, 1666, 2166 ALL W/ 6T-830 Eng.), (1670, 1688, 2166, 2188 MICHIGAN ALL W/ 6TA-830 Eng.), 2366 W/ 6T-830 & 6TAA-830 Eng., 2377 SN <-HAJ0295001 W/ 6T-830 & 6TAA-830 Eng., 2388 SN <-JJC0276540 W/ 6T-830 & 6TAA-830 Eng., (2022, 2044, 2055, 2155 ALL W/ 6TA-830 Eng.), 2555 W/ 6T-830 & 6TAA-830 Eng. OWATTONA A-J929042 Camshaft 16.50 Lbs. For Models: 1620, 1644, 1640, 1660, 1666, 1670, 1670, 1680, 1688, 2144, 2166, 2188, 2344, 2366, 2388, 1800, 1822, 1844, 2022, 2022, 2044, 2044, 2055, 2155, 2555, CPX420 A-J930827 Hose, Breather Tube 0.10 Lbs. Dim/Info: A- 2.00" B- 0.78" PERKINS USA RENAULT For Models: 1620 W/ 6T-590 Eng., (1640, 1644 ALL W/ 6TA-590 Eng.), 2144 SN <-JJC0173150 W/ 6TA-590 Eng., (1800, 2022, 2044 ALL W/ 6TA-590 Eng.), 1822 SULAIR CORP SN JJC0012691-> W/ 6TA-590 Eng., 1844 SN JJC0002462-> W/ 6TA-590 Eng. A-J905449 Gasket, Head Cover For Models: 2155, 2166, 2188, 2366, 2388 A-183747C2 Oil Cooler, Seperater Clutch Dim/Info: A- 17.750" B- 14.00" 0.20 Lbs. VERMEER For Models: 1666, 1670 S/N JJC0080540->, 1680 S/N JJC0045689->, 1688, 2166, 2188, 2366, 2388 WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 26 For Models: 1480, 1680, 1688, 2188, 2388 8.00 Lbs. Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ For Models: 1620, 1640, 1644, 2144, 2344, (COTTON PICKER: 1800, 1822 SN JJC0012691>, 1844 SN JJC0002462>, 2022, 2044), (WINDROWER: 8850, 8880, 8880HP) Engine Related Parts A-87416028 Cooler, Oil 5.45 Lbs. A-J936316 Pump, Fuel Lift Transfer 1.50 Lbs. ALLIS CHALMERS CASE-IH For Models: 1620 SN JJC0032630->, 1640 SN JJC0034705->, 1644, 2144, 2344, 1800, 1822 SN JJC0012691->, 1844 SN JJC0002462->, 2022, 2044, (WINDROWER: 8850, 8880, 8880HP) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. A-87453888 Cooler, Oil Replaces: J944463, J945565, J918175, J906296 10.89 Lbs. For Models: 2366 SN JJC0255700>, 2377, 2388 A-384401A1 CATERPILLAR Tube, Fuel Supply 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: 5.375" Total Length For Models: 2344 SN JJC0174449->, 2366 SN JJC0255000->, 2377, 2388 A-J918873 Line, Fuel Supply, Lift Pump to Injection Pump 0.50 Lbs. CLARK DEUTZ FIAT For Models: 1660, 1666, 1670, 1680, 1688, 2166, 2188, 2366, 2377, 2388, 5088, 1822, 1844, 2022, 2044, 2055, 2155, 2555, CPX420 A-195441A3 Cooler, Oil & Fuel 39.70 Lbs. Dim/Info: 25.00" 14.50" A-J991513 Tube, Aneroid Replaces: J934603, J926739 Oil Cooler, Aux. Hydraulic Pump A-J930690 GEHL Hose, Wastegate System HYSTER 0.30 Lbs. Dim/Info: 16-7/8" Total Length 15.00 Lbs. Dim/Info: 20-5/16" 15" A-J930525 Injector Replaces: J928228, A77851 For Models: 2366 Cooler, Oil IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN For Models: 2366, 2377, 2388 SN <-HAJ0295001 A-87452245 FORD / NEW HOLLAND 0.50 Lbs. Dim/Info: Length - 6" For Models: 2166 SN JJC0180000-> W/ 6T-830 Eng., 2366 For Models: 2144 SN JJC0173150>, 2166 SN JJC0180000>, 2188 SN JJC0191483>, 2344, 2366 A-135484A1 For Models: 1688 W/ 6TA-830 Eng., 2055 W/ 6TA-830, 2155 SN <-JJC0156230 W/ 6TA-830 Eng., 2166 SN JJC0180000-> W/ 6TA-830 Eng., 2188 SN <JJC0191483 W/ 6TA-830 Eng., 2366 SN <-JJC0255699 0.55 Lbs. JCB 11.35 Lbs. For Models: 2166 6TA Emissions Certified Eng. SN JJC0180000->, 2366 SN <JJC0255699 For Models: (2377, 2388 ALL SN HAJ0295001->), (2577, 2588 ALL SN HAJ0300001->), 7088, (COTTON PICKER: 420 TIER III, 620, 625, CPX610, CPX620) A-J905427 Gear, Ring Replaces: 3905427, 75208365 A-A184785 Turbocharger Replaces: 749267C92 18.46 Lbs. JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND 3.50 Lbs. LINCOLN ELECTRIC Dim/Info: 127 Teeth For Models: 915 SN 8001->, 1460, 1480 SN 103042->, (1470, 1480 ALL TO4B18 turbo model) For Models: 1620 SN JJC0032630->, 1640 SN JJC0034705->, 1644, 1660 SN JJC0038346->, 1666, 1670 SN JJC0080540->, 1680 SN JJC0045689->, 1688, 2144, 2166, 2188, 2344, 2366, 2377, 2388, 2577, 2588, 5088, 6088, 7088 A-23995DC Cap, Fuel (Vented) 0.28 Lbs. Replaces: 361910R91, 538063R1, 224839C91, 224839C92 MASSEY FERGUSON A-J802289 Turbocharger 22.70 Lbs. For Cummins 6T-590 & 6TA-590 Engines MELROE Replaces: J919113, J907028, P3943547, J535414, J907026, J905818, J905817, JR802289, 3522778, 75287862, 148571A1, MICHIGAN P3943547, Z5884227 OWATTONA For Models: (COMBINE: 1640, 1660, 1670, 1680, 403, 503, 615, 715, 815, 915) A-87648717 Pump, Fuel Lift 1.84 Lbs. PERKINS USA For Models: (COMBINE: 1620 SN JJC0032630>, 1640 SN JJC0034705>, 1644, 2144 SN <JJC0173150), (COTTON PICKER: 1800, 1822 SN JJC0012691>, 1844 SN JJC0002462>, 2022, 2044), (WINDROWER: 8850 SN CFH0099001 Thru CFH0099164), (POWER UNIT: 6590T, 6590TA) RENAULT SULAIR CORP For Models: (COMBINE: 1660, 1660 SN JJC0038346>, 1666, 1670, 1670 SN JJC0080540>, 1680, 1680 SN JJC0045689>, 2166, (2144, 2166 ALL SN <JJC0180000)), (COTTON PICKER: 1822 SN JJC0012691>, 1844 SN JJC0002462>, 2022, 2044, 2055), (WINDROWER: 8825, 8825HP, 8860, 8860HP, 8870) VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 27 Engine Related Parts ALLIS A-J802303 CHALMERS Model H1E Turbocharger 27.80 Lbs. Replaces: J802303, J909308, JR909308, J919199 CASE-IH CATERPILLAR CLARK A-J536309 Turbocharger Replaces: J535617, JR802649, JR535617, 34.80 Lbs. FIAT FORD / NEW HOLLAND GEHL HYSTER IMT INGERSOLL RAND JACOBSEN JCB JOHN DEERE LANDINI LEYLAND LINCOLN ELECTRIC MASSEY FERGUSON MELROE MICHIGAN OWATTONA PERKINS USA RENAULT SULAIR CORP VERMEER WHITE/ OLIVER ZETOR 28 For Models: (COMBINE: 2188 SN JJC0191483->), (COTTON PICKER: 2155 SN JJC0156230->) Parts are not original equipment parts and are not sponsored, affiliated, or otherwise connected with any major brand. DEUTZ For Models: (COMBINE: 1666, 1670 SN JJC0080540->, 1680 SN JJC0045689->, 1688, 2166 SN <-JJC018000, 2188 SN <-JJC0191483), (COTTON PICKER: 1844 SN JJC0002462->, 2044, 2055, 2155 SN <-JJC0156230)
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