Marin Republican Women, Federated
Marin Republican Women, Federated
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson March 2016 Marin Republican Women, Federated Awards: NFRW Diamond Award Club 2016 Events Calendar • Mar 16: MRWF Luncheon, 11:30am - 1:30pm, Spinnaker Restaurant, Sausalito. Board Meeting at 10am • Mar. 18: 3rd Friday, MRWF Satellite Club, 6pm • Apr 13: MRWF Board Meeting, TBD • Apr 20: MRWF Silent Auction/ Raffle, Luncheon, Fundraiser and Show, 11am - 2pm, Spinnaker Restaurant, Sausalito. • Apr 22: MRWF Satellite Club, 6pm • Apr 29 - May 1: CRP Convention, Burlingame • May 20: 3rd Friday, MRWF Satellite Club, 6pm • May 22: Lincoln Dinner, MarinGOP, 5pm - 9 pm 2016 MRWF Officers President: Faye Bourret 702-524-7793 [email protected] 1st VP/Programs: Joanne Dufficy 453-2887 [email protected] 2nd VP/Membership: Judy Groesbeck 789-5022 [email protected] 3rd VP/Events: Kathryn Thompson 898-0090 [email protected] Secretary: Beverly Erbel 383-1845 [email protected] Treasurer: Lindsay Laven 924-5644 [email protected] Newsletter: Mary Anne Bell 456-5219 [email protected] 2015 CFRW-Northern Division: Membership Circle of Excellence, 1st Place Newsletter Luncheon Meeting,Wednesday, March 16th Location: Spinnaker Restaurant, 100 Spinnaker Avenue, Sausalito, CA 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Speakers: Jeanne MacLeamy, Sashi McEntee, and Maria Aguila Women at the Forefront of Marin Politics Topic: Game changers panel- these women represent the vanguard of conservative action in Marin. Jeanne MacLeamy began her architectural career in Marin 30 years ago. She served on the Novato Design Review Committee, was elected to the Novato City Council for 3 terms, and elected for 3 terms as Mayor. She was a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow for creating affordable senior housing, and recognized by Saint Mark’s (Mark Day) School for her service. Sashi McEntee has a background in finance and business development, enabling her to tackle the pressing issues in Mill Valley where she lives and manages a family business. As a member of the City Council, she has identified 5 areas of concern: traffic, aging infrastructure, emergency preparedness, sustainability and long-term financial stability. She is Chair of CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team. Maria Aguila serves as an elected member of the Novato Unified School District Board of Trustees, member of Marin United Tax Payers Association and the NUSD Equity Design Team. She serves on these committees: Bully Prevention, Joint Legislative Action, Golden Bell, AFJROTC, School Fuel, Novato Blue Ribbon Coalition. She is Community Liaison for Canal Community Organizations. She supports students and families throughout Marin. Joanne Dufficy, First Vice-President Programs Luncheon Reservation Form Price $35 Deadline: Friday, March 11th Name: Address: I will attend March 16th: Lunch Choice: r Salmon Grilled with Hollandaise r Grilled Chicken Salad with Thai Peanut Sauce and Ginger Dressing Please mail in your payment so that check-in at the event is expedited. Phone: Make check payable: MRWF Mail to: Kathryn Thompson, 821 Albatross Dr., Novato, CA 94945 Phone reservations to: 415-898-0090 Email: [email protected] Notice: Advance reservations required. Lunch reservations not picked up will be billed to you. Page 2 “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson Marin Republican Women, Federated President’s Report March 2016 here we are! It seems like this election year is progressing very quickly, almost like a time warp, as we wait to get to a new President of the United States. By the time you read this, the Super Tuesday primary will be happening and there will be six primary dates occurring in March. See this website to keep up with the dates and states for upcoming primaries. As a club, we have many goals on our plate for the next few months. All need your participation so pick what is most important to you and call the MRWF Chair in charge. Our February speakers set us on a path to work with others, groups with which we have common interests. The UC Berkeley College Republicans have joined us to collaborate on our project to work on the primary campaign (June 7th) of Catharine B. Baker, Assemblywoman, District 16, San Ramon, CA. Beverly Erbel is quarterbacking our effort to make phone calls to Republicans in Baker’s District 16 and encourage them to vote. Seventy-five percent of voters who receive a personal call will go to the polls to vote. By making phone calls, MRWF can make a huge impact in this election. As Ms. Baker states, we cannot vote directly for her, but she can vote for us and our views when she votes in the State Assembly. By working on key campaigns like District 16, Marin Republicans can get some representation in the California legislature. April 20th is our big event, our fund raiser Silent Auction, Raffle, and Show. Our February speaker, Aaron Negherbon, told us about his organization, TroopsDirect, which is the fundraiser beneficiary. Please email your collected items list (your personal items or local business items) with dollar values to [email protected] before March 16th; then bring them to the luncheon. Faye Bourret, President MEMBERSHIP MATTERS The 2016 membership drive is currently open for business. We look forward to each and every member renewing their membership and bringing in new members. This month we welcome our new member Anna Walton. We are looking forward to getting to know Anna and hope she enjoys our luncheons, conversation and speakers. For all of you who have renewed so far, thank you. Member renewals are at 26% of our total members last year, so please get your membership dues in now. Our Associate members are unchanged from last month at 27%. Membership dues are $30 and associate dues are $25 (men, non-citizens and members of other Republican Women Federated Clubs). Please use the Membership Application in the newsletter or on the MRWF website. Your membership payment can be mailed to me at the address below. If you introduce a new person to our club and they join, you could be eligible to win the New Member contest, a free lunch at one of our meetings. Please let me know if you bring in any new members! Any questions, call Judy Groesbeck 415-789-5022 or email at [email protected], and my address is 20 Via San Fernando, Tiburon, CA 94920. Judy Groesbeck, Membership Chair Our February speaker, Aaron Negherbon, CEO TroopsDirect and, on the right, speaker Kerida Moates, President UC Berkeley College Republicans. MARCH - WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Women’s History Month originated as a national cele1995 Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have issued anbration in 1981 when Congress authorized and requested nual proclamations celebrating the valuable contributions President Reagan to proclaim the week of March 7 as Womof women to Society. en’s History Week. In 1987, responding to a Women’s History Month 2016 is just around petition from the Women’s History Project, the corner and President Obama’s proclamation Congress designated the month of March as will come soon. Exasperating, to say the very Women’s History Month. Additional resoluleast, is that the women achieving notoriety totions were passed between 1988 and 1994 auday are the likes of Hillary Clinton, Madeleine thorizing the President to proclaim March of Albright and Gloria Steinem. each year as Women’s History Month. Since Americanism Mary Anne Bell, Americanism Chair Visit us on the web at Page 3 “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson Marin Republican Women, Federated Community Projects Reports Your helping hands and talents are needed for all the MRWF activities. Get on the lists; call the project chair listed. VETERANS The San Francisco VA Hospital is happily accepting: lap blankets, books, DVDs, socks, shoes, and clothing - especially warm things. The Veterans Home in Yountville seeks: boxed games, playing cards, puzzles, puzzle books (e.g.: crosswords), handkerchiefs, ball caps, and non-perishable snack foods like chips, soup cups, Vienna Sausages, candy, and popcorn. Both facilities can always use: stamps, stationery, toiletry items and hotel freebies especially. Donations can be brought to any of our meetings and are tax deductible if you include your name and address with the items. Questions? Please call Anne at 415-302-0330. Anne Brenneis, Veterans Project Marin Republican Women, Federated Presents “Heroes: Yesterday and Today” To Benefit TROOPSDIRECT Meet our Honored Guests Ralph N. Cole US Army, 89th Infantry Division, Colonel – WWII Jacquelyn L. Tribolet Army Nurse Corps, Major – Vietnam Jennifer L. Donahue US Navy CEC, Commander – Active Duty LUNCHEON*FLOOR SHOW*SILENT AUCTION*RAFFLE Wednesday, April 20, 2016 11:00am – 2:00pm Tickets $40.00 VOTER REGISTRATION Well the beat goes on and the GOP candidates continue to battle for top spot come November. We all have our favorite, but no matter who becomes the presidential pick we will need to get out and support him and the down ticket Republican candidates. We have settled on the dates for our voter registration days in April which will be April 23 and 30. And we will be working on dates for early fall. I will be contacting those of you who have graciously volunteered to be a part of our club’s project at the Village Mall in Corte Madera. Anyone else who has a couple of hours to spare will be welcomed, so please let me know. Thanks for your help. [email protected] Elise Vitale, Voter Registration Project MRWF SATELLITE CLUB We all give our many thanks to Bob and Jan Stephens who were very kind to host our February event at their beautiful home in San Rafael. Although I was not able to attend, the feedback was that, once again, they showed the great hospitality for which they are known. It is always great fun at their house! Lots of people came and enjoyed their big deck overlooking the golf course. There was good food and drink and considerable discussion about this very interesting election we are all facing this year. Marty Wickenheiser has graciously offered to host our event in March. Note that because the fourth Friday of Entertainment by Lovin’ Harmony Trio Spinnaker Restaurant, 100 Spinnaker Drive, Sausalito, CA If unable to attend: please consider making a cash donation by mail RSVP to [email protected] or mail reservation and donation to MRWF Events, 821 Albatross Dr., Novato 94945 Make checks payable to: MRWF Information, Call Kathryn Thompson at 415-898-0090 March is Good Friday, next month’s event will be on the third Friday of the month, or March 18. I am still looking for more hosts for this year’s events. Please let me know if you can help. Inform, Invite, Involve. Contact me at [email protected]. Jane Maushardt, Satellite Club Chair SHOOTING RANGE SIGN-UP FOR 3/19/16 Women-on-Target, a National Rifle Association program: if you would like to do this activity, a group is forming for a four hour Saturday morning session on 3/19/16. We will be learning how to care for and shoot rifles in this session. Email Faye Bourret at [email protected]. Visit us on the web at Page 4 “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson Marin Republican Women, Federated MEMBERS’ BIRTHDAYS We would like to send March birthday greetings to our members Margarita Dreyer, Judy Groesbeck, Beverly Heinecke, Elinor Lacy, Pamela Martin and Judith Walker Weissman. Happy birthday to associate member Donna Pfeiff. Legislative Report News – National, California, and Internet By Andrea Widburg, MRWF Legislative Chair Date: 2/20/16 Justice Scalia’s death set off a political earthquake. Before his death, there were four conservative justices and four progressive justices on the Supreme Court, with Justice Kennedy as a swing vote. If a conservative president nominates a new justice, that delicate balance will continue. However, if a progressive or socialist president appoints the next justice, progressives will gain a permanent 5-4 majority on the Court. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that he will not schedule hearings for a replacement until after a new president is sworn in. President Obama countered that he will propose a candidate for the Supreme Court. Democrat outrage at Republican obstructionism is ironic considering that, in 2007, Democrats explicitly refused to consider President Bush’s nominees for the Supreme Court because of the upcoming 2008 election. Think how Roe v. Wade has torn the fabric of American life by placing in federal hands an issue that strict constructionists believe belongs with the States . . . and then imagine that level of progressive federalism affecting every aspect of American life for at least a decade. California conservatives feel helpless, but we can make financial donations to the ultimate conservative candidate. In California, health insurance companies agreed with the Brown administration that California will impose a tax to trigger $1.1 billion in matching federal funds, with reductions on gross premium and corporate taxes offsetting the new tax. This stops insurance companies from charging consumers several million dollars in rate increases occasioned by Obamacare. Prediction: This complicated scheme will land on consumer’s shoulders, either as rate increases, state tax increases, or federal tax increases. Also, Covered California awarded lucrative contracts without competitive bidding – a predictable bit of cronyism for a well-funded government program. Governor Brown continues to be excited about a carbon tax, all in the name of climate change. The fact that every global warming projection has proven wrong, that NOAA has falsified data to create the illusion of warming, and that a quiet sun promises very scary global cooling does not deter Brown from damaging a failing economy as a sacrifice on Gaia’s altar. ELECTIONS 2016 - DONATE/ACT NOW Critical Primary Election June 7, 2016 California Republican Party Candidates Gregory Allen, State Assembly District 10 Marin - Sonoma Call Paula Kirkbride to get on the team Catharine Baker, State Assembly District 16 East Bay - Lafayette, San Ramon, Livermore and rural area Marin Republicans can help with donations, calls, walk precincts Call Beverly Erbel to get on the team Visit us on the web at Page 5 “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson Marin Republican Women, Federated MRWF’S CAPITOL MUSE By Edwina Burke Date: 02/20/16 Washington, D.C. In National Review’s (NR) mid-February “Against Trump” issue, a platoon of political pundits climbed athwart history shouting, “Donald Trump Is Not Conservative.” It worked! Within days, Trump swept every single demographic in the New Hampshire primary. Having been relieved by NR of any fear that Trump was a sexist/racist/homophobic gunslinger, voters of all stripes went all-in for The Donald: Fence-sitting independents, Republican ‘moderates,’ spare-me-the-social-issues RINOs, disillusioned Obamists, economically squeezed middle Americans, and under-employed, over-indebted Millennials. Evidently, the only New Hampshire demographic that “Against Trump” failed to influence was Trump’s conservative core who, after also voting for Donald, went home to dine on schadenfreude as the primary results rolled in. There’s enough wrongness crammed into this single issue of NR to make a life-long subscriber’s head spin. For starters, NR is more than a little slow on the uptake to still not realize that conservatism is neither Donald’s nor most Trumpsters’ forte. Likewise, it’s more than a little hypocritical to pledge allegiance to Ronald Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment while simultaneously attempting the rhetorical assassination of the GOP’s own presidential frontrunner. And it’s more than a little lame to assault a presidential campaign with twenty-two hand-picked essays that omit even one serious assessment of immigration, the candidate’s flagship issue. The essays are poorly written, too (sorry, Mr. Buckley): Trump is an “American Mussolini,” a “boor,” a “creep,” a “louse,” a “know-nothing demagogue,” and a “tapeworm invading the schismatically weakened body of the Republican Party.” Trump has a “brawling, blustery, mean-spirited public persona,” spouts “tantrums and homicidal fantasies” and (this one’s especially rich!) “is oblivious to the [Islamic jihadist] enemy.” He’s the “epitome of vulgarity,” a “wannabe strongman,” “belligerent show-off”, is “pitifully insecure,” “astoundingly ignorant” and displays “emotional immaturity bord ering on personality disorder.” His immigration proposals serve only to illustrate his supposed “racism” and “religious bigotry” and - here’s the clincher - he’s got “hair like tinsel on a discarded Christmas tree.” This isn’t political commentary, it’s playground banter. Rude, at that. NR’s editors should read their own magazine more carefully. The issue immediately previous to “Against Trump” contained “What Trump Sees,” an essay wherein Jeremy Carl thoughtfully credits Trump for addressing America’s immigration crises. Regarding the Republican Party’s response to Trump, Carl writes: "Strong establishments take insurgencies’ best issues and co-opt them. Weak and stupid establishments don’t. Right now, the GOP establishment is weak and stupid." Judging from its anti-Trump diatribe, so is National Review. SCHOLARSHIPS AND INTERNSHIPS NFRW Scholarships and Internship To involve more young women in the political process and to provide educational opportunities, the National Federation of Republican Women offers several scholarships and internships to female students. To apply, please download the applications from scholarships.htm or send a self-addressed stamped envelope to NFRW headquarters, Attn: Scholarships and Internships, 124 N. Alfred St., Alexandria, VA 22314. The Dorothy Andrews Kabis Memorial Internship gives female undergraduates the opportunity to spend part of the summer working at national headquarters in Alexandria, VA. Applicants must be at least a junior in college or a college student 21 years or older with a general knowledge of government, a keen interest in politics, campaign experience and sufficient clerical office skills. Deadline November 1, 2016. The National Pathfinder Scholarship offers three annual scholarships of $2500 to provide financial assistance and support to women seeking undergraduate or graduate degrees. Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors, as well as students enrolled in a master’s degree program are eligible to apply. Deadline May 15, 2016. The Betty Rendel Scholarship offers three annual scholarships of $1000 awarded to female undergraduates who are majoring in political science, government or economics and who have successfully completed at least two years of college coursework. Deadline May 15, 2016. CFRW Scholarships The Ronald Reagan Scholarship offers an annual $3000 to an undergraduate registered Republican woman who is majoring in political science, communications, or directed toward law. She must be a US citizen, a resident of California and have completed two years of college. Deadline: August 15, 2016. Go to the California Federation of Republican Women website and Scholarships for specific application instructions. Questions or know an interested student who would like to apply, please contact Faye Bourret at [email protected]. Visit us on the web at Page 6 “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson Marin Republican Women, Federated MRWF Committees Newsletter - [email protected] – Mary Anne Bell Community Service - [email protected] – Open Veterans – Anne Brenneis LINCOLN DINNER 2016 Voter Registration - Elise Vitale Keynote Speaker Kris “Tanto” Paranto Special Operator and contributor to 13 Hours Legislation - Andrea Widburg Telephone Communications - Pat Derenzo Sunday, May 22, 2016 5:00pm - 9:00 pm Publicity - Malka Hanna Hospitality - Elvira Lindemann For information and to make reservations visit the website or call 415 446-4111 Working Women –MRWF Satellite Club - Jane Maushardt Mamie Eisenhower Library Project - Deanne Gilbert Novato RWF Luncheon Tuesday March 15, 2016 11:30am – 1:30pm Marin Country Club Reserve: 415-883-7059 The Ethics of Illegal Immigration and Immigration Reform Speaker: Debra Saunders Columnist, San Francisco Chronicle Americanism - Mary Anne Bell Scholarships - Open Parliamentarian - Ilene Meyers Website - Gauri Tandavan Chaplain - Bonnie Stevens Ways and Means - Open PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR REPUBLICAN SPONSORS! TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD HERE. Sponsored by Cherry Lin and the Munda Musica Foundation Alexander Sung Pianist and Harpsichordist Romance for the Soul Piano Music by Franz Schubert Impromtus and Six Moments Musicaux Mr. Sung displays a most genuine interpretation of Schubert’s emotions using a Bluthner concert grand piano... Pleasure for the Soul Listen to samples and purchase these three albums at or Sponsored by Cherry Lin and The Munda Musica Foundation The Munda Musica Foundation thanks Jane Liston for providing the artwork for our albums. See more of her works at Harpsichord Music by W. A. Mozart Sonata KV 331 in A major Sonata KV309 in C major Sonata KV 311 in D minor Alexander Sung brings Mozart’s music to life using that wonderful Baroque period instrument—the harpsichord! Serenity for the Soul Piano Music by J. S. Bach Three Parts Inventions Six Little Preludes Italian Concerto BWV971 The perfect music for relaxing where Mr. Sung’s playing of Bach is transparent and sincere... THE BERNOTT FAMILY THE GROESBECK FAMILY Proud Sponsors of Marin Republican Women Federated Proud Sponsors of Marin Republican Women Federated MRWF thanks our sponsors for helping defray the costs of publication and distribution of this newsletter. Copy has been provided by the sponsor and does not constitute endorsement of any product, service or candidate by NFRW, CFRW, Northern Division or this Federated Club. Visit us on the web at Page 7 “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson Marin Republican Women, Federated Have fun supporting these businesses. Buy American! Membership Application 2016 - Marin Republican Women, Federated I am a Republican and wish to r Join | r Renew with Marin Republican Women, Federated ($30) My Republican Spouse wishes to r Join | r Renew as an Associate Member to support MRWF ($25) Member of _____________ RWF club or non-citizen wishes to r Join | r Renew as an Associate Member ($25) Name City/State/Zip Code My Birthday is (Mo/Day) Address Telephone Email for our monthly remembrances. Enclosed are my 2016 dues of $30.00 for regular Membership or $25.00 for Associate Membership. You may pay by check payable to “MRWF”or you may pay by credit card; see authorization below. I wish to receive the Newsletter via: r Email only r Regular Mail only r Both Email & Regular Mail Check box to specify preference. The club recommends Email Only in order to minimize our print/postage expenses. I would like to help with: r Hospitality r Voter Registration /Election r Phoning r Events r Computer r Community Projects r Veterans Programs r Membership r Board Member r Other ____________ I hereby authorize MRWF to debit my credit card: r VISA Credit Card Number r MasterCard r Discover Expiration Date: Cardholder’s name as it appears on the credit card Please mail your completed applications with your check or credit card to: Judy Groesbeck VP Membership 20 Via San Fernando, Tiburon, CA 94920 To correspond via email: Membership@ CVC Number: Cardholder’s Phone Number Cardholder’s billing address Cardholder’s Signature Date Signed Visit us on the web at Email address Marin Republican Women Federated San Rafael, California h h 16t arc eon M amy, e L c e Ma e, Jeann i McEnte s Sash uila arin Politic q A a M Mari nt of unch WL MRF the en at fro Fore Wom WHERE TO WRITE, EMAIL, FAX OR TELEPHONE OFFICIALS Toll Free Congress: 1-800-826-3688 President: Barack H. Obama (D) 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500 Switchboard 202-456-1414 email: Comment Line: 202-456-1111;FAX 202-456-2461 Senator: Barbara Boxer (D) 112 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3553;FAX 202-224-0454 email: [email protected] 70 Washington St., Ste. 203, Oakland, CA 94607 510-286-8537; FAX 202-224-0454 Senator: Diane Feinstein (D) 331 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3841;FAX 202-228-3954 email: [email protected] 525 Market St. Rm 3670, San Francisco CA 94105 415-393-0707; FAX 415-393-0710 Representative: Jared Huffman (D) 2nd District 1630 Longworth House Office Bldg, Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6151; FAX 202-225-6153 email website: 999 Fifth Avenue, Suite 290, San Rafael, CA 94901 415-258-9657; FAX 415-258-9913 State Senator: Noreen Evans (D) 2nd District 1303 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 916-651-4002: FAX 916-323-6958 web site: 50 D Street Suite 120A, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707-648-5312 and 707-576-2771 FAX 702-576-2773 Assemblyman: Marc Levine (D) 10th District State Capitol, POB 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249 Marin County Civic Center Rm. 412, San Rafael, CA 94903 415-479 4920; FAX 415-479-2123 Governor: Edmund Gerald “Jerry“ Brown State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 916-445-2841 (pending bills, issues) 916-658-2792 24 hr. hotline FAX 916-558-3160 email: Marin County Board of Supervisors Civic Center ,Suite 329,, San Rafael, CA 94903 ph. 499-7331 FAX 499-3645 Supervisor: Damon Connolly District 1: San Rafael CFRW Northern Division - Supervisor: Kate Sears District 3: Southern Marin Supervisor: Steve Kinsey District 4: Corte Madera, Larkspur, Homestead Valley, W. Marin, parts of Novato & San Rafael Supervisor: Judy Arnold District 5: Novato CALL- IN SHOWS M-F, 5-9 am M-F, 9-12 N M-F, 12N - 3 pm M-F, 3-6 pm M-F, 6-9 pm M-F, 9-12 m-night California Federation of Republican Women CFRW Advocate—Allison Olson 1225 8th St. Ste. 342, Sacramento, CA 95814 916-442-4084; FAX 916-442-1322 email: [email protected] Shirley Marks, President CFRW email: [email protected] Supervisor: Katie Rice District 2: Ross Valley, part of San Rafael KSFO 560 Brian Sussman Rush Limbaugh Michael Savage Mark Levin Sean Hannity Glenn Beck Marin Republican Party PO Box 2102, San Rafael, CA 94912-2102 415-446-4111 808-5600 808-5600 808-5600 808-5600 808-5600 808-5600 Anytime Radio on the web: Olivia McCaffrey, President email: [email protected] Mary Raub, Director Region XI email: [email protected] WEBSITES OF INTEREST Cal Calif Calif Repub Party..................... US House of US Rep Nat’l