city council agenda item
city council agenda item
Agenda Item #: Meeting Date: December 17, 2015 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Migdalia Hernandez Contact Name: Department/Contact #:Migdalia Hernandez Type of Item: Subject: Department Director: Migdalia Hernandez City Manager: Ken Hooper, Interim D Public Hearing D Resolution D Ordinance First Reading IZI Discussion & Action D Ordinance Second Reading D Consent Agenda D Workshop IZI Council Approval Blue Springs Nutrient Reduction Phase II- East Graves Avenue and 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements BACKGROUND: Orange City Council adopted the Stormwater Service Assessment on August 25, 2015. Pegasus Engineering has completed Orange City's Stormwater Master Plan defining the stormwater and drainage characteristics of Orange City. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies 26 stormwater projects with a total project cost (design, land acquisition, permitting and construction) of approximately $11.5 million to be completed over a 15-year period. Based on the approved Stormwater Service Assessment, the following projects were selected as the City's top priority for the first three (3) year debt service cycle. The following priority projects are to be designed and permitted by City's Continuing Consultant Engineering Firms: 1. East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements- Pegasus Engineering 2. 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements - SMW GeoSciences, Inc. The proposals include the total fees associated with the final design and permitting services for the stormwater drainage system and nutrient reduction components associated with improving water quality discharges to Mill Lake which discharges to Blue Spring and the Blue Spring Run. The total amount of the fee proposal (Pegasus Engineering) for the East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvement design and permitting is $236,128.00 and the estimated preliminary construction cost for this area is $2,000,000. The total amount of the fee proposal (SMW GeoSciences, Inc.) for the 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements design and permitting is $73,640.60 and the estimated preliminary construction cost is $474,062. COUNCIL DISTRICT: Citywide RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval and authorization of signature by the Interim City Manager of the proposal and work order from Pegasus Engineering and SMW GeoSciences, Inc. concerning the design, permitting and associated subconsultants for the Blue Springs Nutrient Reduction Drainage Improvements Program. The total amount of the work orders is $309,768. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposals from Pegasus Engineering and SMW GeoSciences, Inc. for Final Design and Permitting for East Graves Avenue and 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $309,768. STRATEGIC PLAN: Reviewed by City Attorney: Reviewed by Finance Dept.: Reviewed by: 1st Discussion Date: 2nd Discussion Date: 3rd Discussion Date: Other Discussion Date: ~--~'~ ' --~~~~--~'~1--~ FINANCIAL IMPACT: $309,768. STRATEGIC PLAN: Reviewed by City Attorney: Reviewed by Finance Dept.: Reviewed by: 1st Discussion Date: ._____ 2nd Discussion Date: ____.I ._____I_ 3rd Discussion Date: _____.I ._____I_ Other Discussion Date: _____.II._____ ____. SMW GeoSciences , Inc. p . 407.426.2836 f. 407.999.8399 14 11 Edgewater Drive • Suite 103 • Orlando. Florida 32804 December 10, 2015 To: Mr. Ken Hooper Special Projects Director City of Orange City 205 East Graves Avenue Orange City, Florida 34763 Subject: Professional Services for 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Final Design General Engineering and Surveying Services Master Agreement Q004-0-2015 Dear Mr. Hooper, On August 25, 2015, City Council approved a stormwater assessment resolution to fund capital improvement projects and ongoing maintenance responsibilities. Additionally, via public stormwater workshops, the City Council also approved a Stormwater Capital Improvements Program. This program identifies and prioritizes drainage improvements for Orange City. The Stormwater Capital Improvements Program identifies drainage improvements on Carpenter Ave as one of the three top priorities for the 1st 3-year debt cycle. The project area is depicted in Figure 1. Per your request, SMW GeoSciences, Inc. (SMW) is pleased to provide this proposal for Scope of Work to provide assistance with the City's drainage improvement project along Carpenter Avenue between Harrison Avenue and Patlin Avenue. A summary of the fee estimate by task is presented in the table below. surnmar) Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0f Fee Estrmate ' b>v Task Description Kick-Off Meeting Data Collection Computer Model of Peak Runoff Rates and Hydraulic Grade Line Design Plans SJRWMD 'No Permit Determination' NPDES Permit Cost Estimate Presentation to City Council Construction Phase Services TOTAL FOR ALL TASKS ~)rOt \'l.n!~;::r L'~t- r-.ermill inq Wldwoler ntodelir19 • Total $2,015.10 $16,461.00 $5,355.00 $29,740.00 $1,615.00 $892.50 $2,377.50 $2,045.10 $13,139.40 $73,640.60 • rf.;gic11al ·...vnlecr ~l'l •ply J~·IOrtrlir 1g \'\C:i larod nHHoii<Airrg • '.',tF-11 con)lll•C lion Documents attached include: Exhibit "A" (Scope of Work); Exhibit "B" (Manhour and Fee Estimate); Exhibit "C" (Labor and Expense Estimate For Each Task); and Exhibit "D" (Subconsultants). The total fees associated with the final design and permitting services is $73,640.60, which is approximately 15.5% of the estimated $474,062.00 construction costs. It should be noted that the professional services will encompass hydraulic modeling, preparation of construction plans and specifications, survey, geotechnical, and environmental subconsultant services, and securing permits. We appreciate the opportunity to work with City of Orange City staff. If you have any questions concerning this proposal, please give us a call. Sincerely, SMW GeoSciences, Inc. Sarah M. Whitaker, P. President 0 SMW C.&cSc'er ce1 1r.c Page 2 of 2 City of Orange City Proposal : Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements December 10,2015 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Final Design and Permitting Services Principal Officer's Title December 10, 2015 Date Proposal is hereby accepted and authorization to proceed is hereby given. (Please return one executed copy of this proposal for our SMW GeoSciences, Inc. records). Authorized Signature Officer's Title Date 300 South Carpenter AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK • SMW GeoSciences, Inc. Exhibit 11A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE 300 SOUTH CARPENTER AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to design the proposed drainage conveyance improvements to 300 South Carpenter Avenue, obtain a no-permit required determination from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), and prepare bid documents (construction plans, bid schedule, specifications and engineers' opinion of construction costs) in order for the City to implement the reference drainage improvements. Based on our discussions and our understanding of this project, the following tasks are recommended: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES: SMW GeoSciences, Inc. (Consultant), and their subconsultants, shall provide the following professional engineering services: Task 1: Kick-off Meeting Prepare for and conduct a project kick-off meeting with City staff and the project team to discuss the conceptual design for the proposed drainage improvements, the outfall location and design, and whether SJRWMD permitting may be required. Meeting minutes will be prepared and provided to the City. Task 2: Data Collection The City has provided partial survey data of the area with the Part A - Carpenter Avenue Water Main Replacement construction plans. Additional survey will be required for final design of the drainage improvements on Carpenter Avenue. As a subconsultant to SMW, Southeastern Survey and mapping will conduct necessary surveys (topographic survey and limited survey of existing drainage structures) for the development for construction plans for the Carpenter Avenue drainage improvements project. See Attachment C for the survey scope of services and cost opinion. The survey will be used as the base map for the drainage improvement construction plans. The survey subconsultant shall supply SMW with AutoCAD survey drawings/base maps depicting existing topographic features. Signed/sealed copies of the survey will provided to the City and SMW. Additionally, as a subconsultant, Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants (GEC) will perform subsurface investigations (five (5) borings) for this project and provide a geotechnical report summarizing findings. See Attachment C for the geotechnical scope of services and cost opinion. This task includes time associated with the coordination with subconsultants for data collection . Task 3: Estimate Peak Runoff Rates and Hydraulic Grade Line SMW will prepare for and conduct detailed field reviews to delineate the contributing drainage subbasin areas, land uses, and locate construction constraints associated with the drainage improvements. An existing stormwater condition model of the project area at 300 South Carpenter Exhibit A Page 1 of 4 City of Orange City Proposal: Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Exhibit A December 10, 2015 Avenue will be prepared using ICPR to simulate existing stormwater stages, peak runoff rates and the hydraulic grade line. Task 4: Design Plans A conceptual layout of drainage improvements for the 300 South Carpenter Avenue project has already been prepared . This conceptual plan will be reviewed and updated using the existing condition model results prepared in Task 3. A proposed condition model will be prepared to ensure that upstream and downstream flooding do not occur as a result of the proposed drainage improvements, and a meeting will be held with the City and project team to discuss the results of hydraulic modeling and the updated conceptual layout to incorporate City comments at the early stages of design . Utility coordination will be performed to verify and confirm the existence of underground utilities in the vicinity of the proposed drainage improvements. Construction plan sheets will be prepared including cover sheet (1 sheet), general notes and quantity sheet (up to 3 sheets), survey sheet and site layout sheet (2 sheets), plan and profile sheets (up to 2 sheets), and detail sheets (3 sheets). Two sets of printed construction plans will be submitted to the City at the 45%, 90% and final plans preparation . A meeting will be held with the City at each level of completion to incorporate City comments and an electronic set of construction plans will be provided at the final level of completion. Task 5: SJRWMD ERP Permit Application It appears that stormwater runoff from the project area currently flows to Marshall Pond. The discharge from the proposed stormwater runoff collections will also discharge to Marshall Pond. Since no wetland impacts are anticipated, a SJRWMD ERP is not anticipated for the project. However, a "No Permit Required Determination" letter will be submitted to the District for their concurrence. Task 6: NPDES Permit A NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) application will be submitted to the FOEP in the event that construction activities will disturb more than one acre of land. Task 7: Cost Estimate An engineer's opinion of construction costs for the project will be prepared and submitted to the City at completion of the 90% plans with the City recognizing that SMW GeoSciences has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment; the contractor's methods of determining bid prices; or competitive bidding or market conditions. Cost estimates will show quantity breakdowns of items in accordance to the FOOT numbering system. Task 8: Presentation to City Council If required by the City, a presentation will be made to City Council outlining the proposed drainage improvements on Carpenter Avenue. Task 9: Construction Phase Services The following services will be provided for the construction phase of this project: • Assist with preparation of the construction bid scope and specifications. • Prepare for and attend the pre-bid meeting to discuss project and answer technical questions. • Attend one pre-construction meeting to resolve technical issues and answer questions. 0 SMW <.>~ '.o.;r .-; '"' Exhibit A Page 2 of 4 City of Orange City Proposal: Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Exhibit A December 10,2015 • Review shop drawing submittals for conformance with final construction plans and specifications. • Respond to Requests for Information (RFis) during the course of construction in the event that further interpretation of the construction documents is required. • Perform site visits to observe significant construction activities, as requested by City. • Accompany City staff during the final completion inspection for the project. GENERAL The Consultant will adhere to the following procedures throughout the course of the contract. 1. Ninety percent (90%) and one hundred percent (100%) complete construction plans shall be furnished to the City of Orange City for review and approval prior to final plans submittal. Upon final review and approval, the Consultant shall submit twenty (20) signed and sealed sets of the final construction plans to the City of Orange City for bid purposes. 2. Final construction cost estimates shall show quantity breakdowns of all items following the FOOT numbering system. 3. Digital copies of all construction plans, calculations, reports, and other work products shall be provided to the City of Orange City at the conclusion of the contract. The following conditions and assumptions are noted as qualifications to this proposal. 1. The Consultant shall prepare and submit a separate scope of work and proposal to pursue and secure potential grants. 2. The Consultant shall prepare and submit a separate scope of work and fee proposal for limited post-design I construction administration services (e.g., review and process shop drawings, conduct site inspections, prepare and submit the SJRWMD as-built permit certification). 3. In general terms, this scope of work has assumed that the City of Orange City will be successful in negotiating and securing the easements, if needed, to install the proposed improvements. 4. For the purpose of this proposal, it is assumed that a Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan will not be part of the construction plans but will be prepared (if required) by the contractor and submitted to the City prior to construction . 5. This scope of work has assumed no permitting with the FDEP associated with relocation of any existing water and/or wastewater utilities within the limits of the proposed construction . 6. Construction plans will be prepared for the City of Orange City and will not be required to comply with FOOT's Plan Preparation Manual. 7. The Contractor shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and prepare and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 City of Orange City Proposal: Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Exhibit A December 10, 2015 8. Permit application fees are not included and will be provided by the City of Orange City. Schedule Upon Notice to Proceed by the City, the survey scope will be prepared. Upon receipt of the survey, the modeling and conceptual layout will be prepared and submitted to the City and a meeting with the City will be scheduled. We anticipate preparation of the conceptual plans will take 6 weeks and completion of 100% construction plans, estimate of construction costs and verification that SJRWMD permitting is not required, will take 5 months from receipt of the survey. Exhibit A Page 4 of 4 City of O range City Proposal: Carpenter Avenue D rainage Improvements Exhibit A December 10, 201 5 300 South Carpenter Avenue DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "B'' Manhour and Fee Estimate • SMW GeoSciences, Inc. EXHIBITB Professional Services Cost by Task and Personnel City of Orange City- 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Task Description QA/QC $150.00 Task 1 Task2 Kick-Off Meeting Data Collection Proiect Coordination & Data Review Project Manager Professional Engineer Staff Engineer $150.00 4 $ $ 125.00 4 90.00 CADD/ GIS s 65.00 Administrative s 55.00 8 2 12 3 $ 1,930.00 $ $ 1 245.00 $ 4 200.00 $11 016.00 3 $ 5355.00 24 18 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 3 2 2 2 $ 1 615.00 $ 892.50 $ 2 377.50 $ 1 960.00 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ 27 s72 266.00 Slroey Geoleclvllcal Ewluation Computer Model of Peak Runoff Task3 Rates and Hydraulic Grade Line Task 4 Design Plans Conceptual Layout Meetina \\lth Cltv Staff Ull tv Coordination 45% Plans and Meetina v.ith Cltv 90% Plans and Meeting v.ith City Final Plans and Meetill!l v.ith Cltv SJRWMD 'No Permit TaskS Determination' TaskS NPDES Permit Task 7 Cost Estimate Task S Presentation to City Council Task9 Construction Phase Services Prepare construction bid scope and a specification b Attend ore-bid meetina c Attend or~Konstruction meeting d Review shoo drav.ill!l sl.br1ttals e Respond lo RFis f Construction site -.isits (as needed) Subtotal 15 21 15 5 5 30 30 5 5 5 5 15 8 5 3 8 3 2 2 2 2 2 24 30 24 12 9 18 4 3 4 4 6 54 18 2 5 5 24 18 48 13 124 33 Total Cost 258 153 - 5 575.00 1 375.00 2 550.00 9300.00 5935.00 4 090.00 2 030.00 625.00 625.00 3000.00 2250.00 4 320.00 Reimbursable EXD8nses $ $ Plans Reoroduction (See Table Below) Mleage@ 57.5 centslrrile I Subtotal! 574.60 800.00 $ 1 374.60 TOTAL $73 640.60 Reimbursable s ummarv Item 1 2 3 Item DeiCfiption BNI Phcloc~ 8-1n X 11 BNI-~ 1 1X17 AEC Bond 2~ X36 Po&1ogo <>..rrlvhl "' doiMWy 1 .at • 11 sheets Total Relmburuble 4 0 SMW C-r,cSccncc; nc Unit Co• $0.10 Quantity $0.20 51.50 $30.00 ltem C~ NotujRemarksl 88 288 s s s 5.00 17.60 2 sots for concoptuol, ~5%, 90%, 100 (1 sot = 11 st.ets) 432.00 2sets each for conceptual, ~%. 90%. 100%. plus 10tidsets (1 set •1 1 4 $ 120.00 s 57~.60 100 Exhibit B Page 1 of 1 I City of Orange City Proposal: Carpenter Avenue DrainagP. Im provements Exhibit B December 10, 2015 300 South Carpenter AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "C" Cost of Labor and Expenses -o- SMW GeoSciences, Inc. EXHIBIT C Cost of Labor and Expenses for each Task City of Orange City- 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Description Task 1 Kick-Off Meeting TOTAL TASK 1 Labor $1,930.00 $1,930.00 2 2 Data Collection Project Coordination & Data Re\lew 2 Sur.ey 2 Geotechnical Ewluatlon TOTAL TASK 2 3 Expenses $85.10 $85.10 Total $2,01 5.10 $4,200.00 $11,016.00 $15,216.00 $1,245.00 $4,200.00 $11.016.00 $16,461 .00 $1 ,245.00 $1 ,245.00 Computer Model of Peak Runoff Rates and Hydraulic Grade Line TOTAL TASK 3 $5,355.00 $5,355.00 4 Design Plans Conceptual Layout 4 Meeting with City Staff 4 4 Utility Coordination 4 45% Plans and Meeting with City 4 90% Plans and Meeting with City 4 Final Plans and Meeting with City TOTAL TASK4 $5,575.00 $1 ,375.00 $2,550.00 $9.300.00 $5,935.00 $4,090.00 $28,825.00 $5,355.00 $5,355.00 $5,718.65 $1 ,460.10 $2,550.00 $9,528.75 $6,163.75 $4,318.75 $29,740.00 $143.65 $85.10 $228.75 $228.75 $228.75 $915.00 SJRWMD 'No Permit Determination' 5 TOTAL TASK 5 I I $1,615.00 $1,615.00 I $1,615.00 $1,615.00 6 INPDES Permit TOTAL TASKS I I $892.50 $892.50 I I $892.50 $892.50 7 Cost Estimate TOTAL TASK 7 $2,377.50 $2, 377.50 I I 8 !Presentation to City Council TOTAL TASK 8 I I $1,960.00 $1,960.00 9 Construction Phase Services 9 Prepare construction bid scope and specification Attend pre-bid meeting 9 9 Attend pre-construction meeting Reliew shop drawing submittals 9 Respond to RFis 9 Construction site lisits (as needed) 9 TOTAL TASK 9 TOTAL C SMW Gec:.c•E'nce· lflc I r I $2,377.50 $2,377.50 I I $2,045.10 $2,045.10 I $85.10 $85.10 $2,030.00 $625.00 $625.00 $3,000.00 $2,250.00 $4,320.00 $12,850.00 $204.30 $289.40 $2,030.00 $667.55 $667.55 $3,000.00 $2,250.00 $4,524.30 $13,139.40 $57,050.00 $16,590.60 $73,640.60 Exhibit C Page 1 of 1 $42.55 $42.55 City of Orange City Proposal: Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements Exhibit C December 10, 201 5 300 South Carpenter AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "D" Subconsultant Fee Proposal -o- SMW GeoSciences. Inc. Land SuNeying & Mapping Services • Sub-Surface Utility Designation & Location SeNices • Geographic Information Systems • GPS Asset Inventories December 09,2015 VIA EMAIL: [email protected] Mr. Benjamin Stonnont, P.O. Project Manager SMW GeoSciences, Inc. 668 N. Orlando Avenue, Suite 1009A Maitland, FL 32751 RE: Carpenter Avenue- Design Level Survey Section 10, Township 18 South, Range 30 East, Volusia County, Orange City, Florida Dear Mr. Stormont, We are pleased to submit our proposal for Surveying and Utility Services on the above referenced project. TASK I- SCOPE OF WORK: Provide Surveying Services in accordance with Chapter 5J- I 7 F.A.C. to include the following: Project Limits: • • Carpenter Avenue- from the north side of Dixon Street intersection south to 100 feet south of Harrison Avenue. Brightwood Avenue extended east from Carpenter Avenue 250 feet east. Topographic survey will extend 40 feet left and right of protracted Brightwood Avenue centerline. I. Establish the location of the apparent right-of-way line. 2. Locate all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by the designated utility company representative and SSMC Utility Division crew, to include pavement, drives, adjacent roads to return radius. 3. Locate trees over 6-inch in diameter. 4. Establish a minimum of two (2) site benchmarks relative to Florida State Plane Coordinates System. Vertical datum will be relative to NA VD' 88. 5. Topographic limits will be as stated above, right-of-way to right-of-way. The final product will be four (4) certified prints and an electronic file of same. 6500 All American Blvd Orlando. FL 32810 407.292.8580 407.292.0141 Fax 1130 Highway 90 Chipley, FL 32428 850.638.0790 850.638.8069 Fax Cypress Business Center 8301 Cypress Plaza Drive, Suite 104, Jacksonville, FL 32256 9041.737.5990 9041.737.5995 Fax 119 West Main Street Tavares, FL 32778 352.343.4880 352.343.4914 Fax 1o East Lake Street Kissimmee, FL 34744 407.944.4880 407.944.04124 Fax University Corporate Park 10770 North 46" Street Suite C-300 Tampa, FL 33617 813.898.2711 813.898.2712 Fax Licenses: PSM: Florida Professional Surveyor & Mapper • PLS: Alabama Professional Land Surveyor • RLS: Geotgia Ragistered Land Surveyor • PE: Professional Engineer Certlfic<llions: Et: Engineering lntem • GISP: Geographic Information Systems Professional • CST: Certified Survey Technician Page 2 Mr. Benjamin Stormont, P.G. Carpenter A venue - Design Level Survey and Uti! ity - Orange City. FL December 09,2015 TASK II- SCOPE OF WORK: Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification 1. Horizontally locate and field mark (paint & flags) all public subsurface utility mains found excluding service lines, gravity sewer lines and irrigation within the project limits described in Task I above. 2. Coordinate Sunshine 811 and utility locates to include supplemental calls to each locator to expedite the field marking of each subsurface utility as required by Jaw. 3. Expose the subject utilities by using nondestructive vacuum excavation methods at up to five (5) specific locations indicated on plan sheet provided or marked by client in the field. 4. Confirm/determine the vertical and horizontal position of the subject utilities and record the information, using the locate marks provided by the utility owners and/or their representatives unless otherwise specifically requested by client. 5. Any asphalt/concrete removed will be repaired using like materials. 6. Tie each test hole location to a minimum of three visible physical features to enable this data to be added to your base map and also enable future recovery. The final product will be a field drafted plan sheet or utility designation field sketch as well as test hole report/sketch of the project area reflecting all pertinent data for your use. Terms and Conditions It is understood that the construction contractor is responsible to abide by Sunshine 811, Florida State Statutes Chapter 556.106 and all applicable Jaws, and regulations that pertain to the services provided. SMW GeoSciences, Inc. will make available all plans and utility records that have been obtained for this site. However, the information provided by SMW GeoSciences, Inc. is also dependent upon a Sunshine 811 request for utility owners and/or their representatives to mark their buried underground plant at the project site as required by law. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSM C) has a right to rely on the accuracy of such plans and utility records and will notify SMW GeoSciences, Inc. if there are any patently or reasonably identifiable defects in the documents. SMW GeoSciences, Inc. is aware that due to the inherent uncertain nature of subsurface utilities, including but not limited to deficient or misrepresentation of prints, SSMC cannot guarantee that all subsurface utility lines will be accounted for. SSMC will ensure that all reasonable efforts are made to identify the location of said underground utilities and provide the best available information within the project area with the use of Ground Penetrating Radar, Electronic Line Locating Equipment and Vacuum Excavation methods, as needed. Additional research will only be conducted by SSMC if requested in writing by SMW GeoSciences, Inc. In accordance with the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, the Design Engineer shall perform sufficient Utility Coordination with the Utility providers in this location to affirm the information from SSMC's efforts and confirm that no other subsurface utility is possibly undetected by these efforts. SSMC will certify that the surface designation is within two (2) feet of the true underground position of the utility relative to the mark as shown on the surface in accordance with the plans provided and the reasonable efforts conducted to locate the utilities as outlined above. 1:\proposal\carpenter ave-design level (volusia)survcy & utility_ smw geosc1ences.doc Page 3 Mr. Benjamin Stonnont, P.G. Carpenter Avenue - Design Level Survey and Utility- Orange City. FL December 09, 2015 SSMC shall not be held liable for any latent or unreasonably discoverable utilities in the project area. Furthennore in the event of 8 claim regarding the services provided in the proposal, SSMC shall have liability for reasonable and necessary defense costs to the extent caused by SSMC's negligence. If SSMC is required to obtain pennits to perfonn the service provided, these charges will also be additional and reflected on our invoice to you. Note: In the event that Test Holes require 8 depth greater than ten (I 0) feet, or require a substantial amount of increased effort (sleeving, shoring, de-watering, etc.), then said Test Holes may need to be negotiated separately on a case by case basis if nonnal vacuum excavation practices do not allow said utilities to be exposed. Note: All utility sizes given are outside diameter unless otherwise specified and are approximate only due to uncontrollable field conditions that may be encountered during excavation. Note: Any additional overlaying or restoration of pavement, other than the replacement of materials removed and cold patched, will be the responsibility of SMW GeoSciences, Inc. Our fee for this project will be as follows: Task I - Surveying Services: $4,200.00 Task II Subsurface Utility Designation: $4,584.00 Test Holes/Day Rate: $372.00 Dirt/Each (anticipateS) $425.00 Asphalt/Concrete/Each (anticipate 0) $1,860.00 M.O.T. CSSMC) (If Required) $372.00 per Lane Closure/Day Rate $558.00 per Lane Closure/Night Rate Permitting: (If Required) $91.00 per hour+ cost ofpennit We anticipate completion of the above referenced work within three (3) weeks after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, James M. Dunn, II, PSM Project Manager cc: [email protected] [email protected] JMD:gac t:\proposal\carpenter ave-design level (volusia)survcy & utility_smw geosciences.doc Page4 Mr. Benjamin Stormont, P.G. Carpenter Avenue - Design Level Survey and Utility- Orange City, FL December 09,2015 If the above scope, period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval, please execute below and fax to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) as notice to proceed along with the notice of commencement. If your firm prefers your own standard PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT in lieu ofthis proposal letter, this document MUST BE furnished to SSMC, negotiated, and executed prior to the commencement of any service. Send all Agreements to: Orlando Corporate Office 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, FL 32810. Fax: 407-292-014 1 Email : [email protected] Your firm agrees that by (I) signing and returning this Proposal, or (2) partial or complete performance under this Proposal and SSMC has not received, negotiated and/or executed a PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, then it is agreed that THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS PROPOSAL SHALL GOVERN THE SERVICES RENDERED. Furthermore, if requested, your firm acknowledges that by accepting this Proposal, SSMC will provide your firm with an insurance certificate that (I) contains the project name and (2) lists your firm as the certificate holder. The person executing this document must indicate that he/she is a Principal and/or Corporate Officer. If the signatory is not a Principal and/or Corporate Officer, a Letter of Authorization on company letterhead signed by a Principal and/or Corporate Officer, MUST be provided that specifically states that signatory bas the authority to bind the parties by entering into this agreement. ACCEPTED BY: I Principal/ or Corporate Officer TITLE Printed Name t:\proposallcarpenter ave-design level (volusia)survey & utility_smw geosciences.doc Date P-229321 November 19, 2015 (Revised December 10, 2015) Mr. Ken Hooper Interim City Manager City of Orange City 205 East Graves Avenue Orange City, Florida 32763 Re: Blue Springs Nutrient Reduction Project- Phase II East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements Subj: Final Design and Permitting Services Dear Ken: Per your request, please find enclosed two (2) revised copies of the following documents for your review and approval for the above referenced project: • Exhibit "A" (Scope of Work); • Exhibit "B" (Manhour and Fee Estimate); • Exhibit "C" (Estimate of Reimbursable Expenses); • Exhibit "D" (Subconsultant Fee Proposals); and • Exhibit "E" (Supporting Documentation). On August 25, 2015, the City Council approved, via a Special Public Hearing, the stormwate r assessment resolution in order to fund the City's stormwater capital projects, as well as ongoing maintenance responsibilities . In addition, via public stormwater workshops, City Council approved the recommended Stormwater Capital Improvement Program. Based on the final Stormwater Capital Improvement Program, the following projects were selected as the City's top priority for the first 3-year debt service cycle: 0 East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements 8 300 South Carpenter Avenue Drainage Improvements 30 I \',·r~.r Src;le F:oac ,13·1. Suitt 209. \11 ·r;ter S!Jr'n~s. Fi 3/708 • 107 \·~~·.~·•. f-!:ta!::l.:se ~~ ,L.c... '1b ntt 9~/ S160 • Fox 1(, 7 358 5155 Mr. Ken Hooper November 19, 2015 (Revised December 10, 2015) Page 2 It should be noted that the East Graves Avenue project actually encompasses the following four (4) known drainage problem areas: ~ North Holly Avenue, between East University Avenue and East Graves Avenue (chronic flooding in the vicinity of the Police Station) ~ 220 South Orange Avenue, between East Graves Avenue and Lakeview Avenue (localized roadway flooding and yard flooding) ~ Fireman's Alley, between North Thorpe Avenue and North Oak Avenue (localized flooding of alley and adjacent parcels) ~ Volusia County Baptist Church (localized flooding due to the Graves Avenue swales overtopping) The following table provides a summary of the major tasks and corresponding fees associated with the final design and permitting services for the East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements. Task Description Task Fees TASK 1- Subconsultant Coordination $7,935.00 TASK 2- Design, Analysis and Report $34,810.00 TASK 3- Prepare Bid Documents (Construction Plans, Specs, Bid Schedule, and Cost Estimate) $102,635.00 TASK 4- Permitting $15,005.00 TASK 5- Meetings, Presentations, and Project Administration $19,545.00 Breakdown in Fees (1) Total Labor Costs (Pegasus Engineering) $179,930.00 (2) Reimbursable Expenses $4,000.00 (3) Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. $34,698.00 (4) Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. $10,500.00 (5) GEC (Phase I ESA) $4,500.00 (6) Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc. (Allowance) $2,500.00 TOTAL FEES $236,128.00 Mr. Ken Hooper November 19, 2015 (Revised December 10, 2015) Page 3 Lastly, with respect to the project schedule, the survey and geotechnical services will be initiated upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed by the City. Upon receipt of the survey drawings and the geotechnical report, Pegasus Engineering shall proceed with modeling and conceptual layout which will then be submitted to the City for review and approval. Upon approval of the conceptual layout, Pegasus Engineering shall prepare the bid documents (construction plans, supplemental specifications, bid schedule and the engineers cost estimate) and secure all required permits. We envision that the project will be completed within ten (10) months. The total fees associated with the final design and permitting services is $236,128.00, which is approximately 12.4% of the estimated $2,000,000.00 construction costs. It should be noted that the professional services will encompass hydraulic modeling, preparation of construction plans and specifications, survey, geotechnical, and environmental subconsultant services, and securing permits. We look forward to the opportunity to continue serving Orange City on this important project. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 407-992-9160, extension 309, or by e-ma il at [email protected]. Sincerely, Davi • ·mcipal I Project Manager Mr. Ken Hooper November 19, 2015 (Revised December 10, 2015) Page4 East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements Final Design and Permitting Services Approved for Pegasus Engineering, LLC ~~c{ Fursan Munjed, P.E. Principal December 10, 2015 Officer's Title Date Proposal is hereby accepted and authorization to proceed is hereby given. (Please return one executed copy of this proposal for our Pegasus Engineering records) . Authorized Signature Officer's Title Date BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK 11 EXHIBIT A 11 SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS OBJECTIVE: The City of Orange City has requested that Pegasus Engineering, under their current continuing consulting engineering services contract, prepare a scope of work and fee estimate to provide final design services to implement the East Graves Avenue drainage improvements. More specifically, the City of Orange City proposes the implementation of a drainage improvement program that will consist of the following elements (refer to Exhibit 1): 1. Install drainage conveyance systems within North Holly Avenue, Fireman' s Alley, East Graves Avenue, North Oak Avenue, South Orange Avenue, South Holly Avenue, and East Rose Avenue (approximately 5,500 linear feet); 2. Relocate and/or upgrade existing utilities within the impacted right s-of-way due to potential conflicts with the proposed drainage improvements (e.g., water lines); 3. Install two (2) stormwater ponds, control structures, upflow filter systems, and outfall pipes to Mill Lake to provide water quality treatment for the contributing drainage areas; 4. Coordinate with City staff and their acquisition consultant (Debra Babb-Hutcher) to acquire two {2) parcels adjacent to the South Orange Avenue east right-of-way, north of Lakeview Drive and south of East Graves Avenue, in order to construct a stormwater pond; and 5. Coordinate with City staff and their acquisition consultant {Debra Babb-Hutcher) to acquire one (1) parcel south of the East Rose Avenue right-of-way, east of South Oak Avenue, in order to construct a stormwater pond. The objective of this assignment is to design the proposed drainage conveyance improvements; secure permits from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and Volusia County; and to prepare bid documents (construction plans, bid schedule, specifications, and the engineers cost estimate) in order to implement the proposed East Graves Avenue drainage improvements. A-1 P-22932l.sco EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES: Pegasus Engineering, LLC (Consultant), and their subconsultants, shall provide the following engineering services enumerated below: 1. Prepare for and conduct a project kick-off meeting with Orange City staff, Volusia County, and the project team to discuss the proposed drainage conveyance improvements and to discuss the proposed stormwater ponds to be constructed along the South Orange Avenue east right-ofway, and the East Rose Avenue south right-of-way. The Consultant shall prepare meeting minutes. 2. Conceptually design (prepare 30% conceptual plans) the proposed drainage improvements prior to the topographic survey and subsurface investigation taking into account the depth of pipes, potential utility conflicts, right-of-way impacts, road closures, and construction costs. 3. Prepare for and conduct detailed field reviews to establish the contributing drainage sub-basin areas, land uses, and construction constraints (e.g., historic trees, power poles, etc.) associated with the proposed improvements, as well as the existing East Graves Avenue drainage system located east of South Orange Avenue. 4. Establish the drainage sub-basin areas and parameters (weighted runoff coefficients and times of concentration) in order to estimate the peak runoff rates based on the Rational Method. In addition, perform hydraulic grade line (HGL) analysis of the existing and proposed storm sewer systems. The Consultant shall either use Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 or Automated Storm Sewer Analysis and Design (ASAD)1 Version 3, to perform the HGL analysis. 5. Perform an existing conditions pollutant loading analysis utilizing the BMPTRAINS Stormwater Best Management Practices Analysis Model (Version 5) developed by the University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy (SMA). The Consultant shall determine the drainage sub-basin areas, land use breakdown, directly connected impervious area (DCIA), and weighted non-DCIA curve numbers. The purpose of the pollutant loading analysis is to estimate the approximate annual loads of Total Phosphorus (kg/year) contributed to Mill Lake by the project area. In addition, perform a proposed conditions pollutant loading analysis to estimate the anticipated reduction in phosphorous associated with the implementation of the proposed stormwater ponds and upflow filter systems. A-2 P-22932l.sco EXHIBIT"A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 6. Prepare for and conduct a status meeting with Orange City staff, Volusia County, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to discuss the results of the hydraulic analysis and the proposed limits and scope of the drainage conveyance and water quality improvements. The Consultant shall prepare meeting minutes. 7. Prepare for and conduct a SJRWMD permit pre-application meeting to discuss the proposed improvements. The Consultant shall prepare meeting minutes. 8. Prepare a technical memorandum to document the hydraulic analysis, the pollutant loading analysis, and the design of the proposed stormwater ponds. The technical memorandum shall also contain supporting computations, figures, and exhibits. 9. For the proposed improvements, the Consultant shall prepare an engineer's preliminary cost estimate (itemized by project location). The total project cost will include anticipated design fees, construction costs, and easement acquisition (if needed). 10. Prepare and issue notice-to-proceed letters and subconsultant agreements to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. (SSMC), Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants (GEC), and Bio-Tech Consulting. 11. Conduct one {1) presentation to the City Council prior to preparing the 90% construction plans. 12. As a subconsultant to Pegasus Engineering, Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corporation {SSMC) will conduct the necessary surveys for the development of the construction plans. More specifically, the following services are anticipated to be performed by the survey subconsultant (refer to Exhibit "D"): a. Topographic I location survey of the following areas : • Topographic survey of North Holly Avenue, between East University Avenue and East Graves Avenue (approximately 600 linear feet); • Topographic survey of Fireman's Alley, between North Oak Avenue and the southwest corner of the Orange City United Methodist Church (approximately 200 linear feet); • Topographic survey of North Oak Avenue, between Fireman's Alley and East Graves Avenue (approximately 200 linear feet); A-3 P-229321.sco EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS • Topographic survey of East Graves Avenue, between South Holly Avenue and South Orange Avenue (approximately 1,650 linear feet); • Topographic survey of South Orange Avenue, between East Graves Avenue and Lakeview Drive (approximately 1,150 linear feet); • Topographic survey of South Holly Avenue, between East Graves Avenue and East Rose Avenue (approximately 850 linear feet); • Topographic survey of East Rose Avenue, between South Holly Avenue and Mill Lake (approximately 850 linear feet); • Boundary and topographic survey of 350 and 360 South Orange Avenue (proposed pond site); and • Boundary and topographic survey of 370 East Rose Avenue (proposed pond site). b. Limited survey of the existing East Graves Avenue storm sewer system (pipe diameters, invert elevations, pipe materials, top of grate elevations, pipe lengths) between South Orange Avenue and South Ada Avenue. c. Establish a recoverable baseline of survey I construction within the project limits to use as a horizontal reference for the preparation of construction plans. d. Coordinate with all utility companies and locate all known underground and above ground existing utilities within the vicinity of the proposed improvements utilizing ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology. e. Prepare utility designation drawings based on GPR technology for the North Holly Avenue, Fireman's Alley, North Oak Avenue, East Graves Avenue, South Orange Avenue, South Holly Avenue, and East Rose Avenue rights-of-way. f. Perform twenty (20) utility test holes I soft digs. g. Prepare two (2) easement documents. A-4 P-229321.sco EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The survey subconsultant shall supply the Consultant with AutoCAD survey drawings I base maps depicting the existing topographic features. The survey subconsultant shall also provide the Consultant and the City with signed and sealed copies of all final work products (including the utility designation drawings and the utility test hole reports). 13. Conduct a detailed field review to confirm the content and accuracy of the survey drawings, as well as identifying site constraints, and issue sufficiency comments to SSMC. 14. Coordinate with the various utility entities in order to verify I confirm the existence of underground utilities in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. The Consultant shall coordinate directly with Orange City, Volusia County Water Resources and Utilities Division, and Sunshine State One-Call of Florida, Inc. (SSOCOF) to confirm drinking water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water lines within the North Holly Avenue, Fireman's Alley, North Oak Avenue, East Graves Avenue, South Orange Avenue, South Holly Avenue, and East Rose Avenue rights-of-way. It should be noted that based on Design Ticket Nos. 271512087, 271511903, and 271512149 from SSOCOF, the rights-of-way encompass utilities associated with Duke Energy (fka Progress Energy), Florida Public Utilities, Bright House Networks, Level 3 Communications, Orange City Utilities, AT&T Distribution, Centurylink, and Vol usia County Water and Utility Service. It should be pointed out that there are existing water mains within the East Graves Avenue, North Holly Avenue, South Holly Avenue, East Oak Avenue, and the South Orange Avenue rights-of-way. 15. Conduct two (2) on-site coordination meetings with Orange City staff and Volusia County to discuss the proposed improvements, as well as maintenance of traffic issues. 16. As a subconsultant to Pegasus Engineering, Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants (GEC) will conduct a subsurface investigation within the corridor of the proposed drainage conveyance and pond improvements and prepare a geotechnical report summarizing their findings. In addition, GEC will perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the three (3) parcels associated with the pond sites in support of residential demolition. 17. Prepare all construction plans necessary to form a complete and single bid package ready to award for construction . All design parameters, surveys, and construction plans shall be submitted in English Standard units. At a minimum, it is anticipated that the preparation of 90% construction drawings for the proposed improvements will include the following forty-five (45) sheets: • Title Sheet (1 sheet) • General Notes (1 sheet) A-5 P-22932l.sco EXHIBIT 11 A11 SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS • Overall Site Plan (1 sheet) • Drainage Map (1 sheet) • Demolition Plan {1 sheet) • Plan and Profile for East Graves Avenue {3 sheets) • Plan and Profile for Firemans Alley (1 sheet) • Plan and Profile for North Holly Avenue {1 sheet) • Plan and Profile for South Orange Avenue (2 sheets) • Plan and Profile for North Oak Avenue (1 sheet) • Plan and Profile for South Holly Avenue (2 sheets) • Plan and Profile for East Rose Avenue {2 sheets) • Utility Adjustments {4 sheets) • Grading Site Plan for the Stormwater Ponds {2 sheets) • Cross-Sections for the Stormwater Ponds {2 sheets) • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan {5 sheets) • Miscellaneous Details {3 sheets) • Survey Drawings (12 sheets) It should be noted that the full-size construction plans will be prepared in 22 " x 34" format which will allow 11" x 17" half-size plans. A-6 P-22932l.sco EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 18. As a subconsultant to Pegasus Engineering, Bio-Tech Consulting shall assist with the surface water I wetland related sections of Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application. 19. Prepare a revised engineer's construction cost estimate for the proposed improvements based on the 90% construction plans. Statements of probable construction costs and detailed cost estimates prepared by the Consultant will represent his/her best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry. 20. Conduct a meeting with Orange City and Volusia County staff to discuss the 90% review comments. 21. Prepare and submit a SJRWMD Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application to the Maitland Service Center. The Consultant is also responsible for responding to all reasonable "requests for additional information" (RAI) letters from the WMD in order to acquire the ERP. The Consultant shall be responsible for addressing all technical issues. 22. Prepare and submit a Right-Of-Way Utilization Permit to Volusia County. The Consultant is also responsible for responding to all reasonable "requests for additional information " (RAI) letters from Vol usia County in order to acquire the necessary permit. 23. Prepare and submit 100% construction plans based on the 90% review comments. 24. Coordinate with Earthworks Professional Estimating Service to establish the final cut and fill quantities based on the 100% construction plans. 25. The Consultant will coordinate with City staff to prepare a project manual document and bid schedule to support the construction plans. The Consultant will prepare additional technical information (if required) to supplement the standard specifications. 26. Conduct a meeting with Orange City and Volusia County staff to discuss the 100% review comments. 27. Prepare and submit "final" bid documents (construction plans, supplemental specifications, bid schedule, and the engineer's construction cost estimate) to the City for review and approval. 28. Prepare for and attend the pre-bid meeting. A-7 P-22932l.sco 11 EXHIBIT A 11 SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL The Consultant will adhere to the following procedures throughout the course of the contract. 1. Ninety percent (90%) and one hundred percent (100%) complete construction plans shall be furnished to the City of Orange City (two (2) sets of plans) and Volusia County (two (2) sets of plans) for review and approval prior to final plans submittal. Upon final review and approval, the Consultant shall submit twenty (20) signed and sealed sets of the final construction plans to the City of Orange City for bid purposes. 2. Final construction cost estimates shall show quantity breakdowns of all items following the FOOT numbering system. 3. Digital copies of all construction plans, calculations, report, and other work products shall be provided to the City of Orange City at the conclusion of the contract. BASIS OF PROPOSAL/ ASSUMPTIONS: The following conditions and assumptions are noted as qualifications to this proposal. 1. The Consultant shall prepare and submit a separate scope of work and proposal to pursue and secure potential grants and/or apply for the State Revolving Loan Program. 2. The Consultant shall prepare and submit a separate scope of work and fee proposal for limited post-design I construction administration services (e.g., pre-construction meeting, review and process shop drawings, conduct site inspections, prepare and submit the SJRWMD as-built permit certification) . 3. In general terms, this scope of work has assumed that the City of Orange City will be successful in negotiating and securing the easements, if needed, to install the proposed improvements. 4. For the purpose of this proposal, it is assumed that a Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan will not be part of the construction plans but will be prepared (if required) by the contractor and submitted to the City prior to construction. 5. This scope of work has assumed no permitting with the FDEP associated with relocation of any existing water and/or wastewater utilities within the limits of the proposed construction . A-8 P-22932l.sco EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 6. Construction plans will be prepared for the City of Orange City and will not be required to comply with FOOT's Plan Preparation Manual. 7. The Contractor shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and prepare and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). 8. Permit application fees are not included and will be provided by the City of Orange City. A-9 P-22932l.sco BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT· PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "B" MANHOUR AND FEE ESTIMATE EXHIBIT " 81" MAN HOUR and FEE ESTIMATE for the EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Final Design and Permitting Services I Orange City Sr. Project Project Sr. Project AutoCAD / GIS Task Description Manaser Manacer Enslneer Technici an Assistant Task Task (Revised Date : December 8, 2015) (Hamstra, P.E.) (Staff) (Rodncuez, P.E.) (Btrtchead) (Villanueva) Hours Fees Standard Hourly Rates $175.00 $165.00 $155.00 $75.00 $65.00 Prepare for and Conduct a Project Kick-Off M eet ins w ith Or ange City, Vol usia Coun ty and the Project Team 4 6 2 12 $1,780.00 Prepare and Issue Meeting M inu t es 2 Prepare 30% Concept Plans 1 Administrative 1 3 $375.00 $6,885.00 24 40 65 Prepare for and Conduct Field Reviews t o Establish Drainage Sub-Basin Character istics (assume 2-days) 20 20 40 $4, 600.00 Establish Drainage Sub-Basin Parameters for the design of the St orm Sew er Systems 12 24 36 $3,660.00 Creat e the Hydraflow Input Data and perform the HGl Analysis for the Proposed St orm Sewer System 16 16 $2,480.00 Prepare Figures and Tables t o document the Proposed Conditions HGl Analysis 8 12 20 $2,140.00 Establish the Existing Conditions Drainage Sub-Basin BMPTRAI NS Paramet ers for Contributing Basins 16 32 48 $4, 880.00 $3,100.00 Perform an Existing Conditions Pollutant loading Analysis using BMPTRAINS 20 20 Perform a Proposed Condition s Pollutant l oading Analysis using BMPTRAINS 16 16 $2,480.00 12 $1, 780.00 Prepare for and Conduct a Coordination Meeting with Orange City, Vol usia County, and FOOT 4 6 4 6 Prepare and Issue Meeting Minut es Prepare for and Conduct a Pre-Application M eeting with the SJRWMD 2 2 Prepare and Issue Meet ing Minutes 1 2 8 40 1 3 $3 7S.OO 4 60 $8, 380.00 2 22 $3,090.00 22 $2,790.00 Finalize and Submit the Technical M emorandum with Supporting Computations, Figures, and Exhibits 2 16 2 Prepare a Preliminary Engineer's Cost Estimat e 2 12 8 Prepare and Issue Not ice t o Proceed l etters and Subconsultant Agr eements to SSMC, GEC and Bio-Tech 4 Prepare for and Conduct a Presen tation to the City Council prior to final design 4 2 Coordinate with SSMC regarding the Survey Services and Work Products Conduct a Field Review to check t he Content of the Survey Drawings $375.00 $1,780.00 8 2 Prepare and Submit the Draft Technical Memorandum for review by Orange City 3 12 6 $830.00 $2,940.00 8 4 4 20 1 8 2 11 $1,555.00 8 $1,240.00 8 Prepare and Issue Sufficiency Comments to SSMC 12 2 1 15 $2,075.00 Coordinate with Orange City, Volusia County, and Sunshine Stat e One-Call regarding Existing Utilities 12 4 8 24 $2,680.00 $2,640.00 8 16 Coordinate with GEC regard ing t he Subsurface Investigation 4 4 $620.00 Review the Geotechnical Report and Issue Review Comments 4 5 $685.00 Conduct Two (2) On-Site Coordinat ion M eetings with Orange City and Volusla County 8 1 Prepare and Submit 90% Constr uction Plans (45 sheets) --- - 3 $305.00 1 2 • General Notes (1 sheet) 2 2 4 $460.00 • OVerall Sit e Plan (1 sheet) 2 4 6 $610.00 • Title Sheet (1 sheet) • Drain age M ap (1 sheet) 2 8 10 $910.00 • Demolition Plan (1 sheet) 2 8 10 $910.00 • Plan and Profile (12 sheets) 96 144 240 $25,680.00 • Utility Adjustment Sheets (4 sheets) 32 48 80 $8,560.00 • Grading Site Plan for the Stormwater Ponds (2 sheets) 16 24 40 $4,280.00 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT " Bl" MAN HOUR and FEE ESTIMATE for the EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Final Design and Permitting Services I Orange City Sr. Proj~ct ProjKt Sr. Proj~ AutoCAD / GIS Task Description Manager Manager Enc•neer Techn1cian Assistant Task Task (Revised Date : Decemb~r 8, 20151 (Homstro, P.E.) (Staff) (Rodricuez, P.E.) (Birl<heod) (VIIIonuevo) Hours Fees St andard Hourly Rat~s $175.00 $165.00 $65.00 Administrative $155.00 $75.00 • Cross-Sections for the Stormwater Ponds (12 sheets) 8 16 24 $2,440.00 • Stormwiller Pollution Prevention Plan (5 sheets) 30 40 70 $7,650.00 • Miscellaneous Details (3 sheets) 24 24 4B $5.520.00 • Survey Drawings (12 sheets) to be prepared by SSMC 2 4 6 $610.00 Coordinate with Bio-Tech regarding the potential M ill lake environmental issues 6 4 6 $930.00 13 $1,705.00 1 8 8 $1,320.00 Prepare and Submit the ERP Application to the SJRWMD 4 16 12 4 36 $4,300.00 Prepare and Submit the Right-of-Way Utilization Permit t o Volusia County 2 12 8 4 26 $3,050.00 60 80 140 $15,300.00 $2,750.00 Prepare a Revised Engineer's Cost Estimate Conduct a Meeting with City and County Staff to discuss t he 90% Review Comments 4 4 Prepare and Submit 100% Construction Plans based on the 90% Review Comments Address RAI Comments from SJRWMD regarding the ERP Application 2 12 4 4 22 Address RAI Comments from Volusia County regarding the Right-of-Way Utilization Permit 2 12 4 4 22 $2,750.00 Prepare and Submit the Draft Bid Schedule and Technical Specifications 4 40 12 56 $7,640.00 8 $1,320.00 4 40 40 8 92 $10,380.00 2 2 1 Conduct a Meeting with City and County Staff to discuss the 100% Revi ew Comments 4 4 Prepare and Submit the Final Bid Documents Prepare and Submit a DVD containing a Digital Copy of all Work Products Prepare for and Attend the Pre-Bid Meeting 4 Project Administration (prepare Status Reports via Monthly Billings) 12 TOTAL HOURS TOTAL LABOR COSTS PERCENT BREAKDOWN 4 6 I $2,490.00 41 721 642 64 1,520 $6,765_00 $111,755.00 $48,150.00 $4,160.00 $179,930.00 5.1% 3.B% 62.1% 26.8% 2.3% 100.0% P~rcent Breakdown 76% (21 Reimbursable Expenses 2% (31 Southeastern Surveying and Mappi ng Corp. 15% (41 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4% (SJ GEC (Phase I ESAJ 2% (6) 8io-Tech Consulting, Inc. (Allowance) 1% TOTAL FEES Filenome : E: I WOftK FilES \ SPREADSHEfTS I PEGASUS PROPOSAlS I P·9321A.xlsx 1B 52 (11 Total labor Costs (Pegasus Engineer ing) -- Pegi!!M!! $525.00 $1,320.00 $9,100.00 l![eakdown In Fee1 ~ 5 8 l \1\\nl.l~ t Page 2 of 2 100% " l !ht ' ~ .110110110 ( nn ..lllh l l " ll ( ""h . . . z . . = S179,930.00 $179,930.00 $4,000.00 I $34,698.00 $10,SOO.OO $4,500.00 $2,500.00 $236,121-00 I~ ! I EXHIBIT "82" TASK and FEE SUMMARY for the EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Final Design and Permitting Services I Orange City Task Description Task Fees (Date : December 10, 2015) TASK 1 - Subconsultant Coordination TASK 2 - Design, Analysis and Report TASK 3 - Prepare Bid Documents (Construction Plans, Specs, Bid Schedule, and Cost Estimate) $7,935.00 $34,810.00 $102,635.00 TASK 4- Permitting $15,005.00 TASK 5 - Meetings, Presentations, and Project Administration $19,545.00 Breakdown in Fees {1) Total Labor Costs (Pegasus Engineering) {2) Reimbursable Expenses $179,930.00 $4,000.00 (3) Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. $34,698.00 (4) Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. $10,500.00 {5) GEC (Phase I ESA) $4,500.00 (6) Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc. (Allowance) $2,500.00 TOTAL FEES Filename: E: \WORK FILES\ SPREADSHEETS\ PEGASUS PROPOSALS\ P·9321B.xlsx $236,128.00 BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT· PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "C" ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES EXHIBIT "C" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Black and White Copies (10C/Page) • Project Memorandums, Meeting Minutes, Permit Submittals, and Miscellaneous Correspondence: (assume 3,000 Pages) • Total Copies= (3,000) x $0.10/Page = $300.00 2. Color Copies ($1.00/Page) • Project Memorandums, Meeting Minutes, Permit Submittals, and Miscellaneous Correspondence: (assume 500 Pages) • Total Copies = (500) x $1.00/Page = $500.00 3. 22" x 34" Black and White Bond Plots ($1.00/Sheet) No. of Sets • 90% Submittal: - Construction Plans (45 sheets) ........................................................................................... 5 • 100% Submittal: - Construction Plans (45 sheets) ........................................................................................... 5 • Permit Submittals (SJRWMD and Volusia County) : - Construction Plans (45 sheets) .......................................................................................... l2 • RAI Submittals: - Construction Plans (45 sheets) .......................................................................................... 12 • Final Submittal for Bids: - Construction Plans (45 sheets) ......................................................................................... 25 • Total Prints = [(5 + 5 + 12 + + 12 + 25) x 45] x $1.00/ Sheet = $2,655.00 P-22932l.odc EXHIBIT 11 11 ( SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT- PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 4. 24" x 36" Color Plots ($30.00/Piot) • Assume ten (10) color plots to support meetings with the SJRWMD and Volusia County, as well as status meetings. • Total Plots= (10) x $30.00/plot = $300.00 5. Miscellaneous Expenses (Courier charges, photographs, l l"x17" color copies, mileage, half-size construction plans for utility locate requests, etc.) say $245.00 6. Total Estimated Reimbursable Expenses= $4,000.00 P-22932l .odc BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT - PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "D" SUBCONSULTANTFEEPROPOSALS 0 SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING AND MAPPING CORP. 0 GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Steven L. Anderson, Jr., PSM, PLS Timothy 0 . Mosby, PSM Charles M. Arnett, PSM James L. Petersen, PSM Eddie L. Richardson, PSM Russell G. Daly, PSM, PLS Michael L. Dougherty, PSM William C. Rowe, PSM Bruce C. Ducker, PSM Tony G. Syfrett, PSM , PLS James M. Dunn, II, PSM John S. Thomas, PSM Thomas F. Ferguson, PSM Edward W. Wackerman, PSM Kirk R. Hall, El, GISP Ronnie A. Figueroa, PSM, GISP Tate B. Flowers, PLS Brad A. Stroppel, El , GISP Robert W. Gardner, PSM Catherine E. Galgano, GISP Cheryl A. Isenberg, GISP Brian R. Garvey, PE , GISP Daniel J. Henry, PSM, PLS southeastern surveying and Mapping Corporation Brian e. Latchaw, GISP Serving the Southeast Since 1972 Patrick J. Phillips, GISP Matthew G. Jennings, RLS Thomas P. Young, Jr., SIT, GISP Gary B. Krick, PSM Donna L. Hendrix, CST IV Brad J. Lashley, PSM, PLS Myron F. Lucas, PSM [email protected] Frank B. Henry, CST IV James E. Mazurak, PSM David M. Rentfrow, CST IV Thomas K. Mead, PSM , PLS Celeste B. van Gelder, CST IV Land Surveying & Mapping Services • Sub-Surface Utility Designation & Location Services • Geographic Information Systems • GPS Asset Inventories November 19,2015 Via Email: [email protected] David W. Hamstra, P.E., CFM Principal I Project Manager Pegasus Engineering, LLC 301 West State Road 434, Suite 309 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements- City of Orange City Sections 02 & 11, Township 18 South, Range 30 East, Volusia County, Florida Dear Mr. Hamstra, We are pleased to submit our proposal for Surveying and Utility Services on the above referenced project. TASK I - SCOPE OF WORK: Provide a Topographic Survey in accordance with Chapter 5J-17 F.A.C. to include the following: I. Locate all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by the designated utility company representative and augmented by Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) Utility Division in Task II. 2. Obtain spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one foot contours to be shown on the final drawing. 3. Establish site benchmarks along the route as necessary. 4. Topographic coverage will be limited to the following areas, full right-of-way, plus 5 feet: (See attached Exhibit I) • • • • • • • • North Holly Avenue, between East University Avenue and East Rose Avenue; East Rose Avenue, between North Holly Avenue and 370 East Rose Avenue. Fireman 's Alley, between North Oak Avenue and the Alley immediately to the east; North Oak Avenue and North Thorpe Avenue, between Fireman's Alley and East Graves Avenue; East Graves Avenue, between South Holly Avenue and South Orange Avenue; South Orange Avenue, between East Graves Avenue and Lakeview Drive; and 350 and 360 South Orange Avenue. 370 East Rose Avenue. 6500 All American Blvd Orlando. FL 32810 407.292.8580 407.292.0141 Fax 1130 Highway 90 Chipley, FL 32428 850.638.0790 850.638.8069 Fax Cypress Business Center 8301 Cypress Plaza Drive. Suite 104 Jacksonville, FL 32256 904.737.5990 904.737.5995 Fax 119 West Main Street Tavares. FL 32778 352.343.4880 352.343.4914 Fax 10 East Lake Street Kissimmee. FL 34744 407.944.4880 407.944.0424 Fax University Corporate Park 10770 North 46th Street Suite C-300 Tampa, FL 33617 813.898.2711 813.898.2712 Fax Licenses: PSM: Florida Professional SuNeyor & Mapper • PLS: Alabama Professional Land SuNeyor • RLS: Georgia Registered Land SuNeyor • PE: Professional Engineer Certifications: El: Engineering Intern • GISP: Geographic Information Systems Professional • CST: Certified SUNey Technician Page 2 David W. Hamstra, P.E., CFM East Graves A venue Drainage Improvements November 19,2015 5. Perform a limited survey of the existing East Graves Avenue storm sewer system (pipe diameters, invert elevations, pipe materials, top of grate elevations, pipe lengths) between South Orange A venue and South Ada Avenue. 6. Perform boundary surveys for 350 and 360 South Orange Avenue and 370 East Rose Avenue. 7. Locate approximately 20 soil borings as established by the clients Geotechnical consultant. 8. Prepare two (2) easement descriptions. The final product will be two (2) certified prints, and an electronic file for your use. TASK II- SCOPE OF WORK: Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification to include the following: 1. Horizontally field mark (paint & flags) all public subsurface utility mains found excluding service lines, gravity sewer lines and irrigation, within the project area described in Task I above. 2. Coordinate Sunshine 811 and utility locates to include supplemental calls to each locator to expedite the field marking of each subsurface utility as required by law. 3. Expose the subject utilities by using nondestructive vacuum excavation methods at approximately 20 specific locations indicated on plan sheet provided or marked by client in the field. 4. Confirm/determine the vertical and horizontal position of the subject utilities and record the information, using the locate marks provided by the utility owners and/or their representatives unless otherwise specifically requested by client. 5. Any asphalt/concrete removed will be repaired using like materials. 6. Tie each test hole location to a minimum of three visible physical features to enable this data to be added to your base map and also enable future recovery. The final product will be a field drafted plan sheet or utility designation field sketches as well as test hole reports/sketches of the project area reflecting all pertinent data for your use. Terms and Conditions It is understood that the construction contractor is responsible to abide by Sunshine 811, Florida State Statutes Chapter 556.106 and all applicable laws, and regulations that pertain to the services provided. Pegasus Engineering, LLC will make available all plans and utility records that have been obtained for this site. However, the information provided by Pegasus Engineering, LLC is also dependent upon a Sunshine 811 request for utility owners and/or their representatives to mark their buried underground plant at the project site as required by Jaw. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) has a right to rely on the accuracy of such plans and utility records and will notify Pegasus Engineering, LLC if there are any patently or reasonably identifiable defects in the documents. Pegasus Engineering, LLC is aware that due to the inherent uncertain nature of subsurface utilities, including but not limited to deficient or misrepresentation of prints, SSMC cannot guarantee that all subsurface utility lines will be accounted for. SSMC will ensure that all reasonable efforts are made to identify the location of said underground utilities and provide the best available information within the project area with the use of Ground Penetrating Radar, Electronic Line Locating t:\proposal\pegasus engineering, llcle. graves ave drainage improvements-city of orange_topo_utilities 11 - 19- IS.docx Page 3 David W. Hamstra, P.E., CFM East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements November 19,2015 Equipment and Vacuum Excavation methods, as needed. Additional research will only be conducted by SSMC if requested in writing by Pegasus Engineering, LLC. M.O.T. will be used only if absolutely necessary and these invoice charges will be an addition to the total per day rate and reflected on our invoice to you. In accordance with the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, the Design Engineer shall perfonn sufficient Utility Coordination with the Utility providers in this location to affirm the information from SSMC's efforts and confirm that no other subsurface utility is possibly undetected by these efforts. SSMC will certify that the surface designation is within two (2) feet of the true underground position of the utility relative to the mark as shown on the surface in accordance with the plans provided and the reasonable efforts conducted to locate the utilities as outlined above. SSMC shall not be held liable for any latent or unreasonably discoverable utilities in the project area. Furthermore in the event of a claim regarding the services provided in the proposal, SSMC shall have liability for reasonable and necessary defense costs to the extent caused by SSMC's negligence. If SSMC is required to obtain permits to perform the service provided, these charges will also be additional and reflected on our invoice to you. Note: In the event that Test Holes require a depth greater than ten ( l 0) feet, or require a substantial amount of increased effort (sleeving, shoring, de-watering, etc.), then said Test Holes may need to be negotiated separately on a case by case basis if normal vacuum excavation practices do not allow said utilities to be exposed. Note: All utility sizes given are outside diameter unless otherwise specified and are approximate only due to uncontrollable field conditions that may be encountered during excavation. Note: Any additional overlaying or restoration of pavement, other than the replacement of materials removed and cold patched, will be the responsibility of Pegasus Engineering, LLC. Our fee for this project will be as follows: Task 1: Survey Services $15,958.00 Task II: Utility Services Subsurface Utility Designation $11,490.00 Test Holes/Day Rate: (anticipate 20 Total) $350.00 Dirt/Each (15) $400.00 Asphalt/Concrete/Each (5) $5,250.00 $2,000.00 Permitting: (If Required) $91.00 per hour+ cost of permit $331.00 Total anticipated fee $35,029.00 We anticipate completion of the above described work within six (6) weeks after receipt of approved permit and written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. t:\proposal\pegasus e ngineering. llc\e. graves ave drainage improvements-city of orange_topo_utilities 11 -19- 15.docx Page4 David W. Hamstra, P.E., CFM East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements November 19,2015 We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, James L. Petersen, PSM Vice President/Project Manager JLP:gac t:\proposal\pegasus engineering, llc\e . graves ave drainage improvemems-city of orange_topo_utilities 11- 19- IS.docx FEE QUOTATION PROPOSAL Date: Project Name: Contract: Thursday, November 19,2015 East Graves Avenue D rainage Improvements Pegasus Engineering, LLC Name of Firm: UTILITY PROJECT MANAGER / SURVEYPSM ACTIVITY Man Hrs H & V Control and Topo Survey Hrly Rate Fee TWO MAN UTILITY CREW Man Hrs Hrly Rate Fee Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporatio n TWO MAN SURVEY CREW UTILITY COORDINATOR Man Hrs Man Hrs 2 118.00 236.00 19 1.00 0.00 79 2 118.00 236.00 19 1.00 0.00 3 11 8.00 354.00 191.00 0.00 9 118.00 0.00 19 1.00 0.00 5 3 11 8.00 354.00 118.00 0.00 Hrly Rate Fee Hrly Rate Fee CAD TECHNICIAN Man Hrs Hrly Rate Fee 118.00 9322.00 88.00 0.00 38 77.00 2926.00 118.00 0.00 88.00 0.00 6 77.00 462.00 11 8.00 1062.00 88.00 0.00 9 77.00 693.00 88.00 0.00 I 77.00 77.00 88.00 440.00 77.00 0.00 88.00 0.00 77.00 0.00 Easement Descriptions (2) Boundary Surveys 350 & 360 S. Orange and 370 E. Rose Geotechnical Support (20) Utility Designation SUBTOTAL 10 11 80.00 56 11 8.00 590.00 191.00 10696.00 118.00 0.00 191.00 118.00 0.00 0.00 10696.00 56 NOT TO EXCEED FEE BREAKDOWN Utility Project Manager I Survey PSM Two Man Utility Crew Two Man Survey Crew Utility Coordinator CAD Technician Vacuum Excavation/Per Hole Single Test Hole Single Test Hole -Asphalt/Concrete Test Holes-Dirt (2- 19) Test Holes-Concrete/Asphalt (2- 19) Additional Test Holes-Dirt (20-50) Additional Test Holes-Asphalt/Concrete (20-SO) $ $ $ $ $ @ @ 15 5 @ @ @ @ Additional Test Holes-Dirt (5 1- 100) @ Additional Test Hole-Asphalt/Concrete (S 1- 100) @ @ 101 or more Test Holes-Dirt I0 I or more Test Holes-Asphalt/Concrete G PR Bor e Route NOT TO EXCEED FEE TOTAL 10974.00 93 @ @ $4 10.00 $5 10.00 $350.00 $400.00 $320.00 $360.00 $275.00 $320.00 $245.00 $280.00 $ 500.00 each each each each each each each each each each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 5 1,180.000 10,696.000 10,974.000 440.000 4,158.000 5,250.00 2,000.00 34,698.00 440.00 54 4 158.00 ... i=:E:r •, i ...u ..."'zw .,w 0 a: Q. z ...uQ :E w > 0 a: Q. ! w "'a:w ~ 0 ...z w .A. PftOPOI£0 CURe N.Et P'tOPOSf.DCOHTIItOl STRUCTV!t£ PIII:OI"'M:O HEAOWAU. • Plll:oPOSEO OfTCH BOTTOM fNI.n PRoPOSED IIA ~ • PR~O w rr~(() IE NO &ECllON - · · PROf'IOSIIEOSTOI'tW $(WElt 0 PftOPOS(O ate~tiiWATIUt PCfC) • EXISTINQ CONfllOliTIItOCT\.IR£ '"' OISTIHC CURl N.ET I EXISTW.IO OO'CH &oTTO M lfi..(T ll EXISTING HE:AOI'IIN..I. uosa«> • AHH()U; ElQS'nNG WrTDtfD lHO 3ECTlOH Mfll,. l AKt' - txiSTINO tl~W SE'M'ft D DJSTING Sl()RIIW.UER POND ~~ - UOSTfNOWATER WA.IN ~ 0 w ... "'z "'z ;{w "'z "';{w ii: C) ii: Q. a: "'w ... C) "' "'~ ...J CD <( 0 a: .. 9 ~ 0 w C) z <( a: .. 0 0 ~ u ~.~~ ...._ --· ..."' "' ,.._~ue »!WwiSR Ut - . : a ...... ~ ~ WOI _ , _._ .,,.,._,..,._ ~ ..- lh - "' \0!1)!! 1111'9!!! EXHIBIT 1 &eotecbnical and Enulronmental consonants. Inc. ,At the very fo undation of our community October 16, 2015 Revised November 18, 2015 Pegasus Engineering, LLC 301 West State Road 434, Suite 309 Winter Springs, Fl 32708 Attention: David Hamstra, P.E., CFM Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Orange City, Florida GEC Proposal No. 8428G Dear Mr. Hamstra: Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) is pleased to provide this proposal for the above-referenced project. This proposal is based on information provided by you and the plans for the proposed East Graves Avenue drainage improvements project. The purpose of this investigation will be to explore soil and groundwater conditions at the site and to use the information obtained to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for site preparation and design of the storm sewer systems and the drainage structure foundations, as well as the stormwater pond. This proposal presents our understanding of the project, our scope of services and a cost and schedule for providing those services. Site location and Project Description The site is located in Orange City predominantly along East Graves Avenue. The project also includes portions of N. and S. Holly Ave ., N. Oak Ave., Firemans Alley, E. Rose Ave. and S. Orange Ave. These streets currently have no stormwater management infrastructure, with the exception of a portion of N. Holley Ave. that has a few flat grate inlets and a portion of S. Orange Ave with a couple of inlets. A proposed pond will occupy the lots of 350 and 360 S. Orange Ave. which currently have single story houses on them. A second proposed pond will occupy lot 370 E Rose Ave. 919 Lalle Baldwin Lane. Orlando. FL1281• P: 407/ 898-1818 F: •07/ 898-1837 www.a- e- IFFICEIIN DILAllO ANIIIIIIMMEE Proposed improvements include approximately 5,750 linear feet of stormwater pipe and numerous structures with depths ranging from 4.5 feet to 15.7 feet in depth below the existing ground surface. The proposed water quality ponds are approximately 1.1 acres and 0.3 acres in size. Our recommended scope of services includes the following: • Stake boring locations at the site. • Clear utilities at the boring locations. • Mobilize truck mounted drilling equipment and personnel to the site. • Perform 3 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to a depth of 30 feet and 1 SPT boring to a depth of 20 feet for the stormwater structures. The 20 feet deep SPT boring is also intended to provide data for the pond at 370 Rose Avenue. • Perform 11 auger borings to a depth of 10 feet and 2 auger borings to a depth of 20 feet for stormwater piping. • Perform 3 auger borings to a depth of 20 feet for the water quality ponds. • Perform routine laboratory soil classification tests to aid in visual soil classification . • Issue a geotechnical engineering report, signed and sealed by a geotechnical engineer licensed in Florida. The report will include the results of our field investigation, laboratory tests and recommendations for design and construction of the stormwater structure foundations, stormwater pipes and water quality pond . Estimated Fee and Schedule Our estimate to provide the described scope of services is a Not-To-Exceed Fee of $10,500.00. Attached you will find a breakdown of our fees. This fee includes 3 copies of our report sent via first class mail as well as an electronic copy emailed to you. Our schedule to complete the described work will be about 4 weeks. If requested, advanced verbal recommendations can be provided shortly after the field work is completed. GEC Proposal No. 8428G 2 Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements You may confirm your authorization to proceed by completing the attached Proposal Acceptance Sheet and returning a copy to us. Limitations This proposal is subject to the following limitations: 1) The site will be accessible to the drilling equipment assumed above . If other types of drilling equipment become necessary due to site and/or weather conditions, appropriate adjustments to the actual fees will be necessary. No soil borings will be conducted in any surface water bodies on the site. Our scope will be limited to only areas accessible to either truck or all-terrain (mudbug) drilling equipment. 2) Undisturbed samples and consolidation tests are not included. 3) We assume no responsibility to damage to underground utilities and/or structures that are not located by the owner or through Sunshine State One-Call. 4) This proposed exploration is a relatively shallow exploration and is not intended to be an evaluation for sinkhole potential. 5) This fee proposal will remain in effect for 90 days. If you require more than 90 days to authorize us to proceed, we request that we be allowed to review our proposal to adjust our cost estimate, if necessary. Closure GEC appreciates the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ~&--- v~ Ryan J. Petersen Engineering Intern c. ~ Daniel C. Stanfill, P.E. Senior Project Manager RJP/DCS/dbj GEC Proposal No. 8428G 3 Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements Attachment 1 Estimated Scope of Services and Cost East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements Volusia County, Florida GEC Proposal No. 8428G Description of Work Field Services Mobilization of Truck Mount Drill and Crew Boring Layout, Site Recon, Utility Clearance (Engineering Technician) Standard Penetration Test Borings (1 @ 20', 3 @ 30') Auger Borings (11@ 10', 5 @ 20) Drill Rig and Crew (Mud disposal and Clean up) Laboratory Testing Percent Fines Organic Content Atterberg Limits Natural Moisture Content Engineering Analysis & Report Senior Engineer Project Engineer CADD Draftsman Secretary Quantity Units 1 Is $500.00 $500.00 8 hr $60.00 $480.00 110 ft $15.00 $1,650.00 210 3 ft hr $11.50 $200.00 Field Subtotal $2,415.00 $600.00 12 3 3 6 7 16 8 4 $40.00 ea ea $50.00 ea $95.00 ea $15.00 Laboratory Subtotal $5,645.00 $480.00 $150.00 $285 .00 $90.00 $1,005.00 hr $150.00 hr $120.00 hr $80.00 hr $60 .00 Engineering Subtotal $1,050.00 $1,920.00 $640.00 $240.00 $3,850.00 NOT-TO-EXCEED FEE $10,500.00 PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE SHEET GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 11 llw 1 ,.,., fou,dtlllutl uf o.•r ront,,,,.,,_.. Proposal No.: Project Name: Project Location: Type of Services: 8428G Proposal Date: November 18, 2015 EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ___:O_r..cla_n_d...:.o-', -_FI..co_ri..;.d_a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lump Sum Exceed Fee : $10,500.00 Both parties warrant and represent that they have full authority to execute this agreement. Both parties have accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement as presented in the Proposal and on both sides of this Proposal Acceptance Sheet. Accepted this _ _ _ day of _ __ _ ____, 2015 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) /:) __::;._,.f-~--~ ---------- By:_ _ _ _ _ ~re Client By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Gary L. Kuhns. P.E. Printed Name Printed Name President Title Title TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. PRIVITY: Client acknowledges that this agreement with GEC includes GEe's employees and agents and said employees and agents shall also considered in privity of this agreement to the same extent as GEC and client. 2. PAYMENT TERMS: Unless otherwise specified in the proposal, invoice payments are due within 10 days of date of invoice. GEC reserves the right to stop work on any project, when any invoice becomes past due, until Client's account is current. Past due invoices will be subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month. Should it become necessary for GEC to retain the services of legal counsel or a collection agency to collect past due accounts, Client agrees to bear all costs of collection, including but not limited to reasonable Attorney's Fees, Court Costs, Filing Fees, and agrees to a non-jury trial in Orange County, Florida. 3. OBLIGATION TO PAY: GEC will strive to perform services under this Agreement with ordinary professional skill and care. GEC does not guarantee Governmental or Regulatory Agency approval of Client's project. Client's obligation to pay for GEC's services is in no way dependent upon Client's ability to obtain financing, payment from third parties, approval of Government or Regulatory Agencies, or upon Client's successful completion of project. 4. WARRANTY: GEC will strive to use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same locality at the same time under similar conditions. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended by our proposal or by our oral or written reports. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: GEC's liability for damages due to an error, omission, or other professional negligence will be limited to a sum not to exceed $50,000 or our fee, whichever Is greater. In the event Client does not wish to limit our professional liability to this sum, GEC agrees to Increase this limitation to a maximum of $500,000 upon receiving Client's written request and agreement by Client to pay additional consideration of 5% of our total fee or $500.00 whichever is greater. 6. INDEMNIFICATION: Client shall indemnify and hold GEC harmless for any losses or damages caused by the negligent acts of Client or other consultants employed by Client. GEC shall indemnify and hold Client harmless for any losses or damages caused by the sole negligent acts of GEC, subject to the limitations in paragraph 5. 7. THIRD PARTY RELIANCE: The services under this agreement are being performed for the Client's exclusive use. GEC assumes no responsibility for third party use of or reliance on GEC's findings, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations unless such use or reliance is authorized in writing by GEC. 8. DISCLOSURES BY CLIENT: Client shall provide GEC all information that is known or suspected by Client which may be reasonably necessary for completion of the services to be performed by GEC. Such information includes records of environmental assessment activities undertaken at the project site, locations of buried utilities, and any hazardous substa nces known or suspected to exist on site or adjacent property prior to the commencement of services on a project, or at anytime thereafter when new information becomes available to the Client, Client shall provide prompt, full and complete disclosure to GEC of new information that could affect GEC's performance of its services or could pose potential hazardous conditions or risk to the health or safety of GEC's employees, agents, and subcontractors. GEC 11/18/15 Geotechnical Engineering Services 9. RIGHT OF ENTRY: Client grants to GEC right of entry to the project site by GEC, its employees, agents, and subcontractors in order to perform the services under this agreement. If Client does not own the project site, Client warrants and represents to GEC that Client has the authority and permission of the owner and occupant of the project site to grant this right of entry to GEC. Reasonable precautions shall be taken by GEC to minimize damage to the project site from GEC's activities and use of equipment. Client recognizes that the performance of the services included in this agreement will cause alteration and damage to the site. Client accepts the fact that this is inherent in the work and will not look to GEC for reimbursement or hold GEC liable or responsible for any alteration or damage required to perform our scope of work. Should Client not be the owner of the property, then Client agrees to notify the owner of the aforementioned possibility of unavoidable alteration and damage, and to indemnify and defend GEC against any claims by the owner or occupant which are related to such alteration or damage including underground utilities and hazardous substances. 10. UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS: Hazardous substances may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe that they could or should be present. GEC and the Client agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous substances constitutes a changed condition and would require a renegotiation of the scope of work or termination of services. GEC and Client also agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous substances may make it necessary for GEC to take immediate measures to protect health and safety. GEC agrees to notify Client as soon as practicable should unanticipated hazardous substances or suspected hazardous substances be encountered. Client encourages GEC to take any and all measures that, in GEC's professional opinion, are justified to preserve and protect the health and safety of GEC's personnel and the public. Client agrees to compensate GEC for the additional cost of such protective measures. In addition, Client waives any claim against GEC and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless GEC from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from GEC's discovery and handling of unanticipated hazardous substances. 11. HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: In the event that obtained samples or materials contain, or are suspected to contain, hazardous substances or hazardous waste as defined by federal, state, or local requirements, GEC will, after completion of testing, (1) return such samples and materials to the Client or owner, or (2) using a hazardous waste or hazardous materials manifest signed by the Client, have such samples and materials transported to a location selected by Client for final disposal. Client agrees to pay all costs associated with the storage, transport, and disposal of samples and materials. Client shall assume all potential liability as generator of the waste, including liability under CERCLA for "arranging" for the disposition of the hazardous substances. 12. CONFIDENTIALITY: Subject only to the exceptions set forth herein GEC agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information collected in the performance of the services. GEC shall release such inf ormation only to the Client or the Client's authorized representative, its employees and subcontractors in the performance of their services, or to persons designated by the Client to receive such information. GEC shall instruct its employees and subcontractors to maintain the confidentiality of the information. When required by law, rule, or canon of professional ethics, it shall be GEC's responsibility to report certain findings to the appropriate regulatory agency. Client agrees to hold GEC harmless for any damages resulting from GEC's disclosure which GEC believed to be required by law or canon of professional ethics. 13. TERMINATION : This agreement may be terminated by GEC or Client upon receipt of seven (7) days written notice. GEC shall be paid for services rendered to the date of termination. PURSUANT TO SECTION 558.0035 FLORIDA STATUTES, GEC IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IT AGREES TO PROVIDE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. NO INDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL, EMPLOYEE, AGENT, DIRECTOR, OFFICER OR PRINCIPAL MAY BE INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR NEGLIGENCE ARISING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT. 14. CORPORATE ENTITY: TheCiientacknowledgesthatGECisacorporationand It is intended by the parties to this Agreement that GEC's services in connection with the project shall not subject GEC's individual employees, officers or directors to any personal legal exposure for the risks associated with this project. The Client agrees that as its sole and exclusive remedy, any claim, demand or suit shall be directed and/or asserted only against GEC, a Florida corporation, and not against any of GEC's employees, officers or directors. 15. PRIORITY OVER FORM AGREEMENTS: Client agrees that these terms and conditions shall govern and supersede any form agreements signed by GEC and/or Client such as Client Purchase Orders, Work Orders, etc., and that such forms may be issued by Client as a matter of convenience without altering any of the terms or conditions herein. 16. SURVIVAL: All provisions of this agreement for indemnity or allocation of responsibility or liability between Client and GEC shall survive the completion of the services and the termination of this agreement. 17. SEVERABILITY: In the event that any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable under law, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 18. ASSIGNMENT: This agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior permission of both. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, including referenced Proposal, represents the entire agreement and understanding between Parties. This Agreement is to be Governed and Construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and the venue for any legal proceedings shall be Orange County, Florida. GEC 11/ 18/l S ii Geotechnical Engineering Services &eorecbnlcal and ~~~ Enulraomenlal consunanls. Inc. At the very foundation of our community November 18, 2015 Pegasus Engineering, LLC 301 West State Road 434, Suite 309 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Attention: Mr. David Hamstra, P.E. Subject: Proposal for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Asbestos and Lead-based Paint Surveys East Graves Avenue Drainage Improvements: South Orange Avenue and East Rose Avenue Properties Volusia County, Florida GEC Proposal No. 8455E Dear Mr. Hamstra: Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) is pleased to provide this proposal to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) for the above-referenced property. The purpose of the environmental site assessment will be to provide a professional opinion regarding the possible existence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) at the Subject Property at this time. This proposal presents a brief description of the property, our proposed scope of work, and a schedule and cost for the study. Project Description The site consists of three parcels at 350 and 360 South Orange Avenue, and 370 East Rose Avenue in Orange City, Volusia County, Florida as described below : Two parcels are located at 350 and 360 South Orange Avenue in Orange City, Volusia County, Florida. They are located on the east side of South Orange Avenue and north of Lakeview Drive. These parcels are occupied by single-family residences on 1-acre parcels. The attached Volusia County Property Appraiser information identifies these sites as Parcels No. 11-18-30-08-28-0033 and 0034. The City of Orange City has proposed to demolish the two residences on-site. The third parcel is located at 370 East Rose Avenue in Orange City, Volusia County, Florida. It is located south of East Rose Avenue and east of South Oak Avenue. This parcel is a 1-acre vacant lot. The ftiiChiDIR Auenue. Suite D. KISSimmee, fl 30U-1913 r: eo11aa-m2 F: 487/112-2112 2~10 www.a-e-c.eem attached Volusia County Property Appraiser information identifies this site as Parcel No. 11-18-30-0827-0030. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The purpose of the Phase I ESA will be to provide professional opinions regarding the possibility of the presence of RECs at the Subject Property. The Phase I ESA will be performed in accordance with ASTM E 1527-13 guidelines. Please note that surveys for wetlands, threatened and endangered species, asbestos-containing building materials, radon, lead-based paint, lead in drinking water, regulatory compliance, cultural and historic resources, industrial hygiene, health and safety, ecological resources, indoor air quality, biological agents and toxic mold are not included within the scope of the Phase I ESA. The following sections provide specific details of the major portions of the Phase I ESA data collection and reporting process. Task 1.1 - Records Review This portion of the scope of work serves to identify information readily available in the records of past or present activities on the sites, or in the vicinity of the sites, that may have resulted in RECs in accordance with Section 8.0 ofthe ASTM E 1527-13 standard . Activities conducted by GEC during this portion of the project include but are not limited to the following: • Review of readily available historical use information including aerial photographs, city directories, fire insurance maps, USGS topographic maps, and property tax files. Other historical sources may also be reviewed including miscellaneous maps, newspaper archives, internet sites, community organizations, local libraries, historical societies, current owners or occupants of neighboring properties, or records in the files and/or personal knowledge of the property owners and/or occupants. • Review of readily available physical setting information including USGS Quadrangle maps. Discretionary sources (groundwater maps, bedrock geology maps, surficial geology maps, soil maps) may also be reviewed. • Review readily available previous geotechnical or environmental reports of the subject sites which may be in your possession or available from other sources. • Review of readily available regulatory agency (USEPA, FDEP, County, etc.) documents and reports to ascertain whether any information has been recorded in their files concerning contamination on-site, or in the immediate vicinity of the site, and whether or not known hazardous waste generators are located in the vicinity of the site utilizing the standard environmental record sources and approximate minimum search distances defined in the ASTM E 1527-13 standard. GEC Proposal No. 8455E 2 Proposal for Phose I Environmental Site Assessment South Orange Avenue and East Rose Avenue, Orange City Land Title Records, Lien Records, Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) The ASTM E 1527-13 standard identifies specific requirements of the User of this Phase I ESA. Several of these requirements are related to review of title records and environmental lien records. The remaining requirements will be addressed in our interview portion of the Phase I ESA. The following statement is provided in Section 6.0 ofthe ASTM E 1527-13 standard: "Unless added by a change in the scope of work to be performed by the environmental professional, this practice does not impose on the environmental professional the responsibility to undertake a review of recorded land title records and judicial records for environmental liens or activity and use limitations. The user should either {1} engage a title company or title professional to undertake a review of reasonably ascertainable recorded land title records and lien records for environmental liens or activity and use limitations currently recorded against or relating to the property, or (2) negotiate such an engagement of a title company or title professional as an addition to the scope of work to be performed by the environmental professional." Note that as indicated in the standard, failure to provide this information could result in a determination that " all appropriate inquiry" is not complete. GEC can obtain and review such records as an additional service, per the ASTM E 1527-13 standard. Please indicate if GEC is to conduct this service by indicating so on the Purchase Order. Task 1.2- Site Reconnaissance A site reconnaissance is performed by a professional of GEC to look for visual evidence of RECs on and adjacent to the Subject Property, as well as to further investigate any areas of concern disclosed by the records review. The site reconnaissance will be conducted in accordance with Section 9.0 of the ASTM E 1527-13 standard and includes the following activities. • • A visual and/or physical reconnaissance of the site and adjacent properties to identify potential RECs in connection with the Subject Property. Photograph the site to document site features and features of potential environmental concern . Additionally, we request that the site manager and, if possible, the current site owner be present on-site at the time of our site reconnaissance to address specific questions regarding the previous or currently operational history of the site. GEC Proposal No. 8455E 3 Proposal for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment South Orange Avenue and East Rose Avenue, Orange City Task 1.3 - Interviews In accordance with Section 10.0 of the ASTM E 1527-13 standard, interviews must be conducted with past and current site owners and occupants. Additionally, interviews must be conducted with persons familiar with the on-site activities of each parcel, the Key Site Manager, if applicable. Interviews with certain local and/or state government officials will be conducted in accordance with Section 11.0 of the ASTM E 1527-13 standard. GEC will be forwarding an interview questionnaire to certain individuals, including the User, as part of the Phase I ESA data collection process. The questionnaire will include various standard questions, as required by the ASTM E 1527-13 practice. However, follow up telephone interviews may be necessary to inquire about site-specific information gathered as a result of the other data collection aspects of the Phase I ESA (site reconnaissance and records reviews). Task 1.4- Reporting and Recommendations Upon completion of Tasks 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, GEC will provide you with a verbal report of our findings and conclusions. The evaluation of information and report preparation will be in accordance with Section 12.0 of the ASTM E 1527-13 standard. Written reports will subsequently be issued documenting our findings and conclusions. GEC will provide two hardcopies of our written reports and one electronic copy provided via electronic mail, unless otherwise directed prior to the submittal date. The reports will address the following items : • Summary of any previous studies provided to us. • Documentation of investigation methods and results. • A professional opinion concerning the possible presence of RECs on-site. • The report will be certified for the following entities: Pegasus Engineering and the City of Orange City. We understand that you will be the ultimate recipient of our reports and we are not to distribute the reports to any other party without prior approval. We have assumed that we will not be asked to complete any special forms or use predetermined language in conclusions of our work. Schedule and Cost We are prepared to initiate the Phase I ESA activities upon receipt of an approved Proposal Acceptance Sheet (attached). A written report will be provided within approximately three to four weeks of receipt of the signed agreement. GEC Proposal No. 84SSE However, this schedule is dependent upon timely 4 Proposal for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment South Orange Avenue and East Rose Avenue, Orange City receipt of information required to complete the assessment. We will contact you as soon as possible if our report submission date will be delayed for this reaso n. GEC will provide the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for a Lump Sum Fee of $4,500.00. GEC can include a title history and environmental lien record search for an additional fee of $700 per tax ID parcel (see Task 1.1: Records Review of this proposal for more information regarding specified User-responsibilities as required by the ASTM E 1527-13 standard). Our fee includes third party reliance letters if such information is forwarded to us prior to the report submittal date. Reliance letters requested after the report submittal date will be at an additional cost of $500 each . Upon acceptance of this proposal, please forward current site owner information and property manager contact information so that we may begin our data collection activities. Additional Asbestos and Lead-based Paint Surveys GEC has also obtained a quote to perform asbestos and lead-based paint surveys within the two residences due to their age of construction being 1977 and 1978, prior to asbestos use being discontinued. If desired, the asbestos and lead based paint surveys will include both residences for a Lump Sum Fee of $4,200.00. Closure GEC appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to being of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Very Truly Yours, GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 'l~ Richard P. McCormick, P.G. Senior Geologist Gary L. Kuhns, P.E. President RPM/ GLK/ dbj GEC Proposal No. 8455E 5 Proposal for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment South Orange Avenue and East Rose Avenue, Orange City ...&••aal PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE SHEET Enll'llmiJI CIISIIIIIItS. lit II 1/Jt• 1 ,., fou,.dt~tlun PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES uf utlr C'UI'JliiNIIIflll Proposal No.: __::.84..c5:..:5:..:E:...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Proposal Date: Project Name: November 18, 2015 EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS: SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE AND EAST ROSE AVENUE PROPERTIES Project Location : _V~ol...;.u~si~a-'C"'o...;.u__ n""tyc:.'.;..F.;;.L_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ Type of Services: D Phase 1ESA without Title/Lien Search : $4500.00 (please check one) D Phase 1 ESA with Title/lien Search: $ + $700.00 per tax 10 parcel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ Both parties warrant and represent that they have full authority to execute this agreement. Both parties have accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement as presented in t he Proposal and on both sides of this Proposal Acceptance Sheet. Accepted this _ _ _ day of - - - - - - ' 2015 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) ./:) _~F-A _._~ ----------- ~~ure By:_ _ _ _ Client By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Gary L. Kuhns. P.E. Printed Name Signature Printed Name President Title Title TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. PRIVITY: Client acknowledges that this agreement with GEC includes GEC's employees and agents and said employees and agents shall also considered in privity of this agreement to the same extent as GEC and client. 2. PAYMENT TERMS: Unless otherwise specified in the proposal, invoice payments are due within 10 days of date of invoice. GEC reserves the right to stop work on any project, when any invoice becomes past due, until Client's account is current. Past due invoices will be subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month. Should it become necessary for GEC to retain the services of legal counsel or a collection agency to collect past due accounts, Client agrees to bear all cost s of collection, including but not limited to reasonable Attorney's Fees, Court Costs, Filing Fees, and agrees to a non-jury trial in Orange County, Florida. 3. OBLIGATION TO PAY: GEC will strive to perform services under this Agreement with ordinary professional skill and care. GEC does not guarantee Governmental or Regulatory Agency approval of Client's project. Client's obligation to pay for GEC's services is in no way dependent upon Client's ability to obtain financing, payment from third parties, approval of Government or Regulatory Agencies, or upon Client's successful completion of project. 4. WARRANTY: GEC will strive to use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under si milar conditions by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same locality at the same time under similar conditions. No other warranty, express or implied, is made or intended by our proposal or by our oral or written reports. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: GEC's liability for damages due to an error, omission, or other professional negligence will be limited to a sum not to exceed $50,000 or our fee, whichever is greater. In the event Client does not wish to limit our professional liability to this sum, GEC agrees to increase this limitation to a maximum of $500,000 upon receiving Client's written request and agreement by Client to pay additional consideration of 5% of our total fee or $500.00 whichever is greater. 6. INDEMNIFICATION: Client shall indemnify and hold GEC harmless for any losses or damages caused by the negligent acts of Client or other consultants employed by Client. GEC shall indemnify and hold Client harmless for any losses or damages caused by the sole negligent acts of GEC, subject to the limitations in paragraph 5. 7. THIRD PARTY RELIANCE : The services under this agreement are being performed for the Client's exclusive use. GEC assumes no responsibility for third party use of or reliance on GEC's findings, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations unless such use or reliance is authorized in writing by GEC. 8. DISCLOSURES BY CLIENT: Client sha ll provide GEC all information that is known or suspected by Client which may be reasonably necessary for completion of the services to be performed by GEC. Such information includes records of environmental assessment activities undertaken at the project site, locations of buried utilities, and any hazardous substances known or suspected to exist on site or adjacent property prior to the GEC 11/11/15 Phase I Environmental Services commencement of services on a project, or at anytime thereafter when new information becomes available to the Client, Client shall provide prompt, full and complete disclosure to GEC of new information that could affect GEC's performance of its services or could pose potential hazardous conditions or risk to the health or safety of GEC's employees, agents, and subcontractors. 9. RIGHT OF ENTRY: Client grants to GEC right of entry to the project site by GEC, its employees, agents, and subcontractors in order to perform the services under this agreement. If Client does not own the project site, Client warrants and represents to GEC that Client has the authority and permission of the owner and occupant of the project site to grant this right of entry to GEC. Reasonable precautions shall be taken by GEC to minimize damage to the project site from GEC's activities and use of equipment. Client recognizes that the performance of the services included in this agreement will cause alteration and damage to the site. Client accepts the fact that this is inherent in the work and will not look to GEC for reimbursement or hold GEC liable or responsible for any alteration or damage required to perform our scope of work. Should Client not be the owner of the property, then Client agrees to notify the owner of the aforementioned possibility of unavoidable alteration and damage, and to indemnify and defend GEC against any claims by the owner or occupant which are related to such alteration or damage including underground utilities and hazardous substances. 10. UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS: Hazardous substances may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe that they could or should be present. GEC and the Client agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous substances constitutes a changed condition and would require a renegotiation of the scope of work or termination of services. GEC and Client also agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous substances may make it necessary for GEC to take immediate measures to protect health and safety. GEC agrees to notify Client as soon as practicable should unanticipated hazardous substances or suspected hazardous substances be encountered. Client encourages GEC to take any and all measures that, in GEC's professional opinion, are justified to preserve and protect the health and safety of GEC's personnel and the public. Client agrees to compensate GEC for the additional cost of such protective measures. In addition, Client waives any claim against GEC and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless GEC from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from GEC's discovery and handling of unanticipated hazardous substances. 11. HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: In the event that obtained samples or materials contain, or are suspected to contain, hazardous substances or hazardous waste as defined by federal, state, or local requirements, GEC will, after completion of testing, (1) return such samples and materials to the Client or owner, or (2) using a hazardous waste or hazardous materials manifest signed by the Client, have such samples and materials transported to a location selected by Client for final disposal. Client agrees to pay all costs associated with the storage, transport, and disposal of samples and materials. Client shall assume all potential liability as generator of the waste, including liability under CERClA for " arranging" for the disposition of the hazardous substances. 12. CONFIDENTIALITY: Subject only to the exceptions set forth herein GEC agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information collected in the performance of the services. GEC shall release such information only to the Client or the Client's authorized representative, its employees and subcontractors in the performance of their services, or to persons designated by the Client to receive such information. GEC shall instruct its employees and subcontractors to maintain the confidentiality of the information. When required by law, rule, or canon of professional ethics, it sha ll be GEC's responsibility to report certain findings to the appropriate regulatory agency. Client agrees to hold GEC harmless for any damages resulting from GEC's disclosure which GEC believed to be required by law or canon of professional ethics. 13. TERMINATION: This agreement may be terminated by GEC or Client upon receipt of seven (7) days written notice. GEC shall be paid for services rendered to the date of termination. PURSUANT TO SECTION 558.0035 FLORIDA STATUTES, GEC IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IT AGREES TO PROVIDE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. NO INDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL, EMPLOYEE, AGENT, DIRECTOR, OFFICER OR PRINCIPAL MAY BE INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR NEGLIGENCE ARISING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT. It is intended by the 14. CORPORATE ENTITY: The Client acknowledges that GEC is a corporation and parties to this Agreement that GEC's services in connection with the project shall not subject GEC's individual employees, officers or directors to any personal legal exposure for the risks associated with this project. The Client agrees that as its sole and exclusive remedy, any claim, demand or suit shall be directed and/or asserted only against GEC, a Florida corporation, and not against any of GEC's employees, officers or directors. 15. PRIORITY OVER FORM AGREEMENTS: Cl ient agrees that these terms and conditions shall govern and supersede any form agreements signed by GEC and/or Client such as Client Purchase Orders, Work Orders, etc., and that such forms may be issued by Client as a matter of convenience without altering any of the terms or conditions herein. 16. SURVIVAL: All provisions of this agreement for indemnity or allocation of responsibility or liability between Client and GEC shall survive the completion of the services and the termination of this agreement. 17. SEVERABILITY: In the event that any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable under law, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 18. ASSIGNMENT: This agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior permission of both. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, including referenced Proposal, represents the entire agreement and understanding between Parties. This Agreement is to be Governed and Construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and the venue for any legal proceedings shall be Orange County, Florida. GEC ll/18/15 II Phase I Environmental Services Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office: Parcel Information Volusia County Mor&:an B. Gilreetb Jr. Property Appraiser Home Home &.arch Sea<ch Choices I Downloads ! I Exemption• Search By Parcel Number Parcel Information: 8011-08-27.0030 I Agriculture ! Page 1 of2 M.A., A.$.A., C.F.A. I I T~~ I M8ps Lk*o I c-.a I Property Information 2016 Working Tu Roll L8St Updated: 11·15·2015 Owner Name and Address Alternate Key 2375191 Parcel Sbltus 8011..()8.27-()030 Short ParceiiD Mill Group Full Parcel ID 11-18-30..()8.27-0030 2015 Final Mill Rate Created Date 18 DEC 1981 Property Class oo Vacant Residential Ownership Type GREGORY ROBERT B & GLORIA J OWner Name OWner Name/Addreu 1 205 S SPARKMAN AVE OWner Address 2 OwnerAddreaa3 ORANGE CITY FL Owner Zip/Postal Code 32763 SltuaAddreas 370 E ROSE AV ORANGE CITY 32763 Active Parcel (Real Estate) 014 Orange City 23.92010 Ownership Percent 100 Legal Description LOT 3 & N 135FT OF W 100FT OF E220 FT OF LOT 9 BLK 27 ORANGE CITY MB 3 PG 86 PER OR 5456 PG 3384 PER OR 5971 PG 3867 Sales History Qualified Unqualified Qualified Sale Qualified Sale Sale Sale Date Instrument 5971 3867 12/2006 warranty Deed 5456 3384 1212004 warranty Deed Book Page Sale Price 90,000 27,000 Improved No No History of Values Year 2015 2014 Land Bldg(s) 12,739 18,732 Mise. lmpr. 0 0 0 0 Just Value 12,739 18,732 School Assessed 12,739 18,732 Non-School Assessed 12,739 14,104 School Exemption 0 0 School Taxable 12,739 18,732 Non-School Exemption 0 0 Non-School Tauble 12,739 14,104 I Display Value History Land Data Land Use Frontage Depth Type 0001 VAC PVO THRU .49 AC 100.0 135.0 0001 VAC PVD THRU .49 AC 50.0 150.0 Neighborhood 9837 0 C BLKS IN SEC 11 (8011-08 Code No. Unlta 100.00 50.00 Just Unit Rate Depth Loe Shp Phy Type Value FRONT FEET 85.00 99 100 100 100 8,379 FRONT FEET 85.01 103 100 100 100 4 ,360 Total Land Classified 0 Total Land Just 12,739 Parcel Notes (Click button below to display Parcel Notes) I Display Notes I Planning and Building Permit Permit Date Date Number Amount Issued Complete 026005048 675 04-05-2005 3,300 05-18·2005 04720505E Construction Description Occupancy Number occupancy Bldg 0 0 I Display Pennits Total Values Land Value Building Value Miscellaneous Just Value School Assessed Non-School Assessed Exemption Value Additional Exemption Value School Tauble http :1/vcpa.vcgov .org/cgi -bin/search.cgi 12,739 New Construction Value 0 City Econ Dev/Historic 0 12,739 Previous Just Value 12,739 Previous School Assessed 12,739 Previous Non-School Assessed 0 Previous Exemption Value 0 Previous Additional Exemption Value 12,739 Previous School Tluble 0 0 12,739 12,739 12,739 0 0 12,739 11/18/201 5 Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office: Parcel Information Non.School Taxable 12,739 Previous Non.SChool Taxable Page 2 of2 12,739 I Mapl l J PALMS j Map Koosk I lolopi'T: YOUf bosic: pott>et rocon:s seon:llln<:Uling lot dinenslons. litALMS: Basic paroel rec:ord aearmes with enhanoecl fealures. Mlp Ktoak: More adv.noed toots tor custom seardles on M..,.f'll layers lndudlng parcels. 11/18/2015 Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office: Parcel Information Page 1 of2 .,- .1 ~ ~ Volusta County luSJa County FLORIDA I H-e I harm llorpa a.~ Jr. Property Appraiser Downi<Mda I Eaempllons I I Agriculture M.A.. AA.A.. c.F.A. Maps Tangible I Llnb I Contact Last Updated: 11·15·2015 Owner Name and Address Alternate Key Short Parcel to Full PareeiiD 2375540 Parcel Status 8011~28.()()34 Min Group 2015 Final Mill Rata cre•ed Property Claa Ownership Type Owner Name Owner Nllmi/Addi'MII 1 Owner Address 2 Owner Adtha 3 Owner Zip/Postal Code Situs Address 18 DEC 1981 01 Single Family 11· 18-3().()8-28-003-4 o•• Adlve Pan::et (Real Estate) 014 Orange City 23.92010 Ownership Percent 100 COWART EDNA M 360 S ORANGE AVE ORANGE CITY FL 32763-5918 360 S ORANGE AV ORANGE CITY 32763 Legal Description S 75FT OF N 150 FT OF S 3/5 OF LOT 3 BLK 28 ORANGE CITY MB 3 PG 86 PER OR 2430 PG 11411 Sales History Book Page sate Sale Date Qualified Unqualified lnatrvment 2430 1149 0211983 2406 1516 11/1982 m 1 0610 09111181 1976 0264 06/1978 11158 0345 02/11178 Qull Claim Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Price Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unqualified Sale Unqualified Sale QuaiWied Sale Oualifoed Sale Qualified Sale ~Deed sate Improved 100 100 25,000 22,000 2,500 Hlatory of Values Year 2015 2014 Land 7,003 10,487 Bklg(s) Mi.e. lmpr. 53,938 107 -43,131 830 Just Value 81 ,048 54,448 School Assn sed 48,751 <t8,384 Non-School "''"* 48,751 48,364 School Exemption 25,000 25,000 School Non-School Exemption Taxable Non-School Taxable 23,751 0 0 23,751 23,384 23,364 I Display Value Himy I Land Data Land Use Frontege Type 0105 IMP PVO .5 · .99 AC 76.0 NeighbOrhoOd 9837 0 C BLKS IN SEC 11 (801 Hl8 Code Depth No. UnitS 300.0 75.00 Unit Type FRONT FEET R•e 85.00 Depth Loc Shp Phy 110 100 100 Total Land Classified Tot.l Land Just 100 Just Vlh,. 7,003 0 7,003 Building Characteristics Building Number: 23989 (Building 1 of 1) Bldg. Improvement Base Year Built Type No. Perimeter Single Family 100 1978 23999 HIP Roof Type Floors Roof Cover ASPHALT SHINGL Wall Type He.,Type1 Forced Ducted HN1 Sour~:e1 HeltType2 Heet Source2 Foundation Concrete Slab Y - Remodeled Section Area Type Number 001 Res BASE Area (BAS) 002 Unfll'liShed Enclosed Porch (UEP) 003 Res BASE Area (BAS) 004 Porch. Open Finished (FOP) Quellty Grede 300 Combine FlOor Olywall Electricity Exterior Well Type CONC OR CINDER BLOCK Noo-Applicable CONC OR CINDER BLOCK Non-Applicable http://vcpa.vcgov .org/cgi -bin/search.cgi Architecture Number Stories 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Phys. 26% Bedrooms X Fixture Beth 2 Fhcture Bath 3 Fixture S..h Fireplaces r Attl~: Built Finish 1978 N 1999 N 1994 N 1978 N v.. 3 0 0 1 0 Bsmt Area 0% 0% 0% 0% Func. Loc. Obs. Obs. 0% 0% 4 Fixture Bath 5 Fixture Bath 6 Fixture Bath 1 Fixture Bath Next Review 2999 0 0 0 0 Yes A/C Bsmt Finish 0% 0% Oo/o Oo/o Floor Area 962 Sq. Feel 96 Sq. Feel 286Sq. Feet 33 Sq Feet 11 /1 7/2015 Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office: Parcel Information Page 2 of2 12' .. 8' 11' 20' tr 1f' ..,.,- - ..__ FOP I _,.....,33,11C'"""' "-"="""'-' 3' Mlscellane.o us Improvements Improvement Type RSHSHEDRES Number of Units Unit Type 120 SF Life 20 Year In 1995 Grade Leng1h Width 10 12 Depr. Value 107 Parcel Notes (Click button below to display Parcel Notes) Planning and Building Permit Number 1685 2432 Permit Date Date Construction Deecriptlon Amount Issued Complete 24,000 09-21-1994 ADOITIONSIALTERATION 250 07-01-1987 02-01-1989 CLOSE IN CARPORT RLR Occupancy Number Occupancy Bldg 1 0 Total Values Land Value Building Value Miscellaneous Just Value SchooiAssnsed Non-School Aasesaed Exemption Value Additional E~temptlon Value Sctlool Tuable Non-School Taxable 7.003New Construction Value 53,938 City Econ Dev/Hiatorlc 107 61,048 Previous Just Value 48,751 Previous School Assessed 48,751 Previous Non-&:hool Assessed 25,000 Previous Exemption Value o PreviOus Additional ExemptiOn Value 23,751 PreviOus School Taxable 23,751 Prevlour; Non-School Taxable 0 0 61 ,048 48.751 48,751 25,000 0 23,751 23,751 l MapiT I PALMS I Map Kiolk I 11/ 17/2015 Volusia County Property Apprctiser's Office: Parcel Information ..-I/_ ~ Volus1a County Home Home I I horch Seardl Choico• Morpa I . ltlreattl Jr. Property Appraiser \blusta County fLOIIIDA Oownlooda I E•emptiom Se8fc:tl By P orc:el Number PorullnlormoUon: 1011..01·28..0033 I Agriculture I Page 1 of2 •..a..~cs.A. llap• Taogible I limo I Contocl Property lnfonnllion '·• 1 """;; • ~' ""'" List Upclot~; 11·15·2015 ~rNameandAdd~ Alternate Key Short ParceiiD Full ParceiiD Created Olte Property Cl8$1 Own-hlp Type Owner Name Owner NtmiiAddrne 1 Owner Address 2 Owner Addreea 3 Owner Zip/Postal Code Situs Address 2375531 8011..06-28-0033 11-18·30..06-28..()()33 18 DEC 1981 01 Single Family Actlve Parcel (Real Estate) 014 Orange City 23.92010 Perce! SlltUS Min Group 2015 Final Mill Rite Owner.hlp Percent 100 STAFFORD VERNON N & MARYANN 350 S ORANGE AVE ORANGE CITY FL 32763·5918 350 S ORANGE AV ORANGE CITY 32763 Legal Description N 75 FT OF S 315 OF LOT 3 BLK 28 ORANGE CITY PER OR 3927 PG 0514 Salee History Book Page 3927 3378 3372 3139 3085 0514 0527 1743 0633 0193 Quellfled Unquelifled S.le Sele Olte Instrument 05/1994 Warranty Deed 10/1989 Quit Claim Deed 1011089 Quit Clain Deed 0511988 warranty Deed 1211987 Qutl Claim Deed Sale Price 42,1100 100 100 32.500 Improved Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Qualified Sale Unqualified Sale Unqualifted Sale Qualified Sale Unqualified Sale 22.000 History of Values Veer 2015 2014 Land 7,003 10,487 81dg(s) 44,989 36,030 I !Mplay Value Hrslory Mile. trnpr. 0 0 Just Velue 51,992 46.517 School Asseeaed 41 ,611 41 ,281 Non-School Assetsed 41 ,811 41 ,281 School Exempti011 25.000 25,000 School TllUible 16,611 16,281 Non.School Exemption 0 0 Non.School Taxeble 16,611 16,281 j Land Data Land Use Depth Frontage Type 0105 IMP PVO .5 - .99 AC 75.0 300.0 Neighborhood 9837 0 C BLKS IN SEC 11 (8011..()8 Code No. Units 75.00 Unlt Type FRONT FEET Rate 85.00 Depth Loc Shp 110 100 100 Total Land Classified Total Land Just Just Velue 100 7,003 Phy 0 7,003 Building Characteristics Building Number: 23998 (Building 1 of 1) Qulllty Bldg. Improvement Blse Year Architecture Type Perimeter Built Grade No. 11177 Single Family 126 300 23008 Combine Floor 8edrooma Roof Type GABLE Floor. X Fixture 81th Roof Cover ASPHALT SHINGL Will Type DIYWclli Forced Oucted Hellt Source1 ElectriCity 2 Fixture 81th Helt Type1 3 Fixture Seth Heat Sourc:e2 HeltType2 Fireplaces Concrete Slab Year Remodeled Foundlltlon Number Yeer Attic Section Anti Type Exterior Wall Type Stories Built Finish Numbsr 1.0 1sn N 001 Res BASE Area (BAS) CONC OR CINDER BLOCK 1.0 19n N 002 PatiO (PTO) Non-Applicable N 003 Finished Utility ( FST) Non-Applicable 1.0 19n 1.0 1977 N 004 Unfinished Garage (UGR) Non-Applicable 1.0 1977 N 005 Porch. Open Fimshed (FOP) Non-Applicable http://vcpa.vcgov .org/cgi-binlsearcb.cgi Phys. Oepr. 27% 3 0 0 0 Bsmt Aree 0% O'lb 0'.4 0% 0% Loc. Fune. Next Obs. Obs. Review 0% 0% 2999 4 Fixture Beth 0 5 Fixture Bath 0 6 Fixture Bath 0 7 Fixture Beth 0 AIC Yes 8smt Floor Finish Area 0% 962 Sq. Feel 0% 96 Sq. Feet 0% 88 Sq Feet 0% 198 Sq. Feet 0% 42Sq. Feet 11117/2015 Page 2 of2 Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office: Parcel Information Parcel Notes (Click button below to display Parcel Notes) Planning and Building Permit Number Permit Amount Date Issued Date Complete Construction DescriptiOI'I Occup8ney Number Occupancy Bldg Total Values 7,003 New ConstructiOI'I Value '14,989 City Econ Dev/HI&torlc 0 51,992 Previous Just Value 411 ,611 Previous School 41,611 PrevioUs Non.SchooiAiseseed 25,000 Prevloua Exemption Value o Previous Additional Exempti011 Value 16,611 Previous School Taxable 16,611 Previous Non.School Taxable Land Value Building Value Miscellaneous Just Value School Assessed NOI'I-School Assessed Exemption Value Additional Exemption Value School Texable • N011.School Taxable J MapiT J PALMS J Map Kiosk 0 0 61,992 41,611 41.611 25.000 0 16,611 16,611 j MNn: Ytl4Jf basic pact:ti rtco.U .search ncltdlllg IX climensions PALMS: Basic Plrw! ~ ua~ wlh ehhanc::ed futures. Mlp Kkrlk: ~ .,....netel lOOk 1or c.'U5tom *"rebe' Ott M~fll ilyets i1etucfing ptt"Caals http :// 11/17/2015 BLUE SPRINGS NUTRIENT REDUCTION PROJECT· PHASE II EAST GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT "E" SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 0 CONCEPTUAL COST ESTIMATE 0 DESIGN TICKETS - - ~---- ------ -- - - - -~ CITY OF ORANGE CITY SWMMP GRAVES AVENUE AREA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ORANGE CITY, FLORIDA ENGINEER'S CONCEPTUAL COST ESTIMATE BID ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FOOT ITEM NO. 101-1 101-2 102-2 104-4 110-1-1 120-9 160-4 285-706 327-70-6 334-1-13 400-15 425-1-311 425-1 -351 425-1-361 425-1-521 425- 1-541 425- 1-543 425-1-549 425- 1-711 425-2-41 430-175-118 430-175-124 430-175-130 430-1 75-136 430-175-142 430-175-148 430-175-154 430-1 75-160 430-982- 138 430-982-143 520-1-10 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization/Demobilization (5% of items below) Survey, Layout and Certified As-Built Maintenance of Traffic Prevention, Control and Abatement of Erosion and Water Pollution Clearing and Grubbing Excavation, Embankment and Grading Type B Stabilization (12") Optional Base, Base Group 6 Mill Existing Asphalt Pavement (1-1/2" Average Depth) Superpave Asphaltic Concrete Pavement (1-1/2")( 165 LB/SY) Class I Concrete (Miscellaneous) Inlets (Curb Type P-1)(=<10') Inlets (Curb Type P-5)(=<10') Inlets (Curb Type P-6)(-<10') Inlets (DT Bot Type C)(-<10') Inlets (DT Bot Type D)(=<10') Inlets (DT Bot Type D)(J-Bot)(-<1 0') Inlets (DT Bot TypeD Modify)(=<10') Inlets (Gutter Type V)(-<10') Manholes, P-7, <10' Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111)(18") Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111 )(24") Concrete PiJ>e Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111)(30") Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111)(36") Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111)(42") Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111)(48") Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS)(Ciass 111)(54") Concrete Pipe Culvert(SSJ(Ciass 1111(60'1 Mitered End Section (36" Round) with Grates Mitered End Section (60" Round) with Grates Concrete Curb and Gl!tt~ "J"ype f ___ QTY. UNIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 5,038 4,038 2,560 454 3 1 2 1 2 2 18 1 3 1 99 500 303 750 603 1,220 215 480 1 1 200 LS LS LS LS LS LS SY SY SY TN CY EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA LF UNIT PRICE $76,156 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $75,000 $96,000 $7 $40 $3 $110 $250 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,250 $3,500 $4,500 $2,500 $3,500 $3,500 $75 $90 $125 $140 $155 $165 $195 $225 $1,500 $2,500 $25 TOTAL PRICE $76,156 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $75,000 $96,000 $35,266 $161,520 $7,680 $49,940 $750 $3,500 $7,000 $3,500 $6,500 $7,000 $81,000 $2,500 $10,500 $3,500 $7,425 $45,000 $37,875 $105,000 $93,465 $201,300 $41,925 $108,000 $1 ,500 $2,500 $5,000 I CITY OF ORANGE CITY SWMMP GRAVES AVENUE A REA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ORANGE CITY, FLORIDA ENGINEER'S CONCEPTUAL COST ESTIMATE BID ITEM NO. FOOT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 520-1-11 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Drop 520-2 Concrete Valley Gutter 522-1 Concrete Sidewalk, 4" Thick 522-2 Concrete Sidewalk, 6" Thick 530-3-4 Rubble Riprap, Furnish and Install, Ditch Lining 530-74 Bedding Stone 550-10 221 Fencing, Type B, 5.1-6.0, wNinyl Coating 550-60-222 Fence Gate, Type B, Double 6.1-12.0' Opening Performance Turf, Sod (Match Existing) 570-1-2 711-11-123 Thermoplastic, Standard, White, Solid, 12" 711-1 1-125 Thermoplastic, Standard, White, Solid, 24" Utility Adj ustments --SUB-TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Contingencies (20%) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Final Design Services (15%) Estimated Property Acquisition Costs (Parcel801108280033) Per Volusia County PA Estimated Property Acquisition Costs (Parcel8011 08280034) per Volusia County PA 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 QTY. UNIT 201 62 930 649 81 136 900 2 11,054 100 58 1 LF LF SY SY TN TN LF EA SY LF LF LS TOTAL PROJECT COSTS UNIT PRICE $30 $30 $25 $35 $125 $75 $25 $1,000 $3 $3 $5 $90,550 TOTAL PRICE $6,030 $1,860 $23,250 $22, 715 $10,125 $10,200 $22,500 $2,000 $33,162 $300 $290 $90,550 $1,599,284 $319,85 $1,919, 141 $287,871 $52,00C $61,00C $2,320,01;.~ IRTH One Call Page I of2 DESIGN TICKET Ticket : 271512087 Rev:OOO Taken: 09/28/15 16:38ET State: FL Cnty: VOLUSIA GeoPlace: ORANGE CITY CallerPlace: ORANGE CITY Subdivision: Address Street E GRAVES AVE Cross 1 N HOLLY AVE Within 1/4 mile: Y Cross 2 : N ORANGE AVE Locat: LOCATE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET Remarks : GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (ORC-22007) GRAVES AVENUE BETWEEN HOLLY AVENUE AND ORANGE AVENUE IN RESPONSE TO RECEIPT OF A DESIGN TICKET, SSOCOF PROVIDES THE ORIGINATOR OF THE DESIGN TICKET WITH A LIST OF SSOCOF MEMBERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE DESIGN PROJECT. SSOCOF DOES NOT NOTIFY SSOCOF MEMBERS OF THE RECEIPT BY SSOCOF OF A DESIGN TICKET. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER TO CONTACT SSOCOF MEMBERS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT THE LOCATION OF SSOCOF MEMBERS' UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. SUBMISSION OF A DESIGN TICKET WILL NOT SATISFY THE REQUIREMENT OF CHAPTER 556, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO NOTIFY SSOCOF OF AN INTENT TO EXCAVATE OR DEMOLISH. THAT INTENT MUST BE MADE KNOWN SPECIFICALLY TO SSOCOF IN THE MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW. IN AN EFFORT TO SAVE TIME ON FUTURE CALLS , SAVE YOUR DESIGN TICKET NUMBER IF YOU INTEND TO BEGIN EXCAVATION WITHIN 90 DAYS OF YOUR DESIGN REQUEST. THE DESIGN TICKET CAN BE REFERENCED , AND THE INFORMATION ON I T CAN BE USED TO SAVE TIME WHEN YOU CALL IN THE EXCAVATION REQUEST. *** LOOKUP BY BETWEEN *** Grids : 2856A8117A 2856A8117B Work date: 09/28/15 Time : 16:43ET Hrs note: 000 Category: 6 Duration: UNKNOWN Due Date : 09/30/15 Time : 23:59ET Exp Date : 10/28/15 Time: 23:59ET Work type: DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Boring : N White-lined: N Ug/Oh/Both : U Machinery : N Depth: 0 Permits: N N/A Done for : ORANGE CI TY Company Co addr City Caller BestTime: Fax Email PEGASUS ENGINEERING Type: CONT 301 W SR 434 SUITE 309 WINTER SPRINGS State: FL Zip: 32708 PRISCILLA VILLANUEVA Phone: 4 07-992-9160 8AM-5PM 407-358 -5 155 [email protected] Submitted: 09/28/15 16:38ET Oper : PRI Chan: WEB Mbrs : CVITV3 FPC322 FPUC02 L3C900 OCU780 SBF02 Service Area Code Service Area Name CVITV3 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS, LLC VOLUSIA TL205 1 UTI296 Contact Phone Numbers ANDY FORAN Day: (386) 775- 4444 x7123 CABLE TV http://www .online8 ll .com//IRTHOneCalVCenters/PrinterFriendlyConfmnation.aspx Utility Type 9/28/2015 IRTH One Call Page 2 of2 FPC322 DUKE ENERGY SHARON DEAR FPUC02 FL PUBLIC UTILITIES GLENN PENDLETON L3C900 LEVEL3 COMMUNICATIONS Day: (407) 905- 3321 ELECTRIC GAS NETWORK RELATIONS Day: (877) 366 - 8344 x2 FIBER OPTIC OCU780 ORANGE CITY UTILITIES CHERYL BREDBENNER Day: (386) 775 - 5449 Alt: (386) 804- 7345 WATER& SEWER SBF02 AT&T/ DISTRIBUTION DINO FARRUGGIO Day: (954) 249 - 0558 TELEPHONE UTI296 CENTURYLINK MARLON BROWN Day: (407) 830 - 3359 PHONE& FIBER OPTIC http://www .online8ll .com//IRTHOneCalVCenters/PrinterFriendlyConfmnation.aspx 9/28/2015 Page 1 of2 IRTH One Call DESIGN TICKET Ticket : 271511903 Rev:OOO Taken: 09/28/15 16:22ET State: FL Cnty: VOLUSIA GeoPlace: ORANGE CITY CallerPlace: ORANGE CITY Subdivis i on: Address N HOLLY AVE Street Cross 1 E UNIVERSITY AVE Within 1/4 mile : Y Cross 2 : GRAVES AVE Locat: LOCATE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET Remarks : GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (ORC-22007) IN RESPONSE TO RECEI PT OF A DESIGN TICKET , SSOCOF PROVIDES THE ORIGINATOR OF THE DESIGN TICKET WITH A LIST OF SSOCOF MEMBERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE DESIGN PROJECT. SSOCOF DOES NOT NOTIFY SSOCOF MEMBERS OF THE RECEIPT BY SSOCOF OF A DESIGN TICKET. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER TO CONTACT SSOCOF MEMBERS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT THE LOCATION OF SSOCOF MEMBERS' UNDERGROUND FACILITI ES. SUBMISSION OF A DESIGN TICKET WILL NOT SATISFY THE REQUIREMENT OF CHAPTER 556, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO NOTIFY SSOCOF OF AN INTENT TO EXCAVATE OR DEMOLISH. THAT INTENT MUST BE MADE KNOWN SPECIFICALLY TO SSOCOF IN THE MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW. IN AN EFFORT TO SAVE TIME ON FUTURE CALLS, SAVE YOUR DESIGN TICKET NUMBER IF YOU I NTEND TO BEGIN EXCAVATION WITHIN 90 DAYS OF YOUR DESIGN REQUEST. THE DESIGN TICKET CAN BE REFERENCED , AND THE I NFORMATION ON IT CAN BE USED TO SAVE TIME WHEN YOU CALL IN THE EXCAVATION REQUEST . ** * LOOKUP BY BETWEEN * ** Grids : 2856A8117A 2857D8117A Work date : 09/28/15 Time: 16:34ET Hrs note: 000 Category: 6 Duration : UNKNOWN Due Date : 09/30/15 Time: 23:59ET Exp Date : 10/28/15 Time : 23 : 59ET Work type : DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Boring : N White-lined : N Ug/Oh/Both: U Machinery: N Depth: 0 Permits: N N/ A Done for : ORANGE CI TY Company Co addr City Caller BestTime: Fax Email PEGASUS ENGI NEERING Type : CONT 301 W SR 434 SUITE 309 WINTER SPRINGS State: FL Zip: 32708 PRISCILLA VILLANUEVA Phone: 407 - 992-9160 8AM- 5PM 407-358-5155 PRISCILLA®PEGASUSENGINEERING.NET Submi tted : 09/28/15 16 : 22ET Oper : PRI Chan: WEB Mbrs : CVITV3 FPC322 FPUC02 OCU780 SBF02 TL2051 UTI 296 Service Area Code CVITV3 Utility Type Service Area N arne Contact Phone Numbers BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS, LLC VOLUSIA ANDY FORAN Day: (386) 775-4444 x7123 CABLE TV http://www .online8 ll .corn//IRTHOneCalVCenters/PrinterFriendlyConfirmation.aspx 9/28/2015 IRTH One Call Page 2 of2 FPC322 DUKE ENERGY SHARON DEAR Day: (407) 905-3321 ELECTRIC FPUC02 FL PUBLIC UTILITIES GLENN PENDLETON GAS OCU780 ORANGE CITY UTILITIES CHERYL BREDBENNER Day: (386) 775- 5449 Alt: (386) 804 - 7345 WATER& SEWER SBF02 AT&T/ DISTRIBUTION DINO FARRUGGIO Day: (954) 249 - 0558 TELEPHONE UTI296 CENTURYLINK MARLON BROWN Day: (407) 830 - 3359 PHONE& FIBER OPTIC http://www 9/28/2015 Priscilla Villanueva [email protected] Monday, September 28, 2015 4:50 PM Priscilla Villanueva SSOCOF CONFRM 2015/09/28 #00000 271512149-000 NORM DSGN NEW From: Sent: To: Subject: CONFRM 88888 CALL SUNSHINE 89/28/15 16 :49 : 56ET 271512149-888 DESIGN Ticket : 271512149 Rev:888 Taken: 89 / 28/ 15 16:45ET STREET DESIGN TICKET State : FL Cnty: VOLUSIA GeoPlace : ORANGE CITY CallerPlace: ORANGE CITY Subdivision : Address Street S ORANGE AVE Cross 1 E GRAVES AVE Within 1/4 mile: Y Cross 2 : LAKEVIEW AVE Locat : LOCATE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET Remarks : GRAVES AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (ORC-22887) ORANGE AVENUE BETWEEN GRAVES AND LAKEVIEW IN RESPONSE TO RECEIPT OF A DESIGN TICKET, SSOCOF PROVIDES THE ORIGINATOR OF THE DESIGN TICKET WITH A LIST OF SSOCOF MEMBERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE DESIGN PROJECT. SSOCOF DOES NOT NOTIFY SSOCOF MEMBERS OF THE RECEIPT BY SSOCOF OF A DESIGN TICKET. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER TO CONTACT SSOCOF MEMBERS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT THE LOCATION OF SSOCOF MEMBERS' UNDERGROUND FACILITIES . SUBMISSION OF A DESIGN TICKET WILL NOT SATISFY THE REQUIREMENT OF CHAPTER 556, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO NOTIFY SSOCOF OF AN INTENT TO EXCAVATE OR DEMO LISH. THAT INTENT MUST BE MADE KNOWN SPECIFICALLY TO SSOCOF IN THE MANNE R REQUIRED BY LAW. IN AN EFFORT TO SAVE TIME ON FUTURE CALLS, SAVE YOUR DESIGN TICKET NUMBER IF YOU INTEND TO BEGIN EXCAVATION WITHIN 98 DAYS OF YOUR DESIGN REQUEST. THE DESIGN TICKET CAN BE REFERENCED , AND TH E INFORMATION ON IT CAN BE USED TO SAVE TIME WHEN YOU CALL IN THE EXCAVATION REQUEST. *** LOOKUP BY BETWEEN *** Grids : 2856A8117B 2856B8117B Work date: 89/28/15 Time: 16:47ET Hrs note: 888 Category: 6 Duration: UNKNOWN Due Date : 89/38/15 Time: 23 : 59ET Exp Date : 18/28/15 Time : 23:59ET Work type : DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Boring: N White -l ined: N Ug/Oh/ Both : U Machinery: N Depth: 8 Permits: N N/ A Done for : ORANGE CITY Company City Caller BestTime: Fax Email PEGASUS ENGINEERING Type : CONT Co addr WINTER SPRINGS State: FL Zip : 32788 PRISCILLA VILLANUEVA Phone: 487-992-9168 8AM-5PM 487-358-5155 [email protected] 381 W SR 434 Submitted: 89/28/15 16:45ET Oper : PRI Chan: WEB Mbrs : CVITV3 ANDY FORAN 386-775-4444 Ext: 7123 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS, LLC 211 ST JOE PLAZA SUITE 389 PALM COAST, FL 32164 Level 1: $91 .5e PER HR/2 HR . min . request will need to be in writing on requesting company's letterhead along with copy of locate ticket number and site map . Allow 3e days for response. Level 2: $91.5e PER HR/2 HR. min. request will need to be in writing on requesting company 's letterhead along with copy of locate ticket number and site map. Allow 3e days for response . Level 3: $118.61 PER HR. Locate and/or on site meeting to be scheduled after normal business hours, Monday thru Friday . Level 4 : SERVICE NOT PROVIDED 4e7-9e5-3321 FPC322 SHARON DEAR DUKE ENERGY 452 E CROWN POINTE RD WINTER GARDEN, FL 33787 Level 1: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 2: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 3: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 4: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER FPUCe2 GLENN PENDLETON FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES CO 45e S HWY 17/92 DEBARY, FL 32713 Level 1: SERVICE NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 2: SERVICE NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 3 : SERVICE NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 4: SERVICE NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER L3C9ee NETWORK RELATIONS 877-366-8344 Ext: 2 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC 1e25 ELDORADO BLVD BROOMFIELD, CO 8ee21 Level 1: CONTACT MEMBER DIRECTLY FOR FEE SCALE Level 2: CONTACT MEMBER DIRECTLY FOR FEE SCALE Level 3 : CONTACT MEMBER DIRECTLY FOR FEE SCALE Level 4: CONTACT MEMBER DIRECTLY FOR FEE SCALE OCU78e CHERYL BREDBENNER 386-775-5449 ORANGE CITY UTILITIES 426 S. VOLUSIA AVENUE ORANGE CITY, FL 32763 Level 1: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 2: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 3: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 4: SERVICES NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER SBFe2 DINO FARRUGGIO 954-249-e558 AT & T/ DISTRIBUTION 112e S ROGERS CIR BOCA RATON, FL 33487 Level 1: FEE TO BE DETERMINED Level 2: NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER Level 3: FEE TO BE DETERMINED Level 4 : NOT PROVIDED BY MEMBER TL2e51 UTI296 MARLON BROWN 4e7-83e-3359 CENTURYLINK 952 1ST ST. ROOM 1e3 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 327el Level 1: CASE BY CASE BASIS Level 2: CASE BY CASE BASIS 2 Level 3: CASE BY CASE BASIS Level 4 : CASE BY CASE BASIS VCW783 EARL FARMER 386-804-7788 VOLUSIA COUNTY WATER & UTILITY SERVICE 3151 E. NEW YORK DELAND , FL 32720 Level 1 : NO FEE COMES FROM UTILITIES ENGINEER DEPARTMENT Level 2: WE DO NOT PERFORM THIS SERVICE Level 3: WE DO NOT PERFORM THIS SERVICE Level 4: NO FEE MAY REFUSE SOME REQUEST DEPENDING ON SITUATION 3