STORMIN NORMAN Highland-H Stormin Norman (A 94) Herdbook number : NL 970175076 A.I.-code : 763456 Colour : black & white Date of birth : 24-02-1998 Breed : 100% HF Straw colour : transparent (large) aAa code : 564 C.V.M. : Free BLAD : Free Maternal line : Highland N MAUGHLIN STORM Madawaska Aerostar 26-08-1991 25-03-1985 CAN 5457798 CAN 383622 Wykholme Dewdrop Tacy ET 17-08-1987 CAN 4467150 Total 6 lact.: 81871 kg 3.9% 3.4% Ext.: VG 89 HIGHLAND-H ASTRE NESTLE Duregal Astre Starbuck 01-09-1995 2.05 305d 3.09 305d 4.09 305d 5.09 143d Ext.: VG 87 02-11-1986 USA 15849770 10582 kg 4.4% 3.3% 11584 kg 3.9% 3.5% 14216 kg 3.9% 3.5% 5799 kg 3.7% 3.7% CAN 392405 Highland-H Farms Astrojet Nina 25-07-1988 2.07 305d 3.10 305d 5.08 305d 7.11 262d Ext.: EX 93 USA 13422996 7326 kg 4.3% 3.5% 7326 kg 4.1% 3.6% 12252 kg 4.6% 3.3% 7942 kg 5.0% 3.3% Sire of Norman is the Canadian milk- and conformation bull Maughlin Storm. Storm is an international much used bull sire who has delivered worldwide some interesting sons. Norman could be one of Storm’s most interesting sons who has been tested. Similar to his sire breeds Norman cows with beautiful conformation and a very good somatic cell score. Norman’s dam line is an internationally unknown family. For generations perform these cows in a large herd under extreme tough conditions. The family of Stormin Norman managed out there to attract the interest. The bull Norman itself is late maturing, who was used as AI bull after the excellent results of his progeny. The first four daughters from his test-period are registered excellent in America, what is quite extraordinary. With his unique aAa code this bull will improve a lot towards the Holstein population. 3473.jpg Highland-H Stormin Norman (EX94, Storm x Astre x Astro Jet x Marquis Ned) is an in U.S.A located bull of which K.I. SAMEN imports semen. His pedigree is characterized by a family line with top conformation and high milk productions. T +31 (0)77 35 86 789 [email protected] STORMIN NORMAN Norman Carla (EX 93) (s. Stormin Norman) 3.05 365d 17364 kg 4.5% 3.1% Highland-H Norman Jabot (EX 90) (s. Stormin Norman) BREEDING VALUES TIP %Rel -143 96 NVI -77 INET -201 Vererving Lgv. Base %Rel -225 Z 96 Dtrs 268 Hrd Base Src 120 Z NLD Production index %Rel Dtrs 99 838 Hrd Base Src 325 Z NLD Frame 105 Kg milk % fat % prot Kg fat Kg prot Inet Dairy strength 104 -808 -0.04 -0.18 -34 -43 -201 Udder 107 Feet & Legs 102 Total Score 107 Stature 107 Chest width 106 Body depth 107 Angularity 104 Functional traits Sire %Rel Calving ease 101 90 Vitality 97 90 Beef index 101 97 Daughters Condition 103 Fertility 97 94 Rump Angle 97 NR 96 88 Rump Width 103 Calving interval 99 96 Rear legs Rear view 102 Mat. Calving process 102 91 Rear leg Set 92 Mat. Vitality 102 93 Foot Angle 108 Persistency 103 98 Locomotion 100 Maturity rate 101 98 For udder attachment 107 Udder Health 107 95 Front teat placement 105 Somatic cell count 105 99 Teat length 95 Milking speed 106 94 Udder depth 108 Claw health 99 80 Rear udder height 103 Temperament 102 92 Central ligament 98 Body weight 107 79 Rear teat placement 94 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 T +31 (0)77 35 86 789 [email protected] 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110
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