catalysis - DigitalRefining
catalysis - DigitalRefining
catalysis 2012 ptq cover and spine copy 6.indd 1 23/2/12 20:44:33 Stepping up performance – next generation BRIM™ technology WWW.TOPSOE.CO M Are you looking to step up plant performance? Topsøe’s next generation BRIM™ catalysts offer refiners the opportunity to increase performance through an increase in catalyst activity. Using the original BRIM™ technology Topsøe has developed several new catalysts, resulting in higher activity at lower filling densities. The next generation BRIM™ catalysts display - high dispersion high porosity high activity We look forward to stepping up your performance! haldor.indd 1 23/2/12 11:45:41 Security of feedstock supply catalysis ptq 2012 Vol 13 No 2 2008 Editor René G Gonzalez [email protected] Production Editor Rachel Zamorski [email protected] Graphics Editor Mohammed Samiuddin [email protected] Editorial PO Box 11283 Spring TX 77391, USA tel +1 281 374 8240 fax +1 281 257 0582 Advertising Sales Manager Paul Mason [email protected] Advertising Sales Bob Aldridge [email protected] Advertising Sales Office tel +44 870 90 303 90 fax +44 870 90 246 90 Publisher Nic Allen [email protected] Circulation Jacki Watts [email protected] Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd Hopesay, Craven Arms SY7 8HD, UK tel +44 870 90 600 20 fax +44 870 90 600 40 ISSN 1362-363X Petroleum Technology Quarterly (USPS 0014-781) is published quarterly plus annual Catalysis edition by Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd and is distributed in the USA by SPP, 75 Aberdeen Rd, Emigsville, PA 17318. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville PA. Postmaster: send address changes to Petroleum Technology Quarterly c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437 Back numbers available from the Publisher at $30 per copy inc postage. contents/ed com copy 8.indt 1 3 Onwards and upwards Chris Cunningham D 5 ptq&a espite signs in 2007 of a slowdown in various sectors of the economy, refiners remain a big play for prospective investors. It used to be 17 conventional Evaluation of a low that rare higher earth resid FCC catalyst wisdom fuel prices and a slowing economy would curb demand and increase supply, but for Catalysts the past seven years Sabeeth Srikantharajah and Colin Baillie Grace Technologies that has not proved to be the case. While the rate of increase in world oil demand Bernhard Wieland Wache Bayernoilappears that has declined since theZahnbrecher surprising 4%and surge in 2004, it nevertheless demand beyond 2008 will grow, along with prices. It is a safe bet that rapidly increasing oil consumption by China, India and even the Middle East producers 23 Refinery fuel gas in steam reforming hydrogen plants themselves will continue. It is also safe to assume that refinery and petrochemical Peter Broadhurst and Graham Hinton Johnson Matthey Catalysts conversion unit capacity will need to expand. No massive new sources of energy are expected to come on stream for the foreseeable future. The world will remain dependent on oil and gas for decades to accumulation in coker naphtha hydrotreaters come 31 evenEstimating though thesilicon upstream industry faces increasing challenges in the discovery and production of new sources. fact,Kraus some well-placed industry Thienan Tran, Patrick Gripka andInLarry analysts think 2008 may be the year where there is no increase in crude supply at Criterion Catalysts & Technologies all from regions outside of OPEC. For this reason, we will continue to see significant investment in refinery upgrades despite surging costs — security of feedstock supply, albeit low-quality feedstock, takes precedence over the 35 FCCunconventional catalyst coolers in maximum propylene mode quality of feedstock supply. Rahul Pillai and Phillip Niccum KBR Feedstock options such as biomass (for biofuels production), Canadian tar sands (for distillate production) and other types of unconventional crude sources require reactor45 technology thatcatalyst allows for the integration of these analysis operations intosorting existing Decrease costs by regeneration, and process configurations. The quality of these types of feedstock are one important whyPierre Dufresne reason a wider array of Eurecat catalysts has been introduced into the market. For example, asFrancois refiners Locatelli cut deeper into the vacuum tower, the concentration of Eurecat France metals in the VGO requires a properly designed guard bed system to protect active catalysts in the hydrocracker. The characteristics of feedstock with low API gravity 53 high Optimisation of integrated complexes (eg, <10), metals, nitrogen and otheraromatic undesirable components is one of the main reasons hydrotreaters andAG hydrocrackers are becoming larger — to Axelwhy Düker Süd-Chemie accommodate not only higher volumes of catalyst, but also a wider variety of catalyst with specific formulations. Non-catalytic processes are also playing 59 Troubleshooting a FCC unit a significant role in the refiner’s ability to process whatever unconventional crude sources become available. For example, Chiranjeevi Thota, Shalini Gupta, Dattatraya Tammanna Gokak, some refiners processing higher volumes of resid and atmospheric tower bottoms Ravi kumar P VofC solvent-extraction Rao and Viswanathan Poyyamani have considered addingVoolapalli, certain types processes in addition to overall improvements to crude unit (eg, vacuum tower revamps) and delayed Swaminathan Bharat Petroleum Corporation coker operations. Improvements in furnace technology, such as with olefin steam cracker operations, have resulted in significant increases in worldwide ethylene capacity. However, any expansion of the value chain (eg, ethylene-to-propylene via dehydrogenation) requires investment in catalytic-based processes, as discussed in the following articles authored by experts in the field of downstream process technology. PTQ wishes to extend its gratitude to the authors who provided Marathon Oil’sresponded Catlettsburg refinery, Kentucky, USA Marathon Oil editorial and to the Q&A published in this issue of PTQPhoto: Catalysis, as well as to those respondents who addressed the online questions ( that addressed the specifics of certain reactor and catalytic issues of importance to the industry. ©2012. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright full details of which are available from the publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the copyright owner. The opinions and views expressed by the authors in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher and while every care has been taken in the preparation of all material included in Petroleum Technology Quarterly the publisher cannot be held responsible for any statements, opinions or views or for any inaccuracies. René G Gonzalez 24/2/12 09:54:43 (9(5:21'(5:+$70$.(6 285&$7$/<67662$'9$1&('" ,1'8675</($',1*0,1'62)&2856( (YHQ ZLWK D ZLGH UDQJH RI SURYHQ FDWDO\VWV OLNH &(17(5$ LQ RXU SRUWIROLR DQG QHDUO\ F\FOHV RI FRPPHUFLDO 8/6' RSHUDWLRQV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG DW &5,7(5,21 ZH VWLOO WKLQN WKH XOWLPDWH NH\ WR SHUIRUPDQFHLVRXUSHRSOH2XUUHVHDUFKDQGGHYHORSPHQWWHDPUHSUHVHQWVDVHOHFWIRUFHRIREVHVVLYHO\ GHGLFDWHGWKLQNHUV¤LQGXVWU\OHDGLQJVFLHQWLVWVZLWKWKHDELOLW\WRWUDQVIRUPDQLGHDLQWRDEUHDNWKURXJK VROXWLRQ 5HVW DVVXUHG WKH QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ RI FDWDO\VW WHFKQRORJ\ LV LQ JRRG KDQGV DQG KHDGV CRITERION: Leading minds. Advanced technologies. criterion.indd 1 23/2/12 11:52:11 Security of Onwards and feedstock upwards supply catalysis ptq Vol 17 No Vol213 No 2 2012 2008 Editor Editor René G Gonzalez Chris Cunningham [email protected] [email protected] Production Editor Production Editor Rachel Storry Rachel Zamorski [email protected] [email protected] Graphics Editor Rob Fris Graphics Editor [email protected] Mohammed Samiuddin [email protected] Editorial tel +44 844 5888 773 fax +44 844 5888 667 Editorial PO Box 11283 Business Development Director Spring TX 77391, USA Paul Mason tel +1 281 374 8240 [email protected] fax +1 281 257 0582 Advertising Sales Bob Aldridge Advertising Sales Manager [email protected] Paul Mason [email protected] Advertising Sales Office tel +44 844 5888 771 Advertising Sales fax +44 844 5888 662 Bob Aldridge [email protected] Publisher Nic Allen Advertising Sales Office [email protected] tel +44 870 90 303 90 fax +44 870 90 246 90 Circulation Jacki Watts Publisher [email protected] Nic Allen [email protected] Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd Hopesay, Craven Arms SY7 8HD, UK Circulation tel +44 844 5888 776 Jacki Watts fax +44 844 5888 667 [email protected] ISSN 1362-363X Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd Hopesay, Craven Arms SY7 8HD, UK tel +44 870 90 600 20 Petroleum Technology Quarterly (USPS 0014-781) faxquarterly +44 870 90 600 40 edition is published plus annual Catalysis by Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd and is distributed in the USA by SPP, 75 Aberdeen Rd, Emigsville, PA ISSNpostage 1362-363X 17318. Periodicals paid at Emigsville PA. Postmaster: send address changes to Petroleum Technology Quarterly c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437 Back numbers available from theQuarterly Publisher Petroleum Technology (USPS at $30 per copy postage. 0014-781) is inc published quarterly plus annual Catalysis edition by Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd and is distributed in the USA by SPP, 75 Aberdeen Rd, Emigsville, PA 17318. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville PA. Postmaster: send address changes to Petroleum Technology Quarterly c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437 Back numbers available from the Publisher at $30 per copy inc postage. DT signs in 2007business of a slowdown in various of the economy, heespite refining catalysts is nothing if not sectors responsive. Sometimes refiresponse ners remain big for prospective investors. It used to be that has toa be in play the immediate term, reference some significant conventional wisdom that higher fuel prices and a slowing economy price hikes for FCC catalyst in particular during 2011, although there would curb and increase supply, for the past seven is a continuing anddemand strong technical riposte frombut catalyst developers to years the thatunlegislated has not proved to be the case. While the rate of increase in world oil demand rise in rare earth metals prices that chiefly caused the hikes. For the hasmost declined since the 4% surge in 2004, it nevertheless appears that part, though, thesurprising catalyst firms’ technical development and business focus demand beyond 2008 will grow, along with prices. It is a safe bet that rapidly is determined in the longer term by the twin drivers of economic development increasing oil consumption by China, India and even the Middle East producers and environmental regulation. themselves will continue. It is also safe to assumestandards that refinery and petrochemical In the US and Western Europe, engineering are delivering increasconversion unit capacity will need to expand. ingly efficient road vehicles, while the post-recession market is applying a No massive sources of energy are expected to come on stream for the more generalnew brake to growth in demand for transportation fuels. As a result, foreseeable future. The world will remain dependent on oil and gas for decades to the world’s developing economies are determining the future shape of growth come even though the upstream industry faces increasing challenges in the in demand for petroleum products. discovery and production of new sources. In fact, some well-placed industry To illustrate, demand for transport fuels in developing economies may rise analysts think 2008 may be the year where there is no increase in crude supply at by as much as 300% by 2050, according to the World Energy Council. Half a all from regions outside of OPEC. For this reason, we will continue to see significant decade ago, vehicle was at 11 cars per 1000 China and investment in refi nery ownership upgrades despite surging costs — people securityin of feedstock about 20% higher in India. The world average was around 110 cars per 1000 supply, albeit unconventional low-quality feedstock, takes precedence over the capita. But China’s car ownership has been growing by 12% per annum in quality of feedstock supply. recent years, whilesuch the equivalent India is 9%. More immediately, Feedstock options as biomassrate (for in biofuels production), Canadian tarChina sands expectedproduction) to cut its and sulphur fuels from a street-chocking (forisdistillate otherlimit typesfor of vehicle unconventional crude sources require 350 ppm to 50 ppm, and theofArabian Gulf area into are moving reactor technology that while allowsBrazil, for theIndia integration these operations existing towards dieselofregulation, which are should a process confiultra-low gurations.sulphur The quality these typesall of of feedstock one deliver important strong upsurge in array demand for hydrotreating in the near Taken reason why a wider of catalysts has beencatalysts introduced into theterm. market. For together, trends strongly bothtower, catalystthe sales effort and theof example, asthese refiners cutare deeper intoinfluencing the vacuum concentration siting new catalyst production centres. metals inof the VGO requires a properly designed guard bed system to protect active If not on the scaleThe of demand for caroffuels in developing countries, catalysts in quite the hydrocracker. characteristics feedstock with low API gravity (eg,growth <10), high metals,for nitrogen and other undesirable components is one more of the in demand ships’ bunker fuels is strong and, geographically, main reasons why hydrocrackers — to even. Most of thehydrotreaters world’s trade and is done by ship andare thebecoming global fleetlarger continues accommodate not only higher volumes of catalyst, but also a wider variety to grow in line with populations and their trade. Although bunkers’ share ofof catalyst withmarket specificfor formulations. the total fuel oils continues to increase, there is uncertainty about Non-catalytic processes also playing a signifi cant role in the suppliers. refiner’s ability the rate of increase. The are reasons are of special interest to catalyst The to process whatever unconventional crude sources become available. Forare example, International Maritime Organisation’s Marpol Annex VI regulations delivsome refianers processing higher resid and atmospheric towerships. bottoms ering steady reduction in thevolumes level of of sulphur oxide emissions from In have considered adding certain types of solvent-extraction processes in addition its initial stages, the legislation chiefly affected coastal and semi-enclosed to overall improvements crudeeffect unit in (eg, tower revamps) and delayed seawaters, but now it istotaking thevacuum open seas. cokerFrom operations. Improvements in furnace technology, suchcap as with olefisulphur n steam the start of this year, a reduction in the global on the cracker operations, have resulted in significant increases in worldwide ethylene content of bunker fuels, from 4.50% to 3.50%, came into force. A progressive capacity. reduction in the allowable level of sulphur in ships’ fuel will see the cap fall to However, any expansion of the value chain (eg, ethylene-to-propylene via 0.5% in 2020, subject to a review in 2018. For coastal waters and sulphur emisdehydrogenation) requires investment in catalytic-based processes, as discussed in sion control areas, the allowable sulphur level is set to fall to 0.10%, from a the following articles authored by experts in the field of downstream process current 1%, in 2015. Uncertainty arises in how the IMO expects to apply the technology. PTQ wishes to extend its gratitude to the authors who provided more stringent levels of VI. published The IMO does notissue favour stackCatalysis, emissionsas editorial and responded to Annex the Q&A in this of PTQ cleaning on board ships, but ship owners are not especially in favour of the well as to those respondents who addressed the online questions ( premium radicalreactor drop inand fuelcatalytic sulphurissues levels.ofDepending thatprice addressed the implied specificsby of acertain importanceonto price balance, operators of new-build ships may opt for distillate as their thethe industry. fuel of choice. In any event, a whole lot more hydrotreating to meet maritime demand is implied. chris cunningham René G Gonzalez CATALYSIS 2012 contents/ed com copy 8.indt 2 3 23/2/12 12:35:32 Worried about the cost of rare earth? Grace has the solution: REp R TM Rare earth price inflation is the most serious issue facing the global refining industry. Grace, with our long history of innovation and strong R&D, leads the industry with the first line of commercially successful zero/low rare earth FCC catalysts: the REpLaCeR™ family. Launched in the first quarter of 2011, the REpLaCeR™ family includes five new catalysts for both hydrotreated and resid feed processing with zero and low rare earth content. The REpLaCeR™ family of catalysts utilizes proprietary zeolites and state-of-the-art stabilization methods to deliver performance similar to current rare earth-based FCC technologies. We’re also investing in our plants to bring these products to the refining industry quickly and globally. So if you’re concerned about rare earth pricing and availability, but need optimal FCC performance, call the technical experts at Grace. We’ll customize a solution using one of our new zero/low rare earth catalysts that delivers the yields you expect. Grace Catalysts Technologies 7500 Grace Drive Columbia, MD USA 21044 +1.410.531.4000 grace.indd 1 23/2/12 11:54:00 ptq&a Q Is there significant commercial experience with solid acid alkylation catalysts? What sorts of advantages are experienced or expected over liquid acid catalysts? A Edwin van Rooijen, Business Manager, Albemarle, [email protected] We are still experiencing a considerable amount of interest in our AlkyClean technology, especially in the emerging economies of the world. This technology and the associated solid acid catalyst AlkyStar were jointly developed by Albemarle, Lummus Technology and Neste Oil. AlkyClean technology was honoured by the American Chemical Society with a 2010 Award for Affordable Green Chemistry. The AlkyClean process significantly improves the safety of refinery alkylation over conventional liquid acid-based processes. It reduces potential hazards associated with the transportation and handling of liquid acids. Relying on patented technology, combined with Albemarle’s durable AlkyStar catalyst, the AlkyClean process gives refiners a competitive, cleaner and inherently safer alkylation technology. No acid-soluble oils or spent acids are produced, and there is no need for product post-treatment of any kind to remove traces of acid. In addition to these environmental advantages, the AlkyClean process has proven to be economic and robust and requires minimal maintenance. A Steven Mayo, Global Manager Hydroprocessing Applications, Albemarle, [email protected] To minimise octane loss in FCC gasoline hydrotreaters, both a catalyst and a process are needed that selectively maximise sulphur removal while minimising olefin saturation and mercaptan recombination reactions. The best catalysts for the application are formulated to maximise direct-route desulphurisation with minimum hydrogenation activity. Cobaltmolybdenum catalysts are the preferred catalyst type. Olefins are readily saturated under typical naphtha hydrotreating conditions, so catalysts alone are usually insufficient to prevent significant loss of octane in these units. Licensed FCC gasoline post-treatment process technology combined with proprietary catalyst technology allows for very high levels of sulphur removal (>95%) with minimum octane loss. RT-235 is the latest catalyst development by ExxonMobil Research and Engineering and Albemarle for their SCANfining, selective FCC gasoline desulphurisation, process. This catalyst offers exceptionally high HDS activity with even better octane retention than the first-generation SCANfining catalyst, RT-225. RT-235 can be used in any SCANfiner and is also available for use in selective FCC naphtha desulphurisation units licensed by others. Q How in FCC gasoline hydrotreaters? effective are NOx-reducing additives at cutting regenerator stack emissions, and is using them a cost-effective option? A Brian Watkins, Manager of Technical Service and A Alan Kramer, Global FCC Additives Specialist, Q What catalyst types are best for minimising octane losses Laboratory Evaluations, Advanced Refining Technologies, [email protected] Octane loss in FCC gasoline hydrotreaters occurs with the saturation of the olefins present in the oil coming from the FCC unit. This saturation readily occurs over hydrotreating catalyst in the presence of heat and hydrogen, so a low-metals cobalt molybdenum (CoMo/Al2O3) catalyst selective for hydrodesulphurisation is recommended. The goal is to be able to provide the required sulphur removal with limited olefin and aromatic saturation. Nickel molybdenum (NiMo/ Al2O3) catalyst, although having high hydrodesulphurisation activity, also has a much higher olefin and aromatics conversion activity, making it unsuitable for this application. Generally, to minimise olefin saturation, lower pressure and high liquid space velocity are recommended in order to limit octane loss. Albemarle, [email protected] There are two additive types that can lower FCC regenerator stack NOx emissions. The first type is low-NOx combustion promoters such as Albemarle’s ElimiNOx. These replace conventional platinum-based promoters used in full-combustion FCC units. ElimiNOx has been shown to be very effective over the past 15 years in lowering NOx emissions while maintaining CO and afterburn control in the regenerator. In the 2007 NPRA annual meeting,1 it was reported that US refineries using low-NOx promoters, in accordance with EPA consent decrees, usually saw between 20% and 80% reductions in NOx after switching promoter type. The second type of additive is a non-promoting NOx reduction additive, such as Albemarle’s DuraNOx. These additives are also only used in full-combustion FCC units. The performance of these additives varies Additional Q&A can be found at Q&A copy 10.indd 1 Catalysis 2012 5 23/2/12 12:51:18 greatly from unit to unit and is often difficult to predict. During the 2007 NPRA annual meeting, it was also reported that NOx reduction additives used by US refiners engaged in consent decree trials averaged 26% reduction in NOx. Of the full-burn FCC units reporting results, five saw no effect, 10 observed reductions up to 30%, and eight saw reductions between 50% and 80% when NOx additives were used. When combined with tighter controls on regenerator excess oxygen levels, Albemarle’s NOx reduction additives allow refiners to completely avoid the capital expenditure of installing hardware to reduce NOx emissions, proving once again that additives can be a very cost-effective option. 1 Sexton, Joyal, Foley, EPA Consent Decrees: Progress on FCC Implementation and Future Challenges, NPRA AM-07-44, 2007. A Jason Smith, Refining Additives Manager, BASF, [email protected] NOx-reducing additive performance and cost effectiveness is highly dependent on the unit, as both equipment characteristics and operational variables play a role in NOx formation and reduction. Controlling NOx emissions is probably one of the most difficult applications in the FCC unit. There are several interacting factors that influence NOx emissions. These include: type and level of CO promotion, air flow distribution, excess oxygen, regenerator temperature, regenerator pressure, regen bed level, stripping steam rate, catalyst circulation, and type and quantity of NOx reduction additive. There are two options to reduce NOx emissions. The first approach is to reduce the level of NOx generated. This can be achieved by replacing the platinum CO promoter with one that generates lower levels of NOx while maintaining the capability of oxidising CO to CO2. Low NOx Promoter (LNP) is used by many refineries in controlling afterburn and CO emissions, with a limited amount of NOx produced. Typically, switching from platinum to LNP will result in a reduction of NOx of approximately 30%. A second approach is to use a NOx additive specifically designed to chemically reduce NOx to inert nitrogen. Several NOx-reducing products are being offered in the marketplace, including CleaNOx, BASF’s NOx reduction additive. CleaNOx has been most successful in the US, where it has been used to address EPA consent decrees. In one example, a US refinery in the midwest was able to reduce NOx by more than 70% from an average of 200 ppm to 60 ppm using 1.4 wt% of CleaNOx in its inventory. CleaNOx has also been used and proven in applications where a refinery wanted to reduce NOx from an already low average base of 27 ppm on the East Coast of the US. Even in such a demanding application, CleaNOx demonstrated a 33% reduction in NOx. A Eric Griesinger, Marketing Manager, Environmental NO, ppm Additives, Grace Catalysts Technologies, eric.griesinger@ NOx reduction additives generally fall under two categories: standalone NOx reduction additives and low NOx combustion promoters. Standalone NOx reduction additives are catalyticbased NOx control technologies that provide NOx reduction without any combustion promotional activity. Generally, this NOx control technology has provided a slow response to mitigating elevated NOx concentrations. Grace Davison has developed a catalytic NOx reduction additive, GDNOx 1, which shows prospect of providing a quicker ability to curb NOx emissions. Further, GDNOx 1 technology, which has been patented, provides greater NOx reduction with a correspondingly greater dosing rate (see Figure 1), 350 yet with diminished FCC unit yield 300 penalties often encountered when utilising previous-generation NOx 250 reduction additives. Additionally, 2.5% GDNOX 1 200 GDNOx 1 has not been vulnerable to 5.0% GDNOX 1 material surcharges, thus making the 10.0% GDNOX 1 150 product a cost-effective option. Current generation of low NOx 100 combustion promoters are typically 50 formulated with a noble metal other than platinum. Historically, the use 0 of platinum has been demonstrated 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 to exhibit a correlation with elevated Time, hrs and prolonged NOx concentrations in regenerator flue stack gases. Applications of Grace Davison’s GDNOX1 NOx after GDNOX 1 Percentage NOx current-generation low NOx combusAddition rate % of inventory Base line NOx, ppm addition, ppm reduction, % tion promoter, CP P, when dosed in 2.5% GDNOX 1 292 139 50 5.0% GDNOX 1 287 110 60 higher than normal rates, whether 10.0% GDNOX 1 287 62 80 intentionally to correct other FCC unit conditions or unintentionally, Figure 1 Pilot plant testing: NOx reduction with multiple GDNOx 1 additions has shown a shortened duration of 6 Catalysis 2012 Q&A copy 10.indd 2 23/2/12 12:51:35 de use our hydropro i w d l r o w s r cessin e n f g Re a c t a d l y n s a t s s e t i o g deliver lo o n h c e t ts from low-quality f c u d o r p r e eeds. clean you how. (001) 510.242.3 w o h s s u 177 Let www.clg-clean .com ISOCRACKING VGO ICR 512 ICR 180 ICR 185 ICR 250 clean transportation fuels ultra-low sulfur diesel (<5 ppm) high smoke point jet (25-30 mm) Ultra-low sulfur naphtha (<0.5 ppm) FCC feed Learn how CLG’s tailored hydroprocessing catalyst systems maximize coversion to clean products — visit clg.indd 1 23/2/12 11:55:22 elevated NOx emissions is likely. This observation of a shortened NOx emission excursion interval can provide benefit to refiners when striving to satisfy a rolling day average or other time-based NOx emission limit constraints, while still providing CO promotion performance similar to prior medium-activity platinum-formulated CO promoters. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that newly adopted emission limits utilising additives and combustion controls were achievable, cost effective and had fewer secondary impacts than more costly hardware-oriented control technologies.1 The EPA issued final amendments to its New Source Performance Standards for Petroleum Refineries (NSPS)1 on 24 June 2008. Within this amendment, the EPA states that the currently Best Demonstrated Technology (BDT) to NOx emission control now includes the use of additives in conjunction with an upwardly revised NOx emission limit of 80 ppmv based on a seven-day rolling average. Typically, under EPA Consent Decree proceedings, FCC unit operations have been restricted to a NOx emission limit of 20 ppmv based on a 365-day rolling average and 40 ppmv based on a seven-day rolling average. This NSPS amendment now also recognises the secondary environmental impact that many of the hardware solutions inflict upon the environment, inherent in their operation to achieve a 20 ppmv maximum NOx emission limit. These secondary impacts include PM (Particulate Matter) as well as additional SO2 and NOx emissions resulting from increased electrical demand. In addition, many of the hardware solutions require supplementary chemical reactants that add hazards and emission problems of their own.2 As such, non-platinum formulated oxidation promoters and advanced oxidation controls typically are anticipated to provide the least overall environmental impact, as they generally do not generate further secondary environmental emissions, and do so cost effectively by EPA measures. Grace Davison continues offering catalytic NOx control technologies to the refining industry in agreement with the EPA’s NSPS1 conclusions, whereby the combination of non-platinum-formulated oxidation promoters and advanced oxidation controls typically are anticipated to provide the least overall environmental impact, and do so at a reasonable cost in many applications. 1 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Petroleum Refineries, at 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart J/Ja. 73 Fed. Reg. 35838 (24 June 2008). The amendments were proposed in 2007 as the outcome of the periodic review of NSPS standards required under the Clean Air Act - Section 111(b)(1). 72 Fed. Reg. 27278 (14 May 2007). The rules provide technical corrections to the existing Subpart J standards and create a set of new emissions for fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCU), fluid coking units (FCU), sulphur recovery plants (SRP), and fuel gas combustion devices for facilities that were newly constructed, modified or reconstructed after 14 May 2007. The new rules became effective on 24 June 2008. 2 Roser F S, Schnaith M W, Walker P D , Integrated View to Understanding the FCC NOx Puzzle, UOP LLC, Des Plaines Illinois, 2004 AIChE Annual Meeting. 8 Catalysis 2012 Q&A copy 10.indd 3 Q Are there any rule-of-thumb indications of the trade-off in price and performance where low rare earth catalysts have replaced conventional rare earth-containing FCC catalysts? A Raul Arriaga Global FCC Applications Technology Specialist, Albemarle, [email protected] Ken Bruno Global Applications Technology Manager, FCC, Albemarle, [email protected] The total price of an FCC catalyst is the combination of a catalyst’s base price plus rare earth surcharges. The adjustment formula to calculate the rare earth surcharge is the result of mutual agreement between suppliers and refiners and typically depends on the market price of lanthanum oxide. The base price of the catalyst depends on the type of technology used and the amount of active components in the formulation. Special low rare earth technologies have been developed by catalyst suppliers to compensate for the selectivities and zeolite stabilisation provided by rare earth. Additionally, the amount of active components may need to be increased if the rare earth is reduced. Therefore, it naturally follows that the base price of a low rare earth technology catalyst will be higher than a conventional rare earth-containing FCC catalyst. However, the lower rare earth catalyst results in a reduced rare earth surcharge, making the total price of the catalyst economically attractive. The changes expected in the performance of FCC catalysts at lower rare earth depend on the gap between the technology used in the original catalyst and the new lower rare earth catalyst. A simple example is reducing the rare earth on an originally high rare earth catalyst while keeping all other catalyst parameters constant. In this case, the zeolite stability would deteriorate and the equilibrium activity of the catalyst would decline. At the same time, LPG selectivity would increase and gasoline selectivity would drop. Under these circumstances, the catalyst will also produce less coke at constant conversion, resulting in lower delta coke. These changes in selectivities are usually not acceptable because each FCC unit is typically operating against multiple constraints. Based on the above, very rarely would a catalyst supplier recommend only a reduction in the catalyst’s rare earth content without compensating via advanced low rare earth technology modifications. For example, Albemarle can make use of various features developed for a new family of Low Rare Earth Technology (LRT) catalysts. These features include a new zeolite stabilisation technology, improved porosity, reduced mass transfer limitations (higher accessibility), advanced active matrices and zeolites grown to a high silica-toalumina ratio, which results in improved structural integrity and lower amounts of non-framework alumina. The right combination of these features will recover most, if not all, of the activity lost with the lower rare earth content and will modify selectivities to keep the FCC unit operating within constraints. The result is maximum profitability for the FCC unit. 23/2/12 16:21:58 PTQ_Ad_CBI- jan-press.pdf 1 1/20/2012 11:18:33 AM CB&I’s performance catalysts … they cause quite the reaction. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Lummus Technology offers a multitude of performance catalysts for refining and petrochemical processes, including: t t t t t t Hydroprocessing Alkylation Hydrogenation Hydrocracking Olefins Metathesis FCC Visit our website for a complete list of catalysts and services. Engineering Solutions . . . Delivering Results cbi.indd 1 24/2/12 12:56:10 A Solly Ismail, Modeling Specialist, BASF, solly.ismail@ The biggest challenge in fluid catalytic cracking is While the reduction of rare earth in catalyst formulations can deliver immediate operating budget cost savings, it is important to consider the impact this will have on product slate margins. Based on proprietary simulation modelling, BASF has shown that as rare earth levels decrease, the conversion of feed to higher valued products will also drop (assuming all other variables are held constant). In order to assist customers with evaluating the impact of lower rare earth catalytic options and to limit its downside, BASF works closely with each refiner to understand specific unit parameters and objectives. A customised strategy can include a combination of levers such as increasing catalyst addition rates, increasing total surface area or a combination of both in order to restore activity and achieve desired product specifications and margin targets. By doing so, BASF is able to determine if low rare earth catalyst formulations are appropriate for the customer and, if so, develop a customised strategy to implement a low rare earth catalytic option that fits the needs of the specific user. As of the end of Q4 2011, 40% of our customers had made the switch to a lower rare earth formulation. Of these, five went through multiple reductions. All customers were happy with BASF’s approach of tailoring new solutions based on either increased surface area with a minimum of additional catalyst usage. The company also worked closely with refiners in monitoring the changes to proactively mitigate surprises. To get a fuller understanding of the impact of lower REO, the reader is referred to the more detailed article in the Q4 2011 issue of PTQ (FCC catalyst optimisation in response to rare earth prices). A Rosann Schiller, Senior Marketing Manager, rosann. [email protected] and Colin Baillie, Marketing Manager, EMEA, Grace Catalysts Technologies, colin.baillie@grace. com The REpLaCeR series of low and zero rare earth catalysts from Grace is being used in over 50 applications globally. First and foremost, there has been no trade-off in performance with respect to either product yields or catalyst additions. However, users of the REpLaCeR series of catalysts have experienced significant catalyst cost savings associated with high rare earth prices. Refineries moving to zero rare earth REpLaCeR catalysts for low metal feed applications have seen catalyst costs reduced by up to €500 000/y per 1 t/d of catalyst used, while users of low rare earth REpLaCeR catalysts for resid processing have been able to reduce catalyst costs by between €250 000 and €750 000/y per 1 t/d of catalyst used. Q What catalyst formulations will maximise LCO yield from the FCC unit with minimum effect on bottoms yield? A Yen Yung, Global Technical Specialist, Albemarle, yen. [email protected] 10 Catalysis 2012 Q&A copy 10.indd 4 converting as much material in the feed with an atmospheric boiling point above 370°C bottoms to more valuable LPG, gasoline (hydrocarbon molecules boiling between about 40°C and 221°C) and light cycle oil (LCO — hydrocarbon molecules boiling between 221°C and 370°C). To maximise the yield of LCO, it is imperative to maximise the conversion of bottoms to LCO while minimising the conversion of LCO to lighter products and coke. It is generally accepted that mesopore and macropore activity, the so-called alumina matrix activity, favours bottoms cracking, while zeolites provide higher LPG and gasoline selectivity. Therefore, middle distillate production is generally favoured by higher matrix cracking (as evidenced by a higher meso surface area) and reduced zeolite cracking. In other words, middle distillate production increases as the zeolite-to-matrix ratio decreases. For greatest bottoms conversion, the feed molecules need to quickly reach the active sites. Conversion of the desirable products in the diesel boiling range and other secondary reactions, such as hydrogen transfer, aromatisation and condensation, must be avoided. This is achieved by increasing the accessibility of the catalyst. Accessibility is the property that allows primary products to escape promptly from the reaction sites. Outstanding performance of highly accessible catalysts, as measured by our internally developed Albemarle Accessibility Index (AAI) method, has been confirmed in several applications. Albemarle has a full line of MD catalysts. Amber MD and Upgrader MD feature very high matrix cracking activity and AAI. Amber MD is recommended for gas oil feed applications and Upgrader MD is recommended for cracking residual feedstocks. For applications requiring flexibility, the company’s bottoms conversion additive, BCMT-500, is recommended for all types of feedstocks. In addition, Albemarle’s technical specialists have special tools for optimising unit operations and selecting the proper FCC catalysts grades, including those that utilise Low Rare Earth (LRT) technology. Once an FCC catalyst is selected, Albemarle’s technical specialists will assist their customer in optimising their operating strategy for maximum LCO production, as discussed in the following two examples. The first example includes an FCC unit processing vacuum gas oil with a typical API of 23°C and a sulphur content of about 1 wt%. The catalyst used in this example is Amber MD. The FCC unit was operating at a unit riser outlet temperature of 518°C, a combined feed temperature of 226°C and a catalyst-tooil ratio of 7.0 kg/kg. In this example, the gasoline end point is minimised to an ASTM D-86 end point of 149°C, while the LCO end point is very high at an ASTM D-86 end point of 379°C. With these cut points and the use of Amber MD, a yield of 44 wt% LCO is obtained with a typical cetane index of 34. This unit applies no bottoms recycle. The second example also consists of an FCC unit that is processing vacuum gas oil. Like the first example, 23/2/12 12:51:57 action loves reaction Chemical reactions require chemical catalysts. As the global leader in chemical catalysts, BASF acts through continuous product and process innovations in collaborative partnerships with our customers. The result is a broad chemical catalyst portfolio backed by dedicated customer and technical service and enabled through the strength of BASF - The Chemical Company. At BASF, we create chemistry. Adsorbents Fine Chemical Catalysts n Environmental Catalysts n Catalysts for Fuel Cells n Catalysts for Oleochemicals & Other Biorenewables n Oxidation & Dehydrogenation Catalysts n Petrochemical Catalysts n Polyolefin Catalysts n Refining Catalysts n Syngas Catalysts n Custom Catalysts n n basf.indd 1 23/2/12 11:58:16 extremely low severity. Despite the high bottoms yield unit, the economics were much improved as the market favoured a high LCO yield. 0.7 Pore volume, cm3/g 0.6 A Rosann Schiller, Senior Marketing Manager, rosann. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 100 1000 Pore diameter, Å Figure 1 Porosity of LCO maximisation catalysts European maximum distillate trial of BASF Stamina catalyst Unit composition Competitor, % Stamina, % Early trial 85 15 Late trial 31 69 Unit operating conditions Total feed rate, ton/d Feed preheat temp, C ROT, C Regenerator bed temp, C C/O, wt/wt 1723 178 520 721 7.0 1672 232 515 720 5.8 Feed quality Specific gravity Conradson carbon, wt% Basic nitrogen, ppm TBP90, C 0.93 0.71 450 547 0.92 1.14 410 571 Equilibrium catalyst properties V + Ni, ppm TSA, m2/g MSA, m2/g Z/M FACT activity, wt% 4100 120 53 1.3 73 4240 127 64 1 70 FCC unit yields (with cutpoint adjustments) Gasoline (C5-160C), wt% 37.19 LCO (160-340C), wt% 29.03 Slurry (340C+), wt% 13.57 Coke, wt% 5.79 LCO/slurry, % 68.1 34.06 33.87 13.14 5.09 72.1 Summary: •Achieved >4.8 wt% greater distillate yields at partial turnover •Maintained lower bottoms at reduced reactor severity and dirtier feed conditions. Table 1 Amber MD is used. In this example, there is a low reaction temperature (499°C), high combined feed temperature (368°C) and low catalyst-to-oil ratio (4.0 kg/kg). Bottoms recycle (the recycle rate/fresh feed ratio varied between 0.5-1.0 vol/vol) is applied to enhance the production of LCO. Note that the volume of recycle can be as high as the fresh feed intake. The gasoline end point is also minimised. LCO yield and cetane index are very high at 42.4 wt% and 34, respectively. Bottoms yield (21.2 wt %) is higher due to 12 Catalysis 2012 Q&A copy 10.indd 5 [email protected] and Colin Baillie, Marketing Manager, EMEA, Grace Catalysts Technologies, colin.baillie@grace. com Such LCO maximisation catalysts obviously need to have good bottoms-cracking performance. Therefore, Grace catalysts for LCO maximisation incorporate high matrix activity, including the option of utilising a new technology that provides a controlled deposition of a thin layer of reactive alumina on the surface of the zeolite crystals to facilitate the pre-cracking of large feed molecules. In addition, an FCC catalyst for LCO maximisation must also have the ability to maintain the cracked HCO molecules within the LCO boiling range fraction, which requires limiting the cracking of LCO to gasoline. Therefore, LCO maximisation catalysts from Grace incorporate proprietary pore restructuring functionality, which results in more pores with the diameter range of 100-600 Å (see Figure 1). This boost in porosity enables a more effective release of LCO molecules from the acid sites, minimising the undesired cracking of LCO into gasoline. Grace’s LCO maximisation catalyst brands include DieseliseR, Midas and Rebel FCC catalysts. A Stefano Riva, Technical Service Manager, BASF, [email protected] For maximising LCO, an intermediate product in the cracking reaction sequence, focus should be on the matrix cracking activity of the catalyst. While the zeolite can achieve good bottoms cracking in a cokeselective way (low delta coke), the amount of zeolite required for that objective will rapidly crack the desired LCO to lighter products. Due to this trade-off, the bottoms cracking has to come from an increase in matrix. It is generally recognised that, at constant conversion, a lower Z/M (zeolite-to-matrix surface area) catalyst may have a higher delta coke. However, this will not necessarily result in a hotter regenerator (typically the opposite is true) when a unit moves from maximum conversion to maximum distillate modes. Not only should the catalyst Z/M be adjusted for maximum LCO, but also the catalyst activity and the FCC operating conditions. FCC units should operate at lower reactor severity (lowering the heat demand), and with lower equilibrium catalyst activity (reducing delta coke). This leaves plenty of room to accommodate a moderate increase in higher delta coke that can be derived from a lower Z/M catalyst. With that said, attention should still be paid to selecting both the right amount of matrix and the associated technology, with preference for the best coke-selective low Z/M catalyst. This will provide ample flexibility to swing between maximum conversion and maximum distillate operations with the same catalyst should the market change rapidly. BASF’s Prox-SMZ (Proximal Stable Matrix and Zeolite) technology is an example that addresses all of 23/2/12 12:52:08 Crude unit Gas / liquid purification S, Hg, Cl removal Hydrotreating catalysts Hydrogen catalysts Naphtha HDS Hydrogen plant Process diagnostics Diesel HDS Vacuum tower VGO HDS FCC unit FCC additives SOx NOx removal Light olefin production Bottoms conversion Metals traps Activity boosters CO oxidation Value adding catalysts, absorbents, additives and process technology for oil refining processes. UK Tel +44 (0)1642 553601 1 j JM_2485_RefineriesAd_ART_210x297.indd matthey.indd 1 USA Tel +1 630 268 6300 Tel +1 732 223 4644 09/02/2012 15:59 23/2/12 11:59:38 the above (see NPRA-AM-09-34 and NPRA-AM-10-17). With BASF’s unique manufacturing process, 40 26 the zeolite and the matrix are not physically 35 22 blended, as in a traditional low Z/M catalyst, but are created in-situ during a single manu30 18 facturing step. This process creates 25 14 unprecedented proximity of matrix and zeolite, enabling reduced diffusion path length and 20 10 best-in-class coke selectivity among the low 15 6 Z/M family of catalysts. Further, the extremely low sodium content (below 0.1 wt%) achiev10 2 able in this manufacturing process not only Time enables high stability of both zeolite and Figure 1 LCO and slurry yields with BASF Stamina. LCO yields were increased matrix to reduce the opex, but also helps to with reduced reactor severity without impacting the slurry reduce the hydrogen transfer reactions, improving the LCO cetane. Maximum LCO catalysts from the Prox-SMZ technology have 520 been commercially established and are avail518 able for both VGO (under the name of HDXtra) and resid feeds (under the name of Stamina). 516 In several classic distillate maximisation 514 trials with BASF’s Stamina catalyst, LCO yields 512 have increased while either holding steady or dropping slurry yields. In one case, a European 510 FCC unit was processing resid feed and 508 wanted to move to LCO maximum mode while 506 dropping slurry yields and improving coke 504 selectivity. The unit severity was dropped by Time lowering the reactor outlet temperature by 5°C and increasing the feed preheat. The reduced 20 Competitor severity conditions together with the highly Stamina 18 stable Stamina MSA generated a 4.84 wt% improvement in LCO yields while maintaining 16 bottoms conversion. All this was achieved in spite of dirtier feed conditions (ie, higher 14 Conradson carbon and feed metals). The second case was an Asian trial that also 12 underwent reduced reactor severity to maximise LCO yields. While using Stamina catalyst, 10 the lowest bottom yields on record were achieved together with record throughputs due 8 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 to the coke-selective bottoms upgrading. 30 Slurry (340ºC+), wt% LCO HCO + slurry Slurry, wt% Temperature, ºC LCO (160-340ºC), wt% 45 Total feed rate, tons/day Conversion, wt% 10500 Q Are there any dedicated catalyst developments 10000 geared towards favouring FCC propylene yield? A Stuart Foskett, Regional Technology Manager, 9500 9000 8500 8000 7500 Time Figure 2 Asian Stamina trial. Record low slurry yields were achieved at reduced reactor severity. Simultaneously the coke selective bottoms upgrading of Stamina allowed for record throughputs 14 Catalysis 2012 Q&A copy 10.indd 6 BASF, [email protected] BASF is continually developing new catalyst technologies aimed at enhancing propylene production for maximum propylene operations (upwards of 10 wt% or 17.5 vol% propylene yield). A high level of ZSM-5 is always a prerequisite for maximum propylene; however, it is the characteristics of the FCC catalyst itself that define how much propylene can ultimately be produced. Propylene yields eventually reach a plateau as ZSM-5 content is increased to high levels; therefore, a holistic 23/2/12 12:52:21 approach to catalyst design requires attention to additional factors beyond the ZSM-5. It is the generation and preservation of gasoline olefins, as precursors to ZSM-5 cracking, that is the defining factor for ultimate propylene potential. The high percentage of active ingredient in the catalyst, enabled by our in-situ zeolite synthesis, allows us to offer maximum propylene catalysts featuring reduced rare earth content, without any penalty in terms of activity and required catalyst addition rate. Lower rare earth helps to minimise hydrogen transfer, preserving more gasoline olefins for cracking to propylene by ZSM-5. We have also invested heavily in technology upgrades for our plants to allow extreme levels of ultra-stabilisation, to produce zeolites with very low and stable unit cell size (UCS). BASF’s MPS (maximum propylene solution) technology was first introduced in 2005 (see NPRA-AM-05-61) and has undergone continuous improvement since then. MPS has been operating continuously in the world’s largest propylene-focused FCC unit since 2006. Based upon extensive circulating pilot plant evaluations, we are anticipating the latest MPS developments will achieve incremental gains in propylene yield in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 wt% compared to the previous state-of-the-art technology. Meanwhile, the development of additional technologies aimed at maximising propylene are progressing. This includes technologies aimed at offering high propylene yields with resid feeds combined with leading coke selectivity and metals resistance. A Carel Pouwels, Global FCC Resid Specialist, Albemarle, carel.pouwels@ Achieving record-high propylene and conversion from wide ranges of feed qualities offers considerable challenges to catalyst design. Key to this is good understanding of the mechanisms involved and then responding with the proper catalyst technology and design to meet a unit’s objectives. Crucial to the success of reaching record propylene yields is the ability to minimise Q&A copy 10.indd 7 hydrogen transfer while having sufficient cracking activity. Albemarle’s AFX catalyst has been developed to meet the desired objectives, through its unique features of high catalyst accessibility and strong matrix activity. Hereby, maximum slurry conversion is achieved while generating a maximum of gasoline precursors, which are converted in record propylene yields. The high accessibility of AFX enables fast diffusion of primary cracking products away from the acid sites, thus minimising unwanted hydrogen transfer. Tower packings, catalyst support material and column equipment. Q What is the impact of vanadium level on E-cat affecting FCC gasoline sulphur? 3 4 A Alan Kramer, Global FCC Additives Specialist, Albemarle, alan. [email protected] Generally, refiners want to avoid loading their catalyst with vanadium due to the known negative effects it has on zeolite stability and catalyst activity. However, increased levels of vanadium in catalysts with higher alumina contents (which typically are more resistant to vanadium) directionally yield lower levels of gasoline sulphur. Testing has indicated the vanadium mechanism primarily reduces the saturated sulphur content of the gasoline and has little to no effect on benzothiophene, which often comprises the bulk of gasoline sulphur. Commercially, vanadium levels need to be increased by at least 1000-2000 ppm on E-cat before differences can be measured. The losses in catalyst activity and negative yield effects related to these large levels of extra vanadium on the catalyst are rarely justifiable. Depending on local regulations, equilibrium catalyst with high levels of vanadium may be classified as hazardous or toxic waste and can be very difficult and expensive to dispose of properly. Refiners do have other options besides increasing E-cat vanadium or using vanadium-based products for reducing gasoline sulphur. For example, Albemarle’s R-975 and Scavenger catalyst additives are designed to remove gasoline sulphur and do not contain any vanadium. 5 6 Please visit us Hall: 4.0 Stand: D66 10 7 8 9 4 6 1 4 2 10 7 8 9 1 4 2 1 DURANIT® inert ceramic balls 2 special reformed packings 3 droplet separators / demisters 4 support plates / grids 5 feed devices: gas / liquids 6 liquid distrubutors / collectors 7 random packings made of plastic 8 random packings made of metal 9 random packings made of ceramic 10 software and consulting For further information please visit: P. O. Box 552, D - 56225 Ransbach-Baumbach Phone +49 26 23 / 895 - 0, [email protected] Catalysis 2012 15 23/2/12 12:52:32 dupont.indd 1 23/2/12 15:04:26 Evaluation of a low rare earth resid FCC catalyst A zero rare earth catalyst blended with a rare earth-based resid catalyst enabled a refinery to reduce its FCC catalyst rare earth requirement by 80% SABEETH SRIKANTHARAJAH and COLIN BAILLIE Grace Catalysts Technologies BERNHARD ZAHNBRECHER and WIELAND WACHE Bayernoil R are earth metals have played an important role in the refining industry since the 1970s, when it was discovered that they could be used to stabilise the zeolite-Y component of FCC catalysts to provide higher activity, as well as being used to influence product selectivity. Rare earth metals play an additional role in resid processing applications, as they have proven to be until now the most effective vanadium trap, helping to maintain stability and activity. The two main rare earths used in FCC catalysts are lanthanum and cerium, and these metals have historically been readily available for under $5/kg. However, a reduction in Chinese export quotas resulted in rare earth prices rising dramatically in 2010, with the price of lanthanum reaching $140/kg around May 2011. Since then, rare earth prices have subsided somewhat, but remain significantly higher than historical levels. The rare earth market is incredibly unpredictable and is expected to remain highly volatile. Against this backdrop of uncertainty with respect to availability and pricing, zero and low rare earth catalysts will continue to play an important role in the FCC industry. Grace Catalysts Technologies provides the REpLaCeR series, the first commercially successful zero and low rare earth FCC catalysts. Zero and low rare earth FCC catalysts Simply removing rare earth from an FCC catalyst would result in a considerable detrimental effect in grace.indd 1 most FCC operations due to the lower activity and worsening product yield slate obtained. To develop FCC catalysts containing lower rare earth content, it is necessary for alternative materials and processing techniques to be used that stabilise the zeolite component. Grace has considerable experience developing zero and low rare earth FCC catalysts. During the 1990s, it developed Z-21, a rare earth-free stabilised zeolite-Y, which was the basis for the Nexus catalyst family. This was commercialised in 1997 as a rare earth-free catalyst family for lowmetal feed applications, and has since been successfully used in 10 applications. In 2010, the company developed the REpLaCeR series of zero and low rare earth FCC catalysts, which are based on the existing Z-21 zeolite technology, as well as a new Z-22 zeolite technology. State-ofthe-art methods are used to stabilise the rare earth-free Z-21 and Z-22 zeolites, involving proprietary stabilising compounds and unique manufacturing processes. FCC catalysts incorporating these new zeolites provide similar and even improved performance compared to conventional rare earth-containing catalysts. Based on the Z-21 and Z-22 technologies, the REpLaCeR series of zero rare earth catalysts for low-metal hydrotreating and VGO applications includes REsolution and REactoR, which are currently being used in more than 15 applications. For resid applications, the development of rare earth-free catalysts is much more challenging due to the additional demands placed on zeolite stability. However, significant advances have been made by applying processing technology involving metals resistance functionality to catalyst systems containing the Z-21 and Z-22 zeolites. This has resulted in the rare earth-free REduceR catalyst, which can be blended with rare earth-based resid FCC catalysts, thus reducing the overall rare earth requirement and the costs associated. There are currently 22 refineries using the REduceR catalyst, and typically they are applying a stepwise approach to implement the rare earth-free catalyst. Refiners are starting with a blending level of 30% REduceR catalyst and, upon confirming its performance, many are then moving to a blending level of 50%. Bayernoil is using the REduceR catalyst in both of its two FCC units with blending levels even higher than 50%. Commercial experience of low rare earth resid catalysts The Bayernoil Vohburg refinery is located in the Bavarian region of southern Germany and, along with the nearby Bayernoil Neustadt refinery, contributes to a total refining capacity of 10.3 million t/y. The two locations combined contain three crude units, two vacuum towers, two FCC units, one mild hydrocracker and hydrogen plant, one visbreaker, three reformers and one ether plant. The FCC unit at Vohburg is a UOP side-by-side model and was built in 1967. It is a resid unit with a typical throughput of 14 000 b/d, operates in deep partial burn and processes 80-90% atmospheric residue. The feedstock Catalysis 2012 17 23/2/12 12:56:58 E-Cat MAT CAR 6 REduceR 78 76 74 CAR, t/d 72 5 70 68 4 66 64 3 E-Cat MAT, wt% 7 62 11 20 11 08 /0 9/ 20 11 14 /0 7/ 20 11 19 /0 5/ 20 11 24 /0 3/ 20 10 27 /0 1/ 20 10 02 /1 2/ 20 10 0/ /1 07 12 /0 8/ 20 10 10 17 /0 6/ 20 10 20 4/ 20 2/ /0 22 /0 25 31 /1 2/ 20 09 2 Figure 1 Activity retention of the REduceR catalyst blend at 30% G a s f a c t or /FLUPS 3&EVDF3 Ni equivalents, mg/kg /FLUPS 3&EVDF3 Coke f act or Ni equivalents, mg/kg Figure 2 Coke and gas factors of the REduceR catalyst blend at 30% has a Conradson carbon content of 3 wt%, and the e-cat metals levels are approximately 4500 ppm vanadium, 3500 ppm nickel, 6000 ppm Fe and 5000 ppm sodium. This Vohburg FCC unit was previously using a Nektor catalyst from Grace containing 3.1 wt% rare 18 Catalysis 2012 grace.indd 2 earth, which performed well. In April 2011, the refinery began to blend 30% of REduceR catalyst with the Nektor catalyst, with the simple objective of reducing rare earth while maintaining high performance. A certain misconception about rare earth-free catalysts is that they require higher catalyst additions, which has not been the case in any application of the REduceR catalyst. Figure 1 shows the catalyst addition rate and e-cat microactivity at Bayernoil Vohburg before and after using the 30% blend. It can be seen that good activity retention was achieved after the switch at a similar or even slightly lower catalyst addition rate, highlighting the high vanadium tolerance of the REduceR catalyst. Figure 2 shows the e-cat coke and gas factors of Nektor and the 30% REduceR catalyst against nickel equivalents to compare nickel resistance. The 30% REduceR catalyst shows lower gas factors and similar coke factors, further demonstrating its suitability for high metal resid feeds. The FCC unit data provided in Figure 3 show that the REduceR catalyst blend provided improved bottoms conversion compared with the Nektor catalyst. In addition, a lower delta coke was obtained, which reduced the regenerator bed temperature by about 10°C. This allowed the refinery to achieve higher conversion at constant feed atmospheric residue content, or to process an increased amount of atmospheric residue at constant conversion. The refinery considered the performance of the REduceR catalyst to be such a success that they increased the blending ratio from 30% to 50%, thus reducing the overall rare earth content of the catalyst to 1.5 wt%. Table 1 shows the FCC unit product yields obtained with the 50% REduceR catalyst blend compared with the Nektor catalyst. During the REduceR catalyst trial, feed quality deteriorated and feed throughput decreased; therefore, for the purposes of evaluating the actual catalyst performance, the yields shown are calculated on the basis of constant feed properties and independent operating conditions. The key objective of the refinery was to maintain conversion and bottoms upgrading while reducing rare earth content. As can be seen, these key objectives were met, and in addition conversion and bottoms upgrading were even increased. The REduceR catalyst 23/2/12 12:57:07 pcs 1.indd 1 23/2/12 20:37:57 3&EVDF3 /FLUPS 3&EVDF3 /FLUPS De l t a coke , X t % Sl u r r y yi e l d wU % 3&EVDF3 /FLUPS Appare n t con ve r si on , wt %FF Re ge n e r at or be d t e mpe r at u re , ºC Apparent conversion, wt%FF Conversion, wt%FF 3&EVDF3 /FLUPS AtRes in feed, wt% ROT, ºC Figure 3 FCC unit data of the REduceR catalyst blend at 30% Calculated FCC unit data of the REduceR catalyst blend at 50% Cat-to-oil, g/g Conversion, wt% Hydrogen, wt% C1+C2s, wt% Propylene, wt% C4 olefins, wt% LPG, wt% Gasoline, wt% LCO, wt% Slurry, wt% Coke, wt% Delta coke, wt% CAR, MT/D Feed Ni, ppm Feed V, ppm Regen bed temp, °C Nektor 50% REduceR Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base 50% Nektor Base + 0.4 Base + 0.5 Base + 0.02 Base + 0.2 Base + 0.4 Base + 0.6 Base + 2.0 Base - 1.6 Base - 0.2 Base - 0.2 Base - 0.1 Base - 0.09 Base Base Base Base - 15°C Table 1 provided a similar coke yield but an improved delta coke, and allowed the regen bed temperature to be decreased by 15°C. The higher LPG yield at the expense of gasoline is a consequence of the lower hydrogen transfer from REduceR. This is a positive yield shift for the refinery and was anticipated. Bayernoil Vohburg was highly 20 Catalysis 2012 grace.indd 3 satisfied with the REduceR catalyst trial, and subsequently became the first refinery to move to a 70% blending level, further reducing the rare earth content to 1.0 wt%. In December 2011, the refinery increased the blending ratio of the REduceR catalyst up to 80%, thus reducing rare earth to 0.6 wt%. Despite high nickel and vanadium levels, the refinery continues to see excellent performance. It is estimated that the switch to the REduceR catalyst has provided the refinery with over 2 million €/y cost savings when taking into account catalyst costs and product yields obtained. GRACE, GRACE CATALYSTS TECHNOLOGIES, REPLACER, RESOLUTION NEKTOR, NEXUS, REDUCER and REACTOR are marks of W R Grace & Co.-Conn. Colin Baillie is Marketing Manager with Grace Catalysts Technologies EMEA and holds a master’s degree and PhD in chemistry from the University of Liverpool, UK. Email: [email protected] Sabeeth Srikantharajah is Technical Service Manager at Grace Catalysts Technologies EMEA. He holds a diploma in chemical engineering from the University of Munster. Bernhard Zahnbrecher is Process Development Engineer for FCC with Bayernoil. He holds a university diploma in chemical engineering. Wieland Wache is a Process Engineer in the Production department at the Bayernoil Refinery in Vohburg. He holds a diploma in chemistry from the Technical University Aachen and PhD in chemical engineering from University Bayreuth. 23/2/12 12:57:19 pcs2.indd 1 23/2/12 20:39:00 eurecat.indd 1 23/2/12 12:02:36 Refinery fuel gas in steam reforming hydrogen plants Fuel gas is an attractive feedstock for hydrogen production, but appropriate catalysts and temperature control are needed to address high olefin levels Peter Broadhurst and Graham Hinton Johnson Matthey Catalysts O perators of steam reforming-based hydrogen plants want feedstock options to minimise operating costs and maximise operational flexibility. Consequently, new-build hydrogen plants are often designed for a number of hydrocarbon feeds. It is common to have three or four feedstocks ranging from offgases through to naphtha requiring full operational flexibility across the range.1,2 Operators of existing plants are also evaluating alternatives to the original feedstock slate and in some cases implementing changes that may necessitate modification of the plant’s operating conditions, hardware, equipment, catalyst selection and so forth.3-6 The quest for cheaper feedstock options is undoubtedly heightened by the significant increases in both natural gas and crude oil prices in the last few years, although the emergence of shale gas production has reversed this trend in certain areas. A feedstock option being considered increasingly by hydrogen plant operators associated with oil refineries is the refinery fuel gas (RFG) pool. Relative to imported natural gas and many other hydrocarbon streams and offgases in the refinery, RFG has a comparatively low value. Thus, RFG represents an attractive feedstock option where there is excess RFG available. RFG is not widely used as a hydrogen plant feed. This is because its composition leads to a number of difficulties in processing in the feedstock purification and steam reforming sections of the hydrogen plant flowsheet. In this article, we will explore these j matthey.indd 1 difficulties and the strategies for hydrogen plant design and operation, which may be used to allow processing of RFG as a feedstock. This will include some recently developed catalytic and control solutions developed jointly by Johnson Matthey and Air Products & Chemicals. RFG composition and processing difficulties RFG is a combination of refinery unit waste or by-product gases, often referred to as offgases. The offgases that are sent to the RFG pool are those that cannot be processed elsewhere in the refinery either because of the composition or because there is an excess available. The offgases in the RFG come from various refinery unit operations (catalytic reforming, FCC, hydrotreating, coking), the availability and amount of which will depend on the refinery operation. Hydrogen-containing offgases may be partly or fully used in hydrogenconsuming units or may be treated to recover the hydrogen in a membrane or PSA unit so that a hydrogen lean gas is available to the RFG pool. Also, offgases or offgas blends with high olefin levels may be treated to recover olefins, with the olefin lean gas going to the RFG pool. Thus, RFG can differ significantly between refineries. Examples of RFGs, which have been proposed for hydrogen plant feeds, are shown in Table 1. This shows the substantial variations in: hydrogen, from 11-35 mol%; methane, from 26–65 mol%; and olefins, from 2.6–15.9 mol%. RFG feeds often contain quite high levels of sulphur compounds. Up to 100 ppmv can be found and this can contain quite a significant proportion of mixed organic sulphur compounds. The level and speciation are necessarily RFG compositions considered for hydrogen plant feed Mol%Example 1Example 2Example 3Example 4Example 5Example 6 Hydrogen 34.9 10.8 25.5 34.1 13.9 14.4 Methane 26.3 64.9 34.8 45.3 43.2 42.3 Ethane 11.0 13.4 23.5 8.2 12.2 13.7 Propane 9.5 2.5 5.2 3.2 8.3 6.8 Butanes 7.1 1.4 3.2 1.4 0.3 4.4 Pentanes 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.3 1.5 Hexanes 0.0 0.3 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.6 Ethene 3.8 3.1 3.4 1.5 7.2 6.6 Propene 2.1 0.5 0.6 0.9 8.3 6.7 Butenes 3.0 ~ ~ 0.2 0.3 0.3 Pentenes 0.0 ~ ~ ~ 0.1 Trace Nitrogen 1.9 1.8 1.9 3.7 4.5 2.2 Argon ~ ~ ~ Trace Trace ~ Oxygen Trace ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Carbon monoxide ~ 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.1 Trace Carbon dioxide 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 ~ 0.5 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Table 1 Catalysis 2012 23 23/2/12 13:02:52 dependent on the blend of gases going to the RFG pool. Additionally, the RFG composition can fluctuate significantly in a given refinery as rates on different units change and particularly if a unit comes off line. The amount of offgas available to the RFG pool changes and so impacts on the composition of the blend, which comprises the RFG. This presents control issues in some cases. In terms of incorporating RFG into the hydrogen plant feed slate, the aspects that may cause difficulties can be summarised: • High olefin levels • Variability in the RFG composition as the blend of offgases changes • High hydrogen levels • Significant sulphur levels • Substantial levels of higher hydrocarbons, which may include naphthenes and/or aromatics • Less usual trace and minor components. Not every RFG will present each of these difficulties and each case must be considered separately. If a new-build hydrogen plant is being considered, it must be designed to include any RFG feed case(s). When considering using RFG on an existing plant, the extent to which there is a problem will be influenced by the original design basis. Cooler Recirculator Figure 1 HDS converter with recirculation hydrogenation reaction, other hydrogen-consuming reactions and to provide the target hydrogen level specified at the HDS converter exit. Johnson Matthey recommends a different level of hydrogen be present in the HDS effluent, depending on the feed composition and how heavy it is. For the gases given as examples 5 and 6 in Table 1, insufficient hydrogen is present in the RFG on its own to hydrogenate the significant olefin content. This means that additional hydrogen must to be added, usually recycled to the purification section of the plant, of approximately 5 mol% of the RFG feed rate for example 5, and approximately 3 mol% of the RFG feed rate in example 6. Olefins hydrogenate exothermically over the HDS catalyst and the Feedstock purification section temperature rise can be 20+°C RFG feeds can cause various issues (36°F) per mol% olefin, depending in the feedstock purification on the heat capacity of the feed gas. section. The inlet temperature must be adjusted to ensure that the maxiHigh olefin levels mum HDS bed temperature remains Olefins need to be removed from the below 400°C (752°F). However, hydrocarbon feed in a hydrogen using standard HDS catalysts, such plant to a level below 1 mol% to as Katalco 41-6T or Katalco 61-1T, minimise possible olefin-derived the inlet temperature needs to be carbon formation in the steam above 300°C (572°F) to provide reformer, although higher levels sufficient activity for reactions to may be acceptable where there is a initiate. Given the need for some pre-reformer in the flowsheet. The operating margin inside these hydrodesulphurisation (HDS) cata- restrictions, this limits the olefin lyst is also an effective olefin that can be processed to a few hydrogenation catalyst and removes mol% in a once-through reactor olefins almost completely as long as system. there is sufficient hydrogen present. To process higher olefin levels, a Thus, for RFGs with significant recirculation system is usually olefin levels, the hydrogen available employed around the HDS reactor in the feed and as recycle must (see Figure 1). The reactor effluent be sufficient for the olefin is olefin free so the recycle dilutes 24 Catalysis 2012 j matthey.indd 2 the inlet olefin level to an acceptable level. This approach has some disadvantages. Depending on the inlet olefin level and therefore the extent of dilution required, the recycle can be substantial. This increases capital expenditure in a number of ways: the recycle flow usually increases the vessel size to stay within design space velocity design limits and additional equipment is needed such as a recycle cooler and circulator. Without a recycle system, there is limited flexibility in terms of the olefin level using standard HDS catalyst types, so approaches that widen the operating envelope without installation of a recycle system will be beneficial. One such approach that Johnson Matthey has recommended is to use a Katalco higher activity catalyst. This has a higher active metals loading and allows operation at inlet temperatures down to ~250°C (462°F) with the same exit temperature limit of 400°C (752°F). Thus, the amount of olefins that can be processed without installation of a recycle system is increased to 7–8 mol%, depending on the precise composition of the feed in terms of heat release and specific heat. This concept has been extended to form part of the technology claimed in recent patent applications filed jointly by Johnson Matthey and Air Products & Chemicals7 and which is available for licence. Detailed evaluation of a typical range of RFG feed compositions established that the extremely active pre-sulphided Katalco product allows the olefin hydrogenation reaction to strike below 150°C (302°F). This widens the operating temperature envelope to over 250°C (450°F) and allows the processing of feeds containing well in excess of 10 mol% olefins. It is imperative, however, that the consequences of the changes in operating temperatures are fully considered if this is to be retrofitted into an existing reactor to accommodate a higher olefin feed. An alternative approach is to use a tube-cooled converter.8 The heat of reaction is removed on the shell side of the converter using water, 23/2/12 13:03:03 cat tech1.indd 1 23/2/12 12:04:42 and the temperature in the catalyst packed tubes is maintained in the required range. The reactor is not truly isothermal, as the heat release is sufficiently fast for the temperature to rise in the reaction zone within the tubes before the coolant brings the temperature back down. This approach has been commercialised in at least one plant. Variability in the RFG composition As refinery unit operations change rate, come off line or back on line, the RFG composition can fluctuate. This can make step changes in the gas going forward to the hydrogen plant and can cause control issues, particularly where there is a substantial olefin content in the feed. If the olefin level increases sharply, it is possible that the 400°C (752°F) upper limit for HDS operating temperature might be exceeded. Also, if the inlet temperature has been lowered to well below 300°C (572°F) to allow for the hydrogenation exotherm, and the olefin level decreases sharply, the exotherm will collapse, which may lead to organo-sulphur slip. In both cases, the HDS inlet temperature needs to be adjusted quickly in response to the change in RFG composition. A control system concept has been developed to allow this to happen.7 There is a rapid feedback system from changes in the HDS bed exotherm into the upstream feed preheat so that the temperature in the catalyst bed can be controlled within acceptable limits. Another possible problem is if the hydrogen level in the RFG decreases suddenly to a point where there is insufficient to hydrogenate olefins (and any traces of oxygen and the expected organo-S compounds) in the feed. Additionally, the recommended HDS exit hydrogen level should ideally be maintained. If a rapid decrease in feed hydrogen level occurs, another source of hydrogen, probably recycle hydrogen, needs to be rapidly established. If not, the consequences could be slippage of olefins and/or sulphur compounds to the steam reforming section, with resulting carbon formation and/or poisoning. 26 Catalysis 2012 j matthey.indd 3 High hydrogen levels Some RFG blends may contain a significant amount of hydrogen. In some circumstances, this might provide a driving force for side reactions over the HDS catalyst if the RFG unusually happened to contain extremely low sulphur levels. The undesirable side reactions are methanation, which would also need a substantial amount of carbon oxides present, and hydrocracking, which would need heavier alkanes present. Both are very rarely observed and are associated with operation at transient or abnormal operating conditions (for instance, low flow, very low sulphur and excess temperature). Methanation and hydrocracking activity can be significantly suppressed by pre-sulphiding the HDS, an effect that is also achieved if there is a reasonable level of sulphur in the feed. Significant sulphur levels RFG blends can contain significant sulphur levels, of which much may be present as organo-sulphur compounds. As long as the maximum and typical levels are known and there is speciation of the sulphur, new plants can be designed appropriately. Existing plants may have been designed for a lower level of and/ or less difficult organic sulphur compounds so that conversion in the existing HDS converter may not be possible. There are three retrofit options depending on the additional HDS capacity needed: • Replace the existing HDS catalyst with a higher activity version (for instance, replace Katalco 41-6T or Katalco 61-1T with Katalco 61-2F) • Install a combined product, which delivers HDS activity and H2S absorption (such as Katalco 33-1) in the downstream H2S removal beds • Replace the existing HDS converter with a larger vessel. If the total sulphur level is higher than the original design, the life of the H2S removal beds will be shortened. If the design features lead-lag H2S removal beds, allowing changeout on-line, the consequence is more frequent change-out. Selection of the highest capacity H2S removal absorbents (for instance, Katalco 325) can lessen the change-out frequency. The problem can be greater if the design has only a single H2 S removal bed built to last between turnarounds, where it is possible the increased sulphur level will not allow operation for the normal interval. Higher capacity absorbents may help, but a retrofit of a second vessel may be required. Substantial level of higher hydrocarbons In the event that the RFG contains higher hydrocarbons, there may be an increased tendency for thermal cracking in the feed preheat coil. The carbon formed can carry forwards and deposit on top of the HDS catalyst, leading to an increased pressure drop over time and some deactivation if the top catalyst becomes coated with carbon. If this problem is observed, it can be mitigated by replacing the hold-down balls on top of the catalyst with a high-voidage shape, such as Dypor 604, which has more capacity for the carbon foulant, before the pressure drop becomes critical. Less usual trace and minor components There are a number of other species that can be present in a refinery offgas stream and which, therefore, could find their way into the RFG. These include chlorides, arsine, oxygen, acetylenes and dienes. Chloride can be dealt with by hydrogenation of any organochlorides over the HDS catalyst followed by the removal of HCl using an HCl removal absorbent such as Katalco 59-3. This must be placed upstream of the ZnO-based H2S removal absorbent. In existing plants, it may be necessary to retrofit this into the purification section, usually by putting it on top of the H2S removal absorbent. Arsine will be removed on the surface of the HDS catalyst and acts as a poison. If present, levels are likely to be sub-ppm and the effect on the HDS catalyst is minimal. For a new plant design, the volume of HDS catalyst would be increased slightly to allow for the absorption 23/2/12 13:03:22 cat tech2.indd 1 23/2/12 12:06:09 Impact of varying feed composition on feed flow and reformer heat load Natural Example Example Example Example Example gas 1 2 3 4 5 Reformer heat load, % 100 93.4 97.8 94.2 89.6 99.9 Feed flow, % 100 76.2 88.4 81.6 109.7 69.6 Average carbon no. 1.06 2.09 1.34 1.76 1.42 1.71 Example 6 99.5 64.5 1.85 Table 2 of arsenic and associated poisoning of the HDS catalyst at the bed inlet. Oxygen will be removed by hydrogenation over the HDS catalyst. This is a very exothermic reaction and so the temperature rise and hydrogen consumption must be taken into account in addition to any from olefin hydrogenation. Acetylenes and dienes may be present at low levels. There is some evidence that these may polymerise in the feed preheat or HDS converter, leading to carbon deposition. This is unlikely to be a major issue as long as the level remains at low ppm levels so that any pressure drop rise and catalyst deactivation caused by the carbon is very slow. Steam reforming section Some considerations and impacts for the steam reformer and associated equipment need to be considered. High olefin levels With proper design and operation, olefins should be converted in the feed purification section. However, levels of up to 1 vol% olefins can be accommodated in the feed to a steam reformer. High hydrogen levels The process duty in the reformer may be lower for feeds with high hydrogen levels compared to other feeds such as natural gases. This is because there is less endothermic steam reforming reaction in order to generate the same quantity of hydrogen. Additionally, since the feeds are more hydrogen rich than a natural gas, less feed flow may be needed in order to produce the same quantity of hydrogen. However, even though the feed is more hydrogen rich than a typical natural gas, the average carbon number can be higher, meaning 28 Catalysis 2012 j matthey.indd 4 that the tendency for carbon formation within the reformer is also higher. This may necessitate either an increase in steam to carbon, a reduction in outlet temperature, or a change in the steam reforming catalyst type. This is discussed further below. All of these effects are shown in Table 2. In the table, the reformer heat load for constant hydrogen production has been calculated, assuming that no other process parameters are changed (inlet and outlet temperatures, steam-tocarbon ratio and reformer outlet pressure). The second row of the table shows how the molar flow of the RFG in question will compare to the molar flow of a typical natural gas for the same hydrogen production rate. In a new plant design, all these factors can be taken into account. If introducing such a feed to an existing plant, however, these factors and implications arising from them need to be taken into account and reviewed. The reduction in reformer heat load will have a number of consequences. The first, and most obvious, is that the firing on the reformer box must be reduced. This means that the bridge wall temperature will reduce, the flow rate of combustion gases will reduce and the amount of heat available to be recovered in the flue gas duct will be less. Hence, there is the possibility that some of the coils may become pinched, leading to a reduction in steam production or in combustion air preheat temperature. Second, if the plant is a modern PSA hydrogen plant in which the PSA tail gas is used as the major fuel source on the reformer, it is possible that the trim fuel requirement is dropped to a level where there are control issues in maintaining the reformer outlet temperature as the PSA unit goes through its cycles. Additionally, if RFG is being used as the feed to the plant, it is likely that the trim fuel type will also have changed. This will necessitate that the suitability of the burners is checked to fire this new fuel type with good control and flame stability. Significant sulphur levels With proper design and operation, sulphur should be removed in the feed purification section. Substantial level of higher hydrocarbons In new plant designs, the selection of steam reforming technology and catalysts should take account of the RFG composition. In existing plant with non pre-reformer flowsheets, the impact of a heavier hydrocarbon component in the feed must be assessed in case a change in steam reforming catalyst is required to cope with the heavy component in the RFG. As mentioned above, this may necessitate an increase in the steam-to-carbon ratio for the plant, a reduction in reformer outlet temperature or even a change in steam reforming catalyst type. Less usual trace and minor components With proper design and operation, these should be removed in the feed purification section. Variability in the RFG composition This presents possible problems for the steam reforming section if there is not sufficient control. If there is a sudden decrease in olefins causing the HDS exit temperature to decrease, slip of organo-sulphur is possible, which would poison the pre-reformer or steam reforming, whichever is first in the flowsheet. If there is a sudden decrease in hydrogen, there may be insufficient to hydrogenate olefins and/or organo-sulphur. The resulting slip could lead to sulphur poisoning and carbon formation in the prereformer or steam reforming, whichever is first in the flowsheet. Conclusions While RFG is an attractive economic 23/2/12 13:03:34 option for hydrogen plants associated with refinery operations, its processing presents challenges in the feedstock purification and steam reforming sections of the flowsheet. These challenges result from the composition of the RFG and also from its variability. In the feedstock purification section, the range of options for handling the high olefin levels often found in the RFG pool has been expanded in recent years by considering more active catalysts and heat exchange reactors. In conjunction, control systems have been developed to allow the HDS converter operating temperature to be adjusted as the feed composition changes to maintain the temperature within the acceptable range for successful operation. In the steam reforming section, the impact of the change in feed and fuel type needs to be modelled and understood. There may be minimal impact associated with the change but, conversely, there may be changes required in operating parameters, catalyst type, heat exchanger performance or even heat exchanger design, as well as consideration given to any necessary changes in control schemes. KATALCO is a mark of the Johnson Matthey Group of Companies References 1 Cromarty B J, Hydrogen Market Review, Synetix Technical Paper, 1999. 2 Ratan S, Hydrogen Technology Overview, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Refinery Processing, AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, Apr 2003. 3 Chlapik K, Slemp B, Alternative Lower Cost Feedstock for Hydrogen Production, NPRA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 21-23 Mar 2004. 4 Winsper A J, Irizar I C, The Study on the use of Butane Feed for the Repsol-YPF La Coruna Hydrogen Plant, ERTC 11th Annual Meeting, Paris, 13-15 Nov 2006. 5 Cotton W J, Singh V, Feedstock Conversion for Indian Ammonia Plants. A Review of the Challenges, Proceedings of Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) Seminar 2003, New Delhi, Dec 2003. Elemental Analysis of Fuels Determination of Sulfur and other elements at-line and in the laboratory j matthey.indd 5 6 Broadhurst P V, Cotton W J, Taking feedstock, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Mar 2005, 41. 7 Davis R A, Macleod N, Wilson G E, Process for Hydrogenating Olefins, World Patent WO 2009/123909 A2, 8 Oct 2009. 8 Musich N, Natarajan R S, Klein H, Process and System for Reducing the Olefin Content of a Hydrocarbon Feed Gas and Production of a Hydrogen-enriched Gas Therefrom, US Patent Application 20080237090, 2 Oct 2008. Peter Broadhurst leads the ammonia synthesis and inert support product teams of Johnson Matthey Catalysts and is Technical Consultant for the syngas purification product team. He was previously Technical Sales Manager for hydrogenation catalysts, hydrogen plant catalysts and refinery absorbent products, and Technical Manager for oil refinery and syngas products. He holds a BSc in chemistry from Bristol University, UK, and a PhD in inorganic chemistry from Cambridge University. Graham Hinton is the Senior Process Engineer leading a team of engineers at Billingham, UK, supporting Johnson Matthey Catalysts’ sales into new syngas plants. He holds a master’s degree in engineering science, specialising in chemical engineering, from the University of Oxford, UK. To keep pace with the demanding quality requirements of modern fuels, advanced, precise and easy to use analytical technology is required. With a complete range of XRF and ICP spectrometers, SPECTRO’s unique solutions for at-line and laboratory elemental analysis are capable of meeting the most demanding product specification testing requirements. Measure your fuels - at sub 10-15 ppm levels of sulfur to ensure federal government agency compliance - at trace ppm levels for metal elements such as Cu, Ca, Mg, Na, K, and P, to ensure low engine emissions as well as trouble-free motoring - with reliability, speed and accuracy for any particular application - manually or fully automatically Discover more exciting details, visit SPECTRO’s e-Learning center or contact us for additional information about the SPECTRO solutions for fuels analysis at [email protected] and Tel +49.2821.892-2102. Catalysis 2012 29 23/2/12 16:23:05 0HVKQXPHURXVDOOR\SODVWLFV ,QVHUWLRQ0LVWIL[0LVW(OLPLQDWRU 3ODWH3DFN0XOWL3RFNHW9DQHV 9DQHV&KHYURQ6LQJOH'RXEOH3RFNHW WLGHYDULHW\RIUDQGRPSDFNLQJW\SHV VL]HVDQGPDWHULDOVLQVWRFN $VNXVKRZ RXUSDWHQWHG6XSHU%OHQG3DFFDQ LQFUHDVH\RXUFDSDFLW\DQGHI¿FLHQF\. )L[HG)ORDWLQJ9DOYH7\SH 6LHYHRU3HUIRUDWHG %XEEOHFDS 'XDOIORZ%DIIOH 3"/%0.1"$,*/( 53":4 .*45&-*.*/"5034 ACS-AMISTCO Catalyst Bed Supports Catalyst Bed Supports Basket Strainers Nozzles Outlet/Inlet Baskets Distributors Hub and Header Laterals For separation or mass transfer applications you will not find a manufacturer with a wider range of internals and factory capability that can deliver like ACS-AMISTCO, Inc. With in-house engineering support and fabrication, we can use your existing drawings, or modify them to improve your process. wwwBDTBNJTUDPDPNtIS&.&3(&/$:4&37*$&t %*453*#6503446110354 -*26*%$0"-&4$&34 4536$563&%1"$,*/( Manufactured to customer VSHFL¿FDWLRQVRUHQJLQHHUHGWR meet performance requirements 2LOZDWHUVHSDUDWLRQV+D]HUHPRYDO IURPIXHOV5HPRYDORIWRZHUZHWUHÀX[ Caustic treater applications WRYHQZLUHVKHHWPHWDODQGNQLWWHG VWUXFWXUHGSDFNLQJ%XLOWWRVSHF or performance requirement. amistco.indd 1 23/2/12 12:08:58 Estimating silicon accumulation in coker naphtha hydrotreaters Improved sampling and analysis of silicon in the feed enable a significant gain in the cycle life of coker naphtha hydrotreater catalysts Thienan Tran, Patrick Gripka and Larry Kraus Criterion Catalysts & Technologies S ilicon poisoning is a major concern in coker naphtha hydrotreaters. The source of silicon in coker naphtha can be traced back to the delayed coking process, which typically uses siliconcontaining oils, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), to suppress foaming in the coker drums. At the elevated temperature inside the coker drums, these high molecular weight, siliconcontaining oils crack to form lighter silicon oil fragments, such as dimers and trimers of the dimethylsiloxane. The majority of these silicon oil fragments boil in naphtha range and therefore are routed to the downstream naphtha hydrotreaters together with the coker naphtha. Under the operating conditions of the naphtha hydrotreaters, the silicon oil fragments present in the feed transform to modified silica gels and absorb onto the catalyst surface.1 As silicon accumulates on the catalyst surface, it covers active sites and restricts catalyst pores; the latter process eventually blocks access to the active sites. Once silicon is bound to the catalyst surface it cannot be removed and results in an irreversible loss of catalyst activity. Without silicon in the feed, the typical cycle length of a naphtha hydrotreater is three or more years. When processing coker naphtha, the cycle length is typically 12 months. In extreme cases, the cycle length can be six months or less. The cycle life of a coker naphtha hydrotreater is dictated by the silicon capacity of the selected catalyst system and the silicon accumulating rate. The silicon capacity of a selected catalyst system is known. However, the silicon accumulating criterion copy.indd 1 rate often cannot be determined due to a lack of accurate feed characterisation data. Refiners normally collect feed samples for silicon analysis on a frequent basis. However, because of the transient nature of the delayed coking process, the frequency of the feed sampling is often not sufficient to determine the actual amount of silicon being fed to the unit. In addition to the unrepresentative feed sampling issue, the commonly used inductively coupled plasma (ICP) test method does not accurately measure the silicon species present in the coker naphtha feed. These issues cause the calculated silicon accumulating rate to be unreliable and therefore the cycle life of coker naphtha hydrotreaters often cannot be predicted. This results in refiners changing out coker naphtha hydrotreater catalyst based on fixed cycle length or silicon slippage. This either under-utilises the silicon capacity of the catalyst system or results in an unplanned shutdown. In this case study, a hot loop feed sampling station was installed on a commercial coker naphtha hydrotreater to obtain composite samples. Unit description Feed Composition 18 vol% coker naphtha 82 vol% SR naphtha Sulphur, wppm 580 Nitrogen, wppm 18 Operating conditions WABT, °F >600 LHSV in the main reactors 4.1 Product properties Sulphur, ppmw 0.2 Nitrogen, ppmw <0.2 Table 1 The weekly composited samples were tested for silicon using a Shell proprietary ICP direct injection nebuliser (ICPDIN) analysis. The results were used to estimate the amount of silicon accumulated on the catalyst as the cycle progressed. At the end of the cycle, spent catalysts from the unit were analysed to determine the amount of silicon accumulated on the catalyst. Results indicated the silicon deposition estimated using hot loop sampling and ICPDIN was within 10% of the Si deposition determined from spent catalyst analysis. Due to the accuracy of the estimate, the cycle life of the unit could have been extended up to 4.5 months beyond the scheduled 12-month cycle length if the unit was not shut down due to furnace fouling. Case study The coker naphtha hydrotreater in this case study consists of a guard reactor followed by two main reactors, which are in parallel. The guard reactor contains OptiTrap grading materials and DN-200. The primary function of the guard reactor is to saturate diolefins. The main reactors contain 45% MaxTrap[Si], 20% DN140 and 35% DN-3531. All of these materials are Criterion catalyst grades. MaxTrap[Si] is a silicon trap catalyst. DN-140 is a dual functional NiMo catalyst, which was used to provide both significant silicon uptake capacity and hydrotreating activity for the load. DN-3531 is a high-activity NiMo hydrotreating catalyst, which provides the majority of the HDS and HDN activity requirements for the unit. The catalyst system had a silicon capacity of Catalysis 2012 31 23/2/12 13:08:39 7 Si content, wt ppm 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Week on stream Figure 1 Weekly average Si content in feed can be off by a factor of 10 to 20.2 To obtain reliable silicon content data, the weekly composite samples were sent to the Shell Global Solutions Westhollow Technology Center for silicon analysis. A Shell proprietary ICP analysis was used to measure the silicon present in the weekly composite sample. This analysis uses a custom design DIN to introduce the sample into the ICP. Based on results of extensive research, the error margin of the ICPDIN test is typically less than 10%. Spent catalyst analysis &TUJNBUFEBDDVNVMBUFE4J -JOFBSFTUJNBUFEBDDVNVMBUFE4J #VEHFUFE4JBDDVNVMBUJPO -JOFBSBDUVBM4JBDDVNVMBUJPO "DUVBM4JBDDVNVMBUJPO *GUIFVOJUIBEOPUCFFOTIVUEPXOEVFUP GVSOBDFGPVMJOHUIFDZDMFDPVMEIBWFCFFO FYUFOEFEVQUPNPOUITCFZPOEUIF TDIFEVMFENPOUIDZDMFMFOHUI Si l i con , l bs 4JCSFBLUISPVHI DBQBDJUZMCT 5IFFTUJNBUFE4JBDDVNVMBUJPO JTMPXFSUIBOUIFBDUVBM ýHVSF5IJTEJGGFSFODFJTXJUIJO UIFFSSPSNBSHJOPGUIFBOBMZUJDBM UFTUVTFEJOUIJTTUVEZDBTF Days on stream Figure 2 Silicon accumulation 8750 lb and was scheduled for a 12month run length. The unit process conditions and feed properties are shown in Table 1. Feed sampling The majority of coker naphtha hydrotreaters sample feed once per week for silicon analysis. Fluctuations in the amount of coker naphtha in the feed and the amount of foam-suppressing oils used in the coker drums will affect the silicon content in the feed. Recognising the fact that frequent feed sampling is important to capture the changes in the silicon content, a hot loop feed sampling system was installed. This sampling system was designed to collect and composite a defined 32 Catalysis 2012 criterion copy.indd 2 number of feed samples throughout the week to obtain weekly composite samples. Silicon analysis of coker naphtha feed The silicon present in the coker naphtha is in the form of dimers and trimers of the dimethylsiloxane. These dimethylsiloxane molecules are volatile. Due to their volatility, the standard ICP method, which is used by most refiners, cannot accurately measure the silicon content in the coker naphtha. Depending on the form of the silicon compound and the dynamics of the sample introduction system of the ICP method being used, the silicon concentration determined After 10 months online, the unit was shut down due to furnace fouling issues. The decision was made to change out the catalyst while the unit was down. The spent catalyst was unloaded by vacuuming, which allowed an accurate silicon deposition profile to be constructed. Samples of the spent catalyst were collected to determine the silicon uptake capacity of each type of catalyst and the total amount of silicon accumulated on the catalyst system. Results and discussion Results of the weekly silicon analysis indicated the silicon content in the feed varied from 0.26 to 6.5 wppm, with 62% of the data population in the 1.5 and 2.5 wppm range (see Figure 1). Without the composite feed sampling programme, the periods with high or low silicon content could have been unaccounted for. This could have significantly affected the estimated average feed silicon content. This shows that a good feed sampling programme is required to capture the changes in the silicon content of the feed and accurately estimate the total silicon fed to a naphtha hydrotreater unit. Based on the weekly test results of the silicon content in the feed, the silicon accumulation was calculated as the cycle progressed. At the time the unit was changed out, the total silicon accumulation was estimated to be 4770 lb (~ 55% of the total catalyst system silicon capacity). Results of the spent catalyst analyses indicated the actual amount of silicon accumulated on the catalyst 23/2/12 13:08:46 OptiTrap products Silicon uptake, wt% 25 DN-200 MaxTrap (Si) DN-140 DN-3531 Guard reactor − silicon Main reactors − silicon 20 Our new clean-fuels plant is straining the auxiliary units! 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Feet down Rx system — Guard inlet = 0 Reactor inlet = 30 Figure 3 Spent catalyst silicon profile was 5220 lb, which equated to 9% higher compared to the estimated number. Results of the spent catalysts also confirmed that the ICPDIN test method used in this case study can accurately measure the silicon content in the coker naphtha. If the unit was not shut down due to furnace fouling, the cycle length could have been extended up to 4.5 months beyond the scheduled 12-month cycle length (see Figure 2). In addition, results of the spent catalyst analyses showed that the guard reactor picked up a minimal amount of silicon (see Figure 3). This was expected due to the low operating temperature (<450°F) in the guard reactor. The MaxTrap[Si] in the main reactors picked up as much as 21 wt% silicon. Almost no silicon was deposited in the DN-140 and DN-3531 layer due to the premature shutdown of the unit. Conclusions In coker naphtha hydrotreaters, the quality of the estimates of silicon deposition on a catalyst system depends on the quality of the feed sampling program and the accuracy of the analytical method used to determine the silicon content in the feed samples. A hot loop sampling system can be used to obtain composite feed samples, which capture the changes in the silicon content of the feed. The ICPDIN analysis used in this case study criterion copy.indd 3 ACS-AMISTCO accurately measured the silicon content in coker naphtha feed. The combination of the good feed sampling program and the accurate silicon analysis resulted in a more reliable estimate of silicon deposition and could have extended the cycle length up to 4.5 months beyond the scheduled 12-month cycle length. How can we boost their capacity without major construction? TO MEET CLEAN FUELS requirements for gasoline, a medium-sized Midwestern re¿nery added a lowsulfur fuels technology plant. Gasoline throughput was unchanged. However, the sharp increase in sulfur removal required more hydrogen from the hydrogen unit and sent more sulfur gases to the amine treaters and downstream sulfur units. These auxiliary units became bottlenecks, overdriven at the cost of product purity and amine consumption. Acknowledgment The expertise provided by Michael Shepherd, Research Chemist in Elemental Analysis department at Shell Global Solutions Westhollow Technology Center, is gratefully acknowledged. References 1 Kellberg L, Zeuthen P, Jakobsen H J, Journal of Catalysis, 1993, 143, 45-51. 2 Sanchez R, Todoli J-L, Charles-Philippe, Mernet J M, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2009, 24, 391-401. Larry Kraus is Hydroprocessing Product Manager with Criterion Catalysts & Technologies. He holds BS degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering from Kansas State University and MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from Northwestern University. Email: [email protected] Patrick Gripka is a Senior Technical Service Engineer for Criterion Catalysts & Technologies, primarily supporting the DHT and FCC PT applications in the Americas. He holds BSChE and MSChE degrees from the University of Missouri – Rolla. Email: [email protected] Thienan Tran is Senior Technical Service Engineer with Criterion Catalysts & Technologies. She holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from the University of Houston, Texas. Email: [email protected] On studying the hydrogen, amine, and sulfur units, ACS-Amistco found many opportunities for improving separation ef¿ciency and capacity. The problems were solved without major construction by applying modern technology to mist eliminators, liquid-liquid separators, and tower trays and packing. Results included haze-free product and reduced amine consumption. Now a diesel clean-fuels plant is being added. Read more on this topic at 3KRQH)D[ [email protected] KU(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH Catalysis 2012 33 24/2/12 10:03:13 Reaching our customers globally through innovation At Süd-Chemie, we create original solutions that shape the way you see the future. Innovation is core to our business and has been our focus through our 150-year history. Our catalysts boost the performance and value of our customers’ operations, limiting their impact on the environment and ensuring that finite raw materials and energy are used efficiently. Discover what the future holds for your business at SC Syngas Anz_A4_2012-01-18 f01.indd 1 sud chemie.indd 1 18.01.12 14:39 23/2/12 12:11:02 FCC catalyst coolers in maximum propylene mode Catalyst cooling technology for continuous heat removal from the regenerator in maximum propylene operations can avoid damage to FCC catalyst and equipment RAHUL PILLAI and PHILLIP NICCUM KBR M arket demand for propylene has placed a strong emphasis on many FCC units to run in maximum propylene mode. Increasing reactor temperatures in pursuit of higher propylene, without regenerator heat removal, can raise the regenerator temperature to unacceptable levels, resulting in accelerated catalyst deactivation, degraded cracking selectivity and a need for exotic mechanical design to avoid equipment damage. This article presents FCC modelling that demonstrates the utility of continuous heat removal from the regenerator for maximum propylene operations. Developments in FCC catalyst cooling technology have given refiners a flexible and reliable option to confront the heat balance challenges of maximum propylene FCC operations. In an unconstrained environment, increasing FCC propylene production can be as easy as increasing the reactor temperature. However, in most cases, increasing the propylene yield is not that easy, as most FCC units are already operating against several physical and economic constraints. More commonly, regenerator coke burning and the vapour recovery unit limit capacity, increasing the reactor temperature without first reducing the FCC feed rate. In grassroots FCC installations, coke burning and vapour recovery capacity can be built into the unit design, and existing FCC units can be revamped to include the requisite coke burning and vapour recovery capacity for increasing propylene production. However: • Even with abundant coke burning and vapour recovery unit capacity, a kbr.indd 1 high regenerator temperature can emerge as a major constraint to increasing reactor temperature because of the impact of the higher temperature on the unit heat balance1 • FCC operators can effect a reduction in equilibrium catalyst activity to offset the increasing regenerator temperature that would naturally come from increasing the reactor temperature, but reducing catalyst activity runs counter to the more basic objective of increasing propylene production. History of FCC propylene production The first commercial FCC unit was built by The M W Kellogg Company in Standard Oil of New Jersey’s Baton Rouge, Louisiana, refinery and commissioned in May 1942. Between 1942 and 1944, Kellogg built 22 of 34 FCC units constructed throughout the US, and the FCC process quickly became a major contributor to worldwide propylene and butylene production. Rare earth-exchanged Y zeolite catalyst was first synthesised by Mobil in 1959. By the late 1960s, over 90% of US FCC units were operating with the Mobil-invented zeolite catalyst. The high activity of the zeolite catalysts, compared to the earlier amorphous catalysts, greatly improved the gasoline yield and reduced coke and dry gas yields Disengager with internal reactor cyclone system Primary feed riser 2nd riser for naphtha recycle Regenerator Atomax-2 fresh feed injection Recycle naphtha injection Figure 1 Maxofin unit Catalysis 2012 35 23/2/12 13:15:37 Water in Tubesheet Catalyst in Inner tube Water and steam out Tubesheet Fluidisation air Catalyst return Scabbard − outer tube Slide valve Figure 2 KBR dense-phase catalyst cooler Water in Water and steam out High heat transfer coefficient Catalyst in Flow-through design, high mean temperature differential No fluidisation impingement on tubes KBR dense-phase catalyst cooler Upflow boiling with natural boiler feed water circulation Tube bundle easily removed Fluidisation air High turndown capability Commercially proven design Catalyst out Figure 3 Key features of catalyst cooler from the FCC units, but the catalyst’s high hydrogen transfer characteristic greatly reduced the light olefin yield and gasoline octane. In the 1970s, after the introduction of zeolite catalyst, FCC unit design and operation evolved to regain some of the lost octane and light olefin yield, primarily with a higher reactor operating temperature and riser cracking.2 Increasing reactor temperatures increased the light olefin yield, but this came at the expense of an increased yield of dry gas — a lower-valued FCC product. During the 1980s, Mobil introduced two new technologies with application to increasing the produc- 36 Catalysis 2012 kbr.indd 2 it simultaneously relieved constraints on both vapour recovery unit capacity and regenerator operating temperature. The Maxofin FCC Process introduced by M W Kellogg and Mobil in 1985 (see Figure 1) is designed to maximise the production of propylene, ethylene and aromatics from traditional FCC feedstocks by combining the effects of FCC catalyst, ZSM-5 additive and a highseverity second riser designed to crack surplus naphtha and C4s into incremental light olefins and aromatic naphtha.6 Like closed cyclones, the Maxofin FCC Process also provides some relief to the heat balance while operating at high reactor temperatures because of the limited delta coke from recracking the recycled naphtha and C4 feedstocks. The recycled naphtha and C4s essentially act as a regenerator refrigeration system while simultaneously serving to increase propylene production in the highseverity second riser. tion of light olefins and octane while limiting incremental dry gas production: Mobil developed the ZSM-5 catalyst additive to crack low-octane (linear) gasoline-boiling-range olefins and paraffins into light olefins, and invented closed cyclones, which minimise product vapour residence time between the riser outlet and the main fractionator.3, 4 In addition to the reduction in dry gas, the closed cyclone riser termination system reduced delta coke, especially on units that previously employed low catalyst separation efficiency riser termination devices. Therefore, the closed cyclone system was especially adept at increasing FCC propylene production because For many decades and until recently, FCC catalyst coolers have been considered only as a means to effectively process high-carbonresidue FCC feedstocks, where the impact of Conradson carbon residue (CCR) on delta coke is a fundamental driver of the FCC heat balance. CCR in the feed increases the amount of coke deposited on the catalyst as it passes through the riser. The increased concentration of coke on the catalyst as it passes through the reactor is referred to as delta coke. Without intervention, increasing delta coke leads to a high regenerator temperature, reducing FCC feed conversion due to lowering of the catalyst-to-oil ratio and accelerated catalyst deactivation. To mitigate the impact of increasing feed CCR on regenerator temperature, the heat released during catalyst regeneration must be controlled or heat must be removed from the system. The best option for controlling the heat balance with increasing delta coke is often the use of a catalyst cooler and/or regenerator operation in partial CO combustion mode. 23/2/12 13:15:45 - TRICAT Main Products Regeneration of spent catalysts XpresS ex-situ activation (sulphiding) of fresh and regenerated catalysts Rejuvenation of catalysts Resale of once regenerated catalysts Sale of GUARDIAN material (guard bed catalysts) Additional Services Laboratory expertise of spent catalysts Pilot plant ex-situ activation Technical support Storage of catalysts Tricat, Inc. 260 Schilling Circle Hunt Valley, MD 21031 USA Phone: (410) 785 7900 Fax: (410) 785 7901 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] tricat.indd 1 Tricat GmbH Catalyst Service Bitterfeld OT Greppin Tricat-Str. (ChemiePark Areal B-Ost) 06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen Germany Phone: +49 3493 75910 Fax: +49 3493 75999 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] 23/2/12 12:15:06 Regenerator temperature, ºF The KBR dense-phase catalyst cooler (see Figures 2 and 3) was commercialised in 1991 based on extensive KBR experience in hightemperature ammonia applications and cold flow modelling of the catalyst side at KBR’s Houston Technology Development Center.7 Two distinguishing features of the KBR dense-phase catalyst coolers impart flexibility in heat removal duty and resistance to tube failure from erosion by the catalyst. The first feature is a gas vent line at the top of the cooler fluid bed that prevents catalyst backmixing between cooler and regenerator whenever the cooler catalyst circulation is stopped, thereby providing complete heat removal turndown capability. Without the vent, cold flow modelling has demonstrated that backmixing between the cooler and regenerator (and therefore heat transfer in a commercial unit) will Feedstock properties Feed rate, BPSD °API Molecular weight Sulphur, wt% Total nitrogen, ppmw Watson K Conradson Carbon, wt% Distillation type D2887, °F 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% 40 000 28.00 445 0.05 2 12.27 0.20 700 754 804 883 997 Table 1 occur due to fluidisation of catalyst in the inlet duct by aeration gas travelling from the cooler back into the regenerator bed. With the vent in place, cooler aeration gas returns to the regenerator through the vent rather than through the catalyst inlet duct, allowing catalyst in the inlet duct to defluidise whenever catalyst 1420 1400 1380 Use of catalyst cooler for propylene production 1360 1340 1320 1300 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 Riser outlet temperature, ºF Figure 4 Impact of ROT on regenerator temperature (w/o catalyst cooler) Cooler duty, mmBTU/hr 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 Riser outlet temperature, ºF Figure 5 Required catalyst cooler duty for 1350°F max regenerator temperature 38 Catalysis 2012 kbr.indd 3 circulation is stopped. The other distinguishing feature of the KBR dense-phase catalyst cooler design is that the tube sheet is located above the tubes, which has several important ramifications: • Downward-hanging tubes allow the cooler shell fluidisation air to be introduced well below the tubes, preventing any possibility of cooler fluidisation air jet impingement on the tubes, which could cause an erosion-related tube failure • Since steam is generated upflow between the inner and outer tubes, the cooler can utilise natural boiler feed water circulation, eliminating the need for forced boiler feed water circulation pumps, along with their associated cost and reliability issues • The orientation of the tube bundle also facilitates maintenance and inspection of the cooler because the tube bundle can be pulled from the top of shell. There are now 16 KBR densephase catalyst coolers in operation, and there have been no reports of erosion-related tube failure in any of these installations. Increasing reactor temperatures in pursuit of higher propylene increases the regenerator bed temperature and, without regenerator heat removal, raises this temperature to unacceptable levels, resulting in accelerated catalyst deactivation, degraded cracking selectivity and a need for exotic mechanical design to avoid equipment damage. The utility of FCC regenerator heat removal for maximising propylene production is demonstrated by way of a hypothetical example using KBR’s proprietary FCC yield modelling software. The base case for the exercise is a hypothetical 40 000 b/d FCC operation on a good-quality hydrotreated VGO feedstock. A summary of the base case feedstock quality is shown in Table 1. The study cases are based on a catalyst activity of 72 and a constant feed preheat temperature of 650°F (343°C). Figure 4 shows that, while operating at the base case 980°F (527°C) riser outlet temperature, the 23/2/12 16:24:15 Alternative regenerator temperature control strategies Alternatives for Catalyst cooler Limited ROT Reduced activity achieving a 1350ºF 1050°F ROT 1010°F ROT 1050°F ROT regenerator & & & temperature 72 MAT 72 MAT 58 MAT FCC yields Wt% Vol% Wt% Vol% Wt% Vol% C2 and lighter 2.18 -- 1.77 -- 2.30 -Propane 2.91 5.09 2.16 3.77 1.64 2.87 Propylene 7.77 13.21 6.10 10.37 6.24 10.61 Total C4s 15.61 23.35 14.30 21.48 11.64 17.32 FCC gasoline (C5-204°C) 51.03 61.22 52.73 63.35 50.61 60.89 Light cycle oil (204-360°C) 10.48 10.01 13.52 13.01 16.50 15.99 Slurry oil (360°C+) 4.68 3.72 5.36 4.48 6.70 5.88 Coke 5.34 -- 4.06 -- 4.37 -Total liquid product 116.60 116.46 113.56 Conversion @ 204°C 84.8 86.3 81.1 82.5 76.8 78.1 Table 2 13.50 Propylene production, vol% regenerator temperature heat balances at about 1310°F (710°C), a temperature that is considered very compatible with good FCC catalyst activity maintenance and minimal generation of dry gas and other thermal cracking products in the feed injection zone. As would be expected, based upon the basic tenets of the FCC heat balance, the regenerator heat balanced temperature increases with the increasing riser outlet temperature. For the sake of this example, considering the deleterious impact of regenerator temperature on catalyst activity, product yield selectivity and mechanical reliability, the regenerator bed temperature will be limited to a maximum of 1350°F (732°C). As Figure 5 shows, the maximum allowable riser outlet temperature will be approximately 1010°F (543°C) when limiting the regenerator temperature to 1350°F (732°C). The increasing regenerator temperature is primarily driven by the increasing temperature of the spent catalyst being returned to the regenerator. Utilising a variable-duty densephase catalyst cooler, it is possible to keep the regenerator temperature from exceeding 1350°F (732°C) at riser outlet temperatures exceeding the 1010°F (543°C) value. For purposes of this example, the riser outlet temperature is increased to as high as 1050°F (566°C). Figure 5 shows the catalyst cooler duty required to maintain the regenerator 13.00 12.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 10.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 Riser outlet temperature, ºF Figure 6 Impact of ROT on propylene bed temperature of 1350°F (732°C) at riser outlet temperatures greater than 1010°F (543°C). The point of this exercise is shown in Figure 6, which demonstrates that, starting from a base case propylene yield just below 9.0 vol%, the propylene yield can only be increased to about 10.5 vol% without the use of regenerator heat HANDLING THE WORLD’S MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCTS EVERYDAY CHEP Catalyst and Chemical Containers provides Catalyst-Bins to the petroleum refining, gas processing and petrochemical manufacturing industries. Our Catalyst-Bins offer you the following advantages: - Efficient transportation - Optimization of storage around reactor - Efficient handling - Optimized HSSE - Reduced reactor down time - Minimization of waste generation For more information please visit our website or contact us: CHEP CATALYST & CHEMICAL CONTAINERS B.V. - Scheepmakerstraat 13-15 - 2984 BE Ridderkerk - The Netherlands Tel +31 180 33 11 44 - Fax + 31 180 41 40 90 - [email protected] kbr.indd 4 Catalysis 2012 39 23/2/12 16:25:06 TRANSFORMING TODAY’S PRODUCTS FOR TOMORROW’S INNOVATIONS Market Leader in Catalyst Services, Products and Tolling Catalyst Services: • Regeneration • Reactivation • Presulfiding • Density Grading • Length Grading • Catalyst Acquisition • Metal Reclaim • Drying • Resale • Quanta Products: • Claus Catalysts • Adsorbents • Purification • Dehydration • FCC-additives • Inert Support Media Tolling: • Extrusion • Calcination • Impregnation • Forming • Drying • Milling • Blending • Classifying GLOBAL PRESENCE, WORLDWIDE SATISFACTION porocel.indd 1 Porocel_adv_FC_210x297mm.indd 1 23/2/12 12:16:42 20-02-12 09:26 removal while honouring the 1350°F (732°C) regenerator temperature constraint. It also shows that the propylene yield can be increased to as high as 13.5 vol% while using the catalyst cooler to control the regenerator temperature. The lessons learned from the examples presented here can be further demonstrated by comparing some yield cases representing alternative routes for controlling regenerator temperature in search of increasing the propylene yield. Table 2 shows two cases taken from the examples presented above, contrasting the difference between controlling the regenerator temperature with a catalyst cooler versus simply limiting the reactor temperature. A third case has also been developed and included in the table. It shows the expected results for just reducing the catalyst activity as needed to keep the regenerator temperature in the desired range without a catalyst cooler as the riser outlet temperature is increased to 1050°F (566°C). Comparing the three cases, depending on a refiner’s objectives, different cases may be the preferred alternative: • If the only objective is the maximisation of propylene, the first case with the catalyst cooler is the clear winner • If the primary objective is the maximisation of propylene and the secondary objective is the maximisation of total liquid product yield, the third case with the low catalyst activity would clearly be the least favourable among the three alternatives • If the production of light cycle oil and the production of propylene are both primary objectives, the case utilising low catalyst activity rather than the catalyst cooler may be preferred. One of the broader conclusions that can be drawn from this study is that a refiner might want to invest in an FCC catalyst cooler if a large investment is being made to increase FCC coke burning and vapour recovery unit capacity for the purpose of increasing propylene production. kbr.indd 5 Fundamentals of fluid bed to tube heat transfer The basic science of heat transfer between a fluidised bed and a confining wall was described by Chin-Yung Wen and Max Leva in a 1956 paper:8 •For a fluidised bed confined in a pipe, there will always be a laminar fluid film in immediate contact with the pipe. The heat transfer mechanism from the pipe wall to the laminar flow is via conduction, and this constitutes the major resistance between the fluid bed and the pipe wall • The heat transfer from the laminar film to an adjacent buffer layer is through turbulent mixing due to the eddy movement of the fluid •From the boundary layer to the core of the fluid bed, the prevalant heat transfer mechanism is by turbulent mixing of the solid particles •The higher the thickness (or width) of the laminar layer, higher will be the resistance for heat transfer from tube walls to the flowing fluid. Therefore, up to a point, an increase in velocity of the fluid in the bed that decreases the laminar layer thickness will leads to an increase in heat transfer coefficient •As the velocity of the fluid in the bed is increased futher, the heat transfer increases to a “max heat transfer” value, beyond which it decreases with velocity. This is because the bed expands with higher gas flow and increases the solid particle spacing, reducing the rate of heat transfer via turbulent mixing of the particles. History of catalyst coolers The early FCC catalysts produced coke yields as high as 12 wt%. This resulted in a reactor-regenerator system, where the amount of heat liberated by coke combustion was more than could be removed by the process streams. In 1942, M W Kellogg introduced Recycle Catalyst Coolers on a Kellogg Model II FCC unit to solve this heat balance issue. By 1948, there were 22 commercial Recycle Catalyst Coolers in operation. Most of these coolers had 988, 1 1/2in O.D. tubes, which were 22 ft long. The design duties of these coolers were as high as 100 million Btu/h each. These coolers had catalyst at 25 ft/s moving through the tubes, transferring heat to water/ steam in the shell. A catalyst standpipe withdrew catalyst from the bottom of the regenerator bed that was conveyed upwards through the cooler tubes at high velocity. The catalyst cooler duty was varied by adjusting the catalyst circulation rate with a slide valve. These early catalyst coolers were mechanically complex, with large expansion joints in the shell to accommodate the difference between the inlet channels/tubes and the shell. The problems encountered in these coolers were mainly related to erosion due to internal solids mixing, which included: • Erosion of cooler outlet cone transition • Erosion of tubes and tube sheets at the cooler inlet • Failure of linings in the standpipes and carrier lines • Erosion of the carrier line at the air/catalyst mixing point. The run lengths obtained with these dilute-phase coolers were typically three to four months, at the end of which tube bundle repair or replacement was required. As the flowing catalyst was in dilute phase (density ~3 lb/ft3), the heat transfer coefficient was relatively low. An analysis of commercial catalyst cooler data showed the heat transfer coefficient ranging from 9-35 Btu/hft2-°F, with most of the coefficients falling between 18 and 34 Btu/h-ft2°F.8 From 1950, cracking catalyst with better coke selectivities became available, and these catalyst coolers were no longer used. The advent of resid cracking in the early 1960s paved the way for regenerator bed coils. The first residue cracker, built in 1960 for Phillips Petroleum, had 15 layers of horizontal hairpin coils, which covered 320 degrees of the vessel circumference near the wall of the regenerator. The high-pressure steam for use in the refinery was generated by passing boiler feed water through the coils. In the original design of these bed Catalysis 2012 41 23/2/12 13:16:13 Mixtures in vertical transport Flue gas Regenerator Steam FR PR TR T1 Catalyst to reactor LLR Feed water Steam drum Recycle catalyst cooler Catalyst from reactor T1 PR TRC PR Standpipe T1 T1 FRC PR Air Figure 7 Arrangement and instrumentation of recycle catalyst cooler Kellog 11/2 in. tubes, cooling Kellog 17/8 in. tubes, cooling Farbar and Morley heating (averaged ordinates) 40 30 20 10 8 6 / (hD/k) (ws/wg)0.45 100 80 60 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 ×102 6 8 1 2 3 4 ×103 6 8 1 2 3 4 ×104 6 8 DG/µ Figure 8 Correlation of data on heat transfer of air-cracking catalyst mixtures in vertical upward transport coils, a heat transfer coefficient of 60 Btu/h-ft2-°F was used.7 This proved to be conservative and the steam generated was greater than expected. This high heat transfer coefficient was the result of the coils immersed in a relatively high-density (25 to 35 lb/ft3) fluidised bed in the regenerator. Unlike the dilute phase, the low 42 Catalysis 2012 kbr.indd 6 velocity in the regenerator (2 to 3 ft/ s) resulted in a lower erosion of the coils. The main problem encountered by the regenerator coils was on the inside (water) side. The use of lowquality boiler feed water resulted in a mineral deposition and eventual failure due to pitting. Also, the low In a 1963 paper,W J Danzinger presented the development of a heat transfer coefficient correlation for a fluidised catalyst bed moving vertically based on commercial data from a 1940s vintage FCC recycle catalyst cooler designed by M W Kellogg.9 The reported study was conducted for a recycle catalyst cooler operating in dilute phase as well as dense phase: • A correlation of the heat transfer coefficients of air-fluidised cracking catalyst of about 50-micron average particle diameter in vertical transport is presented. The correlation, based on commercial data for cooling and the data of Farber and Morley10 for heating, is: • (h*d/k) = 0.0784 * ((D*G)/µ)0.68 * (Wa/Wg)0.45 • The correlation covers Reynolds numbers from 178 to 25 400, solids-togas weight ratios of 2 to 446, and tube ID from 0.689 to 1.497 inches • Data were obtained on recycle catalyst coolers of two designs, both vertical, single-tube pass, removablebundle, fire-tube boilers with the air-catalyst mixture flowing upward through the tubes. The steam drum was elevated sufficiently to limit vapourisation in the boiler shell to about 10% of the thermosyphon water flow. In one design, the single-section cooler tube bundle contained 988 steel tubes, 1 1/2 - inch OD by 22 ft long. The second design provided two sections in parallel, each bundle containing 580 steel tubes, 1 7/8-inch OD by 19 ft long • The arrangement and typical instrumentation is shown in Figure 7. Catalyst flow was controlled by a slide valve, which was positioned by a temperature element in the regenerator bed • Figure 8 shows the variation of heat transfer coefficient with Reynolds number. velocity in the coils resulted in a slug or stratified flow, ultimately leading to failure due to thermal stresses. To avoid this problem, the flow inside the tube was maintained in the bubble flow regime, restricting the flexibility of these coolers to cope with changes in feed rate and feed quality. 23/2/12 13:16:24 The research continued for a catalyst cooler that was more flexible and operated with a low catalyst velocity to avoid the erosion, which compromised the dilute-phase coolers. In 1991, this resulted in the modern-day KBR dense-phase catalyst cooler with water and steam on the tube side and hot, slow-moving catalyst on the shell side. Among the 16 KBR dense-phase catalyst coolers in operation, there have been no reports of erosionrelated tube failure. Conclusions A refiner should consider investing in an FCC catalyst cooler if a large investment is being made to increase FCC coke burning and vapour recovery unit capacity for the purpose of increasing propylene production. Investing in coke burning and vapour recovery expansion without a catalyst cooler can result in under-utilised investments if a high regenerator temperature prevents the FCC unit from producing the propylene production targeted by the debottlenecking project. Once a decision has been taken to install an FCC catalyst cooler, careful consideration should be given to aspects of the cooler technology that impact the cooler’s operating flexibility and on-stream reliability. References 1 Pillai R, Niccum P K, FCC catalyst coolers open window to increased propylene, Grace Davison FCC Conference, Munich, Sept 2011. 2 Whittington E L, Murphy J R, Lutz I H, Catalytic cracking — modern designs, Symposium on Advances in Gasoline Technology, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc, American Chemical Society New York Meeting, 27 Aug-1 Sept 1972. 3 Andersen C D, Dwyer F G, Koch G, Niiranen P, 9th Ibero American Symp. Catal., Lisbon, Portugal, 1984. 4 Miller R B, Johnson T E, Santner C R, Avidan A A, Johnson D L, FCC reactor product — catalyst separation — ten years of commercial experience with closed cyclones, 1995 NPRA Meeting. 5 Miller R B, Niccum P K, Claude A, Silverman M A, Bhore N A, Chitnis G K, McCarthy S J, Liu K, MAXOFIN: a novel FCC process for maximizing light olefins using a new generation ZSM-5 additive, 1998 NPRA Meeting, Mar 1998. 6 Niccum P K, Gilbert, M F, Tallman M J, Santner C R, Future refinery — FCC’s role in refinery/petrochemical integration, 2001 NPRA Meeting, Mar 2001. kbr.indd 7 7 Johnson T E, Improve regenerator heat removal, Hydrocarbon Publishing, 55-57, Nov 1991. 8 Wen C Y, Leva M, Fluidized-bed heat transfer: a generalized dense-phase correlation, A.I.Ch.E. Journal, December 1956, 482-488. 9 Danzinger W J, Heat transfer to fluidized gas-solids mixtures in vertical transport, I&EC Process Design and Development, 2, 269-276, 1963. 10 Farbar L, Morley M J, Heat transfer to flowing gas-solid mixtures in a circular tube, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1957, 49(7), 1143-1150. Rahul Pillai is Process Engineering Associate, KBR Fluid Catalytic Cracking Technology, performing process engineering design activities for grassroots FCC units, FCC revamp projects, technology proposals, technical service, and plant start-up assignments. He holds a MS degree in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University. Phillip Niccum, Director, KBR Fluid Catalytic Cracking Technology, joined KBR’s Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) team in 1989 following nine years of related work for a major oil company. Independent Catalyst Test Reports 2010, 2011 & 2012 OUR REPORT WILL HELP YOU: t4JNQMJGZDBUBMZTUTFMFDUJPO t$IPPTFUIFSJHIU DBUBMZTUXJUI DPOĕEFODF t4BWFIVOESFETPG UIPVTBOETPO ZPVSOFYUDBUBMZTU QVSDIBTF We have tested catalysts from all major suppliers. Our reports provide full test data, analysis, and activity rankings. Our reports are available for immediate delivery. Our team brings the industry’s leading independent lab, innovative test methods, and sound, objective analysis. Our real-world experience includes 150 catalyst testing runs and 100 catalyst decisions. Contact us today for independent test data, reports, and catalyst rankings. Hoekstra Trading LLC [email protected] +1 630 330-8159 Catalysis 2012 43 23/2/12 13:16:34 Aim for More Diesel, Better Diesel ExxonMobil’s MIDW TM* technology is a commercially proven process using an advanced proprietary catalyst for the production of ultra-low sulfur and low cloud-point diesel. Benefits include: t -PXQSFTTVSFýYFECFEQSPDFTT—JNQSPWFTQSPEVDU ZJFMEBOERVBMJUZ t *ODSFBTFETVMGVSSFNPWBMBOESFEVDFEOBQIUIBZJFMET t 1SPQSJFUBSZDBUBMZTUJTPNFSJ[FTXBYZOQBSBGýOTJO HBTPJMUPMFSBOUUP)24BNNPOJBBOEPSHBOJD4BOE/ t 4UBOEBMPOFPSJOUFHSBUFXJUIPUIFST &YYPO.PCJM3FTFBSDIBOE&OHJOFFSJOH $PNQBOZT.*%85FDIOPMPHZ *NQSPWFT1SPEVDU:JFMEBOE2VBMJUZ * MIDW is a trademark of ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company ** Available from ExxonMobil Catalyst Technologies LLC 3225 Gallows Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22037-0001, USA • +1-703-846-2568 • fax +1-703-846-3872 • [email protected] exxon.indd 1 23/2/12 12:18:28 Decrease catalyst costs by regeneration, analysis and sorting Use of regenerated catalyst can be maximised by careful sampling and analysis of spent catalyst to construct a reactor contamination profile PIERRE DUFRESNE Eurecat FRANCOIS LOCATELLI Eurecat France O il refining and petrochemical plants are currently undergoing serious challenges from a technical and economical point of view, as well as from an environmental point of view. The volume of installed capacity of hydroprocessing catalyst is increasing in order to cope with the development of nearly sulphurfree clean fuels and the need for deeper heavy ends conversion. At the same time, low refining margins are driving industry to cost optimisation, while environmental regulations are getting tougher. In addition to the growing fresh hydroprocessing catalyst market, regenerated catalyst usage is increasing, with an estimated worldwide consumption of roughly 40 000 t/y. This additional tonnage of regenerated catalysts is extremely useful for refineries hoping to reduce their procurement expenses as well as limit their generation of chemical waste. Unfortunately, the ratio between the regenerated and the fresh catalyst market in distillates hydroprocessing is below 50%, meaning that not all spent catalysts are regenerated at least once. This low reuse rate could certainly be increased by careful evaluation of the spent catalyst. Regeneration of hydroprocessing catalysts restores activity The end-of-cycle for hydroprocessing units is usually determined by: a scheduled unit shutdown; a unit upset, such as too high a pressure drop or compressor failure; or a catalyst activity that is too low for meeting product specifications. In eurecat.indd 1 this last case, activity decrease is mainly due to partial blockage of the active sites by coke and sometimes contaminants. Carbon content on spent HDS catalysts largely varies from 5 to 25 wt%, with an average for diesel units of 8-15 wt%. It is common knowledge now that the regeneration of spent hydroprocessing catalysts does restore activity. By using an oxidising atmosphere at a temperature of 450-550°C, carbonaceous species can be removed from the catalyst. Regeneration has the benefit of eliminating the first cause of deactivation: coke deposit. But it does more by converting the sulphide phase, which may have become partially sintered, back to an oxide phase similar to the fresh catalyst. This works well for conventional catalysts, while the latest generation of catalysts may need an additional treatment to achieve better recovery of activity. regeneration, the sulphides are converted back to oxides, also promoting some alumina sulphatation. Depending on the hydrotreating application, it is usually not advised to reuse catalysts containing more than 1 to 3 wt% of vanadium (often expressed as Ni+V, as these two metals generally exist together, even if nickel is not itself considered a poison). How are hydroprocessing catalysts contaminated? Na Various contaminants are found on spent hydroprocessing catalysts at the end of cycle. They originate either from the feed (vanadium, nickel, arsenic and sodium), from additives used during transport or refining operations (silicon, lead and phosphorous) or from corrosion (iron). Ni + V The nickel- and vanadium-containing molecules present in the heavier fraction of vacuum gas oil and resid feeds are readily decomposed to nickel and vanadium sulphides on the catalyst surface. After As Organoarsenic compounds contained in some crudes are extremely reactive under hydroprocessing conditions and are thus readily decomposed and adsorbed on the catalyst surface. Therefore, a very steep arsenic gradient is always observed between the top and the bottom of the reactor. Arsenic is considered a severe poison for HDS activity, as a quantity of 0.2 to 0.4 wt% can prevent catalyst reuse. Sodium is usually not present in the various hydroprocessing feeds in normal operation. However, it could be present on the catalyst due to desalter malfunction, because of various upsets leading to upstream introduction of caustic soda (for instance, upsets of Merox units), or when seawater is introduced to the unit via heat exchanger leakage. Sodium then adsorbs on the catalyst surface and has a significant deactivation effect, which is usually more noticeable after regeneration. The maximum tolerated poison level for sodium is typically between 0.1 and 0.2 wt%. Catalysis 2012 45 23/2/12 13:18:42 4J /B "T Case study 1 : SAS saved around 75% of the catalyst batch (equivalent to €1 million savings as fresh catalyst) wt % Bin number Figure 1 SAS service. Contaminants analysis (sodium, arsenic, silicon) vs bin number on a load of spent HDS catalyst Si Silicon originates essentially from lighter fractions of coker or visbreaker operations, where polydiméthylsiloxanes are used as anti-foaming agents. Silicon could also originate from silicon-based chemicals injected into pipelines for a reduction in pressure drop. Silicon is not a very strong poison during the cycle, and deactivation seems higher after regeneration. Pb, P Lead is no longer seen in spent catalysts in western countries, due to the general phase-down of tetraethyl lead as an octane booster. Poisoning by phosphorous may be seen sometimes, but not often, as phosphorous-containing additives are not so common yet. Fe In distillate hydrotreaters, iron contamination comes from the corrosion of upstream equipment. As such, iron scale or fine particles usually do not penetrate deeply into the catalyst pores and do not have any strong poisoning effect. Its contribution to pressure drop build-up is more problematic, as iron particles may accumulate at the top of the bed or in the interstices between catalyst granules. How to maximise the quantity of reusable regenerated catalyst. Sorting is a solution. Regeneration, however, will not 46 Catalysis 2012 eurecat.indd 2 used in another unit of similar service, cascaded down to a less severe service, or sent for metals reclamation. cure anything as regards deactivation by contaminants, which remain adsorbed after thermal treatment. This does not mean that a contaminated batch cannot be regenerated. What is necessary is to profit from the concentration gradient that is always observed in fixed-bed reactors in case of contamination. SAS (sampling, analysis, segregation) service can save a great deal of good catalyst When catalyst is contaminated, the analysis of a global representative sample does not tell us anything regarding the concentration gradients throughout the reactor bed and is thus not sufficient. It could even be counter productive, as it could lead to wrong decisions, such as sending the whole batch for metal reclaim when clever sorting would have saved a great deal of good catalyst. Contamination issues must be considered before any reactor shutdown. The sorting strategy simply starts by good-quality labelling of the drums or containers of unloaded catalyst at the foot of the reactor. This will later enable accurate interpretation of the analysis of each container by drawing the contaminant profile and then deciding on the subsequent segregation of good product from contaminated material. The catalyst owner may decide on a segregation strategy: the entire catalyst batch is divided into several lots of varying quality, which can be either reloaded in the same unit, The following is an interesting example of Eurecat’s SAS service, which resulted in considerable savings for the refiner. A reactor containing 96 tons of catalyst was gravity unloaded in well-labelled containers. Upon arrival at the Eurecat France site, the lot was sampled in the standard way, and a representative sample of the whole reactor was analysed and tested. Contaminant levels were pretty high: 0.11 wt% arsenic; 0.35 wt% sodium; and 0.5 wt% silicon. Moreover the HDS activity was found to be 83% that of fresh catalyst. With these results in hand, the customer’s initial decision was to send the entire 96-ton batch for metals reclamation. Eurecat then proposed to examine the lot in more detail and perform a complete analysis on every third container to determine the contamination profile. Figure 1 shows the contamination profile, with a rather clear cut between clean and contaminated fractions. The high level of contaminants in the first containers illustrates the so-called “chimney effect”, where top layers come first just after the very bottom part. A composite sample of containers 1 to 3 and 24 to 74 was obtained, analysed and tested. In these composites, the level of contaminants is low (0.02 wt% As; 0.0 5 wt% Na; 0.1 wt% Si) and the HDS activity came back at 96% that of fresh catalyst. This detailed contamination analysis coupled with HDS testing made the customer’s decision much easier: recycle the contaminated fraction of only 22 tons and regenerate the remaining 74 tons of good material. Case study 2: a saving of 65% (equivalent to €700,000) The SAS procedure was applied on another case of a 75-ton reactor, where silicon and arsenic contami- 23/2/12 13:19:06 refining your profit UOP helps you exceed your goals with innovative technology, catalysts and optimization solutions specifically designed to meet your needs. UOP hydroprocessing solutions and optimization services are designed to help you maximize your return on investment and grow your business. As regional market demands shift, we provide the process technologies, catalysts and services that will meet your changing business needs. Our experts work closely with you to meet your desired yields and product specifications including ultra-low sulfur diesel standards while improving your operational efficiency. Backed by over 50 years of hydroprocessing innovations, UOP offers the best and most advanced solutions to keep your business one step ahead. For more information about UOP, visit ©2010 UOP. All Rights Reserved. UOP_Refining Your Profit_Ad_A4_PRINT.indd 1 uop.indd 1 5/18/10 2:10:44 AM 23/2/12 12:23:31 ad copy 2.indt 1 23/2/12 16:19:20 0.7 Some catalyst can be saved even in the event of highly polluted feed Another example illustrates why the SAS procedure is always justified. Spent catalyst from an FCC pretreat unit was analysed at 1.2 wt% arsenic. It is seldom that such an arsenic content is found on a catalyst batch. So far, a decision was easy to make for the catalyst owner: send the whole batch for metals reclaim. Actually, the reactivity of arsenic species contained in crude are so high that, even in the event of highly polluted feed, adsorption takes place in the first eurecat.indd 3 Fe As Si Na Regeneration 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Bin number Figure 2 Contaminants analysis (Fe, As, Si, Na) vs bin number on a load of spent HDS catalyst Spent catalyst analysis can assess average liquid feed quality over the run "T "T "S TF O J DX U The following example demonstrates that the SAS service is useful for understanding the average feed quality with regards to contaminants over the run. A simple way of assessing average feed contaminant content is the rule of “4 one”: 1 ppm of contaminant in the feed processed by a catalyst over one year at a liquid hourly space velocity of one will result in 1 wt% deposit of contaminant. Figure 3 shows the arsenic concentration profile of an HDS reactor for two consecutive cycles. Arsenic is repeatedly present, but with average quantities, which vary from one run to another. Thus, the quantity of uncontaminated catalyst varies each time. The good news is there is always something to recover for regeneration. Recycling 0.6 wt% nation was suspected. The arsenic concentration of the whole batch is 0.11 wt%, not high enough to decide to eliminate all of the batch, but still preventing the batch from performing at the ideal level for an activity-sensitive unit. The labelling, sampling, analysis procedure resulted in a very regular contamination profile. The cut was decided as follows: 49 tons were recovered with an arsenic level below 0.05 wt%, and 26 tons with 0.21 wt% arsenic and 0.51 wt% silicon were sent for metal reclaim. HDS activity was upgraded from 89% to 94% RVA compared with fresh catalyst. Figure 3 Arsenic profile of an HDS reactor for two consecutive cycles layers of the bed. In this particular case, the arsenic concentration peaks at 3.7 wt% (see Figure 4). Still slightly less than half of the batch can be recovered. SAS service can also establish carbon profile within the reactor Unit parameters, such as temperature, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide partial pressures, as well as feed quality, vary all along the various catalyst beds, and thus the coke formation kinetics also vary with those parameters. SAS service can generate a precise carbon profile of the reactor, which then can be useful for helping to define the best strategy in terms of catalyst choice and unit operation. Usually coke increases from top to bottom, mainly due to the highest temperature and lowest hydrogen partial pressure at the bottom. But the gradient is more or less pronounced for each specific case. In the same example, Figure 4 shows the coke profile: a high initial value, corresponding to the reactor bottom, then the top with a lower carbon content, the lowest corresponding to the arsenic peak, then carbon increases, as expected, from top to bottom. Catalyst reuse is not always possible Figure 5 shows a case where catalyst recovery is not possible. This example is an FCC pretreat unit with a dirty vacuum gas oil, rich in vanadium and sodium. Vanadium and sodium concentrations are very high at the top of the bed, but remain above 1 wt% at Catalysis 2012 49 23/2/12 13:19:20 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Arsenic 3.5 Coke Element, wt% 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Iron 1.0 Silicon 0.5 80 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 22 0 24 0 26 0 28 0 30 0 60 0 20 0.0 40 Sodium increase from top to bottom (6 to 14 wt%) Carbon, wt% 4.0 Bin number Figure 4 Analysis (As, Fe, Si, Na and C) vs bin number on a highly contaminated spent catalyst: partial recovery is possible E l e me n t , wt % $PLF 7BOBEJVN 4PEJVN 4JMJDPO "STFOJD Bin number Figure 5 Analysis (V, Na, As, Si and C) vs bin number on spent FCC pretreat catalyst: partial recovery is not possible 105 RWA, % 100 95 90 85 80 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 SA, m2/g Figure 6 Variation of Surface Area (SA) and HDS Activity (RWA) for various regenerated batches of a new generation CoMo catalyst. the bottom. Organic compounds of those two elements are much less reactive than arsenic compounds and diffuse more easily 50 Catalysis 2012 eurecat.indd 4 into the entire bed. In this particular case, the whole catalyst lot had to be sent for metal reclaim. The carbon profile showed a strong Activity testing is necessary for assessing catalyst reuse Until a couple of years ago, contaminant and surface area analysis were sufficient for assessing safe reuse. Eurecat has numerous statistical data showing the correlation between surface area and HDS activity. One example, published in 2006 in Applied Catalysis, shows that conventional catalyst surface area recovery of more than 90%, or better 95% (versus fresh catalyst), would guarantee an activity recovery of 90%. This corresponds to a delta start-of-run temperature of around 3°C. However, the situation has since changed drastically with the progressive replacement of conventional catalysts with new-generation catalysts. As a result, even if surface area is still an important parameter in catalyst characterisation, it is no longer perfectly related to activity. In other words, there are cases where surface area is high enough but activity is below the limit of reuse, at 85 or 90%. But the reverse can also apply, where surface area is surprisingly lower than 80% compared with fresh catalyst, yet activity is above 90%. This is shown in Figure 6 for various new-generation CoMo catalysts. Some points are clearly outside direct correlation. Using the criterion of surface recovery only would have led to two types of mistakes: accepting some batches with low activity recovery, and discarding some good batches despite their low surface area. This shows that true catalytic testing is absolutely necessary for assessing the safe reuse of regenerated catalyst. Eurecat has an in-house capacity of up to 80 tests per month for this purpose. Assessing catalyst reuse by pressure drop evaluation Catalyst reuse can be achieved safely as soon as two criteria are met: activity recovery and mechanical properties. The first of these is assessed by contamination studies followed by sorting, as previously 23/2/12 13:19:31 Gas phase pressure drop, Pa/m 60000 eurecat.indd 5 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Airflow rate, Nm3/hr Figure 7a Effect of fines of less than 1 mm up to 2, 5 and 10 wt% on pressure drop generation 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Recycling spent non-reusable catalyst 8 9. 2 9. 6- 6 9. 9. 0- 0 8. 8. 4- 4 8. 7. 7. 8- 8 7. 2- 2 6. 6. 6- 8 6. 6. 0- 0 5. 5. 5. 4- 4 4. 8- 8 4. 4. 2- 2 3. 3. 6- 8 3. 2. 3. 0- 0 42. 4 2. 1. 8- 2- 1. 8 0. 1. 6- 0- 0. 2 0 0. Used catalyst has to be recycled when its performance cannot be brought back to the desired level or if the catalyst particles are too damaged for reuse. (They are either too weak or too short for safe reuse, the risk being excess pressure drop in the reactor). They are then considered to be chemical waste. Metals prices fluctuate a lot and are now high enough to give spent catalysts a positive value. Thus, the debate between landfilling and reclaiming has ended, and all spent hydroprocessing catalysts can now be sent to metallurgical recovery plants. Two main routes are used for metals reclamation: hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. Eurecat has developed a pyrometallurgical route with its partner Valdi, now part of Eramet. This method has several advantages over competitive processes: the recycling is performed not far from the regeneration plant in France, thus limiting transport and guaranteeing Base case Base case + 2% fines Base case + 5% fines Base case + 10% fines 50000 0 0. discussed, and activity testing is performed on the segregated clean catalyst component. With this in place, catalyst activity is well defined for safe reuse. As regards the second requirement concerning mechanical properties, these are evaluated by various analyses, such as strength (bulk crushing or side crushing), average length and particle size distribution, attrition level and content of various sizes of fines. All of this helps to answer the question: can this be reused without any risk of pressure drop? A complementary way to look at the question is to measure directly the pressure drop of a representative sample at the laboratory scale. Eurecat has developed and implemented such equipment in order to better assess catalyst reusability. Figure 7 shows how fines content influences the pressure drop of a catalyst batch. Catalyst batches have been selected with fines (<1 mm) contents of 2, 5 and 10 wt%. Pressure drop increases by about 60% and 130% respectively for a fines contents of 5 and 10 wt%. Length (mm) Figure 7b Particle size distribution of a catalyst containing 10% fines below 1 mm that the recycling operation meets the highest environmental standards. In addition, this process brings value to all of the catalyst components: molybdenum, cobalt and nickel are used to produce speciality steels, while the recovered alumina is used in the production of rock wool. Conclusion Sound regeneration practice can greatly contribute to an overall reduction in hydroprocessing catalyst costs. Careful analysis of spent catalyst makes it possible to cherrypick the best-quality material for reuse. An assessment of catalyst quality needs to be done by direct measurement of activity using pilot plant testing. Finally, beyond all the necessary analyses related to mechanical properties, a direct measure of bed pressure drop is a guarantee of totally safe reuse of catalyst. Pierre Dufresne is Vice President, Research and Development, for Eurecat SA. He holds a degree from the Chemistry School of Mulhouse and a PhD from the University of Lille. He occupied various positions at Institut Français du Pétrole dealing with hydroprocessing and zeolites before joining Eurecat. He has coauthored around 70 patents. Email: [email protected] François Locatelli is Director Sales and Marketing of Eurecat France SAS. He holds a degree in engineering from the Lyon School of Chemistry and a PhD in catalysis from the University of Lyon. He was previously an R&D engineer, then a commercial engineer at Eurecat France, then at Al Bilad Catalyst in Saudi Arabia, until returning as Director Sales and Marketing at Eurecat France. Email: [email protected] Catalysis 2012 51 23/2/12 16:26:58 Experience Experience the Sabin difference thePGM Sabin difference for catalyst recovery for PGM catalyst recovery and refining. and refining. We turn science into art for highest possible returns and value. We turn science into artadded for highest Learn more atvalue. possible returns and added The “science” of recovering and refining precious metal catalysts is straightforward: state of the art technology. The “art” of this process, however, is what makes Sabin different The “science” of recovering and refining precious metal from all others: that’s the knowledge, experience, and expertise catalysts is straightforward: state of the art technology. The gained from seven decades of successfully serving thousands of “art” of this process, however, is what makes Sabin different organizations around the world. We’d be pleased to count you from all others: that’s the knowledge, experience, and expertise among them. gained from seven decades of successfully serving thousands of organizations around the world. We’d be pleased to count you among them. Learn more at Sabin ExpTheDif.indd 2 1/15/12 11:12 AM Sabin ExpTheDif.indd 2 1/15/12 11:12 AM sabin.indd 1 23/2/12 12:26:26 Optimisation of integrated aromatic complexes A novel class of purification catalysts provides improved selectivity in aromatic complex service Axel Düker Süd-Chemie AG B enzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) are typically produced by distillation and/or solvent extraction processes from reformate streams. The various raw aromatic streams contain small amounts of non-aromatic olefins and other impurities, which are removed by Tonsil products. This article discusses a new generation of Tonsil catalysts that are already in use in the industry. The feedback from large unit operations confirms superior performance compared to standard, granular-activated clay products. The general flow scheme of an aromatic complex is shown in Figure 1. To simplify the overview, only three major sections are shown: the treatment of the reformate bottom; the purification of the benzene/toluene stream; and the fine purification of the p-xylene rerun. All three services are different with regard to catalyst activity, which is important for the reduction in the amount of olefins, and catalyst selectivity, which is critical for the purification of the p-xylene rerun. Before having a closer look at the services, an understanding of the mechanism and the specific differences of available catalytic systems is needed. The conversion of naphtha into BTX streams in the reformer is always accompanied by the formation of non-aromatic olefins (see Figure 2). These olefins are either poisons to downstream units, such as p-xylene extraction units or benzene alkylation units, or they make the produced BTX streams off spec and lower their value. The removal sud chemie.indd 1 Crude reformate Raffinate BT extraction BT treatment BT p-Xylene Light ends p-Xylene extraction Xylene isomerisation Reformate bottom p-Xylene rerun C9+ Figure 1 Schematic overview of an aromatic complex of olefins is done by acid catalysed alkylation with aromatic compounds, mainly benzene and toluene, yielding molecules with higher boiling range, which are then separated in the next downstream distillation unit. Granular Benzene Toluene Mixed xylenes H2 Impurities: Aliphatic olefins Figure 2 Formation of olefins in the catalytic reformer Tonsil CO products have been widely used in this application for many years. Activation with mineral acid converts natural clay into highly effective catalysts of the Tonsil CO series. The alkylation reaction of olefins and benzene or toluene needs primarily Lewis acids and little Brønsted acids. An excess of Brønsted acids catalyses the polymerisation reaction of olefins into gum, which blocks the catalyst pores and reduces its effective operating lifetime (see Figure 3). Depending on the operating temperature, the catalysts can form both species of acids. At temperatures below 140°C, mainly Brønsted acidity prevails, whereas at temperatures above 165°C the desired Catalysis 2012 53 23/2/12 13:51:07 Alkylation Catalysed by Lewis acids + Oligomerisation Catalysed by Brønstedt acids 2 Figure 3 Alkylation versus oligomerisation — equations Alkylation Polymerisation 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Temperature, ºC Figure 4 Alkylation versus oligomerisation as a function of temperature Characteristics of services for Tonsil CO + APT products Type of service BI of feed BI of product Tonsil CO product Tonsil APT product Reformate bottom High activity 500-1200 <20 Tonsil CO 616GS Tonsil APT mX BT unit Medium activity 70-200 <10 Tonsil CO 616G Tonsil APT BT p-Xylene rerun High selectivity 20-50 <5 Tonsil CO 610G Tonsil APT pX Table 1 Lewis acidity is active. During normal operation at temperatures well above 170°C, the reaction mechanism favours alkylation catalysed by Lewis acids (see Figure 4). During startup conditions, especially during the dry-out phase, the operating temperature remains below 140°C and the undesired polymerisation reaction occurs. This can only be avoided by increasing the operating temperature during the dry-out phase as fast as possible. The use of a special Tonsil product can help to considerably shorten the dry-out phase. The characteristics of three major services in integrated aromatic complexes are determined by the concentration and molecular weight 54 Catalysis 2012 sud chemie.indd 2 of non-aromatic olefins and the necessity of providing high selectivity. The olefin concentration is measured as bromine index (BI); the selectivity is mainly determined by the need to minimise the formation of benzene by the dealkylation of toluene and xylene. This is particularly crucial in the fine purification of p-xylene rerun. Table 1 summarises the different features and categorises the three services from high-activity service to highselectivity service. Table 1 lists the Tonsil CO products that are the most suitable for the preferred services, with Tonsil CO 616GS the most active product and Tonsil CO 610G the most selective one. The cost blocks may vary with plant location, but the message is clear: any catalyst replacement is accompanied by high costs Standard catalytic clay products are granules of 0.5 mm on average, as are almost all competitive products. A typical reactor loading requires sand grading to assure proper loading without any loss of product during operation and for the avoidance of channelling. Due to the small particle size, the pressure drop over the reactors is not negligible. Tonsil APT are new types of catalysts that not only look different, but also show more active and more selective performance. They are in the shape of 4 mm extrusions. In Table 1, the most suitable Tonsil APT products for the three major services in aromatic complexes are shown in comparison to the standard products. For easier reference, the designations of the products reflect the major service they are designed for: BT for benzene/toluene; mX for mixed xylenes; and pX for para-xylene. The use of Tonsil APT products is beneficial with regard to loading pattern, performance and cycle life. A typical loading pattern of a reactor loaded with Tonsil CO compared to one loaded with Tonsil APT is shown in Figure 6. The most striking difference is the replacement of the sand grading by Tonsil APT extrusions, which leads to approximately 30% more catalyst volume loaded in the reactor. The major advantages of Tonsil APT products over Tonsil CO products can be demonstrated by the example of the treatment of reformate bottom cuts. This service is the most demanding (see Table 1) and the catalyst lifetime is normally the shortest of all services. 23/2/12 13:51:19 Reactor Turnkey Services HPA offers all reactor turnkey services from blinds to blinds using state of the art equipment. We specialize in inert-entry using the latest life support units. All our catalyst technicians are trained in vessel rescue, first aid, and CPR. Hydropac Catalyst Dense Loading The Hydropac allows the sprinkling of catalyst in a continually uniform pattern at a rate slow enough to let each particle settle, but fast enough for acceptable loading time. The Hydropac sits just six inches below the trays, is able to rotate both directions, and can load around transfer tubes and other internal obstructions. Catalyst Unloading Services Our catalyst unloading services make use of powerful vacuum units with 26 inches of vacuum. Vessel Repairs and Retro-Fits We have our U and R stamp allowing us to do complete vessel welding, repairs, and inspection. Hydroprocessing Associates is ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 accredited, and ISNetworld and PICS compliant. Hydroprocessing Associates is located in the U.S.A. and Singapore, and can mobilize to any country. Phone: +1 832-794-7942 E-mail: [email protected] BDGBK\GURFDUERQZRUOGBLQGG hpa.indd 1 23/2/12 12:28:06 Crude reformate Raffinate BT extraction Tonsil APT BT BT p-Xylene Light ends p-Xylene extraction Xylene isomerisation Tonsil APT mX Tonsil APT pX C9+ Figure 5 Tonsil APT catalysts in aromatic plant service Relative costs Manpower Loss of product Figure 6 Advantageous reactor loading with Tonsil APT Disposal Utilities (nitrogen/steam Figure 7 Typical cost breakdown of the catalyst change Comparison of Tonsil CO 616 GS and Tonsil APT mX Tonsil CO 616 GS Relative catalyst activity, ton feed/ton Tonsil 100 Bulk density, kg/m3 720 Relative catalyst activity, ton feed/m3 Tonsil 720 Loaded volume, m3 100 Catalyst lifetime, months 4 Catalyst consumption, batches per year 3 Catalyst consumption, ton per year 288 Tonsil APT mX Variance 115 +15% 750 +4% 863 +20% 130 +30% 6.3 +60% 2 195 -30% Table 2 It is therefore of utmost importance to extend the lifetime in this service, as each change-out is a costly operation. The reactor system is a lead/lag system that allows for 56 Catalysis 2012 sud chemie.indd 3 changing the catalyst of one reactor while having the entire aromatic plant on stream. The reactor that needs the replacement is placed off line and is purged by nitrogen and steam free of aromatics. Once that is done, the catalyst is unloaded, disposed and fresh material is loaded. Thereafter, time-consuming heating up and drying of the catalyst is necessary. Cost for this operation can be as high as 30% of the costs of the catalytic clay. An approximate breakdown of the major costs is shown in Figure 7. The cost blocks may vary with plant location, but the message is clear: any catalyst replacement is accompanied by high costs. With a typical lifetime for Tonsil CO 616 GS of four months, the costs of change-out have to be paid, on average, three times per year. That means that in only one year, more than the cost of one charge of catalyst is spent by replacement of the same. Tonsil APT mX can significantly help to reduce the costs of the treatment of reformate bottoms. The lifetime of any Tonsil product is expressed in tonnes of feed that can be processed per tonne of catalyst. Consequently, the more weight loaded into the reactor, the longer the lifetime. This is easy, provided the catalyst is of comparable or better performance. Tonsil APT mX has approximately 15% more active acidic sites compared to Tonsil CO 616 GS, which means it can process approximately 15% more feed on a weight basis. This is a breakthrough in the technology of acid-activated clay products, as Süd-Chemie was able to change the shape while also increasing the catalytic activity. Any APT loading results in about 30% more catalyst volume (see Figure 6). As all of these products have approximately 4% higher bulk density than the respective granular products, it is possible to load about 35% more weight into a reactor. Taking the higher catalyst activity into this equation, a total of up to 60% longer lifetime results. Table 2 shows the combined advantages of Tonsil APT mX in the service of treating the reformate bottom cut. The net result of the change from a granular clay product to extrusions is a significant extension of 23/2/12 13:51:33 $IBOHFPVU $IBOHFPVU $IBOHFPVU $BUBMZTU Be n ze n e make , ppm wt 3F M B U J WF D PT U T $BUBMZTU $BUBMZTU $IBOHFPVU $IBOHFPVU $BUBMZTU $BUBMZTU 5POTJM$0(4 CBUDIFTQFSZFBS 1SPEVDU" 1SPEVDU" 5POTJM"15Q9 5POTJM"15N9 CBUDIFTQFSZFBS 1SPEVDU" Time on-stream Figure 8 Cost comparison of Tonsil CO 616GS and Tonsil APT mX Figure 9 Benzene make over Tonsil APT pX the service life. In this example, the plant operator has to change out the catalyst only twice per year and not three times, as the lifetime was extended from four months to more than six months. The yearly catalyst consumption using Tonsil APT mX is 30% lower, the number of shutdowns is less and, consequently, the overall yearly cost of operation is greatly reduced (see Figure 7). The situation in the other services of any aromatic complex is similar; the change from a granular clay to the respective APT grade results in up to 50% longer service life. Many factors influence the choice of the optimum catalytic clay. An additional factor is the duration of the startup, meaning how long it takes to produce with full capacity a product that meets the defined specification. Here, we have to consider two major issues: the formation of water during the dry-out phase, and the formation of benzene in the treatment of p-Xylene rerun cuts. It was mentioned earlier that the catalytically active acid species has to be of mainly Lewis type, which is achieved at temperatures above 170°C. When drying out large catalyst volumes, large volumes of water are released from the reactor. Due to the heat integration of the downstream distillation columns, water can be handled only in smaller amounts. Therefore, the operator cannot increase the catalyst temperature as fast as needed. As a negative consequence, it is not possible to run the plant at full capacity during this period of time. To overcome this, a catalyst grade with low moisture is applied. Due to the low water content of the fresh catalyst, the dry-out period is very short and the unit can be put into full-capacity operation in less than three days. The selectivity in the fine purification of p-xylene rerun streams is defined by the formation of benzene. Benzene needs to be avoided, as it reduces the efficiency of the downstream p-xylene extraction unit and is typically limited to a maximum of 50 ppmwt at the inlet of the extraction unit. Tonsil APT pX is the most selective catalyst among the series and delivers this specification within a very short time. Figure 9 shows the evolution of the benzene concentrations downstream different catalytic clay products. It is now proven on a large industrial scale that Tonsil APT catalysts achieve more than 50% higher productivity at much lower operating costs in any existing clay tower of any aromatic complex. The change from standard granular clay products to Tonsil APT catalysts can be done easily. sud chemie.indd 4 Tonsil is a registered trademark of Süd-Chemie. Axel Düker is Director of Sales EMEA/Refinery, Süd-Chemie AG, Munich. He has over 20 years’ experience in catalysis and holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of Munich. 570002.indd 1 4.-0.0#1130# .0-!#11,*78#0 -).)6!0/NLINE ¾5/NEF@RNKHMDBQTCDNHK@MC+/& ¾ 23,# $-(/ ¾'HFGDRS@BBTQ@BXENQADRS ONRRHAKDAKDMCHMFSNNEEHBH@KKHLHSR ¾4OSNR@LOKDRSQD@LR ¾ TSNL@SHBB@KHAQ@SHNM ¾%@RS@MCD@RXL@HMSDM@MBD ¾ TSNL@SHBKTAQHB@SHNM -$6Ü &Q@AMDQ(MRSQTLDMSR,DRRSDBGMHJ&LA' 5HDMM@ TRSQH@#Q.SSN-DTQ@SG&@RRD /GNMD%@WHMENFQ@AMDQHMRSQTLDMSR@LDSDJ@S 12/7/2010 10:30:28 AM Catalysis 2012 57 23/2/12 13:51:47 14 - 16 May 2012 RE NO GIS SA W TER VE AN £3 D 80 COLOGNE, GERMANY GLOBAL PETROCHEMICALS CONFERENCE 9 Annual Meeting th STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OPTIMISATION IN A VOLATILE MARKET WORKSHOP COCKTAIL RECEPTION 14 May, Radisson Blu Hotel The 9th Annual Global Petrochemicals Conference is the only event to bring together the senior decision makers from petrochemical producer companies from the major players in the market. KEY PANEL MEMBERS INCLUDE Fernando Iturrieta, Chief Executive Officer, CEPSA Quimica Andreas Gupper, Strategic Planning Manager - Strategy & Group Development, Borealis Fred du Plessis, Executive Advisor, Corporate Strategy & Planning, Sabic NETWORKING LUNCH 15 May, Radisson Blu Hotel Pierre de Kettenis, Executive Director, CEFIC Petrochemistry Programme Junnan Sun, European Manager, China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC) Rob Parry, Executive Account Manager, Chemical Catalysts, BASF, UK Saleh Ali Al-Zahrani, Manager, Global Technology Marketing, Licensing, Sabic, Saudi Arabia To view the latest programme and speakers line up visit GPC GALA DRINKS 15 May, Radisson Blu Hotel Sponsored by wra.indd 1 To confirm your place, please contact: Anca Sterian, Marketing Manager +44 (0) 20 7067 1800 [email protected] Register before 2 March 2012 and save up to £380. Quote PTQ. Supported by 23/2/12 12:29:50 Troubleshooting a FCC unit The source of a fouling problem in a FCC CO boiler was identified by systematic analysis of fresh catalysts, additives and equilibrium catalysts Chiranjeevi Thota, Shalini Gupta, Dattatraya Tammanna Gokak, Ravi kumar Voolapalli, P V C Rao and Viswanathan Poyyamani Swaminathan Bharat Petroleum Corporation F luid catalytic cracking (FCC) is one of the major processes in the refining industry for converting heavier hydrocarbons to useful middle distillates. Such a process demands the continuous addition of fresh FCC catalyst and results in the generation of tonnes of spent equilibrium FCC catalyst. To understand the FCC unit’s operation, the process can be divided into six sections: feed preheater, reactor, regenerator, main fractionator, gas plant and treating facilities. The cracking reactions occur in the reactor zone and this leads to coking. Coked catalyst is circulated back to the regenerator to burn the coke at high temperature in the presence of air. The regenerator hot flue gas (containing CO and CO2) holds an appreciable amount of energy. In most units, the flue gas is routed through a steam generating boiler (referred to as a CO boiler), where the carbon monoxide in the flue gas is burned as fuel to provide steam for use in the refinery as well as to comply with any applicable environmental regulatory limits on carbon monoxide emissions. FCC units generally experience catalyst-related problems such as circulation, catalyst loss and activity decline. The FCC units studied were encountering low yield problems due to a decrease in catalyst activity. During the same period, it was also observed that the CO boiler became fouled externally, and a lot of fines were found in the CO boiler stack during cleaning. Subsequent to startup after cleaning, the CO boiler started to experience fouling again. There was also a steady decline in activity of the e-cat inventory. Methodology The problem of fines deposition in the CO boiler stack section, as well as catalyst activity loss, was investigated systematically by analysing particle size, attrition index, surface area and chemical composition in terms of metals, to arrive at a possible solution to enable smooth operation of the plant. Samples of e-cat, fresh catalysts and CO boiler samples from FCC units were obtained from refineries, and these samples were analysed in the laboratory. The experimental techniques used to characterise the catalyst samples and the results are discussed in this article. Results In order to understand the reasons for CO boiler fouling in the FCC unit, a systematic study was carried out by measuring properties such as particle size distribution, attrition index and magnesium metal concentration for fresh FCC catalysts, additive and e-cat samples collected at different time intervals. Particle size analysis In Table 1, it is clear that the fraction of the catalyst coded ‘-45’ increased from 12 to 20 wt%. Particle size distribution was determined in accordance with the ASTM D451397 method using a sieving procedure. Typically, about 50g of FCC catalyst sample was sieved through a test sieve column comprising 180, 150, 106, 90, 75, 63, 53, 45, 32, and <20µm sieves for 30 minutes using an auto-sieve shaker. After sieving, fractions collected over each sieve were weighed and PSD calculated as per the ASTM method. Average particle size decreased from 72 microns to 67 microns. This drop corresponds to an increased amount of fines in the catalyst. In order to substantiate this further, e-cat samples collected at different time intervals were also characterised for particle size (see Figures 1 and 2). Particle size distribution of fresh catalysts and additives (ASTM D4513) Sample code, wt% Fresh Cat-1 Fresh Cat-2 Fresh Cat-3 Fresh Cat-4 Fresh Cat-5 Fresh Add-1 -180 99 100 99 100 99 98 -150 98 98 98 99 99 97 -106 83 87 88 90 90 81 -90 69 75 77 75 77 53 -75 34 61 61 58 62 33 -63 37 44 41 44 44 19 -53 25 31 24 25 28 12 -45 12 20 15 16 19 6 -32 5 10 3 3.5 5.7 1.2 -20 1 3 0.1 0.27 0.6 0.1 (APS) µ 72 69 69 71 67 88 Table 1 bpcl.indd 1 Catalysis 2012 59 23/2/12 16:28:11 The Global Refining Summit 2012 the must attend conference for anyone involved in the refining and processing of hydrocarbons. The event may also be of interest to those involved in the health, safety and environment aspects of the refining sector. In Association With: 21st - 23rd May 2012 - Hesperia Tower, Barcelona, Spain “Great opportunity to meet and learn from other refining people who share their views and approaches to current and future challenges” Head of Technical Services, Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom “Fruitful opportunity to exchange views and learn new ideas for optimising refinery operations.” Senior Expert, Refining, Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) Leading experts include: B.R. Mehta, Senior Vice President,3FMJBODF*OEVTUSJFT-JNJUFE Paulo Roberto Costa,.FNCFSPGUIF&YFDVUJWF#PBSEBOE %PXOTUSFBN0GàDFS1FUSPCSBT#SB[JM The 2012 Summit will look at: r )PXUPBDIJFWFPQFSBUJPOBMFYDFMMFODF Philippe Marchand,%JSFDUPSPG#JPGVFMTBOE3FHVMBUJPOTGPSUIF 3FàOJOHBOE.BSLFUJOH5PUBM r #FTUQSBDUJDFTGPSCPUUPNPGUIFCBSSFM Frigyes Lestak,(FOFSBM.BOBHFS$0&GàDJFODZ4IFMM r &YDFMMJOHDMFBOGVFMQSPEVDUJPO r *NQSPWJOHFOFSHZFGàDJFODZJOSFàOFSZ r .BYJNJTJOHEJFTFMQSPEVDUJPO Pierre Dechamps,"EWJTFSGPS&OFSHZ$MJNBUF$IBOHFBOEUIF &OWJSPONFOU&VSPQFBO$PNNJTTJPO His Excellency Abbas Ali Al-Naqi,4FDSFUBSZ(FOFSBM0"1&$ ,VXBJU For more information and to save £200 on your booking (attend for £1295) please visit or contact Richard Jones on +44 (0) 207 202 7690 or email [email protected] global ref.indd 1 Researched and produced by: 23/2/12 12:32:32 Attrition index data (ASTM D5757) 74 Attrition loss, wt% 5.0 6.9 9.3 10.0 4.7 5.7 7.1 70 APS 05 05 20 b 27 8 Fe ov Ja n 20 20 04 04 N 19 11 30 Se Au g p 20 20 04 04 20 Ju n 22 3 14 M M ar ay 20 20 04 04 50 Figure 1 APS variation with respect to time Surface area data for fresh catalyst, additive, e-cat and CO boiler samples S.No 1 3 5 7 8 9 Catalyst Fresh Cat-1 Fresh Add-1 E-cat-4 CO boiler fines surface area Additives fresh fines, heated to 1000°C Fresh Cat-3, attrited fines, heated to 1000°C S.A, m2/g 349 100 204 9 30 40 Table 3 fines, the surface areas of fresh FCC catalyst fines (<40 micron), additive, attrited fresh catalyst and CO boiler fines were analysed. The surface areas of e-cat, fresh catalyst and fresh additive fines were comparable with those of the original sample. Fresh additive fines and attrited fresh catalyst were heated to 1000°C, and the measured surface area was found to be in the range 30-40 m2/g. A sample from the CO boiler was found to have a surface area of 9 m2/g. The very low surface area of CO boiler fines was due to their exposure to very high temperatures (>950°C), which could have resulted in pore sintering and formation of nonporous material; hence, it could not be attributed to either additive or 28 −45 fraction 24 20 16 12 8 4 20 05 27 Fe b 20 n Ja 8 19 N ov 20 05 04 04 p 30 Se g 11 Au n Ju 22 20 04 20 20 04 20 04 M ay ar 20 04 0 14 Attrition index was measured for fresh FCC catalysts, which were used at different intervals of time, and also e-cat samples and catalyst additive samples (see Table 2). Attrition index was measured as per the ASTM D5757 procedure. It was observed that the additive attrition index was on the high side (10 wt%). Table 2 shows that the attrition loss for fresh catalyst batches was also on the high side. Further, it was observed that the attrition value for the e-cat-1 sample (4.7%) was in the acceptable range, while for the e-cat2 and e-cat-3 samples attrition losses (5.7 and 7.1 wt%, respectively) were on the high side. This observation was attributed to attrition-prone catalyst and additive usage in the unit at that time. 54 M Attrition index 62 58 Table 2 The average particle size distribution of fractions ‘-45’ and ‘-63’ were analysed over a period of one year. Figures 1 and 2 show that average particle size is more or less constant around 64 microns before the addition of additive. After the introduction of additive, the average particle size increased initially (from 64 to 75 microns), then stabilised around 65 micron. This increase in average particle size is an indication of less retention of fines in the unit. The ‘-45’ fraction also fluctuated in average particle size after the introduction of additive, before stabilising. During this period, a lot of fluctuation was noted in the unit with respect to catalyst. Hence, the decrease in particle size leads to less retention of catalyst in the unit and ultimately leads to fouling of the boiler. 66 3 Catalyst Fresh Cat-1 Fresh Cat-3 Fresh Cat-6 Fresh Add-1 E-cat-1 E-cat-2 E-cat-3 78 Surface area measurements To further understand the source of bpcl.indd 2 Figure 2 Variation in ‘-45’ fraction with respect to time Catalysis 2012 61 23/2/12 14:10:09 0.8 Mass balance Actual 0.7 Ma, % 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 30 60 90 120 Days Figure 3 Comparison of actual and calculated Mg content in e-cat Microwave system parameters for digestion Stage Power Max % 1200 W 100 I RAMP minuets Control pressure, psi Hold time, min 30.00 120 30.00 Table 4 FCC catalyst fines. Surface area measurements for catalyst samples were carried out using nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements in an Autosorb-1MP unit. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms were measured at -196°C after degassing about 50 mg of sample below 10-3 torr at 300°C for three hours. BET specific surface area was estimated by following ASTM method D4365 using adsorption data in a relative pressure range from 0.008 to 0.08 bar. Surface area values for various samples are shown in Table 3 as per ASTM D4365. Chemical analysis Chemical analysis was carried out on various samples to ascertain the source of CO boiler fines by measuring the magnesium content. Additive contains magnesium metal and its concentration should rise with the inventory build-up in the unit. A microwave digestion procedure has been standardised for quantifying magnesium in different fractions of CO boiler fines. A microwave digestion system equipped with 14 vessels and designed for pressures up to 800 psi was used. Each vessel is charged with 0.2-0.5g of sample, to which is added 10 ml of nitric acid, 3 ml of distilled water and 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide. After about 15 minutes, when the first vigorous reaction has taken place, the pres- 80 70 Activity 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Dec May Aug Figure 4 Activity variation with respect to time 62 Catalysis 2012 bpcl.indd 3 Dec May sure vessels are closed and put into a microwave oven to complete the one-stage digestion. Metal content is measured using the ICP technique. Various parameters of microwave digestion system were optimised for obtaining a clear solution for sample analysis. The optimised program and parameters used in the onestage digestion are shown in Table 4. To understand additive retention in the unit, an e-cat mass balance over a period of four months was done by analysing magnesium content at different time intervals. Figure 3 compares the expected and actual magnesium content of the ecat. The actual magnesium content of the e-cat is lower than the expected values. The mass balance assumes both catalyst and additive are removed from the system (either through cyclone losses or catalyst purging) at the same rate. Ideally, the estimated and actual Mg concentrations should be the same. The difference suggests that additive retention is 85% of the main catalyst. Perhaps excessive generation of fines with additive may be contributing to this lower retention. Hence, it may be necessary to improve the attrition resistance of the additive. Based on magnesium analysis of CO boiler fines alone, the problem cannot be attributed solely to either catalyst or additive, as the fines could have accumulated over a period of time and the addition of additive may have started meanwhile. Magnesium and rare earth oxide distribution in different-sized fractions of the e-cat was analysed. Magnesium and RE2O3 distribution with different-sized fractions of ecat are shown in Table 5. The table shows that, with respect to particle size, magnesium and rare earth content decreases, which indicates that a loss of fines leads to a decrease in activity. The effect is shown in Figure 4. Systematic analysis of fresh FCC catalyst, equilibrium catalysts and fines collected from the CO boiler at different time intervals, and analysis of fresh additive samples, was employed to identify problems and enable corrective actions to be 23/2/12 14:11:06 Mg and RE2O3 analysis of different fractions of e-cat E-cat -2 32 to 45 µ 45 to 63 µ 63 to 90 µ >90 µ Mg, wt% 0.5850 0.4855 0.4384 0.2780 RE2O3, wt% 1.62 1.55 1.45 1.02 Table 5 recommended for the smooth operation of the FCC unit. Conclusions Systematic studies were conducted on different refinery samples to troubleshoot operational problems in the FCC unit. The studies led to the following conclusions: • The CO boiler fines problem confirmed that in-use fresh catalysts and additive are more prone to attrition, so they contributed more to the fines loss from the unit and ultimately to the fouling of the boiler. More fines loss also affected the conversion loss, because fines have more zeolite and additive content • Even though the attrition index of additive is on the high side, which may contribute to the total fines, the amount of additive used is relatively small compared to the catalyst; hence, the additive alone cannot contribute to the total fines generated. This was established by correlating the magnesium content of CO boiler fines with additive • Since both fresh catalyst and additive can contribute bpcl.indd 4 to fines, regular monitoring of the attrition index as well as particle size analysis of the FCC catalyst and additive would be good practice • Systematic physico-chemical characterisation of fresh catalyst, e-cat and CO boiler fines helped to diagnose the CO boiler fines and fouling problem, and enabled suitable remedial measures to be suggested to operations. Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge BPCL’s management encouragement and permission to publish the paper. for Chiranjeevi Thota is a Deputy Manager at the Corporate R&D Centre, Bharat Petroleum Corporation, India. He holds a MSc in chemistry from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, and a PhD from Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. Email: [email protected] Shalini Gupta is a Deputy Manager (R&D) with Bharat Petroleum Corporation. She holds a master’s in chemistry. Email: [email protected] Dattatraya Tammanna Gokak is a Senior Manager at the Corporate R&D Centre, Bharat Petroleum Corporation. He holds a MSc in chemistry from Karnatak University, Dharwad, and a PhD from University Of Baroda. Ravi Kumar Voolapalli is a Chief Manager at Corporate R&D Centre, Bharat Petroleum Corporation. He holds a BTech in chemical engineering from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, a MTech in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, and a PhD in chemical engineering from Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine. P V C Rao works on refining processes, biofuels, crude assay and compatibility, fuel additives and new products development. He holds a PhD in chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Viswanathan Poyyamani Swaminathan is a Chief Manager and Head of the Corporate R&D Centre, Bharat Petroleum Corporation. He holds a MSc and PhD in chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Catalysis 2012 63 23/2/12 14:10:44 Alphabetical list of advertisers ACS-Amistco Axens 11 Buchen-ICS 63 CB&I Chep Catalyst & Chemical Containers Grabner Instruments Grace Davison 57 4 Haldor Topsøe IFC Hoekstra Trading 43 Hydroprocessing Associates 55 Johnson Matthey Catalysts 13 Porocel 40 25 & 27 9 39 Chevron Lummus Global 7 Criterion Catalyst & Technologies 2 Process Consulting Services 19 & 21 52 IBC Sabin Metal Corporation 29 DuPont Sustainable Solutions 16 Spectro Analytical Instruments Eurecat France 22 Süd-Chemie, a Clariant Group Company 34 Euro-Petroleum 48 Tricat 37 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company 44 UOP 47 Global Petrochemicals 2012 Vereinigte Füllkörper-Fabriken 15 Digital Refeining 64 OBC BASF Corporation, Catalysts Division Cat-Tech om 30 & 33 Catalysis 2012 ad index copy 8.indd 1 58 24/2/12 13:44:48 ◗ is a new, easy-to-use website for the refining, gas and petrochemical processing industries. ◗ Readers can download technical articles and other information from over 40 categories. ◗ A simple search facility enables you to find and display relevant information across the whole spectrum of articles, literature, news, events and companies. ◗ Find relevant industry events worldwide. dig ref.indd 1 ◗ Read news items focusing on contracts, company news and new products. 24/2/12 13:30:07 The winning catalyst combination for your hydrocracker )3,)%,):,TFSJFTUIFFYQFSUUSJPUPNBYJNJ[F DZDMFMFOHUIBDUJWJUZBOENJEEMFEJTUJMMBUFTTFMFDUJWJUZ 4JOHMFTPVSDF*40t*40t0)4"4 Hydro_cats_ad_fin.indd 1 axens.indd 1 26/7/11 12:35:06 23/2/12 12:33:46