2014 Annual Report - Amazon Web Services
2014 Annual Report - Amazon Web Services
est f the b o s g a tb e, k grea or, courag n u r t your ment, hum nto all the n i e c i ri Pla f mer r. Sprinkle leness and etic o d n bra ood chee ath ent s of g symp and g quantitie e and also d some n s crack us toleranc uld you fi hrow them o t o h graci nation. S “I can’t,” lenty of f i imag packages o aces with p p small d fill the s .” n y a r t ’ll out ick s of “I r Gul e h t o parcel M Five generations of children have lived, played, learned and grown together at the camps of The Aloha Foundation since their founding in 1905. With encouragement from strong directors, kind counselors and longtime campmates, thousands of campers have become competent, self-confident and resilient at camp -- more so here than in other childhood settings, many later tell us. Equally important, campers and counselors alike have gained friends for life from diverse backgrounds and homes the world over. Meanwhile, the personal qualities camp fosters -- self-awareness, curiosity and adventurousness, honesty, respect and responsibility -- continue to shape their adult lives as caring partners and parents, creative workers and leaders, and committed contributors to their communities. And when they return to Fairlee for reunions, family camp vacations, or just plain visits to their old summer stomping grounds, camp alumni always marvel at the welcoming sameness of the tradition-rich places they “left home to come home to” in their childhoods, many years ago or merely a few. Campers, counselors and their parents write often to tell us what aspects of camp have had the greatest influence on their personal development. Overwhelmingly, three recollections stand out: • Their inspired leaders and dedicated mentors. • The diversity of their camp communities. • The peacefulness and beauty of their timeless surroundings. These nurturing camp essentials have endured at the Alohas for over 100 years, through good times and bad. By building generous endowments dedicated to their continuity we can bequeath them to a second century of campers. LETTER FROM 2014 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM ZIEN I write this introduction to the 2014 Annual Report of The Aloha Foundation at the desk of my home office in Thetford, a few miles down the road from lakes Morey and Fairlee, having retired as Executive Director of The Aloha Foundation on December 31st, after a decade in that enviable role. My first order of business, then, is to thank you all for the support you have afforded, the friendship you have offered, and the kindnesses you have extended to me over these excellent past ten years. When I arrived on the scene in Fairlee in 2005 the Centennial Capital Campaign had just commenced a final push to secure more than $11 million in funding for improvements at Aloha, Hive, Lanakila, Horizons and Hulbert; wilderness conservation; new ways to foster diversity in the Aloha community; and the creation of Ohana, our wonderful family camp. That significant fundraising initiative concluded in the nick of time, a few months before the Great Recession of 2008 and succeeding years took hold. Providentially, the Centennial Campaign’s success helped us to sustain the character of the camps, the quality of their programs, the excellence of their staffs, and the financial strength of the Foundation through the lean years of economic recovery, still a work in progress for many. Here is a statistical snapshot of our fiscal journey from 2005 through 2014: • Annual tuitions, fees and community giving: $4.3 million to $7.2 million • Net assets $15 million to $30 million • Long term investments $8.5 million to $21 million • Camperships and school program sponsorships $430,000 to $635,000 Dollars alone don’t tell the true tale, of course. Greater numbers of summer campers, exceptional counselors, elementary and high school students, whole families, and community and special interest groups populate the Foundation’s five campuses more than ever before. The year-round staff of 34, eleven camp and operating department directors and twenty three-employees in administrative, development, alumni relations, communications, buildings and grounds, and food service roles, both do and have great jobs, thanks to the commitment of the entire community to keep the Foundation strong, spiritually, physically and financially. And that’s where this facsimile you’re holding of a camp trunk comes in, as memory and metaphor. The memory element is easy to discern: most of us have packed and unpacked one of these many times and can readily recall the assortment of essentials and treasures a real trunk holds—everything necessary for summertime or school-time sojourns of adventure and joy. The metaphor more or less follows: the trunk as a treasure chest of a different kind, one that guarantees the continuity of the Aloha Camps for future campers, when their time arrives to flourish in Fairlee. I’ve shipped my own footlocker home from the Foundation for the last time now. But I hope you will keep the memories coming and help the metaphor live on, by contributing whatever you can afford to the endowment-building enterprise known as The Gift of Generations, about which you will read more in the pages that follow. Aloha, friends. Carry on and keep those fires burning. Jim Zien Executive Director 2005 to 2014 LETTER FROM OUTGOING BOARD PRESIDENT PETER GAILLARD One of the great benefits of serving as a trustee for The Aloha Foundation is the relationship trustees have with the people who make the Alohas the Alohas. Yes, when we come together for our quarterly meetings in Fairlee, we spend lots (and I mean lots) of time in meetings and on the business of the Foundation. But when I leave Fairlee for my drive back to Connecticut, I’m more often thinking about the conversations I’ve had and the people with whom I’ve had them. Rolling those conversations over in my head as I drive makes the trip home fly by. 2014 was a year of change for the Foundation – marked most notably by the retirement of our Executive Director, Jim Zien. As I said in my letter to the Aloha constituency this summer, much was accomplished in Jim’s decade as Executive Director, including increases in the enrollments of the residential and day camps; growth in the financial strength and assets of the Foundation; significant improvements and additions to the campuses; and the restoration and successful launch of Ohana Camp. We thank Jim for his many contributions to the Foundation and wish him nothing but the best as he starts the next phase of his life. Posie Taylor, our Executive Director prior to Jim, has stepped in as Interim Executive Director. I know I speak for all trustees when I express my deep appreciation and gratitude to Posie for her willingness to step into the role while we search for and select the new leader for our organization. Also in 2014, we entered into the public phase of our endowment-focused Gift of Generations capital campaign. Starting in Boston in September and with events in New York City, Connecticut, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and the Upper Valley, the public phase got off to an enthusiastic start. The kick-off gatherings gave alums, staff and parents a chance to connect with and hear from one another about the Foundation and the campaign – as well as providing some laughter and song along the way. By the end of 2014, more than $5.3 million of the $6 million goal had been pledged – a phenomenal amount. Looking more broadly at the Foundation, it can be said that the organization is in excellent shape. Program enrollments across the board are strong and our finances are too. Just one number indicative of our strength: at the end of 2014, Foundation endowments were more than $21 million – the highest point in our history. In November, the Board said goodbye to two trustees – Kathy Fisher and John F. Herrick Jr. Kathy came to the Board in 2008 and was a highly engaged member who served on numerous committees - including Chairing the Audit and Finance Committee from 2012 - 2014. Her service as a trustee was one of high distinction and we are sorry to see her go. John’s board service began in 1999 (John is the last trustee to have started in the prior century!). John preceded me as President of the Board, though he also served – at one time or another during his fifteen-year stint – as Vice President, Treasurer and Chair of (almost) every committee. We’re still not done with John, though (or maybe he’s not done with us?), since John is co-chairing The Gift of Generations campaign, which is not due to wrap up until late in 2015. Also in November, my two-year term as President of the Board came to an end. Taking up the mantle is the very capable Anne Conway Juster who joined the Board in 2005 and served as Vice President for the last two years. I was honored to serve as President of the Board and I would like to thank my fellow trustees for their generous support during my tenure. Peter Gaillard President, Board of Trustees LETTER FROM INCOMING BOARD PRESIDENT ANNE CONWAY JUSTER Dear Camp Alumni, Parents and Donors, As the President of The Aloha Foundation I am delighted to present the 2014 Annual Report. Throughout these pages you will see evidence of the quality of our programs, the stability of our finances, and the progress of our Gift of Generations endowment capital campaign. The report will visualize and detail the accomplishments of 2014 and look ahead to what progress will be achieved in 2015. As my term unfolds, I look forward to working closely with dedicated staff and trustees to ensure the organization’s continued growth and excellence. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Jim Zien for his service as Executive Director over the last decade. Jim delighted in communicating the power and vision of the Foundation through written and spoken word. I speak for the Board in thanking Jim for his steadfast and gracious leadership. Jim and Helena will always be members of the Aloha family and on behalf of the Board and the Aloha community I wish them well on any future endeavor or adventure. The Aloha Foundation continues to thrive, a half-century after its founding, supported and championed by trustees, alumni, parents and staff. The Foundation’s volunteer Board meets four times a year in Fairlee to guide and support the Executive Director in his or her role as Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation. By kicking off The Gift of Generations capital campaign in 2014, the Foundation’s trustees committed to strengthening the Foundation’s endowment, thereby ensuring that future generations of campers, staff and participants will enjoy the same quality programs, places and leadership for generations to come. Final thanks are also due to Posie Taylor for the role she has played as Interim Director while the Board conducts a search for the next Executive Director. Posie, having served as Hive’s Director or as well as the Executive Director, eele, Posie Tayl J Parry, Kwesi St M is ably connecting the best of the past with the promise of the future with her trademark energy, enthusiasm and compassion. Things are in good order as we look forward to welcoming our future Executive Director. 2014 was also a year of transitions. I would like to recognize and thank my predecessor, Peter Gaillard. Peter served as Board President from 2012-2014. Peter led the Board with dedication, perseverance, and good humor. He met challenges and opportunities with courage and equanimity -- and so on behalf of the entire Board, thank you Peter. As we look ahead in 2015, I am confident and optimistic about the state of The Aloha Foundation, and the efforts being made by alumni, staff and trustees to ensure its health and success in the generations to come. Aloha, Anne Conway Juster President, Board of Trustees THE ALOHA FOUNDATION, INC. STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2014 and 2013 ASSETS: 2014 2013 ------------------------------ Cash $ 146,090 $ 53,000 Accounts receivable 3,712,927 3,607,457 Pledges receivable, current portion 286,277 222,783 Prepaid expenses 70,438 65,494 Operating supplies inventory 10,532 9,379 Investments at market value 21,405,321 19,236,112 Deferred scholarships 284,901 316,100 Land, buildings and equipment at cost, less accumulated depreciation and amortization of $7,133,604 in 2014 and $6,673,866 in 2013 9,007,018 8,815,315 Pledges receivable, net, excluding current portion 379,103 287,961 ------------------------------TOTAL ASSETS $ 35,302,607 $ 32,613,601 ------------------------------------------------------------LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 230,938 $ 229,040 Deferred revenue 4,422,064 4,302,213 Long-term debt 399,642 454,638 ------------------------------ TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,052,644 4,985,891 ------------------------------ Commitments and contingencies 0 0 NET ASSETS: Unrestricted: Undesignated723,780 535,370 Board designated to function as endowment 4,849,286 5,106,440 Invested in plant 9,007,019 8,815,867 Temporarily Restricted: Donor restricted to provide scholarships 1,572,065 1,384,835 Donor restricted for preservation 232,025 230,434 Donor restricted to support particular programs 1,165,273 1,025,897 Donor restricted for land, buildings and equip. acquisitions 865,144 1,054,434 Permanently Restricted: Donor restricted for endowment 11,835,371 9,474,433 ------------------------------ TOTAL NET ASSETS 30,249,963 27,627,710 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $35,302,607 $ 32,613,601 TREASURER’S NOTE, RUDY GLOCKER 2014 was a strong year for The Aloha Foundation, both programmatically and financially. Our operating results remained solid, The Gift of Generations campaign drove donations and our investment portfolio had another year of solid performance. The financial stability of the Foundation is strong and continues to improve. Operationally the Foundation was able to impact the lives of 7,375 participants. The revenue associated with these programs was up 3% and the net assets of the Foundation increased 9% year over year. Total giving in 2014 was $2.8M. The Gift of Generations gifts are especially important as they will help fund the Foundation in perpetuity by building endowments to ensure the highest quality staff, outstanding facilities and a mix of participants in the spirit of The Aloha Foundation. The investment portfolio returned over 6% and stood at $21.4M on 12/31/14, representing an increase of 68% over the past three years and driven by strong performance and gifts. This growth will supply income for the Foundation – both in 2014 and for years to come. THE ALOHA FOUNDATION, INC. STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 2014 ---------------REVENUES, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT: Tuition and camp facility rentals$ 6,393,203 Registrations 283,550 Less scholarships and discounts (459,505) --------------- Tuitions and fees, net 6,217,248 Gifts: Restricted2,403,082 Unrestricted 415,689 Investment income, net of management fees of $34,738 in 2014 and $29,520 in 2013 410,422 Realized gains on sale of investments 451,454 Unrealized appreciation of investments 369,608 Gain on sale of fixed assets 5,300 Gain on involuntary conversion 0 Other sources, net 140,926 --------------- TOTAL REVENUES, GAINS and OTHER SUPPORT 10,413,729 ---------------EXPENSES: Aloha 686,393 Aloha Hive 641,738 Lanakila760,058 Hulbert Outdoor Center 788,895 Horizons 248,112 Ohana Camp 422,657 Management and General 1,062,036 Buildings and Grounds 1,750,751 Interest expense/annuity adjustment 18,640 Alumni Relations 196,845 Fund raising costs 206,070 Gift of Generations campaign expenses 378,883 Centennial & Gift of Generations Campaigns bad debt expenses 5,717 Tuition bad debt expense 11,373 Depreciation and amortization expense 613,308 --------------- TOTAL EXPENSES 7,791,476 --------------- CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 2,622,253 2013 ---------------$ 6,160,177 295,700 (413,944) ---------------6,041,933 1,466,106 941,723 347,235 148,607 2,084,661 500 65,525 132,855 ---------------11,229,145 ---------------604,818 626,791 731,396 674,143 220,001 411,061 962,587 1,577,965 (32,994) 192,048 193,640 123,281 15,241 273 594,217 ---------------6,894,468 ---------------4,334,677 Net assets, beginning of year 27,627,710 23,293,033 ------------------------------Net assets, end of year $ 30,249,963 $ 27,627,710 ------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to thank all alumni, parents, friends and supporters who donated to the Foundation in 2014. Your generous gifts have allowed us to make an impact on people’s lives – not just in 2014, but for generations to come. On behalf of the Foundation, thank you. Related to this, we would also like to acknowledge the gifts of our leadership team. Once again they have shown their commitment, not only through their tireless efforts on behalf of our participants, but by opening their wallets as well. This selfless act demonstrates in yet another way the dedication of the outstanding people of The Aloha Foundation. We would also like to thank the numerous staff members who supported our campaign. On behalf of the trustees and all the constituents of Aloha, we would like to thank our excellent accounting staff, lead by Chief Financial Officer Jane Huppee for an outstanding 2014. Our auditors have – yet again – made sure to praise the department for their professionalism, accuracy and cooperation during the 2014 audit. Our auditors praise our sound fiscal policies and procedures which allow our program leaders to focus on our mission, knowing our financial underpinnings are strong. Here’s to 2015. GIVING 2014: A BANNER YEAR TOM MILLER, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2014 has been one amazing year for the Foundation! In total, we received $3,010,775 in new gifts and pledges for all purposes, including $373,465 for the Annual Fund. The Gift of Generations capital campaign received $2,561,779 in new gifts and pledges, raising the total of support for that effort to more than $5.3 million by year end. Restricted giving has posted total gifts of $75,531, including very generous gifts supporting camperships, and Ohana Camp’s continuing National Guard Family Camp, as well as donations in support of specific camps and programs. We are very grateful to everyone who has made 2014 such a resounding success! We traveled across the country visiting members of the Aloha enfeld family in Boston, New York, s o R n ra ick & F John Herr Connecticut, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle as the public phase of The Gift of Generations campaign has gathered momentum. Campaign Co-chairs and Trustees Fran Rosenfeld and John Herrick, who introduced the Campaign and its lofty and long-term goals to hundreds of Aloha alumni, parents and grandparents at the regional kickoff events. The campaign attracted widespread and very generous support, aiming to build the permanent endowment in three critical areas: Leadership Excellence (Staff Salaries); Campership; and Campus Stewardship. Fran and John engaged their fellow Trustees in a variety of roles in support of the campaign, from developing print communications and hosting regional events, to invaluable work as solicitors and stewards. In total, the Board has contributed more than $1.5 million toward the success of this effort, leading the way with their own very positive example. The campaign is now well into the public phase, when we reach out to Aloha family members across the country and across the planet, engaging all and sundry in this ambitious effort to secure the strongest financial future for the camps. The campaign will close its books on December 31st and we are confident that the $6 million goal will be met and surpassed! Thank you, again, to all who have given so generously in support of the Aloha camps, Aloha and Skol! Tom Miller ANNUAL FUND GIVING We recognize donors who have contributed to The Aloha Foundation regularly for at least five consecutive years with the mark of the Kanaka ( ) a figure that represents the spirit in nature in the Hawaiian culture, which Mother and Father Gulick loved and commemorated. Continuous giving by so many alumni and friends ensures our ability to promote the Gulicks’ vision for Aloha long into the future. = Deceased PRESIDENTIALS FRANCONIA ($5,000 and above) ($2,500-4,999) Anonymous The Alderson-Smith Family Keith & Peggy Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Allen S. Anderson Marcia A. Corbin and the Corbin Family Fund Rocco Maggiotto & Kathy Fisher Charles Hirschler Mr. & Mrs. Colin Moore John & Patty Pegram and The Pegram Family Fund Happy Rands & Elizabeth Endicott Rands Fund Joshua & Andrea Reibel Eric & Fran Rosenfeld and The Rosenfeld Foundation Katherine Metcalfe & Langdon Wheeler Astrid Witschi-Bernz Boniface & Alison Zaino Anonymous (2) Sarah Miller John & Judy Currier Bob & Nancy Downey and the Robert N. and Nancy A. Downey Foundation Anthony & Elizabeth Enders Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. John F. Herrick, Jr. Michael J. Jackson & The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Libby Hutchins Meek Patricia Michaelson & Walter Klisiwecz Sally C. Reid & John D. Sigel Lizzy Schulzinger Neil & Elaine Schwartz Alexandra & Thomas Skove Mary & Brad Wilkinson and The Stare Fund ------------------ ---------------- Keith & Deborah Streeter & The Hans & Elizabeth Wolf Foundation Sun Multisport Events LLC Emmie Bean Ventling & Mark Ventling Lori and Steve Wyckoff Mark & Nancy Zvonkovic MOOSILAUKE ($1,000 to $2,499) ---------------- Anonymous Anonymous (2) Aloha Hive Chapel Collection Mrs. Robert C. Baker and The Haffenreffer Family Fund Frederica B. Baxter Kate Baxter Silas Beane & Kristin Bunce and the Beane Family Foundation Bruce and Kraemer Becker James and Elizabeth Beissel Matthew Bender IV Jean Bender & Scot Jarvis Jennifer Jameson Born & Matthew Born Susan B. Clearwater Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook R. Carl Drisko & Allie Altman Cathy & Amy Feldman Sallie Findlay & Gene Nelson Peter & Jeanne Floeckher, Jr. Laura & Nathaniel Foote, Eleanor Foote, Henry Foote Peter & Heidi Gaillard Karl & Mary Ann Glocker Nancy Godreau Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Sheryl Parker & James Grayer Caroline Harcourt & Hillary Leone Charles & Lelia Helms Dosoris Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holly Jeremy & Kelly (McCall) Hough Jennifer Ippoliti Herrick Jackson & The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Anne Conway Juster & Joseph Juster Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kilgore Lynne Klopf Alexa Raether Maddock & The Raether Trust Peter & Hillary McCabe Chad McDaniel & Jennifer Cunningham Sarah Morrisett Otley Mr. & Mrs. David B. Payne and the Payne Family Foundation Gary & Mary Pforzheimer Rebecca S. Richardson Peggy & Norm Rickard and Solera Capital, LLC Alexandra Sanford Helen & Henry Savage, Jr. Charles & Anne Sincerbeaux PAPER AND PENCIL LANAKILA Barnes Boffey, Director What could be simpler to pack than a pencil and paper, and yet why even bother? You don’t have homework! You don’t have to take class notes! Because paper and a pencil let you go to special places. As well as having camp all around you, you get to have camp in your head… Creativity Camp! You can draw a picture of your tent-mate, or a frog, or the Viking Ship! You can write a poem about the fog on the lake or the power of Council Fire. You can design a shop project or plan a tower to lash at campcraft. You can write an article or draw a cartoon for the Lanalog! You can play Battleship or Tic-Tac-Toe or Pictionary. You can write a letter home or to the Aloha girl you met at the dance! You can keep track of what you want to carry up Mt. Moosilauke. You can keep a journal of the memories from the summer! There are literally hundreds of things you can do, and each is an expression of you. I love writing and thinking and planning, so I have a pencil and paper in my car, next to my bed, on my kitchen table, and in my office. I love to make what’s in my head come alive on paper. So next to your flashlight and knife and socks and bug repellant, put a couple of pens, a pencil and a big ol’ pad of paper. I’ll bet you use it up in the first ten days. When you do, come see me. I always have plenty. Peace and Skol. Martha Strek Soldner Abigail Lash & Austin Shapard Carla & Mark Westcott and The Westcott Charitable Fund Tiff Advisory Services Robert Traylor and the Traylor Charitable Fund Dorothy W. Waldron Joann B. Walker Carl & Susan Webster T. Michael & Katherine White Robert Y. White, Jr. Nancy Wiecking Susan L. Winter Stephen & Donna Zipf CHOCORUA ($500-$999) ---------------- Chris Alberti Lucy McFadden Ginia Schauffler Allison Aloha Art Show Stewart & Cecilia Babbott Barbara F. Bass Mrs. R. Bruce Bass Philip Bean Elson & Cheryle Oshman Blunt Ms. Laura Lee Brown Sophia Bucklin Abigail Angell Canfield Deborah Rice Carrigan Peter & Kathy Christie Jan Coates Mr. & Mrs. William Cobb Caroline Bass Coleman William E. & Mary F. Conway Fund Trig & Sam Cooley William Corson The Deam Family Alexis Deane Joe & Carol Dobronyi Rebekah Hill Eckstein Madge Evans The Fortune family Gordon & Patricia Fowler Robert & Susan Galford Margaret & Paul Gaudin Mr. & Mrs. J. Jeffrey Geldermann John Lodge Gillespie, Jr. & Anne Sarah Rubin Holly & Andy Hatch Robert K. & Tari A. Holterman Fred & Sally Houck Joanne & Alan Houghton Fred Hughson & Liz Gavis Anne Rickard Jackowitz & Todd Jackowitz Betsy Hopf Jondro Hal Juster Mr. & Mrs. Tom King Nancy Heald Landers Stephen & Jeanne Langsdorf Ledge Ledyard Catherine McGrath Betsey Blanton McGrath Mr. & Mrs. John McRae Debbie McGarvey Mulno & Glenn Mulno Mr. John Nicholas & Ms. Virginia Shannon Pam Cooley O’Halloran & David O’Halloran Faith J. Parker Amy M. Peterson Sarah & Mike Peterson Win Piper Kathy Plunkett Kerrie & Charlie Pughe Ellen & David Ross Janet M. & Benjamin R. Shute, Jr. Richard M. Sincerbeaux, Sr. Natalie & Ryan Smith Tim Sperry & Lynne Tirrell Susie Goodale Stringer Jack and Sylvia Sweeney Ms. Meg Tallon Courtney & Malcolm Toon Rick & Martha Wagner Mr.& Mrs. Chris White Jack & Byrd Wood William A. Worth, Jr. MT. CUBE ($250-499) ---------------- Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. John K. Adams, Jr. Anne & Peter Angevine Dr. Kim P. Baker Ann Richardson Berkey Barnes Boffey R. Reid Bogie Jean Bohner Anne Wilder Borg Colin & Eva Born Caroline W. Bynum Penny Canny Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rankin Cherna Matt Christie Ellen McVeigh Crawford Luke & Elizabeth Dann F. Louise David Freddy & Hornor Davis Jeff Dobronyi Joan Dodge & Jeffrey Alexander Chuck Dohrenwend Katie Baines Drossos Laura Hush Evans Kira & Madison Farley Carrie W. Farmer Marion Kellogg Fisher & Larry Fisher Lindsay Frazier & Owen Dempsey Andy Gerber Chris Gruendeman Catherine Herrick Levy & Robert Levy Annette Severiens Himes & Brett Himes Cynthia Kohn Hobart Michele, David, & Jack Horan Richard Hulbert Barbara & David Hume Marcia J. Hunkins D’Anne Hurd Jack Hutensky Debra H. Payne and the Payne Family Foundation Peter & Judi Kleinman John C. Klopf Elizabeth P. Kohn The Laible Family Lanakila Camp Chapel Collection Christopher & Judith Leich Ms. Victoria Lindgren Elisabeth Schupf Lonsdale Mr. Yo-Yo Ma & Ms. Jill Hornor Ma Jennifer & Richard Mandelson Susan Buckingham McGarvey Jocelyn Merrick & The Merrick Family Fund Alden Miles & Jon Davies Tom Miller and Coleen Lawlor Jim & Sharon Morgan Caroline & Ted Murray and The Murray Family Fund Pagliocco Family David S. Payne and The Payne Family Foundation Jim & Nan Peckham Robbie & Polly Pennoyer Karen Peterson Patricia Post Lara & Kristin Ramsey Mim & Art Saunders Jerry & Barbara Schauffler Kristin & John Sheehan Philip Silva & Jessica Corwin Miles Skove Gary T. & Carol Mulreany Smith Natalie C. Smith Rebecca Smith Ryan H. Smith Clare H. Springs Seashols Noell Starks Sandra C. Steele Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stetzer III Ginny Hazelwood Stevens Margaret Clover Stillman Posie Taylor Deborah Carpenter Thompson Mary & John Tittmann Julie Lucas Tuttle Dr. Gwyneth Walker Elizabeth Webb & Haryanto Hokianto David White The Williams Family Orme & Mary Wilson Chippy Wolf and The Hans and Elizabeth Wolf Foundation Mr. William Yaro and Ms. Rosamond Barber Jim Zien & Helena Binder Kate Zvonkovic PALISADES ($100-249) ---------------- Anonymous (8) Anonymous (1) James & Suzanne Aisenberg Beatrice S. Alexander Cynthia Smith Babbott Skip & Keppy Babcock Bruce H. Bairstow, Jr. Carol H. Ball Suzanne Banghart Eleanor Nelson Barnes Cynthia Bassett Paul Mackey & Sarah Bassett Edwin & Susan Bean Mr. Jeffrey P. and Ms. Louise Bender Drs. Jessica & Bernard Benedetto Katie Berk Betsy Boehne Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wheelock Boehne Christian M. Bradeen Walter Brough Cooper Brown Mr. Leonard A. Busby & Ms. Ruth H. Lindeborg Brian & Katharine Cary Matthew S. Cercone Bill Cercone Helen Thayer Chapell John & Libby Chapin Rita Frew Childers Allison Christie Bebe Caulkins Clark Laura & Thomas Clydesdale Dara Cohen Laurence & Constance Cranch Jonathan & Suzanne Crary Alex Crippen & Beth Strauss Mr. Tom Crow and Ms. Terri Ragot G. Geoffrey Dampeer James W. Davidson Annie Davis Crawford & Jessica Del Prete Anne & Collins Denny Amy Dickie Carol Dickson Fran Groves Dodd Robert & Patricia Dohrenwend Lynd Luers Dolphin CDR & Mrs. Paul H. Doolittle, USN (RET) Andrew & Vicki Doule Anne Downey and Glenn King Daniel Downey Ms. Susan P. Downey Nori Duncan Harriet F. Dwyer Barbara & Jim Edwards Midge Grassi Eliassen Barbara T. Ellinghaus Dan & Julie Evans Sandy Feldman & Anne Strassner Sally Chase Flynn Carolyn Miller French Anne & Walter Frey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fricke Carolyn Friedman Kathryn Friedman Mare & Steve Fromyer Jim & Lynn Furness Sara Dunphy & Jean Henri Gabriel Maria Gaffney Laura Gillespie David Golan, Laura Green, & Liza Green Golan Mackintosh Nancy & G. Bruce Greer Lydia Gulick Peter Gulick Cathy Stifel Hansen The Harder Family Ann Harrison Kathy Harvard Katherine Hay Edith Miller Heier Don & Jane Helms Mary & Larry Hewes Susan Carr Hirschman SUNGLASSES HIVE Kathy Plunkett, Director When you pack your trunk for camp this summer, do not forget to put in a pair of sunglasses! Yes, those all important, sometimes stylish, maybe just fun, pieces of eyewear. “Why?” you may ask. First, as we all know, sunglasses really and truly protect our eyes from the harmful rays of the sun, and of course, I want you all to be able to look at the world clearly your whole life. Other uses for your sunglasses at camp are limitless. You can use your sunglasses to help you look at the world in new and different ways. With each new person we meet, each new skill we acquire, and during every moment at camp we have opportunities for wonderful and amazing growth. Each of these moments offers a chance for us to learn something new about ourselves, about those around us and about how we live together in our summer community. We might see how we have grown by living with a tent family, or maybe it will be how we see sailing or archery, or trying a new food! Wearing your sunglasses this summer will help you remember that with each new challenge we take, each new person we meet and befriend, we see the world and ourselves in a new way. So, put those sunglasses on girls. Your Hive summer will give you the chance to look at the world in a new way. Anne Holly Andrew Hoyt Ed Huang & Beth Randall Mary Hulbert & Annie Morehouse Sandra H. Hutton Carol Barber & Joseph Jankowski Doris Jannke Linda M. January Mr. A. Clark Johnson Julianna Johnson Phyllis & Arnold Katz Karen & Bob Kenagy Katherine Thorpe Kerr Mindy & Ned Kirby Hildabeth Klein Jason & Katie Pilcher Knowles Peter M. Kohn Peter H. Kromayer Courtney A. Kylander Kate Shockey Lafrance Robin B. Langsdorf Dr. Edward Latham and Dr. Cara Latham Eliza Dodd Leeper Russ & Marilyn Leonard Libby Light Nancy Main Linsley Jan Lutz Carol Jackson Lynch Elyse and Lloyd Lyons Michael Marcusa French Boyd McConnaughey John & Cara McFadden Charles & Nancy Miller Joel & Judi Miller Sandy Miller Mr. & Mrs. M. Jonathan Mishcon, MD Libby Sporer Moffitt Alex Moot & Nancy Roosa Boo Morton Mr. Daniel Murphy Brita & James Mutti Daniel O’Day Ginna Oates Charles & Carol Ogelsby Eric Older Bruce Oppenheim Ann Orth Stephen & Faith Osborn Chris & Heidi Overtree Brooke Suhler Palizi Linda Patchett & Brian Walsh Karyn M. Patno, MD Nancy & Hugh Pennell Margaret Pennoyer Andrew & Sharon Petersen Georgia C. Pettus Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Pfaltz Janet Pfleeger Zelie, Andy & Ross Pforzheimer Martha & Joel Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Victor O. Prall III M. Theresa Ragot Mr. & Mrs. Naveed Rahman Bobbie Ela Randall Beth Randall Pamela Clark Reilly George & Gail Richardson Vanessa & Nolan Riegler Ms. Sarane H. Ross John P. Rutherfoord Craig Sabina Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Sachtjen Linda Pennell & Leon Schulzinger Peggy McGrath Sherman Mr. and Mrs. John C. Simons Richard Sincerbeaux, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Skaistis Bevan & Alinda Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Stone Mrs. James J. Strnad Svata Svaricek Allen Symonds Davis Taylor Mrs. Charles Tenney, Jr. Rick Thorne Drs. Robert & Shari Thurer Dave & Beth Towle Arthur Trotman The Susan & John Turben Foundation Nowell Upham Samuel C. Vrooman Louise Rapp Wall Victoria B. Ward Allison C. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Weaver Nancy N. West Holly Whittemore Alan & Carter Wiecking Molly Chase Wiellette John Wilcox & Virginia Van Dyk The Robert Williams Family Julie Langsdorf Willoughby PJ Wood Emily Groves Yazwinski Alvie Ye Eric Ye Dorsy Yoffie Kathleen Kimmel Young Kurt Zink EAGLES’ BLUFF ($1-99) ---------------- Anonymous (3) Ruthie Abrams Rebecca Ache David Adams Mr. & Mrs. William Adkins Rachel Aguirre Ingrid Ahlberg Mr. Carlos Aiza and Ms. Gina Hojel-Aiza Sam Alberti Cornelia Alden Henry Alderson-Smith Maria Amado Torild & Reed Ameden Hilda Andersson Dibbie Spurr Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Martin Arms Tunisia Artope Ellen Babbott Marianne Bailey Derek Baker Eliza Balch Shel Ball Harriet Hulbert Ball Sally Willis Bancroft Mary Barton & Beth Biegelsen Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Bascombe Mandy & Jeff Bass Linda G. Bates Rick Bauman Nigel Baynes Charlotte Beal Christian Bender Elizabeth Benedict Linda & Bill Benham Dale & Polly Birdsall Ms. Daria H. Blackham Sarah M. Booker & Ann P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Boot Jennifer & Robert Bowman Fraser Boyd Bill Breetz Mr. and Mrs. Welles C. Brooks Charlie & Alice Brown Sydne Brown Taylor Brown Charlotte Bryan Catherine Buffaloe John & Jessie Cahill Ana Sofia Camara & Franz Philippi Brooke Camarda Kathleen Campbell & Peter Doyle Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Campbell Shirley Canadi Ross Cannon Annique Caplan-Kaur Joan Meyer Capriotti Caroline Cary Dr. & Mrs. John C. Cataudella Nadim & Pia Chammas Jane Burge Chandler Lina Chaoui Carol Chivers Sally Berry Christenson Michael Ciccone Jaclyn Cinelli Chris Clancy Eliza Clark Laura Clark Mikayla Cleary Sam Clerkin Jessica Clymer Kaelia Cockington Dennis P. & Angela Coleman Kali Coleman Mr. Peter Coleman and Ms. Heather Kaplan Coleman John Connolly Meghan Connor Richard W. Constantine Susannah Cooley Leah Cooper Lauren Cork-Simpson Elizabeth Cory Justin Cottrill Elizabeth Crayne Veronica Culhane Caroline Cunfer Lauren Cunfer Jeremy and Zachary Cutler Sam Danford Chloe Daniels Thomas & Michele Davidson Andre Dempsey Emma Dempsey Nate Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Depina Zendilli DePina Henry DeRuff Susan Dickie Tommy Dickie James Dickison Stuart Dickison Jenna Ditcheos Antonio Donnadieu & Cecilia Basulto Caleb Donovan Marisa Miller Donovan Mark & Helen Dorion Anna Dorsey Lee Williams Drummond The Ducrest Family Anna DuRose Robert & Katherine Eaddy Lenore Eaton Mr. Eric V. Edmonds and Ms. Nina Pavcnik Alexander F. Egger Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Elefante Valerie Elefante Friedel & Grace Erdelmann Austin Evans Jess Evans Wayne Federer & Virginia Gaynor Dave Findlay William Finnegan & Caroline Rule Leslie Meek Wileman & Tony Fitch Robert & Sarah Fitts Amanda Spooner Frank Brendan Frank Scott & Amy Freed Molly Frew Lisa Frost Mr. and Mrs. Steve Galbincea Barbara Becker John & Colette Gambino Solange Ganthier Hilary Trotman Garland Madeleine Gaudin Sarah Gavis-Hughson Dale & Connie Gephart Erin Gerrity Jimmy Gerrity Anne Gilbert & Gordon Goldstein Lashonta Gordon Oakley Gordon Adam & Lisa Gorfain Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gow Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Gray Amy Grazier Mr. Arthur W. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Gregory Ann C. Griswold Pam Groves Mr. & Mrs. Juan Guerrero Nick Gutfreund & Mary Duncan Holly Hahn-Baker Doug Haigh & Sandra Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Halaby Julia Hall Margie Hamlin Di Hargrave Michael & Mary Harman Meaghan Harris Sophie Hatch David Hausknecht & Susan Brumer, Clay & Debbie Heaton Gary Heaton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Heinick Jon Helmreich Sarah Davies Hertfelder Mrs. Betty Heston Maia Hirschler Jane Kohring Hoey Nina Hofkosh-Hulbert NAIL POLISH ALOHA MJ Parry, Director That’s odd… nestled among the much loved green shorts, white shirts, flannels, books, and the beloved Aloha tie, often sit several bottles of bright, glittery nail polish. Nail polish seems like an odd thing to be in the trunks of even the most die-hard Aloha maidens, but there it is, nail polish. Having experienced the significance of nail polish my very first summer, I know why it’s there. Early in the session we had a “free night.” One of the girls’ choices was to hang out in the tent field. That night as I was visiting units, the girls in one of the tents invited me to sit down and have my nails painted. Of course I said “yes.” That’s when I learned the secret power of nail polish – it’s a connector. How does it work? On the surface the process is simple: girls offering to share, making a color decision together, holding a hand steady while it is being painted, and finally, celebrating the end result together. This all happens with an overlay of conversation and laughter that evolves naturally from doing something together that requires some risk and trust. What a simple and powerful vehicle to facilitate girls’ focusing intentionally on one another, getting to know each other in fun new ways, while sowing the seeds for deeper friendships! So while we value our simple lives at camp and willingly leave behind electronics, makeup, and the newest fashions, I’m all in favor of packing a few bottles of magic nail polish. Aloha, Hannah Hofton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hojel Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holland Sarah Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hopwood Mr. & Mrs. William Horbatt Meg Hourihan Carolyn HubbardKamunanwire Molly Hussey David Bronstein & Jennifer Hyde Molly Irwin Ms. Sarah K. Iselin Samia Jalal Sofie, Luca, and Anna Jofre George Jones & Nina Scherago Katharine Childs Jones Edith Tozzer Jordan Norman Kalen Magdalena Karpiuk Mr. Charles K. Kellogg Charlie Kellogg Megan Cole Kellogg August Abrams Natasha Kim Caroline Kissick Eliza Kissick Rebecca Klafter Todd Kleinman & Nina Lopez Caitlin Klenk Kara Klenk Mr. Robert Knight and Dr. Tatyana Knight Nancy Kopans Lusyd, Ali, & Arianna Kourides Raymond P. Kress Kerri Kunkel McPhail & Sons Kirsten & Roderick Kunz Stefan Kunz Sandy Bridger Kunze Nan Hinman Lanahan Kenneth Langsdorf Ethan Langsdorf-Willoughby Antonio Larino & Anne Thomas Suzette Lawrence Rosemary Leahey Dr. Daniel & Ms. Jane Lee John & Marguerite Lee Mr. Paul C. Lentz and Dr. Nicole D. Regent Ms. Judith Lerner Chris Levey & Barbara DeFelice Levitan family Pete & Barbara Linkroum Erica Lipoff Sara Liptrot Sarah Gordon Littlefield The Litvack-Winkler Family Jody Young Llewellyn Walter & Sonia Love Trey Love Maria Barr Lowe Sharon Lee Lumadue Esther Lynn & Carol Lyttle Brian E. Maggiotto Carol Magowan Greg Mancusi-Ungaro Mr. & Mrs. Harold Manning Dr. & Mrs. Richard J.W. Mansfield William A. M. Mansfield Nadine Marchand Samuel Masters Marion Miller Matson Ariel Matza Caroline McClanahan Matthew McFadden Melissa McFadden Samuel McFadden Mr. Robert W. and Dr. Elizabeth A. McGrath Jane Dickie McGregor The McLaughlins Mr. & Mrs. James McManus James McPhail Jenny (Fink) Merritt Sarah Grinnell Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Christian Miller Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Miller Evelyn Gurney Miller Molly Miller Peter Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Miller Isobel Mills Mr. & Mrs. Alex Min Margaretta K. Mitchell John D. Moffitt Daniel Wallick & Jennifer L. Mogck Fabiana Montesanti Mr. & Mrs. James A. Morison Ken & Nan Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Pieter Mulder Charlotte Houck Mullen Jason Mulno Annabel Murrison Woody & Jerry Needell Ms. Bari Nelkin Julia Newton Lora Nielsen Mari O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. O’Connor MK Oakley Joanie Oates Angela Nugent & Bruce Odessey Tammy Oliveras Jackson Oppenheim Benji Otting Elizabeth Owens Meredy Yoder Pakman & David Pakman John F. Palmer Liesbeth & Richard Parke Ryan Parker Ms. Marijean L. Parry Drs. Tim Parsons & Anne Judson Bryan Partridge Ashna Patel Oliver Paul Christie Peale Gordon Pennoyer Timothy Peterson Adrian Pforzheimer Mr. Rick Phelps Mr. & Mrs. George Phocas Doug and Lucy Pilcher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pilkerton Josh Porter Emily Pryor Mr. & Mrs. David Przesiek Emilie Miller Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. James W. Quinn III Mr. Jorge Quinzanos & Mrs. Sammantha Teuscher Rachel Rafferty Syed Rahman Preston Randall Yarrow Randall Richard Reinhold Tommy Reynolds Betsey & Kurt Rhynhart Anne Day & Alex Rimberg Matthew Ringel & Rebecca Rabinow Mr. & Mrs. Paul Roberts Fiona Roffey Mr. Caleb Rosen Jamie Rosenfeld Jane Culver Rouse Mary Belle Bloch Royer Enid K. Rubin Michelle Russell Mabel Sabina Otto Sabina Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sacerdote Alex Sadie Lizza Sandoe Susan & Giovanni Sanitate Dr. & Mrs. Walid Santamaria-Dehni Mr. Peter Sante and Ms. Molly Wickwire-Sante Ruth Santos Anne Schulzinger Dewey Schunk Sabrina Scull Billy Seibel Alexandra Seidel Mr. Keith Sellers and Ms. Suzette Parris Sellers Phyllis Shea Katie Shearer George Sheehan Maxine Grad & Ron Shems Chonghyo Shin Lolly Slavin and Dermot Keelan The Smalling Family Marina Smalling Thomas Smidt II Ben Smith Carlie Smith Emily Smith Lisa Smith Isabelle Smith-Bove Hannah Sobel Alexis Sommerfield Adrienne G. Southgate Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Schwarzer Andrea Spaska Jeffrey & Willa Speiser Anne M. Spelman Mrs. Priscilla B. Sperry Chris Spicer Holly Spicer Kristi Spicer Sara Spooner Mr. & Mrs. Kwesi Steele Peter & Laura Strauss Nancy Towner Street Erin Strek Tony Susen Mr. & Mrs. William Sushon L. Banks Tarver & Claire Walls Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Thomas David C. Thomas Cutter Thompson Mary Willis Thompson Fleeta D. Thurston Hank Tittman, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tracy Elizabeth Smith Vaccaro Josephine van den Brink Dr. Anna van Heeckeren and Mr. Edward Baker James Vernon Tassilo von Gerlach Mr. Charles Von Simson and Ms. Erin Kelly Grace von Simson Ms. Elizabeth B. Vrooman and Mr. Richard T. Baskin Zoe-Rose Waldrop Wicks Walker Colby Walker and Andrea Seymour Jennifer Blackburn Walker Katherine Walker Jennifer & Peter Walsh Ali Ward Sally Ward Michael & Kathleen Weitz David Westcott Harrison B. Wetherill, Jr. Bleecker Wheeler Susan (Rapp) Whereat Miriam Whittington Andy & Deb Williams Lucy Williams Dick Williams & Martha Donovan Sherry Willumitis Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wilson Erin Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michel Wolf Charlotte Wonnell Nicholas Wood Carol Kingsley Woodley Christine Ye & Jeff Marso Izzy Zaino Mrs. Carol Zalinger Emily Zea Gary Zigmann BINOCULARS OHANA Vanessa Riegler, Director When you pack everything you think you need for Ohana Camp, whatever you do, don’t forget your binoculars. They will be able to bring you the detail that you have been missing. Of course you can take them on bird walks in the morning, you can look out across the lake as you stand on the lodge porch and yes, they will make your sister’s face look funny when you turn them around! And of course, don’t forget to stop, breathe, and take in the view; enjoy the surrounding beauty of the place you inhabit. But there is more… When you head to Ohana, be sure to pack your binoculars. And don’t worry, we have plenty to share if you don’t have your own. Look inside to find the courage to try something new, and see your family in new ways as they do the same. As you rekindle old friendships and embark on new ones, picture your world at home as connected, intentional and as much fun as Ohana. LOOK + SEE + PICTURE + VIEW = VISION. Take the Vision of what you want camp to be for you and your family - then go and make it happen. THE GIFT OF GENERATIONS ENDOWMENT-BUILDING CAMPAIGN --------------------------------------------------------------------Anonymous (2) Anonymous (4) The Alderson-Smith Family Alice C. Jones Charitable Trust Aloha Camp Holly Ameden and Dave Gold Ms. Jody Pratt Win & Sally Ameden Kevin, Brian, Scott & Nicholas Bailey Mr. Barry A. Baines Mr. & Mrs. David E. Baines Chip & Linda Baines Mrs. Janet Chappel Baines Kevin & Jenine Baines Eleanor Barnes Mrs. R. Bruce Bass Mandy & Jeff Bass Robert D. Bassett Frederica B. Baxter The Beal Family Roberta & Raymond Beech Matthew Bender IV D. Barnes Boffey Mr. & Mrs. John Booth II Jeff & Betsy Brewster Tracy ‘Skip’ Brown & Jane Bayley Brown Geoffrey Browning Geoffrey, Laura, Sarah & Emily Carter Dorcas Crawford Casey Matthew S. Cercone Peter & Kathy Christie Susan B. Clearwater Jan Coates Ms. Virginia Connor Hunter, Jeanette, Erik and John Corbin Marcia Corbin and The Corbin Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Cory Laurence & Constance Cranch The Cross Ridge Foundation John & Judy Currier Maria Devito Joe & Carol Dobronyi Emily & Aaron Doe Chuck and Lauren Dohrenwend Marisa Miller Donovan Allie Altman & Carl Drisko Katie Baines Drossos Claudia Dumas Estate of Carolyn Heald Christian Estock Elizabeth C. Evans-Iliesiu Jacob Fain Fairmount Minerals Foundation Mani Ardalan Farhadi Kathy Fisher & Rocco Maggiotto Tony & Leslie Meek Fitch Peter & Jeanne Floeckher, Jr. Laura & Nathaniel Foote, Eleanor Foote, Henry Foote Jane E. Fossum Lisa Foster Mary Fowler-Huston Lindsay Frazier & Owen Dempsey Bailey & Nina Freund Kathryn Friedman Peter & Heidi Gaillard Barbara Becker & Chad Gallant Zhuoman & Morgan Gardner Laura Gillespie Susan and Tony Gilroy Rudy and Lianne Glocker Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Randy Grayson Mr. Arthur W. Gregg Tad, Julie & Graeme Gulick Peter Gulick Kathy Harvard Sibyl Harwood Holly & Andy Hatch Mary and Jack Herrick Mr. & Mrs. John F. Herrick, Jr. Mary Kohring Highberger Charles Hirschler Susan Carr Hirschman Lizzy Hoke Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holland The Holleran Family Ann Homeier Julia Horan Joanne & Alan Houghton Judy Pedersen Hourihan Mary Hulbert & Annie Morehouse Hope & Clark Hungerford Jane & Jerry Huppee Ms. Sarah K. Iselin Zoe Jacoby Jean Bender Jarvis Ann P. Johnson & Sarah M. Booker Katharine Denny Joyce Mr. Stephen Judd Anne & Joe Juster Karen & Bob Kenagy Robert M. Kingsley John Klopf Jason & Katie Pilcher Knowles Paul & Gina Krasnavage Lisa Karlin & James Kunen Kirsten & Roderick Kunz Kate Shockey Lafrance Anton & Alison Lahnston Todd H. Larsen and the Larsen Fund Catherine and Rob Levy Edward A. & Mary Purves Liechty Deborah Shaw Link, MD Elisabeth Schupf Lonsdale Lyondellbasell Industries Kit Stritter Maestretti The Malhotra Family Jennifer & Richard Mandelson Sarah Masters Robin Matza Tom & Holly Mayer Tracey McFadden Susan Buckingham McGarvey Paul McGrath Donald & Carol McGuire Cheryl & Glenn McKinley Libby Hutchins Meek Robert Meinig Meinig Family Foundation Joyce Michaelson & E. Franklin Robbins Charitable Trust Patty Michaelson Robin Michaelson & David Mack Tom Miller and Coleen Lawlor Daniel Wallick & Jennifer L. Mogck Mary-Slade Morrison The Morrison/ Pughe Family Caroline & Ted Murray Miles and Pat Mushlin Woody & Jerry Needell Jon L. Newman Newman & Company, Inc. Lora & Mark Nielsen David & Janet Offensend and The Offensend Family Foundation Chris & Heidi Overtree Edie & Ed Overtree Faith Jackson Parker Marijean & Charles Parry Judy Pavlick Mr. & Mrs. David B. Payne and the Payne Family Foundation Robbie & Polly Pennoyer Barbara Perry Gary & Mary Pforzheimer Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pike Kathy Plunkett Maryellen & Patrick Quarles The Quinn Family Jane Ellen Ramsey Lara, Kristin and Forbes Ramsey Fraser A. Randolph Joshua & Andrea Reibel Sally Reid & John Sigel George and Gail Richardson Peggy & Norm Rickard Vanessa & Nolan Riegler Kathy, Jackie, and Ellie Rines Kristen & Joe Rockenbach Sarah & Daniel Rosell Molly Tracy Rosen & Seth Rosen The Rosenfeld Family Kerrie & Steven Rubin Sarah, Ryan and Emily Russell Eric Ruttenberg & Perri Peltz Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Sachtjen Junko & Takaki Sakai Al B. Sawyers Richard & Coco Kim Schetman Lizzy Schulzinger Linda Pennell & Leon Schulzinger Phyllis Shea Audrey & John Sheffield Jo Ann & Samuel Silverstein, MD Gary T. & Carol Mulreany Smith Sarah Thomas and Bill Smith Philip & Susan Smith Tom Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Stritter Posie Taylor John S. Thorne Jennifer & Matthew Tomkiel Arthur & Kate Trotman Andre & Sandra Van As Emmie Bean & Mark Ventling Dr. Gwyneth Walker John & Marilyn Werst Nancy N. West Carla & Mark Westcott & The Hedberg Foundation M. Katherine Metcalfe & Langdon B. Wheeler Robert Y. White, Jr. Nancy Wiecking Donald R. Williams, Jr. Edmund & Kristine Winnicki Andrew & Drewry Wolf and The Hans & Elizabeth Wolf Foundation Chippy Wolf and The Hans & Elizabeth Wolf Foundation PJ Wood Kathryn Mohn Wooters Lori & Steve Wyckoff Boniface & Alison Zaino Jennifer & Michael Zell Jim Zien & Helena Binder CO-CHAIRS John F. Herrick, Jr. Fran Rosenfeld HONORARY CO-CHAIRS Matthew Bender IV Posie Merritt Taylor WATER BOTTLE HULBERT Jason Knowles, Director What is the most important piece of equipment a Hulbert instructor or participant can have? Spend ten minutes at camp and you’ll see for yourself. Everybody is carrying a water bottle. Some may have it in their hands, others in their back packs, but before going out on any program everybody fills their bottle. Not only does a water bottle help keep you hydrated while you hike a mountain, but what could be better than a cold sip of water on the summit as you take in the splendor of the view? Imagine that adrenaline rush after you’ve just come down the zip line on the ropes course, it’s that water bottle again that helps bring you back in to the moment and prepares you to take on the next challenge the course has to offer. Whether through team building or on the archery range, our staff and participants remain healthy and hydrated as they focus on fun, team work and conquering the challenge at hand. Whether you’re visiting us for the day or a week, make sure your back pack has a water bottle, or better still, bring two! Aloha and Skol, GIFTS IN MEMORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GIFTS IN HONOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LUA A. AMEDEN Anonymous Aloha Camp Chapel Collection Holly Ameden & David Gold Jeff & Betsy Brewster Emily & Aaron Doe Christian Estock Lizzy Hoke Mary Fowler-Huston Paul & Gina Krasnavage Tom Miller & Coleen Lawlor Donald & Carol McGuire Jon L. Newman Kathy, Jackie & Ellie Rines Sarah Rosell Kerrie S. Rubin Junko Sakai Phyllis M. Shea Jennifer Tomkiel THE ALOHA FOUNDATION YEAR-ROUND STAFF Posie M. Taylor BRIAN D. BAILEY Marianne V. Bailey R. BRUCE BASS Catherine Price Bass SHEILA ANN BEISSEL Mr. & Mrs. James Beissel “UNCLE DAVID” BOOHER D. Barnes Boffey Richard Taylor BILL & SUSAN CERCONE Matthew S. Cercone MARCHELLE CORBETTE Anton Lahnston HORACE “TERRY” CORBIN Marcia A. Corbin JOHN L. GILLESPIE Carol Chivers Betty Heston Judith Lerner James A. Morison Daniel C. Murphy Ann Orth Richard A. Phelps Sarane H. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Thomas Victoria Ward DUDLEY H. MEEK Olivia H. Meek Anne C. Reid Julie Lucas Tuttle JEAN “PREB” STRITTER Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Stritter BETSEY BOURNE TRACY Molly Tracy Rosen & Seth Rosen PEGGY KLOPF WHITE Anonymous DORCAS A. CASEY Dorcas C. Casey Catherine C. Pike DORCAS C. CASEY Claudia Dumas Andre Van As Catherine C. Pike CLIFFORD LOVERING HAPPY WANDERER ENDOWMENT -------------------------------------------------------------- For camp alumni, Clifford Lovering (A*43,52-84,H*44,L*47-50,93-94) defines the Aloha spirit. For decades, Cliffie drove the camp trucks and vans carrying campers to their wilderness adventures. Handing out his famous fireballs and patiently listening to another round of “Hi Ho, The Rattlin’ Bog,” Cliffie was the driver and much more. He cheered and encouraged in times of challenge, he supported in times of trial, he befriended always. In 2014, the following donors made gifts in Cliffie’s memory to The Happy Wanderer Endowment, which is part of the Foundation’s endowed support for camperships. John & Judy Currier Elizabeth C. Evans-Iliesiu Ann C. Griswold Robbie & Polly Pennoyer Barbara Perry Kathryn Mohn Wooters DR. BARBARA F. “BEBE” BASS Catherine Price Bass DR. DAVID R. BASSETT Bob Bassett BOB BASSETT Chippy Bassett Wolf BARNES BOFFEY Larry & Connie Cranch Kathy W. Harvard Thomas G. Quinn Lang Wheeler & Kathy Metcalfe Lori & Steve Wyckoff THE CORY SISTERS Mr. and Mrs. John Cory ROBBIE PENNOYER Vikram & Mary Malhotra Eric & Perri Ruttenberg Kathy Plunkett Jennifer Mogck & Daniel Wallick FRAN ROSENFELD’S LEADERSHIP OF THE GIFT OF GENERATIONS CAMPAIGN Robin G. Matza ANNIE SCHULZINGER Jim Furness Leon Schulzinger & Linda Pennell LIZZY SCHULZINGER Leon Schulzinger & Linda Pennell THE SCHULZINGER-PENNELL FAMILY Lizzy Schulzinger KIT TAYLOR & HELEN SHAW Deborah Shaw Link MARISA MILLER DONOVAN’S WEDDING The Aloha Foundation Board of Trustees EMILY SMITH Lisa K. Smith AUSTIN EVANS Anonymous NATALIE C. SMITH Sarah Thomas and Bill Smith RUDY GLOCKER’S WEDDING The Aloha Foundation Board of Trustees RYAN H. SMITH Sarah Thomas and Bill Smith ANDREW, DANA, ROBERT & ELTON HOYT Robert Y. White HULBERT OUTDOOR CENTER STAFF Central High School ALEX LIPOFF Steven H. Lipoff ERICA LIPOFF Steven H. Lipoff NANCY LINKROUM PENNELL Lisa Karlin & Jim Kunen Gwyneth Walker John & Marilyn Werst ANDREA SPASKA John E. Gambino MATTHEW E. SPERRY Priscilla B. Sperry GINNY STEVENS Paul M. Roberts POSIE M. TAYLOR Gwyneth Walker AMELIA K. WEST Nancy West ASHLEY D. WEST Nancy West WILLIAM N. WEST Nancy West LOVE MUSIC ENDOWMENT -------------------------------------------------------------- Established in memory of Bob Love (L*43-48,50-52, 66-83,85-01). The Love Music Endowment helps sustain the cherished musical heritage of the Aloha camps, through maintenance of pianos and other music equipment, revision and publication of song books, and presentation of special musical programs. Anonymous Elizabeth C. Evans-Iliesiu Leeds Gulick Tad, Julie & Graeme Gulick Robert M. Kingsley Robbie & Polly Pennoyer John S. Thorne Rick Werner DAY PACK HORIZONS Tracey McFadden, Director Horizons campers travel back and forth between home and camp every day with a backpack on their backs. In that pack they bring to camp everything they need from home to prepare them to get the most out of a day at Horizons. On the return trip home each day the pack is even fuller! Along with a soggy towel and bathing suit, parents may find a weekly activity schedule to hang on the fridge, a note from the counselors, or an overnight permission slip. The pack carries not only a fresh bathing suit, towel, and water bottle, but may also contain decorations for the cabin, costumes for the show, a book to read during quiet time, or a favorite game to play with friends. There are also things in the pack that may be a little harder to see: an idea for a skit, a story to tell on the overnight, a song to teach the group, jokes to tell your friends, and a little nervousness along with plenty of excitement about trying new things and making new friends. The pack is the perfect place to stash camp treasures such as a friendship bracelet from a cabin mate, a natural fairy crown, a colorful gimp lanyard, an archery medal, or a sparkly rock from a mountain hike. What really makes those packs bursting at the seams at the end of each day are again the things we can’t see: the skills learned, the confidence gained, the friendships forged, and the memories made. GULICK LEGACY ----------------------------------------------------------------- ED GULICK CAMPERSHIP ENDOWMENT -------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous (3) Jane B. Ackerman Ginia Schauffler Allison Mr. & Mrs. David E. Baines Matthew Bender IV Tracy (Skip) Brown & Jane Bayley Brown Peter & Kathy Christie Susan B. Clearwater Christopher C. Dorion Harriet F. Dwyer Elizabeth C. Evans-Iliesiu Ginger Fischer Farquhar Sallie Findlay & Gene Nelson Laura Gillespie Mr. Arthur W. Gregg Erica Ruben Hadzic Charles & Lelia Helms Mary Kohring Highberger Susan Carr Hirschman Chas Howell Marcia J. Hunkins Julianna Johnson Karen & Bob Kenagy Anonymous (2) Leeds Gulick Tad, Julie & Graeme Gulick Rick Werner A growing number of alumni, parents, and friends have found ways to ensure that the Aloha Camps will thrive for many generations to come. They have become members of the Gulick Legacy by making planned gifts such as bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities and insurance policies to benefit The Aloha Foundation. Our heartfelt thanks to the following members of the Aloha family who have notified us of their plans: Peter M. Kohn Kate Shockey Lafrance Ledge Ledyard Susan Buckingham McGarvey Cynthia McGeoch Susan Childs Merrick Kate Merritt Patricia Michaelson & Walter Klisiwecz Margaretta K. Mitchell Robert W. Morris Lora Nielsen Suzanna (Burgy) Anstine Norbeck Faith J. Parker Lara & Kristin Ramsey Sally C. Reid & John D. Sigel Kathy, Jackie, and Ellie Rines Heidi L. Schnarr Ginny Hazelwood Stevens Emmie Bean Ventling & Mark Ventling Dr. Gwyneth Walker John & Marilyn Werst Harrison B. Wetherill, Jr. RESTRICTED FUNDS -------------------------------------------------------We are especially thankful to the following generous donors who contributed to specific programs and projects in 2014. Anonymous Ann Richardson Berkey D. Barnes Boffey Central High School Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Conway Susannah Conway Joe & Carol Dobronyi Finlay T. Ferguson Brian Hanechak Anne Marguerite Herbst Mr. Charles K. Kellogg Lake Morey Protective Association Wilson Madden & Deirdre Featherstone Alexa Raether Maddock McKesson Corporation Daniel W. Mulno Robbie & Polly Pennoyer Anthony and Heather Pitt Sun Multisport Events LLC Bing Taylor KT Taylor The Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation United Congregational Church of Orford, NH Established in memory of Ed Gulick (L36-42). The Ed Gulick Campership Endowment provides financial aid to families who lack the means to support a camp tuition. Beneficiaries include campers referred to the Foundation by youth and community service agencies in New Hampshire, Vermont, Boston, New York City and elsewhere. LILIAN GULICK ENDOWMENT FOR THE BEAUTIFICATION OF THE ALOHA CAMPS -------------------------------------------------------------Established in memory of Lilian Gulick (A*36-69). The Lilian Gulick Endowment supports projects in landscape care and garden creation on every Foundation campus. Anonymous Tad, Julie & Graeme Gulick THE EDGERTON NATURAL HISTORY ENDOWMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------Established in memory of Clarissa B. Buffum Bassett Edgerton (H23-25). The Edgerton Natural History Endowment supports nature education programs at the summer camps and the Hulbert Outdoor Center, as well as stewardship of campus natural environments. Robert D. Bassett Chippy Wolf and The Hans and Elizabeth Wolf Foundation MATCHING GIFTS -----------------------------------------------------------GENEVE CORPORATION Sarah Thomas & Bill Smith GOLDMAN SACHS MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Lizzy Schulzinger Jennifer Mogck MCKESSON CORPORATION Ann Richardson Berkey TIFF ADVISORY SERVICES John Lodge Gillespie, Jr. & Anne Sarah Rubin GIFTS IN KIND -----------------------------------------------------Helen & Russell Pennoyer Philip Bean George & Gail Richardson TRUSTEES Leigh Alderson-Smith Rye, New York, Trustee 2013-2014 Susan Clearwater New York, New York, Trustee 2010-Present Joseph Dobronyi Larchmont, New York Trustee 2004-Present Kathleen M. Fisher New York, New York Trustee 2008-2014 Lindsay Frazier, MD Cambridge, Massachusetts Trustee 2004-Present Peter W. Gaillard Fairfield, Connecticut President 2012-2014 Trustee 2004-Present Rudy Glocker Henderson, Nevada Treasurer 2014-Present Trustee 2007-Present Kathleen Harvard John F. Herrick, Jr. Charles Pughe Jean Bender Jarvis George P. Richardson Anne Conway Juster Fran Rosenfeld Shaker Heights, Ohio President 2010-2012 Trustee 1999-2014 Seattle, Washington Trustee 2011-Present Shaker Heights, Ohio President 2014-present Trustee 2004-Present Robert G. Mann Cambridge, Massachusetts Trustee 2010-Present Patricia Michaelson Delmar, New York Trustee 2008-Present Secretary 2014-Present Jennifer Mogck Haverford, Pennsylvania Trustee 2014-Present Christopher E. Overtree Haydenville, Massachusetts Trustee 2013-Present Charlotte, Vermont Trustee 1996-2002, 2010-Present Delmar, New York Trustee 2012-Present Larchmont, New York Trustee 2003-Present Lizzy Schulzinger New York, NY Trustee 2011-Present Matthew Slaughter Hanover, New Hampshire Trustee 2012-Present Deborah Wolf Streeter Seattle, Washington Trustee 2010-Present Emelie Bean Ventling Vero Beach, Florida Trustee 2007-Present Stephen A. Zipf, Jr. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania Trustee 2004-Present Hanover, New Hampshire Vice President 2014-Present Trustee 2008-Present EMERITUS TRUSTEES Elliot A. Baines, Jr. Mary Kohring Highberger Sally C. Reid Matthew Bender IV Robert C. Kenagy Robert Y. White, Jr. Tracy “Skip” Brown Kate Merritt Donald R. Williams, Jr. Peter L. Christie Elizabeth Harte Owens Edmund A. Winnicki Samuel P. Cooley Faith Jackson Parker Naperville, Illinois Trustee 1991-2003 Albany, New York Trustee 1969-1991 Burlington, Vermont Trustee 1985-2000 Etna, New Hampshire Trustee 1982-1991, 1992-2007 Naples, Florida Trustee 1975-1991 Hendersonville, North Carolina Trustee 1976-1983 Litchfield, Connecticut Trustee 1976-1991 Boston, Massachusetts Trustee 1982-1994, 1995-2011 Boston, Massachusetts Trustee 1980-1983,1989-1996 Stowe, Vermont Trustee 1982-1991 Boston, MA Trustee 1999-2011 Mentor, OH Trustee 1997-2010 Naples, Florida Trustee 1969-1985 Chester, Vermont Trustee 1986-1998 The Aloha Foundation 2968 Lake Morey Road Fairlee, Vermont 05045 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID WHT RVR JCT, VT PERMIT 73
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