Goldsmith Seeds GoldFisch® Vegetative
Goldsmith Seeds GoldFisch® Vegetative
Goldsmith Seeds GoldFisch Vegetative ® 2012 – 2013 Catalog 12020027_Covers.indd 1 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: MW Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044-Front Cover Cover: WonderFall Blue Picotee Shades This page: Cora Red 12020027_Covers.indd 2 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: MW Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044-Inside Front Cover Welcome In these pages, you’ll find a full lineup of topquality breeding from our Goldsmith Seeds assortment of annuals and perennials, as well as our GoldFisch® Vegetative line of spring annuals. The Syngenta Flowers portfolio is even more complete with Yoder ® garden mums, asters, pot mums and fleurettes; GoldFisch Vegetative poinsettias; and our new line of Syngenta-bred home garden vegetables. See page 2 for more details. Also from Syngenta Flowers 2 technical Solutions 3 new & Improved Varieties 4 Goldsmith Seeds Seed Annuals Series Information 7 Specialty Mixtures 102 Seed Perennials Series Information Count on Syngenta Flowers for innovative varieties, product solutions and superior technical expertise. Our holistic approach to your business seamlessly unites products and support to meet the needs of your growing seasons and help maximize your profitability. We thank you for your business and look forward to partnering with you in the season ahead. 104 GoldFisch® Vegetative Vegetative Annuals Series Information 114 Resources trial Sites 165 Wholesale Broker List 166 Independent Licensed Root and Sell Locations 167 ordering Information for GoldFisch Vegetative 168 Simplified Shipping Information for GoldFisch Vegetative 169 Drop and Substitution List 170 Index 178 To order Syngenta Flowers products: Professional Growers—order from our comprehensive portfolio through our extensive broker network (see page 166)—Contact your preferred broker sales representative today Garden Center Retailers and Landscapers— Contact your preferred professional grower C on t en t 12020027_001-016.indd 1 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 1 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Also from Syngenta Flowers Yoder Garden Mums and Asters The Yoder name is synonymous with quality garden mums. Look to Syngenta Flowers for well-rounded plant habits and incredible flower power in a range of traditional and unique colors. With Yoder garden mums and asters, consumers enjoy outstanding, low-maintenance performance. Yoder® Pot Mums and Fleurettes Syngenta Flowers has re-invigorated the market with our pot-mum portfolio! Our progressive approach to breeding has yielded unique colors and flower forms, appealing to a new generation of consumers. Growers benefit from recent upgrades that make Yoder pot mums and fleurettes easier and more profitable to produce. GoldFisch® Poinsettias From traditional reds, whites and pinks to unique marble and novelty types, the Syngenta Flowers poinsettia assortment has something for everyone. We strive to make production easy and efficient; look to us for tips to reduce energy and input costs with cold growing. Home Garden Vegetables New to the Syngenta Flowers assortment: Garden favorites for all seasons! Syngenta Flowers is pleased to offer a wide range of top-quality genetics to meet the needs of your retail-ready vegetable programs. 2 AL So FR oM S y nGentA FLoW eR S 12020027_001-016.indd 2 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Technical experts at your service The Syngenta Technical Services team is made up of 17 experts with decades of practical, hands-on experience to bring real-world answers to your business. We’re ready to support you in all your growing decisions. Our team offers industry-leading horticultural knowledge and rapid, relevant responses to help you grow your best crop. We provide you with cutting-edge information, including: • Disease management: Many disease symptoms look alike. Our team coordinates accurate and rapid disease diagnoses through our own in-house and contracted laboratories to match the best control measures to the pathogen(s). • Growing media and plant nutrition: When your crop is declining and production deadlines are looming, we use state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, as well as decades of experience to conduct and interpret soilless media, water, fertilizer and tissue analyses to resolve your crop problems quickly. • Crop production guidelines: Our industry is constantly changing, with new information available daily on new crops, new growing recommendations and new science. We bring you the latest information on how to grow the highestquality crop on schedule. • Insect and mite control: Consistent pest control can be among your greatest challenges as a grower. The Syngenta team has the latest information on both traditional and biological control measures. Contact the team any time at [email protected] or log on to the Technical Services web portal at for these and other resources: White Papers—Get in-depth information on a broad range of subjects, including crop culture and production, diagnostics, analytics and more. Video Library—Easily access and view time-lapse trials and detailed how-to videos. Weekly Tech Tips—Check in often for timely tips and advice to help you grow better all year long. The Syngenta Flowers Technical Services team provides timely solutions to current challenges and insight into future trends. Contact us today! t eC H nIC A L S oL U t Ion S 12020027_001-016.indd 3 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 umbler Salmon New & improved varieties Goldsmith Seeds/ Annuals Karma™ 62 GAZAnIA Kiss™ 34 Frosty Red yellow New Improved GeRAnIUM BullsEye ™ Red Maverick ™ Rose 39 New 38 Bada Boom Rose IMP. ® Rose Go-Go ™ Rose Bicolor 8 Autumn Colors Improved Glowing ember 11 28 NEW SERIES Improved NEW SERIES NEW 46 peppermint Mix New Tumbler™ 45 WonderFall Blue Picotee Shades NEW SERIES pink Bravo™ 67 Rose New Rose Star Blue Improved Scarlet Blue Violet pink Red Salmon Wine Flame New oSteoSpeRMUM White Winfall Improved 17 Improved Asti ™ purple Bicolor 14 55 New pAnSy Delta Premium 60 Snowridge Wine New Blue with Blotch New Wine New Gold with Blotch Improved pure orange true Blue New Improved NEW SERIES Mix Picobella Cascade ™ Coral Rename Snowridge purple ™ Improved Duvet™ 66 Salmon New NEW petUnIA White ™ NEW SERIES Rose Shades with Face Violet Star White 56 purple and Blue Shades New Silverado 73 NEW SERIES Lavender pink Glo purple Red Salmon neW & I M p R oVeD 12020027_001-016.indd 4 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette NEW yellow with Blotch White with eye ™ 4 Improved SERIES New Rainier™ 25 White Rename pastel Mix Laser Synchro™ 20 Salmon 44 New Friller™ 26 Rose Flame Violet with Face yellow with Red Wing Mystic Mix White Wine New IMpAtIenS Accent™ Premium Improved purple New Lavender picotee Shades New Scarlet CyCLAMen Fleur en Vogue Rising Sun Strawberry Cream WonderFall Improved Elephant™ 44 New Venezia™ 12 ™ New Chardonnay CIneRARIA Mix ™ pink with Blotch Blue picotee Shades New GeRBeRA Cartwheel BeGonIA Bada Boom Violet New ™ Multibloom™ 41 Lavender Copperfield 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Montego™ 83 Red Sunset Caliente® 125 Improved Dark Rose Improved Calliope VInCA Strawberry New Hot pink New Cora Cascade Picobella Cascade Lavender NEW New Lavender Rose New KWIK KoMBoS ® 94 Strawberry New Kwik Kombos 143 New Bandana Lemon Meringue™ Mix New Bandana® Lemon Squeeze™ Mix New Carita Summer Berry Blast™ Mix New New Cascading Waterfall Mix New New night in pompeii Mix New 92 Deep pink New White orchid Halo Mix VIoLA New Orion ® 77 Blue Improved Scarlet Improved White with eye Primera ™ Blue Lilac Flame Improved pink Shades yellow with purple Wing Penny™ 98 Deep Marina Improved 76 Improved New pink Improved yellow Improved RAnUnCULUS ™ ™ pink Infusions™ Mix Goldsmith Seeds/ Perennials Improved pink Lemonade Mix New primary perfection Mix New Whimsical Spice Mix New ™ ™ ™ LoBeLIA Techno® Upright Heat Upright Light Blue LAVAnDULA Maché™ 80 ® ™ Endurio® 96 pRIMULA New ™ American Anthem™ Mix Sunstorm ® 126 Burgundy Cora® 93 Red New ® 148 Improved oSteoSpeRMUM Blue Scent™ 110 Tradewinds® 152 orange Improved early Blue Scent Red Improved SALVIA Improved Merleau 111 Rose New Candy Cane New White New Lime Green New yellow Atlantis 82 Deep Rose Bicolor New Deep Rose Spotted New Lilac Bicolor New neon Rose Duet New pure Deep Rose New GoldFisch® Vegetative/ Annuals pure White New New Scarlet Bicolor New Red Scarlet Shades New CALIBRACHoA Red yellow Bicolor Vintage Rose Improved New ARGyRAntHeMUM Sassy® 116 New Callie® 118 SnApDRAGon Arrow Improved Lanai® 160 Magenta Rose Bicolor ™ yellow VeRBenA ® SCHIZAntHUS ™ New 85 New yellow Improved GeRAnIUM Lanai Candy Cane NEW n eW & IM p RoVeD 12020027_001-016.indd 5 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 5 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Go-Go™ Salmon (Begonia tuberosa) 12020027_001-016.indd 6 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Goldsmith Seeds seed annuals & perennials 12020027_Tabs.indd 1 3/19/12 1:49 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Goldsmith Seeds Goldsmith Seeds series listing annuals gerBerA Jaguar™ 42 Cartwheel™ 44 elephant™ 44 AgerAtum tycoon™ 7 BegoniA Bada Bing® Bada Boom® eureka™ Varsity™ Volumia™ Braveheart® go-go™ imPAtienS tumbler™ Accent™ Premium Accent™ Xtreme™ Blitz 3000™ mosaic™ Victorian rose™ 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 45 46 47 49 50 50 51 CinerAriA Jester® 12 Venezia™ 12 lAurentiA Starshine™ 51 Cleome Sparkler™ 13 52 52 53 53 54 CyClAmen Winfall™ miracle™ Silverado™ SilverHeart™ Canto™ Sterling™ laser Synchro™ laser™ Sierra Synchro™ Sierra™ Concerto™ rainier™ Friller™ Winter ice™ Fleur en Vogue™ Delma™ 14 15 17 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 25 25 26 27 28 28 mArigolD Antigua™ inca ii™ moonstruck® moonsong® Perfection™ niCotiAnA Saratoga™ 54 ornAmentAl PePPer explosive™ 55 DAHliA Fresco™ 29 Harlequin™ 29 DiAntHuS Diabunda™ Dulce™ Charms™ Super Parfait™ Venti Parfait™ 31 32 32 33 33 gAzAniA Kiss™ 34 Big Kiss™ 35 gazoo™ 35 gerAnium Pinto™ Premium Pinto™ maverick™ Bullseye™ ringo 2000™ orbit Synchro™ orbit™ elite™ multibloom™ tornado™ 36 37 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 oSteoSPermum Asti™ 55 PAnSy WonderFall™ mammoth® Colossus™ ™ Delta Premium Delta™ Karma™ mariposa™ Sky™ 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 PentAS Starla™ 65 PetuniA Duvet™ Bravo™ ultra™ Storm™ Frost™ Hurrah™ Picobella™ Picobella™ Cascade Plush® ramblin’™ 66 67 68 69 69 71 72 73 74 75 PrimulA Primera™ orion® libre™ grace™ 76 77 78 79 rAnunCuluS maché™ 80 magic™ 80 Goldsmith Essential series are noted for exceptionally uniform greenhouse production and outstanding garden performance. ruDBeCKiA tigereye 81 SAlViA Salsa™ 82 SCHizAntHuS Atlantis™ 82 SnAPDrAgon montego™ Arrow™ liberty Classic™ laBella™ madame Butterfly™ overture ii™ opus™ HeuCHerA marvelous marble™ 109 Coral Forest™ 109 iBeriS tahoe™ 109 lAVAnDulA Blue Scent™ 110 83 85 85 86 86 87 88 PenStemon Piñacolada™ 111 toreniA Duchess™ 89 SAlViA merleau® 111 VerBenA obsession™ 90 tuscany® 91 SAXiFrAgA Highlander™ 112 VinCA SunStorm® 92 Cora® 93 ® Cora Cascade 94 luPinuS Camelot™ 110 PAPAVer Spring Fever® 110 SeDum Sea Star™ 112 ViolA endurio® 96 Patiola® 97 Penny™ 98 zinniA magellan™ Short Stuff™ Swizzle™ uproar™ zowie!™ 100 100 101 101 101 perennials AquilegiA origami™ 104 Fleuroslect industry Award Fleuroslect gold medal Fleuroslect quality mark AuBrietA Audrey™ 105 AuriniA Summit™ 105 All-America Selections® DelPHinium Delfix® 106 DiAntHuS Barbarini® 106 DigitAliS Camelot™ 107 American garden Award eCHinACeA Prairie Splendor™ 108 gAillArDiA granada™ 108 For DetAi leD Cultur e V i S it W W W. g o l D Smi t H Se e D S. C o m 12020027_Tabs.indd 2 3/19/12 1:49 PM Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 AGERATUM Tycoon ™ F1 AGeRAtUM HoUStonIAnUM DWARF / MOUNDED / SPRING •Compact multiflora-type ideally suited for high-density pack production •Known for fast production and quick secondary blooming •Strong garden performance in the dwarf class Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, pelleted Crop time: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: packs, 4–6" plant Height: 6–8" plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes Tycoon Blue 1/0 Tycoon Blue S eeD A n n U A L S 12020027_001-016.indd 9 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 7 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 BEGONIA Bada Bing /Bada Boom ® ® F1 BeGonIA SeMpeRFLoRenS MOUNDED / SPRING •the best choice for the high-density grower •early flowering with a narrow blooming window •Strong branching fills in packs and pots quickly •extreme uniformity for quick turns and bench-run production •Strong germination, superior seedling vigor and uniform in habit Minimum Germ: Seed Form: Crop time: Container Size: 90% Raw, pelleted 11–13 Weeks packs, 4–6", Baskets plant Height: 8–10" plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: Bada Bing: 6/1; Bada Boom: 5/1 Improved: Bada Boom Rose Bada Bing: Green Leaved; Bada Boom: Bronze Leaved Bada Boom Scarlet IMP. Bada Bing Pink Bada Bing Rose Bada Bing Rose Bicolor Bada Boom Pink Bada Boom Rose Bicolor Bada Boom Rose Imp. Bada Bing Scarlet Bada Bing Soft Pink Bada Bing White Bada Boom Scarlet Bada Boom White Bada Boom Mix Bada Bing Mix Not Shown: Bada Boom Total Mix 8 SeeD A nnUA LS 12020027_001-016.indd 10 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 BEGONIA BEGONIA Eureka Varsity F1 BeGonIA SeMpeRFLoRenS F1 BeGonIA SeMpeRFLoRenS MOUNDED / SPRING MOUNDED / SPRING ™ ™ •the begonia of choice for outstanding landscape performance •Reliable, well-known genetics •Strong vigor! Fills flats in cool, dark weather, yet thrives in heat •early flowering with a great ability to fill packs in the early season •Full, rounded habit and prolific flowering in sunny and shady landscapes •Rounded, well-branched plant habit •Available in well-matched bronze-leaf and green-leaf varieties *Limited availability in 2012–13—supplement with advanced Bada series Minimum Germ: 90% Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw, pelleted Seed Form: Raw, pelleted Crop time: 13–15 Weeks Crop time: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: packs, 4–6", Baskets plant Height: 9–12" plant Width: Colors/Mixes: Container Size: packs, 4–6", Baskets plant Height: 8–10" 7–9" plant Width: 6–8" 11/3 Colors/Mixes: 10/3 Eureka Bronze Leaf Bicolor Eureka Bronze Leaf Pink Eureka Bronze Leaf Scarlet Eureka Bronze Leaf White Eureka Bronze Leaf Rose Eureka Green Leaf Bicolor Eureka Green Leaf Pink Eureka Green Leaf Rose Eureka Green Leaf Scarlet Eureka Green Leaf Soft Pink Eureka Green Leaf White Not Shown: Eureka Complete Mix, Eureka Green Leaf Mix and Eureka Bronze Leaf Mix 12020027_001-016.indd 11 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Varsity Bronze Leaf Pink Varsity Bronze Leaf Rose Varsity Bronze Leaf Scarlet Varsity Bronze Leaf White Varsity Green Leaf Bicolor Varsity Green Leaf Pink Varsity Green Leaf Rose Varsity Green Leaf Scarlet Varsity Green Leaf Soft Pink Varsity Green Leaf White Varsity Bronze Leaf Mix Varsity Green Leaf Mix Not Shown: Varsity Complete Mix S eeD A n n U A L S 9 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 BEGONIA Volumia ™ F1 BeGonIA SeMpeRFLoRneS MOUNDED / SPRING / HEAt LOvERS •the name says it all! Voluminous habit and extra-large flowers for versatile applications •Va-Va-Voom! these vivacious varieties offer voluptuous plants with vivid color for a vast range of conditions •early enough for quick turns with vigor to achieve maximum impact in pots and landscapes Minimum Germ: pelleted Crop time: 12–14 Weeks 12–14" plant Width: 12–14" Volumia Soft Pink Volumia White Volumia Mix 5/1 Volumia Pink 10 Volumia Scarlet 4–6", Baskets, premium pots plant Height: Colors/Mixes: Volumia Rose Bicolor 90% Seed Form: Container Size: Volumia Pink Volumia Rose Bicolor SeeD A nnUA LS 12020027_001-016.indd 12 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:24 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 BEGONIA Braveheart ® F1 BeGonIA X HyBRIDA MOUNDED / SPRING / HEAt LOvERS •not your typical begonia! Unique hybrid that offers dramatic landscape performance BEGONIA Go-Go ™ F1 BeGonIA tUBeRoSA MOUNDED / SPRING •tight habit and shorter peduncles allow for fuss-free shipping and merchandising •Large, showy plants need little maintenance and continue flowering •premium appearance for superior sell-through at retail through periods of water stress •Ideal for finishing a beautiful 4-inch crop, yet vigorous enough •Clusters of bicolor blooms gracefully adorn this sturdy specimen plant •Flowers early for faster finish in large premium pots, combinations for long-lasting garden performance •Requires fewer growth regulators and baskets Minimum Germ: Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: pelleted Crop time: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: plant Height: 22–24" plant Width: 22–24" Colors/Mixes: Seed Form: pelleted Crop time: 15–18 Weeks Container Size: 6", Baskets, Large premium pots 85% 4–6", Baskets plant Height: 8–10" plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 12/1 1/0 new: Go-Go Rose Bicolor Go-Go Appleblossom Go-Go Bright Red Go-Go Cherry Go-Go Light Yellow Go-Go Orange Go-Go Red NEW Braveheart Rose Bicolor Go-Go Rose Go-Go Rose Bicolor Go-Go Salmon Go-Go White Go-Go Yellow Go-Go Scarlet Not Shown: Go-Go Mix 12020027_001-016.indd 13 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette S eeD A n n U A L S 11 3/19/12 11:25 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CINERARIA Jester CINERARIA Venezia ® ™ F1 CIneRARIA SeneCIo (peRICALLIS) F1 CIneRARIA SeneCIo (peRICALLIS) POt CROP / UPRIGHt / EARLY SPRING / FALL POt CROP / UPRIGHt / EARLY SPRING / FALL •Versatile—suitable for premium 4.5- to 6-inch production •early and uniform—great for high-density production •offers a broad sales opportunity with its staggered blooming window •Very programmable for production in 4.5- to 6-inch pots from —perfect for retailers october through April •Low energy-input costs •Requires no cold treatment for flower initiation, making programming easy Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: pelleted Crop time: 16–18 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" plant Height: 8–10" plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 7/1 Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop time: 14–16 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" plant Height: 7–9" plant Width: 7–9" Colors/Mixes: 0/1 Improved: Venezia Mix Jester Blue Bicolor IMP. Venezia Mix Imp. Jester Blue Bicolor Jester Carmine Bicolor Jester Crimson Bicolor Jester Pure Blue Jester Pure Carmine Jester Royal Bicolor Shades Venezia Series Jester Scarlet Bicolor 12 Jester Mix SeeD A nnUA LS 12020027_001-016.indd 14 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:25 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CLEOME Sparkler ™ F1 CLeoMe HASSLeRIAnA UPRIGHt / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAt LOvERS •Differentiate your summer offer—ideal for premium season-extender programs •F1 hybrid vigor and uniformity offer easy production and superior landscape performance •Gardeners love Sparkler’s showy and luxuriant habit •Available as primed seed, offering uniform germination Minimum Germ: Sparkler Lavender Sparkler Rose Sparkler White 75% Seed Form: primed Crop time: 13–15 Weeks Container Size: 6" and Larger plant Height: 42–48" plant Width: 24–36" Colors/Mixes: Sparkler Blush 4/1 Sparkler Mix S eeD A n n U A L S 12020027_001-016.indd 15 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 13 3/19/12 11:25 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Winfall ™ F1 CyCLAMen peRSICUM—MInIAtURe MOUNDED / FALL / WINtER / SPRING / SCENtED •the new standard for miniature cyclamen—early, extremely uniform in habit and timing for simplified production •Ideal for high-density production in 2.5- to 4.5-inch pots •Maximum count of smaller leaves leads to more prolific flowering than other minis •Snowridge and flamed types reward growers, retailers and consumers Winfall Pink Flame Winfall Purple Winfall Rose Winfall Salmon Winfall Scarlet Winfall White with their distinctive flower form and pattern •Improved genetics replace Libretto and Midori series and select Miracle colors Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop time: 24–26 Weeks Container Size: 2.5–4.5" plant Height: 6–10" plant Width: 6–10" Colors/Mixes: 9/1 new name: Snowridge purple (Formerly purple picotee) new: Snowridge Wine, Wine NEW Winfall Wine Winfall Snowridge Purple NEW Winfall Snowridge Wine Winfall Pink Flame 14 Winfall Mix SeeD A nnUA LS 12020027_001-016.indd 16 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:25 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Miracle ™ F1 CyCLAMen peRSICUM—MInIAtURe MOUNDED / FALL / WINtER / SPRING / SCENtED •A perfect complement to the Winfall™ series •early, compact and uniform in plant habit and size •Long-lasting, fragrant flowers form bushy bouquets Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop time: 24–26 Weeks Container Size: 2.5–4.5" plant Height: 8–10" plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 3/1 Miracle Series Miracle Deep Rose Miracle Deep Salmon Miracle White with Eye Miracle Flame Mix Winfall Wine S eeD A n n U A L S 12020027_001-016.indd 17 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 15 3/19/12 11:25 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Cyclamen at-a-glance Height Container Size Crop Time Foliage Color Scented Special Notes Winfall™ 6–10" 2.5–4.5" 24–26 Green tightly mounded plants are perfect for fall and winter Miracle™ 8–10" 2.5–4.5" 24–26 Green Complements the Winfall color range Silverado™ 8–10" 3.5–4.5" 24–26 Silver perfect for holiday décor and gift-giving SilverHeart™ 8–10" 3.5–5" 24–26 Green with Silver Heart Just right for Valentine’s Day programs Canto™ 10–12" 4–5" 26–28 Green Long-lasting shelf life Sterling™ 10–12" 4–5" 27–29 Silver perfect for holiday décor and gift-giving Laser Synchro™ 10–12" 4–5" 26–28 Green the industry standard for uniformity Intermediate Laser™ 10–12" 4–5" 26–28 Green Mini Standard Standard Intermediate Intermediate Mini Mini Six classic colors to complement Laser Synchro Sierra Synchro™ 12–14" 5–6.5" 28–32 Green extremely uniform and synchronized flowering Sierra™ 12–14" 5–6.5" 28–32 Green eight classic colors to complement Sierra Synchro Concerto™ 12–14" 5–8" 28–32 Green Ideal for late-season production Rainier™ 14–16" 5–8" 31–35 Green premium florist-quality plants and flowers Friller™ 12–14" 5–6.5" 29–33 Green Fringed petals on early, uniform flowering plants for professional growers Winter Ice™ 12–14" 5–8" 28–32 Silver Distinct silver foliage on strong, full plants Fleur en Vogue™ 12–14" 5–6.5" 28–32 Green Stylish umbrella-shaped flowers Delma™ 12–14" 5–6.5" 31–34 Green Beautiful bicolored fringed petals Standard Mini Standard Mini Intermediate Intermediate Mini Standard Mini Standard Standard Intermediate Intermediate Mini Mini Intermediate Intermediate Standard Intermediate Mini 16 Standard Standard SeeD A nnUA LS 12020027_001-016.indd 18 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:25 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN CYCLAMEN Silverado SilverHeart F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—MInIATuRe F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—MInIATuRe MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED ™ ™ •Silvery foliage sets off bright blooms •unique, eye-catching foliage is covered with silvery hearts •uniform in habit and timing •Great premium retail item—ideal for holiday décor and gift-giving •Slightly more vigorous than the Winfall series •Strong garden performer that handles both heat and frost •Perfect for holiday décor and gift-giving Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Container Size: 24–26 Weeks 3.5–4.5" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 24–26 Weeks Container Size: 3.5–5" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 3/1 4/1 Improved: White SilverHeart Scarlet SilverHeart White SilverHeart Wine Silverado Rose SilverHeart Mix Silverado Scarlet IMP. Silverado White Imp. Silverado Purple Not Shown: Silverado Mix Cyclamen varieties with pure white flowers, including Sterling™ White and Silverado™ White, have a tendency to blush to pink when grown or planted in environments where temperatures fall below 57°F/14°C or rise above 75°F/24°C. To avoid issues with blushing, it’s recommended to not plant these varieties where they will experience these conditions. Other white varieties in the Syngenta Flowers-Goldsmith Seeds assortment do not exhibit this trait and can be grown under a wider temperature range with less likelihood of blushing. SilverHeart Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_017-032.indd 17 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 17 3/19/12 11:22 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN CYCLAMEN Canto Sterling F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—InTeRMedIATe F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—InTeRMedIATe MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED ™ ™ •Tightly mounded plant habit gives better stress tolerance •unique silvery foliage sets off beautiful, fragrant blooms •longer bench/shelf life, especially in off-peak seasons •Tight bloom window offers easy scheduling for holiday sales promotions •Very free flowering with proven landscape performance •Premium plants are great in the landscape and special occasions Minimum Germ: 85% Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 26–28 Weeks Crop Time: 27–29 Weeks Container Size: 4–5" Container Size: 4–5" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 6/1 Colors/Mixes: Canto Deep Rose Canto Red Canto Salmon Sterling Deep Salmon Canto Silver Lavender Canto Violet Canto White Sterling Rose Sterling Wine 7/1 Sterling Pink Sterling Purple Sterling Scarlet and Sterling White Not Shown: Sterling Mix Cyclamen varieties with pure white flowers, including Sterling™ White and Silverado™ White, have a tendency to blush to pink when grown or planted in environments where temperatures fall below 57°F/14°C or rise above 75°F/24°C. To avoid issues with blushing, it’s recommended to not plant these varieties where they will experience these conditions. Other white varieties in the Syngenta Flowers-Goldsmith Seeds assortment do not exhibit this trait and can be grown under a wider temperature range with less likelihood of blushing. Canto Mix 18 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_017-032.indd 18 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Photo: Laser and Sterling in the landscape 12020027_017-032.indd 19 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Laser Synchro ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—InTeRMedIATe MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED •The industry standard for series uniformity! •Synchronized! Featuring 10 of the most uniform, well-matched laser™ colors •Tight flowering window and plant habit provide efficient bench-run sales •early flowering—perfect for peak-season pot and bedding production Laser Synchro Pink Laser Synchro Pink Flame Laser Synchro Purple Laser Synchro Purple Flame •loaded with long-lasting, fragrant blooms Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 26–28 Weeks Container Size: 4–5" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 10/1 Improved: Salmon new: Rose Flame IMP. NEW Laser Synchro Pink Flame 20 Laser Synchro Salmon Imp. Laser Synchro Scarlet Laser Synchro White Laser Synchro Wine Laser Synchro Wine Flame Not Shown: Laser Synchro Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_017-032.indd 20 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Laser Synchro Rose Flame 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Laser ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—InTeRMedIATe MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED •Six classic colors and two mixes Laser Fuchsia Laser Lilac Laser Orchid Laser Rose Laser Salmon Flame Laser White with Eye Laser Mix Laser Flame Mix Laser Mix Laser Flame Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_017-032.indd 21 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 21 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Sierra Synchro ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / ScENTED •Outstanding uniformity for the most efficient scheduling and production •Synchronized! Featuring eight of the best-matched Sierra™ colors •use for early and peak-season production •Slightly more compact than Concerto™; great for higher-density growing •High bloom counts of huge, showy and scented flowers Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 28–32 Weeks Container Size: 5–6.5" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 8/1 Sierra Synchro Scarlet 22 Sierra Synchro Deep Rose Sierra Synchro Deep Salmon Sierra Synchro Light Pink with Eye Sierra Synchro Purple Sierra Synchro Rose Sierra Synchro Scarlet Sierra Synchro White Sierra Synchro Wine Flame Sierra Synchro Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_017-032.indd 22 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Sierra ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / ScENTED •eight classic colors and two mixes Sierra Fuchsia Sierra Lilac Sierra Purple Flame Sierra Rose Flame Sierra Salmon Sierra Salmon with Eye Sierra White with Eye Sierra Wine Sierra Flame Mix S eed A n n u A l S Not Shown: Sierra Mix 12020027_017-032.indd 23 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 23 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Photo: Rainer Pink 12020027_017-032.indd 24 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN CYCLAMEN Concerto Rainier F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / ScENTED MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER / SPRING / ScENTED ™ ™ •Strong, well-branched plants with large flowers are perfect for •The perfect choice for high-quality retail outlets premium sales outlets •Produces masses of large, premium flowers on strong, thick stems •Very free flowering and central flowering, offering great retail appeal •Grows easily at cooler temperatures for late-season finishing •Tight plant habit and better stress tolerance mean longer shelf life in off-peak seasons •Well-branched, vigorous habit and uniform flowering allow for bench-run sales Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 28–32 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: Plant Width: Colors/Mixes: 5–8" Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 31–35 Weeks Container Size: 12–14" 12–14" 6/1 5–8" Plant Height: 14–16" Plant Width: 14–16" Colors/Mixes: 11/1 Improved: White new: White with eye, Wine Flame Concerto Purple Concerto Salmon Concerto Red Concerto Violet Concerto Rose Pink Rainier Light Pink with Eye Rainier Lilac Rainier Pink Rainier Purple Flame Rainier Rose Rainier Salmon Concerto White Concerto Mix IMP. NEW Rainier Scarlet Rainier White with Eye Rainier White Imp. Concerto Mix NEW Rainier Wine Flame Rainier Mix Not Shown: Rainier Purple S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_017-032.indd 25 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 25 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Friller ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER •The first unique, fringed type on the market to fully meet the needs of the professional grower and retail market •Abundant, frilly blooms time one week later than Sierra,™ but up to three weeks earlier than other fringed types •True F1 vigor, uniformity and branching for premium finished plants Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 29–33 Weeks Container Size: 5–6.5" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 5/2 new: Wine Friller Flame Mix Friller Purple Friller Salmon Friller Scarlet Friller White NEW 26 Seed A nnuA lS Friller Wine 12020027_017-032.indd 26 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Friller Mix 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN Winter Ice ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER •unique! each leaf is edged with a wide silvery band •Pops out on the retail bench with large, bright flowers and contrasting leaf pattern •Strong, premium plants feature thick stems and abundant flowers •Very suitable for growing under winter conditions Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 28–32 Weeks Container Size: 5–8" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 5/1 Winter Ice Mix Winter Ice Purple Winter Ice Rose Winter Ice Salmon Winter Ice Scarlet Winter Ice White Winter Ice Mix Winter Ice White S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_017-032.indd 27 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 27 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CYCLAMEN CYCLAMEN Fleur en Vogue ™ NEW SERIES Delma ™ F1 CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd CYClAMen PeRSICuM—STAndARd MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER MOUNDED / FALL / WINTER •new flower form! Plants are loaded with umbrella-like blooms that are •Beautiful burgundy-edged, fringed petals totally unique to the market •Vigorous plants with large blooms on strong, sturdy stems •High-quality, novelty type that stimulates premium retail sales •More vigorous than Sierra™ •large plants are suitable for 5- to 6.5-inch pots and premium containers Special note: up to 35% of plant population will flower with standard cyclamen flowers. These plants are high quality and fully saleable. Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 28–32 Weeks Container Size: 5–6.5" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 31–34 Weeks Container Size: 5–6.5" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 2/0 new: Purple, White NEW Fleur en Vogue White NEW Fleur en Vogue Purple 28 Delma Victoria Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_017-032.indd 28 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DAHLIA DAHLIA Fresco Harlequin dAHlIA X HYBRIdA dAHlIA X HYBRIdA ™ ™ UPRIGHT / SPRING POT cROP / UPRIGHT / SPRING •loaded with fully double blooms •unique, semi-double bicolor mixture grabs attention at retail •uniform in height, habit and timing •early, uniform and well branched •Brilliantly colored mixture Minimum Germ: Minimum Germ: 70% Seed Form: Raw, Film Coated Crop Time: 9–10 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: Plant Width: Colors/Mixes: Seed Form: Raw, Film Coated Crop Time: 8–9 Weeks Container Size: large Packs, 4–6" Pots Plant Height: Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 7–9" 70% 4" and larger 12–14" 7–9" 0/1 0/1 Fresco Mix Harlequin Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_017-032.indd 29 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 29 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DIANTHUS Dianthus at-a-glance Species Habit Flower Size Height Crop Time Scented Special Notes Barbarini® (see Perennials) barbatus Vigorous Mounded 1" 8–12" 13–17 First year flowering, classic, perennial Sweet William Diabunda™ x barbatus Compact Mounded 1" 6–8" 10–12 Sweet William-like flowers that bloom reliably early, even under low light conditions Dulce™ barbatus x chinensis Vigorous Mounded 1.5" 10–12" 12–15 Fusarium tolerance offers longerlasting landscape performance Charms™ chinensis Compact Mounded 2" 8–10" 15–18 Award-winning series with large, showy flowers Super Parfait™ chinensis Compact Mounded 2" 6–8" 15–18 large, showy, bicolor flowers are consumer favorites Venti Parfait™ chinensis Compact Mounded 2.5" 6–8" 15–18 extra large, bicolor flowers shine at retail Photo: Diabunda Purple Picotee 30 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_017-032.indd 30 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DIANTHUS Diabunda ™ F1 dIAnTHuS X BARBATuS MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL / ScENTED •Finally, a Sweet William with early, uniform flowering and a compact habit •uniform habit and timing for easy and efficient production •Faster and easier to flower for early spring and fall sales compared to traditional barbatus types •Full, branched plants look great at retail Minimum Germ: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 10–12 Weeks Packs, 4–6", Gallons Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: Diabunda Red Picotee 90% Seed Form: Container Size: Diabunda Red 7/1 Diabunda Rose Diabunda Crimson Diabunda Pink Pearl Diabunda Purple Diabunda Purple Picotee Diabunda Red S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_017-032.indd 31 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 31 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DIANTHUS DIANTHUS Dulce Charms F1 dIAnTHuS BARBATuS X CHInenSIS F1 dIAnTHuS CHInenSIS MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL / ScENTED MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL / ScENTED ™ ™ •Produces large, showy flowers on compact plants with outstanding •Fusarium tolerant for success in the landscape! retail appeal •Better garden vigor—blooms freely from early spring well into summer heat •large, showy flowers shine at retail and in the landscape •Tolerates light frost—a great season extender Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 12–15 Weeks Container Size: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: Dulce Pink •Include Charms in your season-extender program Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 15–18 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6", Gallons Plant Height: •Vigorous growth fills containers and is great for garden beds Packs, 4–6", Gallons Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 5/1 4/1 Dulce Violet Dulce White Dulce White to Pink Charms Magic Mix Not Shown: Charms Coral, Charms Crimson Charms Scarlet and Charms White , Charms Pink, Dulce VIolet Not Shown: Dulce Mix 32 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_017-032.indd 32 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:23 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DIANTHUS DIANTHUS Super Parfait Venti Parfait F1 dIAnTHuS CHInenSIS F1 dIAnTHuS CHInenSIS MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL / ScENtED MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL / ScENtED ™ ™ •large, showy, bicolor flowers drive early-spring retail traffic •economical to produce—adaptable to high-density systems and require minimal heating inputs •Well branched and vigorous growing in the garden, for extended- season color •Venti Parfait is covered with super-sized flowers for incredible retail appeal Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 15–18 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6", Gallons Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: Super Parfait 3/1; Venti Parfait 1/0 Super Parfait Raspberry Super Parfait Red Peppermint Super Parfait Strawberry Super Parfait Mix Venti Parfait Crimson Eye Venti Parfait Crimson Eye S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_033-048.indd 33 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 33 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GAZANIA Kiss ™ F1 GAZAnIA RIGenS MOUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAt LOvERS •Multiple large blooms on tightly mounded plants work perfectly in premium 4-inch pots and larger •uniform habit and flowering for easy production, even at higher densities •The silver leaves on Frosty Kiss varieties offer added contrast in the garden and in mixed containers •loves it hot! Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 13–15 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 15/5 new: Frosty Red Improved: Yellow Kiss and Tell Mix NEW Kiss Bronze Kiss Bronze Star Kiss Frosty Red Kiss Frosty White Kiss Frosty White Flame Kiss Frosty Yellow Kiss Golden Flame Kiss Golden Yellow Kiss Mahogany Kiss Orange Kiss Orange Flame Kiss Rose Kiss Yellow Flame Kiss Mix Kiss and Tell Mix Kiss Flame Mix IMP. 34 Kiss White Kiss Yellow Imp. Kiss Frosty Flame Mix Kiss Frosty Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 34 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GAZANIA GAZANIA Big Kiss Gazoo F1 GAZAnIA RIGenS GAZAnIA RIGenS MOUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAt LOvERS MOUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAt LOvERS ™ ™ •Huge 4.5-inch blooms held en masse above the foliage make striking displays at retail and in the garden •Bright, clear colors make a unique addition to the traditional gazania assortment •Full, bushy plants fill large containers quickly •large flowers catch attention at retail and in the garden •A unique, heat-loving product that extends the season for premium •Ideally suited for production in pots and patio planters retail sales •loves the heat! Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Container Size: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 13–15 Weeks 13–15 Weeks 4–6" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: Minimum Germ: Container Size: Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" 2/1 Colors/Mixes: Big Kiss White Flame Big Kiss Yellow Flame Big Kiss Mix Big Kiss White Flame 4–6" 6/1 Gazoo Clear Orange Gazoo Clear Vanilla Gazoo Clear Yellow Gazoo Orange with Ring Gazoo Red with Ring Gazoo Yellow with Ring Gazoo Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_033-048.indd 35 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 35 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM Pinto Premium ™ F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM UPRIGHt / SPRING / HEAt LOvERS •The geranium market leader—improved for earliness, uniformity and habit •Well-branched, vigorous plants adapt easily to high-density production in pots or large packs, and respond readily to PGRs •uniform, early flowering makes programming and growing for early spring promotions a snap •large flowers on shorter stems are easy to ship and hold up better Pinto Premium Coral Pinto Premium Deep Red Pinto Premium Deep Rose Pinto Premium Lavender Pinto Premium Salmon Pinto Premium Salmon Splash Pinto Premium Scarlet Pinto Premium Violet at retail •Outstanding garden performance—vigorous plants fill beds and containers with masses of color Pinto Premium & Pinto Classic Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Coated Crop Time: Premium: 12–13 Weeks; Classic: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: Premium: large Packs, 4"; Classic: large Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: Premium: 13–15"; Classic: 14–16" Plant Width: Premium: 11–13"; Classic: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: Premium: 8/0; Classic: 4/1 Pinto Premium Salmon 36 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 36 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM Pinto ™ F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM •Four more classic colors and a mix complement the Pinto Premium range Pinto Bicolor Pinto Blush Pinto Pink Pinto White Not Shown: Pinto Mix Geranium at-a-glance Habit Height Container Size Crop Time Special Notes Pinto™ Premium Vigorous 13–15" large Packs, 4" 12–13 The market leader—improved for earliness, uniformity and habit Pinto™ Vigorous 14–16" large Packs, 4–6" 12–14 Branched habit with strong vigor for premium, high-density production Maverick™ Vigorous 14–16" 4–6" 12–15 Most vigorous, yet adaptable to high-density production BullsEye™ Intermediate 13–15" 4–6" 13–15 Rich, chocolate foliage and high-quality flowers are great for premium retail programs Ringo 2000™ Intermediate 12–14" Packs, 4" 11–13 economically produced for the earliest spring promotions Orbit Synchro™ Intermediate 12–14" 3–6" 13–14 Synchronized selection of popular colors for programmable production Orbit™ Intermediate 12–14" 3–6" 13–14 Seven classic colors Elite™ dwarf 10–12" Packs, 4" 13–14 Compact plants and short flower stems make for easy racking and shipping Multibloom™ dwarf 10–12" Packs, 4" 11–12 An average of 15-20 blooms on naturally dwarf plants are great for small packs Tornado™ Ivy 8–10" 4–8", Baskets 12–16 An economical seed alternative for ivy geranium production S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_033-048.indd 37 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 37 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM Maverick ™ F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM UPRIGHt / SPRING / HEAt LOvERS •High-quality, vigorous plants quickly fill larger pots and also respond readily to PGRs for easy, high-density production •Classic geranium habit combined with early and free-flowering nature Maverick Appleblossom Maverick Coral Maverick Lavender Maverick Light Salmon Maverick Orange Maverick Pink •large, premium flowers have high retail impact •Strong garden vigor fills beds quickly for season-long color Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Coated Crop Time: 12–15 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" Plant Height: 14–16" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 16/1 NEW new: Rose Maverick Scarlet 38 Maverick Quicksilver Maverick Red Maverick Rose Maverick Salmon Maverick Salmon Confetti Maverick Scarlet Maverick Scarlet Eye Maverick Star Maverick Violet Maverick White Maverick Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 38 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM GERANIUM BullsEye Ringo 2000 F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM UPRIGHt / SPRING UPRIGHt / SPRING ™ ™ •Rich, chocolate foliage makes for an eye-catching geranium worthy •The perfect series for economically meeting early-season promotions of a premium price! •Versatile, intermediate branching habit effortlessly accommodates •large, high-quality flowers have outstanding retail appeal tighter spacing •Works well alone or in mixed containers where the foliage provides •Blooms ultra-early, yet provides outstanding garden performance added interest Minimum Germ: •High-quality, vigorous plants respond readily to PGRs for easy high-density production Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Coated Crop Time: 13–15 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: 13–15" Plant Width: 11–13" Colors/Mixes: Coated Crop Time: 11–13 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" 90% Seed Form: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 11/0 5/1 new: Red Ringo 2000 Cardinal Ringo 2000 Deep Red Ringo 2000 Deep Rose Ringo 2000 Deep Scarlet Ringo 2000 Lavender Ringo 2000 Pink Ringo 2000 Rose Star Ringo 2000 Salmon Ringo 2000 Scarlet Star Ringo 2000 Violet Ringo 2000 White NEW BullsEye Cherry BullsEye Light Pink BullsEye Red BullsEye Salmon BullsEye Scarlet BullsEye Mix BullsEye Salmon S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_033-048.indd 39 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 39 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM Orbit Synchro & Orbit ™ ™ F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM Plus... seven classic colors UPRIGHt / SPRING •Five well-matched colors for easy, programmable production •uniform, intermediate-size plants work well in both large packs and 3- to 4-inch pots •large, well-rounded flower heads shine above basal-branching plants Orbit Synchro and Orbit Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Coated Crop Time: 13–14 Weeks Container Size: 12–14" Plant Width: 10–12" Orbit Synchro Appleblossom Orbit Synchro Salmon Orbit Deep Salmon Orbit Orchid Orbit Pink Orbit Red Orbit Rose 3–6" Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: Orbit Cardinal Orbit Synchro: 5/0; Orbit: 7/0 Orbit Synchro Hot Pink Orbit Synchro Scarlet Orbit Violet Orbit Synchro White 40 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 40 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:41 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM GERANIUM Elite Multibloom F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM F1 PelARGOnIuM X HORTORuM / GeRAnIuM DWARF / UPRIGHt / SPRING DWARF / UPRIGHt / SPRING ™ ™ •Compact, branched plants are ideal for high-density production in small pots and packs •Genetic dwarf—Multibloom is easy to finish in jumbos and 4-inch pots with little-to-no PGRs •early and free flowering with short flower stems to facilitate shipping •extremely early flowering provides super-fast cropping! •Tidy plants are perfect for use in mixed color bowls and garden borders •Incredible flower power—15 to 20 blooms per plant Minimum Germ: Seed Form: Coated Crop Time: 13–14 Weeks Container Size: Minimum Germ: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: •Ideal for container gardening and small garden bed 90% Coated Crop Time: 11–12 Weeks Container Size: 6/1 90% Seed Form: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 12/1 new: Violet Improved: lavender Elite Cherry Elite Pink Elite Red IMP. Elite Salmon Elite Scarlet Multibloom Capri Multibloom Coral CZ Multibloom Lavender Imp. Multibloom Orchid Multibloom Pink Multibloom Red Multibloom Salmon Multibloom Scarlet Multibloom Scarlet Eye Multibloom Violet CZ Multibloom White Elite Mix Elite White Not Shown: Multibloom Violet and Multibloom Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_033-048.indd 41 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 41 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM GERBERA Tornado Jaguar F1 PelARGOnIuM PelTATuM / IVY GeRAnIuM F1 GeRBeRA JAMeSOnII tRAILING / SPRING UPRIGHt / YEAR-ROUND ™ ™ •An economical seed alternative for ivy-geranium production •The earliest and most uniform gerbera series on the market today •no pinching or PGRs needed—naturally trailing and free flowering •Strong retail appeal—Jaguar displays three to five blooms per plant with excellent lateral branching at first flush •Flowers significantly earlier than other seed varieties •Short, thick flower stems and a space-saving footprint simplify production and shipping to maximize profits Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Coated Crop Time: 12–16 Weeks Container Size: 8–10" Plant Width: 12–14" Tornado Bicolor Duet Tornado Lilac Tornado Rose 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Winter/Spring: 17–19 Weeks; Summer: 16–18 Weeks 4–8", Baskets Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: Minimum Germ: Container Size: 8/1 Tornado Carmine Tornado Pink Tornado White 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 16/5 Tornado Fuchsia Jaguar Deep Orange Jaguar Deep Rose Jaguar Fire Jaguar Fire Dark Center Jaguar Orange Picotee Jaguar Pink Tornado Red Tornado Mix Jaguar Rose Dark Center Jaguar Red Jaguar Rose Picotee Tornado Carmine 42 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 42 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERBERA Jaguar ™ F1 GeRBeRA JAMeSOnII Jaguar Salmon Pastels Jaguar Scarlet Shades Dark Center Jaguar Tangerine Jaguar Tangerine Dark Center Jaguar White Jaguar Yellow Dark Center Jaguar Yellow Jaguar Mix Jaguar Fall Colors Mix Jaguar Salsa Mix Jaguar Deep Rose Jaguar Valentine Mix Jaguar Springtime Mix Jaguar Deep Orange S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_033-048.indd 43 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 43 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERBERA GERBERA Cartwheel ™ NEW SERIES Elephant ™ F1 GeRBeRA JAMeSOnII F1 GeRBeRA JAMeSOnII POt cROP / UPRIGHt / YEAR-ROUND POt cROP / UPRIGHt / YEAR-ROUND NEW SERIES •large, semi-double flowers capture attention at retail •Totally unique item for the grower looking to differentiate •A distinctive flower form and vigorous plant habit are perfectly suited •SuPeR-huge flowers held high on sturdy, thick stems above robust, for 5-inch and larger premium programs beefy plants •Rich, continually blooming colors add depth to seasonal displays •Seed item! easy planning and more economical production—a clear alternative to tissue-culture liners •excellent for use as a pot crop or a “WOW” retail-ready planter •Ship with ease—no broken stems during transport or merchandising Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Winter/Spring: 18–20 Weeks; Summer: 17-19 Weeks Container Size: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Winter/Spring: 18–20 Weeks; Summer: 17-19 Weeks 5" and larger Plant Height: 16–18" Plant Width: 12–16" Colors/Mixes: Minimum Germ: Container Size: 3/0 6" and larger Plant Height: 16–18" Plant Width: 12–16" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 new: Autum Colors*, Glowing ember, Chardonnay new: Scarlet *now part of the Cartwheel series NEW Cartwheel Autumn Colors NEW Cartwheel Glowing Ember 44 NEW Cartwheel Chardonnay NEW Elephant Scarlet Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 44 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS Tumbler ™ NEW SERIES F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA tRAILING / SPRING •Bred specifically for baskets and mixed containers •Vigorous spreading habit offers growers much faster pot fill with fewer plants •Plants trail downward, placing more color at eye level versus NEW traditional impatiens Tumbler Pink Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 9−12 Weeks Container Size: Tumbler Rose 4−6", Gallons, Baskets Plant Height: 12−14" Plant Width: 24−30" Colors/Mixes: NEW 8/0 NEW new: Pink, Rose, Rose Star, Salmon, Scarlet, Violet, Violet Star and White Tumbler Salmon NEW Tumbler Violet Star NEW Tumbler White Tumbler Salmon (single plant) Not Shown: Tumbler Rose Star, Tumbler Scarlet and Tumbler Violet 12020027_033-048.indd 45 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette S eed A n n u A l S 45 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS Accent Premium ™ F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA MOUNDED / SPRING •The impatiens series of choice when large, high-quality blooms and strong garden vigor matter most •Improved for easier production with more uniform flowering and a better branching habit •Ideally suited for 4-inch pots and premium containers, but versatile enough to work in large packs Accent Premium Pink Accent Premium Red Accent Premium Rose Accent Premium Salmon Accent Premium Violet Accent Premium Violet Star •Perfectly meets the growing trend towards larger plants and containers that can provide instant color and fill in the home garden •Strong vigor withstands cooler temperatures and other environmental stresses Accent Premium and Accent Classic Minimum Germ: 95% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Container Size: 10–11 Weeks large Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: Accent Premium: 11/5; Accent Classic: 11/3 new: Mystic Mix, Pastel Mix, Peppermint Mix Accent Premium Bright Eye Accent Premium Deep Orange NEW Accent Premium White Accent Premium Peppermint Mix Not shown: Accent Premium Limited Edition Mix, Accent Premium Mystic Mix, Accent Premium Pastel Mix and Accent Premium Mix Accent Premium Lilac 46 Accent Premium Orange Star Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_033-048.indd 46 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS Accent ™ F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA MOUNDED / SPRING eleven classic colors and three mixes Accent Burgundy Accent Coral Accent Deep Pink Accent Lavender Blue Accent Midnight Rose Accent Orange Accent Cranberry Punch Mix Accent Sunrise Mix Accent Star Mix Accent Pink Picotee Not shown: Accent Red Star, Accent Rose Star, Accent Salmon Picotee and Accent Watermelon 12020027_033-048.indd 47 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette S eed A n n u A l S 47 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Photo: Xtreme Violet 12020027_033-048.indd 48 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:42 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS Xtreme ™ F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA MOUNDED / SPRING •Perfect for high-volume, high-density production with no compromise in plant quality at retail or in the landscape •uniform and early flowering with short internodes and incredible branching across the series •non-stretching habit extends shelf life with minimal-to-no PGRs •large, premium flowers look better and hold longer on the retail bench, generating higher sales and reduced shrink Minimum Germ: 95% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 9–10 Weeks Container Size: Xtreme Lavender Xtreme Lilac Xtreme Orange Xtreme Pink Xtreme Red Xtreme Rose Xtreme Salmon Xtreme Scarlet Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: Xtreme Deep Salmon 11/9 Xtreme Violet Xtreme White Xtreme Mix Xtreme Hot! Mix Xtreme Little Gem Mix Xtreme Orange Parfait Mix Xtreme Pastel Mix Xtreme Rosey Mix Xtreme Sapphire Mix Xtreme Tango Mix Xtreme Utopia Mix Xtreme Tango Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_049-064.indd 49 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 49 3/19/12 11:45 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS IMPATIENS Blitz 3000 Mosaic F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA MOUNDED / SPRING MOUNDED / SPRING ™ ™ •extra-large, showy flowers and amazing vigor •unique, speckled flowers add sparkle to semi-shady garden beds and containers •excellent branching and a manageable habit •differentiates the retail offer with high-quality, uniquely patterned flowers •A great choice for northern climates—Blitz 3000 fills in better in cool weather and flowers earlier in low light •Strong landscape vigor and flowering generate repeat sales Minimum Germ: 90% Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 11–12 Weeks Crop Time: 10–11 Weeks Container Size: 4–6", Baskets Container Size: Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 9/1 Colors/Mixes: Blitz 3000 Deep Orange Blitz 3000 Deep Pink Blitz 3000 Red Blitz 3000 Red Star Blitz 3000 Rose Blitz 3000 Rose Star Mosaic Impressions Mix Blitz 3000 Salmon Blitz 3000 Violet Blitz 3000 White Mosaic Coral 4/1 Mosaic Lilac Mosaic Red Not Shown: Blitz 3000 Mix Mosaic Rose 50 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 50 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:46 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS LAURENTIA Victorian Rose Starshine F1 IMPATIenS WAlleRIAnA F1 lAuRenTIA AXIllARIS MOUNDED / SPRING MOUNDED / SPRING ™ •Semi-double, rose-like blooms are a hit on the retail bench •Perfect for added-value premium pots, containers and hanging baskets •Outstanding garden performance and unique flowering earned Victorian Rose awards from both Fleuroselect and All-America Selections Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 10–11 Weeks Container Size: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: •Rounded and mounding habit with unique, star-shaped flowers •Ideal in baskets or as a component in premium mixed containers— a great alternative to cuttings •Well-branched plants flower without the need for long days, unlike other varieties •Free-flowering, early-season annual with very good heat tolerance Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: ™ Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 17–20 Weeks Container Size: 1/0 4", Baskets Plant Height: 8–12" Plant Width: 8–12" Colors/Mixes: Starshine Blue 2/0 Starshine Pink Victorian Rose Starshine Blue S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_049-064.indd 51 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 51 3/19/12 11:46 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD Antigua Inca II F1 TAGeTeS eReCTA / MARIGOld F1 TAGeTeS eReCTA / MARIGOld DWARF / UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER INTERMEDIATE / UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER ™ ™ •Provides •The preferred choice of growers for high-density production fast and reliable flowering to meet the growing demand for retail-ready containers •less day-length sensitivity makes Antigua easy to schedule and grow •early •Strong bloom stems support beautifully rounded 3-inch flowers that hold up in shipping •naturally dwarf and branching plants fit perfectly on racks with little-to- flowering, even under increasing day lengths, simplifies production •Bred for a uniform habit across the series with large, double flowers no PGRs required •Free-flowering plants bloom continuously for season-long color Minimum Germ: Seed Form: Crop Time: Container Size: 85% 10–12 Weeks Packs, 4" 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" 85% Seed Form: detailed, Pelleted Crop Time: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: detailed, Pelleted Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: Minimum Germ: Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 4/1 4/1 Inca II Gold Antigua Gold Inca II Orange Antigua Orange Antigua Orange Inca II Mix Inca II Yellow Inca II Mix Antigua Primrose Antigua Mix 52 Inca II Primrose Antigua Yellow Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 52 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:46 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD Moonstruck Moonsong F1 TAGeTeS eReCTA / MARIGOld F1 TAGeTeS eReCTA / MARIGOld INTERMEDIATE / UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOvERS INTERMEDIATE / UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOvERS ® ® •Vigorous plants and saturated colors meet the demand for instant, high-impact color at retail and in the garden •Incredible color—deepest orange on the market today •excellent branching and stem strength provide premium retail and •Superior quality flowers and strong branching make Moonstruck the best choice for premium production in large packs and pots landscape displays •large, fully double flower heads shed water for longer-lasting color •Retailers and home gardeners benefit from the huge, super-dense blooms that repel water and last longer Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: detailed, Coated Crop Time: 12–13 Weeks Container Size: large Packs, 4–6", Gallons Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: Moonstruck Deep Orange Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: detailed, Coated Crop Time: 12–13 Weeks Container Size: 4–6", Gallons Plant Height: 12–15" Plant Width: 11–14" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 4/0 Moonstruck Lemon Yellow Moonstruck Orange Moonstruck Yellow Moonsong Deep Orange Moonstruck Yellow S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_049-064.indd 53 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 53 3/19/12 11:47 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 MARIGOLD NICOTIANA Perfection Saratoga F1 TAGeTeS eReCTA / MARIGOld F1 nICOTIAnA X AlATA TALL / UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER UPRIGHT / SPRING ™ ™ •Perfection is the landscaper’s marigold of choice for color and height in the garden •Bushy plants are easy to manage and bloom in packs and small containers •Vigorous branching habit and fine texture create bright retail displays •eye-catching flowers are held upright for maximum visual impact that draw gardeners in •Great used in sunny or shaded garden beds and as accent plants •large, high-quality flowers exhibit superior weather tolerance Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: detailed, Pelleted Crop Time: Container Size: in combo pots Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Pelleted 13–14 Weeks Crop Time: 9–11 Weeks 4–6", Gallons Container Size: Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 14–16" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 12–14" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 3/1 Colors/Mixes: 6/1 Saratoga Appleblossom Saratoga Lime Saratoga Purple Bicolor Saratoga Red Saratoga Rose Saratoga White Perfection Mix Perfection Gold Perfection Orange Perfection Yellow Perfection Mix 54 Saratoga Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 54 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:47 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ORNAMENTAL PEPPER OSTEOSPERMUM Explosive Asti CAPSICuM FRuTeSCenS / ORnAMenTAl PePPeR F1 OSTeOSPeRMuM eCKlOnIS MOUNDING / SPRING / FALL MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL ™ •unique purple foliage and purple-to-red conical fruit •Versatile! Seasonal pot plant, unique combo component or bedding plant ™ •The first osteo from seed available in separate colors continues to lead the market in color selection •enjoy the benefits of seed vs. cutting—no virus, tag or royalty issues •no vernalization needed Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 17–20 Weeks Container Size: Jumbo, 4–6" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: •Very uniform from sow to flower Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 14–18 Weeks Container Size: 1/0 4–6" Plant Height: 17–20" Plant Width: 17–20" Colors/Mixes: 4/1 new: Purple Bicolor Asti Lavender Shades NEW Explosive Ember Asti Lavender Shades Asti Purple Asti White Asti Mix Asti Purple Bicolor S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_049-064.indd 55 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 55 3/19/12 11:47 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY WonderFall ™ NEW SERIES F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY - TRAIlInG MEDIUM FLOWERED / TRAILING / SPRING / FALL •High-quality, classic pansy flowers on extremely trailing and floriferous plants •Vigorous branching habit requires fewer plants per container •unique “spiller" for premium containers and hanging baskets NEW •Spreading habit in the landscape for maximum color coverage WonderFall Blue Picotee Shades Minimum Germ: Raw Crop Time: Spring: 10–12 Weeks; Fall: 9–11 Weeks Quarts, 6" and Baskets Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 18–24" Colors/Mixes: WonderFall Lavender Picotee Shades 90% Seed Form: Container Size: NEW 5/0 new: Blue Picotee Shades, lavender Picotee Shades, Purple and Blue Shades, Rose Shades with Face, Yellow with Red Wing NEW NEW WonderFall Purple and Blue Shades WonderFall Rose Shades with Face NEW WonderFall Yellow with Red Wing WonderFall Blue Picotee Shades 56 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 56 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:47 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Photo: WonderFall Lavender Picotee Shades 12020027_049-064.indd 57 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:48 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Mammoth ® F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY HUGE FLOWERED / MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL •Huge flowers and the vigor needed for superior production •uniform blooming window across the series •Strong branching plants quickly fill the pot •large, flat flowers offer maximum visual impact Minimum Germ: Seed Form: Crop Time: Container Size: 90% Raw, Primed Spring: 12–14 Weeks; Fall: 10–12 Weeks 4", large Pots, Baskets Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 12/2 Mammoth Series 58 Mammoth Big Red Mammoth Blue-ti-ful Mammoth Deep Blue Dazzle Mammoth Prima Yellorina Mammoth Queen Yellow Bee Mammoth Rocky Rose Mammoth Sangria Punch Mammoth Viva La Violet Mammoth White Hot Mammoth Mix Mammoth Masquerade Mix Mammoth Glamarama White Mammoth On Fire Mammoth Pink Berry Mammoth On Fire Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 58 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:49 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Colossus ™ F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY HUGE FLOWERED / MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL •The best choice for growers who face hot production conditions •Huge, upward-facing blooms on plants with flat, tight habits that fill pots quickly •easier to produce, requiring little-to-no PGRs, offering longer shelf life Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: Spring: 13–14 Weeks; Fall: 11–12 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 4–5" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 17/2 Colossus Deep Blue with Blotch Colossus Fire Colossus Lavender Medley Colossus Yellow Colossus Lemon Shades Colossus Neon Violet Colossus Ocean Colossus Pure Rose Colossus Purple with Blotch Colossus Red with Blotch Colossus Rose Medley Colossus Rose with Blotch Colossus Tricolor Colossus White Colossus White with Blotch Colossus White with Purple Wing Colossus Yellow Colossus Yellow with Blotch Colossus Mix Colossus Blotched Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_049-064.indd 59 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 59 3/19/12 11:50 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Delta Premium ™ F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY LARGE FLOWERED / MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL •More growers use delta than any other pansy in the world NEW •delta Premium is the standard by which all other pansies are measured—the best uniformity in habit, timing and manageability •Tightly branched and non-stretching habit requires less PGRs Delta Premium Pure Lemon Delta Premium Pure Light Blue Delta Premium Pure Orange Delta Premium Pure Primrose Delta Premium Pure Violet Delta Premium Pure White Delta Premium Pure Yellow Delta Premium Red with Blotch Delta Premium Rose with Blotch •earlier to bloom and more free-flowering than other series •Overwinters well and rebounds from severe weather Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: Spring: 11–13 Weeks; Fall: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4", Baskets Plant Height: 4–6" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: Premium: 24/2; Classic: 7/17 new: Premium Blue with Blotch, Premium Pure Orange Improved: Premium Gold with Blotch, Premium True Blue NEW Delta Premium Beaconsfield IMP. Delta Premium Blue with Blotch Delta Premium Deep Blue with Blotch Delta Premium Tapestry Delta Premium True Blue Imp. Delta Premium Violet & White Delta Premium Gold with Blotch Imp. Delta Premium Marina Delta Premium Neon Violet Delta Premium White with Blotch Delta Premium Yellow with Purple Wing Delta Premium Yellow with Blotch Delta Premium Persian Medley Delta Premium Primrose with Blotch Delta Premium Pure Golden Yellow Delta Premium Blotch Mix Delta Premium Mix IMP. 60 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 60 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:51 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Delta ™ F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY •Trusted the world over for their outstanding pedigree, all delta colors offer ease of growing •These original colors exhibit slightly more vigor vs. the delta Premium colors Delta Series Delta Fire Delta Lavender Blue Shades Delta Orange with Blotch Delta Pink Shades Delta Pure Red Delta Pure Rose Delta Yellow with Red Wing Delta Apple Cider Mix Delta Berry Tart Mix Delta Blaze Mix Delta Blotch Mix Delta Buttered Popcorn Mix Delta Monet Mix Delta Pumpkin Pie Mix Delta Citrus Mix Delta Cool Water Mix Delta Cotton Candy Mix Delta Fruit Salad Mix Delta Pure Colors Mix Delta Wine and Cheese Mix Delta Tri-Color Mix Delta Watercolors Mix Delta does it all! Visit to learn more about the world’s best pansy Not Shown: Delta Mix and Delta Strawberry Shortcake Mix 12020027_049-064.indd 61 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette S eed A n n u A l S 61 3/19/12 11:51 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Karma ™ F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY LARGE FLOWERED / MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL •More vigorous than delta Premium, Karma responds well to PGRs and traditional growing practices NEW •Robust plants are early to flower, feature strong root systems and readily fill packs and pots Karma Light Blue Karma Midnight Sun Karma Pink with Blotch Karma Primrose Karma Purple Karma Purple Wing •Short, sturdy stems support large blooms •establish quickly in the landscape, offering superior garden vigor Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: Spring: 12–14 Weeks; Fall: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 27/4 NEW new: Copperfield, Pink with Blotch, Rising Sun*, Strawberry Cream* Karma Red with Blotch Karma Rising Sun Karma Rose Improved: Violet with Face, Yellow with Blotch *Formerly from designer Collection™ NEW Karma Rose with Blotch Karma Rose Fire Karma Strawberry Cream IMP. Karma Beaconsfield Karma Blue with Blotch Karma Blue Butterfly Karma True Blue Karma Violet with Face Imp. Karma Yellow IMP. NEW Karma Copperfield Karma Deep Blue with Blotch Karma Deep Orange Karma Denim Karma Fire Karma Lavender Shades Karma Yellow with Blotch Imp. Karma White with Blotch 62 Not Shown: Karma White, Karma Blaze Mix, Karma Clear Mix, Karma Citrus Mix and Karma Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_049-064.indd 62 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:52 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Mariposa ™ F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY MEDIUM FLOWERED / MOUNDED / SPRING •The multiflora of pansy! •excellent for spring production; also a great all-season performer •Well-branched plants quickly fill pots Mariposa Black Mariposa Blue with Blotch Mariposa Blue Over Yellow Mariposa Fire Mariposa Light Blue Mariposa Marina Mariposa Orange Mariposa Orange with Blotch Mariposa Peach Shades Mariposa Rose with Blotch Mariposa True Blue Mariposa Violet with Face •Fast finishing for bench-run sales •unique patterns and colors appeal to the impulse shopper Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: Spring: 12–14 Weeks; Fall: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 19/2 Mariposa Purple Mariposa Red with Blotch Mariposa Red Wing Mariposa White Mariposa White with Blotch Mariposa Yellow Mariposa Yellow with Blotch Mariposa Blotch Mix Mariposa Mix Mariposa Marina S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_049-064.indd 63 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 63 3/19/12 11:52 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PANSY Sky ™ F1 VIOlA WITTROCKIAnA / PAnSY MEDIUM FLOWERED / MOUNDED / SPRING •Reliable, trusted pansy series in the mid-sized class •Premium flower quality withstands extreme weather—top-rated in overwintering trials •Consistently compact and well-branched habit •extremely free flowering in classic colors *limited availability in 2012–13—supplement with Mariposa series Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: 11–13 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 5–6" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 6/0 Skyline Copperfield Trailing/ Spreading Clear Sky Deep Orange Clear Sky Purple Special Notes WonderFall™ 2" 8–10" 5 new trailing pansy in unique colors Mammoth® 3–3.5" 6–8" 12 Superior branching with extra vigor Colossus™ 3–3.5" 4–5" 17 Best for extreme heat Delta™ 2.5" 4–6" 31 delta does it all! Karma™ 2.5" 6–8" 27 Robust habit fills pots quickly Mariposa™ 2" 6–8" 19 The multiflora of pansy Sky™ 2" 5–6" 6 Classic colors for any season Trailing/ Spreading # of Colors Huge Flowered Huge Flowered Huge Medium Flowered Flowered Height Large Flowered Large Trailing/ Flowered Spreading Large Flowered Clear Sky Yellow Flower Size Medium Flowered Medium Huge Flowered Flowered Medium Flowered Clear Sky True Blue Pansy at-a-glance Medium Flowered Trailing/ Spreading Trailing/ Large Spreading Flowered Clear Sky Red Large Flowered 64 Seed A nnuA lS Huge Flowered 12020027_049-064.indd 64 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 11:52 AM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PENTAS Starla ™ F1 PenTAS lAnCeOlATA UPRIGHT / SPRING / HeaT loveRS •Strong vigor and branching are ideal for large packs and premium containers •More uniform habit and a tighter bloom window than competing series •Performs well under a large range of climatic conditions •Continuous blooming with flowers held above the foliage Minimum Germ: Pelleted Crop Time: 15–18 Weeks Starla Lavender Shades Starla Pink Starla Red Starla White large Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 14–18" Plant Width: 16–20" Colors/Mixes: Starla Deep Rose 85% Seed Form: Container Size: Starla Appleblossom 6 /1 Starla Lavender Shades Starla Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 65 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 65 3/19/12 12:05 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Duvet ™ NEW SERIES F1 PeTunIA GRAndIFlORA CoMPaCT / MoUNDeD / SPRING •new, uniform series of genetically compact plants topped by large grandiflora flowers •early flowering, even under short days, and requires little-to-no PGRs •Ideally suited for high-density production in small pots or packs when NEW uniformity and extended holding ability are must-haves •Meets the needs of professional growers and mass merchants with Duvet Blue NEW Duvet Pink the garden performance consumers expect Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 8–11 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: Plant Width: Colors/Mixes: Packs, 4" 6–8" NEW 12–14" Duvet Salmon Duvet Red 5/1 NEW new: Blue, Pink, Red, Salmon, White and Mix NEW Duvet White Duvet White Not Shown: Duvet Mix 66 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 66 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:05 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Bravo ™ F1 PeTunIA GRAndIFlORA MoUNDeD / SPRING •less sensitive to short days, great for early spring and winter production IMP. •narrow five-day bloom window simplifies planning and shipping •large, showy flowers on non-stretching plants look better and hold Bravo Appleblossom Bravo Blue Imp. Bravo Blue Veined Bravo Lavender Bravo Pink Bravo Pink Veined Bravo Plum Bravo Purple Bravo Purple Star Bravo Red Bravo Rose Bravo Salmon Bravo Salmon Veined Bravo Silver Veined Bravo Sky Blue Bravo White Bravo Mix Bravo Cool Water Mix Bravo ProFormula Mix Bravo Spirit Mix Bravo Veined Mix longer on the retail bench Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 8–11 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 10–12" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 16/5 Improved: Blue Bravo Purple Star S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 67 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 67 3/19/12 12:05 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Ultra ™ F1 PeTunIA GRAndIFlORA MoUNDeD / SPRING •Tried and true performance for packs or pots •uniform flowering time and plant habit mean bench-run sales •large flowers lay flat for more visual impact in a wide range of colors Ultra Blue Ultra Blue Star Ultra Burgundy Ultra Crimson Star Ultra Fresh White Ultra Lilac Ultra Pink Ultra Plum Ultra Red Ultra Red Star Ultra Rose Ultra Rose Star Ultra Salmon Morn Ultra Sky Blue Ultra Violet Ultra White Ultra Mix Ultra Star Mix •Great garden vigor—ideal for large garden beds Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 9–11 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 14–16" Colors/Mixes: 16/2 Ultra Crimson Star 68 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 68 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA PETUNIA Storm Frost F1 PeTunIA GRAndIFlORA F1 PeTunIA GRAndIFlORA MoUNDeD / SPRING MoUNDeD / SPRING ™ ™ •large, flat flowers that resist Botrytis longer •White picotee edge provides striking contrast with solid colors on each flower •Flowers hold up better during shipping for high-impact retail displays •Makes magnificent, eye-catching displays at retail, in containers and in •Quick to recover after inclement weather or overhead watering Minimum Germ: 90% Minimum Germ: Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 9–11 Weeks Container Size: garden beds Packs, 4" 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 9–11 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Height: 12–14" Plant Width: 14–16" Plant Width: 14–16" Colors/Mixes: 8/3 Colors/Mixes: Storm Blue Storm Lavender Storm Pink Storm Pink Morn Storm Red Storm Salmon Storm Violet Storm White Storm Mix Storm Daybreak Mix 4/1 Frost Mix Frost Cherry Frost Fire Frost Velvet Not Shown: Frost Blue Storm Evening Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 69 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 69 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Photo: Hurrah Series Petunia at-a-glance Flower Size Height Crop Time (wks) Special Notes Duvet™ 3" 6–8" 8–11 Holds longer on the bench, but still fills garden beds Bravo™ 3" 10–12" 8–11 earliness and tight bloom window simplify production and shipping Ultra™ 3" 12–14" 9–11 Tried and true performance Storm™ 3" 12–14" 9–11 Weather tolerant Frost™ 3" 12–14" 9–11 unique picotee pattern Multiflora Hurrah™ 2.5" 8–10" 8–11 earliest multiflora on the market Milliflora Milliflora Picobella™ 2" 8–10" 8–11 Patented with miniature flowers that are easy and economical to grow Picobella Cascade 2" 8–10" 8–11 new premium item for baskets and combinations Plush® 3" 10–14" 9–11 Very early blooming; use for early season turns Ramblin’™ 3" 10–14" 10–12 Great garden vigor; use for late season turns Grandiflora Grandiflora Multiflora Trailing/ Milliflora Spreading Multiflora Multiflora Grandiflora Milliflora Grandiflora Multiflora Trailing/ Spreading Trailing/ Spreading Grandiflora Trailing/Spreading Milliflora Trailing/ Spreading 70 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 70 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Hurrah ™ F1 PeTunIA MulTIFlORA MoUNDeD / SPRING •earliest multiflora series on the market, especially in low-light conditions •Compact and non-stretching—ideal for high-density production and Hurrah Blue Hurrah Blue Veined Hurrah Coral Flare Hurrah Lavender Tie Dye Hurrah Pink Hurrah Pink Veined Hurrah Plum Hurrah Purple Star Hurrah Red Hurrah Red Star Hurrah Rose Hurrah Rose Star Hurrah Salmon Hurrah Summer Hurrah Velvet Hurrah Summer Hurrah White Hurrah Berry Tart Mix Hurrah Blueberry Muffin Mix Not Shown: Hurrah Mix Hurrah ProFormula Mix Hurrah Star Mix Hurrah Veined Mix easier shipping •Short five-day bloom window—ship all colors together •excellent branching translates into longer shelf life at retail and enduring garden performance Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 8–11 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 16/6 S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 71 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 71 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Picobella ™ F1 PeTunIA MIllIFlORA MoUNDeD / SPRING •Patented, miniature flowers and plants offer a unique addition to the spring retail mix •easy and economical to grow—no special regime required and no need for PGRs Picobella Blue Picobella Carmine Picobella Light Lavender Picobella Red Picobella Rose Picobella Rose Morn Picobella Rose Star Picobella Salmon Picobella White •Perfect for small borders, beds and mixed containers—strong vigor but still won’t overgrow companion plants Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 8–11 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 9/2 Picobella Mix Picobella White 72 Not Shown: Picobella Party Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 72 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Picobella Cascade NEW ™ SERIES F1 PeTunIA MIllIFlORA SPReaDING & TRaIlING / SPRING •Trailing mini-petunia perfectly suited for basket, mixed-container and jumbo pack programs •extra early flowering, even under short days for extended-season color •Well-branched, spreading plants hold longer at retail and are more manageable than others in this class •Tidy spreading habit maximizes color in the landscape and requires little maintenance •Picobella Cascade expands the range of premium seed items for combo and hanging-basket segments Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Pelleted Crop Time: 8-11 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: Jumbo, 4", Baskets 8-10" Plant Width: 18" Colors/Mixes: 7/1 new: Coral, lavender, Pink Glo, Purple, Red, Salmon, White and Mix NEW Picobella Cascade Coral NEW Picobella Cascade Lavender NEW Picobella Cascade Purple NEW Picobella Cascade Purple Picobella Cascade Pink Glo NEW Picobella Cascade Red NEW Picobella Cascade Salmon NEW Picobella Cascade White Picobella Cascade Red Not Shown: Picobella Cascade Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 73 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 73 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Plush ® F1 PeTunIA X HYBRIdA SPReaDING & TRaIlING / SPRING •Among the earliest and least day-length-sensitive spreading petunias— use for the extra-early turns and regions with short days during spring production •Tight-branching, balanced habit makes growing, pulling orders and shipping easier, and reduces shrink •Plants covered with more color than other series. expand the early-spring retail sales window for this popular crop Minimum Germ: Seed Form: Pelleted Crop Time: 9–11 Weeks Container Size: 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 10–14" Plant Width: 24–28" Colors/Mixes: 74 85% 8/1 Plush Blue Plush Deep Pink Plush Deep Purple Plush Lilac Pearl Plush Red Plush Rose Plush Salmon Plush White Plush Mix Plush Blue Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 74 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Ramblin’ ™ F1 PeTunIA X HYBRIdA SPReaDING & TRaIlING / SPRING •Very uniform and early flowering across the color range for easy planning, growing and shipping •Ramblin’ offers more efficient production and flexibility in marketing to drive profitable retail programs Ramblin’ Burgundy Chrome Ramblin’ Lavender Ramblin’ Lilac Glo Ramblin’ Neon Rose Ramblin’ Nu Blue Ramblin’ Peach Glo Ramblin’ Pink Ramblin’ Red Ramblin’ Salmon Capri Ramblin’ Scarlet Ramblin’ Shades O’ Pink Ramblin’ Sugar Plum Ramblin’ Violet Ramblin’ White Ramblin’ Mix Ramblin’ Calypso Mix Ramblin’ Cool Berry Mix Ramblin’ Cotton Candy Mix •Strong garden vigor—use for mid- to late-season turns, larger containers and where a little extra vigor is required •Color all over rounded, well-proportioned plants—no bald spots! •Offered in a manageable array of essential colors to fill any sales order Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Pelleted Crop Time: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 10–14" Plant Width: 30–36" Colors/Mixes: 14/5 Ramblin’ Pink Ramblin’ Razzleberry Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 75 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 75 3/19/12 12:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PRIMULA Primera ™ F1 PRIMulA ACAulIS eaRlY SeaSoN / PoT CRoP / MoUNDeD / Fall / WINTeR •Bred for early-season production, extra-early flowering and uniformity between colors •Grower-friendly in southern regions—minimal cool temperatures are required to initiate flowering •Beefier habit—rounded leaves and larger blooms •Available as primed seed—offering a faster, more uniform rate of emergence Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: 20–22 Weeks Container Size: 4" Plant Height: 5–6" Plant Width: 5–6" Colors/Mixes: 13/1 new: lilac Flame Improved: Blue, Pink, Yellow Primera Wine Flame Shades IMP. Primera Blue Imp. NEW Primera Carmine Primera Lavender Shades Primera Fire Shades Primera Light Yellow Primera Lilac Flame IMP. Primera Orange Primera Pink Imp. IMP. Primera Scarlet Primera Violet Shades Primera White Primera Yellow Imp. Primera and Orion Sales Periods May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Primera Mix Primera Orion 76 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 76 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PRIMULA Orion ® F1 PRIMulA ACAulIS MID SeaSoN / PoT CRoP / MoUNDeD / WINTeR / SPRING •Mid-season flowering for late-winter and early-spring sales IMP. •Highest seed quality, more compact habit and tightest flowering window Orion Blue Imp. Orion Carmine Orion Cherry Orion Light Yellow Orion Lilac Orion Lilac Flame Orion Mid Blue Orion Pink Orion Rose Frost •Available as primed seed—offering a faster, more uniform rate of emergence Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: 21–23 Weeks Container Size: 4" Plant Height: 5–6" Plant Width: 5–6" Colors/Mixes: 14/1 Improved: Blue, Scarlet, White with eye IMP. Orion Scarlet Imp. Orion Violet IMP. Orion White with Eye Imp. Orion Yellow Orion Yellow with Eye Orion Mix Orion Yellow with Eye S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 77 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 77 3/19/12 12:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PRIMULA Libre ™ F1 PRIMulA OBCOnICA PoT CRoP / MoUNDeD / WINTeR / SPRING •Bred to be primin-free—reducing the chances of skin irritation for easier handling •Suitable for both early- and late-season sales Libre Blue Picotee Libre Carmine Libre Deep Blue Libre Lavender Libre Magenta Libre Orange Libre Pink Libre Purple Libre Red •uniform habit and timing across all colors Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 16–20 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 12/1 Libre Rose Picotee Libre Salmon Bicolor Libre White Libre Orange 78 Libre Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 78 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PRIMULA Grace ™ F1 PRIMulA OBCOnICA PoT CRoP / MoUNDeD / WINTeR / SPRING •early-flowering series with large blooms •uniform in habit and timing •excellent plant and flower quality •Available in vivid colors and unique bicolor and picotee types Minimum Germ: 70% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 16–20 Weeks Container Size: Grace Blue Picotee Grace Deep Blue Grace Deep Orange Grace Purple Grace Red Picotee Grace Rose Grace Scarlet Grace Scarlet Picotee Grace White Grace Mix 4–6" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 10/1 Grace Scarlet Picotee S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_065-080.indd 79 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 79 3/19/12 12:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 RANUNCULUS RANUNCULUS Maché Magic F1 RAnunCuluS ASIATICuS F1 RAnunCuluS ASIATICuS PoT CRoP / UPRIGHT / SPRING DWaRF / PoT CRoP / UPRIGHT / SPRING ™ ™ •Stimulate early-spring impulse sales with this irresistible cash crop •Truly magical—no PGRs needed! •Higher germination and stronger, more uniform seedling vigor •The perfect choice for bedding use and small gift pots •Very responsive to Bonzi® for lower PGR-input costs •naturally compact habit with standard-sized flowers—extraordinary! •Reliable uniformity to meet the demands of professional growers •easy to ship and irresistible at retail Minimum Germ: 80% Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 21–24 Weeks Crop Time: 22–26 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" Plant Height: 12–16" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: Container Size: 8/3 4" Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 4–6" Colors/Mixes: 5/1 Improved: Orange, Red, Yellow IMP. Maché Cream Maché Orange Imp. Magic Orange Magic White Maché Rose Maché Scarlet IMP. Maché White Maché Yellow Imp. Magic Yellow Maché Bicolor Mix Magic White Maché Mix 80 Magic Rose Maché Purple IMP. Maché Red Imp. Magic Red Magic Mix Maché Pastel Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_065-080.indd 80 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 RUDBECKIA TigerEye F1 RudBeCKIA HIRTA UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER / FALL •The first and only F1 hybrid rudbeckia with breakthrough uniformity and vigor •Tigereye creates a new, premium class for late-season sales •excellent PGR response enables use in a variety of containers and season-extender programs •Strength on the bench and in the garden, with long-lasting flowers and reduced sensitivity to powdery mildew Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 11–15 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" and larger Plant Height: 16–24" Plant Width: 16–24" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 TigerEye Gold TigerEye Gold TigerEye Gold S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_081-096.indd 81 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 81 3/19/12 12:08 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SALVIA SCHIZANTHUS Salsa Atlantis SAlVIA SPlendenS F1 SCHIZAnTHuS WISeTOnenSIS DWARF / UPRIGHT / SPRING POT CROP / UPRIGHT / WINTER / SPRING ™ ™ •day-length-neutral Salsa offers multiple quick turns per season •Premium pot crop for early-season indoor color •extremely uniform for easy production and better sell-through •Reduced day-length sensitivity eases production for early holiday sales •Strong flower power with a range of standard and unique colors for •uniform flowering with a compact habit sun or partial shade •economically produced—requires cool temps and little PGRs Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 9–10 Weeks Container Size: colored flowers Packs, 4" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: •Fern-like foliage is covered in cymes of two-lipped, brightly Minimum Germ: 75% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: 6/2 large Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: 9/1 new: deep Rose Bicolor, deep Rose Spotted, lilac Bicolor, neon Rose duet, Pure deep Rose, Pure White, Rose Bicolor, Scarlet Bicolor, Scarlet Shades Salsa Burgundy Salsa Purple Salsa Rose NEW Atlantis Lilac Bicolor Salsa Scarlet Salsa Scarlet Bicolor NEW Atlantis Pure White NEW Atlantis Scarlet Bicolor Salsa White Salsa Bicolor Mix Salsa Mix Atlantis Mix 82 Not Shown: Atlantis Deep Rose Bicolor, Atlantis Deep Rose Spotted, Atlantis Neon Rose Duet, Atlantis Pure Deep Rose, Atlantis Rose Bicolor and Atlantis Scarlet Shades Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 82 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:08 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SNAPDRAGON Montego ™ F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn DWARF / UPRIGHT / SPRING / FALL •early-flowering dwarf series, ideal for production in packs and small pots •Available in pelleted seed form for more efficient sowing •Strong, basal-branching stems hold up in production, shipping and at retail •Superb garden performance with blooms displayed just above deep green foliage Minimum Germ: Raw, Pelleted Crop Time: 9–12 Weeks Montego Pink Montego Purple Packs, 4" Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 8–10" Colors/Mixes: Montego Orange Bicolor 80% Seed Form: Container Size: Montego Burgundy Bicolor 12/1 Improved: Red, Sunset IMP. Montego Yellow Montego Red Imp. Montego Rose Montego Rose Bicolor Montego Scarlet Montego White Montego Mix IMP. Montego Sunset Imp. Montego Violet S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_081-096.indd 83 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 83 3/19/12 12:09 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SNAPDRAGON Photo: Liberty Classic Cut flower Intermediate Dwarf Snapdragon at-a-glance 84 Height Crop Time in Weeks Special Notes Montego™ 6–8" 9–12 Well-branched plants do not flop over Arrow™ 24–30" 15–18 spring, 12–14 fall Very early flowering—use for winter and early spring production Liberty Classic™ 18–22" 16–18 spring, 12–14 fall Strong, sturdy flowers stand upright La Bella™ 18–22" 16–18 spring, 12–14 fall Open flower form Madame Butterfly™ 24–30" 16–18 spring, 12–14 fall legendary award winner with a double azalea flower form Overture II™ 40–60" 12–17 use for winter and early spring Opus™ 40–60" 10–14 use for late spring, summer and fall Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 84 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:09 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SNAPDRAGON SNAPDRAGON Arrow Liberty Classic F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn INTERMEDIATE / UPRIGHT / SPRING / FALL INTERMEDIATE / UPRIGHT / SPRING / FALL ™ ™ •Very early flowering—can be used for winter/early-spring outdoor •legendary uniformity in plant habit and timing production in temperate climates •extremely well-branched, strong plants that stand up to the elements •Features a strong central leader with dense lateral branches that withstand wind and rain •Sturdy, shapely spikes hold well at retail and in the garden •Versatile—adapts to production in jumbo packs or larger containers depending on retail needs •Well-branched plants with strong, vivid flower colors stand out in large containers at retail and in the garden Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Spring: 16–18 Weeks; Fall: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: 4–6" Minimum Germ: 80% Plant Height: 18–22" Seed Form: Raw Plant Width: 12–14" Crop Time: Spring: 15–18 Weeks; Fall: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: 24–30" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: Colors/Mixes: 9/1 Jumbo, 4–6" 7/1 new: Red Yellow Bicolor Arrow Deep Red Arrow Pink Arrow Magenta Arrow White Liberty Classic Cherry Liberty Classic Bronze Liberty Classic Crimson Liberty Classic Lavender Liberty Classic Light Pink Liberty Classic Rose Pink Liberty Classic Scarlet Liberty Classic White Liberty Classic Yellow Arrow Orange Arrow Yellow Arrow Mix Liberty Classic Mix Not Shown: Arrow Red Yellow Bicolor S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_081-096.indd 85 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 85 3/19/12 12:09 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SNAPDRAGON SNAPDRAGON LaBella Madame Butterfly F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn INTERMEDIATE / OPEN FLOWER FORM / UPRIGHT / SPRING / FALL TALL / GARDEN CUT FLOWER / UPRIGHT / SPRING / FALL ™ ™ •unique, open flower form on robust plants makes a knockout for •Madame Butterfly is a mixture of tall, double-azalea flower types premium retail sales •Florets are larger than standard snaps, providing fuller, more graceful •Can be sold green in packs or in full bloom for larger containers •Superior basal branching produces a bouquet of bloom stems, each loaded with many florets flower spikes Not Shown: Madame Butterfly Mix •Stays in flower longer thanks to its open flower form Minimum Germ: 80% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Spring: 16–18 Weeks; Fall: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: Jumbo, 4–6" Plant Height: 18–22" Plant Width: 12–14" Colors/Mixes: 0/1 LaBella Mix 86 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 86 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:09 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SNAPDRAGON Overture II ™ F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn CUT FLOWER / GROUP II •Raises the bar for winter-blooming snapdragons •Group II flowering for growing under relatively short days, lower light intensity and temperatures •Superior stem length and caliper •uniform flowering for all colors within the series Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 12–17 Weeks Colors/Mixes: Overture II Light Bronze Overture II Light Pink Overture II Magenta Overture II Orange Overture II Pink Overture II Plumblossom Overture II Red Overture II Rose 11/0 Overture II Overture II Yellow Not Shown: Overture II Royal Magenta and Overture II White 12020027_081-096.indd 87 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette S eed A n n u A l S 87 3/19/12 12:09 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SNAPDRAGON Opus ™ F1 AnTIRRHInuM MAJuS / SnAPdRAGOn CUT FLOWER / GROUP III & III/IV •Opus features superior stem length and caliper •easily blooms for late-spring, summer and early-fall sales •long spikes have tightly spaced florets Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 10–14 Weeks Colors/Mixes: 88 Opus III Early White Opus III Lavender Opus III Pink Opus III Yellow Opus III/IV Appleblossom Opus III/IV Early Pink Opus III/IV Plumblossom Opus III/IV White Opus IV Fresh White 12/0 Opus III Yellow Opus III/IV Red Opus III Early Bronze Opus III/IV Rose Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 88 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:10 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 TORENIA Duchess ™ F1 TORenIA FOuRnIeRI MOUNDED / SPRING •Offers dual use at retail—bred to perform exceptionally well as a pot plant and in the garden! •Has a tight mounding habit that is ideally suited to bedding-plant production in packs or pots •Works well in mixed containers; great in both sunny and shady garden beds Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Pelleted Crop Time: 11–13 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4" Plant Height: 6–8" Plant Width: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 5/1 Duchess Blue & White Duchess Burgundy Duchess Deep Blue Duchess Light Blue Duchess Pink Duchess Mix Duchess Blue & White Duchess Light Blue S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_081-096.indd 89 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 89 3/19/12 12:10 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VERBENA Obsession ™ VeRBenA X HYBRIdA MOUNDED / SPRING •Compact, branched habit is ideal for high-density production and shipping •easily programmed to hit key bedding plant ship dates—very early, uniform and free flowering •Well-branched plants resist stretching and flower quickly on lateral branches for a full, long-lasting show of color at retail Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: 10–12 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: Plant Width: Colors/Mixes: Packs, 4–6", Baskets 6–8" 10–12" 15/7 Obsession Pastel Mix 90 Obsession Apricot Obsession Blue with Eye Obsession Bordeaux Obsession Burgundy with Eye Obsession Coral with Eye Obsession Crimson with Eye Obsession Lavender Obsession Light Blue with Eye Obsession Lilac Obsession Pink Obsession Pink Chiffon Obsession Red Obsession Red with Eye Obsession Scarlet Obsession White Obsession Mix Obsession Berry Tart Mix Obsession Cotton Candy Mix Obsession Eyed Mix Obsession Pastel Mix Obsession Spirit Mix Obsession Wine & Cheese Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 90 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:10 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VERBENA Tuscany ® VeRBenA X HYBRIdA UPRIGHT / SPRING •Beefy, upright plants have large designer-colored flowers—perfect for premium retail sales •uniform, well-branched plant habit is easy to grow and ship, and holds longer on the shelf Tuscany Blue Tuscany Burgundy with Eye Tuscany Lavender Picotee Tuscany Orchid Frost Tuscany Peach Tuscany Pink Picotee Tuscany Rose with Eye Tuscany Scarlet Tuscany Silver Tuscany Violet with Eye Tuscany White Tuscany Mix •Strong garden vigor provides lasting color where other seed verbenas fail Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: 12–14 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 11/3 Tuscany Pastel Mix Tuscany Passion Mix Tuscany White S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_081-096.indd 91 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 91 3/19/12 12:11 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VINCA SunStorm ® CATHARAnTHuS ROSeuS / VInCA MOUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER •early flowering and compact habit—the perfect choice for packs and small pots •low input costs for profitable high-density production SunStorm Apricot SunStorm Blush SunStorm Bright Red SunStorm Pure White SunStorm Red SunStorm Rose with Eye •Compact plants need no PGRs, yet they fill out fully in the garden Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 10–14 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 14/2 new: deep Pink, Orchid Halo NEW SunStorm Deep Lilac SunStorm Deep Orchid Sunstorm Deep Pink NEW SunStorm Mix 92 SunStorm Light Blue Sunstorm Orchid Halo SunStorm Purple SunStorm Violet With Eye SunStorm White with Eye SunStorm Mix SunStorm Radiant Rose Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 92 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:11 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VINCA Cora ® F1 CATHARAnTHuS ROSeuS / VInCA MOUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOVERS •Cora is the only series with patented resistance to many strains of aerial Phythophthora •uniform habit and flowering time •Huge flowers top glossy foliage •Robust habit makes for incredible performance in large beds and containers •Thrives in heat and humidity Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 11–18 Weeks Container Size: Jumbo Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 14–16" Plant Width: 22–25" Colors/Mixes: 10/1 new: Red, Strawberry Cora Apricot Cora Burgundy Cora Deep Lavender Cora Lavender Cora Pink Cora Punch Cora Lavender Cora Violet Cora White NEW NEW Cora Red Cora Strawberry Not Shown: Cora Mix S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_081-096.indd 93 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 93 3/19/12 12:11 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VINCA Cora Cascade ® F1 CATHARAnTHuS ROSeuS / VInCA TRAILING / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOVERS •Cora is the only series with patented resistance to many strains of aerial Phytophthora—independent trials confirm that Cora Cascade is a survivor •Vigorous trailing plants fill large beds and landscapes—perfect for baskets, too! •Super-large blooms cover the plant Cora Cascade Cherry Cora Cascade Lilac Cora Cascade Magenta Cora Cascade Peach Blush •Thrives in heat and humidity Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: 12–18 Weeks Container Size: Plant Height: Plant Width: Colors/Mixes: 6–8", Baskets 6–8" 32–36" 6/1 new: Strawberry NEW Cora Cascade Polka Dot Cora Cascade Magenta 94 Cora Cascade Strawberry Not Shown: Cora Cascade Mix Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 94 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:11 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Photo: Cora Cascade Polka Dot 12020027_081-096.indd 95 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:12 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VIOLA Endurio ® F1 VIOlA CORnuTA SPREADING & TRAILING / SPRING / FALL •endurio offers the broadest color selection of any spreading viola series on the market NEW •The best choice for early-spring and fall production with near day- neutral continuous flowering Endurio Blue Yellow with Purple Wing Endurio Lavender Endurio Pink Shades Endurio Pure Violet Endurio Pure Yellow Endurio Red with Yellow Face •Vigorous, non-stretching plants are extremely floriferous and well- branched with complete bloom coverage •Fills and spills in containers quickly for efficient production and remarkable shelf appeal •excellent overwintering—provides three-season color Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Spring: 11–13 Weeks; Fall: 9–10 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6", Baskets Plant Height: 4–6" Plant Width: 8–12" Colors/Mixes: NEW 11/1 Endurio Sky Blue Martien Endurio White Endurio Yellow with Red Wing Endurio Yellow with Violet Wing Endurio Yellow with Purple Wing new: Pink Shades, Yellow with Purple Wing Endurio Pure Yellow Endurio Tricolor Mix At times, Endurio Pure Yellow flowers may exhibit small red flecks on the petals. 96 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_081-096.indd 96 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:12 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VIOLA Patiola ® F1 VIOlA CORnuTA MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL •Super-sized viola with extra-large flowers on a dense, well-branched plant •Strong plant with three-season performance Patiola Bronze Red Patiola Pure Lemon Yellow Patiola Pure Light Blue Patiolaa Pure Orange Patiola Pure Violet Patiola Pure Yellow Patiola Violet with Yellow Face Patiola Pure Colors Mix Patiola Purple Passion Mix Minimum Germ: 90% Seed Form: Raw Crop Time: Spring: 11–13 Weeks; Fall: 9–10 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 4–6" Plant Width: 4–6" Colors/Mixes: 7/2 Patiola Pure Light Blue Viola at-a-glance Habit Height Width # of Colors Special Notes Endurio® Spreading & Trailing 4–6" 8–12" 11 unique mounding, spreading habit Patiola® Mounded 4–6" 4–6" 7 Super-sized plants and flowers Penny™ Mounded 4–6" 4–6" 33 The #1-selling viola around the world S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_097-114.indd 97 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 97 3/19/12 12:22 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VIOLA Penny ™ F1 VIOlA CORnuTA MOUNDED / SPRING / FALL •#1-selling viola worldwide—the best series on the market today! •Very uniform across the series for easy planning and optimized production efficiency •Tightly branched and non-stretching habit under warm conditions offers longer shelf life and reduces the need for PGRs •A multitude of flowers creates long-lasting and reliable landscape Penny Blue Penny Clear Yellow displays Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Primed Crop Time: Spring: 11–13 Weeks; Fall: 9–10 Weeks Container Size: Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 4–6" Plant Width: 4–6" Colors/Mixes: 33/6 IMP. Penny Deep Blue Penny Deep Marina Imp. Penny Denim Jump-up Penny Lavender Shades Improved: deep Marina 98 Penny Azure Dawn Penny Azure Twilight Penny Marina Penny Marlies Penny Azure Wing Penny Beaconsfield Penny Mickey Penny Orange Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 98 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VIOLA Penny ® F1 VIOlA CORnuTA Penny Orange Jump-up Penny Orchid Penny Orchid Frost Penny Peach Jump-up Penny Primrose Bicolor Penny Primrose Picotee Penny Purple Picotee Penny Red with Blotch Penny Red Wing Penny Rose with Blotch Penny Violet Penny Violet Beacon Penny Violet Flare Penny White Penny White with Blotch Penny White Jump-up Penny Yellow Penny Yellow with Blotch Penny Yellow Jump-up Penny All Seasons Mix Not Shown: Penny Citrus Mix, Penny Harvest Mix, Penny Jump-up Mix, Penny Lane Mix and Penny Winter Mix 12020027_097-114.indd 99 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette S eed A n n u A l S 99 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ZINNIA ZINNIA Magellan Short Stuff F1 ZInnIA eleGAnS F1 ZInnIA eleGAnS UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOVERS DWARF / UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER ™ ™ •Very grower friendly—bred for exceptional performance on the bench and in the garden double blooms •uniform flowering and habit •Ideal for jumbo packs and pot production •Superior flower quality—large, fully double blooms in clean, bright colors •excellent choice for quick-turn, high-profit summer programs Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Coated Crop Time: 8–9 Weeks Container Size: 12–14" Plant Width: 10–12" Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Coated Crop Time: 8–9 Weeks Container Size: 4" and larger Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: •More dwarf than other zinnia varieties, yet still boasts large, fully Packs, 4–6" Plant Height: 8–10" Plant Width: 10–12" Colors/Mixes: 7/1 8/4 Short Stuff Cherry Shades Magellan Cherry Magellan Coral Magellan Ivory Short Stuff Coral Magellan Orange Magellan Pink Magellan Salmon Short Stuff Deep Red Short Stuff Mix Magellan Scarlet Magellan Yellow Magellan Mix Short Stuff Gold Magellan Buttered Popcorn Mix Magellan Persian Carpet Mix Short Stuff Orange Short Stuff Scarlet Magellan Sunburst Mix Not Shown: Short Stuff White 10 0 Seed A nnuA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 100 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ZINNIA ZINNIA ZINNIA Swizzle Uproar Zowie! F1 ZInnIA eleGAnS F1 ZInnIA eleGAnS F1 ZInnIA eleGAnS UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER UPRIGHT / SPECIALTY CUT FLOWER / SPRING / SUMMER UPRIGHT / SPECIALTY CUT FLOWER / SPRING / SUMMER ™ ™ •Stunning bicolor flowers stimulate impulse sales •Well branched and covered with double flowers •Full, bushy plants are covered with large, double blooms and perform great in the garden •direct sow for economical production, reducing transplanting and labor costs Seed Form: Raw, Coated Crop Time: 8–9 Weeks Container Size: Minimum Germ: 24–30" Plant Width: 24–27" 2/0 85% •Well-branched plants are loaded with eye- catching flowers •Season extender for large-container summer programs Minimum Germ: 85% Seed Form: Raw, Coated Seed Form: Raw, Coated Crop Time: 8–11 Weeks Crop Time: 8–11 Weeks 4" and larger Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: season for large, premium container sales 85% •A striking, bicolor zinnia that has true impulse-sales appeal •A traditional summer favorite that extends the Minimum Germ: ™ Container Size: 5" and larger Container Size: 4" and larger Plant Height: 28–36" Plant Height: 24–30" Plant Width: 24–27" Plant Width: 24–27" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 Colors/Mixes: 1/0 Swizzle Cherry & Ivory Zowie! Yellow Flame Swizzle Scarlet & Yellow Uproar Rose S eed A n n u A l S 12020027_097-114.indd 101 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 101 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Specialty Mixtures Cyclamen lASeR™ Flame Mix: Pink Flame, Purple Flame, Rose Flame, Salmon Flame, Wine Flame MIRACle™ Flame Mix: Pink Flame, Purple Flame, Rose/ Salmon Flame Premium Peppermint Mix: Bright eye, Pink, Red, Rose Cool Water Mix: Blue with Blotch, Pure light Blue, Pure White, True Blue Premium Limited Edition Mix: Bright eye, deep Orange, lilac, Pink, Red, Rose, Salmon, Violet, White Cotton Candy Mix: Pink Shades, Pure light Blue Star Mix: Orange Star, Red Star, Rose Star, Violet Star Sunrise Mix: Coral, Orange, Salmon, White SIeRRA™ MOSAIC™ Flame Mix: Purple Flame, Rose Flame, Salmon Flame, Wine Flame Impressions Mix: Coral, lilac, Rose, White Gazania KISS™ Hot! Mix: deep Salmon, Red, Salmon, Scarlet, White Pumpkin Pie Mix: Fire, Orange with Blotch, Pure Orange, Pure Primrose, Pure White Little Gem Mix: lavender, Pink, Violet, White Strawberry Shortcake Mix: Pure Primrose, Pure Rose, Pure White Rosey Mix: Pink, Rose, Violet, White Sapphire Mix: lavender, Pink, Violet Frosty Kiss Mix: A mix of all frosty colors Tango Mix: deep Salmon, Red, Rose, Scarlet, Violet Kiss and Tell Mix: Golden yellow, Mahogany, Rose Utopia Mix: lavender, Rose, Salmon, Violet Tri-Color Mix: Pure lemon, Pure light Blue, Pure Violet Watercolors Mix: lavender Blue Shades, Pink Shades, Pure Orange, Pure light Blue, Pure Primrose, Pure White Wine & Cheese Mix: Pure Primrose, Pure Red, Pure Violet KARMA™ Gerbera Pansy JAGuAR™ COlOSSuS™ Fall Colors Mix: Fire, Fire dark Center, Orange Picotee, Red, Scarlet Shades dark Center, yellow, yellow dark Center Salsa Mix: deep Orange, Orange Picotee, Red, Scarlet Shades dark Center, yellow, yellow dark Center Spring Time Mix: deep Orange, Pink, Salmon Pastels, White, yellow Valentine Mix: deep Rose, Pink, Red, Rose dark Center, Scarlet Shades dark Center, White Blotched Mix: deep Blue with Blotch, Purple with Blotch, Red with Blotch, Rose with Blotch, White with Blotch, yellow with Blotch delTA™ Premium Blotch Mix: deep Blue with Blotch, neon Violet, Red with Blotch, Rose with Blotch, White with Blotch, yellow with Blotch, yellow with Purple Wing Apple Cider Mix: Pure Primrose, Rose with Blotch, Tapestry Berry Tart Mix: Blue with Blotch, Pure light Blue, Pure Rose, Pure Violet Impatiens Blaze Mix: Fire, Pure Golden yellow, Pure Red, yellow with Blotch ACCenT™ Cranberry Punch Mix: Burgundy, Coral, Salmon Picotee Premium Mystic Mix: Bright eye, lavender Blue, lilac, Violet Premium Pastel Mix: Bright eye, Pink, Rose, White xTReMe™ Pastel Mix: lavender, Pink, Salmon, White Frosty Flame Mix: Frosty White Flame, Golden Flame, yellow Flame Monet Mix: lavender Blue Shades, Pink Shades, Pure Golden yellow, Pure Rose, True Blue Pure Colors Mix: Pure Orange, Pure lemon, Pure light Blue, Pure Primrose, Pure Red, Pure Rose, Pure White, Pure Violet, Pure yellow, True Blue Orange Parfait Mix: Orange, Salmon, White Flame Mix: Golden Flame, Orange Flame, yellow Flame Fruit Salad Mix: Pure Golden yellow, Pure Orange, Pure Rose, Violet & White Blotch Mix: Blue with Blotch, deep Blue with Blotch, Fire, Marina, Primrose with Blotch, Red with Blotch, Rose with Blotch, White with Blotch, yellow with Blotch Buttered Popcorn Mix: Pure Golden yellow, Pure Primrose, Pure White Blaze Mix: Fire, Red with Blotch, yellow Citrus Mix: deep Orange, White, yellow Clear Mix: deep Orange, lavender Shades, light Blue, Rose, True Blue, White, yellow MAMMOTH® Masquerade Mix: Big Red, Blue-ti-ful, deep Blue dazzle, Glamarama White, On Fire, Queen yellow Bee, Rocky Rose, Sangria Punch, Viva la Violet MARIPOSA™ Blotch Mix: Blue with Blotch, Orange with Blotch, Red Wing, Rose with Blotch, Violet with Face, White with Blotch, yellow with Blotch Petunia BRAVO™ Cool Water Mix: Blue, lavender, White ProFormula Mix: Blue, lavender, Pink, Purple, Red, Rose, Salmon, White Spirit Mix: Blue, Red, White Citrus Mix: Pure Orange, Pure Golden yellow, Pure lemon, Pure White 10 2 SPeC IA lTy M IxTuR eS 12020027_097-114.indd 102 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Veined Mix: Blue Veined, Pink Veined, Plum, Salmon Veined, Silver Veined HuRRAH™ Berry Tart Mix: Blue, Plum, Rose Blueberry Muffin Mix: Blue, Blue Vein, lavender Tie dye ProFormula Mix: Blue, Pink, Pink Chiffon, Red, Rose, Salmon, Salmon Chiffon, White Star Mix: Red Star, Rose Star, Purple Star Star Mix: Red Star, Rose Star, Purple Star Veined Mix: Blue Veined, Pink Veined, Plum, White Verbena TuSCAny® Passion Mix: lavender Picotee, Violet with eye, White Pastel Mix: lavender Picotee, Peach, Pink Picotee, White OBSeSSIOn ™ Berry Tart Mix: Blue with eye, Burgundy with eye, lilac Cotton Candy Mix: Pink Chiffon, light Blue with eye, lilac Eyed Mix: Blue with eye, Burgundy with eye, Coral with eye, light Blue with eye, Red with eye, White PICOBellA ™ Party Mix: Blue, Red, White Penny Lane Mix: A mix of 21 of the best Penny colors Winter Mix: Azure Wing, Blue, Primrose Bicolor Zinnia MAGellAn™ Buttered Popcorn: Ivory, yellow Persian Carpet: Cherry, Coral, Orange, Scarlet Sunburst Mix: Orange, Scarlet, yellow Pastel Mix: Apricot, Coral with eye, lavender, light Blue with eye, Pink, Pink Chiffon, White STORM™ Daybreak Mix: Red, Salmon, White Spirit Mix: Blue with eye, Red, White Evening Mix: Blue, Violet, White Wine & Cheese Mix: Apricot, Blue with eye, Burgundy with eye RAMBlIn’™ Calypso Mix: neon Rose, Peach Glo, Salmon Capri Cool Berry Mix: Burgundy Chrome, lavender Vinca SunSTORM® Cotton Candy Mix: lilac Glo, Salmon Capri Razzleberry Mix: Burgundy Chrome, lilac Glo, nu Blue ulTRA™ Candy Dish Mix: lilac, Sky Blue, Rose Star Mix: Blue Star, Crimson Star, Red Star Vein Mix: Blue Vein, Burgundy, light Pink Vein, Plum Radiant Rose Mix: Blush, Bright Red, Pink, Rose with eye, White with eye Viola enduRIO® Tricolor Mix: Blue yellow with Purple Wing, Pure yellow, yellow with Violet Wing PATIOlA® Ranunculus Purple Passion Mix: Pure Violet, Pure yellow, Violet with yellow Face MACHé™ Pure Colors Mix: Pure light Blue, Pure lemon yellow, Pure Orange, Pure Violet, Pure yellow Pastel Mix: A Mix of pinks, whites and yellows Penny™ Salvia All Seasons Mix: Blue, deep Blue, Orange, Primrose Bicolor, yellow SAlSA™ Citrus Mix: Orange, Primrose Bicolor, yellow Bicolor Mix: Rose Bicolor, Salmon Bicolor, Scarlet Bicolor Harvest Mix: Orange, Orange Jump-up, Violet, Violet Flare Jump-Up Mix: Orange Jump-up, Peach Jump-up, White Jump-up, yellow Jump-up S P eC IA lTy M IxT u ReS 12020027_097-114.indd 103 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 103 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 AQUILEGIA Origami ™ F1 AQuIleGIA CAeRuleA / COluMBIne UPRIGHT / SPRING bLOOMING •Bred for first-year blooming; uniform, compact and floriferous for use as either an annual or a perennial for increased sales opportunities •Minimal vernalization (14–21 days / 40–50°F)—great for southern growers and bedding plant specialists •Versatile! Plants are naturally proportional to the pot size uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: Origami Rose & White 4 Origami White Beneficial Shade / Part Sun Jumbos–6" 14–16" 5/1 Origami Yellow Origami Blue & White Origami Red & White Origami Mix 1 10 04 4 Origami Yellow Seed P eR ennIA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 104 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 AUBRIETA AURINIA Audrey Summit F1 AuBRIeTA HyBRIdA AuRInIA SAxATIlIS / AlySSuM MOUNDED / EARLY SPRING bLOOMING MOUNDED / EARLY TO MID-SPRING bLOOMING ™ ™ •First F1-hybrid aubrieta from seed •Abundance of extra-early bright yellow blooms; great impulse appeal •One of the earliest-blooming perennials—great for early-spring sales •Compact, branching uniform habit makes a tidy plant •Very winter hardy—can be grown outdoors or in a cold frame •long blooming period for better shelf life and garden performance uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 4 Container Size: Required Plant Height: Full Sun Colors/Mixes: Required Shade / Part Sun 4"–Quarts 6–8" 1/0 4"–Quarts 6–8" 2/1 Summit Golden Yellow Audrey Red Purple Mix Audrey Blue Shades 3–8 Audrey Light Blue Audrey Red Purple Mix S eed P eRen n IA l S 12020027_097-114.indd 105 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 105 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DELPHINIUM DIANTHUS Delfix Barbarini delPHInIuM GRAndIFlORuM F1 dIAnTHuS BARBATuS / SWeeT WIllIAM UPRIGHT / LATE SPRING TO MID-SUMMER bLOOMING MOUNDED / LATE SPRING & FALL bLOOMING ® ® •First-year flowering •First-year flowering •Compact, well-branched series quickly fills •Compact and uniform across all colors 4-inch pots •A bright assortment of solid and bicolor blooms for maximum •Very early to flower and uniform in habit retail appeal and timing •Ideal for fall sales with overwintering ability to Zone 5 uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 5–7 not Required Full Sun 4"–Gallons 12–15" 2/0 uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 5–9 Beneficial Full Sun 4", Quarts–Gallons 8–12" 10/1 Barbarini Lilac Barbarini Pink Barbarini Purple Barbarini Purple Bicolor Barbarini Purple Picotee Barbarini Red Barbarini Red Picotee Barbarini Red Rose Bicolor Barbarini Rose Barbarini Salmon Barbarini White Barbarini Mix Delfix Blue Delfix Blue 1 10 06 6 Delfix Violet Blue Barbarini Series Seed P eR ennIA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 106 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DIGITALIS Camelot ™ F1 dIGITAlIS PuRPuReA / FOxGlOVe UPRIGHT / LATE SPRING TO SUMMER bLOOMING •First-year flowering and heavy second-year blooming •The first F1 hybrid on the market providing high germination, uniform growth and flowering •Secondary spikes provide numerous high quality and strong stems— suitable for specialty cut-flower programs •A great choice for annual growers as a season extender for large containers uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 5 not Required Sun / Part Shade Quarts, Gallons, large Pots 42–48" Camelot Series 4/1 Camelot Mix Camelot Cream Camelot Lavender Camelot Rose Camelot White Camelot Mix S eed P eRen n IA l S 12020027_097-114.indd 107 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 107 3/19/12 12:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ECHINACEA GAILLARDIA Prairie Splendor Granada ™ ™ GAIllARdIA ARISTATA eCHInACeA PuRPuReA / COneFlOWeR UPRIGHT / SUMMER TO FALL bLOOMING / HEAT LOVERS MOUNDED / SUMMER TO FALL bLOOMING / HEAT LOVERS •First-year flowering •Bright crimson daisy flowers edged with yellow •First-year flowering makes an attractive display at retail •Outstanding heat and drought tolerance •More compact and three or more weeks earlier than traditional perennial types •Vigorous branching for exceptional pot fill •large and abundant blooms uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: uSdA Zone: Vernalization: 3–9 exposure: Beneficial Container Size: Full Sun Gallons and larger Plant Height: 24" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 3–9 not Required Full Sun Quarts–Gallons Plant Height: 12" Colors/Mixes: 1/0 Granada Yellow/Crimson Prairie Splendor Purple Granada Yellow/Crimson Prairie Splendor Purple 1 10 08 8 Seed P eR ennIA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 108 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 HEUCHERA HEUCHERA Marvelous Marble Coral Forest HeuCHeRA AMeRICAnA HeuCHeRA SAnGuIneA ™ MOUNDED / LATE SPRING TO MID-SUMMER bLOOMING ™ MOUNDED / LATE SPRING TO MID-SUMMER bLOOMING •First-year flowering •Spikes of clear red flowers above deep-green foliage form early in the season IBERIS Tahoe ™ IBeRIS SeMPeRVIRenS / CAndyTuFT MOUNDED / EARLY TO MID-SPRING bLOOMING •Compact, uniform and well-branched plants •Higher numbers of saleable blooming plants increase sell-through and reduce shrink •Features green foliage with dark veins •Shorter flower stems for neater pot •excellent vigor for great pot and garden appearance •Bright tufts of snow-white flowers create long-lasting retail and garden displays performance •excellent uniformity for easier production •unprecedented uniformity from seed iberis •Seed item! economical alternative to costly liners uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: uSdA Zone: Vernalization: 3–9 exposure: not Required Sun / Part Shade Quarts–Gallons 8–12" Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 3–9 Required Sun / Part Shade Quarts–Gallons 6–10" 1/0 uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 3–9 Required Full Sun Quarts–Gallons 8–10" 1/0 1/0 Marvelous Marble Coral Forest Tahoe Snow White S eed P eRen n IA l S 12020027_097-114.indd 109 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 109 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 LAVANDULA LUPINUS PAPAVER Blue Scent Camelot ™ ™ lAVAndulA AnGuSTIFOlIA / lAVendeR luPInuS POlyPHylluS / luPIne UPRIGHT / EARLY TO MID-SUMMER bLOOMING MOUNDED / LATE SPRING TO SUMMER bLOOMING •First-year flowering—the next generation of •easy to program and reliably meets spring premium containers and garden beds producing more usable transplants •deep purple-blue spikes top silvery-green uSdA Zone: mounded plants with vigorous branching habit Vernalization: exposure: •Scented plants create high interest in the garden center Container Size: Plant Height: uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 5–9 PAPAVeR nudICAule / ICelAnd POPPy •Versatile plants work well in small pots, •Seeds are treated to protect against diseases, sales dates ® UPRIGHT / MID TO LATE SPRING bLOOMING •First-year flowering Blue Scent lavender with more consistent and earlier flowering Spring Fever Colors/Mixes: 4–8 •large, vivid flowers are displayed on compact stems that make shipping easy •A day-length neutral selection that produces multiple stems at one time for an impactful color show not Required Full Sun 4"–Gallons 24–30" 5/1 not Required uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Full Sun Colors/Mixes: 2–7 Beneficial Full Sun Quarts–Gallons 10–12" 4/1 4"–Gallons 12–14" 1/0 new: early Blue Scent Camelot Blue Camelot Rose Camelot Yellow Camelot Red Spring Fever Orange Spring Fever Red Spring Fever White Spring Fever Yellow Camelot White Camelot Mix NEW Early Blue Scent Spring Fever Mix Camelot Blue 1 11 10 0 Seed P eR ennIA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 110 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PENSTEMON SALVIA Piñacolada Merleau PenSTeMOn BARBATuS SAlVIA x SuPeRBA MOUNDED / EARLY TO MID-SPRING bLOOMING UPRIGHT / SPRING TO SUMMER bLOOMING ™ ® •First-year flowering •First-year flowering •Outstanding uniformity in production and free-flowering across all •Compact, well-branched habit and very early to flower for reduced colors crop times •Great branching structure for more color and better shelf appeal •Provides faster, more efficient production and easier scheduling for more reliable retail supply •excellent impulse item for early-summer sales uSdA Zone: uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 3–8 Vernalization: not Required exposure: Full Sun Container Size: 4"–Gallons Plant Height: 6–8" Colors/Mixes: 4–8 not Required Full Sun Quarts–Gallons 12–15" 3/0 4/0 new: Rose, White Piñacolada Deep Rose Shades NEW Merleau Blue Merleau Rose Piñacolada Rose Red Shades Piñacolada Rose Red Shades Piñacolada Violet Shades NEW Merleau White Piñacolada White S eed P eRen n IA l S 12020027_097-114.indd 111 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 111 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SAXIFRAGA SEDUM Highlander Sea Star SAxIFRAGA x ARendSII SeduM PulCHelluM MOUNDED / EARLY TO MID-SPRING bLOOMING MOUNDED / SUMMER bLOOMING / HEAT LOVERS ™ ™ •extremely uniform series with extra-early flowering •Thrives in full summer sun in alpine or rock gardens •long shelf life •Pale pink, star-shaped blooms atop drought-tolerant, succulent foliage •Free-flowering with vivid colors •Great for use in growing trend of “living roofs” uSdA Zone: Vernalization: exposure: Container Size: Plant Height: Colors/Mixes: 5–9 uSdA Zone: Required Vernalization: Sun / Part Shade exposure: Quarts–Gallons Container Size: 4–6" Plant Height: 3/0 Colors/Mixes: Highlander Red Shades Highlander Rose Shades 1 11 12 2 6–9 not Required Full Sun 4"–Quarts 6–8" 1/0 Sea Star Highlander White Highlander Red Shades Seed P eR ennIA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 112 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette GoldFisch Vegetative vegetative annuals 12020027_Tabs.indd 3 3/19/12 1:49 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GoldFisch Vegetative series listing annuals gerAnium–iVy Blizzard™ Cascade Contessa™ Freestyle® temprano™ ACHilleA gypsy® 114 AgerAtum Patina™ 114 AngeloniA Carita™ 115 ™ Carita Cascade 115 ArgyrAntHemum Sassy® 116 BACoPA Calypso™ 116 BiDenS mexican gold™ 117 gerAnium–eXotiC exotic VinCA nirvana® 164 nirvana® Cascade 164 138 imPAtienS–trAiling Butterfly® 139 Spellbound® 140 imPAtienS–DouBle Silhouette® 141 CAliBrACHoA Callie® 118 CoreoPSiS Corey™ 120 CuPHeA Cuphoric™ 120 DAHliA goldalia™ 121 DiASCiA Darla® 121 DiPlADeniA rio™ 122 iPomoeA Sidekick™ 142 KWiK KomBoS™ 143 lAntAnA Bandana® 146 Bandito™ 147 loBeliA techno® 148 ® techno upright 148 lySimACHiA goldii 149 nemeSiA Confection™ 149 DorotHeAntHuS mezoo™ 123 neW guineA imPAtienS Sonic® 150 Super Sonic® 151 euPHorBiA euphoric™ 123 oSteoSPermum tradewinds® 152 gAillArDiA Sunrita™ 124 PenStemon Phoenix™ 153 gAurA geyser® 124 PetuniA Sanguna® 154 Whispers™ 156 Picnic™ 157 gerAnium–HyBriD Caliente® 125 Calliope® 126 gerAnium–zonAl Americana® Classic™ Fidelity® rocky mountain™ tango™ VerBenA lanai® 160 lanai® upright 162 magelana™ 163 HeliotroPe Scentropia™ 138 BrACteAntHA Strawburst™ 117 GoldFisch Vegetative 134 135 136 137 137 GoldFisch select varieties are noted for exceptionally uniform greenhouse production and outstanding garden performance. 128 130 131 132 133 SAlViA Velocity™ 158 oceana® 158 SAnVitAliA Cuzco® 159 SCAeVolA Bombay® 159 Chart abbrEviations: timing: e = early e–m = early–medium m = medium m–l = medium–late l = late n/A = not Applicable vigor: C = Compact C–m = Compact–medium m = medium V = Vigorous m–V medium–Vigorous Foliage: D = Dark e = early m = medium m–l = medium–late VAr = Variegated rEG: Plant Growth regulator l = little m–l = medium–little m = medium m–F = medium–Frequent F = Frequent EsP:Ex tended–season Production available ProPaGation inFormation: goldFisch Vegetative varieties are protected by u.S. and Canadian Plant Patents, utility Patents, and/or the varieties are listed in the Syngenta Flowers “Flowering only license.” to order tags for propagation, contact master tag at 800-253-0439. unlicensed propagation of these varieties is strictly prohibited and monitored by: royalty administration international: 10175 Six mile Cypress Parkway Suite 3 Ft. myers, Fl 33912 800-472-4724 CoPF: 975 mcKeown Avenue 5A-218, north Bay on P1B 9P2, Canada 800-265-1629 For DetAi leD Cultur e V iS it W W W. Syn g e n tAF l o We rS i n C . C o m 12020027_Tabs.indd 4 3/19/12 1:49 PM Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Beauty you can count on. Maximize profits and drive retail sell-through with the optional Blooms All Summer™ guarantee program featuring Calliope® and Caliente® hybrid geraniums. No other product delivers a stronger value-added proposition. Consumer research shows that color and size are the two most important factors customers look for when purchasing outdoor flowering plants.* Calliope and Caliente deliver both like no other! Additionally, our performance guarantee is proven to increase average price and retail sell-through. For participating growers, Syngenta Flowers guarantees the retail purchase price for any consumer not completely satisfied with the performance of their Calliope or Caliente hybrid geraniums.** Contact your preferred sales representative to learn more. Calliope Dark Red Caliente Pink “We’ve had more comments from customers who bought Calliope this year and loved it than any other flower we grow.” Ontario, Canada Retailer Calliope Lavender Rose NEW Consumers can’t resist Calliope and Caliente geraniums! • Amazing color and size • Worry-free performance • Money-back guarantee *2008 Syngenta Flowers Consumer Buying Preferences Survey **Restrictions apply 12020027_097-114.indd 115 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette VeGeTATIV e A n n u A l S 113 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ACHILLEA AGERATUM Gypsy Patina ACHIlleA PTARMICA AGeRATuM HOuSTOnIAnuM SEMI-TRAILING / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOVERS MOUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEAT LOVERS ® ™ •“Summer Bacopa” features outstanding heat tolerance and blooms throughout the summer •exceptional carefree garden performance—no dead-heading required •Vigorous semi-trailing growth habit—perfect combination container and basket component •Free flowering without cycling or burning out in summer heat and sun •durable season-extender plants (Hardy to Zone 5) •Well-branched, “no-pinch” habit makes for a fast finish in 4- to 6-inch pots or premium containers VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP White M V 10–14" 20–24" • Purple: Plants Rated Superior—Colorado State university Series: Best of Breed, two years running—north Carolina State university; Top 10 Retailer’s Choice, Ranked #1—Welby Gardens, CO; Ranked #1 in Species—Penn State university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Blue E C–M 10–12" 12–16" • Purple E C–M 10–12" 12–16" Gypsy White Patina Blue Patina Blue 1 14 Patina Purple VeGe TATIV e A nnuA lS 12020027_097-114.indd 116 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:24 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ANGELONIA ANGELONIA Carita Carita Cascade angelOnia angustiFOlia angelOnia angustiFOlia UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS TRaIlING / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS ™ ™ •large flowers on strong stems and a dense, well-behaved plant habit •Vigorous semi-trailing growth habit makes this a great choice for hanging baskets and mixed containers •early blooming and upright habit provide superior greenhouse performance •large flowers •three designer colors available •Outstanding heat tolerance delivers uninterrupted color all summer long •same exceptional heat tolerance as upright Carita angelonia •For easy combinations, try Kwik Kombos™: Carita summer Berry Blast™ Mix Deep Purple: Best in Breed for summer 2011—nC state university trials; leader of the Pack—2011 nC state university trials; superior Plant—Penn state university Raspberry: Best in Category—Cornell university, ithaca, nY; Classic City garden award and Best of the Best—university of georgia White: leader of the Pack at 2011 nC state university trials Purple: Best angelonia—Colorado state university (Csu) 2011; Best of the Best and granted the prestigious Classic City garden award—2011 university of georgia (uga) trial gardens VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Deep Purple M M 8–10" 20–26" • Raspberry M M 8–10" 20–26" • White M M 8–10" 20–26" • ESP Purple E C–M 16–20" 14—18" • Raspberry E C–M 16–20" 14—18" • White E C–M 16–20" 14—18" • Carita Cascade White Carita Purple Carita Cascade Deep Purple Carita Purple Carita Raspberry Carita Cascade Raspberry Carita Cascade White Carita White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 115 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 115 3/19/12 12:26 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ARGYRANTHEMUM BACOPA Sassy Calypso aRgYRantHeMuM FRutesCens suteRa CORData MoUNDED / SPRING TRaIlING / SPRING ® ™ •Bred for excellent branching and mounding habit—ideal for high-density containers •eye-popping jumbo flowers—impressive addition to premium baskets and mixed containers •early to flower and easy to manage in production •easy to grow with a controlled habit and excellent branching •the perfect plant for combination plantings •exceptional heat tolerance •Reliable performance in the greenhouse and low maintenance for consumers Compact White: #1 species—Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Compact White E–M C–M 10–14" 12–14" Compact Yellow E–M C–M 10–14" 12–14" Pink M M–V 18–22" 16–18" Red M M–V 18–22" 16–18" ESP VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Jumbo Lavender E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Jumbo White E C 4–6" 12–14" ESP • NEW Sassy Compact Yellow Sassy Compact White Jumbo White: Best in Class—Colorado state university; Best of Breed—north Carolina state university Calypso Jumbo White Sassy Compact Yellow Sassy Pink Calypso Jumbo Lavender Calypso Jumbo White NEW Sassy Red 11 6 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 116 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:26 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 BIDENS BRACTEANTHA Mexican Gold Strawburst BiDens FeRuliFOlia BRaCteantHa BRaCteata SEMI-TRaIlING & MoUNDED / SPRING MoUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / Fall ™ ™ •Mexican gold flowers early with a strong, semi-trailing habit, and ideal vigorous growth •Mexican gold Compact is free flowering with a tight mounding habit for natural plant-growth control •Mexican gold semi-Double features a more dense and controlled plant habit loaded with eye-catching, semi-double flowers •Massive, 3-inch bright yellow blooms on strong stems •Vigorous, sturdy plants quickly fill any pot (quart, gallon) •excellent season extender with outstanding heat and frost tolerance Best of show—Colorado state university •Well suited to quarts, gallons, baskets and mixed containers VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Gold E M–V 12–14" 14–16" • Gold Compact E–M C 8–10" 10–12" Gold Semi-Double E M 10–12" 12–14" VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Yellow M M 12–16" 12–16" • Strawburst Yellow Mexican Gold Compact Mexican Gold Mexican Gold Compact Mexican Gold Semi-Double Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 117 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 117 3/19/12 12:26 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CALIBRACHOA Callie ® CaliBRaCHOa HYBRiD SEMI-TRaIlING / SPRING / SUMMER VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Star Pink E–M M 4–8" 12–16" • • White ’11 E–M M 4–8" 12–16" •strong root systems and tolerance of higher soil pH make it easy to grow healthy, uniform Callies White Rose Vein E–M M 4–8" 12–16" •19 bright colors bred for early flowering under shorter day lengths Yellow Imp. E–M M 4–8" 12–16" •Flowers stay open under lower light conditions • IMP. = GoldFisch Select •Dense, semi-trailing habit is well suited for baskets and large containers, and as component plants in mixed combinations •the uniform habit and timing of the Callie series simplify production •For easy combination ideas, try these Kwik Kombos™: Callie Pure Joy™ Mix, Callie Citrus Fire™ Mix and Callie Pink Bliss™ Mix Recognized with more than 30 trial awards since 2005 Deep Yellow: ten awards, including superior Plant two years running and Best of show—Penn state university Cream with eye: Plant of Merit—university of georgia Callie White ’11: Highly recognized in 2011 top university trial sites, including Colorado state, Penn state, georgia, north Carolina state VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Bright Red E M–V 6–10" 16–20" • Coral Pink E M 4–8" 12–16" • Cream with Eye E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Dark Blue E–M M 4–8" 12–16" • Deep Yellow M M 4–8" 12–16" • Gold with Red Eye E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Light Blue ’11 E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Mango E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Orange E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Orange Sunrise E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Peach E–M M 4–8" 12–16" • Purple E–M M 4–8" 12–16" • Rose ’11 E–M M 4–8" 12–16" • Scarlet E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Star Coral E–M M 4–8" 12–16" Callie Coral Pink 11 8 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 118 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:27 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 CALIBRACHOA Callie ® CaliBRaCHOa HYBRiD Callie Bright Red Callie Coral Pink Callie Cream with Eye Callie Dark Blue Callie Deep Yellow Callie Gold with Red Eye Callie Light Blue ’11 Callie Mango Callie Orange Callie Orange Sunrise Callie Peach Callie Purple Callie Rose ’11 Callie Scarlet Callie Star Coral Callie Star Pink Callie White ’11 Callie White Rose Vein Kwik Kombos Callie Pink Bliss Mix Callie Dark Blue IMP. Callie Yellow Imp. Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 119 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 119 3/19/12 12:27 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 COREOPSIS CUPHEA Corey Cuphoric COReOPsis gRanDiFlORa CuPHea RaMOsissiMa UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER MoUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS ™ ™ •Bright, golden yellow flowers with contrasting dark red center accents •unique small-leaved plant that blooms profusely •Compact semi-trailing plants are attractive in 4-inch pots and as a component for mixed containers •strong, upright plant produces extra-large flowers all summer long •Heat loving and drought tolerant to extend sales from spring into summer •Reliable landscape and large container performance VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Yellow M M–V 18–24" 16–20" • VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Pink E C 6–12" 10–14" • Corey Yellow Cuphoric Pink Corey Yellow 12 0 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 120 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:27 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DAHLIA DIASCIA Goldalia Darla DaHlia X HYBRiDa DiasCia BaRBeRae MoUNDED / SPRING MoUNDED / SPRING ™ ® •Dynamic bicolor flowers “wow” customers •naturally compact growth habit with excellent branching •Robust upright plant with extra-large showy blooms that cover the entire plant with color •great outdoor performance in containers with superior flower power •Reliable performance in a wide range of container sizes Orange: Best Dahlia—Welby gardens, CO appleblossom: Best in Class—Colorado state university scarlet: Best of Class—Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR Orange E Rose E–M •Consistently recognized for superb heat tolerance and garden performance in university trials HEIGHT WIDTH C–M 8–10" 8–10" M 10–12" 10–12" ESP Deep salmon ’11: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH E M 12–14" 12–14" Rose Bicolor E C–M 8–10" 8–10" Appleblossom Scarlet E C–M 8–10" 8–10" Deep Salmon ’11 E M 12–14" 12–14" Yellow E C–M 8–10" 8–10" Light Pink E M 12–14" 12–14" Orange E–M M 12–14" 12–14" Red E–M C–M 10–12" 10–12" Rose E–M M 12–14" 12–14" White ’11 E M 12–14" 12–14" ESP Goldalia Orange Darla Appleblossom Darla Deep Salmon ’11 Darla Light Pink Darla Orange Darla Red Darla Rose Goldalia Rose Goldalia Rose Bicolor Goldalia Scarlet Goldalia Scarlet Goldalia Yellow Darla White ’11 Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 121 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 121 3/19/12 12:28 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DIPLADENIA Rio ™ ManDeVilla HYBRiDa MoUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS •Flowers all summer under extreme conditions •Controlled, upright habit with limited vining creates stunning retail displays •showy 3-inch trumpet-shaped blooms for all-season-long flowering Deep Red: Best of Breed two years running—north Carolina state university Hot Pink: Plant of Merit—university of georgia VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Deep Red E C 12–14" 12–14" • Hot Pink E C 12–14" 12–14" • Pink E C 12–14" 12–14" • Rio Deep Red Rio Hot Pink Rio Deep Red Rio Pink 12 2 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 122 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:28 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 DOROTHEANTHUS EUPHORBIA Mezoo Euphoric DOROtHeantHus BelliDiFORMis euPHORBia HYPeRiCiFOlia TRaIlING / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS MoUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS ™ ™ •Vigorously trailing, succulent plant with dime-sized, rose-red flowers •Vigorous well-branched plants with dark green foliage fill pots and baskets quickly •Roots well and finishes quick; tolerant of wet or dry soils and high or low pH •early to bloom and large flower bracts create nonstop color, even under the most stressful summer conditions •excellent component in combination basket and planters •adds texture and visual interest to mixed combinations VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Trailing Red L M–V 6–8" 18–20" • VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP White E C–M 14–20" 14–20" • Euphoric White Mezoo Trailing Red Mezoo Trailing Red Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 123 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 123 3/19/12 12:28 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GAILLARDIA GAURA Sunrita Geyser gaillaRDia aRistata gauRa linDHeiMeRi UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER ™ ® •this semi-compact gaillardia is tough and durable in the landscape •Full-bodied plants with strong branching and a compact habit •First-year flowering perennial with long-lasting, graceful blooms until frost (hardy to Zone 6) •impressive blooming power across all five colors •Outstanding performance in gallon or larger containers •Perfect textural element for adding dimension to landscapes and mixed containers •also a perennial (hardy to Zone 6) Burgundy: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university; Highest Rated gaillardia—Penn state VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Burgundy E M 14–18" 14–16" • Burgundy Picotee E M 14–18" 14–16" Scarlet Halo E M 14–18" 14–16" Tangerine E–M M–V 16–20" 16–18" Yellow E M–V 16–20" 16–18" VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Pink E M 24–36" 16–20" • White E M 24–36" 16–20" • • • Geyser Pink Sunrita Burgundy Sunrita Burgundy Picotee Geyser Pink Sunrita Scarlet Halo Sunrita Tangerine 12 4 Geyser White Sunrita Scarlet Halo Sunrita Yellow Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 124 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:29 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-HYBRID Caliente ® PelaRgOniuM inteRsPeCiFiC MoUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS •the hybrid-geranium craze began here! •Heat loving and drought tolerant, for continuous color through the most extreme summer heat •Best-in-class landscape performance with self-cleaning flowers •exceptional edema tolerance and naturally well-branched habit provide outstanding plants at retail •Boost consumer confidence and value with the Blooms all summer™ program Recognized with 50 trial awards since 2005 Orange: 10 awards, including superior Plant—Penn state university; Best geranium—Cornell university; Best of the Best and given the prestigious Classic City garden award—2011 university of georgia trials Caliente Coral Coral: 15 awards, including Best of Breed—north Carolina state university; Best of trials—university of Florida NEW VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Coral E M M • Dark Rose E M M • Deep Red E M M • Fire E D M • Hot Coral E–M D M • Lavender E–M M M • Orange E–M D M • Pink E–M D M • Rose E M M • Caliente Coral Caliente Dark Rose Caliente Deep Red Caliente Fire Caliente Hot Coral Caliente Lavender Caliente Orange Caliente Pink Caliente Rose NEW = GoldFisch Select Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 125 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 125 3/19/12 12:29 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-HYBRID Calliope ® PelaRgOniuM inteRsPeCiFiC MoUNDED / SPRING / SUMMER / HEaT lovERS •From the innovators of Hybrid geraniums offering Best-in-Class garden performance •Dark Red is unmatched for flower color brilliance •large semi-double flowers bloom under full-sun or part-shade conditions •Heat loving and drought tolerant for season extending sales •superior branching fills baskets and planters quickly for a premium finish •add value and boost consumer confidence with the Blooms all summer™ program Recognized with 16 awards in the past two years Dark Red: Best geranium at 2011 Colorado state university greenhouse grower’s Medal of excellence— Reader’s Choice award; Classic City garden award, Best of the Best—university of georgia; Best of Breed—north Carolina state university scarlet Fire: Classic City garden award—university of georgia VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Burgundy M M M–L • Calliope Dark Red and Bombay White NEW Dark Red M M F • Hot Pink M M M • NEW Lavender Rose M M M–L • NEW Scarlet Fire M M–L M–F • NEW Calliope Burgundy NEW Calliope Hot Pink 12 6 Calliope Dark Red NEW Calliope Lavender Rose Calliope Scarlet Fire Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 126 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:30 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Calliope Geranium: pure inspiration Innovation to reinvigorate a popular crop class is what breeder Mitch Hanes strived for when he envisioned a new type of geranium. The goal was twofold: to deliver greater heat tolerance and to lessen growers’ challenges with edema. Fifteen years later, in the spring of 2008, Calliope® Dark Red made its debut. Calliope quickly became Syngenta Flowers’ top-selling vegetative geranium and continued the hybrid-geranium craze. Named after the Greek muse of epic poetry, Calliope geraniums represent a revolutionary breeding breakthrough. By combining the best features of ivy and zonal types, Calliope offers unparalleled features and performance. The series provides exceptional branching, superior vigor in both landscapes and containers, and best-in-class heat tolerance. Count on Calliope as well for continuous, season-long flowering in uniquely rich colors. The velvet-red color of Calliope Dark Red is unmatched on the market and has garnered more than 15 performance-trialing awards in the past three seasons. Now, with three vibrant new colors joining the series, there’s even more of this groundbreaking series to delight retailers and consumers. Calliope Trials Calliope Dark Red Calliope Lavender Rose Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 127 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 127 3/19/12 12:30 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-ZONAL Americana ® PelaRgOniuM ZOnale UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER •the americana series is created with the grower in mind, for a vigorous, yet easy-to-control habit •strong sell-through at retail •Proven outdoor performance for versatile use in containers and in-ground plantings, with a long track record of award-winning varieties •Vibrant, clear flower colors Bright Red, Coral, Dark Red, light Pink splash, Pink, Violet: top Performer—university of tennessee Dark Red: Best Zonal geranium—Colorado state; Highest Rating—Ohio state university; top Rating—university of Minnesota Dark Red, Orchid, Red, Violet: Highest Rating—north Carolina state university VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Bright Red M M M • Cherry Rose M–L M M • Coral M M M–F • Cranberry Red M M M–F • Dark Red M–L M F • Light Pink Splash E M L • Orchid M M M • Pink M M L • Red M M M • Rose Mega Splash M M L • Salmon E M M • Violet E M M • White E M M • White Splash E M L • Americana White Splash Americana Bright Red Americana Cherry Rose Americana Coral Americana Cranberry Red Americana Dark Red Americana Light Pink Splash Americana Orchid Americana Pink Americana Red Americana White Americana White Splash = GoldFisch Select Americana Rose Mega Splash 12 8 Americana Salmon Americana Violet Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 128 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:30 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Americana Geraniums: proven performance. Americana,® as the name suggests, is a uniquely North American collection of geraniums. Developed at a time when the market was dominated by small, European-type geraniums that did well in high-density production but were lackluster performers in the home garden, Americana burst onto the scene in the spring of 1991. With a robust habit and lots of large, striking flowers, Americana geraniums make a big impression in the garden in a broad range of vivid colors, including one-of-a-kind “splash” types. True to the North American spirit, Americana geraniums are extremely versatile and adapt easily to a variety of uses. Syngenta Flowers offers year-round availability on the Americana series due to their proven performance throughout North America. They are excellent in containers, working well by themselves or “playing nicely with others” in combination plantings. Americana geraniums also put on a stunning show in garden beds. The Americana series is a great fit for busy consumers: once plants are established in a container or in-ground planting, Americana can go several days without watering and still look great. Americana geraniums will flower all summer long, and can even tolerate a minor frost. The series has a long history of award-winning garden performance across the US and Canada. Geraniums have been a long-time favorite and well-recognized garden plant. The National Garden Bureau counts geraniums among “the easiest, prettiest and most adaptable flowering plants you can set in your garden!”* See for yourself why Americana geraniums have enjoyed high customer loyalty for more than 20 years. Americana Rose Mega Splash Americana Violet Americana Red *source: national garden Bureau website ( Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_115-130.indd 129 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 129 3/19/12 12:31 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-ZONAL Classic ™ PelaRgOniuM ZOnale UPRIGHT / SPRING / SUMMER •grower-tested, proven genetics provide confidence •Full color range features large flowers and green foliage with medium plant vigor •Flexible plant habit, suitable to 6-inch pots, gallons and baskets •Reliable performance that has set the industry standard for more than 50 years lavender: Highest Rating—university of Massachusetts; top Performer—Colorado state university light salmon: Highest Rating—u of Massachusetts Mosaic Purple: superior Rating—u of nebraska Classic Red Mosaic Red: top Performer—Ohio state university; awesome Color—university of Minnesota VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Dark Salmon E M M–F • Lavender M M M–F • Light Salmon E M M • Mosaic Purple L M F • Mosaic Red L M F • Pink M M M–F • Pink Blush M M M • Red E–M M M • Salmon E M M • Scarlet E–M M M • White E M L • Classic Dark Salmon Classic Lavender Classic Light Salmon Classic Mosaic Purple Classic Mosaic Red Classic Pink Classic Pink Blush Classic Red Classic Salmon Classic Scarlet Classic White Note: Expect some reversion to solid color with Mosaic Purple and Mosaic Red. 13 0 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_115-130.indd 130 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:31 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-ZONAL Fidelity ® PelaRgOniuM ZOnale upright / spring / summer •naturally compact habit facilitates higher-density production and easier shipping •little to no growth regulation required Fidelity Dark Red •Well branched, rich green foliage and early blooms make for more grower-friendly production •Vivid flower color, with multiple blooms open at first flush salmon: top Performer—southeast Missouri state university VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Dark Red E–M M M • Deep Lavender E–M M L • Hot Pink M M L • Magenta M M L • Salmon E–M M M • Fidelity Dark Red Fidelity Hot Pink Fidelity Deep Lavender Fidelity Magenta Fidelity Salmon Save time and resources with callused cuttings. Our market-leading geranium portfolio is also available in callused form! We led the industry with our callused cutting program more than a decade ago, and our experienced program continues to deliver terrific value. In comparison to traditional URCs, callused cuttings slash propagation time in half and save transplant labor—callused cuttings can be direct-stuck into finished containers. Our callused cutting program is fully supported by our seasoned tech experts, available on-demand, 24/7 at [email protected]. Tango Orange Rocky Mountain Red Americana Rose Mega Splash Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 131 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 131 3/19/12 12:54 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-ZONAL Rocky Mountain ™ PelaRgOniuM ZOnale upright / spring / summer •strong, vigorous plants with large, round flower heads for high-impact, premium sales •Very uniform plants bred to thrive in challenging north american climates, especially in the landscape •Perfect habit for robust premium monoculture and mixed containers Recognized with 14 trial awards since 2005 Dark Red: late season top Performer—long island trial garden; Best geranium—Colorado state university Deep Rose: top Rated Zonal—university of georgia lavender, light Pink, Royal Red, Red: Highest Rating—north Carolina state university Rocky Mountain Dark Red Magenta, Red, salmon Rose, Violet, White: top Performer— university of tennessee VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Dark Red M M F • Deep Rose M M F • Lavender M–L M F • Light Pink M M F • Magenta M M M–F • Orange M M F • Pink E–M M F • Red M M F • Royal Red M M F • Salmon E–M M F • Violet M M F • White M M F • Rocky Mountain Dark Red Rocky Mountain Deep Rose Rocky Mountain Lavender Rocky Mountain Light Pink Rocky Mountain Magenta Rocky Mountain Orange Rocky Mountain Pink Rocky Mountain Red Rocky Mountain Royal Red Rocky Mountain Salmon Rocky Mountain Violet Rocky Mountain White = GoldFisch Select 13 2 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 132 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:55 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-ZONAL Tango ™ PelaRgOniuM ZOnale upright / spring / summer •simplify production with this highly-efficient series, which is programmable for early-, mid- and late-season turns •excellent heat tolerance for quick-turn, pot-tight summer production Tango Confetti Salmon Tango Dark Red Tango Deep Pink Tango Deep Red Tango Hot Pink Tango Lavender Tango Light Pink Tango Neon Purple Tango Orange Tango Rose Mega Splash Tango Rose Splash Tango Salmon Tango Tango Velvet Red Tango Violet •Medium vigor, full color range with one-of-a-kind novel colors that pop against dark-green foliage •a long and proven history of superior performance neon Purple: Rated #1—university of georgia; top Performer—university of tennessee Velvet Red: Best of the Best—university of georgia White ’11: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Confetti Salmon E M M • Dark Red E–M D L • Deep Pink E D L • Deep Red E M L • Hot Pink E D L • Lavender E D M–F • Light Pink E–M D L • Neon Purple M D M • Orange M D M • Rose Mega Splash M D L • Rose Splash E–M D L • Salmon E D L • Tango M D L • Velvet Red E M L • Violet M–L D M • White ’11 E–M D L • = GoldFisch Select Tango White ’11 Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 133 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 133 3/19/12 12:57 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-IVY Blizzard ® PelaRgOniuM PeltatuM trailing / spring / summer •Vigorous plants with excellent branching and outstanding heat tolerance •Features huge, self-cleaning single flowers in a wide assortment of bright colors •unmatched outdoor performance with a solid mass of color all summer long Blizzard Blue Blizzard Dark Red Blizzard Pink Blizzard Red ’11 •a top ivy geranium choice for hot and humid climates VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Blue M M F • Dark Red M M F • Pink E M F • Red ’11 E M M • White M M F • Blizzard White Blizzard Series 13 4 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 134 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:57 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-IVY Cascade PelaRgOniuM PeltatuM trailing / spring / summer •traditional european ivy geranium features a gorgeous waterfall of color when used in window boxes and hanging baskets •extreme heat and edema tolerance •grows vigorous and carefree, requiring minimal maintenance for maximum flowering acapulco Compact: Best ivy geranium—2011 Colorado state university; Best of the Best—university of georgia VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Acapulco Compact E–M M F • Bright M M F • Lila Compact E–M M F • Sofie M M F • White E–M M F • Cascade Acapulco Compact Cascade Bright Cascade Lila Compact Cascade Sofie Cascade White Cascade White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 135 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 135 3/19/12 12:58 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-IVY Contessa ™ PelaRgOniuM PeltatuM trailing / spring / summer •a collection of our strongest performers with excellent branching for maximum flower power •Features large flowers in a wide range of colors; a long history of award-winning performance •strong balance between greenhouse dependability and outdoor garden performance Contessa Burgundy Contessa Burgundy Bicolor Contessa Double Lilac Contessa Double Pink Contessa Lavender Contessa Pink Contessa Purple Contessa Red lavender: top Performer—southeastern Missouri state university; Highest Rating—university of tennessee White: Highly Rated—Colorado state university VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Burgundy E–M M M • Burgundy Bicolor E–M M L • Double Lilac M–L M M • Double Pink M–L M L • Lavender E–M M M • Pink M M M • Purple M M M • Red M M F • White M–L M M • = GoldFisch Select Contessa Lavender 13 6 Contessa White Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 136 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:59 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-IVY GERANIUM-IVY Freestyle Temprano PelaRgOniuM PeltatuM PelaRgOniuM PeltatuM semi-trailing / spring / summer trailing / spring / summer ® ™ •semi-trailing ivy geraniums with clean, crisp colors and large blooms •earliest-to-bloom ivy geranium series for faster sell-through and more profitable turns •Very good edema and heat tolerance mean less leaf-tip yellowing under stressful summer conditions •Compact habit is suitable for high-density production •Medium vigor with a semi-double flower form •Continuous flowering with a semi-double flower form VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Arctic Red E M F • Cherry Rose M M M • Orchid E M L • VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. ESP Bright Red E M M • Dark Red ’11 E M M • Lavender E M M • Orange E M F • Pink ’11 E–M M M • Salmon E M M • White E M L • Temprano Lavender Freestyle Arctic Red Freestyle Arctic Red •unbeatable performers from the ivy geranium market leader Freestyle Cherry Rose Freestyle Orchid Temprano Bright Red Temprano Dark Red ’11 Temprano Lavender Temprano Orange Temprano Pink ’11 Temprano Salmon Temprano White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 137 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 137 3/19/12 1:00 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 GERANIUM-EXOTIC HELIOTROPE Exotic Scentropia PelaRgOniuM ZOnale HeliOtROPiuM aRBOResCens upright / spring upright / spring / summer / heat lovers ™ •unique collection of foliage balanced with strong flower power diversifies geranium programs and adds a punch to mixed plantings! •strong season-long performance •intense dark blue flowers produce an irresistible sweet scent •great branching with large flower heads covered in color all season •easy to finish with a dense, semi-compact habit Crystal Palace gem: Best exotic geranium—university of Minnesota and Penn state university Happy thought: Best exotic geranium—Penn state university and university of Florida VARIETY TIMING FOLIAGE REG. Crystal Palace Gem L VAR M–F Happy Thought M–L VAR F Tricolor M–L VAR L Wilhellm Langguth L VAR F ESP Best Heliotrope—2011 Penn state university; Best of the Best—2011 university of georgia VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Dark Blue M M 12–16" 10–14" • Scentropia Dark Blue Wilhellm Langguth Crystal Palace Gem Happy Thought Tricolor Wilhellm Langguth 13 8 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 138 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:01 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS-TRAILING Butterfly ® iMPatiens WalleRiana trailing / spring •unique hybrid selected for a full, trailing growth habit; flower coverage from early spring to fall •Features an abundance of petite 3/4-inch flowers all season •Vigorous, early flowering growers; excellent for shade •For mixed-container inspiration, consider Kwik Kombos™: Pink Vibrations™ Mix VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Deep Pink E V 6–10" 12–16" Salmon with Eye E M–V 6–10" 12–16" ESP Kwik Kombos Pink Vibrations Mix Butterfly Salmon with Eye Butterfly Deep Pink Butterfly Salmon with Eye Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 139 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 139 3/19/12 1:01 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS-TRAILING Spellbound ® iMPatiens WalleRiana trailing / spring •Blanket of color with unique, lateral-branching habit that quickly fills containers and premium baskets •a versatile impatiens for shade-to-sun locations •Vigorous, free-flowering and proven heat tolerance strawberry star: Best of the Best—university of georgia Spellbound Blackberry Star Spellbound Dark Red Spellbound Pink Splash Spellbound Rose Spellbound Royal Purple Spellbound Salmon Spellbound Strawberry Star Spellbound White Pink splash: Best impatiens 2010 and superior Plant— Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Blackberry Star E V 12–20" 14–24" Dark Red E V 12–20" 14–24" Pink Splash E V 12–20" 14–24" Rose E V 12–20" 14–24" Royal Purple E V 12–20" 14–24" Salmon E V 12–20" 14–24" Strawberry Star E V 12–20" 14–24" White E V 12–20" 14–24" ESP Spellbound Rose 14 0 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 140 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:02 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IMPATIENS-DOUBLE Silhouette ® iMPatiens WalleRiana mounded / spring •Bred for uniform growth habit and early flowering •Fully double blooms sit above the foliage •Perfect choice for shaded porches and other locations with afternoon shade Silhouette Appleblossom Silhouette Cherry Silhouette Light Pink Silhouette Orange Star ’11 Silhouette Purple Silhouette Red Silhouette Red Star Silhouette Rose Silhouette Rose Star Silhouette Salmon Silhouette White •Versatile—great for baskets, landscape beds and mixed containers Rose: Best Double impatiens—2011 Penn state trial Cherry: Flame Proof award—2009 Dallas arboretum VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Appleblossom E–M C–M 8–10" 8–10" Cherry E–M M 10–12" 10–12" Light Pink E–M C–M 8–10" 8–10" Orange Star ’11 E–M M 10–12" 10–12" Purple M M 10–12" 10–12" Red E–M M 10–12" 10–12" Red Star E–M M 10–12" 10–12" Rose E–M M 10–12" 10–12" Rose Star E–M M 10–12" 10–12" Salmon E–M M 10–12" 10–12" White E–M C–M 8–10" 8–10" ESP = GoldFisch Select Silhouette Rose Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 141 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 141 3/19/12 1:04 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 IPOMOEA Sidekick ™ iPOMOea Batatas semi-trailing / spring / summer / heat lovers •semi-compact, bushy habit is grower friendly and ideal for 4-inch pots •leaf color and texture provide ideal accent to all mixed containers without overgrowing •Very versatile performer with excellent results in full sun and shade Black: Flame Proof award—2009 Dallas arboretum Black Heart: Best ipomoea—Colorado state university lime: Best in show and Outstanding sweet Potato—2011 Penn state university; top 10—north Carolina state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Black N/A M 12–14" 30–36" • Black Heart N/A M 12–14" 30–36" • Lime N/A M 12–14" 30–36" • Sidekick Black Heart Sidekick Black Sidekick Black Heart Sidekick Lime Sidekick Lime 14 2 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 142 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:04 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ™ MIXED LINERS FROM 3-in-1 designer blends take the guesswork out of producing beautiful and balanced premium combinations •Plant-and-go process eliminates design and setup delays and maximizes production efficiency •available as unrooted cuttings and rooted liners. Rooted liners arrive pre-pinched, pre-lit and ready to go for a faster finish •28 exclusive designer blends feature our best performers, including Callie® calibrachoa, lanai® verbena, sanguna® petunia and techno® Heat lobelia Fire and ice Mix: voted “Best Combo” at 2011 Colorado state university; voted “Best Combo” and “Best of show” at 2011 Penn state university Callie Pure Joy Mix NEW NEW American Anthem Mix Bandana Lemon Meringue Mix NEW Bandana Lemon Squeeze Mix Bombay Summer Sparkler Mix NEW Callie Citrus Fire Mix Callie Pink Bliss Mix Callie Pure Joy Mix Cascading Waterfall Mix syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s u.s. Patent no. 7,891,134. Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 143 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 143 3/19/12 1:06 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ™ MIXED LINERS FROM Darling Pink Mix Fire and Ice Mix Grape Expectations Mix Lanai Passion Mix NEW Lanai Spirit Mix Lanai Purple Rain Mix Magelana Enchanted Mix Night in Pompeii Mix IMP. Pink Infusions Mix Imp. Pink Vibrations Mix NEW Pink Lemonade Mix NEW Primary Perfection Mix Fire and Ice Mix Not Shown: Carita Summer Berry Blast Mix 14 4 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 144 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Royal Gold Mix Sanguna Moody Blues Mix Sanguna Sangria Mix Sanguna Summer Cooler Mix NEW Techno Blue Ray Mix Shady Lady Mix • Whimsical Spice Mix extended-season Production (esP) Kwik Kombos American Anthem™ Mix • Component 1 NEW NEW NEW Component 2 Component 3 Petunia Picnic Red lobelia techno Heat Dark Blue Calibrachoa Callie White lantana Bandana White lantana Bandana lemon Zest lantana Bandana Rose lantana Bandana Peach lantana Bandana lemon Zest lantana Bandito Red scaevola Bombay Dark Blue scaevola Bombay Pink scaevola Bombay White Callie® Citrus Fire™ Mix Calibrachoa Callie Peach Calibrachoa Callie scarlet Red Calibrachoa Callie Deep Yellow Callie® Pink Bliss™ Mix Calibrachoa Callie Purple Calibrachoa Callie Coral Pink Calibrachoa Callie White with Rose Vein Calibrachoa Callie Dark Blue Calibrachoa Callie Rose ’11 Calibrachoa Callie Yellow imp. angelonia Carita Cascade White angelonia Carita Raspberry angelonia Carita Cascade Purple Calibrachoa Callie Cream with eye lobelia techno Heat electric Blue Verbena lanai Bright eye Petunia sanguna lipstick lobelia techno Heat White Diascia Darla light Pink Petunia Whispers Red ’11 Bidens Mexican gold imp. lobelia techno Heat electric Blue Petunia sanguna lavender Vein lobelia techno Heat White Verbena lanai Royal Purple with eye Verbena lanai Peach imp. Verbena lanai Dark Red Verbena lanai Deep Purple Verbena lanai Deep Purple Verbena lanai Blush White Verbena lanai lavender star Verbena lanai Dark Red Verbena lanai Blush White Verbena lanai Denim Blue Verbena Magelana Hot Rose Verbena Magelana Violet Verbena Magelana lilac • • Mix • Bandana® Lemon Meringue™ Mix Bandana® Lemon Squeeze™ Mix Bombay® Summer Sparkler™ • Callie® Pure Joy™ Mix Carita™ Summer Berry Blast™ Mix • Cascading Waterfall™ Mix NEW NEW Darling Pink™ Mix Fire And Ice™ Mix • Grape Expectations™ Mix Lanai® Passion™ Mix • • Lanai® Purple Rain™ Mix Lanai® Spirit™ Mix • • Magelana™ Enchanted™ Mix Night in Pompeii™ Mix • NEW Pink Vibrations™ Mix Pink Infusions™ Mix Imp. Pink Lemonade™ Mix • Primary Perfection™ Mix Royal Gold™ Mix • • • Sanguna® Moody Blues™ Mix Sanguna® Sangria™ Mix IMP. NEW NEW • • Sanguna® Summer Cooler™ Mix • Shady Lady™ Mix • • Techno® Blue Ray™ Mix Whimsical Spice™ Mix NEW Petunia sanguna Purple Verbena lanai Bright eye lobelia techno Heat Dark Blue impatiens Butterfly Deep Pink Double impatiens silhouette Rose impatiens Butterfly salmon with eye Petunia Picnic Rose Verbena lanai Blush White lobelia techno Heat electric Blue Petunia Whispers star Rose Calibrachoa Callie Yellow imp. lobelia techno Heat light Blue Calibrachoa Callie Deep Yellow Verbena lanai Red lobelia techno Heat Dark Blue Petunia sanguna Burgundy Bidens Mexican gold imp. scaevola Bombay White Petunia Whispers Blue Petunia sanguna lavender Vein Petunia sanguna Blue Vein Petunia sanguna Burgundy Petunia sanguna Plum Vein Petunia sanguna White Pearl Petunia sanguna lipstick Petunia sanguna light Blue Petunia sanguna White Pearl impatiens Butterfly salmon with eye lobelia techno Heat electric Blue Diascia Darla light Pink lobelia techno Heat light Blue ’11 lobelia techno Heat White lobelia techno Heat Dark Blue lobelia tecnho Heat White lobelia techno Heat electric Blue Calibrachoa Callie Coral Pink Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_131-146.indd 145 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 145 3/19/12 1:08 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 LANTANA Bandana ® lantana CaMaRa mounded & trailing / spring / summer / heat lovers •easy-to-grow mounding habit is grower friendly and looks great in containers or in landscapes •exceptionally large flower •excellent season extender with outstanding color and heat tolerance •trailing gold features a strong spreading habit •For easy combination ideas, try these Kwik Kombos™: Bandana lemon squeeze™ Mix and Bandana lemon Meringue™ Mix Pink: Best lantana—Colorado state university Rose: 2011 Best new Variety anD Best lantana—Colorado state university Bandana Lemon Zest White: top 10 Breeder and grower’s Choice—Welby gardens, CO Peach, trailing gold and White: among the top ten for 2011—north Carolina state university lemon Zest, trailing gold: Flame Proof award—2009 Dallas arboretum Bandana Cherry Bandana Cherry Sunrise Bandana Lemon Zest Bandana Light Yellow Bandana Peach Bandana Pink Bandana Red Bandana Rose Bandana Trailing Gold trailing gold: Best in Category—Cornell university; Best lantana 2010—Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Cherry M M 16–20" 16–20" • Cherry Sunrise M M 16–20" 16–20" • Lemon Zest E–M M 16–20" 16–20" • Light Yellow E–M M 12–16" 16–20" • Peach E M 12–16" 16–20" • Pink E–M M–V 18–22" 18–22" • Red M M 16–20" 16–20" • Rose M M–V 18–22" 18–22" • Trailing Gold M V 14–18" 36–40" • White M M 16–20" 16–20" • = GoldFisch Select 14 6 Bandana White Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_131-146.indd 146 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:09 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 LANTANA Bandito ™ lantana CaMaRa mounded / spring / summer / Heat lovers •Maximize greenhouse efficiency: naturally compact, mounded habit requires no plant growth regulators (PgRs) •Continuous summer blooming •Perfectly suited for southern climates with high temperatures and humidity VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Orange Sunrise E–M C 12–14" 12–14" • Red M C 12–14" 12–14" • Rose M C 12–14" 12–14" • Bandito Orange Sunrise Bandito Red Bandito Rose Bandito Red Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 147 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 147 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 LOBELIA LOBELIA Techno Techno Upright lOBelia eRinus lOBelia eRinus trailing / spring mounded / spring ® ® •suitable for all turns! early and quick flowering from spring to fall •Remarkable series for combination plantings •Bred for superior branching and a naturally compact habit for full bench-run production •terrific heat tolerance and season-long flowering •Heat types bred for heat tolerance and summer blooming •For effortless combinations, use Kwik Kombos™: techno Blue Ray™ Mix techno Heat varieties recognized with 14 trial awards since 2005 White: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university ESP •ideal for 4- and 6-inch programs techno Heat upright varieties recognized with 12 trial awards since 2005 VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Heat Upright Blue E M–V 8–12" 14–18" VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Blue E M 6–10" 18–22" 8–12" 14–18" M 6–10" 18–22" Heat Upright Dark Blue M–V E • E Heat Dark Blue 8–12" 16–20" M 6–10" 18–22" Heat Upright Lt Blue Imp. M–V E • E Heat Electric Blue 8–12" 14–18" M–V 6–10" 20–24" Heat Upright White M E–M • E Heat Light Blue ’11 Heat Light Purple E M 6–10" 18–22" Heat Violet ’11 M M 6–10" 20–24" Heat White E M–V 6–10" 18–22" ESP IMP. = GoldFisch Select • = GoldFisch Select Techno Blue Techno Heat Dark Blue Techno Heat Electric Blue Techno Heat Upright Blue IMP. Techno Heat Light Blue ’11 14 8 Techno Heat Light Purple Vege tati Ve annua ls Techno Heat Violet ’11 Techno Heat White 12020027_147-162.indd 148 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Techno Heat Upright Blue Techno Heat Upright Dark Blue Techno Heat Upright Light Blue Imp. Techno Heat Upright White 3/19/12 12:54 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 LYSIMACHIA NEMESIA Goldii Confection lYsiMaCHia nuMMulaRia neMesia FRutesCens trailing / spring / summer uprigHt / spring ™ •attractive round, lime green foliage (hardy to Zone 4) •early bloomer with dense upright habit; ideal for 4- to 5-inch pots •trailing habit with excellent branching •Perfect for cool-season production with robust plants and strong stems •a must-have for combination baskets and planters •sweet fragrant flowers; a terrific addition to mixed containers VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Goldii N/A M–V 4–6" 10–16" ESP Goldii VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Blue E M 14–16" 10–12" White E M 14–16" 10–12" ESP Confection Blue Confection Blue Confection White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 149 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 149 3/19/12 12:55 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS Sonic ® iMPatiens HaWKeRii mounded / spring / summer •Full color range and unique patterns to customize individual program offerings •Reliable bench-run finishing for high-density production Sonic Amethyst Sonic Bright Pink Sonic Deep Purple Sonic Deep Red Sonic Light Lavender Sonic Light Pink Sonic Lilac Sonic Magic Pink Sonic Mango Sonic Orange Sonic Pink Sonic Red Sonic Salmon Sonic Scarlet Sonic Sweet Cherry Sonic Sweet Orange Sonic Sweet Purple Sonic White •immense flower size with a strong, well-branched habit fills pots quickly for optimum retail appearance •exceptional downy mildew tolerance contributes to awardwinning landscape performance. Magic Pink: grower top Choice—erie Basin Marina, Buffalo, nY Orange: Best of the Best—university of georgia sweet Cherry: Best ngi—2011 Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Amethyst E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Bright Pink E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Deep Purple E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Deep Red M M 12–14" 12–14" • Light Lavender E C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Light Pink E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Lilac E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Magic Pink E C 10–12" 10–12" • Mango E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Orange E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Pink E C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Red E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Salmon E–M C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Scarlet E M 12–14" 12–14" • Sweet Cherry E C 10–12" 10–12" • Sweet Orange E C–M 12–14" 12–14" • Sweet Purple E–M C 10–12" 10–12" • White E C–M 12–14" 12–14" • = GoldFisch Select 15 0 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 150 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:56 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS Super Sonic ® iMPatiens HaWKeRii mounded / spring / summer •Vigorous habit with outstanding branching; ideal for premium containers and for landscape use •Optimum plant vigor fills pots quickly with fewer plants per pot for maximum performance •Reliable bench-run finishing •strong flower power under high heat, with huge flower size— up to three inches across! •exceptional downy mildew tolerance contributes to awardwinning landscape performance. Magenta: Best ngi—2011 Colorado state university; Best of trials—university of Florida Red: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university White: Best ngi—2011 Penn state university Super Sonic Sweet Cherry VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Dark Salmon E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Flame E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Hot Pink M V 14–16" 14–16" • Lavender E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Lilac E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Magenta E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Orange Ice E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Pastel Pink E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Pink E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Purple E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Red E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • Sweet Cherry E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • White E–M V 14–16" 14–16" • = GoldFisch Select Super Sonic Purple Super Sonic Red Super Sonic Sweet Cherry Super Sonic Dark Salmon Super Sonic Flame Super Sonic Hot Pink Super Sonic Lavender Super Sonic Lilac Super Sonic Magenta Super Sonic Orange Ice Super Sonic Pastel Pink Super Sonic Pink Super Sonic White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 151 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 151 3/19/12 12:57 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 OSTEOSPERMUM Tradewinds ® OsteOsPeRMuM eCKlOnis uprigHt & trailing / spring •Best-in-class outdoor summer performance •Bred to induce flowering without vernalization •easy to grow, with excellent branching and a compact, bushy habit Recognized with 18 trial awards since 2005 Purple Bicolor: Best Osteospermum—Colorado state university; Best of Class—Penn state university trailing White: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Bronze E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Cinnamon E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Deep Purple E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Light Purple E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Pink E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Purple Bicolor E–M C–M 12–14" 12–16" Terracotta E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Trailing Deep Purple E–M M 4–6" 16–20" Trailing White E–M M 4–6" 16–20" White E–M M 12–16" 12–16" Yellow Imp. E–M M 12–16" 12–16" ESP Tradewinds Bronze Tradewinds Bronze Tradewinds Cinnamon Tradewinds Deep Purple Tradewinds Light Purple Tradewinds Pink Tradewinds Purple Bicolor Tradewinds Terracotta Tradewinds Trailing Deep Purple Tradewinds Trailing White IMP. = GoldFisch Select IMP. Tradewinds White Tradewinds Light Purple 15 2 Tradewinds Yellow Imp. Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 152 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:59 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PENSTEMON Phoenix ™ PensteMOn HaRtWegii uprigHt / spring / summer / Heat lovers •a grower-friendly series featuring earlier flowering, stronger stems and more compact plant habit •large, vibrant, bell-shaped flowers throughout the summer •strong upright plants add colorful height to the landscape or large containers •an excellent season extender (hardy to Zone 5) Phoenix Appleblossom Phoenix Lavender Phoenix Magenta Phoenix Pink Phoenix Red Phoenix Violet Pink: top 10 Retailer’s Choice—Welby gardens, CO Violet and lavender: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Appleblossom M M–V 16–20" 12–14" ESP Lavender M M–V 16–20" 12–14" Magenta M M–V 16–20" 12–14" Pink M M–V 16–20" 12–14" Red M M–V 18–22" 12–14" • Violet M M–V 16–20" 12–14" • • Phoenix Red Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 153 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 153 3/19/12 12:59 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Sanguna ® Petunia HYBRiDa semi-trailing / spring / summer / large-Flowered •Bred for exceptional branching and superb bloom coverage •early blooming; flowers fill the center of the plant, not just the perimeter Sanguna Atomic Blue Sanguna Blue ’11 Sanguna Blue Vein Sanguna Burgundy Sanguna Lavender Vein Sanguna Light Blue Sanguna Lipstick Sanguna Pink Vein Sanguna Plum Vein Sanguna Purple Sanguna Red Sanguna Rose Sanguna Rose Vein Sanguna White Sanguna White Pearl •Outstanding in landscape beds and fills in large areas quickly with a mass of flowers •Proven north american garden performance •For easy combination ideas, try these Kwik Kombos™: sanguna sangria™ Mix and sanguna summer Cooler™ Mix lipstick: six awards including: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university Blue ’11: Best Petunia 2010 and Best of show—Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Atomic Blue M M 8–12" 18–22" Blue ’11 E M–V 10—14" 20–24" ESP • Blue Vein E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Burgundy M M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Lavender Vein E M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Light Blue E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Lipstick E M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Pink Vein E M 8–12" 18–22" Plum Vein M M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Purple E M 10–14" 20–24" • Red E–M M 8–12" 18–22" • Rose E M 8–12" 18–22" Rose Vein M M–V 10–14" 20–24" White E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" White Pearl E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" White with Blue Vein E M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Sanguna White with Blue Vein = GoldFisch Select 15 4 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 154 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:01 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 Photo: Sanguna Purple 12020027_147-162.indd 155 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:01 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Whispers ™ Petunia HYBRiDa semi-trailing / spring / summer / medium-Flowered •Wide color-range with unique, one-of-a-kind flower patterns •early flowering series, finishing with day length of 12 hours or less Whispers Amethyst Whispers Appleblossom Whispers Blue Whispers Bright Pink Whispers Lavender Eye Whispers Purple Whispers Red ’11 Whispers Star Rose Whispers White •exceptional cold tolerance and versatile habit—excellent choice for monobaskets, mixed containers and bedding use Red ’11: Plant of Merit—university of georgia Bright Pink: Best of Breed—north Carolina state university lavender eye: Best new Variety—Penn state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Amethyst E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" Appleblossom E–M M 8–12" 18–22" Blue E M 8–12" 18–22" Bright Pink E M 8–12" 18–22" Lavender Eye E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" Purple E–M M–V 10–14" 20–24" Red ’11 E M–V 10–14" 20–24" ESP • • Star Rose E V 8–12" 22–26" • White M M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Whispers Amethyst Whispers Star Rose 15 6 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 156 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:02 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 PETUNIA Picnic ™ Petunia HYBRiDa semi-trailing / spring / summer / small-Flowered •Continuous supply of 1-inch blooms throughout the season •Very grower-friendly with early blooms and a quick finish in the greenhouse •strong semi-trailing plant habit is ideal in the landscape as well as in premium baskets VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Amethyst E M–V 10–14" 20–24" ESP Light Pink E M 8–12" 18–22" Purple E M 8–12" 18–22" • Red M M 8–12" 18–22" • Rose E M 8–12" 18–22" • Violet E M 8–12" 18–22" White E M–V 10–14" 20–24" • Picnic Light Pink Picnic Rose Picnic Amethyst Picnic Light Pink Picnic Purple Picnic Red Picnic Rose Picnic Violet Picnic White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 157 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 157 3/19/12 1:03 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SALVIA SALVIA Velocity Oceana salVia FaRinaCea salVia Patens uprigHt / spring / summer uprigHt / spring / summer / Heat lovers ™ ® •early bloomer with a quick finish time: shave 3–4 weeks off traditional seed salvia finishing! •spectacular large, dark blue flower spikes •excellent performer in large containers and the landscape •long-lasting large, true-blue flowers •Vigorous, bushy habit that displays season-long waves of color •great performer with strong stems and a dense habit VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Blue E M 12–16" 10–12" • VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Blue M M–V 20–26" 14–18" • Oceana Blue Velocity Blue 15 8 Oceana Blue Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 158 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:03 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 SANVITALIA SCAEVOLA Cuzco Bombay sanVitalia PROCuMBens sCaeVOla aeMula semi-trailing / spring / summer semi-trailing / spring / summer / Heat lovers ® ® •Outstanding heat and drought tolerance •Very good branching with a consistent, semi-trailing growth habit •Dense, mounded habit is well balanced in 4- to 5-inch pots •thrives in bright, hot, sunny locations for nonstop color •showy flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies •great season extender achieves sales throughout the hot summer months VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Yellow M M 6–10" 14–18" • •For stunning combinations, use Kwik Kombos™: Bombay® summer sparkler™ Mix Recognized with 12 trial awards since 2006 White: three trial awards for 2010, including top 10 summer Performer—north Carolina state university Cuzco Yellow VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Dark Blue E C–M 6–10" 14–18" • Pink E M 8–12" 18–22" • White E C–M 6–10" 14–18" • Bombay Summer Sparkler Mix Bombay Dark Blue Bombay Pink Bombay White Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 159 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 159 3/19/12 1:04 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VERBENA Lanai ® VeRBena HYBRiDa Lanai Premium Selections: trailing / spring / summer / Heat lovers •early to bloom with large, striking flowers in a wide assortment of colors lanai Premium selections represent another breeding breakthrough from syngenta Flowers. these varieties are unique novelty colors never before seen on the market. •exceptional powdery mildew tolerance •award-winning “Best in Class” garden performance •For easy combinations, try these Kwik Kombos™: lanai Purple Rain™ Mix, lanai spirit™ Mix, lanai Passion™ Mix Recognized with 20 trial awards since 2006 Bright Pink: Best of the Best—university of georgia; top 10 annual Performers—university of tennessee NEW VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Blue M M 6–10" 20–24" Blue Demin E M 6–10" 20–24" ESP • Blush White M M 6–10" 20–24" • Bright Eye E M 6–10" 20–24" • Bright Pink E–M M 6–10" 20–24" Candy Cane M M 6–10" 20–24" Cherry Red E–M M 6–10" 20–24" Dark Red M M 6–10" 20–24" Deep Pink M–L M 6–10" 20–24" Deep Purple E M 6–10" 20–24" • Lavender Star M M 6–10" 20–24" • Lime Green E C 6–10" 14–18" • Magenta Imp. M M 6–10" 20–24" Peach M C–M 6–10" 16–20" Purple Star M M 6–10" 20–24" Red M M 6–10" 20–24" Royal Purple E M 6–10" 20–24" Royal Purple with Eye M M 6–10" 20–24" Strawberry & Cream E M 6–10” 20–24” Twister Pink E M 6–10” 20–24” Vintage Rose M M 6–10” 20–24” Lanai Twister Pink Lanai Candy Cane Peach: top Rated Verbena—long island university • NEW NEW Lanai Vintage Rose • NEW IMP. • • • • NEW Lanai Twister Pink = GoldFisch Select = Lanai Premium varieties 16 0 Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 160 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:05 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VERBENA Lanai ® VeRBena HYBRiDa Lanai Blue Lanai Blue Denim Lanai Blush White Lanai Bright Eye Lanai Bright Pink Lanai Cherry Red Lanai Dark Red Lanai Deep Pink Lanai Deep Purple NEW Lanai Peach IMP. Lanai Lavender Star Lanai Lime Green Lanai Magenta Imp. Lanai Peach Lanai Purple Star Lanai Red Lanai Royal Purple Lanai Royal Purple with Eye Lanai Strawberry & Cream Lanai Blue Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_147-162.indd 161 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 161 3/19/12 1:07 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VERBENA Lanai Upright ® VeRBena HYBRiDa uprigHt / spring / Heat lovers •Controlled upright habit is ideal for 4-inch, high-density production •naturally upright growth reduces the need for PgRs •upright branching habit is more conducive to cart-shipping for improved shelf-life quality at retail VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Blue with Eye M M 10–14" 12–14" Bright Rose M M 10–14" 14–16" Magenta E–M M 10–14" 14–16" Pink M M 10–14" 12–14" Purple Mosaic M C–M 8–12" 12–14" Rose with Eye M M 10–14" 12–14" Violet M C–M 8–12" 12–14" ESP Lanai Upright Pink Lanai Upright Blue with Eye 16 2 Lanai Upright Blue with Eye Lanai Upright Bright Rose Lanai Upright Magenta Lanai Upright Pink Lanai Upright Purple Mosaic Lanai Upright Rose with Eye Lanai Upright Violet Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_147-162.indd 162 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:08 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VERBENA Magelana ™ VeRBena HYBRiDa trailing / spring •Flowers cover the plant and provide a carpet of color for the entire season •attractive, fine-leaf foliage and a more compact, low-profile habit Magelana Hot Rose Magelana Lilac Magelana Lipstick Magelana Midnight Blue Magelana Peach Magelana Pink Swirl Magelana Plum Frost Magelana Purple with Eye Magelana Red Magelana Scarlet Magelana Violet Magelana White •strong performance in greenhouse and garden settings •For winning combinations, try Kwik Kombos™: Magelana enchanted™ Mix lipstick: Consumers rated fourth-highest verbena— Ohio state university Hot Rose: Best Verbena—2010 Colorado state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Hot Rose M C–M 4–6" 14–16" Lilac E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Lipstick E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Midnight Blue E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Peach E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Pink Swirl E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Plum Frost E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Purple with Eye E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Red E M 6–8" 18–22" Scarlet E C–M 4–6" 14–16" Violet E C–M 4–6" 14–16" White E C–M 4–6" 14–16" ESP Magelana Pink Swirl Vegetat iVe a n n u a l s 12020027_163-178.indd 163 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 163 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 VINCA VINCA Nirvana Nirvana Cascade VinCa CatHaRantHus VinCa CatHaRantHus mounded / spring / summer / heat lovers semi-trailing / spring / summer / heat lovers ® ® •superior resistance to aerial Phytophthora •large flower presentation commands a strong presence at retail •superior resistance to aerial Phytophthora •excellent selection for season-extender programs •Outstanding outdoor performance with colorful, extra-large blooms Recognized with 18 awards since 2005 Pink Blush, Red: Best of the Best—university of georgia Rose: Best Vinca—Colorado state university VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH Burgundy E M 12–14" 12–14" Pink Blush E M 12–14" 12–14" ESP Pink splash: Best of the Best—university of georgia VARIETY TIMING VIGOR HEIGHT WIDTH ESP Pink Splash E M 6–8" 18–22" • • Rose E M 6–8" 18–22" • White E M 6–8" 18–22" • Red E M 12–14" 12–14" • Rose E M 12–14" 12–14" • Violet E M 12–14" 12–14" • White E M 12–14" 12–14" • Nirvana Pink Blush 16 4 •low-profile, semi-trailing habit is ideal for landscape plantings and hanging baskets Nirvana Cascade White Nirvana Burgundy Nirvana Pink Blush Nirvana Red Nirvana Rose Nirvana Violet Nirvana White Nirvana Cascade Pink Splash Nirvana Cascade Rose Nirvana Cascade White Vege tati Ve annua ls 12020027_163-178.indd 164 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 resources resources 12020027_Tabs.indd 5 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:49 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 resources important information trial Sites 165 Wholesale Broker list 166 independent licensed root and Sell locations 167 ordering information for goldFisch® Vegetative 168 Simplified Shipping information for goldFisch Vegetative 169 Drop and Substitution list 170 resources index 178 12020027_Tabs.indd 6 3/19/12 1:49 PM Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 trial sites Syngenta Flowers visits more than 30 trials across North America, intensely monitoring our varieties to provide you with up-to-date, accurate product information. al’s garden Center auburn university Ball seed Company C. raker & sons City of Buffalo Colorado state university Cornell university Cornell university, long island Hubbard, OR auburn, al ohio state university Columbus, OH litchfield, Mi penn state university landisville, Pa Buffalo, nY Fort Collins, CO ithaca, nY Riverhead, nY Miami, Fl dallas arboretum Dallas, tX JvK lucas greenhouses malmborg’s greenhouse mast Young plants metrolina greenhouses mississippi state university laval, Quebec Raleigh, nC West Chicago, il Costa Color Farms guelph vineland station norseco (daniel seguin) north Carolina state university Ontario plug Connection (Ca pack trials) sawaya trials southeast missouri state university syngenta discover Center university of georgia university of illinois university of minnesota st. Catherines, Ontario Monroeville, nJ Rogers, Mn grand Rapids, Mi Huntersville, nC Poplarville, Ms university of Wisconsin West madison agriculture research station vanWingerden international Wehop trials Welby gardens Company Vista, Ca simcoe, Ontario Cape girardeau, MO anderson, sC athens, ga urbana, il Morris, Mn grand Rapids, Mn Verona, Wi Mills River, nC Fife, Wa Denver, CO Visit these trial sites across the US and Canada. t Ria l s it es 12020027_163-178.indd 167 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 165 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 wholesale broker list Syngenta Flowers offers more than 2,500 varieties through our extensive broker network. vegetative Broker only seed Broker only vegetative and seed Broker aris Canada P.O. Box 370 268 seacliff Dr. West leamington, On n8H 3W3 519-326-6121 519-326-1405 fax aris horticultural services 115 third st. s.e. Barberton, OH 44203 1-800-232-9557 1-330-745-1703 Fax [email protected] Ball seed Company 622 town Rd. West Chicago, il 60185 800-879-2255 800-234-0370 fax [email protected] BFg supply the plant Connection P.O. Box 479 14500 Kinsman Rd. Burton, OH 44021 800-883-0234 800-368-4759 fax [email protected] Bill moore & Company, inc. P.O. Box 1587 Brandon, Fl 33509 800-237-7794 813-684-5856 fax [email protected] Bob soos Company, llC P.O. Box 9 Middleville, Mi 49333 269-795-7890 269-795-7891 fax [email protected] earl may seed & nursery 208 north elm st. shenandoah, ia 51003 712-246-1020 712-246-1760 fax [email protected] 16 6 eason horticultural resources, inc. 939 Helen Ruth Dr. Fort Wright, KY 41017 800-214-2221 859-578-2266 fax [email protected] express seed Company 51051 u.s. Highway 20 Oberlin, OH 44074 800-221-3838 440-774-2728 fax Florasource, ltd. P.O. Box 758 san Clemente, Ca 92674 949-498-1131 949-498-1196 fax [email protected] Fred C. gloeckner & Company inc. 600 Mamaroneck ave. Harrison, nY 10528 800-345-3787 914-698-0848 fax [email protected] garden trends/harris seeds P.O. Box 24966 355 Paul Rd. Rochester, nY 14624 800-544-7938 877-892-9197 fax [email protected] geoseed 121 gary Rd. Hodges, sC 29653 888-645-2323 864-227-5108 fax [email protected] germania seed Company P.O. Box 31787 5978 north northwest Highway Chicago, il 60631 800-380-4721 800-410-4721 fax [email protected] griffin greenhouse & nursery supplies (plant department) P.O. Box 709 200 Mountain View Rd. Morgantown, Pa 19543 610-286-0046 610-286-0012 fax [email protected] grimes seeds & plants 11335 Concord-Hambden Rd. Concord, OH 44077 800-241-7333 440-352-0038 fax [email protected] henry F. michell Company P.O. Box 60160 225 West Church Rd. King of Prussia, Pa 19406 800-422-4678 610-265-4208 fax [email protected] hps Catalog 334 W. stroud st. Randolph, Wi 53956 800-322-7288 888-HPs-seeD fax ivy garth seed & plants, inc. 8140 Mayfield Rd. Chesterland, OH 44026 800-351-4025 440-729-7692 fax [email protected] Johnny’s selected seeds 955 Benton ave. Winslow, Me 04901 877-564-6697 800-738-6314 fax (us only) 207-238-5357 fax (outside us) [email protected] Joseph giannino Company 17 north Rd. east Kingston, nH 03827 888-948-2001 603-642-9230 fax [email protected] JvK P.O. Box 910 1894 seventh st. st. Catharines, On l2R 6Z4 800-665-1642 888-733-3585 fax [email protected] lindenberg seeds, ltd. 803 Princess ave. Brandon, MB, R7a 0P5 204-727-0575 204-727-2832 fax [email protected] mchutchison, inc. 64 Mountain View Blvd. Wayne, nJ 07470 800-943-2230 866-234-8884 fax [email protected] mcKenzie seeds 1000 Parker Blvd. Brandon, MB, R7a 6e1 204-571-7527 204-571-7528 fax [email protected] mid atlantic plant Company P.O. Box 7331 newark, De 19714 800-366-0350 302-368-1599 fax [email protected] modena seed 5727 Mission st. san Francisco, Ca 94112 415-585-2324 415-585-6820 fax [email protected] new england seed Company 3580 Main st., Bldg #10 Hartford, Ct 06120 800-825-5477 877-229-8487 fax [email protected] norseco, inc. 2914 Cure-labelle Blvd. laval, QC H7P 5R9 800-561-9693 800-567-4694 fax [email protected] WHOles a le B R OKeR li s t 12020027_163-178.indd 168 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 independent licensed root and sell locations ontario seed Company ltd. 77 Wellington st. s. Kitchener, On, n2g 3B6 519-886-0557 519-886-0605 fax [email protected] park Wholesale 1 Parkton ave. greenwood, sC 29647 800-845-3366 800-209-0360 fax [email protected] pinetree garden seeds P.O. Box 300 616 a lewiston Rd. new gloucester, Me 04260 207-926-3400 888-527-3337 fax [email protected] richard d. smith & Company inc. 666 godwin ave., suite 120 Midland Park, nJ 07432 201-493-9500 201-493-0600 fax [email protected] ron iwasaki horticultural sales 25500 Melott Rd. Hillsboro, OR 97123 503-628-1969 503-628-1122 fax [email protected] veseys seeds, ltd. P.O. Box 9000 Charlottetown, Pe, C1a 8K6 800-363-7333 vis seed Company P.O. Box 661953 153 la Porte st. arcadia, Ca 91006 626-445-1233 626-445-3779 fax [email protected] W.h. milikowski, inc. 10 Middle River Dr. stafford springs, Ct 06076 800-243-7170 860-684-3022 fax [email protected] Wehop (Western horticultural products, inc.) P.O. Box 1109 227 West Patison Port Hudlock, Wa 98339 800-669-6480 360-344-3555 fax [email protected] William dam seeds ltd. 279 Highway 8 Dundas, On, l9H 5e1 [email protected] stokes seed ltd. P.O. Box 10 296 Collier Rd. south thorold, On l2V 5e6 905-688-3634 800-396-9238 fax [email protected] al’s garden Center & greenhouses, llC (Vegetative annuals & ngi Only) 30851 south Dee Jay Way Hubbard, OR 97032 503-651-2558 503-651-2265 fax Burnaby lake greenhouse ltd. (Full line) 17250 80th ave. surrey, BC V4n 3g4 800-663-0149 604-576-2475 fax C. raker & sons, inc. (Full line) 10371 Rainey Rd. litchfield, Mi 49252 517-542-2316 517-542-2565 fax Colorama Wholesale (ngi & geraniums Only) 3892 Via Real Carpinteria, Ca 93013 805-566-9883 805-566-9943 fax d.s. Cole growers (Vegetative annuals & ngi Only) 251 north Village Rd. loudon, nH 03307 603-783-9561 603-783-9562 fax duwayne’s greenhouses, inc. (Full line) 7041 40th ave. Hudsonville, Mi 49426 616-669-0552 616-669-2557 fax syngenta horticultural services 4343 Commerce Ct. lisle, il 60532 800-323-7253 630-969-6373 fax [email protected] Frisby’s greenhouse (Vegetative annuals & ngi Only) 23106 south 4390 Rd. Vinita, OK 74301 918-256-7492 918-256-5718 fax territorial seed Company P.O. Box 157 Cottage grove, OR 97424 541-942-9547 541-942-9881 fax [email protected] gro ’n sell, inc. (Vegetative annuals & ngi Only) 320 lower state Rd. Chalfont, Pa 18914 215-822-1276 215-997-1770 fax the raymond perri Company, inc. 8 Winding trails Rd. Pine Bush, nY 12566 845-744-6801 845-744-8473 fax [email protected] linwell gardens (Full line) 4760 lincoln ave. Beamsville, On l0R 1B3 905-563-6383 905-563-7370 fax malmborg’s, inc. (Full line) P.O. Box 118 Rogers, Mn 55374 763-535-4695 763-428-8408 fax mast Young plants, inc. (Full line) 6564 Peach Ridge ave. nW grand Rapids, Mi 49544 800-541-3910 616-784-3136 fax noel Wilson & sons (Full line) 1776 notre Dame saint Remi, QC J0l 2l0 450-454-9210 450-454-6496 fax plug Connection (Full line) 2627 Ramona Dr. Vista, Ca 92084 760-631-0992 [email protected] sunbelt greenhouses (Full line) 200 thompson Dr. Douglas, ga 31535 912-384-3806 912-383-4492 fax Welby gardens (Full line) 2761 east 74th ave. Denver, CO 80229 303-288-3398 303-287-9316 fax Wenke greenhouses (Full line) 2525 north 30th st. Kalamazoo, Mi 49048 269-349-7882 269-349-4206 fax Knox nursery, inc. (Vegetative annuals & ngi Only) 940 avalon Rd. Winter garden, Fl 34787 407-293-3721 407-654-2302 fax ROOt a n D s el l l OC atiOn s 12020027_163-178.indd 169 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 167 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 ordering information for goldFisch® Vegetative Rooted cuttings ship from three regional rooting stations. Orders automatically default to the regional production facilities based on customer location. Orders can also be placed by customer preference. Truck delivery is available from all three stations. Regional Rooting Locations West Pacific growers (seasonal) 9131 Markworth Rd. Blaine, Wa 98230 360-354-1977 360-354-8677 fax Midwest Millstadt greenhouses (Year-Round) 6627 Route 158 Millstadt, il 62260 618-476-7200 618-476-7992 fax East lucas greenhouses (seasonal) 214 Whig lane Rd. Monroeville, nJ 08343 856-881-0234 856-881-2502 fax WA ME MT VT ND OR MN ID WY WI SD NV WV OK NJ DE MD NC SC AR MS TX RI VA KY TN NM AL GA LA FL AK HI Contact your preferred sales representative for additional details and pricing. Ordering Minimuns Rooted Vegetative Annuals, Rooted Geraniums & NGIs Pack per Box: 204 Order Minimum: 204 Variety Multiples: 102 Syngenta Flowers is committed to customer success and has developed special packaging to ensure your cuttings arrive in the best condition. Rooted Cuttings: Within the outer box shell is an inner locking tray with an adjustable locking pad that keeps the rooted cuttings firm in their trays during shipping. To minimize damage during shipping in extreme cold or heat, Syngenta Flowers uses the “Extreme Weather Box” which covers the normal shipping box containing the plants. Unrooted Cuttings: Our unrooted cuttings are fully cooled and packed fresh at the farms. To protect the quality of our product, the bags of cuttings are packed into cardboard trays which nest inside a larger, insulated cardboard box. Ice packs are used in most boxes, except for the varieties which are susceptible to chill damage. 1 68 IN MO KS AZ PA OH IL CO CA MA CT MI IA NE UT NH NY Unrooted Vegetative Annuals Pack per Box: 2,000 Order Minimum: 2,000 Variety Multiples: 100 Unrooted New Guinea Impatiens Pack per Box: 1,500 Order Minimum: 1,500 Variety Multiples: 100 Unrooted Geraniums Pack per Box: 2,000 Order Minimum: 2,000 Variety Multiples: 100 Callused Geranium Cuttings Pack per Box: 600 Order Minimum: 1,200 Variety Multiples: 100 ORDe R i ng i nFOR M ati On 12020027_163-178.indd 170 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 simplified shipping for goldFisch® Vegetative Shipments Take advantage of the numerous options for your temperature-controlled distribution from Syngenta Flowers. We’re ready to collaborate, developing a cost-effective and efficient shipping solution to get your customers’ cuttings delivered on time and in the best condition. We’ve created distribution options to manage the integrity of the product and keep your freight costs down. The result is the best price per cutting, delivered direct to your door. • Routes developed based on volumes and destinations • Special quoting on full truckloads and depot drops • Door-to-door temperature control • Consolidate customer orders into depot drops to achieve truck-delivery volumes Trucking • FedEx Express • Hub Pickups • Airport Pickups • Depot Drops • Temperature-controlled trucks • P1 Priority overnight FedEx® deliveries • Consolidated order programs • Advanced shipping notifications • On-time, reliable deliveries We will customize a delivery program that fits your customers’ needs! Goldalia Rose Truck Deliveries for Rooted Cuttings Pacific Growers Blaine, WA Millstadt Greenhouses Millstadt, IL WA MT ME VT ND OR MN ID WY WI SD NV IN WV OK SC AR MS TX NJ DE MD NC KY TN NM RI VA MO KS AZ PA OH IL CO CA MA CT MI IA NE UT NH NY AL GA LA FL Lucas Greenhouses Monroeville, NJ Contact our logistics department for the pricing brochure. 800-344-7862 [email protected] s iM P l iFieD s H iP P in g 12020027_163-178.indd 171 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 169 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 drop and substitution list discontinued seed annuals dropped variety substitute/replacement ageRatuM Fields Blue no substitution BegOnia Bada Boom® Rose Bada Boom® Rose improved CaMPanula isabella™ Mid Blue no substitution CineRaRia Jester Blue Bicolor raw seed Jester® Blue Bicolor pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester Carmine Bicolor raw seed Jester® Carmine Bicolor pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester Crimson Bicolor raw seed Jester® Crimson Bicolor pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester® Mix raw seed Jester® Mix pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester Pink Bicolor raw seed Jester® Carmine Bicolor CineRaRia Jester Pure Blue raw seed Jester® Pure Blue pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester Pure Carmine raw seed Jester® Pure Carmine pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester® Pure light Yellow raw seed Jester® Mix CineRaRia Jester Pure Pink raw seed Jester® Pure Carmine CineRaRia Jester Pure White raw seed Jester® Mix CineRaRia Jester Royal Bicolor shades raw seed Jester® Royal Bicolor shades pelleted seed CineRaRia Jester® scarlet Bicolor raw seed Jester® scarlet Bicolor pelleted seed CYClaMen Canto Flame Mix Canto™ Mix CYClaMen Canto Jewel Mix Canto™ Mix CYClaMen Canto light Pink laser synchro™ Pink CYClaMen Canto™ lilac laser™ lilac CYClaMen Canto silver lilac Canto™ silver lavender CYClaMen Canto silver Mix Canto™ Mix CYClaMen Canto silver Pink sterling™ Pink CYClaMen Canto™ silver White with eye sterling™ White CYClaMen laser synchro salmon laser synchro™ salmon improved CYClaMen laser Rose Flame laser synchro™ Rose Flame CYClaMen laser Valentine Mix laser™ Mix CYClaMen sterling™ Festive Mix sterling™ Mix CYClaMen sterling Flame Mix sterling™ Mix CYClaMen sterling Fuchsia sterling™ Purple CYClaMen sterling salmon with eye sterling™ Deep salmon CYClaMen Miracle™ Mix Winfall™ Mix CYClaMen Miracle Purple Winfall™ Purple CYClaMen Miracle Rose Winfall™ Rose CYClaMen Miracle salmon Winfall™ salmon CYClaMen Miracle™ salmon with eye Winfall™ salmon CYClaMen Miracle scarlet Winfall™ scarlet CYClaMen Miracle White Winfall™ White CYClaMen Miracle Wine Winfall™ Wine CYClaMen silverado™ Purple Flame Mix silverado™ Mix CYClaMen silverado White silverado™ White improved CYClaMen silverado Wine silverheart™ Wine CYClaMen silverheart Flame Mix silverheart™ Mix CYClaMen silverheart™ Purple silverado™ Purple CYClaMen silverheart Rose silverado™ Rose CYClaMen Concerto Bright Rose Rainier™ Rose CYClaMen Concerto lavender Rainier™ lilac ™ ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ 1 70 DROP a nD s uB s ti titutiO tutiOn n lis li s t 12020027_163-178.indd 172 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 dropped variety substitute/replacement CYClaMen Concerto™ Pink Rainier™ Pink CYClaMen Concerto salmon Red Rainier™ salmon CYClaMen Concerto salmon with eye Rainier™ salmon CYClaMen Concerto White with eye Rainier™ White with eye CYClaMen Concerto™ Wine Red Rainier™ Wine Flame CYClaMen Concerto Wine Red Flame Rainier™ Wine Flame CYClaMen Rainier light Purple Rainier™ Purple CYClaMen Rainier White Rainier™ White improved CYClaMen sierra™ light Purple sierra synchro™ Purple CYClaMen sierra salmon Flame sierra™ Rose Flame eustOMa Cinderella Blue Cinderella™ pelleted seed eustOMa Cinderella ivory Cinderella™ pelleted seed eustOMa Cinderella™ lime Cinderella™ pelleted seed eustOMa Cinderella Mix Cinderella™ pelleted seed eustOMa Cinderella Pink Cinderella™ pelleted seed eustOMa Cinderella Yellow Cinderella™ pelleted seed DiantHus elation® Cherry Diabunda™ Rose DiantHus elation Coral Diabunda™ Pink Pearl DiantHus elation Crimson Diabunda™ Crimson DiantHus elation Mix Diabunda™ Mix DiantHus elation® Pink Bicolor Diabunda™ Purple Picotee DiantHus elation Red Diabunda™ Red DiantHus elation scarlet Diabunda™ Red DiantHus elation Violet Diabunda™ Purple DiantHus elation® White Diabunda™ Red Picotee gaZania Kiss lemon shades Kiss™ Yellow gaZania Kiss the sun Mix Kiss™ Mix gaZania gazoo Citrus Mix gazoo™ Mix geRaniuM Maverick™ Buckaroo Mix Maverick™ Mix geRaniuM Maverick electric Mix Maverick™ Mix geRaniuM Maverick Pink ice Mix Maverick™ Mix geRaniuM Multibloom Bright Rose Multibloom™ Violet geRaniuM Multibloom™ lavender Multibloom™ lavender improved geRaniuM Orbit synchro Mix Pinto™ Mix geRaniuM Orbit Bubblegum Mix Pinto™ Mix geRaniuM Orbit Mix Pinto™ Mix geRaniuM Pinto™ Coral Pinto™ Premium Coral geRaniuM Pinto Deep Rose Pinto™ Premium Deep Rose geRaniuM Pinto Quicksilver Pinto™ Premium lavender geRaniuM Pinto Red Pinto™ Premium Deep Red geRaniuM Pinto™ salmon Pinto™ Premium salmon geRaniuM Pinto Violet Pinto™ Premium Violet ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ® ® ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ geRaniuM Ringo 2000 Coral Pinto™ Premium Coral geRBeRa autumn Colors Mix Cartwheel™ autumn Colors iMPatiens accent™ Mystic Mix accent™ Premium Mystic Mix iMPatiens accent Pastel Mix accent™ Premium Pastel Mix iMPatiens accent Peek-a-Boo Mix accent™ Premium Peppermint Mix iMPatiens accent Peppermint Mix accent™ Premium Peppermint Mix iMPatiens accent™ scarlet accent™ Premium Deep Orange ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ D ROP a n D s u Bs t it u t iOn l is t 12020027_163-178.indd 173 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 171 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 drop and substitution list dropped variety substitute/replacement iMPatiens Blitz 3000™ Mango Blitz 3000™ salmon iMPatiens Blitz 3000 Pink Picotee Blitz 3000™ Rose iMPatiens Jambalaya Berries & Cream Mix Xtreme™ little gem Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya Blue Bayou Mix Xtreme™ little gem Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya® Bubble gum Mix Xteme™ Rosey Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya Coral Xtreme™ Deep salmon iMPatiens Jambalaya Coral star accent™ Premium Orange star iMPatiens Jambalaya Creole Mix Xtreme™ Orange Parfait Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya® Deep Pink Xtreme™ Rose iMPatiens Jambalaya Deep Red Xtreme™ Red iMPatiens Jambalaya Hot tamale Mix Xtreme™ tango Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya lavender Xtreme™ lavender iMPatiens Jambalaya® lilac Xtreme™ lilac iMPatiens Jambalaya Merlot Xtreme™ Violet iMPatiens Jambalaya Mix Xtreme™ Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya Orange Xtreme™ Orange iMPatiens Jambalaya® Pastel Mix Xtreme™ Pastel Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya Pink Xtreme™ Pink iMPatiens Jambalaya Pink Blush Xtreme™ Pink iMPatiens Jambalaya Proformula Mix Xtreme™ Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya® Red Xtreme™ Red iMPatiens Jambalaya Rose Xtreme™ Rose iMPatiens Jambalaya salmon Xtreme™ salmon iMPatiens Jambalaya strawberry shortcake Mix Xtreme™ Hot Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya® sweet Potato Pie Mix Xtreme™ Orange Parfait Mix iMPatiens Jambalaya tropical Punch Xtreme™ Rose iMPatiens Jambalaya Violet Xtreme™ Violet iMPatiens Jambalaya Violet star accent™ Premium Violet star iMPatiens Jambalaya® Watermelon Xtreme™ Rose iMPatiens Jambalaya White Xtreme™ White iMPatiens Mosaic Mix Mosaic™ impressions Mix iMPatiens Mosaic Orange Mosaic™ Coral lauRentia starshine™ Blue multipellet seed starshine™ Blue pelleted seed lauRentia starshine Pink multipellet seed starshine™ Pink pelleted seed ™ ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ™ MelaMPODiuM Medallion golden Yellow no substitution niCOtiana saratoga™ appleblossom raw seed saratoga™ appleblossom pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga™ Deep Rose saratoga™ Rose pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga lime raw seed saratoga™ lime pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga Mix raw seed saratoga™ Mix pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga Purple Bicolor raw seed saratoga™ Purple Bicolor pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga™ Red raw seed saratoga™ Red pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga Rose raw seed saratoga™ Rose pelleted seed niCOtiana saratoga White raw seed saratoga™ White pelleted seed ORnaMental PePPeR explosive Blast explosive™ ember ORnaMental PePPeR explosive™ ignite explosive™ ember PansY Clear sky Mix Mariposa™ Mix PansY Clear sky White Mariposa™ White PansY Delta Blue with Blotch Delta™ Premium Blue with Blotch PansY Delta™ Candy Corn Mix Delta™ Pumpkin Pie Mix ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ 1 72 cont. DROP a nD s uB s ti titutiO tutiOn n lis li s t 12020027_163-178.indd 174 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 dropped variety substitute/replacement PansY Delta™ Premium gold with Blotch Delta™ Premium gold with Blotch improved PansY Delta Premium Purple Medley Delta™ Premium Persian Medley PansY Delta Premium true Blue Delta™ Premium true Blue improved PansY Delta Pure Deep Orange Delta™ Premium Pure Orange PansY Designer Collection™ Cherry Cream Karma™ Violet with Face improved PansY Designer Collection lavender splash Karma™ lavender shades PansY Designer Collection Rising sun Karma™ Rising sun PansY Designer Collection strawberry Cream Karma™ strawberry Cream PansY Karma™ Blotch Mix Karma™ Mix PansY Karma Blues Mix Karma™ Mix PansY Karma swallowtail Mix Karma™ Mix PansY Karma Violet with Face Karma™ Violet with Face improved PansY Karma™ Yellow Blotch Karma™ Yellow with Blotch improved PansY Mariposa Beaconsfield Delta™ Premium Beaconsfield PansY Mariposa Citrus Mix Delta™ Citrus Mix PansY Mariposa Clear Mix Delta™ Pure Colors Mix PansY Mariposa™ endless summer Mix Delta™ apple Cider Mix PansY Mariposa lavender shades Delta™ lavender Blue shades PansY Mariposa Pacifico Mix Delta™ Cool Waters Mix PansY Mariposa Primrose shades Delta™ Premium Pure Primrose PansY Mariposa™ Rosy sunset Delta™ Premium tapestry PansY Mariposa sunny skies Mix Delta™ tri-Color Mix PansY skyline Blue Mariposa™ Blue Blotch PansY skyline Mix Mariposa™ Blotch Mix PansY skyline™ Orange Mariposa™ Orange with Blotch PansY skyline White Mariposa™ White with Blotch PansY skyline Yellow Mariposa™ Yellow with Blotch Pentas starla appleblossom raw seed starla™ appleblossom pelleted seed Pentas starla™ Blush starla™ appleblossom pelleted seed Pentas starla Deep Rose raw seed starla™ Deep Rose pelleted seed Pentas starla lavender shades raw seed starla™ lavender shades pelleted seed Pentas starla Mix raw seed starla™ Mix pelleted seed Pentas starla™ Pink raw seed starla™ Pink pelleted seed Pentas starla Red raw seed starla™ Red pelleted seed Pentas starla White raw seed starla™ White pelleted seed Petunia Bravo Blue Bravo™ Blue improved Petunia Bravo™ Peach Flare ultra™ salmon Morn Petunia Bravo Pink Flare storm™ Pink Morn Petunia ultra Blue Vein Bravo™ Blue Veined Petunia ultra Candy Dish Mix storm™ evening Mix Petunia ultra™ Pastel Pink Bravo™ appleblossom Petunia ultra scarlet ultra™ Red Petunia ultra Vein Mix Bravo™ Veined Mix Petunia Hurrah Parfait Mix Hurrah™ Berry tart Petunia Hurrah™ Peppermint stick Mix Hurrah™ star Mix Petunia Hurrah Pink Chiffon Hurrah™ Pink Petunia Hurrah Pink Flare Hurrah™ Coral Flare Petunia Hurrah salmon Chiffon Hurrah™ salmon Petunia Hurrah™ sangria splash Mix Hurrah™ Vein Mix Petunia Hurrah spirit Mix Hurrah™ star Mix ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ D ROP a n D s u Bs t it u t iOn l is t 12020027_163-178.indd 175 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 173 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 drop and substitution list dropped variety substitute/replacement Petunia Plush® Deep Red Plush® Red Petunia Plush Purple Plush® Deep Purple Petunia Plush spirit Mix Plush® Mix PRiMula Orion Blue Orion® Blue improved PRiMula Orion® scarlet Orion® scarlet improved PRiMula Orion White with eye Orion® White with eye improved PRiMula Primera Blue Primera™ Blue improved PRiMula Primera Pink Primera™ Pink improved PRiMula Primera™ Yellow Primera™ Yellow improved PRiMula grace Orange Bicolor grace™ scarlet Picotee PRiMula libre sky Blue libre™ Blue Picotee RanunCulus Maché Orange Maché™ Orange improved RanunCulus Maché™ Red Maché™ Red improved RanunCulus Maché Yellow Maché™ Yellow improved salVia Picante Burgundy salsa™ Burgundy salVia Picante light Purple salsa™ Purple salVia Picante™ Mix salsa™ Mix salVia Picante Purple salsa™ Purple salVia Picante scarlet salsa™ scarlet salVia salsa light Purple salsa™ Purple salVia salsa™ salmon salsa™ Rose snaPDRagOn Opus iii ivory Opus™ iii early White snaPDRagOn Opus iii/iV Bright Red Opus™ iii/iV Red snaPDRagOn Overture ii ivory Overture ii™ White snaPDRagOn Bells™ Mix Montego™ Mix snaPDRagOn Bells Pink Montego™ Pink snaPDRagOn Bells Purple Montego™ Purple snaPDRagOn Bells Red Montego™ Red improved snaPDRagOn Bells™ White Montego™ White snaPDRagOn Bells Yellow Montego™ Yellow snaPDRagOn Montego Blush Montego™ Pink snaPDRagOn Montego Bronze Montego™ Orange Bicolor snaPDRagOn Montego™ Buttered Popcorn Mix Montego™ Yellow snaPDRagOn Montego Parfait Mix Montego™ Mix snaPDRagOn Montego Red Montego™ Red improved snaPDRagOn Montego sangria splash Mix Montego™ Mix snaPDRagOn Montego™ sunset Montego™ sunset improved snaPDRagOn la Bella Bronze arrow™ Orange snaPDRagOn la Bella lavender arrow™ Magenta snaPDRagOn la Bella Pink arrow™ Pink snaPDRagOn la Bella™ Purple arrow™ Magenta snaPDRagOn la Bella Red arrow™ Deep Red snaPDRagOn la Bella Red & White arrow™ Deep Red snaPDRagOn la Bella Rose arrow™ Magenta snaPDRagOn la Bella™ White arrow™ White snaPDRagOn la Bella Yellow arrow™ Yellow VinCa sunstorm Pink sunstorm® Deep Pink ViOla Penny Deep Marina Penny™ Deep Marina improved ViOla Penny™ Primrose Penny™ Primrose Bicolor ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ® ™ 1 74 cont. DROP a nD s uB s ti titutiO tutiOn n lis li s t 12020027_163-178.indd 176 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 discontinued seed perennials dropped variety substitute/replacement aCHillea tOMentOsa golden Fleece™ no substitution aRaBis BlePHaROPHYlla Rose Delight no substitution aRaBis CauCasiCa little treasure™ Deep Rose no substitution aRaBis CauCasiCa little treasure™ White no substitution aRMeRia MaRitiMa armada™ Rose no substitution ™ aRMeRia MaRitiMa armada White no substitution aQuilegia Origami™ Pink & White Origami™ Rose & White CaMPanula gaRganiCa Filligree™ Blue no substitution CaMPanula glOMeRata Bellefleur™ Blue no substitution CaMPanula glOMeRata Bellefleur™ White no substitution CaMPanula ROtunDiFOlia thumbell™ Blue no substitution ™ COReOPsis gRanDiFlORa Heliot™ (golden yellow) no substitution COReOPsis santa Fe™ (yellow) no substitution DOROniCuM ORientale leonardo™ Compact (yellow) no substitution eRYsiMuM HYBRiDuM Canaries™ (yellow) no substitution laVanDula Blue scent™ early Blue scent™ PaPaVeR nuDiCaule Pulchinella™ Mix spring Fever™ Mix PensteMOn Piñacolada Blue shades Piñacolada™ Violet shades ™ PensteMOn Piñacolada light Rose shades no substitution PlatYCODOn Miss tilly™ Blue no substitution seDuM neVii silver Frost™ sea star™ ™ discontinued vegetative annuals dropped variety substitute/replacement ageRatuM Patina™ Delft Patina™ Blue anagallis angie Blue no substitution anagallis angie™ Orange no substitution angelOnia Carita Cascade Deep Pink Carita™ Cascade Raspberry angelOnia Carita Deep Pink Carita™ Raspberry angelOnia Carita lavender Carita™ Purple aRgYRantHeMuM sassy® Compact Double White sassy® Compact White aRgYRantHeMuM sassy Compact Rose/White sassy® Compact White aRgYRantHeMuM sassy White/Red sassy® Red ™ ™ ™ ™ ® ® asteRisCus aurelia gold no substitution CaliBRaCHOa Callie® Rose star Callie® star Pink CaliBRaCHOa Callie® Yellow Callie® Yellow improved ™ CentRaDenia Cascade no substitution COleus Mosaik™ amazon green no substitution COleus Mosaik™ Burgundy Velvet no substitution COleus Mosaik lava Red no substitution COleus Mosaik™ Rose Blast no substitution COleus Mosaik™ thin Mint no substitution CuPHea Rico™ Red no substitution ™ geRaniuM Blizzard Purple Blizzard® Blue geRaniuM Contessa Dark lavender (Comedy) Freestyle® Orchid geRaniuM Contessa Double Red (summer Rose Dark Red) temprano™ Bright Red geRaniuM Contessa™ Purple Bicolor (Holiday Purple Dream) Contessa™ Burgundy Bicolor ® ™ ™ D ROP a n D s u Bs t it u t iOn l is t 12020027_163-178.indd 177 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 175 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 drop and substitution list dropped variety substitute/replacement geRaniuM Contessa Rose (Marimba '09) Freestyle® Cherry Rose geRaniuM Freestyle Burgundy Contessa™ Burgundy geRaniuM Freestyle Dark Red Contessa™ Red geRaniuM Freestyle® lavender Contessa™ Double lilac geRaniuM Freestyle Pink temprano™ Pink geRaniuM Freestyle Ruby Red temprano™ Dark Red geRaniuM Freestyle White Contessa™ White geRaniuM temprano™ Red (shiva) Contessa™ Red geRaniuM americana Deep Rose Rocky Mountain® Deep Rose geRaniuM Fidelity Coral (Charleston) americana® Coral ™ ® ® ® ® ® ® ™ geRaniuM graffiti Double Red no substitution geRaniuM graffiti® Double salmon no substitution geRaniuM graffiti Fire no substitution ® ® geRaniuM graffiti® Violet no substitution geRaniuM Rocky Mountain® light salmon Classic™ light salmon geRaniuM Rocky Mountain® salmon Rose americana® Coral geRaniuM Rocky Mountain scarlet americana® Red geRaniuM tango Pink splash (Bravo) Classic™ Pink ® ™ gOODenia Fresca Yellow no substitution HeliCHRYsuM italicum silvery White no substitution HeliCHRYsuM petiolare Blue green leaved no substitution ™ HeliCHRYsuM silver lining™ no substitution iMPatiens Butterfly™ Cherry Butterfly™ Deep Pink iMPatiens Butterfly™ lilac no substitution iMPatiens silhouette Pink silhouette™ light Pink iMPatiens silhouette Purple star silhouette™ Rose star iMPatiens spellbound Orange spellbound® salmon iMPatiens ngi sonic® Burgundy sonic® Deep Purple iMPatiens ngi sonic Hot Rose on gold sonic® light lavender iMPatiens ngi sonic salmon ice sonic® salmon iMPatiens ngi super sonic Burgundy super sonic® Magenta iMPatiens ngi super sonic® Cherry Cream super sonic® White iMPatiens ngi super sonic Coral ice super sonic® Dark salmon ™ ™ ® ® ® ® ® KWiK KOMBOs Malibu Peach Mix no substitution KWiK KOMBOs™ Pink infusion™ Mix KWiK KOMBOs™ Pink infusion™ Mix improved KWiK KOMBOs™ spiced Peaches™ Mix no substitution laVanDula Javelin Blue no substitution lOBelia techno® Heat upright light Blue techno® Heat upright light Blue improved neMesia Confection Purple Confection™ Blue ™ ™ ™ neMesia Confection™ Pink Confection™ White OsteOsPeRMuM tradewinds trailing light Purple tradewinds® trailing Deep Purple OsteOsPeRMuM tradewinds Yellow tradewinds® Yellow improved OsteOsPeRMuM tradewinds Yellow Bicolor tradewinds® Yellow improved Petunia sanguna® lavender sanguna® lavender Vein Petunia sanguna scarlet sanguna® Red Petunia Whispers Blue Rose Whispers™ Purple Petunia Whispers Pink Whispers™ star Rose salVia Mesa™ azure no substitution salVia Mesa Purple no substitution ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ™ 1 76 cont. DROP a nD s uB s ti titutiO tutiOn n lis li s t 12020027_163-178.indd 178 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 dropped variety substitute/replacement salVia Mesa™ Rose no substitution salVia Mesa™ scarlet no substitution sCaeVOla Bombay lavender Bombay® Pink ® tORenia torrie Blue no substitution VeRBena lanai® Magenta lanai® Magenta improved VeRBena Magelana™ Magenta Magelana™ Hot Rose ™ VinCa nirvana Cascade lavender eye no substitution VinCa nirvana® Cascade Pink Blush nirvana® Cascade Rose VinCa nirvana Cascade Burgundy nirvana® Cascade Rose VinCa nirvana® sky Blue nirvana® White ® ® D ROP a n D s u Bs t it u t iOn l is t 12020027_163-178.indd 179 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 177 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 index seed annuals Venti Parfait™ 33 gaZania ageRatuM tycoon 7 Big Kiss gazoo™ 35 Delta™ Premium 60 Bada Boom® 8 Pinto™ Premium ™ tuscany® 91 Pinto™ 37 Mariposa™ 63 9 Maverick 38 sky Volumia 10 Bullseye ™ 39 Pentas ® 11 Ringo 2000 ™ 39 starla ™ 11 Orbit synchro ™ 40 Petunia Orbit ™ 40 Duvet 41 Bravo Jester sparkler storm™ 69 geRBeRa ™ 42 Miracle™ 15 elephant™ 44 Canto 18 sterling ™ 18 laser synchro ™ 20 iMPatiens tumbler sierra synchro ™ Plush® 74 Zowie!™ 101 ™ ™ RanunCulus 26 MaRigOlD 51 28 inca ii Delma ™ 28 80 tigereye salVia Moonstruck 53 salsa Moonsong ® 53 sCHiZantHus Perfection™ 54 niCOtiana ™ 54 32 OsteOsPeRMuM super Parfait 33 asti ™ Montego arrow ™ explosive™ 55 ™ 81 82 55 DelPHiniuM DiantHus Digitalis Camelot™ 107 83 eCHinaCea 85 Prairie splendor™ 108 laBella 86 Madame Butterfly 86 ™ auRinia Barbarini® 106 liberty Classic™ 85 ™ audrey™ 105 Delfix® 106 atlantis™ 82 ™ Origami™ 104 summit™ 105 snaPDRagOn ORnaMental PePPeR Charms ™ aQuilegia auBRieta Magic 52 ™ 79 80 ™ seed perennials 77 Maché ® ™ saratoga 76 RuDBeCKia antigua™ 52 Fleur en Vogue ™ ™ ™ ™ ® 75 libre™ 78 Victorian Rose™ 51 Friller Dulce™ 32 uproar™ 101 grace starshine 31 73 50 25 Diabunda Picobella™ Cascade Orion ™ ™ swizzle™ 101 49 Rainier DiantHus Picobella™ 72 Xtreme lauRentia 29 short stuff™ 100 Primera 25 Harlequin 71 47 ™ ™ Hurrah ™ Concerto Fresco™ 29 Magellan™ 100 accent ™ DaHlia 69 ™ PRiMula Mosaic Winter ice™ 27 Frost ™ ™ Zinnia ™ accent Premium 46 Blitz 3000™ 50 sierra™ 23 ™ Ramblin’ ™ 22 ™ 45 ™ laser™ 21 ViOla tornado™ 42 Cartwheel™ 44 17 Cora Cascade 94 Penny™ 98 Winfall™ 14 ™ 65 93 ® ultra™ 68 Jaguar silverHeart ™ Multibloom™ 41 CYClaMen ™ Cora® Patiola® 97 elite silverado™ 17 sunstorm® 92 67 12 13 64 VinCa endurio® 96 CleOMe ™ ™ 66 ™ Venezia™ 12 VeRBena Karma™ 62 ™ ® Duchess™ 89 36 ™ CineRaRia tORenia Obsession™ 90 Varsity go-go Opus™ 88 Delta™ 61 ™ Braveheart 17 8 Mammoth® 58 59 geRaniuM eureka™ 9 56 Colossus 8 ® Overture ii™ 87 ™ 35 ™ BegOnia Bada Bing WonderFall Kiss™ 34 ™ PansY gaillaRDia granada™ 108 inDeX 12020027_163-178.indd 180 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 12:53 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044 cOReOpSIS HeucHeRA Marvelous Marble™ 109 coral Forest™ 109 IBeRIS IpOMOeA corey™ 120 cupHeA KWIK KOMBOS™ 143 cuphoric™ 120 Tahoe™ 109 LAVAnduLA Sidekick™ 142 LAnTAnA dAHLIA Bandana® 146 Goldalia™ 121 Blue Scent™ 110 LupInuS Bandito™ 147 dIAScIA LOBeLIA darla® 121 camelot™ 110 pApAVeR dIpLAdenIA Techno® upright Rio™ 122 Spring Fever ® 110 penSTeMOn SALVIA Goldii eupHORBIA Merleau 111 SAxIFRAGA Highlander™ 112 SeduM neW GuIneA IMpATIenS ™ 124 GAuRA 150 Super Sonic 151 ® OSTeOSpeRMuM GeRAnIuM – HyBRId caliente Sonic ® Geyser® 124 Sea Star™ 112 neMeSIA GAILLARdIA Sunrita 125 Gypsy 114 AGeRATuM patina™ 114 AnGeLOnIA Whispers™ 156 classic™ 130 picnic™ 157 Velocity™ 158 Tango™ 133 Oceana® 158 GeRAnIuM– IVy Blizzard 134 135 carita cascade 115 contessa 136 116 BAcOpA Temprano ™ calypso 116 BIdenS Mexican Gold 117 BRAcTeAnTHA 117 cALIBRAcHOA callie ® 118 143 Trial Sites 165 Wholesale Broker List 166 Independent Licensed Root and Sell Locations 167 Ordering Information for GoldFisch® Vegetative 168 Simplified Shipping for GoldFisch Vegetative 169 drop and Substitution List 170 Bombay® 159 VeRBenA Lanai® 160 Lanai upright 162 Magelana 163 ® exotic 138 ™ VIncA Scentropia ™ 138 IMpATIenS – TRAILInG ™ 113 Kwik Kombos ScAeVOLA HeLIOTROpe ™ Blooms All Summer cuzco® 159 137 GeRAnIuM – exOTIc ™ Strawburst ™ Freestyle® 137 Sassy 102 SAnVITALIA cascade ® Specialty Mixtures SALVIA Rocky Mountain™ 132 115 ARGyRAnTHeMuM 4 peTunIA Americana® 128 carita ™ new & Improved Varieties Sanguna® 154 ™ ™ 3 phoenix™ 153 Fidelity® 131 ® 2 Technical Solutions penSTeMOn ® GeRAnIuM– ZOnAL AcHILLeA Also from Syngenta Tradewinds® 152 calliope® 126 vegetative annuals 149 confection™ 149 euphoric™ 123 ® 148 LySIMAcHIA dOROTHeAnTHuS Mezoo™ 123 piñacolada™ 111 Techno® 148 important information nirvana® 164 nirvana cascade ® Butterfly ® 139 Spellbound ® 140 164 IMpATIenS – dOuBLe Silhouette® 141 In d ex 12020027_Covers.indd 179 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: MW Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 179 3/19/12 1:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044-Inside Back Cover Goldsmith Seeds P.O. Box 1349 Gilroy, California 95021-1349 408-847-7333 • 800-549-0158 (US only) • 408-848-5429 (fax) GoldFisch® Vegetative 6899 Winchester Circle, Suite 102 Boulder, Colorado 80301 303-415-1466 • 800-344-7862 (US only) • 303-415-1605 (fax) ©2012 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta chemical products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. Some or all of the varieties listed herein may be protected under one or more of the following: plant Variety protection, united States plant patents, utility patents, and/or plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authoriztion. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under dümmen’s u.S. patent no. 7,891,134. All-America Selections® is a registered trademark of All-America Selections corporation. Fedex® is a registered trademark of Fedex 1995–2012. FLOReL® is a registered trademark of Bayer AG. OSMOcOTe® is a registered trademark of OMS Investments, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks and logos displayed or otherwise used in this catalog (“the Trademarks”) are registered and unregistered Trademarks of a Syngenta Group company. Photo: Calliope Lavender Rose 12020027_Covers.indd 1 Group Creative Director: Susan Arens Art Director/Designer: Robert Wucher Copywriter: Joe Stephanson Retoucher: Todd Carlson/Anthony Pagel Print Production: Rita Nagan Separator: M|W Printer: Bolger Account Manager: Kristy Badger/Josh Nelson Project Manager: Kathleen Flanders Digital Production: Robert Wucher/ Andy Bissonnette 3/19/12 1:23 PM Sygenta Lawn & Garden GoldSmith GoldFisch Catalog 2012/13 Live: N/A Trim: 8.5" x 11" Bleed: 8.75" x 11.25" Color: 4CP Martin|Williams Job No. 1LGF1044-Back Cover
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