m - West Coast
m - West Coast
Thc RaicnalGlide lor S NGAPOFE March 2011 F* ru m" NLJ \-t I o! ,'.f HO\l= r siosiporc do h, = w n8 ippoim errr.o2NB!zdhd (ski iq)i lury ro s.ornLc, Main Lanquaqes SFoken hink skiing, the haka dance, and sheet thcrc! aboul one for e h or N-"w zcaLand's 4.2 milllon peope Noi ro menron brctrthtJking s.enery, Bl..ie6 and t/[ RtgJ. Th s ( lh€ exrrnr spons .rpirl ol rhc wond, where rh! bravccnn bung&unrl lh€ireysPotour an.l .xFc,irn( rhc rush ol heli rai ng - il of rhG wih a backdlop of n.lur:l qrlendoul K wir rr. rcnowned lor lhe r lrlendl ne$ :nd proud ot $€n clean, 8r€en €nvironmcni. F.lLowing with . shae ncreas€ in lis ioE.vd Ih€ pa( t€n yca6, lhe Solenmcni his n.ppcd up its lund ngofecorourkm, tr^d manyoithe .ounty!po|rularCrertWJlks, nc lding rh. Mi tord Track and iho Rourcburn Tn.k, now be rreb.okcd. /.d otib. 'nut qrsv na p,o@ oB 240v rhrcc r ot orhd rc ph p 4 lsioE I nc6r 1rFc , $n€ r! os ! rh a) ^ct?r Popular Travel Deslinations sourh h and: Que6bNn (*iis), M lro'd rn.r, Hiqhlisht6 f@d,ndwnc'advcilu?and'donhoida5's.enery D,yigl$vhgsrncbeM@|NryembdiidM,th) ?) fii€d in clueBbwn h rhe rtusn@n irlcr ili'l}lo|gdi{'twy'|pco'c{remc$dlQi he done heE. bd h qcla.vrhusnid.ou we \nmedilsPrtnyev.|6ikslrc]n3olndlhehwi AheMds'wepi*ed{ilopl0amFjt'ltsc eio!|diNlN@b'diDdharArejl6nly rcoms and ra.i ibs, wiih t cid I y and he ptul {:I os ubl a anbskh rus pGhdi, i.adbc baby co ror hL bq b€.aq* r kep6a h sln8apqe, re An.u, but ondnororrfie{iEr6iDlndlheauei4dn s padtui{ y €ijored Pelg8 ie, which rei, dsi.hdlofaylhenishliid6€aylheie{ aouM i p,epr of ro, rhc lor Nhg diy NZ$s (fic NZ ro rhe s n8ipore cuEncy r ,oushly dol eqdiva e ). h od t8o llire 3erore o5ar) d46, rdi ,nd I MUld hru jumped oi orc }e die rffi re Anau ro Mirlod or rhe miiy rou6 and spc rhc edirc d.y gdlins {hnhs sMrcdjhns4wespc drublkhgbrheowf*, tolid G edh8sreld.:lmdaidhavngafewchcelq Thcrc ae mrstr rrenr sarodals ind srer! londh:i .ouldnt wai spcbcll ro rc8i e nc wirh h 5 omFryrn MymissiontomrheionMd!r roseidoPhn and he lo ro ou m d a@mdND w* fi,nz Jo-t we dtirkd y rouruh@LdiE ru'naiouid ro bmk !p $c uip ddrnddFiiglwmrkeTh5i5'fre,N4ry rnL (haninc retr sp€is The brr€ry itu rite due b rhe co +ra , Mly bmkfin,nd thse d de va Ler o' souh we d:yed s ro* r pretry r@n wirh rdid! rhc c\ccrrcnr of cr.nd Mer.d. N.t wnhigmdhemddry'lmd||thib,by' eler/ih Dav ns rrcm Fdc 1o H u c issb tade r dge misdrr Hafrnersprinqs spl45 G r rNry bs md. as rhe mme ie€6s G ramo6lor r nnui 5pr n8s lon ind r rnnz l6cf is : kla ror on mmag.nbincoffi3d:}lmen,p$'hJwe y r p souh ammd 'h. GliDdhs&eo'iElinousdeIoupri|wxb bre:hetoprerrdewrhordrore.oud: 6joy m,n,g€dilgmrutshlhehot6lFol'bul bad wrher mod io re .oFc6 wc ler b rhe 3.cG4 bd rh 5 L ndr i p te ninilelo d d iJr i buB, 5d en vrr.s, whr(h w6 adeqeb did|tquibdoelsnhiisre waNed ro in fnnz oU]:d3ldFoilhewdemsideo'lhethdwa smal renotnofirika.wen yed rherdeDdl) so.hnod Horrdrh @ns NrL@r |grherdmin Bardof6odEmih!h'offe[.reficiosle'oa{r s busiiss in rhis rtun is irdc v rh Jhops in ll and 12 - KaikouE By'r]eIlmeWdrfuddl\eHildubd8land lset rhe b os: or lw.bedr@r tsd ms 3€n qrue Days 3y:ll:counblw*{elWnhlheelion' weiirinch $i. e liis @rD'hgEtbalry'f6hyb:ked.mk6we€ Jor ind lpll ihiis wih wir. o{a\rc@!ldbodlimfr'h'hedolpiim'lhe mdhsrheafiorconrys w* r€zins o d, bd fie d € comprny rLe r,mi y dbse L $657 ro, M id! E aid pdid€d ,om'h,oc,afdI'hmu8hryefjoyedoutip we de,I, licdi|B lhc hdel lh* n 8hI ahhdsh rc wrc o(.ai r l,rby{irq wc dKide! arcud rhis nunn4.Nnry aod riisd b Jind r siryle Ns! ze rnddwhowsdr srEft! tisd\ and he pt! . cinpd Emins wd sneh4new ro, w rh u5.rhe ltleeem mrirc n@laod I ws s@tb hft alolG,andalhoughlmdrhoi6'y$yhrlbc Ghjigbbo.tmo'frghoid:yms'Eels'tm8lld BiD8d b ru 6 \rFn I Hs doic b6kco{ € 3 ep1rhblgh rhe a gerup f iqh' o.mI hich we ended rh,A ho day dn : a odse situ,bd in abou 45 m ch'Lkhutrt. todse^mbsly affmondioi is is ruB I'om pcrul h l.n*.rp6; Fu e* FU i€k w rh rhe o'hgp€Pleiryienfielodgemd$.hli*wllh in b4uriflL desi 3o dryn q k iilhislyp€ofdaprolodgahftai&dl, Hrhs a na b.by I r5poi+NdwdnBbnaajnal]*iamiiq'he ()Ms dr cl,Fnonr. Rosia aid Ri.had, hrE h,i t a{amly.Mseof rhe,bmurru s@n*-h.ld€n h rh. p c€ w . rowry taHa* hampe, :id tee d€maric ry{eoLhmyr€ d i63c rble b co .om&hft whft rhe moF idr.d :h.d rh:f rhe sdcl be ! briDrLy tunbraii a,e
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