DNA Fingerprinting and O.J. Simpson


DNA Fingerprinting and O.J. Simpson
DNA Fingerprinting
Spring 2008
DNA fingerprinting agarose gel
Agarose gel fingerprint
DNA pipette and tips
DNA fingerprints
DNA fingerprints
OJ Simpson Trial
OJ Simpson – Heisman trophy “star”
football player, “actor”, sports
Nicole Brown-Simpson – OJ’s ex-wife
Ron Goldman – Nicole’s friend; waiter
Murdered at her condo on Bundy Lane in
One of the first murder trials to use DNA
fingerprinting evidence that became
well-known to the public
Nicole and Ron
Nicole – victim of domestic abuse
Audio tapes as proof (911 calls)
Famous Bronco Chase
OJ’s Mug Shot
Blood on sidewalk, socks, gloves, bronco, OJ’s home
OJ’s cut finger – broken glass
Gloves – photo and receipts (Nicole’s gift)
Kato Kaelin’s “bump” on wall
Wool cap – African American hairs
Bronco fibers on Ron Goldman
Shoe prints – Shoe testimony
Witness at stop sign
Trip to Chicago
Limousine Driver’s testimony - bronco and timing; man running
Cell phone calls to girlfriend Paula
False beard and $10,000 in Bronco “chase”
Friend/personal lawyer and suitcase – bloody
clothes? Knife?
Crime Scene
OJ’s home evidence
More OJ home evidence
Trial DNA fingerprint
Trial – OJ trying on bloody glove –
“If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”
Mark Fuhrman
OJ Acquittal
National Reaction to the Verdict
Criminal Trial -How could he be
Defense successfully argued evidence
was contaminated; even suggested it
was “planted” ie. Glove, socks
Gloves didn’t fit – shrunken and latex underneath
Racist police officer Mark Fuhrman – tapes played “n” word; several
jurors were African-American
Became a racial issue that polarized America
Trial lasted 8 months and jurors were sequestered
during the entire time
Jurors were not highly educated; admitted they ignored DNA
Defense successfully convinced the jury that DNA evidence was
Civil Trial
A year later he was found guilty in
a civil trial brought about by the
victim’s families
Trial occurred in a different LA county
with more highly educated jurors
and DNA evidence was simplified
Can’t be retried criminally – Double
Families awarded millions of dollars
not yet paid years later
Ron’s family awarded book rights and
Recent OJ Events
Arrested in 2007 for breaking and entering
in Las Vegas to attempt to retrieve
some personal football momentos
that had been pawned by a friend
Convicted and sentenced to prison
2008 – a “friend” claims OJ admitted to him
while drunk and high that he did it
“Friend” made out to be not credible
by OJ’s current lawyers
OJ’s Book – released fall of 2007Very bizarre explanation in one
chapter of “how I did it”.