Joe Hamamoto - St. Cornelius Church


Joe Hamamoto - St. Cornelius Church
St. Cornelius Church
Joe Hamamoto
for being Ordained to
The Sacred Order of Deacons.
Deacon Ross Beaudoin
Jesus lived a risky existence.
Today we read that Jesus accepted an invita on
to dine at the house of a Pharisee. Jesus was pre y
hard on the Pharisees, o en calling them hypocrites. Going to dinner at the house of a Pharisee
was opening himself up to scru ny and confrontaon.
To complicate ma ers, a woman who had a reputa on as a public sinner decided to crash the
Pharisee’s dinner party. How did she get in? Her
presence would be an embarrassment for the host.
This woman must have found something in Jesus that made taking the risk of invi ng herself into
the house worthwhile. Was it that she had already
come to know Jesus and had felt the power of his
presence and the freeing of his forgiveness? It
seems that she must have had some such encounter with Jesus that endeared him to her. Otherwise, how would she have had the courage to enter this private residence uninvited?
Inside the house, we find the woman standing
behind Jesus, who was reclining at table, as was
the custom. She loved Jesus. She perceived that he
had been snubbed by the host: It was customary to
provide water so that guests could wash the dust
and dirt off of their bare feet, but Jesus had not
been afforded this courtesy.
The woman had been so moved by Jesus that
now she hurt for him. Her love called her to fulfill
what the host neglected. She cried for Jesus and
allowed her tears to flow on his feet. She bent
down and wiped his feet with her long hair. Then
she anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive ointment.
Would this be an uncomfortable scene? It would
be for me — to be a part of it or even to witness it.
And to make it more uncomfortable, the host Pharisee let his displeasure be known. At that point,
Jesus told a parable to make a point regarding this
woman, her life, her love and her ac ons.
It became apparent that at some me Jesus had
granted forgiveness of this woman’s sins. Her overflowing love had drawn her into this house and to
minister to Jesus … no ma er what the risk. She
was rewarded with Jesus’ words of mercy: “Your
faith has saved you; go in peace.” She had already
been forgiven; she loved; she ministered; her inner
beauty was announced to the world.
Immediately a er this scene the evangelist
states that Jesus journeyed from place to place
“preaching and proclaiming the good news of the
kingdom of God.” That was the good news that this
woman had already encountered.
And Luke adds, “Accompanying him were the
Twelve and some women,” a few of whom he lists.
We wonder: Was this woman from the scene in the
Pharisee’s house now among those who accompanied Jesus? We don’t know. But Luke makes sure
that we do know that there were women among
those who went with him on his mission. Over
me, was the role of the women diminished? Why
would that happen?
This Sunday we can reaffirm what we find in the
Gospels. We can accept that Jesus did not put distance between himself and women who loved him,
who ministered to him and who ministered with
him and the Twelve.
Let us meditate on this scene and bring it into
today’s context in the church. Is something different now? Is anyone missing? What has changed?
Can we be more like Jesus? How do we do that?
Siempre Adelante,
Fr. Mike
Saturday, June 18
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Joseph Savariyar
Fritzi Osenbrunner
Sunday, June 19
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12 noon
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Mike Gleeson
Terri Roach
Fr. Joseph Savariyar
Mary Kriebel
Fr. Mike Gleeson
Joe Hamamoto
Fr. Mike Gleeson
Marco Lopez
The Pharisee in today's Gospel thought he knew
who was bad and who was good. He looked at the
woman who came to see Jesus and saw a sinner.
Jesus saw a loving person who needed forgiveness.
"Her many sins have been forgiven because she has
shown great love. But the one to whom li le is forgiven, loves li le" (Luke 7:47). But when Jesus explains this in a parable, he seems to be saying that
forgiveness is the cause of love. So which came first,
love or forgiveness? Like the ques on about the
chicken or the egg, the answer is both: forgiveness
leads to love for God, but God's love is the source of
all forgiveness. No ce how Jesus compares the
woman and the Pharisee. By poin ng out how li le
the Pharisee did to welcome Jesus, he reminds the
man that he is a sinner, too. But the man doesn't
recognize his own sins and so does not ask for forgiveness. That's why the woman experiences Jesus'
love, while the Pharisee does not. Like the chicken
or the egg, we might come to see God's love on a
retreat or at a parish mission. Touched by that love,
we seek forgiveness. On the other hand, we may
feel that God is far from us because of our sins, but
when we finally get the courage to confess them,
we are filled with the joy of freedom from our sins.
God loves all sinners, but only the ones who admit
it are able to experience that love.
Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
† = Indicates Deceased
Sunday, June 12
8:00 a.m.
Joe & Audrey Hamamoto
†Vincent & Helen Spanier
10:00 a.m.
†J. Guadalupe Gonzalez Family
Lauren Udabe
12:00 noon
Joe & Audrey Hamamoto
†Eva Herrera
5:00 p.m.
Joe & Audrey Hamamoto
†Aurora Garza
Monday, June 13
8:00 a.m.
S ckler Family
Foley Family
5:00 p.m.
Conor Kelly
†Luis Barreto
Tuesday, June 14
8:00 a.m.
†Alodia Lampa
Mary Funaoka
5:00 p.m.
†Alodia Lampa
Msgr. Ron Royer
Wednesday, June 15
8:00 a.m.
Angelina Alvarez
5:00 p.m.
†Mike Waldie
Lavern & Ron Haller
Thursday, June 16
8:00 a.m
Natalie Bordeaux
5:00 p.m.
†Darling Monarez
P.G. Huckabey & Nancy Himes
Friday, June 17
8:15 a.m.
†Al Trajano
Jesse Maanao
5:00 p.m.
†Michael Waldie
Maria & Douglas Decoster
Saturday, June 18
8:00 a.m.
†Helen Trehern
†Mary Betzner
5:00 p.m.
†Jose Ante
†Brandon McKenzie
Sunday, June 19
8:00 a.m.
Father’s Day Novena
†Edna York
10:00 a.m.
Father’s Day Novena
Inez Alegre
12:00 noon
Father’s Day Novena
Neo Aoga & Eileen Las Pinas (Birthday)
Regina Julienne Aoga
5:00 p.m.
Father’s Day Novena
Priests of St. Cornelius
As many of you may have no ced our prayer list connues to grow. O en mes family members and
friends call us to ask that we pray for individuals during a trying health issue. Most of the me they do
not call back to let us know if the person is well.
Some have been returned to health, others may
have returned to the Lord. Please contact the Rectory if your loved ones can be removed from the Prayer List. Always remember that at each and every
Mass we pray for those who are ill, names known
and unknown. God always hears our prayers.
If you wish to par cipate in the Father’s Day
Novena, please take one of the
Father’s Day envelopes at the doors of the
church and return it to the rectory office. This
is a special way for families to honor their
fathers both living and deceased. A “Novena
of Masses” will be offered for the inten ons of
fathers beginning June 19th at the 8:00 a.m.
For The Sick Who Have Asked To Be Remembered In Prayer:
Helen Whitwell
Ellen Bollinger
Mar n Metz
Alexis Teodosio
Jason Taylor
Andrea Boyles
Donna Williams
Sarah Irvine
Maureen Walsh
Michelle Stevens
Lori Garcia
David Wheeler
Adam & Carla Mars
Mary Larkin
Harper Deaton
Niko Greco
Michelle Carranza
Olivia Alvillar
Sandee Bradley
Marge Hengehold
D.J. Barwick
Albert Howard
Olivia Howard
Bob Early
Peggy Hasse
Dolores Lounsbury
Randy Kunkel
Jennifer Carey
Marta L. Rodriguez
Julienne Aoga
Danny Castaneda
Jeff Newon
Eric Fairchild
Barbara Bain
Gabriela Paradiso
Monica Frank
Juan Carlos Andrade
Arlene DeWalt
Martha Burris
Jenni Rojas
Frances Boudreau
Lee Hicks
Irene Brauer
Silailai Tamasoa
Christopher Cathart
Jerry Siler
Henry Sarnecki
Helen Walsh
Kevin Allan
Fernando Rodriguez
Larry Gaudy
Kimberly Fregoso
Ed Chandler
Lourdes Coranda
Frances Athey
Mary Collins
Kit Gonzalez
Jeffrey Jorda
Trisha Ward
Joan Aimerito
Peggy Pen s
Rosa Claudia Lopez
Jason Rosier
Rick Briggs
John Herrera
Clara Milena Jimenez
Catherine Warrens
Melanie Liu
Dean Cheney
Deanne Schumacher
Sio Patolo
Brandon McKenzie
Kasiano Alai
Patricia Wolfe
Margaret Haskins
Samuel McCarthy
Jim Alder
Martha Montes
Ferdie Ann
Melinda Harne
Roxanne Lindsey
Rafael Carigma
Mark Carigma
Travis Melnick
Veronica Tolliver
Sherill S llwell
Judy Klenk
Ed Barwick
Todd Johnson
Jonathan Kolt
Tiffany Poblete
Frank Novak
Mark Chacarian
Liz Smith
Jack Alva Cooper
Richard LaPorte
Venus Butler
Robert Dougherty
Jenny Rivas
Denise Pearson
Michelle Lopez
Bob LaRue
Andy Witherspoon
Ed Perez
Jean Wells
Zulena Grajeda
Karen Gingras
Connie Cooper
Angelina Alvarez
Patricia Moore
St. Cornelius Book Discussion Group
The next mee ng of the book club will be held on
Monday, June 20 at 7:30 pm in the school library. The book we will be discussing is “The Invisible Thread” by Laura Schroff. We meet on the third
Monday of every month, except December. You are
welcome to join us. For further informa on, call
Katy Ellis at 607-1100.
Spirituality Book Club
Our spirituality book group is reading and
discussing Wilkie Au's book, The Enduring Heart ,
chapters 2,3, on Thursday, June 16, at 7:00 p.m. at
Duffy's home, call Norma at 562:429-1094. All are
welcome. Call Deacon Rich Boucher for more informa on.
Mass of Chris an Burial for
James Wilmer Hall
will be Monday, June 20 at 10:30 a.m.
Please Pray for the Soul of
May He Rest in Peace
Vaca on Bible Camp Registra on
Con nues Our annual Vaca on Bible Camp will
be held July 11 – 15, 9:00 am-Noon at St. Maria
Gore Parish. Registra on forms are available
online ( and from
the Religious Educa on Office. We are looking
for adult volunteers to help with cra s, environment and games. Please call 562-420-7613 for
more Informa on.
For All Parish and School Volunteers
All parish and school volunteers who work with
children as well as Lectors, Eucharis c ministers,
choir members, cantors and ushers must have
completed the “Protec ng God’s Children”
training as well as being re-cer fied every four
If you have not yet a ended a training, there
will be a “Protec ng God’s Children” training
session on Saturday, September 10 from 9 a.m.
to noon in the small hall here at St. Cornelius
Those who a ended the training during 2012 or
before, must be re-cer fied this year. There will
be a “Keeping the Promise Alive” recer fica on
class at St. Cornelius parish small hall on
Monday, September 12 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Please go online at to sign up for
either of the above classes.
By a ending these classes and keeping current
with your training we will be crea ng a safer
environment for all of our parish children. May
God bless you for your hours of dedica on to
our parish and school.
As we hear the Gospel today we realize that
some mes we are like Simon as it is far easier to see what is wrong in another than it is
to see what is wrong in ourselves. But Jesus,
who accepts the poor woman without judging or blaming her, shows us what Chris an
love is all about.
Through your almsgiving you are performing a good
work; far greater than you think. Your green envelope dona ons bring Christ's love and compassion
to the poor.
Did You Know?
Implement safety rules for kids going to summer camp
Summer camp is a me-honored tradi on for kids.
Whether it’s an all-day camp or cabin sleepaway, kids
can get out of the house, learn new skills, and make
friends. Parents who send their kids off to camp should
be sure to research the camp and the counselors who
will be watching their kids. If your child is going to sleep
-away camp, check in by phone or mail regularly. Ask
ques ons and ensure that your child is safe and cared
for at any camp. For a copy of the VIRTUS® ar cle
“Summer Camp Prepara on” email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227.
This weekend all parishes throughout the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles will be asked to
give generously to support the Re rement
Fund for Archdiocesan Priests. At each Mass ,
a collec on will be taken to benefit this
important program.
Our next Rosary and Mass for Life is
Sunday, Sept. 4th beginning at 4:30pm
here at St. Cornelius.
- The Power of 7 App -
Currently, the fund provides for more than
100 priests who are re red. Over the next ten
years, that number is expected to increase
significantly. With minimal compensa on, and
in many cases, no pension, these men o en
re re with nothing to fall back upon. Your
contribu ons can change that.
Get the app. Get the Power!
A Pro Life Tutorial created by AudioGirl Ministries
The Priest Re rement Fund offers us a way to
give back to our Catholic priests who have
served us so faithfully. Your contribu on will
help archdiocesan priests live modestly and
peacefully in re rement.
Crisis Pregnancy
Help us offer thanks for their years of devoon to God, and faithful service to our parish
communi es. You will find envelopes in the
Thank you for your generosity!
Deacon Shane Cuda will be giving a Father's
Day Reflec on at St. Bartholomew's - 5100 E.
Broadway, Long Beach 90803, on Friday, June
17th. A light dinner will be available at 6:00
pm and the reflec on will begin at 7:00 pm
and conclude at 8:30 pm. For more informa on please contact St. Bartholomew at
(562) 438-3826 .
The Power of 7 will teach you effec ve pro-life
replies to 7 common pro abor on arguments.
The Power of 7 app is FREE! Download it today
at Google Play and in The App Store.
Direct links available at
If you, or a woman you know, is in a crisis pregnancy and needs someone to talk to, call our pro life
partners at Horizon Pregnancy Clinic: Call 714.897.7500 or Text - 657.204.6057
Precious Life Shelter BBQ Fundraiser
Our pro-life partners at Precious Life Shelter are
hos ng their annual “A Taste of Precious Life Santa
Maria BBQ, Wine and Beer Tas ng” on Saturday
June 25 from 4 to 8pm. This life affirming event will
be held at St. Isidore Historical Plaza in
Los Alamitos. For more informa on and ckets call
PLS at 562-431-5025.
Californians for Life Summer Summit
All Californians who are interested in working together to end abor on are invited to come and
learn about this state-wide effort, uni ng everyone
for LIFE. The Summit takes place on Saturday, July
23rd, 8am to 5pm, at St. Philip the Apostle Church
in Pasadena. Register at
Sylvia Aimerito 562-429-1965
Like us on Facebook. Twi er @AudioGirlM.
Altar Servers
Mike & Irene More ne
Altar Society
Vicky Hudson & Nellie Cabulaje
Ancient Order Of Hibernians
Daniel McGowan
Bereavement - Nancy Himes
Cub Scouts - Shawn P. Kelly (714) 713-2015
Choir Director - Joe Patolo
Cursillo - Frank Diaz
Deten on Ministry
Sr. Teresa Dougherty
EM & Lector Coordinator
Michele Bradley
Hospital Ministry - Frank Schmidt 225-7571
Italian Catholic Federa on
Stephanie Hardy
Steve Dipietro
Knights of Columbus
Victor Magana
LB Young Adult Ministry
Jason Pillon
Music Coordinator - Kathy Clay
Parent Board - Laura Goglia
People for Others - Jenny Davidoff 420-3425
Project Achieve - Kathy Cabral
RCIA - Rectory Office
Religious Educa on- Evelyn Padian 420-7613
Respect Life - Sylvia Aimerito
Sacred Heart Retreats - Pam Branch 421-9087
St. Vincent de Paul - Claudia Meza 421-8011
Safeguard the Children
Mary Brady
School - Nancy Hayes, Principal
Seniors Group - Rectory Office
Serra Club - Richard MacDonald
Sick & Elderly - Sr. Claire
Ushers - Sam McCarthy
Wedding Coordinator - Silvia Cerna 421-8966
Wedding Rehearsals
Chris ne Cramer
Fr. Mike Gleeson, Pastor
Fr. Joseph Kennedy Savariyar, In residence
Richard Boucher, Deacon
Joe Hamamoto, Deacon
5500 E. Wardlow Rd.
Long Beach, 90808
Phone: 562-421-8966
Fax: 562-421-5096
Secretary’s E-mail:
[email protected]
Rectory Hours: MON-THU
7:00 a.m. —7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m.
Sat & Sun 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Mass Schedule
Saturday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
12 noon & 5:00 p.m.
Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Confession Schedule
Thursday & Friday a er 5:00 p.m. Mass
Saturday a er 8:00 a.m. Mass
Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
St. Cornelius Catholic School:
Principal - Nancy Hayes
3330 North Bellflower Boulevard, Long
Beach, CA 90808, Phone: 562-425-7813