January-March 2015


January-March 2015
WU International
Relations ee--Newsletter
Volume 7, No. 1
January-March 2015
Inside this issue:
Incomings and Collaborations
Incomings and
Outgoings and
WU Prides
Harbin Engineering University paid an academic visit to Walailak University
On 15 January 2015, Asst. Prof. Dr. Valla Tantayotai, Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs received a courtesy call from Dr. DING Xuezhong, Vice-Dean of the College of International Cooperative Education, Mr. YIN Bin, Project Officer of International Office, and Ms. Yasumin Thaisomboon, a Ph.D. student, Harbin Engineering University (HEU), P.R. China. The purpose of the
visit was to seek for opportunities of academic collaborations between WU and HEU.
After the courtesy call, the visiting group had a meeting with Dr. Lertchai Sirichai,
Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, and lecturers of Chinese Program. The meeting was about
seeking potential collaborations in Chinese program. There are some possibilities in establishing
a short course and a 1-month summer course. However, there will be many more details and
constraints that need to be discussed and mutually agreed by the two universities. In addition,
the HEU delegation was provided an opportunity to visit School of Engineering and Resources.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charun Bunyakan, Dean of the School of Engineering and Resources, together
with the faculty members, gave a warm welcome to HEU delegates. The HEU group and School
of Engineering had shared their ideas of feasible exchange activities.
The HEU group also announced partial and full scholarships offered to Thai students by
Chinese Government to study in undergraduate and postgraduate programs at HEU. Please visit
http://studyHEU.hrbeu.edu.cn for more information about the scholarship.
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WU International Relations e-Newsletter
A preliminary meeting for Mangrove Planting Project with Kogakuin University
On 19 January 2015, Prof.
Dr. Shigeru Kato and Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Yuji Sakai from Kogakuin University , Japan visited Walailak University for a preliminary meeting with
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aswin Promsopa,
Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs, Ajarn Suthira Thongkao, lecturer and coordinator of
mangrove planting project and International Relations Officers to discuss about mangrove planting project at Srabau, Thasala district, activities,
budgeting and a Japanese-Thai students relationship activity at Walailak University during 1-3 March 2015.
CQUPT paid a visit to Walailak University
On 5 February 2015 at the University Council’s Reception Room, Administration Building., Asst.
Prof. Dr. Valla Tantayotai, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Walailak University (WU) received a courtesy call from Ms. FAN Aiping, a Senior Officer of the International School and Ms. WEN Jin, an Officer of
the International Cooperation and Exchanges, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
(CQUPT), P.R. China.
After the courtesy call, the two delegates had meetings with Deans and faculty members of School of Liberal
Arts, School of Informatics, and Dean of School of Engineering and Resources to discuss about possibilities of academic
collaborations between the two universities. An In-country program and a cultural exchange program (Chinese/English
Program) are possible to be established as collaborative programs, while the School of Informatics is interested in Joint
Research and Joint Programs (postgraduate level). An Internship program at CQUPT for students of the School of Engineering and Resources is also another feasible collaboration.
Mulawarman University visited Walailak University for academic discussion
On 23 January 2015, Dr. Widi Sunaryo, Dr. Erwin Erwin, Mr. Ari
Wibowo and Mr. Ade Rahmat Firdaus from Mulawarman University, Indonesia paid an academic visit Walailak Univerisity to seek
for academic collaborations in the fields of Animal Science and
Environmental Health/Environmental and Human Taxology with
School of Agricultural Technology and School of Allied Health
Sciences and Public Health. On this occasion, four students from
Mulawarman are interested in applying for International Graduate Studies Scholarship Program to pursue doctoral
degrees in Animal Science and Environmental Health programs at Walailak University.
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WU International Relations e-Newsletter
Outgoings and Collaborations
WU Administrators Visited Western Australia
Assistant Professor Dr. Valla Tantayotai, Vice
President for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor. Dr.
Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to President for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Dr. Surasi Vadhanavikit, Dean of
School of Allied Health Sciences and Public Health, Associate Professor Dr. Poonpong Boonbrahm, Dean of School
of Informatics, Assistant Professor Dr. Chatchai Wattanapiromsakul, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Dr. Prachyapan
Petchuay, MD. Dean of School of Medicine, and Mrs.
Jiraporn Kansuwan, International Relations Officer, recently
visited to Western Australia.
The objectives of the visit to the university in
Western Australia from 4th to 6th March 2015 were to
renew the MOU between Walailak University and Edith Cowan University which already expired last year,
and to strengthen academic relationship with MOU partner university at Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University, including in academic discussion between the two universities.
The visit to Edith Cowan University (ECU) on 4th March
2015 was warmly welcomed by Professor Ken Greenwood, Executive Dean of Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science (FHES) /
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Engagement (Science, Technology and Engineering), Associate Professor Trish Williams, Acting Associate
Dean International, FHES, Associate Professor Annette Raynor,
Head of School, School of Exercise and Health Sciences , Associate
Professor Di Twigg, Head of School, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Dr. Rachel Alexander, Senior Lecturer, School of Medical
Sciences, Associate Professor Helen Vella Bonavita, Acting Dean,
ECU International Office, Mr. Simon Davies Burrows, Manager,
ECU International, and Ms. Lydia Chua, International Coordinator.
The renewal of the MOU was extended for another five years from 4th March 2015 by the signature of Professor Arshad Omari, Vice-Chancellor of Edith Cowan University and Dr. Sumate Yamnoon, Acting President of Walailak University. The discussions were very fruitful in friendship atmosphere. The two universities will design for an appropriate of collaboration and research projects in the near future. Besides, ECU
learning and teaching method is widely accepted. The students practice from well-equipped laboratories and
significantly integrated in Nursing, Health, Engineering and Science.
Volume 7, No. 1
Page 4
WU Administrators Visited Western Australia (to be continued)
The visit to Murdoch University on 5th March 2015 was
warmly hosted and welcomed by Associate Professor Lance C.C.
Fung, Postgraduate Research Director, School of Engineering and
Information Technology. The discussion about collaborative activities
emphasized on research project in Information Technology, Post
Graduate Co-supervisor, joint student workshop or seminar, Medical and Nursing collaboration, and student and staff exchange program in benefits of mutual disciplines especially under the New Colombo Plan . The delegates
from Walailak University
were warmly welcomed by
Professor David Macey, Pro Vice Chancellor, Faculty of Science and
Engineering, Associate Professor Dr. Kevin Kok Wai Wong, School of
Engineering and Information Technology, Professor Paul Morrison,
Dean of School of Health Professions, Associate Professor Bruce
Walker, Associate Dean for Research, and Head of Chiropractic,
School of Health Professions, Associate Professor Cathy Fetherston,
Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching, School of Health Professions (Nursing and Midwifery), Dr. Angela Ebert, Senior lecturer and
Psychology Experts in Postgraduate Counseling Program, and Professor Anne Williams, Chair, Health Research.
The benefit of the visit can be ensured that the related WU schools will implement ECU system to WU
learning and teaching system as well as the development of school-level managing structure to suit WU
working culture and environment. :-Reported by Jiraporn Kansuwan
Volume 7, No. 1
Page 5
Student Development
31 Pharmacy Students Participated in USM English Talent Development Program
The School of Pharmacy, Walailak University provided an opportunity to fourth years Pharmacy students to participate in the English Talent Development Program at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM),
Penang, Malaysia from 25 to 27 February 2015.
Assistant Professor Dr. Chatchai Wattanapiromsakul, Dean of the School of Pharmacy expressed his
wish to develop the students’ English skill for their future profession and international working environment
by supporting them to gain a mentioned experience from USM.
Dr. Boonsong Wungsintaweekul, Lecturer of the School of Pharmacy and Assistant Professor Peerarat Thaina, Academician of the School of Pharmacy, led the students to participate in the program at USM.
They were warmly welcomed by Prof. Munavvar Zubaid, Dean of the School of Pharmacy USM, lecturers
and Mr. Imran Sarwar, who is a President of Postgraduate Student Association (PSA), Student Ambassador
(Pakistan), Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), and Ph. D. Fellow & Researcher, National Advance IPv6
Centre (NAv6), USM.
During the program, the students learnt English, presented classroom assignment, and worked in
team to achieve challenging questions. The students gained a lot of practiced skill throughout a three day
program. Besides, USM provided an opportunity for Walailak University students to visit a laboratory of
Pharmacy, discussed about the two universities’ future collaboration, and experienced Malaysian culture and
people’s way of life. :-Reported by Jiraporn Kansuwan
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WU International Relations e-Newsletter
Exchange Students
A Cultural Exchange Program with University of Bengkulu, Indonesia
On 8 January 2015, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs gave a warm welcome to three exchange students-- Ms. Mutiara Annisa Fasha, Ms. Neayza Islamey Ningrum, and Mr. Sandy Pratama, from Bengkulu University, Indonesia. Also present at the welcoming program
were Ajarn Abdulroya Panaemalae, Program Coordinator of Southeast Asian Studies, Lecturers of ASEAN
Studies Program, School of Liberal Arts, IRO Staff, international students, and WU students.
The three students will participate in a 3-weeks cultural exchange program from 7-28 January 2015 under
the supervision of ASEAN Studies Program, School of Liberal Arts. The program includes academic enhancement and culture perception aspects. They will have opportunities to attend classes, take an NST city tour,
and visit places of interest in and nearby Nakhon Si Thammarat. The University has provided them for University dormitory rooms. Staying with WU student roommates allows them to be exposed to Thai language
and culture; in the meantime, WU students can also practice their English communication and learn a different culture of the neighboring country.
Exchange Students from University of Otago, New Zealand
On 13 January 2015, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs and Asst. Prof. Dr.
Chatchai Wattanapiromsakul, Dean of the School of Pharmacy gave
a warm welcome to two exchange students—Ms. Leah Richardson
and Ms. Luara Copland, second year pharmacy students from University of Otago, New Zealand. Also present at the welcoming program were Dr. Boonsong Wungsintaweekul, Lecturers of the School
of Pharmacy, IRO Staff, WU students, and international students.
The two students will participate in a 3-weeks exchange program from 12-29 January 2015 under the supervision of Dr. Boonsong
Wungsintaweekul who put his effort to initiate the exchange program with University of Otago. The School of
Pharmacy, as an academic host, has provided the exchange students with opportunity to attend classes teaching
Community and Hospital Pharmacy, Primary Care and Practice in Primary Care. A seminar on ‘Pharmacy Education in Otago University’ will also be conducted for sharing similarities or differences of pharmacy in Thailand and
New Zealand. In addition, a cultural recognition program will also be arranged
by IRO Office for the expatriate students. They will be taken to visit places of
interest in Nakhon Si Thammarat city and Kiriwong Village—a self-reliant
community. Ms. Richardson and Ms. Copland are very glad to visit and spend
their time as exchange students at Walailak University. They are grateful to
School of Pharmacy, Walailak University for a warm hospitality and being their
host. They are excited and very keen to experience many things in Thailand.
Volume 7, No. 1
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Exchange Students from Kunming Medical University (KMU)
On 19 January 2015, Asst. Prof.
Dr. Valla Tantayotai, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs presided over a welcoming ceremony for ten exchange students from Kunming Medical University,
P.R. China, at Mokhalan Meeting room,
Walailak University (WU). Also present
at the ceremony were Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs, distinguished WU Deans –Dr. Prachyapan
Petchuay, M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Surasi Vadhanavikit, Dean of the School of
Allied Health Sciences and Public Health, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Chatchai Wattanapiromsakul, Dean of the
School of Pharmacy, faculty members from the four schools and International Relation Staff.
This exchange program is the first establishment of student exchange program with Kunming Medical University in the fields of health sciences inclusive of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
and Public Health. The ten students will be attached to the four WU schools under supervision of their academic advisors—4 students from School of Basic Medicine will be supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Werawath
Mahatthanatrakul, M.D., 3 from School of Pharmaceutical Sciences will be under the supervision of Dr.
Boonsong Wungsintaweekul, 2 from School of Nursing will be under instruction of Lect. Tippawan Bunsanong and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saifon Aekwarangkoon, and 1 from School of Public Health will be advised by
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sasithorn Thanapop.
The program aims to provide firsthand
knowledge about health care systems in
Thailand and differences between the
systems in Thailand and China. During
the one week program, the students will
have great opportunities to visit hospitals, community health care centers, and Thai traditional healing providers as well as places of interest in and
around Nakhon Si Thammarat. WU students will also gain valuable experiences from the visiting students in
that they can share academic knowledge, Thai language and culture with Chinese friends. In the meantime,
they will learn from the friends about the different culture.
4th Year Medical Students from USA participating an exchange program with Walailak
University and Sichon Hospital
On 9 February 2015, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to the President for Academic
Affairs presided over a welcoming ceremony of medical students from Ohio State University, USA, at Mokhalan Meeting Room, Administration Building, Walailak University. Also present at the ceremony were Dr.
Prachyapan Petchuay, M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine, Dr. Theerapan Songnuy, M.D., Associate Dean
of the School of Medicine, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Werawath Mahatthanatrakul, M.D., Lecturer of the School of
Medicine, and International Relations Officers.
Under a good attempt and cooperation by Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Medicine,
Walailak University and Ohio State University have initiated a student exchange program between the two
universities. The program is participated by four 4th year medical students namely Ms. Audrey Lioyd , Mr.
James Collen , Mr. Braxton Forde, and Mr. Ryan Barson from Medical School of Ohio State University. The
students are required to take a medical internship abroad to fulfill their degree completion. They have selected Walailak University and Sichon Hospital as their practice locations.
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WU International Relations e-Newsletter
Exchange Students
Medical Students from USA (To be continued)
The students will spend a week from 9 -15 February 2015 at Walailak University to attend normal
classes and classroom seminar on Research Management in Medical School, Tropical Medicine& Toxicology:
Research & Publication, Epidemiology of Diseases in Thailand, Family Medicine Curriculum & Practice in
Thailand, Health Service System of Thailand, Community-based Experience. Another 3 weeks from 16 February – 6 March 2015 will be the medical practice period at Sichon Hospital. At the hospital, the students
will learn community health care system in Thailand. During their internship program, the students are under
the supervision of their academic advisors—Ms. Lynnsay Sinclair, a Program Coordinator, College of Medicine, Ohio State University and Dr. Theerapan Songnuy, M.D., Associate Dean and Lecturer of the School of
Medicine, Walailak University.
Walailak University welcomed Japanese students from two universities
On 2 March 2015, Asst. Prof. Dr. Valla Tantayotai,
Vice-President for Academic Affairs presided over the welcoming ceremony of a medical student from Toho University and
12 students from Kogakuin University, Japan at Mokhalan Meeting Room, Administration Building, Walailak University. Also
present at the ceremony were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aswin Promsopa, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs, Dr.
Prachyapan Petchuay, M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Werawath Mahatthanatrakul, M.D., a
senior lecturer, School of Medicine, Ajarn. Phusit Horpet, Chair of the Discipline of Natural Resources and Environment Technology and Ajarn Suthira Thongkao, lecturer, School of Engineering and Resources, International Relations Officers, staff and students.
The Vice-President expressed her delight in welcoming students from two Japanese universities at a time. She mentioned that Kogakuin University and WU have been working continuously for many
years on mangrove planting activity and Japanese-Thai students’ friendship activity under the good cooperation by Dr. Sakai, Prof. Dr. Shigeru
Kato and WU School of Engineering and Resources. She expressed her
thankfulness for their dedication. In addition, this year WU welcomed
Mr. HIRATA Koki, a medical student from Toho University to participate in an educational program in a medical and
health care field at Walailak University and nearby community hospitals during 1-26 March 2015. The Vice-President
also thanked School of Medicine for their time and effort to coordinate and being a host of this educational program.
In the afternoon, the group of Japanese students had an opportunity to take a campus tour and participate
in practicing Takraw (rattan ball) with WU students. They were interested in playing Thai traditional sport with full
of joy.
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WU International Relations e-Newsletter
WU Prides
WU medical students has been qualified for a semi final round in the SIMPIC competition
During 30 January-2 February 2015, Miss Papawee Saekoi, Mr. Thitikorn Jongjareonwit, Mr. Santhiti
Songnong and Miss Sasikarn Sukhor, 4 medical students, School of Medicine, Walailak University participated
in The 4th Siriraj International Medical Microbiology and Immunology Competition: SIMPIC 2015 at Faculty
of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. WU team, under the supervision of Dr. Prasit Na-ek, has
passed the second round and qualified for semifinal round of SIMPIC 2015. The competition featured a quiz
on various topics of microbiology, parasitology and immunology. There were 36 teams in total, from more
than 10 different countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Taiwan, China, Bangladesh, Japan.
The competition consisted of four rounds—first round, second round, semifinal round, and final round. Aside
from the quizzing competition, the event also featured a number of activities such as a workshop on the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, cultural sightseeing, cultural night and night at the museum. WU team had ever
been participated in the SIMPIC 2013 and awarded the 4th prize in this competition. SIMPIC competition has
provided an excellent experience for WU medical teachers and students. They have great opportunity to
learn and develop their academic knowledge and soft skills, as well as to share and exchange their knowledge
among medical students from international countries. This is a good preparation for WU students for AEC
and global recognitions.
 Your news are welcomed for our NEXT ISSUE, April-June 2015.
 You can share your news story and pictures to [email protected].
 Back issues available at http://iro.wu.ac.th.
International Relations Office222ThaiburiThasala DistrictNakhon Si ThammaratTHAILAND80161
Phone: +66 7567 3761-2, 8 Fax: +66 7567 3766 E-mails: [email protected]
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